#˚:✧。• wip roundup
vgilantee · 8 months
wip roundup!
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS!
so @glossysoap tagged me in a wip roundup but i didn't want to go into my wips before i finished my paper because... crunch time :) these won't be in the order of when they're going to get posted because truly, fuck knows at this point (i have goals though dw dw)
on camera - ethan landry x reader, ethan has a nsfwtwt
finish what he started - commander cody x reader (this one is my top priority to finish!)
kix x reader, untitled kix body worship fic. just taking care of the medic like he deserves hehe
soft focus fog chapter 3 - benedict bridgerton x reader, even though it's nowhere near finished it's my absolute favourite series i've ever written so far (this one is second priority, i just need to rewatch bridgerton! also i welcome asks about this series and Dear (which is what i've decided to call her!))
worlds apart chapter 1 - neteyam sully x human (eventual avatar) reader
untitled reunion fic - simon riley x reader (it's going to be so soft and loving because it's an ask from my sweet julie @websterss )
untitled yj!cameron mahkent x reader - hurt/comfort, i haven't written DC in so so long, but i read so many cam fics and had the biggest crush on him when i was a teen
untitled john price x reader - riding his pretty face hehe (i know glossy has one of these on her wip list but i haven't been able to stop thinking about it since i sent my ask so i'm gonna write my own too. there's no such thing as too many pussy-eating price fics)
codywan x reader - obi-wan's been sex pollen'd, reader and cody help him out 🤭
(unsure about this one) dom!reader x sub!chad x sub!ethan - the only reason i'm unsure is i'm on the fence about mommy kinks. if people are interested let me know and i'll add it to the wip list officially!
i also have one that isn't technically a wip because i haven't decided who yet, but i wanna write a pegging fic. OOOH maybe cal kestis...
that's all i have so far, and a couple of them are asks that are sitting, waiting for attention, and this list will undoubtedly grow
all these wips aside i desperately want to write for the 141 i just need ideas (i may have a bookish!reader x biker!ghost idea brewing for definitely no reason at all, glossy i swear) this includes darker fic ideas. i'll be redoing my whole theme and adjusting my yes's and no's, but if you have a dark idea, send it through and i'll decide from there whether i'm into it or not!
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Would you bless us with Info about what fics your are working on at the moment, or what we can expect next from you? 👀✨
Lots of Love !
Hi Anon!!
Now that my asks are working again, I have a fair few kissing booth fics I need to get through! I hope I'll be able to complete a few of them soon.
In my drafts currently, I have some of my half to gift swapping for Rosinante x f!reader, Beckman x m!reader, Ace x f!reader, Buggy x f!reader, Law x f!reader, Aokiji x f!reader (NSFW), and a Smoker x f!reader (NSFW) that I am prioritising. Their recipients have all written and created little presents for me, and I can't wait to give them their gifts from me in return.
I also have a few paragraphs written for 'Hey Doc' and half of a fic for Heartbeats part 2 (Law x f!reader pregnancy) that I'd love to share. Then there's the 'dreaming of you' for ASL that I just can't seem to match up to the right vibe. It's been driving me crazy. There's also some older requests that I have been having a go at, considering I'm in my 'kid-pirate era' currently: Hanahaki for a Kid x gn!reader x Killer.
The fic I have written the most of is for Rosinante, but it reads more like a fairytale than anything else. Lots of fantasy themes in it, and I'd love to have more time to do it justice.
In my personal life, I have been booked as a session musician for an event this weekend, and have been prioritising my time to get my set list sorted and memorised so I can have fun with it. Country dance event, the other band members are so much fun: drummer, pianist and bassist all know each other and are just like 3 goofy uncles.
I think that's it so far. I would also like to say thank you for baring with me while I make some OC content and drawings. I do this as an exercise when my words aren't working and I need to focus on something else to keep the creativity flowing. Tobiuo has been fun to play with and I would love to tell her story one day.
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Batlanern Fic Rec
Y’all I have fallen down a rabbit hole with this ship. Is this a rarepair? I think so. If you’re not familiar with this ship, fear not dear reader, I shall educate you. Batlanern is Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne. Here’s a few of my favorite fics!
Ends Against the Middle by forthegreatergood (multi), 10k, Getting Together      Of all the obstacles Bruce expected when he decided to make a move on Hal, Oliver's attempt to speed things along wasn't one of them.
Welcome to the Family by ViiAo1 67k, WIP, Batfam Shenanigans      Bruce’s children want to meet the man that their father deemed worthy of a smile. So they do, in the only way they know how. By breaking into people's houses and lurking in dark places.      Bruce just wants his children to stop stalking Earth’s Green Lantern, if only because they're ruining his plans.      And Hal? Well, Hal is convinced that Bruce has concocted a plot to get around his ‘no killing’ rule, by having his children stalk him until his heart gives out from the stress.
Falafel by TotallyARealPerson 3k, A/B/O, Smut      Six hours. Six hours is a fairly short amount of time. Six hours without sex should be easy, and it probably would be in any other circumstance.      It's all Bruce's fault.
r/everymanshouldknow: How to interact with kids? by Alienu 5k, Fluff (Apparently, the hardest part about dating isn’t actually getting to the dating stage. It's the part where you try to get your boyfriend's assassin trained, murderous, snappy twelve year old son to like you.      Hal figures this out the hard way.)
Bruce knows how to swim, and he is will swim up the entire Nile if he has to. Too bad Jason has other plans by arrowupmysleeve 5k, Fluff and Humor      Text from Clark K at 10.51: You need to call Hal. He must be freaking out right now.😱      Bruce ignores the text. Just like he has ignored all the others and reaches for the Gotham Gazette's sports section, it seems the Gotham knights lost the game this weekend and that they are considering a trade with the Star City team. Bruce continues to read as the tv drones on in the background at a low volume.      "Morning, B." Jason greets as he enters the kitchen and takes the seat. The grin in his voice is audible, and Bruce almost wines. Jason has most definitely seen the news.     "Good morning, Jason," Bruce responds without looking up from his paper. His phone starts ringing, and Bruce glances at the caller id. It's Clark, again.
The Last Someone by FabulaRasa (multi), 21k, Discussions of oral sex      I decided that what the fandom really needed was yet another object of Pussygate 2021 discourse, so here is my contribution, in which Bruce gets humiliated, Hal gets curious, and they both get what they're looking for.      In case you were (blessedly) living under a rock the last few weeks and don't know what any of this is about, here is your starter kit.
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eowynstwin · 9 months
Okay it's definitely not a fleshed out idea, right? Me and @guyfieriii got to talking a while back about how it would all go down and I wrote...a little.
The premise has Ghost as a poetry professor but honestly I don't love that, so IF. IF I were to do it, I'd probably make him an anthropology or archaeology professor. Someone who regularly goes out into the field but generally stays in one place most of the time.
(Tangentially, Soap would be a marine chemist and Gaz would be maths of some sort. No I will not explain.)
The lecture hall falls near-silent when Professor Simon Riley walks in, and you can tell he notices it immediately.
In your fellow students’ defense, he does not exactly have the classical look of a college professor. He looks like he should be pulling blocks of wood apart with his bare hands, or maybe wrestling bears. Hell, you’d probably mistake him for a bear in bad lighting just by the size of him.
The lectern is comically tiny as he approaches it. You wonder if he could smash it with a well-aimed elbow jab.
“I’m Professor Riley,” he says, laying his notes down in front of him with paddle-size hands.
Good-looking hands, too. Your front-row seat has you close enough to see that. Long-fingered, veiny, angular in the knuckles.
“I’m not gonna waste my time going through the syllabus,” he continues. His voice is deep, brassy, Manc-accented and not bothering to hide it. “Considering you’re all grad students, if you need me to hold your hand through that you won’t make it far.”
You, of course, have read the seven-page document twice already.
“Now, I imagine you’re all wondering,” says Professor Riley, “why we are starting with Byron. Easy answer. I hate the cunt and rather would have him over with.”
You’re startled immediately into laughing, but you swiftly turn it into a cough when you realize the hall is dead silent.
That’s when Professor Riley looks at you.
You’re too surprised to avert your gaze. His expression is droll, but—there, at the corners of his mouth. A tugging, like a smile held back just in time. His gaze holds yours. You’re too far to tell the color, but you can see something almost like a spark in his eyes. Crow’s feet gather at their corners.
Oh. He knows how he looks. He knows everyone is scared shitless, and he’s enjoying it.
“You might also be wondering why we’re spending two weeks on Dickinson,” he says. He has not dropped your gaze. “And if you’re wondering that, then I do wonder why you’re in my classroom at all.”
You finally have to look down, warmth spreading across your face. He really is—well, good-looking, after a fashion. When you look back up, he’s swept his gaze elsewhere, but then he glances at you again with amusement writ clear on his face.
He shifts his posture, slides one hand into the pocket of his slacks. He really is terribly broad, seams pulled tight across his shoulders, and all of it pure, hard muscle. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, exposing the shifting muscles in his forearms, which are soft with a layer of hair the same auburn as the lazy styling of curls on his head.
He points a remote at the overhead projector, and then turns to look at the screen, directing the enormous breadth of his back to the class, but more importantly, to you.
If he’d chosen a black ensemble for the color’s slimming effect, it was not working for him. He could sling you over his shoulder no problem.
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captastra · 9 months
WIP Round Up
Thanks for the tag @onehornedbeast @carlosoliveiraa @marivenah @aceghosts @cloudofbutterflies92 @kyber-infinitygems and @darkfire1177 <3!! I'm a little late to this but I hope people don't mind. I used the stories I have going in the past year, because if I put all of them, there would be WAY too many wips listed >.<
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Rogue Trader (Lethyan x Heinrix)
RT Regency AU (Lethyan x Heinrix)
BG3 Holiday Prompts 2023 (aka Wintershield; Everlith x Gale)
Rick x Renee canon story (aka SS: Recovery & Redemption)
Hungry Hearts (durge!Evie x Gale)
Professor AU (Everlith x Gale)
Edge of Tomorrow AU (Rick x Renee)
belle danse macabre (Everlith x Gale)
kingsman au (aka Statesman: Four Roses; Rhea x Felix)
No pressure tags (hope ppl don't mind that I just used my taglist, I'm sure I've missed a few and want to see what others are working on!): @kourumi @poetikat @adflictionem @mxanigel @confidentandgood @arendaes @spaceratprodigy @olliesaurus-rex @bitchesofostwick @incognito-insomniac @yuelaos-codex @awhellstothejoe @nightbloodbix @galaxycunt @theelderhazelnut @cassieuncaged @orionlancasterr @mxkelsifer @valiantvillain @perhapsrampancy @euryalex @bearcina @gayafsatan @isobel-thorm @orchidnebula @luinen-bluewater @adelaidedrubman @nowandthane @inafieldofdaisies @finding-comfort-in-rain and anyone else who wants to do this!!
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themournwatcher · 9 months
I was tagged by @arendaes & @cassynite to post my wips and let people ask me about them/post excerpts! The issue is, I don’t name ANY of my documents. They’re all “Untitled Documents”. I just search by character name and click through until I find the one I need. So. WIP Roulette.
📁 untitled document (1)
📁 untitled document (2)
📁 untitled document (3) answered!
📁 untitled document (4) answered!
📁 untitled document (5) answered!
📁 untitled document (6) answered!
@camelliagwerm @dein0nychus @flashhwing @fergus-cousland @gravedigg @herequeerexitentialfear @iwoszareba @nightmarist @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul @offsidekineticist @thesolemnhour @zundely
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thegoldenavenger · 7 months
Little Fic Bits, WIPs, and Starts for SVSSS. Just a collection of ideas that I've started writing and am still kicking around, got stuck on, need reworking, or whatever. Unedited (as always) ♡ / mostly various iterations of binghe, sqq, and lqg / there's nothing too bad here content wise I think?
Pacific Rim AU
Shen Yuan wakes up to an aching head and an unfamiliar ceiling. He feels slightly off, his body an ache but an ache he isn't used to. The walls are concrete and the bed underneath him is hard. A hospital?
"Shen Qingqiu?" A voice swims up, breaking through his dazed scrutiny of the thin sheet covering him. His hands are elegant and callused.
"Are you okay? Qingqiu—"
Shen Yuan's hand is being held. He follows the line of hand to arm, to shoulder, to the man sitting next to him. He is handsome, tall, and looking at him with a concern that is as foreign to Shen Yuan as the room he's in, as the body he is increasingly aware of.
It's entirely reflex that has him pulling his hand back. The man lets it slip through his fingers.
"What... happened?" Shen Yuan asks.
"Do you not remember?" At this, Shen Yuan glares and the expression molds to his face like a glove. The man next to him, paradoxically, smiles. "It's good to see that you're feeling better."
The door opens and another man walks into the room holding a tablet. He has glasses and a lab coat and Shen Yuan instinctively pegs him as a doctor.
"You're up." The doctor says with mild surprise before nodding his head in greeting. "Shen Qingqiu, Yue Qingyuan."
"Mu Qingfang." The man—Yue Qingyuan—returns the greeting.
Mu Qingfang subjects Shen Yuan to an examination: looking at his pupil dilation, asking him to track his fingers, simple memory recall. He has Shen Yuan sit up so he can look at the burns on his neck and down his spine.
Shen Yuan, in the flight of fancy all young book-inclined children go through at one point or another, had resolved to act with dignity if he ever woke up in a fantastical situation. He hadn't ever really thought he'd become a—what? Chosen one? But stranger things happened in the books he liked reading, so he decided that if he ever walked through a wardrobe, or got hit by a truck, or passed some nameless threshold and became a xianxia transmigrator his first actions would be to not gape in stupefied amazement and ask suspicious, leading questions.
This is decidedly not xianxia ancient China, no matter how handsome the two men with him are, but he would still like to keep that childish promise to himself. If only Yue Qingyuan or Mu Qingfang would explain anything to him, that would make his position a bit easier.
Shen Qingqiu was, Shen Yuan was learning, a bit of a bitch. When Shen Yuan walks into the cafeteria, the idle chatter quiets down. In more than one case, several small groups of two or three all stand up and rush to sit at a table together as if terrified he will pick them to sit next to. The feeling is so unsettling when he first encounters it, Shen Yuan grabs the first thing he can get his hands on and leaves the mess hall entirely.
The staff avoid him, the trainees flinch away from him. The other senior members often act as though interacting with him will be a chore. Yue Qingyuan, who has rarely seen fit to let Shen Yuan walk alone, carries himself with such subdued guilt Shen Yuan feels a little like squishing him just to see if Yue Qingyuan will make a different face. Mu Qingfang offers all of his medical advice with the air of someone bracing himself.
Even after Shen Yuan has reluctantly allowed Mu Qingfang to speculate that he has suffered some memory loss from the incident that had landed him in the medical facilities, his reception is a stilted one. It helps, Shen Yuan thinks, that this body remembers its mannerisms well enough. He finds himself instictually reacting to certain stimuli in specific ways: Yue Qingyuan's apologetic voice makes Shen Yuan's—Shen Qingqiu's—face sneer; not hearing someone enter a room behind him and getting caught unaware makes him freeze first and then glare, blood itching to hiss a vitriolic remark.
He finds that some impulses are quite easy to lean into. The venomous tongue he'd used to weild devastating criticism lends itself well to the acerbic remarks Shen Qingqiu is apparently known for. His face, never that expressive before, has reached a new level of stoic apathy.
The face thing, specifically, helps him in the days it takes for him acclimate. Not only does he have an entirely new body, and an entirely new life, but he's in an entirely new world. The casual reliance on technology he's never seen before, the vaguely unrealistic military structure of the personnel around him, it all makes him suspect he has definitely transmigrated instead of just bodyswapping, or reincarnating.
He has his freak outs behind his closed doors, presents an aloof face to his peers when Mu Qingfang or Yue Qingyuan visit him to make sure he is recovering well, and nearly brains himself when Yue Qingyuan walks with him into the Central Headquarters for a meeting debriefing the incident he was involved in.
Because the meeting room has a wall entirely made of glass facing the bay of what is, now, unmistakably the Shatterdome. It is unmistakable because they are currently in the middle of repairing a huge, hulking, mecha which Shen Yuan recognizes from the gold-tier extras of his favorite hate-read Pacific Infinite Drift War.
Yue Qingyuan? Mu Qingfang? Shen Qingqiu??? Now he recognizes those names! Three of the twelve founding members of the Shatterdome, then called Cang Qiong, who invented the Pons technology that enabled the fantastically wild mecha battlesuits used to fight monsters in PIDW. It took so long because PIDW was set decades past this point. Long after Cang Qiong was flattened by the increasing threat of Monsters and the survivors rebuilt under the Shatterdome.
Only a handful of the original founders had survived to have any present role in the novel very early on in the prologue chapters. Luo Binghe, an orphan after a monster attack flattened his home town, was picked up by one of the founders Liu Qingge. Brought back to the newly built Shatterdome, six year old Luo Binghe resolved to become one of the mecha pilots trying to save humanity. He only had fleeting interaction with the old guard, Shen Qingqiu was briefly mentioned as an unpleasant and exacting master who berated Luo Binghe during synchronization tests.
At some point, Luo Binghe had been trapped near the rift allowing monsters through and sacrificed himself to carry a missile into it, hopefully closing it for good. He succeeded, discovered the rift was an opening to space, used his mecha to pilot away from the monster world and stumbled into a wide, wide galaxy of very fuckable alien women.
There the story devolved into a very flat, new woman of the week, space opera following Luo Binghe's journey through the galaxy ostensibly trying to find his way home but mostly finding himself in the bed of a new woman.
There were so many interesting things set up in those first chapters though! The mechas themselves were designed to be piloted by at least two people, sharing a neural link to help spread the load of operating such a behemoth. That neural link facilitated mind-to-mind communication between the pilots! The monsters were fascinating pieces of xenospec creature design, Shen Yuan had a great time speculating how their world worked in those beginning chapters.
The character plots set up in the beginning had been intriguing as well. Now that Shen Yuan had a reason to, he dug up his vague recollection of the intro characters. Shen Qingqiu, foreboding and always too hard on Luo Binghe's inability to synchronize with the mechs and establish a neural link despite himself being a technician and not a pilot. Yue Qingyuan's world-weary countenance having lived through almost half of his peers dying under his watch, latching on to those surviving with a guilt complex you could see from space. Mu Qingfang, a sharply brilliant multi-purpose doctor who was, of course, specialized in an unrealistic amount of disciplines and who seemed just as curious about the monster's as Shen Yuan was.
The others, Qi Qingqi, Wei Qingwei, Shang Qinghua, and Liu Qingge, were all unfortunately abandoned with very little character development which should have been Shen Yuan's first clue towards how this novel was going to go. Qi Qingqi was the token girl, and though Shen Yuan had hoped her position as one of the transitional trainers overseeing the mental preparations for synchronization trials she had been outshown by even Shen Qingqiu's meager appearances in the beginning chapters. Wei Qingwei was the head mechanical engineer and that is where his personality ended. Shang Qinghua had an interesting habit of conversing with Mu Qingfang about the monsters threatening humanity, but he disappeared (literally! He stopped being mention at all. Shen Yuan was fairly certain the author forgot about him) right before Luo Binghe went through the rift. Liu Qingge had a devastating neural accident sometime after picking up Luo Binghe but before the protagonist ever even got in a mecha!
Luo Binghe's relationships with his fellow trainees, were, of course, cut short when he went through the rift. The sweet spring romance between Luo Binghe and Ning Yingying was forever stalled! The antagonistic bullying from senior Ming Fan and Luo Binghe's determination to prove himself was never resolved!
And it would be too much to ask for any fleshing out of the many alien women Luo Binghe met post rift! No! All the substance they provided was in the interest of sex scenes that were, frankly, mediocre and under utilizing of the rich setting they were placed in.
Even the original conceit of the novel, the brain-linked mechas, got nerfed when Luo Binghe discovered he could pilot one by himself early on in the first arc.
So, Shen Yuan thought it was very understandable that it had taken him this long to recognize the world he was now in. What a treat! He was here for the actual development of the mechas! He would be seeing the prequel! Though, if his timeline estimate was correct he was nowhere close to seeing the surely adorable protagonist Luo Binghe, the alure of uncovering in all those plot holes and missing character scenes he'd been craving was really making up for it.
"Shen Qingqiu?" That was Yue Qingyuan.
"Maybe we were too hasty holding this meeting now is Shen Qingqiu is still having difficulties." That was a woman's voice—Qi Qingqi?
"Xuan Su is expected to be repaired with no difficulty," Another man's voice, deeper than Yue Qingyuan's. "Your quick thinking saved many of the delicate electronics."
"I'm quite fine." Shen Yuan—Shen Qingqiu—responds. "I just wasn't expecting..." He doesn't mean to let himself trail off but he's starting to remember, vaguely, as if remembering watching a scene from a movie, the screens of the mechas cockpit going staticky with overload and
Undertale AU
Shen Yuan wakes up on a bed of greenery after a particularly hard fall.
The cavern he's in is dark, except for the path of light hes lying in. He can't see the cave walls but he can feel how large it is in the way the fine hairs on the back of his neck raise. Looking up he can distantly see the hole he must have fallen down.
The quiet is so complete he can hear his blood rushing in his ears.
And then a flower blooms right in front of him: a lotus on land. It's petals are thick and a rich black as they spread open in front of his eyes. Nestled between the green shoots of bamboo Shen Yuan is lying in the lotus rises and tilts to face him. There's a face in the center of the flower.
Shen Qingqiu decides that if LBH and LQG are going to be stupid about him, he's going to not!date-date them both
He realised, abruptly, that they were waiting for him to choose. Between them. What was this? A game with him as a prize to win? They never ask him outright, though, and really that makes this their problem. The competitions, the peacocking, that's all on them.
He decides that he will not choose. Maybe that's selfish of him, but aren't they also being selfish? They keep acting as though his every decision carries the weight of the mountain to them. Well, he simply will not decide between them. If they're fine pushing each other back and forth with him as their referee then so be it. He's keeping them both.
[Liu Qingge Moshang Situationship because the BingLiuShen ship has Not Yet Sailed]
It doesn't escape his notice that he's being loaned out like livestock. On Junshang's whim no less. Shen Qingqiu smiles and then covers that smile with the fan Liu Qingge returned to him. "It would really be appreciated, shidi. This master would want to be there myself with Binghe if we weren't caught up here."
"You should be where your sect needs you regardless." He says, crossing his arms.
Luo Binghe hisses at him from where he's hovering like a gargoyle. Shen Qingqiu shushes him and delivers his final, devastating conversational blow: "Liu-shidi is the only one I can trust in the absence of me and my husband."
As always, Shen Qingqiu manages to hit his target two-fold. As always, Liu Qingge does what he's asked.
He thinks Shen Qingqiu won't ever forgive him for saying Luo Binghe had died at Maigu Ridge.
[They're all gods prologue]
He is the breakthrough. The final push. The turning of tides. The culmination. He has never failed to turn a lost cause into victory, there has never been a battle lost to him if he means to win it.
He is Liu Qingge.
Gods are not mortals, they do not change. He expected to be this way forever. Until the very fabric of the world crumbled and decayed. He never expected to change.
There is a story that exists, of a mortal who built a shrine because he was without hope. Cursed with tragedy for a bloodline he did not even know of, his every move was rife with misfortune. The shrine was built and caught the eye of Shen Qingqiu, Liu Qingge's god-brother of Bitter Autumn and Uneven Ground.
Liu Qingge wasn't aware of it at the time, but Shen Qingqiu caused some sort of mischief with the mortal and his shrine. It only becomes relevant later, when the shrine becomes a God itself under the mortal's own care.
Because Liu Qingge finds that new God, reeking of Shen Qingqiu's spiritual power but being so clearly new and naive. It takes the mortal under its wing and raises it up, like a pet.
And like a scorpion placed amongst frogs that little pet tears the heavens apart. Demonic blood festers the spiritual purity of heaven.
Liu Qingge, War God of Breakthroughs, goes through a Crucible and changes into the God of (pine trees) Endless Reliability. Of cyclical mundaniety. [This became that Everyone Is a God ficket outline thing]
[Lion, Tiger, Fair]
Liu Qingge is used to have Shen Qingqiu's undivided attention. The man enters the forest on soft feet, the layers of green robes swaying around him. He takes his time observing the new growth, the small animals, the spiritual pathways that Liu Qingge cultivates. Then Shen Qingqiu will find a nice spot and sit, sometimes he will meditate or cultivate, but often he will write notes in one of his field journals.
Liu Qingge will interrupt him then; striding out of the forest with mist on his paws.
Shen Qingqiu will lift his face up at him, a delighted smile breaking across it.
Like sunlight.
Liu Qingge will gracefully entertain his forests guest, sometimes he will lead Shen Qingqiu to a new surprise, or herd rare animals towards him. Q [drew a comic instead of writing OTL]
[LQG accidentally-on-purpose seduces Bingqiu]
Liu Qingge accepts Shen Qingqiu's marriage announcement with about as much dignity as can be expected of a war God brought to his limits every day for five years.
"You!" He shouts, alighting upon the verdant knoll of Qing Jing Peak. Cheng Luang sheathes itself as he lands in front of Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe. Shen Qingqiu stiffens and Luo Binghe pulls his master back from Liu Qingge's approach, as if preparing to perform some evasive maneuvers.
"... Me." Shen Qingqiu replies, evenly.
"When?" Liu Qingge demands, crossing his arms.
There's a moment where it looks as if Shen Qingqiu will prevaricate and Liu Qingge will have to figure out his words in a more orderly manner, but halfway through Qing Jing Peak's Lord just sighs.
"A few months," he says.
"Three months and eight days," Luo Binghe clarifies.
Liu Qingge looks at Luo Binghe, half a snarl on his face before turning back to Shen Qingqiu. "You didn't say anything." He accuses.
"This one was trying to avoid an argument." Shen Qingqiu says, his eyebrow an elegant arch.
Liu Qingge's hands were already fisted. There wasn't much more tightly that he could clench them before something gave so he forced them to relax.  The tension gathering in his shoulders and spine reflexively loosens as well when he makes himself breathe deeply. Shen Qingqiu's face is a mask of impassivity, as always, but his hand is hooked into Luo Binghe's sleeve.
For as much as Luo Binghe looks ready to physically push Liu Qingge back if his Shizun—his husband, Liu Qingge reminds himself—wishes him to, Shen Qingqiu looks as equally ready to stand his ground. It takes Liu Qingge a moment longer than it probably should to realise that both of them are expecting a fight.
Of course Luo Binghe does; Liu Qingge has done precious little but fight the demon lord. But that Shen Qingqiu also expects it of him is... Liu Qingge blinks and shakes his head.
"There was gossip. I just came to hear it from you."
"Well then, you've heard it now.  We're married." Shen Qingqiu takes the moment to find and thread his fingers through Luo Binghe's. The demon lord's expression turns into one of puppyish devotion.
Liu Qingge nods decisively and uncrosses his arms to grab Cheng Luan in its sheath. Shen Qingqiu and his husband tense again, Shen Qingqiu even opens his mouth halfway ready to say something—stop? Liu Qingge's jaw clenches. Surely Shen Qingqiu doesn't think so badly of this Bai Zhan Peak Lord as to expect him to attack a martial brother's husband unprovoked?
Liu Qingge removes his hand from his sheath, hoping his face doesn't look as surprised or as stung as he feels. He blows all the air in his lungs out in a displeased grunt. Later he will do some reflection on his own actions, for Shen Qingqiu to suddenly mistrust him.
"Congratulations." He says instead and turns on his heel to walk an appropriate distance before drawing Cheng Luan to fly him back to his Peak.  He doesn't look back; he knows already that he'd only see Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe staring at each other.
The problem is that Liu Qingge, in those years he'd grown closer to Shen Qingqiu, had developed the habit of finding things. Yes, Shen Qingqiu's fans and various beasts Shen Qingqiu had mentioned. But also other things, here and there.  When driving off some manner of demonic dread from a village, he'd spied one of the villagers wearing their hair up with an elegantly died ribbon, who, after seeing Liu Qingge's interest, had insisted on him taking it in thanks for his service.
The ribbon was promptly given to Shen Qingqiu.
"Afterall, I have no use for it." Liu Qingge had said to the man.
"Yes, and this master supposes rejecting it all together would have been too rude of my shidi to consider."  Liu Qingge had let that accusation sit.
Not only the ribbon but books and scrolls, old and well preserved parchment, jewelry, wall hangings, fan ornaments, some hair crowns, a stray length of spider moth silk... anything he'd come across that reminded him of Shen Qingqiu and his strange inclinations.
With Shen Qingqiu's dead body out of reach and losing his battles daily, Liu Qingge had still somehow found time to keep this collection of would-be gifts growing. What did Liu Qingge have of his dearly departed shixiong except the little pieces of him Liu Qingge found himself seeing in the world around him.
With Shen Qingqiu back, alive, Liu Qingge could give those trinkets and treasures properly. He had been, though even Liu Qingge knew he couldn't dump five or more year's worth of grief filled collecting on Shen Qingqiu. However, there was a difference between giving your shixiong a book he might like and giving a married man an expensive jeweled guan—even if the jewels could be tracked to originate from a blue-kingfisher-wolf spider, which Shen Qingqiu had once filled an evening waxing poetic upon.
So. The problem: Liu Qingge has been giving gifts to a man in a committed relationship. Moreover, Liu Qingge has done something to make Shen Qingqiu wary of him. Mistrustful in ways not shown for a decade or more. He doesn't believe the two are inherently related, but he supposed the solution should be the same.
He needs to find a wedding gift for Shen Qingqiu and his husband.
That should prove to Shen Qingqiu that Liu Qingge, if not approving of the marriage, refuses to impede it. He doesn't want Shen Qingqiu to look at him like a threat. He isn't one, anyways. He can and would fight Luo Binghe again, could likely put up enough resistance to annoy the man even, but Liu Qingge couldn't defeat him once in five years. Whether for Shen Qingqiu's attentions or any other matter Luo Binghe bothers himself with, Liu Qingge doubts he factors as a concern at all.
The unfortunate part is that Liu Qingge has to find a gift that will please not only Shen Qingqiu but Luo Binghe as well. It cannot be a token gift. Liu Qingge is, also unfortunately, not well suited towards thinking of things others will like, to say nothing about Luo Binghe in specific. Half the reason he has collected so many things for Shen Qingqiu are because of how little he needs to think about it.
Shen Qingqiu is obvious in his affections and disparagements. He loves books and bestiaries and historical nonsense. He likes fine and well crafted adornments. He's fond of specific snacks and teas and serving sets. His fan collection is varied and large. It is very easy to walk into a city market and see green silks or a lauded tome and think: Shen Qingqiu would like this.
It's even easier to size up the monster of the day and decide whether to dismember it, kill it cleanly, or shove it in a bag for Shen Qingqiu's pinched and slightly disapproving face.
Somehow, Liu Qingge doubts that Luo Binghe would appreciate the same.
Still, he must try.
He supposes the traditional gift would be to celebrate their joint household.  Luo Binghe did not spend almost eight years consolidating power just to shove Shen Qingqiu into some favored courtyard somewhere. No, the man had been determined to approach as an equal and to create a partnership based in equal powers. That he had gone so far as to stake claim in two realms and crown himself an Emperor was surely a sign of how much he idolized the Qing Jing Peak Lord. That he has all but abandoned his Demon Palace for a relatively humble bamboo house continues to reflect that his devotion, at least, has not diminished.
Liu Qingge is perhaps disadvantaged at knowing what one would welcome as a home gift. His own house on Bai Zhan is spare and he had left his home among mortals far younger than it would take to make him pay attention to and remember the furniture surrounding him. 
Shen Qingqiu liked tea... perhaps a new tea table?
Liu Qingge isn't nervous. His plan is simple and straightforward: give the wedding gift and show Shen Qingqiu that he will not... do whatever Shen Qingqiu is worried that he's capable of. The stakes are obvious as well. Either Shen Qingqiu and his husband accept the wedding gift and understand that Liu Qingge means to be friendly and not hostile to both of them; They accept the gift but either do not accept or do not understand his intentions behind it; Or they do not accept the gift and therefore reject him completely.
Only the latter is insurmountable, and even then it just means distancing himself from the couple. Shen Qingqiu has not stepped down from Peak Lord, so Liu Qingge will still be in his life. This little social number is nothing like watching Shen Qingqiu's lifeless body fall too far for him to do anything about it. It's only Shen Qingqiu's regard for Liu Qingge that is in question today, and therefore, Liu Qingge has nothing to worry about. Any outcome is better than Shen Qingqiu dead.
Kicking the doorframe to announce himself is a habit so deeply ingrained that he automatically does it as he steps up onto the bamboo porch.  He shakes his head in mild dismay. That will put neither Shen Qingqiu nor Luo Binghe in an especially receptive mood. Oh well.
As he waits for a reception he shifts his grip on the thin qiankun box he had packed the gift into. Though plain it is cleverly made, and he hopes its utilitarian design can be useful outside of its original purpose.
A gift of this much importance should be fitted inside a more comely presentation, but Liu Qingge found he didn't have the face for picking out a more suitable container. Imagining giving Shen Qingqiu and his husband one of those elaborately carved or lacquered gift boxes made him want to fight a waterfall.
He debates kicking the door again, as the wait draws on. Instead he puts the box on the porch by the door. He had used one of his polishing oils to help condition the wood of the box and the grain doesn't look terrible with the bamboo of the house. 
With a sigh he retreats from the peak and waits to see the result of his overture.
He is rewarded when Shen Qingqiu invites him for tea several days later.
"Liu-Shidi," the man greets when Liu Qingge steps into Shen Qingqiu's home. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to recieve you the other day."
Liu Qingge makes a noise of acknowledgement. Shen Qingqiu ushers him inside and gestures him towards the area he usually hosts in. There, sitting on one of Shen Qingqiu's existing tea tables, is a new wet tea tray.
After meditating for many fruitless days, it was a fight that had sparked an idea in Liu Qingge. A quiet road to an isolated village was being stalked by a demonic wandering tree. The tree hadn't been much of an issue for Liu Qingge, but as he'd finished delimbing the trunk, he'd been struck by the way it's sap had stained the pale wood like blood. It had nearly been the same hue as Luo Binghe's demonic crest.
After searching markets and craftsmen, Liu Qingge had finally found a piece of seasoned wood of an appropriate size while night hunting closer to the borderlands. He'd taken it to an expert, to be sure, and it was determined to be from one of the milder variants of man eating tree: the Oxblood Heart Eating Tree.
It was characterized by it's deep and rich blood red wood tone, it's equally bloody diet, and, more importantly, its lack of innate toxic qualities. In fact the wood purified liquids fed through it, and it was a popular and expensive building material.
The piece he had found had been carved into a spectacular show piece: the dips and valleys at once resembling the top down view of mountains and clouds and the stepped banks of a tranquil pond. Accents stood stark against the deep red wood made from bamboo: an elegant crane in flight, the delicate wispy clouds flowing into a wreath of lotus blossoms.
It combines Shen Qingqiu's aesthetic senses and Luo Binghe's bold color palette quite well, Liu Qingge had thought.  Now, settled in Shen Qingqiu's home, Liu Qingge thinks it again. It doesn't look out of place, but the deep red isn't a very common color theme and it draws the eye almost forcefully.
Liu Qingge seats himself as Shen Qingqiu bids him to and they are joined quite readily by Luo Binghe with such timing Liu Qingge can't help thinking the demon lord must have been waiting for his cue at the kitchen threshold.
Liu Qingge is served quite good tea by Shen Qingqiu and, to Liu Qingge's quiet surprise, a small selection of tea snacks Luo Binghe usually reserves for Shen Qingqiu only. At first, Liu Qingge almost suspects a trick, that the moment his hand moves to try one of the delicately steamed cakes Luo Binghe will have snatched it away for his Shizun's pleasure instead. However, the tea cake makes it all the way to Liu Qingge's mouth and he can't mask the noise of surprise he makes at its taste. It's very good.
Even Luo Binghe's look of smug satisfaction doesn't dampen the pleasant flavor.  With Shen Qingqiu's selection of tea, the combination is very good.
Shen Qingqiu keeps up an idle conversation as they drink the tea finish the snacks. He blithely comments on his recent mission, the annoying debrief, a new recipe Luo Binghe had tried, some reports of a beast Liu Qingge may be interested in, and some light gossip. Liu Qingge contributes as much as he ever does: nodding or humming in appropriate places and asking one word questions when something catches his attention. Luo Binghe is much more solicitous, for all that he must have heard these same words before.
Liu Qingge thanks Shen Qingqiu for the invitation when the tea runs out. He also, perhaps unsubtly, makes it a point to thank Luo Binghe as well. The gratitude wants to stick in his throat but the way Shen Qingqiu smiles, before hiding it with his fan, reassures Liu Qingge that he had approached this correctly.
"Thank you for the gift," Shen Qingqiu finally says, once they've all stood and Liu Qingge is getting ready to leave.
"One could almost think it too much," Luo Binghe snipes. Shen Qinqiu sighs at him but doesn't censure him.
"Wedding gifts are supposed to be ostentatious," Liu Qingge answers, cautious.
"Ah!" Shen Qingqiu's exclamation is barely an exhalation of breath, hidden behind the snap of his fan except for Liu Qingge's cultivation supported hearing. "On our anniversary, too... shidi you are surprisingly thoughtful."
"I don't know about that," Luo Binghe says, as Liu Qingge steps away from Shen Qingqiu's gesticulating fan.
Liu Qingge shoots him a glare, but doesn't argue with him. Liu Qingge had not been thinking about the timing of his gift at all, afterall. Still, he will take the good favor from Shen Qingqiu all the same.
"Hush, Binghe." Shen Qingqiu scolds his husband. "It's a lovely gift. Thank you."
Liu Qingge nods and makes a tactical escape. As is becoming a new habit, he waits until he is out of easy combat range to mount Cheng Luan and fly away. For an immortal master and demon lord this means he stomps through a fair bit of Qing Jing Peak's bamboo forest before he can leave properly.
Shen Qingqiu, at least, seems to relax. Whatever Liu Qingge had done to make him wary seems to have rested after Liu Qingge's wedding gift.  Luo Binghe is the same, and not any worse, so Liu Qingge decides that his plan worked.
Phase two is put into motion.
This, once again unfortunately, means thinking too much about things Luo Binghe may like.  At least this is simpler as he just has to match the items he already wants to give to Shen Qingqiu. A length of jade colored diaphanous wooly reindeer silk is paired with a bolt of northern desert wolf wool. A bestiary local to one of the rare wandering realms is accompanied by a book detailing the surprisingly nuanced demon cuisine in one of the regions on the borders of the demon realm. 
By the time he finds himself hacking at the poison backed ruby pangolin because the ruby-like crystals decorating its bony plates of armor would look quite well in a hair crown next to the one he already has for Shen Qingqiu, Luo Qingge is already past the point of despair. It's fun, finding things things for Luo Binghe.
So far, neither Luo Binghe nor Shen Qingqiu protest Liu Qingge's continued spate of his perhaps maladaptive coping mechanism through gift giving. Shen Qingqiu is pleased in fact, if the quick flash of smile Liu Qingge catches before the snap of a fan opens is any indication.  The degree the man's cheek lifts, the squint of his curved eyes, increases with each new matched gift shoved towards Luo Binghe. 
For his part, Luo Binghe is starting to look less apprehensive. Instead he looks confused when Liu Qingge presses something new into his hands and it turns out to be something pleasant instead of a trick. As if Liu Qingge had ever stooped to tricks in the first place. Infuriating man.
The challenge of finding things that not only match or compliment gifts he has already chosen for Shen Qingqiu, but also manage to suit Luo Binghe's tastes settles well on Liu Qingge's shoulders. He may mostly be known for fighting, but he's also a hunter. He can be patient and observant, when he wants to be.
The knowledge of what Shen Qingqiu likes had eased into him almost against his will. Taking tea with him, cleansing his meridians, still suspicious of his motives and plans for his sudden change of personality, Liu Qingge hadn't meant to find out what Shen Qingqiu liked. At the time he had been so hyper aware of Shen Qingqiu's every move that he had cataloged everything for fear that he would miss the tell-tale sign of duplicitous intent.
So when his hand twitched towards the tanghulu stand on one of their missions together because he knew Shen Qingqiu liked sweets, well. He was surprised at himself for knowing.
Luo Binghe though, did not give his preferences up so easily.  Liu Qingge would watch him slide the embroidered silk of a new sash between his fingers and compare the tilt of his eyebrows to the face he makes when serving his husband tea. When Luo Binghe made a half-aborted noise at a well shaped wooden serving board to accompany Shen Qingqiu's new set of dipping bowls, Liu Qingge had to cross reference it with the pleased noise the demon makes when Shen Qingqiu makes a benign request.
Shen Qingqiu slides choice cuts of meat into Luo Binghe's bowl and Liu Qingge has to decide whether the resulting countenance is because Luo Binghe favors the meal or his Shizun's attention more. Liu Qingge chases after Luo Binghe's reactions like a hunter picking its way through a deer trail.
Luo Binghe does not like gifts of jade jewelry—that's the biggest loss Liu Qingge has encountered so far in this endeavor. Even Shen Qingqiu had winced when Luo Binghe pulled out the token. Liu Qingge had seen it and thought that it reminded him of Shen Qingqiu and subsequently that Luo Binghe might think so as well. It was a poor gift.
In his defense, other jewelry and decoration have been fine. Blood colored earrings, silver cuffs, hammered metal vambraces. Even, on one nostalgic occasion, a bamboo embroidered belt coupled with golden weights. The belt was black silk, the bamboo picked out in shades of red, so perhaps that is why it passed muster. (Liu Qingge had given Shen Qingqiu a matching belt this time made to compliment Luo Binghe's: all white with silver and pale green embroidery but the design was very obviously patterned in Luo Binghe's sigils.)
Of all his gifts, ones that allow Luo Binghe to play house wife are recieved the best
[Modern AU but demons are an oppressed class and LBH was part of an underground fighting ring]
"You're going to help him acclimate!" Shen Yuan beamed at him, his glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose and his eyes sparkling.
"Acclimate! He's had a rough time and he's so sweet... they were gonna dump him into the recovery system but I had a moment to talk to him and he would really benefit from a more personalized approach."
"The Recovery System is designed to help kids like him." Unspoken: Liu Qingge was definitely not designed to help kids unpack their trauma and become healthier, happier versions of themselves.
"Qingge," Shen Yuan pouted at him before turning his face away. He crossed his arms defensively, recovered his expression, and turned back to Liu Qingge. "His entire impression of the team is Da-ge... he's a little, well, mistrustful of it all."
Liu Qingge snorted. Shen Qingqiu was very, very skilled at infiltrating the illegal demon trade and blowing them up from the inside. He was also mean, underhanded, and not the kind of person who would coddle a traumatized kid caught in the middle of it all.
"And the kid is half demon, so, you can imagine... Da-ge wasn't exactly..."
"Just because you're brother is a jackass—"
"Doesn't mean I have the—" knowledge? Skill? Patience? "—time to babysit for you."
"You'll like him though, he's so sweet! He really doesn't deserve to get lost in the system."
Liu Qingge nearly called him out. Does anyone deserve to get caught up in the bureaucratic red tape, passed through the seive of reports and check ups and therapy, modulated social rehabilitation? It was necessary but the system was so flooded it was mechanical, impersonal.
Liu Qingge knew very well what it felt like to be snatched from the middle of one hell hole, be promised it'd get better, and then abandoned to the monotony of "tell us about your feelings" and "why don't you try thinking about whether your actions are going to help or harm before you act" and "you can try a little harder to be empathetic to those around you".  As if he had been the problem and not everyone else pressing so hard at his boundaries when the only thing he'd been taught to do was lash out. Eventually he'd just shut up, did his exercises without absorbing anything, swallowed the pills he'd been prescribed, until he got the grudging stamp of approval and was set adrift into society barely any more self sufficient than before.
If he hadn't run into Shen Yuan when he had, he'd probably still be doing the same exact routine: wake up, drink a meal replacement, walk to his boring little job at the corner store, refrain from punching (his boss, the customers, the vendors, the teenagers making a mess in the snack aisle, the auntie who always smiled at him as if she could see the struggle on his face, the rats that his boss complained about but was too lazy to do anything about, the—), clock out after 7.5 hours, run his habitual circuit, go home, shower, then stare blankly at the ceiling until he fell asleep.
If someone like Shen Yuan had scooped him up at the start of it all, where could Liu Qingge be now?
Well, he probably wouldn't be living in Shen Yuan's house, happily spending his days dogging the steps of the world's most oblivious, self-sacrificial man. Shen Yuan would tell him that someone should have been there for him. That it was sad he had been left alone for so long but that was no excuse for not helping others avoid that pain if he could help it.
If Liu Qingge was particularly unlucky Shen Yuan would get that disbelieving, disapproving crease on his forehead that meant Liu Qingge was acting entirely out of Shen Yuan's perception of his character. It didn't matter how many times someone else told Shen Yuan that Liu Qingge was a loose canon, a liability, selfish, inconsiderate, or self-absorbed. The only thing that could take the shine off Liu Qingge in Shen Yuan's eyes was Liu Qingge himself.
The thing was, Shen Yuan made Liu Qingge want to be reliable, responsible, competent, safe. He really, really wanted to live up to Shen Yuan's expectations. Thinking that eventually Shen Yuan would learn how difficult Liu Qingge was to handle slowly turned into Liu Qingge wanting to be easy for Shen Yuan.
Somewhere, somewhen, Liu Qingge stopped wanting to chase Shen Yuan away and started trying to keep him close with both hands gripped tight.
He blew out a sigh, and even to his own ears it sounded defeated. Shen Yuan perked up, smile playing around the corner of his lips. He pulled out his cellphone and tapped something quickly.
"Good! Perfect! Haha, I already said we could host him so it would have been embarrassing if you'd said no."
"Ugh," Liu Qingge rolled his eyes. "You're lucky I don't have hobbies. How else would you commit all my free time."
"I know, I know, Qingge is too sweet for me! So reliable!"
The familiar warmth of pleased embarrassment washed through him. His ears flushed with it.
"Well. As long as you know." He said, finally. 
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bearlytolerant · 9 months
For that wip game: "the desk" intrigued me because of it's vagueness.
Thank you!! 💗 this one is based off this pic I took an age ago: it’s a naughty one lol
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Sam is not a man of want. But lately his mind is filled with lecherous thoughts. Of passion. Desire. Of well—want. He’s finished his fifth set of push-ups and stands swiping the sweat off his brow. It’s done nothing to curb or satiate his appetite and he takes a deep, steadying breath as he plants his hands on his hips.
There’s a knock on the door frame. “Hey,” Shepard says. His eyes flick to her low cut crop top and she’s got those tight leather pants on.
He wants to take all of it off and bend her over his desk, the only thing separating the two of them, and—
“Hey,” he says back with a gentle smile and small tip of his hat.
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fazedlight · 1 year
I think all of my current WIPs are shaping up to be 7-10k one-shots. Wordcounts so far:
(3.5k) A character study with no change to the timeline
(1.9k) A character study with changes to the timeline
(1.9k) S5 rift fic
(1.1k) S5 rift fic but high angst
(6.7k) An AU
(3.1k) A rarepair that I may use for @supergirlmayhem
It occurs to me that I don't really know the difference between Canon-Compliant, Canon-Divergent, and AU.
I've seen my fics described as Canon-Compliant. They certainly start at specific points in canon, and often weave into the season's higher-level plot (despite changing everything about where the characters are). I've mentally thought of them as Canon-Divergent.
But I've also seen fics described as AUs when I think of them as Canon-Divergent. Like, would it be reasonable to call my Worldkiller Kara fic a "Worldkiller Kara AU"? I'm not quite sure where that line is.
Anyway! I'm happy with my WIP progress. I don't think I'll post any of these in October (I think it'd get lost in the sea of supercorptober stuff, though I'm very much looking forward to seeing what other people do 👀), but maybe November or December I'll have some fun stuff to post!
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lavampira · 9 months
making the executive decision to get thai tea with my takeout tonight as a lil treat for surviving the horrors of adult responsibilities with a wacky ass brain today
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fanaticsnail · 4 months
WIP Wednesday (Friday)
Thank you @rorywritesjunk for the tag. I am so looking forward to the Howl's Au you're doing!
Here is a cut from the next installment of Doffy's pollen I've been working on for the past little while. If there's something on my WIP list you're curious about, I'm happy to give a little snippet of what I've been chipping away at.
Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes: Doflamingo x Reader Part 2
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Synopsis: You've been invited to a soiree at the World Government HQ at the request of your friend, Maria, who is attending with her latest beau, Bogard. Doflamingo intentionally didn't ask you to attend on his arm, and is attempting to make you jealous by bringing two of his concubines with him. You decide to 'get even' by suggesting Sir Crocodile aid you in making him jealous in return.
Word Count: 460 (Just a snippet of a larger fic)
Context: You and Doflamingo have a love-hate relationship. He loves you, you hate him. He tried to drug you with the dust of the lust plant, only for your drinking glasses to be swapped at the last minute. He was in need of a reprieve and coerced you to "help him out". You did, but it doesn't make you hate him any less.
What to expect in this next installment: Drinking, jealous Doflamingo, sloppy drunk Doflamingo, pathetic Doflamingo, kissing Sir Crocodile, enjoying the company of Sir Crocodile, Doflamingo cornering you in a private room....
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“Sir Crocodile,” you arch your back further on the bar and look up at him through your eyelashes, “Would you be up for a little game?” He arches his brow up, placing his cigar in his teeth before breathing in a gulping lungfull of sour smoke.
“Up to no good again are you?” He asked, the cool rumble of his voice shaking your spine in joyful anticipation. You nodded, subtle enough not to draw attention away from Doflamingo as he continued consuming his concubines’ mouths vigorously. “State your terms,” Sir Crocodile asked with a light purr.
“An exchange, sir,” you cocked your head, playfully biting your lip as you hummed at him, “I’ll buy you a glass of anything you want, if you would grant me a single kiss.” Sir Crocodile’s interest peaked, his eyes widening ever so slightly as you continued your suggestion. 
“Doflamingo is attempting to make me jealous,” you noted, prompting Crocodile to look at him from the corner of his eye, “And I simply do not care.” Crocodile hummed in thought, enjoying another deep drag from his cigar, nodding at you to resume your explanation. 
“I don’t want him, and I need him to know I don’t want him,” you confessed as Crocodile placed his cigar in the steel tray beside him, “I would rather chew glass than endure his attention a moment longer, so I thought perhaps if I were to enjoy the attention of another,” you drew up your index and middle fingers on the bar, playfully walking the digits atop the mahogany surface, “He might leave me in peace.” 
“And I was the easier mark to make between all those here present?” Sir Crocodile hunched down to your level, looking deeply into your eyes with his stalking orbs. 
“Not at all, sir,” you smirked, eyes darting between his with flirtatious mischief, “I chose you because I thought, one: Sir Crocodile would likely need something interesting to cure his boredom amongst the marines and fellow warlords,” you inched your fingers ever closer to his golden hook, looking down at it while you hovered your fingertips over the metallic surface, “And, two: Sir Crocodile is the most handsome man in this room, and it would be an absolute delight to hold his attention, even if naught for a moment.” 
A slow chuckle emitted from deep within his throat, his eyes falling half-lidded as his smile grew wider and more playful beneath his scarred cheeks. 
“A single drink for a single kiss,” he confirmed with a curt nod, his right hand collecting yours from atop his hook and pressing a gentle kiss on your knuckles, “Or a bottle of my choosing, and you would be more than welcome to continue singing my praises atop my knee for the night, Princess.”
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January Monthly Roundup
Three’s a Crowd (But I’m Here if You Are) by JUBE514 (Bernard Dowd/Tim Drake/Conner Kent) 20k, Identity Reveal, Fluff      Bernard pops the top off his water bottle, a roll of his wrist at the perfect angle and it comes right off, and pops the faucet in Tim’s very nice kitchen to cold. Tim presses a kiss to the back of Bernard’s neck before Tim moves to the fridge to get his own water.      Bernard used to not drink as much water, but Tim drinks enough water for three people a day so Bernard naturally has followed- and now Bernard has no acne so he’s sort of mad about it actually. “The main character has two hands.” Bernard chimes easy and teasing. “Polygamy is the awnser here babe.”      Tim peaks over the door of the fridge. “Oh? Is this you telling me something?” —      Tim Drake, Bernard Dowd, and Kon-El have two hands each. They use them to hold onto each other.
My Evil Twin From Another Universe by FabulaRasa (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne) 22k An interdimensional anomaly strands another version of Hal in this universe, and two Hal Jordans in one universe is several Hal Jordans too many.
this week in heroblr by UnidentifiedFroggy (multi) 22k, WIP, Social Media, okay im sorry y'all did SUPERBOY just say he's a tumblrina??? #SUPERBOY AS IN KON EL AS IN SUPERMANS CLONE #DIED IN THE CRISIS SUPERBOY #holy shit #superblr #heroblr - a viewpoint into tumblr as it might exist within my own exceedingly self-indulgent form of the dc universe, told through epistolary fashion in batfamily social media fic tradition. features heroes getting cancelled, takes of middling veracity, plenty of queerness both on heroblr and in the hero community, my self-indulgent ships, and something vaguely resembling plot and lore told obliquely through tumblr drama and outsider pov interpretations of superheroes
The Big Boss by Crowlows19 (gen) 4k, POV Outsider The story of Bruce Wayne and his family as told by his insane Wayne Enterprises calendar and the poor assistant that had to manage it all.
Batman for Dummies by Havendance (gen) 38k, No Man’s Land, Helena Bertinelli-centric In the aftermath of the quake that shook Gotham, Helena Bertinelli takes on the mantle of the Bat. (It isn’t like Batman’s using it.) If she’d known the cowl came with a certain moralizing little bird following her around — well, she probably still would’ve done it, but it would’ve been nice to know in advance. (Or: Tim and Helena team up 2: electric boogaloo. Now with more bats!)
Older Sibling Duty by Icestorm238 (gen) 2k, Batfam Names are important. The Bats tend to bypass their real names, however, in favour of increasingly dumb nicknames. The older sibling trio of Dick, Jason, and Cass are the primary instigators of this. After all, it is their duty.
AITAH For Tricking My Brother Into Drugging My Other Brother? by TaxiCabToSlowtown (gen) 1k, Social Media, Am I the Asshole? Okay, look, I know how that sounds, but hear me out. My (M, 19, "Fred") little brother (17, I’ll call him “Percy”) has problems. These problems stem a lot from the fact that his parents abandoned him for long periods of time as a kid and he didn’t have a proper upbringing. I should mention that Percy’s parents then are not the same as our parent(s) now. We’re both adopted, and I’m messed up too, I’ll admit it. Our Father (45, I’ll call him “Arthur”) had sort of turned his house into a home for kids with really traumatic families.
Welcome to the Family by ViiA01 (Hal Jordan/Bruce Wayne) 67k, WIP, Batfam Bruce’s children want to meet the man that their father deemed worthy of a smile. So they do, in the only way they know how. By breaking into people's houses and lurking in dark places. Bruce just wants his children to stop stalking Earth’s Green Lantern, if only because they're ruining his plans. And Hal? Well, Hal is convinced that Bruce has concocted a plot to get around his ‘no killing’ rule, by having his children stalk him until his heart gives out from the stress.
A Series of Unfortunately Timed Coming Out's by Queerbutstillhere (multi), 7k, Coming Out The batfamily had this gift.  This wonderful skill. They are such talented, brilliant, capable individuals. But they are absolutely horrendous at wisely timing coming out to their family members. These are their stories . Aka: "I love you all but could we stop coming out to each other during the middle of battles?"
Call to a Lonely Earth by Drag0nst0rm (gen), 7k, Angst, AU-17776 Fusion There are no children left in Gotham. Not until the multiverse spits one out right in front of Batman, at least.
buy the ticket, take the ride by Anonymous (gen), 13k, Vegas Tim had always figured that if he ever woke up in Vegas sans-memory, it would be when he was older than fourteen. But there were some things he couldn’t control, and apparently whatever had happened last night that he didn’t remember was one of them.
Keystone by Kalinjdra (gen), 26k, WIP, HPxDC Harry Potter double-checked his lists before sending off the letter to an unknown cousin. He hoped for maybe some money at least, he didn't expect to get a scary bodyguard brother instead. Jason Todd has never stopped searching for his real parents so when Tim offers solid information in exchange of taking care of some kid, he really doesn't have anything else to do but take it. No one really could have foretold what followed.
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dvar-trek · 9 months
Romance Roundup: Part 1
this summer, after succumbing to my knitting injuries, i fell into a romance novel rabbit-hole. they are like candy for me. they're low-effort, fun, a quick source of joy, and keep me from endlessly scrolling jpost for israel news. also i can usually finish one in a day or two. so all in all, i ended up reading a total of 90 romance/kissing books.
the stats:
84 queer
13 novella-length
4 that i really feel i gave a fair shot but didn't finish
the top 7 (in no particular order):
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland- a fantasy book wherein the prince and his sworn bodyguard fall in love. some light (as in dangerous but not overly complex) political intrigue. plenty of world-building, but the author doesn't ever bore you with explanations you don't want. the writing is a little clumsy at times, but in spite of myself i found this book and the characters so utterly charming.
Enlightenment Trilogy (Provoked, Beguiled, and Enlightened) by Joanna Chambers- takes place in regency-late georgian scotland. two men who are dedicated to their respectable (but very different) lives. in order to keep what's important to them, they each plan to go through life just having anonymous, one-off encounters with other men, and needless to say, they upend that for one another. features radical politics, arguments about what matters in life, george iv's visit to scotland, and confronting your past. i thought about this extensively, but i simply do not think i can describe the plot in a way that will be helpful. you are just going to have to trust me. a linked short story and bonus-epilogue-novella are also availble on the author's website.
10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall- man sort of accidentally fakes amnesia to keep his asshole boss from firing everyone. only they end up sort of falling for each other for real. modern setting, funny and sad, and the kind of slow-burn romance that makes your chest hurt. it does take place over christmas, but not in a fluffy, christmassy way. like, even i, America's Number One Christmas Hater, who would never have touched it had i known about the christmas element going in, found it to be completely tolerable amount of christmas, and a thoroughly enjoyable book. i read everything on my top 7 list multiple times, but this is one that really rewards your second read-through.
Captive Prince Trilogy (Captive Prince, Prince's Gambit, and Kings Rising) by C.S. Pacat- fantasy setting wherein a prince is kidnapped and enslaved in an enemy realm, and eventually has to ally with his cruel captor in order to save his own kingdom. plenty of political maneuvering, military skirmishes, court intrigue, and secret night mission shenanigans (with disguises). another chest-aching slow burn that rewards multiple read-throughs. there's also a linked short story collection, The Summer Palace, which includes a bonus epilogue.
A Rulebook for Restless Rogues (book 2 in Lucky Lovers of London) by Jess Everlee- victorian-era romance, featuring drag, lifelong best friends, and some of the best (hottest) sex scenes on this list. the proprietor of an underground gentlemen's club for queer men fights to keep his club open and his people safe, both from the law and from the volatile aristocrat who owns the place. he also definitely doesn't have feelings for his best friend. anymore. probably.
England World (Think of England, and prequel Proper English) by KJ Charles- two excellent books; one a houseparty/treason investigation and one a houseparty turned murder mystery. as everyone knows, it's extremely dangerous to attend a houseparty while single, because you will fall hopelessly in love, but you will also be in mortal peril. i am. too fucking feral about these characters to say anything useful. i am completely aware that this does nothing to help my case, but i cannot help it. i am unable to be normal about them, even in the effort to convince people to read these books. also please note that even though the covers are. quite bad. the writing is excellent and well-researched. also also, there's a bonus epilogue on the author's website, featuring additional sex, good jokes, and bad poetry.
An Unnatural Vice (book 2 in Sins of the City) by KJ Charles- the whole trilogy is worth reading (in order!) but this is definitely the strongest of the 3, and i found it to be the most compelling of the romances. a victorian-era mystery/suspense series, featuring an inheritance plot, murders in the fog, and fake séances. a "spiritualist" who defrauds the wealthy and the investigative jouranlist determined to expose his tricks find themselves hate-fucking, running from murderers, arguing about class politics, and both saving and upending each others' lives.
honorable mention:
Sailor's Delight by Rose Lerner- #1 brain-rewiring book of the year. 1813 sailing master in the british royal navy and his naval agent fall in love. the book takes place over 1 week of shore leave (which coincides with the high holy days), although they have known each other (and known that they can never be together) for almost a decade. uh. listen. this book is both fun and well-researched, but it is not, like, Good™. there is a shirtless man on the cover and there's not even any fucking in the book. the main characters are named Elie and Augie which is completely unsexy. BUT. they changed my brain chemistry and i've plotted out their entire lives in my head from the moment they met and i'm fucking feral about them.
romance roundup part 2
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nat-seal-well · 8 months
please may i have a crumb of reincarnation au 🤲
Of course friend!!
Reaching around towards the back of her head, Marnie pulls on the seafoam-green ribbon keeping her hair back. It’s the only splash of color she’s wearing, swathed in white as she is, aside from the red paint on her lips. She takes Natalie’s hand and wraps it around her wrist once, twice, and then ties it off neatly in a bow. Already Natalie knows she will keep it forever. 
“To keep you safe,” Marnie explains when it’s done. “I can wait as long as it takes, as long as you’ll come back. But you have to come back. I can’t lose you. Neither can your family.” 
Instead of replying, Natalie leans in to steal a kiss from her. In the back of her mind, she wonders if she should be frightened by how right it feels, but in a way, she thinks she has always known. There isn’t another person in the world who makes Natalie feel like she is enough, just as she is. 
“I have to go back,” Marnie whispers against her lips. “They’ll be looking for me soon. I…”
Natalie uses a thumb to wipe away some of the smudged paint. “This isn’t the end.”
The smile on Marnie’s face almost makes her tack on another three letters, but she doesn’t. When she looks back on this night in the future, she will wish more than anything that she did.
Natalie will never see her again.
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themournwatcher · 9 months
I’ll take Untitled #5 in the WIP game!
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The carriage coming to a harsh stop is what startled Mahanon awake. It only took him a moment to evaluate his surroundings; Gideon curled against him, his own head against the side of the carriage. He peered outside and saw darkness, but, squinting, could make out the faint lights of the tavern where they would stay for the remainder of the night. He supposed that Josephine would suffer no further marching.  The door swung open, and he was quick to hold a finger up to his mouth to shush Cassandra before she could rouse Gideon from his sleep. She glared, but Mahanon carefully scooped Gideon up into his arms and exited the carriage. He might be shorter than the Herald, but he was far stronger. Gideon was like hoisting a few dandelions in his arms; utterly inconsequential in weighing him down. “We need to speak with the Herald,” Cassandra insisted as Mahanon found his footing on snowy ground. He shook his head. “It can wait until the morning,” he insisted, fighting back a yawn of his own. “It is late. There is nothing that needs to be said that cannot wait for breakfast.” Mahanon moved swiftly inside, and did not give Cassandra any further chance to argue her point. Usually he would prefer to investigate the room himself and deem it safe for Gideon, but exhaustion still tugged on his own eyelids, and Mahanon found himself without much other choice than to trust that the Inquisition soldiers were capable of doing their jobs. He kicked the door closed, laid Gideon in the bed, and then made sure the curtains were drawn.  Gideon could gripe at him about sleeping in their clothes tomorrow. Everything could wait until tomorrow. His complaints about Vivienne’s handmaidens would at least wait until their journey back to Skyhold. Mahanon stripped himself of his armor and slid into the bed, wrapping his arms around Gideon and pressing his face into his back. So many allowances he’d made, he reminded himself, but he could hardly find the presence of mind to be bitter about it when he recalled Gideon’s smile in the fading sunlight.
an old wip of a tender moment between my warden-commander Mahanon Tabris and @nightwardenminthara's inquisitor, Gideon Trevelyan!!
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simplegenius042 · 9 months
WIP Roundup
Rules: Post the names of all (or some of) the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPS.
Tagged by @direwombat (than you so much for the tag) to share what I have cooking up in my folder. I'll only share some as there are way too many to fit in one post (...unless... no, begone devil thoughts!). I have four folders, one each for The UnTitledverse, Far Cry The Silver Chronicles, Life, Despair & Monsters, and some extra stuff that don't belong in the three universes above (includes Wings And Horns and A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore).
Anyway, below the cut is the WIP names (and their respective series they belong to) as well as the people I'm tagging. Just like direwombat (though a little differently), I will be listing them by active, snippets, or shelved. Enjoy!
[P.S I'm about to ruin my exact number of 4,000 posts LOL! Damn who knew I'd get that high]
ACTIVE WIPS (e.g. WIPs that are either published or that I am actively working on)
The UnTitledverse
The Perfect Storm saga -> Jurassic World Before The Storm
Far Cry The Silver Chronicles
The Years In Hope County (FC5)
Silva's Hope (FC5)
Life, Despair & Monsters
One By One, The Towers Crack folder -> Sonya's Push - Jennifer's Story (Love Death + Robots)
SNIPPETS (e.g. WIPs I've only shown through snippets and have been bouncing back and forth between and/or can only publish once another WIP is finished)
The UnTitledverse
The Perfect Storm saga -> A Blast In The Past (original work influenced/inspired by Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Far Cry The Silver Chronicles
A Truce, As Null And Void As Yourself (FC5)
La Última En Pie (Kind of Original Work with references to FC5 and adapted/AU characters from The Masquerade, The Bone Season, Mermaids of Eriana Kwai, The Priory Of The Orange Tree, The Locked Tomb and Rapunzel's Tangled Adventures)
No Snake, Only A Boa In The Garden (FC5)
The True Sinners (FC5)
You're Almost Like Family (FC5)
Life, Despair & Monsters
On Strong Foundations, The Tower Stands folder -> Miraculous Miracles: Tales of Hatter and his Two Buds (Miraculous)
Original Works and Other Series
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore series -> It's A Matter of Perspective, Really... (FO3)
SHELVED (e.g. WIPs that I've currently put on the shelf as of now until I have the time and motivation to write or WIPs that haunt my dreams)
The UnTitledverse
The Perfect Storm saga -> The Dark Awakening (Original Work inspired/influenced by Bendy and the Ink Machine)
The Omniscience Rule saga -> All Who Remain (The Last Of Us)
The UnTitled Ventures saga -> UnTitled Venture: Village Of Shadows (Resident Evil Village)
Mario: Mother's Boy (Original Work)
Far Cry The Silver Chronicles
Old Dusk (FCND)
Call To Arms (COD: MW)
Ain't It A Joy? (We Happy Few)
No One's Safe At Home (Welcome To The Game)
Far Cry The Judge's Duty AU -> What Are The Chances? (FC5/FCND-ish)
Lady, Running Down To The Riptide (Taken Away To The Dark Side) (FC5 AU influenced by Bioshock Infinite)
Life, Despair & Monsters
Enemies Crawl, Along The Tower's Walls folder -> Word Of Woe - Wednesday Addams' Story (Wednesday)
On Strong Foundations, The Towers Stand folder -> The Thorned Crown Of Iron Thrones - Corvus Targaryen's Story (House Of The Dragon)
Original Works and Other Series
Wings And Horns (Original Work)
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore series -> The Waters Of Life Flow (FO3).
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore series -> The House Always Wins (FONV).
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore series -> A Symbol For A Better World (Our World) (FO4).
A Radioactive Calamity of Love, Bombs & Gore series -> Vault Number 76 (FO76).
Tagging @socially-awkward-skeleton @shallow-gravy @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @strafethesesinners @wrathfulrook @g0dspeeed @josephseedismyfather @josephslittledeputy @bitchofedensgate @inafieldofdaisies @softtidesworld @minilev @snake-in-the-garden @afarcryfrommymain @nightbloodbix @derelictheretic @deputyash @deputy-morgan-malone @dephellseed @fourlittleseedlings @cassietrn @chazz-anova @voidika @onehornedbeast @carlosoliveiraa @corvosattano @skoll-sun-eater @neverthesameneveranother and @ladyoriza + anyone else who wants to share their wip list!)
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