#╭ menu. self promotion
vntagetee-archive · 10 months
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( ʏᴏᴜʀ ʜᴇᴀʀᴛʙᴇᴀᴛ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ʜɪɢʜ ʟɪɴᴇ, ᴏɴᴄᴇ ɪɴ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ʟɪꜰᴇᴛɪᴍᴇꜱ ) 𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚  –   ft. muses from mixed media 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚖, 𝚝𝚟, 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚜, & 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎  α∂σяє∂ ву ѕкує
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moribundtcake · 1 year
currently on patreon
disenchanted: round 2
A follow-up of a previous story, now from a new perspective.
Your mother called it the Death Touch: a curse that has clung to your ancestors for generations. It came early for you with an intensity that drove you to sobbing fits and days of hiding in the darkness of your bed sheets. Even in darkness they found you, whispering secrets that no child should be asked to bear. Still, your mother promised it would ease as you settled into it.
When a steward's knight and lover sets off on a quest of redemption, they have no choice but to follow on his journey. But as they travel the realities of the relationship become clear, and the growing rift threatens to change three lives.
fairies stole my cum
For a while you lived at odds with whatever it was that seemed to be occupying your apartment. As things escalated from lost keys to stovetop fires, it became clear that something wanted you gone. Unable, and unwilling, to relinquish the apartment to its unseen tenant, this was your compromise.
A few ounces of whiskey or a spoonful of yoghurt before your meal meant little if it kept you in good graces with something that otherwise wanted you dead.
Thomas Lynne lives in a haunted apartment, rent paid in the form of sexual favors to the crime boss who owns the building. This is his norm, until one Halloween night plunges him headfirst into the world of the fey.
Everything has a price when you’re in fey territory, even if you’re there unwittingly. Don’t accept drinks. Don’t eat their food. Never, under any circumstances, swallow their cum.
to join
The paths of both stories are decided by vote. Voting is available to every patron, with the lowest tier starting at $2/month. [patreon link]
For a free version of this you can check out How to Ruin a Wedding, an interactive story decided via tumblr poll
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bloodlustiing · 9 days
Tag Dump 2!
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faebaex · 1 year
Octavinelle with Jellyfish Reader
author note: I’m baaack! It feels good to finally write again. Not anything long, but just some good ol’ slice of life headcanons with the fish mafia (who i think I’m currently obsessed with??) maybe I’ll write more about this, like a small drabble of jellyfish!reader finally remembering Azul or something pfft. Also, gender neutral reader!! Because I realised a lot of my works could be read that way, so I might start labelling like that from now on, so more people can enjoy  (*≧ω≦*)
characters: Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech x GN!Jellyfish Reader
You’re a jellyfish mer, specifically of the box jelly variety, meaning that you are highly poisonous. As such, people can be stung as easily as touching your skin, so you keep your skin covered up as much as possible. Well, as much as you can remember, as you are a bit... Airheaded. 
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Azul Ashengrotto
You are the bane of Azul's life.
Seriously, his self confidence takes a battering during almost every interaction you have (the tweels don't help).
Why? Because you can never remember who he is.
"Y/N, please pass these papers to Azul." "Okay! ... Who is Azul?"
(He never gets those papers either because you forget why you have them in the first place...)
Azul would never admit it out loud, but he was excited when he learned a fellow invertebrate would be joining Octavinelle. You'd be able to relate to each other, no? Another mer with several appendages who prefers to swim slowly. A perfect match.
Except you are apparently impervious to his charms, and your blank stare haunts him.
Like hello, this is your Housewarden speaking. Anybody home? Do you remember him? ... No? You can't remember him but you remember the twins? Of course you do. Of course.
On the bright side for Azul, your empty headedness makes you deliciously easy to scam.
In fact, he doesn't even need to manipulate you into a contract. You're more than happy to stand sweetly, holding some leaflets promoting the Monstro Lounge's new special menu, or to stand aimlessly at the door, helping to attract clientele.
Now, if only he could think of a way to get you to remember him...
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Jade Leech
Apart from the amusement he got from Azul's suffering, Jade wasn't really interested in you at first.
Nothing against you, of course. He just didn't find you very interesting.
However, that all changed when you visited his booth during the culture fair and stared dreamily into his terrariums.
Jade was absolutely delighted to tell you all about each of his terrariums and even about his foraging in the mountains. You stayed until Jade had to leave for his Monstro Lounge duties, and even then he was reluctant to disturb you.
You also won his first guest prize mystery mushroom too!
He found it utterly adorable when he found you still carrying it around in your hands later during the culture fair, cupped delicately like a precious item.
Inevitably, you and Jade fell into an arrangement where he'd talk your ears off about everything mountain and mushroom, and he'd let you view his updated terrariums.
He was fully aware you weren't retaining any of the information he was assailing you with, but you served well as an outlet for him to talk about his hobby, as Floyd was uninterested, and it charmed him that you stared so happily at his terrariums, his work of arts, that he allowed himself to indulge.
But you surprised him one day (no easy feat!). Jade was once again pitching some mushroom dishes for the Monstro Lounge menu to Azul, with some mushrooms for illustrative purposes.
When Azul handled one of the mushrooms with disdain, asking what exactly this was, you suddenly piped up before Jade could.
"That's a chanterelle mushroom. They work well sautéed... And in cream sauces." Cue shocked Jade and Azul.
Low-key Azul is fuming because how can you remember that but not him??
Jade never imagined you would retain any of what he told you, being airheaded was in your nature after all. So he was touched, charmed in fact that you could recall some facts about a mushroom on sight.
He recovered from his shock quickly with a large toothy grin, capitalising on Azul's shock to launch another sales pitch.
Your fate was sealed, he definitely would be taking you along on his next mountain walk.
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Floyd Leech
Oh he just loves you, jellyfish! So cute, sweet and squishy!
You are one of Floyd's favourite people to squeeze. He can squeeze you as hard as he likes, and you don't even flinch!
It is guaranteed that if he catches sight of you on campus, he is charging over to you to wrap his arms around you, squeezing and throwing you around with exuberance. Onlookers look on in horror as you just give a ditzy smile.
But as a result of Floyd's constant manhandling of you, it means he sometimes accidentally touches your skin and gets stung.
Resulting in multiple trips to the infirmary. But don't worry, Floyd doesn't get mad about it. In fact, some swear that he likes it.
By this point, it's happened so often that Floyd is likely building up a bit of resistance to your venom.
Now, Floyd tends to sometimes be a bit... Overprotective of you.
Seven forbid he feel that someone is bothering or messing with you. He'll be behind you in a flash, an arm thrown around your shoulder and sharp teeth bared in a snarl.
"Nee... What do you want with my jelly, huh?"
If the other students thought you were an easy mark before, they think twice now with your guard eel lurking about.
Jade and Azul like to keep you in the Lounge when Floyd is having a bad mood day, as your presence tends to keep him from wandering off and help salvage some productivity.
Azul is even willing to waive the loitering rule if that means Floyd will stay in the lounge and do some work.
It doesn't always work, mind. Sometimes Floyd just ends up laying across you in a booth and ignoring his duties. But Azul will take what he can get, at least he is there in case there are any troublesome clientele.
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live-love-be-unique · 9 months
Put your sweet lips on my lips
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Summary: when your dad invites his new boss and his family for dinner you had no idea you’d be spending the evening with your high school crush and sharing a hot encounter in your home library with your parents downstairs.
Parings: Steve Harrington x freader
Warnings: sexual content (18+ minors dni), fingering (f receiving), oral (f receiving)
18+ Minors DNI
“Now remember, tonight is a very important night for your father” your mother says, tying a pink ribbon into your hair. She’d chosen everything for you and your dad to wear tonight, you all had to impress “We need to make a good impression” your dad had gotten a promotion and your parents had invited your dad’s new boss and his family for dinner and your mother was obsessed with making sure everything was picture perfect.
“Honey, Where’s my tie?” Your dad’s deep voice sounded down the hallway, as he walked into your room, buttoning his shirt. “Really Richard” your mother huffed as she went to find the tie that she had so carefully laid out for him on their dresser this morning.
“You look beautiful, peanut” he said warmly as you looked over at yourself in the mirror, hands smoothing down over the skirt of the dress your mother had picked out for you to wear tonight.
“Thanks Dad” you smiled as he kissed the top of your head. Your mother walked back into your room, helping your dad put his tie on.
“I bought two bottles of champagne, do you think that will be enough?” Your mother fussed about, going over everything as you and your dad followed her into the living room.
“It will be perfect, Mary” your father soothed, placing a gentle kiss on your mother's temple.
A sharp knock at the door broke the sweet moment. Your parents stood in front of the large mirror by the front door and made sure they looked as polished as possible, your mother smoothing a few invisible flyaways from your hair before your dad opened the front door, a beaming smile gracing his face. “Mr Harrington” he said warmly, shaking the other man’s hand.
Your dad ushered the Harringtons into your home, introducing them to you and your mother “and this must be young Steve?” Your father said, noticing the younger man as he walked through the front door.
If only your teenage self could be here right now, she’d have a fit! Your high school crush Steve Harrington was standing in your living room, shaking hands with your dad and making small talk with your mother. He looked like the kind of boy you would find in a Teen Beat magazine, with his pretty eyes and perfect hair and his easy smile just dripping with charm.
Then Steve turns and smiles at you as he says your name and oh shit, it’s not just a high school crush anymore.
Your mother ushered everyone towards the dining room as dinner was served, she’d spent all day on the perfect dinner party menu of Niçoise salad, steak diane and an amaretto brûlée for dessert.
Your dad was right of course, the night was going off without a hitch, your parents and the Harringtons getting along like a house on fire.
After dinner everyone had made their way to the living room with wines and port to relax, reminiscing about their youths; telling tales of escapades they had gotten up too, you’d stayed behind cleaning up the dinnerware and taking it to the kitchen. As your dad asked Steve his plans for the future you snuck off to your dad’s small office that housed your family’s library of books. That’s where he found you, leaning against shelves flipping through a book.
“So this is where you’re hiding?” Steve says, ditching his sports jacket onto the small desk by the door.
“Dinner parties aren’t really my thing” you chuckled.
“Mine either, too much schmoozing and trying to impress people” he smirks, falling into the large plush armchair, arm draped over the back, “I remember you, from school, you know”
“You do?”
“Sure, you sat up the back of Mrs Potter’s class. You always had your head in a book” Steve said, nodding his head towards the shelves of books that littered the room.
“I didn’t think you’d remember me, I wasn’t exactly memorable”
“Of course I would” he muttered, picking at a thread on one of the cushions. “So, what are you reading?” He gestured to the book in your hands.
Realizing you’d picked up one of your mothers Harlequin romance novels, something about a mountain man and his mail order bride, you tried to hide the cover of the novel against your chest, crossing your arms over it in an effort to avoid further embarrassment.
“Come on” Steve smirked, standing up and strolling closer to you “show me” he’d seen the blush that coloured your cheeks “it’s a dirty book, isn’t it?!”
“It’s not mine” you protested as he grabbed the book from your hands and opened it to the page you were on.
It was now Steve’s turn to blush, the page you were reading was of course one of the more raunchy chapters in the book.
“This is what you like huh? He pushed her against the wall, his large hands gripping her tight as she felt his large…” he read a line from the open page as you reached for the book.
Steve moved to hold the book away from you as he kept reading, he was a full head taller then you so he had no trouble. In the struggle you ended up between Steve and the bookshelf, one of his large warm hands holding your hip tightly as his deep brown eyes bore down on you with intensity.
“Tell me to stop and I will. Just say the word and I’ll walk away” you didn’t say a word, you couldn’t say anything, not with the way Steve was looking at you.
One of Steve’s hands moved to cup your cheek as he leaned in and kissed you. Body pressing against you as he deepened the kiss. His lips combined with his hands traveling all over your body causing all thoughts to leave your head except for one, Steve.
One of his large, warm hands grasps onto your thigh, hoisting it up against his hip as he looks into your eyes, silently questioning if you want to continue. You nod, not trusting your voice.
He slides a hand up underneath your skirt, fingers dancing up along your thighs and he maneuvers he trails his fingers along the lace on the outside of your underwear, teasing you. He finally touches the growing wet spot between your legs and over your underwear and then he dips his fingers inside you causing you to gasp. His lips pressed against the skin of your collarbone while he continues to slide his fingers in and out of you at a torturously slow pace that made you lose your mind.
“Steve?” You gasped as he kissed his way across your face and down your neck. You gripped him tighter as his lips found a particularly sensitive spot at the junction of your neck and shoulder.
“Yeah baby?” He groans against your skin.
“I…I need…” your brain couldn’t form a coherent thought, not with the way Steve’s hands roamed over your body, setting every nerve on fire and not with the way his lips felt against your neck.
“I know, I know, I’ve got you baby”
Then Steve sinks to his knees and gazes up at you with those deep brown eyes, watching your every reaction as he lifts your skirt and bunches it around your waist, he drags your underwear down your legs and Steve groans as his warm hands keep your thighs spread open for him “You’re so pretty, you know that, baby?”
You watch as he licks his lips and stares at your body like he’s about to have the most delicious meal ever, savoring the sight of you like he’s got all day to do it, the raucous laughter of your parents drowned out by your heart beating out of your chest.
“Keep your eyes on me” he breathed and places soft kisses to your hips.“please I need to see you” he teases you with his tongue, moaning at the taste of you, your hands are in his hair holding him against you. You moan his name in a fractured sigh, with your other hand you lace your fingers together with his at your hip. You don't even care that your parents are downstairs, the only thing you can think about is him. and, fuck, it feels so good.
Steve eats you out like he’s a man starved, like he’s drunk on your taste. Threading your fingers through his hair, gripping a little as he moans into you.
“That’s it baby, I need to hear you” oh god, he’s so good at this You think as you arch your back needing to feel him even closer if that was possible.
All at once you feel the familiar knot in your belly tightening and you have to bite your hand to stop from crying out Steve’s name as stars explode behind your eyelids.
Steve places gentle kisses on your thighs as you come down from your impossible high. “Oh my god” you giggled breathlessly as Steve stood up in front of you grinning, eyes darkened with lust.
“I hope that was better than your book” Steve smirked and leaned in for another heated kiss as your parents called for you, the Harringtons were leaving.
“Now remember” Mrs Harrington said to your mother as you and Steve rejoined your parents “dinner is at our house next weekend, and don’t you bring a thing!” The two women laughed as you and Steve shared a look.
Another dinner party, you thought to yourself the perfect opportunity for me to return the favor.
Taglist: @m-blasterrr, @mvnsonslvt, @neymac21174, @maybe-not-this, @seatnights, @wheezyhyperfixates, @grunge-the-freak, @ettadear, @artsyfartsytheaterkid, @lma1986
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report-rqs · 6 months
Step-by-step: Let's report a radqueer for inciting violence
This is a tutorial on reporting. Don't find this user, don't contact them, don't harass them, etc - I am showing how you should report these posts instead. Content warnings: Radqueers, murder, torture
Here is our post in question:
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"transtorturemurderer: a transharmful term for one who wishes to or identifies as having commited torture murder"
Archive the post.
Report the post to Tumblr.
Block the blog and everyone in the notes of the post.
Tutorial on each step is under the cut:
Archive The Post
When a radqueer advocates for violence, child abuse, animal abuse, abuse of a corpse or actual CSAM material, it's very important that you archive the post. Saving evidence of radqueers promoting harm is important, especially if this user later comes back after their account is removed.
(It is important to note that I am specifically saying "advocates for" as in in real life. If a radqueer coining post doesn't specify, it can be reported to Tumblr as IRL. I'm noting "IRL" here because so many people think that fictional child sexual abuse material (and similar things) are perfectly fine, although I would like to note that I do not support/endorse "fictional CSAM" and it is recognized as being equally harmful to IRL CSAM/CP by places like MissingKids.com (organizations dedicated to stopping child abuse). But I'm not dedicating this space to arguing about that - Do not derail this post by arguing with me about this. This is a tutorial for something specific.)
You have two main options for archiving:
I tend to use both archivers, but if you only want to use one I suggest Archive.Today. Open the main page and copy-paste the URL of the RQ post into the field. Press enter, and it will store an archived version of the post. (Sometimes this takes longer than other times, this is based on how many people are using the site at once.)
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If you plan to do a lot of reporting, install the Firefox extensions for Archive.Today and Archive.Org, they let you archive your current page with one click.
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If a page has been archived before, you get this message. If it looks like a post has been edited or there are new replies in the notes from radqueers encouraging it, I suggest archiving it again.
Now you've got your updated archived URL. Hold onto this URL.
Report Them To Tumblr
You'll need to view the post in dashboard view if they have a custom theme. Custom theme URLS go like blogname.tumblr.com, and dashboard view is tumblr.com/blogname/post122121212121212121.
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Once in dashboard view, click the hamburger menu (the three dots), and you'll see the red option that says "Report blogname."
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This takes you to a basic categories menu. Select "Report something else."
That takes you to a sub menu which lets you pick from the following options:
Copyright violation
Trademark violation
Harm to minors
Privacy violation
Impersonation or Non-Genuine Behavior
Suicide or self-harm concern
Hate speech violation
Suspected terrorism
Sexually explicit material
Gore, mutilation, or bestiality
Violent content or threat
I’m being harassed
Unlawful uses or content
Election Integrity
I bolded the options which radqueer posts will most likely fall into. For the post I'm reporting, I am selecting "Violent content or threat."
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You'll enter Tumblr's permalink (the post url), enter a name, your email, solve a captcha and most importantly describe how it violates Tumblr's Community Guidelines. Since I'm reporting this for violence, let's go right to the Community Guidelines on Tumblr:
What Tumblr is not for: Violent Content and Threats, Gore and Mutilation. Don't post content which includes violent threats toward individuals or groups - this includes threats of theft, property damage, or financial harm. Don't post violent content or gore just to be shocking. Don't showcase the mutilation or torture of human beings, animals (including bestiality), or their remains. Don't post content that encourages or incites violence, or glorifies acts of violence or the perpetrators.
You can use the way a website's phrased their guidelines as a sort of base for writing your report. However, on Tumblr remember that it needs to be fairly short because there's a character limit. So, questions to answer:
Does this include violent threats towards a person or group? Is this a label/"pride flag" about committing violence against a person or group?
Does this encourage violence - is it telling people to commit acts of violence?
Is it glorifying acts of violence or their perpetrators?
In this example, this is a pride flag, which denotes pride, and it says "one who wishes to or identifies as having commited torture murder" That is reasonable enough cause to call this post glorifying violence. So, here's what I'm saying in my report: (Changed phrasing slightly from the screenshot above)
This user is posting "pride flags" for people who "identify as" and "wish to" into murderers and other violent perpetrators. In this post, they made a "transorturemurderer" pride flag, for people who wish to commit torture murder. This is very concerning, this blog seems to be completely serious. Please take this blog and other radqueer blogs down.
If a user has many posts right on their blog that violate the Community Guidelines, you can say something akin to "More examples: (Link)" and link to the archived post/s.
Once you're satisfied with your report, you can click submit and Tumblr will say "Got it" and let you know it was received.
Block the blog and everyone in the notes
If you still have the post open, quickly go through the notes and block everyone interacting positively. (Don't spend time looking at these blogs, it will likely be upsetting/disturbing)
Closing Notes
I could've phrased the part about removing other radqueer blogs better. My reason for adding that is that I want Tumblr to start becoming aware of what radqueers post. I believe firmly that once enough people report radqueers for their content, Tumblr might respond to future petitions or requests to ban all radqueer content.
Don't reply to radqueer posts. Don't reply to radqueer posts. This can be tempting, but I don't think it's a good idea. Even if you've got good intentions or make some great points, radqueers like to screenshot anti radqueer posts and post them as examples of "antis harassing them". Your post could even be shown to someone who is questioning being radqueer, grooming them into the community with a sort of "Look! See? All of those mean antis will never accept you, all they do is harass people for disagreements!" air.
I'm autistic and can't read tone well, and I also have OCD that makes me overexplain my intentions. If parts of this post were hard to read, please help me make them shorter.
Tagging some relevant blogs for visibility and critique on this post: @anti-radqueer-zone @radqueer-repellant @radq-blocklist @antiradqueer
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vntagetee-archive · 1 year
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#VNTAGETEE & #ILICTAFFAIRS 𝙞𝙣𝙙𝙞𝙚 𝙢𝙪𝙡𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙚(𝙨)   –   ft. muses from mixed media 𝚏𝚒𝚕𝚖, 𝚝𝚟, 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚌𝚜, & 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎  α∂σяє∂ ву ѕкує ©
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saintnoname2 · 22 days
I thought some more about this during my shift at work (as a cook at a restaurant lol), so here are some ideas for a 911 restaurant au:
The 118 is a restaurant that's part of a restaurant group (meaning the owners also own multiple other restaurants that are all part of the same company). I envision it as either a steakhouse or a seafood restaurant or both. Chef Gerrard was the original Executive Chef when the restaurant first opened. He created a space that was unsafe for POC and LGBT people and left willingly after HR received complaints.
Henrietta was hired on as the morning prep Sous Chef. Despite years of experience, knowledge, and skills, she wasn't taken seriously as a chef and wasn't allowed any input on the menu. She suspected it had something to do with her being a queer black woman, but it took time for her to get the courage to defend herself.
When Bobby took over as Executive Chef, he recognized Henrietta's potential and how she'd been held back and he let her start having input on the menu. She finally felt like she was being treated like a real chef instead of just a prep cook.
Tommy started out as a line cook at The 118. He didn't feel safe being out as gay because of the toxic environment Chef Gerrard fostered. Tommy eventually transferred to one of the other restaurants in the group and began living as his true self.
Howie also started out as a line cook under Chef Gerrard. Like with Henrietta, Chef Bobby also recognized the potential in Howie, and eventually promoted him to Sous Chef. He worked every station as a line cook and now functions mostly as a tournat: not having a set station and instead going wherever he's needed.
Buck, Eddie, and Ravi are line cooks.
Buck's main station is garde manger (appetizers, salads, and desserts). He's been cooking for years and desperately wants to move up and become a Sous Chef, but Bobby knows he isn't ready yet.
Eddie works on saute and grill. He's the best damn line cook Bobby's ever seen, but he's very happy right where he is and has no interest in management.
Ravi works mainly on fry. He's the new guy with no prior restaurant experience, so some of the more undesirable tasks (like helping out in the dish pit if they're short staffed) fall on him.
Maddie is an expeditor, but at a different restaurant. She and Howie know better than to work at the same restaurant.
I haven't quite figured out how Athena fits into this au. Maybe she's in HR, or maybe she's a General Manager at a different restaurant?
Anyway, they end up having a big event at the restaurant, like a buyout for a wedding reception or something, and they need extra hands. Howie remembers what a beast in the kitchen Tommy is and asks if he can come in for the day to help. Tommy ends up becoming friends with Eddie after, Buck develops a crush and asks if it would be possible for him to spend a shift at the restaurant Tommy works at, Tommy asks if he's thinking of transferring, Tommy wishes this was what the restaurant had been like when he worked there, Buck has a bisexual awakening, etc.
Anyway, if anyone wants to use these ideas for a fic, just tag me, cause I'd sure love to read it.
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electrosquash · 1 year
This may sound stupid but how do I turn off blazeable on my blogs?
And how is this bad? Again, I don't wanna sound stupid or rude. Thank you for the heads up :]
Hi! No worries, you're not the only one with these questions.
On how to turn off the option to get blazed:
On desktop you can turn it off at this link: https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/#blaze It looks something like this
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On mobile it's in the account settings menu, there's a lof of screenshots in the additions to my other post like here (i haven't updated since i got a funny little bug that lets me add polls in reblogs of other people's posts so i can't screenshot anything).
Alternatively you can also log into Tumblr in your phone's browser and use the link above there. Don't forget to do it on sideblogs that you don't want to get blazed as well! You can also change the settings per-post in the post menu. I've actually enabled it for my complaint post that's circulating because it would be really funny :D
On how it is bad:
With the way it is set up, people can blaze your posts without active consent. This can be used to bully people, by digging out old or not-adapted posts that were not meant for a wider audience and putting them on blast. This can include vent posts, opinions you might have changed since then, selfies, niche things many people might think are cringe (like 2014 self-insert omegaverse fanfics and the likes ... idk if you've seen the drama that resulted from someone blazing their fic, it wasn't pretty), posts that were only meant to circulate in your carefully curated audience, and more.
Since Blaze's are registered in many minds as advertisement many people will react negatively to them so this opens up a way to bully a lot of people. As usual, people of colour, trans people, and other vulnerable groups will get the worst of it, many are already getting deactivated regularly because of coordinated reporting harassment and since people donate hate organizations all the time they will definitely use the option to make the life of a person they're targeting living hell for 10$.
Staff thought of some safeguards but there are several fallacies:
The option to cancel a blaze before it goes live: Not everyone has access to the internet every day, and staff might accept the blaze while you're asleep / at work / on a trip / in the hospital / on hiatus. Then when you're coming back to tumblr your notes will have turned into a nightmare.
The guarantee that staff will check every Blaze manually to prevent harassment: Let's take the case in which someone's old fic get blazed against their will. How can staff know whether it was blazed with friendly intent (to promote a friend's work) or ill intent (to get people to point and laugh)? They can't as long as it's not against the Terms of Service. In general there will be many false positives (Blazes that get rejected by staff despite being innocent) and false negatives (Blazes that get accepted by staff despite being malicious). After all, the people working at tumblr are only human too. But in this case, false negatives will have devastating consequences - and extinguishing a blaze after it's live will be too late.
Many people don't follow @staff, so many people don't know about this change. In fact many people on that other post commented that they didn't know what Blazes are at all! I think i've read that they will add a login banner to tell you and check your settings, but iirc they had banners like that for the original Blaze function announcement so i don't have faith this will prevent anything.
I should clarify that i don't think the feature itself is bad at all, but it should be opt-in so only people who want to participate get blazed (e.g. art blogs). Or add an active mandatory confirmation by OP instead of a veto option, this would prevent the issues above as well, i think that would be the best option - that way people could leave the option on. I know staff are currently getting bombarded with support requests / flames (please be civil to them guys!) (also sorry. but not sorry. i didn't expect my post to blow up but also i think these are legitimately troubling concerns and i won't make the other post unrebloggable). They're aware of these issues so i hope they will change to one of these options - if they add active mandatory confirmation by OP i would enable to option globally as well (Hint hint this means more money for you, @tumblr, because otherwise many people have and will turn this feature off completely) A bit more time between announcement and go-live (4/20 iirc) would have been helpful as well.
Here's the original announcement by the way:
And since i'm gonna pin the post as long as the other post is circulating: Listen to goatbed guys!
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lanaccfind · 8 months
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My Memories Pack – Slice of Life at KAWAIISTACIE
Mods / Traits: My Memories Pack – Slice of Life – KAWAIISTACIE.
Allow your sims to remember moments in their life even the not-so-special ones. Requires: Slice of Life Base & Base Game Contains script file: No
Memories are implemented through buffs and most will unlock more social interactions which can be found in the memory menu. The unlocked social interactions will allow you to celebrate certain memories or vent about certain experiences. You can also celebrate or check in on NPC sims based on their memories when chatting with them.
Here are the memories that your sims will experience with this pack: Graduation Leaving the house Eating Meals Fires Birthdays Promotions Job Loss First Kiss First Woohoo Pregnancy Giving Birth Friend Death Family Death Pet Death Witnessing Death Parent’s Divorce Fighting Getting Caught Cheating Recent Woohoo Getting Married Showering/Bathing Cleaning Dates Peeing Self Breakups New Relationships Engagements Dreams +More in future updates.
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boxxes · 11 months
Not caught up with the Recreyo lore? NO PROBLEM! This post will be updating every time we get new lore!
Here’s the ENTIRETY of Recreyo lore;
So the glitches ur seeing are all Recreyo Chan. A girl originally used to promote Recreyo’s Anime NYC event! Her first appearance was on twitter, when it was still believed to be a gag. This girl is clearly the same. Matching blue hair and red neck tie. This was season 1 of course, so it was still a joke. But in season 2 she takes on a new light.
So her first MENTION takes place in ‘SCP The Sculpture’ where we can make a safe estimate that Recreyo Chan is the thing that is “keeping a special eye on the recreyo crew.” (Curt has stated that SCP is easier to work with because you can change things as well as said the SCP lore could leak into other episodes so thats how we know RC and SCP are connected) But we didn’t know what curt meant by this until the release of ‘Doctor Stone’. Where Recreyo Chan glitched into the video for a few moments before returning things back to normal.
After this ‘FNAF 4’ incident, the next week Curt uploaded a video titled ‘We need to talk.’ Addressing the glitches. His solution to combat the glitches was changing the upload schedule to every other week to *intensify the edits and get rid of the glitches*. This worked for the most part, EXCEPT for small glitches where a spiral (referencing the swirl design on her cheek). These spirals would only appear when they were breaking the fourth wall. Whether it be through the art looking like they’re grabbing the screen (‘Scream’) or talking directly to the animators (‘The Menu’). These spirals originated in the 4th SCP episode ‘SCP Plague doctor’ where the plague doctor referred to an IT. This IT obviously being Recreyo Chan.
In ‘Rizz, Marry, Kill’ instead of the typical spiral, Curt *spiraled* out of the video into a blank void where he asks “Now..?” before getting transported back into the video. This shows he was self aware of the glitch happening.. After a few weeks of episodes that show Recreyo Chan always on the outside looking in at Curt, finally the long awaited ‘SCP Security Breach’ was finally dropped. Throughout the video, Curt seemed removed and monotone. Something is clearly off. Once we reach the end of the episode, the Recreyo Crew come across a portal, which Curt has been leading them to throughout the episode. Except now we truly can tell, Curt wasn’t the one leading them to the portal. It was Recreyo Chan, who seemed to shape-shift into him. She closes out the scenario with the chilling line “now I have everything I need to end the scenario”. After this, Curt’s voice and body have fully transformed and we see her true form.
But YouTube isn’t the only thing Recreyo Chan has been attempting to hack. The Official Recreyo discord has been hacked by an account on the 31st of March, and was assumed to be an April fools prank. This user originally named “ca” terrorized the server and even hacked curt, turning Curt’s profile into a creepy blue light, his name to ca as well. Den ended up banning him, only for him to return a day later. Every Friday, or day of a post, this user has been adding a letter to their name every day. What was originally “Ca” is now “Can you”. We originally believed she could be spelling out “Can you survive”, as it is a common phrase used in their video titles. However now, we believe she could be spelling out “Can you hear me” After joining a call and changing everyone’s names to one of the letters “C, A, N, Y, O, U, or H”
In the aforementioned call that this mysterious account joined, they played strange audio, we are yet to understand the meaning of the audio, but it seems the first is weird glitching audio, while the other sounds like scraping or mechanical noises.
Another website we can find Recreyo Chan on is pleasestopareyoulisteningcanyouhear.me . On this website we can hear Curt talking about the laws of physics and possibilities of other universes (an obvious reference to the portals we’ve been seeing in the episodes lately) In the background you can hear the others having a normal conversation and you can tell this happens before a recording because Ivan says “We’re ready to clap now.” to Curt. (Clapping is how they sync their audio in recordings.) If you want the transcript of the audio I have another post detailing it!
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mantrabay · 2 months
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Far Beyond Hereafter
Team leader Renee peered out
of her faux gold window around a pulsing Friday noon.
“Almost like we’re puppets of each other down there.
Maybe everywhere?”
Albert, her partner and co-worker were apt to look down on the buzz where their joint venture, their central office, was located.
Quite often hoards of people of all age groups hung out, shrieked with joy, abandon, near the hazy plume cafe.
They were snacking and sharing purchases.
There was rainbow signage to the left of this group promoting all the companies within Renee, and Albert’s brief.
The name of their company was Hereafter Unlimited.
Close and “trustworthy” friends formed this postgraduate 7 person cluster which later evolved into quite a
mind-bogglingly complex concern.
Hair-raising hubs were hatched.
Geniuses one and all created one matrix after another of sequential self-financing companies.
Ideas among them spread like avalanches.
Songs and puns were sung.
They had “flames” or “wildfire” intensity at their fingertips.
They were at the mercy of their own brilliance.
Their aim was to bring countryside joys into every nook and cranny in their chosen capital.
There were bookstores, clubs, restaurants and other outlets named after the multifaceted rustic charms that obsessed them.
Each outlet had a communal dining area to draw in clientele.
The underlying idea behind all these shops, stores, stations
was to have a magnetic pull.
Havens, an escape hatch that would leave an out of this world impression on the visitor.
From energetic background music to kaleidoscopic screens, to elaborately sculpted tables, mahogany tint chairs, azure blue halo moon menus, kid zones in high jinx.
Cascade after cascade of hue swirls in tandem with jubilant dance trope very much in evidence.
A magic merry go round motif underpinned each inventive hub.
Once savoured, never forgotten.
Festivity a frequent festoon, mouth watering smorgasbord without rein running riot.
The element of surprise, key and kernel to atmospheres that thrived on visionary continuum.
Brains in this group were graded according to a binary system.
1 winner 0 as in loser.
A hypnotic mantra often -
“Winner, loser, hopeless chooser.”
There were even signs such as a straight finger for 1 or orb like finger sign for loser.
One might wonder aloud if this clique with their uncanny gestures would fit in anywhere else except this setting of their choice.
Hazy plume, rainbow eucalyptus, sylvan zephyr, amber leaf cascade,
lambent shroud, halcyon xanadu, wonder world cocoon, among the zany names they had thought of.
The staff each had nicknames linked to the above enterprises.
The brainstorming sessions they had had no drama or plot could “match.”
“Often have the feeling we are pawns to our ideas.”
Amber leaf sighed.
Lambent :
“This place is “dead on” for the wrong reason.
Smart is always in season.”
Lambent nodding to his “imaginary” sidekick “Shadow”
that seemed glued to his desk.
After all, they were used to that sort of thing as innovative university students.
This unusual alliance though city based had links to different areas.
But nothing would daunt this oddball eccentric clique and their very imaginative and oft bizarre aims.
They were nothing if not colorful.
They had this impressive office garnished with wallpaper having pictures of their various businesses and the names associated with them.
This franchise had been in existence now for over 5 years.
It was coping to an extent but there was an underlying desire to go beyond that.
A glorified high tek office routine secretly horrified everyone.
Lambent shroud, ICloud expert in the group was perhaps the zaniest of them all.
He had a fetish about hazes and how the term could be used.
Haze was his buzzword and
of course his very own in the ether mate.
He had a virtual sidekick called “Shadow.”
They used to speak to each other in rhymes.
“Hi there, going nowhere shadow.
I’m really stuck. Yuck!”
The other members of the group would tease Lambent Shroud.
They’d speak in groans n puns too.
You’d sense lambent was a little uncomfortable with it all.
The other members of this amazing group were all tall, had numerous quirks, and spoke with crystal clear clarity.
They stood out even when alone.
Their high IQ, articulacy, and physical presence were obvious requirements for this enterprise.
They were constantly with each other hatching plans.
But Lambent may have had a begrudging “one who leads” complex.
But was the cordiality apparent and only for appearances?
Team leader Renee is Hazy and Albert is Rainbow.
The brain sessions were more often than not impromptu.
Hazy, Halcyon and Amber would seem like cerebral archers the way they bounced informal sessions off each other.
The other pairs, bright spark subgroups would have these on the spot conventions.
“Sparks would fly.
High IQ flashes sky high.
We never ever say die.”
Eerie notion, pie in the sky.”
The smart seven chipping in one by one generating a certain heat.
Even fleeting cabals.
Their brain cliques they nicknamed “Bouncers,”
Or “Pools.”
“Blessing and a boon. Under a shimmering moon. You’ll be lifting trophies soon.”
Lambent the awkward rhymer.
Wonder world had a strained crease on his face.
“Crackpot scheme, halbaked dream, eccentric team.”
In reply.
And so the banter used to go until someone ran out of ripostes.
There were daily meetings also on security updates devised by the team.
But there was much nod and wink, subterfuge.
Amber Leaf the accountant controlled the cash flow, dividends, “watertight insurance,” wages, general outlay.
But one got the impression that there was something afoot.
Amber and sylvan nudged;
“Should we rhyme as we speak or maybe tweak til next week.
Isn’t Lambent leaning a lot on his Shadow.
The Alter Ego.”
Who is this Shadow to begin with Amber pried?
An umbrella term!
A watchful eye was maintained.
This most unusual group of mental giants were so astute that they crossed checked each others scheduling and tasks.
It all seemed so foolproof.
Turnover was quite considerable and there were really no grounds for complaint at any point.
But despite the cliques they could anticipate future trends which made sense but by the same token was spooky.
Betimes who actually did what with whom had a blurred demarcation.
When you have such active brain cells, another pseudonym for the catalyst co-op you might be forgiven for thinking at times it might seem monotonous.
“ Heck! What kind of service is this?
Fly in my soup. And that fish is off! And that’s not all.”
Sylvan Zephyr the ambassador was entrusted to diffuse awkward clients.
Shrieking and clamoring, heated exchanges over the phone subside after a protracted row.
One wonders why
Lambent Shroud had this uncanny smirk and one wonders at this stage why?
The wiles of his smiles were like a form of contagion in the region.
A comic contagion if you will was never far from the surface.
“I’ve just had this idea. We could have a different decor.
Like stick on flourishes.”
Halcyon Xanadu peeped.
Once again there’ we’re nods, some almost quasi-religious.
This may seem strange.
Another shuffle, cabal.
Lambent Shroud when not spinning joke shop rhymes, chatting with his shadow might suddenly burst into paroxysms of disdain.
Despite the cerebral nature of this undertaking each member of this esoteric business cult had their finger firmly on the economic pulse, the till.
“I keep checking my apps as asked though I leave the cash flow in reality to Amber.”
Hazy plume, who had the unenviable task of being the all-seeing-eye supervisor, and to keep the ideas surfacing from drifting into vermillion clouds.
“That’s good. Mightn’t be such a bad idea if we made a few spot checks on our hubs.”
Albert, alias Rainbow chimed.
Creativity was this seamless mesh.
But with all the paraphernalia at each desk perhaps sight was being lost of the original concept.
Maybe this might explain the present fractious undercurrent, stilted atmosphere that appeared to dwell within this epicentre.
A vocal scat from Lambent or the uncanny “Shadow.”
Now and then at any rate.
“Muffled squeaks, awh, so sad,
yikes, bah, too bad.”
The rub, the nub, the hub.
Sometimes the puns were flaccid where they once had flare.
After 5 years the wide-eyed optimism of wanting to bring the green utopia to the steel and concrete jungle of modern city life had somehow peaked, or maybe approaching it.
This wasn’t always obvious, however.
Halcyon Xandu.
“I just got a text from one of our hubs. One of the hub computers crashed and there was even some steam generated.
Volume of loud noises reported but calm was restored.”
Suddenly everybody awakened from their stupor despite the seeming hive of activity.
“As far as I can gather the crash was cleared fairly quickly.”
Xanadu again.
Tho a creeping suspicion crossed her face.
Everyone rushed towards a center spot on the floor.
A buzz quite unusual swept across the tight nuclear pulse clique.
There was always a certain surge about this place even during a lull.
All this very macabre in a mild sense conduct might seem like a scheme being cobbled together.
By someone but who knows what that someone is if a someone at all might be.
A prevailing milieu that was taut, tense, tho teasingly trivial constantly at tangents.
“Utter breathless oath,
unearthly surreal cache,
burst of universal apogee indelibly trumpets,
exalted plot as moonbeam stepping stone,
Mecca to a hue-laden vortex,
that sequesters sun-drenched harbors, gurgling stream meanders, moss-fleck tides,
mesmerizing shroud of lambent bayou,
hazy plume on silver waterfall,
scarab mountain chain at sapphire dawn.”
Sylvan Zephyr throwing down the gauntlet and eschewing his tentative role as tactful go-between.
You’ll have noticed the no corresponding taper of sounds known as rhyme.
A sleight of hand from the scheme team within the dream team was at play.
The following day wonder world cocoon did a whirlwind inspection of the various hubs.
Not best pleased.
It looked as if all the hubs were splitting up into subhubs.
The staff were being secretive in all the business operations.
Even certain ideas from headquarters which hadn’t been released yet.
Wonder world spotted rough outlines of change from the corner of her eye relating to the above tract.
Ominous thoughts lurking.
She began to detect a pattern.
“Holy charging elephants.
I smell a rat.
That’s that. Everybody get out of here.
is that clear?”
The complex jewel sensor super sensitive alarm system which had been added to by each member rang out.
Mysteriously each member incognito ( sometimes) installed extra features.
Ashen volcanic smoke left little to the imagination.
The 7 member cluster eschewedsafety protocol.
But somehow managed to escape against an anarchic, chaotic backdrop that surged at breakneck speed.
“What about our valuables, valuables?
Or are they “EXPENDABLES.”
Diplomatic Sylvan Zephyr not so diplomatic.
This incendiary incident shook the other hubs, the people in them and the surrounding area.
The thunderstruck brain camp, most of them gazed incredulously at what was unfolding.
A sky tower inferno of cinder spewing incidents, boom laden choirs with puns, warnings, alerts, rhymes, ones and zeros,
volcanic cackles, surreal demolition, and on the spot disintegrated havoc never seen before.
It ended in a gradual stepwise motion before collapsing into a gradual “Black Shadow Plume.”
This plume decided to hover over
a “Smirk” like structure redolent of “Someone.”
In many ways what was left of their business center looked like
the nirvana they as a group were trying to fuse with urban vim.
Renee nudged Albert who squinted at the corner of his eye.
They both spotted “Lambent Shroud” with a retinue that included other hub members, heading towards a country signpost!!!!
At least he was in that coveted dream lead role.
Renee opined. “I hear Lambent whispering to himself about missing something .. ..no longer a puppet? and the sidekick?”
Albert now clued in on this earth shattering denouement that engulfs layer upon eternal layer of tiered narrative.
Renee, Albert, Amber Leaf the reliable and infinitely shrewd person on money flow now swop knowing glances and scrutinise what is left of a once ornate “Landmark” project.
“Where do we all go from here I wonder?
But should we actually be asking that question at all?
We shouldn’t have the nerve or gall!”
Albert reflected with a “Stick On Smirk.”
As the local fire brigade arrives a “Haze” of a more “endowed” kind descends on Renee, Albert, Amber.
1’s and 0’s of a massive kind beckon!!!
And a nearby shop’s cash register tolls triumphant.
Three straight fingers now in sync!!!!!
This short story is dedicated to my wonderful sister Jay A Pallen.
Photographs and story all my own work
A genuine thanks to all my supporters and followers on Tumbrl
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prep4tomoro · 7 months
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Survival Uses of Chewing Gum:
Go into any grocery store, gas station, convenience store and you’re going to find packs and packs of chewing gum. What used to be considered a candy, has now become a health food (of sorts) as gum makers have moved to create gum that’s healthy for your teeth, won’t cause health issues and may be made to address a specific benefit like staying awake (caffeinated). While chewing gum isn’t on the same level as a water filter or a camping stove, you’ll find that keeping some of this stored in your survival kit or bug out bag is a worthwhile addition. How can Chewing Gum Help You Survive?
Scientifically proven to alleviate anxiety and stress, lowering Cortisol.
Fights fatigue and improve mental alertness.
Enhances working memory and brain performance.
Improves concentration.
Boosts morale and energy.
Aids digestion by increasing the salivary flow.
Quenches thirst and prevents "dry mouth" by stimulating saliva.
Suppresses an appetite to lose weight or when eating is not convenient.
A sticky substance to bind things together and fill gaps.
Fishing lure.
Fishing bobber/float (Survivorman, Georgia Swamp, S1E4).
Bartering tool.
Promotes oral health by breaking down food particles brushing can't reach.
Prevents watering eyes while slicing onions.
A fine addition as composting material.
Freshens Breath.
Combats acid reflux, nausea and dizziness.
Curbs addictions (like smoking and eating)
Start a Fire with Foil Gum Wrapper and Battery
Removes "Earworms" (a song or thought stuck in your head).
Other Resources: Chewing Gum Facts What to Know About Chewing Gum Health Benefits of Chewing Gum Recycle Gum into Other Useful Products Discover Chewing Gum’s Crazy Survival Uses
[14-Point Emergency Preparedness Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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justforbooks · 19 days
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Morgan Spurlock
American film-maker best known for his acclaimed 2004 documentary Super Size Me
Few film-makers can say that their work has made a change to the real world, but Morgan Spurlock had a stronger claim than most. His 2004 documentary Super Size Me, an exposé of how the fast food industry was fuelling America’s obesity epidemic, appeared to have direct repercussions for the world’s largest fast food chain, McDonald’s.
Shortly before the film came out in May that year, the company introduced its Go Active! menu, which included salad items; six weeks after its release, the company abolished its supersize portions entirely.
McDonald’s claimed these menu changes were a coincidence. But the director, who has died aged 53 of complications from cancer, struck a timely blow at the business when awareness about fast food’s corrosive role in public health was on the rise.
Super Size Me’s high-concept premise – eating three McDonald’s meals for 30 days straight – was key to conveying Spurlock’s message. With the director gaining 11kg, plumping out his body fat from 11% to 18% and inflicting heart palpitations, impotence and depression on himself, his gonzo approach put him at the forefront of the early noughties boom in cinematic documentaries instigated by Michael Moore. “There’s real power in a documentary,”Spurlock later said.
Doubts later emerged about Spurlock’s experiment in bodily attrition, after he refused to release his diet logs from the period; and then when it later emerged that he was an alcoholic who had also imbibed during the shoot.
An inveterate attention-seeker and twinkly-eyed showman, he was not going to let these details affect either the purity of Super Size Me’s marketing line, or his emerging career as a documentary star; a budding Moore for the Jackass generation. He would consistently target totems of modern capitalism and consumerism, though none of his subsequent works had the same kind of influence as his 2004 lightning-bottler.
Spurlock was born in Parkersburg, West Virginia, and grew up in Beckley in the Methodist household of his auto-repair shop-owning father Ben and mother Phyllis, an English teacher and high-school counsellor. Though his parents later divorced, he credited his mother in particular with instilling in him a sense of activism: “She was one of those people who speak up when she didn’t agree with things. She was a collector of people too: if you had the ability to help people, you should,” he told the International Documentary Association.
A childhood fan of British humour such as Fawlty Towers and Monty Python, he was already exercising his entertainer’s streak doing “funny walks” around the house aged six or seven.
Rejected five times by University of Southern California’s film school, he graduated from the New York University Tisch School of the Arts in 1993. “I wanted to be Spielberg. I wanted to write and direct scripted movies,” Spurlock told Interview magazine. He originally showed promise in this direction, winning an award for his stage play The Phoenix at the New York international fringe festival in 1999.
After stints as a personal assistant on Woody Allen’s Bullets Over Broadway and Luc Besson’s Leon (both 1994), Spurlock first stepped in front of camera as a promotional spokesman for Sony Electronics. But his breakthrough came though hitching himself to the reality TV bandwagon with the self-created internet webcast, and, later (in 2002), MTV show, I Bet You Will. As one of the presenting team, Spurlock goaded members of the public into humiliating themselves for money – with stunts such as being “wedgied” or eating a worm burrito.
Super Size Me grossed $22m on a $65,000 budget, making it one of the most profitable documentaries of all time. Spurlock believed his body never fully recovered – though he lost the weight thanks to a special diet concocted by his then girlfriend, the vegan chef Alex Jamieson (the pair married and had a son, Laken, in 2006, before divorcing in 2011; Spurlock had been previously married to Priscilla Somer between 1996 and 2003).
He also later expressed doubts about the longer-term impact of Super Size Me on fast food corporations, later reflecting: “People say to me, ‘So has the food gotten healthier?’ And I say, ‘Well, the marketing sure has.’”
Spurlock could not skewer the zeitgeist again to create a second “doc-buster”, despite tilting at big-hitter topics such as terrorism (in 2008’s Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?) and product-placement and advertising (POM Wonderful Presents: the Greatest Movie Ever Sold in 2011). With his trademark handlebar moustache, he settled into a reliably affable front-of-camera presence nosing around socio-cultural issues and foibles – sometimes fatuously.
In total, he directed and produced nearly 70 films and series, including a One Direction hagiography in 2013 and a Super Size Me sequel in 2017. But he retained keen business sense and marketing nous throughout this prolific output. “He taught us that we have to be chief executive artists,” his fellow documentary-maker Ondi Timoner told Variety.
Towards the end of Spurlock’s life, his career was on hold after he confessed in a 2017 blogpost to sexually abusive behaviour, including an allegation of rape while at college and paying off a production assistant he had harassed. “I have been unfaithful to every wife and girlfriend I have ever had,” he also wrote, explaining he had been sexually abused in his youth. He divulged all this possibly pre-emptively in anticipation of future accusations in the up swell of the #MeToo movement.
Making himself the focus of the story was true to his modus operandi, and his professed desire for self-improvement could indeed have made a fascinating documentary.
But the mea culpa proved an effective self-cancellation, with him resigning from the production company, Warrior Poets, he had founded in 2004 and being sued by Turner Entertainment Networks for an aborted project.
He divorced his third wife, the producer Sara Bernstein – with whom he had a second son – in 2024. His final documentary credit was for a mockumentary creating a fake history around the classic 1992 Simpsons episode Homer at the Bat.
Spurlock is survived by his children, Laken and Kallen, by his parents and his brothers, Craig and Barry.
🔔 Morgan Spurlock, director and producer, born 7 November 1970; died 23 May 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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sidewalkchemistry · 9 months
Transforming Energy-Depleting "Self-Care" Habits 😫 ➡️ ☺️ | Holistic Leveling Up!
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there are a lot of bad habits we've picked up as ways to "treat ourselves," but in the long run, they are more injurious than beneficial. the few moments of gratification they provide are deceptive. they can often be the hidden energy vampires in our lives. i've shared not just a small selection of these habits may be, but ways to overturn them to be nourishing and revitalizing instead 🥰
💔coffee & energy drinks: they run the adrenal glands ragged over time, which prevents us from existing moment-to-moment in the restorative parasympathetic nerve states. sure, many tout that coffee has benefits because of its antioxidants. you're better off getting your antioxidants from a more nourishing source like berries. a need for coffee or energy drinks in your life is often a sign that you're not being adequately refreshed by your sleep or eating enough fruit (want for sweet, nutrient-dense foods). rather than continuing to neglect your needs, start your day with fresh cold-pressed juice, a smoothie, herbal tea, and/or fruit.
💔alcohol: everyone knows it's better for you to do without drinking, but culturally, it often points in the opposite direction. transform your viewpoint over drinking when you consider that it's a tradition based in poisoning ourselves. if it weren't so long practiced in our histories, we would be quite alarmed by the hangover effects of alcohol. also, in drunken states, we are often influenced to do more things which deplete us - whether that's who we choose to hang around, how we speak to others, what we eat, etc. show greater respect for your body and set higher standards for your precious liver who has so much work already to do in today's world by forgoing alcohol. it's much more fun to experiment with creating mocktails because you can drink at much as you want, and the effects are often health-promoting. and if you want to have a close experience to the real thing, there are non alcoholic alternatives sold in many places now.
💔ordering in/out: this is one of the most insidious habits because the restaurant business thrives based on menus made hyperpalatable with unnecessary amounts of oil, salt, refined sugars, and artificial ingredients (even at many of the healthier restaurants). such dishes often make us sluggish, cause mood fluctuations, stimulate cravings for more oversaturated flavors, diminish levels of inspiration, pose problems to digestion, provoke skin problems, cause a tendency to overeat, etc. and worst of all, it makes you lazier about making beautiful efforts for caring and nourishing yourself. it's a night-and-day difference from enjoying your own homemade meal, especially if it is a whole food plant based meal (with little to no oil, salt, and refined sugar). plus, you're able to infuse your own love in your food, exercise your creativity in the kitchen, and seduce yourself with your creations :)
💔hitting the snooze button/procrastinating tasks: this causes us to need to rush. one of the lesser known ways of hurting yourself is existing in the mindset that you are running out of time. try to frame your life in such a way that you're able to take your time. and when you're in time-sensitive situations, still continue to treat and speak to yourself kindly & exist in the now. often, when you act mindfully, you may surprisingly find that you accomplish your tasks more speedily. all the flustering and frustrations we catch our mind up in slow us down. catastrophizing about what might happen doesn't help us to defy physics. so, always be intentional with your usage of time. it's one simple kind act to show yourself, to not put yourself under pressure, no matter the circumstances, because it doesn't help to be harsh with yourself. in fact, it will help to develop a solid & loving relationship with yourself.
💔staying up just a bit later: a poor nighttime routine leads to poor sleep, so it starts your next day on the wrong food. adequately wind down and exist in a frequency of peaceful calm in the last hours of your day. use ambient warm lighting (candle lighting is preferable) instead of artificial blue lighting after sunset. tidy your space and your body, to reduce the stress of clutter. set aside the day's emotional/energetic baggage with reflective contemplation, meditation, body scanning, reiki, and/or forgiveness exercises. and don't fight your sleepiness. it's far better to fall asleep with intention, rather than from exhaustion or by accident while watching a screen. structure your nights to feel luxurious and supportive by remembering the value of a proper wind-down routine.
so, there it is. stop having the bliss stolen from your life by expanding your levels of care & compassion for yourself. always seek to increase your abilities to nurture yourself. contentment & joy await you on the other side. may all beings be blissful💚
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