#[throws all of my heart-shaped confetti at you]
robertlutecee · 2 years
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jukednuked · 1 year
lyney the type of guy to 'recharge' his magic by kissing you
lyney the type of guy who'd send one of his hat pigeons to deliver you a love letter (it turned into confetti after being read)
lyney the type of guy to let you carry him on your back because he's 'tired' (blud wants to be as close to you as possible)
lyney the type of guy who'd apologize to you by making a bouquet of flowers appear out of nowhere
lyney also the type of guy who'd value what you both have a lot, he'll get real serious if he senses any type of resentment after an argument
lyney the type of guy to teach you a magic trick or two, like how to steal someone's heart maybe?
lyney the type of guy who'd be so good at pick up lines that it's almost frustrating how he can make you feel like jelly in a split second
lyney the type of guy who'd never, ever let you come to his house in hopes of avoiding a certain harbinger (blud doesnt want you to get put in a meat grinder)
lyney the type of guy to massage your shoulders frequently because seeing you all satisfied makes him feel like he can take care of you
lyney the type of guy who'd jokingly bite you one time because you just look too cute (it will become more than one time)
lyney the type of guy who'd beg you to become his assistant in one of his magic tricks involving a box and a saw because lynette refused
lyney the type of guy who'd trace shapes on your hands whenever you feel upset and just want to sit in silence
lyney the type of guy who'd get real sad if he doesn't find you in the audience when he's having a magic show, might fumble over his words and accidentally make a snake appear rather than a cat
lyney the type of guy who'd tell you to throw tomatoes at him like he's a medieval criminal if he ever fails a magic trick
lyney the type of guy who uses the thought of you as a way to cope with his past
lyney the type of guy who'd show off his magic to you whenever you compliment someone else just for you to go wowowoww lyney!!
lyney the type of guy who conveniently always chooses you as guest of the magic show
lyney the type of guy to get you a matching hat just like his one, just a different colour
lyney the type of guy to have a diary<33 every page involves your name at least 1-2 times
lyney the type of guy to slide notes with angry faces drawn on them under your door whenever you forget to give him his goodmorning/afternoon/night/literally-every-part-of-the-day kiss
lyney is that guy
A/N: my sincerest apologies @strawberrylabs if you look closely you can see the blood, sweat and tears i shedded writing this😓🙏 i secretly wanted to switch it to the most gut wrenching angst mid way but im soooo nice
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bbunnyyy · 7 months
All The Stars~
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A/N: This idea has marinated in my head for wayyyy too many weeks, so here you go. There will be a part 2 to this.
P.S: Not proofread. Sorry for any mistakes.
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It was the second day of school after the summer break. You peeked out from behind the wall at the lockers- your crush's locker. Your stomach grumbled in pain- ah, the sacrifices you make for love. Maybe this was a stupid idea, why would Katsuki fucking Bakugou reciprocate the sickening feelings you harboured towards him? You were better off staying his secret admirer.
Bakugou was the last person you'd imagine a puppy dog romance with. He surely wasn't worth skipping lunch for. What were you thinking anyway, hoping his love for you would blossom? Well, that's all it would be. Hope. You told yourself. Not that it would matter, the gifts inside were unsigned anyway.
Sighing, you turned to walk away- maybe you could convince Lunch Rush to let you have a peck or two before class started. Walking into the hallway, you scratched the back of your head as you felt a headache come on. Looking up, you saw Bakugou, Kirishima and the others walking towards the lockers. Scrambling, you ducked behind the staircase- Holy fucking shit. This was it. They hadn't noticed you, luckily. Not yet, at least. Your knuckles were white from grabbing the wall as you stood on your tippy toes, trying to get a closer look at his expression.
That idiotic blonde was screaming at Denki for electrocuting his lemonade or whatever- at least he saw that coming; what he didn't see was the hellish amount of confetti falling onto him as he opened his locker. The rest of the Bakusquad looked with their mouth open as you cowered behind the wall, blushing. You were grateful no one had noticed you yet. "Ooh, looks like someone's got the fancies for Bakubro ;)" Kaminari said, almost emoting in surprise, along with Kiri.
"What the actual fuck is this?" Bakugou grimaced, stepping on the now confetti-covered floor. He rummaged around his locker, pushing the confetti around to uncover boxes stacked on top of each other next to his textbooks. Pretty pink boxes adorned with ribbons, must I add. A neon orange sticky note taped to the topmost box stood out in contrast with the monochrome textbooks and grey metal of the locker. Bakugou had half a mind to throw it all away or blow up the entire locker. It wasn't worth the hassle anyway.
Denki snickered, peeling off the note that read 'High protein chocolate~' "Woaahh, real thoughtful, ain't it?" Kirishima said, elbowing Bakugou in the stomach. "I wonder who it isss~~" Mina piped up, opening one of the heart-shaped boxes to reveal chocolate-covered strawberries. Popping one in her mouth, she sighed, placing a hand on her cheek while relishing the flavour. "I wonder how they got all that confetti into your locker."
You took a deep breath in, relaxing your shoulders. One step at a time- You walked towards Bakugou. "I wonder who's masochistic enough to have a crush on Bakugou, let alone express themselves, hahaa-" you laughed, interrupted by a sharp jab on your ribs. "Aahh that hurt, y'know?" You sulked, rubbing the sore spot. "What kinda coward leaves this unsigned?" Bakugou grumbled, tearing up the note and resuming rummaging through his locker for his textbooks for Present Mic's class.
Katsuki Bakugou was not a kind man. You more than most people, knew that well. But Bakugou didn't mean to push you out of the way as he made his way out the hall. He didn't mean to bruise your chest. He didn't mean to hurt you.
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andy-wm · 3 months
his “coming out” should not be in any way shape or form be connected to jungkook. idk why you shippers can’t leave them tf alone when they’re not dating ffs.
Oooh I am so glad you came here to tell me this, Anon! You are clearly well informed on both Jimin’s life, and "coming out".
I didn't even know that "coming out" needs to be in inverted commas. Thank you for helping me understand.
I also didn't know what his "coming out" should or should not be! I didn't know there were rules for "coming out"! I'm so grateful to have this information now.
I hope you've also told Jimin how he should "come out"?
I hope he listens to you since obviously, you have his happiness at heart.
Because "coming out" with no significant other to support him - and facing the inevitable repercussions alone - that would DEFINITELY make things better for him, right?
Also we all know how much Jimin LOVES being alone, so naturally we should wish that for him.
Objectively, he would be happier if he was single I guess? Because having a secure and healthy long term relationship with someone who loves and supports you is known to be pretty shit. Makes sense... that's why nobody looks for love. They certainly don't write songs about love.
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People aspire to being isolated, like Jimin showed us this with his song Serendipity.
When he sang "just let me love you" he probably meant he wanted to be single and live alone forever in his bubble. That makes sense.
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And of course they aren't dating!
You're right, there's absolutely nothing special between Jimin and Jungkook. They are 100% platonic and good pals.
It would be ridiculous to look at them and see love and intimacy.
I dont know what love looks like, but this is not it...
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Definitely not this either.
Just friends here.
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So friendly!
Brothers even!
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Keeping to the bro code here too, 100%
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Absolutely no crossing of boundaries here....
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I always caress my friend's clothes when I sing their own love song back to them. Especially when my face is less than a foot from their face. It's very platonic.
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Anyway, there's no reason to think they might be dating.
Why would people even think they COULD be?
It's unimaginable.
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Society has never ignored or dismissed loving romantic relationships between same-sex couples, and that's certainly not what you're doing. Not at all. You just know they aren't dating because ... reasons.
I'm sure you don't object to Jimin being gay because that would be homophobic (you even know how he should "come out"). If that was the case you might as well just get a tattoo of an L on your forehead and throw away all your Jimin merch because our boy is gayer than a rainbow cake. Gayer even than the rainbow cake his appa has *always in stock* in his coffee shop in Busan.
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And if you generously tolerate his gayness, i imagine you will allow that one day he could date (definitely not now, because he probably has no interest in sex. He's too busy working and anyway he has ARMY to love him) yeah, but not now please.
But one day he could have a nice boyfriend who sits beside him on the sofa and smiles benignly and holds his hand like a good boy.
Definitely NOT one that sings about fucking night after night seven days a week, or watching in 3D, or DEAR GOD... the imagery... champagne confetti.
Not someone who sings Sam Smith songs on his Live, or who goes around whacking off fire hydrants in his music videos or miming blow jobs on national tv.
Not someone that demands you see him as an adult who enjoys adult things and wont accept your judgement of him. Not one who puts boundaries in place.
Not someone who (the audacity!) lies in bed naked and begs Jimin to come over.
And that brings us to the villain of our story:
I guess, since you will allow a relationship in theory, you just object to the idea of a relationship specifically with Jungkook.
And I can see why. Jungkook very obviously has no interest in Jimin’s happiness. Jungkook doesn't support him at all.
He doesn't hold jimin when he cries, he doesn't spam us with Jimin content when Jimin has a comeback, he doesn't cook Jimin’s favourite food for him, or fold his underpants while he does his own laundry.
He doesn't take him on trips to Japan, or send thirst-trap messages for his birthday, or play his songs, or sing on his albums.
He doesn't carry him, bridal style, any time Jimin jumps into his arms, and I can guarantee you that he doesn't let Jimin fuck him just the way Jimin likes it, as often as he wants it, wherever and whenever he gets the chance. And vice versa.
They didn't enlist in the military as companions, after all.
So reallly, what would Jungkook even know about Jimin's happiness?
What could he POSSIBLY know about Jimin that you don't know. Nothing, right?
What could POSSIBLY happen behind closed doors and away from the camera, that you don't see with your third eye and your vivid imagination? Again, nothing. You know ALL, right?
I think we've covered everything?
Theres only one thing left to say i guess.
Whoever you are, you'd do well to consider whose happiness you're supporting.
If you don't support what makes Jimin happy, you don't support Jimin. Period.
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homicidal-slvt · 2 years
Your First Valentine's Day Together
Creepypasta Head-Canons
Warnings: None
Jeff The Killer
Forgot it was valentine's day and last minute grabbed something from the gas station. Thinks most Valentine's stuff is over priced and cheesy anyway.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Y/N." "Is this... A bag of chips..?"
Jane The Killer
Absolutely loves spoiling you and doing cute things for you, so there's a day dedicated to that??? Sign her the fuck up! She arranges to take you to a cute cat cafe and insists on paying for everything, seeing you smile is worth every penny.
"Jane you really didn't have to do all this!" "I just love making you smile."
Nina The Killer
Best. Day. Ever. She will be so excited to surprise you with a bunch of clothes she ordered online that's your style! Doesn't want to get any stereotypical things for you for Valentine's, only stuff she knows you'll enjoy.
"Ahhh! Y/N look at this cute shirt I bought you! I can't wait to see you wear it!~" "Another one???"
Toby Rogers
Is bouncing off the walls excited for Valentine's Day. Is VERY cheesy about it and probably absolutely buries you in every cute stuffed animal he could find. Will curl up and watch cheesy romance movies with you all day while munching on the chocolates he got for you.
Teases you if you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, calling it cheesy and too lovey dovey. However secretly she loves it, but she's not going to tell you that- at least not yet. So, you're in charge of planning your date together.
"Oh really? You go for that cheesy crap?" "Come onnn! It will be fun! Please!"
Eyeless Jack
Jack doesn't get many chances to act like just a person anymore, so when Valentine's Day rolls around he wants to take the chance to just act like a normal couple would. He plans a quiet dinner just you two in his room, enjoying feeling human again. Just for today- you are just two people in love.
"Do you like the candles, Y/N?" "I love them. It's perfect."
Laughing Jack
This clown has no earthly idea what he's doing. He just straight up throws you a "Valentine's Party" like it's a birthday. It's sweet though. He's trying his best- even though he invited everyone so you two don't really get any time alone.
"Surprise Y/N!!!" "AH! Is that heart shaped confetti?!?"
Ben Drowned
Simply plans a gaming date for the two of you with lots of gummy worms. This really is just a normal day with him but he claims it's special because he won't hog all the gummies this time.
"C'mon! It'll be fun! Why go out when we can just stay right here?" "Fine... Move over."
Hobo Heart
Tries to plan something special for you two but has no idea what to do. He just wants you to love it! Finally settling on just a nice quiet coffee/tea date with just you and him. Cuddled up in the library reading books.
"Romance or Fantasy, Y/N?" "Why not both?"
Doesn't fully understand the concept of the holiday but isn't going to pass up a chance at treating you. He plans a lovely romantic evening in the underworld with dinner and wine. The man is a complete gentleman.
"Is this alright, Y/N?" "It's wonderful."
You want to spend Valentine's Day? With him? He finds the idea amusing at first but finally gives in, taking you out on the town in the underworld. Showing you off and buying you fancy clothes.
"Everything simply looks stunning on you!~" "Oh hush..."
Nathan The Nobody
He hasn't the faintest clue how to celebrate Valentine's Day with you but he knows he wants too. He simply comes to you and asks what you'd like to do.
"Want to just watch movies together?" "I'd like that very much, Y/N...."
The Puppeteer
Brushes off Valentine's Day. What's the point in something like that? You already have the perfect gift, getting to spend time with him! What more could you want???
"Pup, please!!! I just want to do something fun with you!" "This IS fun!"
Judge Angels
Takes the holiday very seriously, almost too serious! She insists she must make it absolutely perfect for you because you deserve it. Expect a fancy date and lots of dancing lessons, she loves dancing with you.
"Take my hand, Y/N." "You really went all out, didn't you?"
Bloody Painter
He makes you both some tea and you two spend a whole day in his studio. Laughing and cracking jokes while he paints a portrait of you, even offering to give you painting lessons. You just enjoy a lovely date full of giggles and messy paint.
"Aw, Y/N. You got paint on your nose." "Oops-"
Nurse Ann
She doesn't really talk much so she expresses her love for you through lots of hugs and attention. Quality time means the world to her so you two end up in the kitchen cooking together, after all a meal always tastes better if it's made with love.
"....." "I love you too, Ann."
Kate The Chaser
She doesn't exactly celebrate the holiday. She kind of just awkwardly offers you whatever she found in the pantry and hangs out with you for the day. It takes a long time for her to open up.
"Thank you, Kate." "..... No problem."
Homicidal Liu
He loves you dearly and wants you to always know that. He plans a beautiful picnic date at night, that way you two can gaze at the stars and tell each other what you see. Expect a dance in the moonlight, the crickets serving as your symphony. It feels like it's just the two of you in the world.
"This is so beautiful, Liu." "Almost as beautiful as you."
{More Content}
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shares-a-vest · 7 months
@steddielovemonth Day 15: Love is... Co-Parenting (Prompt by... me! sorry-not-sorry for being self-indulgent)
wc: 1076 | Rated: T for swearing | cw: None
Tags: Steddie Dads (for my Joanie Munson AU), Valentine's Day Crafts, Co-Parenting Negotiation Tactics, Eddie Munson is a Menace, Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson
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'Eddie vs. Valentine's Day Crafts'
Eddie splutters away, swatting at his face. He can see a speck of red glitter in his periphery, a remnant of his red glitter and heart-shaped confetti-filled afternoon. The offending shimmer is somewhere on his cheek and he needs to get rid of it this instant, or he is going to fucking scream.
He foolishly thought he had already removed all traces of Valentine’s Day crafts from his very being via what felt more like a decontamination scrub-down than a warm shower. Eddie grumbles, thinking about the monumental clean-up effort he endured right through to past dinnertime and his mind turns to the clothes hamper…
A job for Tomorrow Morning Steve, he smiles to himself, blinking and glitter free.
He holds out his hand for one final confirmation that the glitter has been vanquished once and for all.
Only he finds a little pink heart stuck to the middle of his goddamn palm.
“Fuck!” he curses, flailing on the bed and punching his fist into the sheets.
The mattress dips on the other side as a craft supply-free Steve finally joins him. The lucky bastard doesn’t know how good he has it!
“What’s wrong?” Steve chuckles.
Eddie rolls haphazardly onto his side, his legs tangling up in their bedding as he all but shoves his palm into his partner’s face.
“I take it all back,” he rants, “Our little girl is a complete gremlin. A stinky little bean who makes it her life’s mission to make a mess. Look!”
Steve grabs his wrist and moves it back at a (reasonable) distance, squinting without his glasses. He shrugs.
“Wonder where she gets it from?” he quips and Eddie all but yelps with frustration.
Steve gently curls up Eddie’s hand in his own and presses a kiss to his knuckles.
“I think we should drop her on Robin and Nance’s doorstep,” Eddie continues and scrunches his nose in every attempt to remain focused on complaining, even though his partner begins to massage his tense hand, “The glitter can be their problem. They love crafts!”
“I like my Valentine’s Day cards,” Steve says absentmindedly as he continues his ministrations, now rubbing at the skin typically covered by rings, “Made with love by my favourite munchkin...”
He leans over for a kiss when Eddie spots a red shimmer in his hair – an impossibility that causes him to throw himself onto Steve and dry-sob into his blue sleeping shirt.
“You know the trade-off,” Steve says, his hands moving to his hair with combing movements Eddie shouldn’t find so soothing right now, “I do Christmas crafts, you have Valentine’s Day and Halloween. I can’t help it if I’m better at containing glitter than you.”
Eddie pulls back and glares.
“Fuck you,” he spits with no real heat behind his words because Steve flashes a toothy grin and winks.
“Speaking of cards…” he purrs, taking his hand again and interlocking their fingers, “Where’s my naughty one?”
They both side-eye Steve’s pillow, a year’s old hiding spot for said obscene greeting cards, in unison.
Eddie yanks back his hand and slumps onto his own pillow, “Don’t know what you could possibly be referring to, Stevie.”
Their particular brand of Valentine’s Day celebrations can wait. He needs to renegotiate this whole co-parenting over holiday crafts thing…
“Think you do…” Steve coos, rolling on his side and shimmying closer, enough that he can press himself flush against Eddie’s side.
Eddie screws his eyes shut. It was cold today but of course, Steve runs hot. So hot that he thinks if they took their clothes off…
He can feel Steve’s breath against his ear as he continues, his voice dropping to a whisper, “The one where you say all the things you want to do to me…”
Eddie scrubs a hand over his face, gulping as his very limited willpower quickly crumbles away. He thinks he’ll do anything to get out of this arrangement by Halloween - or god forbid, whatever random celebration Joanie’s preschool conjures up next.
Funny Hat Day? Easter? Favourite Character Day? Impractical-For-Preschool Clothes Day? Make Your Parents Stay Up All Night In A Glitter-Induced Nightmare Realm As They All But Glue Themselves To The Goddman Kitchen Table-Day?
His eyes shoot open at the thought of possible years to come of this – his vision blurred by a small pale dot of paper sticking to his left lashes.
“God damn it!”
He swishes his hand in front of his face again – at least until Steve bats him away, leans in and delicately plucks the rogue heart off. Steve even has the sense to reach for a tissue on the nightstand and squish the paper inside a balled-up clump, hopefully locking it up for good.
“Here,” he offers, sliding his hand under Eddie’s pillow with ease to retrieve a comically large red envelope, “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Steve pecks him on the cheek before quickly settling to rest his head on his chest.
“What are you doing?” he asks, dipping his neck to watch Steve snuggle in tight, eyes closed and looking a little bashful.
“Hiding,” he mumbles.
“Did you write me some sappy sonnet, my love?” he asks, tearing the envelope open and filling their quiet bedroom with an abrupt riiip.
“Just... some words,” Steve yawns, as Eddie frees the card and tosses the destroyed envelope onto the floor, “I don’t know, it probably sounds pathetic.”
“Not a chance,” Eddie says, giving the card a once over, his free hand finding its way into Steve’s impossibly soft and fruity-scented locks.
The card features two brown teddy bears, cuddling and cozy as they sit amongst a bed of rose petals. Above are floating glittering red hearts and the words, ‘To my Dearest Husband on Valentine’s Day’.
“Steve,” he sighs, opening the card to a message that spans the whole inside.
“I know you aren't my husband, not technically anyway,” Steve mumbles, peaking through one eye, “But I meant everything I wrote…”
His voice trails off, any grip he has around Eddie’s middle going lax.
“Love you, Steve,” he whispers, “G-get some sleep, hmm?”
Eddie falters in his words, overcome with love for the man wrapped around him (one who is rapidly approaching a state of sleep that leaves him snoring like a jackhammer) as he begins reading about just how much Steve loves walking through life hand-in-hand as they raise their daughter together, confetti hearts and glitter or not.
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ugh-yoongi · 2 years
Hi! For the Valentine’s Day drabble I was thinking there’s an office Valentine’s Day party and namjoon and y/n are both single but somehow they end up hooking up in a broom closet. 😭😭
boy oh boy was i glad to get an excuse to write some namjoon porn after this whirlwind of a day! mr. shows up to the office 15 minutes late with starbucks a giant ass hickey on his neck thinking his coworkers wouldn't notice....... hoe behavior.
this is rushed bc i've had brainworms since yoongi's tour announcement, my bad! unedited again bc we die like men.
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pairing: namjoon x f. reader
genre: pwp, crack/humor, office au
rating: explicit. minors dni.
warnings: swearing, catboy yoongi agenda, taehyung is a menace, mentions of drug use (weed), reader wears a dress and is a bit of a brat, one (1) spank, fingering, protected sex in an office closet.
wordcount: 1.2k
not taking anymore drabble requests, but feel free to come yell at me about how unhinged this week has been in bts world
(The party had been Taehyung’s idea.
A nice way to break up the afternoon, he’d said, because it wasn’t like Q1 was already slow as it was; wasn’t like you spent most of your workday typing gibberish into empty Word documents to appear busy. Point is: there was no soulless office monotony to break up, Seokjin just hadn’t felt like arguing, so he’d signed off on the Valentine’s Day party without even reading Taehyung’s harebrained proposal.)
“There’s a chocolate fountain in the cafeteria,” Yoongi says, voice bordering on stunned disbelief as he drops into his cubicle next to yours. “It has edible glitter in it.”
“Yeah,” you retort, because there certainly is a chocolate fountain with edible glitter in it in the cafeteria and Seokjin had signed off on it without sparing a second to think. “Taehyung’s idea.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Were the heart-shaped bath bombs his idea too?”
“Haven’t seen those. Where’d he put them?”
“In the toilets. He’s gonna ruin the plumbing. Seokjin’s gonna throw a fucking fit, and we’re accounting, so he’s gonna make it our problem.” Yoongi groans. Plonks his head down on his desk. “I bet he’s gonna cut the Cat Fridays budget to cover the cost.”
“Oh no,” you intone, “not Cat Fridays.”
Yoongi picks his head up only to glare at you. “Fuck off. Some of us need the stress relief.”
“So grow up and smoke weed like an adult, Yoongi.”
“I have asthma, you fucking prick—”
Yoongi’s tirade—which you’re sure was going to be effective and logical and would not, at all, devolve into baseless name-calling—is interrupted by Taehyung, who appears behind you out of nowhere and sprinkles confetti over your and Yoongi’s desks. “Surprise! Party time!”
“Taehyung, I swear to fuck—”
But then Taehyung’s gone, the copious amounts of heart-shaped confetti the only proof he’d been there at all. Your desk neighbor looks murderous, but the lure of the chocolate fountain is strong, especially when there’s little tea cakes, too, so it’s not really a surprise that he nearly bulldozes you into the wall to get there first.
It’s not that you hate Valentine’s Day. You don’t even dislike it, because you actually like those chalky conversation hearts so everyone offloads them onto you, it’s just a little hard to focus when Kim Namjoon strolls in wearing a silk shirt with the top button undone. It’s doubly hard to focus when Jeongguk zeroes in on him immediately, and goes, “What is that?”
You pretend not to hear it, because they can’t suspect you if you don’t react, and a reaction is exactly what Jeongguk is looking for.
“What is what,” Namjoon replies, sounding as nonplussed as ever. You’d buy it, if you didn’t know him as well as you do, but because you do, you know it’s a farce. Any second now he’s going to crack. Sooner, if anyone presses him on it.
You hear someone click their tongue. Maybe Jeongguk, but you aren’t turning around to check. You can already feel how warm your cheeks are; there’s no way you’d be able to hide it.
“That thing on your neck.” Oh, god, that’s Jimin’s voice.
Namjoon chuckles. Acts like this entire conversation is beneath him, and that’s definitely doing something for you. Definitely has you squeezing your thighs together as you stand next to the stupid chocolate fountain, trying to eavesdrop over the mechanical whirring. “I got hurt at the gym last night.”
“The gym,” Jimin repeats, and it’s clear he doesn’t buy it. “And what were you doing at the gym that resulted in a neck injury? You just said the other day you haven’t been working out much.”
“Wait, I’m confused. Were you doing CrossFit or were you at the gym?”
“He was doing CrossFit at the gym. He just said that—”
“No he wasn’t,” Jeongguk argues. “That’s like saying you were doing gym at the gym, it doesn’t make sense—”
You roll your lips to keep from laughing. Look up at seemingly the perfect time, because Namjoon’s already looking at you, gaze all but saying, see what you did? And, yeah, you do—you can see it loud and clear, all the way from the other side of the room, because that dark bruise on his neck is courtesy of you. Roughly three days old, given in the dark of his bedroom after company drinks on Friday.
So you tamper your embarrassment. Shrug a little. Dip a strawberry into Taehyung’s ridiculous chocolate fountain with the edible glitter and stare as you bring it to your mouth, wrap your lips around it. Jimin and Jeongguk are still arguing, and Namjoon is just watching, corners of his mouth quirked up infinitesimally.
Then he gestures to the hallway.
Mouths meet me there.
And you know what that means.
It’s frenzied and hurried from the start. Namjoon’s everywhere and nowhere at once—skimming, pinching, grabbing at every inch of skin he can get his hands on before they disappear, move onto someplace else. “This is gonna have to be quick,” he says, already breathless, and you can’t help but roll your eyes.
“No shit.”
That earns you a smack on the ass. “Keep this out of the way,” he says, pushing your dress up and over your hips. “See, this is the reason I told you no marks.”
There’s a riposte on the tip of your tongue, something obvious like you weren’t complaining when I was giving it to you, and Namjoon must know this because he pulls your underwear to the side and sinks two fingers into your cunt. Embarrassing, how seamless the slide is; how there’s no friction, just his large fingers pressing insistently on your g-spot.
He groans. Aborts the sound halfway so he doesn’t get the two of you caught. “Love how you’re always so wet for me.”
“Not you,” you retort. “Got really excited about the chocolate fountain.” You can’t see him, considering he’s got you bent over at the waist, but you know he’s rolling his eyes.
“I shouldn’t fuck you at all, since you wanna be a brat.”
“Yeah, I think HR would be inclined to agree—”
He cuts you off with another swat to your ass. Stops touching you only as long as it takes to roll on a condom, and then he’s pressing inside. It’s all heat: Namjoon rolling his hips at a steady pace, careful to be quiet; his fingers immediately moving to rub at your clit, because this definitely has to be quick; him whispering pure filth in that deep voice of his.
You’re teetering on the edge of the quickest orgasm of all time when your blurt out, “Is Yoongi allergic to cats?”
Namjoon just groans again. Pure annoyance. Plays along. Says, “I don’t know, why?”
“Be-because he said he can’t—fuck—smoke weed because he ha-has asthma, but he’s really—oh fuck, I’m gonna come—really scared Seokjin’s gonna—fuuuuuuck—gonna get rid of Cat Fridays.”
Namjoon thrusts harder, reaches deeper. “Will you just shut up and come? Who cares about Yoongi right now—”
Then, because both Yoongi and the universe hate you, there’s a knock on the door. “Really weird you two are in there talking about me while you’re fucking.”
And Namjoon must have some kind of voyeurism kink he hasn’t told you about, because he moans low and spills into the condom.
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
The room goes dark, a convenient puff of air snuffing out the flames in the fireplace. For a terrifying moment, as your eyes struggle to adjust, you are blind.
"Beauties and gentle-beauties," the robotic voice booms again, "Welcome…"
A drum rolls into a crescendo.
Then from blind, you are blinded.
The light returns like a blade, cutting a sharp circle around you and Sans' figures. He's not alone in the spotlight, however.
"To tonight's melodrama!" The King concludes with a flourish.
Like a switch being flipped, the room explodes into noise and color. Colorful heart shaped lights dance along the walls, produced by drone-like machines that flutter in the air from the open window as soon as the cues are given. Cameras, screens, microphones. They fill the once quiet room with their mechanical whirring. From somewhere above you, confetti rains to the floor.
The King flashes a dashing smile at the cameras. At least, you think he does. As close to a smile as he can get in his rectangular form, anyway.
He waves one arm in the air, saluting; the other clasping Sans' shoulder in apparent good humor. Sans' smile is frozen but unfazed.
Privately, you're relieved for him that skeletons don't have much in terms of soft tissues. That grip looks like it would bruise.
"Everyone give a big hand to our two wonderful protagonists!"
The King lets go of his bodyguard to clap along to the audio track that automatically begins to play. Sans shrugs his shoulders—the characteristic gesture masking any signs of physical discomfort—before popping a lazy salute at the cameras.
Your terrified eyes meet his for a moment, but he doesn't seem to acknowledge you.
"My dear viewers, I must first of all offer you an apology. Dragging you out of your beds at this ungodly hour… where have my manners gone. However! An unforeseen development has recently unfolded."
He's fast. He's very fast for something that moves like a military grade unicycle. In the blink of an eye, he's by your side. The colorful panel of his face is unreadable; the lights of the improvised studio catch on the golden crown atop his head.
"The ghost of tears…"
His gloved hand reaches up to gently grab at your chin and turn your once crying face to the cameras.
"A midnight rendez-vous… turned to tragedy."
As fast as he came, he's gone, rolling to the centre of the room and spreading his arms to his sides with pathos.
"Could this be? A heart wrenching tale of unrequited love?!!"
Where you stare dumbfounded and frozen, Sans laughs. He takes a few steps forward, planting himself right by Mettaton's side, then throws a wink, first at you, then at the cameras.
He doesn't break a sweat. The movement is so natural it seems like second nature. You wonder, for a second, just how long he's been working for Him.
"oh you know. nothing like some light heartbreaking and entering to end the night, am i right?"
A rimshot rings out. You're not sure why, but you feel like it wasn't part of the planned sound design. The king's robotic laugh sounds even hollower than usual.
"Of course! Of course! My agent's penchant for humor is more than well known. But!"
He turns to you—and with him your knees to jelly. The King tilts his royal microphone at you, teasingly. Threateningly.
"Everyone is waiting for the real scoop, darling! Our special human guest. What do YOU have to say in all of this?"
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sunderingstars · 4 months
☆━━━━━ ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ ◯ ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ ━━━━━━☆
sampo analysis m.list
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— what the stars reveal: honkai: star rail, interpretative analysis, mainly aha!sampo, emanator!sampo sprinkled in for funsies
— word count: 1.4k
— overview: (as of 2.2) a look at aha’s splash art, what it might mean, and the potential clues it leaves for the identity of a physical avatar.
note: this is my own interpretative opinion — it’s fine if you don’t agree! i know a lot of people don’t subscribe to elation!sampo theories, just as a lot of people do. this is an analysis i’m doing for fun and i understand there are many different & valid interpretations people can have about this. thanks! 🪐
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First, let’s look at the splash art itself:
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Our eyes are immediately drawn front-and-center to two masks reminiscent of the comedy and tragedy masks from greek theater — however, instead of one smiling and one frowning, both appear to be laughing.
The other masks, which lay in the shadowed background, are the ones frowning. Note how the spotlights and coloring draw our attention to not just the laughing masks, but the masks themselves (more on this later).
A popular image of this splash art is one cropped down to only the laughing masks, showing that most people’s idea of Aha’s “face” is, in fact, centered around the front-facing masks:
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However, upon closer look, we can see a variety of other objects at play, including the frowning masks:
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The one on the right is specifically interesting because it also seems to have a spotlight on it. Despite not being front-and-center, its frown is still illuminated, perhaps suggesting a “multi-faceted” appearance or personality (even performative sadness or pain).
Other notable objects include: confetti, flowers with eyes, a coin purse in the shape of a mouth, eyeball-shaped candy, a toybox moon with a face, an owl-cat perched on a circus ball, a strange white bird with human legs and a top hat, the aforementioned frowning masks in the background, and, most notably, several playing cards.
The playing cards indicate a red 5 with an upside-down laughing face, a red heart with a frowning face, a black H with a frowning face, a potentially black 7, and a black pi (which might be a roman numeral 2, but since the 5 was not in roman numerals, my bet is on pi) with a smiling face.
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While I do think most of these objects are supposed to be fun little trinkets for the sake of being fun little trinkets — like the circus balls and confetti — the playing cards, coin purse, and shadowed masks stand out to me as potential links between Aha and a physical avatar.
The playing cards have connotations to gambling, money, and deceit, with their unconventional markings tying into Aha’s multiple “masks” and ever-changing persona.
The coin purse signals further associations with gambling and money, with the mouth adding a layer of consumptive desire.
The shadowed masks, as somewhat mentioned before, heavily imply the existence of contradictory emotion behind Aha’s “facade” — a pain or sadness hidden by the flashy lights and faces.
Additionally, and perhaps most importantly, behind all of this gaudy glamor is a silhouette, easily missed for the bright colors of the smiling masks’ spotlight:
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This silhouette is the most widely-circulated clue I’ve seen as to Aha having a physical, humanoid form.
While it may be difficult to make out at first glance, the shape of a human is undoubtedly there, complete with a jawline, neck muscles, biceps, and hands with the palms facing up.
To bring back the detail mentioned earlier, something important to note is that the spotlights draw our focus to the masks rather than the silhouette, manipulating us into only seeing the front-facing objects rather than the person beneath.
This diversion could very well speak to a more literal diversion in Aha’s form — a misdirection where They don’t want others to know Their true identity, so They throw the spotlight on others while They operate under the radar, away from prying eyes.
So, how does Sampo factor into all of this? Beyond the fact that a shady, somewhat pathetic underworld merchant on a remote snow planet is a great alias for “operating under the radar” in terms of the wider universe, let’s start with the silhouette itself, which bears a striking resemblance to Sampo’s E6:
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As you can see, they seem to have similar jawlines, collarbones, and shoulder lengths. To me, it very much looks like an inverted version of the E6.
Additionally, the silhouette proper seems to have a broad upper body that tapers near the hips, which fits Sampo’s build. However, this connection alone isn’t enough to make a solid theory, so let’s continue.
I mentioned several key objects earlier, like the coin purse, masks, and playing cards. While these individual marks could apply to other characters (i.e. Aventurine & coins, Sparkle & masks), Sampo is the one that checks every box combined.
Who has an obsession with money (cash ➜ coins)? Sampo. Who is always smiling and hiding his true feelings (putting on a mask)? Sampo. Who is always playing a master game of disguise and manipulation to get what he wants, even if it seems he is “losing” at times (cards)? Sampo.
While I do admit Aventurine could also fit most of this criteria, it is important to note that Sampo is the only one to check these boxes while also being directly affiliated with the Masked Fools, a faction that worships Aha the Elation.
Additionally, we have already received a pretty intensive exploration of Aventurine’s backstory in canon, so I think it’s safe to say he walks the path of Preservation and is mostly affiliated with the IPC.
Sampo, however, walks the Path of Nihility, which in my mind has a lot of overlap with Elation. (I tend to see “Nihility” and “Elation” as existing on two separate ends of the “presentation of meaninglessness” spectrum, with Nihility as pure existential stagnation and Elation as pure existential chaos. As such, it’s easy for me to think of someone potentially going back and forth between Nihility and Elation since both Paths can place heavy emphasis on similar ideas.) Nihility is also the Path often associated with those who have something to obfuscate about their identity (ex. Welt & his past, Acheron & her memory, Kafka & “destiny”).
Overall, I think Sampo checks the most boxes if we are operating under the assumption that Aha has a physical avatar.
This isn’t even touching on the conversation between Sampo and Sparkle during the 2.0 Trailblaze Mission where he refers to himself as an “old timer,” or any other clues like his voicelines (looking at you, “everyone has a colorful past, wouldn’t you say?”) and fourth-wall breaking.
However, it is also possible that all these pieces of evidence can be used for the Emanator!Sampo theory — the different masks and coins in this case could resemble Aha’s Emanators, or a kind of shared or split consciousness that uses parts to make the whole. If we’re going based on that, my money is on this mask in the background being the one to represent Sampo, since the eyes/eyebrows are an expression he often makes:
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This could break into several other theories, but the two that first come to mind are A. Sampo & the other Emanators are Aha’s “collection” of what They consider to be practical jokes or props, or B. These separate objects represent different parts of Aha’s consciousness or being — i.e. the parts that make the whole.
(Side Note: In this case, I would attribute Doll!Sampo to the coin purse, as it lines up with the Aha Stuffed Toy occurrence and Sampo’s name as a reference to Finnish mythology! Who knows, maybe he’s both?)
Additionally, there is always the chance of a divide between the silhouette and masks, with the potential of a silhouetted Sampo being a “background” entity occupying a different form than the “full” masks of Aeon Aha. (There can even be places of overlap between Aha! and Emanator!Sampo, so the two are not mutually exclusive!)
Whatever the case, I think there are many strong leads in the Elation!Sampo theory, especially including the ones in the splash art described here. Even though so many possibilities are open at this point, I think Sampo’s identity being closely intertwined with the Elation is a plausible interpretation of canon. However, these are still unconfirmed theories, so that doesn’t mean they’re 100% guaranteed (though I think they have a good chance!).
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𖥔 ݁ ˖ જ⁀➴ anyways, that’s the end of my analysis. let me know if there’s anything else you want me to talk about, since there’s a lot of stuff i didn’t touch on here!
also, thanks for reading this far if you did, i’m a bit of a nerd about this theory and i hope all of this made sense! if you want to add anything else to the splash art theory, please let me know, i’d love to hear any details i may have missed! thanks 🪐
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© analysis by sunderingstars. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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meganwritesfanfics · 1 year
You are my Sunshine
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Jamie Tartt x Reader
It's time for Jamie to find out the gender of his baby, and the team is more than willing to help out.
Check out Part 1, Part 2 Part 3 Part 5
Jamie had been antsier than normal. This was the week they were supposed to find out the gender of the baby. Y/N was planning surprising Jamie, he would have been completely fine opening the envelope with her, but it made her happy to plan a surprise, and he would do anything to see her smile. 
He was about to make his way into the locker room when he found a sheet of paper covering the door. 
“The fuck?” He gasped but when he took a step back he saw that the paper read “Tear me” “Ok?” He reached out and and tore the paper finding the lights in the lockeroom off. 
“Alright guys, this is very funny ha ha.” He said and suddenly the lights flicked on and Jamie saw that the whole locker room was covered in this paper and written all over it was Boy or Girl? 
Dani was also standing in the middle of the room holding a black balloon. 
Jamie laughed as he made his way towards Dani. 
“Y/N roped you into this eh?” He smiled.
“I was happy to help. It is very exciting.” Dani said beaming. “Now you must pop the balloon.” 
“Where is the rest of the team? Is Y/N here?” Jamie asked as he started to move towards the hall out to the field. 
“You must pop the balloon!” Dani snapped stepping inbetween Jamie and the door. 
“Woah, alright mate,” Jamie said throwing his hands up in defense. 
“Here.” Dani went back to his smily self and handed him a football shaped pushpin. 
“Well isn’t this adorable. You know, I think Y/N should be here.” 
Danny didn’t say anything, he just kept smiling and held the balloon out. 
“Alright, well I guess this is her plan. So let’s do this.” He felt the nerves building in his stomach as he reached out and quickly popped the ballroom. All the anxiety faded as he saw that there was nothing actually in the balloon. “Hey mate, isn’t their suppose to be like confetti or somethin’” 
“You may now move on to the next player.” Dani smiled as he walked over tearing a hole in the paper for Jamie to walk through.” 
“Wait are you saying the whole team is…” Jamie said as he peaked his head out and found the hall lined with his team members leading out to the field. “Oh my fuck.” 
“Jamie!” Ted called at the very end of the line. “Pop the balloons to find out the gender of ya’lls kids. Not that this means that this is who your child has to be identified as for the rest of their life, they get to make that choice themselves, but you know it is a somewhat fun tradition…” 
“Thanks coach!” Jamie said cutting Ted off. 
Beard was the first person on his left. Holding out his balloon. 
“Be real with me coach. Do any of these balloons have confetti in em?” 
“Do I have to pop all of them?” 
“Ted has been instructed to tackle you if you try to leave without popping all the balloons.” 
“I think i could take ‘im coach.” 
“You would be surprised, he’s got some muscle.” 
“Alright,” Jamie said and how much he pretended to be annoyed, he was actually loving this. The fact that Y/N had put so much time and effort into something for him, made his heart swell. 
Ted played along with every balloon, commenting things like “oh this one has to have something in it, oh I’m nervous the tension is really building, etc.” 
By the time Jamie made it to the end, the whole team was cheering him along as he popped each balloon. 
When he cleared the tunnel he could see her standing in the middle of the field a football next to her. He smiled and quickened his pace so that he could reach her. 
“Hi baby!” She smiled as she reached out her arms for Jamie. 
He hugged her tightly and then let his hand rest on her slightly extended stomach. 
“Did you enjoy my game?” 
“I did, although I don’t think I have fully finished it have I?” He smiled looking down at the ball. 
“You have one more thing to do, you’re favorite thing.” 
“Baby, me doing my favorite thing is what got us into this situation in the first place.” He smirked
“Jamie Tartt!” Y/N smacked him looking around to make sure no one heard them. “No I mean scoring goals. But before you do that I have a present.” She said and she pulled a small piece of fabric and held it up. 
It was an infant sized Richmond Jersey. “And this is the best part.” She turned it around and it was Jamie’s number nine with the name Tartt written on the back. “This way we can cheer on daddy together.” 
Jamie didn’t have words. He just reached out and carefully took the jersey from her hands. He couldn’t believe that anything could be that tiny. His mind still hadn’t fully wrapped itself around the idea that they were having a baby. 
“It’s…” His voice cracked. “It’s perfect Y/N I don’t…” 
“Oh Jamie,” Y/N said as she wrapped her arms around him. 
“You know I don’t care what we are having as long as it’s a health baby, who is going to love football.” Jamie whispered and Y/N laughed. 
“I know.” 
“Oi! Can we get on with this!” They heard Roy yell and Y/N quickly flip him off. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t get Roy involved.” 
“He didn’t want to participate and I was worried he would spoil it, so I locked him in the boot room til you got to the hallway.” 
Jamie laughed as he turned to Roy a big grin on his face, and Roy responded by flipping him off, but for a moment he did crack a smile. 
“Alright so all I have to do is score a goal?” Jamie asked turned back to Y/N. 
“Well technically all you have to do is kick the ball and then the power will explode, but I figured you would want to score a goal as well.”
“You know me so well baby.” Jamie smiled. 
“So go ahead Jamie Tartt.” She said as she backed away a little bit so he could get ready. 
Jamie took a deep breath, the anxiety was coming back and the nerves. 
“Jamie Tartt do, do, dodododo, Jamie Tartt, do do dododdodo…” Someone started chanting and then everyone on the team started cheering Jamie on. 
He felt his cocky spark come back and in one beautiful kick he sailed the ball across the field and into the net, sending a giant puff of blue smoke out into the air. 
Everyone went wild and Jamie immediately turned to Y/N with tears in his eyes. 
“A boy,” He gasped. “We are having a boy.” 
Y/N nodded as she walked up to him. “We are going to have a boy.” She beamed. And Jamie pulled her in for a long kiss
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signed-sapphire · 7 months
The Fallen Star ✨
A Wish rewrite
Cielo design 💛
The boy is here! The most ever! The Fallen Star’s very own Starboy!
So I lied and don’t have the finalized designs for King Maggie or Queen Ams yet soooooo *throws confetti at you* take this Starboy reimagining in the meantime!
Eugh boy the name gave me trouble. I didn’t want to use Aster since that’s the name of a a couple popular Starboys already (@annymation/@gracebeth3604/ @mythartist21) and while the Greek name is cool, I wanted something a bit different.
SEE-EH-LO, for anyone wondering. He/they pronouns <3
I was heavily considering choosing Estrella and making Starboy a Stargirl, and then we’d have a gay romance. But this is supposed to be SOMEWHAT of a homage to early Disney. This may not be KoW, but… idk. Cielo is a gender neutral name. Literal manifestation of light. Go ahead and draw them as a female-presenting figure and it’s still TFS!canon~
Aaaaaaanyways. Here’s the actual rewrite!
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First of all! Cielo is NOT the Northern Star! He’s a baby star like… in the bottom right
However, the Northern Star? Evangeline? Yeah, she’s gonna be in my rewrite
But Cielo is NOT her
For now I’ll just say Evangeline is sort of a mentor-figure to Cielo and leave it at that
So not all stars are wishing stars, and similar to Kingdom of Wishes, a wishing star is born when first wished upon
Once a wishing star fulfills their first wish, they become Stars (capital S), and are free to help anyone that needs it
The more wishes a Star fulfills, the more powerful they become
Idk maybe it’s like a Rise of the Guardians thing, where the more people that believe, the stronger your magic is
Sparkles and hope and glitter and shit
Until, as explained in my rewrite… the Stars grew bored and started simply granting wishes
Then people grew lazy and started demanding wishes
And all this belief made the Stars go overpowered
Basically it became Wonderland, everything coming true, kingdoms burning and villages destroyed
Yeah. So Magnus god rid of them eventually
Though who would suspect that it would be the king’s own daughter that would bring back his greatest fear?
Yep, Asha brought Cielo down
Not purposely, but even if she had done it purposely, she wouldn’t have chosen Cielo
He’s a little baby, a dwarf star maybe
Only ever gotten one wish in his life…
Huh never seen that before *side eyes KoW*
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Personality traits
Very Anna-coded
Probably ADHD tbh (autism x adhd duo unite)
HE’S the quirky Disney princess
Although more Flynn than Raps
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Fuck around and find out
(And by fuck around I mean wait for my rewrite to come out bc I haven’t slept in two days and I’m too tired to articulate their story accurately)
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Due to popular demand, Cielo now has the Charlie Morningstar cheek thingies
Also @gracebethartacc got an ask about canon!Star being marketed with a star over their right eye so… vitiligo mark, anyone?
Yeah I don’t have many colored refs but basically Cielo’s star eye mark and cheek thingies turn into vitiligo marks when in their “human form”
Uh take this
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Ye sort of like this^
Heart shaped face! His part is also supposed to resemble a “V” shape to make the top of the heart
My sister said they looked like Viva and I’m crying but too late to take it back
I guess they’re both Spanish? Ajdjajhsjajajs
Thin slutty waist. Imagine Lucifer from Hazbin Hotel bc Jeremy Jordan is Yes.
Like I’m obsessed with that wet cat of a character I’m thinking about Cielo’s voice being Jeremy
Although his younger VA days as like Varian would better suit Cielo…
Design by @mythartist21 save for the Trolls hair and cheek thingies! Those were my additions
Uhhh pointy ears, poofy sleeves
Idk is the star eye mark AND the cheek thingies too busy? Lmk and I’ll try to post a colored ref of that helps
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sunshineluverr · 2 years
TXT imagine : How they would confess to you on Valentines Day
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Pairing : TXT members x gn!reader
Genre : Fluff
Word count : 1.5k
Yeonjun :
He would definitely make a big deal about it
So he's planned everything out, he is going to give you a big surprise!
He would film himself a tiktok/vlog or video how he spent the whole day buying decorations, snacks, cake, and gifts for you!
He would ask one of the members to stall you outside while he goes and decorates your whole place in pretty balloons, pictures, glitter, confetti, etc.
When you finally come back home, and you're welcomed with the beautiful surprise, house lit up with heart-shaped red and pink lights and decorations. You look at the pictures that were hung up on the wall, with small sticky notes next to them, talking about those memories.
You read the balloon letterings as they spelled out "Will you be my valentine?"
"Hey" your gushing is interrupted by Yeonjun as you finally turn to look at him, he was holding a bouquet of roses in his hands, smiling widely in anticipation, waiting for your response.
"So, what do you say?"
"Yes! of course yes!" You immediately go to throw your arms around him, embracing him in a tight hug.
You were so overwhelmed by all the love and joy and emotion that you didn't even notice Soobin was standing there filming all your raw reactions!
Then the two of you spend the rest of evening, eating the sweets and snacks he bought while watching the video he had made all day, in which he cannot stop rambling about how much he loves you <3
Soobin :
Soobin gets his romantic inspiration from one important source :
So what he really desires is a typical beautiful anime confession under the cherry blossom tree at sunset.
Your heart beats with anticipation when Soobin texts you to meet with him at the nearby cherry blossoms tree park.
When you reach there, you were slightly dissapointed to see that none of the flowers are in bloom yet, it was still a  little bit beautiful with the trees covered in snow though.
You search for the exact location of where Soobin asked to meet you, rushing to him when you finally spot him, waving his hand in the air.
"I did not remember the fact that it's still winter when I meant to invite you out here but..."
He hands you a pretty pink envelope with a heart stuck on it.
You open it, it's filled with words. The sweetest words anyone has ever said to you. Soobin was shy so he wrote his heart out for you in that letter. He wrote about every little detail he loved about you, and how much he wants to love you forever.
Small sobs leave your throat as you try to hold in the wave of tears that threatens to leave your eyes because of the deep emotions you felt from reading his beautiful letter.
You suddenly saw, light pink paper conffeti floating around at you, making you finally lift your head from the letter to look at Soobin who was currently throwing fake cherry blossom petals at you, while making an expression aslo looking like he was going to burst into tears.
You laugh at his cute and funny stunt of throwing the petal confetti. "Gosh this is all so amazing and incredible and...I love you so much Soobin!"
He hugs you tight as soon as the words left your lips, both of you beginning to cry your heart out, but they're all tears of pure love and joy! ♡
Beomgyu :
He actually, doesn't make a huge fuss about it. But he definitely plans it for a really long time.
He asked you weeks before valentines that if both him or you are not able to land any dates and end up free on the  14th you'll both go on a date together.
So he spent the whole week before the big day, scaring off any guys that were going to approach you or ask you out, with you having no clue whatsoever about the whole situation.
14th February is finally here, and as promised, you go on a date with Beomgyu since you both ended up free (all according to his plan of course)
First he takes you to an arcade, the two of you getting worked up in your competitive spirits and making a bet about the person that wins the most games, will grant the other's wishes.
Beomgyu, being the expert that he is, beat you by a 12-15 ratio, kind of spoiling your mood when he teases you so much for it.
"Alright alright stop bullying me already, what's your wish?" You ask, kind of nervous on what he has in store for you.
"I'll wish later my genie, let's get something to eat first!"
The two of you go to a nice barbeque place, when Beomgyu gets up to go grab some items from the buffet, your thoughts wander on how you genuinely enjoy this date, and you wouldn't want it to end.
You finish your meals and Beomgyu asks you to wait outside the restaurant for him, with your eyes closed. You're confused but you follow through, anxiety heating your cheeks as you can't see anything, but you wait for him patiently.
You feel a soft thing touching your body, your eyes snap open in reaction, coming in veiw with a ridiculously giant stuffed teddy bear. Beomgyu's head pokes out from under the bear's arm, and he has a dumb smile plastered over his face.
You can't help but burst out in a fit of laughter at his cuteness.
"Happy Valentine's day!" He exclaimed, handing you the bear.
"Really? You're giving this to me?" You ask, a bit shocked but still really happy about the gift.
"Yes I am! You have to keep it okay?" He insisted, pouting
"I will, I will! Thank you so much this is so sweet!" You say, hugging the bear. "But wait Gyu, what was your wish all about? Do you still want that?"
"yes and my wish is...this"
He said in a low voice, hands pushing down the bear, and slowly moving to cup your face, leaning down to place a peck on your lips.
You're left in shock, face flushed from the sudden kiss but you finally giggle, bringing your hand to his neck, pulling him down for another one.~⁠♡
Taehyun :
(I just know that Taehyun is the biggest romantic even if he doesn't seem like it)
You were so busy all the time with work and assignments that you completely forgot that something like Valentine's day exists.
So when you get a text from Taehyun to come over to help him with something, you didn't think much of it at all.
When you get to his place, you notice the vibe there was definitely very weird, the lights were off with only a few lamps and a few candles lit up. Scented ones you realise when you can smell sweets like cupcakes or something, in the air.
Taehyun asks you to take a seat, not showing even a pinch of his nervousness in his demeanor about what he's about to say to you.
"So what did you need my help with Taehyun?"
"Yes, the thing is, I've been writing a song these days and I'm going to sing it right now, and I want your honest opinion on it"
"Okay sure! Go ahead!" You say in excitement as he plays a melody on his phone and unfolds a peice of paper with some lyrics printed on them.
He begins to sing in his beautiful and crystal clear voice, sending chills all over your body. You loved listening to him sing so much, his voice was really your favourite. You close your eyes and you let yourself relax into the music of him singing so well for you.
The lyrics were rather... romantic, oddly for Taehyun, because he usually doesn't write such cute and lovely words, but it was still so sweet and you felt your heart ache, almost as if you were hoping he would dedicate these words to you.
He finishes the song and you immediately start to clap your hands in the undying appreciation you had for him for putting on the brilliant performance.
"That was incredible Tyun! What's the song called?"
He hesitates for a bit in giving you a response before he finally tells you.
Your shock was evident on your face as your lips fell apart, dark red painting your cheeks, when he said that the title of the song was your name.
"Wait w-what do you mean?" You say, kind of scared, not letting your hopes up.
"It means I love you. And that I meant every word I sang in the song, for you" Taehyun confesses and your heart skips a beat. You gasp, from the surprise and happiness, and you pull yourself closer to him, placing a kiss on his cheek, making his eyes lit up.
"Taehyun...I feel the same way, I love you too, so much...thank you, for all this"
He holds you tight, letting out a heavy sigh in your neck almost as if he was holding his breath in from how nervous he was. He placed a kiss on your forehead before smiling to look at you.
"Come on, I cooked something for you, your favourite" he said grabbing your hand and you squeal in excitement.
Huening Kai :
He would plan everything perfectly only to...chicken out at the last minute.
He had bought you so many cute plushies to express you how much he loves you, and take you to an aquarium to see cute fishes and penguins and present all the gifts there. He even bought the tickets beforehand!
But when it came to inviting you out he was so awkward and scared he completely messed it up :(
"Hey? You doing anything tomorrow?" He asked you the day before after mustering up all his courage.
"Yeah, I actually do have plans but they're not valentiney. I have to help my dad with cleaning out his garage space, he's been asking me non-stop!"
"Oh..." Huening Kai replied in a very low tone, defeated and unable to bring himself to ask you for the date.
So he did what any single man does for valentines day, sit in his bed all day, surrounded by hundreds of his plushies and munch the sorrows away by eating ice cream.
Well that was until he checked his phone, heart jumping at the fact that you texted him.
My love ^3^♡ : Hyuka! Hey i was bored so I texted you lol
My love ^3^♡ : I'm actually finished up with my dad quite early yay
My love ^3^♡ : So...wyd??
It's like you had read his mind! Or heart! He immediately began to text back the first thing that came on his mind.
Hueningkai : I love you!!!!! >3< ♡♡♡♡
He realised that might me a bit too straightforward so he was about to delete that message but his life flashed before his eyes when the message suddenly showed 'seen'
My love ^3^♡ : Really?? Is this a prank?
Now he cannot say he's pranking you because then that would be lying and risking hurting your feelings. Gosh this was not how he planned it at all.
Hueningkai: wait no its not! I actually do love you! No joke! I want you as my girlfriend...
My love ^3^♡ : Omg? I can't believe it...me too Kai! I love you too.. >\\\<
Hueningkai throws his phone after reading that last message.
And you're wondering, feeling slightly dissapointed that he didn't reply to it, you put down your phone finally because you've been emptily staring at the 'seen' message for about 10 minutes now. You're nervous that you could've scared him off.
But it was infact, quite literally the opposite.
Your moping was interrupted by someone on the door, ringing the doorbell a lot more times than necessary.
"Coming coming!" You yell to the impatient person as you rush to open the door. You were surprised to see, Huening Kai, panting heavily, and face glistening with sweat. He was also carrying a huge bag
"Kai! Oh my god! Did you just...run all the way over here...??"
"No! Yes! I mean yes! I did! And I'm so happy but we have to go!!"
"Go? Go where?" You were still trying to wrap your head around the situation.
"The aquarium! Before it closes! Hurry! Get your bags or anything!"
"Uh um? Oh? Okay!"
You quickly rush to grab your purse and keys and you glanced yourself in the mirror for a second before getting out and letting Kai drag you wherever.
The aquarium was so fun and amazing. you and Hueningkai took a lot of pictures together with the fishes and the penguins, and with every stop he would give you a plushie and tell you one thing he loved about you which made your heart brighten so much. He was so happy that things fell into place after all.
The two of you had a beautiful first date to start off your beautiful relationship together <3 
A/n : Hope you enjoyed reading this! Comments and feedback are highly appreciated <33
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bowieandqueen11 · 2 years
Objection / Phoenix Wright Imagine
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Request: Hi! If possible could I get Phoenix Wright getting invited to a childhood friends wedding, only for him to realize that he has feelings for his friend? Thank you!
Oooh this is an interesting request and my first one for my main man Phoenie!!! Thank you so much@miyonorii1317!
I’ve decided to make this a series so this is part one, if you enjoy please let me know and I’ll continue it! :)
(I do not own Phoenix Wright or its characters, all rights go to creators. Beautiful gif credit goes to @arkarti.)
‘Nick!! Oooohhh, did you see those flowers?? They’re so pretty - I love daffodils!!’
‘...I don’t think you’re supposed to talk during this part.’
Phoenix is too distracted to notice the innocent squabble going on from the wedding guests he’s sitting sandwiched between. Despite the fact Maya is nearly leaning over him to win the argument, the defence attorney is too busy trying to figure out why the garlands of silver flowers weaving through the wicker chairs are making him feel so gloomy inside. Why each clustering blaze of burning gold confetti that brushed over the aisle and against his dress shoe made him want to grab the fringes of his hair and pull his spikes out. Why the tide of wedding guests flowing in through the looming chamber doors, with champagne flutes and orders of service tucked underneath their arms, made his hands clench into his kneecaps and send shooting, trembling sparks through his body in its desperation to run away.
‘Says you Edgey. You’re talking too!’
He thinks he’s managed to escape having to intervene when a woman from the second row turns round, squints towards them, and raises a finger to her snarling lips. Nick has to shove his fist into his mouth to stop himself busting over in stitches when he spots Miles’ cheeks turning a matching shade of maroon to his freshly pressed suit; he slides down in his chair, eyes wild with a manic shock as he prays that the shushing woman, whom he immediately recognised as a blushed up Ms. Oldbag, is too busy mumbling crankily to herself to realise who he is. Maya flusters, crossing her arms and huffing back into her seat, only to nearly jump nearly a mile into the air a second later with a quiet ‘ah!’ when someone’s face appears from the corner of her eye.
‘Yo, Nick, do you know when this party is supposed to get started?’ Larry leans forward over Phoenix’s seat, resting his chin on his best friend’s blue lined shoulder and peering over his ear to stare at him. Although Nick tries to glance at him out of the side of his eye, Larry’s gaudy bright orange suit, fitted to boot with taffy pink stricken love hearts has him blinking rapidly and recoiling back in horror.
‘It’s a wedding, Larry, the reception hasn’t even started yet. We’ve only just sat down, it will probably be another hour at least.’ Nick bites the bottom of his lip, fervently enough to tear the skin away and send a droplet of blood dribbling down his lip; his eyes are gleaming with a waning anguish that makes even Edgeworth raise a concerned eyebrow. Thankfully Maya manages to tear him away from his thought for a moment, shoving Nick’s shoulder with an excited puff of air and turning round to beam at Larry. ‘And then we get to eat cake’, she near-shouts, clenching her fists and pummelling a yammering Nick. ‘And throw some shapes on the dancefloor!’
‘And we also get free food!’, a delighted Gumshoe chimes in from where he’s slouched back next to Larry, whose busy nodding fervently in agreement. ‘My paycheck got slashed again last week, so it sure will be nice to eat something other than instant noodles for every meal.’
To try and revive the situation (and the sour, guilty and sympathetic frowns that had fallen over the faces of his friends), Larry tries to draw everyone’s attention over to the organ music that has slowly begun to swill over the buzzing and whispering crowd. ‘Can you believe it? Our little Y/n is all grown up and getting married,’ Larry takes a break to sniffle and wipe a tear away from his eye with the edge of his pointer finger. ‘Who would have thought one of our little ‘Signal Samurai’ four-o would end up here so quickly??’
‘It’s called a quartet, Larry. And we’re all twenty eight years old. We’re hardly children.’ Miles has decided to brave sitting up in his chair again, and is now facing the ivy arched altar with a stoic expression on his face and a finger tapping his crossed arms. It turns into a flashing look of disgust when Larry decides to flop his head from Nick’s shoulder over to his instead. ‘Besides, I think that’s Y/n coming in now, so everyone quieten down.’
Phoenix feels like he’s about to burst, a biting ice shooting through his veins as if a distant childhood memory had suddenly been flung free from the recesses of his mind and left to wreak havoc. He can barely look towards you as you make your way down the aisle, the sound of Maya aawing beside him and looping her arm through his elbow turning him green in the face. The only person who seems to have it worse is Edgeworth; Larry is still leaning his head against his neck, sobbing into his pristine suit as he gently tries to both prod him off and awkwardly pat the top of his head in some form of cold, uncomfortable comfort the emotionally repressed Miles is trying his best to give. Bombarded from the other side by Gumshoe blowing his nose into a hankie right by his ear, Miles gives a withering look towards the centre of the room, as if he’s wishing he could just disappear from the situation completely.
The vows seem to rush by in a blur. Nick is too busy lost in his thoughts, eyes glazed over and body busy holding a leaning Maya up to even really notice what’s going on; he just can’t stop thinking about his childhood. About all the moments he missed. All the chances he had. All the courage he never realised was stored away, locked down inside him and only waiting for love and friendship to let it out. Of all the times he had sat beside you in class, a sad, snivelling, dishevelled boy worried about making friends and fitting in and, most of all, trying to make you laugh. It was always the most glorious sound in the world, and he swore every time you would hide your head in your homework book and stifle a giggle, he wanted to spend his life making you so overjoyed, so that sound is all he would ever hear. He would always look forward to walking home with you, playing tag and running through the streets as if you were the only people in the world, feeling free. To be honest, he’s spent his whole life since chasing that sublimity that he had only felt with you; the thoughts of what would have happened if you hadn’t moved overseas plaguing his dreams every night, the thought of what would have happened if he had been brave enough to send you just one more letter haunting his every decision.
Maya lifts her head in confusion as tears began to leak from the corners of Feenie’s eyes. She looked at him, and then to you, and then whipped back to Nick, the cogs beginning to stir in her mind. She squinted, ‘hmm’ing quietly to herself at the way the quivering attorney beside her was dumbfoundedly gazing at you with dewy eyes, as if you were a blanket of fresh snow coating over the cresting coppery dawn of a new day. 
‘If anyone has any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace.’
He doesn’t know what comes over him. One second he’s slack jawed, leaning over his elbows quizzically, and the next he’s standing up beside an aghast Edgeworth. ‘Objection! I object uh - your honour.’ He rubs the back of his head, stuttering bashfully over his words as he feels the weight of every pair of angry and bewildered eyes flash towards him. Maya grabs his arm and tries to tug him back down onto the chair, Larry doing his best to fist the back of his jacket and make him fall back down as well, but Nick is stock still. Whether it’s determination, or the look on your face when you turn to look at your beetroot red best friend, he doesn’t know. But he does know one thing: Phoenix Wright isn’t going to leave this courthouse until his truth comes out.
‘I- I object. Because... well... because I-I love you! I always have Y/n! I’m in love with you, and I always will be!’
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persimmonsimmer · 1 year
Too much real life
It’s time for yet another of my patented where-I’ve-been-for-the-past-several-months posts. *throws confetti*
As the title says, real life has been happening. Basically, for the past several months I’ve been job hunting and house hunting* while also working my full-time job.
* Do I recommend this particular combo in any way, shape, or form? NO. No no no absolutely not, no. Don’t be like me; save yourself the stress and anxiety and just DON’T.
Enough said, right?!!
Yeah, probably, but I do love to ramble on, so . . .
The stress from that project I mentioned finally died down a few weeks ago when the project was wrapping up, but it was kind of a nightmare all the way to the finish line, lol. But that’s not why I left my old job; in spite of the not-infrequent nightmare projects, I liked the people I worked with and was very comfortable there. Without getting too specific, I felt I needed other kinds of experience in order to keep moving forward in my career. I did eventually find a new job that seems like it’s just what I was looking for, but while my job search is now over, I still don’t find myself with much time (or mental energy) for simming. I’ve jumped from the frying pan into . . . well, if not quite the fire, then another frying pan. I’m hoping that’ll change once I’m more settled into the new job, but I’m not at that point yet and I’m not sure when I will be. It sucks ‘cause I’m really, really starting to crave the comfort of a good sim session!
And then there’s the house. Yep, my partner and I somehow managed to buy a little house that should be perfect for our needs. But while it’s totally livable, it’s also horribly ugly. So on top of everything, I’m going to be moving and starting the long and slow process of DIYing some basic remodeling.** I’d be more excited about it (buying a house and turning it into my own space has been the #1 goal of my adulthood) if only I wasn’t scared out of my wits. :’)
** Oh to be a sim: To buy a starter home for $20,000, move in the same day, remodel and furnish it to your heart’s desire in the blink of an eye, and then carpool to your first day at a job in your dream career that you picked out of the newspaper that very same morning! T_T T_T T_T
Anyway, that’s the update. And I know it’s good news, really, so the last thing I want is to sound like I’m seriously complaining. I’m very lucky; I’m also very overwhelmed. That said, I think the worst is behind me, and I’m hoping to regain some semblance of normality soon. And when I do, even if it’s not quite as soon as I’d like, I’ll be back!
PS: I apologize if my silly little April Fools’ post made anyone think my return was imminent. I forgot I had that scheduled. xD One thing from that post stands, though: I’m very much looking forward to returning to Panorama for round 6--when I can.
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kelpan · 10 months
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This fic is now over 20,000 words long, and we're not even to the end of Act 1 yet. Hoo boy do I love torturing myself with massive projects that take full control of my life lol
Anyhoo! Please enjoy! Next chapter is shaping out to be a bit of a long one, so I'm shooting to try and get it out before the end of the month.
Credit for the OC Chrysanthemum Headshot goes to wwispie on Etsy/Instagram!
Ao3: Petals on a Stream of Stars
Act 1, Chapter 9: Marigold
1:30 pm
“Yes ma’am…. N-No, I’m sorry, I…. It’ll never happen again, I promise…. Yes…. Thank you….. Yes, of course…. Goodbye.” 
Chrys hung up the phone at the security desk, her heart hammering a mile a minute. She hadn’t been fired. How had she not been fired? Her second day, and she’s over four hours late. By all intents and purposes that should make her a no-call-no-show. Not exactly employee of the month kind of behavior. Officer Vanessa had been livid—who wouldn’t be?—but more than forgiving all things considered.
I should buy a lottery ticket with this kinda luck. 
Sun cocked his head out from behind one of the support beams of the playplace, his worried eyes asking her what the verdict was. She replied with a wide grin and a thumbs up, to which he pantomimed clutching at his heart and breathing a sigh of relief, the jester. He scrunched his face then, and jabbed a pointer finger at the packed lunch sitting next to her on the desk. She laughed, and waved his instruction away, opening up the zippered lunchbox to prove she understood the assignment. Satisfied, he grinned wide, and returned to his task, tying off a banner hung off the edge of the structure which read “HAPPY BIRTHDAY” in colorful, excited letters. 
She’d been smart to throw a little something together the night before. Given the frantic rush that turned out to be her morning, there’d have been no time to even consider trying to make food then. Neither did she have any intention of giving Sun yet another reason to worry over her; Given how he’d reacted yesterday, she could just imagine him calling for a full stop of all preparations until he was satisfied she’d eaten enough. That was the last thing either of them needed. Smiling at the absurd image, she grabbed a cheese stick out of the bag, and set to work on chewing it down. 
With nothing else to do while she ate, Chrys watched Sun’s journey across the daycare, blowing up balloons, decorating areas with confetti and shiny cut pieces of tinsel, and wondered how this afternoon might go. It hadn’t occurred to her that hosting parties in the Daycare had even been an option. From all she knew, the daycare was just that—a daycare. Sun had mentioned they were few and far between before she’d gone to take Vanessa’s call, so perhaps she wasn’t all that far off in thinking that. One thing, however, was clear; Sun was tickled pink at the prospect. She hadn’t seen his rays stop moving since. 
With the last of the streamers hung perfectly in place, Sun came bounding back over to the security desk, resting against the upper edge to lean overtop. His excitement was infectious, and she smiled, hiding the mouthful of food she’d just eaten behind her hand. 
“Oh, this is gonna be so much fun, Chrys, just you wait! It’ll be freeplay the entire afternoon! Nothing but games, games, games! Oh, you’re gonna love it!” 
With a wipe of her napkin, Chrys finished her lunch, and gathered all the trash together to be thrown out later. “Sounds like a blast. What about cake and presents? Do we do those here, too?”
“Oh, yes!” His face fell a twitch. “But… not this time. These parents bought the Ultra Deluxe Fazzerific package, which includes presents, pizza and cake with the entire Glamrock band over in the atrium. It’s one of our most top-tier offerings.”
“Oh. Sounds expensive.”
Coming out from behind the desk, Chrys took in the newly transformed Daycare. “So how will I be able to help? Is there an itinerary to follow?”
“Nope! Well, yes, but nothing you need to be concerned with, I’ll lead it all. Just help me keep an eye on the kids, make sure no one is hurting themselves or others, that sort of thing, and we’ll be all good! As long as everyone is safe and the birthday girl is having the best day of her life, that’s all that really matters.”
The clock rang twice, signaling the start of what would normally be the second shift. Sun jumped, and raced towards the gate, waving for Chrys to come join him. 
“Ok,” he said, stationing her to stand opposite him on the other side of the door. “We’ll open the gate together, and yell “Welcome, new friends!” at the same time. Ready?” She nodded. “Great! Here we go!”
With that, the Daycare flung open its doors, and together they rang in the start to the party. 
Peels of excitement ripped through the crowd, converging into their own miniature stampede as the children rushed past each other to disperse into the daycare, diving head-first into whatever caught their attention the most. Sun spared one encouraging glance to Chrys before running into the thick of it, matching their energy and then some. 
Chrys laughed, but took the chance to look out into the waiting area, if only to make sure there were no stragglers left before moving on. She found she was glad she did; There was still one more friend yet to be welcomed inside. 
Standing in the otherwise empty waiting area stood a young mother, dressed in affluent but feminine, neutral-toned business attire, with a little girl no older than five or six years old clinging to her side, head full of strawberry blonde curls pressed as far into the side of the woman’s leg as was physically possible.  
“Please, don’t worry too much about her. Give her some time, she should open right up.”
The woman spoke with a kind but firm tone, her words every bit as much a command as a reassurance. She put off the air of someone who was used to taking charge, despite the slight crack of fatigue which broke through. Kneeling down, she detangled herself from her daughter’s death grip on her skirt. “But, do be sure not to let her out of your sight. We’re going through a… a bit of a rough time, right now. You look away for one second and she’ll up and hide on you, I guarantee it.”
Switching between mother and child, Chrys could sense the underlying unease radiating off both of them. A mother who seemed drained, yet doing her best to hide it, and a child who looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here. Neither a good state of mind to be in before a party. 
“Don’t worry, there will be supervision present the entire time, we’ll make sure of that.” She took hold of the little girl’s hand at her mother’s behest, and felt the tiny fingers squeeze her own. Without her mother close, the girl curled in as tight as she could, chin tucked to her chest.
“See to it that you do. Bye sweetie, please try to have fun, for me. I’ll be back to pick you up in a few hours. I love you.”
The child stirred, and looked up from the floor. Her bright blue eyes were full of tears, and she squeaked out a meek “Love you” back before her mother turned and walked away, a quick, air-blown kiss her last bit of encouragement before disappearing around a corner. 
Hand in hand, Chrys walked the two of them inside, closing the gates behind her. She knelt down to be more at the child’s eye level, and spoke in a soft, soothing voice.
“Hey there, it’s ok. I know this is a lot. My name’s Miss Chrys. What’s yours?”
She sniffled, wiping her nose on the back of her hand. “… Marigold.”
“Marigold?” Chrys repeated, adding a bit of excitement to her voice. “What a lovely name! Did you know that’s the name of a flower?” The child nodded. “I think that’s super cool. Hey, wanna know a secret?” Another silent nod. “My name’s the name of a flower too! Have you ever heard of a Chrysanthemum?” This time a shake, the girl’s ringlets bouncing side to side. “It’s a fall flower, with lots of thin, yellow, white or red petals, like the color of my hair. Just like yours, too!”
Untucking a strand of her own hair, Chrys held it out, ushering Marigold to do the same. She tapped the two strands of hair together, similar to a drink toast. “Now we’re flower buddies! How does that sound?”
Chrys held her breath, waiting to see if her efforts had taken root. A quick double-take between her own hair and Chrys’s face, and the little girl repeated the gesture, tapping the strands together with intent, the tiniest of smiles peeking out underneath her drooping bangs. Chrys exhaled in triumph. If there was one thing she knew about childcare, it’s that if you could get a kid to smile once, you could do it again. 
“There ya go! That’s it. Now, let’s figure out something to do. What do you say? Anything out there look like fun?”
Chrys watched as Marigold scanned the area, her face revealing nothing. Guess they’d have to figure this one out the old-fashioned way. But before she could brainstorm possible ways to keep this child engaged, she caught the tell-tale jingle of Sunny approaching, and internally relaxed. He’d know what to do here better than she. 
“Oh my! What do we have over here? Did Miss Chrys find you, little star?”
He knelt down before them, his head extending unnaturally low in order to not tower over the two of them. The little girl looked to Chrys, her round eyes a mix of trust and uncertainty. 
“Don’t worry, Mr. Sun is a friend of mine. He’ll help make sure today is lots of fun!” 
“Absolutely!” He spun his rays fast enough to create a funny whizzing sound, earning a small giggle from the child. “We can’t have the birthday girl spend her special day stuck under a raincloud, now can we?”
Wait, birthday girl? The statement clicked in her head, and had there not been a child present, she would have smacked her own forehead in exasperation. How had she managed to miss that? She struggled to keep her face neutral. It wouldn’t do to let the very kid they were trying to cheer up in on her little fumble. 
“Tell me,” Sun continued, taking the helm on guiding the conversation, much to Chrys’s relief. “Do you… like crawling through the tubes? Or we could make some sparkly crafts? Ooo! What about getting a game going with all your friends? I’m sure they’d be so excited to see you!”
“They’re not my friends.” Marigold said, her tiny voice cold. “They’re from my class at school. Mama told them to come. I don’t have any friends, except big brother. Is he here yet? I wanna see him.”
Chrys froze. She shot Sun a quick cursory glance, silently asking if he knew anything about this. With as little movement as possible, he shook his head no.
“Uh, sorry sunshine! No one here has arrived registered as your brother. But, uh, who knows! He might come later. W-Why don’t we all play a game in the meantime? We could play “Princesses and Gremlins”! Although… ah, nevermind. That wouldn’t work.”
He exaggerated the last of his words, going from excited to overly sad with ease, keeping a keen eye trained on Marigold through his dramatized antics, taking in her feedback and adjusting as needed. 
“… Why not?” Marigold asked, hesitant but intrigued. 
“Because we don’t have a princess, silly! Everyone knows those can only be played by birthday girls.”
“B-But…” she tugged at the hem of her cool blue, tailored dress. “I-I’m a birthday girl! I could be the princess!”
Sun gasped, hands to his cheeks. Chrys had to stifle a giggle of her own. “Well tie me to a kite and send me to the sky, you ARE indeed! So, how about it? Will you be our Princess today?”
Marigold puffed out her cheeks, the determination bringing a fire to her eyes that Chrys wouldn’t have thought possible five minutes ago. The little girl nodded with a purpose, hands balled into tight little fists.
“Great!” Sun morphed back into his standard, smiley state. “The game is simple; We’ll split everyone into two teams. One team sides with the princess, the brave knights.” He struck a dashing pose. “Everyone else are the gremlins, who will try to breach the knight’s defenses and kidnap the princess!” He made an attempt at a grotesque face, releasing it only once he’d earned a happy giggle from Marigold. “Whoever gets the most ribbons from the other team, or manages to get both of the princess’s ribbons, wins!”
If Marigold’s eyes could grow any bigger, Chrys would think they were saucers. There was no doubt Sun had nailed this one.  
Oh, he’s good.
“And who will you be, Mr. Sun? You a knight, or a gremlin?” Chrys asked, teasing. 
“Neither! I’ll be the mighty dragon, sworn to defend the princess till the end of days! All who threaten her will be tickled!!!” Ever the one for theatrics, he released a mighty “roar”, arms held above his head and cocked to turn his hands into pretend claws. Marigold squealed, ecstatic.
“Come, my princess! Your kingdom awaits!” Taking her laughter as permission, Sun picked the now beaming child up, rays shrinking inward and head dipping low to allow her to safely sit on his shoulders. She shrieked anew as he stood, thrilled at the newfound height. Chrys watched with a warm smile on her face, feeling a sense of pride to see him so masterfully bring out the best in such a nervous little girl, a feat not many could claim. 
Hands holding Marigold safely in place, Sun rushed to the center of the daycare, calling all the children together as he went. Chrys made her way instead to the large toy box anchored against the wall, to grab all the accessories they could need for said game to commence. Sun had been right; Already she was enjoying herself. She’d missed this feeling, of helping others to find the joy she struggled to keep hold of, especially in ones as innocent as kids. Arms full of velcro ribbons and adjustable woven belts, she followed Sun’s lead, determined to do everything she could to make sure that this was the best dang birthday party these kids had ever seen. 
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connorwhumpaddict · 2 years
“A Happy Birthday”
(A Feel-good fic, father/son relationship)
Summary: Hank get’s thrown a surprise party by his friends and colleagues at work, but that is not the only surprise he receives OR the time Connor calls Hank ‘Dad’ for the first time.
Warning: None! Just feel-good, fluffy, Hank/Connor/father/son goodiness.
Art: By me
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“Come on Hank, we don’t wanna be late for work.” Connor called impatiently, waiting at the entrance to the DPD.
“Relax kid, work isn’t going anywhere and we’re in good time. Why such a rush?” Hank chuckled as he made his way towards the android.
“I’m just.. Excited.”
“For what? Paperwork?” Hank laughed goodnatured. He’d finally reached the door, which Connor was holding open for him, and he reached out and ruffled the kid’s brown locks for good measure as he entered.
“Ah! Hank, not my hair! I finally styled it perfectly this morning!” Connor protested and moved away from under the hand and immediately began shifting through his thick locks to get it back in order as he shot Hank a slight glare and a pout, which only made the older man laugh harder.
Sometimes the kid reminded him of a overgrown pup, not that he minded. Connor had filled his life with energy and joy he hadn’t thought possible for him to ever regain after Cole’s death and his following divorce. It was like the kid had given him a purpose again and it’d helped turn his life around for the better. He’d managed to quit drinking, he’d started exercising and loosing weight and while he still enjoyed the occasional visit to the Chicken Feed, Connor had personally helped him change his eating habits to a more healthy and balanced diet. He couldn’t imagine his life without Connor in it anymore, a thought that had scared him at first, but now made him feel blessed and thankful.
“Alright, my bad.” Hank chuckled and wiped a tear from his eye. He placed his arm around his partner’s shoulders. “Let’s get you to that paperwork you’re so excited for then.” He grinned and lead the way towards the office, he opened the door and…
“SURPRISE!!” The crowd of officers and colleagues yelled out in unison at their entry, almost giving Hank a damn heart attack.
“What the hell!!” He shouted out, startled.
The crowd laughed and cheered at his reaction and started throwing colourful confetti in the air. Hank noticed several of them had adorned festive pointed hats, among them captain Fowler who stood with a wide grin of his own as he clapped his hands in joy and no doubt amusement of his lieutenant’s surprise. A banner was hanging from the ceiling above them all, reading ‘Happy birthday Hank!’ in bold letters.
That’s when Hank realised what day it was, September 6. His birthday.. Which he’d totally forgotten.. He turned to Connor who was still standing at his side, but now with a wide smile of his own.
“You!” He pointed accusingly at Connor trying to act stern and angry, but already feeling his facade cracking into a smile. “You did this!”
“Maybe.” Connor laughed making Hank laugh as well.
Hank hadn’t celebrated his birthday in years. He hadn’t felt like he had anything to celebrate by turning a year older, hence why he hadn’t even bothered to notice todays date, but he actually found.. he didn’t mind this.. For the first time in a long time, the prospect of celebrating his birthday with his colleagues he’d finally reconnected with and with Connor. It sounded.. Nice.
“Come on birthday boy take a seat, we have another surprise for you!” Tina called and pulled out Hank’s desk chair for him to sit.
“Goddamn, I’m not sure my heart can take anymore surprises today. I’m an old man now after all.” Hank joked, but still made his way to sit as instructed.
“Nonsense! 55 is the new 25, everyone knows that.” Chris said, making the crowd laugh.
The lights were suddenly dimmed and Hank watched as Connor exited the break room, carrying a large cake with two lit candles in the shape of the number 5 on top. The kid was smiling that bright smile of his and as he walked towards Hank’s desk the people around him started singing;
“Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Haaank
Happy birthday to you!
From good friends and true
From old friends and new
May good luck go with you
And happiness too!”
As the song ended everybody started clapping and cheering. The kid had made it all the way to stand in front of Hank’s desk, his eyes shining as bright as the blue of his LED at his temple, his face partly illuminated by the soft glow of the candles.
“Happy birthday, Dad!” Connor said, smiling widely at Hank, with the cake held out in front of him, proudly.
Hank’s eyes widened and his face fell slack in shock as he looked up at the kid from his seated position. His heart suddenly hammered in his chest and his tongue felt dry in his mouth, making him speechless. Connor immediately seemed to realise his obvious slip-up as he clamped his mouth tightly shut and his LED chanced from its calm blue to a fast spinning red and his eyes turned wide and panicked. The crowd around them had also fallen silent and looked skittishly between Hank and Connor, the atmosphere suddenly thick with a panicked awkwardness.
“I-l mean happy birthday Ha..Lieutenant!” Connor stammered out, unable to hide his growing distress. “I’m.. So sorry.. I’ll..” an uncomfortable pause followed. All eyes were on Connor, the silence was deafening.
[WARNING: Stress levels 78%^] His HUD offered uselessly.
Connor sat the cake down on Hank’s desk, possible with a little more force than was necessary, and rose into the machinelike posture of attention he’d been used to before he turned deviant. “I apologise for my indiscretion, lieutenant. I promise it won’t happen again. Please enjoy the rest of your birthday, I’ll offer my service to help run patrol the rest of the day should you have need of me.” He reported in a forced monotone voice of indifference, although he was sure his red LED betrayed his inner dread and panic. He needed to get out of here before he’d make Hank even more uncomfortable with his presence. With that he made a beeline for the exit.
The sight of Connor turning and walking away finally snapped Hank out of his stupor. “Wait..” He said, but his voice was hoarse and didn’t carry far enough to be heard by the fast disappearing Connor. “Wait!” He tried again, his voice a bit stronger. He pushed himself away from his desk and fought to stand up in jerky movements. His body felt light and heavy at the same time, making it hard to move, but he finally managed to get up with the help from some of his friends around him. Connor had already left the office in a speed walk and Hank took off in a run to catch up with him. He pushed the door open to the reception area and spotted Connor at the other end of the room. “Connor!!” He yelled out in a strong voice this time.
His voice must have carried the sort of rushed desperation he felt in his stomach, because Connor finally paused in his steps and turned around to look back at Hank. Hank swore he could feel his heart almost breaking at the sight. Connor’s eyes were wide and sad, his LED was still spinning a wild red and the kid just looked so utterly defeated and broken. Hank picked up his pace and raced across the space, not caring people were staring and had to jump out of his way as he came barreling through not to get hit. All he focused on was getting to Connor as fast as possible.
He skidded to a stop mere inches from the android who looked up at him with those damn sad puppy eyes. The machinelike facade had disappeared completely, leaving only the insecure and vulnerable core of the real Connor back, who immediately began a stream of hurried explanations and apologies;
“I know what you’re gonna say lieutenant, I know I was out of line and I’m so sorry! It just.. Came out of me!! I didn’t mean to, I j-just..” But Connor was interrupted as he found himself being suddenly pulled forcefully into a tight embrace, as Hank squeezed him close to his chest and burrowed his chin against the side of the android’s head. Connor’s senses were filled with the smell of Hank’s cologne and the feel of the strong arms that were wrapped around his shoulders. Without conscious thought he found himself immediately returning the gesture and curled his arms under Hank’s and holding on tight on his broad shoulders. He could feel his stress levels falling considerably already.
“Connor.. Son.. You can call me Dad if you want to.. Of course you can!” Hank said, his voice wavering slightly as he fought to hold back tears.
Connor felt his thirium pump increase its rhythm and replayed Hank’s words in his memory-banks several times, positive he’d heard him wrong. But after several replays he was sure he’d heard correctly. “R-Really?!” He asked in disbelief.
Hank tightened his grip even further around his boy. “It would be the best birthday gift I’ve ever received if you would.” He said in a half crying and half laughing into Connor’s hair.
Connor felt his own eyes overflowing with emotion too and burrowed his head into Hank’s shoulder. “Thank you..” He cried, his voice slightly muffled by Hank’s jacket.
“Please, say it again.. For me son..” Hank asked and gently placed one of his hands at the back of Connor’s head.
Connor tightened his own hold even more and smiled into the soft leather against his face as more tears feel from his eyes. “Thank you, Dad..”
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