#“I can’t believe I just danced romantically with the guy I love hate in front of these ppl…curse my need to dance
vanilla-poisons · 1 year
No matter how funny you think you are you will never be funnier than Jamil doing a whole fucking ballroom dance routine on accident and then falling over in despair while mentally saying “without thinking…MY DANCING SOUL!!”
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fromasgardandback · 2 years
Promposal // Eddie Munson Headcanon
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masterlist | oneshots
Eddie despised prom, homecoming, and any other school dance there were
why spend time with people you already hate at a place that resembles Satan's lair?
but you really wanted to go, and not for the reasons of friendship and laughter, but to make fun of prom and make sure Jason Carver had the worst night
you never told that to Eddie, wanting it to be a surprise, but you constantly insisted on going
“Why would you deprave yourself for such a “function” when we can just be at home?” Eddie whined.
“Because there are a couple of reasons I want to go.” I said, turning to him.
“Do tell me the reasons.” He rolled his eyes picking at his almonds.
“First, the dress. Second, being with you looking oh so handsome in your suit.” You pinched his cheek while he pretended to bite you. “And most importantly, being with our friends just chillin.” You smiled, batting my eyelashes.
on the outside Eddie hated prom, but on the inside, Eddie couldn’t wait to ask you to be his prom date
Eddie heard from Jeff and Gareth that they got dates and seeing Steve ask Nancy, this was a reminder to make this special for you
he asked you in the most romantic way he knows, playing one of his metal songs in the gym. like this man really hooked up his guitar to the amp and performed in front of everyone
“my love, my life, come to prom with me?” he said into the mic, and how could you say no
what made this day special besides all the ‘balls in laundry basket’ pranks, was that you got ready with the girls & Eddie got ready with the guys
Eddie was definitely nervous because he couldn’t afford much, but Wayne was so proud he rented Eds a suit and helped Eddie hot glue a hand-picked flower to a pin and hair tie
now that your families could check off taking photos upon photos, you could now play out all the pranks
first prank was stealing their boutonnieres and rubbing onions all over them. The guys wanted a photo together with jackets and without, so this was prime time to sit under the bleachers doing the deed
second prank was spraying their shoes with cooking oil secretively while they danced, which made them slip and fall constantly
third and last prank was spraying their cars with shaving cream, especially on the windows to make it impossibly hard to clean off
Eddie went along with you on each prank, mindlessly following you around trying to hide his laugh
“These were my real reasons, Eddie.” You giggled at his shocked face. “I wanted it to be a surprise for you. Something where we could both enjoy the night.”
“I can’t believe how diabolical my girlfriend can be. I’m impressed, sweet thing.” Eddie laughed with you
your prom with Eddie was undoubtedly going to be a rememberable
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rubykgrant · 1 year
(I can't believe I forgot about the April Fools joke in this, it was so relevant, and I didn't even do it on purpose, it just worked out all perfect... anyway, sharing this again for those reasons; Grif and Simmons telling the others about their whole relationship, the initial disbelief, and Tucker FINALLY feeling VINDICATED~)
The movie had been a late one, beginning at 9:30 at night… by the time they got home, it was after 1 in the morning. Technically, the next day. Grif was especially tired, barely holding in all the snippy little comments about how stupid it was for Simmons to suggest they walk there and back; the only reason he had agreed was because it was early Autumn, cool outside without being cold, and it smelled nice (that combination of dead leaves and dry grass starting to get damp). Grif was turning into a hopeless romantic when it came to their dating activities… and now he was paying the price.
“I can’t make it, man… go on without me…” Grif moaned in a pathetically tragic way as he flopped down on the couch in the living room. Oh, the drama.
“Grif, c’mon… if you sit down, you won’t get back up…” Simmons tugged half-heartedly on the sleeve of his jacket.
“Just leave me here to die… but YOU, you can still live your life…” now Grif was leaning over… and since Simmons wouldn’t let go, he took the guy down with him.
“Grif, you’re such a baby!” Simmons scolded… and Grif responded to the scolding by wiggling beneath Simmons so he was on his back, with them chest-to-chest. Now that he felt cozy, Grif wrapped his arms around Simmons’ waist and snuggled his face under Simmons’ chin. “Oh, no you don’t! Grif, I wanna sleep in the bed! And change out of my clothes, too!”
Simmons huffed and puffed and… really wasn’t trying all that hard to get away. He could probably roll to the side and slip free; instead he was letting out a sigh and kicking off his shoes. Grif grinned against his neck, feeling victorious, and did the same.
“I can’t believe you’re making me sleep on the couch with you… in my freaking JEANS,”
“Oh yeah, I’m MAKING you… got a gun to your head and everything…” Grif murmured. “Also, this is what you get for making me walk across town and back… and if you hate those jeans so much, take ‘em off…”
“Oh OK, I’ll just sleep in the living room in my UNDERWEAR, everybody will LOVE to wake up and see THAT…” Simmons let out a squeaky eep-noise when one of Grif’s hands left his waist and grabbed his butt.
“I sure like seeing it when I wake up…” Grif chuckled, and Simmons made more cute noises; partially in an indignant way and partially in a flattered way. “And hey- that’ll let them know we’re dating if they see us sleeping half-naked together,”
“Pfff… everybody will just think we got drunk… like last time when we ALMOST slept on the couch,” Simmons squirmed a little until he got comfortable (it wasn’t hard, Grif was like a big marshmallow).
“Oh yeah… you practically gave me a lap-dance, in front of EVERYBODY,” Grif gave his butt another little squeeze.
“Did not,” Simmons replied, no longer bothering to get flustered by how handsy his boyfriend was. “But you somehow managed to get us both to the bed THAT night… what happened to my prince charming, carrying me off to sleep?”
“You only get prince charming once a month… he needs time to re-charge…” Grif kissed his cheek. “But I love you all the time,”
“I love you too… lazy-ass,” Simmons kissed him back on the lips, and they both finally started to drift off making quiet hums of contented laughter.
In the hours of the early morning as they slept, Grif turned himself so he was against the back of the couch, and Simmons slid down beside him… but was safe from falling off; Grif still had his arms wrapped snuggly around Simmons. Some nights they kept to themselves while they slept (usually if it was too hot to cuddle), but more often than not they would get all wrapped up in each other. Even if they had made it to the bed instead of crashing on the couch, this is still how they would have ended up (minus the jeans).
The sun was slow to come up, taking it’s sweet time… somebody had also pulled all the curtains in the living room shut yesterday, so it stayed dark just a little bit longer… the others must have stayed up late on their own as well, because even the early-risers weren’t out and about yet… all this added up to Grif and Simmons being able to sleep on the couch until after 9 in the morning. Then, somebody came shuffling down the hallway from their room, and started knocking stuff around in the kitchen.
Simmons heard the unmistakable CRACK of something hitting the floor… a plastic-something, so it didn’t break, but it was followed by an also unmistakable voice muttering “… ah, fuckberries…”. Grif whimpered in protest at the noise, and tried to bury his face into Simmons’ chest, in hopes of blocking out the world.
Simmons wasn’t helping; he sat up to look at what was happening in the kitchen.
“Tucker? What did you drop?” he asked, eyes still blurred from sleep.
“Nothing, just… bumped into that bowl on the counter. S’fine…” Tucker was already picking it back up. The bowl usually had various snacks or fruit sitting in it for people to grab, but was currently empty. Tucker’s real task seemed to be making himself coffee. Thankfully, he had pulled some pajama pants on before coming out of his room (Tucker still slept naked whenever possible).
“Well, you woke us up, jack-ass…” Grif sat up now too, looking like a grumpy bear emerging from hibernation.
“Oh, excuuuuuse me… I didn’t realize I walked into your BED ROOM. That’s where we are, right? Your bed room, not the kitchen and living room? The place we all SHARE? Where people do stuff when they’re AWAKE?” Tucker shot him an irritated look. “Besides, what am I interrupting? Nothing, that’s what. All you two ever do is NOTHING… couple of teases… slow-burning like a tire fire…”
Now Grif and Simmons glanced at each other… because they knew EXACTLY what Tucker was talking about. He’d been insisting that they were basically married and totally in love for YEARS, and they had adamantly denied it. This had always driven Tucker crazy, especially when the two of them kept on winding up in suspicious situations… like sleeping all cuddled up together.
Well, denial time was over. Simmons smiled at Grif who nodded to him.
“Actually, Tucker… we, um… we wanted to talk to you about that,” Simmons began.
“Yeah…” Grif continued. “We were gonna tell everybody, but we might as well start with you. You’ll probably appreciate it the most, anyway…”
Tucker made a disinterested grunt as he picked out a mug.
“Tucker, we’re dating now. We FINALLY figured out how we felt, and stopped being so stupid about it,” Simmons threw an arm over Grif’s shoulders, and Grif hugged him across the chest.
“Yeah, dude. It’s true. I know it took way too long, but we’re actually together. Like, TOGETHER, in a relationship! Last night, we were out hugging and kissing, and everything!”
Now they both smiled at him. Tucker looked unimpressed.
“Haha. Very funny,” he rolled his eyes, went back to watching the coffee drip.
“Tucker, we’re SERIOUS!” Simmons insisted.
“Oh WHATEVER, I don’t believe you. It isn’t funny to try and prank me when I just got out of bed, either… but I guess this is payback for waking you both up? Gotta say, you improvise pretty fast… should’ve saved this for April Fool’s, though…”
“This isn’t a prank, man! And hey- did you miss the part where you woke us up because we were SLEEPING TOGETHER?” Grif pointed out.
“Yeah, sleeping on the couch… big deal. Everybody falls asleep together there. Last week, I fell asleep with Sarge and Carolina on the couch, but you don’t hear me bragging like I had a 3-way,” Tucker was now rummaging around in a drawer for a spoon.
“He’s not gonna believe us…” Simmons sighed.
“Unless… we do something DRASTIC,” Grif told him.
“Yeah. Let’s go for it,” Simmons agreed. “Tucker? TUCKER! Look over here! Seriously, Tucker! LOOK!”
“Look at us! Come on! TUCKER, LOOK! LOOK-LOOK-LOOK!” Grif joined in.
“What do you bitches WANT?!” Tucker whipped around to glare at them.
Now that they finally had his attention, Grif and Simmons kissed.
To really sell it, Simmons made sure to slide a hand up into Grif’s hair, affectionately stroking the back of his head. Grif happily moaned at this (perhaps just a little louder than he usually did so early in the morning; they had an audience, after all). The kiss continued for a while… a lot longer than something done simply as a joke. It looked downright ROMANTIC and SINCERE. This wasn’t all for show, either; for minute, they forgot all about proving something to Tucker and just got lost in the kiss…
“AAAAAHHHHH!!!” Tucker’s scream snapped them back to reality; they opened their eyes, but they didn’t break apart. Now they were smiling with their mouths pressed together, trying not to laugh. They heard the sound of Tucker running off to the side, and then the sliding-glass door opening to the patio. This is what finally makes them separate, to see what the heck he’s up to.
Tucker runs back in, still screaming, his arms now full of… flowers? These were the roses Tex had grown in her little garden out on the roof; she had white, yellow, pink, and red ones… most of them were done for the year, but the pink roses were still blooming. This is what Tucker had, several pink roses. He was now ripping their petals off in fistfuls, throwing them at Grif and Simmons. It was like some kind of aggressive yet supportive celebration. He was also still SCREAMING.
“What in the unholy FUCK!?” they all heard somebody shout from down the hallway that lead to the bed rooms. “Somebody better be DYING out there!”
That was Church, but he wasn’t the only one who had noticed Tucker acting like an emergency alert siren. Several more voices were grumbling and groaning now, followed by doors opening, and footstep coming down the hall.
Simmons and Grif were grinning on the couch, snorting and sputtering with nervous laughter, blinking at the rose petals raining down in their faces, as everybody came into the living room to see what all the fuss was about. This was already more of an extravagant display than they had intended it to be… but now it was just too funny to stop.
Sarge had his shotgun (which thankfully wasn’t loaded), in case they were under attack. Wash had tripped on something in the hallway (the foot of an invisible Locus), and Carolina caught him before he face-planted on the floor. Doc had a small first-aid kit, ready to slap a bandage on somebody. Caboose was still barely awake, bumping into walls and people as we walked out, adjusting his direction when this happened, like a Roomba. Donut had a bad case of bed-head, and he was already mortified to be seen in such a state. Kai was worse; she had slept without taking her hair out of a ponytail, and now the hair-tie was all twisted up in a mess (she didn’t care, though). Lopez was carefully trying to maneuver around people and get to the front of the crowd. Finally, Church came stomping down the hall, ready to kill whoever wasn’t dying. The others hopped out of his way, which was pretty funny considering how not-afraid they were of him… but right now he was sending out maximum pissed-off-vibes. Behind him was Tex, who looked equally confused and irritated, but still too fuzzy-headed to put any effort into being threatening. Church could go from 0 to 100 at the drop of a hat, and he was currently at 88.
“Tucker…” Church’s voice came out like gravel. “Why. Are you. SCREAMING? And the answer better be GOOD,”
“THEM! GRIF AND SIMMONS! I SAW THEM! I SAW-” Tucker was bouncing up and down like a kid on his birthday who just noticed a huge present in the corner. He pointed to the two men who were sitting on the couch, looking over the back at everybody who had gathered. Without even saying anything to each other, they both decided to do the exact same thing; mess with Tucker. They innocently shrugged, all wide-eyed, as if they had no idea what Tucker was talking about.
“Yes, Tucker… we ALL see them… you don’t need to yell about it, jeez…” Caboose told him, and then looked at Church. “OH, HELLO CHURCH! I SEE YOU! GOOD MORNING!”
“No no no, you don’t understand!” Tucker shook his head. “They were-”
“LAVERNIUS TUCKER! Are those MY roses?!” Tex gasped when she finally noticed what he had in his arms.
“Oooh, she first-named you… you’re in trouble~” Donut teased.
“Tex, I’m sorry, but I NEEDED them!”
“For WHAT? Your own funeral? Because I have to kill you now. I hope you realize that,” then she glanced around the couch. “Ugh, and you made a mess everywhere… you’re cleaning this up before you die,”
“Listen to me, dammit! These two! Right here! Grif and Simmons! THEY WERE KISSING!” Tucker pointed at them again, and flung another handful of petals as he did so.
Everybody finally seemed to wake up. They looked curiously at Simmons and Grif, who were feeling muscle cramps in their guts; trying to keep a blank-face when every fiber of your being wanted to crack up was not only a test of mental and emotional strength… it took a physical toll as well.
“I have no clue what he’s talking about…” Grif said, leaning himself over the back of the couch and yawning.
“Yeah… we got back from the movie late and passed out on the couch. Tucker woke us up just now by screaming, we’re as confused as the rest of you,” Simmons could feel how much his face WANTED to twitch (the non-metallic side, anyway), but somehow he kept himself under control. His voice was cracking from the concentration though… but nobody could tell the difference between this and his normal squeak.
Everybody groaned and rolled their eyes; this was clearly just another stupid stunt Tucker was pulling to try and force Grif and Simmons together.
“NOOOOO! You guys can’t do this to me!” Tucker wailed.
“Come on Tucker, give it a rest!” Carolina waved her hand at him in a settle-down gesture. “It is to early to pull a prank like this,”
“No, but- THAT’S WHAT I SAID! And then they kissed! Right in front of me! It happened!”
“Aquaman, you might wanna get your eyes checked…” Sarge muttered.
“Oh! I know how to test eye sight, we could do that later if you want!” Doc offered helpfully… and then O’Malley added something extra. “But if you wake us up by SCREECHING like that again, I will intentionally get you the incorrect prescription for your glasses, and then EVERYTHING will be blurry FOREVER!”
“I don’t need glasses! I need y’all to LISTEN TO ME!”
“Tucker…” Wash began, using a more gentle tone. “You were probably still sleepy when you came out here, and then you saw them on the couch, so your brain made you THINK-”
“I SAW WHAT I SAW!” Tucker interrupted him, then turned back to the two LIARS on the couch. “Stop making them think I’m crazy! You both SAID you wanted to tell everybody! Well, now everybody is here! Tell them! Better yet, SHOW THEM!”
Kai was a little worried… what if Tucker had seen them kissing, and now they were caught and embarrassed? Should she start trying to distract people? De-escalating Tucker was going to be the hard part… wait, he said they wanted to tell everybody? Was that true, or was Tucker just BS-ing? If Dex wanted her to redirect all this attention, he better figure out a way to let her know…
On the couch, Grif straightened back up and turned toward Simmons with a very sly expression. Simmons’ face finally split into a smile as he leaned closer to Grif. Their hands touched, fingers lacing together. This made all the others focus on them again… because it looked like… well, it looked like they were going to…
This time, Grif reached behind Simmons, gently holding the back of his neck and pulling him close. Simmons also switched by making the happy noise, sighing into the kiss and melting against Grif.
They were kissing. Clearly, obviously, undeniably KISSING.
They looked like they had some practice doing this, too.
“AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!” and there Tucker went, screaming and throwing more rose petals over them.
For a few minutes, everybody else was just stunned into silence.
“Oh wow… Ok, so Tucker DIDN’T just imagine it!” Wash marveled, then laughed as he started clapping for them.
“Wait, SERIOUSLY!?” Church’s voice cracked. “This is happening? How long has this been happening?”
“Mmm… about 7 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days…” Simmons answered, moving away from Grif just enough to talk, but still keeping their bodies pressed together and looking at him like he was the whole world.
“Have you been counting the hours, too?” Grif touched his forehead to Simmons’, looking utterly enamored himself. The two of them giggled together.
“OK, that’s… that’s actually pretty damn cute,” Church admitted, all the anger gone from his voice, his expression turning soft.
“I’m just glad I don’t have to act like nothing’s going on anymore…” Kai said, walking over to the couch.
“Wait, you KNEW?” Tucker asked, finally out of flowers.
“Duh, this is my BROTHER. How could I NOT know? And speaking of which, now that the cat’s out of the bag, I can finally give Simmons my obligatory protective-sibling-speech,” she reached out, clasping Simmons’ chin in her hand, and turning his head so he had to look at her. He had a mildly alarmed expression mixed with a confused flat-smile, eyebrows rising up high. “If you break his heart, I’ll break your legs. Understand?”
“That sounds fair,” Simmons agreed.
“Good!” Kai kissed him on the cheek and released his chin. Before walking away, she gave Dex a pat on the shoulder. “And if YOU break HIS heart, then I’ll break YOUR legs!”
“Sis, you don’t need to threaten me and my boyfriend into treating each other right, we’re already pretty good at it!” he protested, but wasn’t able to stop smiling.
“HE SAID BOYFRIEND! THEY’RE BOYFRIENDS! YOU ALL HEARD IT!” Tucker was still too keyed-up to stay still. He’d been waiting for this to happen for YEARS. He had almost given up hope forever. Now, at last… the orange and maroon idiots were BOYFRIENDS.
“Wait, I thought… weren’t you two dating like, a long time ago? And then you broke up recently, or something?” Tex muttered, utterly confused.
“No, no…” Church explained. “They weren’t dating before. They were, uh, well they were kinda-”
“They’ve been being STUPID and dragging their heels for more than a DECADE!” Tucker added.
Grif and Simmons had to laugh and nod, because yes. This was true.
“Dating? I thought they were married this whole time!” Caboose said. He sounded genuinely distraught. “When did you get divorced?”
“Caboose, no… they didn’t- they weren’t-” Church wasn’t sure how to even start telling him what was incorrect with all of that.
“Well, I’m just glad they got back together. Maybe THIS time when they get re-married, they’ll invite us all to the wedding!” Caboose clapped his hands together once, excited.
“UH, YEAH, WE’D BETTER GET AN INVITE!” Donut spoke up, his high-pitched volume rivaling Tucker’s screech from earlier. “And right now, I want DETAILS! Who said the L-word first, who kissed who first, how many dates have you had, wait was last night a REAL date, have you two been sneaking off on romantic rendezvous every time you go do something together, have you guys taken this to the NEXT LEVEL yet, who-”
“Woah now!” Doc leaned over to try and get Donut to settle down before he started asking VERY personal and specific questions. “I think the most important thing to focus on is- we’re all proud of you two! So much emotional growth, and you decided to share it with us. I mean, we all kinda thought you guys had something there… or you COULD have something, but after so long we assumed it was just never going to happen. Seeing you both finally being honest and affectionate is really great!”
“Thanks Doc,” Grif smiled at him. “And Donut? I said I loved him first, but he didn’t get it, so nothing happened for a while. Then, he finally started to get a clue, but I wasn’t taking him seriously. Y’know, because we’re both stupid. We had a WHOLE conversation about being in love… uh, 7 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days ago, and that’s when we actually kissed. First he kissed me, then I kissed him. We went on a real date after that, and… I think last night was date number 34? Unless you add times where we just sit around at home and stuff… that would make about 55,”
“Pfff, and you made fun of ME for keeping track of how long we’ve been dating!” Simmons nestled his face into Grif’s hair. “Also, I guess stuff on Chorus still doesn’t count?”
“NO, IT DOESN’T!” Grif snapped, and the others around them laughed.
As the giggles and chuckles begin to die down, something shifts in the air by the refrigerator… then a shape takes form.
“Congratulations. I hope you’ll be happy together,” It was Locus. His sudden appearance made Donut, Doc, and Church jump. He faded away again, evidently feeling that he had satisfied the social requirements for a situation like this.
“Hey, wait a minute! I KNEW you were here! Church didn’t believe me when I said I thought you were in the apartment last night, but I knew!” Tex leaned over, waving her hands around in that direction, until she touched something unseen but solid. “You can’t trick somebody who ALSO used to sneak around invisible! And we TOLD you, just come hang out with us when you’re lonely, you don’t need to hide!”
Locus attempted to slip away, but she had a good grip on him now. He finally gave up, becoming visible again. It certainly was an odd sight; everybody else in various pajamas, Grif and Simmons still wearing their clothes from the date… then there was Locus, in full armor. Because he was just like that.
“Here Caboose, you hold him! Don’t let him go until he learns a lesson about friendship, OK?” Tex hoisted Locus up to Caboose, who promptly wrapped his arms around the very awkward and flustered man, holding him off the floor.
“OK! Hi, Locus!”
“Hello, Caboose…”
Laughter once again filled the apartment, and when it died down… they could what sounded like… sobbing?
It was Carolina and Sarge.
He was clutching his shotgun against his chest as very MANLY tears streaked down his cheeks, running through the spiky stubble growing on his face. She had her hands clenched into fists at her sides, eyebrows scrunched together, and a mess of a runny nose.
“Sarge? Oh my GOD, are you CRYING?” Grif asked, while Simmons could only stare.
“My boys…” Sarge choked out. “My boys are IN LOVE…”
He looked ready to just break-down; thankfully Donut and Doc were close enough to help hold him up.
“Aww… it’s OK, Sarge!” Donut said as the gruff old man leaned his head down, crying into Donut’s shoulder. From the couch, Simmons made a sympathetic whimpering noise… because he still couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride whenever Sarge made any reference to him as a son. Grif was less accustomed to this, but it was hitting him hard right here. They were his boys, he loved them, and they loved each other. The way Donut was smiling about it all… well, this was just a touching Red Team Family Moment, wasn’t it? A few years ago, this would have made Grif gag. Now… despite how awkward this whole situation was, Grif was actually sort of… happy everybody was here for it. Crap, he was just as corny as Simmons.
“What about you, Carolina?” Simmons asked, blinking back a few tears that were building in the corners of his eyes. “Are you alright?”
“NO- YES- I’M JUST- YOU TWO LOOK REALLY NICE TOGETHER, ALRIGHT? I CAN SEE HOW HAPPY YOU ARE, AND I’M REALLY HAPPY FOR YOU, AND-AND-” Carolina brought one had up to hide her face as her voice started to get shaky. The other hand she raised to flip them off. “FUCK YOU BOTH FOR DOING THIS TO ME!”
For her, Wash and Church tried to lean over and give her a hug, but she smacked them both away- they could tell it was only for show, so they tried again, and this time she let the comforting happen.
Lopez had been pretty quiet through this whole mess. He often just stood back and watched the humans be stupid, sometimes adding his own commentary, whether they listened to him or not. Now, he decided to say something direct. He walked over to the couch, placing one robotic hand on Grif’s shoulder, and another on Simmons’.
“Eres tan estúpido … No ME tomó más de una década decirle a mi amado cómo me sentía…” [You're so stupid... It didn't take me more than a decade to tell my love how I felt...] he was talking about himself and Sheila, his beautiful tank that would always have a special place in his “heart”. Lopez hadn’t wasted years and years in that regard; their romance had been clear and passionate from the beginning. “… pero me alegro de que finalmente te diste cuenta de la verdad. Ahora, asegúrate de permanecer juntos. No podemos volver a pasar por todas estas tonterías,” [but I'm glad you finally realized the truth. Now make sure you stick together. We can't go through all this nonsense again].
With that said, he hugged them, and walked back to the group. The sentiment was shared; it had taken Grif and Simmons so long to get to this point, and now everybody just wanted them to be able to enjoy it. Perhaps if there ever came a time when they were simply just… not in love anymore, then obviously they would separate, and the others would accept it. Everybody, but Tucker. Tucker would take it personally, and probably try to duct-tape them back together. However, this doesn’t even seem like a possibility; Grif hasn’t had a lot of luck with making a good thing last in his life, and he’s determined to make sure THIS endures. Simmons can’t picture a scenario in which he’d be able to want anybody else the way he wants Grif, and rather than make him feel trapped, this actually just gives him more confidence. Sure, they’re probably going to have problems, but that was nothing new (they certainly were no strangers to bickering or arguments). They had both seen each other at their worst, and none of it was enough to scare them away.
“Oh wait, hold on!” Tucker ran out of the room, and started to search for something in the hall closet. He came back with a camera; it was the one “good” camera they had (that wasn’t just somebody’s phone or a disposable hunk of junk). “We have to take a picture! One with just them, and then one with everybody in it! You two, kiss again! Go on!”
This time, they didn’t mess with him; Simmons and Grif kissed once more, and they could feel the vibrations in each other’s chests as they tried to suppress their laughter. A tear finally escaped from Simmons’ eye. It was just so many crazy emotions all at once; he was still tired, mildly embarrassed, a little bit proud of himself, incredibly happy, and absolutely in love. Grif was in the same situation, but was currently almost numb to everything happening… he’d start to feel almost shy, and then a wave of joy would wash all that away, and then another feeling would take over, and then another, then another… maybe later, when he could process all of it, he’d start crying too.
“OK, now everybody get over there by the couch!” Tucker started directing them, with most of the Reds coming around to sit on the couch with Grif and Simmons, plus Kai snuggling up to her brother. As everybody leaned in close, Tucker set the timer on the camera, and then placed it on the island countertop in the kitchen; it had a clear view into the living room. Tucker rushed over, hopping up to sit on the back of the couch, right between the love-birds. He almost ruined it, nearly slipping down too far, and then nothing but his feet would have been seen, sticking up in the air… Grif and Simmons caught him though, laughter finally erupting from them just as the camera went off.
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atlafan · 4 years
And They Were Roommates - One Shot
a/n: I’ve had this idea for a long time, and I’m glad it’s finally come together. I love friends to lovers fics, they make my stomach twist in the best possible way, so I hope you all enjoy these two! Feedback and reblogs are always helpful. (not proofread)
Warnings: two idiots refusing to just get together until they do, SMUT, mentions of Only Fans (which I truthfully know nothing about, but I wanted to make things saucy)
Words: 11.3K
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“We just need to be quiet in case my roommate’s home.” You say to your date, Jeremy, as you key into your flat. He nods with a grin as you enter.
“Hey, lovie, how was the-“ Harry smirks when he sees you come in with your date. “I see it went well, never mind.”
You roll your eyes at him. He was sitting on the couch in some sweat pants, and that was it, watching some romantic comedy.
“Harry, this is Jeremy, Jeremy this is my roommate Harry.”
“I’m her best friend too, but I can see she clearly hasn’t brought me up all night. M’a little offended, pet.”
“Okay, well, I’ll try to be more courteous.” You shake your head at him, and tug Jeremy along to your bedroom. “Sorry about him. He usually goes out on Friday nights, but lately he’s been staying in more.”
“You…you live with that guy?”
“Sure.” You shrug and then wrap your arms around his neck. “We’ve been friends for years, and we’re in the same grad program, so it just made sense to split a flat.”
“Listen…uh, I was excited that you invited me up, but I can’t fuck you with that guy sitting out there.”
“What?” You frown and step back. “Why not?”
“Because I’ll just think you’re thinking of him the whole time. He’s…like…perfect! I can’t compete with that.”
“Jeremy, you’re being silly, just clear your head, we can-“
“Sorry, Y/N.”
Jeremy opens your door and leaves you standing in your room. You were in shock. Jeremy walks quickly back out into the main area, and sees Harry still sitting and watching his movie.
“Oi, that was quick, mate. Hope you left my girl satisfied.” Harry grins at a disgruntled Jeremy, and he leaves.
“You know it’s comments like that…” You sniffle as you stand there in your pretty dress and heels. “That make guys just up and leave.”
“What are you talking about?”
“He took one look at you sitting there like that and ran off!”
“So, I can’t even sit in the comfort of my own living room without some douche feeling emasculated? Are you sure you want someone like that fucking you, Y/N?”
“I just wanted to hook up! Christ, now I have to go take care of it myself.” You groan.
“Well, when you’re done, come join me. We can watch My Best Friend’s Wedding.” He leans forward and smiles. “You look really nice tonight, I’m sorry he was an idiot.”
“Thanks.” You wipe your finger under your nose. “Would you make some popcorn or something?”
“On it.”
Alright, some explanation is probably needed here. See, you and Harry met your sophomore year of uni, no, not drunk at some party, in class, actually. You both were education majors, so you ended up having a lot of classes together once you really dove into your major courses. You got paired up on a project together, and there was no separation between the two of you after that.
Normally, Harry wouldn’t have been the type of guy you’d be friends with. To be honest, he dressed like a douchebag when you first met him. You wondered why he’d want to be a teacher. He had floppy curls, wore a snapback with every outfit, and you didn’t think he owned a pair of jeans that didn’t have any rips in them. Although, you did enjoy his Chelsea boots, his sweaters, and his nail polish and rings.
You were innocent, and sort of preppy while he was loud mouthed and scruffy. Your friend groups never merged, but your best friend knew about your friendship with Harry. She’d constantly poke fun and say you had a crush on him. You didn’t. Harry was hot as fuck, anyone with eyes could see that, but you weren’t into him in that way. That was one of the reasons he liked hanging out with you so much. Most girls that tried to be his friend were just trying to fuck, and that could be fun, but sometimes he genuinely wanted to meet up for coffee and have a conversation without it leading to screwing on an extra-long twin bed.
Harry’s friends knew you well. As the years went on, you’d often be the one he’d bring back to his place drunk. You started off by sleeping on the floor, and then one night you realized you both adults and could sleep in the same bed. His friends would give him an equally tough time about you. Sometimes you’d come over and wait in his room for him while he was out with another girl. To some that may have been weird, but nothing was better than drunk platonic cuddles.
There was one night, your senior year, you had woken up with him spooning you. In all the nights spent together, you two never fell asleep or woke up like that. You didn’t shift when you felt his morning wood poking you. His arm was draped loosely over you. You almost wanted to see if he’d make a move, so you pretended to stay asleep a little longer. His hand had slid to your hip and squeezed it, but that was the extent of the interaction. He rolled onto his back, and you did the same. You looked up at him and started giggling.
“It’s not funny.” He groaned, putting his forearm over his eyes.
“Didn’t know I did it for you, Har.” You poked the dimple forming on his face as he smiled.
“Don’t flatter yourself, sweetheart, happens to every guy in the morning.” He peered down at you and you rolled your eyes.
You had never spoken about it afterwards. You didn’t want to embarrass him. When you both talked about grad school, and got into the same university, he asked you to be his flat-mate.
“You don’t wanna live with Niall and Louis anymore?”
“They’re getting real jobs, they won’t wanna listen to me complain about school. I’ve found a great two bedroom place. I think it could be fun for us. Dontcha wanna live with me, baby?” He pouted at you and you nudged his shoulder and laughed.
“Christ, I hate it when you start getting all beggy. Alright, we can live together.”
He took you in his arms and hugged you. You were both extremely excited. Sometimes it seemed like you and Harry knew everything about each other, but that was not the case. After you moved in and got settled, it was time you revealed something to him. You called him into your bedroom to talk.
“Is everything okay? You’re not having doubts, are you?”
“No! Not at all, I’m glad we’re doing this. I feel safe with you here, and I’m glad we still have classes together. I…I just need to tell you something. Um, I don’t know what you do to...like, when you’re alone, I don’t know what you use, but I know things can pop up geographically, so I just wanted to warn you.” You bit your bottom lip, and turned your laptop around to show him your Only Fans page. His eyes widened, and then he shook his head.
“This is a joke, right? You made a fake website.”
“It’s not fake…” You muttered. “I don’t do lives, I don’t get naked, and I don’t show my face.”
“Then what do you do?”
“I was a dance minor, as you may recall.” He nodded yes at you. “So I make little strip tease videos and blur my face. Sometimes I take lingerie photos too. It’s a wonder what people will pay for.”
“How’d you get into this?” There was no judgement in his voice, he was genuinely curious.
“It started as a joke between Jenna and I, but then we started making money, and it’s enough that I can pay all my bills and live comfortably. I’ve already paid off one of my student loans thanks to this. I don’t even know if you use Only Fans, but I knew you’d probably recognize me or something if you stumbled across it so…I just wanted to warn you.”
“You know…the coffee shop I work at is hiring if you don’t feel like doing this kind of stuff.” He smirked.
“I actually don’t mind it. I essentially work for myself.”
“So you don’t sit in front of your camera and get yourself off with little bunny ears on?”
“No.” You laughed. “Just videos of me dancing in some intricate lighting, and saucy photos.”
“Can I see?”
“Not one of the videos, show me some pictures.”
“Come on. I’ve seen you dressed to the nines before, but I’m having trouble believing you would take any provocative photos.”
“Fine.” You clicked through the various photos, and find a mostly decent one. “Here, you can look at this one.”
His eyes widen again as he scans it over. You could only see your face from the lips down. You had a lollypop pressed to them, and some of the juice from it was dripping down your chin. You were laying on your bed in a pink lace bodysuit, and if he squinted he could probably see your nipples, but he chose against it. Your legs were up against the headboard, crossed at the ankle.
“Well?” You asked.
“It’s, uh, it’s very tasteful.” He cleared his throat. “Thanks for telling me…I…I  mean I definitely look at porn sometimes, so…uh…definitely wouldn’t have wanted to accidentally wanked it to you.”
“I doubt you would have even stayed on my page for long. You probably like to watch the really freaky shit.” You grinned and closed your laptop.
“I don’t know, there’s something sort of sexy about someone looking so innocent.”
“And that’s exactly what my viewers seem to say in the comments.”
Harry never brought up your page after that. You didn’t make him promise not to go searching for it, you just figured he wouldn’t. With all that aside, your living situation was working out perfectly. Sometimes Harry would bring home the day old muffins or bagels from the coffee shop, and you both had all the free coffee you could drink.
When you first moved in he was like his old self. He went out on dates almost every weekend. Normally he wouldn’t bring someone back, but once in a while he would. You never minded, you’d bring people back too, but you started to notice a pattern. Most guys either would have a tough time fucking you if he was home, or would end up leaving the way Jeremy did. You weren’t sure why they felt so threatened by Harry.
You supposed Jeremy could have been taken aback by seeing Harry shirtless. He was muscular, but not quite skinny. Buff in a way. He could hurt someone if he really wanted to. Once you’ve changed into some comfy pj’s, you plop down on the couch with Harry, and dive into the bowl of popcorn he made so you could watch your movie.
“So, I take it you’re not gonna take care of things yourself?”
“I’m too annoyed now.” You sigh. “It’s fine. I’ll try my luck with some random when we go out tomorrow night.”
“Good idea.” He throws his arm around you, and you both settle as the opening credits start.
Harry had to be up early for his shift at the coffee shop. After getting some schoolwork done, you took the opportunity to get some other work done. You had to be dressed for the club tonight anyways, so you got dolled up, and took some new photos for your page. You always got comments about your lips, so you’d use blow-pops to kiss against, or to rub against. You got some really great shots in, and got dressed in your regular clothes before Harry got home.
“Got your evening makeup on already? It’ll be hours before we leave, love.” He says as he runs a hand through his hair.
“You’re not the only one that worked today.” You wink at him and he rolls his eyes.
“You know, if I didn’t have all my tattoos I could be doing the same thing you’re doing.”
“Plenty of people with tattoos have pages.”
“The last thing I need is to start working at some school, and have a parent recognize me for the wrong reasons.”
“True.” You nod and go into the fridge. “I’m gonna make some stirfry, are you hungry?”
“I could eat.” He shrugs. “I’m gonna go shower.”
You didn’t necessarily mind that you’re dating life was a little tricky. You had all the domesticity you could need with Harry, however, you were certainly hoping to meet someone tonight at the club. You just wanted to have a meaningless hookup.
After dinner, and having a couple of drinks at home, you and Harry meet up with Niall and Louis at the club. Louis and Harry were laughing over something, so you decide to pay Niall a little attention. You always thought he was cute and funny. He was always nice to you too, as was Louis.
“How are things with your classes?” He asks. “Sort of wish I was doing the grad school thing.”
“Oh, but your job is so cool! Data analysis is riveting.” You giggle against the rim of your drink and he shakes his head. “Classes are good. I’m more so just excited to start teaching, but I have a while for that yet. Practicum last year was such a tease.”
“I bet you’d be a fun teacher, you’d certainly have no problem keeping my attention.” He slings one of his arms around the back of the booth you were sitting in and he inches closer. You smile at him and take a sip of your drink.
“Yeah? Why’s that?” You put your hand on his shoulder and twirl the material of his shirt around your finger.
“Your voice for one thing. It’s smooth, soothing. Your smile is sweet, so that helps too.”
You blush a little from his compliments, and finish your drink.
“Need another, babe?” Harry asks, breaking you and Niall from your little chat.
“I can get it.” Niall says. “Vodka tonic?”
“Please.” You smile and watch him go up to the bar. Louis and Harry look at you. “What?”
“Are you trying to fuck Niall?” Louis asks.
“Of course she’s no-“ Harry says, but he’s cut off by you.
“So what if I am?” She scoffs. “It’s safer than trying to get some guy I don’t know, right?”
“If that’s the case, why not just fuck Harry?” Louis smirks.
Harry death glares Louis as your face scrunches.
“It’s a little cliché, isn’t it?” You say. “Fucking your roommate and best friend? I’ll pass. That’s a load of drama we don’t need.”
“So, what you’re saying is, if Harry wasn’t your roommate or your best friend, you’d fuck him?”
“Hmm…” You tap your chin playfully and look Harry up and down. Before you can answer, Niall returns with your drink, and another round for the guys. “Thank you.” You say to him, and he sits down closely next to you.
“You wouldn’t wanna dance, would you?” Niall asks you.
“I’d love to!”
You both get up and make your way over to the dancefloor. Harry sulks while he plays with the straw in his drink.
“What are you all mopey for, huh?” Louis asks him.
“I don’t really like the idea of them hooking up. Could change the dynamic of things for all of us.”
“Instead of worrying about that, why don’t we try to go meet some ladies of our own, hm?” Louis smiles at Harry, and Harry nods in agreement.
You were having a lot of fun dancing with Niall, and his laugh was infectious tonight. You told him you needed to use the ladies room, and when you came back he was acting like a completely different person.
“Did I do something wrong?” You ask him over the blaring music.
“No! I just…” He looks over at Harry and Louis and then back to you. “We really shouldn’t be messing around like this.”
“We were just dancing.”
“But it was going to lead to something more, no?”
“Did you want it to?”
“Well, yeah, but you’re my friend, and…I wouldn’t want to make anything weird between us.”
“So…you don’t wanna go into the single stall bathroom and have me suck you off?” You bat your lashes at him and his eyes widen.
“Shit.” He says under his breath. “Are you serious?”
He wraps his hand around your wrist, and leads you through the crowd of people. You both go into the bathroom without a single thought and lock the door. You could hear the music faintly as you looked at each other.
“You seemed pretty sure of things before.” You say to him.
“I…I wigged out for a second. I really want this.”
You smile and step forward, pressing your lips to his. His hands go to your hips, and he squeezes you. He tasted like the tequila he had been drinking, and you smile against him. You kiss across his jaw, and to his neck while your hands work to undo his belt.
“You’re okay with this?” You ask him.
“Yeah, go for it. Would it be easier if I sat up on the counter?”
“No, I don’t mind getting on my knees, thanks.” You smirk at him and sink down, tugging his pants and boxers down just enough for his hard dick to spring out. You look up at him, impressed.
“Don’t look so surprised.”
“Sorry.” You chuckle. “Good for you, though, honestly.”
You kiss his tip and he jerks slightly towards you. You wrap your lips around him, and suck on him. His hands move your hair back, and you close your eyes as you work him over. You pump what you can’t fit, or what you don’t feel like fitting, and you hear him panting. This is all you wanted, you just wanted to make someone feel good.
“Y/N, I’m gonna come.” He warns you, and you give his thigh a squeeze to let him know it’s okay.
He comes into your mouth, and you swallow it to not make a mess. He helps you stand up, and then you help him zip his pants. After rinsing your mouth out he grabs you and kisses you. Your eyes flutter closed as he sucks on your bottom lip.
“Would you finger me?” You ask him just above a whisper against your lips.
“I’ll do anything you want.”
Louis was off making out with some girl while Harry was at the bar, brooding. You and Niall come back from the bathroom with flushed cheeks. Harry looks at you, and then looks at Niall. Niall just rubs the back of his neck and looks away.
“Y/N, are you ready to go home?” Harry asks her.
“Um…I was hoping to have another drink, but if you wanna leave we can.”
“I’d like to, yeah.”
You both say goodnight to Niall, and head out. He doesn’t say anything to in the back of the cab, and he’s quiet as you both go inside your flat. He fills two glasses of water and hands one to you.
“What’s wrong?” You ask him.
“Why’d you have to fuck my friend? Of all the guys in there, it had to be Niall?”
“I’m going to bed, I’m not having this conversation with you.” You start to walk away from him.
“So if I took Rachel into the bathroom at club and fucked her, you’d be fine with it?”
“Rachel’s a lesbian, so that’s a moot point.”
“You know what I’m trying to say.”
“I wouldn’t care, Harry. Also, you make it seem like Niall isn’t my friend, when he is. And not that it’s any of your business, but we didn’t do more than diddle each other. I sucked him off, and then I let him finger me, that was it.”
“You know, if you just needed to get off, I’m sure your own hand would have sufficed.” He huffs.
“Sometimes you just wanna feel someone else’s hand.” You say quietly.
“So Niall’s a good enough friend to diddle you, but I’m not? I’m extremely offended.”
“Harry…I don’t have to see Niall every day. It would get weird between us, and you know it.”
“I’m just saying, if you needed some help-“
“Don’t finish that sentence. You’re drunk, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Go put yourself to bed, I’m gonna go wash up.”
“I’m assuming no cuddles tonight then?”
“You’ve assumed correctly, goodnight.”
Harry emerges from his room around ten the next morning, thankful he had the day off from work. You were sitting on the couch in the living room, coffee cup in hand while reading one of your textbooks. He sees you’ve made coffee, and he pours himself a cup.
“Morning.” He yawns as he sits next to you.
“Morning.” You say without looking at him.
“Are you mad at me for some reason? Usually you come to my room after we’ve been out like that, and you didn’t…”
“Harry, do you seriously not remember what happened last night?” He shakes his head no at you. “It just wasn’t a good night for drunk cuddles, okay? Can we leave it at that?”
“Alright.” He shrugs and takes a sip of his coffee. “Do you feel like going to the campus library with me in a bit? I’ve got a paper to work on, and a change of scenery would do be some good.”
“Sure! I have some mock lesson plans I need to work on so that sounds good.”
He watches you get up and go into your room so you can get ready. He sighs to himself, feeling bad for lying to you. He takes his phone out to text Niall.
Harry: I’m sorry about last night…I know I can’t control what you do and who you do it with, and clearly what I said to you didn’t matter anyways
Niall: I was going to listen…but she really wanted it, mate, I’m sorry. It wasn’t anything serious, just two friends helping each other out, alright?
Harry: alright
Niall: are you sure you don’t have feelings for her?
Harry: I just don’t think it’s smart for our little circle to comingle like that, that’s all
Niall: whatever you say
“Harry, go get dressed, the sooner we go, the sooner we can come back and watch a movie.”
“Right.” He says with a smile and gets up.
Harry fucked up one night. He didn’t feel like trolling on Tinder for a lay, so he found himself on Only Fans. There were a couple of pages he was subscribed to, but they just weren’t doing it for him tonight. He wanted something a little different, so, against his better judgement…he went to your page. Sometimes he’d check it out just to make sure no one was leaving you any sick comments, he never really went there to ogle you. But because you didn’t use your face, he could use his imagination a little bit. He puts his headphones in, and clicks on one of your free videos.
He smiles when he hears one of your favorite songs playing in the background. You were a skilled video editor, hoping to teach that media arts. The video fades in, and there you are, completely clothed. You start dancing, it wasn’t over sexy, but you had a way about taking your clothes off. You were doing a chair dance, one of your specialties. The video ends with you just about to take your shirt off, and then it fades out with a smirk on your lips.
“Oh, she’s good.” He says to himself.
Leaving people wanting more was certainly key on this site. He sighs, and clicks through a couple of the other free things you had on your page, and then eventually he pays to subscribe. You’d never know it was him, it’s not like he used his real name. He was more curious than anything to see what else you could have on there. He clicks through some of your photos. His jaw drops when he sees you licking a lollypop.
There’s a knock on his door, and he nearly throws his laptop across the room. He exits out of his all his tabs and closes his laptop.
“Come in!”
“Hey.” You say, leaning against the door frame.
“What’s up?” He was sweating. Had you seen that you had a new subscriber? Had you somehow figured out it was him?
“I have cramps, can I come lay with you?”
“Oh.” He sighs with relief. “Sure.” He makes some room for you on his bed, and climb on, laying on your stomach.
“What were you up to?”
“Looking for some porn to watch, to be honest with you.” He chuckles as he rubs at your lower back.
“Oh, Christ.” You laugh and nudge his leg. “You didn’t need to let me in.”
“It’s alright, you’re more interesting anyways. How was your day? Feel like I barely saw you?”
“It was good. I had a lot of work to get done so I was at the library, and then I met up with Rach for dinner.”
“How’s she?”
“Good. She’s finally starting to make some friends at work.” You sit up and move to sit on your bum. “I have a cheeky idea. Let’s find a really bad porn to watch.”
“Yeah! We could find a cheesy one from the seventies or something, stuff our faces with ice cream and have a good laugh.”
“I’ll go get the ice cream, you find one to watch.” He slides his laptop over to you, and gets up.
You knew his password, so you enter it in. You open up his browser, and go on incognito mode. He comes back shortly with a gallon of ice cream and two spoons.
“Okay, I think I’ve found one. Major bush on this woman, and the guy.”
“Incredible.” He laughs and hands you a spoon. “Let’s see how they did it back then. Who knows, I may learn something new.”
“God, porn back then was only made for men.” You scoff, and take a bite of the ice cream. “I mean, these women just lay there and take it! What’s the fun in that?”
“I know, I like it when the girl’s a little more involved instead of just starfishing.”
“I’m all for a guy being on top, but you really shouldn’t just lay there. There’s still plenty a girl can do. Although, I have to say, when I’m not super into it, I just lay there until the guy comes.”
“Why not just speak up and tell him to do something else?”
“At that point there’s no coming back. Besides, you know how fragile the male ego is.” You smirk at him.
“True…although, I think it’s really hot when a girl is vocal in the bedroom. If she’s telling me how she likes it then I know she knows her body, and that image alone is so satisfying.” He takes a slow bite of the ice cream to watch your face.
“It doesn’t get frustrating?”
“Not for me.” He shrugs. “I mean, I’m usually able to figure it out without much help, but I always make sure to ask if it feels good.”
“What a gentleman.” You poke his cheek and he swats it away. “I like it when a guy is vocal too, like, isn’t afraid to moan, that kind of stuff.”
“I never understood why guys are so afraid to moan. If it feels good, let it out.”
You both completely forgot you had an old porn on in the background until you heard an extremely fake moan rip through the speaker. You both laugh hysterically.
“This must’ve been before boobs jobs got popular, those are as natural as they get.” Harry laughs.
“Jesus, I know, look at those things bounce!” You laugh, and then look down at yourself, frowning.
“Well….I have, like, bowling ball tits, like when you go candle pin bowling, is it attractive to watch big, heavy boobs like that?” You point to the screen. “And mine are kinda saggy, and-“
“Please, stop talking about yourself like that. Don’t you have, like, thousands of subscribers on your Only Fans? People clearly like the way you look.”
“They’ve never seen me naked.”
“Still.” He looks down at your covered chest. You were wearing a sweatshirt. “You…not to sound creepy, but you’ve got a great set on you. I’ve always thought so.”
“Yeah, I just never said anything because I didn’t want you knowing I was checking you out.” He smirks and throw one of his pillows at him. “It’s hard not to with some of the shirts or dresses you wear to the clubs sometimes. You really know how to make yourself look sexy.”
“Oh, and I’m not sexy right now?” You chuckle.
“No, you are, it’s just a different kind of sexy. Like, you more cute than anything else, but still totally fuckable.”
“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes and take another bite of ice cream. “Mm, we picked a really good flavor this week.”
“I know, way better than last week.”
“I’ve been having fun trying new flavors with you. Gives me something fun to look forward to. Is this twenty-two? Getting excited over ice cream flavors?”
“Pretty soon we’ll be excited over buying a new vacuum, or a dishrack.”
“Oh, I love a good dishrack.”
Harry bursts out laughing, and so do you. You ended up falling asleep with him in his bed, your head cradled to his chest. Harry was always the perfect cure to cramps.
“Oh…hello.” A girl says to you some random Wednesday morning. You were stood in your kitchen making some toast before class.
“Um, hi?”
“Oh, god, he has a girlfriend doesn’t he.” She whines.
“No! I’m Harry’s roommate. Did you spend the night, would you like some coffee?”
“Got scared for a second there. No, I’m all set thank you. Um, have a good one!” She says and leaves the flat.
“Is…is she gone?” Harry whispers from around the corner and you chuckle.
“Yes, Harry.”
“Thank god.” He sighs.
“Since when do you bring someone home with you on a Tuesday night?”
“I was working late at the coffee shop, and she was there doing homework, and one thing lead to another.” He pours himself a cup of coffee.
“And it was no good?”
“Terrible, I didn’t even ask for her number.”
“What made it so terrible?”
“She just…she wasn’t…doing it for me, I don’t know. There was no connection, Y/N.” He sighs.
“Maybe it’s time you start actually dating and work your way up to fucking someone.”
“That would involve me having to get to know someone, and I can’t stand people.” He pouts.
“Good thing you’re going to be a fucking teacher then.” You laugh. “Hurry up and get ready, or we’ll be late for class.”
Harry gets ready, and you both walk to campus for your K-12 instructors class. You were thankful to have class with Harry, you weren’t sure what you’d do without him. Just having someone to make eye contact with when someone said something stupid, or if the professor did something cringey.
“Hey, Y/N?”
“Hey, Daniel.” You smile up at him. “What’s up?”
“Well, I…I was wondering if you had plans this weekend? On Saturday?”
You look at Harry and he shakes his head no.
“Not that I can think of, no.”
“Great, uh, would you like to go to the movies? We could grab dinner as well.”
“I…I’d like that a lot, um, here.” You take your phone out to hand it to him. He puts his number and texts himself.
“Cool, I’ll text you later.” He moves to go sit down a few rows behind you. You look at Harry with a grin on your face.
“See, dating, it’s sorta fun.” You say to him.
“Wining and dining someone sure is a lot of effort. Don’t think I quite have it in me, but you have yourself a good time, pet.”
You have a wonderful time with Daniel on Saturday night. He took you to Panera, and then to see a comedy. He let you pick the movie, and you were delighted. You shared a lot of laughs, and made out with him in his car before he took you home.
“I ha d a lot of fun.” You tell him.
“Me too.” He says. “Maybe we could do this again sometime?”
“I’d like that.” You smile and get out of his car. When you get up to your flat, you can’t wait to dish with Harry about how your night went.
“Hola chica.” He says to you from the kitchen.
“Late night tacvos, my favorite. Save me any?”
“Course, grab what you like. How was your date?”
“Really good. Daniel’s super sweet.”
“Not sweet enough to bring home?”
“I’m taking my own advice and giving dating a try. He asked me if I wanted to go out again sometime and I said yes. We did kiss for a bit, it was nice.” You shove a taco into your mouth. “Mm, you make the best tacos, Har.”
“Don’t I know it? So…so you kissed, but nothing else?” He mutters as he finishes his food.
“Did you want to?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug.
“Then you shouldn’t go out with him again.”
“What are you talking about?”
“If you didn’t wanna rip his clothes off, it’s probably not gonna last.”
“Lust doesn’t make a relationship.”
“No, but it should be passionate. Even if you’re respectful and wait, you should still wanna fuck the person.”
“Sometimes you have to work up to feeling that way.”
“Nah, when you know, you know.” He winks at you and goes over to the couch. “I was about to watch-“
“Oh my god!” You screech.
“Did you not check the mail earlier?! Kevin and Ashley are getting married! This is their save the date. Holy fucking shit.”
“Makes sense, they’ve been together forever.”
“Well, we have to go, Harry.”
“Okay.” He hears you suck your teeth. “What?”
“No plus ones…”
“So? We’d just go together anyways. We can save money on a hotel room too.”
“That’s true. I just…wow, I couldn’t imagine getting married right now.”
“Like I said, when you know, you know.” He plops down onto the couch and turns the TV on. You sit down next to him. You look at him for a moment, and then turn your attention to the TV. Nothing else really needed to be said.
You hated it when Harry was right. Daniel was nice, but there was no spark. You went on four dates with him, and you didn’t want to fuck him.
“Hey, I was looking on the hotel website for the wedding, the room with the king sized bed is actually cheaper than the one with the two queens. That work for you?” He asks you as he comes into your room holding his laptop.
“Yeah, that’s fine. Just tell me how much I need to Venmo you.”
“Will do, it’s not terribly expensive. I’ll only need a hundred bucks from you.”
“Perfect.” You take your phone and send him the money. “Thanks for booking it.”
“No problemo.” He comes in and sits on your bed. “What are you up to, babydoll?”
“Just putting some mock lesson plans together.” You sigh. “Could definitely use a break, though.” He lays down on your bed and pats the spot next to him. You roll your eyes at him, and he pouts. “Ugh, fine.” You get onto your bed with him. “Happy now?”
“Well, you get to lay your head on my chest all the time. I’d like to do the same. Or…okay, there’s this trend on Tik Tok…could I lay down between your legs?”
“Um…like…with your head in my crotch?” You laugh. “I can put a pillow there and you can lay down if you like.”
“Okay.” You grab a pillow for him, and he gets on his back, resting his head, and looking up at you. You run your fingers through his curls and his eyes flutter closed. “I love it when you play with my hair.” He sighs.
“I knew you were coming in here with a motive. Booking the hotel room to get something out of it, huh?”
“Your nails just feel so good, and you know it.”
“Well, you better return the favor. I like getting my hair played with too.”
“I’ll touch you wherever you want me to, alright?” He yawns. “Just don’t stop for a bit.”
You brush off his crude comment, and does as he says. You liked playing with Harry’s hair, so it wasn’t a burden, and you liked when you two would just get cozy together like this. There weren’t many people you felt this comfortable with.
“Y/N, we need to get going down to the ceremony.” Harry calls from the bedroom of the hotel.
“Well, I wouldn’t be running behind if someone hadn’t taken twice as long as they said they would in the bathroom!”
“Can’t rush perfection, darling.” He smirks to himself.
“Mhm, so what does that make me?” You ask as you walk out of the bathroom. His mouth nearly falls open.
You had gotten your hair into a loose, low bun, with plenty of hair in the front to frame your face. You had a strapless purple dress on with black tights and black heels.
“Um…stunning, you look stunning.”
“Thanks.” You smile and grab your clutch. “You don’t look too bad yourself.” You wink at him and head out.
You both were blubbering messes during the ceremony. Rachel made sure to make fun you both for it. Once the cocktail hour hit, you were good to go. You found your table and sat down. You talked with some other friends and explained how grad school was going. You make it through the speeches and dinner, and then it’s time to dance.
Being at something like this reminded you of being at an old uni party, only more upscale. Ashley and Kevin’s families were around, so the music wasn’t exactly what you’d normally get down to, but there was an open bar that you were able to take advantage of. Partying with Harry was one of your favorite things. He always used to bring you to the best ones. A slow song starts to play, and you giggle as he bows and extends his hand to you.
“You’re an idiot.” You say as you take his hand and he pulls you close to him.
“Ah, but you’re still choosing to dance with me, babe.”
“Only cause I’m too lazy to find someone else.”
“Ha! That’ll be us someday reading vows at our won wedding. I was too lazy to find someone else, so I settled for my best friend.” He smirks at you and swat his shoulder.
“Would you be quiet? Enough of the people here think something’s going on between us as it is.”
“True.” He looks around at a few people’s wandering eyes. “Should we give them a bit of a show?” He slides his hands further down your back, getting dangerously close to your bum.
“Harry!” You squeal and giggle. “Stop it.” You grab his hands put them to their previous spot. “Just dance with me, would you?”
He chuckles and sways around with you. You both got pretty plastered. You couldn’t stop giggling with him all the way up to your room. You sigh once you get your heels off.
“Okay, I’m using the bathroom first.” You say to him.
“Fine.” He sighs and starts unbuttoning his dress shirt.
You head into the bathroom, and use the toilet. You get your tights all the way off and groan when you can’t reach the zipper on the back of your dress.
“Ugh, Harry!” You call for him. “I need your help!”
“Yeah?” He says, stepping into the bathroom in only his boxers. Nothing you hadn’t seen before.
“My zipper.”
“Oh.” He places a hand on your shoulder, and the other grips the zipper, slowly dragging it down. You clutch the front of it. “You’re not…uh…no bra?”
“No, there’s one built into the dress.” You turn around to face him. “I just need to grab my pj’s and then I’ll need a couple minutes to take my hair out.” You brush by him to go into your suitcase. He takes the opportunity to use the toilet and brush his teeth.
“Need help with anything else?” He asks as you step back into the bathroom.
“Nope, think I can handle the rest, thanks.” You giggle. “Wouldn’t mind some head scratches once I get into bed though.”
Harry gets into bed and waits for you. You come out with your hair a mess, your makeup smeared from rinsing it, and he furrows his brows at you.
“That’s my shirt.” He says as you knee onto the bed.
“Mhm, well, that’s what happens when you ask me to do your laundry for you. I steal your shirts as compensation.”
“Fair enough I suppose. Come here.”
You smile and lay on his chest so he can run his fingers through your hair. You moan softly from it as you relax into him.
“Feels so nice.” You mumble into his chest.
“I can tell.” One of his hands moves to rub your back. He mimics your moaning and you punch him in the arm. “Oi! I won’t love on you if you do that.”
“M’not asking you to love on me, I just wanted me head scratched. Be grateful you get to hear me make those noises, not everyone does.”
“Bet you’d make thousands if you posted something like that on your Only Fans.” He mutters and you move to look at him. “What?”
“Do you…ever look at my page?”
“Sometimes I check your comments to see if anyone’s being rude.”
“Oh…” You swallow. “I make enough doing what I’m doing. I…I’d be too shy to do the really explicate stuff. I also just feel, like, I don’t want just anyone to see me naked, you know? That’s why I don’t go live, everyone would just ask me to take my clothes off.”
“I get that. Wanna keep it private for someone special.”
“Exactly. I mean, I’ve talked about this with you before, but there are plenty of people that are into what I post.”
“You certainly leave them wanting more.”
“I’ve checked out some of the free videos you’ve posted, yeah.” He admits shamelessly. “You’re a very good dancer.” He smiles at you.
“I’m going to sleep.” You yawn and turn over. “Goodnight.” You look over your shoulder at him. “If you behave you can spoon me if you want.”
“What do you think I’m gonna do? Slide my prick between your ass cheeks? Grow up.” He says as he wraps his arm around you. You can’t help but laugh. “However, if I get hard while I’m sleeping you can’t get mad.”
“Suppose it’s not my fault I have such a fat, juicy ass, hm?”
“Go to sleep.” He laughs, and presses his chest to your back.
“Mm, you’re so cozy, Harry.”
“I know I am. Go to sleep, lovie.” He coos, and rubs at your side.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” He sighs and nestles into the back of your head.
“So…you let him spoon you all night, and nothing happened?” Rachel whispers to you at breakfast the next morning.
“Happens more often than not, it’s not a big deal.”
“You two are so fucking weird! I’ve literally never met two people who were close that do what you do. Why not just make the jump? Neither one of you can manage to make another relationship work.”
“I don’t know…I…I just don’t see him like that, and I know Harry. If he really liked me like that he’d go for it.”
“Maybe he’s just scared to fuck it up with you.”
“Exactly, so, let’s just not fuck it up and try anything.”
“What are you two hens clucking about, hm?” Harry says as he sits down, putting a cinnamon roll in front of you. “Had you favorite.”
“I’m trying to watch the carbs…” You mutter.
“Please.” He scoffs. “Would you just eat the fucking pastry? It’s good for you.”
“How is that thing good for me?” You laugh.
“It makes you happy when you eat it. You always hum and smile when you eat a cinnamon roll.”
“How sweet of you to notice.” Rachel remarks. “You’re practically her boyfriend.”
“Rachel.” You seethe, and take a bite of the pastry. You hum softly. “Why do these bloody things taste so good, huh?”
Harry chuckles and rubs the back of your neck briefly as he eats his own breakfast. He and Rachel share a glance, but that’s the extent of that interaction.
“Hey, Harry?” You tap on the outside of his door frame.
“Yeah, babe?” He says, taking his headphones out. It was a Friday evening and you both were doing homework. His eyes widen when he looks at you. “Your face is all flushed, are you alright?”
“Y-yeah, I just…could you come look at something for me?”
“Sure.” He follows you to your room and sits with you on your bed.
“Um...could I…could I show you some new photos I took yesterday? I just finished editing them…and I’m feeling a little self-conscious.”
“Aw, why? You’re so beautiful.” He keeps your cheek and rubs his thumb along your cheekbone. “Course I’ll look ‘em over for you.”
“Thanks.” You swallow and put your laptop on his lap. “So…like usual, they’re not overly explicit, but I feel like my boobs look weird. I should have gotten something with more support.” You blush and point to the photo.
“They’re perfect, you look perfect, Y/N.” You suck your teeth at him. “You do! What else do you want me to say?”
“Okay, what about this one?”
“This one?”
“But what about this one?”
“Perfect, they’re all perfect. I don’t know why you don’t think so.” He frowns and sets your laptop down on your desk. He turns to look at you. “What’s really going on?”
“It’s just…I have all these people leaving comments saying they wish they could know me, date, fuck me…and…like I don’t know any of them! All they know about me is that I can dance, and I look cute sucking on a lollypop. I…if I wasn’t making the money I that I am I’d stop doing it because I just want someone real to say all of those things to me, you know?”
“Y/N…” Harry sighs. “I know you, I wanna date you, and I certainly want to fuck you.”
“I know, it’s so cliché it’s disgusting, isn’t it?” He smirks. “But it’s how I feel. I’m sick of tip toeing around it.”
“How long have you felt this way?”
“Can’t really pinpoint it, I don’t think it’s been long, but it doesn’t feel new either.”
Your eyes well up with tears, and he puts his hand back on your cheek. You lean into it. You felt deeply confused.
“I just never thought we’d…like…I just didn’t think you were into my like that.”
“Well, I am, so…what do you think? We already get along great. We like spending time together. I truthfully can’t stand other people. I think you’re the only person’s day I actually like hearing about. Have you really never thought about it?”
“I don’t know! You never made a move when we were in undergrad, with all those nights we slept next to each other, you never did anything…”
“Yeah, because you were asleep, Y/N.” He deadpans. “What did you want me to do? Feel you up while you were unconscious? Or better yet, make a move while we were both intoxicated?”
“No, of course not.” You shake your head. “I…I don’t know what I wanted. I just felt lucky that I had such a good friend.”
“Yeah, me too.” He sighs. “Look, it’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, this doesn’t need to be weird. Just know if you wanted to give it a try, I’d be down.”
“You’re genuinely attracted to me, like, physically?”
“Yes.” He chuckles. “And I like what you got going on up here too.” He taps your forehead with his index finger. “But you knew that already. What about me, are you physically attracted to me?”
“Well…yeah, you know you’re hot.”
“I didn’t ask you what I know.” He smirks.
“Okay, yeah, I’ve always thought you were handsome, but you used to really be a douchebag, it turned me off. Made it easier to just be your friend.” You smirk at him and he rolls his eyes.
“M’not like that anymore.” He inches closer to you. You could feel his minty breath fanning over you.
“I know.” You say just above a whisper. The mood had changed immensely. The dim lighting in your room was creating an atmosphere you had never really felt with him before.
“So…I guess the only thing left to figure out is if there’s any real heat between us.” You nod at him as his hand goes back to cradle your cheek once more. “Can I kiss you, Y/N?”
You move towards each other slowly, your lips gracefully pressing against each other’s. You felt scared as your eyes pinched closed. It was scary to kiss your best friend, and what was scarier was that fact that it felt so natural and seamless. He pulls away, just to see if you’ll chase him, and you do, kissing him again. You do the same to him, and he comes chasing after your soft lips.
“Harry.” You whisper as you press your forehead to his.
“Yeah?” He whispers back.
“I…I wanna have sex with you.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
He cups both of your cheeks and pulls your lips back to his. His tongue peeks out to swipe along your bottom lip. He runs his lips back and forth over yours, and you open up for him. Your tongues meet, and you lick against each other, eliciting a moan from the both of you. You tug at the hem of his shirt, and he lets you lift it off. Your run your hands up and down his stomach as you continue to explore each other’s mouths, lips getting puffy and swollen. He sucks your bottom lip into his mouth while he unzips the sweatshirt you’re wearing. He pushes it off your shoulders, and you shimmy it the rest of the way off. He’s met with your bare breasts, and he licks his lips as he looks at them.
Harry pulls you closer to him, and his lips press against your neck. You cling to his biceps as he works his mouth down your chest. He looks up at you as he sucks on one of your nipples, rolling it between your teeth. You can’t help your head from falling back. He slides down to the floor as he continues to kiss on you. Your mouth falls open as he nips and sucks on your stomach, and his fingers hook into your leggings. He looks up at you and you nod. He tugs your leggings and underwear down your legs and gets them all the way off.
“Y/N, you’re sure?”
“Yes, I want you to, please.”
You open your legs for him, and he just about loses it from your confidence. He leans forward and kisses each of your hips. You think he’s about to go for your center, but he sucks on your inner thigh. You flinch from the sensitivity, but it feels good. You make sure to sit up on your elbows so you can watch him. He looks up at you and licks a flat stripe between your folds. He sucks on each of your lips before spreading you apart with his thumbs to focus on your clit. He sucks on it at first, harshly, and you gasp. He uses the tip of his tongue to flick back and forth against it. He runs his hands along your thighs to keep you open for him. You were clenching around nothing. His tongue was warm and wet, and everything you needed.
Your body starts to feel warm all over, you can feel your orgasm start to bubble up from within your lower belly. You let yourself fall back against the bed as you start to pant. Your voice cracks as louder moans begin to rip through your throat. He was sucking and slurping on your cunt, noises you had never heard before while someone was going down on you. And to really push you over the edge, he was moaning into you. Not little whimpers or grunts, genuine moans that were vibrating into you.
“Oh my god!” You cry out. A few tears roll down your cheeks as he continues to lap around you, helping you come down.
He kisses back up your body until he’s hovering over you. He smears his lips over yours, and you grunt, pulling him closer to you. It was the filthiest kiss of your life, completely tasting yourself on him, but you didn’t care. He just made you feel better than anyone ever did. You push him so he’ll on his back, and this time you’re the one to sink onto the floor. You get his jeans and boxers down his legs. Your eyes bug out when you see his large prick slap back against his stomach.
“Christ, Harry.”
“As if you didn’t already know.” He smirks.
“I mean, I had an idea.”
You spit into your hand and wrap it around his length. He grits his teeth as you start to slowly pump him up and down. You run his tip along your lips, and his mouth falls open. Your tongue presses over his slit and you wrap your lips around him. You suckle his tip, eliciting a moan from him. You hollow your cheeks and sink almost all the way down on him. You just wanted to feel him down your throat. You breathe your nose and just hold him there.
“Y/N.” He stutters.
You slowly pull off of him, a string of spit keeping you connected. You suck in a breath before sinking back down on him, not quite as much as you took before, and you bob up and down his length. You cup his balls and massage them as you make a mess of his prick. There was spit, drool, and precome dripping down your chin. Harry was a panting mess on the bed. His hands were gripping at the sheets, and the sight of him doing that causes you to moan. To see his veins popping out the way they were was enough to make you come again.
“Y/N, fuck, I’m gonna come.”
You moan around him as his come spurts into your mouth. You swallow it all and suck him dry. He pulls you up to him, dumbfounded that you just did what you did.
“I thought you wanted me to fuck you.” He breathes.
“I do, I’ve heard you have pretty good stamina.” You peck his lips. “I’m sure you’ll get hard again soon.”
He groans and shifts his thighs between your legs, making you gasp. He grips your hips and starts moving you back and forth along his tiger tattoo. Your nails dig into his chest as you work to grind against him.
“H-Harry.” You mewl.
“Yeah, ride my fucking leg, baby, show me how you do it.”
“I want you so bad, I wanna fuck you so bad, Y/N.”
“Oh, oh!” You come undone on his thigh. You lean down and press your lips to his, licking into his mouth. Before you know it he’s moving you up his body, turning you around, and licking back into your cunt. “Shit!”
He’s relentless with you, fucking you with his tongue, telling you to bounce up and down on him, and you listen. He sucks on your clit again, and you fall forward, head resting on his thigh. You watch as his cock bloats back up. You’d never know someone to enjoy doing this so much. You kiss on his thigh because you just needed to do something with your mouth. He makes you come again, and he lifts you off of his face.
“Think you can keep going?” He smirks as your head falls back against your pillows.
He grabs your legs and pushes them back so your knees press against the bed. He lifts your bum enough to rest on his thighs, and he dips his tongue back into your cunt. This was some serious teasing. You watch as his tongue goes in and out of you, deeper each time. He reaches forward with one of his hands to rub your clit. It was throbbing for him.
“Harry, please.”
“What, no good?”
“No, it’s amazing, but…I really wanna feel your dick now, please, I know you’re hard again.”
“You just taste so good.” He brings his mouth down to your cunt and sucks on it.
“This won’t be the only time I’ll let your head between my legs, I promise.” You let your legs drop back to lay normally. He sits back as you look at each other. “When was the last time you were tested? I…I’m clean, and if you are too, I’d prefer not to use a condom if you feel comfortable with that.”
“STD test came back negative a month ago when I went in for a checkup. You’re on the pill?”
He leans down to kiss you, and then he pulls back to paint his cock with your wetness that was uncontrollably leaking out of you for him. He presses his tip against your clit, and slides it down your slit. He pushes inside you slowly. He fills you to the hilt, and waits. For a moment he just wants to enjoy how tight and snug you are around him. You push your hips up and start rocking against him.
“Jesus, Y/N, you’re so fucking perfect.”
“Because I’m moving myself on you?” You giggle.
“I just think it’s cute that you’re so goddamn impatient.”
“Would you just shut up and show what you can do with this thing? Or am I gonna have to do all of this myself?”
He accepts the challenge, pulling his hips back, and snapping them forward. You reach behind yourself to press against the headboard so your head doesn’t smack against it. He drives it into you fast and deep. He pushes you to the brink of coming, but he pulls all the way out of you. Before you can complain he flips you over, and grabs your hips. He pulls you back to him and slips back inside. You moan out from the new angle, and the sound of his skin slapping against yours makes your eyes roll back. He gives your bum a light smack and you grunt.
“You can do that a little harder, a little.” You didn’t want him to fully spank you, you weren’t into that sort of thing, but you didn’t mind feeling it a little more. He delivers a harsher smack and you groan again.
“You have the best ass I’ve ever seen.” He smacks you again and you grip onto the pillows. He grips the back of your neck to get a steadier pace going, and he uses his other hand to rub your clit.
“Fuck, Harry. You’re so attentive.” You manage to say. You felt like you could barely breathe.
“I’m gonna ruin you for any other guy.”
“Don’t want any other guy.” You admit. “I don’t want anyone else to fuck me.”
“Christ.” He moans.
His fingers move faster on your clit, and his tip pounds against your g-spot, and you’re coming. You’re coming hard around him. He pulls out and sits up against the headboard. You look up at him, completely frazzled.
“I want you ride me.”
“Okay.” You breathe. You shuffle around and swing your leg over him. You line him up with yourself and sink down on him.
He fondles your breasts as you move up and down on him. He kisses on your chest as you get a rhythm going. He leans back just to watch your tits bounce up and down. He looks up at you and grips you by the back of your neck to pull your mouth down to his. You breathe each other in and out as you moan and gasp. He takes control by gripping your hips, and you cling to him to let him just do what he wanted with you. You tighten around him and his head falls back for a moment.
“Where can I come?” He asks.
“Where do you want to come?”
“Inside you.”
“You’re okay with that?”
“You’re gonna be the death of me.” He grunts.
You cry out as he does when he comes. You don’t think you had ever felt so full in your life. He kisses you as you both catch your breaths. You tug at his hair, and grind against him. You were close to coming again. He takes the hint and snakes his hand between you both and rubs your clit. Your orgasm rips through you, and you moan into his neck.
“I’m so fucking sweaty.” You whisper.
“Do you wanna take a shower?”
“Yeah.” You look up at him. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course.”
“Do I still have legs? Because I can’t feel them.”
He puffs out some air as he laughs, smoothing some hair away from your face.
“Yes, you still have legs, Y/N. Should I carry you to the bathroom?”
“Please, I really need to pee.”
He kisses your forehead and slowly lifts you off of him. You clench so nothing falls out. You didn’t want to make a bigger mess of your bed.
“We can sleep in my room and wash your sheets tomorrow, don’t worry about that.” He says as he carries you bridal style to the bathroom.
He sets you down on the toilet and steps out to give you some privacy. Once he hears the water for the shower start he comes back in. He splays a hand on your back and gives you a gentle rub before you both step in. You felt overwhelmed. You just had the best sex of your life with your very best friend. As he reaches for his body wash you swat his hand. He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Would you…would you just hold me?” Your bottom lip quivers, and he pulls you into his chest.
You nestle into him, and just stand under the warm water with him. He cradles your head and lets you cry into him. He starts to cry too, although he’s not really sure why.
“I don’t want anything to get fucked up between us, Harry.” You look up at him, tears streaming down your cheeks. “I love you so much, and I don’t want something bad to happen that’ll make us hate each other.”
“M’not gonna let that happen.” He wipes your tears away, and then wipes away his own. “We’re gonna do this right. We’ll go out on dates, and we’ll see where it goes, and I hope it goes well because I love you too, and I value so many of the things we have with each other.”
You each take turns scrubbing each other down, getting clean. It’s soothing, and calming. You both relax, and get wrapped up into some towels. You run the blow dryer through your hair quickly just so it’s not sopping wet. He gives you one of his bed shirts to wear, and you crawl into bed with him. Being immersed in his scent was exactly what you needed. You rest your head on his chest, and he throws his arm around you.
“When was the last time you actually dated someone?” You ask softly.
“Um…think I was sixteen to be honest with you.”
“Ah, so a while.” You chuckle.
“You literally know my entire sexual history, and I know yours, let’s not pretend we’re both experts with all this.”
“So…we’ll just make this up as we go? I mean, I like that we sleep together sometimes, but I wanna keep my room, I don’t wanna move into the same room.”
“Christ, slow down, we just got together and you’re already talking about moving into the same bedroom?” You swat at his chest and he laughs, kissing the top of your head. “In all seriousness, I feel the same way, I think we should still have our separate spaces. You get pissed off with me easily.”
“Maybe you should try not to piss me off then.”
“Well, now that I know you enjoy a good tonguing, I’m not really worried about it. God, we can make up from a fight with sex instead of watching Dirty Dancing, it’s gonna be incredible.”
“Can…can we not do both?” You look up at him. “I love singing Hungry Eyes with you.”
“Yeah, both is good.”
“And I wanna make sure we clarify what are dates, and what’s just hanging out. I want dates to feel…special, I don’t know.”
“Can do. I think study dates at the library are gonna be my favorite.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I can rile you up. I’ll sit across from you to play footsie, and then I’ll run my foot up your leg. I’ll make eyes at you. You’ll end up blowing me in the bathroom, it’ll be great.”
“Mm, yes, well, what if my leg’s the one doing the rubbing? I could probably make you come in your pants from my foot on your crotch alone.”
“Okay, no study dates. You know what I would really like, though?”
“Sometimes…sometimes I really miss you when I work double shifts at work, and then I feel bad because you’re here all by yourself…so maybe you could come to the coffee shop more? Hang out, do homework, I’ll give you free food.”
“Sounds like a sweet deal to me.” You bite your bottom lip. “You’re not gonna ask me to give up my Only Fans are you?”
“What? No, why would you even think that?”
“I don’t know…you’re the jealous type, Harry.”
“True…but if that’s what you wanna do for work, I don’t have a problem with it. Can I tell you a dirty secret?”
“I’m subscribed to your page.”
“You are?!”
“Yeah…I’ve never wanked to your stuff because I feel like that would be creepy, but I do keep up with what you post.”
“I’m not gonna do it forever, once I get a real job I won’t need it…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself to me, babe. Even if you were doing the really filthy stuff, I wouldn’t care. That’s your business.”
“God, if I wasn’t so tired I’d hop on your dick again.”
He chuckles at that and gives your shoulder a squeeze.
“Any other questions?”
“I don’t think so. Although, I’m not looking forward to telling Rachel. The it’s about time or I told you so is not gonna be fun.”
“Same with Niall and Louis. We just gotta rip the band aid.”
You hum your response and get a little cozier by putting one of your legs over his. It was easy enough to fall asleep. You talked, so you weren’t worried about your friendship ending. If anything, it was all going to get better. Being able to kiss and touch on top of how you were with each other already was just the cherry on top. It didn’t happen over drinks, it didn’t happen in a club, and it didn’t happen by mistake. This was on purpose. He was the person you were supposed to be with, and he felt the same way.
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singtotheskiies · 3 years
“how are you so perfect?!” // karl jacobs fluff alphabet
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a/n: the mcyt brainrot continues so i am coping with the fluffiest karl hcs my brain can summon,,,,,,, i am affection-starved send help please
summary: a look into the abcs of dating the one and only sweetheart karl jacobs!!! (fluff alphabet template by @snk-warriors)
activities - what do they like to do with their s/o? how do they spend their free time with them?
karl loves doing literally anything and everything with you; he just loves your presence and company so much!! whether it’s late-night target runs, playing minecraft together, or just collapsing into your arms after a long, late-night stream, being with you instantly lifts his mood.
beauty - what do they admire about their s/o? what do they think is beautiful about them?
while karl appreciates and adores everything about you, i can definitely see him being a sucker for your eyes. he loves how they sparkle in certain lights, how big and happy they are when you’re looking at him, how they crinkle when you laugh, and how your pretty eyelashes flutter against your cheeks when the two of you cuddle. he often finds himself getting all blushy when you guys maintain prolonged eye contact:)))) i think he’d also love your hands and shoulders too!!
comfort - how would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
karl is no stranger to anxiety and is incredibly empathetic. the combination of these two things makes him the BEST person to have around when you’re not feeling good. if you’re sad, he’ll instinctively know just what to do to put a smile on your face again. he’ll crack stupid jokes or put on music and dance with you—anything to make you happy. if you’re anxious, he’ll talk softly to you and, if you’re feeling up to it, will hold you so you can safely come down from your panicking. he’ll definitely cradle the back of your head with his hand as he holds you close, just breathing with you.
dreams - how do they picture their future with their s/o?
karl is definitely the type to fall hard relatively quickly in a relationship. thinking about the future is sometimes scary for him, but with you in the picture, he finds it less threatening—beautiful, even. he doesn’t know exactly how he wants everything to turn out, but he does know that he wants you by his side through all of it.
equal - are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
equality in a relationship is INCREDIBLY important to karl. he respects you so much and wants to make sure that your opinions and ideas are heard. the two of you 100% thrive on mutual communication and input.
fight - would they forgive their s/o easily? how do they fight?
i don’t see karl as the type to get upset easily; he’s pretty chill and is very forgiving since he hates conflict. i can see the odd argument popping up if he’s tired or stressed and accidentally snaps at you, but he’d be clinging to you five minutes later and begging for forgiveness (which, of course, you can’t resist giving him—he has an unfair amount of cute privilege).
gratitude - how grateful are they in general? are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
karl is sweetie #1 and never fails to appreciate the people in his life (or let them know). you could get him a monster from the fridge and he’ll literally pepper your face with kisses while chanting “thank you thank you thank you” like you just saved his life or something. he’s such a cutie and never fails to show you just how much he appreciates everything you do:)))
honesty - do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? or do they share everything?
as i said before, karl thrives on communication. however, he’s often hesitant to tell you when he’s feeling down or upset. even though he knows you probably wouldn’t mind, he doesn’t want to drag you down or burden you with his problems. his tell for feeling down is getting really quiet, so if you notice this, a few gentle questions will get him to open up to you. he’s working on being more open because you always help him feel so much better!!
inspiration - did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? ex: trying out new things or helping them overcome personal problems?
without a doubt, you have both changed each other for the better!! he’s helped you appreciate the little things and the quiet companionship that so many people take for granted. he’s also been a huge constant and has helped you through tough times. you’ve been a huge calming-yet-brilliant force for him and have taught him that good things always come in time. y’all are really an unstoppable pair and mean so much to the other!!
jealousy - do they get jealous easily? how do they deal with it?
karl doesn’t get jealous as much as he gets insecure. if he’s feeling uncomfortable, he’ll just get super quiet. after all, who is he to stop you from having fun?? maybe you’re better off with this person in the moment,,,, anyway, you’ll have to make it up to him with a cuddle session and reassuring him about how much you love him between soft head kisses:)))
kiss - are they a good kisser? what was the first kiss like?
karl’s kisses are LOVELY—soft and sweet with his hands gently cupping your cheek or jaw or even holding your own. he just loves being able to feel you and be close to you. the first kiss probably happened during a cuddle session—he would just be so caught up in your presence and softness and scent that his face would move closer to yours without him even trying. you’d make soft, shy eye contact for a brief moment before his mouth met yours. help he’s so cute ajcividiahhdjfd
love confession - how would they confess to their s/o?
god, he’s SUCH a cheeseball—he’d either do it on your birthday, delivered with a shy smile and giant bouquet, or just blurt it out of nowhere at 2am while the two of you are tired and slap-happy out of your minds. either way, he says it with such hushed reverence that your heart forgets how to work for a few minutes. so many kisses after;))))
marriage - do they want to get married? how would they propose? what would the marriage be like?
like i said earlier, karl can get a bit overwhelmed when thinking about the future. however, he does know that he wants the utter joy you bring him every day to keep going. he likes the idea of a small, pretty wedding with the people you’re closest with, but he’s also fine with just enjoying what you have. as long as he gets to be with you he’s happy:)))
nicknames - what do they call their s/o?
i get the vibe that he’d call you by your first initial or “baby” when he wants to be more casual (but he somehow imbues “baby” with so much meaning,,,,, hhhh). uses “sweetie” sometimes and also “honey” after you’ve been in a relationship for a while. basically just uses the absolute CUTEST names,,, they come naturally to him bc he loves you so much:’))
on cloud nine - what are they like when they are in love? is it obvious to others? how do they express their feelings?
it is PAINFULLY obvious that karl’s in love with you. he’s always gushing about you to his mr. beast and minecraft friends, so full of fond stories that everyone groans at so much of a mention of your name (everyone secretly thinks it’s adorable tho). the two of you have had so many people compliment you on how cute of a couple you are—your joking, fond chemistry is palpable.
pda - are they upfront about their relationship? do they brag about their s/o in front of others? or are they rather shy to kiss, etc. when others are watching?
while it’s common knowledge karl’s love language is physical touch, he’s always considerate of your boundaries while the two of you are around others. he’ll likely keep pda to hand holding and an arm slung comfortably over your shoulder. it’s just enough to let you feel each other without being too clingy.
quirk - a random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
karl is super unselfish—meaning his closet, nail polish—and yes, even his prized monster energy drinks—are also yours. he truly believes that sharing is caring, and it makes him incredibly happy when you’re wearing one of his iconic sweaters or giving him a grateful smile as he hands you half of his taco bell order.
romance - how romantic are they? what would they do to make their s/o happy? cliché or rather creative?
karl is a complete angel and always puts others first, meaning he’s an absolute GOD when it comes to romance. he’s always laughing and joking with you, and he never runs out of fun things for the two of you to do. at the beginning of your relationship, he’ll stick to the tried-and-true formulas of giant teddy bears, chocolate, and shared sweaters. as he gets to know you better, though, he’ll take pride in giving you super personal gifts and crafting special date nights he knows you’ll love. he’s the absolute sweetest:’’))
support - do they help their s/o achieve their goals? do they believe in them?
karl is your biggest fan first and your boyfriend second. he never fails to cheer you on every step of the way and remind you just how incredible you are when you’re struggling. he truly believes you can do anything—he is an angel. an ANGEL.
thrill - do they need to try out new things to spice out their relationship? or do they prefer a certain routine?
the two of you have a happy, comfortable rhythm in your relationship. however, you guys definitely try things together. watching a new cartoon, trying a quirky restaurant, or doing weird challenges with each other on stream never feels too much like stepping out of your comfort zone since the two of you are so in sync. even if something backfires, you’ve got the safety net of the other person to catch you.
understanding - how well do they know their partner? are they empathetic?
karl has incredible amounts of emotional and interpersonal intelligence. he believes in the innate dignity and beauty of all people, and LOVES getting to know every single bit of who you are. he’s completely committed to you, and is the perfect person to help you with whatever you’re going through.
value - how important is the relationship to them? what is its worth in comparison to other things in their life?
he considers your relationship to be the best part of his life. you’ve been with him through so much, and looking back, it’s incredibly clear just how much your presence in his life has changed him for the better. he loves you so much!!!!!
wild card - a random fluff headcanon.
karl often rants happily on and on about his newest cartoon or gaming obsession while the two of you are cuddling. he’s just so cute, and more often than not you’ll end up kissing all over his freckled cheeks and soft hair. he melts into you like a cat and the two of you just breathe the other in with pure contentment:))))) send help y’all are so cute:))))
xoxo - are they very affectionate? do they love to kiss and cuddle?
this goes without saying, but karl is a cuddlebug supreme. if you’re not super into cuddling, he’ll understand but try and ease you into it so that he can love you the way he really wants to!! copious amounts of cuddles, kisses, and affection are central to his ideal relationship.
yearning - how do they cope when they’re missing their partner?
poor karl gets so lonely without you!! you’ll facetime him when you’re gone for even a night, and he’ll pick up wearing one of your sweatshirts. “miss me that much??” you tease, and he can only nod and pout. expect millions of wish you were heres and miss you babys and can’t wait to hug u agains spam texted to you. lots of snapchats of him giving puppy dog eyes to the camera and cuddling stuffed animals will also be sent. he can’t help it—he just adores you and is constantly pouting until you’re back.
zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? if so, what will they do?
you’re karl’s everything, and he’ll do anything to make sure that your relationship is happy, healthy, and beneficial for both of you. thankfully, though, he’s such a sweetheart that making sure things are running smoothly isn’t much of a task at all!!
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televisionboy · 4 years
this gif is everything skdjdjfn and this is my first alphabet! so give me love and constructive criticism.
taglist: @punkgeekchic @visionsofsweettea @adoresobs @am4sawa @reblogsfandom @evarolines @somethingstuffy
Timothee Chalamet Fluff Alphabet
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Dates with Timothee are very very comforting and new at the same time. He LOVES getting out of the house and going to a city where shops are lining every corner and small cafes with coffee to die for. But he also loves to cook you dinner and rehash your days. He’s quite a domestic person.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Timothee finds all of you attractive. But his favorite thing to do is whenever you’re reading a book or the two of you are watching TV, and you’re at one end of the couch and he’s at the other end, he loves to run his hands up and down your legs while they rest in his lap. Drumming his fingers against your knees is like a calming thing
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He doesn’t talk, at all. He’s an incredibly patient boyfriend who will sit there with you and sync your breathing while hugging you. He will listen for hours and hours to you talk about it. And if not, he makes tea for you and offers cuddles and comfortable silences. I mean, either way he always makes tea.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He would love a family with you, he knows you’d be an incredible parent to his children. But he’s content being young, having new experiences and getting to be spontaneous. If he had to think about it, he’d like one or two children and maybe a dog. Living in a cozy but spacious home, of course there’s a pool in the back.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
well, when he’s in the mood, jealous/mad he definitely will be dominant (and especially in bed) but he’s in no way so dominant that you will feel like his maid or a child. But he really doesn’t want to consider your relationship to be that way. Both of you are just you and treat each other equally. 
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He gets cold when he’s fighting with you. Timothee’s a bit like a younger sibling while fighting, he knows how to push your buttons and won’t stop until he see’s a reaction. But he has that guilty feeling wash over him so fast. He’s very very easy to forgive you because how could he say no to someone like you??
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
SO GRATEFUL. He spoils like no other. If you point out that you like a pair of earrings, they’re yours (it doesn’t matter that they’re pure diamonds) you mentioned that you want to see Italy? Tickets booked. And a great thing about him, on top of being a good listener is that he has a great eye. And he picks up on things and is quick to notice them. Which is a big reason he’s so successful in acting. Even if it’s something as simple as washing the dishes so he can relax, to something as kind as making him your very own fan gift.. he melts every time.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Mmm, he certainly tries not to but everyone keeps secrets. There are things that both of you prefer to keep private but he wouldn’t keep something like him kissing another woman a secret.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
You’ve inspired him and fueled him to become a stronger actor even if you’re not one yourself. Some of your advice is seriously helpful, and some are unhelpful but hilarious. No matter what you will tell him, he knows you’re waiting at home or even at his set with open arms, waiting for him to win an award and fangirl online to other Timmy fans. It makes him blush and cause a billion butterflies to erupt in his stomach.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He trusts you 100% that you would never leave him, and he doesn’t want to be one of those boyfriends who restricts their partner. But there’s a part of him that’s incredibly insecure and is convinced you can do better. There are some parts that WANT you to leave him and do better. He would never ever show it in public, but you can read him well. You’ll put a hand on his bouncing knee and kiss his jaw.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like? 
He knows he’s a damn good kisser as well as charmer. You had been on a couple of dates with him, on one you mentioned that it was on your bucket list to be kissed in the rain. He made sure to schedule a date when there would be rain and he took you on a picnic. Towards the end, it had started to pour and you were trying to run back to the car but he grabbed your face and kissed you so hard but so passionately. His curls were dripping and the sandwiches were ruined but the feeling was incredible. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Rightttt after that kiss, in the car you were drying off and laughing with him while the radio was on in the background. The car was on but he wasn’t driving. Instead, he turned to you and told you he was in love with you. Both of you had said “love you” but never “i’m in love with you”
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He’s on the fence about babies but he knows for certain that he wants to marry you. You know that scene in The Office where Jim shows the engagement ring for Pam and is like “I got it 3 weeks into dating”? That’s Timmy. 
He brings you to a premire of one of his movies and at the end when all the credit’s are rolling, it says “y/n will you marry me?” and when you turn back around, Timmy is on one knee and Armie is most likely behind him crying his eyes out. 
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
“Babe” “Baby” “Mon cherie” When you two are married, he’ll join you in the kitchen while cooking dinner and call you “Mrs Chalamet” before kissing your shoulder and beginning to chop veggies. It’s just incredibly domestic 
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
so so so obvious and so in love. He shows you off as much as possible and talks about you on talk shows until he’s sure that the audience is annoyed and SNL mocks him (and even then, he’ll continue)
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
he brags but he does know when to dial it back for your own privacy and humility. BUT that doesn’t mean he won’t hold your hand in public, or banter with you on a twitter thread even if you both are right next to each other on the couch playing footsie
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He has a great eye and is quick to pick up on things. It’s almost as if he has certain senses and can tell when you’re having a bad day or upset. He just knows. It’s incredible. He’ll run you a bath and order cake to indulge yourself in before you even get home.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
The most sickley, fluffy, romantic, boyfriend that it makes me sick. Timothee would dye his hair rainbow and cut of his toes if it meant you would smile. On a more romantic note, he pulls out all the stops but it’s a bit more subtle?? Like he is very romantic but it’s not overwhelming. There’s no string quartet and private dining room but there will be jazz and dancing at midnight or a homemade “restaurant” with Timothee as a one man (messy) staff but it’s the best thing you could have ever come home to
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He’s your head cheerleader and the most selfless human ever. Will cheer for you until his voice goes mute and even then, he’s the one clapping the loudest and crying the most. 
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
both! Timothee is like a dog in some ways. He’s energetic and needs new things, to be outside, to be social. But he craves hugs and cuddling, he adores late night talks with you or watching you make him breakfast while he scrolls through Instagram. Like I said, a very domestic guy.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He know’s you like the back of his hand and he could spot you with his eyes closed and only by feeling your face. He knows your habits, and the food you hate, your terrible cooking skills, and the kind of dad jokes you tell, the anxiety ticks, and what shows you’ll watch over and over again.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He’d go insane without you. You’re addictive because you have a pure heart and a dirty mind and he falls in love the more you show that. He brings you back the weirdest things that remind him of you. Stationary cards with odd quotes, an antique necklace from the 40′s, peach earrings (because he enables your teasing)
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He’s like the real version of “JOEY DOESN’T SHARE FOOD” but a little more loving lol “I love you, but I’m willing to defend my fries”
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
I said that he’s like a puppy! he needs kisses and scratches to his head (free scalp massage) and he’s a clingy puppy too. i mean, look at his eyes for the love of god. 
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
he aches so bad. He is your cheerleader but he can’t function without you. You’re his cup of coffee, an antidepressant. He’s fangirling inside for your new project but when he sees your mug or reaches to bring you close to his chest and you’re not there, he’s unable to fall asleep or make a cup of coffee.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’d travel to Mars and back if you asked him to. Just ask him, and he does it. One time, he was working on a movie with an actress who was quite snippy to you and he quit immediately, feeling incredibly guilty and nauseous. He got you very  expensive lox and bagels one morning because you were whining about it the previous night. He doesn’t want to close his eyes at night because there’s so many things he wants to do before he goes on to the next day. But when he closes his eyes at night, it’s all you, you, you, you, you and how much he’s overwhelmed with total adoration for you
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murasakispace · 3 years
Adam/Shindo Ainosuke X Male Reader
Author's note : Adam needs a bit of love, don't you think? A little love that doesn't imply to hurt Tadashi. It doesn't prevent that it is certainly crap. English is not my main language and it must be awful.
Warnings : NSFW, spanking, degradation and all the BDSM pack.
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You were a newcomer, a rookie here. In S. You had the time to watch the local legends fall from their safe sky on the large screens. The most incredible was the race against Langa. Well... You were still wondering if his name was really Langa. Maybe you misunderstood, hidden in your shadows. First Joe, then Cherry and finally Adam. You had to admit their style was eclectic. Even them had to learn again. They were believing themselves as gods because they were the founders of a clandestin course. It made you shrug a little while you were observing them.
People were people. Here, in S, freedom was at its most powerful. A place were no one could say, order to someone something he doesn't want to do. Everything was ruled by skateboard and the people's talent. You were quite happy of that. Because of an accident years ago in mountains with your motorbike while you were heading to the summit so as to practice snowboard. You had the ambition to reach the Winter Olympic Games in half-pipe. You fell from a cliff and you miraculously landed meters below with broken ribs instead of your backbone.
During years you suffered and your dream of medals in the Olympic Games was gone, vanished into the air. Your well-known recklessness almost hurried you in your grave. In the hospital, you spent the last three years to reeducate with an omnipresent pain in your back, anger against the people who had forgotten you when you would have given them your soul if they asked for it an ended alone. You nearly lost your mind when you woke up from coma and nothing appeared in front of you. You weren't able to see anymore. Time went by and you found yourself offered the chance to remedy to your blindness. But it doomed you to wear particular sunglasses every day of your life. A little cost considering what you've been through.
You suffered. You were still aching but less than these last month. Moreover you felt better each day passing. Only eternal scars remain. And to be here in S got you like you were free as much as before your accident. And you would thank Adam for this. Yet, you meant nothing, watching the same scenes which were playing in front of your eyes.
You were sitting on your motorbike far behind the last people composing the crowds ahead of you. Actually, the last time you came at S was when Adam had been defeated. Since then, you weren't coming as often as you should now. Everything was more peaceful and Adam abandoned this bad habit to smash people in the face with his own skateboard. Of course, the blue-haired show-off would never stop to make his little shows and big entrances. You don't think that one day his "hey bitches and bros and non-binary hoes" would leave your mind so easily.
Yet, even if you admired Adam as an remarkable skater, you wouldn't prevent yourself to hate him for everything he was aside all of it. He was "in love" as he told to anyone who would like to hear it with his partners of race. It was nothing like love. You didn't know how you manage to not go through the crowds to slap him right in the face. He didn't understand. He wouldn't anyway. Love is sweet, a fluttering sentiment which set upside-down your guts and your soul. It wasn't how you remembered this wonderful thing.
Anyways, Adam had been defeated by a rookie that you had the power to crush on a snowboard. Even if he was talented, had he the talent of someone able to go in the Olympic Games? You didn't think so. You had yourself a modified board. And right now before the attended race between two opponents, you were as if you were playing on the half-pipe near the start of the race.
You were jumping even higher than this little rookie and executing figures in air that were turning sick some of the people gathered in your audience. You were hearing the slight gasps of awe coming from several girls watching them. Even Langa applaused you in the distance with an annoying smile. That little group comprehending Shadow, Reki, Langa, Miya and the others was sincerely uselessly noisy. Though, they were sometimes giving you back a smile you had long forgotten it was existing. But you didn't care anymore. You were busy with your "switched back flip with nose grab" and to make people applause even louder around you.
They were kind and cute because even if the trick wasn't so hard, doing it on a skateboard was something else. And it earned you the nickname of Eagle in S. You were impressive to say the least and people were clearly stunned. What you didn't expect was to attract the boss' attention here. Adam. Actually, his little grieves left you as if you were like marble.
Not only was he sticking to you but he also was quite insisting in his behavior. You didn't like him at all. It may have been the second or the third night that you came on the half-pipe of S. No one challenged you that time. You just shrugged your shoulders and were going on the way to leave this place. The pressure, the people gathered here, the races and the clear lack of delicacy from them made you get away from here. A sort of repulsion ordered you to go away. A skatepark would be big enough to allow you to do the same show for any passerby. After all what was the point of tiring yourself by skating if no one could applause for your demonstration of pure talent. And today, several nights after Adam's defeat, you were leaving S for good this time. It has no point for you to stay.
Yet, Adam didn't want the same. He was observing you before Langa. So he caught you up while lights were dancing around him.
"Mmh... What a wonderful little bird I see here. Don't be scared my dove, I'm not going to bite you." Adam said both loudly and sensually, thus it made crowds look in the same moment towards you.
A heavy silence has just fallen onto the crowds. You have heard the wheels of Adam's skateboard behind you. And he came, leaving his hand on your hips, getting you closer and closer to him. You could feel his hands roaming and doing delicate circles on the fabric of your clothes. Such an intimate action while you could almost feel his head rest on your shoulder. He made a little comment about your scent. Does this man have really no shame ?
"Aren't you tired of your own bullshit, Adam? Losing once wasn't enough to bring humility in you?" you snapped back while the man gazed at you.
"Never, my sweet, stubborn little dove" Ainosuke whispered in your ear while his hands were circling around your waists.
His sweet, gentle, poisonous tone was near to give you shivers. You weren't able to discern within yourself if it was a sort of trespassing desire that was boiling in you or a fire of rage and the deep will to smash him with your skateboard. Probably both. Let's agree on the fact that this man was a living invitation to luxury and rough love. You were just a little smaller than him but strong enough to make him comply and kneel in front of you like a slut. You clicked your tongue and forcefully escaped from Adam's treacherous embrace.
"Alright Eagle. I challenge you into a beef" Adam called behind you.
"Carry on" You answered back while the crowds become immediately silent were watching you with great interest.
"A race. You and me. Right now. The loser become the slave of his opponent." Adam added with his usual disturbing smile.
For one of the first times since you were coming in S, it was one of your first beefs. Moreover, with the boss of all that mess. And finally, it involved something hidden behind all of this display. And you liked it. Why not enjoying fully the race and the aftermath. You used the back extremity of your skateboard you hit Adam in the belly and making him move backwards. You were almost ecstatic. You walked calmly until the start line, put lightly your skateboard on the ground and set your foot on the deck while you were waiting for Adam to come. Obviously, he made his way towards you.
"Mmh... I'll enjoy to turn you upside down after this race" Adam sensually whispered.
"Your self-confidence will kill you one day, filthy man" you replied with a dry tone.
"Let's say that now that I've lost my Eve, the only person in S having my attention is you my little dove. Be ready, I'm not going to be easy on you"
These last sentences would the death of you. His magma-like voice was burning your insides. How can someone warm you up so efficiently? That was a mystery. But you liked it. Adam was well-known to be kinky. You hated a little yourself at that time. You were falling for an insane guy who is now targeting you. Obviously, it was not in a romantic way. Yet, Adam remained a reachable fanstasm. And you were apparently one of his. The green fire came rapidly, thus the start of the race.
Adam became fastly the first. You forgot about everything and just tried to have fun. You were skating as if your board was a part of yourself, dodging rocks and Adam's attack. You knew very well that he didn't change that much after his first defeat here. He even did his little thing of holding you close to him with the sort of horns on his skateboard.
" I love the movement of your hips, so agile, so smooth, I can't prevent myself to wonder what it will feel like to love you fully until you will ache for attention under my touch. You are a snowboarder too, right?" Adam asked more or less.
"You could say that. But I'm not like that kid. I prefer half-pipes. Besides, you have really no shame, haven't you? Anyways, goodbye."
You increased your speed and left Adam behind. You were jumping the cliffs where the turns formed the shape of a snake with the lights in the night. While you were flying, you were shining with more and more complicated figures and graceful landings, making you significantly ahead of the blue-haired holy creature named Adam. He managed very quickly to catch you up. A little smile was playing on your lips. That was funny to see him a little bit in difficulty.
You were provoking him. That was unbelievable and remarkably bold of you to do so. You annoying smile was allowing to build desire and longing in Adam's heart. He was the king and yet, a little dove was playing with him shamelessly. Adam was so mesmerized by your own race that he barely realized he was in the factory. The screams of the people gathered in there dragged him from his thoughts. He saw you fly until the finish line and cross it. You win against him. A huge silent welcomed him.
"One of the first things you have not to lose when you run is your own concentration. I don't know what happened to you but it doesn't prevent that you weren't really skating. So for the beef, I cancel the slave thing." You declared when Adam went towards you.
You turned your back to him and headed to your motorbike followed by the blue-haired man. You didn't want to stay any longer. Adam's footsteps were soft behind yours.
"How can you cancel the slave thing, as you called it?" Adam demanded.
Seeing that he didn't have any answer, Adam reached you to catch your shoulder and make you turn to look at him.
"Because I'm the winner" you responded with a threatening tone.
"So having me doesn't interest you?" Adam questioned with a spark of deception.
"I didn't say that" you replied with a playful half-smile crossing your lips.
You were surrounded by darkness and no one cared anymore about you. For the people, you were remedying with your little issues about the beef. Nothing very interesting for them. Your hand climbed Adam's tensed thigh before going backwards to his ass and caressing it shamelessly. You heard the man getting a heavier breath and mumbling sinner sentences in your ear. You didn't even move when he came closer to enjoy the caress.
"Adam... You are such a slut... Look at you, you sound like a virgin discovering sex" You told with an incredible amount of heat on your voice.
You left your fingers coming down on his half-hard dick and rub it lightly. Just enough to give shivers to the man.
"Horny, aren't we?" you carried on while Adam was melting under your touch.
It was only simple caresses yet the man in front of you was letting himself go as if you were escaping and he won't have anymore opportunities to have you so close.
"More" demanded Adam while he has finally what he wanted so hard.
But you stopped here, creating frustration in the man.
"There's a love hotel down Crazy Rock. Come with your Grim Reaper costume." You requested with an overbearing tone.
Adam ordered to Tadashi who wasn't present in S that night to bring him to this place and the black clothes he was wearing against Langa. Once arrived in the building, he headed towards the receptionist who led him until the room. The space was dark and very classical for a love hotel but it was enough to arouse Adam. He felt as if your hands were still on him while he was changing his red costume. The memory of your hands trailing down his back to reach his ass and caressing it shamelessly was still unbelievably strong in his mind. Then he felt the touch join his cock, gently but still enough to make surrender to your touch. He desired you so much right now. Once he wore his Grim Reaper clothes, he laid down the mattress. He let himself go to the warmth he was feeling. He already wanted you so hard. He thought he was still dreaming when he felt the sudden touch of your hand on his neck.
"Ready to cum due to a shameless imagination. What a dirty little pet we have here. Were you planning to touch while you would wait for me? " You whispered in Adam's ear, getting him to have goosebumps.
Your fingers went down along his spine then reached the start of his ass. You were riding him from behind, each of your legs apart Ainosuke's body. You spanked his cheeks violently when you see you wouldn't get your answer, making the man moaning of both pain and pleasure.
"Use your tongue. You still have one, right?" you picked up after this unwanted silence.
"Yes" mumbled the submitted man.
"Louder. I don't hear you."you commanded.
He was speaking at the volume you wanted to listen. Loudly but not enough to disturb people out there.
"Better" you acknowledged with a neutral tone.
You got away from the position you have over Ainosuke. You were looking for the bad you brought with you. In the corner of your eye, you remarked the presence of a mirror. It could be useful but not now. You were secretly impatient to play with the king of S. You glanced at him and couldn't prevent a half-smile on your face. His hips were slightly higher than what would be normal. The blue-haired man was aching for your touch. Unhappily, it seemed sometimes you weren't as mean as some of masters with their human pet when it comes to tough, rough and painful but delicious sex. Well... It didn't matter actually. Your beautiful puppy lying on the mattress would love it anyway. You sincerely enjoyed the fact that this natural dominant male was completely under your control.
"Get up and kneel. Be rid of your clothes and keep your eyes on the wall. If you look at me I leave you here, tied and with a toy in your ass until you faint. Is that clear?" You ordered with a severe voice.
You didn't get any answer immediately.
"Yes". You heard behind you.
"Yes who?" You added.
"Yes Master" Adam ended while he just worked to be in his knees over the blankets.
The man got rid of his suit not so quickly. The fabric was comfortable and smooth, suiting perfectly his body. The memory of your touch was almost disappearing with him leaving aside all the clothes. He ended naked on the bed, his pale skin revealed to the air. He kept his eyes locked on the wall and he didn't have any access to the mirror to watch what you were doing. He only heard some noises somewhere behind him. Adam was shivering litghtly because of anticipation. He didn't want you to be kind with him. The rougher the better. Anyways, love and pain were both the faces of a coin, right? He submits but you serve.
Ainosuke felt your hand climbing along his leg and rest a few seconds on his thigh. You slided a lubed toy in his hole. You went as deeply as you could without bruising you pet and without leaving without any sensations. His insides were slightly stretched enough to emphasize the rubbing which you started from a few feets away.
You had the time to change in a black leathery pants and high boots, all black, with an open shirt lazily flying along your sides. After that, you were just watching Ainosuke's nakedness from behind. He was well-shaped. You couldn't say more. And this beautiful insane man was craving for your attention. You knew the effect the toy had. The more Adam was holding back his moan, the more the toy is going to make him lose his mind. You knew very well that the man had a certain endurance. Yet, it had no effect when the right points within his body were touched and loved.
You were still gentle. You could be more cruel and less careful about your little pet. Adam knew it very well. He was sure he looked like a little virgin taking pleasure for the first time but the thing inside of him suppressed all of his strength. He was grunting and moaning like a whore and he loved it. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't you.
"More..." Breathed the man while his whole body was totally shaking.
"More? Really?" you asked while you were enjoying the frustration on Adam's face and the red hue on his cheeks.
"Inside me... Touch me..."you went to caress Ainosuke's naked ass before spanking it another time.
"You have no permission to cum, dirty pet. I'll punish you otherwise."you warned with a threatening tone in your voice.
The heat was slightly consuming the blue-haired man and pleasure was way too heavy for him, almost choking sometimes. You would be the death of him if it carried on.
"Please..."Adam silently begged while you were heading to an armchair not far away from the display in front of you.
Were you sadistic? Probably. You had one of your legs hanging on the side of your seat and watching Ainosuke fighting the destroying pleasure inside of him. You were so desirable. No one would ever say the contrary. It was only the start for your adorable pet. But it wasn't enough for you.
"Come here." You commanded with a monotonous but commanding tone in your voice.
You saw Adam moving to reach you. He stumbled on the few meters he had to make to come at you. He knelt in front of you but it sounded more like he wasn't able to carry his own weigh. He was looking up at you with eyes tainted of pleasure. He caressed your legs as any good cat would do to please his master and get some food or any touch. Your hand reached his chin and you lift it without any delicacy. A few more and Adam was going to surrender and leaving himself being overwhelmed by pleasure. His red eyes were blurry and full of lust and you locked yours on his. Your hand went in his hair and you brought him closer to you.
"Take it. And do it well, slut" you requested with an overbearing tone.
You felt shaking hands roaming over your leather pants and undo the belts resting on your hips. His fingers freed your half-hard dick but he was too slow.
"Faster" you ordered.
Adam put his finger on the skin of your shaft, then his lips. You hardly held back a grunt of pleasure while you were feeling his hot mouth around your cock. That was divine but not enough. You settled your fingers in Ainosuke's hair and pulled it closer.
"Come on, slut"
The blue-haired man wasn't slow but it wasn't fast enough and it frustrated you. You ordered him for more speed and he did it. Adam was all focus on your pleasure, worshipping you with his tongue and his lips. It was warm inside his mouth. You wanted to dirty your sub with your seeds and make him feel like a doll in your hands. Besides, you increased the speed of the toy inside Adam's ass. He was fighting tou bring you pleasure and not to cum. His whole body must ache but you didn't really care. You wanted more. You helped a little Ainosuke with his movements. His tongue was caressing you shamelessly, and he was all focused on you. You were almost fucking his throat.
"You are really a whore my pet. Worse than a dog in heat. Loot at you"
You led his eyes to the mirror not far from you. Adam moaned when he saw the image of himself. The red hue on his cheeks while he was taking your cock into his mouth. The sight was mesmerizing. Then, lower, the pre-sperm was dripping from his own sex. Adam wasn't able to suffer it anymore and the last image had been the death of his limits and he cummed lankily on the ground. His muscles all tensed relaxed in a few seconds. He spilled his white liquid everywhere at the bottom of the armchair while he was moaning with your shaft still in his throat.
You raised your hand and gave him an echoing slap which made the blue-haired man fall on his back, covered of his dirty sperm. You perceived Adam hard cock raising between his legs.
"Kinky whore. You are not even able to handle it, right? Such a disobedient little puppy. You'll be punished, you know that, aren't you?" you threatened with a sweet voice, penetrating under Ainosuke's flesh.
You were watching your pet getting up from his position on the ground.
"Be happy that I'm not going to order you to lick it, silly kitten. On the bed, now. Twenty whiplash, and if you are not obedient, I'll double that number. Understood?"
"Please Master, no!" Adam surprisingly begged with and hoarse voice to you.
"This is the cost for your insolence and disobedience. It could be a hundred so take what I allow you" You replied without any softness.
You gave the order to your dog to be astride on the bed, on all four. Adam settled over the blankets and stayed still. The man heard you get the tool in your hand. And without telling him, he felt a painful burn on his ass, followed by your hand which rubbed it. Ainosuke heard himself grunt to the sudden soothing caress.
"It was the first. I won't be that kind after. Count them. At any mistake, It'll be thirty"
You blowed him again and your sub was counting but it was painful and red traces were appearing on his skin. You weren't soft with him and appreciated his delicious reactions of suffering and adoration. The toy was still in his ass, driving him crazy from both inside and outside. Adam wasn't able to keep up anymore and at the end on the punishment, he fell over the blankets, naked, full of shame, pleasure and love. He was crying due to the overwhelming amount of feelings. His shaft was so hard that it was painful and he wanted freedom from you. His pants were perceptible in the silence of the room. The blue-haired man felt your hand on his ribcage and forcefully turn him on his back.
He saw climb over the mattress and settle near him. Your finger roamed over your pet's belly and touch his nipples, making him shiver and grunt. Your softness was welcome for Adam. His body was aching due to tension and slaps but pleasure was still present in his blood and adrenaline was keeping him conscious. Suddenly, the toy Ainosuke had in his ass had a different movement, more intense, more rubbing and making him moan loudly.
"Did you seriously think it was ended?" you questioned with a playful tone. "No. Of course not".
You got up and put yourself in a riding way. You pushed your shaft inside Adam's mouth and start to fuck his throat again. Fingers curling down the sheets and becoming white. Your sub was testifying of this pleasure. And you were too. Your hips were getting faster and faster and Adam's eyes were rolling backwards while pleasure was burning him. You were silently moaning and keeping your features still but it was hard when your little pet's tongue was that agile and smart to find the areas able to make you shudder. It felt like eternity till you finally cummed inside of Ainosuke's mouth. Your sub swallowed everything and as a reward you ordered him to change of position and to rest on his belly. You removed the toy from his ass and caressed it softly.
"Master..." called quietly Adam.
"Mmh?" you responded with distance in your behavior towards him.
"Please. Fuck me." begged silently the man.
Where was Adam, the king of S, almost undefeated? Where was the show-off, the insane guy? You knew very well where he was. He was subdued to every of your desire now, drunken by pain and pleasure, knocked by envy. He wanted you in the simplest way. The incubus became the innocent virgin and you were his master. Nothing was left from the skater man that you met at the nightfall. He was just a body aching for softness after a hardship, pleading for quietness now. And more sincere than he never had been until tonight. He needed you.
"Please Master..." whispered again Adam.
But his begging stopped when Adam felt your dick against his hole. A slight moan escaped from him and you started to bury yourself in him. His insides were warm and comfortable but so tight. The rubbing was divine and you could help yourself but start to fuck his ass very slowly to push him to worship you. Adam had his hips hanging a little in air as you were thrusting to give you both an amazing amount of pleasure.
"P-Please Master... More..." moaned Adam while you were almost hitting his ass.
It was so nice to see the man so submitted to his needs coming from you. You couldn't help yourself but started to thrust more and more quickly and fastly. The sound of your flesh against each other was echoing in the room and you liked it. You got rougher and rougher but it was still nice and finally, you let yourself be. You felt Adam's hole tightening around your shaft for the second time. Your hands slide down his hips to find his own sex so as to apply languid caresses. It was too much for him and his muscled yet thin body sank on the bed and you followed him in his climax not long after him.
You were panting heavily and your pet was actually nearly fainting. You took him into a warm embrace and rubbed his skin to soothe him. You didn't have the time for a real aftercare because he fell asleep immediately. You would wait him to take a needed shower. For the time that you had, you left him be.
Adam had been a wonderful sub. You were happy. But you didn't have the intention to stay with him. If he wanted you, then maybe you should have a more serious and deeper conversation. But now, it wasn't what you wanted.
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kimtaejin · 4 years
La Luxure (m.)
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↳ Thank you to @kim-seok-jin for the beautiful banner and dividers, and to @chillingtae​ for helping her with it! ^^
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Heartbroken and done with relationships, Y/N decides to vent about her breakup to the sweetest bartender. Yet just a glance in his dark eyes is enough to tell her that maybe, just maybe she won’t spend the night crying for an ex-boyfriend, but drowning in her lust for him instead.
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↠ Pairing: Jungkook × f.reader
↠ Word Count: 10.9k
↠ Genres: Angst, smut, fluff, (slight) crack (if you squint)
↠ Rating: 18+
↠ Trigger Warnings: Breakups and toxic relationship, cheating, swearing, physical fight, drama, alcohol, oral (m&f receiving), unprotected sex, hinted voyeurism, one night stand, long foreplay, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, spanking, degrading, creampie
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⇢ This story was written as a birthday gift to @rubinora. We hope you had an amazing day! :D ⇠
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Soojin: Y/N come quick.
You take a deep breath. I’m almost there, Soojin, I’m almost there. The sound of your footsteps against the pavement is the only thing you hear. You would’ve made it. You would’ve made it in time if it wasn’t for your pesky co-workers.
To the usual person, it is a cool Friday night. 
To you, it is one of the worst days of your life.
… Or maybe you wouldn’t go as far as to call it that. Maybe, in the future, you would even call this one of your good days.
But for now? 
You smile bitterly, uncaring who sees. Right now- there’s nothing more you want to do than scream. Yell. Anything to take away the fury and pain burning bright in your chest.
Your eyes fall on a couple as you pass them by, reminding you of the reason you’re out in the streets this late at night, instead of relaxing at home. 
Your boyfriend. 
Someone you had a deep admiration for. Someone you loved. 
Someone who doesn’t feel the same way anymore. 
It had all started when you had seen him come home hours later than usual. You gave him the benefit of the doubt. You told yourself that he must be out in town with his friends while you were at work, since he must’ve been bored alone. Because the deal is, he wasn’t employed. He had neither a job nor a penny in his bank account.
And that’s where you helped him. You were the worker. You put a roof over his head, you were the reason he had food on the plate everyday. You were there when he needed to buy anything. It felt more like you were a single parent providing for a child rather than a real, romantic relationship. And that should’ve been more than enough of a reason to leave him but you didn’t. 
And now you regret it.
The next thing that came were the hickies on his neck. Purple bruises put on display, with his flushed cheeks- sometimes he was even drunk. Still, you helped him. Still, you gave him the benefit of a doubt, even when his ears turned red when you asked him if he was lying about just hanging out with friends.
Because there was no point in asking and answering. You already knew what he was doing, already saw the truth in his eyes. 
And somehow still, everytime your friends would show you Jihyuk kissing some other girl, every time they’d tell you that they saw him out with some chick, you’d tell them they had to be seeing things. That the pictures could be photoshopped. Or maybe this was just a joke to make you dump him. But those things weren’t things you were saying to them, as much as it was to yourself, to convince your mind that what you saw or heard wasn’t it. It wasn’t the truth. 
The truth is everything that has yet to be revealed today.
And at this point, you had gotten over the crying, the weeping, the sorrow and the regret. What is left is the anger- the feeling of being used. 
You had given him everything, literally everything, only for him to treat you like some side doll. It hurt then. It hurt even now. It hurt a lot, especially on those nights, when you’d greet him after he came home, the smell of perfume thick on his body, lips bitten and swollen, cheeks red and flushed.
“Do you want dinner?” you’d ask, your eyes wandering anywhere but his face. 
“Uh, no, I’m full. I ate out with friends, one of them treated the group.” 
Lies. So many lies, told just so you’d keep him under your wing, protected and financially secured. 
You smile widely even though inside, your heart wrenches. Why couldn’t he just tell you? It wasn’t like he thought you hadn’t noticed his aloof behaviour. How it affected you in turn.
Or did he? Maybe, he just thought that you were actually that dumb.
Maybe you really were that ignorant.
“Oh... okay. Well... I still have to eat,” you waited for this douche. You can’t believe it. Starved yourself so you could eat dinner with him when he probably was out with a girl. “So… do you want to talk as I eat?”
“Uhm,” his eyes met yours for a moment before he turned them away. “Uh- babe, I’m sorry… I’m tired after the long day, so,” he gave you a small smile. A smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “If you really want, I can go, but uh, let me take a shower first? Honestly… my, uh, friends can be so rowdy… I’m exhausted, but I guess you were waiting for me and all…”
You bit your lip as the warring thoughts of indignation, and yet also guilt filled you. “No- no, nevermind. If you’re tired,” you clenched your fists, “you should- go rest now.” 
“Are you sure, babe? I wouldn’t want you to think I was avoiding you. Maybe I should-”
“No! No, I told you, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re the only person who understands and loves me best,” he praised you- and you felt a spark of fury, of hate and love grow in your chest. Was that all he could say to you? “See you tomorrow, then,” he said, his smile fainting away before walking past you to the bedroom. You stared at him until he left, until you couldn’t see him anymore as his silhouette disappeared upstairs. 
The next day went similarly. You had arrived at your empty home.
Then there were days where you felt a little too insecure and asked him instead. 
“Baby, are you… cheating on me?” 
His body froze. He didn’t say anything for a moment, sitting on the couch as you had begged him a little earlier to watch a K-drama with you. Maybe it would’ve made the relationship a little better. Maybe you could’ve bonded. But he only seemed to be interested on his phone screen.
“What makes you say that?” Still, his eyes did not lift up to look at you. 
“Eun says she saw you with this girl,” you muttered quietly, so quietly that you thought he wouldn’t have heard it. But he did. “She must have seen someone else,” he replied in a nonchalant manner.
“But it really looked like you, she said…”
“Do you believe her over me?” You watched him as he finally looked at you. “I’m your boyfriend, for God’s sake,” you bit your lip, then sighed heavily. It didn’t let all the words escape you. “I know, but…”
“If you want to end this relationship, I won’t stop you. But just know, you won’t find a better guy than me. After all, here I am, taking the time to watch with you, and you accuse me of cheating?” 
Maybe you won’t find someone better. But even so, you knew that you didn’t deserve this. Didn’t deserve the late nights, wondering where he was, why he wasn’t home, if you’d done something wrong. No, you deserved better- and even if that better wasn’t from someone else, it certainly wouldn’t be from him. 
Jihyuk huffed before standing up, wearing his coat and moments later, you heard the front door open and close. Moments of silence filled the room. You waited for Jihyuk expectantly, waiting for it to open and reveal him, but it didn’t. 
“I wish I didn’t meet you.”
You are so over it. You are so over him. 
You and Soojin had decided to catch him in the act. Your best friend had come up with the plan, and initially you had been in denial of it. But you had to end this cycle. You were so tired of it, of the constant stress you had to live with, of the burden that you weren’t supposed to carry.
You chose to set him up. If he agreed to Soojin’s advances, you were going to catch him red-handed and break it off right there and then. 
And he had done exactly what you didn’t want him to. 
Of course he had. You should’ve caught onto him a long time ago, but you really were a fool. And now that disgusted you. Hate intended for him enveloped you for your own self. 
Walking into the dim-lit club, you are greeted by the sight of bodies pushing up against each other on the dance floor, the faint smell of alcohol lingering everywhere you step, and a bar, shining the brightest in the place. Silhouettes with their lips’ on one another, people drinking down glasses of liquor by each second that passed. A part of you is disgusted that Jihyuk took Soojin to a club, and the other isn’t surprised at all. No wonder the marks on his neck, his swollen lips.
Y/N: I’m here.
Soojin: Ok I’m in the bathroom hiding he was getting too close
Y/N: Right... lets meet up at the bar then.
Soojin: Ok!
Walking swiftly to the bar, you hope Jihyuk doesn’t see you, though in the wild crowd, you know he likely won’t.  
You search for a familiar face as you reach the bar. Your eyes wander and land on the blonde that seems to be looking slightly lost. 
“Soojin!” You call out and walk over to her, knowing fully well what is next. “Where is he?”
“Follow me,” you hear her voice above the loud music. Her disheveled figure makes its way to the seats. You can barely see her in the dark place, if not for the neon lightings flashing here and there.
You take a deep breath in.
Under a stray lighting, you catch sight of the hair you used to so fondly caress. Another one beside it, too close for them to be anything but sitting close, closer than friends, and definitely strangers. A few steps closer and you’d be close enough to see them clearly, close enough to catch him cheating perfectly.
Your heart feels numb, for a moment, contrary to before, but- 
It’s funny how you can hear your heels echoing even in this noisy club. Or maybe that’s the beating of your heart.
Thinking back on everything that you’d gone through with him, if there’s any emotion that you think you should be feeling right now, it’s disbelief. Why? Did all the tender touches, all the kisses, all the ‘I love you’s mean nothing then?
It must, or else this wouldn’t be happening at all. One.
Yet even so, your ever traitorous heart still weeps at the sight before you, as your gazes both match.
Jihyuk’s eyes widen as he sees you. His lips are pressed to the side of a girl’s neck, and even under the dim lighting, you can see the dark splotches of color on her pale skin. The girl beside him whimpers, leaning in closer, seeking his touches, the way he used to make you feel oh so good, your mind whispers.
He only pushes her away, frozen in place as he locks you down with guilt in his eyes. 
The loud, deafening music somehow doesn’t matter anymore.
“Y/N,” his voice can barely be heard, but for someone like you who’s watched him utter your name with adoration before, you hear him perfectly. 
"Well… I guess I’m not that surprised.” Your words are dry, devoid of feeling. Your fists are clenched. Your smile is wry. “What do you have to say for yourself?" you are going to do this quick, you tell yourself. But the crowd of people overhearing the matter already have their eyes on you. 
As it is, even people lost in the rhythm of the club’s music are interested in your confrontation, bodies stopping in motion, only for strange eyes to stare at you with curiosity instead. 
It’s scary. You can’t do this, a part of you wants to say- but how long has it been since you’ve kissed someone and felt the butterflies dance in your stomach, telling a tale so similar to the one of your lips? How long has it been since you’ve wanted to do something like that?
Your heart burns.
Truth be told, too long. Too fucking long. You’ve spent too much time in misery for you to turn your back on the person that brought you it. You want to be free. Breathe air without feeling suffocated, sleep without having to think about a person being next to you as you do so.
Free, at last. 
“I-” he tries to speak, but you look at him quietly, face devoid of any emotion, only your lips tightening a clue to your current mood.
“Don’t you feel like shit? Leaving me alone on those nights when I actually put a roof over your head, when I’m the main reason you get to eat food every day? Why did you do this to me?” 
You know you sound desperate. Here he is, clearly in the arms of another, yet you’re asking him, staring at him, waiting for an answer, an excuse, but he is able to give none. It only makes it all the worse, it only makes you gasp for more air, because each time he doesn’t reply, the walls get tighter and tighter.
“Fuck, if you wanted someone to give you a good time in bed, why couldn’t it have been me? We were in a relationship!” you exclaim. More people are gathering around, but at this point, you can’t care less.
“Could you not control yourself for once?! Do you have no shame coming home each day smelling like sex? Do you not love me?” The last words leave you as a whisper, your voice choked up and your tone vulnerable. It is evident he didn’t love you, if he did then he wouldn’t have done this. But you still wanted to ask. In case there was the smallest chance that he would give you something to hold onto.
“What about the times that you lied? Do you have no heart?” A single tear slips down your cheek. 
Fuck. You hate this.
Seconds pass, and nothing but his silence answers you. And when he does- it does nothing but rile you even further.
“Babe…” There’s the guilt in his eyes, that’s true, but it’s eclipsed by the panic, the way he’s obviously trying to assuage your anger. Instead of just admitting it. Instead of asking for your forgiveness.
Not that you would at this point, even if he begged on his knees.
“I didn’t think you’d be here,” he winces and you sharply smile.
“What, you can, but I can’t? Besides, shouldn’t I be the one telling you that? There I was, wondering where my boyfriend was, someone without a job staying out so late without even a message,” you laugh, as though the entire matter is funny to you, but anyone can easily hear the mockery in your voice. “Then I find out he’s in a club, busy whoring himself out.”
He bristles at that, guilt fading into anger as he stands up. “I’m whoring myself out?”
“Well, what else would you call it? You certainly don’t have any money, after all, not even to afford partying at this club. Isn’t that right? Isn’t that why you ask me for money?” At that, you turn to face his previously ignored companion. Seeing the surprise and growing disgust against your soon-to-be-ex, you ask her gently. It’s all too obvious she didn’t know, after all. And as angry as you are, you won’t blame her for something that’s not her fault.
“Miss, dare I ask, did he have you pay for the drinks?”
She startles, but answers you steadily after a moment. “No, not at the start… but he did insist we pay for our own drinks, and then later on, he told me he left his wallet at home…” Realization colors her features as he reddens in embarrassment and anger. “That asshole, I must have spent more than a hundred dollars by now!”
“Tsk, tsk,” you mockingly shake your head at him, a part of you roaring at the highly humiliated look on his face. Just a glance downwards, and you can see how his fists are clenched, perhaps as tight as yours, veins already bulging out. Just a little more, and you could get him to explode. “Here I was, all but raising you, looking after you and feeding you, taking care of you, and you can’t even learn to have basic decency. Maybe I should feel ashamed, after all… more than being a couple in a relationship, our relationship turned more like mother and son, didn’t it?”
At the very end of your words, you raise your head, laughing. Jihyuk’s face colors to the point that it’s almost violet, and you feel vindictive satisfaction fill you.
“Y/N, you bitch!”
“What,” you scoff. “Did I say something wrong?”
If glares could kill, Jihyuk’s would have long gutted you, but it doesn’t, so you continue to hold your head high, smiling nonchalantly. 
His next words make you hiss.
“If you weren’t always so busy, I wouldn’t have to look for someone else. When you came home, you never want to have sex with me, so why is it my fault if I look for someone else, huh!?”
You feel the flames inside you consume you even further, raging inside you and there’s nothing you can do to help relieve yourself of it. Before you know it, you’re stepping forward, arms being raised-
All you want is to make him hurt, like he did you, even if it’s only a fraction of what he’s made you feel. That motherfucker, daring to place the blame on you!?
Hell no.
Hitting him all that matters at the moment- that’s all that runs through your head- but then you suddenly find yourself unable to move, restrained. When you look back, you see Soojin’s face, twisted in worry. 
“Soojin, please, let me go!” You hiss furiously, struggling in her hold, trying to get away. Yet, to her credit, Soojin keeps a tight hold on you, not letting you take another step forward. “Are you seriously stopping me from hitting him!? Are you taking his side!?” You ask her in disbelief, even if you know it’s not like that.
“Y/N, I’m not!” Immediately she shakes her head, yet she doesn’t let you go. “But you know you can’t start this here, you-” she bites down on her red lip, shaking her head. “You can’t. Please, you know he’s crazy, what if he hurts you!”
It doesn’t matter, I’m already hurt where it matters most anyway! You want to shout at her, but then you change your mind, glaring at the man you were once stupid enough to call yours.
“If I was ever busy, or tired, I hope you realize that it was always for you! And if I didn’t want to have sex, what did that have to do with you cheating!? Do promises mean nothing to you!? I never asked you for anything more than you being faithful to me, even when you kept asking me for money, even when you lived free at my house, even when you made me into your personal bank and caretaker! You asshole, motherfucker, I hope you rot in hell where cheaters like you belong!”
“Shut up!” He yells back at you, beginning to step forward, and Soojin is dragging you away- but you hold your ground. Let him come, if he wants-
“Shut up!? How can I when I’m not even done yelling about what you did! What, are you ashamed now!?” Only a step away. “How can there be someone as stupid as you who dares to cheat but can’t admit they did!?” His hand raised, curled into a fist. “Not only that, you just took advantage of me because I loved you! You no good, lying, coward-”
You see his punch descending down on you now, yet still you stubbornly look up at him, gritting your teeth. You won’t say sorry, if he wants to punch you, then let him punch you. 
Yet still, at the last second, your eyes shut by themselves. You’re angry, yes, you’re furious, but it doesn’t take away the fact that you’re well aware Jihyuk’s stronger, and you’ve never been punched before-
A second passes. You feel nothing. Not the feel of his hand against your face, not the harsh, stinging pain that’d come with it, not the screams of Soojin as she cried.
Two seconds pass. Time is a mere fraction of what it used to be, and yet it’s slowly returning to you as you open your eyes, realizing you were seemingly waiting for nothing at all.
Three seconds pass. Your eyes land on the stranger holding Jihyuk’s wrist with a strong grip, brows furrowed with an intimidating scowl on his face. You step back out of fear.
“I assume, when you came in, you knew the rules of this bar,” the stranger says, voice low, a certain weight behind his every word. “No starting fights. What makes you think you’re an exception to that?”
“Let me go!” Jihyuk hisses, struggling to free his arm from the stranger, yet the other just easily holds him back. “Fuck, you heard what that bitch said about me!?”
“You mean, your ex?” The stranger sighs. “I don’t know if you’re just as stupid as she said you were, if you don’t realize that it’s your fault-”
Whatever he says next, you don’t hear, as you take this advantage to step forward-
-and slap Jihyuk as hard you can. 
Your palms immediately sting, but you can’t be bothered to care about that, not when you see the bright red imprint left behind on his face, and the stunned look on his face. Grinning viciously, you hiss at him.
“That’s just a part of the pain you owe me, but considering you’re too dumb to understand something as simple as respect, I’ll just take this as payment.”
“From now on, I want you to fuck off and never appear in front of me again.”
The ringing silence that follows makes you feel like you can finally breathe again.
“... Satisfied?” The unknown man raises a brow at you- and your heart skips a beat for the first time in a while as you swallow, finally calming down a little... It’s loud, crashing, dizzying all at once but you nod at him. Your hands are trembling. You’re about ready to cry but still.
The rest of the words your now ex screams out blur out into the background as Soojin thanks the stranger, leading you away.
The rest of the events happen in what feels to be a flashback you get as you’re taking a sip of beer from the cup leisurely.
The stranger, Jungkook, he had told you his name, was told by your best friend about the problem. He called security, but came first to mediate just in case. After that, he let them take care of Jihyuk. The crowd around you dispersed upon finding out that the scene you had created was over, and Soojin went home after giving you the tightest hug someone had given you in a while now. 
Though she tried to persuade you to go home too, you were in obviously no mood to go home- where every inch of the walls was filled with the presence of your- your ex.
It was only after a lot of convincing and reassuring her that you were safe with Jungkook did she leave, her own baby calling for her.
And you stayed at the bar, quietly watching Jungkook work.
During that time, you find out that he’s, overall, a nice guy. He has a cute smile that shows off his teeth perfectly, dark hair that you could imagine him brushing through with his hand, and the cutest, biggest eyes you’ve seen, like a deer caught in the headlights. Adorable.
What surprises you is that he works as a bartender at this place. Which does make sense now that you think about it. But between your dunk mind and slurred words, every little piece of logic is thrown aside.
He had asked if you wanted him to walk you home. You being… well, you, denied almost immediately. Tonight seemed like a good night to get wasted, after all.
“Whatever you say… but you do have the keys to your apartment, right?” the dark-haired man asks, face resting on his hand. He blinks at you under the bright lights of the bar, staring as you take another sip of the alcohol. “Just so your ex doesn’t get in?”
“Of course, I locked it too,” you roll your eyes slightly, glare set on the table below you as you seethe, remembering him. “He’s probably gonna stay at some friend’s place for the night, the jerk. I hope he does, all his friends live miles away. I took the car keys so he can’t drive either, only either walk or take a cab. And considering he barely has any money left...”
You smirk.
A fleeting smile touches on Jungkook’s face as he regards you with awe. “Huh. I guess you put more to your plan than just charging in and breaking up with him, huh?”
“I’m heartbroken, not stupid. It’s an emotional stupidity, not a mental one.”
You huff, once again laying your head back on the cool glass of the table. Fuck, you’re tired. Not just emotionally, but also physically. The night’s events leave you wanting nothing but to stay and drink your sorrows away, uncaring in which bed you’ll be waking up tomorrow.
After all, it’s not like you’ve been to any besides your own for the past few months. Maybe that will bring you some variety at least. The thought makes you laugh bitterly, and in turn down another glass of alcohol.
You hear someone sigh beside you.
“...Right,” he mutters in response, eyes widening shortly after you take another huge gulp of your drink. You suppose, if anything, Jungkook knows how to make delicious drinks. “Don’t drink too much, Y/N, you’re already-” you watch with droopy eyes as he reaches out to you, your head only propped up by your elbow, before stopping with a sigh. “You’re already drunk.”
Ignoring him momentarily, you finish your drink, savoring the taste.
“Sh-shhhuddap,” you slur, the end of your words becoming a sigh. You set the cup aside, only for your head to plop back onto the bar table, a deep breath making your chest rise up- then down. Jungkook frowns at your small figure laying over the bar, the frown forming into a quiet pout.
“Let me… lemme just drink a little bit more, m-m’kay? ’ll jus…jus’ drink ‘nough to not f-feel...”
Whatever words you’re about to say dissolve into incoherent mumblings as you yawn, feeling the effects of numerous glasses of alcohol finally taking their toll on you.
“‘Night, Kook...”
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When you wake up, your surroundings are awfully quiet, awfully dark. That is, until you rub your eyes and can see straight. Jungkook’s body comes into view, hand shaking you awake. His low whispers are barely addressed by your ears, and you numb them out until he kneels down to meet eye to eye with you.
Then a sweet smile plays on his lips, and wow. 
For a moment, you wonder if this is what heaven feels like.
Then he flicks your forehead, and you’re hurtled back to earth.
“Good, you’re finally awake,” he remarks, smile turning wry on his face. You pout in response, getting up. Your head hurts, it hurts bad, and there seems to be nothing you can do about it as you lean over the bar for support. 
“So… urgh, so tired… feeling sick,” you utter beneath your breath, sighing when you realize Jungkook heard it. 
“Why’d you even get wasted then? You’ll have to deal with it now,” he frowns, patting your back. 
“You don’t get it, dumbass. I’m trying not to remember my ex?” you cross your arms, eyes wandering the place.
The club’s a lot less crowded now, barely any people left except for the ones who are cleaning it up. The music is quieter, playing softly in the background as you turn to Jungkook. Closing time already, you guess.
“... sorry,” you finally say, feeling remorse make space in your heart. “I don’t mean to be so crabby, but fuck, I just feel-” You scrunch up your nose as you try to mull over what you say next. “Actually, I don’t even know what I’m feeling. Except- what the fuck was I thinking, letting it go on for so long?”
Jungkook hums, shrugging. “Everybody makes mistakes, everybody has their own stupid moments. I completely understand.”
“Yeah, and mine lasted for god knows how many years,” you grumble.
For a moment he pauses, and you watch him put away bottles.
“You know, you fell asleep quickly earlier,” he suddenly mentions, making you flush. Ah. Right.
“Oh… yeah, I’m sorry about that,” you sigh. “I must’ve caused you a lot of trouble, having to look after me while you’re also busy with your work.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he shakes his head. “You just broke up with your boyfriend of how many years again?”
“Besides,” he continues, smiling. “If anything, your performance earlier more than made up for it. His face when you slapped him was hilarious.”
That startles a laugh out of you. “It was, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah,” he agrees. “... You looked amazing then too.”
“Thanks. … to be honest, just a single slap wasn’t enough, so I definitely had to make it count,” you say, scoffing at the end. 
“Yeah, I figured,” the hint of laughter in his voice makes even you smile. “You didn’t yell at him enough, huh?”
“Nope,” you emphatically shake your head. “Which is a shame, because let me tell you- I have a whole speech in my head for him and his douche-assery. I didn’t even touch on the other major fuck ups he did!”
At that, he really does laugh, and you can’t help grinning yourself. “No, I mean it! I was hyping myself up all evening, but then when I actually saw him, my head blanked and- damn it, I should have let him have it even more in front of all those people,” you dramatically groan.
A smile forms on Jungkook’s face, even his eyes curved into a pair of crescent moons and somehow, it makes you somehow feel better just by looking at it.
“Well, there’s only the two of us left inside now, but if you want, I’ll listen to your speech,” he nonchalantly states. 
“What, really?”
“Really.” He takes a deep breath, turning your body around so you completely face him. “C’mon, shout at me. Vent. I’m the bartender, I’ll listen. Besides, I’m curious to hear how terrible this guy was that you went so far to set him up.”
Reluctantly listening to the alcohol, you sigh before you start listing off all the reasons for why you’ve never felt okay with your relationship with Jihyuk. Jungkook hums and nods along in all the right pauses, quietly telling you to continue.
“... and not just that, he never came home when I needed him most, ghosted me on dates, forgot our anniversary two years in a row, made me break off friendships, never once paid for his own food, never made me cum even once. Like, what a dick!? And I mean the bad kind, not the good one-”
“Wait wait wait…” Jungkook raises a brow, stopping you. “He- He never… made you cum? Not even once?” He stares at you in bewilderment, shaking his head with a smile of disbelief. “He must’ve really had it good,” he crosses his arms. 
“I know, right,” you moan. “What was past me thinking? At this point, I don’t think any man will ever treat me right.” 
The man shrugs, “I don’t know. Maybe the next one will.” 
You feel the urge to laugh at the ridiculous statement, though you hold it back. “You’re kidding, right? I’m never getting a boyfriend ever again,” you huff, shaking your head in disapproval. “Boys, pfft- no, thank you.”
Jungkook only turns his back to you in response, walking to the stools of the bar. He huffs loudly as he sits back down, and you can barely contain your laughter before it bursts out of you, ringing loud in the club. Nudging him by the arm to get his attention, you try your best to turn him around, but when he doesn’t, you move to sit next to him instead, on the bartop. The cool glass makes you initially shiver, but you don’t let it show.
“Did you say something?” You grin as you look at him, at the way he rolls his eyes just a little. “I know I heard you say something.”
“It was nothing,” he scoffs.
“Come on,” you cajole him. “You listened to me earlier and let me rant. I’m not going to laugh or be snarky, I swear.”
A moment passes, while you wait for him to speak up. At this point, the silence of the bar is comfortable, though while you look around, you see that no one else is left inside but the two of you.
You look back at him. “Hm?”
“I think it’s just a little sad to declare that every guy out there is hopeless, because of one jerk,” he repeats, back turned to you as he fiddles with the display case.
You lean back on the bartop. “I guess so,” you say. “But it’s true that it’s disillusioning. I used to have high expectations when the relationship started, you know- but now that I ended it, it’s like- what happened? When did my expectations get so low? I deserve better, you know?”
“But it didn’t seem that way to me then. He seemed so great, so amazing… and now here we are. It scares me a little to think that I might fall for someone, only to find out how much of a jerk they are years down the road.”
“But you’ve got to try again, don’t you?” He softly says. “After all, you said it yourself. You deserve better.”
At that, he finally faces you - before glancing down and turning away just as quickly.
“Eventually, though,” he clarifies, a faint blush spreading across his cheeks. “I’m not saying you should right now. Just that you shouldn’t give up on love.”
You chuckle softly. “Alright, alright, I get it.”
Quiet fills the room again, a comfortable one. You watch Jungkook clean the last of the bar, wiping the surfaces and glasses.
And as you do, you can’t help but think of something a little too inappropriate.
‘I wonder how it’d feel to ride him.’
Okay, maybe it’s absolutely inappropriate. But it’s not your fault, you tell yourself. Not when Jungkook looks that good. Clad in a neat outfit with a silk black vest and a cute bow tie around his neck, he seemed as though he was a five star meal- and you feel yourself starving.
It really doesn’t help that you haven’t had sex in months, nor have you orgasmed in that time. You need release, one way or another.
Still, it’s bad form to ask him, this kind bartender who literally was just consoling you moments ago from a nasty break up if he wants to fuck, so you try to keep the thought down, but-
You extend your leg, toes barely brushing against his back, watching as he shudders at your touch.
You bite your lips to stop yourself from grinning.
“Hey Jungkook… why aren’t you facing me?” “I-I need to clean up the bar,” he huffs, but you hear the slight stammer in his voice, and oh, does it make you feel even bolder.
“Yeah,” you nonchalantly respond, “but you’d think you could at least try to appear like you’re listening to me, especially when we were having such a good chat.”
“You-” He stops, sighing, and you goad him even further, slowly feeling more sure the longer he hesitates.When he turns around- finally- you laugh as you slide your arms to rest on his shoulders, trapping him in front of you.
Furthermore, you cross your legs, a daring smirk on your face as you lean forward and over him close, close enough that as you look down at him, the tip of your noses brush against each other. The slight tremors that you elicit out of him at this close range doesn’t escape your notice, and you feel a rush of giddiness fill you up.
“You know, you were so insistent earlier, when we talked about what I deserved. But considering my past experiences, that feels a little hard to believe… do you think you can convince me otherwise?” You hum, fluttering your eyelashes at him. To his credit, Jungkook stills for only a moment, onyx eyes staring straight back at you. As if to ask permission, as if to wait for your next move. But you only continue to smile, letting him know you want this, asking him if he wants it.
Just as you think he’ll pull away, he only answers you back with a smirk of his own- and then, you can’t help but be entranced by the sudden, daring gleam in his eyes. Just as your arms are perched on his shoulders, you feel fingers gently trace over the edges of your lips.
“Why don’t you find out?”
You wouldn’t, normally. One night stands aren’t your thing. You rarely give your heart away, and even more your body.
But tonight, staring at the man in front of you, the challenge and interest visible in his eyes, you find yourself wanting to do otherwise.
Maybe I will, you think. 
And then you dip down to kiss him.
Immediately, you can taste the hint of mint on his lips, the sweet aftertaste of what seems to be banana milk- it’s strange and surprising, not exactly what you’d think a bartender would taste like. It isn’t something you’ve tasted on someone else before either, but as his tongue glides over your lips, silently asking for permission, you find yourself coming to like the flavor. Especially when he kisses you hard enough to make you feel like you’re drowning.
You whimper in pleasure when you suddenly feel him press his bulge against your core for one moment, breaking the kiss only to groan again as he repeats the gesture, grinding your lower bodies together. You can only hold on to his back as tight as you can, feeling the rising tides of lust slowly pull you under its current. A breathless moan leaves you, echoing loudly in the quiet of the empty bar.
“Got something to say, sweetheart?” Jungkook coos, and the words are soon accompanied by a sharp pain on your neck, something that makes the pleasure taste all the more sweeter in comparison. That doesn’t even take into account his hands, which you now notice to be gliding over your stomach, stopping under your breasts as he fondles them and makes you arch back in pleasure for a moment.
“God, just continue doing that,” You whine out and he pauses to laugh, smirk turning into something softer, but just as wild. “Jungkook,” he corrects you, flicking your nipple and you flinch as a sharp wave of pleasure rushes over you. “Don’t call out anybody else’s name but mine, or I’ll punish you.”
‘How can I think about anybody else when you’re making me feel so good right now?’ You almost tell him that, you want to tell him that, but as Jungkook switches his attention from your collarbones to your breasts, tongue lavishing over each mound equally, you find your thoughts slipping away from you.
You don’t even register that you’re being pushed to lie back until the cold glass makes you jerk - and Jungkook firmly keeps you pinned down, another moan leaving you as you feel his fingers probe against your core. You feel him place butterfly kisses down your legs, the touch light yet the effects tremendous on you as you shiver and tremble from each one.
“We barely started and you’re already this wet, huh,” he grins as he slides a finger up your panty, where your slit would be. Juice already coats his finger well, and even though he only teases you against your panties, you find that you’re sensitive, too sensitive not to feel even more turned on by such a small gesture. “Or were you already wet earlier? What a naughty girl.”
“Fffffuck,” you groan, thrusting against his fingers so that they rub against you harder. “Just slip it in already,” you whimper. “Don’t be a fucking tease.”
“I don’t know, sweetheart,” Jungkook purrs as he flicks your nub, making you clench hard at the frustration and anticipation. It infuriates you even more when you feel his fingers leave your skirt, and he leans away a little. You can clearly see the smirk on his face again, amusement swimming with lust in his eyes. “You weren’t being so nice earlier either. Maybe if you were a good girl, I’d listen.”
At that, you pull yourself up, coming closer to him until you bite his shoulder, leaving marks over his neck as well as you can under the raging pleasure. “Or you can listen now, before I make you regret it.” You roll your hips against his, relishing in the quiet groan that leaves him as the delicious friction threatens to drown you both in pleasure.
Honestly, in the face of Jungkook’s ministrations, you find it’s all too easy to let yourself loose, to want more.
You’re surprised when he bends, pushing you back down - and the flash of pain and pleasure on the inner part of your thighs makes you hiss.
“What are you doing?”Jungkook’s answer is light, but the cocky tone is all too evident anyway. “Didn’t you challenge me to make you cum?” Another hickey blooms on your thighs and you whimper as he leaves a trail of them on his way down. “So I’ve made it my mission to make you cum as much as I can tonight.” You feel his nose nudge your panty and you can’t help groaning in anticipation. “Starting with eating you out.”
“You don’t mind, do you?”
“A-Ah, I’ve never been eaten out before,” you stammer, heart beating fast as you can clearly feel his hair brush against your skin. Lust, excitement, and yet also nerves envelop you then.
For some reason, you can’t help but feel a little self conscious. No one, not even your past boyfriends have done this, after all.
Still, Jungkook only chuckles. “How mean. There I was, making you drinks the whole night, but you won’t even let me have a taste of you now that I’m thirsty.” You can’t see him over the skirt you’re wearing- why, again, are you still wearing it- but you can imagine the chiding smile, the mischief in his eyes. Especially when you feel him blow on you down there, making you shudder. 
“Look, you’re even overflowing. Bet you’d taste sweeter and better than any wine here.”
With that, your skirt is taken off, and you gasp as you suddenly taste something on your lips. Yet that isn’t the end of it as for some reason, you suck on his fingers, imagining it to be his cock. 
Fuck, you taste good.
Just as that thought reaches you, you think- you want to taste him too.
“Can I, sweetheart?” He asks you again. “I’ll make you feel good.” There’s a chuckle in his words, but before he can say anything more, you tug him up.“Wanna taste you too,” you admit, before blushing. Still, you continue. “So get up here.”
“On the bar top? Kinky,” he grins, but follows your instructions. Moving so that your whole body is laid down on the bartop, you hiss as the cool temperature of the glass makes itself known to your thighs. Not for long though- as the warmth of Jungkook’s body envelops you moments later.
In this position, Jungkook’s crotch faces you, and you find your mouth watering over it. Eager hands cup it for a moment, before you pull down the zipper and admire his member.
God, even his dick is pretty. 
Long and veined, what it lacked in girth, the slight curve certainly made up for it. You immediately took it into your mouth, moaning around it when you felt him move your panties to the side and immediately dived in.
On Jungkook’s side - he loves it, every single second of it. He loves how he can make you a mess, how he can wreck you, you bucking up your hips to meet him as you suck and moan around his dick. There is something about you that he couldn’t help but be attracted to. He can’t believe your ex had cheated on you. Just from that moment in which you confronted your ex, he could sense that you were far, far more better than any girl he had ever seen.
Moans and whimpers filled the room as you tremble under Jungkook. Every lap of his tongue, sucking on your nub- hell, just the way he moves his tongue inside your walls is enough to make you push your thighs together.
The pleasure inside you only rises higher and higher, making you continuously grind your hips against his face. True, it’s the first time someone’s eaten you out, but all the same you know you wouldn’t cum just from it if the other person wasn’t good enough.
Jungkook aims to go beyond your expectations it seems. In response, you take him in even deeper, slightly gagging on his dick. One hand reaches out to fondle his balls, rolling them over your hand. Soft, pliant in your hold. You squeeze them slightly, and a sense of accomplishment fills you as you feel him physically stutter, thrusting his dick deeper into you. Jungkook is obviously way more experienced though, or perhaps it’s a sense of competitiveness that’s driving him to make sure you come first, because as you feel something inside you continue to tighten - you pant, recognizing the signs of an impending orgasm. A distant part of you is amazed you could reach an orgasm so quickly - the other is very, very pleased.
“I’m... so close,” you say through uneven breaths, chasing your high. His tongue works at an even faster pace, making you cry out in pleasure. Your walls tighten around his finger, and your eyes roll to the back of your head as you feel it. “Then come for me, sweetheart,” you hear him say.
And that does it.
White warmth, inside and out. Your lower body jerks against him, but Jungkook only rides out your orgasm with you, lapping up the juices that gush from you, the messy sounds of slurping and sucking turning you on even more, if that’s possible. You feel feverish, your oversensitive clit being given a little too much attention. What more, the feeling of your body contrasting against the cold surface of the bartop, shivering a little when his finger traces the curves of your body as you continue to feel the last trembles from your orgasm.When
 he finally leans back, Jungkook smiles at the glistening digit and licks his fingers clean. You taste even better than he thought. Truly, you’re an angel. Just as he prepares to get off of you, you give one good suck to his dick, making him jerk. For you, you can feel his hard member twitch in your mouth - and it doesn’t take much to figure out that Jungkook himself is close to release. Still, as he lets out a quiet groan, he moves away. You make to protest, but-
The way he quickly moves on top of you, fingers deftly unbuttoning your shirt and grinding his member against your core makes you moan, long and loud.
“I don’t wanna cum just yet,” his voice is distinctively lower now, and something heady rushes through you at the realization that you did that. He hisses when you experimentally roll your hips back against him.
Hunger like you’ve never known spreads across you like a wildfire. You want all of what Jungkook has to offer.
“You ready, sweetheart?” He cooes. “You’ll have to be quiet if I put it in, don’t want anyone else hearing how beautiful you sound when I’m fucking you thoroughly.”
Instead of answering, you meet him up in an eager kiss, your hands spreading across his chest - God, you don’t know when he unbuttoned his shirt, but you’re definitely thankful he did. Otherwise, how could you so clearly feel the muscles on his smooth skin?
And then you feel him enter you and fuck.
If what you felt before was something new, then this was definitely out of this world.
Jungkook’s dick fills you up just perfect, the wetness of your vagina and the slick on his dick makes the slide inside so much smoother, and both of you sigh in pleasure. For a moment, you’re both content to lie like that, just basking in the feeling of being connected to each other. 
He himself doesn’t know how to explain it, how you differ from others. Everything you do somehow seems to draw him in, and in this moment- he feels like he could just stay like that forever and be content.
You, on the other hand, feel different.
“Jungkook, please, move already,” you eventually plead. Your body arches up as he pulls out for a moment, before beginning to thrust his hips into you at a fast rate, clearly giving you no mercy. Fuck, how in the hells did you ever think any previous sex you had could compare with this?
It’s easy to lose all coherence in this moment, the overwhelming feeling of bliss making you think of nothing but Jungkook’s dick, and the way he drags it against your walls, teasing you before slamming it inside, drawing out the pleasure and then drowning you in it.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh resounds in the empty room, alongside your mixed groans and whimpers. Jungkook spares you no mercy, and you soon find yourself hurtling towards another orgasm, this one even more intense than the last. It doesn’t help that you feel him leave hickeys over your chest, biting and then soothing them afterwards, sliding his tongue over them. Tears prick your eyes as the pain and the pleasure mix together, making each feeling all the more intense to you.
Fuck, where had he been all your life? You’ve never felt so good in sex- not like this, not with your previous encounters. But right here and right now, you swear that if there’s a god, then Jungkook must have been his favorite, and you were blessed to have been touched by him.
“J-Jungkook, I-I’m coming again-!” Rather than slow down, it seems your words just urge him to fuck you harder, faster, making you sob as another wave of pleasure threatens to drown you under. 
“Then come all you want,” he growls, dragging you into a fierce kiss, wanting to taste you- but also to silence you. 
“A-Ah!” You scream out, panting, as you ride another wave of orgasm-
The harsh smack on your bottom makes you jerk off the table with a sob. Jungkook hisses as he pulls out, leaving you feeling empty- but not for too long, as you’re turned over, and he shoves his cock back inside your hole. You moan, long and loud in pleasure, before you feel another smack on your bottom.
“What part of ‘keep quiet’ didn’t you understand?” He reprimands you sternly, each word accentuated by a hit on your bottom that makes you jerk, each time. “I told you to be quiet, or we’d both get in trouble. There’s still the club’s bodyguard standing outside. If he heard us, how much do you want to bet he’d come in and see your pretty little body all laid out under me, huh?”
“I-” You try to explain, but end up heaving deep breaths instead as he thrusts his hips particularly hard, leaving you a whimpering mess as you drop your head onto the table again, the ache at the back of our head barely being addressed by your numb mind.
“You what?” He growls, hands snaking forward to pull your head back with your hair- making you groan as he lowers himself right next to your ear. “You what, Y/N? Got nothing to say right now?”
He tsks. “Or maybe him seeing you is what you want. How many hours has it been since we just met, and how you’re gladly taking up my cock in your cunt right now? I guess you’re nothing but a slut.”
“I-I,” You try again, but all that remains in your head is him calling you a slut. The humiliation it draws from you, reddening your cheeks, somehow only serves to make you feel even more aroused. You can’t think of anything else, but how to just push yourself back into Jungkook’s dick because clearly, he is drawing it out and depriving you of what you need!
“What are you, Y/N?” his voice is hoarse as he asks, his dark hair a mess that covers his beautiful face. “...Wanting others to see you looking so pretty for me,” the knot in your stomach tightens as you try to think of a reply, yet nothing comes. Fuck fuck fuck.
“I don’t, I-” you stop. You can’t, you just can’t, if you don’t get what you want right now, you might as well die.
“Disappointing,” he clicks his tongue dismissively, and you feel your eyes burn out of desperation. “And here I thought you’d be good for me?”
“I’m sssssorrryyyy!” You whine out when he won’t let you off, the tears falling down your face now. “I’m a slut! A fucking slut! Your slut,” you cry out. “P-Please, put it back innn!”
“Mm, I still don’t know,” he drawls. “I already warned you to be good earlier, but you just kept on pushing me. And now you clearly disobeyed me. Only good girls, not sluts, get rewards, don’t you think?”
“I’m s-sorry,” you repeat, whimpering. “Please, I can be good, so please-!”
Hands rub your bottom, a slight sting reminding you that he’d already hit you there earlier. Yet somehow all it did was make you even more sensitive to not just the pain, but also heightening the pleasure you felt.
“If you take your punishment obediently, I might let you off,” he suddenly offers. Jungkook’s voice has become sweet again, soft and sticky and coaxing. Not that you need it though, considering he has you in his palms either way.
Not to mention that the thought of the punishment at hand makes your core throb.
You bite your lips, hoping that he doesn’t see how flushed you are. You don’t doubt that you’re dripping down so much on the glass bartop that at this point, that there must be a puddle right below your cunt. But at the thought of what he’s about to do, you feel yourself secreting even more. “Oh?” He chuckles, dragging a finger along your clit. At this point your labia are puffed up, swollen with Jungkook’s relentless attacks on it, but still it doesn’t hide how aroused you are at this moment. All it is is overly sensitive, and still asking for more. 
“Seems to me that you like that, huh? I guess I was right. Being good doesn’t suit you at all, slut,” he tsks. “You just wanted to get punished.”
“I-I can take it,” you meekly tell him, shaking your ass a little. At the sight, Jungkook smirks wickedly. “Alright then. I want you to count each strike, sweetheart. And if you lose count, we’ll be starting all over again. … Do you understand that?” 
Near the end, you hear Jungkook’s tone soften, and it’s all too easy to hear the way out he’s offering you. You want it, though. “H-How many?”
He pauses, before continuing. “How many do you think you deserve?”
You swallow loudly. “I… I don’t know.” You bite your lips. “I’ve, uh- I’ve never been spanked like this before.”
You feel embarrassment course through your veins for a moment as Jungkook freezes, and you wonder if you should’ve just said a random number-
But then the loud smack of a hand against your ass rings out loud in the room, and you jerk wildly against the bartop, a silent scream in your throat.“Until I say stop, then. That was one already,” Jungkook purrs. 
You whimper, but nod along as he starts.
“F-Four,” you whimper.
At each hit of his hand against your ass, you can’t help moaning, louder with each one. Jungkook’s hands are swift, and absolute- no mercy left for you, only his feather-light gentle caresses after each hit making you weep.
At the eight count, you’re absolutely gone, panting, a mess of tears and pain and pleasure and overall just too fucking sensitive. But the sheer amount of thrill and joy that settles in you as Jungkook finally stops is just short of euphoria, and you look up at him, your eyes pleading for his praise and reassurance.
Sure enough, Jungkook doesn’t disappoint.
He slides you off the counter and into his arms, your legs crossed around his, into a long, sweet kiss, swallowing up the sounds that leave your lips, the little whimpers and groans.
“You took your punishment so well,” he compliments you as he pulls back, making you preen. “I suppose you deserve a reward then, don’t you?”
“P-Please,” you plead, rutting your core against his erect cock. It slides against your core all too easily, making you groan. Still, you don’t dare put it inside, waiting for Jungkook’s permission first.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he grins, and-
Jungkook’s kiss swallows up the scream that leaves you as he thrusts back into your hole in one smooth movement, bringing you back into that land of sheer pleasure and lust.
In this position, held up in the air only by his arms, you keenly feel every movement of his cock inside you as he bounces you, forcing you to go up and down repeatedly. You’re almost delirious, your hands no doubt leaving scratch marks on his body as you hold him as tight as you can, feeling everything just too much.
It doesn’t take more than a minute or two to bring you to your third orgasm. It seems that Jungkook himself senses that as well, because the moment you feel it coming, he speeds up his thrusts again, making you scream. 
“J-Jungkook!!” You wail out his name as one final jerk of his hips brings you crashing down, bliss enveloping you fully as you almost white out, spasming and losing control of your body for a moment.
When you come to, a second later, you feel him desperately moving in you, but the stuttered way he does so tells you all you need to know.
“W-Where should I cum?” He grits the words out his teeth, and you hiss in pleasure, in over-sensitivity and pain as his member remains inside of you even after you’ve orgasmed for the third time. You’re determined to get him to come as well though, something warm blazing in your chest. You don’t owe favors, and you won’t anymore, so maybe that’s the reason why.
For whatever reason it truly is, though, you tell him with a steady voice. “Just come inside me,” you give him permission. Jungkook groans at that, looking straight at you, as if to ask, are you sure?
You nod, drawing him into a sweet kiss. There’s nothing but elation inside you at this moment.
When you squeeze his member inside your cunt, you moan as you feel him paint your walls white, something hot and warm and sticky filling up your cunt. If your nails didn’t leave marks before, well, they had to by now.
It’s only when you feel it drip out of you that you finally pull back from the kiss.The both of you are panting, visibly exhausted, though you’re pretty sure Jungkook can still run a lap around the club, while you’re all ready to collapse on the floor. Fuck, where does he get all that stamina from?
“I work out at the gym.” The amusement visible in his eyes as he answers you tells you that you probably spoke out loud. Sheesh.
“Yeah, you were.” Jungkook’s chuckle brings your attention back to him, and you blush for the first time since a while now, burying your head in the crook of his shoulder. Honestly, if you tried to move right now, you don’t doubt you’d just lay down on the floor, so you opt to remain in his hold.
That decision definitely wasn’t influenced by how secure you felt in his arms, or how good he smelt, even after you both just had sex.
His chuckles turn into laughter- and you’re only dimly aware of it as he sets you down on a nearby sofa, grabbing a washcloth nearby to start wiping you off.
When you look down at him again- it’s as if he’s seamlessly switched back to the adorable guy you met earlier. Huge, doe eyes and bunny smile on display as he grins happily.
It’s then that you hear the door to the bar being clicked open, and you’re thrown back into reality. 
“If you’re done fucking on top of the bar, I think it’d be good if we officially wrap things up around here,” you see a blond man barge through, wearing a poker face despite the words that make even more heat rise up to your cheeks. The connotations of the sentence… you’ll ignore that.
“And I think that included your dick, but okay,” he eyes Jungkook warily. He looks at you for a brief moment, before clicking on his tongue as he shakes his head.
“Anyway, out of this place, both of you, before Seokjin-hyung threatens to kill me again for not being a good enough caretaker.”
“And what exactly were you doing while we were… in here, Yoongi-hyung?” Jungkook raises a brow out of suspicion. 
“Sleeping. Now hurry up.”
Peals of laughter escape Jungkook, even as both your cheeks redden at being caught.
“Alright, alright,” Jungkook reassures him, before turning back to you. “Let me just finish up cleaning that mess, and we’ll get you home for real,” he tells you softly. Placing a soft kiss on your forehead, he lays you down to rest.
“Take a quick nap in the meantime, okay?”
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Giggling under the blanket of the dark night, you run under the bright stars as the stars reign the heavens above your heads. With Jungkook hand in hand, you experience freedom like you’ve never felt before.
The gentle breeze of the cold wind at 2 am, in perfect contract to the feel of his warm hand enveloping yours is the sweetest sensation, one of accepting, letting go and moving forward.
You swear you’ve never laughed like you do when you dash through the abandoned streets of neighborhoods too hazy for you to remember in detail. His laugh rings in your ears like the song of an angel, a far cry from your own booming one that he still loves all the same. It’s beautiful, quiet, made for you two alone.
Reaching your apartment, Jungkook helps you into your adorable dragon onesie before tucking you into bed, the softest smile on his face. It hurts a little to leave you so quick, he wants to stay, he wants to spend the night beside you, but for tonight… maybe all that you have done so far is enough.
Maybe once morning arrives, the sunrise announces his fall. Maybe you won’t even remember him.
Thinking so, his trembling hand reaches out to cup your cheek.
Then he stops.
Goodnight, Y/N.
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Morning comes. You groggily roll out of bed, heading straight for the kitchen to get yourself a cup of water. Your head is in shambles, too filled to think of anything more, too empty to think of anything less than the sticky note your eyes land on.
It’s stuck to the microwave that’s sitting on the counter, a stupidly lovable green note. Taking careful steps towards it, you peel it off to read what’s written, eyes widening a little.
‘here’s my number! call if you want :D
I also left some hangovers in here. 
make sure to eat them and stay safe~
hope to hear from you.                           xx JK.’
Your heart flutters in excitement and love for the note as you pull it close, hugging it as much as one could a sticky note. You smile softly, hand tracing the curves of the writing, the action all too sweet and unexpected. Running to get your phone that must be somewhere around here, you start to jump around in the search for it out of nervous elation.
There’s so much more you want to do with Jungkook, but - you just can’t wait to hear his gorgeous laugh again.
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All rights reserved © 2020 kimtaejin. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed.
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imaginedisish · 3 years
Feels Like We Only Go Backwards (Tenet) Neil x Reader
A/N: Hey there guys!!! I’m back...again ahhhhh. I’ve been gone for a while (I always am) but hopefully I’ll be back for a while now :) I hope you’re all staying safe and doing well. I know the world is ass, but hopefully things will be better soon. Anyway, I’m obsessed with Tenet right now and I decided that I had to write a Neil x Reader one shot (I love Robert Pattinson, it’s a problem) Also, I think this is my longest fic yet...if someone wants to let me know how to do the “keep reading” thing, please tell me omg. I’m so sorry to those who have to scroll through this. Hopefully I can change that. Anyway folks, ENJOY!!!
p.s pls request tenet stuff. gimme some smut to write.
Summary: You allow your feelings for Neil to get in the way, causing you to compromise the mission and put everyone in danger. (AU, obviously because of the reader insert, and also because this particular scene does not actually happen in the movie).  ~loosely based off “Feels Like We Only Go Backwards” by Tame Impala~
Warnings: Violence, mentions of death, guns, blood, wounds, cursing, angst, possibly implications of being “lovers (or friends with benefits)” and luckily fluff :) 
Word Count: 4,163 (Please fucking teach me how to add the “read more” thing holy shit)
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You storm down the cold, grey, skinny hallway lit with dimmed fluorescents. There was something inexplicably chilling about this place, but you couldn’t quite put your finger on exactly what that thing was. Maybe it was the way the lights reflected against the walls, glowing subtly against the tiles. It wasn’t a pretty glow. It was the glow one could expect to see along the walls of a morgue. 
Maybe it was the peculiar, dull ringing that followed you down the corridor, haunting your every step. Maybe it was the simple sound of your heels clicking against the concrete floors, and the idea that those clacks could call someone to your very location and leave you absolutely defenseless. Maybe it was the fact that you only had two bullets left in your glock. 
Or, it was because he wasn’t with you anymore. 
You quickly shake off the thought that he, of all people, could make you feel better. You didn’t need him. Hell, you didn’t need anyone, you thought to yourself. But still, your mind kept circling back to the image of him popping up in front of you, taking your hand and leading you away to- 
You cut yourself off. You couldn’t let your mind wonder for that long, especially about Neil. Still, you can’t help but flash back to just minutes ago, when Neil was by your side, when you made the massive mistake of letting your feelings get away of the mission. 
Neil pulled you down the hall, his hand firmly clasped around the upper part of your right arm. He was practically dragging you with him since you couldn’t keep up with his speed. 
Finally, Neil yanks you into an alcove, hoping you two can hide for at least a few minutes before running again. 
“Neil you need to give me an answer, what the fuck is-,” Suddenly, Neil pushes you against the wall, his right hand presses hard on your hip while his left hand covers your mouth. His face is in yours. Any personal space between you two is non-existent. He’s so close that you can feel his breath on your nose. He’s so close that you can feel wisps of his dirty blonde hair dance across your forehead. 
He smirks, “No time for answers.” You felt a twinge in your stomach, like butterflies, or maybe something much more gross, because now was not the time for Neil to make you feel this sort of way. 
The worst part is that he knows exactly what he’s doing. He carefully selects each and every movement he makes. He removes his hand from your mouth and places it at the nape of your neck instead, his thumb brushing lightly just below your hairline. 
You stifle a quiet moan at his touch. “N-Neil, what are you doing?” Your voice is quiet, but shaky. 
“Keeping you calm, I can tell you’re about to lose it,” He says matter-of-factly. Of course that’s the only reason, there’s nothing romantic here, and there never will be. 
‘Neil will never feel the way I feel about him’ you think to yourself. You can’t help but get a bit angry at his ability to put you under his spell. Despite your heart racing, despite your brain being bent out of shape by the close proximity of Neil, you can’t help but feel calmer. And you hated that. You were too stubborn for your own good. 
He breaks the silence, “Are you alright? I figured you’d have something to say. You said you wanted to talk to me before, didn’t you?” 
Before…when you had planned on telling him how you felt. You were going to tell him before.  Before the mission escalated past the point of return. Before you had ruined everything. Before Neil risked his life to bring you to safety. You had fucked up this time, insurmountably. It wasn’t entirely your fault, but you didn’t make it much better. 
Neil blew the entire team’s cover all to save you. You forgot the script, all because you were far too concerned with how you were going to handle your feelings for Neil. It wasn’t just any mission, either. It had to do with Sator’s henchmen. This was Tenet’s way in. This was how you could get more information. This was how you could save the world. 
And yet, you brought it all down. Somehow, Sator’s men believed that you were the only spy, and that everyone else was legitimate. They were going to kill you and spare the others, but Neil practically threw you out of the room and down the hall before anything could happen. The second he grabbed you, gun shots erupted. Now you had to pay for it, hiding in a barely-lit, cold hallway, with Sator creeping somewhere close behind, ready to attack. 
Suddenly, the guilt began to overwhelm you. What if this was it, what if you would be the reason Neil would die? What if your actions destroy the mission all together? Tears free themselves from your eyes, sliding slowly down your cheeks. 
“Hey,” Neil whispers as he moves the hand that rested on your neck up to your left cheek. He wipes away a few tears with his thumb. “It’s alright. We’re going to be fine, don’t worry-,”
Before he can get another word out, you grab his hand. “Stop, please, just stop,” You plead, unable to take anymore. He has to know what he’s doing to you, he just has to, you think, as your sadness slowly turns to anger. It irritated you that he was able to swoop in and save your day. It irritated you that he was able to touch you and comfort you, despite the lack of relationship that you desperately wanted fulfilled more than anything. None of this was fair. It wasn’t fair that he could be this non-nonchalant while you were practically doubled over with butterflies and other real anxieties from the situation you were currently in. 
Neil looks a bit more annoyed now. “I’m just trying to help,” He says, his eyes staring deeply into yours. Those eyes, you could drown in them if you weren’t careful, so you snap back into reality, allowing yourself to feed into your anger. 
“Maybe I don’t need your help,” You say, instantly regretting the words as they leave your lips. 
The corners of Neil’s mouth turn up slightly, his cocky attitude showing yet again. “So back there, earlier,” He gestures backwards, to the past, “You didn’t need my help?” 
You shake your head, “I’m just sick of this.”
Neil’s smile fades away as a confused look finds itself on his face. “Of what?” There’s a sadness in his voice. “Us?” 
His use of“Us” immediately takes you back. ‘What the fuck does he mean by “Us”?’ You ask yourself. You were undeniably close, but he never confirmed or denied his feelings for you.
Your stomach does a back flip before you allow yourself to grow angry again. 
“There is no ‘Us’, and that’s the problem Neil,” You say, pushing him off of you. He stumbles out of the alcove and rushes back in, closing the space between you and him once again. 
Neil gives you a puzzled look.“Bloody hell,” you hear him mumble under his breath. “What the fuck are you talking?” There’s a seriousness in his voice now. His cocky facade disappears into nothingness. He’s frustrated, and it’s all because of you. 
You just couldn’t take it anymore. You needed to say it. 
“Don’t act like you don’t know how I feel.” Your voice is louder now, and it seems as though you’re practically begging to give away your hiding spot. “Neil I-,”
He covers your mouth with his left hand once again. “Alright that’s it,” His voice is still quiet, “You’re the one that needs to stop now. You don’t know how much I-,” 
You push him into the wall before he can get a word out, just as he had interrupted you seconds ago. 
You step out into the hallway. “I don’t know what? How much you don’t care about me?” You notice the sudden pain in Neil’s face. You didn’t expect that, but you also refuse to believe it’s real. “I don’t need you, Neil. I never have and I never will.” 
You begin walking down the hallway as Neil whisper shouts your name, trying to get you to come back without blowing your cover. 
“(Y/N)! Please!” He calls out. 
A hand on your shoulder brings you back to reality and stops you dead in your tracks, “(Y/L/N), I’ve been waiting to meet you.” It’s a familiar voice, a voice you’ve heard before. It’s bitter, callous and malignant. A chill runs up your spine as the name of the voice dawns on you. You flinch, quickly stepping backwards and spinning around to look at the devil-man in front of you. Although, you know he would prefer if you referred to him as a god. 
“Sator,” You curse, spitting on the ground disrespectfully. You brandish your gun, trying to put on your best fake-confident face. Sator doesn’t know you only have two bullets left, and quite frankly he doesn’t need to, you think to yourself. 
Before you can even aim, Sator launches towards you. 
You jump back, and turn around to run. There’s no way you could get away from him in what you were wearing. Your black kitten heals slowed you down a great deal. Your tight, black dress made it hard for you to move in any way at all. 
Sator is right behind you. You kick off your heels, allowing you to speed up a bit. While running barefoot is much better, you know you can’t last forever. You run for a few more seconds before realizing that Sator is only getting closer. 
You turn around, back peddling now. You hold your glock up and aim. 
The bullet misses Sator and ricochets off the tiled wall. What the fuck? You think to yourself as the bullet falls to the ground. The walls must be bullet proof or something. 
Sator is almost within an arm’s reach of you. You lift your gun again and take aim. 
But it’s no use. you miss again. This time, the bullet hits such an angle that it comes back straight towards you. It grazes against your left side. 
“FUCK!” You cry out in pain, stumbling a bit. You try your best to continue running, but the pain is far too great to keep going. You feel your legs starting to give out. You crumble to the ground, letting a small whimper of pain escape your lips. You grab your side, blood draining into your hands and onto the floor. 
Sator chuckles maliciously. “You seriously thought you could get away? This is my place. You’re playing in my world,” He shakes his head and reaches for his gun. He points the weapon directly at your head,
“And just so you know, I’m God here.” 
Tears form in your eyes as you hear the gun cock. You brace yourself for impact as your thoughts find their way back to Neil. You hate how you left things, especially considering that would be the last conversation he ever had with you. Guilt began to grow heavy in your stomach. 
What a way to die, totally and completely guilty, a failure, and alone, You think to yourself, as tears fall down your cheeks.
Sator chuckles again. “Crying are we know? Too late for tears, (Y/N). I think you’re all out of time.” You shudder at his words and you prepare for this moment to be your last, shutting your eyes tightly. 
“No! (Y/N)!” A familiar voice cries out from behind you. 
You open your eyes to see Sator standing in his place, the gun now pointing above your head. You look down and see a single bullet right next to you. It must have ricochetted off the wall, just like yours did. But where did it come from? You think. 
Turning around slowly, you spot who Sator is pointing his gun towards.
“N-Neil,” You stutter, wincing in pain simply from talking. His gun points back at Sator. His eyes nervously look you up and down. This was far different from when the evening started. You remembered the way Neil looked at you when you had finished getting ready. You remember how he knocked on the door to your hotel room and let himself in. He didn’t wait for you to give him the okay. 
“Wow,” Neil said, taken back by your tight, little black dress. He looked you up and down, seemingly removing each article of clothing in his head. “You look incredible.” 
You missed that moment now. You wish you could just go back. But now you were faced with reality, with a gun in your face. 
Sator looks down at you, and back up to Neil. “I think I’ll let you watch her die, and only after you watch her take her last breath, I’ll kill you too. How’s that?”
“I don’t think that’ll be necessary,” Neil states confidently. You look up at him, confused. 
Just as Sator pulls the trigger, Neil grabs your arm and slides you out of the way. 
In the near distance, just a short ways behind Sator, you see a fiery cloud of orange erupt, followed by a massive boom. Neil somehow was able to orchestrate some sort of explosion.
Sator stops in his tracks and turns to look behind him, giving Neil just enough time to pick you up and run down the hallway, turning down a series of other corridors in an attempt to outrun Sator. 
It isn’t long before Neil realizes that you’re bleeding onto him. “H-holy shit,” He looks down to your left side. “I need to get you out of here.” 
You ignore what he’s saying. “Why did you come back for me?” You whisper to Neil. 
He steals a quick look at you as he continues to run down the hallway, but he doesn’t answer your question. 
You clear your throat and try again. “Why did you come back?” 
He ignores you again as you approach an intersection of 3 hallways, each one looking the exact same as the one you’re currently in. Neil pauses for a second, contemplating his options. His heart is beating out of his chest. You’ve never seen him this nervous. While you had only been at Tenet for about half a year now, you had grown to know Neil far too well. The stolen moments you shared, the kisses you swore to tell no one about. You didn’t know what you were with Neil. You didn’t know if this was superficial or real to him. But, you knew his emotions like you knew the back of your hand. You could tell he was panicking. You had never seen him quite like this. Something was different. Suddenly, Neil grunts and choses to go down the hallway to your right. 
You wanted to say something to him, to talk to him, but you felt yourself falling in and out of consciousness. You knew you needed to stay awake. Neil looked down to check on you and immediately noticed your condition. 
“Stay with me, okay?” He begged. You had never heard Neil talk like this before. “Please stay with me. I’m right here, it’s going to be okay.” He started to pick up his pace, practically sprinting down the hallway now. 
“N-Neil?” You managed to call out to him. 
“Yes, darling?” He responded between gasps for air. You could tell that he was getting tired. 
“Are you okay?” You ask, looking around his body for any signs of blood or even for a possible gun shot wound. 
Neil starts to slow down a bit. He looks down at you again, “I’m alright. It’s you I’m worried about.” 
“You’re not actually worried, are you?” You ask. 
Neil stops for a second, completely out of breath. He takes this as an opportunity to look at your injuries again. He puts his hand over your wound and feels all the blood that’s there. He shakes his head, clearly nervous about how much blood you’ve lost. He readjusts his hold on you, making sure you’re secured in his arms.
He brings his face closer to yours. “Fuck, of course I’m worried about you,” He says in a stern tone. He seems annoyed at the thought that you didn’t know he cared about you. “What the fuck would make you think otherwise?” He isn’t just annoyed now, he’s angry, yet he doesn’t take his face away from yours. You can feel his breath on your nose, just like you did before. The wisps of his hair greet your forehead again too. 
“I-I guess I just don’t know how to read you,” You say, taking a deep breath once you finish your sentence. Neil quickly picked up on your labored breathing and began to jog again. 
There’s silence for just a few seconds before Neil finds the right words to say. “I came back for you because I care about you. The second you left I chased after you. You were just far too quick for me.” 
Your heart flutters in your chest. You didn’t know how much he cared for you. You figured he only saw you as a member of the team, a coworker, a girl to flirt with, someone he had to care for out of convenience and association. The way he was speaking now lead you to believe that he cared for you far beyond that. You stare up into his blue eyes, gathering the courage to finally confess how you feel to him. You felt yourself slipping more quickly out of consciousness, and you desperately wanted him to know how you felt. 
“Neil, I just want you to know that-,”
Your words are interrupted by the loud swinging of a door. Suddenly, you’re outside the now flaming building and in the bitter, dark night. The wind whips and nips at your bare skin. You take a quick look around and remember that you’re in Amsterdam. At least it’s a pretty place to die, You think to yourself. You shiver as the wind attacks you again. 
Neil notices how cold you are. He sets you down on a nearby bench and takes his brown suit jacket off, draping it over you. He picks you up and starts jogging again. 
Just a short ways up the street is the BMW he had been driving for the mission. He opens the car door with one hand, making sure to keep you nestled into his chest with the other. He puts you down on the passenger’s seat, buckles you in, and carefully shuts the door. 
When he gets in on the other side, he sees you drifting off again. “Come on, (Y/N), stay with me, please,” He pleads. He leans over to you and gently kisses your forehead. Your eyelids throw themselves open as Neil’s lips leave your skin. He starts the car engine and begins to drive away. He doesn’t say a thing, but you can’t stop thinking about what just happened. 
“What was that?” You ask, wondering if he simply did that to distract you, to wake you up. He had to know what effect he had on you. 
Neil doesn’t say a thing. He only speeds up, blasting through red lights and ignoring stop signs. You look over at him. He looks like an absolute mad man. His dirty blonde hair is a mess. Dark, purple bags rest under his blue eyes. 
At one point, Neil turns the on the radio and glances at you. “Try to listen to some music, maybe it can keep you awake.” Or maybe his concern for your well being could be enough motivation for you. 
It feels like I only go backwards baby,
Every part of me says, “Go ahead”
I got my hopes up again, oh no, not again,
Feels like we only go backwards, darling. 
Neil somehow gets even faster. You notice that he’s pushing the gas pedal all the way into the floor of the car. You manage to get out one final sentence before losing consciousness, “If I don’t die from this wound, I might die from your driving.”
Then, your eyes shut and the whole world goes black. 
Your eyes feel like they’re glued shut, but you force them to open. There’s an arm pulling you in tightly to a firm, warm chest. You inhale deeply, instantly recognizing the scent. 
It was Neil. His face was right in front of yours. He looked so calm, so relaxed. Either this was Heaven, or he somehow managed to save your life from his hotel room. You were hoping it was the latter. You wanted this to be real life.
Neil began to stir about a bit, but his arm never left your back. In fact, the more he stirs, the closer you seem to get to him. You decide to take it all in, because you know reality is going to come crashing down eventually. You know Neil is going to back off of you, apologize, and quickly say that he was merely watching over you to make sure you weren’t dying and didn’t mean to fall asleep. There was no way that he meant to hold you like that. 
“Good morning,” Neil said casually, not taking his arm off of you. He manages to pull you even closer still. Now your noses are touching. A playful smile stretches across Neil’s lips. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening. You’re shocked, too shocked to say a thing. 
Your silence makes Neil concerned, “What’s wrong? Did I do something? Are you in pain?”
You smile at him, “No, everything is okay. Of course I’m in pain, but this feels good.” Neil’s smile reappears. But, you’re still confused. “I just need to know something Neil,” You say, as the smile disappears from Neil’s face yet again. 
“What’s the matter?” He asks as he draws letters on your back, or at least that’s what it feels as though he’s doing.  
You shake your head slightly. “Nothing is the matter,” You pause, recalling the events of the previous night. “It’s just, am I okay? How much blood did I loose? And Neil I need to know how you feel about-,” 
Neil abruptly cuts your rambling off, “You’re alright. I took care of you after you passed out. I cleaned out the wound and sowed you up. It was easier to do with you asleep, to be honest. I don’t think you would’ve like it very much,” Neil grins before continuing, “Luckily your heart rate stayed completely stable the whole time.” 
You nod your head, waiting for him to address the half asked question towards the end of your rambling that he seemed to get the understanding of. But, there’s no response. 
You decide it’s time to say something. It can’t wait any longer. “Neil, I need to know what all this means. I need to know how you feel about me.” 
“Likewise,” He returns, but there’s no grin upon his face. He’s serious, if not somber. 
Regardless, you’re annoyed. “Likewise?” You repeat back to him. “I’ve liked you since the second I saw you, and I feel as though I’ve made that abundantly clear. I’ve given you all the signs, all the hints, and you just continue to play these stupid ga-,”
Neil cuts you off, “I had to sit there and watch you almost die. I worked on your wound all night. I’ve been fucking terrified for the past 12 hours wondering whether or not you would make it. I ditched the team to make sure you were safe, and I don’t regret that choice one bit. These aren’t games (Y/N). Being in love with someone isn’t a fucking game.” 
Silence fills the room. Being in love with someone…those words repeated over and over again in your head. You couldn’t let them go. 
Neil catches gaze and holds it. He’s waiting for something from you, but you don’t know how to communicate how you feel anymore. It was like he broke you. 
You know Neil can’t take the tension anymore, and before you can say a word, Neil’s lips hungrily crash into yours. He grabs your waist carefully, keeping you pulled in tight without hurting your wound. 
Neil’s lips leave yours. “Are you happy now?” He asks, brushing where he just was with his thumb. 
“Y-yes,” You say, wanting more. 
“Then it’s settled,” Neil states confidently. He smiles slyly, as he always does.
You’re confused beyond belief. “What is?”
“That you’re mine,” Neil says, taking your chin in between his index finger and thumb. He brings your face closer to his, and kisses you again. 
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dreamersdreamloud · 4 years
Love in This Club (V-Day)
Lena Luthor x Reader 
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“Sam. Why can’t we just stay in? I don’t mind spending time with you and Ruby here tonight.” 
Lena’s best friend ignored her and continued to look through the closet for the perfect outfit for the night. Lena doesn’t mind going out but hates going out on this specific day. Valentine’s Day. 
If the raven haired was being honest, she hates this day. She hates seeing couples doing couple activities on this special day. Lena just doesn’t understand why couples needed to express their love so much on this day. Why can’t people just express their love everyday or any other day as the same as valentines? 
Sam throws a black scandalous dress at Lena. 
“Seriously?! Why this one?” 
“Because you.” Sam pokes Lena’s forehead. “Need to find yourself a hottie in the club who can make you forget your name and what day it is. So you need to look fuckable tonight.” 
“Nope. No excuses. You need to get laid. Don’t  worry about Ruby. The babysitter just texted me and she’s currently waiting for her to get home from her friend’s house.” 
Lena didn’t bother to argue with her again and headed straight to the bathroom to get ready. Hopefully she can just drink the night away. 
The flashing red and pink heart shaped lights in the club were a bit overwhelming. The loud music was tolerable and the drinks were alright for you to stay for a while. You were forced to go to the club against your will. Your friends didn’t want you to stay in tonight. You sit uncomfortably in the booth filled with your friends and their dates. Your friends tried very hard to make it feel like just another night at the club but it was hard to ignore due to the theme and music choice of the night. 
You appreciate their efforts but you didn’t want to ruin their night trying to satisfy your loneliness. You excused yourself to use the restroom but in reality to make your way to the bar to get herself a stronger drink. After a healthy sip of your drink, you unbutton a few buttons on your dress shirt and run your hand through your hair to loosen it up. 
You glanced at your watch and thought about purchasing another glass and then leaving for the night. You didn’t want to stay out too long since you have work the next day. 
“Whiskey neat, please.” 
An angelic voice made your ears perk up. You’re not the only one having a rough night, you thought to yourself. You look at the woman not too far from you. A black tight dress hugs her stunning glass figure. Her jet black hair fits her matching bright red lipstick. She basically screams “fuck me, I’m hot.” 
She caught you staring but you didn’t turn away. It must be the alcohol in your system for your stupid actions. You winked at the woman and simply looked away to face down your drink. The raven haired was surprised that you didn’t turn away so quickly and it was bold of you to send a wink at her but not come and flirt around. 
A tall dark gentleman sneaks up behind the raven haired and puts his hands on her waist. You knew it was too good to be true that a hot woman like that would be single. Little did you know, that guy is not her boyfriend. 
“Hey, sexy. I’ve been looking for you. Wanna finish that drink and get back on the dance floor?” 
Clearly, Lena didn’t feel comfortable being manhandled nor being told what to do. She wants this night to be over and she sees that her glass is almost empty. Lena doesn’t want to go back to the dance floor especially not with the guy who is holding her.
If you didn’t know any better, the woman looks like she needs another drink to deal whatever she’s in. You told the bartender to make another drink for the raven haired beauty and put it on your tab. 
The bartender made the drink in seconds and placed it in front of Lena. She was puzzled by the new drink in front of her and the bartender just tilted his head to the side to point out to you that you were the one with the kind gesture. Lena sees you getting ready to leave while the man behind Lena felt offended. 
The man let’s go of Lena and makes his way to you. He gripped your shoulder for your attention. You force yourself to turn to the jackass for grabbing you. The guy wasn't that tall, probably just a few inches and he looks much more buffed up close. 
“What’s your problem, man?” You gritted your teeth. Clearly you don’t like being bothered. 
“You’re the fool who bought my girl a drink.” 
“And?” The annoyance grew within you, seeing no point on the kind gesture towards the woman. 
“James! Let her be. She was just being kind.” The raven haired tries to pull the man off you but instead he shoves you. You held yourself in place and shoved him back with more strength. James takes a chance to swing his fist at you but you dodge it and deck his face. 
The people around didn’t seem to notice. It was all too quick. The bartenders called security and immediately apprehend the man to kick him out of the club. You make your way to leave again but someone grab your shoulder again. 
“Hey! I- um sorry about him.” The raven haired beauty says. 
“It’s cool. Sorry about your boyfriend. You deserve better.” 
“He’s not my boyfriend. I just barely know the guy. We just met and I thought he was a good catch.” 
“Oh. Well I’m still sorry for ruining anything special for this day. Enjoy your night, Miss.” 
Lena quickly gets in front of you to prevent you from leaving. 
“I’m Lena. Do mind if we get to know each other? You technically saved me from a regrettable night and I just wish to-” 
“I’m (Y/N). Do you mind if I buy you another drink?” 
The raven haired smiles and grabs your hand to lead you back to the bar. The two of you continued to drink and get to know each other better. You found out that Lena is a CEO of L-Corp which you can’t believe. Her best friend dragged her to the club to get yourself laid which failed badly. 
You told Lena that you’re from the military and that you’ll be staying in National city for a while until your next tour. It explained why you were much faster and stronger than James. Lena and you were getting really comfortable with each other. Lena was inching closer and closer until she was close enough to just focus on your face. It was getting harder for you to talk normally to Lena. due to you staring at her full red lips. 
“(Y/N)!” One of your best guy friends spots you. Lena raises her eyebrow at you. 
“We were looking for you all over this club! Seems like you kept yourself busy.” He continues to say and notice the closeness between Lena and you. 
“Oh. I was about to leave-”
“Hello, I’m Lena. (Y/N) was planning to leave soon and rejoin you guys.” 
You looked at Lena with confusion but you didn’t reply fast enough. 
“Oh! Why don’t you join us?! (Y/N), bring your girl to our table. I’m just going to grab new drinks for everyone.” 
You nodded and held Lena’s hand to lead the way to the table of your friends. Your friends stop talking when they see you and a stranger attached to you. You introduce Lena to your friends and their partners. There wasn’t enough room to fit another person beside you but it wasn’t a problem to Lena. Lena sits on your lap and makes herself comfortable. 
Your friends were keeping a close eye on you and were very impressed. A sexy woman like Lena is sitting on your lap with an arm around your neck. You continued to drink and socialize. Lena’s head rests on your neck. 
The alcohol and music were helping the two get lost in your own world. It feels nice to be holding onto Lena and she felt the same as well. Soon, the two capture each other’s lips. You could taste the whiskey on her lips. The kiss heated up and Lena wasn’t afraid to grind into your lap. 
Your hand moves between Lena’s legs and touches her fabric covering her pussy. Lena gasped at the touch and you discovered how wet she is for you. 
“Very bold of you to make a move like that on a woman you just met.” Her warm breath in your ear makes you feel fuzzy. 
You went further and started rubbing her clothed clit with two fingers. A breathy moan fills your ear and Lena holds onto you tightly. 
“I may have just met you but I plan to discover every inch of you if you let me.” 
“Fuck. I’ll let you if we leave this instant.” She says. 
You smirk and stand up with Lena. You didn’t say anything to your friends and just pulled Lena with you to head to the exit. Your friends know exactly what’s going to happen and they’re happy that you’re going to feel loved on Valentine’s Day. 
“You didn’t say bye to your friends.” Lena says. 
“Don’t need to. They all know that I’m going fuck you for the rest of the night and I hope I make me you forget your name.” 
If Lena wasn’t  aroused before, she sure is now. 
You landed beside the messy raven haired after you removed the strap-on. Lena curls up next to you and throws her arm around your chest and buries her face in your neck. 
“You’re so good with the strap, I swear I don’t think I’m able to cum for a few days.” She smiles against your sensitive bitten skin. 
“Mm. I take that as a compliment. For you being a CEO and all . . . You’re such a needy bottom.” 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Darling.” 
“Happy Valentine’s to you too, babe.” 
“By the way. . . I expect that next Valentine’s Day to be romantic. .” Lena declared. 
Your eyes widened, “next Valentine’s Day?” 
It was Lena’s turn to smirk and pull you in for a kiss. 
“Yes. I plan to keep you around, darling.” 
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universalistotalis · 3 years
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The Fifth Date
Bokuto Koutarou (Timeskip!!!) x Female Reader
credits to the owner of the picture :)
3k words
kinda long but it's worth it i guess
You can’t believe this. You just can’t!
“Hey, are you alright?” Bokuto Koutarou looked at you with utmost sincerity in his eyes. You looked up and wondered if he really was worried or just being polite but either way, you stared right at his pupils.
“I am.” You agreed, letting go of his gaze and wanting to end the conversation.
This was your fifth date with him but there were no sparks since the first. You just didn’t feel his vibes and he could be so noisy at times which you hated. There was selfishness underneath his skin and it reeked in your nostrils. You hated egotistic people and you weren’t going to tolerate this much longer.
What your friends saw in Bokuto, you had no idea! They were all swooning over him when they set you up on a date together. They kept saying that he was perfect so you, being the hopeless romantic that you are, expected a prince who would be a gentleman, who would listen to you talk for hours on end, who would be so loving and caring… But instead, you were presented with boastfulness and chaos all wrapped up into one big muscle of a man! He did look like a prince but that was it!
“You know you can tell me right? I’ll listen.” You didn’t mistake the softness in his voice as he continued to stare at you lovingly.
You didn’t know if it was the beautiful place that he brought you to or if it was his kindness that made your brain turn into mush. But for the first time in five dates, your heart was hammering, its beats already like drums in your ears.
“I-I’m fine.” You stuttered and kept your eyes on the horizon.
You heard him sigh beside you on the railing you were both leaning on. The place you both drove to was divine as it overlooked the city. The twinkling lights below were mimicking the stars above and there were lanterns that hung overhead as well, casting the whole place in a lazy glow. You took a deep breath of the fresh air as you calmed yourself from the most stressful day of your life and from your whirlwind of a date.
A little rustling was heard and before you knew it, you were enveloped in warmth and his scent. Bokuto wrapped his jacket around you, letting you face him, so that he could pull the zipper up to your chest.
“There, so you won’t have to worry.” He smiled sweetly.
So he did notice the large coffee stain on your shirt and not once did he show that he was irked by it. You tried your best to cover it but of course you can't. Everyone at work gave you the side glance or the 'what-the-fuck-happened-to-you' look but he didn’t!
This can’t be happening. Were you reminiscing all those moments with Koutarou? AND NOW YOU’RE CALLING HIM KOUTAROU?!
You rolled around on your bed, a pillow tucked underneath your arms. A muffled scream was released as you felt an intense tingling sensation all over your body. You were supposed to end that fifth date! You were supposed to tell him that you both should see other people!
But the way he acted that night… it was as if he’s… perfect.
“Don’t hide from me.” He whispered in your ear as you cried in his arms. As his scent and warmth put your senses to overdrive with the jacket, you couldn’t help but sob. It was like the world was against you today. Even the document from work that you were so ready to pass, crashed on you. Even the coffee that you made this morning with care, splashed your white collared shirt. Even your ID lace that seemed so insignificant, decided to get caught on the doorknob and almost snapped your neck in two! And to spice things up, your evil boss humiliated you in the inter-department presentation even when the CEO of the company congratulated you on a job well done!
It was the little depressing and annoying moments that accumulated in your chest.
“Today has been s-so hard.” You cried in his shirt. “I keep on trying my best but it’s like I’m not doing enough. I'm not enough.”
The gentle rocking of your body stopped as he heard the words fall out of your mouth.
“Hey, don’t say that.” He cooed and trying to hold you at arm’s length. “You’re more than enough.”
You shook your head and tried to avoid his eyes again as he searched for yours. Fingers gripped on your chin to steady you and you melt for the nth time tonight.
“Don’t be too harsh on yourself. Alright? This day may have been difficult for you and maybe there are more days that would be the same but you shouldn’t doubt your efforts. The fact that you made it through, that’s already something to be grateful about.” He said while wiping your tears away. “But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t cry about them once in a while. Let yourself feel but then get back up again, yeah?”
You nodded but you felt another round of sobs escape your mouth. He pouted as he saw your wounded state and again, you were held close to his broad chest, away from the hurt, the pain, the stress…
This was dangerous. Are you actually falling for him? You’re actually falling for the loud guy that you swore you hated?!
‘Hey, hey, hey!’
His voice reverberated inside your skull and with that sound came the print of his smile on your brain. He had the nicest set of teeth and the nicest golden eyes you’ve ever seen. His skin was flawless too and under any light, you swore he was shining.
You couldn’t help but grin at the—
This is bad. Really bad.
“You wanna dance?” He offered his hand out to you, smiling shyly. You were surprised at his somehow timid expression as you were so used to him being his confident self.
“I don’t know how.” You said breathlessly as you stared at his gorgeous face.
He let out a chuckle and reached out for your hand under the table. “Let’s figure it out, c’mon.”
The platform was small and there were four couples slowly dancing to the romantic song that was being played by a live band.
He led your hands to encircle his neck while his rested on your waist. All the motions, even the slightest graze of his skin on yours, were making your mind hazy. Everything seemed to blur and the only thing that made sense were the two of you in each other’s embrace.
“You’re so tall.” You whispered mindlessly which made him chuckle. He noticed that you could barely wrap your arms around his neck and that your arms were getting floppy due to fatigue. He then guided you to hug him around his waist instead so he could pull you closer.
“I’ve never danced like this before.” He confessed, swaying stiffly at the music.
“I can tell.” You giggle and look up at him in time to see him pout.
He poked your side, deliberately tickling you for a while. “That’s mean.”
“But it’s my first time too. And I kinda like it.” You said shyly, feeling your cheeks warm even with the cold night air.
“You think you could get used to it?” He asked, hope laced in his question.
“Of course.” You smiled up at him.
He smiled back and his eyes twinkled as he stared. He scooped your right hand and brought it to his lips for a quiet kiss then slowly intertwined your fingers with his, all while maintaining eye contact.
“AHHHHHHHHH!” You screamed into your pillow again as your head played that scene.
Sleep was so far away now that your adrenaline was so high because of him! You swore you could still feel his lips on your skin. It was as if he imprinted it there and nothing on earth can take that away now.
“Bokuto, stop haunting me! Let me sleep!”
“Now, listen here, missy.” The owner of the restaurant pointed to you sternly as she stood behind the counter. “Tell this boyfriend of yours to stop going here and actually get some much deserved rest! Athletes shouldn’t be tiring themselves!”
You chuckled at her actions and stole a glance at Bokuto who’s pouting excessively at the older woman with his hair seemingly deflating at her ministrations.
“But I like your food!” He whined.
The woman clicked her tongue, as if annoyed. “You can have better food from where you live. Now, stop pestering me!”
“I will come back here more often if you say that!” He smirked and leaned on the counter.
“As if! I know you’ll come back no matter what happens.” She rolls her eyes then turned to you. “We can’t get rid of him even if we wanted to!”
They kept bickering back and forth as you waited for the fruit shakes and other snacks that Bokuto ordered for takeout. It was a long drive back home and he said didn’t want you to get thirsty or hungry. You just listened to their banters and even though they were dissing each other out, you can’t miss the loving and motherly look the owner had for Bokuto.
“You’re a regular here?” You asked him as you settled on the carseat.
“I’m a fan of the view. And as you saw, I’m quite close with the owners and the workers. This is my safe space.” He replied and started the engine.
“When was the last time you went here?” You inquired, suddenly curious of his whereabouts.
“Yesterday.” He shrugged. “And the day before that. And maybe the whole of last week.”
Your eyes widened at his answer. “This is like two or three hours away! How?!”
“I needed some place to relax. And think.” He smiled sadly as maneuvered the car to begin the journey back home.
“Are you alright?” You blinked at your question. His voice seemed low and so sad in contrast to his usual loud and noisy screeches that you were so damn used to. This Bokuto in front of you was so hard to read!
He turned to you for a split second before averting his eyes on the road. “I am. I guess.”
“Don’t hide from me.” You bit your lip hard as you repeated his words to you. You wanted to know him more, to understand his feelings, and to make him feel better.
“Hey, you can’t use my lines against me.” He laughed lightly as he looked at you. Your eyes were begging him to tell you how he is and who was he to resist? “I’m just nervous about the incoming games, that’s all.”
“You still get nervous?” You turned to him, a little surprised.
“Why are you so shocked? Of course, I do! Some less nerve- wrecking than the others but I do always get tension at every game.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair while thinking. “But the upcoming match is a qualifying game for the Olympics so everyone is anxious.”
“Who are you against with?” You asked.
“See, now that’s another one of my worries. The competitors have still not been announced so we have to wait for a month. A whole month! What am I supposed to do?!” He said exasperatedly. “And just last week, one of our teammates got injured so they gave us time off. You know, to rest and shit. But I am restless and—"
“So that’s why you come all the way here?” You concluded.
“Yeah.” He breathed. “The drive gets my mind off of the anxiety and their food just makes me feel like I’m home.”
‘So he is human after all.’ You said to yourself. It was the simplest realization but it did so many wonders for your feelings and understanding towards him.
The drive home was filled with stories of sadness and laughter. You both sipped at your drinks and munched at the chips he bought. And as you both neared your home, it dawned on you that this was the best date you’ve ever had in your life! Bokuto’s so laid back and chill, kind and generous. He listened so intently and patiently to all your life stories and he had a good memory too, remembering the things you’ve told him about yourself in the past dates.
You sighed while sitting up. There’s no question that you were falling in deep for this guy. During the drive, he became his noisy self, acting all the spikes he did at the games comically but instead of being annoyed, you had tears in your eyes because you had laughed so much at his acting. You loved listening to him talk and you realized he wasn’t selfish at all!
Go figure.
Maybe you just mistook his confidence for selfishness and egocentricity.
You can’t believe that you were itching to lengthen the time you had with him. The car was now parked in front of where you lived and it was time to say goodbye.
Your eyes met and there was a tinge of sadness in his eyes which surprised you.
“Look.” He turned to the passenger seat and leaned closer. “I know that I’m not the best date there is and you may have been agreeing to these just because of obligation from your friends but… I’d like you to know that I—“
Closing his eyes, he exhaled. “I really like you.”
As the words were uttered, your body visibly tenses under his gaze.
Panic rises in his gut as he realized what he did. “S-sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
“N-no!” You tried to swallow. “You didn’t scare me.”
“Then why do you look like you’ve seen ghost?” He chuckled lightly not giving up his stares.
Your shoulders slumped as you sighed. “I’m just surprised, that’s all.”
He nodded, still looking. “I guess this will be our last, huh?”
“I know you don’t like me and you hate my company. I just really like you so I tried to drag it out for so long.” He said sheepishly as he deflated back into his seat. “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable and I’m so sorry if I did.”
This was not how you imagined ending your date. You were supposed to be the one saying that this will be the last. You were supposed to be excited about not seeing him again. You were supposed to go now! But the universe really did pull a reverse card on you today.
“Bokuto…” You started, feeling the guilt consume you to the bones. “I’m sorry if I made you feel that I didn’t like you.”
He was fiddling with his fingers now.
“It's just that your first impressions lasted so bad that it blinded me to who you really were.” Be honest. Just be fuckin’ honest! “I did think I didn’t like you but after tonight, you proved me wrong.”
His face looked at you in a flash, eyes finding the meaning behind your words.
“I didn’t know you could be like this!” You gestured to him, a little frustrated because your heart was pounding so bad and it became so difficult to breathe.
“Like what?” A smirk was beginning to form at his lips.
“This!” You laughed. “You’re fun to be with. You’re calm and reliable when needed. And just… yeah.” You’re just perfect.
You stared at each other’s eyes for a while longer, trying to read and drown in each other.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to give it another try?” You asked, hoping to god he’ll say yes to your request.
His eyes widened for a moment and his gray hair perked up a little bit.
“I told you I like you.” He smiled. “Why would I say no to that?”
Your phone beeped beside you. And if you weren’t so red enough from the memory, you knew that you were flaming red now.
It was a text from Bokuto.
Can’t sleep :(
You sighed at what he said. His anxiety about the game catches onto him so much that he often gets insomnia. The poor baby. You were about to reply when another text popped out.
I may or may not be outside your home.
“What?!” You panicked while swiftly looking for a hoodie to put on. Why is he here and why were you feeling excited at the thought of seeing him?
You asleep, little owl?
You bolted towards the doors and true enough, he was there, leaning on his car and dazzling in all his six feet and three inches glory. He looked unreal in this light even in his simple hoodie and joggers.
“I’m sorry, did I wake you?” His husky voice greeted you as you walked closer.
“No. Can’t sleep too.” You smiled. “What brings you here?”
He shrugged. He didn’t know what came over him when he closed your distance and hugged you tight. To him, you looked like an angel sent to earth only for his eyes to see! You were in an oversized hoodie, hair a little tousled, and your face was so calm under the moonlight. Something inside him prickled at the thought of being domestic with you.
Slowly your arms wrapped around his waist and you surrendered your weight to him. In that moment, he felt like he would burst! Never did he expect for this to happen, for you to give him a chance, but here you were. He deeply breathed in your scent and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
“Do you want to hang out tomorrow?” Your voice was a mere whisper when you looked up at him.
“Like a date?” He grinned and wiggled his eyebrows playfully.
“Yeah?” You nodded.
He wondered if you had any idea about how you're making him feel crazier by the minute. If you don’t, then that’s much worse. “What am I gonna do with you?” He chuckled, arranging stray locks of your hair.
“You can go on a date with me.” You laughed and he was sure, so sure, that you felt his heart do a cartwheel when you were resting your head on his chest.
“I’d like that.” He replied hugging you tighter.
It was funny to you that you planned that fifth date to be the last. It turned out to be the first. The first real date where you felt like a princess in a fairytale. It was the first out of a never- ending series of romantic dates because Bokuto Koutarou had no plans of letting you go. Ever.
Okay, wait, hear me out. Have you seen that scene where Bokuto and Akaashi were just outside the hotel and they were just talking all calm and casual? MA'AM THAT'S WHERE I DIED SEEING BOKUTO AHHHH HE'S JUST SO PRECIOUS AND I DO BELIEVE HE CAN BE SERIOUS AND MATURE IF GIVEN THE CHANCE. I AM SIMPING HARD HELP
Reblogs, replies are appreciated! <3
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leejeongz · 4 years
treasure as your boyfriend - maknae line (asahi-junghwan)
hyunsuk-jaehyuk ver.
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asahi: the “chaotic neutral” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- the studio
♡ you can be as noisy or as quiet as you want. he works best when you’re with him, so he’s forever inviting you over. and he produces his best work when he’s around you and thinking about you. all the feelings he’s too shy to say to you come out in art form. you often get to hear and see everything before anyone else too.
♡ skinship- really not a fan of pda, but will allow himself to link arms with you in public if you want to. he would never force skinship for the sake of it but if your head naturally rested on his shoulder or if you snuggled up to him during a movie, i think he’d secretly like that. he really just likes casual hands brushing against each other, he gets butterflies whenever your hands come near him
♡ his love language- receiving gifts- he likes giving gifts too, but receiving them makes his heart flutter. you remembering little things about him makes him smile like a whole lot, especially when it’s something that he doesn’t even remember telling you or something of little importance.
♡ kisses- quite spontaneous but always very soft and meaningful. he’s so gentle with you, especially during kisses. his lips are super soft and so are his hands that rest on your hips. he was a little nervous for your first kiss so he kept his eyes open which spooked you a bit but now it’s a inside joke between you two.
♡ he does what he wants, you do what you want, he likes that and thinks it’s the best setup for the relationship because being clingy could make you hate each other
♡ he draws you. a lot. you might not know it, but you became his muse from day 1 and everything he draws has you in it
♡ when you've had a bad day, he sings for you and has lots of evident sympathy no matter what the issue is
♡ he’s VERY goofy around you. it takes him a while to become used to people so seeing that side of him makes you really soft. and if he knows you’re the same and you start acting a little more goofy, he starts to become even more comfortable around you.
yedam: the “your success is my happiness” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- ice skating
♡ or anything wintery because 1 he likes to keep you warm, 2 he thinks you look cute all wrapped up in puffy jackets and jumpers and 3 it's not too hot to hold hands the entire time hehe. oh and also expect some singing from him if you get any alone time.
♡ skinship- a huge cuddly boy. he wants to be touching you all the time but he respects your want for space and privacy so he doesn’t. he LOVES holding hands, he’d do it all day if he could. seeing your cheek squished against his shoulder makes his heart melt too, so he takes pictures of it so it lasts longer hehe. he sometimes does that really cute thing where he links pinkies with you too 🥺
♡ his love language- physical touch- the way he just wants to be touching you all the time and you don’t get mad makes him SO happy. when you sit close to him, his heart races, never mind when you finally give him a hug or hold his hand. a lot of your relationship is long distance, even if you lived in the same house, he’d barely ever be there, so getting to cuddle you or be held by you is something that he looks forward to.
♡ kisses- if he’s refusing a kiss there’s something seriously wrong. his lips would constantly be attached to you if you let them. he likes holding hands during kisses and rubbing his thumb on your finger just for extra feels. omg eskimo kisses are his FAVOURITE. especially when his nose is cold just to tease you a bit
♡ he loves to secretly take pics of you and set them as his background because he thinks you look so adorable. we know he has a photography insta out there somewhere (drop the @ bro) and you’d be in like all of the pictures
♡ he writes love letters to you. they’re a little cringe so he signs them off as anonymous but obviously you know who they’re from since… well he’s your boyfriend
♡ he helps you study and build your confidence. he lets you borrow his notes and present stuff to him all the time, always giving positive and constructive feedback.
♡ he celebrates even the tiniest of achievements with you and shows you that there’s more to life than winning all the time
♡ if he can’t already speak your native language, he’d learn a few sentences and phrases like “i love you” and surprise you with them sometimes
doyoung: the “romantic but childish” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- breakfast/brunch
♡ just making sure you get the most important meal of the day lol. it sets you both up for the rest of the day, especially if you can’t meet again until the day after. it also gives you chance to reflect on anything that may have happened that day before that you were maybe too sensitive to talk about previously.
♡ skinship- not the biggest lover of skinship but he isn’t opposed to it if you initiate it. he’s definitely one who prefers privacy so pda is off the table. he likes holding hands and staring into your eyes because they’re so pretty. ugh he’s so flirty and romantic 🤪
♡ his love language- acts of service- he’s a busy guy, he really appreciates when you do even the smallest of things for him like folding his clothes so they don’t get creased. your kindness is so attractive to him, it really confirms that he’s found the one.
♡ kisses- his kisses are a little messy but they’re always passionate. he just can’t contain his need for his mouth to be on yours, which actually happens quite frequently when you two are alone. he does that thing where he puts his hands on your waist, smiles at you flirtily, then pulls you in closer for the kiss which leaves you speechless every time.
♡ has your contact name in his phone set to just a heart and the picture is one that he secretly took of you on a date
♡ one of his favourite things to do is teaching you how to dance. whether you can already dance or not, he’s gonna teach you. just gives mr no skinship a chance to put his hands on you
♡ FLOWERS! he knows that not everyone is a fan of flowers but you will be while he’s around
♡ hands down the cheesiest person you know and usually you’d be cringing but because it’s him, it’s okay
♡ he’s always down to chat with you. at 1am, while he’s working or even when he’s with his family, he’ll drop anything to make you happy.
haruto: the “cool on the outside” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- watching youtube
♡ you can learn a lot about a person by watching things they like to watch and taking an interest in something they’re interested in. you pair can share youtubers you think the other would like and just have a laugh together while being all cozy in bed.
♡ skinship- any and all skinship is appreciated by this guy, not that he’d tell you that. he secretly wants to cuddle with you all the time and hold your hand everywhere you go, but he always makes out like you’re the one who wants it by saying stuff like “gosh your hands are always so cold, here i’ll warm them for you”. his favourite are hugs where he just melts into your arms after a long, tiring day practicing. sometimes they’re just want he needs
♡ his love language- quality time- he wants to spend every second of every day with you. he wants to talk to you more on a one to one basis and he wants that time to be focused. when he finally gets time alone with you, he doesn’t waste any of it and gets straight to making memories with you that he thinks about all the time.
♡ kisses- longer kisses are super rare because he’s still quite timid and shy but the small little pecks?? he cannot get enough of them. he prefers to give them to you at random, surprising times because he likes it when you melt after it, he calls you cute every time awwww. he secretly enjoys when you kiss him in front of the members too even if he acts disgusted.
♡ ends all his messages to you with a heart WITHOUT FAIL
♡ helps you shop for clothes and jewellery. he picks out clothes for you and always manages to hit the mark
♡ creates a playlist of songs that have a special meaning within your relationship and constantly updates it
♡ does that thing where he gets so happy that you’re his that he can’t stop smiling, so much so that he can’t sleep
♡ he’s a little bit forgetful, but you always forgive him because he’s just so cute and he always makes it up to you anyway
jeongwoo: the “best friend” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- skateboarding
♡ even if neither of you can skate, it’s fun and you can learn together. having fun when he’s with you is always the aim so anything like that is something he really enjoys
♡ skinship- skinship happens very naturally for you pair and it’s something neither of you have ever shied away from. he loves it when you hold hands and it makes him feel super proud that you can show him off like that. also loves when you let him rest his head in your lap and play with his hair.
♡ his love language- quality time- creating special moments with you is something that he will never forget and something that he’ll always bring up. he’s so grateful that you want to be with him and around him even at the most randomest times when you could be doing something else, but he loves it and he doesn’t ever want to see you leave.
♡ kisses- most are short and sweet but some, rare kisses can last for a while, where he smiles onto your smile because he just can’t believe what’s happening. he really likes those kisses but doesn’t initiate them all too often because he’s worried it’s the wrong moment. he actually asks the older boys for advice too 🥺
♡ tries to tease you and get the members involved but it always ends up backfiring and he ends up being the target
♡ a “remember when” type of guy, bringing up some of your most favourite and fondest memories
♡ is always up for absolutely anything you suggest. you’re the worst influences on each other (in the best way) but without those experiences, you wouldn’t have the amazing memories you have today
♡ wants to act like your protector and had you fooled for like a week until you realised he’s the one that needs protecting.
♡ when you compliment him, his actual self esteem sky rockets. there’s no more joking about how cool he is. your words mean the most to him (maybe his love language is words of affirmation too who knows hehe)
junghwan: the “first” boyfriend
♡ his favourite date- gaming together
♡ he loves to teach you and compete with you (because you let him win) and he thinks it’s cute and funny when you make mistakes or you do something really impressive
♡ skinship- he’s shy about it at first but warms up to it later. he never initiates anything because he doesn’t wanna overwhelm you. he doesn’t really like pda but he’ll do it for you, he’ll put his arm around your waist while you walk because it feels the most comfortable for him. it’s not skinship but just staring into each other’s eyes is something that happens regularly
♡ his love language- words of affirmation- hearing you saying he can do it only makes him more determined and, even though he doesn’t realise it, it actually makes him more independent. you know when he’s having a bad day, or if he’s got something important going on, so you drop him a little text which makes him so happy and he wants to make you proud (which he does and you tell him that all the time)
♡ kisses- kisses are something he craves a lot since the feeling of the first kiss you shared has stayed with him, but is always too afraid to make the first move. afterwards, he’s always a real giggly mess. every kiss is awkward with him at first since you’re both quite inexperienced, but soon you both start to understand what the other likes.
♡ he gets shy around you for ages because he likes you so much
♡ introduces “tech free” dates where neither of you can use your phone. they actually work really well for you two and you get to know each other a lot better
♡ works out what your love language is randomly one day, does his research, then slowly starts to implement it into your relationship
♡ a big hand holder when he senses you need nervous or anxious. he holds your hand for his own comfort as well as yours
♡ you share a lot of your firsts together, as well as being each other’s first relationship. it’s a time for him to learn and change so he appreciates any honesty, even if he does get a little bit sensitive about it sometimes.
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broadstflyers · 3 years
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A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first ever fic! It's really just an idea I've had for months, and then wrote, and then couldn't figure out which hockey boy it fit, until some mutuals were kind enough to help. I settled on our boy Barzy! It's inspired by Taylor Swift's "Gold Rush", and I really wanted to do my best in reflecting the beautiful imagery this story creates for me. I hope I did it justice. It's a little terrifying putting my writing out there, but I hope people enjoy it!
Word count: 3.4k
Warnings: Two curse words, it's really just internal conflict within the reader
Summary: You're celebrating your dad's 50th birthday with some friends and family at a dinner party. You happen to land your eyes on a beautiful stranger, who you can't seem to get out of your head. You spend the rest of the night wondering, should you go up to him?
Or do you let him walk out the door?
They say when you first lay eyes on your soulmate, time stands completely still. As you gaze into their eyes, it feels as though you’ve known them for multiple lifetimes. It feels like home. Is that even remotely true?
You start to take a sip of your drink and turn your head slightly to take in your surroundings. Your eyes dance around the room, until they stumble upon another pair of wondering eyes. Your eyes lock, and you’re instantly sucked into the mysterious yet intriguing twinkling grey-blue color that compliments his navy blue suit. Suddenly, your breath hitches in your throat, every part of your body stiffens, except for your lips that part slightly and eyes that widen. The drink is long forgotten, you’re even struggling to keep it from practically falling out of your hands and onto the wooden floor. The party is now just a blur, the noise? What noise? The world is muffled, as if someone stuck your head into a hundred pillows. Images stream through your mind like an endless movie reel wrapped in shimmery gold. Endless laughter on a first date over coffee. Him rubbing the back of your hand as you take a stroll through the park. Holiday mornings, exchanging gifts. Would he participate in the tradition of opening small gifts first, or would he want the biggest gift right off the bat? Ice skating and him catching you as you stumble on a pesky track in the ice. Him tossing you into the pool while you’re trying to put up a fight in a losing battle. A sweet and quiet proposal where he promises his forever love. A kiss at the altar in front of all your friends and family. Chasing after rambunctious little kids trying to get them to nap. All these gold dripping images of a pure love plow through your brain. Your heart is the unmovable object. They are the unstoppable force.
You and him only shared a look for what was probably half a second, but the thick air that seemed to only be affecting you made time feel like it stood completely still.
You burst back into reality with the help of a slight head shake. “Woah,” you quietly whisper. You blink a few times and finally get around to taking a sip of your drink to quench your parched throat. Did you just see a whole future...with a stranger?
“Hey, are you okay?” Stella asks. Her hand gently touches your arm as she cocks her head to the side. Her brows are furrowed in what can only be described as pure confusion. Did you really space out that badly as she was talking? What were you guys even talking about?
“Oh,” you say as you gently shake your head, “yeah.” You chuckle, “yeah, I’m just fine.” You wait a beat then say, “Hey, I’m going to use the bathroom really quickly, okay?”
“Sure thing,” she nods. “Do you need me to come with?”
“I’m totally fine, I promise,” you reassure with every bone in your body while giving her your drink. You really just needed to be alone to calm your racing mind that has now turned a complete stranger into a romantic interest with the power of a golden montage.
You make your way over to the exit of the dining hall and push the creaky open with your shoulder, and the amount of force you had to use honestly hurt. Your heels click down the tiled hallway of the golf club to find the bathroom door. The rectangular bathroom mirror framed in an intricate gold design holds your reflection. You slightly tilt your head as you take a look at your face. It’s like someone took the color of a clown nose and colored in your face with it. Jeez. You shake your head and sigh. This isn’t good, and deep down, you know that. You hate when you’re like this, all flustered over someone who just happened to lock eyes with you. His eyes. They were gleaming and just all around beautiful. What were you thinking again?
Oh, right.
Well, it’s pretty obvious he has this power over you, and you don’t like that. Now is your face going to become red everytime you see him? You check your phone. There’s still two hours left, plenty of time to possibly see him again. You can’t tell if that’s necessarily a good or bad thing.
You pace around the bathroom trying to reason with your begging heart. He was pretty good looking, which means that so many people naturally want him. Who was he even talking to, anyways? You gasp and stop in your tracks, blood running cold. “He was talking to a girl,” you mumble. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t sound completely and utterly crushed. In the heat of the moment, you completely failed to realize the blonde standing next to him. You lean over the counter, the cold marble feeling on your arms making your arms break out in goosebumps. You take one last stern look in the mirror at your face. “See, this is why we can’t allow ourselves to fall that hard,” you whisper angrily, “everyone wants him, and I just...I don’t like a gold rush like that.” You shake your head again and take one last deep breath to shake out any other thoughts. You can see yourself standing barefooted at the bottom of a hole looking astounded at how tall the walls have grown, and how distant the light looks. It feels like you soared lightheartedly into the sky, just to fall and crush every bone in your body.
You roll your eyes to yourself while slightly cursing yourself out. Pushing the bathroom door open, you step out into the hallway and make a beeline back for the dining hall. Your purse starts spastically vibrating, so you hastily fish your phone out to put an end to the obnoxious noise. Scanning the text, you read that your mom is asking where you went, as the cake for your dad’s birthday is going to be cut soon. You sigh as you text, “I’m hurrying back now.”
That’s all you see before you feel a slight brush tickle your bare shoulder. Your eyes don’t dare move from your phone screen. You reason that it’s not someone you know, as they would have said something to you. Your hands shake as you put your phone back in your purse.
“Oh, sorry,” the voice trails off as he continues to walk down the hallway after he brushed up against you.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, without turning around, which is admittedly ridiculous.
As soon as you can judge his footsteps are far away enough, you make a quick glance behind to see if it really was him. And judging by the navy blue suit, it was.
Suddenly, the golden montage flows through your mind once more, showing an image of yourself wearing an old shirt of his, maybe one from when he was in high school for whatever sport he played, if he played one. Your feet feel the coolness of the wooden floor of the supposed home. The home both of you share? It’s so tangible, so real that you almost reach out to touch it. It’s right there...
Your head jerks yourself out of the vision once more, or rather the fact that you’re now faced with a white wall in front of you. You sigh a long frustrated sigh. I can’t believe I really walked by the entrance, how embarrassing, you think as you turn on your heels to backtrack. Why does this stranger have you so wrapped around his finger? No one else has been able to even come close to doing that. You feel your face with your hand, and it’s burning. I’ll go in there looking like a tomato, it’s fine.
You do your best to quite literally shake off those thoughts as you push open the dining room hall door. “There you are!” your mom says. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Come on, we’re going to sing happy birthday to Dad.”
“Can’t wait,” you beam. After all, your dad only turns 50 once, and this night is about him, afterall. You follow your mom to a table with a white tablecloth resting on it.
Stella pops out from behind your dad to approach you and whispers, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You resist the urge to gently shove her in front of everyone. “Yes,” you pleadingly insist, “now stop asking me in front of Mom and Dad, they’ll think something is wrong.”
She side eyes you with an attitude. “Fine.”
“They’re my girls,” your dad says with a smile.
You and Stella laugh while leaning into him for a quick hug. “Hey dad,” you both say in unison.
The room completely dies down, people could hear a pin drop. “Ready?” your mom asks the guests. The room takes a collective deep breath.
And so the melody of Happy Birthday rings joyously through the hall, you can see the mystery stranger out of the corner of your eye. Heat radiates off your skin, it’s almost like you can feel his eyes boring into you. It takes all the willpower you can muster, but you resist the temptation to look over at him all throughout the song.
When the song is over, the room breaks out into obnoxiously loud clapping. You, Stella, and your parents share loving looks and warm smiles.
Eventually, everyone proceeds to return to normal chatter at the one rectangular table of two that they’re sitting at, and so do you, Stella and your parents.
You pull out your seat next to your sister near the middle of the middle of the table and sit, fixing your dress.
“Ahem,” Stella says in an ill attempt to cover her suspiciousness with a clearing throat noise. Queue whatever accusatory question she’s got.
“Let me just set something straight,” she starts.
“Go for it,” you say as you reach for some water.
“It’s definitely that guy a few seats down, isn’t it?” She smirks. She’s got you trapped in her little web, and she knows it.
You may or may not have fought back choking on your water or pulling a ridiculous spit take on the nice white table cloth.
You lean in and harshly whisper, “Well you didn’t have to say it that loudly.” You glance over at the mystery stranger and see his hand wrapped around his glass as he goes to drink it. He has a thick silver ring on his pointer finger?
“Hello?” Stella shifts her head to selfishly cut off your view of him.
“Okay,” you sigh in defeat, “yes it’s him. Happy?”
“Very,” she says, very satisfied because she finally pried it out of you and got you to admit it. Someone else has you wrapped around their finger. She didn’t even have to know all the details of the montages to know. She could tell by the way your eyes glossed over and how your lips would slightly part like you were in a hazy daydream.
And you were.
“Who is he anyway? And why don’t we know him?” You ask.
“I don’t know, honestly. A little strange, isn’t it? Why don’t you ask mom who he is?” She suggests, but her cheshire smile suggests that she will somehow find out, with or without your mom’s help.
“But mom’s going to absolutely harass me until I say something to him. Just you on my tail is enough,” you say with an eyebrow raised as to say ‘don’t test me.’ And Stella knows you’re right.
“Alright, fine,” she concedes, “But why don’t you, I don’t know, talk to him?”
“I did,” you nonchalantly float.
Her eyes widen and her mouth forms an “O” from disbelief. Did you really not talk to people that much?
“Really?” she practically squeals.
“Yeah, he brushed by me and said, ‘Sorry’ so I said, ‘It’s okay.’” Okay, now you get why your friends and family get mad at you for refusing to talk to people. But cracking this joke was one you could not pass up.
Her face scrunches up and she exhibits the biggest eye roll you have ever seen. She opens her mouth to start saying something, probably to scold at you, but you open your mouth to cut her off first.
“Alright no, I haven’t. And do you know why?” As you’re about to get your thought out, you’re interrupted by a fit of laughter down the stretch of the table. Your eyes scan but freeze on the stranger, whose nose is adorably scrunched up as he laughs with multiple, yes multiple, people about goodness knows what. And there’s that other blonde that you still don’t know, laughing with him. You tear your stare away and focus back on your sister.
“Look, that right there. That’s why,” you say, anger burning through your chest.
Stella raises an eyebrow in her own judgemental manner. “He talks to people? You know people do that right?”
Now it’s your turn to return the favor of a judgemental eye roll. “No, Stella, I mean just look at him and the people he’s surrounded by. It’s so obvious that everyone wants him. Just look at that girl with him. I’m not the only one who wants to love him.”
Silence ensues between you two. She picks up her phone and shoots a quick text. After a moment she says, “Well, I think if you just talked to him, you’d be pleasantly surprised with what could happen. I have to help mom with distributing gift bags. You stay here,” she instructs.
You can only assume you’re not being called to help because Stella graciously told your mom that you’re potentially working up the courage to talk to someone that’s not one of your three friends or your family. How generous of her.
A few friends of your dad stop by your seat to say goodbye before they head out. The noise slightly dies down enough to scarcely hear some other conversations. You hear nothing out of the ordinary, just a girl talking about getting into her dream school to some guy. Your ears slightly move as you pick up on a voice that sounds like the one in the hallway earlier.
“Yeah dude, but did you see the fake out on the goalie on the second goal? That had to have been the best part.”
Out of instinct you open your mouth to interject, but quickly shut it and put it under lock and key. You blink in disbelief. Hockey? Did this man just speak on hockey?
You circle the rim of the coffee cup and stare at the brown liquid. In a different universe…
In a different universe you would have actually kept your mouth open, and maybe even squeezed some words out, too.
“Actually, that seamless stretch pass down the neutral zone from the defenseman after a pretty difficult forecheck set up the play pretty well. I’d give him a lot of credit, too.”
He’d probably look a little shocked, as do most guys when you interject your two-sense about hockey. But maybe he’d break out into a small smile and offer a rebuttal. Yeah, that sounds nice. Maybe one day…
Maybe one day you’ll be sitting next to him on the couch, watching a game while cuddling and brushing the hair out of his face. Oh who are you kidding, you’ll be up and screaming at the TV. It’s your staple.
A noise of someone dropping something behind you slightly startles you and pulls you out of your once again golden daydream. You finally stop mindlessly circling the rim of your coffee cup to take a sip, but only to find it’s now ice cold.
This is why you hate looking through a pair of rose colored glasses. It distracts you from enjoying things. You glance over at your dad who’s still talking to one of his good friends that lingered after festivities. You’re supposed to be celebrating him right now, but instead you’re literally stuck in this cursedly pure golden daydream that is almost too good to break.
You can see him. He’s still there, at the end of the table, chatting away with some dude. The blonde left at some point, though.
“Well, I gotta head out, man, good to see you. My sister needs help with packing her stuff for college tomorrow, so we’ve got a busy day coming up.”
Could that girl have been his sister?
“Congratulations to her on getting into her dream school by the way,” the guy says. “I talked to her when she was here earlier, and she seemed super excited.”
A wave of cool relief washes over your body, remembering the conversation about college you picked up on earlier. It was his sister.
“Yeah she is, she worked really hard, and it also involved a whole lot of crying,” he chuckles.
Ain’t that right, you think to yourself.
The table shakes as he pushes out of his chair. Your eyes remain glued to your coffee cup no matter how much you want them to move. You just can’t gather the courage to say something, and you’re cursing yourself for it. You don’t want to sit here and dream about him anymore. You want to actually let these things happen, for once. You want to just unleash all these swirling and sickeningly sweet emotions from your body and drown him in it. You want so badly to leap up and say something, anything. Step on those voices taunting you and mocking you saying that it could never happen, it could never be so it will never be. He’s so inviting that you can’t resist any longer. You go to reach out to him, but the door shuts before you know it.
And just as fleeting as he came,
He’s gone.
Fuck. It feels as though a brick is sitting on your chest, suffocating you. You really let your worries control you, and this time it feels as though you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. You just can’t believe you let it happen when your mind was begging you to talk to him. You always do-
“Shit,” you mumble. In your frustration, you knocked over the remnants of the coffee onto the not-so-white-anymore table cloth. Tears prickle up in your eyes, your throat closes, and your nose begins to sting. You quickly swallow these emotions down your throat and begin to use a napkin to soak up the excess coffee. Drinks have really not been your friend tonight.
For the first time, you notice as you clean that it’s just you left in the room, besides a few people cleaning up on the other end. You’re not sure where your family has gone, but you haven’t received any texts prompting you to leave yet. It’s so silent that you can hear some muffled chatter down the hall.
Suddenly, you hear the same creak of the door open with an “oof” that doesn’t quite sound like your dad. Your blood runs cold and you freeze mid press into the tablecloth. You glance up without turning around to see a lone jacket hanging on a chair suspiciously close to the chair he previously sat in. Your eyes widen and dart around the room, but you dare not move, waiting to see what he does. Even after cursing yourself out for ten minutes while cleaning up spilled coffee, you still haven’t learned to make the first move. His presence feels like a forcefield, you can feel it heavily pressing into your back.
But he isn’t moving to grab the jacket, no.
A pointer finger with a silver ring taps your shoulder.
“Hey,” the clarity of his voice rings in your ears like a bell. Your heart is racing so fast that it feels like it’s going to burst out of your rib cage and run its own 10k. You slowly crank your head around to meet his eyes for the first time-- face to face.
And you must say, his face is really pretty when you actually talk to him face to face. Maybe you should do this more often. You take in his golden features, and struggle to hide a small smirk creeping up on your face. His messy hair falls perfectly into place on his head, and his kind face makes you feel as though a mess of metallic gold swirls are playfully swirling and dashing around you both. You’ve found him in this lifetime.
“I’m Mat, can I help you clean up before I grab my jacket?”
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miyagihawk · 4 years
Could you maybe write one where Robby or Hawk asks y/n to prom? You don’t have to if you don’t have the time <3
thank you so much for requesting !! this will be my first robby one yayyyy
promposal | robby keene x reader
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warnings: fluff, maybe swearing?, also quite cheesy but i love cheesy
summary: prom season is arriving, and you don’t have a date. but you’re kind of hoping a certain someone will ask you.
word count: 1,516
(this one’s set around season 2 and y/n is in miyagi do with sam, robby, and demetri)
“Ugh, prom. Just another excuse for horny teenagers to publicly grind on each other and dress up all nice for it,” Demetri scoffs as you two pass a promposal on the way to Bio class.
You roll your eyes at him. “You’re always such a pessimist. I think prom is cute,” you argue.
“Of course you think it’s cute, you’re a girl. Girls like dressing up and all that romantic shit. So you’re going?” he asks.
You shrug. “I don’t know, I mean no one’s asked me but maybe I’ll just go with Sam or something. I take it you’re not going?”
“Oh I’m going. I hate it, but it’s still part of the high school experience,” the black haired boy wiggles his fingers at you and you laugh. “What about Robby?”
Your heart flutters at the mention of his name.
You’ve had a crush on Robby ever since you met him when you joined Miyagi Do. His kind eyes and dedication to karate made you fall for him fast. With practice at the dojo everyday, he’s become one of your best friends, along with Sam and Demetri. But you’ve hidden your feelings for him because you’re sure he doesn’t feel the same.
“Um... what about Robby?” you question nervously, wondering if your feelings have been obvious.
“Oh come on, he’s obviously going to ask you to go with him,” Demetri muses, and you two walk into your class.
“I- I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shake your head, setting your books down on your desk.
Robby has never said anything about prom. He doesn’t even look like the type of guy to go. But you feel yourself hoping that what Demetri is saying is true.
“Oh Y/N, Y/N. Always so oblivious,” he taps your head before going to his own desk and ending the conversation.
Demetri is probably messing with you, but the whole period you zone out, thinking about what prom with Robby would be like.
Karate training was cancelled for some reason, so you took the extra time to catch up on your schoolwork at home.
Suddenly, the sound of your ringtone pierces the air, making you jump at the sudden break in silence.
You read the caller ID and it’s Sam. She never really calls you, so you begin to worry that something is wrong.
“Hello?” you answer.
“Y/N! Oh my god, something’s wrong! You need to come to the dojo, like right now!” Sam exclaims, making your chest pound with anxiety.
“Wait what, Sam! What happened?” you frantically sputter. Thousands of scenarios flood your mind all at once. Is there a fire? Did the dojo get trashed again? Is someone dying?
You hear shuffling and whispers on the other side of the phone before Sam blurts, “Just come Y/N! Hurry!”
In a panicked manner, you rush around your room to put on your shoes and get your car keys. Regularly a 15 minute drive, it takes you 5 minutes to get to the dojo. You got a few honks and middle fingers as you stepped heavy on the gas, but the urgency of Sam’s voice made you not care.
You slam your car door shut and run around the front to the backgate. But before you could open it, something covers your eyes and all you could see is black.
You realize that they’re hands from someone behind you and in your frenzied state, your first instinct is to elbow the person’s chest.
After the hit, your eyes are released and you hear a groan from behind you. You turn around in fear to see who you were expecting to be a murderer. But it was Robby Keene on the ground with a pained look on his face.
“Oh my god, Robby what the fuck are you doing? I’m so sorry,” you rush over to where he lays on the floor. He clutches his chest where you hit him and you place your hands over his in worry.
“I was trying to be romantic,” he chuckles, sitting up to face you. He was grinning, even though you just sucker punched him with the sharpest bone in your body.
“W-What? I thought you were a serial killer! What happened, where’s Sam? Is she okay?” you stammer, not even noticing what Robby just said.
“Nothing happened Y/N, calm down. We just needed you to come here,” he rests his hand on your shoulder to calm your panicked breathing, and your cheeks tint pink at his touch.
“I- So- Nothing happened? Why am I here?” you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. There’s just so many things happening at once and you were kind of expecting a disaster.
Robby stands up and reaches his hand out to where you’re kneeling on the concrete. You take it in yours and feel yourself calm down from the chaos of the last 15 minutes.
“Can I cover your eyes now that you know it’s me?” he laughs, and you nod in confusion.
His fingers place over your eyes once again, blocking all of your vision as he leads you to walk to the backyard. You stumble a few times, but he finally stops your walking once you guys have reached a certain spot.
“Ready?” his voice says close to your ear, making you shiver from his unexpected proximity. He counts down from 3 to 1 before pulling his hands away and freeing your eyes.
You blink a few times to adjust to the brightness of the scene, then you see the beauty in front of you.
Fairy lights are strung around the big tree, lit up just in time for the setting of the sun. The pond holds floating candles that drift delicately around the water and a picnic blanket with food lays on the grass next to it.
The dojo looks nothing like where you guys sweat and train and sometimes bleed. It looks like a fairytale, and your mouth is slightly open at the realization that it’s all for you.
“Robby, what is-” you turn around to where he’s still standing behind you.
You almost want to cry at the view of him holding a bouquet of your favorite flowers. His signature side smile widens at the little gasp you let out when you see him.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you go to prom with me?”
No way. There’s no way Demetri was right. You stand there frozen at his question, not believing that it’s real. The boy of your dreams, asking you to prom. The boy of your dreams setting all of this up for you.
“Y/N?” his voice snaps you out of your trance, and your confused expression turns into a huge smile.
“Of course. Yes!” you beam, catching him by surprise when you jump into his arms to embrace him. He laughs into your shoulder as you squeeze him tight in appreciation.
“I love it all, thank you Robby. You really do know how to make a girl feel special,” you say in between bites of chocolate covered strawberries.
“Well you are special,” he smiles, admiring how cute you look with your cheeks filled with fruit.
“I’m so killing Sam by the way. I really thought I would come here and see a dead body!”
“I’m sorry, it was my idea. Kill me instead,” he chuckles at the recent memory of your worried frenzy.
“I will. But after prom,” you joke and pop another strawberry into your mouth.
After some cute banter and more yummy food that Robby made, you two lay down on the blanket to try and see the stars. The smog of the Valley doesn’t give much of a view, but if you look hard enough it’s there.
The conversation has faded out, and you’re deep in thought. Does this mean he likes you? Are you guys together now? Asking you to prom doesn’t necessarily mean anything.
The question leaves your mouth before you can stop it.
“So... is this a friends going to prom together kind of thing? Or is it a couple going to prom together kind of thing?” you blurt, interrupting the pondering silence between you two.
Yours and his eyes stay stuck on the night sky. He thinks for a moment and you play with your fingers in anticipation.
“It’s up to you... but I like you Y/N. A lot,” he admits, setting fireworks off in your stomach.
All this time, you’ve both had feelings for each other. But you’ve danced around it like it’s a fire pit that can’t be touched. You almost want to laugh in disbelief, because you were so sure that you would keep your heart locked and live forever with longing stares. You thought you would be stuck watching him with someone else because you’d never have the guts to actually say what you feel. But you’re wrong.
Robby’s head is turned towards you now, and you take your eyes off of the stars to look at him. He looks nervous, waiting for your response to his confession.
Instead of talking, you reply with a long awaited kiss.
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cabinofimagines · 4 years
Lester’s ABCs
A/N: We be loving one awkward, human god -Danny
Warnings: A bit of swearing bc I can’t stop myself
Word count: 1,330
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Activities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
I think that he’s pretty chill, he’s a new person now, and enjoys the little things more than he used to, Lester is happy camping in your living room or eating pizza at the park while feeding pigeons. Only when the occasion is really special he would do something more god-like
Beauty - What do they admire in their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
He likes your smile, and your singing, even if it’s not great he’s jokingly offered to turn you into a muse but he’s not actually joking and that worries you lmao
Comfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He sings to you, usually pours a bit of his own powers to make the song ease you and help you sleep, the next morning he usually welcomes you into a whole day of self-care with your favourite meals and facemasks while binge-watching your fave shows/movies
Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
If you don’t want to live forever as his godly partner, he probably will turn you into either a beautiful melody or a constellation. If your time will be limited by mortal boundaries he’ll make sure to give you the most beautiful experiences and gifts anyone could ever ask for.
Equal - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
He’s a wonderful simp. Very passive and would live happy the rest of his life if he could just stare at you for the rest of his existence, you make all the decisions and he really doesn’t mind one bit
Fight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
He whines a lot when he’s tired or hungry, but really apart from that he just??? is never angry??? When you’re angry he gives you space and lets you do what you have to do to feel better but you guys never have big fights
Gratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
I think that we can all agree that after the hell he went through Lester is one of the most grateful boys out there, he’s just so so happy you chose him to spent your WHOLE life with him. Him. You want to live the only life you got with him? That’s amazing.
Honesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’s open even about the things you really don’t want to know lmao like the partners he used to have to the weird shit he used to do as a godly teenager. If you think normal teens are weird imagine one with mighty power.
Inspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
He’s afraid to forget what he’s learnt as a human, you make sure to keep him humble, he’s helped you to learn to love yourself, every little flaw is a spark of singularity now, he makes you feel unique.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’s the kind of guy to crush on the same people you have crushes on lol I wouldn’t say he’s jealous once you guys are together, he’s more the type to be like ‘Oh gods, did you see that? They smiled at you– Love you should ask them out. What? I know we’re together but c’mon you can’t just say no to that??’ He’s aware that you’re cute and that he can’t stop others from noticing. 
Kiss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
The first kiss was all shy and sweet but don’t worry, he definitely got better at it with time
Love Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
Probably blurted it out while you were training and he just couldn’t help himself. He falls in love to easily, the poor idiot
Memory - What’s their favourite memory together?
When you compliment him with that bright smile of yours, whenever you two dance around late at night and you look at him like he’s your entire world he MELTS
Nicknames - What do they call their s/o?
Very classy and old-fashioned names. He can’t help it, he’s been alive for too long and ‘babe’ simply doesn’t cut it for him. Only the best types of nicknames for you. 
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
A lovesick fool just like Leo, but he’s more devoted to you that he is to his own duties, will try to spend every waking minute of his life serving you. Others wish they were dating a god if only just to be treated the way Lester treats you.
PDA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
He’s a very touchy boy, hardly ever stops himself before kissing you in front of others, it may be awkward for your friends but honestly who cares, enjoy those smooches honey.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
Maybe the fact that he’s a literal god lmao
Romance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
VERY CLICHE BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN IT ISN’T GREAT. He’s cheesy and melts at your feet and will elope with you no questions asked if that’s what you wish to do.
Support - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
If you want the moon he’ll make sure you get it. If you want to go to college he’ll support you and pay your tuition if you want, actually what’s harder is to convince him that you don’t him to help you all the time
Thrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He likes the easy routines, the mortal lifestyle is comforting. However, if you ever make the mistake to say ‘Man I wish i could see Area 51 from the inside, like, I just need to SEE’ in front of him... yeah, that was an interesting wednesday
Understanding - How well do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He always knows exactly what you need when you need it. Empathetic is saying too little. 
Value - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
He’s lost so many partners already that treasures every minute he gets with you, you’re worth every little irky bad thing that could ever happen. He protects you like it’s his duty.
Wild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Lester learned to cook the ‘mortal way’ just so he could give you a nice birthday surprise. It went terribly but at least he took you to your favourite restaurant afterwards.
XOXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Again, very touchy fella.
Yearning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
When he’s got to attend some Olympus business or when you have to go on a quest, he’s always worry about you, he hates that this is the life you’re destined to have, but the love you have for each other makes up for it.
Zeal - are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s a god, he’s an extra little shit of course he’s willing to sacrifice everything.
Taglist:   @beneaththeiceandsnow,  @bandshirts-andbooks
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angelsxbelle · 4 years
haikyuu boys as your best friend.
part 1!!!
hey guys i thought i’d do some fluffy best friend scenarios since i’ve been feeling a bit down/anxious lately and i thought it would be fun to write something to cheer people up:)
pairings: tendou x reader, komori x reader, kunimi x reader x gn! reader
warnings: extreme fluff, maybe?? swearing
have fun and remember to stay safe on the internet kids :)
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tendou, SATORI
now it’s probably obvious that being tendou’s best friend is already going to be one of the best things that could ever happen to you just by looking at him
i mean, mans is a walking ball of crackhead energy
and while being around tendou is a guarantee for having the time of your life, i feel like there’s a lot more to him than a lot of people realize, especially in the way he’d act in a close friendship
he knows what it’s like to feel left out, so he always wants you to feel like you belong somewhere and won’t let you feel alone anywhere
he’s the kind of friend that will facetime you during lunch if he’s sick so you don’t have to sit alone without him
he’s also very attentive and notices small details that other people may look over, he’s always the first person to notice if something’s bugging you or if you’re feeling down about something and he’ll ask if you want to talk about it after school when you’re in private
a very good listener, not the kind of person that will try to shove solutions down your throat, but he’s supportive and will help you try to feel better if you ask him to
also a master at cheering people up after a rough day, you can’t help but burst into giggles whenever he does something stupid to try and get you to smile, he’ll conquer anything that’s making you upset
with him around, you’ll never feel alone or unwanted because you know he’ll always be there no matter what
if you’re clingy or know how to show affection really well through acts of service or words of affirmation, you’ll make a really good pair since he likes to be reassured
will blush if you compliment him or say something you like about him, and he’ll say something nice about you immediately after too
if you give him a friendship bracelet that matches one you made for yourself, he’ll wear it every day no matter how girly or cutesy looking it is
platonic cuddling>>>>>
he also likes it when you’re close to him, even though there’s no romantic feelings attached he’ll hold your hand as you run down the halls when you’re late to your next class together
even if you don’t care for it (why wouldn’t you though),you read shonen jump with him every week while you eat snacks together in his dorm and then talk about it with him afterwards
as for stuff you do for fun together, life with tendou is always a blast
sometimes you go to convenience stores and get slushies and then run to the top of a grassy hill by the parking lot and then just talk for hours and watch the stars
during school, sometimes you guys make up dances or songs and perform them for ushijima and he just stands there like 🧍‍♂️ 
you guys like to go watch scary movies together at the theater and you always share one of those jumbo popcorn tubs
one time tendou accidentally dropped it on the person that was sitting in front of you’s head and you guys had to just  b o o k  i t  out of there
he always lets you borrow his hoodies if you ask for them since they’re huge on you and he thinks it’s cute
you’re one of the only people besides ushijima that he’s opened up to about his childhood, and if you’ve been bullied too it’ll make you even closer to him since you share it
you make sure he knows how special he is and how much you care about him all the time when he gets insecure
on the last day of high school he tears up while telling you how much you mean to him
you guys stay just as close after high school, calling each other every day
you end up visiting him in france, it’s the best two weeks of your life spent together with him and you eventually end up moving there with him
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komori, MOTOYA
as a best friend, komori is the perfect person for someone that wants to have someone that’s caring and stable but also still fun to be around and knows how to lighten up
everyone knows komori is our favorite sweet boy that takes care of his icy cousin but i personally believe he secretly has a mischievous side to him you know???
like he’s still very sweet but he DEF knows how to pull a good prank
the kind of kid that’ll show up on exam day and get straight a’s and then give all of his teachers big thank you gifts but a week later someone will catch him drawing massive unicorns and care bears all over the school grounds with chalk like nothing’s wrong
he would never intentionally cause any actual harm to anyone though, he’s still very respectful and doesn’t want to actually break any school rules because he doesn’t want to get in trouble and make his teachers feel bad :’(
if you forget your lunch he’s the type to split his with you
he’ll also walk you to every class even if he’s all the way across the building bc he’s nice like that :’)))
will totally laugh if you trip over your own feet in the hallway but will always stop and help you up and ask you if you’re okay after
a sweetie, your parents probably love him because whenever he comes over he always asks if he can help with cooking and cleaning and stuff like that
together, you guys like to do stuff like study together as well as do stuff like reading horror mangas together and watching old disney movies
every once and a while he’ll ask you to go for a run with him in the morning if sakusa won’t go with him and he’ll go slow just so you don’t feel like you have to keep up with him bc he doesn’t want to wear you out right before school
he likes that you know you can find stability in him, you know he’ll always be by your side no matter what’s happening outside your friendship
also loves it when you come to his games, you yell at him from the stands really loud and he’ll wave back from the court and smile really big up at you as sakusa grumbles next to him :’)
even though your relationship is lighthearted, you can still come to him with whatever issues you’ve been going through and he’ll listen as best as he can, he’ll even open up to you as well and be vulnerable about whatever he’s struggled with in the past too
if you guys didn’t wear school uniforms, he would 100% match outfits with you no matter what your style is like
like tendou, he’ll also really appreciate it if you make him a friendship bracelet to wear and he won’t want to take it off
the day you graduate, he probably cries because he’ll miss you so much if you end up going to different universities
he doesn’t really have a hard time admitting it, but you really do mean a lot to him
even after high school, you guys still stay in touch and visit each other as often as you can, with you eventually moving back to your hometown so you’ll see each other often again and you end up staying close
you’re probably the closest friendship he’s ever had :’)
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kunimi, AKIRA
token lazy best friend ™
while he has a laid back attitude, kunimi still cares very much about your friendship believe it or not
he’s very nonchalant about it, but would still die for you 100% if things came to that
as seen with his friendship with kindaichi, despite being a very chill person kunimi is still attentive to other people’s feelings and will notice if something’s wrong with you or if something’s upset you
if you’re feeing insecure or upset he won’t hesitate to reassure you, even though he has a hard time opening up he’ll still remind you how he feels about you and how much he cares about you
he’s definitely not overly sappy about it though, he just kind of says what he thinks and moves on
in school, people are probably intimidated by you because you’re so quiet around others plus mans is like 6ft tall-
speaking of 6ft tall, if some guys are creeping you out or making you uncomfortable he’ll intervene and scare them so you have a chance to slip away while he makes them question their life existence
not to mention if anybody ever tries to pick on you, he’ll say something simple but so rude they’ll be so taken aback they just end up leaving you alone in shock
the silent but protective type of best friend
also even though he acts indifferent towards most things, if you show him something you’re really excited about he’ll still make an effort not to seem like he doesn’t care or blow you off
for hanging out, he’s definitely more of a simple kind of guy, he just likes to go over to your house and talk or read/ study or watch tv with you, he just enjoys the quality time
also, he secretly enjoys it when you play with his hair like he doesn’t show too much emotion but a little blush creeps up his cheeks and his eyes squint a tiny bit
and if he trusts you a lot, he’ll open up about his past and his experiences in middle school or anything that had hurt him in the past
it makes him feel safe when he knows you’re just there to listen to him and help him feel better whenever he’s feeling down or something’s been bothering him
he’s hasn’t told you yet, but kindaichi probably likes you but he’s to shy to say anything to you about it
he’s perfectly content with having you all to himself for the time being
on the weekends you always go over to his house to watch horror movies and have a sleepover after, it’s hilarious because he makes the same cold expression at the screen the entire time
but if you get scared, he’ll squeeze your hand and tell you not to be afraid
if you need to keep a nightlight on when you’re trying to fall asleep he doesn’t care, he just doesn’t want you to feel scared
he doesn’t say it a lot, but he really does care about you
he’s uncharacteristically sad the day you graduate and hates to see you go, he doesn’t want it to end
hugs you tight and drives you home after your promotion ceremony and you stay over at his house like old times
you, him, and kindaichi still stay close in university and get together whenever you can:)
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