#‘i just want to wear a pretty dress and dance in a ye olde town square’ you can!!!!!! people just built up an arbitrary shame around it
lesbinewren · 2 years
i think a lot of “normie” type people could benefit from an unjudgemental visit to like. a renaissance faire or something. and just see the fun and joy it brings people
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604to647 · 7 months
Safest with You (Ch. 14 - The Subway)
4.8K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: You and Din take the subway home after Boba’s birthday gala; an incident on the train requires Din to step in.
Warnings: 18+ content (MDNI please), public harassment of women (not directed at reader but includes derogatory language), description of physical force, established relationship, dirty talk, major public making out, fingering in the back of a car with a driver in the front (so a little noncon for the driver I guess), minor exhibitionism (to reader's surprise and delight), pet names as usual (pretty bird, sweetheart, baby, etc.)
A/N: An incident of harassment is briefly depicted, but neither the incident nor the aftermath are described or dealt with in depth; not because this type of thing isn't serious, but that wasn't the story I wanted to write (nor do I think I could do it justice). The victim chooses not to report and wishes to put it past her, which others are understanding of; there is no such thing as perfect victims or a "right way" to deal with a situation like that - the relevant belief reflected in the story is that we should just keep on showing up for each other as fellow human beings the best we can. Again, it's not written about in depth or with much nuance in this chapter, but better to tag and be safe. 😘
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Series Masterlist
The evening breeze feels cool on your skin as you step out into the street from the hotel.  You breathe in a deep breath of fresh air and sigh happily; it’s honestly been such a lovely evening, even with the incident upstairs after dinner.  You smile just thinking about the remainder of Boba’s birthday party: dancing and drinks, laughing with Din’s friends, and Din’s ever-present attention and whispers of sweet nothings in your ear:
“Prettiest girl in the room tonight, can’t take my eyes off of you.”
“That slit on your dress is such a tease, pretty bird.  Just want to slide my hand all the way up to where I know you want it.”
“Can’t wait to get you home and out of that dress.  Show you how lucky you make me feel.”
To be honest, you’re not sure you’re ready to go home and take this dress off yet.  The last few rounds of champagne have you feeling giddy and there's something so fanciful about being about town in a beautiful gown, a handsome tuxedo clad man on your arm.  On a whim, you suggest that instead of catching a cab, you and Din take the subway home, just so you can extend this urban fairy tale feeling a little bit longer.  It’s a very tipsy suggestion. 
“Are you sure, pretty bird?”
“Yes!  I want to show off this dress a little longer,” you say, doing a little twirl, “Don’t you think my dress is nice?”
“It’s perfect, sweetheart.  You’re a dream.”
You smile gratefully at Din when he drapes his tuxedo jacket over your shoulders, but your expression turns to shock as you take in his broad frame and crisp dress shirt, “You’re wearing suspenders?!”
Din laughs, “What’s wrong with suspenders?  Too old man-ish?”
Shaking your head, you take one in each of your hands, rubbing the soft black bands between your fingers and thumbs before using them to yank him towards you, “Nothing’s wrong with them, old man.  Gives me something to hold on to.”
Din’s mouth meets yours, palms pressing down on your waist to pull you closer, so your hands are trapped between your bodies as he ravages your mouth.  After an evening of mostly sweet and chaste kisses, he is more than ready to have his fill of you; to show you with his lips, his tongue, his hands, his cock just what you and that very nice dress have been doing to him all evening.
You grapple internally with the part of you that wants to skip your subway suggestion and get home with Din as quickly as possible, and the one that wants to extend this magical part of your evening a little longer.  You opt for the option with the most public making out.  The normally short walk to the closest subway station takes three times as long; every few steps taken interrupted to allow for the increasing need to press lips together, to overlap tongues, to grip arms and waists and hold them hostage within needy hands.
On the platform, Din hugs you close as the subway arrives, bringing with it a tunnel of wind; Din holds down what he can of your dress so the fabric doesn’t blow up and instead, flutters harmlessly around your ankles.  Hair blowing gently around your face as Din looks down at you with a goofy grin, you feel like you’re in a movie.
Luckily, the subway isn’t too busy tonight and you readily find seats.  Sitting next to each other in the middle of an empty bench that runs along the side of the car, you twist to face Din and cross your legs and tuck your skirts under so the slit doesn’t cause your dress fall open scandalously.  With your right arm, you rest your elbow on the top of the seat and reach your hand forward to lazily let your fingers trail up and down the back of Din’s neck.  Ever so lightly twirling the curls at the base of his neck around your index finger, you delight in observing Din’s subtle expression of pleasure grow with every little tug.  With your left hand, you’re holding onto Din’s right suspender, slowly running your hands up and down, enjoying the feeling of security it inexplicably gives you.  You really do love these suspenders on him so much; his already distinguished look tonight elevated even more with these two black straps that snugly frame his impressive chest. 
Unable to take your eyes off the handsome man in front of you, you’re well aware of the silly, dopey look of pure satisfaction and contentment on your face.  It’s a look Din mirrors back.  His right hand is resting on the thigh of your leg that’s crossed over, ready to catch any fabric that slips from under your leg; lightly rubbing and squeezing your thigh as a reminder that he’s here (as if you could forget).  His left hand is tenderly stroking your right cheek and jaw, alternating between cupping your chin and stroking it with his thumb, and grazing your jawline with the back of his fingers. 
The two of you are in your own little world.  Eyes only for each other, sweet longings whispered only for the other’s ear, an intimate bubble suspended amidst the bustle of the late-night commute.
“What are you thinking, pretty bird,” Din asks, when you’ve been leaning into his touch on your face, eyes closed, for a minute.
Opening your eyes and giving him a playful smile, you lean forward to whisper low in his ear, “I’m trying to figure out how you’re going to keep those suspenders on when we fuck tonight.”
“Obviously, you’ll keep them on while I blow you.  That’s a no brainer.  Just pop that delicious cock out of your trousers and I’ll be ready on my knees with my mouth open.  No need to take off your pants or the suspenders,” you feign a look of deep thought, as if pondering a long form mathematical equation.
“Fuck.  Baby, I swear… your mouth…”
You pretend to pay him no heed, continuing with your musings, “Right.  My mouth.  Your cock in my mouth is covered.  But what about when that cock is stretching out my cunt?  How can you keep the suspenders on then?  I want hold on to them and ride you, baby, but if you have your pants on when I sink down on that dick won’t I make a wet mess all over your lap?”
“You can’t just say these things to me in public, pretty bird.”
“Why not?”
“Because I might get so riled up and snap.  Turn you over on these seats and lift up this pretty dress of yours so I can pound into your slutty pussy in front of all these people.”
Fuccckkkkkk.  You let a soft moan slip as you close your eyes and feel Din’s forehead touch yours, his slightly heavier than usual breathing fan across your lips.  You want him so much, and you don’t care if everyone on this subway knows it.  Closing the distance between the two of you, you bring your lips to his.  Gently molding yourself to the rolling plains of his body, you block out every other person and sound on this train and just melt into Din, blurring the lines of where you end and he begins.
You don’t know if it’s instinct, or just too much time in your life as a woman spent being aware, of being cautious, but out of the corner of your eye, the movement of a young woman further down the subway car from you and Din, pulls you out of your daydream state.  Din feels you stiffen before seeing it, a reversal of your roles from earlier in the evening.  You turn your head to see the young woman being walked backwards into the closed doors by the advancement of a man who’s stalking towards her, arms gesturing aggressively. 
“Din,” you whisper.
He stands at your unspoken command; following your eyeline that’s still fixed upon the girl, Din assesses the situation with his trained eye before quickly deciding on a course of action.  Gently pinching your chin as he passes you on his way down the car, he placates your concerned look, “Don’t worry, pretty bird.  Stay here.”  You reach up to hold the same hand, giving it a little squeeze before letting him go with a “Be careful please.”
As Din makes his way towards the situation, the offending man’s voice gets louder and suddenly you can hear his increasingly hostile tone and disturbing words:
“I said you were pretty.  You’re supposed to say ‘Thank you’ when people compliment you.”
“You think you’re too good for me, bitch?”
“Look at me!  I’m fucking talking to you!!”
Your heart is pounding, and you feel so deeply for the girl; she must be feeling so small and scared right now.  You know that Din is on the way and that she won’t be in any danger, but she doesn’t know that.  Din is not the only man that’s making his way over; three younger men who were roused by the ruckus join Din in a makeshift group, striding towards the opposite end of the train from you. 
“Get away from her,” yells the man on Din’s right.
The harasser looks up to see the group of four men making their way over to him, and sneers, “Fuck off, mates.  This doesn’t have anything to do with you.”
“Wrong, mate,” shouts another of the men.  Din reaches the scene first and immediately puts himself between the offender and the girl, bracing his arms outwards to maintain a distance between them.  The other three men busy themselves with surrounding harasser and containing his movements while Din asks the girl if she’s okay.  Once he’s assured that she’s not hurt and that doesn’t want anything to do with this man, he tells her she’s safe and ushers her down the car towards you.  You hold out your arms and call out to the girl; she flees into your embrace, crying.  Stroking her hair, you tell her it’s okay, that she didn’t do anything wrong and she’s safe now.  Meanwhile, back at the end of the subway car, the offender is getting more agitated, clearly not doing the smart thing and settling down.  It’s taking all of the young men to restrain him as he struggles and continues to yell obscenities: “Get the fuck off of me, mates,” “She liked it!  She smiled at me,” “All this for some dumb slut?”
Covering the girl's ears so she doesn’t have to listen to his insults, you’re watching Din reach to get a more strategic hold on the man when, in horror, you see the harasser’s spastic movements break through the arms of the young men and he comes sprinting down the subway car towards you.
In a flash, you scramble out of your seat to round the girl, deliberately sitting yourself down in the seat on her other side and covering her body with yours.  Turning your head, you see Din hauling the man back down the car by the scruff of his neck, never knowing if he even got anywhere near you and the girl before Din took control of the situation.  Din slams him against the partition next to the doors and you hear him growl, “Don’t go near her.”  From the tone of his voice, you know that Din doesn’t mean the girl who’s still trembling in your arms.  Turning your attention back to her, you continuously reassure her that she’s safe and that the man won’t get anywhere close to her.  You can no longer hear what’s being said down at the other end of the car, but you see that Din still has his hand on the offender’s chest, restraining and talking down at him; he holds the man’s now terrified gaze while the other three men form a semi-circle behind them.  When the train comes to the next stop, the offender is shoved off the train, with Din and the three men also stepping off to discourage any attempts to re-enter.  Only when you hear the announcement that the doors are closing and see Din step back on the train do you breathe a sigh of relief, letting the girl know that it’s over, her aggressor is finally gone.  She's able to give a small laugh through her tears and throws her arms around you.  You pull back from her hug only when you feel Din sit down behind you, his palm gently curling around your waist. 
“Oh, thank you, thank you.  I wasn’t even looking at him, and then he just started screaming at me!  I didn’t know what to do!  Thank you so much for helping me.”
Both you and Din smile at the girl and continue to reassure her that it’s no problem and that she’s safe now.  When she’s calmed a bit, she feels better enough to wave her thanks at the three young men that have since returned to their seats; one of the young men gives her a friendly salute and a nod of solidarity to Din.
“Will you be okay to get to where you’re going, hun?” you ask, not sure if you feel okay leaving the girl alone yet.
She looks unsure but nods slowly, “I’m the next stop.  Omigod, I thought he was going to follow me,” before her eyes start to well up.
“Do you want to report it to security?  We can go with you.  There are enough witnesses and cameras-” Din stops when the girl starts shaking her head furiously.
“I just want to go home,” she says tearfully.
You’re full of understanding and sympathy; you know Din’s thinking about it from a security protocol standpoint, but as a woman, you understand what this girl is feeling: the preference to put it behind her, to move on, to get home and feel safe again.  You look at Din and he instinctively defers to you here, understanding that there are emotions and fears that he will never truly know.
“Do you want us to walk with you?” you offer, “We don’t even have to walk together if you don’t want.  We can just hang back until you get to where you need to go.  Be there for you if you need us?”
She seems to think about it for a moment before nodding, “Yes, thank you.” 
The three of you exit the station in triangle formation and continue this way as you walk in the direction the girl’s heading.  You’re holding your skirts in one hand, your other hand clasped firmly in the girl’s, having not let go since she grabbed it when you stood up in the subway together.  Din walks a few paces behind, your personal watch dog, while you keep the girl talking and occupied with light hearted topics (reality tv shows, pets, pop music).  Finally, you reach a building that the girl says is hers, and you give her one last big hug, as well as your phone number; she gives Din a hug as well and many more thanks before going in.
Once you feel like she’s safely inside, you exhale and then turn to launch yourself into Din’s waiting arms, “Oh, thank you, thank you, Din.  Thank you for helping her.”  You love him so much; not only can you always count on him to keep you safe, but he steps up at every opportunity to care for strangers as well.
Din pulls you in tight and buries his face in your hair, “You don’t have to thank me, pretty bird.  It was the right thing to do.”
Pulling back to look at him, you need him to understand what a good man he is, “But not a lot of people would have stepped in.  In fact, most don’t.”  You hold his face with your hands, gently caressing his jaw, “That girl was so lucky you were there tonight.”
“She was lucky you were there, baby.  You saw the problem first, then you took care of her, protected her too.  You’re her hero tonight, sweetheart.”
Putting your hand in the one Din holds out to you, you smile at him, eyes shining and heart overflowing with fondness for him.  Walking back towards the subway station, hand in hand, you reflect on Din’s strength.  How he wields it without fanfare, no false bravado, just a quiet, commanding confidence.  How the other men in the subway naturally deferred to him, unquestioned.  How he took care of the whole room.  Took care of you.  He’s powerful.  Magnificent. 
Din catches you looking at him with a deep-set look of affection, “What’s that look for, pretty bird?”
“Just thinking about you and how strong you are.  So protective and capable.  You’re fearless, Din.”
“I do get scared, though, baby.  Got scared tonight on that subway. When that guy broke away and started running towards you,” he looks at you, with an almost wounded look, “And I saw you switch spots with that girl and cover her, I was afraid he was going to hurt you.”
“I’m sorry, Din.  I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
“Don’t be sorry, pretty bird.  You put her well being ahead of yours because that’s the type of person you are.  And I love you for it.”
“I learn from the best,” you smile at him, eyes full of warmth.
“I’m never going to let you get hurt, sweet girl.  Ever.”  Din stops walking to look at you, and you can tell he’s being serious.  You lace your hands on the back of his neck, “I know, baby.  I know I’m always safe with you.”  And you kiss him reverently, as if to seal in your trust and belief in him.
It doesn’t take long before your kisses turn passionate; the events of the evening catching up to the both of you and unleashing the long building tension and want you’ve been harbouring.  Your mouth opens up to Din and he eagerly licks in, mapping the slope of your tongue with his own; he drinks in your soft whimpers and gentle cries of pleasure, and when his mouth gives yours a brief respite so he can take a breath, you sigh, “My hero.”
Din braces his hand against a nearby lamp pole, and walks you backwards until your head rests against the back of his hand; his other curving around your waist and pulling you flush against him.  He bends to kiss your neck and instinctively, you tilt your head to allow him more access; pressing soft, breathy butterfly kisses from the base of your neck up to your ear, Din can practically feel your body pulsing beneath his hands.  You whine a little when he nibbles on your earlobe and murmurs, “How do you plan on rewarding your hero, baby girl?  Do I get to play with your pretty pussy?”
“Oh god, yes, Din,” you gasp shakily, “Please. Take me home, baby.  I don’t want to take the subway anymore.”
“No?” he murmurs against your lips, “Want me to call a car?  Or just wait until we see a cab?”
“Whatever gets us home fastest, Din,” you plead, desperation evident in your eyes and tone.
Din looks up and down the street, empty save for some local traffic with no cabs in sight; he pulls out his phone to check the cars in the area and smirks when he sees the make and model of one of the closest cars to your location and selects it. 
It doesn’t take long for the black Suburban to pull up to where you and Din are waiting; Din holding you close with your head tucked into your favourite nook under his chin, perfect for you to press the periodic kiss to his neck whenever the fancy strikes you (constantly).  When the driver confirms he’s here for Din, you look up at Din, amused, “This huge car for just the two of us?”
“It was the closest one,” he shrugs, but you catch a slight uptick in the corner of his mouth before you turn and let him help you in.  Din gently steers you past the pilot seats to the spacious third row seating far back in the car.  With you seated behind the second-row pilot seat, and Din taking up most of the exposed middle seat, you’re afforded a fair amount of privacy for the ride. 
As soon as the car starts moving, Din is on you, hands grabbing at your upper waist, thumbs pressed up to draw circles on the underside of your breasts, mouth licking your neck in hot stripes.
“Din!” you half giggle, half gasp, “The driver!”
Din moves so his body covers part of yours as he peppers kisses across your collar bone; one of his hands circle behind you while the other trails down your body, searching, “We’re all the way in the back, pretty bird.  No one can see.”
Swallowing a moan when Din’s hand finds the slit of your dress, your legs part as he starts to slide his way up your thigh, “Is this why you chose this car? To give us privacy?”
“The privacy is for other people, sweetheart.  I know if it was up to my slutty bunny, we’d be putting on a show for the driver and every car at every stop light.  Isn’t that right, baby?”
As Din’s fingers inch closer to your core, you feel yourself dripping in your underwear, so turned on by the idea of other people seeing Din have his way with you.  You hum in pleasure as Din discovers your soaked panties and runs his fingers over the fabric; he kisses you greedily, murmuring against your lips, “Such a dirty girl, already wet for me.  So ready to be fucked, aren’t you, sweetheart?”
“Oh, fuck yes, daddy,” you whimper against his lips.
Din’s fingers slide further and press down on your slit, shallow thrusting the soaked lace of your panties into your tight hole before curling his fingers up to your clit and drawing firm circles that leave you panting into his mouth.  He takes great pleasure in feeling you squirm beneath him and hearing your breathy gasps as he repeats this pattern over and over.
“Daddy please,” your eyes widen to beseech Din for some mercy.  His touches are setting you on fire, but you need more. 
Din kisses you hurried and hard, “What does my pretty little slut need?  Use your words, bunny.”  He lightly pinches your clit over your panties and your cry out at the sudden pressure.  After you hear what you think is your driver turning up the volume of the radio in the front, you whimper into Din’s neck, “Need you inside me, Din.”
“Is this what you’re so needy for, baby?”  Din pushes aside the gusset of your panties and glides his fingers through your wet folds, teasing your slit with each stroke. 
“Yes, yes, daddy.  That’s what your dirty whore needs,” you moan softly, closing your eyes and letting your head fall back on the headrest of the seat; spreading your legs further to give Din’s hand more room and full access to your pussy.
Din slides two of his fingers through your arousal, finding and toying with your most sensitive pleasure points; the ones that have you whining with desperation when he brushes over them, again and again.  “Look at my slutty bun, letting her big bad wolf finger fuck her in front of a total stranger.  Moaning like a whore for everyone to hear,” he whispers hotly in your ear as he slips his two fingers deep into your cunt, meeting no resistance with how riled up and wet you are from his filthy words.  As you cry out from the sudden stretch, Din covers your mouth with his, nibbling at your lower lip gently; a sweet contrast with the hard push and pull of his fingers.  Feeling your slick drip down his fingers onto his palm, Din stuffs a third finger into your cunt and is rewarded with the arch of your back and a barely choked out whine of his name.
Lowering his head to suck on the sweet spot on your neck, Din continues to pump in and out of you as he watches in awe as you fall apart from his efforts; your are eyes closed and mouth open, letting jagged breaths and sounds of pleasure slip while your chest heaves and your lower body grinds into his hand.  He’s never seen anything more beautiful.
Your eyes flutter open and when they focus, you make direct eye contact with a pair of eyes reflected in the rearview mirror at the front of the car.  The driver averts his eyes quickly as you gasp, half in surprise, and half from the thrill that runs through you of being watched.  It’s depraved, but you feel a fresh wave of arousal coat Din’s fingers as you clench around them, “Din, he’s watching,” you whisper.
Din’s fingers slow, and his voice is soft, caring, “Is that okay, baby?”
Oh gosh you adore him.  Even in this compromising position, both of you heady with desire, his priority is still your comfort, your safety.  You beam at him, “It’s okay, daddy.”
“Dirty girl,” he groans as he crashes his lips to your, pulling from you moans and whimpers as he resumes thrusting into your wet heat with a quickened pace.
Your tongue clashes with Din’s and your kisses become sloppier as passion overtakes your bodies.  The familiar coil in your abdomen tingles as it tightens, your entire body flushed with anticipation and desire.  Din knows your body by now and recognizes the signs of your impending release: the tightening of your walls around his fingers, the shortening of your breaths, the unfocused look in your eyes.  Right hand stretching out to brace against the side of the car while your left grabs onto the suspender closest to you, you hang on for some semblance of control while Din presses down on your clit with his thumb.  Your entire body lurches as far forward as Din’s hold will allow as he draws firm circles timed perfectly to his thrusting fingers. 
“Din, I-I-I’m so close,” you breathe.
“I got you, my pretty bun.  I got you, I got you,” Din venerates, his punishing pace never wavering; the squelching sounds of his hand driving into you over and over, only getting louder, begin to push you over the edge.
As your cunt starts to flutter, he rounds his body over yours, placing himself between you and the front of the car like a shield, growling, “No one sees you come but me, pretty bird.” 
His possessive tone sends you careening over the edge; grabbing his other suspender and pulling him towards you, you come hard.  Your chest presses against his as your body shudders, you cry so high pitched it’s nearly soundless, and you soak Din’s hand with your release.  Din slows his hand as he sees you through your high, kissing you tenderly and telling you what a good girl you are, “You did so good, baby.  Always come so pretty for me.”
Resting your head on his shoulder, you watch Din slip his hand out from underneath your skirt and bring his shiny fingers up to his mouth; he sucks his fingers clean with an obscene pop and smirks to you, “So sweet.”
Once clean, he uses that hand to reach behind you and pull his jacket back over your shoulders from where it had fallen.  Snuggling under Din’s jaw, you sigh happily as you feel him pull you closer, “I love you, Din.”
“I love you more, pretty bird,” Din presses a loving kiss to your head.  You close your eyes, boneless and pliant, curling up and resting in the comfort of Din’s arms.  You could have easily fallen asleep in your sated state, rocked to a slumber by the smooth motion of the car, if it did not pull up to the front of your building when it did.  As you exit the car, you bid the driver a soft ‘thank you’ before letting Din help you down; he pulls you into his embrace, making sure his jacket keeps you warm as he closes the door behind you.
Once the car drives off, you slip your hand into Din’s, making to walk towards the front doors, but look back when he doesn’t move with you.
“Huh.” Din’s stands in place, still holding your hand, looking down at his phone with an amused expression.
“What’s that?” you ask.
He faces the phone towards you, chuckling, “He rated us five stars.”
Laughing, you shake your head as you slip your fingers under one suspender, then slide it over to grab the other with the same hand, pulling Din in for a sweet kiss before turning to head into your building with him still in tow, “Come on, Mister Five Stars.”
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zyhkoo · 4 months
eye candy ♡ willy wonka 2023
✦✦ 𓏏𓏏 part 3: ms. y/n rosewell, a famous botanist has come back from town after a year. she had returned with special flowers from her trip and famous willy wonka has caught her attention. will they get along? part 2
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According to the letter; The ball will happen at 6 pm, on the last day of the festival. Anyone can join unless you didn't had a fancy dress. Honestly you thought that was kind of unfair, they even had details on a very strict dress code. You don't mind fancy ball gowns, but you don't wear them often. It was usually your sister who was fascinated by them.
She had a lot of gowns, they weren't as pretty as the ones the rich people had. But you thought she was absolutely shining in them. You wondered what it was like in her shoes, so you wanted to come to the ball. You can dance, it was fine. And you had money for a gown, so that was alright as well.
You decided to prepare early, so the next day you were on a hunt for a dress. But first you needed to return some books. You did borrow a few recently, but there were other books you haven't returned yet.
You entered the library and you could see Noodle reading a book up ahead "Hi, Noodle." you greeted, the girl looked up at you with a smile "(name)! Returning a book?" you nodded "Yeah, what are you reading?" you peeked at the book she was reading "Oh nothing, it's Cinderella." she answered.
You cocked a brow "Is there any reason why you're reading it?" Noodle hummed "Well, I want to go to the ball. But mom says I need a chaperone." In your head, you suspect that Noodle wanted to go. Turns out you were correct.
You asked again "How come?" Noodle shrugged "She ain't going. And I cant go out by myself." she explained, you pressed your index finger and thumb to your chin. "How old are you?" Noodle thought for a bit "14, I'm 15 this year." you crossed your arms and offered Noodle to come with you.
"Why don't you come with me? I can chaperone, and my father knows your mother so she can trust me." Noodle looked at you a little skeptical "You sure?" you looked away from her gaze. "Well, I have heard a thing or two about you from my mom, and from Willy. But I don't have a good dress." Noodle sighed.
You shook your head "Nonsense, I'll buy one for you." you reassured her "What? Thats too much!" Noodle exclaimed.
Then, Ms. Dorothy walked in the two of you. "Oh, (name)! Hello, you've grown so much! It's been a while. How have you been?" Dorothy smiled at you she offered you a big hug and you gladly accepted it, Noodle looked at her mother. "You.. you know her?" Noodle pointed at you "Why, yes! I was her babysitter."
A shocked looked was written on Noodle's face, she stood there frozen.
"Ah, well. My dad and Dorothy were great friends, so she'd usually babysit me in her free-time." you explained "But anyways, Dorothy may I ask you something?" she nodded "Of course, what brings you here?" you pondered a bit "Oh, well I was just wondering if Noodle can come to the ball with me. I'm willing to chaperone." you asked.
Dorothy crossed her arms "Hmm, you'll take care of her right?" you nodded "Yes, I promise. I am willing to buy her a perfect outfit as well. I'll take good care of her." you insisted, Dorothy let out a hum. "Oh, alright fine. I'm pretty sure theres a room with people at your age." Noodle squealed "Really??"
"But you need to follow whatever (name) says." you looked to her embarrassed, "I think Noodle is mature enough, no?" Noodle agreed "Yeah mom, I can take care by myself." Dorothy sighed, "Just don't do anything weird alright?" Noodle took your hand and dragged you out of the bookstore "Yes, yes alright. (name) let's go! I know a really good boutique!"
"Wait Noodle- thank you Dorothy!"
  ───────── ౨ৎ ─────────
You and Noodle walked on the street, on the way to the boutique. "(name), have you been in a ball before?" Noodle asked as you shook your head, "No, I haven't. It's my first one." Noodle looked up ahead and she smiled "(name), look it's Willy." you looked at her direction and she was right.
He seemed to have noticed and approached the two of you "Noodle, (name). Hello!" he greeted "What are you doing here?" he asked, "Well I'd like to ask the same." you said. Willy was holding a paper bag on his hand, you guessed he went shopping.
"Oh, this is for you! I was going to go to your place."
You took the paper bag from his hands. It didn't felt heavy, you took a peek in your bag and.. it was your clothes!
"Oh, it's my dress." you said "It dried a long time ago, I just forgot to give it to you." Noodle eyed at the both of you "Huh? Willy why do you have her clothes?" you wanted to explain but Willy did it for you "Well, I found dear (name) in the rain. I took her in but her clothes were soaking wet. Hence why I have her dress."
"Oh yeah, the rain was really heavy the other day." Noodle said "But anyways, me and Noodle will be heading to a boutique." Willy tilted his head "Boutique? Why so?" Noodle cut in, "I'm coming to the ball with (name)! So we're going to find a gown."
Willy smiled "You're going too? That's great! I was invited too." Noodle bursted his bubble "Well, technically anyone can go as long as you have the proper attire." you crossed your arms "I think we should get moving, we're blocking people in the sidewalk." Willy looked around "Okay, right. Lets go!"
You observed, Willy and Noodle were quite close. Almost like brother and sister, it was real nice to see them talk. They were ahead of you, talking about whatever while you were following their trail. You decided to break your silence and talk "Willy, what will you wear?" you asked.
He looked at you "Isn't this attire good?" you frowned "How about something more elegant..?" Noodle scolded him, "Shes right Willy. You need to dress better, you wear that coat and hat everyday!" Willy scratched his head, "Well my hat is magic, I can never leave it."
"Then why don't you get new fits with us? Oh look! The boutique is over there!"
The three of you entered, they had beautiful gowns and classy suits. You, Noodle and even Willy stood there speechless. Your gaze couldn't go away from the beautiful dresses, "I thought i've seen them all." you said to yourself.
"Well, theres no time to lose. Let's start picking!" Noodle said, Willy placed his arms on his hips "Alright then, I'll be in the males section. You guys go." you nodded "Sure, we'll see you soon."
The two of you headed to the women's section "This all looks so expensive." Noodle said, concerned "Oh don't worry about it, I have a lot of sovereigns." Suddenly a sales lady popped in front of both of you "Welcome, welcome ladies! How may I help?" the woman clasped her hands.
"We're going to the festival's ball and-"
"And you wan't a beautiful dress! Don't you worry we will find the perfect dresses for you two young beautiful ladies."
Noodle went in and chose her dresses first, you wanted to view her dresses first before wearing your own. You were sitting on a chair, reading a magazine. You could hear muffled voices in the dressing room, Noodle's sounded like she was struggling and you were a little concerned.
You knocked on the door "Noodle, you good?" Noodle answered, "Yeah I'm fine, this dress is just so- WAIT THAT'S SO TIGHT!!" she yelled "It tis supposed to be like this madam." someone inside the dressing room said.
Noodle came out with a wig on her head, and an over the top dress.
You held your chuckle "Don't laugh." Noodle warned "I'm sorry you just.." you looked away from her "You look like Marie Antionette on her last gown before she gets beheaded." Noodle rolled her eyes "Haha, so funny."
Dress after dress after dress, nothing seemed to fit her. You sighed, and waved your hand "Madam, why don't I pick a dress for her?"
You chose a green gown, it had a flower stitched on the side and it came with heels. Noodle went inside the dressing room again, she came out looking more comfortable and beautiful. The girl had a toothy grin and did a spin.
You crossed your arms "Do you like it?" Noodle spread her arms "Yes! It's perfect!" Noodle exclaimed. You smiled "We will take this one." the sales woman smiled and led Noodle in the room again to help her get undressed. "What about you madam?" she asked "Uhm, can I go and check on a friend first?"
You walked to the males section, though it was mostly women who were there. They were buying their sons suits and measuring their husband's size. You looked around and tried to find Willy, he wasn't around. Maybe dressing? You looked left and saw him, both of your eyes met.
Underneath everything he wore a simple shirt made out of linen. Then it tucked into a pair of breeches and tied at the top with a cravat. Then, stockings tary and adds a waistcoat, leaving the top buttons undone to let the lace peek through.
Although the jacket was missing.
You walked up to him "You look great, did you choose that?" Willy scratched his head "At first, it was the saleslady. It felt too over the you for me so I just picked one myself." You chuckled, "They did the same with Noodle. But I picked her last dress." you eyed him. "Where is your jacket?"
He only smiled "I have the perfect one back home." you raised a brow "But all I see you wear the same outfit everyday." he placed an arm on your shoulder. "You'll see, wheres Noodle? Have you picked out a dress yet?" you shook your head.
"Noodle is ringing up her dress, I just came by and check you thats all." you told him "I haven't picked my dress yet." Willy crossed him arms "Well why don't we choose yours? I'll help decide!" you liked his enthusiasm, it looked like he was more interested of helping you find a dress than you.
"Sure, why not."
The two of you walked into the women's section, Noodle was already holding a box that had her dress. "There you are! Hey, Willy nice outfit." Willy flattened some wrinkles "Thank you." Noodle raised a brow "Shouldn't you use that for the ball?" Willy shrugged "Doesn't hurt to wear it now." you stepped forward, "Okay, my turn." you said, your eyes browsing through the dresses.
You picked three gowns.
The first gown was slim, it had felt popping out of the dress and a ribbon on the chest. You came out and Willy and Noodle were both fascinated "That is so magnificent." Willy complimented. Noodle agreed "Yeah! It's great for your first choice.. you look uncomfortable though."
You painfully smiled "Noodle my love, gowns are never comfortable."
Second dress, it was a puffed long sleeve gown with elbow gloves as well as a beautiful design on the chest. Noodle and Willy gasped out an 'oooh'. You did a slow spin to show the pair your gown. "That one is beautiful too, I think it's satin." Willy said, you touched your skirt "I think it is." you said.
Last gown, it had a silk on the upper part and lace on the bottom. It had a floral design and small roses embroidered on the skirt. This one was the least uncomfortable from the most, although it felt heavy. Willy commented, "I think this one is my favorite." he said, "Noodle said, it's amazing! Is this the last dress?"
You nodded "Yes it is, least uncomfortable but quite heavy." you said "I'd say this dress." Willy said, Noodle looked at him "What? No, the second one is obviously the best!" she argued "What? Why? It's just white, this one has some color." Willy told her.
You choose (your favorite one) instead.
You and Noodle bought some accessories that fits your gowns. When the three of you got out of the boutique, the sun begun to set. Noodle turned to the both of you "I should get going, my mom might get worried." she said, you waved at Noodle. "Sure, take care." Willy waved as well "Bye Noodle!" and just like that Noodle left the two of you.
You looked at Willy "I'm going home, you?" he looked back at your gaze "Mind if I come with you first?" you smiled at him. "Sure." He looked away from your gaze when you smiled and you did not know why.
The street lights started to turn on, and the sky was painted dark orange. You looked around "I love to walk on sunsets or evenings." you said "They feel so much quieter to me." Willy said, "We could walk when it gets dark sometimes if you'd like." you hummed "Well if I don't get lazy sure."
There was something you noticed about him, you always enjoyed his company. He never hurt you, and he never tried to hurt you, no ill intentions and he was just not a terrible person. He treated you like a friend who'd he was very close to for a very long time. Other people who you just met never treated you like this, you felt like you were bewitched or some sort.
The two of you arrived to your shop, or home. You placed your newly bought gown (and the clothes Willy returned.) on a hanger. Willy was looking out your window.
"This is quite the view." you walked towards the window and stood beside him "Right." Willy did a soft sigh "You know I wish I lived near the gallery gourmet, all of the good apartments or houses here get taken too fast." he said.
"True." you said "This shop belonged to my late father, I just never sold it." you said, the two of you were silent for a bit. You had something in mind but you weren't sure if you should tell him this.
"You know.." Willy looked at you "I wouldn't mind if you stayed here, the festival starts tomorrow right? It'll be easier for you to travel, and you have your suitcase anyway." Willy's lips parted "Are you sure?" you looked back at him "I'm sure. I trust you wouldn't do anything bad to me."
Willy slowly smiled "I'd love to, that's really nice." you crossed your arms "Consider it as a thank you for saving me in the rain that other day." Willy offered you something too, "Okay how about this, I stay here in the weekdays. You can stay over my place in the weekends so we can eat at that restaurant you love."
You chuckled at his offer, "Pfft, okay."
"You're the best." he said. "Likewise." You replied.
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woo!! new chapter, again apologies for the slow update. ive been busy studying.
but anyways, thank you for reading! feel free to suggest!
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nazuqi · 1 year
Even If You Become a Stranger, I Will Fall in Love with You Again
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“Qian, what should we wear to the ball?” Nazuna looked up from the textbook to look at me.
“What, the masquerade?” I took a sip of water and rested my head on my hand. He nodded. 
“I was thinking red, ‘cause it’s lucky. Red and gold, y’know?” I hadn’t really thought about it at all before, but this sounded good. 
“Those have always been your colors.”
“It’s the Chinese beliefs. That’s why you see these colors on all the royalty everywhere.”
“Not because of me?”
“That too.” We both laughed.
“Wanna go shopping for dresses and suits? I don’t have one that fits me anymore. It’s only two anyway, we’ll get back before curfew.” 
“But it’s a month away…”
“It’s next week, Astelle.” 
“Wait, next week?” I let go of my textbook. “Oh sh-” he put a finger to my lips. Right, swearing wasn’t allowed in the library. Fuckers.
“Let’s go.” I recorded what pages I was at and returned the books to where they were supposed to be, and Nazuna sighed from my hurriedness. 
Even though the Academy was a little far from the capital, a cozy town was built around it, thanks to the funding of the current Emperor. The Empress studied there, and they wanted to improve the lives of students. The town turned out to be really nice, so they received a lot of praise. 
The central plaza has almost anything a student could need, including the dress shops for the various parties thrown throughout the year. It was amusing to see how everybody in town knew how close we were, and the old ladies who ran the bakery even placed bets on what year we’d be getting married. 
“What about this one?” Nazuna pointed at one of the pink dresses in the catalog, and I peeked out of the changing room. I’d gotten into a red and black dress, but Astelle’s bright pink hair matched pastel colors much better. I sat down beside him on the couch. “Oh, that one’s pretty.” 
“This one’s pretty on you too.” He thought everything I wear is pretty. 
“Well, think about what Astelle looks good in,” I whispered. Strangely, it was so much easier to choose outfits if I went by what Astelle would like. After all, it was her body I was styling. 
He got sad every time I said that, but he still obliged. I couldn’t blame him though, who wouldn’t miss their original self in a situation like this? Yes, I was a gorgeous girl with cotton candy pink hair and blue eyes, naturally, because this was a novel, but it was too difficult to feel like me still, even after all these years. Even if I was Astelle to everybody else, I couldn’t truly be “Astelle” to me. 
“I’ll try this dress on,” I pointed to the dress Nazuna was looking at. “Is it available in my size?” 
“Sure, just a moment. I’ll have to look in the back.” the store employee replied.
“Take your time,” I waved. 
After seeing her enter the back room behind the curtains, I sighed. I was glad nobody else was in the store at this time- perks of nobility, I supposed. 
“Dress shopping is such a pain in the ass…” I groaned. Naturally, my head landed on his shoulder. “Online shopping come back to me…”
He giggled. “At least they treat us like royalty, though.”
“True that.” 
“Plus, if you’re done for the day, we can come back tomorrow. I’ll make a reservation.” 
I shook my head. “I want to be done, like done done. Like, the dress is decided and made. I don’t want to think about it until the day I have to wear it.” 
“Whatever you want, honey.” He gave me a quick kiss before the lady came out again.
She helped me put on the dress behind the curtains and I took a look at Astelle. So this is what it means to put dresses on your OCs… I never got over it. Of course, I’d imagined all of my OCs in countless outfits, but actually seeing so many dresses on her was so nice, even if it was tiring for me. 
“Oh, this is so nice…” I kept looking into the mirror. Astelle was gorgeous, absolutely. This dress fit her so well; way to go, fashion king Nazuna.
“Astelle?” I heard Leveret’s voice from outside the curtain. Oh yeah, I was shopping with him.
“Oh my gosh, yeah, it’s so good!” I opened the curtains and posed. I think we were done for today. I didn’t even know almost 3 hours had passed since we left the library, so we decided we would come back for his suit the next day- and our masks, since it was a masquerade ball.
“It’s so stupid how I have to enter by myself. It feels so awkward.” I grumbled. Nazuna was always there to enter with me, but this time, I was alone. I had to find him; I regret not setting a place to find each other earlier, even though we knew this was a masquerade ball…
Even though everyone was wearing a mask, you could usually tell who was who. With how beautiful Leveret was, it’d be easy to spot him; the only issue is that if we kept looking and managed to miss each other, we wouldn’t be able to find each other. Perhaps it was best to just stay by the snacks. He’d find me munching on the tiramisu- and if he waited for me elsewhere, I knew he’d get hungry and find me here anyways. The strawberry parfaits were right next to the tiramisu; he wanted some.
I saw some of my classmates and caught up with what was happening, just some small talk. 
“There ya are,” Nazuna finally arrived, picking up a strawberry parfait. 
“You knew I’d be here, didn’t you?” 
“Yeah, I figured.” 
My classmates and I giggled, and they teased me about my “husband” being here, and that they’d leave us to our “date”. The entire town decided we were together, despite not having announced anything- not that I minded or denied anything. 
Oh, the Countess’s favorite song was up. Astelle’s father proposed to the Countess at a ball not too different from this, while this song was playing. It was no wonder or secret that this song was her favorite to dance to. 
“Let’s dance,” I took his hand and walked to the dance floor.
“Mhm,” he took my other hand for the dance.
I wished we could just sway along to the music, but if we didn’t dance properly, rumors would circulate. Did nobles have nothing better to do? Evidently. Plus, because Leveret was going to be the next Duke of Lambert, all the eyes were on him. Despite most of the town knowing of our closeness, many dared to send marriage proposals for Leveret to the Duchess. 
We danced and danced, and we were glad nobody would hear the words between us as we did. We joked around a lot; besides the far-too-fancy environment, it was nice to be together and able to have time to ourselves. It would be rude to disturb those dancing, after all. 
As the party ended, we took a stroll out in the garden. I’d become less averse to nature after living so many years in such an “ancient” society. Walking in the garden was nice, and not many others were there. It was a nice place to go on a date, even at night. The moon was bright out. We weren’t allowed to pick flowers, so sometimes Nazuna would bring a flower to put in my hair as we walked, and we’d pretend it was from the garden. 
“Young master, the Duchess said it was urgent.” Joshua came up to us with a worried look on his face. He was the Duchess’s messenger boy. “I’m sorry… It looked so serious. The Duchess was crying as she wrote this letter.” 
We looked at each other. Joshua didn’t know what was in it, else he’d just tell us. He wouldn’t be resorting to telling us about the Duchess first if he knew. 
I looked at what the letter said. My hand went over my mouth to conceal my shock. 
The Duchess was powerless against the Duke’s words. 
“My son will return.” 
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starryhyuck · 4 years
dangerous game. (m)
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pairing: dilf!jaehyun x younger!reader
words: 1.9k+
summary: jaehyun is your father’s co-worker, but it’s not your fault that he’s undeniably hot.
genre: smut
warnings: older!jaehyun, younger!reader, car sex, public sex, creampie, breeding kink, mentions of pregnancy
“It’s not like he’s your dad, you know.”
You glare at Sookyung, who’s innocently sipping at her glass of champagne. You pinch her arm and she squeals.
“He could be! He’s just as old as my dad,” you comment, eyes roaming over Jeong Jaehyun’s figure.
He was just recently hired into your father’s corporation and proven himself to be a worthy asset, his dimples charming everyone who comes his way. He’s built up a strong relationship with your parents, bringing over his daughter to hang out with you sometimes. You wonder if he’ll always see you as a kid — a friend of his daughter’s to have play dates with.
Speaking of the devil, Haerim bounces over and smiles at you and Sookyung. Luckily, Haerim got her looks from her mother so you don’t feel so odd when you gaze over at her.
“How are you two doing? I’m kind of bored,” she comments, fingers gripping her own champagne glass.
Sookyung gives you the eye and you know what she’s thinking — you practically sped home from college just to stare at Jaehyun all night, jumping at your father’s invitation as soon as he called.
“We’re doing fine,” Sookyung replies, and you grow wary of her mischievous smile. “How about you and your dad? Any luck with finding him a date?”
Haerim shakes her head. “Nope. He’s probably just not ready to move on yet.”
Sookyung grins. “Maybe he just hasn’t met the right girl.”
You glare at her. Haerim shrugs.
“Yeah, maybe.”
It’s only a few weeks later when you come home for Christmas. Your father greets you at the door and your mother lets you know they have company over. You try to keep your resolve when you see Jaehyun at the table, his smile taking your breath away like it always has.
“Jaehyun’s spending Christmas with us,” your father mentions as you take your seat.
“And Haerim?” You ask, eyes locking with Jaehyun’s.
“At her mother’s for the holidays,” Jaehyun responds, dark eyes gazing at you. You nod, and as soon as you dig into your meal, your father and Jaehyun are chatting it up. “That’s crazy, Doyoung. I couldn’t imagine any of the investors buying that crap.”
Your father laughs and your mother leans over to speak with you.
“I want you to be nice to Jaehyun while he’s here. He’s having a rough time, first holiday after the divorce and everything.”
You smile. “I’ll keep him good company, I promise.”
She pats your cheek. “That’s my girl.”
It’s later in the night when you keep your promise, knocking on the guest room door. You’ve taken Sookyung’s advice and luckily packed all of your best underwear, matching bra and all. You know deep down you shouldn’t get your hopes up, especially since Jaehyun is still learning to live without his wife.
All those thoughts are thrown away, however, when he opens the door. You grin innocently at him.
“I hope you’re enjoying your stay, Mr. Jeong. I was just checking up on you.”
He smirks, leaning against the doorframe. “Is that so? Well, thank you for being such a hospitable host.”
Sookyung’s words bounce around in your head, still lingering when you called her after dinner. Flirt. Remind him you’re very mature for your age. And wear that red thong I bought you for your birthday!
You laugh. “Yes, well, I think my father would be upset if he knew I wasn’t being very friendly.”
He chuckles and nods his head. “We can’t have that, can we?”
“No, we can’t.”
Your gazes lock, and you swear his eyes darken a little. He opens his mouth to say something before you hear footsteps. Your father comes around the corner, smiling and placing his hand on your shoulder.
“I can see you’re treating Jaehyun nicely.”
“She was,” Jaehyun answers. “You raised her well, Doyoung.”
“I hope so,” your father laughs, placing a kiss on your head. “Listen, Jaehyun, we’re going out tomorrow to get all the groceries we need to make Christmas dinner. I was wondering if you would tag along with Y/N to find a suitable tree for the living room.”
Your eyes practically light up, and Jaehyun chuckles.
“I think that would be fine,” he nods, gaze returning to you. “We’ll leave in the morning?”
You smile. “Sounds good.”
Car rides with Jaehyun are more arousing than you expected. You’ve been on edge since you’ve been on the road with him, mainly because you’re unsure of how to make the first move. If he ends up not even liking you in that way, he could definitely tell your father and further humiliate you.
“You’re quiet this morning.”
Your head darts to look over at him, his fingers gripping the steering wheel tightly. “Oh,” you laugh awkwardly. “Just a lot on my mind, I guess.”
“Care to enlighten me?” He hums.
This is a very dangerous game.
“I just- um-“ you pause, trying to comprehend your thoughts. Jaehyun chuckles at your internal struggle. Oh God. What if he just sees me as a kid? I’m wearing this uncomfortable thong and all he sees is his daughter’s little friend-
“I don’t think we can,” he comments, taking you off guard.
You frown. “Don’t think we can what?”
He sighs. “I want to be with you in that way, but your dad-“
Your eyes widen. “Wait wait wait. You like me? I mean, you like me like that?”
He smirks, taking his eyes off of the road for a mere second to glance at you. “Yes, I like you like that. But it’s too complicated. You’re young, and-“
You scoff. “I’m not that young.”
“You’re as young as my daughter,” he reminds you. “And your father and I are good friends. Plus, he has all the power to fire me whenever he wants, and I don’t think I can afford to lose my job right now.”
Sookyung’s voice grows louder in your head. Make him want you. Show him he can’t resist.
Your eyelashes flutter closed, fingers drifting down to your core.
“Y/N, what are you doing?”
You ignore him, one hand slithering into your underwear and stroking your folds gently. You throw your head back and moan. You can feel the car swerve a little.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be doing this. I’m driving, this is dangerous and I-“
“Touch me, Mr. Jeong,” you beg, opening your eyes to stare directly at him. “Please?”
It isn’t long before he pulls over on the side of the road and leans over the console to press his lips against yours. You whimper when his fingers tug on your hair, exposing your neck to him.
“Such a little slut,” he hisses, lips attaching to your neck and sucking gently. “We could’ve gotten into an accident.”
“But we didn’t,” you remind him, guiding his hand to your core. “Can you fuck me now?”
He growls. “Filthy little mouth. Does your dad know you talk this way?”
You shake your head. “No, daddy wouldn’t like that.”
He curses lowly and you know you’ve got him. He pushes the seat all the way back and climbs until he’s hovering over you, tongue desperately exploring the expanse of your mouth. He replaces your fingers with his, digits slowly playing with your folds before sliding two into your waiting hole. You whine into the kiss and he pauses briefly.
“You’re not a-“
“Virgin?” You raise an eyebrow. “No. But don’t tell daddy.”
He growls, attacking you once again and curling his fingers upwards. You’re both lucky he’s pulled over to an abandoned part of the town, and his tinted windows giving you even further security.
“We have to be quick, baby,” he whispers breathlessly. “Still have to bring a tree home.”
The clothes come off quickly after that, your hands gripping Jaehyun’s shirt and flinging it over your shoulder. He laughs at your eagerness, palming at your breast and kissing your mound.
“Such a pretty body,” he murmurs, lips darting over your nipple. You moan and arch your back.
“Yeah? Prettier than your ex-wife’s?”
He smirks. “Prettier. Younger. Hotter.”
You whimper when he throws your dress to the side, fingers dancing over your choice of underwear.
“Isn’t that pretty? You wear that for me, sweet girl?”
You giggle. “Only for you, daddy.”
He flips you over, smacking your ass along the way. You enjoy the way he manhandles you, pulling your hair back and tugging it harshly.
“Is this how you like it? Exposed like a whore for anyone to see? What would your parents say if they saw you like this?”
“What would your daughter say if she saw you about to fuck a girl the same age as her?” You counter.
He smiles. “She wouldn’t like it, that’s for sure.”
You feel his tip prod your entrance and you moan, gripping the headrest of the passenger seat. Jaehyun kisses your shoulders, cupping your breasts and sliding into you.
You cry at the stretch, feeling every ridge and vein of his cock as he enters you. He’s thick. And huge. Definitely the biggest you’ve ever taken.
He curses in your ear. “Fuck, baby. Your pussy’s so fucking tight.”
“Never-“ you gasp, catching your breath when he sinks deeper and deeper. “Never had someone this big, daddy.”
You both groan when he bottoms out, lips parting at the pleasure you’re receiving. You feel so full, and Jaehyun’s cock is like a fever dream.
“Jaehyun, please,” you beg, aching for him to move.
He follows your order, grabbing your hips and snapping into you. You moan loudly, the sound of his hips connecting with your thighs echoing throughout the vehicle. He feels so perfect inside of you and you blubber his name over and over again.
You imagine how sinful you both look, with Jaehyun fucking you desperately in the passenger seat of his car, where Haerim probably sat when he used to drive her to school everyday. You whimper at the thought as Jaehyun drills into you, panting in your ear.
“Feels so good, baby,” he praises you. “Wanna fuck you all day.”
“Will you?” You ask, whining when he nudges against your sweet spot. “Will you fuck me when we get back home?”
“If you can stay quiet,” he chuckles and you giggle with him. He groans when you clench around him. “You going to cum for me, baby? Show me how much you want it, sweet girl.”
You fall apart around him, squeezing his cock for dear life as you orgasm. You’re completely spent but Jaehyun still plows into you, chasing his high. You prod him a little.
“Please, daddy. Want to feel you cum inside me.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, his voice dropping an octave. “Are you on the pill?”
The beat of silence is deafening. “What if I wasn’t?”
He groans. “Don’t mess with me, baby. I’m going to explode.”
“Wouldn’t you like to see that? Your cum dripping down my thighs at dinner, trying not to let my dad see? What if he found out I was pregnant? What would he do then?”
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jaehyun hisses. “Baby, I can’t. I’m going to cum.”
“Knock me up, Jae,” you giggle, pushing back against him. “Show everyone how filthy you are, getting a girl half your age pregnant with your child. What would Haerim think?”
He pushes deep inside you and cries out, shooting ribbons into your waiting womb. You smile deviously, pushing further back onto him so none of his cum would spill out. He’s still cumming after a minute, and his warmth fills your stomach.
You grin. “Had a lot to give me, didn’t you?”
He growls and leans down, nipping at your ear.
“I’m getting you pregnant while I’m here, you little minx.”
“Looking forward to it.”
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tlexx · 3 years
Dandelion (Sam X Reader)
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Summary: Throughout your and Sam’s friendship, one yellow flower pops up.
Fluff, with extra fluff
I tried something new, hope y'all like it!
You were a wide eyed 8 year old, missing both front teeth, running around the park of the town your parent’s just moved you to. The field next to the playground was where you decided you wanted to play, it was wide and became your stage for all the make believe scenarios running through your head. Your bright yellow dress made you stick out, so your mom could keep an eye on you from the park bench she was sitting at. The field was littered with dandelions, some fully bloomed while others were just beginning to peak out of their shell. The small fuzzy caterpillar danced along your finger, while you aimlessly walked around the field. You were pretending you were Steve Irwin, gathering animals that need your help and protecting them from unruly predators.
“Cricky, you’re a big one.” You used your best Australian accent, only ever hearing it on Animal Planet.
“What are you doing?” You spun around to meet the eyes of a lanky, scruffy haired boy. He had a crooked smile, growing back his left front tooth.
“I’m helping the animals.” There was a lisp to most of the words you said, your tongue peeking through the gap in your teeth. He just looked at you as a response. The goofy boy looked at you, then to the ground, then back to you.
“You are wearing a dandelion.”
“Look here.” The boy picked a dandelion from the field before holding it out to your dress, “dandelion.” He was right. The color of your dress matched perfectly with the flower he was holding in his hand. Your green sneakers didn't help with you becoming a twin with a weed. “It’s a pretty flower.”
“I heard my dad call them weeds.” The boy laughed when you said that. He was wearing a bright orange t-shirt that reflected onto his chin. His shorts were a couple of inches too short, making it evident that they were hand-me-downs. There was something whimsical about him, you didn’t know it at the time, but this boy was going to change your life everyday he was in it.
“No. You’re silly. Something pretty can’t be a weed.” He said this like it was a scientific fact.He was so sure of himself that no one could ever really correct him. The boy handed you the flower while two older boys appeared past his shoulder. They were calling someone named Sam, telling him it was time to go home. A girl that looked a little older than you was there too, twirling one of her pigtails in her hand. “You’re pretty too.” Sam, you now know his name, ran towards the crowd of kids calling his name. Before he left the park, he turned and waved at his Dandelion.
“Do you like butter?” Sam asked, looking at you hanging upside down on the monkey bars. You two rode your bikes to the same park you met at two years earlier.
“What kind of question is that? Everyone likes butter Sammy.”
“Yes, but there is a way to prove it!” Sam was stating one of his facts when he told you this. He did that a lot of the years, telling you exactly how HIS world worked. Both of you and Sam had a full set of teeth when you smiled now. You got rid of the dresses about a year ago, choosing to wear shorts or jeans more often. They were more comfortable when you would play sports with the boys, and Ronnie didn’t really dress all that girly either. You wanted to be like her, she was the cooler older sister you didn’t have. Sam still was dressed in Jake and Josh’s old clothing, but it was evident already that he would be taller than both of them when he reaches their age.
“How?” You flipped off of the monkey bars so you could focus your attention on Sam. He was twirling a dandelion between his fingers, making it dance in the fall wind. He extended his arm, holding the flower under your chin. Sam dipped his head to inspect if the dandelion cast a yellow shadow on the bottom of your chin.
“Woah. You must love butter, your whole neck is yellow!” Out of instinct you rub your chin vigorously, trying to get any yellow stain off your body. “No! Dandelion, it makes sense! Yellow is your color.” A signature goofy Sam smile spread on his face. Sam was great at keeping you blushing. At least once a day he would make you blush at something he said. You hoped he never noticed, but Sam did. He made it a personal goal to try and make you blush three times a day. It was funny and despite what his brothers told him many years ago, girls were cool and pretty. Especially the one in front of him now.
“Okay,” you grab the dandelion from Sam to check and see if he was predisposed to liking butter as well. “You must like butter a lot too Sammy, your chin looks like a lemon.”
“There is no way!”
“Yes, I promise!” Sam goes cross eyed trying to peer down at his chin, his eyebrows knit together tightly when he tries to concentrate. The face he was making causes you to laugh loudly and grab at your stomach. You two both looked at each other then, the smiles faded on both of your faces. You wished Sam would be your first kiss. You thought maybe you were too young, but a lot of the girls in your class already talked about getting theirs and they made it seem like it was no big deal. Sam never talked about girls with you, so you were unaware if he had received his first kiss yet. He hung around Nicole a lot a few months back, but for some reason he stopped inviting her to the park with you two.
“Are you coming to dinner tonight?’ Dinner with his family became a normal thing. Both of your set’s of parents became close friends when you guys had more frequent play dates.
“No. Mom is making spaghetti, that sounds good.” You kicked at the mulch underneath your sneakers to avoid looking back at Sam. It rarely became awkward between the two of you, but every once in a while you found yourself biting your tongue from saying what you really wanted to. Being ten was hard, there were kids who knew everything about everything and kids that still slept in footy pajamas and took baths. You and Sam were stuck in the middle. He knew a little more because of his older siblings, so you relied on him to inform you of what it would be like to get older. “Sammy..” His brown eyes look up to meet yours again. There was no need for him to respond, you had his full attention. “Have you had your first kiss yet?”
“I wasn’t like I thought though. Josh told me he saw fireworks when he had his first kiss, I think he is lying. But, I thought there would be something.” Sam shoved his hands into his pockets, mimicking you kicking around the mulch between you both. “Have you?”
“Nope, not yet.” You got butterflies when Sam asked you. There was no need to be embarrassed in front of him, but you couldn’t help it. It might have been a mix between the slight jealousy you got hearing about Nicole or anxiety from what you were about to do. “Sam. I’m going to kiss you, is that okay?”
“Um yeah. You can do that.” Sam nervously shook his head yes before taking his hands out of his pockets. You awkwardly turn your head, a robotic movement, not really knowing what to do. This was it, you were finally going to have your first kiss. You were glad it was Sam. You knew he wouldn’t tell everyone in class or make fun of you for not knowing what to do. He would simply allow you to kiss him and then move on. And that’s what happened. You pressed your lips to his, barely brushing them across his. You tried to pull away, but Sam grabbed you. He pressed his lips into yours harder, giving you a harder yet still innocent kiss.
You two peel apart looking up and down at each other. There was something unspoken happening, that you two just crossed into a new chapter of your relationship. You both were only ten, but you knew that Sam would be with you in life. When you daydreamed about your wedding, it was Sam at the end of the aisle waiting for you. “Um, Sam did you see anything this time?’
“Yeah. Dandelions”
Ten years old was a piece of cake compared to the daunting age of fourteen. Freshman year was fun, but getting older wasn’t your favorite thing to do. You wish that you and Sam could have stayed on that playground forever. Now you guys would hang out in the basement of his house, occasionally with all his siblings, but most of the time just the two of you. Josh and Jake would drive you around when you guys begged, dropping you off at the skate rink or the movie theatre before going off with their own group of older friends. Sam would be invited every once in a while to the older kids get together, but 8 out of 10 times he would decline so he could spend time hanging out with you.
You two were sitting on a hill outside of the school, both waiting for Josh to get done with rehearsal to drive you guys home. It was only a month into school, so there were still flowers littering the school lawn. The trees were still green and the wind wasn’t making it feel ten degrees colder yet. Sam still had his lanky awkwardness, but he lost most of the baby fat from his face. He just stayed your best friend all those years, the kiss you two shared four years ago was never spoken of. You would always make up a lie when you were asked about your first kiss, explaining it was some random boy from some random summer camp years ago. Whenever you would tell anyone this in front of Sam, a blush would creep up his neck and he would smirk. If you didn’t know Sam so well you would most likely miss his smirk all together.
“Are you going to the game on Friday?” It was tradition for you to get with his family and go to Friday night football games, so, you were confused as to why he was even asking you this.
“Am I not supposed to?” your teenage years brought a little attitude along with them.
“No. I mean, yeah, but I think Nicole is coming.” It made sense. Sam and Nicole have been that middle school couple that would break up one week and declare their love for another the next. You just hoped that it would have stopped when you two entered high school. Nicole always gave you looks when you walked with Sam and ignored you when you would say anything to try and join their conversations. But she was the classic high school movie popular trope, so you couldn’t really blame Sam for liking her. The only crush you had in the past couple of years was Josh and that ended when you saw him and Jake competing to see who could hit a target with a snot rocket. Boys were not something you really had an interest in yet, well except one boy.
“You can still hangout with us of course.” You knew this wouldn’t be true. Last time you went anywhere with Sam and Nicole, she forced him away from the group. She would always come up with an excuse as to why she wanted him alone. At such a young age, she was basically an evil mastermind. Ronnie was always there when this happened though, scooping you up to join her friends. They were welcoming, but you felt bad that Ronnie felt like she needed to watch after you.
“I think I’m going to be third wheel at your wedding Sammy,” with an exasperated sigh you lay back, watching the clouds move slowly pass overhead. Sam followed your actions, placing his hands behind his head to cushion it against the grassy knoll.
“Why do you say that?”
“I don’t think a guy is going to want to marry me.”
“You’re crazy.” Sam wasn’t putting much thought into what you were saying. He got used to your new found dramatic side, always joking you should be the lead actress in one of Josh’s short films.
“No, I don’t think I’m pretty enough.” This made Sam give you his full attention. He sat up quickly, propping himself up on his elbows before whipping his head in your direction.
“Now, I know you’re crazy!” He was laughing to try to keep the mood light, but the look on your face told him that you actually were upset. He knew that you became a little insecure when you guys started high school. He did too, it was hard not to compare yourself to the 17 and 18 years old that would walk by you in the hallways. But there wasn’t really a reason for you to be insecure, he always thought you were miles ahead of the other girls in smarts and beauty, even Nicole.
You didn’t respond to Sam. You couldn’t really trust your voice or the hormones that made you a little irrational. The grass became your distraction, picking it aggressively before throwing it down by your old converse. “Danny thinks you're pretty.” It was true Danny did think you were pretty, but the topic of conversation started with Sam. He couldn’t stop thinking about how nice you looked in your 8th grade formal dress. You, Sam, and Danny went together, deciding a group would make it more fun. When Danny and Sam split from you to use the restroom, Sam kept asking Danny if he thought you were pretty. Sam just needed Danny to say yes, so all he had to say was ‘me too,’ instead of admitting it first.
You laughed a little before looking over to Sam, “that would be like marrying one of your brothers.” Sam was always a little nervous about that, especially as you two got older. Jake would tease him about how you were too cute for him or that he would date you when you got older. It was harmless, Jake just liked to get under Sam’s skin, and you were the easiest way to pull that trigger.
“Well, you were always supposed to have the Kiszka last name.” Both of your eyes grew as the realisation of what Sam said hit you both. He didn’t think before speaking often, and now he was mentally hitting himself for letting this slip. You chewed at your lip waiting for Sam to speak first. Things went easier when Sam led. But now, Sam didn’t want to lead. He wanted you to be bold and kiss him like you did under the monkey bars years ago. Minutes went by as both of you waited for the other to steer the conversation.
“Okay, look.” Sam broke the silence first. He picked a butter yellow flower off of the ground. He moved closer to your feet, scooting his butt a little further down the hill. Once next to your converse, he intertwined the flower in between the laces of your shoe. You now had a bright yellow dandelion contrasting against the blackness of your converse. You met Sam’s eyes as he says, “beautiful, like a dandelion.”
Prom was finally here. That meant less than a month until graduation. It felt good that in a couple of months you would be on your own. It was exciting yet terrifying to know that you would be moving out of state to a town you’ve visited once, to attend a school you know no one at. Sam and Danny have been traveling with the band the last couple of months. Of course you were happy for both of them, but it got hard not getting to share the milestones of senior year.
Like last week, when the football team let a greased pig loose in the school, you instinctively looked to your left waiting to see Sam laughing along with you. He wasn’t, he was in Detroit or Chicago, it almost got hard to keep up at this point.
You decided to go to prom alone. It would still be fun and you could meet up with some of your friends from class. It wouldn’t be that weird, it was such a small school that you knew you’d be pulled into a group for the night. But when you looked at yourself in the mirror, a ping of sorrow hit your stomach.
Sophomore year, when you were sitting in biology, Sam threw you a folded up piece of notebook paper. Etched between the faint blue lines was a drawing of a dandelion. It was surrounded by his chicken scratch of handwriting. Will you go to prom with me? Prom was still two years away at that time, so it baffled you why he was asking. Was this a joke he was trying to play? Nonetheless, you felt warmth in your stomach at the thought of seeing Sammy in a tux. He would be the best date and you silently prayed he was serious for once. After class, you prodded him for an answer.
“Sammy you know prom is two years away right?” He didn't carry a bookbag as he walked through the halls, just held a beat up red notebook at his side. You had to walk fast to keep up to Sam these days, his legs were three times longer than yours. You told him many times that he needed to walk slower so you didn’t sweat in between classes, but he would just laugh at you before walking even faster.
“I know.”
“So why would you ask me now?”
“I wanted first dibs, Dandelion.”
But, Sammy wasn’t here with you now. He promised he would try, and he really did. But, he told you over the phone there was no way he could make it and made you promise to send him pictures of you in your dress. Sammy was a good long distance best friend. He called you every other night and let you talk about the boring details about high school. Sam had the same excitement for your anatomy test as you did for his latest show. He was going to make sure he never faded out of your life.Since you were eight years old, Sam knew that you two would be old sitting in rocking chairs bickering about something. It was natural. You two were put on this earth to help one another through every trial and tribulations. You never got mad when he would come to your house upset that Nicole broke up with him, again, or annoyed when he made you sit there and listen to the cringey love songs he wrote. You always thought that the lyrics were inspired by Nicole. She was his girlfriend, most of the time, but Sam secretly was writing about you the whole time. Josh and Danny called him out about it a couple of times, but Sam would insist that he would never write such sappy lyrics about his best friend. Danny would just smile at Sam and say, “whatever you have to tell yourself dude.”
Your mom directed you to pose as she snapped many pictures of you all dressed up. You played along without any complaints because you knew she was sad at you growing up. Right as you declared you needed to leave, your parent’s doorbell rang. Your mom just smiled at you, she had a secret. She knew who was on the other side of that door waiting for you.
“Honey, can you get that? I have to run to the kitchen.” Your mom was halfway to the kitchen by the end of your sentence. The heavy wood door swung open with ease, revealing who was on the other side.
Sam stood in a black tux and yellow tie. It matched the dress you wore a decade ago. He had combed his long hair back, trying to make it look more formal. You both knew by the end of the night, he would steal one of your hair ties and throw it in a bun on the top of his head. Behind Sam was a black limousine. Although completely cheesy, you just had your own 80s romance movie moment. He was giving you your princess moment, but he was still only your best friend.
“What are you doing here Sam?” As the shock subsided you threw your arms around his neck, engulfing him in a bone crushing hug.
“I wanted to surprise you, Dandelion.” Up until this moment, Sam had his hands behind his box holding a clear box. When he brought his arm around to show off what he had, you saw it. It was a beautiful corsage made completely of ribbon and dandelions. You have never seen someone take the weed that grows in your backyard and make something so breathtakingly beautiful.
“It’s beautiful.” Sam walks into your house to say hello to your parents and secure the corsage to your wrist.
Prom was everything you’ve ever wanted. You danced all night with Sam, acting a fool and showing off your synchronized dance moves. Sam didn’t even pay attention to Nicole shooting him daggers from the corner, because he couldn’t look away from you.
When he dropped you off that night, you finally asked, “How did you get here? How did you make it back?”
“Oh. It was important so I made it happen.” Sam made everything seem so simple. He never sweat the details, he just did. This wasn’t the answer you were necessarily searching for, but it was the answer Sam was going to give you.
“But why Sam?”
He was smiling now, but he kept his head directed towards his feet. He has been growing the courage to do this for the past eight years, since the first and only time you kissed him. Sam lifted his head to catch your eyes with his. Before you could continue talking, Sam grabbed your waist and kissed you. This kiss was different than your last, it meant more. It meant that you two would finally take the leap past friendship. Sam wanted to make you his, and he would do anything to make sure this worked out for the two of you. You were his. You were always his, everyone knew that.
“Because I love you Dandelion.
So now, you look down at the bouquet of flowers in your hands. Yellow dandelions being the showcase as they were in your corsage. You were about to marry your best friend and take his last name like you were always meant to. A note slides under the door of your dressing room and Ronnie brings it over to you in her bridesmaid dress.
“I think this is for you.” She adorned a smile that matched yours, Ronnie always knew what was destined.
On basic college ruled notebook paper, a doodle of a dandelion was surrounded by messy handwriting- I’ve always loved you, my beautiful Dandelion.
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teacupcollector · 3 years
A Helping Hand - Chapter 3
Series Masterlist Summary - As a woman who is pregnant you are doing anything if it means survival. Even so you found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the other way around? Now you are in the community of Jackson and you can’t help but attract a certain pair of hazel eyes.
(Hello! I would like to note that this is much longer then what I usually write for a chapter so I hope it doesn’t come as a bother. I hope you all enjoy!)
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From then on those thirty minute talks became a regular thing between the two of you. You and Joel would meet up, mostly at night on each other's porches and just talk or maybe just sit in silence. He seemed to be very rough around the edges in the beginning especially when it came to questions about his past. All you really knew about Joel before the outbreak was that he was a divorcee and was a carpenter. You decided not to push it and talk about other things. As of right now you both were currently sitting on a porch swing on your porch. He had his guitar in his lap playing a soft little tune and humming.
"You ever play?" He asks out of the blue. "What? Oh no I have never played." You say. "Would ya like to?" He asks. "I couldn't even if I tried." You laughed. "My belly is almost the size of a full grown watermelon. The guitar wouldn't fit in my lap." You say and he chuckles. "But I will say this little sucker likes hearing you play." You say rubbing your belly. "He looks between you and your belly. "Does he?" Joel asks. "Yes definitely! They wouldn't give me a break until you started playing." You say with a warm smile. "And how do you know they are a 'He?' How can you tell?" You asks and he chuckles. "You're carrying low." You give him a confused look and he chuckles. "That means the weight is lower. With a girl it would be more elevated." He says setting the guitar against the railing of the porch. "And how would you know that?" You ask. He pauses for a moment before saying. "I had a daughter before all of this happened." You try not to have a reaction. You place a comforting hand on his arm. "You don't have to talk about it Joel." "I uh... I'll tell you one day okay sweetheart?" He asks and you nod with a blush.
There is a silence before Joel asks. "If you don't mind me asking. What happened to the father?" You sigh and look down removing your hand from his arm. "Well it is kind of hard to explain." You let out a nervous laugh. "It was mainly a friends with benefits thing..." You says looking ahead. "... But he did step up when he found out I was pregnant. I would be dead if it wasn't for him." You say with a quiver present in your voice. "There were these fucking hunters that attacked us. We were talking about baby names." You say with a laugh as tears fill your eyes. "We were best friends from the start actually. It was just us against the world." You sniffle. "He sacrificed himself to save me and I have to live with the thought that I got him killed." You say wiping your eyes as tears begin to fall down your face. "You didn't get him killed (Y/N)..." "Yes I did." "You didn't." "I did!" You cry out. Joel immediately wraps an arm around you bringing your head to his chest.  "All I can think about is that he got chopped up into tiny pieces!" You say into his chest. "I-I went back even though he told me not to. I went back to see if he was dead and... And all that was left was his head!" She sobs into Joel's chest grabbing onto his jacket. He wraps his other arm around you, one cradling your head and the other rubbing soothing circles on your back. He stands up with you and guides you inside to your bedroom. He makes sure you lay down and tucks you into bed. "D-don't leave! Please..." You whimper and he nods bringing your desk chair over and sitting down. "I'm sorry..." You murmur as your eyes drift close.
Ever since that day Joel made sure he did his best to make himself available to you. When he isn't on patrol or with Ellie he is with you. The early tells of Spring has just arrived so as a small celebration everyone decided to get together in the square of Jackson. Kids were playing and singing, there were streamers and fairy lights hanging off the buildings, there were small fold up tables with drinks and food on them, and then there was you. You were in some black flats wearing a beautiful maternity sun dress and Joel couldn't keep his eyes off of you. Your hair was styled differently, or maybe it was the same but never have you looked so beautiful. His eyes traveled from your smooth exposed legs, to the swell of your stomach and hips, to the fullness of your breasts, up your neck, then finally your beautiful side profile. When they say that a woman is glowing when she is pregnant, that would be an understatement when it came to you. He was convinced that you could outshine the sun if you wanted. He is nudged to the side slightly breaking him from his trance. He looks beside him to see his little brother next to him. Tommy had a shit eating smirk on his face. "What?" Joel grunts. "She's beautiful ain't she?" Tommy asks looking to see his brothers reaction. Joel only grunts and looks away. "Why don't ya just tell her?" He asks and Joel sighs. "She is to young for me Tommy..." Tommy sighs. "She isn't that young, she is in her thirties." Tommy says trying to reason with his brother. "She is going to have a baby Tommy. She shouldn't have to deal with an old man like me..." Joel says with sadness filling his voice.
"You know she talks a big deal about you right?" Tommy asks. Joel looks at him curious urging him to continue. "She boasts about ya. Sayin' how helpful you are to her and stuff." Tommy says before continuing. "You both were the talk of the town when you went off on Seth. You have been spending a lot of time with her." He says then nods in your direction. "Ellie seems to like her as well." Joel looks up and sees you smiling and laughing with both Dina and Ellie. Dina seemingly can't keep her hands off you bump and the two teens eyes widening with excitement when they feel a kick from the little life that is inside you. There was currently music playing as couples begin to pair off with each other. He sees you place both hands on your belly and go to sit on a bench that was placed near the square for this event. Joel sighs and continues to admire you. "You deserve to be happy brother... Now you go ask that pretty lady to dance." He says elbowing Joel's side gently and Joel nods and begins to make his way over to you.
Despite all the ruckus in the square you have never felt happier. This was your first town event since you have been here and you couldn't be more excited. When it came to the preparation and set up of this event you wanted to help in any way you could. Maria decided it would be best if you didn't do any hard labor since you were coming up on eight months now. Maria thought it would be a good idea to distract the children so they wouldn't get in the way and you gladly accepted. You spent all morning coloring, reading books, and playing with them. They all were very curious about your stomach and you allowed them to feel. All the kids decided to color you and the baby when he or she arrives. They all also made a book of names for you to choose such as: Hotdog, Teddy, and Sprinkles. You giggled and laughed all morning until one of the mainly residents came to let you know that the kids are allowed to go to the event. You had them walk in two single file lines all the way to the square and to say that the parents as well as Maria weren't impressed would be a lie. Maria went up to you immediately and offered you a spot for helping and or teaching the kids. You accepted but only after your baby was born to which she agreed.
As of right now you just got out of a conversation with Dina and Ellie. You were happy to be talking to them despite the fifteen or sixteen year age difference. You decided it was best to sit down and get off your feet for a bit. You let out a sigh of relief as you sit down on the bench. You roll your ankles in circular motions in order to relieve some tension. You close your eyes and hum along to the music when there was suddenly a tap on your knee. You open them to see one of the kids standing next to you. He had brown hair with many freckles and brown eyes, he was maybe around  eight years old. "Would you like to dance Miss (Y/N)?" He asks and you smile. "Of course good sir I would love to dance with you." You stand up and walk to a free space where people weren't dancing. You had to lean down  slightly in order to hold his hands as you both sway back and forth. The child went on and on about how his day was going, what his friends were going to do at the sleep over, and even how you were his favorite teacher. The conversation was interrupted when Joel tapped on the young boys shoulder. "Mind if I cut in?" He asks with a small smile and the boy shakes his head before going to run off with his friends. Both you and Joel stand there for a moment before he reaches out his hand. "Hi..." He says seemingly gazing at you. "Hi..." You say taking his hand. He brings you as close as he could despite your belly getting in the way. He places his other hand at the small of your back and begins to sway from foot to foot. "How are you?" He ask. "I couldn't be better." You say smiling. You look him up and down to see him in a button up flannel of sorts. His sleeves are rolled up to expose his forearms and to say he looked good was an understatement. " You clean up nice. " You say with a smile before releasing his hand wand wrapping both of them behind his neck. "I try and look nice every once and a while." He says with a smirk. "And you dance too?" You ask. He nods before taking your hands off his neck and slowly twirl you to where your back was against his chest. You let out a joyful laugh and look over your shoulder to smile up at him. "You've got moves huh Mr. Miller?" You says smiling. "That I do." He says looking down at you. Your eyes are locked in a trance as you both can't seem to stop. You were sure you could feel his heart beating out of his chest against your back. You find yourself glancing down at his lips and he does the same. You begin to lean in and up slightly closing your eyes when suddenly you feel him pull away. "Sorry..." He mumbles before walking away from you leaving you on the dance floor by yourself. To say your heart didn't ache would be a lie.
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absolutelyfizzing · 3 years
plant mom  
(Bucky x reader)
description - When Bucky met you you were a leather clad assassin. The next day he finds you in cottagecore clothes taking care of your plants. He cant help but be fascinated.
word count - 1300
warnings - None really? fluffy? confident reader and mentions of gun skills
A/N - This takes place sort of out of timeline? Like all of the avengers living in the compound without any of the crazy shit going on.
Bucky was fascinated by you. You were an avenger with a similar skill set to Natasha. You were a badass assassin plus you were the best sharpshooter in the group. Obviously, not with a bow like Clint but you could just about hit anything in any conditions with your rifle. You were terrifying and you even actually scared Bucky the first time you met him, your body clad in black leather and your gun strapped to your back. You looked murderous. That was why, when he walked downstairs into the kitchen the next day, he was shocked at what he found.
You were wearing a light sundress with butterfly clips in your hair and comfy looking socks. You were nursing a hot cup of tea and you seemed to be dancing slightly to the music you were playing on your phone. From what Bucky could tell it was something slow and sweet and he was astonished. He knew you were the same person he saw yesterday but you seemed so innocent now.
"Hey, James!" You chirped and he was startled out of his daze. You were smiling at him and he felt his heart melt slightly.
"Hello." He mumbled against his will. He didn't want to scare you off or come off too strong but after what he had just said he was worried he would come off cold.
"Do you wanna come and say hi to my plants?" You asked lightly and Bucky wondered how he hadn't noticed before. The counter next to you was filled with plants of all kinds. They were happy and healthy and you gazed at them for a moment as if they were your children.
"Say hi to them?" Bucky questioned, not sure what you were asking of him.
"Yeah! Or you could just come see them if you want. Did you know that spending time with plants is proven to improve mood?" You questioned in a genuine tone. You seemed so content and Bucky couldn't help it when his feet began to move him toward where you were hoarding a small forrest.
"Hello plants." He mumbled like he was embarrassed. When he looked at you you were beaming at him and he suddenly realized he would do anything to make you look at him like that. "Can I ask why they are all here?" He tried to ask in a tone that would let you know that he wasn't trying to be judgmental.
"Well, it's watering day and these are the ones that I needed to give a wipe down so I just brought them from my room. In hindsight that might not have been a great decision but thats okay." You seemed to be in a great mood and Bucky would find that you were just like this unless you had a good reason not to be.
"Do you want help carrying them back to your room?" He asked before he could even think about what he was offering. You immediately smiled and nodded.
"That would be so helpful. Thank you, James" His heart was in his throat at your words. You disposed of your finished mug in the dishwasher and picked up an armful of pots, motioning for him to do the same. He did and he followed you to your room which was just down the hall, trying his hardest not to jostle any of the plants in his arms too hard. When you got to the door you asked FRIDAY to open it for you and he was astonished at what he saw inside.
It was like a jungle. There were a couple huge pots that he thought even he might have trouble lifting and then throughout the room was every kind of plant he could imagine. They covered your windowsill and bookshelf, hanging from the ceiling and the walls. He felt you take a few of the pots from his arms and he realized he had been staring, the green tinted sunlight catching him in a daze.
"This is amazing, doll. How do you keep them all alive?"
"I don't know I guess. I just love them and they seem to like me back." You shrugged and he felt a warm smile come to his face.
"They're beautiful"
"Thank you! You're welcome to come in and visit them any time, it's pretty soothing to be around." You looked around the room in pride. You had been building your collection for years and they were your favorite hobby. You had made Tony give you the room with the most sunlight in the whole compound.
"I might have to take you up on that" Bucky mumbled and he thought that he would love to spend some time in here. The plants were not his main motive though, he wanted a way to spend more time with you. "You know, this isn't how I expected you to live considering how you looked when we met yesterday."
"Oh I know, I get that a lot. If a sundress was as practical I would love to wear that instead of the bodysuit but unfortunately the enemy doesn't usually get intimidated by that sort of stuff." You almost seemed sad that you couldn't do such things when you were on the job.
"I think you look great either way." Bucky spoke before he thought and he regretted his words. Not that he didn't think they were true but he was scared you would be offended by the thoughts he had accidentally spoken aloud.
Instead you beamed at him, a smile appearing on your face and a slight chuckle leaving your lips.
"Thank you, James. You know, I normally wait a while before I do this but would you want a plant?" You questioned seriously. Bucky thought for a moment that you were kidding but soon realized that you weren't when you made no move to laugh.
"Are you sure? I don't know if I could keep one alive." He honestly didn't. He hadn't ever tried to keep a plant.
"Well I would give you some care instructions and I would come check on it every once in a while. Pretty much everyone else has one except Tony, he kept killing them and I eventually gave up. But you are absolutely welcome to one if you'd like. Is there one that catches your eye?"
The question breaks Bucky out of the trance he had gone into when you spoke and he looked around the room at the seemingly endless array of plants.
"Could you chose? Maybe something easy?" He asked quietly. As he finished his question you were already moving toward a plant that fit his description.
You came back toward him with very small leafy plant that Bucky thought looked very healthy.
"This one is one I propagated pretty recently, he should be pretty easy for you." You muttered reassuringly.
"He?" Bucky questioned and you just nodded as if it were obvious. Bucky then found himself realizing that his excuse to be in your presence was leaving quickly and he was wracking his brain to try to come up with a reason that he should keep talking to you.
"Hey this might be a bit forward but would you want to go to dinner sometime?" You asked confidently and Bucky thought he might have a heart attack.
"I-uh-I yeah. Yes that would be great." Bucky smiled and he couldn't be more thankful that you had stepped in. "Would you maybe, I don't know, I mean theres this place on the other side of town. Its a little old fashioned but-" He started to stutter.
"I would love to go there, or really anywhere. You tell me how dressed up I need to be and I'm all in." You grinned and Bucky couldn't stop beaming at you. At how open you were. He couldn't help but hope that you would maybe rub off on him and he prayed he could keep this plant alive to impress you.
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ladydaemon · 3 years
jesper fahey x female! reader
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A/N: this is my fic for @magpiencrow's 1.2k writing challenge - i chose to combine 'you and i' by queen and 'two of us' by the beatles. and yeah this is more than two weeks later than when i said i would post this what about it
Summary: jesper and y/n have a wonderful night on ghezen's day
Warnings: swearing, i think that's it? its literally just pure indulgent fluff
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"You do realize someone probably worked very hard to earn kruge like this, right?" Y/N L/N grinned, holding up a thick wad of money they had stolen from someone's pockets. She was seemingly unperturbed by the fact, her tone light and teasing as she bumped playfully into Jesper.
"And we, my dear, are working very hard on spending it," Jesper winked, wrapping one of his long arms around her shoulders. He snatched the kruge from her hand, immediately spending a portion of it on the first thing he laid eyes on, which was a ridiculously bright orange hat that burned Y/N’s eyes just looking at.
Jesper plopped it on her head, adjusting it so it was crooked, laughing.
Y/N would have done anything to hear that laugh.
The streets were loud and boisterous and carefree, and for the first time in a very long while, the two of them felt the same way. For today, at least, there were no chores or errands or jobs to do.
It was Ghezen's Day - the holiday that signified the starting of spring, where everything was sunny and bright. It was the one day where even the lowest of the Barrel thugs were out enjoying this tiny sliver of happiness, where there was only whistling vendors and cheery parades and star-gazing at night.
But for Y/N and Jesper, it was something more. It was a day where they weren't con artists or thieves or sharpshooters. They weren't thugs or gamblers or criminals.
They were teenagers.
Kaz, of course, pretended like he didn't care. He rolled his eyes and told them that were just trying to get away from chores they despised or any actual work. But everyone knew, even if they didn't admit it, that today was a day where they could pretend.
Pretend to be normal, pretend to be regular, pretend that they had loving families and good homes. Pretend that the weight of being hated and criminalized and addicted didn't make their shoulders slump and their heads hang. Pretend that they didn't muffle their sobs behind closed doors or shake in bed as they tried to rid their minds of all the horrible, treacherous, necessary things they had done.
Pretend that they were just a pair of inseparable best friends having a good holiday.
"C'mon, we need to find a good spot to see the sky," Jesper needled, taking Y/N by the arm and dragging her toward a carriage, elbowing a small, old lady out of the way and almost running them over a few small children on the way.
On Ghezen's Day, an hour after the sun set, the city mandated that all lights be shut off - the sky was clearer than it ever was in the hours that followed, and nearly everyone over the age of twelve stayed up until dawn, watching the sky. However, there was still pollution in the city, remainders of the gas and oil and muck churned up from the sea and the homes of the wealthy, and many preferred to ride to the outskirts of town, if not all the way into the country, where the sky was more visible.
Those towns that bordered between rural and urban, which never saw much tourism or profit, were the most popular places to be, full of tents for dancing outside and vendors selling foreign delicacies and musicians standing in the streets.
And as such, it was almost impossible to get a carriage out of the city without deploying either bony knees, steel-capped boots, or vicious elbows.
And that was exactly what was happening as people shoved and hassled people out of the way, even occasionally pulling out thick wads of kruge, trying to bribe other people in getting out of the limited selection of carriages going out of the city.
"The woman with the black shawl," Y/N whispered (though she needn't have bothered - the city was loud enough to mask any noise), leaning in and brushing her lips against Jesper's ear so he could hear her.
She could’ve sworn she felt him shudder.
"Ten minutes. No less."
"Twenty kruge.”
Y/N grinned, slipping out of Jesper's hold and sauntering over to the woman in question, a pretty red-head. The woman was obviously rich (Y/N took a moment to appreciate the elegant dark blue dress she was wearing, paired with pretty gold earring and a matching necklace) and was about to step into a black carriage - one that Y/N was about to charm her out of.
"Hey there, miss," Y/N called out, putting on the face of an entitled, flirtatious mercher. "You wouldn't mind sharing the carriage, would you? I can’t seem to find an available one, and I’d rather share one with a beautiful lady such as yourself instead of some of those Barrel barbarians.”
The woman stopped halfway into her seat, looking back at Y/N.
If Y/N hadn’t been wearing the obviously expensive clothes she was, with the even more expensive diamond necklace around her throat (that Jesper had given her last Ghezen’s Day, as a present), the woman would have simply shut the carriage door in Y/N’s face.
Then there was the fact that she was gorgeous, and nobody in their right mind would refuse a two hour carriage ride alone with her.
That was Jesper’s opinion, at least.
“I could say the same about you,” the mercher grinned, opening the door wider.
Y/N smiled back, stepping into the carriage and placing her hand delicately on the other woman’s arm-
And swiftly shoved her into the streets, slamming the door behind her. Jesper climbed in from the other side, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “Cruel.”
“Please, I slipped fifty kruge in her sleeve, she’ll be fine.”
“Ah. In that case, proceed. I don’t like anyone flirting with my Y/N, anyway.”
Y/N smirked at him, handing the driver a wad of kruge and telling him to step on it.
“Criminals,” he muttered, snapping the reins.
"Heels down, Y/N, love," Jesper shouted, grinning.
Y/N, switching the reins to one hand, flipped him off, scowling, but adjusted her feet in the stirrups anyways, forcing her heels downward and huffing when her calves ached. “I hate you.”
“We both know you love me,” Jesper shouted back, easing back into a trot - Y/N did the same, easing her weight further into the balls of her feet and gripping the saddle tighter between her knees. Beside her, Jesper had already done the same, posting in time with his horse’s gait.
“Where are we going again?” Y/N asked, panting as she slowed her horse down to a full stop.
“Absolutely nowhere.”
“Do we’re going nowhere, and basically getting nowhere and you want me to be happy about all this work?”
“Yes? You’re being blessed with my presence.” Mock indignation filled the words and Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Fine,” Jesper huffed, “let’s go back home.”
But home wasn’t always a place, was it?
”Come on, I’m hungry,” Y/N whined, pulling Jesper’s wrist with her as she power-walked through the crowded, small town in search of some sweets.
”Ooh, cinnamon honey cakes,” Jesper said dryly, almost smacking into Y/N when she came to a full, screeching halt.
”Don’t you dare joke about honey cakes,” she hissed, poking him in the chest.
”I wasn’t,“ Jesper chuckle, nodding toward the vendor selling the sweets in question.
Y/N gasped audibly, dragging him along with her as she practically sprinted for the cart.
”After this, we’re going straight to the pond. We don’t want anyone to steal our spot.”
Y/N flopped down on her bed, staring at her wall of paper in boredom.
Each scrap of parchment, every napkin with hastily scribbled writing in the back, was a letter from Jesper.
Every week, no matter where Jesper was at the moment, he would write her a letter - describe where he was in detail, and then every thought that came to mind. It was a strange tradition (that nobody remembered how it came about) that Nina liked to tease them about.
You two have separation anxiety, she would giggle. Like an overprotective mother and her baby.
Two best friends, actually, Y/N would respond, stuffing her face with waffles.
Um, no. Would ‘best friends’ write, and I quote, “I’ll be home soon” on every letter they write?
Yes, they would, Y/N would sigh, snatching whichever letter Nina had gotten ahold of that time, and stare at the phrase in question.
Because home wasn’t a place.
“Stop doing that,” Jesper whined, plucking the lit match from Y/N’s fingers and tossing it into the pond.
She huffed, sticking out her tongue and lighting another one, waiting until it had burned down to her fingers before flinging it into the lake. “It’s a habit, Jes.”
They could’ve been there bickering playfully, enjoying each other’s company in silence for three days or three hours or a mere three minutes. Time didn’t exist, didn’t matter when they were alone together.
Laughter rang through the darkness, lanterns only bobbing pinpricks of light behind them - drunk giggles and cheerful music echoed back to them, but it didn’t really register to either of the two.
Moonlight bathed the two of them in a white glow as they both stood up as the stars gradually came out, twinkling, tiny lights covering the marbled, dusky blue-purple-black night sky, exposing nebulae and swirls and whorls of colors.
“Y/N, love, you’re gonna catch a cold.”
“I don’t care in the slightest.”
Jesper sighed, a grudging smile overtaking his face as he watched Y/N. She was soaked to the bone, hair and clothes sticking to her skin, nose ruddy from the cold.
“Dance with me,” she pleaded, holding out a hand to him.
She looked beautiful.
Jesper finally relented, picking Y/N up and twirling her around. She squeaked, closing her eyes, gripping onto his arms for dear life as the rain came down in silver sheets around them.
When he set her back down, the world seemed to stop spinning, the carriages stopped moving, it was just him and her and the rain.
“Let’s go home,” Y/N said eventually, quiet and peaceful, smiling up at Jesper.
But they were already home.
She turned to Jesper, about to remark on how pretty the whole thing was, but stopped in her tracks. He was staring at her, a small, happy smile on his face, an unreadable emotion in his silver eyes.
He closed the three feet of space between them, grabbing her face between his hands, gently, like she was as precious as the diamonds around her neck. Not like she was breakable - like she was valuable, and he never wanted to lose her.
He gave her time to pull away, to laugh and make a joke, but she only stared back at him, the quizzical expression gone, on its place one of fear and hope and happiness.
And then his mouth was on hers and her hands were messing up his hair and she couldn’t feel the grass on her feet anymore or the wind on her neck or her heart, jittering in her chest like it wanted to burst out and fly into the night, only him, him, him.
And then he pulled away and kissed her nose, her eyelids, her forehead. He was laughing, hands going to her waist to twirl her around and around and then she was laughing too, too many emotions to count bubbling up in her chest. Elation, hope, almost hysterical happiness, and-
Absolute certainty.
That was the feeling, that was the one thought filling her head - that there weren’t any questions anymore, because this was where she was supposed to be, this is what she was supposed to be doing, and for once, she was letting herself.
For once, she wasn’t thinking about the next day or the next job or the next week.
It was just the two of them.
Because she could never predict where life was going to lead her next, or foresee the future years, or know what horrible thing was going to happen to her next. Hell, she didn’t know what was going to happen in the next couple hours, let alone what type of sandwich she was going to eat tomorrow.
But she knew, with absolute and utter certainty, that she wanted to do it with him.
That whatever happened, she would be alright, because home wasn’t a place - and it wasn’t Jesper, either.
It was the two of them, together.
Music floated gently in the darkness, down to were Y/N and Jesper were laying in the grass. Her head was on his chest, and they were both staring at the stars.
Home is the two of us.
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Brahms's Lullaby ~ Brahms Heelshire x Reader
Note: Why do I love Brahms? Fuck if I know. Anyway, this is what happens when a a meek, cute girl moves away from her old life to turn the page and find herself once again...And yet, her dark past quite literally comes back to haunt her.
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'That's one huge manor...' Y/N thought to herself, the back of her neck straining as she scanned it from the bottom to the very top of the roof. The grip on her luggage tightened as she gulped in anxiety, and after taking a few deep breaths, she entered in this house, and immediately got greeted by the elderly woman who was the mistress of the house.
Y/N wasn't sure if it was her who was just nervous about the drastic change in her life, or if the woman was simply incredibly intimidating, but hey, as far as she was concerned, this woman won't be staying with her, so she will be all alone in the house, taking care of a child...How bad could it be?
Oh wait. Y/N hates children. They are so loud, bratty, obnoxious, entitled, rude...And the list could go on for ages, but she couldn't loiter in her mind any longer, and instead, she had to memorise where each room was, and what instructions the woman was saying.
She couldn't believe it, but she was glad she chose to wear a pair of comfortable sneakers, for she kinda got tired going up and down the manor...But what could she do anyway?
The kitchen got introduced to her, the woman told her to keep the leftovers in the freezer, told her about Malcom the delivery boy and how he's the only one allowed to bring her stuff. Weird, but what could she do? P'haps the child has a very strict routine that they must stick to, otherwise they'll feel weird and uncomfortable. Who knows?
And then, she showed her the music room, and while she wasn't paying much attention to the woman who turned on the music on the radio rather loud, Y/N looked around, inspecting the musical instruments, especially the piano, and the music sheets neatly displayed - "Brahms's Lullaby" it was called.
"Oh, is the child a fan of Johannes Brahms?" Y/N asked with a soft smile on her face, as she gently traced her fingers over the keys. "Yes, he is. In fact, the child is called Brahms." the woman spoke a bit sharply, looking her up and down with eyes that almost seemed...Judging, for some reason. "What a lovely name. When will I meet little Brahmsy?" she asked, and as soon as she used that nickname, the woman's jaw got set, and Y/N could swear she was gritting her teeth in anger at her. "...Brahms. His name is Brahms. You will meet him right now. Come on." the woman went on ahead and opened a room, where a doll was sitting in a chair, neatly dressed like a gentleman, while next to him, crouching, an elderly man, who she could only assume was the woman's husband, the master of the house. "Oh, my dear Brahms...This is Y/N, she is here to be your new nanny. Miss L/N, this us Brahms, and he will decide whether he accepts you or not." ...a doll? She...Has to babysit...A doll? Well...The pay is good, and she's veeeery far away from her old home, so...No new beginning happens within your comfort zone, right? "Hello, Brahms, it's great meeting you. I hope we'll get along well." with a sweet smile on her face, Y/N crouched down if front of the chair and took the little hand of the doll, shaking it carefully. "...Fine enough. Now, could you give us some time alone? Brahms will decide now." with that look on her face, while the old man looked at her with pity, and...Relief, maybe? Y/N exited the room, only to see a man standing in front of her, wearing an amiable smile. "Oh, hello there, you must be the new nanny. I'm Malcom, the delivery boy. Well, delivery man. Nice to meet you." very charming... "Ah, yes, I've heard about you. My name is Y/N, nice meeting you as well." she replied politely, although she could sense the flirt he was failing to put forward. "If you want, some day, I can show you around the town. It's small, but kinda pretty." he continued in the same manner, and Y/N replied with simple answers, until finally, the woman opened the door widely, with an even wider smile. "Brahms has decided that you are suitable to be his new nanny, congratulations." how the human behaviour can change so drastically, doing a whole 180, in a split second. "Thank you so much for accepting me, Brahms! I'm sure we'll get along well!" Y/N clapped her hands together to her chest in a cheerful manner, as the elder man left as well, allowing his wife some more farewell words with the doll. "Here, I made you a simplified list of rules you must follow. You don't have to wake up at 7 in the morning every day like my wife told you, but you must make sure all of these are taken care of, alright, miss L/N?" the man asked, handing her the paper which she attentively read. "Yes, of course, I will do as instructed without fail. Thank you for having trust in me with your dear Brahms. Have a lovely trip and I hope you get a well-deserved rest!" Y/N wished them, and for a split second, she almost thought the man's eyes flashed with shock and sorrow. What was going on anyway...? This family is...Peculiar, to say the least. Well, no matter, she will be paid weekly, and with the pretty generous amount she earned while working as a doctor, she should be able to afford anything she'd want, so she won't get bored.
And so, the Heelshires left, and she was all alone with the doll - Y/N decided to make her new bedroom to her liking, as much as possible, with Brahms sitting on a nightstand, as she was humming whatever tune that went in her mind, and swaying carefreely.
"You know, Brahms? I wasn't expecting you to be a doll. But frankly, I think this is better. Children are annoying...But you? You're really nice. And you're not loud or obnoxious. I think we'll be great friends." speaking to a doll...I guess that's how far in my loneliness I've gotten. Tragic, really...She thought as she realised how much of a crazy person she'd look like, were someone to see her. "Since it's already evening, let's go make some really good dinner, and then we can play the piano a bit? Maybe even watch a movie together?" she picked up the doll and went to the kitchen, and looking in the fridge, then at the utensils available, she put together a nice dinner, and put it split in two plates, one for her, and one for the doll, and to keep away the boring silence that hung painfully throughout the house, she put on some LoFi music on her phone, and ate, feeling more peace now than she ever did. "Hmmm...I know your mum told me to put the food in the freezer...But it's better eaten while still warm. I don't think you'll like it if it's stone cold...So, I'll leave it here, on the table, and see how it is. If you don't like it, and you want me to put it in the fridge, just tell me, and I'll do as advised." ...Just tell me? JUST TELL ME? Girl, are you out of your mind?! As if a doll could speak...
After she washed her plate, fork and knife, she picked up the doll once again, and went to the music room, putting the doll on the piano, and cracking her fingers, she let them glide over the claviature, creating a beautiful melody echo through the room, and maybe Y/N didn't realise, but she had a glowing smile on her face, and she visibly relaxed and felt at ease, as if she was flying through the fluffy clouds.
"I haven't done this in so long, I'm surprise I'm not rustier. I hope you liked it too, Brahmsy. Now, let's go to be. Do you want to sleep in my room? Come on, I'm a bit anxious to sleep by myself in this huge, creepy house." she mused as she got to her room, carefully putting the doll on her pillow and after going to the bathroom to change in her cutesy Unicorn Pusheen nightgown, and turning on her laptop, she put on Harry Potter, one of her comfort movies, and cuddling with the doll, she gave it a little kiss before getting engulfed in the story once again, and falling asleep without realising.
Everything was peaceful in the house in the morning, until Y/N reached the kitchen to make some light breakfast, only to find a paper on the table, with beautiful cursive writing in ink on it.
"Warm is better, thank you :) "
Frankly speaking, it freaked her our enough to get a panic attack and barricade herself in her room for the whole day, her bedroom locked and too afraid to leave that place for the whole day.
After this, days on end, and then weeks passed by uneventfully, as Y/N took care of Brahms with no problem, Malcom came by to give her the groceries, the pay and anything that she'd order online, she'd chat with some old friends, would watch movies, would go out to plant flowers and tend to the garden, would dance around, happy to bask in the warm Summer sun, would read whatever books she likes, with the doll in her lap, and she realised that she never felt more relaxed and free in her life.
It was pretty cool not having to work for money, huh?
But one day, when she was out in the garden, barefoot and with a cute, flower dress on, her long, beautiful hair, accessorised with a colourful flower crown, and she was dancing to the music on her phone, she noticed a figure somewhere from the forest. It was unmoving, almost as if it was staring, and it startled Y/N. It startled and frightened her so much that she quickly picked up the doll and went inside the house, making sure all windows and doors are properly locked, and the drapes are closed, so nobody could get in.
That night, she kneeled on the bad, an upset frown on her face, as she felt her eyes watering slightly, looking down at the porcelain doll of the little boy.
"It's moments like this when I hoped you were human, Brahmsy. Not a child...But a man. I'm scared...I'm so scared...I don't like being alone. There was some creep outside in the forest, and it was staring at us. What do I do, Brahmsy? What am I supposed to do...?" as she felt a few tears streaming down her face, she sighed, hanging her head down, raking her fingers down her face in mild desperation. "...Who am I kidding, you're just a doll, you're not human. Why the hell do I even bother. I'm going to die here, sooner or later..." her voice was filled with dread and resignation as she got under the covers, clinging onto the doll as if her very life depended on it.
Since that very day, she continued seeing the silhouette of a tall man, standing there, menacingly stalking her every single day, from different places, until she heard the phone ring, and reluctantly, she answered.
"...Hello? Who is there...?" she muttered, gripping the phone anxiously, awaiting and answer. "You don't recognise the voice of the man that made you feel good every night?" her breath stopped completely hearing that awful voice she hoped never to hear again. Instead of answering, she slammed the phone down.
But it rang again.
And again.
And again.
Until it drove her mad and she disconnected it completely.
It wasn't like anyone would call her anyway, and if they wanted to contact her, then they could text her on her private phone, or on social media.
Why can't she just get some peace anywhere? She just wanted to get away from all hell she was put through at home...But now, it seemed like Hell was inclined to follow her to the ends of the world.
The stress and fright from this increased when she received multiple pictures of herself from either outside the house, or even inside, which is when she realised the stalked from outside was, in fact, the one who called her on the phone. It was her horrible ex.
And one horrible night, as she gripped on the doll to dear life, walking down the corridors of the huge manor, checking for the thousandth time that everything is locked tight, she heard a noise.
What was she supposed to do...? She couldn't run out of the house, everything was locked...And could she hide? Not really, she was sure he'd check all the rooms without fail.
So...What could she do except try to hide in her room?
She waited in her wardrobe, knowing very well that, if he were to get inside her bedroom, he would check every nook and cranny, but even so, she felt safer in a cramped, tight place, than outside in such an open room.
Mere seconds felt like outright centuries, she heard the door slam open, making her jump in fright, her hand to her mouth, so she'd muffle any sound she'd potentially make from her hyperventilating. She knew, it would be long before he checked the wardrobe, but gosh...The anticipation made her anxiety skyrocket.
Until it finally happened.
Y/N found herself being dragged from inside her safe place by the hair, thrown to the ground, but not once did she let go of the doll that became some sort of a comfort object for her.
"So that's where you were, Y/N! I missed you! It's been a while, hasn't it?" oh no, that overly sweet voice...It's nothing but poison. It was so bad that her bottom lip started quivering with fear as she tried to crawl away from there, but obviously, to no avail. "Wheeeere are you going, darling? Didn't you miss me? Come on, give me a hug!" he grinned, grabbing her and trapping her in his arms, and she couldn't help but tremble in disgust and fear as she felt his hands roaming in places it shouldn't. "Why aren't you talking to me? Why aren't you saying anything? Come on, let me hear you voice! ...DO SOMETHING, DAMN IT!" ah, his facade crumbled much faster than expected, and that aggressive scream in her face as he roughly pushed her in the wardrobe door made her whimper and wrap herself around the doll, trying not to let tears fall down her face and just...Praying for all this to be over...To be just a nightmare..."What the fuck is with that doll anyway? Why do you cling on it, and not on me? Give that here." but she didn't let go, and seeing how she was opposing him, he forcefully grabbed her face before slapping her before snatching away the doll from her arms. "Sheesh...It's so fucking ugly. No wonder you stay with this, it's the only thing that would stay with someone like you. So ugly, dumb, annoying...You should be grateful that I'm here! Nobody in this world wants you! You're worthless and you deserve nothing. Do you hear me? You ARE nothing! Better thank me nicely for coming all the way here for you! Nobody would bother doing ANYTHING for you!" he yelled at her, as she cradled her face, crying, but also fearing being seen crying, remembering how bad it would get. "Don't her Brahms...Please...Please don't hurt him..." she begged and pleaded over and over, but it only seemed to ignite more anger in his eyes. "You only beg me with that sweet voice of yours...To save your stupid...Thing? Really, Y/N? You're pathetic. You're stupid. You're disgusting. Fuck you and fuck your stupid doll!" and with that, the jerk started slamming the fragile porcelain doll on the wall, ignoring the desperate pleas from the girl. "NO! NOOOOOOOO! No....! Brahms, no...! What has he done to you..." Y/N crawled to the place where the doll's porcelain head was slammed apart, and she let tears fall over as, with shaky hands, she tried to piece together the overly-fragmented head, only to get pulled back by the hair and slammed on the ground, as he pushed himself upon her, his hands grabbing at her exposed flesh, her light nightgown offering close to no protection from the lecherous predator, and her weak, noodle arms, just like before, offered no resistance to his significantly stronger, bulkier built, and no matter how much she tried to fight back, she knew...She knew that struggling never helped, no matter how much she tried. It never did. And it only made it hurt more.
But then...Before she knew it, a loud noise, like that of an explosion, or destruction, came from somewhere in the room, startling the poor girl enough to make her scream in fright, while the predator jumped to his feet looking at the hole in the wall...
Only for a pair of hands to slowly creep out of the wall, tredging along the wooden walls, and then, a head wearing a porcelain mask creepily got out, followed by 2 legs and a body. It seemed to be a man, very tall - In fact, taller than her ex - , but while yes, his dramatic entrance startled the two, the man only got angrier, ready to fight the intruder, while the petite girl only got more frightened by the commotion, dragging herself in the safest corner of the room, shaking, guarding her head with both her arms, hoping again and again that this was all a nightmare, and it would end already - It was beginning to look so much more incredible, like a weird fantasy movie...This can't be real, right?!
"Y/N! Help me!" the voice of a child called out her name, almost strangled and desperate, and peeking at the brawl on the ground, she noticed her ex trying to strangle the stranger, whose head was leaning, his eyes fixated on hers.
He went out of the wall as soon as she got attacked...He was trying to protect her...Maybe? So...She got up, trying not to attract the attention of her ex, and taking ahold of the lamp on her nightstand, she brought it down hard against her ex's head, making him groan in pain...But he didn't fall. He didn't faint, like you see in movies. Instead, he got up, glaring at the meek girl and snatched away the lamp, throwing it away.
"You fucking bitch...Now you've done it." his voice was so dark that she was sure this was game over, so she bolted out of the room as fast as she could, but the labyrinthine house was impossible to navigate, and before she knew it, she found herself in a dead end, with no escape.
However, instead of seeing her ex with the wrath of a raging bull, she noticed the stranger slowly making his way towards her, his shoulder slouched, his dirty, once white, tank top now splattered with fresh blood, as is the rest of his outfit. But his hands were up, almost as if to say that he 'surrenders', as he stepped right in front of the trembling girl.
"Please don't kill me. Please don't hurt me. Please, please, please, I will leave you alone, I will go away, I will do want you want, please don't hurt me." even her voice was shaky, her arms crossed to protect her face, and her eyes closed in fear, so she didn't notice the curly haired man slowly crouching down in front of her, his head tilting slowly, before he gingerly grasped her wrists, pulling them away with such gentleness that she never knew. It was so weird for someone to be so careful with her body...With her...That she opened her eyes, doe-like, looking at the man's wide eyes that peered through his mask. "I am Brahms." but this time, his voice wasn't like that of a child, but not did it sound rough and hoarse, like her ex's. It was soft and delicate, masculine, but not too much. It was soothing. And what Brahms once saw to be the most frightened eyes, remembering how scared Bambi was when his mother died, yet now, they had more of a curious spark. "I won't hurt you. I promise. Don't leave." the once tense girl visibly relaxed under his touch, as he let go of her wrists and letting his knees touch the floor, he leaned forwards, between her legs, to get closer to her, and touched her face with both of his arms, wiping away her tears, surprised at how soft her skin was...Is it was a flower petal feels like? He remembers overly descriptive books where women are seen as different delicate things...A flower, a fawn, a butterfly, a nightingale, the Moon, and so many others...And he could finally understand why. "You are safe now." he continued, thinking it would make the girl smile, but instead, even more tears leaked down her face, and she threw her arms around his neck, bringing him closer to her, his body flushed to hers...And he stood there, stiff, shocked at the situation he was in.
What was he supposed to do now? Touch was so foreign to him...But he loved it so much! It was so warm, it made him happy! He wanted the girl to be closer and closer to him. He remembers what she did daily to his doll - What was it called...A cuddle? - Yes, he wanted that. He NEEDED that.
He hated that man touching her - He was hurting her - Only HE can touch her. He deserved to die. He deserved to fuck off. All he has to do is get rid of the body, and the rest can go on as it always has been - Except, instead of Y/N cuddling the doll, she will cuddle him every night, and she will kiss him.
"Thank you, Brahmsy. Thank you. Thank you so much." she continued thanking him over and over again, but he didn't answer. Instead, his hands slowly made their way on her waist, then went to the curvature of her hips, then to her thighs, and without any warning, he lifted her up, indirectly forcing her to glue herself to him even more - Not before hearing her cute squeal of surprise - And he carried her to one of the guest bedrooms, shivering a bit as he felt her warm breath on his bare neck - It excited him, but he didn't understand really what it was - But it was enough to make him bite his lip behind the mask and his grip on her thighs strengthened a bit, under the pretext of making sure she doesn't fall by mistake.
Luckily, he reached the bedroom and closing the door behind, he got in bed, holding her close as she stood in his lap, so close that he could feel her rapid heartbeat slowing down little by little. It was no misunderstanding, she was getting more and more comfortable around him. He was her protector, and he wasn't going to let anyone hurt her ever again. She was his. Nobody else's. Only his.
They stood like that for a while, just holding each other and calming down, before Brahms turned the both of them to the side, and he hugged her tightly to his chest, playing with her hair, not letting her go for the whole night. His embrace was warm, and Y/N felt so safe - As never before, not even in her parents' home. She felt...Good.
The next day, she woke up still in Brahms's arms. She wasn't sure if he woke up or not, but she leaned to plant a soft kiss on the forehead of the mask, as she raked her fingers through his dark, curly hair, but before she knew it, a pair of arms wrapped around her torso, hugging her close to his chest.
"Good morning, Brahms. Did you sleep well?" her sleepy voice was so cute...He wanted to wake like this every day...As an answer, he merely nodded. "I'm happy to hear that. Come on, we have to eat breakfast, then take a shower...And after that, we can do whatever we want. Sounds good?" she asked, getting up and holding his arms, urging him to follow her. "No shower!" ah, the childish voice again, I see... "Then...How about I shower with you? I have some cute rubber duckies, if you want." she tried to appeal to his inner child, which seemed to pique his interest. "...Only if you wash me." he muttered, making the girl chuckle. "Okay, sure, sure. Let's eat something first. I think there's some milk and cereal." she remembered how much she loved to eat that every morning before going to school, when she was little.
She prepared two bowls and they ate in silence, until Brahms muttered that he wants to hear the music she usually puts when eating - And grinning at him, she put on LoFi music once again, which seemed to make the boy happy too.
After that, they went to the bathroom, and while Brahms waited for the tub to get filled, Y/N went to get the clothes in the washing machine, while getting some fresh clothes for the both of them. Apparently, he actually had other clothes, he just didn't want to bother washing or changing...For who knows how long...
As Brahms got in the tub, only briefs on, playing with the duckies, Y/N kneeled by the tub, taking the flower-scented showed gel and the sponge.
"Get in the tub too." Brahms put his arms on the tub edge, leaning his chin on them, looking at her attentively. "We don't have much space in the tub." she explained, but he had none of it. Instead, he rose from underneath the water, picked her up with a weird ease, and got her in the tub, not before splashing her, so her nightgown was soaked so she couldn't protest anymore. "...Fine, you got me. Let me clean you, then." she shook her head with a sigh as she heard him chuckle, gripping her wrists and pulling her to sit on his lap. Did he really like it that much, she wondered. "Can I shave your chest and neck, Brahms?" she asked as she trailed her hands over his chest, shoulders and arms, scrubbing with a sponge, one hand always finding its way on either her hip or her leg. The answer came in the form of a nod, and she reached to the sink to get a shaving blade and very carefully, making sure not to irritate his skin, or cut him by mistake, she cut down the overgrown, stinky, unwashed hair. In the end, his skin was finally clean and soft and smelling like roses and vanilla. "Let me sit behind you, I have to wash your hair." he seemed pretty exited, feeling her legs on either side of him, his head leaning back so her fingers could work miracles - He felt in heaven - He was so spoiled, and he loved every second of it. The shampoo smelled really nicely too, he had to admit. But her fingers massaging his scalp...Ahhh, it was so perfect, he was almost sure he'd fall asleep. "Let me wash you too!" he said, and in a split second, he could feel the girl's body stiffen, her eyes going wide, and her face...It was beginning to turn pink...? Was she...Blushing? "Ah, uhm...Well...Y-You can wash my hair, if you want?" she was stuttering! So cute! So cute, in fact, that he pinched both her cheeks, and they felt like marshmallows. "H-Hey, stop, that hurts." she pouted as he teased her. He loved that. "Yay!" Brahms cheered as he got her back glued to his chest, his hand gingerly tracing her neck, making her lean her head back, just as he did...But why did he like the sight of his hand wrapped around her neck? He didn't want to hurt her...But the visual was getting him feel weird things.
He followed the same routine as she did to him - Massaging her scalp, putting shampoo, rinsing, then this...Conditioner? Oh, it smelled nicely...And this is called...Hair mask? Ah, this is coconut scented! And she is smiling! She has a kitty smile! She looks like a cute little kitty!
After the bath time was over, Y/N wrapped him in a bathrobe, and while he wasn't paying attention, she quickly took off her nightgown and put another bathrobe on tying it tightly, and guiding the man back to their room, so she could use a hair dryer to dry both their hair, before brushing it neatly, so they could dress up...And he insisted she dressed in that cute, flowy, flower-patterned dress
"There, all good. What do you want to do now, Brahmsy? Do you want to go in the garden and see the flowers?" she asked, a bright smile on her face, both her hands holding his, and he could see her eyes were basically glimmering, pleading him to go out with her...But he hated the outside...Hmmm...
He grumbled a bit, but ultimately, he let himself be dragged outside - He hissed a bit, as if he was a vampire getting burnt by the sun, but after a while...He didn't find it that bad...? And the flowers in the garden were so pretty...!
"Hey, Brahms, take off your shoes and socks. Feel the grass. It will make you feel so calm and peaceful...Here, how do you feel?" she asked, intertwining her fingers with his. "It's...It tickles." he muttered, looking down and wiggling his toes to get used to it. "Come sit down with me. Watching the clouds is really relaxing." she said, helping him sit down, then laying on their backs. Instead of staying apart, however, Brahms pulled her close to his chest, her head resting on his shoulder. "...But it's kinda boring..." he muttered, as he started kneading her arm up and down, massaging it from sheer boredom. "Look, Brahmsy, that cloud looks like a bunny, don't you think?" she put her finger up in the air, pointing to one of the clouds passing by. "Ah! You're right! And that one looks like a dragon! And that one looks like a butterfly! Look, Y/N, it's so pretty!" his boredom dissipated quickly and it got replaced by excitement instead - Very wholesome, the girl thought as she looked at the person next to her getting so happy over such simple things.
They stood outside until evening came, and they could watch the beautiful sunset, the sky painted with the most gorgeous shades there are. "Let's get inside, dear, it's getting cold. We don't want to get sick, right?" she smiled at him, only for him to hang his head down, and then he took off his cardigan and put it over her shoulders and pulled the girl between his legs, her back glued to his broad, warm chest and his embrace made her feel so warm and at ease. "Brahmsy...?" she asked softly, tilting her head up, before feeling his chin on top of her head, but she was met with silence. "The stars are pretty. You are pretty. Y/N is the prettiest, brightest star. Y/N is my star. I love my star." his soft voice was heard, almost whispery, and after a few more seconds, she felt the softest, sweetest kiss on her hair, then on her temple and on her cheek, before his chin found its place back on her head. "I love you, Brahms." she said, with teary eyes, intertwining her fingers to his, pulling his arms closer to her and squeezing his hands. "And I've never loved anyone more than I love you."
Needless to say, that comment made the man giddy and happy, for he, too, felt happiest now than he ever did before. When they felt tired, Brahms picked the girl up and got her back to their now shared room, dressed in their sleeping wear and cuddled, yet this time, Y/N was holding him, his head resting on her chest, as she played with his hair, soothing, and humming a lullaby to help him sleep.
It was Brahms's Lullaby.
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deceitfuldevil · 3 years
Cosmic Glitch
Baron Helmut Zemo X Reader
Summary: You always believed your soulmate was somewhere out there and that one day you'd see color, but the day you met him you refused to accept it. (soulmate AU! where you can't see color until you first look into your soulmates eyes)
Warnings: use of y/n, swearing I think?, poorly written, clearly from my drafts, headcannon turned imagine, fluff <3
Word Count: 2.2K
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You had always been close with Sam ever since you served in the Air Force together, you were always up for any mission or task he needed help with.
After everyone was blipped back you had lost your job, so when Sam called you up asking you to tag along on a mission and promised compensation you couldn't turn him down.
You met Sam and Bucky in the garage and when the infamous Helmut Zemo walked in you locked eyes with him, and a fit a color exploded before you.
Zemo had stopped mid sentence
“I really don’t think I’m—“
Your heart sank deep into your chest
“Oh no” you said barely above a whisper.
“I uh, I’m not useful to this operation” he finished, stumbling over his words. Which you'd learn later on was very uncharacteristic of him.
You just stared at him as he nodded at you, a quiet hello.
Your luck was just impeccable wasn’t it? Zemo? Helmet fucking Zemo? It had to be him? The man that tore apart the avengers and bombed the UN for Christ sake! He was a fucking criminal!
The plane ride to Madripoor was above all else, awkward.
You barely spoke, not even making eye contact with anyone unless directly spoken to.
“You alright Y/n?” Sam asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.
You only nodded a small yes, feeling your soulmates prying eyes burning holes into the sight of Sam’s hand on your shoulder.
“Y/n, such a pretty name. I love the way it rolls off the tongue. Y/n.” Zemo said, toying with the sound of your name on his lips. Flustering you, but angering Bucky.
“Cool it Zemo, she’s just a kid.” He warned. Causing Zemo to wave Bucky off with his hand as he took a sip of his warm champagne.
But Bucky was right, you were just a kid. Your soulmate, the Baron for Christ sake, had to be at least 20 some years older than you.
Why did fate set you up with a man that was an adult before you were even born? Didn’t he have a wife before the battle of Sokovia? Maybe this was some kind of cosmic glitch.
I mean, it had to be... right?
Of course you wouldn’t be able to shake the Baron so easily, especially not when you needed a secret cover to pose as in Madripoor
There was only one role for you to play being so new on the “superhero” scene that you were unknown and considering you didn’t look like a single high profile criminal out there.
The Barons fiancé. His schatzi.
Obviously, you couldn’t just show up to a bar in low town in your suit either, so Zemo being ostentatious man that he is came prepared in the worst way possible.
You closed the door to first class and zipped open the black dress bag that Zemo handed you, telling you it would fit well with the part you were due to play.
A very short velvety plum dress sat in front of your color bound eyes. Ridiculously tall heels to match.
It was never something you’d wear out, you’d never have the confidence to wear such a short and expensive dress out to a bar of all places. But the material felt so good and with the new blessing of colored sight almost made you satisfied with outfit presented.
But you walked out fully dressed and maintained your attitude.
“Who am I supposed to be? A high-end hooker?” You quipped, trying to pull the hem of the dress down as far as it would go.
“You, schatzi, will be playing the part of my fiancé.” Zemo said simply. Fixing the cufflink on his left arm.
You stood there awestruck at what he had just said to you. It was hard enough for you to try and ignore that he was your soulmate but now you had to play the part?
“Oh, and you’ll be needing this” he said, digging into his pocket and flicking a ring at you. You caught it, examining it and gasping softly. You had never seen a diamond so big.
You slipped it on your finger, it fit perfectly. Which, made you smile to yourself in a way you knew you shouldn’t have.
He’s a criminal, he’s a psychopath. He’s a criminal, he’s a psychopath. You continually repeated to yourself the whole ride to low town, allowing yourself to think for even a second that just because he was your soulmate meant that he was a good person was not in the books. You simply couldn’t do it.
But as you arrived in the deeper part of Madripoor Zemo informed everyone that they must play their role to a T, because their lives depended on it.
As the car stopped Zemo walked around the side and opened the door for you, grabbing your hand and leading you out. Pressing a gentle kiss to your hand as you stood upright.
You eyes trailed up to his as a blush became evident on your face, when you locked eyes, boom, another shockwave of color screamed into your eyes. You saw the detailing in his fur collar, the bright neon signage all around, the gold detailing in Bucky’s vibraium arm, all of it.
You wanted to see color forever, you hated knowing that if you went without seeing Zemo for too long, the color would fade out.
In ordeal at the bar came and went, the business with Selby is where things got interesting and simultaneously made you nervous.
For some reason it’s almost as if Zemo could sense this because he squeezed your hand tightly and you both sat down on the couch across from Selby.
After everyone else had either been introduced or acknowledged, all that was left was you.
“And who’s this pretty little thing you’ve got yourself here Zemo?” Selby asked, clearing prodding knowing he’d been married before.
“This...” he trailed off, grabbing your left hand to show off the ring “is my beautiful fiancé” he finished
“Oh, got yourself a little trophy wife after the other one kicked the can huh?" She added, staring down the large rock sitting on your finger.
“That’s very sweet of you to think, but this one here is my soulmate. The first woman to ever make me see in color.” Zemo said, his words so sweet honey might as well as been dripping off his tongue. His gaze turned to you, boom, another bright flash of color that made a shiver run down your spine.
“Oh how sweet, but I don’t believe it.” Selby said with a grin, Sam and Bucky tensed up slightly. Siding with Selby because they too didn’t believe Zemo when he referred to you as his soulmate.
“Test me.” You challenged, stupidly if I may add.
“Excuse me?” Selby asked, quirking an eyebrow up at you
“If you don’t believe we’re soulmates, test me. I can name any color you’d like.” You continued, a part of you always looking for a challenge, the other part also wanting to test yourself see if maybe this whole color thing was faulty or one-ended.
“Fine, we’ll start easy. What’s the color of that slutty dress you’ve got on?” She asked, angry that you challenged her
“Easy, the same color as my soulmates turtle neck. A deep purple, plum if you will.” You said carefully caressing the material of Zemo’s shirt
“You could’ve been told that before you arrived, what about my lipstick?” She pressed as she pursed her lips out
“A cheap magenta” you deadpanned, done with her games. She scoffed at you.
“And this couch?” She asked grinning, patting the cushion beside her.
“Trick question. It’s a old a dirty worn out pattern, it has no specific color” you said with a fake smile, Zemo’s hand snaking around your waist as he pulled you a little closer.
The room fell silent just long enough for things to feel awkward before Selby started laughing uncontrollably.
“Well Baron, the universe certainly has picked you a handful! Now what business did you want to do with me again?” And just like that, it was over and you were suddenly running from bounty hunters on the streets.
When Sharon rescued the four of you the ride up to her place in high town was painfully silent. Zemo kept a firm hand on your thigh. Bucky stared off into space ashamed of how easily he fell back into form, and Sam sat on his thoughts wondering if you and Zemo were really soulmates.
No one really spoke to each other, just different conversations with Sharon. After what went down at the Bar and then with Selby... a mood was set, things had changed.
When Zemo stood up and announced he wanted to go join the party and made his way towards the exit you told Bucky you’d keep on eye on him. Sam wanted to protest but at that point you both were already out the door.
You sat from afar watching Zemo on the floor of the club horribly attempting to dance along with the rest of the party-goers. When you laughed a little to yourself he looked up at you, boom, that beautiful shock of color again. It never got old.
But you quickly averted your eyes and disappeared from his gaze as you went to the bar for a drink. When the bartender slid your drink over suddenly Zemo was at your side announcing he’d pay for it.
Zemo started to snake his hand around your waist once more but this time you smacked his hand away
“We’re not playing house anymore, Baron.” You told him, using his formal title.
“But you see what I see, do you not?” He asked, tentatively reaching for your hand.
“See what?” You asked, avoiding his burning gaze. You knew damn well what he was taking about but refused to admit to even yourself. He was a horrible man, a criminal, a rich psychopath! It ached your heart that someone with such a shitty past was who you were meant to be with for the rest of your life.
“The beautiful colors. I see your bright eyes, your sleek hair, those sweet pink lips. Now color is all around me too, I can see the colors of the club. I see the blue radiating off that light, the red in this drink you ordered, the green that lady’s hair! You love opened my eyes, Y/n. With you, I can see.” Zemo pressed on, smiling as he looked in awe at all the colors around him. He placed his hand gently over yours. You flinched but didn’t move away from his touch
“But this has to be wrong. I can’t be the person for you. You had a wife and kids right? Didn’t they bring any color into your life?” You asked, feeling a warm heat rise to your cheeks from the small contact you two were now sharing
“I loved my wife and son sure, but they were always grey to me. Remember that I’m a Baron, when you’re royalty your marriage options aren’t as wide as the universe has set for you.” He pointed out, taking your hand and slowly rubbing your knuckles.
“Still surely this has to be some kind of universal glitch! I mean you’re what? 20 some years older than me? What about all the horrible shit you’ve done? You’re a criminal! I was made to be a hero! We don’t mix, let alone fall in love!” You babbled on
“Listen, y/n. I am not proud of my past, I was a grief stricken man who had just lost his wife and child along with his entire country. I was only doing what I believed to be right at the moment, is that not what you try to do as well?” He asked, trying to find similarities between the two of you. Some common ground.
“Zemo I—“ you started, turning to face him and looking into his hazel brown eyes again and feeling that boom of color that would never get old, but did make you lose your train of thought.
“Zemo I’m scared” you finished off, your planned statement turning into a confession. You didn’t take your eyes off his this time as he stared back down at you. Bring his free hand to your cheek he smiled softly.
“I’m scared too, schatzi. But the feeling you give me makes me feel like everything is going to be alright. Stay with me, ride this out and see where it goes. I promise I’ll make it worth your while. Designer clothes, expensive jewelry, sport cars, you name it and I’ll buy it for you. I’ll fly you any place you’ve ever wanted to go, show you every sight you’ll ever need to see.” He tools breathe, a single tear slipping down his face.
“Please, let’s give this a shot.” He ended. Nine years with losing your wife, child, country, and being imprisoned for a few years really changed a man; and made him that much more desperate for someone like you, his soulmate, to stay.
And stay you did. The first year was rocky wrapping things up with the super soldiers on the loose and clearing Zemo’s name in the eyes of the Power Broker and the UN. Based on his efforts to take down the last of the super soldiers and good words from Sam and Bucky his sentence was reduced to one year under house arrest, which made for a great way to get to know each other better.
The years after that were far beyond smooth sailing, they were dare you even say perfect. You traveled the world with Zemo, lived the most lavish life, saw the most amazing things.
All in color.
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spencersawkward · 4 years
i’m so happy ur on tumblr now!! i love between the lines so much, could you write a blurb or one shot about mgg and a younger co-star, but like very spicy if possible 🙃, idk i just love that scenario🥵.
i was literally about to write "omg i love this concept too!" and then i was like “well no fucking shit, sophi.” lol. YES i can 10/10 write you a one-shot with a similar scenario! also thank you for your kind words that was the first fic i ever wrote so it’s very near and dear to my heart!
summary: reader goes to a holiday party with her co-stars and best friend, Matthew... but all the fun happens in the dressing room.
content warnings: this one is quite dirty but i’m also proud of it lol. unprotected penetrative sex, oral (female receiving), degradation, use of the term “little girl,” creampie, age gap. dirty talk?
pairing: Fem!Reader/Matthew
word count: 4.7k
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"what do you mean, 'no’?” Matthew laughs, looking between me and the mirror.
"I look like the Ghost of Christmas Past." I lift up the soft white tulle of the dress, watching it float back down to settle over my skin. he's got his eyebrows raised and there's a smirk on his lips like he's holding back a laugh. I resist the urge to reach around and hit him.
"would you rather wear that?" he points to the punch-stained gown that's now laying pathetically over the back of the vanity chair. I genuinely ponder the idea for a moment.
"honestly, the crime scene vibes might work well with the theme of our show."
"seriously, it's not bad, Y/N!" he insists, drawing my attention back to the mirror.
"you're just saying that because you're the one who spilled on me and you don't want people making fun of how clumsy you are." I cross my arms over my chest. he gives me a dubious expression in our reflection on the wall.
"do I seem like I care about that?" he challenges.
"I--" the truth is that no, Matthew is not the type. Matthew is the kind of person to flounder in front of anyone and proceed to crack a joke about himself. he's humble. but I kind of like when we talk like this, our back and forth.
after a year of working together on the same show, he and I have grown incredibly close. I'm friends with all my co-stars, but he and I just have the natural friendship chemistry that makes me want to spend all my time with him. when we're not on set, we're hanging out on his couch or ordering dinner or driving out of town to check out wacky sites around California. we just have fun. pure, clean, honest fun.
of course, in my dreams it isn't pure or honest. frankly, there's a lot of sordid scandal to what goes on in my head when he accidentally touches my arm or brushes his fingers over mine. the amount of times I have gone to cast parties trying to work up the nerve to kiss him are embarrassing. he's older and more experienced and, obviously, he has no interest in me.
but that doesn't matter.
the only reason I'm standing in a dressing room alone with him is because he knew someone on the crew who could hook me up with a replacement for the night. he left while I slipped out of the old one and came back in only after knocking and checking, like, twice to make sure I was decent. he's so respectful that it's almost like he's afraid of making me think the wrong thing-- which makes me feel absolutely stupid for my almost schoolgirl crush.
"come on, you look great. let's go enjoy the party."
"was this a dress one of the victims was wearing?" I ask with a laugh.
"probably. not like we carry a lot of gowns on set." he grabs my hand, makes my heart leap into my throat. he only does it to urge me along, but it still feels intimate as I follow him out of the room, tossing one more evaluative glance at myself in the mirror. I seem terrified.
we continue to do our rounds at the party, Matthew filling my glass of eggnog even though I hate it. I wince and take a sip while we talk to some of our co-stars.
"what's wrong with you?" Shemar chuckles at my expression.
"lost a bet."
"with whom?" he glances between Matthew and me, knowing damn well already from the mischievous grin on the former's face.
"I told you not to take it." Matthew says over the rim of his glass.
"if you mention it one more time, I'm gonna throw up eggnog all over your outfit." I threaten him, but we're both smiling. Shemar frowns.
"what was the bet?"
"you know David-- the guy I was telling you about?" I reply quickly, determined to give my side of the story. Shemar nods; I told him last week when David oh-so-chivalrously danced up on me at a club and asked me out. usually in those situations, guys just want a one-night stand, so I was impressed and agreed. "anyway, Matthew said if it turned out that he was a weirdo, he would get to pick my drinks for the next week whenever we go out."
"your drinks? that's specific."
"she's so picky!" Matthew teases me.
"leave me alone, you dick!" I elbow him and he dodges just in time.
"tell him why he was a weirdo." he grins. the glare I give could kill. but Shemar is waiting expectantly for me to share the information, so I sigh and set my jaw before telling the truth.
"he collects antique dental tools."
"what?" Shemar laughs disbelievingly. I throw my hands up.
"I don't fucking know. we went back to his apartment and he showed me his whole collection."
"you're attracted to weird people, Y/N." Matthew says. I raise my eyebrows and almost say something that dooms me. I hold my tongue, however, and turn back to Shemar with a reserved smile.
"anyway, how are you?"
the cast holiday party is actually pretty fun. I tend to leave these functions early in favor of my couch and some ice cream, but something about the bright colors and the smell of wintergreen in the air makes me want to linger in the studio.
I stuff myself with sugar cookies and Matthew mercifully lets me switch from eggnog to Sprite. normally, I'd drink at such an occasion, but I'm a messy drunk and this is one of my first real jobs as an actress. I don't want to even come close to jeopardizing that by breaking some expensive equipment or something.
my throat gets a little sore from all the talking I do-- Paget and I spend about half an hour horribly belting out Christmas carols at the baby grand piano they brought in. they originally had someone hired to play it, but the guy disappeared about an hour ago.
by the time it hits around ten pm, my limbs are tired. I thought people would be leaving (a lot of them have families), but the party is still very much raging when I start to wind down. maybe it's because I'm sober.
"hey." Matthew sidles up next to me as I sit at the piano bench with a slice of lime in my mouth. I like to suck the juice out of them; sour things are my favorite.
"hi." I pluck the fruit out and drop it back into my soda. he sits next to me, his cologne filling my senses with the kind of sensual warmth that it shouldn't be making me feel. he always smells so good.
"ladylike." he gestures to the movement.
"is that why you call me 'princess?'" I smirk, half-joking.
"once-- I called you that once!" he defends. it's not a lie. he used the nickname when he was mocking me for my somewhat selective food preferences. it was sarcastic, but I wish it wasn't. something about the way he said it in the moment made me blush.
"is there a reason you've come to grate my nerves?" I raise an eyebrow and he turns away from me as he bites back a smile. I pout. "what?"
"you're talking like a Jane Austen novel."
"what's wrong with Jane Austen?" I defend, skin heating up. his proximity is doing things to me that it shouldn't.
"nothing," he glances at me before moving his gaze to the ivory keys. "do you play?"
"elementary level, sure." I giggle. he runs his fingers over them, never pressing down hard enough to release a sound. I'm entranced by the delicate nature of his actions, the veins and the curve of his fingertips, the sheer width of his hand. I think about it too much for it to be healthy.
"show me." it's a direct order, one that doesn't feel directive but still ends with me placing both hands on the piano and wracking my brain for something to play. I decide on a piece that Paget and I were doing earlier, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."
I've never been quite good at piano, and the nearness of his body is like an anvil on my fingers, but I play anyway. and it feels good. his eyes are on me, drawn to my tracings over the instrument as they press and lift and glide.
"sing." I tell him.
"no!" he protests. I don't stop playing, only now getting into the thick of the tune.
"oh, come on. just the chorus..." I plead, turning my head to beg. "please?"
I bat my lashes playfully, fully intending it as a joke, but Matthew softens a bit. for a fraction of a second, I think he looks at my mouth. he turns his head back to the piano and lets out a quiet "here we are as in olden days... happy golden days of yore..."
"there you go!" I egg him on, and he starts to get more into it. his voice is absolutely off-key; he's no singer, and somehow that makes him even more endearing to me.
Matthew has always been this flawless, intimidating figure in my mind. even when we first met, I was certain that he was hiding something because everything else about him is so... perfect. he's funny, sweet, genuinely kind, handsomer than hell. it didn't make sense. but knowing that he can't carry a tune makes me feel a bit better. it humanizes his beauty.
while he sings, I can't help looking at him. his side profile is even more enchanting; the curve of his features meeting a smooth elegance in his jaw and cheek, especially when his mouth is open. he catches me smiling at him and returns it with his own gleeful face, now totally fine with singing like a fool in front of everyone. nobody is even really looking at us-- they're several drinks in and lost in their own universe of drunken laughter.
there's something kind of magical about that, I think. we're sober. when the song draws to a close, I lift my fingers off the keys and into my lap.
"you're quite the Pavarotti." I joke.
"the who?" he furrows his brow with a smile.
"he's a famous opera singer."
"oh," he laughs, "thanks, Mozart."
I twist my face up as I hide my smile. this is also part of the reason I could never tell Matthew how I feel; we just fit together too well. he almost always gets my references and I understand his, even though there's an age gap between us. he's an old soul with a youthful heart.
"how's your night going?" I ask him softly, changing the subject. he sets his hands on his lap, absent-mindedly toying with his fingers. it's not a nervous tendency at all. he does it whenever we're on set.
"as of right now? pretty damn good." he replies with a smile. I get warm again at the implication. he doesn't mean it like that, but god, do I wish he did.
"very smooth." I compliment appreciatively.
"how about you?"
"it was kind of boring, but then this rando sat next to me and started singing Christmas songs and it got a little better." I say flatly, grabbing my glass off the top of the piano and running my fingertip over the rim. he drops his head in a giggle.
"you're something else."
"insult?" I clarify.
"definitely a compliment."
"I like compliments."
"well, I wasn't lying before. you look really beautiful in that dress."
"the murder dress?" I glance down at it to hide the absolute wideness of my eyes at his words. he's completely flustering me and I'm starting to find it hard to breathe. he said I look beautiful. not "pretty," not "great"-- beautiful.
"yes, the murder dress." he gets a little pink in his cheeks, and that makes me want to explode on the spot.
"well, say goodbye to it because I'm gonna go change back into my plebeian clothes," I stand from the piano bench. "it's past my bedtime."
Matthew looks up at me with an unreadable expression and I feel my heart flutter in my chest. I hate leaving him. "do you wanna come with me? like-- walk with me?"
"sure." he nods, stands, and follows behind. I can feel his presence like a delightful reminder of the emotions surging in my stomach. we wind through the crowd of party-goers until we end up back in the dressing room, away from the party. it's quiet.
Matthew walks in with me, carrying our drinks in his hand, and he's about to stroll back out so I can change when I touch his arm. the door shuts automatically behind him.
"wait," I swallow quickly. "can you unzip me?"
"oh." Matthew looks at me, then at the glasses in his arms, then at the vanity. he sets them down and comes back quickly, his frame behind me while his fingertips locate the little piece at the top of my gown. my breath hitches in my throat when he brushes over my spine by accident, one nail dragging accidentally against my skin as the fabric slowly gives way. I don't know if he hears it-- it's nearly imperceptible-- but he definitely hesitates once he reaches the place where my back starts to curve into my ass. he pauses, doesn't breathe until he reaches the end of the zipper.
"there you go." he mutters. his voice is a little more hoarse than usual, and he clears his throat as he steps away. I know he's going to back out. he's going to back out of the room and wait for me to slip into nothing and I know, somehow, that he's going to be thinking about how I look in here with my clothes off. he's going to wish he stayed.
and I'm going to wish he'd done more than stayed.
before I can lose my nerve and allow the moment to be swallowed up by practicality, I shrug the straps of the dress down my shoulders and let gravity take over. it drops to the floor, leaving me in only my bra and panties. I can sense him behind me; he's silent for a moment.
"Matthew." I say, the name sitting on my tongue like a sugar cube. perfectly formed, slowly dissolving.
"y-yeah?" he stutters for the first time since I've met him.
"are you looking at my ass right now?" I ask, still turned around. the way he's frozen in place tells me that I'm right.
"yeah." he admits.
"you can touch it, if you want." I murmur softly. part of me doesn't think this is real, the way each sentence leaves my throat like it's been pre-planned. truly, I don't understand how my brain is moving so quickly.
"are you... sure?" he's hesitant, but even I can taste the longing.
his hand smooths over my butt, softly at first like he's still not believing his own eyes, before moving back to grab it. he squeezes the flesh, and a low exhale from him tells me that he's excited.
"do you want more?" my voice barely carries. my head is almost foggy from how good it is to have his grip on my body, even in such a simple way. I can feel myself getting wet.
"how much more?" his lips brush over my shoulder and I get goosebumps. my mouth opens and closes for a moment, searching for the right words.
"however much you want."
it's flint and steel, the way he sparks. the air literally leaves my lungs when Matthew grabs my hips and spins me around to face him. my lips part as I peer up at him, at the lust that now darkens those hazel eyes and the way he holds mine. his touch is certain. he pulls our bodies together, tilts my chin up to kiss me.
it's passionate, strong, the kind of kiss that causes me to lean back a bit just to receive the full force of his desire. but I return the affection easily, moaning into his mouth. I've never been held the way that Matthew holds me. like I'm made of sugar glass, like he wants desperately to feel the soft give of my skin and make a home of me.
the heat between our bodies is almost overwhelming, and I sigh when he subtly pushes our hips together. his erection is against my stomach.
"fuck." I mutter when I pull away for air. Matthew doesn't stop his perfect movements, though, tugging my earlobe between his teeth and starting to leave love bites up my skin and over my shoulder. he chuckles against my throat. I shiver.
"you alright, little girl?" he asks.
"just--" I let out a moan at the sensation of his fingers exploring my bare waist. he reaches behind me to unclasp my bra. "just surprised."
"about?" he slides the straps down my shoulders and looks me in the eye. the lack of physical contact makes me whine.
"that you want me."
"how is that surprising?" he smiles, using one index finger to guide me to look at him.
"you don't seem like it."
Matthew raises his eyebrows as if I'm a crazy person. truly dumbstruck. "what?"
"you-- well, I don't know." I frown, but Matthew takes my hand and moves it over his torso until my palm is resting over the considerable bulge in his pants.
"is this enough proof?"
I struggle for words, sputtering. "yeah-- yeah, it is."
he bucks into my hand a little and I bite my lip, eyes moving up to meet his. something passes between us that I don't fully understand, but feel in my bones. I have never, in my life, wanted someone to fuck me as much as I want Matthew to fuck me right now. my jaw clenches.
"I need you." I tell him like this is the most relevant piece of information that will ever pass between us. he smirks.
"then lean against the wall and let me give you what you deserve." he orders. for a second, I try to think through what he means. then I look behind me at the open space and back up, him following me closely. his hands move up to cup my breasts, kneading and tweaking my nipples as he kisses my lips. the coolness against my back causes me to gasp, and he swallows the sound with his tongue before moving down my body.
he's torturously slow, taking one of my nipples into his mouth while he shrugs off his suit jacket. he switches to my other peak, one hand splayed over my stomach, and then proceeds southward with his lips. his kisses are delicate, open-mouthed, as they find their way to the waistband of my panties.
he hooks his fingers in them and looks up at me.
"can I eat you out, baby?" he asks. I bite my lip.
"please." like a beg.
"oh, you're polite tonight." he smirks, tugging the garment down my legs and discarding it somewhere in the room. I don't respond, and he doesn't seem to need me to, because he pushes one leg up for better access to my pussy. "let's see if it lasts."
my back curves off of the wall involuntarily when he holds the flat of his tongue against my clit suddenly, trying to roll my hips against his face. my fingers tangle in his hair, one leg resting over his shoulder.
he starts to flick at my clit. I lose grasp of my own language.
"Matthew, that feels so good, I--"
he attaches himself to my bundle of nerves, seemingly turned on by the sounds I'm making for him. he groans as he laps at the wetness between my legs, dipping into my folds and sucking the soul out of me. I whine and use his curls as leverage to gain more friction. he peers up at me.
"needy little girl." he mumbles against my pussy. I shove him back into me.
"make me cum, then." I beg. I can practically feel the devilish smirk on his face as he devours me like he'll never get enough. every twist and lick of his tongue is sending me to new places. I'm panting, chest heaving, while I grab my own tits and buck into his mouth.
he moans. my orgasm hits me like a wave, causing me to nearly thrash with pleasure as I cry out.
"Matthew, keep going, fuck yes!" I feel tears prick the back of my eyes, the culmination almost too much to bear as we hold contact. he stares into my fucking soul as he eats me out, and I want to stay like this forever. it's hard to support myself with my legs going weak, but I love it. the sensations are otherworldly. it's only when I'm about to collapse that I push his face away from me.
"I love your pussy." he tells me, licking his lips as he sets my legs down. I grin and let my head fall back against the wall.
"come here, princess." he takes hold of my hips and guides me over to the mirror, turning me so that he's standing behind my frame. the pet name causes me to smile.
"what?" I reference our reflection. he stares at me, reaching around to squeeze my tits.
"I wanna fuck you in the mirror." such a vulgar thing, said so beautifully. he kisses my cheek. "if that's okay with you."
"I don't care what position we do as long as you're fucking me." I breathe honestly. he chuckles and draws me towards him so his clothed boner is against my ass. I reach behind and work the button on his pants. he undoes the ones on his shirt. we're silent, him watching my naked body move like he's trying to memorize every detail.
when he's finally stripped, he lets me stroke his cock for a couple moments before pushing my upper back forward so I'm holding onto the sides of the mirror. I see him biting his lip as he lines himself up at my entrance.
"you ready?" he checks. I nod and he smiles at me once. pushing in, the smile melts into a jaw-dropped haze, eyes rolling into the back of his head. "Y/N..."
"it's so big." I try to breathe. he's so deep, I grip the mirror until my knuckles turn white. he's going to snap my body in two with the angle of his cock, filling me easily.
"tight little thing." he grunts as he holds himself inside. I can only watch in shock as I try to adjust to the sheer feeling of him. Matthew runs his hands over my sides, my ass, touching whatever he can. "how's that?"
I start to wiggle my hips and he groans at the feeling of my walls desperately swallowing him up. "Matthew, I need it."
"need what?" he thrusts into me and I have to fight a scream.
"need you."
"fuck... yes." he hisses out, sliding into me. "you're so wet I don't even need to try."
I bite my lip to withhold my sounds and he stares me in the eyes in the mirror as he starts to fuck me harder, building a pace with his hips. he growls a little if he hits certain angles, getting ruthless.
"so many times when I wanted to be inside you, princess..." he trails off. I start to play with my clit with one hand, using the other to stabilize myself with the mirror. the idea turns me on.
"whenever you have attitude," he pants. "tonight, in that innocent fucking dress. making me wanna pound you like a little slut."
I make a high-pitched sound at the shudder of pleasure that jolts through my stomach at his words, wanting more. I've never heard him talk this way before.
"Matthew, shit--" I rub myself in circles, caught between watching his face and watching the way his hips slam into mine.
"you're begging to be fucked, you know that?"
"am I?" I smile sweetly in the mirror. we're in our own world, locked in a fantasy that I never want to leave. I can feel him in every corner of my body, sinking beneath my skin. he digs his nails into my ass.
"mhmm." he hums. I can feel the familiar weight in my stomach that indicates how close I'm getting. a knot that screams to be undone by his perfect length. I would do anything for more of this. I can taste everything good in the world on my tongue.
"I'm so close." I whine.
"I can tell," he studies my face in the mirror. "so pretty when you're breaking."
"oh--" I feel my thighs tense and my body pulses, the euphoria almost overwhelming. we move steadily, rhythmically, and he pushes my climax to new levels. "faster." I cry.
Matthew is quick to respond, gripping me closer while he plows into me like he's never going to have my body again. the sound of it is filthy, perfect, a mess. he groans at the sensation of my cunt pulsating around his cock.
"cum for me, princess." he moans, losing himself in the embrace of my core. the foggy stare in his eyes is like drowning in the ocean. I sink below, not caring at all about the consequences of him inside me. fuck working together; I need him. "where should I cum?"
"in me." I groan.
"beg." he commands easily, watching my face contort in pleasure. I could pretend to fight it, to give a little attitude, but I don't want to. I love begging for him.
"fill me up, Matthew. please." each word punctuated by the breathlessness of my voice. he gets even more ferocious with me, beating up my pussy until I'm sure he's going to leave me sore.
"right there, right there," he gasps, hitting the same spot that makes me go cross-eyed. "such a good little slut."
his cum shoots into me, deep and warm and erotically twisted, and I nearly collapse. it feels weird, but so good at the same time. full. he groans out my name and withdraws, quick to grab my shoulders and hold me up as I almost fall. I hadn't realized that most of my body weight was supported purely by his thrusts.
"whoa." he lets out a tired laugh, gentle in his touch. I'm heaving air into my lungs.
"sorry." I apologize, my body unstable.
"are you okay?" he seems genuinely concerned and I nod.
"yeah, I'm fine. just a little overwhelmed."
"here," he scoops me into his arms and brings me over to the old love seat in the dressing room, laying his jacket down before putting me on top of it. "can I get you something?"
"Sprite." I gesture to the glass on the vanity, and he smiles as he goes to get it. I gulp down whatever remains of it. "thanks."
"of course." he keeps glancing at my face and the red marks on my hips where he was clutching me like a lifeline. "I'm sorry."
"what?" I set the cup down. "don't ever be sorry for fucking me like that."
"no, I meant--" he laughs, but then he sees my playful expression and realizes that I'm genuinely alright. I think my legs were asleep.
"you're a saint." I tell him. he frowns and shakes his head bashfully. I'm already getting up and collecting my clothes. "or maybe what we just did prevents you from reaching sainthood. I don't know."
he places his hand on my lower back, kisses my forehead tenderly.
"seriously. you're okay?"
"I'm perfectly fine," I assure him. "but I would be better with a milkshake."
Matthew breaks into a slow grin, staring at me like I've done something miraculous.
"how are you so perfect?"
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
Once In A Lifetime
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Summary: While at a brewery the day before her sister’s wedding, the reader runs into her once in a lifetime fling, Dean, for the third time. It’s been fours years since they’ve seen each other and eight since they met but the timing’s never seemed to work out between them until maybe now...
Pairing: Wedding Date!Dean x reader
Square: Wedding Date!AU
Word Count: 2,100ish
Warnings: language, fluff
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​​ Tell Me A Story Bingo. Enjoy!
“Y/N fucking Y/L/N,” you heard as you were mid chew of eating your piece of pizza. You spun around and swallowed, a big grin crossing your face. 
“Dean!” you said. You ditched your table with your family and ran over to him, Dean giving you a big hug and swinging you around. “You look great!”
“You got even better looking, sweetheart,” he grinned as he set you down. You bit your bottom lip and he blushed a bit. “You look good, Y/N. Never expected to see you again, especially Kansas City of all places.”
“I’m in town for a family wedding. I thought you lived in LA?” you said.
“Used to. I own this place,” he said. “How long’s it been?”
“Four years. Another four before that,” you said. 
“So much for once in a lifetime,” he smirked. 
“Still a boy in there, aren’t you, Dean.”
“A bit,” he smiled. “Older too.”
“Same. We were just kids back then.”
“We’re still kids. We just got most of our shit together now,” he said. 
“Oh yes. Still single and still working a job I hate. I so got my shit together,” you said.
“I wear makeup for a living so you’re doing better than me,” he said. “Also still single.”
“I thought you dated some actress or something a while back.”
“Didn’t work out. Put my head down, been working a lot lately,” he said. “Am I about to meet your fangirl sister you told me about?”
“Oh God,” you said as you caught Georgia wandering over from your table with Scott. “I am so-”
“Hi!” she said and you groaned. “Do you know my little sister?”
“Y/N and I go way back,” said Dean. Georgia slapped your arm and you whined. 
“You’re friends with him and you didn’t tell me!” she said.
“Oh well we haven’t seen each other in years,” said Dean. Georgia looked at you and you shook your head, her own nodding.
“He’s Italy Dean, isn’t he. Dean Winchester is freaking Italy Dean!” she said and Scott covered her mouth, shaking his head.
“Gia, let’s leave your sister to catch up with her friend in peace, hm?” he said.
“This is why I love you Scott,” you said as he dragged her away.
“I like her,” chuckled Dean. “How long you in town for?”
“A few days. Rehearsal dinner is tonight, wedding tomorrow, head home the next day.”
“Not much free time then,” he said.
“Yeah I-” you said before Georgia screamed. You turned around, your sister stomping around and shouting into a phone. 
“It’s tomorrow! They wait until the last minute to call and cancel the venue!” she said. Scott seemed miffed which was probably as angry as he ever got and your mom was already over trying to calm them both down.
“You can use the brewery,” said Dean quietly. He shrugged as you stared up at him. “We’ve been toying with reserving for private parties over on the far side of the property. Strand lights, farmhouse style wedding, yada yada.”
“Can it look like this?” you asked as you pulled out your phone. You showed him a picture of the venue and the style Georgia had wanted to go for. “I can call all the vendors. All we need here is tables, clean up, you get the drill.”
“What time is the wedding?” he asked.
“1. Reception starts at 4, was supposed to go to about midnight or so.”
“You’re the maid of honor I presume.”
“Can we make this work? I know she sounds insane but she’s actually really sweet most of the time.”
“I’m gonna need help setting this up. Might be an all nighter.”
“I like coffee,” you said. He nodded and you turned around. “Gia! Calm down! I got a solution for ya.”
“Hi,” said Dean as you pulled into the employee parking lot at around ten that night. “How’d the dinner go?”
“Fine. Gia’s stressed out so Scott and I got her drunk. I told her I had it handled,” you said. “I have dunkin and my sneakers and put me to work.”
“The guys are nearly done with the lights. I need you to help me with tables and stuff, where you want everything,” said Dean. 
“Alright,” you said. “Do you have a notebook I can borrow?”
“Pad of paper work?” he asked as you followed him into the back of the brewery. You hummed and he handed it over along with a pen. You cut through a side door and found yourself outside, staring at a whole bunch of lights in trees and along a privacy fence.
“Oh she’s gonna love this,” you said as you walked out there. You started to jot down where trees were and drew some tables on the paper, rearranging them a few times before you held it up to Dean. “Can you put the tables like this?”
“Definitely can do. I’ll handle the forklift, you tell me where you want the picnic tables,” he said.
Forty minutes later the tables were out back and you’d laid out some rubber mats to act as a dance floor with one of Dean’s employees. 
“So DJ is there…” you said to yourself as Dean whistled for you to come over to where he and a few guys were laying out the impromptu bar top. “What’s up?”
“We were just wondering how fancy is your sister? Like is it that fairytale farmhouse thing or she like it more rustic?”
“She’s the former. My future brother in law is the later. He’s the one from here,” you said. “I was just thinking we’d throw a table cloth over the top of whatever we use for a bar.”
“We still got that piece we didn’t use in the second room?” said a man.
“The too dark of stain one? Yeah, it’s in storage. I bet that’d work great,” said a different guy. They took off and you took a deep breath as you looked around.
“It’s getting there,” said Dean. “If you want to head back to your hotel I think we can handle the rest.”
“It’s not that late,” you said. “I can do the tables while you guys figure out the bar situation if that’s cool.”
“Alright. Let me know if you want any help, sweetheart,” he said. You crossed your arms and he mimicked you, tilting his head down. 
“Thank you for all of this. Georgia will love it.”
“I’m not doing it for Georgia,” he said with a soft smile. You bit your lip and turned your head, feeling Dean step closer. “If I asked you to stay a few more days, would you?”
“Would you?”
“Then stay. Let’s try this for real.”
“I thought you weren’t a commitment kind of guy. That’s what you said.”
“You said there were no strings attached and yet here we are eight years later and I am as smitten as the first time I saw you.” You looked up at him, Dean reminding you of just how easy it was to fall in love with him. 
And how hard it was to fall out of it after the two you went your separate ways. Twice.
“Dean it’s never worked before.”
“We never tried. Italy was the two of us having fun and falling way too hard and fast and it scared the shit out of us both. And your car...that couldn’t have been coincidence. We spent the night in that motel room being goofy and reconnecting and then you got so hard when we said goodbye.”
“It’s kinda hard to get over you.”
“Don’t get over me this time,” he said. “I never did with you.”
“I can’t be with a celebrity and do that stuff.”
“Oh yes, I live a very glamorous life,” he said as he looked around. “Should I get out the forklift again?”
“Dean you know what I mean. You were coming up eight years ago. Four you had fans. Now you got even more. I live in a one bedroom apartment and work on sales reports from my kitchen table.”
“If you work from home then staying down here a few more days shouldn’t be a problem,” he said.
“Dean you’re gonna break my fucking heart again and I don’t want to put it back together. Can we just leave it at friends?” 
“Okay.” He unfolded his arms and cupped your face with both hands, pulling you into a deep kiss. You grabbed onto his shirt and slid your hand up to his face, Dean slow to break it off. “I don’t want to wait another four years.”
“I’ll stay a few days and if I’m not convinced there’s something…” you said as Dean chuckled. “Oh shut up you hopeless romantic.”
You brought your lips to his, moving slowly, Dean’s hands wrapping around to your hip, the nape of your neck, kissing you as gently as he did the first time he had.
“Uh, boss,” said a voice. You stepped away from each other and he grunted. “We got some barrels we could use to rest the top on.”
“Yeah,” said Dean. “Sounds good. Right?”
“Very good,” you said with a nod. “Dean, you uh, mind helping me with the tables?”
“Not at all, sweetheart.”
The Next Evening
“Hey,” you said as you found Dean in a suit, no tie, top collar undone and helping serve some beer from the taproom.
“Hey. You want a glass?” he asked.
“Sure,” you said. He poured two and excused himself, heading back with you over towards the reception. “I really can’t thank you enough. My sister loves it even more than the original place.”
“It’s no problem. I’m glad I could help out,” he said. You stopped just outside the reception, Dean smiling as he sipped from his glass. 
“Would you dance with me?”
“Sure,” he said. He set his glass down and took yours, placing it with his own before he grabbed your hips and started to sway slowly. 
“I meant at the wedding,” you laughed.
“But we’re already dancing,” he smiled. He spun you around and hummed quietly. “You look gorgeous tonight.”
“Thank you. You clean up well, Winchester.”
“This old thing?” he chuckled. “It’s my lucky suit.”
“You wore it that night. I thought you were gonna blow me off.”
“Went out and bought it after that afternoon. You wore that pretty white summer dress with the ruffles.”
“Couldn’t exactly wear a white dress tonight,” you said.
“I’m sure you’ll wear one someday,” he said. “You got plans after the party?”
“Might see this guy if he’s available. Not sure yet.”
“Oh he is. He knows a late night diner not too far with big greasy burgers if she’s interested. Plus he’s got a cool car.”
“Let’s go,” you said as you brushed your lips over his.
“Is the wedding over?”
“It’s dying down. I don’t want to wait any longer.”
“Let’s go.” He held out his arm and you stuck yours through it, Dean escorting you out to his car. You felt cooler out in the open air and he shrugged off his suit jacket, slipping it over your shoulders. You stuck your arms through and he opened the door for you, smiling to himself. “Ladies first.”
“Dean?” you said before you sat down. You pecked a kiss to his lips and he inhaled sharply. “Maybe I can stay longer than a few days?”
“You could just stay forever,” he said.
“Maybe I will,” you said. He cupped your cheek and grinned, kissing you slowly. “Don’t go away again.”
“Never, sweetheart. Let’s see if we can get a start on forever finally.”
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damn-stark · 4 years
La vie en rose pt.1
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Pietro Maximoff x reader
Requested by anon “I think this is a good idea. So Pietro didn’t die in Age Of Ultron but dies in endgame so afterwards reader has same powers as wanda btw makes her own reality sorta like wandavision and they live in the town together and it’s basically just wandavision plot and jimmy woo and darcy are trying to get in meanwhile. I really hope this isn’t to long for you! Maybe you could do 2 parts if you’d like that? I just had this idea for a while thanks! 🤍”
Warning- ANGST, fluff, slight swearing, mentions of death and complete heartbreak
Was it possible to feel your heartbreak, to hear the pain and agony in your ears?
One moment there was hope—hope that everything was going to be fine, that all your dreams and plans that you had made with the Pietro; the man you loved, the love of your life, was going to come true. But now there was nothing but despair as you saw his life hang by a thin line, tangled in the hand of Thanos.
“Let him go!” You growl, lifting your hands and seeing yellow hues emit from your palms as you don’t hesitate to use your powers. You dig your heels into the dirt ground and bend your wrist back to build up an energy ball and then throw it at Thanos gauntlet in a powerful stream. “Let him go!” You repeat.
Thanos gaze snaps to his gauntlet as he notices the powerful yellow hues hitting the stones, before tilting his head to look at you in stunned disbelief as he sees your eyes beginning to glow yellow as you use your other hand to shoot out more power at the stones without as much as breaking a sweat.
“I said let him go!” You bellow as you feel yourself add more strength to your attempts, seeing the yellow hues get brighter and stronger. You drift your gaze to Pietro and offer him an assuring hopeful look that he mirrors as Thanos grip around his throat falters and finally let’s him go.
Pietro at the opportunity gasps for air but doesn’t take his time to get completely better, instead he runs to you and attempts to rush you out of there, but you decline his attempts. “No, I can destroy the stones, help your sister.”
Pietro shakes his head and grabs your wrists, “I’m not leaving without you and I’m not letting this monster kill you.”
A small smile spreads on your lips and just as you’re going to respond, you feel yourself slide back as Thanos begins to use the stones against you, adding a powerful force field that blocks your actions. You snap your attention back to him and push back stronger, feeling your eyebrows pinch together and your face twist into a focused and irritated expression. It was beginning to get harder, but you pushed through and broke the force field, once again hitting the stones. Albeit Thanos didn’t like the idea and matched your attempts, aiming for your body to weaken you instead.
Pietro noticed and sped his way to stop him, in that moment in a blink of an eye missing Thanos use a stone to stop him, once again grabbing him by his throat, but this time instead effortlessly snapping his neck and looking at you with an evil smirk, knowing that what he did would stop your attempts instantly.
And it did, you stopped using your powers and ran towards Pietro's lifeless body as Thanos drops him and finds his chance to leave.
“Pietro!” You cry, dropping beside him and cradling his body, seeing his blue eyes unmoving. “Pietro?” You whimper, feeling hot tears stream down your face and an inkling of hope in your heart. But it was faint and just made up of denial.
“Pietro! Please!” You cry, brushing his hair out of his eyes and lifting him closer to you. Nothing else mattered around you, not the fight that was being fought around you, all that mattered was seeing him give any sign of life. “Pietro?”
But him giving any sign of life...was impossible.
“Pietro?” You call out, feeling your smile begin to fall as you don’t hear him respond, or see him anywhere around. “Pietro? Where are you?” Your heart begins to pick up its pace and you pick up your pace as you search the house. “Pietro?”
You stop at the center of the living room and let out a deep exhale to think clearly, to check over your surroundings, to feel him—
At the sound of Pietro's voice by your ear you jump and let out a small gasp before spinning around as you grab your chest. “Pietro, what the hell?”
Said man snickers and steps back, keeping his hands hidden behind his back. “You called.”
“Yeah,” you sigh with relief, “you weren’t around, I was beginning to worry.”
“Oh, well, there's a good explanation for that,” Pietro says as he begins to approach you with a mischievous grin on his lips, “I went to get you something.”
“Oh?” You quiered, lifting a brow and placing your hands on your hips as your eyes drop to his hidden hands. “You got me something, or did you “take something without buying?”
Pietro shrugs and begins to walk around you slowly, making sure to keep facing you. “It’s just a friendly contribution for saving the world. It’s well deserved.”
You chuckle and turn with him to keep your eyes on him. “What did you get me?”
“Close your eyes.” He commands.
You do so without hesitation and feel the warmth of Pietros hand wrap yours to pull them from your sides and keep them out in front of you. Anticipation begins to brew at the pit of your stomach at not knowing what it was, you feel yourself smile nervously wanting to take a peek, but before you could try he places something silky and long on your hands and speaks up. “Open them.”
Doing so, you instantly look down and see a pretty white silk dress; your mouth falls open in awe and you carefully grab the sleeves of the dress to lift it and get a full view of the dress. “Pietro this is beautiful.”
“It’s for our date,” he reveals softly. “Do you need help putting it on?”
You flicker your gaze up to him and grin brightly.
“I’ll go slow,” he quips softly with a smirk, “I know you like it when I go slow.”
You cup his cheek and shake your head. “How about I surprise you?”
“Fine,” he sighs in defeat. “Until then I’ll get everything ready.”
You part away and do you as you had told him, taking some time to get ready even if you could do it within seconds with your powers.
And at first, after you had finished getting ready, you were nervous to go downstairs and reunite with him—he still just had that effect on you. But as you thought of it, as you thought clearly, there was nothing to be nervous about, this was Pietro, the same man you were cellmates with while in hydra, the same man you fought by in Sokovia and Berlin, he was the same man you went in hiding with, and the same man you fell in love with. He was your Pietro. So you confidently walked to the top stairs, grabbed onto the railing and saw Pietro speed to the end of the stairs to wait for you to walk down.
He had on a nice suit and had a bouquet of roses in his hand that didn’t outshine the charming grin on his face—in the furthest corner of your mind, you knew this was wrong, but seeing this, seeing him do things like this made you happy and reminded you of him, you couldn’t let go of him yet. Not yet.
You grin brightly and feel your heart flutter. “Pietro.”
“My love.” He muttered softly.
You continue to walk down the stairs to meet him below, grabbing his hand as he offered it to you, while with his the other hand he handed you the bouquet of white roses.
“You look absolutely breathtaking.” He whispered in your ear after he had leaned in.
You grab onto his hand tighter and smile wider, “you do too.” Your eyes drift to the living room where the couch’s and the tv were replaced by a fancy candlelight dinner setup, causing you to gasp softly and take a moment to take in what he had set up. “Wow, Pietro,” you look back at him to complement his work, but it’s at that moment you look at him that you see his face as it was when he died; pale and lifeless. You tear your gaze away and cover your mouth out of the shock and fear.
Pietro notices and of course questions it. “Y/N, are you okay? Did you not like something?”
You swallow thickly and shake your head, peeking at him and noticing he was back to normal. “No, no, I loved it. I do.”
Pietro sighs, “good it took me long to plan.”
“I love it.” You repeat as you fully turn your head to look at him. “Thank you.”
Pietro stops by the table and you set down the roses, admiring the table he had set up and feeling the corner of your lips slowly tug back into a smile. “Pietro—”
“My love would you have this dance with me?”
You turn around and see him with his hand out towards you, he smiles and then you feel a breeze as he goes to quickly turn on the music that was meant to be on before.
“Now will you have this dance with me?” He asks again more confidently. “Is that how I’m supposed to ask?”
You nod, “yes you are and yes I will have this dance with you.” You take his hand and he pulls you to the middle of the room, not taking long to grab onto your waist and pull you close to him.
“I put on those old songs you like to hear.” He points out as the tune slowly plays.
“I like?” You queried, “or you like?”
“Both. We both like them.”
You express a lighthearted huff of air and begin to move with him as you both begin to sway to the music. The talking stops and the song only sounds around the house, you press yourself closer to him to rest your head on his shoulder whilst you grabbed onto him tighter out of fear he’d disappear. You inhale in deeply to take in that smell of the fancy cologne he loved to wear, to take in the smell of his shampoo he used, to remember what it felt when you smelt it when he was really alive.
“I miss you,” you sigh out with tears stinging your eyes.
“Miss me?” Pietro scoffs in a joking tone, “I’m right here.”
You swear under your breath at your accidental comment, lifting your head and parting away far enough to look into his blue eyes. “I know, I just meant like miss you when you’re gone.”
Pietro narrows his gaze on you but he doesn’t find your comment strange, (you didn’t let him find it strange) instead he makes it out as a joke and laughs. “Well you know I always come back to you as fast as I can.”
“Yeah, I know,” you whisper with a crack in your voice. “I love you, Pietro, so much. I love you.”
“You’re making me blush,” he responds smugly, cupping your cheeks and offering you a sweet smile, “I love you.”
Tears roll down your cheeks and you can’t help but not to cry at the words he uttered. And when he noticed your tears, he smiled brighter and wiped them off. “Don’t cry, I’m right here, it’s okay, I’m right here. I’ll always be by your side so you don’t have to miss me too much. Even if I do love that sentiment.”
Your bottom lip trembles, but to stop yourself from crying you pull him in for a passionate kiss, cupping his cheeks and feeling him smile under the kiss. He grips onto you tighter and deepens the kiss, stopping the both of you from dancing to focus on the kiss. Reminding you by every passing second that you never wanted this to end….
And yet an urgent knock on the door stopped the moment. Pietro parted away and rolled his eyes, focusing on the door and scoffing. “Who could it be?”
You shrug, feeling just as clueless as him, “I don’t know, let’s go check.”
“Is it Wanda? If it is, tell my sweet sister that she chose the most terrible time to come visit.” Pietro remarks as he stays in the living room as you go to open the door; seeing not Wanda, nor Vision, but two strangers that seemed just as surprised as you, or even more so.
“Hello, how can I help you?”
“Oh, wow,” a woman with glasses gasps as she studies you, “you look amazing. Damn it I missed this scene.”
You blink and laugh nervously, “what? What do you mean?”
“Y/N, who is it?” Pietro asks out loud.
“Just solicitors, please go get Wanda, Pietro.”
Without question he does as you say and the man and woman in front of you grow pale and shake their head.
“Who are you?” You repeat in a more threatening voice.
The man steps forward and you move to block his path.
“I’m Agent Woo and this Doctor Darcy,” he reveals, making you freeze.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Another First Date {Fatherhood}
An extension of Oblivion. It’s not necessary to read the story first, but if you’d like to, here is the masterlist: Oblivion
A series of short stories that revolve around Cassian as a single father, raising his daughter, Lily.
Fatherhood {Oblivion Masterlist}
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Cassian looked in the mirror and slowly shook his head.
He felt ridiculous.
It had been almost ten years since Cassian had been out on a date and he had absolutely no idea what he was doing. If it hadn’t been for Feyre and Elain’s constant asking of him to get himself back out there and be happy, he wouldn’t even be doing what he was about to do.
It wasn’t that Feyre and Elain wanted him to forget about Nesta. Instead, they insisted that he was lonely, even though he really wasn’t. He had no time to be lonely.
Lily kept him on his toes.
At nine-years-old, she kept him just as busy as she had when she was a newborn. Instead of changing dirty diapers and gifting her unending bottles, though, he was taking her to dance and soccer, helping her with homework, and bringing her and her friends to the park on playdates. 
But, after his sister-in-laws thought he should be doing more for himself, they had set him up.
He had a ton of emotions about it.
Nerves being at the top of the list.
Excitement from time to time.
An excessive amount of guilt. 
Which was ridiculous. Of course, he knew Nesta wouldn’t have minded him finding someone else. It had been nearly a decade since her death. By now, most people would have moved on and found someone new. 
Cassian just hadn’t been ‘most people’.
“You look nice, dad.”
Cassian spun around, not having heard his daughter creep into the doorway. Kiara, their golden retriever, sat by her feet.
“Yeah?” Cassian asked, looking back in the mirror. “I shouldn’t wear the red shirt?”
Lily shook her head, arms crossed. “Definitely the black.”
“Alright,” Cassian sighed. “Thanks, kid.”
Lily nodded. ‘Yeah, yeah. You’re welcome. While you were getting yourself all prettied-up, Aunt Lainy got here. She’s ordering pizza for me and Nora.”
Cassian nodded as he grabbed his wallet and keys from off the top of his dresser. He slowly faced his daughter. “Look, if you’re not okay with this-.��
Lily groaned and rolled her eyes. “Dad, I told you it's fine.”
“I know, I just-.”
Lily, apparently having heard enough, turned on her heels and walked away, Kiara keeping just behind her. He had asked Lily the week before if she would be okay with him going on a date.
And he had continued to ask her every day since.
She’d never seemed concerned about it, had told him to go and have fun. He then went on to go into detail about what dates entail, and she told him to please shut up when he told her he may be kissing some random woman.
He also told her that no one would ever replace her mother.
It was impossible. 
And every time Cassian had asked Lily if it was okay, she had told him it was.
So, here he was, feeling like an inexperienced teenager, about to go out on a blind date. Tanwyn worked with Feyre, and Cassian knew very little about her. All he knew is that she was nice and pretty and liked kids.
Cassian figured it was a good starting point. 
When he went downstairs, Elain, Nora, Lily, and Kiara were all on the couch together, turning on a movie. When Elain saw Cassian, she whistled. 
“Look at you, handsome,” she sang.
Lily and Nora covered their mouths and broke into a fit of giggles. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he muttered, as he reached the floor and headed toward the door. He stopped in the living room, though, and knelt down in front of Lily. “You’ll probably be asleep when I get home, so if that’s the case, I love you and goodnight.”
“I love you, too,” Lily beamed. “Now leave. It’s girls night.”
Cassian snorted and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. “Be good.”
“She’s always good,” Elain said, shooing him away. As he walked by her though, she whispered, “Have fun, Cass.” 
He would.
He would try, anyway. 
As he got into his truck and put Tanwyn’s address into his GPS, though, he felt like he was going to puke. A date. What did people even do on dates these days? Was romance still a thing, or was it all about sex?
Mother’s tits, it had been a long time since Cassian had sex. He’d become quite friendly and familiar with his hand throughout the years, though.
That had been Rhysand and Azriel’s chime when he told them their wives were trying to set him up.
Look at it this way: even if it goes bad, at least you’ll get some.
As Cassian stopped at the stop sign at the end of his road, he felt the strong temptation to turn around and haul ass back home.
But, he knew that would only lead to a scolding from Elain, so he turned right and made his way toward the main road. 
Ten minutes later, he was pulling into Tanwyn’s driveway and regretting everything. 
Leaving his truck running, he strode to the front door, rang the doorbell, and waited.
He could hear hurried steps on the other side of the door, and then it was thrown open.
Feyre had been right - Tanwyn was pretty, and perhaps only a year or two younger than Cassian. She wasn’t much shorter than he was, with her long, tanned legs and long, brown hair. 
She smiled when she met Cassian’s eyes. “Hey.”
“Hey,” Cassian said, then cleared his throat. “You look...nice.” 
She wore a red dress that showed off a generous amount of cleavage. 
“You look pretty good yourself,” she said, and stepped out onto the porch, shutting and locking her door behind her. “I’m Tanwyn.”
“Cassian,” he said, and held out his hand like he was at a damned job interview.
Tanwyn let out a quiet laugh before shaking his hand, delicately. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Cassian, the gentleman he was, opened the passenger side door and helped Tanwyn up into his truck. He then got behind the wheel and put the truck into reverse.
“Feyre’s told me a lot about you,” Tanwyn said, when they began driving down the road. 
“Uh oh,” Cassian muttered. “All good things I hope.” 
Tanwyn nodded. “All good things.”
They fell into a silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable, even though Cassian’s thoughts remained racing at a million miles an hour. 
What was she thinking?
What exactly had Feyre told her?
Was she aware that he kept glancing at her breasts?
It was going to be a long night.
They pulled into the restaurant and Tanwyn made a comment about how much she liked the place he’d chosen. It had been years since he’d been there, the last time being for a company Christmas party, but the food was good and it was upscale enough to be considered fancy. 
They sat in a corner and there was a candle lit between them. The waiter brought out a bottle of white wine, and Cassian wasted no time downing his glass before filling up again.
Just a little to take the edge off.
“You seem nervous,” Tanwyn said, at last, after the waiter brought them a basket of bread.
Cassian took a slice of bread out of the basket and buttered it up before he asked, “Exactly how much did Feyre tell you about me?”
Tanwyn’s eyes softened, and there it was.
The pity.
“I know about your past, if that’s what you’re referring to,” she said, and took a piece of bread for herself. “And I know you have a daughter, too. Lily, is it?”
“Yeah,” Cassian said, finally finding a subject he was comfortable talking about - his daughter, his love. “She’s almost ten, although she thinks she’s sixteen.” 
Tanwyn chuckled. “I get that. I don’t have kids, but I have a niece I’m close to. She’s the same age. Maybe we can get them together sometime.” 
Cassian nodded as he gave her a nice, gentle smile. “That sounds nice.”
The dinner went on like that. Tanwyn was kind, and she seemed genuine. There was nothing about her that was a turn off, nothing that seemed strange or out of place.
Which is why, when Cassian brought her back home after dinner and dropped her off, he walked her up to her front door and leaned down, pressing his lips softly to hers.
The kiss lasted a few seconds, and it was nothing heated, nothing intense.
It was….nice.
But that’s all it was. Just nice. 
When they pulled apart, Tanwyn smiled. “Goodnight, Cassian.”
“Goodnight,” he said, and she walked inside.
So much for getting some. 
Cassian made his way back to his truck and got inside, and drove back across town to his house. There was a soft light on in the living room, but the rest of the house was dark. He looked at the clock on his dashboard. It was just after ten. 
When he opened the door, Elain was sitting on the couch by the lamp on the side table, watching some horrid reality t.v. show. As soon as she heard the door, though, she was looking over her shoulder, brows raised. “You’re home early.” 
Cassian chuckled as he strode to the couch and plopped down next to his sister-in-law. “Yeah, don’t tell your husband that.”
Elain smiled, but she nodded as she looked back toward the t.v. “So, how’d it go?”
Cassian thought for a minute about the right way to answer such a loaded question, but he eventually settled on, “It was okay.”
“Okay?” Elain repeated. 
“Nice,” Cassian pushed. “It was nice.”
She looked over at him, then. “Will there be a second date?”
Cassian let out a breath through his nose and shrugged. “I don’t think so, Lainy.”
“Why not?” she asked, only curiosity in her voice. “She’s nice, and gorgeous, and judging by the pink lipstick on the corner of your mouth, she’s into you, too.”
Cassian hesitated as he reached up and wiped off his mouth. Sure enough, on the back of his hand was the softest tint of pink. He laughed, quietly. “She was nice. And, yeah, she’s beautiful….but, it just didn’t feel right, you know?”
"Because of Nesta?” Elain asked, resting her head on the back of the couch.
“No,” Cassian answered. “Yeah. Both yes and no.”
Elain just watched him, waiting for him to continue, patiently. 
“There was just no spark, you know?” Cassian said, at last, staring absently at the wall beside the t.v. “With Nesta….it was like this all-consuming fire. Constant flame, passion….” He shook his head. “Every time I even thought about her I would get so weak in the knees that I couldn’t function, and my mind….would just lose all train of thought. When I was with her, even when we were just kids, starting to date, I had no doubt in my mind that she was the one that I wanted. Even after the years we spent apart, I never lost sight of that, never stopped feeling that way about her. Even now, after ten years without her, Elain, every time I think about her…” His words trailed off as a lump caught in his throat and his vision blurred. He cleared his throat, and even though Elain didn’t push for him to continue, he said, quietly, “Nothing and no one can ever compare to what we had. And, I know relationships aren’t meant to be compared and that I could probably get together with Tanwyn, or someone else, and be happy enough. But, when you had a love like Nesta and I had….everything else just seems….small. Insignificant. Underwhelming.” He looked at Elain and he saw what was left of a tear that had fallen down her pale cheek. “I loved too greatly to love again.” 
Elain opened her mouth to speak, surely to protest, but Cassian shook his head. “And I’m okay with that. I’m at peace with it. You and Feyre worry too much. I’m not lonely. I have a great job, a great family, and an incredible kid,” he said, tossing his arm around Elain and pulling her into his side. “As for sex, Tanwyn was too nice for a one night stand. Good thing my hand is great company.”
Elain laughed, pushing off of him. “I can always count on you to ruin a moment with something inappropriate.”
“Yeah, that was an Azriel and Rhys comment, wasn’t it,” Cassian said, even though he was grinning. “True, though.”
“TMI,” Elain commented, shaking her head. She stood, taking her empty wine glass with her to the kitchen. “Wine?”
“Considering it’s mine?” Cassian chuckled as she disappeared around the corner. “Yeah, sure.”
She came back a moment later with two full glasses. “I thought I’d crash on the couch tonight since Nora is already asleep with Lil in her room. Azriel won’t be back from his trip to Adriata until tomorrow afternoon.”
“He needs a new job,” Cassian muttered, taking the glass from her outstretched hand. “Travels too much.”
Elain hummed in agreement, but the job paid well, and Cassian knew that’s why none of them ever complained. 
Cassian kicked off his shoes and watched crappy t.v. with his sister, instead of having spent the night with a beautiful, single woman. Elain didn’t push him any further about it, even though Cassian was fully aware that she most likely had a thousand more questions.
He had meant what he’d said, though. 
I loved too greatly to love again.
His relationship with Nesta had been more than a relationship. She had been his soulmate, and when two hearts connected on the level that theirs had, there was no going back to those simple, mundane relationships.
They just didn’t compare.
And Cassian was okay with that.
He wouldn’t trade what he’d had with Nesta for anything, even though their time together was cut far too short. He’d do it all again, even if it led to the same outcome.
Every damn time.
It was better to have loved Nesta Archeron and lost than to have never loved her at all.
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illicit affairs
pairing: sheriff lee bodecker x younger! reader
warnings: smut (18+), cheating, age gap
a/n: i love perfumes which smell of daisies so i made the reader use something like that. i do imagine her going for a very much female appearance and aura despite her personality and i can see lee fancying that sort of fragile femininity look paired with her independency. this song is based of illicit affairs from taylor swift but i was also listening to all too well at some points so i think some of that passed onto the writing. hope you enjoy xx
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Leave the perfume on the self that you picked up just for him so you leave no trace behind like you don’t even exist. Take the words for what they are a dwindling, mercurial high, a drug that only worked the first few hundred times ... And you wanna scream don’t call me “kid”, don’t call me “baby”, look at this idiotic fool that you made me. You taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else. And you know damn well for you I would ruin myself a million little times ...
The snow settled onto the ground, a view she could see from her white window. Sprawled against her window pane, the blue soft fabric of her dress cascaded down her body as she watched the snow fall and become one with the mass of white covering the once green grass of her home. Her feet dangled in anticipation, hair cascading into hairdresser set curls, held away from her face with a pearl barrette. Her fingers dangled across her collarbones, feeling the cold matching pearls which unlike her barrette clip, had been offered to her by Lee on thanksgiving. “A pretty girl like you deserves her own pearls” his voice echoed in her mind whenever her feeling felt the smooth irregular circle shapes of the pearls laying against her collarbones. There was nothing more than she wanted than to wear those pearls to the police winter ball, to show up wearing something he had bought for her with what money he gathered from his fickle Captain position, but she couldn’t. Everyone knew what she had, what jewellery she had, it was all valued at the insurance centre downtown and the pearl necklace definitely wasn’t. Her own pearls rested inside her ivory jewellery box along with the ribbon she was wearing around her waist when she first kissed him, and the comb that held her hair in place whenever she met him during windy nights. 
Her grandmother had left before her, leaving with the grocery shop owner as her date for the ball but she had stayed behind. She had told her she’d rather go alone, blaming her loneliness on the fact all the boys her age were either engaged thus going with their wives and the single ones not wanting to do with her. Of course that was further from the truth and as she watched the snow fall, she imagined Lee’s cruiser driving through the snow, stopping in front of her home and knocking on her door to take her. But those were nothing but impossible scenarios created from the deepest part of her psyche. Looking over her shoulder, the clock on her bedside table shone 9PM into bold red letters. She should get going before her grandmother got worried. Her eyes lingered across her beauty parlour to the silver platter with her perfume, the one she’d picked just for him after hearing how much he loved the smell of daisies. She had to leave it, she couldn’t put any perfume on, she couldn’t take her pearls, she doesn’t exist. At least, she as Lee’s lover does not exist for all that everyone could know and nothing hurt more than the sound of her pearls returning to her ivory box. It was were they belonged, away from everyone, hidden, a mysterious sin secret. 
With her white fur wrapped around her arms, she entered her glossy yet dull red car, pulling the hood up despite the weather. She wanted to feel the cold, she wanted that numbness to hide what she had been feeling for the last months. It was all so exhilarating when it began; the summer walks, laying in the middle of the forest in an old towel as he feed her ripe strawberries, escaping from her grandmother’s house at night and meeting him up under the apple tree in light dresses. However, at time wind down, she started to crave the rest of a relationship, the holding of hands. Instead what she got was clandestine meetings in parking lots, behind the bars or in the middle of the forest when no one could see them. She constantly told herself it was going to eventually be her turn, he was gonna leave Jane for her. Yet, she seemed to constantly fall on the same error every mistress before her did, the mistake of forgetting her place. Stopping in front of the old town hall where the ball was being held, she could see the soft lights, hear the laughter and it made her sick. She didn’t want to go in, she didn’t want to see those happy couples but she had too. She had to put up a show, be the little pedestal trouble starter woman she was expected to be and so she would. 
Stepping into the hall, her eyes immediately found Lee in the corner speaking with the Sheriff, arm draped over Jane’s shoulder while the other hand held a clear cup probably with his favourite drink. Her heart sunk to the same place it always did as she got lost in the dance floor. She knew everyone in this town hall, from the first boy she ever kissed Jonah and his third wife Elizabeth to Billy whom had been prom king with her. There was nothing new anymore and what once felt new and true was now anchoring her inside a fishbowl of images of her own mistakes and unfulfilled life needs. 
      - Hey, Y/N. - Billy called out for her attention. She held onto the fur wrapped around her for comfort as she prepared her facade of a happy girl at a happy party. - Your grandma told me you ain’t gotta a partner for tonight. Could’ve told me, I would’ve taken you. 
      - It’s ok, ain’t like I need a man. - she replied, almost angrily although he deserved no anger from her. - What’s the stage for? We’re getting a band tonight?
      - No, the new sheriff candidates announcing themselves tonight. Prepare for the blood bath. 
      - Sounds interesting. - she spoke out, her voice getting mumbled out as the mic’s sound hurt her and everyone else’s ear. The police chief stood there in his best attire, holding a small piece of papers, his fat thumbs hitting the mic to gather everyone’s attention. He already had their attention merely by wearing a cowboy’s hat with a formal suit. 
       - Now folks, we all now how much we gonna miss our good old Sheriff but it’s time to elect a new one. - his southern accent was pronounced, too pronounced, cartoonish even. Y/N remembered laughing as a child when she first heard him speak only to immediately shut up when her grandmother looked her way with a look which left room for no questions. She herself had barely developed an accent, her grandmother still very keen on instilling in her the education she herself had gotten. However, the longer she spent with Lee, the more it would sometimes slip; one or two words, nothing major. - Of course, Leroy is running again.
     - I don’t know why he tries. - Y/N whispered to Billy, concealed laughing smile behind her hand. 
     - You gotta admit it’s a good thing to imagine. Damned Leroy and his prostitutes running the town? We’d be forgotten by God.
     - We’re already forgotten by God. We were banished from the garden of Eden, don’t you remember? - she teased, always enjoying to toy around with the religion Knockemstiff was so hang up on. - We’re probably direct descendants. 
     - You ought to keep that mouth shut if you don’t wanna get in trouble. - he warned yet it went through deaf ears. Y/N liked stirring it, specially when it came to things which were so analytically flawed. 
The regular list of candidates continued to go from officers to common folk who all believed they could make the town better. At least that was all they said they wanted to get some votes but at the end of the day, they just wanted to control the town with an iron fist. Do what they wanted without anyone question it. She couldn’t blame it, humans are hardwired to go crazy for power and let it consume them so she just let it pass. She knew all the candidates, they were always the same. Leroy, Matthew, Edwards ... all the common ones, she even wondered why they kept announcing it. Those three competing for the sheriff position was as certain as the sun coming up each morning. 
      - The last candidate is our cap’tain Bodecker. - her head snapped to the stage as every sound seemed to dim until she was surrounded by pure silence. All she could hear was the buzz from her ears as she watched him climb up the stairs to the stage, shaking the chief’s hands. 
Everything seemed to be stuck in slow motion yet her mind was running faster than a shot bullet. The clapping was slow, everything was silent yet she could see their hands slowly clap and their lips moving in whispers. Her eyes roamed the crowd finding Jane right in front of the stage, looking up at him with adoration at the possible place she could possible hold; the sheriff’s wife. The slow motion ended with a loud crash and suddenly everything seemed just too fast. She ignored Billy’s pleas for her attention and moved straight to the small plastic tables covered in burgundy towels to make it look fancier where all the drinks and food were being held. One of her only friends from high school Mary was the one in charge, happily serving food and drinks to anyone who asked.
     - Hi Y/N. - she always looked like the perfect housewife and that was always what she wanted to be. Beautiful, bountiful blonde hair with a few flowers matching her pink dress. Despite it all, she was always nice to her even with their different life goals. 
     - Hey Mary. How’s Paul? I heard from rumours you two had quite a nice honeymoon. St.Louis, right? 
     - Yes. He booked us a nice honeymoon suite, it had flowers and those heart shaped beds and chocolates. It was real nice, I’m hoping to be pregnant soon. What about you? Your grandmother said you came alone. You could’ve told me, my brother would’ve taken you.
    - That’s alright, Mary. I don’t intend to stay for long ... Uhm, can I have a drink?
    - Of course. Sidecar, as per usual? 
    - I think I’ll just have a double cognac, please. Or maybe some gin ... whatever can make me dizzy the fastest.
    - Everything, okay?
    - Just need to forget some stuff, it’ll be okay. - she forced a smile. At least half that phrase was true. Mary served her up with her best gin and she returned to the dance floor, trying to blend with the rest of the attendees, however her baby blue dress was much too different from anything else in town. 
Y/N thought she’d be best outside where no one could see her and so she left, avoiding Billy who kept asking for her. She leaned against the old wood of the town hall, mascara running down her cheeks, and gin glass on the other one. She looked like the perfect warning tale of why you should not mess her married men. She knew better, she knew so much better but she still did it, like the idiotic little fool she seemed to be. Y/N sighed, the air condensing in the air as she drank from the glass.
     - Pull yourself together, Y/N. - she looked to see side, her grandmother standing outside with the look she used to give her when Y/N embarrassed her as a little girl. - What did you expect?
     - I’m just not having a good day, nana.
     - You’re hanging around with Captain Bodecker that’s what you’re doing.
     - What?
     - Don’t play innocent with me, Y/N. You’re just like your mother and I’ve raised your mother so I’d know. I saw you leave in his car last week. Do you want to defend yourself?
     - Is it even worth it? - she took a sip out of her drink. - What do you want me to say? 
     - I want you to pull yourself together and go inside. You better have this finished off before those elections start. I will not have my granddaughter be a home wrecker.
Y/N ignored it. There was nothing her grandmother could say that hurt more than what she was already feeling. She watched the snow fall from the cover of the banner covering the town hall, cold and icy yet somehow warmer than her. The drink didn’t last forever and although it was much stronger than what she was used to, she didn’t feel the slightest bit dizzy. It was if the universe was punishing her for her choices. She shook her head, leaving the glass onto one of the windows. She’d be better off at home and she’d already made her appearance. If someone asked where she was, she could’ve blamed it on their drunkness. Opening her little clutch, she started fishing for her keys through a sea of change, makeup and receipts. 
    - You better not be thinking of driving after you just drank. - she turned her head to see Lee with his hands on his waist, playfully smiling at her. His smile faded as he noticed the streaks of mascara from her eyes to her jaw. - Did that shithead Billy say something? 
     - No ... Lee, I wanna go home okay. - she sighed. - Can you just pretend you didn’t see me drink?
     - I was hoping we could spend the night together. Rent a hotel room outside town. A real nice place, with a pool and some room service. My treat of course.
     - I ... We can’t, Lee. Your wife is inside as she’s gonna notice you’re not there and you’re not home. 
     - She’s going home early. Jane’s been taking a few sleeping pills. She’s down for the night, won’t even notice. - he took a few steps closer to her, knowing everyone was too drunk to even remember. - I was waiting for you to come greet me, congratulate me. I can’t believe my girl wanted to leave before showing me how pretty she looked. 
     - You didn’t tell me you were running for Sheriff. - he cupped her face, thumb caressing her cheek. - You said it was a silly position.
     - Yeah but ... it’s a Sheriff. I could become Mayor, ya know. The old sheriff thinks I’d be good for it. - he scratched the back of his neck, something he always did whenever he was nervous or was confronted by something he did not expect. Y/N had learned to read him and knew him better than her own favourite books. - C’mon, kid. It’s a night worth celebrating, don’t you think?
     - Don’t call me kid. - she shot her head his way, his word hitting a particular hurt spot which she didn’t realise she had. 
     - Hey, I’m not trying to mock ya. - he rose his hands. - What’s wrong, huh baby? Hm? Tell me sugar, I hate it when you’re upset. Besides, if it was that Billy kid I’ve been wanting to give him a good beating.
    - Don’t call me baby, either. - she sighed, throwing her purse inside the car, before turning to him. - Billy didn’t do anything I’m just ... tired.
    - I’ll drive you home, then.
    - I don’t wanna go home either. - she pushed her hair from her forehead, looking at the ground. The snow engulfed her feet and her shoes, yet it might as well have engulfed her entire being. Lee noticed her lip trembling and how her free hand was trying to stop tears from falling down. He looked behind him, the town hall door shut, before taking his jacket off, draping it over her shoulders, and opening the car door for her. 
 Y/N daren’t look him in the eye, instead sitting in the passenger seat as he pushed the hood of her car up. After all, most people did not enjoy driving in the snow with the hood up. She didn’t know where he was taking her and for all it mattered she didn’t want to know. If he was driving her to her killing location, it sounded much better than having to work out through the bubbling feelings in her tummy. Y/N didn’t even noticed how much she was crying until the tears started streaming so fast they were falling onto the palms of her hands like diamond daggers. She leaned her head against his shoulder, watching the road ahead through the blurry orbs of her own eyes, trying to find some warmth through him. The drive seemed endless and her mind rushed in an even more endless way as she considered all her choices til now. She found it unbearable how not guilty she didn’t feel about it. She could still remember the feeling of the cold water against her body and his lips against hers, being tangled in his bed sheets while he drank a beer, his grunts as he thrusted into her inside his patrol car. She remembered every detail either it being lust or romantic but most importantly she remembered how he looked at her. It was almost as through rose coloured glasses, most of the times agreeing with her pessimist view of the town she was in. Lee looked down on her, watching her perfect hair break through the gelled curls she had set down. He never liked the polished look anyway, he loved to see her walk in her white dresses and freshly washed hair flowing with the wind. This woman sat next to him was gorgeous but he preferred his Y/N, he preferred the woman who would poke fun of casualty and rush into the woods with her nightgown. This woman next to him was pretty yes but she seemed tainted by a sadness he could see yet couldn’t help. He didn’t want his Y/N to be the slightest bit sad. She did not deserve it. She was too pure, too young to be consumed by the loneliness, darkness and sadness that came with being an adult. Yet again, he had to start learning the young woman she was wouldn’t stay young forever. He wanted to know how to help. he wanted to be the man who wakes up next to her on summer mornings and winter evenings but life is not how we plan it out to be.
She watched the snow fall from her window as “You are my sunshine” played on the background from her radio. Looking up to him, his eyes were glued to the road, the sign of leaving Knockemstiff way past them and the hotel on the horizon. She called it the Heartbreak hotel, with its red walls and luxurious nature. A more fancy place for those who wanted to give a better night to their mistresses but that was not why she called it the heartbreak hotel. It was due to the fact she ended up crying every time she or he left. While inside those walls, she could pretend they were Mr. and Mrs. Bodecker, young couple moved out of Knockemstiff on a romantic getaway yet she wasn’t Mrs. Bodecker, Jane was. She had seen who the future sheriff’s wife was and it was not and it would never be her. He stopped the car in the parking lot, looking at her who was lost in thought, leaned against his shoulder.
   - Come on, sugar. What is it? - Lee kissed the top of her head. - The heck happened in that Town Hall?
    - Just being silly, Lee. - she shook her head, faking a smile. - Just don’t like parties one bit.
    - I hate ‘em too, sugar. All show no action. Besides no party is a party without my baby. - he hooked his ring finger under her chin, softly pulling it up. She tried not to look at the moonlight illuminating the silver band around his finger, a symbol he belonged to someone else and she knew it. She had seen the wedding photo on his secretary, a much younger Lee with a much younger Jane with the facade of a happy marriage. Thinking about it always made her sick and ever since seeing that picture she couldn’t bring herself to do so. - Come on, let’s get you a bubble bath, yeah?
She followed him into the hotel almost in a zombie like state until the reception. The talk was a dance she had danced before, it was all the same. Lee would present money in cash so it wouldn’t show up on his credit card statement. He would sign in with a fake address but with his own name and no one would question it. After all, the staff wanted money, they didn’t care if it was an illicit affair or not. To be honest, she didn’t care much anymore.
     - Mrs. Bodecker? Mrs. Bodecker? - the receptionist called out to her but it didn’t even register until she was looking her into the eyes. Mrs. Bodecker, she was definitely not. - Would you like a complementary tea? You look cold.
     - No, it’s okay. - she smiled while Lee grabbed the keys. His hand wrapped itself around hers, leading her over to the elevator.
God, she wanted him. She really did, he thought to himself. It was an unbelievable feeling to have someone who loved him back, someone who always had encouraging words to tell him, someone who would stay after a fight. He thought and imagine what it would’ve been like if she was born earlier, god he would’ve courted her and would’ve married her the second they were out of high school. Sadly, the woman he loved was born 10 years after and he met her when he was married. He led her to the 13th hotel room and closed the door behind them.
     - Things are gonna be different when I’m sheriff. No more sneaking around, no one will dare  say a word. I can move to Brewer Heights, heck, I can buy two houses, one just for you and me.
    - Lee ...
    - Where are your pearls, sugar? You know I love to see you with them, makes you look so pretty.
    - You know I can’t wear them in public, Lee. I am not your ... - she shouldn’t say that, she should not let those words out. - They’re not insured under my name, people would comment about it.
     - You worry too much. - he pushed the fur that covered her arms down, placing a small kiss on her elbow. - My little over-thinker.
     - One of us has too, Captain Bodecker.
     - How about some champagne? - he pointed towards the champagne bottle in the ice bucket by the dresser before walking towards it, raising it so he could inspect the brand. He longed for the finest things in life, no longer wanting to be that middle to low class man he’d been forced to be. Being Sheriff, Mayor someday was going to be really something, it’d be his chance.
    - I’m not 21 yet, Captain.
    - Only a month til you are, kid. - he filled two long crystal flutes, handing it over to them. - By then I should stop calling you kid, huh?
    - You shouldn’t call me kid, now. - she took a sip of the golden liquid, hoping it would take away her jealousy. Lee hummed, leaned over to kiss the crock of her neck, climbing up to her jaw in a move that was sure to leave marks. It was okay for him to leave marks on her, she was unmarried, young but on him? Sometimes she wanted to, sometimes she wanted to mark his pale plump skin as a possession, one that screamed Jane might have the wedding ring but she had the man. Yet, she couldn’t. - You look so handsome tonight.
    - You’re my worse critic. - he smirked, placing his glass on the bedside table before pulling her chin towards him, placing a soft kiss on her plump, painted lips. - God, you can’t even imagine how fucking hard I got when you walked in.
    - Such gentle behaviour. - she teased, fingers lightly tracing the skin of his face. He moaned, leaning in to kiss her again. - I wore it just for you. Blue. I knw you like it.
    - You’re always such a good girl for me. - he started to remove his jacket, pushing on her chest lightly so she laid against the luxurious bed.
The alcohol sure did a better job than her about making her forget what she was doing it. The alcohol and his kiss, his touch on her skin made her forget the clench in her heart when she saw Jane Bodecker clap once they said his name. It made her forget she couldn’t hear perfume around him unless he showered, it made her forget. Both of her moaned through the kiss, seemingly unconcerned with the fact that it was a sin. Maybe that’s why it taste so sweet, the sin, the thrill. None of them cared really and all he wanted to do now was hold her, touch her, look at her.
    - You are so beautiful. - he spoke, more to himself than to her specifically, leaning down on the bed as he spread her legs, taking his place in between them which was so familiar to him. Lee ran his knuckles through the middle of her folds, cold hands making her shiver. - Ev’ry darn day I wake up and I think, I got myself the most beautiful woman in the world.
Her eyes were glued to the ceiling, the white paint of it engulfing her as his hands caressed her thighs. All she could feel were his cold hands massaging the skin of her thighs, spreading them apart and giving him full access to her. His lips attacked her core, always chapped which made her feel so good, it made her know it was him giving her that pleasure. She moaned out loud as he dwelled in like a starved man, her head relaxing against the pillow. There was never any mercy with him, he teased her like he owned her, focusing on her clit while licking her folds. He had her exactly where he wanted her - starving for him.
   - You’re gonna see. - he mumbled out while he relentlessly ate her out. - When I’m sheriff there will be no more hidin’. No one gonna dare say anythin’ about it.
   - Lee, please ... no foreplay. - she whined, begged even as he stopped his motions. His eyes curiously searched for hers, hands pulling his body up as he stood on top of her. - I just want to feel you.
   - Weren’t you feelin’ me, sugar?
   - You know what I mean, Lee. - she wrapped her hands around his neck, head cocked to the side. - I don’t want any foreplay today.
    - Oh sugar ... - he chuckled leaning down to kiss her collarbone. - You’re just a cock slut for me, aren’t ya? Can’t just wait for me to treat ya right ain’t it, baby?
     - Lee, please. - she whined, hands wavering over his police issued chunky belt. Lee smirked, holding her hand before she could do anything. Y/N pouted, head leaning against her shoulder. - C’mon.
   - But baby, you look so pretty when you’re begging. - he returned to kiss her neck, leaving marks which were sure to become hickeys tomorrow but she didn’t care. No one was going to see it. - I was expecting you to come congratulate me in the way you always do, maybe in the back of the town hall. Hoping someone would catch us so they’d see you’re my girl.
    -  Lee ... -  she whined as he kept kissing her neck and collarbones. - Please.
    - Tell me what you want, baby. You know I do everything you want. - he rose from her neck, toothy grin as he leaned down to kiss her plump, pink painted lips. - Tell me you want my big fat cock. I know you do, baby. Tell me how much you need it. 
  - Lee ... please, need you.
  - You have me, baby, tell me what you need. Tell me what you want. - his knuckles ran through the middle of her folds again. - You’re so wet, baby. Just tell me what you want, c’mon
  -  Lee ... please. - she looked at him with those wide eyes that could get someone to commit murder for her, as he pushed down his trousers. - I want you to fuck me with your ... big fat cock, Capitain. 
  - Oh, baby ... - he leaned his forehead against hers as he pushed his cock past her entrance, eyes shut tight  as he tried to keep himself sane at the mere feeling of her walls contracting against him. His lips found hers as he shed himself fully into her. Her hand searched for his, as Lee slowly rolled his hips against hers, basking in the mere high that was being inside of her. - You okay, baby? 
  - Yeah. ... fuck, move. - she whined as he removed himself from her and pushed back in, slowly starting to rock into her as he always did. The little tease. Her hand clenched his as he speed up his thrusts, lips returning to hers in a messy, moaned filled kiss. All she could hear was the sound of skin against skin and interrupted breathing. - Lee, fuck.
  - I know, baby. - he laughed, returning to kiss her the way he liked as her walls started to clench more forcefully against his member, milking him for all he was worth. His free hand grabbed her hip as he further sped up against her, bruising her skin as his breaths got more raggedy. He bite onto her neck as he felt his control over his own orgasm disappear. 
  - Lee, fuck! - she moaned, almost raising off the bed as her own orgasm washed over her. Her head fell against the pillow, sluggish as he continued to thrust into her until ropes and ropes of cum painted her walls. He chuckled mid grunt, holding her against him as he turned around in bed. 
  - You all fucked up, aren’t ya, sugar? - he kissed the top of her head. - You’re gonna see, sugar. Things are gonna be so much better.
  - Right ... - she cuddled against his chest. - Hm ... Lee can you drive me back home early on?
  - Early shift?
  - Yeah.
  - Okay, sugar.
The morning was a harsh breaker of dreamy hazes and just like that she was back to the place where she always was, in her home, surrounded by the scent of the perfume she had bought just for him. She sat on her dress, taking the necklace he had given her from the little mother of pearl seashell shaped box and holding them against her chest. She loved him, she really did. Some people had their downfalls and hers was painted onto her neck and held by her hands. He was her downfall. 
The sun was high up on the snowy midday in Knockemstiff and once again Lee had been resigned to desk duty after the Sheriff not taking it too lightly he decided to run without his permission. Normally he would’ve been upset but he knew, he knew he was close to winning and then he could throw away those stupid hotels and just get her a little house close to him. God, he couldn’t fucking wait.
    - Captain Bodecker, someone here for you. - his secretary knocked on his door. - Mary Gillies, sir. 
    - Mary Gillies? - he knew her to be a friend of Y/N’s, perhaps her only friend other than that punk Billy. - Send her in.
    - Good afternoon, captain. - she said as she walked into his office. - I’m so sorry to be bothering but Y/N ...
    - Is she alright? - he interrupted her.
    - Yes, well ...  - she rummaged through her bag to find a cushioned envelope with his name on it. - She told me to give you this.
   - What is it?
   - I don’t know, captain. I must get going, my husband is waiting for me.
   - Of course. Thank you, Mrs. Gillies.
He waited for the woman to be out of his office and for the door to be shut for him to open the envelope. The minute he opened the envelope, pearls fell into his desk, the same pearls he had given Y/N followed by a small note in the dusty pink stationary that normally laid on her dresser. Turning it around, he saw the words he’d been dreading to read or hear ever since he met her. I’m sorry, Lee. He threw the letter on his desk before getting up from his desk as fast as he could, ignoring the calls from his colleagues as he got into his cruiser. Damned, Brewer Heights, why couldn’t it be closer?
He approached her home fast and closed the door as fastly as he ran up to the door. Her hag of a grandmother was possibly at church and he had learned where they kept the spare key; behind a violet pot. His heart was beating as fast as a deer on a hunt as he climbed up the stairs and found the once filled room was empty, with only a perfume bottle on her empty dresser. He observed the whole room as if he were in a nightmare, sitting on her bed as he clenched the pearls he had given her not so long ago, the smell of daisies in the air as some song played on the still turned on radio.
You never know dear how much I love you. Please don’t take my sunshine away ...
taglist: @lookiamtrying​ 
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