#…and I wish they gave us more time with the main cast
mariathechosen1 · 6 months
Seeing a lot of people criticize Netflix’s 3 Body Problem for its casting choices (which I understand, they’ve definitely made an…….interesting decision), but when it comes to criticizing it as a show I think many are being a bit unfair.
I get that a lot of people don’t like it when adaptations change elements of their favorite book, but this show was honestly pretty well made! Not to mention visually stunning!
I watched it with my dad, who has read all the books and who’s a really big fan, while I’m only vaguely familiar with the book plot, but we both really liked it! I definitely agree with some critics that the show sometimes struggles (especially in the first episodes) with giving us proper direction and motivation (something/someone to root for ya know?) but that fixed itself a bit as we got to know the main cast more and more. The show’s biggest flaw (except for all the weird af adaptation choices) is that they don’t give us more time with our main cast. They can be a bit flat at times, and I really feel like most of them carry a lot of unexplored potential.
Onto the positives: The way these guys do dialogue is just *chef’s kisses*. It’s smart, it’s layered, it’s funny and they never made exposition boring. I think a lot of the characters were ‘saved’ by just how great the dialogue was. Characters like Wade very quickly became favorites because of just how entertaining they were, while, on the other side, characters like Auggie seemed a bit ‘dull’ at times (though Auggie definitely became better once they gave her more agency). The show’s characters almost seem divided into two categories: Those with emotional depth, but dull dialogue, and those with no depth, but awesome dialogue. Sometimes it balances itself out, other times it’s a bit frustrating.
I was also pleasantly surprised by how they handled the horror element of the story. While probably not as effective as in the original book (converting written to visual horror is a challenge of its own caliber.), there were several scenes that very much scared the shit out of me.
I also cried……several times. Kudos to Alex Sharp for a breathtaking performance.
I think this show is best suited for two types of people: 1) People who haven’t read the books, but who are interested in some nice sci fi, and 2) Book fans…….who aren’t too emotionally attached to the original storyline.
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soshadysoquiet · 2 months
TUA S4 thoughts.
Below, spoilers.
Okay. Lord gonna need some strength to get through this coherently.
Basics first:
The Music: Maybe 2-3 good songs. Dissapointing. Let's talk of a mo about Baby Shark: to me it wasn't funny, the song being such a social media present one in this world really took me out of the show. Yes sure the funnies of parents having to listen to kid music and them being stuck that way but I really wish they'd taken the time to make an original annoying jingle. TUA is usually such a delight for the ears that this hurt me bad! Plus they then kept changing whether the song was on or off, seemed like Diego could control it somewhat, but then why would he turn it back on for them riding into the final battle?
The Dialogue: Felt forced and cheap in places. They can use the word 'fuck' now and seem to therefor have decided they don't need to make the characters have witty insults for each other.
The 'Themes' of the show: Why has my quirky family drama been turned into a 90's romance film. Who asked for this. No.
The "Plot": When your own characters don't care about the plot for the sake of shindigs you think will be more entertaining then you know you fucked up. It made sense the first 2 series them having side quests. Less so in the third. Even less so now. Literally at times they had to say to each other 'oh yeah shouldn't we find Ben?' I'll be here in the corner raisining. Also they came up with these 'stages' for the apocalypse but had one guy throw up, a couple things go boom and then they merge, it was one of the least threatening depictions of apocalypse I've seen - though that could be that it wasn't shot in very interesting ways.
Also side note for why there were so many shots that started upside down and rotated? Like I get if Klaus is upside down, and yeah the umbrellas are inside out, but it (plus the Bennifer monster) gave me too many stranger things vibes.
Now the sub-cast:
Jennifer: Love that for 1/2 the protagonist of the apocalypse she had little to no love put into her character, I legit kept forgetting her and Ben were part of the storyline. I loved that she was birthed from the squid, but why put something eerie and cool like that in and make it have meant nothing? Such a waste.
The villains [Gene, Jean and Abigail/Psy(sp?)]: Whilst I liked the idea of memories infecting the timeline, literally all of these guys was Tell don't Show. And for a series with only six episodes I do not want my time wasted with some side-character villains getting a dance number over the main cast. Despicable. Also there were WAY too many villains here especially if you then also count Reggie as one. Literally make Jennifer be trying to link up with Ben and coercing him (then Viktor could break through to him briefly from past experience of a similar relationship - the symmetry is nice) and have Abbigail be pulling the strings. There were so many side characters of no import that I lost track of the main cast. Hell, make Kenny's Mom be the bad guy I'd have loved that! Also, I like that Abigail was somewhat evil, but then they tried to make her good too? No thank you. Pick a lane not everybody needs redemption.
Special RIP to Diego and Lila's twins that Never Even Got Names 💀 fucking hell that's lazy ass writing.
Now the main cast:
Viktor: He deserved better, why bother to introduce that he's had a girlfriend, slept through the entire town, and owns a bar when you then don't talk about any of it. He's told to 'grow up' it's so specific, what does it mean? Also since last we saw he was the sort of ride or die for his love type (with both Leonard and Sissy) this is a frustrating turn with no explanation. Also his whole fight with Reggie and getting things off his chest arc felt forced and not as well written to me. And his character seemed to have been given zero changes from the last 6 years. I miss when his powers actually had a sound element to them rather than just, Havoc from X Men hands. You're taking the Viktor out of my Viktor.
Allison: We have no explanation of how she and Klaus found each other and fell in together. No info of how she and Reggie parted ways. We only hear that 'Ray left her' and nothing else. She says no one wants her at the party but then seems to know Gracie? Has she talked with Any of them since? Nothing was addressed from the end of last season, or even referred to being addressed in the past. I don't see the point of her new powers, or any of them having slightly off or new powers when then some of them don't? Either way, her rumours are so classic and now she's floating people? I see the link and if they'd been developing new powers over 6 years fine but no. You're taking the Allison out of my Allison.
Luther: Praise be, I did like Luther this season. He mentioned Sloane (shock horror, a love interest from a time gone by being brought up?!?! In TUA!!??) he was cracking me up and was really being Best Boy. Although I felt a lot of his dialogue was flat, and it seemed really out of character for him to start attacking the piñata? I don't think we've ever seen him physically lash out unless angry? It looked to me like 'oh yeah here's another silly gimmick that will be a haha. Diego, sure. Luther, no. They also decided (not surprised but always so disappointed) to make him getting ape-i-fied again humorous and not the soul destroying thing it would be. Also, why was he ape-i-fied??? His ape-ness came from the serum not the marigolds? Generally though, I really did enjoy him this season.
Diego: Love that we're throwing every over used marriage-in-pieces trope in the book at these two. Love that. Especially as they seemed to have sorted out some of their communication issues. I get their trajectories but was so deeply, Deeply bored watching it. Diego was sadly pretty dislikable for the whole season, which was real sad because I had grown to love him. There were some funny moments don't get me wrong, he's got too much personality to be a boring character, but whilst they didn't have to have a perfect marriage it was so dull and in hindsight such an obvious set up for the bleh that was to come. Plus they threw in a 'don't make me turn this car around' type moment to show how 'he's a parent now look wow' but I can't imagine any of the siblings hearing that and not laughing at him.
Lila: Again, marriage and wrong-conclusions and it was so boring. She's such a fun character and she was reduced to 'ooo how can we make her be a cheater and with Five' Why do you even need to do that? I just feel sad about it. And it doesn't help that we Don't Know Two Of Her Kids Names and neither her nor Diego seem to think of them for however long they're on the road, and she mentions them only once in the 7years of subway hell and both of them seem relatively undistressed without them. Sure, parents do need a break, but if you don't care about the kids visibly you know for sure I the audience member ain't gonna. Also why the eye lasers save for again a brief gag? It makes no sense when she then also has mimics abilities?
Claire: Let's give Claire a side note at this point. I do so hate it when shows decide to make children their parent's brains and moral compasses, take little to no time to show any bond between parent and child until the last 2 episodes, and instead choose to spend that time showing us how naturally fractious a relationship they have. Love that, so much. Never seen it before really. I get it's normal, but when ever other part of the show is cookie cutter predictable I don't need this too. Give her an actual personality that isn't "the wise old rebellious teenager"
Ben: Wow. So glad that A) I had to hear a character explain crypto currency for me, so glad we wasted precious time of a 6 episode series on that. B) Ben had changed 0%. C) that he had Even Less input and impact at the end emotionally than in any previous season and this one was About Him! And do you know why? Because D) they basically used star-crossed-lovers-can't-help-ourselves and made him use every creepy stalker OTT moving way too fast line in the books especially when Jennifer at a lot of moments was verbally saying she wasn't into it.. Also why does he talk about her like he's a 12 yr old and, idk, it was a shame to have no real impact from him until the end when he's suddenly scared and pushing Viktor away to save him but we see no connection from him and Viktor previously as to why he'd listen it would make more sense if it had been Klaus or Luther at this point.
Klaus: Now, I know a lot of his storyline this season came from the comic, and sure it's good material, that should probably have been used Throughout the seasons rather than crammed into 1 day. But let's chat for a hot mo: Now I like that we got to see him be nasty rather than the precious uwu Klaus that I've been guilty of perceiving at times, and that we see some of the negative effects of addiction on the family for the first time. Great moments, important. BUT. I'd have felt his rage out at Allison and turn to drugs would have been a lot more impactful if they'd bothered to show him waking up to the sound of being screamed at, barely able to hear his siblings, struggling to focus on them and wanting to drown it out. But we don't get that, the horror of what this means for him. Then we proceed to got through this whole let's have him want to get shot by a drug dealer (don't quite get why - or how Claire knows he's immortal now? did the powers back thing ever come up??) have him kidnapped and forced to prostitute himself, take more drugs (but still use his powers?) Develop a new power though without using the comic's fun quirk that he has to take his shoes off, and then bury him alive. Wow. this guy had plenty going on, but sure. Then -he can save himself, I thought this might become something poignant - he's able to conjure the dog to Go to Allison and lead them there, but no, he just gets rescued again. Gee I wonder what grave he's in Mom? All I don't know Claire, how about the Only One That's Been Dug Up? I thought it was really interesting to see his moments as a teen with Allison, and how he was living with her and thought they handled the worry about death/germs etc thing well tbf. Though also how the hell did he get home from being 13 hrs away and why nobody cared to go with him was pretty low.
Five: Dear lord that moustache was awful and I'm glad they all called it creepy and he had no concept. I despise 2 things they did here: made it canon that he gets romantic with Lila. Made going back into the literal apocalypse that he spent time having flashbacks about barely if at all affect him - it's unsure if his hesitation going back into it the second time was hesitation to go in there, and that's what I hoped they would do, but then, no. no. Please, Pleeaasse don't take away this nice, safe space I had in this nice, safe 'you literally can't sexualise him with anyone it would be so problematic' character and say 'they held out 7 years but yeaaahhh they hook up.' don't see why it was needed. It didn't 'heal' him, it was a plot for conflict but I've got plenty of other conflict plots that can end with Lila and Diego fighting without having to make every damn character have a god damn love interest! I loved their bond before, it was so fun and special to see a male and female not have to fall in love, and they ruined it. And it was for nothing? And they didn't have time to make the 7 years feel like 7 years and it was lazy writing for cheap conflict in my opinion. I hated it, I hate that it's "canon". I don't think I can describe just how awful I found it and unnecessary. I also don't buy that Five would be willing to not drink the marigolds as much as the others, or that there would be a timeline full of given up fives that sit around a diner. It was fun to watch though. And up until they started the montage in the subway and we knew where it was going I was enjoying Five in this season. that boy has had such a shit life and this is how it ends?
I will say that the flashback to them as kids was my favourite part of this series. It's always good to have a little deeper insight into how they interacted as children but I do have some Opinions here too of course: Reggie saying 'you look ridiculous' to Viktor, no, he made their outfits? I felt that was lazy writing when Reggie in the past has laid into Viktor's insecurities much more keenly: 'That outfit is only for your brothers and sisters / we've been over this, you're not special take it off / I will not have you wasting time with frivolity when the Academy has important work to do, leave us." etc. Also I thought there might be something different about why they all forgot their Ben memories. It was brutal yes, which I appreciated, but I can't believe that these guys wouldn't see their father kill their brother and not One of them flip their shit? Idk, it was a little... good and bad I guess.
I think that's it for now, if anyone read this far then well done! I might write a fix it post in a bit for my own entertainment.
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olderthannetfic · 3 months
Update on the Bridgerton stuff: the online fandom is so homophobic and horrible, and the mods of stuff like the main subreddit refuse to do anything about it (but will remove comments by people upset about the homophobia for "generalizing") that LGBTQ+ fans have had to make their own spaces. There's a whole separate subreddit that bans homophobia called r/bridgertonlgbt, and of course the ones from the main one keep trying to get it banned with false reports by accusing them of "heterophobia" and "doxxing" (re: complaining about their homophobic comments in their own spaces). Assholes who are mad about them making a straight romance from the books lesbian in the show are also doing petitions and flooding like every Instagram post including one by the original author about how she was initially skeptical about such a big change from her books but she's had lots of talks with the showrunners and she trusts them, and has always supported greater diversity in the series. People keep misusing that stupid fucking George R.R. Martin quote (about how creators these days don't do anything original but just warp other people's existing works) when he himself has condemned "the show must be exactly like the books" fan attitudes, especially the racist tantrums around House of the Dragon casting a couple years ago. And on a post by the author HERSELF where she explains why she gave the go-ahead, supports these changes, and condemns homophobia in the fandom! How is she "warping" her own work???
I've heard about this all secondhand from my friend and it just makes me so glad I don't go on Insta or Reddit and instead keep my fandom activities to Tumblr or AO3. Where for all the drama over other things, at least this kind of rancid homophobia you get in spaces where everyone is cis and straight feels entitled to only ever consume straight and cis romance stories (they'll claim they "are okay with gay characters but new ones!" but their example is always like a side character who has an unhappy ending, can you really not get why queer fans are not satisfied with that?) at least that's not so much a thing here. Instead I'll be happily writing Francesca/Michaela and Benedict/male characters slash and ignoring and blocking the haters. And remembering that that show has way more fans than use social media and everyone involved is continuing to refuse to listen to the loud idiots online. Like everyone I talk to about it who isn't super online, most of whom are straight women, think the change is really cool and can't wait to see what they do with it. Some of them have read the books, but most have not.
But god, it just seems like toxicity from top to bottom over there. I really wish a lot of the straight women fans would just admit they don't like a lesbian romance because there's no one for them to find hot. And maybe consider why it's not a big fucking ask to "find something relatable" in gay romances, like gay people have had to do with straight ones for all time. Why must we continue doing that but you're entitled to whatever you want all the time? It's just so weird to see these attitudes still and in fandom in 2024!
These attitudes never went away.
On the fanfic side of things, the slashers just happen to have built the currently-popular platform, so the haters have to deal.
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todomitoukei · 2 months
Honestly it’s a depressing ending for the villains. We get hardly any follow up for the remaining ones, Toga was the last one I expected to die and I was hoping it was a ruse at first. But since it’s official it’s heartbreaking. It’s lacklustre just throwing in a character to portray Tomura and what would happen if a civilian did reach a hand out, and throwing in another character for Deku to interact with. Honestly even the heroes were pointless, nothing has really changed in the system. Hawks never got a consequence for his actions, hell it could have been explored of a hero murdering a villain questioning the like of what makes a villain or hero. But he rises in ranks and has done nothing. I just feel it’s such a rushed ending, and I would have been ok with the same ending if it didn’t feel so messy and compiled together. There are so many loose ends and follow ups from characters, Shoto especially. It’s unfortunate, but honestly I’m glad it’s over. I lost passion after a while, but I appreciate the joy it’s gave me when I first started following the manga and getting into the anime, and experiencing the highs and lows of manga leaks. Dabi was my main one, and it’s one positive I gain from this ending for how open it is to his fate. It’s just sad that it ended this way.
Hori's biggest strength is for sure coming up with interesting ideas - like you said, exploring certain parts could've made for an incredibly interesting story. However, his biggest weakness is not following through with what he's starting, doing a 180 right at the end every time.
The cast has always been too big, yet he chooses to show us minor villains like Gentle and La Brava - who receive a happy ending - while the main antagonists endings aren't even being shown.
As much as the villains dying sucks (subjectively but also objectively since the story spent so much time telling us it's about reaching out and helping everyone no matter what), if they had been at least given a proper conclusion it could've been acceptable, yet after 400+ chapters, the author couldn't even bother to show all the main antagonists and their endings.
Where exactly is Spinner? We know he wrote and published a book, but is he in jail and if so, how did they allow him to publish this book?
Is Compress in jail forever? Is he still in a cell with Geten? He read Spinner's book, but how did he get hold of it? Was the prison kind enough to give him a copy?
What about Touya? Assuming he's dead, how much longer did he have? Did his family care when he died? How is the family coping? Are they getting along? Why did Horikoshi not show us Natsuo and Touya talk after spending so much time saying they used to be so close? Natsuo not saying anything and having mixed emotions after all of this was actually an interesting idea, but not when you don't do anything more with it - now people just think Natsuo is an asshole when in reality, he has every right to feel conflicted, but it sucks as a conclusion when we've all been looking forward to seeing him and Touya finally get to reunite and be happy.
What was the point of Shigaraki appearing as a ghost to Deku? Why wouldn't he at least appear in front of his friends? Why wouldn't we see him show up in front of Spinner, approving his book or something?
And yes, Shouto, too. Why is the main info we get in regards to his father? What about his hero costume, which we aren't even being shown? Did he ever change his hero name or is it going to be Shouto forever?
I wouldn't even say it's rushed as much as it's an unbalanced focus. The last few chapters could've been focusing on these subplots, but instead Hori tried to mimick the tone of the first season by showing the kids returning to school and whatnot, something that could've been shown in less time to also make space for elaborating on a bigger variety of characters and plot points.
I'm also glad it's over, I just wish these characters could've been in a better story.
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2-dsimp · 1 year
Hi! I really liked your yandere merman childe story! Can you do a part 2 where childe successfully fulfills his quest with the sea witch and finally meets his human darling but his darling doesn’t love him?
The Little Merman (pt 2!)
Yandere merman! Childe! x lifeguard reader
Cw: yandere tendencies, murder, gore
Taglist: @ci-apeacefulgift @welcometodemonschoolfan @josephswifey @eatalyy @macwithnocheese @creampuff01
For the past few weeks strange occurrences have been happening within the sandy sands of the beach you’ve presided over as it’s watchful lifeguard. Apparently there’s been sightings of a certain creature lurking around the outer coastline as if they’re waiting for a chance to strike. And due to that baseless speculation by the time you’ve arrived at your destination, the beach was completely filled to the brim of curious tourists that wanted to see what all the buzz was about.
Making your way through the crowds of people to your safeguarding tower. You couldn’t help but let out a sigh at the amount of responsibility that weighed heavy on your shoulders. Dreading that people would try to do something incredibly idiotic all because of this potential creature they believe to be lingering around underneath the calm waves.
You truly prayed that todays shift would be one without any casualties as per usual but unfortunately your prayers happen to go unanswered. As a multitude of silenced screams that went unheard underneath the congested waters began to increase within every few minutes.
Childe was gnawing on a heart he had ripped from the chest of an unsuspecting human man who ventured too far out into the sea. Watching with listless eyes as the human’s body sunk down into the oceans depths along with the other few corpses he’s mutilated as per what was required of him for the ritual to succeed.
He couldn’t help but get so excited from the blood polluting the water. Feeling as if he was on a field day because the fresh smell of death reminded him of the times he fought in the name of the Fatui. Which always gave him a rush euphoria coursing through his cold veins. Although He did wish that they’d struggle more against him but other than that he enjoyed preying upon the humans.
“Phew one last bite~ Well down the hatch!”
He chucked cruelly as he chomped down the last bits of the heart which still pulsed within his bloodstained webbed clawed hands. Chewing the mass of muscle throughly with his sharp teeth he then gulped loudly letting out a satisfied sigh of relief.
If he had known ahead of time that the ritual to become human would be so easy he would’ve done it ages ago. So that he could’ve finally started acting on his primal impulses to take you, his precious little lifeguard as his very own mate.
Ever since the Sea Eldritch Witch told him what was needed to make the ritual work Childe began acting out on his plan to knock out all the sacrifices in one go. Not wanting to waste another moment without you not within his clutches.
Childe knew what he was doing by purposely letting himself be seen by the pedestrians. He knew that the main thing that’s always driven humans was curiosity of the unknown. So Childe used that to his advantage by giving anyone who happened to be looking his way a small teaser of himself being the terrifying creature of the sea that he was.
What he didn’t expect was the bait he casted out to reel in such a feast for sore eyes. He’s never seen that many humans congregating on the beach before. But nonetheless he took it with a grain of salt and proceeded to take advantage of the opportunity and decided to knock out the first four sacrificial pawns he needed for the ritual to work. Although he messed up a few times he eventually got it right since there was no need to fret over the shortage of humans.
Now all he needed to do was eliminate whoever you held dear. Surveying the area from a distance so that he wouldn’t be spotted. He tried looking for the person who seemed to be of importance to you.
To be completely frank Childe couldn’t wait to find out who the lucky bastard was so that he could have some “fun” one on one time with them. The bloodthirsty merman couldn’t help but want to act upon the whispers of violence nipping at the crevices of his twisted self consciousness. Whenever he’s thinking about how anyone besides himself would count as an precious existence to you.
I mean could you blame him? When you’re the one who’ve got him ensnared by your charms. Planting your entire being within his blackened heart just like a persistent weed making him unable to comprehend a world without you by his side.
“Soon we’ll be together I’ll make sure of it sweetheart~ Very soon…”
He cooed taking a moment to admire your perched figure. With drool skidding down the corner of his lips with every depraved fantasy of finally making you his with no other obstacles in his way of preventing that from becoming a reality. All he needed was the the catalysts that’ll act as the key to unlocking the barrier between you and him.
“Haa it’s so hot I feel like melting …”
You muttered underneath your breath, sinking in the safe guard towers chair. Trying to stick to the shade provided via beach umbrella. While still being attentive trying to keep track of the bundles of half naked bodies crowding the waters and the beach as best as you could. clutching onto your board tightly in any case you’d need to take a quick dive into the populated waters.
Suddenly you get a phone call. Reaching out you grabbed your phone taking a slight peek at the phone caller ID. Only to find out that you were getting a call from Xiao one of your closest friends since childhood. You weren’t supposed to be on the phone during your shift but since there was a mass of people it wouldn’t hurt to take the call since everyone seemed to be preoccupied and not in immediate danger of drowning.
“What’s up Xiao you need anything?”
There was a brief moment of silence before he answered in a gruff voice.
“Hey we’re coming down to the beach to check up on you in 10min just giving you a heads up…Stay safe”
The phone call ended abruptly within 5 seconds after he said his piece. But You couldn’t help but smile since you knew he kept the call short as to not get you in trouble. Assuming that Xiao would be bringing along the rest of your close knit group of friends you couldn’t help but become eager.
‘In 10min huh? It’d be nice to see them again’
You thought joyfully with a carefree smile unaware of the murderous merman eyeing you like a hawk searching for any indication of that one person you hold dear so that he can finally complete the ritual to become human and make you his.
To be continued in Pt 3 👀
A/N: I know this isn’t exactly what you asked for dear anon but I plan to draw out the tension and make this into more than a two part series (^◇^;)o
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zutaranation · 5 days
Talking about The Search with some moots on twitter, got me thinking some really interesting potentials.
It’s in character that Zuko would forgive Ursa for forgetting him and want what’s best for her and intellectually understand why she did what she did, but I think emotionally, beneath the surface, he would feel deep pain at that.
Ikem and Kiyi’s existence clog up the plot. It’s too many cooks in the kitchen. Dont get me wrong, Ikem is a fine dude, he seems chill, and I love the dadko moments that come from Kiyi, but it’s too much going on directly linked to the main cast’s lives. That’s why it’ll never be addressed, which feels cheap and makes the reader feel cheated. Like Zuko has a STEPDAD now?! That should be a huge plot and discussion, but it’s not. It’s glossed over. There’s too many characters.
The whole gaang could’ve looked at Zuko, remembered what Ozai looked like, and laughed at him for thinking Ikem was his bio dad. That made no fucking sense. Sadly for Zuko, he’s the spitting image of Ozai. I could see Zuko being in denial, but Aang should’ve laughed at him tbfh.
Like Kiyi and Ikem wouldn’t come up in a gaang adult movie they’d be forgotten and that’s why they shouldn’t have existed.
Kiyi also just feels like some weird bandaid consolation prize for Zuko to toss Azula aside ??? It’s weird idk.
Like why are Ursa’s parents presumably dead? They easily could’ve been alive 💀 Ursa should’ve been vibing with them and zuko meets normal grandparents that were hidden from him for years … it feels less cluttering of a story than making up Ikem and Kiyi and then you would just presume the grandparents are old and rickety and have to hang back in Hira’a most of the time so it’s not like bugging your mind with questions and adding more unaddressed storylines!
I’m okay with the Ursa forgetting her kids plot. I do think it makes her shitty, but I’m okay with the tragedy of it and her being kinda a shitty mom.
Ikem is low key a freak for helping Ursa forget her memories then settling down with her like NOTHING HAPPENED
I wish that Ozai and Ursa once had feelings for each other and he slipped into “madness” in an “absolute power corrupts absolutely” kinda way. It’s more interesting than “he’s always an evil big bad gonna tie you to the train tracks” vibe and eliminates the need for stupid ass Ikem. I remember Bryke mentioning this once too in some old ass trivia bit or something for “Zuko Alone”.
The worst part about The Search is the glossing over the emotional scenes. What readers had wanted for years so badly was the emotional payoff of either Zuko facing his mother was dead, or actually seeing them reunite. Also— the most emotional— Ursa reacting to Zuko’s scar is entirely skipped. It sucks.
Not letting Zuko and Katara have a single conversation when Sokka and Zuko do and Aang and Zuko do is insane. Katara had so much to feel and bond and hurt over Zuko with (yes platonically in this case I’m not that in denial @ antis). It sucks so bad they cut this entirely for shipping bs hatred because BRYKE are 6 years old emotionally.
This would’ve been a much better and emotionally charged story on screen. It was really cheated by being done on a limited page comic. It needed more time, voice acting and music.
It’s implied heavily, as many of us always assumed, that Ursa was SA’d.
If zutara was canon, I think Katara would be furious at Ursa and it would be an interesting conversation and story. Maybe I’ll write that fic
Regardless of these many flaws, the story is much more in character than The Promise or Smoke & Shadow. I hate those comics so bad for making the theme let’s all kill Zuko and be nonchalant if he dies! And making it so that it’s like he never had a found family and still no one loved him and also the weird submissiveness they gave to Katara and the retconning of everything and the repetition and recycling of plots and it all is so bad… 💀😭
What thoughts do yall have? Happy to discuss 👀
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aerkame · 7 months
LMK Mute Reader insert (short)Drabble
Arrrggh, I know I should be asleep rn, but this idea was bugging me, so here you go!
Lately I've gotten much better at ASL, my friend and I have been learning it on and off for months but it really got me thinking, what if an Isekai reader was mute? So much to unpack, and Lego people probably don't have ASL or any way of using their hands to communicate. Worse, there probably would not be or ever be any mute Lego people because of design issues. If so, we just never see it. It presents quite the challenge for anyone entering their world. I can see this MAYBE working out well if the reader ended up in Journey to The West or any other movie/media that does not involve having plastic, yellow, macaroni for hands. Fandom: Lego Monkie Kid Summary: (This is just a drabble to get my idea out because it's buggin' me) Reader wakes up one day in Lego Monkie Kid and struggles to process the lack of human hands.
Sometimes you wish you could scream. This was one of those times.
In front of you stood what was supposed to be a fictional boy in a fictional world; but, having been just ran into by the excited hero made you realize this was all too real to be a dream. Things were clear, you could get hurt, you could smell, you could breathe, and most importantly, you were very self-aware. All evidence points to this being real. And you wanted to scream.
Getting up to dust your clothes off, you watched as what you recognized to be MK also get up. This was so uncanny.
Seeing the gears turn in his head, you watched as MK realized what happened before he came running up to you. "OHMYGOSHIAMSOSORRYABOUTTHAT-" He was frantically bowing over and over, not paying attention as you tried several times to raise your 'hand' to sign to him. You realized you needed his attention but he just kept rambling...and rambling...and more apologies came out until you finally grabbed his shoulder, gave it a squeeze, and made a small smile. Looking up, Mk made a nervous smile back "Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you with my staff!" He was practically eyeing you up down your body, most likely looking for injur- Wait. You got hit by his what now?
You flinched upon realizing what actually happened, ignoring MK's worried questions and prodding. You weren't ran into, well, you were, but you also got a good whack from the staff as well. So why didn't you feel anything?
"Uhhm...hello? I didn't hit you in the head did I?" You felt a hand gently tap your shoulder, snapping you out of your thoughts.
Looking over, you quickly began moving your hands, making odd gestures, trying to explain you were alright. MK looked confused, you looked annoyed once you realized the issue.
These hands, they weren't like yours, you can't communicate with them like you would back home.
A huff left your mouth as MK nudged closer to get a better look, he probably thought you were crazy now.
"I don't know what you're doing, but I'm sure you'll feel better with a bowl of noodles and quick check over?" The sentence came out as more of a question, MK clearly wasn't aware of the issue going on but he was too sweet to leave you here it seems.
It was a hard choice as weird as it sounds. On one hand, you could meet the main cast, but on the other, you don't know what you're getting yourself into. But...you need help and you feel overwhelmed. You doubt you'd feel comfortable being with other characters.
You gave MK a quick nod after thinking it through. Not even a split second passed before you were stuffed in the back of a noodle truck with MK hopping into the driver's seat, eyes sparkling "Perfect! I'm sure you'll love Pigsy's noodles!" Starting up the engine, MK sped off, not giving you a chance to buckle in.
Off in the distance, a bird watched the truck speed away from the crater left behind from one of MK's 'attack'. Imprints of your shoes were embedded into the stone due the force behind the staff. What a concerning sight...
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koishiro · 1 year
Nymphomaniac | 방탄소년단
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 : Jungkook, the headmaster’s son, is just trying to make it through school unnoticed but with his academic smarts and undeniably good looks it’s no surprise when he gains the attention of a certain student
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 : virgin!Jungkook x nymph!fem!reader
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐑𝐄 : fluff/smut/school au
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆ — 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐒 : corruption, sub!Jungkook, loss of virginity, oral m!receiving, slight nipple play if you squint, penetration, you both make a sex tape, teaching Kook how to kiss.
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Gaining stares before I had even stepped foot into school was something I became used to. In fact, it was a daily occurrence at this point. Everywhere my eyes drifted were faces with downturned eyebrows and tight lips.
My steps felt heavier as murmurs reached my ears - what they said was always about me, yet never directly to me. The whispers traveled like wildfire around the school grounds; everyone seemed to know my secrets and have their own opinion on what should be done with them - none of which gave any relief or peace from the situation in hand.
Every girl's lips moved in hushed conversation as I walked through the hall, and their gazes followed me with burning intensity. The contempt was so thick that it almost felt physical. I heard snatches of whispered phrases float in the air - "disgraceful," "just like her mother" - making clear what they thought of me and my ways. But no-one dared utter these words to my face, then they would have something to gossip about.
The boys would look at me with a strange, heated hunger in their eyes. I was like an oasis of pleasure in the desert of their lives – something that could quench any thirst they may have had. My gaze and my body language seemed to be inviting them closer, as if I wanted one or more of them to take advantage of me in whatever way they wished. It felt shameless, but it also satisfied some internal craving for carnal satisfaction that drove my every action and thought.
“𝘐’𝘭𝘭 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘬?“ Turning around to face the boy I had been occupied with in the closet for the past 30 minutes, I sighed.
I opened my mouth to tell him no and that he should just move on to some other girl until I decided it wasn’t worth it and instead, turned around and walked off in the opposite direction.
It was times like this that would remind me of my mother, a strange kinship of sorts; as if I could feel her in my bones, see echoes of her lurking within me.
It was disconcerting and uncomfortable - like sliding into the dress she wore when I was a child, and realizing it still fit well after all these years. A reminder that everything she taught me has taken root somewhere within myself to grow or wither at its own will. Times like this made me yearn for the distance only death can bring.
Everyone in this boarding school had heard of my mother – a woman of dubious reputation, who the headmistress once described as “sowing her wild seeds”. The other students whispered when I passed by and cast judgemental glances at me as if I too would follow my mother's path. But they didn’t know that I was determined to make something better for myself, no matter how low people perceived me because of my lineage.
Nonetheless it seemed like everywhere I went all eyes were on me – judging every move and misstep like an unforgiving jury watching its victim carefully with discerning scrutiny.
I was sixteen when the diagnosis came in. Nymphomania – an insatiable craving for sexual relationships and gratification. A shadow had been cast into my life, and it seemed like no matter how hard I tried to control it, nothing worked - the cravings were always there somewhere beneath my skin, bubbling up and consuming me until all that mattered was finding a way to release them.
Masturbation could only do so much; soon enough even that wasn't enough anymore. So through trial-and-error experimentation over time, I gained a reputation amongst the boys of my neighbourhood as The Local Whore.
I straightened my back and kept my head high as I walked through the grand halls of this prestigious school. Everywhere around me were the daughters of the rich, prancing about in their designer clothing, whispering secrets behind their fingers and sizing me up with judgments hidden in their eyes. They all used their daddy’s money to get here, although I was no different.
I clasped my hands together, feeling the edges of my fingernails press into the soft flesh of my palms; a reminder that although I was no different - it had been a long road that had brought me to where I am now.
My father's teachings still echoed in my ears: insistent, unbending and unyielding in his belief that God alone could help me become who he wanted me to be. Little did he know, if only he could see me now - standing here on this threshold between two disparate worlds - how wrong his once convinced assumption were.
I had convinced myself that he chose this school over any other simply to pretend, possibly forget, that he even had a daughter. He’d take this opportunity to fix what was left of his reputation back home. After-all, “𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢 𝘸𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘢 𝘥𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘦𝘳“ as my father liked to remind me.
The school was like something out of a fantasy book, with it's broken brick walls and long narrow corridors. It seemed to exude an air of respect - the colour black ran through its veins, ironically the colour of sin, from the carpets lining the floor, to the trophy cabinets that decorated its walls.
Everywhere you looked there was something mysterious and spine-tingling about it; almost as if you were surrounded in darkness despite being standing in full light. Every footstep echoed throughout this old building making for a seemingly never ending playing field for exploration.
The building loomed over the campus, two stories high and multi-winged with rows of windows looking out on a sprawling intercontinental view. Its walls were pale gray brick and its roofs vermillion slate, an unusual yet distinct combination that resonated grandeur in its tallest spires.
The entrance hall was wide enough for four people to pass without shoulders brushing; within were two connected wings built side by side – one pink granite the other white marble – signifying gender separation due to firm religious beliefs held by those inhabiting it's spaces. Deep down inside these walls resided 500 students following their separate schedules from breakfast through dinner.
Although they didn’t do a very good job at separating us considering we still had to pass one another in the halls on occasion in order to traverse other parts of campus.
The school was a large white structure set back from the road. The front driveway coiled around neatly trimmed trees, and garden beds decorated with vibrant flowers lined the entrance walkway like soldiers on parade. From afar, it looked like an ivory castle; up close it revealed its immensity- straight lines of classrooms flanked by geometric terraces of dormitories that seemed to stretch for miles in either direction.
Inside there was a large reception office staffed by friendly faces all too eager to please visitors, within it were walls covered in cabinets full of trophies earned from countless victories in sports and academics alike.
I had been transferred here a few months prior under the instruction to finish my senior year unless I want to stay here another year by failing, that was not going to happen.
But that still wouldn’t stop me from having my fix.
But it also meant I needed to find myself a tutor, and fast.
I ventured through a labyrinth of silent halls and corridors, each one a mirror to the last. Everywhere I went seemed to draw me further inwards; closer to an unknown destination that even the most experienced navigator would struggle with.
I trudged down the empty hallways of the school, my feet dragging somewhat as I made my way towards the study hall. A bright light shone out from an open doorway and when I looked up to see what it was that beckoned me closer, no less than an angelic figure stood before me.
His brown hair was thick and slightly wavy, with a tousled look, almost having a golden sheen to it from the sunlight streaming through the arched windows at one end of the hallway; His eyes were like two pools of melted chocolate, deep and rich. He smiled slightly as he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out except for a few notes from some unheard song playing.
From beneath the thin frame of his glasses, two round lenses like a pair of moons framed a pair of shining golden-brown eyes that reached out to capture the warm rays of their own miniature sun within themselves. They glinted with every motion he made, each sparkle or twinkle depicting an emotion he held so deeply and passionately in his heart.
His facial features were a mosaic of perfection. Dark brown curls cascading past his ears, framed by high-cut cheekbones and an angular jawline flecked with the faintest of stubble that I longed to run my finger across. His lips were thin and delicate, rosy in hue and slightly parted with a small mole just below adding an extra layer of charm — almost as if it was begging for a kiss. With every feature I beheld, my heartbeat quickened faster until I found myself unconsciously crossing one leg over the other in sudden need.
He was lean and toned, his muscles standing out subtly beneath the crisp fabric of his white button-up shirt. Although it did nothing to conceal his shape, the garment lent him a certain refinement that was offset by the sleek black slacks he'd chosen to wear. Completing this modern silhouette was a bag slung around his neck.
He was tall and well-groomed with a chiseled jawline that seemed to be carved from granite, his thick, dark hair was a wild tangle of curls, obscuring his vision and causing him to pause in frustration. He slowly raised a hand with pale blue veins running through it and swept aside the stubborn locks, revealing his gentle brown eyes that had been hidden by the mass of hair. As our gaze connected for an instant, I saw his cheeks flush crimson like flames dancing on kindling wood.
I knew who he was, how could I not?
Jeon Jungkook was one of the many tutors on campus, and his specialty lay in poetry and fiction. He read voraciously, soon turning to painting and ceramics as well. Wherever he went, he had a book tucked into his arm or peeping out of some bag on his back like an extra limb; when girls stopped him to ask for help with their own work, instead of putting down the novel or essay in his hand as most would have done - uncomfortable from being caught reading – Jungkook held onto it tightly as if afraid it might vanish if not clung to with enough force.
But that’s not what caught my interest, no.
He was the son of the Headmaster, he was off limits. He couldn’t be any more perfect if he tried.
Luckily for me, I was in need of a tutor and I wasn’t going to settle for just any tutor.
Thankfully we were allowed to have a tutor of any sex as long as there was a person of authority to watch over. Considering my target was the headmaster’s son, there was no need for a third person, he was trustworthy in the board’s eyes. A sinless being.
I just had to figure out how to approach him without scaring him off.
I followed Jungkook into the quiet study room, my mind spinning with plans. He continued on towards a back room, producing a small silver key from his pocket to unlock it before walking in alone. My footsteps were nearly silent against the aged hardwood floors as I made my way closer to where he had gone until an unexpected slam caught me off guard and sent my heart racing.
I took the opportunity to poke my head in, cautious but curious. My eyes landed on Jungkook, in his school uniform with his sleeves rolled up and revealing veiny arms. His hands raked through his locks frenetically as he leaned his elbows on his knees in front of a canvas screwed up tight with colors ranging from yellow to red, seemingly an old painting with how dry the paint was; it looked like a battle between light and dark was taking place much like the inner battle he was having. I felt mesmerized by the sight; it seemed even more beautiful because of Jungkook's fury evident upon his face while he crafted what appeared to be yet another masterpiece.
The room was of decent size, with a carpeted floor tucked under layers of dust sheets that served to protect it from any stains Jungkook might throw its way. A large black-framed window at the front travelled up towards the ceiling, creating a pitched skylight as if it were a centerpiece overlooking the back of the school. Along one wall ran an expansive shelf system - books and pottery pieces spilled out in this makeshift archive - while opposite leaned three easels for paintings and sketches he had been working on.
The room was alive with the glow of possibility. Canvases were propped against the walls haphazardly, their unfinished stories waiting to be completed. Paintbrushes and pencils spilled out of cups on an old desk tucked away in a corner, forming their own miniature rainbow beneath the soft light shining from a paper lamp nearby. All that remained now was for someone to take up those tools and paint something beautiful into existence.
Jungkook leaned back in his chair, hands buried in his hair. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose with one hand while raising the other to sweep away fallen strands of brown hair from across his forehead. His eyes were a deep brown as he looked off into the distance, taking a moment to think, breathe.
He stood in front of the canvas and surveyed the palette, eyes narrowed and deep in thought. At last he reached forward with sure hands, taking a brush from its holder before selecting two tubes of paint. As I watched on as if transfixed by a spell, he put them together on his brush then blended them together into an orange-hued swirl which seemed alive to me - undulating between reds and yellows but never settling completely either hue. With slow purposeful strokes amplified by deliberation that seemed almost religious in devotion to creation, he slowly placed each drop onto the canvas where it lay shimmering like a living thing.
Until the stupid door creaked and his eyes met mine.
I didn’t let this falter me though and instead entered the room to admire my surroundings and him further, leaving my bag near the door.
"Y-Y...n," His deep voice caught me off guard, rumbling through my body with a feeling of admiration. How had he known my name? I suppose being the Principal's son had its benefits, although it was neither told nor asked for. Nonetheless, his choice of words and delivery sent a shiver down my spine - that made me want to hear him say it over and over again.
He sounded small, shy… nervous.
”I-Is there something I can help you with?” He set his paintbrush down and rose to meet me as I crossed the room towards his desk in the far corner of his makeshift studio.
I ran my fingers along the criss-crossed grains of weathered wood, tracing flowery patterns left by long forgotten layers of paint. My eyes drifted up slowly until they connected with his soft, comforting yet shy gaze through an almost tangible bond that seemed to echo throughout the room.
“Yes actually, you’re going to tutor me” I said without hesitation.
“I need help getting out of this shit hole” I now stood in front of him as I heard him suck in a breath.
“M-My help?” I nod my head in reply, “I’m failing my lectures and according to someone, you seem to be passing all of them. If I don’t pass by the end of the year, your father and mine are going to keep me here for another year and in no way is that happening.
Lightly I traced my fingers up his chest, exploring the contours of his form with delicate precision. As I reached the base of his neck, my fingertips met with a loose tie that had managed to escape its own confines and was now splayed across one side of our bodies.
Pausing for a moment as if in thought, I carefully straightened it before smoothing out any creases from within his shirt that had been left in strife by this foreign presence. As my hands brushed against his torso gently guiding itself along each thread as though reading braille, all the while I continued my explanation.
“And who better to teach me the ways of a long and sinless life than the headmaster's son” I finish, tilting my head to the side.
“I-I’m not sure-”
“Would there be no way of convincing you otherwise?” He switched his eyes back and forth between mine, his pink blush turning am even deeper red, if that was possible.
“I c-can’t tutor girls” His eyes flickered away from my gaze, and he shuffled a bit on the spot while he glanced up at me with sheepish eyes that betrayed both shyness mix of nervousness.
“And why’s that Jungkook? Do you get nervous?” I said with a twinkle in my eye and a teasing smile on my lips.
“G-god wouldn’t-” Before he could finish his sentence, I stepped forward and interjected with a graceful firmness. Stark stillness descended upon us and seemed to stretch on for an eternity as my hands slowly moved from their place on his tie until they rested firmly atop his chest. His gaze followed mine as we both watched the slow journey of him being guided gently backwards towards where he sat earlier.
“Let me guess, God wouldn’t approve hm? Is that what you were going to say?” Pushing him down to sit on the chair, I now stood over him which didn't last long as I soread my legs to straddle him, taking the time to get comfortable.
Jungkook, face now red with a surprised expression as if he had died and gone to heaven, placed his hands out as if he were caught red handed making sure to keep the remnants of wet paint away from us both - how thoughtful.
Wrapping my arms around his neck I continued, “How anout this, one lesson. I need to show my teachers and your father that i’m trying in my studies so i’m not a waste of their time and I currently need to pass at least one class. Considering you already have an easel and paint out, we can start here. If I get a B+ or higher we’ll continue our tutoring sessions but if I don’t we can stop. Sound fair?”
Still frozen in shock, all Jungkook could manage was a slight gulp as he repeatedly blinked in astonishment. Taking that as a yes, I turned around to face the easel, all prepped amd ready to use.
“So, where do we begin?”
I had always thought that watching someone go through the tedious task of setting up an easel and arranging paint palettes wouldn’t be that appealing. But then Jungkook came into the picture with his broad-shoulders and angular jaw, ready to begin his work, and my heart raced faster than any art class could.
His sensual movements displayed a kind of grace that made me painfully aware of how sex-deprived I was in comparison to him – here he was bringing beauty out of thin air, while all I wanted to do was to drag him to the floor and have my way with him.
His veiny hands, covered in now dry paint, as he set up an array of paint ready to use.
“What’s first?” I rose from his lap to rid myself of my clothing. With a single motion I removed my shirt and flung it on the pile of our discarded clothing.
The cool air rushed across my exposed skin as I removed my skirt. It joined its pile of clothing with a satisfactory thud. He paused, gazing on this new landscape as if memorizing every detail before reverting to his own state of semi-undress.
I had always thought that watching someone go through the tedious task of setting up an easel and arranging paint palettes wouldn’t be that appealing. But then Jungkook came into the picture with his broad-shoulders and angular jaw, ready to begin his work, and my heart raced faster than any art class could.
His sensual movements displayed a kind of grace that made me painfully aware of how sex-deprived I was in comparison to him – here he was bringing beauty out of thin air, while all I wanted to do was to drag him to the floor and have my way with him.
His veiny hands, covered in now dry paint, as he set up an array of paint ready to use.
“What’s first?” I rose from his lap to rid myself of my clothing. With a single motion I removed my shirt and flung it across the room, creating a pile of discarded clothing.
The cool air rushed across my exposed skin as I removed my skirt. It joined the pile with a satisfactory thud. He paused, gazing on this new landscape as if memorizing every detail before reverting to his own state of semi-undress.
“What's with that look? I don’t want my uniform to get dirty now do I?” I once again made myself comfortable on his lap between his spread legs as he clears his throat in shock.
I decided to paint a butterfly, something of purity. Jungkook tells me to start mixing the colours I need which he had set in front of me a few minutes before.
I began started with the outline, starting from the head and leading my way to the wings. Ten minutes passed by before I began seeing everything wrong with my so-called painting.
“I don’t think I’m doing this right” I could feel his stiff posture behind me, hesitating untik I felt his bare chest - shirt now unbuttoned to avoid any staining, displaying the silver cross necklace around his neck, slightly brushing against my back. “Can I - um - help… you?”
I nod and he lightly places his hands on top of my own just enough to guide me. He leads my hands across the canvas, leaving a hue of blues in it’s path.
Once the basics are done, Jungkook decides we were done for the day. Facing him, I push myself further onto his lap, “I-I’ll let you know when we can continue… this”
Jungkook trailed off when I pressed my hand against his chest, the still wet paint paint covering my hand left a print on his chest, marking him.
"Y’know, you’re really skilled with your hands” I trailed my eyes from the open shirt, exposing his lean chest up towards his eyes where they switched nervously between my own as I sloely lean in.
“Makes me want to put them to better use” I lift myself up slightly, causing his paint-coated hands fall to my ass.
Just as our lips were about to meet he backed up, “I-I’ve never… kissed anyone… before” if my heart was to fail me, it would be in this moment.
“B-But I want to kiss you Y/n, I want you to be my first kiss - I just don’t know… how” He professed, allowing a tint to coat his cheeks.
His eyes continued to switched between my own before taking their chance to catch sight of my lips.
I used my finger to lift his chin, leaning in closer to his lips to the point where I could feel the softness of them against my own and just about make out the lone mole beneath his bottom lip.
“Then kiss me Jungkook” I watched the nervousness take over his features. Doubt began to circle his eyes. “I’m not stopping you”
“I d-don’t know… I wouodn’t want to ruin it… can you - please” when he begins to fumble on his words I lean in, keeping my eyes on his perfect lips awaiting my kiss.
I run my finger over his bottom lip, Jungkook’s brown doe eyes turning a shade darker and the shin of the moonlight creeping in through the window was not hiding the look of want and need in our eyes.
“Can I do what Jungkook?” I pushed him further, enjoying the way he writhed underneath me.
“I want you to teach me how to kiss you properly, please Y/n” I couldn’t hold back any longer, not when any sight of purity in his eyes had disappeared, now replaced with want, need, sin.
I bring our lips together, I could already imagine the expression he held - eyebrows raised to the heavens, eyes blown wide and frozen in shock. What I didn’t expect was for Jungkook to suddenly give my ass a soft squeeze resulting in a hum to pass through from my lips to his.
My hands make their way across his back until I reach the back of his neck, leading to his hair and tugging his head back a little.
I took that moment to assess my work. Lips turned a nice, swollen red, eyes dazed and his mouth letting iut the softest of pants. Jungkook moves forward to reconnect our lips but frowns when I move back.
“Someone’s impatient hm?” I reached my arms back to loosen my bra, just enough to allow him a small glimpse of my nipple.
While doing so, I brought his dazed yet still shy smile to my lips, kissing both corners before continuing our kiss, taking the note of the soft moan extending from his throat.
My hands now explored his chest and iver his arms while my hips roll in a way that makes him pause the kiss to inhale sharply.
The cool wind blows upon us from the window, causing goosebumps to rise and my nipples to harden. This time I’m the one who’s caught off guard when I feel warm lips pressed to my chest, focusing themselves between the valley of my breats.
“You’ve gained confidence” I try to laugh a little to keep him at ease but it’s short lived when when he nips at my skin before adjusting his seating causing his bulge to to push against my aching clit.
Jungkook looks at my chest, and the trail of saliva and the fingerprints he’s leaving over my body as if he was taking a oicgure with his eyes.
Then he gets this look in his eyes as if he just had the grandest of ideas waiting to be revealed. His eyes flicked up to me, and it’s killing me how ready my body was for him.
“I-I have an art commission to submit in a week… for the university I want to attend and I need to submit something I find beautifully interesting and I - um - …I couldn’t think of anything until now… I’ve been putting it off until earlier …where I just slapped a few colours on a canvas…” he look down at our laps as if ready for my rejection.
“Are you saying you want to use my body to get you into college?” Jungkook furiously blushes at my blunt response.
“I won’t show your face and I’ll cover anything inappropriate. I’ll only photograph your body, nothing else I promise”
“I undersif you say no, it’s not something you hear someone ask you everyday, and I -”
“I’ll do it” I press my finger against his lips keeping my own to my finger, “but, I expect payment in return”
I could almost see his mind racing, trying out what I meant by - “payment?” I give him a wink as my own response but then he shifts again, his bulge still very much apparent.
“When do we start? I’m just a little too exited to have your hands all over me” if only he could understand the true meaning of my words.
Jungkook fumbles over his words a little bit before giving out a clear response.
“Would…would it be okay to start now… if that’s okay with you of course”
Slipping off Jungkook’s lap, I take the time to admire his ‘studio’ of sorts as he gathers the supplies needed for his submission. Paintings, what looked to be his, adorned the wall, books on other artists filled his shelves and an array of pottery pieces decorated the cabinets.
I turn to find him watching, smiling. “Don’t mind me, continue” I take an apple from a ceramic bowl I’m sure he made himself and take a bite, his eyes following every movement.
He gulped as he watched a trail of juice slowly glide it’s way down my chin, dropping to my chest.
“I-I’m ready… if you are” he finishes with a whisper without tearing his eyes away.
“Where do you want me?” This seed to snap him out of his daze, clearly having something else on his mind.
“Where do you want me positioned?” I clarified, setting down the apple. “O’oh - uhm - would over there be okay?”
Pointing to the only empty space in the room, he began setting up his camera with a clean dust sheet and a white wall as my backdrop. I made my way over, settling down on my knees with my hands placed in front - ready to be positioned any way he wanted.
Lifting up his camera and pointing it towards me, Jungkook visibly froze, taking me in. His eyes scanning over every inch of my body making me feel naked - maybe it would be better if I was.
Concluding this would be a better idea, I raised my right hand towards the strap of my bra and slowly pull it over my shoulder, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
"W-What are you doing?" I could practically see his heart ready to burst out of his chest like a comedy skit.
"I'm making it easier for you, wouldn't want the straps of my bra to be in shot now would we?" Jungkook made no move to capture any shots, just continuing to stare at my bra that was barely hanging on.
"Don't mind me, continue" I repeated the same words from earlier, "wouldn't want my photographer to get distracted" his eyes running over my cleavage as the blush begins to rise along his face.
Jungkook was still standing a fair distance away as I continued to tease him "Why are you so far away? surely you can't get any detailed shots from over there"
Stalking forward, he raised the camera level to his face as I heard the continuous shutter urging me on to proceed with my 'modelling'. My hands drifted from the tops of my thighs, across my stomach and leading towards my breasts, pushing them together as I stared straight into the lens of the camera, no doubt making contact with his own.
Continuing my many poses I leaned forward until I supported my weight on my hands and knees, my favourite position. Undoubtedly jungkooks too it looked like, with his tongue poking from between his lips and eyes trying not to linger for too long as to make me uncomfortable.
Crawling towards him as if he were my prey - no sudden movements as to startle him, I slipped my fingers between the loops of his school trousers, drawing him closer.
My hand wandered up towards the hand that helped support his camera, grasping his fingertip and letting it glide across the soft skin of my cheek, towards my lips where I placed a gentle kiss to the tip before letting them run down my neck, slower and slower down my chest, stopping at the valley between my breasts.
I guide his hand to push off the other strap of my bra before letting his hand grasp my breast. His mouth falling ajar, I close my eyes for a second, liking how his hand brings more warmth to my body.
"I bet she wonders what it would feel like if you touched her or how it would feel to please you herself, I bet she was thinking about it the entire time" I refer back to Adi from earlier.
Jungkook's eyes dart back to mine again, "but she'll never know, will she?" he shakes his head.
"And why's that?" I inclined
"B-Because I only want you to please me, Y/n" My eyes almost roll to the back of my head, his voice comes out deeper, sinned with lust.
I leaned up as far as I could on my knees to grasp Jungkook by the collar, his silver cross dangling in my face as if daring me to tarnish everything he'd ever known. Leading him by the collar and causing him to lean forward, I moved towards his ear, allowing his eyes to take in the rounds of my tits, "I know, I just wanted to hear you say it"
"Y/n... I want-" he cuts himself off as if the sinful words had burnt him, forbidding him from letting his desires take control.
"You want what Kookie? You have to say it" I slowly let my gaze wander down to the hard-on in his slacks, he had to be uncomfortable from the restrictions of his pants.
"Do you want me to touch you Kookie? Is that what you want? I need you to use your words or I won't know what it is you want" He visibly gulps, biting his lower lip as my hand only slowly creeps its way down from the collar of his shirt towards his aching dick before moving away back to his thigh.
"Y/n... please... can you touch me?" I almost moan just by the desperation in his voice, I begin to unbuckle his belt, running my hand over his bulge before taking him out of his slacks
Now standing straighter, Jungkook stood towering over me, the camera held in his hand lay limp by his side.
I sucked in a harsh breath, he was big. So fucking big and perfect.
I never believed in the saying that it was always the quiet ones but fuck was I a believer now. "I-Is this alright?" I just about managed to tear my eyes away and turning my gaze to him, almost like he wanted to hide himself away because I had been staring for far too long.
The sight of his pre-cum waiting at the tip of dick, teasing me.
"It's perfect, so damn perfect" Jungkook visibly relaxed a little but that didn't stop him from blushing harder.
"Why don't you start recording hm? that way you can capture more shots without having to focus, consider this as your payment" I instruct as I use my index finger to run up the base of his dick, Jungkook letting his mouth fall open with a nod.
Slowly and with a small shake of his hand, he lifted the camera in time to capture me squeeze the head of his dick, making him release a moan that could make anyone wet or pass out.
Using one hand I reach behind me to unclasp my bra, letting it fall to the floor while the other kept a hold on his dick. I pushed out my chest, causing his entire face to go red.
"Do you fantasise about them? How soft they would feel in your hand, massaging them? Or having them wrapped around your cock while I look at you with such innocent eyes until you cum?" stroking him with an occasional twist of my hand.
"Or how good they'd look in your mouth?" I wanted... no, needed to touch myself but this was about him, my little kookie.
"Oh my..." I watched his chest heave up and down, my nipples pushed out even more.
"I bet you would love to feel my lips around you, sucking and letting my tongue tease over your tip. The feeling of wanting to cum over my tits or deep down my throat, I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you" He quickly nods his head and I don't think he's realised he's admitted to it.
"You're so hard Jungkook, you're being so good for me right now" his hips bucked up, his muscles bulging under the sleeves of his shirt allowing me to make a mental note that he liked to be praised.
"Y/n... I'm - I - I... oh please keep going" His words became a complete mess as he grew closer, he throbbed in my hand. I wasn't planning on stopping.
"Cum for me Kookie, let me make you feel good" I sped up the pace of my hand, making sure to run my thumb over the tip before using his pre-cum as lubricant to squeeze the base of him.
Jungkook went to bite down on his lip but I tapped his thigh making him stop his actions. "I want to hear you, cum in my hand" he never looked away, even when I thought he would, he didn't.
With each twist of my hand, I knew only one thing would set him off completely.
Almost as if he knew something was coming, my eyes shined with a devious glint.
I places a short kiss to the tip of him setting him off, making him squeeze his hands into fists causing his veins to pop. I placed another one on the base of his dick, the second kiss making him lean his head back and his shoulders sag as his thighs tense on either side of me.
I was pressing my thighs together almost painfully to where my knees dug into the wooden floor watching him unravel in my hand.
His brown hair was now wet due to sweat, sticking to his forehead and glasses slipping from their original position. Sweat droplets running down his panting chest I so desperately wanted to lick.
When he calmed down, he said nothing. I got up from the floor and grabbed the camera he had still been holding and placed it on a side table, continuing the recording.
We weren't finished yet, far from it.
I made my way back to Jungkook and took a hold of his hands, leading him to step out of his now fallen pants and over to where I was originally posed but this time, I had him on his knees.
My pretty boy.
Placing my hands on his head, combing through his damp strands with his head tilted back and eyes blissfully closed, I let them wander down to his neck and over his shoulders. Sinking to my knees to gain more access with my hands I continued my wandering across his chest, feeling it constantly begin to lift and fall.
I continued my travels down over his abs that I dream of kissing my way down to scratch with my nails as I ride him until we both cum.
I lick my lips and admire the sight in front of me, my little Kookie in nothing but his unbuttoned shirt. I rub over his dick, giving him an occasional squeeze as I kiss the spot below his ear.
"Did you like it when I did this?" I squeeze him one more time and he responds by releasing a small whimper, urging me to continue my assault.
Releasing the grip I had, I placed my hands on his chest once again, gently pushing him to lay on his back, letting me straddle him as he finally cracks open his eyes to stare at me with those big doe eyes of his.
He watched me carefully and let his body relax when I brushed his tip with my thumb. My hand hardly fit around him going down the base.
can already tell by the way he's looking at me more than anything else that he's nervous.
"Shouldn't I... uhm. I read that I could make you feel good if I..." He dropped his eyes between my thighs and fully blushed.
I covered his lips with my own, my bare chest meeting his. When I pull away he's blushing even more, his eyes can't seem to figure where to focus.
"Just let me take care of you, okay?" He responds with a shy nod, I bite my lip at all the ideas I had planned for the future.
It may not be my first time but it is his and the last thing I want is to overwhelm him knowing that he's trusting me to be his first time.
So I start slow, leaving painfully sow kisses from his sharp jaw, making a trail down to his neck. The spot where his pulse lies is beating against my lips, telling me he's not only nervous but that he wants it as much as I do.
I push myself lower, kissing down his chest until I get to his unbelievably and perfectly cut abs which rise at the rhythm of his chest.
He licks his lips and it makes me want to kiss them and bite on them like I know he loves and turn them red until we're breathing like maniacs.
I graze my fingertips up the sides of his shaft, Jungkook's body tensing and calming down as my lips come in contact with him, I kiss from the tip all the way down as if I was making sure he never forgets the print of my lips on him.
My lips finally part around his cock, I arch my back so he can see the curve of my ass and the two dimples staring back at him.
My left hand works the middle section of cock while my tongue swirls around his head. I hollow out my cheeks, bringing out my cheekbones more, and to hear the "mmphs" coming from him as keeps a hand through his hair, tugging on it slightly.
I twist my hand up and down on him, liking how he unravels simply by my hand and mouth. I continue to pump him while flicking my tongue over his tip which makes him let out a deep breath.
My lips are probably glossed by now and my hair must be absolutely everywhere. His hand reaches out and pushes the hair that's fallen over my shoulder back to get a better view of my face.
"I-I like watching... you" It's hard for me to keep myself going, I could never have imagined Jungkook ever saying things like that.
When I remove him from my mouth, I can tell he was close but I didn't want him to cum just yet.
"We're not done yet" Jungkook continued to pant while I reached over into my bag I had left by the door and dug through to find a condom, followed by the loss of my underwear.
Jungkook sat up straighter, both of our eyes were glued to each other as I rolled the condom onto him, I slowly crawled myself to his side.
"If it becomes too much just tap my thigh twice and I'll stop" I remind him and I swing my other leg on the other side of his thigh.
I guide him between my clit, coating the condom with my wetness. Making sure I kept eye contact with him before pressing the head at my entrance and slowly sinking down. When I feel half of him inside me, we break eye contact and my mind turns off.
The room was silent other than the sound of both our moans being mixed together.
It felt like I was a virgin all over again, I had to let myself adjust to his size, I knew it wasn't going to be easy to fit him inside of me and fuck was he big.
Looking back at Jungkook, he had his head tilted back on the floor, his Adam's Apple bobbed and his neck covered in a sheet of sweat. I burned the image into my head.
If I could take a picture of this I would, but I guess the video would have to suffice I thought as I turned my head and stared straight at the camera, giving a little wink.
Turning my attention back to Jungkook, "Are you okay?" I managed to control myself for his well-being. "Do you still want to do this?"
"Y - You... t - this... I can't even think straight" He pants. "I still want this... with you" Everytime he opened his mouth I felt myself pulsing around him, causing whimpers to slip from his tongue.
I feel the vibrations of chest when I begin to move, he grunts with need, and my body jerks.
"Please keep g-going" He begged, his hands on my hips, and my hips began to move down on top of him, my chest was close to his face while his eyes were solely focused on me.
My hips rock themselves on their own accord, I focus on the way his body reacts, how his eyes try to flutter close but he won't let them.
"I like it when y - you do that" Jungkook leans his head back once more but I grab his jaw and direct his head back to me.
"Tell me what you like, tell me everything you like that I do that makes you feel good" I slowly rolled my hips in the same action and his mouth falls open and that damned groan that could make anyone incredibly horny just from hearing it caused me to do it again.
"T - That, when you go slow like that... I like that a lot" I repeat the action and this time I lift myself and drop on him causing soft whimpers to leave him before he can catch them.
"A - And when you... when you kiss me while you bounce like... Y/n don't stop" Our lips colliding and my lower half continues to connect down onto his.
He closes his eyes when I continue to lift and drop back down in repeated actions and pause to roll my hips down but I tap his cheek.
"Look at me Kookie, don't you think I look pretty when I ride you?" i bite my lip with a smile, knowing it's hard for him to get any clear form of a sentence out.
His eyes are half-lidded like he can't keep his eyes open. He pushes his hair out of his face and kept his eyes locked with mine.
"Mhm, I - I think you look... Y/n you're going to have to stop if you want me to answer you... I can't talk when you feel like this or when you move like that" This only caused me to speed up my pace, my hips rolling in a way which makes his nails pinch into my skin.
I feel myself clenching around him, I would be a fucking liar if I said I didn't feel so good right now.
Every time I feel his cock leave and enter me, my mind can't seem to think of anything else other than driving us both to finish.
I place my hands on his shoulders and this time it's my head being thrown back as I ride him faster and faster, I feel my body let go and enjoy the pleasure and it feels as if I had finally got my fix of a drug as If I was having withdrawals.
His hair was sticking to his forehead and his brown eyes were studying me. They were watching every facial expression I made when I felt him his deeper inside of me each time I dropped down onto him. They study how my body reacts when his hands meet my skin and how my nipples ache to feel his tongue.
He reads me like a book, leaning forward I feel the warmth of his tongue on one of my nipples and my other being rolled between his index and middle finger.
"Fuck how did you..." He manages to get me to say as I roll this time and feel my entire body heat and melt.
I remember how I also read that women gain pleasure from this kind of stimulation... and I like the sounds you make when I do it, do you like it?" Did he not hear me? Or did he just like being told how skilled his tongue was becoming by the minute?
He stares up at me while he continues to swirl his tongue around the bud and squeezes at my other boob, my pussy wraps around him like a vice making him release a string of moans around my nipple and it sends waves of pleasure through my body.
"Shit..." I grind my hips into him at a rhythm that makes him stop and drop his head between my breasts.
His hands instinctively fly to my waist, guiding me at the same pace my hips move. I lift his head by gently grabbing his hair.
"Let me see how good I feel, don't look away from me" I watch the pleasure write itself across his face, his eyes say it all and his moans only encourage me further, he couldn't hide it even if he wanted to.
My hips buck and he lifts his own to match mine which causes me to grip around him. I felt like cumming on the spot when I felt the warmth oh his tongue on my neck.
Jeon Jungkook was giving me hickies, from my neck to the top of my breasts while he whimpered against my skin as if he couldn't help it.
"Y - You just feel too good... so good" His eyes are slipping closed again but he doesn't let them, his nails dig into my hips and the sting feels so good, my own nails scratch down his chest and abs as I've been wanting to do from the start.
My hands slide up his body to hold onto his muscles and my hips buck faster into his.
Jungkook's breathing was ragged, all over the place, my body was set on eagerness, and I arched my back into into his body. Jungkook wrapped his arms around my waist tighter and brought me closer, I rose my head to face the ceiling, sounds left me almost pathetically.
"I - If you keep moving your hips like that, you're going to make me cum" His jaw tightened, I slid my hand through his brown hair and pulled his head back.
"That's what I want, I want you to cum for me Jungkook" His hips tense below me when his cock throbs inside me, and his face flushes deeply.
Not only was he close but so was I, all I could focus on in that moment was the that stupid cross necklace as if shaking its head at me in disappointment.
"Y/n..." I made sure to watch how he moaned my name and how he squeezed my hips tightly while his hips bucked as I kept going.
He twitched inside of me, no doubt filling the condom and mouth dropped open as I could feel every drop he let out. It caused my body to writhe against his, shuddering while I moaned his name as if it was the only word in my vocabulary.
I dropped my head against him, our bodies felt stuck together, combining into one like they didn't want to be apart from the other.
It took us two minutes to calm down, my chest was heaving against his and my throat felt sore from all the moaning as well as the nice sting from the marks he left on my neck and hips.
Lifting my head to look at his face I wiped the corners of his eyes with my thumbs, ridding the post-sex tears that threatened to fall.
Once he eventually opened his eyes, I took the liberty of checking over him, making sure he was okay.
Once I concluded he was, my attention was brought back to the chain around his neck.
a symbol of innocence, faith, purity.
Combing back his damp hair, I leaned towards his ear, "Think of me when you try and pray your sins away tonight"
Let’s hope his father never comes across this video.
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thank you @mikrokosmosjk for waiting so patiently >.<
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cosmicseafoam · 2 months
Randy Moore on the Sunken Teeth Co live part2
part 1 about the drop here
These wont be super in order as I'm gonna try to group them
Dividers by @wrathofrats
He's in the middle of making a record so new music soon-ish
It's not a new band, he says this is a "Randy record"
It's being produced by his friend Henry Chadwick
They'll be in the studio this weekend to record more stuff
Someone said "I hope you're taking care of the Mothman enamel pin I gave you" and he said he transferred it from his jacket to a pin board in his room to keep it safe so he doesn't lose it
"Do you still have the Sunken Teeth Bracelet I gave you at the SLC show?" he said "Yes I do! Anything that anybody has ever given me, I still have and I cherish cherish cherish everything that people take the time to hand me and make. 🙏🏻 I'm very appreciative. You guys are awesome"
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He was fucking around a bit with a delay to make voice effects and said "I'm just trying to add some production value, y'know, just a little something, know what I'm saying?"
At one point he did something with the delay pedal and then said "never mind that was dumb and I've embarrassed myself"
He's excited to see the new Nosferatu
He doesn't have a dog but wishes he did
He's from the Bay Area
He drinks sparkling water
He's been watching The Sopranos for the first time (he's on s6)
He hasn't seen Twin Peaks
He hasn't gone to Spirit Halloween yet because he thinks he should wait for Lucy to get back from tour so they can go together
He hasn't watched Longlegs because he's "been busy doing stuff"
He's playing with Sweet Gloom in Santa Ana and San Diego on the 9th and 10th of August
He hasn't watched Over The Garden Wall
He really liked the Danzig dance scene in Abigail
If he was to get a Nightmare Before Christmas tattoo it would be of the masks that the three kids wear to represent him and his siblings
Someone said bring the 'stash back, he said "I don't think so"
He hasn't been to a Rocky Horror shadow cast and the thought scares him cause he doesn't want people to touch him while he's watching the movie
Someone asked which chipmunk he is, he said his sister Alyssa dubbed him Simon, herself Alvin, and their brother as Theodore.
He's not doing any overseas gigs any time soon
He said he's trying to recharge creatively and physically
He's an Aries
He uses the Ernie Ball regular slinky 10-46 guitar strings in the green pack
Someone asked if he plays mermaids he said "of course"
If he was a muppet he'd be "The Count. Obviously"
He has not listened to BRAT
He mains Dry Bones on Mario Cart
He likes Halloween because he thinks the weather is nicer, he likes sweater weather
He's never watched Baywatch
He gets scared of walk-through haunted houses
He is not going on the next Alkaline Trio tour
He likes Sisters Of Mercy
He has 10 or 11 guitars
He's been playing guitar since he was 11 or 12.
He takes his coffee with lots of sugar but Lucy drinks hers black which he "could never"
He doesn't know what he's gonna be for Halloween
He's not watching IWTV
He wants to visit Salem and the cemeteries in New Orleans
He has paper bats strung up on his shelf and he said "The bats keep my record collection safe. From... the sun! Idk."
He hasn't watched the new Deadpool movie
He likes The Shining
"I'm a real vampire, it's confirmed"
"I can fit in your pocket. I can get in there, for sure. IIIIIII can get in that pocket"
Someone asked how tall he is and between questions he said "I'm 6 feet tall", "I'm LIKE 6 feet. I don't know what I am, I haven't measured myself since I was 12 so who cares", "I'm like 6ft on a good day. People shrink, fluctuate. Who cares. Who cares about anything", "Yeah I'm like 6 feet on a good day, it's not that big of a deal. 6 feet is like NOT that tall. Maybe? I don't know", "I'm ACTUALLY 7 feet tall. Let that be the takeaway from this." and finally "I'm two bats tall."
Someone in the chat said "Basically 6ft is not 6ft, why do men lie?" and he responded "I'm sorry. I'm just- I'm just a boy"
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Vampire movie: The Lost Boys, he later mentions it was filmed in Santa Cruz which is close to where he lives and he hangs out at the bridge sometimes
Beatles song right now is "I'm looking through you"
Chappell Roan song: Red Wine Supernova
BoyGenius song: "probably Satanist" but he really likes the first EP a lot
The Strokes song: either The Adults Are Talking or Last Nite
Cryptid: Mothman
Newer horror movie: Nope by Jordan Peele
Tattoo of his: ballerina on a tightrope or the crocodile underneath her
He owns a first pressing of Goddammit by Alkaline Trio and it's his favourite record of all time
Someone asked him to rate the 1990s ninja turtle movie out of 100 and he said "It's probably 100, it's maybe my favourite movie"
He can't pick between Creature Of The Black Lagoon and Dracula, they're his two favourites from the Universal monsters
Dogs or cats? "Dogs"
Metallica album: Master Of Puppets
Misfits song: Night Of The Living Dead or "Astro Zombies is always a favourite" and he did specify Danzig Misfits
Spirit World song: ULCER
Dracula: Bela Lugosi
System Of A Down song: Toxicity
Guitar model: Fender Jaguar
Dead Kennedys song: Kill The Poor. He said Fresh Fruit For Rotting Vegetables is his favourite DK record.
He likes MCR, his fav album is Three Cheers and fav song is I'm Not Okay
Fall Out Boy song: Dance Dance
Fav song EVER: Sleepwalk by Santo & Johnny
Animal: Bats. No specifics, he said "I like 'em all!"
Alkaline Trio song from the new album: Shake With Me
Halloween candy: the pumpkin reeses cups
Concert: He saw Green Day do a secret show at Gilman Street which is a really small DIY venue
Thing about touring: he likes to see the friends he's made over the years cause he doesn't get to see them often
White Claw: Raspberry. He doesn't like Black Cherry so he gives those to Lucy
Cemetery he's visited: Hollywood Forever
AFI song: Fall Children
Zombie Film: Night Of The Living Dead
Horror movie actor: Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee
Pokemon: he's a Charmander guy
Place to travel: "My bed. I love sleeping"
Food: Pizza. He said he's a pineapple on pizza guy.
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Liv was in the chat and ask for a toy shelf tour
Pee-wee Dracula painted by Matt Skiba, given to Randy as a gift
He has a Green Day tour poster from when Dog Party (his gf Lucy’s band) opened for them and he said “super proud of Lucy, she’s the best”
Funkos: Rivers Cuomo, Dracula (which the lady at walgreens didn't charge him for), and Twenty One pilots but he's trying to get rid of his funko pops
He’s trying not to collect things anymore
Kiss Alive figures
Ozzy bark at the moon werewolf eating a mini brand ball taco
Ninja turtles 1990 movie figures
Fake ninja turtles ice cream
Alkaline trio Campbell soup cans from the my shame is true record
Metallica figurine setup
He thinks he has about 500 records on his shelf
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Someone asked for a tattoo tour and he said "that would take too long" but he did show off his arm and speed run through some of them.
crystal ball
rose through a heart
ballerina + crocodile
His first tattoo was a mermaid on an anchor on his upper arm. Her tail is "seafoam green" which he said is his favourite colour.
Most of his tattoos are in a traditional style, but he said he's "got some crazier ones" on his leg.
Ones he didn't specifically mention but that I've seen from photos:
a broken arrow
an astronaut lady
bats on his collarbones
portrait of a lady on the back of his arm
a few random roses scattered around
a large flower on his elbow
(what looks like) a rose inside a diamond with a straight razor underneath
(what looks like) a mummy/wrapped sarcophogus
dagger and rose
Elvis TCB lightning bolt
a small flower with a smiley face in the center
creature from the black lagoon
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velvetcake96 · 7 months
Oscar Pine Redesign/Rewrite
(Note: I do like Oscar how he is, he is my favorite character, but I wanted to do something fun because midterms are kicking my ass and if I have to use more brain cells towards my academics without a break I will lose it.)
So… I made him a fox Faunus, not only because we only have one in the main cast, but because it would be interesting. (And even more adorable)
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He’s a little more imaginative here, while still carrying his sarcastic humor/streak. I decided to double up his fairytale inspirations with The Little Prince and his original Tip! I also added some actual pine green because not only does it look good with the orange but because HIS NAME IS OSCAR PINE! PINE!!
I also thought of the idea that he got his last name from his mother, a huntress who decided to retire when she gave birth to her only child, only to pass away after defending that son from a Grimm attack. Everything other than that is about the same, works on a farm, lives with his aunt, but has more respect for hunters/huntresses.
Okay, I get that his magic is supposed to be his semblance, but dang it, I wanna explore the possibility of him having a semblance but it going out of wack because of the sudden invasion of magic.
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(The name is a work in progress.)
He got his semblance not long after he lost his mom, out of the wish to be able to save a couple of minutes with the people he cares about. (Also because I like the idea of semblances reflecting some kind of trauma idk call me a weird psychology major) When he stops time, he has to be touching someone or something so they can still move around.
Volume 6-9:
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This is what boredom and the need for a break gets ya. Rwby fanart.
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racergirl-112 · 1 month
Push Me Over - Chapter 3: Do I Make You Jealous?
18+ MDNI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Warnings: Language
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A Few Weeks Later
After being on and off set for certain scenes over the next few weeks, Dani and Hugh had managed to be professional with each other and nothing else. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be, maybe not. 
One night after wrapping early, Shawn and Ryan had asked the main cast if they wanted to go out and have dinner and maybe do some karaoke. Dani jumped at the idea and immediately said yes. 
“Hugh, are you going tonight?” Dani asked as they began to walk to their trailers. 
“I was thinking about it. Are you?” 
“I mean unless my cult meeting got rescheduled, then yes,” she answered with a laugh. 
“Damn, you and your character literally have the same smartass attitude.” 
“As advertised,” she replied, fake curtsying. 
“Sweetheart, you are too much.” 
“Yeah, whatever you say. I’m not too much,” she replied, opening the door to her trailer, before smiling at him as she walked inside. Before he could leave, she popped her head back out. “Oh by the way, here is my number if you ever want to talk.” She handed him the piece of paper, before shutting the door. 
“You’re just enough,” Hugh replied under his breath, wanting to see where the night would go. 
Dani had gotten back to her condo to find the perfect outfit for that night. Even though it was May in London, it wasn’t as warm as she was used to in the states. She decided on ripped black skinny jeans and a white off the shoulder crop top with her sneakers. They said it was casual, so she was taking advantage. 
She arrived at the restaurant where everyone was meeting, finding out she was the last one. 
“Over here,” Ryan yelled, motioning her over to where everyone was seated. She walked over to the table and saw everyone, especially Hugh, in a skin-tight black t-shirt with black jeans. She sat down, across the table from Hugh. 
As everyone made small talk around them, Dani was checking her phone and had a feeling she was being watched. She glanced up and saw Hugh staring in her direction. Since so many people were around, she looked down at her phone and saw he had called her earlier with his number. She clicked the text option and sent him a text. 
Dani: Creep much? 😉
Hugh: I just like the view if you want the truth. 
Dani:The basket of french fries? I mean I like them too, but I haven’t even had guys look at me like that LOL
Hugh: Sweetheart you and that smart mouth
Dani: I told you it was as advertised. 
Hugh: I’d like to know more about it…
Dani looked up at him and he gave her a smirk that sent a feeling through her body that could only be described as chills and lightning at the same time. 
Hugh: Did I strike a nerve? 
Dani: Why would you say that?
Hugh: Sweetheart, the look on your face says it all. 
Dani: Believe what you want to believe
Hugh: I will. Maybe I should show you. 
Dani: Is that so? I’m intrigued. 
Dani downed her drink before flagging down the waiter for another drink, ordering a double margarita. She looked over at Hugh who had a wicked smile on his face. She barely knew him, but fuck if he made her feel some sort of way and she definitely wanted to know what he meant by “showing her.” 
After everyone went back to making small talk, Ryan paid the bill and they moved on to the karaoke bar. Luckily, they had rented it out, so they could have their privacy. 
People took seats throughout the bar, drinks in hand ready to take on karaoke. Hugh sat down next to Dani, catching her off guard. 
“Do you have a soft spot for me or do you really just like following me around?” she joked, taking a sip of her drink.
“Is both an acceptable answer? He asked, raising his eyebrow. Dani was taken aback by his response and turned on even more so. 
“I guess,” she answered, trying to play coy. Before Hugh had a chance to get closer to her, her name got called for her song. She glanced over at him, getting out of her seat. “Wish me luck, Jackman.”
“You don’t need luck, sweetheart,” he replied with a smile.
Dani got up on stage as everyone started to clap and cheer for her. The first notes of Somebody to Love by Queen flowed from the speakers as she began to sing. Even though her Uncle and Ryan were in the corner smiling, her eyes were on Hugh and his on her. He was mesmerized by her. Not only could she sing and hit the notes, but she had the stage presence. 
“Somebody to love,” she trailed off as the song finished, a smile crossing her face. The whole club erupted in cheers as she jumped off the stage and over to where her Uncle and Ryan were. 
“That’s my girl,” Shawn said, hugging her. “I knew you still had it in you.” 
“Thank you,” she replied as Ryan gave her a hug as well. 
“Dang kid, you went off and grew up on us,” he joked, wiping away a fake tear. 
“You two are embarrassing.” She walked over to the bar to get another drink, a figure sidling up next to her. She thought it was Hugh, but it was another actor on the cast. 
“You did amazing up there. I’m Scott by the way,” he said, reaching out a hand. 
“Danielle, but I go by Dani.” Over Scott’s shoulder, she saw Hugh and he didn’t look too pleased. Could she be making him jealous? Baby let the games begin.
As she nursed her drink and Scott continued to talk and she acted like she was interested in what he was saying, people began chanting for Hugh to get up on stage and sing his song from The Greatest Showman. He kept laughing it off and saying he wasn’t going to do it, but finally after enough persuasion, he got up there. The music began to play and his voice flowed from the speakers. Like she had done to him, Dani was under some kind of spell. She excused herself from Scott and got closer to Hugh as he continued through the song, owning the stage. Everyone was cheering and clapping for him as she just watched him. He noticed she was looking at him and began to sing to her, making her heart race. He reached out his hand for hers and she let him take it, pulling her up on stage as he sang to her. The song finished as he was focussed on her and not the room around them, cheering and clapping. “Hugh,” Dani mouthed, pointing to the crowd cheering as he turned around and gave a bow. 
“Thank you,” he said, as he helped Dani off stage. Shawn and Ryan came walking over. 
“Seriously, have to be Mr. Showoff or Showman,” Ryan joked. 
“Even getting my niece involved. Nice touch,” Shawn added. 
“Always got to make me look better than you two.” Hugh scanned the room for Dani, but didn’t see her. “Excuse me, gentleman.” He walked towards the bathrooms and low and behold he found the one person he was looking for. 
Dani was walking out of the bathroom after trying to calm herself down after being what seemed to be the muse for Hugh on stage. Not wanting to think too much into this little crush of hers, she had gone to the bathroom to breathe and throw some cold water on her face. 
“Did I get your attention?” she heard the familiar voice say from behind her. 
“What do you mean?” she questioned. “You mean pulling me on stage and singing to me. I really don’t get it.” Hugh pulled her further down the hall and into an alcove where no one could see them. 
“Dani, think about it,” he started as his hand cupped her face. 
“I thought I was just some kid,” she started, starting to feel the confidence and buzz of the tequila she had been drinking all night. 
“Sweetheart, you have no idea.” Before she could process the moment, Hugh’s lips grazed her own. “Tell me you don’t want me just as bad as I want you. If you don’t, we can stop.” Dani couldn’t keep her body from reacting to his words as she fully committed to the kiss, her arms wrapping around his neck. The feeling of his fingers brushing against her bare skin. The feeling of his noticeably hard dick, straining his jeans. 
“Hugh,” she breathed, breaking the kiss. “Should we really be doing this? We barely know each other. Plus, you said you just got divorced. Maybe, we’re just drunk.” His thumb caressed her face. 
“What do you want?” he asked. 
“Maybe to get to know you better. I need to go.” She kissed his cheek before walking away from him. Hugh knew in that moment, getting Dani may be harder than he thought. 
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
I definitely wasn't binging through Krulu's tag like a horny depraved soul with no life (which i am) when i found this:
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Pinnie I need to know how Krulu responds/reacts to Admin's existential crisis and crippling anxiety telling them that they're useless to him now that he has no need to hide and he can just dispose of them if he wants to.
[Fem reader.]
TW: Slight angst; Religious mindsets.
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It's wonderful seeing your lord in such high spirits.
You never made note of it before, mostly to avoid being insulting, but it bothered you that Krulu felt unsafe all the time, resigned himself to the darkness of his sacred floor, didn't look beyond the walls of The Clergy's Eye or set foot onto his own garden.
It was disheartening.
He's a god! He's your god! He should face the world with nothing but pride and elegance, his might is to be witnessed and revered by all- Hiding is unbecoming of his perfect nature.
You suppose you have to thank Miara for all of this. For the safety and confidence Krulu now exudes, for the push she gave him to finally finally impregnate you- For your beautiful baby boys who have now grown up to take Earth's main annexes by storm! Life is good.
Life is wonderful.
But it's so, so scary...
Ever since your higher stopped using you as a vessel -There's no need for such anymore, after all- A depressing distance has been cast between you two. Something stifling.
You're so very happy for him, for Adelo and Adrul who can now communicate with their second father openly, see him in the flesh so much more often than they once did, for the two of you even -Because you do like witnessing Krulu's glory- But... Things just aren't the same.
You no longer feel Krulu in the back of your mind, caressing your thoughts and murmuring to you. His presence on your body is so diminished you feel naked. Unsafe. Out of sorts. You feel useless as his servant. This isn't right. It's something you're ashamed to admit, but you wish he'd return to your form.
What's wrong with you? To be wishing misery upon your lord...
You're his chosen, you're the mother of the rulers of Eden and Perdition, you're loved dearly by your lord and your angel- So... So why is it that you feel small? Like an ant? Without Krulu... You're just a human. Just a girl.
Tears prick at your eyes.
It's stupid, it's so stupid. You should be happy. This is a day of celebration! Your sons have come to The Clergy to partake in celebration with their parents and the core team after their impressive feats. And instead of spending quality time with the people closest to you...
You're sobbing on a faraway bench.
You don't even hear the footfalls approaching steadily.
" Chosen. "
To say you sprung up like a startled feline is to put it flatteringly lightly. Your lord stares at you from a great height, gaze ever hardened, though you've been his servant long enough to spot the creases of worry in the corners of his eyes.
" M- My lord, excuse me- I'll be joining the festivities in no time. " You stammer, wiping the tear trails on your face and hoping your makeup isn't smudged to absolute shit. But it probably is.
Krulu makes a chuff, then takes a seat beside your figure, not looking directly at you. One set of arms rests on their hips, another steeples its fingers, the remaining one adjusts some of his jewelry.
" Speak. What troubles you? "
To the point. You've come to love that about him.
" Nothing serious, my worship. " You sigh. " You know how fragile the human mind is, I'm just being silly. "
The siadar's tail rattles across the floor.
" Our minds may no longer be interwoven, but make no mistake, I know when you dare lie to me. " He warns, eyes narrowed. " Your pain is still my pain, however. And to hurt me is not wise. "
You curl further into yourself on the bench, sniffling. " My deepest apologies- "
" I will not ask twice. What ails you? "
Slowly, you crane your neck back, meeting only the charred side of Krulu's face. With perhaps the most shaky and futile of inhales, your lips let loose.
" I'm scared. "
The siadar straightens slightly.
" My lord, I would never doubt your words- But I doubt myself. We aren't as close as we once were, and that's amazing! That's good! But... I feel so hollow without you in my body. What duty do I have now? I know it's stupid of me -I know I'm foolish- But ever since you've ceased to use me as a vessel, I've been so... Miserable. "
The shame coating your cheeks burns brighter than a thousand dawns, so you opt to bore holes into the stone of the garden's pathway.
There's a deep rumble from beside you, and soon, your small frame is lifted, deposited in the crevice where your lord's long legs cross, facing forward to the garden's expanse just as he does.
" You are going through withdrawal. "
Krulu begins, giving all your thoughts pause.
" Have been, for quite some time. "
Four hands touch your body, two loop around your neck in a familiar hold that has you sighing in comfort. The other pair rubs your sides up and down.
" I never did think it had reached this state, but then, you have a most insufferable habit of hiding your distress from me. "
" I... I don't want to disappoint. "
The implication is loud, even without being verbalized. A pause passes.
" Pray tell, what bred the idea into your mind that the mother of my heirs is expendable? " He challenges, met with silence for a few moments.
" Was it something I imparted onto you? "
And, when you think about it deeper, there was never a moment where Krulu made you feel as if you were nothing but a body. Or that you would someday outlive your use. Your sentiments are strange and you can't place their source aptly.
" Never! I don't recall a single thing you've said or done to me that could cause this- I think I'm just... Having some type of episode? " What a wonderful thing to say, you snort inwardly to yourself. Yes, you're going mental.
" Episode, hm? " Krulu chuckles above you. " Close enough. You got there on your own, songbird. "
" I- Lord Master, I beg your pardon? " Did he actually confirm you're going insane?
The siadar shudders at the title bestowed upon him, a squeeze of powerful claws reminding you not to rile him up now. It slipped.
" Just as when I took hold of your form your organism experienced many changes, you are now going through several more as well. " He explains simply. " My departure is intense, I would be alerted if you did not react to it. "
You blink, staring into his blazing orange hues. " ... But it has been years, lordship. "
Krulu's grin turns slightly mocking. " Indeed it has. "
You can only blink vapidly again, prompting him to laugh loudly and pet you almost condescendingly.
" How many years did you live as my vessel, lesser? "
Oh. Oh.
No fucking wonder you've been feeling this way for so long. Oh boy, this is going to take a long while... Who knew a hormonal imbalance could last this long, and be this devastating. Maybe to a doctor, it would be extremely common knowledge, but you often forget said information, because it hardly ever holds relevance these days.
You feel even dumber now. Dumb as a door. May the ground grow a hole and consume you immediately.
The berating inner-monologue about to kickstart in your mind is halted entirely by the sensation of Krulu's thin lips against the top of your head as the massive entity curls to shield you from the world at large.
" You are hereby ordered to seek me as soon as these flares of inadequacy show themselves, understood? " Even if his words hold supreme authority, you feel the insurmountable care behind them.
" My chosen is my adored and my adored is the light of this decrepit world. You hold more value than the universe could ever hope to achieve to me, yet you do not even realize it. " He whispers.
And you cry.
You sob like a fucking baby.
You wail into your lord's arms, full of relief, of love, passion and reverence and complete fanaticism- Enough euphoria to blind you for seconds of total bliss. It's almost like an orgasm, in a peculiar way.
He holds you throughout the entire catharsis, silent, stable like a stone wall. Only when your quiet sniffling has petered out does he speak again.
" Come to us, Adrul did say he has many tales of his time in Wrath. His mother should listen. "
You stand with Krulu's help, a smile as bright as the sun on your face.
Everything is okay.
You'll get through this.
For him.
Always for him.
Everything for him.
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igotanidea · 10 months
Lights: Matt Murdock x reader
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Christmas bingo day 4: lights
Of all the christmas decorations Y/N loved lights the most.
She was one of those people who are more than happy to retreive the light chains In the middle of November, put them around the house (both inside and outside), creating a magical atmosphere and enjoying long, cold autumn/winter evenings while sipping hot chocolate under the weighted blanket with multicolored mini bulbs everywhere.
Maybe it had something to do with her character, after all, there was a reason why Matt used to call her a firefly.
There was one thing that casted a shadow on her little light affection.
Matt couldn’t see them.
So how was she supposed to enjoy it fully when the most important person in her life was stripped of the view of iluminated christmas tree and the multishaped christmas decorations set all over town? Obviously he never seemed to care, rather reconciled with the accident that happened so many years ago leaving him blind, but still - being unable to share the experience to the full extend was like a scar on heart.
It was yearly tradition, that every December Karen, Foggy, Matt and Y/N attended the NY light show to feel the christmas amosphere and be a part of something extraordinary that helped them get away from everyday’s trouble. Obviously, for many, it was also the perfect opportunity to spend time with long-unsee friends and family, cause the event surely attracted people from across the globe. And yet again – it made Y/N question the choice and coming out with multiple, improbable excuses to not go this particular year.
„Don’t be silly Y/N, it’s tradition!” Foggy grabbed his heart feigning heart attack upon hearing another faint argument coming from his friend. „You’re not sick, all your limbs are fully functional, the only part of you that seems to overwire is your brain if you think we’re letting you break the rules. You’re coming.”
Try to argue with a lawyer.
She should have known better.
It was amazing.
Every little detail was perfectly perfect, starting from the alley leading to the main showplace, that was festooned with lanters, through the path freshly cleared from snow ending on lit up ice sculptures.
Y/N could barely hide her excitement, squeezing Matt’s hands in her gloved one, turning around and spinning with eyes wide opened, taking in all the attractions of this winder wonderland out of space and time.  Trying her best to ignore amused gazes coming from Karen and Foggy, who, year after year called her a flurried kid.
Matt just kept quiet shaking head a little with his tiny sinature smile that showed his affection to the ball of positive energy that Y/N was.
„Hey Mattie, wait a moment” she grabbed his hand a little tighter making him stop letting Karen and Foggy walk by
„What is it sunshine?” he turned his head towards her, not stopping smiling. Even though he could not possibly see the concerned and a little awkward expression on her face he somehow sensed the change in her attitude and the grin slowly gave way to confused frown „hey, are you all right?” his hand found a way to her cheek rubbing it gently „thought you were enjoying being here?”
„I am! I am, it’s just – „ she insinctively leaned into his touch enjoying the warmth. „we don’t actually have to attend the show if-?”
She didn;t get to finish as Matt dragged her away from the main path, cleatly wanting some privacy to have a word. Once they dived between the trees and no one could hear them he turned to face her again.
„Talk to me. Why the sudden change of mood, Y/N? You love this show. You love the lights and all those backlit reindeer figurines. I already bought you one as a christmas gift. So what is it?”
„I wish I could share the view with you…” she whispered looking at the ground and kicking some snow awkwardly.
„You could descibe it to me…” he smiled, grabbing her shoulders and holding to him.
„I’m not a poet or a writer, I don’t think I can find the right words to do so…..”
„Ok then, I need you to do me a favor, all right?”
„Sure…” she whispered, her voice stuttering a little from everything she was feeling at the moment.
„I need you to take a look around, ok? Nothing more, just take a look around, no words needed. Can you do that?”
„I guess….?”
And once she started taking in all the surroundings, getting lost in them she didn’t notice the wide grin forming on Matt’s face. Not until he grabbed her from behind making her jump a little.
„I love you.” He muttered into her hair kissing her temple.
„I love you too, but what-?” Y/n spun around so that they were facing each other, Matt’s hold on her not faltering in the slightest.
„I can hear your heart beating faster Y/N. I can feel your skin getting warmer. I can almost sense your happiness coming from every pore in your skin, so how can I possibly be upset just because I can’t see the lights? You’re my light Y/N. You’re my light in the darkness….”
„Matt, I -”
„hush, little one. Don’t speak.” He leaned his forehead on hers, brushing her upper lip with his thumb  bringing a shy, loving smile on her face „There it is. The best part of being here with you… Just let me enjoy this…”
„You’re a hopeless romantic, you know that?” she whispered through her emotion-clenched throat
„Mhm… And I know you let Karen and Foggy get Ahead of us for a reason, sweetheart. I think you’ll be missing this year’s show after all, cause I’m keeping you here all to myself. Under those buzzing christmas lights.”
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monstersinthecosmos · 7 months
There's a million clues about how Lestat & Marius are similar characters, like father & son, and I wish so much that we had more content about Marius in his first couple centuries when he was still a fledgling. As much as VC assigned mortal age to your temperament, there's still some clues to Marius's emotional dysregulation in his years with Pandora, even leading to their breakup.
But he lapses into the same fits of despair as Lestat and struggles with his nature. I'm thinking about this part in B&G when he has to slaughter the first group of cultists and has a meltdown realizing this is what it's going to be like forever:
But though deeply touched by their mishmash of Christian and Persian ideas, of their wild notions, and by their curious appearance of innocence, I was also horrified by the fact that this was a new religion among the blood drinkers, and they spoke of other adherents. They spoke of a cult. The human in me was revolted; and the rational Roman was more confused and alarmed than I can express. It was Pandora who quickly brought me to my senses and gave me to know that we must slaughter the whole band. Were we to let them go, others would come to us, and soon the Mother and Father might fall into their hands. I, who had slain old pagan blood drinkers with ease, seemed somehow unable to obey her, perhaps because I realized for the first time that if we remained in Antioch, if we maintained our household and our lives, more and more blood drinkers would come and there would be no end to killing them in order to protect our fine secret. And my soul suddenly could not endure this possibility. Indeed I thought once more of death for myself and even for Those Who Must Be Kept We slaughtered the zealots. It was a simple thing to do for they were so young. It took only moments with torches and with our swords. We burnt them to ashes and then scattered those ashes as, I'm sure you know, must be done. But after it was over, I lapsed into a terrible silence and for months would not leave the shrine. I abandoned Pandora for my own suffering. I couldn't explain to her that I had foreseen a grim future, and when she had gone out to hunt the city or to do whatever amused her, I went to Akasha.
And as much as mortal age gives vampires perspective on humans, gives them perhaps more respect for mortality, gives them solid foundation for understanding the price of immortality, there's still something to be said by their literal age and how they've maybe ripened or calmed down. Lestat is absolutely a unique mess, but how will he mature in 2,000 years? It just makes me wonder about the overlap in their personalities, and how much will change and how much will stay the same, and if Marius is simply a little more chill because he's old as fuck. (There's also the lore that most vampires don't live through their first century anyway, so there's something here about the innate personalities of the ones who last longer and their potential or ability to adapt.)
I've been thinking too about how Marius is prone to big sleeps, and although we're told it's part of the vampire lore and that other vampires do it, a significant portion of the main cast don't. We think it's normal because Marius told Lestat it's normal. Marius saw this struggling young vampire who reminds him of himself and thought "Of course, yes, sometimes we get overwhelmed and need a break", and although he comments on the fact that most vampires as young as Lestat don't yet need to, we also know he was having these despondent fits, hiding in the shrine for months at a time, in his first couple centuries.
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wasted-women · 9 months
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Cause of Death & Propaganda Under the Cut:
Allison Argent
Cause of Death: Stabbed by a demon
She's so cool! She fights with a bow and arrow, she has complicated feelings on her werewolf boyfriend and is allowed to work through that, she's best friends with another girl who's also a banshee (should've dated her) and one of her first scenes is her hitting a dog with her car and bringing it to a vet(she's a mess! She's caring)
she was the protag's girlfriend and only died because the actress had to leave the show. it left a hole in the show that they never really managed to fill, and she is only really brought up to say "let's do this, it's what allison would tell us to do" or "I wish she was here." her father stays on the show and helps them in her memory but he and the protag suffer and learn from it the way most male characters in this trope do. she is brought back to life in the movie but it was mostly an excuse to get the cast back together again and took place years after the show finished. I don't really feel that it counts since she died in season 3 and the show had 6 seasons.
Jenny Calendar
Cause of Death: Neck snapped
Jenny is so beloved to me. She was sent to Sunnydale, California to watch over the vampire that killed her family (Angel), told that he was supposed to suffer for all eternity, but after he saved her life + after she spent some time with him and the people who cared about him, she realized that she'd changed her mind and didn't want anything to do with continuing a mission of vengeance -- especially since Angel's girlfriend Buffy was also the mentee/surrogate daughter of Jenny's boyfriend Giles! Messy! Despite this, when Angel lost his soul and it came out that Jenny had been sent there to watch him, Jenny was immediately blamed, even though she'd had no idea that Angel would turn evil and TOLD everyone as much! She decided to try and find a way to resurrect old magic and give Angel his soul back, and Angel killed her in retaliation. Parts of the fandom talk about Jenny's death like it was necessary/a good thing/a good writing choice, but I don't think it was. Jenny's death is talked about by the showrunners as "proving that anyone could die," and her dead body was placed in Giles's bed, surrounded by red roses, subsequently inspiring him to try to go on a suicide mission and kill Angel. When the kids are looking at a drawing of her dead body, one of them says, "Wow. Poor Giles." Her death is very clearly engineered to raise the stakes by emphasizing how sad it is for Giles to lose her, and before her death, nearly all of her scenes centered around being Giles's girlfriend/love interest. She was never given a chance to develop as a character, and the only backstory they gave her was designed to push her towards death.
Amber Volakis
Cause of Death: Organ failure after bus crash
This show likes to introduce new casts of supporting characters and cycle through old ones (some of them leave, some of them stay in reduced roles, and sometimes they come back into a main role later, but sometimes they don't) and I do like that. Amber was probably one of the best ones introduced in the row of new characters in Season 4 and even stayed interesting after being fired. I wasn't a big fan of her dating Wilson but it wasn't the worst thing. And then she was killed off. And her death basically only existed to make Wilson sad, or House sad and "crazy", and just. I don't know. It sucked that her death even happened when she had so much more potential as a living character!
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myusuchaa · 3 months
Moonflower - Rafayel x AFAB
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༄ wc: 1048
༄ third person pov | no spoilers | based on Abysswalker myth and Abysswalker Journey Seeker card
༄ content warnings: princess/royalty roleplay, flirty banter, outdoor suggested intimacy, romance, fluff
༄ a/n: this is the part 2 to the mini abysswalker fic series! you can read part 1 here. hehe i had fun writing this one too, actually i struggled to keep it short, i knew i wanted a quick fic but i felt like i could just keep on going!! there's just something about him in his e-boy all leather look ahhh.... ૮⸝⸝> ̫ <⸝⸝ ა im still thinking about making a part 3?? hope yall enjoy! (creative format posted as pictures under text below)
The next evening, Rafayel arrived at the palace just as the blue sky lazily gave way to hints of peach and orange, allowing reprieve from the glaring heat. He let her know of his presence by using his tall figure to cast a shadow against the pond outside her balcony, a sight she had been anticipating all day. His dark outline on the water’s surface seemed to calm the ripples, as if the very thought of him allowed her to float endlessly. 
She hurriedly gathered her belongings and ran down the spiral staircase that led into the garden where he waited. 
“You really came for me,” she said breathlessly. Whether it was from leaping down the staircase or out of pure surprise, he could not tell where her exasperation came from. But the air in her delicate voice ignited a small ember deep within him. 
“We must leave now, we have quite a trek outside of the city tonight. Do you have everything?”
“Yes, I think so…are we actually going to stay out overnight? I’m a bit worried th-”
“Don’t be. I want you to trust that I’ll ensure your safety. Can you do that for me?” 
She paused for a moment, recalling the shadow she had just seen. It seemed to come from within him, as if it wasn’t cast from merely blocking the setting sun. 
Curious, she replied, “I’ll trust you more if you can answer some questions for me.” 
Grabbing her wrist gently as he walked in front, he glanced back and smiled coyly. “I may have the answers, it depends how you ask.” 
That alluring, inviting smile. She moved her gaze from his dark, gemstone eyes to that gorgeous smile. Almost immediately she then looked away, feeling the apples of her cheeks turn red. She wished he had his mask on today. 
By the time they reached their stopping point for the night, the sky had long passed its golden hue. The horizon glowed a deep red, resembling a ruby held up in front of a flame. This warmth was chased by a lush indigo and purple, with the smallest of stars beginning to twinkle at the highest points. Staring at the sky and then back at him, she couldn’t help but find the same colors of the setting sun within his eyes. They were far enough from the main city that if one were to search for them from atop the guarded gates, their bodies would blend seamlessly with the sand dunes. Still, if she held her breath, faint drum beats and flute whistles could be heard, no doubt carried on the wind from the city nightlife. 
“I understand you may not be used to this, uh, this set up.” He gestured to the woven tapestry that was pitched as a makeshift tent, barely thick enough to keep sand out of their eyes.
“Oh, I don’t mind it. Honestly, any change of scenery is very much welcomed.”
“Is that so? Your Highness doesn't mind getting a little rough and dirty outside the city borders?”
“What…what do you mean by that?”
He moved his eyes downward, following her neckline to her waist. It looked provocative, but he merely replied, “You have a bunch of dirt and scratches on your clothes already.” He scoffed. 
Looking down, she could see he was right. Come to think of it, she hasn’t thought of her appearance at all, being too focused on the mystery of his being. She suddenly felt a bit flustered. 
“Useless aesthetics,” she said defensively. “Really, I mean inside the palace, all they care about is for me to be the lovely, pretty princess for the people to fawn over. It’s tiresome.” 
“I suppose they’re just trying to protect their precious flower.” His voice lowered. “Though, I’d like to think I do a better job.” Almost whispering, he approached her. 
The sky filled with more stars, and the shy new moon hid behind low clouds, emitting a dim and feeble light. They sat next to each other now, the cool, desert breeze carrying his warmth and scent. In one graceful movement, sparks danced along his fingertips and landed on some coal he had placed earlier. They smoldered with a strange intensity, similar to the expression on his face. 
“Are you still cold?” he asked, almost apologetically. 
“Not at all, not anymore,” she felt warm in many ways. “How did you even notice I was cold when I’m completely covered in this?” She pointed to her traveler’s outfit, equipped with long sleeves and pants to ward off the eternal sun. 
His sunset eyes darkened to dusk. “I know you because I’m always watching you. I have been, for a long time now. Even if,” he paused for a breath, “even if you don’t remember. It’s my duty to protect you.” 
He sounded pained as he spoke. He wasn’t lying, but he was hiding a terrible truth from her. More than his objective, he was hiding the longing he felt for her. How he wanted to reach out and grab her to make sure she was his. To feel her soft skin under his worn hands. To caress every inch of her. 
“Rafayel…” the heroine felt a shift in his persona. 
“Princess, do you know the meaning of the moonflower?” He moved closer to her, slowly and deliberately. She instinctively lowered onto her elbows, peering up at him as he leaned in. His hair lightly shielded his pleading eyes.
“I, I may have heard of it,” she hoped her eyes returned the impression.
“Ah, did you? Then you must know of its glowing beauty.” 
He covered her completely, her lying all the way down on the blanket and him towering over her, one hand reaching for her cheek, his fingers playing with her eyelashes. The heat from him was so overpowering, she thought he may have been using his flames to embrace her. He brushed his lips against her neck and up to her earlobe. She felt a small bite.
“You must also know that it blooms at night.” His breath became tantalizing as he slid his other hand to her waist belt, undoing it by the time the last word left his lips.
.·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.
Somewhere in an ocean of sand, a flower bloomed near a radiant flame.
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©myusuchaa 2024 do not steal
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