thinking about how Icarus checked to make sure they had two pickaxes when they were flying over to coop after Jamie and Easton asked them to. thinking about it.
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springselkie · 6 months
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i saw this tweet and immediately got possessed to draw this
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raccoonnutella13 · 2 months
why are ppl always so mean about taz :(
#every time theres a new arc everyone who only liked balance is like 'oh if u dropped off after balance u have to listen to THIS arc bc its#JUST LIKE BALANCE'#every damn time.#it happened with ethersea a bit but especially w steeplechase and vs dracula#and u get ppl in the notes of these posts saying 'oh yeah i fucking hated everything after balance sooo glad theyre finally doing exactly#what i want them to!!'#like. its ok to have personal preference but dont be mean about it :(#and comparing every campaign to balance is rlly annoying sry#let them be their own thing#stop being so blinded by nostalgia ig#like not to be rude but. i think ppl think balance is the most Perfect Thing Ever but its rlly...not#all the campaigns have flaws but i aint canceling them for that#like what happened with grad#idk its like if balance came later ppl would probably be much more mean about it#bc they wouldnt be blinded by nostalgia as much or smthn#anyways#at the end of the day the mcelroys shouldnt be expected to make a replica of balance every campaign#and thats not what theyre trying to do. theyre doing what THEY personally want to do. like they clearly dont care abt what others think lol#theyre experimenting and having fun#its like. a free podcast with a bunch of silly dudes playing for funsies. they shouldnt have such high expectations or be demonized#in any way#my point being. if i see anyone being mean abt taz u get blocked#>:(#coon speaks#not tagging taz. i dont wanna see nasty ppl in my notifs ty
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opens-up-4-nobody · 6 months
Thr thing abt me is that I want to know exactly how psychiatric medications work. I don't want the simplified version. Dont give me the "I'm talking to the public" answers. I want the specific mechanisms and how exactly it causes its side effects.
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hellsite-hall-of-fame · 11 months
stop posting random anons and conversations with people idc about that shit post content
ok :(
ta daaaa
(….also pls read the tags anon, they’re for you)
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narwhalandchill · 10 months
theres people out there that dont want childe to die bc they like him.
me however. im different. i like childe and i explicitly want this guy to die. and im very specific about the when and how too.
i dont want a forced dumb predictable redemption arc or a self sacrifice. i dont want to see him reform his abysspilled unhinged chaos-sowing ways or break free from his 'twisted fate'. i dont want to see him "learn". i want to see him master foul legacy and witness as he grows stronger and stronger until he reaches his apex as a warrior rivaling the heavens at the peak of his pride and hubris.
i want him to embrace and finally fulfill the destiny the abyss bestowed upon him of being the one to overturn the world at the climax of the story. i want him to rip the tenets holding teyvats heavenly principles and world order apart as he gives gold a run for her money in terms of the utter catastrophe about to unfold if we dont stop him in time. forcing the traveler to face him once and for all as the world lies defeated at his feet just like he promised before. and all throughout this he remains the same gleeful battle maniac as before that sees us as his greatest rival and friend. only caring for the exhilaration of that fated final showdown even as the stakes couldnt be higher bc what does it matter to him? he may be acting as the abyss' chosen champion through the fulfillment of his ambition but for him it always boils down to the thrill of battle and conquest anyway. nothing more, nothing less - so he welcomes us with a smile once more for the last time.
and then i want us to fight him to the death. i want him to die as teyvat public enemy #1 and the final boss and the true manifestation of the world-devouring abyssal deep and the celestial star-whale he awakened at 14. dissolving into and becoming one with the very cosmic dark that made him who he was.
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wolf-2099 · 11 months
i know miggy was/is the hot Internet Special Boy and he was just topical and relevant so ofc a lot of ppl shipped with a hot popular man but know that im not fucking around. im in this for a long ass haul. when i post abt popular at the moment men it is a game and im not quitting.
remember me posting viktor during arcane hype? viktor has been my f/o 10 years. percy during tlovm s1 hype? hes my 2nd most important husband.
miguel is gonna be special forever and thats cuz if im kissing the popular boy of the hour im doing it cuz im damn serious abt it and him and hes gonna be smth special
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My favorite part about being still into Naruto is the way I'm into it means I frequently have to tell algorithms that I don't actually want to consume Naruto like they want me to. Don't give me bland voice over theories from people who need to be reminded of minor characters. I need my clinically not-normal girls, gays, and theys to talk with about the little side guys they have entire lives mapped out for, the interpretations that include their favorite filler episode because they like it and above all else people who don't shit on the women characters or only consider them, annoying and useless or waifu material.
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purble-gaymer · 5 months
mmm just wanted to say that i really love your writing and i'm really excited to see what you make in the future! your gsa stuff is so pleasant and angsty and i've really been enjoying wwtmk <3 that's not even getting into how much i liked the cannibalism fic.... now you'll be a part of me forever !! i'm such a sucker for that kind of thing.
actually, i was kind of wondering what you were plotting for the future so i could look forward to it! i've loved following your work so farrrr
waa hello thank you!! yknow i don't hear much about the beast in the walls but i really love that one so good to know! i can share some of my prospective calendar (though everything i say is subject to change)
once wwtmk is done, i probably won't be posting much for a bit. i might do something sword/blade/mk related for valentine's day if i can think of an idea before then. after that though, i have another little project focused on the knights at the time they first met. it's a continuation of a fateful encounter. at the moment it's sitting at about 23k, and i think i'm a little past halfway through it. ideally i'll start publishing it sometime in late february or march, but winter is usually the busiest and most stressful term so it'll be later rather than sooner. plus i'd like to have a majority of it written out first. i don't exactly have a surplus of time or energy this time of year so it'll be a while still.
most ship content will probably end up on my other pseud for the foreseeable future (excluding the potential valentine's thing) to avoid like...cluttering things, i guess? so for that there's always more knights, maybe metamorpho in a normal context, maybe arthur/nonsurat for the two people who care because i love them a lot. oh and also falspar and dragato doing whatever the hell they're doing because i would die for them.
absolutely there will be more gsa one-shots. i've had some ideas floating around but no energy to really get into them. plus my usual strategy for the gsa is to sit down and write for three straight hours because they sort of automatically put me in a flow state, and i can't do that at school cause i have other things to do. there might be some stuff about their history. i don't really know where to begin with all that, plus there's ocs i'd have to deal with, so we'll see. galacta knight related stuff is also a possibility, especially more about him and mk when they were working for nme. check out how much galactadad angst i can make
overall this year i wanna write more out of my comfort zone honestly. writing things like the beast in the walls or know your place was weird but it was also really really fun. so if i ever jump on any out-there ideas, i might actually do something with them. OH THIS INCLUDES AN ARTHUR AND MK BEING FAMILY THING I'VE BEEN SITTING ON. i completely forgot about that. i should polish it up and publish it for my birthday because it is so self-indulgent and silly. so that is now happening next week. metamorphosed one-shot is also happening later this week (tomorrow or thursday) because i'm normal about that au.
so that's a lot, and most of it is very up in the air because i'm always doing things...but you can 100% expect more knights content in the near future. wwtmk is like standing on the edge of a canyon peeking into my kirby interpretations. i have to write or i will explode
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tjerra14 · 15 days
Today's mood: just. No.
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rubberbandballqueen · 2 months
favorite part of work today was when i told the kids to get into two lines, n this one guy was like "i don't want to" n then started talking to his buddy in mandarin, n so then in chinese i was like, "hey, come here."
n he n his buddy looked at each other n then looked at me with like that faintly displeased expression that means they've realized they can't get away with not being that good at english (or feel terribly isolated from n indifferent to the adults bc they don't speak their language) anymore
and then when i told them to line up in mandarin they groaned abt it for sure but they did drag themselves into a line
#i walked in n this one kid handed me a book to read like a big hardcover graphic novel type thing n said i could look through it#so for kicks i started reading it out loud with all the silly voices n sound effects n blocking#and so then obviously the other children started to swarm me and god. kids have so much body heat#n you can feel it bc they have no personal space qwq#n anyway so i led them all to a different corner of the room and ended up reading 15 out of the 16 chapters of the book#out loud to a big chunk of the kids for like an hour w/a 5 min break halfway through for water#and when i came back the kids were organizing the chairs themselves into a semicircle to give me enough space to perform#i was sweating more than i have in Quite A While by the end bc again. children are So Warm n also being dramatic takes energy#the same kid who handed me the book today last year handed me some pokemon cards n i ended up spending all of spring camp#drawing pokemon from cards as references for kids to color n stuff bc i didn't want to go to the computer n print out coloring pages#so! i should probably stop spoiling/“yes and--”ing kids at work w/my nonsense but it gives them smth memorable at least#but also i am so fucking tired today lol i had to leave class as soon as it was done dash home to drop off my jacket n backpack#i didn't even have time to take off my shoes before entering the house so I Did An Unforgivable Sin (walked around w/shoes on)#n then put on my work jacket n dash out the door again to go to my 5.75 hr work shift o(--(#i don't regret it!! i did tell my boss i was free for afternoon camp shifts specifically bc i wanted these shifts even tho timing'd be tigh#successfully taught a kid to tie his shoelaces today though!!!!! what's w/kids n always using the very tips of their laces to mimic you tho#when you are very clearly handling the parts of the laces right next to your foot. it did click for him tho eventually#the worm speaks
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sysmedsaresexist · 11 months
These (completely unfounded) conspiracy theories are wild
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rainbowtvz · 5 months
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the shipping with canon minors thing quite literally was true, took you a year to finally drop them, allegedly, and has 0 to do with antiblack white people being upset over you saying they can't use the aave word simp anymore because unless theres a second party out there saying shit, the "rumor" came from me and it was a fact at the start.
"i didn't do that except i did but it's false!" like cmon
anyway- more screenshots from this rando showing them harassing me, being ageist, and ableist.
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like genuinely how am i supposed to take this interaction in any kind of good faith when they were hostile and ageist out the gate and then ended up being ableist to me by indirectly calling me stupid. just call me the r slur instead if you're gonna do that.
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there’s a certain client i have that means well but drives me absolutely nuts because they’ll tell me about the same problem six times in a single conversation. just repeating and rephrasing the exact same information over and over no matter what i say.
i can tell them the next steps forward, explain what’s causing the issue, give an ETA for the fix. doesn’t matter, they’ll reply “great, you see…” and just explain the problem again. no new information, no additional context, not even arguing against me. they’re not trying to impress the importance of it or push for a different solution, they just seem to be stuck in a dialogue loop and not realize they’ve said the same thing five times already.
i hate interrupting people but i’ve legitimately just started cutting him off and repeating my answer because i physically cannot stand to sit there and stretch a single question with a single answer into a 30 minute “conversation” that makes me feel like im in groundhog day
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suburbanlegnd · 3 months
why would i forgive my family when i can simply traumatize them back?
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emile-hides · 4 months
I spend a lot of time at home so every time I go out to the city for any reason I am violently reminded of two things;
I am, in fact, Panromantic and find Everyone Pretty
I stare very intensely at people I find ~Attractive~
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