#[ v; triad au. ]
bnbc · 2 years
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"You. In my office. Do you want to get killed this much?" "Perhaps."
some new hot au? I have no idea
don't reupload my content to other sites
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nexusvcrti · 10 months
tag dump
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fang-and-feather · 8 months
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To preface this, I already made a Thank You post, but Thank You again for joining me in this journey! You make all my work worth it! 🥰😘
This is a bit overdue, but I had a hard time figuring out what to do. I ended up going with something a little simple and, not as creative or personal as I expected (maybe next time, if there's one), but I settled on two phases of opening requests, this one for some old prompts I got, for things I know people follow me for, or at least recognize me for. The second phase (that has no set time to begin) will be for starting new things.
In this phase I will be taking requests for Ikemen Vampire and Star-Crossed Myth
I will be taking one request by prompt and marking them out as they get taken so check available prompts before requesting.
Prompts can be SFW or NSFW (they'll be separated in three lists, one for specifically NSFW, one that I will only write as SFW and the other where you can chose), all of them will be fluffy.
For NSFW, you can chose who's top or bottom (or middle for threesomes)
I do take requests for suitor x reader/MC and polyamorous suitor x suitor x reader/MC as either V or triad (in other words, you can chose whether only reader is dating the two guys of if they're also dating).
2nd person will be the default, but you can request for 3rd person with a name of your choice if you want, female or male reader (female will be default).
Also you can chose between reader/MC's POV and the suitor's
I will probably start working on these in April but I decided to open it in advance for some time to prepare.
Prompts list bellow the cut:
SFW Prompts:
"May I have this dance?"
Blind Date
Nurse AU
If you solve this, I'll buy you lunch"
Falling in Love
NSFW Prompts:
Mirror Sex
Dry Humping
"No one's ever touched me like this, fuck"
Dirty Talk
Neutral Prompts (pure fluff or smut to your choice):
Picnic Date
Friends to Lovers
Arranged Marriage AU
Demigod(ess) AU
True Love's Kiss
"I can't stop thinking about you"
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allbluedepths · 7 months
This was originally part of the ship bingo post, but it spiraled out of control and became a very large pile of thoughts. So instead, the Wings of the Emperor AU is getting its own ship dynamics post for Shanks, Mihawk, and Benn because it's sorta its own thing, and I'm having a hell of a time trying to figure out how to even tag for it because none of their relationships fit in neat boxes very well.
(Wings of the Emperor AU is my early Red Hair Pirates era AU where Mihawk chooses to not become a Warlord and ends up not joining, but semi-sailing with the Red Hair Pirates. It mostly focuses on Mihawk's early dueling years with Shanks, his interactions with the Red Hair Pirates, and eventually getting swept up into their sailing shenanigans. TL;DR: I had the thought of "who would Mihawk be if forced to answer the question of 'who am I beyond just being a swordsman'" and it all spiraled from there.
For the record, some of the earlier posts aren’t 100% accurate anymore — big one being that I traded the “Mihawk was almost Shanks’ first mate” bit for something else — but this is an indulgent ship post, not me correcting my own lore post LOL.)
So, here’s a pile of thoughts to get my brain in gear to actually write more of the fic itself, haha. : )
This AU is… complicated? I'd say it's endgame Mihawk/Shanks/Benn triad in a very non-traditional relationships way. For example, by the time Mihawk semi-joins them and turns down the Warlord position, even Shanks and Mihawk don't have a concrete romantic relationship, and theirs is still the closest to that, haha. I guess it's best classified as:
Shanks and Mihawk: close relationship bordering on romantic; there's mutual interest, but their definitions of romantic also don't match "standard" definitions of romance, so it doesn't always read as that to others. Rivals/partners with a romantic flair?? Since Mihawk turning down the Warlord position and choosing to join them comes with a good chunk of other upheaval, there's a conscious decision to not really label anything, but they're on the same page of being mutually interested.
Shanks and Benn: hellooooo complex intertwined captain-first mate relationships. The fun duality of being both incredibly simple and incredibly complex. I'm team "many working captain-first mate relationships basically become life partnerships", and they're probably the prime example of that. Inconveniently for tagging purposes, it's smack dab in the middle of "&" and "/" relationships for AO3, so… eh, the vibes are vague. The details past the fact that they're basically each other's most trusted person stop mattering at a certain point.
Benn and Mihawk: Complicated, haha. By far the side of the triad with the most development to be had; right now, it's more like they're separate sides of a V polycule, rather than a triad, but the foundation's there. An odd, unexpected friendship turned an even more unexpected camaraderie as the years go by and Mihawk's around more and more. Absolutely no one outside of them (and occasionally Shanks) can really parse out what's going on here. Again, just over the line of what I'd tag as "&", and develops veeeeeery slowly over the years in its own undefined way.
…That ended up as a whole ass wall of words, haha. Shorter summary if you're looking for general relationship shifts:
Mihawk sails with the Red Hair Pirates (~6 years after the RHP start): only Shanks/Mihawk are semi/almost-romantic
Sailing time until Dawn Island: Shanks/Mihawk slowly get their shit together; Shanks/Benn inch toward maybe another realization or two, Benn/Mihawk "two introvert cats" bond starts really kicking in
Post-Dawn Island: Shanks/Benn get their shit together (thank you, realizations about mortality)
The decade-ish between Dawn Island and current canon: It's a polycule between an Emperor, an Emperor's first mate, and the World's Greatest Swordsman. Who cares if it makes sense to anyone else; it works for them, lol.
If you read this far, thank you, and I hope you enjoyed an unexpectedly long analysis drop for an AU I haven't posted for in a while and mostly exists in my brain right now, haha!
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remyfire · 3 months
🍍🥝 <3
Fruit Emoji Ask Meme Hi friend, thank yoooou!! :D 🍍 What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
I struggle with the greater majority of AUs honestly!! Part of what I love about this fandom is how claustrophobic it is. Characters who would never look at each other twice in any other situation are thrown together and forced to become some kind of family. It's hard to capture that in any other situation because we are not often confined to such a small amount of space long-term in our daily lives. Add in the fact that a lot of the character development comes from the boiling point of being confined somewhere against your will for doing nothing but living your life, as well as the growing level of trauma they experience the longer they are in Korea. How does the creator of the AU go about representing that same development? That's incredibly important to me.
That being said, I never go in for high school/college AUs at all. I will never read an AU where BJ and Peg never met/fell in love/got married because of how vital their marriage is to me, just like I don't read fics where they separate/divorce and will barely ever read ones where they are in a lavender marriage. Noir is a big thing here but that genre has never captured me in any form, so I don't read those. I am sorry to be such a picky downer ;v; It's miraculous that I got caught up in foxtrap madness at all because 9 times out of 10 when AUs get brought up, I will often just evaporate silently in the ship channel and let everyone else have at it haha.
🥝 What’s your favorite trope/AO3 tag to write?
Anything open relationship related. Anything. It can be vees, triads, quads, polycules, polyamory, relationship anarchy, solo polyam, swinging, etc. As long as I get to put multiple people together and not write infidelity angst, I am a happy camper.
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spookyscaryfox · 5 months
i got so bryan seth gordon and polyamory pilled that i invented polyam seth/allison/renee au.
it's v form triad even though none of them know it's called that. all they know that while allison is on and off with seth, she's also looking at renee and renee is sending those vibes back.
in a better world, where seth survives od and gets better, stops tearing team apart with animosity towards monsters, where renee allows this to happen, allison draws her in. renee stood no chance. and seth looks at her sometimes, commiserating — that's ally for you — and renee responds with a fond smile — yes, she is like that.
connection to allison does not make renee and seth friends automatically but it offers possibilities to become ones.
(renee has to bleach and dye her hair every month. seth just bleaches his to look less like his brothers. usually allison helps them both but once she just dumped seth on renee with bleach and brushes and departed, citing that she's busy and they can help each other. they did. it's a nice ritual to have.)
it's a strange thing for seth. how do you treat a girl your girlfriend looks at longingly? even his homophobia and possible left over misogyny aside, how do you talk to her?
(what if allison chooses her over you, seth? yes, she struggled more than you and has baggage three times yours but she's nicer. sweeter. when she thinks you can't see she holds ally's hand like a knife: carefully, respectfully, like something revered. what do you do with that?)
allison's brutal honesty keeps seth out of habit of lying to himself and offers a breath of fresh air to renee. when he asks: me or her? she says: both equally and differently. he has to reckon with the fact that he can have allison like this or not at all.
(he will never know, but if he broke off things that one time, it would have been the last.)
he deals with it good, all things considered. couple of fights and nights spent blindly drunk and high notwithstanding. rare edges of renee — knives, spars with andrew, quiet no when faced with drugs — help to reconcile with the notion of sharing.
renee didn't care for him before she entered the relationship with allison. he was on a periphery and if something happened to him that upset allison she would have been understanding but she did not consider him her own the way she did with the girls.
after seeing him with allison she has to reckon with the fact that there is actually something in him that allison loves. it's not just body chemistry and bad decisions. brutally honest and so bloody loyal, pushing her to be the best, not trying to restrain her but to egg her on. willing to shut up and listen sometimes. blackest sense of humor you have ever seen, voice a sweet tenor.
(if seth dies, his ghost isn't haunting only allison. renee mourns too, quietly.)
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polyamships · 2 years
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This is the first of six posts to help expand on the prompts for anyone who needs a little more to go on than just one word. We hope these ideas help inspire people, but they are only a jumping-off point and there will of course be plenty more interpretations we didn't think of!
March 1st - V relationship – For a definition see here. How did the V form? Do their metamours know one another? Does everyone in the V live together or does the hinge partner divide time up between two, or three, homes? You could focus on each relationship that makes up one arm of the V or you could focus on the platonic relationship between the two metamours if they have one, or work in both angles! The V-turns-into-a-triad trope could be fun and interesting, what changes from one type of relationship to the other?
March 2nd - Supernatural – This could be the genre in general, or any fandoms that fit the genre, including crossovers/fusions with your favorite ships for those supernatural themed fandoms. There are also plenty of supernatural type AUs that would be great for this prompt; vampires, werewolves, ghosts, sirens, fae, witches, fairytales. Perhaps your polycule is part of a ghosthunting or monsterhunting team, or perhaps they are the supernatural beings attempting to hide away from any hunters and/or non-supernatural folks. Or maybe it's more subtle, such as one of your characters being into ghost stories or supernatural horror films or creepypasta. And if you want something a little different for this time of year, how about your ship celebrating Halloween with all the spooky decorations or costumes.
March 3rd - Games – There's so many types of games this could be used for; board games, card games, console or PC games, and lots of different types of sports too. This could mean polycule game night. Or maybe your OT4/5/etc has enough people to run their own DnD group regularly. Or an extended polycule having enough people to play team sports or something like paintballing – they could either be on one team against others or pitted against some of the polycule with it divided into two teams. For fluff, this could be playing family/children's games with their kid(s) or partner's kid(s). Maybe only a couple of people in the ship/polycule like a particular type of gaming and form a connection because of that, e.g. metamours bonding over PC gaming while their loved one in common has no interest at all in that. This could also be taken with a darker or more adult angle, as mind games or playing with someone.
March 4th - Affection – How do the different people in your ship show their affection? Is it with touch, like kisses, hugs etc, or is it words, such as compliments, or actions, like cooking a loved one their favorite meal or showering them in gifts. Do they crave affection and love public displays of it or do they prefer it to be private, or just occasional if they are very reserved. Is the type of affection they show the same with all their partners or does it differ with some of them in some way? If any of your ship work together, perhaps they have to hold it in check while on the job to be professional, or do they try to sneak affectionate moments in when people aren't looking.
March 5th - Awakening – This could be about a character's polyamorous awakening or a bi/pan awakening if they're already polyamorous but are surprised by feelings for someone of a different gender than expected for the first time. Or an awakening for anything else that they come to the realization of – like figuring out they are asexual, or having their feelings for someone suddenly hit them, or discovering one day that they have special abilities/powers. It could also be literal and fluffy, about them waking up in the morning with partners. Or literal and whumpy, waking up after something bad that happened where they lost consciousness.
The rest of the prompts can be found in the full prompts post here.
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eevylynn · 1 year
WIP Folder Names Tag Game!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, & then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I was tagged by @sunwarmed-ash, This was fun! Thanks!
Here we go! (I just know I have a ridiculous amount in My Docs….oops)
WIPs in my Docs
Kitsune Stiles (post 3b)
Alpha Stiles AU (starts pre-fire)
Derek Turns Stiles 1st (season 2 AU)
Moonlight Triad: The Pack (original fiction)
Charles Sparrow - Vampire Hunter
Spideydevil MJ fic (Peter 3 and his MJ)
Swanfire Accident (nonmagic AU, Neal wakes from 11yr coma)
Weekend with the Golds (Belle, Gold, Henry feels)
Witch v Wolf (original fiction)
Werewolf Code (Hinny, Remadora, Dudley/Lavender)
Terriers and OUAT (Brit aka Neal aka Baelfire)
Tiny People (original fiction)
SF Marriage Pact (swanfire nonmagic AU)
Dumbledore getting Remus to teach
Remus and Lily slowburn
Bae finds Emma in the snow (enchanted forest AU)
WIPs on my ao3
OUAT Hogwarts AU - self explanatory series
Accidental Occurrence - rumbelle, canon divergence post 3a
Life for a Life - Dark!Bae, canon divergence post 3a
A Different Kind of Hook - Milah as Captain Hook
Leaving Neverland - teen swanfire AU
Now I tag: @phoenixwrites @reidslovely @ishtarelisheba @emospritelet @perseusparker @amazingpetey @xxgothchatonxx @bloodywhitetears @missielynne @anneelliotscat @gossipgurlingursht @stilesisderekslittlespoon @xxspideydevilxx @toseehowthestoryends @counsellormurdock @fromtheashess @renee561 @renmackree @hesmuchmoreimportant
and anyone else who wants to play!
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ourflagmeansgifts · 10 months
Pinch Hit #2
Request 1:
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands
Trans Blackbeard | Edward Teach
gender euphoria
Comfort No Hurt
I'd like to see v-triad stede/ed + ed/izzy with Bigender transfem Ed and FTM Izzy (and cis Stede), with Ed coming out to Stede about his/her gender issues. Preferably have Stede confused but loving and accepting. No modern AU. No omega-verse. NSFW is OK. Kink is OK. Problematic gender language is OK - they do not need to talk like they're on tumblr in 2016.
Request 2:
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Oblivious Stede Bonnet
I'd like to see someone explore stede/ed/izzy polycule as a V-triad (so, Ed dating izzy and Stede, Stede and Izzy not dating) as opposed to steadyhands. With a focus on Stede and Izzy's platonic relationship, maybe some miscommunication where their both afraid they're going to have to date the other when they'd rather just be Bitch4Bitch besties. And of course please include Ed being a menace (either in a funny way or an angst way or both, up to the author lol). Please include FTM Izzy, if possible. No modern AU. No omega verse.
Request 3:
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Jim Jimenez
Hurt No Comfort
Suicidal Thoughts
Nonbinary Character
Trans Blackbeard | Edward Teach
Non-binary transfem blackbeard during kraken era whose jealous of Jim's opennes out their gender and their ability to find love. They end up in a weird toxic relationship after Edward breaks down in front of them one night while drunk. No omega verse. No non/con, dubcon is fine.
Send me a DM or ask if you're interested in pinch hitting for this recip!
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twinknote · 1 year
✨some of my favorite short fics for comment fest's ~flavor of the day~ (<2k word count)✨
now with plentiful nearlymellodramattic and trans representation!
wholesome faves:
superfly by Tierfal (666 words / T) (hehe) "matt, mello, and near have a nice, inexplicable-AU-ish day off." very adorable and funny peek into the triad's relationship.
fireworks somewhere far away by neallo (1,996 words / T) extremely sweet and fluffy look at fem!meronia on vacation. love confessions, girls kissing, acts of service, and more!
smutty faves:
let me work on you by avoidfilledwithcelluloid (2,016 words / E) (shh it's close enough) "[trans] light and L make a deal and light ends up losing. he's got to comply with whatever request L makes but his challenge doesn't quite end at his lap desk duties." 10/10 trans!light and dom!L representation.
date night by Mihaelgayhl (1,332 words / E) "one night a month matt demands a date night, something mello sees as a tedious chore, unless he can convince matt to forget about it." i don't care what anyone thinks, dom!mello and sub!matt will forever have a firm grip on my throat.
spell by squidish (1,421 words / E) "a lazy afternoon in july." simultaneously wildly sweet and smutty trans!near (he/him), trans!mello (she/her), and matt. this one is like top 5 all-time-faves for me.
heat of the moment by coprinus_atramentarius (1,442 words / E) "L hogs the blankets in their cold-ass hotel room, and when light complains, L drags light's hand down to the hot, hot heat between his legs" T4T LAWLIGHT!!! steamy asf and also very cute.
time and time again by anonymous (613 words / E) "near does not know why he comes back every time." v hot nearlymellodramattic smut that's also sweet and fluffy.
long distance by smallestbird (432 words / M) "mello's bored, and matt's clearly not even listening to him." shortest on the list but packs a punch! surprise nearlymellodramattic phone sex while mello's out of town for work.
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voxofthevoid · 1 year
Tropes Game
Tagged by @cursedvibes. Thanks, man! This looks fun, and I loved reading your responses <3
How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 ->  very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged.
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional.
Trope List
Age gap:   7/10
Age gap alone isn’t a selling point for me, especially since there’s a world of difference between, say, 30/40, 20/30, 15/25, 50/500, etc. But if I get into a ship that has an age gap, especially a le problematique one, I will lean into it full tilt, as you can currently see with goyuu. There’s a lot of fun, often fucked-up, things to be done with differing life experiences and maturity levels, and that’s usually interesting to explore. From the reading end, it depends on the individual ship and also how the specific fic approaches it.
Codependency   10/10
Hell to the fuck yeah! I prefer unhealthy relationships over healthy ones (...in fiction, Tumblr), and codependency tends to add a fun flavor. I’m picky about it when reading. I default to it when writing.
Enemies to lovers   10/10
Good stuff, and I’ll never say no to some violent hate sex. I don’t have many ships like this though; it’s mostly something I read. Or make AUs of.
Enemies with benefits   6/10
Fun concept, depends on the execution. I’d prefer that it become enemies to lovers in the end, however.
Fake dating/relationship   -7/10
It’s not an instaquit, and I have read and enjoyed fics with this premise, but the trope itself is something that I’m not a fan of. Mostly because it tends to follow a certain romcom formula that I’m not a fan of.
Found family   -5/10
I’ll read it, and as a theme, it’s fine, but for one, what I often see described as found family is...not. It’s friendship—and that’s my preference anyway. Friends who support and love each other, without the label of family attached. This is a heavily personal preference, obviously.
Friends to lovers   7/10
It’s good; it can be fun. The way friendship evolves into a romantic and/or sexual relationship can also be quite interesting and emotionally fulfilling.
Friends with benefits   7/10
As a central relationship, I’d prefer that it become friends to lovers eventually. The execution matters again because too romcomy, and I get turned off. Throw in some emotional fuckery, and I’m sold. It’s also one of my go-to flavors for minor/background/past relationships when writing. Friends who fuck without strings is a fun concept.
Hurt/comfort   8/10
A solid concept, and depending on the execution, it can range from pleasant to devastating (in a good way).
Love triangle   -10/10
A “proper” love triangle is something I find about as compelling as stale vomit. It’s not an instant nope because I like the sort that evolves into poly—either triads or V-style poly (that is, A/B and C/B, with A and C as metamours). When reading, I prefer the former, and when writing, I prefer the latter.
Mistaken/hidden identity   10/10
Sign me the fuck up. Identity porn is almost as good as actual porn.
Monster fu… relationship   10/10 (100/10)
I have "Monsterfuckers Inc.” as a semi-frequently used fic tag on Ao3. I’ll let you guess just how into this I am. I’m into it for the freaky sex, but typical relationship development is always a plus.
Obsession, possessiveness, etc   10/10
Unhealthy relationships my beloved.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc)    0/10
Fine in theory, but whether I’m into it depends on the execution. I don’t think I write it much.
Poly   7/10
JJK is the first time I’ve written (and planning to write more) poly relationships, but I’ve read and enjoyed quite a few in previous fandoms. Again, execution matters, but the concept is fun.
pregnancy   nope/10
Major squick, and it seems to be becoming more and more of one these days. Ironically, I’m very into breeding kink and monster-style impregnation (eggpreg, insta-birth-type monster offspring etc.). It’s realistic pregnancy (and the mpreg equivalent of realistic pregnancy) that puts me off.
Second chance   0/10
Rated it neutral because this can be either 10/10 or -10/10 for me depending on how it’s handled. No middle ground lol.
Sex to feelings   10/10
Been there done that. Love the concept, can go rabid over it if done right. I certainly like writing it.
Slowburn   6/10
I’ve read and enjoyed plenty of slowburn fics, but it’s not a formula I’m a fan of. When I write it, it always tends to be the “sex to feelings” sort.
Soulmates   0/10
Another case of either 10/10 or -10/10. The easiest way to get me into it is to play into the horror/angst aspects. “People who fate decreed as belonging to each other” doesn’t appeal much to me.
Tagging (no pressure) @thelionshoarde @actualalligator @stilllostinthedaydream and @sorrythatwasamistake @joeys-piano and anyone else who wants to do it
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rosesradio · 2 months
if Jason, Leo and Nico were in a polycule, do you think it would be a V-kinda sitch with whomever as the hinge or a whole-ass triad? I've come to ship any of these three in any combo so like...why not all? 🤔
I've never read any fics with valdi'grace or whatever, but if you happen to have any fic recs for them off the top of your head feel free to shout them out owo
i ship all three ships as well but for some reason i can’t picture them as a thruple. whenever i have an ot3 i usually like to picture them all three dating because that seems like the most “win win” to me (mainly i’m thinking of the ot3 portbowell from hsmtmts, a ship so rare at its peak it had like 5-10 people in the tag), but i think it’s because valdigrace (Or Whatever) doesn’t have the love triangle tension in canon, so it’s hard to picture it.
i could see the V situation though, mainly with Jason dating both Nico and Leo while valdangelo remains platonic, playfully bickering about spending time with their boyfriend. i could also see Jason and Leo both dating Nico, where valgrace remains best friends & Nico gets the best of both worlds with both a twink and a twunk boyfriend.
as for fics, unfortunately I don’t really read other fics, but if anyone seeing this post has any poly fics they wanna rec, that’d be very much appreciated 🫶
there would be so many interesting dynamics to explore—as someone who’s written a medium-length fic for an ot3 (with part of the pairing already together!) that shit is hard. but like all fics ofc, it’s so worth it. perhaps there’s an AU out there where i write some poly longfic with them that captures a perfect dynamic with the three of them and makes everyone ship it. but alas, not right now.
also i know i literally just said i was pausing summer of smut yesterday, but this makes me wanna explore a little smutty drabble with the three of them 👉👈
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
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Fandom: Ikemen Vampire, Polyamory is the Norm AU
Rating: G
Category: F/M, Multi
Relationship: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/OC/Jean d'Arc - V relationship, pre-triad
Prompt(s): Multiamory March: V Relationship and Polyam is the norm AU from @polyamships and Fluffbruary in March: Dance from @fluffbruary
Summary: Mozart was satisfied with being best friends with his girlfriend's other boyfriend, after all, he and Jean had been friends before Amy even came into their lives, so why would it change? He couldn't imagine that a simple action like a dance would make him face the fact that feelings do indeed change.
Next Chapter / AO3 Versions / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Love was mysterious. It could grow from a spark without the person noticing, without the person being able to point when it started to grow, until it was so strong they could barely contain it anymore.
Other times, one kind of love would slowly shift into another, equally sudden and surprising, and sometimes the change was harder to notice.
In Mozart’s case, he didn’t notice the change until the last moment, when it was offered to him, and only because the shift wasn’t one-sided and because his girlfriend was very supportive.
He wasn’t even expecting falling in love in this life and he had always considered himself monogamous, despite people thinking he was strange for it.
When he had encouraged his girlfriend to try to help his best friend and they started falling in love, though, Mozart noticed he didn’t mind sharing her. At least not with Jean.
He still didn’t want another partner for himself, but gone was the idea of there being only one true love and everyone else deciding to have more partners for more logical, instead of emotional reasons.
In fact, with a little time, he noticed a warm feeling at watching the two, and when the three of them were together.
Then his feelings changed again one stormy night, while the three were gathered in the music room.
Amy had always been anxious during storms. Sometimes she hid it well, at others, not so much. And although Jean didn’t hate the rain as he did before, he got anxious because he wanted to protect Amy from something he could do nothing against.
Although all Amy really needed was one of them keeping her distracted, Jean often took her to Mozart and the three spent that time together.
That night, he played one of Amy’s favorite songs to calm her. Despite his mere presence calming her from her anxiety most of the time, Amy was still a little moody unless kept busy, or calmed down with a song.
She had smiled at him, before turning her attention to Jean and casually asking him for a dance.
Jean didn’t know how to dance, of course. He never had any need to learn. That didn’t deter her, though.
“You are a good fighter. It isn’t that different. Just a matter of getting used to it.”
Mozart didn’t say it, but he thought it was inherently different for most people. He didn’t tell her that, because he had watched Amy fencing with Jean before. From her, dance and fight looked the same.
He played for them, watching Amy trying to teach Jean. They made for a beautiful picture together. So elegant as Jean finally managed to keep up to his girlfriend’s movements. He was a fast learner.
There was that feeling of contentment again. They were made for each other and it didn’t bother Mozart much. He never expected it would be like that.
At the end of the dance, Jean kissed the back of Amy’s hand, and she gave him a polite bow, thanking him for entertaining her. Then she stood on her tiptoes, warped her arms around his neck and kissed him.
They stayed for a moment longer in each other’s arms and Amy whispered something to Jean, who looked a little nervous, both taking side glances towards Mozart, who gave them an inquisitive look in response.
He was about to ask, but Amy chuckled and left Jean, sitting by his side instead.
“What is it?” He finally asked. Amy had one of her rare mischievous looks he wasn’t often comfortable with.
Amy only kissed him and motioned towards Jean, who approached him.
“May I have one dance as well?” Jean didn’t look him in the eye as he offered a hand to Mozart.
Why? Mozart questioned for a moment. It wasn’t a common thing to ask of another male. Maybe in social situations where nobles sought favor from one another, or friends without an escort didn’t want to be disturbed.
Otherwise, there was a purpose to such an invite. But what had prompted Jean to ask? Amy? It was likely, especially when she nudged him, and Mozart finally accepted his friend’s offer.
Jean’s touch was hesitant and Mozart stiffened when a hand wrapped around his waist. Why was his heart beating so erratically? The proximity between them never felt so awkward and the warmth of where their hands touched the other’s body wasn’t helping him relax.
No. He knew why. He had noticed how his feelings had changed for a while. He’d never given attention to how familiar that change was, though.
Now he was very aware of these familiar emotions
In the background, Amy played a romantic song on her violin, adding to the mood of the moment, as if she was aware of his emotions.
Or it wasn’t about him. Jean was the one who asked for this dance. She had encouraged him to, and he had already noted it wasn’t a common thing to ask.
Did his emotions reflect these of the man who had him in his arms? Did their hearts beat in the same harmony that their bodies moved? Was he desired with the same intensity of his own desire, that only kept growing the more they stayed close?
He looked up at Jean, trying to catch a glimpse of emotion in his friend’s eye, but Jean was focused on his steps.
Mozart sighed and tried to push these stormy emotions aside to refocus his attention to the dance, but his mind kept wandering to how gracious Jean was once he got more confident and used to the dance, or how their bodies fit well together, not much different from what he’d seen in Jean and Amy.
When it ended, Mozart waited for Jean to release him, but his friend didn’t. He was actually looking Mozart in the eyes for once, but his intentions were unreadable.
“Jean?” After a moment, Mozart broke the silence.
“Sorry. It is nothing.” Jean locked away again, then looked back and, like he’d done with Amy, kissed the back of Mozart’s hand. “Thank you for this dance, mon ami.”
Mozart thought he heard Amy let out a sigh from behind him, but as Jean finally released him, their girlfriend was already by their side.
“You two are just so sweet.” She chuckled. “My beautiful boys. You don’t mind if we spend the rest of the night together, do you?”
It wouldn’t be the first time, but given the current circumstances, Mozart minded. And by the brief flash of emotion that crossed Jean’s face, so did he.
But their girlfriend looked at them with so much expectation, that neither of them dared turning her down.
It would be a long night, but maybe that would give him time to face his feelings. And who knew what tomorrow would bring?
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Next Chapter / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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woltourney · 1 year
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The Moomoo System (@cryoriku) v. Qadan Gal (@sword-of-the-dragon)
The Moomoo System:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. The Moomoo System (he/they)
q. What is your WoL's species? a. elezen
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. sage
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. N/A
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. The Moomoo System is comprised of the host alter Arkao, protector Domin, persecutor Isa, caregiver Riikket, and little Gils. Raised in Ishgard in a rather abusive minor house, they often dreamed of creating peace and justice in the world. After a botched attempt to create a primal of themselves (to be strong enough to make a change), they fled to Sharlayan—where Krile recognised their affinity for the Echo and took them in under custody of the Students of Baldesion. In their free time, each alter enjoys different hobbies from gardening with Ameliance to sparring. But most notably Arkao is the vegan horse girl furry alter<3 He is studying animal behavior and observes both beasts in the wild and those he's rescued, such as his beloved goobbue Maurice. He plans to do this full time once all the fighting is over :)
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. Domin: Estinien pinky-promised Gils he would put on the werewolf costume if we won. Please help me make Estinien suffer.
Qadan Gal:
q. What is your WoL name and pronouns? a. Qadan Gal and she/her
q. What is your WoL's species? a. Au Ra
q. What is your WoL's class? Or classes? a. Dark Knight
q. What data centre/server are you on, if you want people to find you? a. Crystal/Diabolos
q. Tell us a bit about your WoL! a. Reluctant of others at first, over the course of her journey she slowly starts to open up to others. Qadan had no intention on being a hero and simply just wanting to enjoy life as an adventurer; although she eventually excepts the role as such. On the side Qadan enjoys sewing and playing a game of triple triad.
q. Why should YOU win? (Answer IC!) a. I don't care about winning, just here for some competition.
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aimfor-theheart · 7 months
And I love hearing about others' OC indeed! In fact, we're just parents at the playground talking about our precious kiddos! Lately, it was the birthday of a certain crazy manipulative mother hen and I almost made a post on my blog about what my OC would give him as a gift but I remained silent. I already annoyed everyone with my yakuza x triad au LMAO
I'll keep an eye on Solmira and her adventures and I may slide into your inbox to ask more questions about her :33
anon i also enjoy hearing about others OC’s!! we ARE like parents at the playground talking ab our kids!!
and LMAOO no pls live your truth. share w the world what your OC would’ve gotten him.
one thing ab me i will always support OCs and self shipping 😌 healing to the world fr fr
but thank you anon!! this is v sweet! 💕 i will likely post more of her
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gregorygerwitz · 2 years
i have more questions about 2011 au !! im very excited sorry if its too much
so in this universe are the cozy trio in a V with jay in the middle like your other aus? or is it more of a triad? if they're in a triad, what labels (if any) would each of them use ? (for example in previous aus mouse is gay, would that change to bi, unlabelled, etc.)
also i tried to find if you posted anywhere else but i couldnt find the birthday hcs you mentioned in your response, when do you hc their birthdays as?
thank you so so much :) ⚡
Hi again, nonny!
I know I wrote a fic for Cozy Trio’s birthday’s last year, but it was just the days, not something super specific so this is my little headcanon list:
Mouse’s birthday is June 8th, 1985
Jay’s birthday is January 26th, 1987
Hailey’s birthday is June 29th, 1992
Again, these are my headcanons that I came up with for my universes because canon tells us very little. I know this won’t align with everyone’s headcanons and that’s fine. I have all of them saved in my astrology app, too, with specific times so I know their sun/moon/rising because I’m annoying.
As for the relationships within the trio, I don’t see myself changing that from AU. I’m very attached to my gay/non-binary/demiromantic Mouse headcanons, and I’m generally carry those from AU to AU. Every Cozy Trio AU is Mouse and his emotional support bisexuals.
But… while Mouse and Hailey are best friends in all of my Cozy Trio AUs, that friendship is absolutely stronger in the 2011 AU than in universes where they meet later. Mouse complains a little at that first lunch because he wasn’t ready to face more people than just Jay, but he’s protective, too - there’s this teenager who needs help, and compared to them she’s really just a kid at that point. Of course he’s going to agree to help her (and, let’s be honest, he probably offered to sleep on the couch so she could have a bed the first few weeks at Jay’s apartment, like he’s used to shitty sleeping arrangements because of how he’s been living for months, and she clearly needs somewhere to be safe and comfortable)
But it’s interesting to explore their friendship in the context of them both being Jay’s partners because it’s… a step above friendship? It’s still entirely platonic, but it’s the same level of commitment that comes with a serious relationship such as dating or even marriage, later on. Hailey goes and gets greasy fast food for Mouse when he’s high. Mouse goes with her to get her things from her parents’ place when she needs to get some more clothes and Jay is at work. They lean on each other and support each other and it’s really sweet. They’re family, and they have each other’s backs in everything.
They get to bond over having really shitty parents who put them on this track to meet each other in the first place and that’s like all the angst their friendship gets because they deserve good things
I love this AU a lot. Thank you so much for asking these! 💜
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