#[i love u whoever sent in all of this this is exactly how u handle those ask memes thanks]
myonepiece · 3 years
KYAAAAHHHH ANOTHER KYOSHIRO FAN :DDDDD , can u write kyoshiro and bartolomeo with a short fem s/o whos super clingy and is kind of a scardey cat , example:when someone flirts with her she kinda just clings behind his back if that makes sense? and when the guy who’s flirting with her is gone she’s just like:”i love you forever baby babe honey my love my beloved my dear my king my knight in shining armor” on a nother note u are the best writer ever oml 💖
Kyoshiro, Bartolomeo with a clingy short fem!S/O who’s a scaredy cat
Kyoshiro x Reader, Bartolomeo x Reader
Description: Kyoshiro & Bartolomeo (seperate) with a short fem!S/O who is clingy and gets scared easily + short oneshot with her getting scared and hiding behind character
Warnings: none
A/N: yes more Kyoshiro!! 💕
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he loves how small you are, he loves feeling like he’s protecting you from the world and he wouldn’t trade you for anything
he’s not the clingiest person, but he has no problem with your constant affection and neediness for affection- he adores this trait
in fact he feels simultaneously serene and alert when you’re touching him in some way, knowing that you’re there right next to him let’s him know that you’re safe and he’s suddenly very alert of the surroundings because it’s like you’re trusting him and relying on him to protect you
you’re cowardliness just makes him fall in love with you even more, he loves teasing you about it (one of his favorite pastimes) and despite his strong feeling of protection towards you and the need to make you feel safe, he finds it hilarious to scare you (jumping out from behind corners is one of his favorite ways)
but the way you hide behind him, tighten your grip on his arm, or take hold of his robes in your hand(s) when you’re scared makes his heart flutter and his eyes fill with adoration while a light blush fists his cheeks (while he unsheathes his swords to take care of whoever dared to scare his sweetheart)
+ oneshot
you weaved your way through the bustling crowd, balancing two bowls of ice cream as you hurried back to Kyoshiro. you were looking ahead of you when a large man abruptly came out of nowhere and you crashed into him, the ice cream dropping and smearing across his kimono before the bowls hit the ground.
you started trembling as you stuttered out apologies, bending down to fetch the bowls when he placed his foot upon them and crushed them easily, causing you to gasp slightly and straighten back up slowly while keeping your head down and eyes trained on the ground.
the man grabbed the collar of your robes and yanked you forward, bring his face down and snarling.
“Oi, you watch where you’re going, how you gonna repay me for ruining my clothes huh?”
you opened your mouth to say something but quickly shut it deciding you couldn’t form a sentence, instead you peered around the man’s large build and spotted the familiar striking blue of your boyfriend’s robes. using all of your strength, you pushed away from the man and stumbled your way through the crowd towards the samurai.
Kyohsiro felt a tug at his sleeve as you clasped the silky material in your hands, but his smile and adoration filled eyes quickly darkened when he looked down and comprehended the fear seizing your expression
he turned quickly and unsheathed in sword in a single nimble motion just as the stranger you had run into barrled into the clearing that had formed when Kyoshiro’s sword was revealed, the swword which was now pointed directly at the man’s throat- the blade gleaming in the late afternoon light, matching the user’s glint of anger present in his eyes
“I wouldn’t take a another step”
the blue-haired samurai’s voice was tense and dripping with venom, he didn’t wnat to ruin your day with blood shed, but this man had most likely already done that so he was not exactly against slitting his throat then and there
the man seemed to understand the threat and danger he was in, but ufortunetly for him Kyoshiro was not about to let the bastard who had unsettled his beloved so leave uninjured, so lifting his free arm so that the cloth of his kimono covered your eyes, he made one quick motion with his sword and a large gash appeared on the man’s torso, erupting blood as he was dragged away by his (assumed) friends
Kyoshiro promptly turned you away from the scene, not allowing you to see the red stained dirt. he placed his hand on you lower back as he led you through the crowd, looking down when you wrapped your arms around his torso and turned your head upward to say
“I love you baby, thank you for protecting me again~” 
your light blush and eyes brimming with love accompanied by your drunkenly sweet smile made Kyoshiro’s heart soar and he laughed, seemingly unaffected by your confession. but if anyone looked close enough they would see the blush appearing on his cheek and the way his toothy grin morphed into a more sincere and lovesick expression, and the way he wrapped his arm around your shoulders to pull you closer against him before asking where the ice cream was
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Bartolomeo is quite clingy himself, he likes to have you on his back or shoulders a lot, but one of his favorite positions is supporting you with his hands uder your butt while your legs are wrapped around his waist, he likes the closeness of it and he’ll hug/carry you like that anytime
he has no problem with your easily-scared personailty, he’s always ready to embrace you when you run. away from something, he likes that you trust him to protect him and that he’s always the one you run to for safety
and he couldn’t be more fond of your height, more cuddling positions and ways to carry you! he likes tucking you into his side and holding his coat around you, this is something he tends to do when you’re scared
whenever you do run to him and either hide behind him and/or grab into his coat, his eyes morph into hearts and he practically squeals before picking you up and peppering your face with kisses
after his outburst of affection and praises of your cuteness, his exterior changes to one of determination and it’s rather intimidating, he take shis role as your “protector” very seriously 
+ oneshot
you wandered along the streets of the town, Bartolomeo had told you to explore while he took care of some business. you turned a corner and stopped to look at the little stand full of plushies
you picked up a small turtle plushie up, admiring it and imagining the smile Bartolomeo would have when you gave it to him. you purchased the cute item and turned on your heel ready to head back to your boyfriend- but a hand suddenly placed itself upon your shoulder and you looked up to find a man in a familiar uniform, though you couldn’t name it. you followed his gaze which led you to a man, almost Noble looking, maybe a rank or two below one, but he was heading right towards you, a disturbing smile playing on his lips
the smile sent chills down your spine and you noticed the quivering of your body, you looked back and forth between the man gripping your shoulder and the disconcerting man approaching followed by a large group of uniformed men- your instincts took over and you bolted, running back through the crowd ignoring the shouts from the guards trailing you
your eyes searched the people frantically, searching for the familiar bright green hair or maroon coat, you called Bartolomeo’s name
you hoped he would be nearby and hear you- luckily he was, you had managed to run to a little ways away from the ship where Bartolomeo and the crew were finishing up their supply restocking. Bartolomeo heard your voice calling his name and he held his had up shushing the crew, his head turned and examined the people’s faces, his sights descending on the familiar (h/c) hurrying through the crowd
he called his crew to attention and moved to the railing and jumped onto the ground below, you burst through a group of people, still shouting your boyfriend’s name. he moved forward quickly and opened his arms which you jumped into, your hands digging into the material of his coat while he wrapped his arms tightly around you, suddenly yelling about how cute you are and how much he loves you 
“my baby you’re so cute! I missed you!”
he twirls you around, but when he faces front again and see the dressed men appear from the crowd, his smile falls and turns to one of seriousness- his embrace tightens and he sends a warning glare to the men
however, the men don’t seem to get the unspoken message and the man not in uniform stepped approached. Bartolomeo set you down, shedding his coat and placing it around you before pushing you behind him
the “Noble” man reached Bartolomeo and stared slightly up at him with a condescending expression
“give her to me”
Bartolomeo looked down at the pudgy man with an angry and disgusted look, his firgure looming over the ignorant man- in the blink of an eye Bartolomeo’s fist was drawn back and hurled forward, hitting the man square in the face and sending him flying backwards, into the crowd and crashing through the building in his path- his followers turned and chased after him
Bartolomeo turned and his smile instantly returned upon seeing you draped in his oversized coat, his hands clenched into fists and he held them to his mouth, screaming into them as tears gushed from his eyes and he fell forward wrapping his arms around your waist. he picked you up and pivoted once again before lowering you only to pick you up supporting you with his hands under your butt while he skipped back up boarding plank and onto the ship
once onboard the small turtle plush fell from your pocket and once you wedged yourself out of Bartolomeo’s hold, you picked it up and held it out to him
“I thought you would like it, the color reminds me of your hair.”
you’re angelic smile and affectionate gaze, as well as your gift and innocent lovefilled meaning behind it, was just too much for Bartolomeo to handle and he dropped to the deck crying and wailing while clutching his heart like had been impaled, and by his own words he had been.
“I’ve been impaled by a spear of love! you’re too cute my angel!”
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drxwsyni · 4 years
How would Yandere Shinsou, Aizawa, and Hawks react to a kidnapped S/O who just questions “why me? I’m fucking useless” and they have horrid self esteem issues, and don’t understand how they can “love” them? Totally not projecting bere
ngl i’d do the same thing, this scenario is def hittin different. ik u sent this in yesterday anon and i usually complete them in order but i couldn’t wait. thx for the request bby i hope you're doing okay, please take care of urself.
Headcanons for yandere Shinsou Hitoshi, Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead and Keigo Takami/Hawks with a captive s/o with bad self esteem
Shinsou Hitoshi:
Hearing his darling say that would naturally shock him, but he’d end up taking it extremely hard.
It would send his mind racing into a slew of thoughts, trying to discern why they’d be so critical of themselves. Did someone make them feel that way? Who did he need to get his hands on for making them despise their own existence?
There would be a moment where neither would talk after his darling says that, but the look on his face is more than enough to show his boiling anger over the prospect.
Shinsou would not take the realization lightly. “Don’t fucking say that. Who the hell said you were useless?”
He would demand his darling tell him why they feel that way. If they refused, he’d use his quirk to make them. He didn’t like the idea of it―forcing them to tell him something so personal―but he could deal with that after he’d taken care of the scum who’d planted these thoughts in his darling’s head. Whoever was responsible would be met with a slow, excruciatingly painful death―and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
If he finds out that his darling genuinely believes they’re worthless, like if they’re not just a little self-critical, it’d make things so much worse. He’d hate himself for not picking up on it sooner, and moving forward he’d be almost aggressive with affirmations of how important they are to him, being invaluable in every standard.
He knows his darling would likely despise him for using his quirk like that, but Shinsou wouldn’t care. Eventually they’d have to forgive him, or at least forget about the ordeal, because he wouldn’t give them the room to continue thinking the same things after. There would be no space for believing otherwise―they’d become all too familiar of just how capable they are of having someone love them.
He would force them into self-care. It would be frustrating on both ends, especially if his darling puts up a fight, but he would never relent even after he’s convinced his darling finally thinks the same as him.
Shouta Aizawa/Eraserhead:
He’s a stern and calculating man over the matter. Shouta would control his emotions when he’s with his darling. “You’re not useless, why are you being so critical of yourself?”
The exchange would be handled calmly on his end. He’d prefer if his darling would explain why they thought such things, but he wouldn’t push them if they couldn’t handle it. Instead, he’d resolve to figure out the cause himself.
Shouta would take whatever information he had and work tirelessly, not stopping until he pinpointed whoever was responsible for hurting his love.
Once he found the individual(s) in question he’d waste no time dispatching them. Not that he didn’t want to see them suffer, but the sooner he took care of it the faster he’d be able to return to his darling. He’d never tell his darling what happened to them either, it was more important that they forgot about it completely.
Shouta wouldn’t bring the exchange up after that for fear that reminding his darling would only cause more harmful internalization. Rather he’d subtly show more attention over bettering their self-worth.
He’d hold them closer, constantly praising them for anything they did or just telling them how much he loved them. Normally he’s not a man of many words, but his darling would be the exception―they deserved anything and everything in his mind and they’d end up being more than aware of that.
Intimately, he’d practically worship whatever part of his darling’s body that their self-esteem seemed to reject. He thinks of it as exposure therapy―by demonstrating his own admiration for them, eventually the feeling would transfer. And he had no problem repeating the action until that sunk in.
Moving forward Shouta would be very strict if he thought even for a second his darling was still having these thoughts. While he’d be gentle with them, he’d still enforce positive behaviour to help their self esteem.
Keigo Takami/Hawks:
This man would be devastated if he heard his darling say something like that.
Queue panic mode―whatever he was doing prior is dropped until they tell him why they thought that. “Listen baby, I don’t know how you could possibly believe that, but you’re not leaving this spot until you tell me why.”
He’d be true to his word―his darling wouldn't be allowed to move from the subject until they told him every last detail. Keigo would be painfully patient, and in that moment no protests could stop him from finding out the truth.
They wouldn’t be left alone until he was sure they’d told him every last detail. After all, he needed to know exactly who should be held responsible, and what the best way of dealing with them was.
Once he’s got the information he needs he’d be gone in an instant. The man is known for being fast―now would be no exception. He’d track the individual(s) down with ease, a smile on his face as he inflicted whatever punishment he deemed necessary.
If he was smothering before, that would only be amplified tenfold. Once he returns from his little excursion he would go into full on cuddle mode. He’d shower his darling in praise, not letting go of them until they admitted to themselves how worthy of love they are.
It would become a daily routine―making his darling look at themselves in the mirror, him hugging them from behind as they repeated positive affirmations. Whatever they were insecure about―literally anything―would get so much attention.
He never thought anything about his darling was anything less than perfect, Keigo would take their insecurities and demolish them with unrelenting affection.
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imaginethathaikyuu · 4 years
Hey! I sent something in, but my laptop glitched and idk if it went through so like.. sorry if you already got this request. It's a headcannon request for how some of the guys (Tendou, Akaashi, Tsukishima, Suga, and/or whoever you want to write for) react to their (fem) s/o waking up in the middle of the night. Like if they sleep through it or they help her get back to sleep or they cuddle or they were already up or whatever! Thought it was cute, but sorry if it's too vague or boring.
hello! this is super cute, thank u for requesting! but i hope its ok that i only did tendou, akaashi, and tsukki, as this was getting kinda long. feel free to request suga or anyone else again!! 
gender neutral reader for all 3 ;D
tendou satori
-it’s very likely that satori will already be awake when you wake up in the middle of the night; he has his own struggles with sleep so he often stays up pretty late working or reading. a lot of the time you wake up and he’s not even in bed 
-when you get up to look for him, you’ll find him on the couch, right where you left him hours before when you turned in for the night. the only light source is the lamp in the corner of the room, he has his reading glasses on, and his hair is an absolute mess. he’s obviously tired, but he looks adorable wearing an oversized hoodie and focusing on the manga he’s been reading all night
-when he sees you he offers you a smile and a quiet, “hey, sweetheart,” and he sets his book to the side and opens his arms as an invitation into his lap. “can’t sleep?” 
-you melt against him and hum a response, and he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead a few times. he’s honestly happy you woke up, he really needed the company, but satori knows you don’t handle the sleep struggle as well as he does, so he feels bad seeing how tired you are 
-he lets you stay there with him for as long as you want, which is usually until you fall asleep. he loves it. you keep him warm and you always ask him about what he’s been reading, which makes him almost too happy, and he’ll tell you all about it as if he’s telling you a bedtime story, gladly knowing you’ll be asleep in his arms pretty soon 
akaashi keiji 
-keiji loves sleep more than he loves most things. this should come as no surprise. and when you wake him up, no matter what time it is, he is groggy and grumpy and only wants to go back to sleep. so, waking him up in the middle of the night, unless you really need him, is futile 
-so when you can’t sleep in the middle of the night, instead of waking him, you should just seek the comfort you need on your own. he’s a side sleeper which makes it easy for you to cuddle up against him; tuck your face into his neck and wrap your arms around his waist and try your best to tangle your legs with his
-your attempt at doing this always wakes him up anyway, which is exactly what you were trying to avoid. at first he’ll laugh because of how uncomfortably close you are - your hair is in his face and your knee is jutting into his thigh. he’ll pull back and look down at you to see your big eyes staring back at him, wide awake and shy, and he knows exactly what you were trying to do 
-his smile is natural and genuine as he pulls you closer again, this time more comfortably for both of you. his arms wrap around you and one of his hands slide up your shirt and rests flat on your back. he hooks his ankle around one of yours as a way to prevent you from moving away in your sleep again. and he pulls the blanket up over both of you, keeping you warm and safe and together, and all of these things make you realize just how much you love to be held by him as you’re already drifting off to sleep again 
tsukishima kei
-ever the light sleeper, it’s almost like kei has some sort of sensor in his brain telling him if you’re awake or asleep, because whenever you wake up in the middle of the night, he always does too 
-and he always acts as if it’s your fault he woke up, grumbling a, “go to sleep,” in his sassy sleepy tone - to be fair, you have been tossing and turning for the last ten minutes...
-when his short gripe doesn’t work and you’re still moving around another ten minutes later, you hear a very loud sigh from the man behind you. you’re sure he’s going to just get up and go sleep on the couch, or worse, ask you to 
-but he doesn’t. instead, you feel a heavy weight falling onto you - his arm. he drapes it over you and pulls you until your back is against his chest, holding you firm against him. “what’s wrong?” he asks you, as if you have an answer. “it’s four in the morning. why aren’t you asleep?” 
- “i don’t know, kei,” is your response, because you don’t, and his already tight hold seems to get tighter. you feel his foot wiggle against yours under the blanket, and his forehead is pressed into the back of your neck; obviously, he’s lost in thought 
- “wanna get up and have breakfast?” he asks you, so quiet you can hardly hear. but you did hear him, and you do want to get up and have breakfast, so you turn around and kiss the side of his mouth in the dark and that’s all the answer he needs to get up and take you to the kitchen, ready to fill both of your empty stomachs before inevitibly falling asleep on the couch afterwards 
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kenjikutie · 4 years
BABIES i feel like ushijima would have like 3-4 kids or atsuma/osamu miya with +2kids; so can i pls ask a house hubby whos take care of the kids (if you arent comfy with agsumu/osamu/ushi u can choose whoever u think would have a med-large family bc tbh i want 3kids 👉🏻👈🏻)
awwww!!! you just had to request the boys who made my hearts soft didn’t ya??
Having a Big Family (Ushijima, Atsumu, and Osamu)
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- ushijima had never really thought about having a big family, however, after the doctor revealed that you were having triplets, there wasn’t anything he could do about it
- as the clock began to count down, something about seeing three cribs, three sets of outfits, three, three, three, it hit him that he would have three times as much love
- once the children were old enough for you to go back to work, ushijima started taking off more time from practice, which shocked both you and the black jackals 
- however, when you came home to your husband teaching the three how to build a stable lincoln log home while also explaining to them the importance of building things, you heart went doki doki
- ushijima will make dinner pretty often and is actually really good at it. the kids will giggle and tell you stories about their day while he cooks and listens with a smile on his face
- at nighttime, ushijima will handle bath time while you show them how to properly brush their teeth and read them bedtime stories as their father watches from the doorway
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- the original miya twins were complicated enough, but, the next generation of them were chaotic messes of sports-obsessed little boys
- atsumu wasn’t able to by home all that often, but he always facetimed you and the boys and sent gifts home from whatever exotic location he was in that week. but, when you had to go on a business trip for a week, atsumu happily volunteered to take your place
- however, your husband had no idea what he was getting into. as soon as you walked out the door, it was “where’s mommy going?” and “i want her to come back now!”
- atsumu struggled a lot at first but, after he turned on a volleyball match and heard the little pitter-patter of feet speeding down the hallway, he smirked and talked them through the game
- he’s not a very good cook, so he ordered pizza, making his sons promise not to tell you about it. the nighttime routine was a nightmare and he had no clue how you did this every day
- you came home to a very grateful husband who had quadrupled his respect for you and your twin sons who didn’t let go of your legs for the rest of the day
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- osamu is a pretty chill guy, but, of course, the universe had to give him twins that were exactly like his brother and him. since osamu owned his own restaurant, he could stay at home more often than the others 
- in fact, you were the one who was at work from 9 to 5 while osamu taught your twins everything they wanted to know. but, when they asked to learn volleyball like their cool uncle, osamu’s soul left his body
- he’ll teach them but he’ll grumble about it while you laugh from the sidelines before leaving to start dinner. osamu will definitely teach his kid good table manners
- he is the master of putting his kids to bed in a snap, which makes you insanely jealous because your sons took forever to settle down when you were the one to tuck them in
- osamu loves it when the three of you come to visit him at the restaurant and will teach the twins how to make perfect onigiri, even if they don’t like it that much
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Only Fools Rush In
AC & DB drama track
Happy Birthday Gentaro! 🎉
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Leading up to April 1st, a pair of Division leaders find them in a rather humorous mishap. However, due to a certain someone’s desire for inspiration, all six members are brought into the chaos. Meanwhile, the amused author looks on.
Kosuke: Yumeno-sensei? This is Furuhata Kosuke, you wanted to meet with me about a book cover?
Gentaro: Apologies, you seem to have the wrong person you see, for I am merely a poorly paid cosplayer. Meant to promote the recent book of a different author, titled “Tales of Genji.”
Kosuke: Yumeno-sensei, that is a book most know already know by name. Regardless, do you have any ideas for how you’d like for your cover to look?
Gentaro: I have no preference, though I would prefer it to an extravagant and bright one to catch eyes on the selves as it is different from my usual stories. A stand out story must have a stand out cover after all.
Kosuke: R-right. So may I see the overview to get an idea?
Gentaro: I am not yet done with that actually. Though I may give it to you in a few days. The first of April perhaps?
Kosuke: Yes. That works.
Gentaro: Also, about that cover.
Kosuke: Yes?
Gentaro: That was a lie. A simple design will do.
Kosuke: A-Ah. I see. . .
Gentaro: I will be off then. do enjoy the cake.
Kosuke: Wait what?!
Sever: Here you go sir. This was paid in advance.
[Door closes]
Gentaro: Now then, to see what unfolds.
Gentaro’s story: A young lady is to meet with her friend at a cafe when a stranger takes a seat beside her. He pretends to be her boyfriend as he claims he is being followed by numerous admirers. Along the way, they bond and find they went to the same school. Her friends however do not like him and in the end they must separate. Along the way, there are hints as to something must be off. Turns out, the man was indeed a highschool classmate whom she had a rush with, but one who was ostracized by her friends and moved away. Her visit to the cafe is for the last place she saw him, where he rejected her before he left.
Gentaro: Such an tragic tale, to feel the stings of love is truly a misfortune thing—
Emiko: There you are! Yumeno-sama! ~ ♡
Gentaro: Speaking of. 
Gentaro: I know not of this Yumeno you speak of young lady. I am merely a poor, homeless young man who has spent the very last sum of his money to buy these outdated clothes and some bitter coffee. 
Gentaro: Do you really not have anything better to do than disturb the unfortunate?
Emiko: Huh? Homeless? But you’re said-ooooh! You’re lying right? Sorry Yumeno-sama but cha can’t fool me! ~ ☆
Emiko: So you found me ‘cause Ramuda needed a favor right? Where is he? Is he hiding? 
Gentaro: About that, Ramuda’s not here, that was a lie. I just said that to get you here. For an informant you’re not very cautious are you? 
Emiko: Hey! I can be cautious! You just don’t seem suspicious. But why do you need me Yumeno-sama? Doooo you want me to find someone? 
Gentaro: You’re close but not quite. I actually need you to accompany someone for awhile. They’re waiting inside for you right now. Oh and take this with you, [hands slip of paper] the table number is on the back. But do not open it until you meet him.
Emiko: An escort job? I don’t think I’ve done that before, but it sounds like fun. Okay, you can leave it to me! Bye bye Yumeno-sama! ~ ♡
[walks inside the cafe as Gentaro leaves]
Emiko: Whooooa~ It feels really homey in here, so cute! 
Emiko: Hmmmm, table #6. I wonder what this guy is li—
Kosuke: ? ? ? 
Emiko: ? ? ? 
Emiko: Kosuke! [glomps him] Hello! What’s up! What’cha eating? Is it yummy? Can I have some!
Kosuke: Ah! Emiko-san! Um, yes, this is very good, and you can certainly have some if you’d like. [slides over plate]
Emiko: Really? Thank you! ~ ♡
Kosuke: Why are you here by the way? Do you have business with Ramuda-san?
Emiko: Well I actually owe Ramuda a favor, but I guess Yumeno-sama’s the one giving me a job today. What about you?
Kosuke: Ah! I had a meeting with Yumeno-sensei about a book cover of his. It seems that Ramuda-san recommended me to him.
Emiko: Cool cool! ~ ☆ Then that makes this way easier, ‘cause you’re actually my assignment today. Yumeno-sama said I have to escort you somewhere.
Kosuke: Escort. . .me? To where?
Natsuki: I don’t get why you had to drag me along with you.
Haruto: Because an unknown number told me about where Ko-chan was and he might have a stalker.
Natsuki: This makes us the stalkers you numbnut.
Haruto: Dude, looks like he’s on a date with that cutesy Harajuku leader girl. . .
Natsuki: What?!
Seiichi: Look I’m sure she’s fine. Emiko’s a tough girl, she can handle herself.
Hiroshi: That much is clear. But she’s not one to run off with a client without blabbing about it first. Plus whoever called us here clearly has ulterior motive, it could be them.
Seiichi: They did sound pretty sketchy, but it’s nothing we haven’t dealt with befo—
Seiichi: Dude, look at that window. That cafe over there!
Hiroshi: Yes, it’s just a cafe. What’s so special about—Is that her? With, Akihabara’s leader??
Seiichi: Wait is she on a date?!
[they opened up Gentaro’s paper in suprise]
Emiko: . . .
Kosuke: . . .
Kosuke: . . . “Have an enjoyable date?”. . . Oh. . . This was a setup. . . What do we do?! I mean- you’re getting paid for this and I don’t want to be the reason you don’t get money but- why?! You’re like a sister!
Emiko: Eeeeeh?! A date! Like a date date! But you’re like my big brother! I don’t want you to have to pay for this. 💦 Plus I’ve never been on a date before! Ramuda are you in on this too?!
Kosuke: Ahhhhhhh. . . this is really bad! What do we do?! Does just hanging out here count?!
Emiko: I-I don’t know! Maybe! *turns beet red* U-umm. . . . . . . . . *goes quiet & looks down*
Kosuke: I’m not really the type to use swear words, but. . .
Haruto: Hey, Natsu. I think Kosuke’s actually flirting with her. She’s blushing like crazy. (whistles) who knew Ko-chan could do such a thing.
Natsuki: You must be seeing things, besides, finish your food. We need to go, I don’t have all day.
Seiichi: Are they actually flirting?? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that embarrassed.
Hiroshi: Hmph, together or not that fiend better not try anything.
Seiichi: Well, if this is really the client then maybe we should stay out of it.
Hiroshi: *sighs* I suppose you’re right, but I still want to know about that number—. . . Don’t look now, but do try to hold your temper.
Seiichi: Oi what temper! What are you looking at anyways? Huh? . . . It’s the other guys from Akihabara!
Hiroshi: I thought I told you to hold your temper. 💦 Now you’ve given us away.
Natsuki: Oh look, we’re just a squad of stalkers.
Haruto: Natsu! Don’t call us that!
Seiichi: He he he, stalker squad. Not bad coming from you losers!
Hiroshi: Well that’s one way to start things off. If I may add, what exactly are you two doing here.
Natsuki: My little brother got a text telling him where Kosuke was with a photo. He got scared and came over. Judging from things though, we were all just chess pieces for someone’s amusement.
Haruto: Yeah! It was a creepy message tho!
Natsuki: And I was dragged along, though I believe that if a certain someone thought things through, he could have reasoned that Kosuke is more than capable of defending himself.
Hiroshi: Hmm. Unfortunately, I’ll have to agree with you. We got a call not too long ago from an unknown saying Emiko was helping a friend. They too sent us a picture of where she was, at this very location.
Seiichi: So does that mean someone’s stalking them both? More importantly, are they really dating?!
Hiroshi: I can hardly see that as more important, but it seems we have two mysteries to solve.
Natsuki: That implies us four working together.
Haruto: Awww! Give em a little chance!
Natsuki: Don’t you dare go a tirade about going with the flow and disregarding everything else.
Haruto: I don’t do that! Much. . .
Seiichi: *whispers* Oh great, this must be my lucky day.
Hiroshi: Enough Seiichi, it appears we have no choice. However, do try to keep your brother on a short leash, boy.
Natsuki: Same goes for you old man, except this time it’s your ward.
Haruto: Geeze Natsu, you’re real riled up.
Natsuki: Oh. I’m sorry, not my fault the geezer’s insufferable.
Hiroshi: Right back at you.
Seiichi: Tch. You guys are one to talk! Especially that barking dog of yours!
Natsuki: If you want to lump us together then either stop calling me a child, or call yourself one.
Haruto: Rude! I ain’t a dog! Though they are really nice and fun to play with. . . so. . .
Hiroshi: So the little mocking bird finally speaks. Truly an incredible sight.
Seiichi: Pfffft ha ha ha! Are you really that dumb! You know I’m trashing ya right!
Natsuki: Last time I checked, it’s not me who’s constantly stuck in rut. And also, next time, try to choose a bird species that wasn’t helpful in Darwin’s theory of evolution hm?
Haruto: Hey! Aren’t you a bit too young to go trash talking everyone? Like I dunno, wait for like a competition of somethin’ I guess. Throwing hands isn’t the only way to solve your problems kid.
[cafe doors burst open]
Emiko: Wait wait please don’t fight! What’s going on out here!
Kosuke: This is in public! Please be careful!
Alley Catz: ! ! !
DayBreakers: ! ! !
Emiko: *tearing up* Why are you guys fighting about noooooow! This is embarrassing! ~
Seiichi: Not this again! 😰 P-Please don’t cry.
Hiroshi: Y-Yes, forgive the intrusion m’lady.
Kosuke: I certainly look forward to your excuse as to why you’re practically fighting on the streets.
Natsuki: . . . Haruto
Haruto: u-um... I uhh, was scared?
Emiko: What have I told you guys about starting fights? I can tell you started it too, bullies. Bleeeeeh! *sticks out tongue*
Kosuke: How does one. . .nevermind. Scared for what.
Haruto: Your safety duh! Some creep sent a pic of you and your location. And now we come to see you on a date!
Hiroshi: Right, we’re here for that very same reason. Someone called us claiming they knew where you were and we thought you might be in danger.
Seiichi: I knew you were fine but we didn’t know you were on a date with the beanpole!
Kosuke: Wait! No! It’s not a date! I was here on business!
Natsuki: Stop letting him call you a beanpole first.
Emiko: It is not a date! At least not a real one . . . *blushes* Look I’ll explain later ok! Plus, Kosuke’s not a beanpole, he’s cute just the way he is Seiichi!
Seiichi: That’s not what I meant. 💦
Kosuke: Oh! I don’t find anything offensive in that! It’s just a nickname!
Natsuki: Where’s your pride and self presevation?
Haruto: I think we all know where that is Natsu.
Natsuki + Haruto: Nonexistent.
Kosue: *blushes* (mumbles) I’m not that bad about it. . .
Emiko: *blushes* A-anyways, go home you two! Or else. . o-or else. . . Just go! And no more stalking!
Kosuke: hm? A package? Oh! The summary! 
Kosuke: “Ruby Chocolate. Brought to a cafe, Aiko meets her first love on a whim, only to find their lives have been intertwined for years. However, her friends dissaproval will test their relationship.”
Kosuke: . . . Well, it is my job.
Emiko: Yay! Package for me! Wait, I didn’t order a book. Did I?
Emiko: “Ruby Chocolate” “Brought to a cafe, Aiko meets her first love on a whim, only to find their lives have been intertwined for years. However, her friends dissaproval will test their relationship.”
Emiko: Aww how cute. This is from. . . Yumeno-sama! *blushes* Wait a second he really did set us up!
Gentaro: *sipping tea* What a wonderful birthday present I have given myself.
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yelenasdog · 3 years
il un a visage gentil (prof!gwilym lee x prof! gn reader)
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genre: fluff
summary: who knew the attractive english lit professor also happened to speak french? not his new coworker, that’s for sure.
words: 1.7k
warnings: reader embarassing herself a lil bit, that’s it :)
a/n: hi!! first of all, no pronouns are used as this is from readers pov, so anyone can read. second of all, so i typically don’t write for gwil, but i had this idea in french the other day when my french teacher (sweet old french man who deserves better LMAODSJO) was going over some assignment that for some reason had il un a visage gentil in it LOLOL. that being said, i obvi don’t speak fluent french and this is all fictional! love u, hope u enjoy!!
“Hello everyone, and welcome to your first day. I’m Dr Gwilym Lee, and I am the head of the English Literature Department here at Oxford University. Feel free to call me Gwil, it’s what all my students do.”
I slanted my eyes from my position at the door, gripping the frame just a tad tighter than I had been before hearing his voice. I continued to listen to the doctor talk as I made my way behind the last row of seats in the lecture room, trying not to make any noise. My heels were thankfully mute against the carpet, not drawing any attention towards me, the professor keeping complete focus on his students.
“One of the first things I wanted to kind of, um, touch on, is that I will be quite flexible. I understand that you have lives, as do I. As long as I can see an honest effort being put into my class, I will hold no repercussions for late work or being physically late to class.”
With that, he looked up to where I had just sat down, quirking a brow. The eye contact was momentary, only lasting what seemed to be a second, if that.
I cleared my throat, looking to my feet.
“We at the english department are quite proud of our status, ranking 4th in english programs overall in the UK. Now I won’t continue to bore you with the statistics, but-“
I made a scan of the room, seeing how only 1 or 2 pupils were actually listening, the rest either slumped over looking at their phones, or pretending to take notes on a laptop while really watching netflix. (More than one student was watching gossip girl, oddly enough.)
Considering it was only 5 minutes into the hour long lecture, I was confused, as he was holding my attention, at least, quite well.
After about 30 minutes, I realized that my own “first day lecture” was in 15 minutes, which assured that I most definitely had to leave. I was saddened by this (even though I had only even planned on staying in Gwil’s room for a small while.
I sighed quietly, picking myself up from the surprisingly comfortable seats and making my way towards the door. Just as I was about to go, I felt eyes boring holes into the back of my head. I turned, realizing Gwilym to be the perp. I opened my mouth to speak and then closed it again, quickly walking out and down the hallway to my own room.
I made it in, hurrying down the many stairs, past where a few students were waiting.
“Hi, everyone, I’ll just be a few moments, just waiting for the rest of your new classmates to arrive.”
I smiled briefly, before slamming my office door audibly, chest heaving with my back against the shaded window. I closed my eyes, unaware of why I had been so panicked by the brief interaction, not to mention the butterflies it hatched in my stomach.
After giving myself some time to decompress, I exhaled, smoothing out the skirt of my dress and rotating. I placed a hand on the handle, preparing myself for the fresh faced freshman.
As I opened the door, I heard half a knock, before whoever was behind the door (poor soul) essentially fell on top of me.
Expecting to see a red faced pupil who had just made a very interesting first impression, I looked up, suddenly becoming the one with a warm and itchy wave of embarrassment making its way up my neck.
“I’m so terribly sorry,” He stood up, reaching out a hand. I hesitated before reaching forward and gripping tightly, allowing him to tug me up.
“It’s alright, Gwil, really.”
He opened his mouth (not that I was paying any mind to his lips), presumably to ask my name. Before he got the chance, I beat him to it, blurting out my full title, unfortunately in a quite awkward way.
The students that had gathered had mostly turned their attention elsewhere by now, only a few of them still watching the live disaster that was my interaction with the incredibly attractive man in front of me.
He spoke up as I tried to maneuver my way around him to the podium positioned in the front of the room where my laptop was waiting.
“Well, I had assumed you were a student who was trying to sneak off early, but I stand corrected, then.” He looked around my slowly filling space, a slight amusement hiding in his gaze.
“Yes, sorry, I had caught you at a bad time, I was hoping to introduce myself, you know, trying to make a good impression. Feels like the first day of school all over again.” I laughed, bringing a hand up to brush away a stray strand that had somehow managed to escape my bun.
“It’s alright, don’t stress about it. And trust me, I get it. New jobs are scary.”
I huffed, looking out at the sea of judgmental young people that I now would have to face after that fiasco. Lovely.
“You could say that again.”
We sat in a comfortable silence for a short amount of time, the clock striking 2:30 being what woke me from my trance.
“That’s my queue.” I gave a small wave as he walked off, a smile spreading across his face at the motion.
I turned to my teaching assistant, fully believing he was out of earshot.
“Il un a visage gentil, eh?”
She only laughed, nodding her head and plugging in my macbook, allowing the screen to come alive with a flurry of colors in my powerpoint.
“Hi guys! Or should I say bonjour!” I paused, receiving a few chuckles in the crowd.
“I’m sorry for getting us started so late, I had a small mishap. I’m Dr Y/n Y/l/n, and I am your professor this year in the French undergraduate course, where you will have the opportunity to study medieval literature, modern day linguistics, and much more, which I will get into later on.
 We here at Oxford have the single largest French department in Britain, which we have come to have extreme pride in. We also have a french cultural center, where you will find a large selection of programmes and literature to choose from. If you haven’t yet checked it out yet,” I briefly looked up, seeing Gwilym still stood at the top of the stairs. He gave me another small smile, crossing his arms.
“Sorry, lost my place. Where was I?”
After class, I walked up to where the tall man had now moved to the side, allowing students to flood right by him.
“Gwil, hi!”
“Hi to yourself.”
I blushed, the feeling of fuzzy-ness once again flooding my entire system at just the brief statement. Odd. Extremely odd.
“That was very nice, I have a feeling this class will be quite popular in the coming years.”
I smiled and nodded my head. “Thank you, I appreciate it, truly. Although, I must say that I can tell everyone is racing to get a spot in Professor Gwilym Lee’s class 100% percent.”
He cocked his head, slimming his eyes.
“Really, you think so?”
We continued to walk down the long hallway, neither of us quite aware of where we happened to be going.
“Oh for sure, I can imagine you’re especially popular with a certain demographic, too.”
His confusion seemed to only grow, stormy blue eyes seemingly lost.
“What do you mean by that, exactly?” His voice slightly raised an octave at the end, earning a chuckle from me.
“Look, all I’m saying is that with looks like that, I bet your roster was full in seconds.”
I paused, the flow of conversation stopping as I came to terms with what I had just accidentally said. Out loud. In front of my new coworker, who happens to be incredibly gorgeous. A wonderful first day I’m having.
We resumed walking, a blanket of complete silence falling upon us all the way until we reached the entrance to the facility.
The chilly December air hit my face immediately, as well as droplets of rain that were falling so hard it felt like small bullets were grazing my nose, which I could barely feel after just a few moments outside.
“Here.” Gwil muttered, pulling out a bright red umbrella and using it to shield us both from the angry pellets sent from above.
“Ah, thank you.”
“Of course.”
Then it was quiet again between us both, minus the sounds of chattering students and the rain hitting and then sliding off of our cover, coming in contact with the ground with a final splat.
“You know,” Gwilym began, always the one to break the silence.
I hummed, turning my head in his direction.
“I speak a little bit of French, as well. And I think you also have a nice face.” He nudged my elbow and laughed, while I closed my eyes and sighed, hanging my head.
“So there really isn’t any other way I could possibly embarrass myself right now, is there?”
He only shrugged, scratching the back of his head. “Actually, now that I think of it, there might be one more thing I can think of?”
“What would that be?”
“Saying no to a cup of coffee?”
It was like I froze over completely, my mind suddenly growing blank when I needed it mostt.
“With me?” I asked, the question more aimed towards myself, a miniscule act of reassurance and affirmation.
Gwilym smiled brightly as he shook his head, and I swear, I had never seen anything more amazing.
“Yes, Y/n, with you.”
I stuttered, embarrassed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, specifically at my lack of verbal skills.
“Yes, yes of course, that sounds amazing.”
“Then what are we waiting for?”
He offered me an arm which I gladly took, and we started walking to the quaint campus cafe just across the street from our building.
It was the same cafe where (not that we knew it yet) the both of us would make many late night coffee runs together during midterms week, the stressful time growing to become one of our favorites as it was now filled with giggles and caffeine. 
Usually it would end up with one of us, that one of us usually being me, leaving a ring of coffee on the other’s ungraded assignments. Or even better, spilling an entire drink on the paper, only a “sorry!” written in Gwil’s rushed handwriting at the top of the curiously scented paper as explanation.
But as I said, we didn’t know that yet.
kinda gross but whatevs, like and rb if u did indeed enjoy it. mwah, go eat some protein, take an electronics break and drink some water. love u 
xx hj
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pouringcherries · 4 years
kaito prince au
sent one of my au ideas to @tokkiias (who is lovely writer and I love their kaimaki work!!) while on anon and they said that they’d like to know more about it! i finally feel brave enough to share the first part of the AU on a new side blog where hopefully I’ll stop being a baby and post more of my ideas! this is my first time posting anything like this so I’m really nervous, but if even one person reads it and likes my AU then I’m glad!! also this was supposed to be like... just the outline of the au but I got so into it and went really in depth 😟 anyways here is the first part and I hope u enjoy!
kaito prince au part #1
Both of Kaito’s parents, (who were king and queen) were assassinated by the very same kingdom Maki is from. This happened when Kaito & Maki were children. Due to Kaito only being 7 years old when his parents were assassinated, he was not old enough to rule. Kaito’s grandparents (the previous king and queen) were put back on the throne and also raised Kaito.
Maki is from and orphanage in a corrupt kingdom. The orphanage is used for scouting assassins and soldiers. The king directly chooses who he thinks would be of use to the kingdom for their dirty work. From the age of 8, Maki was trained in assassination and military tactics. From the age of 13 she started smaller assassination missions within her own kingdom. Now 22 years old and one of the most skilled assassins in her kingdom, she is sent on her biggest and longest mission- infiltrate Kaito’s kingdom, get information, and kill him.
Kaito is 24 years old. Due to the age of his grandparents, he is being pushed to find a wife in the next 2 years so he can become king. Women love him for his kind and cheerful personality, but even after countless dates and meeting many beautiful (and rich) women, he insists that none of them are ‘the one.’ Kaito must either find somebody to wed, or will eventually be put in an arranged marriage if he cannot find a wife in the timeframe he was given.
For Maki, getting into the kingdom and blending in with the common folk itself was simple. For about a month she stayed in a small hostel and spent the time memorizing her surroundings, as well as chatting up the local shop owners to see if she could get even the smallest bit of useful information that could give her a lead in her mission. One early morning while walking around at the local shops, Maki spotted a very fancy looking stagecoach pull in front of a small bakery. A woman exited the carriage first and went into bakery, followed by two heavily armored men who stood guard in front of the bakery doors.  Maki assumed that whoever the lady was; was picking up things for the royal family due to the armed troopers. Maki watched the woman from afar as she purchased something and spoke to the baker for a short while. When the women and guards finally left, Maki went into the small bakery and purchased one of the yummy looking pastries that was on display. The man at the counter seemed quite nice, so she questioned him about the woman who just left and asked if she was from the royal family. The nice man explained that the woman was a head maid and every week she would pick up goods for the royal family. With this new information, Maki came up with her first plan.
A week later, Maki entered the very same bakery and took a seat at one of the unoccupied tables. She purchased the same pastry she bought the week prior to snack on while she waited. And just as she thought, she didn’t have to wait long at all. The very same stagecoach she saw a week ago pulled directly in front of the bakery. The same woman came into the bakery with the same two guards standing watch outside. Maki listened carefully as the woman ordered a large assortment of baked goods and chatted with the baker while he prepared everything.
Now that she was closer, Maki could get a better look at the the woman who to her surprise looked quite young. Actually, she didn’t look much older than herself. The young woman began explaining to the baker about the castles lack of help due to many of the servants quitting. Apparently many of the workers were of old age, and they cannot keep up with the very long hours and daily tasks anymore. Maki saw this as a potential opening and waited for the conversation to end before she made her move.
Before the woman could leave, Maki went up to her and excused herself before explaining how she overheard the conversation about needing help, and that she was actually looking for a job desperately. The woman seemed quite surprised at first, but listened to Maki carefully. Due to the time, the young woman said she wouldn’t be able to talk about the job in depth on such short notice.. But because she appreciates Maki for taking the time to ask, she could set up a meeting at a later date and time. Quickly grabbing a napkin from a nearby table and a pencil from her front dress pocket, the woman writes a date, time, and location on it and hands it to Maki. The date is three days from now at 7 AM, and the location simply says ‘here’. At the bottom is a beautiful signature which reads Kirumi Tojo.
Three days later, Kirumi and Maki sat in the empty bakery and discussed in detail the expectations of servants as well as rules and restrictions. Just as Maki expected, you basically give your life away to this kind of job. For seven days a week and roughly fifteen to eighteen hours a day, you will be working to keep the castle in pristine shape as well as the surrounding land. Servants also set up banquet halls for important events, take care of livestock, clean stables and handle the royal families personal horses… And that was just a very small portion. Maki also learned that the head maids (or mistresses) such as Kirumi directly care for the royal families personal needs. And not surprisingly, a new servant such as Maki would not be allowed to come in direct contact with any of the royal family or tend to them.
Kirumi explained everything as quick and efficiently as possible, while giving Maki multiple outs if things seemed too overwhelming. Maki took none of them and continued listening intently until the young maid finished her explanations. Maki told Kirumi that she would take the job and that she could start at any time.
Prepared this time, Kirumi pulled out a small piece of paper and pencil from her dress pocket. She quickly began writing something, but didn’t explain to Maki exactly what. Before Maki could even question it, gloved fingers slid the folded paper across the table silently. Kirumi told Maki to follow the directions on the paper exactly, and to make sure that she was the only person to read it. After that, the young maid dismissed herself and wished Maki a pleasant day.
Once Kirumi was gone, Maki unfolded the piece of paper and read the instructions.
At 8pm tomorrow evening, a carriage will be waiting your arrival at the forge. Please hand this letter to the waiting guard. Come unaccompanied and bring only essential items.
The carriage will not wait any later than five minutes past the hour. Please arrive on time.
-Kirumi Tojo
- end of part 1 
 i’m not sure what to put down here.... but i guess if your reading this, thank you!! hopefully i’ll post part 2 soon!! maybe we’ll get to meet the prince next time ;) oh yeah one more thing, while i wrote this i listened to the song NO ONE by Lee Hi ft. B.I. i think if this AU had a song attached, that one would be perfect :). well. now it does i guess. watch the music video if you haven’t, and read the lyrics too!!!  
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joonsdiary · 4 years
the first date
↳ part two of the: (not) the love of my life series
pairing. ceo!seokjin x hotelier!reader (female) genre. arranged marriage au // humour with a dash of fluff and a sprinkle of angst word count. 3,0k
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chapter summary. having your first date after getting proposed to definitely seems backwards, but you’ll do anything to keep a semblance of ownership of your hotel.
     ⇀ alternatively. will seokjin live up to his reputation and sweep you off your feet? or will it be just another business meeting for you and him both?
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the proposal | the first date | the ceo’s keeper | the engagement
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“Did he say eight on the dot? Or a little after eight?”
Your heels clicked against the marble floor as you paced back and forth at the lobby of Hwang Hotel, irritating Joohyun who stood behind the front desk. You were unsure why you were feeling nervous like a teenager. It wasn’t like you haven’t gone on dates either — you had just gone on one yesterday, no matter how terrible it had been.
“You’re making me nauseous,” she deadpanned but her complaint did nothing to deter your rhythm.
“Good. I’m glad I’m not the only one.”
“What’s got you so jittery, anyway?” she picked up a clementine from the complimentary bowl in front of her and began peeling the fruit carefully. “I thought you said this morning that you weren’t going to let him under your skin.”
“I’m not,” you snapped at her, but she only gave you a smirk. “I’m just unsure how this will go. He’s practically well-versed when it comes to the female anatomy.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” she teased, and the realization of your statement sent your pulse humming. You snatched a piece of orange from her, the taste of citrus reminding you of the night prior. “The bashful look on your face says it all, honey.”
She winked, and you could only reply with an eye roll.
“You’ll be fine, I’m sure you’ll knock him dead with your usual charm.” Joohyun encouraged.
“I don’t even know if we’re on the same playing field,” you chewed the bottom of your lip nervously.
“If anything, you’re way out of his league. Trust me.”
You rolled your shoulders back in an attempt to calm down.
“You’re right. If anything, this will be exactly like a business meeting. I mean, it’s not like any of this is real anyway.”
But the façade can only go so far before you began breaking down once more.
“Why did I even agree to this?” you groaned, leaning the weight of your hips against the cold marble desk.
“Because,” Joohyun leaned over and grab both your shoulders, “you love this place too much to see it be gentrified by those good-for-nothing billionaires.”
“I don’t know…this place could use a little fixing up.” You turned your head to see Seokjin, immaculate as ever while donning a grey slim fit suit that accentuates his broad shoulders.  His shiny black shoes glint underneath the bright lights of the hotel, and you think to yourself how much more expensive they probably were than your whole outfit alone.
“Future wife.” He greeted, right hand hovering the small of your back. You flinched away from his touch and his frown doesn’t go unnoticed by you.
“Mr. Kim.”
He inhaled sharply through his gritted teeth and Joohyun snorted, unable to hold back her own amusement. It was your turn to wink at her before turning to address Seokjin.
“Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be. Let me just grab my coat.”
                                     *  *  *
“Where are we going?”
Seokjin stopped at a red light, loosening his grip on the wheel before turning his full attention towards you.
“You know that new restaurant a few blocks from— ”
“Absolutely not,” you looked up at him in horror, and Seokjin’s eyebrows raised inquisitively. “I was there last night, and it was the most terrible experience I’ve ever had. They barely served real food.”
You rolled your eyes and shivered with disgust to make your point, but Seokjin was more interested in why you were there, instead.
“You were there last night? Don’t take this as an insult, but I didn’t peg you as the type.”
The light turned green, and he cursed the traffic from taking his attention away from you.
“None taken. It was totally not my scene. But if you must know,” he felt you shift in your seat as you continued, “I was there for a date.”
Unprompted, Seokjin swerved to the farthest lane on the right, jamming his foot on the break. This sent you hurtling towards the dashboard, but the seatbelt thankfully held you back from getting hurt.
“Chateau’s it is,” Seokjin said resignedly. He didn’t like the new place either, anyway. It was more of his younger brother’s scene rather than his. He wasn’t sure what type of restaurant you preferred — or if you even cared for that matter — so when Taehyung suggested an allegedly popular place that had just opened, he’d agreed.
“A little warning would be nice.” You grumbled under your breath, but he didn’t make the effort to apologize.
He pulled his foot away from the break as he steered to the left, swiftly making a U-turn.
“Nice to know my fiancée is going around on dates. The press will love that, for sure.” Seokjin aimed for nonchalance, but his voice dripped with discontent more than he wanted it to.
“Oh, please, I barely garner any attention. And it’s not like we’ve officially revealed our engagement, so the public has no reason to speculate,” you stated pointedly.
She’s right, Jin. Be reasonable.
“Also, I was doing it out of spite for my parents.”
“Of course.”
Did that mean the dress you wore when he came by Hwang Hotel was because were on a date with some random egghead hours prior? The thought had him gripping the steering wheel tighter until his knuckles grew white. He thought you looked breathtaking in a classic mini black dress with your legs that went on for days. Seokjin licked his lips, his mouth running dry. Lucky bastard, whoever he was.
His eyes flitted briefly to your knees, only to discover it’s covered by cream-coloured slacks. Disappointment coursed through his veins when you’d dressed up more like a business arrangement rather than a dinner date.
Duh, this is a business arrangement.
“Besides, weren’t you also on a date just a few days ago? Daily Gossip said so.” He smirked at your accusation, and from the dim streetlights they passed through he could make out your unimpressed expression.
“You actually read that tabloid crap?”
“No. Yoongi told me.”
He did a double-take on the unfamiliar name. Was he the lucky date from last night? Seokjin would have to figure that out later.
“Don’t worry, future wife. Unlike you, I’ve been a faithful fiancé,” Seokjin grinned wickedly, liking your stunned expression a little too much. “It was strictly business.”
“With the president’s daughter?” you pressed on, unknowingly feeding his ego.
“Aren’t you ever the little sleuth,” he turned to you before winking. “We’re here, fiancée.”
He exited his side of the car before promptly opening your door. He took your hand, before placing it on the crook of his elbow.
                                     *  *  *
Seokjin ate up the attention like he was a man who hadn’t had a proper meal in weeks. You had your doubts about actual paparazzi showing up, but despite the last-minute decision to hightail to Chateau’s, the camera’s flashing in his direction. To be fair, it’s not as if they were all professionals; some were regular folks who just so happened to recognize him. You secured the loose strands of your hair and slid away from him without him noticing.
The moment of unbridled freedom only lasted a few seconds, as he wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer towards him. He leaned forward, lips brushing the tips of your earlobes.
“Don’t you dare move away when the cameras are pointed right at us,” his voice rumbled low in his chest, sending a shiver down your back where his hand rested comfortably.
“Um, we didn’t make a reservation. Unless you own the place, I don’t think we can get in on a whim,” you gathered your hands in front of you, unsure where to place them. Seokjin looked at you with slight amusement tugging the corner of his lips. Your eyes widened in late realization. Of course, he owns the damn restaurant.
As soon as he waltzed in the place, the waiter did not even bat an eyelash and immediately guided you to a semi-secluded spot near the back. It felt low-key enough for a private conversation, while also allowing a few eyes to speculate and linger.
“What would you like?” Seokjin asked as he flipped through the menu with a blasé attitude. You watched the waiter pour champagne in two flute glasses.
“Anything goes for me,” you shut your menu with a soft thud, not bothering to go through the whole list. You weren’t really feeling like dinner anymore, craving Yoongi’s sweet and sour fried chicken, instead.
Seokjin eyed you with suspicion, but you gave him a curt smile. He handed the waiter the menu and proceeded to order an array of delicacies without a pause. You’ve been to Chateau’s only once during your college days and only because you lost a bet, so it was probably safer to let him handle everything.
“At this point, I won’t be surprised if all the property in downtown Seoul belongs to you.”
“Don���t be ridiculous. I can’t purchase government buildings.” His arrogance seemed to prickle your skin, and every second he kept that ridiculous smile on made you want to claw your eyes out.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” you folded your arms protectively as the fabric of the blouse you wore chafed the skin on your forearm. It took you awhile to put together an outfit that didn’t seem to forward or eager (because you definitely weren’t eager) so, you went with something you would normally wear to work.
“You weren’t about the lawyer life your parents had, so you decided to go into business?”
Nodding mutely, his inquisition brought about your parents’ disappointed faces at your refusal to take over the family’s firm. Being their only daughter, your estrangement only placed a wedge on your already strained relationship. You were never attracted to their uptight lifestyle, and perhaps if you had a different outlook on how other lawyers’ lives were, you’d change your mind.
They weren’t always like that, however, especially your father. But things started changing when they you realized they were grooming you to become like them, which was something you didn’t want.
“Something like that.”
“You weren’t aware of them selling the hotel, though?”
“No. I was idiotic enough to trust them with the financial side of the business, thinking they’d somehow have better insight than me. They never mentioned the hotel had been swimming in debt for a while now,” you heaved a sigh as the food arrived. Undeterred by the presence of the waiter, you continued. “Then again it’s probably what they wanted so I’d crawl back to them and ask repentance for my sins.”
“The prodigal son,” he suggested. You laughed softly, nodding. “Is that why you’re pushing to finish your masters?”
“Colour me impressed, Mr. Kim. Your research is thorough,” he rolled his eyes, motioning for you to finish your story. “Yes. I only have this year left, and I’ll be done with my studies. I’m assuming you did the same?”
Seokjin shook his head, fiddling with a piece of meat on his plate with the silverware. “I could only stick it out for four years.”
“Because you were certain of your future as CEO.”
His head dipped in agreement. Must be nice to not have to question your own future.
“Until recently.”
“Well,” you smiled, picking up your flute glass in a mock toast. “You’re welcome. I’m here to whip you up in shape and help you secure the bag.”
“I’ll be forever indebted to you,” he raised his own glass before sipping, eyes not leaving yours.
“That’s not necessary. That’s why you’re returning my hotel to me, right? We’ll be even. Fair and square.”
He smirked but as soon as he saw your plate, his mouth formed into a straight line.
“Chateau’s cuisine not up to your standard?”
“It’s not that at all.” You stabbed your fork and brought the food to your mouth, chewing slowly before swallowing with difficulty. “Slightly traumatized by last night’s dinner, still.”
“With Yoongi?”
Your friend’s name rolling off Seokjin’s tongue was something you hadn’t expected, so you choke on your food slightly. You reached for the champagne, downing the whole glass. Seokjin reached for the bottle, giving you a refill.
“No,” you gave him a curious gaze. “I don’t even remember the guy’s name.”
He nodded mutely, but his aura had shifted once more from laid-back Seokjin to business Seokjin. You were sure you’re going to leave this restaurant with a whiplash.
“So…” you began, unable to bask in the uncomfortable silence any longer. “How did you get the epiphany?”
“What epiphany?”
“This whole I’ll-fake-being-in-love-so-I-can-convince-my-father-to-retire-and-hand-me-his-position charade.”
Seokjin’s expression was stoic as he answered. “It was Taehyung who suggested it.”
You sifted through your memory in an attempt to put a face to the name. When you didn’t say anything, Seokjin filled the gap for you.
“My youngest brother.”
Right. Three strapping sons of the Kim family.
You were ready to bring up more small talk to prevent the atmosphere from spiralling. But it was as if Seokjin remembered the whole purpose of the two of you being here and dove right to business.
“The engagement is going to be announced next week on a Friday, in case your parents haven’t told you.”
You nodded despite being unaware.
“The wedding is on Saturday — exactly three weeks from now. You don’t have to worry about the planning; I believe my side of the family is doing all of that. I convinced them to make it a small event, much to my mother’s chagrin.”
He rolled his eyes but didn’t elaborate further.
“It’ll be happening at my estate instead of Kim Hotel’s wedding hall. I thought the change of scenery would make it more intimate and believable, especially if it’s happening in my house.”
“Wait, back up — your estate?” you gave him an incredulous look.
“Why is that so shocking?”
“I thought you lived atop that lonely tower of yours, Rapunzel. I didn’t know you have a castle.”
Seokjin’s mouth curled up in the slightest, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared.  
“It was something I bought for myself after being COO.”
You felt like there should be a but that followed, but it never arrived.
“I’ll mail you the prenuptial agreement and anything else that requires your signature. It’s nothing we haven’t talked about before, but I’d like you to read it thoroughly in case I missed something.”
Seokjin’s head snapped up in confusion. The momentary show of emotion was a welcomed event.
“I’ll visit you in that giant building of yours and sign whatever you need me to. We’re supposed to be in love, so it would look better if I’m there because I just can’t resist seeing you.” You said the last words sardonically, not one hint of truth within them.
“Good catch, fiancée.”
The lightness in his tone made your heart leap, and you cursed yourself for being so weak. But the feeling doesn’t last, so you told yourself it’s just something new to get used to. Kim Seokjin wasn’t going to be a permanent fixture in your life, so you’ll have to find a way to keep him at arms-length but the same time, somehow stay unaffected by his hot-or-cold nature.
As the night wore on, and the vibrant atmosphere you initially had with Seokjin faded, completely flatlining by the end of dinner. Prior to getting on his red Porsche, he’d kissed your forehead while you stood stiff as cardboard. You asked him to drop you off at your hotel instead of your apartment and he did without much question.
“Night, Rapunzel. Have fun in your tower.”
Seokjin shook his head, lush lips forming a small grin. Maybe being fake-real-married to him wouldn’t be so bad.
Mr. Park’s friendly face greeted you as soon as you entered, and one look at the front desk told you Joohyun had gone home for the night.
“I’m afraid I didn’t see him come through today.”
“Oh,” you slouched defeatedly. Yoongi usually had weekend shifts, but this is probably a rare night when he’s off. You’d just have to fill him in through texts, then. “Thanks, Mr. Park. Have a good evening.”
“You too, Ms. Hwang.”
You made a quick beeline for Grigio, wanting to get coffee before you head up to your office. Jungkook’s familiar face behind the bar was a welcomed sight.
“I’m glad you’re here, at least,” you groaned, slipping into your usual spot. It was a little bit more hectic than the previous night, as Jungkook was evidently joined by another bartender you don’t recognize.
“I’m sorry, Ms. Hwang, I won’t be able to cook your cure-all soup for you,” Jungkook teased, pouring the contents of the cocktail shaker into a martini glass.
“I don’t need that tonight, thank god,” you propped both your elbows on the table and rested your chin on your palms. “I do need the best coffee you can possibly make for me tonight. I’ve got lots of work waiting for me upstairs.”
“You’re not staying?”
“Nah, I don’t want to bother you. It seems busy here tonight, which I’m glad, of course.”
He looked like he wanted to say something more but instead, he bit his lip and nodded. While he busied himself with preparing your coffee, your mind lingered to the night’s event. Sure, you hadn’t stayed long for a casual chat, but you did get a lot accomplished. The two of you coordinated on which days you were both free and planned a few more dates.
You can do this, Y/N. Just tough it out through the wedding and a few months of pretending. Then you’ll have everything you want.
Hope blossomed in your chest as determination coursed through your veins. You were never the type to back out of anything, so you were more than willing to leap over a few hurdles on the way to your end goal. As long as you kept your head clear of any other obstacles, winning the prize will be an easy feat.
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hope you enjoyed! feedback is always appreciated ♡
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Best Friend’s Confession
A Maeiso one-shot based off of a dream I had. Maehara confesses by text-ranting about how much he likes Isogai to his best friend, Isogai.
There are many feelings that you get when you fall in love easily. The smile that you can’t keep off of your face whenever you think of how cute they are. The want to protect them. How much you want to make them happy. The excitement of meeting them, talking to them, thinking of them. Those are all feelings that Maehara knows well, considering how easily he falls in love with a lot of people he meets.
But staring up at his ceiling on his bed, he’s pretty sure he can’t handle this one alone.
Seriously, he’s dealt with a heart beating fast, a mind that walks right into thoughts of whoever he’s crushing on the second he realizes he’s thinking, a hand that wants to hold the one he likes. It’s all normal at this point, something he’s well-accustomed to.
Unfortunately, his crush has never been quite as cute as Isogai, and he’s not sure how to fix the fact that his best way of expressing it would be the most aggressive keysmash in the history of keysmashes. Even more aggressive than the one Karma sent Kayano after he sent Nagisa his first pickup line.
He sighed. This is a crush he can’t go through alone, and he’s lucky enough that even as tired as he is after school, practice, and life in general, he knows exactly who he can confide in to feel better. 
He grabs his phone and scrolls over to his best friend, who he vented out his feelings for former crushes to hundreds of times before.
Maehara: JUST-
Feeling significantly less like his heart was fluttering like a baby bird trying to fly as it’s mom pushed it off a tree, Maehara gave into sleep with the comfort that only Isogai could give him without even saying anything. Such was the way of the crush/best friend.
When Maehara woke up and remembered everything he had done, he was about 5 second away from internally combusting, and -9 hours away from needing his sister’s advice on how to survive without loving Isogai.
Panicking (and screaming, though he won’t ever admit it because his sisters would never let him live it down), he went right to his phone and desperately went Isogai’s contact. Which took a while because he constantly changed it from Isogai, Prince Charming, <3Angel<3, or some combination of all three. Maybe if he was fast enough, he could delete the messages.
He was not fast enough, because that little angel who was more diligent than a rooster screaming at the break of dawn, as Isogai had already woken up, read it all, and responded.
Ɛ>Iso the Angel Prince<3: SBWQHBSQWDUWYGC
Ɛ>Iso the Angel Prince<3: thank you??
Ɛ>Iso the Angel Prince<3: I did not realize my unrequited love was requited??
Ɛ>Iso the Angel Prince<3: I love you too
Ɛ>Iso the Angel Prince<3: gn sweet dreams Hiro
Yeah, scratch “5 seconds away from internally combusting”, he already had internally combusted, and was currently dead and in heaven but also revived and more alive than ever.
His oldest sister proceeded to crash through his door. “Why are you screaming at seven in the morning? It’s a weekend,”
In pure panic, he explained everything that had just happened.
He regrets it after his sister tells his other sister, and they both tease him to hell and back for the next three hours straight until Maehara mentions something about the middle sister’s crush/boyfriend and they shift into teasing her mercilessly instead.
Sometime in that day, Maehara manages to ask Isogai out on a date. They spend the next day at a park and Maehara gets the two of them ice cream.
The end, or something.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated (by that if you tell me legit anything about what you think of this I will die of happiness and validation). Hope you enjoyed <3
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theartoftiinyideas · 5 years
the art of commoner slang
[tamaki suoh x fem! reader]
a/n: an oldie but a goodie (i guess¿? i hope). i love love love this anime where’s the second season goddamnit also, prepare for dumb shenanigans honestly what did u expect from this gang
word count: 1.6k (some curse words ahead)
summary: to you knowledge, here are the new trends for filthy rich people: 1. having flowers delivered to their doorsteps (check), 2. trying to woo innocent girls (you) with cheesy lines (uh.. that’s a check), 3. learning “commoner” slang (apparently so)
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Nope, you take it back, you can't do this, where the hell is the exit? Heck, where's the entrance? Where are you?
This was a nightmare. Ouran Academy wasn't a school for the rich and elite, it was a recreation of a gigantic maze for people exactly like you to get lost in. Normally, you were all for adorning architecture, but whoever designed this place was an idiot. Not to mention they clearly went overboard with the pink.
Your already evident frustration was growing more by the second as you continued to march down the silent hallways while mentally cursing the gatekeeper. ‘Go find music room three,’ he said, ‘it will be easy,’ he said. Easy my ass.
As weird as it sounds, you were currently trying to deliver an order of roses. But, like, a lot of them. You worked part-time for a company called Golden Petals, just so you could earn some extra cash. Apparently, the company was so amazingly successful that flower deliveries were a common thing. For filthy rich people, anyway.
Since you had no other tasks today, you decided to help your boss with one of the orders. But of course, the second you arrived at your destination, your boss got a phone call that his wife's water just broke. The poor man nearly fainted and immediately ran off to get a taxi to the hospital, leaving you to finish the job.
‘This baby better be cutest baby in the history of babies or else I'm gonna sue someone,’ were your thoughts as you turned a corner, surely walking past these set of windows for the 3rd time already. Who knows, you didn't know.
Wondering around, you were absolutely ready to start pulling your hair out, when you suddenly spotted the correct sign. In your utter relief, you broke into a sprint and without thinking sent the white doors flying as you entered the room.
In an instant, petals brutally attacked your face, some of it even landing in your gaping mouth. You heard a pair of laughs, but you were too busy trying not to choke to care.
“Oh, a new guest? We were just closing up, but no matter, we still got a little more time on our hands,” spoke a smooth voice. When you finished not dying, you glanced up at the guy in front of you. He was tall and slim, and carried himself elegantly.
“Tell me my dear, what brings you here?” he asked, his blond locks falling in front of his striking violet eyes as he outstretched his hand towards you.
“Um, business purposes?” You ignored his hand, not amused. His brows furrowed in confusion, taken aback by your harshly delivered words.
“I'm afraid I don't understand. You must be mistake-” suddenly his eyes twinkled, as if a lightbulb just popped for him.
“Oh, I see what your trying to attempt! Pulling the damsel in distress card with me, very tricky! I must say you almost fooled me, princess, but I'm highly experienced in this sort of thing,” he babbled on with wild hand gestures and graceful spinning.
“That's wonderful. I'm only here for the—woah!” The guy cut you off as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his side, an arm around your shoulder as he continued talking, explaining something about the other dudes in the room.
“So what's your type? Do you like the strong, silent type? The boy Lolita? Or maybe the mischievous type? What about the cool type? We also have a natural here! Or maybe,” he suddenly turned to you, slender fingers gently holding your jaw, “you want m–”
And that's the exact moment you've had enough.
“Get your hands off of me, pervert.” You didn't actually mean the accusation, but it sure had the effect you were going for. Blondie gasped and dashed three feet away from you, mortified.
“W-WHAT?! How could you say such a horrible thing?! I'm not a pervert! Mamaaa!”
A dark haired boy with glasses sighed as the redheaded twins began hysterically laughing.
With a soft chuckle, you made your way to Glinting Glasses man, as his appearance just screamed I'M SMART AND I HANDLE COMPLICATED FINANCIAL STUFF. You briefly explained your situation and he signed the necessary papers, thanking you at the end. Blondie was sulking in the corner, the others trying and failing to cheer him up.
“Is he alright?” you asked Glinting Glasses man, who had introduced himself as Kyoya.
“I’m sure he's fine. He tends to overreact and take things to heart when insulted.”
You frowned, feeling just a little guilty. You didn't mean to hurt his feelings, you were just still frustrated about almost getting lost. You smirked, and idea forming in your head. Blondie liked being dramatic? Game on.
“Oh, no!” you exclaimed rather loudly, throwing your arms in the air, “how will I make it back to the front gate, I don't know the way! Whatever will I do? If only there were a smart and handsome guy here, who could guide me back and save me!”
You saw Blondie immediately perking up at the suggestion, hoping to make things right with you. But unfortunately, the twins beat him to it.
“We could help you,” said one as he leaned his arm on his brother's shoulder.
“Besides, two guides are better than one,” reasoned the other. Blondie got up from his sulking corner at the speed of sound as he blocked the way of the redheads.
“Nonsense! Don't listen to these shady twins, princess! They're nothing but trouble! I'll be happy to escort you out safely!”
“Who you calling shady?!”
“You can’t just keep her to yourself, boss–”
You watched dumbfounded as the bickering continued. Kyoya and another guy with suspiciously feminine-looking eyes stood near you, eyebrows twitching. Okay, so your masterful plan wasn't going the way you hoped it would.
“Guys, cut it out!” shouted the smaller brunette besides you, promptly putting a stop to the three hosts' ruckus. “Tamaki, why don't you help her find the way back?”
Tamaki's eyes sparkled with joy as he abandoned the twins to squeeze the living daylights out of Suspicious Feminine Eyes.
“Oh, Haruhi, how thoughtful of you to think I'd be the better guide! You're right, of course,” he gloated.
“That's not it at all, senpai,” Haruhi grunted, “you're the only one who's currently available. Hikaru and Kaoru are failing biology so Ms. Young asked me to tutor them.”
The twins' eyes flashed with mischief as they sandwiched Haruhi between their bodies wearing shit-eating grins.
“Of course, how could've we forgotten? Sorry, Haruhi, let's go to our place and start this study session.”
“Biology is all about body parts, right? We could totally begin with studying each other's body parts.”
The two carrot heads were eyeing Blondie slyly, while he looked about ready to explode.
“Oh, no you don't! Don't you even dare- hey! Get back here you two! Bring back my daughter! Haruhiii!”
Tamaki frantically scrambled after them, but the twins were too fast. They cackled as they dragged a probably very confused and terrified Haruhi away with them. Tamaki slumped to the floor dramatically, his face absolutely devastated, while Kyoya just facepalmed and shook his head.
“Does this.. happen often?” you asked Kyoya after some silence, trying to cover your snickers.
“Often doesn't even begin cover it,” he sighed before taking out his cell phone, probably to take care of the roses.
You nodded awkwardly, rocking on your feet before you approached the white double doors where you entered. Guess you'll find your way back alone after all. You were almost at the end of the hallway when you heard shouting and stomping feet. You turned to see Tamaki skidding to a stop next to you, his expression significantly brighter.
“My most sincere apologies, princess, I shouldn't have acted the way I did back there. Especially in front of a new guest. It was rude of me.” His earlier suavity seemed to have disappeared as he glanced at you, nervously scratching his neck.
“Hey, it's cool. Don't worry about it,” you smiled reassuringly. If anything, you found the little fiasco in the music room quite funny.
“Oh, it's cool? Are you cold? I guess it can get a little chilly. Here, have my jacket.” His demeanour indicated concern as he draped his purple suit jacket over your shoulders so fast you didn't even have time to react. As your mind caught up to the situation, you involuntarily let out a laugh. Your eyes crinkled shut for a few seconds, so you didn't notice the slight red hue that crept up Tamaki's cheeks.
“No, not like that,” you giggled, “it's an expression. It basically means ‘it's okay’, only in a more breezy way,” you explained.
“Breezy? Like a wind?” Tamaki asked, totally lost.
You snorted unattractively and started walking, Tamaki falling into step beside you. “Forget the weather, man!”
As Tamaki escorted you back to the front gate, you introduced him to, what he called, ‘commoner slang’. He hung on every word you said, listening to you intently, sometimes asking a few questions. His glee was ridiculously contagious, and you found yourself grinning as he tested out new expressions. Him saying ‘dope’ in a really posh way was by far your favourite.
In no time at all, you were back at the gate, the empty delivery truck waiting for you. Tamaki thanked you for the roses, bid you goodbye, and ran back to the host club, eager to tell his friends what he learned.
You waved at his back, only realising you still had his suit jacket when he completely disappeared from sight.
i keep writing stuff i wanna continue with second parts help
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glitterblazercalum · 4 years
OKAY this one made me laugh so “I’m too sober for this.” “You don’t even drink.” “Maybe I should start.” whoever u want xoxo bella ps i did steal that sign off from you thanks love
well, it’s been a Long Time since you sent this. I started off writing something completely different that somehow took an angsty turn so here’s a piece of princess diaries!sos instead: 
On his way up to the 42nd floor of the Waldorf-Astoria, Michael reminisces about how much he used to love Thursday afternoons. He’d had the apartment to himself until at least seven in the evening, so he’d been free to play video games, completely undisturbed, right from the minute he got home from school.
Today, after school, he’d hurried into a town car, fumbled his way through changing into a more ‘princely’ outfit, whatever the fuck that was supposed to mean, rushed through as much homework as he could get done on the drive over to Grandmère’s hotel, and hadn’t even had time to grab a snack in between. The last one could probably be remedied fairly easily, if he was willing to subject himself to the ridiculous canapés room service always sent up when he called to request “snacks.” 
The royalty lessons, or whatever Grandmère had taken to calling them, were, without a doubt, the bane of Michael’s existence. Today’s was supposedly being handled by Pytor, Duke of Some Tiny Piece of Land, and Michael couldn’t think of anything he wanted to do less than get off of the elevator. 
At least with Grandmère, there was a sense of ease throughout the lesson, the ability to laugh at themselves. Grandmère had grown up like a normal person, so she understood where Michael was coming from. 
Pytor, on the other hand, was the most ridiculous person Michael had ever met and he’d clearly been raised as a royal; there was a sense of superiority and entitlement that lingered in the air around him almost as much as his god-awful cologne did. 
That same cologne is the first thing to greet him as soon as he finally musters the strength to step into the lavish suite that Grandmère is currently calling home. Calum immediately wanders off, apparently deciding that his role as a bodyguard need not apply any longer. He’s not wrong, considering how much security is milling around outside the suite and hotel, but Michael resents the lack of solidarity anyways. 
“Ah, Miguel! Wonderful of you to finally join us!” Pytor trills, sweeping into the room in a billow of floral-patterned silk. 
“It’s Michael. Genovians speak French, so it’d be Michael there, too.” 
Pytor waves a hand around and replies, “You say potato, I say potato.” 
“You just said it the same way both times. You’re literally proving my point.”
Pytor narrows his eyes at him and asks, “Weren’t you told to stop wearing those glasses?”
“I don’t remember anyone saying anything along those lines, actually. Maybe the cologne fumes are making you hallucinate?”
As Pytor indignantly draws himself up to respond, Grandmère’s voice echoes from down the hall, “Boys, get on with the lesson!”
With no shortage of barely concealed glee, Pytor says, “Today, we’ll be covering the art of charm. Charisma, as it’s often referred to, in association with my name. Flirtation. And perhaps… even seduction.”
He decides to ignore Calum’s cackling from the next room over and says, “Oh, hell no. If this gets anywhere near seduction, I’m abdicating and calling the authorities on you. I’m sure someone’ll find some fraud charges somewhere in your past. ” 
Pytor clicks his tongue in disapproval. “You Americans are overly concerned with the law.”
“Just get on with the lesson.”
Calum strolls back into the living room and smirks, “You know, I think I’ll stay and watch this one.” Michael contemplates smashing himself over the head with the physics textbook in his backpack. 
“So, Miguel —” 
“Not my name.”
“Putain, fine, have it your way. Michael, I’m going to use a — how you say… pick-up line on you.”
“That wasn’t a question. I will use the pick-up line, and you will respond as charmingly as you can, not that I expect much before I teach you my ways.”
“Calum, aren’t you supposed to protect me from danger? This is seriously endangering my emotional wellbeing,” Michael pleads. 
“My contract only covers physical danger. Emotional threats are beyond my paygrade.” 
“Fuck you.”
“You sure about that? Thought you liked that guy As—”
Michael slaps his hands over Calum’s mouth and yells, “Pytor, just get on with it already!”
Pytor’s expression somehow shifts to be even more sleazy than usual and, in a perfect American accent, he drawls, “Hey, baby, are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.” 
Internally, Michael is screaming loud enough to wake the dead, but he refuses to let Pytor know that he’s already gotten to him. “No, I’m from New York. Looks like we have nothing in common, bye!” 
Pytor is utterly unfazed and immediately fires off another one, “Hey, baby, are you from outer space? Because you’re out of this world.” 
“We literally just established that I’m from New York. Are you not even paying attention to what I’m saying? This is a terrible way to get someone to go on a date with you.” 
This time, there’s a tiny bit of irritation in Pytor’s voice when he says, “I thought ‘happiness’ started with ‘h’ but it looks like mine starts with ‘u’.” 
“Have you ever been tested for dyslexia? Many people go their whole lives without knowing they have it.” 
“For fuck’s sake, Michael, just flirt back. I’d like to get out of here before the sun rises tomorrow,” Calum interjects. 
Michael just flips him off in response. Grandmère conveniently happens to be walking by at that moment and gives him a disapproving shake of her head. 
Pytor continues with, “I’m not an electrician, but I can light up your life.” Where is he even getting all of these from? There’s no way real people have ever said these with the intention of flirting and succeeded in getting a date. 
Michael groans and flops fully onto the sofa, posture be damned. “I’m way too sober for this.” 
“You don’t even drink.” 
Michael whirls back around to Pytor and demands, “How would you— oh. Shut up, Cal. You don’t know about everything that I do or don’t do.”
“Knowing that is quite literally my job, so. Wrong, again,” Calum replies, looking infuriatingly calm.
“Well, even if I didn’t drink before, the last hour’ll be what drives me to start.” 
Pytor claps his hands together and says, “What a wonderful idea! I’ll go get some cocktails from the bar downstairs.” 
Before Michael can ask why he needs to go all the way downstairs when there’s a Costco-sized selection within the various rooms of the suite, Pytor has already left. 
Michael turns back to Calum and incredulously asks, “D’you think… I actually made him mad? Is that why he’s left?” 
Grandmère sticks her head back into the room to say, “You’ll have to teach me that trick, mon chéri. God knows how many times I’ve wished for him to leave but suffered through his presence in the name of decorum.” 
Michael shoots her a conspiratorial smile and says, “I bet he’d be even angrier if you let me leave before he comes back.”
Grandmère heaves a long-suffering sigh and decides, “I suppose that’s alright. Though, only for today. And I expect you to arrive exactly on time for Sunday afternoon’s high tea. We’ll be meeting with a baron.” 
“Yep, yep, I’ll be here!” he says, dashing around to gather all of his stuff together before she changes her mind. “Bye, Grandmère!
When he gets home, he still has an hour and a half to play Resident Evil 2 and he feels the joy of Thursday afternoons once more. 
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hopeishappinessff · 5 years
Holding Onto Hope: Chapter 54
There was something moist against the side of my face, probably drool. My head was pounding to the tune of what felt like a migraine. My body ached like I had an incurable strand of the flu. There was a throbbing pain in the side of my neck as if someone tried to break it. My eyes opened into slits and shut right back because night had turned to day and the light punched me dead in the face.
I made up my mind… somebody beat my ass and left me stranded on a mattress in an alley to die. That was the only logical answer to why I felt like literal shit laying on the softest surface. If someone stuck a pistol in my face and demanded that I tell them where I was and what happened to me, I’d be dead in a second. I really had no clue where the hell I was, how I got here, and why I felt this way… I’d never felt this way in my life.
Something wasn’t right though. I could feel my stomach contracting in and out of queasy knots… I was deathly afraid to move. As I inhaled slowly through my nose, not even air was agreeing with my stomach right now. Licking my dry as the Sahara Desert lips, I struggled to swallow and that was it… that was the icing on top of the cake. I was going to throw up.
It was now or never… mind over matter… all pain no gain… I needed to get to a bathroom, now! Bolting upright from the side of the bed that once cradled me into a numbing slumber, I blindly recalled my surroundings and moved to the right side of the room. There was a familiar door situated there and once I pushed through it, I silently thanked God that it was indeed a bathroom. I hurled my body across the small space and landed on my knees in front of the open seat in just the nick of time.
Everything I’d ever eaten from the day I was born flew like hot searing lava from my mouth. The vomit plus the excessive liquor I’d ingested just hours ago made my eyes water to the point that I was literally crying. God, I could only imagine how much of a hot mess I looked like right now. I continued to puke for what felt like hours, praying that no one would come bustling through the wide-open door, but with just my luck… I heard footsteps entering the room. I coughed, relieving my throat of a few small chunks that left me feeling like I had a sore throat, then quickly flushed the toilet because I was too embarrassed for anyone to see the revolting sight. Sniffling nonstop, I wiped at the corners of my eyes to rid myself of my vomit induced tears just as Hope waddled around the corner. I wanted to smile at the picture-perfect sight of her, standing there with a hand wedged against her widened hip… but by the time my eyes landed on hers, I was almost stunned by the peeved expression on her face.
“I’m sorry,” I blurted, quickly attempting to explain why I was a blundering ball of mess on her bathroom floor, “I got way too carried away last night and now I have the world’s worst hangover…”
“Your phone has been ringing nonstop all morning,” Her face held not one hint of humor as she tossed the phone down on the floor in front of me, “You might want to answer it. That number just won’t seem to stop calling… and texting.”
With furrowed brows of confusion, I glanced down at my ringing phone and frowned at the unknown number flashing on the screen.
“I don’t know who this is.” I muttered, evidently loud enough for her to hear.
“Check your text messages. I’m sure you know exactly who it is.” And with that, she turned and stomped her way back out of the bathroom and the bedroom altogether. Staring out after her, my eyes connected with her side of the bed and how perfectly untouched it looked, as if she’d gotten up sometime in the night and never returned.
My mind drifted back to what she’d said on her way out and I quickly looked back down at the phone just as it stopped ringing. Snatching it up from the floor, my thumbs scrolled frantically from screen to screen until I reached my messages and suddenly my heart stopped, my next breath got lost somewhere on the way up, and my entire body grew hot.
 From: 804-732-1001
3:32 AM
Hi handsome, this is ur new admirer… Rose ;-)
 From: 804-732-1001
3:37 AM
Hope u made it home ok. Miss ur sexy self already
 From: 804-732-1001
3:45 AM
Ur friend was a cock blocker at the strip, don’t u think?? We could have had so much more fun!
 From: 804-732-1001
4:01 AM
Until we meet again, handsome…
 There were a few more messages following that one, but I stopped abruptly after scrolling past a picture of her exposed breasts and the three piercings in the valley between them. And to think my drunk ass really thought Hope sent me a picture of her breasts last night…  no, it was this girl and she was a fucking lunatic! Though I still felt queasy as fuck, I got my ass up from that hard floor as fast as I could, leaned over into the sink to swish a bit of water around in my mouth, then I bolted back out of the bathroom. The migraine blazing through my head had me feeling like I would pass out at any minute, but I didn’t care about that… I needed to get to Hope, now.
I heard commotion in the lower level of the house and I flew down the stairs two at a time then raced around the corner into the den. The boys were all lounging in there, Dontay and Rashad included, but I didn’t care about them either… where was Hope?
“Where did Sy’Diyah go?” I blurted.
“The kitchen.” One of them said. I think whoever it was went on to say something else, and I may have caught the tail end of a question pertaining to Rose’s crazy ass, but I couldn’t give a fuck about that right now… my relationship was potentially over at this very moment.
I suppose I should have taken a bit more time upstairs to really consider how I was going to handle this situation. Or maybe I should have stuck around longer in the den to hear exactly whatever it was that whoever asked me. Because now I was standing in the doorway of the kitchen with four different pairs of eyes glaring at me and I immediately felt like a microscopic object beneath a lens from their cold, hard stares. It looked like the girls were all happily working together to fix up a nice breakfast, but the moment I set foot in their cook space that all came to a screeching halt.
“Sy, can I talk to you for a second?” I mumbled bashfully, keeping my eyes on her even as the other three stared at me like I had a disease.
“I actually think you should probably go home and get some rest, Chris.” That stung… she was the only one who ever called me Charlie and I loved it… I loved the intimacy behind it and I loved the way it sounded coming from her lips. Chris… sounded so basic and like I was in trouble.
“Please let me just… let me talk to you for only a second Hope.” I eased a bit closer to her, though she kept her back to me as she continued to dice a few tomatoes on a cutting board. She sighed and dropped her head back, turning only half an inch to barely face me “Just go home… please.”
“So ya’ll nigga’s really met some hoes at the club last night? And brought they nasty asses right in that section with ya’ll, huh? Fucking trifling as fuck…” Tameka said, surprisingly calm. I glanced at her briefly, but quickly returned my stare to Hope who’d turned completely to face me.
“Then have the audacity to bring that fuck ass nigga in this house, knowing he was on some hoe ass shit too! Ya’ll ain’t shit, I swear yall ain’t shit. Got a whole baby mama cooped up in the house waiting for your dirty ass to come home and for what… you already found your nut for the night at the club. You ain’t shit Chris and neither is that fuck nigga Kendrick!” Tameka started out fairly calm, stalking toward me slowly with a sharp tipped index finger aimed at me. By the time she reached the end of her rant, she was screaming and damn near running at me and it took Destani and Nalay to hold her back.
“Tameka, that’s enough!” Hope hollered, shutting down the whole charade before it could progress even further, “Can you guys just take her outside to cool off for a minute?”
The girls both did as she asked, but not without Destani sending daggers my way like I’d done something wrong to her… and to my knowledge, I hadn’t done a thing wrong to anyone. Hope waited until the back door shut before turning her attention back to me with a frustrated sigh.
“I don’t want to deal with this right now Chris. I just want you to go home and let me clear my head before you try to explain whatever mess you made last night…”
“I didn’t make a mess last night Hope. I’m not leaving here until you hear me out because I did nothing wrong. Just listen…”
“I don’t want to listen because there is nothing to hear. You have nothing to say to me right now. There should be no reason at all for some random girl to be blowing up your phone, sending you pictures of her breasts at four in the morning. There is no way you can explain that to me.”
I was standing close to the refrigerator at this point and because of that, it became my target within an instant… I could feel my right fist curling into a tight ball and before I could think back to any of my therapy techniques to get myself calm, my fist went flying.
“Just fucking listen to me!” I roared. I felt the rage building like a slow fire in my chest. I hadn’t felt it in so long thanks to months at a mental institution and medication to suppress it… it almost felt, good. Adrenaline also pumped so fiercely through my veins that I could no longer feel a migraine, or the body aches from a long night out… or my fist that’d just slammed into the refrigerator door. Glancing at the stainless-steel door, I froze at the sight of a visible dent in it. There was a whole dent in the refrigerator door… what the fuck was I thinking?
My wide-eyed stare fixed back onto Hope who was now cowering away from me near the counter close to the refrigerator. God… what had I done? I punched that got damn door and she was standing that close to it all along? This was… horrible. I felt like a fucking monster.
“Hope… I’m sorry…” I started to whisper and move closer to her… until she pushed her right hand out toward me… the hand that still held the knife she’d been using earlier.
“Don’t… just don’t. You need to leave, now.”
I could hear feet shuffling behind me… the boys had come to hem me up and drag me out of here. This is how it always goes, right? I make a fucking fool of myself by threatening my girlfriend. Allow my inner demon to unleash itself on the wrong victim, then I’m left to get hauled off like a criminal. That’s exactly what I deserved though. There should have been no reason for her to stand there with tears quietly trickling down her rosy cheeks, staring back at me in utter disbelief and disappointment. There should have been no reason for the fear that glazed over in her eyes… but there was a reason. Me…
“Hey man, what the fuck is going on?” Dontay was the first to reach the scene and he quickly snatched me up by my left arm and I let him. Clearly this was a volatile situation… Hope was still standing there with the knife pointed at me and her left hand was nestled protectively against her belly. My baby… how the fuck could I do this?
“God…” I muttered pathetically. Before any of them had the chance to round me up and ship me off to my mom’s house, I gently tugged my arm out of Dontay’s grasp, then quickly excused myself and rushed past them all and out the front door. What had I done?
I didn’t understand what had happened. Didn’t understand why it happened. Didn’t understand how he snapped… but he did. He charged right at me and only feet away from where I stood, he unleashed the power of an army of men onto a door that was so close I could feel the wind from his fist when he threw the punch. He took literally all ten steps back right at that precise moment. He was right back at square one. My heart shattered at the thought, I dropped the knife onto the counter, and broke down right there in the middle of the kitchen. To my surprise, Rashad was the first to rush forward to catch me before my knees completely gave out and he held onto me. He gripped me tight and stood there as I cried a river all over the front of his shirt.
The boys all crowded around like my protective saviors and I cried even harder… it never failed to amaze me just how much they cared. They were all like brothers to me and it truly warmed my heart to witness something as powerful as the circle of support they formed around me. I stood there crying with them huddled around for a while and by the time my tears slowed down to soft whimpers, the girls had reemerged from the back patio.
“Babe, what’s wrong? What happened?” Destani burst through the door and practically snatched me right out of Rashad’s grasp, “What did you do to her?”
“I didn’t do anything. She just got a little worked up.” He explained, for the first time in over a year addressing her directly. I could feel her body tensing against me as she held me close to her like the overprotective friend she was. She clearly wasn’t expecting a direct response from him, but she didn’t let that show on her face.
She quickly schooled her features and sent a strong scowl his way “Where did Chris go?”
The thickest layer of silence washed over the kitchen. No one uttered a word and for that I was thankful. Lifting my head from Destani’s shoulder, I glanced at Rashad for a moment and conspicuously peered at each of the boys for a brief second before turning to her.
“He had to go home.” And I left it at that. This one would have to stay between the boys and I for now. I didn’t need any additional drama between the girls and Chris… I didn’t want this to escalate any further than it already had.
I wasn’t sure if Destani bought my lie or not, but she didn’t mutter another word… perhaps because Rashad was in such close proximity and he’d just spoken to her, something she wasn’t at all prepared for.
She stayed quiet even as I pulled away from her and turned to the boys as I wiped up the remaining remnants of my tears “We’re going to finish up breakfast now. You guys can head on back to the den and we’ll let you know when everything is ready.”
They each seemed to be fairly hesitant to walk away. They lingered there, staring at me as if I would fall right apart if they ventured too far away. It wasn’t until I cracked a reassuring smile to not only let them know that I was indeed alright, but to also thank them for coming to my rescue before they finally exited the kitchen one by one.
“What was that about?” Nalay asked after a few awkward moments of silence.
“Nothing,” I blurted quickly, “Everything is fine.”
We got back to work on the breakfast I’d promised the boys, me being the first to get back to my work station. The girls all followed suit and of course I could feel a piercing stare from the other side of the room. I knew it was Destani. She was looking for answers because clearly something had just gone very wrong. But I didn’t have anything for her. At some point I needed to learn how to manage my relationship all by myself without running off to my friends searching for advice. Lord knows I loved them all as if they were my own sisters, but…  I felt like I needed to be a big girl about it and for once, keep my mouth shut. Not to mention, I didn’t want his own childhood friends passing judgement on him the way Tameka had done only minutes ago. I felt like I would tarnish his relationship with these girls if I blabbed about what went down just before they came back in the house and I wouldn’t dare risk that.
The remainder of breakfast was cooked with light conversation that was started by Nalay who, of course, never failed to take it upon herself to sense anyone’s distress. She seemed to sense mine in an instant and I truly appreciated her for that.
My aunt had gotten home not long ago and was upstairs knocked out, somehow through all the commotion. So, we summoned only the boys to come join us out on the deck for breakfast. I noticed that Tameka made it a point to ignore Kendrick, who’d made it a point to sit right beside her. I smirked at the sight… he needed to give her time, she would come around eventually. I felt a sudden pang of guilt as I sat there surrounded by their lively conversation and laughter once my eyes drifted for only a second in the direction of Ms. Joyce’s house… maybe I should have just listened to him. I should have given him the opportunity that he begged for to explain himself to me. No… I had to continue to think strong and not give in to my soft spot, which was him. He needed time to cool off and get his mind together and I would give him just that. The episode that he’d had in the kitchen came as a complete surprise to me, so I needed him to get a grip and fast.
 The entire day had nearly gone by, everyone had gone home, and here I sat on the couch in the den watching a documentary on Netflix… alone. I hadn’t heard from Chris since the incident this morning, not even a single text. It surprised me to a certain degree, but I was okay with it. He needed this… I needed this. I was almost proud of him for not caving in and reaching out to me because just as he was a soft spot for me, I knew I was that plus more for him. I remembered like yesterday when my loved ones used to insist that he had a heavy reliance on me… Destani and my aunt would constantly drill me with the story of how much I meant to him and how he seemed to barely function without me. Over the past year alone I’d learned the ugly truth of his extreme dependence and though I vowed to never leave his corner, I needed him to figure this one out on his own.
I’d gotten so sidetracked by my own thoughts that I failed to realize that my latest documentary had just ended and I was sitting there in complete silence. But my thoughts were so loud, I couldn’t even hear the silence in the room.
I almost laughed at the realization of myself sitting there on the couch, all alone, with no one to keep my company… I wasn’t used to it at all. The silence was short lived when I finally started up yet another documentary and seconds after that, I heard light footsteps padding down the stairs.
“Hey baby, you hungry?” I nearly forgot my aunt was even home and I quickly swung around with a smile to face her.
“Oh not right now, but I’m sure I will be in about an hour or so.” I said.
“Well you just let me know when and I’ll whip something up for you,” She drifted further into the den and plopped down on the end of the couch I was sitting on, “What you in here watching girl?”
“Just some nonsense on Netflix, but you can change though.” I extended my arm out with the remote in my hand, but of course she shook her head and refused to take it. If only she knew just how consumed I was with my thoughts… I’d barely been watching much of anything on the TV. We both turned our attention to the television and sat in a comfortable silence for a while, but eventually I could feel her stare against the side of my face.
“Have you talked to your dad or Tawny lately?” She asked.
With a smile I nodded and glanced over at her “I spoke to Tawny last night and I’m actually scheduled to talk to her again in about an hour and a half.”
“You’re scheduled to talk to her, girl what?” She laughed.
“Well she made me promise to make myself available every night around nine-thirty so she can facetime me to check in.”
She continued to laugh as she shook her head and sighed “That girl is something else, I tell ya.”
“I talked to my dad a few days ago. They’re really excited to get here. Every time I talk to him, that’s all he talks about.” I giggled.
“Aww, well I’m glad to hear that. I know I talked to him yesterday evening and girl when I tell you I’ve never met a man more excited to be a grandfather.” We both laughed and after a while the layer of silence washed back over us. My aunt’s eyes were still fixed on me… I could feel it. It’s almost like there was more that she wanted to say, but for some reason she was hesitating to say it.
“Sweetheart,” Turning my head to face her, I stared into her concerned eyes and waited for her to speak, “Is everything alright”
My immediate instinct was to nod and tell her that everything was fine, but… I would be lying to her if I did. And if I lied to her, she would know it.
Dropping my gaze to my twiddling fingers atop my belly, I sighed “I don’t know.”
“Mmhm, you know Auntie knows her girl. What’s on your mind baby?”
I sighed, yet again, and shook my head. My thoughts were all over the place so it took me a while to get a grip on at least one so that I could properly convey it to her “I’m just… I’m so confused Auntie. I guess I’m starting to wonder if Chris and I are ready to enter parenthood together.”
“You don’t think you’re ready for parenthood?”
“Well,” I paused, glancing over at her and silently egging myself on to just let my thoughts flow “I don’t think he’s ready for parenthood. I mean, I know he already has Jaylen, but… he barely gets any interaction with him.” “Well what makes you say that? What happened that’s got you thinking he’s not ready?”
“He went out last night with the boys. He actually didn’t even want to go, but I wanted him to because I thought it would be good for him. So I talked him into going and he got home really early this morning, and… he must have met someone out last night...” I was almost too ashamed to give any details about this half of the story because this part was only a reminder that, perhaps, Chris hadn’t changed.
“And why do you say that? What makes you think he met someone?” My aunt asked, sitting up a little straighter in her seat.
“His phone was ringing nonstop after he got here. Over the past few months I’ve been sleeping as light as a feather, so it woke me up and I got up to silence it. I didn’t mean to go through it… I really didn’t. I didn’t even look through anything, I just… I saw the text messages that came in between the phone calls and… it was just easy to tell that that was someone he’d met last night.” I kept the story at that… didn’t bother to go into any details about what was said or the picture that was sent. This wasn’t something I’d ever openly discussed with my aunt… Chris’s infidelities. It made me feel uncomfortable to even think about sharing that embarrassing truth with her.
“Hm, well have you had a chance to talk to him about it? Did he explain to you who this person was and why they were calling him at that hour of the morning?” My heart dropped at the sound of that question… I hadn’t had a chance to talk to him about anything because he snapped and I silently threatened him with a knife before I could.
“No ma’am.” I spoke so lowly with my head dipped in shame, I was sure she probably hadn’t even heard me.
“Maybe all you need to do is talk to him baby,” She leaned back into the cushions of the couch and crossed her arms over her chest as she laughed, “I bet it’s just all these hormones you’re dealing with that had you overthinking and jumping to conclusions, right? Talk to him… I’m sure he has some type of explanation.”
Slowly shaking my head, I licked my parched lips and stared at her with brows twisted in defeat “He snapped in the kitchen this morning Auntie. He tried to explain himself to me, but… I didn’t want to hear anything he had to say, so… he snapped.”
She froze in place and stared at me blankly for a while, almost as if she was registering exactly what I’d just said “What do you mean, he snapped Sy’Diyah?”
I had two options at this point. I could either continue this story in its entirety and inform her of the new dent on the front of her refrigerator, or I could just let her mosey on in the kitchen and discover it for herself. I sighed and shook my head…
“He wasn’t too happy with me cutting him off and refusing to let him explain himself. So… he punched the door of the refrigerator. And in response… I stuck a knife in his face.”
The room grew deathly silent then, with the exception of some British man discussing the southern pacific on the documentary that was playing in the background. I was afraid to look up at her. Afraid to discover the shock and disappointment on her face.
“Sy’Diyah…” Her voice was hushed and the sound of it tempted me to turn to face her, but I couldn’t, “Look at me baby.”
“Is he ready for this Auntie?” I mumbled feebly. I could feel that familiar heavy feeling of my throat closing, preparing itself for an onslaught of tears. This was indeed a difficult reality for me to grasp… the reality that I had a boyfriend who suffered from two different illnesses that wreaked havoc on his mental and emotional stability.
The cushion of the couch directly beside me dipped with her weight and I continued to stare down at my hands, even as she reached in to lace her fingers over the top of mine.
“I can’t answer that for you honey. I can’t…”
“Auntie,” The first tear fell and I quickly reached up to swipe it away… I was so tired of being the world’s biggest cry baby, “Did I make a mistake?”
The cool tips of her fingers suddenly tickled at the bottom of my chin, applying the slightest pressure to get me to lift my head. She stared into my pain-stricken eyes as if reading my soul and her face morphed into about three different expressions until she finally settled on sorrow. I felt her arm slither along the back of my shoulders and suddenly she was pulling me forward, tugging me into a hug only she could give.
“You did not make a mistake sweetheart. Remember what I told you when you were a little girl? You were only about ten years old and I told you… nothing you do in life should be branded as a mistake or regret. Every decision you make, good or bad, shall teach you lessons, help you grow, and make you the person you are with each passing day.”
“But, I… I… I don’t know if this is a good idea anymore. I don’t know if I can handle this Auntie. I love him, so much… but… I have a child who needs my love now. She is my priority. It’s my job to make sure she’s safe and secure, no matter what…”
I sobbed against her chest as I listened to my own words. I had never, ever, in the entire span of time that I’d known Chris, spoken of him this way. Like a… a criminal. But here I was, mapping him out to be some violent stranger who was going to do harm to my daughter. He was her father… he would never hurt her. Yet, why did I feel so conflicted and compelled to… question his stability?
“It’s okay darling, trust me… it’s okay,” She cradled me close to her, my head rested comfortably between the crook of her neck and her chest and her right hand caressing my hair and the side of my face, “You know, when you were only one week old and your father placed your tiny little body in my hands and asked me to… to take you and care for you, I became a mother at that precise moment. I’ve obviously never had children of my own, but when the instincts of a mother kick in, it simply can’t be ignored. It is your duty, Sy’Diyah, to love and protect this little girl with everything in you. I recognize that that desire will never, ever leave you… because you are your mother’s child, you will be a phenomenal mother.”
I felt like a little girl with the way she held onto me. I guess I hadn’t realized it, but… I needed this. I needed my Aunt’s touch and love. I needed her guidance and soothing words of wisdom. She was the only mother I’d ever known… I needed her maternal touch.
“And one thing I do know honey, is that the young man next door… the father of your child… he is the love of your life. You two were created especially for one another. God crafted you, and only you, with the ability to love that boy in a special kind of way that even I can’t fully comprehend. I don’t know the ins and outs of your relationship. I don’t know what makes the two of you tick. But I do know that you would both be heartbroken if you gave up.”
Sniffling quietly against her chest because my tears had subsided, I blinked slowly and sighed… every word she’d just spoken eased me back to my senses and I felt a thousand times better. I raised a hand to wipe the remnants of my straggling tears and lifted a hand to my belly. My baby… I prayed that God gave me the strength to be at least half the woman that my Aunt is for me, for this child.
“Thank you Auntie. You don’t know how much I needed that.”
“Oh I know exactly how much you needed it girl, I was just waiting for the day.” She laughed. Pulling back away from her, I turned to face her with a raised brow “What do you mean?”
“You know that motherly instinct we just talked about? I just… knew.”
I smiled and swept a few strands of hair away from the side of my face that’d gotten stuck from my tears “I really hope I can be all of what and who you are for my daughter. I’ve never met a woman with your strength and knowledge.”
She grinned, hard, and snorted through her nose with a shake of her head “If only you knew your own strength. This little girl… she’s already blessed and she doesn’t even know it.”
I felt the warmth of her palms against the sides of my belly and I peered down at the sight… yeah, baby girl was tremendously blessed.
“Now, my suggestion for you is to get some rest and focus on this pregnancy. Don’t stress yourself with anything or anyone. You should be resting and nesting right about now, not worried about some knuckled headed, love struck boy who had a hissy fit against my refrigerator.”
She laughed and I laughed right along with her… I really did feel bad about the fridge.
“He’ll come back, just give him some time. Ya’ll are deeply in love, true enough. But perhaps a little bit of a break will do you both some good.”
She was right… I loved Chris with everything in me, but now more than ever… we did need some time apart. I just hoped that he would feel the same.
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Nova Bright- Chapter 4
(Thanos x OC)
I am so so sorry that it took so long for me to get this out. I had gotten stuck with it for a long time.
I paced back and forth in my cell. Ugh. What had I been thinking kissing Thanos? Like I would have had a choice anyway. I ran a hand through my hair and tried to steady my breathing. Had I betrayed Loki? Not really. Loki was dead. But at the hand of Thanos. I rubbed my arms. Damn I wished they would hurry up with my new room. Now that knew that they were making this room colder on purpose, I was more than ready to move out of it. I replayed what had all had just happened again in my head. What was this place called Knowhere that that alien had been talking about? Had it had anything to do with the Infinity Stones? Gods, I hoped not. The bastard already had two of them. And I still didn’t know what Thanos wanted with me. I covered my face with my hands. Why did I have a feeling I was about to become a pawn in the most epic battle of chess this universe would ever witness?
I heard a familiar crackling sound and turned, lowering my hands as I did so. Neri came inside.
“Boy am I glad to see you,” I told her.
I could have hugged her, but I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable.
“Your chambers are ready, Lady Nova.”
I quirked an eyebrow at her. Lady Nova? What was with the formalities all of a sudden?
“Thank you, Neri.”
She gave me a weak smile. “So you know my name.”
“Thanos told me. So you give him updates about me?” I crossed my arms over my chest.
“He sends me to take care of you.” She folded her hands in her lap. “I also am to tell you that he wishes you to dine with him.”
My eyes grew wide. “Really? So soon?”
“Do you wish to? I know I had said for you not resist him. But I do not wish for your discomfort either.”
Neri scowled. She idly rubbed her wrists. I had noticed her doing that before. It made me go back to my original assumption about her being a prisoner.
“I dunno.” I shrugged. “I guess I kinda want to. I am very curious of as to what he wants from me. I know I shouldn’t want to be anywhere around him considering what he just did not even hours ago.”
Had it just been hours? And my anger and sense of loss was actually starting to die down. Damn. I must be more far gone than I thought. Being with Loki for so long must have really desensitized me.
“If you wish to decline, I can tell him you are too tired.”
“No, I’ll go,” I responded dolefully. I glanced down at the floor and scuffed my boot against it. “I don’t want you to get in trouble. Besides,” I gave her a shy smile, “maybe we could be friends one day.”
She smiled at me, a genuine smile. “I would be honored, my lady.”
I cringed inwardly. The last people who had called me that were all dead. If there were any parts of them still left. I still didn’t know what had happened to me and Thor’s ship after Thanos had taken me.
And I never wanted to either.
I stared down at the outfit that was lying on my new bed. I don’t know who picked this out, but whoever it was had a killer sense of fashion. There was just one problem.
“Is that the top?”
There were two pieces to my new outfit. I pointed to the much, much smaller one.
“Yes,” Neri replied as if she meant to say ‘of course, dumbass’.
I picked up the shirt by its straps and held it up in front of me. It was a shimmering light green, perfect to match my eyes. The design was asymmetrical, with the right side coming down to just a little under my breast. The left side went down to my waist. The straps were as wide as those of a halter top.
“You know, I think Thanos wants us to be twins,” I muttered sardonically.
When Neri didn’t respond, I glanced over at her. She was standing next to me. She tilted her head sideways at me.
“Oh. It’s uh,” I tilted my head side to side. “People who look exactly alike who are born at the same time. Brothers or sisters. Or in our case, it would be people who are dressed alike.”
She smiled at me. Yeah I was gonna have to get this chick to open up more. I so badly wanted to hear her story. But first I had to get changed and get wined and dined by the big boss man. Neri left the room so that I would dress. The top fit me well. But the skirt was a bit snug. What can I say, when you get used to hanging out with Thor and his friends, you learn to develop an appetite. There was a slit in the skirt that came midway up my thigh too. There was no mirror to see myself in, but I glanced down at myself and smiled. Not because I thought I looked good, but because I was still wearing my grey boots. Yep that was me—part chic, part tough girl. As an afterthought, I decided to braid the left side of my hair to help add to my warrior goddess look. Finally I threw open my bedroom door. Neri was standing there. I spread my arms wide. “Well? How do I look?” She gave me a quick once-over. And then she smiled. “You look...lovely.” “You think Thanos will like it? I decided to put my hair up.” “Well we shall see.” She gave a nod, her hands folded in front of her again. I wanted to grab her arms and shake her and say ‘loosen up’. Everyone had been so stiff on Asgard. So formal. Which was probably why me, Loki, and Thor had all gotten along together so easily. We all fit into that gray area. Formal but badass. Is that why Thanos was so interested in me? Had Loki told him about me and Thanos had thought, hey maybe me and this chick would get along?
My nerves could not have been any more on edge as Neri led me to the dining hall. I don’t know why I was so nervous. I had already been up close and personal with Thanos. It’s not like he was going to throw me on the table and start fucking me right there.
Was he?
Neri led me to a room with large double doors that were almost as wide as the hallway. Two burly guards were standing right outside. As we neared, they grabbed the handles and pulled them open. As soon as  I caught a glimpse beyond, my jaw dropped. The room was long and not near as big as I had imagined it would be. It was mostly filled by a long table with chairs to sit several people on each side. Thanos was sitting to my right. He was holding a goblet that looked to be made of gold and was just lifting it to his lips as we walked in. But it was what lay straight ahead of me that really caught my attention.
A large oval window adorned the wall. I could see the stars beyond. The frame was a dark metal, with metal arms extending towards a smaller circular window in the middle. It reminded me of a dark, celestial egg. Thanos’s head turned towards us.
“Ah. Neri. I see you got my guest to take up my offer.”
Always the epitome of calm. Bastard.
“My lord.” Neri stopped and bowed her head. “I have brought you the lady Nova as requested.”
I raised an eyebrow as my head swiveled back and forth between the two. What the frick, you guys? I wanted to holler.
Thanos smiled at her. “Thank you, Neri. You have always been so…accommodating.”
Aha. Master and servant with a sexual twist. And then a thought occurred to me that made my stomach drop like a stone. Had he ever forced himself on her? Surely when they were together, it wasn’t because she wanted to be. Would he try to force himself on me next if I decided I didn’t want to have sex with him? Would he split me in half trying to ram his giant-
“So, Thanos, this looks like a pretty slick room.”
My voice was chipper, but my stomach felt like it had rabid chipmunks trapped inside it.
Thanos regarded me with a curious expression. “Slick?”
“Uh…” I felt my face flame up. “Cool. Nice. Sorry you must not know much Earth lingo, you probably don’t visit there very much.”
I was rambling. Thanos raised an eyebrow at me and I could see the corner of his mouth lift as he lifted the goblet to his lips again and drank. I wanted to run back to my room and hide. Not out of fear, but because I was clearly making a total fool of myself in front of this powerful warlord.
“Do you miss your home, little one?” He set his goblet down.
I was guessing he meant Earth and not Asgard.
“Yes. Earth.” He started caressing his goblet with his thick fingers.
I took a really deep breath and let it out. “Sometimes. I miss my friends. The Avengers. I don’t even know where they are or if they would even still speak to me. Not after what Loki tried to do to…”
And then it hit me. Thanos had known about New York. And he had said earlier that he and Loki had a history together.
I glanced up at Thanos from under my lashes. My voice was flat as I spoke my suspicions. “You were the one who sent Loki after New York, weren’t you? He was working for you. So were the Chitari.”
Another grin. Part of me wanted to smack that smug ass smirk right off his face.
“So you’ve figured it out. I was hoping you would eventually.”
“Why?” I drew the word out. I was so confused now.
“Because I figured you wouldn’t want the details from the man who killed your…boyfriend.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “More of a partner, really. I think we’d been together long enough. And unfortunately, yes, I am very curious about what all transpired between you and Loki. But I’m sure that’s not why you invited me to dinner, is it?”
Thanos nodded. “A woman who likes to get down to business. I like that.” He gestured to the chair right in front of me. “Please sit.”
I cocked an eyebrow at him. Thanos was telling me please? I pulled out the chair and sat. It felt strange doing something so basic, like sitting at a table, with someone so much larger than normal people. It reminded me of being around the Hulk, except Thanos was a purple and a lot more suave and collected.
He gestured with his goblet to Neri. “Refill our cups. And bring our meal. Now that my guest is here.” He shot me a suggestive glance. I couldn’t help but blush. Neri went around to a small cart against the wall that I hadn’t noticed earlier. A pitcher lay on it. She filled both of our goblets and then returned them to us.
“Thank you,” I said when she set mine in front of me. Thanos said nothing.
I picked up my cup and glanced down at the dark red contents. I lifted it to my lips and took a small sip. Then another.
“This tastes just like…” I narrowed my eyes at Thanos, “pomegranate.”
“Are you shocked, little one?”
“Yeah. A little. I didn’t know what to expect. Maybe wine. Or something else entirely.”
“Pomegranates aren’t native to just your world. Maybe one day, when all is said and done, I can take you to where these came from. You can drink your fill.  And partake in…whatever else you like.”
Thanos placed his gauntleted hand on the table and moved it towards mine. The man was a relentless flirt. A wave of fatigue hit me.
“I have been through a lot this night.”
It wasn’t an accusation, just a reminder that I would need to sleep at some point, and not the kind of unconscious sleep that I had partaken in earlier.
“I know.” His voice was gentle. “And is that not the story of your life?”
My eyes grew wide. “And what exactly do you know of my life?” I asked calmly.
At that moment, the door opened. Neri came in carrying a tray of food. And there was another woman. They set our food in front of us and left. The smell hit me and my stomach grumbled. Even though I had just eaten not too long ago, the stress that I had been going through must have really hit me hard.
The girls left. I looked to Thanos, who had already started tearing off a piece of meat with his hands. I grabbed my fork. It was the same kind of meat and pasta looking stuff from earlier, but this time I could tell someone had spruced it up some.
“You were saying?”  Thanos said.
“Oh. My life. How do you know about it? Did Loki tell you anything?”
“Perhaps. But then, you were one of the Avengers, were you not?” He took a bite of his meat.
I chewed thoughtfully. “So you were spying on us? Through Loki or someone else?”
“You’d be surprised how far my eyes and ears have reached…And for how long.”
I started to remember my past. Had he been watching me in particular? Did he know about the School? About my parents?
“Let me ask you this…”
Uh oh. Thanos had raised his voice. Time to get down to business. I squirmed in my seat and tightened my grip on my fork.
“If you could get revenge on all of those who have wronged you…would you?”
I scowled at him. “It’s not that simple.”
“It is.”
I raised my eyes to the ceiling. “No…it isn’t. You know how many people I would have to wipe out? How many people have been afraid of me? Have hurt me? Have you ever been tortured? That wasn’t exactly a picnic. But you know what? I’ve moved on. You know why? Because people are people. They hate and fear what they can’t understand. Nothing is going to change that.”
“Then they haven’t met me.”
I slowly lowered my fork, my gaze falling to meet Thanos’s. What exactly was he implying?
“You want to destroy Earth?”
“I want to bring balance it. The whole universe in fact.”
I slowly shook my head. Crazy. Thanos was crazy. There was no other explanation.
“That isn’t possible,” I whispered.
But I knew it was. That was the purpose of the Infinity Stones. Of the gauntlet. I had to stop him. I had to warn the Avengers. But how? Even if I could escape and get back to Earth, I didn’t even know where they were. And Thor was more than likely dead, maybe even the Hulk too.
“Let us play a game, my dove. I believe you humans call it True or False.”
I wanted to flee. Everything in my body was telling me to flee. But I couldn’t.
I shook my head hard, my eyes on my plate. “Crazy. You’re fucking crazy.”
“True or false. You despise your parents for giving you to that institute.”
“I’m not playing this game.”
“True or false.”
“Go fuck yourself. I am NOT playing this game!” I stood abruptly.
Thanos reached out and grabbed my arm. I let out a yelp.
“You will do exactly as I tell you to.”
Thanos’s voice was quiet. Lethal. I tried to pull away, but his hand was like a steel trap.
“Answer me, Nova.”
“Alright. I hate my goddamn parents. Is that what you want to hear? True. I hate my parents!”
I leaned towards him as I spoke.
“True or false. You hate those who tortured you. Those who experimented on you. Who turned you into what you are.”
“I fucking HATE THEM!!” I screamed.
“Do you want them to die?”
I was shaking, I was so angry.
“Do you want them to go away, Nova? To cease to exist?”
I sank back into my chair. “Why are you doing this to me?” I asked in a quavering voice.
“Because Earth is a place for humans. And for those who like to play at being gods. But they do not know the power of a true god.” Thanos stood, still grasping my right arm. I was almost seeing red. How dare Thanos try to compromise me like this. He knelt next to me and held up my arm. “They do not know this kind of power.” I felt a strong jolt go straight through my arm and cried out. The metal clasp on my right wrist came open and fell with a clatter. My mouth fell open as my gaze shot from my wrist to Thanos’s face which was looming dangerously close to mine. “True or false. You hate not having your powers.” I nodded. What a question. “True,” I breathed. “True or false. You like the idea of the kind of power I can show you.” It was then that I noticed the power stone was lit up. I glanced up at Thanos. I tried to access my own powers and almost cried in relief as my hand lit up silver. Thanos looked at my hand and smiled. His gaze met mine. “Fate led you to me, Nova.” I didn’t say anything. Had it? Loki had never been a big fan of fate. He just believed in wanting something and then taking it upon yourself to retrieve it. No matter what the cost. Thanos’s face came closer to mine. “True or false.” “True.” Thanos’s face was now inches from mine. “True or false. You swear fealty to me.” My powers bubbled inside me like a volcano. My powers. The only thing I had ever been able to trust. Thanos was offering to give them back to me. In exchange for my fealty to him. What else can I say. I’ve always been a survivor. I grinned at my new master. “True.” I heard the clatter of metal on the floor as my second cuff fell off. Thanos leaned forward and kissed me. And I kissed him back.
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kunishirou · 6 years
Fandom: Marvel (Marvel Cinematic Universe/Iron Man/Captain America/The Avengers) Rating: Teen for cursing words Ship: Steve Rogers x Tony Stark Word count: 3k Other Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - No Power, Alternate Universe - Modern, Meet Cute Author’s Note: self-indulging fic since I’m still recovering from Infinity War, non-betaed so all mistakes are mine
Steve was okay with rejection.
Living most of his school and college life as a small, scrawny boy, people wouldn’t even look at him the second time and he was fully aware that he didn’t stand a chance for romance. A man with a skinny body like him wasn’t exactly...boyfriend material, no matter how much Bucky told him that people didn’t deserve him if they couldn’t see beyond his physical body. “If they couldn’t see your big heart and great personality, then they miss out so much, Steve,” he cheered him up one day after a ruined date. Then again, Bucky was his best friend, of course he would be biased.
And the slow growth spurt finally did a thing to Steve. He didn’t grow that extremely big or something, but he put on some weight and couldn’t exactly small or scrawny anymore. After working out together with Bucky (since his best friend insisted), people started to notice him and tried talking to him. As time went by, he was aware how people wanted to know him now because of his proper look now. To be honest, it was hurting him more than it already had, because he was sure that people began to notice because of his look now. He got a few more best friends like Bucky he could count on, sure, but not people who wanted to be a serious relationship with him.
So far, he didn’t have any luck finding someone who was interested not in his body, but to who he truly was. Until now.
Despite Bucky’s warning a few times, meeting Morgan on a dating site (he was desperate, alright?) was one of the best things ever happened to him. Steve deliberately didn’t put any of his pics on the sites, to see if Morgan was interested in his personality alone, not his body. And after a few chats and calls, maybe some pics trading as well, he decided that Morgan liked him alright, just the way he was. And he was happy, he really was.
Until, they decided to meet for the first time on a date, and he got a message from Natalie.
[ txt: Natalie R. ] is this the morgan guy you’re talking about? [ txt: Natalie R. ] you’re not gonna like it, but [ Natalie R. sent you a photo ] [ txt: S. Rogers ] what the fuck Nat? [ txt: Natalie R. ] Morgan. I’ve checked him to make sure he’s legit a person. Yes, he’s real, but he’s a douchebag as well. A playboy or sort, already got himself a few victims. Here’s a few links to Facebook you can look up to see what he’s doing. He doesn’t even bother to lock them up from public access or made it a secret. [ txt: S. Rogers ] wtf Nat why are you doing this?? I didn’t need you to spy on him like this! [ txt: S. Rogers ] you saying this guy, who wanted to go on a date with me the first time, is actually two-timing me with someone’s else right now? Is he actually lying to me? [ txt: S. Rogers ] talk about bad timing, Nat. can’t you wait until my date is over? [ txt: Natalie R. ] and let him play with your heart and break it into pieces afterward? I don’t think so
She got a point, though.
But he reassured himself that this was a misunderstanding and checked the Facebook, out of curiosity. Yet Natalie was right. A few minutes ago, Morgan posted some pictures of himself alongside a woman he never knew. After giving a few scroll, despite his brain telling him to stop torturing himself like this, Steve kept going, to the picture where they kissed like a lover, with some hashtags on the caption like #dating #girlfriend #bestgirl and a few sort of those varians. He would be lying if this didn’t already break his heart almost instantly.
[ txt: Natalie R. ] I’m sorry, Steve. I know I’m being a jerk right now. But I can’t let that guy ruined my best friend like that. [ txt: S. Rogers ] doesn’t matter. He already late for our date anyway and he looked happy enough with his girlfriend. Good for him. [ txt: Natalie R. ] how long have u been waiting now? [ txt: S. Rogers ] 3 hours at supposed to be our meeting point, I think. He didn’t read my messages or pick up the calls I made anyway. I’m gonna cancel the reservation now and go back home and moping, maybe [ txt: Natalie R. ] damn it. I will kill him for you if you wish for it, Rogers [ txt: Natalie R. ] I’m so sorry. Should I call Bucky to pick you up? I’ll call Sam to come over tonight too [ txt: S. Rogers ] no, don’t. I just want to be alone tonight [ txt: Natalie R. ] tomorrow, then. And no buts. We’ll come tomorrow to get you [ txt: S. Rogers ] ok [ txt: Natalie R. ] I’m sorry Steve, I knew you’ve been looking forward to this [ txt: S. Rogers ] it’s ok. I’ll live
There were a few more messages from his friends, but Steve didn’t bother to read them. He did send another message to Morgan, ‘lose this number’, before blocking him for good. He put his phone into silent mode and put it back into his pocket, groaning as he rested his eyes on top of his fists. Biting his lower lip so hard to prevent himself from becoming a sobbing mess in public because currently, he was in the little park near the main streets, waiting for someone who would never come.
He wasn’t going to cry this time, dammit. He knew he was out of luck with relationship and romance after all this time. Mainly because of his look before, no one even bothered to look at him when he was still scrawny. And now? People didn’t even care to get to know him at all and only after his body. And when he thought he finally could get a chance to be happy, somehow it would be ruined itself in the end before Steve ever tasted it first. For some reasons, the universe decided to give him all the assholes for his simple wish of love interest.
He didn’t want to blame his friends about this because they already warned it beforehand, but….
Steve worked so hard on this date, alright? He booked the restaurant with a front payment that cost a lot more than his few weeks overtime salary, he bought some new proper clothes to look as clean as possible, he even bothered to style his hair with Bucky’s gel that he still thought it stunk so bad. Heck, he even brought some flowers, no matter how cheesy and stupid it sounded like. He worked so hard to make the best impression, and Morgan didn’t even get a chance to see it. At all.
He was upset. He was allowed to be so upset about this.
Steve let out a shaky breath, a few tears already rolled out from his eyes and he angrily wiped them with his sleeves, but there were still coming and he hated himself for being so weak about this. He should be able to handle this kind of thing, he had been used to rejection or any other variations his whole life. But he was absolutely upset right now and he allowed himself to not care. Public attention would be damned.
He was so getting those Ben & Jerry’s big tubes once he calmed down.
* * *
That man was still there by the time the late board meeting finally finished and he blinked. Confused.
Tony had been looking—no, I’m not spying him, Jesus Christ, Pep—at the man who sat on the bench on that little park near his building. Since the meeting was on the second floor and the windows faced the said park, it was so easy to spot the blond from this room immediately.
It wasn’t his habit to observe people, to be precise, but he couldn’t help but look at the big blond down there. The man looked so nice and gorgeous with those suit, with hair neatly combed and styled, and there was a flowers bouquet sat next to the man. All the hints seemed obvious enough to him now.
Ah, waiting for a date, he thought. And whoever this man’s date was, they must be so lucky to have him.
Tony? Well, he didn’t have time or room for romance and shit, to be honest. His company needed him that much, that he didn’t bother looking for a loving partner, despite he was almost in his 40 sometime next year. He tried, a few times before, though sadly it didn’t come out as he expected.
Apparently, when you were working in the Stark Enterprise as the CEO, people would be (1) expecting you to be like what’s the media had told them about, or (2) looking many ways to get juicy gossips or his money. Been there, done that, and Tony had enough with people not looking the real him, but always licking his ego and maybe his feet sometimes to get his money and got the power they wanted inside the Stark Enterprise. And Tony wanted none of those bullshits in his beloved company he worked so hard for years.
But that didn’t mean he wasn’t lonely, though. Hell, he actually craved for a committed relationship. Seeing how nervous yet genuinely happy that blond was, even though it was hard to tell since Tony was high up inside the building and his eyes weren’t as good as they were now, became a reminder that Tony probably needed that sort of thing as well.
Dating, God...he never thought about that for years now. Too busy working himself for the sake of the company. Even Rhodey said to him that he should get laid sometimes, to lighten up his boring life. But he couldn’t, not after what people usually saw him as a sort of celebrity who needed to be praised all the time in order to be on Tony’s good side.  No, he didn’t need that kind of relationship, at all.
“Mr. Stark, are you listening to me?”
“YES. Yes, I am, still listening alright. You may continue,” Tony sighed, didn’t realize that he was staring from behind the windows that long. The directors gave him the look, but decided to let it go and continued where they left. Right, meeting. Tony should focus more on this one rather than being a creep and staring at the cute blond at the park. Whoever he was, Tony wished him to have a good date, maybe a stable relationship too eventually.
Apparently, the man was still there after the meeting was over. And Tony was utterly confused. It had been, like...what? A little 2 or 3 hours since the last time he saw the blond, shouldn’t he be with his date and went somewhere else instead of sitting on that same bench? He furrowed his brows, looking from the windows to see what exactly happened properly, now that the meeting was over and people already left the room.
It was still hard to make it from here, and it was getting dark to see the blond properly. But all Tony could make it was the man seemed furiously typed with his phone for a few minutes, before he finally made some sort of motions and gestures that Tony translated mentally as...things didn’t go smoothly for him.
Hell, Tony was sure the man was actually crying right now, with those wiping motion with his sleeves. And it would be a lie that it didn’t make Tony felt bad for him.
The blond was probably looking forward to this whatever date he planned. And maybe the date stood him up? How dare. The man was fine, absolutely gorgeous to Tony’s book. Anyone who stood him up should be ashamed of their doing. Tony might just know him for a few minutes, an hour top since the last time he was being a creep and observed the man, but he was pretty sure that this blond was doing his best for the first impression. Even the flowers, man, it was so cute and didn’t think anyone would still do that these days.
So Tony didn’t understand why this man was getting stood up in the first place, and he felt sorry for him. So much that he thought of doing something so stupid just to make the man felt better. Or smile, that would be a lot better.
Sorry, Pepper, for giving you yet many paperwork and PR later on, he thought, and made a dash to outside of the building, going to the park to meet the man face to face.
* * *
He wasn’t sure how long he had been sitting on the bench, while quietly sobbing like a little kid. But his eyes were getting hurt as he wiped them again roughly. Maybe he should’ve gone with the handkerchief to wipe them, and now his suit was partially wrinkled and his sleeves were wet because of his doing. Steve winced at the mess he made, but again, he could care less about that. It still didn’t make him feel any better, though, but at least he wasn’t crying anymore now.
Sighing loudly, wiping down his cheeks for good measure, Steve looked at the pathetic little flowers bouquet he brought with him and let out yet another sigh. They were all beautiful and would be such a waste if he threw them into the trash can. His late Ma would scold him for it, but it was too painful to look at the flowers now.
He picked them up and was going to throw them into the nearby trash, but stopped when a man approached him.
“Hey, darling. I’m so sorry I’m late!” the man said, looking a bit exhausted due to...what? Running? Something else? But that didn’t really matter, because Steve was too confused to begin with.
“I’m sorry, what—”
“Ooooh, you brought me flowers? Aww, you really shouldn’t have, thank you, sweetheart,” the man actually took the bouquet from Steve and carried it lovingly. Still, on the brink of confusion, Steve narrowed his eyes and the man just winked at him, mouthing something like ‘play along’.
Well, then, two could play the game.
“How could I not? You deserve all the beautiful things in the world, honey.”
The man looked like he wanted to laugh but suppressed it well. Instead, he was grinning at Steve. “Well, aren’t you such a keeper. Very smooth, darling, I already like you even more now.”
And honest to God, he just saw and met this man right now, but he sure could make Steve blushed so hard. “What can I say? I’m pretty likable,” he said sheepishly, trying to keep up with the game, and the man simply laughed.
“Aww, sure. You’re pretty, I’ll give you that. Now, come along, we already late for our dinner together,” the man said, casually taking Steve’s arm and led him away from the park and too many people around there. Just when they entered a quiet street, Steve finally spoke again.
“So, I knew that you’re not supposed to be my date for tonight. But who are you exactly and why are you doing this? Is this some kind of prank?“
The man flinched and released Steve’s arm, but kept walking on his side slowly. “No, of course not. It was just—would you be angry if I said that I couldn’t bear to see you sad like that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Right, maybe I should start from the beginning,” the man turned around to face Steve now. “Hi. My name is Tony, and apparently, I can see you from the meeting room inside my building a couple of hours ago and I got curious. Judging from your clothes and the flowers, I assumed you were supposed to be going on a date with someone, but that certain someone was somehow...did not appear in the end. And you looked so sad about that, and people looked at you funny when you were crying—hey, no, that’s okay. I didn’t mean to judge you. I, too, will cry if I were you, you know. We have our moments. But anyway, I can’t handle to see you looking so sad like that, and maybe I sort of didn’t want to make you looked embarrassing, so I guess why the heck not doing anything to cheer you up?”
Steve raised his eyebrow, “You mean, you saw me when I was waiting for my douchebag date from wherever you were before and decided to jump in and play the non-existence date for me so I wouldn’t be so embarrassed and looked sorry about my failed date?”
“...when you said it that way, somehow it sounded like a stupid idea. That wasn’t my intention—”
Called him exhausted both physically or mentally, but Steve shouldn’t be laughing this hard. What was even his life anymore? A guy somehow took a pity on him and actually played as his very late date to make him feel better about him? That was absurd. Steve knew he should feel offended by this situation, but he didn’t. And the man—Tony—sounded genuinely worried about him too, despite they just met a few minutes before.
“Okay, wow. You freaked me out now, darling. You sure you okay there?”
“No, no I’m not,” he said between his laughter, tears began to form again but at least this wasn’t because he was sad. Again, he wiped his eyes and huffed, regaining his compose. “God, this is really weird. I was planning to just come home after buying a big tub of ice cream, eating the whole thing while watching bad movies at home, but this—this was actually something that I didn’t expect at all.”
“A good kind of weird, I hope? If not, I’m really sorry for overstepping the boundaries. I know we’ve just met and we didn’t know each other, but uh...you can tell me to scram if you—”
“Tony,” Steve spoke, effectively shutting the man up and he simply smiled. “Hi, my name is Steve. And I know this is such a weird situation you apparently initiated—no, don’t try to deny it—but thank you for your...I don't know, help, I guess? I was so upset about it but now I don’t because of you. And you said something about dinner?”
Tony blinked, stayed quiet for a while before smiling widely.
“Yes, I did. How’s cheeseburgers sounded to you, Steve darling? I could eat some cheeseburgers right now. And, you know, maybe getting to know to each other, all that jazz? How’s that?”
Steve laughed, feeling more at ease as he talked to Tony.
“Sure, why not? Lead the way, honey.”
And here’s hoping this could be a start of something more beautiful for both of them.
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franeridart · 6 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall 😍 idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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itsthesinbin · 7 years
Devil Sent from Heaven
Hey I wrote an introductory thing for Morael lmao. Sorta- its mostly from Black Hat’s perspective. He might be ooc bc I’ve never really written an actual one shot/full on scenario for him lmao.
@rocksinmuffin (it wont let me tag u idk why) i wrote the thing
Despite his hatred for interacting with lesser villains, Black Hat loved throwing his little auction-parties. Villains from all around would throw their money at him, in hopes of getting their grubby hands on his doctor’s newest inventions. The ones that don’t win the inventions usually leave noticeable “donations”, in hopes of getting on the demon’s good side.
The demon doesn’t have a good side, but no one needs to know that.
He hears some gossip from a couple villain-wannabes by the buffet table. Mora’s on her way. That made him mildly curious. Who the hell is Mora? Some new villain that everyone thinks is aiming to be the next /Him/?
He couldn’t help but scoff at the idea. The woman was probably just particularly pretty, if the humans got so excited about her being on the way. Oh well. As long as she spent her money and didn’t just lounge around, he’d be fine with some pathetic little thing coming in.
He was fine with how his party was going, until he felt a… strange sensation crawl along his spine. His brow furrowed, confusion and annoyance crossing his features. Did someone bring in a blessed item? Something covered in holy water?
One of the lesser villains- a nerdy little thing dressed in the worst spandex suit- immediately started swooning, saying to his friends that “she’s here”. A small buzz picked up as Black Hat looked over.
His eye widened, and a sneer settled on his face.
She was ethereal- an unnatural glow to her that seemed to take up the room. It made his eyes burn and his head hurt just looking at her. The humans in the vicinity immediately became infatuated at her arrival, much to his disgust. He struggled to keep his form intact, feeling the urge to shift into something less human.
He grabbed the sad, nerdy little villain by the back of his suit, yanking him closer and demanding that he be told who the /hell/ that woman was.
“Th-that’s Morael,” the worm stuttered. “She’s the new villain that’s popped up, kidnapping and b-brainwashing our rivals-” A villain? /That/ creature? Interesting.
Without letting him finish, Black Hat dropped the bug back onto his feet. As much as he didn’t want to, he HAD to meet her now.
She looked up as he approached, meeting his eye. He expected a reserved stare, but was met with cold eyes and an even colder smile. Se pushed through the small group of admirers- and possible clients- to meet him halfway. His skin itched and burned in her presence, making him smirk slightly.
“So, you’re the infamous Black Hat,” she murmured, her smooth voice grating on his eardrums. She held a hand out, smile widening into a knowing grin. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Morael.”
He shook her hand, gripping tighter than he would with any human. He felt his skin melt at the contact, and he suppressed a small hiss that threatened to escape him. He pulled back from the greeting, putting his hands behind his back as it healed.
“I can’t say I’ve heard much about you, yet. Many seem to think you’re a notable upcoming villain,” Black Hat said, eyeing her up. She was smaller than him by a good foot- although, him being nearly 7 feet tall dwarfed almost anyone. Her green eyes seemed to glow with the same aura that her skin held. It made him sick.
“They’re right,” she said simply, folding her hands in front of her and holding them at her waist. “I’ve helped take control of the annoying hero populace- a lot of them are now minions for their previous nemesis. And some of them are simply my own little helpers, now.” She was sure of herself, that much was certain. As much as he hated to admit it, he liked her confidence. It still annoyed him, but he could respect it.
He motioned towards the buffet table, away from her little entourage. As disappointed as they were, she followed the demon’s lead. She indulged in some of the food Flug and 505 prepared for tonight, much to his surprise. Ironically, she went for the devil’s food cake. From her small smile, she was aware of the silent joke.
“And what do you have to gain from such a business, if I may ask,” he grunted, pushing away the nerdy little parasite that he was getting information out of before. The man huffed slightly, going back to stuffing his face with crab cakes. Black Hat held back a sneer as he turned his attention back to the woman in front of him.
“What do you mean? A business in getting rid of their enemies is all a villain could ask for. If you’re worried about your profits, don’t worry- many prefer to just kill their enemies rather than enslave them. Besides,” she grinned- an evil look to match one of his own. “Humans are just so cute when they’re brought to me. The money is good, too. What else could a girl ask for?” Black Hat scoffed.
“Since when do YOUR kind think of humans in any other way than something to be protected- like the infants they are.” She chuckled- a small, evil sound that sent chills down everyone’s spines. Eavesdroppers were sweating, much to the demon’s annoyance.
“Oh, my dear demon…” Those eyes that were shining changed, a darker expression crossing her face as she took a sip out of a wine glass.
“I’m not in Heaven for a reason.” Her tone said enough. He stared at her for a moment, before a sharp grin nearly split his cheeks. He barked out a laugh, making eavesdroppers flinch and move away.
“Well, aren’t you an interesting one,” he growled, moving to cross his arms. She laughed out a small “glad you think so”, turning back to her food.
He wanted to continue the conversation, but Flug just had to waltz in and remind him that it was time for the silent auction. Black Hat snarled, making the doctor flinch and run away. He stomped off angrily, ignoring the giggling coming from the angel behind him.
The items and notepads were put on display, and everyone was encouraged to go around and bet as much as possible.
Black Hat stood on a stage, watching the villain wannabes scurry around. He caught sight of Morael, strutting towards where the good doctor himself was standing. He jumped when her hand landed on his arm.
“Mind explaining your inventions to me, my dear?” “U-u-uh… There are c-cards that tell you what each item does-” “Oh, I know, but I want to hear exactly how they work from the genius that made them.” Black Hat could hear the doctor’s heart rate rise. It sickened him, watching as Flug led her around and stuttered out explanations of each device. Humans were such easy creatures to manipulate, especially if you’re a pretty woman. Bat your eyelashes and they do your bidding.
The demon let out a small huff-like chuckle. So that’s how she did things, hm? Everyone has their own ways. He just prefers intimidating his underlings.
She seemed drawn to a little recording device. The item in question helped with mind control- all the user had to do was record a special track and the device would sedate and indoctrinate whoever wore the headset. Considering what she does for a living, Black Hat isn’t too surprised she bid on that one.
She sent Flug off, and he scurried away to calm himself. The woman stayed near the mind control device, immediately upping her price whenever someone tried to outbid her. Not that many even dared to get close to her obvious claim.
Unsurprisingly, she was the last person to bid on that particular device, by the end of the auction.
Flug and Black Hat went over the bid sheets, while 505 went around to clean any leftover mess. Unbeknownst to the demon, Morael started cooing over the bear and keeping him from finishing his work.
Flug nearly choked when they got to Morael’s bid sheet. His boss looked over, eyes widening. Her bid was nearly five times what the base price was. Oh, Black Hat definitely found this angel interesting.
When it was time to call her to the table to grab her prize, Flug’s throat seemed to tighten up when he tried to call her name. Black Hat rolled his eyes, forgetting how easily humans become infatuated with non-human creatures. He saved himself the time and called her up, himself.
She sauntered up to the table, taking her boxed-up mind control device. She took it with a thank you, before sliding a card onto the table. He took it, seeing it was her contact information.
“Perhaps, if you ever need my services, you could contact me. I’m sure we could do great business together,” she purred, a subtle… tone to her voice that caused his ears to ring. From the way Flug shook his head, and reached under his bag to scratch and rub at his ear, it had more of an effect on him.
Black Hat couldn’t help but smirk, before pulling out his own business card. He passed it to her, watching as the tainted card burned her skin. Not that her own card didn’t sting in his grasp. She put the card into her bag, a pleasant smile on her face.
“Until next time, Black Hat.”
He watched her go, eyes lingering on the bare back her dress leaves free. Large scars littered along her shoulder blades. A tell-tale sign of an angel- fallen or not.
He stared until she was out of sight, a sinister grin on his face. Normally, he wouldn’t bother working with someone, but this woman was an interesting thing.
That… and he has to make sure she trying to take his spot as top villain, of course.
“Flug,” he growled, handing the business card to the nervous doctor. He nearly dropped it, making Black Hat roll his eyes.
“Set up an appointment with Miss Mind Control. I want see if we can do a… collaboration.” The way the demon snarled the sentence out unsettled the doctor, but like hell he’d say anything.
He let Flug handle the rest of the bidders, opting to lean back and think. He has to decide what he wants to propose in his future meeting with the devil from above, after all.
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