#tamaki suoh reader insert
rubbish-taste1234 · 1 month
Maid to the Shadow King
The marble floors of Ouran High School glistened under the morning sun, casting a polished reflection of the opulent chandeliers above. The grand hallways echoed with the rhythmic tapping of designer shoes and the melodious hum of idle conversation. Amidst this sea of calm, a sudden burst of frenetic energy broke the tranquility.
A girl, her cheeks flushed with urgency and her breath coming in desperate gasps, sprinted down the hallway. Her maid uniform was slightly askew, the ribbon at her collar barely hanging on. She dodged past students with an agility born of pure panic, her eyes scanning every corner, every nook, searching frantically.
"Where is he? Oh no, oh no, oh no!" she muttered under her breath, her mind racing even faster than her legs. She had one job, one simple task: look after the boy. But in the labyrinthine corridors of the elite academy, he had vanished as if into thin air.
Her thoughts spiraled into worst-case scenarios. What if he got lost? What if he was in trouble? The boy was the familys next patriarch after all. And she, entrusted with his care, had let him slip away.
She turned another corner, almost colliding with a group of giggling girls, and skidded to a halt. Ahead of her was the music room. Desperation guiding her actions, she decided to check inside. If there was one place in this grandiose school where she might find him, it was here.
With a quick prayer, she pushed open the ornate double doors and was immediately greeted by a flurry of rose petals. They fluttered around her like a dream, the sweet fragrance momentarily distracting her from her mission. As the petals settled, she blinked, taking in the scene before her.
Standing in a dramatic triangle formation were seven boys, each dressed in elaborate knight costumes, complete with capes and faux armor that glinted in the light.To the right of this formation, adjusting his glasses, stood the raven-haired boy she had been desperately searching for.
"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club," they chorused in unison, their voices harmonizing perfectly.
She stared, wide-eyed and breathless, at the theatrical spectacle before her. 
Her heart was still racing, but now it was from a mix of relief and something else entirely. She took a deep breath, gathering her composure. "Master Kyoya," she began, her tone respectful yet firm, "you can't just disappear like that. You know I have my duties to attend to."
Kyoya adjusted his glasses, his expression remaining steady. "My apologies. I didn't mean to cause you any distress."
She straightened her maid uniform, trying to maintain her professionalism despite the surreal setting. "Please, inform me next time you decide to... participate in such activities. It's my responsibility to ensure your well-being."
The other hosts watched the exchange with amused interest, their expressions ranging from curiosity to admiration for her steadfast demeanour. Kyoya nodded, his expression calm and respectful. "I'll keep you informed."
With a final nod, she allowed herself a small sigh of relief. "Thank you, Master Kyoya."
As she turned to leave, she gently pulled the ornate double doors closed behind her. The soft click of the latch echoed through the room, marking her exit.
The moment the doors were shut, the remaining hosts turned their heads in unison, their expressions a comical mix of curiosity and mischief. All eyes were now on Kyoya, waiting for an explanation.
Tamaki, with his pale-blond hair shimmering in the light, was the first to speak, his violet eyes wide with excitement. "Kyoya, who was that girl? She seemed so serious!"
Honey, the smallest and most cheerful of the group, perched on Mori's shoulders, clasped his hands together, flowers practically blooming around his head. "Yeah, Kyoya! She was cute! Does she like cake?"
Mori, stoic as ever, simply nodded in agreement, his dark eyes observing Kyoya with a hint of curiosity.
The Hitachiin twins, Hikaru and Kaoru, shared a conspiratorial grin. Hikaru leaned forward, his amber eyes glinting with mischief. "Is she a new club member?"
Kaoru, standing next to his twin with his hair parted to the left, added with a smirk, "Or maybe she's your secret girlfriend, Kyoya-senpai?"
Haruhi, ever practical and straightforward, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "Who is she, really? She seemed very concerned about you."
Kyoya adjusted his glasses, his expression calm and collected as always. "She's simply someone who takes her responsibilities seriously. There's no need for unnecessary speculation."
Tamaki, never one to be easily dissuaded, leaned in closer, his enthusiasm undiminished. "But Kyoya, she called you 'Master.' There's got to be more to this story!"
Kyoya sighed softly, a hint of exasperation in his voice. "As I said, she is someone responsible for my well-being. Nothing more, nothing less."
The hosts exchanged glances, clearly unconvinced but willing to let the matter rest, for now. The room fell silent for a moment, each of them pondering the unexpected encounter.
Finally, Kyoya spoke again, his tone signaling the end of the discussion. "Now, if we're done with this interrogation, we have guests to attend to."
With that, the hosts resumed their preparations, the curiosity lingering in the air but the immediate focus shifting back to their duties. SHOULD I CONTINUE THIS?? this is a reader x ohshc with the reader being a maid I just wanted to do something while I had free time and I kind of remembered fanfics exist 🤗
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evereinefaust · 1 month
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐩𝐚𝐢~ ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Kyoya Ootori X afab!Reader
Synopsis: Bothering the shadow king of the Host Club is MC's hobby, after all, she's quite fond of her cool senpai.
Word Count: 629
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"Hey, senpai~ Whatcha doin'~?" You poked the shadow king in the cheeks while he does something on his laptop.
"I'm calculating the Host Club's income and expenses this week. And if you don't mind, please stop poking my cheeks." Kyoya replied as he fixed his glasses.
"You're no fun, senpai..." you pouted cutely and slumped back on the couch you and Kyoya are sitting in.
You are actually quite fond of your senpai, Kyoya Ootori. He's just one year older than you. You once met him at a grand party your father was having, he is one of the guests invited along with his brothers and father. While walking mindlessly through the crowded room, you bumped into him. That's how you met him. And fortunately, you were enrolled in Ouran and met him once again. You always hang out with the Host Club every time just to be with Kyoya, what can I say, your crush for him grew every now and then. It's crush at first sight. For you, he is the perfect senpai you could ask for. It's hard to admit, but a certain someone also had a crush on him. At that time, you wanted to kill the woman just to have your senpai to yourself. Typical yandere? Hahaha, but no. You are a kind-hearted girl and would never think of doing things like that. Though, you would get jealous if other girls are with Kyoya. It's a pain to admit that he never notice you that way, no matter how many times you tried to gain his attention.
You sighed then stood up from the seat, Kyoya paused then looked at you with suspicion.
"Where are you going?" he urged.
"To Tamaki-senpai, maybe I can spend time with him," you replied then gave him a smile before walking away.
But before you could take another step, a hand stopped you from moving. You looked over to the shadow king and gave you his usual smile.
"Why?" you inquired, turning to face him properly. "I thought you needed space?"
"Did I say that?"
"Well... not exactly, I just thought so..." you glanced away and rubbed your temple.
"Stay here, okay?" Kyoya said, letting go of your hand.
You smiled slightly, knowing that he would like you to accompany him. You sat back beside him and looked in his computer. Your eyes widened after what you saw. He's been watching a video called 'you are my senpai' as his eyes stared at the lyrics.
You are my senpai
my only senpai
you give me dokis
and shades of grey
you'll never notice me
but I still love you
you're sugoi, kawaii desu ne
You blushed because once, you wrote a letter to Kyoya containing the song.
"I-I-I...." you stuttered, searching for the right words.
Kyoya chuckled with eyes closed, he then closed his laptop and set it aside. You watched his action in confusion. His brownish-black orbs met yours. Your face heat up as your heart slammed against your rib cage.
"And you thought that I wouldn't notice you, huh?" he chuckled then cupped your chin with his fingers.
"I-I thought you only view me as your underclassmen..." you said.
When you said that, Kyoya laughed for the first time. He smiled, not his usual smile that tells you that he's faking it, but a real smile. A smile that contains glee.
"Stupid girl." He then leaned on and kissed your lips.
[e/c] hues widened in surprise as your heartbeat becomes rapid, your cheeks turned another shade darker.
"I also love you, kouhai." Kyoya pulled away and kissed your forehead.
"I love you too, senpai~" 
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ellssbellss · 1 year
by the way
i will write for any of the characters in OHSHC, so if there is a scenario that has been rotting in your brain, please let me bring it to light for you :)
i've also been obsessed with spy x family, so loid and yor will forever be in my writing heart.
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morinuu · 6 months
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☀︎|tamaki x female reader drabble. you're a client and jealous asf. pining for tamaki lol. angst? maybe. mention of nsfw but nothing's reealllyyy happening. also u have ear piercings & you know haruhi's a girl.
your hands trembled a bit as you stared at the butter knife in held between your fingers, stopped mid-action from spreading the jam on your bread any further.
ouran had the tendency to make you feel lonely, rejected. generally... unhappy.
although there was one thing existing within the grand corridors of ouran that shone like the sun, blinding, immediately burning all of those emotions away. a tall boy whose smile seemed contagious, never failing to make your chest feel fuzzy and warm, as if you'd met a saint before entering heaven.
his blond hair almost radiated a halo surrounding his head, one you could never help but stop and admire.
but you knew you wouldn't be entering heaven, not when you couldn't defeat the disgusting, vile jealousy that sat in your throat whenever his hands would pat her head. or when his words would compliment her 'cuteness! purely adorable manners!' and whatever else he found just delightful on her.
so maybe he wasn't actually burning the negative emotions away. perhaps he was replacing them with others, and not with better ones.
it took a while before you realised tamaki suoh had been waving his hand in your face to bring you back to the conversation.
"miss yn?"
you blinked your thoughts away and looked back at the boy in front of you. with a quick cough to clear your throat, you nodded at the boy and finished spreading the jam on your toast.
"sorry, what were you saying?" you asked with a gentle voice, trying to seem unaffected by the thoughts occupying your brain viciously.
you didn't want to think you disliked haruhi, because she wasn't a bad person. nor had she done anything wrong. she wasn't the problem.
tamaki was.
he and his stupid amethyst-like orbs that sparkled in the sun under the cherry blossom trees during that shitty event the host club was partaking in. his long slender fingers that didn't hold a single scratch on them, proving just how little they'd physically struggled. his delicate pale neck that would be painted a bright pink whenever haruhi did anything.
he was the damn problem.
because you wished his eyes would stare down at you lovingly instead, while his pretty fingers swiped up your folds and played with your clit, his neck and ears flushed because he was rutting his hips on you, panting because of you.
haruhi wasn't to blame if tamaki refused to smear your lipbalm by kissing and licking your mouth in the changing rooms before he had to entertain another client.
so why was she such an irritating sight?
"is everything okay, dear? you haven't finished your tea yet and our date's almost over. that's unusual for you." he frowned slightly and moved a bit closer to you, brushing your hair out of your face to caress your cheek tenderly, as though you were to break.
you always would take the opportunity and lean into his palm, closing your eyes a bit to pretend that any of it was real. he made it seem real every time. and every time you fooled yourself without failure.
'he remembered my tea order!' last week.
'he noticed my haircut!' the month before.
and all those other small, teeny tiny specks of attention he paid to you - they all contributed to your delusions.
"everything's fine, tamaki. i'm just a bit tired. thank you for asking." you assured him and thrived in the feeling of his warm hand on your cheek for however many seconds he'd keep it there before inevitably having to stop.
you wished you could lean just a bit more to the left and peck and bite his fingers as softly as you could.
"if anything is on your mind, remember you can always share it with me, darling. you know i care for you." his hand moved up to caress your ear, the pad of his fingertips tenderly playing with all sorts of different jewellery you'd inserted throughout the surface, before it moved down to your jaw and finally completely separated from your face to rest back on his lap.
oh how you hated (or, tried to at least) his gentle stare and angelic voice that spewed lies in your face shamelessly for money.
that same stupid voice that suddenly got honest and passionate only for the first-year girl disguised as a petit boy.
you shook your head and gave a polite smile, repeating to him that "everything's fine" because you'd rather have the earth swallow you whole than admit your stomach was twisting and turning with raw, sinful envy.
tamaki opened his mouth to say something else, but just before his melodic voice could escape his throat, a yellow dress worn by his next client came into view. 'oh, right. end of appointment.'
"until next time, dear." he chuckled a bit before kissing the back of your hand as farewell.
he might've been called a prince in his club, but your type was always 'the dickheads' as your mum called them. in an ironic way, it made complete sense.
you stared at him walking away while trying to finish your aforementioned tea but to no avail. it was too bitter on your tongue, despite it being your favourite drink of choice, and you couldn't help but feel guilty. because you knew the reason you couldn't stomach it anymore wasn't because it'd gotten cold.
but because just before he went to sit with his next client, he went to check on haruhi.
because he would never turn to look at you the same way - or at all really.
it felt like he belonged to her, with her, and your pathetic attempts at getting closer to him were just an example of you being impudent.
you knew tamaki would never be yours.
and you didn't hate haruhi, but you really fucking wished she would disappear.
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thatanimewriter · 2 years
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➳ i don’t do smut, but i’ll allow suggestive themes ➳ no more than eight (8) characters per ask ➳ no yandere characters or reader ➳ no abo fics ➳ i won’t be doing match-ups ➳ no crossover fics ➳ please specify if it’s a reader insert or general headcanons ➳ no limit to how many asks, you’re welcome to dump :))
full requesting rules (please read before submitting)
REQUESTS: 20/20 character list is under the cut
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𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐊𝐔𝐆𝐄𝐊𝐈 𝐍𝐎 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐀 (𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
yukihira soma tadokoro megumi aldini takumi nakiri erina nakiri alice hayama akira kurokiba ryou ibusaki shun tsukasa eishi kobayashi rindou isshiki satoshi
𝐍𝐎 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐍𝐎 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 (𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
sora shiro (platonic or paternal only) riku dola schwi dola (platonic or paternal only)
suoh tamaki ootori kyoya fujioka haruhi morinozuka takashi (mori) haninozuka mitsukuni (honey) hitachiin kaoru hitachiin hikaru
𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐆𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 (𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
tatsumi akame leone lubbock chelsea mine sheele najenda
𝐑𝐖𝐁𝐘 (𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
ruby rose weiss schnee blake belladonna yang xiao long jaune arc nora valkyrie pyrrha nikos lie ren winter schnee qrow branwen raven branwen emerald sustrai cinder fall neopolitan oscar pine hazel reinhart whitley schnee
𝐊𝐔𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐉𝐈 (𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘢 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
sebastian michaelis ciel phantomhive bardroy mey-rin finny edward midford charles grey grell sutcliffe william t. spears madame red joker beast dagger doll snake lawrence bluewer clayton herman greenhill gregory violet cheslock edgar redmond joanne harcourt prince soma agni
𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 (𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
nanase haruka tachibana makoto hazuki nagisa ryugazaki rei matsuoka rin yamazaki sousuke nitori aiichiro shiina asahi shigino kisumi kirishima ikuya kirishima natsuya serizawa nao toono hiyori
midoriya izuku bakugou katsuki iida tenya todoroki shouto tokoyami fumikage jirou kyouka uraraka ochako shinsou hitoshi aizawa shouta togata mirio amajiki tamaki shigaraki tomura bubaigawara jin
shiota nagisa akabane karma horibe itona karasuma tadaomi
𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐇 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐃𝐄 (𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺)
decim chiyuki nona ginti
𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐌: 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄𝐒 (𝘥𝘭𝘤 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘥𝘦𝘥)
claude von riegan ignatz victor marianne von edmund dimitri alexandre blaiddyd dedue felix fraldarius ashe ubert edelgard von hresvelg linhardt von hevring bernadetta von varley gatekeeper shamir nevrand
vi jinx silco ekko caitlyn viktor vander mylo
𝐏𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐍 𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐕𝐈𝐎𝐋𝐄𝐓 (𝘣𝘦 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘪 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘱𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘮𝘰𝘯 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦)
arven grusha rika larry atticus penny
𝐇𝐎𝐍𝐊𝐀𝐈: 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑 𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐋 (𝘶𝘱 𝘵𝘰 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 2.2)
dan heng march 7th kafka jing yuan gepard landau blade dr ratio misha aventurine sunday
𝐉𝐔𝐉𝐔𝐓𝐒𝐔 𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐍 (𝘶𝘱 𝘵𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘰𝘯 1)
itadori yuuji fushiguro megumi kugisaki nobara inumaki toge zen’in maki gojo satoru ryomen sukuna nanami kento
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host-club-hq · 3 years
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: you and kyoya are subjected to an unfavorable fate via your parents, but when the both of you become vulnerable, you close back up just as quickly. (i don't know if i wanna end it here, but idk if i can write more. you guys lemme know if you wanna see more of this drabble)
➼ word count: 7.4k, got a little carried away
➼ what to expect: "It'll be mine soon enough, might as well use it."
➼ warnings: slight angst, mutual pining, slow burn, steamy, language
➼ im actually supposed to be writing an essay right now but i have kyoya on the brain, so here's this :) also tumblr ate half this draft as i was almost done, so you can thank them for this taking so long
➼ chapter navigation
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You wouldn't call your parents... neglectful, per say.
More of just... inattentive.
Although they support your lavish lifestyle and provide you with many of your wants and all of your needs, they never seem to know you personally.
It's always been like this. It's not your father who drives you to school, it's your driver. Although that isn't unusual for a kid of your financial status, there are some things that your parents don't do that they should.
There's a syllabus or permission slip you need signed for school? Your head butler, Ren, signs it for you. Your parents have appointed him your caretaker, never mind the fact that they were actually present in your life. On the school emergency contact list, Ren's name is the only one present.
Well, not the only one. Your aunt volunteered. Although she's usually very busy, she felt sympathy for the way her sister and brother-in-law have raised you.
You have a personal shopper. Although your parents never believed in needing someone to dress you and do most basic human functions for you, you need someone like a motherly figure to shop with you.
She helps you pick out your clothes, try things on, encourages you when she sees something she likes, advises you on what to pair together and how to style accessories.
Her name is Lindsay, you enjoy her presence often, which is why you shop often, even if you don't purchase anything.
Only once did your parents hire a professional to teach you how to do your own hair and makeup. But, that was a one time thing. One lesson was all your parents believed you needed, if even that. The next day you were expected to remember everything she'd breezed through.
Not surprisingly, you did.
You parents were not your mom and dad, rather your mother and father. To you, there is a very clear difference between the terms.
A mother and father biologically have a child together, a mom and dad parent a child together.
You didn't even know your parents' real names until you were 11 years old.
And it was Ren who'd told you when you asked.
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"Miss y/n?"
You're busying yourself with homework when Ren calls your name from the doorway to your bedroom, already open.
"Hm?" When you acknowledge that it's him, you return to your writing and vaguely listen to what he has to say.
"Your... parents would like to have a word with you."
Your pen stills in your hand mid-word. You crane your neck over your shoulder and stare blankly at Ren, in disbelief. He nods in reassurance.
You shoot up from your chair and dart into your closet, picking a modest pair of earrings and a necklace. You stand straight in front of your mirror and dust yourself off, spinning around to face Ren.
"How do I look?" you breathe out slowly.
Ren steps forward and gently takes two strands of your hair on either side, adjusting them softly.
"Wonderful. Now, they're waiting." Ren pats you gently on your shoulder. You squeal to yourself and hurry into the living room with a skip in your step.
You arrive into the living room and compose yourself, watching as you parents stand professionally in the center of the room.
You inhale deeply and straighten your posture, folding your hands in front of your body and waiting to be spoken to.
"y/n, we have a matter to discuss with you." Your father speaks first, your mother on his arm.
"Yes?" You reply timidly.
"As you may know, we have recently entered a business relationship with the Ootori family." your father informs, but unbeknownst to you, quite grimly.
"You may know their son, Kyoya Ootori." your mother adds quickly.
"Yes, ma'am, he's in my class." you nod curtly, taking another deep breath.
"That's good, because you will be married to him in less than a year."
Your face pales and you stop fidgeting with your fingers, "What?" your voice is no more than a mere whisper.
"In order to secure the deal, Yoshio Ootori would like to marry off his third son in order to merge our companies, seeing as his older sons are already engaged and/or married."
"And, seeing as you are our only daughter, we offered your hand in marriage."
"You don't have the right to offer my hand!"
Your sudden outburst is seemingly unwelcome, judging by your parents' expressions. Your voice echoes off the living room walls from the mere size. There is a painful moment of silence.
"What's done is done, you will be married to Kyoya Ootori by December of this year." Your father extracts his phone and beings to distract himself.
"It's April." you inform like it wasn't a well known fact. April seems so close to December for you, especially if you will be married by then.
"And?" Your father lifts his cell phone to his ear, giving you once last emotionless glance, then strides from the room with a greeting to the individual over the phone.
Your mother's eyes display the smallest amount of sympathy before following your father wordlessly.
This year, you and Kyoya will be finishing your last year of high school. You will turn 19 by the end of the summer, and Kyoya already is. He'll be turning 20 in November. A month before you're married.
You always knew you would marry a wealthy man, especially because of your parents' bizarre expectations, but you always thought it would be because you loved him.
You should have seen this coming. Marrying you off is exactly something your parents would do.
Your world is falling apart.
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School the next day is excruciating, to say the least.
You're constantly steering clear of the Host Club, especially Kyoya in particular. He, of course, would know of his father's decision. You can't think to face him like this.
You and Kyoya are friends, alright. Not obscenely close, but not strangers either. He knows of you, talks with you, and invites you to the Host Club on different occasions, sometimes to their private events.
How could you face him now? Your fiancé? The word makes you shiver, especially when you think about spending the rest of your life with him.
The bell rings abruptly in your ears- you've zoned out. You shake yourself from your thoughts and gently push your notebook into your book bag. Most students have already packed their belongings and strode out of class.
You freeze mid-shove. You turn slowly at the voice, acknowledging the tall male with jet black hair. You immediately know who it is, reluctantly glancing at your reflection in his thin, shining glasses.
"Hm?" You reply shortly.
"The Host Club is hosting an event to celebrate the end of our last year in high school. Seeing as you're in our class, I thought you might like to attend."
Ah, so he's asking you as a student. Not a friend. While you're slightly disappointed, you're also relieved.
"How should I dress?" You ask, slinging your bag over one shoulder and standing timidly to face him, refusing to let your eyes rest comfortably on his face, rather the wall behind him.
"Formally, as most events directed by the Host Club tend to be."
That seems like a backhanded statement. You frown. "Fine." you huff definitively, spinning on your heel with your head help high, nose stuck up into the air.
"What time should I pick you up?" Kyoya asks like it's the most casual question in the world. Really, it should be, but it isn't.
"You're picking me up?" You halt in your tracks to face him in confusion.
"Of course, how else would you be getting to the function? I thought since we're to be married, we might as well make our parents happy and spend more time together."
A beat of painful, agonizing silence. Kyoya knows. He knows to a degree that this isn't what you want, and on some level, he doesn't want it either. He's lived his whole life pleasing his father, and nothing's going to stop him now.
You grip the strap of your bag tightly, tears pricking your eyes when reminded of your inevitable fate. Neither of you move to leave, or to speak. Just a very uncomfortable silence.
"Might as well." Your voice is squeaky from lack of use, you clear your throat.
"Any time past 5:00 is fine." you breathe out as quickly as possible, whirling around to make your exit, bringing a single finger up to your face and dabbing gently under your eyes as you scurry away.
Kyoya remains silent and emotionless, his expression unchanging. Although he feels a twist deep in his stomach when he noticed you drying your tears. He never meant to put you in this position, but it wasn't his fault, was it? No. He hadn't had a choice either.
But you both will do anything to please your parents, won't you?
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You slide your hands over your hips, the sleek, black dress with a plunging neckline accenting your body wonderfully. The material clings to your body, all the way down to the slit that travels as far as your upper left thigh. Very classy, yet sensual- just what you're going for.
You adjust your earrings, your necklace matching perfectly. A knock comes to the frame of your doorway and you acknowledge it by swiveling, your hands occupied with your earring.
Ren stands fondly at the entrance to your room. "I believe I caught word of Mr. Ootori arriving here soon." he smiles knowingly.
You give a weak smile in return, clasping the back of your earring in place and dusting yourself off.
"Your evening clutch, Ma'am." Ren presents you with a stunning silver bedazzled, strapless hand bag. Your grin widens.
"Is this Aunt Elise's?" You recall her wearing it to a fair few events and occasions. Ren nods. Your heart swells with appreciation.
"She thought you might like to use it tonight." Ren informs you. You nod, turning the precious accessory over in your hands, marveling.
"Now, he will be arriving soon." Ren pats your back as you shove a few last minute things into your clutch. You carefully stride to the door in your heels.
When you open the door, Kyoya's just now arriving. It would be traditional for the gentleman to come to the door to pick up his lady, but you've had enough of doing things the traditional way for now. You will make your own decision, this time.
You watch the sleek, black limousine come to a clean halt near the steps leading to the entrance of your home. The windows are tinted, but you can still make out a silhouette in the back, neck craned down, a slight glow. He's on his phone. On cue, your phone vibrates.
Kyoya: Are you ready?
You scoff mockingly to yourself, replying.
You: If you bothered to look up, you would know
The silhouette moves, facing you. You make a show of descending the steps, your hips swaying, heel to toe, heel to toe.
The limousine door opens and you're met with Kyoya in a clean, crisply straight black suit, black undershirt, and black tie to match. If it weren't for you new-found confidence, your jaw would have hit the ground by now.
"You look stunning." Are the first words he greets you with. Your cheeks flush a red hue under your makeup.
"Thank you. I like this suit." You adjust his collar with your fingers and gleam up at him. He offers a small smile in return.
"I had a feeling you'd want to wear black. Shall we?" He offers you his arm politely. You nod, slipping your hand and wrist through the gap between his arm and his body.
Being this close to him, you can smell the cologne he wears. The scent is inexplicably addictive, unmistakably him, like a warm cup of coffee, but like spicy cinnamon at the same time. You inhale deeply, savoring the fragrance.
It seems like a thousand steps from your front door to the limousine in the heels you've chosen, but you find relief in the plush leather seats as Kyoya escorts you inside.
"Comfortable?" He shuts the door and settles in next to you.
"Mm, wouldn't you like to know." you cross your ankles delicately and fold your hands in your lap, back straight.
"Alright, I see how it'll be tonight." Kyoya suppresses a smirk and straightens next to you.
The entire ride consists of a surprisingly comfortable silence. It's not often that silence with Kyoya is pleasurable, but neither of you feel the need to say anything amidst the quiet nature of the car.
When you arrive, anxiety fills the cavern of your chest and you feel as though it's constricting. The limousine comes to a perfect stop at the entrance to Ouran Academy's ball room. You know the room very well. Although now, it seems unfamiliar, like you've never stepped foot inside all your life.
The open doorway is decorated with lights and silk banners as students file in with their partners, some individually.
You haven't noticed that Kyoya has opened the door and is offering you his arm to pull yourself up and out. He allows you to hesitate a moment longer, then clears his throat gently.
"Is something wrong?" His voice is soft and concerned.
"No." You reply immediately, gripping onto his arm and pulling yourself out.
You're half expecting paparazzi's cameras to flash the moment you exit the automobile from the way you're dressed and the stunningly handsome man who's arm you're attached to, but you're thankful that it doesn't happen. You're not sure you want this night documented just yet.
As the name of your purse suggests, you clutch it tight as you stride with Kyoya up the stairs. Naturally, the pair of you have arrived a bit early, seeing as he is part of the club that is hosting the event. Nevertheless, the early birds are starting to arrive as well.
Kyoya is starting to think this might be the event he's been the most nervous for in a long time. Having someone as astonishing, stunning, and captivating as you on his arm? He might be the luckiest man alive. Despite this fact, he remains poised and elegantly emotionless.
He manages to sneak a glance of your side profile, your features remaining unfazed and stoic. He adjusts his glasses with his free hand, the lenses giving a sharp glint from the light of the chandeliers looming above him in the ballroom.
You and Kyoya are greeted with the remaining hosts as they've all seemed to have arrived quite some time ago. Unusually, the rest of them are without dates. Although, you assume Tamaki would have a date if Haruhi wasn't expected to be a male host for this occasion.
"y/n! So glad you could make it! It's so nice to see you!"
You should expect what Tamaki does next- embracing you unabashedly and gripping you tight. You grunt and stumble, reciprocating as a reflex.
"Nice to see you too, Tamaki." Your voice strains as he releases you and you take a deep breath.
"Senpai, if you want to see her again, you'll have to stop suffocating her." Haruhi deadpans behind him. You giggle at her comment. She beams.
"Can we steal her? Please, Kyoya?!" Tamaki begs pitifully with his infamous puppy eyes. Kyoya does all but give in, sighing.
"You can. I'll just be going over some last minute preparations if you need me." Kyoya directs his last statement your way. You nod.
Tamaki tugs on your arm and you allow him to drag you behind him, vaguely listening as he goes on and on about how much he's missed you. Haruhi trudges behind the two of you, grumbling.
As Tamaki steals you away to mingle with the rest of the hosts as Kyoya tends to his responsibilities, the party begins to fill out, guests arriving left and right.
The party is now in full swing. Kyoya is still tending to guests and budget related issues. You've gone to procure yourself a drink, leaning as lady-like as you can against the beverage table and sipping quietly.
Out of thin air, two arms perch themselves on either of your shoulders. You choke on your drink and pat your own chest, coughing.
"Whoa there, y/n." Two voices harmonize in either of your ears.
"Hello, boys." you sigh, letting your shoulders slouch under the weight of their arms.
The twins snicker deviously on your right and left, dressed identically.
“So what’s this rumor about you and Kyoya-Senpai?” you can only guess which twin is speaking to you, although you determine that that’s not what’s important right now.
“Depends, what did you hear?” You glance up at who you can only assume is Hikaru.
“Oh, so it’s not the only rumor?” the second twin infers, and you turn your head to him.
“That’s not what I said.” You shake your head, cup balanced in your hand.
“But it’s what you implied.” Both of them together, this time.
“What do you want to know?” You take a long sip from your drink, eyeing them in your peripheral vision. They both turn and gaze at your side profile with mischievous smirks.
“We heard that you might be engaged-”
“-so we’re wondering where the ring is.”
You snort at their question. They tilt their heads, confused. “I don’t have a ring.” you flourish your left hand, which has three rings, but none of them are on your ring finger.
“That seems a little untraditional, doesn’t it Kaoru?” Hikaru hums.
“It does, Hikaru.” Kaoru nods. You laugh humorlessly, “You’re telling me.” your shoulders almost shake with your laughter.
"We wouldn't peg Kyoya-Senpai to skimp on an engagement ring for his fiancé." The twins shrug in unison. You grimace.
"Please don't call me that, it makes me feel old." your body shudders involuntarily, the twins' brows furrow further, now more confused than ever.
"You should be glad that you'll probably never have to subject yourself to something like that." You sigh wistfully.
Before Hikaru or Kaoru have a chance to reply, your eyes find Kyoya approaching the three of you. You breathe a sigh of relief and set your drink on the table behind you.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, would you mind if I stole y/n away a moment?" He asks politely, offering you his hand.
"Not at all." The twins shove you forward and you lurch, your reflexes causing your hand to find its place firmly gripped in Kyoya's.
You're gently pulled to the center dance floor, your arm instinctively placing itself on Kyoya's shoulder and the other in his hand. His own hand secures around your waist and holds you reasonably close, but not close enough to cause suspicion among guests. He is still a host, after all. He can't be showing any favoritism.
"Just wanted to dance with me, Ootori?" You question in the silence save for the orchestra playing beautifully in the background.
"Only using my last name now? y/n, I thought we were friendlier than that." Kyoya dodges the question expertly.
"It'll be mine soon enough, might as well use it." using humor to avoid pain, often a tactic of yours. Kyoya smiles nonetheless.
"Touché, well played." Kyoya smirks as you sway together.
Meanwhile, Haruhi approaches the twins, arms crossed.
"It's awful, isn't it?" she jumps into conversation without context.
"Awful?" the twins follow her eyes to the pair of you, moving rhythmically to the music.
"Yeah, I can't even imagine." Haruhi's reply is vague, confusing the twins further.
"Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi! What are you doing over here, we have guests waiting." Tamaki all but storms over to the trio and points to the meandering patrons.
"Just watching Kyoya and y/n-Senpai." Haruhi shrugs. She prays she won't be pushed onto the dance floor by her boss at this moment.
Tamaki follows her line of sight and finds the two of you as well, eyes softening. He settles for watching the pair of you along with the other hosts.
"I still can't believe I wasn't the first person Kyoya told." Tamaki pouts with his arms crossed against his chest, slouching.
"What are we missing here?" Hikaru demands, having had enough of being oblivious, Kaoru voices his agreement.
"You didn't know?" Tamaki cranes his neck to catch a glance of the infuriated twins.
"Kyoya-Senpai and y/n-Senpai's parents are becoming partners and they're expecting them to get married." Haruhi informs grimly.
Hikaru and Kaoru glance at each other with shock, then back at the pair of you. Although you're talking to Kyoya casually, with the new information, they see you in a different light.
"Oh." Is all they have to say.
"Do you think they'll be okay?" Haruhi blinks owlishly up at Tamaki in question. He casts his eyes down to her own, then back to you.
"I think it'll take a while. I don't even think they know." it's one of the rare occurrences when Tamaki's wisdom shows through his facade.
"Know what?" Haruhi inquires again, following his sight.
"Look at them." Tamaki gestures with his arms to the both of you.
On cue, you shove Kyoya playfully and he only smiles down at you, his eyes shimmering with something undetectable.
"There's something there. But, as stubborn as Kyoya is, there's no use in trying to tell him. They'll have to figure it out on their own." Haruhi watches Tamaki's soft eyes follow your form, darting back and forth as you dance.
And slowly, the world feels as if it's falling away. Piece by piece, the party in the background, the guests and other hosts fall into nothingness, and you're dancing among the stars, weightless and effortlessly. The orchestra continues it's smooth rhythm, echoing through the universe. All that's left is you and Kyoya, and you don't even seem to notice.
That is, until you do notice.
You realize the proximity, the way he delicately grips your hand and your waist. Your breath gets caught in your throat and you have the sudden urge to pry yourself away.
"I'm- um, I need to powder my nose." You lean back, removing your hand from his shoulder.
Kyoya raises a single brow. It's the middle of a song, but he can sense the sudden panic swimming in your irises. He releases you gently.
"Alright-" but you're already gone, weaving through guests and other hosts and slipping from his vision.
And so Kyoya stands in the midst of gyrating bodies and blinding lights, watching you disappear in the crowd. But, it isn't long before a few guests approach him.
"Kyoya~ Would you mind if I stole this dance?" another girl peers at him from behind the first one, anticipating his reply.
He gives them the most polite smile he can, as genuinely as he can, but inside he feels the opposite. "Of course, my dears. That's what I'm here for." he takes her into his arms and begins to sway to the rhythm.
But it's not the same. Although he's doing his job and he's never had a problem with it before, it doesn't feel right. She doesn't fit into his arms like you do, like a long lost puzzle piece finally slotted into the right position. She feels... wrong, for lack of better words.
Nevertheless, he is a host, and a host exudes chivalry.
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Never have you struggled like this over an assignment. Naturally, most of your classes come easily to you, and that's why you guess that you and Kyoya get along easily.
But this is different. Your college essay. Academically, you can write sophisticated essays about most topics. But, when it comes to yourself, you have little to say.
You stare at a blank page, your cursor flashing without a purpose. You lay comfortably on your bed, blinking owlishly at the white screen. Not a single idea has popped into your head. What are you even supposed to write about? Why can't you just pick an academic topic and write about that?
Of course, for middle school or even early high school, you've written ice-breaker papers about things the teacher wanted to know so that they could teach the class with prior knowledge- but this is requiring to delve deep into your inner soul, you don't think you've ever even done that yourself.
You reluctantly pick up your cell phone and select a contact that you assume won't answer at this time. It's late.
Meanwhile, Kyoya's cell phone rings suddenly. He shamefully admits to himself that he's startled by the bright light and sudden noise. Once it registers in his mind, he puts down his book and picks up the phone instead, reading off the contact name.
y/n l/n
He thinks for a moment that maybe he should add something more to your contact name, but the thought vanishes as quickly as it had come to him. Kyoya answers.
There's a silence on your end. You hadn't been expecting him to pick up.
"Hi." is all you can manage.
Kyoya firmly resists the urge to chuckle fondly, but replies semi-mockingly instead, "Hi, y/n."
"I, um... I need help," you sigh in reluctance.
"May I ask with what?" he hums in reply, saving his place in his novel and setting it to the side, focusing on his gentle conversation with you.
"College essay..." you almost whine, almost ashamed.
Kyoya furrows his eyebrows on his side, "Isn't it a little late for college essays?" He has already submitted and been accepted into to a college- Chiba University.
"I know... I just, I think I'm going to take a break next year. I need some time off." You sound exhausted. Kyoya almost cringes in sympathy.
"That's understandable. Besides, it's not like you'll need to support yourself once we graduate."
A stinging reminder of your future after high school. You do suppose you can consider yourself lucky, he's right. You don't have to support yourself, and you don't even need a college education if you really think about it. But, you want one. For you, not for him.
"I guess you're right." you lay back on your bed loudly, sighing.
"I'll come over and help you, yeah?" Kyoya hoists himself off his bed and slips into his coat, his slippers sliding onto his feet and he makes his way out of his room.
"What? I thought we could just talk over the phone." you sit up in panic. You're in your pajamas and not prepared for company.
"I know, but it'll be easier." you can hear that on his side, he's already out the door and walking to his car.
"You're driving yourself?" you question incredulously.
"I don't want to bother the drivers right now. I got my license about a year ago, thought it would be useful to have." You hear the car door shut on his side and the engine starts.
"Okay..." you can't think of anything else to say.
"Be there soon."
You nod, "Yeah, see you." you hang up, anticipating his arrival as you sit uncomfortably on the edge of your bed.
After a moment of thoughtful silence on your part, you straighten and smooth out your pajama set, which is a pair of shorts and a skimpy tank-top, but you're sure that won't be a problem.
The sound of your bare footsteps pad into the kitchen and on into the entry hall, passing Ren on your way.
"Miss y/n. Do you need something? It's very late." Ren checks his watch and straightens his posture as you pass him.
"Oh um... Kyoya is coming over a minute. Just wanted to meet him at the door." You rub the back of your neck awkwardly, averting your eyes to the chandelier above you instead of Ren's questioning gaze.
"Mr. Ootori?" Then, Ren seems to have it figured out.
"Oh... would... would you like me to...?" Ren jabs his thumb to the exit of the room, suggesting he turn in for the night.
"What? No! Oh, God, no!" You wave at him in urgency, denying his implied claim.
"I understand. Just let me know if you need anything." He bows and turns on his heel to leave you be, standing in the middle of the kitchen in your pajama shorts and tank-top.
It isn't long before there's a soft knock on your front door. You briefly acknowledge the fact that he's neglected to ring the doorbell because of the hour. Your heart pulses at the consideration.
You turn the knob gently and swing it open to reveal Kyoya, dressed oddly domestically, laptop, notebook, and writing utensils brought along with him.
The odd silence between you feels tensed. Finally, he speaks up and cuts through the tension with a dull butter knife.
"Hello." It's a simple greeting, almost awkward, before you stand aside to let him inside.
"Hi. Thanks for coming." he strides past you and nods gently.
"Bedroom is... this way." You gesture vaguely down the hall from the kitchen and lead the way. You can hear his soft footfalls on the floor in the slippers you've provided him with and you heart picks up the pace.
"I don't think I've ever been to your house before." Kyoya takes in his surroundings, the hallway leading to your bedroom is pristine and lengthy.
"You've been to my parents' parties here, right?" You glance at him over your shoulder and suppress a smile at his expression.
"Well, yes. But those parties were held in the ballroom and it isn't too dissimilar from my own." Kyoya reminds. You hum in acknowledgement and turn the corner to the door to your room.
"Just in here. It's a bit of a mess, when I get stressed, I get disorganized, and when I'm disorganized, I'm stressed. It's a relentless cycle." You grumble before pushing open the heavy wooden door.
Kyoya expects much more of a mess than he's greeted with. Despite a few papers strewn about your bed covering and your laptop open near the edge, nothing else seems out of place. He doesn't know what he expected of your room, but it fits you more than he can describe.
You fold your legs beneath your body and pick up your laptop to place it in your lap, ready to begin work. Your eyes dart up from the screen to gaze at Kyoya, standing in the middle of your room as his eyes bound across the room.
"Aren't you going to sit?" You gesture to a number of comfortable surfaces in your room. There's plenty of room on your bed, given the size, but a chair would also suffice. Anything but watching him stand in the center of the room awkwardly would be acceptable.
"Right." you seem to have ripped him from a dizzy daydream and he settles for a chair near your bed. You don't pay his decision much attention and open your empty document.
"I just... can't come up with a single thing to put in this essay." you toss your hands up indignantly, creasing your brow in irritation as your blinking cursor continues to mock you.
"Typically these essays are supposed to reflect your inner workings, tell your university of choice who you are." Kyoya opens his own laptop and begins a new document.
"That's the problem, I've got nothing." you huff, tossing your laptop gently to the side and lying back on your sheets.
"What do you mean you've got nothing?" Kyoya all but chuckles at your antics. You sit halfway up to glare at him.
"I mean I've got nothing! Absolutely nothing comes to mind when thinking about myself. I feel like I can evaluate others just fine, but when it comes to myself... I'm just-"
"Oblivious?" Kyoya's eyes cautiously find yours over his laptop screen. He took the words right out of your mouth.
"I-... yeah, exactly." You're at a loss for words. How did he know?
"I can relate to that to a certain extent." Kyoya resonates with you on a deep level.
You cross your legs casually, "What did you write about?"
Instinctively, Kyoya's eyes fly to your legs where your shorts ride up as your leg folds over your other leg. He physically shakes the thought from his head and meets your eyes again. Or, at least your face.
"Me?" it's a stupid question. He can't say he's ever asked a stupid question before. But there it was, coming right from between his lips.
"Yes, you." You giggle at his question. He curses himself and his hormones for his behavior.
"I just..." What did he write about? Why is it suddenly so hard to remember? When did it get so hot in your room?
"I remembered what my sister told me... when I was struggling with my essay. She said just to tell them that 'Kyoya Ootori is blank', and that seemed to be a good outline for what I wanted to say."
"I think plenty of stories from your adventures in the Host Club helped with that, a little." you tease as you crawl up onto your bed, feeling more comfortable in his presence.
"Indeed it did. Aside from that, you want to be sure not to reiterate anything in your resume. As much as the Host Club is a large part of mine, I tried to avoid restating it too much." Kyoya advises as he pulls a copy of his essay from the depths of his many documents.
"Right. That's smart." it seems like a silly thing to say. Most of what comes from Kyoya's brain and out of his mouth is smart. You dig into your files and find your resume, opening it up and scrolling through it.
"Hm. See, I've already got my family history on here... let's see..." you squint at the bright screen in your dimly lit room.
"And your family doesn't define you." Kyoya's statement is bold and garish. You glance at him.
"How do you mean?" You tilt your head.
"I didn't put my family in my essay at all. It didn't seem like something I wanted them to define me as." Kyoya finds the words to say easily.
"I see what you mean. As much as they don't know about you, your family should be one of the unknowns." You try to comprehend his advice in your own way.
As you begin typing away, you glance at him one last time. "Why're you still all the way over there? Come up here." you pat the bed next to you firmly, a clear gesture to join you on the mattress.
Kyoya hesitates a moment. Finally, he complies and sits cross-legged next to you on the bed, laptop in a similar position to yours. He tries his best to keep his posture straight, God only knows how that will feel in the morning if he doesn't.
The clacking of your fingers on the keys and the clicking of his mousepad ring in the silence. Occasionally, your typing stops and Kyoya glances up to find that you're stuck- eyebrows furrowed and tongue poking the inside of your cheek as your eyes read and reread over your draft.
Eventually, you let out a frustrated hum and scoot closer to him, much to his surprise. "Alright, here's what I have so far."
It seems you really only need someone to bounce ideas off of. Kyoya hasn't provided much help, although a few pieces of advice, but most of what you're writing you've come up with on your own. He finds himself not focused on what you're saying at all, but the way your lips form around words as you speak, the way your fingers slightly tremble as they grasp behind your laptop as if you're nervous, the way your eyes flit to and fro across the screen as you read.
And suddenly you're finished. You glance up at him, gauging his reaction. Once he notices that your lips have stopped moving, he glances up to meet your eyes as well. Nothing of what you said made it to his ears. Not one bit. A faint blush spreads across his face at the thought of being caught staring.
"Well?" you ask in the silence.
Kyoya's eyes linger on you before casting down to his own laptop. "I-um... good- it's good, yeah." he scratches the back of his neck and chews anxiously on the inside of his cheek.
What kind of spell have you put on him? What kind of creature are you to render the Kyoya Ootori unable to concentrate or form a coherent sentence? What kind of sorcery is this?
"Kyoya." You call him out of his thoughts in a stern voice. His gray irises move up to you in a hurry.
"You didn't hear a word of what I just said."
And there it is. You pointed it out. Kyoya feels his heart twang. Damn his sudden emotions, they aren't supposed to come to him in a rush like this.
"I'm sorry, I was... distracted." he decides on after a moment of thinking.
"What could you possibly be distracted by?" Kyoya can hear the irritation dripping from your voice but he can't help when his eyes glance at your lips at your inquiry.
You, you seductive wench.
You follow his gaze and know exactly what he's looking at. You feel a sudden confidence bloom in your chest at his incapability to speak.
Kyoya only looks back into your eyes when your lips tug up on one side, simpering up at him.
"Would it help to... take a break?" you gently shut the lid of your laptop and set it aside. Kyoya's heart picks up the pace.
"Potentially... yes. We should do something else. We should-"
You yank him by the collar and firmly press your lips to Kyoya's. His lips are pressed into a thin line, eyes wide and unsure of how to react.
You're kissing him. You're kissing him. Oh, God. He should do something, he should-
"You talk too much." you whisper against his lips and close your mouth again against his.
Kyoya can't help his eyes that flutter shut, can't help but inhale deeply, your scent overriding his senses. His mind screams your name because that's all he can think of. y/n, y/n, y/n.
He would stop himself, but... he remembers...
First of all, you're his fiancé. This is what fiancés should do. It's almost expected.
And second of all, it's you. You're clouding his senses.
Self-control? Who's she?
Kyoya has no idea what he's doing. Not only has he never kissed anyone before, his mind is also melting, falling apart, how ever you want to describe it. It's useless, and he can't even comprehend how to reciprocate. And, oh, your lips are so soft. You taste like jasmine, lavender? No, jasmine. Jasmine is much more rich and seductive.
Luckily, you know what to do. Your lips are moving, almost mouthing at his own. Kyoya remembers what he's always heard; just mimic your partner.
He tries to do what you're doing, and it seems to work.
Speaking of you, your mind is screaming at you; what the hell are you doing?!
But when Kyoya starts to kiss you back, his lips moving in sync with yours, your nerves settle. You can't help your mouth stretching into a thin line, smiling as you acknowledge that his arms are stationary at his sides.
"Your arms go here." you grasp his wrists and place them on your waist. His hands feel tense, stiff.
Kyoya emits a noise and gently pushes against you, detaching his mouth from yours and taking a deep, open-mouthed breath in, like a man drowning and finally surfacing for a breath of air.
"I can't breathe." He exhales deeply, then. Now that you can get a better look at him, you can see his flushed cheeks and glazed-over eyes. His lungs were burning, otherwise he wouldn't have pulled away.
You giggle at him and Kyoya swears he hears angels from on high. Is this heaven? Has he ascended to the great beyond?
But when the neurons in his brain start firing again, all he can see is your and your cheeks painted a pretty pink, eyes hooded as you gaze at him with a look he's never seen before.
You? Heaven? Same word, different letters.
Suddenly, as much as Kyoya needs air, he needs you again. But, he's not sure if he wants to move toward you. He's conflicted. He should have much more self control, but when you intrude on his thoughts (a very much welcomed intrusion), he can't find himself caring enough to stop.
"Who would've thought? Kyoya Ootori, you are a very talented kisser." You chuckle seductively as you release your grip on his collar.
"Had some experience?" there's a certain type of humor in your tone. You've always resorted to using jokes to cover up negative emotions; like jealousy, in this case. Kyoya really is a good kisser... you can only wonder where or with who he learned how.
"No." Kyoya answers immediately, shaking his head defiantly. You raise an eyebrow, relief flooding your senses.
"Oh?" is all you can say. You can feel the dread of a sudden lull in the conversation.
"No, I just... mimicked you." he admits, thoroughly winded.
You bite your lip to suppress a much too large smile, reaching for your laptop and pacing to your desk to set it there.
"I think we've done enough for tonight. Thank you... for your help. And, everything else." you tease, clasping your hands behind your back and swaying on your feet. You leap back onto your bed and tuck your legs beneath you.
Kyoya exhales, then fumbles with himself and then his things. "Right. Right, I'll just..." He's almost to your door, but you tug on his shirt to keep him from going too far.
"Won't you stay the night?" Your voice is soft and pleading, quite contrasting to your earlier confidence.
Kyoya takes a glimpse of your hand grasping the fabric of his clothing.
"With me?" you clarify after a moment.
"But, your parents..." Kyoya reminds you that the two of you are not alone in this house.
You laugh humorlessly, "You've met my parents, haven't you? I'm not so convinced they'll care if you stay or go."
"Do... you care if I stay or go?" Kyoya tries cautiously. Because that's all that really matters. It's your opinion he cares about. For once, he finds himself putting someone else's opinion above his own.
"Do you want me to care?" that's not really the response he's looking for. He wants you to be vulnerable first.
The silence in your room is deafening. Neither of you speak but you can practically feel the nerves radiating off of one another.
"I should probably go."
Kyoya regrets it. Oh, he can't even begin to describe how much he regrets what he's said, but he can't let his guard down for longer than he has.
You feel your heart wrench at his words, "Yeah, yeah. It's probably best." You wrest yourself from your bed and swiftly move on to your nightly routine so as to distract yourself.
"Right." Kyoya gathers his things and waits at your doorway, silently begging for you to call him back to you. Back into your arms, back into the warm safety of your embrace.
But you don't. You don't even spare him a glance as you make your way to your bathroom.
"I'll see you soon." he calls. The end of school means he doesn't get to see you everyday. Not without initiating.
"See you. Goodnight." Kyoya can almost hear the pain in your voice, the trembling. He winces at himself.
"Goodnight." he walks himself to your front door, slipping out without another glance behind him.
When he leaves, the pain sets in. You grip the edges of your sink with fervor and your eyes squeeze shut tightly. You shouldn't have taken a chance, how could you think something like that would work out for the better?
Soon after your routine, you wrap yourself in your blankets and swaddle yourself in sorrow, your heart pounding with a dull aching pain. You find it hard to breathe, hard to catch your breath. You groan and bury your body beneath the blankets, settling in for a dreamless sleep.
Whatever troubles tomorrow brings can't compare to the agonizing pain of the present.
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog 💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something 💌
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Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
kyoya x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of smut, some grinding, make out, flirting.
a/n: This was basically just fluff with some implied smut towards the end.
“(y/n)?! What are you doing here? I thought you were in America, doing that touring thing?” Your dearest older brother, Tamaki asked once you had entered the Host Club
“I was, but the tour ended and I decided to come home! Why? Do you not wish to see me?” You asked, doing Tamaki’s famous puppy dog, sad eyes (Which you totally out do him on). The other hosts and the guests watch intently.
“NO! That's not it at all! Of course I want to see my darling baby sister!” He practically yelled and everyone in the room, except Kyoya of course, had audibly gasped.
“Boss! You never told us you had a sister!” The twins spoke in unison.
“Yeah, Tamaki-Senpai. You haven’t mentioned that, not once.” Haurhi stated.
“She is so pretty, Tama-Chan!” Honey spoke while holding Usa-Chan close to his chest, staring up at you with his adorable wide eyes.
“Yeah.” The ever so stoic and silent Mori added in.
“You never talk about me, Tamaki?” You raised an eyebrow at your brother. He was the one who cried profusely when you first left a couple years ago, and every time you had to leave again after a visit home. “Not once?” Tamaki started to stutter out a response and then proceeded to grow mushrooms in his little emo corner. You on the other hand, began to giggle. You turned to the rest of the room. “I’m (y/n) Suoh. Tamaki’s little sister.” You stuck out your hand and shook everybodies in the room until you began to be surrounded by Tamaki’s little (BIG) fan group. They asked you all sorts of questions which you happily answered, even the embarrassing ones. Everyone laughed or giggled, even Kyoya himself, found you quite fascinating. You still had Tamaki’s dramaticness, but it was less annoying than your brother’s. You could also be quite serious and a very hard worker.
As the days passed, you became close friends with the host club. Especially Haruhi and Kyoya. You and Haruhi would go shopping and hang out and just enjoy each other's company. She loved that you never talked about her social status. You never questioned why she dressed like a guy when she was biologically a female. You also quite liked the feeling of wearing normal clothes instead of the scratchy, too expensive, elegant dresses your grandmother forced you to wear when you home. 
And yes, Kyoya took a special place in your heart as well. He was such a different person than your brother and it was a nice change of pace. You two would sit down and read, or do work in silence. You two would also have very intellectual conversations, to which he was very happy about. Finally, someone who could hold a legit conversation without getting bored. 
One particular evening, while at a host club event, you attended as an honorary host member. You and Kyoya both thought it would be beneficial for the club, if maybe to get more money, you broadened the horizons and reeled in some male guests. Much to Tamaki’s distaste. He didn’t want his little sister to flirt with guys. NEVER! He argued and complained, but when he saw how natural you were at it, he sighed in defeat and allowed it. 
But behind closed doors, the only real flirting you ever did, was with the shadow king himself. And he flirted right back. The way he would just push up his glasses onto his nose, the smirk, the evil little glint in his eyes when he looked at you from the side, he had you melting like butter in a lava pit.
That was all fun and what not, but the hidden desire you both had for each other kept growing and growing. When Tamaki decided to host a party at the Suoh manor, that's when things got heated. The twins insisted on playing three hours in heaven. You know, like seven minutes in heaven but MUCH longer. Everyone was paired up with someone, especially since your tour mates showed up and now every male host had a female to go into a room with. And lucky you, you got The Shadow King. Tamaki was pretty chill with it since Kyoya was his best friend and wouldn’t do anything to his baby sister, though you were only a year younger. 
But once your bedroom door was closed, you found yourself up against it, Kyoya’s lips hot against yours in a fiery, passionate kiss. Lips molded together perfectly like two puzzle pieces. Teeth and tongues lashing in a war he would inevitably win. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that.” He spoke, voice deep and raspy, lips just hovering above yours.
“Feeling is mutual.” You breathed. You smashed your lips together once more before pulling away. “I’ve also been wanting to do some… other things, as well.” This caused the normally patient man to growl and push his entire body against yours, grinding his hips against yours, both moaning at the friction that was beginning to form into lust and want.
“Then let's do...other things.” He spoke in your ear. 
The others didn’t see you for the rest of the evening, but when morning came and you walked down to the kitchen in nothing but Kyoya’s oversized shirt, Tamaki freaked out.
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ongaku-ato-kakikomi · 4 years
French Lesson - Tamaki Suoh x Reader
Prompt: #21 “this, this makes it all worth it”
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club (Tamaki Suoh x Reader)
Word Count: 637 words.
Summary: Tamaki is kind enough to help you out with your french homework.
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“So, if I understand correctly…” You squint your eyes at the exercises Tamaki just corrected for you, remembering the main lines of his explanation as to why you got some answers wrong. “… you’re saying that nouns have a gender?”
“Yes.” He gives you a proud smile, feeling particularly happy that you came to him specifically to help you perfect your French. “So when a noun is female and you add an adjective, you have to modify that adjective appropriately.”
“So if ‘flower’ in French is a female word… and I add the adjective ‘pretty’…” You start to scribble down the word ‘une belle fleur’ onto your paper, your eyes widening with a sense of understanding. “I have to use the female version of the adjective and not the masculine one.”
“Exactly! See?” Tamaki gives out a small chuckle, tapping your piece of paper with a smile. “You’re getting it pretty quickly. Not everyone does.”
You give out a small smile to thank in, though you can feel your cheeks rapidly heat up from the embarrassment. “I’m sorry for taking up so much of your time… I know you have other important things to do, like the Host Club-”
“Don’t apologize, dear.” You feel your breath get stuck in your throat when he gently holds onto your chin, making you look into his purple orbs. “This… this makes it all worth it. I wouldn’t give up this time with you with anything else in the world.”
Tamaki lets go of your chin just as you giggle nervously. “Is that one of your usual lines or do you use it for special ones?”
He seems taken aback by your words as if you’d just hurt him. “How dare! I let you know that I never use ‘lines’ whether I’m working as a host or not! I’m a gentleman, you see?”
“Hm-hm.” You feel your blush starting to fade away, your confidence rising up as your brain finds ways to tease him. “That’s not what Haruhi said.”
“What-” His eyes widen, shock taking over his features. “What did they say?”
You just snort upon seeing his reaction, the sound along with your next words making him sigh in relief. “Nothing! I just wanted to see how you would react if I said that. 
“Oh, you… always such a teaser…” He hides his face with his hands for a quick second, slightly moving his fingers so he can look at you a few seconds later.
“Why must you try to torment me?”
“Why? Do you want me to stop?” You approach your face to his, giving out a small smirk when you notice his skin turning red. “Don’t you like it?”
“U-Um…” He seems to have difficulties to find an answer to your questions, his nervousness taking over as his hands start to tremble. “Um… I mean…”
The bell rings before he can manage to say anything else, your head looking around the library to see people standing up and starting to get to their own classes.
“Well, looks like we have to go now.” You try your best to pick up your things and put them into your bag, standing up at the same time as him only to give him a warm smile. “Thank you so much for your help, Tamaki. I think I’m gonna do great on the next test.”
“I… of course. You are welcome.” He puts one of his hands against his chest, giving you a genuine smile despite his nervousness still present. “You can ask for my help at any time.”
“I’ll have to take you up on that.”
Those are the last words you tell him before you leave the library, a knowing smile settled on your lips.
He doesn’t need to know that you’re at the top of your French class now, does he?
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animeomegas · 3 years
Who wants to settle down faster? When they know for sure that they want to spend the rest of their lives with their alpha?👀
Ah, this is a sweet one. Who are the fastest to settle down, let’s see~
Naruto Uzumaki, Diavolo, Matsuda Touta, Tamaki Suoh.
1. Naruto - This man fully believes in soulmates, so once he is sure that his alpha is his soulmate, he is all in. He knows that Konoha is his home, and he knows that you are his perfect other half, so why wait? He want to move in together really quickly, then he wants to mate with his alpha, then he wants to get married then he want like three children. all of this happens in the span of about 3 years. Naruto craves the family lifestyle so much it hurts, so when he gets that opportunity, he’s not going to let it go.
2. Diavolo - He is so lonely. All he wants is friends and a lover, to be surrounded by people who love im for who he is, not because he’s in charge of Devildom. So when he meets someone that provides this for him, he is smitten straight away. He wants to move very quickly, he adores his alpha more than anything and it honestly never occurs to him that he might be moving too fast. He wants you to rule beside him and he wants that now. He wants to enjoy your relationship together for a long time before adding kids to the mix however.
3. Matsuda - Matsuda gets addicted to love. His alpha makes him so happy, why wouldn’t he get married? He starts planning his wedding so soon after he meets his alpha it’s almost embarrassing. He gushes about their relationship to everyone he knows constantly and he just wants to be able to call you his officially. Everyone wants him to get married so that he’ll shut up about his alpha, but jokes on them because it gets so much worse after he’s married.
4. Tamaki - Another loud blonde who believes in soulmates. He was sighing dreamily over his alpha being his soulmate during their third date. When he falls in love, he falls fast and hard. As long as he’s out of school, he’s willing to move in together and get married within a year and a half of knowing his alpha. He daydreams about such simple parts of married life and he can’t help himself. Tamaki is also willing to add children to the mix very early on.
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blossombionic · 4 years
More like a Funeral (Kyoya x reader)
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Today may be his wedding day, but Jesus Christ does it feel more like a funeral.
And he has to watch you stand in the crowd from the altar as someone other than you makes their way towards him.
If someone had told Kyoya that he’d be standing at the altar a few months after his high school graduation, he’d probably do his sexy chuckle and deny it, but he wouldn’t be surprised. He knew that an arranged marriage was in the cards for him, it was easy to guess those types of things. His father was a controlling dictator in Kyoya’s life, so the fact that his bride was not only a daughter to the wealthy owner of some company, but that she was handpicked by his father, and was more of a peace offering than a girl, wasn’t shocking. 
What was a surprise was to the boy the way his chest felt like it was filled with lead as he stood and looked out at the crowd. There had to be at least 200 people there, from his side of the family and his soon-to-be wife’s side. Not to mention all the business partners his father invited. 
The biggest surprise was the fact that you were no where to be seen. 
Your seat was empty. Third row from the front, in between Kaoru and Honey. And the look the Hitachiin was giving him was an indicator that they didn’t know where you were either. He supposes he can’t really blame you for not showing, he’s knows your heart is broken. 
But he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t disappointed in your empty chair. After all, before you were ever lovers, you were best friends. and you had promised to be there for him. That’s what friendship is, even if it did only start because he wanted something from you. But the way you fell into his life so easily and completely led to more than he would’ve imagined. And suddenly what he wanted from you was no longer reputation, but love and affection.
It may be his wedding day, but it felt much more like a funeral.  
Kyoya let his eyes roam back up in front of him, the group of girl across from him unfamiliar. He’d never met her friends, never wanted too. She was quite an unpleasant girl, rude and condescending. A spoiled pretentious brat was how you described her to him, and Kyoya had genuinely laughed that day. 
But you always seemed to be able to make him laugh whole heartedly.
Ah, the sinking in his chest was back again. 
Suddenly the music that sounded like a death march rang through the church, and his attention was drawn to the end of the aisle. 
But when the door opened to reveal his cupcake bride, he wasn’t looking at her.
He was looking at the one thing that warmed his colder then snow insides.
Because there you were, standing beside the door his silly bride was coming from.
You had made it.
When your beautiful eyes locked with his own, Kyoya swore he could’ve ascended at that very moment, he was so happy. The flutter of Kyoya’s heart brought him back to reality. You looked beautiful. He could feel your warmth spreading inside of him. 
Kyoya wanted to cry at the sight of you, because even with all of this, you offered him a small smile. Even as your hands gripped the bottom of your dress nervously, and even as your bottom lip was pulled slightly between your teeth, you still came, and you were still smiling at him. 
It was obvious you had been crying, your eyes puffy and cheeks red, but Jesus Christ Kyoya has never been so happy to see you. 
The small grin that graced his face was also not due to his pageant queen bride. 
He felt a small nudge on his lower back, and looked back at Tamaki, his best man. Kyoya observed his best friends wide eyes and small smile as he saw you as well. 
But when Kyoya had turned back around, the girl had reached the altar and was looking at him expectantly. 
Suddenly the air around Kyoya was too cold for his lungs, and he was unable to take in enough air. His throat closing up, and his eyes burning, because this was really happening.
And the woman at the altar wasn’t you.
But this is how it had to be. 
Kyoya knew his father was looking to him to go through with this. This marriage was a crucial part to the next step for his father corporation, and Kyoya doesn’t want to disappoint him.
But it hurts his heart to know that in exchange he’s disappointing you. 
So yeah, this was no longer a wedding, but a funeral. But you and Kyoya were the ones mourning. 
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spacebunnywrites · 4 years
Interest Check
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Is anyone in this fandom still? Like, most of us who watched this growing up are whole adults now. If I wrote M/F/NB reader inserts for Host Club would you guys appreciate it? SFW/NSFW Fluff/Smut/Kink... I’ll do it all. I just love these poor dumbasses and really want to write for them... 
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Not So Bad After All
Pairings: Takashi Morinozuka x Reader
Genre/Ratings: G; descriptions of a panic attack
Words: 2200
Summary: Requested by anonymous; who wanted secret-boyfriend-Mori to come to the rescue during a panic attack (and Tamaki’s reaction at discovering the secret couple). There’s dancing, y’all, that’s all I’m gonna say. 
“Okay,” you murmur to yourself, low enough so that the hordes of people around you won’t hear. “This isn’t so bad, right?” You glance around at the students darting between booths of cotton candy and carnival games, laughing as they pull friends by the hand through the crowd to their next big adventure. It smells of popcorn and sugar, and brightly-colored stuffed animals sway in the spring breeze and catch your gaze. It’s a chaotic but cheerful scene, and despite your hesitation the atmosphere does tug at something light in your chest. “I’ll just find the boys, say hello, then look for quietest corner to hide in…”
Easier said than done. The receiving line to see the club- they’re holding court in the center of the fair, surrounded by twinkling lights and lush landscaping- is miles long, with dozens of girls clamoring for a spot in line closer to their idols. Luckily, you catch Haruhi’s eye and she smiles and waves you over to a little side area that doesn’t have any foot traffic. She nudges Tamaki and says something in his ear, then leads a few others over to you while the ever-popular king keeps the rest of the crowd occupied.
“Hey Y/N!” She waves, her smile bright. “We thought you weren’t gonna make it!”
“Y/N-chaaaaaaan!” Honey’s small self elbows through the throng and tackles you in an enthusiastic hug, making you laugh and ruffle his hair. “I’m so glad you’re here! Did you see the cotton candy? It’s shaped like flowers!”
“Hi, Honey,” you giggle. “Yes, I saw the fairy floss, and it looks bigger than your head.”
He grins. “That’s the best part!”
“You’ll get sick, Mitsukuni.” Mori taps his cousin on the head, then lifts him onto his shoulders. “Remember what happened last time?”
“Um…. No?”
You snort. “How convincing. Do I want to know?”
“Noooooo, nope, no you do not.” Haruhi is adamantly making the abort mission signal. “So, what are you going to do first?”
“Mmmm, not sure. Maybe the bumper cars? As long as it isn’t the Ferris wheel I’ll be fine,” you joke. You are really not a fan of heights.
“Haruhiiiiiiiiiii? Where is Haruhi? Is she lost?!”
Said girl in question rolls her eyes at you dramatically. “Senpai calls. I’ll catch up with you later, yeah?”
“Calm down, Tamaki, I’m coming!”
You have to smother your giggles with a hand over your mouth as you watch an exasperated a Haruhi storm back over to the group. “She’s got him bent around her little finger, doesn’t she?”
“Thoroughly.” Mori turns his attention back to you, and you can’t help but take in how handsome he looks with the lights glinting in his eyes and the rare chance to see him out of uniform.
“Hi,” you say shyly, reaching up in your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. “Busy night?” He makes an obviously unhappy noise of agreement. “I’ll wander around a bit and meet back up with you at the end, then? Don’t eat too much candy,” you gently rebuke Honey, pinching his toes. He sticks his tongue out at you playfully.
The pair eventually get back to their hosting- though not before Mori returns your kiss- and you watch them go a bit sadly. Mori loves his friends and likes his hobby, even if it does take time away from you. Winding through a busy carnival does sound romantic after all- he’d probably win every prize in the booth for you if you wanted. The thought makes you smile.
“Y/N! Hey!” You turn and just as your classmate Ann makes her way towards you. “What’s up?”
“Not much.” You give her a wave. “Just killing time. You?”
“Well, I was trying to get Hikaru’s attention, but considering I’m still here alone you can see how well that’s going…” she sighs, annoyed. Ann’s been hooked on the twin for months now, and it’s times like this you’re glad nobody knows about you and Mori because you just know she’d try and use you for an in with him. “Anyways. You here with anyone? Wanna be fair buddies?”
“Ummm…” it wouldn’t be your first choice, but Ann is harmless most of the time… “sure, why not?”
“Cool!” She gives you a wide smile. “I know exactly what I want to do- the Ferris wheel! Come on!”
Your eyes widen as she grabs your arm. “Oh, no, um, I’m probably just going to stick to the games-”
“Oh come on, Y/N, don’t kill the mood. It’ll be fun!” You squeak as she yanks you towards the ride, unable to get yourself out from her grip.
Despite every excuse you can think of- why don’t I just wait for you here? I can go get us some food! I heard Hikaru was hanging out by the ski ball- you’re somehow ushered into an incredibly rickety looking basket that’s swinging from rusty hinges. Ann is excited, talking a mile a minute, but you feel like you’re holding your stomach in with your hands. The clang the metal door makes as the operator locks you in sounds like a death sentence.
“Ooooooo, here we go!” The cab lurches forward and everything in you lurches with it, slowly pulling the two of you skywards.
“Oh god oh god oh god-” you’re frantically mumbling under your breath, trying to keep yourself together, but you can feel your heartbeat beginning to race and your fingers fumble nervously for some sort of purchase. “I don’t- can they stop the ride? I need to get off now!”
“Whoa, hey, Y/N- are you okay?”
“I can’t-!” The words choke up your throat, and pretty soon a full fledged panic attack is hovering just in the brink of your vision. Everything is too hot and too bright and too loud and you can’t breathe at all- the ride lurches as you halt at the top of the wheel, and a shriek escapes from you before you can hold it back- loud enough to make Ann jump.
“Jesus-! Okay, just, just calm down okay? It’ll be over soon, everything is totally fine, okay?”
You try to listen to her words, hands pressed to your face in effort to stop tears from rolling down your cheeks, but your breathing is still achy and off-tempo. The whole way down is a nightmare, every little shake of your seat setting off a torrent of new anxiety. You’ve practically leapt from the ride before it even touches down; stumbling down the steps and into the crowd with a red face and and shaky hands. Even worse, everyone is looking, watching you completely freak out, and you can’t get yourself to stop-
“Y/N.” Mori appears in front of you, tall enough to block out some of the blinding lights. “What’s happened?” You shake your head, too overwhelmed to speak. “Breathe. You’re safe.”
He keeps talking, just like he has every other time he’s helped you through a panic attack. It helps to listen to his voice; ever calm and unruffled, a cool contrast to the thoughts in your head racing a million miles a minute. He takes your hand as well, rubbing small circles with his thumb. “Y/N? Dance with me.”
You look up at him, choking back tears. “Mori- you- we can’t-”
Protesting doesn’t stop him from gently tugging you closer. You slip your arms around him almost in relief, letting yourself rest your forehead against his chest. His own hands drop to your waist, an incredibly familiar gesture that instantly slows your heart to a more manageable level.
It’s a callback to your first meeting- some gala so many years ago- where the long and formal night was starting to wear on your nerves something fierce. Mori had been kind enough to talk to a complete stranger, to joke with you and bring you a drink when you were clearly in no place to get one yourself. When he’d asked you to dance, you’d marveled that on the ballroom floor with his hand on your waist was the calmest you’d felt all night. Ever since, the two of you would ask each other to dance- to make the other take a break from homework, to celebrate a victory or cheer up after defeat, or just to make each other laugh. And at times like now, when the only thing that will get through to your overwhelmed senses is the feeling of his heartbeat as he sways with you back and forth.
“What are they doing…?” Tamaki comments, seeing the two of you dance quietly amidst a bustling walkway. You’re drawing some looks, but neither of you seem to notice- lost in your own world. “He’ll ruin the mood! This is not what we’re doing today, Mori-senpai!!”
“Is YN-chan okay?” Honey says worriedly, noting your red face.
“Let’s leave them alone. We’ll figure it out later.”
“But- but Haruhi, my carnival!”
“Tamaki I swear to god-”
When the crowds clear and all the girls have gone home, the eight of are you are left at a picnic table to watch crews of servants effectively bundle away the tents and booths. Honey is drowning in several newly-acquired plushies, the twins are devouring leftover food, and Kyoya is marking figures in his journal with a pleased expression on your face. You’re sitting next to Mori, probably closer than you should, but your nerves are still frayed. Haruhi is on the other side of you, occasionally sliding you worried glances. “So, um… is everything okay, Y/N? You seem a little…”
“Weird. Were you crying earlier?” Hikaru asks with his usual tact, words garbled from the popcorn in his cheeks. Haruhi shoots him a glare.
“Oh, um…” you fumble over an explanation until Mori subtly bumps your knee with his, grounding you. “I had a bit of a panic attack. A friend got me on the Ferris wheel and heights are…” you shiver a little. “But, um. Mori helped me, so. I’m better now.”
“Oh yeah, we saw that. Were you dancing?” The redhead raises a cocky eyebrow. “Care to explain?”
“Yes, care to explain?” Tamaki pipes in, his arms crossed and brow furrowed. “I thought we agreed that the theme was to be upbeat, casual, and fun! Dancing was not on the schedule!”
Your cheeks flame. “It’s just- something we do, sometimes.”
“Oh, because it’s a crime to dance with your girlfriend now?” Haruhi defends you with a nudge to your shoulder. “Geez, Tamaki, lay off.”
“Wha- G- Girlfriend?!” Tamaki sputters. “Mori-senpai does not have a girlfriend!” You look at the blonde skeptically. No, you hadn’t told them, but you thought they would’ve figured it out by now on their own… Mori seems to be thinking the same, giving you an amused glance. Haruhi is similarly looking at him in open disbelief, a gaze that says how thick can you be; Honey is giggling behind his hand, and even Kyoya raises a pointed eyebrow. Tamaki stares at all of you, not getting it. Then, very deliberately, Mori takes your hand in his and tangles your fingers together, right in front of the boy’s face.
Kaoru almost chokes at his sudden change in volume. “Geez, boss, settle down!”
“But- but I- why did no one tell me? Who knew of this… this conspiracy!?”
Now even you have to hold back a laugh- Tamaki being ridiculous never fails to make you smile. You raise the hand not attached to Mori, and you can hear Mori’s laughter rumbling in his chest as he raises his as well. Honey sticks his bun-bun’s pink furry paw in the air, Haruhi holds up two fingers with an amused smirk, and even Kyoya puts a slender hand in the air.
The twins, for their part, just glance at each other and shrug. “We could’ve guessed.”
“Wha- you knew? And you kept it from me?” He rounds on Kyoya, his violet eyes wide and brimming dramatically with unshod tears. “But why, Kyoya-senpai?”
“Well, they asked me to, for one,” Kyoya says in his dry sarcasm. “I believe they were afraid you’d react along the lines of-” he gestures at Tamaki. “This.”
“That is hardly fair! As leader of this club I should know everything that goes on! I should-” he goes on, whining and pleading and arguing at Kyoya who very pointedly keeps a straight face and nods at the appropriate times while his best friend continues his rant.
“Well.” You glance at your boyfriend. “I suppose that worked out, then?”
“Something like that,” he agrees. He still hasn’t let go of your hand.
“Just for the record,” Haruhi leans in. “I think the dancing thing is cute.”
You shove her away, embarrassed, as the twins let loose some cat calls and Honey claps enthusiastically in agreement. “You guys are the worst,” you grumble, but you give Haruhi a smile anyways as you lean into the kiss Mori presses to the top of your head.
A/N: I had to throw in the “Mori, this is not what we’re doing today!” line XD 
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❝ N is for 𝓝abisco (Tamaki Suoh)
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📑 Table of Contents
Genre: Crack, Friendship
Word Count: 216
Pairing: Reader, Tamaki
World: Ouran High School Host Club
[ N is for nabisco ]
“Y/N!” The blonde teen ran through the halls of Ouran Academy, glomping you when he finally arrived in front of you.
“What’s up, Tamaki?” you questioned, beginning to walk towards the garden. Tamaki followed and took a seat next to you by the water fountain.
“Tell me, do you know this Nabisco person?” He questioned, purple eyes locked onto yours. He had a mixed look on his face, containing both seriousness and determination.
“Come again?” you blinked, wondering if you had heard him incorrectly. He couldn’t possibly be talking about the snack company… could he? No, there’s no way. Even Tamaki wasn’t that stupid.
“Haruhi was talking about him. I demand to know who this guy is!” Tamaki grabbed your shoulders. “You must tell me!”
Then again, he is a blonde…
“Y-You’re kidding… right?” you bit your lip to keep from bursting out laughing, knowing that such an action would deeply offend him.
Tamaki cocked his head to the side, purple orbs shining in confusion.
You giggled at him, poking his nose. “You’re too cute, Tama-chan~! Nabisco isn’t a person, it’s a snack company. You know, stuff like Oreos and cookies.”
He blinked, a small tinge of pink overtaking his cheeks. “Oh…”
You smiled warmly, ruffling his blonde locks before standing up and heading to class.
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wickedyan · 5 years
If you do Ouran content. I would love some Tamaki content? I recently delved back into the anime, and I just can't stop thinking about how Tamaki would treat his fem s/o. I guess I see him as completely delusional and obsessed with a specific image of her. Dressing her and trying to make her fit some perfect image. I just wonder what a day with him would be like?
My lovely, you have no clue how much I adore delusionals… Icouldn’t ignore this request.
Warnings- yandere
Character- Tamaki Suoh, Ouran High School Host Club
“Y/n, darling, I bought you a new sundress!” Tamaki shoved a largebag into your awaiting arms, it was the same each time he visited your home.Judging by the size of the bag, he had most likely splurged on more than just asundress. You let loose a sigh, placing the bag in your room, next to the restof them.
“Thank you, Tamaki, but you really shouldn’t be spending money onme. I have more than enough clothing and jewellery,” you paused, furrowing yourbrow, “and besides, I wouldn’t feel comfortable wearing something so expensive…or revealing for that matter.”
Tamaki chuckled, “Oh y/n, you don’t need to keep up thispoliteness of yours. Please, I would feel hurt if you won’t wear what I boughtfor you! Afterall, you’re mine to take care of!” His smile was positivelyradiant, an emotion swirling in those blue eyes of his that you couldn’t quiteplace. “Oh, that reminds me. I have some more groceries for you back in thelimousine, I’ll have the driver bring them up momentarily!”
He was taller than you, smiling down at you. You sighed, guiltfilling you as you attempted to protest once more. Before you could speak,Tamaki interrupted you.
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head, my darling. I’m here andI will always provide for you! Afterall, I am your boyfriend. Well, soon yourfiancé but I wouldn’t want to rush it. We’re meant to be, and we have ourentire lives to wed.”
Your eyes widened, chest burning. “Tamaki, we’re just friends. Wearen’t dating.”
Tamaki’s hand caressed your cheek, head tilted in adoration. Heseemed to be ignoring you, or pretending that you had spoken.
He was no longer the Tamaki you knew. Ignoring certain things youwould utter, buying you clothing that you had never showed any interest inwearing, providing you with groceries and home-cooked meals, swooping in andstopping any unwanted advances from boys at your school, despite having a classscheduled at the same time, walking you home from school. At some times heacted like the perfect gentleman, at others he was a delusional stalker.
You weren’t sure which was true.
He knew you didn’t feel the same as he did. But that was okay! Youwere meant to be with him, and time would tell the truth, sooner or later.
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rosywaifu · 5 years
Sweet Creature {Hikaru x Reader x Kaoru}
Here’s a cute and fluffy oneshot for the lovely @madoka-magicas ! Hope you like it! 
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Kaoru smiled as he saw the girl walk into the Host Club, nudging his brother with his elbow getting him to look over, earning a smile from Hikaru as well. 
(Y/N) never came to the Host Club, resolving only to stop by after they had closed down for the evening. It pained her to see her boyfriends putting on a crazy act of forbidden brotherly romance in order to woo gaggles of girls who sat and gawked at them for hours. 
However, today, something made (Y/N) decide to stop by, be it fate, destiny, the fact that she missed her ginger twins a lot and could not stand to be away from them another minute. So there she was, walking like a vision in pale yellow towards the head table where Kyoya sat organizing appointments and budgets. 
“Hello, Kyoya-senpai. I’d like to request Hikaru and Kaoru please.” Her voice was soft, and sweet. She hardly talked to Kyoya, as he hardly talked to her. He looked her up and down and nodded. As much as it pained him, he resolved to not charge her for this request. He realized she was just a girl missing her boyfriends. She smiled at him gratefully as he motioned for her to go on. She walked slowly, one foot in front of the other, before arriving at their table. They other girls new the drill when a host got a special request; the scurried off but not before sending some glares towards (Y/N) for cutting into their precious twincest time. 
She sat on the couch across from them, not saying anything for a moment. The twins slinked in unison and wound themselves across the tea table and landed on either side of the (H/C) girlfriend. 
“Well, hello, (Y/N).” Hikaru began. 
“We’ve missed you! But you never come to the club,” Kaoru continued. 
“Why’d you come?” They finished in unison. (Y/N) sighed. She felt a little hurt by their question. Why had she come? Sure she missed them, but she could have seen them later, she argued internally. She didn’t want to admit that the reason she came was the fact that she heard from a few classmates that “the Hitachiin twins were going to do something incredible at the host club meeting today!” something that would be too good to miss. She really hoped they weren’t going to kiss for these girls who fantasized about her boyfriends, they didn’t like to kiss each other, they were brothers after all! They instead used their affection on (Y/N); kissing her, hugging her, making her squeal. 
“Well, I missed you too, in fact. Am I not allowed to visit you two at the club? Afraid Tamaki-senpai will try to steal me away?” She teased lightly, poking their shoulder with a long finger. A giggling smirk made its way to her lips. 
At the mention of his name, Tamaki found his way to their table. Grasping her hand in a princely manner, he leaned and began a monologue. 
“Ah, Princess (Y/N), finally had enough of the shady twins, I see. I wondered when you would grow annoyed at their mischievous antics. You deserve someone princely, who will wait on your every need and treat you like the absolute princess you are.” Tamaki, ever the oblivious, didn’t notice the angry red faces of the twins glaring down at him. (Y/N) blushed. Slowly, she ripped her hand from Tamaki’s grasp. 
“Right, sorry, Tamaki-senpai. I've already got two princes who treat me like a princess.” She grabbed the hands of the gingers making their glowering faces turn to soft hearted ones. They smiled at the sweet girl, who they loved incredibly. They brought their lips down to her cheeks, Hikaru kissing the right, Kaoru, the left. Tamaki left too sulk, leaving the twins to talk with their beloved sweetheart as they talked about their day and enjoyed each other’s company. 
As (Y/N) let out a laugh that rang clear and soft. Tamaki stood near Kyoya in confusion. As much as he didn’t understand their relationship, he couldn’t help but noticed how happy they were- laughing and sipping tea, making jokes and telling stories, sharing sweet kisses with her or discreet hand holding. 
“Mommy? What does (Y/N) see in those....devil creatures?” He asked. Of course Tamaki hadn’t meant to sound mean but he never saw the twins this affectionate before; so tender and gentle. 
Kyoya hardly looked up from his laptop before answering. 
“Perhaps they share a love more pure than one where they cut one twin out. Clearly Hikaru and Kaoru are attached at the hip, but as they grew up and had girls profess love for one or the other, it threatened to break their bond. (Y/N) loves them both equally. She doesn’t threaten their bond.” His answer shocked Tamaki. He pondered this question as he watched them snuggle on a couch, (Y/N)’s head resting on Kaoru’s shoulder, Hikaru’s resting on hers. One of their arms tangled behind her to hold her in the embrace and their other hand each held one of her hands. They all looked so perfectly content in the moment, smiles ghosting over lips as their eyes closed. 
The devil’s creatures found their sweet creature and they had no intention of letting her go. Not from their lives and certainly not from this embrace. 
Word Count: 888
Rather on the shorter side but I think it’s still cute! I made Kyoya a bit of a romantic in tis one which was fun. Plus a bit of Jealous!Reader and Jealous!Twins which was not something i’m used to doing so hopefully it cam across okay! Like always, please leave me requests and requesters’ are always welcomed to ask for a new one of they don’t like what i’ve done! xx
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host-club-hq · 3 years
Ahhhh okay okay
can I get a angsty tamaki suoh x fem reader based on the song heather by conan gray but with an happy fluffy ending <3
Wish I Were Heather
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➼ pairing: Tamaki Suoh x Reader
➼ summary: based off Heather by Conan Gray (as requested)
➼ word count: 4.2k
➼ what to expect: "You two will be the best of friends, I just know it! My Haruhi and my y/n."
➼ warnings: tried my best to do angst, don't worry there's fluff at the end, self-hate to the max at the end
➼ thanks for the request, anon!
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🎵I still remember the third of December, me in your sweater🎵
"Tamaki?" Your voice echoed off the expansive walls of Tamaki's mansion of a home. Empty, just like you suspected.
You'd spent every Christmas break with Tamaki for as long as you could remember. Your family always traveled for Christmas, and you preferred not to join them. You had nothing against your family, of course, but you always liked staying home for Christmas.
You rounded the corner, dressed in a pullover far too big for you, dwarfing your form as the sleeves draped over your frame, covering the shorts underneath.
It wasn't yours, of course. Who else would it belong to? None other than Tamaki himself.
You found yourself at the doorway to Tamaki's room, finding him in his closet, seeming to have just changed.
"Oh, there you are."
He smiled and turned at your voice, "Here I am. Were you looking for me?"
You nodded with a hum, shuffling into his room with sock-adorned feet. The fluffy kind, of course.
"Don't worry, my dear, I would never leave you."
The platonic nickname made your heart skip a beat. If only you could trust such empty words.
"I never said you would." you giggled in response, climbing slowly onto his bed as you watched him move around his room.
🎵You said it looked better on me than it did you🎵
"Are you sure you don't want this? It's so comfy." You pulled on the sweater with your fists to emphasize your point, letting go to hug yourself in it. Its scent was identical to his.
"It looks far better on you. Besides, I'm naturally warm." Tamaki teased as he came to join you on his own bed. You shoved him in the arm, scoffing.
"Quite the flattery, Prince Tamaki." you teased in return. Tamaki only chuckled, "Only for you, darling."
Your heart pulsed. Your smile faltered, but only for a moment. Something Tamaki didn't notice.
🎵Only if you knew how much I liked you🎵
"Wanna watch a Christmas movie?" Tamaki reached for the remote on his nightstand, flicking on the television in a matter of seconds, settling under the blankets next to you.
Your longing was forgotten as you grinned, "Which one?" you mirrored him, sliding under the blankets and making yourself comfortable in the plush, feather-like silk of his comforter. It was heavenly. His bed, his scent filled your nose. Everything about him clouded your senses.
"The Grinch?" Tamaki suggested with a glimmer in his violet eyes.
"Which one?" You pushed, watching as he clicked toward a movie.
"The new one, the animated one." Tamaki selected the new Grinch movie. You grimaced. "That looks really bad." You groaned teasingly.
Tamaki only rolled his eyes at you, "We'll never know unless we watch it." And just like that, the movie began. Tamaki clapped his hands, and the lights switched off. Something that always caught you by surprise.
In the darkness, your mind wandered, as it often did. If you listened closely, you could hear Tamaki's steady breathing, ignoring the sounds from the television. Then, noticing your distress, Tamaki shifted to face you.
"What's wrong, my love?"
Please... please don't call me that.
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You dread school. School is where you have to watch Tamaki live his life without you. The Host Club, the place you dread the most. But yet, he always invites you. And you never say no.
You don't mind watching as he charms his guests with empty words of flattery and gestures of kindness. They both know- he and his guests, that nothing is forever. The words said and things done mean nothing to either of them outside of the club. If only for a moment, they could have each other.
What bothers you is her.
🎵But I watch your eyes as she walks by🎵
The way she walks, the way she speaks, her aura makes you jealous.
Well, it's simple, really.
Because he likes her, you might go as far as even to say he loves her
Haruhi is the bane of your existence. But you can't help but adore her.
Although she's perceived as a male at the academy, countless hours spent with Tamaki led to the revelation of her gender.
🎵What a sight for sore eyes🎵
Her entire personality sparkles. She glows; she shines. Her wide, doe eyes glimmer under the light, her clean appearance shimmers.
🎵Brighter than the blue sky🎵
You stand watching her in the doorway to the repurposed music room, clutching your textbook tightly to your chest as she tends to her guests. The girls swoon and fawn; Haruhi smiles with closed eyes and chuckles at their reactions.
Your teeth grind anxiously. Your eyes land on Tamaki, seated opposite her with a few guests of his own. His eyes are soft, fond of her. Your heart drops into your stomach.
🎵She's got you mesmerized while I die🎵
You can't tell how long you stand frozen until an angelic voice calls you from your trance.
"y/n, dear! Come join us."
It's Tamaki, his arm thrown around a guest and gesturing for you to join them. You inhale deeply, striding forward to comply with his request. Finally, you arrive at the sofa, standing speechless until spoken to.
"Haruhi, you remember my darling y/n, right?" Tamaki smiles wide. You glance at Haruhi, emotionless as she greets you.
"Yeah, I remember you. You and Tamaki-Senpai are close, right?" Her head tilts with the connotation of innocence.
"Close, yeah." Your voice trails off. Not close like you hope to be.
🎵Why would you ever kiss me?🎵
"You two will be the best of friends; I just know it! My Haruhi and my y/n." Tamaki daydreams dizzily. You and Haruhi throw apprehensive glances at each other.
🎵I'm not even half as pretty🎵
"It was nice seeing you again, Haruhi." you bow politely, giving her a smile, one which seems sincere, but your dying on the inside.
"Nice to see you, Senpai." Haruhi bows from her seated position in return.
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Your fists curl into your palms until your knuckles turn white. You can barely stand and watch as the scene unfolds in front of your eyes, worrying your lip anxiously.
"Oh, Haruhi! You look so cute!" That phrase isn't unfamiliar to your ears.
"Senpai... I have my own jacket; I don't need yours."
🎵You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester🎵
You thought it was special between the two of you. It was something you cherished, something the both of you experienced in the intimate confines of his bedroom. You thought he believed it looked better on you.
"You're so adorable! Look at how big it is on you!" He crushes her in a suffocating embrace. Her face flushes a deep red, and she shoves at him to no avail.
"Senpai! I can't breathe!" She chokes in urgency.
🎵But you like her better Wish I were Heather🎵
Speaking of suffocating- you feel like you're drowning.
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"y/n! Come to our Christmas party; it's coming up soon. Won't you join us?"
Tamaki talks your ear off on your cell phone as you sit at your desk, staring at your computer monitor. Finally, you sigh heavily, pushing on the floor and rolling across your room in your chair.
"I don't know, Tamaki..." you sigh, staring at your closet. What would you even wear?
"It won't be as much fun without you," Tamaki whines pathetically across the phone. Your heart pulses and you smile.
"Don't be so whiny. Besides, I'm sure you wouldn't even notice I was there anyway." You shut down your computer and rise from your chair, falling haphazardly on your bed with a soft grunt.
"It'll just be the hosts and you. Won't you come?" He sounds a bit more desperate this time. Your smile fades; his tone of voice suggests hope. But you knew it wasn't.
On the other end, Tamaki lays on his stomach on his sheets, his feet swaying behind him anxiously as he worries his lip, anticipating your response.
Then comes your static reply. "Okay."
Tamaki tries his hardest to keep himself from squealing, biting down on his lip almost hard enough to draw blood.
"I won't be festive, though. I don't have anything to wear." Tamaki can hear you shuffling through the hangers in your closet. He chuckles.
"Not to worry, I'll provide you with something. I'll have it sent over." Tamaki opens his laptop and begins the search.
"Oh, you don't have to do that, Tamaki-"
"I want to. Anyways, I've been looking for an excuse to dress someone up; this is the perfect opportunity." Tamaki beams, but of course, you can't see him. He listens for your sigh, and he knows he's won.
"Thank you." your voice is soft and timid; it makes his heart melt and drip down his chest cavity.
"Of course, my darling."
The silence on your side of the line is loud; his smile fades. You never respond to his nicknames, no matter how hard he tries to make them platonic.
On your side, your eyes squint shut, pain painted over your features as your heart pulses intensely. You wish he would stop calling you that. Unfortunately, you can't afford hope.
"I'm gonna go to bed. I'll talk to you tomorrow," you say, after a beat more of silence. Tamaki's chest aches, but he nods.
"Okay, talk to you tomorrow." he's worrying his lip for a different reason now. Has he upset you? He can't imagine how.
"Goodnight." the line goes dead, Tamaki glances at his phone, and it's back at his home screen. He frowns, his brows knitted together.
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You made a mistake.
No one pays you any mind as you stand motionless in the entryway to Tamaki's home, dressed in the outfit Tamaki had chosen for you personally.
🎵Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand🎵
Haruhi is the center of attention. She's dressed in a red dress with white, fluffy lining on the sleeves and the hem and a Santa hat hanging delicately off her head.
Although she looks uncomfortable in her outfit, no doubt her father's choice, the hosts adore her. The twins decorate her with Christmas string lights, Honey tugs on her dress.
And worst of all, Tamaki hangs his arms over her shoulders, draped over her.
You can't tell if it's the open door behind you or the chill settling over your entire body, but you're shivering.
🎵Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder
But how could I hate her? She's such an angel But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she
Walks by🎵
And that open door soon serves a purpose, and you've never left a party so fast.
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"Kyoya, do you know when y/n is going to get here?" The part has been in full swing for almost a few hours.
"She was here hours ago and left about as soon as she arrived," Kyoya informs him calmly, his notebook perched in his lap and pen poised in his hand.
"She what?!" Tamaki stands abruptly, glowering down at Kyoya.
"She left."
"I heard you!" Tamaki exclaims in frustration, covering his face with his palm with a deep groan.
"If you saw her leave, why didn't you say something?" Tamaki stands over Kyoya, though Kyoya isn't phased in the least.
"I thought it was nothing to worry about; why are you so concerned?" Kyoya raises a knowing eyebrow. Tamaki's cheeks flush with a pink tint. "Something could be wrong. We don't know."
"Well, you could find out." Kyoya gestures to Tamaki's cell phone, lying on the sofa.
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After arriving home, you tear off your heels, heaving them into your closet with a loud outcry of frustration. Finally, you collapse on the edge of your bed in a seated position, whimpering as you bury your face in your hands.
A few hours pass, and you're asleep in your clothes, still in the same place on your bed, when your phone rings next to you.
You blindly reach out to grab it, feeling around until your fingers make contact, hitting the answer option before letting out a groggy, "Hello?"
"y/n! Where are you! The party is almost over." Tamaki's whines come through loud and clear over your phone. You roll your eyes.
"I'm not feeling so well, just decided not to come." You roll over and tug at the string on your lamp, the light flooding your darkened room.
"But... Kyoya said you were here." Tamaki's concern also makes itself evident through the phone.
"I was, didn't feel well." You shrugged spitefully. Your tone was something else that was perfectly clear.
"Oh... well, I hope you're feeling better soon." Tamaki crosses his arms over his chest and gnaws at his lip anxiously.
"Thanks, I guess. See ya." You hang up, tossing your phone across the bed, tugging at the string on your lamp again, and promptly rolling over and falling back asleep.
And Tamaki is left clueless, as per usual.
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The library, for once, is quiet. It's a pleasant silence; only a few students besides yourself meander about the tables behind you.
You find yourself immersed in your homework, your pen moving quickly and furiously as your handwriting becomes messier by the second.
Your pen comes to a screeching halt when you hear the honorific directed your way. Your head lifts to acknowledge that you're being addressed.
🎵What a sight for sore eyes🎵
Haruhi stands before you in all her glory. Her hands are folded politely behind her back, her head tilted to gain sight of what you're working on. You remain speechless; a beat of silence passes before you decide to speak up.
"Yes?" your tone is more curt than you intended, and you almost wince at yourself. Although, thankfully, Haruhi doesn't seem to notice.
🎵Brighter than the blue sky🎵
"What are you working on?" she peeks further into your work, and you let her.
"Nothing really. Just homework." you gesture to the mess of papers strewn about the empty table.
"Do you... mind if I sit?" Haruhi gestures vaguely to the seat, empty next to you.
How could you say no?
"Sure." You sweep up the stray papers and stack them neatly together. Haruhi smiles thankfully as she sets her school bag on the table.
"Where's Tamaki-Senpai?"
The question makes you tense; you start to become bitter. "I thought you would know. He spends all of his time with the club anyways." You occupy yourself with writing. Haruhi shrugs indifferently next to you.
"I guess he does, by I always thought Senpai liked spending time with you more than he did us."
🎵She's got you mesmerized🎵
"Dunno. He's spending an awful lot of time with you recently."
Haruhi faces you, muddled at your statement. You come to realize what you've said.
"Not with... you specifically, I mean, just with the club." You avert your eyes to the table before you.
🎵While I die🎵
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"Why are you so boring, Tamaki?" your tone is teasing as you lie lazily sprawled across Tamaki's bedspread. He sits at the edge; his video game controller settled in his hands, his focus on the television.
"Boring? How could you say such a thing?" although he's speaking to you, he doesn't spare you a glance, eyes trained on the screen before him.
"Yes, boring. You've left me all alone while you play games." you fall on your back dramatically, arm thrown across your eyes to emphasize your point.
You lift your arm ever so slightly and peek at him with one eye, watching as he pulls his headphone off one ear and swivels to look at you.
"Mon Amor, I asked if it was alright if I played while you were here." He can't help but smile. You scoff.
"And, you said you didn't care."
"You have a point."
He chuckles at your antics, sliding his headphones back into place and turning to face the screen once more.
You huff with a profound pout, rising from your position and to your knees behind him.
"That doesn't negate the fact that I'm bored." You wind your arms around his neck from behind, burying your face into the crook of his neck as your hair brushes his cheek.
"y/n! Stop it, that tickles!" Tamaki squirms and giggles, but you only hold on tighter.
"It's your fault I'm all alone." you snicker as you watch him pause his game, setting the controller down to help him evade your embrace further.
"Fine, fine, I'll-" Tamaki turns to face you but doesn't account for how close your face would be to his own. He stops himself; your noses are inches away from each other. You could feel his bated breath on your cheeks; your own hitched at the proximity.
🎵Why would you ever kiss me? I'm not even half as pretty🎵
You cast your eyes downward, shifting away as your arms slide farther and farther away, unwinding themselves from his neck.
Although, this time, Tamaki uses one hand and grips your arm, keeping you in place.
"What are you doing?" you squeak timidly.
🎵You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester🎵
"The better question is- where are you going?" his voice is low, and his eyes are hooded. Anxiety fills the confines of your chest cavity and, you struggle in his grip.
"Let me go." You beg, suddenly unaware as to why you're asking him to stop.
Tamaki's eyes soften, and he releases you as soon as the words leave your mouth. "I'm sorry, what's wrong?" his voice is filled with the tone of urgency.
🎵But you like her better🎵
"Nothing, just go back to your game." your breath is uneven and shaking.
🎵I wish I were Heather🎵
"It's not nothing." Tamaki switches off his game and removes his headset. All of his attention is focused on you. And while you thought this is what you wanted- it fills you with uneasiness, especially in this context.
"You've been acting like this for a while now... what's going on?" Tamaki nears you, and you proceed to retreat from him.
What are you supposed to tell him?
🎵I wish I were Heather🎵
"I'm alright, Tamaki." You go to turn away, your heart sinking into the rest of your body. Tamaki persists.
"I feel like you've been avoiding me, darling."
You squeeze your eyes shut at the label, your heart clenching and wringing itself, your waterline fills with tears, dangerously close to spilling over like a dam ready to break.
🎵Wish I were Heather🎵
"Why are you moving away from me?" Tamaki suddenly notices what you're trying to do.
"I thought..." you hiccup, unable to finish your sentence. You go to wipe at one of your eyes, smearing the unshed tears on the back of your hand.
"You thought what?" His tone is gentle, and it makes you hurt even more. You let out a small cry, and his heart breaks.
"I thought you were going to kiss me..." You bury your face in your hands, ears red in embarrassment. You sniffle pathetically.
"Then why did you move away?" Tamaki inquires, curious as to why that would be so bad, even if he had gotten around to it.
There's a long beat of silence, but you've never heard anything so loud before.
"Why would you ever kiss me?" You gradually remove your hands from your face, gazing up at him to gauge his reaction. Tamaki's face transforms from concerned to confused in the span of half a second.
"Why wouldn't I kiss you, my darling?" he sits on his heels, peering at you with a question mark basically painted above his head.
"I'm not even half as pretty." your breath comes out uneven, raggedly. Finally, you can't hold it in anymore. Your tears spill from the corners of your eyes, creating tear streaks across your cheeks. They flow like a river, no matter how hard your palms try to wipe them away.
"Half as pretty? My love, you are a picture of beauty." Tamaki advances closer to you, unbeknownst to you.
"I've heard you use that line before," you whine. You feel like one of his guests, and it makes your chest tighten.
"But I've never meant it before," Tamaki assures genuinely. But, you still find yourself deep in your own self-loathing.
"You gave her your sweater... it's just polyester." you aren't sure you're making sense anymore, but all you can say is what first comes to mind.
"Her?" Tamaki becomes flustered. Who in the world could you be talking about?
"There is no 'her', only you." Tamaki moves closer and closer until you're within arms reach, knees pulled up to your chest in the center of his bed, your arms wrapped around your knees. You look so closed off; he wants you to open yourself to him.
"But you like her better..." You don't move to protest or struggle against him when he pulls you into a gentle, hesitant embrace. He cocks an eyebrow.
"Love, who are you talking about?" Tamaki's voice is barely above a whisper, stroking your hair soothingly.
"I wish I were..." You cover your face again, powerless to finish your wish, helpless in his arms although you feel comforted.
"Wish you were who?" Tamaki pulls you away from his chest to glance at you. Your eyes are red; your cheeks are tears streaked; he almost can't look at you.
"Haruhi..." you squeak pathetically.
It all comes together in Tamaki's mind- your attitude with him, your disappearance at the Christmas party, everything.
"Oh, y/n." Tamaki sighs, disappointed in himself more than he is in you.
"The way she... commands your attention. I wish I could do that..." You sniffle. "She's everything to you."
"y/n, listen to me." Tamaki grips you firmly, his eyes holding more seriousness than you've seen from him in a long time. You quiet yourself and nod.
"Haruhi is like a daughter to me. But you, my dear, are like the sun. My entire world revolves around you."
You can't help but stare at him in awe, speechless.
"So, of course, she's important to me, but I could never feel for her the same things I feel for you, darling," Tamaki explains himself flawlessly. You can feel yourself breaking down again. Relief floods your system.
You let out a whimper and bury yourself in the crook of his neck, your arms wrapping themselves around him once again but differently. Tamaki's arms reciprocate, embracing you firmly and pressing his cheek against your head.
"So... now, can I kiss you?"
You snort in laughter, your chest heaving as you pull away from him to look at him. He has that same, familiar smirk plastered across his face, and you can't hate it more than you do in this moment.
But you also couldn't love it any more.
"I don't know-" Tamaki doesn't waste any time and takes advantage of you letting your guard down.
Mission accomplished, he caught you off guard, planting his lips firmly atop your own. You squeak in surprise, eyes wide open. It's not long before your eyes flutter to a close, and you cross your wrists behind Tamaki's head, securing yourself as he leans into you closer.
Before you can contemplate what just happened, he pulls away to catch his breath and gauge your reaction. Tamaki grins widely when he watches your hooded eyes try to focus on his own. Your cheeks are painted a pretty pink; your lips parted in surprise. He can't help but peck you on your nose quickly.
You yelp and cover your nose, pulling back as a reflex. He only laughs at you, deepening your blush.
"Does this mean you have to stop hosting?" You ask, concerned about the club now that you have a moment of clear thought.
"Not if you can trust me enough to know that you're my one and only." you can already see how much more vulnerable he is with you alone than he is with his guests. It gives you confidence, something you don't often have.
"I think I can do that." you giggle, grinning at him widely.
"Good. Now, no more tears. Only kisses." Tamaki wipes your tears and proceeds to kiss your tear streaks away.
"Tamaki! That tickles." You swat at him lazily; your cheeks tugged up in an almost painfully wide smile.
"I'm getting payback." he continues his onslaught of pecks and holds you closer.
"God, I feel like I just got a new puppy." you groan teasingly.
"Down, boy! Off!" You scold, wagging an accusing finger at him. He whines like a puppy, continuing to kiss you all over your face.
But you wouldn't have it any other way.
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