#[recovery verse];
luvvewan · 1 year
Chapter 1 of Part 20 !!! of the Recovery series is up!
Summary: Obi-Wan’s condition and reliance on Qui-Gon lead to moments of frustration, anger and despair. Anakin is a confused witness to the tension in the apartment. Obi-Wan seeks out independence.
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littlethoughtsat3am · 1 month
i can’t stop thinking about how different our lives would have been if you stayed
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meraki-yao · 2 months
WIP Wednesday - 24 Apr 2024
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Tagged by @luainthewild, thank you my love!!!
This is my busiest two weeks for this semester so my progress on my Tangled AU fic is kind of slow, so here's the start of a Henry family angst fic that I wrote out of rage on Princess Catherine (Middleton) getting ridiculed on a global scale while privately struggling with her cancer diagnosis. I mean it, I was so mad that when the announcement was made by the Prince and Princess of Wales at 6 am on a Saturday, I got up, half awake but full of anger at the world, and wrote the entire structure in 5 minutes
All five of them are in the music room, and Henry’s on edge. It’s not that it’s unusual for their family to spend time just sitting together. Aside from Philip who usually opts to return to his room and work on whatever he’s dealing with, he, Bea, Mum and Dad would spend weekend nights sitting in the music room: playing instruments while his parents waltz around the room, listening to Dad explain the movie’s he’s done or the new scripts he’s gotten, to just talk about any updates in their lives. It’s one of the very limited normalcies they have as a family. So the gathering isn’t what’s worrying him. No, it’s the fact that Philip was specifically called over to be here for this one, it’s the fact that he can tell there’s something, a secret that Mum and Dad have been keeping from them and it’s not a good one, it’s the fact that he can somehow tell Dad hasn’t been feeling well even if he brushes it off every time he asks about it. Henry has a guess on what’s happening, and God, he’s begging to be wrong.
No pressure tagging @lfg1986-2 @pippin-katz @thinkof-england @england-would-fall @nocoastposts @o0anapher0o
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Evolution of Emotion (Closed)
Hearing the request made Ruko do a double take and he was frozen for a moment. What his sister had just asked was something he never thought he would hear. Especially from anyone on the ranch. So he would have ask. Just to be sure he heard her right. "You...You want...You want my father to look at Lucky?" He had to catch his breath as he had nearly choked on the tea he had been drinking.
Given Ruko had three dad's at the moment he had come up with a system to differentiate between who he spoke about. Dad for his biological father, papa for Joseph, and father for Jackson.
Though the request itself had him worried. But he could tell Ashe was far more worried about Lucky. That hurt him more than anything so he would try to keep calm. As long as Kianga didn't join them and they set some ground rules he didn't see anything wrong with it. Maybe even go with to make sure everything went smoothly. All of this assuming he had heard her correctly about the request.
Ashe had asked papa to bring someone to look at Lucky already and from what he heard things had gone smoothly. "If...If that is what you said than I can take you." This was his only response as he gently got up. There would be some prep work to be done if they were indeed going to see his father.
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rory-is-hiding · 1 year
its you. still, all of it. every friend i make, every person i leave behind, every bedroom, every meal, every shower, every time i bleed, it is always you. i thought of you today when i made a coffee for a stranger at work and i thought of you when i had a nightmare about someone elses cruelty. there is so little left, i became only what you decided to spare me. i wake up and i tell myself this life is beautiful, that im lucky to see it all, and there is so much here that i might've missed out on. i turn twenty years old this year and ive moved away from the city that hurt me. but still, i am only scraps of what could have existed if only you hadnt. some nights there is more to mourn than there is to love.
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demo-slugger · 1 year
A Light in the Darkness
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Steve hadn't expected his parents to show up. He hadn't expected them to come right in without warning while he was sorting his bandages. Alone. As always. But they had. Almost like they'd heard the news ahead of time. And his mother had fussed over him for all of two days while his father patrolled the house. Steve didn't have to ask to know he was looking for faults. Steven Sr was a strict man, and he was inclined to know there would be nothing good coming. But the man never said a word, even as he inspected the place like he knew anything about what was good or bad. They asked a lot of questions he couldn't answer, especially when the men in suits arrived on the door step to speak to him.
His dad had eyed the check they'd handed over like a vulture eyeing a dying man in the desert heat. But Steve had tucked it safely away along side the cash he had saved and hidden. Then, just like that, they left him again. Just when the sound of someone else in the home had started to settle him. Just when he'd felt the comfort of knowing if he called out someone would call back. Steve woke to an empty house and nothing but a letter from his mother saying they'd left for business, along side a small check like the ones he got in the mail every month. When Steve left the house he'd intended to just go get supplies and come home. What could he do? Just keep going. The kids were home, Max was out of the hospital. Eddie too. If he went by the trailer park to check on them, well surely he couldn't be blamed. It would settle the noise in his head. So he swung by, Max was there and he'd said his hellos, asked if they'd needed anything, then headed to Eddies new trailer. Shitty, he thought, that they couldn't have bothered to afford them a proper home after everything. Just a new trailer. Bigger sure but still. He wasn't home. His van wasn't in the drive either. Steve's worry got the better of him and he set off in search of the wayward metal head. @crawledoutofmordor
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redlenai · 7 months
Just realized something
Carlos Trillo and Carlos Meglia create CyberSix as a comic
Gets a live action tv show then a cartoon series
James Cameron gets "inspired" by it then creates Dark Angel
Jensen Ackles plays a character that has pheromones
Everyone moves on, then Supernatural comes in
Supernatural fans discover Jensen's role in Dark Angel
Supernatural fans create Omegaverse
Omegaverse has latinamerican, specifically argentinian roots Argentinatural is canon and this is not our proudest Coronación de Gloria
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dynmghts · 5 months
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TRANSMISSION FROM @starshinc : it’s barely past 3am when katsuki’s dorm room slams open, courtesy of ramen. he’s fast to rush up to the blond. if he’s not already awake, he’s about to be - the golden retriever all but dragging him awake and attempting to slam him out of his own bed. the reason behind it is obvious seconds later, as izuku himself stumbles into the room, wide eyed, dilated pupils and not truly seeing. the scarred hand almost like a claw, manic. “kacchan, it’s you, right? you’re not- you’re not him. are you?” garbled language, but it’s verbal. it’s pretty clear early on that his eyes are seeing something else entirely. TRANSMISSION ENDED / UNPROMPTED , ACCEPTING .
katsuki jolts awake at the suddenness of the door slam, though he has no chance to move out of bed when the golden retriever pulls him out by the sleeve of his shirt. katsuki instinctively glares at ramen while catching his breath - ❛ the fuck is this, ramen ?! what's ... ❜ - but whatever frustration he had toward the dog dies when he hears someone else barge in recklessly. he furrows his brows to get a better look at him in the darkness. ❛ what the fuck - ❜
verbal. katsuki's eyes widen at the voice cutting through the room. he asks, and he freezes at the implication ... [ that he was seeing the blond not as a school boy rudely awakened, but a relentless villain, with bared teeth and bloodied hands and a taste for violence. ] ... taking a slow and quiet breath.
❛ right. izuku ? hey, it's me, ❜ katsuki starts, trying to slice through the tension with a more calm tone that he isn't entirely used to. he pushes himself off the ground before holding his hands up, glare shifting to concern, though still narrowed ; if izuku was seeing him as the villain he was, he couldn't do sudden movements. he couldn't default to his aggression. ❛ you were the one that got me back to u.a., remember ? 'n you annoyed me to death while they ran the tests and treated me in the medical ward. nobody else from school could visit. ❜
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❛ do you think ramen would be near me right now ? if i was still ... ❜ a pause. katsuki grits his teeth, dares to take a step toward the freckled boy, keeping his hands visible. ❛ c'mon, snap out of it. ❜
the last bit comes off as frustrated, confrontational / but he hopes that everything else is enough to outweigh one sentence.
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gildedlife · 28 days
‘ they’ve decided to send me to the arctic. ’ it’s the first time james has said this aloud, to anyone, though he’s known for a few days and should already have begun making arrangements. it sinks like a stone, though he’s made an effort to deliver it like something to be waved off, moved past quickly.
he slumps farther into the couch next to xeno, pretending to pay attention to what’s on the screen before them. he won’t look at him, fearing he’ll find some weight in his gaze he isn’t prepared to shoulder.
‘ a promotional thing. ’ a photo op. ‘ must’ve forgotten i’ve aged since my last—adventure. ’ this, too, he tries to make sound like it’s less important; like his physical condition matters as little to him as it does to the company shipping him out. ‘ feels a little… rushed, i suppose. ’
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chronal-anomaly · 9 months
This week on Lena can't cook: she still can't fuckin cook
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littlethoughtsat3am · 1 month
i have never loved a stranger more or known a stranger better than i have known and loved you
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ferinehuntressmoved · 7 months
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◈ @realmyths [ ⋯ ] Continued Ask .
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Wounds were a natural part of their life now. Her work as a detective, constantly going into Zaun and even here in Piltover; it wasn't unheard of to be hurt or wounded. So when Vi sits down to let Caitlyn treat her wounds, Caitlyn smiles appreciatively and picks up the kit. She reaches over and lightly presses her hand up against Vi's shoulders and pushes her down to lie down. "Just rest, let me handle this," Caitlyn said, as she tugged a stool over and set the bandages and salves on it. She shifted to straddle Vi's legs and lifted her shirt. What could be taken as a sexual advancement wasn't what Caitlyn was doing. She needed to be as close as she could, and this was the best way.
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She tugged her shirt up, curling it under her fingers to press underneath Vi's press before pausing and picking up Vi's hand. Fingers undid the wraps around her hands and saw the wounds and bits of cuts on her hand. Pulling Vi's hand up to her mouth, she licked at the cuts with her tongue, cleaning them off before she pressed a kiss to the wound. "Of course, there's plenty of bandages for the both of us," Caitlyn said, as she let Vi's hand go and then took a rag and started to clean over the larger wounds. "Easy, love," Caitlyn said, as she put the rag aside and kissed the wounds wound her lips, before placing a bandage over them.
"Repay me? You don't have to do that. I'm just happy to keep you safe," Caitlyn said as she put bandages over Vi's hands, making sure they were wrapped comfortably and then leaned down to wrap her arms around Vi's waist and lay her head on her chest. Little content coos left her lips as she closed her eyes, smiling as she could hear her heartbeat. "Such a strong beat, you'll make a perfect recovery," A little jest on her lips as she pressed a lip over Vi's heart.
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morttodea · 18 days
Surprise measuring tape attack coming at all sides upon Bor-! "So, bootis dear, which form do you think you would be more comfortable with armor?"
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They were minding their business until suddenly and very quickly, had sterling flit from all sides of this demon! instinctively they stood still while their husband drew the measuring tape for their waist and tail and- "O-Oh! uhm!~ Well, I guess my fae form since- actually..." Barbor didn't know what form suited best to wear armor- Bugboss from, they didn't like to get dirty too much, their current plague goat form is meant for dirt and blood and grime, fighting? nah. Fae form, however, is very favorable, they don't mind the blood and grime! Same with their base form, though a bit more so than the fae. "A-ah; Well... can an armor work with two forms? If it can't I wouldn't mind settling with just the fae.~"
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Barbor shift back to their base form and tilted their head, "This is the other one in question.~ Again if you don't I wouldn't mind just for the fae one!~" @shiningsilverarmor
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micamakescomics · 4 months
It's Been Kinda Warm
It's been kinda warm recently. I don't know if you've noticed or Even really feel the same warmth I do. But I've been warm. Inside and out. Well, some of that's been global warming. Not so cool. But the rest has been you, all of you. My friends, my lovers And my good memories have been almost Painfully loud. Good memories come flooding me Like trauma. I'm so warm it feels hot. Is it burning me? But it's like when I ask him to put his cigarette Out on my arm and kiss it. It hurts, oh god it hurts. But I kinda asked for it because I like it.
Recently I've just been thinking of it all. Every person who I've ever loved And how I've loved and lost. It's sad. It hurts. I like it. For so long, I've wished and wished My faulty traumatized mind would Let me remember the good things too. I know good things happened to me Even when I can't remember them because I know what makes me feel good. And I've been getting the memories. And they've been warm.
It's been kinda warm. A comfortable kinda warm. A cold kinda warm. Leaving your window open on a March night kinda warm. Laying in bed together and Looking out at the sky kinda warm. You were just sweating your balls off but now that you're In nothing and the windows open so You're cold again kinda warm. We've been boyfriends for years but I still have a crush on you kinda warm. Sometimes I forget that I love you and we Get to fall in love again kinda warm.
I've gotten warmth from the people I Don't like too. Money to buy my silence Used to buy something to smoke. The lighter I bought can replace that lacking warmth. An acknowledgement that we just can't Love like family, so we'll just be mates. And those new smiles feel warm. I never liked that man too much but He works his ass off for me and everyone else He's got to work for. Caught me off guard when he saw me Try to tear into my flesh again and Took me out to talk despite our past Arguments. And he showed me the book he was reading. A collection of short stories from one of my Favorite authors. And he read to me. And the grass was warm too. And so was his voice as he read. And so was the shoulder he let me cry on. And lastly was our apologies, all so warm.
It hasn't been summer warm. I'm not even sure if it's really warm at all. It feels blue, maybe green. Not really warm colors. But it's warm to me. Warm like the color of the sky before sunrise. You know those hot colors are coming But it's still so cool. Maybe I've been frozen for so long That cold to anyone else Seems like the first breath of spring to me.
There's a change coming. Spring is creeping. The sun is rising. And it's blue and cool and damp But at least it isn't frozen.
It's been kinda warm at least to me.
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Some tabloid news sites had started to spread the word of A Knight's Code. A period drama that would revolve around a prince, his knightly guard, and a pair of Pokémon. The plot would be that the prince is in hiding due to a plot aga8nst the crown.
When the time for the ads to run came it was the usual fair. Using shots and scenes from the show, voice over of the characters speaking, but what would be the biggest reveal would be that the pair of Pokémon mentioned were a Lucario and Cinderace. For most they'd look like any other.
But for a select few they'd recognize the duo.
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mastcrmarksman · 1 month
❛ your heart is beating so fast right now. ❜
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Honestly, he hadn't thought he'd get to this point again. Happy-go-lucky Hawkeye didn't exactly have a love life go well and life be on the up-and-up. Second shots at love rarely went his way.
It had been a tough several months, especially after fleeing after everything had went down over his Ronin stunt. The slow crawl to repair things with Matthew, the apologies and patience. Forgiveness had finally happened, finally had been in reach. It came after a phone call that Matt had every right to ignore but he had been glad he hadn't. Clint, in the hosptial, after an accident in Ohio, drunk on his motorcycle. No one else had been hurt, he had simply been found crashed in a farmer's field, still hungover and taken in for his injuries.
That was when he had told himself he wasn't only cutting back, but quitting alcohol entirely. He had done that, it was a hard road and he had been so low, but with a few months finally sober and a few dates had with Matt? Life was getting good, he was finding his rhythm again. Finding Hawkeye and Clint again, and things with Matt? Falling back into place, resuming the pace they had before things got rough (clint's fault).
It's been a windy, long way to this. Today he had invited Matt to another formal and proper date. Dinner out. When they did eat out, Matt's been good about Clint's sobriety. He's pretty sure given how sensitive Matt's sense are, it's better for both of them (no more smelling like a bar after hours, no more tasting foul). Matt can have a drink as long as he freshens up (mints), drinks some water, doesn't kiss Clint until both are sure that he wouldn't be tasting the alcohol in his mouth.
Clint fights with himself over what he did to deserve this kind of patience, but he wasn't called Saint Matthew for nothing in his office. Something about his catholic faith, but maybe Clint was truly someone forgivable or that Matt did believe he could redeem himself, make amends. Believed him in (he hopes so, he needed that).
Dinner goes smooth, it's not a fancy place but it's affordable for Clint, and Matt's doesn't seem to mind. He laughs, he smiles, mostly he focuses on Matt's day first, small talk kind of things. Clint talks a bit about the things he is learning, the past few nights he has been at aa meetings and people he's meeting. Clint can't imagine for most couples it'd be the kind of stuff that'd make a date good, but Matt listens, and it's good for them. A nice date is had.
When dinner is finished, Clint asks if they'll go on a walk. He's got Matt on his arm the whole time, and conversation dies down at first until the other man points out that Clint's heart is racing. It was, it had been, as he let himself get lost in thought and the more things that he wanted to say, things to talk about.
It's racing for multiple reasons and one of them is honestly having Matt close. He's in love with the man, maybe more than he had been before, loving him better now too; and he never stopped having strong feelings. His heart beats fast because right now as they walk, as their arms are wrapped around the other, and Matt's leaning into him; he feels so happy.
That's what Matt is hearing among other thoughts making Clint this way. ❝ Well, you make it that way. ❞ He says simply, pausing in his steps to kiss Matt once against the cheek. They continue walking, but as Matt will hear, his heart still races. ❝ I should... I want to apologize to Foggy and Karen too... I- you and I didn't exactly get together at my best, and, I did take off on you; they were there, though, for you. ❞
Thank them and apologize for whatever state he left Matt in. That is part of his nerves tonight, he had been thinking about that since last night's meeting. A woman had been talking about how other people can be affected by the people you hurt. He realizes for him, that mean him hurting Matt, and how that affect Matt's best friends. That conversation, this decision, it was making him nervous and it's why he mentions it. For partly wanting Matt's thoughts on that, and it's Clint slowly crawling his way back into life as it had been before; but he's trying to be a better person.
❝ And I was thinking about getting back to... Hawkeye and heroics. ❞ That's a big thing, a lot of reasons to be nervous about. He had a lot of other superheroes to apologize to and the Avengers, if he ever had hopes of being considered for a team again.
Clint squeezes Matt's hand tight. And they've made it to the other man's place. They've been taking things slow, so he doesn't assume he was invited up even if in the past he would have. He goes to cup the other man's face, stroking his thumbs over his cheeks. ❝ I love you, that didn't change; that's definitely something to make my heart go pitter patter. ❞ Although maybe it had changed, but it was better. He meant it, he wasn't trying to run or escape.
❝ But uh, Matty, it's... you. ❞ making him nervous, heart race, but he hopes Matt hears the smile in his voice. He's the cause of his heart beating so fast right now in this moment as he leans forward to kiss him. Clint's learning a lot about being thankful, and he is thankful for Matt giving him another chance.
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