dragonrebelrose · 9 months
Hey everyone! If you'd like to you can help decorate my tree!
@soundlessdragon @jennyfair7 @mandaloriandragontrainer @jlassijlali @allgirlsareprincesses @jedi-nurse @seleneisrising @moonstrider9904 @photogirl894 @ben-psolo
And anybody else who'd like to help or try this thing out. Make one for yourself too! Best wishes!
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Okay so inspired by the comparison @jlassijlali made here, I am very much wondering about what’s going to happen to Crosshair, and how the series is gonna handle it
Crosshair is going to defect from he Empire, I’m sure of that. He got an entire episode pretty much dedicated to Cody trying to persuade him to denounce them, and while he didn’t, it’s clear that he’s doubting at this point. I’m just anxiously waiting for the episode in which he makes the official switch; considering we haven’t seen him for three episodes now, he has to reappear sooner than later, right?
But what if Dave throws us a Kallus?
At the end of The Honourable Ones, we saw Kallus sitting in his quarters deep in thought just like we saw Crosshair in TBB. Then we didn’t see him for quite some time except for some quick cameos, and the next time he really came back into focus he saved Sabine’s life, with it later on becoming clear that at that time he was already working as Fulcrum. His switch, his defection wasn’t shown on-screen, only revealed afterwards.
What if the same will happen with Crosshair? What if at some point the Bad Batch finds out that one of Cid’s secret contacts that has helped them out of some tight spots has actually been Crosshair all that time? What if he just suddenly shows up with Cody?
What if we don’t see him change sides, just that he has?
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tarisilmarwen · 4 years
fav sabezra moments???
HOO BOY you've opened the floodgates now, lol.
I've already talked about some of my favorite moments when I did my Top Twenty OTPs post series (and boy, I am still not over just how quickly Sabezra climbed its way up the list and shoved a bunch of other entries down, lol) but I might as well talk about them again because shut up I love them and you can't stop me.
I love basically... all their interactions in the finale.  It's really hard to narrow it down to just one moment because they're all SO SO GOOD but the top highlights are:
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Their brief conversation in the gunship before the mission.  Because Sabine is so ATTUNED to him and sensitive to what he's feeling and thinking and she can tell that he is abnormally Distressed about this mission and for a split second you can see him really struggling with whether or not to tell her.  Before he basically lays out that he has the utmost faith and trust in her.  Trust that is put to the test when...
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Ezra sneaks away and Sabine covers for him.  The looks on their faces are heart-wrenching ugh don't touch me.  Him silently begging her to let him do what he needs to do.  Her agonizing, visually pleading with him for a moment not to do it before she accepts that he has to, and her small nod of understanding.  ABSOLUTELY KILLS ME.
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Their adorable banter over the comms.  "Well, you could have told the rest of us."  "I wanted it to be a surprise!"  EZRA YOU CHEEKY LITTLE SHIT.
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(Also of note: Sabine begging Ezra to get off the ship before it goes to hyperspace and him saying his final goodbye mostly to her JUST STAB ME IT WOULD HURT LESS.)
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And I'd be remiss without mentioning her staying on Lothal for seven years, living in his tower, with her hair cropped short like his, her armor covered in tributes to him, affectionately poking the cheek of her painted mural of him before leaving with Ahsoka to go bring him home.
HHHHHNNNNNNGGGH I loved them before and the whole finale just took it over the top spilling out and drowning me with feels.
Aside from the finale I also really love:
This bit from the end of "Heroes of Mandalore".
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Ridiculously unfair.
The whole canyon chase in "Imperial Supercommandoes".
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This is basically what made me ship it because I took one look at them tag-teaming in the S3 previews from this episode and my brain went "Battle Couple!" and I was a goner.  You could not dig me out of the pit after this, lol.
Some other favorite moments:
Counselor!Ezra from "Trials of the Darksaber".
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They have a lot of really great interaction in this episode but this soft conversation between them after Sabine has yelled at Kanan in frustration and stormed off is just so understated and sweet.  Ezra comes up to her like he always does when a member of the crew is upset—because he's an empath and an encourager and he worries about her in particular—and sympathizes with her about Kanan being kind of a hardass teacher.
Sabine is still stuck mentally in her self-pitying guilt spiral, though, railing about how no one understands and she doesn't want to talk about it.  (Which uh, Sabine, how do you expect anyone to understand what you're feeling if you won't tell them?)  It's clear from Ezra's expressions that he does understand, but he respects her wish not to talk about it and leaves her be.  The parallels to Season One, when Sabine was urging Ezra to talk to Tseebo to reconcile his unresolved family situation, are just delicious.
Speaking of though...
"Happy Birthday, Ezra Bridger."
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Cripes these two kill me.  She didn't have to go rooting through the disc and she didn't have to clean up the picture of his parents for him but it was his birthday dammit and he'd had a horrible day and she'd spent two episodes worrying over him and caring about him and arguing for him to find closure about his parents so she was going to give him a present to cheer him up and hhngngnnn the lighting is so warm and her expression is so soft and it's just a breath of balming peaceful relief after the day's harrowing events.
Stealing the TIE Defender and the wolf ride in "Flight of the Defender".
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Their banter in this episode is hilarious.  "Well, Ezra, you've certainly got their attention."/"I'M GLAD THIS IS WORKING FOR YOU!" kills me with giggles every time.  And then Ezra is just so Worried and Concerned about Sabine when the wolf shows up and so careful with her when he takes her down off it at the end of their ride aaaah.
Ezra throwing her his lightsaber in "Legacy of Mandalore".
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This boy and his utter trust in her, ungh.  He posed objections to having to give up his lightsaber earlier and yet when Sabine is weaponless and trying to protect her mother he doesn't even hesitate.
Some honorable mentions:
Ezra sacrificing himself for her in "Always Two There Are".
Sabine choosing to go back with him to Atollon in "Zero Hour".  (Bonus points for convincing her mom to send reinforcements with them because if Ezra says they can do it, they can.)
The ridiculous amount of hand-holding (well, catching each other by the hand) in "Heroes of Mandalore" and "In The Name Of The Rebellion".
Their awkward undercover "date" in "The Occupation", specifically when Sabine softly grabs Ezra's wrist to pull him away before he does something rash to the Imperials.
"Are you with Sabine?"  "Yeah I'm with her!"  [mental backtrack]  "I'm mean!—I'm not with her with her, I'm just friends.  With her."
Their absolute faith in each other in "World Between Worlds".  ("Sabine will know."/"He's on his way.")
Ezra's petty jealousy at Lando in "Idiot's Array".
Pretty much any time she puts her hand on his shoulder but particularly the moment in "A Fool's Hope".
Aaaaand that's as good a place as any to end my very extensive (but by no means exhaustive!) list.
I just love them so much.
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I think the only thing i can't forget the show is Draal's death it was to much cliche ...but what it bother me that has not that big effect i wait to see Nomura's reaction to but they didn't i feel Draal and Nomura could be better with just few minute
Draal’s death was kind of meaningless because they still got the staff so it was kind of in vein but I guess he would’ve died anyway if he stayed under Gunmar’s control. at least he died like himself and honorably like his father
they didn’t do much with Nomura and Draal’s relationship anyway so it’s not surprising 
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avatarpabu97 · 7 years
Kanan’s Death and Rebirth
 After re-watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 it got me thinking. What if Kanan does physically die but ends up in a force limbo and ends up talking to his master. Like Harry he would be given the choice to become one with the force or go back. We’ve seen resurrection before with Ahsoka so, its not a stretch he could come back. Maybe its through death he can truly become Caleb Dume once again and be the Jedi he was meant to be through his rebirth. Maybe the score Kanan’s end is the end of Kanan and the return of Caleb. Maybe its just wishful thinking on my part to see him alive.
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daylighteclipsed · 7 years
jlassijlali: True Angor get his power from his enemy Fear claire Diffrent she may use fear Sadness even Jealousy more about negative emotion!
Yeah! Also something you said: Angor gets his strength from his enemy’s fear and the anger he has toward his enemies. Before this moment, Claire’s friends would try to make her angry at them to get the staff working. The anger was directed at them. This is the first time we see the staff can work when the negativity is not directed at someone else. Instead its negativity born from the love/affection for someone else. I bet that’s what happens at the end of the season too; Claire’s not necessarily angry at anyone, she’s scared and concerned for the trolls of Trollmarket, and that superpowers the staff.
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pep-no · 7 years
jlassijlali replied to your quote “Your presence is like a VIOLENT STORM in this quiet world.”
If Kanan was like that what he will said about Ezra darkside and anger
The fact that the Bendu did not even acknowledge Ezra’s presence and (at the moment) darkside/anger tendencies, shows that Ezra’s mastery of the Force is waaaay below Kanan’s.
Ezra probably, like other Jedi and Sith, see the Force as a ‘tool’ to ‘wield’. Something that didn’t seem to go down well with The Bendu in that trailer.
Kanan was -- and had been -- viewing the Force in a totally different way. Even his mere presence -- and his state of mind at the time -- affected the flow of the Force enough to disturb the Bendu, necessitating him to call out to the Jedi knight, wanting a one-on-one audience.
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♡ Final Space Quinn x Gary ♡
♡♡ Quinn x Gary’s Journey Links & Commentary ♡♡
This is a long ass post. I believe that it may be the most comprehensive Quinnary post on the site. 
I combed through Final Space in order to chronicle this relationship. The most detailed portions might have taken place during a manic phase. The less detailed parts were probably done during a fairly normal (for me) state of mind. I didn’t work on it during any bouts with depression, despite having a few during the course of this project. For the most part, this oughtta all be accurate. 
FOR THE HOMIES @space-finally​ Happy Super Belated Birthday! @shslargue @andromidagalaxie @daintyurbanprincess @sleepyfangirl18 @simplyender​ ​
One note: Some of these links are clips on YouTube, some are gifsets created on Tumblr (most of which come from @chookity-dookity​ and @jlassijlali​), and some are to other miscellaneous posts. I didn’t think about notating which are which until I was pretty far into the record, so clicking each link will be different formats of the scenes. Most are either gifsets or clips. If I can’t find one, there is just me blabbing.
♡♡♡ SEASON 1 ♡♡♡
Boy Meets Girl: This initial meeting is super weird out of context. Gary seems like a complete and utter creep and nobody in their right mind would have been interested in this man if this was how he approached them. Of course, since then, we’ve learned that Gary has limited people skills from having only one decent parent who died when he was young, and also abandonment issues from having an indecent parent. He’s fortunately learned better since then.
I Don’t Want to Wake Up: This scene is one of the main reasons that Cookie Wife really didn’t make any goddamn sense in S2, but anyways, Gary really said that he didn’t mind not waking up if it meant him being with Quinn again, and this is before she’s ever trapped in Final Space or anything. Gary simply had her in his psyche as his greatest desire and she’s just there, missing him and wanting to be with him.
The Reunion 
I.G. Takeover Command:
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Quinn: For some reason, they’re trying to shut down my investigation.
Gary: What a bunch of nerds.
Quinn: They’re after me.
Gary: You, why? You’re perfect.
Quinn: (Tells them what the problem is and everything bad that transpired after that)
Gary:... (Tries to fucking flirt with her)
The Fighting/Flirting Scene of YIKES!: Soooooooooo... I can’t seem to find a clip of this or a gifset, but it was that part where the ship is being taken over by the Infinity Guard, the Sames are turning on the crew, and Quinn is literally punching Gary in the face while he insists that they’re flirting. What can you do besides like... be turned completely off. That was terrible. Thank goodness he’s grown.
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Arguing over who saves the day... SHE knows exactly what needs to be done, but Gary is trying to prove himself and OMG. Like... I don’t understand how people didn’t understand Quinn’s frustrations with this man in S1. Lol. 
“Alright. We wait for Gary.” I NEED y’all to understand the compromise that was made here. Quinn wants to leave Gary behind. Quinn explains WHY leaving Gary behind is the best thing to do for billions of lives. The rest of these fools talmbout they not leaving without Gary, and so she agreed... I INSIST that y’all acknowledge that Quinn has literally become an enemy of an intergalactic superpower to carry out this mission, standing up to not only her superiors, but all of the reinforcements that they’ve sent after her... but instead of fighting them on it (and we know that she doesn’t mind doing so, even when outnumbered and outgunned)... She AGREES. She states her case the one time, they say “No,” and she doesn’t push it. That’s actually a huge show of compromise for her. Would she have gotten her way if she pushed back? Probably not. But she wasn’t above pushback and she still chose not to in this situation.
Girl Remembers Boy: This man literally gets his finger snapped for not respecting boundaries.   Was it WORTH IT GARY?
Painfully Short & Clear I actually LOVE this spot in their development because of a couple of things that happened here. 1. He asked her why she wouldn’t give him a chance. 2. She answered, very clearly and reasonably. 3. He “broke up with her,” but more than that - his FOCUS when interacting with her became the root issue that she named “That doesn’t inspire a lot of trust.” After this moment, Gary repeatedly focuses on getting Quinn to trust him (and not so much asking her out or asking for another chance), but WORKING ON himself, in a way that he has been clearly told what problem she has. 
Corruption Stew - So, okay... I like this little tidbit too, because it shows that Quinn, for all her genius and all her common sense, her faith in the Infinity Guard is so well constructed that she doesn’t even CONSIDER that they’re corrupt. But Gary, for all his bumbling and borderline inefficiency in a plethora of things... Can see it for what it is, and is outspoken. 
She Don’t Trust You Knuckas. 
Quinn Tries to Send Gary Away.
(This is Gary and Quinn’s first adventure together! )
Gotta go around...
Quinn confronts the Infinity Guard about the Lord Commander (Okay... I can’t tell if the clip is messed up or my computer is having issues, so... I mean... sorry if it’s janked up.) Her Face
Gary Begs Quinn Not to Join the Infinity Guard
Destroying the Laser
The Trust Save
“Healthy People Trust”
Chapter 6 is one of my favorite episodes of this show. So many things take place, but for me, personally, I care the most about the development/revelations of Quinn and Gary in it.
Quinn VS Avocato:
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Sidenote: As much as fandom pits Avocato and Quinn against each other, I certainly hardly ever see the two clips in the show where they had their big disagreements.
It just feels like such a crucial piece of lore. 
Like... this is so close after the whole, "Healthy people trust," and Quinn's first response to this disagreement (which is a huge and world threatening disagreement), is to pull a gun, then they're basically in a life threatening situation and her takeaway ultimately was, "I can't believe I trusted you." It made me laugh a little bit the first time, because I was like... "Dawg... you pulled a gun," but also like... it IS a situation worth pulling a gun over.
And Idk if I would ever trust somebody again after that, but definitely after tying me to a chair. Lol. A MESS. Gary was right when he said there was really no good rebound after that... but he was also wrong, because there actually was and it took place in this episode.
TRANSMISSION BINGE WITH MOONCAKE!!!:  Where I credit the origin of Quinn starting to fall for Gary. I love that you can tell that she’s changing her mind about him, even though she doesn’t SUDDENLY become into him or immediately loses her common damn sense over him, or anything like that.  
  “You can trust Gary.” - HUE 
  “That idiot” (affectionate) and the Incoming Transmission.
Quinn: H.U.E. Where’s Gary?
H.U.E.: Unclear. I have lost communications with him.
Quinn: Then, we’d better get down there and find him. We’re coming Gary.
(She doesn’t say that they’re going to go get “them” or name Avocato and his son. She specifically states that she’s looking for Gary and declares to Gary that she’s coming for him). Whenever she resumes communication with him, he says, ‘Oh Quinn, you really do love me,” and though she’s concerned about him, saving him and warming up to him, she quickly corrects that - even though the connection wasn’t great. Lol. Which is another reason that I hate whenever people suggest that Quinn just became a Gary prop when she “suddenly” caught feelings for him - because her feelings started developing as early as Chapter 6 (her feelings of trust, or at least trying to in the previous episode). IT DIDN’T JUST SUDDENLY HAPPEN WHEN THE WORLD WAS FALLING APART YOU HEFFAS.
Rescues Gary and the first exchange of warm smiles... you know... before Avocato ruined the moment by getting blown up! 
J/K... But he did really get his ass blown up shortly after. Seconds 30-about 1.00 tho? - Quinn being super happy to see Gary alive. Her focus is solely on him as he and the others board, and she watches him, smiling (one of her BRIGHTEST SMILES THUS FAR, MIND YOU), and after he greets Mooncake, he looks up at her and they just... smile at each other...
She isn’t mad at him anymore. She hasn’t left the ship to go on her mission alone. And, she is happy to see him alive (after she saved him). I’m reiterating this because a lot of folk try to act like Quinn only beat and bullied Gary up until the moment that they went on a date, and while those stupid people are probably not here, at this PRO-QUINN post in this QUINN LOVING environment, I really love punctuating that Quinn showed emotional acceptance of Gary AS EARLY AS this event.
It wasn’t because he lost his best friend. It wasn’t because she was stuck with him. She could have left. She chose to watch his transmissions, chose to save HIM, specifically, chose to stay and obviously was pleased with that decision after he made it back safely. 
She was soft with him when we next saw them together in 7...
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(Image: Quinn comforting Gary when Little Cato shuts him out) Gary’s Message to Avocato
Quinn sends Gary to talk to Little Cato. She doesn’t always have the emotional maturity it takes to ease the problems, but I love the fact that one of the aspects of Quinn’s personality is that she tries to get the best person to comfort others that she can find. (As she later does this when Gary is anguished over Fox’s death and she knows that he “needs” Avocato, instead of her. And to a certain degree, also Nightfall, who encourages Gary to step things up with Little Cato). 
Sidenote - I think its interesting that in this instance, when she looks around the room and there’s Mooncake, KVN and some Sames, SHE is the one to approach Gary and comfort him. I love the thought of her assessing the situation and knowing that this is the time when she IS the best person to do this, and that she’s willing to (because she cares). And it makes me wonder if she hadn’t already tried to be there for Little Cato too, because she was right behind him whenever he went through the vent and I believe that she’s been keeping an eye on him.
The Good Stuff: “H.U.E. What is he doing?” PLEASE NOTE how Quinn only EVER asks about Gary, specifically. You might say, that’s because he’s the only other human there, but she does this a lot, whether or not he is. She ONLY ever asks specifically about Gary when he’s involved in group shenanigans or danger. Quinn calls for Gary when they hear explosions from the ship. “What was that? Gary are you okay? Gary?!” 
Nightfall rescues them and reveals herself to Gary right as Quinn comes in to check on things. Quinn and Gary argue... well... Quinn fusses at Gary for doing some very ridiculous and immature shit. Though, between us, I think that Nightfall’s presence and Gary’s acknowledgment of her as Quinn was a sore sport that caused her to bounce back into her abrasiveness as a defense mechanism. Gary is being quite nonchalant, despite having just gone on a suicide mission with a young boy, in which, someone else had to rush in and save them and the kid wound up injured. 
Quinn seemed more hurt than angry, to me. She’s avoiding even looking at Gary as she lashes out at him, and when he suggests that he leaves, this is one of the few times that she agrees with him in this season. She’s not agreeing with his ass. She’s upset and doesn’t want to see him right now, and her tone is totally different than it was whenever she first entered the room, saying his name. Quinn didn’t show up to fuss at Gary. She showed up to check on things and Gary was goofing around with some flirtatious chick who had not only just saved him but was acting all cozy with him. She was probably actually upset with what had just happened, but you can’t convince me that she didn’t have jealous rage prompting some of her anger in this moment. To the point where she’s about to let Gary leave and sign on for raising Little Cato while she’s on this mission. “Quinn, Gary can’t leave.” - Nightfall
When Gary leaves the mission...
Quinn VS Nightfall.: Nightfall binds Gary, is caught and confronted by Quinn about what she’s up to, tells Quinn Gary’s typical fate in every timeline, and tries to kill Mooncake.
Quinn Needs Gary/Team: “Gary Rescues Little Cato” I would like to point out, as some like to forget A LOT of the time, that Little Cato meets Gary and Quinn on the same day. Gary signs on to take care of him, because he’s Avocato’s best friend and Avocato asked it of him, but Quinn is there, instructing Gary on a few parenting things, being EXTREMELY upset with him when Little Cato gets hurt in the process AND, was about to let Gary LEAVE Little Cato with her, since in her words of anger, he had allowed this to happen to Little Cato. And Little Cato heard their conversation (because as soon as they left he got up to use Nightfall’s time traveling ship), so he also knew that Gary was getting prepared to leave him there with Quinn and he accepted it.
In this scene, Little Cato clearly cares about her, too, and we know he was fond of Nightfall, and had her around for 60 years. So, listen... Long story short - Little Cato loves Quinn and sees her as a mom figure. She never actually officially signs on for that in adoption, so he doesn’t ever call her mom or anything like that. But, realistically - that’s his mom-head, and his parental ties to her are very much so real, despite her not being a formal mother to him on paper. 
This Entire Episode, Really...
Gary having his ability crisis with Nightfall/Quinn
“We are not flying into a sun!”: Okay, okay, okay... I think about this a lot, because it highlights my thought process that Nightfall and Quinn were never the same Quinn. She’s an older Quinn, yeah - but not THIS Quinn as an older person. But... the way that Gary is talking to Sis in this episode... He don’t be talking to Quinn like that. Even in this episode, where he is highly distressed the entire time and full of anxiety, the snippiest he gets with her is sarcastically thanking him for not believing in him.
Fly Into the Sun: I love this scene because Quinn shows that even though (we know, as I pointed out in earlier moments, that she has feelings for Gary at this point), Quinn doesn’t suddenly become some passive prop that is just there to go along with Gary’s shenanigans. She tells him the truth - he’s not a good pilot, but she also gives him a chance to prove himself - please do not screw this up. Earlier Quinn would have fought Gary until he got out of the seat!
Bolo’s Mind Palace: Nightfall wishes him good luck. She’s always really cheerful and nice to Gary, despite him not really returning it and I have to wonder if some of Gary’s learning to pipe down a little with the over the top clinginess to Quinn wasn’t aided by seeing how uncomfortable it was for him whenever Nightfall seemed into him. 
Quinn asks, “What’s going on with Gary?” which winds up being how they’re allowed to see the interaction between Gary and his father.
The Talk with John: Quinn’s facial expressions whenever Gary is talking about her goes from being pleased that he said he loves her “to the max core,” to being saddened when he says that he doesn’t think that she likes him.
Gary Loses His Dad (Again) ☹: You can see the pain on her face when she has to see this happen to Gary.
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They KNOW it's about to happen. Even if they didn't know before today, they knew from watching it unfold. Their reactions aren't reactions of shock and horror so much as hating to see Gary go through this tragedy. Because they care about him. She clutches her pearls and says, "No." This isn't the first death she's seen, in her career nor in the time we've seen her on the show. This hits different. This hurts her. She hates seeing this happen.
Whenever she consoles him with Little Cato, she chooses similar wording to the very thing that the person he loved most had just said to him. 
Gary and Quinn are on the same page 😊 I presume this because Nightfall goes away. I think that she realized that Quinn was finally where she and Gary were in tuned enough that she didn’t need to stick around.
After John’s transmission and Quinn’s speech (I can’t find a clip or gifset), Gary tries to ask Quinn “something” during battle. (It’s to go on a date) 🥺🥺🥺
He’s persistent about it, but not in that way that he used to pester her. Instead, this is more like... He chose a bad time, but then again, they might not have had time in the future. So, persistence is endearing here, in my opinion. PLUS, he wasn’t so distracted that he couldn’t still save her from danger. (Gary saves Quinn during discussion)
KVN’s save & “Gary, give him a little something”
Quinn agrees to go on a date with Gary. Worth noting: Yes, they think that they’re about to die. That’s actually what makes this even more meaningful to me. Before she dies, Quinn wants to know why Gary even likes her, and whenever he answers, he includes his definition of love. Quinn, in what she believes are her last moments is ready to agree to go on a date with Gary. She knows that they can’t go on a date. They’re about to die. What she’s really agreeing to in this moment is to be willing to take a chance on Gary. She could have said that there is no love here or too bad it’s too late, or something. But, she tells him yes, for once, to one of his inquiries about them, after he speaks about love and before what they think is their certain death.
The fact that they live wasn’t something they expected. I’ve already said that I think that she had her feelings long before this, but several things happen this episode in which those feelings are brought out of her, into the light, into Gary’s awareness and into the rest of their relationship. I think this was the moment that their path together truly started. When she finally said “Yes” to him. 
Gary & Quinn’s “First Date” I really appreciate that even though everything is about to go to hell, they still get this moment in the place where they first met.
Honestly, this was simply funny to me. Y’all tryna save the world and Gary is tryna “bring it.” And Quinn looks like she’s into it. 😉 
First Hand Hold 💘💘💘
Quinn becomes playful with Gary and allows him to flirt with her. She ALSO seems to want to say more to him. Whenever they’re underwater, she seems like she is going to say something else, but decides on, “This is actually a pretty good first date...” immediately after which, she rescues Gary from getting harmed and takes the blow herself, which knocks her unconscious.
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* It is very important for me to point out the fact that Quinn rescues Gary here, placing herself in danger in order to save him, because I never see this scene anywhere outside of watching the show and I hardly ever see it discussed, either. The narrative that Quinn doesn’t care about Gary or that he’s always saving her, or that their relationship is one sided now has another example against it. For reference, I can tell you that it happens in episode 9, at the 14:30 timestamp, but I couldn’t find a clip and I can’t remember if there’s a gifset that I ever saw for it. My friend made this for me specifically for this post.*
The World is Falling Apart... Now... I’m also gonna simply challenge the idea that Quinn suddenly became a totally different person in this episode and suddenly was interested in Gary without reservations... That shit ain’t happen. Quinn very much still had some reservations about Gary and their relationship, despite having already began feeling deeply for him, she still doesn’t bend to every whim he has. (Hard maybe) They once again think they’re about to die and while Gary does ask her to be in a relationship and she doesn’t say no, there’s not a huge proclamation of love or a big kiss or anything like the descriptors that people have claimed here. All they do in what they think are their last moments is hold each other.
Mooncake. “He stays with us” 🥺 Gary and Quinn are next to each other, ready to go to war together. GOD I LOVE THEM!
This episode is very important, because not only is it the last time that we see Quinn for a really long time, but it is the place where Quinn makes some hard decisions that I believe that she was contemplating before they got to this point. She always intended to be a hero. She always intended to save the world... She never intended to fall for Gary. But, that happens and now she has this journey. This journey with Gary, that she can tell is coming to an end.
When Gary gives his speech and he says that they’re “family,” Quinn nods her head and when he says, “We find each other,” she smiles.
A death sentence. The plan with the hawk. “Make us proud.” She puts some faith in Little Cato. 
“Why are you fighting me?” Gary has actually been following Quinn’s lead for a little bit, swooping in to save her when necessary, but listening to her plans and leading whenever he sees fit. He hadn’t straight up went against something she set out to do, and hadn’t even argued with her in a while. And here... there is SO much going on. Nobody says “I love you,” even though the conversation makes it clear. His struggle to both support her but also to save her. Her insistence to carry out this mission because she knows its her life work, but still knowing that most likely she won’t make it out of this. His vow to make sure that he helps her. And that kiss...
The kiss was like... Let’s just revisit it in the way that I have so many times.
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She MIGHT have known that this was goodbye. We can only presume. Look at her sad look afterwards. She told Gary “Don’t die on me,” but whenever he tells her that he wants more when she gets back, she doesn’t say anything about coming back. She knows, scientifically, what she’s up against because of her equations and this, for real, for real, this time... for her... this is likely goodbye. She doesn’t know of any possible way that this ends up in some type of rescue for her. “It’s both of us. Always has been...” 
Losing Earth/Quinn’s Sacrifice Whenever she contacts him, her voice is so soft. Gary has just literally watched the Earth be taken. She has just watched the mission fail... She KNOWS what has happened in the past lives. She is already apologetic. She is apologizing to Gary. He expected her to come back. She knew better all along, and now she’s run out of time. Gary is more upset by her decision than what just happened to the Earth. It’s one of the most heartbreaking goodbyes...
“Which Way is Quinn?”: Gary sets us up for the ENTIRE MOOD of the next season with this line of questioning that he has. His body is ready to die, but he has this energy inside of him - call it thought processing, call it a soul, whatever - but Gary is determined not to die, because he has things worth living for, searching for, fighting for. His family. Which way is Little Cato? His son. Which way is Mooncake? His beloved... companion? I don’t like to think of Mooncake as a pet, but we know that technically he holds Avocato as his “best friend” so I can’t really call him that. Which way is Quinn? His soul mate... and with that... he comes back to and spends the rest of his time reuniting with them.
THIS WENT ON FOR SO LONG that I’ve decided to give it in parts. Seasons 2 and 3 will be separate from this post. After I’ve posted them, I will come back to include the link(s) to them here. 
Thank you for your time! I intended to have this posted for a friend’s birthday, but halted work on it for the months that I was without a laptop. Final Space is over, but Quinn and Gary are forever for me. 
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baymaksu · 4 years
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Just an point that’s been on my mind since Season 1 CtC Finale that I’ve never heard anyone really discussed... When Obake obtained the energy amplifier, Hiro knew the dangers of this and that he needed to stop him at any cost.
I mean... rocket fist to a normal human being at this range is well... possibly fatal. It’s a heat of the moment type of thing, not the same situation as Callaghan in the movie. He’s afraid of what could happen, he knows the potential destructive abilities his energy amplifier can cause. It’s not an act of hatred or vengeance, but being terrified at the implications of his error that’s going to be exploited. And for that brief moment, I think Hiro was willing to kill Obake to stop him. With the heroic-chip Baymax, no less.
It’s a just character detail that is so real to Hiro that I appreciate. That he can brush dangerously close to becoming a true vigilante or antihero with a darker path or tendencies. And I appreciate this brief moment showing it. He’s not a sterling knight like his brother, he’s chaos that needs to be tempered by balance. This is just my FredxTalk. Random BH6 thoughts that are welcome for discussion lol. Gif credit to @jlassijlali
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traitorousdragons · 3 years
Dofvio Collection #1
Knowing in canon, this ship is a confirmed an “adult relationship” in One Piece. Still those enjoy them through the many varieties.
[Tumblr 1-1,2-2] [Dek-D] [ReadAWrite] [Pixiv] [Pinterest 1-1,2-2,3,4-4] [ArchiveOfOurOwn] [fanfiction.net “doflamingo x viola”] [TikTok 1,2,3/3]
*Note that some of these links have nsfw fanart/fanfic, including triggers, you’ve been warned.*
Piece #1 [1] [2]
@paigudoodle’s post
mc🌸dumb’s post
smileshere’s post
@shevoj1207’s post
onitakeG5′s post [vk]
🏴‍☠ask🏴‍☠onepiece🏴‍☠’s post
🐉てつや’s post
taiki821′s post / @genomynt’s post / @weaverworks’ post
@buggyd-clown’s post
いずー’s post
Mizuguchi_Too’s post [1-1]
@die-auster’s post
Piece #2
@jlassijlali​’s post
@shiraholic’s post
@luckyvisitor​’s post
@weaverworks​’ post
@littlesniggy​​’s post
@sybilmarlowe​’s post
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janadoesstuffwrong · 4 years
Tonight on, I should definitely be sleeping but feel a senseless need to write this instead:
Surprise Kissing!!
So I'm very anti-kat/@ang for personal reasons, and back when I hyper fixated on avatar for a bit, I read a lot of really awesome metas about why it was badly executed... And I might've written a couple of sub-par ones myself....
But I noticed how one critisicm that kept coming up was A@ng's habit of kissing Katara without asking permission.
At first I just kinda blatantly agreed, but then I remembered that many of my favourite ships don't verbally request permission before kissing, and I never had a problem with those scenes.
Now, on a surface level I can see why requesting permission to kiss someone makes a lot of sense and is a pretty good thing to put in shows (especially for pre/teen audiences).
But, honestly, it can be a bit of a moment killer, from an entertainment/aesthetic standpoint and often, surprise kisses make u jump up and down squealing as u watch...
So why does kat@ang doing it gross me out so much?
(Now, the fact that I don't like the pairing could have something to do with it, but honestly... Replace A@ng with Zuko and I would still get uncomfortable watching these scenes play out this way.)
To answer this question, allow me to present another canon ship:
Ah yes, the OTP that can literally do no wrong!
However! Their first two kisses are both surprise kisses...
I am going to analyse them now because it is only 01:29 right now and sleep is for the weak!
(All the Rayllum gifs I've used here were created by @ jlassijlali , just so u know)
1. Blinking..... Matters?
Here's one of kata@ng's kisses:
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And now rayllum's:
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Watch the girls' eyes!!
Neither girl is expecting to be kissed in these moments (whether because of deep-seated self-loathing or literally being in a warzone). Rayla's are open wide and take a moment to fully close. Similarly, Katara's are wide, but then they continue to be wide until she shuts them, after blinking twice. (Note, u can't see this in the gif because I suck at making gifs)
Rayla relaxes into the kiss.
Katara does not.
Rayla kisses him back.
Katara kinda just lets it happen.
These girls are supposed to be feeling the same way: The guy they have been pining after for the majority of their time together is finally returning their feelings. If Katara has been wanting this for almost a year, why isn't she reacting in a similar way to Rayla, who has only been wanting this for at most two weeks?
It looks like they were going for shock and surprise, however, keeping this expression going for too long into the kiss turns it into something else: Discomfort and confusion. She looks a bit too surprised. As if she never saw this coming. As if she wasn't secretly hoping this would happen at some point. As if she never saw the person kissing her as a romantic interest and therefore wouldn't expect this from him.
And don't give me that "they're in the middle of a war! So she's very confused about her feelings!" She can be confused about her feelings, sure, but if she had really been in love with- and wanting to kiss- A@ng since season 2, as the creators claim, I think she might give in to those feelings a little more... Maybe by smiling, or revealing even the slightest sign of being happy about this development!
Which brings me on to my next point:
2. Reaction & context
But after all, maybe I'm misjudging, maybe these two characters just react differently while being kissed. That's valid. In that case, I'll compare what happens after the surprise kiss in each show, since that will tell me how they felt about it more explicitly and reveal whether or not the surprise kiss was well-received.
So let's see Katara's giddy expression, the light in her eyes and joy slowly giving way to confusion or regret because of their situation. Show me Katara's elation at-
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-And she looks like she wants to die...
Okay then!
I think Rayla's reaction speaks for itself:
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[◇okay! I have slept and will now continue◇]
So this bit is less about kata@ng and more about when surprise kissing works. Imma look at rayllum again:
Okay, first kiss:
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See how close they're standing? See the expressions?! This adorable boy has been pouring his heart out over how amazing he thinks Rayla is, calling her beautiful and smart and strong! I would kiss him for that!!
Kiss number two again:
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Again, close proximity, serene expressions, and again, this boy has just finished singing her praises AGAIN!!
Nobody points out these surprise kisses as points against rayllum being well executed because the creators utilised them well. Nobody is interrupting the other, there's no grabbing, the moment is romantically framed from the get go, and once they're over, their reactions fall in line with a romantic narrative:
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This is Callum's reaction to the first kiss. Now u might say,"that's exactly the same as Katara's!"
However... Context:
Callum: That's not what I was expecting.
Rayla: You were saying all those things, so I thought-
Callum: No, I was- I- I wasn't saying all those things so you would [gestures]
He explains his reaction
In the context of the scene, her kissing him and him reacting in this way make perfect sense! She's veeeeery emotionally vulnerable atm, and he explains that he wasn't trying to get her to kiss him, he wasn't manipulating her. And that's why he reacted in that way to the kiss.
Now, Kat@ang...
Since dude immediately flies away, and then they seemingly forget the kiss happened for a fat number of episodes, the only time we hear Katara explain why she reacted in that way is way later:
Katara: A@ng, I'm sorry, but right now I'm just a little confused.
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Do they want me to want these two together?!?!?! What was the thought process when making this scene?!!?!
3. Equality
Rayllum's SEVEN kisses:
Rayla surprise kisses Callum
Callum surprise kisses Rayla
Rayla kisses Callum back
Mutual kiss •Relationship begins•
Mutual kiss
Mutual kiss
Veeeeery mutual kiss post rescue and dramatic love confessions
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They get ONE surprise kiss each, and then the rest are mutual or reciprocations (I hope that's an actual word)
Kat@ang's three kisses [because we don't count kiss-or-die, cheek kisses or dream kisses in this house, thank you very much!]:
A@ng surprise kisses Katara
A@ng surprise kisses Katara
Mutual kiss with zero dialogue or meaningful romantic interaction since the last kiss •Relationship begins???•
See the issue???
Rayllum's surprise kisses do not kill their romantic story because they are animated to clearly display their emotions; they work well within narrative context and they each do it, demonstrating equal interest in the relationship.
Kat@ang does none of this by having these kisses be forgotten about rapidly and shoe-horned pointlessly into scenes with zero romantic framing. A@ng always being the one to do the surprise kissing simply makes it seem like Katara isn't really into it, and just kinda accepts it by the end in spite of having no romantic build up over prior episodes.
That's why it grosses me out when avatar does it, and not when Dragon Prince does.
Anyway, none if this probably needed to be said, but this is my void, let me be. I just get annoyed when the only times I see these ships compared they're always saying how "Rayllum reminds me of kata@ng"
I watched Avatar way after watching Dragon Prince, so I hav no nostalgic connection to it at all. In fact- unpopular opinion- I would say that Dragon Prince is better than Avatar in many ways! Most specifically the romances!
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mojo72400 · 3 years
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out.💕
Fuck it, I'm doing 11 people
@moringmark, @spatziline, @rakhall, @pc-the-unicorn, @seddm, @evebun, @p-valley-blog, @princess-kidatheart17, @anarcho-malarkyist, @jlassijlali, @carlottastudios
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avatarpabu97 · 7 years
A Chapter ends and a New one Begins
Star Wars has always been a constant in my life. It is the only Series where despite all its flaws, I cant help but be optimistic. With most other things I'm a fan of such as Harry Potter, Transforms, My little pony(Yes, I'm a brony. Fight me.) Rick and Morty, Samurai Jack, Dragon Ball, Yugioh, anything to do with DC or Marvel etc., I’m more pessimistic. I don't know what it is about Star Wars but I cant help but feel happy. 
 I grew up watching Star Wars Clone Wars(2003) and Star War the Clone Wars(2008). But I stopped watching it shows like this when I got older thinking I was too big for them.
Star Wars Rebels came out when I was Seventeen, a Junior in High School, during a hard period of my life. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and PTSD. So when Rebels came out I fell in love with Star Wars all over again. It made me feel like a little like my self again.
 Fats forward and I'm Twenty-One now. There has been a lot of mile stones in my life. Some good and some bad. I found my first pay check to pay check job and I've worked there for a year now. I’ve made many friends, reconnected with family and some relationships have become strained. My nieces where born and sadly I lost my father to a heart attack. 
 By the time Rebels ends a new chapter will open up for me. My sister and her family is coming back. My Sister, Brother-in-law and myself are going back to school. This Show has given me confidence to write and explore with my art skills. It gave me the confidence to finally start my youtube review channel.
 It will be strange when the show end because I know their are people like @countessofkrownest and @nay-evigilata grew up with it. For those like @amaximinalist  who have gain some opportunities while others like @eyeloch wonder about how their tumblr will be effected. For many the end of the Show will mark the end of a chapter in their lives but giving what we’ve seen with other forms of media, I don't think we’ll say goodbye to many of these characters yet.
Times are scary right now weather it be a personal matter or a public matter. I know @countessofkrownest and @nay-evigilata are worry for their futures as they enter into their final months of school.
 Star Wars Rebels was a simple story, that I believe it reminded us of hope and compassion. I will take what I've learned from Rebels and go forth in many new chapters of life with little more hope. I would like for others to see this and share how Rebels has had impact on their lives. 
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pep-no · 7 years
jlassijlali replied to your post “Someone needs to make a set of KananHug GIFs...”
Add the episode
I won’t, so that people will have to scan the whole series for the scenes 😁
Consider that, a motivation to re-watch ALL the episodes before Season 4 begins 😉
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There’s going to be a REBELS SEQUEL featuring AHSOKA TANO and SABINE WREN!!! They are going on the quest to find EZRA BRIDGER!!! 😃😃😃
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spiderdetentionaire · 5 years
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Godzilla in the australian-canadian series The Deep. Season 2 episode 5: Kenji's Monster.
I'm not sure if the had to pay royalties to Toho for using him and give him that design. Which looks cool.
⚠Spoiler Alert⚠
In the end, this Godzilla turned out to be an accidentally activated animatronic from a movie in the series called "Kaiju Daiju".
@hrodvitnon @true-king-of-monsters @ruubesz-draws @rymslim @godzillas-big-fat-diary @oh-my-godzilla @kaiju-krew @kaijuraptor @kaijushippingverse @faemothra @ghidorah-ghidorah-and-me @godzillajuniorreborn @little-godzilla @nekkyousagi @jlassijlali @jerkdouglas @sweettsubaki @skaiclipse @captain-ember-wolf @greeneyes-anddimples @bearsmu @lazifyre @metal-armed-merman
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