#{intros || Sorin}
haydenigmatic · 9 months
Sorin (so-rhin) of Kilmeden
Step into the world of Sorin, where every performance is a carefully orchestrated act, and every con holds the promise of both risk and reward. Her story unfolds in the labyrinthine streets of Soirsa, where veils dance, secrets whisper, and the cities themselves become stages for the elaborate performances of a life lived in the shadows.
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For her face claim I'm still on the look , this portrait (inspired by the character of Esmeralda of The Hunchback of Notredame) kinda reminds me of Kristine Froseth. For the voice I would say Cree Summers (Kida from Atlantis the lost empire) or Penelope Cruz.
Family Dynamics:
Marlan - The Foster Brother: Her bond with Marlan is a mixture of shared survival and genuine camaraderie. They found each other in the gritty streets of Soirsa during their early years, forging a connection that goes beyond blood. Marlan, quick-witted and agile, is Sorin's partner-in-crime, and together they navigate the intricacies of their nomadic life. Their unspoken understanding and the shared weight of their pasts create a profound sibling bond.
Shevy - The Mentor and Father Figure: Shevy, a seasoned con artist, serves as both mentor and father figure to Sorin and Marlan. Having taken them under his wing when they were still navigating the harsh realities of life in Soirsa, Shevy imparted his knowledge of the art of deception and thievery. His guidance went beyond the tricks of the trade; he instilled in them a code, an unspoken set of rules that, despite their illicit activities, set them apart from ruthless criminals.
Some details about her:
Memorable Quote: "People like us, we don't get happy endings. But we can make the most of what we have."
Sorin and her foster brother, Marlan, communicate in a silent code using hand signals and glances during their scams.
When in a new city, Sorin seeks solace on rooftops, finding comfort in the panoramic views that temporarily distance her from her past.
Traveling between the 12 principalities/countries/districts of Soirsa with Marlan and Shevy, only staying long enough to make a profit before moving on.
Her lively companion on her adventures is Jinx, a mischievous (capuchin) Crown-tail monkey with a fascination for shiny objects.
Sorin follows a moral code; she refrains from stealing from those who can't afford to lose.
Trust doesn't come easy to Sorin; she carefully assesses individuals before letting them into her inner circle.
Having once been forced to work as a courtesan, her past is marked by torment, but her resilience and skills have helped her survive.
Sorin's talent lies in the mesmerizing "Dance of the Five Veils," a performance that draws admirers from all walks of life.
Though she's adept at blending in, a faint Kilmedian accent occasionally reveals her origin to keen listeners.
She was bestowed with the name Sorin by the house mother. This name, like a veil, concealed the remnants of her previous existence and marked the inception of her life as a courtesan.
Once prosperous merchants in a bustling city, Sorin's parents faced ruinous debt due to unfortunate events. A ruthless creditor, seeking retribution, sent masked assailants to storm Sorin's home one night. Unable to repay, her parents were mercilessly murdered, leaving Sorin as the sole witness to the consequences of financial ruin.
A heartless slaver seized the opportunity, abducting the grief-stricken Sorin. Sold into slavery, she became a mere commodity, her innocence shattered as she navigated the brutal realities of captivity. Forced into a life where survival meant mastering adaptation, Sorin's spirit faced the crucible of hardship.
A wealthy patron purchased Sorin, thrusting her into the world of courtesans. Trained in entertainment, seduction, and charm, she became a pawn in the games of the rich and powerful. Behind the lavish façade, Sorin concealed scars of her past, forced to wear a mask of grace and sophistication to survive.
Once believed she had escaped the clutches of slavery when a powerful man, professing love and marriage, bought her. However, it was a cruel ruse; he sought to exploit her talents for his gain. The illusion of love shattered, leaving her trapped in a different form of servitude.
Realizing the betrayal, Sorin, fuelled by the bitter taste of deception, sought liberation. It was her foster brother, Marlan, and mentor, Shevy, who orchestrated her escape. With their cunning skills, they shattered the chains of illusion, allowing her to break free from the clutches of a man who feigned affection while intending only exploitation.
The experience left her scarred, not just physically but emotionally. She had felt genuine love for the man who merely saw her as a tool for his ambitions. The betrayal deepened her mistrust and cemented her resolve to rely on Marlan and Shevy, the only constants in a life fraught with deceit.
I may have added way more but I needed to add context guys.
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lyssa-ink · 1 year
heir of the eternal king; a wip intro
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genre: high fantasy
status: drafting
themes and tropes: immortality, ancient magic that shouldn’t be messed with, a tad of anti-colonialism, love triangle turns into polyamory, friends + enemies + lovers in almost every possible order
Lar Sorin spends his days at the kingdom’s edge, hunting ancient monsters and neglecting his duties as heir of the Eternal Empire. Not that the empire needs an heir – not when the Emperor has lived for thousands of years and is likely to survive thousands more.
Except he doesn’t. When news of his father’s death reaches him, Lar is dragged back to the capital where an unwanted throne and the court politics he’s been running from his whole life await. No allies but his harsh brother, an old flame and his best friend turned bodyguard, Lar must navigate the unfamiliar waters of ruling while beneath the surface, the ancient conspiracy that killed his father continues to unfold…
alaric ‘lar’ sorin. the prince who ran away from royal life to an outpost at the empire’s edge that holds back the beasts roaming beyond. he has daddy issues. trust issues. a lot of issues
niara rai. diplomat, mage, and lar’s first love from before he ran away. also a spy for the immortal sorceress known as the black rose, which may have been a contributing factor in lar’s trust issues
felicien ‘fel’ gladiol. lar’s first and only true friend at the outpost. she also happens to be the latest of a family sworn to serve as the emperor’s bodyguard, however unnecessary that job may seem
taglist: tell me if you want to be +/-
Tagging @maddilynmuse since she mentioned being interested. Sorry if this bothers you!
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
[ alberto rosende, cis-man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ sorin denatos ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ eternally twenty-four ] year old child of [ dimitri denatos ] from [ mom’s got a date with a vampire ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ honest ] but [ stubborn ] and have [ 1 adoptive younger sister ] sibling(s). i could almost swear i heard [ the other side - bruno mars ] playing when they appeared. [ sho, 25, est, she/her. ]
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Bio tws: Murder, death, kidnapping.
Sorin was born to a loving couple. However, to his misfortune, he doesn’t remember much of them. When he was just six years old, his parents were murdered by a Dimitri Denatos, a vampire who was looking to start a family.
With no parents to object to him, Dimitri took the boy and began to raise him as his son.
However the young boy was defiant and unwilling to listen to Dimitri. As a result, a year later, Dimitri decided that maybe “adopting” a second child might make his son more compliant. One night, Dimitri went out to work, and came back with a young girl.
The two children quickly clung to each other for support, and they became close enough that they consider each other actual siblings.
In their later years, the two were put on a vampire schedule, and Dimitri began to teach them about what it was like to be a vampire. However, if Sorin or his sister disobeyed, he’d punish them and make an example through innocent people.
Sorin was turned at the age of twenty-four, and although he’s actually a bit older now, he still appears to be twenty-four and when asked will give that as his age.
After they were turned, Ylania and Sorin planned on getting out. However, Dimitri found out and Sorin stayed behind in an attempt to convince Dimitri to let Ylania go.
Although Sorin hates living under the same roof as Dimitri, he keeps himself occupied with other things. He watches horror movies, plays computer games and video games, and sits and reads. Dimitri gave Sorin those things long ago with the hope that they’d make him compliant, and even though they never did, Sorin still felt it’d be easier to make use of them.
Overall, Sorin is a giant nerdy dork. He’s pretty awkward since he hasn’t really had much experience in socializing outside of Ylania and the rare conversation with Dimitri. But if you get him talking about a topic he likes, once he starts, he won’t stop talking about it.
Sorin loves horror movies, especially the classics. He especially loves vampire movies, since he uses them as a learning experience and a way to bolster his confidence. Some of his favorites are Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Dracula, Near Dark, What We Do in the Shadows, Salem’s Lot, and the Revenge of Count Krelsky.
Other non-vampire horror favorites are IT, The Shining, Doctor Sleep, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Frankenstein, Chucky, Alien, Ghostbusters, and Carrie.
He’ll often compare Dimitri to horror movie characters, such as Jerry Dandrige from Fright Night, Max the Head Vampire from The Lost Boys, or even Count Dracula. He never calls Dimitri any by paternal term, and will only call him Dimitri or by a horror movie character’s name. If he ever refers to Dimitri as ‘his dad’ or ‘his father’ then something is very, very wrong.
Sorin hates that he needs to drink blood to survive. As a result, he usually opts for a rare burger or steak. If that doesn’t satiate him then the local wildlife might. But he’d never bite a human.
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 3 months
🩹 for the big ask game?
Hey, thanks for the ask! (From this OC details ask game)
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
I have a handful of disabled characters in TSP. They don't come up often on here, weirdly enough, so prepare to be surprised. Akash has paraplegia, Kelsey has Tourette's, and Niri has mutism (though due to him being a more minor character, I haven't figured out the specifics). Technically the Inutilia have a disability from an Alii perspective.
Edit: forgot Teo rip - he's hard of hearing
For SOTL, I don't have most specifics since it's in the planning stages, but here are the disabled characters so far: Minnie is blind, Mele is mute, has low vision, and needs a wheelchair, Penelope has a facial difference, Sorin also has a facial difference and a spinal disorder, and Alberto has low vision, albinism, and can't fly (his species can).
These lists can change since not all of these guys were disabled from conception.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites
SOTL intro
SOTL tag list (ask to be +/-): @illarian-rambling @katwritesshit @wyked-ao3
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lycorisundead · 3 months
Hi! We're the Lycoris Undead Collective, collectively we go by a few names. Sorin, Jack and Vincent being main ones. We are collectively Trans Masc and on T with no surgeries. Collectively not taken by anyone. We are 17, our birthday is 12/17/06. We use he / him mainly but also like they / it / hymn and zey / zem / zeir.
We are not DX for OSDD and a few other things, we are DX for Depression Anxiety ADHD and HSD however. We are physically disabled and use a cane.
Our tag for collective posts or intro posts is 🩸.txt due to that being our systag.
We are interested in : Phighting! - BSD - Persona 5 - Bleach - FMA:B - Soul Eater - NGE - Ultrakill - MGS2 - Milgram - RvB - Dungeon Meshi - HSR
We really like The Crane Wives, we're trying to get into emo and goth music and fashion. We really like Peirce the Veil. Some of our favorite goth and emo songs are Caraphernelia, Lucretia my Reflection and Sacrifice. Our favorite goth fashion style is romantic goth :)
We bounce around interests a lot so some of our interests we know a lot about and some we know very little about but still like them very much so please be patient with us about that.
We have a Lot. of fictives and dormant alters and fragments.
We really don't care for syscourse with the exception of endo shit (which we honestly don't even feel should be discourse) so endos DNI. Like We obviously can't force you but we do not like endos and will just block you. The ONLY exception is people who beleived they were "endo" due to repressing trauma and genuinely being unaware of the fact they are traumatized.
We are fully open to system friends or just singlet friends ! We are a bit of a social disaster though so be warned. We may get too scared and/or irrationally aggitated to respond especially if weve barely talked to you. We are very awkward and a little bit of a loser. (I don't mean that as self deprecation we just literally are LMAO)
MAN this was a bit of a ramble fest, wrapping this intro up with a bit of userboxes !
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suunflower-speaks · 8 months
intro post 💜
sorin (it/its) switch and verse! do lean dom & top though:
polyamorous and partnered. t4t.
dni: minors, people over 40 (we’re just in different life phases), terfs, swerfs, etc.
i don’t want people to message me unless we are mutuals.
i do use the term fag and faggot as i like em and i do not tag them :) just a heads up
bun bouncin is the tag on my posts that i created. used to be s speaks
bun photos for my photos
info is a tag for good educational stuff
i do post some cnc content and harder kinks so please block as needed or let me know if you’re uncomfy with me interacting!
reminder to do your free daily clicks to help support the people of palestine: https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/
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w0rld0flight · 2 years
Introductory post thing (Reblogs appreciated!)
I made this account yesterday, but I haven't made an intro post yet, so here I go.
Hi! My name is Ganessa! I also go by Sorin and Josh, so you can call me any of those three names that I go by. Information you need to know about me:
17 years old (I'M A MINOR!)
Any pronouns + star/stars neopronouns
Genderfluid demiromantic bisexual
3/4 Filipino; 1/4 Chinese
List of interests (Bolded = Things I often talk about; italicized = Things I sometimes talk about; regular text = Things I don't really talk about, though I still like them) :
The World Ends With You
AI: The Somnium Files
Twisted Wonderland
Kingdom Hearts
Cookie Run
The Amazing World of Gumball
Zero Escape
Ace Attorney
Nintendo media (Mainly Super Smash Bros., Kirby, Super Mario, and The Legendary Starfy)
Guilty Gear
Under Night In-birth
Persona (Mainly 3-5)
Trauma Center/Team
Ghost Trick
As for my boundaries, just please don't interact with me if you're a p*dophile, zooph*le, bigot, and proshipper.
That's the end of my introduction. With that said, enjoy your stay here!
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haydenigmatic · 1 year
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You are the King’s third child, a Princess/Prince third in line to the throne of the eight kingdoms,Third in line to the throne, you have nothing to worry about , well of course you have your lessons but not as extensive as your brothers because your older brother is the heir and even if something happened to him, there is your other big brother.
Maybe you will be a pawn for your father in a marriage alliance, However, who knows what the future holds, something or someone could ensure that your dynasty will be nothing more than dust and you will have to fight for the throne as the heir apparent, or maybe you won’t have to fight at all…
RO's intro post: ✸ Aurelia/n✸Damon✸Doria/n✸Hanniel✸
               ✸ Jasira✸ Nesrin ✸ Odette ✸ Sorin ✸ Verena ✸  
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Play as a Princess/Prince of a powerful dynasty.
Variety of dialogue depending on your gender
Find love among nine characters of whom two are gender selectable
Manipulate, or genuinely care for your people
Bond with creatures that used to be extinct
Blurry the line between good and bad
Form alliances to win the crown
Do anything to survive at court
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♢ Lady/Lord Aurelia/Aurelian Mezzei (She/her - He/him) 2 years older than MC
Aurelia/n is a proud and skilled adventurer with a free-spirited nature, always yearning for new experiences and the freedom of the open road. Beneath their composed exterior, they possess a kind heart and a rational mind, but can become a formidable force when provoked.
"The world is a tapestry, woven with threads of wonder and complexity. With each step, I strive to unravel its mysteries and add my own vibrant colors."
♢ Lady/Lord Doria/Dorian Muriel  (She/her - He/him) 3 years older than MC
Doria/n is a complex and enigmatic individual, shrouded in a veil of cynicism and guardedness. Their ruthless actions and lack of remorse paint them as a hardened figure, while their hidden heart of gold and capacity for loyalty reveal a deeper layer beneath the surface. They navigate life with a cautious scepticism, harbouring deep-seated wounds and a relentless desire for self-preservation.
"There's no room for sentimentality or second chances in my life. Once you cross me, there's no going back."
♢ Hanniel (Connell) Almlinger  (He/him) 4 years older than MC
Hanniel is a chivalrous and principled knight, driven by a strong sense of justice and an unwavering dedication to doing what is right. Despite the shame he feels as a bastard, he possesses a warm and compassionate heart, and his experiences have shaped him into a resilient and empathetic individual.
"The measure of a person's worth is not determined by their birthright, but by the content of their character."
♢ Lord Damon Lavone (He/him) 4 years older than MC
Damon is a charismatic and ambitious knight, driven by a relentless pursuit of glory and recognition. His privileged background as the heir to the second wealthiest man in The Eight Kingdoms, combined with his natural talent and captivating presence, has made him a captivating legend and a force to be reckoned with. Beneath his confident exterior lies a fiercely loyal and protective nature, willing to go to great lengths for the ones he loves.
"To be ordinary is a fate worse than death. I was destined for greatness, and I will leave my mark on this world. Remember my name, for it will be whispered in awe and reverence."
♢ Lady Jasira Oursbar (She/her) 2 years older than MC
Jasira is a fiercely independent and outspoken individual, unafraid to challenge societal expectations and fight for what she believes in. As the daughter of a northern duke, she defies the traditional role of a lady, embodying strength, determination, and a rebellious spirit. With a background rooted in nobility, Jasira carries a deep sense of loyalty and a strong connection to her heritage, guiding her actions and shaping her unwavering pursuit of justice.
"I'd rather live a life of freedom and danger than one of safety and confinement."
♢ Lady Nesrin Parovus (She/her) 1 year older than MC
Nesrin is a cunning and intelligent individual, skilled in the art of manipulation and strategic thinking. Born into nobility as the daughter of one of the seven dukes, she exudes grace and elegance while harbouring a hidden depth of ambition and determination. With her background of privilege and a mind shaped by political intrigue, Nesrin is a formidable force, always three steps ahead in the game of power.
"There's nothing more satisfying than outmaneuvering someone who thought they had the upper hand."
♢ Lady Odette Lavone (She/her) 1 year younger than MC
Odette is a compassionate and idealistic individual, driven by a strong sense of empathy and a desire for justice. With her noble background as the daughter of one of the seven dukes, she possesses elegance and grace, often regarded as the epitome of a court lady. Her genuine kindness and unwavering devotion make her a steadfast ally and a beacon of hope in a complex and sometimes treacherous world.
"Love is not just a fleeting emotion; it is a profound connection that binds us together. With each beat of my heart, I choose to love fiercely, fiercely enough to change the world."
♢ Sorin of Soirsa (She/her) 2 years older than MC
Sorin is a resilient and resourceful individual, shaped by a challenging past as an orphan and a former courtesan. With a guarded demeanour and an independent spirit, she navigates the world with a keen intellect and a knack for survival. Beneath her tough exterior lies a tender heart yearning for connection, a hidden vulnerability that only a select few are privileged to witness.
"Life may have dealt me a difficult hand, but I'll play it with audacious grace, turning adversity into art."
♢ Lady Verena Sarpe (She/her) Same age as MC
Verena is a captivating and ambitious noblewoman, known for her seductive allure and calculated strategies. Born into a distinguished family, she carries the weight of her tarnished reputation and navigates the intricate web of political power with cunning and determination. Behind her enchanting facade lies a complex soul yearning for genuine love, battling her own insecurities and the shadows of her past.
"Love is a delicate dance, and I have perfected the steps. But be warned, for the fire that burns within me is as treacherous as it is enchanting."
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lyssa-ink · 1 year
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Hey there! I’m a writer looking for writing friends and a place to infodump about my wips, so a writeblr seemed the way to go. Also a way to motivate me to actually, you know, write and not just daydream.
about me. she/her, malay, probably adhd but who knows 🤷‍♀️, fan of books but also comics, games and drawing sometimes
about my wips. (there’ll probably be more detailed posts about these soon)
Bonus fun fact! The protagonists of both these wips (Lar and Mira) are fantasy southeast asian because yes I WILL project
heir of the eternal king (intro)
Lar Sorin, son of the immortal emperor, spends his days hunting the deadly monsters that stalk the land’s borders as a way of escaping the court politics and constant pressure that defined his childhood. But when the seemingly impossible news of his father’s death reaches him, Lar is dragged back to the capital for a throne he doesn’t want as an ancient conspiracy begins to unfold…
featuring: daddy issues, court politics, a love triangle that turns into a polycule, petty immortals and fun fantasy world-building tm
Raised a changeling in the human world, Prince Auryn of the Winter Court cannot feel at home amongst the fae he’s meant to one day rule. Both an attempt to prove himself a true faerie and to find comfort in something familiar, he steals a mortal girl and brings her into the court. Except Mira isn’t mortal – not fully, at least. The half-fae princess of the Summer Court seeks through Auryn a path to the power she cannot grasp back home, but may find something else instead as tensions between the Courts grow.
featuring: trickster-y fae shenanigans, mortality as a strength, falling in love with the guy you were trying to manipulate, a girl who can and will kill you and a boy who’s too nice to be around faeries
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metalmessage · 1 year
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FRONT ROW WARRIORS Blissful celebration of catchiness 
Action: FRONT ROW WARRIORS • https://frontrowwarriors.com/ Title: Wheel Of Fortune Base: Stuttgart • Germany Style: Melodic Metal Genre: Heavy Metal, Melodic Metal, Melodic Hard Rock, AOR FFO: Heart, Warlock, Pretty Maids, Zed Yago Type: Full-length Format: CD + Vinyl Label: ROAR • Rock Of Angels Records Release: June 09, 2023 FRONT ROW WARRIORS are available for interviews via phone, Skype, Zoom & email
Bulletpoints: 🔘 Debut album of the highly gifted Germans 🔘 Fantastic songwriting, top playing culture 🔘 Highly catchy material, a true feast for many ears https://www.metalmessage.de/PR_FRONT_ROW_WARRIORS_en.php
FRONT ROW WARRIORS, the South German top artists, launched their third single „Chasing Shadows“ with a lyric video worth seeing on September 15, 2023 – top-notch AOR/Melodic Metal, as you can enjoy it rather rarely from today’s acts in this fine form. The catchy uptempo number, which is played in an equally brisk and rousing fluidity, is another excellent song from the enormously substantial debut album „Wheel Of Fortune“, which was released on June 09, 2023 as blue vinyl and CD digipak via ROAR Records – a work that is fantastic in many respects and which continues to receive excellent to completely enthusiastic reviews in the music press!
„Chasing Shadows“ tells the tragic love story of two young people who desperately try to escape their ecclesiastical conventions, but ultimately fall apart because of lies and slander, and ultimately both tragically lose their lives. The moving story is based on the Greek mythology „Hero and Leander“ by the poet Ovid. Jim Evgenidis of Iconfilmworx skillfully directed „Chasing Shadows“. https://www.youtube.com/embed/gjGHqZQ58G0?si=m_LoV3Tl3gf_Poz9 [ Official Video „Chasing Shadows“ ]
Formed in 2019 in Stuttgart by Jay-G, drums (Shining, Sharon), Elkie Gee, vocals (Ampyre, Antares) and Sorin Badin, a well-known Romanian guitarist (Cardinal, Samsara, Crystal Maze) under the name FRONT ROW WARRIORS, they completed the formation in 2020 with Richie Seibel, keyboards, (Lanfear, Ivanhoe, Them) and Timo Michels, bass, (5th Season, Pump). In the summer of 2022, guitarist Stef Binnig-Gollub (Septagon) joined the multiple capable MELODIC METAL band.
LINE-UP: Elkie Gee • Vocals Sorin Badin • Lead Guitar Stef Binnig-Gollub • Guitar Timo Michels • Bass Richie Seibel • Keyboard Jay-G • Drums
The band’s goal is to take the audience on a musical journey through the era of Hard Rock and Metal of the past 30 years, creating catchy hooks that immediately inspire you to sing along. The whole thing impresses with outstanding guitar and keyboard work as well as deeply exceptional, uplifting lead vocals. Each band member represents one of the many styles and influences that make up the music of FRONT ROW WARRIORS.
The results were impressive, and the band was voted Germany’s best Hard Rock band in 2021 by the German Rock and Pop Musicians Association.
The successful mixture of AOR and Hard Rock inspired by the 80s and 90s, up-tempo numbers – partly very close to classic Melodic Metal – and epic ballads can now be found on the highly anticipated debut album under the title „Wheel Of Fortune“, which was produced by Michael Bormann, co-produced and mixed by Achim Köhler. The mastering was done by Patrick W. Engel. The renowned book and cover illustrator Uwe Jarling crowned this absolutely fantastic release with an awesome cover artwork. All well known names, which did each a great job for a great formation!
Intro 01:01
Chasing Shadows 03:24
Fantastic 04:13
Love Is Not A Game 05:15
Deadly Sins 03:54
Damnation 00:47
Hell Invaders 04:28
Wheel Of Fortune 05:03
Hell Awaits 04:15
Dystopian Time (feat. Todd Michael Hall) 05:27
The Hunter 03:49
Wasted Life 06:37
total 48:13
As a special guest, US singer Todd Michael Hall (Jack Starr ́s Burning Starr, Riot V) shines in a duet. Vocalist Elkie was voted best Hard Rock singer 2022 by the German Rock and Pop Musicians Association with the song „Dystopian Time“.
The band was signed by ROAR Records, the debut has been released in June 2023 as CD-Digipak and vinyl, also in download format. https://open.spotify.com/artist/0xsgg8Jtk3oJqOKzuGIG2d?si=QQWKCmxKTaei2Oz3r3sbMg
10 / 10 ➤ „Take six good musicians and awesome tunes … the result is FRONT ROW WARRIORS. For a debut album really strong. You have to be grateful when there is still good, horny music on the plate … the Swabians give everything. You shouldn’t just see them as newcomers … they will fight their way into the front row very soon.“ (Hellfire)
10 / 10 ➤ „… Heavy Metal as it can not sound more classic … I feel I’m transported back to the glory days of Warlock, because with Elkie we also have here a singer with a Rock throat, but for me because of her style still sounds much more interesting than the ‚Queen of Metal‘.“ (MetalZone – Support The Underground)
10 / 10 ➤ „… Heavy Metal as it can not sound more classic … I feel I’m transported back to the glory days of Warlock, because with Elkie we also have here a singer with a Rock throat, but for me because of her style still sounds much more interesting than the ‚Queen of Metal‘.“ (Metalheads DE)
10 / 10 ➤ „… dedicated to melodic, but harder Hard Rock, which occasionally flirts a bit with AOR, but above all rather seeks the proximity to Heavy Rock. The voice of Elkie Gee also not infrequently reminds of the singers of the great U.S. female (fronted) bands like Heart, Vixen, Phantom Blue and inspires with its power. And also the English pronunciation is impeccable. But also the musical realization belongs for me to some of the best I have heard from the German Hard Rock scene in the last years … the songwriting is first class.“ (Ivy Wolfisberg Blog)
95 / 100 ➤ „… Elkie elevates each track to a really high level … an impressive debut … twelve brilliant songs … power and melody conspire and every single one of them knows to convince … Front Row Warriors definitely knows how to play their way into the front ranks of the Hard Rock / Heavy Metal landscape already with this debut …“ (Musika BE)
9,5 / 10 ➤ „… function like a unit that has grown over many years … I failed to detect even one off-key note after repeated listens … one song features Riot vocalist Todd Michael Hall as backup …“ (Bleeding4Metal)
9,1 / 10 ➤ „Much of the power of this band lies in Elkie’s voice, one of the best female voices out there, and even the simplest song is made to shine … there really is no weak point on this album. They couldn’t have had a better debut … the quality of the songs here closes mouths … and opens others …“ (Metallerium)
9 / 10 ➤ „… a singer who, á la Heart, is effortlessly at home in all registers … hammer-strong debut … amazing hit density …“ (Hardline)
9 / 10 ➤ „… reveal an incredible amount of inspiration, creativity and great talent on their album debut … all of this, coupled with their years of experience and the savvy of the entire production team, makes ‚Wheel Of Fortune‘ one of the strongest debuts in recent years and a great hope for the future … phenomenal …“ (Undercover Rock And Metal)
9 / 10 ➤ „… the band really puts their foot down, the musicians play on a technically high level, the interplay works perfectly … kick-ass music … Elkie’s voice has an enormous power, determines the sound of the band significantly …“ (Rocknews CH)
8,5 / 10 ➤ „From the guitars you can hear different bands like the Scorpions, Jaded Heart and a few more … the keys are more restrained than Axel Rudi Pell, the drums remind me of Mike Terrana or Bobby Rondenelli in the way they were played with a lot of power … very catchy and harmoniously produced … convinced me completely.“ (Rock Garage DE)
8,5 / 10 ➤ „… high-class album in the intersection of catchy Hard/Heavy Rock … masterpiece of a German band that skillfully recommends itself with fat hooklines, slamming guitars, catchy melodies and magical vocals all along the line …“ (Saitenkult)
8 / 10 ➤ „… a great album, and all Metal fans should give this appealing work a listen …“ (Metal Factory)
8 / 10 ➤ „… powerful, crisp and at times traditional Hard Rock with a proper 80s broadside … with a wealth of great songs …“ (Rock It!)
8 / 10 ➤ „… crisp, partly atmospheric Melodic Heavy Metal, which can be pigeonholed quite well with bands like later Pretty Maids, Bonfire, Eclipse, Crystal Ball or Jaded Heart … singer Elkie Gee does her thing really well! Fans of classic, rocking Melodic Metal should definitely get this one!“ (Crossfire Webzine)
7 / 10 ➤ „… front woman with a strong voice … twelve tracks with a lot of feeling … successful debut …“ (Rock Hard DE)
➤ „… without exception experienced musicians, that succeeded in this excellently … powerfully produced and also exemplary mixed, the 10 songs and 2 intros bang out of the speakers and keep the promise. Because even if most of the songs start quite metallic, they almost always get the curve to Hard Rock and yet remain independent and modern enough to scare off neither the one nor the other faction. A great balancing act …“ (Metalglory)
➤ „… simply a great record, which convinces with music without a lot of fuss and should bring FRONT ROW WARRIORS into the focus of many Melodic Metal fans …“ (Metal Inside)
➤ „… sounds super professional for a debut album and thrills from front to back on the first listen. It’s been a while since a debut album blew me away right away … above all, the fantastic vocals with through the bank catchy hooks and strong choruses … a really skillful balancing act between catchy Hard Rock and sophisticated as well as Melodic Heavy Metal … there are almost too many highlights to list them all … inspires more and more from run to run …“ (Tracks Magazin)
➤ „… FRONT ROW WARRIORS have delivered a very strong album that can strike fear into other female-fronted bands, because singer Elkie puts the crown on the songs with her charismatic voice. But also the other musicians deliver a performance on the highest level. Listen to the songs and you will be as excited as I am!“ (Nightshade)
➤ „Characteristic of the band’s sound are the distinctive, raspy voice of Elkie Gee, whose clean vocals are somewhat reminiscent of the legendary Doro Pesh, and the keyboards, which feature a tasteful selection of synths that are deliberately typical of these years … an honest and genuine album …“ (Metalshock IT)
➤ „… interesting one … took me by surprise … you get a lot of diversity … quiet impressive … really, really great voice … solid songwriting … melodic, catchy tunes … great riffs … memorable album … I enjoyed it very much … there’s a lot to love here …“ (Power Metal Ranger)
➤ „In many ways I found it hard to believe at first that this is a debut album, because it seems very accomplished – good old melodic Heavy Metal – with a lot of life, nerve and not least melody … they have their own sound – not least because of the vocals of Elkie Gee – here the band has hit the nail on the head … 12 strong tracks – tracks that each deserve to be highlighted …“ (Rancor Metalzine)
➤ „… gripping choruses … good melody arcs … power ballads … fast riffs … epic … comes fat out of the boxes … knows how to inspire … who likes melodic metal, can access here without hesitation …“ (Breakout)
➤ „Excellent studio debut effort by the female-fronted Stuttgart sextet!“ (Unique High Fidelity) [ Pic: Front Row Warriors ] [ Artwork: Uwe Jarling ]
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happy blurbo blursday! I am not familiar with your characters so could you give them a little intro? 👀
Thank you so much for the ask!!! I had a lot of fun with this and it was a great exercise for me in trying to give a spoiler-free synopsis of my plot.
(I really tried to make this spoiler free but if you think about the information I've given here for a minute you'll probably figure the story's big twist. Truth be told, I think the earlier in the story a reader figures it out the funnier the story gets so I am not worried about people guessing it. Still, I refuse to outright say it because that would cheapen the experience.)
The important plot stuff:
Isadred, the main character, is the eldest daughter of a king. She is married -- by proxy, she's never met her husband -- to the crown prince of the neighbouring country (the marriage was intended to ratify a treaty to end the war between their countries) and she is *supposed* to be travelling to her husband's kingdom. But Isadred does NOT want to be married. She escapes from her escort and joins up with some bandits disguised as a boy named Adris, but the plot won't leave her alone. Someone is playing a dangerous game and Isadred realizes that she is it's most valuable pawn -- whoever possesses her wins. It is only a matter of time before she will be forced to either return to her husband or plunge both their kingdoms into war. In the meantime, a bandit named Sorin catches her eye. It will never work out between them because Adris/Isadred has sworn off marriage, and Sorin is saving himself for it, but that does not mean they can't have a bit of fun while it lasts.
Sorin is a talented swordsman of noble birth who became a member of the bandit king's inner circle to protect his family. When a half-starved peasant kid shows up on his doorstep claiming that a certain missing princess is alive and hiding in the forest, the bandit king sends Sorin on her trail. But there is a larger game afoot and Sorin's loyalties lie first with his family. He knows far more than he lets on, including just how valuable Princess Isadred is to his own family and to the bandit king. He will do anything to find her, even if it means getting close to that mysterious peasant boy -- just not too close. He is a married man after all... even if he has never met his wife. Adris respects his decision but being around him/her is hard. He/she reminds him of everything he is missing out on.
Fun facts:
Both characters are in their early twenties but their exact ages are never mentioned in the story. Sorin would have to be old enough to be knighted, so at least 18 but more likely 21 or older. Adris describes herself as being around Sorin's age.
I have not decided what ethnicity these characters are yet. The story is loosely Shakespeare-inspired so, in true Shakespeare fashion, the politics, warfare, and culture of the world is based on English history, specifically that of High Medieval England (1066 - 1327) -- the marriage-by-proxy to ratify a peace treaty arc, castles and trebuchets and longbows, the size of the armies in the story, the lack of canons, the social sensibilities around gender. But it is completely possible that both Isadred and Sorin have a parent from another, more distant country, or several ancestors. Also, my setting is a fictional place so I can do what I want. The physical appearances of the characters have no impact on the actual story. I am on draft 2 and have yet to write a single physical description of a character.
Sorin is bi. He is attracted to Adris when he still thinks he is a boy. He is still attracted to her when he discovers she is a girl.
I have been treating Adris as cis so far but I am considering making her nb or gender fluid. Getting to be anything but a cis man while still having control over her life is a critical part of her story, and that struggle is not exclusive to cis women, but I am cis woman so that is the story that resonates with me most.
Isadred is really good at sewing and horseback riding. She is also a terrible shot but she can use a short bow with a light draw-weight.
Sorin can sew. It's not pretty but his stitches do hold. He is also a very good rider and skilled with a knight's weapons: sword, lance, polearm, mace, sickle, crossbow etc. He cannot use a longbow though--that is a peasant's weapon.
Isadred loves parties and is very fashionable.
Sorin knows Isadred's husband.
I am probably going to change both these characters' names when I finally figure out how I want naming and ethnicity to work in this story.
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Remain (Wish You Were Here) | Character Introductions
they/them - 18 - Chosen One’s best friend
Good luck on your mission. We all have the utmost faith in you.
A lovable troublemaker who lives with their Gran and works as an apprentice at the local smithy. Lief writes letters about the run-of-the-mill occurrences in their hometown and sends them to the Chosen One with the help of their spirit falcon Malachi.
he/him - 18 - Chosen One
I have a lot of time to myself, time I mostly spend thinking and I don't like it. Here's the part where you'd laugh and say, "Of course you don't, because that requires using your brain." And you'd be right, in a sense.
The young man who’s supposed to save the world from being wiped out by an ever expanding fog that swallows people and changes them into monsters. He’s the recipient of Lief’s letters.
she/her - 16 - Chosen One’s little sister
“All this talk about dead or alive, what matters is that he's not here right now. He's gone and I... I just want my brother back.”
The young and sensitive daughter of a pharmacist, who despite (or perhaps because of) her intimate knowledge of the threat looming over the world, just wants to perform on a stage in front of an audience. Proud owner of the world’s most gluttonous ferret Cinnamon.
he/him - 20 - Stillwater guard
“If you believe your so-called saviour didn't die the first day he set foot in that place, you're either stupid, delusional or in love with the unlucky bastard.” 
Born and raised in Stillwater, Emil has seen the fog creeps closer and closer until it was right at his doorstep. His years of guard duty have left him scarred, impatient and thoroughly without faith.
Some recurring characters:
Gran: the elderly lady taking care of Lief
Sorin & Vera’s Mum: pharmacist in Dolen & baker of delicious apple pies
Uncle Alan: local smith & Lief’s mentor of sorts
Taglist: @avian-writes, @dontcrywrite, @drippingmoon​, @ellierenae, @hannahs-kudos, @pagesofcursive, @ren-c-leyn, @talesfromgringolandia, @theramwrites (let me know if you wanna be +/- from the taglist!)
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faemen · 3 years
hi idk if that post was even about me but if its not im still saying hi whats up
IT WAS HI!! proper intro since my carrd isn't pinned rn; heyo i'm fae, also go by sorin/aviram >:]] he/they!! wh kinlist is really just sirius and wilardo,, awesome to make your acquaintance!!!
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kkoticlue · 4 years
[Intro] Bass, ya! Ya! Bass, ya! Everyone say to us (woo-ah) [Verse 1] Yeah, bonneungeun so simple saegyeojyeo imi dimple Nal barabon geuttae meoriga binggeulbinggeul Simjang sorin bandaero michin deusi dalligo Ije sijagin geol jjajajan brand new chapter [Pre-Chorus] Oh, badda badda bing Badda badda boom kwangkwang kung Oh, badda badda bing Badda badda boom meotjigun (ya) Nae gyehoek daero saenggakhaneun daero Mireobutyeo naeui burning passion [Chorus] Nollatni Peek-a, peek-a-boo Wanjeon feel so good (so good) Jeulgeopge la la la Modu da who are, who are you? I'll be there for you (oh yeah) Seollemi baro naya (seollemi baro naya) [Post-Chorus] Woo-ah, woo-ah, la la la Da nolla ip moa ua (jeoldaero meomchuji ma) Woo-ah, woo-ah, la la la Sangsanghan isangeul for ya (woo-ah) [Verse 2] Yeah, bureul butyeo spit fire taewobeoryeo huhoe eopge Gajang balgeun bulbitdeullo nal chajanael su itge Eoneu nuga mworaedo geochimeopsi I just go When I hear them 808 bass, this got me singing [Pre-Chorus] Oh, badda badda bing Badda badda boom kwangkwang kung Oh, badda badda bing Badda badda boom meotjigun (ya) Wonhaneun daero boyeojulge baro Jigeumiya mamkkeot sori jilleo [Chorus] Nollatni peek-a, peek-a-boo Wanjeon feel so good (so good) Jeulgeopge la la la Modu da who are, who are you? I'll be there for you (oh yeah) Seollemi baro naya (seollemi baro naya) [Post-Chorus] Woo-ah, woo-ah, la la la Da nolla ip moa ua (jeoldaero meomchuji ma) Woo-ah, woo-ah, la la la Sangsanghan isangeul for ya (deo keuge sorichyeo bwa) [Bridge] Malhae bwa, mwodeunji malhae bwa Saeroun segyega doeeojul teni it's magical Badabwa, nae mameul badabwa Negeoya yeah [Chorus] Nollatni peek-a, peek-a-boo Wanjeon feel so good (so good) Jeulgeopge la la la Modu da who are, who are you? I'll be there for you (oh yeah) Seollemi baro naya (seollemi baro naya) [Post-Chorus] Woo-ah, woo-ah, la la la Da nolla ip moa ua (jeoldaero meomchuji ma) Woo-ah, woo-ah, la la la Sangsanghan isangeul for ya (deo keuge sorichyeo bwa)
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Sorin Fowler Intro
Intro Template
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Basic Info
NAME: Sorin Fowler
PRONUNCIATION: so-rin fowl-er
TITLE (IF THEY HAVE ONE, OCCUPATION IF NOT): Dragon Rider of the Dragon’s Order.
AGE: 23
FAMILY MEMBERS: Sara Fowler (mother), Saul Fowler
Physical Description
HEIGHT: 5’9”
BUILD: Svelte, some muscle but not a lot.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES? (SCARS, TATTOOS, PIERCINGS): He has little burn scars on his hands from his magic and a scar under his left eye from a training accident.
ANY HEALTH RELATED ISSUES?: Insomnia. Sorin can’t seem to turn his mind off.
Before his father up and left, he was a fairly happy kid, after he became sullen and angry. These days Sorin is outwardly moody and sarcastic. He holds his cards close to his chest and doesn’t reveal anything he doesn’t have to. He tends to be analytical of situations but not very sensitive, he is the sort who would say that he’s not out to make friends. He is loyal, at this point, to his dragon and his mother beyond that he follows the rules only insofar as it benefits him. He came from poverty before he was plucked from his home to start working with the dragons and he’s not the friendliest to nobles. Sorin is capable of being polite but it will always seem forced. Sorin tends to be a little softer with children and people who aren’t super wealthy or powerful.
Inwardly Sorin is pretty sad, he was really broken up about his father’s rejection as well as how he was rejected. Loosing the house he grew up in as well as one of the only two people he really had messed up his ability to become attached so he avoids even friendship if he can. Deep down, no matter what he achieves he still sees himself as the kid who was arrested. Sorin wants to be the kind of man his father isn’t but in putting up all those walls of his and becoming cynical and jaded he’s actually getting closer to becoming his old man than he wants.
Sorin is sarcastic, chaotic and has a tendency to act before he thinks. He can be flirtatious and charming but never really opens up.
Additional Info
Literally anything to do with him meeting his father or someone who knows his father. Given how the rebellion treats dragons I imagine this is bound to cause some tension on that front alone. I could also see this cause issues with the order, causing his loyalties to come into question.
I would like to see some conflict with other dragon riders, especially order members. Sorin follows the rules outwardly but inwardly is jaded and rebels whenever he can. I can see this causing resentments and judgements, especially for more noble minded characters who see him and his attitude as making a mockery of the order’s honour. Perhaps on assignment his reckless behaviour causes things to get a bit dicey, ultimately okay, maybe even better than okay but still unsafe.
Sorin loves his mom, he doesn’t tell anyone this but he does. He does his best to find ways to talk up her herbs while travelling. He wants his mother to succeed partially to make her happy but also because if she’s successful he’ll have fewer reasons to feel compelled to stick around the order.
Any and all adventure, treasure hunting, battling and the like is welcome.
Sara and Saul met in East Reach one day when Sara’s journeyed with her father into the city to ring their crops to the market. As a young teen, she’d never been much further than her farm or the village, she was struck by the sheer vastness of the seas of people, the hugeness of the building and the noise. She got separated from her  mother and met a young man named Saul. He was a ruffian, he had no riches and everything he did have was gained by questionable means. He was charming and within a few hours she was hooked. Her parents disapproved of Saul but she ran away with him and they settled on their own little spot of land. One spring day, Sorin was born and the two of them became a family.
The Fowlers were not rich folks, they barely got by, a fact that had not gone unnoticed by Saul but had definitely gone unnoticed by Sorin. The child loved to be outside, the smell of dirt, the feeling of the wind on his face, the cool water of streams on his feet. Not far from their farm was a wheat farm and when it was at its highest, he loved to run and hide amongst it. He grew strong relationships with all sorts of animals near his home, in the little woods nearby. His father wasn’t often around which was confusing to the child but he was sure to soak up Saul’s attention when he was around…he tried to at least.
When Sorin was eight years old, he went with his mother into the city. He woke up early that morning to the sound of angry shouting coming from the other room. When he went to investigate the shouting stopped, there was an odd coldness to his father’s expression and tears were in his mother’s eyes. She smiled at him and told him to get ready, that they were going into the city. Sorin was thrilled, he’d never been to East Reach and always wanted to go. He sat next to his mother on the wagon and steered the horse on their way in, trying to get the sight from that morning out of his mind but he just couldn’t. Every sight he saw in the city that should have been exciting and new felt off, tasted off, looked off. Sorin had the overwhelming sense that his father should have been there.
Three hours to reach the city meant it would be two hours to get home, which also meant by the time they did, night had fallen. Despite the darkness, they could see their house long before they might have even in the day and that was because it was burning. The look Sorin saw on his mother’s face that night as she pulled the wagon to a stop would haunt him for the rest of his life. It was a look of pure hopelessness. The light behind his mother’s eyes had been snuffed out, his father had left and before he did he made sure he could never return and neither could they.
Sara and Sorin’s home had burned to the ground by the time they got back, the sun rising on a new, darker chapter of his life. Sara had cut ties with her family and so she couldn’t go to them for help, she saw that they had no choice but to guck to East Reach and hopefully carve out a place for themselves there. Sara got a robin a tavern, the pay was awful, barely enough to cover the room they were boarding in and definitely not enough to eat. It made Sorin angry, they had very little on the farm but they had next to nothing here, which is when he discovered it, the sparks that he could make with his fingertips. He would listen to the rats and the birds to hear where food might be found and he would light little fires to distract crowds while he stole to help feed him and his mother.
Sorin managed to successfully steal enough food to keep his tiny family from going hungry. He was always admonished for his actions by Sara but her words were hallow as she ate alongside him. Eventually when he was fifteen he was caught, incidentally by a member of the Dragon’s Order. The dragon rider recognized in him his bonds to animals and so they vouched for him. Sorin was turned over to the authorities by the dragon rider but was given a choice, to go to the shepherds in the breeding grounds, to potentially one with a dragon or community service and a life of hunger. Sorin chose the obvious answer.
It wasn’t long after he arrived that his ability to communicate with dragons was made clear. He bonded with his dragon and together they trained together, eventually earning a spot amongst the Dragon’s Order. Currently he sends most of his earnings to his mother who was able to start a new farm, a somewhat successful quality herbs venture.
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truetgirl · 5 years
Favorite Planeswalkers Part 3: Enemy Color Pairs
Much hotter on the heels of the last part than part 2 was on part 1: my real wheelhouse in the form of enemy colors.
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Well it’s an awkward start in my favorite color pairing with a character whose guts I hate with all my soul but who has had 2 cards thus far I can totally get use out of, this being the better of the two. I really want more Boros walkers that stay freaking Boros cause much as I love Ajani and Huatli both of them have been confirmed to have completely dropped their red at present (make one of them our first Naya walker card you COWARDS).
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My second favorite commander deck helmed by my second favorite planeswalker in the story right now. I’ve loved Saheeli since she was first introduced, I’ve always loved Izzet artifacts since my first intro deck in Origins with old Pia and Kiran Nalaar, and I love casting big spells that go boom. You can imagine, then, how quickly the deck I wanted to make with this commander came together the nanosecond I saw her for the first time.
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Despite a literal 5 options, Simic is a tough pick for me. Right now I’m gonna lock in with Nissa here but on another given day I might go with new Tamiyo. No matter what though, uncommon Kiora keeps a respectable advantage over her mythic versions.
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YAR-HAR FIDDLE-DEE-DEE BEING A PIRATE IS ALRIGHT WITH ME, DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE A PIRATE LIVES FREE *sounds of somebody shutting me up*. Right, well, what can I say? She’s just straight up goodstuff on a character I like represented in the part of the story that made me fall in love with her with my favorite art she’s ever had just to top it off. Also YOU ARE A PIRATE!
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It was actually a really close call between this and a few different Sorins but OG Kaya just has, in my opinion, the coolest design ever played around with on a planeswalker. A planeswalker with no plus abilities and no ultimate but instead value abilities and the ability to reset itself? And that flavor ties into her abilities to go incorporeal and go about solving problems in ways most just can’t? Sign me the fuck up I love this card.
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