#<thats his tag ❤
erythristicbones · 1 year
THE BREADSTICK BOY IS HOME (+ our new tank setup and the panda corys i got to go with my other 3 corys :3)
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icarus-star · 5 months
Artie!!! I cutely want Oliver now and erm..maybe you can make a twt link for him (if not, that’s okay! :3, and you can take your time. I don’t wanna rush you)
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i couldn't find anything super fitting!! but this one!! IGNORE THE ONE SPANK!! THAT DOESN'T WORK, IGNORE IT!!!
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(my sad boy :( )
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de-adend-archived · 2 years
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spearxwind · 7 months
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amatres · 10 months
lae'zel is mean in the way she views things in manner of efficiency, she's not going around being a dick for no reason
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SORRY - Chapter 5
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
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“Here are your winners and the new WWE undisputed tag team champions! Jimmy and Jey, THE USOS!” Dominique spoke into the mic, with a smile on her face. The smile quickly dropped from her face as Jon stormed over to her and pulled her with him, out of the time keeper's area and into the crowd towards the backstage area.
“Jon.. What are you doing?” She asked as she stumbled after him, trying to keep up with his long strides. She was confused, because he was definitely going off script. He was supposed to be out there attacking Randy and Riddle with his brother and cousin.
Jon didn't respond, his jaw clenched as he continued to pull her along. “Hey, what the fuck!” She yelled at him when he pushed her into The Bloodline’s empty locker room, causing her to stumble in her heels. “What is your problem!?"
“You fucking Randy?! Huh! Is that why you won’t forgive me!” Dominique snorted and crossed her arms over her chest. 
“And what if I am? You were definitely gonna fuck that girl last night , oh and don’t get me started on the fact that you spent the night with Trinity.” 
“Don’t fuckin’ play with me Dominque.” He gruffed out as he stalked towards her, backing her into the wall. 
“Ain't nobody playin’ with you. If you can do it, so can I.” She shrugged, not backing down as she stared into his eyes. Jon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He knew she was testing his patience and it was working. Jon opened his eyes, his jaw clenched as he struggled to keep his composure.
“Imma ask you one last time.” He muttered as he opened his eyes to look at her. “Are you fuckin’ Orton?"
Dominique rolled her eyes. “No, I'm not like you Jon, I would never cheat on the person I love.” Jon's expression darkened at Dominique's response. The tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. 
Jon sucked his teeth just as Joe and Josh walked through the doors. Jon ignored them though, keeping his glare on Dominique. “Stop with that bullshit Dominique. I aint cheat on you and I never will.” 
“What bullshit Jonathan?!” She yelled.  “I have caught you up in TWO bitches faces and you got the nerve to be acting like this because what? Randy was comforting me!” 
“He don’t need to comfort you Dom! Thats my fuckin’ job!” Josh decided to step in between them. 
“Aye, y’all chill out.” He said placing his hand on Jon’s chest, pushing him back from Dominique. 
“I’m chill.” Dominique said, tossing her hair over her shoulder. “It’s him, he needs to chill.”  Joe snorted, then held his hands up defensively as she turned her glare to him. 
“Y’all are perfect for eachother,” He muttered as he walked into the bathroom to take a shower. 
“We been together for four fucking years and I’ve never even thought about another woman. I fuck up one time and you won’t let it go. I’m sorry Dominique” He stressed, trying to grab her hands but she swatted him away. Josh shook his head at them and walked out the room to call his wife, he was happy as hell he wasn’t Jon right now. 
“Jonathan, it’s not just one tiny little fuck up. You let that woman into your  space. You let her think that she actually had a chance with you.”  Dominique tried to stop her tears from falling, but she was hurt and angry and looking at his face wasn’t making her feel any better. “And then, you spent the night with your ex? You didn’t come to me, you didn’t try to talk to me, you went to her and I'm supposed to just forgive you?” 
Jon stood there frozen as he watched the tears fall down her face, his heart heavy with the weight of Dominique’s pain that he caused. This was the second time in the four years they had been together that he had made her cry; the first being when he proposed in Paris. 
“If I can take it all back I would Dominique.” Dominique sniffled and wiped her tears away. 
“I don’t wanna talk about this anymore.” She muttered as Joe walked out the bathroom. “We have a flight to catch, are y’all ready?” Without waiting for a response she walked out of the locker room and towards the writers room to grab her bags. 
Jon watched her walk away as a feeling of hopelessness washed over him. Their relationship was hanging on by a thread and he feared that with every passing moment, that thread was growing thinner and thinner. But he also knew that he couldn't force Dominique to forgive him, couldn't demand her love in return for his apologies.
“Sis, you okay?” Josh asked her as she walked past him. 
“No,” She shrugged, sending him a soft smile. “But I will be.” 
“I know Jon’s my twin, but I'm here for you, aight?” She nodded. 
“Thank you Josh.” 
Back in the locker room Jon groaned and plopped down on the steel chair. “You know I don’t like to get in y’all relationship business.” Joe started, walking closer to his cousin. “But Dominique is the one for you. I mean after you broke up with Trinity and brought Dom around, everyone and I mean everyone was skeptical about y’all relationship. But shit the whole family loves her now. Y’all gotta fix this,” 
"I know, Joe," Jonathan admitted, his voice heavy with regret. "I messed up, big time. I don't know how to fix things with her."
Joe placed a reassuring hand on Jonathan's shoulder, offering him a sympathetic smile. "You just gotta show her, man.”
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“Hey” Ishana said as Dom walked in. “You look rough.” Dominique rolled her eyes. 
“I feel rough.” She muttered, walking over and grabbing her luggage. 
“Jon again huh?” Dom nodded and let out a sigh. “So y’all still beefing?” 
“Yes, he seems to think that he can just say sorry and everything will go back to normal.”
“Have you expressed how you feel though? About the whole situation, why you don’t wanna get married?” Dominique sighed and rolled her eyes. 
“Ishana, I don't wanna talk about my problems with Jon right now.” 
Ishana ignored her, “Communication is key, Dom. he’s taking accountability and you need to too.” Dom scoffed but Ishana held her hand up to silence her. “Okay I get it the girl kissed him and yes, he went to Trinity this morning  but to be honest you were looking for a way out of the engagement anyway.”  Dominique's eyes widened. Ishana's words hung in the air, heavy with truth and accusation. Dominique felt a mix of shock and anger rising within her, her mind racing to process what she had just heard. 
“You’re joking right? Now is not the time to be funny.” Dominique said glaring at Ishana. “No, I wasn’t tryna find a way out of my engagement. I wanted to get married to Jon, just not right away.”
Ishana rolled her eyes. 
“Bullshit. Ever since yall got engaged you’ve been picking fights with him and as your best friend it’s time I spoke up and told you about yourself. Yes he fucked up by letting that girl into his personal space but he’s been trying to talk to you, trying to apologize to you but you blocked him, how can he make things right if you’re closing off all communication with him?"
“You’re supposed to be on my side!” 
Ishana shook her head, not believing how stubborn her best friend was being. “There is no sides, Dom. I want you and Jon to be happy. And in order for that to happen, you need to grow up. Not all marriages end in divorce.” Ishana said, grabbing her pocket book and walking out the room. Dominique stared at the closed door in shock. What the fuck was that?!
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Heyyyy... long time no see 😭🫣
I was having second thoughts about this story but talking to @paigereeder i got a second wind and was able to finish this chapter!
Hopefully you guys won't have to wait as long for the next chapter.
❤ Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
🏷️: @empressdede @abadbitchblogs @wrestlingprincess80 @harmshake @cyberdejos2
@almondmilkdeinker11 @girlwhogaf @alyyaanna @paigereeder @amandairene88
@skyesthebomb @yana3sworld @mindairy @hllokttysoprtty @christinabae
@tbmotw @rantfandombloggg @jeyusosgirl @southerngirl41 @wooahmiri
@theninthwonder @saintaquarius @raya-hunter01 @rebelrel0987 @feelinuceyy
@qveenmikaelson @black-yn @mzv11 @shantinextdoor @sheydnni
@zillasvilla @thatone-girly @xmonetsworld @li-da-savage @kill-the-artiste
@reci1996 @that-one-anxious-mango @mersers-moonypadfoot-prongs @trashbin-nie @adoreesun
@meggylynnloves @shayaaaaaaa
@tableofthehead @lovelyhunnys @wwelovergirl @meannaim
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eddiesghxst · 5 months
Hey i was the one who sent the ask about repeating stuff eddie says ❤ (imma start putting 🦊 as my tag if thats okay)
I know we're all back on the joe keerys hands train and it popped into my mind that his hands are so big, imagine if he made a bet that he could make you cum with one finger?or Giving you some hot lemsip/hot water and honey after throat fucking you into losing your voice
oh i need him desperately, that’s my bf.
he thinks it’s so funny. the fact that he fucked your throat so well that you can barely speak. and the thing is he asked you so many times if you wanted to slow down or take a break, but you’re so whiney and grabby when steve’s fucking you that he couldn’t even step an inch away before you were practically throwing a fit.
so now, you’re reaping the consequences of your brattiness. sat on the couch and pouting at steve when he places a hot cup of throat coat tea in front of you. you’re wriggling to press your body close to his when he sits next to you but steve’s shaking his head, “drink your tea, baby. before it gets cold.”
“i don’t want to drink tea steve.” you try to say, but it comes out sounding more like a sink disposal and your voice cracks and you absolutely butcher steve’s name and he’s such a shithead he laughs at you.
“s’not funny.” you whisper, since that seems to be the only level at which you can speak. and even then, you sound like you’ve been chain-smoking for thirty years.
steve cups your face and kisses your forehead, “you’re so cute.”
you frown at him and he reaches over to grab your tea and hand it to you, and even though you want to huff and turn away, you still take the warm mug. “finish this and we can cuddle, okay? i pinky promise.”
“pinky promise?” you groggily whisper.
steve nods and sticks out a pinky and you waste no time to slink your own pink around and curl it tight, both of you pressing a kiss to your fists to seal the plan.
you practically chug the tea, and steve’s worried at first but then he’s just happy you actually drink it so <3
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grandestheart · 18 days
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★ characters - Lyra Kane.
★ synopsis ~ just some fashion Lyra fashion hcs about what she would wear ❤︎︎
★ taglist 🏷️ ~ @nqds @urbanflorals @sophiesonlinediary @lxvebelle @x-liv25-jamieswife // it will only let me tag five people at a time so thats why tags are split up <3
@shuhuaspookie @sunsetovertheocean @never-enough-novels @lanterns-and-daydreams @inmyheaddd lmk if you want to be added
★ request by @nqds
★ a/n this is just a few hcs on what I think lyra would wear/her style, also I dont know anything about fashion so please dont come at me 😭
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she wears gold jewellery, but looks great in silver too
her colour palette is like dark reds, maroon, black, white, gold
her style is kind of like a slightly edgier version of the downtown girl aesthetic
she’s either big top, little pants, little top, big pants or both little, but not big and big
she loves stacking necklaces, but not so much it looks tacky
RINGS!!! this girl loves rings and you can’t convince me otherwise, her and grayson have matching rings except hers are all in gold, and his are in silver
she wears t-shirts with unhinged phrases on, especially when she’s out with Grayson and she knows paparazzi will be watching 💀 when Grayson sees the types of things she has written on them he probably has an aneurysm
hearts and kisses on everything, like heart earrings and shirts with lipstick <3
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candycane969 · 7 months
made by me! candy! :3 no major spoilers
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A quick guide!✨
💜 - Supported by canon (things that are pretty sure out there, maybe not confirmed 100% but yeah)
❤ - Kind of supported by canon (things that happened in the series that miiiight lead to some other stuff)
🧡 - My source is that I made it the fuck up (still trying to fit it into the character tho)
⭐ - Not sure if I'm taking this headcanon or not, but I do think It's pretty neat
💋 - Kinky! DISCLAIMER: Ive always seen the rottmnt boys (and April) in the age group from 17 to 19 and thats what I headcanon them as (as it is my own age group!). Ive seen the show and was fucking sure theyre my age and then a month or two later I was slapped in the face with thier actual age lol. I dont support any pedo shit, I also dont think minors can consent. Just putting it out there
Lets go!🌆💜🎧⭐✨
The 'Tism
• 💜 I think Its pretty fucking obvious that this boy is autistic, pretty much everything in the show supports this.
• ❤ Donny's headgear also works as noise cancelling headphones! He's often overwhelmed by background sounds and his gear makes it easier for him to live his life (either on missions or just spending time with his brothers and/or April). He still loves blasting his music on the highest volume tho. It's different when you consent to hearing your jams then when several people are talking at once and youre going crazy.
Tagging as kind of canon because he might have audio sensory issues because of his autism and you can reraly see him without the damn googles.
Different stims
❤ Foot stomping
❤ Hand flapping
🧡 Repeating a song/part of song over and over (yes, even if it has no words)
❤ Spinning on chairs
🧡 Pacing around the lab/the lair
• 💜 He knows ASL! Though It's never said in the show why he learned it, I believe that because he goes nonverbal often. Everyone in the lair can sign a bit because of that, but not everybody is too good at it. Donatello can communicate in ASL fluently.
• 🧡 Donatello never really felt connected to being "a men" and categorising things as "for boys" and "for girls" always seemed dumb to him. Shortly after Leo's coming out as a trans men (SURPRISE LEO HEADCANON) he went to talk to him about his gender experience. After some thinking and digging, Don came to the conclusion that he is in fact nonbinary. He still uses mostly male pronounces but always appreciates gender neutral pronounces coming his way.
• 🧡 While realising his own gender he also figured out that he doesn't really sees gender that seriously in others either. Men or women, its pretty much whatever to him. He doesn't like to label himself much when it comes to his sexuality, he accepts reffering to him as a pansexual or bisexual.
• 🧡 When it comes to dating Donatello doesn't imagine himself with anyone, really. He finds himself attractive, but doesn't think anyone would fancy him in a romantic way. He's not interessted much in dating either way. But he doesn't exclude dating someone in the future. It's just he won't go out of his way to look for love.
• ❤/🧡 Its obvious Don is a men of science, he's a genius when it comes to coding, math, engineering, I would say chemistry as well. Thats the field he feels the most comfortable in, but he loves learning new things in general. As long as there is interesting knowledge he can obtain, he will be there, soaking it like a sponge. He likes listening to info dumps, and probably listens to long ass video essays and/or podcasts.
• 🧡 Don likes to learn about others people hobbys and takes interest in learning about it. He likes showing others that he cares about something, even though Its something totally indifferent to him. For example, he knows lot about art making process from Mikey (Angelo even made him paint with him a couple of times!) even tho he doesn't really likes drawing and/or famous artists. No many people appreciate his work so he wants to show his appreciation to others.
• 💜 He is pretty low empathy most of the time. It's hard for him to relate to others, and can often feel like someone is overreacting. It's also challenging for him to put his feelings "out there". Which often makes him look unloving or unfriendly. And it couldn't be farther from the truth. He loves his brothers even though they bother him most of the time. And he loves April as well (though she never really troubled him much). He never really thinks that his low empathy is a flaw (more often he thinks about it as a blessing) but there rare are moment when he feels helpless because of it. He is glad that his family knows that he truly cares about them (and accepts any effort he puts in to express his feelings, even if it seems small).
• 🧡⭐ I've seen people headcanoning Donny as a baker and honestly I like it a lot. Cooking is Mikeys domain, and it suits him well, as it allows a lot of freestyling and just overall feeling. Baking and pastry making is very calculated and one miatake can ruin the whole thing. It reminds Don of engineering in a sense. Also baking is an easy way to get love and appreciation from his family because, cmon, he just made the most angelic fruit tarts in the whole universe, of course they're going to praise him. It also works as a stress relief. When feeling stumped and/or overwhelmed over a project or a situation he'll make something easy like brownies to get his mind of it.
• 🧡 He's very sentimental. He loves receiving gifts and will cherish and use them (even if he doesn't like it). He still has every "gamers dont die they respawn" Tshirt and every "dont fuck with my brother he was born in october and has autism" mug. Sometimes he REALLY wants to throw something away but god damn it this is painting Mikey did when he was ten and is just five splats of paint and thinking about him somehow finding out and crying about it might destroy him forever.
• 🧡⭐ This bitch reads fanfics, thats it. It started when he was around 13 or smth with Atomic Lass x Reader and now he knows all the fanfic lingo. He still might read something from time to time and writes very long and well written comments (with constructive criticism).
• 🧡 Speaking of which, Don writes perfect sentences while texting. All the correct spelling and punctuation. He also communicates with emojis and gifs like a millenial.
Food, TW: drinking!
• 🧡 He has a rather strong head, you cant make him drunk that easily. But when it finally happens, youre in for a ride. Shutting him up is near impossible, he will talk non-stop but with much less eloquence then while sober. Its extremely easy to make him laugh, so Leo absolutely loves it. He often looses track of what hes saying and starts completely different rant. Overall a chaotic mess. Really fun to witness it at least once. His beverage of choice is either fun cocktails or beer (tho rarely and/or only with some kind of juice because he doesn't like the fizziness on his tongue).
• 🧡 And that takes us to Donatello that hates fizzy drinks. He hates carbonated beverages, no matter if its cola or champagne. The feeling on his tongue and in his mouth makes him really uncomfortable. When there is no other choice but to drink up some bubbless, he leaves it open for as long as he can to get rid of them. His brothers despise him for that.
• 🧡 He doesn't like weird food combos either and is rather picky. When ordering food Don sticks to what he knows not to risk an uncomfortable texture touching his mouth. Texture is the most often reason for him not liking a specific food. Donnys pretty strict to preparing food as well (the way he does a thing is The Correct Way and no other exception is acceptable). Also he puts milk first so his cereal doesn't get soggy.
• 🧡 I feel like he likes fruit juices in boxes and fruit mousses but this is pretty random 🤷
• ❤/🧡 He wears contacts! We've seen little Donny with glassess, so I assumed he wears contacts now. When he knows he will be spending all day in the lair (for example because of an injury) he still has a pair of glassess he uses. And yes, he tapes them to the head. Because he rarely ever wears them, he never came up with a solution for not having ears and needing glassess.
• 🧡 ABSOLUTELY hates smoking. Will go on a rant if he sees someone he knows smoking. He absolutely despises the smell and WILL take it out of someones mouth/hand and throw it away. Appreciates the fun smells of vapes but still hates them. Will call vapers losers (maybe not exacly in these words but he will for sure).
• 🧡 Really good at makeup, but not as good as Leo is (ANOTHER SURPRISE LEO HEADCANON). He spend years perfecting his eyebrows of course. He also wears eyeliner because serving cunt is important even on the battlefield. From time to time you can see his nails painted as well.
• 🧡⭐ While being flustered or simply distracted he stutters a lot, mostly in a way of repeating whole words or parts of a sentence ("Its good because- Its good- Its good because I um- Its good-")
• 🧡 Enjoys taking very long baths, and actually prefers them much more then showers. Can stay underwater for a rather long time as well!! Being fully submerged calms him down a lot and its overall very relaxing for him.
• 🧡⭐ Ive seen a lot of takes that without his battle shell, he is really flexible (due to having a soft shell). And I like the idea. I think, that before sitting infront of a screen (or a desk in general) to do his work for several hours he stretches deeply so his back won't be so sore later. Also a reason to draw Donny in yoga poses and thats always cool.
• ❤ Makes up shit to fuck with his brothers. Like just spreading misinformation and gaslighting them for shit and giggles. Or to get them to leave him alone for a while. Also will gaslight them if they somehow find out that he was lying ("what? you must have heard me wrong then 🙄💅")
• 💜/❤ Loves singing and dancing!!! Aint the best singer (tho I love his songs in the show Im kissing him as we speak) but is a gorgeous dancer! He finds it incredibly fun and feels fabulous while doing it. Also Im pretty sure dancing counts as stimming so add it to the list. Dances solo like 90% of the time but really enjoys dancing in pairs (dances with April a whole lot when they get the chance!).
• ❤ He rarely laughs out loud, but when he does it is loud and messy. A good joke can make him think about it all day and continue laughing for a long time. Not my og take, Ive seen this headcanon before and I love it so so much :3
• 🧡 From all his brothers, he kind of wishes to be human the most of them all. Its not a big big wish, he does think of himself as very unique individual and takes pride of being a mutant. But sometimes while hanging out with April he can get lost in his thoughts of "what ifs". Maybe in the process of making a cloaking accessory.
• 🧡 His handwriting is god-awful. All scribly and fucked up like Doctors writing. Unfamiliar eye would not decipher a word out of it, but Don knows exactly what everything means. But he mostly writes digitally.
• ❤ Dons dislike of hugging is canon, but I do believe he likes being touched on his head and face (head pats, cheek rubs, scratches). He enjoys hand holding when it's appropriate as well.
• 💋 Im headcanoning the boys to go through mating season once a year (except mikey cuz he small) everyone at a different time. It would be similiar to an ovulation but much more horny (with also fever symptoms). Don would be the second after Raph to get it. While in heat he doesn't go feral or anything, but after a few days stops working because he cant focus on his craft. Waves of sudden temperature changes (mostly high heat) with really horny thoughts and hypersensitivity to pretty much everything...yeah not the best work environment. He spends his  most intensive days closed off in his lab or room because he really doesn't want his family to see him like this (the rest of the turtles are in thier rooms during thier mating time as well for the same reason). Also add being possessive while having a SO, and also veeery easy to irritate.
• 💋 Donny takes on a more submissive role while being intimate, even though he loves to be in charge all the time. But he isn't a bottom either, I would put him perfectly in the middle as a switch (more leaning on that sub part tho).
• 💋 His biggest turn on is smell. Like someones natural smell, no perfumes and all. He likes to snuggle in the crook of the neck and take it all in. This becomes cranked up to eleven during mating season, as he absolutely cannot stop sniffing. Would love his significant other to leave him clothes with thier smell on it and sleep and/or snuggle with it.
Might add more later but thats all for now :3💜
Hope you enjoyed it⭐✨
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ccrisntok · 11 months
some requests!
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GAY PPL!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤ (thanks for the requests anon and @teothedog435, hope yall don't mind sharing spot <3) they are all. so. love
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(THE ARTSTYLE CHANGE WAHT) These two are so besties (i say this when I'm drawing Eden with anyone. But like. They literally are like please). thanks for the request anon i liked drawing this a lot :))
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If they just sat down and talked.. they'd be besties... Anyway thank you anon, if they put their heads together, these two would totally end the killing game.
Dear anon who asked if could draw Haru from DRA- no... i cant... BUT I CAN DRAW HIM + HIS WIFE!!!!! i love these two so much. i made a 4 minute animatic about them. they are always in my heart. Clown Airlines for life. AHHHHHHHH
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(um. so i. ive been deleting the asks after i draw them, so i know the number i have left to do, and uh. i accidentally forgot to screenshot this ask before I deleted it. So. my bad. it was a real ask i promise.)
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idk if this was a request or a statement. but i took it as a request. Thanks for letting me draw my favorite siblings @tired-writer-in-progress !!!! this is gonna become a sibling Aceden blog i swearr
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(by wife, I assume you mean rose bc i called her my wife. bc she is.)
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YAY ROOSEE! I drew her in my cute style bc. shes adorable obviously. i love her so much oh my godddd. my wife. my bride. thank you anon. she eppy fr.
(tw: scars for the next one! not s-h scars, just scars.)
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(shhhh. this is totally not a super old doodle i pulled out bc I've never posted it anywhere and i kinda liked it. shhhhhhhhhh.) I hate that I honestly like Arturo now. Like. He was the only drdt character i didn't like. I now i like him. he's so fun to draw, cant help it. thanks for the request anon :))
Ok, thats it for. this post. also not doing them individually anymore so I don't die of embarrassment at clogging the drdt art tag, which is obviously what i should have been doing from the beginning! Sorry! Hope these have been enjoyable so far otherwise fhtgk mdjt
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karnpuffs · 1 year
Syril screenshots from the Andor S2 teaser trailer under the cut 💙
and fyi I will tag everything related to season 2 with "andor SPOILERS", so filter the tag if you don't want to see it and be careful when browsing my blog from now on
I've corrected the images a little and made them sharper for your viewing pleasure u.u
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space scissors in space hair salon (look at his perfect face and perfect straight white COLLAR omggg)
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THE BERET. siiiigh 😍 Oui oui, c'est la mode.
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cursed fortune cookie spider thingy??
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"you will die alone and poorly dressed"
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YEEEEES! MORE CEREAL! this is all I ever wanted 😭
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Eeeeeedyyyyy ❤ and spider thingy?? and ultra blue milk. It's the good stuff. It doesn't matter what Syril is up to, we got whole blue milk, baby!
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bonus pic of Dedra:
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is that a… gray uniform? I love it. Syril becomes more black and white, Dedra becomes grayer. 🤔 OK THATS ALL i'm so happy and so excited, i'm freaking out!!!
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reading your tags on his man 2 posts is my new favorite hobby!!! 🥰❤
hiiii my love!!! fhdbcicbf NO LISTEN i've rewatched all 5 episodes so far like ATLEAST 3 times already and youd think id be used to it by now everytime junsung and sungho come on screen BUT NOPE. gosh i LOVE them they just feel so well paced and so right and so .... organic that i just ... do not feel with anyone else on the show rn?? like sungho LIKES the fact that junsung is so direct and straightforward with him despite him also liking seunwoo but sungho's mature enough to realise that junsung is serious about him and he has to consider both junsung and seunwoo and give junsung a chance too and date him bc maybe he might actually end up LIKING LIKING him (despite the fact that they both ALWAYS say how polar opposites they both are from each other) and he respects his efforts and gives something back to him too like its not one sided or tugging junsung along where hes said again and again "oh should i ask him on a date?" "he makes me feel new things when im with him." "oh so thats how he feels about me? i'm happy inside." like!
if this was all one sided from just junsung and sungho was tugging him along id have NOPED out of there dead fast. BUT. it isnt the case!!!!! theres something mutual here to work with!!!!! "if you had woken up earlier we could have gone on a date!!!" LIKE. SUNGHO WANTS TO GO ON A DATE WITH JUNSUNG!!!!!!!!!!!
and junsung!!!!!!! oh my precious boy!!!!! our brave brave boy!!!!!!! hes just SO heart on his sleeve for sungho but in such a direct yet laid back way?? he isnt forcing or pressurising sungho into anything! he just lays his feelings out every night to sungho so that he KNOWS on the phonecall convo they have and then just steps back and gives sungho the time and space he needs to work through it! he does all these heartfelt little actions for sungho like make ramen for him or bring him diet coke that sungho just CASUALLY mentioned in passing once or gift him cookies in such a casual way and lets sungho decipher the meaning from it!!! and i love that so much!!!! like hes being so so brave despite knowing sungho also has feelings for seunwoo!!! and yet junsung is still keeping himself in sungho's eyeline and sight and on his mind but not being so in his face about it!!! and now SUNGHO HAS TO GIVE SOMETHING BACK. even SUNGHO at the end of ep 5 realises that he has to act on his feelings for junsung and indulge in them and give them two a chance to see where this goes between them!!!!
ANYWAY. I CANT WAAAAIT for whats to come for them im MORE than certain we are DEFINITELY going to get a date between them and WHATEVER the hell this ribbon tying thing is!!!!:
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52! ler!peter2 lee!peter3 because i definitely feel like he would say "not there..." about someone getting near his feet or bad rib😂❤
Oh this is cute, thank you for sending it in! I hope you like it! So sorry for the delay on it! I realized this is my first time writing a lee other than Peter 1, so let me know what y'all think! Also, I think I'm gonna try out the tickletober challenge (a little late, but there's no harm in doing it at a different time!) Hope y'all like this and I promise not to disappear again lol @parker-fluff (I promised I'd tag you when I finished this so here ya go!)
The whole world was warm. Warm and soft and peaceful. A soft, dim light peaked through the curtains but Peter 2 didn't mind. He was as cozy as can be, curled up under a mound of blankets in his soft bed. He'd wrapped up work at Otto's lab early last night se he didn't have to bring anything back with him.
A soft click of the door let him know that one of his younger brothers had entered the room, but he wasn't aware enough yet to even consider getting up. Someone pulled the thick comforter back and quietly slipped into bed next him, pulling him closer and wrapping their arms around him. Peter 2 sighed and melted into his brother's arms, smiling when he felt a kiss pressed against his head that was tucked under the other's chin. Probably Peter 3 then. Yep, this was a good way to start the weekend.
Gentle fingers started scratching up and down his back, making him smile and hum in approval. Just as he was on the edge of falling back asleep, he flinched slightly as Peter Three's fingers moved to brush over his side. He tried to stay still, not wanting the moment to end, but the teasing gentleness was simply maddening. He hummed in play annoyance and angled slightly away but Peter 3 just adjusted with him.
"Cohohme on Thehee," he chuckled into his pillow.
"Shhhhh just relax Peter!" Two could hear the mischief in his brother's voice. Suddenly Peter 2 squealed and turtled as Peter 3 danced his fingers over the back of his neck.
"AlriGHT that's it! Get over here, you!" Peter 2 surged up and turned around, grabbing Peter 3 around the waist and knocking him down on the bed, rapidly squeezing at his ribs as they fell down. Peter 3 was squealing right away.
"Did you really think you could tickle me this early in the morning and get away with it?"
"Shuhuhuuht uhup, Two!"
"Ohhh no you're asking for it now!"
Poor Peter 3 was already in hysterics, his happy laughter bouncing around the room.
"No no I think you're trying to get something," said Peter 2, smirking at the other, "So how about you fess up and tell me what's got you going today, huh?"
"You sure about that, buddy?" Peter 2 started slowly walking his fingers up Three's sides, slowing down even more as he neared his giggling brother's ribs.
Peter Three's eyes grew wide in anticipation and horror as he realized what was about to happen. He bit his lip in a failed attempt to try and hide his smile.
"Don't you dare, old man."
Peter Two's smile grew till his eyes were crinkled up in the corners as he gently laughed at his brother.
"So THATS what you wanted, huh? Very well then!"
And with that, Peter 2 struck, wiggling and squeezing his fingers right into Three's ribs making him let out a shriek and fall into loud, bubbly laughter.
"Nono, you brought this on yourself young man!"
Peter 3 squeezed his eyes shut and turned onto his side halfheartedly trying to escape the tickles, wheezing and giggling as he weakly pushed at Two's hands. His strength was failing him quickly as Peter 2 relentlessly played at his ribs.
"This what you were trying to get? You just wanted some tickles?"
Peter 3 shook his head in between silent giggles, now just holding on to Two's hands and no longer trying to push them away.
"Well? What'd you want huh? You gonna talk lil buddy?" Peter 2 stopped to give him a break, but kept his hands resting on the other's ribs just in case he needed some encouragement.
After a few moments of Peter 3 gulping down air and getting out the last of his giggles, he was still quite and almost uncharacteristically shy.
"Hey Pete, what's up? You know you can talk to me." Two was slightly worried something was wrong, but Three had seemed so happy just a couple moments ago.
"Nothing really. I mean- I just wanted to hang out with you today. You've been busy a lot lately."
Peter Two's face softened and he smiled gently at Peter 3.
"Aw buddy, I'm sorry! You could have said that, you didn't have to tickle me awake you know."
Peter 3 smiled smugly and shifted his weight under Peter 2, "Yeah, but it's more fun that way!"
Two's eyes narrowed glaring playfully down at him. He flexed his fingers against Peter Three's ribs and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh no," Peter 3 gulped and suddenly his rambunctious laughter was bouncing off the walls again. Peter 2 laughed with him, beaming down at his little brother. A good weekend indeed.
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frauhupfner · 9 months
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Bold the facts!
I was tagged by @susen70 Thank you.
The rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
"Hendrik Hupfner"
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical:fit/ moderate /sickly/ disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes /no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children /wants children ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) /not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable
♦ extroverted/ introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded /open-minded / in between ♦ calm/ anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable /in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard /in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional /modern / in between ♦hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured/ in between / unknown ♦ loyal /disloyal / unknown ♦faithful / unfaithful /unknown
★ Faith: monotheist/ polytheist / atheist / agnostic / spiritual ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know /don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know /don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens:yes / no / don’t know /don’t care ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal /in between /not religious / pagan ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual /bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral /romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious ❣ Sexually: adventurous /experienced/ naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all (Hendrik would always choose a woman as his forever-partner, but before he finds her he likes to have Sex with everyone who is available, mostly groupies since he is a Rock Star. ^^ Thats how he got his son Julian.)
☠ Combat Skills: excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent/good/ moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills: excellent /good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions /sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs:never/ special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs:never /no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never/ special occasions /sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler I haven't seen this before so feel free to join if you like. :)
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notroosterbradshaw · 1 year
mkay Cass m back for your evening entertainment, which i suppose is morning is your in AUS
Now that I'm home from a really long day, I'm doing some thinking.
Thinking bout coming home to Rooster, stressed, exhausted, and just plain old worn out. He just gives you the biggest most bestest hug ever, it's nice and warm and snug and secure.
Then once you get to relax and stuffs, when you go to get ready for bed, he's got his dog tags slung onto his back, your legs up over his shoulders just slowly making love to you.
Just soft romantic love with our favorite chicken❤
yeah. thats where my poor tired brain is at. enjoy my thirst🙏
I’m crying. The vivid image of the dog tags is sending me…
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I am obsessed with this. All I can imagine is his brawny shoulders and biceps just bulging and caging around you. I’m a mess for this, bb 🫠
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 4 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Chapter 14
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
Taglist: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl @melaninsugababy @bemybabiibish @jstarr86 @baconeggndcheez @nbanenefrmdao @purplehairgawdess @arination99 @m3llowww @alyyaanna @harmshake @jeysbae @empressdede @theninthwonder @badbitchcentralinc @bluesole16 @leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @bebesobrielo @venusesworld  @babysyhsyh
if your name is bold, tumblr won’t let me tag you
February 6th 2021
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liked by: trinity_fatu , raymondwwe and 193,000 others
AirielleJones: could u imagine fumbling me? ✌🏽💋
view all comments:
user:@ uceyjucey damn bro how u fumble?
user: so now we got a chance
uceyjucey: can't fumble something thats still mine.
yasmine_jones: oop user: @ uceyjucey so yall still together? uceyjucey: most def.
raymondwwe: wouldn't even dream of fumbling you (❤️ by author)
yasmine_jones: double oop trinity_fatu: @yasmine_jones : girlll..... lol
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Yasmine shook her head with a slight smirk on her face as she put her phone down and looked at Airielle. “You better stop playing with that man.” Airielle shrugged. 
“Girl you gon’ make that man pop a blood vessel” Trinity said as the three of them watched Airielle’s phone light up again with another phone call from Josh that she let go to voicemail. 
“Listen, he lied and I'm supposed to be okay with it.” Airiell rolled her eyes and took a sip of her wine. She, Trinity and Yasmine were having a girls night and decided to visit one of Airielle’s favorite restaurants in Pensacola. 
“Girl.” Trinity stressed. “I like you a whole lot, so i’m not saying this because he’s my brother-in-law but, from what I can remember they been separated since August right before the twins birthday.” Airielle sighed and cut her eyes at Trinity. “Don’t let Tracy get in your head, I don’t know what her goal was but what she did was weird as hell.”  Yas nodded in agreement. 
“I mean, why would he have you around his ex-wife if he was lying about something like that?” Airielle sighed and looked down at her plate knowing they were right. 
“Okay so let's say when you got with Jon and his ex said some shit like that and his response was ‘let me explain’ how would have you reacted?” Trinity bit her lip as she thought about the question. 
“Honestly, I probably would have reacted the same way you are, but I would also hear him out to see what he had to say.” Airielle let out a deep sigh and decided to change the topic. She was tired of talking about Josh. 
After the three girls finished eating, they were headed out to the parking lot, towards Airielle’s Jeep when something - or someone stopped them. The three of them stopped in the tracks at the sight of Josh leaning against the drivers side door, staring directly at them. 
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Trin and Yasmine shared a knowing glance before Yas took the keys out of Airielle’s hands. “We’ll be in the car.” She said and smiled at Josh before she and Trinity entered the car giggling. Airielle rolled her eyes at the two of them before crossing her arms over her chest. 
“What are you doing here?” She asked, scoffing as Josh’s eyes traveled along her body before he finally made eye contact with her. 
 “If you didn’t want me to find you, you shoulda waited until you got home to post those pictures.” She rolled her eyes again in response. “You been ignoring all my calls and messages -” 
“So you decide to stalk me and block me from entering my vehicle.” She cut him off with a scoff and another eye roll.  Josh chuckled and stepped away from the door. 
“If you wanna leave, go ahead.” He smirked when she made no move to enter the car. He nodded his head towards his F-150 that was parked right next to her car. “Get in.” When she didn’t move he sighed. “We ain’t goin’ nowhere. I just wanna talk Airi.”  Airielle nodded and muttered a quiet ‘thank you’  when he opened the passenger door for her. 
When he got in the car he said nothing for a minute or two, he just sat there admiring her beauty. He cleared his throat and reached into the backseat pulling out a manilla envelope that had JAMES V. FATU - DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS written on the front. “I told you when we first started dating that I was never gon lie to you or do any of that fuck shit your ex did.” He started, keeping his eyes on her. “I wanted to explain why Tracy said that shit bout done slapped the taste out my mouth and stormed off.” 
Airielle looked down at her lap and he grabbed her chin, making her look back at him.  “Early October, we tried to work things out, you know for the sake of our children but I found out she was also seeing this other guy that she’d been seeing since before the separation. So I dipped. I told her she could have the house and I moved back down here with my brother and Trin and then I met you. There was no two-timing involved. All the proof is in that envelope just look at it. I wouldn’t lie to you Airielle.” 
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February 12th 2021 - Tropicana Field
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liked by raymondwwe, trinity_fatu and 192,000 others
AirielleJones: 🖤
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Airielle had been avoiding Josh since he popped up on her at the restaurant last Saturday. She had read everything in the envelope and saw that he actually wasn’t lying about he and Tracy not being together around the time he and Airielle went on their first date, so she was happy about that. 
The problem now was.. the problem was still Tracy. Airielle thought she was okay with Josh having an ex-wife but everything that went down last week proved that she was not ready to deal with any of that. 
When she was with Christopher, his baby mom was a godsend and never gave Airielle any problems and Airielle knew if she continued her relationship with Josh, Tracy would be the complete opposite and she was certain that was something she did not want to deal with at all. 
She groaned as her phone went off again, knowing it wasn’t anybody but Josh. 
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Airielle smiled at the text message despite how she was feeling. She needed to make a decision about her relationship with Josh and she needed to do it ASAP. 
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I'm happy with the direction i'm going w/ this story. I hope you all are too. ❤️
Can't believe I was able to get two chapters posted back to back 🤭
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤
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