#“it might happen” unbothered king
fred-vestis · 5 months
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cherrychilli · 2 months
18+ Steve Harrington x F! reader, friends to lovers, skinny dipping, PIV sex, unprotected sex, semi public sex, pool sex WC:1.9K
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A/N: Feeling very rusty so I'm attempting to dust the cobwebs off my brain and get back into the swing of things with a little bit of Steve filth.
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This will they won't they thing was starting to get old.
The casual flirting between you and your neighbor had ramped up in the last month, but you knew him well enough to realize when he's pulling back on the reins, even if subtly.
Up until now you'd enjoyed the way Steve's gaze wandered over you and the playful banter that tended to edge towards suggestive. You'd even glimpsed the only semblance of 'King Steve' that'd remained ever since he turned his whole image inside out a few years ago — that slight, but thankfully tolerable air of playboy confidence you couldn't find in yourself to dislike despite how you made sure to roll your eyes whenever it appeared.
But things were starting to fizzle out now, you could feel it. This thing that had started to brew between you and Steve seemed to be following the trajectory of a bottle rocket — the chemistry you shared soared for a while but now the chances of things becoming serious appeared to be heading for a nosedive.
Your discerning eyes were too sharp, noticing the flickers of hesitation and trepidation that peeked through when he spoke with you now, less flirting as of late, more awkward floundering and not the adorable kind.
You don't know it yet but the reason was because all those fears he'd thought he'd long outrun had started to shadow him again, afraid of things panning out like they always had in his love life.
The Harrington charm drew the girls in like bumblebees to pollen, everything turning sticky sweet for a while but it always ended the same way — with Steve getting stung.
He's gotten in his head about it — every bad date, every lousy hook up, every ounce of self doubt he'd tried hard to swallow down regurgitating back up in his mind like bile. He'd even begun to second guess if you really wanted him the way he wanted you, scared of messing things up if he were to make a real move because he doesn't want to lose you. Not after all the years of liking you so much.
Oblivious to his internal turmoil, you only know that the waiting's been hell on you, feeling more than a little fed up of all the flirting that hadn't led to anything more than a spike in sexual tension and a bunch of almost kisses a couple of times you'd been alone with Steve.
Almost wasn't good enough.
You wanted to show him that you were serious about him — no more bullshit. You were determined to go after what you wanted, taking it upon yourself to make the first move, knowing it'll have to be something big if you were going to really convince him.
And you have the perfect thing in mind.
Given he was supposed to be the only one home at this hour, the sound of swashing water echoing from the pool deck comes off more alarming than anything else.
Ears trained in that direction, Steve quietly steps closer towards the noise, cautiously placing one foot in front of the other like he's walking a tightrope.
Was it robbers?
No, robbers only break in to take your shit, not take a dip, he shook his head, feeling stupid he'd even considered it at all.
Speed running a list of possibilities in his mind, a slight shiver ran through him as he quietly hoped it wasn't another skunk that had wandered too close to the edge again, nearly gagging at the memory of how the scared, drenched animal had rewarded him for saving its life a few months back.
Peering out of the entry way, he reckoned he would have guessed a hundred other things before he ever would have guessed what he saw outside. Dropping his keys and jaw, he finds you wading in his pool. Unbothered and very much unclothed.
"Um...you're in my pool", he states as he steps out, dumbfounded.
"And you're..."
He doesn't say it. He wont, afraid that if he did, whatever's happening might suddenly stop. Hell, it felt far too good to be true, half expecting to bolt upright in bed at any second to find it'd been a dream all along, a tent in his plaid pajama bottoms waiting to greet him.
"I am" you confirm, knowing exactly what he'd meant to say, smiling devilishly.
With the pool lights on, your lack of swimwear is obvious against the blue tiles although the rippling water surface obscures your body enough to prevent him from getting a clear look at you no matter how much he squints in an attempt to focus.
"You sure know how to keep a girl waiting, Harrington", you chide, moonlight making your wet skin glitter like topaz.
"Huh?", Steve shakes his head, the jolt crackling up the length of his spine feeling far too real to be part of a dream. This is happening. This is really fucking happening, thunders and echoes inside his head, the realization making his palms turn clammy — the first time since his teens that a girl's elicited that kind of bodily reaction out of him.
"Got tired of waiting for you to nut up and make a move", you wade closer to the edge of the pool with all the allure of a siren approaching shore, the tops of your breasts showing above the surface.
"I want you, Steve", you beckon to him sweetly. Sincerely. "Come join me. It's lonely in here", you finish with a little pout.
He's never undressed quicker in his entire life — all of those nerves and doubts ironed out of him with that one simple confirmation.
You watch as his belt is unbuckled in a flurry, shirt following as it's tossed off to the side. It occurs to you then to offer him a modicum of privacy because it feels like the right thing to do, placing your hands over your eyes until he submerges himself into the water with you. But not before you submit to another urge, sneaking one quick peek between your fingers, your cheeks growing hot when you glimpse his half hard length dangling between his legs.
Covering your eyes again, you wait for him to join you, growing giddy when you feel him enter the water and wade closer to you.
You're met with that hopelessly moony smile of his when he gently pries your hands away from your face. "You always leave your clothes behind when you trespass or is this a new thing for you?", he asks, pearly teeth peeking out as his smile widens into a grin.
You laugh back, a little surprised that you'd gone through with it yourself. "Gonna beef up security around here if I keep it up?", you joked lightly, earning a chuckle from your neighbor.
"Fuck no. I'll even take down the fence so you don't have to hop it next time", he grinned harder, deviously handsome in the moonlight.
Your toes brush his as you wade a little closer, a shiver running through you despite the warmth of the water you're chest deep in. "It was between this or surprising you in your car", you told him, sharing the plan you'd concocted the night before. "You know— trench coat, hide in the backseat. Pretty classy stuff but then I thought about it a little more and realized it sounded kinda sketchy", you made a face, scrunching up your nose. "Didn't want you to think you were getting carjacked or something", you huffed another laugh.
Steve pales a little, laughing along nervously, the corner of his mouth twitching.
"Hadn't even thought of that", he lied, glad he didn't rush out here swinging his bat like he would have had he not convinced himself otherwise about the robbers.
As the amusement tapers you focus your stare on the rise and fall of Steve's chest and the hair matted against it, pressing a hand there to feel his taught, wet skin.
There's a lull in your banter as his hands find your waist and your own starts to trail down, gliding over the plane of his soft stomach, fingers dipping underwater to skim the coarse trail of hair below his bellybutton.
Your touches are delicate for a start, fingers curling around Steve's erection as you feel him twitch in your palm, your thumb gently sweeping over the bump of a vein before trailing up to find his tip.
You meet his gaze when you glide the pad of your thumb over the head of his cock, smooth and from what you can tell, sensitive from the way his breath stutters and his length flexes in your hand.
The waiting comes to an end then.
Steve leans in as quickly as you do, lips meeting yours, the scent of chlorine strong on your bodies, his chest pressing against your breasts. It's a dizzying minute of his tongue hungrily brushing against yours before he pulls you up by the underside of your thighs, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist.
Your body reacts quickly, crossing your ankles behind his back. His shaft nudges your clit from this angle and it makes you whine into his mouth, all needy from being deprived this kind of intimacy because of how he'd held back all those weeks.
He pulls away from the kiss to look as you, cupping your cheek with his hand.
"I know baby, I know. Made you wait for it too long didn't I? Don't worry I'm going to give it to you now, okay?", he coos, one part reassuring one part cocky.
Your core aches with anticipation when he says it, desire heavy and burning in your belly.
"Steve wait", you cut him off before his lips can come down on yours again.
"Could you— could you do it rough? that's how I want it", you tell him, digging your nails into his biceps. You're in no mood for anything soft or slow. Not right now. Not after waiting this long.
"Whatever you want— I'll give you anything you want", he promises, leaning in to kiss you again.
It doesn't take long for the swashing to recommence, building up to a loud, choppy splashing. Your back will carry evidence of how he has you pressed against the side of the pool tomorrow, arms wrapped around his neck as his tip meets your entrance and he works it inside, his length rutting into your soft core, punching out a chorus of moans and whimpers wrapped around his name.
Before he's completely lost to the warm, wet tightness of your walls wrapping around him, Steve only prays that none of his other neighbors care enough to peek over because if they did, things were bound to get awkward at the next block party.
"Promise me you w-won't go cold on me again", you beg when he locates that spot inside you, the head of his cock dragging over it just right.
"I promise", he answers, unclenching his jaw to nip at your bottom lip. "Promise me you'll go out with me after this? be my girlfriend?"
It nearly sends you reeling, being asked the question you'd been waiting to hear for weeks now as he's literally inside you, making your orgasm approach faster.
Smiling hard, you're still letting out little uh's and ah's because he doesn't let up his pace, driving his cock into you, all hard and fast just like how you wanted.
You couldn't wait to keep making up for all that time you spent doing anything that wasn't this, gasping out your answer.
"I promise"
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adventuringblind · 4 months
Unfair Of You to Leave Me Behind
Oscar Piastri x Reader
Genre: Angst
Summary: Oscar's world comes crashing down on him in Vegas.
Warnings: Graphic injury descriptions, lashing out in anger, car crash, Lando's 2023 Vegas crash, grief, panic attacks, blood, pregnancy mentions, miscarriage, death
Notes: I'm back to make you cry again. Me and the requester who shall not be named were cackling while coming up with this idea.
Masterlist // Request Form // My Website // buy me a Ko-Fi
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She kisses Oscar when they first wake up. The only way he ever wants to wake up is with her in his arms. Despite the fact that it's the afternoon Vegas sun shining through the window, he could care less.
She's racing today in place of Carlos, and he couldn't be prouder of her. He's devastated that Carlos got injured from that stupid grate, but his girl is driving a Ferrari. He's pretty sure the Spainard will understand.
Oscar laughs softly to himself, recalling the memory or how their 'rivalry' started.
"Carlos! Wait up!"
The Spainard slows his pace and waits for Oscar to catch up. "Hey man, it's not your fault, I didn't give you anywhere to go."
"I'm sorry too, didn't mean to be so... I don't know..."
"Seriously, mate, we all make mistakes on track." Carlos claps him on the back and gives him a reassuring smile. "Was that all? I, unfortunately, have to go he eaten by the media sharks."
Oscar laughs at the comparison. "Actually, I had an idea."
"Oh? Do tell?"
"I thought it might be fun to cause some chaos."
The two males find themselves huddled over Carlos' phone, crafting a petty tweet that will definitely get people's attention.
Thus was the start of their 'rivalry'.
She'd laughed so hard with Lando when they found out. The utter ridiculousness of Oscar being any kind of petty had them in tears.
"Oscar, if you weren't dating my sister for so long, I might believe you."
"Might?! I'm petty when I want to be!" He huffs and crosses his arms.
"Petty? My love, you are the king of unbothered. This thing with Carlos is cute, though!" He pouts in disappointment but quickly forgets about it when her lips meet his. "I wouldn't have you any other way."
Oscar spends his morning (afternoon) complaining about the diet Kim has him on. It's completely unfair. They both sneak a cookie anyway. Giggling as they get away with their crime.
He walks her to the Ferrari garage and drops her off with Charles. He doesn't want to let go; the goodbye kiss is longer than neccecary, and Charles makes a fake gagging sound.
"Shut up, Charlie. Like you don't make out with Max." She waves off Charles indecent noises.
"I'd rather not watch baby Norris get it on. Not when I have to face Lando sooner or later."
Oscar shrugs. "What a way to celebrate his birthday, no?"
"We'd be having a funeral for him if that ever happens." Charles watches them with fondness, leaving each other's embrace for the last time.
Lando teases up until they are forced to separate and head to the grid. A plethora of jokes about Oscar with his sister in Vegas are had. To the point where Oscar manages approximately one indecent joke and Lando shuts up.
"That's my sister, mate."
"And she's my wife, your point?"
Oscar stands nervously at the edge of the water. Daniel and Max keep reassuring him it'll be fine. However, he wouldn't put it past those two to push each other into the water while officiating.
Logan stands beside him. He smiles happily and nods to where she is walking down the beach.
Oscar may be unfazed by most things, but he is only so strong. She looks ethereal walking down the Australian beach in white, flowers decorating her hair.
Lando is the one walking her down the aisle on her request. Both her sisters trail behind her.
It's just their immediate family and a few close friends. It's intimate and small, just the way they wanted it.
Daniel does end up pushing Max into the water. Oscar is to wrapped up in his new bride to notice, let alone care.
His entire world came together that day. Oscar could lose everything but still have her and live the rest of his life a perfectly content man.
The faster her drives, the sooner he can get of this car and go check on Lando. The crash looked awful; like the car just slipped out from underneath him. It's making him more nervous than he would like.
His lover can't be fairing much better, that's her brother. The last thing she needs right now is to be distracted. Which he most definitely is not.
Oscar drives because he can't wait to see her after, to tell her how proud he is. Maybe he'll worship her tonight if she'll let him. If she isn't too exhausted-
The world moves in slow motion. She was ahead of him after his last pit stop. She was running in sixth, he's seventh but they both are lapping cars at this point.
The red Ferrari and the blue of the Williams collide. Oscar is barely able to dodge the debrief flying everywhere.
For a brief second, her car is over his. He wants to reach out to her; grab her and tell her it'll be okay.
Then she's gone.
Oscar hears his engineer talking to him, but he only has one thing on his mind. He stops the car, pulls of the belts off and bolts in her direction. Except it's worse than he imagined. The sight we he turns around is brutal.
The Ferrari is in pieces. The entire front is wrapped around the pieces of wire barrier it took out. The fence is decimated and the car itself is smoking.
Oscar puts himself to work. He can see her, clearly unresponsive. The marshals are talking to him. It's fuzzy, but he knows they are helping.
He tries to pull her out and has to choke back his tears while doing so. Metal rebar from the car sticks into her through her abdomen. Her head lolls to the side like it's been snapped.
Oscar pulls her helmet off instead. He makes eye contact, and shatter. She's trying to talk to him, but it's incomprehensible.
His body is half in the cockpit with her as they cut the car away. He's not being useful now, but they have to understand. This is his entire world bleeding out for everyone to see.
He cups her face tentatively, as gently as he can manage. "Please love, stay with me - please - you did so well, come on love - open your pretty eyes for me." He chokes on broken sobs. He rips his gloves off, longing for the feel of skin of skin. Forehead pressed against hers, he will her to stay awake.
The marshals try to pull her away, but he knows as soon as they do, she's going to start bleeding worse. He screams at them defensively, not sure why, he just needs everyone to leave them alone.
Logan is the one to pull him off with the help of a few others. Oscar whips around out of Logan's grip. "This is your fault!" He regrets the words when they leave his mouth. Logan looks sick, pale and clammy.
Logan sits next to Oscar after filming another video for Prema. He's never been the biggest fan of media, but Logan makes it more fun.
"You gonna ask her out today? Like I suggested a month ago?" Logan wiggles his eyebrows playfully.
Oscar shrugs. He'd been working up the nerve to ask her, but knowing who she's related to scares him a tad. She's out of his league by miles. "Not sure yet."
"Well, she's coming over here right now."
Oscar looks her way and has to fight the urge to cringe when they make eye contact. She is beaming at him. "Hello Oscar and Logan!"
"Hey! You got any plans for tonight?" Oscar reels when Logan sounds like he's going to ask instead. He'll say something like 'You snooze you lose, Piastri' after this encounter is over.
"Not that I know of."
"Great, Oscar doesn't either, He'll meet you tonight at six!"
"Will he be the one talking?"
Logan looks at Oscar and sighs when there is no response. "Hopefully."
"Okay then, I'll see you tonight, Oscar."
He does spin himself after she leaves and shoves Logan's shoulder. He mumbles some kind of thanks before crossing his arms and pouting like a child.
"Bet you she's the one."
And at the time, Oscar had laughed like it was a joke.
He only stops his seething at the distressed American when somebody pulls him away. He wants to push them off and run. He'll sprint to the hospital if he has too-
"Oscar, we're gonna get you there, okay?" Max and Daniel are escorting him off the track. They make no mention of the fact Oscar is converd in her blood.
Andrea tells him he can leave. Kim throws extra clothes at him and his phone. He can't look at it right now. The thought of dealing with any kind of media has him gagging as Max peels out of the parking lot.
He blocks out the drive. He tunes out the voices of Max and Daniel, trying to calm him. He'll be calm when he gets to her. Not a second before.
Oscar fights his way to her room. Determined to see physical evidence that she's okay.
Only, she's not moving.
The door to her room is wide open. Lando is sat curled next to Jon with his own medical equipment attached. His teammate is sobbing into his trainers chest, clutching his sisters limp hand.
Oscar takes tedious steps in. She looks so peaceful, entirely undisturbed. His knuckles run across the cold flesh of her cheek.
A doctor comes in, but he doesn't pay any attention. Not until the confirmation finds its way to his ears.
"I'm sorry for your loss. Both of your losses."
Oscar turns his attention to the doctor. "What do you mean both?" He snaps.
The kind looking woman looks disheartened. It makes Oscar's chest crack further. "She was pregnant. I'm so sorry."
"Osc, seriously, I'm not too worried about it." She wraps her arms around him from behind.
Oscar spins her around so he can see her eyes and peck her lips. "You could be pregnant."
"Or - hear me out - I could be stressed." She cups his face and stares at him with adoration. "I want to have a baby with you - I just - I don't want to get my hopes up, you know?"
"Whatever happens, we're in it together. Baby or stress, we'll figure it out."
She pulls him back to bed despite it almost being the afternoon. "If it's a girl, we should name her after one of our mums."
"And a boy?"
"Jack, after his daddy, the greatest man I've ever met."
Oscar collapses.
He shatters.
He screams until his lungs give out.
He holds her one last time.
He whispers his praise.
Then he watches her leave, taking everything with her.
His world is gone.
The funeral comes around far too fast. The last name on the grave includes his, the hyphenated one. It was her idea to conjoin the two. He wanted to match.
Charles had been around to tell him what actually happened. Both him and Carlos are devestated. The Spainard believes it should've been him.
The sketchy patch jobs over the grates had been quick. Carlos had been the first victim. Oscar's wife had been the second.
The grate hit the underside of the car and knocked it off the racing line. Right after she passed Logan. The American just happened to be close enough that it looked like they collided. He'd just been an innocent bystander in a brutal accident.
The FIA and Ferrari are pinning it on her. The statements made, despite the footage and data, are claiming it a driver error. It makes Oscar sick.
Oscar refuses to go anywhere near a track until the FIA own up to their actions. So does Lando, Max, Charles, Daniel, and Carlos.
They get everyone to take a stand. Soon enough, there are no drivers to put on a show.
The FIA has nothing. They took everything away from Oscar, so he did it right back.
A year goes by too quickly. He feels like it was yesterday that she was kissing him goodluck. Now she's a Ferrari reserve, getting ready to test the car.
He's fretting over her like a mother hen, but he can't help it! He might actually cry prideful tears over how proud he is of her.
He always kisses her in case it's the last time.
Oscar kneels over her grave. Logan sits beside him, arranging flowers in the shape of a heart.
The Aussie had cried his apologies to his best friend as soon as he found out what happened.
He's been winning races left and right for a few years now. Lando and him have dominated. He's not got a title yet, but Lando does. Her brother has dedicated it to her. They are both winning for her. He wishes she was here to see it.
"You were right Lo, she was the one."
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koqabear · 1 year
Stuck With You
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Song suggestion: What Is It About Her?
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“Taehyun hates everything about you; your pride, your stubbornness, and the way you plague his thoughts with dangerous desires that threaten to break down his walls.”
king! Taehyun x fem! mage!reader 
Genre: enemies to enemies (but like there’s a twist), royalty!au, angst, smut, fantasy!au
word count: 7.9K
Warnings: Tons of bickering, Taehyun is condescending, jealousy, they literally hate each other, so lots of anger and fighting, mentions of TH being abusive (isn’t actually, nothing happens), manhandling, 
Smut warnings: hard dom!Taehyun, brat!mc, sub(?)!mc, dubcon(?) (omg what), hate sex wahhh, rough sex, manhandling, (again!! There’s a lot) degrading, name calling, (filthy, pathetic), biting, dry humping, binding wrists/hands, marking, knife play, breast play, unprotected sex, mocking, edging, choking, hair pulling, overstimulation, creampie
Notes: Am I incapable of writing a story under 5K? It seems so. I was listening to this damn song the entire time I wrote this and omg I’m so tired of it but it also manages to encapsulate their relationship perfectly. Hope u guys enjoy Taehyun manhandling the shit outta the reader bc for some reason it just kept happening…. I think I need to self reflect for a bit. 
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Taehyun has never liked you. 
You’re so fickle, a cocky eyesore that he can never seem to escape from— too smart, too wicked, tongue always sharpened to a point as you never knew when to avert your eyes; when to bow down to your Royal Highness. 
He cannot fathom having to spend his waking days around you— yet, fate seems to punish him in such laughable ways. 
“Your Highness,” he’s forced out of his thoughts as he is called, the title so familiar that the sound of his own name is starting to fade from memory, forced as a young child to take responsibility after his deceased father and become the person he is today. 
His every move is practiced, careful, and familiar as he regards the faceless maid before him, not bothering to turn back around as he continues his morning walk. His robes brush against the warm earth, the wind around him bringing about the early signs of spring as it sings against his skin, cooling him down as the hurried steps of the maid follow before him. 
“The mage is summoning you— I’m afraid it is important; she has summoned the royal court as well… they currently wait for your arrival.”
Taehyun’s steps cease beneath the graveled path. He says nothing, seemingly unaffected by the news as he nods his head slowly. The day was so beautiful, he finds himself thinking, chest heaving with a disappointed sigh as he turns to follow the servant. 
But of course, you had to come along and ruin it. 
✧ ✧
“Your Highness. This is not a joke.” 
Taehyun supposes he’s bad at hiding his expressions, if the way you stare him down with fire in your eyes means anything. The conference room is stuffy with the number of people that send him curious stares, unable to fathom how he could not take the current news seriously. 
“The Southern Kingdom is persistent with their threats of war— they truly believe we are the ones behind the massacre of their villages.” 
“It’s a wonder how a kingdom survived for so long under such a stupid ruler, isn’t it?” Taehyun heeds no warning from your words, sighing as he looks out the window and observes the lovely day before him. “I might go hunting today, what do you think?” 
Your hands that slam down on the wooden table startle everyone but him; you’re standing, eyes narrowed dangerously as you leer at him from the other side of the long, rectangular conference table. 
“I think you’d be stupid to not act on these threats immediately.” You grit out, jaw clenched as you take in the way the King seems to be unbothered by your insults. He simply shrugs, sparing a glance to the head guard before he’s leaning back in his seat, closing his eyes as his hands remain folded neatly in his lap. 
“Yeonjun,” he drawls, peeking at you through lidded eyes as he speaks, “what do you think?” 
He doesn’t miss the way Yeonjun sits up in his seat in surprise, adam’s apple bobbing before he’s clearing his throat, gaze averted as he speaks to his King.
“Your Majesty,” he begins, a hand on his chest as he stares at the dark wood of the table, “I think it is best for us to clear our name. A war during these times would set back our countries drastically.”
Taehyun hums, nodding his head in recognition. “You’re right. I want you and a few of your men to investigate those villages; be discreet, I don’t want you to be traced back to us if you get caught.” 
“Someone arrange a meeting with the Southern Kingdom’s royal mage— I must speak to them, it is urgent. And you,” it is no surprise when Taehyun’s eyes meet yours, pausing to regard your disgruntled state. “Stay. I must speak to you privately.”
There’s nothing you can do but grit your teeth and plant your stance as everyone scatters out of the room— afraid of the King’s anger, of the way his jaw clenches with annoyance. His eyes never leave yours, yet the heat that radiates from his gaze almost burns up the room, everyone’s gazes planted to the ground as they bow meekly to him before they exit. 
It’s just you and him now; Unfortunately, you think, bracing yourself for another scolding from your arrogant King. 
“That was no way to speak to your Ruler.” 
It feels as though you’re on fire; it takes everything within you to compose yourself, fists clenched tightly behind your back as you narrow your eyes at his words. You hate it— you hate him with your whole being. The way he seems to be unbothered, tired eyes fluttering shut as he leans back in his seat, a deep sigh escaping him as his lips part tiredly. 
“My Ruler only pays attention when you scream in his face, it seems,” you seethe, ignoring the way his eyes snap open to give you a cautioning glare, “he’s a very arrogant man.” 
He huffs out a laugh, but there’s no amusement behind it all. Slowly, he stands, his robes fluttering with his movements as he looks down at you angrily— if there’s one thing that will always cloud his mind, it’s his pride. 
This same pride prompts him to walk to you, dangerous and slow, warning you to tuck your tail and apologize; you’ll do no such thing, your gaze only sharpening more with every step he takes closer to you. You’re restless, resisting the urge to lash out again as your tongue sharpens against your teeth; lips screwed tightly together, jaw clenched as you wait for him to do something, anything— hit you, yell at you, dismiss you— but he does none of the sort, coming dangerously close to you as he observes you curiously. 
It’s silent; you’re practically sharing the very air you breathe, both of you waiting for the other to break as you meet his gaze, refusing to look away for even a second. 
Taehyun takes a moment to observe you; your eyes, angry and restless, sharp as they dig into his own. You’re tense, your body practically ready to shake as you keep your jaw clenched, lips pursed together as you hold back another nasty jab directed at him. 
You’re like a puppy; all bark and no bite, unable to truly stand up to him in fear of treason— you need this job, your only source to provide for your family in the far-off village you came from. He could dismiss you, break you, watch as you beg him for forgiveness in fear of putting your family at risk— the idea is dangerously appealing to him, the thought of finally having you at his feet making his lips twitch in amusement.
Taehyun holds your life in his hands, and the realization of it sends a deadly lick of fire through his body. 
“How cute,” he mutters, watching the way your brows twitch in anger at his comment. 
“For a second, I almost let your words get to me.”
The comment does more damage than any other strike ever could— because for a second, Taehyun’s gaze almost softened, the smile that grazed his lips more frightening than any threat he could muster. 
A sharp shiver wracks through you; bitterly, you realize that Taehyun managed to gain the upper hand over you once again.
✧ ✧
The first time he dreams of you, Taehyun is terrified. 
He wakes up in distress, an ache forming between his eyes from the pure confusion and anger that overtakes him. He lets out a shaky sigh as he sits up, sinking back into the soft pillows of his bed; his whole body trembles, disoriented and in denial as he attempts to block out everything his traitorous mind conjoined up.
But it doesn’t work. His day is ruined, his mind flashing images of the scenario that manages to haunt even his waking hours. 
In the morning, he makes his way to the garden; fresh air will do him good, he figures, the cool air and floral scent that drifts through the wind calming his beating heart. But then, his fingers caress the petals of his favorite roses— ruby red, the color stunning to his eyes— and he finds himself touching the velvet of your skin, your bare hips and warm thighs that encase him, alluring and soft as your precious lips are reddened and mischievous; swollen, begging for more as his teeth sink on the soft flesh like he was born to do so. 
He’s quick to exit the garden after that. 
His afternoon isn’t much better, his mood sour after dealing with countless meetings and petty problems— he’s exhausted as he leans back into his throne, a distraught sigh escaping him as allows himself to shut his eyes for just a moment— then he’s back to the dreaded memory of you, cute and pliant as you shift restlessly in his lap; your face flushed, hair and clothes a mess as you weakly beg for him to touch you, to please you. 
The moment his name leaves your lips, whiny and desperate, is the moment he jumps up from his throne. 
The sound is so realistic, haunting his mind as the ghost of your whine echoes through his ears; it follows him relentlessly, leaving him in distress as he wonders what a dream like that could possibly mean. 
By the end of the day, Taehyun feels as though he may lose his mind; he’s unable to stay in one place, his mind inevitably wandering back to you if he doesn’t find something that takes away his full attention. He’s a mess by the time he’s wandering the corridors, ready to go back to his room as his eyes land on the last thing he would ever want to see. 
You’re so relaxed, a smile gracing your face as you converse with Hueningkai, one of Captain Yeonjun’s guards, the two of you so close and giddy that Taehyun can’t help but stop and watch. 
He’s never seen you like this; he’s never bothered to either, but something about the way you lean into Hueningkai so closely, unafraid to enter his space as the two of you whisper coyly to each other, is enough to have Taehyun bristle up and walk away. 
The emotion is ugly and dreadful as Taehyun shakes his head, a heavy huff leaving him as he beelines straight to his bed— the same bed where he had you under him, your breaths brushing his skin as you panted desperately for more; the very bed where he kissed you until his lungs burned, pressing you into the bedding until your bodies melded together. 
Angrily, Taehyun resists the urge to abandon his bed and stay in another room; even now, you seem to haunt him ‘till his wit's end. 
✧ ✧
The second time Taehyun dreams of you, he’s more frustrated than terrified. 
He sincerely thought it had all been bad luck; his unfulfilled needs melting with his hatred for you, an unlucky concoction as his mind conjured thoughts unspeakable. It had all been nothing but a fluke he hoped, but as he stares out the window and into the scenery of his land, he can’t help but remember the way he had you pressed up against this very glass, his lips unrelenting against your neck as he whispered words that had you crying and begging for more. 
As he writes to other kingdoms, he finds himself staring at his hands; the same ones that had a bruising grip on your hips, bunching up your garments as he pressed himself firmly against you— he can recall the way you melted under his touch, compliant and needy as you let yourself be ravished by him. 
The you in his dreams doesn’t compare to the one that haunts his waking hours— only, in a much more horrid way, as he finds that his temper with you has decreased into something minuscule. He sees it in the way you tense when he so much as enters the same room as you, the rest of his servants sparing you a pitied glance before they duck their heads before him; afraid, meek, and unsure of what he may do to you or anyone who annoys him. 
But even though his patience with you has withered thin, you still find it in yourself to whip him with such insults and humiliations, unafraid of the consequences as you continue to look Taehyun boldly in the eye. 
He could have you disappear with a snap of his fingers— yet, time has ruthlessly shown him that you’re a more valuable asset than he once thought. No, he can’t get rid of you even if he wanted to— his mage, the best in the land and the only one that could ever manage to put up with him. 
The thought of being stuck with you is vile. 
✧ ✧
By the nth time he dreams of you, Taehyun firmly believes that it is no longer an accident. 
You’re a mage— why didn’t he think of this sooner? The blood in his veins is coursing with fire by the time it all connects, his steps rough and brisk as he makes his way to the place where it all started; the dreadful doors of the meeting room greet him, cracked open to insinuate that someone opened them already. 
You’re scared stiff when the doors slam open; whirling around, you’re left face to face with the very man you’d rather not be left alone with, the doors swinging back shut behind him. You’re nervous, a lump in your throat forming as the fire and anger you always find igniting when you see him dissipates, feeling as though water had been dumped on it. 
That very water manifests itself as Taehyun; there’s something different about him, something serious in the way he stares you down, eerily silent and angry as he storms toward you. You feel a witty remark bubble up in your throat, but you’re forced to push it down as you take in the way he’s teeming with rage, unpredictable and unstable as he makes his way to you.
He towers over you, his robes furling around him as his hand presses firmly to your chest; presses against your heart, nervous and quick as he continues to walk, forcing you to stumble back from the brute strength he possesses— the air is practically knocked out of your lungs from how hard he pushes you against the wall. 
“You did this,” he says, eyes narrowed in distaste as he takes in the way you look up at him in confusion, daring to feign ignorance that only angers him more, “you evil wench, how dare you do this to your King?” 
Your eyes widen at his words; he can feel the way your heartbeat is unrelenting against his palm, your hand swatting him away as you grow defensive. The back of his hand stings from the slap, a fire spreading from the very place you touched him; he can’t help but cradle his hand close to his chest, offended at the way you disrespect him so, even when his warning gaze is searing onto your skin. 
“You speak nonsense,” you spit out, brows knitting together as you look at him with pure offense, “for I have no idea of what you allude to.” 
He can’t help but let out an incredulous laugh; even now that he has you cornered, you dare lie to him— even worse, he’s forced to step back, the images of the nights where he would dream of you flustered and pressed against the wall coming back to the forefront of his mind.
He can’t control himself, the carnal and disgusting thoughts plaguing his mind as rage fills his being; he’s backing away before he does anything drastic, the images flashing through his mind as a rough fist collides onto the table behind him. His eyes are shut tight, teeth gritted together as he seethes, ignoring the way you stand back, pressing yourself against the wall in confusion. 
“This—“ he says, huffing as he opens his eyes, meeting yours before he can help himself— and there you are again, pleading for him to use you until he no longer can— “These cursed thoughts, you did this to me—!” 
He feels weak in the knees as he looks at you, his mind running off to places they shouldn’t as he attempts to ignore the intrusive thoughts; you’re still, unsure of what to do as you watch your majesty slowly lose composure. 
Jumping, you’re reduced to the very person you were when you arrived at the palace; meek, useless, and afraid as he runs to you, grabbing ahold of your shoulders and tossing you around until your hips meet the back of the very table he was once leaning on; he’s leaning you back, your arms forced to support yourself as his fingers dig roughly into your shoulders, towering over you as he scowls menacingly. 
“Undo this,” he says, exasperated and breathy as he becomes reminiscent of the nights when he would toss and turn in bed, forced to confront all of these imaginations that included you, pliant and needy under his touch. His eyes screw shut, teeth gritting together as he refuses to look at you, “undo this wretched spell this instant!” 
His grip is bruising; you yelp at the way he shakes you, never seeing him this desperate and angry as a hand reaches up to push against his chest; but it’s useless, his strength outdoing yours easily as he growls at your weak attempt to run away. 
“I’ve done no such thing—!” 
“Don’t you lie to me!” He’s quick to cut you off, volume raising significantly as the adrenaline begins to course through both your veins, “I know you’ve done this, this disgusting spell that haunts my nights— how dare you attempt such a thing to your king, do you have any idea what you’ve done?!”
“I’ve done nothing!” You scream, a sudden strength aiding you as you push against his chest with both hands, watching as he stumbles back harshly, his back colliding with the wall behind him— the sight is reminiscent of what he did to you moments ago. 
“Have you lost your mind?!” You say, exasperated as you watch his hardened gaze, the way his fists shake with anger at his sides, “I’ve done nothing— yet you accuse me of such— such things that you don’t even dare speak of! 
For a moment, there is only silence and the sound of your panting breaths; you hate the way your hands shake as you grip the edge of the table, gulping harshly as you take in the way he hasn’t moved a single inch. 
“I know you hate me,” you huff, jaw clenching as you pause, regaining your composure before continuing, “but you’ve gone too far. This is low, your highness, even for you.” 
“Low?” Taehyun echoes, disbelief on his face as he finally moves; he steps towards you, watching the way you begin to flee in retaliation, “you speak of being low?”
Predator and prey; you can’t help but feel as though this is all you’ve been reduced to, tense and careful as you make your way back to the door; he follows you, his pace matching yours as he allows you to inch closer to the door. 
“What’s low is the way you haunt my dreams, calling out for me like you’d die if I wasn’t near you,” your heart is thundering in your chest, bewildered by his words as you find yourself right behind the door; you’re frozen, waiting for the moment he’ll let his guard down so you can slip out and run. 
“You, you of all people,” he spits, as though the very words were fire on his tongue, “persistent—almost every night it would happen, haunting even my waking days as I was forced to turn the other way when I saw you in the corridors.” 
You don’t care anymore; it’s reckless, but you bolt for the door, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you reach for the door handle— but Taehyun is faster, a hand clamping on your wrist and tugging you back as he uses you to slam the doors fully shut, the latches clicking as the wood knocks out the air from your lungs. 
Taehyun presses against you; you’re like fire against him, and he finds himself thawed the moment he feels your body against his, the empty mold that came from his dreams as he finds his mind clouding dangerously. 
“What’s low,” he hisses, tugging you closer as his hand grips your waist ruthlessly. He’s so close, you couldn’t avoid him even if you closed your eyes— you don’t dare to, the look in his eyes fatal as he traps you in the very spell he’s found himself in. 
“Is the way you forced me to yearn for your touch.” 
Any cruel words that were hanging precariously on your tongue quickly fade away; instead, Taehyun is kissing you with an angry passion, his hand cupping your jaw and pulling you close as he presses your body into the door. His lips are rough and ruthless as they take from you, prying you open and getting the taste that he only imagined in his dreams. 
You’re left weak against him, your body automatically reciprocating as all the words left unsaid travel between the two of you. The hatred, anger, and confusion are interchanged, a groan escaping you as he bites down on your lip. 
He’s rough, not sparing you for even a second as continues to take, unable to do anything else but enjoy the way you grow stupid against his grip, the kiss harsh and messy as you allow him to be the only thing holding you up. Your knees are weak, and if it weren’t for Taehyun pressing you harshly against the door, you would’ve fallen a long while ago. 
He’s unable to hold himself back as he bunches up the fabric of your garments, bunching up your skirts before he’s able to press himself against you; the moan you let out is broken and weak, his robes fluttering around you as he smiles against your lips; your mind has emptied by now, the perfect vessel to let him satiate the need that plagued him after so many dreams— drool is beginning to form at the corners of your lips, and even as you tap Taehyun relentlessly, he refuses to pull away; day after day, he was forced to be around your excruciating presence while being forced to pretend that he couldn’t feel the ghost of your lips, couldn’t imagine the way you would sound when he hit a spot that drove you crazy.
His hips rut against you roughly; he’s unstoppable, messy moans harmonizing with your own as he reaches for your hands; his fingers lock around your wrists, bringing them up and slamming them against the wood as he delivers a particularly harsh thrust; he watches the way your face scrunches up, eyes fluttering shut as your body bounces up with him. 
The sound you let out is akin to the ones in his dreams, leading him to believe that you’re nothing but a fox, a filthy liar that attempts to save face no matter what— and it angers him more, angers him enough to leave marks and bites along the column of your throat, your whines weak and soft as you flinch at his harsh touch; your wrists bounce against his hands in protest as he bites down on your skin, tongue running on it soothingly before he moves on. 
Frustratedly, he’s met with the cloth of your top; clumsily, he gathers your wrists in a single hand— they’re above your head now, slammed against the wood so hard that you feel the backs of your hands tingling ruthlessly. His other hand fumbles with his pockets, your mind so clouded that you’re barely able to keep your eyes open for a moment. 
You grow still the moment the tip of a dagger is pressed to the underside of your chin.
“Admit to me,” he says, breathy and frustrated as the blade pokes into your skin threateningly, “admit to me that it was you, that you’re the one who cast this spell on me— that you have been haunting my dreams.” 
Even now, you shake your head in denial. But the last thing Taehyun will do is believe you, his teeth gritting together as he slices down; your mouth falls open, eyes going glassy as he cuts cleanly through the top you wear, the blade poking at your stomach as he releases your hands for just a second— long enough to slide your garments off, the fabric pooling at your feet as you’re left bare before your king. 
“Why do you still deny me,” he mutters, the knife gliding against your skin comfortably— against all the places he’s felt, a carbon copy of his dreams as he takes in every detail of you; it’s all too much for him, the heated nights he spent with you in his dreams resurfacing in his mind as his dagger tucks itself under your bra, his hand resting on your hip as your hands fall weakly onto his shoulders; he’s pressing into you firmly, the wood cool against your skin as your forehead touches his; you sigh shakily, fingers digging into his shoulders as you close your eyes. 
A sharp tug has you jolting into him, the knife slashing through the garment before it’s falling to the ground, the cool air against your breasts making you shiver. 
Taehyun feels dizzy as he takes you in; his hands attempt to memorize you, as though you would disappear into smoke if he’s not careful enough. Slowly, his hands glide up; they encase your breasts, eyes eagerly taking in your facial expressions as his fingers carefully play with your nipples— it’s odd, the way he can already feel his body telling him what to do, how to please you as your mouth is falling open, your hands clinging to his wrists as he pushes himself closer to you once more.
Carelessly, his right-hand reaches down to grab your leg; he hoists it onto his waist, roughly pressing into you as you’re pressed flat against the door. Your head falls back, able to feel the way his cock is pressing directly against your slit, a shaky moan escaping you the moment he begins to rut his hips again. 
“God— so soft…” Taehyun finds himself saying, a broken gasp escaping him as he allows his hips to take control. Your breasts bounce temptingly before him, his mouth latching onto the sensitive skin as he finds himself eager to hear the very same sounds that always echoed in his mind. He’s insatiable, groans leaving him as he sucks and bites, pretty fangs sinking into your delicate skin and leaving marks that he would make sure would last an eternity. 
None of his dreams compare to this; to the sound of you so close to his ear, a shaky hand threading itself in his hair as you finally give in to the temptation and pull him back up for a kiss; you’re a mess of spit and tongue as you beg him for more, the pleasure fogging your mind as you pull him in restlessly. 
A fire licks through his veins, the frustration you put him through suddenly resurfacing as he steps back— yet his hand remains firm on your hip, letting go of your leg and pulling you forcefully, spinning you around until you’re colliding with the table. He doesn’t stop there, a firm hand pressing down on your chest as he’s forcing you to lean back— his gaze is predatory and dangerous as he looms over you, situating himself between your legs as he allows himself to hover over you, glaring at you with such spite that you’d almost think he was getting ready to kill you— except, his fluttering touches that wander around your body speak otherwise. 
“Filthy thing, haunting my dreams then feigning innocence,” he seethes out, slipping off his robes and tossing them aside; he’s undressing before you, his cock straining against the material of his undergarment as he looks at you with nothing but rage. Even then, you have the audacity to have confusion swimming in your eyes, helpless to the way he slides you back towards him, your hips pressing together as he lets out a sharp hiss; the sound you let out is enough to distract him for a second, desperate to hear it from you more. 
“I’ve done— nothing!” You say, a cry escaping you in between your sentence as Taehyun thrusts into you roughly. He only seems to be annoyed by your response, his dagger caressing up and down your thigh as he looks at you in a warning. 
“You’re a fool, and you’re afraid to admit that I’ve done nothing wrong,” you pant, your head spinning at the way the dagger scratches against your skin, the pressure applied coming and going as he tilts his head at your words; there’s no curiosity in his gaze, only anticipation that you’ll be stupid enough to finish your thought. 
“And you’re afraid to admit that you’ve fallen for the very person you swore you hated.” 
The response is immediate; he’s slicing through the measly fabric of your underwear, the knife clattering on the table as his hand shoots up to you instead— he cups your jaw, fingers gripping it closed as you glare at him, daring him to do something reckless. 
“You plague my dreams,” he seethes, gaze full of hatred as his cock begins to rub against your folds; he’s leaking and desperate, able to feel the way you’re soaking wet for him despite barely being touched. 
“I thought of you every night. You visited me, didn’t you, you sly thing?” His tip is prodding at your entrance, teasing you by only slipping it in before he backs out, fangs sinking into his lip as he stares at you like a predator who just caught his next meal, “you wanted me to cave in and visit you, to bring all those fantasies to life.” 
“You’re a pathetic, weak little thing.” 
It’s inevitable for you to let out a laugh at that; his fingers only dig into your cheeks in response, his jaw clenching as he stares at you like you aren’t even worth his time. Yet here you are accused of a crime you never committed, pinned under the king as he looks at you with pure, unrivaled hatred. 
Smiling, you take him in carefully; his eyes, blown open with lust and frustration, his body that keens and bends to seek your touch— he calls you pathetic, yet is unable to let go of you for a second. 
“Your Highness,” you whimper out, a teary gaze and quivering lip greeting Taehyun as tears bubble up at your pretty eyes. He can only feel another hot wave of lust course through him, leaning in closer to hear your pathetic pleas.
“I don’t specialize in love spells.” 
He pulls away like a man that’s been burned; he scowls, only to find that your legs have already locked him in, a whiny moan leaving your lips as you urge him to enter you. 
“Your Highness,” you whine, shivering at the way he slowly enters you, your hand reaching up for his nape; you cling onto him, bringing him back down as you allow him to hover over you, shaky breaths intertwining with each other as he stretches you out perfectly. You feel so full, so good, velvet walls clenching around him like a vice as he lets out a shaky sigh, head bowing down and resting by your shoulder, his forearms barely able to hold him up as you let out sweet sounds just for him.
“Your Highness, I’m so honored you think of me so much,” you cry, enjoying the way he tenses against you. There you go again— unstoppable even in the most uncanny situations, your annoying quips igniting his rage as his will to put you in your place is strengthened; straightening, he grabs onto your hips, fingers digging in and massaging the soft flesh as his eyes grow cold. Scanning your body, he’s still able to take in the way you’re flushed and needy, hips attempting to move subtly to gain stimulation from him. 
His left hand leaves a bruising grip on your skin; if you think you won, you’re dead wrong.
“Honored…” he mutters, the knife pointed back at your throat as he bottoms out in you; his hips are pressed firmly against yours, but you’ve gone stiff, unable to ignore the dangerous pressure applied to your skin. Tilting his head, he tuts, his other hand reaching for the ribbon of his discarded robes; before you know it, you’ve been tied up, unable to move your wrist as they’re tied tightly together— Taehyun smiles, the pretty ribbon tied in a neat bow against your skin. The dagger is back against your throat as his right-hand guides your wrists above your head, his eyes twinkling as he takes in your weakened state.
“Yes. You should be.” 
You can’t help the way you flinch as Taehyun raises the knife threateningly; your eyes screw themselves shut tightly the moment he’s bringing it down, the velocity so intense your heart stops for a second.
The sound of impact from the dagger is heard throughout the whole room. 
A shuddering sigh leaves you— it’s sunk deep into the table, uselessly looking up as Taehyun’s condescending laughter reaches your ears; you try looking up to see where the dagger may have been placed, but it’s no use. Shifting, you go to move your wrists back down. 
Only you can’t move them at all— they’re stuck in place.
Your lips are left open in surprise as Taehyun begins to fuck you with wild abandon, the need to have you a mess under him plaguing his mind as his hands grip onto your hips fiercely. He’s rough, relentless, and cruel as you cry out, unable to ignore the fire that ignites in your stomach as he brutally thrusts into you. 
Your eyes are fluttering shut as the feeling of your body rocking to his thrusts makes your head spin, your hands clenched in a tight fists as you bring your arms close together; your eyes open in alarm, meeting his gaze as your arms brush against the sharp blade of the dagger, scratching your skin as he grins at you teasingly. 
Taehyun doesn’t know how to identify the torrents of emotions that course through him; you look better than any dream he’s been haunted by, your eyes softened and filled with lust, your curves and skin warm under his palms as your thighs ensnare him, luring closer as your cunt only pulls him in more; the sounds of skin on skin fill the room, his needy sounds mixing with your own as he watches the way your breasts bounce with each rough thrust, his tip kissing your cervix and your skin blossoming with marks he inflicted onto you from rage. 
You’re here under him, bound and begging for more. You’re so soft, intoxicating, and frustrating as he finds himself unable to keep his hands off you, his mind wandering to the countless images and scenarios he can finally fulfill with you. 
You’re so warm and tight; Taehyun has to slow his hips as he feels the way you begin to keen and cry, your hips bucking up as your gaze meets his— it’s demanding, entitled yet still innocent as you’re brought closer to your high. 
But he won’t allow you— not as long as you continue to deny him, to deny the way you’ve been calling for him from the very start. There’s something else, and he knows it; his body is eerily attuned to yours, able to tell what you’re feeling and how to please you from the very moment his lips crashed against yours. 
“These dreams,” he pants, gritting his teeth as his nails dig into the delicate skin of your hips, “what do they mean— what have you done to me?” 
“I told you— I’ve done nothing—!” The whimper that escapes you is weak and defeated as his hand encases your throat, leaving you lightheaded as his hips begin to roll curiously; it’s instinct, and Taehyun doesn’t know how he does it, but he’s quickly able to find the spot that has your mind emptying, bound hands thrashing above your head as you cry for more. 
“What dreams?” You manage to say, exasperated as his hips still, the feeling of his thick cock pulsing inside you driving you mad and making you lose yourself. You’re truly clueless as to what Taehyun speaks of, your eyes struggling to remain open as his hold on you remains. 
“Dreams,” he begins, his hand leaving you as you gasp for air— his hand trails down, caressing the column of your throat before his fingers tease along your chest, along your stomach before he finally finds his place at your clit; his fingers as teasing and calloused as they rub meticulous circles along the bud, the pace and pressure eerily similar to that of your own, knowing better than anyone how to pleasure yourself on nights where you dare to let your mind wander to places it shouldn’t.
“Dreams of you. Here, under me, just as you are now— begging for me to touch,” his hips are moving again, your brows furrowing as you bite your lip desperately, “to please.” 
Leaning down, his lips hover over yours, his gaze one of pure fire as he pulls you closer to him, arms wrapping around your waist as he presses you tightly against him; chest against chest, the slight tug he does to bring you closer making the fabric of the pretty ribbon rip slightly. 
“Dreams where you beg me to ruin you.” 
His words are filthy as his lips are planted firmly against yours; desperate and rough as he doesn’t adhere to your pleasure, his cock filling you so nicely as the feeling of his body pressing against yours like a fire that continues to pull you in. 
A small yelp leaves you as Taehyun grabs a fistful of your hair, pulling you back as you’re forced to stare at the ceiling, his undeniably soft hair tickling your face as he proceeds to whisper things that make your blood run cold. 
“You’re there, in my dreams as you beg for me to ravish you at any given moment,” he growls, unable to hold back the memory of it all as his frustrations pile up and tumble out through his tongue, “filthy little thing— in my gardens, the corridors, my bed.” 
Your heart pounds at his confessions; your nails dig into the palm of your hands, the images jumping into your mind so vividly you’d almost think you lived through it all already. 
“My throne,” he groans, biting at your neck as his hand wanders around your body.
“Begging me to touch you here,” his fingers ghost over the sensitive flesh of your breasts, “crying when I do this,” the sound that leaves you is inexplicable as he times a perfectly calculated thrust into your sweet spot, abusing the sensitive area as he watches the way you melt under him, just as expected as he finds himself scowling at you. 
“Everything you begged me to do, I remember it perfectly,” he mutters, your eyes tearing up as you feel his fingers play relentlessly with your clit, “don’t you?” 
You’re terrified of what this means; these dreams that have plagued you as well, a hidden and dirty secret you wished to hide more than anything. You remember it all, the way he pleased you like no other, able to read his emotions perfectly as you did the same; every day you were forced to live with the shame and denial of these occurrences, obligated to face him and pretend like you hadn’t been calling his name out desperately the night before— only, it seems he had done the same this entire time. 
What could this mean? The possibilities swim through your head, yet you refuse to come to a conclusion as you feel the way Taehyun only grows rougher with you, still waiting for a response as he feels the way you grow needy and desperate for him. 
It’s terrifying to see how attuned he is to you— because he’s quick to pull away just as you were about to be pushed over to the edge, left to be nothing but a sweaty and needy mess as you whine weakly for him to stop being cruel. You’re helpless, the slick feeling of your wetness spreading all through your inner thighs driving Taehyun insane as he watches the way you weakly struggle against your binds. 
He’s doing no better than you— but he can control it, even as you clench tightly around him in futile attempts to bring him closer to the edge. Yet his voice is traitorous against him as he lets out a weak groan, unable to ignore the way his heart pounds harder at the sight of you, ruined before him. 
“You know,” he breathes out, the realization dawning on him as he watches the way you refuse to meet his eyes. But in the end, you have no choice, your face grabbed as you’re turned roughly to look at Taehyun; his gaze is intense, as though he can read your thoughts as his eyes search yours, “Damn it, you know.” 
“Tell me,” he says, desperate as you press your lips together firmly, your refusal to speak only angering him more as he sneers at you, “As your ruler, I command you to tell me.”
Shakily, your lips part— you’ve seen all this happen before, always feeling jealousy for others as you recounted every symptom, memorizing it all as you wished silently to have something like this for your own. But as you stare at Taehyun, angry and relentless as he waits for you to respond, you can’t help the way your stomach sinks with dread. 
Taehyun is able to hear what you say without you having to form a single word— and it terrifies him, his body stiffening as he takes in what you tell him.
It feels as though the fire in his heart has intensified; his body feels strange, heated and tingly as he stares at you, able to tell that you’re doing no better than him as you begin to breathe shakily. 
Taehyun thinks this might be the worst outcome of all; despite his stubborn pride, his soul begs to get closer to you, begs him to move his hips and please you as you shift restlessly beneath him— even though he’s felt nothing but hate for you on the surface, deep inside he finds himself unable to resist you.
It infuriates him.
Stuck with you, he realizes, brows furrowing as he grips your hips tightly; he’s lost all control, allowing his soul and instinct take over as he watches the way you fall apart beneath him— it’s horrible, feeling the way his heart speeds at the way you desperately beg for more, attempting to cling to his facade he’s kept up for so long; these feelings he’s suppressed for so long, that he thought he was insane for having, were meant to be after all— he’ll never get rid of you. 
“Fuck,” he stutters, gulping as his hands automatically go to keep you close, hips snapping ruthlessly into you as he finds himself addicted, your perfect sopping cunt bringing him back in and making him lose all control, “so… so good.” 
It’s all falling apart; everything he worked so hard to keep up is tumbling down, out of his control as this new realization seems to tug his soul closer to you— he finds himself addicted, a curious thought nagging at him as he leans down to taste your swollen and bitten lips, the same that reminded him of the roses in his garden he so meticulously ordered others to care for.
He’s everywhere; his hands, his lips, his cock, so overwhelming in the best ways possible as you find your mind blanking out. 
Soulmates, you think, eyes shutting tightly as he continues to fuck you into the table, rocking roughly as your arms become sore from their awkward position, soulmates… yes. You become more open to the thought, his touch suddenly intoxicating as it all becomes less than enough, the need to have him so impossibly close tugging at your mind. 
“Say,” he starts, gulping roughly as he finds himself unable to concentrate, “Say my name. Call out for me.” 
You’re in too deep; both of you are, breaching unknown territory as he hungrily waits for you to follow his commands. You’re unsure what to do, voice shaky and breathy as you finally muster the courage to call him by the only name you ever have. 
“Your highness…” you breathe out, watching as he shakes his head in denial; he’s insistent, the sudden need to fulfill this very last memory that haunted him every waking second much stronger than before, his gaze piercing as he hovers over you, lips brushing against yours as he mutters quietly. 
“My name.” 
It’s instinct, your eyes meeting his as you feel your high approaching, intense and heavy like a wave as you arch your back, pressing firmly into him as your eyes shine with tears, as though you could melt into one soul if you tried hard enough.
The name feels like an aphrodisiac on your lips; Taehyun must feel the same, for he finds himself crashing down at that, the sound of your sweet whine not comparable to the pathetic echoes that faintly haunted him during his waking days. He’s a shaky, shuddering mess as he allows himself to kiss you through it, continuing to fuck you even though he fills you with countless spurts of his hot cum. You groan, thighs shaking as you feel the way his pelvis rubs onto your clit, still managing to bring you to the edge as you clench around him tightly. 
Your moans mix into each other, bodies pressed so tightly together that you don’t know where he ends and you begin; it’s strange, the way you feel so at peace even as he overstimulates you, hips rocking relentlessly with every broken moan of his name you let out.
You can’t get enough of it— it feels like candy in your mouth, the feeling of him smiling slyly against your lips alarming as the weight of everything begins to weigh down on you. It seems like hours before Taehyun finally straightens, watching as a ring of his cum has formed on his shaft, a weak groan escaping him as he takes in the way your inner thighs are painted with it prettily. 
Slowly, his hungry gaze meets yours; then he remembers everything, jaw clenching as he wonders just how this all came to be. 
He hates it, the way his heart calls to you despite the frustration that consumes him when he looks at you— he hates the way you make him feel weak; even now that you’re bound and left at his mercy, you don’t seem to realize the way you have him wrapped around his finger.
He gulps, the lump in his throat heavy as he watches your pretty eyes, all glossy and fucked out, much better than anything he could have dreamed of as he feels his cock twitching inside you once more. 
Everything he ever feared came true— it seems you’ve become his fatal weakness.
His soulmate. 
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jenosbliss · 6 months
🍃 ⌇ nct 127 ! and doing a staring contest with them
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pairing. gn!reader x nct127 | genre. fluff, crack | wc. 1.3k | warning. none expect Jaehyun’s part which a bit suggestive
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You think he’ll let you win? No no no you’re so wrong cause he’ll do anything to win.
As soon as you open your eyes he already has a foolish grin adorning his lips. And with gritted teeth he mutters “Let’s get it”
You lasted for a minute before bursting out laughing because of his expressions. He still had that grin from the beginning and tears in his eyes which made him look hilarious and you could not control your laughter anymore.
Is so proud of his victory that from now on every time you have a disagreement he challenges you to a staring competition which ends up in him winning each time.
Was really competitive when you mentioned it. He was like “you know I could stare at you all day. Not a big deal~”
But it proved to be a big deal for him as he didn’t expect you to be so determined to win and his eyes started to water . He tried making weird and funny faces even doing seductive gestures but nothing worked on you.
While he was trying out seductive gestures like smirking, passing flirtatious remarks staring at your lips instead of your eyes —which was a foul— he winked not realising it’ll get him eliminated.
Pretended to sulk until you got back from the ice cream parlour and showered him with kisses and hugs. He would’ve gotten your favourite flavour even if he had won the contest.
Lost in 5 seconds *smh*
You would be so confused as to what happened because even before you could focus on him he was already facing the other side. His neck burning red.
You convinced him to do it once more but again he’s a blushing mess as he giggles and hides his face in the crook of your neck placing soft kisses there. “I can’t do this.”
He gets very flustered and clingy to you after this contest but never told you that whenever he looked in your eyes he couldn’t stop himself from blushing and that you looked too pretty and kissable at the moment that he couldn’t help being flustered.
Anyways you won and he never agreed to a staring contest again.
He’ll make you regret asking him to do a staring contest with you.
As soon as you both start he’ll smirk evilly as you grow suspicious of his intentions. But before you could ask or say anything he had already blown in your eyes making you lose.
He would laugh like an evil queen in a Disney movie while you called him out for cheating and whined. “There was no rule I could not blow in your eyes? I didn’t blink.”
“If it’s like that then let’s play again!” “You lost y/n accept it.” Nope, he didn’t have a rematch so got all sulky and walked away from him. And let's say it wasn't easy for him to get you talk to him again but a day worth of his kisses and cuddles wasn’t that bad.
Won’t take you or this game seriously at first and would call this childish but he liked it when you suggested such games.
Would be nonchalant in the beginning but soon be immersed in it as if his life depends on the game. “Hey you blinked!” He said, making you flinch “No I didn’t!” You retorted, rubbing your eyes back annoyed as it’s the nth time he did it “You won’t say anything from now on!”
Would lose every time as his eyes aren’t that strong for a staring game and hence asked for a rematch again and again until you give up.
At last you blinked purposely as he jumped up happily and did a little victory dance to tease you while you scoffed annoyed “someone said it was childish.” Would hold your face and kiss you softly. “Don’t be sad, it’s okay to lose.”
He might be known as the unbothered king but he is also known for his competitiveness. Don’t assume he’ll go easy on you.
He was smiling brightly throughout the game as he knew your weakness : his dimples. He would use unfair means to distract you.
As he was playing dirty you decided to do that same as you inched closer to him and now staring at his lips while licking your own. You were sure you saw a glint of surprise in his eyes as his smile faltered.
“You wanna play dirty? You’re such a bad girl y/n.” He whispered as his voice dropped low and he pushed himself in front of you, his lips just a mere inches away.
Flustered, you blinked continuously trying to understand what just happened and realised everything when that smirk made his lips curl up. “Now you have to do what I say since I won.” You gulped as a shiver ran down your spine at the sudden change of atmosphere. “Bedroom now baby.”
It was him who recommended this game as both could not decide on the menu. He wanted Thai food while you wanted to go for Chinese food.
Even though he was determined to eat Thai food he couldn’t help but get flustered by you. Only he knows how he is holding up to this game.
Would let out a nervous chuckle and as he couldn’t handle looking at you without being shy he looked away clearing his throat and wiping a few tears.
“Woah what happened?” You tried looking at him but he avoided eye contact until a few minutes later when he looked at you “No-nothing, let’s go-go for Chinese food then.”
You knew it was much more nothing cause his red ears and flushed cheeks spoke more than his words. He just loves you so much that he can’t handle his heart sometimes like today.
He tried his best okay? He did! It’s not his fault that he cannot control his laughter.
Would be laughing from the beginning till the end. The moment you mentioned ‘staring contest’ he started giggling and was in a state of disbelief to be honest.
Would look in your eyes trying to control himself from bursting out laughing but would still say things like “Dude oh my your eyes look like watermelons.” “Mark!”
Had a fit of laughter before apologising and staring at you again, pursing his lips together and even bit his tongue to stop laughing. Would literally stop laughing for a moment but blinked unknowingly.
“You lost.” You announced standing up from the couch. “Wait what? How- like you know- like- I was looking at you, I didn’t blink!” He’s not ready to accept this until you recorded the next match and showed it to him.
Had a smug smile throughout the game and did everything to make you lose.
He made those funny frat boy faces, poked his tongue at you, would even try shouting out of nowhere to make you flinch, resulting in you getting irritated.
“C’mon y/n why are you so determined?” He whined trying to make you blink.
It’s already been more than 5 minutes and both of you have tried every trick you knew to make the blink but none of you did and low-key knew you could go for another 10 minutes bcs his eyes haven’t even watered as much as you.
Noticing your teary, red eyes and your eyelids twitching he blinked his eyes purposely. The smile he had seeing your proud face was the one which only appeared with you.
And ofc to not let his act lose he even pretended to be sad and pouted as you jumped in his arms suddenly overflowing with love for him. Who was he to miss on your love for a stupid staring contest?
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masterlist. nct 127 | nct dream | wayv navigation.
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hey!! happy celebration time bestie :) sorry this took forever, i got sick but i'm here now!
i was thinking it would be cute to do a blurb for steve based off these grumpy x sunshine prompts: (i love sassy steve, he's my fav)
having the habit of hugging them randomly
^ and when u forget to hug then, they just stand there like an npc, too cool to ask for that hug.
or they pull you into a hug without any words and wouldn't show u their face after
i feel like steve would get this attitude probably bc you're in front of the kids or something and he doesn't wanna beg for your hello hug but he also doesn't want to go without it. you can decide if they're in an established relationship or not <3 congrats again on 500!!
riley i hope you enjoy this cause i wrote this in two days. both times while at work. completely forgot the grumpy x sunshine part, but i feel you could see hints (let me know if you want a rewrite)
pairing: steve harrington x fem!reader wc: 969😏
masterlist / steve harrington
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you and steve are friends who’ve kissed a few times. twice while drunk, one at a house party and another while at a surprisingly packed hideout where eddie’s band played. there were three other times where you kissed but both of you were sober and it was broad daylight hours. however, the two of you weren’t a couple. haven’t really chosen when to have a proper discussion or just blatantly ignoring how both of you are just waiting for the next time a kiss could happen.
yet, when it comes to hugging, you and steve are a gross couple in love. always holding onto each other for a time that isn’t considered a friendly passing hug. sometimes you’ll hug steve from behind as a ‘sneak attack’, other times it’ll be a side hug with your arms around his waist and one of his thrown over your shoulder while waiting in a long line. or it’s where you crash into steve chest seeking his warmth as a safety blanket, even could be where the two of you are full on cuddling while taking a nap on his king bed.
hugs are something steve fully expects to receive whenever the two of you are in the same room, within reach or quick steps. so when steve sees you walk into his backyard for this pool party the kids forced him to have, he’s completely frozen when you walk past him and throw your open arms around dustin first. dustin doesn’t deserve to be in your arms first, that’s a steve harrington only privilege. but he allows it since it’s the twerps birthday.
steve just stands back by the loungers, watching as you sway the boy side to side, almost throwing the both of you to the ground. the two of you laugh and steve swears he gets a bit tipsy from the high pitched lilt.
you pull away from dustin and turn on a 180 to then pull bright cheeked max into a sisterly embrace.
“what the fuck?” steve grumbled to himself. his eyes never leaving as you pull each kid, one by one into a firm hug. and when you’ve given will the last one of the group, steve expects you to come find him next, but no. you see nancy and bounce over to her.
“mad your girlfriend ignoring you?” steve startles at the voice of robin appearing beside him. she was unbothered while picking chips off her paper plate. “jesus, gotta put a bell on you.” hand over his heart while side eyeing her.
“i’m not a fucking cat, drill bit. you're just lost in that smooth brain of yours while creepily staring at y/n. might finally put that restraining order on you.” sentence punctuated with her loud chewing.
steve rolled his eyes, “she wouldn’t do that. and she’s not my girlfriend. she’s a girl who’s a friend.” his quiet tone showing his real emotions on that claim.
robin hummed, “yeah. a girl who’s a friend that you’ve kissed five times and been to chicken to do shit about.” he glared at the accusation. she then pointed a salty finger across the pool, “who’s also giving eddie a nice hug and you're over here standing like a tree waiting for her to take the initiative.”
steve whipped his head at robin’s pointed location to see eddie with his right arm casually holding your waist as your left is over his shoulder. steve could only see the mesmerized grin of eddie and it’s making his head fuzzy.
there was a slight shove at his shoulder and it forced him to once again glare at robin. “dude!” she rolled her eyes, “stop being wuss and get your girl. it’s not that hard, you both like each other already. act grossly coupley in public, that’s why you’re always ‘oh, not dating’ bullshitting to strangers.”
“robs, it’s just… i’m- im scared…” steve trailed off while turning his eyes to the ground. robin’s hand touched his shoulder and she asked, “of what? there just needs to be proper communication and everything will come together.” robin squeezed his shoulder before boldly stating, “she loves you. and you love her. be in love together.” and she walks away leaving steve by his porch door.
that is until there’s two arms sliding around his waist from behind and something laying along his spine. he automatically raises his hands to fold over yours, ruffling your arm hair from his back and forth motions.
“was wondering where you were?” your voice is muffled by the way you're pushing your left cheek into steve’s skin.
he turns his chin over his shoulder, “i’ve been here the whole time. thought you were ignoring me.” trying to play the last part off as a joke, but he really did think you were ignoring him.
you gasped and moved to stand in front of him, “never. just wanted to save the best for last. and also i wouldn’t have to let you go after i got to everyone else first.” making your point while rewrapping yourself into steve. his own arms resting over your shoulders with his cheek laying on your head.
“i love you.” he blurted with such an ease that steve was a bit shocked that it was such an easy and true statement.
a dreamy smile on your lips as you replied, “i love you too, stevie.”
and his heart jumped a little faster, both from your silky voice and you possibly saying it in a different meaning, “no, not as a friend.”
“i know, stevie. i love you both as a friend and more.”
steve lifted his head away from your skull and you tilted your head up. the two of you stay held together as infectious smiles grasped at your lips and childish giggles spilled free.
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taurusreads · 1 year
what do they want you to know?
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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messages from spirit, a significant other,
passed loved one, etc.
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pile one
overall energy: king of swords
im sending masculine energy straight off the bat here. that doesn’t mean that the person is male per say, just that they give off more masculine energy than feminine. i think this could be someone that you used to talk to, and are possibly talking to again, or someone that you’ve just been having more contact with as of late. this person could have heavy air placements.
i think that there could have been a falling out at some point, and the blame is more so coming from their part. they feel guilty, and want you to let them back into your life. i think they could want a second chance if they get close enough, whether this be platonic or romantic. i think at some point during your separation you had a leveling up, and they definitely noticed that.
i think this is more of a message to say call back your power. if there was a choice that your gut has been forcing you to make, or an idea that won’t leave your head, then go for it. trust the voice in the back of your head when it tells you something. the only opinion about you that should be important to you is your own. the only person who you should need to be happy for you and routing for you is yourself. your own thoughts and opinions will make you feel more than anything anyone else says.
channeled messages: purple, black, self help, self sabotage, relationships, 555, masculine, karmic, meditate, reading, educate, progress, air signs, air placements, family, reliance, love, hugs,
pile two
overall energy: the tower
i think that you might have just come out of a hard period of your life. whether that be coming of age, heartbreak, grieving, etc. you’ve been through it for a while now, but you’ve finally come out of the worst end of it. i feel light, like a weight was taken off of my shoulders finally.
i think you should take some time to take care of yourself right now. stay in this unbothered phase for as long as you can. take note of how you feel, how your body feels, your emotions, etc. how do you feel day to day when you feel this good? enjoy it because i feel like there was a period when you wanted something so bad that you couldn’t let go of it. not being able to let go is going to be your worst enemy. the outcome you want will come so long as you affirm it. if you believe it will happen, then it will happen. don’t cry over spilled milk, there’s better things in store. step into you masculine energy. we all have it in us, there should be an equal amount of masculine and feminine. you have to balance out yours now. you may have gotten what you wanted, but thankfully, the work doesn’t stop here. start figuring out what it is you want out of life next.
you’re starting to take the time to figure out what it is that you want out of life exactly. you’re leveling up in a new way because you’re starting to learn what it is that life means to you. this beautiful energy needs to be accompanied by hard work though. it’s time to put in the extra work to get the things you really want.
channeled messages: yellow, release, 999, “leave the past in the past and start anew”, empath, meditation, manifestations, “you ask and you shall receive”, friends, self love
pile three
overall energy: the hierophant
i think you’re a very patient person. your someone who values their work and education heavily, you may even be interested in teaching as a profession. i feel like you’ve been in a beautiful time of your life for a while now, and you’re happier than you’ve ever been. there’s a certain relationship that could use some work possibly, as far as communication goes. im getting masculine energy from this but of course, that does not mean they are a male.
i think you’re protective over your energy in a very healthy way. it’s very hard to get into your inner circle but that’s because your energy is so special that you can’t afford to give it away that easily. i think someone around you really admires that. they love the way that you can stay unbothered and keep pushing forward towards your goals. you just seem to keep going up up up and they’re soooo proud of you. i honestly think you’re a little surprised by yourself as well. but soak in this feeling. enjoy the fruits of your labor. treat yourself, have fun. you DESERVE IT.
you don’t have to be so humble. you did something that many aspire to do, and many don’t have the courage to. you faced your demons and used the newfound strength to build yourself up into a new person. you didn’t change who you were, you just became assured in who you were. but i’ve never said that it was wrong to be a little vain sometimes. we all get to have our moments, you included. it doesn’t make you mean, it doesn’t make you stuck up, it just makes you confident. now im not saying flaunt it all the time, but do things out of the ordinary that are tailored to YOU and what YOU need. have a whole day dedicated to the things you want to do and how you want to take care of yourself. you deserve to enjoy the rewards you reaped from working so hard.
>>:((((( SPOIL YOURSELF!!!!!
channeled messages: green, 111, princess, lighting, mother yourself, follow your heart, you’ve made it, believe it, spoiled, im seeing the pinterest core with the sparkly dresses and designer handbags but it’s blurry and shit, solo dates, find inspiration, we’re all routing for you :(
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dgrailwar · 2 months
Round 6, Day 2 - Pretender versus MoonCancer
The doorbell rang.
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"If that's an enemy, I'm going to go freaking berserk. I haven't even had a chance to boot up my computer yet."
The statue slid over to the door, as it opened.
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"Hello, my Masters told me to come start a fight with y--"
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A mighty blow with the strength of a freight train was swung from the elephant god, the fae king barely dodging out of the way as the shockwave caused the ground to shudder and rumble. In an attempt to get away, the Pretender fled to more open ground, as the MoonCancer slowly stalked towards him- fuming.
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"Just… leave… me… alone! I swear-- I got summoned who Masters who want to lounge around and hang out with me! People who want to spend time with me! This is the closest thing to 'friendship' I've had in a depressingly long time! And I can't take advantage of it, because you all come in and ruin it! 'Oooh, you're such a threat', 'Oooh, you're boring so you should die', 'Oooh, stab her and kill her and beat her up', 'Oooh, can we use you as our punching bag?'-- I'm sick of it!"
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"So, Masters, you know-- in literature, the number 'three' is often given importance. For a number of reasons we don't have time to talk about now, but long story short, big things tend to happen at 'number three'--"
The MoonCancer finally caught up, her body radiating pure divine magic.
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"Fine! You wanna keep poking the god-- you got it! I'll use my divine might to send out a real warning! You're obstacles in the way of my chill-out time, so I'll just remove you, dammit!"
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"That's just to say, Masters… I'm getting the feeling we're unlucky number three… and we woke the sleeping bear-- or, uh, elephant?"
The Servant boosts are...
Oberon: +3%
Ganesha: +6%
Ganesha gains +1 'Prosperity'! Due to being attacked, her skills will reset at the end of the round!
Servant Skills:
Oberon (Pretender)
Evening Shroud (EX Rank) - In the cover of night, even the most unconfident warriors can at least feign greatness. When engaged in a Free-for-All, gain a +3% boost.
Morning Lark (EX Rank) - As morning comes, as does a boost in morale. Demerits against Oberon are reduced in effectiveness by 3%, and he gains a +3% boost in one-on-one battles.
A Midsummer Night's Dream (EX Rank): Rather than just reducing the effectiveness of Servant-imposed demerits, he is immune to them entirely. Additionally, the conditions for his secret skill are revealed as such:
Survive for 3 rounds. (Achieved)
Take 1 wound. (Achieved)
Win 1st place in a Free-for-All.
Win in a One-on-One.
T■■■ N■■■ D■■■■■■■■■■ (???) - One condition met (Survive 3 rounds, take 1 wound). Other conditions not met (2/4 remaining).
Ganesha (MoonCancer)
Vinayaka (EX Rank): When 'Playing Defensively' gain a +5% bonus to scores, and you cannot be caught off guard. If you are unbothered, then this increases by 1% each time you are not attacked, resetting back to 5% once you're engaged in combat. However, this negates the inherent MoonCancer trait of ‘being unable to be targeted while Playing Defensively’. (Current boost: +6%)
Broken Tusk (B Rank): When engaged in a 1-on-1 confrontation (while not Playing Defensively), gain a +3% boost. Additionally, apply the MoonCancer Class Trait of 'not taking damage if there's a 3% difference in scores' to 1-on-1 battles as well. If Ganesha has been ‘Playing Defensively’ uninterrupted for 3 or more turns (in a row), when she goes on the offense, her attack bonus increases from 3% to 6% for that specific round. (Current defensive turn count: 0)
Prosperous Business (A Rank): If you're trying to build up your skills Playing Defensively and end up attacked, earn 'Prosperity'. Baseline +1 Prosperity, and an additional +1 per 5% you're victorious over your enemy. Earned 'Prosperity' can be spent during your preparation phase for rewards, or saved for more potent rewards later.
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steddieasitgoes · 9 months
written for @eddiemonth Day 6 Prompt: Crush cw: period typical homophobia read on ao3 | link to my ao3 Eddie Month series
The Hawkins High Library is somehow both quiet and bustling. There’s not a free table in sight; students hunched together in groups of twos and threes. Loners are forced to share with others. All of them with their noses deep into study guides, highlighters perched between tense lips. Some flip through flashcards, mumbling answers as the librarian watches over with a stern look, ready to shush anyone who dares make a sound. 
The sun beats down on the small room, rays of warmth promising free days to come. Summer break is on the horizon. All that stands between them and three months of endless freedom is finals. 
Finals, which, in Eddie’s case, don’t just promise a summer of freedom. But a life free from high school altogether. Assuming he manages to finally pass Mrs. O’Donnell’s chemistry final. 
The odds of this happening, though, are not very great. Especially since he’s already failed her chemistry class once before. (Honestly, Hawkins High should just hire a new chemistry teacher and stop putting everyone through her miserable class.) 
But it’s okay because Eddie’s actually been trying this semester. 
As in, he finally suffered through the mortifying ordeal of asking for help and landed himself the best tutor that Hawkins High has to offer: Nancy Wheeler. 
With her help, he’s managed to bring his F up to a low D- which isn’t great, but it's the closest he’s ever been to passing. Now, all he has to do is get a C on the final and submit some lame extra credit essay, and he should be able to turn that D- into a D+ and pass the class. 
At least, that’s the plan. 
Which is why he’s currently tucked away at a library table opposite Nancy and the King of Hawkins high himself, Steve Harrington, instead of bumming around in Jeff’s garage planning their summer Hellfire campaign. 
“Okay,” Nancy says, pulling his attention away from the giant library window. She’s holding an index card in her hands. Her usual pristine manicure chipped. Nails bit as short as possible. Eddie supposes the stress of finals even gets to the nerds. “A proton has what kind of charge?” 
She nods, not one for verbal praise, and flips to the next card. “What happens in an endergonic reaction?” 
He should know this one. 
Eddie taps his pencil against the table. Tilts his head back until his eyes are focused on the ugly popcorn ceiling of the library as if it holds the answers. It doesn’t, unfortunately. Frustrated, he buries his head in his hands for a moment before peering up at Nancy with his big brown eyes and a solemn look on his face. 
Steve scoffs beside Nancy, looking up from his own study guide to throw an arm possessively around her. 
Eddie’s about to call him out on his weird macho man behavior when his stomach starts to growl. Jesus H. Christ. He knew he shouldn’t have skipped lunch today. 
Nancy sighs, shaking Steve’s arm off of her as she stands. “I’m going to go grab us some snacks from the vending machine.” 
“You’re the best, Wheeler!” Eddie smiles, watching as Nancy walks away. 
When he turns back to the table, ready to flip the flashcard over to learn what an endergonic reaction is, Steve is glaring at him. His arms are crossed tightly across his chest as he leans back in the chair. Eddie can tell he’s trying to look casual and unbothered, but the tension in his jaw and the rage in his eyes say otherwise. 
“What’s got your panties in a twist, my liege?” 
Steve scoffs, shaking his head. “Do you think I’m stupid, Munson? I can see you flirting with my girlfriend right in front of me.” 
Eddie stares at Steve dumbfounded, wide eyes blinking as Steve continues to glare. There’s a rumble in the pit of his stomach, one that stems from laughter instead of hunger, but Eddie bites the inside of his cheek to keep it at bay. Something tells him laughing at Steve isn’t going to end well for him. He might have a bad track record when it comes to fights, but the only punch Eddie has ever thrown was accidental at a haunted house. And he ended up bruising his own hand instead of the clown’s nose. 
“I don’t have a crush on Nancy.” 
“Sure you don’t,” Steve hums sarcastically, crossing his arms even tighter. 
The stupid sleeves of his striped polo strain against the bulge of his biceps, and Eddie tries his best not to stare. Oh, if only you knew the truth, Harrington.
“Every guy here has a crush on Nancy. Especially since they know they can’t have her.” 
This time, it’s Eddie who scoffs. Objectively, sure, Nancy’s cute and all. But, the audacity of Harrington to think every guy wants her just because he has her is more irritating than comical. He doesn’t think Nancy would be too thrilled about it either. 
“I don’t know what to tell you, Harrington, but I don’t think about Nancy like that.” 
“So, what are you a queer then?” Steve snaps. 
Eddie feels his skin heat up like the blood is rushing to his cheeks and his ears, and then, as quickly as the temperature rises, it sinks, sending him into a numbing cold. Judging by Harrington’s wide eye gaze, Eddie assumes he looks like a guy who’s two seconds away from hurling or passing out on the floor. Both of which he’d welcome. Anything is better than having this conversation with Harrington. 
“Wait,” Steve says as if Eddie has the strength to get up from his seat. “Shit, I’m sorry. I— I don’t know why I said that. I shouldn’t have said that. I’m really sorry, man. I’m trying not to be this asshole, and then I go and say asshole shit like that. I just—“ Steve drags both hands down his face as he groans.
“You’re in love with her and don’t want another freak stealing her from you?” Eddie supplies, totally caught off guard by the sound of his own voice. Honestly, he’s kinda proud of himself for stringing together a coherent sentence, let alone a dig like that, after Steve’s insult-turned-apology. 
Steve doesn’t say anything, just stares at Eddie with those stupid wide eyes, and his even stupider lips barely parted. 
“What? It was kind of hard to ignore the little lover's quarrel you and Byers got into last winter. But trust me, Harrington. You have nothing to worry about. All I want from Wheeler is her help passing chem. As soon as I get that, I’ll be out of both of your hair.” 
Eddie can tell Steve’s thinking of a way to respond to that, but he never gets the chance because Nancy reappears just then. She dumps a handful of “brain food” on the table  — mostly trail mix concoctions and a lone Snickers bar — and passes each of the boys a bottle of water. It’s not exactly what Eddie was hoping for when she left for snacks, but he’s not about to complain. 
“Okay, so, endergonic reactions.” 
+ + +
Truthfully, Eddie should stop making plans since they never seem to go his way. What was supposed to be a chill, music-filled spring break has turned into quite the opposite. 
Instead, he’s spent the last two days in hiding, with only a handful of people keeping him safe, including Harrington and Wheeler, of all people. 
So much for staying out of their hair, he thinks manically, as he walks in tandem beside Steve in the actual hell-like version of Hawkins. They trail behind Robin and Nancy, Eddie rambling on and on about Steve, but he just can’t shut up. Maybe it’s the nerves, maybe it’s the memory of the three of them back in that library, maybe it’s just Eddie self-sabotaging because seeing Steve in his vest is doing things to him. Things he doesn't have time to deal with, especially not when Wheeler is right there.
Whatever it is, Eddie’s about to do the stupidest thing he’s ever done, aside from jumping into Lover's Lake in the first place.
Steve stops walking the minute Eddie starts talking about why he followed them here. They stop beside a tree, and Eddie angles his body so he’s in front of Steve. Probably closer than he should be, but Eddie’s not about to step backward. Not when there could be a creepy vine ready to trip him and give their positions away to the hoard of bats in the sky. No, thank you. 
He presses on instead, talking about Nancy and her incredible reaction time to Steve being dragged deeper and deeper into the murky waters. 
“Now, I don’t know what happened between you two, but if I were you, I would get her back,” Eddie says, eyes locked with Steve’s. “Because that was an unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.” 
With a hand clasped over his heart, Eddie watches as Steve glances towards Nancy’s direction. There’s a moment where Eddie thinks Steve’s actually going to listen to him. Run after the girl of his dreams and professes his undying love to her in the middle of the hell dimension version of Hawkins. But then, he slowly turns his head back toward Eddie and shakes his head. 
“I don’t...” Steve hesitates, eyes flickering to Eddie’s lips for the briefest of seconds before settling back on his eyes. He shakes his head. “I don’t have a crush on Nancy, man.” 
Eddie cocks his head in surprise. Lets a cackle of a laugh escape his lips as he stares back at Steve in disbelief. “You don’t have to bullshit me, man. It’s pretty clear you still have a thing for her. I mean, every guy in Hawkins has a crush on Nancy, remember.” 
Steve’s brows knit together, lips agape in that same stupid thinking face he gave Eddie all those years ago in the Hawkins High library. It’s aggravating how cute it is, even now when Steve’s covered in blood and grime and God knows what else. 
“Yeah, well,” Steve says, eyes slowly tracking Eddie from head to toe and back up again. “Turns out you were right. Not every guy has a crush on her. Some of us have eyes for someone else.” 
Just as Steve starts to lean in, the ground beneath them starts to rumble and shake, sending them both toppling to the floor. Whatever moment just happened between them disappears as the reality of their situation hits them again.
There’s no time for crushes when their lives are at stake. 
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I know he’s the king and a legendary man of destiny and an all-around excellent person, so who am I to nitpick his word choices, but…
It kind of irks me when Aragorn tells Éomer that Théoden’s body is lying with the kings of Gondor in Minas Tirith and that the Rohirrim can leave him there forever if they want. Why in Béma’s name would the Rohirrim ever leave a fallen king (and Éomer’s surrogate father!) in a foreign land??? The only real justifications for doing that would be if a) there was no feasible way to bring Théoden back to Rohan (not the case here) or b) leaving him with the kings of Gondor in Minas Tirith is viewed as somehow better or more honorable than taking him home to rest with his own ancestors. And there’s just no way that Éomer would believe that, no matter how much he loves Aragorn and respects Gondor.
So I can obviously see that it’s meant to be a kind and generous offer of friendship, but it also has a small whiff of…I don’t know, arrogance? condescension?…to even suggest that the Rohirrim might prefer to leave their king behind forever. If I were Aragorn’s advisor, I would have definitely advocated for phrasing that differently (“For any time that he remains with us, we will keep him with the greatest honor and pride.”) Éomer seems unbothered by it (though he immediately declines the offer, I note), so perhaps I shouldn’t be so worried about something that went over fine with its intended audience. But this is what happens when Tolkien sets up an uncomfortable high men/middle men hierarchy early in the story—it makes me hyper sensitive to weird power dynamics between the groups!
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outro-jo · 1 year
when you watch the next episode without svt
pairing: svt x reader
type: reaction
warnings: none really, grumpy boys, emotionally manipulative jeonghan 🙄
request: not really but my friend gave me the idea
a/n: please read info before requesting 🩵
masterlist | info
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scoups- he had been looking forward to this for days. it got him through long practices and times when the boys were bugging him. when he needed to go to a happy place he would just think about being cuddled up to you and finally finding out what happens to your beloved protagonist. the second the spoiler left your lips his heart sank and his lips poked out in a pout. “wait, you watched it without me?” he of course sat through it with you but he pouted the entire time.
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jeonghan- he knew you did but that wasn’t gonna stop him from making you feel terrible about it. “babe! are you serious! i was looking forward to finding out what happens with you! i’ve been waiting all week.” it was absolutely a lie. as soon as he saw the little red bar across the episode thumbnail, he knew exactly what you had done and immediately watched the episode.  he wasn’t about to let you know that now, not when you were making his favorite dinner and then sat down to cuddle him while watching the episode. you kept giving little kisses of apology… until he spoiled the episode himself. “oops?”
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joshua- he honestly doesn’t care. our unbothered king only really waits because you care about it so much but he knows with his schedule and how impatient you are that he may not always get to watch episodes with you. he’ll tease you a little about your impatience but at the end of the day he just loves spending time with you so he watches it with you anyways.
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jun- he’s not mad… just disappointed. one of his favorite things about watching shows with you is seeing your reactions because you’re so expressive. sometimes you immerse yourself so much in shows that you’ll take things personally and he finds it adorable. now he doesn’t get to see your reaction to probably one of the best moments in the season. it’s nothing that some cuddles can’t fix though. 
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hoshi- our tiger is OFFENDED. you spent the entire season reminding him not to watch episodes without you, you’d send texts and scold him, only to not even listen yourself. it doesn’t matter how many times you apologize, he still sits on the sofa with his arms crossed and his lips in a pout. he’ll talk about it even days later and it took a LOT of convincing to start a new show together again.
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wonwoo- he honestly thinks it’s funny. it’s amusing to him that you’re so impatient that you can’t wait and he’s still just excited to see what happens even if you already know. he loves the way you can hardly contain yourself with the big plot twist and loves the way you glance over at him to see how he’s going to react. 
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woozi- annoyed. he knew it would be a while before you could see the big finale of your show with his work schedule but you promised him. he also knows how upset you’d be if he did the same to you and honestly he just wants the same kind of respect. 
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dk- ooohhh he’s pretty irritated but our sunshine isn’t one to be too confrontational so he keeps it to himself. he gives you a warm smile and tells you it’s ok but man, is he side eyeing you HARD while he’s watching. 
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mingyu- mingyu is PISSED. he can’t believe you’d watch it without him after you two had invested so much in the season. you knew how much this show meant to him and how much he loves watching it with you and you just couldn’t help yourself. but with some aegyo apologies and lots of kisses, he’ll learn to forgive you. 
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the8- to be honest, you and minghao have VERY different tastes in shows so when you finally found one you could agree on it was nothing short of a miracle. when the final episode came out he told you it might be a few days before he could come watch it with you and you were disappointed but you understood. minghao wasn’t so upset that you watched it without him, it was more that you didn’t say anything when you did and pretended like you hadn’t seen it. it kinda felt like you were lying to him and he HATES lying. once the two of you talked it out though you were all good.
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seungkwan- he made a BIIIGGG deal about it. he was ranting and raving for a good thirty minutes and you just let him. it was your fault after all but once he got it out of his system, he sat down and watched it with you. he also side eyed you for a while but once it got to the good stuff he was so shocked you two feel right back into your usual dynamics. you still had to make it up to him somehow though.
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vernon- another unbothered king. he was watching this show mostly for you and knew you probably couldn’t wait anyways so he almost expected it. he chuckled a little and asked if it was good but you refused to spoil anything for him. he agreed that it was good but he’s so lowkey, he never really gives you any sort of crazy reaction. your reliable vernon. 
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dino- another one who was disappointed but he’s so in love with you it doesn’t really matter what you do. you can do no wrong in his eyes. while he was a little sad, he still sat down with you and enjoyed the show. he also enjoyed the kisses to make up for your mistake. 
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jaehyunsprincesspeach · 11 months
Tomorrow x Together react to not being your bias
my goodness this could be so entertaining to see these boys are so goofy, I love them!
hope yall enjoy!
all the love ~ lunar
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Soobin would freeze in shock when you tell him that he’s not your bias
Eyes practically popping out of his head like he just heard a nun cussing
I honestly think he would be speechless and wouldn’t really know how to react
He wouldn’t really take it personally, but he would start to question things
His mind would be overthinking everything that has happened between you two
He would wonder why you are with him instead of your bias in the group
Please reassure him, he might cry if you let him think on it too long
Once he knows that you are with him because you love him for him, he will start to calm down again, and won’t think much about it after that
However, he might tease you with this knowledge that he has
Until you give him the “stfu” look, and he stops immediately
In all honesty, he wouldn’t be too offended by it, because he knows that you are his, and he trusts that you are with him because you love him
Looks at you as if you just committed a felony
How dare you have a different bias than him???
His look is a combination of personal offense, and shock
Will become pouty when he hears that he isn't your bias
Won't show you affection the way that he normally does, but also won’t push away your affection either
Will say things like “why don't you go talk to Beomgyu, since he's your bias”
Not that he's insecure or anything, he just needs to be a little dramatic about the situation
Knows deep down that you are his and only his
Though you might want to reassure him anyways so he stops being dramatic
Overall, he might be a little bitter, but deep down he knows that you are his, and that you want to be with him and only him
This man is a whole different breed already, he would be so offended
Looks at you is if you just tore his heart out of his chest
“I'm not your bias? Who am I to you then? Jeez you think you know someone.” 
Proceeds to pout even if you tell him that it doesn't matter and that he is the only one you have eyes for
Might even leave the room, if he does and you don't follow, he'll come back but he's even more pouty than he was before
Its as if the world is about to end “stuck down by my own girlfriend”
Keeps the joke going so long that he actually becomes insecure 
Please reassure him, he just wants to be the one to treat you right :(
Same as Yeonjun, he wouldn't cuddle up to you, but he wouldn't push you away either
“Change your bias, I'm your bias, I am your boyfriend after all.” sometimes it's hard to tell if he's being dramatic or if he's actually worried about it
Again, he's gonna need lots of reassurance, maybe some cuddles, and his favorite sweets before he's back to normal
Overall, he's gonna be upset about it, but he won't tell you that he's overthinking, poor baby’s gonna need cuddle and kiss therapy for a week
Unbothered King
Wouldn't even think twice about him not being your bias
If you were looking for a reaction from him, you wont get one
So calm about the whole thing, you might think he didn't even hear you lmao
He knows that you are with him for a reason, and he is confident that he can treat you better than anyone else could
He is confident with the relationship that you two have, so why would he worry
If you didn't want to be with him you wouldn't be, but you are so he's not stressed about anything
Other than Beomgyu screaming about something from the other room
When it comes to you, he knows that he can fully trust you, and he knows that you love him, a true King
Huening Kai:
Honestly Hyuka will probably think its cute, or he would agree with you
“Oh Soobin is your bias? Me too!”
Would probably get your bias to sign one of the photo cards you have
Thinks its cute, though he would probably also be a little sad that it's not him
Wouldn't overthink it though
More similar to Taehyun, he knows you are with him, and that he is yours
But he might tease you as well for having someone else be your bias
Another unbothered king for the most part
His teasing would have you flustered, which he thinks is the cutest thing ever
He in general just thinks that you are the cutest thing ever, so if having one of the other boys as your bias makes you giggle, hes okay with it
He just wants to see you happy, even if he is a little sad, he won't let it affect him too much
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floxtingdrm · 5 months
(𝙽): 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚋𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚞𝚒𝚜𝚑 𝚋𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚢.
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Fluff
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: Alkaid McGrath, Lars Rorschach, Clarence Clayden, Ayn Alwyn, Cael Anselm.
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐨𝐝𝐞: On
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞: Headcannon.
𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬: They/them.
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: You called them by a weird nickname.
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: ooc characters, please note I made this for shits and giggles and is not meant to be taken seriously, thank you.
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♡ “Hm? Is there something you need, darling?”
♡ Was a bit confused at first but recovers fast.
♡ He might have already guessed it was going to happen at some point in your relationship, however didn't think it would be so soon.
♡ Would tease you back for the weird nickname and potentially use a weird nickname as well.
♡ If you used the weird nickname in public he won’t really mind, however as your punishment for doing so you’re sentenced to cuddles and headpats.
♡ “You’re so cute, my little gremlin with a pencil~” you called him garlic bread.
♡ Nicknames that were used: star stalker, garlic bread, rocky mountain oysters, garden hoe-
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♡ “Really? Goldie locks??”
♡ He doesn’t hate it, he likes it but he usually pouts when you call him by a very random nickname out of nowhere.
♡ He doesn’t mind the more “tame” versions of your nicknames if you used them in publics, the others? He’s gonna sulk.
♡ Will get revenge by calling you with weird nicknames as well, however is not very creative with them.
♡ Your punishment for these nicknames will usually be no cuddles nor kisses until you comfort him out of his sulking phase.
♡ “That still isn’t enough for me to get out of my sulking phase, snail eggs.”
♡ Nicknames that were used: Waffle fries, baby with a wallet, Goldie locks, w a l n u t
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♡ “B-Buffalo wings?? What makes you say that?”
♡ Flabbergasted, shocketh, his reaction would probably be the funniest.
♡ Will never get used to you calling him nicknames out of nowhere especially when you call him “buttery croissant”
♡ Do NOT try to call him any of the weird nicknames when he’s at an important event because if you do, I hope your brain has the mental capacity for the extra tutoring from him.
♡ He will try to call you with a weird nickname but will end up snickering to himself when he sees your face and in the end laughs to himself quietly.
♡ “Your answer is wrong, hairless cat.”
♡ Nicknames that were used: Rubiks cube, eight grade math teacher, cat dad, paralysis demon, buttery croissant, buffalo wings.
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♡ "Call me Tsundere one more time, I dare you"
♡ The most unamused out of all of them, he doesn't entirely hate it... later on but it is a nightmare when you started calling him all sorts of things.
♡ He will ignore you in public if you try to call him with any of the names, if you provoke him hard enough consider dodging lessons with the number of times he's gonna shut you up with kisses, or not-
♡ You think he might not call you with weird nicknames but don't let your guard down too quick, he's going to make you regret calling him "short king" (he's not short compared to the average height but since he was the shortest out of everyone on the list I thought it would be funny)
♡ Once you're done and finish with your weird nickname shenanigans it's his turn to attack with the list of weird nicknames he's compiled in secret.
♡ "Where are you looking at, hagfish~?"
♡ Nicknames that were used: emo vampire, batfish, scaramouche kinnie (no offence-).
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♡ "Breakfast is Crepes with whipped cream and strawberries"
♡ Out of of all the people, he's the one who doesn't seem to have a reaction at all to your nickname shenanigans, he took care of you, of course he's prepared for your chaos.
♡ He doesn't even care what you call him in public, he's that unbothered by it it almost makes you feel bored, however...
♡ Cael seems to frown and has this annoyed look on him, even if it was brief every time you call him by a certain nickname.
♡ He won't treat you out of the ordinary even when you use the nicknames that make him frown a bit, though don't expect to know how he's planning to teach you a lesson in his own way.
♡ "You're drink is bitter? Perhaps I should just give you milk, fetus~" safe to say the war is far from over.
♡ Nicknames that were used: Marinated wine, dinosaur's cousin, princess, great great great great great grandfather.
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Au notes: I was bored.
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newartistgirl · 1 year
Lu little details (1)
  It’s the little details what make me hallucinate every single time there’s an update. Now, eventhough I may forget plenty of the ones I noticed while reading or thinking through (and some other I might have missed), I’m gonna try to list some of them.
  Im going to focus more on reference-to-games details not little details about the dynamics between the group.
  1. The first posts actually are full of references. Like really full. It would be endless to point out all of them. (Twilight and the soup, Legend and the seagulls, time being the one talking to the fairy, different views of the princess, Wind and the soup too, Twilight quoting Rusl (It’s not the only time), Legend thinking of “a separete world”) My favourite, probably, is Wind asking for Kaepora to repete what he had said. In this category I might add everything she took under consideration when decicing not just their personalities but also even their ages, and all the answers to some questions, being actually incredible the fact that Twi is ambidextrous (Tbh i don’t know what’s actually more impressive, the fact that jojo carefuly has in mind the dominant hand of each Link or the fact that someone, actually managed to notice Twilight would change hands) (Maybe I was not paying attention) (Now, I’m wondering if that drawing of Time shooting it was intentional. Because, if you look carefully, he is actually holding it like a right handed person would)
  2. Wild not knowing about wallmasters. This is the most obvious and straight to the point one of the boys having lived in different Hyrules and having had different adventures, however, in the comics that follow the stroryline you can also get from what they say several times hints of this exact same thing. Anyway, my favourite example of this is Sky asking who Ganon was.
  3. I would add here the different opinions of the Links on different matters (I’ve already mentioned the different views Hyrule and Wild have on the princess). Another example of this would be Wild and Wind “arguing” about Kings of Hyrule. It makes so much sense. (I’m not gonna go down that opinion/personlity lane, but it’s worth mentioning) And Twilight and Legend complaining about knights, all based on the game experiences.
  4. That image of Twilight holding a puppy and Wild, completely unbothered, next to him. I really like that kind of sense of humour, and it’s a funny tiny irrelevant detail that I very much appreciate.
  5. Warriors referencing his game. I think it’s happened three times. First, when they are talking and he hides himself from a lady and Hyrule laughs at him saying it’s the third time he’s done that, because being a lady’s man has already been proven as a danger .Second time, with the traitor little comic (I missed that one, ups). And third, while talking about the master sword and how “believing you are invencible” it’s a dangerous way of thinking. I know all Links actually make references to their respective games, but some other references feel more remarkable. 
  6. I almost forget about it. That conversation between Time and Wild about having entered Gerudo Town is another example of diference between the Links. It’s just that this one has a special place in my mind merely because I had never actually thought of that and it’s in fact wonderful how Wild reacts to hearing Time’s approach into granting himself respect and access to the town. Similar to this, due to the fact that it’s straight up linked to Wild, we have that scene where the gerudo outfit is descovered and he gets teased. (Fun fact; I had no actual clue that goron spice was actually a cooking item in botw until I red this. I had never shopped in the Goron City. And yeah, either I had already beaten Ganon or I was about to)
  7. In Lon Lon Ranch, as expected, we also have several references. Being the most noticeable; Malon explaining Hyrule wht they keep sugar water bowls around, the couple’s mask hanging on the wall, or how sky loves cuccos. (A little also “innocent” one may be that Malon straight up mocks her husband’s nose? Being this a reference to the design of the hero of Time)
  8. One that I also skipped (and very much love) is Twilight seeing some kind of resemblance between Time’s Captain’s hat and the Heroe’s Shade. We also see more Majora’s Mask references, being maybe the most obvious one Time saying: “Poor kid... He met a terrible fate”. Like, I can hear the Salesman’s laugh.
  I`m gonna leave it here for now evethough there are plenty more nice details that show the attention to detail of this comics. However, maybe it’s better to divide this into more defined categories, such as the different games or even characters. And maybe, that way, I can stress how much I appreciate some of those, because, let me tell you that I could rant on about every single one of this nonstop, specially if it’s related to who they are as characters. There’s in my opinion just too many good things to say about this guys and how the whole group works.
(please, correct any spelling mistake. I’m not a native speaker)
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carica-ficus · 7 months
"Gideon the Ninth"
Reading progress: 443/443 (100%)
Read through since last update: 167
So... It seems I'm at the last reading update... I actually didn't plan to cram so much into one post, but I got really into reading for a day or two, and then managed to get to the last 50ish pages and said fuck it. I'm not gonna say much except that I didn't expect for it to be that bloody, then at the end got so used to it that I had no other choice to just close the book and think to myself "Well. This happened." I will be writing a concise review as I do with each book I read, but I'm just gonna say I loved it very much. (This is, of course, a big understatement, but yeah... I'll gush about it in my review.) SPOILER WARNING! (Like always.)
Without further ado, my thoughts:
I might have been unbothered by the first two deaths, but I sure as hell am not ok after the end of Act 3. Was all that really necessary?? 😭😭
Yooo that scene when Gideon forces Harrow to siphon from her again is??? Hhhhhh... Made me feel a few things. Here's a graphic rendition:
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I'm glad Harrow is banning Gideon from seeing Dulcinea. And the thing she mentions about the keys - she's right, it really doesn't make sense. It stuck out to me before, but I just forgot to comment on it. In any case, it's extremely suspicious. Protesilaus is also probably missing because of a distinct reason, related to his adept. Wouldn't be surprised if the Seventh is the one going around killing people.
Of course Silas turned out to be a little weasel. But at least Colum has some dignity.
Oh yeah, Corona is definitely not a necromancer.
Ok, but why am I not surprised that Harrow is the one who had her fingers in Protesilaus's disappearance? Honestly, she's the second most suspicious person in the mansion, but I love her, so I don't care.
First plot twist I have not expected. At all. I'm shooketh, as one might say.
Aww man. False alarm. >:( (This was about Gideon't claim that she murdered Harrow's parents.)
Oooh, but the big revelation was good! It was just a matter of time, so my reaction was more like "Ah! Finally!", than :O (Future me talking here: I'm not entirely sure what this is referring to? I'd guess it was about the Locked Tomb.)
Not Dulcinea doing the King Harold from Shrek dying scene 💀
"I had reason to believe," said Harrow, "that you would trust her more than you trusted me."
"You are my only friend. I am undone without you "
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Stuff just kept happening and people just kept dying. Didn't even get the chance to write it all out, and another one was on the floor. Anyway... WHAT THE FUCK.
Honestly, I thought stuff would get all tangled up and I would lose my footing, as I heard most people do. (Or will, in the next book.) So I'm just glad I could follow along quite nicely. It all made sense in the end, even the stuff about Dulcinea. I wasn't too surprised she's the culprit, I'm just surprised how she's the culprit.
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"I can't conceive of a universe without you in it." Again, Muir going straight for the jugular. I know she likes to kill off her characters, but she doesn't need to kill of her readers as well.
Ok, you know what. I knew there would be no happy ending. We all knew Harrow couldn't become Lyctor without Gideon dying. So, I am not surprised it happened. But I am also NOT OKAY.
Man, I love Harrow. I love her in the epilogue. I love her in the last chapter. I love how much she cares, how much she always cared. And I love how her relationship with Gideon evolved over time. Ugh. Uuughhh!
Ok, yeah... This was an experience. I'll be ordering Harrow soon and.... Yeah. I'm (not) prepared for more heartbreak.
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cryptonite-exe · 2 years
the legends with their s/o as a teammate
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𓆩♡𓆪 ft ; crypto, seer, mirage, octane, revenant
𓆩♡𓆪 a/n ; had to sneak in my little princess meow meow revenant !! i'll write a female legend centered part 2 soon if i feel like it <3
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the dropship screen interrupted the program it was televising to show everyone the lineups
his eyes widen a bit since you both rarely get paired in a squad together
his heart rate picked up a bit and seer could only giggle from the other side of the room
tried playing it off like he's unbothered
but please help the poor guy he's kinda dying inside
especially if it was duos, ya might need d.o.c on this one
isn't that different than he normally would be
but becomes really protective
he knows you wont actually die but he is the literal embodiment of the word paranoid so he will treat it like you will
always lets you go first whether its in buildings, tunnels, ziplines, etc.
like the gentleman he is
discreetly attempts to impress you with moves using his biwon blade
already at your side when you get knocked down, "don't worry, i've got you" he'd say as he grabs an injection then pierces your chest with it
he'd quickly press a kiss onto your forehead then go back to your other teammate/just by himself to finish off the rest of the remaining enemy squad
with adrenaline coursing through you, you healed up pretty quickly from the med kit he dropped before finishing that squad
it wasn't long until you heard him pinging things you needed such as a better evo shields, shield cells, optics and the like.
trusts you enough to protect him and actually take his time to scout out the area with his drone
waaaay more chill with you, not in a 'let's his guard down completely' but more in a 'not on the verge of snapping his teammate's neck'
winning with you makes it a hundred time more rewarding for him, that smile you give him especially if he had the last kill
he would kill for it
sneaks in a kiss on the way back to the dropship
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at the time, seer was chatting away with ramya at the dropship's lounge when it was announced the match was starting soon
you were tidying your room at the drop ship, making sure everything is spotless and at its place
the announcer's voice echoed throughout the dropship, reminding every legend that was within the vicinity of the approaching game, including you
all the legends gather at the drop area and it wasn't long until the squads were announced
a small laugh escapes seer as the screen shows you in the same squad with him
"this performance will be entertaining with you, beloved" he says to your direction as the platforms lower until everyone is faced with the breeze of kings canyon
"with you, it will be a spectacle" you reply, placing a light kiss on his right snakebite
whoever you poor teammate is would have to endure the endless romantic remarks you lover birds exchange
if it's just the both of you then the level of flirting that happens between you both cranks up
the most gentle lover ever
knows your limits and boundaries and never dares to push any of it
frequently asks if there's anything you need
"is there anything you find missing, my love?" he'd ask as your squad advance through crash site, making sure to look out for anything you potentially need
you tell him the certain optics, ammo type, or grenade you needed and its not long before he hands you those with a loving smile
he always has an eye and ear out if you're crafting or opening a care package
frequently checks if there are any heartbeats to be heard when your squad rotates the map
any squad approaching would be detected before they could even set foot to where they wanted to go
"i hear heartbeats approaching from the left, let us show them not to play with fire" he informs your squad, placing his exhibit shortly after
your squad was at a strategic position but unfortunately, you got downed by a grenade due to a knocked enemy blocking the only exit you had
the swiftness and grace seer executed when he heard you being knocked down was like no other
every heartbeat of an enemy he heard, soon ended as he rushes to your aid
"i won't let my flame die out yet, ifuru m" he says, quickly reviving you and helping you to your feet
informs your squad that there are no heartbeats he can hear as he lets you loot the death boxes and heal up
"phoenix kit here, we need to calm that heartbeat of yours" he says, hearing your heart rate from the adrenaline that was just injected into you
the ring started closing in but to your advantage, you were already within the next ring with seer using every survey beacon he sees
the number of legends and squads were quick to dissipate and it wasn't long until the remaining players were '?'
the sound of gunshots and explosives increased and seer gives a nod of approval that the enemy heartbeats were getting louder, meaning both squads were knocking each other out
your squad jumps into the fight, eliminating every last player with ease
seer managed to get the last kill with a grenade, finishing his act with grabbing your hand and waist and leaning into you, the distance of your faces decreasing as the announcer declare you both champions
"how about an encore for our audience?"
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he was serving drinks at the dropship bar when the abrupt cut announced the match, "approaching drop site"
was excited to see you in the lineup with him, then that excitement turned into nervousness
"you're stuck with ol witt now! not that its a bad thing- you should be grateful not everyone has the opp- oppor- chance!" he wriggles his brows to you as you both hop onto the platform
"keep it in your pants, elliot." you reply while looking at the map, deciding on a place to land as jumpmaster
"keep what in my pant- wait- HEY!" unfortunately for him, by the time he understood what you said you already launched the squad
he always protects you even if there are no squads near
does that spy movie thing where he pretends he has an earpiece before turning the corner and pointing the gun
knows your exact favorite gun and the optics you need
drops batteries and med kits but pretends its already there to hear you commend him
"thank you, babe. appreciate it," you say, stuffing the kits in your backpack
"anything for you, beautiful" he finger guns while winking. you try to stuff the laugh in when he almost trips while doing it
likes carrying you and loves it when its the other way around
he knows he can handle them too but seeing you so focused on knocking down the other squad while he heals up, gives him butterflies in his stomach
an absolute SUCKER for pda and kisses from you
he hands you the hop-up you've been looking for since the beginning of the match "voila! as always i've got your back so you are very welcome"
you kiss his cheek as your own form of thanks
he quickly turns into a blushing mess, "oh- oh wow okay- right here too- not that i don't like it- i love it"
he continues like that for a few minutes, contradicting himself every other words and before other teams could hear him and shoot your squad down, you cup his cheeks with your palms and place a firm kiss on his lips
it quickly did the job with shutting him up and oh did he feel like he was gonna melt in your hands
he can't stop the smile on his face throughout the remainder of the match
when you're knocked he deploys his dupes and rushes to your side "i'm here, can't let you leave me so soon, "
sticks to your side most of the time, rambling about whatever because he knows you'd always listen to him
would totally do that hero thing where he sacrifices himself as a body shield so you can live on and win the match for him
doesn't turn out the way he wanted though, seeing that you scolded his ass nonstop after the match for doing something as idiotic as that
ego boost to the thousands when you win with him, brags non stop that someone might just duct tape his mouth
"of course we're champions! we're a force to be reckoned with!" he shouts at the cameras capturing your winning moment
once all the press things are dealt with, he can finally be with you to relish in glory and comfort
slinging his arm around you to pull you closer, he gives you a celebratory kiss, "told you being stuck with me has its advan- ad- perks- yeah i meant perks psh"
you lean into him and just hum in reply, the fatigue a match brings is unmatched
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the moment the screen flashed the lineup he was in for the match, he couldn't stop the grin behind that mask
octane ended up running and jumping around the dropship while waiting because he couldn't contain his excitement
gushes to you how fun it's gonna be in a trio/duo with him
caustic was so annoyed he almost gassed the entire place
finds excitement in finding the exact items you requested, looking forward to the praise
"hop-up here, turbocharger, only for mi cariño"
"how kind of you, thank you," you'd kiss the side of the mask that covered his cheek
he gets a rush from your encouragement, adrenaline and stim running through his veins from running and your compliments
huge ego boost
he WILL bridal style carry you to cover if you're really hurt
after that, he'd fight off the enemy squad and the moment they're eliminated, he sprints back to you to check if you're fine
makes sure you're revved up and fine before running off again
tries to keep it professional for the cameras and everything, but still loves to kiss you
when he knows there's no squad nearby he uses every pickup line that wattson taught him (the poor 3rd teammate)
randomly picks you up to run off somewhere
"wha- hey! tavio where are you taking me again!"
"can't let mi amor die of heat here!" he shouts in the midst of the sound of his metal legs working, 'how considerate' you thought, smiling that he noticed you were sweating a lot from the lava that surrounded lava siphon
he love love loves to show you cool tricks with his jump pad, although sometimes it ends in you having to stop him because he was gonna use a grenade again
or you get eliminated by another squad out of nowhere
either way, he had fun with you and he's content with it, although winning could've made it better
when you do win though he's so happy he could run circles around an oval
peppers you with endless kisses in your own private time
"we should be in a squad more often, makes us a deadly duo huh, mi cielito?"
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mostly doesn't care whoever his teammates are, he's just satisfied to kill
but he wonders why is it that when he saw your banner beside his, he actually wanted to try for once
"you're spared this time, skinbag" he leans to you when you're lining up on the dropship
becomes a bit more docile when you're around
actually waits for you but gets a little impatient sometimes
"hurry up! there are skins to collect!" his robotic voice interrupts of your squads' comms
"i am literally crafting!" you shout back, checking the map to see he's already across the location
you could only sigh and wait for your med kit to finish, before running across the map to catch up to him
he'd see your panting state and laugh, quoting how "humans are so weak"
you give him the annoyed side eye and he only grins
he sometimes drops shields or syringes when he notices you have yet to heal, claiming "i don't need it" or "since you're fragile"
you can't tell whether to be touched or annoyed so you just take it
you're also probably the only person he'd say thank you to, reluctantly of course
he finds joy in knowing you just watched him execute a kill perfectly
he assures you firmly that it's not to impress you but "what you should look out for"
if you're camping he loves to literally stare into your eyes, his metal ones turning and adjusting with no indication to ever blink
maybe it's to intimidate you but every time you have to remind him
"we are literally dating, i could not be fazed at all," you mutter, working on the optics of your gun to your style
confused why you get so happy after kissing him but since it makes you happy he just lets you do it
doesn't care about pda, couldn't care less about what others think because he would literally let you hold his hand while shooting people with the other
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© this work is by cryptonite-exe, please do not copy and post on any other platform.
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