#❀࿐ verse ( magi. )
crunchkind · 1 year
I’m going insane
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I love them also I know this isn’t magi but forgive me for dousing in another fandom for two seconds
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Spider alibaba cause I got really obsessed 😭
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Into The Homu-verse!
Not my best work, but that's okay 👌 Mainly did this to practice drawing Homura
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xxxxholic · 27 days
the one i love by REM is a song about homura. more broadly perhaps, it is a song about timeloops in general
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grimm-the-tiger · 6 months
Some of my favorite verses from protest songs, just because:
"Welcome home, my child Your home is a checkpoint now Your home is a border town Welcome to the brawl."
Anais Mitchell, "Song of the Magi"
"Suffocate me So my tears can be rain I will water the ground where I stand So the flowers can grow back again."
Aurora, "The Seed"
"Cheer them on to their rivals 'Cause America can, and America can't say no And America does, if America says it's so It's so."
The Decemberists, "16 Military Wives"
"See, my birds of a kind, they more and more are looking like Centurions than any little messiah And as I prune my feathers like leaves from a vine I find that we have fewer and fewer in kind."
The Oh Hellos, "Passerine"
"Was a long and dark December When the banks became cathedrals and a fox became God Priests clutched onto Bibles Hollowed out to fit their rifles, and a cross was held aloft."
Coldplay, "Violet Hill"
"Sieg Heil to the President Gasman Bombs away is your punishment Pulverize the Eiffel Towers Who criticize your government."
Green Day, "Holiday"
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lintwriting · 3 months
I made a post earlier talking about how bashing fics are the result of the disconnect between the level of suspension of disbelief expected from an author vs from their immature audience.
Most authors expect a level of shared disbelief. "People will get this is just some handwave-y nonsense for the story. They will suspend their disbelief." They do not realize that kids won't know this automatically. Kids don't need to 'suspend their disbelief' because they will simply believe the nonsense.
And then the kiddos grow up and feel betrayed because they realize that they've thought about this way more than the author ever did.
But what if the authors DID think about it? What if they planned for that? What if they realized that the preteen to young adult demographic is PRIMED for this kind of relationship to their media?
Introducing the DECONSTRUCTION (and Madoka Magica)
Now, this term is a bit controversial. It's a mode of analysis that, from what I can tell, exclusively comes from the Anime Analysis/Tv Tropes side of the internet, and nowhere else.
Because of those hazy origins, it's a little hazy what it even means. When I use it, I mean it's a media that subverts tropes by applying a lens of realism to it, specifically to "expose" the shocking truth behind a functioning cliche/genre. Usually in reference to genre fiction like superhero shows, mecha shows, fantasy shows, etc.
It became a coined term with its application to Neon Genesis Evangelion, but people would be more familiar with it for shows like Game of Thrones or Watchmen or Madoka Magica.
You think this is just your average high fantasy? THINK AGAIN! The main character DIES because that's REAL life in the hard medieval dark ages.
You think this is just your average superhero comic? THINK AGAIN! These superheroes use their powers for selfish reasons instead of selfless ones because THAT'S MORE REAL.
You think this is just your average show about sparkly girls fighting monsters? THINK AGAIN! These girls have been conned into their supernatural powers and fighting is dangerous and depressing because THAT'S MORE REAL. GRIMDARK is MORE REAL.
Now this can be mundane realism ala Vermeer, or the grimdark realism you see with all those Watchman superhero comic knock-offs in the 90's or all those Madoka Magica magical girl knock-offs or all those Game Of Thrones knock-offs in the late aughts. Choose any realism you like because Realism is subjective!
check out here for a breakdown of why "grimdark" does not make "realistic" and here for why realism is subjective/unnecessary for writing. I'm not going to be getting into that here.
Now, opponents of the term DECONSTRUCTION point to this very subjectivity as the reason why it's functionally meaningless as a term.
"Madoka Magica isn't 'more realistic' compared to other magical girl shows. Other magical girl shows like Princess Tutu show ALSO portray depressing, deep, and dangerous situations happening to magical girls. How is what Madoka does any more 'realistic' than what Tutu does, especially when both of them ultimately reaffirm the Magical Girl Genre?"
I think this, at its core, misunderstands why people call something a deconstruction. This is an understandable mistake because the anime people who coined the term didn't even understand why they felt the need to call something a deconstruction.
The original term Deconstruction analysis, from before the anime/TV Tropes side of the internet appropriated it, comes from philosopher Jacques Derrida. Derrida, in simplified terms, explained the infinite gap between thought and communicating that thought. The infinite gap between concepts and the language trying to describe those concepts.
So it's pretty ironic the way we've completely butchered his term into this anime "genre deconstruction" mode of analysis and then completely butchered this "genre deconstruction" mode of analysis into "making something more realistic."
But while this "genre deconstruction" is not real deconstruction, I'm going to analyze it on its own terms anyways because I do find it meaningful, if not the way we define it now.
In my opinion, deconstruction has nothing to do with "realism" and everything to do with the "exposing the shocking truth behind a functioning cliche" part of its definition. It doesn't matter if Princess Tutu is 'realistic' because it doesn't portray itself as 'in conversation with' the magical girl genre.
CLICHE and the Generation Cycle of Growing Up
You ever notice how deconstruction's most famous examples are from genres made for adolescents? Magical Girls, High Fantasy, Superheroes. Hmmm?
That has everything to do with the way the cycles of cliches work. Overly Sarcastic Productions has some really great videos breaking down how writing is all about tropes.
And how there's a cycle where a trope begins FRESH AND EXCITING where authors all remix each other. Then all the good stuff gets said a million times until the trope becomes a shorthand for a specific function. Then people get sick and tired of it and actively fight against its usage.
This often also coincides with the generation that was young when the trope was popular growing up and looking back on the trope.
Ex: You love Disney Romances as a kid, grow up and realize no prince is coming to get you, and get tired of "love at first sight" stories because the love often feels like a shorthand plot device instead of genuine romance, leading to parodies and then a new generation of Disney movies with no romance at all.
Ex: The cowboy Western Genre has gone through this. Multiple times now. First with traditional westerns that are now dead. Then with Space Westerns in Japanese animation. Also dead, though we do get reboots from time to time.
Ex: Joss Whedon/Marvel Humor.
Ex: The isekai/transmigration genre is currently going through this. The West has no conception of transmigration and barely any understanding of isekai—likening them to portal fantasy with nary a thought to how its become its own niche genre. But it IS a niche genre now, resplendent with bizarrely specific tropes and cliches that have a functional logic underneath inscrutable to new viewers.
I watched a C-Drama recently where they didn't even bother to explain transmigration beyond a shot of a girl's ghost hovering another girl's sleeping body. And like, if I was a Westerner, I would have NO CLUE what that was supposed to mean.
Of course, as a Scum Villain fan, I know that it was a visual shorthand meant to imply Transmigration, where the girl was transported into another dimension via the body of another girl, but this implication is reliant on the understanding that you've already seen this trope a thousand times now.
("We don't need to show this again, you get the drill." NO, we don't! Not here in the West. Please explain. At this rate, we'll be getting to parodies of transmigration and then no transmigration at all—all before the West even gets a whiff of what "transmigration" means. Beyond like, niche anime/webtoon fans.)
The point is, you get to a point where you don't even notice how terminally cliche your genre has gotten unless you get confronted by someone out of the loop. And that acts as a neat metaphor for the way childhood works.
A lot of the "truths" of the world, like that 'adults are to be trusted' or that stories are 'simple retellings of events,' are actually just thought-terminating cliches you've been taught as a shorthand to make things simpler to understand/easier to control.
That's why adolescent media, rather than say speculative Sci-Fi for philosophical thought experiments or literary fiction, is at the core of "deconstruction genre analysis."
This ""form of analysis"" is just the result of artists noticing the happy intersection between the form/function of adolescence and adolescent media, making for the perfect metaphor. A marriage of literary convention and human psychology. "Medium is the message"? Make it "Genre is the message."
As such, actual realism is secondary to the the psychological aspect of "breaking down a thought terminating cliche."
Madoka Magica is not more realistic than Princess Tutu.
IT DOES, however, directly reference the magical girl genre as we know it within the show itself. Madoka, the main character, draws sparkly magical girl outfits in her notebook and imagines her Magical GirlTM hair styles when she finds out that she can become a magical girl. These are not just magical girls to her—these are Magical GirlsTM. She's as familiar with the cliches of the genre as we are.
This is in service to highlighting that we're meant to be engaging with the idea of the genre itself, not just the themes of selflessness and depression within it. Madoka Magica also has a lot of Brechtian techniques within the framing of the show, with the series' first shot even beginning with literally "opening the curtains" to break the fourth wall a little bit, highlighting that it's a bit self-aware/meta. That way, we can see the intentional "wider commentary on the genre" aspect to it.
(Like the way Spider-verse uses "canon event" and the multiverse as a clear reference to extended audience canon culture to signal that it's making a meta commentary on the wider discussion of Miles Morales and the extended universe, not just his personal struggles as a character.)
So, Princess Tutu is NOT less realistic or less depressing than Madoka Magica. In fact, it even "deconstructs" fairytale cliches. It isn't a Magical Girl genre deconstruction as we think of it, though, because it isn't making those overt commentaries on the Magical Girl Genre thought-terminating cliches, the way Madoka Magica is (tutu is moreso about fairytale ones). Tutu isn't winking and nodding at us the way Madoka does when she doodles magical girl outfits, or when episode 3 happens, or with Kyubei's whole deal.
CONCLUSION: Magic Children Fighting the Genre
So yeah, a lot of these deconstructions have nothing to do with "realism" or being "darker" and everything to do with the "exposing the shocking truth behind a functioning cliche" part of its definition, usually for cliches that are in that late life cycle, oversaturated stage, matching the way its audience has also grown more cynical in life. The stereotypical grimdark aspects come from that same teenage impulse to bash, to be edgey to be "more real."
In my previous post, I also liken "bashing" to the way victims of religious indoctrination finally escape and start spitefully "bashing" the religion out of a sense of betrayal. This comparison especially rings true for this post about deconstruction, as the term for the American Evangelical movement in which "Christians rethink their faith and jettison previously held beliefs, sometimes to the point of no longer identifying as Christians" is-- quite literally -- Faith Deconstruction or just Deconstruction for short. Isn't that fascinating? I think it proves my point.
Anyways, to even "expose the shocking truth" in the first place, you need faith or just some sort of idealistic jumping off point, which is why "Magic Children Fighting--The Genre" is so prevalent in genre deconstruction.
You can't just subvert and "deconstruct" forever, because at some point, you're just going to run out of meaningful things to say and end up having twists for no reason, as the Game-Of-Thrones-"Themes are for eighth-grade book reports"-writers ended up doing for season 8 lol. That's its own thought-terminating cliche. Thus, some sort of idealistic genre is necessary.
And "Magic Children Fighting: The Genre" is so rich in idealism. Whether it be shonen anime "You can do it!" or magical girl "Friendship is Magic" or high fantasy's underdog chosen one narrative or... whatever mecha shows are about.
Whichever "Magic Children Fighting: The Genre" archetype you choose, you can easily turn it into "Magic children fighting the genre!"
And I think that that's meaningful!
It's beautiful when adolescent media writers do manage to go that extra mile to think about how to make it so that their audience is able to enjoy the show as adults. It's cool when they refuse to handwave explanations or cliches and put genuine thought into work that kiddos might not appreciate at first.
In my next few posts, I'll probably go into works that manage to succeed at Deconstruction (Madoka Magica, Rebellious Girl Utena), works that people do not traditionally think of Deconstruction because they failed in some way (Steven Universe), and the darker implications of works that fail to do this (Harry Potter and The Christian Bible (ha ha jk on the bible. or am I?))
in the meantime, you can read this funny post and this funny post about how svsss kind of deconstructs masculine isekai narratives
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amarithecat · 1 year
Y'ever do that thing where you become interested in two different things at once and attempt to marry them together despite them having nothing to do with each other?
Anyhoo Spiderman x Magical Girls. The taking on of a role that's suddenly bestowed upon you in order to help people or achieve a dream only to find the job requires immense suffering on your part. A recruiter who tries to sweep this suffering under the rug in a "that's just how it is" fashion while resisting efforts to end the suffering, mocking them as foolish and futile. I'm cooking something and the judges are perplexed.
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chronosbled · 1 month
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{ Okay, so I've somehow drowned myself back into the Magi fandom despite it being dead for years now... but instead of keeping Ja'far and Yunan on their own blogs, especially since I fucking keep having to remake them because Tumblr locks me out of their blogs after a little while for some reason, I'm just going to put them on my multimuse here. So if I use graphics of them on this blog that have different URLs on them, please know these are still my graphics, those are just the URLs of the old blogs they were on before I got locked out of them. }
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I've got too many ideas in my head and I need help deciding what's the one MAJOR focus I should keep on for the new year. Keep in mind the winning vote won't be all I work on and some of the other options will still get made eventually, and I'll still try to update my old stuff. With that out of the way
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babymagi · 1 year
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Hero name would probably be Spider-Prince or something cute like that
Anyways individuals~
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kamfor334 · 2 months
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hii, My name is kam! You can just call me kammy/kami tho.
This is my blog! I’ll mainly try to talk about shifting, manifesting, self improvement.
a little about me…
I haven’t shifted yet
Im black
female and 13!
Some shows I like are csm, Jjk, Madoka Magica, MHA.
I also like kpop, my favorite group is IVE and I like Wonyoungism
Here’s a 📌 trest page of many of my interests!
master list.
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deathblossomed · 5 months
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❀࿐ Verse ( Magi: the labyrinth of magic. )
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Botan was born in Kina to a small family. At a young age, she showed a propensity for magic and in an effort to provide her the best education, her parents sent her to Magnostadt Academy to study. There, she excelled as a student.
She has an affinity for the eighth type, life magic with a secondary skill in the second type water. Her particular skillset revolves around healing magic, often combining the two. But she has also found to a have strong connection the rukh, potentially coming from her family's heritage as spiritualists. She has minor mediumship abilities, able to receive minor information from the rukh itself, said to come from the souls that flow within. She can see the rukh more clearly than most and has always seemed to be able to, even before her magic manifested. She also seems to have a knack for predicting and sensing death, often seeing spirits depart to the rukh, but keeps the former to herself as it seems to unnerve people. Rather than a traditional staff, Botan uses an ornate wooden oar she brought from home. Her family were boatman on the river prior to Kina taking to the skies.
After graduation, Botan decided that while she treasured her time at the academy, she did not agree with their teachings that the goi were somehow below them because of their lack of magic. And so she's taken to sailing the world, offering her skills where she can.
Additional facts
Botan flies on her oar just as in canon and loves to do so
She owns a small boat and is a skilled sailor, feeling most at ease when she's on the water
She's 24 at the series start
She has a knack for creating magic devices
While she tries to offer her skills as a healer whenever possible, battle fields make her uncomfortable as she can see the rukh of the recently deceased leaving for the rukh
Wears her pink kimono but tends to wear hakama when traveling or sailing for easier movement
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acecykes-dono2 · 1 year
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I know my choice
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infintasmal · 6 months
@universestreasures: Boton would overwhelm Ja'far probably
ohmygod absolutely. she's a hard worker and w/e but she does not stop talking
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huli-jinx · 1 year
Name: Chrono Silk
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Time Stopping
Limited Time Rewind
Projectile Protection
Weapon: Shield
These are the name and powers I think Homura would have if she had a Spidersona.
Name: Star Web
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Energy Arrows
Weapon: A bow
These are the name and powers I think Madoka would have if she had a Spidersona.
Name: Golden Widow
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Ribbon Manipulation
Restraint Magic
Summoning several flintlock muskets at a time
Weapon: Flintlock Musket
These are the name and powers I think Mami would have if she had a Spidersona.
Name: Sapphire Silk
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Summoning multiple cutlass swords
A healing factor that can be used on others
Weapon: Cutlass Sword
These are the name and powers I think Sayaka would have if she had a Spidersona.
Name: Scarlet Fang
The usual Spider Powers (ie spider-sense, superstrength)
Her spear can break into chains
Can create a lattice-like wall of red diamonds
Weapon: Spear
These are the name and powers I think Kyoukowould have if she had a Spidersona.
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alex-moises · 2 years
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#289/289 Title: Christmas 2022 and Philately [Navidad 2022 y Filatelia] Philatelic Items: Large Images - Stamp from Cayman Islands, 40c, Christmas 1979 – Arrival of the Magi; Stamp from Cayman Islands, 20c, Christmas 1979 – Announcement to the Shepherds; Stamp from Cayman Islands, 30c, Christmas 1979 – Birth of Jesus Christ and Gloria in Excelsis Deo; and Stamp from Cayman Islands, 10c, Christmas 1979 – Escape to Egypt
Stamp 40c and Bible Verses: “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2 / KJV) Stamp 20c and Bible Verses: “And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” (Luke 2:8-11 / KJV) Stamp 30c and Bible Verses: “And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (Luke 2:13-14 / KJV) Stamp 10c and Bible Verses: “And when they [Magi] were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child [Jesus] and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him. When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt.” (Matthew 2:13-14 / KJV)
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daiiyokai · 1 year
One of the muses that I miss rping the most is Sinbad from magi. I had so much fun playing him... sigh!
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