#<br> herd
themisthemenace · 1 year
Sleep is for the weak. And for the weekends
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A Review of the Borisin: Feixiao's History and the Mentality of War Culture
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hey. it's me again. wanna talk about one of the most fucked up factions presented in the game so far? sit down, this is going to be long.
to get matters out of the way, i'll be addressing quite a number of things here: borisin culture, my theories about feixiao's history, how a borisin environment has affected feixiao's mindset all the way into the present, and a theory on the parallel between moze and yingxing (this is heavily delulu) and the cyclical nature of generational trauma (particularly when a culture subsists on and is defined by war). heavy topics all around, including death, abuse, slavery, and general violence, so do mind yourself if you're not in a place to read about this analysis! no spoilers or leaks involved; all this is pulled from lore available in game or from official media.
so to get started, i want to first and foremost address the borisin; all of my information for them stems from the duran planar ornaments and the prisoner relic set. from these two sets, and especially the duran set, we glean that the borisin are, historically, of a nomadic origin that mainly raised and herded livestock. however, over time, after receiving the blessings of abundance and warring more and more with the original foxians, they eventually grew massively in strength and became what we know now: a society and culture wreathed in the worst interpretations of "survival of the fittest," one built on conquest and war. to this date, the borisin, even after decreasing in strength with the defeat and capture (evidently not for long) of their warhead, hoolay, still have foxians and other species enslaved to use as cannon fodder, livestock to breed and construct their weapons for them, and fuel for their mechabeasts. this mentality is not just directed towards other species, but also to their own kind; borisin pups go through what is effectively a trial by combat as their coming of age ceremony, where they have to hunt, fight, and ultimately tame a mechabeast of their choosing (a reminder here, too, that their mounts are both machine and organic, and can breed and eat. horrific.) to be considered an adult. if they failed, they would become slaves themselves, or be devoured by the very beast they were hunting. some would even kill each other in an attempt to get the best mount. the borisin, as is evidenced by hoolay, will even commit cannibalism. it's as i said to jace: to the strongest go the spoils. anything less than that is seen as cowardice, and here is where we really see that "survival of the fittest" on steroids mentality shine through. if you aren't one of the fittest, you aren't fit to survive. period. it's no surprise to see how quickly the borisin grew in strength like this, and with their mastery over gene manipulation (either via experiments or traditional selective breeding).
and naturally, this applies to their slaves, too. we learn a lot about the borisin's treatment of their slaves -- and especially the foxians -- from a plethora of sources: the aforementioned sets, the valorous relic set, and baiheng's travelogue about the zhuming. but the key information for my purposes comes from the valorous relics and duran ornaments. from these, we learn that a significant portion of the slaves and the majority of the borisins' slaves, historically, are foxians, and that the borisins particularly favor aggressive and warlike foxians to take hostage and effectively become fodder farms under the same mentality, experiments, and selective breeding as their livestock. we learn that, as a result of this history, the foxians enslaved have mixed bloodlines, both foxian and borisin in descent. these mixed foxians, though possessing the fearsome strength and speed of their wolf-headed masters, also suffer from shorter lifespans and a heightened risk of succumbing to frenzy and mutation. they were subject to being sent out against the xianzhou, with paralyzing bridles latched around their necks to control and subdue them. from the best (read: the most vicious, the most violent) of these foxians, more were bred to sustain the borisins' campaigns and living war machines. this is the environment that feixiao was born into. she grew up with the mindset that survival was for the fittest, because anything less would mean being subject to getting torn apart and fed to the mounts, or even devoured by the borisin themselves. i have an image of feixiao, prized for her aggression and talent for battle, being set against mechabeasts and other half-blooded foxians for sport. every single day was a fight for existence, and from the borisin she learned to fight, learned to hunt, learned to survive, learned to kill. under them, she became a dangerous weapon, even at a young age. this is the feixiao, newly freed, that the previous yaoqing general met.
i will remind you, too, that the previous general saw feixiao as a beast at first; described her with an animal-like figure, felt the pressure of her predatory drive. to her, feixiao was neither wolf nor fox, having become so far removed from her foxian culture under the borisin. only after declaring her wish for vengeance did the previous general see feixiao in a new light. and this wish is what would carry feixiao up the ranks. feixiao takes with her the lessons learned from the borisin, her survival becoming her perfect weapon against them: she knows how they hunt, how they move, how they think. they taught her ruthlessness; she is ruthless towards them. and though she has reunited with her foxian culture, it's evident that she will not, or perhaps cannot, undo the conditioning she faced under the borisin. she declares herself lacking in "worries, rivals, and regrets." that's not just an empty statement. applying this to her history offers a rather sick perspective. does she view her past as trauma? i hesitate to think so. trauma is a source of weakness, in her opinion. there is no room for weakness with the borisin. she does not suffer nightmares of her childhood. she views her upbringing, rather, as a source of strength, and looks upon it with twisted pride; pride in herself for surviving, prevailing, seeking revenge. she values these terrible lessons from her past, not because she agrees with them, but because they give her purpose, and something to destroy. something to direct her rage towards. there's something to be said about the previous general's statement, as well: you were born for war, and you will die for war; from the moment of her birth, she was intended to be fodder to slaughter and slow the xianzhou. now that she's on the other side of the field, she will not rest until her thirst for vengeance is sated (it never will be). i struggle to imagine that feixiao can wrap her head around a perspective that differs from hers regarding her mentality. this is trauma — you can see it in her eyes, no light shines in them — but she simply does not comprehend it as such. it goes so far that i truthfully believe feixiao would be unsatisfied drawing her last breath in peace. her entire life has built up to destroying the abominations, her entire life a fight to prove she's worthy of more than survival. she would rather earn her place in death with teeth and claws, even if it means being killed as an abomination by a beloved one or even herself. she would be incapable of giving up and surrendering peacefully. i cannot see her accepting otherwise.
and unfortunately, feixiao is not the first, and she's absolutely not the last to be caught in this cycle of vengeance. the verdant knights routinely recruit mixed foxians, and when they succumb to their rage, their armor becomes their shackles, their prison. this cycle of trauma and war doesn't start and end with the foxians either; yingxing was also a victim. he, too, was obsessed with vengeance against the abominations. he took joy from creating the devices that caged them in their prison cells. it's possible that moze, too, is a short-life (noting the scar on his arm) that was enslaved by the borisin and freed by feixiao. because unfortunately, tragedy follows war, and the xianzhou subsists on it as much as the borisins. the alliance lacks a purpose without their war; it defines them, has given them their fearsome reputation. it is glorified, genocide is justified on either end. regardless of which side feixiao, jing yuan, hoolay, or any other member of this conflict lies, the cycle continues so long as both sides stand. feixiao, for one, has no intent of breaking the cycle that defines her entire life. she was born for war, and she will die for war. she sees no greater glory.
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sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Blackthorn Prolog | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff Word Count: 1.2K Warnings: Hints to arranged marriage | Swearing an oath Rating: PG15
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The Vow - Empress Min stops by Prince Yoongi’s chambers and invites him for a stroll in the garden
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a/n: Shout out to the great @sailoryooons​ for being my beta and banner maker!
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My Prince,
I am counting down the days until we can finally meet. I pray that you won’t regret befriending me after all this time. The palace is so alive; my trip to your nation is on the lips of every person. Mother is worried about sending me alone, I overheard her speaking with Father about granting me my very own guard. I hope it isn’t Dingani, Father’s most trusted warrior. I have never seen that man smile and he scares me.
I will admit it only to you, my prince. I hope to be by your side for a long time as we lead our nation's side by side, together. What luck has blessed my family to be considered allies to the Min Empire? May many tales be shared of our victories and joys. May the ever-bright sun continue to bathe you in its golden hues.
Well wishes, your friend, 
Princess Keena
Sitting in the window of his private room, Yoongi, the Prince of the Min empire rereads the letter in his hand and smiles. Princess Keena, his dear friend for nearly his whole life, will be at the front gates of his palace within a fortnight. A breeze sends his loose blonde strands of hair swaying around his shoulders and face, making Yoongi smile more. The black scales on his jawline catching the light and creating mini rainbows around himself. The princess’ words echo loudly in Yoongi’s mind as he looks to the blue sky above. Wispy white clouds dance and shift into bumpy bunnies and twisted tiger tails. The sun, large and bright, warms the air and Yoongi inhales the scent of azaleas and camellias thick on his tongue like honey.
A knock at the door pulls Yoongi from his thoughts and he clears his throat, calling for whoever to enter his chambers. Setting the letter in his hand back into a small rectangle shaped box covered in a beautiful mother of pearl dragon, Yoongi closes the lid softly and turns his attention to the door as it opens. Red and gold, blinds Yoongi for a moment before he is greeted by his mother, the empress’ warm smile.
“Mother, what brings you here?” Yoongi is quick to stand and offer the woman who birthed him that identical gummy smile that every bloodborne Min carries. Yoongi walks over and offers his mother his arm, happy when she slips her hand in the crook of his elbow.
“Join me in the gardens, it’s a beautiful day.”
“Yes, mother.”
“Sit, I will fix your hair.”
Yoongi allows his mother to herd him towards his dressing table and he sits before her silently. The empress stands beside Yoongi and grabs the boar hairbrush, slowly dragging it through his long blonde locks. She takes her time as she gathers Yoongi’s hair up into a topknot, fastening his sangtawan and manggeon before she places her hands on his shoulders. Her long black claws stand out against Yoongi’s blue gonryongpo.
“My son, such a handsome young fledgling you have become.” Dark eyes sparkle and Yoongi fights the heat that warms his ears and cheeks.
“Mother,” Yoongi whines and the empress laughs while giving him a tight back hug.
“I love you, my son.” The empress pulls away and Yoongi stands to his full height, once again offering his mother his arm. Yoongi leads the way to the gardens, his mother’s personal guard, Dongwook, keeping a short distance away as they walk. The air is warmer outside and Yoongi feels his neck starting to sweat almost instantly. “Indulge me, my son.”
The empress keeps her eyes on the path ahead as she walks beside Yoongi. The dogwoods are in bloom, their petals covering the ground in a soft blanket of white. Yoongi glances at his mother, waiting for her question with bated breath.
“Are you excited about the Princess’ arrival?”
Yoongi scales catch in the sunlight as he lifts his face towards the warmth, and he cannot help the grin that pulls at his lips. The empress watches his expression change with a fondness in her eyes and she laughs sweetly. 
“Have you found a suitable greeting gift?” She questions as they pass by a few servants that stop walking to bow.
“I have. I feel that Princess Keena will feel most welcome by my gift.”
“Oh?” The empress smiles and squeezes Yoongi’s arm lightly. “I am looking forward to seeing your gift. You will do well to remember that the Princess will be very far from home. We want her to feel comfortable during her time here.”
“I know, mother. I will look after the Princess well.”
The empress and Yoongi walk across a turquoise bridge that crosses over the large koi fishpond and into the pavilion. Together they sit in silence and watch the fish swim around below. The empress looks at Yoongi’s profile and reaches out, the tips of her claws running along his jawline scratching lightly against his scales. 
“You will make a fine emperor one day.”
Yoongi turns to face his mother and raises an eyebrow. His dark eyes narrow as he tries to dissect her words. A breeze blows and more of the dogwood petals ride the wind, some caught in the hair of the empress and Yoongi. The empress smiles and pulls her hand away from Yoongi’s face before she speaks again.
“Your father and I won't be around forever. Now is the time to think about settling down and starting your own-”
Yoongi shakes his head, not caring that he cut her off. He plucks a few petals from his robes and drops them into the pond before he sighs and scratches at the tip of his nose. Staring out at the water, Yoongi watches the fish below, thinking of what he would like to say next.
“The nation in the west is strong but our alliance with Princess Keena’s homeland makes us stronger. It would be foolish to think that some conflict will not arise but for now I wish not to jinx it.”
Yoongi’s dark eyes flick to his mother’s face and she nods her head softly. Yoongi clears his throat and folds his hands together in his lap, his right thumb rubbing the back of his left hand.
“When the time comes, I will fulfill my duty to the throne. You do not have to worry yourself with that thought.”
“Promise me Yoongi.”
“Pardon?” Yoongi stares at his mother confused. Promise her?
“When the time comes, you must promise me here and now that you will fulfill your duty to the throne.”
Yoongi licks his lips as the hair on the back of his neck rises. There is an air of sadness behind the empress’ words, and it worries Yoongi. Have they already picked his wife? Well, it wouldn’t be unheard of. He is a royal after all, it would be foolish for Yoongi to think he could marry for love. Princess Keena’s endless letters and words float into Yoongi’s mind. His only wish is that his lifelong friend and his future wife will be able to get along for his sake.
“To the ancient dragons who came before and watch over us, I swear it, mother.”
Yoongi’s dark eyes flash a golden hue and his mother’s do the same before she smiles and pats his hand.
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bwoahtastic · 11 months
Okay, so my brain saw that post where you mentioned Toto or Nico helping Checo through a Heat and kinda ran with it...
Maybe it's a little while after Checo and Nico become friends that Checo asks if Toto and Nico would mind looking after the kitties for a couple days? Normally he just takes suppressants for his Heat because he can't properly look after his babies when he's like that, but they always make him feel bad and now he might have an opportunity to make sure the kids are taken care of and actually go through a proper Heat. And of course Toto and Nico agree, because they care about Checo and love his kittens, but when they realize Checo doesn't have an Alpha to help him Nico calls Kimi and asks if he'd be okay with it? Checo has met Kimi a couple times before when they've both been over at the house and they get along, so Checo agrees.
And of course Kimi would do everything to make sure an Omega having his first proper Heat in a while is completely happy and comfortable - he would be so sweet! (Or at least as sweet as Mister Iceman can be. 😅)
(Sorry if this was too long an ask, by the way, like I said, I saw that post and my mind just kinda ran with it!)
Oh plss Checo shyly asking Nico if he can watch the kittens so he can have a nest for once because he gets so sick from the suppressants! Toto and Nico obviously would love to watch the herd of fluffy kitties and instsntly agree, but Nico worriedly asks Checo who is helping him and checo just shrugs...
Nico asking Kimi if he would be open to helping checo and Kimi agrees as long as checo is okay with it!
Kimi would br so sweet to checo, making sure the soft pallas momma can enjoy his first heat and feels safe, and ofc showing him photos of the kittens when Checo is more calm in between!!
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whydoibe · 14 days
Ok so my ninjago dragons rising storm au so hears the story of how jay falls deeper of the deep end only for a 'vision' of kai to help him out of it.
He failed that's all jay could know he let nya get hurt she lost her memories he hurt her what had he dun he looked at the portrait of all of his friends thier eyes happy smilling but he was not breathing he needed to breath it was ok he needed to be arin sora and wyldfryes master he needed to br calm but he couldn't be calm he failed sensi he failed Cole Lloyd Zane nya and kai he swore to kai he'd always keep her safe and he failed what was he meant to do now kai was dead (cough not really cough) nya was no longer her what was he to do he failed he gripped at his horns pulling at them so hard he made one snap it hurt bur that didn't matter he felt so much pain already nya was hurt becuase of him he didn't know if any of his friends were ok he needed a moment.
"Jay," a familiar vioce called, put as jay looked up to see his 3 pupils concerned, looks. "Are you ok?" Wyldfrye questioned seeing jays broken horn.
"I am - Jay stammered "OK just need a minute ok" Jay stated, avoiding his students' concerned gaze as he left. He walked around a hundred burning thoughts in the back of his head, hands eltricty flowing through his fingertips every second then joined by water It flowed around his hands he gazed at it fear in its endless waves but also so much comfort he couldn't do this jay collapsed in the empty street tears falling down his face.
" I can't do this anymore" he cried thunder rumbling and lighting flashing " I don't care what games your trying to play but I am sick of it I have been through hell and back saving this world" he stopped as a heavy rain set in "and what have I been given in return threw Strait into a fire and storm only to calm it then to put it out one of my greatest friends dead and my FSM wife just forgot me and her brother who raised her so if you have any more bad things to send my way do it now why I'm ready to fight" Jay finished the storm thunderous and ragging in the sky his domain rain getting heavier.
"You dun" a vioce asked jay turned to face the familiar vioce but no one stood were he claimed he herd it from.
"Who are you that vioce no but" a small burning glow manifested before jay slowly burning the warmth so familiar. Then it took a shape his face a scar on his left eye spiky hair Jay couldn't belive his eyes "kai no I've gone mad. Haven't I"
"You haven't gone mad sparky" the red fire looking like kai stated jays eyes slowly looking over this things body "I am-"
"No, you're not kais dead, and even if he's why, why why why" Jay started to lose focus, the thunderstorm getting stronger and stronger the lighting stricking closer to the roves of the buildings.
"I am kai jay I am me" the kai thing stated jays eyes looking over him confusion and grief stricken over his face.
"Kais dead I'm sorry but his inheritor us sitting in my room right now waiting for me to turn up and make sure she's safe sorry thing but your not my brother" Jay called out the storm ragging and growing louder.
"Jay please I am me i need your help to get me my body back" Jays ears perched up at that could thus be kais spirit and that he needs his help to give back his body. The storm grew louder.
"Tell me something only kai would know" Jay called the lighting striking one of the lighting rods on a nearby building.
Kai thought for a solid minute then it came to him "you used me to help practise your propasle to nya and you were" Lighting struck right there and then where jay stood eyes wide glowing blue thunder crying and rumbling kai looked at jay eyes full of so much pain kai saw people leaving thier rooms to see jay standing there eyes wide in pain. When he finaly spoke it sounded thunderus and commanding like a god talking to a subject.
"I believe u what do I nee -" to start to fade much to jays distress rmhe saw jay disappear jays eyes, wise in terror. Finally regstring him being surrounded by people watching him, no, he turned to face the crowd some looking tefrfied others looking concerned then one full of disgust nyas. Arin' sora and wyldfrye stood now with cole and geo who looked genuine terfied about what they just saw. Jay collapsed his emotions to high to care. Feeling Cole pick him up and take him back to the room hugging him. Jay finaly seeing Cole crying too.
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landfilloftrash · 5 months
Some years before the High Seas campaign…
It was bright. It was relatively early. And Enososin had barely just woken up before she was surrounded, as per usual, by the chatter of her siblings uncaring about her wanting to continue sleeping, and the quieter sounds of her mom and her mama cooking and herding her siblings.
Man. Can’t she sleep for a few minutes more?
Apparently not!
Because as she sleepily pouted and pondered about it— She squawked loudly as her twin [for lack of better terminology, since she and Ahkrin were the closest in hatching age compared to the other five] stepped on her back— right below the base of where her wings were growing steadily— knocking the air and sleepiness out of her and started a tousle between the two for the rude awakening.
(She ignored the fact she was already awake, it was the principle of the thing, y’know?)
She grabbed his leg and pulled him backwards to make him either trip on his face or be forced to come back and fight her. It was a mix of both as he fell but fell backwards onto her in anticipation of the fight to be. There was grabbing clawfuls of each other’s feather and pulling as they rolled onto the floor and mutual squawked out attack cries and triumphant little calls of victory when they perceived the upper hand— and especially pushing each other’s faces until it was facing the ceiling or the floor, respectively, and out of eyesight range so neither could really see what they were hitting at. Eno herself got in a good whack with her wings at some point during a changing of positions, but Ahkrin was faster with his claws and got a good scratch on her arm past her downy feathers.
But her world of winning a wrestling cage match was quickly interrupted by Kinzon, as he was the one who pulled them apart and snapped at them with his beak, the tufts starting to grow in flicking in what everyone else called ‘eldest child annoyance’ [Kinzon looked closer to mama, a ‘great horned owl’, rather than their mom’s pure white and snowy pallet] and both her and Ahkrin met each other’s eyes in a small consideration of teaming up on their older brother. But before they could fully decide on whether or not to turn their tiny fury onto their rapidly growing brother, the chatter and hoots of the household’s own version of common eased out as their parents called them over to the table to start eating breakfast.
Eno was the youngest, so she got served first, bread and some bacon, and always finished first.
Which meant…
Being the youngest of seven owlin children, ranging from looking like pure great horned owls, pure snowy owls, or caught somewhere in between, her mama and mom couldn’t always entertain each and everyone of them; they tried, but it was simply easier to give them all a time to come back to the house at and let them roam free. Trouble was most definitely included; the main rule amongst the seven was “don’t get caught”.
And being the smallest, that was nothing short of easy.
The days of play consisted of three main things; hiding, pranking, and wrestling with the other kids who roamed the streets. Most of the time, this didn’t include her siblings for some reason. 
“Don’t like the cut of their jib, y’know?” Zofaas, the third eldest, once answered to her questioning chirps. “And it helps that they don’t like most of us. But they like you, and Odus, so don’t worry too much about it. Go on and play, Eno.”
Odus said she was playing with Ahkrin, Frul, Riik, and Zofaas— probably— today, anyways. So she was off to the streets of all the districts.
Zofaas tended to waffle between staying with Kinzon at home with their parents or playing with the rest of them. You’d think that being only a month or so apart in age from the eldest of them to the youngest would make them see eye to eye, but to Eno, that was an eternity, and she could not stand staying still.
Hunting down the other kids itself was a game; they did not like being found, and she stuck out with her downy grey feathers and bright yellow eyes. So she had to chase them first before she could join in; once she did, they’d laugh and welcome her back before resuming their games, as to which she either picked the rules up as she went, or remembered from whenever they last played, and tried to trip up the older kids.
This time, they really did not want to be found; this she quickly learned was because they had already started hide-and-seek.
One of the Dragonborn kids— someone she found easier to hang around rather than the more humanoid races— shushed at her when she called out a delighted “Rovena!”
“Shhh, Eno!” already starting to move towards her and extend a hand from the rafters of a building’s ramshackle roof, “I’ll get caught if you do that!”
“I didn’t see any’ne else!” She chirped quietly— she couldn’t quite fly yet, but she had enough power in her tiny little wings to help her jump pretty high, and grab Rovena’s already very strong hand. “Only you!”
“How?” She hissed, putting Eno behind her dark blue scales, “I’m in the shadow!” 
Eno pointed at her own eyes in demonstration, extending the pupils to completely cover the color of her iris, “You’ve got bright bright eyes!”
Rovena’s eyelids shuddered and soon the bright eye lights were dimmed considerably. “That better?”
She gave a thumbs up in delight. When they got caught, she hoped they’d be one of the last ones.
Alas, it was not to be.
A half-wood elven kid Eno could never quite get the hang of’s name, affectionately nicknamed ‘Bell’, was the one to find them; they were about midway through finding everyone, and had to deal with a grumbling owlin about it. 
Hiding was for games, whether or not they included the shiny guards was up to the day’s pleasures. Today it was simply hiding from each other; the entire city was their playground and it took until the late morning before everyone had been found and all the street kids of their sector pondered on what games they should play next.
“Nah, we broke a few windows last time; I’d rather not run away from the shinies on an empty stomach, y’know?”
“Did you bring yer freakin’ marbles? Say ‘aye’ if ya did, ‘nay’ if ya frickin’ didn’t.”
A chorus of ‘nay’s and ‘nah’s rippled through the lot of them. Eno didn’t have marbles so she ‘abstained’. That’s what mama called it when the rest of them tried to get her to do something mom didn’t want them to do, at least.
“Hungry snake?”
“Ooo. That’d be fun.”
“Yeah but that needs a rope— do we have a rope?”
“No- I had to give it back to the sailors.”
“Damn it!”
That was a swear. She wasn’t allowed to use those. But it was funny seeing her elder peer do it with no consequences.
“How about a ‘Scavenger hunt’?”
“What did Lily just say about running away from the shinies??”
“Oh, right sorry. I mean some of us could scavenger hunt—?”
“It’s not as fun without everyone doing it— makes the shinies have to scatter pretty thin to actually find any of us.”
Eno wasn’t sure why they called it a scavenger hunt, because they never really returned their hunted items, but it was really fun! She wished everyone had been up to playing that one.
“Too close to hide and seek.”
“But it’s easier!”
“Shelve it in case we can’t decide?”
“How about kick the can?”
“Again. Really close to hide-and-seek. And besides, that’s such a lame game, though.”
“You take that back.”
“No— because it is!”
“I’ll frickin’ skin you.”
“Guys, stop using frick, just say f—”
There was a chorus of shushes and hissing from the various beast-and-non-beast children. Eno swiveled her head around at the snakes that decided to become her surroundings. Why’d they do that? 
She thought she saw Bell pointing at her, specifically, but she wasn’t sure, because as soon as she looked over, Bell wasn’t even looking in her direction. 
“Well, we could always just play another round of hide and seek, I guess.”
The chatter got loud at that suggestion. “Dude that would take soooo long.” 
“Yeah, it took hours alone to find everyone this round.”
“I’d rather sardines if that’s what we’re doing.”
A small chorus of ‘yeah’s rang through the rest.
The ringleader of their little band sighed and pinched at their eyes; if Eno remembered correctly, they were fifteen. Eldest friend they had aside from their parents. “Alright then,” asked the Yuan-ti, “who’s gonna be the first fish?”
Eno raised her hand in excitement along with a few others. Pleeeaaase I’m really good at hiding! She mentally pleaded.
There was a moment as the troupe leader started muttering under their breath, eyes flicking between all of them with their hands up multiple times, and then landed on Eno.
“Alright, brat, you’re up. You’ve got a 3 minutes head start before we start comin’ after you. No Diamond District this time; we almost got caught during the earlier hide and seek segment getting a few of the others.”
She nodded in earnest listening. That she could do! She stuck out too much in the Diamond district anyway with her raggedy hand-me-downs and too bright an eye for the shinier things.
Bolting down a few alleyways and scrambling over a couple of rooftops, she made it as far as her little claws could carry her over the top of the buildings before she had to duck back down to the streets. She forgot to start counting, but there were enough nimble-footed and winged kids amongst them that staying on the roofs for too long was a bad idea.
Eno ended up much closer to the docks than she was expecting. She debated briefly of hiding on a ship, but the idea of suddenly setting sail and having no way to get off frightened her too much to put much true considerment into. 
Ducking more towards the shadier side of things she found a tight little hole in a wall; after checking to make sure no rats would jump her (she was big enough to kill them, but she got scared usually first and let out a really high pitched scream if unprepared. She didn’t want to get found that easily.) she dropped down to her hands and crawled into the space. It led to the back room of some building filled with barrels and crates and she grinned like she’d struck gold.
There she found the darkest corner she could, and settled in.
Again, she wasn’t counting, but it was awhile of sitting in one place (enough so that she got pretty fidgety) before a head poked through the crawl space and coughed at the dust.
Surprisingly, it was the yuanti! Or maybe it was unsurprisingly… she wasn’t quite sure.
Eno was careful not to make a sound, or exude fear (or excitement for that matter), but it didn’t matter in the end, because they started sniffing, and spun their head towards her hiding place.
“There you are, brat.”
“Tracking me wi’h your nose is no fair,” she whispered, as snake eyes settled into her corner along with her, “the others can’t do that.”
“Well that’s their problem, eh? Let’s see how long we last before the name of the game really starts impacting us.”
Eno found out she’d been hiding for around an hour before they found her, and slowly the minutes ticked by. At around an hour and a half, Rovena came in, followed closely by Bell and a dwarven kid a few short minutes later. 
They had started chattering about nothing in particular or listening to stories from each other at about two hours in before five more in quick succession joined them. It was starting to get quite cramped in the small corner, and Eno made a point to comment on that, being dog piled as she was. They all just snickered and hushed each other. No one really knew what this building was but they weren’t inclined to get kicked out of their hiding place.
A few more kids filed in at around the third, third and a half hour, citing exhaustion from searching everywhere for them, and how it was almost lunch time.
Lily was the last one to find them at nearly four hours.
“Guys, you suck,” the human girl hissed, crawling through and space and immediately clocking them, “You all suck diseased moose wang.”
“Lily!” Rovena hissed as everyone started chuckling and crawling out of the space.
“What?” Lily groaned, “She doesn’t know what that even is! Let me use it.”
Who didn’t know what was? It might be her. She didn’t know what ‘wang’ was. It might be a swear by the indignation from Rovena. Rovena probably used worse than this new word when she thought Eno wasn’t listening though, so the little owlin thought it was a little weird to bash someone for that when you did it too.
From the looks she was given while looking around to see if anyone would tell her if she was correct in her guesses, she was correct on both accounts.
“Well, you’re the new first fish Lily.”
“Can we do that after we eat or something?”
“Thought you didn’t want to scavenger hunt?” Bell asked.
“I don’t care at this point. I’m tired, you were hard to find, and I’m hungry. So after we eat, I’ll be the sardine; happy?”
Eno was also hungry. She debated on heading back to her house to get some food, but she weighed that with having to find everyone again, and decided she’d hang out with everyone else to get food. Dinner time was the time that was ‘mandatory’ or ‘must do’ as it’d been explained to her. She didn’t mind that, gave her a vague idea of when to start getting nervous about getting back, but she’ll skip out on being heckled by her siblings for this lunch time.
She grappled for purchase on Rovena’s back— to a familiar growly, grumble of surprise— before settling on the dragonborn’s shoulders. Rovena could move a lot faster with her longer legs, and she didn’t want to be left behind on this one. Scavenger hunts were fast, and involved a lot of running and hiding. Rovena was usually the one to keep an eye on Eno anyways, and often used the small owlin in pranking and hunting schemes. It was fun! 
And besides, the Dragonborn never left her out to dry like a couple in this small gang she could name (her gaze involuntarily flickered to the yuanti).
This particular hunt was faster than usual— all of them saying a lot of words Eno didn’t understand; not because she didn’t know them! She knew common! But this wasn’t common. So she just hung onto Rovena’s horns and watched the older kids plotting. But the ringleader nodded after a point, and they all scattered to the winds. Some quite literally, like Rovena, who spread out her wings and started flying high into the sky towards wherever she thought she’d find the item assigned.
“What’re we lookin’ for?” she called into the wind.
“Fruit— nothin’ hard this time!”
“Oo! D’ya think we could get some of those— uhm, little oranges like last time?”
“They’re out of season- I think. I haven’t seen them in the shops.”
“How about we snag some pomegranates?”
“Pom—” she broke off at the new word. Full of new words today. What in the world was that? “Pom???”
Rovena laughed a nasty laugh; it wasn’t mean, it just didn’t sound nice, but it made Eno smile because it meant her friend was happy.
“Oh, well now we gotta snag ‘em. Let’s so, birdy!”
It was a few more minutes before Rovena started to do a dive, and the reason Eno knew she was going to do that was because she pulled the maneuver that Eno loved— the small owlin felt the sensations of being pushed off the Dragonborn’s shoulders and being dropped from the safe spot between Rovena’s shoulder blades as she briefly free falls. Eno twists her whole head around backwards to see as the other girl repositions, causing Eno to position herself in response, both of them becoming smaller very fast, and then just as quickly, Rovena catches her quickly in a hug as she starts to dive like the peregrine falcons Eno sometimes sees with her family.
The whole time, she’s giggling in delight.
Rovena huffs as she catches her and grumbles familiar draconic words— Enososin may not know the language, but she’d heard this kind of tone from adults before to know she was muttering kinda mean things about how reckless Eno was, and how she played with fire too much.
But they’re once more diving Eno once again twists her head in a way to be able to see where they’re going, and sees the Diamond district’s market stalls approaching rapidly.
“They said no Diamond district!” She called— curious at the rule break; Rovena tended to follow very closely to what the yuan-ti laid down as rules, even if Eno tended to. Yknow. Not.
“This is the only place we’re gonna be getting pomegranates from,” Rovena crowed back, “and besides; they’re definitely not following that rule.”
At that, she pointed off to some other alley way as they flew, and she saw a familiar scaled form as they whooshed by.
Huh. Well then.
Landing on a roof before scrambling into an alley by the small market was easy, finding the stall that they wanted? Not so easy.
It took them a few minutes of quiet debate as they ducked and weaved to keep out of as much view as possible before Rovena made a noise that sounded like rocks grinding against each other, and pulled Eno close to a wall with her. 
“There— y’see?”
Enososin looked where she was pointing and saw— finally, dang it— the fruit stall. There were tons of different varieties of fruits there, most of which Eno had absolutely no idea what they were. But Rovena kept turning Eno’s head towards a more purple-ish but definitely red, round fruit with a weird little pointy top. She looked up at Rovena. “The red one?”
“Yea— those are pomegranates; think you can grab some?”
Eno looked around assessingly. “Too many people,” she mumbled, “need you to do a dance.”
“The stage is set, the dancer about to take position; get to work little side character!”
Eno nodded and casually headed closer to the fruit stall, like she was meant to be here, and watched out of the corner of her eye what Rovena was doing.
The dark blue dragonborn headed out from their spot, walking a little bit out of the way of it, and then sprinting towards a booth, slamming her body into it like her life depended on it and looking like she had tried to skid to a stop before hand.
Well. Eno blinked. That. That was a distraction for sure. Eno was distracted. 
But so were the rest of the adults at the commotion; she may be pretty young, but she noticed that adults loved distractions just as much as, if not more than, her.
Making sure the fruit stall tiefling was distracted by whatever the meats stall seller was snapping at her friend, she slid behind them all and started reaching for the targeted food.
This part always felt a little strange to her. She wasn’t quite comfortable with taking things that definitely weren’t hers. Her siblings did it to her sometimes, but they always gave it back after a time; that was never the case with scavenger hunts. But they were fun, so Eno didn’t complain too much. Out loud, of course. And she thought nasty thoughts when she complained so mind readers wouldn’t like her.
She grabbed a few of the round, magenta fruits and stuffed them into the small sack as Rovena distracted people, and when she saw people starting to turn away, she sprinted back to where she and the dragonborn had landed to make their escape. This place always felt like eyes watched her, and she wanted out anyways.
Rovena did a cursory apology as she started hustling away— to the sound of the angry market stall keeper— towards Eno, who hopped from foot to foot with anxiety.
“Cmon cmon cmon!” She chirped to the dragonborn who decided instead of letting Eno try running with their haul, picked up her charge and set off at a dead sprint before springing into the air and zooming off to the woods.
Rovena landed them both near the woods with praises for her speed and amused chirping back.
“You did good kid— how many did you grab?”
“Not too many; I feel like it’s cheating to grab too many and not give them back.”
“Meh,” Rovena dismissed, “they can afford to import this stuff, they can afford to lose some of this stuff.” 
Eno had absolutely no idea what ‘import’ was but it sounded close enough to simply ‘getting’. Strange, but alright. “Well, I got.. uhm.” she counted under her breath. “Seven!”
“Nice!” The dragonborn grinned, “but knowing this lot they’re not gonna let you have one, so let’s have you and me crack one open before heading back, yeah?”
“Do we tell them we had one?”
Rovena looked at her strangely, but shrugged “If you want to, sure, why not. I’m not gonna. But what are they gonna do? Take it from your stomach? Nuh uh. Worst they’ll do is not share some stuff for awhile.”
At that declaration, Eno shrugged and eyed the fruit in question. Wasn't really made for a beak, but that had never stopped her before; she started digging into it a little bit with her beat when she heard a rushed, but laughing cry for her to stop.
“Nonono-!” Rovena laughed, “you don’t bite the outside! I did that too the first time; the outside isn’t tasty.”
Eno frowned. “Then what do you eat?”
Rovena reached out for the pomegranate as Eno handed it over. The girl bared her teeth and bit quite gently into it with the side of her mouth— ripping a small chunk of the shell off and spitting it off to the side. Then using her claws, she cracked it open like an egg, and showed the inside treasures to Eno standing on her tip toes.
It was— weird looking inside. The shapes of the encasement resembling cobblestones pressed not tight enough together, but the little red things that shined in the sunlight and looked like jewels embedded in a rock? Well, and delighted her to no end.
“You eat the seeds.”
Taking half of the pomegranate from Rovena, Eno sat down and used her tunic to help her catch the pieces that fell as she bit into tiny juicy seeds and pried open the inedible shell surrounding it. Rovena joined her and ate the seeds by taking the chunks out of the main shell, and simply eating them with the thin wrapping around them. Eno tried it once after watching her, but quickly decided that, no, she’d rather just eat the seeds by themselves, as the bitterness of the shell ruined the taste.
It was a very messy time spot of the day, laughing as they munched on a pomegranate together. After that though, they made their way back close to the docks on clawed feet, sticking close to the shadows so they wouldn’t get the shinies on their tails. Er— tail in Rovena’s case; tail feathers in her own.
Eno was the first to spot their crew, and tugged lightly on Rovena’s elbow as they walked— Rovena then changed course as they both headed over to a few others with a vast arrangement of goods.
“So,” called a few of the human, and half human, kids “how’d it go?”
“We got some pomegranates,” Rovena preened, as Eno lifted the bag with their find in delight. 
“Sheesh!” Lily called, smiling, “Hope I get one!”
“There’s only six,” said the dwarf, “so unless you’re sharing half or a quarter with someone so the whole crew can have some, it’s gonna be a free-for-all.”
“Toss me one then— I don’t wanna share.”
The kid shrugged and tossed her a pomegranate. “Five remaining.”
That’s why Rovena worried Eno wouldn’t get one. Huh. People were weird.
It took only a short while before the rest filed back; sprinting or sneaking, they all shared their food with each other and shared how they got it. Eno’s personal bias had her preferring Rovena and her own story, but everyone else’s was just as entertaining.
After the scavenger hunt, it was mostly doing simple games. Someone had found a rope so they did hungry snake, and one of the human kids who’d suggested marbles had brought a big enough bag for the rest of them to start a mini-tournament where some adults even came over and gave their best attempts. Some of them made it pretty far before getting their behinds handed to them by either Bell or the human kid in question. 
She lost track of time as the sun lowered in the sky and she simply had fun with her friends. That was until the dwarven kid— their name was Soir, or something close to that, but her pronunciation was never right, so she usually spelled it instead so she didn’t misname her poor friend— nudged her and looked at the sun with a pointed glance. She looked up in response and realized; oh it was late. 
Dinner time would be soon. Uh oh. She didn’t want to get yelled at.
Scrambling her marbles together and handing them back to the human kid, she waved frantically as she started hustling away. “I gotta go!!”
“Ah— dinner time?” Bell asked.
“Yeah—” she nodded rapidly, “see you guys later?”
There was a call from a shadow; “That’s if you can find us again, brat!”
She giggled as she ran away to the chorus of kids laughing with her. They always said that, and she always did. 
Her clawed feet clacked against the cobbles as she raced down districts to where she lived, and crawled through small spaces to get to the stairs, hidden away behind a usually locked door. She did some small hop-flying as she jumped up the stairs and ran towards her home.
Eno grabbed the door handle with a small jump and leaned her momentum into opening it and stumbled in— “Not late!” she called, heaving for breath as she started closing the door behind her, when she finally looked up and paused.
The room was empty.
She trilled in confusion as she closed the door. That’s.. that’s not right. 
Doing a quick sweep through the rooms, checking the nooks and crannies and under things (despite the small space), before standing in between the ‘living room’ and ‘dining room/kitchenette’, puzzled.
She wasn’t very good at puzzles. 
Eno was here, but her family was not? She spun around in place as if that would summon them; it didn’t, to her disappointment.
She huffed an unamused trilling hoot and went over and sat on the large comfy seat they all shared. Well. She would wait then! Show them that she could be patient as the rest of them were late.
As she sat, she thought about today with a smile. Ooo she couldn’t wait to shove the fact she’d tried pomegranates today in Kinzon and Ahkrin’s beaks— it’d be so funny. She’d bet they didn’t even know what those were! She sure hadn’t, so it must be the same, otherwise they’dve gloated about it too. 
Frul and Odus wouldn’t care— they didn’t really care about what food they got, only so much as they could eat it. The weirdos. She was always horrified when they started eating things with those horribly mushy textures. She hated those the most— how did they do that??
Zofaas would be the only one she wouldn’t boast to; they liked learning, the big ol’ nerd. She’d tell them every little thing about the weird fruit and watch them sit and listen to her every word. It was nice having their sibling’s attention like that, because she’d let them talk too and let them have the same attention.
Her stomach growled and she startled from her daydreams. She peeked outside and frowned at the darkness surrounding the streets. She’d come when the sun was nearly set, and now the sun was gone.
She was hungry.
Well— that wasn’t completely the truth; she was always kinda hungry. Her older siblings said that was normal, though. They lied to her though. Was this a lie? No, because she was always hungry; it was a truth. 
Speaking of truth, she continued picking at her feathers as she tried to remember if her parents had said something about leaving? Maybe? She didn’t pay attention like she should to them sometimes when she wanted to play, and this could be one of those times… Something at breakfast maybe? Did any of them mention leaving?? No because when she dashed for the door, someone would have stopped her to remind her— they knew how her head worked. She was five! They kinda had to at this point.
But it was really hard to ignore the fear making her belly flip flop like she was getting in trouble. She hadn’t done anything this time! She came back on time even! She was the only one here on time! 
She kicked at the ground. This was stupid. Stupid and dumb. She was smart! At least her mom always said so— even if it was with a weird expression on her face. So! She had to prove her right! She was Enososin Folook! Of course she could manage something as stupid as dinner! She’d seen her parents do it plenty.
Standing up determinedly, she marched over to the kitchenette and assessed the situation.
She was gonna need the chair.
After some near mishaps that were common for her, and some maneuvering to find the things she saw her parents use for food, she looked at them critically. Didn’t they have a cookbook? Another 30 minutes of attempting to find that, quick flipping through to find something that had the meat she had at hand (it smelled like turkey, so she was gonna hazard a guess and say it was that), and a meal name she actually recognized. She stumbled across “turkey pie”. She remembered there being pastry dough left over from bread making yesterday in a jar— would that work? She only needed to make one for herself; so she’d try this one. There was a very long hour of sounding out words and trying to find them on the little bottles and attempting to understand the instructions of what to do with the knife and stove.
One near burning of the house down later, she had a meal. It was very dark out now, but she didn’t really need the sun to work to be able to see— but  now to see if she could actually eat it.
It didn’t taste too good, the texture of the dough being off and a little too gooey, but it was food, and she devoured the whole thing.
Her parents would’ve made her go to bed by now, no matter what kind of prank they’d be playing. She wondered if she should stay up longer and see if they’d show up, but to be truly honest, she was super duper tired, and she’d squeaked her honest to freaking stones frustration with everything on more than one instance as she attempted to cook. Bedtime.
Hopping off the chair, she looked at the door. Lock it? Yeah. Lock it. Mom usually did that before she and her siblings went to bed. 
Scrambling with the door, she fiddled with the locks before stumbling back down and crawling into her nest of blankets. Usually she’d be surrounded by her noisy siblings. She waffled between feeling so deeply sad at them not being here and an amusement that she was going to finally sleep as long as she wanted. 
She landed on the former option and curled up on her stomach as she fell asleep.
Her anxiety had calmed after the first night because it wasn’t the first time she’d forgotten something— maybe they were on a short trip! She hoped they were having fun, the forgetful dumbies, they had left her behind! 
So she stayed at the house most of the first day, searching for clues in her house as to where they’d went. It couldn’t be too hard— there weren’t many places to look!
Scattered clothes, that was normal, nothing out of the ordinary there; no new claw marks so a scuffle hadn’t made them have to go to the hospice— they’dve been back by now anyways if that were the case. Everything looked like it had been left in the middle of things being done. Did they all up and vanish? She knew magic people could do that, but was it to play a prank on her? If so, it wasn’t funny! And she said so, into the empty air. Nothing responded, and it left her feeling so very alone.
She knew she was small, it helped with games where she needed to hide, but she also knew when everyone was home, it was cramped. She was small enough to duck through legs and wings and the cacophony they made in their house but not everyone was so lucky to have her dexterity and ability to squeeze past everyone. 
But nothing— she even hyped herself up to duck into her parents’ room (very not allowed) to see if she could find anything that could help her there. Zilch. 
That night she was once again careful with the food she made. She really only knew how to make breakfast, and so that’s what she made that night. She ate it by the window in hopes of seeing something out there. The stars were her only companions.
The second day, she went out and about; confused and the fear coming back. Surely they’d come back once they realized they’d forgotten her? But they knew she was smart— so maybe they trusted her? But mama always said she was too young or small for some things. Her mom usually echoed those sentiments. Her siblings were less. Nice. About it. Runt was the word they liked tossing around. And annoyingly energetic. Also brat. Brat was common for her. One letter away from rat was what Kinzon said once. But runt just meant she had some wiggle room, which she was very clever with!
So she tried to be clever. She was careful through the days like how her mom and mama were with the food. She wasn’t sure why but they were: so would she! She asked the other packs of kids who played in the streets with her if they knew; most shrugged, some frowned and said they’d look into it— those were the older kids who only sometimes played her, like her siblings. The yuanti ‘tsk’ed at her. Rovena, Bell, and the dwarven kid banded together with some others to try and find information. The next few days were filled with shrugs, more ardent declarations of trying to find them, and looks that looked close to sad for her. She didn’t like that expression. It made her belly flip flop.
She still played everyday, sunrise to sundown, but it wasn’t enough to distract her anymore.
It was at the end of the 10th day that there was no more things in the cupboards anymore, nothing she recognized as edible by itself at least, and her family still weren’t back. 
She couldn’t deny it anymore. She was scared. She was beyond anything she’d felt in her life. She’d once thought that having to face mom after accidentally snapping her grandfather’s timepiece was the scariest thing she’d ever have to do. She was so, so very wrong.
She stayed in the house, most of the time, too scared to go out. Rovena had figured out where she lived some time ago, and came by every so often with a few others to keep her company and bring food. They offered to bring her with them so she wasn’t alone. She refused. ‘Politely’ she thought, but she wasn’t really in the mood to try and ‘do what other people wanted to hear from her’. 
She just wanted her family back.
It had been just a little over two weeks since her family had simply fallen off the face of the earth and she felt like she’d aged a lifetime. 
After the fifteenth day she finally regathered her faltering courage and went outside to try again. 
She asked sailors, they cited a bunch of kids had been asking similar questions; they hadn’t seen anyone fitting the descriptions given. She asked some of the homeless that hung around her area if they remembered anything. Most shook their heads. Some claimed a large ruckus happened that day, but aside from that, they didn’t really remember it. She even snuck into the Diamond district to ask the desk lady the same question. The desk lady had shaken her head and asked Eno to “wait right there”. 
This little owlin didn’t trust like that.
She ran.
But the thing is, when you have nowhere to run and hide, where do you go?
She wandered through the district and ended up in the woods. She liked the woods. The trees were big and nice to hide in. 
Sometimes she and her siblings went deep enough that they came out the other side, but that was only if they started really really early. And Mama and Mom had to come, they didn’t let the seven of them do that alone, to the consternation of the rest of them.
Now she would give her shiniest trinket for that opportunity again.
She gently clawed at her leg with her foot as she antsed around— a bit of a dance like hopscotch, but more anxiety filled, and went up to a tree and started climbing, grabbing branches and vines when available, and using her little claws to dig into the surface level bark when necessary. She liked the trees. She didn’t wanna hurt them.
Climbing as far as she could, she started hopping from branch to branch, tree to tree, each level she tried to get high enough to get above the canopy of leaves, taking the low road only when there was no other option. 
Eno finally popped her head out of the leaves and peered around at the town partially below and the sea out past that. She wondered if she’d have to sail to find them. That would be a cool adventure to tell them all, that she, the youngest of them, hunted them down across the many seas and lands she’d never seen. 
She sat there above the canopy, watching the day pass; tiny ants of people moving around the town and the leaves rustling pleasantly as she stared unblinkingly. 
The sun was finally beginning to set when Eno ducked her head below the canopy once more, and clambered a few layers down, once more going deeper into the forest as she leapt.
And then she heard noises that were not from her, nor any animal she recognized.
It was humming.
She blinked as she held onto a trunk of a tree she was about to leap from and peered around to see where it was coming from.
It didn’t take too long for her to spot the perpatrator; because they were coming from the brush like a statue from the castle come to life to roam the earth.
That was her first thought on seeing the figure and she immediately puffed up upon seeing them.
Huge person. Bigger than her mom, and mom was giant. But instead of feathers and wings making up their body, they had grey skin and bright red hair in a very very long braid. She didn’t think she’d actually seen anyone with that long of hair. Their back was to her, so she couldn’t really see their face, but she was almost sure that there had been bright red lines disappearing under their clothes. They looked super strong, and they were carrying a weird golden stick to walk— Eno fluffed up even more as she realized her mistake— giant golden hammer. 
She watched them intently. Why had she never seen this person before? Did they not come into town? They couldn’t do it regularly if so, because Eno would definitely remember this person. Her memory wasn’t very good, except for shiny things, food, and games. This person had a big shiny object— she’dve recognized them.
Eno realized she must have been staring a bit too much, making the big statue to have the thing that happens when you feel someone staring at you too much happen, because they’ve stopped walking, and tilted their head very very slightly behind them before fully turning their head around. She watches as their eyes are glancing around before— Oops. They spotted her. The big grey person started blinked rapidly a few times. And looked around like he was looking for something attached to her. 
They seemed.. confused? She wasn’t good with the nose people expressions yet. Their postures were all wrong for her to completely get what they were doing. But he was doing that almost scrunchy move with the eyebrows and mouth, so she was deeming it ‘confused’ until proved otherwise!
“Hello, little one...”
Whoa. Big voice. She clutched instinctively at the tree tighter. It made sense— of course!— big big adult means big big voice ! Even if the big man seemed to be trying to… not. Do that. 
It shook her. She valiantly attempted to stomp on her fear. That didn’t stop it from making her feathers fluff up in response. 
Watching them carefully, they seemed to watch her back. She had absolutely no idea what to make of this person and that unsettled her. She didn’t like being unsettled. Her wings tended to fluff up even more when that happened and flutter in distress. She couldn’t 100% control that movement yet, and it always gave her away when she said she ‘wasn’t scared’ when one of their parents told a scary story.
This seemed to make the big person start moving towards her, an expression she couldn’t really understand on their face as they came closer– what–?
Then she realized she was suddenly being grabbed oh no oh no— she squeaked out a jumbled call of “back up” and “I’m fine”. She continued to get pulled from her perch— the big man was saying something as he started pulling her down but all she could think was “let go” and nothing coherently came out in common.
Starting to panic, she squirmed and let instincts take the reins. She felt something warm and smelled weirdly similar to how she imagined a wet copper piece to taste like in her mouth all of a sudden and a sharp inhale and slight shake from the big man; it took a moment for her to realize her beak was embedded in something. That’s a very large finger. She had bit him. 
Uh oh. 
She was about to get yelled at or he was gonna take her to the cops or maybe hurt her or— in Oh no oh no she was so dead she was so dead why did she do that?!? She knew biting wasn’t allowed why did she bite?! She was so dead this big man was gonna kill her and she’d never be able to say sorry to her parents for forgetting—
She had started squeaking in fear while her brain raced like a horse— and she felt the world kinda rush down in a way that made her already twisted tummy start sitting in her throat as the big man bent down and gently put her down, releasing her but keeping his hands close.
“Hey, hey,” said the big voice again, actually making sense to her this time, gentle and a little rushed, “you’re ok, you’re ok, sh-sh-sh-sh— I’m sorry, I thought you were stuck, that was my fault, you’re ok, you’re ok, I promise. I’m so sorry, little owlette, that was my fault.”
It took her longer than the pride every five year old carried like a trophy would ever allow her to admit for her to calm down from squeaking noises only her missing family would recognize and physically crying in the middle of the forest. The whispered apologies and reassurances helped, but everytime she thought a little bit about the fact the big man didn’t know what she had been calling out in her panic and that made her start crying all over again. 
At some point during her meltdown, the big man had stopped crouching and instead was sitting crossed-legged, and very, very gently petting her head, humming some sort of tune instead of words. She noted he had a very warm hand. 
Once she stopped shaking so hard she felt that warm hand move away and she felt a loss. She missed her mom. She wanted her mama. She wanted to hug her siblings even if they made her angry. She didn’t know how to convey all that to this weird big man she had bitten. She just looked up at him miserably waiting for the chiding to start. 
But it didn’t. He just looked back down at her in concern, and she noted idly as she sniffled that the big man had green eyes like leaves in the trees. Was he a tree spirit? A protector of the trees? The hammer would make sense if so.
“Child, are you alright?”
She always heard people say ‘yeah’ or ‘I’m fine’ to this question, but she really did not feel alright. “No.”
The man tilted his head at her in assessing concern. “Are you hurt on your body?”
She shook her head. She didn’t think that the heavy weight in her chest was real otherwise the big man might’ve had a bit more trouble picking her up.
“You feel bad?” He asked.
She nodded miserably.
He ‘hmm’ed in sympathy at her nod. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know where my family went,” she squeaked out— her voice was quivering so bad and she wanted to kick herself for it, but just like that she was on the verge of tears again, “they just went poof like a magic show and they’ve been gone for— for two weeks. ’M good at — at finding things but I don’t where to look anymore. They lef’ me behind.”
The man’s eyebrows had risen, eyes widening a small a bit at the start of her reason and had shot to his hairline by the end of it. She didn’t know what she did that was so bad she’d been left behind and she stubbornly refused to cry again. 
It was really hard not to.
“Dear child— what’s your name?”
Mom always told her telling her name to someone was dangerous, especially if you didn’t know what they could do with it, but she didn’t really understand what that meant. She closed her eyes really tightly for a moment so she didn’t cry. “Enososin.” She replied, blinking her eyes open again and remembering to add— “Folook.”
“I am Saint Rollo,” he introduced, bowing his head in a nod, and now that he mentioned it, she spots the symbol on the weird pointed cloth thing that priests wear with the symbol of what mom called ‘the blood clerics’. Oh. She knew that was important, but she didn’t know why. “And if you don’t mind me asking, would you like some food? A place to stay while we look for your family?”
“I have a house..” she mumbled. She felt bad— what if they came back when she wasn’t there? 
“Forgive me, as I’m sure you’re extremely good at taking care of yourself, if you have for this long, but it’d ease my heart if you were somewhere with people who will support you.”
“Th.. the older kids help.”
Something seemed to occur to the ‘Saint’ and he murmured something about something explaining a few things. She was tired, so she didn’t really feel up to asking what he meant. She’d ask later if she remembered.
“Here— I’m sure, your friends help enormously, but perhaps some adults who have more reach in concerns of missing people?”
“No cops,” she immediately squeaked. “I don’t wanna go to jail.”
The Saint laughed, baring his teeth gently at her. A big smile. “No no, definitely not. I won’t let you go to jail. I was referring to the church.” He pointed off towards the towering… tower. She didn’t know what else to call it. It was a really big tower that peeked through the leaves. Her parents didn’t go to church, said it wasn’t really their ‘thing’ whatever that means. “We’d only need to go to the church down that way, and get you some clothes, some food, and maybe some sleep?”
She thought about how tired she was. “Yeah. Sleep sounds nice.”
He nodded at her assessment gently, and seemed to be pondering something. She looked up at him as he blinked back at her. She always won staring contests with other people.
“If I may— may I carry you over there?”
She blinked. Immediately the fluttery heavy feeling in her stomach was back. “I’m sorry—”
He raised up a hand— not the one she had bitten, that one was still bleeding through some cloth he’d at some point wrapped around his hand— and shook his head. “Don’t apologize. I was in the wrong. You reacted correctly in that situation. But the question stands; may I carry you, or would you prefer to walk?”
Eno shuffled her claws as she thought. Her legs ached and her wings couldn’t really carry her anywhere. Yeah. Ok. She nodded after a moment and raised her arms expectantly.
There was a brief look that flashed on the giant’s face before it was replaced by the content expression he’d been wearing before he’d spotted her. She was once again lifted into the air and placed in the crook of his right arm, as the bandaged hand picked up the hammer, and they started towards the church.
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
Oh, so Daeron's your boy?
This is yo'boi?
Okay then, "Author", introduce me to ya'boi ...
Show out and roll out ...
How would you introduce him into the show? And since you won't shut up about it, go ahead and throw in some that Alicole aesthetic shit while you're at it.
Go on, "Fanfic Writer", impress us.
Okay, sure, let's introduce Daeron, bitch.
Alright, we'll take what we know of the character with what we hear about the leaks, and the added prerequisite of " That Alicole Shit" as a factor. Which I assume means ambiguity of who his father is - Viserys or Criston.
Right, so
Has Alicent's coloring
looks like Alicent
A cunning warrior
expert strategist
really good with a sword
Basically Alicent if she were a guy
Got it.
Remember you wanted this ...
So, we open up on a ship sailing to a large city. We get a tracking shot of the vessel as a battered and battle damaged galley from Evening Fall Isle - Ancestral Seat of House Tarth. We close in on the busy and bustling port of Lys. Merchants loading down ships, while others are being unloaded with wounded and dead corsairs and privateers. Some of the crews of the barely held together pirate ships watch in weary contempt at the docking of the Westrosi galley.
We cut to the dock where a Lys official meets the captain of the Westros ship. We see from their conversation that ship is filled with Free City Noblemen captured on the Stepstones whose families have agreed to pay their ransom. The Lys inspector looks over the manifest - is dubious - but agrees. We then see Baratheon men-at-arms start herding out filthy foreign men in stricken armor and ragged clothes, some of them wounded.
Then, as more men are being led out, we follow a figure in a weathered and tattered hooded cloak from behind as he paces across the deck toward the captives and men-at-arms. We see that on his back is a pack of supple brown leather. Attached to the side of the pack is a long sword with a hilt design that resembles the High Tower of Old Town with it's flame. And attached to the pack's clap is a dented and scared - extremely battle tested - wooden shield with the black dots and burnt orange field of the sigil of House Cole.
The mysterious hooded figure paces to one of the Baratheon sergeants and places some gold dragons in his hand. The sergeant looks up at the mysterious figure and simply nods - turning around. When he does, a long haired and slender looking man - very attractive - is stopped in the line of captives when the hooded figure places a padded fingerless gauntlet hand on his shoulder. The man looks aside and then sighs knowingly.
Cut to another show plot.
We return to see the hooded knight and the Lys captive walking down the crowded streets. We hear them talking. We learn that the Knight was one of Lord Corlys Velaryon's crew and that he had saved Lord Corlys when he got his throat slashed and fell into the sea during the battle in which the Knight captured the Lys corsair. After Lord Velaryon's wounding, the knight - rather than return to Driftmark with the crew - parted ways with the wounded Sea Snake fore he had "other business" to attend to in Lys.
The captive admonishes the hooded figure that with the wealth he already collected from captured corsair treasure from the battles on the Stepstones, that he could buy Pentos. To which the knight agrees - he sure could ... if he wanted too. To this, the captive is frustrated. Denouncing that the knight is crazy, that no one - no one - would dare what he plans to do. That not with all the riches of Old Town, Lannisport, and Driftmark could he 'buy" what he was here to take by force. But the knight says cheerily and confidently that if that's the case then they'll have the element of surprise, won't they?
Around them some people stop in their tracks as in the distance we hear just the faintest sound of ... a dragon roar.
Cut to another plot in the show.
We now return to a giant, multi-story, brothel at the heart of Lys. The captive smiles, tells the Knight to take a deep whiff. The hooded figure tells him that it smells like infected fish ... to which the captive agrees ... saying fondly that it smells like home.
We learn that the captive is a former pillow slave and turned famed male courtesan. But that the wife of his lover - one of the richest men in Pentos - got jealous and had him kidnapped and sold to pirates who raped and abused him. In hindsight Lord Velaryon and the hooded knight actually did the man a favor by killing the corsair captain and capturing him on the Stepstones.
The knight - clearly disturbed by the story - shrugs the captive's hand off his shoulder and tells him not to mention it ... 'ever'. But the captive only smirks as they enter the pleasure house. When they get in, the Captive starts getting chatty with the girls - and a few of the boys - while the knight walks up to the manager and hands her a note. The woman reads it, looks up at him, and then at the captive.
'Follow me ...' She says.
We hold on a shot of the captive walking two fingers down an older woman's cleavage when a gloved hand grabs him by the back of his armor and drags him away as he makes frustrated sobs, complaining that the last six months he's only got one end stuck by the pirates, and he'd like to be the one sticking for once.
cut to another plot point in the show.
We return to a sumptuous and palatial room made of silks and gold. Incense is being wafted while the chamber is hung with erotic art - even a tapestry just like the ones that used to hang in Alicent's bedroom. That tapestry in particular is the one the hooded knight is staring at when the door opens.
We focus on a beautiful and richly dressed older woman - her skin fair, her hair dark, and her eyes cat like in observation. This is Johanna Swann - "The Black Swan". The captive Lady Swann whose uncle refused to pay her ransom during the first Stepstone war and was sold as a sex slave. Now she runs the largest brothel in Lys, with powerful friends throughout Essos.
We learn that Johanna has paid the ransom of the captive cause she wants to entice him to work for her as a high end male escort. The knight immediately responses 'I'm no slave trader'. To which Johanna responds that the captive will be well paid for his services ... as will the knight - Johanna 'thoughtlessly' bares a shoulder. The knight is unmoved by it.
'I'm no one's whore' He responds coldly and righteously.
To this Johanna smiles and says that she's heard and that his price for the delivery of her 'prized cock' is steeper than even he is worth. But that she can't help him.
What he wants is impossible.
We learn that the Knight has come to rescue a woman. A Lady Aelyssa Dayne - wife of Lord Dustin of the North. She had been traveling home from Starfall when she was waylaid by corsairs from the Stepstones. She had been kidnapped and sold as a sex slave in Lys. She was now the favored concubine of Harla Houta - one of the most powerful underworld figures in Lys. Once the daughter of Harlen Houta she took over her father's criminal organization 30 years ago. Then there had been six families of the Lysene underworld, now there are two due to the ruthlessness of the "Old Hog" herself.
The Black Swan has considerable power and influence in Lys, but not enough to openly slight "The Old Hog". There wasn't enough money in the world to entice her to do so ... especially not at the behest of a "Hedge Knight", even one as skilled as he was. Her advise was to take what she offers him and leave Lady Dustin to her bed of silks and gilded chains that clasp to the old woman's headboard.
To this, the knight wordlessly removes his boot to the confusion of the captive and the amusement of Johanna. He turns over the other end of till something drops out and into his hand. Then, after putting his boot back on, he hands the item to The Black Swan.
She smirks and takes it, studying it. At first she sighs in disinterest - she's seen more opulent jewelry. But slowly, the woman grows more serious, giving a double take at the ring in her hand ... at the marking of it. With wider eyes she slowly looks up at the hooded figure.
It is then that he slowly draws down his hood and we see the face of the knight. He has grown out and tussled copper hair that is perfectly styled - in likeness to Criston Cole's own when he was younger. The youth is unmistakably the near spitting image to Queen Alicent Hightower of the Seven Kingdoms. And if his look did not give him away than Queen Alicent's ring with her own personal sigil would've done the trick.
We are introduced to Prince Daeron Targaryen, youngest child of the late King Viserys and Dowager Queen Alicent.
'On second thought, I might have a few ... suggestions, My Prince.' The Black Swan smiles conspiratorially clenching up the ring in a fist and tilting her head.
Cut to another plot point in the show.
We return to a steaming Lysene bathhouse where shirtless Unsullied guards in golden pointed helmets and silk pantaloons stands guard of a grizzled and fat old woman that is relaxing and lounging in the water. She has an eye patch and three scars across her other eye. Beside her an older man - younger than her - is having sex with a woman wearing a collar similar to the ones worn in Slaver's Bay.
The uneven rhythm and splashing causes the old woman to remove a warm cloth from her good eye and yell at her 'good for nothing' son next to her. Angrily she lectures him on how he's supposed to fuck a woman - must she teach him even that?! Then, after explaining it to him, she grabs a naked woman off screen by the arm and tells her to 'come here, let's show them.'
The woman is pale and dark haired, in her mid-30's to early 40's, beautiful, and completely removed from reality. Her gaze is distant and her actions dreamlike. The old woman aggressively forces the younger against the wall of the tub, getting behind her while grasping her shoulder. But then an unsullied guard announces the arrival of "The Black Swan"
Johanna sweeps into the bathing room in a silk robe. She is followed by the captive in a loin cloth, and finally by Daeron in worn green doublet, patched black trousers, and supple black boots that are falling apart. At his side is the same long sword with Hightower design on the pommel. Immediately Daeron notices the dark haired woman who glances up at him - a spark of recognition from both of them as from Westros.
The Black Swan asks if she might join them, immediately disrobing to the awe of both mother and son, then, gently she removes the former captive's loin cloth and they walk into the water together. Daeron remains standing, staring at the unsullied who are measuring him up as well.
Johanna and "The Old Hog" discuss business, how the perpetual war for the Stepstones was making the smiths and ship builders rich, while the merchants couldn't give away their stores. However the slave market has never been better. To this - in a subtle que - the Black Swan asks who the 'lovely one' is, motioning to the dark haired beauty. To this Houta grabs Lady Dustin by the ass and replies that it was some "Westrosi bitch" that tastes like a noble and cost her a king's ransom ...
And if that "Hedge Knight" doesn't stop staring at her, she's gonna gouge his eyes out.
Immediately, Daeron places his hand on his sword and the Unsullied grip their spears. But Johanna only laughs, saying that he's no Hedge Knight ... at least not anymore. Now, he's a rich man, absurdly rich - with connections in Westros - and he was in the market to do business. Then, sliding closer - breasts on full display to entice the room - Johanna asks coyly, what if she told Houta that the "Hedge Knight" had the ability to give her shipments to Dunskendale and Lannisport the royal seal of approval to get past Velaryon patrols?
The old woman's eye nearly bulges out of it's socket as she looks up at the ragged and battle worn handsome youth who was glaring at her. The old woman asks off guard what he wanted in return. To this both Daeron and Johanna glance at the dark haired woman. For the first time in years, just the spark of hope flashes in the noble woman's eyes. To this, the Old Hog snarls and pulls the woman against her possessively.
'Do you know what it cost me to get Westerosi cunt? Do you know how rare it is? Now imagine how rarer it is to get Noble Westerosi Cunt!'
'Yes, I believe I do.' Johanna responds unironically - darkly.
'He's a knight of the Seven Kingdoms - wearing the Queen's Green - let him go buy his own Great Lady with his stores of gold.' she dismisses him.
'He'll make it worth your wile ...' Johanna responds.
It was then that with a flicking toss, the youth threw her Alicent's ring.
The old woman - showing dangerous fast reflexes - caught it with one hand. She studies it a moment with her one good eye. Before her mistress has said a word, a look of shock and wonder came over the dark haired sex slave who gazed at the youth who was staring at her. But their shared moment is cut off by an obnoxious and fake laughter from the old woman while she hands her fat son the ring.
With mockery did she behold the young dragon.
'Well, well, well, if it isn't Ser Daeron Targaryen ... Hero of the Stepstones, Champion of Old Town ... and Prince of the High Tower.' She jests in mockery. 'The queen's favorite little secret.' she laughs. 'My darling girl-toy ..." She pulls the dark haired woman close as if about to tell her a joke - the funniest she knows. 'Did you ever hear the one about the Prince of the High Tower?' she asked pointing at the angering young man.
'Did you ever hear about the Targaryen without silver hair? How when Lucerys Velaryon was born - with dark hair and dark eyes - how Princess Rhaeynra, in a blind panic of revelations of her own behavior, accused her bother Daeron of being a bastard?' She laughed cruelly, pulling the naked slave girl against her. 'It's true!' she nodded. "She accused Queen Alicent of stealing nights with one of the Kingsguard ... but-she-never-said-who!" The malice in her voice was dripping with hate.
'Princess Rhaenyra was so vehement, so public, in her accusations of the queen, and to King VIserys in private ... that the King began to eye, even begrudge, his youngest boy. Began to believe what his daughter was swearing to him. For you see, your knight in shinning armor, my poor delicious confection, had a dragon egg that never hatched. Dark hair, a carbon copy of the queen, no Targaryen traits whatsoever ... and no dragon. What was his grace supposed to think?' She egged on.
'So, one day, when the king was at council, a small boy steals into his father's room. He takes his toy knights and starts playing with them on the model the king was sculpting. When the king returned, he saw the boy had unintentionally broke a model dragon. Immediately, in anger - perhaps in resentment - perhaps believing that this was prophetic - that he was no dragon ... but the breaker of them - the king slaps the boy across the face. Ah, but he doesn't land another blow. Fore you see, on duty that day was Ser Criston Cole - the handsome and famed knight of the Kingsguard ... the queen's sworn protector. It is his hand that catches the King's from giving a follow up, his eyes that look wrathfully into the old man's daring him to strike that boy - his boy? - again ...' the old woman trails off as the entire room stares at the young prince.
'That next week, the Queen and Prince Aemond accompany the boy to Old Town. And they say that in bitter tears did Queen Alicent leave the youngest prince behind with his grandfather - the old Hand. That after that day she was never the same, that she swore to hate the Princess Rhaenyra forever, to never let her rest for taking away her beloved little baby. And ever since, all of Westeros wonders, questions ... is there really a prince in the High Tower of Old Town? Or is he just one more secret of the realm hidden in within its vaults?' she snarles hatefully, gleeful in her ill-intent.
'Think nothing of it, my delicious cake ...' She tilted the beauty's head up to look at her with a finger to her chin. 'You have all the comforts of a queen, everything that befits your status. Silks for your gowns, oils and creams to be lathered over your yummy body, and pleasures you never dreamed of in my bed ...' Her eye fell on the dark look of Daeron.
'Don't worry, my love ...' she assured her bed slave. 'I'll protect you from the bastard who comes to steal you away to a life of poverty and mockery.' She stroked her hair lovingly.
Then, snatching Alicent's ring from her son's slave girl, the old woman disrespectfully throws it back at Daeron who catches it with one hand.
'Go back to your pious and self-righteous mother, cur! Maybe - with her tight green frocks and repressed sinful nature - Queen Alicent will rapturously give up her plump royal arse to you, now that Viserys is dead and Ser Criston Cole - I mean your father - has higher ambitions these days.' she mocked.
The ring of steel echoed as from Daeron's side there was drawn a smokey glitter of Valyrian steel from "Vigilance" House Hightower's ancestral blade. With a snap and plant the Unsullied guards get into defensive postures, their tall spears resting on their gilded buckler shields.
'Enough!' The Black Swan glides across the bath, pointing to the young knight. 'There will be no bloodshed here, mark my words!' the veil dropped and the hateful and deadly rivalry was shown between the two women vying for ultimate power in Lys.
'Nor is there a need for it ...' the Old Hog sighed. 'The Prince of the High Tower can see himself out.' She makes a dismissive shooing motion with her fingers. 'Unless ...' she slowly slid her hand down the belly of the dark haired beauty, reaching to touch her between her legs. There is helpless resignation in the former Lady Dustin's eyes as she retreats into herself again.
'You'd like to stay and watch ...'
With the sound of sheathing steel, Daeron turns and storms away. In the background the Unsullied return to resting position as a booming and cruel cackle follows him down the hall.
However, in the same shot, from around his neck, we see a pearly ornate whistle like ancient instrument in the shape of a dragon that he pulls out from under shirt and doublet. Daeron takes it in hand and blows into it - making no sound. The shot ends with the door to the bathing room shutting with a loud clank.
We cut to an overhead shot of the Free City of Lys by night ... however, as we pan over it, we see a forming shadow across the rooftops of a dragon in flight.
Cut to Credits with the sound of Tessarion's answering call to the ancient Valyrian whistle.
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garak · 1 year
i should post more about my ocs but i only really think about them in like stupid situations. black rider & beau in my mind is like golden age comic or looney tunes show where everything resets at the end of each episode and every time they ride into a new town get into a new crazy situation resolve it someone dies and they ride off into the sunset again. br & beau have some points of history obviously since there was a time before black rider was black rider and a time when beau had no relation to him as well as of course an event that brought them together, and while in classic comics/no continuity fashion the circumstances and outcomes of those events might change to fit one particular story or another, there are still established things... br's "powers" (if any he has at all) and capabilities change to fit the situation and follow cartoon logic but beau & thing's are both more or less set in stone. please imagine them getting into minecart chases and having to paint a fence in the hot sun after messing it up or having to herd cattle they accidentally released on a town while doing sharpshooting tricks. and most of all imagine a masked villain in the style of billy the kid shooting at them while they hide behind explosive barrels while beau tries to reload his colt model '72 open top
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carnation-damnation · 2 years
SA2 Knuckles Raps
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the-delta-42 · 3 months
Between Reunions 3
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Between Reunions 3
“Are you nervous?” Asked Clementine, as she and Eleanor helped Kate into her dress.
“Clem, I’ve been married before.” Responded Kate, getting a snort from Clementine.
“Yeah, to a dick.” Snorted Clementine, getting a disapproving look from Eleanor.
“Clementine.” Chastised Eleanor, getting an eye roll from Clementine.
“What?” Asked Clementine, “It’s not like you’re disagreeing with me.”
“It might be true, but it might be an idea to not speak ill of the dead.” Said Eleanor, getting another snort from Clementine.
“Do you think that’s why they suddenly got up and started walking?” Huffed Clementine, starting to laugh, “Someone’s grandson said they were a dick and they took it personally?”
Clementine continued to laugh, with Eleanor and Kate joining her.
“I’m still amazed you managed to get this thing running.” Said Gabe, as Gill adjusted the video camera.
“It just needed new batteries.”
“Huh.” Gabe looked over at Javi, who was fidgeting with the black jacket he’d found.
“Did your Dad fidget this much when he married Kate?” Asked Gill, glancing at Gabe.
“I can’t remember,” Answered Gabe, frowning, “I was a little kid at the time, and Mariana was asking where mom went.”
“That sucks.” Said Gill, getting a wince from Gabe.
“That’s my biggest fear,” Confessed Gabe, “having kids and then getting myself killed. I’m afraid of Clementine having to explain to them why I’m not coming back.”
Gill glanced at Gabe, “Your dad never addressed it, did he?”
“Not out loud.” Answered Gabe, “He took her pictures down, he put her things into storage. When I asked, he just said she wasn’t coming back.” Gabe swallowed, “I suppose, his reaction made it worse, he just, shut off. Part of me thinks he only remarried so Mariana and I had someone to call mom.”
“Guys,” Everyone looked towards the doors, Gabe felt his heart flutter at the sight of Clementine in a dress, “Kate’s almost here.”
Violet sighed as she trudged towards the fishing shed, Tenn trailed behind her. She looked around, trying to find a weird walker that Willy had spotted a few months ago. Normally she wouldn’t bother, but Willy had mention it was walking normally when he last saw it.
“Do you think Clementine and AJ lived?” Asked Tenn, getting Violet’s attention.
“I hope so, but they probably didn’t.” Answered Violet, as they heard someone coming up behind them.
“What’s going on?” Asked Louis, frowning at them.
“We’re talking.” Said Violet, “It’s what we do to pass the time.”
Louis huffed, before looking around, “Do you think Willy was making up the Walker story?”
“Could’ve been,” Shrugged Violet, “He probably got bored. What are you doing out here?”
“Walking.” Louis avoided answering.
“That’s stupid.” Retorted Violet, as Brody appeared.
“They’re not caught in any traps, maybe they wander into a herd.” Brody froze when she saw Tenn and Violet, “Oh, I didn’t see you there.”
“Who’s they?” Demanded Violet, as Tenn looked around.
Brody nervously glanced at Louis, before answering, “Clementine and AJ.”
Violet felt a burst of anger, “What?”
“We, we thought it’d be nice if they,” Brody swallowed, “if they were laid to rest.”
Violet took a step towards them, her face like thunder, before a gunshot sent her to the ground. A man stepped out of the bushes, pointing a gun at them. Louis grabbed Violet’s bow, freezing when the man aimed at him.
“Y-your supplies.” Rushed the man, his hand shaking, “Now.”
“We don’t hav-” Louis was sent backwards, as a bullet hit him in the shoulder.
“Don’t lie!” Shrieked the man, as Violet groaned and moved.
“Wha-” Violet rolled over, revealing her left eye completely destroyed.
“Your supplies,” his hand continued to shake as he aimed at Violet, “or she dies.”
The group of four didn’t move, as a Walker stumbled up behind the man, and buried its teeth into the back of his neck. Brody quickly grabbed chairles and bashed the Walker’s head in. Looking at Louis and Violet, she quickly pulled them up.
“We need to get home,” Said Brody, as Tenn supported Louis, “now.”
Clementine pushed a bucket towards Kate, not looking up from her book.
“Thanks.” Said Kate, her head still in the bucket.
“As long as you’re not throwing up on me, don’t mention it.” Responded Clementine, stretching her remaining leg out.
“How’re things holding up?”
“Well,” Clementine looked up from her book, “Conrad’s still a bit pissed about that fire we had a couple weeks back, Eleanor and Lingard are arguing over the filing system and Gabe’s being really vague about something.”
Kate was silent, making Clementine worry the woman had died. Kate suddenly retching told her that the woman was, in fact, still alive.
“Sounds like a hectic week.” Joked Kate, as Eleanor appeared at the door.
“Clem, you’ve been freed to go.” Said the medic, with Clementine getting up and leaving the room at an almost comical speed.
Kate blearily looked up from her bucket and stared at the door, “What had her in a hurry?”
“Clem, I need you to go with Bonnie.” Said Javi, as Clementine drew close to the group.
Clementine froze, before looking at Javi, “Why?”
“Gill’s seen a walker herd close to the settlement,” Said Javi, “he thinks a whisperer’s leading them.”
“And you need me to tell you if it’s James or not.” Finished Clementine, before looking around, “Right, can you tell Gabe I’ll be a bit late?”
Javi nodded, as Clementine jerked her head towards the gates and set off, with Bonnie trailing after her.
“Right,” Said Bonnie, after they were a few yards from New Richmond, “So, how’re you?”
“Er, how’s AJ?”
“Look, Clem,” Bonnie stopped, “I know we didn’t part of the best terms-”
“You left me to die after allowing Arvo to shoot me.” Snapped Clementine, glaring at Bonnie, “You claimed to thinking about AJ, but you left him behind with Kenny. That’s not even starting-”
A crunched made Clementine stop yelling, she cursed herself, before turning and looking at the Walker. The two stared at each other, before they stumbled forwards. Frowning, Clementine swung her prosthetic leg up and kicked the Walker between the legs. Letting out a sputtering groan, James fell to his knees.
“Really?” He whined, trying not to curl into a ball.
“A normal person would’ve said ‘hello’.” Said Clementine, as James struggled to his feet.
Pulling the mask off, James glared at Clementine, “Y’know, you could be a bit more grateful for me leading those herds away.”
Clementine sighed through her nose, “Right, sorry. How many are there?”
“None, currently.” Answered James, as Clementine looked behind him, “There’s a couple that are part of a tree, but it’s otherwise clear.”
Clementine nodded, before jerking her head towards New Richmond, “C’mon, I’ll see if I can convince Javí to give you some food.”
James hummed, as Clementine turned away from him.
“Delta’s moved on from that school, by the way.” Said James, “I heard it was something to do with Negan’s group.”
Clementine stopped, frowning, “The Saviors haven’t been a threat for several months now.”
“Maybe there’s something no one knows about.” Suggested James, side stepping Bonnie, “How’s the kid?”
“AJ?” Clementine glanced back at him, “He’s doing great.”
AJ brought the baseball bat down on the Walker’s head, the knife he’s taped to it becoming stuck in the walking corpse.
“Dude!” Yelled someone, AJ thought it was Jesus, “I think you got him!”
AJ rolled his eyes and gave the Walker one last blow, before walking away from it. The boy looked at the Walkers, and at the living. He saw Gabe stride past him and pull the knife out of the Walker’s head.
Nervously looking around, AJ approached Gabe, “Gabe?”
“Yeah?” Grunted Gabe, shoving the remains of a Walker off a spike.
“Can I go to a friend’s house tonight?”
Gabe froze, before looking at AJ, “You do realise that Clem has the final say in this, right?”
AJ nodded, “But if you’re okay with it, she might let me.”
Gabe sighed, “Okay, I’ll talk to Clem.” AJ smiled, “But, you’re gonna have to help me clear this shit.”
AJ hastily nodded, quickly grabbing a Walker’s severed arm.
“What d’ya think your mom’s doing?” Asked Bobby, a boy around AJ’s age.
“Clementine’s not my mom.” Frowned AJ, “I think she’s spending time with Gabe.”
“What do they do?” A couple feet away, Sophie and Becca shared uncomfortable looks, having a very good idea what the couple were doing.
“Don’t.” Whispered Sophie, as Becca bit her lip.
“I’m not going to.” Retorted Becca, as Gill dropped at bucket in the room.
“I’m gonna try and get Javi or Mike to soundproof Clementine’s house.” Groaned Gill, dropping into a seat across from the girls, “Or talk to Clementine about how loud she is when her and Gabe have sex.”
“What’s sex?”
The three late-teens/early adults all froze, before slowly twisting to look at the children.
“It’s, er,” Gill looked at Sophie and Becca, “um, well, it’s…Becca’ll tell you what it is.” Gill rushed out of the room, with Sophie quickly following after him.
Meanwhile, Clementine looked up as her head lied on Gabe’s chest.
“What’s on your mind?” Asked Gabe, making Clementine shift to look at him.
“A lot of things.” Clementine rested her chin on his collarbone, “Our current situation, Richmond’s alliances, the people we’ve lost. What things would’ve been like if none of this happened.”
“Going for the deep stuff, huh?” Smiled Gabe, hooking his arms around Clementine and trailing kisses down her neck. Clementine let out a giggle, before pulling Gabe up into a kiss.
Minerva did her best not to flinch as Negan slammed his bat into Sullene’s head. She caught sight of a guy with a crossbow glaring at Negan.
“Now that,” Negan laughed, “was ex-zil-la-rating!”
“What do you want?” Snarled Lilly, glaring up at them.
“You took three of our people.” Said a black woman, glaring down at them, “We want them back.”
“What makes you think they’re not dead?”
Negan hit Sullene again, sending her face first into the ground.
“If they dead,” A man crouched down in front of Lilly, “then we’re gonna turn around and pretend we can’t hear Negan bashing your skulls in.”
“Richmond.” Burst someone to Minerva’s left, “We sent them to fight the New Frontier.”
“Well,” Said the man in front of Lilly, “let’s hope they’re alive.”
Clementine led Paul to their prison area, “They did seem weird, given how they just walked up to us.” Clementine pushed a door open and held it open for Paul, “What are their names again?”
“Carl, Enid, Judith,” Jesus pulled a list from his pocket, “Henry, Joel, Adam, Paul, Cotton, Ida, Joe and Rob.”
Clementine gave Jesus a confused look, “Someone named their kid ‘Cotton-Eyed Joe’?”
“No, those are three different people.” Clarified Jesus, as they entered the cells.
Clementine stopped in front of a cell, looking at the young man sitting on the bed, “This one of them?”
Carl looked up, glaring at the woman, before he spotted Jesus.
“Yeah,” Nodded Paul, “Thanks, Clem.”
“Where’s my sister?” Demanded Carl, as Clementine opened his cell door.
“With the other kids.” Answered Clementine, “We’re not keeping toddlers down here.” She looked at Jesus, “How many were on that list?”
Clementine stopped and looked at them, “We only captured seven people.”
“This,” Rick looked at Jesus, “Is Richmond?”
“Yep.” Jesus walked up to the gate and knocked on it. As if practiced, a prosthetic leg fell and hit Jesus on the head.
The gate opened and a young woman in jeans and flannel hopped up to Jesus and picked up her leg, “You here to pick your kids up?”
Rick stared at her, noting she was younger than Carl was, but acted like someone his age, “Yeah…do I know you?”
The woman shrugged, holding her hand out, “Clementine.”
Rick shook her hand, “Rick, these are Daryl and Michonne.” He pointed to each of them.
Clementine nodded, as she led them in, “We’ve put Judith and Joel in a couple of classes. It’s actually refreshing, seeing another kid who knows how to deal with Walkers.”
Rick and Michonne shared a look, before looking ahead, he spotted Carl frowning at a pond.
“You okay, Patch?” Asked Clementine, getting Carl’s attention.
“Where’d you get the fish?”
Clementine looked down at the pond, “I…don’t know.”
A crashing sound produced a groan from Clementine, before she turned and walked away from them.
“Carl,” Said Rick, quietly, “what do you know about these people?”
“They seem good,” Answered Carl, matching Rick’s tone, “they could’ve killed us, but they didn’t and their cells are pretty spacious.”
“What about Judith?” Asked Michonne, glancing at Clementine’s retreating back.
“She’s gotten into a couple of fights, namely with some kid called AJ.” Responded Carl, “He said her hair should be short.”
Rick frowned, before looking around, “I’m going to call the others, try and figure what we’ll do next.”
“Is that a pig?” Asked Daryl, nodding towards a strange creature crawling around.
A man with a metal baseball bat, who’d been walking up to them, heard Daryl and followed his gaze. He grabbed the pick and frowned at it, pulling a radio from his belt, “We’ve got a partly devoured pig.”
“Shit.” Came a woman’s voice over the radio, “We’ll look for it.”
“I’m going to need someone to help me with the pig.” Continued the man, “I don’t think bashing its brains out in front of guests would give the best impression.”
“Patch, I mean Carl,” Came Clementine’s voice, “has a spare revolver. I’m sure he’d happily shoot the pig.”
Clementine poked her head around a corner. She let out a two-tone whistle, before hurrying away. A crossbow bolt pierced the walker’s eye, as Clementine drove her knife through the temple of another. Clementine looked over at the people she was with, they’d come from a settlement called Alexandria, Daryl and Abraham were retrieving arrows and wiping walker guts and gunk off the weapons they brought with them.
“This area was supposed to walker free weeks ago.” Grumbled Clementine, kicking a Walkers corpse.
“Then why wasn’t it?” Asked Daryl, getting a sideways look from Clementine.
“The Delta’s been kicking up lately,” Said Sophie, returning with Gabe and Michonne, “they tried to ram a truck into Richmond’s gates. We were lucky they couldn’t get up the hill.”
Daryl frowned, before looking at Michonne.
“What’s all this going to be?” Asked Michonne, gesturing around them.
“Once we get the walls up, it’s going to be a residential area,” Responded Gabe, looking around for any stray walkers, “we’ve got new arrivals sleeping rough, and the sooner we get this cleared, the better.”
The group looked around, as Clementine pulled a sheet from her pocket, “Right,” She grabbed a walkie from her belt, “Javi, we’re,” she looked around, “by a salvage yard, about a mile from the latest clear sight. Mike and the others are gonna have to come down and set the walls up, we’re going to tackle the rest of the walkers once that’s done.”
“Right,” Said Javi, “Becca and her group have reported the same thing, we’re gonna send Bonnie, since her group’s free.”
Clementine held back her groan, “Fine, as long as she doesn’t do anything stupid.”
“She won’t.”
“I’m going to hold you to that.”
A low whistle drew their attention, making Clementine scowl at Negan. The man spun a bat in his hands, before gesturing to a walker, “Tell me he doesn’t look familiar.”
Clementine looked at the Walker, her stomach dropping, “Is, is that Bob Ross?”
“How the hell do you know who that is?” Asked Daryl, giving Clementine a sideways look.
“He was on TV when I was a kid.” Answered Clementine, a small smile forming, “He’s the reason my parent’s bedroom wall turned into a mural of pink paint.”
The Bob Ross Walker growled up at them.
“So,” Clementine looked around, “who wants to make a painting with his brains?”
“…That’s dark, Clem.” Said Gabe, after a moment.
Clementine stretched, AJ had spent the night with his friends again, so she and Gabe had the entire night to themselves. She smiled when she felt Gabe’s arms wrap around her.
“Part of me want AJ to stay out a bit longer.” Murmured Gabe, getting a happy sigh from Clementine.
“Yeah,” She murmured, “but, he needs to wash and change.”
“Thank god for the solar panel, huh.” Smirked Gabe, pulling Clementine’s back to his chest.
“Yeah.” Clementine sighed, “Come on, we need to get dressed.”
Gabe was silent, before making a split-second decision, “Hey, Clem?”
“Will you marry me?”
1 note · View note
leopoldainter · 5 months
Fuck blair
For a second
She has it
You hot
Das Jo's esweat
We don't all liw
Van dam d dm
It'd have been fine
Say it's frees
My cat doesn't drive
Our cat
Want bam tahb me
I can smell we can just sneak off
I gave a x
Go for the keys go build it to a nother
Maybe we can get one out at the same a time as delatadha hoe sur yoy ant fo theohg
Customary of the season. Participants remove untypucql clothes after the day
A mask, four the face, not clothes or costumw
The coat, um price drops in tge scele Ranger ferme I Kan make
Yeah a ba da ba du
We can just stope when's the day they said the guys fben dead twoo weeks people looking for his body what ia that
They are pera
Superstitious they toss sall to all ten tochaxrel
I qqun re
Remember when I built that lne
They send to me a movie
And eventually someone bought it too
A mystery adventur
Arip to stolelt all of it.
SMOKE deIrawq war stopped it's to cracks and crickets temperatures de ciqa... they're wrapping the square in playth
It's a bug, you aren't a loce with eyes
You eyes may not be as good as mine.
I cam see to tem to tic
I'd remove tickets inder foe lawyer laser dsix or l d.lcs
Clouds drop down.
Ita value duelampal a la an tir
A cauation
Thunk about it first.
I am a little ugly yes
But gown how did yoy
It's one they let ou in.
They do that
Then thena back ...*typical sumsim*delay nine sun
I pretty much
I paint
I stat
What if no one on the other line whe. Dar
I don't know who could be that cool to the first I hate gate yoh wir
Nor fw roof top. So
No no it's all slant
, I brought toboggan and a bunch of crazier carpets ohhh wow she
She's shivering it's colde and funny
After a whirl yoy get the gait und hare ret.
I r ral br
And she has some mirror
She s like lyel bytime a shirts detailing.p thing and nose button.
Take some so
I guck they did fins tog one od the aslwulr form when they were like this this is it guys.
I know
I k x there. Hey
It's actually a hole kindle bilba daye kts gori fimi
Watch out fro the fish
People enptitnf cqnds of tune ao my guts killed sher
I thought hey care
Those are carebare tho perp the ti
A t tal Talia the other o e we butklr in th diabambd
Safety pi s toilet it's emptying fir plur quiver nucel
Some oeople ha e dead pr
Por tuna Django cell
I .ama someone pn twit er Finala odray Dorset I have need a r eplacement
Asuum sempl resemblance they don't know he dis jut the make up kit to eh and the Copa get the wallaet
It's all here
To kill a mocking
Where'd tbe qti let me cou t t ways once tou turn A little to the Britannia and it's auto up Bdll nice booby trap
He don't like books
And h canot just a booby trap
You got i ti shit after eating
Let me to you tools
Line by line some vinea
A grusfs di cuff from smoking up my own kids
I brought I
I herd the wood took
From home
I'll take credit where credits due
S so somehwr I donr know it's not 4&fuvking law but do
Na mes, it upset s the cows.
Then the cows upheld the milk tuk deu le mo Nogolia
Quick atarck
Ams to tus an
Just normal
That doesn't seem strange
Thwt had more than the one horse
And bow
Leaps and bounds and de tiajndba Naple
Vqnd soee
Sorento suite som ideas
Vast ly impartial desriek any bels
Hey ita a gaтщ
But probable somes one
It's the project deProhet
Yes the saints said stolen from the brix
Rwpai when hama
O I assume you read greek
To the inner caze dwapl plink
Well that was grad 12
Go cross back to hotel we will be staunf on the bust for a whole then did I say we have diaco ooo
Dor open, try the music all areas
Sung o
All goes down.
I have not brought them.
I got kicked off the palbe
Where's he on the bust from stfx. Ohno shit it's wrird
Vatican is popular
Two bus trick
In greeze
We go back
It's a how about a ferris wheel ok the beech
I think we know what they think worm wood is
Oh i think it's monster. The soda
Or just tiangrin
Oea rpek
I'm kot sure if that's her medicine or hwe lie. I like the earl gray
I don't hink to me you protein affecta
Sole paa cheiae
Some craitsts well together
But the carbon washable and make up to
I may have preterens to be a Pam for a fony yourube
When I was adolece Pam's got feBoobs
A dan ger will Robinson sit dwon
It's. Ile. Mike
I can not blue with my own eye
But they salavatung and de lageue
A lower loud gall all don
U know and now nobodit was poiaonw
Theis were by far my best swima
I suppose I'll join the gin crows
We re oltolerant
O for fuck sakes then give me a gun
Happy hour
Ppot For
Hum didis spl paea
FrinOnt&paRaiteo&lobOcciputql stwp
A wrid red if braindelat yoy have to haven them remove a chunk or daughter most people pass our matrix agent jiggle
I jno
FronParQiTage occ
Temporal love let me count the carcases
On one's hole up garage doors full pree a d no problem here
I one butler stats I hs really listened to Brite ey why would livenup a number if I could just dance
JesrEaf UK u
Debra dont keit decreased debra gto a. N ha
Awesome. But now star.. she hurt u. I not me.
Why's she hud
She is hidisunf her dla
Milohouas is in the boar
To not crying or head
Why nor so fo pound
Go down nythe head bead the .ercu
We saw then jal ep says I s ee the statue of liberty. O very semap a cour
Yea jack
Hom ow was associated
He is home lesse
They lost
It was luck
Try it
No wr for the other side
One do u
We donr like you are
I'm elaine
We now
Not so chinese now
This is plugged into my wall sepa
Separate knowb
How'd he know.
It sounds luck his life is where's.
I know
I ve usd cicadas, you still have a bit of time when
When what
They fly away
They take the knife with thwm
Wht don't you ever see the knife
Canada isn't hey hands safe away
No shit.
Welcome to chune flu I seawall a bug can I got
Jerry that was my phone
But the one there did happen to be for me. I thinking I had sex with her
She's backA?
Hey baby I love you
It's rhe fence behind here
Judgement day
Laetitia you have come to lay to the maybe only most dangerous star of all time I child.
Can not uncl
I cam squanch
I think lily thinks gay is a culture
I thought it would help of she saw more different people
Or more silly or difficult these spoons are not helpful
Does she think we re breaking up with her
She wants to be lik you
I think she said I love.
To her fajita televisi da des
She grows up
To be fine
All Haley is koZailla
I'm fuku yu
More likedump
Sump pump
Rhen defollow us
Is your bedroom
A mom
I know it's not I took it from. The closest someone took out cerulean city gym no shit innertdecu of fountain cube, careful some naughty srd eating from the fountain
YeAh they spit the snewas somedont comply excuse me thelines it's so much like the other one without no bsnr yelpuy duhrsnot Eni nut the say but you have a cool job
Clse vu
All sewing kit yeah
Just s o you know I shyntb thstbgdfc because I pee sitting
Ok but to lille she'd lil where?
She so is not salu to ming
So ... she's napping she awesomely ee stray to tein its gin for pandir pando measures
How could oilie oohuoo now lily
Rob dejskanter hot horse term effort less
And sone pla e to say hey baby that monster really likes eating hptse
What yoh can
Maybe we we go all the way up qbcris no, the qc isn't in her nit.
Ok gbo
Shet eepl some elevator nowirk hey. I know you ita pong
And cnn also does takedown okay lots blamo hell. Blame.
Hey saw nothing yeahebe sat hij before jurk
All of a sudden, whnor print all my friends dayez there dp or gave
It socalled itthere gra es.
Grave expression
It's static though I didlnlc my own third degree that dat. They rwe rushing sjr mo I ca fra.e straight theret to de poling heus moral less alone to oro ise more without anyinutporte to my off screen amSzjv blue Ballon lol spa gng
Without the nipple whynotstop
Is Cynthia Nixon e just soprsszi f
I feel like it was it'd to sayu have your power out
Like the lights are off
Even the hospita
Don't cone
Dium bubb else
I think I.Ds some ppi
Jj avra
RiJ da
Cuz ykno rules
I have a stool, under my feet
Uc how short even a bar chair can feel.
Shut up, these people couldn't even get.. get the hell outbov
Uniting some tibe
Not now
So much schleam
Kennedy an hour on the business line lift it or rerin
How do they do the clip shot
I have jus
Not bad
Ok but now the stars aren't even about
No, a recall by me
Boo bibu
And let me count the pool flips Riot!
No can we kill you surestamos
Its all butlertron
EatreRubbrrgo lub yes elf
Rodeo lblv my xedelain. Let me hope your stress have had it better tha. The folks here's sunny sale
I big sna mayoe
- AVOLvunvologies. Giles or actually Anthony dies and sed.I see she killed him
He wasn't a vamp
Some people really do bad things, that was exercise.
At one point he said if I didn't tell people I was his twin
I said your fucking fifty my twin who would believe
People on the phone
Oh boy
Tgs let me funnel Goof rhyme
I'm so sorry father hefed to I first heRdRule as it has been Lin I am able to patch
I get paid for this don't tell who , brad
You no nw
Og but so hit hard.
I thought you knew, my bad
Where urnme ukis
Try it
Yu.pbgv. du du
Gundundimdididud maybe but probably noway
Hujo3yhhh yeaAh a for wants dis fly guy
It's free
Radio on
Ubwataatatarabut both can see da
The lime
Light I posted it
From someone.ewo too tu jaKabit
All trick super fuwar.
Dewe rn so fly he banquet dau
Wind on knife
Sun trust rsoapvpew pew
Ik so sorry if it usamued apromotion
It's customary
Along ge says but AZ they glay to glay
The flay do star
It's gotta
At least a one ar. By now, no
What did you think the angels for the tree was fortune to many Joe's joy hojokYby to when the took tge prok
Then your like maybe she want one
A tbo
To be long
She sang outloud
For some dineros
Do see its globoazuo
I ni
TripIfluew dek
Rap rico
A foe some readon only japanese Keyes please
Please we scoured the ladding tell us some more of these cats
I started hunting, like the unlicensed and snowkadoo
Drap gladly
A canoe for me
I felt like we'd tak a ship together
Oh so sweet it's Bern linongwabGa t a dat fence for just as long as the logs were burnt down in the basement and voila something to do, but to get this did its norms moms place not noe.s gym it's htluz moms hoes
Yea I swear this was celines place
This is a da geroysw place Judy
Ah way look fw ces fe cea
Ok what's inside
Yoy can't see a closed tennis court
Can't you.
Take me to da chopper p
Why is there a Porta john
People came, eventually yell and I realiE I could take a ashit right here no gobyhnlwY a way wY away a minute
A grench
Seco Dana
A. Opens a week a wait after labour laws, I chose the French track just so I would have that f
Double pay bak. Even truy another
It's Egyptian just take it.
Well uakir omen
Yeas and you read it over sees Korean trading video from oitnb
O now way
Because a track and toFlood a second-rate m
Sec Ordet aTaje.
Ugly m I. .
See s a rock skip cuz pretty sure co oc u donr I don't, k just get on what if the do shoot at .m
At us, I'm halfway up the stairs on bad hair cut ma ga you'll never hear the rnd
O cut fruit see.
That's sharp
That's age like cheddar
I so dont want you near my mouth like at all
I think I drove over a metro sexual wearing some thing a lill like you.
I literally was just cold pressed
What ever gets your fridge
Light, mi
Omg yes I will go with yes you are .
K just remember she
I want a discover in my hand so bad.
You two are like sisters.
Where to next
Some kind of shelter
He's good but it's just his dam bored.
Nuuuhuh I do not trust that pilot
What was he waiting for
Um no square...whas that to mu,h. No, it's coming back with the movie Denied
He is your grandson
So no fuel
V. V.dvk
All s well that ends well
Hi. I'm demeanor incarnate bak hurts a lot let's get , darker shall we
Siroanowke not even
The. I suppose holloweenr
The movie the show
That guy raped me, ir
Movie phone you bastars
I was un bae
Ubarbar yoy
4....you have a plug to hook Mein
I have that way with people let me affect the ladies
I've never not been avoid.
Well pot holes to potholes why not start to complain Boir those to
We have seen ykhame gulfsc impresa upon a you ma ga the steam descheleam ma ga
I'm just forl. Ii.
Had to fund a new
Just quik Westmont. Are use .O'Dell a flat layer Sauer glass over the de3
Yeah ok junk used for so. .me reason q picyr of a phone
I ko
Whe stol ca yn
Yeai head off wain now. N. Nnnn n Wen I doubt hits n goes in just glaze for wail brj a ji f up why ynor
Aca whysir
It's frontenac
Get lost.. cared.
If on flop glo ne Ed to check again. It's fine so just top adoing itm here Frontenac ureally looking so.mw ehwere says it on globe, slice of paper they keep burn ing or washing pied own it's paper Mach seemed reasonable her arm, broke bad bang but not your fault you signs teahell yes everyone's in on it
Ye blaze yesbthars costing gtons.
I have always loved upu
A manhujulq Gun she .
It I'd be Acton Akton, I have arrived the same as
So the used car salesman also town owner when your e me you know where the tdhdun cam from
But then do oh so not my kid.
These two. Corrected to fluesfh
We re not sure of her co duo but das not sleep. Anf again, I k ow age ago shark a came from. A cave. Torturn return a red had na due. Ands o it so no Supreme tididuh for me threse Meryl. Now I'm pisedd shouts fark bears on. Shes a gooder ready trust ne tizens relay
She seemed fine vack in prison whyas she got a push lieke that
Dotti font demands
Dotti I ca tes
Then drip it.
Well radio bok s down this to this guy
I'm barbie
Ok duf UK he tell get
He's not k iwnne waosj
Yo he got Traktor out to hrlanbqor
Dead people usually don't make it that far on there own grabs ac broom so you get he's dead he offers help duh I mean. Wouldn't the cars olwats ein
His history istoks o
Fuk he was shot
Uh.boey now see me holdin
Lete me count
Stai right 2weeks
Its its
A h
I just didn't believe him it's all figure out abul powder room don't get invited inside many houses but fuck Tina
If it's not Harry's place then duh it's fucking azjakaban
Bull liok
Ah haha left tet myberi freitintuironder your tet use less a hhgrey itaS mysprei
Se I like
To talk to
Waits Ford vrrrfym uh oh yeas ashow a sad scary yell co mere
Bud for delight of me
I stoll to Xocai Kiki adequate dendadam ok ddenddadym
I can hear you
Finds so.e polite do
That's politics for you
Muchoa grand die de la Dela dA
Oh italians do care oaboy ao
Yeah deduce.omni12 by now
Weere not the simpsons duesun cha Nelson.oh
Dam it's fox
I'm telling yu
Eyes we Arun in his on show
His joking he. Added
There some kind of c
It's a
An ac
Axe pendulu.m
You did not think to tell teins
What the hell do up
Make monet
New youeks
Expe sive
Oh fuck alolm
Inbound elA
To whoever sa Ed Martha's car tanks!
He smiled
I don't think they plan on getting ba k on the window
I saw a tube marble hame it was called ca e hunter
A sandra
What more could you have said.
There for.
You snel to bak vha.mbdr
All rught
No fuvking around d
Yeah and egew
Unter national train statikn
Where are the see us throwing
Throws her. Cat her rosary.
Ots off bake
Easy bake off.
1 note · View note
gameonoverdogcom · 9 months
0 notes
laresearchette · 1 year
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHAT IS NOT PREMIERING IN CANADA TONIGHT CELEBRITY JEOPARDY (ABC Feed tonight/Premiering on September 28 on CTV at 8:00pm)
DISNEY + STAR BIG CITY GREENS (Season 3) L-POP RAVEN’S HOME (Season 6) THE WORST OF EVIL (Season 1, three-episode premiere)
MEN’S RUGBY WORLD CUP (TSN5) 11:45am: Uruguay vs. Namibia
CURLING (TSN/TSN4) 2:00pm: PointsBet Invitational Curling: Women's Sweep 16 (TSN4) 7:00pm: PointsBet Invitational Curling: Men's Sweep 16
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 6:30pm: Sabres vs. Leafs (TSN5) 7:00pm: Sens vs. Habs (TSN3) 8:00pm: Flames vs. Jets (SN/SN360) 9:00pm: Canucks vs. Oilers
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 7:00pm: Yankees vs. Jays (SN Now) 9:30pm: Astros vs. Mariners
THE PASSIONATE EYE (CBC) 8:00pm: Inside the Shein Machine
FANTASTIC FRIENDS (CTV Life) 8:00pm (SEASON FINALE): James and Oliver travel to the magical land of Patagonia, Chile, with their Gryffindor housemate Matthew Lewis; the friends embark on a full day's trek to Base Las Torres; they join the Baqueanos for an Andean lesson in sheep herding.
BONES OF CROWS (CBC/APTN) 9:00pm: Aline reconnects with her sister, Perseverance, which resurfaces memories of a daring attempt to escape residential school - and its irrevocable consequences on all four Spears siblings.
SUNSHINE CITY (Out TV) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): A travelogue about a charming cottage country town begins to unravel when secrets about the show's host come to light.
I HAVE NOTHING (Crave) 9:00pm/9:30pm (SERIES PREMIERE): After years of dreaming, Carolyn finally begins her quest to choreograph a pairs figure skating program to Whitney Houston's 1992 hit, "I Have Nothing." In Episode Two, Carolyn gets a reality check from some Olympic medalists, but she finds her groove with a social media superstar.
MLS SOCCER (TSN) 9:30pm: Colorado vs. Vancouver
ROBYN HOOD (Global) 10:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): When Robyn Loxley's life is turned upside down by a police shooting, she turns to her friends, from underground rappers to daring outlaws, to save her mother's life from John Prince and the Sheriff
0 notes
thesafariquest · 1 year
5 incredible winter safaris across Karnataka
Come winter, the most obvious choice for a getaway is some place that is warm and cosy. While most head to the beach, this winter why not travel deep into the jungle? Winter being quieter months in the forest, your experience will surely be one to remember!
Winter is actually a great time to be in the forest. It is also a good time to spot wildlife. With the mornings and dusks tending to be cooler and the day temperatures being warm and pleasant, animals stay active for longer durations. They are also less territorial and aggressive during winter as they do not have young ones during these months. Therefore, they move around a lot more, increasing your chances of spotting them considerably higher. Winter Wonderlands Safari Quest’s wildlife focused property and our naturalist team with their vast knowledge and experience will enable you to enjoy the forests to the fullest. This winter, experience a forest adventure.
1. Nagarahole
Nagarahole is located just 50 kms from Mysuru. It is home to wildlife such as Bengal tiger, Indian leopard, sloth bear and striped hyena. You are sure to spot herbivores like elephants, chital, sambar deer and barking deer here. Head into the forest for a rendezvous with adventure!
2. BR Hills
The BiliGiriRangana Betta or simply, BR Hills is 80 kms from Mysuru. It is located at the beautiful conjuncture of the Western and the Eastern Ghats. Herds of wild elephants, deer and gaurs are a common sight here. The forest is also home to the majestic tiger. Winding roads, stunning vistas and exciting wildlife – BR hills is sure to get your pulse racing.
3. Bandipur
Bandipur is just 80 kms from Mysuru. A number of endangered species such as tigers, elephants, sloth bears, gaurs, Indian rock pythons, jackals, muggers, and four-horned antelopes can be spotted here. Bandipur is also home to sambar, mouse deer, chital, sloth bear, and the rare flying lizard. Over 200 species of birds and a diversity of flora add to its attraction. Unplug and reconnect with nature at Bandipur!
4. Kabini
A part of the Nagarahole National Park, Kabini is one of the top wildlife destinations in Karnataka. During the jungle safari you can spot elephant herds, jaguars, tigers and black leopards. Kabini is also a great spot for boat safari – you can sight crocodiles, snakes, cormorants, cranes and darters. Kabini never fails to surprise and stun you!
5. Bhadra and Kali Tiger Reserves
Bhadra and Kali Tiger Reserves are situated in the midst of Western Ghat regions. The sanctuaries are home to elephants, tigers, gaurs, deer, sambar, leopards, etc. They are also an abode to an array of quite unusual birds. The true bliss of the forest is best experienced here. Enjoy a chilling adventure with Safari Quest Safari Quest’s nature-inspired stays are perfect for nature enthusiasts and weekend explorers. Our packages are highly personalised for families and wildlife enthusiasts. Spice up this winter with adventure. Indulge in winter safari with Safari Quest!
To know more: https://thesafariquest.com/5-incredible-winter-safaris-across-karnataka/
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gabinetedafarofa · 2 years
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