#☾ — you want more? come on || memes
girlsrawesome64 · 2 months
Hello dear, I can't believe I found someone who does cod matchups, I'm so happy! Can I get a matchup with a cod guy? If you already have too many requests and don't feel like writing, you can ignore this, don't worry about it ♥️
Female, 25, gemini, enfj.
Personality wise, I got two sides (stereotypical for a gemini, ik). Most of the times, I'm affectionate, teasing, playful and loving but I also get dead serious, cold and slightly intimidating in a blink of an eye if it's needed. I'm basically that meme: I can be your angel or your devil. Extremely ambitious when I want something or when I want to excel at something. Really protective and caring to my dear ones, I'd do anything for them. Unfortunately, I tend to overwork myself in silence. I bottle up everything and walk it off, continue working and caring for others more (but every girlboss needs a kiss on the forehead sometimes). I'm confident most of the time and can stand up for myself no matter what.
In cod I'd definitely be support. My favorites are: König, Keegan, Price, Ghost, Krueger. I'm ok with any theme and any dynamic.
My hobbies are: reading, martial arts training, dancing, playing guitar.
Fun facts: I'm in the medical field. I have a hidden tattoo of a a crescent moon. I'm a dog person. Oh and I speak Romanian - I am from Ro lol and German - still learning this one.
Thank you so much for your time, please take care of yourself and have a great day/night!
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w: described heat exhaustion symptoms, temporarily ill alone with responsibility, dubcon flirting (fraternization; price is a higher rank ((diff units but still)) ), emotional abandonment/manipulation mention (price) + Unfinished, i had it sitting and more ambition but this all i got gotta prioritize self care like u said >:D, short storyish thing, <3, narrator has beef with price
☾⋆⁺ Price is the uhh, Captain right? The one meant to be giving orders, not taking them? The rest of the team had never seen Price stutter before.
☾⋆⁺ (forgive me if I butcher medical infos lmao, help much appreciated) Just kidding, you were a Captain now too via your transfer into English QARANC as Senior Nurse. Oh, how quickly the time goes. To climb that quickly? Impressive dedication. Not that it was surprising coming from you.
So when Price saw you across the room in the flesh as superior medical staff as part of his brigade for his specialist unit- uh oh. How the hell did you weasel your way in here? It's elite-elite, I mean, what are the chances? He- uh, of course you did, who is he kidding. He was just…insecure.
Mouth ajar, he blinked out of his blank expression with a cough as Gaz tilted his head in the way of him- "Sir?"- and followed Price's gaze back to you.
☾⋆⁺ So when you felt the heat of being watched, and managed to scan the new environment just to see him-? Oh, god. How do I say this: to say you've met before would be an understatement.
You're flooded back to that familiar field tent as Junior Staff Nurse- that suffocating humidity only enunciated by the heat waves blurring your far-vision of the sand and dried shrubs outside the mouth of the tent.
It was your first job allied with an SAS unit, and you could feel the sweat clinging your shirt to your back. All today had been a sudden intake of…too many people. Sure, you weren't alone, but come late afternoon, hurried triaging then treatment, your superiors had taken their break first, leaving you alone simply to monitor your now stable patients.
I think it's in that silence and break you realize just how much your head has been spinning; how the sun seemed to glint on the sand outside and beam right into your eyes; how your cheeks felt burning and your pulse was hammering. God, how did you not notice that before? You automatically caught yourself to brace back on a plastic table as you steeled yourself, reaching back to fiddle out a plastic bottle of water from that mess of container material.
Focus. You forced yourself to take a drink, gaze glazed over but keeping yourself together.
You felt a break in the light in your periphery causing you to faintly wince. The shadow almost walked straight past, but took a step back to pause at the entrance, bobbing both ways to check the interior. "You alright?" A gruff voice croaked out. Regardless of your strained response, they stepped forward, hesitantly taking in the environmental context clues for your circumstance. "Team leave you?" He double-took at the extent of the sight of you, pausing before doubling back to close the tent entrance to keep in the much needed cool. Head lulled down, all you registered was the dry beige camo of his uniform moving in and out of your vision as he faffed with something.
"D'you mind?" He grumbled lightly, offering his hand to help you sit down on the floor, albeit to lean against the leg of the table. He showed the cloth-covered cold pack in his hand, leaning down to meet your eyes with a furrowed brow. "'You're fine?'" He quoted with a chuff. "Ah, alright. More for me." He got up, pretending to pat the pack against the back of his neck and sighing faux relief.
After a pause he raised a smug brow at you, handing you the pack for the back of your neck, etc. In his motion you note the 'PRICE' embroidered on his jacket.
'Price' stood back, exhaling and crossing his arms, sporting light-hearted dry conversation as he rocked his weight. How long you'd felt like that, what happened, where your superiors were. Just checking it was definitely just heat exhaustion and if he had to stay the 30 minutes for you.
When you rightfully spit him out at his low-key condescending tone he put his hands up in defence, apologizing half-heartedly and trying to distract you with humour and everyday questions. He wasn't the most charming thing, but his noise was a half-decent change to your silent suffering prior.
☾⋆⁺ Lieutenant John Price. He always seemed to end up looking over your shoulder in the time you worked alongside each-other. Commenting something dumb only to be rewarded with your wit, sending the two of you into an endless feedback loop until he's leaning a little too close and, uh- check yourself, Lieutenant. Looked a little too fraternal there.
☾⋆⁺ Sometimes it was hard to relate to the other specialists. You'd both graduated your trainings much quicker than your peers, both exceptionally diligent and good at what you do. But every star has to have a weakness, right?
Something about each-others company felt natural, easy. Unintentionally, you both tended to scare off folks. But not each-other. Two sharp-edged puzzle pieces. Lounging around on base, finally on downtime, he'd plant himself next to you. Drowning out the chatter of others, he'd lean over and prop his foot up on his knee, staring at what book you were reading. What today? He reeked of potential snark until you looked at him. Price's face instinctively softened before collected himself with a hand along his hair, trying not to smile too obviously for the others in the room.
☾⋆⁺ One victory later and you couldn't make it out drinking for celebrations due to finishing writing up some boring documentations. Looking both ways, Price snuck out of the event early to return back and find you. He knew where you'd be by now. He always stood at doorways, never in, until the familar tread of boots on dried grass broke your focus. This felt like the first time you both were actually alone. The extent of your intimacy so far was staring for a thousand words a little too long when others weren't looking.
He strutted in the finally otherwise vacant tent, presence arrogantly, blatantly hovering over you as you continued to work. To the tune of- 'c'mon.' He gently tried his hand on your cheek, tilting his head to stare as he rubbed a circle there with his thumb.
If it didn't work immediately he'd take out his phone, humming an incomprehensible tune before the tinny music played from the phones speaker- music you love you'd mentioned in passing. He swayed and mumbled the lyrics (?), stepping a little closer to lower his hand to yours for you to take- to dance with you all the way into the night.
☾⋆⁺ Which makes your throat tighten even more in the present day once the focus(/panic) had passed and he's finally laying stable on the care bed by you.
The man who left you. Abandoned you in the name of work and 'greater causes'. A relationship that would've gotten him fired, yes, but his snap decision and the coldness in his eyes as he plainly announced it had sat rightfully boiling in your blood since.
~~but i am curious, like as u work together more would u fall back into some kinda tension?? weird asides? him taking yr orders? emotional reconciliation? or is he dead-dead to you?? IM INVESTED ~price by goldeagleactual on PT
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universal-imagines · 1 year
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☾ found feelings
fandom: haikyuu!! pairing: nishinoya x reader word count: 1.2k request: perhaps a scenario with nishinoya comforting his crush when they get rejected by their own crush. maybe ending with them realizing that nishinoya is better then their crush anyway?  
a/n: this request has been in my inbox since i first made this blog, and it’s been written for about as long too i just never got around to transferring it from my notebook to my computer but here it is now! i had to make a separate post from the ask cause the set up was all weird. this might also be the last post i make with banners cause i lost all my old ones and no longer have photoshop ( ´•̥̥̥ω•̥̥̥` )
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please do not use any of my works, in any shape or form, without permission.
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He knew. Call it a libero's intuition, if you will.
The moment Nishinoya's cell phone rang, almost vibrating its way off his nightstand, he stopped what he was doing to answer. Only one person would call him this late, and today of all days too. But something told him it wasn't about the positive response you'd wanted.
Congratulating himself on another good save, he allowed himself a tentative smile along with his usual greeting.
For a couple of minutes, all he got in response was a sniffle. But he was patient. If volleyball had taught him anything, it was waiting for the right time to move.
"They rejected me," you finally voiced his suspicions.
A part of him couldn't help but be relieved. As mean as that was, he was afraid of missing his chance. When you first told him about your crush, he'd felt a tinge of pain in his chest. And his stomach twisted every time you gushed about them. It was eating at him. He should have been happy for you, but it hurt hearing you talk about someone else. It was worse than missing a crucial point in a match.
The other part of him was heartbroken on your behalf. He knew just how much of yourself you put into that confession. It was nothing short of pouring your heart out. He knew because he had listened to you practice, day in and day out, as you worked yourself up to confess. So hearing you so broken about getting rejected hurt and made him angry. This person he didn't even know didn't deserve your affection, much less your tears.
"I'll be right over." He wanted to say so much more, but that could wait until he could comfort you in person.
A heavy sigh of frustration left Nishinoya's body as he let his phone drop onto his lap. He had every intention of keeping his promise of coming over, but he had to compose himself first. What kind of impression would he give if he looked ready to beat someone up? Probably not a bad one cause it showed he had his friend's back, but there was more to it than that. And he wasn't ready to explain it all just yet.
But he was ready to get some late-night comfort food, however. All your favorite snacks and meals were at the top of his checklist, along with two pints of ice cream.
Two convenience store stops later, among other places, Nishinoya made his way toward your house. It wasn't a long walk, but after his 35-minute detour, he arrived at your home almost an hour after promised.
One knock. Two knocks. Three knocks it took for you to open the door. As expected, a puffy-eyed [ name ] appeared in the doorway. The sight of you almost sent him on a rant, but he stopped himself.
"Sorry for taking a while..." he searched for your eyes, "But I'm armed with snacks." The last bit came out as more of a question than a statement. He wasn't sure how enthusiastic he was allowed to sound, so he wanted to assess the situation first.
You didn't even look at the bag of goodies he brought before enveloping him in a hug.
"Yeah... sorry," he whispered, doing his best to return the hug.
Finally moving from the door, both of you ended up in your room. It was quiet for a while, but not in an awkward way. You were both just enjoying a pint of ice cream. The silence might have lasted longer if it weren't for Tanaka, who sent Nishinoya a meme.
'Damn Tanaka,' Nishinoya thought as he scrambled to silence his phone.
"They said they never gave me any reasons to get my hopes up. That... they could tell I liked them and went out of their way to make it obvious they weren't interested, but..." You drew a shaky breath. "I can't believe I didn't notice. I must have been so annoying."
"Did they seriously say that?" Nishinoya's blood was boiling.
You nodded, needing another moment to gather yourself. "I could even feel how annoyed they were." "What an ass. You'll probably think I'm saying all this because I'm your friend and would take your side in any situation, but he didn't deserve you. If that jerk could not see how amazing you are, that's on them. Not you. It just sucks you got your heart broken because of someone like that."
Nishinoya was glad to see you roll your eyes at him because it meant you were feeling slightly better.
"I don't know about being amazing and all that. If that were the case at least one person out there would like me, but there's no one." You shrugged.
"There is." The response slipped out on its own. "I'm sure there is," he quickly added.
"Doubt it."
"Because... well, because no one has ever said anything." You threw your arms up in defeat.
"What if they're afraid of telling you? Of getting rejected? You just found out how much it hurts."
"Yeah... you're right."
'Stupid. Stupid Noya.' He would shoot himself in the foot if he could.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to-" He was panicking over what to say to fix his mistake.
"No, it's okay. You're right. After what happened today, I don't picture myself confessing to anyone ever again. And if anyone does confess to me one day, I know I'll never be that mean."
Nishinoya chuckled. "Being let off easy still hurt, you know."
"Sure, but it can't be as bad as being outright rejected on top of being ridiculed for confessing." You crossed your arms and huffed, but he could tell it was more for show.
"Can't argue with that," he shrugged. "So, is it safe to assume you're less upset about getting rejected but more about how they went about it?"
You nodded with a soft smile.
"I hope you know that ass really didn't deserve you. Besides, you can do so much better!"
"Oh yeah," you chuckled. "I deserve someone who will cherish me and treat me right. Someone who will bring me pizza at midnight."
"Ha, I've done that." Catching himself once again, Nishinoya quickly added, "And it wasn't fun."
"What are you talking about? We stayed up all night watching movies and talking. I remember cause you forgot you had practice the next morning and were dying." You were now laughing.
"Exactly, not fun."
The night went on like that, harmless banter back and forth with some movies and laughter sprinkled in between. The person who'd ruined part of your day was long forgotten by now.
"You should just stay over at this point. It's 4am, and you don't have practice tomorrow. So it's okay, right?" You were already pulling the blanket over the both of you as you spoke.
"Fine. Just don't kick me off the bed when you wake up in the morning cause you forgot you asked me to stay."
"I only did that once!" You laugh at the memory.
"Once was enough!"
"Okay, okay. I'll make it up to you if I do it again." You scooted a little closer to him and shut your eyes.
"How about you make it up for last time first?"
"With what?" You yawn.
'A date.'
He thought he had said it outloud when he heard the exact same words he was thinking, but you'd been the one to utter them. Maybe it'd been a figment of his imagination, he was tired after all. But he would soon find out they weren't. He would have to wait until morning though, cause you were out like a light.
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please do not use any of my works, in any shape or form, without permission.
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kiwi413 · 2 years
Can I request a macaque x reader who’s insecure of themselves because she saw someone that was so pretty and has a perfect body and reader has a curvy thick body and is jealous of them because she doesn’t have that and macaque sees them perfect and Beautiful
also I was listening to jealousy jealousy of Olivia Rodrigo because I was thinking can you do like a similar version of the song I’m just asking if not then do as you please
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A/N: hello! thank you for requesting! I did take inspiration from the song. I had fun, maybe got carried away a bit, anyhow I hope you enjoy it and that it's to your liking!
Genre: hurt/comfort, a bit of fluff towards the end
pairing: Macaque x Gn!Reader
word count: 1,2k
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You didn’t mean to go down that rabbit hole. 
It was late when you got home, and you noticed rather quickly that your monkey companion, Macaque, has yet to arrive. It wasn’t a first for him to come back home in the dead of night, so you weren’t too worried about that. 
What you were worried about, however, is how you’d pass the time while waiting for him. It was a habit of yours to stay awake until you saw him safe and sound inside your shared apartment. 
So with a rather heavy sigh, you settled on the couch and pulled out your phone to mindlessly scroll on. 
While at first, it was just the usual meme and cat video, your feed took a turn to the left when suddenly more and more pictures of people who seemed to be flawless flooded your screen. 
Try as you might you couldn’t help the thoughts about your own physical appearance from running rampant through your mind. The more rational part of your brain knew that their existence didn’t mean you were any less, but at the same time, a part of you was jealous of those people. 
This went on for a while, and soon you found yourself in your own bubble of self hatred that you didn’t know how to escape from. 
In the midst of your train of thought you failed to hear a certain someone enter the apartment through the window (because he simply refused to use the door. you’ve tried to bribe him into it but quickly realised that the more you plead with him the smuger his smirk is when he enters through the window, so you gave up and let him do whatever he wanted) 
“Plum! I’m home!” you hear Macaque before you see him enter the living room. “Oh, Hey,” 
You greet back in a small voice, not quite having the mental energy to seem chipper. The sound of your voice makes the dark-furred monkey stop in his tracks and furrow his brows. That can’t be right, you’re usually much livelier when you see he’s returned come. It makes him wonder if he’s done something to upset you lately, but after racking his brain and not finding anything he gradually becomes more concerned, although he lets it pass as you possibly being tired and sits next to you. 
You two talk about your day for a while, with you maintaining the same bummed-out tone the whole time. This and the fact that you kept avoiding his eyes put off Macaque a lot until he couldn’t take it anymore and decided to be direct about his concerns. 
“Alright, what’s wrong?” this sudden interjection startled you a bit. “What? What do you mean?” 
You ask, a bit unsure wether you should talk about this with him. 
“You’ve been acting strange all night, is there something bothering you? Who do I need to beat up?” your eyes widen at his last question and you quickly try to clear up the situation, while you do appreciate the sentiment, you don’t want anyone landed in the hospital or worse because of you. “No! No beating anyone up! No one upset me!” he raises one eyebrow at your panicked look before asking in a slightly softer tone “Then what’s wrong, darling?” 
You suck in a breath, “you’ll think it’s stupid,” you say while you avert your gaze to the side. Macaque huffs before he leans closer to gently pull your head to the side to make you look him in the eye for the first time that night. “Whatever it is, it’s bothering you, and if it’s bothering you it’s definitely not stupid,” his tone is firm but soft and he knows he got his point across when you give a defeated sigh.
“I just, I don’t like the way my body looks..” you explain. If one would look closely they could pinpoint the exact moment the simian’s brain short-circuited. He just couldn’t grasp the concept that you, the most amazing person in the world (at least in his eyes), didn’t like yourself. To be honest, he would have loved you no matter what form you might have taken, but this? It was an outrageous notion! 
It seems that you took his stunned silence as a bad sign because you swiftly tried to back out. Standing up from the couch and beginning to make your way to your bedroom where you’d probably have a good cry you began talking  “See? I knew you’d think it’s stupid, I shouldn’t have-” you’re interrupted by Macaque’s hand gripping your forearm and pulling you towards him. 
Now facing him, his hands on either of your shoulders, you notice his intense stare. The usual expressions you see on your dear monkey are smug smirks, annoyance, the rare softness he reserves only for you, and sometimes sadness when he’s had a tough day and needed to vent. You’ve never seen him look so serious before, it makes you stop for a second. 
“(Y/N), I’m going to need you to listen to me very carefully,” he says. The use of your actual name makes you nod slowly, he seems satisfied with your indirect response and continues on his speech,
 “You are the best person I’ve had the pleasure of meeting in my long immortal life. You’re smart, sweet, patient, and caring, as for your appearance? to be quite frank with you, you look like you were handcrafted by the Gods specifically for me, I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect partner.” he finished with a smile, although it was quick to drop when he saw a few tears rush down your cheek. 
“Hey now, I know I’m not the best at this whole comforting thing, but was it that bad?” he tried to joke while he brought up a hand to wipe away your tears. You put a hand over his own to stop him from taking it away. “No, no, that’s not it silly. It’s just, you’re so sweet, thank you Mac,” you snuggle into his hand. you crack a smile through your tears, his words have overwhelmed you with such a sense of warmth that you couldn’t help but cry. 
A shade of pink dusted Macaque’s cheeks at that, “Ah, well, it’s the truth, so don’t you forget it!” 
You chuckle at his flustered form, already having forgotten your distress from a few minutes ago. A comfortable silence fell over the two of you until the shadow demon broke it. 
“You know, all those who dare to disrespect my beloved Plum must face my wrath, so that includes you.” you suddenly feel nervous upon seeing the mischievous glint in his eyes. 
“Is that so?” you said with a strained voice while you try to put a bit of a distance between the two of you. Macaque simply hummed in approval before he suddenly jumped on you and started to pepper kisses wherever he could reach, all over your face, shoulders, arms, even your stomach. Your giggles rang throughout the apartment, making Macaque’s heart squeeze with adoration. 
The rest of the night was spent cuddling and with words of affirmation being directed towards both of you, each happy to have the other in their lives.
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The Night Shift: Chapter Three
If you'd like to be tagged when new chapters are posted let me know! -Ghostiewvlf
✦✦Update: Edited slightly :) -Ghostiewvlf
✦ The Night Shift Masterpost ✦
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➢ Tag List: @valleys
➢Author: Ghostiewvlf & JTheGhost ➢ Rating: Mature ➢ Pairings: Corpse X reader | Corpse X y/n ➢ Themes: Slow Burn | Coworkers To Lovers | Angst | Holiday | Mutual Pining | Fluff | Smut? | Hurt/Comfort | Soulmates | Fake Relationships | Miscommunication | Forced Proximity | Found Family | ➢ Warnings: Crude Humor | Suicidal Jokes/Ideation | Drinking | Smoking |
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You work the night shift at a local dog kennel for boarding and daycare. You love the peace and quiet of the shift, but just when you get comfortable- a few break-ins happen around town, and upper management decides to place your quiet, brooding, shift lead on the schedule with you.
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☽✧ Chapter Three: Musically In Tune ✧☾
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Your second class wasn't supposed to start for another fifteen minutes, but you really didn't have the energy to get out of bed. You hated that you only had one day off work, sure your job was alright, but using your other day off as the day to schedule all your classes was really not the move, because now you didn't want to attend the lectures. The text that popped up on your phone didn't help focusing much either. Why was he texting you? Did he want you to come in on your day off?
Logan 🐺:
Hows school nerd?
“Weird” You said aloud, laughing to yourself as the small adrenaline rush of having to come in dissipated.
Not exactly better than work, but not worse 
Logan 🐺:
I can always call you in for an ‘emergency’ haha
No thanks! Lol
Next thing you knew your phone was flooding with sad cat memes about school. Your face quickly started to ache from laughing so much. 
Logan 🐺:
Don’t tell the boss im memeing on company time
You are my boss stupid 
Logan 🐺:
Oh, yeah… guess I am ;) 
It was so bizarre seeing this side of him. In just a week he had gone from this “quiet shift lead that no one really wants to talk to” to “coworker that you look forward to working with everyday” to now, acquaintances? Friends? You didn't really know. It was hard for you to draw lines between stages of friendship at work. Maybe he was just being nice to make you feel more comfortable around him? 
Logan 🐺:
So… what class are you in right now?
Just about to start music theory 
Logan 🐺:
RIP haha
Need any help studying? I’m pretty good with music 
I might take you up on that actually lol 
I never have time for this class so now im nearly failing
Logan 🐺:
Bring your stuff next shift and we’ll work on it :)
Thank youuuu :’)
You turned the screen off on your phone and tried your best to pay attention during your lecture, but you couldn't shake the nervous energy you had built up thinking about the next shift working with him. 
It didn't take long for the next workday to arrive. You had barely slept at all, staying up studying and trying to catch up in your other courses was beginning to take a toll on you. You arrived barely on time for your shift, quickly getting the usual updates from departing day staff before clocking in. You headed into the break room and set your things down before collapsing into the seat and catching your breath. You’d just barely remembered to grab your music theory notes and homework, collecting them in a rush and making you run just enough behind that you’d be late if you picked up food for the shift. At least you would be able to get some help from Logan tonight though and hopefully your next exam would go over better than the last. 
The day shift quickly finished up and clocked out. Logan seemed to be running a bit late, so once everyone else had clocked out and left you began the duties of the night. You were on your second rotation of letting dogs out when you heard his car pull up, so you didn't turn to look when you heard the backdoor open and a few more dogs run out. You continued playing with one of the more shy dogs that was boarding for the night and watched to make sure everyone was getting along.
“Hey there.” You felt a warm hand on your back, a sharp contrast with the bite in the cold fall air. You tried to ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of your stomach acting up. 
“Oh hey!” a slightly-too-loud laugh falling from your lips. 
“I stopped at Starbucks and got us some coffee.” An uneven smile painted his face, making him look almost comical with his cold bitten nose and pale skin, along with those signature dark circles under his eyes. 
“Oh wow, thank you! I was running late and wasn't able to stop for anything today.” You smiled and accepted the warm cup and took an eager sip, grateful to have some caffeine for the night. 
“Oh huh, perfect timing I guess? You're welcome.” He chuckled and offered a smile just as warm as the cup in your hands. “I can order some food or snacks later too.” He took a sip of his own cup and huffed, his breath forming a small cloud in front of him due to the freezing temperature. As much as you despised the cold and how it made your already poor circulation in your hands feel like pins and needles, you did really love the aesthetics of it: the clouds of breath, the way it made faces redden, the smell that was draped across everything the night before a big thunderstorm or heavy snowfall, the oversized hoodies and layered outfits that everyone seemed buried in, big boots with chunky socks- it was all very comforting in a way, it seemed to round out the edges in a very sharp world.
The night went by much the same as it began. There was a very comforting feeling about the weather and the mood that you were both in, even the dogs seemed very subdued. Time seemed to go by a bit slower, which you happily welcomed after weeks of vigorous study. 
Though time seemed to be lulling along peacefully, you got your nightly duties done in record time. You blamed the unusually well behaved dogs. It wasn't long before you were both sitting at the front desk again, joking around and playing some light music. He hesitantly showed you a few of his favorite bands. You assumed his apprehension was from fear of judgment. Lucky for him, you both enjoyed darker, more melancholy music. 
You both listened to his Spotify playlist while he helped you on your coursework. You bopped along to several songs you recognized as he read through your work. BONES, Xavier Wulf, and several other artists played softly through the speakers. 
“Mm, yeah not this one…” You sheepishly laughed as you clicked skip on Cholesterol, not needing to feel too melancholic tonight. He merely chuckled and nodded with firm agreement. You were surprised by his knowledge about music, he helped you get through the entirety of your homework, as well as explained a bunch of the questions you’d missed on the last exam you brought with you. 
“How do you know all this? I feel like you know more than my professor honestly…” You laughed as you finished up the last question and shut your notebook. He’d managed to explain everything all in a way that was actually making sense to you. He’d even related back to songs that played out softly on the speakers and used them as examples to the concepts. 
“I sincerely fucking doubt that…” He chuckled tiredly. “I just- know music I guess… I spend a lot of time with and around it, I uh-  I’ve even made a couple songs myself…” You smiled as you caught the red tint on his heated cheeks.
“Wait really?” You gave him a surprised look. 
“Yeah, I don’t know if they're any good, but I like making them.” He shrugged and passed you the keyboard  and mouse to play music. 
“Can I hear one?” You pried, making him slump into his chair further and groan softly.  
“Ahh I don’t know, y/n…” He huffed and rolled his eyes playfully. “I haven't really shown anyone, but I guess if you promise to not make fun of me…” he turned slightly and narrowed his eyes at you, “...or tell anyone here-  maybe I’ll bring my computer next time or something…” 
“Hmm, we’ll see…” You squinted back, jokingly challenging him before laughing.
“I’ll write you up I swear to god y/n…” He joked back, laughing along with you. 
“OoOkay boss man…”
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kylo-wrecked · 8 months
@valkxrie sent:// " 'Are you still there?'
The silence was stretched. Expectant. It ticked along, out of sync with any clock. Just... ticking along. Ticking along. Silently stretching further.
Brunnhilde sighed into the air, phone in hand, headphones coming loose. She wriggled them back into place. And waited. "
{ from this meme / accepting }
Rustling. More rustling. The shadowy beats of sirens in the background. Maybe he stands before an open window. Maybe he leans in a doorway, watching a distant ambulance scream by, hand jammed in a sweater pocket, and the interference on his end of the line isn’t a great yawn, a deliberative pause.
“Yeah. Sorry, yeah. I’m here.”
“It’s just.” Ben laughs once. The sound is short. Incredulous, not joyous. A stutter in his throat. “What is this about?”
At first, he thinks he's trying not to cry, but after a long, shuddering breath, Ben realizes he's trying not to be angry. That there were many things he wanted to say, and he had never said them.
“I’m leaving in two weeks, Brunnhilde.”
And he's running on New York time.
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millenari · 11 months
Tugger for the headcanon meme?
☾ - sleep headcanon
There are a few ways I can interpret ‘the Rum Tum Tugger doesn't care for a cuddle/But I'll leap on your lap (…)’ + ‘I only like what I find for myself’:
Tugger likes to cuddle but he doesn’t like to be cuddled. Big spoon of the century.
(on a more serious note I do like the idea that he doesn’t like being held/weighed down while sleeping specifically because he doesn’t like feeling like he can’t get up if he so chooses, due to the ‘the cat’s sleeping on me I’m stuck here forever’ law. Especially if he was planning on leaving the person he’s sleeping with in the first place!)
Tugger likes to cuddle only if his cuddle-partner doesn’t want to. Thus you have Tugger spending his whole life fleeing the potential of a Munkuhug at the same time he’s bear hugging Mr. Misto ‘neat’ Offelees who hates having his fur rubbed every which way when Tugger grabs him.
Tugger likes to cuddle only if he initiates because he gets enough of random cats touching/grabbing at him on the daily, thank you very much.
★ - sad headcanon
Getting Tugger to admit he’s in a bad mood is difficult at best. There are few cats in the Junkyard/London who he’d sit down and have an actual conversation with due to ~celebrity worship~ and even fewer that he’d be willingly vulnerable with. And even then, it would probably take some prodding to get him to admit to it, and he’d probably only do so stiltedly. Tugger is very good at talking about his happy feelings. His bad/sad ones are harder for him to articulate.
☆ - happy headcanon
Tugger has a loudass purr. A LOUDass purr. His purr can drown out a person speaking at a normal volume. Sometimes (cough when talking to Munk cough ) he doesn’t want the cats around him to know exactly how happy he is, so he can keep it silent if he wants. Though you would be able to tell by touching his chest, which would be vibrating at a frequency undiscovered by man.
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
Tugger is *very* difficult to get a rise out of, and even when one does, it would be even harder to get him to show it, and even harder on top of that to get him to express that anger in a manner more intense than an annoyed eyeroll and a mane-toss.
✿ - S‌ex headcanon
Oh geez where to start. Heavily bisexual. Tends towards women but has literally zero comprehension on how a person can *not* be attracted to their own se‌x. -> If I know I am attractive then shouldn’t I be aware of other men being attractive? -> If I’m capable of getting myself off then how would I not be capable of doing so with other men? -> And so on. Same art, different angle, to him.
What I’m saying here is that Tugger doesn’t get straight people.
■ -  Bedroom headcanon
Cat: den in the Junkyard. Made from a broken record player. Not water or wind proof, sleeps in Munk’s den when it’s particularly cold out. He and Munk have just silently decided to not talk about it.
Human: Clothes all over his damn room. Stupidly expensive sheets. One of those insanely large beds that can hold like five people.
♡ - romantic headcanon
Only person he's ever has romantic feelings about is Misto (bc I'm tuggoffelees trash). After coming to terms with his new feelings, Tugger tends to feel a little lost about how to express them since he’d never done romance before, which tends to result in either extremely stereotypical/cliché acts of affection that he lifts straight from media/friends/etc or super bizarre things that Misto doesn’t even know how to decode.
My hc that Tugger is additionally bad at being vulnerable means he never just tells Misto about how he feels outright, & I hc Misto as autistic, so Tugger’s weird behavior always throws Misto off when it abruptly starts. I don’t have a single au or fic bouncing around in my head where their get-together goes smoothly, lmao.
♥ - family headcanon
Munkie & Deuteronomy ❤. I also like Macavity being an exiled Deuteronomy brother; I have a couple ideas for human aus where Mac isn’t evil, just kind of an jerk, and he and Tugger are a particularly efficient duo at giving Munk stress-induced heartburn.
Although I also like the hcs I’ve seen floating around where he’s distantly related to Bill Bailey/'ensemble Tugger' &/or rapper Tugger. And he hates both of them ❤.
☮ - friendship headcanon
Misto is his best friend. Tugger has a particular shortage of *actual* friends due to being so popular; he and Bomba would probably deny being friends if anyone asked, but they do talk sometimes. There’s a quick spot in cats 98 where you can see Tugger and Jerrie fistbump, so I like the idea of them being troublemakers together, though Tugger gets sick of Jerrie fast. & Tugger and Alonzo knew each other since they were very small, but they don’t like each other much, so they’re kind of reluctantly close.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
Human: vinyl collection. Do not fucking *touch* his vinyl collection. Don’t breathe on it. Don’t look at it too hard. He has antiques in there. Limited edition shit.
Cat: collects shiny things, like jewelry and cool rocks.  He’s accompanied Jerrie and Teazer on a few of their heists in order to expand his collection. (look, they are professional cat-burglars and all, but sometimes windows are high up and they need a boost and Tugger is tall, alright?)
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
As much is Tugger is The Way He Is, he doesn’t care much for being touched or grabbed unless he initiates it.
▼ - childhood headcanon
By the time Tugger was born, Deuteronomy was already starting to get pretty old, so a teenaged Munkustrap took care of him most of the time. Baby Tugger’s favorite method of communicating his displeasure with any situation was screaming. Loudly. And at length.
As a kid he had a game called ‘Alonzo hit me’ where he would goad baby Alonzo into attacking him & then tell all the nearby adults (that were only partially paying attention to the playing kittens) that Alonzo just hit him out of nowhere. He would then watch like ^w^ as Alonzo got scolded. Alonzo still holds a grudge about this.
∇ - old age/aging headcanon
I do imagine Tugger starts to get more serious as he gets older; as of the period of the Ball I don't think he knows or cares much about fighting, but when he gets a little older he has Munk teach him how to hold his own and he helps patrol the Junkyard & such with Munk and Alonzo and all of them. He complains about it all the time, but everyone knows he willingly volunteered.
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
Human Tugger can't cook for shit. He burns or undercooks everything because he gets distracted or bored while cooking; he knows some good recipes and has varied taste, he just doesn't have the attention span for it.
☼ - appearance headcanon
Munk and Deuteronomy both have black fingerless gloves in most productions, so i love the idea that if Tugger takes off his leather gloves, underneath are markings that match the shape of his gloves nearly exactly, black fingerless markings just like munk & deut have. you know, like those *guy removes sunglasses to reveal he's wearing another identical pair underneath* gifs.
ൠ - random headcanon
I don't hc grizz as his mom like some do; though I do imagine he has a rough relationship with his mother. He gets his yellow markings & spots from her, though The Mane™ comes straight from Papa Deut. :)
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Hello Nemo! Headcannon meme; ☾, ■ and ♦ for your Beaumont darlings, please! <3 Thank you! <3
Dearest Susie, welcome welcome into my inbox <3 forgive me for the delay in which I answer you, but I truly had so much to do, I was feeling extremely low on energy in the previous days (allow me to offer you a cup of tea to make up for that <3). But here I am now, most glad to have the opportunity to talk about my favourite Siblings <3 (truly thank you for this, I love those three bebes so much, I am so so happy to be able to speak about them <3).
So, without further ado, let me dive into your questions. and buckle up, because this is going to be a long answer. <3
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☾ - sleep headcanon
Mathias is a night creature, so he has a hard time falling asleep at night. He usually doesn’t retire to his chamber before midnight, and even after that, it’s a constant tossing and turning. One of the reasons for this is connected to the fact that the fire that scarred him and almost took his life happened while he was asleep at night, and because of this, he has trouble finding respite. He has intermittent sleep, and only fully manages to fall asleep soundly when the dawn appears on the horizon. When Mathias couldn’t sleep at all, and he knew he is in for a long night, he would often just sit at the piano and just play until his mind finally quiets down. Antoine and Colette would wake up from it, of course, but they didn’t mind at all. If anything, they were sad that their brother was in a tormented state and couldn’t find any respite in sleep.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Mathias’ living quarters were rather modest in appearance. Located directly under the roof of the small house he shared with his sisters, if one were to walk into his room, they would find almost nothing of economical value: a small bed with a mattress made of straw and a heavy blanket that Colette had assembled for him; a chair where he would neatly fold his garments each night; a small desk where he would write his journal each night, or where he would take care of his correspondence; a chest filled with old out-of-fashion robes that had belonged to his father, the few that hadn’t burn in the fire that almost took his life; a broken mirror, constantly covered by a cloth so as not having to look at himself by chance while disrobing. But if one were to look underneath his bed, under the false floor, they would find a small box, there is where one would find Mathias’ most prized possessions, the one he valued more than anything else: a small compass decorated with stars that his mother gave to him when he was a child and a small doll that Colette had made out of rags and that had given him after the fire to protect him. What Mathias loved about his room was the small window that let him directly out on the roof and that, on clear nights, allowed him to look up at the starry night sky.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
One of Mathias’ hobbies, aside from playing the piano, was to draw the portraits of the gargoyles that always kept him company whenever he felt like he needs time alone and away from the crowd, and found solace and peace only among the statues that protected Notre-Dame. They are the only ones to know his heart pains and sorrows and yearning because he doesn't want to burden Antoine nor Colette with his suffering.
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☾ - sleep headcanon
Antoine was a light sleeper: she could fall asleep easily everywhere, no matter the noise or the place, but due to what happened in her youth, during a mission that brought her away from home for almost a year, she learned to be constantly vigilant and to wake up and be fully functional in a matter of minutes. Even in her sleep, she would still be extremely aware of all her surroundings, which is why she always knew whenever Mathias was up and about or if Colette were to come back home late from the Café-Théâtre. However, Antoine could never fall asleep unless both her siblings were both safe and sound under their roof, which was a reason why whenever Colette would forget to communicate that she would sleep in her quarters at the Café-Théâtre, Antoine was most likely to spend a night awake. Antoine was not entirely happy with the way she slept, because waking up during the night would entail her past coming back to her and literally stab with all the regrets she had, but she tried to find way to cope with it, eventually.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Much like Mathias’ living quarters, Antoine’s as well were incredibly spartan. Located on the second floor, just beneath Mathias’ room, all that could be found in her room was a double bed for her and Claude, whenever he visited her and was too tired to walk back to his own dwelling; a wooden chest, where she kept all her robes and garments, children’s clothes and also some of her mother’s old gowns, saved for Colette for whenever she decided to marry; a desk where she kept all her Brotherhood related documents and journal, and in the desk drawer, kept strictly under key, a small silver locket containing a strand of soft auburn hair, the only memento she would never let go, the only memento she would never share its knowledge with anyone, her siblings included, a testament and a warning at the same time.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
One of Antoine's greatest quirks, one that immediately catches the eye, was that she never wore feminine clothes. EVER. Ever since she had memory, she had shared the same type of garments as her twin brother, to the exasperation of her mother, who instead wanted her to dress as a proper lady. But Antoine always refused and rebelled, and eventually, her mother gave up on her, focusing her efforts on Colette, instead.
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☾ - sleep headcanon
Colette was a heavy sleeper, meaning that she would fall into such profound sleep the moment she laid her head on her pillow that not even Notre-Dame’s bells could wake her up. The reason for this was mostly connected to the fact that she worked extremely hard at the Café-Théâtre as a cook, so she always had to wake up early to buy fresh produce from the market and start preparing the food for the patrons that would come visiting that day. It was not unusual for her to be so tired in the evenings that she would fall asleep sitting at the table where she usually wrote the list of all she would need the following day. When Arno was the one to find her snoring there, he would just scoop her up with a chuckle and bring her to the quarters he has given her at the Café, not without giving her a small kiss on the brow and probably whispering some of the words he would want to say but doesn’t dare to utter out loud. And rest assured this, he would straight away send a message to inform Antoine that Colette was safe and sound with him in HER OWN bed: he knew all too well what would happen if Antoine(and Mathias too, to an extent) had even the smallest suspicious that he wanted to try something fancy without wanting to properly marry her sister first.
■ - Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
Colette’s living quarters, in the house she shared with her siblings, were located on the ground floor, next to their small kitchen. While not fancy in the slightest, her room was, without doubt, the warmest and most comfortable, and that was because Antoine wanted Colette to have all that she felt her baby sister had lost when their family had fallen in disgrace. So, when Antoine managed to secure their current home, nestled within Les Invalides, she and Mathias didn’t hesitate to open the purse and make sure that Colette had everything she wanted. Colette, while appreciating her sister and brother’s generosity and effort, refused to let them go hungry or cold just so that she could be happy with things she didn’t truly need. Antoine was set and stubborn, but Colette was even more so, and in the end, she prevailed over her elder sister. So, in Colette’s room, you would find a small bed with a colorful blanket that Antoine has sewn together from old garments that were too worn out to wear but whose fabric was still very much salvageable; a vanity table that Mathias had found, repaired and painted with daises and sunflowers; a wardrobe where Colette would keep all her garments and a few of Arno’s robes that needed some mending and he couldn’t find the time to actually bring it to the milliner. Something you would always be assured to find in Colette’s room is fresh flowers.
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
One of the biggest hobbies Colette has was also her job: cooking. Growing up, she had to learn how to cook with meager ingredients and had to bring all her imagination to create dishes that were palatable and nutritious for both herself and her siblings, knowing that if she were not to be proactive, they would have probably starved, because Antoine would be more than capable to burn a pot of water, and Mathias, while having some rudimentary skills on how to cook, was not always able to provide his family with edible food. Hence, Colette rolled up her sleeves and tailed the old cook at the Café-Théâtre, who took her under her wings and taught her all that she knew.
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thank you so much again for these questions. truly.
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movedtoferinehuntress · 8 months
Alright. *stretches fingers and cracks knuckles ready to type* Let's do this.
I cannot understate how much your Caitlyn portrayal influenced how I see that character in the show. Obviously, I never hated Caitlyn, nor did I hate Caitlyn x Vi as a ship, but it was never something I paid much mind to. Indifference is probably the best term to describe how I was feeling originally about Caitlyn. And then you showed up - and bashed that indifference into a million pieces!
Your Caitlyn is so nuanced. I love how you looked at Piltover and instead of shying away from the challenge in showing Piltover screws up not just the lower class, but the higher one as well, you dove right in and created what I honestly consider to be my Piltover. Even if I may not say it, I feel that a lot of how Vi regards Piltover and feels about it, comes from what you made. I love how you made this city so much more than just a force of oppression and how you find all those little elements, which enrichen it and make it feel like a lived-in place instead of a boogyman.
And then your Caitlyn looks at all of this and more or less spits into its face. XD I love how much your Caitlyn tries to defy Piltover's rigid social etiquettes, yet at the same time, she is still so clearly from Piltover and has an identity which goes back to the Kiramman household. I love how you can tell Grayson influenced her moral compass, but also didn't completely overturn what Cassandra taught Caitlyn.
I love how your Caitlyn never feels like a pushover. She has all those caring and soft traits, all this love and compassion, and yet you still allow her to kick ass! She can keep up with both Jinx and Vi and she is not afraid to arm herself, whether that be with her words or her rifle. I genuinely feel like you made Caitlyn a figure of authority, you have to take seriously. She is honestly the perfect adversary for Jinx and I am 100% sure, this nuanced rivalry would not work if you weren't the one, handling Caitlyn.
At the same time, you made me fall in love with Caitlyn and Vi's dynamic. Without you, I wouldn't care nearly as deeply for this ship. Like I know Caitlyn is important for Vi and Vi loves her, but your Caitlyn really makes me feel like I am actually writing someone who is genuinely in love and would do anything for that person. The way these two click is still so mindboggling to me. We didn't even plan for it and it just happened.
You have a wonderful imagination. I adore your lore, I adore your AU version of Caitlyn. I adore listening to you talk about Piltover or Caitlyn and what you made up or noticed. I adore that you share the same passion for not just writing but worldbuilding and that you are not afraid to share that passion. Your Caitlyn feels so unique as a result. Some part of me wishes she was actually canon.
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☾ *  ―― 「 @misstantabismuses 」 ≣ ASK MEME :   HOW’S MY PORTRAYAL? = ❝  * send anonymously or not. feedback is appreciated! ❞
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I literally, I don't know where to start with this. I'm literally just, my heart, I'm balling and just, this is… AHHH!
I think right now all I can do is scream and hold this ask cause it makes me so so happy. and I don't know if I am even able to explain HOW happy I am to read this.
Okay, get my brain to pause on the Dopamine high I'm getting XD
I really am so glad that I could let you see Caitlyn in a whole new light. I think that's probably something that happens with a lot of people. The indifference or hatred (you don't do that but like, you've heard me talk a lot about it from things I found and how people hate on caitlyn and want jinx to kill her). But just, I love that I could let you see a whole different side to her, to see Caitlyn not as an extension of a romance (which I do love cait x vi) but just, getting to see Caitlyn as her own person.
Honestly, your entire worldbuilding of Zaun and all that goes into it has been my leading inspiration to really build on Piltover! I really wanted to get into how Piltover is so much, oppressive but also, its a city of its own culture too! and how Zaun and Piltover are mirror differences yet so interconnected that despite all their struggles you really can't have one without the other. And digging into these mask that Piltover has, that they are just as monstrous as Zaun yet they try to paint it in a way they they are more civilized. Yet if you look into the shadows you can see where they are just as dark. Just the concept of "who is the real monster?". But also the idea that despite all of this, there are still people who live here, thriving and just trying to survive. Things that make a city worthwhile from the festivities to the market places and that, yet there is corruption but there are still a living thriving people here. Just, a society!
and omg, I love that that is so visible. Caitlyn fighting back against the establishment, still has these influences on her (from her refine cultured way of talking even if she can be a bit blunt at times, or having to look like an elite and even playing the game of politics that she so desperately hates). Like its a part of her despite how much she fights against it (just like vi fights against her zaun culture!). Just, yes!!! So much of this, I want her to clearly show she hates the corruption in the city but it has shaped her into who she is as well.
The whole dynamic with Jinx has been such a joy to entertain because it hasn't felt boring or the same ol same ol. Like, I love that your jinx is ultimately Caitlyn's Moriarty. They are equally matched in brains and their skills with weaponry. an dhow they both fight against each other because they are each others ultimate nemesis. And how, in many ways, Jinx's actions often dictate how Caitlyn reacts. Like that idea (I haven't written up yet) how Caitlyn is going to upgrade her rifle to have different functions from the net gun to electric paralysis bullets. And How Jinx in her own way starts to adapt and try to fight back against Caitlyn due to her actions. Just this constant pull and push between the two of them and yet the hatred never fades. The both see red against each other.
And vi's dynamic with Caitlyn, holy shit, I never expected such a click with them. I really love how they have these dark and dangerous moments, how they are a power couple force to be reckon with, and yet they have these tender soft moments that are uniquely theirs. Others might not get it, but to them its just so nature and tender. And I love how their love is not just instant 'soulmate' status, how they grew together based on their events in the undercity to their struggles in Piltover against the council. And how all of this just bonds them together more. Its a slow but beautiful development of two people who "shouldn't work" in the eyes of society and yet they do and they do so beautifully! I literally can't get over their story we've created!
Honestly, you have been such an inspiration and an encouragement to really dig even deeper into my world building and headcanons, to really dig more into Caitlyn; keeping to what we see in Canon but absolutely crafting this Caitlyn that is solely mine and mine alone. and the fact that you see all of this, that you can feel it and imagine it and that it all feels natural and real to the canon of the show. Just
AH!!! I have so much dopamine and I literally am so happy. this is what I wants, this is what I want to share <3
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heavenpierceher · 1 year
🌙 ☄️♠️ for tailgate for the ask meme? :]
YIPPEE (original post here)
☾ : sleep headcanon
he doesn’t actually like being in sleeper mode because it’s time not spent Doing Stuff and Talking To People and so on. he’s an early bird and keeps somewhat weird hours compared to other bots who sleep more regularly for Time Displacement reasons and also just wanting time to look around and familiarize himself with things and people. he sleeps longer and more often post-47 though for the exact opposite reasons (time alone in quiet safe comfortable place to Think and also just literally needing the extra rest because of his too-high metabolism). and post-LL he mostly keeps cyclonus’s hours despite him being an early bird and cyc being a night owl
☄ : Any AU headcanon (modern, school, medieval, and so on)
uhhh human au uhhhhhhmhuuh. i’ve had this goofy ass backstory in my head for how to make the circumstances of cygate meeting make any sense but it still doesn’t make any sense but it’s fine. tailgate gets severely sick and falls into a coma at like 19 and wakes up like twentysomething years later with no family no friends and no money so he latches onto some guy (cyclonus) he recognizes at the hospital and loudly states they’re related and that he can help handle the treatment costs. said tall ass purple ass guy is not very happy about this arrangement but for whatever reason pays anyway and takes him home anyway and then is like “i hate you you tiny idiot. Leave” but makes no move to kick him out and continues to support him anyway. No none of this makes sense or is good. But it’s funny
♤ : cooking headcanon
he has a knack for preparing things that are premade/from a box/meal kits/bake mixes/otherwise set up ahead of time Flawlessly like to the degree they pass for not coming from a box or the microwave. but he can’t cook from scratch at all
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Updated: 1/14/2024
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕄𝕦𝕝𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝔹𝕝𝕠𝕘:
☆☆ Status: [x]open []closed [x]send a message ☆☆
☆☆ Active RP Apps: [x]Tumblr [x]Discord [x]MeWe ☆☆
Blog is run by a friendly she/her named Paws.
Mun 10+ years RP experience; Tumblr & Discord
Mun and Muses 21+
Mutuals only... we can chat first to make sure we vibe
OUAT canon, canon-divergent, and AU friendly
Open, Semi-selective, and accepting starters
Prompts, memes, and plotting available
More detailed character outlines from my Discord profiles are available upon request.
No⍵... lᥱ𝚝's ɱᥱᥱ𝚝 𝚝իᥱ ɱᴜsᥱs bᥱիiղd 𝚝իᥱ ɱᴜղ sիαll ⍵ᥱ...
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》》People are gonna tell you who you are your whole life. You just gotta punch back and say, “No, this is who I am”.《《
An independent Once Upon A Time Emma Swan RP blog
Main ship CaptainSwan (Emma x Killian) but willing to play around with other pairings but they must be discussed ahead of time. No SwånQuəən. Friendenmies/friends/coparents is most welcome. No SwånFirə. But friends/former lovers/coparents is ok.
Friendships/familiarity always accepted
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》》That's the feeling. Not mattering to anyone. That's the coming-untied-from-the-world feeling.《
An independent Once Upon A Time Alice Jones/Tilly Rogers RP
Main ship is CuriousArcher/MadArcher (Alice x Robyn Hood II). Discuss any potential other ships beforehand.
Friendships/familiarity always accepted. Alice loves to make friends. And her Papa is very special. Rumplestiltskin is also not only mentor and dear friend but like a sudo second papa.
I have also dabbled in cursed!Tilly and young Alice (tower age) as well.
⋆。˚𖦹 ☆🂲♡🃍◇🂶♧🂲♤🃍☆🃍♤🂲♧🂶◇🃍♡🂲☆ 𖦹˚。⋆
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》》We can be happy in the future or we can be angry about the past.《《
An independent Once Upon A Time Maleficent RP blog
Ship DragonQueen (Maleficent x Regina Mills)
Friendships/familiarity always accepted; always down for a reconciliation with Lilly or a nice groveling from Snow White.
Maleficent is my newest muse addition and still sanding down the edges.
...αղd 𝚝իα𝚝 ⍵αs 𝚝իᥱ ɱᴜsᥱs!
Seriously, just send me a message and we can talk something out. Mun is probably just as awkward and shy.
Follow-backs from @pawshapedheart
If you are interested in roleplaying on Discord; have an active server or more 1-on-1, send a message for my Discord information.
So send me a message and let's talk! 🦢🐰🐉
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If you are not one of the involved parties, please do not just jump into the roleplay without reaching out first. All my threads will automatically be tagged with [closed] unless previously discussed with my partner(s). These are public for others to read like stories not for others to join unless specifically stated [open to others]
On that same note, if you are not in the roleplay, please do not reblog. You can like ❤️ and you can send us DMs like comments, but please do not reblog. It confuses the notification system and we may miss a reply.
Please do not ghost me. If you are no longer interested in roleplaying with me, please just send a quick DM. If you are going away on a sabbatical from Tumblr for an unknown time, family vacation, change in work/school schedule or you just don't want to Roleplay anymore, I beseech you to please just send a quick DM. I will not make a fuss. I've been ghosted by partners before and it's disheartening to be in the middle of a planned plot and just.... stop. Dead air. Airwaves down. Please just DM me.
On a similar note, if we are in the middle of a roleplay and you lose interest in that particular one, or you want to take a break and start another, same application. Just DM me. I rather stop a thread and start a new one then force someone to bs their way unhappily and have the quality go down.
Life happens, if I don't reply to a thread in like 3 days, please feel free to DM me. There is a good chance I either missed the notification, totally forgot Tumblr existed, or completely forgot to mention I was going away for a couple days. I won't be mad if you remind me. I'll do the same for you if you want.
Literacy is important but mistakes do happen. I promise to do my best to proof read and edit my replies if you do the same. But again, this is fun. I'm not looking to win a Pulitzer here.
I do not mind having more then one thread with the same character and/or partner. As long as we can both keep up, the more the merrier. Thus the reason I have my own comicated tagging system (listed below)
I do my best to try to match my partners length for length in replies. But at the same time, I prefer quality over quantity. We can always discuss type of replies (Para, chat-style, short and sweet, etc) before each roleplay. I used to write creative stories/fanfiction so sometimes I can get overboard with descriptions. Feel free to poke me and tell me to tone it down if my replies are outrageous and you can't keep up.
If a thread starts from an ask (ie: meme or prompt) I will most likely transfer it to a text post with a title and a link to the original ask for organization and the easy ability to "remove old replies" to shrink the length of the post.
Have fun! This is a hobby. A game. A form of therapy. Stress release. Self care. Self expression. This is not homework, a career, an obligation. We're all here to have fun. So let's have some fun!
Less for you, more for me. But an FYI if curious...
Do not feel obligated to tag your replies in the same manner. I don't care if you don't tag at all. This is just for my organization and a way to find threads and keep myself organized.
Each muse will have their own tag [muse:name] to separate them for quick identification as I only have one screen name and one icon.
I will tag my partner @Screenname and if you happen to be a multimuse blog I will tag the character(s) involved just to keep things organized [Character(s) Name]. If it's a pairing be it romantic or platonic, I may tag with that name as well [ShipName]
Roleplays, or threads, will have names [title] to keep things a bit more organized.
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Hey Danni! I think you'd probably have an interesting take on this one.
☾ - Dumbledore
Aha! Hiya, Somn! I'm sure glad you think so, because I feel like I'm about to pull this outta my @$$. But let's see what I can come up with!
☾ - sleep headcanon
So...He doesn't sleep.
Just kidding, he sleeps. He's human, however mysterious or otherworldly he likes to seem. He just doesn't sleep enough. There's too much to do, and he is much too important to not be constantly available.
I imagine he spent years experimenting with potions following Gellert's downfall and imprisonment. He doesn't sleep well naturally, haunted as he is by nightmares and guilt and worries. Endless worries, again, he's important the world needs him. And there are machinations, of course. A mind as great as his never stops, not for anything.
To be human is to be fallible; and Albus could not afford fallibility. So: sleeping potions. Only, he slept too hard and too long on the best ones, and less strong ones weren't good enough. He was drowsy. They were addictive. He had to try supplemental methods on top of the potions. Sleeping charms, meditation, exercise, etcetera. But time passed and he became accustomed to working more with less. Rarely does he get a good, solid night's rest. More often than not he relies on naps throughout the day, stealing minutes here and there to rest. Invigorating potions as a last resort to keep him perky.
Over the years, his nightmares turned to sweet dreams. Where Ariana hugs him and forgives him. When he and Gellert are reunited and in paradise. Dreams of a cottage, and peace, and warmth, and love.
As it happens...the happy dreams were worse than the nightmares. He always wakes, aching with want for a life he can never have. And he carries on, day after day, driven by hope that one day, when he's dead and gone, dreams will come true.
Headcanon meme
see also: Lily & cooking
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kylo-wrecked · 10 months
@irrfahrer sent:// "I sort've hoped you needed me, is that selfish?
{ from this meme }
— ☾ —
Ben scowled at Ziv as if she had two heads and suddenly sprung a third.
"Selfish?" he exclaimed. "Selfish!" he scoffed.
"Are you—" he stopped, held up one finger as if he were reading the wind, held still, and with a satisfied nod: "No, you're serious. Thought you were being a sarcastic little furball."
He continued packing. Or rather, shoving his few personal effects into a canvas bag and an optical case—flimsi, mostly stolen parts, lenses that'd sell for a few week's creds, and more flimsi. Little clothes, one would note.
"Ziv," Ben huffed, pushing the case with his elbow. "I do need you. You know how dead I'd be if it weren't for you? Cats have nine lives, and they're jealous of me. Nobody has ever been so stupidly alive for so long."
Once he was finished, he knelt by Ziv and looked at her. His half-smile wasn't mint, but it was genuine.
"Don't go telling the world, but I'm grateful. I don't want any trouble coming your way, that's all. Is that selfish?"
He thumbed one of her ears.
"I'll come back," he said. "Right after they kick my ass in. I always come back after that."
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the-tin-can · 20 days
Hello! Welcome to our blog!
That's right, our blog. We are a collective! And this is our blog to post whatever thoughts and feelings we want. We might also reblog stuff so... sorry for the memes.
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About the Tin Can ✧
⟳ Fetching Tin Can’s Data… 🛰
| Collective Name… Tin ♃
| Age… 18+ | Pronouns… They/Them
⟳ Loading Frequent Fronters… 📁
| Platnium… They/Them… Load More Data…
| Lead… He/Him… Load More Data…
⟳ Loading Boundary Data… 📁
| Asks… Open.
| Please don't bring discourse stuff in our asks. You will be blocked, so don't even bother.
⟳ Loading Links… 📁
| Carrd…
| Aesthetic Blog...
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Members ☄︎
Aluminum - She/Her - Al - Tags - Info
Bismuth - She/Her - Bi - Tags - Info - ♆
Copper - He/Him - Cu - Tags - Info - ♀
Gold - They/Her/Buns - Au - Tags - Info - 🜚
Iron - He/Him - Fe - Tags - Info - ♂
Lead - He/Him - Pb - Tags - Info - ♄
Mercury - It/They/Him - Hg - Tags - Info - ☿
Platinum - They/Them - Pt - Tags - Info - ⛢
Radium - He/Him - Ra - Tags - Info - ᘛ⁐̤ᕐᐷ
Silver - They/Them - Ag - Tags - Info - ☾
Tungsten - He/Him - W74 - Tags - Info - ☍
(Links are coming)
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diresang · 2 months
            ⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ knowing your partner can potentially make writing together a lot easier !
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♡ NAME: raven ♡ PRONOUNS: she/ they/ he, i use em all babey ♡ SEXUALITY: full demi ♡ TAKEN OR SINGLE: uhhh complicated
♡ i'm a tarot reader ! i own about five decks now. i haven't been able to do it in a while because i've been busy with school and work, but my intuition is something i can pride myself in. ♡ sorta alongside the tarot reading, i am pagan and i worship loki. i haven't been able to do full on rituals like i want to, but i continue to leave offerings on his altar and do devotional acts. ♡ i stream on twitch sometimes ! another thing i haven't been able to do because of work and school, but still on my list of hobbies.
♡ HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): i was on the internet far too young and started rping in chat rooms at around 9 to 10 yrs old. so, i've been about it about 13 to 14 years now. what was i rping you ask? wolves. i was rping as a wolf. ♡ PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: tumblr, discord, skype, msparp, deviantart, blogs made by me & my friends on webs, chatrooms. my heaviest rp scene was deviantart, however. i'm a lot newer to tumblr's rp, and i've been on and off with it for years but i've stuck around for a while now. ♡ BEST EXPERIENCE: i've never had a bad experience that i can remember. i guess the best experiences would be all the friend groups i created and the rp groups we had. unfortunately, they all drifted away after a while. i'm only in contact with a few of the people i used to rp with WAYYY back in the day.
♡ FEMALE OR MALE: male, but i do have female muses. my male muses just usually end up more popular. ♡ FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: all of it ! i think that overall i'm more angsty when it comes to writing and ideas, though. ♡ PLOTS OR MEMES: i'm so awful at plotting, please just send me memes. especially when we're first interacting. if it's like, plotting OFF a meme that's so cool and awesome. but me ? outright plotting ? very rare. ♡ LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: long for sure. shorter replies like one-liners are usually saved for silliness. ♡ BEST TIME TO WRITE: i can write at any time really, but i usually end up writing in the afternoon/evenings because of work. ♡ ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i want to say no but my friends always find a way to prove me wrong every time. i do let certain aspects of my personality effect my muses sometimes, or use parts of my life/things i've experienced to influence them. right now, i keep getting that i'm like husk and it's a punch to my head every time.
tagged by: no one i STOLE it tagging: whoever wanna idc
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0 notes
fumikomiyasaki · 2 months
☾ and ♡ for Louis and Mellow please :3
Headcanon meme
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☾ - sleep headcanon
-Mellow mainly wears simple plat pattern or mushroom themed long Pajamas most of the time, in summer he sometimes where a T-shirt with them
-He often curls himself up in his blanket and has a small cute snore… might sometimes wake up a lot cause bad dreams thanks to the past
-in Winter he makes himself a soup before sleep to feel warmer
-He is more gratefull in the Monsville dorm cause its sound isolated cause back where he left he often heared his aunts boyfriend yelling at her and covered his ears with pillows during sleep
♡ - romantic headcanon
-the one lesson Mellow learned from his dad before he left was... always be polite and a gentleman... however him being shy makes it hard to keep the eye contact or give his words confidence when talking to a girl
-Cute outfits get him distracted that he often fumble fingers, slap his face and hopes he gets less red about it
-He does not see much value in himself and often says, some of his crushes deserve something better just for Leroy to slap him on the hand and tell him many girls deserve him more for not being an asshole compared to others
-once he is older and more confident he would be the man to make you a huge dinner with decoration when you are home or build the kids tents for Sleepover
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☾ - sleep headcanon
-he sleeps often in a silk Pajama too Veggie themed boxers... he also has clothes always nearby in case he has to get up and do his job again
-Sleeps on his back with his hands on his chest... almost looks like a Vampire in his coffin
-Has uneasy sleep, sometimes sleep talks... he just has so much on his mind and can't drown it out that quickly
-Can't leave the bed without making it and fixing it to look perfect
♡ - romantic headcanon
-He puts in a lot of effort when it comes to acts of Service as a partner but... his choice of words is sometimes poor... he didn't have a family who could teach him but talking to kimon and taking care of his sister made him very easily concerned, protective but also sincere
-He gets jealous easy to the point he becomes this stick close puppy who makes a menacing smile at his opponent
-You probably gets spoiled by his cooking, him getting you small gifts and just him wanting to be around making you tea or taking care of you, he is clingy and has worry if he is not with you
-probably over the top Prom or Marriage proposals... be prepared
-Melts if you kiss his wrist or hand cause... he is so sensitive there and not used to such things.... it get his body to be overwhelmed by emotions
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hyraeths · 3 months
# 𝐡𝐲𝐫𝐚𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐬 .     ━━          a private writing blog featuring teru minamoto as written by 𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐚  (       25+ years  ,   she / her     )    .    please check the rules before interaction , you can find them below the read more  , as well as his biography and verses .    heavy    &.    dark themes will be present on this blog  ,     follow at your own discretion  . an original character based on tbhk , but with personal touches .
hiraeth ( n . ) a home sickness for a home to which you cannot return , a home which maybe never was ; the nostalgia , 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 , the grief for the lost places of your past .
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[  ☾  ]         closely intertwined with :
i . i am highly selective  ,     mutuals only  .    i might not always follow back  ,    for whatever the reason may be  .    basic roleplay etiquettes apply  .    please do not involve my in ( dash ) drama  ,    writing is a hobby for me    &.    i am just here to have fun  .    my activity is sporadic  ,    sometimes replies might take longer depending on how busy life is  .    you can nudge me if you think i have forgotten or when you are thrilled to continue our thread quickly  .    this helps me with direction  ,    please be kind about it  .    i do not reply to my threads in order received  .
ii .    i do not often post starter calls  ,    since i prefer plotted threads  .    feel free to shoot me a message  ,    either on tumblr ims or discord  .   you can also turn a meme reply into a thread if you wish to    (        it is even encouraged        )    ,     please do so in a new post    &.    do not forget to tag me  .
iii .    reblog memes  ,    art    &.   poetry from their source  ,    unless i have tagged you in it  .    don’t reblog threads you are not involved with  .    it helps me keep track of what i have got coming in  .
iv .    i love writing ships  ,    which includes any sort  :    romantic  ,    familial  ,    enemies etc  .    of course it is chemistry - based  ,    but feel free to just barge into my ims    &.    say you want to ship    (        within appropriate age range        )    .  pro - shippers dni .
icon border and banner from lavenderph
teru is born into a renowned exorcist family as the eldest son , raised to be the family heir ever since . at the cost of his childhood , he was taught the ways of the sword before any other life skills were imparted . from the tender age of eight , the role of exorcist was his to bear    ━━          his skills unparalleled . onwards , he has lived a double life ; he lives the life of a normal man during the day , but protects the city from supernatural beings at night .
tba .
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