#“oh kind of the monsters–” I'm taking your pen I am taking your pen right now I al breaking your computer WHO THE FUCK got this idea from
qcomicsy · 1 month
Old Deadpool comics are so fun because it's like having this weird close friend group where people kind of all know each other but don't really know each other. Or even like each other that much.
Like Wade has a kind-of-who-knows-at-this-point "Best" friend tech guy who kind of tolerates him and he tolerates that used to be Peter's college classmate. He almost took a gig from Osborn but actually was Bullseye fucking with him in revenge while dressed up in a Clint old suit. He got on a mission with Black Widow. He got beef with Avengers clones to a point the avengers themselves got to be involved. They don't like him he doesn't like them so they both agree to be civil to do the damn mission so everyone can go their own way. He's having a middle age crisis where he kind of wants to quit being a mercenary but he doesn't know yet who the fuck else he could be and all the reasons pointing up to be a hero are wrong and distorted in his own egoistic views.
A hit monkey want to fuckin kill him. The hit monkey doesn't know he's immortal. The hit-monkey never saw him personally but somehow set him up to get his jaw sucker punched by Spider-Man. Which results in the worst team ever for both of them. I sweat to god except from fucking Old man Logan, I've never seen Wade so stressed in working with someone. And while this whole shit storm works, Wade keeps bullshitting about Peter's life being so fucking easy and loved by the public and Peter has to stay there and listen to it. They bump into each other on the subway out of costume and Peter hates him on sight.
Wade doesn't want to be there and the first opportunity to bail on Spider-Man he takes it and Spider-Man on the other hand learns that Deadpool is immortal and kind of gets "Okay what if we let you get shot" and Wade is so offended he starts calling him names.
Wade goes to bother X-Men, X-men tells him to fuck off. Wade considers blowing up X-Men for full two panels. X-Men sends Domino who's kind of one of Wade's friend to fuck with Deadpool, we're convinced by two pages he beat the shit out of her, just to show up on the next pages that he actually made her fall over a bunch of pancakes.
It's so messy, it's so fucking funny because it's not "oh it's this BIG THING" and this "BIG TEAM UP" it's like they're on the same city, they have similar jobs of course they're going to bump on each other.
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tobiasdrake · 5 months
Tactical Story Time? Tactical Story Time.
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Shit, I don't really have a pen on me. If only there was a way to preserve a still image of your words for future reference or something.
I dunno, maybe rip out the pages and give those to me. You seemed bizarrely okay with that idea earlier.
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Does it say anything in there about what she is? Like, I have a vague understanding of what she is in the sense that she's an ominous force that menaces Repine. She used to be their queen but then she betrayed them, possibly to the Soul Curator?
But. Like. Literally, what is she? A robot? A monster? Just some asshole in the desert? What are we dealing with here and, more importantly, what kind of dimensions are we going to need to dig for the grave?
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There is one thing in this entry that is no longer true. I aim to create further contradictions.
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Oh cool, a logic puzzle. I can decipher this.
I mean, you could probably decipher it yourself. I've played the quiz game. I know you have all of the answers to everything because you're the smartest person ever.
But I wanna take a spin at it.
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That's stupid. That would just put them one march east of their starting point.
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That will take them a bit further, but you could do it in three steps if you went south instead of southwest and then east.
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So one march northeast and then one march east. The goldilocks of poor navigation.
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You realized how bad these directions are?
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...so you all had the right directions for part of your trek and you somehow know which part even though you were in the wildly wrong areas of the map. Sure. That makes sense.
There's no way this can be literally true. This is a coded map. So we need to go:
Bit convoluted with the norths and souths but at least it's consistently moving east instead of winding stupidly in circles.
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Wait, there's a speedball station? Why didn't it come back online with the others? There better be a good reason or I'm going to punch B'st very hard in the shoulder.
I don't want to have to do that. He can't actually be hurt because he only experiences the conscious suggestion to behave as though he's been hurt, but also he is very hard and I might injure my hand. Please do not make me have to do that.
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Known and noted. Your sacrifice is now part of a larger effort to tear the Queen That Was from her throne and leave her lifeless body in the sands.
Rest in Vengeance, Joce.
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Alright, team! It's going to be a four day hike through those sands so we need to make sure we've stocked plenty of food for.....
...glass golem....
...haunted puppet....
...Serai, do you actually eat food? That could go either way. Have you been not eating food this whole time, and your crew just never noticed because of your suave mystique?
Huh. I. Guess. We only have three mouths to feed. That will make this simpler.
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Oh my god I am actually sick of the color blue. I didn't think I could get sick of the color blue. I love blue. It's such a great color. But four straight days of nothing but blue is too much blue. It's way too much blue. How do you people live among all this blue?
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Oh. So it's a private Speedball station. That makes sense. Congratulations, B'st, you've been spared from having to break my hand.
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It's fucking empty. Did we just spend four days wandering aimlessly through an ocean of blue only to find out that the queen's been dead all this time? Are your people living in fear of a memory?
...maybe the real Queen That Was is actually the sand that got in my fucking pants along the way.
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What, to murder someone? I'm always ready for that. It's been, like, my default state of being ever since we lost Garl.
I should probably see a therapist about it but I'm not going to because I might kill them.
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...you know what, unfurled like that, you're actually really beautiful. I'm going to beat you to death, but I want you to know that you're making the whole "abomination of wires and guns" thing really work for you. I especially love the hand made of cord fingers, and the way your neck forms the handle of a gun.
Are you able to combine into, like, a hand holding a gun that then shoots-- Sorry, I'm getting distracted to the point that Serai's starting to give me stink-eye. We came here to murder.
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Why do I say things? T-T
You know what? Fine. You want to go? Let's go. My artillery is better than yours.
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The puppet isn't good for much but he can carry out a fine carpet bombing.
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Fuck her up, Serai. This is your moment. I'm just glad we could be here to help make it happen.
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Revenge is underrated; That felt great.
We can mark that off as another great menace your people no longer have to live under, thanks to the magic of excessive amounts of violence. I think your world is just about fully liberated at this point.
There's just one malefactor still lingering in the realm.
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concealeddarkness13 · 4 months
OC In Fifteen
Content warning for mention of rape and some suggestive themes. I was tagged by @drabbleitout (also, I'd like to re-tag you to do this for Ives)! Thanks so much! I'm tagging @ratracechronicler, @maple-writes, @pen-of-roses, and @grailfish if you'd like to do this!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
You know who I'm gonna do this for. My girl, Chess! The first four are from the canon story, and the rest are from AUs!
“I’m supposed to be recovering. I think you getting close to me with your creepy doctor instruments is the opposite of that.”
“This is bullshit, and even if it was true, I couldn’t care less because I don’t want to know about my past. I might be similar to who I was before, and I might even have the same personality, but no one from my past fucking knows me anymore, and if you want to try to pretend that you do, you can leave my room right now. I’m not interested.”
"I’m willing to learn more about you, but I can’t afford to trust people, so don’t go expecting me to fall at your feet and beg you to fuck me.”
“I don’t need your damn pity. What, does it make you feel better to give me your fucking pity, like I’m a starved animal and you just hand me damn plastic to eat?”
“I can assure you, I’m no sign from the gods. They don’t like me either.”
“I am not a monster. I am not less than human. You ruined my life, so now I’m going to ruin yours.”
“Oh, hun, I’m sure you both wish to have a good time with me tonight, but I couldn’t be more turned off by this. And if you insist, I’ll make sure to let everyone know how needy you two are.”
“Don’t you fucking dare pity me! I’m not a weak and fragile thing that needs protecting! I will grow strong so I can protect myself! You won’t be able to take advantage of me!”
“I can’t imagine going back to how it was before. Please. I don’t want you to leave.”
“I’m a monster, you can now see that yourself. I don’t deserve kind touch. I deserve pain and possessiveness and anger. I’ve hurt you. Hurt me back.”
“Please don’t promise you’ll protect me. I’d much rather you promise you won’t leave me. At least not without giving me a chance to fix myself and become better.”
“And if not…if you aren’t going to leave, if you don’t want to hurt me, where the fuck were you for all these years? Where were you when I got experimented on? Or raped? Or called a monster? Where the fuck were you? Why do you show up now, when it’s already too late? When I’m already too broken, too fucking used to being discarded to trust this now? Why the fuck weren’t you there sooner?”
“I’m not impressed. 0/10. You’re too much of a gloater. I’ve seen scarier villains than you.”
"...I know where I’m gonna shove that patience. Without lube too.”
“Fuck you!”
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loousir · 3 years
[Gorgon] Some Secrets Should be Said
Gorgon Male x Unaware/Oblivious Male Reader
Warnings: Tiniest ammout of homophobia/racisim, smoochin in a supply closet, YOU MAY BE IN HIGHSCHOOL BUT YOU ARE 18
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It was an early Monday morning. The usual early birds were arriving at school, you being one of them. Rumor was going around of a new student getting enrolled. There were only three high schools in this small town; One for monsters, one for humans, and one for both. You were enrolled in the one that shared with monsters. The overall relations in the school were good, other than the typical high school antics.
You had just been dropped off by your sibling and we're walking into the building. A few people smiled your way and you smiled back, heading to your first hour. The teacher was a Satyr and she was a bubbly as ever, happy to see you in the morning. "Good morning (Y/n), we have a new student coming today." Your ears perked up and you looked over to her.
"Ah, we do? So the rumor was true after all?" She laughed and said, "Yes! He's gonna make a bit of history here." You became confused at her statement as you walked over to your seat. "What do you mean by that?" You asked setting your bag on the table. "I might get in a bit of trouble for telling but..." She walked over, her hooves clacking on the floor as she did. She leaned in on the table, "He will be the first Gorgon to be enrolled into the school!"
She seemed overly excited about the new student but you smiled at her enthusiasm. "You seem awfully happy about that. Is he in our class?" You asked, sitting down in your chair. Her smiled seemed to get wider as she nodded. You paused for a moment and leaned back. "Does that mean he's gonna sit by me?" She nods again. "Yep! You are the only one without a table partner. I'm sure you'll be fine. He's a nice kid." She ruffeled your hair and you swatted her hands away. "Auntie, you know I'm taken right?" She isn't your biological aunt but she's very close with your mom so you call her it for fun.
She laughed and walked away saying, "He's a cute one." You sighed and rolled your eyes as you pulled out your phone. You opened Snapchat and sent a message to your boyfriend.
You took a cute selfie, looking down at the phone while your forehead rested on the table.
Aunties super excited about our new student.
Ngl, I kinda am too. She said he was a Gorgon and I think she's onto my facination with cute snakes xx
You sent the snap and put your phone face down on the table before resting your face on your bag. A minute or so passed before you got a message back.
It was a black screen but he usually sent one. Admittedly, you have never seen him but you respected that since you fell in love with his personality, which was charming as ever.
Don't go cheating on me now ;)
I might just have to show you I'm cuter xx
You smiled and took another selfie.
So that means I get to see you then??? Game on babe xx
You smiled as you sent it. Yeah, it was cheesy flirting but it made you happy none the less. A few seconds later he messaged back with another black screen.
Hmm, I just might lol
You sent that you love him too and put your phone in your pocket. Smiling slightly as you looked up to see that some other students were starting to show up. Soon enough, the first bell for class to start rings and students filter in, taking their seats. Five minutes later, you still haven't seen a certain Gorgon as the final bell rings, saying anyone who wasn't there was late.
Gotta get to class, message you when I can
Love you xx
Mrs. Hucksburry stood at the front of the class, writing some last minute things on the board. "Alright class," Most of the students quiet down at her words. "As you may have heard, we have a new student today! I want you to treat him with respect as he is one of us," She said referring to her fellow monsters. "He is the first of his kind to be enrolled into our schools system." Right as she finished speaking, the door opened to show a rather handsome face and a the obvious 'hair' that came in the shape of several small, darkly colored snakes that seemed to form some sort of style.
He wore rather nice and stylish clothes, very 90's -esk. Mrs. Hucksburry smiled more and looked over to him. "Good morning Mr. Lamollot, glad to see you made your way here." He smiles a cute and almost shy smile, making a pair of girls in class giggle. You watched and tuned out what they were saying before seeing he was looking at you.
You waved to him as he walked over to your table. "I'm guessing you're (Y/n)?" You smiled and nodded, "That'd be me." You put your bag on the floor next to the table and he quietly sat down next to you. "I'm Eros by the way." He was quiet when he spoke as class had officially started. You pulled out a notebook with a pen/pencil and made a message page.
You have the same name as my boyfriend!
You tore the paper out and slid it over to him while he was getting his own notebook and pen. Notes were handwritten on the board since the projector broke and hadn't been replaced yet but no one seemed to mind. The paper was slid back over to you.
Really? What are the chances of that?
His hand writing was nice for a boy and you looked out of the corner of your eye to see him smiling. You smiled too and wrote back.
Who knows but I think it's cool
You slid the paper back and he took a minute to slide it back but you patiently waited since you would have done the same. He didn't write anything on it.
You seem pretty chill Eros, wanna hang out at lunch? Also can I see your schedule? • 3 •
The paper was passed back for the fifth time during class and all it said was his schedule along with a "Sure!" underneath. You told him that the two of you share the same schedule. WhAt A cOiNcIdEnCe.
You looked over to him to see him looking at the paper. He looked up to you and you smiled. Eros smiled back and took the paper to ask.
Do you have early release too?
You read it as he wrote and he looked up to you. You nodded and he wrote again.
Wanna go chill at the park?
You shrugged and nodded again when he looked up to you. He smiled and nodded as the two of you went back to working on class work. You hadn't noticed it before but, his snakes seemed to be interested in you, which you thought was cute.
--- Skip to Break ---
An hour and a half had passed and the two of you had talked a bit throughout the time. The bell for break just rang and you got up with Eros. The two of you walked out to the hallway. "Let me make a stop by my locker real quick then we can go to next hour and chill there for break." He nodded and leaned against the locker next to you when two girls walked up to him. They were the same pair from first hour.
"Hey Eros, wanna hang with us at lunch?" The "leader" asked, standing in front of him. "Yeah that'd be like, totally cool if you did." Her buddy said, standing next to him. "Oh, sorry, me and (Y/n) al-" She cut him off with a scoff. "Oh you mean halfie? That kids got an imaginary boyfriend. How about you just ditch him and come eat with us." Eros looked over to you to see you had tensed and slowed your movements.
The girls focus turned on you, making you bite your lip. "Do you think you could not ruin this guy? He's like, super hot and doesn't need to be tainted by you." You looked away and felt a vibration come from your phone. You took the chance and opened it to see a message from your boyfriend. She smirked, "Did your 'boyfriend' text you? What'd he say?" She asked in a taunting tone.
You ignored her and opened the message. It was a new picture of the "super hot" guy standing next to you looking down to his phone.
Wanna dip babe?
These bitches are annoying the fuck outta me lol
The three of you looked up to him surprised as you closed your locker. He awkwardly smiled and said, "Guess I had to ruin that surprise cause some bimbos wanna fuck a gay guy." He laughed and walked over to you, grabbing your hand. You were speechless.
How did I not connect the dots earlier? Am I really that dense?
"It's a shame too. I was considering being friends, until you insulted my boyfriend, that is." He locked your fingers and looked back at the two. "Go suck a dildo, whore." Eros flipped them off and walked off with you around the corner, looking for a private spot. "Anywhere there won't be eavesdroppers?" He asked quietly. You nodded and lead him to a back room.
You opened the door with the key you had and let you go in first. The room was pretty nice considering it was useless. You turned on the light at set your bag down, Eros doing the same. "Are you really my boyfriend?" You asked stepping closer to him. He blushed and nodded, "I... I think so... I kind of ruined the supr-mm!" His eyes widened as you connected your lips to his. You pulled away and were about to speak when he connected them again, pressing his body into yours slightly.
He pulled away and you smiled, a blush was covering your face. "I've wanted to do that for so long." You said looking up to him slightly. "Me too." He said, hugging you close. "Why did you lie to me about being human?" You asked, resting your face on his chest. "I was... Scared of how you'd react if I told you the truth." You pulled away and looked up to him. "Are you kidding? Look what I was missing out on!" You said, making gestures to him.
Eros smiled and laughed. "I have a question for you though," You tilted your head slightly. "Why did they call you halfie?" You looked away and brushed back the hair around your ears. The tips of them were pointed much like an elf's but not as long. "My dads an elf. They like to use it as an insult since they're full and I'm not..."
Eros smiled again and nuzzled his nose to the crook of your neck. His snakes were gently booping their noses against your cheek as if giving you small kisses. You giggled at the sensation and he hummed to ask what was so funny. "Your snakes are cute." You said gently intertwining your fingers with them. He gently kissed your neck and rubbed your sides. "Well, they love you just as much as I love you." He said closing his eyes and hugging you.
You smiled and removed your hand to cup his cheek and make him look at you. His golden eyes were half lidded as he did. "Well," You said almost mocking him in away. "I love you and your snakes too." His eyes closed as he leaned in and yours did the same, both of your lips connecting again.
Eros pressed himself into you as both of you kissed. You pulled away first for air and he kissed your cheek and jaw lightly. You checked your phone when he pulled away he asked. "I'm curious how you got a key to a janitors closet." You leaned up to him and kissed his cheek. "My biological uncles the principal and he gave me the room to chill if I need to. It's usually where I would hang out for lunch but I dont really need to anymore since early release and all."
He "ooh'd" and nodded. "Makes sense. Wish I had a place like this at my old school." He looked back at you and his eyes went to your hair while you were checking something on your phone. Eros almost hesitantly brushed his fingers through your (h/c) hair. You jumped slightly at the sudden touch but enjoyed it none the less. "We have 4 minutes by the way." You said closing your eyes and leaning into his hand.
"Your hair is really nice. It's so soft." He smiled when you did and he gently kissed your nose while removing his hand from your hair. You tried your best to make it look like how it did before. "Sorry." He said gently with a small laugh. "Don't be, let's head to next hour so we can get this day done with and hang out." He nodded at your words and you grabbed his hand as the two of you grabbed your bags and quietly made it to the class you're meant to be in.
--- Skip to End of Day ---
The last two hours of school they had went by pretty quickly. The bell for lunch and early release seniors rang, making most people rush to leave or go to lunch. You and Eros lagged behind, waiting for the halls to clear a bit. He gently grabbed your hand as you finished putting your bag on. "Do you wanna go to the park or my house? I have a car so it doesn't matter too much on which you pick." He said with a small laugh.
You blushed and shrugged, "I would probably like your house since it's kinda cold out right now..." The two of you walked out of the class, hand in hand. The pair of girls from earlier watched with hatred/jealousy as the two of them walked out together. They were all going the same way so they got to see Eros walk you to his 1969 Blue Camaro.
Eros unlocked the car and opened the passenger door for you to get in to which you gladly accepted. You set your bag down by your feet and buckled as he set his bag in the back and got in. "I hope my dad isn't home." He said closing his door and starting the car. "Why do you say that?" You asked as he buckled his seat belt.
He sighed and leaned back on his seat. "He doesn't actually know we're... Y'know, dating. Or if he does he has no clue you're a guy..." You nodded and looked to him while he backed out from the parking lot. "We can still go to the park. I'll survive I'm sure." You said softly. "Plus I kinda wanna wear your jacket..." You mumbled the last part while looking away but he heard and smiled, acting as if he didn't hear.
"There's one close to my house we can go to. It's pretty cool if you wanna go there." Eros said while stopping at a light. "That sounds good." He smiled again and looked over to you before looking back at the light. Seeing it change to green, he stepped on the gas again and headed to the destination.
The ride was comfortably quiet other than the occasional comment about something in the passing scenery. "Ok, we're here." Eros said, parking his car in the relatively empty parking lot. "I've never seen this place before. It's really pretty." You said as the two of you stepped out.
"Yeah. It's pretty quiet here. I usually hang out here after school. I have never been home "on time" since I got a car 3-ish years ago." You smiled and held his hand as he locked the car and put the keys away. "I'll take you to my favorite spot. There's all kinds of secret areas thanks to the trees." He said with a slight child like glee. You giggled like the school boy that you are as he dragged you along through a beautiful walkway that was shaded by the trees. "Gods it's so pretty here." You said under your breath.
You walked for what felt like forever before he shifted to stand behind you, wrapping an arm around your waist. He removed his hand to show one of the few non blank pictures he sent. "Oh wow." The winter sun was shining over the neighboring town, giving a good idea of just how small it was. "We have a cliff?" You asked suddenly, making Eros laugh and hug you close to his body.
Eros smiled as he took a turn off the path and up a small hill. He stopped and gently let go of your hand, covering your eyes. You reached up to remove his hand but he stopped you. "W-what are you doing Eros?" He giggled and started walking, making you grab onto him afraid of running into something. "Eros?!"
"Don't worry babe. I promise it's nothing bad. I know you'll like it."
"Kinda crazy right?" He said before resting his chin on your shoulder. You nodded as his snakes gently booped you're temple and cheek again, making you smile. You reached up and gently placed a hand on Eros' cheek, rubbing your thumb against his jawline. "Wanna sit down? I have two and a half hours before I have to be home." You nodded again and he pulled away, leading you over to a fairly large tree.
He took off his jacket and tossed it up onto a branch before jumping into the tree himself. You were surprised before he reached down to help you up. "C'mon, it'll give us some privacy just incase anyone comes over here." You somewhat hesitantly took his hand and he helped pull you up onto the thick tree branch. He leaned back against the trees core, letting his legs hang down and inviting you to do the same against him.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence again while he hugged you close, resting his head against your shoulder. "I love you. A lot." He mumbled softly into your ear. You smiled and held onto the top of his hand that was holding onto your stomach. "I love you a lot too." You mumbled back. "Oh and, do you wanna wear my jacket now? I noticed you were shivering ever since we started walking."
You blushed and looked down to the tree branch and ground below it. "I didn't think you heard me say that..." He giggled and leaned forward a bit, grabbing the jacket off the branch it was hooked on to. You moved forward and he helped you put the slightly bigger jacket on. You snuggled into the lingering warmth, taking in his soft cologne.
"Your jacket smells good babe." Eros chuckles and pulls you against his chest again. "Well, it's got my favorite cologne on it so if course it smells good." You smile and let your head fall back against his shoulder and he kissed your temple.
"So. Do you wanna explain yourself a bit?"
Minimal spell/grammar checking, also set up for a part 2?
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emachinescat · 3 years
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II've decided to watch MacGyver from the beginning (again), and I'm live tweeting the experience with every tweet tagged with #savemacgyver. I thought it would be fun to share my collected thoughts from the episodes on here as well.
My Thoughts on S1E3, "Awl"
You're not only going to make it to 30, Mac, but you're going to make it to season 6. #savemacgyver
I love that Jack's bucket list includes finishing the Harry Potter books. Guess he's not a one-trick pony after all with sci-fi. A healthy blend of science fiction and fantasy is just what the doctor ordered.
Dylan Thomas reference! That poem was written about the poet's own father, and is about how everyone, no matter who they are or what they stand for, fights against death in the end. He's begging his dad to "rage, rage against the dying of the light," to not give in to death so easily, to keep fighting. Just taught this poem, actually, so I'm vibing with this reference super hard. Though to be fair, I'd be vibing with it anyway. Love Dylan Thomas.
Oh my gosh, this is the one with the fire extinguisher and inflatable escape! I'd forgotten which episode that came from, but I see GIFs of it all over Tumblr. Poor Mac especially, that looks like it hurts. Why is Lucas Till so good at being whumped?!
Jack hugging the fire extinguisher: Iconic.
I'll never get tired of seeing that polar bear! Do we know if he has a name?
I cannot get over how small and excited Bozer is, not a care in the world except for his movie. It's exciting to think about what's to come for his character growth, though I do wish he wouldn't have to go through all the things he does. :(
Jack's conversations with his dad at the grave are just everything. And I feel cheated that we haven't gotten to see Mac have the same kind of conversations at Jack's grave (though I firmly believe it's a regular occurrence off-screen).
Seriously, the way he talks to his dad is so familiar, so comfortable, so natural. It's like Daddy Dalton is right there with him and it fills me with so many emotions that I can't even.
The smile on Jack's face and the pride in his voice when he talks about Mac to his dad is the purest thing ever.
Also, that's a big-ass tombstone Jack is leaning against.
"Hi, Mr. Dalton. How's... life?" MAC! 😂
I can't tell you how much I love it when other characters talk about how smart Mac is. "He's a genius..."
First mention of Mac's dad. It's sweet how invested Jack is in Mac rebuilding his relationship with his old man. Also, I really wish we would have gotten a flashback of Jack's dad at some point. He seems like such an amazing man.
"If I could have one more day to sit and talk to my dad instead of that hunk of rock, I'd do anything." Jaaaaaaack 😭😭😭
Good old Ralph Kastrati. Single-handedly the most annoying character in all of cable television. Y'all have no idea what you're getting into with this one, dream team.
"My mom dated a guy like that once." Ouch. I'm about to start a Riley Zinger Counter for each episode. Her comebacks are 🔥
It's not just his face, Jack. Everything about this dude is punchable. Especially the way he says "yo."
Ewwww tightie whities no thanks imma head hom now byyye
Mac just snatched that can right out of Jack's hand as he was about to take a drink. Classic.
If I didn't hate Ralph before (spoiler: I did), then I extra hate him for the foie gras comment.
Yes, Jack, "asshat" is the perfect descriptor for this guy.
Is Mac seriously about to just make him some noise-canceling headphones? Who am I kidding? Of course he is.
I need more of Mac punching people in the face. For science.
Poor Jack didn't get to punch the punch face.
🎵 Snipers gonna snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe 🎵
Between the foie gras and the calfskin, they are really making this guy so easy to hate just sayin'.
"As soon as you're done saving his life, I'm gonna kill him, you hear that, smart-ass? I'm already dressed for the funeral." 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"He's g-good. He just... got kinda shot." Is that the medical terminology, Mac?
Jack using country music as a form of torture 🤣
"You're going to be seeing Yelp stars if you don't shut up!"
Have I mentioned how much I love the music in this show?
"I don't wanna die listening to country music!"
I love how bossy and grabby Mac gets when he improvises.
Another belt grab! I can’t get over Jack trying to keep his crazy partner from falling out of the window – it gives me life!
Actually makes me wonder if he does it because Mac’s taken a tumble out of a car window before. *fanfic brain engaged*
“You know how I feel about your puns.” C’mon, Mac, pus are the greatest forms of humor, bar-pun. (Geddit?)
Mc made a C in biology? I’m not buying it.
Dwwwwwww the sounds of the surgery. No thanks.
Though I will say this is one of the coolest (albeit grossest) things Mac’s ever done on this show.
What the heck is with that elevator door? It took a whole 10 years to close! I wouldn’t trust it. (To be fair, I don’t trust any elevator, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Sir Bleeds-a-Lot lol
Riley stepping in and taking charge once again. No idea how these two functioned before she came along.
Some seriously cool MacGyverisms in this episode. The whole process of “killing” Ralph and bringing him back with office supplies is so OG MacGyver and it gives me all the warm fuzzies.
Ralph: “You’re not a scientist, you’re not a doctor. So how the hell do you know all this stuff?” Mac: “...I read a lot of books?” I love Mac so much.
“Now go die.” Lolololol
The moment with Ralph wanting to call his mom and grow the hell up is surprisingly genuine and heartbreaking. Character development for a character in only one episode, hello, is that you?
“He’s dead, but he’ll get better.” MacGyver, 2016
Riley’s comeback about Jack’s plan to take out six guys if Mac takes out two is another winner. (Riley: 2, Jack: 0) Still, I love the whole, “Sure it does [count as a plan]. First, I’ll take two. Then, I’ll take the other four.” This is why Mac is the plan guy, not Jack.
“Or I can take them all out.” Mac’s confidence = 🔥
I might need to start a Mac sass counter too. Jack: “You seriously want me to put this on my face?” Mac: “Only if you like breathing.”
Jack’s left fist getting jealous 🤣
They really liked choking Mac in the early episodes, didn’t they? Not that I’m complaining. Actually, why did that stop? That strangled, panicked cry of “JACK?!” is music to my fanfic writing, hurt/comfort obsessed, whump-loving soul.
That cough - it actually hurts me to hear it! They should have given us some more repercussions or aftercare for Mac breathing in that gas!
Ralph fell asleep. Of course.
“You know, it’s weird. I’m glad he’s alive… but I still want to kill him. 🤣 I’m with Jack on this one!
Ralph: “A fresh start. I could use one of those right?” Riley: “Or a whole new personality.” ZZZING!!! Riley: 1 million, the world: -10
Oh he did not just call Riley “little hottie.” I’m back to wanting to kill him, character development be darned. So diminutive, dehumanizing, and objectifying. This guy has more than won the douchebag lottery. Riley can more than stick up for herself, but still. The way he speaks to her here makes me feel all kinds of gross.
He just said “ya heard” unironically. Can we let Jack punch him now, please?
Jack offering to let Ralph keep the cash he lifted if he gets to punch him is great, but even better is Mac and Riley offering to chip in money for The Cause.
Oh, yeah, Bozer was in this episode. I’m excited for when he is utilized more!
Bozer’s monster Mac is nightmare fuel!
“A letter? That you put in the mail? It’s 2016.” Hey, as someone who has an actual, old-school type pen pal, step off, Jack.
Mac: “You just gonna watch?” Jack, offended: “Not anymore.” How is it Jack is like Mac’s dad but they also bicker like 5-year-olds? This relationship is so strange, so wonderful, and the heart of the show in so many ways. I love them.
Mac’s words of wisdom about the nature of life are actually super encouraging and exactly what I needed to hear today.
I’d forgotten how much I love this episode – t’s so fun! Although the Codex storyline in season 4 is probably my favorite plot-wise, coming back to these early episodes is like a breath of fresh air! Excellent, excellent episode with so much to offer!
What are your thoughts on "Awl?" I'd love to discuss! :)
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Okay Remy, I am going to resend that previous message I sent you, just so you have it so you can reread it if you perchance wanted to do that. Don't worry, you didn't accidentally delete it, someone else purposefully did. Also, no… you weren't left with the true things, that's just learned cognitive distortions speaking; I'm sure if you asked Jan or Rem if they thought those things about you, they would set you straight right away. I'll also put a silent alarm on your phone that'll go off the next time Remus is near you, though only if you let me. Would that help?
(Tw: Vague implications of past abuse)
Remy: "Set me straight? dfhjd who are you? my dad? Jk jk. I know what you mean. I don't know what cognition distractions or whatever mean 'cause I'm tots an idiot. Like girl the only reason I didn't fail all of highschool was 'cause Virge did just enough of my work for me. You don't gotta tell me what it means btw. I can like look it up. I may not have a brain but I do have google. and uh yeah that helps. thanks. I'm gonna go reread the message now"
A few days later, in the middle of the day, the Rems were sitting on the sidewalk behind a starbucks. There were so many people inside the cafe Remus had nearly gotten a sensory overload while ordering the 4 cupcakes and 2 sandwiches he was smashing down into his slippery gullet. Remy had just taken a black coffee.
The alarm had gone off a while ago but they didn't know how to ask him about it. He looked tense. He sat in an unnatural pose that made it easy to get up and run away. His shoulders were raised and brows just a bit furrowed. Maybe they could-
"Oh!!! Bean bitch do you wanna see what I've been drawing lately???" Remus suddenly exclaimed, crumbs of sandwich flew out of his mouth.
"Sure babe"
He had a big grin on his lips as he took out his sketchbook and flipped through it "Alright so you remember how I did some anatomy practice of you when we watched lesbian vampire movies yes? Well I kinda continued with those"
The first few drawings were realistic sketches of Remy's face from a few different angles but on the next page he'd used his cartoony style to make them into a supernatural being. One drawing showed them with 8 eyes. One with nothing but gorey eye sockets left. One with spiders crawling out of their eyes and mouth.
Remus rocked back and forth slightly "Sorry. Is it weird? I just thought it would be cool if there were some character who looked nromal but was hiding something under their sunglasses. I dunno. Maybe it's stu-"
"No. No. Babe I think it's like tots cool! You made me look like super chic. Blood is totally in right now!!"
He shone up into a bright smile "Thanks!" There was slight blushing on his cheeks.
"I think I would look cool with some teeth in my eyes just saying"
"OOOOh!! Maybe even fangs?!"
"You got it babe!"
He took out a pen and immediately started to sketch it out. Remy was just happy getting to watch him draw.
Until a notification sound came from Remus' phone. He flinched before quickly checking it and immediately setting it down again. He somehow tensed up more.
Remy took a deep breathe. They could do this. They could talk about emotional stuff.
"You good babe? I mean like at any time? 'Cause you look tense like a lot- I uh I'm not like asking why. You don't gotta tell me shit. just like wondering if you're like okay"
"You're one to talk. you walk around looking like you got a stick up your butt 24/7........Do you??....kinky"
"Not yet"
"Me neither"
They both went quiet. Remus fiddled with the ring he still had on his finger. Remy scratched at their neck.
"I...I just feel paranoid....all the time...My intrusive thoughts never shut up about how every interaction I have with other peple could end in the worst ways. Even right now" Remus muttered out after a while.
"I get that. I mean I" They forced a chuckle "Every single time my boyfriend raises his hand, just to like take a plate or something, my thoughts still scream at me that he's gonna hit me. He never does. I know he won't. But my body and thoughts still act like he will. It happens with every person. I've been sure Janus was going to slap me"
Remus looked up at them. His eyes suddenly looked so so desperate "I dosen't get better?" He asked, his voice sounded like it was close to breaking "The paranoia will Always be there?"
"What? No! No no no. of course not babe. I'm just completely fucked up y'know. Like all of my argument with my boyfriend ends with either me having like a panic attack or us fucking" They laughed "Like an overemotional crybaby y'know. But you're- You'll be fine- I'm sure- You're not- I'm just-"
Remus pulled his knees up to his chest and leaned his chin against his knees. "I think you can be fine too" He mumbled out.
"I don't- I- I dunno- It's like it's so clear I was like supposed to die at specific moments...and then I just....didn't....and now I'm just like still here even though I'm not supposed to...I'm just like a rotting corpse dragging everyone else down. I-I don't know how to be fine if my thoughts are still sure I'm going to die every single day"
Remus shrugged "I think rotting corpses are pretty cool"
It was so out of left field Remy let up into a laugh. "Jesus fuck you stupid necrophile" They hid their face in their hands "Babe I'm sorry. I'm tots rambling. I was asking if you were okay, not if you wanted to like hear me be a stupid bitch"
"It's okay. I think being able to be a stupid bitch is kinda cool too. I can't even try to vent without shutting down...I feel kind of like I'm rotting as well"
(It felt like he'd left his skin in his old apartement. To be honest it felt like his entire being had been scrapped out of him just to be left behind)
"Wow babe. Is there something you don't think is cool?"
He thought for a moment "Soap. It's icky and gets everywhere"
"Sound argument"
Remus slowly moved his head to lean it against their shoulder. He could feel their chest rise to take a shuddering breathe and lower again.
"Have you ever thought I would?" Remus quietly asked.
"Yeah" They admitted "I know you wouldn't"
"I know. I've been paranoid about you too"
"It's okay"
"I've willingly been to your apartment. That's a lot" Remus pointed out "I haven't been to Jan's apartement"
"We should break into his place in the middle of the night" Remy replied in a fake serious tone.
"Oh yeah. It's a must. How else do you know you're friends? We should bring matching friendship knives as well!"
Remy chuckled "You can design them. And my teeth eye design! That's like tots important! My true destiny is to be a monster milf y'know. The lesbians would love me"
"Ayyay captain! I'll get right on that! Remus: milf maker"
They let out an audible keysmash "Babe that's my porn name now. Milf maker! Cougar collector! Homewrecker hoobyist!!"
"Yay grammar!!"
Remy got up and held out their hand to help him up. "Aight babe, I better head home. And you better get yourself a hot bath. You sure are smelling like a rotten corpse"
"Oh don't worry. I have a demon who sends me gifts, including bathing gifts"
Remy blinked at him "Huh" They moved their arm around his shoulders and started to walk towards the busstop "Tell me all about it. Is it a hot demon?"
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Gateway Drug | Part Ninety-Four [PT.1]
Words: 3.1k
Warning(s): explicit language, mentions of substance abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @emariehorror  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @jd-johndeacon-or-jackdaniels  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter    @arianareirg  @gingerspicetalks
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1 @viinceneil
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"My wife doesn't tell me she's having an important surgery done, no, no, she just tells her girl friend Sharise who tells Vinnie and I'm the last one to fucking know about it." I tell Amber. 
"I didn't wanna stress him out." Vivian insists, raising her brows. 
"No, you just don't wanna keep me in the know just to piss me off." I argue. 
"Nikki, go to hell." She tells me. 
"You're not talking to him like that in here," Amber scolds her. "Just like he's not talking to you like that. We aren't doing that anymore. That was the issue last week. I didn't stop you two from talking trashy to each other and it got you where you are right now." She states. "Vivian, why didn't you tell Nikki about your procedure?" 
"I didn't even tell the father of my kid I was having it done--I'm just a private person." She tells her. 
"Duff doesn't even know?" 
"No, he doesn't, and he's not going to." She looks at me. 
Note to self: call Duff when she leaves. 
"Why haven't you him?" Amber asks her next. 
"Because I was freaking out over it enough as it was. I didn't need more people freaking out over it." She says. "So I just told Sharise because she was the one driving me home from it."
Amber just raises her brows and thinks for a second, her lips pursed. 
"You see what I have to deal with?" I ask as I motion to Viv. 
"Nikki, please." Vivian rolls her eyes. 
"And she wonders why I won't fuck her. She doesn't deserve it at the moment." I add. 
"Your dick isn't made of gold, Nikki, it's some trophy I should have to earn--especially when you clearly have no qualms tossing it around like a hot potato from one pussy to the next." 
"That's not how you were acting last week." I argue. "
"But you won't fuck me because I'm not Vanity." She says back. 
"I won't fuck you because the thought of screwing a pregnant chick makes my skin crawl." I admit. 
"You'll go down on me while I'm on the rag but me being eleven weeks pregnant--barely showing--is where you draw the line?" 
"Right, sorry, 'I won't fuck you because the thought of screwing a pregnant chick makes my skin crawl when she's pregnant with a baby she cheated on me to conceive,' there, that's better." I correct myself. 
"At least I know the lovechild I have, exists. Do I even wanna think about the girls you've probably knocked up across the globe the last several years?" She accuses me. 
"Unlike you, dear, I know how to fucking use condoms." I cut back at her.
"Gee, can't imagine where I learned to hate condoms in the first place." She sarcastically adds. 
"Fuck if I know, you were telling me to take the damn thing off the first time we even had sex, little miss, 'I'm a virgin', 'this is my first time,' which looking back now is so obviously bullshit." I scoff. 
"I was until you fucking corrupted me." 
"My apologies, I didn't realize I was creating a cum monster whose main ambition was to procreate." 
"And I didn't realize I was creating a codependent junkie." She doesn't hesitate to throw back at me and we're both silent just enough for Amber to cut in. 
"I am going to give you two homework." She says, sighing, glancing at the clock. 
We're out of time. 
"I want you two to write each other a letter, one that doesn't involve putting one another down, and I want you to pick a time--any experience or memory with on another--that you consider the happiest you've been with each other, and I want you to mail them to each other, and next visit you'll read each other's letters back to one another to remind that person what they wrote. Sound easy?"
We just look at each other, not saying a word. 
I didn't want to waste my time writing something for her that she'd just rip up without reading, and I knew she would, and I could see she didn't want to do that, either.
I'm great at song writing...but love letters? 
I think back to the last love letter I wrote for Viv...the one in the back of her Bible I gave to her. 
It kind of hurts that one of the last physical confessions of love I gave to her was practically a suicide note. 
I close my eyes and groan, rubbing my forehead. 
I try to think back to my happiest time with her over the last years. 
Like flicking through the index of my mind--as best as I can, at least…
I let out a heavy sigh as I flip from channel to channel, chewing my gum, getting frustrated when I can't find anything interesting to watch. 
"Are you gonna find a channel and stick to it or are you gonna keep flipping through the same channels and expect programming to change in a matter of seconds?" Vivian asks in a borderline snap, getting aggravated with me. 
I just roll my jaw and turn the T.V. off, tossing the remote onto the coffee table. 
"I didn't say turn it off, Nikki, you can watch T.V., just pick a channel and stick to it." She sighs, her Bible still in hand, the pad she's using to take notes in, in her lap. 
"No. You just read your shit in peace and quiet. Sorry for the interruption." I reply, passively. 
"Nikki, turn the T.V. back on and watch it." 
"I'm good." I state. 
"Ugh, you are such a whiney baby." She mumbles and I raise my brows, looking at her. 
"I'm a what?" I ask, and she looks at me. 
"A whiney baby." 
"A whiney baby?" 
"Yeah." She says it surely. 
I'm grabbing her socked foot that's in my lap, making her squeal, her Bible and notepad falling in the floor when she kicks at me as I start tickling her foot. 
"Nikki, stop!" She laughs out, sitting up and trying to fight me off of her. 
"No, I'm a whiney baby remember?" I remind her, letting her foot go, getting on top of her, my hands moving to her waist, making her laugh again, trying to push me off of her. 
I lean down and kiss her exposed neck, and stop tickling her, instead wrapping my arm under her, pulling her against me, settling between her legs. 
She sighs and kisses me when I lean down to her. 
Once we pull away for air, I run my thumb over her lip and she blinks up at me, slowly. 
I can tell she's thinking, "what the hell is this? What are we doing? We aren't dating, we're not just friends, though, so what are we, Sixx?" 
I don't know, either. 
I'd tell her that but I don't want to freak her out or something. 
I like her, a lot...more than a lot…
"What is it?" She asks me, and I realize I've just been staring at her. 
"I, uh...I'm not really seeing anyone else anymore, you know?" I say, hoping she gets the hint, and she raises her brows a little. 
"Oh." She replies.
"Not that it's a big deal or anything." I add. 
"I wasn't thinking it was." She shakes her head a little...but I can practically see her doing little mental cartwheels and screaming out with joy. 
I just smile at her, kissing her again.
I wrinkle my nose at the memory, not quite sure if that's when I was at my happiest with her. 
I just decide to keep digging through more of my memory--what's left of it, that is--until I'm grabbing my pen, and writing away at the paper. 
"Shhh, shh, you're gonna wake her up!" Vivian whisper yells at me as she holds a sleeping Skylar, the little baby wrapped up in a thick blanket, pacifier in mouth, knocked out cold.
"It's nearly 5:00a.m., what the hell are you doing up?" I ask her, trying to talk straight after a night of booze and blow. 
"She hasn't slept since midnight. I've been trying everything but she just dozes for a few minutes and then wakes back up and whines." She explains.
She looks tired...exhausted, really. 
"You want me to hold her and you go to bed?"
"She doesn't like you, the second she gets the feelings you're holding her, she'll wake you screaming." She reminds me. 
"She likes me." I argue. 
"Nikki, she purposely pees on you anytime you change her diaper, she gets antsy when you hold her--not to mention the amount of times you weren't paying attention and put her clothes on backwards or inside out and she pitches a fit." 
"Hey, trying to dress a squirmy kid is military-grade patience training. If you try to perfect whatever it is she's wearing, she gets irritated and just wants down and starts moving around more and making it more difficult to get some clothes on her." She just chuckles a little and gets quiet in the light of the little reading lamp, her eyes closing slowly. 
"Go put the baby in the little crib thing Sharise brought over and go lay down." I tell her, quietly. 
"I'm fine where I'm at." She insists, but I know she's not. 
I take the chance and gently pick Skylar up, causing Vivian to say, "Nikki, don't wake her up," and I carefully make sure not to wake her as I carry her to the guest bedroom and put her in her playpen on her back like Sharise drilled into mine and Viv's heads to be sure of. 
She doesn't wake up, and when I get back to the living room, Vivian's asleep in her chair, cuddled under the blanket she had Skylar under. 
"Alright," I nudge her awake and she hums, furrowing her brows. "C'mon," I say to her, and she reaches her hands out. "What is it?" I ask her. 
"Can you carry me?" She asks and I sigh out. 
"Yeah, baby," I don't tell her, 'no,' despite not knowing whether or not we'll get to the bedroom because I'm tired and I know she obviously is, too, and she's not light as a feather--which will just make me more tired by the time I head to the bedroom. 
I scoop her up and make it to the bed, only nearly dropping her once due to losing my footing--which that's not her fault. That's just the evidence of my night out. 
When I lay her on the bed and pull my clothes off, crawling in beside her, she's snuggling up to me under the covers.
"You smell good." She mumbles to me. 
"I don't know how. I smell like cologne, sweat, and booze." I mumble back, my eyes closed. 
"You smell good." She repeats it. 
"You do, too." I reply. 
"I showered. You should try it some time." She says. 
"Okay, Sixx, don't make me whoop your ass at five in the morning." I tell her, keeping my eyes closed, and she giggles, pressing her lips to my cheek, and my jaw, her nails trailing down my chest to my abdomen, deliberately running over the trail of hair leading down to my…
"It's five in the morning." I groan out, biting back a moan when her hand wraps around me, another kiss being pressed to my cheek. 
"We can be done in a couple minutes." She tells me. 
"I thought you were tired." I reply, trying to wake myself back up being that a certain part of me is up and alert. I rake my hands down my face as she straddles me, before looking up at her. "You're like those spiders that wait for the males to be vulnerable then they fuck 'em and kill 'em." I add, despite my hands running up her thighs to her waist…
"You always complain about early morning sex but then by seven o'clock you're the one not letting me tap out." She reminds me. 
I just grab her hips and push her off of me before getting on her, making her laugh before my mouth catches hers, my teeth bitting at her lip before my tongue smoothes over it, making her moan softly. 
By the time we're finished and satisfied, I'm getting off of her with deep breaths, the both of us gasping for air, covered in sweat--even our hair. 
We don't hear Skylar down the hall which is a good sign that she's still asleep. 
It's weird having a baby in the house. I know it's temporary, until Vince and Sharise get back from their little Florida getaway, but it's odd taking care of someone else aside from Vivian.
I wonder what it would be like if Viv would've actually been pregnant when we got married like she thought she was. 
We'd have a two year old by now. 
How fucking bizarre would that be raising a kid in this life at the moment. 
Sure, Vince is doing it, but that's because Sharise is solid as a fucking rock. 
I'd take a bullet for Vivian--fucking die for her--but she's not solid like that, not right now, at least. She used to be. 
I mean she's still sober as shit but sobriety doesn't help much when you're wired even though you don't have a drop of anything in your system.
Look at me, like I'm one to be talking about dependability.
I look over at her, she's passed out, damp red hair across her pillow, covers pulled over her shoulder…
I reach over and run my fingertips across her cheek, the palm of my hand moving up to smooth over her hair as rays of sun start to filter through the small parting in the blackout curtains.
I'd love to have a kid in a couple years--maybe even within the next year--it just depends on the band, whether we're where we need to be by then or not...whether me and Viv are where we need to be or not, too. 
Which as of right now, we're great. 
We're more than great. 
We haven't argued in two weeks. 
Two fucking weeks. 
Who the hell goes that long without arguing? Certainly not us, but here we are. 
We weren't fighting as much because we were having sex like bunnies. I'm talking at least twice a day--Twice. A. Day. For two and a half weeks. 
Looking back, I know it's because she was in the wake of a miscarriage, I was in the wake of Vince and Razzle's tragedy, we were both craving a quick fix and I guess sex is how we were illusioned into believing we were healing. 
In reality we obviously weren't solving anything, just brushing it under the rug, but it was honestly the happiest I had been with her for our marriage. 
It was peaceful. We weren't at each other's throats. We weren't at war. We looked forward to seeing each other and spending time with each other, and it was the closest we got to being how we were when we were just dating...so that, for me at that time, was the happiest I remember us being.
The next day I'm taking my enveloped and stamped letter down to the mailbox in the hall near the recreation room, passing by Amber on my way, seeing her nod at me in acknowledgment before I'm halting myself and coming back to see her. 
"Hey, Doc, I need a word." I tell her. 
"Can it wait, Mr. Sixx, I'm running late for a meeting?" 
"I wanna know why having sex with my wife is a bad thing?" I ask, and she stops and looks at me. 
"It's not. Nobody said it was." She tells me. 
"You told me it might jeopardize our progress if we move too fast." 
"Because it very well could. You both have co-dependence intertwined in your sex lives." She explains.
"Well, I don't know if you've been paying attention to the last couple sessions but my wife has needs right now. And not having sex with her right now is jeopardizing our progress because she thinks something's wrong with her." 
"But you've told me, and her, you don't desire her because she's currently carrying another man's child."
"I've been thinking about it and I told her I'd work this out with her and how I've acted towards her is kinda contradictory to that." I admit. "And I can't go home and screw her into next week because you've got me paranoid about messing things up, now." 
"Have you told her my opinion on sex in your relationship as of now?" 
"Well, then, tell her about it and I'll take the blame for it." 
"I don't want you to take the blame for anything, I want you to 'ok' me banging my wife." 
"If you want to, 'bang,' your wife, then you can do that. There's not a law in the universe barring you from getting intimate with her."
"Sure as shit feels like it." I argue. 
"Tell you what, you talk to her about it--tell her my opinion--and we'll touch on it in the next session." She suggests. 
"Pun intended?" I ask and she furrows her brows, looking unamused. 
"...Okay, nevermind." I mumble. 
"I'll see you Friday for your session with the boys, have a good day." She tells me, giving me a nod before walking away. 
I just shake my head a little, irritated, and drop my letter in the mail box, heading to the payphone to try to call Vivian. 
"Hello?" She answers on the second ring and I clear my throat. 
"H-Hey, it's me," I say, and she's quiet for a moment. 
"Hey," she finally answers and I let out a breath of relief. 
"Do you wanna visit tomorrow? I need to talk to you about something." I tell her. 
"Is this where you tell me you're filing for a divorce afterall?" She asks and I rub my lips together. 
"No, Viv, it's not. It's about our sex thing." I struggle trying to define it. 
"Can we even have a sex thing if we aren't even having sex?" 
"Ha. Ha. Smartass." I state. "Seriously, you wanna come?" 
"More than you know." She replies and I can't help but laugh. 
"Pun not intended." She adds. "I'll be there around nine o'clock, if that's okay? I have another appointment to check on the baby since the surgery and then I'm gonna try to go shopping for some decently healthy things because I'm gaining too much weight at the moment." 
"You're pregnant--that's your excuse to eat whatever the fuck you want, when you want it, isn't? Like a chick liberation thing or something." 
"I'm eating too much junk, I don't want to pop out a fifteen pound baby. My pussy will rip to my ass." She says and I get a horrifying image. "I'll see you tomorrow morning, Nikki, I gotta go." 
"Alright, see you then. Bye, baby." 
"Bye." She replies softly before hanging up.
I pick at the inside of my lip with my teeth, another thought coming to mind...and my eyes shift to my pinky ring on my right hand...the same one I'd proposed to Vivian with back in '83.
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ellatholmes · 3 years
*waves with my kleenex* I am also sick, so let's be sick together lol My WIP "Guild Hunter Sojan" followes Sojan, who is a monster hunter and belongs to the hunter's guild. He is a lust demon who lives in the dimension of the humans to avoid his megalomaniac father and live in peace. Unfortunately, peace had an expiry date and his father managed to get into his way again. At first he wants to run away (Sojan still wasn't over the fact his father killed his partners) but his sister Arritit and the bard Lyran kinda force him to investigate and stop his father. Lyran is one of a kind. Right from the start he flirts with Sojan, shows he is more than just a simple bard when he managed to take down a minor monster with a pen, and becomes a loyal friend. together with fellow hunters, the three of them build a little group to figure out what exactly Sojan's father is up to, run into various monster and other troubles, and when it comes to the others: Push Sojan to finally get Lyran is seriously interested in him. (Yes, he is that kind of an idiot) In the end it is a big face off between Sojan, Arritit and their father, just in time before he could ruin every dimension in his quest to make demons the rulers of the worlds. The whole thing also sparked various follow-up short stories, and novella length fics. All together, it already covers the time of 19 years (the good thing when you write about folks who are longevity folks.) unfortunately, I keep on adding new OC's all the time. Just like I did with the Halloween Special.... And a little excerpt. The aforementioned pen situation lol
A screech warned Sojan as he saw what looked like a cross between a water terror and a Putrivine leap out of the water and lunge past him at Duran. The confusion of how such a thing could exist came only when the thing lay on the ground in front of Duran and Lyran with Lyran’s pen in its eye, one of Neeshah’s arrows in its ribs and pierced by Sojan. The others had managed to drag the water terrors to the foot of the path. The splashing slowly died away, giving way to an eerie squeak. Since when did water horrors mourn their own kind? Sojan looked around. No one was hurt. Only the shock was still in everyone’s bones. “Shit, I need a new pen,” Lyran said out of the blue, disgustedly holding up the pen with pointed fingers he had pulled from the strange hybrid’s eye. “Better the pen than us,” Neeshah gasped. “I know, still it’s annoying and… oh fuck…” The pen began to disintegrate in Lyran’s hand. Hectically, he threw the pen towards the water. Sojan and Elaven took a closer look at the creature. “We should take it with us,” Elaven remarked thoughtfully. “I’ve been thinking about that, too. Of the others, we only need one.” “We can’t get those things up the path like that,” Neeshah looked skeptically up at the city. “If we pull them?” Lyran had come to stand beside Sojan and was looking down at the monster curiously. “Do you have a rope?” “As it happens, yes. I figured if these things are as big as you told me, they’d be heavy as hell.” Elaven, Sojan, and Neeshah looked at each other, blinking. “Shit, we could have thought of that.”
Oh noooo pheita, I'm sorry to hear that you're sick! :( At least we can be sick buddies!!
Guild Hunter Sojan sounds amazing! the characters seem to have a neat dynamic going on even in this short excerpt :D I think it's so cool that your idea has expanded (and keeps expanding) into different mediums and fics.
👉 talk to me about your wip so i can get excited about it and convince everyone in the world to read it 👈
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kazuharem · 4 years
“Promises of Forever” ↠ Lucien x MC [SMUT]
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AO3 Link: here 
Pairing: Lucien x Female MC
Part I of the “Forgive and Forget” Series. This is “Forgive”
Part II: here
Warnings: Contains plots from chapter 13 and 16 -> basically the plot of Lucien’s Rainy Night Date
Description: Lucien’s POV from “Rainy Night Date” + lovemaking
Word Count: 10,660 (oops)
Genre: Angst, Smut
Summary: “When the daylight comes, I'll have to go. But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close"
Author’s Note: I started playing this game back in March, missed out on this karma, and is very bitter/frustrated by that fact. I don’t think I’ve ever fallen so hard for a 2D man, but here I am. I wrote this fic because there weren’t enough discussion about this date, which I think showcases Lucien’s true feelings. Especially when he gives the paper crane back to the MC. My horny ass just decided to throw some lovemaking into this scene. Ending is inspired by the lyrics of Maroon 5′s “Daylight.” Every line that I took from the actual date/plot will have * in front of it. I hope you guys enjoy it. ALSO LUCIEN DESERVES ALL THE HAPPINESS IN THE WORLD. I SAID MY PIECE. 
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
Here I am staring at your perfection In my arms, so beautiful The sky is getting bright, the stars are burning out Somebody slow it down This is way too hard 'Cause I know, when the sun comes up I will leave, this is my last glance That will soon be memory
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go But tonight I'm gonna hold you so close 'Cause in the daylight we'll be on our own But tonight I need to hold you so close Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa Ooh whoa, ooh whoa, ooh whoa
I never wanted to stop Because I don't wanna start all over, start all over I was afraid of the dark But now it's all that I want, all that I want, all that I want
How did it come to this, Lucien asked himself as he pressed himself to the side of her building, watching as reporters rushed at her, like piranhas after the scent of blood.
*“Producer! What’s your answer on your program’s ex-consultant’s remarks at the press conference?” One shoved a mic into her face. Lucien winced, but held himself back from going to her rescue. His appearance would only make the situation worse.
*“We heard that you and Professor Lucien are not only co-workers, but also neighbors. Anything to share about him?” Another reporter jogged next to her.
“Yeah, aren’t you two neighbors? So you must be close!” The crowd clamored around her, and Lucien clenched his fists.
*“We heard that you two are inseparable. Could you please…” The reporter’s voice asked eagerly, and her eyes squeezed shut.
He watched as her lips pressed into thin, white lines. “I’m sorry, I’m just trying to get to work. Can you please stop asking me these questions?” She finally said softly, with an undercurrent of hurt, thinly veiled, but Lucien heard her all the same. The world seemed so dreary despite the colors, and Lucien knew it was because of her mood.
The poor security guards struggled, trying to clear a path for her so she can enter the building. Kiki and Anna appeared, extending a hand towards her, and pulled her to safety within the glass doors of her company. The world faded into shades of monochrome once more and it was then that Lucien exhaled a quiet sigh of relief.
How did it come to this indeed?
It was supposed to be a simple task, a mission he could’ve accomplished with a flick of a hand. It was supposed to be easy. She was incredibly innocent and quick to trust; all he had to do was show her a little bit of kindness. And yet, Lucien found himself bewitched by her, getting his eye sliced open to prove to Black Swan that he was still on their side. That had been nothing more than a mere inconvenience for him. And yet, when the grunts had attempted to capture her, he failed to accomplish that simple of a task and instead, had let her escape. Lucien recalled the look in her eyes as she bravely held the pen-the very one he had endearingly given to her-to her neck and crimson blood leaked from her neck. That look had destroyed him. Only she was capable of such a thing. If she asked for Lucien’s heart, Lucien would’ve willingly torn it out and present it to her on a silver platter. Except for the fact, Lucien’s lips flitted into a wry smirk, he had no heart. His heart had belonged to her the moment she showed him the true brilliance of the world, the indescribable colors that had changed and wreaked havoc on everything he once knew. And Lucien had willingly allowed her to do so. Black Swan may have saved his life, but this woman, this woman who had entered his life in an explosion of colors, this woman had saved his soul. And in that sense, she had saved his life as well.
Falling in love with her wasn’t supposed to be part of the plan. Those who knew him, knew him to be ruthless, emotionally detached, and ever-so-cold. But from the moment his world exploded into a vibrant myriad of colors, he was hooked. He had found himself wanting to see her every moment of the day, a message or call from her would allow a fond smile to spring up unbidden. Lucien remembered the poisonous jealousy he had felt when he attended one of her company dinners and her coworkers had asked her who was the most important person in her life. A little drunk and giving in to the green-eyed monster, he had confronted her only for her to tell him that it was him. The relief he had felt at that moment was ridiculous, like a tsunami of emotions flooding his entire system. He remembered gritting his teeth and clenching his fists at the sight of the officer who had shyly given her that ginkgo bracelet. He remembered the utter panic he felt when he found out she was in the hospital because of a stupid trick Black Swan had attempted to pull off and later, he remembered feeling the stifling frustration when the LFG CEO had barred anyone from seeing her. And Lucien remembered trying to focus on his research but hearing the idol singer’s bright voice float through the thin walls.
“Miss Chips! I brought the newest video game! Play with me!”
He had hoped she would refuse, but to his surprise, she had readily agreed. And he had tried so hard to ignore the sounds of happy entertainment before giving up and angrily leaving his apartment. That had been the moment he had realized that, that simple, oh-so-easy plan was not so easy after all.
How? How could it have happened this way?
When did he start feeling these irritating emotions that made his chest clench so painfully?
Was it when he took her to the New Light Library to help her with materials for the show and he had blurted out, *“Will you teach me how to love?”
Or was it when he had gifted her that gardenia and they had decided to take care of it together?
Or maybe it was when he had taken her to a firefly exhibition and she had defended the poor firefly struggling weakly to survive, saying that all life should be respected?
Was it when they went to the aquarium together and he had warned her, but she had refused?
Maybe it was when he had to go to Denmark, and she had followed him, getting sick in the process but had clung so desperately to him?
Was it because she had been the only one who had cared about him, about his birthday, and worried so excessively over his happiness?
Lucien had tried so hard to push her away, but every time she would come back, worrying when he got sick, calling when he didn’t respond to her messages. He had lived his entire life knowing only the cold shades of black and white. But with her, he was able to see the glorious pastels of a rainbow after a storm, the vibrant reds of the Canadian maple forest, the cerulean blue of the sea, the brilliant golden flashes of fireworks, and the warm orange flickering of the lotus lantern they had sent down the river together. She had been the one who had turned his birthday, which had been countless anniversaries that reminded him of the tragic events from his childhood, to something he actually wanted to look forward to every year.
He didn’t know the answers to these questions, but when Hades had tried to capture her for his foolish RESET plan on the day of his press conference, Lucien realized that for the first time in his life, he felt fear. Fear of losing her. Fear of her being in pain. Fear that someone saw the dazzling purity of hers and tried to use it for dark and polluted gains. For the first time in his life, Lucien had something to lose. Something so infinitely precious to him that it was more important than his own life. And yet, this woman had been hurt by his own hand.
Pain was not a foreign concept to Lucien. Being in Black Swan, it was readily available. He had utilized it upon his enemies, upon those who had cast doubt on him, and upon himself. But none of it could compare to the pain he had felt all those sleepless nights hearing the broken sobs of the woman he had hurt so deeply. For the first time, Lucien truly understood what a deadly weapon pain could be.
And now…
Lucien looked at the still clamoring crowd of reporters lurking around the entrance of her building and clenched his fists. Because of him, her life was upturned once more.
He had been keeping a close eye on her after he brought her from Hades’ dreamworld, fearing that Hades would discover the way out and go after her again. His hunches were right after discovering Hades’ minions lurking about her apartment community. He had disposed of them quietly, of course, but the reporters were a different story. Lucien knew she had been working late nights just to avoid the reporters.
Which was why Lucien was now sitting in his car, in the parking lot of her building, waiting for her to get off work.
Fool, a voice whispered inside his head, but he ignored it. He was currently the only one who could possibly protect her. As jealous as he had been with Gavin, Victor, and Kiro, he appreciated the fact that all three of them had protected her. But now, Gavin had gone somewhere, Victor’s whereabouts were unknown and couldn’t be reached, and he didn’t know what Helios was planning after abandoning his image as Kiro.
The dull gray lights suddenly morphed into a muted yellow and Lucien looked up. She had appeared at last.
He got out of the car silently and walked towards her. She checked her phone and let out an exhausted sigh, rotating her shoulders.
Show no emotion, Lucien reminded himself. He grabbed her arm and pushed her into his car before she even had a chance to react.
“AH!” She exclaimed in surprise, preparing herself to fight.
*“It’s me,” Lucien spoke softly to prevent her from struggling. She froze the moment she heard his voice and turned, wide-eyed, to look at him. Lucien forced himself to look straight ahead. “Fasten your seatbelt,” he commanded quietly, before starting the car.
She gritted her teeth, *“Why do I have to go with you? Where are you taking me?” She demanded.
Lucien clenched the steering wheel. Hearing her voice-albeit angry-reminded him that she was alive and breathing. And sitting next to him. *“To your place,” he answered her question passively, trying not to give light to the murky emotions that swirled within him.
She fell silent and he drove on. The way home never seemed so long, and the traffic lights were not helping, stopping them at every intersection. But Lucien was secretly glad; the longer he spent with her, the more content he felt. Even though she was still angry at him, Lucien cherished the time spent with her.
He could sense her eyes watching him, questions as clear as day on her face. When he couldn’t take the stare any longer, he met her gaze through the mirror. As if struck by a live wire, she immediately dropped her eyes. Lucien noticed how her fingers clenched white against the seatbelt and he gripped the steering wheel to prevent himself from doing something he shouldn’t (like grabbing her hand and smoothing out her tension). He hated himself for causing these reactions in her.
*“I came out to tell you not to go out for a while, unless you have to,” Lucien broke the silence quietly, his voice slightly hoarse. The reporters should stop bothering her after a few days.
Her eyes flitted to him in surprise, *“But I need to go to work! Don’t worry, I won’t tell the reporters anything,” she added hastily.
Silly girl, he mused silently, you misinterpret my intentions yet again.
*“Do you think I came all this way just because I was worried you might blab to the reporters?” Lucien asked aloud, pressing his lips together thinly.
She lowered her eyes, ashamed, and they fell in silence once more.
Nothing more than acquaintances, Lucien thought to himself bitterly. There used to never be awkward gaps of silence between them, but now silence permeated every possible space between them. She was only sitting next to him, but she felt oceans away. It was clear that she felt uncomfortable, with the way she was twisting her body away from him. And it was all his fault, Lucien supposed, getting stopped by a traffic light yet again. Her finding out who he was, however, was inevitable. And in that sense, Lucien thought that she should know earlier before she had completely given her heart to him. That way, she could still keep a bit of herself intact.
After stopping at the last traffic light before her apartment community, Lucien broke the silence once more, *“Anyway, don’t get caught up in any unnecessary danger,” he reminded her again.
*“You as well!” She piped up immediately and Lucien felt his heart clench.
Still worrying about me, my little fool. Worry about yourself first.
Instead, Lucien grated out a laugh, *“Who do you think can hurt me?
How ironic, Lucien sneered at himself, the only person who could ever hurt him was sitting right next to him.
They had finally reached the gate and Lucien rolled down his window so he could greet the security guard. *“Hello,” he said politely, smiling warmly.
The security guard’s eyes widened when he realized it was Lucien.  *“Professor Lucien, worked late today? It’s been a while since I saw you!”
*“Yes,” Lucien replied evenly, “I’m dropping her off at home.”
*“Haha, you are still so close!” The security guard teased, and Lucien saw her look away hurriedly, fingers clenching on her seatbelt again. Lucien nodded, still smiling as he drove away. His smile faded when they had reached the entrance of her apartment building.
They had arrived at last. It was time to say goodbye once again.
Lucien reminded her again without looking at her, *“Keep in mind everything I have told you tonight.”
She huffed at him, *“I know what I’m doing,” and opened the door in her haste.
Lucien reached over and she stiffened immediately. She tried to push him away, but Lucien held her wrists.
*“Let go of me!” She glared fiercely at him and Lucien’s chest tightened in response.
*“Are you that afraid of me?” Lucien whispered. She stopped struggling at those words and stilled. It was then that he realized belatedly that he had said his thoughts aloud. Lucien looked away, unfastened her seatbelt, and leaned away from her when he was done. *“You forgot to unfasten your seatbelt,” he informed her quietly, internally struggling to keep his emotions down.
*“…Thanks,” she said grudgingly and got out of the car. She took only two steps and turned around.
*Lucien rolled down the car window slowly, “What is it? Did you forget something?”
*He couldn’t read her expression as she shook her head. “You, not me,” she exhaled and continued. “All those things you left in my apartment; I’ve packed them up. Wait here, I’ll bring them down.”
*“Are they heavy?” Lucien managed to ask. This entire scene was funny as if they were going through a breakup, but Lucien didn’t laugh, couldn’t laugh.
*“No. I can manage by myself,” she replied curtly, placing heavy emphasis on “by myself.”
Lucien pressed his lips together and watched as she walked away, away from him, just like she did the day she found out who he really was. And then again on the day of the press conference. 
Did my little butterfly already fly away?
He had no time to linger on his thoughts, however, as he soon noticed two men in black seemingly appear from darkness and look up in the direction of her balcony. He cursed under his breath. Hades. They were probably there to observe her movements and report them to Hades. He shouldn’t be seen by them, otherwise Black Swan will know of his betrayal. And she must not come out at this moment. Scowling, Lucien pulled out his phone.
*<Rest early. Just mail it to this address.>
After sending the message, he started his car and took note of how there were two additional men in black tactical gear near the entrance of her apartment. Hmm STF, he thought to himself. Interesting. He drove off, circling behind another apartment complex as to not draw attention to himself. It was late, she should rest anyway, given how exhausted she had looked when Lucien had picked her up. And she seemed to be well protected for now. He knew Hades’ men wouldn’t try anything with STF agents around. For now, it was safer for her that he left. And he needed to figure out how to deal with Hades.
Two days later, a package arrived for him, but he had no time to open it due to all the work he had. He sent her a simple, “Thanks,” but he had gotten no response from her. Lucien had checked up on her occasionally; but after a few days, as he had guessed, the reporters stopped bothering her as the city slowly dissolved into mild panic over how the virus had developed. His worry about her safety decreased when he had noticed that she had STF agents following her, but that didn’t extinguish the longing inside of his heart.
The days slowly morphed into weeks and Lucien had been quite busy. Hades had not made things easy for him, but Lucien didn’t mind the workload. Every step he made in his progress was a step towards her happiness, her safety.
After working straight for twelve hours, he stood up and stretched. On his way to the kitchen, he accidentally kicked the box she had sent up. He looked at the box for a moment before making the decision to open it. He peeled the tape that bound the box shut and the box revealed its contents. With growing despair, Lucien glanced at the variety of books and movies that he had lent the girl. Each title brought a special memory. The last things in the box were paper cranes strung up in long lines, cushioning the books and DVDs. He touched the cranes tenderly, smiling as he recalled the day she had taught him how to fold these cranes. He had pretended to be bad at the task, causing her to huff at him.
*"Seriously, are you pretending not to know how?” The girl frowned at him as she watched his fingers fumble with the piece of paper.
*"No one has ever taught me this before,” Lucien admitted sheepishly.
She straightened her shoulders proudly, *"Well, better late than never! This teacher has full confidence in your talent!”
Lucien smiled at her confidence. *"In that case, I will await your instructions.”
Under her careful tutelage, they had made many paper cranes that afternoon. *Lucien fondly unfolded each of the cranes carefully, remembering that she had written a wish inside one of the paper cranes. She had whispered it while writing it down and he had overheard it, pretending he didn’t.
It was a wish about them.
*Does that wish mean nothing to her anymore?
Lucien sighed and refolded the cranes. Perhaps he should be thinking like her, letting the past dwell in the past, he mused sadly. But despite his thoughts, he found himself hanging the strings of cranes up.
*The light outside the window shone down upon the cranes and the raindrops outlined the gray and dusty memory. The pouring rain couldn’t wet these cranes, but somehow, one of them had faint blots on its wing. He reached out and gently held it in his hands. It was the crane in which she had written her wish. Lucien swallowed, trying to keep the choking emotions from surfacing.
*“I wish Lucien and I forever…”
The rest of her wish was blurred by tearstains. But Lucien knew the rest. It was the same as his. Every single time she made a wish-be it on the candles of his birthday cake, or the glowing lantern, or this simple crane-all her wishes had aligned with those of Lucien’s.
Lucien caressed the crane, *when he suddenly saw a dazzling figure in a cream-colored dress in the midst of the gray rain. His eyes widened. She had appeared like a mirage, the manifestation of his thoughts and longings.
*Lucien frowned, Silly…How did you end up here?
Without a second thought, he *grabbed an umbrella by the door and hurried out into the pouring rain. The clattering rain drowned his accelerating heartbeat.
*Lub-dub, lub-dub...
So engrossed was she in her task, that she didn’t see Lucien approaching her. He held the umbrella over her, and she looked up in surprise.
*“Why have you come looking for me?” Lucien tried hard to quash the happiness in his voice. She didn’t respond and continued to stare wide-eyed at him. Lucien spoke up again, *“Why didn’t you call ahead?”
*“I…” her eyes skipped from his, *“I just want to return something, then I’ll be on my way,” she mumbled.
“What is it?” Lucien asked as he reached out to her to pull her closer under the umbrella. She shrank back, but slipped. Before he could even form thoughts, Lucien’s body reacted. He hurriedly grabbed her before she could fall and wrapped his arms around her. A sigh left his mouth that was lost in the rain as he felt her familiar warmth and smelled her comforting scent. She was safe.
In her panic, she tried to push him away, but Lucien gently took her wrists. They walked silently with the rain beating down on them. Lucien could feel her gaze on him once again. She raised her hand only to drop it back to her side. Lucien cast a glance at her, *“What is it?”
*“You’re getting wet from the rain,” she murmured as a dusty-rose colored her cheeks.
Lucien chuckled, and couldn’t help teasing her, *“Someone else also got soaked.”
Her cheeks reddened further as she looked down at her feet. She seemed to be at an internal struggle with the way she kept gripping her purse. Her eyes kept scanning around, as if looking for an exit route.
Lucien pretended not to notice and led her gently to his front door. *“Didn’t you have something to return to me? You’re leaving already? Come in,” he invited.
Stay a little longer. Please, Lucien pleaded silently.
She hesitantly walked through the door and ruffled through her purse. *“I’ll just leave this here,” she said softly, producing a DVD and setting it gently on the counter.
Lucien glanced at the title and his heart clenched. It was a film he had recommended her, and she had promised to give him a film review.
*“Wait a moment,” he managed to say, stopping her before she could leave him again. Lucien picked the disc up and came closer to her, caging her between him and the door. He kept trying to find reasons to stay with her a bit longer, just like he had done so at the end of the press conference. But this time, Lucien decided to let himself be a bit selfish. *“You still owe me something, right?”
*“Wh-what?” She stammered nervously. He saw through her purpose. She had obviously wanted to deliver the disc and leave as fast as possible.
*“A movie review,” Lucien answered, holding the disc up.
*She lowered her head guiltily, but Lucien lifted her chin, searching her eyes.
*“Or does our big-time producer not even have time to watch a movie anymore?” he asked. She didn’t answer, but he saw through her anyway. Lucien’s lips curved into a tiny smile. “This is a good piece of work,” he coaxed gently.
*“But I don’t want to take it back anymore…” she mumbled, biting her lips. Lucien saw her scan the living room and her eyes landed on the paper cranes. A wave of sadness swept across her face and she closed her eyes.
*“You can finish watching it here,” Lucien offered.
*“ …I’m running late for the last subway,” she refuted weakly.
Lucien almost laughed, “I’ll bring you home when it’s over.” He knew she wanted to end everything between them, but couldn’t bring herself to do so. Lucien decided to be the bad guy once again to save her the trouble. *“Or, do you want to keep owing me this movie review?” It was easier for him to do the dirty work.
With no room left to argue, she nodded resignedly and Lucien’s heart soared triumphantly.
He handed her a towel for her to dry off and went to set up the movie. She sat down stiffly on the couch and Lucien sat by the window.
What are you doing? Lucien chided himself as he watched raindrops glide down the window. He could feel her eyes on him again. Breaking his gaze away from the window, he turned to look at her. *“It’s starting,” he reminded her gently when the opening credits ended. She hastily turned her attention toward the screen.
Lucien watched her. He had chosen this specific piece because it served as another warning: he was not who he said he was. Throughout all their time spent together, Lucien had given her countless warnings only for her to dismiss them and run back into Lucien’s arms. And if Lucien was being honest, he didn’t want to let her go either. The longer he spent with her, the further the line between Lucien and Ares blurred, until Lucien didn’t really know who he was either. But now, he had one purpose. To keep her safe. It didn’t matter if he was Lucien or Ares. Around her, he was simply a man wanting to protect the person most important to him.
After a while, she turned to look at him again and their eyes met. Flashes of sadness, surprise, and longing ran across her eyes. Silence filled the air, but it wasn’t uncomfortable or stifling like it had been last time.
Lucien paused the film. *“Is the movie not good?” He asked softly after a while, not wanting to break the pregnant pause.
She shook her head silently. Before she could answer, however, she sneezed suddenly.
*Lucien sighed and got up, bringing her tissues. He shrugged out of his coat to cover her small shoulders. “How do you still take such poor care of yourself…?” The words left his mouth, exasperated. Embarrassed, she shuffled in her seat. Lucien brought her a cup of hot tea and she inhaled the fragrance. Her lips touched the back of his hand as he tried to cover the mouth of the mug. Electricity ran from where her lips had touched his hand and left tingles up his entire arm. “Always in such a rush…” he said fondly. “It’s still hot, wait a bit before drinking it.” He was unable to keep the affection out of his voice.
She stiffened and Lucien knew she heard the tenderness of his words. He berated himself. “Why are you being gentle to me again?” She whispered brokenly, squeezing her eyes shut.
There was no going back now.
*“A very interesting question,” Lucien finally responded, “But, before answering you, I also want to clear something up.” He moved slowly until he was sitting next to her on the couch. Ignoring how she curled into herself as he approached, he asked the question he wanted to know from the very beginning. “Each time I push you away, why do you keep coming back to me?” Lucien felt the tiny flutter of hope within his chest.
Could it be?
She didn’t answer, but Lucien dared himself to hope. And for the first time, he felt he wanted to bare his soul to her.
*He leaned in closer to her when suddenly the paper cranes broke from the ceiling and landed around them. Slowly, he found the crane that contained her precious wish and pushed it into her hands. “That’s my answer,” he said finally. He let her see him for who he truly was for the first time. He continued, “But the process of achieving this takes time and patience.”
And there it was. His heart and soul and all the feelings it contained for the woman in his arms were all laid out in front of her.
There was a small gasp before she dissolved into tears.
*“Liar… You said you didn’t see it,” she accused him tearfully, hand holding onto the crane.
Lucien pulled her gently into his lap as he enveloped her in his arms, his heart finally feeling full after a long while. She clung to him just as tightly, her arms encircling his neck. “Silly… *Do I need to peek to know what you’re thinking?” He whispered against her hair.
*He pressed his lips against her neck, a silent promise of his answer to her question. He wanted to be selfish for once.
She tugged at his tie, lifting his head and she leaned in. “Kiss me properly, Lucien,” her soft breath brushed against his lips.
Lucien acquiesced. Their lips met, soft like the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings. He tasted the salt of her tears, but the sweet nectar of her lips overpowered everything. Lucien was hopelessly and irrevocably addicted.
They broke apart slowly, breaths still mingling. *Lucien held up his hands, just like he had when he accompanied her on her quest to find the truth. *“This represents two choices,” he began softly, gazing into her eyes.  “The right is to finish what you came here to do. To return the disc and leave, ending everything between us. The left is to pursue the path you want. To act upon these emotions between the two of us, but the path ahead is unknown. It could be dangerous. Even I don’t know what lies ahead.” He offered her a choice; whatever she decides, Lucien would be willing to go along with it.
*Without hesitation, she placed her hand in his left hand just like she had back then. She looked defiantly at him, eyes shining with confidence. “I choose this. I will not run away.”
*“And if this choice brings you harm and turns your life upside down? You’d still choose it?” Lucien repeated the words he had spoken to her long ago.
*“Yes, I most certainly do,” she answered, leaving no room for argument. A warmth in Lucien’s heart blossomed and swelled. This woman! She came into his life in a whirlwind of color and always acted differently from Lucien’s every expectations. Lucien had never met anyone like her, and he knew that he never will. She was the only one.
*Lucien laughed and closed his left hand, clasping their hands together tightly. “I understand your choice.”
For tonight, Lucien decided to let himself pretend that the woman in his arms belonged to him and only him. That there wasn’t anything or anyone against them. That she wasn’t in any danger. That there was no Black Swan, no plot to overturn the world, no viruses, no pain, and no fear. That they were the only ones in this world and the only thing that mattered. That they were simply a man and a woman in love. And Lucien decided it was time to put his thinking and all his worries on hold. It was time to finally give in to the emotions that had been slowly consuming him. For once, it was time to let his heart lead instead of his head.
He leaned in to taste her sweet lips again, licking at the seam. He was granted access as her fingers danced along his collar to pull him closer to her. “Lucien…” the sound of his name on her lips spurred him on, igniting a fire that blazed in his stomach. He traced the inside of her lip with his tongue and was rewarded with a soft moan.
Her fingers worked nimbly on his tie and deftly unbuttoned his shirt as he mapped the crevasses of her mouth with his tongue. She moved to straddle him and he ran his hands down her body until he reached her thighs, where he gripped them to wrap them around his waist. Cupping his chin, she pressed herself to him, lips moving desperately against his.
Just for tonight, Lucien promised himself as he reached up to her face, brushing her hair back softly, just for one night.
He ran his fingers through her hair as he assaulted her mouth, biting, sucking everywhere he could reach. She finished unbuttoning his shirt and slipped her hands inside. Lucien shuddered at her touch, her fingers tracing fire and leaving sparks across his chest. He pulled away to stare at her. “I think I’m at a disadvantage here,” he pretended to frown.
Her laughter was infectious as it rang through the air. “Then you should catch up,” she quipped, bright eyes sparkling with mirth, cheeks ablaze with pink. She looked so beautiful that Lucien had to literally bite down the urge to take, to claim.
“So I shall,” Lucien breathed, fingers playing with the hem of her blouse. Still staring at each other, she slowly raised her arms and Lucien tantalizingly dragged the fabric over her head.
Lucien’s breath caught. She was dressed in a white lace bra that cupped her breasts enchantingly. A pink flush crept up her body and Lucien’s gaze changed. She shyly averted her gaze when she noticed how dark Lucien’s pupils had become. Lucien reached for her, crashing his lips against hers. “Mm!” She gasped against his unrelenting mouth. Lucien picked her up and stood up, causing her to squeak out a surprised, “Lucien!”
“As much as I’d like to have you right here, I think I’d prefer to have you on my bed,” Lucien’s voice was low, hungry. “Also people might see and the idea of sharing you is not particularly appealing to me.” He walked purposefully towards his bedroom; her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. Despite his heated words, he took care to set her down gently on the bed, removing her skirt when he did so. He knelt on the bed to kiss her again, hands making quick work of her bra, and leaned back on his feet to look at her.
She swallowed hard when she met Lucien's heated gaze as he cupped her breasts. A small moan bubbled from her throat. Lucien watched, enraptured, as she closed her eyes and arched into his hands. His thumbs flicked over her nipples and he squeezed them gently, causing her to gasp softly. Beautiful. He was utterly captivated by this amazing woman in front of him. He bent down to suckle at her collarbone as he rolled her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, nipping her skin when he felt her nipples harden. He ran a hand down her stomach and teased a finger along the band of her panties, smiling against her neck when he heard a sharp intake of breath. Pressing a soft kiss against her neck, he let his lips travel upward and lightly nipped at her ear. 
“Mm,” she leaned into him, “Lucien…” she sighed his name, setting his heart and body aflame.
“Yes…” Lucien whispered as he leaned down to devour her lips, “Keep calling me, I want to hear you.” He kissed her deeply as he cupped one of her breasts, his other hand pressing her closer to him. He sucked at her collarbone and a scarlet rose blossomed beautifully.
“Lucien…” she moaned, arching as she pushed herself into Lucien’s warm hand. The sweet sound sent fire coursing through Lucien’s veins.
“Yes, beautiful girl…Just like that…” Lucien sighed as her hands pulled his neck down in an attempt to be closer to him. She leaned back on her elbows to look up at him and Lucien gazed at the sight from the foot of the bed, awed. Half-naked, hair mussed, lips swollen, she was truly a sight to behold.
They stared at each other, heated gazes meeting, acutely aware of what was going to happen, what they were about to do.
She bit on her lip as he shed his shirt and made his way back to her. They met in a fiery kiss with Lucien nipping at her lower lip. She moaned in his mouth and he swallowed her sound. Her sweet noises of pleasure were for him and him alone. He moved down to her neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the heated skin and felt her swallow. 
He nipped at her collarbone and kissed a path through the valley of her breasts. He kept his gaze on her as her breath hitched as he slowly moved his hands up her waist, making her moan breathily. “Beautiful,” he whispered, his breath sending a cool puff of air across the trail of saliva he had created and she shivered. She held her breath as Lucien descended on her breast, his violet eyes never leaving her face. Lucien took her nipple into his mouth, making her moan sweetly. He swirled his tongue around the nub, making a satisfied hum when it instantly hardened at the stimulation. He brought his hand up to tend to her other breast. She moaned lowly, arching her back, her hands landing in Lucien’s hair. He bit down and felt her fingers tighten in his hair, earning her a hiss of pleasure from Lucien. “Beautiful,” he proclaimed, letting go of her breast. He trailed his tongue down to her stomach, to her belly button and pressed another soft kiss there. Lucien traveled further down, making her breath hitch in her throat.
She swallowed hard, her breath quickly becoming short and staggered. She had never felt like this before. The way Lucien looked at her and touched her, worshipped her. He made her feel beautiful, made her feel like a goddess. He never had been one to be shy with his affections. But this. Even though she could never guess what Lucien was thinking, she felt his love through his touches, his kisses.
Lucien traced the band of her panties with his tongue. He kissed the apex where her thighs met through the lace material of her panties and felt her shudder. Smiling, he closed his teeth on the band and very slowly, gently, he tugged. “Lift yourself for me,” he breathed, sending puffs of warm air across her skin, which raised goosebumps instantly. He hooked a finger around her panties and she obliged, raising her hips so that Lucien could take the material off. Tantalizingly slow, he dragged her panties down her hips, down her thighs, down her calves, and finally over her feet. Kneeling between her legs, Lucien gazed up at her. “Beautiful,” he voiced, wonder lacing his word. Her breathing quickened as she noticed how hungry Lucien's gaze was. Slowly, he leaned down and pressed his lips to her knee, kissing a trail up to her thigh. He let his tongue trace over the skin of her inner thigh, his hand sliding up to do the same to her other leg. She trembled, needing his touch, she was so aroused. Tentatively, he kissed closer to her slick heat. Meeting her gaze, he slowly licked a stripe over the most sensitive part of her. He watched as she arched off the bed with a breathy moan, hands grasping at the bedsheets. 
“Delicious,” Lucien murmured, his mouth on her, sending a wave of pleasant vibrations. He committed all of her actions and reactions to memory. Lucien loved the way she reacted to the simplest of touches. He loved the way she moaned his name, perfect lips parting in breathless pants. He loved the way she trembled. He loved every little sound that came out of her mouth. Wanting more, he lapped gently at her heat.
“Lucien-“ his name on her lips was a shaky moan.
Smiling, he let his tongue trace lazy circles around her sensitive nub, making her whimper with pleasure. He didn’t tear his eyes from her face as he sucked on her folds, tongue picking up her sweet juices. Her breathing was starting to become short pants and Lucien slid his tongue inside her. She keened at the sensation, fingers tightening around the bedsheets. Lucien started to pick up his speed, licking more roughly, sucking harder.
“Lucien…. oh…. ah…mmm….” she cried as her eyes closed at the sensations, head lolling back. Every sound she made sent fiery waves through Lucien’s veins. He increased his speed, tongue going further, harder. She was close, Lucien could feel it in the way her legs tightened, her toes curled, and the way she clutched at the sheets. “Lucien-please…” She pleaded, and Lucien doubled his efforts. Her moans were getting louder as his name left her lips in breathless pants. 
“It’s alright, beautiful girl. You can release,” Lucien coaxed, pressing his tongue on that sensitive little bud. “Let go.” 
With a choked moan, she came apart, back arching and her thighs tightened around his head, toes curled in pleasure. Lucien admired the way her stomach muscles contracted and her breasts bouncing slightly and quickly committed the sight to memory. He didn’t want to miss a single detail. She was breathtaking in her pleasure, pleasure that Lucien had given her, and Lucien didn’t think he had seen a more beautiful sight. Without any hesitation, he slid two fingers into her and put his mouth back on her, making her whimper. Allowing her absolutely no time to come down from her high, he began working his fingers and mouth. Fingers curling inside of her to find her sweet spot and he grinned in triumph as she mewled loudly, muscles involuntarily clenching around his fingers. “Please…” the cracked whimper sent fire straight through Lucien’s body and he growled softly, increasing his efforts to make her fall apart again. “Luci-Lucien…I Oh!” Indiscernible sounds made their way out of her parted lips. 
"Come for me once again, butterfly," Lucien whispered, fixated on her as she threw her head back, mouth open with silent cries. "Come for me," he coaxed, fingers moving more urgently as he worked his tongue. 
"Lucien-I... I'm...Oh... Lucien please!" 
"Yes, come for me..." Lucien urged, followed by a soft nip of her sensitive bud as he curled his fingers inside her. With a shuddering moan, his woman fell apart beautifully once again as Lucien watched in rapture. The undulations of her body as she trembled before him from the full force of her orgasm. So tantalizing. So beautiful. Lucien didn't think he had ever been this aroused before. He pressed his mouth against her heat, tasting her tangy nectar as she shuddered around him. Withdrawing his fingers from her, he leaned back onto his knees, and while gazing down at his beautiful girl, he slowly ran his tongue over his slick fingers. She swallowed hard as a bright pink flush painted her cheeks when he popped his fingers into his mouth, sucking hard to clean them. She gazed back at him, chest heaving as her breasts bounced lightly from her exertion, looking like the prettiest picture of perfection. Lucien felt a sense of pride in his beautiful masterpiece. 
"Lucien..." she struggled to catch her breath as she weakly sat up. He leaned down and pressed a heated kiss against her parted lips. She moaned into his mouth when she tasted herself on his tongue.
“I’m not done with you just yet, butterfly,” he whispered, catching her as she collapsed against him. 
“Then you better take your pants off,” she demanded.Laughing breathlessly, Lucien leaned back to unbuckle his belt. Slowly, he unzipped his pants, eyes never leaving her face. Her hands joined his as they removed his pants and underwear together. He kicked the garments off the bed and kneeled between her legs. Slowly, Lucien palmed himself, still maintaining eye contact. He was already hard from pleasuring her and so he stroked himself roughly. “Like what you see?” Lucien’s voice was hoarse.
She eyed him, “Very much so,” And with saying that, she licked her lips.
Lucien chuckled but it died in his throat when she tentatively reached for him. He groaned when she wrapped her hands around him. She stroked him gently and Lucien swallowed thickly, throwing his head back with a low moan. Her touch was electrifying, carrying tingling sensations all over his body. Lucien whispered her name, hips gently bucking into her warm hand when he couldn't help himself. Another moan made his head tilt back once more as she caressed his tip with a soft thumb, spreading the leaking moisture all over. Lucien closed his eyes and began to lose himself in the sensations of her warm hand. He felt her lips on his throat and he shuddered when she bit down on the skin, sucking hard to make a red mark.
“Mine,” she breathed, tongue lapping against the mark.
“Yours,” Lucien replied, gazing at her with such tenderness that she felt like crying. He leaned forward and pressed her into the sheets gently, his hands coming up to frame her face as he rested his weight on his elbows. “I belong to no one else but you.”
“Lucien…” she whispered his name, tears springing to her eyes, “I love you…” Her confession was hushed, but her words pierced Lucien’s heart as well as his soul, shattering the walls he wrought up to keep out the world.
Instead of replying, Lucien kissed her fervently, putting all his emotions into the kiss. Silly girl, he mused silently, why would you love a person like me?
But that was just the kind of person she was. Doing the unexpected, the unconventional. She abided by no rules except her own. It was the thing Lucien admired most about her. And he had promised himself this one night...
And for this one night, he allowed himself to love this woman, the way she deserved to be loved.
Kissing her deeply, Lucien ran his hand down the length of her body, caressing every inch of her until he reached her dripping arousal. Dripping with need for him. And only him. That thought filled Lucien with wholly satisfaction. That he is the only one to see her, touch her, hear her, taste her like this. He slipped his fingers within her wet folds as she moaned into his mouth.
“Lucien…” she choked out his name in a breathy whine.
“What is it, butterfly? Tell me, what is it that you want?” Lucien’s voice was rough. He increased his speed and sucked at her neck.
“You…I want…you,” she moaned breathlessly as her thighs clamped around his hand.
Well, if it’s what she wants… Lucien thought he ought to deliver.
He slowly extricated his fingers from her, making her whine shamelessly at the loss of sensation. “Just a minute, butterfly,” he said hoarsely as he reached for the drawer.
Her arm came up to stop him. “No…” she panted, “I want…I need to feel you.”
The outburst made Lucien pause, his eyes widened in surprise.
She tugged at his arms, “Please, Lucien…I need you,” she implored. The way she looked at that moment should be illegal, Lucien thought to himself. Her hair was messy, her eyes were blazing with want. And Lucien would be the bad guy if he didn’t give her what she wanted.
He propped himself back onto his elbow and stroked himself urgently with his other hand. As he aligned herself at her entrance, he searched her eyes. “Are you sure?” His voice was strained, but he had to make sure she was absolutely sure about this, that it was her decision.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him to her. “Absolutely,” she breathed against his lips before pushing her hips to meet his. In a swift movement, Lucien entered her. For a moment, it felt like he was home. She moaned, arching to meet him as their lips crashed.
Lucien pulled back and thrust into her, trying to find the spot that had made her unravel so beautifully. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pushing him in deeper. Lucien growled, a low sound in his chest, as he adjusted his hips and was rewarded with the sweetest sound he had ever heard.
“Lucien!” She whimpered, rocking her hips to meet his thrusts, arms clenched tight around his neck.
“Keep calling me,” Lucien panted, speed increasing as their passion built. “I need to hear you.”
“Lucien…Lucien…” His name was a chant on her lips like it was the only thing she knew how to say. She was so tight and so perfect around Lucien as if made for him and him alone. Doubling his effort, Lucien pressed his thumb against her sensitive bud. “Lucien!” Her nails dug into his back and Lucien relished in the sweet pain, thrusting harder. He knew she was close with the way her thighs clamped around his waist and the way her walls tightened around him.
“Come for me,” Lucien commanded breathlessly, thrusting relentlessly into her, his thumb circling her nub. “Come for me, beautiful girl, I want to see you undone.”
One more thrust, and she exploded as waves of pleasure washed over. She tightened around Lucien and a choked gasp fell from his lips. Breathless and quivering with pleasure, she sank into the mattress, still clinging tightly to Lucien.
Lucien knew that in that moment, if the world ended right then and there, he wouldn’t have cared. He paused slightly to press his forehead against hers before continuing to thrust into her, his movements getting more urgent. She shakily cupped his face as she slotted her lips against his, silently urging him to chase his own pleasure. Lucien didn’t need any more heeding as his hips jerked frantically. His brows knit in concentration and his lips parted with effort. Lucien grunted as he felt her tightening around him once again.
“Lucien…Lucien…” she blabbered against his lips, entirely incomprehensible.
Lucien swallowed her every pant, every moan as he reached between her legs once more. He wanted to see her in the throes of passion as he came. 
“I love you,” she panted, “I love you.”
It was those words that made Lucien utterly fall apart. He tensed as his hips stuttered to a stop, spilling heat within her. His body shuddered from pure bliss as he slumped into her arms, breathing harshly against her lips. Stars erupted behind his closed eyes, the most brilliant and vibrant flashes of gold danced in his vision. His actions coaxed another release for her as she climaxed around him. The feeling was indescribable, and Lucien thought that if he were to leave this world, he'd absolutely have no regrets.
Trembling, she fell back against the bed, pulling Lucien down with her. He took great care not to crush her and laid down on his side, his arms encircling her waist. Their pants mingling together until they weren't sure who was exhaling and who was inhaling. They gazed at each other, still breathless, still connected. He could hear both of their hearts beating in time, synchronized thudding to a beat that was unique to only them. Lucien had never felt more complete. He reached out to brush a strand of hair from her eyes.
“Lucien, I love you,” she breathed, staring deep into Lucien’s eyes.
He leaned in to kiss her, lips conveying the words of his heart, the words he was unable to speak out.
I love you too, my little butterfly.
Moments passed, the two of them were content to lay in each other’s arms. After a little while, Lucien gently extracted himself from her, prompting a soft whine. He pressed a finger against her lips, shushing her, “Let me clean you up. I’ll be right back,” he promised. 
True to his word, he came back with a towel which he used to wipe her down carefully. She opened her arms invitingly when he was done, and he obediently fell back into her arms. Shifting slightly, he maneuvered them so that she was laying on his chest and he pulled the blankets around them.
“Are you tired?” He asked gently as he stroked her hair.
She shook her head, “Can we talk?” she asked shyly, voice muffled by his chest.
Lucien smiled, “About what?”
She shuffled so she was looking into his eyes. “I…want to know…about Black Swan,” she said hesitantly. “About how and why you joined. And…about Ares…”
Lucien simply nodded, unsurprised. He knew this conversation would come up sooner or later. “Are you sure you want to have this conversation now? It’s not exactly a happy story.”
“I want to know,” she bit her lip gently.
“Alright,” Lucien agreed without hesitation, “Where would you like to start?”
Her eyes widened in surprise, obviously not expecting Lucien to agree so easily. “How about…how you came to join Black Swan?”
Lucien’s lips pursed in thought, “Well, there’s not much to it,” he finally said. “A car accident happened when I was seven. It took away my parents and left me in critical condition. People from Black Swan found me, saved my life, and I’ve been with them ever since.”
She digested this information, “And…Ares?” she hesitantly said the name.
“Ares is the name I use within the organization,” Lucien told her gently, “I’m sure that you’ve noticed by now, that we prefer Greek god names.”
“But…” she dragged out the word slowly, “You seem like two different people when you’re…Ares and when you’re Lucien.”
Lucien sighed, “Ares is me. Lucien is also me. Ares and Lucien are one and the same.” There was a bitter tone in his voice.
She was silent for a few moments. “Maybe that’s true,” she murmured, “But I know you would never hurt me. And that includes Ares.” The last part was full of confidence.
Silly girl, Lucien sighed internally, “I did…certain things when I was Ares…Because of that, I have a certain image within Black Swan,” he started haltingly. She nodded like she understood. “I approached you as Ares pretending to be your version of the ‘Lucien’ that you know. I needed to get close to you so I could accomplish my mission. But…I failed.”
“How?” She asked him quietly.
Lucien chuckled, “What do you think? It’s all because of you, silly girl. I’m supposed to bring you to Black Swan, and I’ve had all these opportunities to do so. And yet, here you are.”
“Did you…get hurt?”
“Can you please worry about yourself for once?” Lucien tweaked her nose and sighed.
She wrinkled her nose, “I don’t need to worry about myself because I have you protecting me,” she smiled. “You said I’m an asset to you.”
“Are you always this trusting?” Lucien asked, exasperated.
*“You told me you would ensure my safety. And that you don’t engage in worthless endeavors. I thought that was because I am the Queen. But now like you said, I haven’t been taken to Black Swan, so what is it that you’re protecting me from? Why would you protect me from Black Swan when you’re a member of Black Swan?” She raised her chin, challenging him.
She had seen right through him. Lucien’s lips curved into a small smile.
His fingers traced gentle circles on her waist. “I think you already know the answer to that,” he murmured. “You should know…I never intended to lie to you, but my intentions were never good to begin with,” the last part of his sentence was a little quieter, as if Lucien were talking to himself.
“What changed?” She asked curiously.
Lucien heaved a self-deprecating sigh, “You,” he said, simple and straightforward. She looked at him, confused. Lucien cradled her face gently and smiled, “You did. You changed everything. You turned all of my plans inside out and my world upside down.”
Her brow furrowed, “Me? What do you mean?”
“You brought color into my world,” Lucien said simply, leaving her to wonder what he meant by those words. Before she could respond, he continued, “*You taught me all the beautiful things, like folding a paper crane. You showed me how beautiful a rainbow after a storm could be. *I used to not fear death, but I started fearing it only after I met you. And because of you, I want to live.”
Her eyes turned watery, “Lucien…”
“What?” he sighed, brushing his thumbs on her cheeks, “Why are you crying, silly girl? It’s all true.”
She sniffled, “I’m not crying,” she said hastily.
“Alright,” Lucien chuckled, pulling her closer and placing a chaste kiss on her lips. “You should sleep, it’s late.”
She pulled back to gaze into his eyes. “You’re going to hypnotize me, aren’t you?” Seeing his startled expression, she smiled wryly, “You were never this open with me before, something must be up.”
“Do you regret it? Your decision?” Lucien asked instead.
“Of course not,” she replied firmly, “I’m just glad that precious memories like these exist. And you can protect these precious and happy memories for us.”
“I know you made your choice,” Lucien started hesitantly but she shook her head at him.
“Lucien, I made my choice, but you must have your reasons. I’m choosing to believe that your reasons must have something to do with protecting me. And if it’s because of that, then I’ll allow you to do so. I respect your decision and your choices, just like you did with mine. And right now, I’m happy just to be able to be in your arms like this,” she gazed deeply into his violet eyes. “Being able to create these memories with you is enough for me. I shouldn’t be any more greedy and wish that I can cling onto these memories as well.”
Lucien’s breath caught in his throat. “Do you trust me?” His voice was low, full of unspoken emotion.
She nodded without hesitation. “I do. And I trust that you will come back to me.”
Lucien swallowed hard. “Then I will cherish and protect these beautiful memories,” he vowed hoarsely.
She beamed, and it was still the single-most bright and dazzling thing Lucien had ever seen. “Good.”
“Aren’t you afraid of me? And…the dark part of me?” Lucien finally voiced his worries.
“Lucien,” she smiled, wrapping her arms around his neck, “Just like you said, Ares is you. But it is only a part of you. Ares is not completely Lucien, nor is Lucien completely Ares. Everyone has a dark side, why should you be any different? I love and accept all of you, including Ares. I’m not afraid because of that. We may have different viewpoints and we might disagree with one another, but I’m not afraid of you. I was afraid, however, that all these memories we created together meant nothing to you. That they were all just part of the plan. I was afraid that your feelings weren't real. But now, I know how you truly feel about me and my fears couldn't be further from the truth. Your dark side is only a small part of you, but I love the whole you. As long as you’re Lucien or the part that is ‘Lucien’ exists, I will love you. And you already said earlier,” she touched the mark she had made earlier on his neck. “You’re mine.”
“Yours,” Lucien promised, voice thick with raw emotion. His heart swelled. He didn’t think he could love this woman any more than he already did, but she had proven him wrong. Again.
She smiled with satisfaction and leaned in, “I love you, Lucien,” she breathed across Lucien's lips, setting Lucien’s heart aflame.
He was going to do everything in his power to keep her safe. To return to her. So that the next time, they meet, they can love each other openly without fear. And that was a promise Lucien fully intended to keep.
“Wait for me,” he murmured, pressing his forehead against hers.
“I will,” she replied steadily.
There was a sigh of relief and Lucien tucked her under his chin, holding her close. “Sleep,” he commanded quietly, “It’s late.” He pressed his lips tenderly against her forehead, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into her back.
It was amazing how comfortable Lucien felt with her body against his, lying in his arms. He had not been this relaxed in a long time. She made him feel whole, as if she completed the missing part of his heart. 
And maybe you are, Lucien thought to himself, smiling as he occasionally pressed kisses to her temple, the person at the end of my red string. My little butterfly.
When she had finally fallen asleep, Lucien looked at the slowly brightening sky. His heart tightened. He wanted to freeze this moment forever. The pink-tinged sky didn’t grant his request and instead brilliant hues of orange and red started spreading across the sky, as if taunting him. He didn’t have long before they had to part. Slowly, Lucien eased away from the sleeping girl. He put on the clothes strewn around his room and tenderly dressed her, taking great care not to wake her. He caressed the light purple mark on her collarbone and smiled sadly. It was time. He picked up the girl gently. A bright white light flashed around the room.
They reappeared inside the girl’s apartment. Lucien carried the sleeping figure to her room and tucked her in. He then took out his phone and sent a message to her phone.
<Thank you for returning my disc to me. We had a bit of wine while you watched the movie so you can give me that film review. You got drunk and I brought you home. *Next time do not come to see me without notice. Take care of yourself. -Lucien>
He leaned forward and brushed her bangs back softly to press a soft kiss against her forehead.
“I promise you,” he whispered, “I promise we’ll go fly a kite when spring comes. I promise to celebrate all my birthdays with you. I promise to ensure your safety. I promise I will always come back to you. I promise that we’ll be together. I promise that I belong to you, and to only you.” He repeated all the promises he made her. “Wait for me, butterfly.” He hooked their pinkies together and kissed their linked fingers softly. “I promise.”
He then placed a tender, final kiss against her lips and breathed out the words that had been hidden under his heart for so long. “I love you.”
Lucien stood up and walked to the door silently, before turning around to take one last look at her. She was sleeping soundly. The gentle sun of the early morning cast a soft pink over her, a beautiful but cruel reminder that told Lucien he was out of time. The night he had promised himself had come to an end and now it was morning. It was time for him to go.
He had set a glass of water, along with two painkillers on her bedside table. There was also a paper crane standing guard. It was the one with her wish.
*“I wish Lucien and I forever…”
Underneath her wish, Lucien had added a set of words. Another promise.
*“For every forever that you wished for, I’ll be there.”
⊱ ──────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ────── ⊰
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Chapter 13: I'm sad because I'm depressed and I'm depressed because I'm sad.
In which Sans remembers why he doesn’t talk about his feelings anymore.
*Sans's POV*
"Do you, by any instance, have suicidal thoughts?"
"i... not that often"
"But you have?"
"i would be lying if i say no"
Papyrus asked (Y/N) yesterday God-knows-what and he ended up knowing what a psychiatrist and a psychologist are, and here I am, talking with a psychiatrist. My brother said that it would be better if I had a new treatment started by a professional on the topic and not by a random monster that calls itself a doctor. Considering that in the Underground we only had general doctors, it was difficult to talk about these matters and get the help needed. Therefore, this seemed like a better option.
Papy spent the night (and this morning) looking for the best option to me, considering that discrimination it's still present. And so he went, asking multiple people if they were open to listen a depressing skeleton being depressed (he obviously didn't say it that way... I think). And so he finally found someone willing to help me, and we head off as soon as possible (hell, we didn't even eat... should I say I'm hungry?)
"Do you have a specific plan to commit suicide, Sans?"
"uh... no?"
"it's just... i haven't thought about it that deeply. i just sometimes think that i want to disappear and that's it. no idea how, no idea when. just disappear.
"I see..."
The old man went over his little notebook and wrote something down. He was bald and had a white beard almost as pale as my skull, and had a sternum and serious look behind his rectangular glasses. He would be intimidating... if he wasn't a psychiatrist willing to help a monster. How bad could this man possibly be?
"Sans, do you sleep well? And I mean at nights"
"no, sir. i haven't been sleeping well since last year. i mean, i can easily fall asleep, but it's difficult to me to stay that way."
"I see, do you nap at day?"
"heh, a lot if you ask my brother"
I freaked out for a moment, returning to an odd silence only filled by the sound of his pen writing down my weirdness. I became nervous, not knowing what he was going to ask next. But, honestly, I've been kind of unused to these unpredictable events the Surface has to bring. I was used to hearing the same dialogues and to say the same jokes, but know... everything it's fresh and new. It's scary, but quite a reliever.
"Ok Sans, do you by any chance have any specific dreams or nightmares?"
I froze and cough out the water I was drinking in shock. A quick flashback of the "Genocide Run" went all over my mind, the part of my brother dying repeating itself horribly. The empty look of that kid, the Judgement Hall being my new space... the kid giving up and resetting in front of my eyes, not before giving me a vengeful look.
"Sans? It's okay if you don't want to talk about it yet, but I need to know..."
I sighed, knowing that it was for the best. If I want to enjoy the future, I have to get rid of this fucking trauma.
"i... i do have specific dreams, sir. nightmares, actually. i... i don't want to mention them right now"
Papyrus let out a sigh in disappointment and I gave him a weak smile. I know he always wanted to know what's on my mind... but I just couldn't tell him at that moment. He smiled back to me, making me feel less pressured.
"Don't worry, Sans. We'll go step by step, no need to run all over the details. Still, the fact that you've been having constant nightmares of the same topic it's quite alarming, that's why I needed to know"
He then picked a piece of paper and scribbled some things down.
"This is for the drug store..."
He picked another one, not before drawing a small asterisk on the top.
"And this one is for you"
He then gave me the two pieces of paper and I glanced over them with Papyrus, curious about the medicines.
"In order to deal with your depression, Sans, you'll take a pill of Prozac (or fluoxetine) every morning, okay? I'll determine later for how much time"
We nodded, then glanced again at the paper, reading the next medicament.
"For your insomnia, Sans, you'll take a pill Restoril (or temazepam) every night before going to sleep. This is one of the best pills to not only falling asleep but also keeping you that way"
Before I could even nod, I noticed an uneasy look in the doc's face. I raised an... eyebrow, startling him for a second.
"I'm sorry" he stated, then sighed.
"Nothing it's just... the fact that Sans is having constant nightmares worries me. Do you also have constant flashbacks of said events?"
I slowly nodded, and his face got worst.
"No, it's just... it breaks my heart to know that the Underground may not have been a better place than the Surface"
A better place?
"what do you mean, sir?"
He just sighed and gave me an apologetic smile, trying his best not to break down. I noticed he was on the edge of tears, and I felt panic running all over my body.
"Sans, there's a high chance you have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or for short, PTSD"
"Yes, it's kind of a serious condition to deal with. It shows that Sans had a really traumatic event in his life, and it may seem impossible for him to have a normal life with all the fear he gained from that moment. Or am I wrong, Sans?"
I shook my head, and he gave me a sad smile. Just as he said, just as it is. I never thought it would be that serious, though.
"You'll take Zoloft (or sertraline) for that, Sans... but I also recommend you to go to a psychologist. I can directly put you an appointment with a friend of mine if that's what you want. What do you say? He'll be more than open to hearing your case"
Papyrus nodded excitedly, while I was not too sure. I felt like my normal balance would break down if I started to go to therapy... but then I looked to Papyrus again. I don't want him all worried about me, I want him to have a normal life. And for that, I also need to form a normal life myself.
"sure, may we have the address?"
"Sure, I'll give you an e-mail with it"
We gave the doctor a quick goodbye and a thank you, then head off to our home. I insisted to Papyrus that we could eat something first and relax, then go to the drug store. He groaned slightly and muttered a "lazybones" but took my offer.
When we arrived, though...
"Hello, my children! Where were you?"
Oh fuck.
I glanced over the living room and saw our small group of friends gathered cozily, including an almost smashed (Y/N), an annoying flower screaming, a suspiciously staring father, and more!
...I gulped, knowing I could never say the truth. (Y/N) is a new person in my life, the flower is a bitch, my father is another bitch, Undyne doesn't take anything seriously, Alphys takes everything seriously, Frisk is a dirty betrayer, Toriel worries too much, Asgore would go and make everyone check themselves with the therapist, Mettaton would go and check himself with a therapist, Napstablook would feel all sorry, and Arial would be highly disappointed.
Saying the truth sounds pretty awful at this point.
Oh crap
Papyrus seemed to notice my signal of begging help and came to the rescue immediately, never mentioning anything about a psychiatrist.
"yep. guess i need some spare ribs at this point, huh?"
Everyone groaned and so I successfully got away from the problem. I tried my best to keep my cool, but I easily spaced out a couple of times and ended up startling myself. They were doing rounds in Super Mario Bros., and (Y/N) seemed to be an expert on it, considering she was on World 6.
"Oh c' mon, when are you going to die?!" Flowey annoyingly exclaimed, foreshadowing a bit. I almost smacked him over before I saw Toriel's face, then I lost myself again on the videogame.
(Y/N) continued playing until arriving at the final castle. Surprising, to say the least. Everyone else was getting enthusiastic about her defeat, but it never happened. Instead, (Y/N) went to play all over again, making everyone groan.
"Oh my God, let us play as well!" Undyne roared, giving a death glare to the older human.
"You said you wanted me to prove how good I am..." She innocently answered, putting the controller aside.
"Ok, you've already proven yourself. Now, please, give us a chance this time" Frisk sighed in defeat, feeling vulnerable and probably fooled.
"Ok!" (Y/N) cheerily got up from the couch, then waved at Papyrus and me "Hi guys! Anything serious happened?"
"I'm glad, how do you feel Sans?" She looked at me worried and made me feel like the worst person on Earth.
A huge part of me wanted to say the truth and confess my problems at that moment, but that was me feeling horrible. I always hated lying, but that's what my life has come to. At this point, I can barely feel sorry for lying...
Except on this topic.
I've always been sensitive with this stuff, and that's how Papyrus ended up knowing. It has become something really messed up that I want to let all the people I care about that I'm not okay. I want them to help me feel complete again. To feel safe. To have hope.
I glanced over her, and she gave me a small and recomforting smile. Out of all the people, I never knew she would be one of those who know what's going on.
"If you don't want me to, Sans, I understand. Just know I'm here to support all of you, ok? And don't take that as an associate... but as a friend. I'm more than willing to help you out in any way I can... but that depends on you"
A deep pain went all over my soul, but then I nodded. If she was so understanding as Papyrus said she was when she heard what problem I have... maybe telling her a bit of detail won't hurt.
"we'll tell ya later, ok? now it's a little bit crowded"
"I understand, thanks for trusting me"
"thanks to you, kiddo"
Thanks to you...
*Your POV*
It was a while after the small gathering ended, everyone having to go earlier than expected. I already attended my work-hunting business and find a convincing and small company. I sent them an e-mail, and so I'm waiting for them to text me back. But for now, more important things were on my head.
I feel really sorry about Sans's case, and how desperate Papyrus seemed yesterday when he told all about it. I suffer from some things as well, and I know it isn't easy. It's never easy to deal with yourself...
Sans chuckled a bit and I nodded, preparing myself from what I was about to hear.
I nodded again, and he smiled and reassured his brother that he was in good hands. I giggled softly, and the short skeleton just scratched the back of his head out in embarrassment.
I smiled, glad that Sans accepted any help.
"What did the doctor diagnosed you, Sans?" I asked, hoping he would be the one answering me this time. After all, this is Sans's main problem, not Papyrus's. He tensed up a little but quickly relaxed as he remembered the presence of his brother there. He took enough courage silently, then spoke with that characteristic deep voice of his.
"depression, insomnia, and... well, something called ptsd, which is-"
"PTSD?!" I interrupted abruptly, not believing what my ears just heard. Sans having depression is hard to admit, but PTSD? Oh lord, what has this poor guy endured in his young life?
"uh... yeah, i... eh..."
Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap.
"Nonono, don't think that way, Sans. It's just... a bit surprising, coming for you. I never expected you to have such a problem, but I guess appearance is quite a bi... beach."
"Uh, yeah..." Please come with a good excuse, (Y/N) "You know, beaches may be all pretty on the photos, but the dangerous creatures and natural phenomenons they bring show that they are not that perfect. I guess that's the same for Sans. He easily can go on and hide perfectly with jokes and laughs, but that doesn't mean he's that careless nor happy on the inside... sorry for putting you that way, Sans"
"it's okay kid, i think i get it" he jokingly winked at me, noticing what I was going to say at first. I sighed, feeling pretty stupid at this point.
"Anyways... what has the doctor prescribed you, Sans?"
"this thing called 'prozac', another one called 'restoril' and the last one being 'zoloft'..."
Huh, I have all of those at home.
Maybe I can give him some, considering I have a ton of them...
I saw a slight hint of blue hue spread all over Sans's cheekbones, and I assumed it was blush. I smiled softly, knowing that would be the kind of brothership I would want. Instead, I had the goddamn curse to have no brothers or sisters, and here I am. Alone.
"I would never think less of anyone by this reason, Papyrus" Then I came up with a wild idea, but that mind instantly approved. My smile grew bigger, and I continued "Actually, now that you're confessing me something quite touchy... I guess I should do the same. It may help you to feel a bit more comfortable, Sans"
He raised an eyebrow and I returned to my soft and small smile, preparing myself...
Now that I was thinking about it, it was a bad idea. It was a bad idea to show my weak points, to show my problems, and to show how vulnerable I actually am. But that didn't stop me. And it will never do.
"I... besides from dealing with, well, anxiety, I also suffer from depression..." His eyes widened and tensed up, staring at me with the same shock I felt when he mentioned PTSD. I continued "I have insomnia as well, and... a psychiatrist said I probably had PTSD, considering some constant dreams I have..."
"i... how?"
"i mean, how can you have all those things and still want to help others instead of yourself?"
I stared at him, dumbfounded. Then I sighed with a smile on my face, trying to feel as confident as I could.
"Making others happy is what makes me happy, Sans. And that's what I need the most..."
"To be happy"
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silverdaggerix · 2 years
The Lakes (Chapter 4)
Time really does fly so fast. Even before Iris could process it, Friday came so fast and she was surprised that she was still alive. She needs to finish the elegy first, at least. So that people will know a monstrous woman once lived in these lakes before.
She laughs at the thought of making herself a monster to be told to children at night as scary folklore as she stands on her porch. Ready to leave and have her daily walk to the lakes. What she wasn’t aware of is that someone is there, staring at her beautiful face as she laughs.
“I don’t even know what you’re laughing at but I’m happy you’re smiling, Wisteria.” She shots the man a glare as she realizes who it was, standing in front of her door. He was smiling. He was there, with his huge black umbrella that covers him from the snow falling briskly everywhere and his smile makes her blush. But her response to her heart beating a lot faster was really peculiar. Well, she wasn’t normal so we all get that the way she speaks is not what we all expect a normal person to say, right?
“William? What the fuck are you doing in here?” Tom laughs.
“I missed you too, Wisteria. Off to somewhere?” he asks. She hates the way he looks at her. So she turns her back and opens her door to go inside again, but he laughs and she stops, “so the odds are you missed me too much that you are angry I went back later than you expect so you’re walking out on me or you’re too shy and flustered to see me again so you’ll push me away.”
She looks at him again. “What kind of unreasonable odds are those?” she barks at him.
“Come on, I know where you’re going with that pen and notebook in your hands. Maybe I could give you some company today.” Tom says, hands on his hips.
Iris contorts her face. "What are you on at?"
"Aren't we close enough to meet on Fridays, on my day-offs? Because I still remember how you slept on my chest that day. How I put you to bed–"
"Oh, shut the hell up.. William!" Iris sighs. "Fine! But no talking so much!"
"Alright, I prepared food for you and me!" He says, motioning on his huge bag pack.
"Don't tell me you're planning to sleep in my house again. I'm close for the day." she says as she walks closer to Tom. Tom laughs as he joins the lady on her walk.
"Don't worry, I have work early in London tomorrow. As much as I want to be with you for the night, I can't." He says.
"If you're a busy man why go here on your day off? Isn't it much more fancy to just sleep on your home's couch to rest?" she asks.
"Unfortunately home is not a place, but a feeling." he says then looks at the frozen lakes. "There are plenty of swans in the lake today."
Iris's grip on her notebook and pen tightens. She had killed one of them days ago. She couldn't forget it. She couldn't forget how she felt nothing about it. She's a monster.
"Hey, are you alright?" Tom asks, looking at her. Her face became even more pale and her steps got a little bit slower and Tom was quick to notice.
"I am fine." she says with a deep sigh. "So what do you do?" she asks once they have reached her favourite pile of huge stones where she usually lays down to rest and write.
"I.. I am actually in the business of filming and movies." he says.
She looked at him immediately and noticed how his ginger hair turned black today. He has a gray scarf underneath his black leather jacket. Tom gulps. The way her forehead contorts and how she looks at him with so much attention is something new to him, she never even talked to him more than 30 minutes before and this is how he always imagined their next meeting would be. That's the very reason why he came back, when he left, she left him haunted. He could not take her off his mind, as if her joke of being a witch was actually real and that she was able to put a spell on him.
"So do you act?" she asks. Tom sighs. He doesn't want her to know her yet, does she even not know about his career yet? He likes this mysterious like-hate relationship between them but the truth couldn't be helped but to be prevailed, doesn't it? "I hope you don't suck at it."
"Hey! You're mean!" Tom says and the lady laughs.
"I didn't mean it like what you think I do but suit yourself." Tom also giggles with the way she laughs. Her smile reached her eyes today.
"I am actually great at acting, you know." Tom pouts.
"What a great way to express your work, William." she says. "But I hope you're not lying because that's the thing I hate the most, lies."
Tom looks away. Right. Lies.
"You're not gonna write anymore, are you?" Tom asks.
"I can't write with you here."
"Then you will not be able to write on Fridays then." Tom grins. She looks at him and squints her eyes.
"Because my Fridays will be here, in these lakes, with you." Tom says with a smile. Iris' eyes widened with what he just said and her cheeks flushed red. Before Tom could even see it she looked away.
"Bullshit." she mutters to herself.
"So.. We don't plan to eat my packed lunch in the freezing cold, don't we? Let's go home and eat!" he says.
"It is not your home." she says.
"I know, well. I hope it was."
"You can take it when I die." she says as she climbs up on the man made road again.
"You're not serious about dying, right?"
"Right?" she asks back at him and the two of them walk towards her home again.
"Don't you like, have a phone or mobile phone? I've never seen one in your place." Tom asks.
"What a good way to ask for my number, William." she says and puffs a breath. "But yes, I don't use them anymore."
"What, why?"
"I'm here to relax, to find another purpose in life.. to.. not look at the world anymore." she says. "So why would I need a device that would remind me of the cruel world out there? I have my perfect wonderland here."
Her bravery to start a new life and leave behind what she has in the city she lived in made Tom admire her even more. Not everyone could throw what they have for what she is settling in right now. A simple life.
"So what do you act on now? Black hair suits you but don't get giddy about the fact I told you that." she says.
"Well.." Tom's eyes smile as he looks at her with those blue eyes. "What do you think I portray now?"
"A mischievous vampire?" she asks and Tom laughs with a high pitch tone that she looked at him in awe. She never thought someone could laugh that carelessly.
"That was so close, darling but no." he says. "Do you have a laptop, or a Television? I think I could let you see what I play now."
"Is the movie done?" she asks.
"Not yet, but I have stolen clips."
"I want to see it when it's done, save it for now." she says.
"Alright then." Tom shrugs. "I can't wait to make you eat my food! It's the best!"
They reach Iris's door and she opens it with her key, Tom walks inside and he breathes out. Home. Why does this place feel so much like home more than his real house?
"I'll just get things we'll need." she says and walks towards her dining area.
"Are you vegetarian?" Tom asks when he takes a seat on her dining table.
"No, why would you assume that?" she asks as she gets some plates that she had kept on the cupboard more than she thought she had.
"Your fridge does not have meat products so.. " Tom says.
"Ah, that. I just forget to get them sometimes." She lies. Iris hardly eats. She doesn't have the appetite to do so. Does a monster like her even deserve to eat leisurely?
"I'll get them for you. I mean, if you want."
"You're not always going to be here so don't worry about things like that. Just breathe in here, don't leave anything that will make me drawn to you." she says with no emotions at all. "Memories could be a compelling enemy."
"I know." Tom says. "So let's eat! Look at these sandwiches, don't they remind me of you?"
She looks at Tom and back to the sandwiches he had made.
"William, are those witches?"
"Well, aren't you a witch? You told me you could be one."
"Fuck you, William."
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