#{ look at my squish marshmallow son }
mechaknight-98 · 2 months
Beastmaster’s Bond I (NSFW) Ft Chaehyun
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Author’s note: well I guess it's a series now. I suppose that's what I get.
After the doctor's appointment, Marshmallow and I made our way back to the Zoo, greeted by surprised expressions from our fellow employees upon our arrival.
"Dino, why are you here? You're supposed to be off," Zahir exclaimed with raised eyebrows as I strolled alongside Marshmallow.
"Well, Chaehyun needed my assistance with the logistics of relocating 'her Magnamallo' from its former spot to here. But fret not, I've already sorted it out with her. I'll be taking my two days off as planned," I reassured Zahir, who nodded and wandered off. Chaehyun looked at me with surprise as we continued doing rounds with the others.
Chaehyun regarded me with a mixture of surprise and amusement. "That was smooth," she remarked, her smile betraying her astonishment.
"Years of practice. I've learned how to navigate tricky situations," I replied nonchalantly, earning a grin from Marshmallow.
"I can't believe I underestimated you," Chaehyun admitted.
"Trust me, you're not alone in that," I replied calmly.
"I'm just shocked you didn't call me Marshmallow. I was expecting you to stumble because I don't think you ever learned my name," Chaehyun quipped.
"I knew it the whole time," I responded
" So why Marshmallow then," Chaehyun asked with surprise.
I face her squish both of her cheeks and she responds, "Okay fair, but don't you want a skinnier girl? I mean..." she starts but before she can any further with that line of thinking I interject
"Don't finish that thought. I like you the way you are. You're sexy as fuck and if I didn't like you the way you are I wouldn't have fucked the shit out of you twice," I respond
"That was crass..., but thank you," Chaehyun responded with a smile.
I shrugged as we strolled through the zoo. Fortunately, the chaos from yesterday had subsided. Deciding to be prudent, I decided to check in on all my "sons" while we were there: Dino (our Glavernus), Sparky (our Astalos), Raptor (our Valstrax), Alucard, Swampy (our Almudron), and Frozone (our Goss Harag). Frozone, known for his perpetual chill demeanor (pun intended), was always the last stop.
Entering Frozone's enclosure, I found him looking considerably calmer than the molten rage he had exhibited the day before. Chaehyun trailed behind me, her eyes widening at the sight.
"I think this is the biggest Goss Harag I've ever seen," she exclaimed with excitement.
Frozone, with his ever-languid gaze, tracked our movements as we approached.
"Hey, Dad," his expression seemed to convey.
"Hey, son. Feeling better?" I inquired.
"Yeah, just tired. I see you've brought someone new," Frozone observed.
"Oh yeah, this is Chaehyun," I introduced.
Chaehyun waved enthusiastically. "Hi, buddy," she greeted, eliciting a mirrored wave from Frozone before he resumed his lounging.
"He seems so lethargic. Is he okay?" Chaehyun asked, concern evident in her voice.
"He's perfectly fine. Goss Harags aren't naturally active creatures, especially in warmer climates. Their low activity levels help conserve energy, particularly in intense intense climates they often find themselves in. If we had another male or female, he might be more lively, but for now, he's just chilling," I explained, reassuring Chaehyun.
"Don't make me do laps again, Dad. Please, I've been watching my weight," Frozone interjected with a glare.
"No need for laps, son. People just aren't accustomed to seeing such a big Goss Harag," I reassured, chuckling as Frozone gave me a thumbs-up.
"Wait, can you communicate with them?" Chaehyun asked, astonished by Frozone's behavior.
"No, they can't speak. But after spending so much time with them, I've come to understand their behaviors and gestures, so it's more like a silent conversation," I clarified.
"That's incredible. I've never seen megafauna that was so... chatty," Chaehyun remarked, her fascination evident.
"Well, they all are. You just have to be willing to listen," I reply.
"You are a marvel you know that right," Chaehyun asks as we leave the enclosure,
"Really How so," I ask confused as we head to Tony's enclosure.
"You're attachment to them as like family almost is remarkable and the reciprocation between you and them is amazing," Chaehyun responded as I opened the door.
"Well, I don't treat them like objects which I see a lot of people do.", I reply, "I raised all of them since their birth, They are my sons, whether adopted or not," I add firmly. Chaehyun steps back and her eyes narrow.
"be careful using that tone," She chides.
I turn back to her and my eyes narrow, "and why is that?" I ask with an even more fiercer tone. Chaehyun looks at me with eyes full of lust and desire.
"Because I'll make you a father again she says." she tries to steady her breath. She closes in on me and puts my hand in her pants near her clothed pussy. "Feel how wet I am! You keep talking recklessly and I will make you put a baby in me," she states erotically. I fight tooth and claw not to pounce on her.
"You're insatiable," I reply teasingly.
"And you're such a tease," Chaewon growls, as she moves to corner me putting a hand under her shirt and forcing me to cup her left breast as we stare at each other. I smell her arousal and it spikes mine. Our eyes unfocus as we fall deeper into our mutual brewing lust, but I fight my more primal urges and turn back to the task at hand.
We walk into the enclosure and Tony is growling at Chaehyun.
"Why is she here? she reeks of wildfire," I see Tony "says"
"We are working on bringing you in a playmate," I respond.
"What kind of Playmate?" Tony "asks"
"it's a surprise," I say as Tony "glares"
"What's he saying?" Chaehyun asks,
"Oh he smells female Magnamalo on you," I explain, "So he's a little apprehensive," I respond. Chaehyun nodded and then said to me
"I can leave." to further iterate her point walked out of the enclosure. That left me with a text from her saying to measure Tony and measure the enclosure. Annoyed I called her
"What is it dear," she asked cheerily.
"dear, at least by me dinner first," I teased
"ha ha very funny caveman," Chaehyun responds.
" I do try, but um Chaehyun I know Tony's measurements by heart, along with the enclosures. I did have to build it after all so that's not all you wanted me to do right," I respond to Chaehyun
"You built the enclosure,"
"Yep and oversaw most of the other ones except for megafauna that was directly given to specific crew members, but even then I was consulted for help," I answer
"Why didn't Old McDonald..." Chahyun started
"E, I, E, I, O" I interject
Why didn't he give you the keys to the place as it seems you did everything," Chaehyun asked confused
"Well if I am being honest from my perspective. he wanted to turn this into a major research facility along with a zoo. I hate labs so he hired someone who could do the lab parts and push his dream further," I reply
"That's funny my father was the opposite. He wanted to be closer to the megafauna and was always trying to connect with them on a primal level." Chaehyun responded
"So we are a match made in heaven then for our mentor dreams I guess," I joke
"I guess so," Chaehyun responds laughing.
"So we good?" I ask.
"Yeah. Let's go," Chaehyun says with a smile. We left to go to the main office where Chaehyun had already set up shop. As soon as we sit down Chaehyun gets a call. her eyes go wide as she takes it then the call ends.
"I need to go back to Korea. They need me to help hatch and Elder Dragon," Chaehyun said she looked at me with conflicted feelings, "How fast can you get a passport?" she added.
"Probably not fast enough," I responded
"Shit," Chaehyun growled.
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thefallennightmare · 22 days
Hello!! I know it's not hc Monday but you can save it for then or whenever you'd like, no rush!!
But that video of Noah just chowing down on pasta, eating with his hands then grabbing the cup of water with his fingers in it or the video of him eating the marshmallow on top of pizza video; could you write about him doing something along those lines (or whatever you'd like) with fem!reader sitting there like ��🏻‍♀️ and trying not to laugh bc "that's her boy" according to one of the guys.
Video for reference:
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@thescarlettvvitch @mitchhbitch @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @loeytuan98 @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @bngurngheart @lma1986 @dsireland86 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @exitwoundsx @shayzillaaaa @lookwhatitcost @badomensls @princesspeach-00 @burning-outx @shadowseve @collective-heartbreak @klutzy-kay24 @sorrowsofsilence @sweetlittlekitsune @shilohrosechicken @itsafullmoon @toospooktocute @niicoleleigh @thatchickwiththecamera @hoe-for-daddywise @whenthesummerdies @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @thisbicc @sammyjoeee @pathion @flowery-mess @tashka
Ok I love Noah with every fiber of my being, but the whole marshmallow with chocolate on pizza is very 🤢
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You stared wide-eyed at your husband as he squished marshmallows onto his piece of pizza.
Then you nearly fell out of your chair when Jolly squirted chocolate syrup all over Noah's pizza.
"Please tell me you're not going to eat that," you said before taking a bite of your own piece.
Noah shrugged. "Have you tried it before?"
"Why the fuck would I have tried it?" You answered while shaking your head.
"It's pretty good," he replied with a mouth full.
Scrunching up your face, you set your pizza down on the plate and went to get a drink of your water but Noah pointed to it. "Are you finished with that?"
You raised a brow. "Depends, why?"
Now you gaped at him as an audible gasp left your lips when he stuck his fingers in the class to bring it over to his end of the kitchen island and chugged half of it.
You glanced over towards Michael, who merely held up his hands. "He's your husband!"
With a goofy smile, you couldn't help but agree when you looked back at him. "Yeah, and I love him. Even with all of his weird food cravings."
"Alright Mrs. Pickles in Ice Cream," Noah teased while pointing to your large belly.
"Hey!" You pointed a finger at him. "It's what your son is craving, not me!"
"Whatever you say, angel," Noah winked while popping another marshmallow into his mouth.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Let’s Walk the Giant
Summary:  WAFFLE
Pairings:  Ransom X Kitten, Foxley
Rating:  cotton ball
Warnings:  floofy animals, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  650
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Papa & Mimi’s Grandbabies Masterlist
This was completely @marveloustaylortot​ idea, down to the cute doggo, and even hims name.  It’s about time the rest of the Drysdale’s get pets!
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Ransom comes to a complete stop as he looks at the open dishwasher.  Dramatically he looks around the kitchen.  And the thing squats down, butt up in the air.  “Nope.  No.  Kitten!  Kitten there is a cotton ball in the dishwasher.  Kitten!  Where is my wife?  KITTEN!”
“Papapapapapapapapa,” Foxley waddles in and stares up at Ransom.  “Waffle.”
“Foxy, I’ll make you some waffles when the white cloud dissipates.  Kitten!”
“Waffle!” Foxley shouts stomping her foot.  “My Waffle,” she growls up at Ransom, which only confuses him more.
“Let me figure out the mystery of the puff ball first.”
“Papa,” Foxley grunts at him.
“I know.”
“Ransom,” both Ransom and Foxley turn to look at his wife, and his whole hand gestures to the white fluff ball.  
“Your granddaughter wants waffles, and there’s a thing in the dishwasher.”
“She doesn’t want waffles,” feigning more agitation than he feels he throws up his hands, while she squats.  “Waffle, come here boy.”
“Waffle, Papa.”
“Waffle?  She named the dog Waffle?”
“Yep.  My Waffle,” sitting completely in the floor, Waffle licks all over her face.  “Waffle.”
“First, the giant bunny, because Poppy didn’t want to be without something fluffy when she was here,” she rolls her eyes at him, and gives the fluffy dog some pets.  “Now, cotton candy.”
“You love Biscoff.”
“I have to take care of him.”
“Ran,” she rolls her eyes, walking over to close the dishwasher.  “You ordered Biscoff a special harness.”
“He needs to go for walks.”
“How much did that harness cost?” 
“He has a lot of fluff, and the other one made him uncomfortable.  He’s a big boy,” Kitten looks down at Foxley before back at her husband.  “What I’m saying is,” he stops when Buttercup walks in and sits down beside Ransom.
“Why is Story’s dog here?”
“She was being neglected, because of the babies, so I went and got her.”
“Do you even hear yourself?  You complain more about the animals than anyone else, but you buy Biscoff a custom two hundred dollar harness, you kidnap Buttercup, and every time Noodle is here, she sits in your lap.  Now, you have another fluffy thing to complain about, but secretly you love it completely.”
“Well,” he sputters as she walks away.  “Biscoff was uncomfortable.  Noodle loves me, Buttercup is my princess, and,” he looks down at the marshmallow that follows him, “Shoo.”
“I know, the cloud paint is Waffle.  Kitten, why are you walking away from me.”
"Your son is also bringing Squish’s dog by.”
“Waffle friend!”
She stops, to glare at Ransom.  “Oh, you just wait.  Harry went against Blade, and got the pet Fable really wanted.  She looks like a teddy bear.”
“Tell him to take it back.  Next we’re going to have something stupid like a llama in our yard or something,” Kitten gives him the biggest smirk, but he shakes his head no.  “No!  No more animals.”
“You sound like Aster.  How many kids does she have now?”
“Kitten, don’t do it.”
“Ooh, which child would want a guinea pig or a parrot?  How majestic you would look with a parrot on your shoulder.  Put you in a puffy shirt and you can be captain of my ship,” she gives him a wink before walking off, followed by Foxley and Waffle.
“Did you hear that?” he asks looking down at Buttercup.  “Your mom has two babies that aren’t a year apart, so I do you a favor.  And that woman, she called me captain, but also is mocking me at the same time.  She’s ridic...”
“You’re ridiculous!” Kitten screams from off.
“I was saying it first!  Buttercup, you wanna take Biscoff for a walk?” Snorting, Buttercup lays down on the floor.  “You’ve got to get along with the giant rabbit.  Poppy said she wants me and her to take all the bunnies for a walk.  Go get your leash.  I’ll give you a strawberry when we get back,” Buttercup perks up, her tongue hanging out her mouth as she looks at him.  “Who’s a good girl?  Go get your leash, lets walk the giant.”
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chocolatecakecas · 3 years
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Rockin' the Suburbs: Chapter 4
chp1 chp2 chp3 or read on ao3
After an afternoon of failed research attempts, Dean found himself carrying an excited Jack in his arms, walking up the sidewalk, hand in hand with Cas. Which didn't immediately send Dean's mind running wild because it honestly was starting to feel natural. Which of course is what sent Dean's mind running, but at least the act of Cas grabbing his hand wasn't the real source of the freak out anymore.
Dean's fine by the way. Totally cool and normal and under control.
"You ready?" Dean asks as they come to a stop at the back gate.
"As I'll ever be" Cas quips, giving Dean's hand a squeeze, which he gratefully returns.
"Holy shit" Dean gasps, jaw-dropping, head quickly snapping towards Cas.
"I agree completely...." Cas trails off, as he drags Dean further into the backyard.
There were people, food, drinks, tents, music blasting, and lights strung up everywhere. And a giant fire pit in the center, with crowds of people hovering around it, roasting marshmallows and hotdogs.
How many people lived in this damn neighborhood?
"So see any fugly faces?"
"If you're talking about demons, then no-"
"Well, what about that lad-"
"No she's no-"
"What about that group, those guys seem kinda-"
"No Dea-"
"Okay well, what about th-"
"Dean if I see a demon I'll be sure to let you know, promptly" Cas sighs, clearly exasperated, which only causes Dean to smile wider.
(read the rest under the cut)
"Okay.....but what abo-"
"Hi guys! Oh my god, we're so glad you decided to come!"
Their heads snap over to see Molly and Jason making their way towards them.
"Time to schmooze with the capitalists" Dean whispers to Cas, earning an elbow jack to the rib, but when he looks over, he sees amusement in Cas' eyes.
"Your home is lovely" Cas gushes when they're within earshot.
"Yeah, this is quite the rager you've got going on back here" Dean muses, earning bright smiles from the pair.
"Thank you! But Amanda's already managed to find at least ten things wrong with the decor, or the lights, or the food" Molly grumbles, as Jason gently rests his arm around her waist.
"Seriously, and Bill picked up every bottle of wine and inspected the year. As if these people aren't drunk enough to even care about the aged taste" Jason continues with an eye roll.
"Oh! Speaking of drinks what can we get you? We've got beer, wine from the wrong years, whiskey, scotch? You name it we've got it"
Shit. Dean hasn't had to talk about this with anyone outside of his family, but his dumbass should have thought about it. He is a party after all.
"Oh um..." Dean starts, but trails off realizing he didn't actually think through what he was going to say. His mouth has been doing that a lot lately.
"Oh we actually don-"Cas rushes in, giving Dean's hand a squeeze, which makes Dean's breath hitch.
Dean was floundering like an idiot and Cas cut in to help. That stupid, undiscussed swirling feeling dancing in his stomach, and he also can't help the dopey grin that spreads across his lips.
"I actually don't drink anymore, not since this little bug came around. But Cas here will definitely take a beer" Dean smiles, giving Jack a little bounce in his arms.
"Dean are you sur-"
"Yeah babe, it's good. I promise. Have a beer, you dork" Dean says turning to fully look at Cas so he gets that he means it. And he must because Cas gives a small smile back, which definitely doesn't make his stomach flip.
They turn back to the pair, praying they get the memo so Dean doesn't have to explain any further.
"Oh! So we have water, seltzer soda. We've got sprite, rootbeer-" Molly quickly moves to offer.
"A coke is good if you have it" Dean interrupts before Molly lists every single brand of soda they've got. And with a nod, Jason jogs off to get their drinks.
"Oh! Jack's probably itching to play with the rest of the kids. There's a whole section set up on the far side of a yard, keeping them far away from that fire pit! But don't worry, a handful of the parents are taking shifts" Molly rushes to add, as she points them in the right direction.
The two turn to follow her finger, Dean's eyes blowing wide at the sight. Four different size bounce houses, two jungle gyms, a huge sandbox, and pretty much every toy you can imagine. And yeah there's things definitely for toddlers, but Dean can only focus on the height of the slides and the amount of kids jumping inside that inflatable nightmare.
His hold only tightens around Jack, as he glances down hurriedly at Cas. But to his surprise Cas isn't gazing horrified at kid-sized deathtraps, he's smiling brightly, eyes shining.
Dean's gotta put his foot down. There's no way, it's too dangerous
"I don't know Jack's neve-"
"Exactly, why he should. There is more than enough equipment his size, and looks like there's plenty of kids around his age. And we both agreed it would be good for him to play with more children his own age, remember?" Cas supplies calmly, resting a hand over his shoulder. The heat radiating through Dean's jacket is doing nothing to put him at ease.
"Yeah but that fire-"
"Is perfectly safe. See, there's at least six parents over there right now. We can even take a shift watching the kids soon if you'd like?" Cas offers in the same tone, eyes shining with sincerity. And Dean manages to pull his gaze away long enough to glance over at the kids' party zone again.
There's a sort of gate squared off in the corner of the yard, with a large and small bouncy house, and what looks like a group of parents watching every move intently.
Cas is right. Jack will be fine. Of course, he will be. And if he's not, they'll just kill whoever's responsible. Stupid angels and their stupid sound logic.
"Alright, you're right" Dean sighs in defeat, as he gears up to walk across the yard. Besides Dean can probably use this as a chance to talk to some of the other paren-
And it happens so fast Dean almost misses it.
But he sure as hell feels it.
There's a heat on his cheek that quickly comes and goes, but there's a lingering warmth that blossoms in its place, spreading across his entire face and down his neck. Lighting shooting through his veins with a jolt, and of course that swirling feeling is back.
What the hell?
Dean's slowly turns towards the source and sees Cas smiling up at him. There's a nervousness dancing behind his features, the kind that's only visible to the trained eye. His hand his still on his shoulder, but he's closer now-wait.
Dean's entire brain short circuits as it works to catch up with the rest of his body, most importantly with his face and that whole lightning thing going on.
Then his brain finally snaps back into action, sending his stomach flipping, that swirling thing looping right along with it.
Because Cas kissed him.
Cas kissed him. On the cheek. Like it was nothing.
And the culprit refocuses in his vision, still smiling up at him anxiously, blue eyes searching his features. And Dean without even thinking, smiles back, which seems to settle Cas.
"I'm very proud of you for making the mature fatherly decision, now go! I'm sure Jack's dying for a turn on that bouncy thing" Cas teases, shoving Dean away, and he vaguely hears Molly giggling behind him. Dean doesn't even have time to process what he said before he's walking across the grass.
Actually, Dean isn't processing anything at the moment.
Because Cas just kissed him on the cheek like it was nothing, and Dean's face is on fire while his heart does its damnedest to pound its way out of his chest. Because now Dean Winchester is having a flustered meltdown over a friggin kiss on the cheek like he's thirteen again?
But it was more than that. Because he sure as hell didn't think Cas would go for it first so what i-
Dean almost stalls, but quickly forces his feet to keep moving as his stomach twists.
Because that feeling, the feeling Dean doesn't talk about is swirling in his stomach, bubbling upwards, trying t-nope.
Dean clenches the hand, that isn't currently supporting Jack, into a fist, nails digging into his palm. It was just a peck on the cheek it didn't mean shit. They had talked all about PDA, and both agreed to it, so that's all it was. It was a kiss for the sake of the case, all for the act.
So Dean tries to shove it from his mind, but failing to get rid of the warmth still radiating through his body and the tingling on his cheek. But hey, he isn't perfect.
He thankfully makes it over to the kid's section in one piece, but unfortunately, an over-excited mom immediately spots him.
"Hi I'm Maria, I don't recognize you, so must be one of our new neighbors!" Maria practically cheers, and Dean doesn't buy her false enthusiasm for a second, but he plasters a smile on his face ready to play the part.
"Yeah I'm-"
"I spotted you and your husband carrying boxes in yesterday! Didn't look like you had very much hmm?" Maria continues as if she hadn't heard him. And Dean didn't miss that little dig and he definitely didn't miss the way she emphasized husband.
"Yup that's me, Dean Richardson, and this is my son Jack" Dean says before she has a chance to cut him off again.
"Pleasure to meet you two! Now I assure you Jack is in good hands, you've got some of the best parents on duty right now!" Maria jokes and Dean has a feeling she's a little tipsy, which only increases his nerves. At least there's some other capable-looking parents standing around.
Maria continues to chatter loudly about god knows what, so he ignores her opting to carefully stand Jack on the ground, crouching to his level.
"Alright Squish, you're gonna hang out over here and have some fun with the rest of the kids! Me and your Dad are going to be right over there" Dean says excitedly, which only makes Jack even more excited.
"So if you need us, you tell one of the other grown-ups, and we'll come right over. And remember the rules kiddo? No mojo, capiche?" Dean reminds, whispering the last part.
"Capeesh!" Jack promises and Dean can't help but smile. So reluctantly, he presses a kiss to Jack's hair, and gently nudges him towards the other kids, watching as he runs away laughing.
"He's such a little cutie! Oh look he's playing with my Ella" Maria gushes while Dean silently prays Jack will drop that kid so he doesn't have to Maria and her false sweetness, ever again.
"Yeah, adorable. Anyway, my husband and I will gladly take a shift watching the little rugrats a-"Dean starts trying his best to sound like he doesn't want to strangle her.
"Oh no I wouldn't dream of it! It's your first party in the neighborhood, we have more than enough capable parents on duty tonight! Get back to your husband, drink, mingle!" Maria interrupts shoving him away, and Dean has no choice but to obey, unless he wanted to cause a scene. Which he did want to, because he was practically fuming from that subtle dig at capabilities at a parent, but he couldn't he had the damn case to think about.
And with a final glance to assure Jack was okay, Dean quickly surveys the crowd, easily spotting Cas' leather. He begins to make his way over, but suddenly the memories from five minutes ago come rushing back leaving him frozen.
Cas had kissed him-yeah it was on the cheek, but it was a kiss nonetheless. And that stupid swirling feeling began to bubble up in his stomach, unable to move as the-
"Dean, over here man!" Jason calls from across the yard, effectively kicking Dean's back into gear, as he made his way over to them.
Stuff it Winchester, focus on the case. It's all for the case.
So Dean jogs, over stopping next to Cas, who was lightly laughing along with Jason and Molly. Jason hands him a bottle, an honest-to-god glass bottle of Coke. They probably had to buy hundreds of these, must have cost a fortune.
"Is Jack all settled?" Cas asks, the slight worry on his face. And so without thinking, Dean takes his hand giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah babe, kiddo is having the time of his life over there," Dean says with a sweet smile, pet name rolling off his tongue like nothing as he meets his eyes. Cas only responds with a smug smirk that says "I told you so", which definitely didn't make Dean's stomach flip.
"So, new neighbors let's get the good gossip out of the way before the bitch squad corners us. Tell us about yourselves! What do you guys do for a living?" Molly teases, effectively snapping them out of their staring contest.
"Well I'm a mechanic, still looking for a good space in the area to set up shop, but Cas here is all set with a position at Amherst College in the sprin-" Dean begins, gushing about Cas like a proud husband.
"Dean, of course, is wildly underselling himself. He specializes in classic car restoration" Cas cuts in also like a proud husband, but there's a hint of sincerity in his voice that twists Dean's heart.
"Wow! So that gorgeous Impala really is your's after all?" Molly asks in awe.
"Yeah that's my Baby, rebuilt her after a crash a while back, she's been in the family for years" Dean shrugs, hand instinctively reaching for the back of his neck, but he can't help the little sense of pride that swells in his chest. He feels Cas squeeze his hand, but before he can glance over Jason starts talking.
"And Cas, Amherst that's impressive! What course do you teach?"
"English literature, and global history" Cas answers. They decided to tack on the history on account of Cas knowing pretty much all of history, and that it might be an in seeing as weirdo rich people are often weirdo history buffs.
"Oh I actually teach history over at the high school" Jason reveals, and Dean has to hold back a laugh.
Weirdo rich people, weirdo history buffs. Score.
"Well looks like we're surrounded by academics! Amherst, an incredible school, but that's a bit of a commute from here, isn't it?
"Oh it's not too bad, and the drive is all worth it if we get to live in this beautiful neighborhood. But what about you, Molly?" Cas deflects smoothly shooting them a charming smile-that Dean definitely didn't find charming.
"Oh, I'm a real estate lawyer. That's how we're in this gorgeous neighborhood" Molly jokes, Jason laughing along.
Real estate law, Dean tucks away that info for later because maybe that's how they got their house on the market and sold so quickly.
"Hey everyone, sorry to interrupt but we just wanted to introduce ourselves to the new neighbors," A shorter man says as he appears on the other side of Cas, with another man in tow.
"Oh come join the real party, anything to stay away from those vultures" Molly snorts with an eye roll, earning a laugh from everyone.
"I'm Tom, and this is my husband Stephen" The man, Tom, supplies as they each stretch out a hand. Dean reluctantly lets go of Cas' hand, and as they each shake their's, exchanging greetings.
Turns out Tom and Stephen live right across the street from them. Great, they're gonna have to get in extra good with them, because they might have seen something the night of the murders.
"So, we were giving these two the rundown on our lives, before Amanda and Bill start circling" Molly groans, and Tom and Stephen launch into discussing what they do for a living. Dean, of course, listens very intently, as he tries not to think about the sudden loss of warmth in his hand.
But he really doesn't have to think too long because he finds Cas' arm is curling around friggin waist.
Dean's eyes instantly snap up, as he tries to keep his expressions in check, but he can feel the heat creeping over his cheeks. Cas only gives him a nervous look, which makes Dean's chest tighten at the sight. Damnit.
Because yeah Cas keeps taking the lead, but he's never actually done this before, he's just doing what he thinks he should do. Cas must be anxious as fuck. And Dean's general "lets never talk about emotion or affection" attitude, probably isn't helping. He's the one who knows what to do, he should be helping ease Cas into this more, not having breakdowns every time they make eye contact.
So without really thinking, Dean slightly leans into Cas, causing him to wrap his arm around him tighter. It clearly settles Cas' nerves, because that worried look is gone, replaced with a smile, before he turns his head back to the conversation.
And Dean figures since Cas is listening, it's okay to tap out for a moment. Because excuse him, but Cas' arm is around his fucking waist, not even 20 minutes after he kissed him. Dean's just surprised he isn't passed out on the ground yet.
And that feeling-the feeling Dean of course doesn't talk-about is back and swirling around his stomach, threatening to bubble up his throat. It's making him feel nauseous, as his heart thumps against his chest.
But he can't exactly bring himself to care because there's a warmth washing over his body in waves. The heat of Cas' arm around his waist and shoulder resting against his own, radiates through his jacket. Dean can smell the worn leather mixing with Cas' cologne as he tries to focus back in on the conversation-what is he doing.
He's supposed to be getting info about the neighbors, and all he can think about is Cas' arm around his waist. Which is only there to keep up the act, and it doesn't matter that it fee-nope not even gonna go there.
Focus Winchester.
"-but enough about work, how did you two meet?" Dean catches Molly asking, and thank god he chose that moment to pull it together.
So Dean quickly meets Cas' eye. Both knowing they have to nail this part if they plan to gain anyone's trust. They hadn't exactly rehearsed it, but they are best friends who've spent over a decade lying for a living. They've got this.
Dean takes a steadying breath, ignoring the swirling and the warmth and the heart rate.
"Well, it was back in 2008. I was sort of going through a bit of a rough patch at work and was frequenting the local bar a bit too much. But maybe the hangovers were worth it, because one night this guy with wild hair and baby blues strolled in and happened to sit at the other end of the bar. And just my luck he looked about just as much of a mess as I did-no offense babe" Dean began putting on a show, and Cas rolled his eyes.
"Oh please, you didn't look half the mess that I did" Cas teases dramatically. Cas then gave him a look, leveling Dean with an arched eyebrow, causing laughter to bubble around them.
"Yeah yeah Casanova, we both looked a wreck okay? So much of a wreck that we apparently felt so sorry for each other, that we unknowingly bought one another a drink"
"After the bartender pointed out who bought me the beer, I looked up to see it was the person I had just bought a drink. So I figured he was worth a little conversation, and I moved to sit on the stool next to him" Cas continues, throwing a wink at Dean.
Damn they were good at this.
"And it turned out we were both walking disasters. I was out of a job, and Cas here had just gone through the world's worst breakup-"
"We had been together for years, and I had decided I'd had it. It was a mess, his whole family got involved. But I guess it was a good thing it was such a disaster, or I never would have gotten a drink from the gorgeous man at the end of the bar" Cas cuts back in, which definitely didn't make Dean's cheeks flare.
"Anyway, we got to talking, probably overshared way too much with a complete stranger, and called it a night. But I thought I'd be crazy to let him get away, so I practically chased him down on the street to get his number. And god was I lucky he didn't think I was a creep-"
"Actually I thought it was very romantic. Like a movie, too bad it wasn't raining. But honestly, I was just lucky he didn't think I was a creep when I called to ask him on a date the next morning" Cas jokes, earning another laugh from the group. Dean quickly surveys their faces to see that they're hooked. Time for the grande finale.
"And really the rest is history, we just sorta clicked. It sounds like bullshit, but it was like we were made for each other ya know? Cas just always knew what to say, always knew what to do to, understands me better than anyone else, helps me through every obstacle. I guess you could say he basically pulled me out of hell. And he still does, every day. There's no one else in the world I'd rather have by my side" Dean gushes, tacking on the hell line as a joke, but it didn't exactly sound like one. No, it sounded like the most sincere thing Dean's ever said, and he quickly realizes that it's not part of the act. He really means it.
He glances back over at Cas to see him slightly slack-jawed, gazing at him in soft wonder. Dean's heart picks up again, stomach swirling as he makes a little fist to ground himself.
Because of course, he means it Cas is his best friend, he's family that's nothing new. But it's more than that and yo-nope. Focus. Cas is only looking at him like that as part of the act, he's playing up.
Dean quickly tries to wrack his brain for something to say, but thankfully Molly cuts in.
"God aren't you two just the cutest, sappiest couple in the entire world! Oh my god, you're like a romcom. The perfect couple" Molly practically shouts earning a laugh from everyone and nods of agreement.
"Trust me, it wasn't as simple as a romcom. We fight, and we scream, but we always come back to each other" Cas says earnestly, looking right into Dean's eyes.
And Dean's pretty sure his heart is gonna burst through his chest because Cas' heart eyes look pretty damn convincing and it's sending his thoughts running. But thankfully, Tom and Stephen start telling the story of how they met, so Dean can thankfully push those thoughts aside. For now.
And after an hour of small talk, Dean and Cas have got a pretty good grasp on the people they're dealing with.
They learn that Stephen and Tom are both doctors at the same hospital, they have three-year-old daughter named Elizabeth. And with a glance over at the kids' section, they see that she and Jack are playing together. Another couple, Emma and Rachel come and join them all about halfway through. Emma is a cardiologist, and Rachel is a biomedical engineer, and they're in the process of adopting. They also learn that this entire week is the "Annual Autumn Festival", and there's a different event hosted by a different family each night, ending with a huge block party on Saturday night. Apparently, the school in town gives the kids a whole week off for some "district convention" with the higher ups, so they've been doing this for years.
And honestly, despite everything, Dean's actually having a good time. Yeah, these people's careers are insane, but Dean thinks they're pretty normal, and he's genuinely enjoying talking to them. And they seem to have warmed up to them, so with a slight nod from Cas, Dean goes in for the kill.
"So, we have to ask. We saw some crazy stuff in the news about this neighborhood, of course, it was after we bought the place. But we couldn't find much info about it" Dean begins gently to ease them into the conversation.
"Oh you must be talking about Carol and Mike" Rachel supplies with a frown, and a silence settles over the group.
"We're sorry, we didn't mean to pry. We were just curious sin-"Cas begins to apologize
"No, it's okay. You've got a right to know since it is about your house and all. Not your fault someone paid to keep it out of the news" Ton sighs heavily, and Stephen comfortingly presses his kiss to his temple.
"Carol and Mike were our best friends before they we-before everything" Stephen chokes out.
"We're so sorry for your loss" Dean offers, Cas nodding along.
"The night it happened, we were actually all supposed to go out to dinner. The four of us and the kids, it's a monthy tradition. But when we walked across the street to meet them, Carol answered. We should have known something was off bu-"
"Hello! I'm seeing frowns which is never a sign of a good party!" A shrill voice calls, which earns a groan from the group.
Damnit. They were so close.
Suddenly there's a shorter woman with platinum blonde hair, and a man with enough goop in his hair to grease a pan, who've both clearly had some work done.
"Hi I'm Amanda, and this is my husband Bill. You two must be our new neighbors" Amanda smiles with her too-white teeth, extending a hand with perfectly manicured nails. Of course, they are.
Dean resists the urge to roll his eyes, but with a squeeze on his side from Cas, he's reaching out his hand to shake theirs'.
"Bill, a pleasure to meet you! Nice to see you've already found your people. I know how you guys like to group up" Bill laughs with an equally blinding, white smile.
A pit drops in Dean's stomach. "Your people", who does this guy think he is? And these aren't Dean's people he's stra-
Give it a rest Winchester, you can only lie to yourself about so many things at once.
Fine so maybe they are "Dean's people", but this homophobic assclown has no right to say it, especially not like that.
"Well, not as much as your people lik-"Dean starts, only to be cut off by a pinch to his side and he whips his head towards Cas.
"Just let it go, he isn't worth it" Cas softly whispers in his ear, while he gently pulls him closer. With a huff, Dean begrudgingly lets it go.
He turns back to the conversation to see Bill and Amanda completely ignoring them, as they ramble on about nonsense. Dean quickly locks eyes with each couple, they throw him an eye roll, or a face when Amanda and Bill aren't looking.
"Oh Amanda and Bill, looks like you found the new neighbors" Molly calls slightly strained as she and Jason practically run back over.
"Yes, but sadly we don't have much time to chat with them tonight. There are still some people we must say hello to" Amanda informs, and honestly, Dean could cheer from relief.
"But you two must stop by sometime this week so we can get you properly acquainted with the neighborhood. Maybe widen the variety of your social groups" Bill snarks and Dean opens his mouth to retort but is silenced by a sharp tug from Cas.
"Thank you for the offer, bu-" Cas answers cooly before Dean even thinks about reopening his mouth.
"Perfect! Stop by Tuesday around two, we'll have lunch! But like I said we must be going, try to have a pleasant evening. Oh and Molly, that chicken looked a bit dry, might want to check on that" Amanda proclaims, and then she and Bill are disappearing into the crowd.
Dean turns to glare at Cas, who only gives him a look that reads "we'll talk about it later".
"I'm so sorry you got trapped by them. God, they're the fucking worst" Molly groans in apology
"Yeah can't argue with that" Dean grits out, still fuming from Bill's words and Amanda's stupid smirk.
"And Bill's such a homophobic bastard, thinks he's so subtle. God, what I'd give to shove a-" Emma rants, only to be cut off by a gentle shove from her wife.
"We can try to get you out of the lunch with them, we can sa-"Jason offers, but Cas of all people shuts him down.
"It's okay, if we go once and make them hate us, maybe they'll never bother us again. Oh and I'm sorry, but we really better get going. It's almost Jack's bedtime. Thank you for everything" Cas explains with a smile, shooting a look at Dean.
"Yeah, this was a killer party. So great to meet you guys, hope we see you all soon!" Dean says plastering on a smile despite his bubbling anger.
And with quick goodbyes, Cas' arm unsnakes itself from around Dean's waist. But before he can mourn the loss, he feels his hand in his dragging him silently towards the kids' section. They scoop up an exhausted, but ecstatic Jack, and carefully avoid running into Maria, as they make their way through the gate.
Now that they're alone, walking down the cold, dark sidewalk, Dean can hold it in anymore.
"God we were so damn close then, Barbie and Ken had to show up and shut the whole thing down! And now you want us to have lunch with them?" Dean rages, pointedly ignoring the way Cas' hand that isn't holding a sleeping Jack, squeezes his own. And of course, the fact that they're still holding hands.
"I know they were dicks, but I noticed them circling us for at least ten minutes, and they only rushed over as soon as we started asking about the murders. Isn't that suspicious?" Cas questions.
"Yeah I guess, but wh-"
"So I think they might be the thing we're hunting. I only agreed to lunch so we could check them out, and scope out their house" Cas continues, amusement dancing in his voice
Of course. God, it's so obvious how could Dean miss it? This whole thing is really fucking with his head.
"Alright, no need to be smug about it. But I still don't understand why you wouldn't let me tear that assclown a new one" Dean grumbles, anger quickly returning as they climb their porch steps.
Cas sighs dropping his hand, turning to look at Dean fully. Dean's heart starts up, as Cas levels him with an intense, unreadable stare.
"Because he's just some rich, homophobic asshole, who believes he's better than everyone. But he's not, because he isn't even worth your energy or thought. He doesn't know anything about us" Cas speaks, softly, as he rests a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean suddenly realizes they're standing almost nose to nose.
"And I certainly don't care what he thinks of me or you, and I certainly don't care what he thinks of us. Because all that matters is how we think about ourselves." Cas continues purposefully, and Dean's throat constricts at the words. Dean of course knows Cas is "indifferent to sexual orientation", but he doesn't know that he-wait is Cas-
"And besides, if he's the monster. We'll get to kill him, slowly" Cas says in a mock-serious tone, which startles a laugh from Dean's throat. He's so close he can feel Cas's breath on his face, and Cas can probably hear Dean's heart racing.
But thankfully the logical part of Dean's brain is still somewhat running because it reminds him that it's all for the act. "He doesn't know anything about us", Cas was talking about the act. These people don't know they're pretending.
Because none of this is rea-
And it happens so fast that Dean almost misses it, again. But now he's watching Cas' retreating form walk through the doorway, and up the stairs. Leaving Dean, standing alone in the cold night air, his hand moving to his cheek without consent.
Cas kissed him on the cheek, again.
But this time. Nobody was around. They were completely alone, nobody to put on an act for.
That swirling feeling his back and wreaking havoc on his stomach again, while that lightning thing courses through his veins, and his mind races a mile a minute.
Dean lets out a breath, aggressively running his hands through his hair, as he stares out onto the empty street.
Because what the fuck is happening.
tag list:
(Please let me know of you'd like to be added or removed!!💛)
@wormstacheangel @smiledean @shelikestv @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale @wikiangela @organicpurplepants @you-cant-spell-subtext-without @writtendevastation @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog @sinnabonka @rolling-stoned-girl @skylerkernaghan @icefire149
@shadowywerewolfqueen @the-cookie-navy @thelahatiel @thefantasyfiend @castielle-deanna @aestheticflyer26 @multi-fandom-imagine @x-mypeopleskillsarerusty-x @wellofwoes @becky-srs @multi-fandom-dark-lord @perfectkoaladream @castiel-for-lunch @it--hurts--to--become @bowtiesandneckerchiefs
@dakiaty @feraldean @teamfreebees @keshetcas @hrh-princess-bea @martymar1963 @midnight-sparks-studio @slipper007 @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @winchester-novak @lyonessrampant @angelic-bee-enthusiast @nguyenxtrang @idiot-on-the-hill @ethicalbitch @fandoms-and-things @doreschary @confix
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Family Roadtrip
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Sam Winchester x Reader
Words: 1783
Summary: With your vampire foes vanquished, you and Makayla adjust to life with your new family. 
Notes: You didn’t really think I was finished with Makayla’s story did you?! This imagine is a bit shorter and may seem like a filler, but I really wanted to do something sweet and fun-loving after four parts of drama. I hope you enjoy and are excited to see more of the Makayla Chronicles!
Want more Supernatural? Find it HERE
You peaked around the corner carefully, motioning to Sam that it was safe to follow. He took the lead, keeping his weapon low. The two of you crept silently around the dark bunker. Noises kept your nerves on edge, making you jump at every rustling paper or creaking floorboard. 
A small form darted past the doorway and you quickly went after it. 
“Y/N, wait!” Sam called, trying to keep up with you as you sprinted into the library. You stopped so suddenly that he almost ran into you. 
“Not good.” You uttered, having lost your target. You had led yourself into a trap. A voice boomed throughout the room.
The light switched on and Dean lunged out from behind a shelf. Makayla crawled out from beneath the desk and the two mercilessly unleashed the power of their water guns upon the two of you. They didn’t stop until you and Sam were soaked. 
“Okay, okay, you win!” Sam shouted over Dean and Makayla’s cheers of victory. Despite your defeat, you and Sam couldn’t help but laugh. 
“Makayla and Uncle Dean three-” Dean beamed. 
“Mommy and Daddy zero!” The two high-fived and stuck their tongues out on you. Sam eyed his brother. 
“I don’t like how much influence you have on her.” He chuckled. Dean shrugged and Sam shook out his hair right by his face. Then he looked at Makayla. “You know what I could use right now?” He motioned for her to come closer. “A great big bear hug!” 
Makayla squealed as she tried to get away, but Sam was quick to catch her. He engulfed her in a soaking wet hug until she seemed like she’d burst from laughter. Dean smirked, bringing you all towels to dry off. 
It had been a slow week. No hunts, no demons, no impending doom. Mary was gone, having revealed her connections with the British Men of Letters. It was still a sore subject for the boys so you and Makayla decided to come up with some games to distract them. She teamed up with her uncle and you teamed up with Sam. 
You were all sitting down for lunch when Makayla had a sudden outburst of enthusiasm. 
“I want to go on a road trip.” She exclaimed. “A big family road trip.” You smiled at her excitement. 
“Where do you want to go, sweetie?” 
“Anywhere!” She giggled. She started tugging on the sleeve of Sam’s flannel. “Can we go on a road trip daddy? Can we? Can we? Can we?” Sam laughed and pulled her into his lap. 
“I don’t really see why not.” He looked at you and his brother. “What do you say, guys?” Dean shrugged, giving his niece a smile. 
“It’s not like we’ve had a case in a while and with mom gone…” He trailed off, trying not to let his frustration show. You jumped in. 
“I think it’s a great idea.” You could use a little time out of the bunker. Besides, Makayla had only ever really traveled because of hunting. It would be good for her to just have fun with her family. Hell, it would be good for all of you. 
“It’s settled then.” Sam concluded with a grin, bouncing Makayla on his knee. “Go help your mom pack and Dean and I will make a plan.” 
His daughter jumped down from his lap and hurried off to her room. You gave Sam a kiss on the cheek before following her to make sure she didn’t pack a bunch of snacks instead of clothes. Sam watched you leave with a small smile. 
“Things have been going pretty well between you too, huh?” Dean said, noticing his brother’s puppy-love look. Sam broke his gaze and turned to Dean. 
“Yeah.” He sighed happily. “Yeah, they have.” He drank the rest of his coffee. “You know, it’s like nothing has changed and everything has changed at the same time. Y/N is back, and we’re back together, but it’s so much more than it was before.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’m not sure yet.” Sam fell quiet, trying to sift through his own thoughts. His feelings for you weren’t the same anymore and it wasn’t just because you were the mother of his only daughter. It was like all of his feelings for you from all those years ago had not only resurfaced, but had grown to be so much more. Like he wanted something more.
Makayla watched the road ahead with excited eyes. You had been on the road for about an hour and she was still practically bouncing in her seat. Sam had actually insisted on sitting in the back with her, so you were in the passenger seat while Dean drove. 
The plan was to hit a few places in Nebraska and then circle down into Colorado to Estes park. You would be camping instead of renting motel rooms, which would definitely be interesting, but Kayla begged and begged to sleep under the stars like they did in the Western movies Dean had gotten her into. 
The further up into Western Nebraska you got, the more you tried to clear your mind of monsters and demons. This weekend was for you to spend real, quality time with Sam and Dean and for Makayla to have a normal childhood adventure. 
“Daddy look!” Kayla exclaimed, pointing out her window at the dark shapes roaming the fields. The animals seemed to watch as the impala drove by. 
“Those are called pronghorns.” Sam grinned at her awestruck expression. The fact that she still had that innocent fascination with the world made his heart swell. He wanted her to hold onto that forever. 
You’d be arriving at Toadstool soon, your first camping stop. The sun was getting lower and lower in the sky, painting the clouds pink and orange. Nebraska may not have a whole lot in it, but damn it had good sunsets. You didn’t notice, but Sam’s gaze had shifted from your daughter to you. Seven years since he had met you and you still took his breath away. 
You finally turned your head, seeing him in the rearview mirror. The way he was smiling made your heart stop for a moment. It scared you how much you loved him. What if you messed up again? What if he couldn’t forgive you? What if he couldn’t love you because of what you did before? You wouldn’t blame him, of course. 
Once you reached Toadstool Geological Park, Sam helped you set up the tent while Dean grabbed the cooler and the snacks. When Makayla started running towards the trail, Sam took a few strides with his long legs to catch her. 
“It’s too late to go hiking right now, Kayla.” He explained gently. “We’re going to go in the morning when we can see everything better.” 
“I still don’t really get the appeal of it.” Dean muttered. “Just a bunch of rocks.” 
“It’s a ‘natural wonder’, Dean.” You snarked. You gave him a flashy smile. “Just like me.” Dean narrowed his eyes. 
“The only thing you are is natural pain in my ass.” 
“Dean.” Sam scolded, motioning to the young child in his arms. 
“Yeah, that’s a bad word you son-of-a-bitch.” Makayla exclaimed. 
“Makayla!” You gasped. You glared at her uncle. “Dammit Dean!”
“How do you know it was me? You curse like a sailor!”
“Guys, it doesn’t matter who taught her what.” Sam sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose with his free hand. “Can we just try and make sure it’s not a regular thing?” You both nodded in agreement, still slightly glowering at each other. 
You started a fire and broke open the hot dogs. You had bought plenty of campfire foods, including everything that was needed to make smores. You wanted this to feel as postcard perfect as possible for Kayla. No monsters, no villains, no impending doom. Just a family around the campfire with marshmallows and chocolate and laughter. 
“You really went all out for this,” Sam noted, motioning to the array of fireside foods. He handed you a nice cold beer and wrapped an arm around your waist. 
“I want this trip to be everything hunter’s don’t get.” You sighed. “Not just for her, but for us.” You leaned your head on his shoulder. “I know things are rough for you guys right now and having a kid around isn’t making that easier-”
“I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Sam shifted so that he was facing you, holding your face in his hands. “You and Kayla… you’ve changed my life in so many ways. And Dean’s. You give us a purpose that isn’t always dark and bloody. You gave me life again.” You smiled, feeling tears prick the corners of your eyes. 
“I never thought about it like that.” You stood on your tiptoes so you could reach his lips for a sweet and devoted kiss. 
Dean had decided that he would sleep in the impala, so cramped in the little tent was you, Makayla, and the 6’4” mountain that was trying desperately not to squish both of you. Makayla was already asleep, huddled in between the two of you with her head resting on Sam’s chest. His arm was outstretched so it was both holding her and his hand could rest on your shoulder. You tangled your fingers with his, looking at him over Kayla’s sleeping form. 
“I’d say this trip has been successful so far.” You whispered. Sam nodded. 
“We all needed this. A chance to get away from everything with Lucifer and hunting… and mom.” His smile faltered and you squeezed his hand supportively. 
“She’ll come around. Mary is just…” You trailed off, trying to figure out the right word. 
“Complicated?” Sam finished solemnly. 
“Yeah.” You blew out a breath. For some strange reason, you felt connected to Mary Winchester. Like you were cut from the same bloody and worn out cloth. Feeling Sam’s eyes on you, you pressed a kiss to the back of his hand. “We should get some sleep. The Tasmanian devil over here is gonna keep us on our toes on this hike tomorrow.” You motioned to Kayla with a stifled laugh. Looking back at him, your expression was serious, but warm and bright at the same time. “I love you, Sam.” 
“I love you too.” He gently ran his thumb over your bottom lip, wishing he could kiss you, but not wanting to wake Makayla. 
As your eyes closed your breathing steadied, Sam felt so many emotions rising in his chest, seizing his heart and clearing his mind. In that moment, he knew more than ever before, what he wanted. 
He wanted to marry you. 
General Tag: @rae-gar-targaryen; @takemepedropascal; @childhood-imagination;  @mylovegoesto; @yellowbadgergirl; @itmejado; @suckmyapplejacks Supernatural: @desimarie12; @deandreamernp; @vicmc624; @halesandy; @livshaes; @d-whinchestergirl87; @mrspeacem1nusone​ Sam Winchester: @theamuz; @adeliness​ Makayla Series: @rhiannon-the-troublemaker​; @hoboal87​
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Dinner With Friends (Javier x Reader) {MTMF}
Title: Dinner With Friends Rating: PG-13 Length: 3500 Warnings: Family Fluff and extremely mild angst.  Notes: You can find the Maybe Today, Maybe Forever Timeline here. And release order here. Set in January 1998. Shout to the one and only Tiernan for supplying the twist in this chapter.  Summary: Reader and Javier host the Murphys for dinner.
Taglist:  @grapemama​  @seawhisperer @huliabitch @pedropascalito @rogrsnbarnes @thewallpapergoesorido @twomoonstwosuns @gooddaykate @livasaurasrex @ham4arrow @hiscyarika @plexflexico @readsalot73 @hdlynn @lokiaddicted @randomness501 @fioccodineveautunnale  @roxypeanut @just-add-butter @snivellusim @amarvelousmandalorian @lukesrighthand @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts @synystersilenceinblacknwhite @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @exrebelshocktrooper @awesomefandomsunited​ @ah-callie​ @swhiskeys​ @lady-tano​ @beskar-droids​ @space-floozy @cable-kenobi​ @longitud-de-onda​ @cool-ultra-nerd​ @himbopoes​ @findhimfives​ @pedrosdoll​ @seeking-a-great--perhaps​ @frietiemeloen​ @arrowswithwifi​ @random066​ @uncomicalhumour​ @heather-lynn​ @domino-oh-damn​ @cyarikaaa​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​  @yabby-girl @xqueenofthecraziesx @punkass-potato @coredrive @pascalesque @theduchessofkirkcaldy @queenquazar (if I forget to tag you, I’m sorry)
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“Stevie!” You called out when she started barking loudly — Josie had ensnared her into a game with Olivia and Emily and her patience seemed to be wearing as thin as your own. 
“Did you really have to name her Stevie?”
Steve questioned, shaking his head slowly as he leaned against the kitchen counter and watched you press the button on the top of the lettuce spinner. 
“I love Stevie Nicks.”
He pointed at you, “And that is bullshit.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re just jealous that Sofía isn’t Stevie.” 
Steve glared, “Well if it starts with ‘S’.” 
“I’m sorry, do you have an issue with our daughter being named for Javier’s late mother?” You questioned, folding your arms across your chest briefly, before you emptied out the tossed lettuce into a larger bowl. 
“Not when you put it that way.” Steve huffed, shaking his head as he took a swig of beer. “How are… things going?”
You glanced over your shoulder at him, “The drought was quenched almost five months ago. Thank God.” 
Steve blanched, “I don’t need to know about that.”
“You asked.”
He narrowed his eyes, “About how things are going.” He rubbed at the back of his neck. 
You laughed, shrugging your shoulders. “I’m doing better. There’s still difficult days, but I work through them.” You chewed on your bottom lip. “And Javier is good at helping me.”
“He’s always been more than willing to give you a hand.” Steve said with a slow shake of his head. “The two of you were inseparable.”
You felt a faint blush rise to your cheeks. “I know. And we still are.” You grabbed a handful of freshly washed radishes and started cutting them down into smaller pieces for the salad. “He’s still just as stubborn about everything.”
“Shit. Isn’t he?” Steve snorted, rocking his head to the side.”I don’t know how you put up with that grumpy son-of—“
“Mommy!” Josie called out from the threshold of the kitchen. “Mommmmmy.”
You sat the knife aside and turned back to look at her, hands on your hips. “What’s up?”
“I’m hungry.”
“Dinner is almost ready.” You assured her. “Why don’t you go check on daddy outside?”
“Okay mommy.” Josie beamed at you. “Does daddy have sissy?”
“Aunt Connie does, rugrat.” Steve told her, “She’s out in the backyard with your father.”
“Thank you.” She said politely before leaving through the back door, followed by Emily and Olivia. 
“She gets away with everything doesn’t she?”
“With Javier? Oh, yeah. I’m the strict parent. Always.” You shook your head with a laugh. You didn’t actually mind filling the role of the strict parent, mostly because Javier was a marshmallow of a father.
“I wouldn’t have guessed that.” He remarked as he took a drink of  his beer, “You’ve always been the fun one. Javier? I didn’t know that fun was in his vocabulary.”
You rolled your eyes, “For the record, he was actually very fun in Colombia.”
“Really?” Steve gave you a skeptical look. “I think that might be the rose colored glasses talking.” He gestured to you with the bottle. “You were the positive influence he needed.” 
“Yeah,” You agreed. “He would’ve worked himself to death, if I hadn’t been there.” You scooped up the radishes you’d cut, tossing them into the bowl of lettuce. “Can you get the croutons out of the oven?”
“Look how fancy you are. Making homemade croutons.” Steve teased as he grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the pan out of the oven. 
“Josie will only eat a salad if there’s croutons in it.” You explained to him. “Javier hates the store bought croutons.” You grabbed the carton of cherry tomatoes, flipping the plastic lid up so you could rinse them off under the sink. 
You glanced back towards the backdoor as it slid open, a parade of tiny humans reemerging, followed by Connie and Javier. 
“Hot food, coming through.” Javier warned, clicking his tongue against his teeth to get the girls to move faster. “Come on kiddos.” He shooed them out from under foot as he veered towards the kitchen counter and sat the two plates of grilled burgers down. “Ever try to keep three girls away from a grill?”
You pursed your lips thoughtfully as you turned to face him, tilting your head to the side. “I tried it once, which is why I sent them out to you.” You grinned at him.
“It’s fucking hard.” He chuckled before he leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. “Thanks for that.”
“You’re welcome.” You used the dish towel and swatted him in the ass with it. He caught you by the belt loop as you stepped past him, pulling you in for another kiss.
“Need any help?” Connie questioned as she cradled Sofía to her chest, looking between the two of you. 
You shook your head, “You brought the potato salad and you’ve kept her occupied so I could get everything else ready.” 
“Do you have ranch?” She questioned as she looked towards the bowl of salad, “It’s the only way we can get Olivia to even humor eating something green.” 
Javier nodded, “Josie likes it on broccoli.” He stepped around you and pulled open the fridge to grab the bottle of ranch, as well as the other salad dressing options. 
“How do you get her to eat raw broccoli?” Connie questioned. “It’s an uphill battle to get anything green into the girls.” 
“Josie likes food.”
You rolled your eyes, “Josie will eat anything Javier asks her to eat.” 
He shrugged, “It’s true.” 
“I wish Steve had that effect on the girls.” Connie laughed softly, “He can get them to eat plenty of candy.”
You snorted. “He loves his Werthers.” 
She widened her eyes dramatically, “I swear to God, every pocket is full of wrappers!” 
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth, “Should’ve done the patch, rather than going cold turkey.” 
“That would make sense,” Connie made a face. “Oh well.” She bounced Sofía in her arms as she started to wake up, “Did you see California is set to ban smoking inside bars?”
“They’ll just ignore it,” You countered, grabbing a tray and putting the salad and the salad bowls on it. “But it’s progress.” 
The three of you headed into the dining room, where Steve had managed to corral the girls into their chairs. 
“I don’t want a burger, mommy.” Josie complained as Javier sat the plate of burgers down on the table. 
“You’re not eating a burger, babydoll. You’re having a soy one with me.” You promised her, pointing to the second plate that contained two burgers that were considerably thinner than the actual hamburgers. 
“I want chicken.” 
“Princesa, you’re eating what we made for you.” Javier warned her, sitting down beside her, across the table from you. 
“Do we have everything?” 
“French fries?” Olivia questioned.
“Your mother made potato salad,” Steve told her, pointing to the Tupperware tub. 
You sat down beside Connie, taking Sofía from her so you could get her settled into her highchair beside you. You used your fork to grab a potato out of the dish of potato salad, plopping it onto Sofía’s highchair tray. You smashed it up with the fork, “You wanna try a bit of potato?”
Sofía seemed skeptical. She reached down and squished the potato between her fingers. 
You tapped your finger against your lips, “You eat it, sunshine.” 
Sofía gurgled and threw herself back against her seat, smearing the potato all over her face.
“Close enough.” Javier chuckled, shaking his head as he slathered mayonnaise on a bun for Josie. 
“More!” She urged, hanging on his arm. 
“Josie.” You gave her a look across the table. 
Sofía kicked her feet against the highchair as she leaned over and tried to reach the tub of potato salad that was well outside of her reach. “You like that?” You questioned, grabbing another potato and putting it on her tray, smashing it up for her again. 
She dramatically hummed her delight. 
“Look at that, she’s not always a grumpy baby.” Steve remarked with a short laugh. “I worried she was a carbon copy of her father.” 
Javier glared at him, subtly flipping him off so Josie couldn’t catch him.
You worked on fixing your own burger, glancing around the table to make sure everyone had what they needed. You really hated playing host. An ideal situation was a box of pizza thrown in the center of the table for everyone to fend for themselves. But Steve and Connie were such gracious hosts, you felt like you had to do the same. 
Javier had lived on grilled cheese, whiskey, and cigarettes for the majority of his bachelor years. He wasn’t one to complain. He wasn’t actually half bad in the kitchen when he put a little effort into it. 
“How’s things at the hospital?” Javier questioned Connie in between bites of burger. 
Connie grabbed her napkin and wiped her mouth off before answering, “Good. I’m not working as many double shifts as I was there for a while. I’ve actually had days off that felt like days off. No catching up on sleep.” 
“With my transition out of the DEA, it’s been nice to have her around more.” Steve added. “Hun, did you tell her about that lady you’re working with?”
You arched a brow, looking at Connie expectantly. 
“Oh! I totally forgot,” She laughed, taking a sip of water before she continued. “We’ve got a new medical social worker working on the floor that looks so much like you. I did a double take the first time I saw her. Do you have a secret younger sister?”
“Nope.” You shook your head, reaching for your bottle of beer and taking a swig. “Is my doppelgänger nice at least?”
“An absolute sweetheart.” Connie said with a grin, taking another bite of her burger before adding, “She’s actually from Medellín.”
Javier dropped his fork, causing it to clamp against his plate. You shot him a curious look, a brow arching upwards. 
“Colombia?” He questioned, taking a drink of beer to keep from choking on the bite of burger he’d swallowed nearly whole. 
“Is there another one?”
Steve cleared his throat, “You hadn’t mentioned she was from Colombia.” He looked between you and Javier with a knowing look. 
“I believe she came here as a political refugee. I didn’t ask for specifics.” Connie shrugged, “Why?”
The look on Javier’s face made the lightbulb come on. Holy shit. 
You leaned an elbow against the table, turning towards Connie. “Her name wouldn’t happen to be Elena, would it?”
Connie’s brows shot upwards, “Yeah! Wait — do you know her?”
“Some of us better than others.” Steve muttered under his breath, much to Javier’s horror. 
“Yeah.” You nodded your head slowly, “She was great. I’m glad she’s gotten herself out of that situation.” You looked towards Javier then, smiling a little. “I guess that promise of safety had follow through.” 
Javier rubbed at the back of his neck awkwardly, “I had no idea she was in Miami.” 
“It’s fine, Javi.” You assured him, “It’s a small world.” You watched him as he nodded his head slowly, staring down at his plate of food. Of all the people that the two of you had known in Colombia ⁠— the sheer irony that Elena had made her way to Miami was… something else. 
“I feel like I’m missing something.” Connie remarked, looking between the three of you curiously. “What am I missing?”
“Not in front of the kids.” Steve stated with a shake of his head. 
“Daddy, you gotta eat your veggies.” Josie said sweetly, pushing the bowl of salad towards Javier. “Don’t you wanna be big and strong like me?”
“Of course I do, princesa.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. 
“Javier, it’s fine.” You said firmly, shifting in your seat so you could brush your foot against his leg beneath the table. “Don’t get yourself bent out of shape over this.”
“I’m not getting ‘bent out of shape’.” He shot back, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he stared at you. “I just can’t believe… of all the cities.” 
“What am I missing?” Connie questioned, nudging you in the arm.
You sighed, chewing on the inside of your bottom lip. “Elena was one of Javi’s informants. When was that?” ‘89 to ‘92?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Steve agreed with you, pushing his potato salad around on his plate. 
Javier was so tense you could see the corded muscles of his throat as he stared straight ahead at you. 
“So she was an informant informant?” Connie questioned, brows furrowed as she looked towards you.
“Yeah.” You nodded, “And it’s not nearly as big of a deal as Javier is acting like it is.” 
Javier raked his fingers through his hair, sighing heavily as he sank back in his chair. He scratched at his lightly scruffy jaw, not quite meeting your gaze as he looked across the table at you. “It’s a big deal to me.” 
Connie looked between the two of you, “I really didn’t mean to start something.” 
“You didn’t.” You assured her, giving her shoulder a squeeze. “Hey Javi, did you leave the grill on?” 
He gritted his teeth together before he gave a stiff nod, scooting his chair back and getting up from the table. 
“Daddy, where are you going?” Josie asked with her mouth full of her burger.
“Daddy left the grill on.” Javier offered, meeting your gaze as you got up from the table. 
“Uh-oh!” Josie said with a sing-song voice, entirely oblivious to the situation. 
“We’ll hold the fort down,” Steve promised you as you followed Javier through the kitchen and out the backdoor into the yard. 
He walked a few paces ahead of you, before he stopped with his back to you. You considered staying rooted to the spot where you stood, but instead you moved towards him and curled your arms around his middle, resting your cheek against his back. “Javi,” You started, trying to keep your voice steady. “This is such a non-issue.” 
“For you.” He retorted, resting his hands over yours. “I feel like every time we take one step forward, something happens that sets us back. Every fucking time, baby.” 
“But it’s a non-issue,” You assured him, squeezing him a little tighter. “I liked Elena the handful of times we worked together. I’m thrilled that she’s thriving. Hell, I’m glad she’s here. Miami isn’t so bad.” 
Javier turned in your embrace, his hands settling at your hips. “I didn’t know she was here.” 
“I didn’t think you did.” You reached up and cupped his cheek, brushing your thumb over the rise of his cheekbone as you met his gaze. “Look, I know that’s a period of history you’re not particularly fond of, but… It doesn’t bother me. At all.” You tilted your head to the side, “I thought we were working past this.” You gestured between the two of you. “There’s no other shoe waiting to fall.”
His Adam’s bobbed as he looked down at you, “I just can’t fucking believe she’s in Miami.” He shook his head slowly. “Of all the goddamn places.”
“I think she had a cousin here.” You recalled, “Shit, that was a long time ago.”
Javier nodded his head in agreement, “Yeah.” He ran his hands over your hips slowly, “Last time I saw her was right after you told me…” 
“Did you tell her?” Your brows furrowed. 
“I did, yeah.” He recalled, “I mean she knew about you…”
“I know she did.” You reached you and played with the hair that sat against his forehead. “I thought you didn’t tell anyone.”
He shrugged a shoulder, “It slipped out. I figured it didn’t really matter that she knew. She was happy for us.”
You smiled fondly, “I think we should meet up with her.”
“Catch up, see how she is…”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” You raised your eyebrows. “Hell, she might not even want to see either of us.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I just think it’s too ironic that she’s working at the same hospital as Connie.” 
“I’m not going.”
“That’s fine, I’ll go then.” You rose up on your toes and pressed a kiss to his lips. “You need to stop worrying so much, Javi.” You brushed your nose against his as you raked your fingers through his hair at his temples. “I trust you.” 
Javier curled his arm around your waist, keeping you close to him. “What’d I do to deserve you, baby?” 
“Still trying to figure that one out.” You teased, kissing the tip of his nose. “Come on. Connie’s going to be stressing that she’s single-handedly destroyed our relationship if we don’t get back inside.”
“She was mortified.” He chuckled.
“Not nearly as much as you were.”
“I was praying for the earth to open up and swallow me whole.” 
You rolled your eyes. “You felt that way in the sex sho—”
Javier cut you off, covering your mouth with his hand. “Don’t.” He warned you. 
You poked him in the stomach and when he didn’t remove his hand, you swept your tongue over the palm of his hand. That worked. He quickly pulled his hand away, wiping his hand off on the front of his jeans.
“If you want to shut me up, you’re going to have to wait until we’re alone.” You told him, putting your hands on your hips, before walking backwards towards the back door. “But until then, we have guests to entertain.” 
“It’s just Steve and Connie.” Javier followed after you, his arms crossed across his chest. 
“Who are guests we’re entertaining.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “And you’re going to finish your food, otherwise Josie is going to believe she can skip dinner too.” 
“Fine.” He huffed quietly, shaking his head as he slid the sliding door shut behind him. “But we’re dropping this conversation. I don’t wanna talk about an informant in front of the girls.” 
You gave a mock salute, “Sure thing.” 
Javier caught you by the belt loop, pulling you towards him. “I mean it.”
“I’m not going to bring it up again.” You promised, curling your fingers around the back of his neck. “As much as I love torturing you I’m not cruel, Javier.” 
He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Thank you.” 
You smiled up at him, “No ‘thank yous’ needed, babe.” You took his hand into yours, interlacing your fingers as he headed back for the dining room. Steve and Connie had managed to keep the kids entertained in your absence. 
“She’s had about a full little potato.” Connie told you as she gestured to Sofía, “I think most of it got into her mouth.” 
“She gets really into her food.” You chuckled, releasing Javier’s hand as you both returned to your own seats. 
“Where’d you go daddy?” Josie asked, tilting her head to the side as she licked the dressing off a piece of radish, only to dip it into her salad bowl again. 
“Like I told you,” He reached over and smoothed his hand over the top of her head. “I left the grill on.” 
Connie gave you a wary look as you picked up your burger and took a bite. “So…”
“Everything’s fine.” You assured her, looking towards Steve then, “So have you heard any rumors in the DEA about the article?”
“Oh, I have.” He pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek and shook his head. “I hope you don’t plan on looking for a job in the federal government.” 
You feigned offense, “If I ever did, you’d know I had been abducted by aliens.” It was still bizarre to consider that you had spent so much of your early adulthood working towards a role in the very institution you wanted to pull down. 
“Baby, you know I have a class of students that would love to see you teaching.” Javier pointed out, beaming with pride. “End of last semester, I had her come in and give a lecture for the department.” 
You rolled your eyes, “It was a fifteen-minute talk.”
“With a forty-minute question and answer section.” Javier insisted, his eyes meeting yours with an adoration that warmed your heart. 
“I would only disappoint them,” You licked a drop of mayonnaise off your thumb as you sat your soy burger back down. “They already think you’re a tyrant when it comes to papers and grading.” 
Steve laughed, “Isn’t that because you do most of the marking for him.”
“And I go easy on them.” You grinned. “My teachers didn’t take any corners with me and I worked my ass off to get here.” 
“I don’t know if I can picture you as a teacher,” Connie said, giving you a once over. “No, I can’t.”
“Thankfully,” Javier started with a teasing tone. “They’re college students and not children.”
“And what does that mean?” You questioned, looking in between the two of them. “I am a delight.” 
“You certainly lectured us a lot. Back in the day.” Steve joined in. 
“Was I wrong?” 
“Rarely.” He agreed. 
“Well, we can't all be Professor Peña, now can we?” You quipped, nudging Javier’s foot under the table. 
He scratched at his jaw, shaking his head. “No, we can’t.”
“But I’m always interested in dropping in to torment you and Monica.”
“Do the other students know that you’ve all but adopted her?” Steve questioned. 
You started to answer, but Olivia was quick to announce, “I’m adopted!” 
Josie turned towards Javier, “Am I adopted?” 
“No princesa, you weren’t adopted.” Javier assured her as she grabbed at his arm. 
“Was sissy adopted?”
“No. Remember your mommy grew her in her belly?” Javier reminded her, giving Connie a sympathetic smile, before his eyes flickered towards your face. “Out of the mouths of babes.” 
“Seriously.” You laughed as you shook your head, reaching for your beer. “To answer your question, no. They don’t know.”
“Trying to keep things unbiased.” Javier explained as he scooped Josie into his lap, much to her delight. “She actually earned herself a B- on a test this week she should’ve aced.”
“You didn’t tell me that.” You frowned. “Why?”
“Her attentions a little stretched right now.”
“Of course it is.” You rolled your eyes, “Oh to be young and in love.” 
“Old and in love isn’t too bad, is it?” He countered with a wink.
You grinned, “It’s pretty good too.” 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
What if Kaito, Haru and Kin ask their parents if they can go camping with them but knowing overhaul ohh lord 😣😂💀
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"No." He said at least for the hundred time on only one hour. His kids still annoying him to get what they wanted.
Why the hell did they wanted to go camping out of all the things in this god for saken universe..?
"Pwetty please papa?" His three years old pleaded with shining golden eyes as Kaito still remained his stoic gaze but with his pout at show.
"We never went to those things!" The boy complained while he just groaned, wanting nothing more to hear the absolute silence.
"We asked mommy and she told us that we're only going if you allow!" Kaito say a bit annoyed as his frow increased.
"And I don't allow this." He growled, hitting his book slightly on gis legs as he glared at his son back "No is still a no. Brat."
Kin gulped a bit at seing the tense atmosphere between her daddy and older brother before she chirped in glee and relief at seing you entering the room.
"What is going on here? Staring competition?" You giggled before picking Kin up in your arms.
"Daddy won't let us go camping mom!" "This rascal is getting on my nerves."
You and Kin shared a look while they both returned to glare at each other before. You sighed and sitted in the middle of your two boys.
"Kaito if Daddy doesn't want to go then you have to respect him my soldier."
"But if he doesn't go he won't let US go either!" He huffed and you deadpanned at that, knowing that your son wasn't telling any lies.
"Have any idea how those places can be dirty and infected? I wont care for two sick brats when we get home after." He growled before you coughed in mockness.
"Is more likely you to get sick since the kids immune system are way better than you-" you yelped at the pinch he gave to your butt, Kin giggling at your high pitch sound while Kaito only glared at his father even more.
"Haru is going! Im sure uncle Kurono is going to let her!"
"Right then." Chisaki growled, picking his book again "If Blockhead goes with his daughter then we go as well." He sayed confindently, knowing that Hari would tell his own brat the same thing he told his rascals.
"Chronostasis I despise your entire fucking existence, I will kill you son of a-"
"Kai calm down! Is just for three days!" You pushed his chest a bit to prevent him getting closer to Kurono who was pale as a fucking ghost, but stoic face as ever, while he carried his daughter out of the car.
He couldn't just say no to Haru! She never went camping before! And how the fuck was he suppose to know that Kai had made a deal with his own kids that involved HIM NO LESS?!
"Mommy look how many bags I got!" Kaito exclaimed in smugness at you while his father started to scratch at his arm with his gloved hand, looking around with only disgust on his eyes.
"Kaito baby! You might hurt yourself!" You crouched down a bit to pick the things, smilling at your son's pout before rolling your eyes and giving him two bags.
"There is so many trees in here!" Haru said in awe, giggling at her father's petting while he took her bag.
"So many germs and infections." You heard your husband mutter darkly from behind you, hives appearing on his face while he controlled himself to not just scrub his skin as he closed the car.
"Love dont worry." You cooed on his side, giggling at kin whose was following with her golden eyes a blue butterfly and giggling a bit "This area in spefic is way more cleaner and close to the city than the others..."
"Is still dirty..." he growled under his breath, walking and glaring at his older defiant who was the most responsible for this.
He loved that little shit but fucking hell.
"Three days sweetheart." You cooed again before placing your lips on his cheek lovingly, smilling at seing his shoulder has eased a bit from the tension "It passes like a flash."
"It doesn't. I will put you on a room with nothing to do, then we will se if three days pass like a flash." He say it nonchantly while you giggled and shook your head.
"Daddy look!" Haru exclaimed looking up at her father "There is a river right there!"
"Yep. Is a clean one, so its safe flower."
"A bunch of filth animals goes in there to-"
"Kai." You warned while he only scoffed and crossed his arms.
God you loved your husband, but you really hoped he wasn't staying this grumpy all the time.
It was starting to get dark and you and Chrono were in the job of getting the fire done while your husband got the tends done... actually he used his quirk but whatever.
You wanted to laugh so badly when he had bought that tend that stayed like, two or four palms away from the ground, supported by iron bars... You noticed that day that he had only bought one at the start and when you suggested to buy one for Kurono he only glared at you with a no.
Luckily for the arrow haired man you used your puppy eyes. And now him and his daughter were also safe from some bugs entering.
"Looks good Kai!" You chirped when he finished, scoffing a bit at hearing your comment.
"It was me that made it."
Kurono snickered while putting the wood together while you deadpanned with a sarcastic smile.
"Arrogance is high as always huh?" You grunted before sitting down, smilling at the kids popping their heads out from the tend and jumping to get together with their parents.
Chrono smirked when his daughter came to snyggle on his side before he eyes went wide when he patted his pockets and didn't felt anything.
"Blockhead?" Kai arched one eyebrow while you furrowed yours in worry.
"... I forgot the lighter." He muttered, making Chisaki's rage only increase more.
"You had one job Chrono." He growled while Hari stared bag with a unamused expression.
"Why didn't you got the lighter then?"
"... I was busy." His eyes darkened when Chrono only made a sarcastic 'uh-huh' sound with one of his eyebrows lifted up. "Since when did you get so confindent Chronostasis?"
"Maybe after the Overhaul started to-"
Both stopped their discussion when the kids almost screamed in glee when a joilt of fire started on the wood.
"Mommy is the best!" Kaito made a fist in victory before he hugged your neck giggling, while you only squished his cheek a bit to plant a kiss.
"What?" Chisaki asked in surprise while you looked up at him with a smile, the light of thw fire dancing and iluminating teh fa e of his wife along with the moon light.
"My uncle taught me how to start a fire once!" Kin giggled when you placed her in your lap as Kaito got in between his father and mother while watching the fire in awe.
"I helped!" Kin said proudly, giggling at the pat of the gloved hands of her father.
"Impressive." He muttered, eyes softening while looking at you. You smiled back before you saw Chrono helping his daughter hold the stick while he sticked a sausage on it.
"Daddy what if I burn it?!" She whimpered, eyes quite afraid as she holded the stick as her life depended on it.
"You're not. Your cooking skills are equivalent to mine bratty, so its fine."
Kaito poked your leg, serious yet curious (E/c) looking up at your own.
"Mom Im a bit hungry, can we do those too?" You nodded with a smile before holding both of your kids wrist close to the fire after you placed their own chosen snacks on thheir sticks.
"Carefull brats, too close to the fire and you two might burn yourselfes." Kai muttered monotonously but still allert in case his kids got hurt.
You got up from the bench, Chisaki refused to let anyone sit on the ground, and left to grab the three packages you got hidded from your husband.
You heard him calling your name and got the goodies behind your back.
"Our son is sick." He growled while pointing at Kaito munching on a burnt bread with some mixture on it.
"Im not I just like when is toasted!" He protested with a pout, whinning when his father stroke his thumb on his cheek monoustly to get the crumbs out of his face.
"Sick!" Kin exclaimed while Kaito deadpanned at her and Haru for laughing.
You laughed at the scene while Kurono messed with his daughter's hair to make her stop laughing a bit.
"I am in the mood for some smores. Anyone else?" The kids immediately agreed and even Haru got out of her seat to come to you... while chisaki and Kurono only had confused faces on. "What?" You asked innocently while already sticking one fluffly marshmallow on the thing to make the first snack.
"... what the hell is a smore?" Your husband and Hari said in union while the kids bursnt into laughter and you widened your eyes in horror.
"You two... dont have any idea what is a smore?" Kurono merely shrugged his shoulder while kai only arched his eyebrow "Neither of you have lived." You grimmace while Hari let out a snicker and Chisaki scoffed and pinched your side.
While making the kid's smore first you were explaining to them, a snack mostly eated in United States but got really famous around the world. Two graham crackers and in the middles a melting marshmallow and chocolate.
Hari made a slightly uncomfortable face, muttering that it was too sugary for his taste... but still accepting when his daughter cutely offered to him.
Although you knew how much of a sweet tooth your Kai was. And you had to admit that you were slightly anxious and excited to see his reaction.
He took it from your hand and lowered his mask a bit to take the first bite, you had ro bite hard on your to gue to prevent the giggle of your from escaling when you saw his eyes widening for a fracyion of seconds at tasting the thing.
"Is eatable." You shook your head with a smile while he continued munching.
"Mom can i have other?" Kaito mumbled while you made a slightly dissaproving face.
"Sweety the smore is too sugary and you won't be able to sleep after."
"But i dont want to sleep." He deapanned while you sended a pleading look at your husband to help you, wincing a bit when your baby girl also had asked cutely for a another one.
But your husband just had to look at them before looking at you, shrugging his shoulders... alloowing them to eat.
And the bastard also wanted another one... you started to regret bringing the smores up, after all you had three, THREE sweet tooth dark brow haired heads.
Luckily at least that haru and Hari were more into the salty side... ironic due to their actions.
When it got late each family entered their own tends.. although you noticed that even despite the kids had fallen asleep peacefullu, especially when both were sandwiched by his mother and father, Chisaki jad his eyes open the whole time.
"Can't sleep?" You mumbled tiredly, his gaze finally breaking with the top of the tend to loom at you.
"You know me." Of course you did... it took a lot for Chisaki to get used to new things... so imagine bejng fron his neatly cleaned house in the city to just nowhere?
You stroked his cheek a bit, smilling when he sighed and closed his eyes at the contact.
"The kids are so lucky to have you..." you whispered, stroking Kaito's hair with your free hand when he mumbled on jis sleep and returned it to nuzzle his face on you.
"Sure." He rolled his eyes sarcastically while patting his quiet and sleeping daughter "The brats had to beg for me to let this happen, and if it wasn't for blickhead accepting this I wouldn't come and neither let any of you as well... i am everthing except from a good father or even a decent husband angel." He muttered darkly before arching a eyebrow at your scoff.
"First. You have mysophobia. It cleary did not surprised me when you denied immediatly when the kids brought thid up and neither upseted me either... Second, you still kept your promise, and despite hating such a thing you risked your own decisions to see Kaito and Kin happy. Third..." you touched foreheads with him "You worry too much, but is all because you care about us. And I couldn't ask for more my love."
He scoffed a bit before stroking your cheek
"Chessy as always angel." You poked your tongue out with a quiet giggle.
"Admit it. You love it."
"Sadly I cant deny that." He lowered his mask a bit but even before he could even touch his lips on yours the brat woke up and groaned.
"Gross. No." He placed Kin's toy on the middle of you two and returned to snuggle on your chest "You two are gross." He mumbled.
You blinked in disbelief... this boy was deep asleep! HOW?!
"... Can I put this rascal on Chrono's t-"
"No!" You whispered shouted in laughter while he growled and give back to a whining Kin her favorite toy.
"This rascal. I swear that my pacience with him is thise close to ending." He brought his hand up to you to see, gloved index finger and thumb together "This close."
"Your... fingers are touching."
"Exactly." He growled before plopping down his arm "Its been nine years of these. Nine."
He chuckled dryly at hearing your laugh.
Oh god I got really excited while writing this and I cant put anymore or else it will turn way too long ;-; and I still had a bunch of other things to put in this scenario T-T
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softliebgott · 4 years
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You and your family have managed a somewhat peaceful farm life during the war until you discover two soldiers, George Luz and Frank Perconte, raiding your barn. Disappointed, but nonetheless grateful for the army’s presence, you invite them to have dinner for a proper meal. We all need some Luz Fluff™, or just some softness in general. This is my first attempt at writing Luz, so go easy (pun? yes) on me 😅 
TRANSLATIONS: Oma = grandma, Hurensohn = son of a bitch, rag = 40′s slang for “make fun of”
TAGS + MASTERLIST: If you would like to be tagged in future requests, go here and add your username below! Link to the masterlist is here.
@general-taylor @mgdln97 @gottapenny @endorians @morgan108 @thegermansarebad @floydtab @snafus-peckuh @wexhappyxfew @scarecrowmax @madamsledge @easyroses @ineffablewants @junojelli @inglourious-imagines @sunflowerchuck @adamantiumdragonfly @luz-lovebot @alienoresimagines @fandomscenariosforyou @ray–person @noneofurbusinez @tvserie-s-world @hellitwasyoufirstsergeant @keoghans​
March 11, 1945
Sturzelberg, Germany 
Farm life, the absence of human pollution; sound, smell, and people themselves, until the American army came to settle in the town nearby. You didn’t mind. In fact, you were grateful. Germany’s dictator was losing his hold on the reins he sought to keep steady.
A dirt road, reminiscent of chocolate powder, cut past a field. Out of this empty land your family’s farm rose up with its buildings like a huddle of old, painted vessels floating in still water.
The sun embraced its newfound world with warmth that felt different than when the war was at its worst. Perhaps the earth felt it could finally breathe, knowing its body would no longer suffer great wounds from weaponry. It wouldn’t have to weep as it welcomed more of the dead. 
Walking the fields with your father, you bent down to pluck a ripe tomato from its brittle stalk, and then bit into it. Acidic, like an apple. Sweet, like a strawberry. Juicy, like a plum.
“(Y/N),” came your father’s gravelly voice. Knelt down beside a tomato stalk, he looked at you from over his shoulder. His gray eyes, rivaling the polished metal of a suit of armor, reflected the sun’s glare. The map of wrinkles on his face spoke of an incredible journey. His eye lines held echoes of laughter and warm smiles, while his forehead told of worries past and worries present. Sixty years of his story ingrained in him, telling of the man he became; kind, compassionate, and a little tired. Amused, he smiled. “What shall I tell your mother?”
“What both of us already tell her, papa.” You moved to his side, gripped his shoulder, and bent at your knees to whisper, “Rabbits.” You lifted your brow.
He chuckled, crow’s feet lines creasing the edges of his eyes. Your favorite laugh. The kind, when you were a little girl, you loved to feel rock his chest when you hugged him or fell asleep to in his arms. 
You straightened up, smiling impishly as you took another bite of your tomato.
“Perhaps before you tempt me to have a few, could you check the hens for eggs and milk Gerdy? Your mother is wanting to make *Oma’s Apple Cake.”
“Yes, papa.” 
You left the field, finishing your tomato as you headed for the barn. Pulling the wooden door open, light spilled in and washed over, to your shock, two American soldiers standing on a crate and raiding the eggs. One held a hen, while the other had been using his helmet to pile eggs into. Their attention was snagged by you.
“Guten tag, Fraulein.” The soldier holding the hen smiled. He gazed at you through deep-set, hickory brown eyes. A few strands of hair, similar in color to his eyes, hung loose over his forehead. His features, rugged, yet soft, seemed boyish. To you, it felt like he was one of those little boys who tried to grow up too fast.
You folded your arms against your chest, brow furrowed. “You have no right to be stealing.” You did not expect such behavior as this. It disappointed you. 
“Hey, Miss, we’re fighting Hitler,” the other soldier said. “I think we have a right.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek. He was half right, but you were in no mood to argue, but to come to an agreement. “You won’t have a proper meal with just eggs. Come on inside and we’ll fix you something.”
The soldiers exchanged looks.
Leading them to your house, the soldier who had first greeted you matched your pace, eager in talking to you, while his friend muttered, “Luz, leave her alone.”
“Hey, what’s your name?” Luz asked.
“I’m George. You sure do speak English well.”
“My mother wanted me to learn for when the British would come, but...”
George grinned, tuning his voice to a deeper tone in a British accent. “Ole Churchill needed an edge of Americanism in his tea.”
You giggled. “We are grateful that you are here.”
He had not made a woman laugh, or heard one such as yours, more attractive to him than woodland birdsong, in years. He wanted to hear it again, to see the way your eyes squinted, and to hear your jumbled words. The laughter and smiles of his friends would never get old, for he strove to give them those little pleasures. Now, he wanted to make you laugh so he could feel that warmth he lit for others.
Inside your family’s quaint home, you introduced the soldiers to your mother, who was washing dishes. “Momma, this is George Luz and Frank Perconte. I caught them stealing our eggs.” You looked as smug as a dog stealing a Christmas goose. “I thought we could make them a proper meal as compromise.”
“Oh, you boys shouldn’t have to steal to get a good meal. Come, sit down.”
Thanking her, George and Frank propped their guns against the wall next to the coat rack. You wondered how many lives those weapons reaped, and it made you think of your brother and cousins who had been drafted. No news had come of their deaths yet, and you often begged to God to spare them through muffled sobs in the night.
Frank offered the helmet-full of eggs to you, the edge of his mouth curling. His eyes reminded you of the chocolate your mother would melt for her cakes. Fine, smooth, and inviting. “Sorry for raidin’ your barn,” he said.
You smiled, taking the olive green helmet. “I’m glad to have caught you.”
As you moved to the counter, the wooden chairs behind you growled against the hard flooring as the men sat themselves. You looked over your shoulder to them. “Would you like some lemonade?”
“Boy, would I.” George beamed.
“Yeah, I’ll take some, too.” Childlike enthusiasm brimmed in Frank’s eyes.
You retrieved the pitcher of lemonade from the fridge and then reached for two glasses from the overhead cupboard.
“They are both such handsome men. They remind me of your brother and cousins,” your mother whispered. 
“I just hope they can come home.” You poured the lemonade into the glasses, its tartness rubbing uncomfortably at your nasal cavity.
“They will. I have hope.”
“Is hope enough anymore?” You questioned, heartache softening your gaze.
Your mother tilted her head, eyebrows squished together. Truth was, she had been trying to keep positiveness afloat, but you kept punching holes in the raft. She sighed, averting her eyes and continued to prepare the meal.
A traditional roast of heavily marinated meat, bread rolls, and potato dumplings were prepared. Your father had come in for a break, taken aback by the presence of American soldiers, but had immediately shook hands with them. He was just as grateful to have them here as you were.
“Hey.” Frank bumped his elbow against George, irked. “You gonna take all the rolls? That’s your third one.”
“What are you gonna do, Per-Short-Te, punch me over this nice family dinner?”
You quietly laughed to yourself. You and your parents hadn’t had a dinner such as this after your brother and cousins left. Light-hearted, and distracting their minds from wandering into those claustrophobic tunnels of anxiety.
George noticed your quiet laughter. He caught your eyes and his face softened. Unbeknownst to you, you had the right colors to paint him where the war had watered him down to dismal grayness. He didn’t want this dinner to end. He wanted time alone with you.
You sucked in your lower lip. You had been studying him throughout the meal when he wasn’t looking. You noticed how his bottom lip was fuller, and wondered if you could taste the lemonade if you’d kissed him. Fearful that he could decipher your thoughts in your expression, you forced your eyes down to your lap.
“How long will you be staying in Sturzelberg?” Your father asked.
You felt George’s boot touch your foot, and cold, static-y surprise overwhelmed your body. You glanced up to him as he took a swig of his lemonade. He winked, and heat rushed to your cheeks while you gained a heart beat between your thighs.
“Could be a night or two. We don’t usually know for how long wherever we go,” Frank replied.
“Hey, uh, where’s your bathroom?” George asked.
“Oh.” Your mother’s eyebrows perked up. “(Y/N), could you show this young man where the bathroom is please?”
You felt air catch in your throat. “Yes, Momma,” you said quietly, rising from your seat. 
Yours and George’s movements irritated the senior chairs, triggering arthritic creaks from their legs. You led George out of the kitchen and into the hall. The cornflower blue, floral walls were adorned with framed pictures and embroideries. The wall sconces, wearing earrings of long, fake crystals, often struggled to keep their territory lit as streetlights did at night. 
A bubble of awkward silence swelled between you and George, until he stopped to look at a portrait of a young man in uniform. “This your boyfriend?” He asked. 
“No, that’s my brother.”
“Do you and your family, uh...like Hitler?”
“No, no.” You shook your head. “We loathe him, and even more-so after the men in our family were drafted.”
“I have a theory that he wears a hair-piece. He walks outside one morning, and one gust of wind turns him into a chrome-dome with a penciled mustache. Mr. Honcho holds his bald head and whines.” George placed his finger below his nose to imitate a mustache, deepening and strangling his voice to mimic Hitler. “Hurensohn!” He spoke more, but of jumbled nonsense to rag Hitler about his energetic speeches. “He’s stompin’ away, and his SS boys are chasin’ after the hair piece down the street like it’s a loose dog.”
There it was. Your smile, your laughter. His new favorite sight and sound. His chest and stomach became lightweight, as if he had taken flight. Holy shit, I’m done for, he thought.
After you had shown George to the bathroom, you retreated to your room, wanting to do your daily ritual of looking at your favorite photo album. You sat on the edge of your bed, the album open and resting on your lap. The pictures it embraced featured your favorite memories all the way up until your brother and cousins put on their uniforms. You wanted to save the last few pages for when they would return.
You knew their smiles would either go into hiding or be wrung out of them like water from a cloth. Their laughter would be hard to beckon out, and their minds would be battered vases. You and your parents were determined to help mend those cracks with the priceless gold that came from love, such as the Japanese art form, Kintsugi.
Life would be different, but at least they’d be alive.
“This your room?”
You looked over your shoulder at George, his eyes bouncing about the area in childlike curiosity.
You smiled, closing the photo album. “Yes.”
He approached your bedside. “Mind if I?” He gestured to your bed.
You shook your head and set the album on your nightstand. The bed dipped with his weight, and for a moment you felt you would lose your balance and tip backward onto him. He laid down on his back, crossing his legs. “Jesus Christ, it’s like lying on a marshmallow.” He shifted uncomfortably.
You faced him, a smile playing at your lips. “What have you been sleeping on all war?”
“Uh, well, let’s see. Cold, hard grounds with a side of foxholes.” He turned his head to you. “But speaking of marshmallows, you got any?”
You went out to the kitchen to retrieve a bag of sizable marshmallows, earning questionable glances from your parents and Frank. When you returned to your room, you sat with George and indulged in the puffy treats. Your hands became sticky and little bits of white flesh lingered on your skin like how Styrofoam would. 
Your mind kept trying to yank you back to thoughts of your family in the army, and it occurred to you that since there was a soldier right next to you, you could ask him about things you often wondered about. “What has the war been like...?” You asked.
“Well,” George’s voice was muffled by his chewing. “It’s different for every guy. Different for every army. There’s good times, and there’s bad. Some guys try to make light of things to ease the bad, right? Well, take that for the time my boys and I were in England for continued training. Our commanding officer and drill instructor was Captain Sobel. He didn’t know what the hell he was doin’, and we were hidin’ behind this big bush and couldn’t break silence. That is, until one of the boys told me to mimic Major Horton to fuck around with Sobel.” 
George pulled out two marshmallows, shaping one to appear skinnier. He held it up in one hand, “Here’s Sobel, and here’s me.” In his other hand he held the normal sized marshmallow. He began to imitate Horton and Sobel, squishing the marshmallows to make it appear as if they were talking. He told the story, earning from you grins and giggles. “I got him to cut the barbed wire fence, and he ended up releasin’ a whole herd of cows. He got his ass chewed out by the Major later.”
He wasn’t sure if you were aware of the captivating picture you made when you smiled. He hoped you did. You were more enthralling than a pulsing light show of fireflies in the night, but it gave him the same feeling of being spellbound.
“There’s moments like that, and then the real thing comes out of nowhere.” George grabbed a handful of marshmallows and scattered them to represent the trees in Bastogne. As he told you about the sudden onslaught of German artillery, he ripped the marshmallows apart just as the trees had been. Boom. Rip. Boom. Rip. 
He seemed hypnotized, like a vampire obsessively counting rice. He was lost in the memory that haunted his dreams, stained his eyes with the blurred vision of black and white explosions, and echoed in his ears with the screams of Muck and Penkala. Numb, his voice went dull as he relived it before his eyes.
You didn’t laugh or smile, but this is what you asked for. What it was like. You wondered if you shouldn’t have asked. You had disturbed those memories, and now George was lost in their raging sea.
“Two of my buddies were hit directly in their foxhole...and the other lost his leg.” He was there again, innards trembling and his mind blank as he stared at Toye lying in the snow, his leg looking like messily butchered, raw chicken. 
“I’m so sorry...I can’t imagine what that must have been like.”
“Yeah...war is hell.” George didn’t meet your eyes. The liveliness had abandoned him.
Guilt-ridden, you cautiously reached for his hand, which clutched at the torn remains of marshmallows. You unlocked his grip, the pieces falling onto your bed, and tangled your fingers with his. The stickiness from the marshmallows welded your hands together.
He released a breath he had been holding and closed his eyes, the tension draining from his body. He squeezed your hand.
“Hey, Luz, c’mon. We gotta head back.” Frank’s voice sounded from the hallway.
George opened his eyes to you, his thumb stroking your hand.
You followed him out of your bedroom, having given him the bag of marshmallows. You didn’t want him to leave, but you certainly wanted to see him again. Whenever that may be. Thus an idea came to you. You snatched a small photograph of yourself from your mother’s China cabinet and wrote a note, your address, and phone number on the back in spidery handwriting.
“George, wait.” You approached him as he and Frank grabbed their rifles. You handed him your photograph, heart drumming. “A reminder that if you need a safe place to come to, it’s here.” 
George smiled at your picture, thinking, better than any pin-up girl. He carefully put it in his jacket’s inner pocket. “I’ll be seein’ ya, gorgeous, whenever this war ends.” He winked, popping a marshmallow into his mouth, and slung his rifle over his shoulder.
You had watched him and Frank leave the property, grinning when George looked back over his shoulder and smiled, his cheeks stuffed with marshmallows like a squirrel.
How you wanted to kiss those stubbled cheeks.
As the sun closed its blaring eye, you sat in bed, writing in your journal. Every sentence you tried to write started with George and ended with your heart wanting to burst open, less like gates during a flood and more like a peach growing on a vine. So ripe. So ripe, so ready for the fall.
A rhythmic tap at your window froze you. Could it be the wind using a tree branch to make its nightly tunes again? No, because you saw a human shadow, a cookie cutter shape in the pool of moonlight. You closed your journal and peeled the sheets and blanket away.
When you approached the window, your heart fluttered in surprise. George. You unlocked the window and slid it up. “George, what are you doing here?”
He awkwardly climbed through, almost stumbling to the floor. After you closed the window, you met his eyes, and you found where the sun had gone; in his smile, the warmth echoing in his voice. “I want to feel safe tonight.”
Heat rushed to your chest, and your body quivered as if on low blood sugar as George stripped down to a cotton white shirt and boxer shorts. He joined you beneath the covers, his dog tags clanking. He snaked a hand around your waist and pulled you snug against him, like two perfect puzzle pieces fitting. He caged you within his arms, and you felt a heartbeat much stronger between your thighs this time. He smelled like an ashtray, but you didn’t care as you nuzzled your face into his chest.
“You know, at first I considered you out of my league,” he said. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen into my arms.”
You laughed into his chest.
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silversoulstardust · 4 years
wolfstar secret santa
Merry christmas and happy holidays! This is for you, @ms-stony for @wolfstar-secret-santa . I decided to carry on an abandoned project and incorporate a little bit of accidental confession and a family unit with Harry. I hope you like it! :) 
“When this is over, we’ll be a proper family.” – Sirius Black to Harry Potter, Order of Phoenix
I took this line to heart and made it happen. A canon divergent where nobody died in the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange at the Ministry of Magic. Harry was back home to his godfathers on winter break and learned how they fell in love.
 It was a calm wintry night at the Lupin-Black household at Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place. Harry was back from Hogwarts for the winter break and the house became more lively than usual with just the two of them; Remus and Sirius. They had their warm soup, fresh sourdough bread and roasted chicken with gravy for dinner and everyone ate till they were full; stomach heavy with food as they filled each other with stories they had missed. Remus didn’t want to discuss the Order too much during this good time, so it was mostly Harry talking about his adventures and shenanigans he was up to with Ron and Hermione. A professor that he was; Remus interjected once in a while and gave Harry a warning shot when his story was about them doing something that were borderline endangering themselves, but Sirius always came into Harry’s defense. “Ah come on, Moony. Live a little. What’s life without a little risk? Isn’t that right, Harry?”  And the boy nodded with excitement at Sirius’s statement. He smugly smiled in Remus’s direction as he stuffed himself with more chicken. Remus shook his head, helpless, but there was a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. It was like having James with them all over again. His logic was outnumbered.
Afterwards, Remus made all of them a steaming mug of hot cocoa topped with marshmallow and he made sure to put a little extra marshmallow for Harry. The boy had gone through traumatic and abusive childhood at the Dursleys, Remus was adamant to make him feel welcomed and loved in his household. It was Harry’s first time returning to this place for holiday after Remus had properly moved in and he wanted to make Harry feel at home. He settled on the couch in front of the fireplace and set the mugs on the coffee table, pulling out the book he’d been reading. Like a magnet, both Sirius and Harry brought their own reading material and settled around Remus. Sirius had his head on Remus’s lap, lying on 2/3 of the couch whereas Harry sat on the ottoman, looking through an old photo album he had already seen few times before. Remus held his book up with one hand as he had another of his mindlessly caressing through Sirius’s tuft of black hair. They sat quietly like that for a while, enjoying each other’s company in comfortable silence with the sound of fire cackling in the background. Harry observed alternately between the two adults, looking like he was ruminating something in his head but yet to come with words to express it. Soon enough, he cleared his throat for attention.
“Hey Remus, I was wondering about, about something,” Harry’s hands held up an old photobook from Remus’s Hogwarts years. He could see a couple of photos of Lily and James at school, the Marauders line up, James’s quidditch practice, Lily and Remus beaming with pride showing off their prefect badges with a little smudgy handwriting that read ‘nerds’ scribbled at the bottom. At the bottom most left corner of the album was a photo of young Sirius Black and Remus Lupin with arms around each other’s shoulder in a half hug stance, head pressed against one another, blissfully smiling into the camera that their eyes appeared closed. “I’ve always heard stories about how mom and dad fell in love and got together, but I don’t think I’ve heard about…. yours and Sirius.”
The book Sirius was reading slipped on his face with a loud thud at the question. Remus who was clearly caught off guard by Harry choked on his own spit.
“What makes you think we’re together, Harry?” teased Sirius as he peered over the book. “We could just be an unnaturally close friends, you know. The kind that don’t mind living together, sharing beds and sometimes arguing like old married couples.”
Remus rolled his eyes with affection.
“Oh come on padfoot, I might be as dense as a brick wall sometimes,” exclaimed Harry with vigor, “but I can also see there’s something more than just friendship here! Okay maybe Hermione had to point it out at first. But I also saw how you guys look at each other and I would never look at Ron that way. I’ve seen it in couples at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop before they snog each other into oblivion.”
Sirius barked with laughter. “Well we didn’t want to scare you off and make you uncomfortable, Harry. We plan to tell you when you’re older.”
“You must understand that it is not an easy subject to broach, Harry,” added Remus as he closed his book and stuffed it on the side of the couch. He continued running his fingers through Sirius’s hair. “Most people would avoid ‘the talk’, and even in muggle world they’re still scared to discuss and accept it. We have come a long way for sure, but bigotry, sadly, still exist. There’s this popular phrase they use – God said Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.”
Sirius huffed, but did not comment further.
“Well I’m not most people, am I?” Harry looked up; his burning gaze locked with Remus’s. “I’m your godson. Your best friend’s son.”
Remus felt warmth enveloped him with the acceptance. “You really are your parents’ son, aren’t you Harry? Lily was the first person who knew about us back in Hogwarts and she was so thrilled.”
“James was a little stunned to know about us though, right Moonbeams? Can’t believe we’ve been snogging in secret under his nose for the entire year before he accidentally caught us in a broom closet when he tried to hide from Filch,” Sirius grinned at the memories.
“That’s right, that was in our sixth year,” added Remus nostalgically. “But you actually made your advances at me earlier than that.”
“What did he do, Remus?” Harry sat forward, turning to face Remus to listen to his story intently. He put down the photo album in exchange for the cocoa drink in his hands to keep warm, sipping it from time to time. “Nothing too, er – explicit, please.”
“On our third year, Sirius actually let it slip that he liked me.”
Sirius hoisted himself by the elbow and frowned at Remus. “No, I did not! We didn’t secretly fu – date each other until our fifth year and didn’t make it Marauder official until sixth.”
“Calm down, Pads,” Remus pushed Sirius’s head back on his lap. “Yes, that’s the fact, I’m glad you haven’t forgotten despite Akzaban,” – Sirius winced at the mention of his twelve years wrongful imprisonment as Remus continued – “I’m talking about Christmas eve.”
“What Christmas eve?”
“Well it was on our third year Christmas eve, when we were the only one left in the common room of Gryffindor Tower. Initially all of us were planning to stay over the holiday together, but James’s mother suddenly fell ill, and Peter’s parents tempted him with imported exotic food for Christmas dinner. They bailed on us at the last second. Only you and me left then, and I too contemplated on going back home to my parents but I knew you would rather stay alone in school than going back to this house –“ his eyes wondered along the length of the ceiling and around the room, “ – to Walburga and Orion, to your parents. So I stayed to accompany you.”
“How noble you were, Messer Remus,” Sirius closed his book and put it aside as he pushed himself up to sitting position facing Remus. “But I don’t recall this memory.”
He chuckled. “I doubt you would. You were sick and drowsy half the time. Have you no recollection at all?”
Sirius scratched his beard, frowning. “No. I didn’t do anything bad to you, did I?”
“On the contrary, I was the one who did you harm, Sirius,” he patted Sirius’s hand and left it there. “You suddenly came down with flu that very evening but refused to go disturb Madam Pomfrey because you said she’s human and need holiday with her family too, so I gave you muggle cough syrup my mother had packed for me at the beginning of the year.”
“And?” Harry exchanged curious look with Sirius, equally excited to know the rest.
“And, well, let’s just say, you should be glad you’re not a muggle. You see, probably because your body is not used to it, the medicine had more affect than just drowsy. It made you braver, more honest, more raucous than usual. Like a drunkard. It turned off your brain filter for a couple of hours before you succumbed to the drowsiness and slept through the night.”
“Hmmm. And what did I do in that few hours, Moony?”
“You took down one of Gryffindor’s wall flags and put it on as a cape, climbed on the furniture in the common room as you declare to the world that you’d protect me and the marauders against animals, aliens, wizards and muggles alike, even if you had to die while doing so. You tried to fight the lion statue in the common room using a ruler, Sirius. All because I was laughing at your antics too much and stumbled against the poor statue, you thought it was hurting me. Imagine you stabbing a stone with plastic ruler until it bent and break. You cried because your sword was broken. It was sweet of you, really.”
Sirius was giddy with laughter. Remus continued his story. “When I managed to pull you away, you turned to look at me, face inches away from my own. You stared into my eyes and went still for a moment, told me you like me more than you like warm soup on winter evening, assured me that I’m the most beautiful person on earth, squished my cheeks and ….well, we kissed. It was more of a quick peck on the lips, but we were thirteen years old then and it was a big deal. But you were …under the influence of cough syrup. I was happy it happened but quick to dismiss it. I’ve never told a soul about this until now. And to think about it, I probably slowly fell for you after that incident, eventually became completely besotted in our fifth year.”
Sirius laced their fingers and raised it to his lips to kiss Remus’s knuckle. Remus was slightly nervous at the openly displayed affection he was having with Sirius in the presence of other people, but he realized how silly it was to think that way as Harry was impassive to the action, draining the last of his hot drink in the cup. “You were closer with James since the beginning, Sirius, but with me… after that incident I noticed how protective you were of me. Probably without you realizing it. Always up for a dog fight with people who teased me at school. It was you who always stayedback to watch over me after a nasty transformation. Last one to go and first one to arrive around the full moon. Patched my bloodied body and learned some spells from Madam Pomfrey to mend simple wounds and broken bones. The first to suggest to the others to learn a branch of difficult magic and transform into animal to ease my transformation. Even before we were involved romantically, you’ve always been looking after me.”
“And I’ll do it again in a heartbeat,” Sirius cupped his cheek. “Harry, close your eyes lad.”
After being certain that their godson had closed his eyes, Sirius pressed his lips against Remus’s, soft and gentle but with firm assurance. His warm hands slid down Remus’s neck and further down to pull him closer by the collar of his jumper as the kiss deepened. Remus mirrored him and did the same, crumpling Sirius’s shirt in his hands. It was Harry’s loud throat clearing that they broke apart, slightly ashamed for losing control in front of a kid. Harry peeked in between his fingers to see if it was safe for him to open his eyes again. “Please save it for later Moony, Padfoot. When I’m dead asleep and can’t hear a thing.”
“Well,” Sirius tried to sound casual as he straightened his shirt, “if there’s one thing that’s changed since then, is the fact that I no longer dread to be here in this house on Christmas holiday. I have a family now,” he beamed alternately between Remus and Harry, sounding terribly fond.
Harry was taken aback by Sirius’s words but was quick to snap out of it. He couldn’t contain his joy shot up from his seat, depositing himself on the couch between Remus and Sirius. The boy threw both of his arms around their shoulders and pulled them close, grinning from ear to ear. “That’s right, we’re a family!”
In the time of an impending war loomed over them, Remus couldn’t thank Merlin enough for his stroke of luck to have had Harry and Sirius in his life. All the darkness he went through in his life felt worth it now that he was here in this moment with them, like the presence of light at the end of a tunnel.  For a first time in a very long time, he look forward for the future; to more time with Sirius, with Harry. Remus echoed under his breath; a smile stretching across his face.
“A family.”
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seekingthestars · 4 years
sarah watches the untamed: liveblogging adventures, part fifteen episodes 27, 28, + 29
okay well yesterday’s episodes were painful, let’s see if we can survive some more today. and HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIZHUIIIIIIIIII sweet baby angel, i’m making my way toward seeing you again don’t worry ʕ•ᴥ•ʔง
episode 27:
oh right THIS is where we left off, right, okay, starting with pain
wx looks so tormented, i wanna cry ;;;; and every time they flash to wen ning i wanna cry more ;;;;;;
wangji crying, my heart ACHES ;AAAAAA;
the burial mounds :O
meng yao listing out what wx did and i’m just over here like “YEAH HE DID, CUZ THE JIN CLAN GUYS SUCKED, GOOD JOB WX” oops
i’m glad xichen spoke up a little on behalf of wen ning/wen qing, thank you pretty big brother
i’m sorry this is SO HYPOCRITICAL like “wen qing didn’t stand up and stop ruohan so they’re just as bad!” okay well all y’all stood by while the jin clan used innocent people as live bait and just straight up murdered a bunch of them SO SHUT UP
all of these people at this gathering are making me so mad stop it! they keep being all manipulative-ey and lying and stop! >.<
and yay for mianmian (sp??) for standing up for him too! at least two people standing up against these obnoxious old men in some way ;;
the blatant lies about what happened that these people keep spewing make me fjeiowafjawe ANGRY, WEN NING DID NOT FALL OFF A CLIFF, OF COURSE YOUR IDIOT CLAN MEMBERS WOULD SAY THEY DID NOTHING WRONG
jin clan leader is a jerk and i hate him
yanli’s hair ornament is so prettyyyyy
i know he’s been a jerk but zixuan is so pretty, mr. ‘i’ll protect you for my whole life’ trying to be suave lol
poor jiang cheng looking on like ‘f*** my life, first wx and now this’ XD
wen qing and wuxian banter is SO CUTE, she brought him snacks!!
wuxian interacting with this small child is HEALING MY BROKEN SOUL, THIS IS SO CUTE, this small child is ADORABLE
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i am 10000% all here for jiang cheng’s majestic cape
oh shoot his fancy whip broke the talisman!!
wx just yelling “DON’T TRAMPLE ON THAT!” anywhere jiang cheng steps is hilarious and adorable XDD
“can he count as a human now?!” jiang cheng noooo stop you’re being mean, he can hear you :(((
episode 28
wx anticipating jc and stopping him when he tries to pull out his sword A+++ very nice
jc did you really just suggest for wx to turn everyone he just saved in to the people who would absolutely just murder them BOY WHY, WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU
jc trying to use his sword and wx blocking it with his bare hand and then jc TRYING TO USE THE WIP ON WEN NING NO
“Just leave me then.” wuxian ;;;;;;; 
the single tear from wx really just breaking my heart AGAIN, will it ever be whole again ;;
yuan is SO CUTE omg
yuan coming to cling to wx and give him fruit omg A HEALING PRESENCE, HE IS SO CUTE
wen qing giving jc back the comb ;~~~~~;
look i can’t explain it, wuxian’s just very attractive
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oh no they fight :(
oh NO he sliced wx! :(( oh no no they’re both hurt :((
not gonna lie, a little sad to see jiang cheng throw the cape away, it was so majestic
yanli’s dream made me sad :((((
his little surprised face lol you’ve been caught! also one of the rare times anyone is actually seen legitimately dirty lol
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ONE MONTH LATER timeskipping again ladies and gents
wangji is PISSED
everyone being like “you must be his dad!!!” and wangji having a mild panic attack XD
wx going “this child is my son!” and wangji having ANOTHER mild panic attack XDD
wj’s little tiny baby smiles when he looks as wx and yuan ;u;
this entire exchange with yuan + wx + wj in town is the CUTEST GOSH DANG THING he bought yuan toys they’re best friends now and i have been HEALED 
episode 29 that’s RIGHT we’re still going!
family dinner time!!!
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it took so freaking long to get that screenshot but WORTH IT
“Silence during meals. You too.” poor wangji gotta parent both these children
oh dang they actually getting married, like i knew it was happening but that was quick :O
wangji grabbing the toys before they rush out the door ;; <3
i can’t keep repeating myself but please know that any interaction between yuan + wj + wx is resulting in many coos and repeated “so cute!!!!”s
WEN NING?!?!?!
wen ning turned into a scary marshmallow
wen ning woke up!!!!!! my marshmallow is BACK!!!!! thank you wangji for being here to help save the day <3
looks comfy heeheehee
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i’m so glad wen ning is back, my little angel T______T <3
yuan clinging to wangji’s leg and begging him to stay for dinner MY HEARTTTT
the entire dinner scene PRECIOUS
so it was being so cute and drunk, very-flushed wuxian was being ADORABLE AS ALL HECK but then it got sad again when he just kept repeating that he was useless :(( no buddy you’re not i promise!!!
wangji sitting stoically in the snow is ALSO very aesthetic, that man is just *chefs kiss* perfection
wuxian relaxing back in the cart like a king while wen ning pushes him around is freaking hilarious omg
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jinkisbelly · 5 years
Queasy - 3
Pairing: onkey
Rating: Pg
w/c: about 1.7k
Warning, omegaverse and mpreg and all that ^-^
Find previous parts here [x], AFF   Ao3 
Summary: Their trip to visit Kibum's parents was supposed to be all relaxing, but Jinki really hated being queasy. 
          Kibum twisted the marshmallow stick, making sure the other side was getting toasted as well. Jinki’s head was leaning carefully on his shoulder, snuggling into him in their chair.  “Do you want chocolate on your s’more, Baby?”
            “Mm, you can have that one.” Jinki’s voice was slightly muffled as he twisted a little to hide his face in Kibum’s sweatshirt. “Nugget is being bad. I think they disagreed with your mom’s chicken.”
            “Don’t let her hear that.” Kibum lifted the marshmallow from the flames as he pressed a warm kiss to Jinki’s hair.  
            Jinki held the two pieces of graham crackers in his left palm, resting on Kibum’s thigh as the man squished the marshmallow against one side. Once the chocolate square was placed and the sandwich was made, Kibum tried to take a bite without making a mess. He failed, crumbs falling from his bottom lip onto his hoodie. He pouted, staring at them tumbling down the fabric as if betrayed. Softly, Jinki brushed them off, small smile half hidden by Kibum’s shoulder. “Mm, your older brother is coming.”
            “Oh?” Kibum asked, mouth full of his next bite of s’more.
            “Babe!” Jinki laughed, nose scrunched as more crumbs fell.
            Kibum gave a big smile without showing his teeth, before swallowing as Kwangsu’s hand fell on his right shoulder. “If you’re done being a complete pig, we’re ready to do the course.”
            Brushing his nose against Jinki’s hair, Kibum softly whispered, “Are you still feeling up to doing it, Baby?”
            “Yeah,” Jinki perked up, smiling widely. “Can I really?”
            “Of course Baby.” He gently kissed Jinki’s skin right before his ear, smile pulling at his lips. “You’re going to do so well.”
            “What is he going to do?” Kwangsu chipped in.
            “The course.” Kibum answered as they softly began to untangle themselves.
            Kwangsu scuffed, “But there aren’t any positions left.”
            “There is if someone steps down,” He placed his cup on the table next to their chair and smiled when Jinki grabbed his hand. “Like myself for example. He’s going to take my place as the runner.”
            “I can’t allow that.” Jinki’s bright smile quickly fell at Kwangsu’s words. “It’s not fair to the others. We can’t tackle him for the medallion in his condition.”
            “In my condition?” Jinki softly asked, “You mean the baby?”
            “Yes.” The man hummed, crossing his arms. “That makes the game shifted if we can’t tackle you in order to win.”
            “Ah I see.” Jinki stared at him as he crossed his own arms. “It’s cute you think you’d even be able to catch me to need to tackle me.”
            “Excuse me?”
            Jinki looked at Kibum for a long moment, not wanting to offend his family anymore, but his mate was just smiling, amused, so he continued. “You don’t want me to play because you’re afraid I might beat you. You couldn’t handle losing to someone you see as less than.”
            “That’s not true-I-”
            “Then I guess I’m playing.” Jinki happily said before turning to Kibum, “Will you save me a marshmallow?”
            “Of course Baby, Go shift.” After a soft kiss to Kibum’s cheek the man slipped past them to walk inside. He’d change and put his clothes up before coming out shifted.
             Kibum’s gaze was taken from Jinki’s retreating form when Kwangsu softly ordered. “You need to get your mate under control.”
             “Under control?” He barked a laugh. “He’s not a dog.”
             “He shouldn’t speak like that. I am his senior.. The heir to be the leader of our pack.”
             “You forget,” He smiled lightly, watching the fire flicker into the air. “When I mated him I officially became apart of his. Even if we did care about that shit, you aren’t our Pack’s Alpha.”
             “I will not stand being disrespected like that.”
             “Ah, disrespect.” He shook his head slowly before tapping his brother’s forehead with a few of his fingers. Kibum grabbed his blanket and wrapped it around himself tightly. “You gotta get your head out of your ass.”
             "We’re gonna hurt him. Don’t you care about that?”
             “He knows his limits and I trust him. He won’t do anything that’ll harm himself or our child.” Kibum pressed his lips together for a moment. “Besides, he’s wanted to participate every single time I’ve brought him to visit and you’ve found some reason that he couldn’t. He’s right. This isn’t about the baby. It’s about your pride.”
             “Whatever Kibum.” Kwangsu growled quietly before stomping away toward the gathering of Alpha’s and Betas to the left of the course opening. Kibum shrugged before looking toward the house. He rather liked his little mate standing up to his brother.
             When Jinki came down the steps he jogged over to Kibum, laying his head into his lap, and making happy noises when Kibum ran his hand over his ears. The old, metal medallion that had been hanging over the edge of his seat was gently put over Jinki’s head before Kibum spoke. “You go and kick their ass Baby. I know you can beat my record.”
             He licked at his face, and Kibum knew even through his laughter that Jinki was happy. His tongue was hanging out the side of his mouth as he practically pranced over to the starting line. Then with the signal, he was off like a cream streak in the night. Kibum’s grin grew as the two minute mark ticked by and the rest of the shifted wolves dashed after him. He held his cocoa between his hands, lifting it to just before his lips and softly muttering. “Good luck catching him.”
             “Are you not fearful at all he’ll be hurt, son?”
             Kibum slowly shifted his gaze from the exit of the course to his father across the fire. “I’m more fearful of the harm to Kwangsu’s ego more than anything.”
             “So you’re sure he won’t be caught?”
             He gave his Father a short nod, a smile forming on his lips. “I can barely catch him on a good day. He’ll be fine.”
             Both of his parents just hummed, a mix of acceptance and discontent. He rolled his eyes before sipping his drink once again. There was a small part of him that was worried about Jinki, but it wasn’t because he wasn’t completely supportive and trusting in him. He worried about Jinki when he had to walk to work at the Post office in the middle of the busiest part of the city. He worried about him when he missed their lunch time break call for he always managed to make that call no matter what.
             He almost wanted to laugh thinking about how he would have reacted to this when he and Jinki first started dating. At twenty one, he had been overconfident with a head full of his pack’s ideals. Jinki had took one look at him, promptly told him that this wasn’t going to work like that, and as he walked away Kibum realized he was falling in love and he needed to change. Jinki was stubborn, witty, and had a problem with authority. He hadn’t taken what he called ‘Alpha bullshit’ then and he hadn’t since. Sure, it had been almost seven years since Kibum had left this place and he knew people changed with age, but he also knew the change for the better in him was mostly because of Jinki. Twenty one year old him would have laughed along with his brother when Jinki suggested participating.
             He could feel him getting closer, the sheer rush of excitement and glee through their bond, and it made him feel lighter. He glanced at his phone in the cupholder of the chair, clicking the button on the side to see the time. Ten minutes had passed. Jinki had two and a half left to beat his record. He did laugh a little when he realized he would have been pissed before, but now with the very likely possibility all he felt was a huge amount of pride. “Something funny, Son?”
             “Just thinking, Ma.” Kibum grinned at his mother. Then he felt the stirring in his chest and he whipped his head toward the exit of the course once again. A moment later Jinki bound out of the foliage, slowly down to a light jog before shaking, eyes finding him. Kibum stopped the time and beamed from ear to ear as he moved from his seat quickly, kneeling as Jinki came over. He ran his hands over his ears, “You did it. By almost a minute and a half.”
             In response Jinki wiggled his ears and yipped quietly, moving to circle him, rubbing against him. Then he moved toward the house, stopping up the few steps to look back. Kibum laughed quietly before rising and following. He could hear the howls of the other wolves coming up behind him, but he didn’t look back as he stepped over the back door threshold and walked toward the guest bedroom. Jinki was already shifted back, medal resting on the bed as he fought to put his sock on while standing.
             He squeaked quietly as Kibum wrapped his arm around him, cupping his cheek with the other to kiss him. There was a soft smile on his face, even if his brows were lifted in question. “What was that for?”
             “You’re amazing.”
             “Mm,” Jinki tapped a few fingers on Kibum’s chest, looking up through his lashes as he smiled, “Maybe you should react to my awesomeness more often.”
             “Quite so.” Kibum nodded seriously before taking Jinki’s head between his hands and pressing light, fast kisses all over his face, causing the man to giggle. He didn’t try to move away though and as Kibum pulled away all he could do is grin.
             “If we stay in here much longer, your brother is going to storm in here to see me in my underwear and one sock.”
             “And we can’t have that, can we?” Kibum sighed dramatically before placing his hand over the small bump of Jinki’s stomach and kissing his jaw. “I’ll be outside waiting, Baby.”
             As he made it to the door, he turned around to see Jinki holding his sweater, smiling, “Can you make me that s’more, now?”
             “I’ll have it ready.” He shut the door behind him softly, chuckling with a shake of his head, and heading back out of the house.
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fandomoniumflurry · 5 years
Hey, Baby Girl
Dean Winchester, Daughter!OFC Elena Marie, past Dean x Jo
for @spnfluffbingo2019 Square Filled: Family AU
warnings: Mention of death, some angst, fluffy daddy!dean, tears, grief, anger, fluff, Chestervelle **not my gifs**
2.3k words
taggers: @keepcalmimthecupcake @janai-mcgarrett @hunterswearingplaid @becs-bunker @ambermei @thing-you-do-with-that-thing
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“El! I swear this is your last warning or I’m leaving your scrawny ass behind!” I heard my dad yell again from the base of the stairs. I had been dressed and ready to go for about a half hour already. I couldn’t sleep last night so I had been up for a while. I had no excuse for not leaving my room but I just couldn’t will myself to get up from my desk.
Thankfully, he hadn’t come up to fetch me yet so that gave me some time to myself. We weren’t running late for anything, didn’t have any place we had to be. Dad was just impatient.  He’s one of those types, ‘if you’re on time, you’re late’ kind of people. Fortunately for me, he wasn’t a morning person on top of that. No, that was mom, the woman that was the inventor of fashionably late.
She never rushed and even though she was late, she was always more thorough and consistent with everything she did. Mom and dad always fought, their many differences butting against their many similarities. But their fighting never worried me. I had never seen a couple more in love after being married for so long. Well, my uncle and his wife were just as disgustingly adorable but I didn’t have to live with them.
“Elena Marie! I swear to God…” I heard dad’s voice yell again, this time his words were followed by heavy footfalls rising up the stairs. His impending arrival didn’t make me move from my chair like it should have. The door opened wide and the tall broad frame of Dean Winchester filled my doorway.
He was scowling at me, probably because he was all bundled up and ready to go and I was curled up in my desk chair with my knees hugged to my chest. He was probably sweating under all those layers and it was sure to make him crankier. But I just looked up at him, not intimidated in the least by the giant marshmallow in my room. My expression was black and dad’s features softened, all sign of annoyance washed away.
He brought himself to crouch in front of me, his hands on my feet, my toes covered with little anime hearts smiling at him. His emerald orbs stared up at me with paternal concern and my expression didn’t change. That only seemed to make him frown. I couldn’t help it, I let a tear slide down the side of my face. That was enough for him to wrap his arms around me and squeeze me to his chest. I dropped my legs and buried myself into the fluff of his coat and finally let out the sobs that had been pressing against the dam all morning.
He sshh’d me quietly, rocking me as he pet my blonde hair slowly. I was always safe here, loved, cared for. My dad was my best friend and I made sure to tell him that I loved him all the time. He was my hero but sometimes I needed to be his hero too. We had to be there for each other because we were all each other had. This wasn’t the first time one of us broke down without reason. It happened a lot the past few months but only at home, only in private.
We’re both too strong and stubborn to let it happen where anyone could see us cry. They wouldn’t understand. They hadn’t been through what we had and we never felt like explaining it to anyone. So we just got through it together, always knowing we were always just a call or hug away from each other. Of course, we had uncle Sam and Aunt Sarah and their twins and if anyone could understand us, it was Sammy. We were all close but sometimes you just need that one person to confide in and we were that for each other.
We didn’t used to be this close. My mom used to be my best friend. She was the one we both relied on and leaned on and she was what held us all together. But she died. My dad and his brother were not unfamiliar with death. Their mom died when Sam was six months old and my grandpa died before Sam graduated from Stanford. Sam’s college girlfriend had been killed shortly after and my mom’s mom, who was like my dad’s second mother, died a few years before my mom.
And yet, none of these deaths hit my family like the loss of my mom. Not that you can ever prepare yourself for death, but we had no time to prepare for her loss. It was so sudden and unexpected that it just sideswiped us into chaos. Joanna Beth Harvelle-Winchester was gone and everything changed.
That was just a year ago but in that time, my dad and I had to rely on each other. It took awhile for us to find common ground, relate to each other instead of fighting. Once we found it, we easily fell into a routine. This was one of those routines. One of us would wake up missing her, needing each other before life can go on like normal. The other day, it was dad that needed comforting. It was mom’s birthday. She would have been forty. He hadn’t slept and what little sleep he did have, he had nightmares that made him scream and cry out her name.
Today is my birthday. Sweet 16. One of those days that are supposed to be a big deal in a young girl’s life. Mom was supposed to be planning a big party where she’d try to bake a big cake but couldn’t because she was an awful cook. She was supposed to embarrass me in front of friend, cry about how her baby was growing up so fast and show off pictures of me in a bathtub with Henry and Jane, my cousins who would be just as embarrassed. But there wasn’t going to be a party.
I refused to have a sweet sixteen without mom. She had told me she would have a big shindig planned by the time she got out of the hospital. Since she never made it home, I’ll never have the party. Dad tried to talk me out of it, tried to plan a party himself, even had aunt Sarah try and convince me. “Sixteen only happens once.” She had said, even gave me those sad pitiful eyes. “Your mom would want you to.” That had made me yell at her. She didn’t know my mom like I did, she didn’t know what she would want. I was childish. I knew mom and Sarah were close, she had lost her too. So I had apologized later but still refused to have the party. She understood and let it go, informing my dad to do the same. So the subject was dropped and I had forgotten entirely about my birthday all together.
Until I woke up this morning. It’s hard to ignore your birthday when you have hundreds of people posting on your Facebook wall wishing you a happy birthday. Even people I never hear from all year, pop up to give me well wishes. I hate social media. Take after my dad that way. Mom was an Instagrammer, loved taking pictures of her two favorite people and posting them to the world. Had quite a following. She was a good photographer. She should have done it professionally but it was just a hobby she said. She liked her job as the manager of her mom’s Roadhouse, then owner after she inherited it after gramma’s passing. So it was me and dad that got to be her models and no one made us look so good.
The picture that was framed and sitting on my nightstand wasn’t taken by her though. It wasn’t as clean cut and planned out. It was a little blurry and crooked but the people in it were smiling, their eyes twinkling with genuine joy. Dad had taken the picture, selfie style so the top of his head was cut off and I was squished in between him and mom, my nose red from the cold. Mom’s bald head was covered in a forest green hat with fuzzy brown ear flaps. She was hugging both of us tightly and I had never seen her more beautiful.
It was her last birthday. We had gone to Denver and stayed a whole week in a fancy lodge. Mom was weak and tired but she still went up the slope to watch me and dad ski. We played in the snow until I was soaked and shivering. The picture was taken the last day we were up on the mountain top. I didn’t want dad to take it, told him I looked a mess. But he said that he had the two prettiest women and took it anyway. He got it framed for me the month after mom died and at first, I was angered by the gesture. But now, I don’t know how I would have survived every morning without seeing mom’s smiling face. None of us knew that only a few months after that trip, she would lose the fight against cancer. We were clueless and hopeful back then so we could be truly care free and happy. It’s what made the picture the most precious of possessions.
I didn’t know what dad had planned for today but he had made me wake up, telling me he refused my plans for doing nothing for my birthday. He had made me red velvet pancakes, my favorite, let me have a cup of coffee even, since mom never wanted me to get hooked on the stuff so young. She said dad’s had an addiction and though it was better than his past alcohol problem, she didn’t like it any better.
It wasn’t until I had gone back upstairs, showered, dressed and sat at my desk before everything set in. And now, here I was, sobbing into my father’s firm chest, smearing my makeup on the fluffy material. We wouldn’t be going anywhere anytime soon but this was priority to anything else. My tears started to slow when dad started to sing. “Hey, Jude.” a song his mom always sang to him and the son he had always sung to me. It was warm and comforting and made me hug him tighter.
After a few moments, I began to sing along softly, my voice muffled and shaking with emotion. The whole song was sung through twice before I pulled back and he wiped the tears from my cheeks. I looked at him with a soft smile before kissing my forehead. “I wanted to wait to give this to you but…” He pulled an envelope out of his pocket, his eyes watching it as he handed it to me. My name was written out in familiar scrawl and I smiled, feeling the tears begin to well up in my eyes again.
I saw dad’s Adam’s apple bob with a thick swallow. He nodded in answer to my silent question. It was from mom and I wasn’t sure I even wanted to open it. I sucked in a breath and slowly began to pull open the unglued tab of the envelope and we both waited with bated breath as I opened the folded handwritten letter.
Hey, baby girl, It’s mom. I know I said I’d plan your sweet 16, told you it would be a big shindig and it would drive your daddy crazy.
I laughed, remembering the conversation about how the loud music and teenage boys would send dad up a wall. She had mimicked his sour face and we both laughed until we cried until our sides hurt.
And I know you said that I would beat this. You and dad were so hopeful. But I knew. And I hate that I had to leave you two. I love you both so much and wish I could have been with you today. But I’m not. But dad is. I made him promise to take you out for the best daddy daughter day for your birthday. The whole nine yards. Mani/pedis, shopping, fancy dinner, movie and time with Sam and the family. But by the end of the day, I want you to come see me.
Tears were sliding down freely by now, my breath caught and catching sharply in my chest. Dad was crying too and he was just watching me read silently.
I want you two to come sit at my grave and talk about all the good times we had. I don’t want you to grieve my death but celebrate my life. I’ll be watching and if you don’t show up, I’ll come haunt your ass.
I laughed. Always the joker, that one.
I love you both so much and I miss you. Happy birthday, Elena.
I looked up at my father whose emerald hues were glistening with tears and he wore a sweet pained smile. I sometimes forget that he knew her far longer than I did, that he spent more time with her than anyone. She belonged to him first and I had a tendency to be selfish. Sobs wracked my body as I gripped the letter tightly in one hand. I threw my arms around dad’s neck and cried into his jacket and the way his body shook, I could tell he was crying too.
“Can we go see her first?” My voice was muffled against him and shaky from tears.
“I think she’d like that.”
And so we did. Where most girls have parties and music, boys and games, I spent hours at the cemetery telling stories, crying and laughing with my dad as we sat at my mom’s grave. We still did all the other things she wished but none of them as memorable and precious as my time with her and my dad.
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lyndsaybones · 6 years
Love’s Labor
For the Labor Day Fic Challenge. Post MSIV @marinafrenzy
They spent the Labor Day weekend enjoying the last sweet days of summer and the final weeks of Scully's pregnancy. Sunday called for rain, lots of it, so they opted to make the most of Saturday. She spent the majority of the afternoon floating in the middle of the pond on an inner tube shaped like a flamingo. Jackson found it a couple weeks before at the drugstore and insisted that she had to have it.  Mulder didn’t have the heart to tell him that his Scully was far too practical for something so...tacky. But she broke into a wide smile and started to laugh as she leaned in and kissed her son’s cheek.
“Thank you, sweetie,” she chuckled as she looked at the box. “I love it.”
She’d been more comfortable in the water than anywhere else in the last few weeks, getting the pressure off of her hips and back. She’d been swimming laps and lazing on their little dock most evenings. She gave up on the maternity swimsuits and opted for her black bikini most days, which Mulder loved. “You’re barely contained,” he’d remarked with glee.
Mulder beckoned her back to shore once he and Jackson managed to fill the fire pit with blocks of wood. The sky had gone cotton candy pink and blue with wispy clouds and blazing shades of orange and yellow. She rolled off of the the floating monstrosity and towed it in as she made her way to the dock.
The final trimester had her moving awkwardly, bumping into things, stumbling more easily. Her whole center of gravity out of whack. But in the water, she was graceful, smooth and unencumbered.
He offered her a hand when she reached the ladder.
“Come on my little selkie,” he said as he took her hand.
“I don’t know about little,” she grunted as she climbed, the water spell broken as she stepped back to land.
Jackson had already set about getting the fire started, namely by spraying an entire bottle of lighter fluid on the pile and dropping a match. It exploded with a “whoof!” like a universe being born.
They grilled hot dogs on sticks and sweet corn wrapped in tinfoil. They made s’mores and Jackson wrinkled his nose when he watched Scully set each and every marshmallow aflame before consuming them, flaky black ashes and all.
They sat around the fire together long into the night, until thunder started rumbling in the distance and fat, warm raindrops began to slap against them. They trod in a line back the the house, both of them watching Scully waddle tiredly across the yard.
Jackson kissed her cheek and wished her a goodnight before she headed upstairs. Mulder snuck him a beer and the two of them sat on the front porch together watching as the thunderstorm rolled in.
“Not long now,” Jackson remarked quietly.
“Hmm, yeah, couple of weeks,” Mulder concurred.
On Sunday, the prophecy came to pass and the rain came down hard and heavy for hours and hours. The front yard started to resemble a moat. Scully shuffled around in her robe and slippers most of the day. He could still smell woodsmoke in her hair as she dropped to the couch with an oof.
She arranged her nest of pillows and settled in with a book and a mug of raspberry tea.
“Can we get some take out?” Jackson asked.
“Sure,” Scully answered, albeit absently as she was engrossed in whatever she was reading.
“What’d you have in mind?” Mulder asked.
“I dunno, I could go for a calzone,” he said with a shrug.
“Peppers and onions for me, please,” Scully chimed in.
Mulder nodded and handed him the credit card. Jackson smiled and grabbed his jacket as he headed for the door.
He was back not ten minutes later, sopping wet, his thin t shirt clinging to his skin and his boots emitting a squishing sound with every step.
“No good,” he said stripping out of his jacket and shoes. “The road’s completely flooded.”
“Get him a towel,” Scully said as she attempted to extricate herself from her pillow fort.
He gratefully accepted a couple of towels,  but still dripped through the house and into his room to change.
“I didn’t realize it was that bad out there,” she said, looking a Mulder with a concerned lilt in her voice.
“Well, we’ve got plenty of elevation and reserves. I think we can make it,” he reassured her.
“Right, but I have a doctor’s appointment day after tomorrow. And every other day until the baby comes.”
“It’ll dry up,” he said with a nod. “Can’t rain forever.”
His cell phone chirped and he smiled as he looked at the name. Their neighbor up the hill, Theresa, who, when they first moved in, brought them several jars of wild honey and informed them that family called her “Reesey,” and that neighbors are family. She was a retired nurse who’d taken up a pretty impressive apiary. She made honey and beeswax candles and all sorts of soaps and salves that she hawked every week at the farmer’s market. Scully declared early on that they’d moved in next door to a Disney character,  but a very tolerable one, she decided.
“Ya’ll warshed out down there?” she asked.  
“Yeah, for now anyway. Jackson’s drying out as we speak,” he said.
“The barometric pressure dropped, how’s Dana?”
Unsure as to how those two things were related, he shook his head and shrugged.
“Oh uh, she’s fine. Curled up with a book and drinking that tea you brought her,” he said.
“Keep an eye on her,” she said. “Labor and delivery was always full to the gills when the barometric pressure dropped. Puts those babies on spin cycle or some damn thing, who knows.”
“Huh, I’d never heard that,” he said, eyeing Scully for a moment, who was slowly nodding off, her reading glasses perched on the end of her nose.
Reesey made a noise that sounded like thinking, or concern, or both. “Maybe I should just come down there.”
“Oh no, Reesey, it’s pouring out there. We’re fine, I promise.”
“If you’re sure,” she said cautiously.
“I am, Dana’s half asleep anyway. No excitement here.”
They went to bed that night with rain still pattering on the roof. He drew himself around her, feeling her breathe and shift, feeling the baby move and wobble under his hand.
When he awoke, the thin light of early dawn painted the room silver, like a tintype photo version of itself. It took him a minute to orient himself, but when he did, he realized that Scully wasn’t there.
Her side of the covers were thrown back, which wasn’t that unusual as she was often up and down during the night without him even noticing. The dark smudges under her eyes were always a dead giveaway as to how little sleep she got.
He closed his eyes and waited for her to come back from the bathroom or the kitchen or wherever she’d wandered.
He opened his eyes again and it seemed like it had only been a few moments, but the room was much brighter and he realized that he must’ve fallen back to sleep.
“Scully?” he called, sitting up awkwardly and trying to disentangle himself from the sheets.
No answer. Nothing but the sound of rain. 
He got up and scuffed down the hall to the bathroom.
“Scully?” he whispered, trying to to disturb Jackson.
“In here,” she answered, her voice soft.
“You okay?”
No answer.
He didn’t think twice before opening the door. She was on her knees, elbows resting on the side of the bathtub.
“Did ya get stuck?” he asked with a chuckle.
“My water broke,” she whispered.
He seemed to realize what he was seeing then, her soaked pajama pants, the sheen of sweat on her brow.
“Are you having contractions?” he asked.
She nodded and gritted her teeth. He dropped beside her, trying to catch her eyes and assess the situation.
“How long have you been in here?”
“I dunno, an hour maybe?” she said in a breathy whisper.
“Hang tight, I’ll be right back,” he said as he got up, his achy early morning knees protesting.
“Don’t wake Jackson,” she sighed, dropping her forehead against her crossed wrists.
“Jack! Wake up!” he bellowed.
Muffled teenager noises emerged from his room.
“Jack,” he said as he opened the door, more gently this time. “Your m-...” he stopped himself. “Baby’s coming,” he corrected.
Jackson came fully awake and sat up. “Oh shit, the road!” he said.
“Yeah, I need you to sit with her while I go check it out,” he said.
He nodded, scrubbing his hair away from his face. He turned a quick circle in his room and threw on the nearest hoodie.
“Your room?” he asked.
“No, she’s in here,” he said as he directed him to the bathroom.
“I told you not to wake him,” Scully sighed between labored breaths.
“Honey, I gotta go check the road and see if we’re going to be able to drive outta here,” Mulder responded, palming her shoulder blade.
Jackson plopped down on the floor, pressing his back against the side of the tub.
“I’m already up, might as well be up in here,” he said with a shrug.
Scully sat up a little straighter and eyed the both of them.
“Hurry,” she told Mulder. “They’re about five minutes apart.”
Mulder visibly blanched at this revelation and Jackson seemed to register the urgency. He nodded and took off down the hall at a jog. There was a scuffle of clothing being dragged, shoes being shoved into untied and a drumbeat down the stairs and out the front door.
“Do you need anything?” Jackson asked, watching as she resumed her position resting her head against her arms.
“I’m okay,” she said, her voice soft, but slightly pained.
“Do you want me to go get that exercise ball thing you like to sit on?” he offered.
She smiled. “You’re more like him than you realize,” she said. “Always trying to fix something.”
“Action feels better than inaction,” he said.
“Hmm, I know, but there’s plenty of action going on here, I promise,” she said, letting her eyes drift shut.
“Are you scared?” he asked.
“Not scared, anxious maybe?” she responded.
“You were scared when...with me, you were scared,” he said.
“How do you know?”
“When you remember it, dream about it...I can...I don’t know, it’s hard to explain,” he said, shaking his head.
“I was terrified,” she admitted. “I don’t think I’ve ever been so scared in my life.”
“Of me?”
“No, never of you. Of losing you,” she said, her voice turning raspy and tight. Deep, long breaths, her entire body moving like a wave.
“It’s okay,” he said, his hands failed to find a place to land. “Just uh...he’ll be back soon and we’ll get out of here.”
Long minutes passed. He checked his phone every time her body tensed and her breathing deepened, keeping track of time as best he could.
He nearly deflated with relief when he heard the front door swing open. Mulder clomped up the stairs, his shoes sounding like they were full of mud.
“C’mere a sec, Jackson,” he called, bouncing on his heels a little in the doorway.
“You okay?” Jackson asked, leaning close to her.
“Must be bad news, you two better go hatch a plan. Go on, I’m fine here,” she whispered behind gritted teeth.
“The road’s a no go,” Mulder said as he pulled him into the hall. “I’ve been trying to call Reesey, but I can’t get through. I need you to go up there and get her. You know the back road that connects the properties?”
“Yeah, okay. I can do that.”
“I already called 911, but there are only a couple of all terrain ambulances, so they may not get here in time.”
“They’re only a couple minutes apart, that means it’s soon, right?” Jackson says nervously.
“That’s why we need Reesey,” he said.
Jackson nodded solemnly and headed downstairs.
He entered the bathroom and found her rocking side to side on her haunches, humming a long, tuneless note as she went.
“How we doing? You wanna try going back to the bedroom?”
“Yeah, okay,” she sighed, letting out a long breath.
“Okay, let’s go slow,” he said as he maneuvered behind her and hooked his forearms at her sides.
“It’s gonna seem silly,” she said as she got to her feet. “But I’m a little sad.”
Mulder helped her out of her sodden pajama pants and underwear, tossing them in the tub. Bloody fluid trickled down the inside of her thighs.
“Sad? Why? I thought you were feeling miserable and ready to get this show on the road,” he said, guiding her into the hall.
“I thought I’d have more time with her is all,” she said, a little tremble in her voice.
“More time? Something tells me you’re gonna have all the time you want with her in an hour or two,” he said, shuffling along with her, his fingers rooted to the small of her back.
“It’s...hard to explain. I felt the same way when William...Jackson was born. Something about it being just the two of us and losing that. I told you it would sound silly.”
“It’s not silly,” he assured her.
“I just thought I had more time is all,” she lamented.
“It’s okay, you’re alright,” he assured her as he helped her get to the bed.
She stopped short, doubling over as she gripped the edge of the mattress. A groan rumbled up from low, low, low. Her whole body tensed with the effort of the contraction that rolled through her.
“Let it happen,” he said, offering counter pressure on her hips. “Just breathe and let it happen.”
“I can’t do this,” she eked out. “S’ too much.”
“It’s gonna be okay, help is on the way,” he said, sounding more like he was reassuring himself.
“She’s coming,” she gasped.
“Now?” he asked, not in fear, but for confirmation.
“Now, now, now,” she chanted as she squatted low to the floor and leaned against the edge of the bed.
“I’ve got you,” he said, dropping to his knees behind her.
He got his hands under her just in time to see the baby’s head emerge with a strangled yelp from Scully.
“She’s almost here,” Mulder assured her.
“I can’t, I can’t, I can’t,” she gasped, her voice high and quivering.
“Yes you can, big push!” he coached.
She nodded, just a little and clenched her entire being, focusing completely on moving the baby down. She came, their girl, slick and grey, arms splayed wide and eyes screwed shut, into Mulder’s waiting hands.
“She’s here!” he crowed, somewhere between a laugh and a cry.
Scully sagged with relief, a soft, breathless laugh and then seemed to come unmoored, letting go of the side of the bed and collapsing to the floor. The baby let out a wet, long cry just as her mother’s temple made contact with the hardwood.
Noise seemed to come from everywhere, the back door swinging open with Jackson and Reesey’s arrival, the tiny baby howling against his chest and his own thick sobbing as Scully lay silent on the floor.
They both froze in the doorway, eyes darting from Mulder, to the screaming baby, to a deathly quiet Scully.
“Help her,” Mulder implored. “Please, help her.”
Reesey didn’t hesitate a moment.
“Jack, go get a towel for the baby. Hang onto her, Fox. I’m going to clamp and cut the cord.”
Jackson paused, only for a moment and disappeared into the hall. Reesey made quick work of the cord and assessed the infant. Jackson dashed back in with a towel and Reesey lifted her from her father’s arms and wrapped her up.
“You two, very carefully get her on the bed,” she instructed as she took the baby and laid her the bassinet waiting under the window.
Mulder didn’t wait for assistance and simply scooped her up like a bride and carefully laid her down.
“Scully? Honey?” he beckoned.
“She probably just dropped her blood pressure,” Reesey said as she tended to Scully, checking her pupils and pulse. She changed positions, pressed her knuckles against Scully’s chest, trying to rouse her.
“Call 911,” she said, alarm bells going off for all of them.
“What is it?” Mulder asked.
“She’s not responding,” Reesey said as she went to work.
Jackson fidgeted nervously, stealing glances at the baby, who had quieted to tiny, squeaking noises.
“Scully? Scully?!” Mulder gasped. “C’mon, honey, come back to us.”
He fumbled with his phone for a moment and turned away as he pushed tears from his cheeks.
“Mom?” Jackson said, the first time he’d ever said it to her. “Mom, you gotta wake up and see her.”
While the baby cried and pinked up to an almost ruddy red, Scully was pale, nearly grey.
He drew close and looked her over, his mother, the face he’d been seeing in his dreams since he was just a little boy. He’d dreamed this too, the moment that she stopped and left behind these two strangers alone, trying to figure out what to do with a newborn.
He pushed the feeling down, the fear and the sadness and pressed his palm over her forehead, looking for it...the thing that had done this to her. He’d never put someone back together before, only torn them apart. But he knew he could, he knew he could fix her. He closed his eyes and looked hard.
“Yes, Jack, pray for her,” Reesey said.
Maybe it was a prayer.
He pushed, deep, deep, deep.  His head throbbing and his blood singing with the chant wake up, wake up, wake up.
Mulder was pacing, arguing with a 911 operator. “Send a fucking Med Evac then, we have plenty of space to land a helicopter! We’ve got a premie and an unconscious woman here, please.”
The room is chaos, Mulder’s pleas over the phone, Reesey murmuring as she worked to revive Scully, the baby, the rain, the sound of his pulse in his ears. He can’t lose another family. Not again.
“Jackson? Are you okay, sweetie?” she asked.
She asked.
He opened his eyes and saw her staring up at him, her eyes wide and clear, full of motherly concern.
“Am I okay? I’m fine,” he choked, holding back something between a laugh and a sob. “Are you okay?”
“What happened?” she asked, trying to sit up.
Mulder spun with relief and dropped the phone on the floor with a crack.
“Oh shit,” he said. “Oh thank God,” wrapping his arms around her.
“Where is she?” Scully murmured, her voice raw and raspy.
“She’s right here,” Reesey answered as she carried the baby to her. Jackson and Mulder parted like the Red Sea and watched as the baby was laid in her mother’s arms.
“Oh my God, she’s so little,” Scully marveled. “What happened?” she asked again.
“We thought we lost you for a second there and then you just…” Mulder trailed off.
“You woke up,” Jackson completed.
“She’s okay?” she asked, looking up at Reesey.
“She’s little, but her lungs sound good,” Reesey assured her.  
Mulder dropped his arm over Jackson’s shoulders and pulled him against his chest.
“Thank God,” he murmured. “Thank God for you.”
“Me?” he responded, confused.
“Yes, you,” he whispered.
Jackson relented to the embrace, something he’d struggled to do since he crossed their threshold for the first time. He tentatively wrapped his arms across Mulder’s back and breathed it all in.
“Look,” Jackson said, catching sight of the view out the window. “It stopped raining.”
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tastes-like-ciel · 5 years
Cool. So why is Ryoken your second favourite? (same anon btw)
ee! ouo Sure thing!
Well, I’ll just get the obvious out of the way first and start with his looks. He’s very aesthetically pleasing to look at! I love his fluffy fluffy hair, his light colored eyes, and oh my his voice is just so nice? He’s just unfairly beautiful in all aspects. He’s honestly one of the most beautiful YGO characters I’ve ever seen. Like I swear he belongs in an idol game or something because he’s just got that look, you know? Plus, I have a very, very big weakness for white-haired characters in general. The gender or lack thereof doesn’t matter to me. White-haired characters just instantly attract my attention and get all my dokis for no real reason and it’s not something I can really explain. It’s just one of those “I just like this particular thing for no reason” kind of things. And again with the fluffy hair thing. Fluffy things are so nice~ I bet his hair is really soft.
But his looks aren’t what first attracted me to him because I started liking him long before his IRL reveal. Before VRAINS started airing and all we had to go by was character design reveals, I took one look at Revolver and “I’m probably not gonna like him. He looks like an asshole.” and, well he can certainly be an asshole but I ended up thinking he was really cool! haha And then he ended up having depth to him that I didn’t expect and I was super intrigued to know more about him and when it was revealed he knew something about who Playmaker was and felt this immeasurable sense of guilt about something concerning him, that just piqued my interest even more. 
And the more we see of him and the more we learn about who he is as a person, I just like him more and more. I feel so bad that he, at 8 years old (and that’s so hecked up!), had to be the responsible one and step in to save those kids. There’s no way Dr. Kogami was going to just let those kids go. He kidnapped them to experiment on them. Experimental subjects don’t typically have happy endings. Those kids would have straight up died, most likely, and Ryoken knows that. He cares about the kids. It’s something you can see even now because he repeatedly protects their identities (like with Playmaker and Soulburner) and checks up on them and doesn’t really want any of them involved in all this. He says he regrets what he did at 8 years old, but it’s not saving the kids that he regrets. He’s just under the mistaken belief that he’s an awful son for letting his only parent get arrested and then injected with a virus that made his body wither away and no that same parent is dead, in his eyes, because he’s a bad son. Ryoken’s guilt complex is something I can relate wholeheartedly to and I could write a whole essay on it honestly.
This is getting far too long and ramble-y for the subject, I think. haha So as a tl;dr paraphrased version, I like Ryoken because I find his character fairly complex and also he’s fluffy and I like looking at him. For someone so edgy, he’s very fluffy and squish. He’s basically a marshmallow.
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Coco Loco
For Day #4 of the @mha-xmas-challenge
Christmas Challenge  | Day 4 - Hot Coco By The Fireplace
Category | One-Shot
Pairing: Bakugou x Koge (OC) Koge’s Tag
Rating: Teen, for cursing, adult humor and slightly suggestive conversation topic
Word Count: 1,938
“Holy shit your feet are cold! Get them off of me!”
Bakugou struggled to escape the wrath of his lover, who had slyly slipped her ice cold feet up his shirt and pressed them into his side. Wide smirk on her face, Koge kept her feet in place, even shoving them further up inside his clothes to keep him tangled and unable to escape. “Oh come on Katsuki, you’re so warm! Let me use you as a heater! EEK!” She squealed as she was suddenly tossed to the floor, her body ripped from all sources of warmth.
“No, Utsuro! Fuck, you need to go to the doctor or something to figure out why you are so damn cold all the time!” Bakugou stood, glaring down at his lover as she pouted. “Just because Matsuki is with my parents doesn’t mean that you get to act like the child all the sudden!” With a huff, Koge held her arms out towards him, silently demanding assistance off the floor. “I have already! They said there’s nothing wrong with me, I’m just cold. We never get to play around anymore with each other, it’s fun to act playful sometimes, you know. This is the only night we get to ourselves in eight months!” Despite being annoyed with her, Bakugou bent down and scooped her up off the floor, allowing her to wrap her legs around his torso and arms around his neck.
“Tch, whatever. The only night we get to each other in eight months, and you want to spend it torturing me with your cold ass feet.” He sat back down on the couch, keeping her facing him on his lap. “Can’t you think of nicer things to want to do?”
“Mmm, like what?” Koge cupped his cheeks gently, squishing them together a bit. “Like smooch? Squeeze my butt? Twiddle my fiddle?” She burst out into giggles at the glare he gave her, smiling at him. “What, don't like those ideas?”
“I mean, I like them, but you could say them in a more adult way.” Bakugou squeezed her hips, to which Koge gave an exaggerated sigh. “Ah Katsuki, we both know we forgot how to talk like adults. We got goo goo gah gah on the brain.” She kissed him softly, letting her body rest in close to his as he held her. “Besides, it's still early. Is that really what you want to do first thing?” Bakugou smirked against her lips. “Who said that has to be the only time?”
“No!” Koge proclaimed, playfully pushing his face away before hopping up off him. “I want to do something… wintry.” She tried to walk off, but was promptly yanked backwards, back onto his lap, though her back was now to him. “That's not fair, Utsuro, you can't be a tease like that. Being all wrapped up together in bed is wintry.” Bakugou kept her in place with his arms around her waist, too strong for her to escape. “On the bed, on the couch, on the floor by the fireplace. You like that romantic shit, don't you?”
Koge scoffed, reaching back behind her to playfully ruffle his hair. “Romantic isn't in your minds dictionary, Katsuki. You know what would be romantic? Sitting together by the fire in low light, drinking some hot chocolate and cuddling with blankets and pillows. Maybe some wine thrown in there. That's romantic and cute.”
“Is that what you want to do?”
Falling silent, Koge relaxed back against his chest, looking up at him as she rested her head against his shoulder. “Really? You want to?” Koge felt butterflies ravage her stomach as he cupped her chin, turning her head just a bit to kiss her softly. “Sure, Utsuro. You bought all of that fancy hot chocolate shit, I know you've been wanting to use it. Just don't put whipped cream on mine.”
With a sarcastic gasp, Koge covered her mouth with her fingers, eyeing him suspiciously. “What do you mean you don't want whipped cream on your hot chocolate? You heathen!” With a roll of his eyes, Bakugou pushed her off of him, only hard enough to get her to her feet. “Shut up before I change my mind. Go make that shit!” Snickering, Koge made her way into the kitchen. “Okay, okay! I expect a perfect pillow fort when I get back, Mr. Perfectionist!”
She only heard a grumble in response, which just made her smile grow. Since the birth of their son, it had been so long since they just got to be with each other, no worries and no interruptions. Koge was beyond elated that Bakugou had ended up in such a good mood today, even after a stressful day at work. That told her that he was just as happy to be with her like this, no matter how annoyed he acted. She could see right through him to the soft and squishy lover hidden inside. He hated everything about winter, from the cold to the holidays, but he was still willing to indulge in her love of it all to make her happy. No matter what anyone else saw, or what anyone else said, Koge knew that he was a good man through and through.
Even as he cursed at inanimate objects, barely loud enough for her to hear.
After a series of heating up water, mixing in the fancy chocolate powder she had bought, tossing in marshmallows, putting whipped cream only on hers and then sprinkling peppermint crumbles on top, Koge had made perfect large mugs of the holiday treat. After considering it for a moment, she shoved a peppermint stick into each one, adding that extra flare. Why she was trying so hard, she wasn’t sure, but she was enjoying herself nonetheless. Carefully, she picked up both mugs by the handle, making her way back into the living room. “Katsuki, do you like peppermint? I forgot to ask before I put it in your thing.”
At first, she didn’t see her lover as she glanced around, the living room lights off and only illuminated by the flames swirling about in the fireplace. His voice startled her, making her nearly spill the drinks in her hands. “I like it enough.”
Koge finally spotted his fluffy ash blonde head as it poked up over the back of the couch to look back at her, his position telling her that he was on the floor. “Oh, you moved the couch and everything, Katsuki. How cozy!” She beamed at him as she approached, handing him his mug as she observed his work. “I don’t even remember where we had all these pillows and blankets!” Setting her mug down on the ground, Koge flopped to sit down beside Bakugou, instantly sinking into the comfort of the pile of large pillows. Before cuddling herself against him, she grabbed her drink, feeling warmed to her core from the fire, the hot beverage, and her lovers arm around her. Bakugou kissed the top of her head softly, holding her close to him. “I found them in the downstairs closet. You know, the one you piled with shit and never opened again.
Sipping from her mug, Koge raised an eyebrow at him, sticking her bare feet out towards the fire to warm them. “Oh. Oops. I do have an obsession with buying blankets, so I’m not surprised we have this many. These big pillows, though, that’s weird.” Bakugou had his eyes on the fire, absentmindedly playing with her hair a bit. “I think you bought them for the game room before you realized I was getting a nice couch for in there. Or something. I don’t know, they might have been one of your impulse buys, too.” He took a gulp of his drink, making a bit of a cringe face. “Ah, lots of peppermint.” Koge gave a small gasp, reaching up and taking the stick of peppermint from his drink. “Oh, sorry! Here, I’ll take this from it, that should help.”
Bakugou only gave a small grunt in positive response, drinking more. “It’s good, though.” Koge smiled at his praise, putting the stick into her cup. “I’m glad you like it.”
The two sat in silence for a while, soaking in each others company and the warmth of the fire. By the time Koge spoke up again, she had finished her drink and was sucking on one of the peppermint sticks, bringing one end to a fine point. “You know, you could really hurt someone with one of these if you tried.” Her odd comment gained Bakugou’s attention, glowering down at her. “Eh? Seriously?” Koge nodded, removing the stick from her mouth to present her weapon. “Oh yeah. See?” She poked him on his hand, making him hiss and pull it away. “Hey! You punk, that fucking hurts.” Sly smirk on her face, Koge put the stick back into her mouth, biting into it. “Ha, told you. I could poke you full of holes if I wanted.”
“But you wouldn’t.” While the stick was just resting between her lips, Bakugou snatched it from her, taking a bite out of it before she could retaliate. “Hey! You said you didn’t want one!” Koge pouted, trying to reach for it as he held it up out of her reach with a smirk. “I never said that! You assumed and snatched it out of my cup!” With a huff, Koge climbed onto him, still trying to reach for the candy. “You gave your little grunt that said ‘okay’! You know, that grunt.” She mimicked the sound he made, finally snatching the stick from him as she sat on his lap.
“Whatever, you can’t tell the difference between my grunts.”
“Oh yes I can. I’ve learned what each one means after twenty years of knowing you. You’ve got your annoyed grunt, your agreement grunt, your disagreement grunt, your… pleasured grunt. They’re all different. In pitch, length and everything else. I can read you like a book, no matter how vague you think you’re being.”
Bakugou raised an eyebrow at her. “You don’t think I can do that for you, too, Utsuro? You fucking hollow void!” Koge squealed as he snatched onto her, slamming her down into the pillows like some type of pro wrestler. Overpowering her with sheer strength, he pinned her down, malicious smirk on his lips. “I know everything you’re thinking. Doesn’t help that you’re a fucking awful liar.” Koge huffed, unable to move with her arms pinned up above her head. “You’re an awful liar, Katsuki. You can’t ever lie to me or keep a secret, it eats at you until you explode. And you know what that makes you?”
“If you call me weak, I’m going to-”
“It makes you a good man. It makes me believe that you would never do anything to intentionally hurt me... “ Her gentle words broke Bakugou’s glare and made him loosen his grip on her, a bit of color rising into his cheeks. Arms now free, Koge let them rest around his neck, smiling up at him sweetly. “I don’t think I tell you that enough… How good you are to me and to Matsu. I know things have been really crazy this past year, but I don’t think I’ve ever been happier.” Bakugou scoffed, gently moving her hair out of the way to kiss her forehead gently.
“You’re too mushy sometimes, Utsuro.”
“I know it embarrasses you, but I just have to say it, you know. I… do have to say one more thing, though, before we continue.”
“Which is?”
“That uh… that candy is stuck in your hair.”
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maki-and-sushi · 6 years
DRV3 Boys & Marshmallow Hell
I had to look up wtf Marshmallow Hell was and when I did I was like “God I feel for these boys” lmao. Also finally updating again!
Contains: awkward boys, male cast, fem!s/o, ultimate!reader, female pronouns, Nsfw-ish??? idk
Shuichi Saihara
He’s blushing madly how could you be so chill with his head smothered in your chest?
Obviously he didn’t dislike it, but god he was overheating so badly
He just kinda stutters and slowly starts to hug back
When he pulls away and you smile at him he almost faints
How are you so cute and alluring and dsnugnsugnIUNAUISINF
It’s too dangerous for his heart
Rantaro Amami
He’s enjoying this too much you don’t even know
You have NO idea
He’s just nuzzling closer and enjoying his time
You probably won’t even notice too becasue he’s so chill and acting normal
Squish Squish
Oh shit now you’ve noticed time to make a graceful exit
Kaito Momota
Nosebleed incoming
Nosebleed THERE
Oh man he’d be dead he’s so happy
Very soft
Don’t do it unless you’re prepared for it to escalate
Will probably always stick his head there when holding you from the front for now on
Kokichi Ouma
He’s a bit caught of guard and his face will probably be flushed slightly
But MAN are these soft??
He nuzzles into your chest because he actually is very comfy???
Will probably tease you to try and take attention off of his red face
He loves to lay his head on your chest now
Ryouma Hoshi
He’s kind of uncomfortable
After all it’s just another reminder of how small he is
He doesn’t want to be snuggled into you like a stuffed toy
He probably wont initiate giving hugs because its hard for him with his size
He’ll be okay so long as it isn’t in public though
He does like sitting in your lap and laying against you- so thats a start!
Gonta Gokuhara
He’s a gentleman don’t make me do this to my son
Then again- what are the chances you’ll even be a whole head taller than him?
The only way for this to work is by accident and him falling with his face in between your chest
But he’d never do it again because HE IS A GOOD BOY
Korekiyo Shinguji
He likes it! But not just because of what you think
He quite enjoys being physically close to you in general
Especially close enough to hear the rhythem of you heartbeat
He’ll hug you from your stomach if you two are laying down, and he’ll nuzzle against your chest (with your permission of course)
The sound of your heartbeat calms him down and makes him feel relaxed
Doesn’t really do anything because he’s just confused
Then when he starts to realize his face is smoothered in your breasts he’ll shriek
Probably will overheat then shut down
He’s too soft
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