#“who's the big beefy bear character”
hamartia-grander · 5 months
It's a good thing none of my friends ask me about baldur's gate 3 because I'd be soooo petty about it and end up just confusing them more
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
[through gritted teeth] old trans men who are in love ..
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seahagart · 8 months
Do you have any body type headcanons for the companions?
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I do! These are really rough and quick so they don't look at all like the character but oh well!
Shadowheart: Chubby, maybe more pear shaped, a lil more muscle
Lae'zel: Thin, almost no bodyfat, alien sharpness/proportions like longers limbs, broad shoulders little waist, etc, she's a trained warrior from birth
Karlach: Muscle and fat, spent the last 10 years fighting in hell, but i figured she may be well kept like gets enough food etc. she's big, beefy
Gale: A wizard... who spends his days reading books and eating delicious food, he's a lil chubby
Astarion: gaunt, unhealthy, has been eating rats for 200 years
Wyll: a literal adventurer, has been adventuring proffessionally for a while, so he's be muscular, athletic, etc, if he's a dex build i imagine he has muscles that are 'just for show' haha
Halsin: a bear... just make him big...
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bscully · 1 year
Why Zagreus is such a good character
*Obligatory Hades spoiler ahead* Zagreus is so so so interesting from a meta perspective. While his design certainly went into the "attractive bad boy" direction, he is not your usual hyper-masculine protagonist.
Definitely not!
It starts off with his physique, which is not that of a tall, beefy body builder, but more of an ancient greek athlete. He is also shorter than most other Gods, of average size by mortal standards, and doesn’t take kindly to people making fun of his height. I find that a fascinating character design choice to make. From there, let's continue with his character.
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His temperament is sanguine; he is a ray of sunshine and loves to share all the warmth that rests in his heart. Which is a fascinating trait to have as Prince of the Underworld, who is veiled in Darkness by Mother Night, Nyx, herself. The following Berserk quote comes to mind: "He who bears light exists in the deepest shadow".
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(There is a big conceptual overlap between Hades and Berserk, but I’ll just leave it at that for this post)
Zagreus is a sociable, extroverted type who values family and bonds over everything, is respectful, polite, charming. From someone like him, genuine kindness and honesty are a guarantee. Together with his capacity to empathize, it allows him to form meaningful relationships. His noble spirit and attitude are befitting of a prince. He does not mind stepping out of his comfort zone and challenge himself, either.
When you first beat Hades, he asks Zagreus to tell Persephone that Cerberus is doing well. Zagreus instead demanded an answer for a question in exchange of telling her. However, this question was left unanswered as Hades was taken by the Styx before he could reply. Later on, because Zagreus is a good-natured person and knows his priorities, picking his mother’s needs over the grudge he could hold against his father, he tells Persephone anyways.
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There are moments in the game where he is sensitive, observant and catches up on social cues very quickly. He listens to others and apologizes to them when he feels like he may have overstepped a boundary, such was the case when Thanatos berated him for allowing Orpheus visiting his muse Eurodyce and meddled into their affairs without their consent.
Sometimes he appears to have troubles expressing what he feels, or is perhaps insecure or anxious to express it (particularly when interacting with Meg, who is rather intimidating). But despite his hesitations and fears I think he is still doing a good job at it.
Judging from a brief conversation with Alecto, he appears to know how to form healthy habits and deal with difficult situations in a productive, nurturing manner (the fact that 1. Alecto doesn’t take kindly to his attempts at getting along and 2. Zag doesn’t like her for it, is kinda funny to me). He is capable to mediate and settle conflicts between people, this is literally one of the game's primary goals.
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Judging by what happened between him and Megaera, it appears he also wasn't always this mature and went a long way learning from his mistakes. His sometimes boastful confidence and his running mouth probably were one of them. Regardless, I'm deeply impressed with Zagreus' emotional intelligence and maturity.
Considering how so many other protagonists typically are characterized, this such an unusual way to write a male one, and as such he really stands out.
I believe it is absolutely necessary that protagonists like him exist and we honestly do need more like him: as these shine a different light on nurturing masculinity and what it can be.
Zagreus is not less of a man because of the radiant and kind person he is. Quite the opposite so, I personally find him extremely attractive (he’s doing things to me oml). He is just being himself: unfiltered, optimistic, with a good sense of humor. He is not even trying to fulfill any gender roles in any shape or form, simply embracing the bonds he has for what they are, living the moment. He does whatever it takes to make the world around him a better place and make the people around him happier. And he started doing that once he stopped running away from his problems.
This reassurance is something boys and men (including those who identify as such) urgently need nowadays.
PS: I’m still not over the fact he canonically likes plushies, the lil dork
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ratratratratratsewer · 2 months
Hello! I see on your pinned post that you do G&B requests and as a writer who sucks at writing (who is trying to write). I find it hard to write and understand characters that are not my own. I have a ✨Request✨ (you don't have to do it if you don't want to ofc) Can you do just general headcanons for some of the NPC in the game (examples: Jean, Barry) Thanks for your time and stay hydrated!!! ♥︎
Hello, thank you for your request. And honestly I'm as much a bad writer and the only reason I take requests is because it helps me improve my writing and have more creativity in understanding a simple character's behaviour even with their short amount of time of showing up:)
Anyways, you too keep yourself hydrated!
I could only do 3 of the more 'popular' NPCs since their behaviour stood out the most and actually show their own different personalities. (well, jacob is somewhat biased..)
But no worries, I'll start to work on other NPCs when i'm ready. For now, they might be ooc cause it's simply headcanons. Fun police please don't find me 👁️
1. Jacob:
- It's like the whole fandom agrees that he's muted/doesn't talk much. He talks by body language and expression, though it's more leaning into body language.
- Guy can speak, but only when he has to. Most of the time he rather keeps it to himself.
- Jacob is honestly a chill guy, he might be silent most of the time but he got some incredible listening. The type of guy to remember things you said from a whole decade ago. He doesn't give a fuck on anything, you could push him around or hugging him, pulling him and he wouldn't care as long it not bad intentioned. Great at detecting lies.
- He can't smile. I mean he can, but it would turn out wanky wonky, stiff as hell. Basically 😬 but well expressed if he's grossed out by something. Just imagine a simple 😐 face turning into something more detailed and expressive to exaggerate his disgust towards anything.
- Doesn't acquire bitches. (That's suck man..)/j
- Used to have long hair but shaved it off because wearing a shako is hot as fuck, plus it would get in his eyes. His team probably slapped his shiny bald head at least once a day, or just rubbed it aggressively every time he took his shako off. It's an addiction.
- People don't know his actual name, they just call him Jacob and he now is Jacob. (Personal headcanon..)
- Elders love him, no but like he would be really nice and respectful towards elders. Unironically would stack candies they gave him and refused to share, he barely eats them smfh.
2. Barry Williams:
- Your stereotypical English man, thick accent and a ginger.
- This guy would have the funniest laugh you would ever seen in your entire life, to the point if he laughs at something, it is contagious because his laugh is hilarious. A full on snorting and broken pitched, wheezing, coughing and he's gripping his stomach typa shit.
- Big hands, very warm hands. Bear paws. His hands are also sweaty. Barry himself is hella beefy.
- A gap in his teeth, always has the food stuck in there every time he eats and has to spend time getting it off. Accidentally poked his gum once and died right on the spot.
- Would coo at any babies or animals if he manage to see one in sight.
"Look a' them!"
- Bigg teethy smile, got his eyes wrinkled in glee and the dimples completed it. Happiest smile. Like look at him go :D (go englishman go)
- A dog person probably, he likes dogs, he loves dogs. Dogs also love him, wants a dog a while ago but due to the circumstances, he can't :(
-Dislikes being whispered in the ear, it itches as hell and he doesn't like people's breath fanning over the side of his face.
- Eats alot, he's not really picky. His appetite probably the size of 3 people combined. He can eat to keep his body going, but definitely not full enough.
3. Jean.
- A humble guy, despite his obvious talents and his excellent works along with his effort for literally anything.
- Fancy mustache he takes really fucking good care of it. It so fancy to the point his fellow teammates would actually thought of him being a higher rank but instead he's just the same as them.
- I'm sorry, but women and older women definitely adore him (who wouldn't). He's a respectful, handsome looking guy. Dude always got a group of people staring at him while he's minding his own business. Probably deny that he doesn't have admirers.
- A good talker he is, people couldn't really bring themselves to dislike him. He got acquaintances almost everywhere, people recognize him and he recognizes them too. Even if they didn't know him shit, he just knows them.
"Ah, ---- talked about you before. |||| isnt it?"
- A romantic frenchman, Jean enjoys poetry and arts. He found himself admiring the works of buildings as he passed by, statues, drawing, novels.
- Would act like those dads who would have their hands on any kind of architect. Or watching a dude fixing stuffs with such focus.
- Sneezed like hes releasing the demon inside.
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5eraphim · 2 years
Detroit Become Human Characters Ranked best to worst Huggers
1. Luther: Big, robust, and beefy man. Sure he wasn't exactly brought up to be so soft by nature, but now that he's free? Hugging is now second nature to him, and he wants to share as much comfort and love as possible. Think of this as his way of making up for the lost time.
2. Kara: Was, in fact, programmed for this. A mother bear to her core, one who is equally protective and fierce as she is tender and loving. She is absolutely the type to drop what she's currently doing and partake in a bit of snuggle time if she notices you're looking a little down or if you tell her something is the matter.
3. Chloe: Again, c'mon, you KNOW she is just the sweetest, and she's all for hugs! Surprisingly she's also pretty intuitive and, without asking, would be able to pick up on your body language and tell whether you needed something soft and quick or if you were in serious need of a little physical intimacy. Will probably give you a kiss on the cheek, to boot! (Consider the rest of the Chloes, too, for a cuddle pile.)
4. Simon: While it's true that Simon might come off as a little uneasy and quiet sometimes, to those close to him, it's less awkward and more calming. Gives the best hugs to those close to him. He's surprisingly warm and very comforting. Definitely, the one you'd want to go for if you were in the mood to just vibe out while in another's arms. ( He's a lot stronger than he looks.)
5. Markus: Simon and Markus are at about a tie regarding who is a better hugger, and it mostly comes down to personal preference. Markus is your guy if you're more in the mood for a strong, secure hug. But he's also probably not the type to initiate hugs or tell if you're in need of one.
  6. Josh: He would be much higher ranked here. However, it's just that he's more the one who would much rather receive a hug, rather than give on. But still, that isn't to say he would ever deny you a hug if you were to ask! Very gentle and calming, if everyday life left you feeling overwhelmed, and you just needed a break for a minute, he's your guy! Just be prepared to return the favor later.
7. Connor: Again, he is pretty quiet and maybe a little socially awkward, but he has a bit of a hidden sweet spot for hugs! Connor may come off as stiff with the hug, but he's doing his best! Though all this in mind, he likely won't initiate any physical touch with you unless you either ask first or if he asks and you say yes.
8. Daniel: Oh boy, if you're not someone he knows very well or has a long history with, any physical contact likely wouldn't go over well with him, full stop. However, if you can manage to get past his defenses and convince him he's safe around you, there's a whole other side to Daniel to get to know! Like Connor, Daniel likely wouldn't touch you without permission first, and he might unintentionally have a considerably firm grip and a bit of a clinger. But he does all this in an endearing way. Like a child who doesn't know any better but to cling as tight as possible to the people they love the most. You can't fault Daniel for acting like this or even see any of this as a bad thing, to an extent.
9. Hank: He is 100% the kind of person who says they hate hugs but will offer one if you're someone close and look like you really need one. Also, this goes both ways as he is the kind of person who never asks for one but wouldn't hate it if one were to offer. (Well, at least not in public, of course.)
10. Gavin: Alright, so disregarding the fact that it's probably a mistake to go to this man for emotional support any day. Additionally, this guy really falls flat when it comes to understanding the emotional needs of other people unless they outright tell him. So if you were feeling bad and asked for a hug, maybe you could get a half-decent hug out of it, perhaps he'll even throw in a joke to try and cheer you up here, but that's about as good as it might get with this one.
11. Kamski: Kinda a unique case this one! While most of the other characters rated lower on the list are poor huggers because they simply aren't the touchy-feely type, this does not extend to Elijah. He can tend to clam up and get a little awkward when it comes to hugs because he has issues with physical touch, but if you were to go to him, genuinely emotionally vulnerable and in need of comfort, he might freeze up here. It's a situation well outside his comfort zone, and he might be awkward.
12. Nines: A bad hugger in the "I don't see the point of this, and I don't care" full-stop mentality. He has potential sure, but I wouldn't count on it.
13. Zlatko: literally, what did you expect?
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butterfrogmantis · 1 year
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Dirt Boi Committee! + Timber bcuz Miner’s bf. Minus Farmer because my human design is well established. 
Honestly for once I’m actually really happy with all 6 of these designs?? Asdjk the historical bros are especially cool for being bg characters. Anyway, notes!
-Miner has long standing Irish heritage and is pale anyway but coupled with spending half his time in sunless mines as soon as he emerges he blinds everyone in a 3 meter radius. You can use him as an emergency flashlight on dark nights /j However despite being pretty slim in order to fit down mineshafts, he’s far stronger than he looks and can wield a pickaxe like no other Smurf.
-Timber is the 180 body type. Tanned, buff and beefy and hairy. A bear, basically, with large arms for swinging that axe. Excellent hugger, if you don’t mind a couple of cracked ribs /j
-Cockney lad Sweepy! Born and raised in London, refuses to watch Mary Poppins on account of DVD’s bad accent, although does often sing Chim Chimney to himself, he can’t help it. Very lithe and small, one of the shorter men of the village, has to fit down chimneys of course.
-Sloppy, the bane of Tracker’s existence. Tho he’s doing better these days hygiene wise you’ll be pleased to know. That being said he’s essentially works as the village binman so everyone’s rubbish gets collected on time and disposed of properly and he still doesn’t mind being covered in it but he IS to take an immediate shower if he’s to step foot in Sweepy’s house. Owns a black shih tzu called Fly.
-Archie and Pal the reight northern blokes. Nowt they won’t discover and dig, aye. Like all northerners, they’re immune to cold and will be seen in shorts during midwinter. Archie is far more extroverted and Pal is a bit more socially awkward, but both can be very excitable when dealing with their points of interest in history. 
Now for mini doodles
-Not entirely sure what’s going on with Skelly and Archie. Are they friendly rivals, besties, vitriolic best buds, lovers, mortal enemies, a combo of all of the above? Who knows but whatever it is is hilarious. Having dedicated his entire life to the study of ancient Smurf history, to randomly one day have a living ….. uhhhh …. Reanimated ancient Smurf walking around is kind of a big deal to Archie!!
-Self-explanatory Sloppy redemption arc headcanon
-Yay angst w/ Roseate. She’ll be fine, albeit paralysed knees down. Song is ‘Not While I’m Around’ From Sweeney Todd which ironically is also sung by a cockney boy in that show.
-Archie and Pal employee the otherworldly skills of Nova on the frequent. That doesn’t stop them arguing about their finds tho.
Miner, Timber, Sweepy, Sloppy, Archie and Pal (c) The Smurfs
Skelly, Roseate and Nova are mine
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hawkepockets · 8 months
thoughts/headcanons abt dao party body types…
morrigan is skinny, gangly, tough, and rangy from life in the wilds. she has sharp shoulders, stick-out shoulderblades, pointy joints, knobby long-fingered hands, a flat chest. she could be built like a ballerina, except that she doesn’t practice flexibility or grace. which makes her obviously graceless and brittle. the same height as alistair, annoyingly.
alistair is a big-boned, broad-shouldered, strong young man, inclined to beefiness, pudge, and nice boobs… except that he’s always been underfed and has now contracted the taint, so his strength is kind of wasting and drooping on his frame. a sad little belly… slightly pointed ears, just enough to mark him as a shifty character to the eye of a suspicious bigot, without being definitely elvhen.
leliana is plush, pear-shaped, and curvy with big (deadly) thighs and a heart shaped face. her arms have unexpected wiry strength, and her hands are hard. she loses a lot of her healthy fat & rosiness between dao & dai, becoming more rumpled, spindly and birdlike. SAD.
zevran is a beautiful, cat-footed rogue who can charm the rich and classy, so he’s fat and deceptively soft, apple shaped with dainty hands and feet and very strong calves from jumping and climbing. he moves very quietly and springily. medium height for an elf, short king by human standards. long, elegant ears.
wynne is a classroom skeleton. wynne is a folded up ironing board in circle robes. wynne is a murphy bed. wynne is a coffin lid. wynne is taller and more imposing than you expected from a distance. extremely straight, stern posture and big hands that she’s taken good care of. nothing about her bowed or crabbed by age. even her wrinkles are straight lines.
oghren has a beer belly and broad, hairy hands, but by dwarven standards he’s kind of small and slender.
melantho is tiny, much smaller than any of the humans, but to call her “lithe” or “willowy” because she’s an elf would be a joke. her sister is lithe and willowy. mela is a compact, unyielding mass of gristle and bone. no ass, no tits. the taint was already taking hold of her on the road to ostagar, and though its grip on her loosened with the joining she bears its marks—sunken eyes, clawed fingers and toes, blackened extremities, a fevered metabolism that melts away any remaining baby fat and keeps her cranky and cold, a slinking step, sensitivity to light. big, kitten-like ears.
sten is stacked like a sumo wrestler. best tits in the party, easily.
matsendra is bigger than mela but still pretty short with a fat, rounded hourglass figure. like zevran, he has a well-fed, satisfied, domesticated look, but unlike zev he’s not prepared for any chases or parkour. he is genuinely as used to soft living as he looks. with time away from the circle he firms up and gains a subtle, intimidating glow of strength and control, but never gets slimmer. for an elf he has smaller, rounder ears—one torn half off by the demon torpor—and unusually thick facial & body hair.
loghain is actually built very, very similarly to alistair, in a more advanced stage—a big frame that should be filled out, but miserable, ascetic living has stooped his shoulders and hollowed his gut, making him look older than he is.
velanna is an inverted triangle, a corn chip, a captain america. big shoulders, trim waist, tight butt. very disciplined. when she slouches in annoyance it’s artful, poised, and a little hard to believe.
nathaniel looks like a line cook. clammy, jittery, skinny, ugly defined abs, diet of mostly smoke. much much too tall. too tall by far. hunched, self-conscious body language. has erratic bursts of strength in which he can toss oghren like a sack of flour.
sigrun is a full and sexy hourglass!! but she’s all the way down there and wearing legion armor, so you don’t even know. you don’t even get to know how perfect she is.
justice is dead, and squishes like rotten fruit if you touch him. very big, looks as tall as nathaniel but that’s because nate has bad posture. actually slightly shorter. twice as wide.
anders is spare and kind of attenuated, like he’s been spread thin by stress, with an unusually long, slender torso, long arms, and short legs. his hands & feet are a little too big for his limbs, like a stray cat used to fighting, but his touch—whether healing, hurting, or grasping in passion—is gentle, firm, and clinical.
shale is shale.
and most of them are trans.
…………… TO ME❗️
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onsunnyside · 2 years
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐔𝐬 & 𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞: here are my current favourite aus & wips. this list will change as time goes on. yes, i know there’s a lot, i can’t help that I’m a slut !! here are the tags so each au can be located.
𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 — Do not plagiarize, copy, repost/republish, adapt or translate any of my works. My blog is 18+, so minors DNI. I do not own any character of any franchise (Marvel, etc.). All my works are fiction and may be dark or have triggering content: read all warnings before proceeding.
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All unnamed/not tagged prompts: #sonnysprompts | ⭐️ = coming soon
𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐅𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐀𝐔𝐬: meet my always changing hyperfixations !! none of these are listed in other categories. 
70s camp counsellor!ari x brat!reader
70s sleazy rockstar!ari x groupie!reader
beefy best bros!ari & curtis
beefy friends with benefits/daddy with benefits!ari
best friend!Ari helps you make a baby ⭐️
bodyguard!ari x innocent crybaby!reader
bratty stepsis!reader x stepbro!ari ⭐️
cat daddy!ari | tiny house big love (small home neighbours)
cam daddy!Ari x shy nerdy gamer!reader ⭐️
Curtis x airhead!reader | Steve x airhead!reader | frat boys x airhead!reader | dilf!Ari x airhead!reader
dad’s best friend!Ari
dark baby daddy au
dark mafia!stepbro!ari
dirty cowboy daddy!ari (grumpy x sunshine)
fluffer!reader (pornstars!: Ari, Curtis, Steve, etc.)
golden boy!frat boy!stepbro!Steve Rogers
king of the north!curtis x princess!reader
kitten!reader (crossover)
mafia au ⭐️
Mary’s Song (by T.Swift inspo)
mean biker!steve
mean boyfriend!jensen
mean daddy!jensen x brat!reader
MMA fighter Ari | MMA fighter Curtis
nerd stepbro!jake jensen
pervy brother’s best friend!Ari x innocent!reader
shy boyfriend!steve | shy boyfriend!ari
sleazy motel daddy (with the besties @hansensgirl @celestianstars)
Stalkers: jake jensen | stalker nomad!steve | dark roommate jensen
stepbro!andy x party girl!reader
stepbro!ransom x camgirl!reader
thick daddy!ari
toxic boyfriend!ari
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𝐎𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐈𝐏𝐬: the older ones. they’ll come some day, who knows when that is. 
Top Priority:
bear!/grizzly!Ari AU (not a shapeshifter, perhaps just vibes/bear hybrid-esque) ⭐️
dark mythology AU
ex fiancé!ari
sexshop owner!ari x florist!reader
sleazy rockstar!ari (soft dark)
true crime writer!reader, cop!/agent!Ari
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2000s au/2000s!actors!Stucky
Adventurer AU
Colin Shea AU
circus AU (major crossover)
Cult AU
Doctor AU (“Lovesick,” doctors!stucky x clumsy!reader)
Soft Dark Chris Evans x actress reader (age gap) - IN PROGRESS
Teachers!Stucky AU (dumbass!reader)
Western!Steve AU
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dyrewrites · 1 year
Character stuff, because why not
I'm sharing my notes on the two MCs of Pale Blood, but cutting out their abilities (because that would make this way too long) and anything spoiler-y.
So, allow me to introduce Delmas and Odea;
Del (Delmas Olren)
"Oh, I’ll get mine and then all those leeches will be begging to kiss my ass."
Half-fang bloodrunner. He looks about 30, give or take a few years depending on when he’s last fed (or slept) but is around 42 (which is young for a fang but he acts more like the middle aged man he is). He’s pale skinned with medium length, messy mouse brown hair that is always getting in his eyes. His bright hazel eyes. His face is rounded but his jaw and cheekbones are distinct with a thick mustache and beard that he tries to keep trimmed into a kind of shape—round is a shape. Build-wise he's a bit of a giant at 6'5” and a bit on the beefy side, with thick arms and a soft middle(he takes issue with the term “dad bod”, as he is not a father, but he is fond of men with daddy issues), all kept well hidden under a baggy shirt and a big leather coat—his jeans are more fitted around the back, and the coat is easy to toss to the side when he's feeling flirty. Delmas looks a bit like a bear, acts more like a horny raccoon and is probably closer to a red panda. He can puff up and knows plenty of tricks but he doesn't fight unless he needs to. He talks bigger than he seems capable of backing up, but he can back it up. which is why he's still alive. He's a charming smart mouth who uses a bit more slang than he should, most of it outdated, and is more than a little flirty with all the pretty men he meets.
Black everything, sometimes gray, maybe a stitch of white here and there—Delmas is a no muss no fuss kinda guy about most things but especially his wardrobe.
Delmas wears a seashell bracelet that he rarely removes , which was a gift from a boyfriend he didn't mean to chase off. The shells are small, shaved round, soft white and speckled in faded pinks. They're strung on a thin band of braided prismatic hair.
Odea (Odearna Mal Forna)
“What did I do to earn the attention of every weirdo in this Gods-forsaken pit of a city?”
Half-witch (Sister of Dusk, Bloodbriar Coven) phlebotomist. She’s in her 30s—she’s not entirely sure of her birthdate, as her mother wasn’t, but she’s pretty sure she’s 34. She’s shorter than most everyone, at about 4’11”. Build-wise she’s petite but curvy, bit of a short stack, who ensures those curves disappear under oversized baggy sweaters and thick leggings. Her wavy auburn hair is cut to just below her ears with wispy bangs that get caught in the thick glasses she shouldn't need. There are easy fixes for eyes but she thought they'd deter handsy thugs. Her eyes are also hazel—something they laugh about—and while she is naturally tan, life in the smog pales most everyone and she’s a bit pastier than she outta be. Even her freckles have faded to a barely visible splatter of reddish brown across her nose. She's smol but fierce, preferring to fight than run or hide and she doesn't like anything that takes her choice to do so away. She's a mixed bag, with a lot of moods that she doesn't seem to notice. Speech wise, she curses like a sailor and doesn't pull punches but she's always sincere and that's why people put up with her. It is also why she's never allowed to work the dayshift again.
Grays and pinks, mostly, preference for pastels and anything big and comfy, bonus points if it has cats on it—Odea is all soft, snuggly comfort.
Despite no longer practicing, Odea keeps her rotwood Daughter Dusk charm around her neck at all times. It sits tight in the center of a choker made from bleak purple witchvine, the short gray thorns permanently stained with her black blood. It protects her from most magic but broadcasts her dreams to her sisters—and the Daughter Dusk.
Side Characters and More
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telestoapologist · 1 year
Shaxx or Saladin for Blorbo Bingo?
u get... both of them!
✦ Shaxx
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Most fandom takes are incorrect on Shaxx bc it's like. He fucked Mara (he did not!!! they are very good friends and he read to her and was probably hella good at it!!), he's either another dumb titan stereotype or "was Shakespeare in a past life" (which isn't meant to be harmful I'm sure, but still, I think characters (esp non-white ones!!) can be successful and good at a thing without having some famous dude in their lifeblood or w/e). Also I see way too much fan art of Shaxx being athletic/not hairy, white, or a tiger alien and it's like,, no this is a big sweet and very smart and beefy black bear of a man and not every great character is going to be all of that other stuff etc etc!!!
man. also when I mean "lost potential" and "writers dropped the ball on them" I don't mean in a terribly serious sense. I just like, it feels like we don't get enough of him as things currently are? like I feel like he could still be seen/heard here and there... maybe there's lore I'm missing though orz
ok lastly i'm biting my fist and acting abnormally because this man is so comforting and wonderful and i wish i knew him irl and live up to his expectations of me. my deep seated love for him comes from me wanting to know someone like him irl so, so, so badly and how people like that would be good for me for tons of reasons.
✦ Saladin
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i used to hate this guy bc i thought he was a boring asshole but ykw. i have come around to him and i like him SO much even though sometimes i wanna punch him. my projected hate/love for him comes deeply from my daddy issues and that's as far as i'll speak on that!!! he's like a grizzled old depressed father-like guy to me though and i deeply care for him as a character now. it's so nice to see him have a purpose now on caiatl's war council.
he doesn't open up about it warmly or joyously, but like, you can TELL he's having a good time and putting his all into it. he smiles again, has more drive than before, hopefully he actually got the motivation to clean up his living quarters bc last i checked he was just. so fuckin down and neglectful of it that it was like a hoarder's space that was in desperate need of cleaning and organizing (that broke my heart so fucking bad bc i've been there before).
i get why a lot of people don't like him but i also feel like some of the hate for him is based in like, not knowing enough about him and just not caring about other people and the shit they go through lmao. that's not always the case but i've seen some people say certain things and it's like... it gives me the ick, even though he's fictional. like there's irl people who are like this too and it makes me wonder if they'd treat them the very same.
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mypunkpansexualtwin · 2 years
hi logan ! i’m a lil late for the ttrpg meme but 39 - 42 for thaavia pls ??
Sam. Sam I love you, don't worry about being late, the timing on this was perfect, I was having... not a great night and this definitely helped.
Under a cut cause this got beefy. And anyone who wants to send me these, there's a link to the ask game at the bottom!
39. are they insecure about their appearance? how about their personality? what aspects specifically worry them?
Picked a great one right off the bat for sure. She's definitely not insecure about her appearance. She's not arrogant either, and knows full well that since she's built like a bear (both in the animal way and in the gay way) she's not exactly Standard Pretty. She knows she's not everyone's thing, but who is? Thaavia likes how she looks, and while she may not be the kind of person making folks swoon in the streets, she's also never been short of potential partners when she wanted one either. (Also she knows that even if she's not someone's type, there's no denying she has amazing hair. She busts her ass to keep it nice even while traveling, it's her one big vanity.)
As far as being insecure about her personality, that's... a tougher question. For most of her career as a medic/healer paladin, she's had a fair few cases of patients Reading Into It when she was just doing her job. There's been a fair (or rather unfair) bit of getting put on a pedestal by someone who just sort of assumed they knew what she was like and having a fairly brutal reality check that they rarely took well. So she's worked hard on putting up a front of being cold, distant, and gruff to try and nip that in the bud. And she's gotten very good at it. (16 charisma and she uses all of it to be a bitch.)
Either way, the end result is the same; most folks don't bother to get close enough to see her, to the point where she can see where the line is drawn on someone's perception of her, whether it's Thaavia they see or Paladin Godbarter™. I wouldn't go so far as to say insecure, because to me that feels more active than just a lack of confidence, but that could just be my own nitpick. Regardless, she never expects it when someone A) bothers to look past Paladin Godbarter™ to see the person under the reputation, and B) prefers Thaavia to the version of herself people like to build her up to be.
As far as what worries her, she's got some rough stuff in her past and some bad habits that she just... never fed rather than properly breaking and she's terrified that in the right situation they'll make themselves known again. All during her childhood she was raised being told she'd be a great leader to their tribe one day if she'd just learn to make The Hard Decisions, and while she prides herself on her greatest rebellion against her upbringing being her mercy, she also remembers exactly how she almost listened, what that choice almost cost, and what that promise could possibly bring out in her again. (I will not elaborate on specifics in the ask because Kade. I've been itching to reveal the big dramatic backstory stuff in game for over a year now. I really want to talk about it tho, so I could definitely be convinced outside of an ask.)
40. if you had to remake this character right now, how would you change them?
Probably not a lot of huge changes, actually. Maybe tweak her height a little (still freakishly tall even for a goliath, either down to 8 feet even or up to 8'6 just so she's the same height as Lucy while kneeling, because I enjoy when Kade threatens me with violence), possibly make her just a tiny bit older, an even 40 rather than 38. Maybe change her subclass to Redemption paladin rather than Devotion, but even that's a coin toss because both are Incredibly Thematic for her, but also mildly moot considering I plan on changing her to a homebrew of my own as part of her arc (Oath of Hubris, it's a whole thing that I'd love to go further in depth about.)
Also, I'd probably see about putting my foot down and making her and her fire genasi partner Thyris parents. Velita may not be canon, but she lives on in my heart.
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41. how do you keep notes for this character, if at all?
.......I have. So many notes. I have the shared character document for her and her twin brother that details their backstory, NPCs to pull from, and tidbits of goliath culture stuff I made up for our setting and the DM went "Yeah I dig that, yoink." I have the actual in-game notes that I've been taking for, again, over a year at this point (two years in february) and a refined notes document I really need to finish and share with the rest of the table because my Stream of Consciousness style of typing is uh. Not super conducive to looking for specific details without a LOT of Ctrl+F and luck. I've got a document that's literally just her in-character journal of medical/herbal knowledge in the front half and scraps of poetry, songs, and books that she's jotted down because she loved them enough to not want to forget them. And, of course, 80% of my discord dms between me and Kade for the last two-ish years have been about Lucy and Thaavia that I can go back to.
I take so many notes. Otherwise the brain gremlins eat the thoughts so I can't get them back.
42. can they dance?
Oh definitely. It's not her first pick and she's not gonna be particularly dazzling with it, but she knows how to lead, how to follow, and how not to step on toes. That partner of hers I mentioned, Thyris? He's a bard. (Technically Bard/Sorcerer, with a significantly heavier leaning into sorc, but the point still stands.) He made sure she at least knew enough to keep from looking silly. Plus it was, and continues to be, a great excuse to just hold dance with her for several hours.
And to the rest of y'all, please for the love of god send me some more, I am chewing on the walls since all my dnd games keep getting cancelled for one reason or another!
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yestrday · 2 years
Just more thoughts, that's all. If you want to listen or not, up to you. So we've seen... those scenes with character's traits (in the academy au) like Zhongli, Kaeya, now Childe but how about Diluc? Immediately I thought of his arms and hands. Maybe his hands are slightly calloused, he has some visible veins, and boy does he have a grip. Maybe mc never really notices because, well, they never touch him and his uniform covers it up. Even though he's always carrying your bag to class (whether you accept his offer or not), or handing you something like a spare pen, or intertwining arms to walk you to lunch (only if you ask though). But one day when he gets particularly protective and his hands are on you-- you never realize how warm they were, or how constrictive of a grip he has. Okay, that is all thoughts I have to offer. Thankssss.
*sigh* once again the simping for mere body parts riles me up. /cracks knuckles and pulls up sleeves/ time to right about beefy armed daddyluc
you might like: yandere! academy childe & his thighs, academy! darling staring at yan! zhongli's ass, academy! darling groping yan! kaeya’s tits
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diluc’s arms are a source of strength and comfort to you. when he sees you carefully balancing paperwork that needs to be carried to the teacher’s lounge, he silently puts a strong yet gentle arm on your shoulder before carrying half of the load. or when he takes your bag for you so that he has an excuse to walk you to your class. 
perfect, calm, and diligent, diluc is a senior whose praise you revere a bit more than the others. more often that not you find yourself scampering off to find him, eyes glistening excitedly as you bear good news about some of your achievements. when you find him you practically leap at him, immediately gushing about a contest you were picked for or a quiz you aced thanks to his help. it’s like a puppy pawing at its master, the way you smile expectantly up at him.
it’s a sight he finds adorable. his stoic face crinkles into a fond look as his big and warm hands reach out to pat your head. your head melts into his touch, eyes closing and lips curling in satisfaction, and his heart melts alongside you. his arms pull you in closer by the waist, the action making you feel safe and protected.
kaeya, pointing at yn and diluc cuddling in the hallway: what the fuck is this allowed?\
that’s all there’s really to it until he one day spots you with a cut. it’s not even that serious, just you being stupid and accidentally cutting yourself with a pen or some shit. so here you are at the clinic, waiting for the nurse because this wack ass clinic doesn’t have bandaids (ooOOo plot). in diluc comes and the shock when he sees the cut on your face makes him drop everything and rush to your side.
you want to say ‘dramatic much?’ but you spot the dead-eyed look on him. it’s more than dramatic. mans about to commit murder, so you keep your mouth shut.
“who did this?” he demands. it’s obvious from the shaking scowl on his stiff face that he’s trying to hold back the anger to avoid scaring you. he tugs off his gloves and gingerly brushes just below the cut. “...it’s going to leave a scar.”
IS IT??!?! fuck it better not. you hope it’s just being a dramatic bitch as you smile up at him in hopes to alleviate his rage. “it’s okay, really,” you try to reassure him. you place a hand on his outstretched bicep and squeeze it as an act of comfort. “nothing i can’t handle.”
diluc’s dull eyes arch sadly as he stares at your smile. how beautiful and pure you are, to try and shoulder this much pain. so unlike the utterly useless garbage who dared to lay a hand on you. if only... if only he could lock you away in a far better place, safe within the confines of his home. he would feed you the finest food, dress you in beautiful clothes....
diluc is muttering some alarming things beside you, but you’re not paying attention as you continue squeezing his bicep. holy fuck he’s swole. you reach your other hand and feel it again, you know, for science, and you drool when you feel how firm and hard it is.
shit, you think. he could chóke me for all i care and i’d say thank you. you continue feeling it, going down and down until you feel his hand that’s still on your check. what the fuck this dude literally has veins popping out from his elegant yet large hand. why the hell is it still on your cheek? it should be on your neck, damn it.
when the nurse comes in, he sees a very baffling sight: the young master of the dawn winery muttering bloody murder and his elaborate plans to cage you and the poor thing that’s very studiously studying his biceps.
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mxnsterbabe · 3 years
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Male Onikuma/Female Reader NSFW Wordcount: 997 Tags & Warnings: Japanese character, camgirl reader Commissions | Masterlist | Kinktober List
You're a camgirl, and your new client is a cutie for sure.
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The video feed flickered to life as you grinned, flicking hair behind your head with a sultry twist of your wrist. "Hello," you spoke, putting on your best flirtatious charm, "Hiroshi, was it? You must be a new client, I'd absolutely remember someone like you."
The man on the other end of the grainy video chat was a big, beefy onikuma with silky white fur and the most beautiful sea-blue eyes you had ever seen. His nervous smile revealed a maw full of pointed teeth, but it was more endearing than anything else, at least to you. Especially given the way his gigantic paws tugged at the sleeve of his shirt as he shifted awkwardly in his seat.
He was new to you - but also new, it seemed, to the entire camgirl experience.
You provided an encouraging smile and sat higher in the bed, just high enough to reveal the first glimpse of your lacy lingerie. "I don't usually do private sessions, but you're one of the lucky ones." You spoke with the practised ease of someone who had been doing this for years, but in reality you had been at this for all of a year. Still, the softness of your words seemed to be working, and combined with the sultry red lighting and gentle music playing in the background, you knew it wouldn't be long until both you and Hiroshi were having a good time. "So, big guy," you said with another grin, "what are you here for tonight?"
Those bright eyes turned to you, lips hanging open as if the words had been sucked from him. He was more human in appearance than the other bear-folk you had met in the past, with almost-human lips that really did look kissable, and a small pink tongue that swept out to lick his bottom lip. "Honestly?" he admitted in a deep, rich voice that made you shiver, "I'm not sure."
"Then how about I lead, and you tell me if it's okay?"
He nodded shyly, big eyes never leaving your face. "Okay."
You had experimented with clients before, but never with someone so obviously new to this. Usually, your private customers were those that had been buying your content since the beginning, but you had taken a chance on Hiroshi when he popped up in your DMs, and now you were glad for it.
At first, you started off easy; clients often enjoyed the tease of only glimpsing your body at first, revelling in the suspense and anticipation. You tossed your hair over your shoulders and angled towards the camera, feeling the shiver as Hiroshi's appreciative gaze roved across your chest. "Tell me what you like," you purred, "and we'll go from there."
Hiroshi swallowed thickly. "I-I don't know," he admitted, paw-like hands digging into his thighs, "I've never - I mean... this is my first time."
Oh. For a moment, your facade dropped. "Your first time?" Suddenly, you had the feeling that he didn't just mean his first time with a camgirl.
He ducked his head with a nervous nod; and the poor guy looked so mortified that your heart stuttered.
Shit, you had ruined the mood, hadn't you? Cheeks pink, you straightened up and fumbled to recover from the blunder. "Well," you replied sweetly, and gave the dipping neckline of your lingerie a tug for good measure, "let me take care of you. I won't have you leave today without having the time of your life."
When Hiroshi looked at you, it was as if you were the only thing in the entire world. "Okay," he breathed, and even managed a toothy smile that made your heart jump.
Your smile never faltered as you adjusted the camera angle, and it allowed Hiroshi the perfect view of the lacy black lingerie that just barely covered you. The gown was made entirely of thin, silky lace that hugged every curve, flowing from your shoulders to pool around your hips; it did little to cover your bare waist and thighs, or hide the fact that underneath, you were wearing only a dark red bra and matching underwear.
Hiroshi's gaze was appreciative. Adoring, even.
"Like what you see?" you asked, laughing sweetly when Hiroshi nodded in approval. "Good. I bought this especially for tonight you know; you deserve special treatment." Slowly, allowing Hiroshi to see it all, you slipped the gown from your shoulders and let it fall to the bed. Now, goosbumps rising along your arms, you were bare save for the bra that just barely covered the swell of your breasts. "I'd show you more, but where's the fun in revealing everything?"
Awesruck was the only way to describe Hiroshi's gaze. His eyes blazed with desire, and although he was far from the only client to look at you like you were the world, he was the only one who made you squirm. Paws clenched and unclenched against his thights, barely visible from this angle, as he soaked in every inch of you.
With a delighted grin you leaned forward. "You know, I wouldn't be angry if you touched yourself."
His blush was invisible due to his thick fur, but his eyes widened and his lips parted, and you knew he was blushing anyway. "Oh no, I couldn't-"
"Not even if I asked you to?"
He paused, hands going still even as claws dug into his thighs. Then, bashfully, "maybe next time."
"Oh," you replied languidly, "you're already thinking about doing this again?" The thought made heat pool low in your gut, desire stirring inside of you. That... well, you would have been lying if you said the concept didn't elicit more interest than it would have from anyone else. With a deep breath, you fixed your gaze on Hiroshi's bright blue one and said, "private sessions are usually a luxury... but for you, any time."
Hiroshi visibly gulped, and you grinned.
"Perhaps next time, we could even meet up in person?"
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yoichichi · 3 years
Sitting on Karasuno’s Lap
Karasuno(sep) x reader
warning(s): reader insecurity about size, v slight timeskip spoilers Kageyama being grumpy and stupid and some grammar issues prolly 😬 i think that’s about it but lemme know if you think I need to add anything else!
a/n: got a request for reader being apprehensive about sitting on the boys from karasuno’s lap cause of their size so this is what that is! I hope this comforts u anon ily :(
And lemme say this: all these boys would most definitely love to be smothered and cuddled under their s/o pls they quite literally live for it <3
characters: daichi, sugawara, asahi, tanaka, noya, tsukishima, yamaguchi, kageyama, hinata
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I really feel like Daichi’s the kind of guy who loves picking up his s/o when they hug
He always does the classic bear hug grip around your midsection and then before you know it he’s squatting a little and lifting you up - ur size does NOT matter, if he can get your feet off the ground even a little he’s cheesing big time
He just thinks it’s so cute when you squeal or laugh and smack his arms, and you always get a hearty laugh out of him after before he grabs your face - kind of aggressively - and is leaving silly slobbery kisses all over it :((((
So basically there’s no way you can escape his infamous hugs
Because of this he’d also definitely love for you to sit on his lap too!
And because he’s always lifting you when you least expect it, when you mention why you’d rather not sit on his lap he’d respect your answer and reassure you it’s not a problem,,,, while also kind of being >:( and passive aggressively explain why you most definitely wouldn’t crush him
Now next time he comes home to you, not only is he lifting you, but he’s carrying you to your bedroom to cuddle, and then maybe you’ll sigh and give in to sitting on his lap <3
He’s generally more of a lay down cuddly or holding hands in public kinda guy
But there was something about sitting down on the couch after work and seeing you come out of the kitchen with a big smile on your face that just made his heart melt and shoot his arms out with grabby hands
Of course you oblige and sit next to him and start playing with his hands, waiting for him to talk about his day, but then he’s looking at you like :( and tugging at the hem of your shirt
“No, I want to cuddle.”
When you look at him confused he groans and tugs you onto his lap with his face buried into your neck, and almost instantly you can feel him relaxing into the couch
As soon as you think he’s relaxed enough, you go to move off him, anxious you’ve been sitting on his lap too long, but when you go to move he grabs on tighter and looks up at you like 🥺
You realize that maybe he’s just fine when he pulls you father into him - if that’s even possible - and starts to drool cause he’s passed out from being so comfy <3
It’s pretty common for Asahi to come home from a long day at work and then rest his head on your thighs while you play with his hair and let him talk about your day
It’s something he looks forward to when he’s driving home :(
Being held and comforted by your s/o is absolute heaven to him, so when you walk through the door with a big sigh while you’re rolling your shoulders, his first thought is to return the favor !
The two of you are standing in your living room now with your head in his chest while he’s rubbing your back, periodically kissing the top of your head
“Wanna sit down angel?”
When you agreed you didn’t know that meant sitting on the couch with you straddling his lap, his hand still holding your head in his chest
But before you can protest and squirm away he’s kissing you and humming while he’s still rubbing your back and soothing you :(((
This baby wouldn’t even give you a second to think about your insecurities:(
He’s gonna assume somebody’s said something about you almost immediately
Cause he just can’t grasp that you yourself have decided you’re too big for him
He just kind of looks at you like 🧍🏻🤨 uhhhh sit tf down I’d like you to cuddle me please 🤨?
“Tanaka, I’ll crush you.”
“Yeah, that’s kind of the point babe! Smother me ☺️❣️” really does not get the message here
Once you explicitly tell him you think you’re just too big to sit on his lap he kind of freaks
Like full on grabbing your face and shaking his head trying to do anything to convince you, you most definitely are not too big to sit on his lap
Once he convinces you he���s kissing you everywhere until you giggle cause he hates seeing his baby upset :(
I’m so sorry but at first he doesn’t even comprehend it’s an insecurity you have and thinks you’re nervous about it because of his size
“Wow, never heard ‘tiny but mighty’ babe?”
Like noya baby pls, this ain’t about you 😭
Is quite literally begging you to sit on his lap at home until you get frustrated and tell him you’re worried you’ll “crush” him because of your size - not his
He’d be kind of caught off guard at first but within seconds he’s reassuring you that’s not something you need to be worried about at all, not with him
Very similar to Yamaguchi he’s gonna convince you to give in and then absolutely smother you with affection afterwards
He’s now made it his goal to change your mindset about your size and add some more positive connotation - baby boy loves you :(
Will not take no for an answer either 😭
LIke he’s sitting there looking at you thinking you’re commenting on his body type like “what, you think I’m built like a string bean so I can’t handle you sitting on my lap 😐.”
AGAIN, this isn’t about you babes
So once you explain to him that no, it’s not about him it’s about you, he just:
“That’s stupid.” LIKE he’s very upset that you feel that way and doesn’t know how to express to you that you aren’t gonna crush him so the only way he knows how to tell you that is that you’re stupid for thinking that way 😭
He’d try to be physically reassuring afterward though
Kissing your forehead and telling you how it makes him sad you think that way, and why don’t you just sit on his lap so he can prove that’s not the case
You’re upset and uncomfortable at first, not really being able to relax, but after some lovin from tsuki and distraction you relax into him and bit and get comfy
He definitely makes it a regular thing so you can feel more comfortable with him :(
One of the most reassuring for sure!
The moment he felt your unease or a hint of apprehensiveness at the idea of sitting on his lap he’s investigating
Holding your face in his hands and asking you what’s wrong like 🥺
When you tell him you’re insecure about being too heavy to sit on his lap he’s definitely heartbroken, but knows this isn’t about him
So he’s quickly leaving really light kisses on your cheeks and hands promising you that’s not the case whatsoever all while he’s slowly coaxing you onto his lap
Once he’s gotten you to actually do it he’s all smiley and blushing - he’s smiling so big you can actually feel it when he’s kissing you
“Mmmmm, wanna nap?”
Just overall very affirming and attentive to your feelings :(
If you acted any bit shy or insecure about sitting on his lap he’d be ~so so confused
He’d be home from a long day of practice and flop down on the couch and all he wants is to be smothered by his baby 😭
He’s grumpy and just kind of grunts when you sit down next to him to talk about your day and ask about his and he just kinda reaches out to you and starts grabbing at your hips and you’re like 😳 uh yes?
You wouldn’t be budging and he’d get this pout and be all “sit on my lap 😡 I wanna cuddle”
Him asking for affection so bold like this isn’t always common for him so you don’t wanna say no BUT you’re also insecure about being too heavy so you just kinda pull him towards you and shake your head
“Why don’t you lay on me instead? I’ll play with your hair hmm?”
He’d just kind of look at you like ..... but I want you to lay on me and I can play with your hair
But unsurprisingly the 6’2 beefy professional volleyball player is stronger than you so he just stands up and PICKS you up instead and then carries you to the bedroom where he flops down with you laying on him
At first you’re kind of frustrated and insecure cause you didn’t tell him why you were avoiding it cause you didn’t want to bring it up but then you hear Kageyama sigh and start rubbing your back from his spot underneath you and you soon realize this mf just passed out
Surely if he’s ok with you LAYING on him maybe sitting on his lap next time won’t be so awful
Another confused baby but actually realizes somethings wrong 😭
Y’all are having a simple movie night with some pals all cuddled up on the couch and he notices there’s not too much room there, unless you sit on his lap of course, which he obviously likes the idea of
The movies playing so he tugs on your shirt a little to get your attention and whispers to you about sitting on his lap
But instead of happily hopping on like he imagined, you look away and shake your head, mumbling something about paying attention to the movie
There’s people over so he knows now isn’t the right time to pry, but he can also tell when you’re even the tiniest bit upset so he’s not gonna forget to mention something to you later tonight
You two would be getting into bed that night when he’d bring it up
“Hey, did something happen today?”
You’d tell him no but unfortunately for you he doesn’t stop asking different kinds of questions until he gets you to talk about it
When you mention that you’re insecure about being too heavy for those kinds of affection he would get so so sad, like looking at you like this ☹️ nearly tearing up
Cause he just sees it as him not doing his job as your s/o to make you comfortable and happy with him - even if that’s not actually the case
He won’t stop asking always for you to cuddle him like that but he won’t pester if you say no - you will see him get a lil pouty though
I hope you guys enjoyed!!
requests are open ( I miss hq pls feel free to send some in :((()
taglist: @plutowrites @sweet-darling91
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scrollypoly · 3 years
Nsfw alphabet for a hunky, beefed up man we all know and love? Perhaps. We both know he’s an absolute snack. A delight. -🎀
Ah Fen~ 🥰I love this beefy hunk
Disclaimer that, hopefully you guys can assume, my offender is vastly different from the original, the original is shit, and I feel like it should be allowed to recreate a character like this. Apparently that's a controversial topic in the fandom, but oh well. I'm still working on his character, and at some point I hope to have a bio out for him as well as the other characters I write for. He's probably not even going to keep the name, but I'll figure that out too.
Offenderman NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Very good with aftercare, you get the shower drink and snack combo. He's always very adamant on discussing stuff too, especially if it was a scene of any kind; its partially him making sure you are actually okay and happy with how everything went, and partially him taking notes on what to do next time 👀
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Your hands. They're so delicate and gentle and vastly different from his. Smaller. Also has an appreciation for legs, expect for yours to be promptly and thoroughly worshiped.
On him? Also his hands; they're a bit monstrous but he's still very prideful of them. I can also see him being a bit vain of his tendrils, very proud and almost boastful of them. He'll show them off if he can safely do so.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Actually fairly normal for an ender? Its cuz of his demon genes, nothing too special about it. Doesn't care where it goes fjshdjf. This letter is a bit boring 🤭
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
The tall dark handsome man at the bar that bought you a drink is secretly a midnight vigilante and can and will kill a man if he makes you uncomfy. Also he's not human ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Kind of experienced? Mostly from his mother, who was a succubus. She wasn't shy with her nature and profession before she died, and she told him some tricks. Other than that, he's had maybe a couple of partners in the past.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
It's an either or, with no in between. Mating press, or you on top. Pick your poison 🤭
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
More likely to be goofy, he'll be an absolute dork and crack jokes, especially if you're nervous in any way. He wants you to enjoy it, and if he makes you laugh, that's a bigger plus
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Again, enders are hairless, and so is he . . . so . . . no fuzzy for him
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
Normally he just has hookups so intimacy?? What?? He's still like a big teddy bear but like. Actual trust and romance and openness??? Oh god, sign him up!
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Not often, tbh. Usually only on his cycles, maybe if he gets bored. Definitely if you ask to watch 👀
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Bondage and restraint. Maybe some roleplay. Dom his ass. Other than that, not a whole lot
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
His place, or yours. Not super big on public stuff, but, I mean, if you want hes not opposed 👀👉👈
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Good personality, intelligence, wit, charm, yada yada. If you can catch his eye, you have a chance of catching his mind and hand, he likes to be wooed tho, and he wants some kind of connection with whomever he sleeps with
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that can injure you. No weapon play or blood play, though impact play can still be on the table. Gagging you is a big iffy too
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Super good and very happy to give it. Very dexterous with his tongue, and while his teeth are a bit sharper than other enders, he's very careful with them not to hurt you, unless you want it. And if you go down on him, he's very easy with you and absolutely makes sure to praise you and give you pointers and nudge you into making him feel so good.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Prefers going slower, but at this point I think it's well established that he's a service top so. Take him at whatever pace you want baby~!
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Oh heck yeah. Very fun and quick, great for teasing you and burning off the desire if it comes up. Very good at fixing and cleaning everything quick and detailed enough that literally no one will know by looking at the two of you either.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
More open to risks, so long as the two of you can fully discuss them. He's not gonna spring anything on you, and he would appreciate if you didn't spring anything on him too 😅
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Hella good, less from his ender genes and more from his demon genes. Being part concubus has its perks for sure, and he can go round after round if he wants too.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Just a few, a couple of dildos and vibes, some plugs, rope, flogs, blindfolds and gags. One of the few guys that will team up with toys and absolutely wreck you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Huge tease. Big on flustering and flirting and teasing you and making you get needy and whiny. If you aren't worked up and grabby when he takes you home, then he ain't taking you home
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not as adept with his telepathy, and its more fun to moan and growl out loud for you anyway so. The loudest of the enders, and is very happy
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
He's a Service Top :o)
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Not so similar as the rest of the enders, due to his mixed genes. Big and Thick, tho he still has some stray tendrils around the base. I think the demon genetics will always show through more than the ender genetics, so he is more demon than ender more of the time.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Kinda 50/50. He's not super horny, but it's not hard to work him up.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
If you trust him enough to fall asleep with him, he might fall asleep with you if he's tried enough. He will definitely let you cuddle up to him though, he is kind of a cuddle bug.
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