#✦ verse: main (marc spector)
normaltothemax · 1 year
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@variantindustries liked for a starter (accepting)
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"Shit. Does everyone know my secret identity?"
You really that surprised? You two idiots kept taking the mask off in Cairo.
"Shut up." Whoops. He hadn't meant to say that out loud.
Smooth, Spector.
I hate you.
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asimplearchivist · 2 months
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[𝓪𝓼𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 ] AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST summary ☾ ⤏ marc doesn't like it when you get hurt, even by accident. pairing(s) ☽ marc spector/reader-centric | constellations!verse word count ☾ 1.4k a/n ☽ ⤏ my third entry for the moon knight bingo hosted by @juneknight and @spacecowboyhotch over at @moonknight-events. I will eventually crosspost this to the main fic for constellations on ao3 when it will best fit the chronological progression of the chapters. this takes place post-chapter iii. ⤏ reminding myself that it's okay to keep things short and sweet sometimes. ☽ MASTERPOST ☾ ☾ PREVIOUS ENTRY ⤎ ☥ ⤏ NEXT ENTRY ☽
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You didn’t notice it until Marc’s thumb compressed the unexpectedly tender flesh just above the joint of your elbow, drawing a sharp yelp from your throat more from surprise than from pain. “Where did you pick that up?”
It was commonplace for you to shower with the boys after getting home from work for the evening, a habit started during one of Steven’s clingier stints months prior when you’d first begun to stay over at their apartment.
You shared that trait, occasionally wanting as much physical closeness with your significant other(s) as reasonably possible to disperse the nasty thoughts or melancholic feelings that would crop up in the back of your mind despite your best efforts. It helped significantly—to that you could attest. On the plus side, washing each other with gentle touches, indulging yourselves in amorous affections (those of which oftentimes got carried away to both of your benefit), and just having someone you fully trusted in such close proximity at your most vulnerable satisfied that once nagging loneliness that used to daily plague your greater consciousness into something far more manageable and docile. You had found your person (...people?), and you could rest assured that they would be there for you always—even at the times when you could scarcely summon the strength to raise your hands to wash your hair.
Marc had started to replicate that tendency soon after Steven’s initial timid request, claiming that conserving water saved money spent on utilities, but you knew better than that—you knew him better than that. You knew that he struggled to verbalize his needs and found it easier to disguise his self-determined ‘weaknesses’ under sensuality laced with practicality. He would often wait until you got ready to shower to join you. You figured that he suspected you knew his ‘accidental’ brushes and bumps and noticeably slow reach-arounds weren’t exactly accidental, but you decided not to comment upon it. You certainly didn’t want to dissuade one of the sole outlets of casual physicality he allowed himself outside of the bedroom.
So when you’d trudged into the apartment with takeout in hand that night, sleeves soaked in coffee because you’d bumped into one of the newbies while going to dump out the pot in the sink, Marc had immediately stood up from the couch to take the sacks. He’d tucked them into the microwave so he could reheat them later before escorting you straight to the bathroom. He’d lavished you the entire time, sensing without words that you were exhausted and didn’t have much energy to move.
“Oh,” you said, looking down as he released your arm and eyeing the tender place he’d spotted despite the poor lighting in the bathroom. You pressed it lightly with your fingertips, raising a brow—you hadn’t even noticed the faintest discoloration in your own skin, as it was barely visible. Your wondering at how he even saw it didn’t last long when you realized that he’d likely been decorated with hemorrhaging most of the time since he’d joined the military and could identify them easily. “I didn’t even…huh. I must’ve hit the countertop harder than I thought.”
Marc frowned, his furrowed brow lowered over his dark eyes as he scrutinized your expression. “You fell?”
“No,” you chuckled, shaking your head as you slipped under the shower’s stream to rinse off the suds he’d lathered over your back. “New guy wasn’t watching where he was going coming out of the kitchen and I bumped into him. I was trying not to spill the coffee and stumbled. Bang, funny bone tickled, and I still got it all over myself. It hurt like a bitch, but I didn’t think I hit it that hard.”
Marc hummed, eyes dropping to your elbow as he reached for your shampoo. “Tilt your head back, baby.”
It wasn’t until later, after you’d both gotten dressed and eaten and settled into bed, that he brought it back up. “...He didn’t push you, did he?”
You cracked your eyes open despite the apartment being just short of pitch black. You rolled over to face him, twisting in his arms, and eased back enough to squint at him in the dark. The faintest illumination of street lights peeking through the windows highlighted the edges of his face, but his expression was cloaked in shadow. His tone, however—low and stern as though afraid to break the hushed, relative silence drenching the apartment—was indication enough of his dour mood.
“No,” you said carefully. “It was an accident. He’s super tall and lanky so he doesn’t always remember to check if someone’s in front of him.”
Marc’s hand spread over the small of your back, fingertips slipping beneath the hem of the t-shirt you wore, its hem having ridden up from your movements. “If he does it again, or if he tries anything…”
“He’s just an oblivious, sleep-deprived college kid, honey. He’s not out to get me.”
He grunted, wedging his other arm beneath you to leverage you against his torso. He tucked his chin over the crown of your head, his heavy sigh tickling the nape of your neck. “Can never be too careful. I never know if…you know. Someone’s hunting for old vendettas.”
You slipped your hand over his side so you could stroking soothing circles between his shoulder blades. “I’ll let you know if he gives me any trouble. I promise.” You pressed a kiss to the skin available to you while constricted within his borderline smothering embrace, which just so happened to be his clavicle. “I appreciate the concern, I really do, but you can’t worry yourself to death about me all the time. I can handle myself well enough—I think you know that better than most.”
“...I do,” he conceded reluctantly. “But it’s my job to worry.”
“And it’s also your job to trust my judgment. Trapping yourself in an endless loop of worst case scenarios doesn’t give you any more control of our lives than you already have, Marc.”
“Are you really quoting our therapist right now?”
“If that’s what it takes to get through that thick ol’ noggin of yours, then yeah.” You tapped his temple gently with the knuckle of your free hand. “All three of you make me feel the safest I ever have in my life. I know I can depend on each of you for anything I could ever ask. I’ll never forget that you’ve got my back.” You tilted your head to kiss his neck, feeling his pulse jump against your lips. “And, just for the record, you have me, too.”
“We know.” He squeezed you closer, almost crushing the air from your lungs. “I just never want to see you hurt. Again.”
You would never forget the look on his face when he fronted following the fallout of Jake cleaning up the rest of Ammit’s cult. The newly-introduced alter had patched you up already before relinquishing the body to his host, but you may as well have been bedridden in the ICU with how fervently he checked every last inch of you to make sure you were still alive. You hadn’t addressed the tears welling in his distressed eyes, and you’d only managed to calm him down by asking him to hold you so you could sleep some more. The adrenaline rush had fatigued you for a solid week afterwards and he and Steven both had hovered like mother hens.
He’d cradled you so carefully, like porcelain, mirroring the position you were in now.
“We’re careful about things,” you reminded him, “and you’ve got the god of the moon on speed dial. You can relax, Marc. I’m not going anywhere.”
He did, just so. You felt some of the tension drain from his frame the longer you touched him. At some point, he cupped a hand around the back of your head and began to thumb little circles behind your ear. The motion, combined with his rhythmic breathing, lulled you into drowsiness more effectively than melatonin ever could.
“If it makes you feel any better,” you mumbled, fighting the cusp of sleep long enough to voice your thought, “you can give me some fun bruises.”
“Tomorrow, maybe,” Marc chuckled, a raspy rumble low in his chest. “Go to sleep, baby.”
You were never one to argue with a good idea like that.
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An actual coherent RP listing
Heyooo I decided to make a post for my interests and fandoms separate to my other one. this one with the goal to be a little more organized.
My name is Becca and I have been writing for the better part of my life (since I was 10 and cringe and am now in mid twenties). I have a bit of an ADHD hyperfixation problem so I love diving into my favorite characters and stories. Its one of the greatest forms of entertainment as an adultish person.
I love writing angst and fluff but I dont write smut. Im asexual so it just doesnt really appeal to me. I dont mind slight intimacy. I can do any length but I prefer to plan and talk with partners before deciding on anything!
Im hoping to find some discord communities and a variety of partners from different verses. Usually the characters I choose are quite popular so I find that they are often taken on all of the servers I have tried thus far.
Anywayyyy without futher ado heres a list of my main peoples but I can branch off especially when it comes to marvel.
Marvel: Peter Parker (any), Loki Laufeyson, Matt Murdock, Bucky Barnes, Miles Morales, Steven Grant/Marc Spector
DC: barry allen, dick grayson, billy batson,jason todd
Grishaverse: Nikolai Lantsov, Kaz Brekker
Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace, Nico D'Angelo
Hazbin Hotel: Charlie, Alastor, Lucifer
Star Wars: Cassian Andor, Anakin Skywalker, Cal Kestis
Shadowhunters: Jace Herondale, Julian Blackthorn, Will Herondale, Simon Lewis, James Herondale, Matthew Fairchild
Atla: Zuko, Sokka, Aang
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger,James Potter
The Artful Doger: Jack Dawkins
Julie and the Phantoms: Luke Patterson
Danny Phantom: Danny Fenton, Dani Masters
HTTYD: Hiccup Haddock III
Sherlock BBC: Sherlock
Disney: Mal Descendants
Umbrella Academy: Five
Stranger things: Will Byers, Steve Harrington
Doctor Who: Clara, Eleventh Doctor
Lockwood and Co: Anthony Lockwood
FNAF Movie: Mike Schmidt
There is honestly probably moreeee and im not guaranteeing I have muse for all of these at once but I thought it would be a good share.
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liigamentum · 2 years
Mun is 31+
Dark/ NSFW content may happen, and will be tagged.
I have no triggers.
Namor (Main Muse)
T’Challa / Black Panther (Secondary Muse)
Kate Bishop
Erik Stevens “Killmonger” / N’Jadaka
Winter Soldier
White Vision
Wanda Maximoff
Agatha Harkness
Doctor Strange
Moon Knight / Marc Spector, Steven Grant
(And anyone else I can feel the muse for)
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celestialwife · 1 year
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I’m nym, she/fae, autistic, and ace, queerplatonic and fictoromantic. irl i'm happily in the best qpr in the universe with my very best friends. I love space, listening to music, cartoons, and drinking too much tea. This is my sideblog, and I follow from @poelya <3
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rules ☀️
this blog is 18+. I often reblog horny posts to this sideblog, but they can be blacklisted under #cockpit tag if you don't wish to see that.
Poe is my main/primary f/o and seeing as i'm ficto, it's very much a real relationship for moi and i do very much consider him to be my fictional soulmate. he's my starlight and i love him terribly. Same goes for Marc 🫶 that's my grumpy eagle and my knight in shining armor. I am not comfortable sharing them besides with my partner (@mxspectordameron).
icon art credit goes to my partner @hermitmoss
Sometimes I will gush about my qpps on here. That's a given no matter what blog you follow me on! I love them!
I don't personally believe in dnis, but I would be the most comfortable if you don't follow if you ship with minor characters.
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my f/os ☁️
flyboy 🧡 (poe dameron; primary f/o, aka the husband, my starlight)
white knight 🌙 (marc spector; primary f/o)
webhead 🕸️ (miguel o'hara, crush)
moonlight 🌕 (steven grant, qp f/o!)
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self inserts ✨
Volya Doneeta; my sw s/i; a jedi knight from a prequel era au where there are no sith. winds up in the resistance era due to force bullshit. member of black squadron, and married to Poe
Emilia McKnight; s/i for marvel, and has two primary timelines. she's a spider themed vigilante known as Nephila in both. I ship her with both Marc and Miguel, and her verses from them are pretty distinct from each other 🫶
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moonspriest · 1 year
actually here's a real quick alters run down... i could write up a long essay about this but this will do. for now (threat)
marc spector. co-host / main host depending on if it's the MCU or 616. protector emotional part with many many issues. has a very, "i have to be the one to take the brunt of the trauma & only me. i have to do it all alone." type thing going on. man with many many issues! as i am sure you can tell.
steven grant. co-host in the MCU verse. apparently normal part. this man has never experienced trauma in his life. i'll be honest like. i much prefer the MCU's take on steven over 616's version so that's probably gonna be the only him that i write. i love him he's so anxious and wet and pathetic. hates murder hates violence. just wants to live a normal life. canonically an fictional introject?? can you even comprehend how hard that reveal took me out it shook me more than any other twist in that show. i love it i'm keeping it.
jake lockley. persecutor protector emotional part ooooh my god. flirty but there's never any warmth behind his smiles. marc thinks he holds the trauma but if he had any idea of the shit jake has handled then he would have a breakdown. cab driver jake is #real #true in every verse ever. i have a crush on him. thanks
more? going 2 be honest with you all my own personal experience with DID is that these motherfuckers just keep showing up. haven't decided if i wanna include more than just these 3 in the system yet. child alters are incredibly common but The Implications behind their existence can be tough to write about. um um in the comics he has some avengers which i think is hilarious but i have yet to read those comics because i have self respect. incredibly funny thought though. he likely also has at least one abuser introject because that shit's common too, but again. The Implications. anyway
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supremescrceress · 2 years
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@moonknighttm​  ♡’d for a starter
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{☆} Just another day in the CITY. All she’d been trying to do was get a milkshake before settling up in bed to STUDY. A quick run and she’d be back to the Sanctum, no problems. Hell, she hadn’t even anticipated needing MAGIC. 
And yet here she was. Face to face with...well, she hadn’t quite figured that one out. 
Clea hovers off the ground, her hands illuminated with purple SWIRLS. She’s intrigued--and not the least bit off of her GUARD. 
“Have we met?”
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flightsoffandom · 2 years
Hi I was wondering could you do one for the moon boys.
Fem reader is from another universe as spider woman. The comic verse in which a war started by Ultron (what if) had nearly wiped out the entire planet. She and the Moon Knight from her planet were lovers. She learned the ancient magic from Stephen and the books, she isnt as strong but she still trains. The war lasted years, what devasted her was when Moon Knight was taken and tortured alive due to his regenerative abilities that Konshu gave Marc peace after being stuck for years. In the end asked to be his Avatar until the end.
When the war ended because the watcher helped, he had sent her to this universe (MCU) where she had to learn to live again.
It was Jake Lockley who first helped her under the order of the Moon God. Before he began to help her on his own accord. She was traumatized. It isn't until a year later does she begin to be a hero again helping Jake and being Spider Woman again.
As time passed she meets Marc after he had left his wife and they had become close friends. She confided in him the horrors of her past, often she felt like an intruder. Often shed mention the differences in their worlds.
After the death of their mother did she accidentally meet Steven. Not wanting to lie she told him the truth of her identity and other universe saying they were friends in her world before it was destroyed. She was open about holding more secrets she wasn't aloud to tell. She fell in love all over again. He wasn't her Moon Knight, he was his own being a quirky one at that.
After the events of the egyptian ammit, (Y/N) confess her feelings as she will be going to New York to help Peter Parker with his loneliness.
Wether or not they end up together or not is up to you. (Also, the (y/n) from this world had died the night she was supposed to get her powers.)
(Y/N) is a tiny bit jealous of the badass that is Layla. The things she heard about her from him wow. That and she feels like an outsider.
First of all, thank you anon for sending this to me. I was so excited when I saw it. This is my first ever request so I really hope you like it. It will be in multiple parts (6 or 7 perhaps?) I actually finished writing this the day after you sent the request, but I wanted to write some more and then edit it before I put it out. I am really excited about this because it is like putting a puzzle together and I fucking love puzzles. Please, please let me know how you like it. Thank you. <3
Life As You Knew It
Pairs: Marc Spector x Fem!Reader, Steven Grant x Fem!Reader, Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader,
Words: 5667
Summary: Being Spider-Woman was fun. Then you ran into a white-clad superhero and then your life changed.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, dying, main character death (But multiverse so), angst? trauma. POV switches all over the place because I think it helps tell the story. Sexual references but no smut. Not an accurate representation of DID, basing it off the show's depiction.
Notes: Female reader, as per Anon's request, Spider-Woman!Reader. This chapter takes place in the 'What If' Ultron Won verse. Other Chapters will take place in the MCU. As per warnings, POV switches all over the place. Hopefully, they aren't too confusing. Things shown like this ‘Words. Word word.’ are meant to be the boys talking to each other internally.
Life As You Know It - Part 1* - Part 2 - Part 3  - Part 4 - Part 5
You had met Marc by accident, well technically you met Moon Knight by accident. You had been swinging while doing some patrols when you came across a guy in a bright white cape beating the shit out of people. Not in your city. So you dropped, kicking the caped man in the back. The man was pushed forward, and he growled at you. When the caped man spun around, he went to punch you and you sighed, shooting a web at him quickly to attach him to the wall, "Did anyone ever tell you it's not nice to hit a girl?" The man hissed and fought against the webs, so you just shot another one at him to secure him in place.
You bent down and looked at the beaten man on the ground. Even though their faces were horribly disfigured, you recognize them by a tattoo on their necks. Part of a New York gang, and not one of the nicer ones. One of the gangs that did some really fucked up shit. So you webbed them to the ground just in case they had enough energy to run. You look at the man you webbed to the wall who is still struggling in your web. You finally got a better look at his costume. Mostly white, reflective, with crescent moons scattered over it. You tilt your head, "Not very sneaky to be wearing all white. Should go for something like this." You motioned down to your outfit, various shades of purple with a hint of pink and blue. You had based it on the Brazilian pinkbloom tarantula. 
The man fought and growled, "I didn't pick the armor." You hum softly, "You have an outfit designer or something? Are you famous? Should I know you?" The man's white glowing eyes looked at you, "You talk too much." You huff and cross your arms, "Wow. Rude. Well, then it takes five hours for my webs to stop working. So if you're gonna be like that, I will just call the police to pick up these idiots and you can sort it out yourself." The man froze, "Five hours?" You nod very matter-of-factly. He sighs, exhausted and annoyed, "I am Moon Knight." You nod slowly, "That's not bad, I'm just Spider-Woman… Pretty on the nose, right?" You touch your masked nose and laugh. And you swear you saw his completely white eyes roll. You move over to Moon Knight and start removing the webs with your fingers. He watches you, "How did you do that?" You chuckle, "Spiders don't stick to their webs." You ball up the webs and throw them into a nearby trash can, making it in without looking. 
Moon Knight watches you and then you get a call in from your earpiece, a suspected break-in a few blocks away. You turn your back towards the man. He takes this chance to try to hit you. Your spider-sense warns you, though, so you whip around and grab his balled-up fist, stopping it right in place. You glare at him as Moon Knight looks at you in shock. You shake your hand, "I tried to be nice." You grasp his fist tighter and then easily flip him over your head, slamming him back onto the ground. You hear him audibly groan. Your earpiece notifies you again and you hiss, "Shit." You leave Moon Knight on the ground and jump onto the wall, walking up it sideways as you call over your shoulder, "Bye Moon Dude."
  Marc lay on his back, staring at you as you walked away. The two other men in his head wouldn't shut up about you. Steven thought you were hilarious, and he wanted to talk to you. Jake was obsessed with how strong you were and the way the purple fabric of your suit clung to your ass and breasts. Marc just groaned and just laid there, waiting for the suit to heal him while he tried to figure out why his own thoughts wouldn't stop going back to you.
After that, you two kept running into each other over and over. Marc wanted to be annoyed about it. He really did. But he couldn't be annoyed at you. You were talkative and funny and extremely helpful. Khonshu even mentioned on multiple occasions that maybe he should have asked you to be his avatar instead. Your meetings all came to a peek one night when Marc found himself outnumbered. He was about to let Jake out.
You dropped out of nowhere and webbed up all the criminals so they were more manageable. Graceful was the only way Marc could describe you. Moves all seemed to flow together, with no jumbling, no slip-ups. You looked down at Marc, "You alright friend?" He nodded, and you held a hand out for him. He took it and you lifted him to his feet like he weighs nothing. Marc saw Khonshu appear and watched him. You, however, were staring and the giant bird as well. Khonshu tilted his head at you, "You can sense me… How curious." You laugh as you stare at him, "Look at the giant chicken." Marc stops, shocked, "You can actually see him?" You look back at Marc and nod, "Yeah, he's got moons on him like you do. He the one who made you look like a walking target?" Marc chuckles and nods. 
Khonshu growls at you, a monstrous sound, "Be mindful puny bug. I am the god of the moon." You tilt your head, "I'm not a bug? Shouldn't a god know that?" Khonshu slams his scepter down on the ground, "All humans are bugs to the likes of me." You laugh, webbing yourself up to stand, perfectly balanced on the top of his scepter, "Actually, you're wrong." Khonshu tries to shake you off his staff, but your spider grip keeps you right in place. You laugh again, "I'm an arachnid, you silly skeletal chicken. Arachnids are not insects and thus are not bugs."
  Khonshu was rather annoyed with you at this point, tempted to kill you, but he knew he couldn't. You have done no wrong. You have even protected his avatar on multiple occasions. So he conceded, "Alright little arachnid, away with you." You giggle and do a backflip off his scepter, landing perfectly on your feet, "And who says you can't teach an old god new tricks?"
  Marc can't stop himself from laughing at this, much to Khonshu's annoyance. Steven wanted out. He wanted to laugh and joke with you, so he put himself into a nearby reflective street sign to try to convince Marc to switch, ‘Marc, please. I think it's time. We can even show her Jake too, so it's all out in the open.’ When Marc looked to where Steven stood, he shook his head. But before he could respond to Steven, he noticed you. The eyes on your suit were trained on where Steven's reflection was at. The white fabric of your eyes kept twitching, and you even went to rub them out with your hands. 
Marc stopped, "What's wrong?" You laugh it off, waving him off, "It's nothing. Sometimes I see weird things. Think it's just my spider-sense acting up." You kept rubbing your eyes, unable to get Steven's reflection out of your head. So despite what Marc had said moments ago, he decided to reveal it to you, "He is there. You're not seeing things." You look at Marc now, eyes wide and confused, "What? But that man is different from you. He looks like you, sure… But he isn't you. I have seen him before sometimes when we are fighting… And another one… But it's just because I'm tired. I mean, their mouths move, but I can't hear them. So it's just in my head." You rub your eyes again. 
Marc takes a step toward you, "He is real. That's Steven, and the other one you're referring to is Jake." You stop rubbing your eyes and look at him, "Then who are you?" And Marc conceded, "I am Marc Spector." You gasp, realizing that he just gave away his secret identity. Marc knew what he was doing, but it was a risk he was willing to take. Marc didn't expect you to respond the way you did. You rip off your mask, sticking it to your hip so you don't lose it. Revealing your face to him, something Marc hadn't done for you. 
Marc stared at your beautiful face, hair all tangled from being trapped in a mask for hours. Your features were better than he had imagined them. Steven and Jake had to agree as well. You stepped closer to them, "So… You have two other people living inside you." Marc nods slowly, unsure of your reaction. You then break out into the most amazing smile he has ever seen, "You're a three for one special? How exciting!" You looked genuinely excited, not scared of Marc or mad at him. You didn't even look at him like he was broken, you looked at him like he was special, unique in your eyes. Marc's heart started thudding in his chest, and before he could do something he would regret, he let Steven take over.
Steven popped out, the Moon Knight outfit being switched out for his Mr. Knight suit. Your eyes got wider, "You all have different suits?" You practically squealed. Steven got all doe-eyed and blushy under his mask, "Hiya." He waved shyly at you. He had been listening to your fun banter for months, thinking of comebacks or other funny things to add, but now he was tongue-tied. You clapped your hands, "You have different suits, so do you have different superhero names?" Steven gave a small nod, "Sortof. I'm Mr. Knight. Marc and Jake are Moon Knight." You tapped a finger on your chin, "We will have to fix that. What's Jake's costume look like?" Steven willingly gave up control to Jake, knowing deep down he would have more time with you later.
Jake came out, Mr. Knight's suit being switched out for his. It was similar to Marc's, but it had more black on his body, better for blending into the shadows. Jake put his hands out to the side, showing himself off. You hum sweetly, "Moon Pie?" Jake groans loudly, "Like the food? No." You huff and cross your arms, going back to thinking. You pace back and forth and Jake can't help but stare at your ass in your suit. You try out another, "Mr. Moon?" Before Jake can respond, you shake your head, "Nope… Not that one." You pace again and then exclaim, "Moon Boss? That's it. That's my final offer." Jake lets a deep laugh come out of his chest, "Alright. I'll take that one. Daddy Long Legs." Jake teases you. You try to look mad, but you can't hold it. You burst out laughing happily, crinkling your eyes in such an exquisite fashion, "I love it." Jake smirks under his mask, "Alright legs, Marc wants back out now." You smile and wave at Jake as he gives the body back to Marc.
Marc comes back out, seeing you still smiling at him. Your smile falters a bit, "Does it hurt?" Marc shakes his head, "Not usually. It used to before we got along. Sometimes still does if it's forced." You nod softly, "Sorry if I… You know… Caused them to come out and hurt you." You look a bit nervous. Your smiley, radiant look from earlier has gone, and Marc wants it back. So he shakes his head again, "Not at all. They wanted to meet you for a long time. So we all agreed on the switch." You nod slowly and then smile again, "Steven and Jake wanted to meet me?" You pointed at yourself, completely baffled that anyone would want to meet you. Marc nods eagerly, "Yeah, they wouldn't shut up about you since the first time we met. I couldn't stop thinking about you, either." Marc stops, realizing what he just admitted. 
Marc was never this open. Why was he being this open with you right now? You chuckle, "Liked it when I laid you out then? You into that kind of thing?" You tease him, smiling slyly. And Marc does something surprising, even to himself. He wills his mask down, revealing his face to you, "Maybe a little." He teases back. You stop, mouth opens slightly as you stare at his face. And then the words fall from your lips, "God, you're fucking hot." And just like that, Marc finds himself pushing you back against a wall, kissing you hard and rough. You kiss him back, grabbing at his suit. You pull away and Marc wonders if maybe he was moving too fast. For the first time in a long time, Marc second-guessed himself. Then he saw your cocky smile, "My name is, [Y/N]." Then Marc sees it, the playful twinkle in your lust-filled eyes as you add, "Wanted you to know so you can moan it out for me in a few minutes." And with that, he presses his body back against you. Your lives become connected from that night on.
The four of you were happy for years. Living life together was amazing. You dated like a non-superhero couple. Marc took you out on dates often, anywhere he could. Dinner, dancing, and movies. Steven always took you to museums which you love. You both made jokes about the displays and he would tell you everything he knew about the items and history. Jake liked just walking around town with you, stumbling onto someplace fun like a bar or a carnival. After officially dating for a year or so, you even modified your suit. Putting three pearl white crescent moons along your collar, one for each of them. You did also add a white hood that matched Moon Knight's, but you pretended it was something you had been thinking about before you met them. It was a lie. They didn't believe you, but they still loved it. It was happy, it was fun. You all fought crime together. You helped them protect the travels of the night. You even think Khonshu started taking a liking to you. It was your version of perfection. Your version of a happy life.
That was until the day everything went downhill. You were laying back on the couch, your legs draped over Marc's lap. He was playfully running his fingers up and down your thighs, making you giggle. And then you felt it. The hairs on the back of your neck stood up almost painfully. You jumped off the couch, "Summon the suit." You looked around, not sure what was wrong, but your instincts were ablaze, burning you into a hyper-focused state. Marc looked a bit confused, but he listened to you, the suit wrapping around him. Covering him in healing armor. You kept looking around, "Call Khonshu… Something is very wrong." Marc nodded and called to the god. You grabbed your suit and started putting it on. Khonshu appeared, "Something is amiss with this world." His tone was low and ominous. It made you feel worse. 
You looked up at the god, "Protect us, please. I don't know what's happening." You weren't normally so formal with the god. Luckily, Khonshu put a protective bubble over you both. You wrapped your arms around your head and closed your eyes tight. Tring to focus, trying to figure out what is going on. Your spider-sense isn't always as helpful as it sounded. It just told you something was about to happen but didn't always tell you what the thing was. Marc came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you in an attempt to comfort you. You sank into him, still scrambling to find out what was wrong. Then it hit you, "Oh no." And with that, an explosion went off. All the missiles around the world seemed to go off all at once. Khonshu's bubble kept you and your boys safe, but when the explosions stopped. You and Marc were left standing in a crater of what used to be your apartment.
You all had known about the Avengers. Hell, you were friends with a fair amount of them. Tony even gave you some new toys to fight crime with when he invented them. But you and the Moon Boys never bothered with them because they had everything under control. Keyword, HAD. They were dead, Ultron had taken over. Bombed the world and left whatever survivors scrambling to try to fix things. Khonshu gave you, Marc, Steven, and Jake the command of taking care of Ultron, and the four of you eagerly accepted, ready to fix this mess.
Years passed as you ran and fought and clawed for something, anything, that would correct the path that this world was put on. But nothing, all leads turned to dead ends. Most hints of human life, gone. You had run into Nat and Clint at one point, but being in a group that large made you too big of a target for the bots, so you stayed away from each other mostly.
Jake called out to you, "Hey legs, you alright?" You panted loudly and gave him a nod. You had both been running for hours. After the missiles, there weren't a lot of buildings for you to web to and swing from, and then, after years, the ones that were still partially standing started to crumble from the elements. The Ultron-bots were relentless. Jake looked at you, knowing you were lying. He expanded his cape and started to fly. You knew what he was doing. You both had done it before in fights. You shot a web up at Jake and it didn't stick like it normally did. He grabbed the strand, wrapping it around his hand tightly. And with that, Jake flew off, carrying you away from the evil robots for the moment. You caught your breath while he carried you away, "Thanks, Boss." Jake let out a soft chuckle, "Any time, legs." Flying you both off.
Jake landed you both somewhere safe for now. You immediately laid down on the dusty concrete. You would feel Jake's eyes on you. You looked at him and gave him a thumbs-up before your hand thumped onto the ground. You heard Jake leave the room. He tried to get out of your earshot but with super senses that would never happen.
  Jake cleaned off the reflective surfaces he could find. Wanting to have a meeting with Marc and Steven. The two other men appeared and Jake sighed, "We can't keep going like this… She is…" Jake stops, not wanting to say the rest out loud. Steven nods slowly, 'She is exhausted. I can't be the only one who has noticed she is slowing down.' Marc sighs, 'Well, no food and water will do that to a person. She can't keep up.' Jake nods along with the other two, "Her webs are failing." Jake shows his two reflections the web you shot earlier, easily falling out of his hand. Not a single strand of it stuck to him, "This was only maybe an hour ago." Both reflections freeze, watching as your once supernaturally strong web flutters to the ground. Marc put his head in his hand. Steven speaks up, 'If we can get her enough food and water that should help right? Yeah.' He answered his own question before mumbling, 'She will be good as new… She has to be…' 
All three men were in a state of extreme panicking. The only difference was how they showed it. Steven wrung his hands in his reflection, going over every possible way to make you better. Marc was bordering on a panic attack, blaming himself even though there was literally no way this was even remotely his fault. Jake wanted to fight something, fight anything, so he punched the already crumbling wall. He froze when he heard your voice, "Did anyone ever tell you it's rude to talk about people behind their back?" You gave a weak laugh, still their silly talkative mess of a woman, even with the world burning around you. Jake had to give up control and Marc wasn't ready to front either, so it fell to Steven.
Steven came out. Moon Boss's, as you still lovingly called him, suit changing into Mr. Knight's. You smiled sweetly at him, "What's wrong?" None of the four of you bothered with masks anymore. What was the point when everyone was dead? Steven could see the exhaustion on your face, the way your eyes had ever-darkening circles under them, your cheeks sinking in. But you still smiled. Smiled for them. Steven shook his head, "Nothing love… Nothing at all." He lied. He was a terrible liar. Why had Jake and Marc made him front for this? You chuckled and shook your head, "You're a poor liar, Grant." Steven nods all too quickly. You gently grab his hand, "Dance with me."
Steven took your hands in his, "Marc and Jake are much better dancers than I am." You lean up and kiss him. Steven kissed you back. His kisses were always soft, but they were even softer this time because he was afraid of hurting you. You swayed with him, "I want to dance with you right now." Steven swayed with you, watching your beautiful face. He loved you, Marc loved you, Jake loved you. The entire system loved you so much. He wanted to tell you, wanted to say it out loud again, like all of them had done hundreds of times. But before he could, your body tensed, and the hair on the back of your neck stood up. Then Steven saw something new that never happened when your spider-sense kicked in before your nose started to bleed. 
  You looked around, trying to figure out what your sense was telling you. But it was harder to understand than ever before. Being hungry, dehydrated, and tired made it so much harder to follow. You didn't care about the blood running down your face, but Steven did. He tried to brush it away. It didn't stop. Steven was so distracted by you that he didn't notice when a portal opened behind him. Ultron stepped out and snatched him, "I would like to summon your god." Ultron glares down at Steven. You went to fight the giant metal man, but he had all the Infinity Stones now. You were no match even at your strongest and you were nowhere near your strongest. 
Ultron grabbed you with the power of one stone, flinging you back against the wall. You saw as Marc quickly came to the front, suit changing to his Moon Knight one, "Leave her out of this. Take me and let her live." Ultron scoffed, "Me killing her now would have been a mercy. She will rot away soon." Ultron stepped back through the portal he created. You summoned all your remaining strength and shot a web out to Marc, trying to grab him back. Your web, however, fell flat, not even making it to him, and then it blew away, not sticking to anything. You started to cry desperately and in pain. Ultron laughed at your struggle, "How pathetic." Marc met your eyes, "It's okay. We will be okay, [Y/N]" And with that, Ultron closed the portal.
You sat there in a heap, weeping until your tears turned to blood. No more water left in your body to cry. You kept crying, unable to stop yourself and unable to do anything else with how weak you were. Until you eventually collapsed on the floor, falling unconscious.
When you woke up, you only felt a fraction better. You blinked the blood out of your eyes and looked around. Khonshu sat over to the side, waiting for you to awaken. You jumped up, falling again because you still didn't have any of your strength back. Khonshu watched you, "Careful little arachnid. My healing may have helped you not die, but I can not do much else when you are not my Avatar." You growl and scream, "Then make me your fucking avatar… I have to save them." Khonshu shook his head, "That will kill them. My suit is the only thing keeping them alive right now." You stand up on unstable legs, "Then take me to them. Let me kill that metal bastard." Your body is shaky, but you didn't care. You wanted them back. 
Khonshu shook his head at you again, "Then you would die, little spider. And that would kill them in return." You cry again, sadness and anger mixing in your blood, "Then what the fuck is the point of being a god?" You spat out at him through tears. Khonshu stood up, towering over you, "Something much bigger than me is pulling the strings." You glare up at him, "Then why revive me at all… What is the point if I can't do anything to stop this?" Khonshu holds out his hand for you, "There is still one last hope, one last chance." You reluctantly take his hand. And with that, your world spins and swirls around you. When it stops, you end up falling to the ground, unable to hold yourself up. Khonshu points with his scepter, "He can offer you a chance." 
You wipe your face, and you follow to where he pointed, seeing a man in a cloak. Dr. Strange, but he was long dead in this world. Khonshu looks down at you yet again, "He is not of your world. But he may be able to help. To teach you something." You nod, struggling to get back on your feet. Khonshu surprisingly helps you up, "Keep in mind, though, little arachnid. This world is already quite lost. If you do not succeed, it is not your fault." You scoff at that and then Khonshu disappears. 
You trudge up to Dr. Strange when he turns around he looks different, almost evil. He looks you up and down, "You're new." You nod softly, "You're not from this world, right? But if you're anything like the Strange of this world. You know magic. I need you to teach me." Dr. Strange looks you over, the shadows of monsters dancing behind him, "Alright. We have little time. The Watcher is already assembling people to try and fix this world." You didn't care who The Watcher was at the moment or who he was assembling. You only cared about the loves of your life and getting them back, because lord knows what Ultron was doing to them.
Dr. Strange taught you, in the limited time he had. You weren't amazing at it, but as Strange put it, "You're learning quickly for someone who is dying." And you were dying, slowly. The exhaustion, starvation, dehydration, and heartbreak were all coming down around you. More often than not, you could open a portal with a sling ring but couldn't keep it open because you started coughing up blood. Dr. Strange's snake-like eyes took pity on you, but you made him keep teaching you so you could learn as much as possible. You had to get your boys back. You had to.
When The Watcher had placed everyone here for the saving the world plan, you took your leave to use this chance to find Marc, Steven, and Jake. You weren't a part of the plan, so you weren't fucking up anything they were trying to do by leaving. Dr. Strange had told you where you needed to go to find them. And as one last favor, Strange opened a portal for you to send you to your Moon Knights. You had a sling ring to get back when you had them.
Stepping into the room, you already smelled blood. Though you weren't sure if it was from the room or yourself. You kept moving, ignoring the ache in your bones and the hairs standing up on the back of your neck. You made your way through slowly, rooms full of discarded robotic puppets Ultron had no use for anymore. You kept pushing yourself. Just a bit further and you could see them again.
When you found the room, your whole body wanted to crumble, you wanted to collapse. Part of you knew what you were about to see and then another part of you didn't want to believe it. It's what your sense was trying to warn you about, but you ignored it. You saw Marc laying motionless in some kind of scientific-looking monstrosity. You inched closer, and the smell of blood became nauseating. Moon Knight's once pearlescent suit was now stained with various shades of red and brown. Blood in various stages of drying. Ultron had tried to extract Khonshu from them. Like the god would have been inside him. You started crying because you knew. 
You knew. But that didn't stop you from grabbing Marc's hand, pulling it to you and feeling it was still warm. That he hadn't been dead long. Maybe they would come back. They still had the suit on, after all, it should heal them. So you did the only thing you wanted to do. You climbed up onto the dissection table and tangled your fingers into their messy curls that were matted with blood. You curled into Marc's body, closing your eyes as you waited. Their blood soaking into your suit, soaking into your skin as you lay there. You stayed there until you felt his body go cold and even then you still refused to move.
At some point, even through your tears, you felt Khonshu appear in the room. You still couldn't bring yourself to move. Khonshu loomed over you, "It was not your fault, little spider." You choke out, "They will come back. They are still wearing your suit. You will heal them as long as they are in the suit." You close your eyes tighter, clinging tighter to Marc. But you feel the wind when Khonshu shakes his head, "This can not be undone… Those stones are too much for even a god to bring someone back from." You refuse to listen, refuse to believe him. He was a god, after all. It shouldn't matter the cause, Khonshu should be able to fix it. 
  Khonshu watched over you for a long time, not sure what would comfort the spider that got herself tangled up in his mission to protect the travelers of the night. He finally spoke, "They fought till the end. They wanted to remain my avatar." He just heard you cry harder. One of his bandaged hands covered you. You flinched away, pulling yourself closer to the corpse of your lover. Khonshu felt it, he felt your pain. Here you were, slowly wasting away, and you didn't care. You loved his three avatars so much you were willing to die right beside them. Khonshu had felt pain before. It wasn't new to him over his thousands of years on this plane. But this kind of pain, this kind of heartbreak, was new to him. The human emotion of it was almost overwhelming for him and yet there you lay, a tiny little human bearing it all by yourself. If this world wasn't so already broken, then he just might have taken advantage of your grief to make you his next avatar. But this world was doomed. Meant to end and Khonshu along with it. Khonshu could do one last thing for you, could pull one last string to give you a chance to start anew. So Khonshu left you be, for now.
Khonshu appeared before The Watcher, "I ask you, move one last soul from this world before it comes to an end." The Watcher looked down at the god, "I have already broken every rule I was meant to follow. You would have me break more?" Khonshu nods, waving his scepter to show a visual of you, "One last rule. Give her a chance in another universe where she could have a life again." The Watcher observed as you sobbed and clung to a man who was long gone. The Watcher sighed, "I will find her a place." Khonshu nods and then disappears, going back to you. He quietly waved his scepter over you, marking you so that the Khonshu in your new world would know that you were worth protecting. Then he plucked you up and sent you to The Watcher with another wave of his cane.
You dropped unexpectedly in front of the large-headed being. You clasp around on the ground for where Marc went. You scream loudly until your throat hurts, "What have you done?" The world looked like a mosaic here, making you dizzy. The Watcher peers down at you, "I am here to give you another chance at life." You growl, slamming your fists on the ground, "I don't want another life. I want my life. My perfect life before Ultron destroyed everything. I want my boyfriend's back." The Watcher nods, "I know… But the best I can do is send you to a universe where you died. Marc, Steven, and Jake are still there, but they don't know who you are. But you will be able to start anew." You collapse in on yourself, "What if I don't want to start 'anew'?" The Watcher shrugs, "I only offer a chance. What you do with it is up to you." And just like that, a door opened itself in front of you. Leading to what looked like an alleyway in New York. You didn't move. You weren't sure you could have even if you wanted to. And you definitely weren't sure you wanted to. But The Watcher had other plans. He pushed you through the door and suddenly you fell into a new universe, covered in your lover's blood and dying. Overwhelmed by everything, you fell unconscious.
Life As You Know It - Part 1* - Part 2 - Part 3  - Part 4 - Part 5
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Warnings = **
x teen!reader / x child!reader / x daughter!reader / x gn!reader / x reader / x sibling!reader
I don’t own Marvel or any of the characters in Marvel , I only own the imagines that I have created in tumblr or wattpad.
Main masterlist
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Pizza & Cuddles ** - Kate Bishop x reader: You blind in one eye and Kate helps you get by
Family Reunion ** - Baron Zemo x teen!reader, Sam Wilson x teen!reader, Bucky Barnes x teen!reader: Zemo si your father and you have a bad relationship with him after what he did in CACW and he’s trying to fix your relationship (coming soon)
B-u-c-k-y? Bucky ** - father!Bucky Barnes x child!reader: The beginning of your relationship with your father and a glimpse at the progress
Lead Me Home ** - Steve Rogers x sibling!reader, Bucky Barnes x Rogers!teen!reader, Sam Wilson x Rogers!teen!reader: you are Steve Rogers little sibling and Hydra kidnapped you after Steve disappeared, no one except Hydra knew what happened to you until today (coming soon)
Dating Kate Bishop Would Include ** - Kate Bishop x reader: what I imagine it would be like to date Kate Bishop
Dating Yelena Belova Would Include ** - Yelena Belova x reader: what I imagine it would be like to date Yelena Belova (coming soon)
Tony Stark as a Father ** - Tony Stark x teen!reader: what I imagine it would be like if Tony Stark was your father
Steve Rogers as a Father ** - Steve Rogers x teen!reader: what I imagine it would be like if Steve was your father
Being Star Lord’s daughter** - Peter Quill x daughter!reader: what it would be like to be Peter Quills daughter
Being Marc Spector’s sibling** - Marc Spector x teen!reader, (Steven Grant x teen!reader, Konshu x teen!reader, Jake Lockley x teen!reader): what I think it would be like to be Marc’s little sibling
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Being Logan’s daughter ** - Logan Howlett x daughter!reader: what I imagine it would be like to be Logan’s daughter
Being Logan’s ftm son **- Logan Howlett x ftm!son!reader: what it would be like if you were Logan’s ftm son
Being Deadpool’s daughter would include ** - Wade Wilson/Deadpool x teen!daughter!reader: what it would be like to be Deadpool’s daughter (coming soon)
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Coffee Talks** - Frank Castle x teen!reader: you met Frank a while back at your fave coffee shop and since then you two have met up each weak to talk, only this time it’s not only Frank who has bruises all over his face
Birthday Special- Matt Murdock x teen!reader: it’s your birthday and Matt is the only one who knows how you really want to celebrate your birthday
Nonexistent Eating Patterns** - Matt Murdock x teen!reader: you haven’t been eating sleeping or drinking as you should and Matt is there to help
Little Murder ** - Billy Russo x teen!reader: you try to get into Anvil so that you can learn how to protect yourself against your abusive parents, and in doing so you made Russo interested into why a teenager that’s too young to join the army wants to join Anvil which is made for ex-military to get a job, and eventually he finds out about your family situation. (Coming soon)
Being Eddie Brock’s daughter would include ** - Eddie Brock x teen!daughter!reader, Venom x teen!reader, Anne Weying x teen!daughter!reader: what I would be like to be Eddie Brock and Anne Weying’s daughter (coming soon)
Daredevil’s teen sidekick ** - Matt Murdock x teen!reader: what it would be like to be daredevil’s sidekick (coming soon)
Jack Russell adopting a child ** - Jack Russell x child!reader: Jack finds a child and decides to take care of it
Venom **- father Miguel O’Hara x teen!venom!reader: being Miguel O’Hara’s child while also being Venom/Spider-Man
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You Okay Darling? ** - Tom Hiddleston x teen!reader: Tom helping you after a fight with your parents
A Dream Come True - Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader: you persuade Jake to go to an amusement park
Tree House - Jake Gyllenhaal x child!reader: Jake building a tree house for you while in quarantine
Surprise - Jake Gyllenhaal x teen!reader: Jake (your father) gets surprised when he sees that you had taken home two dogs
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FlightlessAngelWings Masterlist
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About the author!  / Posting schedule
Requests currently CLOSED for all writing, open for moodboards/graphics only | Please read this before requesting!
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To be tagged, please fill out this google form. Just please interact if you ask to be on the taglist. I also have an update blog @flightlessangelwings-updates​ if you’d like to follow that too and turn on post notifications for fic updates!
For fic recs, see my bookmark blog where I reblog fics to read later @flightlessangelwings-readinglist​
Also on AO3 (same username). You can also subscribe there to get updates on when I post!
Comment replies, asks & follows are from my main: @ineffablepspspscal​​
My inspo/nsfw blog is @spicyredrose​ (definitely 18+ only!)
💦 = smut (please don’t read these if you’re under 18).
I do not consent to have my work reposted, shared, or fed into an AI chat bot. Please respect fic writers time and hard work!
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Banner by maysdigitalarts, all other graphics made by me
Guide to Being Inclusive with Your Reader Insert
Graphics Masterlist
Prompts and Challenges Masterlist
Pedro Pascal Fandom Bingo 2024
2024: A Year of AUs Masterlist
2023: A Year of Protectiveness Masterlist
Kinktober 2024 Masterlist (coming soon!)
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist
Kinktober 2021 Masterlist
Pride Celebration 2k21 Masterlist
4k Follower Celebration Masterlist
Follower Celebration Smut drabbles
Headcanon Masterlist
Ships Masterlist
Reader Inserts
None of my fics use y/n
Fics are marked with what type of reader it is.
My fics aim to be inclusive so unless marked (i.e. plus sized/curvy, Latine, bisexual, etc) there is no physical indications for Reader Character so they can be read by anyone.
❤️ = personal favorite
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Pedro Pascal Characters Masterlist 
(They get their own page because of how many fics there are lol)
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Boba Fett x Reader x Fennec Shand
Don’t Call me Princess  💦 
Boba Fett x Reader
The Pedestal I Hold You On 💦
Targets and Temptations 💦 
Have You Back
Anything For You 💦 ❤️
Poe Dameron x Reader
Risk it All for You💦
Survive Now, Then Flirt ❤️
Paz Vizsla x Reader
Bold 💦 ❤️
Guiding Star
Cobb Vanth
What Our Scars Remind Us
Axe Woves x Reader
Coming Back to You (biker!au) 💦 ❤️
Lady and the Merc 💦 ❤️
Cassian Andor x Reader
Untitled (Coming soon)
Fennec Shand x Reader
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
Cal Kestis x Reader
Coming soon
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Benny Miller x Reader x Frankie Morales
Messy Pile of Affection Series Masterlist 💦  (main story complete, drabbles/side stories ongoing)  ❤️
Finish Him  💦 (mpoa-verse but can be read on its own)
Santiago Garcia x reader x Frankie Morales
Not Leaving you Again 💦
Santiago Garcia x Reader
Untitled mechanic!Santi  💦 (coming soon)
Take Your Picture  💦 
HoneyBunnXOXO  💦
Benny Miller x Reader
Untitled 💦 (Coming soon)
Will Miller x Reader
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
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Bishop Losa x Reader
A Quiet Moment
Perfect Afternoon 💦
Attitude Adjustment  💦 ❤️
Angel Reyes x Reader
With You 
EZ Reyes x Reader
Coming soon
Johnny “Coco” Cruz x Reader
Coming soon
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Sam Wilson x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Your Tell
Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Reader
Inglenook  💦
Moon Knight x Reader
Moon Knight Bingo Masterlist
Right Next Door, The Steven Grant x neighbor!reader series masterlist (ongoing)
My Knight in White 💦
Surrender to the Fire 💦 (Marc Spector)  
Afternoon Drive 💦 (Jake Lockley)
Neighbors and Nightmares (Steven Grant)
All Yours 💦 (Steven Grant)
Tasm!Peter Parker x Reader
The Way We Feel When We Dance 💦
My Favorite Bartender 💦
Us Against the World 💦
Together💦 ❤️
When Jealousy Strikes
Beautiful Distraction 💦
Just Kiss Like Real People Do 💦 ❤️
Loki x Reader
Right Where We Belong 💦
Destroy You so Beautifully 💦 (President Loki)
Silver Tongues 💦
In My Arms (Over and Over Again) ❤️
Frank Castle x Reader
Eat Dessert First 💦
Glitter and the Guard💦  ❤️
Distractions 💦
You Like That? 💦
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt request
Lost Souls, Kindred Spirits 💦 (series masterlist, complete)
Clint Barton x Reader
My Hero 💦
Sam Wilson x Reader
Coming soon
Valkyrie x Reader
Coming soon
Carol Danvers x Reader
Coming soon
Billy Russo x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Protect . Chapter 2 . Chapter 3 . Chapter 4💦 . Chapter 5 . Chapter 6  (complete)
Don’t Want to Fall in Love 💦
Rooftop Memories
The Weight of Emptiness / The Echo of Emotions
Whatever You Need 💦
Thinking of You  💦
Give In To You 💦
I Owe What I Am To You
I Still Love You, Asshole
Crossed Paths
Good Enough For You
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Thirteenth Doctor x Reader
Shine Through the Dark
My Brave, Kind Human
Jealous 💦
The Challenge 💦
Dreams, Nightmares
What a Human Deserves ❤️
The Consequences of Stealing the Doctor’s Coat 💦
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Bad Guy ❤️
Soft Side
Calm The Rage
The Buzz of Jealousy 💦 ❤️
Fifteenth Doctor x Reader
Coming soon!
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Jesper Fahey x Reader
Coming soon
Matthais Helvar x Reader
Coming soon
Nikolai Lantsov x Reader
coming soon
The Darkling x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Emotions in the Darkness
Burning Desires 💦
How We Touch, How We Love 💦
No Stranger to the Dark
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Tommy Miller (TLOU)
Note- This writer supports Palestine and does not share or support the views of tlou creator. Please interact with tlou critically be be aware of the view of its creator and how they influence the story.
Dive Bar Rockstar 💦 ❤️
Waitress in Distress
Dream (The Sandman)
Back to You
Untitled 💦 (coming soon)
Ardeth Bay (The Mummy)
Coming soon!
Kassandra (Assassins Creed Odyssey)
Coming soon
Eivor (Assassins Creed Valhalla)
Coming soon
Horacio Carrillo x Reader (Narcos)
Coming soon
Benjamin Greene x Reader (Not currently writing for this character)
Fireworks 💦
Quiet Desperation 💦
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normaltothemax · 7 months
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“ Look at you now. ” [Greyson @ Marc?]
Marc ducks his head, rubs at the back of his neck. Tries to ignore the heat crawling up under his hand, brought on by the tone of Greyson’s voice, sounding just shy of pride.
Yeah, he supposes it’s a big difference from his days as a marine. He’s not a scared, angry kid anymore. Doesn’t flinch or lash out any time someone touches him or even lifts a hand in his direction. There’s no longer a chip on his shoulder and a weight on his back.
He’s not running anymore.
He’s more grounded. Has a home and a wife—technically; he’s still not sure he has a right to call her that again, just yet (they’re working on it)—that loves him, despite all the shit he’s put her through. Has two (that he knows of) alters that love him too, though in very different ways than Layla does, that he’s no longer fighting against and blocking out. That he’s come to accept and love in return. He’s less of a mess, less depressed, though he still has his days, and is actually sort of getting his life together.
(He’s also a vigilante, going out at night to protect those that travel in the moonlight. Saving people, hurting others, sometimes killing, if they’re terrible enough. Those instances are becoming rarer, and Jake mostly takes over when they need to, but each murder still takes a piece of him with it. He still dreams of their faces, still remembers each and every one of them.)
That part, he decides to keep to himself.
Look at him now, indeed.
“Yeah, I uh…guess I grew up.” Despite being in the best place (psychologically) he’s been in years, he’s still not overly comfortable with the attention he’s receiving. He’s quick to try and shift it over to Greyson. “You, though. I heard you made captain. It’s a bit late, but uh, congratulations?”
@dramatisperscnae (x)
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asimplearchivist · 2 months
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[𝓪��𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓼𝓽'𝓼 𝓶𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓽] [ 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓 ] AO3 | SPOTIFY | PINTEREST summary ☾ ⤏ marc takes you for a quiet walk in the woods. pairing(s) ☽ marc spector/reader-centric | constellations!verse word count ☾ 0.9k a/n ☽ ⤏ my seventh entry for the moon knight bingo hosted by @juneknight and @spacecowboyhotch over at @moonknight-events. I will eventually crosspost this to the main fic for constellations on ao3 when it will best fit the chronological progression of the chapters. this takes place post-chapter ii. ⤏ marc's always end up so short. :( I need to fix that, I feel like I'm not doing him due justice. ☽ MASTERPOST ☾ ☾ PREVIOUS ENTRY ⤎ ☥ ⤏ NEXT ENTRY [TBA] ☽
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“Why in the hell did I let you talk me into this?”
“Because you made the mistake of telling me you wanted to work on improving your stamina.”
“I thought you’d take the hint that I wanted to go on cutesie little evening walks with you around the block to watch the sunset and get ice cream occasionally,” you groaned. “I didn’t think you’d decide to drive me out into the middle of nowhere to drag me down some random animal trail.”
Marc turned to watch you brace your hands on your knees and lean over to catch your breath (not for the first time in the last half hour, and most definitely not for the last).
“We’re almost to the halfway mark,” he told you, pursing his lips to prevent his smirk from slipping free. The perspiration dotting your hairline was always a good look on you, but you were panting a bit hard. He stepped back over to you and curled a hand around your elbow to guide you over to sit on a nearby stone. “We can take five. Don’t want you passing out on me.”
“Ha-ha,” you responded flatly, swiping the hem of your sleeve across your forehead and leaning into his side. “Like it would be any issue for you to carry me back to the car.”
Marc coughed to disguise a snicker. “It wouldn’t be, but it might look a little suspicious if the rangers caught me.”
That option was out of the question, really, because as soon as they’d run a background check on him…the situation would go from bad to worse. You knew that—and you also knew that he knew that. He could spare a few minutes, and it wasn’t as if the scenery was that bad. The ancient English wood loomed overhead, a cool, dense fog concealing all but a ten yard radius around the pair of you—perhaps the only reprieve against the mild, humid air. There was not another soul to be found save for the songbirds darting overhead and the critters scurrying about the dense underbrush bordering the path.
Marc sat next to you and draped an arm over your shoulders, his eyes habitually traveling over the horizon. You rested your temple on his shoulder, your heavy breath pluming in the dewy humidity. Your hand snuck over his leg to intertwine your fingers with his, the pad of your thumb stroking over the knuckles of his. He glanced down at the sweep of your lashes against the apples of your cheeks, but when he returned his attention to the forest, he went as still as a statue.
“Hey,” he murmured, gently nudging your side, “look.”
“What?” you breathed, raising your head and squinting in the direction he was looking. “...Oh.”
A stag stood not a stone’s throw away through the underbrush, grazing on a patch of clover spilling over the drooping ferns. His tawny hide and velvety antlers blended flawlessly with the wide, hunkered trunks looming over the lot of you. His ears and tail twitched as he nosed and rummaged for the sweetest blooms.
Marc felt more than heard you suck in a breath when a doe wandered onto the scene as well, nearly silent as her dark eyes surveyed the surroundings. He gazed down at you out of his periphery, watching the delight and awe bloom over your face. You both watched the animals get their fill in complete silence and listened to their soft snorts as well as the rustle of their hooves in the grass.
It had been a while since Marc had spent any time out in nature. The last few years of his life had been packed full of stress and next to zero free time; all things considered, he could no longer find it in him to blame himself. He was in a difficult situation, and while he most definitely could have handled things better, it had all seemingly turned out all right in the end. (...Huh. Maybe Steven’s insistence on going to therapy was paying off, after all.) It was blissfully quiet out here, marooned in the middle of nowhere with civilization miles away. It almost reminded him of his brief time in the Field of Reeds, and though it didn’t feel as…ethereal, it was still stunning.
A couple of minutes later, the stag and the doe moved on, disappearing into the brush. You released a breath and stood, peering around the edge of the treeline in an attempt to catch one last glimpse of them. Marc eased to his feet and stepped into the direction of the path you both needed to go.
“They were beautiful, weren’t they?” you murmured, turning back to him with eyes glittering with wonder.
“Yeah.” He swallowed and, when you returned to his side to start walking once more, he traced the tip of his pinky along the blade of your hand. You peeked up at him, quirking a brow, but said nothing as you slipped your hand into his. He squeezed it gently, and he was grateful that you understood him without having to force out the words that tended—much to his chagrin—to die in the pit of his throat.
“Thank you for bringing me out here,” you told him. “I’d like to do it again. Maybe we can bring a picnic next time.”
“Sounds good.” He bumped his shoulder into yours. “We could get that fancy cheese you like.”
Your eyes brightened at the mere mention. “I could make some fruit salad, too.”
Marc’s lips tightened and tapered into a soft grin. “Whatever you want, baby.”
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writingformyblorbos · 2 years
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Welcome to my blog!
Hello, my name is Andy (she/her), and I write fanfic! My main blog is @indigocookie. Let me guide you through here:
Masterlist (under construction)
I am currently writing for these fandoms/characters:
Moon Knight
Steven Grant
Marc Spector
Jake Lockley
Layla El-Faouly
The Mandalorian
Din Djarin
Across the Spider-Verse
Miguel O’Hara
Please feel free to drop in an ask in my inbox when requests are open, but remember to read the rules first!
Requests are open :)!
Also, if you ever wanna drop by my inbox and just talk, I'd be more than happy to!
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normaltothemax · 1 year
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“Do you think I’d survive if I was on the moon?”
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normaltothemax · 2 years
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"I wondered when the little birdy's master would show up." Crouched over an unconscious Robin, Moon Knight brushed a gentle thumb over the child's head wound. He frowned to himself; despite how he was reassuring Steven internally, Marc had his own worries about the situation.
Are you sure he'll be alright? That's an awful lot of blood, and he's been out of it since we got here.
Head wounds bleed a lot, Steven. Probably have a hell of a headache when he does wake up, but he'll be fine.
By the time he rose to his feet, Marc's gloves, like the rest of his suit, were back to their pristine white. He spared no glance to the bodies of the men around the room, glowing eyes locked onto the Batman, still and taut like a rattlesnake just waiting to strike.
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"You call yourself a hero, yet use children to do your dirty work. Disgusting."
Déjame salir. Déjame lidiar con este pedazo de mierda.
Even Khonshu had decided to make his displeasure known, wind whipping around inside the warehouse threateningly. None of them took kindly to those that hurt children.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't kill you where you stand."
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normaltothemax · 1 year
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@star-trekker-0013​ said: “What do you mean you’ve never seen Muppet Christmas Carol?! It’s a classic!”
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Marc raised an eyebrow at her. “I’m Jewish.” Not to mention the terrible childhood he’d endured, the life as a Marine and later Mercenary, living life on the run, giving Steven control for months at a time...
No, he’d never seen it.
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