#[ if the male can't mate with the female she is in danger ]
despairforme · 8 months
Is there a particular reason he hates women so much?
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❝ Oh 'fer fuck's sake, this fuckin' shit again. ❞ How many FUCKING TIMES did he have to address this? WHY did everyone think he hated women? He didn't! Having opinions about something didn't mean you necessarily hated said thing. Nnoitra simply stated the truth - that women were weaker than men. In general, they were all WEAK. Of course, there were exceptions that defied the natural order of things. Nelliel, for example, or Harribel. But generally speaking, women were weaker than men. There was a reason why most Hollow and certainly most Arrancar were male. Because female Hollow didn't survive for long in Hueco Mundo.
Nnoitra DIDN'T like the thought of a woman standing above a man on the battlefield, because she shouldn't be there to begin with. It was not natural. She was prey. She was weak. This had nothing to do with him hating women. He simply valued strength more than anything, and in that department, women fell short. That didn't mean there couldn't be other uses for them. There were plenty of tasks they could perform, but they better not fucking be put in a position where they were above him in rank.
Even so --- If they treated him decently, even them outranking him, he would ( reluctantly ) accept. He didn't have that much of a problem with Harribel.
Nnoitra was a primal being. He saw women as either something for him to fuck, or for something for him to eat. That was all. Did it make him an animal? A beast? SO WHAT!?
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gallusrostromegalus · 4 months
Does Nobody chat it up with other deities from other sectors? Or are they kind of a hodge-podge of all deities all at once?
No, because Nobody is functionally the Life Machine's uterus and placenta.
The Life Machine itself, however, is very aware of, communicates with, and even has *Romance* with the neighboring Life Machines.
The AEIWAM Life Machine is really something akin to a Sixteen Dimensional Elder God that is also A Barnacle. It's sessile in it's peculiar cross-sections of reality, anchored to Earth in the localities of the greater Hiroshima Prefecture in Japan, The Black forest of Germany, parts of the Chihuahuan Desert in the US and Mexico, and most recently, the entirety of the London Metropolitan Area encircled by the M25 London Orbital Motorway, and curiously, it's Spirit-world equivalent location, Reverse London.
What's odd about Reverse London is that, unlike it's Soul Society, Schwarzwalden and Hueco Mundo, you can't actually get to Reverse London from anywhere in Spirit World.
If any Shinigami wants to visit their colleagues in Wing Bind/the NDMA, they have to go to the living world in a gigai, get on a fucking plane, actually enter Regular London, locate one of the portals, and from THERE they may enter Reverse London, provided all their paperwork is in order. The same is true of any witch that wants to visit soul society- they must first fill out a mountain of paperwork, get on a plane to Japan, physically enter the Hiroshima prefecture and make contact with a Shinigami there to open a portal into soul society.
It makes schlepping across the Dangai or Garganta look like a breeze!
What's going on is that Each Life Machine only impregnates and gives birth once. The other Life Machines covering Earth offer their neighboring Machines choice pieces of themselves, not unlike a male octopus tearing off his Spermatophoe limb for a female. If the proffered piece of reality is acceptable, the recipient Life Machine takes it and embeds it into her own matrix, and uses the sample to create her daughter.
The Current Life Machine is the third in her line. The first was based only in Japan, but then received the Chihuahuan desert from her mate. The second one drew souls associated with both regions, and eventually received the Chihuahuan desert from her mate. She gave birth and passed on about 35,000 years ago. About 2,000 years ago, The Current Life Machine accepted London and Reverse London into her polydimensional body in exchange for Mount Dogo and began building her daughter by creating Nobody to oversee that process.
To put it another way, one God jizzed London into another God <3.
The reason Reverse London isn't accessible via spirit world is that it's not fully integrated into the fetal Life Machine yet. If things had gone according to plan, souls could start to travel between Reverse London and Spirit World in about 2450, but ah. The whole small-g-godslaying thing. So now it's sort of integrating itself at random, which is more than a little dangerous because the Dragons and other ectofauna of Reverse London are nothing like Spirit World has ever seen, and the hollows and Yokai of Spirit world the same to Wing Bind. Strange Things have been appearing in the outer districts of the Rukongai for some time now- Aquatic horses with a taste for flesh, Ominous black hounds and Strange Women in Ponds. In Reverse London, there are reports of Foxes being even Cheekier than usual, going from petty theft to Bank Fraud and Crypto currency trading.
As for the assorted Gods of this and other worlds- No two Life Machines operate with the same internal logic, so while the AEIWAM Life Machine has it's Hollows, Yokai and Kami, other life machines are operating under entirely different rules, so who knows what is running around elsewhere.
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thegnomelord · 9 months
Ahhh! The Harpy Gaz fic was so cute. But that section at the beginning has me thinking about Ghost, who is interested in reader hybrid that has a very unusual courting ritual(s).
Like, apparently, pandas have a weird hostage situation. The female runs and hides in trees while male competitors fight for her. They will follow her around and try to steal her away until she's ready to mate. It's theorized that this little battle actually stimulates the mating cycle. Similarly, female ferrets don't ovulate unless they're being mauled half to death. (Doesn't sound pleasant to me, but to each their own) my thought here would be more like Ghost's total confusion as to why you seem to like fighting him so much.
Or one of my personal favorites, certain birds and pufferfish (and probably many others that idk yet) have taken to terraforming. They'll create intricate designs and illusions with sand, rocks, sticks, bones, whatever you can think of to attract a mate. The structure they create doubles as a sort of nest. Bowerbirds are particularly keen on displaying an assortment of blue things specifically.
Ooh or shrikes, imagine Ghost's reaction to seeing his favorite food impaled on a sharp object (maybe a combat knife). Tbh, that would be a little threatening. Opening the fridge and seeing a steak or something stabbed with a combat knife and a little note saying, "For Ghost, I hope you enjoy 😁❤️"
Sorry for the little rant, I have an unnecessary amount of knowledge about animal mating rituals.
- 👑 anon
No, no, as a fellow animal nerd I find this stuff so interesting!
I think Ghost would be weirdly into the knife being impaled in his food. Especially if you attempt to feed him with the knife, like sticking small chunks on the tip and expecting him to eat off the knife. And while he acts aloof he's hard in his pants because there's something hot about you using a dangerous object so tenderly with him (also weapon kink idk)
I really love the idea of reader being some deep sea monster or of some species that has a "fuck or die" mentality. Like some anglerfish or spider sexual dimorphism thing where if you were to court your own kind they'd be like 4-5 times your size and wouldn't hesitate to eat you. So you're very crafty and your courting rituals are weird as fuck.
Like Ghost is reading up on your species mating habits and seeing you tie up your mate and if they can't get out you fuck? And if they can you die? Should he be worried? And like he's rethinking every enemy takedown simulation you two had when you needed to tie him up like; were you courting him? was he courting you? what?
Or an especially powerful monster that has a tendency to make nests out of bones, to show how strong they are. So Ghost just walks into your room to see it covered from floor to ceiling in bones of all kinds of creatures with you looking at him like a puppy lol
Or or some kind of mercreature monster reader having a ritual where they pull their mate down to the depths away from competitors, because if it's not dark and cold and you're not drowning your mate won't want to fuck, and Simon's wondering if he needs to buy scuba gear?
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highladyjane · 11 months
The assault at Sangravah happened in early ACOMAF (before Elain's existence even came into picture for Azriel - 3 days before he even got to meet Feyre)... So I don't get how G and Az are supposed to be mates when he's had all that time to feel something?
There's the parallel of Rhys' father feeling his mating bond snap into place the moment he met his mother being assaulted.
"One look at her, and he knew what she was..." (ACOMAF, ch. 16)
Or Rhys himself feeling the bond when Feyre was being tortured by Amarantha...
"And I knew as I picked up that knife to kill her... I knew right then what you were. I knew right then that you were my mate." (ACOMAF, ch. 54)
Or Cassian simply meeting Nesta. "Say what I've guessed from the moment we met" he breathed. What I knew from the first time I kissed you. What became unbreakable between us on Solstice night." (ACOSF, ch. 62)
Bonus from Nesta: “‘From the moment I met you, I wanted you more than reason. From the moment I saw you in my house, you were all I could think about. And it terrified me. No one had ever held such power over me."
Or even Lucien after Elain was Made and maybe even while being thrown into the Cauldron... I don't even need a quote for them, but even Lucien knew and has tried seeking Elain out after the incident.
It's stated in the books and shown again and again that it's the males who are deeply affected by the mating bond. That they can know from the moment they meet. They all in one way or another sought after the females. Even Nesta and Feyre felt something before they knew or opened themselves up to it. And since they all met - They. Couldn't. Stay. Away.
But there's like... no hint of it from Az after stumbling upon G? Like he just literally stumbles upon her - never actually even actively seeking her out through all those years? He hasn't even actively tried to stay away? He's just... *crickets*
It's been Gwyn making noises and attracting his attention through all their scenes together. It was Gwyn asking for dagger lessons. It was 'Gwyn' making Az the new ribbon (whatever that means). And it's Az's shadows reacting to Gwyn, not Az himself. But there's no real hint that Gwyn feels anything romantic for him. There's barely any interactions between them without linking it to her assault in Sangravah and her growth from it.
Besides Az's shadows reacting to G, and that ribbon moment that everyone deems so pivotal when Az realises what it means for the Valkyries (that he's had a hand in training) and maybe even reflects upon Gwyn's character development and therefore what the ribbon means for Gwyn - which made me feel proud too, and that's how I interpreted it - but I can't see an undeniable sign of it being a mating bond anywhere.
I thought at first that mayhaps he was giving her space because of the assault, but then the BC came and he went "It was too late to bank without appearing like he was running," and then "He wouldn't go so far as to call Gwyn a friend,". (ACOSF, Azriel's Bonus Chapter)
Let's not even mention the part where Gwyn was actually in danger (no matter how capable she was at that point), while Cassian was going ballistic at Nesta being in danger, but Az is all like "Let's go save Eris". Eris who both he and Cassian hates. Eris who Az himself nearly killed during the HLs' pre-war meeting (before he exhibited actual mate behaviour and sought and risked his life to save Elain who's not even his mate). But no, he gave just as much or even less action and reaction about Gwyn as Tamlin gave when Feyre was UTM.
And I was like...
How are they mates? Where's the mate behaviour every male - mated or not - in Prythian has exhibited throughout the books? Why did I keep seeing things about them being mates and endgame?
The only hint between them that I could even begin to consider it from is the second to last sentence in Az's BC.
"But Azriel tucked away the thought, consciously erasing the slight smile it brought to his face. Buried the image down deep, where it glowed quietly."
But I basically have the same interpretation about that as this post from @merymoonbeam. (Although I'm still neutral about the lightsinger theory, it's the most interesting take.)
Because again.
Why hasn't Azriel felt/shown anything or actively sought her out or even actively stayed away if he's known Gwyn since Sangravah?
If they're mates, shouldn't he have felt and shown something - like that glow - and Gwyn be the one to snap him out of his 'love' for Mor before he even had the chance to meet Elain? If he's just lonely and jealous of his brothers having mates then... Why has he barely noticed or sought out Gwyn who's supposed to be his mate?
What, he had to wait until his shadows reacted to her to even think about her?
I'm not an expert at analysing things - I wouldn't even say I'm good at interpreting things especially when I've got my rose-tinted glasses on, so/but I'm always open to being wrong and changing my mind accordingly.
But/so convince me with actual canon and not just your biased opinions, delusions, self-insertions, or ships.
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darkdemeter · 7 months
◤✘WANDA MAXIMOFF COLUMN | Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf! GN/Female/Male Reader ISSUE NO.#3
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NOTES: ↳ Babbies okay, I was tearing up when writing this piece, I just have this weird love for writing shit like this. I hope you enjoy it, maybe get yourselves some tissues, and let the story come... full circle. WARNINGS! ↳ A lot of angst — hurt and hurt/comfort — bit of a backstory filler mostly — pregnant Wanda gets very emotional — depictions of trauma, grief, loss and structure destruction — usage of mates and mention of the bond's ability I think that's it? SUMMARY: ↳ You've always been a fighter. It's familiar to you, you know how to handle it. Because you had nothing to lose. Until recently. With Wanda due any moment now, it's put your fighting on the edge. So when a mission goes horribly wrong, it's decided what must be done next...
✎ 2.5k
@alexawynters @alyciaddict
She knew it would be dangerous. But that never once stopped you from facing the threat head on. Stupidly brave, and insanely headstrong. Yearning for the fight, for the chance to do the thing you always believed you were only good at. 
She had pulled you aside after the briefing for the emergency meeting, hand anxiously running over her swollen belly and eyes tearfully full. 
“Don’t.” Her one worded plea is only met with a chaste kiss to her forehead. 
“It’ll be okay. I’ll be back soon enough.”
So stupidly brave. Ignorant and brave. Rugged in your feverish itch to join the fight. Fury amongst everyone else knew she is due any day now. And still, they send you away into the arms of danger, as if you have nothing to lose.
As if she has nothing to lose. 
She watches as you turn your back to her - on her - and storm down the corridor, joining your assigned comrades to prepare for combat. She sees you join them on the quinjet and take off at lightning speed, towards the reported chaos. A threat that devastates New York, with many civilians, innocent in their parts to play, are in need of you. 
But Wanda needs you too. 
She paces around the briefing room, the projector casting the events at this current time. Her hands cup her swell, the looming pressure of anxiety claws at her insides, troubling her and her pups that have become riled in the womb. 
She does her best to soothe them to no avail. They’re able to feel the way her body is constricted in her worry. 
Worry that becomes sheer terror in the blank of an eye. The damage reminds her of Sokovia. Destruction leaves many in a state of grief and uncertainty. Her heart goes out to them, truly it does. But the tears she sheds aren’t for them.
They're for you. 
You’d become separated from your team in the midst of the chaos. The fight in which gets your blood pumping hard and a vent for the pent up rage. Cameras catch it all, your shifted form pelted from the rooftop of an eighty story building like nothing, your body flies far until your back collides into the neighbouring tower. 
However, your opponent doesn’t leave you to fall to your demise below. Not that you’d give yourself that chance, your body falling a few stories before your claws find purchase on a lucky ridge that catches you. 
Your opponent launches forward and with a cloud of dust and debris, you’re sent falling through the wall and downwards, the building collapsing in around you. 
Fury stands beside Wanda, hands pressed firm behind his back and shoulders stiff. Natasha reaches Wanda who cries out, she cries your name, prayers and pleas to not lose you so soon. 
Pain blooms in her body and she fears the stress has induced her labour. The catastrophe not only claiming you but also the life of her pups. 
The building still crumbles in, thick and towering clouds darken out the sun. 
“We’re on our way, Y/N. Hold tight. Y/N? Y/N, do you copy?” The dispatched team’s frequency seems to echo throughout the briefing room. Natasha holds Wanda tightly in her arms, cradling her sobbing body that shivers with peach painful wave consuming her body, mind and mated soul.
“Please! Please, someone, help them!” she screams until her voice is shredded and strained by grief. “Don’t leave me, Y/N! Please! Don’t leave us!”
Your teammates work hard to sift through the wreckage. People are screaming, their voices cutting through the feed. Tony, Thor and Peter begin to pull chunks of debris aside, shoving, pushing deeper into the fallen building.
Steve comes into view next to aid in the recovery; the daunting realisation that it may very well be for your body. 
Wanda’s eyes cloud with her tears, she wipes them clear only for more to blur her vision. She can’t see the feed. She doesn’t want to. But she needs to. She knew something would go awry. She felt it. Something in the bond told her to warn you, to keep you out of danger’s way, but your headstrong attitude wouldn’t allow you. 
Did you think yourself invincible? She always found you had such a complex. That you can shake whatever it is off without a hitch. All she can do is pray that they retrieve you. She cannot bear the thought of—
“We need immediate medical attention. Y/N is down, and bad. We… shit, hold on, Kid. Hang in there. Fury, send an emergency medic!” Tony’s voice is sharpened by panic. 
After another moment, Steve, Peter and Tony drag you out from the clouds of dust, your body brings a shrill cry from Wanda’s throat. She can taste the blood on her tongue. 
“I’m sorry.” That’s all Fury says. All he could say. Scarlet red glares at his turned back, shrouding over the cool green of Wanda’s hues. Natasha’s own eyes mist over with tears. Her hand presses onto Wanda’s, the panicked kicking doesn’t cease for a moment. 
Banner and Helen work in record time. The moment you were carted back to the compound, medical attention was on you. Natasha, Bucky and Loki had to hold her back, her body moving to run to you. 
Nobody answered her questions which only fuel her more with dreaded doubt of your survival.
You can’t leave her so soon. You just can’t… you were mates, you and her. She needs you. 
Your body is torn between human and wolf as the cells of your body try to recuperate from the inflicted trauma and heal your wounds. 
With gloved hands, Banner plucks the remnants of your shock collar off, a low whine escapes you. The smell of burnt flesh stings their noses. 
“This is…”
It’s been a few hours now before anyone could see you. All huddled together outside the room, Banner and Helen finally come out. Immediately they’re pounced on with questions regarding your health.
Banner, however much he wanted to address their concerns, his eyes turn to Wanda. She was the priority right now. 
“Are they dead?” The ring of her Sokovian tongue is prominent in her question that quivers unevenly. 
Banner’s head bows down, bottom teeth pulling over his top lip, he pushes the door open. 
“No. They’ve asked to see you. There were a few… complications during the procedure. Helen and I believe it may be for the best to prepare for the worst.”
Wanda would not hear anymore of it. She pushes past Banner, ignoring the tearful eyes that follow her in pity. She shuts the door behind herself, leaving you both to the near silence devices of your intertwining presences. The faint beep of the machine monitoring sounds slow with each high pitched mark of your heartbeat. 
Wanda approaches your side, your body now complacent in its human skin. A vast majority of your body is patched up with bandages and bruised skin, your face mostly stitched and also bruised. 
What concerns her amongst all these things is the thick layer of gauze wrapped around your neck.
Your eyes pry open to catch a glimpse of your visitor, your expectations confirmed when your fingers curl Wanda’s hand into your hold. 
“Mate,” you sigh softly. It’s a dead giveaway that your breath is at a near loss with how little your chest rises. 
“How could you?” she seethes, streaks of tears lining her cheeks, “you fucking— you almost left us behind!”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be sorry. Be safe. Be loyal!” She pauses in the middle of her coiling anger. She uses her sleeve to wipe her stuffy nose and eyes. “Be with us. Stop… please, stop fighting like this. You’re not alone anymore. You have something to lose now.”
Her words take their sweet time to sink in. The fight is all you know. From a young age, you were trained to kill, to fight. To put away so many years of battle isn’t easy. Years of field trauma tend to stay well over their welcome. It becomes a dark piece in the puzzle of your soul, your identity. But she is right. You never had anything to lose before her. You could go running into a blaze of silver gunfire and not give a single thought to the outcome that was your survival. 
There once was a time that nothing had you bound to keep living. But now you do. You have a family. Your family. 
“I agree.” Wanda’s eyes find yours, a short gasp in her next breath. Your hand curls tighter. “I’m scared, Y/N…”
Your brows screw into a confused pinch. “Why?”
“Because Banner says that I have to expect the worst. That because of complications— y-you may…”
“Oh, Banner is full of shit. I’m not going anywhere. I’m not leaving you - any of you - alone.” Your hand flattens over her bump that instantly comes to life upon your touch. Wanda offers a smile, saddened by the thought that this may very well be the last time your hand graces her pregnant belly. The last time you may have on this earth with her and your pups. The lives you both created together from a night of pent up attraction. Of once denied love. 
She sidles up beside you and her arms carefully move to hold you. Perhaps for the final time. “You were so sure before the mission. I’m sorry, my love, but you can’t be so sure now either.”
You growl lowly under your breath, pulling her tight against you, disregarding the rapid climb of the monitor, the ache of your wounds and the traumatic burning ring around your neck. None of that means shit to you. 
All that matters to you is Wanda and your pups. Your family. 
“Yes I can.”
The day is lifeless without sunlight. Only grey clouds form the sky with a sprinkling of rain. Her eyes are drowned by tears, she’s been crying for days now, the decision clear and made. The pup curled to her breast, adorned in a bright yellow suit, coos in protest when her tiny nose is dotted by light droplets of rain. 
Wanda breathes through her nose, uttering a quiet apology as she then wipes her pup’s nose. 
Her eyes stare down towards the grassy plot at her feet. The stone tablet is brand new, the gilded, reflective plate etched with the honourable title and name of one who was lost. Those of the team, the Avengers, gathered together in a dark palette of mourning. 
Natasha is held tightly to Steve’s chest as she weeps. Each to their own shed their tears, their condolences for her. Wanda has grown tired of the tears. 
“Y…” She cannot even bring herself to say the name. To bring any sense of comfort. To say a few words of gratitude for the buried. 
In her weakening resolve, she feels a hand on the small of her back. Your hand. Her eyes move from the headstone to your eyes, also brimmed red with tears. 
You were stupidly strong. Not a single tear would ever leave a watery streak down the contours of your visage. Until today. 
You turn to those who you work alongside with. Your own arms cradling the other three pups. 
“Yelena Belova was an integral member of the Avengers team. She was never afraid of anything. Many times, she’s thrown herself in the fray for our sake. In fact, I believe some of us wouldn’t be here today, if not for her…”
Your eyes fall to the faces of your pups, their eyes slowly blinking up at you. You sigh heavily with the burden of your sincere words, hardened by the loss, hardened by the resolve that Natasha lost someone dear to her. 
Yelena had saved you countless times. Watched your back when you couldn’t watch it yourself. You doubt yourself among the living had she’d never done so. She’s the reason you’re still alive. The reason you have a family. 
“We will honour Yelena’s legacy and memory. She will always be a part of this team. A part of us. Forever.” 
The final pup whines, kicking her little legs about as you lower her into the makeshift nest. You’d been kept busy, using what materials you could to create a crib big enough for your four pups, then padding it beyond the realm of comfort. She snuggles into her siblings, each of them looping their legs or arms around one another. 
You huff quietly, nose nuzzling each of them in a bid of good night, their soft coos assuring you they are safe and well in their slumber. “We can’t stay here anymore. I cannot bear the thought of burying you too soon.”
“I know, Mate,” you agree, tone heavy in your post-grief. You walk to her and sit alongside the edge of the bed. After the funeral and tending to the pups, Wanda showered quickly and dressed down into one of your large shirts, even being clean, it smelt of you. 
A comfort she thought would be the only thing she’d have left of you. 
“You mean far too much to me. The thought of losing you, I just— I can’t—”
“I know.”
You pull yourself towards her now and pull her into your front. Still her eyes are glassy. Truly, you’ve pushed her beyond her breaking point and it saddens you deeply that you allowed your bravery and hotheadedness to blind you to the bond. 
You felt it too. The remnants of Mother Nature yourself, a connection you’d long forgotten, tugged at you with staggering might. A warning that you were in great danger. You had blatantly ignored it. 
You threatened the tie of the bond with your stupidity. And now you have to pay the price for it. That’s why you decided together what was best for your family. 
“It’s a place called Sanctuary. An… old reserve. Deep in a valley far away from all this. We can settle there, build there. Together.”
Her hand is delicate against the line of your jaw, her plump lips meet yours in a soft kiss. You purr softly and cradle the nape of her neck, deepening the kiss. 
When you finally pull away from her lips, you grace her with a tender smile, eyes filled with love. Pure adoration and love. A sight she never thought she’d see grace your haunted gaze. 
“And… this can be our first step.”
Your hand fumbles around for a moment until you finally succeed in retrieving whatever it was you’re searching for. Wanda’s eyes shift down as gold slides over the slender bend of her finger. Her mouth falls agape and she turns her eyes back to you. 
“Marry me?”
Your fingers run over the scarring. The ring of skin around your neck is still marred in its process to heal. For how much longer is undetermined but the pain tied to it left you no choice but to resign yourself to the wilds of home. 
Your reflection in the picture frame casts a glaring glimpse of the fight you’ve now retired from. You’ve far too much to lose now. Loneliness once allowed you to be so reckless. But not anymore. 
In that picture frame is the reflection of someone who did the right thing for their family. Someone who resigned from the fight they once danced so well before it claimed their life. Before it robbed you and Wanda of being an ‘us’.
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2d-dreams · 1 year
A quick view at the Bees of Flatland
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here depicted: a Square man looking at a few bees, among them a Queen (the largest) and a drone (curved beak/stinger). There is also a wasp (maybe more appropiately a hornet? not sure on the name) which is larger and has three spikes at its back. On the far side is a Linear Woman for size reference.
Bees and wasps are the main pollinators in Flatland. Though their acute stingers seem dangerous, their main purpose is actually to be narrow enough to fit inside of a flower.
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here depicted: A flower, characterized by a stem supporting two petals. Each petal (though it can't be seen sorry) has little hairs with pollen. Inside of the flower is a chamber with nectar. A bee is sipping up the nectar! Some nectar drops can be seen inside of its two stomachs.
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Bees are the main focus of this post.
In Flatland, they are mistakenly referred to as being mainly male, with the queen instead called the king, the juvenile reproductive members who travel away from the hive being called princes, and the drones being referred to as the females, etc. This is actually wrong, and similarly to Spaceland and Planiturth bees, these are a mostly female species, with males only being useful for fertilizing the queens.
Drones or male bees are characterized by their extremely thin (line-thin) probo-stinger (mix of proboscis and stinger!), which is also curved. This is because of the Queen's reproductive organ's structure. It also helps them get rid of dead drones- after mating, a drone will instantly or near-instantly die, and another drone will stab him with his probostinger, pull him out and then get his own business done.
The queen can store huge amounts of sperm, as you can see the storage organ takes around a fourth of her body. She is also, unlike other bees, able to digest the perimeter of other animals. This is generally restricted to eating her dead mates.
On the note of digesting things, all bees have two stomachs. One is the private stomach, which is the one that synthesizes their meals for themselves, and the other is a public stomach, where they store nectar either to bring back to the hive to store in a cell, or to feed other workers, the queen, or the brood through a process called trophallaxis.
Well, there is an exception to this, and it is drones. Drones are useless for everything that doesn't involve mating, and only have their private stomach. They don't even have more than a tiny fragment of a brain.
Bees, like those in our world, have their caste system based on the reproductive role of an individual, along with a division of labor among the sterile workers, usually dependent on their age. Some clean up the cells and hive, some collect nectar, and some build the cells. They can manage to do all of this with nearly no brain!
The way bees navigate the world is based on highly developed sense of smell and Feeling, like a vast majority of animals.
Other than Irregularity and dimness, another characteristic of most animals in Flatland is the lack of eye. Their facial organ is instead usually just a mouth or also packed with extremely smell-sensitive cells. In my interpretation of Flatland, there are no hairs or cilia, except for in some animals.
More will be said soon, especially focusing on wasps, their relationship to bees, and some other dangerous beings.
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ladyluscinia · 10 months
Ok. Daemon AU. Totally open to thoughts / suggestions / entirely different directions. Starting with the main three, obviously.
Edward I think needs something small and unexpected that he would try to hide from others, lest it give away that Blackbeard is not as he seems. Presumably he would have settled right after killing his dad so it could tie in there too. Lots of contradictions going on here... dangerous / aggressive, but also probably something pretty. Duplicitous, if I can make it work. Vulnerable, but also defensive. My first idea is actually some kind of crab, maybe? Still thinking about it. I also thought about a hummingbird but idk if that one really fits, and a snake is too obvious (and passably cool) unless its a really good one.
Stede I feel like is the kind of guy that gets something absurd. The fic I just read did a fancy peacock which worked, but I think I want to incorporate the crushing vulnerability and lack of self-esteem with him too. So I'm thinking... what about one of those fuck-all massive moths? There's a lot interesting here with themes of transformation and flight and your whole soul being an eye-catching fuckery (eye-spots 100%) but also fundamentally it's a bug. And not even a butterfly. Delicate and useless and too weird to even be the right kind of delicate and useless. Yeah?
Now Izzy.
Izzy has several obvious animal motifs I'm skipping past right away - dogs and sparrows - because I think I can do better than a dog and I just read a sparrow. First instinct was some kind of waterbird - ideally hitting a nice balance of too fancy and too scruffy to be cool or impressive, and of course it needs to mate for life. Might have tripped into a great option right at the start of my speculation. I present... the Anhinga / Snakebird:
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It's pretty big. Lives around the Caribbean. They actually swim in the water with just their heads above it and skewer through fish with their beaks. Fun fact, though, is despite swimming they do not have waterproof feathers - meaning they can't stay in the water very long and then have to fan out their feathers to sun dry. Territorial. And also the males have to bring the females all the nest building materials because she refuses to collect any sticks herself even if they are right next to her, which I just thought was funny.
Only thing I'm not sure about is the mating for life vs monogamous for just a breeding season thing.
So... thoughts? I'm gonna keep thinking out loud (via tumblr posts).
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acourtofthought · 2 years
This is going to be a bit of an Anti Azriel post because I'm tired of seeing E/riels tear Lucien down because they're so desperate for their ship to happen that they need to create a version of Lucien that doesn't exist so they can pretend he's not a viable option for Elain.
Do they honestly believe SJM wrote Azriel to be a better male than Lucien (not equals, but better than)? Just because Azriel is a warrior which somehow makes him superior to Lucien, who is the younger of the two and still hasn't found his place in the world? Who is still searching for his own found family (which may not even be Vassa and Jurian as they may have a mortal life span?) and doesn't even know the truth about his father? Who is still developing new powers as the series goes on?
Azriel may have had a shitty childhood but at least his family did him a favor by getting him into training at a young age. Lucien's family never directed him towards any path. His studies, his training, all came about from his own desire to learn.
Azriel can't control himself and starts fights in important political meetings all because Eris said something insulting. That somehow makes him the better of the two?
Lucien wasn't able to do more for Feyre in ACOMAF because he was stuck between doing what was best for the entire Court, what his High Lord asked of him (a High Lord who was also a long time friend but one who also physically threatened Lucien whenever he tried to speak up) and what one female needed. Azriel was never even threatened by Rhys yet he was still willing to lie to Feyre about her pregnancy. Then Azriel even admitted that Nesta deserved to know about the swords yet he still ended up keeping it a secret from her. That somehow makes Azriel the better of the two?
Azriel, who is so jealous of Lucien simply because he was given a bond with "the third sister" while Az was not (basically Lucien was the final piece in the "three brothers" with three sisters" puzzle and it pisses Az off because he's the real third brother and he feels left out of what Rhys and Cassian got). Who has no issues with the thought of killing Lucien (an ally) or the thought of Grayson being killed while Lucien has never mentioned wanting to harm either Grayson or Azriel? Considering cruelty bothers Elain, how does that make Azriel the better of the two?
Azriel who stares at Mor with hunger and longing and cares more about what Mor knows of Feyre's pregnancy than Elain while supposedly being in love with Elain at the same time? That makes him a better male?
Azriel who was more concerned about Mor during the King of Hybern face-off than Elain as she experienced the most traumatic event of her life over Lucien who broke free of his restraints to go to Elain's side. That somehow makes Az the better of the two for Elain?
Azriel who offered to show Elain the garden only after Lucien suggested it. Azriel who offered Elain TT only after Cassian first offered her a weapon. Azriel who said he was getting Elain back only after Cassian first said they'd get Elain back, that makes him a better male?
Azriel who has never thought of a future with Elain and thinks she can't handle anything dangerous even though he was witness to her handling a dangerous situation. That makes him a better male?
The author has put Lucien in every single one of her books and always intended for him to have a Mate which she has spoken of in interviews. He was always destined to be someone in the series.
It is canon that multiple characters comment on how intelligent Lucien is yet I don't really remember anyone regularly commenting on Azriel’s intelligence. That's not to say Az isn't intelligent however Lucien definitely is.
It is canon that Lucien shows restraint in various situations yet Azriel is never written to be very good at restraint.
It is canon that Amren, a 15,000 year old character who has seen some stuff (meaning she knows a little about what she's talking about) suggests Lucien be made High Lord (pages after meeting him for the first time) while she refers to Azriel as a "dog" (after knowing him for centuries).
Claiming Lucien is weak is ignoring the fact that SJM wrote in SF that he is developing the ability to command someone with a single word. That she is giving him the dominance that only a High Lord possesses which forces others to bow to their orders. That he is someone the members of the IC look to in order to help them obtain information. No, he didn't start the series that way but Feyre didn't start the series being the powerful High Lady she is today. The fact that SJM started him being the friend of a High Lord who wasn't as powerful yet has continued to build his character into someone that can stand equal to other High Lords shows how "not weak" Lucien is and is becoming.
Sure she's excited to write Azriel’s story but she has said Lucien is one of her favorite characters. What good is it doing someone to try to make him "less than" when the author herself says the opposite?
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fanficapologist · 6 months
Ok so I went back and reread (parts) chapter 64 to get Helaena's prophecy and it was so interesting to see it with a slightly different perspective because of Aemond's POV with Alys.
When Helaena & Maera are talking about the insect: He views the female as a formidable being with extraordinary abilities.” Sounds like Aemond after he discovered Alys was right about Maera coming back to KL (her vision).
"It is not until the last second that he realizes what has happened,” Helaena continued...“That she has consumed him entirely because she can, and that while the consequences were obvious, his breeding instincts told him not to listen.”. Aemond doesn't want to get rid of/kill Alys because she's carrying his child (even if it's a bastard), but he's not realizing the consequences of her having his baby (especially if it's a boy). Her child could affect Maera & his child with Maera; both might be on danger with Alys still around. She could try to say her child is the rightful heir over Maera's. Or she could harm Maera and her child, so Alys' is the only child of Aemond's.
"Do you think if he knew that it would lead to his demise he would still choose to mate her?" If he didn't think of the consequences of sleeping with Alys (he was shocked she was pregnant) and his choice could (eventually) lead to his demise at The God's Eye. Again she has seen what could happen if Aemond follows her "visions" exactly. If anything changes, her vision may change and it would have a different outcome. He has no idea of the final vision for him and his family, so he's taking unnecessary risks that will/could affect his family.
"I think some males are dumber than others and would still choose to mate," she finally replied with a faint smile. Aemond would still choose his path (giving Alys his seed) because it lead him to Maera and (possibly) the throne with Maera as his queen. He's not thinking clearly or thinking of the possibile consequences (good or bad) for not just him, but his family.
"The hatchling will be scorched by dragon fire in the castle of the old Kings Curse." I think Alys did or said something stupid/bad and her and her child don't survive. Not sure if it's Vhagar or Ebrion that does it. My guess would be Ebrion because Aemond lacks confidence (or is just stupid) and can't think without Alys' visions or is too worried about losing the war without her visions (instead of relying on his counsel members, Cole, Maera, etc.), so Maera needs to take care of things. I could be wrong.
I know this is mean, but I can't wait for her demise. I know Alys doing what she needs to, to survive, but not at the expense of Maera and her baby.
Sorry if I am completely wrong in my lengthy analysis. And thanks for reading! 🙂
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This is everything! 🖤
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mystris-bug-academy · 2 months
Mona and Poly!!
Mona- Pansexual, She/Her, Morpho Butterfly, Gardening Club leader
Poly (pronounced as "Paulie") - She/Her, aroace, Black Swallowtail, occult club leader
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Facts about Mona
♡~ Typical "nice girl but actually a bully" but is actually super, almost unnerving nice to the point of it being scary
◇~ Her favorite flower is tulips!
♤~ Doesnt understand sarcasm
☆~ An absolute FIEND for sugar, do not let her around a bag of sugar at all costs (she will eated it all)
♡~don't ask to look in her spotify (the music does NOT match the personality)
◇~The type of person to kick their feet during ANYTHING
♤~ literal :3
☆~ Wholeheartedly believes in Santa Claus
Facts about Poly
☆~ Typical "goth girl" but is pretty chill when you get to know her
♡~ Cares for her sister a lot (just doesn't show it..)
♧~ "Has multiple ghosts in her closet" or so she says..
◇~ Gamer. That's all I'm gonna say.
♧~ "How many supernatural creatures can you name?" "100." "How many woman do you know personally?" "...Next question."
♡~Doesnt have that much friends, she doesn't like talking to new people that much..
☆~ #1 grudge keeper, much to Mona's dismay
◇~literal :/
(Ps- I'm not doing grades for these two for now bc I don't wanna)
What others think about Mona
Fae- "...Nice to me.."
Ceni- "She's...Nice?? That's the only way I can describe her. She's fun to mess with though >:3"
"Lady"- "Shes tolerable, much more tolerable than her sister...And has a good sense of fashion too"
Honey- "She was in the cooking club before becoming the leader of the gardening club! Sigh...She was so nice to me >///<"
Orchid- "Shes like a sister to me! She even asks me to do her hair sometimes"
Latro- "She let's me take photos of her flowers, saved my butt a few times when I was late for photography projects..."
Poly- "What do you want me to say? She's my sister and I can't stand her sometimes.."
What others think about Poly
Fae- "...cool.."
Ceni- "Totally a hardcore dudette!! She's so cool! She once exorcized the ghosts out of my metalworking room after...An incident..."
"Lady"- "Absolutely dreadful fashion sense..I wish she'd stop rejecting my fashion advice...But on the other hand I don't think she enjoys the color red.."
Honey- "Her and her sister are like total opposites! Poly... Kinda scares me sometimes.."
Orchid- "Her club room is right next to mine! I swear, sometimes I hear weird chanting from her and her– Witchlings or whatever!"
Latro- "She's scary...I'm always scared to take photos in her club room.. I mean, I could take a picture of a ghost!"
Mona- "She's the best worst sister in the world! <3"
Morpho Butterfly facts!!
♡~ Most blue morphos live in the tropical forests of Latin America from Mexico to Colombia.
☆~Blue Morpho caterpillars eat compounds that are poisonous to humans. This is advantageous to the species because predators are less likely to feed on them (dw guys it's only dangerous to humans if you eat them..Not sure why you would tho)
◇~Morpho butterflies often feed and decaying fruit unlike other butterflies that feed on nectar
♤~Morpho butterflies are diunral (active in daytime..I had to look up the meaning of that)
Black Swallowtail facts!!
♧~ Black Swallowtails scientific name is Papilo Polyxenes (The genus name "Papilio" is the Latin word for butterfly. The specific epithet "polyxenes" is from Polyxena, the daughter of Priamos, King of Troy)
♡~Another name for the Black Swallowtail is Parsnip Swallowtail, as well as American Swallowtail, Parsley Worm, Celery Worm, Carrots Worm, and Easter Black Swallowtail
☆~Black Swallowtail are usually found in open areas like fields, parks, marshes, deserts, and they prefer tropical or temperate habitats
◇~Black Swallowtails fly faster than other swallowtails
♤~When a male spots a potential mate, he engages in a behavior known as “fluttering,” where he flies in rapid motions around the female to gain her attention.
Hope you like these two goobers!!
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deathlessathanasia · 6 months
do you believe that any mythological female character (especially mortal characters) can be considered "feminist"?
i see people saying "medea is a feminist!" and i think how a woman who doesn't show care for other women is a feminist, since feminism presupposes female collectiveness. then i see people saying "medea isn't a feminist and we have better examples like penelope" and i don't see how a female character who is an example of the female status quo is feminist, since feminism presupposes going against the status quo
the discussion continues (just changing the characters) and i can't agree with anyone. i don't think any of them are anything like "feminist" and i don't think a female character with decent development is inherently feminist. that doesn't make them bad characters, they're just not feminists (not unexpected considering the time)
as I see you posting a lot of books that you study, i was curious what your take on this would be
I wouldn't call any figure from Greek mythology feminist and I find discussions like this pretty annoying and useless given how watered down the concept of feminism has become. At most it could be said that (some of) a mythological female character's words or actions can be seen as protofeminist, but not the character as a whole.
Medea is wonderfully complex and what she says about the female condition in Euripides' play is very poignant:
„Of all creatures that have breath and sensation, we women are the most unfortunate. First at an exorbitant price we must buy a husband and master of our bodies. [This misfortune is more painful than misfortune.] And the outcome of our life's striving hangs on this, whether we take a bad or a good husband. For divorce is discreditable for women and it is not possible to refuse wedlock. And when a woman comes into the new customs and practices of her husband's house, she must somehow divine, since she has not learned it at home, how she shall best deal with her husband. If after we have spent great efforts on these tasks our husbands live with us without resenting the marriage-yoke, our life is enviable. Otherwise, death is preferable. A man, whenever he is annoyed with the company of those in the house, goes elsewhere and thus rids his soul of its boredom [turning to some male friend or age-mate]. But we must fix our gaze on one person only. Men say that we live a life free from danger at home while they fight with the spear. How wrong they are! I would rather stand three times with a shield in battle than give birth once.”
Is she a feminist though? It's not like she advocates for women's liberation from those unfair conditions even though she is so aware of them, or as if she uses her abilities and talents to help other women.
Penelope is clever and resourceful and resilient, but not sure what exactly would make her a feminist. Klytemnestra defies expectations for how a woman should behave by taking a lover and murdering her husband, but she also kills Kassandra, a defenseless woman who never purposefully wronged her in any way. Helen could be interpreted as a liberated woman who willingly left her family for whatever reason, but a woman doesn't become a feminist simply because she does what she wants
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strixcattus · 8 months
The Narngreg
I can't be certain, but I think I'm late again.
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Even though this week is "only a bird if you want it to be" it's pretty clear that, whatever this guy is, it's a mammal, and the general idea I was picking up was that it's specifically feline or feline-adjacent... I mean, the only golden-spotted mammals that also feature black and white (and isn't that a lot of visual information for one of these entries!) that I know of are cats.
"Sleeping in caves" makes me think of hibernation (though I have my suspicions that this is supposed to be some sort of Biblical allegory with the "three days" bit), so I'm opting to go with a "what if there were a feline equivalent of bears?" interpretation—and as for some other parts of the description, well. If you thought human pregnancy and childbirth were rough...
Did a bit of experimenting with brushes on this one. Mostly in time-saving interests, but there's an interesting effect here.
The Narngreg
The Narngreg (Narngreg placidus) is a carnivorous mammal found mainly in Europe and western Asia. Its form is large and stocky, with black-and-white fur, and it can be immediately identified by its unique pattern of white stripes interspersed with pale golden spots. In winter, they enter long periods of sleep, though this is not true hibernation.
Male and female Narngregs act very differently with regards to their territory and their fellow Narngregs. Males are free-roaming and do not mark territory, and when they meet fellow males, they will almost always fight, if not to the death than to severe injury and complete surrender of the other. Females, on the other hand, mark their territory and do not generally trespass outside of it—on the occasion two females meet, often when one is a youngster who has yet to declare territory, they will usually let one another be, and they only fight when both are desperate for food or territory.
These patterns are reflected in their mating habits. When mating season arrives, the males will mate much more readily than the females—a female Narngreg who has decided she will raise cubs this year has no trouble finding a mate, but the males who every year are intent on fathering cubs must fight one another for the privilege.
If a female does become a mother, she has an arduous journey ahead of her. A Narngreg's pregnancy lasts nearly a year, and especially in the later months takes a heavy toll on her body, demanding her to increase her appetite massively. When it is time for her to give birth to her litter—usually two to three pups—she will find a secluded spot and enter a labor which can take over a day to complete and leaves her thoroughly exhausted. It will then take her some days to recover enough to walk, at which point she will be ravenously hungry.
Likely due to the toll of mothering cubs, female Narngregs mate very rarely. Instead, to ensure the survival of their litter, they will keep their cubs close by for up to the first two years of their lives, teaching them to hunt and protecting them from danger at first, and once their cubs are able to carry such tasks themselves, the family unit will support one another in matters of both food and safety.
When the cubs are ready to leave, they usually do so without prompting from their mother. Males set off to wander the land alone, and females will stick close by at first, politely avoiding their mother's hunting grounds, before settling into their own territory.
Legend says that Narngregs are the sole natural predator of the Choglaem. As there are no Choglaem to be found in Europe, it can be surmised that the Narngreg was overly successful in this regard.
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llixulia · 24 days
Nyxalius slithered into the Vor’iek graveyard. No matter how much the nobles wanted to make distinctions in life between them and the hybrids, most ended in the same place in death. Here.
He was searching for a specific grave today though. Yihla’s. Hyperion’s daughter, Sharcai's mother and his own son’s mate. He sat next to it, silent, in his fleshed out and armored self, and waited.
“Oh. I… I didn't know someone else came to pay their respects to her.”-said a male voice.
Kailgraesh. Nyxalius looked at him and nodded. “She was a nice female who helped a lot of people. It's the least I can do.”
“You knew her, then.”
Nyxalius hummed his agreement. “We crossed paths sometimes, especially when people's lives were in danger. She was a great healer. Saved many from Death himself.”
"She did." Kailgraesh tilted his head. “You say it like you know him.”
Nyxalius closed his eyes. “That's because I do.”
Kailgraesh blinked. “You do? What is he like?”
“Yes. Despite being a god, he’s… He's flawed. He made mistakes in the past that still haunt him nowadays.” He looked at him. “Like never telling his son he's his father and how sorry he is he wasn't there for him. Like telling his son he's sorry he didn't stop his mother from doing what she's been doing for decades, for being afraid of doing so because of the consequences that might have. For what he will do next, which might mean her death as well. He knows he doesn't deserve forgiveness.”
He took a deep breath. “He’s sorry for not telling his son his child didn't die in that horrible spaceship crash where his mate died.”
Kailgraesh’s wings tensed and he looked at him with his eyes wide in shock. “You… What? But… my father is missed in action?”
Nyxalius shook his head. “Your adoptive father is dead. Sheekara killed him. Your real father is right in front of you.”
“That's bullshit! Even if it's true, what, you expect me to be happy and like “oh yay, I have a father!”? After all I’ve lived through? After what she's done, to me and so many others? To my mate? To the hybrids? Why? Why didn't you ever tell me? Why wait until now?”
Nyxalius’ voice broke. “No… I know I don't deserve anything.” He explained everything to Kailgraesh. About the deal. About how he’d failed Sheekara, Yihla, the hybrids, him, and how he’d kept hidden that he knew Kailgraesh was his son for fear of other gods hurting him.
“I don't expect you to forgive me. I know I don't deserve it. But I… I’m breaking my mating bond with your mother. I’m tired of pretending she can be redeemed. There's nothing left of the person I fell in love with, and she's using me as a meat shield. Things have to change in Llixulia. This is a good start, even if it means she and I will probably die. If we do, our powers will go to you.”
He stood up and took a deep breath. “I know my opinion will not mean much to you, but I want you to know I’m proud of you, of the man you’ve become despite everything. I’m sorry, son. I hope one day you can forgive me.”
Kailgraesh stared at him. He would be getting their powers? Bullshit. It couldn't be true. This Vor'iek... god? couldn't be his father. It had to be a joke... Right? But what if it was true? “...What you said before. Is it true? Sharcai lives?”
“I haven't claimed his soul. He lives.”
"If that's true..." Tears appeared in Kailgraesh's eyes. “All this time… All this time… and I didn't know for sure. I had a hunch, but now it’s confirmed. He lives. I have to find him, I-”
"Shekara can't find out the truth, you hear me? Or he will be in danger too."
"I'm aware." Kailgraesh paused. He could do that. He knew how to protect his mind from his mother... especially now that he knew who Nyxalius was. “This changes nothing between us.” Yihla would have wanted him to listen, and that was the only reason he had so far. Now though... He had things to do.
He nodded. “I know. Farewell... son."-he said, dissolving into mist.
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saltysplayt00ns · 1 year
Wanted to state this as it's fresh on the mind, and after a certain page is up public. This one is also pretty long so thanks♥ for any who reads this fully. I try to add visuals and break paragraphs to make it readable to an extent ♥ ----- So we are talking about these two but mostly of Rhovanion and Feaf for a long bit.
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Rhovanion & Feaf's ( bare bone ) reference sheet
Ok, Rhovanion and Feaf forgot their main goal was to head back to Ronja after the capitol and Shiverfall.
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Ch. 13 Pg. 789
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Ch. 13 Pg. 760 - You dogs can't hear them? they're speaking in regular bubble text, not in a whisper or murmur guys.
Remember guys Rhov and Feaf are aware that their is a raid happening under Ronja from two tribes, which have WAY more members then meteor tribe and are likely to basically have severe casualties.
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Ch. 13 Pg. 806
Side note, I never understand author's logic of having a big group vs. a small group just so that the small group win just because out of pure luck and tom foolery of dumbing down a large pack of dogs. Like think about it, two tribes with fighting and tactical experiences. The meteor is still in training and literally 3 dogs left, the two tribes wanted the meteor tribe gone and claim the lands to expand their territory. Which makes sense cause more land means more territory, more members, more sources, more advantage and a better chance of survival. So instead of chasing them out, they just burn huts and disappears like a ghost with only a warning... ...what?? And then, get this, talk about how meteor been terrorizing Aedra forever. DOUBLE WHAT??!! WHERE WERE YOU GUYS WHEN THEY WERE A PROBLEM FROM THE START!!! are you telling me you sat around your asses doing nothing and let your friends and family be captured??? you didn't think to rally all the tribes together and take down meteor?? sent in spies in to infiltrate the camp?? or have them encounter Kargo and Ferah and have them wipe out the troops to weaken the fort and save the females, friends, families and males who're forced to work under a tyrant jarl???!!! this is what I mean stuff having to make sense on WHY they didn't attack a very big danger besides the beasts. Audience shouldn't have to fill in the pieces by scrounging for vague leftovers and broken parts, glue and patch it up to fill the crumbling image, the pieces should be their to set up and have them put in place. Other words like Hansel and Gretel, you have to have the breadcrumbs to lead you in where you need to go, if their is no breadcrumbs you're just leaving your audience to fend for themselves and be lost in the woods.
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Fuss was a very good candidate, because he was a new member in a dystopian tribe. it didn't make sense, why a dog willingly joined a tribe unless they have that same mindset. Him sleeping with a heavily traumatized female; Vandi who literally birthed majority of the tribe, mated with them ( unwillingly mind you ) and then had another kid with the new recruit is very concerning. When she should honestly be healing and have a breather for just being used for majority of her life. Fuss and Vandi should have been a couple healing and bonding and be the motivating reason of him infiltrating the tribe and possible talked with the females after gaining a bit of trust before they become a solid partners. Not a secret love affliction from meeting literally the first kind dog that was just complacent staying in the tribe and have offspring not knowing someone would come to rescue them and not have their daughter; Aklejah suffer the same or worse fate. -----------
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Ch. 13 Pg. 760 Another note, if it's not for the guild to intervene then why is Axilyah leading the guild to know of their to be a raid ONLY so Feaf and Rhov know to tell Ronja, You can't just show someone something and NOT expect an reaction. They could have found out about the raid for themselves and AxiIyah spotting them or they go to Axi and she tells them " The guild is not supposed to intervene of others affairs.'" endangering the guild and the capitol entirely. Which when you think about it Axilyah in some way is doing her job, don't get me wrong she became a douchbag when kiq. wants a reason for her to be and have her be discarded until he wants to use her again, but she's been doing her Job since the beginning, and solely to report to the capitol of the updates, up until it became a problem involving Forngrym. The Guild Job is to report and not intervene - that's it. She shouldn't be fired for reporting of two members willing to keep important information whether it be morally right or not, the Rifle from midnightguard did the same thing and HE didn't get any consequences for that PLUS the old male is no better then axilyah, he literally sent a PTSD dog out their with a bounty on their head and told a another dog dealing with a ghouls beast that can potentially cause a mass murder to run from their troubles and not deal with them nor ask close people for help - and yet he's supposed to be wise and considerate. But Axi gets the boot? suspension I can go by especially when the capitol should go to investigate before final decisions but fired?! and their is no ghouls to pose immanent danger to them and it's obvious both of the members will be in Whispervale or Shiverfall involving the Forngrym so not in danger at all...soooo...
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Side note - no Sh$%# Feaf, you both would be in the capitol too if you didn't waste your time and took the night to have sex in the MIDDLE OF PUBLIC VIEWING FOR EVERYONE TO SEE ( and they did have sex, don't act 5 plus their was a patreon page of literally them doing the deed as an ' extra page' ) . Ghouls are shy to even do anything cause the author thinks burning the bodies will solve the issue but you still have millions upon MILLIONS of ghouls roaming around that DOESN'T have bodies to burn over 30+ years. They can still used the fire to light their way through the night, if Feaf and Rhov had the inkling of sense they would have kept the gem necklace to run through the night and not give it back until the capitols final say, Rhov I get cause he does not know but Feaf does.
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Ch. 13 Pg. 815
This is also Jarring as well, and its because it's favoring Rhov because " I like you" what is their to like? you barely know the Dog and the last time you stated was because " he's cute" and he tried to peer in government documents. This is convenient just for convenience sake, it's convenient for the viscountess to not punish Rhovanion because he's the main character without flaws and dashingly handsome, when the man can't decide if he's a ladies man or a goofball.
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Ch. 13 Pg. 816
Another Jarring conversation. Why is Nubia stating as though she knew Rhov enough that they would be together? For she was still working as a bounty hunter and was on expedition over southspears which takes days ( on timeline accuracy not kiq. accuracy ) ,nor any pages through the tribe for Feaf to introduce Rhovanion around then. After all - it's the first time seeing him and Him seeing Nubia. If Nubia states Feaf being a trouble maker like her would be...concerning since Nubia slept with two different brothers and lay hidden ( not really ) under the capitol when she started the drama and didn't make a choice. Feaf did gaslight Rhovanion 3 times and forgave him of lying AND covered for him which is causing trouble over two characters, all for she can be with him and sleep with him the same day or 2 RHOV broke up with Jahla. which Roamer did to Kargo of a day or two before sleeping with Rogio.
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Ch. 13 Pg. 816
But Yay(?) since NUBIA and lahimana conveniently has taken the weight of notifying the tribe and confirming they will not be continuing as the guild. Rhovanion and Feaf should immediately head to Ronja and the MT to make sure everything is alright - again THEY ARE NOT TOLD THAT METEOR SURVIVED. they don't know she had pups but should to add how dire and anxious Rhovanion would be for them or have been told off-screen by Feaf. So they should head towards Ronja since she is family, she is a pack member of Asmundr - they can tell Ronja of finding Asmundr and then run back for they now know she is safe. Right?? Right??...
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( Sigh ) - also Kiq did this same scenery but with rogio and Kargo coming home.
...... I guess Ronja is not family enough to be taken seriously.
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literally LOOK!!! - took a full day to get their and judging from the map the travel is more then one day to traverse to Asmundr, Plus the speed of how fast they were going without rest nor stopping to mate. The fact that they full on throttle, no breaks, non-stop to see their family but not for one who's endangered of being murdered or worse astounds me. What's with family members dissing Ronja for literally just existing or endanger. Like guys Ronja would want to see her step dad, or see the family she was manipulated away to be shoehorned to take a role of leadership. Ronja could have EASILY place the tribe their for safety - it's really not that hard/complex. It's not " the characters have their own free will trololololol" NOOoo?? the Author has control over the story and how it should be. The author chose Roamer the main character to take a route of a selfish, insensible, coward, the author choose to keep a manipulative, abusive Ranach alive by plot armor - way over due and build a lust, bar tribe for him to sleep around and take reign over the tribe without earning it. The author chose to have characters not do anything and be complacent instead of proactive, going against what they were taught and their personalities. The author chose to not have a manuscript nor a way to remember certain events to follow consistently and a lot of stuff happening in the story is because some of their traits are projecting in the story, a self-insert indulged fantasy writing of their mindset/ideology and not because they want to tell a story. Certain mindsets are NOT bad per say nor like want to work on stories with topics? but certain one's like projecting prejudice hate , romanticizing certain topics or blatantly use them for shock value - you should probably revaluate what you're trying to do and if you're projecting an opinionated speech or a fan service to a...questionable niche. ^^'
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lifetimeshipper · 2 months
Angel From A Dream
Chapter 13
Steeljaw can't help but pace around the new cell as restlessness settles in, it's concerning him what these humans have planned for them. The fact that they moved him out of the cell with Strongarm and into this one is troubling him. What have they done to her? What do they plan to do to both of them? He growls as that feeling of emptiness returns, not as bad as earlier but it's still there and he hates it.
He stops his pacing and snaps his helm towards the door as a scent reaches his nose. A scent that's familiar to him, very familiar but strong. It's Strongarm's scent, he knows it anywhere, but it's stronger than usual and... sweeter? What's going on? Why is her scent so strong and sweet? He keeps sniffing, taking in as much of the scent as he can. It's intoxicating. It's doing stuff to him that he can't explain.
After a moment it finally hits him, "Strongarm's in heat!"
He lets out a growl as he forces himself to resist breaking through the door. His servos clenching as he starts pacing again, "I won't allow the humans to get the upper hand on me. They won't control me..." He growls again as the scent gets stronger and more intoxicating, "I can't... I can't..."
He tries his best to cool his systems and keep from breaking down the door but it's proving to be a difficult task. When another whiff of her sweet, intoxicating scent hit his nose something in him snapped and he couldn't resist anymore. He needs to get to her. He must please his mate. Without another thought, he begins ramming his shoulder into the door as he growls ferociously.
Brendon smiles when he hears Steeljaw start banging on the door to be let out, "Document this, male Cybertronians will do anything to get to a female in heat. Just like a wild animal."
The soldier that was nearby made sure to document it and put it with the others. They listened as the banging got stronger, "Do we just let him break out?" One of the soldiers asked.
"He's not gonna go anywhere except the cell where the female is. He's just like a regular wolf, he won't go anywhere without his mate."
Steeljaw's shoulder started hurting as his armor dented in from the impacts he was making on the door, but he didn't care. He's determined to get to Strongarm and protect her at all costs. He could feel the door giving way, just one more should do it. 
When he gives one final ram into the door it bursts open, setting him free from his imprisonment. He sniffed the air and then growled as he darted off toward the cell. He ran through the place not paying much attention to the humans who scrambled to get out of his way.
When he makes it to the cell he sees Strongarm sitting on the floor with her back up against the wall, her fans had gone into overdrive to cool her down as she had a look of discomfort written all over her faceplate. She looks up at him with pleading optics, she just wants relief.
He looks over to the humans that are still by the cell and he releases a very sharp claw to place at the throat of one of the soldiers, "Open the cell door or your pals will be cleaning your blood off the floor and walls!"
"Open the door, let him in," Brendon's voice could be heard through the earpiece.
The soldier opened the door and Steeljaw ran in faster than any of them could blink. He gets down onto the floor in front of Strongarm as she looks at him, "Steeljaw." A whine escapes her without her realizing it, though she knows she must sound a bit pathetic at the moment. But she can't help it, her heat is getting to her.
Steeljaw pulls her into a hug and lays her down on the floor as he gets on top of her like a shelter to protect her from any danger. He looks over to the humans who are still standing there watching them and he growls at them. They finally close the door and leave, leaving them alone. He looks down at Strongarm as she wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him like a child holding onto their father for comfort and protection.
"It's alright, my Cadet, I'm here. I know you're suffering but hold on until we break out of here, then I will relieve you from your heat." As much as he wants to just frag the scrap out of her right now he knows he can't here with the humans watching them. He must wait until they manage to escape.
Strongarm groans as she feels the pain in her port, "It hurts and it's so uncomfortable."
"Just hold on a bit longer. I'm plotting a way for us to escape."
She just nods her helm as she buries her face in the crook of his neck and tightens her hug. He also tightens his hold as he continues plotting their escape.
The atmosphere was completely tense as Grimlock and Underbite walked together. The walk was so awkward since both mechs have more hate for one another than the rest. They would keep throwing glares at one another every so often but neither would say a word.
"I can't believe I was teamed up with the dumbest Autobot of the group," Underbite mumbles breaking the tense silence.
"Can you repeat that?" Grimlock asks as he stops walking and looks over at Underbite.
Underbite stops walking as well and looks at the Dinobot, "I said I can't believe I'm teamed up with the dumbest Autobot! Any of the others would have been better!"
"I can't believe I'm teamed up with the biggest loudmouth!"
"Do you want to have another go, Dinobot?"
"Oh, I would love to... But we need to find Strongarm."
"You're just chickening out."
"Am not. If you want to have a go then let's have a go!" Grimlock says as he gets into his fighting stance. Underbite does the same and they stare each other down for a moment. When Underbite prepares to launch for the Dinobot he feels a sharp pain in his hind leg.
"What in the pit?" He looks at it and finds a dart sticking out. The duo looks over to see the humans they had encountered earlier heading towards them with their weapons out. In their bickering, they didn't realize they had come close to the humans' base. Underbite laughs as he walks towards them, "You think a little dart will do anything to stop me? You humans are-" Before he could finish he felt woozy and collapsed to the ground.
Grimlock watches his nemesis struggling to get back up before he looks back at the humans who started surrounding him. He released a roar as he ran towards them, ready to show them his fist and chomp down on them. But before he could get too far a dart was shot into his leg making him trip and fall to the ground. Before the Decepticon and Autobot blacked out they heard one of the humans give the command to bring out the vehicle that could pick them up and take them into the base.
Steeljaw looks at Strongarm to check on her and sees her optics are closed. He nuzzles his nose into her neck, "Strongarm, how are you doing?" When he doesn't hear a response he pulls his head back and looks at her, "Strongarm? Strongarm, open your optics and say something! STRONGARM!!"
Chapter 1
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write-now-or-else · 3 months
The Princess in the Forest Clearing
Chapter 1: Trip Home
Inspired by this writing prompts post
I was sitting in the damp grass in front of the fire when a fox decided to sit next to me. And then another. And then an elk approached me. Two birds perched on my tent. And a bear came up behind me.
And finally, a mountain lion.
This was supposed to be a solo camping trip, just as some self discovery now that I'm on my own in the world.
But now I'm not sure what I'm discovering.
They all seem to be waiting for something.
I look around.
Grizzly bears are pretty dangerous, but I guess since I haven't moved much since the arrival it doesn't feel threatened.
But the other animals? The foxes haven't ran from me, nor had the elk, and the birds hadn't flown away.
And the lion. Surely it would have attacked me by now, right?
Something was wrong, or maybe right? I couldn't tell.
"Say something!" One fox exclaimed, seemingly pissed off now.
I could understand it. Why could I understand the fox? I was never able to understand animals before, so why now?
"This must be my final dream, I must be dead" I said.
"What?" The younger fox chuckled.
The lion, or maybe the bear, must have killed me. I must be dreaming.
"I'm dreaming. I- There's no way-" I stammered.
"Silly silly!" The pup said.
I backed up, almost hitting the bear and knocking over the tent.
"Woah! Watch it princess!" One of the birds said.
"Princess?" I asked.
What kind of nickname was that, to have come from a bird of all things. I laughed, but, it was more nervous than anything. With all these animals surrounding me with no intent to harm, maybe I am a princess. Straight out of one of the movies I would watch over and over as a little boy, way before my transition.
** ** ** **
"Mama! I wanna be a princess! Just like Cinderella!" I exclaimed.
"No, darling, you can't be a princess, you can be a prince though" My mother said.
"But, I wanna-" I began.
"Princesses are for girls, Vincent" My mother interrupted.
** ** ** **
"Mhm~" The bird hummed.
"So...I am a girl!" I exclaimed, excitedly.
"Of course, why wouldn't you be?" The bird asked.
The other bird smacked who I assumed was his mate.
"She was swapped out with a human boy, remember" He said.
"So...I was never a boy?" I asked.
"Well, you were, but we've been keeping a close eye on you for your real mother" The male bird said.
"And you don't care that I'm a girl now?" I asked
"Not in the slightest" The bear huffed.
"But why?" I asked.
"Us animals don't have reason to be against that" The bear replied.
"And neither do humans, but they are anyways" I mumbled.
"Humans are afraid of what they don't understand" The female bird said.
I just sat there, twirling my hair. Everyone always compared it to the trees, with how dark it was. The same thing always led people in school to make jokes about my mother cheating, since both my parents...I guess both my fake parents now that I know the truth, had blonde hair.
In middle school I bleached my hair just to avoid the bullying. But it persisted anyways because I never fit in with other humans.
"So...you never answered me, or maybe I just never asked, but how can I understand you?" I asked.
"You're the princess of this forest, your mother is the Fairy Queen" The elk said.
Each of the animals seemed to have voices of their own, the adult fox was comforting, the child fox was playful, the elk was stern, the male bird was uptight, the female bird was motherly, and the bear was fatherly. The lion did not speak, at least, not yet.
"We were wondering when you'd return, these forests are your one and true home" The lion finally said, his voice was booming.
I got up, and doused the fire.
"I'm sorry, but there is no way this is real" I said, heading into my tent. Inside I found a small squirrel, laying on my sleeping bag.
"Princess! I was wondering how long it'd take for you to find me!" She chuckled.
I just decided on pinching myself at that point.
Nope. Not a dream
"Ok...maybe I accidentally ate a hallucinogenic mushroom...despite not eating any mushrooms this trip..." I tried to reason.
As I backed out of the tent, the sleeve of my fishnet top (which was under my regular top, I am not dumb enough to go into the woods with only a fishnet top) got caught on a branch on the ground.
"I got it!" The female bird said, pecking at the sleeve to free it from the branch it was caught on.
"Thank you...um" I began.
"My name's Marigold" The bird replied.
"Thank you, Marigold" I said.
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