#{(its a love story yes. but theres also SO MUCH MORE to it than that. more story beyond the romance)}
sevenyeargap · 10 months
so i keep seeing posts about both performative activism and people saying that it's "okay to take a break from posting about genocide for mental health reasons" and i feel like some people are confusing activism with "triggering yourself on purpose by constantly doomscrolling to prove yourself youre Doing Something By Reblogging Posts on Tumblr Dot Com". and i also think that some people see activism as this really impossible thing to do/something impossible to do if you're disabled and or poor but that's not true? and while, yeah, it is going to be more difficult if you're disabled, because of many reasons, but you also don't have to become an asylum lawyer or whatever to make a difference. you can volunteer whenever you're able to at your local food bank, save some money (even if it's like 10€!!) and donate it to ngos every month, go to protests, it's not that hard i promise and it WILL make a difference
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scngbard · 1 year
As I'm finding out ppl had the same sentiment as me concerning Pixar's new film, Elemental, I just wanna come on here to all my followers to say; PLEASE, DONT SLEEP ON THIS FILM!!!
I hadn't really had many expectations for it when I saw it last night and it was smth my sister and I went to see on a whim (as I had originally forgotten it was coming out this weekend) AND WE HAD BOTH BEEN GENUINELY SURPRISED BY IT. It is so, so good you guys ;;;;;
The trailers don't at all reflect the genuine sincerity and heart that's in this film. The chemistry between characters is amazing. The animation and music is BEAUTIFUL and it had me crying 3 separate times. (4 if you include the Up short they had at the start 😂) But, fr, do yourself a favor and go see Elemental in theaters if you can. It unexpectedly became one of my top favorite Pixar films. And just. I can't recommend it enough QHNSBQDKQJ
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lazaruspiss · 3 months
this game im playing has ghosts and murders and all that, and throughout it you can gradually put together the backstory of the ghost(s). all that to say im very amused by how there's so much compelling fucked up shit going on that i rarely, if ever, see people get in a tizzy about the background incest elements
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h4venpha · 6 months
i think i find comfort in vashwood because of their unwillingness to say outloud how they care and love for one another. like CANONLY, theres so, so much they dont say, yet their actions reflect everything.
i’m pretty sure i’ve spoke on this before but i like to think that they never say more than they need to because of the world they live in, the type of people they are, the type of upbringings theyve had. it all stems back to them not really feeling worthy of the love they are offered.
wolfwood who only thinks of himself as some fucked up modified killing machine and that he believes theres no chance someone as kind hearted as vash would see the good in him, or what little there is left of the good in him. he’s done nothing but kill, he could never redeem himself, and yet vash isn’t scared nor shuns him for it even with his pacifistic ideals.
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vash who has seen the brutal truth of wolfwood’s being and still decides he loves him to the very end.
vash who doesnt believe he deserves any ounce of love or commitment because he only hurts those he gets close to. it’s happened before and itll happen again, like hes a walking time bomb and everything will blow up again and the people close to him will die no matter what he does. and wolfwood who canonly sticks beside him until the end! literally calls himself his guide.
vash who has never had true companionship in his 150 years of living, and wolfwood who follows him to the ends of gunsmoke.
just up until vol10, theyre still toeing the line of the relationship theyve created. but the exact moment vash shows up and chooses to prioritize wolfwood over going after knives (the fucking thing he’s been working towards since the big fall, over a hundred years ago) is the moment he steps past that line. its so extremely open and explicit, even wolfwood asks him ‘why are you here?”
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while what he says here is true yes, it also sounds like “you cannot die, i’m here to ‘save’ you because i want to live.”
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then to this when wolfwood knows and accepts he will die— the sheer HORROR on vash’s face when he realizes wolfwood wont allow him to save him.
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few pages ahead, vash’s monologue starts and these old panels come up. “deep down, he had become very close to me.” basically implying that back then, during the ‘shoot’ moment, they weren’t really close. and when vash accused him: “you’re the coward here.”, “you give up all hope so easily”, it was almost surface level in a way? talking to him at surface level
but now, so many chapters later when wolfwood really does give up hope, vash, with all of his developed love through out the story realizes how differently he feels now. wolfwood made him put a fucking gun to his head (giving up hope), and vash who only scolded and accused him, vs vol10 where when wolfwood gives up hope, vash feels straight terror, that he’s really going to lose him. (also the inverted panel is just so gorgeous.)
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the whole “isnt that right, wolfwood?” just proves my entire point that vash’s presence here in this fight steps over the line of vulnerability they had created. he knows how he feels, and he knows that wolfwood feels the same, even if hes speaking to him indirectly.
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bandtrees · 2 months
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this has always been one of my favorite lines in this scene it’s so striking to me. i think debating over callum’s level of lucidity and what can or cannot “fix” him is deeply antithecal to what the story is trying to express with him - but the idea that callum is still there and still a person who does have the capacity to love mingus, just not in a way she can ever comprehend or accept, because she can't comprehend or accept anything outside her narrow worldview, is sooooo good.
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there is no way of actually knowing if callum is proud of mingus, much less recognizes her at all - but it's added to by the fact there's only so much of that she would accept even if he could. ultimately, she wants validation and power, his prestige, from him, she wants a supportive parental figure she never had - there's only so much of that callum is able to provide even in a world where her stint to fix his memory actually worked. he's like a hundred. he never even MET her. to say nothing of all he's missed in the past fifty-odd years. to say nothing of how his age may have messed with his mind deteriorating even without the pre-existing brain damage.
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and mingus' phrasing here implies he doesn't even look at her when she visits - which brings me to the visit that radicalized her: the one after her surgery, where he was watching gingi out the window.
obviously, callum watching gingi is mostly for the thematics of it all, how similar the two of them are in ways mingus refuses to recognize, but theres also the thought of... callum's been sitting alone in that room for over half his life, barely lucid if at all. of course he's going to be drawn to a brightly-colored thing making noises and knocking stuff over outside. if he can't respond to stimuli of the people around him he's at the very least going to latch onto something more visually interesting than Brown Wall and Brown Figure.
but it's not like mingus can think of it like that, because she's internalized so much about her grandfather and built up such a specific, personalized vision of him - she doesn't see him as an elderly man with (a fictional equivalent to) dementia, she sees him as President Callum Crown™, the man she personally has to please and live up to the legacy of and make proud, disregarding the fact that's not something he has the mental capacity to even do - because she's so obsessed with validation and complete control that the only way she can get it is by either subjugating others and forcing it out of them (what she does with her townsfolk), or just completely projecting on someone who, for her purposes, is basically a blank slate.
which is maddening to her in its own way, see how crazy she drives herself trying to restore callum's memory in the first place - but also, would she be happy even if callum could see her for who she is? post-game, when she's working on herself, that's an irrelevant question as she's pushed past that need, but as we know her? absolutely not.
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i love the ch3 standoff between norm and mingus as a show of "Okay guys let’s see who can dehumanize this disabled guy harder (via pedestal-putting) and justify themselves for it better" and why i think it is so important that it’s gingi who reads the postcard and ultimately speaks for callum instead of either of them, or even the narrator. they can’t read, and they struggle to, but they manage to get it right even when people are telling them to stop. and the fact they’re able to do it at all, are given the chance to do so, and are ultimately the one to wind down this conflict shows that the world of dialtown, while not perfect, really is how callum would have wanted it.
both gingi and callum are some of the most altruistic and human characters ever, and the crux of their parallels is that they are denied this by close-minded people because they happen to Behave Strangely. it's why seeing mingus act the way she does hits so hard - she loves her paw-paw, yes, but if she were to see him in a vacuum, a one-limbed man who can hardly think, much less speak for himself: or even his younger self, who was struggling to make ends meet with his odd inventions...
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...well, the feeling norm's imagining here would probably be mutual. mingus' relationship with bigotry is a very fascinating one, she's very close-minded but views certain oddities (ie her flesh-head) as having earned their place and thus being fine - she's a freak too, by her own admission, but she's doing it for a just and wider purpose, so it's fine. which is, ironically, the ideology callum forced upon himself.
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callum was obsessed with helping people, pushing himself to do more and more, because it was the only way he ever found respect. if he didn't help people and have grand visions for the world and make himself "useful" to society at large, then what would he be, if not a freak?
mingus and her paw-paw are very similar people, from their well-intentioned extremism, to their stubbornness and paranoia, to their inability to view themselves as anything more than a vessel for that grand cause they believe in (callum in the dialup, mingus in restoring her paw-paw's memory) - which is funny, because if mingus was able to view callum, and herself, as a flawed human person, she would come to understand how similar they really are.
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
Yandere SCP with a chubby!fem!reader who is a Fairy Entity.
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✧ A/N : its been a while since i dont write because i've been quite the busy here. but now i decided too and recently i've been very interested in scp lore and stories also with the monsters in it and decided to write it on my own within my own style. and + also this was a yandere :). what do you think? if you liked this please gave it a reblog and likes! i will very appreciate it ♡.
✧ Tw : Kidnapping, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Sadism, Carnage/Slaughtering, Blood, Unhealthy Behavior, Unhealthy mindset, Kind of Enemies to Lovers with Scp 682, Worship in 079 and SA in 682 (not from him, but from another person.) lmk if i miss anything. Chubby Reader Fics With No skintone of reader mentioned.
𑁍 Scp 049
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• ugh.. where should i start with this guy? ah.. yes.. he's such a gentleman isnt he?
• first time he realize your appereance he thinks of you as such a delicate creature. he never sees you face to face, he just realize some very Soft and Pleaseable Appereance that was catching him off guard.
• that until he really met you face to face, and if only he wasnt such a cold gentleman he would praise you to death. i mean.. how could he not? you're just soo beautiful. its hard to believe that the facility who basically took you from where you were belong to think that you were some kind of monster when you're literally far from it.
• after he met you he think that he was just simply fascinated by your beauty-appereance, that until he is aware that he doesnt want you to be locked too far from where he was stayed at.
• what he wants is that your cell is to be placed right besides him. not far from him. now this guy is an aware yandere, and not to mention he's a very intelligent one too, he'll be pretty quick to know that his respond towards you snd the facility are far from being called normal because h literally just out burst at one of the scp staff for wanting to take you away from him.
• and the staff was not stupid either, espesially the scientist. they pretty much off guard and very heavily-aware of his action towards them and espesially you. so they start to put you into a different room, besides his cell with a mirror placed into each others wall.
• while the scientist observe from the Cctv, they see that you and 049, both was actually getting along each other.
• this is something the scientist does not really excepting, because well after all they always knew 049 as a very cold yet a gentleman anomaly to ever known in the facility. it was absolutely fascinating to see you - who is more friendly and well not so quiet as him can get pretty much along.
• this makes them hold you within 049 much longer than they actually plan.
• and of course, this all also come to 049 happiness as he obviously can see you much longer even in a different sell, he would love to meet you, see you, and talk to you everyday.
• theres no one, not even another scp or scp staff or even those great scientist could take you away from him, not even death. he swore to hold you within him just so you can be there, for him and him only.
𑁍 Scp 035
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• now what i notice about this creature right here is that he actually quite the flirty one, and lets be honest - he also has some major anger issues holding him up, also a bit of sadism.
• first he sees you from his cell he just knew that you are the one. and let me tell you, besides from all his flirty personality, anger issues, and those sadism, he definetly also has some serious, Serious possessiveness.
• really become an aggresive hostile once he sees you getting interviewed by a male staff, making him growl from his cell, and of course - this lead to the other staffs attention.
• when they ask him about why was he being so hostile towards the male staff he said that "they do not deserve her. only i deserve her." and when the staff ask him "who do you mean by saying 'her'?" only to find out that "her" was you.
• and after that the staff check on you both, interviewing on you both and this time they ask a female staff to interview you, and 035 is much more calmer than before.
• this will all be kicked out of the window when the staff wanting to place you to an Abroad facility. of course this will make 035 sees red. and what can only be describe after this was a carnage.
• and at the end -- he escaped. with the willing to free you from those fuckers who tried to take away the love of his life (or so he tought) from him. he can and would spill many blood as it need if it can help him getting you again. and he wont stop, no matter how much host it will need and change, his goal is just one; getting you back again.
𑁍 Scp 079
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• the first he sees you he really just over the heels for you. no - i am not joking, this dude here is drooling, even if he cant he can feel so while seeing you.
• absolutely admire everything you had. the way you talked, smiled, and walk is just different.
• absolutely reject the calls scp staff throw at you as a "monster" no matter how much they tried, they couldnt convience 079 that you were indeed a monster.
• really love the shape of your body, that was another thing of why he would take an extra glance at your plump body once he realize your appereance.
• is absolutely dying to have you for himself but how can he? he just there and can only watch you when you walked pass his cell.
• and another one is that he absolutely dreaming about you. wether its a cute one, a bad one, or even a naughty one, he does not care. once he start dreaming about you i recommend anyone to dont ever dare to try to take him away from his daydreaming moment or whoever that person is will have to encounter the out burst of 079.
• and after he's done? nothing would changed.. and at the end, he wouldnt be another different thing more than some unsual computer entity dude who is obsessed over some fairy.
𑁍 Scp 682
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• really cocky about you lmao, and very sassy too.
• at first he actually (kinda) hate/dislike you because your overall personality and looks are definetly and obviously a literal opposite from him.
• everytime anyone sees you besides him they already can see the different. surely we dont have to waste our fingers to write what are your difference than him other than the fact that you both were a living things. but it was just sooo noticable like.. ugh.
• this enemies feeling will turn into lover as soon as some Bastardize staff start to treat you in a very unappropriate tone.
• and this time he just felt like he had to protect you somehow. protect you from getting experimented and other bad things.
• even if he's actually really feeling that way, still -- he is a big Tsundere weird lizard so he would rather simply just bury himself alive than admitting it openly.
• but asides from all of that, he actually really aware about his feelings. about the fact that he actually has some feelings for you. and he doesnt even sure of how to say it to you because he just think of it as a very big embarassement.
• this is just a matter of time before he finally decided to tell you about this feeling. the bad news is that, the same day he convience to you, is the same day that he would take you with him for eternity.
• and not even death can separate you from him ever.
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wszczebrzyszynie · 2 months
In your older art (when he was a rabbit breeder named Nikita I think) Mikita seems much more… smiley than he is now. The first time I saw him (I think 2022) I remember him being gay + aro instead of aroace. I adore this character and I would love to know how he changed/developed over the years!
Oh gladly. I adore this topic. Mikita is my oldest one (8 years old now!) and i have quite a lot to say and show about him, so ill put it under the read more. For some reason the picture formatting is completly broken when i do it. Thank you for the kind words
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Mikita went through quite a lot name changes now that i think about it, at least compared to my other ocs; it went hand in hand with his ethnicity mostly, as he was i believe polish first, then polish/lithuanian and only since... 2020? belarusian (which i agree is definitely... a pipeline, but theres no deeper meaning behind it; for the 70% of his life the world he lived in was 100% fictional, and at the beginning even fantasy-like). His first actual name (not "rabbit breeder", which was the title used for him in the original story instead of a name. Names were a modern au thing) if im not mistaken was Fryderyk, then Nikita, and then Mikita. That name change did probably happen around 2022 because a Belarusian belarusianized his name for me and I liked it so i changed it. Very nice of them it makes much more sense in the current story
Years 2016-2020-ish he was gay (but not aromantic) and also dating Mikołaj; frankly i do not remember when exactly that changed, but he and Mikołaj are some of my oldest still in use ocs and they were always a package deal of sorts. Last time i drew shipart of them was in 2021. I think it might have stopped around the time i realized i am aromantic? It was a very important moment to me and the second it clicked i realized most of my ocs were secretly aromantic all along too. It was pretty funny now that i think about it
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Personality wise he was a bit insufferable. Well he used to age with me (like most of my ocs) so he was very much a 15 year old. Very bratty and unempathetic to others, actively manipulative and overly ambitious. He used to smile a lot yes it was very in character then and i think it makes him look more annoying so it stays. Well either way i made so much art of him in that time i actually canonized it as his younger self in canon, now that hes older. I think thats a fun choice and i still like his old design, so its good to reuse it. Art from 2020, 2021 and 2023. I think current Mika would hate his old self a lot
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Frankly when it comes to my ocs the big shift from that more dystopian completly fictional setting to more historically grounded one happened at some point and i dont remember when that was. 2020-2021 ish possibly. Its hard to remember because it did not happen from day to day; i think i abandoned these ocs original story for months before i made that choice? and even then i dont remember how current DNS or such a clear idea for it came to be, especially considering that it changed basically every single character drastically. Its weird to me but i suppose that knowledge is lost. That being said i think it does coincide with the creation of Przemek, who quickly became one of my favourites, so maybe theres that. I dont know. Well either way its a very good thing that it happened
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devondespresso · 9 months
(found this bad boy in my drafts and honestly i loved reading it again so we're gonna post it. wahoo)
my personal canon for post-starcourt stobin is that they're actually inseparable for the first month or so
im talking steve taken to the hospital for his injuries and the staff having to force them apart and call security. im talking they have to drag robin kicking and screaming to a different room because last time Steve left her sight he was dragged back lifeless and presumably dead (i firmly believe they intentionally used physical torture for steve and to use his condition for psychological torture for robin)
and steve waking up half-present in a cold plain room alone? might as well be back in the bunker. and if theres doctors trying to run tests and examine his wounds? might as well be Russian soldiers standing over him and touching his injuries. hurting him again. possibly planning to hurt Robin next.
and now hospital staff are trying to deal with two screaming desperate teenagers who keep begging for the other in between rambles of nonsense and they can't run tests or do their jobs or even get answers from them because all these two seem to care about is the other teen
so they don't really have any practical choices other than moving them to a combined room. and they still freak out every now and then but having the other in the room keeps these outbursts much shorter and doctors are able to actually run tests and help these kids as long as they're close together. And when Robins blood tests and everything come back ok and shes able to be discharged, shes given special permission to stay in the room at all times
and the two little kids that came in with them? they're not exactly freaking out quite like the teens but they're certainly not making things easy either. Ericas testing the willpower of any doctor or nurse she can speak to and both kids stay as close as they can at all times and refuse to leave the hospital. visiting hours over? they're in the waiting room, even convinced a couple to move so they can have seats closest to the hall that teens room is in. try to call their parents? good luck getting a full name or number out of them. once their parents do come get them they're showing back up in an hour, bikes lodged in the bike rack and back in their seats. they've been stopped for sneaking in several times and caught hiding under one of the teens beds even more often. eventually staff just gets tired of spending half their shift wrangling two middle schoolers and it becomes an unspoken agreement to just ignore them hiding in the room.
And once Steve is discharged its the same thing all over again. Robins parents were worried about her spending all her time in the hospital with the boy from her summer job, but given the cover story about the fire and the pair getting trapped inside they convinced themselves its reasonable to want to stay by your friends side while they recover
but now that hes out, shes asking if she can spend the night at his house? and his parents won't be there? absolutely not. except robins in no mindset to accept leaving him alone for this long let alone overnight so she tried sneaking out to bike over to his before he can get the dumb idea to drive over in the middle of the night post-concussion. but the buckleys notice shes gone either because she makes too much noise sneaking out or they notice the severe lack of Robin-trying-to-be-quiet noises into the night (robin my tism queen definitely has bump-into-shit syndrome in the middle of the night but she also doesn't make any noise sneaking around the base with scoops troop so i think it's a 50/50 weather she can use the adrenaline to sneak out to see steve quietly)
so they put two and two together and drive over to the Harrington house. steve answers the door and calls robin over, both of them looking sheepish but not exactly guilty. they talk on steves couch (yes Steves there too) and stobin does their best to explain their separation anxiety that gets the severity across without getting them sent to a mental hospital all while making sure not to break any ndas (which ends up being a long conversation with stobin trying to translate their experience in the bunker to fit the cover story well enough, which is very different when the real story is kidnapping and the fake one is a building fire)
eventually they reach an understanding of "we're worried this is kinda unhealthy but its clearly more stressful to try and separate you right now and we're definitely not going to be able to stop you" so they compromise to let steve stay at the buckleys for a little bit so they can at least keep an eye on them. at first they try just letting steve sleep on the couch (which they agree to because steve worried about overstepping as the guest in their house) but one or both of them have nightmares the first night and robin ends up on the couch with him anyway.
after a few nights they get the gist of the stobin dynamic: attached so strongly its concerning but nothing... flirty. anything they do is always completely innocent. hand holding with no heart eyes, banter with no tension, hell even sharing a bed they resemble little kids in a sleepover pile more than lovers. and especially after nightmares they'll find robin holding steve like hes just one of her old teddy bears.
of course theyre still cautious and have their suspicions that theyre secretly dating and just really good at hiding it, they're paranoid parents after all and robins never shown this much attention to a boy ever. but they do relax a bit with it as they're more confident theres no... funny business.. going on. or at the very least nothing thats going to leave robin hurt. they'll have their talks and robin will promise its "nothing like that", but they've grown to like steve so they're sure robin will come to them when shes ready.
now if only there was a reasonable explanation for the middle schoolers that keep showing up. apparently they were also trapped in the fire with robin and steve which helps make some sense of it, but they also sat with them in the hospital. surely if they're having nightmares about the fire they'd go to their parents? they hadn't really talked much with the sinclairs but they seemed like very loving parents and robin follows steve to his little dinners with mrs Henderson pretty often so its not likely that they can't go to their parents about nightmares, but they seem to prefer going to steve specifically. like ringing the Buckley's doorbell at 1 in the morning asking if steves there. and of course they'll let them in and show them to robins room (after calling their parents first, do they even know their childs run off?) where steve was sleeping in a pallet on the floor but is now a glorified blanket pile robins hugging. on her bed, of course. because god forbid theres 2 feet of space between them.
and the kid just joins them in their sleepover pile, dustin usually clinging to steves other side like a baby koala and erica usually finding a spot leaning against robin or occasionally making room in between them
and so more often than not the Buckley's have not one, not two, but three extra children in their house that isn't their daughter, all of them sleeping in a pile on robins bed like theres nowhere else they'd rather be
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Thank you sm 😭 you actually did so good! It felt so nice to see my favorite creepy boy with those head canons 🥹🥹 but yes your writing is absolutely amazing!! I can’t wait to keep seeing everything you write!! And I apologize in advance if I ever get too excited and request too much 🥹
Perhaps creepy boy relationship head canons with a fem!reader who attempts to steal their clothes because they miss them?
- 🩶 Anon
Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, and Hoodie x fem!reader who steals their clothes because she misses them!
went ahead and threw in some other characters that i think would be silly with this request since you didnt specify :3! was gonna add slenderman but im on the fence about whether or not his clothes are a part of his body.. shrugs!! feels weird not doing masky since im doing hoodie too but shrugs again laughing jack included as you state hes your favorite :3 and WAAAAH im glad you enjoyed the previous request!! and no need to apologize; i get it !! sometimes i get excited too with requesting stuff !! ill let you know if youre being too intense (though i gotta admit i love writing creepypasta stuff, had a longish break between august and now where i hardly wrote for it and i missed writing for the fandom loads TToTT)
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honestly for a moment i was going to say his mask but i genuinely think that would be a deal breaker for him since it kind of acts as a comfort and security thing for him. even if hes not wearing the mask around you, dont take it. now his hoodie or one of his shirts... thats a different story.. would rather you ask him, though, but he does find it a little sweet that its because you missed him.. mind you he thinks so lowly of himself that he might even be a little shocked that you *miss him.. might let you keep on his shirts! might have to wash it though and patch up a hole or two but its nothing major.. though i dont think he would let you keep one of his hoodies, he has way less of those than he does shirts and he kind of needs them to keep warm.. also the hood comes in handy.. for things.. will expect you to return his belongings when asked, will not take any excuses since they are his belongings and he cant really waltz into a store and go shopping
okay so this one is a little funny since i do personally hc that his clothes are just a part of his body for the sake of the post lets turn a blind eye.. theres so many options for you.. his shirt (sleeves! long and floppy!) or a spare sweater than hes claimed... hmm.. i think regardless of what piece of clothing you've taken from him he would be thrilled that you miss him THAT much! he rarely goes out, in fact i dont think its often that he goes far from where his music box is.. gotta stay in decent range, you know? but the point still stands... you miss him? i think that actually does wonders for his abandonment issues, since it reassures him that you care about him and think of him when hes away. probably scoops you up in his arms and hugs you, likely wrapping his arms around you like a snake. offers to never let you go, and kind of sticks true to that until you need to tend to your bodily needs
another victim of jacket thief... a moment of silence for this man losing the thing that literally sparked his name.. okay jokes aside i dont think he would care that much, hes probably hoarded other clothing while staying with you; from hoodies to sweaters. so hes not going to sweat it if you briefly snatch something from him so long as you eventually give it back.. might sign some teasing words at you for missing him, might also prompt a session of you two cuddling.. good luck getting up because hes probably not going to let go.. why would he, you missed him! also might make him try to spend more time with you since every now and then he does have decently long periods of just. being gone doing whatever it is that he does.. probably leaves you his main hoodie and wears a different one when he knows hes about to dip for a while..
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ac3ifix · 5 months
Saiki or tsukishima with a male reader my beloved ❤️ i just love when the emotionally constipated boys have to deal with having feelings for someone, i’d love to request one (or both) of them hanging out with trans male reader and just then realising they are head over heels in like <3
Yea sorry for being gone for a month. I dont have an excuse other than I didnt feel like writing at all so yea.. Sorry ab that. Love you guys tho!!
Also, sorry if this isnt quite what you wanted, its sorta rushed and honestly not my best work at all. Also I know you mentioned trans reader but theres really no specifications on whether the reader is trans or not.
Tsukishima doesn’t understand love.
This story features: Clueless character, confusion, mutual understanding, sfw, fluff, boys kissing, height difference, can be read as either tmale or cmale
Wc: 408
He never really got it, why he was so unbelievably drawn to you. How he smiled when you laughed and how he was ready to kill someone when you were upset. Tsukishima Kei was infatuated by you. He walked with you to class, you watched his games, and he just enjoyed your company so much. He couldn’t understand it. Until one day he was talking with Yamaguchi.
“Hey Tsuki?” Yamaguchi had asked
“Hm?” He responded “What is it?”
“Do you.. uhm.. This is kinda an odd question but.. do you.. like (Name)?”
Tsukishimas eyes widen and he found himself saying,
“I think so..”
So thats what it was. Like, maybe even love. He liked you. He didnt know how he was going to deal with this newfound knowledge but now he understood what his feelings were. He had never had a girlfriend before, let alone a boyfriend, and he had no idea how to approach the idea of a crush. He was confused to say the least. And to be perfectly honest, that was all he thought about for the next couple of days. How was he going to tell you? He began to avoid you in the hallway, putting distance between you two as the truth became more evident to him. He knew he had to face it eventually so when you came up to him, tears staining your face, his face dropped.
“Who the fuck-“ He swore, cupping your cheeks in his hand.
“Why..Why have you been ignoring me Ts-Tsuki?” You asked him, your voice breaking.
“What- I haven-“ Oh. He realised. He had been avoiding you, hadnt he?
“Yes you have! You’ve been avoiding me like the fucking plague!” You said, tears beginning to fall again.
“Look, (Name) its.. Geez, this is hard to say… Its because I..I like you, I think..” He said, looking away from you in embarrassment.
Your eyes widened, you were dumbfounded, thats why he had been ignoring you? You had thought something had happened, you had assumed the worst.
“Tsuki..?” You mumbled, wiping your eyes.
“Hm..?” He said, now facing you again, shamefully.
You leaned forward, stood on your tip toes, and gave him a kiss. It was a soft kiss and he was surprisingly good at it, his hands ended up on your waist as he kissed you right back. You were both disappointed when the kiss ended.
Pulling away you muttered “I-I think I like you too, Tsukishima.”
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choccy-milky · 17 days
A few months back, I asked if it was okay to write using Clora and Seb. Finished the work - thought I'd lost it on my hard drive and a virus scan located it.
Not sure if it's sad or happy, but the basic premise of it is Clora getting frustrated/upset at Sebastian and Sebastian comforting her, Sebastian getting upset at a predicament Clora's in and Clora comforting him, and them both getting frustrated/upset and having to comfort each other.
If you'd rather I didn't post it, that's fine too, but just wanted to test the waters and double check that you'd be okay with it if I gifted it to you via AO3, or see if you wanted a sneak peak of it before posting it.
OMG im so happy you were able to find it and recover the work you did!!😭🙏 AND YES OF COURSE YOU CAN POST IT AAA I CANT WAIT TO READ IT!! you can DM it to me first if you want, but i also dont mind if you post it straight away on ao3!! IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT SM AAARGHHHA💖💖💖IT SOUNDS ANGSTY WE LOVE THE HURT/COMFORT I HOPE MY HEART CAN HANDLE IT🥺💖💖TY AGAIN FOR USING CLORA AND SEB AND TAKING THE TIME TO WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THEM😭
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@sunshine-goblin AAA THANK YOU!!! im honoured its your fav fanfic AND ALSO THE LONGEST YOUVE READ BAHAHAA fr, when you say its as long as four books in lotr it rly makes me realize how insane i am😃👍 aw IM GLAD I COULD INSPIRE YOU TO DRAW MORE AND WRITE AS WELL😭 I was curious so i creeped you and everyone go look at their HL blog @sunshines-legacy your MC is so cute and so is your art🥹💖 as for tips on writing a longfic and brainstorming and motivation and stuff, my motivation was my brainrot and unhappiness with the canon story/ending LMAOO, and looking at the story of the game and playing around with what i was unhappy with/what i WISHED could have happened instead, was a lot easier than just coming up with plotlines from scratch. but something i highly recommend is just OUTLINING and making a timeline, one of my fav parts of writing was just putting on some cafe ambience in the background and doing stream of conscious type word documents where id just barf ideas and then worry about making it pretty later....like look at how many versions of the same chapter i have BAHAHA or like different renditions bc i couldnt decide if id wanna keep a scene/what order, so id make a timeline and keep smoothing things out until i was happy with it and whatnot
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brainstorming is defs my fav part of the process and the most helpful part to me. just getting a blank document and writing stuff you want to happen without worrying about how it connects to the story, and then a lot of the times as i was doing that id just keep going and it would kinda tie itself together/id come up with a solution as i was writing / once the ideas kept flowing. so basically : TIMELINES AND OUTLINES I VERY MUCH RECOMMEND, but very low pressure and barebones ones. for example, this is what my outlines/brainstorming look like
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its honestly just me talking to myself LMAO, and a lot of the time ill interject and be like "OH YEAH AND THEN THIS CAN HAPPEN" as the ideas come while im writing BAHAHA. its a super fun process and honestly nothing feels better than just getting hit with that flash of inspo, and since its all very low effort theres no pressure to actually write well and its just a chill fun time AND GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR OWN PROCESS / WRITING💖💖💖it can be difficult but HOPE U HAVE FUN TOO💖💖
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@a-little-lysdexic WAIT REALLY?? LMFAOO OMG THATS CRAZY....SAME BRAIN...🤝🤝...that would trip me up so much if i were you omg BAHHAHA but aside from having similar tastes in names, IM GLAD YOU LIKE MY ART AS WELL, TYY💖💖💖
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THANK YOUUU im glad you're liking it!!! and that its taking over your life BAHAHA💖💖 the video you're thinking of was by @silverxstardust for chapter 13 of my fic, and you can watch the video here! (AND TY AGAIN TO SILVERXSTARDUST FOR DOING THIS!)
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songsofadelaide · 2 months
HELLOO!!! me again teehee i was wondering if u still accepted requests or if theyre closed for now but i still wanted to share my ting!! moment but its totally up to u whether or not u’ll accept.
in part two of the cbffs hoshina x reader series, hoshina mentioned reader should write him letters if there are anything reader cant say to his face and i was wondering if we could get like a moment where that happens im thinking uhh since hoshina is pretty important member of the force maybe he gets too busy/ preoccupied/ spending too much time w work and while reader understands this it doesnt mean she doesnt feel lonely sometimes… maybe add a bit of jealousy w hoshina spending alot more time w/ okonogi or whoever/ whatever scenario if thats up to ur liking and reader just gets distant?? and decides to leave a letter to hoshinas table telling how she feels as she cant say what shes feeling to his face
idk theyve been so cute and happy i wanna ruin it EMZ!!! lowkey theres already a number of good jealous hoshina we need more of jealous reader imo. thank uuu!!!
ANON WHY?! Like why ruin a perfectly good thing LOL BUT I GET! 😂 I'm all for fluff, but maybe the reader should go apeshit sometimes. 🤭
This will be the final part of my Radiant Point series, which took on a life of its own after I received so many lovely requests for more parts of it! 💛
My apologies too that this took so long! There's balancing life in real-time. (I just quit my job and am now hunting for a new one lol! 😂)
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flare — another side story to radiant point. ✧ refulgence | candor
cw: vice captain soshiro x platoon leader (f) reader, fiancee reader, childhood friends to lovers, jealous + mean reader, no use of 'yn', happy reunions.
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Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro of the Third Division was perhaps the second most admired person in Tokyo. 
Not only that, but perhaps he's also the second most busy person in your division.
You learned about that the hard way one day when you found Soshiro conversing with one of the Operations trainees Konomi assigned to him during low-risk missions while on your way to the Captain's office. You just wrapped up from a mission yourself when you nearly walked in on him and the young but pretty girl. She had a neat look to her person and evidently took everything he said to heart, jotting down notes as he spoke to her about pointers you had no idea about. If you remembered correctly, too, she must be one of Konomi's best and brightest since she had no issue assigning her to the Vice Captain, of all people. 
"Well? Did you get all of that, Tateyama? It's a lot to consider, but Okonogi-chan thinks you're capable enough."
"Yes, boss! I-I mean sir!" The Operations trainee, Tateyama, eagerly nodded her assent as she closed her notepad and slipped it back into the pocket of her white coat. 
"Do you have any other questions?"
"D-Do you have a girlfriend, Vice Captain?!"
"I'm engaged to Platoon Leader Koganei," Soshiro replied with his usual cheer. "You must not know about it since we've just recently announced it."
"O-Oh, I see! One of our Platoon Leaders…" 
"She and I are childhood friends, too."
"Ah! And childhood friends, too!" The younger girl remarked with a look of complete surprise on her face. "How romantic!" 
You left them to their conversation after hearing just how harmless it was and decided to pay no thought to it afterwards. A young girl with a silly crush on your fiancé was nothing to feel threatened about. More than anything, it was rather flattering to know just how well-sought-after Soshiro was and that he still chose you out of all the people he could be with.
But then you realised the young girls around him may not be as harmless as you initially thought.
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The young Operations trainees were taking a break from weapons calibrations when you overheard their conversation at the mess hall that afternoon. You didn't mean to, of course. You and Tae were there for a break yourselves, but something in the tone of their voices made you do a double-take.
"I can't believe you actually asked Vice Captain Hoshina if the rumours were true!" 
"I-I know! It's too bad that they were. That means he's off-limits," said the girl you recognised as Tateyama from the other day. "B-But that doesn't mean we can't daydream about him a little now, can we? He's just so cool!"
"Exactly! And he's got a cute side, too. Maybe if we show him just how good we are, he might cave in and even consider enterta—"
"Well, that's not a good w— O-Otome-chan?!"
Your fellow Platoon Leader was unable to stop you from marching towards their table, where you unceremoniously slammed down your favourite iced drink.
"P-Platoon Leader K—!" The girls hastily rose to their feet to meet your smiling yet furious gaze. "We—"
"You're… Tateyama, aren't you? The one assigned to the Vice Captain," you said, not even allowing them to speak. "And you are?"
"A-Akabane, ma'am," the other girl stammered.
"My, you must think so little of Vice Captain Hoshina if you think he'll consider entertaining little brats like you," you stated with a wicked grin on your face. "How… funny. I seem to recall the Vice Captain telling you that he was already engaged, Tateyama. But that doesn't bother you at all, does it?"
"This isn't high school, children. We aren't in the business of stealing other women's boyfriends here. Even more so that he's engaged. We're all about saving lives and subjugating Kaiju here. If you're really as smart as Konomi-chan says you are, you'll know what's more important."
How scary, Tae thought to herself, though she couldn't blame you for reacting that way, too. Then again, these kids are way too brazen!
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Captain Ashiro Mina of the Third Division, a pillar of strength and a beacon of light for the people of Tokyo, has been reduced to matchmaking duties because she's had just about enough.
Because two of her best officers were acting like idiots.
She was supportive of your relationship with Soshiro at first, but now that you were unable to coexist in the same space whenever the Vice Captain was around, she thinks it's borderline ridiculous. You couldn't even deliver reports without glaring at him wherever your eyes met! (And you admit that it's totally unprofessional on your part.) Mina is forgiving, but your situation begs the question now.
Can loving someone really fry your brain that much?
She heard about how you scolded the younger Operations trainees and even had Konomi apologising for their "brazen" behaviour, as Tae also mentioned.  
Soshiro's not-so-subtle teasing and flirting aren't helping your case, either. Everyone knew he liked throwing around little endearments, but the way he spoke to you was different— his voice hushed to a whisper and a string of endearments he'd rather not let anyone else hear—and it made sense to the rookies that you were a blubbering mess afterwards.
But they all noticed how you avoided the Vice Captain like he had the plague even though he just whispered yet another light-hearted sweet nothing to you. It was clear to them that you were annoyed, but the way your lips quivered in embarrassment gave you away and you might as well just combust on the spot.
"I'm acting like a fool…"
The final straw was when you were taking your bath late in the night. Mina realised you were purposely avoiding everyone else by volunteering to be the last one to take a bath and mop up the floors. You thought you'd be all alone by then, but you were shell-shocked by the dark silhouette that appeared behind you as you groaned to yourself. 
"C-Captain! I-It's late! Wh—"
Your Captain held her belongings in one hand while the other had a finger gun pointed at you. "You need to tell me if you're acting like a fool for a reason."
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Soshiro has had just about enough of your attitude lately.
Your jealous outburst was cute when he first heard about it, but the Operations trainees wanted nothing to do with him anymore after that. And he couldn't have that happening since they had to practise analysing vitals and situations and calibrating weapons with someone. He will have to pass on the task to the Platoon Leaders, but he needed to speak with them— and you. 
You avoided him as much as you possibly could and everyone else picked up on it now because no one else spoke up whenever you two were in close proximity, as if they were waiting and anticipating for the two of you to reconcile. You didn't mention anything about leaving Tachikawa, too, since he found out earlier this week that your platoon was assigned under Ryo and Tae in the meantime.
"I gave Koganei an assignment. She's at Ariake," Mina told her Vice Captain as he inquired about your whereabouts. "She… didn't want me to tell you about it."
"Ah, I see," came Soshiro's flat response. "I apologise for draggin' the entire division in our…"
"She'll be back tomorrow. When she arrives, I'll need you two back here in my office to discuss something," she stated. "In the meantime, Hoshina, have you considered organising the files at your office?"
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Letters were among the many things you and Soshiro shared, especially when you went to France to further your fencing skills. For the young man who loved to read and devoured nearly everything that had words on it, your letters to him were always a source of delight. When you were still in France, it took around 10 days for your letters to reach each other, so you always had something new to read almost every week.  
He was utterly elated when he found yet even more letters from you addressed to him, though you never sent them his way because of how candid they were. It pleased him to no end to find out that his feelings for you were reciprocated. In your letters, he could trust you to give voice to the very depths of your emotions, even more now after he told you to write to him whenever you wanted to. 
On his office desk sat a single letter in your familiar and favourite cream stationery, and it was only then he realised that his Captain's cryptic comment was meant to be a sign of sorts pointing to his most favourite means of communication with you, his most favourite person. The letter sat atop a number of document folders that had to be sorted out, but he'd figure those out later. 
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"To Hoshina Soshiro-副隊長,
I suppose I'm still at headquarters by the time you find this letter. I remember you once told me that I could write to you whenever I could, whenever I wanted to, especially if there were things on my mind that I couldn't speak out loud. It's embarrassing having to write something like this, but I feel like I can be honest with you here.
It was only recently that I realised that Vice Captain Hoshina Soshiro of the Third Division is perhaps the second most admired person in Tokyo. I say second because Captain Ashiro is still at the top of the list. Imagine that— your fiancé, one of the most admired persons in the city. The whole of Japan, even, now that I think about it. 
You always claimed to be nothing special, but I can confirm with you that it wasn't true at all when I heard those little girls prattling about impressing you. They speak about you like you're some monolith meant to be worshipped… and the worst part is I completely understand them. I, too, look up at you in awe of your silent strength and skill and still hope that you will turn my way— even though I know that your gaze rested solely on me and that your heart is mine, even from long, long ago. 
Truth be told, I can't handle the way other women speak about you. And it's beyond my control. You are just so amazing like that— And have you heard the way they talk about your body??? You've been objectified so many times now, I might as well burn down the base—
I know I must have been a brat this past week, but I promise you that my antics end now. Captain Ashiro scolded me in the bathroom sometime last week and told me to sort things out with you. She even said you must hand over my remaining brain cell because I clearly wasn't thinking straight these past few days. 
I apologise for being such an insufferable person. I hope we can talk once I return from Ariake. The Captain of the First Division requested a blade master for close-quarters training, so Captain Ashiro sent me, claiming I am the second best Tachikawa can offer. You are, of course, a knife she can't afford to lose. 
She also told me to beat up Captain Narumi in her stead, so there is that.
I'll bring back some Mont Blanc from that shop at Jiyugaoka. Let's have them with coffee and tea when I get back.
I love you dearly."
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Soshiro was nothing but happy to see you back at Tachikawa a day later, the box of Mont Blanc you promised him nearly dropped in the process when he welcomed you back with a hug. He didn't let go despite your struggling and urging and whimpering at how embarrassing this was. 
How could he let you go when you were holding him just as tight in the first place? 
You both had barely set down your salutes when your Captain welcomed you into her office with a simple declaration, an order you couldn't refuse. 
"I need you two to go on a vacation for me."
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✦ Thank you for requesting! Nothing makes me happier than writing a request I know I can work with. 🍹 You can read more about requesting here. (Requests are closed at present. Thanks for your kind understanding!)
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luvanniiee · 1 year
Chill and Unwind .
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non-idol!felix x gn/afab reader
synopsis : you come home from a hard day of work , feeling overwhelmed by everything , your bf felix helps you relax and forget about everything thats troubling you .
warnings : smut mdni , established relationship , sub!reader , softdom!felix , unprotected sex (wrap it or it falls off) , sensual massaging , reader has a vagina , oral (f & m receiving) , cunnilingus , oils , vanilla sex , everything is soft here , breeding , multiple orgasms , overstimulation , slight edging , pet names like baby , princess and things like that. lmk if i missed anything:)
a/n : hii its annie here and uh this is my first story on this app , so be nice ! also i got this inspo from a porn vid 💀 . dont ask , anyways enjoy !! lowercase intended
wrd cnt : 200 +
story under cut !! ;)
9:23 pm
youre driving home from work , tired as usual . the boss always gives you a hard time . what do you expect when theres a deadline coming up ? but today , he was a little rougher this time . he was so pushy . do this y/n , he would say , or get this done , he would add . it was too much. everyone moving around fast , it made you feel overwhelmed . you just couldnt wait until you were home with your loving boyfriend .
and now youre pulling in the driveway to the house you shared with him . lee felix , he sure was a catch . hes so beautiful in all aspects , sometimes you would dread bringing him along to the stores , people would stare a little too hard at him sometimes . it made you feel proud that you were the only one lucky enough to be with him . but it also made you feel jealous because of those men and women eye fucking whats yours .
hey baby , someone said snapping you out of your thoughts . you hadnt even realized you walked in the house . oh ! hey felix , you said . you set your keys down and gave him a hug and kiss . you must not have realized that you were almost clinging on to him . when he tried to back up , you would only hold him closer . hard day baby ? he said . yeah , my boss was being a cunt again, rushing everyone for a stupid deadline .
oh , my poor baby . im glad i ran your bath , go on and get in it baby , and when you get out , daddy will give you a nice massage to help you chill and relax , okay ? he said . you nodded and went upstairs to take that bath .
11:14 pm
you’ve finished your shower and felix was sitting on the bed waiting for you . you smiled at him softly and made your way over to the bed . since you were only in your towel , felix took it off of you and laid you face down on the bed . ready? he asked . you nodded , and felix got up , grabbed the vanilla scented oil and poured it into his hand .
he rubbed his hands together and laid them on your skin . you shivered at the contrast of his warm hands vs the cold air , forming goosebumps on your skin . feel alright princess ? he asked before he massaged you . you hummed in agreement . and he started his massage .
you felt his hands moving down your lower back , towards your ass . the way his hands gently gripped and soothed your muscles really turned you on . do you like it honey ? he asked . yes felix , your hands feel nice . you say lifting your head to speak . he chuckled lightly at your response . and you smiled to yourself .
11:35 pm
felix has you on your back now , so youre facing him . his lips are on yours , kissing you passionately , lovingly , making you forget about everything that worried you . you felt safe in this moment , you felt vulnerable being naked in front of him . his hands massage your boobs , while kissing you . you grind your hips upwards to ease the tension you felt down there . you needed friction , he was more than willing to give it to you . but he wanted to take his time .
as his hands traveled down your body , his mouth traveled down as well . kissing and sucking on each nipple . taking his time to appreciate you . his efforts to make you feel better made you really hot . as his hands travel from your stomach to your lower body , he stops just above your pussy . not touching it , but enough to make you need him more . i know you need me here , your love juice is coming out a lot . he said. i wont keep you waiting my love , i know you want me to make you feel good . he added.
so he took two fingers , and slowly played with your clit . it wasnt much , but it was enough to make you whine for more . please felix i need it so bad . you said . he gave you what you wanted by speeding up . he took his thumb and circled your clit with it while his middle and pointer fingers were deep inside you . aw fuck d..daddy it feels s’good . you moaned out . that only fueled his desire for you . so he leaned down and replaced his thumb with his mouth .
the feeling of his mouth gently sucking on your clit , was too much for you . in a matter of seconds , felix had you moaning and panting as you released . your eyes rolling back , and back lifting up off the bed . the more you were coming down , the more you realized that felix was still sucking at your clit . the overstimulation quick to set in . s . stop i already came . you moaned as you tried to push him away . he got up and took his fingers out slowly . he brought them to his mouth and sucked on them . moaning at the flavor .
he looked at you , with his fingers still in his mouth , and fingers wet with your cum and his spit . he took his fingers from his mouth and kissed you on your lips . you moaned at both the flavor and the fact that his boner was pushing against your sensitive clit . he grinded himself into you , seeking a slight relief from how hard he was .
baby , can you help daddy out ? he asked . he sounded a bit needy , so you couldnt keep him waiting . he leaned back on his knees and you sat forward . you wasted no time taking his pants off , revealing his erection . it slapped against his lower abdomen , causing a slight noise . he moaned as you took him in your hand . his precum leaking out from his tip . you gave him kitten licks causing him to whine . stop teasing me baby , put it in your mouth now . he groaned . you obeyed him .
thinking about the times where you teased too much and he ended up punishing you , you took him in your mouth as soon as he finished his sentence . his hips stuttered due to his sensitivity , as you were sliding him down your throat , he grabbed some of your hair and pushed himself more in your mouth . you gagged because of his size and how far he was down your throat . it sent pleasure waves down to your pussy making you drip on the bed . although you were still a little sensitive from the mind blowing orgasm he gave you , you wouldnt mind going again .
fuck y/n … you..youre mouth is s’good . he moaned . his moans always turned you on . you subconsciously moaned , making him thrust his hips forward , pushing himself down your throat even more . fuck stop … stop i dont want to cum yet . he groaned forcing himself out of your mouth . with a pop , his dick was out of your mouth . you caught your breath and wiped your mouth clean from the spit .
he kissed you and laid you back down . he spread your legs and put them on both sides of him. he looked at you , desperation , lust , love , need in his eyes . you gave him a nod and with that , he slowly pushed himself into you . both of you moaned at the stretch . although you guys have had sex before , you werent quite used to him yet .
he pushed himself all the way until your pubic areas were meeting . he sat there for a few minutes , letting you adjust to him . and also keeping himself from ending it all by cumming . move now daddy , you moaned as you grind your hips into him . okay baby . was all he said before thrusting slowly into .
his size was so incredible , always making you feel full of him . you whined as he kept pushing himself deep and slowly into you . i..ah…i want more daddy please . you begged him , you wanted him to speed up , which is what he did . he fucked himself into . both of you moaning loud . it was almost like a competition of who can moan loudest . mmgh fuck…fuck me babe , so tight an..nngh..and good for me . he moaned out , the last part coming out as a whisper .
his praise compared to how deeply and fast he was fucking you , had your head spinning . you felt yourself getting closer and closer each snap of his hips . fel…fuck daddy im gonna cum ! you moaned loudly . he brought his hand down to rub your clit , pushing you over your limit . you came with a loud cry of his name . fuck felix ! you screamed. he slowed down enough to help you through your orgasm .
soon as your breathing slowed , he sped back up . chasing his own high . you could tell he was close . his breathing was uneven , his eyes closed tightly , biting his lip , his hips sloppily thrusting into you . fuck fuck fuck y/n i… aw fuck im cumming i..m cu… he came with a loud moan of your name . he stills his hips and releases his cum into .
as if his cock wasnt filling enough , his cum filled the tiny space his cock wasnt touching . he shakes with each sharp thrust , gasping as each rope of cum shoots out . his eyes roll back and his head falls back . then his head falls forward looking at the mess hes made . he slowly pulls himself out , and watches as some of his cum leaks out .
he pushes it back in you , not wanting to waste it . you twitch a little from the aftershocks , and he looks up and smiles at you . let me clean you up , and then we can talk more about that day you had . he spoke up . how could anyone have energy after that ?
he drew the bath , and yall cleaned up . as soon as you hit the bed , your eyes start to close . now about that day … he said but then realized that you had fallen asleep . he kissed your cheek and turned off the light .
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i hope that you guys enjoyed this ! i hope it was good for the first time ! ill be making more soo put in some recs !!
©️luvanniiee on tumblr !
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localapparently · 10 months
/ orv main story ending spoilers , mentions of kdj's suicidal mindset
mindless rambling
my friend who just finished orv asked me why kdj couldn't just split like 2% off of himself into an od avatar and leave that in the train while he joined kimcom, and while my initial reaction was "there's no way he could just do that" I remembered i thought a similar thing when I first read through orv too? and maybe it got explained down the line but I forget things real easy (which is why i'm rereading orv) and so I'm just trying to make sense of it using my existing knowledge
There's this bit in epilogue here:
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Sangah's words "protecting the world by dividing himself in half, one becomes the reader, one becomes the character". the first being 51 and the second being 49,
I think there are layers to it. Right after being shaken by the OD ordeal, kdj's mindset that he's to blame for the whole world is reinforced stronger than ever before in his head, because he had just witnessed living proof of it. And that's not something he can overcome just because sp and 999 gang took od away to take care of him. Even then, kdj was confused why they weren't angry.
There's also the persisting mindset kdj has that he's twsa's reader and not a proper part of kimcom, and he probably felt like he should bear the burden of consciously continuing to read the world until the very end. He managed to see himself as part of kimcom over the course of the story but od's appearance sort of undoes all that progress he's ever made, and its sad but its pretty common for self hate mindsets to spiral like that,
He probably felt like he deserved it, yet him wanting that extra 2% difference to prove he knew and loved kimcom more than his avatar. Him regretting splitting in half right after the avatar left and he saw them all walking away. He knows what he wants and in the end he can't bring himself to think that he deserves it
And honestly I don't really know why the way singshong writes kdj's self hate and suicidal tendencies get me so badly, I mean I do, kind of, the feeling is there, but it's incredible how long the set up was and how real it feels when you see it all go downhill.
i think od reveal truly truly fucked up kdj to no repair. like if you read the passages, its fucking heartbreaking.
"My own tragedy couldn't even compare to their pain. The sin of creating an even bigger tragedy because of my own should not be forgiven." "Something was wrong. A blade… I, I needed to find a blade."
and the thing that gets to me is how easily anyone who has had self loathing thoughts can empathise with him. The want to disappear for inconveniencing things that would've been perfectly fine and pretty and happy had you not come into contact with it, the idea that you are a disgusting monster and its easier to shut yourself off than do any more damage. and its Fine if youre in pain because They will be happy and theyll will be happier without you.
It fascinates me how a portion of readers of orv who self blame or self doubt love kdj so much, because the act of loving him is also some form of self reassurance that they can be loved as well, because if someone like kdj can be forgiven, then surely they can, for all their small or big mistakes that are definitely not on the scale of plunging the universe into a space apocalypse. or something.
but i might be assuming so. don't take my word for any of this.
tldr he doesnt split out a small avatar to take the place of od because he thinks he deserves it. which is quite obvious if you take a look at the big picture, and i dont really know why i rambled so long. maybe ill reread orv and theres gona be a small bit that's like "ohh well actually if it was too small of a percentage that became od the universe wont hold up" and i will be like Ah yes i just missed that part. and this ramble will be void. uhh yes. have a nice day
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internetscenarios · 4 months
Can we get some more of Nick, Yumi or Isaac x cc! Partner? Loved the last one and I keep re-reading lol
yes ong
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yumi ꕥ
- ur biggest supporter
- always in ur chat 🫶
- sending donations being like “Shuatt uppp”
- stuff like that blah blah
- roblox with him
- new larry stream with the group on roblox was so funny
- they played this game where u had to survive till the end, so if it was u and him in the end u would both team up or he would sacrifice himself for u:3
- if hes in ur chat everyone will be like “YUMII”
- if he ever appears in the background he has to join in and have screentime it is essential
- yk how they had the marriage mod on the minecraft server
- u are both married (same with the other two 💓💓)
- i said this in the other one but csgo with him
- would teach you how to play itt
- if u were doing chill streams he would force himself to do chill streams if u were there
- defo has little things that remind u of him near his setup
isaac ꕥ
- married too him on minecraft <3
- feel like he would build a little chappel for u
- if hes streaming n ur sleeping he defo tries to keep it down
- randomly shows u clips from stuff he likes during streams
- talks very gentle to u if ur streaming
- in his videos all the time
- discord prank calls,, he would get someone other than him to prank call u and pretend its something to do with him
- if ur relationship was public obvi
- yk how he would post discord msgs with him and the tgc on twt,, he would do silly stuff like that w u
smthn like
“ru streaming?”
that video makes me giggle sm to this day i had to add it mb
- in his instagram posts theres always a silly picture, u would be that silly picture
- i saw on a yumi stream he peaked in the door asking if they wanted any food
- so he would always peak in (obviously out of frame) and ask if u wanted food or anything on ur stream
- ok last stream of his was almost a year ago so he would defo just pop up in ur streams all the time so he still has that twitch streamer era yknow?
nick ꕥ
sigh softwilly my love
- just chatting streams w him would be so silly
- bento appearances!!!
- no srsly u would be so focused on a game and bento would just take over the moment
- if hes at bento house on podcast and u walk past everyone on the podcast is like “haiii!!”
- or if u make too much noise in the background u get the occasional “be quiet” (they mean well i promise)
- u would defo be a star on the podcast if u went on it
idk why im mentioning this for nick i apologise
- always posting pictures of you and bento on his instagram story
- itll be u holding bento and also a pokemon card ur holding 😭
- ur either in his chat or hes in urs
- taking u and only u random places
- sure there will be videos with u and the group but there will be LOADS of u
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im sorry thats its short ive been busy i will try my best to get some requests done but pls take this while i get stuff done😢
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camryntheking · 6 months
Ok! My thoughts on 7x05!
First, i just wanna say that the whole Hen and Karen storyline is awesome! I love that the show is giving queer people so much screen time, especially a Black lesbian couple! And i think its super sweet that they really want to try for Mara! I hope it works out!
Next, i think that has been my favorite cold open so far. The “ITS MEEE” gets me every time (i have already watched it loads of times). I dont have much to comment on it other than it was funny as fuck
Ok. The date scene. I was hoping to see more of Eddie watching them (especially after the stills), but oh well. The second-hand embarrassment i got was… a lot. But i dont think its necessarily a bad thing. It showed how out of his comfort zone Buck was and how he was trying to navigate a terrifying situation. And Tommy? I might have to retract my earlier retraction. Cos wtf?? Literally had just finished talking about how its hard to accept yourself in a “macho” field, then makes a dig at Buck when he fumbles? Not cool. Then not communicating what was happening until he was getting in the Uber? You dont just abandon someone at a restaurant like that. I understand the “you’re not ready” thing, but that was a dick move.
Also, Buck, baby. Sweetheart. Darling. “I look at hot guys’ asses.” Sweetie. Like Maddie said. You are more than an ally lmao. I also just love how Maddie showed interest in getting to know who Buck was talking about and treating the convo after like a normal convo. Because it is! And i love it! But she also emphasized talking to Eddie, because she knew that Eddie would not react poorly. I feel like that just shows how everyone knows how close Buck and Eddie are. TLDR, Maddie is an awesome sister and Buck is lucky to have her ❤️
Next point, the scene where Buck and Tommy talk over coffee. I do think that the hand holding at the end is very sweet and shows how Buck is really trying to be more open, but Tommy is just really starting to rub me the wrong way. Pretty much everything he said contradicts what happened in the date scene. I feel like him being at the wedding is really gonna spark some Jealous Eddie, tho, so i am excited to see that lmao
And Eddie and Marisol? I feel like the show is going in a direction that leads them to breaking up. Like yes, it is showing growth for Eddie and allowed him to acknowledge that he has Catholic guilt, but theres just. No chemistry. It feels awkward. I feel like her being an ex-nun is gonna bring up some issues with Buck and Eddie will not stand for that. I also wanted to point out that i got even more vibes that Eddie could be demisexual, cos he didnt straight up say that he loved Shannon, just that he loved being married to her. And he knows that he is moving too fast and needs to step back a bit
Finally, Buck coming out to Eddie. I do find it funny that Eddie seemed more shocked that Tommy wasnt straight than figuring out Buck isnt straight. But its awesome that Eddie showed interest and genuinely wanted to help Buck through the issue. And the hug? Finally! Give me men not being afraid to hug each other! I feel like this is allowing Buck and Eddie to become even closer (i do hope for Buddie eventually)
Overall, i feel like this episode was great for setting up the development of Buck and Eddie’s relationship (whether it ends up being platonic or romantic). And i am all for Buck exploring his sexuality with someone that isnt Eddie. While Tommy isnt my favorite right now, i do think that he is great for the progression of Buck’s story. I do hope to see more of Dad!Bobby in the coming episodes and how Buck’s parents might react to Tommy. I dont wanna wait three weeks for the next episode 😢. Im ready for the chaos of the Madney wedding
If i think of anything else ill add on, but i think thats all i have for now. Feel free to share your thoughts!
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