#[[ it's helping because the main three and my comfort characters. : )
The Imperfect Couple - 1 | Bucky
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Character: politician!Bucky x ex-wife!reader
Summary: A separated couple must pretend to be happily married while the husband runs for Vice President, dealing with old issues and political pressures during his election campaign.
Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 ,Chapter 5 , Chapter 6 , Chapter 7 , -
Main Masterlist || If you enjoy my work, please consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi 🙏🏻
Thank you to everyone who has read this chapter. Leave a comment and Reblog, please. I'd love to hear your thoughts. ❤️
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You were exhausted. Having just returned from covering another incident, you were familiar with the grueling reality of being a journalist in a foreign country.
Limited access compared to local reporters made the job even more challenging. Despite your fatigue, this was the career you had chosen and loved.
When you arrived at your apartment, you noticed a woman waiting for you. She was shorter and bustier than you, with curly, short red hair. The woman approached you with a confident stride.
“Hello. My name is Natasha,” she introduced herself, handing you a business card.
You glanced at the card, noting her affiliation with the Secret Service.
Is this for real?
“Yes. How may I help you?” You asked, confusion evident in your voice as you fumbled with your keys at the doorknob.
“I’m here to bring you back home,” Natasha replied.
“Why?” you asked, still trying to process why a Secret Service agent would be looking for you.
“Because your husband is looking for you,” Natasha said.
You froze, your mind struggling to make sense of what you had just heard. Turning slowly, you looked at Natasha, your face betraying a hint of incredulous amusement. “I’m sorry? You must be mistaken. I’ve been divorced for years.”
“Yes, I know the story,” Natasha said, her tone steady.
“Goodbye then,” you said quickly, attempting to close the door. The mention of your ex-husband was something you had left behind, and you wanted nothing to do with it.
“The divorce was never finalized,” Natasha said firmly.
“What?” you exclaimed, your eyes widening in disbelief. You had signed the documents, or so you thought. You swung the door open wide and saw two more men standing beside Natasha, their presence making it clear you were outnumbered—three to one.
“Seems like you’ve come to understand the situation,” Natasha said. “I’ll explain everything, but for now, you need to follow me.”
What she meant by following her quickly became apparent as the men gently but firmly guided you toward a car.
Inside, you hoped Natasha would provide answers, but she continued making calls, leaving you in a state of growing frustration.
Upon arriving at the airport, you realized it was not a regular one but a private jet facility.
“Let’s go,” Natasha said, gesturing toward the plane’s stairs.
As you climbed aboard, you noticed Natasha following closely behind. An air steward offered you a tray with a cup of jasmine tea. You took a sip, the delicate aroma providing a brief moment of comfort.
��Let me guess, this is his plane?” you asked, your tone tinged with suspicion.
“Yes,” Natasha nodded.
As the plane took off, the tension in the cabin was palpable.
“You still haven’t said a word,” you remarked, trying to break the silence.
“Because of the timing and for precautions,” Natasha said, her expression serious. “You won’t like what I’m going to say.”
“Tell me something I don’t hate more. You know how much I despise my ex-husband and his family,” you snapped, the bitterness clear in your voice. The memories of their interference and disdain for your background still stung deeply.
“Your husband is going to be the candidate for Vice President,” Natasha said, her voice steady despite the gravity of the news.
“...What?” you replied, your voice barely a whisper as you processed the information.
Natasha didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she pulled out a tablet and handed it to you. On the screen, you saw a video of your ex-husband. He stood proudly in a suit, smiling and raising his arms as the crowd erupted in cheers.
The title beneath the video read, “James Barnes: The Youngest Candidate for Vice President.”
You gasped, your disbelief palpable. “This is a joke.”
“Hundreds of supporters don’t think it’s a joke, ma’am,” Natasha replied, her tone matter-of-fact.
“And the reason I’m here is because he needs you,” she continued.
You clenched your fists in anger. The reason for your resentment was clear: his ambition and his family’s obsessive involvement in politics. Their relentless meddling had been one of the key reasons for your separation.
“Turn this plane around,” you demanded, your voice strained. You didn’t understand why, but exhaustion was overtaking you, and your eyes felt heavy.
Natasha glanced at her watch, a hint of sympathy in her gaze. “You must be feeling sleepy.”
You widened your eyes and looked at the tea cup, realizing its effects. You shot Natasha a glare, frustration mixing with fatigue.
“I’m just doing my job, ma’am,” Natasha said, accepting a blanket from the air stewardess.
You wanted to protest, but the energy drained from you. As your vision dimmed, you felt a wave of drowsiness. You closed your eyes and succumbed to sleep.
Natasha watched you as you fell asleep, then carefully draped the blanket over you. She turned to her colleagues with a resolute expression. “Tell him to pick up his wife.”
You slowly regained consciousness, your head feeling heavy and foggy. As you blinked open your eyes, the reality of your surroundings became clear: you were still on the airplane, but it had stopped moving. The plane had arrived, and you were still groggy from the drugs.
“Welcome home,” a familiar voice said.
You widened your eyes, trying to focus on the figure before you. There, standing with a knowing smile, was your ex-husband, Bucky.
His smile seemed almost out of place given the situation, and you found it impossible to return it. You struggled to sit up, your limbs feeling leaden.
“Of course,” you said, your voice thick with sarcasm. “The last thing I needed was to wake up and see your smug face.”
Bucky’s expression remained impassive. “Careful now. You wouldn’t want to offend the future Vice President.”
“Future Vice President, huh?” you shot back, your irritation flaring. “Is that why you dragged me back here? You need a trophy wife to complete your perfect image?”
“You’re not just a trophy wife,” Bucky said, his tone dripping with condescension. “You’re a crucial part of my public image. A divorce would be a PR disaster.”
“Is that right?” you snapped. “You’re using me as a prop, aren’t you? You couldn’t just leave me alone. Some of us have lives outside your political games.”
“You think this is bad?” Bucky said, frustration seeping into his voice. “Imagine what would happen if the public found out about our separation. It’s all about maintaining appearances.”
“You’re still the same,” you said, your anger flaring.
Bucky’s expression hardened. “Let’s be honest here. You wouldn’t have left if you didn’t think I was using you. But if you think this is a game, you’re wrong. I need you to play along until the election.”
“And if I refuse?” you challenged.
“One year,” Bucky said, his gaze steady. “Until the election is over. Then I’ll give you anything you want. Just play the part of a happy wife until then.”
You knew why he needed you. His political career depended on maintaining a perfect public image. Only a few people were aware of your separation, so you had to pretend to be a happy married couple to avoid public scrutiny.
As you struggled to stand, Bucky stepped forward to help you. His touch was steady but impersonal. Both of you exited the jet, greeted by a throng of press and cameras. The narrative they were fed was clear: the Vice Presidential candidate picking up his sick wife.
With the press closing in, you turned to Bucky and said, “I see you’ve thought this through. Dragging me back here like a prized possession. What’s next? A public appearance where we hold hands and share a tearful reunion?”
Bucky met your gaze with a calm but resolute expression. “It’s not just about appearances. The election is critical, and I need stability. Having you here will help maintain that.”
“You’re the only one I could turn to. I need you,” he said.
The words “I need you” echoed with the same urgency he once used, the very words that had drawn you to him. But now, they felt hollow.
Bucky’s expression remained unchanged. He had no apologies to offer, and the facade of your ‘happy marriage’ had to remain intact.
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sage-nebula · 24 days
Thinking about how important it is that Wendy is a part of the Pines family. (Because she is, as much as Soos is. It's why she's in the family photos, such as the one representing Ford's happiness at the end of The Book of Bill.)
We don't know too much about Wendy's home / family life. Unfortunately, we don't a single Wendy-focused episode, and we don't get to learn too much about her outside of how she interacts with the main characters. But here is what we do know:
Wendy is the oldest of four siblings, with three little brothers. Wendy herself is 15. We are never given ages for her brothers, but given the photo that she shows Dipper of her younger self in "Double Dipper", I'm guesstimating that the youngest Corduroy brother (Gus) is about 6 in the present day. This is because young!Wendy was wearing braces and also noted to be "freakishly tall" for her age, and Gus was wearing a diaper in the photo (but standing on his own). Braces can take two to three years to be removed, and Wendy doesn't have them in the present day, meaning she was probably around 11 or 12 in the photo. Meanwhile, Gus was in a diaper but able to stand, meaning he was probably a toddler, likely around 2. So in the present day, Wendy is 15, Gus is around 6 (depending on if Wendy was 11 or 12 in the photo), and Marcus and Kevin (the middle brothers) are between 14 and 7.
Wendy's mother died when she was young. Given the age of Gus in the photo, we can estimate that Wendy's mother died when Wendy was, at youngest, 11 or 12 -- so, three or four years pre-canon. (Because any earlier than that and Gus couldn't have been born.)
Wendy's father is Manly Dan, who shouts just about every line of dialogue he has and routinely breaks things, including in his own house, albeit sometimes by accident. He also spends most of his time in a biker bar, though we do know that he does love his children. (e.g. is seen with the boys on both family fishing day and Summerween, is seen taking Wendy out for breakfast in "Dipper vs. Manliness").
Dan is the reason why Wendy has a summer job. As she says in "Gideon Rises", "If I can't work at the Shack, my dad's gonna force me to work at my cousin's logging camp up north." This implies that Wendy has to work somewhere, per a rule of Dan's.
In "Into the Bunker", Wendy has this to say when she comments on how she's excited to be going on an adventure with Dipper and Mabel: "It beats cleaning up after my dad at home." She says this with a frown, in a grousing tone. We're then treated to a clip of Dan breaking apart the cabin as mentioned above.
In "Society of the Blind Eye", before she's about to have her memories erased, Wendy confesses thus: "I'm stressed like 24/7. Have you MET my family?"
Wendy dreams about her mother every night. The glimpse of her dream that we're shown depicts her receiving a comforting hug from her mother.
The conclusions that I draw from the above are thus: prior to her mother's death, Wendy had what amounts to a normal family life in Gravity Falls. The Corduroys were a two parent household, her mother was there to help balance Dan out and raise the kids (Wendy included), and Wendy could, well . . . be a kid. It's possible, even, that some of Dan's more worrying traits (such as spending the majority of his time at a bar) didn't exist when Wendy's mom is alive. It's pure speculation on my part, but it's possible that Dan feels compelled to go to a bar to be aggressive (and drink, even if we don't see it because it's a kid's show) because that's how he processes his grief over his wife's death, away from his children's eyes and ears. He's trying to be a responsible father and not hurt his kids, while at the same time still not handling things in the most healthy way.
But back to Wendy. Once Wendy's mother died, the dynamic in the Corduroy household shifted. Dan was hit by the tidal wave of grief that comes with losing a spouse, as well as the sudden onslaught of being a single father to four children, one of whom was very possibly still in diapers. And if my speculation is correct and that he took to going to the bar to deal with his grief, then who is left to change Gus' diapers and get him potty trained? To operate the stove or oven or microwave to make sure that the boys (who would all be under age 10 at this point) got fed, and to make sure she got fed herself? To, in her own words, "clean up [her] dad's messes" when he was at home to make them by breaking apart the house with his own head?
Wendy was a child herself when her mother died, but she was the oldest child, potentially freshly into middle school while the boys were still in elementary, and the oldest daughter to boot. The girl, expected to know how to do "girl things" like cook and clean. I'm not saying that Dan told her to do these things, but we know from Wendy's personality that she is protective of those who need it (e.g. Dipper and Mabel) and, more importantly, that's her home and her family, and she does love them (she makes this clear in the Weirdmageddon episodes numerous times). She wouldn't let her little brothers starve, wouldn't let her youngest sit in a filthy diaper, would try to pick up the house if her dad and brothers wouldn't. Wendy would step up to do it out of necessity, even if she hated it and felt stressed out about it, especially while also feeling the crushing grief that comes with having lost her mother.
So Wendy, having lost her mother at a young age, probably had to step up into a pseudo-parental role in her own house, trying her best to fill the void that was left by her mother's passing even though she was only a child herself. And this is why she's "stressed, like, 24/7." Because not only are her father and brothers loud and chaotic (especially with Dan raising the boys into miniature versions of him), but because it's her responsibility (spoken or no) to keep the house in as much order as she can. It's little wonder that, outside of the movie that she and Dipper are watching in the beginning of "Into the Bunker", Wendy seems to spend as little time as possible in her own home.
So, how does this fit into it being important for Wendy to be part of the Pines family? Or, worded in a better way, why it's so important that she has the Pines as a second family, and the Mystery Shack as a second home?
As I said above, once Wendy's mother died, her ability to be a child in her own home effectively ended. Again, to make it clear, Wendy doesn't hate her family. In fact, it's the opposite; the Weirdmageddon episodes make it clear that she still loves her father and her brothers very much. But "Society of the Blind Eye" also makes it clear that they stress her out. She has a lot of complicated feelings, something that's understandable given her complicated situation.
But because she has to help keep the house together when she's at home, that means she can only really be a kid (or teenager, as the case may be) when she's outside of it. She has a lot of fun doing this with her friends, but sometimes a teen does need a home to relax in. And for Wendy, that home is the Mystery Shack -- and yes, that includes when she's on the clock.
Now, I know what you may be thinking: it's stated that Stan is a terrible boss, that he barks orders, that he yells -- how is that any different from her father? Well, I'll tell you how: the only time we actually see this is in "Boss Mabel", in which Stan being a boss who yells and barks orders at his employees is a plot point meant to create the conflict for the episode. Otherwise, we never really see Stan being an awful boss, and in particular we never see him being hard on Wendy. In fact, I would argue we see the opposite.
Here are things we know about Wendy's behavior at work, and Stan's response to her behavior at work:
Wendy constantly reads magazines while working the cash register, often right in front of Stan. Stan never tells her to put the magazine away.
Wendy often puts her feet up on the counter. Stan never tells her to take her feet off the counter.
Wendy goes up to the roof "all the time, every day" to the point where she has a chair and cooler up there. ("The Inconveniencing"). We don't know if Stan knows about this or not, but it's hard to believe he wouldn't if Wendy goes up there as much as she says she does.
When Stan told her to hang signs up out in the woods, she said, "I would, but I can't . . . reach . . ." while making no effort to get up to get the sign, and not removing her eyes from the magazine or her feet from the counter. Stan simply said, "I'd fire [. . .] you if I could." i.e. she got away with it 100%. ("Tourist Trapped")
When Stan double checks with Wendy and Soos that they'll wash the bathrooms while he's gone, Wendy says, "absolutely not" with a salute. Stan laughs and then says to stay out of trouble, not caring at all. ("The Inconveniencing")
Wendy was supposed to work the ticket stand all night at the party. She quit about ten minutes in and blatantly joined the party. Stan had to have seen her. He did nothing. ("Double Dipper")
Wendy claims in "Boss Mabel" that Stan doesn't let her have friends at work. In contrast, we see Robbie visit her at work all the time throughout their relationship (e.g. "Fight Fighters", "Boyz Crazy"), and Stan even comments on "is that the guy that's always making googly eyes at Wendy?" but otherwise has no problem with it. So again, it was a conflict invented for "Boss Mabel" that otherwise doesn't exist.
And that is just off the top of my head. The point is, Wendy is perhaps treated the easiest of the staff at the Mystery Shack. She's blatantly lazy and snarky and the most Stan ever does is grouse that he would "fire [her] if he could."
And this is a good thing.
The Mystery Shack, even if when she's on the clock, is clearly a place where Wendy can relax. It's somewhere she feels comfortable, rather than stressed. Yes, she's working -- but she's putting in the barest minimum effort because the stakes are the lowest they could possibly be. Because even though Stan grouses and complains about how little she cares, he won't fire her. He says he can't, but let's be honest, he could. One could argue that he'd be out a cashier, but he already is when the school year starts and Wendy has to go back to school. The Shack doesn't close down then, so it wouldn't close now if he fired Wendy.
But he won't fire her, because he knows that if he did, she'd be sent up north to her cousin's logging camp, a job she would hate and that would add on to the stress she already has from her home life. Stan has been in Gravity Falls for 30 years; he's been there since before Wendy was born. He knew her mother. He remembers when her mother died a few years ago. He probably saw how Dan's personality changed, how Wendy's personality changed from a more carefree little girl to a little girl who had to act more carefree than she actually was because she won't ever dare let anyone know she's anything but tough as nails, kinda like the guy he sees when he looks in the mirror. So he'll grouse at her about her laziness, and she'll complain about how much she hates having to work, but he'll also never hire another cashier even during the school year when the Shack maybe could use the extra help, and she knows that he both has an orthopedic back pillow and where it's kept, and that's as much as either of them will say about it. (Source for the orthopedic back pillow: "Soos and the Real Girl").
Wendy spends time at the Shack that would otherwise be spent at her home. When she decides to leave Tambry's party early, she goes to hang out at the Shack and watch movies with Stan, before the twins or Soos arrive ("Summerween"). She's likewise hanging out with the Pines and Soos watching television despite work clearly being over in the beginning of "Dreamscaperers". Wendy can relax at the Shack, can be in a home environment where she has no responsibilities, where she can simply be a teenager without also having to be a pseudo-parent. She can be a big sister figure to Dipper and Mabel without the added responsibilities of having to make sure they're fed and brought up right. She can be snarky with Stan, and he'll be snarky back, and there are no risks or consequences at all.
It's important that Wendy is a member of the Pines family, because here there are no complications for her. She loves her original family, but things got difficult when her mother died, and they won't ever stop being difficult. But things aren't difficult with the Pines. In a way, being with the Pines is as comfortable as the hugs she gets from her mother in her dreams every night. Being with the Pines feels right. It feels safe.
It's good that Wendy has them. It's important that Wendy has them. And fortunately, she always will.
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diazisms · 5 months
hi, y'all. for those of you who don't know, rio grande do sul, one of the southern states in brazil, is facing the worst tragedy in the state's history. heavy rains have caused flooding, bridges are collapsing, the people are without power, without internet, without access to safe housing, food, or water.
over three hundred cities have been affected. there are countless still to be rescued who have no way of searching for shelter because the roads are ruined and they have no way to get in or out of the floods.
i wanted to do something to help. this is my country, these are my people.
i'm going to do donation based fic commissions, inspired by gotcha for gaza @911actions which you should also support. i'll be signing up for that as a fic writer as well.
this is my ao3 in case you want to take a look.
the dollar is worth 5x the brazilian real at the moment. if you donate just $5 that's already 25BR. a $10 donation is 50BR. and it's going to a group of people who really need it.
after you donate, send proof of the donation and a oneshot prompt. for the most part, i'm okay with writing any trope, but i'll add a list under the cut.
brazilfoundation is currently accepting donations for the fundo luz alliance. all of the donations will be going towards helping rio grande do sul and the people there.
i can't promise i'll get to everything very quickly, but i will do my best to. either way, this money is going towards helping people.
thank you.
i write primarily for buddie and like writing them best romantically, but i will accept other ships if i have written for them before (and madney, because i've written for them and just never posted lol). gen relationships are good too. i'll write any of the firefam as friends, diaz siblings, buck and chris, etc.
fluff. i love fluff i'll write it no problem. i can't think of a fluff trope i'm against.
doesn't have to be set in canon, either. i love an au.
should go without saying but no racism towards any of the poc characters.
no misogyny, either. i will not vilify any of buddie's girlfriends.
angst is good for the most part but i don't do main character death. in light of 7x07, infidelity — especially emotional infidelity — is something i really enjoy.
for smut, i don't like writing really intense scenes. d/s is great, feminization is great, crying, cock warming, breeding, overstim, edging, things like that i'm game.
i will not do graphic violence. so no physical abuse and no rape. it's very difficult to write for me.
if a prompt has something i don't know how to write/don't feel comfortable writing, i'll reach out and see if there's a different prompt or a different way to go about it.
my asks and dms are open :)
thanks so much.
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For the yandere class 1a I would not last a bit. Like I would just start bawling my eyes out. How do you think the class would react?
(I love your writing please take care of yourself)
Oh no because SAME. I am the biggest crybaby. I feel you, boo.
However, considering the class, there's lots of ways they'd react!
Also, I wrote an imagine for Class 3-A's Big Three because I'm extra like that and HO MAH GOD, they really stole the show on this one. I AM SO SORRY I DIDN'T FOLLOW YOUR ORIGINAL IDEA! But I still hope you all like it~
(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Characters Featured → Izuku (Deku), Shoto, Bakugo, The Big Three {Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire}, and some of the members of Class 1-A
Length -> 3.1K Words
(Plz forgive me. I splurged and gave all my love to the three main boys. I left the other class members in the dust. I just have a lot of creativity coming out for them right now! If there is a specific character you'd like, please send me another request!)
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Deku is THE crybaby of the My Hero Academia universe, so I feel like you two would just cry a puddle together. In all honesty, while it hurts to see you filled with sorrow, he's thrilled that you feel close enough to them that you'd show enough vulnerability to cry! Even if your tears aren't about whether or not you trust the class or feel it is "safe" to cry, it doesn't matter to him. He'll cradle your head into the crook of his neck, rub your back, and hush your sobs with soft sighs. Deku loves having you close, he views it as a "bonding experience", so feel free to cry all you want! He's not leaving your side any time soon, so the two of you can cry together for as long as you'd like!
This is going to sound a little strange, but this vibe fits my image of SPECIFICALLY Yandere Izuku (or, at least, in my image of him)! You know Gyutaro from Demon Slayer? And you know how he acts when he is comforting Daki? That is kind of how I am envisioning him coddling you. Slightly teasing, but it comes mostly from a place of love and concern. The sadness in his voice (whether it is faked to amp up his teasing or not, in Gyutaro's case) adds to the image I have of Deku crying alongside you. Izuku is totally one of those people who is like, "Don't cry, because if you cry, then I'LL cry *proceeds to cry*."
"Aww, no, it's okay!" Izuku sits down next to you as you are crumpled on the ground, exhausted and upset. He loops his strong arms around your shoulders and holds on tight. He feels tears well up in his own eyes, but he can't seem to shake the giddy joy bubbling in his stomach from being close to his one and only. He sniffles, but a wide smile stretches up his cheeks, "It's alright, dear. Let it out. I'll sit with you as long as you need~!"
Shoto has always been stoic because of the harsh environment he grew up in where any emotion shown is an exploitative weakness (thanks, Endeavor), so he's going to freeze up when he sees tears bubbling down your cheeks. Even as a Yandere, emotions are hard for him to wrap his head around. He can barely understand the soul-crushing feelings he has for you! So, even though you are his everything in this world, he will be rather reserved on the comforting aspect of things. Shoto is thankful in these moments that he has the rest of his class, specifically those who are more in-tune with emotional responses like Izuku, Uraraka, and Mina, to rely on.
Though, he will try to help in his own Shoto-way! Would another inconceivably expensive gift help dry your crocodile tears? Don't worry, it's his dad's card that's paying for it all! What would you like? A couple new games for your video game console so you can play together? The finest, richest, and sweetest chocolates in all of Japan? How about an all expense paid trip on the family yacht for the weekend with the whole class included? Anything you want is yours, all you have to do is name it! Though, these gifts do not come freely—he will tax you AT LEAST a two hour cuddle session in your room per each gift. IDK, seems pretty fair to me!
"Here," Shoto clears his throat, a pristine, mint green box with a perfectly constructed golden bow resting on the lid sits in his outstretched hand. You rub your eye with the heel of your palm, sniffling to clear your nose as your eyes bounce back-and-forth between Shoto's unnerving, stoic expression and the small box. On the outside, his face shows indifference, but on the inside, his poor heart is doing a dozen cartwheels after running a ten mile race. The look you're giving him (mind you, is simply a look of pure confusion) is just too cute! Don't you know what you do to him?!?!
"It's your favorite sweets. For you. Don't worry about the money, it isn't a concern." Shoto looks away, a soft dusting of blush coating his cheeks. You almost want to accept it just to get him out of your personal bubble, but you think back on the pile of all his previous expensive gifts that are stacked high in the corner of your dorm, and decide to try to deny it. Before you can utter a shaky rejection, he snatches your wrist and begins dragging you off in the direction of your dorm room, no doubt getting you ready for your practically daily cuddle session.
Bakugo is a tricky one because it depends on the situation he catches you crying in. On one hand, he doesn't like to see you sad. There's some primal anger (it's different from his typical Bakugo-rage) that gets spun up to 100% in him whenever he sees you racked with sobs and curling in on yourself. The statements sprinting laps in his mind revolve solely around "tell me who hurt you so I know who to murder". Don't think he'll go soft on you because you're the extra who has his heart doing flips. Even if you are hesitant to reveal who mistreated you in fear of their, or your own, safety, Bakugo won't let up. He will poke, prod, threaten, and glare the answer right out of you. Once he has a name, you'd better get out of this rabid dog's way, because he will mow down any obstacle in his path on his way to the enemy. If you enjoyed the company of the person who made your sensitive self sad, you're going to have to find a lovely bouquet for their funeral.
HOWEVER! If HE was the one who made you cry...he is going to tease you about it. FRIENDS, LET ME EXPLAIN let me cook! Since becoming infatuated with you, he has learned to lighten up the bullying nature of his words. He isn't perfect, but he has certainly gotten better with his communication, BUT ONLY FOR YOU r.i.p to Deku's sanity bc he tried for YEARS to get this Pomeranian to change with no success, and you stroll along and make Bakugo clean up his act in SECONDS. That being said, he is, and will probs forever be, a sadist at heart—and he flourishes off of that devilish, delicious satisfaction over being the one responsible for making you have so much of an emotional response to his words that you actually CRY.
You'd be standing there, face tilted towards the ground. You’re attempting to shield the tears leaking down your pudgy cheeks from his judgmental view, but he’d know. It’s like a sixth sense he has—being able to just know when someone is showing their weaknesses to him. Being a brat is in his nature, and he’s the type of person who if you give him an inch, he’ll take the mile. Bakugo would feel an unconscious teasing sneer creep up onto his face at this pleasant view in front of him.
"Haaa???," he'd shove his hands into his pants pockets, lean down to catch your eye sight with his, forcing you to witness the glee he feels at your expense, "You're crying? Already? Ha! What a weakling. It's a wonder you made it this far without us to carry you through your mistakes. You should just give up on the whole independence thing, stop making a fool of yourself." He then confidently struts over to your side, nudging you forward with a gentle shove of his shoulder against yours as a warning to start walking back to the classroom. Katsuki watches with a side eye as even bigger tears gloop down your face, but only now he says nothing. He wishes you could understand where his mean words were coming from.
Trust me, Bakugo does say all of these things with twisted love in hopes that you'll stop being so determined to get away from him them. Bakugo's abrasive and brash, but he's no idiot. He sees how badly you want to get away from them, but he just can't find it inside himself to do the heroic thing and let you go. If this is how you react to the teasing of someone who loves you, then how can you survive in the real world against not-so-caring strangers?! The conclusion he comes to is that you can't. Don’t worry—he doesn’t mind becoming the one to take care of you, even if he is forced to be the big, bad wolf in your eyes.
Our beloved Class 3-A Big Three also happen to have their eyes on you! Trust me when I say if you thought your classmates were overbearing, you're going to face a whole different overprotective beast with these three.
Mirio and Nejire basically share the same brain cell when they are together, so they just pass it on to whoever needs it most in the moment. However, when it comes to a mopey you, it is all hands on deck. They split the brain cell so they can effectively help you! They are all questions all the time, so you will be bombarded with them yelling all of these sentences in a matter of a few seconds:
"Oh no! Oh, my baby! What's wrong, sweetheart gumdrop darling???" - Nejire
"Who do I have to teach a lesson to? Don't give me that, sunshine! You're too nice for your own good! It is our job as heroes to enforce good citizenship, after all." - Mirio
"What can I get you? A warm tea? A blanket? You want a hug? I can do that easy! Hehe!" - Nejire
"Wait, I wanted to hug them first!" - Mirio
"Give it a rest, Mirio! They need comfort right now, not a fight!" - Nejire
Yeah, they're just two kids bickering over their favorite toy. They genuinely want to help you! Honest! It's just hard to not fight over you when you are simply the cutest thing they've ever seen. Nejire is also going to squeal from the cuteness you're exuding. She thinks your puffy, sad eyes and cheeks warm from an embarrassed flush is the most adorable look on you, so she isn't going to be that upset with you being down.
Tamaki is similar to Todoroki in the sense that he has no idea how to comfort emotional people, but instead of finding the courage to say or do something to help you, he is going to be HIGHLY on edge. He'll inch close when you first run up to the three of them in the hall to see what is wrong, as he is concerned why you are crying so much, but if you spare him even ONE glance, he will scamper away and face the wall in apprehension. Idiot! How could he look at you so brazenly?! Is he shameless?!?! He is such a terrible lover friend. Oh, you must hate him now for seeing you in such a vulnerable state. No! He doesn't want that! He...he l-l-loves you! He doesn't want you to go away! Oh no, what if yOU NEVER SPEAK TO HIM AGAIN OH GOD—he basically flies off the handle with worry. He's staring at the wall, shaking, afraid to do anything that may upset his flower any further.
Mirio actually has to be the one to come over and check on the poor shaking leaf of a boy for Tamaki to find the courage to say anything to you. Granted, Tamaki doesn't actually tell you the words he wishes to share with you himself.
Nejire is in the process of chatting your ears off to kingdom come and swinging you around in a tight hug when Mirio jogs back from his brief chat with the statue-esque Amajiki. Mirio shines a gorgeous smile at you as he relays Tamaki's message, "Hi, again, love! Tamaki wants to tell you that he is upset that you are crying, and to please use his handkerchief to clean your face! He insists." Mirio pries off Nejire's vice grip from you, and gently places the neat handkerchief in your palm. It is simple, white cotton with an intricate lace design stitched on the edges. You do notice that there is a dainty lilac flower embroidered with thin string on each of the four corners of the cloth.
You quietly thank Mirio, and send another thank you over Mirio's shoulder to the still shaking Tamaki. Tamaki does acknowledge your thanks with a violently tremoring thumbs up. You wipe the long tear streaks off your face, blow your nose, and take a couple of deep breaths to calm your fragile heart.
"So, what's going on, lovebug? Why all the tears?" Nejire has finally chilled out enough to ask serious questions instead of just fawning over your cuteness.
"It...it's—I don't—ugh...I-I'm s-sorry...," you're hiccupping for air, tripping all over your sentence as you feel the hot tears of embarrassment come back. You grit your teeth as another shuddering sob comes out. You can't believe you're crumbling like this in front of your superiors. Your upper classmates. You should know better than this! You're not a baby anymore! They are practically your teachers! How stupid you must look wailing and moaning like a newborn. You turn to run away, but two pairs of callused, powerful hands grab your shoulders and arms.
"No, baby, it's okay! You don't have to be sorry. Please tell us what's going on." Nejire pulls you close to her again, cupping your head into her shoulder and rubbing your back as encouragement.
"You're okay, (Y/N), no one is going to hurt you. Not while we're here. What's up?" Mirio stood beside you as a comforting hulk of a man that made you feel warm and safe. The fluttery feeling of seeing you with glassy eyes and running to him for safety like he was your hero and true love began wearing off, and the new feeling of wanting to bring immense harm to whoever had the nerve to mess with his sunshine took over. This situation wasn't just you tripping over your own two feet in the hallway in front of your teachers or something simple like that. This must be serious. He needs you to tell him what happened now before he does something irresponsible and with little thought behind his actions.
Even Tamaki perked up to hear what you were going to say. Again, he truly does want to help! He's trying to be brave for you. He didn't peel entirely away from the wall, but he did tilt his head to the side to better hear your tale.
Inhaling a few more deep breaths, you opened up, "It's...my class. They just—they won't leave me alone! Mina and Hagakure always want to play games with me, hug me, poke me, ANYTHING! They never give me space! Momo and Iida won't stop asking me if I want a private study session even though my grades are beyond fine. They even tried to force their way into my room last night to "check up" on me after I didn't want to have dinner with all of them!"
You continued after gently blowing your nose again into Tamaki's handkerchief, "I feel like I'm being watched all the time, even when I'm not around any of them! Last night, I woke up at like 3 AM and I SWEAR I saw Tokoyami's Dark Shadow in the corner of my room just...watching me. I tried asking him about it today, but he kept brushing me off. But he didn't deny any of what I said! I'm...scared. Not to mention Sero, Denki, and Kirishima won't stop messing with me! They keep tugging on my vest, breaking off buttons on my shirt, pulling at my bottoms, touching my hair—I keep asking them to back off, but they just won't stop." You hiccupped through your tears again, but it looked like you had more to say, so the three of them stayed quiet.
You started again, now with a much quieter voice, "But the worst is those three. Midoriya, Todoroki, and Bakugo. I'm always bothered by at least one of them all the time. Izuku hangs all over me and it's like he doesn't listen to a thing I say! I ask him to leave me alone, he says I don't know what I want and continues to push me. Todoroki won't stop giving me things I don't need or want that I can't repay back. Shoto says I only need to pay him back in "quality time"—which is basically him holding me prisoner in my own bed every other night. And Bakugo...I swear, I don't know if he sees me as an enemy or a doll to be tossed around. He's always talking down to me, insulting my fighting style or pointing out if I'm distracted. He goes out of his way to make fun of my appearance or if I say the wrong thing. He's...actually the reason I came looking for you three. I just don't know what to do anymore."
It was safe to say the three of them were livid to hear about all the torture you were being unwillingly dragged through. Mirio and Tamaki most of all. Mirio was infuriated to hear how Izuku had been treating you. Him, who Mirio had full trust in and respect—both of those qualities had tanked in a matter of a few minutes of hearing your recollection. Tamaki couldn't believe how Kirishima was behaving when he'd sworn to be the "manliest man to ever step foot in the Hero Alliance". Nejire was more upset to hear how her girls were having so much fun playing with little cute you without inviting her, but she was beyond fuming when she discovered how the disgusting boys were getting close to you. She felt like her words could melt metal with how fiery they felt building up in her throat.
"Hmm, how awful," Mirio had a terrifyingly dark look in his eye, one that made a shiver scamper up your spine. You'd never seen him so upset. All your tears dried as you heard him utter to his two friends that were now standing at his sides, "I think it's time we paid another educational visit to our promising young heroes, hmm~?"
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You know, I do this every time. I start writing, I don't stop writing, and when I'm done, it's hardly an imagine anymore. This is practically a whole bloody fic at this point! And I get so mad at myself for doing it too because this took me all day to write LMAOOOO. BUT! I hope you all like it! I adore The Big Three, so I hope to write for them again. They are cool hehe :3
With Love,
Kraken 🐙
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volturissideslut · 3 months
Hello. Can youwrite lovesick Aro Volturi ? 🥺
𝕬𝖗𝖔 𝖁𝖔𝖑𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖎
For the other versions with different characters, head to my masterlist.
Lovesick Aro who practically drowns you in jewels, from rubies to emeralds, diamonds to sapphires, amethyst to aquamarine. He loves to make you sparkle, you just look so ethereal in his eyes. You should totally pose for him like that, wearing everything he got you and the most intricate and ornate of dresses he got you. Caius may be known as the painter of the three but he can still try. Though no painting or picture could ever do you justice.
Lovesick Aro who pampers you daily. He loves to brush your hair and upkeep your makeup, even if it is just your lip balm. Let him bathe with you in bubble baths and rosewater, let him care for you please.
Lovesick Aro who loves physical touch. Not many touch him winningly now because of his gift, but the man gets butterflies every time you kiss. Stroke his hair, hold his hand, kiss his cheek and interlock your arms. He adores it, plain and simple. His day is made when you lay with him, he has hearts for eyes when you rest your little head on his chest. He could ascend from just holding you close to him, truly.
Lovesick Aro who takes interest in your interests. You enjoy painting? Here is a room dedicated, more spectacular than that of Caius. You like opera or theatre? Any ticket you want is yours. More botanical at heart? There is a greenhouse being constructed for you at this very moment. Unusual interests such as poisons or arachnids? Anything you want is yours. I think you get the gist.
Lovesick Aro who, despite already being a little bit insane, would absolutely lose his shit if anything were to happen to you. I mean it in every sense of the word when i say he would go ballistic, rampaging and murderous through anyone innocent or guilty, friend or foe, anyone who was in his path and blocking him from getting to you. When it comes to the case of the Romanians or any other potential wars, you will be promptly taken out of any nearby country and sent to the other side of the world with the best of his guards. He would rather die and not have their help than leave you without at least three.
Lovesick Aro who worships thee ground you walk on. Human or vampire, you are the most amazing thing to ever exist in his eyes. Anything to get you to smile at him is on his mind constantly, from fresh flowers and expensive trips out, to quality time in comfortable clothes. His main love languages are physical touch and quality time, and he could almost cry from the peace he feels just spending some much needed quiet time with you.
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margotw10bis · 10 months
Blank Pages. JJK [m]
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bestfriend!jungkook x reader
Genre: one-shot; smut; romance; non-idol!jk; f2l
Words: 8k
Synopsis: You have a secret: you're a popular writer on Wattpad. The worst thing that could happen is your best friend Jungkook to discover that your erotic novels are about him...
Warning: protected sex; oral sex (f. receiving); writing of sex scenes
JK was pounding into me at an animalistic pace. I couldn't help screaming his name due to the overstimulation of the three precedent orgasms. His grip around my hips tightened as he was reaching his high. A few more dick strokes were provided before I could feel his hot shots of cum inside my pussy.
It didn't take long for the both of us to fall asleep, exhausted by the intense sex ride.
Your cheeks are red when you finish posting the new chapter of your story on your Wattpad account. Vivid images of the imaginary roll in the hay fill your brain — and your panties with wetness. You always feel the same after writing a sex scene starring your best friend: horny and guilty. You can't imagine how Jungkook would react if he knew he was the main character of a popular erotic online novel... You would die of embarrassment, knowing your best friend, whom you are madly in love with, had discovered your deepest sexual fantasies — featuring him. On the other hand, writing those filthy stories is your way to control both your feelings and your desires. Jungkook is your best friend, you can't risk your friendship.
You didn't have any thoughts other than trying to contain your sexual attraction for him when you created your Wattpad account. You had never thought that so many people would read your stories. You can't deny that you feel kind of proud that people love your writings but you also feel horrified that so many strangers are fantasying — and obviously masturbating — on your best friend. You are so glad that you kind of anonymized him by using his nickname JK. You mean, people could think it stands for Jin-Keon, right?
Just as if you needed some reminder that your writing is nothing but fiction, your phone screen brights up to notify a new message from the very same Jungkook.
'Hi, buddy! We're going to the club with the guys, wanna join?'
You hate so much when Jungkook calls you 'buddy'. It's so far away from the nicknames you wish he'd give you. In your stories, JK always uses 'baby', 'babe', sweetheart' and this is what you want... Not a stupid 'buddy' like you were his classmate in sixth grade!
You growl in frustration and answer that you're too tired and you're just going to bed. Your best friend replies that he is disappointed not to see you tonight and you hate how your weak stupid heart melts at that. You are also disappointed not to see him tonight or every single day of your life. You wish you could go home after work and know that Jungkook is waiting for you before heading to bed, together. You know damn well those are silly thoughts and maybe that's why they hurt so much. They are too far away from reality.
As you think.
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You hum, half-asleep as you feel something moving against you. You tighten your arms around the thing next to you to keep it still. However, it moves again to softly caress your hair.
"Y/N, let's go to bed" A whispered voice says
You lowly growl and bury your face deeper into the thing you're hugging. If you weren't in this sleepy state, you could notice that what you have in your arms is actually Jungkook. He doesn't really mind and it's not the first time your movie night ends up with you falling asleep. He'd just let you gradually collapse on him because he knows you always feel cold when you are sleeping. So he is happy to provide some warmth while you're visiting Morpheus' world. He even rested his arm around your shoulders to be a little more comfortable to watch the end of the movie — and enjoying this excuse to hug you.
But now, the film has ended and the couch is not the best place for a full night of slumber. Jungkook sighs when he accepts the fact that you just won't wake up. He tries, as gently as he can, to stand up and lifts you up in his arms. He pushes his bedroom door open with his foot, which causes him to almost loose balance. Finally, his mission is a success when he lands you on his bed without waking you. He smiles softly as he looks at you. He wonders what you are dreaming about right now. Are you having nightmares because of the horror movie? Or are you in a happy place full of your loved ones? He hopes for the latest.
He heads to the bathroom, brushes his teeth and joins you in bed. He knows you don't bother sleeping with him — it's not the first time either. And honestly, if he knew your feelings for him, he could be even more aware of how poorly you care. He makes sure the covers are tightly wrapped around you and scoots closer to hug you. He likes how your smaller body fits in his embrace — it's way better than his usual pillow. He gives you a small peck on the top of your hair and follows you in dreamland.
The sunlight coming through the unwell closed curtains wakes you up. You're surprised not to feel cold as usual in the morning. You want to lift your hand to rub your swollen eyes but you can't: something, or more like someone is completely wrapped around you. Your eyes snap open when you realize it's Jungkook. You turn your head and your heart melts at the sight: his sleepy face is so cute, especially with his pouty lips. You're close enough to clearly see his scar on the cheek as well as the little molds on his nose and under his lower lip. You wish you could taste its softness. You move carefully to free one arm and you caress your best friend's hair as softly as you can to not wake him up. You almost moan when you feel how silky it is underneath your fingertips. God, Jungkook is so perfect that it hurts to look at him.
Your heart beats fast in your chest due to the proximity but it suddenly stops when Jungkook, in his sleepless, presses you closer against his body. And then, you feel it. As clear as day. His morning wood. It stands hard against your lower belly and you gulp. Does your saliva drive straight to your pussy? Because your panties are now soaked. Oh god, Jungkook's cock is pressed against you and you love it. All kind of sinful scenarios take control of your brain and you wish your best friend was a sleepwalker but more like a sleepfucker. Okay, you are clearly deranged...
A normal person would try to bring some space between your two bodies but you do the opposite: you scoot closer, almost grinding on his boner.
Small sleepy growls from Jungkook make you stop moving as you really don't want your best friend to know how much of a sexual freak he is turning you into.
"Good morning, goober" Jungkook says with his sexy raspy voice before kissing your forehead
"Hi" You reply with cheeks as red as a tomato
Fuck, you still feel his dick but Jungkook doesn't seem in a rush of stepping away. Does he not feel it? Or maybe he does and he needs some friction because he fucking holds you tighter. You wish you could feel embarrassed but it's not the main emotion you experience: your horniness takes the most of you. If Jungkook doesn't release you soon, you could jump on him to ride him. Perhaps all the hot sex scenes you have written are messing up with your brain and you can't distance fantasy from reality.
(Un)fortunately, your best friend frees you to stretch. You try your best not to peak at the tent of the sheets caused by his hard-on. Jungkook leaves the bed and stands up in front of you, asking about breakfast with a very distant — according to you — voice. However, you can't focus on any words he is saying because the only thing that gets your attention is his — huge — bulge in his boxing shorts. He clearly doesn't wear any briefs and your mouth waters at the fact there is just one layer of fabric separating you from his cock — and also a whole moral code but you can't care about it right now. On the hand, it's not like Jungkook would stop you but you don't have any idea of it. A sparkle of playfulness brightens his doe eyes as he notices how you are gazing at his dick.
"Are you even listening to me?" Jungkook asks while snapping his fingers right in front of your face
"I-Jungkook, you..." You start but struggle to find the words that won't make you look like a sexual freak
"You, uhm, seem to be awaken" You eventually decide to say
Jungkook looks at you with a faked questioning face and you point at this crotch. Rather than to be embarrassed, your best friend smirks proudly.
"Impressed, right?" He teases you and your cheeks take a new brighter tint of red
"Jungkook!" You scold him but you secretly are impressed by his obvious blessed area — way bigger than you have wrote
Your best friend just laughs with his childlike cheerful chuckle and announces that he'll cook some rice with sausages. You fall back on the bed, sighing in frustration. Jungkook is driving you crazy and you wish you could take off his wry smile by sitting on his pretty face. However, you decide it would be wiser to just sit on a chair and have breakfast with him.
"I could like to go to Songdo Beach today and go on a ride of the Busan AirCruise" You say at one point, your mouth full of food which makes barely impossible for Jungkook to understand you
"Why? You already did it a hundred of times"
"But it's raining today!" You pout "You know I love the atmosphere the rain gives to the skyline"
Your best friend does know it. You have told him countless of times how relaxing you find the sound of the rain on the glass cable car and the pale blue, almost lavender color, the Busan sky gets tinted on rainy days. Jungkook sighs to pretend it's a burden to go with you but you both know he likes it too.
As usual, the queue is not that long. Busan people tend to stay home or to take shelter in the numerous trendy coffees. What a shame people don't appreciate how nice it is to fly upon the near ocean while raindrops surround you. As usual, Jungkook buys the tickets for the two of you. You don't quite understand why he insists every time to pay but you can't deny it is heart-warming. Your best friend knows it's one of the things you love the most in life so he just wants you to enjoy it entirely.
A soft smile paints your lips as you step in the cable car. Slowly elevating you in the sky, you watch the nearby buildings growing away between the big and round drops of water. The sight is blurred yet so poetic. The glass floor allows you to take a peak at the waves and if you look at the ocean side, you can see some huge cargo boats, waiting in Busan bay to deliver their merchandise.
The calm atmosphere, enhanced by the melody of the rain on the glass, soothes you. However, Jungkook couldn't just let you be and he suddenly moves to make the cable car swing. You scream and scold him which only makes him laugh. As usual.
"Let's take a picture" Jungkook says while pulling off his phone from his oversized bomber jacket pocket
Then, he sits next to you and frames to crystalize both your two faces and the skyline in the background on the photo. You and your best friend smile brightly. If someone asks Jungkook right now, he could say that it's one of sunniest days ever because of how radiant you are.
"A last one" Jungkook announces
He clicks on the button to snap the picture at the exact moment he pecks your cheek. The photo clearly notifies how surprised you were, your eyes growing wider and your mouth slightly opened. However, your shy face mixed with your blushed cheeks make you really, really cute in Jungkook's opinion. He can only chuckle as he gazes at the picture with affection eyes. He will definitely make it his new wallpaper.
However, the small peck you have received from your best friend moves you more than it should. Your heart beats so loud in your chest that it seems to echoes down to your toes. You try to calm down and you resonate: it doesn't mean anything for your best friend. It's just a small friendly peck. Fuck, you write some erotic stories in which the characters fuck like beasts, you can't be all shaken up by a stupid kiss on the cheek!
You soothe your crazy heart by focusing on the view of the grey tinted skyline and on the few people defying the rain with their umbrellas. Deep down, you know it's the best memory you will have on the Busan cable car despite the numerous times you went on.
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"What do you think about this one?" Jungkook asks you a few days later while presenting another shirt in a dark blue color
You try hard to put a smile on your face to hide your painful chest. Does your best friend have any idea that helping him choosing an outfit for his date is torture for you? You could wince at the pain if you didn't have to act like normal.
"I think the white one is better" You answer nonetheless "You can't go wrong with it"
Jungkook nods and then finishes you completely: he casually takes off his t-shirt, flashing you with his so perfect buff chest. If it's true that you sometimes gripe when your best friend spends two hours at the gym, you are so thankful of it now. You practically drool when your eyes run through his flexing biceps — the right one delicately wrapped with ink —, his well-defined pecs and his fucking hot abs. You almost faint when your glance ends up its route on his very low pants, making his V-line and the hem of his black underwear visible. His skin seems so soft, your fingertips tickle at the thought of touching it. Fuck, this is better than anything you have ever written. You gulp when you think about all the nasty things you could like to do with Jungkook's torso.
"So, what do you think?"
Jungkook's question snaps you out of your fantasies but you have absolutely no idea of what he is talking about. Suddenly, the thread escaping from your jeans is very much interesting and you just pray that Jungkook hasn't noticed how you were eying him.
"About what?" You timidly ask
"Gogi Yummy, the restaurant I'm taking her to. Do you think it's a good idea?"
Your heart squeezes painfully when you think about Jungkook having a perfect date, doing everything you could like him to do, with someone else. You wish you could be a good best friend and be happy for him but the truth is that you love him too much not to feel hurt when he is going on a date.
"I think it's great" You reply as cheerful as you can be but still not looking to him in an attempt to hide the hurt in your eyes
"What about you?" Your best friend suddenly asks
"What about me?" You repeat his words with confusion, brows furrowed
"When are you going on a date?" He clarifies
You sigh while notifying him that you don't have time to look for a date. The real reason is obviously your feelings for Jungkook, you don't want anyone else but him.
"You know Jimin, right? The last time I saw him, he told me you were cute. Maybe you should give him a chance" Jungkook tells you with an encouraging tone but you only wince, which makes him sigh "Look, if my date goes well, we'll do something together, the four of us. This way, you won't feel pressured. How does it sound?"
Awful. But there is no way you'd confess that, especially when Jungkook is looking at you with his sparkling doe eyes and his so cute bunny smile. So you tell him that it's a great idea and you hope, even more than before, that his date is a disaster so you don't have to go on a double-date during which you won't be the partner of the person you love.
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JK was drawing delicious patterns on my clit with his tongue. I couldn't help tugging on his raven hair, not really knowing if it was to stop him or to urge him to do it harder. My breathe was cut when I felt a long and thick finger sliding into me, automatically making my walls clench around it.
"I'm close"I told JK, which provoked a proud smirk on his face
His only mission on Earth seemed to be providing me great orgasms — and he'd never failed.
"Come on, baby. Make me taste your yummy juices" He teased me, sending me on the edge
He stood up and took off this t-shirt so I could admire his delicate yet strong torso, the definition of perfection. His muscles were making me feel all kinds of butterflies in my stomach — or was it the remains of the orgasm? — and JK knew it well. He knew he was teasing me, and the way he was flexing his muscles proved me right. My mouth watered and my hand caressed the bulge of his six-pack. His tattoos always had an effect on me, making him as intriguing as sexy. A sin I wouldn't care to go to Hell for.
I wished I had time to enjoy it more but I had to go to work — JK's cunnilingus made me late as it made me come.
You save the last chapter and publish it on Wattpad. You stroll through the comments and smile when you read some very supportive ones. Almost every readers are in love with JK — only of they knew that real life Jungkook is one hundred times better. You sigh in content and close your laptop, ready to head to bed but your phone rings, stopping your plans of having a good and relaxing sleep.
'My date went great. Save your Friday night buddy cause we have a date ;)'
Why does your best friend have absolutely no clue of the draggers he is stabbing into your heart? To be fair, he went on this date because he thinks he doesn't stand a chance with you but you obviously don't know that. You growl and turn in your bed, tugging your sheets around you like if you were a burrito. Yes, going on a date with Jungkook is one of your dreams but going on a double-date with Jungkook having another date than you is a nightmare. You spend the night ramming through all the possible ways the date can go, which leads you to cry when scenarios of your best friend kissing a girl in front of you play in your mind.
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You growl while taking your clothes out of the washing machine. You don't what went wrong but it seems like every single pieces of clothing has sized down. Well, you could guess what went wrong: you were deep in thought and clicked on the wrong washing program. You sigh when you see your favorite dress... A slight and ridiculous hope that maybe it's not too bad makes you try it on, which takes you way more efforts than usual. But it only confirms what you thought: the red dress is now so tight that it looks like a second skin. The bottom hem barely covers your underwear and shows some of your ass in the back. And let's not talk about the neckline because it's worse: half of your bra is on display.
Of course, fate is never on your side — because it has been such a nice day so far. You hear your front door opening and it only means one thing: Jungkook is here. He is the only one to have a spare key — which was supposed to be for emergency but turned out to be a way to visit you without warning every time he is in the mood to. You start to panic but you don't have time to cover yourself as your best friend's pretty face appears. You feel embarrassed to show so much skin to Jungkook, even though you often fantasize about him seeing way much more. Shock — and some other expression that you could interpret as lust — paints his features. His eyes run through your very exposed body and your cheeks match the color of your 'dress'.
"Are you going to wear that?" Jungkook asks with a as natural as possible tone while he places his hands in front of his crotch to prevent you from noticing his growing boner
"Are you crazy?!" You defend yourself "I fucked up my laundry, that's all. I have no other choice than to throw away my favorite dress" You sigh in despair
On the other side, Jungkook likes the new style of the dress. It's now his favorite. Fuck, you're hot. You look so naughty. And it's even better when you turn around and some of your asscheeks are visible. He wonders how they would jiggle if he'd spanked you. He knows he shouldn't have this kind of thoughts about you but he can't help it. Your body is so fucking perfect. The peak he had of your big rounded tits, covered by your bra which led appear the shadow of your picky nipple, and the almost peak he had of your panties drive him mad. He does't think you should throw the dress away. You should keep it. For him. For when he fucks you.
Jungkook tries to get rid off those thoughts but his hard-on makes it difficult. When you send him off to change, he gladly accepts and opens your fridge, pretending he is looking for some soda, to let the cold soften his cock. You'll be the death of him.
"What are you doing here?" You asks, making your best friend jolt
Jungkook grabs a random can and turns around to discover you are now wearing your usual light green sweatpants and an oversized t-shit — former his, if he might add. You are really messing with his brain because earlier, with your tiny dress, he could pretend that his attraction was just a normal one of a guy seeing a sexily clothed girl. But now, even with a not so appealing outfit, he still thinks you're beautiful and hot.
You lift one brow when your best friend doesn't answer. Jungkook clears his throat and tries to gather his thoughts. He needs to focus on something other than you, otherwise he risks to cancel all his plans to fuck you against your washing machine.
"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to grab some food at PadThailand. It's been a while and I know you like it"
Your heart melts at the fact that Jungkook thought about you before ordering from one of your favorite restaurants. Your smile seems to illuminate the place, so much that your best friend wishes he had sunglasses. You nod with enthusiasm, spurring Jungkook to call the restaurant and book a table.
You've changed, for the third time of the day, into a simple jeans and long sleeves sailor top. You feel proud to match the area of PadThailand, the restaurant being close to one of the small ports of Busan. Delicious scents of fresh cooked fish fill the air, putting you in the mood of eating. You could even change your usual order and try the lemongrass cod fish. You giggle with eagerness, you can't wait to have your stomach full of delicious food.
"You look like you're in a good mood" Jungkook notices, a few meters from the restaurant location
"Of course!" You reply, cheerful "I'm going to one of my favorite restaurants and I'm with my favorite person"
You don't realize how your words made Jungkook stop his track. You continue your way to the door while Jungkook is trying his best to hide his wide bunny grin.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Friday night. The day of your 'date'.
You did make an effort on your outfit, opting for a cute black denim skirt and silver top. Actually, you were quite surprise when you stepped into the restaurant and discovered that your clothes matched Jungkook's. Your heart skipped a beat at the thought that people around you would mistake you two as a couple. However, the euphoria left soon as your eyes landed on your best friend's date: a gorgeous girl named Minji. It took you everything you have to smile at her and lie while saying 'nice to meet you'.
Thankfully, the awkward silence that was getting set at your table disappears with Jimin's arrival. You can't deny that the brown haired man is handsome. Honestly, if you weren't so head over heels for Jungkook, you could kill to kiss Jimin's pulp lips. You also like the white light cotton t-shirt with longs sleeves Jimin chose to wear: the thin fabric gives a peak of his dark inked patterns. Do you have a tattoo kink? Well, it's definitely Jungkook's fault.
After ordering some drinks and food, you are starting to think that the night is not a complete torture — despite the occasional kisses between Jungkook and Minji. The girl is actually very nice and tries her best to find common tastes between the two of you. It honestly would be way easier if she were a bitch... You can't even hate her!
Jimin, on the other hand, is funny and shares a lot of stories of his last holidays which were a rollercoaster of unpleasant events. You don't have to force yourself to laugh and genuinely find his company pleasant. Yet, you can't imagine having feelings for someone other than Jungkook. You love him like you've never loved before. He swipes away every competition without even trying. He is more handsome, funnier, nicer than anyone else. He knows you more than anyone and he knows how to help you before you can even say you need him. It's like he can read in your mind, what a shame he can't see in your heart that it's full of him...
However, Jungkook begins to regret having set a date for you. Yes, he is Minji's date but it's just an attempt to stop thinking of you. Actually, he thought that if you were with Jimin, it would help him putting an end at his stupid crush. But the dragger in his heart when you smile at Jimin is a clear reminder that it's not just a silly crush... Jimin is having everything Jungkook wants to have with you. He wants to take you at the restaurant, as a date, just the two of you. He genuinely had more fun at PadThailand with you the other day — when he could pretend it was a real date, even if it was just in his head — than now with Minji. But he thinks you'll refuse if he asks you out, you have never acted like Jungkook could be something other than your best friend.
"Hey, Y/N" Minji starts with a cheerfulness that you can imagine innate in her "You said you love reading. You should follow this Wattpad account"
She hands you her phone and you stop breathing when your very username appears on the screen. Your whole body freezes and your blood is redirected in your legs to run away.
"The author is so good! Her writing is amazing" Minji continues
The compliments would please you in other circumstances but right now, it's the worst thing ever.
"And fun fact, the character of JK makes me think of you" She adds as a killer shot for you when she turns to address Jungkook
You feel so ashamed that you just keep your head down, the phone giving you a great excuse for it. You wish you could just curl up and die. Oh my god, what if Jungkook reads it? What if he knows it's about him? He will definitely know JK is supposed to be him! And he will fucking know how you dream about him fucking you in all kind of lustful fantasies! He'll think you're sick and deranged, there is no other way. He'll think you are obsessed with him and will cut all ties with you. Your throat is so tight that you can't even breath properly. You need to escape, far and fast.
You wait ten minutes not to sound suspicious and then fake an emergency, lying that you have received a text from one of your friends. Jimin, so kind by nature, offers you to drop you off but you refuse, even though you do appreciate the gesture. You basically run away and yell a taxi to head home as fast as possible.
Panic takes control of your body, making you shake and breath heavily. You walk back and forth in your bedroom as you wonder how you are going to get rid off this troubled situation. You definitely can't delete your Wattpad account now, it'd look way too suspicious. The only thing that soothe you is that Jungkook doesn't like reading so he won't look at your — erotic — stories. Right?
Why did you have to write those? You are so stupid, fantasizing on your best friend and making the whole world know! You should have kept your sexual dreams in your bed, rather than crystalizing them on white pages.
Your hands cover your burning cheeks before going to the bathroom and splashing some cold water on your face as a ridiculous attempt to wake up from this nightmare.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Two weeks have passed since the double-date. Jungkook and you have hanged out like nothing happened — actually for Jungkook nothing happened. However, even though you really wanted to hide from him out of embarrassment, you couldn't without presenting yourself as the culprit of these stories. Your best friend was his usual self and he didn't even talk about your Wattpad account, which slowly relieved you. Like you said, Jungkook doesn't like reading, he won't do it so you can live your life without thinking about it anymore. You did stop writing though and you felt sad when you've read comments of people missing you and waiting for the next chapter.
What you don't know is that Minji has insisted so much, arguing that the main male lead of your story was just like Jungkook, that your best friend took on himself to browse through your Wattpad account. And he read everything. At first, he was quite amused at the resemblance: more than the JK name, the fictional character has black hair and tattoos just like him. The sex scenes were intense but still a little too soft for Jungkook who likes it real rough — but it's not like you can know it. But then, Jungkook grew suspicious, some scenes being very familiar to him. Like the one of the two main characters going to the beach but can't to swim because they forgot their swimsuits. Or the one when they were cooking together and JK seasoned the meal the narrator took hours to cook with sugar instead of salt. Another example was an argument between the two characters over the film they should watch at the theatre. Jungkook clearly remembered a very similar scene with you that ended up just like the book: him buying his own ticket for Fast&Furious and you throwing your popcorn on him.
A — absolutely ridiculous and impossible — thought came to his mind: were you the author? That couldn't be. You were his best friend, and you've never seemed to be interested in him — despite his endeavours he might add. But then, how could the scenes in this book be so much like the ones you two'd shared? And then, a crazier thought lighted up in his brain: are all the sex scenes you have written one of your desires? Would you like him to fuck you, to finger you, to lick you? Thinking about your pretty face torn by pleasure made him hard in his pants. He went though the hot scenes for a second time, trying to acknowledge what you like. As insane as it might seem, if Jungkook has the chance to, he'll fuck you and he wants to be prepared. Well, that's if you are indeed the author of the book. Which is such a foolish idea that he can't allow himself to grow too excited because the odds are not in Jungkook's favors.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
You are heading to Jungkook's place after receiving a text from him. He asked you if you wanted to watch a movie and you accepted. However, when you enter his apartment — you also have a spare key of your best friend's door —, the usual bowl of popcorn is no where to be seen. Jungkook has a ravishing look with his grey sweatpants and black oversized t-shirt. It's just his common look but it's so good on him.
"Hi" You greet him with a hug "You don't have any popcorn?"
"No, but maybe I have some underbaked cookies that we could eat with ice cream" He replies
You just freeze. Those underbaked cookies with ice cream are something you've written in your story. Did Jungkook read it? It's a catastrophe. You have to act like it's nothing, like you don't know what he means but god, you're such a shitty actress and your best friend knows you better than anyone else.
"Why would I want underbaked cookies?" You ask but your tone is so unsure that it only betrays you
"I don't know" Jungkook starts "Maybe because I'll get to eat you out to be fully satisfied"
Oh god. He. Did. Read. Everything. You wish the ground opened underneath your feet to swallow you whole. You throat is too dry to reply anything and your burning cheeks are screaming 'I'm the author! I'm guilty your Honor!'. You want to run away but you can't, your body refuses to move and you just keep looking down. You are so ashamed that your eyes get watery. Jungkook must hate you to have sexualized him like you did. Worse, you published this sexualized version of your best friend on the Internet and thousand of people have read it.
"Why did you write those stories?" Jungkook asks you
His tone is not harsh but not sweet either. It's just a little softer than neutral and it hurts in your heart.
"I don't know" You whisper with a shaky voice
"Don't lie to me, Y/N" Jungkook cups your face with his hands to force you to look into his so beautiful doe eyes "Tell me, I'm just trying to understand"
You are destabilized not to see any anger or disgust on your best friend's face. You thought he could be furious but he is not. He really seems curious to know. But that would mean you'd have to confess your feelings and you're not ready to hurt.
"It's just things that came to my mind" You half-lie
"So it doesn't mean anything?"
Your mouth opens in surprise at your best friend's question. Or more precisely at his tone. It's like he is hoping for it to mean something. You're taken aback. It's really not the reaction you expected. You remove his hand from your face so you can try to think again. You're lost in all the overwhelming emotions you're experiencing.
"I-" You start but nothing follows
You don't know what to say. Especially when Jungkook is looking at you with such an intense yet loving eye. Like he wants you. All of you. Your mind, your heart and your body. And you'll be happy to give them to him actually.
"Do you love me, Y/N?"
Once again, your eyes widen. You shouldn't be this surprised, it is just a logical question to ask after your interaction. You want to tell him but you're scared. Jungkook is perfect. He is the most handsome man but it's nothing compared to his personality. He is sweet and caring. He is hard-working and never gives up. He is supportive and always willing to help his friends. He is so perfect. Too perfect for you. You have nothing to offer him, he could find someone better just by snapping his fingers. But your best friend stops all those negative and destroying thoughts when he speaks again.
"You don't have to tell me" Jungkook says with a deep voice you've never heard before "I won't either. But I will show you"
With those last, enigmatic words, he cups your face with his tattooed hand. A immediate feeling of warmth rises upon the area he is touching. His thumb caresses your cheek, so delicately that you could think Jungkook is afraid to break you, but it soon drifts away to land on your bottom lip. The thinner and pinkish skin is soft underneath the pad of his finger and he can't wait any longer: he needs to feel the softness with his own mouth.
He kisses you and god, what a perfect kiss. The best one ever. His pulp lips feel like silk. The pressure is the right one: deep enough to draw butterflies in your stomach but not too much to completely overpower you. Jungkook wants to give you the opportunity to stop the kiss if you want to. But you surely don't want to. Quite the opposite: you want more.
Your hands go up to hide in his black hair to keep him close. It's the sign Jungkook waited to deepen the kiss. His hands are now on your back, pressing you closer against his strong body. Everything is just right. You seem to know each other's body like your own. Jungkook said he was going to show you he loved you and he does. The kiss is passionate but so loving at the same time. You have the feeling to fall in love with him all over again.
Without breaking the kiss, he leads you to his bedroom, which is easy since you know well his apartment. Jungkook takes off your shirt and he looks at your breasts long enough for you to grow embarrassed. But then he whispers to himself 'so perfect' and you don't feel unsure anymore. The way Jungkook looks at you makes you feel like the most beautiful woman alive. To be fair, you are for him.
Jungkook cups your tits still covered by your bra and leans down to hide his face in the valley of your boobs. God, he loves them so much. You moan when he starts to kiss the available skin. But it's not enough, for any of you. Your hand sneaks behind your back to undo your bra and finally free your breasts. Jungkook doesn't waste time and grabs one boob before squeezing it in his large and warm palm. His mouth works on your other nipple, licking, sucking and even deliciously biting it.
He invites you to lean on his bed and you're happy to do it. Jungkook grabs the hem of your pants and slides them down with your panties. Your pussy is already glistening with arousal and it's driving him crazy. He can't even control himself when he step closer to eat you out. His tongue is fast and precise on your clit and you can't help the moans from escaping your lips. Your head is thrown back and your fists are clenched around the sheets. Your cunt is soaked by your horniness and Jungkook's saliva, creating a real mess between your legs.
"More" You groan
Jungkook smirks while he enters your tight pussy with two fingers. The stretch is so fucking good that you whimper. His pace doesn't show any mercy but you fucking love it. Maybe it's Jungkook's skills or maybe it's your strong feelings for him but your orgasm is close. Your legs start shaking and you rest them on your best friend's shoulders.
"Your pussy is so good" He says against your wet clit "You've dreamt about that, uh? You little minx"
Your head is spinning because of your horniness. You feel like drowning into pleasure and Jungkook's expert fingers hitting your g-sport repeatedly are pushing you over the edge. Your back arches and your toes curl while you're trying to control your orgasm. It's too good, you don't want Jungkook to stop just now. But then, he talks again:
"I've read how you wanted me to eat your pretty pussy. You're a little slut for me, isn't that right?"
His dirty mouth — both words and acts — makes you cum on his face and fingers. Jungkook's digits are squeezed tightly by your walls and he pushes your limits by pushing on your sweet spot harder. It cuts your breathe and you feel your orgasm lasting and lasting until you can't take the overstimulation anymore. Your legs try to close but they are stopped by Jungkook's head and your hands tug on his hair.
"I'll fuck you good"
Jungkook's promise lights up your body once again. You settle down from your high just in time to watch his strip show. His pecs and abs are so perfect. You wish you could lick them but your body is still in the fog of your orgasm so you just can lift your hand to caress him like you've dreamt of so many time. His skin is warm and soft but his muscles are hard right under. Jungkook closes his eyes to enjoy your touch. He's imagined it many times before you and your delicate fingers on him are delightful. His hard cock twitches in his pants when your hand reaches the hem of his sweatpants. The bulge is clearly visible and your mouth waters.
You push the pieces of fabric down to free is big cock. Oh god, it's bigger than you thought. Some pre-cum is leaking from his tip and you use it to jerk him off. Jungkook growls out of delight and your hand works fast on his length. The sight of your small hand around his cock is fucking hot but Jungkook wants to fuck you. You two will have a lot of time in the future to experience other things.
"I want to fuck you" Jungkook says but it's also a consent question
As much as he wants to, he won't if you tell him no.
"I want it too, Kook"
Your best friend walks to his nightstand after getting off of his pants and underwear. He grabs a condom that he quickly puts on and joins you on the bed. You're gorgeous, all naked, in his bed. Lust is written on your face and he still can't believe you're looking at him. He wants to worship you and he will, but right now, he will fuck you like there is no tomorrow.
You open your legs wider for Jungkook to take place between them. He grabs his hard cock and slides the tip up and down on your folds. Your back arches.
"Please, Kook, I want you" Your whipped voice is driving him crazy
He enters slowly, not wishing to hurt you. The way his dick is stretching you out is insane. Jungkook is big but it's fucking good. He fills you so well. When he sees you relaxing, he starts to move back and forth. Your soaked pussy helps him to enter you without any difficulty. His hands cup your face to kiss you. Your moans are swallowed by Jungkook's mouth and your hands grabs his wrists when he pounds you at a faster pace. Soon, your tits are bouncing with rhythm and your groans get louder.
The grab on your jaws tightens and Jungkook rests his forehead on yours. He fucks you passionately. You wrap your legs around his waist to deepen the poundings. The slight change of angle places his dick directly to your g-spot.
"Here!" You scream and clench around him
"Your pussy is so tight but you still want to be fucked rough" Jungkook smirks "You told everyone but me. I'm so disappointed, baby"
His dick strokes are harsher and deeper, kicking the air of your lungs every time. The sound your clapping skins create is loud and sinful. You're close again and Jungkook can feel it.
"You're sure you don't want to tell me that you love me?" He asks with heavy breathe "Because I'll fuck you better if you do"
It's enough for you. Your walls are squeezing him impossibly tight. Jungkook almost winces but the fucked expression on your face is so worth it.
"I love you, Kook!" You scream when you cum hard on his cock, your vison blurred by the tears of pleasure and love filing your eyes
The euphoric state provoked by your orgasm and your feelings make you loose your mind. You kiss him but a salty taste mixes in your kiss. When Jungkook wipes the corners of your eyes, you realize you're crying. You don't even know why.
"I love you too" Jungkook whispers
A few more hard poundings are provided and Jungkook cums in the condom. You're both panting and Jungkook is almost crushing you but you don't care. His face is hidden in the crook of your neck, kissing your skin tenderly. You hug him tightly when you finally realize that your best friend loves you too.
Your cry shakes your body and Jungkook lifts up his head and his heart squeezes when he sees you.
"Hey, don't cry, baby"
He kisses every single inch of your face: your lips, your cheeks, your nose, your forehead and even your eyes to make your tears disappear.
Jungkook pulls out of you and takes off his condom. He quickly comes back to hug you tight. You truly appreciate how gentle he is. He has always been but now, with the love in his eyes, it's even better. Your whole body feels full of love. You know it's the right moment to share all the things you've kept to yourself for years.
"My head and my heart are full of you" You say "I'm drowning in the ocean of the love I feel for you. I love so much that it hurts, Kook"
"Your words feel so good" Jungkook replies with watery eyes, gently patting your hair "I can't describe as good as you my feelings but one thing I can say is that I love you. I love you, Y/N, and I'll never be tired of telling you or showing you how much I do"
You cry like a baby, undoubtedly the result of your post-sex tiredness and the tsunami of emotions Jungkook's confession provokes. It's the first time tears provoked by your best friend are welcomed.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
"So, what's next?" Jungkook asks the next day during breakfast
Just as the last time you've spent the night at his place, he woke up with a morning wood. Except that, this time, you made love. It was different from yesterday but as good. Maybe even better because you weren't in the over-everything that your love confessions provoked. You took your time, you kissed and kissed again while caressing and feeling each other.
"Maybe I'll need some inspiration for the next date scenes" You tease him
Jungkook giggles while scrunching his cute nose. He knows you so well and yet, this part of you, your writer part, was completely unknown until a few days ago. He also knows that your book is just an excuse to take you on a date. Honestly, he doesn't have to make any excuse to ask you on a date. He wants to do it. He has been wanting for years and now, you're his girlfriend.
"You're sure you don't need inspiration for your sex scenes?" He asks playfully
You smile and scoot closer to wrap your arms around his neck.
"I could use some help" You whisper before kissing him 
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tonyboneysblog · 5 months
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
word count: 2.9k
warnings: talks of abuse/ trauma!
notes: yall I cooked on this angst chapter (there’s comfort after I swear)
summary: You, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
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It’s been maybe a week or two since Fumikage, your precious angel, has spread his wings and joined U.A.
and today is currently your off day! Which isn’t completely rare but you still enjoy them.
Most the time you clean and tidy up the house, checking the fridge to see if you need to get groceries- which is your favorite because you love going to the grocery store and-…it’s full?
inside has a small note in Fumikages hand writing…
“Decide to go shopping for you so you could rest, Love Fumikage & Dark Shadow.”
darn your amazing son.
so now, you don’t have anything to do because your son decided he wanted to helpful.
So what do you do?
watch the news of course.
Nothing interesting is happening today really, maybe today is just a slow day!
those are your least favorite.
but then, your savior came, that one bird guy you saw at the restaurant!
apparently he was doing an interview today on channel 58, and you were only slightly interested in him.
So you switch to the channel obviously, seeing his amazing wings that were much bigger than yours…
you really don’t know how long you watched that interview- then decided to watch a few videos on his quote, “epic saves”.
Maybe it was the wings, they were bright and shiny- maybe it’s just a bird thing.
what’s not a bird thing though is going onto G-bay to find overpriced merch of him.
It’s like starting a really good show and hyper-fixating on the side character instead of the main one.
After about 20 minutes of scrolling, you finally found your holy grail.
a 15 inch hawks plush with metallic wings, now you really liked shiny things- which is why it caught your eye.
Probably just a bird thing.
It was 30 dollars though…well whatever you’ll regret this later.
now all you have to do is wait for your new shiny edition to your nest! and while waiting you don’t mind watching more-
your phone vibrates, it’s a call from the school?
Fumikage did warn you it would get kind of crazy up at U.A.- did he get hurt?
“Is this Ms.Tokoyami?”
you hesitate, “uhm yes, is something wrong with Fumikage at the school? did he get in a fight?”
Now it was the principals turn to hesitate, “ah, no ma’am, we just need to inform you that the school was attacked by villains-“
“I-is my son okay?!”
“Ma’am, please calm down-“
You immediately snap, “don’t you tell me to fucking calm down- your supposed to be the top hero school and you somehow get infiltrated by some thugs?!”
“Ma’am, please-“
You hang up, you know where Fumikage is.
So you get into your car and drive as fast as the law will let you.
You reach the school and immediately get out of your car looking for Fumikage.
You can see a group of students standing by multiple cops, and you finally spot Fumikage.
You sigh out of relief, he’s safe, he’s here, you’re here.
You start to run towards him, “Fumi!”
He instantly looks around for who called him, seeing you.
you can here his class gasp, repeating what he said.
You reach Fumikage, your beautiful boy, and hug him tightly.
“M-mother, what are you doing here?” He says with confusion.
“Principal called to notify me, so I came straight away.”
You pull back and cup his face, “are you a okay, Fumi?”
“M-mother not infront of the class…” he whispers with embarrassment.
“Fumi, you worried me sick! Are we able to leave now? I want you home.”
“Yes mother, I just gave my statement to-“
You grab Fumikages hand and drag him to the car, “good, let’s go then.”
Fumikage hops into the car, still with his hero costume on.
“Best hero school my ass…” you whisper angrily.
“It was the villains quirk, mama.”
“Yea well I expect better from U.A.- you better have not even been near those villains!”
Fumikage looks away.
“Fumi, please tell me they kept you away from the villains.”
“Well we got separated and-“
that’s definitely a fucking email.
You put your head onto the steering wheel.
“Do you not have any hope in my ability’s?!”Fumikage angrily bursts out.
“Excuse me- you shouldn’t have even been near those villains.” You say angrily.
“I can handle myself.”
“You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“I’m training to be a hero, mother!- I can get beaten up if I have to.”
“You shouldn’t have to!”
“Well dad did didn’t he? Is that why he left?!”
Then the car goes quiet.
You don’t like talking about Tokoyamis father, you always argued with him about how hard you worked and how hard he worked- training to become a hero.
He told you he didn’t need a “loose end” on his record, he didn’t need Fumikage.
you don’t like talking about him at all.
“Fumikage, I don’t like talking about him.”
“He was a hero, he worked for that didn’t he?”
You don’t understand why Fumikage wants to put him in a good light.
“He was barely a hero, he left you Fumikage.”
Fumikage whispers, “Maybe that was the right thing to do.”
You smack the steering wheel, “You needed a father Fumi, I couldn’t do all of that by myself- I…”
He raises his voice, “Is that why you let Ryuji do that to me, because you thought I needed a father?!”
“Fumikage, I didn’t know he was like that!” You plead with him.
“You were barely even home, you barely know me!”
“watch your tone, boy.”
Fumikage immediately stops, he always hated when you were angry with him.
So angry to the point you stopped using his name, the one you gave him.
You take the car out of park, and start the drive home.
it’s quiet, you like it like that anyways.
Ryuji was nice to Fumikage when you were home.
Sometimes you wish you could be at home all the time for Fumikage.
You wish that you could know him more, you just want him to live a good life.
It was four years ago, you decided to come home early, Fumikage and Ryuji were arguing about something stupid- you forgot what it was about.
You saw Ryuji pin Fumikage against the wall and then he started screaming at him, Fumikage was terrified.
You called the police while you tried to get Ryuji off of Fumikage, they ended up tasering him.
Fumikage slept in you bed for 2 months after that.
He said the nightmares would stop when he was with you.
You try your best to avoid that hallway now.
You eventually pull into your driveway, Fumikage goes inside first, you stay in the car for a moment.
You can’t protect Fumikage from everything, no matter how hard you try.
Walking into the house, you try to open Fumikages door to apologize to him, it’s locked.
So instead you go out to the balcony in your room, you’re able to see a lake peeking out from the trees.
And it’s quiet.
You like the quiet though.
Ryuji hated it so he always talked to fill up the space.
So now when it got quiet, you could faintly hear Ryuji talking about something that was never that important.
you hate the quiet now.
You can feel the tears falling down onto the dark wood below you, your curled into yourself on the lounge chair that’s outside
you haven’t really cried in awhile, never had the time.
you feel a weight sit next to you on the chair, you assume it’s Fumikage.
“F-Fumi, m’sorry baby- ma-“
“Fumi?” An energetic voices says playfully.
that’s not Fumikage…
You look up, only to see hawks…
“What’re you doing here…” you say hesitantly, confused on why the number three hero was here.
“I was on patrol..?”
“Why’re you here…?”
“I saw that my favorite nurse was upset!” He replies happily.
You nod and wipe your face.
“So, why’re you crying?” He cocks his head to the side with curiosity.
You sigh, “it’s nothing…”
“Clearly it isn’t.”
you rub your temples, “It’s just- everything’s been piling up.”
“Yea, I understand.” He rubs your back softly.
“M’sorry, you should go back to patrol-“
“No, the world doesn’t need me for a couple minutes, but you do.” He says with a carefree smile.
You sigh, trying to control you breathing so you don’t make even more of a fool out of yourself.
“You want a hug?” He opens his arms awkwardly, almost as if he’s never actually gave someone a genuine hug.
You open your arms as well, leaning into him and taking comfort in his warmth, he smells good too.
“Man, your wings are small…” he whispers softly.
“rude.” You scoff.
“N-not in a bad way! It’s uhm…cute!”
“Don’t say a woman is cute when she’s older than you.” You say while chuckling softly.
“What if I like older women?”
“I thought you were supposed to comfort me, not flirt.” You push yourself out of the warm hug.
“Sorry- second nature for me.” He stretches, his wing go with him, almost knocking over a plant.
“Your wings are too big…” you say in a retort to his earlier comment.
“I can make them smaller for you.”
“I bet mine are way softer.” You tease.
He laughs, “wanna bet?”
“No need too.”
You turn around, your back facing him, “go on and get a feel- might be your only time to.”
Hawks laughs and shakes his head, hesitantly he takes off his gloves and brushes his fingers through your wing span.
“You’re right, they’re soft..” he says softly.
“Told ya.”
“Mine are better though!” He says with a teasing tone.
You giggle softly, hawks has already made you forget a small bit about the days events.
“Y’know when I was younger, I thought if you touched a birds wings they’d get turned on.”
“Nah, not with mutant quirks usually” hawks says while putting back on his glove, “kids are always tugging on em so…I got used to it.”
“I used to let kids touch them if they were at the hospital for a while.” You stand up from the chair.
“Are you gonna touch mine?” Hawks says with a slight jitter in his movements.
You chuckle softly and pet his wings, “yknow, you’re much cooler on TV.”
You notice his wings puff up, “You watch me on TV?”
“Yea sometimes, very cool in my opinion.”
you can see his ears turn red, his wings twitch softly, and you hear a soft high pitched sound as well..? Almost similar to a bird chirping, weird.
“I’m glad you think that.”
Then it’s silent, you try to distract yourself with your thoughts but hawks continues to talk, reminds you of Ryuji.
“Was today your off day?” He asks curiously.
“Yea, ended up being a lot more stressful than they usual are.”
Maybe you could tell him the truth.
“I heard about the U.A. situation…is your son okay?”
“He’s fine, he had to fight apparently…I don’t want that for him.” you feel the tears coming back up.
“I understand that can be stressful for you.” He pats your back, his face still sporting a soft smile, it feels like he’s still in hero mode.
“Then in the car we fought- about his dad, about some of my…untasteful choices when he was younger.”
Your rambling, hawks probably doesn’t want to hear about this anyways.
“Untastful choices?” He chuckles.
“I used to date this guy when Fumikage was about 11, His name was Ryuji…he uhm.”
Hawks waits patiently for you to continue, he’s still smiling.
“He pinned him against the wall a-and he wouldn’t stop screaming.”
You can feel the tears going down your face.
“A-and i tried to get him off of Fumikage but he just threw me against the wall t-then he went back to him.”
Hawks isn’t smiling anymore.
“I-I had to call the cops and Fumikage just…wasn’t the same obviously, we wouldn’t sleep in his own bed, he became so quiet.”
Hawks is holding your forearms, his thumbs circle your skin in a smoothing manner.
why isn’t he smiling anymore?
“oh god- I’m a terrible mother.”
“Don’t say that.”
You fall into his chest and cry, what else could you do? you can’t change what Ryuji did to your son, your baby.
“Your amazing y/n, you…your a good mom I know you are.” He says quickly.
You don’t even know hawks real name, yet here you are crying to him about what you think is your own incompetence as a parent.
“I wish I knew how to make you feel better.” He says softly, he holds you.
“You should be on patrol..”
“My job is to help, and I want to help you.”
he holds you a little tighter, he smells good.
you can hear the soft static coming from his head gear, sounds like someone’s speaking.
You don’t want him to go yet.
“Mama?” You hear Fumikage call from your door way, luckily at this angle he can’t see you snug as a bug in a pros arms.
oh god- what are you doing??
You immediately jump out of hawks embrace, he looks incredibly confused by your sudden movements.
You look around quickly, Fumikage can’t see you like this, Not with some man!
You spot a weighted blanket, you got it for Fumikage when he was struggling to sleep without you- though he said it was too heavy and cold.
You immediately push hawks down into the chair and throw the blanket over him just in time for Fumikage to walk out into your balcony.
“Mom, what are you doing?” Fumikage says confused.
You sit down onto the lounge chair, mind you hawks is right under you being smothered by a blanket.
“J-just enjoying the view!”
The two of you just stare at each-other for a moment.
“So what did you need?”
Fumikage sighs and says something under his breath.
“Y’know I don’t have super hearing Fumikage.” You try to joke with him.
“I said that I was sorry..” he looks down at his feet, he looks ashamed.
“I shouldn’t have yelled at you, your already stressed enough from work and-“
“And you’re always trying your best all the time and-and I’m so sorry I wasn’t appreciative of that!” He looks up at you with tears in his eyes, it breaks your heart.
“Fumi you don’t need to apologize…”
“But I do-“
“Shh, just come here okay?” You open up your arms.
Fumikage goes into your warm embrace, putting his weight onto you.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, we both made mistakes…I’ve made more than you though.”
“I shouldn’t have yelled-“
“I still love you Fumi…I love you so, so much- and I just want you to be safe, and happy, and I want you to be better than me.”
You ramble, Fumikage listens.
You and Fumikage never really understood eachother, sometimes it was like you were both ghosts haunting the same house.
But you tried so hard to understand eachother and the only thing you both understood is the love you had for the other.
Fumikage loved you so much, and Fumikage is the reason you’re still here in the world.
Fumikage sniffles, “mama..”
You rub his back, “what is it baby?”
“Why is this blanket so bulky…”
Ah yes, you totally forgot about hawks.
“I-I uhm, no reason…” you look away.
“Is someone under-“
“How about we go get something to eat?!” You quickly change the topic.
Fumikage stops his little investigation, and nods.
“Go on downstairs, I would like to change into some comfier clothes before we go out or eat!”
Fumikage smiles softly and pitter patters down stairs.
“Y’know, the blanket isn’t half bad” you hear hawks muffle out.
“Sorry…” you peel back the blanket to see a red faced hawks, most likely from the lack of air circulation under a thick weighted blanket.
“It’s fine, glad I got to hear you both make your amends” he shoots up a thumb.
“Well, have to go get some food..we haven’t had dinner yet.” You say sheepishly, tapping your fingers together.
“You wishing I could come, mama bird?” He teases.
“No, I’m telling you to leave and never come back, bird brain.” You say sarcastically.
Hawks chuckles, his laugh is nice.
Hawks is nice.
“You need to go back on patrol, I’ve kept you long enough…”
Hawks looks away for a moment, thinking.
“Can I keep the blanket?” He says almost too quickly.
“...can I keep the blanket? You can say no!” He quickly adds the last part.
“No, no, Fumikage doesn’t use it so- go ahead!”
“I’ll see you soon?” He says hesitantly.
You smile, “Course..”
“I’ll see you then.” He takes off into the sky, weighted blanket in hand.
You quickly run down the stairs to meet up with Fumikage, only to find him waiting outside in the already cranked car.
You hop in, “where to?”
Fumikage continues to stare at the house.
“Fumi?” You say hesitantly
“Why did I just see the number three hero fly away from our house…”
Well shit, how are you supposed to explain this one to Fumikage.
On the other side of town, hawks is at his own perch patrolling whilst holding on tightly to the weighted blanket.
The only thing on his mind is that it smells like you.
And when his patrol finally ends he flies home, hawks never really had blankets on his bed, always too stuffy for his wings to be comfortable.
This blanket would probably be even more stuffy since it was heavy and thick but…
He still slept with it.
He would never tell anyone that he slept like a baby that night, and the night after that, and the night after that one.
Maybe his little interest in you is worse than he originally thought…
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twignotstick · 7 months
Broken Brothers (and How to Fix Them)
Part 2 💙 | <- Part 1 🧡
Note: This story is based on @cupcakeslushie 's Empyrean Weeping au. These characters are not my own, and this story is in no way canon to the main story. I wrote this as my love letter to the story and the characters. Especially April :)
Tags: Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT, Leo & April, NOT MY CHARACTERS, Empyrean Weeping AU, recovery (i have a sneaking suspicion that will apply to the whole fic,,), talking it out because we're adults, movies, comics, they're becoming friends
Warnings (if there's anything I should add here, tell me please!): Mention of violence (its one sentence, but figure I should still put it here :P)
Words: 1,588 (there's less setup this time)
Summary: April was able to figure out her first brother easily. Now, she gets three more, with a couple more issues to worry about.
As soon as she even saw Leo for the first time, she knew he wouldn't be as easy to get along with as Mikey was. Mikey was always so open, so bright, so bouncy. Leo, in comparison, was still, dull, and closed off. He had just come from a terrible ninja clan, beaten by his own master. It was kind of warranted.
Any time April would enter the medbay where they were keeping Leo, he would silently stare a hole in her soul. His face had hardly loosened from the scowl he had adopted, and any time April would get near, it would just harden more. Even so, April kept trying to get close. Despite Raph's concerns for her physical health. (And with Mikey's encouragement, because he was happy to enable the potentially dangerous behavior.)
One afternoon, she decided to bring a ton of her Jupiter Jim comics to read. The boys needed a break from watching their somewhat-volatile-yet-severely-wounded brother, and April knew he wouldn't talk to her. So, once she settled down in her chair a few feet away from the bed where Leo was scowling, she pulled out the comic she'd left off on: Jupiter Jim Breaks Newton's Fourth Law, Volume 8.
After a few minutes of reading, April couldn't help but notice a change in Leo out of her peripheral vision. He wasn't staring at her anymore, but at her comic. This glare wasn't full of discontent and uncertainty. Instead, it was filled with emotions he was trying (and failing) to hide- curiosity and excitement.
“You read Jupiter Jim?”
Leo was surprised by the sudden question and whipped his gaze away, a slight flush coming to his cheeks. “No.”
April's journalism senses were kicking in. There was a story here. “Why not?”
“Things like that are…” Leo's posture tightened, almost as if the thing he was about to say wasn't what he believed, “useless distractions.”
“I don't think so,” April said, shifting her chair a little closer to the bed. “I think it's important to have distractions sometimes. Y'know, during finals, when you're sick, when you've got a broken arm…” Subtly, April started slipping the comic in her hands to the bed. “You can read it, if you want.”
“No. I can't.”
Leo looked surprisingly aggressive when he responded. He seemed to catch his unwarranted anger and mumbled, “I still haven't read 6 or 7.”
“Oh!” April sat up straight and grabbed her bag from the floor. “I've got the whole arc up to 9 in here, I thiiink-” Once she had fished out the comics she was looking for, she placed them on the corner of the bed by Leo's feet.
The slider stared at the comics like they'd offended him.
“I-I can't. I can't hold them with my arm-”
“I can hold it for you!” April said. “I can turn the pages whenever you need.”
Leo finally looked back at April with that trademark scowl he always had. “What's your game, woman?”
April smiled. “No games, just trying to make you feel comfortable in your new home.”
Leo huffed. “This isn't my home.”
“It's where your family is, isn't it? Isn't that what matters?” April asked genuinely.
Leo looked back down at the comics. His eyes softened while the rest of his expression remained, and he picked Volume 6 up with his good arm. He opened it and silently began to read.
They both sat and read for a while. April noticed Leo struggling to turn pages sometimes, but she didn't dare try to help him. She thought he might bite her hand if she did. He was still scowling at the comic as he read, but it looked less like a scowl of anger and more one of concentration.
When he got done with Volume 6, April spoke. “So, who's your favorite character?”
“...JJ, obviously.” Leo slowly reached out and grabbed the next volume.
“Seriously? That's so basic.”
Leo scoffed. “Really? Then who's your favorite character?”
“Atomic Lass, obvi,” April said, flipping her hair for emphasis.
“Atomic Lass?! Her personality is literally just ‘woman’.”
“Uh, yeah, and that's the point?! Atomic Lad is just ‘man’. Haven't you watched Jupiter Jim on the Atomic Sub-Moon?”
Leo's shoulders lowered. “...watched?”
April sprung up and put her arms on the bed, looking down at Leo in shock. “YOU'VE NEVER WATCHED A JUPITER JIM MOVIE?!”
“THAT'S IT!” April grabbed her bag from the floor and moved it over to the side of Leo's bed. “You, keep reading. I'll get one of the boys to watch you. I need to head home and get my box set. We are having a movie night. Understand?!”
“Y-yes ma'am!”
“We can start with Last Trip to the Moon 1, but then we are watching Atomic Sub-Moon, I DO NOT care if the context is lost, you'll figure it out.”
“So… the real Atomic Lad and Atomic Lass are dead?!”
“Yes! And the Atomic Lad and Lass we know are-”
“People carrying on the legacy, who the Atomic people believe are still the originals?!”
“YES! That's why they never use their real names, that's why-”
“Why they act like Barbie and Ken for space…”
“Now you get it!” April leaned back into her bean bag and put her arms behind her head. The movie night had gone way better than expected. They had to set up the best pillow pile they could, since they didn't have a sofa big enough for everybody. In the end, April and Leo stayed in bean bags and watched the movies while the others went about their day. It took a minute for Leo to get into it, but once the moon buggy showed up, he was hooked. For the first time, April saw a child in Leo. 
“So, have I won you over with an emotional, heart breaking backstory?” April asked slyly.
“Uh, no.”
April's eyes snapped to the slider. “WHAT?! What do you meeean?! I don't get how you like JJ more than Atomic Lass!”
“Well, he's the main character for a reason, for one.” Leo took another bite of the pizza slice he had been eating. “And second, he's the one who always gets everyone out of the bad stuff. He's the hero, and he isn't scared to sacrifice for his crew.”
“But, consider this, Atomic Lass has a giant rocket powered hammer, Leo.”
“JJ doesn't need a weapon. He's got the nerve pinch technique.”
“They never use the nerve pinch technique, though!” April whined.
“That doesn't mean he doesn't have it!”
“I never thought someone could be as dorky as April,” Raph said from where he stood a few feet away from the bean bag setup. “And yet, here we are.”
“Wh- dorky?!” Leo scoffed, looking at Raph incredulously.
“Yeah, dorky!” Mikey popped out from behind Raph's shoulder. “Y'know, nerdy? Geeky? Criiinge?”
Leo's face flushed and he curled in on himself, stammering.
“Hey, y'all are just jealous that we're bonding,” April defended. “If you gave JJ a chance, you'd like it too.”
Raph and Mikey both shut up quick. April waved them off, and they hurried out to the kitchen again, saying they were “getting more snacks”.
Now that they were alone, April looked over at Leo again. “They're stupid. Can't appreciate good media.”
“Good media?” Leo asked. “You mean B-Movies and old comics?”
“Yeah, man.” April grabbed a blanket and tossed it over at Leo, making him fumble to keep it off his face with his good arm. “It makes you feel good, doesn't it?”
Leo looked down and contemplated. “I mean… yeah. But I-”
Leo took a deep breath. “Yeah.”
“You don't have to worry about what you should or shouldn't do here, Leo,” April said, sitting more upright to look at Leo better. “You do what you want. What makes you feel good. That's all you should worry about when you're home. Doing what you want and feeling good.”
Leo turned away, looking at the TV, paused at the end of the credits.
“If it means anything, this really made me feel good,” April said. “It's cool to have somebody to talk about ‘nerd stuff’ with. And I'm glad you liked the movies. Atomic Sub-Moon is one of my favorites. Not as good as Pluto Vacation 4, but good.”
“There's more?” Leo asked timidly.
“Oh, there's loads more!” April grinned. “There's like a jillion Last Trip to the Moons, there's Jupiter Jim and the Overly Complicated Magic System, Jupiter Jim Squared Minus One, Jupiter Jim Breaks into Federal Prison, there's tons! We can have more movie nights, if you want.”
Leo looked at the blanket laying over him, grabbing it and rubbing it between his fingers. “I think… I think I want that.”
April pumped her fist. “Sweet! This means I've still got time to win you over to the Atomic Side.”
Leo let a single laugh escape his lips. “Yeah, not happening. Jim is the best, I don't care what you say. Even Red Fox is better than Atomic Lass.”
“AH! HOW DARE YOU?!” April stood up and looked down at Leo. “Just you wait, nonbeliever. Just wait until I show you the Atomic Lass spinoff comic. Or the Atomic Lass movies. You will change.”
“I wouldn't bet on it.”
“Oh YEAH?! I will bet on it. I'll bet on it so hard, you can call me Troy Bolton.”
Leo's eyes nervously shifted from side to side, centering back on April. “...who?”
Yippee! Part 2! Part 3 is giving me more... issues... so it might take a minute to come out. But its coming! 🟪🐢
I really leaned into Leo's inner dorkiness here. I just thought him and April bonding over their obsession with an insane astronaut man was so cute. <3 (This is also why I'm so excited for the rest of Leo's arc in the actual comic! GAH!!!)
Congrats to everyone who won the first round of @tmntaucompetition voting! Very excited for the next round coming up :)
Part 3 -> 💜
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Vesuvia Weekly (M6 Drabbles): To be loved is to be ...
Valued. Julian knows it's a bit callous of him to claim that nobody has ever valued him, when even the people he's hurt the most deeply still can't keep themselves from wanting to save him. But you're the first person who's somehow gotten that message past his poor self-esteem. Without any excuses to shelve your love onto - you're my family, you have to feel that way, I was your friend, you'd feel guilty if you didn't, you saved me once, so you're obliged to do it again - the only explanation he can accept from you is the one you give him.
So when you hold him and keep holding him when he's convinced he doesn't have anything worthwhile to offer you except himself, he has to believe he's valued. By you. And god, what a thought that is.
Known. After years of being your home, Asra knows you like the back of their hand. But for the past three years - and for most of their life, if they're being honest - their greatest safety was their capacity to be unknowable. Unreadable. Mysterious and unpredictable. Nobody was ever allowed into his heart as more than a guest, and until he unconditionally handed half of it over to you as yours, nobody ever had a claim to it. But now you've come fully into your own, and you're part of their life on equal footing, and secrets are foolish now.
You know everything about him - how he likes his tea, the minute shifts in your bond with his every fleeting emotion, the way his "impossible" brain thinks - and it's okay because it's you. You're home.
Uplifted. Nadia is a born and nurtured leader. As the youngest in a family of them, she watched and learned from a leadership style that focused on building things up - and then she married someone who tore her down instead, along with an entire city's populace. Waking up to a city in ruins and a council of sabotage and not a single memory of any nearby friends did not help the parts of her that could use some building up. How was she supposed to lay solid foundations when she felt like she was crumbling? Until you, that is.
You see her weaknesses and immaturities and inexperience and your response is to support her. You comfort her when she's discouraged and encourage her when she's fearful. You build her up.
Protected. As loathe as he is to admit it, Muriel's done more than his fair share of protecting those he cares about. From his time in the Coliseum, to his escape from the Coliseum, to his watchful nurture in the woods, many of his biggest changes happened to protect another life. He never got his hopes up for someone who'd see him, all 6'10, grouchy, seemingly indestructible roughness of him, and want to protect him. People like him don't get to have things like softness, and warmth, and hearty meals that make you sleepy-safe.
You don't agree. You see the fearful, anxiety-ridden child in his eyes when a crowd gets too big or a stranger gets too loud, and you take care of it. You protect him. You show him what "safe" feels like.
Seen. Counting every time she's been overlooked for someone else's sake is the fastest way to send Portia spiraling into uncharacteristic depression. The worst part is that she always ended up going along with it, overlooking herself in the process. Her brother needed a stable sister. The grandmas needed an extra pair of hands. Her brother needed a stable sister, again. The Palace needed someone to keep watch over the Countess. The Countess needed a handmaiden. So, you ... what kind of invisible do you need her to be, for you?
Except that you wanted her to be loud. You wanted her to be visible. You wanted her to talk about herself, for once. You're the first main character she's on equal footing with, and you see each other.
Changed. Lucio is not used to changing. He was raised to see it as a sign of weakness - one moment of compromising your own goals, one moment of failing to commit, and you're as good as dead. So he as a teenager, filled with feelings of betrayal and abandonment, decided exactly who he wanted to be and stuck to the bit. Too many deals, several battlefields, a lethal plague, a Coliseum, countless crimes, and a few decades later, Lucio found as good as dead anyways. Until you happened. With a new goal to commit to.
Somehow changing for you (as vulnerable as it is) doesn't feel weak. Every moment that he struggles out of another habit, he finds you in a new space full of gentle pleasures his teenaged self never imagined.
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peachy-cheeks · 7 months
Kusakabe Atsuya A to Z
warnings: nsfw... and didn’t proofread… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
a/n: ovulating, rewatching season 2, and kinda fixating on maybe my favorite minor male character in jjk... idk i know there are more atsuya stans out here in hiding and i'm sad that there's more fic for like... idk... naoya... than him... like stand up yall, he's excellent, relatable, has a decent backstory, and i kinda wanna give him a kiss. anyway....
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Atsuya's disposition often reads as removed, cold, or unenthusiastic but I like to think of this in two ways: it's a defense mechanism and his job (unfortunately tied to his entire life) is conducive to him acting this way.
All of that to say he's likely the exact opposite one-on-one. Especially when he's completely disarmed by the comfort of his partner— he's the type to cradle and cuddle you, shower you in little pecks, gently move strands of hair out the way to get a better view of your face, and bury his face into your neck to breathe more of you in... You might have to kick him off of you to grab a towel before he falls asleep though.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For him, it’s his forearms. He’s grateful that they’re used to bearing a lot of weight and can still exert a good amount of strength. It also gives him a little endorphin rush to feel the palm of your hands grip onto his arms for leverage and support.
His favorite part of you is a 50/50 split between your breasts and the inner plush of your thighs. The sensation of rubbing against, gripping onto, pinching, and biting the delicate skin excites him, mostly because he knows that he can always get a rise out of you from those areas. Truly he's indecisive, but he knows that the soft warmth feels much better in his grasp than the stiff, weighty tsuka (the main source of the callouses on his fingertips) he's used to reaching for.
C = Cum (What it says on the tin...)
I mean there isn't anything really special about his cum (at least he thinks), but he does love seeing it streaked across your face, glistening in your mouth, running along your chin and down your neck. Guilty pleasure is seeing it in your hair, though he sympathizes with how annoying that can be to deal with so he tries to avoid it.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He absolutely loves when you boss him around. Not that he doesn't already listen to you or that he'd be combative, but he really can't help it if his pants feel just a little tighter every time you tell him what he "needs" to do or even get a little cross with him. Oof... and you potentially praising him for doing something right? Definitely a submissive side he has yet to unpack or even connect the behavior with, though he can totally acknowledge that you taking the reins gives him a chance to step back from the big brother/instructor role for once.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Decently experienced and while he wouldn't divulge his past escapades with you (unless you asked), you can definitely feel the experience in how he touches you. Attentive and confident in how his hands direct your body.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying.)
Indecisive on this as well but he takes deep pleasure in seeing you take control. If he had to list his favorite three, it would be cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, and missionary at the very top.
I mean, he loves seeing you on top but he's a traditionalist and, efficiency-wise, he can reach where you need him most at a faster and harder pace with you under him. Missionary is also the easiest position for him to hold your cheeks between his hand to keep your focus on him.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Again, someone who seems more serious than not. But when he's comfortable and in a non-life threatening situation between the legs of his lover, a tender side of Atsuya shows. Of course, it takes a bit of time... multiple sessions and hours really... of cutting through his reserved attitude, but after a while you find that both of your kisses, moans, and deep, vulnerable sighs are bookended by smiles and giggles. Maybe someone pulled a funny face or decided to give up prematurely on a strenuous position. Maybe you both have a moment of realization that the perfect person is fucking you and you can't help but laugh at your luck.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I have a personal soft-spot for this so walk with me a bit... chest, arms, legs... perfect sprinkle of hair... enough to give a very mature (ugh... dilf-esque) compliment to the toned muscles underneath. A very charming, dark happy trail dusts his lower abs and leads to a nicely trimmed yet fuller tuft of hair above his dick.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Recurring theme here... he's a secret sweetheart. Day-to-day and outside of a dangerous situation, he's a particularly dedicated, caring, and thoughtful person. There's still a reserved quality to how romantic he is PDA-wise. Hand-holding is fine, the occasional well-timed kiss— ideally away from students— is fine, he just prefers to be more chivalrous (acts of service) than overtly affectionate (touch). He's more-so worried about giving himself the ick from being a bit too forward and all over you in public (and in-turn giving you the ick.)
But... when he is all over you, the body worship makes you feel like the only person on earth. It's like he has an innate sense of how to nonverbally rectify anything you may have misread about his feelings for you (from a mix of cultivated experience and natural chemistry). Because he's constantly in minor disbelief about how you want him as much as he wants you, in bed he's very communicative, quick to learn all of your trigger points, and loves to hand out compliments:
"Mm... I remember. That spot's really sensitive... can I kiss you there?"
"Comfortable? Feel like my hands were made for holding you here..."
"Seriously don't get how someone can be as perfect as you..."
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Oh boy... rare now since he's not away from you too often. I think prior to shooting his shot with you he had a major moment of self-discovery where you slowly became the main subject of his spank-bank.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Something about Atsuya makes me think that he's generally vanilla but would be really into subtle power-play. Not committed to the full dom/sub relationship or BDSM as a practice, but loves a little touch of friendly roughness. A hand to his (or your) throat, hair tugging, a few loving slaps, maybe even a little spit-play.
I think shibari/kinbaku would be the furthest he'd go. He respects the beauty of it, the amount of trust and patience it takes to do it right, the learning process, and how much you look like you need him by the end.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Traditionalist... nothing can beat a bedroom. Though the shower is nice... keeping you from slipping gives him a great opportunity to lift. The kitchen table is great too since it offers the perfect leverage. The couch offers the same thing too for a few different positions. Well... I guess as long as it's at home...
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Your smile. It’s really that simple. Seeing you express any amount of joy, let alone share it with him fills him with a type of yearning that he can’t really verbalize. It just makes him want to be as close to you as possible.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Teacher kink... would indulge if you really enjoyed it but reminds him entirely too much of work 😭
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He enjoys giving and isn't bad at it by any means but you swear something very repressed and primal unveils itself when he locks eyes with you on your knees, mouth open, and doe-eyed. He tries to be gentle about it at least.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
This can vary since he enjoys almost any pace as long as it's with you. With setting a pace he really keeps an eye out for what he thinks you'd prefer at the moment. I think there's always a point where he can't hold back but he strategizes around and prioritizes getting you off... depends on how much time you both have. But hey, if the pace happens to start out needy and desperate...
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not against a quickie, but as mentioned, defers to your mood on how to proceed. For him, the most likely scenario of needing a quickie (because he’d prefer to just be late or cancel whatever was cutting into your time) would be on campus; a taboo that he hates to admit actually excites him.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's willing to experiment with you and anyone he's had an extended relationship with, but frankly speaking the limits of his own risk-taking imagination run fairly short (apart from speculating on what places you two could get away with hooking up.) But if you can show him something new, he's likely game (though, nothing super bloody or violent... just not his thing.)
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He blames it on getting older but, normally, twice in one go is maybe the best he can do. Definitely exceptions to this... say someone feels particularly giving, there's a special occasion (anniversaries, birthdays, coming back from an assignment, a nice date night), or maybe you two lucked out and have a whole weekend, unbusy and unbothered, together.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He seems like a very simple, no-frills guy. But if you have any favorites to bring to the table, that'd likely pique his interest.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Atsuya aims to please so his teasing (just light petting, groping, and sweet whispers) is typically relegated to foreplay. Beyond this, he likes to give you very simple, sometimes curt, directions to follow while he’s fucking you. He doesn’t fully restrict you (most of the time) or prevent you from chasing your high but he likes to put small roadblocks and rules to bargain on in your way:
“Hey, look at me. Don’t touch. I’ll do it if you look at me. Mmhmm… keep your eyes here. Good... Feel good? That what you wanted?”
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not loud, per-say, but does have a habit of moaning into your mouth, against your ear, or just against your body in general. Maybe he’s a little too shy to moan aloud and feels safer relinquishing these rare sounds to you only.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Atsuya definitely has an oral fixation. He deeply misses smoking– especially a post-sex cigarette– but he doesn’t mind if you indulge. Actually, he really looks forward to seeing you have one. Over the years he’s wisened up to the fact that smoke deteriorates the body but he still finds something enticing about the act of sucking on death itself. Especially the way you do it (of course, he does want you to live a long, prosperous life…)
You always offer him a hit but he’s principled enough to look and not touch… he also keeps a few candies in a couple of different drawers around the house, so he’s covered. On the more current end of his oral fixation, he loves sharing lollipops with you. Even better when you steal a kiss with the candy caught between both your lips.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Tanned shaft (that he loves feeling you squeeze against), darker pink tip (that he loves feeling you suck on), wonderful shape with a few prominent veins and an upward tilt. Girth-y and not unbearably long, but even when he's not hard there's a decent chub.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
He would say he has a very unremarkably normal libido though you’d say otherwise. Again, he tries to reel back on PDA but when you’re both lounging around, cooking, doing chores around the house, getting dressed, and other regular daily activities he can get quite handsy and heart-eyed.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Leaves a bit of space (let's say an hour... hour and thirty tops) for a sweet and short make-out, pillow-talk, and cleanup but otherwise ready to sleep like a swaddled baby and will most likely be the big spoon.
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temis-de-leon · 3 months
Opposites attract - 500 F.C.
Characters: Barbatos x male!reader
Main Masterlist
500 followers masterlist
Requested by: anon
CW: tall, muscular, bearded MC, because there aren't enough of those. Possessive Barbatos because he simps for his boyfriend. OOC, maybe? I don't think so, but you'll be the judge of that. Also, manhandling
Barbatos barely had any time to hear the stomping down the halls before the door opened with a bang and a couple of muscular arms hugged his body from behind with breath-taking force. He wheezed and grabbed the hands supporting his waist, but could only feel MC’s bearded face rubbing against his neck with excited giggles.
The whisk slowly sank in the batter and Barbatos sighed in defeat, finally indulging in the warmth behind him and whishing a certain prince wouldn’t barge in and burst the intimate bubble around them. Although his boyfriend smelt like sweat, which led him to believe he’d just been at the gym with Beelzebub, there was nothing in the three realms that would make him wish he weren’t where he was at the moment.
He knew there was a soft red hue across his cheeks and the unsteady beating of his heart filled his ears, surely loud enough for MC to hear as well. A few seconds passed before he was finally placed on the ground, but neither of them moved, swaying instead where they stood to the rhythm of silent music, the humming of the refrigerator and the wall clock’s ticking.
While Barbatos knew Lord Diavolo didn’t control the needs of his most demanding subjects, he couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit angry at him; disappointed even. It was childish and he was better than that, but he knew he had good reason to be bitter.
The heavy load of his work and the brothers’ incessant need of MC’s attention had left them little to no time for themselves, forcing them to cancel their very limited dates and reducing their daily messages to simple “good morning” and “good night” texts, and, while Barbatos knew sometimes sacrifices were necessary, MC didn’t seem to have the same mind-set.
Not like he wasn’t thankful for that.
They had agreed to visit an artisanal market downtown, a short timed event limited to scarce ingredients native to the Devildom which Barbatos had been extremely excited to use in various meals. Unfortunately, days went by without them having any time to go and left him sure he had lost the opportunity altogether.
It came to mind that, perhaps, MC’s intentions weren’t just to pay a quick visit and his suspicions proved to be correct when the deep comforting voice behind him spoke against his nape.
“What do you say we run away really quick and forget about everyone for a while?”
Barbatos chuckled before turning around, instantly causing MC’s smile. A big grin that made his eyes sparkle.
“While I would love to accept your proposal, I’m afraid I still have work to do”
He sighed, expecting disappointment from the cheery man, but that didn’t happen. Instead, he watched as MC walked to the freezer, grabbed a human beer bottle and opened it with the edge of the counter while smiling at Barbatos’s reprimanding gaze.
“You do know there’s a bottle opener in one of the cabinets, right, my dear?”
“And do you know today’s the last day the market’s going to be here?” he retaliated placing the bottle on his neck and sighing in relief at the coldness. Barbatos tried to seem unfazed about it “They’ll wrap up everything tonight and leave tomorrow morning”
“Tomorrow? Did they post the information somewhere?”
“No, honey, I just went with Lucifer yesterday to buy a couple of things for lunch. I asked one of the vendors”
“You went with Lucifer?”
MC nodded, ignorant to Barbatos’s cutting tone. There was a hint of possessiveness in their relationship that he wasn’t too happy to admit, but, at least, somehow, MC found it amusing. He was thankful for that and for being able to ignore it most of the time, but it was there after all.
And it made him want to have a nice chat with the eldest brother.
“Did you enjoy it?” he asked in the end, swallowing the bitterness.
MC shrugged his shoulders, having one last sip of beer before leaving the bottle on the counter and opening his arms in invitation. Barbatos rushed, embarrassed for a second at how quick and deep he’d fallen for the human.
His skin was warm, although not as much as before, and his arms were bulky enough to shield Barbatos from the outside world. He didn’t need it, never did and never asked for it, but he would be found dead before ever rejecting the gesture.
“I would’ve loved to go with you instead. That’s why I came here, to kidnap you”
That made him laugh and turn around, returning to the bowl of batter to rescue the long forgotten whisk. It was drenched in the mixture of sugar, eggs and flour and he knew by MC’s famished face that, if he didn’t wash it quickly, his beloved human would end up having an indigestion.
“You hang out with Beelzebub too much, MC”
“I wouldn’t if you came with me to the market” he answered with an exaggerated childish voice. “Gimme that, I’ll help you clean it faster”
“Absolutely not”
“Why not?”
“You’ll get sick!”
“No, I’m better than that”
They stared at each other, both of them trying to look serious with poorly kept smiles on their faces. MC crossed his arms, his biceps looking bigger than ever, and again Barbatos tried not to look too much.
“Come to the market with me”
“I have to finish baking for the Young Master…”
“Freeze the batter” he shrugged again “Can’t you do that?”
“Well, yes…”
“Then it’s decided”
Then, before Barbatos could react, MC grabbed the bowl and placed it in the freezer, next to the beer bottles the butler had ordered just for him days ago. He stayed still, too surprised to respond, and could only watch in mild disgust and fascination as MC licked the whisk clean before leaving it in the sink. He opened his mouth, not sure what to say, but his boyfriend acted faster again, bending down to hug his legs and throw him over the shoulder.
“Let’s go, honey!” he interrupted him with joyfulness. “You’re making one hell of a dinner tonight!”
Barbatos knew he could easily get rid of MC’s grip and go back to the kitchen and his duties, but he’d be lying if he said he wanted to do that.
He hoped and wished Lord Diavolo wouldn’t need his presence for the next four to six hours, but, if he knew the prince as well as he knew he did, then he must’ve already known not to disturb him for the rest of the evening.
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aeithalian · 1 year
Hermes: the ultimate middle child
And now for the other promised meta!
There was a great discussion on the TOA discord earlier that I got the chance to read once it was over that was basically exactly what I wanted to talk about - Hermes as a character and how he is very subtly contrasted with Apollo in multiple ways.
First, for a curiosity I've had ever since I finished TON. We learn several very interesting things about Hermes in the scene when Apollo returns to the Council:
He initiated the bets on Apollo's success (and then has the nerve to say he was worried about Apollo)
He bet against Apollo (and it was enough money to make him look visibly upset by the loss)
He was not among the gods who looked happy at Zeus' proclamation of Apollo's success (Artemis makes sense for being happy, Dionysus makes sense for not, but Hermes is supposedly a close brother figure in the myths, so what gives?)
He immediately suggested that Apollo cause outright harm to some mortals with his renewed power, despite displaying no such malice in his previous appearances
There is an interesting play of contrast here when you look at Hermes' other notable scene in the Riordanverse - his conversation with Percy at the end of TLO.
Hermes is generally portrayed as much more serious right here. He's grieving Luke's death at this point, but Hermes knew that was coming, and this demeanor is consistent with his other appearances up until this point: put-together, down-to-business, pragmatic, and so on.
This doesn't seem like the same person we see at the end of TON: making jokes, placing bets, and the like. And THEN you go back to the myths and the Hermes there seems much more similar to the one we meet in TON.
My point being, there is a very obvious disconnect here between who Hermes used to be, who he is now, and who he is pretending to be.
And it has a lot to do with Zeus, and as a result, Apollo.
I think there's a twofold reason for this dichotomy: one, Hermes and Apollo have fundamentally contradictory views on both fate and change which have larger implications for Hermes' overall morality; and two, Hermes resents Apollo for being Zeus' favorite when Apollo probably doesn't deserve it (or Hermes believes he deserves it more).
Part I: Fate and Change
I'd like to go back to that conversation between Percy and Hermes at the end of The Last Olympian. The entire conversation is so strange to me: here's a sixteen-year-old who has never had a positive father figure in his life (save Paul, who is still a recent addition to his family at this point) trying to comfort a 4,000-year-old god that he's not a bad father:
"I thought you were a bad father," I admitted. "I thought you abandoned Luke because you knew his future and didn't do anything to stop it."
The main point of that conversation comes from Hermes' response to Percy's statement. To paraphrase, Hermes says 'I couldn't have saved Luke, it's against the laws and I can't defy the fates. I loved him, yes, but I couldn't save him. Those laws aren't going to change anytime soon, and neither are the gods.'
What we get from this conversation is this: Hermes was resigned to being unable to help Luke because he views the future as inevitable and the Fates as all-powerful (as does Zeus). He also doesn't believe that gods can change in the ways Percy wants them to; he scoffs at the idea that Percy's proposed changes will be permanent:
"No one can tamper with fate, Percy. Not even a god."
and then:
He laughed. "After three thousand years, you think gods can change their nature?"
To Hermes? Fate is inevitable and the gods can't change.
On the other hand, to Apollo? The future is behind any number of unlocked doors, and the only thing stopping the gods from changing are themselves:
[Regarding Frank burning his stick in TTT] "Frank went into that tunnel knowing he might die. He willingly sacrificed himself for a noble cause. In doing so, he broke free of his own fate. By burning his own tinder, he kind of... I don't know, started a new fire with it. He's in charge of his own destiny now."
Frank broke free of his fate, and the way Apollo talks about it indicates that he believes that such things are certainly possible.
And this:
[After regaining his godhood in TON] I could only try to be different from [Zeus]. Better. More... human.
Apollo intends to change the way he acts now that he is returned to Olympus, and has the support of everyone else who noted that he has already grown as a person: Jason, Sally, Will, Reyna, and so many more.
I feel like Hermes has always felt that he has the excuse of being a god when Percy asks him to do better for the sake of Luke's memory: "We gods have never been very good at keeping oaths." and "Eventually we'll become forgetful. We always do." and generally lots of other sentiments that give the impression that he believes that failure to do right by mortals is inevitable for gods. He's been so used to thinking that Luke was resigned to his fate from the very beginning, and that Hermes was never capable of changing it. Hermes didn't fail because he didn't try to succeed.
But Apollo ruins that for him when he returns - Apollo has not and will not let that same excuse stop him, and now Hermes is losing the only reason he had for not helping Luke. If Hermes is right, that gods can never help their mortal children and Luke was born to die at Kronos' hand, it was excusable for Hermes to turn his back on his own son. But if Apollo is right that gods can change and you can shape your own destiny, then it was Hermes and his inaction that killed Luke, not Kronos.
And we know that Apollo is right. Apollo did defy his fate. Apollo did change. And Hermes saw it all from the safety of his throne on Olympus.
Which means that Hermes was always wrong, and he knows it now. Hermes says that not helping Luke was the hardest thing he's ever done, because it would have amounted to nothing. Hermes thought he was completely incapable of helping Luke, but Apollo is living proof that he could have.
So now, Apollo is a daily reminder that Hermes failed Luke. Every day.
That would be enough to drive a wedge between any two people, much less two gods. And I don't think Apollo would ever truly realize that this is the case, so one day, Hermes is going to break, and Apollo will be left blindsided.
It only makes sense that Hermes might have some very heavy clown makeup on when we see him at the end of TON. I can't speak for him when we talk about the gambling, but I bet it's because Hermes, like he did with Luke, thought that Apollo would be resigned to his death the very moment Delphi-Python said that "Apollo will fall". And the fact that Apollo survived against all the odds (and seemingly against the Fates themselves) is just another smack to the face. I believe his behavior and comments in this scene are him lashing out in anger and frustration at the solid fact of the matter; that Hermes failed his own family, which is something he values to no end.
That's got to suck.
But now I think we have to closely examine why Hermes believes those things. Hermes has been brainwashed in a sense to believe that he can't defy fate and can't change. By who, then?
Do I really need to answer that? You have a brain. It's obvious, isn't it?
Part II: The fight to be the golden child
Let's rewind a bit, shall we?
The entire discussion had over on discord was started with talking about the potentials of Apollo's relationships with Ares and the rest of his siblings, then someone (I believe it was @fearlessinger, along with some very valid points made by uke) said this:
...but Ares, who was always the least favored of Zeus's children, the family's scapegoat, and who gave up on trying to get on Zeus's good side basically as soon as he was born and deemed a failure… he of all ppl would actually have no reason to resent Apollo for his success, nor for throwing away that success
To which I replied:
so i wonder then who has the reason to resent Apollo the most?... it’s probably a son, because they’re the ones who have to fight the most for Zeus’ approval ... maybe Hermes? because he’s never really done anything wrong and still doesn’t receive the title he deserves ...
To summarize: Apollo was the golden child, and used to be Zeus' favorite. We are certain he faces a lot of resentment for this fact (he admits to it himself), and Hermes definitely fits the bill.
Think about it.
Besides Luke, what has Hermes ever done that would put him out of the running for golden child? He's useful, talented, powerful enough to be on the Council, and despite being a god of liars and thieves, is work-driven enough that his father still trusts him. Even in the myths, he's clever in a very Zeus-y way.
Apollo, on the other hand, acts like a complete and utter fool pre-trials. He's vain, self-centered, and shallow. He's a chronic attention-seeker, and, in the myths tried to overthrow Zeus, and had angered him to the point of turning him mortal, not once, but twice. So what gives? Why is Apollo the favorite son, and not Hermes?
Honestly, I couldn't say, besides vague suggestions that it's because Zeus likes the idea of having the powerful and popular son as a favorite, rather than the less noticeable behind-the-scenes son. But who knows how Zeus and his favoritism work. Apollo doesn't, and I don't think Hermes does either.
I rather think Hermes is, as I said in the title, the ultimate middle child. Overlooked by his father in favor of his siblings, whether they be rebellious (Apollo), perfect in every way (Athena or Artemis) or just plain failures (Ares or Dionysus). In comparison, Hermes is invisible, having never done anything to make him stand out in the eyes of his father, nor having done anything that deserves a strict punishment. Nothing worthy of attention.
I've seen people wonder why Hermes never suffered the same consequences for Luke's actions in the way Apollo did for Octavian. But that's because Hermes never broke Zeus' fundamental law: do not interact with your mortal children.
The problems Octavian caused were supposedly because Apollo defied Zeus and created a forbidden connection with his legacy.
On the other hand, the problems Luke caused were because Hermes obeyed Zeus to the letter.
Why would Zeus punish Hermes for being obedient? And why wouldn't Zeus punish Apollo for breaking the 'ancient laws'?
Arguably, Hermes is Zeus' best behaved child (which is ironic, considering a few notable domains of his). Hermes is one of a trend that we see a lot with toxic parents who don't give attention and approval freely - Hermes and Apollo are on opposite sides of this spectrum. Apollo in the past has acted out in order to gain attention, whereas Hermes has glued himself to Zeus' side in an attempt to be perfect.
And this perfection includes indoctrinating into Zeus' belief systems and fears. Zeus fears the inevitability of fate. So does Hermes. Zeus refuses to let the gods change. So Hermes believes change impossible. Zeus says that you may not have contact with your mortal children. And although to Hermes this is the hardest of all, he turns his back on Luke.
And yet, 'golden child' is still not his title to claim. That rests with Apollo, still, who has not met Zeus' standards, openly rejects Zeus' belief systems, and yet continues to rise above the rest.
That is the formula for a deteriorating relationship between brothers: Apollo's mere existence being an everyday reminder to Hermes that he is a failure both to his son and to his father.
Everyone say hello to our old friend resentment.
Now, I'm not necessarily saying that Hermes and Apollo's relationship is inherently negative. But there's a lot of reason for there to be some contention coming from Hermes (and I didn't even touch on May Castellan - basically, I think Apollo refused to oversee her attempt to become the next Oracle because he knew it wouldn't work, which is why he wasn't present for May's attempt, but was for Rachel's; later on, Hermes could start seeing Apollo's domain and subsequent absence as the thing that drove her mad).
We don't have a lot of hints for whether or not he plans to act on those feelings of resentment. But they're there. And in a new, post-trials Olympus, they're going to come to light sooner or later.
Because Percy was right.
"I thought you were a bad father," I admitted. "I thought you abandoned Luke because you knew his future and didn't do anything to stop it."
That's exactly what happened. And because of Apollo, Hermes now knows it.
(a list of my other metas if you'd like to read)
And a very special shoutout to @firealder2005 for writing this absolutely gut-wrenching and angsty but super cool fic based around this very idea that i am absolutely in love with and everyone should go read it ��️
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rems-writing · 4 months
Her savior
Pairing: dilf!Mingi x widow afab!reader
Summary: I lowkey want to make these two oneshots connected to each other so there will be slight mention of dilf!Yunho and his s/o. This will pick up after Mingi and Wooyoung left his cousin in front of Yunho's doorstep to babysit his three daughters.
Warning(s): Hurt with comfort, mentions of bullying (i.e. harsh words, etc.), Mingi is lowkey scary sexy when angry, non-Ateez character mentioned, yelling and swearing, mentions of death and murder, slight size kink, face riding, pussy slapping, pussydrunk!Mingi, boob play, backshots, bigdick!Mingi, unprotected sex (don't do this!), squirting
Genre: Cracked beginning, angst (for the main part), a bit of fluff, smut
Nets: @mirohs-aurora-society
Thank you to @yourfatherlucifer and @holybibly for helping me figure out what kind of dad Mingi is lol
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As Mingi and Wooyoung ran down the street cackling their asses off at Mingi's poor cousin being left on Yunho's doorstep, they slowed down to catch their breath.
"He's going to kill you, Min! And maybe me as well."
"Maybe? You smacked his ass while he was hoisted over my shoulder and laughed at his misery as he tried to escape my grasp!"
Wooyoung was going to retort when the two of them heard bickering from across the street they were running in. Normally, if they saw two women bickering, it was most likely just loud gossip. That's how the neighborhood was. However, that wasn't the case. Mingi looked closely and listened intently to what those two women were talking about. The more he listened, the more his anger grew.
Those two women weren't bickering.
It was only one woman bullying another woman who was trying so hard to ward off the first woman.
Mingi hated gossip, but he hated bullying even more. Having been bullied back in high school, he would not stand idly by and let this fester any further. He marched over to the two women and broke up the fight between them.
"What is going on over here?"
The woman that was starting the fight gasped dramatically and tried to fall into Mingi's arms but he pushed her back upright and kept the scowl on his face.
"Oh, Mr. Song! You have to help me! This hag over here bumped into me and made me drop all my groceries! I think she should compensate me by buying all my groceries for an entire week! That's only fair. Right?"
Her shrill voice annoyed him and the taller man turned to the other woman.
His scowl softened a bit when he saw who the victim was.
It was the widow.
He's heard about her but to see her in person...
Yeah he was subconsciously right to not believe the rumors.
The woman was wearing all black with a thin black shawl covering her face so he wouldn't see her tears. He placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.
Imagine the shock on his face when he saw how young this widow looked.
He wasn't able to memorize the beauty on the widow's face since the tears were coming down like a waterfall. Mingi pulled out his handkerchief and dabbed her face with it lightly. She sniffled and gave a silent 'thank you' to him, to which he nodded.
"I'm not accusing you of anything. I just want to know the facts. Did you bump into woman and made her drop her groceries?"
The widow instantly shook her head.
"I was minding my own business when I accidentally bumped into her. She was the one that dropped them and pinned the blame on me when I was simply trying to navigate my way through the neighborhood after coming home from a walk. She then started screaming her head off and started nagging me about how I'm horrible. All that I could forgive. But then..."
She breathed in deeply.
"She had the nerve to mention how my husband is dead because of me."
Mingi's blood boiled and Wooyoung saw this. He gently guided the widow back towards his direction. The widow was confused at first. Then she saw Mingi's anger and decided to hide in Wooyoung's shoulder. She never liked confrontation but this time, she had enough of people accusing her of her husband's death so she let the tall man chew that woman out.
He threw a wad of bills at the first woman's face, to which she was either shocked or offended by this action. She tried to speak but Mingi held a finger up and she shut her mouth.
"Unless it truly was on purpose, I suggest you apologize to her. She was minding her own business and she was even prepared to apologize for bumping into you when you just had to make a big deal out of it! I mean come on! It's 2024 for fucks sake! Why are we putting down women still?!"
"But Mingi -"
"You will address me by Mr. Song! And you will not interrupt me!"
The woman nodded and her face became red out of embarrassment. He continued to speak.
"You know... I've seen you around. You do nothing but gossip around and show off your miserable trophy husband. I think you're on husband number three. Am I correct?"
Wooyoung had to stifle a snicker while the woman tried to protest, only for Mingi to shut her up again.
"Yeah... one of my employees mentioned that you divorced him because he 'wasn't making enough money' persay."
"But he truly wasn't-"
The woman clamped her mouth shut, fear evident on her face as Mingi kept talking growling angrily.
"Just because baby daddy number three is making more dough than your last husband doesn't mean that you can flaunt your shit and then belittle other women. How would you like it if you were in her position?!"
"Mr. Song, here's the thing! There's a reason why the entire neighborhood doesn't like her!"
"Oh I can't wait to hear this!" Mingi barked out a sarcastic laugh while Wooyoung remained stoic, occasionally comforting the widow in his arms.
"Well she... she killed her husband! She's crazy and -"
"Stop talking."
"But Mr. Song-"
"But Mr. Song! You have to understand-"
The woman shut up and looked down in shame. Mingi forced her head up so she could look at the anger in his eyes.
"You do not know the full story. And even if you do, just the mere fact that you continue to degrade her regardless of the truth makes me sick. You make me sick."
He clenched his fist and sighed deeply.
"And people think I'm the monster. Nah. I just hate bullies. In fact, I'm staring at the monster right here."
The woman's face paled and she had the audacity to beg for forgiveness and for him not to fire her husband, to which he laughed at.
"Why are you asking me for forgiveness? You should ask her."
The woman looked at the widow wearily and Mingi sighed.
"Forget it. You're so adamant on making her miserable. Fine. I'm firing your husband and I'm telling the landlord to raise rent on that little condo you have nicely decorated."
"Wait! Mr. Song, have mercy-"
"Girl, just go! You keep yakking and yakking! Don't make things worse for yourself." Wooyoung spoke up this time and the woman hung her head in shame before taking the bill wad and entering her car so she can rebuy the groceries she dropped. Mingi huffed out a sigh of relief and walked over to the widow in Wooyoung's arms.
"Hey. It's ok. I'm sorry if my anger got the best of me. I just can't stand it when people are bullied for no reason whatsoever. I hope you can forgive me."
The stark contrast between the softness of the taller man's voice and the sheer anger of his aura earlier shocked you to say the least. Even though you were still shaken up, you were happy that someone stood up for you. You looked up from Wooyoung's shoulder with big glossy eyes. Mingi fought the urge to grab your face and hold you close to him. In the end, he resisted. Although, his heart swelled with adoration and care when he heard your sniffles and your shy voice.
"Thank you, Mr. Song. No one has stood up for me like that before. I usually have to fend for myself but today was a really bad day for me so I couldn't. I'm sorry to have disturbed your peace with Mr. Jung."
Mingi shushed you and smiled kindly. You found it endearing how his smile reached all the way to his eyes so his eyes formed crescents.
"No need to apologize, love. And definitely no need to thank me. I'm just doing what a good Samaritan would do. Oh and you can call me Mingi."
"And you can call me Wooyoung."
You looked back and forth between the two men and nodded shyly. Mingi then slung an arm around you and held you close to him. The sheer size difference between your bodies was overwhelming. Through your shawl, your breath was taken away by how large this man was.
Broad shoulders, tiny waist, huge muscles with an even bigger chest, long legs, chiseled jaw, and huge hands with long fingers adorned by many rings. His black hair was swept back and his body was covered from head to toe by a suit that clung to his figure deliciously. You stopped your ogling and looked away shyly.
"My goodness! You must have work today! I'm so sorry for keeping you here."
Mingi looked down at his outfit and chuckled sheepishly.
"You're right. I should get going. However, I technically have the right to be late since I'm the CEO of my company. You heard me mention something about firing someone so hopefully, that gave it away."
You giggled and nodded shyly. Mingi wanted to hear you giggle again so he cracked bad jokes until the three of you approached your home.
"Um... sorry if it looks like death. I do keep the inside pretty though! It's usually my husband that tends to the outside. Although, I tried to do it myself... it's not as good."
"It looks good either way. If you want, Wooyoung can help with the outside."
"I can?"
Mingi gave Wooyoung a look and the younger of the two got the message before smiling kindly.
"I totally can! Just tell me what I need to do."
The smile under your shawl was bright and Mingi almost folded.
If only he was courageous enough to remove that shawl from your face so he can bask in your beauty. Alas, you two only met so he held back out of respect for you.
"Thanks, guys. It honestly means a lot to me knowing that there are still kind people out there who are willing to help a lonely widow such as I."
Mingi nodded and stuck out his hand for you to shake. You took it and shook it, ignoring the fact that your hand was swallowed by his. As he pulled away, you grew sad at the loss of warmth but chose to hide it.
"Well, I'll leave you guys to it. I have to get to work. I'll see you guys around!"
"Wait! Mingi! Before you go..."
Mingi looked at you curiously.
"My name is Doh Y/N. It's nice to meet you."
Mingi smiled and nodded in acknowledgement as an indication that he will indeed remember your name. As he left your home, his thoughts were nothing except you. When he entered his office, he couldn't concentrate on his work.
All he could do was think about you.
It had been a few months since your first encounters with each other. You two slowly became friends as you got to know each other a bit more. Mingi learned that Kyungsoo, your dead husband, was murdered by someone else as he was coming home from work one night.
The man that killed Kyungsoo also killed Mingi's own wife.
In the end, the two were nothing more than victims of the Namhae Strongman.
The neighborhood knew of the death of Mingi's wife and the death of Kyungsoo, yet for some odd reason, people gave the two of you different treatments. Mingi received sympathy while you received accusations.
Oh how life can be so bitter.
However, you fought through it and you leaned on Mingi and Wooyoung for support. Mainly Mingi.
It was the weekend and Wooyoung was playing with Song Minhee, the only daughter of Mingi. While the two were running around, the two of you were sitting on the couch in a comfortable silence. Your head was on his shoulder while his arm was secured around your waist. You were mindlessly playing with the rings on his fingers when you looked up at him.
"Any updates from your little brother?"
Mingi's brother was the cop in charge of helping the detectives investigate the string of deaths that the Namhae Strongman left behind, including Mingi's wife and Kyungsoo. Mingi shook his head.
"Sadly, no. The killer is apparently good at covering his tracks, which is ironic since he's depicted as a huge man with easily recognizable arms."
You hummed in acknowledgement to his response. You were disappointed yet not surprised.
"I hope they catch him soon."
"I hope so too."
Another silence filled the air once again but it was only temporary before Mingi spoke up this time.
"Can I tell you something, Y/N?"
You lifted your head and nodded. Mingi sighed quietly before speaking.
"It's been a few months since I met you. And it's definitely been a few months since I stood up for you that one time. I've never felt closer to anyone other than my wife. However, the more I'm around you, the more I realize that you and I have a bond that no one can compare to or break. Sure, our union exists due to our spouses being dead, but I feel like it's beyond that. I feel like I've known you my entire life and... well... is it wrong of me to say that I fell in love with you?"
You shook your head.
"I don't know... maybe I'm just talking out of my ass. I don't want you to think that I'm using you to fill the void my wife left when she died. However, knowing her, she'd want me to move on. And believe me. I've tried. I gave up at some point but then you came along. I feel like, in a way, she sent you to me. You're like a guardian angel to me."
"And you're definitely my savior."
Mingi's eyes widened upon hearing your revelation.
"Ever since Kyungsoo's death, I've felt lost. And alone. No one stood by my side and everyone tried to blame me for his death. How stupid are they to think that?! I know I'm not a good wife but still... it hurts so much knowing people still blame me for his death! I... I just-"
Mingi shushed you by bringing you into a much-needed hug and reassuring you that you aren't a terrible wife and that it wasn't your fault that Kyungsoo died. The Namhae Strongman simply just made everyone's lives miserable due to his murderous actions. As he held you close, he couldn't help but to kiss the top of your head and tighten his hold on you.
"Listen. The authorities will make sure that this killer is behind bars so we will finally get justice and closure. My brother is good at his job. The killer will be brought to justice. I can guarantee that."
His firm words of reassurance brought you comfort in this hard time and you held onto him like he was your lifeline. If you let go, he would disappear from your grasp.
After a few minutes have passed, the two of you pulled away but not entirely. You stared into each other's eyes, and before you could speak, Mingi removed the shawl covering your face and slowly leaned in. You found yourself leaning in as well but before your lips met, Mingi whispered something.
"Tell if you want to stop and I will. But just to let you know, I've been dreaming about you and I've been itching to remove that shawl from your face so I could bask in your beauty. However, if you think this is too fast, I will back up and we can remain friends."
"No no. It's ok, Mingi. Like you, I feel the same way. I'm not trying to use you to fill the void that Kyungsoo left behind but knowing him, he'd want me to move on. As I said. You're my savior."
"Well then... now that it's established, may I kiss you?"
"Yes. You may."
Mingi captured your lips in a desperate yet passionate kiss. He held your waist and pulled you close to him while you removed the glasses he was wearing from his face and had your hands all over him. One hand was in his messy black hair and tugging on the strands while the other hand fisted the white silk button up he was wearing.
Before it could go any further, Mingi pulled away. You both were breathing heavily, and both of your lips were swollen. Mingi caressed your cheek and you blushed from the contact, still feeling flustered about this entire situation.
"Y/N. I know we just confessed to each other and all that, but if we are to start something, let's take it slow. We're both still hurting and I don't want us to use each other as a rebound."
You nodded in agreement and kissed his cheek.
"Ok. I can do that."
Mingi smiled and put on his glasses before intertwining your hand with his.
It had been a while since the two of you had confessed to each other and shared a loving kiss yet the two of you were going strong. Mingi was taking it slow and respecting your boundaries, to which you loved.
However, he would also take things to the next level, to which you didn't mind.
From wild makeout sessions in almost every corner of the house that you two share (he asked you to move in with him since Minhee took a liking to you) to public displays from affection that ranged from holding hands to him smacking your ass and grabbing it so people know that you two were serious.
All of that left you riled up and wanting more. You just didn't know if he would feel the same way.
On top of that, you made some new friends along the way. You met Mingi's best friend Yunho, Wooyoung's other best friend named Yeosang, who worked as a barista, and Mingi's cousin, who was Yunho's boyfriend.
You also met Yunho's three daughters. Yumi, Yunju, and Chanmi. Apparently, they were sent to Mingi's place to spend the night one time since Yunho wanted to be alone with his boytoy. You didn't mind it since you loved seeing little Minhee interact with the Jeong sisters.
Seeing that interaction alone made you realize that you wanted something more with Mingi.
Perhaps you were ready to take your relationship to that next level.
Hence, the sit-down talk with Mingi about how you felt. To your surprise, Mingi felt the same way. He just wasn't sure if you'd be up for it. Seeing as how you two are on the same page, you took a page out of Yunho's book and asked Yunho if he could let Minhee spend the night at his place.
With a teasing and knowing look, Yunho happily allowed Minhee to spend the night at his place so she could play more with the Jeong girls.
It was now nighttime and the two of you were holed up in Mingi's room, making out fiercely and desperately. The riled up sexual tension spilled over and it definitely showed. With the way you were grinding desperately against him and the deep groans he would let out, it's safe to say that the both of you needed each other.
Craved each other's touch.
As you shoved each other's clothes off of your bodies, Mingi carried you in his arms and readjusted your positions so you were sitting on top of his bare chest.
"Tell me something, babe. Have you ever ridden someone's face before?"
His deep voice caused shivers to go down your spine and you shook your head. He chuckled deeply before tapping your hip, indicating that you should move towards his face so you could sit on it. As you lowered yourself onto his face, you stopped momentarily and Mingi sighed deeply before grabbing your hips and lowering yourself even more.
"When I say sit on face, I mean fucking sit on it. Like a fucking chair."
His deep voice rumbled throughout the room before it was muffled by your wet pussy. You didn't get a chance to speak as a loud moan escaped your mouth due to feeling Mingi's tongue licking a stripe up your clit before licking your folds and shoving his tongue straight into your wet hole.
Your head was thrown back and you grabbed onto his hair for support as you felt your hips move back and forth. His hands were on your ass, keeping you in place and occasionally smacking it.
"W-Wait! Mingi! Let me pleasure you as well-"
A loud squeak was heard from you when you felt one of his hands slap your pussy. His fingers directly hit your clit and it sent new waves of pleasure throughout your body.
"No. Just keep riding my face, baby. God your pussy is a fever dream. I want more."
As he dove back in, your moans increased and your hips moved back and forth faster than before. Mingi slapped your pussy a few more times before his hands reached up to cup your boobs. He massaged them with his huge hands, rolling your nipples in between two fingers and pulling on them.
"Fuck, Mingi! I'm gonna cu-"
He interrupted you by lifting you off his face and flipping you onto your stomach so your ass was in the air. He smacked both cheeks a few times before grabbing his huge cock and pumping it a few times. The tip touched your folds lightly and you let out a mewl due to the touch.
"Please, Mingi... please!"
"Baby girl, I got you."
He entered you slowly and groaned at the way your tight walls were stretching around his cock.
"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking tight. Fuck!"
As he bottomed out, he reached down and grabbed you by the hair before yanking you by it so he can see you.
He almost came just from looking at your fucked out face.
He placed a messy kiss on your lips before shoving you back down into the mattress and mapping out the expanse of your back with his palm.
"I'm going to move now."
You expected him to start slow so you could get adjusted to his size.
Imagine the look on your face when you felt his thrusts go at a medium pace.
He truly didn't want to waste time.
As he held your hips and hit it from the back, both of you groaned in unison. Your walls hugged his cock deliciously and he kept up the pace. When you asked to go harder, he didn't deny it. His thrusts became harder and harder with each passing minute. Your moans were so loud that you were sure you would get a noise complaint.
Good thing the walls are thick.
Mingi hit a particular spot that made you arch your back and he decided to make it better by reaching his hand down so his fingers could rub your clit at a rapid pace. The contact made you squeal and he chuckled darkly before leaning down to whisper dirty words in your ear.
"You like that? You like the way I'm touching you? Yeah I know you do, pretty baby. Fuck you're squeezing me so much. I love it. God I love you so fucking much!"
"Cum all over this cock. Squirt all over it. I want to feel you come undone like this. Where do you want me? Hmm?"
"You want me inside? You want me to fill you up with my cum? Hmm?"
"Fuck! With the way you beg, I might just do it. Fuck! Here it comes. Take my load."
With one final thrust, he emptied all of his seed into you while you squirted all over his cock. The sensation got him moaning like a pornstar as he still inside you. Once he felt that everything was drained from his balls, he pulled out slowly and groaned at the way his semen was dripping out from your quivering hole. He plunged two fingers inside you and you moaned weakly.
"Mingi, too much... I can't-"
"I know, baby. I just want my cum to stay inside you."
After shoving his cum back into you, he pulled his fingers out and laid down next to you. He pulled you close to him as you two got under the covers. The two of you started into each other's eyes.
Eyes filled with love.
"My guardian angel."
"My savior."
Eventually, the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms, knowing that you would keep each other warm and safe.
You found your peace within him.
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raayllum · 3 months
Amaya's arc (S1-S5)
On the surface, Amaya can come off as a very flawless character.
She's a total badass, she's gay and pretty, she sees through Viren's bullshit (er, droppings?), she's kind to those in her employ, she's loyal and forthcoming, she loves her nephews and her sister, and she's not unreasonable in her elf prejudice in addition to letting go of it fairly quickly. She's also Deaf / perceived as disabled (noted here as many Deaf people do not view themselves as disabled) and, in addition to being gay, that can sometimes make people overly sanitize a character due to notions of disability making someone (particularly women) more 'innocent' or 'pure' due to infantilization.
However, I've touched briefly on her main flaw of being callous and dismissive in the past, and I've always wanted to talk more about Amaya's general arc, specifically in how she grows in empathy throughout the seasons. So let's talk about it
Just a quick disclaimer: S2 will not be really touched on as she only appears in two episodes, and they mostly serve as plot set up for S3 rather than doing any real emotional work or characterization for her. Cool? Cool
Cyclical Limbo
Amaya in S1 both perpetuates the Cycle, and she doesn't. On the one hand, like Viren, she's deeply concerned with the safety of the Breach, enough so that she's willing to return to it and delegate the search mission to Gren rather than insist upon undertaking it herself.
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She hates elves and considers them monsters, much the way Claudia does in S1. In spite of a lifetime of fighting Sunfire elves at the Breach, she considers Moonshadow elves to be "the worst kind" of elf, like a monolith of loathing and fear (perhaps because of their sneaky ways or associations with death).
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At the same time, she's not purely an antagonistic force to anyone. Corvus, her trusted tracker, offers Rayla a deal that shows reason ("Give me the boys peacefully and I'll let you go") and, more importantly, she foils Viren's plans to be king with her entry and reaffirmation in 1x04 and 1x05. This leads to him not having the throne all the way until two seasons later, and is undeniably a good thing.
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So while Amaya is an ally to the boys and an antagonist to Viren, this plants her firmly in the middle, of both perpetuating the cycle and helping to stop others from perpetuating it. We see her increased antagonism with the Sunfire elves in s2 lean along the former vein as well.
Until of course, we don't, and we get to the heart of Amaya's arc:
Seeing Yourself In Your Enemy
This is most evident in some ways in season three and season five, with season four being an effective turning point in a dual sort of way. We see this most clearly in her bond with Janai, as Amaya sees a fellow warrior in her and that encourages Janai "to do the same" over warrior's honour. The show ramps this up in 3x07, as Amaya witnesses and comforts Janai through the most devastating loss in Amaya's loss: that of a sister.
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A: When I was growing up, my big sister Sarai was the smartest, strongest, bravest person I knew. When she died, I felt lost and weak without her. I hated feeling that way, so I learned to be strong alone. Stoic, strong, and lonely.
From this point onwards, her and Janai are allies in going to the Storm Spire and in fighting Viren. It's worth noting that Amaya had no knowledge of or reason to expect finding the boys when she arrived there, so she'd clearly decided to throw her lot in entirely with Janai and her troops and fight "until the last [person] standing" alongside them.
However, Amaya's expanding heart and loyalty doesn't mean all her elf related biases disappear overnight (the same Karim's reservations about humans don't), and this is where we get to season four. Much like in season one, Amaya here stands in a limbo position. She's marrying into the elven royal family, but isn't aligned with all their traditions, most notably the full significance of the Soul Candle and initially foreshadowed due to the messed up proposal dance.
Amaya is at first solely on Lucia's side, which makes sense; Amaya is more practical than not, and this is part of the reason she can make quick and fast but strong alliances and see through Viren's bullshit.
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However, her old flaw of being dismissive and sometimes insensitive also comes back.
A: What do you mean 'injustice'? All Lucia has done is put out a candle. And she was the one who was burned. K: She profaned a sacred rite. What would the punishment be in the human kingdoms? A: For blowing out a candle? Usually come clapping, followed by a slice of birthday cake. K: You see? This is the problem! Like all the other humans, even your wife-to-be thinks this is a joke.
That said, it's not as though Amaya is wrong; we are, of course, supposed to understand immediately as audience members that while what Lucia did was wrong, sentencing her to death over it is also wrong and to root for her to live (even if, at this point, she likewise doesn't think she's done anything wrong).
I think it's doubly worth noting then, her speech at the trial that she gives for Lucia, and about herself:
I came here to defend Lucia, but now I see that I cannot. She is not innocent. Prince Karim is correct: she had every opportunity to consider the pain she could cause, and she did not. She was callous. She was careless. She was cruel. And in truth...
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She places herself in Lucia's shoes. This is her amends to Karim for her insensitivity, and an extension of both support and consideration for the position Jana is in, as well as a plea.
But all I ask is that your justice is compassionate. Death is not the answer. We gain nothing if we throw away the chance to learn and grow.
This is, of course, a lesson Amaya has learned personally, through her relationship with Janai — first as an enemy turned friend, then as a lover turned wife — but, of course, through her relationship with Rayla, which she first hand acknowledges in S5:
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But her arc with this general theme of empathy doesn't stop there. Not only is there a nice piece of irony with Amaya initially not believing Rayla's assertion that she's alone (even when Rayla arguably does):
A: 'We'? How many of you are there? R: It's just me. I'm alone. A: Liar.
5x04 gives the two women a chance to talk and reconcile beyond that, with Amaya reminding Rayla that she doesn't have to be alone, and that she can rely on the people around her. Namely, the very nephew Amaya once attacked Rayla to protect.
A: Love and trust grow a kind of strength that is much bigger than we each possess. To have that kind of strength, it is not enough to love someone. You have to trust them to share the burdens you carry.
Likewise, this scene also brings Amaya's arc of seeing herself in others full circle, as this parallel makes plain, as well as it being a parallel that Rayla is not only able to acknowledge, but it gets through to her:
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R: That does sound like me sometimes. [...] Thank you.
While Amaya can still be coarse and is undeniably clever, she's softer, more open, and more compassionate than she was two years ago. Elves are no longer monsters. People are far more capable of change, herself included, her adaptability to life and its sudden swerves in many ways one of her greatest strengths. Amaya is a warrior yes, but more than that — like her friends and family, the people she surrounds herself with — she has an even bigger heart, when given the chance.
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dreamywriter143 · 1 year
Main Masterlist
Hiii!!! Welcome to my Masterlist!! 
Last Update: 06/25/2023
All my works are SFW, but some may be NSFW. For those particular ones, I’ll have the warnings  in place. So if you’re a minor, ( under the age of 18), please do not interact!! (MDNI) Here, you can access all of my stories.  Please do not repost any of my works to any other site without my permission!! Other than that, Please enjoy!!! (Also if you want to be tagged, please let me know!!)
Requests: OPEN
Genres(I write for): Fluff/SFW, Angst, NSFW/Smut, Humor etc..
Fandoms: Avatar/Atwow, Spider-man ATSV, Harry Potter, MCU, BNHA, KNY, CSM Etc...
** All my characters are AGED-UP, please be advised**
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Neteyam te Suli Tsyeyk'itan ~~ “Who’s the mighty warrior? C’mon, say it” ~
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Scorching Heat (NSFW/MDNI)~ 2.1k
Genre: NSFW/MDNI, Some fluff, Jealousy. (Two-Shot)
Y/n never bothers her mate with her heat cycles. How will she deal with her cycle when it comes early?
Lingering Sensations (NSFW/MDNI)~ 5.1k~
Genre: NSFW/MDNI, Fluff-ending, Insecure Neteyam. (Two-Shot)
Pt.2 of ‘Scorching Heat’
I Wish I Knew ~ 5.9k~
Genre: ANGST, SFW, Unrequited love, Mutual Pinning, Romance. (One-Shot)
Neteyam realizes that falling in love with his best friend comes at a cost. A cost he is willing to pay as long as he can keep her by his side, as his best friend forever. But what will happen when he realizes that what he thought  was one-sided, was actually mutual? That she actually loved him back?
Sweet Boy ~1.4k~ 
Request By Anon
Genre: SMUT, NSFW/MDNI, DomReader, SubNeteyam. (Literally just smut with no story. Please read at your own discretion. Thank you)  (One-Shot)
Special ~2k~ 
Request By Anon
Genre: FLUFF, Teeny Tiny Angst, Cute Neteyam, Misunderstandings, Jealousy. (One-Shot)
Precious Tsyeym ~10k~ 
Genre: Fluff, tiny bit of Angst, Insecure Reader, Misunderstandings, Jealously, Suggestions of smut, NSFW (only in the second part, which can be avoided entirely if you’re not comfortable!)
Y/n and Neteyam have newly mated before Eywa. Y/n couldn’t ask for anything better; she had a loving and devoting mate, her Tsa’hik duties have been going great and she finally felt like her life was perfect. But, Y/n can’t help but wonder why Neteyam hasn’t actually mated with her. Does he not find her attractive? Is it because she is untouched and Neteyam wants someone experienced? All these insecurities weigh her down as she watches his student cuddle up against him. (Two-Shot)
Pt.1 (SFW)
Mine ~0.7k~
Genre: NSFW/MDNI, Pure Filth!!  AGED-UP Characters. Smut with no plot. Read at your discretion. Exhibition/Voyeurism. PervLo’ak, PossessiveNeteyam. (Imagine)
My Dearly Detested ~9.6k~
Genre: Romance, Angst, Enemies-to-Lovers Troupe, Rude Neteyam, Fluff?? Mentions of blood
Neteyam never liked Y/n. He hated the way she held herself, the way she accomplished everything with ease. It didn’t make sense why she excelled in places he lacked in. It just further grew the anger within him over time. But as the saying goes, ‘there is a fine line between love and hate’. Is Neteyam willing to cross that line?(Mini-Series, On-going)
Prologue, Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Final.
Karyu ~3.3k~
Requested By Anon
Genre: Romance, FLUFF, Cuties in love. (One-Shot)
Badass ~2.1k~
Requested By Anon
Genre: Romance, Fluff, fighting, Reader being a Badass. (One-Shot)
Jealousy ~1.3k~
Requested By Anon
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Tiny Angst and Possessive behavior. (Scenario + Lo’ak) 
Nihona ~7k~
Genre: Angst, Mentions of death, Pregnancy, Romance, Fluff, Jealously, Forbidden Love Troupe, Step-Siblings, suggestive content!!, NSFW/MDNI (later on? Maybe not, depending on the response) All characters are AGED-UP.
Y/n, the daughter of Neytiri ‘s childhood is left with nothing after her mothers passing. After a sign by Ewya, Jake and Neytiri take her in and surround her with love and happiness. What will happen when Neteyam,  who is tasked to look after his ‘sister’ falls deeper then he had intended? What will happen when Y/n starts feeling the same? (Neteyam x StepSisterReader/NOT RELATED BY BLOOD AT ALL, Reader isn't even ‘adopted’ like how Kiri is. Please keep that in mind and proceed with caution!!) (Three-shot, On-going)
Prologue, One, Two, Final.
Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
Breathtaking ~11.4k~
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Romance, Mentions of Violence, Some blood, Jealousy. Neteyam x HumanReader.
Y/n grew up with Spider. She played with him, fought with him, ate with him and slept with him. There is nothing they couldn’t do together….well, one thing. And that is leaving the base at any costs. Now, what will happen when Y/n does leave the base? Why had she been trapped in the base for so long? And why did a certain Na’vi take her breath away? (Three-shot?)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three
Pfft, Me? Jealous? ~2.9k~
Requested By Anon (Could be read as Pt1.5 of ‘Breathtaking’)
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, Neteyam being a jealous cutie, Spider being oblivious, Lo'ak being…..Lo'ak. Neteyam x HumanReader.
Neteyam is always calm, collected and always thinks things through. He never lets anything slip his façade without thinking it over. So why is it he cannot control his emotions when he watches Spider get way to chummy with Y/n? (One-shot)
Tease ~1.5k~
Requested By Anon
Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI, Suggestive Content, Fingering (cum eating?), Exhibition/Public, Neteyam being a Tease, Frustrated Neteyam, Dirty talk, Degradation?? The nickname ‘Slut’ used like once? (One-shot)
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Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan ~~ “Who do you think knocked her up?” ~~
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Quiet Love ~ 7.2k~
Genre: Miscommunication, Angst, Unrequited love, SFW, Romance, Misunderstandings, slow-burn, Fluff ending.
Y/n always felt as though she was nothing more then a sister to Lo’ak after the Sully’s took her in. Coincidentally, Lo’ak worries Y/n only sees him as a brother! Basically, two idiots in love as they force down their feelings for one another fearing rejection. (One-Shot)
Close Call ~1.7k~
Genre: Fluff! Mentions of suggestive content near the end. (Imagine)
Summary: Lo’ak meets a aggressive Na’vi who tries to attack spider. All while stealing his heart in the process.
Jealousy ~1.3k~
Requested by Anon
Genre: Romance, Fluff, Tiny Angst and Possessive behavior. (Scenario + Neteyam)
Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
Consequences ~COMING SOON~
Genre: Love-at-first-sight, some fluff, ANGST.
Lo’ak is a rebel, a troublemaker. And his mate to be always reminds him that he should be careful. That every action has consequences. And Lo’ak, learns that the hard way. (One-Shot)
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Jake Sully ~~ “That's right, you're mine.” ~~
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Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
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Ao’nung ~~ “If you want to live here, you'll have to ride.” ~
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Creepin’ ~2.1k~
Request by Anon
Genre/Warnings: NSFW/MDNI, Suggestive content, Mentions of drinking, PerAo’nung. (One-Shot)
Tsongtsyìp ~0.9k~
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF
Just Avatar/Atwow characters reacting to the S/O having dimples. (Multiple Character Scenario)
Unfeigned ~COMING SOON~
Spin-off of ‘I Wish I Knew’
Genre: Kind of Enemies-to-Lovers, Fluff, ANGST, Realization.
After the battle against the RDA, Y/n is afraid that she’ll lose her new home. She’s lost so much, feeling herself break upon realization the one she loves will never see her the same. Luckily for her, Ao’nung comforts her. He pieces her back together, mending her heart in the process. (One-Shot)
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Miguel O’hara ~~”I’m Miguel O’hara”~~
Web Of Destiny ~2.1k~
Genre:Fluff, Angst, Enemies-to-Lovers Troupe, RudeMiguel, BubblyReader, Swearing, Hidden Sexual Tension, femReader, Pinning, Flirting.
 Hobie and Gwen successfully apprehend a Mysteiro anomaly from Earth-618 with the help of that universes Spider-person. Amazed by her skills they decided to bring her back to Nueva York. Much to Miguel’s dismay.
Part One, Part Two,
Web That You Weave ~COMMING SOON~
Genre: Sexual Tension, Masturbation, NSFW/MDNI, Oral (m receiving), Marking/Biting, Smut (p in v), some Fluff, Breeding?
After Jessica became impressed with Y/n’s skills when apprehending an anomaly from her universe, she is on a mission to recruit her. Unfortunately for her, Y/n is quite stubborn and firm on her decision. Which means Y/n needs more.....convincing. 
Multiple Characters
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Nga Yawne Lu Oer 25.5k~
Genre: Fluff, Slow-Burn, Unrequited love, Love-Triangle/Square?, Angst, SFW, NSFW (like one chapter later on, MDNI), Romance.
(Neteyam x Reader, Lo’ak x Reader, Ao’nung x Reader)
Y/N, the twin sister of Tsireya and eldest daughter of Ronal and Tonowari is faced with new challenges and obstacles as the Sully’s arrive to Awa'atlu. Her feelings are put t the test as they fight for their lives and freedom against the RDA. (Series-Ongoing)
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
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Avatar/Atwow Prompts/Incorrect Quotes 
I saw some hilarious prompts and incorrect quotes that I couldn’t leave alone. I didn’t want to giggle at them all by my self so please enjoy!! The characters from avatar and atwow fit these scenarios perfectly!! There will be multiple ships, this is solely for comedic purposes! (Characters include: Y/n, Neteyam, Lo’ak, Kiri, Ao’nung, Tsireya, Roxto. Occasionally: Jake, Tuk, Neytiri etc..)
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Moving In And Moving On
Summary: After months of being for sale, the house across Pascale’s is sold to a young woman, Y/N. When summer comes, both women have grown close and Pascale tries to set her up with her son, Charles. However, unbeknownst to Pascale, Y/N happens to be the woman who broke Charles’ heart not so long ago…
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x female reader, but Pascale turned out to be the main character lol
Warnings: Angst (fed by a cruel thing called reality) – Brief mentions of loved ones passing away – The ending sucks, but I could not come up with anything better for now
Word count: +/- 2.5k
Author’s note: This piece was initially written as part 2 to ‘Cake, coffee and…Charles’, but it can also be read as a standalone. English is not my first language, so please forgive me any grammar mistakes and incoherent writing.
Pascale was surprised when the ‘For Sale’-sign disappeared out of the front garden from the house across hers. The house had been empty since the elderly owners – Philippe and Lydia, two 80-plussers who had been together for over 65 years - moved to a care home several years ago and after both of them passed away, the family decided to sell it.
For the entire 15 years Pascale has been living in the neighbourhood, the house has been there. She warmed up to the elderly couple living across her quite soon and since then, Pascale had been there many times to chat or to help Philippe and Lydia with gardening or housekeeping when they were having health issues. In a way, the house was a part of her life. That is why, in a fit of nostalgia and melancholy, she decided to get the spare key and cross the street to visit the house one last time, before it would be teared down.
Pascale starts her tour in the small garden at the back, in which rare flowers used to blossom. She lively remembered the times when Philippe and Lydia brought her a small bouquet of these flowers to thank her, just because. Now, these flowers are all gone, overgrown by weed. From the garden, Pascale spots the small balcony at the side of the house, from which you have an amazing view of the surroundings. Philippe would sometimes serenade Lydia from below, knowing these romantic things riled her up the wall. Another fond memory of ancient times.
When Pascale enters the house, it is pitch black and musty. She tries to open the blinds but they are rusted. The power is out as well, so she uses the flashlight of her phone to get one last look of the interior. Despite the deck of dust and the fact that it surely is outdated – the house was built somewhere in the 1960’s –, the interior still creates a feeling of coming home, a safe haven. This feeling also appealed to Pascale’s three sons, who visited Philippe and Lydia from to time when they were young as the house looked like their grandparents’, who passed away too soon. When reminiscing the fond memories of her sons with ‘Phi and Ly’, she spots a picture of the five of them on the dresser. She remembers taking the picture during one of the many cookie-baking sprees on Wednesday afternoon: Lorenzo’s eyes were shooting daggers at Arthur for eating all the cookies, Charles was nickering and Philippe and Lydia were looking fondly at the three menaces in front of them. She gifted them the picture on their 60th anniversary and she never forgot their heartfelt reactions. Feeling tears welling up in her eyes, Pascale decides to take the picture with her before exiting via the back door. It was a house full of memories and history and Pascale hoped that the new owners could feel that too.
A few days after Pascale’s visit, the new owner arrived: Y/N, a 26-year-old woman. Since the house Y/N bought was old, much work needed to be done to meet current requirements and increase the comfort. As Y/N is just at the start of her career and many of Y/N’s savings were used to buy the house, she could not afford professional contractors to renovate the house; with the help of her parents and family, she is doing it all by herself.  However, as she has a full-time job, all work needs to be done during the weekends and after work, disturbing the peace in the otherwise quiet neighbourhood. Hence, to make sure her neighbours do not hate her already, she decides to visit them all to inform them on the upcoming works and to discuss planning.
Pascale was the last neighbour she visited. Y/N had knocked on Pascale’s front door a couple of time during the past weeks, but to no avail. The other neighbours had told Y/N about the special bond between Pascale and the previous owners, so she knew that this talk could be hard; she had to be delicate. Not that she held any accountability to Pascale – Y/N bought the house after all – but she had felt similarly when her grandmother’s house was sold; it takes time to accept that a place one grew accustomed is no longer there. Hence, Y/N wanted to show Pascale what the house would look like in the end and ensure her that she did not expect Pascale to accept her immediately. Taking one deep breath, Y/N rang the doorbell of Avenue Paul Doumer 5.
--- Three months later ----
The construction works were in full swing. The facade stones were taken away, cleaned and reused, the house’s insulation was improved and the windows were replaced. Today, Y/N and her nephew were removing the roof tiles to check and repair the underlying woodwork. Pascale watches both of them through her window. In the past months, she and Y/N have grown close. Pascale needed some time to get used to the new situation, but Y/N had been very understanding and an absolute sweetheart. The construction works never started before 7 a.m. and always ended at 10:30 p.m. sharp as agreed upon with the neighbourhood, she informed everybody upfront when there were any changes in the schedules, and she insisted to pay for the water, electricity and utensils she used. Pascale and Y/N always had a small chat when they saw each other and Lorenzo and Arthur, who visited their mom every month, also grew fond of her. Y/N was yet to meet Charles though, Pascale’s middle son, due to his busy racing schedule.
If he only met her, Pascale thought, she is the type of girl he needs. With the F1 summer break just around the corner and the final phase of the construction works nearing, an idea popped up in Pascale’s head.
---- August -----
The day of the street BBQ had come. Pascale had been preparing this event for weeks: doing a tour around the neighbourhood to fix a date, visiting the town hall to get permission to close the street, rent the tables, seats and parasols, making decorations and, of course, preparing the food and drinks – it has been hectic, but she was determined to make this day perfect.  
It was now 3 p.m. Charles parked his Ferrari at the small parking lot at the church and jogged his way over to his mother’s house. He knew he was running a bit late - something that his mother always told him was disrespectful - but he was met with a little fan on his way to the BBQ and he just could not refuse the small boy’s request to sign his drawing. When he spotted Pascale on the street, a small smile grew on his face; he loved his mom so dearly and it has been way to long since the last time they saw each other.
Pascale has been chatting with Y/N for almost 30 minutes now, only interrupted by her two sons – who told her that Charles would arrive a little later – and some other neighbours. Y/N was dressed in a loose floral dress that came a little above the knees, paired with white sneakers. She was wearing very little make-up and, much to Pascale’s relief, no wedding or engagement ring. Together with the fact that she had never seen any men at the site except for family members and never saw another car in the driveway than Y/N’s, Pascale was convinced that Y/N was single. She knew Charles was too but not wanting to be too intrusive, she decided to just plant a seed between Charles and her new neighbour today and see it from there.
When she heard the deep sound of Charles’ Ferrari, Pascale told Y/N that her third son had arrived and that she would be right back. Y/N’s hands became sweaty. Ever since she found out Pascale was Charles’ mom, she had been dreading this moment. There was no turning back now though.
---- Flashback ----
When Y/N visited Pascale for the first time last winter, her eyes quickly landed on all the family portraits hanging on the wall. It were paintings of a family of five, probably made by her sons in preschool, and pictures of Lorenzo, Arthur and Charles in different periods of their lives. In the middle hung a beautiful black-and-white picture of her husband, Hervé, who sadly passed away when the kids were still little. “There has been no other man in my life ever since”, Pascale said, the love for her deceased husband still evident in her voice. Looking at the paintings and pictures, Pascale could not help but be proud of where her family was now. Arthur and Charles were professional athletes and Lorenzo was active in finance. Both Lorenzo and Arthur had a lovely girlfriend, the eldest already thinking about children. Charles, however, was less steady when it came to love. After two long-term relationships, Charles got a bit lost; it was not easy for Charles to maintain a relationship given his hectic and public life. Although Pascale was sceptical and warned her son many times – as there are always people who try to surf on other’s success –, it hurt her to see him like this, trying to erase the loneliness inside him with alcohol and volatile love. At the end of last season though, a little spark returned in Charles’ eyes. He did not disclose much to his mom, apart from that he met a girl in France whilst being out with Pierre and some other friends and that they were texting each other very often. She had not heard him talk about her since the new season started, so she assumed that she was just another fling.
“That’s Lorenzo, this is Arthur and that’s Charles. Aren’t they beautiful young men, Y/N?” Pascale asked.
“They are, Pascale, they are”, Y/N replied. She was still looking at the picture of Charles, all memories of last winter hitting her like a truck.
It was almost a year ago when Charles and Y/N met each other in a small café in the south of France. Charles was out with his friends, unwinding from the previous season and enjoying a short get-away to prepare for the upcoming winter testing. Y/N happened to be in Nîmes that week for work and that is how they met. She had been quite bold that afternoon, handing her number to Charles when she left the café, fully well knowing who he was. She never expected him to do something with it – he was one of world’s eligible bachelors after all – so she almost fainted when he called her the next day, saying how much he liked talking to her. They kept texting from that day onwards, throwing in the occasional FaceTime-call late at night. Despite the fact that they were both busy and lived in other countries, not a day passed without contact. Long story short, Y/N and Charles were falling for each other, hard.
Pierre did not stop teasing Charles about it, relieved to see his best friend happy again. The people at Ferrari knew that there was something going on, sensing that the fast laps Charles was setting were not only due to the changes to the car. His brothers noticed he was mentally somewhere else when he did no longer weep the floor with Arthur during their weekly tennis matches. The presence of Y/N in Charles’ life changed him, but in a good way. He was glowing.
Y/N grew fonder of Charles by the second; he was such a sweetheart. While she was not into F1 that much before she met him, she was learning about the sport and following the testing sessions in Bahrein, such that they could talk about it without her sounding like a complete and utter fool. She found a renewed motivation in her work, supported by Charles who was amazed by both her beauty and brains – and he told her that, every day. She got back into learning French such that she could – or, at least, try – to talk to Charles in his mother tongue. In return, he gave her cute, French nicknames that made her blush, which Charles found incredibly endearing. She was glowing.
However, when it hit Y/N that the F1 season would be starting soon, she started to think. She loved Charles, she was sure of that, but a long-term relationship would not work. She had her responsibilities at home and Charles would be busy travelling, training and racing - she had been in a similar relationship before and things ended badly. The media would focus more on him too after he finished 2nd in last year's championship, attracting the attention from (new) female fans. Not that Y/N was the jealous type or that she did not trust him, but she knew there are women out there who are better suited for Charles, beautiful women who are willing to make sacrificies. Women Charles deserves. Therefore, before Y/N would move to her new home and Charles would start the season, they met in Turin to talk about it all. Y/N told Charles about her sorrows and although he wanted to deny it, despite him wanting all her reasoning to be wrong, despite him wanting to tell her to listen to her heart instead of her head, he knew she was right. Therefore, Charles and Y/N used the rest of that week in Turin to feel what it could have been; they had date nights in cosy restaurants, strolled through the city, went on hikes together and made the sweetest love. After sharing one last kiss at the airport and promising each other to never forget what they shared, Charles and Y/N parted ways.
For good.
---- Present -----  
Pascale swiftly disappeared to find her son. The local cover band Pascale hired was giving it all on the small stage and people were chatting away and enjoying the delicious pastries from the local bakery shop just a few blocks away. Y/N started mingling with Sebastien and Amélie, a young couple that was also relatively new to the neighbourhood.
Once he greeted everybody at the party, Charles was finally able to give his mom a proper hug. After a preach on how she does not see him enough and once made sure that he does take care of himself and eating enough, Pascale started updating him on all the latest gossip. Charles loves to gossip, especially with his mom because he loves how invested she is in it. After 20 minutes or so, when she decided she told Charles everything he needed to know, Pascale started to look around. She spotted Y/N a few tables further away, entertaining little Kasper. “I want you to meet our new neighbour, Charles. She is there with Kasper and Amélie. Come on.”
Although Charles did not know his mom’s new neighbour, he felt like he already did based on the stories Lorenzo and Arthur had been telling. From what he heard, she seems to be a lovely young woman. When he looked into the direction of little Kasper, he spotted her. She was wearing a white dress, which contrasted nicely against her bronzed skinned. Her hair was up in a messy bun, showing the delicate skin of her neck and shoulders. When he heard that the neighbours’ name was Y/N, his thoughts instinctively drifted back to his Y/N, his lost love, the woman whom he shared to best week of his life with. However, he never thought it would actually be her but now that he sees her, her petite frame, he knows it is her. The woman whose body he knows like the circuit of Monaco. The woman who still owns his heart. The woman he said goodbye to in Turin.
For good.
At least, that is what they both thought. Pascale gently taps Y/N on her shoulder. She turns around. “Y/N, I want you to meet my son Charles. Charles, this is Y/N, the new neighbour I told you about”.
Their eyes meet, for the first time in months. 
Should they act as if they never met?
Should she tell him that she moved on?
Should he tell her that he has not?
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