#❛ good kid bad brains living for whatever. ❜ — introduction.
k--havok · 2 months
Honestly in all my years of both writing and reading, I've finally come to some conclusions about myself that I've always known to kinda be true but, like, were also always shamed out of me.
More under the cut as its a lil' TMI and grossly personal (affectionate)
So I've always been a fan of romance, even when I vehemently said I was not because I did not see it as serious and "important" as other genres of books.
I know there are plenty of jokes about blorbos from our shows permanently altering our brain chemistry and causing brain damage but like. Honestly... yeah.
Like I've talked about before how when I was really young I loved Howl's Moving Castle and Beauty and the Beast. And at the end of BatB I was so upset the Beast turned into some boring white guy. And as a teenager, I grew up with Twilight and the rest of the explosion of paranormal fantasy.
And I loved Twilight. I started reading it when I was pretty young, I want to say 4th or 5th grade, and the series the longest books I've read at that age but it was also my introduction into reading romance so it had a lot of sway on me.
Not saying that Twilight is good or bad as that's not the point of my ramble. My point is that I think I can trace my love and enjoyment of "toxic romance tropes" to that series for better or worse.
I mean. Now as an adult I can accept "yeah maybe the mormon vampire book series gave me some kinks"
I like possessive romances. I love the I-Would-Destroy-The-World-For-You thought process. The I-Can't-Live-Without-You dynamic. I like at least a little jealousy. I find all of it pretty sexy.
I enjoy power-imbalances and playing with that dynamic. Or reading the dynamic. Whatever. I don't care about weird age gaps or anything like that either in my romance, especially since I pretty much only read fantasy or paranormal romances where weird age gaps can easily be waved away due to immortality or magic or whatever.
I do like the "bad boy" trope and a little bit of aggression in my romances.
It's all fantasy and fun and kink to me. Nothing really more or less.
I try my best to be as openly sex positive as possible on pretty much all my blogs due to the fact that I have been shamed my entire life with what I enjoy. And it's so strange seeing the shame in so many different flavors.
When I was a kid reading Twilight or whatever, I was asked if I should be reading it or told by other kids that their parents wouldn't let them read it as it was "dirty." Usually this brand of shame was from right-wing leaning sources, at the idea of it being inappropriate for a 13/14 year old to read Breaking Dawn because there's a fade-to-black sex scene and Edward breaks the fucking bed (lmaooo)
Now as an adult, it's so hard to navigate bookish spaces. It's either all gushing positivity or negativity. Where saying even one thing you don't like about a book is horrible and mean to the author who worked so hard or basically swinging right back to the weird right-wing world I grew up in where a fade-to-black sex scene is scandalous. Obviously not all spaces are like this. But they do exist and its hard to avoid.
I do like dipping into booktube at times, but its so fucking hard. It's either white bookcases with some lady ranting and raving giving every book she reads 5 stars for some reason or its hours-upon-hours long videos tearing books apart because there's kink or its a dark romance with some cringy-to-the-booktuber sex scenes.
(and again, obviously not every booktuber and yada yada yada but it is a trend)
I do think there's a large part of me, beyond all the procrastination and mental health issues and whatever that is a little fearful of publishing due to the fact that my books contain so much of my personal kink in them.
"Kink" isn't always like. Ropes and paddles and 50 shades of mediocrity. There's way more to it then that, especially in a fantasy world of my own creation where what I say goes.
Sure, I like BDSM and dom/sub dynamics plenty. I also like all of the things I've said above. I enjoy the weirdness of monsters and pathetic characters with way too much power and also enjoy the more "common" tropes of power-imbalances and badboys and possessive romances.
And I am honestly tired of hiding it in my writing or trying to bury it due to all the shame surrounding me.
Shame me or don't. I'm just going to continue to do what I want either way, and enjoy what I enjoy.
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Seeing Darius show visible concern for Hunter after hearing he's trapped in Belos' mind makes my brain rot lol. Like I don't get why people think they are just going to drop Darius' and Hunter's future mentor/protégé relationship.
"Darius doesn't care about Hunter because he was mean to him in Any Sport in a Storm" Like yeah of course he was mean to him.
Darius believes Hunter will do whatever Belos says, regardless of how it hurts people. He doesn't think this kid has a shred of kindness in him. He knows Hunter is good at doing exactly what he told to do. Darius is clearly comparing Hunter to his mentor, which is why when Hunter asks him: "I can wear this [the symbol of Hunter's predecessor] proudly now. Right?" Darius responds with: "Can you?"
Unlike Darius, we know Hunter has a good heart. Hunter's introduction episode shows us that despite his loyalty to Belos, he is willing to help out Eda and Luz with their financial situation by letting them keep their Selkiedomus kill. We also see this kindness show itself in Hunting Palismen where he protects Luz from Kikimora's attacks. He even tells Luz his name because he felt bad about disappointing her. But more shockingly - he actually let's her go, despite being fully capable of teleporting to her. He could have also flown to her with the speed he shows us in Separate Tides to catch up to her and restrain her.
Hunter, without realizing it, stood up to Belos in Hunting Palismen. He doesn't go back to steal the palismen, even though he knows where they are and knows Luz would be too exhausted to fight back. He knows Belos needs these palismen to keep his condition manageable, but he doesn't go back to the school to get them nor does he send any scouts to get them. He knows the spell used to protect the palismen is gone and they're are completely defenseless since the Bat Queen is not around to protect them. Yet, he never tries to take them again, because he doesn't want to completely break his connection with Luz. [And as a reward for his kindness, he is given Flapjack. Who is his greatest source of emotional support when Luz isn't around]
Darius has no idea Hunter has gone against Belos' direct order in Hunting Palismen. He has no idea Hunter was willing to risk personal injury from a man he knows is violent and merciless for the protégé of a notorious wild witch. Darius thinks Hunter is Belos' obedient little hunting dog, so of course he's going to dislike him.
He's also part of a resistance movement dedicated to dethroning Belos. This would include removing any "ineligible" heirs to the throne. Again, since Darius is comparing his mentor to Hunter, he believes Hunter isn't worthy to be The Prince of the Boiling Isles. Since Hunter has now proven to Darius he isn't completely devoid of kindness, he has become an eligible heir to the throne.
It's going to take years to heal all the damage Belos' rule has done. I'm not sure if Hunter would propose democracy as a new system of governance, but changing a way an entire civilization is governed is also something that will take years to complete. Even for a civilization as small as The Boiling Isles. Hunter has the set-up to take on this responsibility with Darius guiding him as his mentor [and possibly as his father].
But yeah, even if Darius gives him the opportunity to bail, Hunter is still going to want to help repair the damage his family caused. And ya know... Hunter makes no indication that he loves the human realm so much so that he'll be willing to live there for the rest of his life:
Hunter: "You know what I'd like, Belos? I'd like to leave the Emperor's Coven and never step in that throne room again. I'd like to study wild magic and learn how to carve palismen. I'd like to attend Hexside as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends. But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never hurt anyone again!"
Do you see any mention of the human realm in the above dialogue? You can also clearly see there are things he wants to do that can't be accomplished in the human realm. Yeah, Hunter LIKES the human realm, but he doesn't love it. He doesn't love it so much to the point where he wants to completely abandon the demon realm. He WANTED to go back, but he was too scared to because people are going to recognize him and seek justice from him. If he goes back, his friends will be put in danger trying to protect him. Hunter's enemies aren't just your run of the mill witches, they are Coven heads and other high ranking members of the coven.
But yeah, I just... don't see them completely dropping this set-up with Darius and Hunter just to have Hunter live a carefree life in the human realm. Firstly, Hunter doesn't even want to stay in the human realm. Secondly, the point of Flapjacks death was to give Hunter the push he needed to return to TBI and take responsibility for the actions of his family. It would be out of character for Hunter to ditch the mess his family caused just to live a carefree life in the human realm.
Hunter is a 16 year old boy, so he technically doesn't have to clean up his adult brother's mess. But he would WANT to clean it up, because whether or not he likes it, he is Belos' brother. He's his family, so he'd want to take responsibility for the suffering his family caused. This is much more in character for Hunter than him ditching the demon realm to go live a "carefree" life in a realm he can't learn wild magic in or play flyer derby in.
And ya know... with the way the human realm is set-up, Hunter would not be able to have a decent future. Unless Hunter finds a way to forge a birth certificate and wears a concealment stone for the rest of his life he cannot participate in human society. Constantly pretending to be human or else people will kill him or send him off to the government like that creepy museum guy almost did to Vee doesn't sound like a very fulfilling way to live. He's going to be constantly stressed out about people finding out what he actually is. This is why this fanbase is fucking braindead for actually believing Hunter would get adopted by Camila lmao.
Not only does he just not WANT to live in the human realm for the rest of his life, he will have no chance at a happy future if he decides to. In the demon realm, even if there are power hungry people who want to hurt him, he still has his friends and Darius. They are always going to have his back no matter what. And while he may not be able to attend Hexside as a regular student and play flyer derby with his friends can still learn wild magic.
So do you see why it makes no fucking sense for Hunter to ditch Darius and his friends to go live in the human realm?
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sandwich2451 · 2 years
The Violinist, chapter 1: The Meet-And-Greet
1. The Meet-And-Greet "A memory would be enough."
Vezi first saw Wednesday Addams in the courtyard. And Vezi thought she was terrifying.
Her neat braids, her straight posture, her pale skin, her dark eyes - everything about her screamed perfect. And the way she stared apathetically at other students? Terrifying. As if she didn't care. Jesus, she probably liked that they thought she was weird. Long story short, Vezi decided to steer clear of Wednesday Addams.
But, oh how fun, Ajax is an idiot, and Vezi would pay for it. He immediately walked up to Enid, not seeing Wednesday who oh so clearly stood behind his crush.
"Yo, Enid!" he started. "You're not going to believe the dirt I heard about your new roommate." Vezi grimaced as he continued: "She eats human flesh. Totally chowed down on that kid she murdered" Vezi sighed as Enid stepped aside to show Wednesday glaring at Ajax. "You are such a dumbass," Vezi whispered under her breath.
"Quite the contrary," Wednesday said. Damn it, her voice? Vezi thought to herself. "I fillet the bodies of my victims, then feed them to my menagerie of pets." An uncomfortable silence ensued.
"Ajax, Vezi, meet my new roommate, Wednesday." Vezi wanted to sink into the ground. "Nice to meet you," she said instead. Ajax only stared in half-fear-half-curiosity. "You're in black and white," he said in awe. Or in fear. Vezi couldn't tell. "Like  a living Instagram filter-"
"Ignore him," Enid said, cutting him off. Vezi groaned at his idiocy. "Gorgons spend way too much time getting stoned." Vezi blinked at Ajax as he walked away, but didn't move. What the fuck?
"He's cute, but clueless," Enid continued. Wednesday raised an eyebrow and Vezi tried to leave, but Enid clutched her arm. "But this is Vezi - she's, like, Xavier's female counterpart. Another tortured artist." Wednesday didn't react at all at Enid's introduction. Vezi raised an eyebrow. "Tortured artist's how you describe Xavier? More like antisocial hopeless romantic with a touch of toxicity." "He's not that bad," Enid said, but she left the topic and turned to Wednesday again.
"You should get an Instagram account, you know. And of course, Tiktok, Snapchat, BeReal. The works." Wednesday remained eerily poised. "I find social media to be a soul-sucking void of meaningless affirmation," she responded dryly and walked away.
"Well, good luck with her," Vezi commented once Wednesday was out of earshot. "Seems like a handful." Enid laughed. "I'll get her to befriend me. Wait and see." "Uh-huh, and I'll find a partner in the next two weeks." Enid frowned. "You're still hung-up on Yoko?" "Not my fault she's really pretty. How was I supposed to know she was taken and would never date someone with four arms?"
"It's not the weirdest thing in the world, you know," Enid muttered. Vezi scoffed. "Oh okay, miss I-have-a-crush-on-a-gorgon. They have snakes for hair, and four arms are weird? They're artificial. Basically magical prosthetics, really." "Still," Enid said. "You're one of the few types of outcast with more than the average limb-count." "All those snakes have brains, and yet Ajax can't keep up with one conversation." "That's because he's stoned, Vezi." "Still."
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Vezi has never liked Xavier. Well, in her first year he was alright. They sat together in herbology, and it was fun to discuss their similar power - 'gift', whatever. And, well, he did know Yoko through Bianca. That was a plus at the time.
But some fun, dramatic shit happened, and now, long story short, they didn't sit together in herbology - mostly to do with the Nightshades, actually. Vezi still has access to the library (because it's not like they changed the password) though, so sometimes she gets caught and has to go through the whole I'm-not-a-nightshade-but-fuck-you-you-don't-read-the-books-anyway. The Nightshades really should get another lock.
But putting the drama aside, the reason Xavier was brought up was that they were fencing together. Paired up by the teacher, not Vezi's first choice - Xavier still seemed to like her enough. They parried half-heartedly for a while. Fencing wasn't Vezi's strongest suit - she didn't see it as the most practical. Also, she had to modify her suit herself for her second set of arms, which annoyed her. Her school uniform, at least, was modified for her.  
Vezi won, but only because Xavier stopped parrying her attacks at all. She looked to the left and saw why. Wednesday.
The second time Vezi saw Wednesday, she was in all black and white again. She'd had a black fencing suit made for her, apparently. She strode towards the mats on which Bianca was fencing with Rowan, helmet in her hand. Bianca had beat Rowan  - he'd gone to sit on the side, watching Bianca call out if anyone would challenge her.
Wednesday didn't miss a beat. "I do," she said. Vezi looked at Xavier, who was practically making heart-eyes at Wednesday. "She's been here for a less than a day," Vezi commented. "We have history," Xavier said. "Like we had history? You mean you met once and you decided to fall in love because she's pretty and perfect." Xavier raised an eyebrow. "Pretty and perfect? And I'm the one with a crush." "Shut it, tortured artist."
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The third time Vezi saw Wednesday Addams, she actually heard her first.
As a musical person, she was very attentive to music. Very often, if someone played their music a decibel too loud, she'd stay awake all night listening to it, or accidentally make it appear. She'd had butter appear because of an ARMY, which wasn't that bad. She'd also, however, had accidentally made three students severe alcoholics because someone had decided to be edgy. They dropped out last year.
The sounds of a cello reverberated around the castle - specifically a rendition of Paint it Black, Vezi noted. It was difficult to control her gift sometimes - tonight was one of those nights.
She immediately went out onto her balcony. Her roommate wasn't there - a gorgon called Mel. Must've slipped out to, well, get stoned. The way Wednesday played was beautiful - the notes even, the crescendos and diminuendos artfully executed. Splotches of black spaint started appearing on her balcony - first in the corners, then growing onto the railing, shining as it dried. As the song continued, black splotches started appearing on the grass in the courtyard as well - first only dots that were almost indistinguishable, then they started appearing more, forming letters. "Damn it," Vezi whispered. She'd have to explain to whoever, and she'd have to clean it up in the morning. Or she could just put a song on and do it later tonight. Still, it left an impression. The words made a fairly predictable sentence -
Paint It Black was written on the courtyard in thick black paint. The music swelled to an ending. At least that was done. She quickly got to work to turn on a song that could make the grass green again - and her balcony. Well, her and Mel's. She'd have to explain in the morning.
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[Transcript of Enid's Vlog]
It's not everyday your new roommate plays a song and the title of it appears on the grass while she's playing. I can't imagine anyone who would actually like her - I mean really? The half-dead thing does it for you? I won't judge really, but still. It's kind of weird isn't it? Xavier was painting in the courtyard - you've seen his new piece of course, on the wall. But he says he saw Vezi, you know, the music girl, on her balcony, and she seemed to be listening pretty intensely! Apparently, the song was 'Paint it Black', by the way, I forgot to mention that. Very fitting, seeing as it is Wednesday playing - she got her own school uniform to be monochrome! Special treatment, I say. But I'm cutting it here. See you till the next video!
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jimmypeakes · 5 years
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ADAM DIMARCO? No, that’s actually JIMMY PEAKES from the GOLDEN TRIO ERA. You know, the child of BRANWEN PEAKES (NÉE GOYLE) and JEREMIAH PEAKES? Only 19 years old, this GRYFFINDOR alumni works as an AUROR IN TRAINING and is sided with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX. HE identifies as CIS-MAN and is a HALF-BLOOD who is known to be IMPULSIVE, CARELESS, and IMPATIENT but also COURAGEOUS, ENTHUSIASTIC, and LOYAL. — &&. ( SAM, EST, THEY/THEM, 24. ) 
character parallels: gordon tracy ( thunderbirds ) + lorelai gilmore ( gilmore girls ) + sam wilson ( marvel comics ) + ron weasley ( harry potter ) + betty cooper ( archie comics ) + mike wheeler ( stranger things ) + anna ( frozen ) + legolas greenleaf ( the lord of the rings ) + donna noble ( doctor who ) + peter pevensie ( the chronicles of narnia ) !!
— ❝ 01. Branwen Goyle was never a big fan of her family, and was out of the Goyle sphere of existence as soon as she finished Hogwarts. She ended up marrying a muggle man, Jeremiah Peakes, when she was around 25 years old, and had her first child two years later. She and Jeremiah ended up having a total of five children, all boys, and Jimmy is the second youngest out of them. He’s always kind of been the trouble-maker of the family, and though all of his brothers were over-achievers, he never felt any less proud of himself or that he had to compete with them. In fact, he’s a pretty easy-going person, and tends not to worry all that much. He’s fun to be around, and absolutely despises tension. He’s always trying to make light of difficult situations, and maybe sometimes cracks a joke when it’s not the exact right time. He’s been working on that, though, and can take things seriously. It’s like… He just needs a little something to help him grow up a bit more.
— ❝ 02. Jimmy Peakes does not have any problems finding people to date whatsoever. He’s very flirty, and quite agreeable to be around, and therefore, it’s quite easy for him to attract others. He’s pansexual and panromantic, and has never counted gender in the equation when it comes to romance or who he’s attracted to. He never really questioned his sexuality either. He always knew that he didn’t only like girls, and that whether they were girls or not didn’t matter to him. He first told his brothers he didn’t only like girls when he was seven years old. Like, just… Stood on the couch on Christmas day and announced he wasn’t straight. Which was a word he had learned thanks to the fact that Branwen and Jeremiah Peakes taught their children things about the world and had always made it clear to them that no prejudices would be tolerated. And as Jimmy tended to be a bit dramatic, of course he had to make a big announcement out of it.
— ❝ 03. Jimmy was a very active child, and still, to this day, constantly needs to be doing something. He’s a huge fan of flying and Quidditch, and that’s why he tried out for the Gryffindor team in his third (?) year. However, he always knew he didn’t want to take it to the professional level. Not only did he not have the patience to train as much as was necessary to become a professional, but he also didn’t think he’d be able to stand being only challenged physically, as he does love an intellectual challenge too. Sure, there are plenty of Quidditch players who are much smarter than him, but for him, personally, given the way he functions as a person, it wouldn’t work. He likes things that are more varied, which is why he ended up settling on becoming an auror. Not only was one of his heroes one, but also he couldn’t think of a better thing to do with himself than stop bad guys and save innocents. Plus, it presented a variety of challenges, both physical and intellectual, and therefore truly motivated Jimmy.
Has three older brothers and one younger brother, who I’ll definitely beg y’all to play hehe.
Yes, his family was inspired by the Tracy family from the Thunderbirds TV show(s) (and movie, though we don’t talk about that. I mean, I do love it, but I acknowledge the fact that it’s... Not the best.)
Definitely inspired by Gordon Tracy. Like, I’m not even trying to be subtle about it. For reference, though, my favourite is John. But Gordon is a close second. But actually, it changes a lot.
I do realize this turned into me just talking about Thunderbirds, but it’s my one (1) niche interest, and I will never ever shut up about it. I do apologize about that, though.
Loves classical music! Like, isn’t that into music in general, but he does really appreciate classical music. And like, he does enjoy music, it’s just not a passion of his.
Is going to be so into the year 2029 like how much things have changed? Amazing. And since his dad’s a muggle, he’s quite connected to the muggle world, so to see how things have evolved over there? WOW.
Probably was the kid who kept on trying to make muggle devices work at Hogwarts by tinkering with them, but then mocked/teased (I’m never sure what the difference between those words is; I should Google it probably) his younger brother when he brought a walkman (or whatever the equivalent of that was at the time) to Hogwarts.
Loves all things water related. Used to hang out a lot by the lake, and went swimming whenever he got the chance. He’s a very strong swimmer.
Kind of? Bad at dealing with emotions? Jake Peralta could also be a character parallel for him, honestly.
Has literally never interacted with his mother’s family, as they consider him and his brothers huge mistakes and stains on their reputation. Would fight a Goyle, 100%.
Would die for his family (his brothers, siblings-in-law and parents - maybe even niblings if someone who plays one of his brothers want said brother to have a child or children), no doubt about it.
His dad’s actually rich, so even though Branwen (Jimmy’s mother) got disowned, they never lacked of anything. Especially the newest technology and vehicles, as that was the field his dad was in. Please don’t @ me for all these stolen Thunderbirds ideas I am but a small, idealess Sam.
Plays Dungeons & Dragons with friends and (maybe - depending on the people who potentially play them) some of his brothers and plays a wonderfully chaotic neutral forest gnome rogue named Alvyn. No family name for Alvyn, because he’s just too cool for that.
( FOOD TW ) Is actually a somewhat decent cook.
Will most likely marathon a shit ton of old (but new for him) superhero movies in 2029. Because, yeah. He loves superhero movies. He prefers Marvel movies, but DC comics. Which is not at all inspired by my own taste. Not. At all.
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mrs-evadne-cake · 2 years
S4: The Good, The Mediocre and The Weird
Yep, after the mess that was S3 I’m apparently easier to win back than your Intrepid Girl Reporter High School Ex, so there isn’t even a bad category, I truly enjoyed most aspects of the season. Hell, I have so much good will toward it even Murray was tolerable (might just be dead inside, who knows).
The Good:
The Characters: They’re back! They care about each other! They don’t act like they absolutely can’t stand each other for no reason and treat each other like trash! I was expecting pointless multi-episode bickering about if Lucas Had Really Betrayed Them or no one believing each other about supernatural shit absolutely arbitrability, but nope. I kept being pleasantly surprised as characters showed love and concern and logical priorities. Even minor characters like the Parents or Callahan and Powell, or Chrissy (RIP, I really liked you Chrissy) got some excellent, compassionate beats. 
There were also so MANY great little moments that actually show development (Nancy nearly breaking down in tears the SECOND she sees The Gang back together because she knows it’s happening again absolutely sent me) and so many great big ones (everything Max and Lucas do all season). Which brings me to-
Max: Season 4 belongs to Sadie Sink. It’s an understatement to say I was dreading Max’s plot line and thought she was going to end up reduced to a mouth-piece to retcon Billy into A Super Good Guy but I will HAPPILY eat crow. Fucking phenomenal, heartbreaking examination of survivor's guilt and trauma.
Eddie: I’ll just keep the ball rolling on things I was wrong about. I honestly thought this character was going to be extraneous at best and eat up time that the show could really use for the main cast. Nope. Absolutely fantastic addition and fantastic character that I missed when he was off screen. Joe Quinn is incredible. 
Vecna: I like a spooky tentacle monster that talks to you in your head, drags your mind into another dimension, and breaks you down using visions of your fears and insecurities. Who would have guessed?
The Horror: Between the Crunch of Vecna and Hopper Gerald’s Gaming his foot (twice) there was some great, truly gnarly shit this season. Nice shout outs to Silence of the Lambs and Hellraiser and of course, Nightmare On Elm Street 3 Dream Warriors. Robert Englund is the GOAT as always.
D&D and The Satanic Panic: S3 felt like it was LARPING the 80′s, S4 goes back to actually feeling like it’s set in them. The introduction of the paranoia and general psychosis of Satanic Panic is really welcome and Mini-Patrick Batemen is finally the Unambiguously Sociopathic 80s Yuppie Jock that we deserve (if he gets fangirls I am going to throw myself off of a bridge). For anyone who lived the 80′s/90′s as a weird goth a PTA mob is nearly as scary as Vecna and genuinely uncomfortable to watch.
Speaking of D&D Eddie actually knows how to DM which is a nice change from...whatever it is the kids were doing before. 
MK Ultra : Evil U.S. Government Agents are back where they belong on the top of the Villain Pile.  
Steve and Robin, Juggling that Brain Cell: God, I love these two. I love that Steve continues to be cautious and genre savvy (”Everyone in this room has almost died like, 100 times so-”) and still rocking his nearly-supernaturally good instincts about when things are Going Wrong until the SECOND he gets the place at the grown-up table and IMMEDIATELY grandstands and nearly gets eaten by the flying motherfuckers from The Mist. A+ Steve-ing.
I’ve heard some complaints about Robin this season, but I thought she was great. Definitely getting some neuroatypical vibes and she just generally seems like the Same Robin but much more comfortable being herself around the people she’s with than S3. Like every character last season I always thought there were times that she was a little TOO acerbic for no reason so definitely not missing that. Let my girl be excited by Nancy’s ridiculously cliche bedroom.
Stancy: I'm pretty agnostic when it comes to shipping but I do like portrayals of the fact that people aren’t static and just because someone wasn’t right for you at one point, doesn’t mean they never will be ( or vise versa; sometimes people just grow apart and that’s okay). So I actually like it fine in concept especially since last season made it pretty clear the writers really don’t know where to go with Nancy and Jonathan and aren’t interested in trying to work it out. Which brings me to-
The Mediocre  
Stancy (Again): Can we PLEASE have Nancy actually break up properly with her current boyfriend instead of falling in love with whoever has been fighting evil next to her for more than an hour? This is a straight up habit at this point and it’s a really...questionable character trait. I blame Murray and his shared trauma BS for this. 
The Upside Down: Between how relatively easy travel was, and how fast they got out this place is undergoing some serious Eldritch location decay. Also I know they’ve all been read into the secret (and Steve’s been in the tunnels, if not the Upside Down proper) but a few seconds of Existential Angst from everyone but Nancy about the scale of the Hellish Dead World they’re trapped in would have been welcome. But no one’s got time for that ‘cause we gotta get to to-
Russia: Look, it’s better. IT’S WAY better. If S3 was Rocky and Bullwinkle this is fucking Chernobyl in comparison so I don’t hate it- and Dmitri is ANOTHER fantastic new character and David Harbor is bringing it so hard it almost makes be forget what a giant tit Hop was S3 but it still feels like a plot tumor when I just want to get back to plucky teens fighting evil. And speaking of plot tumors-
Joyce and Murray Go To Russia To Fight Russians: *sigh*
That Half-Hug: Mike Wheeler I will rip your face off with my teeth, you little fucker. I could have gone without another Season of the Mike-Will-El Dynamic being the exact same Will Pining, Mike Being Inexplicably Mean to Will, El and Mike Fight. I don’t care who ends up with who but can we like...move this shit along?
The Flash Backs: The director thinks we have retrograde amnesia again. STOP BREAKING UP INCREDIBLE PERFORMANCES WITH POINTLESS FLASHBACKS.
The Weird
Stancy (Again, Again): Okay, writers, what the fuck. Why are we stopping scenes to have characters that barely know them as a couple try to put this relationship over?  The first time this happened it was weird, by the third I thought I was having a stroke. Eddie. Baby. You are IN A HELL DIMENSION IS THIS REALLY THE TIME? No it is NOT. STOP MURRAY-ING. They were doing fine with the two of them quietly starting to rekindle the affection they had for each other-  stop turning random characters into yentas every time you want Nancy to get some.
California Road Trip Crew : I don’t...even know how to feel about this group. When it first started I thought I had wished for Stoner Jonathan on a monkey’s paw and was ready to go full ‘Look how they massacred my boy’ but everything about it has grown on me and by the time they were burying a federal agent in the desert I just gave up and decided to enjoy... whatever the hell this is. Which is good because boy howdy-
Susie’s House : Does anyone else smell burning toast? Sure, lets do a random 15 minutes of 80′s/90′s Unsupervised Child Comedy. Fuck it. I’m in. 
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quillsandtypos · 4 years
Bold Moves
Summary: You unexpectedly make a new friend at a party while Luke does his best to distract you.
Words: 2.8k
Pairings: luke patterson x reader
Warnings: teenage drinking and a few cuss words
You should’ve known better. But alas, here you were, at some party where you didn’t know anyone. Minus the band of course, but you hadn’t seen any of them in what felt like at least half an hour. Flynn had left an hour ago, you almost left with her, and you were currently wishing that you had. But a small part of you wanted to stay in case you got to hang out with Luke. You weren’t certain what you were thinking, it’s not like he would want to hang out with you. You considered going to go talk to Julie but she seemed to be having a good time, so you decided not to interrupt her; and instead you settled in the corner of the kitchen that seemed the least crowded.
After observing for a bit you decided that you needed something to dull the thoughts flowing through your mind. You got off of your stool to get some spiked red punch. You took a sip of it to find that it was more vodka than hawian punch. It burned your mouth and the back of your throat as it went down, but it would do the trick. You managed to gag down about half a cup before you noticed a girl around your age approaching you.
She had black straightened hair pulled up in a high ponytail. She wore a neon green two piece dress which nicely complemented the silver makeup she had applied to her dark brown skin. She took the other stool next to you.
“How’s the punch coming?” she asked with a widely toothed grin.
“Depends how low your standards are,” you remarked as you took another swing.
“Yeah, I noticed your first attempt,” she laughed.
You groaned internally about how you probably looked. “It was that bad?”
“Mhmm, I’ve seen worse tonight, so don’t sweat it.” She patted your shoulder in assurance. “I’m Allie by the way.”
“I’m y/n, nice to meet you,” you said with a smile.
Allie seemed to smirk at your introduction. “Oh trust me, I know who you are.”
You however, were certain you had never met this girl in your life. “Care to elaborate?” you asked.
“Your friend sent me over here to check on you.” She pointed behind her in the general direction of the massive living room, where you had last seen your friends.
“Please tell me Julie didn’t send you,” you groaned as you pressed your fingers against your temple.
“Yep, I believe that was her name,” she admitted.
You hesitantly looked over at her and made eye contact. “You really don’t have to hang out with me, you know that right?”
She shrugged. “I don’t have anything better to do, besides you don’t seem too bad.”
“You don’t seem too bad either Allie,” you agreed with a slight smirk.
“Well thank you, now your friend Julie tells me you’re over here moping about a boy?” she asked, though it was more of a statement. And it wasn’t a statement you could disagree with either.
“How much did she tell you?” you questioned.
“Not that much,” she answered with an anxious smile.
You continued to look at her, until she eventually sighed.
“Okay a decent amount, you don’t have to tell me anything, but would it help if I told you something about me to make it fair?” Allie suggested.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at her proposal but you agreed nonetheless.
“Well I was talking to this girl earlier, and I was going to get her number, but then I think she left before I could get it, and I’m really upset about it,” she started.
You took another swig of your drink and you continued to watch her as she continued.
“And she was wearing this bright orange top, and she had on these tall black heels and-” You cut Allie off as you realized the outfit she was describing sounded very familiar. Suddenly, the pieces fell into place.
“Wait, her name didn’t happen to be Flynn, did it?” you asked.
“Yes, it was! Do you know her?” she exclaimed.
“Are you kidding me, she’s one of my best friends!” you yelled.
“Do you think you could pass my number along to her?” Allie timidly questioned.
“Of course! Flynn mentioned something about there being a girl she met, but she had to go because her mom was coming home,” you explained.
Allie clasped her hand to her mouth. “She mentioned me?”
You nodded your head, you briefly considered telling her that Flynn had called her pretty too, but you decided that you would leave it up to Flynn to tell her that. After she had calmed down you handed your phone over to her to write down her number, which you immediately sent to Flynn. Not even a full minute later, Flynn had texted her.
Allie let out a small screech of excitement. “You are my guardian angel y/n!” she praised you.
You giggled at her compliment, “I didn’t even do anything.”
She tilted her head down at you to glare. “You saved me from never being able to contact her again, I will not be accepting that as an answer.”
You raised your hands in surrender. “Alright, you’re welcome then, but I do expect to be the first person on your wedding guest list,” you sarcastically commented.
“If this works out, hell, you can be my maid of honor,” she remarked.
You laughed hard enough at her retort that you nearly fell off of your stool, but you managed to pull yourself together when you realized Allie was still trying to talk to you.
“But now you have to let me pay you back,” she insisted.
You raised your eyebrows in confusion.
“You got me in contact with Flynn, so now I want to help you with your boy troubles,” she explained.
You internally debated for a couple minutes before eventually agreeing to accept her help.
“Okay, so tell me anything and everything you want to about him.”
As you dived into your pity story, you felt your somber mood starting to come back. “His name is Luke, and we’ve been friends for a couple months now. We’re really close and we flirt all the time, but I think I’m only ever going to be a friend to him.”
Allie narrowed her eyes at you. “Did you just say you flirt all the time but you think he only wants to be friends?”
“You know that doesn’t make any sense, right?” she questioned.
“Well I think he flirts that way with everyone. I don’t think I’m special to him in that way,” you admitted.
“First of all, I don’t know how anyone could look at you and not see that you’re special, but what does your boy look like?”
You couldn’t quite figure out why that would help, but you told her anyways. As you finished, she opened her mouth to give her take.
“See that’s where I think you’re wrong, I’ve been here since your group got here. And I haven’t seen him look at anyone like he looked at you when you walked in.”
“And what way was that?” you questioned before taking another sip of your drink.
“Like he wants to fuck you,” Allie said seriously. You nearly did a spit take, but you managed to hold back your laughter long enough for you to swallow.
“Allie, I think you’ve got him pegged wrong.”
She opened her mouth to comment on your sentence, but you held up a finger. “I know I set myself up for that one, but don’t do it.”
“Fine, if you wanna take all the fun out of it,” she quipped.
As she was momentarily distracted by her phone, you glanced around the room. You quickly recognized one of the faces in the crowd, as none other than Luke himself. He soon turned around to see you watching him. He arched his eyebrows at you almost in challenge, and when you did the same to him, his lips quirked up in a smirk. You knew exactly what he had just started, and in turn, what you had agreed to.
It was a sort of unspoken game that the two of you played. Whoever was the first to lose their composure, lost. You had won a grand total of one time, by a means of which you would never tell anyone about. But that didn’t stop you from playing it.
You turned back to Allie who started up a conversation mostly entailing complaining about school. You tried to stay in the conversation, but your brain kept pulling you back to Luke. You shortly after gave in, and stole another glance from him as he was swaying side to side to the music coming from another room. He jutted his chin out with a satisfactory grin, but you refused to give him a win, and stuck your tongue out at him. You couldn’t hear him, but you could see him tutting at you and shaking his head. You rolled your eyes and gave him the finger. While you knew that would probably end up biting you in the butt later, it was fun in the moment.
“Earth to y/n,” Allie snapped, and you came out of your daze.
“What? I’m sorry,” you apologized.
“You’re fine, I just asked you what I should send to Flynn,” she continued. She tried to hand her phone over to you, but you pushed it back.
“Flynn will know it’s me if I help, that girl has like a sixth sense for when someone’s lying. How do you think Flynn and Julie know I like Luke?” you pointed out.
“Good point, I’ll think of something.” She went back to her phone as she puzzled at whatever Flynn had sent.
As you tilted your head up you realized that Luke was unmistakingly closer than he was earlier. You would’ve moved if it weren’t for the fact that you were sitting with Allie. Which was likely the reason why he had moved closer, because he knew you couldn’t move away.
As you locked eyes again Luke’s eyes quickly pulled downward as they trailed down and back up your frame. You fought hard not to smile but you covered it well by turning to toss your hair backwards. As you faced him again you could see him mouthing something. After he repeated it twice you realized he said ‘damn right’. You hoped you somehow could miraculously think of something to say, but your thought process had momentarily stopped because of him. Either he hadn’t noticed your loss in composure or you hadn’t done enough yet to lose, despite the fact that you were already in a flustered daze.
“Dude are you alright?” Allie asked.
“What? Yep! Definitely,” you stumbled out.
Allie didn’t buy your lie for a second. “Are you sure?”
You still weren’t fully present. “Yeah, sorry, I’m just a little bit distracted with the setting,” you said without thinking.
“The setting?” she repeated, and you realized what had just come out of your mouth.
“That was maybe a little weird,” you laughed.
“It’s cool, but can you help me choose what photo to send to Flynn?” She showed you her phone which had a handful of photos of her in various outfits and in different places. Your eyes flicked up from the phone for only a moment, to see that Luke had been waiting for you to look up. He never broke his piercing gaze as his tongue peeked out from behind his lips and scooped up to almost touch his tongue before rolling back down.
“Shit,” you hissed, looking downwards.
Allie finally started to connect the dots. She looked from you to where Luke stood, then back to you.
“Wait, that’s why you’ve been acting weird!” she exclaimed.
“Yes, but could you keep it down please? He doesn’t need to know that,” you whispered.
“Right, sorry,” she muttered. You realized you needed a distraction from the infuriating hot boy in front of you so you forced your attention to go back to Allie’s phone.
“Oh by the way, I think you should definitely go with this picture, your lighting is the best.” You pointed to the far left photo in the middle.
“Ooooh, good choice,” she agreed, as she took her phone back. “So what’s up with the boyfriend?” she absentmindedly questioned.
“Again not my boyfriend, but he’s being a little shit,” you loudly spoke the second part. You watched as Luke dawned his most innocent face as he mouthed the word ‘what’ to you. You scowled at him, but he looked at you with a rather satisfactory grin.
Allie watched your silent banter with amusement. “He is all up in your hair, isn’t he?” she teased.
“No he isn’t!” you protested. But as you looked back and he winked at you, you had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming, and you realized she may have had a point.
“Oh, he is so, but goodluck with that one, though something tells me you won’t need it.” She winked before standing up.
“Are you serious leaving me alone with him?” you complained.
“You know that’s what you want, and I’m pretty sure he wants that too.”
“Fine, you may have a point,” you conceded.
“But you better tell me all of the details by tomorrow,” she insisted as she made her way out of the kitchen.
“Same goes to you!” you called out.
Luke quickly came over to take your previous friends spot.
“It’s so weird how you never seem to win y/n,” he sarcastically commented.
You lightly slapped his knee. “Oh shut it Patterson.”
One of his eyebrows quirked up. “I thought that was my line.”
You knew you probably should’ve let it drop but you weren’t quite certain what he was trying to say. “Then what’s mine?”
“Make me,” he answered without hesitation.
You sharply inhaled and closed your eyes, before glaring. “You are so lucky you are hot.”
Luke’s eyes widened and his corners of his lips tilted up. “What was that?”
Truthfully, you hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but you were not going to tell him that. “Nothing that you need to hear a second time,” you retorted.
“But what if I want to?” he sweetly protested.
“Well then you’re gonna have to try harder than that,” you scoffed.
Luke swallowed hard and cleared his throat. “Can I kiss you?”
While the question momentarily confused you, you hungrily agreed, and in seconds his lips were against yours. He was just as starving for the taste for you as you were for him. The kiss quickly deepened as his hands clutched the back of your neck for support, and your hands were tangled in his hair. His tongue quickly took dominance over yours as your lips parted for one another. It felt like your whole body lit on fire as rainbows flashed in your closed eyes. You only pulled away out of the fear that you would pass out if you didn’t.
“That was better than I’ve imagined, and I’ve thought about it a lot,” Luke raspilly admitted.
After a couple deep breaths it dawned on him what had happened.
Luke scratched the back of his neck. “Did I just say that out loud?”
“Yep,” you giggled.
He looked at you pleadingly. “You have to promise me, you’re not going to tell anyone that.”
“Nope, I’m telling everyone,” you teased.
“Oh shut it.”
You looked at him with a certain type of fire in your eyes. “Make me.”
He spun you so your right ear was facing him as he whispered into it. “You know, I drove my car here,” he hinted.
“What are we going to tell the rest of the band?”
“We can figure that out later,” he assured you, as he took a hold of your hand.
As you felt his warmth pressed up against your skin, you knew that there was no part of you that wanted to say no. “Alright, but they can’t find out. Otherwise, I will never hear the end of it from Julie.” Luke grinned from ear to ear.
“You’ve got a deal princess,” he agreed as he led you to his car.
Unsurprisingly, they all did find out later, and the two of you had to endure their teasing and prodding for the entire ride home. But this didn’t bother either of you because you were both still too happy to care.
Taglist: @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cupcakesandunicornfarts @sunsetcurvej (feel free to click on my taglist link or comment to be added to the taglist. Or comment or ask to be removed)
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the-kipsabian · 2 years
18, 22, 26, 30, 32, 39? Wrestling asks for u, pls ramble for me
bless you babe 💜
wrestling asks
under a read more cause OH BOY this got long sorry not sorry
18: Best feud i dont know if i have one solid answer for this, but lemme just ramble a few that come to mind when i think stuff ive enjoyed.. few of the first ones i ever witnessed years ago, eddie guerrero vs rey mysterio. this is like my introduction to wrestling, the first time i got familiar with the context of heels and faces, etc. this was ultimately really stupid (the whole eddie was dominics dad, you know the one lol), but its the one im extremely nostalgic for and i will always remember it fondly despite that lol
then i dont remember a lot of it tbh, but at the time matt hardy vs edge (when he came back innnnnn 2007?? was that the year lmao), it introduced me to the terrible world of wrestling love triangles and also i do believe this was the first time i saw a bloody cage match. also the tension in this from that era will live with me forever my god
just a bonus mention to randy orton (or technically the ortons i guess) vs the undertaker. that shit went HARD in my tiny teen brain jfc
for more current stuff.. i mean i was always a fan of the whole kip sabian/miro vs best friends stuff. it had so much potential on all ends, im just very upset it got cut when it did cause kip was injured. also that is to date my favorite wrestling wedding honestly. only really rivaled by the indy/dexter one but anyways lol
also very much a fan of whatever the fuck jay white and kazuchika okada have going on at all times. i dont think i have to explain how much i enjoy the (sexual) tension and taking any times i can get to yell at jay and look at okada buT ANYWAYS
and a special mention to the one i know nobody else ever liked, but the whole thing seth and murphy had going on with the mysterios during the pandemic. it was the one thing that kept me really interested in wrestling on a weekly basis, i personally found it incredible until the end after they completely shafted murphy before releasing him etc., but prior to that everything in that was absolutely my shit. everything from the monday night messiah to the goddamn disciple run. i could base my entire personality around that whole storyline and im not kidding lol
ALSO ALSO literally anything eddie kingston has going on. him fighting anyone, right now especially garcia and claudio tho, is just fucking lit at all times. this man knows whats up
22: Worst entrance theme im trying to think whats a bad theme but not associated to someone that i dont care for.. and unfortunately i have to say clark connors. ever since salty pointed out they are just robot farts i cant fucking unhear it and everythings gone to hell since LOL
like i love clark but my god
26: One unpopular opinion of yours oh im sure i have many lol. lemme just keep this very tame and say i dont think aew in its current state is very good. and this isnt just my "give me kip sabian back" bias, i just really dont care for the product, or any of them tbh, as a whole right now. i want the early days back when they showcased smaller talents more and actually had storylines i could care about and not just teams and factions like this is new japan all over again woo
30: You get to make your own stable. Who would it consist of? What is their name? ..is it a cop out to say i dont wanna make one, i just want to join in the united empire? im gonna say that anyways cause yes. please. ive made my case for ue before, but its like. they are a group of misfit assholes around the world, which hey i fit the bill too, trying to prove themselves cause everyone sees them as foreigners wherever they go and whatever they do so they never fit in geographically, but keep on fighting to prove everyone wrong in that way. and i want that too you know ..also i just really like united empire i dont fucking care (also its half nine in the morning im on my first cup of coffee i cant think sorry)
32: Who would you like to be in a mixed tag team with? so this comes from two places. but its cause ive been very infatuated with him recently, and ive kinda realized that if i ever were a wrestler (i wont be cause lmao what is being in shape or starting a physical career at the ripe age of 30) i would definitely lean towards being a technical wrestler out of the given options.. so yeah zack sabre jr cause im a biased bitch lol. also the smol and toll dynamic with two loudmouth bitches just yelling accented insults? yeah who am i to say no to that lol
39: What is your best wrestling related memory? okay im sure the best one is yet to come (JERSEY IN A MONTH +1 DAY I GET TO MEET SO MANY BABES), but theres two. 1. my first (and only) live show in 2019. sure we had kinda shit seats now thinking about it, but getting to chant live that sami zayn sucks alongside my brothers and like two other random kids in the audience will live with me forever tbh. and 2. when we got into watching old (we're talking about like 2016) nxt with @ss-trashboat to get her back into watching wrestling after a few years and yeah. it literally started with her saying she had never seen tyler breeze and here we are now, like two years later, watching (at least my first) g1 together <3 wrestling brings people together, as its also the thing that brought us together like eleven years ago as friends to begin with, so. yeah im very fond of stuff like this <33
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starlocked01 · 3 years
Toddlers Scare the Living Shit Out of Me
AO3 Link
Dukexiety Week Day 4- Parents
WC: 3k
Summary: Virgil is very surprised when he's brought home by a fascinating stranger at the bar. A kid wasn't exactly what he agreed to in a one-night stand. Nor did he expect a relationship.
Content Warnings: Alcohol Use, Talk of divorce, Swearing, Mild gory language
(also thank you @suchaswearemads for their OC Teddy 🧡)
Virgil was mildly aware that he might regret this if he lived until morning. His roommate would probably have a statistic at the ready about criminals luring victims away from clubs with whispered promises of sex or drugs, and how often they target gay men. Virgil snorted a laugh to himself. Poor Lo would kill him himself if he knew what Virgil was up to. This guy even looked the part of an unhinged surprise organ donation scheduler, all covered in spikes and tattoos of anatomical cross-sections all over his visible skin. If Virgil were any drunker, he'd probably mistake him for a skeleton or half dissected cadaver.
He really didn't care. He was drunk and Remus said pretty words that made him feel wanted. He'd follow the cadaver man halfway around the world like this. Exactly proving Logan right that he shouldn't go out drinking alone. He giggled and stumbled and giggled because he stumbled and the ground was spinning under his feet.
"What’s so funny, Dr. Gloom 'n' Giggles?" Remus caught Virgil and pulled him back upright, even as his brain fought to stay closer to the ground and made the whole damn world lurch in protest.
"Hey! 'M fine. Yourrr gonna kill me, bad man mad man. Fuuuuuuuck I had way too- didya spike 'e?" Virgil struggled to form a single, coherent sentence, feeling the alcohol's effects acutely and in increasing measure with each step towards doom and destruction.
Remus laughed, "ya caught me. Why don't I call you a taxi home?"
"Nooo! I sssaaid I'd come home withya- ssooo I am," Virgil shook his head and tried to stand and remain upright. His attempt lasted all of a second before Remus had to catch him again.
"Look, I don’t need you trying to puke all over my dick or something. I'm calling you a fucking cab," Remus tried to reason but Virgil heard none of it as he yanked himself away to hurl in the bushes.
"'M fine. Commmmming down," Virgil panted, trying desperately to steady himself. After several deep breaths and false starts, he managed to stay upright and reach for a steadying hand. Whatever had knocked him on his ass so quickly was also fading just as fast, "shiitt, did you spike my drink?"
"Nah, man. Come on, we're almost there."
Remus stared at this drunk little catch from the bar and was glad he was the one who'd picked him up. Someone must have tried something funny with his drink. Bad enough news for everyone else still at the club but at least this one was safe.
Remus shook his head and checked his phone to call a cab only to find the phone dead already. Shit. No way to warn Roman now. Remus waited for Virgil to finish puking his guts out on the neighbor's lawn, pretty dead set on getting this guy help as soon as they got home and he convinced Ro he needed a favor.
Slowly, he helped Virgil towards his front door, surprised at how fast the intoxication seemed to be turning around as Virgil got steadier on his own feet. Remus winced when he couldn’t find his keys and cursed when Virgil reached out and rang the doorbell.
"Stop! It's way too late for that!" Remus hissed as the door quickly opened to a very pissed-off looking Roman.
"Are you crazy! Pat's asleep- oh… oh who the fuck is this?" Roman asked, stepping outside and shutting the door behind him, "Remus, you promised tonight!"
"Ro, calm down. This is Virgil. Yes, I promised, but do you think you could take-"
"No!" Roman exclaimed furiously, "I have work tomorrow! I can't take Pat. Send Virgil home and be a grown-up for once!" Roman grumbled and turned abruptly back inside.
"Roman! Someone tried to spike him-" Remus hissed, pulling Virgil inside with him "-and before it hit, he was the best guy I've met in my life."
"Oh you mean just like Mr. Wonderful?" Roman snarked back in a low voice as he gathered his belongings. Remus winced at the reminder.
"Don't be a dick, brother dearest. That's my job. Please, I promise this time will be the last-"
"I can't! Teddy is already worried that I'm out this late. We love Patton but we're not raising him for you. You're not a kid anymore, Rem. Learn to date like an adult because we're not babysitting while you go out clubbing like this again," Roman huffed and stormed toward the door, "sorry to meet you like this, Virgil. I hope you feel better soon."
Virgil barely lifted his hand to wave as Roman left and shut the door with a dreadful finality. Remus slumped and sat at the foot of the couch Virgil had sprawled on.
"Sorry about him. How ya doing, Virgie?" Remus asked quietly.
Virgil groaned, "head hurts. Still tipsy. What the fuck did you do to my drink?"
"I didn't do anything but save you from whoever did," Remus shook his head and stood, "I'll get you some water. Or gatorade. Or milk. Fuck what do I even-"
Remus was suddenly cut off by clattering dishes and a small whimpering coming from the kitchen. In a few swift steps, he entered the kitchen and flicked on the lights to find a plate toppled from the counter to the floor, the fridge cracked open, and a toddler trying very hard to hide behind the trash can.
"Pattycake! What are you doing sneaking around in the dark?" Remus slapped on a grin and swooped the child into his arms with a grunt, "oh big boy. Getting too old to pick up like this."
Patton squeaked in his father's arms as he was lifted up, "got loud, Papa. Unkie Ro promised me a second cookie before bed."
"He did now?" Remus asked, eyebrows raised in mock shock.
"Mhmm. Said Unkie Teddy'd bring it. Where's Unkie Teddy?"
"Oh no! Ro was gonna call the cookie monster himself to get ya?" Remus gasped as he shifted his hold on the child and nudged the plate under the sink to take care of in the morning, "Uncle Ro promised you a cookie monster and didn't show up? That fiend!" Remus giggled with Patton as he grabbed a couple of water bottles from the fridge, shutting the door with his hip.
"Unkie Monsta!" Patton giggled, clinging to Remus’s neck.
"Mhmm. It's really late buddy. You should get back to bed," Remus cooed as he dropped one of the water bottles on Virgil’s chest.
"What the hell-?" Virgil tried to sit up, utterly confused who Remus was talking to now.
"Hey! You don't get to cuss in front of my kid until date five!" Remus snapped, holding Patton close. Virgil blinked at the baby blue eyes, curly blonde hair and the overwhelming amount of freckles as the child stared back at him with a mixture of fear and curiosity.
"Papa, who's that? He looks spiky," Patton whimpered, quickly hiding his face from Virgil.
"Baby, I'm spiky. I like spiky people," Remus carefully soothed, running a hand through soft curls, "he's one of Papa's new friends."
Virgil watched, unamused, "you didn't say that you have a kid. What, were you planning on bringing me back here with a toddler who could walk in and see anything?"
"Look, I was trying to ask my brother to babysit him overnight. You're hella cute but I didn't expect to make this introduction so quickly," Remus huffed, "Pattybear, be nice and say hi and then you best be headed back to bed, mister."
Patton peeked one eye out to appraise the stranger in his spot on the couch. After a long moment, he waved and barely audibly whispered a small, "hi."
Virgil smiled at the typical child response to his neon purple hair and uncountable piercings, but Remus laughed loudly, startling both the drunk man and the child, "oh Come on! That was weak shit, Pat-Pat. Say it like you mean it!"
"That's not necess-"
"HI!" the tiny voice bellowed over his protests. Father and son laughed together as Virgil sputtered.
"Now that's what I'm talking about, my little monster! Alright, enough fun. Back to bed, you rascal. Papa has to take care of the baby who drank too much apple juice," Remus beamed and set Patton down on the ground, waving as the child sped off back to his room.
"Cute kid. You didn’t mention a kid earlier," Virgil groaned and laid back down on the couch, head swimming.
"Yeah well, kids are chick magnets," Remus replied, not meeting Virgil’s eyes.
"I'm into dudes…"
"And? It's not like a kid is gonna send good guys running," Virgil shrugged, very much regretting his choice of drinks that night.
"Yeah, you haven't run yet. But that was a very tired out and pacified little scamp you just met. You'll see in the morning- unless you wanted me to call you a cab now?" Remus asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't wanna move," Virgil murmured, "but I would like kissesss."
"Direct. I like it," Remus smirked and slid down to kneel next to the couch, "but that would be taking advantage of your weakened defenses. Sleep it off and ask me in the morning."
Virgil whined and pouted at the denial, "please? I came all this way."
"Well, if you insist," Remus grinned and leaned in close. Virgil smirked and pulled Remus forward that last inch. Virgil tried hard to enjoy the kiss but the fact of the not yet sleeping child in another room tempered his desires greatly. After a minute, Remus pulled back and grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch.
"To be continued, Dr. Love."
"Fine. Good night," Virgil sighed and watched Remus stand and leave the living room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
Virgil awoke the next morning to a warm palm pressed against his cheek. He slowly blinked his eyes open to find bright blue eyes framed with thin black wire-rimmed glasses. Squinting out the light to protect himself from the impending headache, Virgil finally recognized the child from the night before.
"Hey, Patton-"
"Angels sing and demons cry, but we can't tell the difference," Patton stated sweetly, head tilted to one side.
"Hey Kiddo, breakfast time!" Remus called from the kitchen, "is Virgil up yet?"
Virgil felt a chill run down his spine as the child giggled, patted his face, and called back, "yes Papa! We're coming!"
Virgil groaned and sat up slowly, sore from sleeping on the couch with his piercings still in. How he'd managed to fall asleep in skinny jeans absolutely baffled him, almost as much as the peculiar little kid staring at him expectantly.
"What d'ya want, kid?"
"A kitty!"
"I don't have a kitty."
Patton’s eyes immediately brimmed with tears and his lip quivered before the child ran screaming back to the kitchen.
Virgil was sorely tempted to roll back over and hope he woke up somewhere quieter, but the smell of bacon and the temptation of seeing Remus in the daylight pushed him to his feet.
The guy he'd met in the bar had practically disappeared once Patton showed up. Remus had been flirty and suggestive and very interested in Virgil all night but nothing in his behavior would have ever led Virgil to suspect he had a kid and was capable of acting so.. fatherly. The man’s duality was almost unsettling.
Virgil walked over and stood in the door of the kitchen, silently watching Remus encouraging the weeping little boy to sit down and eat toast. He still wasn't sure why Patton had thought he would have a cat with him, but the disappointment had surely gotten to the little fella.
Remus looked up and gave Virgil a tired grin, "heya, sleeping beauty. How's your head?"
"Threatening to disown me. I didn’t touch him. He asked if I had a cat," Virgil nodded to Patton, hoping that Remus didn't think he'd purposefully hurt the kid.
"Oh don't worry. He asks everyone. His dad promised him one and well, do you see a litter box?" Remus rolled his eyes, standing and guiding Patton to the table, "you'd think after so many empty promises, the kid would know better, right?"
"Wait… you're his dad, right?" Virgil frowned.
"Nope!" Patton giggled, twirling his spoon between his fingers, "Dada lives in the big house!"
"Patton, eat your breakfast!" Remus barked, not unkindly before turning back to Virgil with a sigh, "no offense, but Patton’s dad is not exactly first date story material. Neither is Patton but well, that can't be helped now."
Virgil bit his lip, "right. None of my business… Except I shouldn't be here if you're married."
"I'm not married, sweetheart," Remus held up his hand to show off the lack of a ring.
"And this mystery father isn't… ya know," Virgil drew a finger across his throat in a wordless question.
"I fucking wish! Look, it's none of your damn business, Virgil. You want breakfast or the door?" Remus snapped, turning back to the food on the stove.
Virgil sighed and sat down next to Patton at the table, idly arranging shaped blocks in a haphazard pattern, "I'm sorry. I just don’t want to get in the middle of something complicated without knowing that's what's up. Yo, got another triangle for me, Pat?"
Patton grinned and grabbed a triangle from the table before shoving it somewhat painfully into Virgil’s palm. Remus watched the interaction and sighed overly dramatically.
"Hey, baby, why don't you go get dressed and pick out a movie?" Remus ruffled Patton’s hair, "no horror movies today though."
"Awwwww but I love the scary ones," Patton moped but obediently left the table.
Remus waited until Patton was out of sight before replying, "look, I don't have any secrets. I got nothing to hide. The only complicated thing right now is custody. My ex and I are separated and don't talk. Hell, I try to get him to pick Pattom up from Roman and Teddy's every chance I get. I love the little tyke but his dad pisses me off."
Virgil bit his lip, "that does not sound ideal."
Remus shook his head, "it's not. Like one day you're planning a wedding and processing an adoption, then before you know it you're divorced and fighting with the man you love for custody of the child he said made him sick to look at." Remus gritted his teeth, "Pat deserves so much better…"
Virgil nodded along with Remus’s story, "so why go out clubbing during your time with Patton? He doesn't need two absent fathers."
Remus chuckled, "don't freak out, but the first one of us who remarries has a huge advantage in getting full custody. Because neither of us is biologically related to Pat-Pat, it's become way too much of a battle.
"I'm sorry," Virgil whispered, studying the grain of the wood in the table.
"It's alright," Remus shrugged, "you're alright, Virge. Can I get that number now?"
Virgil laughed and took the offered phone, "yeah, call me when you've got some free time and Patton is with his dad."
Remus grinned and pocketed the phone, "oh you'll see how this works, sweetheart."
Patton was nearly a constant whenever Virgil met with Remus, but at least Roman had been mollified by Remus having a steady date so he and Teddy resumed babysitting during more adult dates. The Remus he'd met at the bar never quite resurfaced in the same way, sometimes the actual image of the tatted-up punk caring for a sweet little angelic-looking demon spawn of a kid took Virgil by surprise, and sometimes he was shocked with the things this man would say to his kid. Teddy constantly questioned Virgil why he had stayed even after learning more about the whole situation.
Virgil wasn't certain why. Patton had definitely tried to scare him off a few times. The kid was terrifying when he wanted to be.
But this little family was so very compelling, and Virgil was more and more certain with each date that he wanted a place in it.
"So, sugar…"
"Yeah, Rem?"
"I have a modest proposal for you-"
"Nope. Not gonna eat babies."
"Oh, shoot I thought for sure you were talking about the satirical essay. What's up, babe?" Virgil winced and turned to face Remus.
"How would you… like to start the process to become one of Patton’s legal guardians?"
"You're asking your boyfriend to adopt your kid who already has two dads?"
"Well yeah, because-"
"Because then the paperwork is ready to sign right after the wedding," Virgil interrupted with a grin, "you sneaky son of a biscuit!"
Remus laughed, "please, baby?"
"Not my call, sweetheart," Virgil smirked, "hey, Pattycake!"
Little feet pounded down the hallway, Patton skidding to a halt in the kitchen, "yeah? Prince Sparkles is in danger so this better be important!"
"You can save the Prince soon enough, kid. How would you feel-" Virgil suddenly felt very nervous as the gravity of the question finally hit him, "-how would you like… another dad?"
"Umm.. do I have to meet him?" Patton looked disappointed and confused.
"No, Pat-attack, Virgil is asking if he can be your dad too," Remus explained gently.
"You aren't already? I demand you be my dad this instant!" Patton bellowed at Virgil, pouting with the most betrayed expression he could muster.
Virgil laughed, "don't worry kid, this is just gonna be the paperwork that makes it official. You know I got you."
"Yay! New Dad! New Dad!" Patton beamed and ran around the table to dive into Virgil’s arms. Virgil caught him with a grunt and leaned into Remus.
"I think that's a yes from me," Virgil murmured
"Most excellent. Now I've got both my boys!" Remus grinned and wrapped both in a bear hug to seal the deal.
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aitarose · 4 years
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PAIRING: Mako x Kya’s Daughter!Reader [fem]
PLOT: Mako’s always had a little crush on Y/N. After all, who wouldn’t? But admitting it to himself? Yeah, no. Just the thought of admitting it to her? Even bigger no. He’d never consider confessing..right? based on these requests by anons
WARNINGS: fluff, mutual pining, friends to lovers
A/N: i love mako sm like you guys don’t even know. this man OWNS me fdjafdlsjk. also i got a little carried away with these requests and i took them to the next level so please enjoy :)
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Mako was living his absolute worst nightmare. 
Stuck aboard an airship with his two exes, his brother, his boss, and his boss’ ex with no opening window to jump out of?
The day was definitely not in his favor.
Every hour seemed to be the same.
Radio a call..hear about a new airbender..find the map..use the map..go to the town..get kicked out of the town..return to the beginning.
While Mako did love having a routine—he was bored of this one.
The only thing that made his day even slightly interesting was Y/N.
It wasn’t long ago when he had met the water tribe girl. They’d first spoken during the Glacier Spirits Festival in the Southern Water Tribe.
He had been introduced to her mother, Kya, through Bolin. His younger brother was so starstruck by Avatar Aang’s only daughter, that he couldn’t help but drag along her own daughter with him for the entirety of the festival.
Bolin spent the rest of the night proudly walking alongside the teenage girl, who had to have been at least two to three years older than him.
He went around and showed her off to all of their friends from Republic City, even if they already knew her.
“Don’t make a show of it, but I know the Avatar’s granddaughter. You don’t need to be wowed or anything, it’s no big deal.”
“Bolin, I’m literally her uncle.”
Mako was one of the very last people to meet the infamous Y/N.
It was right after his argument with Korra about the situation between her father and Unalaq. His emotions were all over the place, confusion and annoyance dominated his mood.
But all of his anger dissolved with one look at her smile.
It was at that moment when Mako decided that Y/N had a gift.
She could lift someone’s spirit with a single glance. Her eyes always glowed with positivity and her soul was the purest one he had ever come across.
Y/N could be compared to the rising sun. Just by existing, she radiated more light and goodness than the greatest man on Earth could ever achieve.
It had been a very brief introduction. 
“Mako, my man!” Bolin slapped his palm over the firebender’s shoulder, a cheesy side smile pointed at the teenage girl standing next to him. 
“This is my good friend, Y/N. Y/N meet my big bro!”
Y/N beamed, her teeth sparkling under the moonlight. She held out her hand in a friendly manner and looked straight into Mako’s eyes, unafraid of making eye contact. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Mako.” She spoke whilst shaking his hand. “I’ve only known Bolin for an hour and I feel like I already know everything about you.”
Mako groaned in embarrassment. He was always flattered by how much Bolin looked up to him, but sometimes his little brother went a little too far.
“You had an hour? Let me guess..” Mako pointedly looked at Bolin, shaking his head in amusement. “He must’ve told you our entire life story by now.”
When she laughed at his blunt attempt at a joke, Mako’s heart soared right then and there. 
It was like the fire inside of him had been ignited with gasoline. but instead of her water smothering his flames..they made the grow. Made them stronger.
Though Mako hadn’t realized these lurching feelings at the time. He did have a girlfriend after all, and he liked to think he would never intentionally cheat on her.
That didn’t stop him from admiring her from afar.
Platonically of course.
There weren’t many moments after the festival where Mako found himself alone with Y/N. 
He had chosen to follow Korra to open the spirit portals and Y/N went off to tour the air temples with her extended family—and if he was being honest, he hadn’t had much time to think about her between fighting off evil spirits and breaking up with his girlfriend.
It wasn’t until after Team Avatar defeated Unalaq and Vaatu, that Mako’s mind returned to his unresolved and unrealized feelings.
With the spirit portals open, the world was new again.
Thousands of people were traveling, discovering places they never knew existed, and migrating to different nations.
Luckily for Mako, Y/N had been one of those people.
It had taken her about a week to move into her apartment in Republic City.
Her flat was quaint but cosy. It had views overlooking the busy downtown and bustling people, and she had easy access to stores and shops in the neighborhood.
There was nothing wrong with her new home, but it wasn’t like the South. In fact, it was nothing like the South.
Y/N missed her friends and colleagues. She missed the chilly wind that would slice through the air and freeze her cheekbones. She missed the animals and the overall energy that the South had.
But she was open to new beginnings and new friends—and her open mindset was exactly what led her to join her family and Team Avatar on the search for new airbenders.
Which is right where Mako had left off. 
The airship was dreadful, dreary, and just plain boring. 
His main source of entertainment was watching a cloud disappear from his view, and then preceding to find another one for his eyes to chase.
Luckily for him, Y/N was also bored out of her mind. She had no one to talk to on the ship.
Korra? Tempting, but intimidating.
Asami? Sure if Y/N was less hippy and more business mogul.
Bolin? Yeah, she didn’t want to go down that path again. 
Lin? No way.
Her actual family members? Good option—but Tenzin was boring and all Jinora did was read old scrolls.
Y/N was at a loss, and the only person that seemed remotely interesting was the brooding firebender staring out of the window.
When she approached him, Mako was at a loss for words.
He had been thinking about this moment for awhile now, and had a pun filled pick-up line ready to go, but when it came down to crunch time, he stalled. 
“Hey,” Y/N smiled, gesturing to the seat next to Mako on the iron bench. “Mind if I sit?”
Mako’s mouth opened to respond, but no words came out of his mouth. He sat there like a fish out of water, nodding his head silently.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and happily sat next to the nineteen year old. 
With her being so close in proximity, Mako’s brain flashed exe.error messages through his thoughts.
They sat in a comfortable, yet also awkward silence for a long time. 
Every time Mako tried to get a word out, he stumbled. His nerves overcame his speech, preventing him from sounding the least bit cool.
Scratch that. They prevented him from sounding like an actual person and not a toddler that just learned how to speak.
After what felt like generations, Mako was saved by none other than his ex-girlfriends.
“We just landed,” Korra said, waving to the former probender and his companion. A confused look flashed across her face at the sight of them so close yet so uncomfortable.
Asami then poked her head around the corner, coming into view. “Are you guys going to come out or what?”
Y/N was the first to jump up, nodding her head enthusiastically.
She nearly sprinted to the exit—not because she wanted to get away from her encounter with Mako, she was just really excited to meet new people.
Mako heaved a deep sigh when she was completely out the door and out of earshot. It felt like he could finally breathe again without the stress of being in her presence.
“You like her?” Korra crossed her arms over one another, leaning against the wall as Asami stood by her side.
“What?” Mako stuttered, his face flooding with hues of red and pink.
“Why would you say that?”
“No Way!”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about!”
Korra and Asami loudly laughed at Mako’s rambling, while they had both been hurt by his actions in the past, they had come to forgive him—and they wanted nothing more than for him to find his special someone.
“Okay, then.” Korra shrugged, pulling Asami out of the room with her, “Whatever you say, Mako.”
Mako dropped his face into his hands, pulling at his hair as he mentally beat himself up.
“But if it matters,” he looked up to see Korra still standing at the door. A genuine smile shown on her face. 
“I think you two would be perfect together.”
As Korra finally left him to himself, Mako couldn’t help but think about how lucky he was to have a friend like her. 
She was everything he didn’t need in a relationship, but everything he could’ve ever wanted in a friendship. 
Eventually, Mako did manage to force himself off of the airship. He helped with the little show the airbenders put on to influence others to join the nomads and even fought a few bad guys while he was at it. 
He was finally having a good day, until the little punk tried to steal his wallet.
“Wait,” he ordered, pulling Kai back by the neck of his shirt. Mako held out his hand expectantly and gave the younger boy a hard look. 
“I think you might have something of mine.”
Kai smiled sheepishly before pulling out the firebender’s stolen goods. 
“It must’ve fallen into my pocket, my bad.”
Mako glared at the new airbender. The stare he was giving Kai was so cold, it could intimidate a pack of polar bear dogs.
“Now listen here,” he bent down to Kai’s level. His tangerine eyes meeting Kai’s green ones. “I know your game. I used to be the master at it, actually—and let me tell you that it gets you absolutely nowhere.”
Mako sighed, he already saw so much of himself in the kid that he didn’t want him to go down the same hard path that he did.
“All I want is the best for you, kid.” He patted Kai on the shoulder before sending him off to join Jinora on the ship. “Don’t mess up this opportunity.”
There were times where Mako enjoyed being the big bad cop or the authoritarian figure, but this was not one of those times. 
He just wanted Kai to have the best life he possibly could.
The life he had always wanted for himself.
Unbeknownst to Mako, his secret crush had witnessed the whole ordeal.
His pure-hearted intentions touched Y/N. Acts of kindness and wellbeing always found their way into her heart, and his act of good caught her attention in a very positive way. 
It caught her attention enough, that she found herself standing right behind him.
“That was really sweet what you said back there.” She told Mako, who jumped in surprise at her soft voice.
“Yeah, I tried. I’ve been where he is before. I know how it ends.”
Mako felt much more comfortable now that Y/N had started the conversation. He wasn’t afraid to give his thoughts knowing that she was the one who wanted to talk to him.
Y/N let out a low breath. Her hair willowed in the breeze, her eyes shining under the sunlight. She looked like a lost spirit.
A beautiful lost spirit, Mako thought. 
“I try, too.” She whispered to him. Mako could barely hear her voice, it was so faint.
“Sometimes being there for everyone else has its downfall.” Y/N’s sparkling eyes turned dim, sadness drowned her usually uplifting features.
“I spend all my energy making sure that everyone I love is happy, but then there’s never anyone looking out for me, you know?”
Mako did know.
He knew exactly how she was feeling. He’d raised Bolin since they were children. 
If anyone knew the pressures of holding onto another person’s burdens, it was Mako.
“I’ve noticed that,” Mako said, stepping closer to the girl. He could see that her eyes were welling with tears, all he wanted to do was wrap his arms around her and make all the negative energy go away. 
So that’s exactly what he did.
Y/N melted into Mako’s embrace. She felt his body radiate heat, he warmed not only her body, but her heart in an instant.
“I see you, with Tenzin’s kids.” Mako ran his hand down her back, comforting Y/N as best he could. “They look up to you more than they do anyone else. You’re really amazing, Y/N. I’m surprised you don’t hear it more often.”
Right then and there, Y/N realized exactly what she needed in her life—and it was Mako.
If she was being honest with herself, he hadn’t exactly caught her eye before.
She thought he was somewhat bland at the Glacier Spirits Festival and the whole double girlfriend situation definitely didn’t spark her interest in the firebender, but now here she was..
Crying in his arms, confessing her insecurities, and feeling heard.
She had never felt heard before.
“I think you’re really amazing.” Mako blurted out. 
He cringed at his confession, hoping that she didn’t take it the wrong way. If there even was a wrong way to take it.
Mako felt Y/N grow still in his arms. His heart pounded in anticipation for what her next words would be.
To his surprise she pulled away..
Before pressing a deep kiss to his lips.
Mako immediately responded. His mouth moved languidly with hers, connecting in the most perfect way, as if they were meant to be.
His entire body nearly combusted. Her bright spirit combining with his fiery one.
Mako felt like sunshine was running through his veins.
She pulled away, giving him one last chaste kiss.
“I think you’re amazing, too.” 
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starbuckie · 4 years
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
challenge: winter warmers writing challenge by @spaceodditybarnes
prompt: “it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas” by michael buble
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
words: 2k without lyrics, 2.1k with lyrics
warnings: i genuinely don’t think i can say anything besides FLUFF, oh wait theres some mentions of the shmexy sex (i promise im a functioning person)
summary: in which they take a little holiday stroll and talk about what they are.
a/n: THIS MADE ME VERY HAPPY THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THIS CHALLENGE JADE!!! i kinda veered off the idea of christmas with this one, but my mind created another idea and i kinda just went with the flow. anyways, i really enjoyed writing this one, and i hope you all had a lovely holiday season <3 LOTS OF LOVE Y’ALL
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look at the five and ten, it’s glistening once again
With candy cane and silver lanes that glow
Snow sprinkled to the buildings and sidewalks of Midtown Manhattan, making the traffic clog up to the oh so lovely sounds of taxis and cars honking. It was far from what people pictured it, really, New York was absolute hell during the holiday season. Sloshing boots and teens smoking pot outside the scantily decorated discount store that held very little, sad-looking Christmas lights.
It didn’t bother Bucky. No, he had never been a big fan of the holiday season. Even back in the forties, with his ma and little sisters, they had never been huge on celebrating Christmas, instead choosing to work those shifts during the holiday so they could make a buck or two more to hold them over. Now in the twenty-first century, the holiday just reminded him how truly lonely he was, everyone and everything he used to know long gone.
But then he found Y/N. Granted, it had not been a formal introduction. The poor girl had nearly damn run him over with her motorcycle for Christ’s sake, but nonetheless she crawled into his heart that cold December morning two years ago, and had not left ever since. 
Now she walked by his side at Rockefeller Center, her cold fingers intertwined with his warm ones, admiring the tree while he admired her. He already had every part of her memorized, from late night escapades in the sheets to studying the slope of her nose at team breakfasts. Even when he wasn’t with her, he was always looking at her, unable to pull his eyes away from Y/N’s radiance. 
This little… dalliance of theirs had only started a year back, and they had still yet to put a label on it. Sam had called it friends with benefits, Sharon called it being a couple without the name. Bucky had shut both of those ideas down, claiming that they were taking it slow and weren’t looking to call it anything yet they still had not really talked about it. Was it really worth ruining the bond he had with the girl he fell madly in love with? Whatever it was, they had never taken time out of their day to actually discuss what they meant to each other, but, God, he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t want to know.
“Bucky?” Her sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts, the glittering red and white lights of the Christmas tree reflecting in her eyes. “You seem kind of distracted right now, sweetheart, are you bored? We can head back to the compound if you like.”
He smiled at her worried tone, delicately kissing the tip of her nose. “‘M just thinking, doll, wanna stay as long as I can out here with you.”
The grin he received in return was breathtaking, her red-painted lips turned upwards and a little twinkle (literally and metaphorically) in her eyes. “Good.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be
On your own front door
“Oh, look at that helicopter, Buck! That’s so cool!” Y/N pointed at a little boy in the store controlling the airborne toy with a small remote. “They didn't have those when I was a kid, I just had my Tamagotchi.”
He scrunched his nose, staring at her with an emotion that could be described as nothing other than distaste. “What the hell is a Tamagotchi?”
“A Tamagotchi was like this little digital pet thing that you could take care of, mainly used for kids who were trying to prove to their parents that they could take care of a real pet. That’s why I had one at least, but I never did get a tabby cat like I wanted.” Y/N continued to ramble about her weird pet thing as they walked through the toy store, though Bucky didn’t really care. But he’d never stop her either. The way her eyes lit up in childlike wonder and her fascination with the toys on the shelves was too precious to destroy. This was the girl who he had seen slit throats and blow aliens’ brains out, and in the moment she was ogling an American Girl Doll like it was the last pancake at the breakfast table. 
Y/N finally convinced herself that she was done looking at the toys, claiming that she was too mature for such things (she really wasn’t), but he let her lead him out the door, before she halted right in the doorway. “What is it, honey?”
“Mistletoe.” He glanced up at the little sprig of green and red berries above their heads, hanging by a small strand of twine. A small group of kids with families stood around, watching them with both happy and annoyed faces. How could they not notice Y/N L/N and Bucky Barnes? Bucky’s vibranium arm may have been recognizable, but Y/N’s cheery, a little-louder-than-normal humming had caused a little group to watch them throughout the store. “I think they’re waiting for us to kiss, Buck.”
She leaned into him, placing her lips on his and placing her freezing hands on his cheekbones. Though Bucky had never been big on PDA, the rest of the world seemed to slip away when he was with her. He grinned into her lips, hugging her tightly around the waist so she squealed. When he forced herself away from her intoxicating mouth, she was sporting a bright smile and smudged lipstick that had rubbed off onto his. 
Giggling, she took her thumb and swiped off some of the red residue she had left. “You had a little something there, sweetheart.” 
A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Dolls that’ll talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
Bucky watched Y/N point out all the different street cart vendors as they walked to Radio City Music Hall. She’d insisted that they go look at the window displays there as well, and who was he to argue? Strangely enough, they hadn’t talked much, other than the occasional “are you cold” from Bucky, to which Y/N assured him she was not. Her quiet voice sang the lyrics to Last Christmas when a little girl stopped in front of them, two auburn braids and green eyes boring straight into hers. 
The small child pulled on Y/N’s skirt, a silent plea to go down to her height. “Hi there, are you lost, sweetie?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” she looked back to an older woman, who gave her a thumbs up and a smile, “because you are my favorite superhero and I hope you have a very good Christmas.”
Y/N nearly melted at the toothless smile the girl, who she assumed was named Sadie by the necklace she wore. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. I hope you have a good Christmas too, and do you know this guy?” She dragged Bucky down next to her, the large, buff man hulking over the small girl. “This is my friend Bucky, do you know him?”
He eyed her warily, as if he were absolutely terrified of the tiny human. “You’re the Winter Soldier!”
Uh oh. The name was one that struck a chord of fear through everyone, still in shock of the events that had taken place in D.C. in 2014. While he and Sam had tried to label a new brand for the Avengers, people didn’t forget all the horrors of HYDRA and their prized assassin. Of course it hadn’t been him, even he knew that, but trying to convince people otherwise still made him feel guilty.
“You’re my second favorite Avenger, after Y/N, of course.” Sadie brought her hand to hover over Bucky’s vibranium one, her eyes wide with excitement. “Mr. Bucky, can I touch your metal arm?”
The man in question could barely utter out a word, muttering some sort of agreement before nodding with a timid smile. Giddily, she touched his arm, feeling all the cool ridges of gold-plated vibranium against the gun-grey metal. Sadie continued to pelt questions at him, about Sam and Redwing to his “adventures” with Y/N on the team.
Bucky, though shy at first, got more and more relaxed as they continued their conversation, his grin growing wider. Y/N loved her fans, she loved them so, so dearly, but seeing them interact with the man she loved was something different. Not a bad different, but a word that could only be described as pure joy. 
“Darling, I think we better leave Ms. L/N and Mr. Barnes alone. Say thank you and happy holidays.” The little girl looked sad, turning to look at her mom with a little pout, but she reluctantly obliged and soon the duo were off, into the crowded streets once again. 
“Y’know once upon a time I had dreamed about having kids,” Bucky commented. They walked along the sidewalks in a comfortable quiet after the encounter with Sadie, but Bucky’s mind had not stopped reeling from the happiness his conversation brought him. “Was gonna come home from the war, settle down with a gal, and live to be at least seventy years old.”
“Well, I can tell you you’re good on the last bit of that, Buck.” He snorted at her jab at his age, something that has become a norm for their little makeshift family of four. “What do you want now?”
He stopped in his tracks and looked over at her with a fond tilt of his lips. “Oh, just something real special.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be
On your own front door
“Y/N, what are we?” She glanced over at him from where they sat on the Met stairs, giving their feet a break from walking for hours. 
“What do you mean, Buck?”
He grabbed her hands and held them to his chest, trying to make her understand the amount of confusion and impatience he had with this one burdening question. “We’ve been sleeping together for a year, Y/N. We make each other breakfast, we go out together, I literally have half of my closet dedicated to your stuff, but even after all that we haven’t given us a name yet.”
Y/N sat in stunned silence, staring at the outburst from the man in front of her. To be completely honest she had never really thought about the question, choosing to enjoy each second she got to spend with the wonderful man with her. What she had noticed however, was how whenever they parted ways or were in the most intimate of moments, three little words nearly slipped off of her tongue. Every. Single. Time.
“Well, what do you want to be, Bucky?”
“I want to be the man you love. I want to be the man who loves you with his entire heart, though I like to think I already am. I want you to be my best gal more than anything in the world, and that I want to be the man who gets to hold and love you every night.” Slowly they drifted to each other, a magnetic pull bringing them to each other. “What do you think, doll?”
“I think,” her lips split into a grin, hovering over his own with the exact same expression, “that I want to be your best girl and the one who gets to make you pancakes in the morning and I want to be the one you get a cat with, who we’ll name Alpine because if I know you, names are the most important part of having a pet. I want to be held and loved by you every night, Bucky Barnes, and I am the girl who loves you more than anything in this entire damn world.”
Not another second to spare, Bucky pulled Y/N in close, letting himself get lost in one of her sweet, loving kisses, finally knowing that he was hers and she was his. At long last.
Sure, it’s Christmas once more
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harley-sunday · 4 years
This is Where I Leave You
Summary: What was supposed to be a simple mission turns out to be a matter of life and death. 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader [unnamed OFC (loosely based on Firestar)]
Warnings: ANGST. Character death. Language.
Word count: 5.9k
AN: Not sure why but I was in the mood for some angst last week and so here it is. It is somewhat inspired by Flashpoint S02E14 for those of you who know that show, but it takes place in that wonderful Marvel fanfic Universe where everyone lives at the compound/in the tower and Friday night’s are for Tony’s parties. I’m sure you know the one. I apologize in advance and yes, I did cry while writing this, so…
Flashbacks in italics
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In for seven, out for eleven.
It’s almost like a mantra stuck on repeat in your head, a distraction that only works half of the time. 
In for seven, out for eleven.
In for seven, out for-
All of a sudden something moving in the treeline catches your eye and you squint against the sun to try and figure what it is and if you should alert Steve. 
Steve, who’s on his knees at your feet, quietly working away and completely focused on the task at hand, although you can tell from the tense muscles in his back and the beads of sweat crowning his hairline that there’s probably a war going on inside of him. You wonder what he’s thinking right now and if he also feels like the weight of the world has been dropped on his shoulders.
Something steps out from in between the trees then and you let out a sigh of relief when you see it’s just a deer and her two fawns foraging for food. You watch them as they continue their journey, the fawns trailing behind their mother as if they’re connected by an invisible string, completely unaware of the two humans that are not even fifty yards away. You know the direction of the wind is in your favor, a brisk breeze kissing your face every now and then, a welcome relief from the sun that’s burning your cheeks, but even so you are amazed at how invisible you can become if you just stand still. 
Your watch beeps then, scaring off the animals and letting you know another minute has passed. Like he did at every other minute mark, sixteen of them now in total, Steve looks up to check on you. 
“You ok?”
“Yeah,” it comes out a little shaky and the tears that have started to form in your eyes are not helping to convince him. You try to smile, “Guess I should have taken a better look at that waiver Tony made me sign when I first joined, huh?”
“Rogers,” Tony says as he takes your elbow and guides you to where Captain America is standing, alone, in front of the large windows that make up the entire west wall of Tony and Pepper’s penthouse, his hands in his pockets and his back to the crowded room. 
He turns around just as you and Tony reach him and you wonder if the serum has enhanced his hearing so that he can hear you approach him even over the murmur of the crowd that’s gathered here for one of Tony’s infamous parties, but then you realize he must have seen your reflection in the window he was staring out of. 
“Cap,” Tony says as he gently pushes you forward, “I’d like you to meet our newest recruit.”
You can see Cap’s eyebrows knit together as his eyes land on your face but before you can say anything Tony beats you to it.
“Don’t look at her like that, she’s still a good, what-” he shrugs, “-sixty years younger than you.”
You throw Tony a look, “Sixty-eight, thank you very much.” 
“Whatever,” Tony says with a very elaborate roll of his eyes.
You shake your head and try to ignore him, instead holding out your hand and introducing yourself.
“Steve Rogers,” Steve replies with a hesitant smile, his eyes moving from you to Tony as if he’s trying to figure out your history. 
“Yeah, so uh, she’s a nuclear engineer but as we all know-” Tony nods to his left where Bruce is sitting at the bar, “-sometimes experiments fail, you know, liquids get mixed up, nasty stuff. So now Firestar over here can produce radiation and light, and can absorb and manipulate energy. Pretty nifty, if you ask me, but then again-”
“You know what, fine,” Tony says with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose, “I just came here to introduce you to Cap since he wasn’t here for the official introduction earlier this week.” He turns to Steve then, “Told you she’d be a delight.” 
You shake your head at Tony, “Please go away.” 
Tony fakes being shocked, hand to his chest as he says, “Remind me to write you up for bad behavior, Sparky,” before he salutes the two of you and disappears.
“Asshole,” you mutter quietly as you watch him make his way across the room. When you turn back you find Steve staring at you with a questionable look in his eyes. You’re quick to explain, “I know him from before all of this-” you hesitate but then you hold up your hand and snap your fingers, creating a tiny spark, “-happened. We worked together on some projects in the past and when he found out about the “incident”-” you air-quote the word, “-he contacted me and told me there would always be a place for me here.” You smile, “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’ve known him long enough to know he can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.” 
“Hmm,” Steve agrees, although he doesn’t comment on it any further. Instead he nods towards the other people in the room, his hands back in the pockets of his pants again, “Everyone treating you ok so far?”
“Yeah,” you nod, “it’s nice to be here.” It’s true. Ever since the incident at the lab you’ve felt like an outsider, felt people could tell there was something wrong with you, but not here. Here people are kind, not just interested in your powers but in you as a person, and honestly it’s like a weight has lifted off your shoulders. 
You open your mouth to say something but it’s then your watch beeps, letting you know it’s time to get back downstairs. “I’m sorry,” you look up at Steve, “I have some things I need to do in the lab.” You pull a face, “Probably best not to mess up five months worth of experiments in my first week here, right?” 
Steve chuckles, “Probably not, no.” 
“So,” you try to smile, “I guess this is where I leave you.”
After another three minutes have passed you risk a quick glance down and see Steve’s still trying to clear the dirt surrounding your foot, his movements as controlled as possible, trying not to touch the box you’re standing on. When you look up again you do the same thing you’ve been doing for the past ten minutes or so and start listing off the things that are in your field of vision.
“Tahoe on my left,” you whisper, “an iron gate in front of it, three barracks to my right, all their doors open.” You let out a staggered breath, “The tree line in front and behind me, and a mother deer and her two fawns wandering around somewhere.”
“Steve at your feet,” he says then, looking up at you with a weak smile, “trying to get you out of this mess.”
“This is going to be one hell of a debriefing, Cap,” you try, but your voice catches on his name and when you try to smile you feel yourself failing.
“I don’t understand, Nat.” You let out a frustrated sigh and throw your gym bag on the floor, “Why does he have to be such an asshole?”
“He’s not-” 
“He tells me to watch my language like I’m a fuckin’ sixteen-year old kid,” you hold up your hand and start counting on your fingers, “he makes me write the reports after every mission we go on and then ever since last month, he wants to meet up so we can debrief but it’s always just the two of us, whoever else is on our team doesn’t have to attend for whatever reason, and then during our last mission brief he told me to be careful. Like, what the hell is that about?”
“Maybe he-”
“I have been a part of the team for over a year and all of a sudden he’s worried about me? That accident in the lab should have killed me, and let me tell you, I was ok with that. I made peace with it. But instead of dying I can now produce fuckin’ radiation at any given time,” you fume, “so I don’t think breaking and entering into a high security prison to retrieve the file of one their inmates is going to me killed. I’m sorry, but no.” 
Natasha throws you a look, silently asking if there’s more or if this is it. When you don’t say anything else she takes a deep breath and holds out her hands, letting you know she comes in peace, “Maybe he does those things because he likes you.”
“I- He-,” you stutter. “What?”
Natasha drops her hands and sits down on one of the benches, patting the spot next to her and waiting for you to sit down before she continues, “I’ve known Steve for a while so,” she shrugs, “I like to think that I know him,  sometimes maybe even better than he knows himself.” She smiles at you then, “I see the way he looks at you when he tells you to be careful-”
You scoff, “Yeah, sure.” 
“No.” Natasha shakes her head, “You want to know the reason why he wants you to write those reports?”
You shrug.
“It’s because he values your opinion more than anyone else’s,” Nat puts her hand on your arm and gives it a gentle squeeze, “and all those debriefings with just the two of you?” She chuckles, “That was my idea.” 
“Like I said, I see the way he looks at you, but-” Natasha shakes her head, “-he would never admit it. Not to me, not to you, and sure as hell not to himself. He’s lost so much already that he doesn’t even believe this is a possibility.”
“And what makes you think I do?”
“Oh come on,” Natasha nudges you with her shoulder, “I’ve seen the way you look at him too.” 
He stands up at the sound of your voice, so suddenly that it makes you want to take a step back, and so you curse quietly when at the very last nanosecond you realize that you can’t. Your leg’s a little shaky, no doubt a result of the conflict between the neurons your brain already fired when you wanted to move and the new neurons that were sent to intercept that message when you remembered you shouldn’t move. With a grunt you try to regain your balance while trying to make sure you don’t move your weight around too much because God knows what will happen if it does.  
“Shit,” he holds up his hands to you, “I’m sorry. I-”
“Hey,” you say with a faint smile, “language.” You nod towards the Tahoe that’s parked just outside the gate, “You think you could get me a bottle of water? I’m feeling a little thirsty.” 
Steve looks from you to the box and back, unsure almost.
You glance at your watch, “I’ve been here for almost twenty five minutes,” you try your hardest to smile, “I’m sure it’ll be alright.”
“Ok,” he nods, “just don’t move, ok?”
“Nope,” you say, popping the P. 
“I’ll be right back.” 
“Go on,” you nod towards the car, “I’m not going anywhere.” You know it is the wrong thing to say when you see him try to hide the pained look that crosses his face by turning around quickly, but you catch a glimpse of it anyway and it makes your eyes burn with unshed tears while a ragged breath escapes you. The unfairness of it all hurting you the most.
Before you have time to think about it though, your watch buzzes to let you know you have a new message from Nat, telling you to switch your comms unit over to channel two. You tap the settings on your watch and change the channel effortlessly, “Nat?” 
“Hey,” her voice is kind, softer than usual, and it’s at that moment you realize this is way worse than you thought. “You ok?” 
“Tell me what you know,” you reply instead, not really wanting to answer her question because you are sure that it will break you if you do. 
Nat clears her throat, “We’re almost there.”
“What’s almost?”  
Natasha hesitates.
“Twenty minutes,” her voice is barely above a whisper. 
“Fuck.” All of a sudden it’s getting difficult to breath and it feels as if someone has dropped a hundred pound weight on your chest and then punched you in the stomach for good measure. 
“Just breathe,” Nat says, “please. Just,” she sighs, “don’t move and keep breathing, ok?”
It’s then you hear Steve close the car door, holding two bottles of water, “I need to go.” You let out a shaky breath, “Nat,  If I don’t- Promise me you’ll take care of him?”
“Nat,” you plead, “promise me.”
“Ok,” she whispers, “I promise.” 
You let him know you’re there with a soft knock on the door before you step inside, “Hey.”
“Hey,” he draws out, suspiciously eyeing the basket you're carrying.
“Uh, yeah,” you say, feeling the heat rising to your cheeks but deciding it’s better not to beat around the bush, “so today a year ago we had our first debriefing together and I thought maybe we should celebrate?” 
“Hmm,” he replies while walking over to where you’ve put the basket on the table, trying to lift the lid.
“Don’t,” you say as you swat away his hand, “you’ll ruin the surprise.” 
“Surely you don’t want to celebrate here?” 
“Why not?” You smile, “This is where we had our first debriefing after all,” a grin then, “and every one after that.”
“Well, if you’re up for it,” he says with a smile, “maybe we could go up to the roof? I think there’s a picnic table up there, so-”
“I’d like that,” you say, reaching for the basket. 
This time it’s him who swats away your hand as he grabs the handle, “Come on.” 
You follow him to the elevator bay not too far from the meeting room, for once glad that he prefers to have the debriefings at night, when there’s no one else around. There’s an elevator already waiting for you and when you get inside you push the button needed, while you wait for the elevator doors to close. 
When you get to the top floor and off the elevator you walk next to Steve as you make your way to the south corner of the building, to where the roof access is. Steve’s been awfully quiet ever since you stepped off the elevator and you start to wonder if this was such a good idea after all, but then you open the door that leads to the roof and you let out a gasp, “Oh,”
There’s a small platform that has four posts on each corner, with strings of lights hanging between them, casting a warm yellow glow on the picnic table that stands in the center. 
You look from Steve to the scene in front of you and back, “You did this?”
He smiles, “You’re not the only one who remembered our debriefing anniversary.” 
“I love it,” you tell him with a smile before you make your way to the platform. There’s a bottle of what looks like champagne in an ice bucket on the table and when you recognize the label you turn around, “How did you know?”
Steve shrugs, a mischievous smile on his lips, “I have my ways.”
“You have Nat,” you reply, suddenly remembering the conversation you had with her not even two weeks ago. She kept asking you all these random questions, like what your favorite drink was and if you preferred savory over sweet when it came to snacks. And now all your answers are on the table in front of you. “Remind me to thank her.”
“Already did,” Steve says with a grin. He motions for you to sit down and takes out the bottle of champagne, uncorking it with ease and filling up the two glasses that are on either side of the table without spilling anything.
“Captain America,” you tease, “popping champagne like it’s nobody’s business. Who knew?”  
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me.” 
He just nods and hands you your glass before he holds up his own and clinks it against yours, “Cheers.” 
“Cheers,” you reply, “to, uh, the debriefing crew?”
He chuckles, “To us.” 
“To us.” You watch him as he sits down opposite to you, and take a sip of your champagne, relishing the way it tickles your throat. You smile then, “I know you take your first coffee of the day with milk and sugar but that every other cup after that is black. I know you like baseball more than american football even though you don’t want Tony to find out.”
“What are you-”
“I know you and Nat are like brother and sister and that you value her opinion the most.” You shrug, “I know we work well together, even though you really should stop telling me to watch my language, and-” You hesitate then and drop your gaze down to your hands. 
His foot nudges yours under the table, “And?”
“And,” you draw out, “I know you like me,” you look back up at him, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks, “and I know I like you too.”
The sun’s at its highest point and you can feel yourself starting to get a little lightheaded just as your watch beeps to let you know you’ve passed the thirty-minute mark. You get ready to answer Steve’s inevitable question, but it never comes, instead there’s not but silence and it feels ominous, worrying you more than everything that has happened so far. 
When you look down you see Steve sitting back on his heels, shaking his head. 
“I can’t do this.” He looks up at you, his eyes filled with dread “I am so sorry.” 
“What do you mean?” 
“I’ve never seen one of these before,” he nods at the box, “I don’t know how to-”
“Hey,” you tell him, holding out your hands to him even though you can’t reach him, “it’s ok. Tony will be here soon, right? He’ll know what to do.” 
Steve lowers his head, not looking at you and ignoring your outstretched hands, “Yeah.” 
“Steve,” you tell him, your voice much more commanding now. You wait until he looks at you before you continue, “It’s ok.” There’s a weight behind your words that you hope he understands, even if maybe he doesn’t want to. 
He runs a hand over his face and straightens his back, “Ok. Let me get an update from Tony and then we’ll take it from there, ok?”
“Ok,” you agree and watch as he walks towards the gate, no doubt to keep you out of earshot. A little frustrated to be left out of the conversation you activate your comms unit, “Nat?”
“What channel are they on?” 
She probably knows better than to argue with you and so she lets out a resigned, “Five point three.”
“Thank you.” Before she has a chance to say anything else you push the button needed on your watch to switch to the other channel and all of a sudden Tony’s voice comes in loud and clear over your comms unit that you wear in your left ear.
“You sure about that, Cap?” 
You see more than hear Steve’s frustration from the way he’s pacing in front of the gate, “It’s a TM-38, Tony. Soviet-made. I’ve seen them in the field before.” 
“And there’s no way you can dismantle it?” Tony tries again, his voice a little tighter now.
“No,” Steve says while he looks at you, the desperation in his voice matched by his pained expression.
The mission brief is simple. The HYDRA division that used the army base had abandoned it in a hurry three days ago, leaving behind a plethora of important files that you and Steve are sent out to retrieve. This morning you tried to convince Tony to delay the mission with one or two days, not particularly looking forward to spending your six-month anniversary out in the field instead of the nice little restaurant Steve promised he would take you to. 
Tony didn’t budge, said he had intel that HYDRA wanted to return to collect what they could sooner rather than later and so here you are, trying to navigate through the dense Monongahela National Forest in West Virginia while Steve is driving the Tahoe that somehow got transported here on the Quinjet. 
“There it is,” you point towards a stone structure on your right. The base is surrounded by tall trees and definitely looks like something HYDRA would use to hide out in. You can only see three barracks above ground, but the map Nat has given you on the flight over shows an intricate underground network of tunnels, bunkers, and panic rooms. 
The room you’re interested in, however, is all the way in the back, housing about five servers full of information you’re desperate to get your hands on. There’s a laptop in your backpack to connect to the servers, and a program written by Bruce that should be able to copy the files in no time.
“Ready?” Steve asks once he’s pulled up to the gate. He looks at you with a smile and then surprises you by leaning in and giving you a kiss, “Not how I wanted to spend our anniversary, but-”
“Yeah,” you agree, for a moment allowing yourself to get lost in his eyes. Your watch double beeps then, letting you know it’s go-time and so you grab your backpack and exit the car, drawing your gun as soon as you reach the gate.
With every step you take towards the first of the three barracks it is clear that there’s no one here, the doors of all the buildings wide open and not a sound to be heard except your footsteps. You feel yourself start to relax a little and a sliver of hope starts to form somewhere, because maybe you will make it home in time for dinner after all. 
The trek to the server room proves to be rather uneventful and once you’ve connected the laptop to the mainframe it only takes about twenty minutes for the files to upload. You use that time to scout the other rooms for valuable information, but come up empty-handed. Apart from the servers there’s not much they’ve left behind and you can’t help but wonder if this was all some sort of setup and if by downloading the files you’re bringing in some sort of spy-ware. 
“Remind me to tell Bruce to check the files for any malware,” you tell Steve, who nods. A notification lights up on your screen then, letting you know the download is complete. You unplug the laptop and stow it in your backpack before you nod to Steve, “Ready.”
“Alright, let’s head out.”
When you finally make it outside again, you have to blink a few times to adjust to the bright sunlight that’s shining through the treetops. You’re following a few steps behind Steve as you fish a piece of paper out of your pocket, on it the coordinates for the pick-up point you’re supposed to go to, so the team can fly you back to the compound. Of course they’re programmed into your watch as well, but you like the act of taking a minute to write down the pick-up coordinates before you leave on your mission, almost like a sort of good-luck charm to remind you to make it home safe. 
A quick glance at your watch tells you it’s still early enough to make it back in time for dinner and you’re just about to tell Steve the good news when a gust of wind blows the paper out of your hand. You chase after it, stepping off the path that leads to the gate and onto the soft forest floor. You almost catch it but then the wind picks it up again and for a moment you debate just leaving it, after all it’s just a piece of paper, but the information on it is too important and so once again you chase after it.  
Finally it’s within reach and you stick your foot out, hoping to trap the piece of paper under your shoe before it flies off again. There’s a click resounding through the sole of your shoe once you’ve put your foot down, the surface on which you’re standing hard and not at all like the soft bed of pine needles you were walking on before. Instantly a chill runs through your spine and you try to stay in position, afraid of what will happen if you move.
He must hear the panic in your voice because he turns around right away, his brows furrowed as he tries to understand what’s going on. 
“I’ve stepped on something,” you try to explain, but your voice is too weak and the wind carries it away from him. You point at your ear and turn on your comms unit, before you hold up your hand to tell him to stay in position, “Can you hear me?”
“I- uh,” you let out a shaky breath, trying to gather your thoughts so you can give him as much information as possible, “I stepped on something. It’s a- It’s a hard surface, almost like metal, and when I put my weight down on my foot, something underneath clicked, like-”
“Like you stepped on a pressure plate?” Steve asks, already one step ahead of you.
“Steve?” It’s Natasha who comes in first, “What’s going on?”
“Rogers,” Tony barks through the comms unit, “I need a status report stat.” 
“Please,” Steve pleads, his voice rough and full of emotion, “just- Just give me a second.” 
You can see him tap his watch before he runs a hand over his face, no doubt trying to figure out what to do next. With a small nod, almost as if he tries to convince himself, he drops his backpack and slowly starts making his way towards you.
“Steve. Don’t” you tell him, but either he really doesn’t hear you or just pretends he doesn’t because he keeps walking.
“Talk to me, Sparky,” Tony says, his voice much kinder now. “Cap’s offline, yeah?”
“I think so, but he’s making his way towards me, Tony, I-” you look around you, “I don’t know if it’s safe. Please tell him to stop-”
“His comm’s off,” 
“There must be some way to turn it on remotely, right?” There’s no reply and so you try again, “Right?”
“Fine,” Tony sighs, “but before I do I want you to know that there’s nothing we can say to stop him. You know that right?”
You lock eyes with the man walking towards you and your heart suddenly feels heavy in your chest, “I know.” When Steve reaches you, you turn off your comms unit, “So, what’s the plan, Cap?”
“I need to take a good look at it first,” Steve says as he drops to his knees, “just try to stay still, ok?”
You nod, “Yup,” and for the first minute or so you look down to try and see what he’s doing, but it messes with your balance and so instead you focus on the treeline in front of you, trying to remember the breathing exercises Clint taught you during one of your stakeouts together. 
Breathe in for seven seconds, out for eleven.
In for seven, out for eleven.
Another beep, but this time you ignore the impulse to check your watch. You don’t want to know how long you’ve been here. It doesn’t matter anymore. All that matters now is making sure Steve makes it out of this alive.
“They’re five minutes out,” he says when he gets back to you. 
“Ok,” you tell him, eyeing his reaction to see if he hears you over the comms unit you still have switched on. He doesn’t respond and so you figure he must have turned it off after talking to Tony, which is good. He kneels at your feet again, why you’re not sure. There’s nothing he can do. Still, it gives you a chance to check in with the rest of the team and you quietly whisper, “Team, do you copy?”
“Loud and clear,” Nat replies almost immediately. 
“Same,” Tony and Bruce say at the same time, while Clint’s “Yes, ma’am,” follows a little later. 
“Steve?” You wait until he looks up at you before you continue, “I think we need to consider our options here.” 
“Why?” He looks confused, “The team’s almost here, they’ll know what to do.”
“And if they don’t?”
“And if they don’t,” he bites back in a tone of voice you haven’t heard before, “we’ll find another solution.” 
“No.” He pushes himself up and stands in front of you with his hands on his hips, “We’ll find a way.”
You hesitate, trying to find the right words, “I’m going to ask you a question and I need you to be completely honest with me, ok?”
“That depends on what you’re about to ask me, because-”
“Do you think I could absorb the energy that this thing produces?” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t-”
“No,” Bruce comes in over your earpiece, sounding absolutely defeated, “I’ve run several calculations but there are way too many variables-”
“This thing is too strong,” Tony says, the desperation seeping through his voice, “before you have a chance to absorb any of it you would be-”
“-know.” Steve lets out a heavy sigh, “I don’t know enough about nuclear physics to even try to answer that question.” 
“Ok,” you nod, trying to stay calm even though your heart is screaming and your stomach is twisting and turning inside of you, “but Tony and Bruce are sure they can dismantle it?”
“They said-”
“No,” it’s Bruce who speaks up first again.
“There’s no way to dismantle it safely,” Nat says, her voice low. “The Soviets purposely built it that way.”
No matter how hard you try to hide it, you are sure something registers on your face. Disbelief first, anger next because Jesus, Steve was supposed to be your happy ending, and finally acceptance, Nat’s words about not being able to dismantle the mine slowly turning into something inevitable. It’s ok, you tell yourself. You were living on borrowed time anyway. 
“-they could try,” Steve says, looking at you in a way that tells you he knows something’s up. He points at his earpiece, “Your comm’s on, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” you say, trying to give him an apologetic smile, but undoubtedly failing. “I’m sorry, Steve, but-” you shrug, “I just had to know.” You bite your lip to keep from crying and it’s almost as if the reality of it all has finally sunken in, “There’s nothing we can do.” 
“There has to be something-”
A chorus of no’s echoes over your comms unit. 
“No,” you shake your head, the tears you've been trying so hard to fight back finally spilling over, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this, Steve. My heart is pounding in my chest, my leg has been shaking non-stop for the past minute or so, if I- If I spasm right now-”
“Stop!” He rubs his hands over his face, “There’s got to be another way.” He turns his comms unit back on, “Bruce, what about a weight transfer?”
Bruce hesitates, “I’m not sure I-”
“The only reason the mine hasn’t exploded yet is because somehow her weight is keeping the pin in place, right?” He sounds frantic, pacing back and forth in front of you, “So what if I find something that’s the same weight and we do a transfer?”
“I don’t know, Cap,” Bruce says, “that’s really tricky. It has to be perfectly timed.” 
“At least wait until we get there,” Tony suggests, “don’t go at this on your own.”
“We’re less than a minute out, Steve,” Nat offers, “please wait.” 
“What about my shield, maybe-”
“Steve?” Your voice is weak, hardly audible but somehow he hears you and stops talking. “Steve, look at me.” When he does, you nod, “It’s ok.”
“Go get your shield.” You take a ragged breath and blow it out in a small puff before you nod to the car, “Go.”
“They’re almost here,” Steve tries and you know it’s because he doesn’t want to leave you, “they can pick it up.”
“Steve,” you try again, your voice a little louder this time, “go get your shield.” 
He looks from you to the car and back, unsure of what to do. 
It’s then you hear the distant rumble of another vehicle approaching and you know there’s not much time left. Another deep breath, “Now.” 
He furrows his brows at your command but then does as he’s told, and you let out a sigh of relief as you watch him jog to the car where he opens the trunk. He stands still for a moment, drops his head, and you can tell he’s feeling desperate and out of control. Leaving him behind hurts you more than anything else, but you know there’s no way you’ll make it out of this alive. It feels like whatever got a hold of your heart earlier tightens its grip, making you gasp for breath. 
“Steve,” you tell him, your voice soft as you see him turn towards you, his shield in one hand as he closes the trunk with the other, “it’s ok. It’s time to let me go.” 
You think you hear Tony whisper a quiet, “Fuck,” over the comms unit. 
“I know. I’m sorry guys,” you tell your team, “but I guess we all know there’s no other way.”  “Are you sure?” It’s Tony who asks you the question. You nod, even though they can’t see you, “It’s the only way.”
“It’s ok,” Nat says, her voice a little unsteady, “It’s ok. I’ll take care of him.” 
“I’m gonna miss you, kid,” Clint tells you in a whisper.
“It was an honor working with you,” Bruce says, his voice catching on the last word, “I’ll keep your research going, doc.” 
“You are braver than anyone I’ve ever met,” Tony admits quietly, “I won’t forget you.” 
“Thank you,” you whisper, a single tear sliding down your cheek. 
When you look back up you see Steve is still rooted in the same spot, disbelief written all over his face. You try to smile at him, “I love you,” a sob then, “I just want you to know that.” 
Something else registers on his face then, something you recognize as the determination to make things right and you know it’s your cue. 
“Let me go, Steve,” you nod to let him know it’s ok. A faint smile then as you remember the first time you met him, “I guess this is where I leave you.”
From that moment everything happens in slow motion. 
Steve is running towards you, eyes wide in shock when finally he understands what you’re about to do. 
You give him one last apologetic smile, and another “I love you.” 
He comes to an abrupt stop just thirty yards away from you and watches you as you take one last deep breath. 
It’s time to move, you tell yourself, and when the neurons fire from your brain and the muscles in your leg react you whisper a final, “It’s ok.” 
The last thing you see and hear is Steve, his eyes finding yours as he quietly tells you, “It’s ok. I love you.” 
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willowbird · 3 years
For the prompt thing, could you do 2 for au, 4 for trope and 5 for prompt with andreil?
Hogwarts au, meet messy, "you have the emotional capacity of a brick"
Dearest anon, how did you know that I have been literally aching for an excuse to do something with a hogwarts au?
For context, because idk if I'll be able to explain it in the ficlet, Andrew and Aaron have been raised by their real father, Joseph Minyard, and his wife, Betsy Dobson, since the twins were seven. Andrew instinctively retaliated against an abuser with magic when he was in foster care, bringing him to the attention of whatever the US's ministry of magic is called (I forgot). They found his dad, who is a British wizard, and also discovered Aaron's existence. The twins, upon meeting each other and finding out they were wizards, chose to stay together and go with their dad rather than risk potentially being separated in whatever system the US magic people has for orphaned magic kids.
(look, I've been thinking about this A LOT okay?)
The following scene would take place the summer before the twins' fifth year. They are fifteen, Kevin is sixteen, Neil is fourteen.
Please be aware that all these characters are a lot younger and significantly less traumatized. I mean, shit still happened to them, but they all get rescued from their abusive home lives a lot earlier than in canon.
Andrew Minyard had lost a bet.
It was a really shitty bet, and Andrew should have known at the time that he was being fucking set up. But, well - what was it that broody fucker always said? Oh. C'est la vie. Or something. Whatever.
Point being, Andrew made a stupid bet and then he lost and it was really his own damn fault. Now he was stuck going to stupid Kevin Day's stupid house to play stupid broom-ball over summer break when he could have been basking in the wonders of muggle efficiency like television and air conditioning. What made it worse was that his mom had been so damn delighted that he was going over to a friend's house, too, and Andrew didn't usually have it in him to smash her hopes and dreams when she was so genuinely happy for him.
So. Here he was, broom in hand (because if he had to do this he was at least going to suffer with the familiarity of his own fucking broom), staring up at obviously haunted creaky old manor house that Day apparently lived in.
"Great," he grumbled to himself. "Just.. great." Andrew did not like ghosts, did not like them one fucking bit. They always wanted to chat you up and had absolutely no respect for personal space.
The longer he delayed, though, the longer Day was probably going to force him to participate in his bullshit "training camp", so Andrew straightened his shoulders and trudged up the cracked stone staircase that lead up the hill to the front door of the house. The very second Andrew had both feet on the dilapidated front porch, one hand reaching for the knocker, the front door began to swing slowly open. You know, as they were wont to do in creepy old ghost-infested houses owned by wizards.
Without waiting for a welcome (because the door fucking opened for him, that was invitation enough), Andrew strolled inside. He didn't even flinch when the door slammed shut behind him.
(Okay, maybe he jumped a little bit. Just a little.)
No one was waiting for him in the foyer, because of course that would be too easy. At least the inside of the house didn't look as abandoned as the outside did. On the contrary, the foyer was well-lit and free dust and cobwebs. It opened up into a round sitting room that looked lived-in rather than haunted, personal affects strewn about here and there in vaguely organized chaos and family pictures on the mantle above the fireplace.
This, Andrew had learned quickly upon his introduction to the magical world about seven or so years ago now, was fairly common when it came to magical families living in and around muggle neighborhoods. Sure, there were wholly wizarding villages, but not a ton of them. Most of the magical community had to coexist or at least peripherally exist with the muggle one. With the work of a couple of charms and a heavy dose of aesthetic, a magical family could live comfortably without the muggles looking too closely - and even if they did look closely, it was the haunted old house at the end of the street so strange things were bound to happen around it, right?
Homey as it may be on the inside, it was still actually haunted, though. Andrew had a good sense about ghostly lairs and this was definitely one of them.
Heaving a sigh, Andrew moved through the sitting room and ventured deeper into the house. The sooner he found Kevin, the sooner he could leave.
The rest of the house, Andrew swiftly found, was an uncanny combination of the haunted image it presented to outsiders and the cozy haven of the front sitting room. The hall leading off the sitting room was normal when you looked down it heading away from the sitting room, but when Andrew looked back over his shoulder it was like looking into something out of a cheap horror film (of which Andrew had viewed many, much to his father and brother's chagrin, but his mother liked to critique them with him).
Andrew checked each door he came across. Some of them were locked. Some opened into perfectly normal coat closets and bathrooms. At least one of them opened onto an actual cemetery where a bunch of ghosts were playing croquet. Andrew quickly shut that door before any of them tried to talk to him.
It was when he came to the staircase, however, that he finally started to get somewhere. Voices could be heard when he hit the first landing, but they completely vanished when tried to move beyond it - either further up the stairs or out into the hall. Turning to inspect the walls, Andrew realized that one of them wasn't actually a wall at all, but an illusion -- his hand right through!
"This is getting ridiculous," Andrew grumbled to himself as he stepped through the goddamn fucking wall.
He found himself in a wide, clean hallway bathed in the bright sunlight that was streaming in from the skylights placed every few feet. From one of the open doors a bit down the hall, Andrew could finally make out the words of what was obviously an argument.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not going to your bloody school, Day?!"
"You can't just not go to school, Neil! The Ministry will have your wand, and then where will you be?"
"Oh come off it, do you really still buy into all that regulatory shit? They can't track me if I'm not a student unless they have an open warrant out on me. I could turn the corner store into a giant anthropomorphic pig that pisses coffee and they wouldn't know it happened until the story hit the local news, and even then they'd have a hard time tracking me down, considering those lazy twats barely even know how to read let alone track a rogue wizard."
"Galloping Gargoyles, Neil. Where in Merlin's name do you come up with this shit."
"It's called an imagination, Day. I was able to foster one while not being indoctrinated into the sheep-brain miasma that is Ministry-approved wizarding society."
This 'Neil' was getting more worked up as he spoke, spitting out his words like he was crafting a very pointed hex. There was the scuff of footsteps and a shadow fell across the hall as someone stepped toward the hall. "I'll be leaving now, thanks. Have fun being institutionally programed to fit the conservative mediocrity."
A larger shadow blotted out most of Neil's. "You can't just go, Neil!"
There was a scuffle, then a short kid wearing oversized robes stumbled into the hall. "Try and bloody catch me then, you lumbering infant of a Bandersnatch!" And then the kid turned and bolted down the hall -- right toward where Andrew had paused to eavesdrop on their conversation.
Now, Andrew was all ready to step aside. This was none of his business, after all. If this mouthy kid wanted to run away and join the circus or something, more power to him. He, also, thought school was a nightmare. But then Kevin stumbled out into the hall and shouted, "Andrew! Block him!"
And, well. Look. This was all fucking Kevin's fault. Kevin and his stupid cross-House quidditch club and his obsession with running drills. It was also Nicky's fault, for forcing them all to go so they could bond or what the fuck ever the purpose was. But Kevin shouted 'block!' and Andrew had spent two years as a beater and one year as a keeper and, well, reflexes kicked in.
He blocked.
Except, he had spent two years as a beater, and he was holding a broom. So.
His arms moved on their own, and it was a mighty, vicious swing. The next second the kid was flat on his back, gasping to try and catch his breath. Kevin loped over on legs too long, shooting Andrew an appreciative grin that Andrew kind of wanted to punch off of him.
"What.. the.. actual... fuck..." the kid - Neil - wheezed from the floor.
Now that he was officially drawn into this mess, Andrew allowed himself to indulge his curiosity and slung his broom up against one shoulder to approach the fallen boy. He felt a little bad (okay, more than a little), so he figured he'd offer him a hand up at least. Except, when he got to the kid and looked down he was shocked to find just about the prettiest boy in the whole Nimue-cursed universe.
(Andrew's gay awakening had happened when he was twelve years old. The keeper of the Gryffindor quidditch team smiled at him and told him he'd make a pretty good beater. Andrew had tried out for his own House team the very next week, and it had all been downhill from there.)
Andrew cleared his throat and opened his mouth to say something cool and unbothered, because that's what you did when you met someone pretty and wanted to impress them. Instead, like the utter dork that he was, he said, "Red hair and a hand-me-down robe? You must be a Weasley."
"What the fuck is a Weasley?" the sharp, pretty boy on the floor shot back through gritted teeth, pushing himself up into a sitting position.
Kevin's obnoxious shadow fell across the both of him and he sighed, putting his hands on his hips. "Don't mind Andrew, he remembers everything he hears and has a tendency to regurgitate random lines from other things when he feels awkward or anxious."
"Don't mind Kevin," Andrew followed up conversationally, "he's an insufferable know-it-all with a tendency to overshare and force people to play stupid broom-ball when they should be having a perfectly air-conditioned summer break."
"You emotionally wound me."
"You have the emotional capacity of a brick, don't try me Day."
Kevin rolled his eyes. Neil honed in on Andrew with eerie intensity. "You have an air-conditioner?"
Aha! Mission accomplished: cute boy impressed.
Andrew smirked. "Yup." He popped the 'p', feeling quite good about himself, his earlier bumble placed in the back of his head where he could obsess about it later.
Neil's narrowed eyes scanned him up and down, then relaxed, the blue of them bright and intelligent. He looked like he was figuring something out about Andrew but Andrew had no idea what or why. It took some effort, but instead of squirming he met Neil's gaze full-on. After a long moment, Neil seemed to have made a decision. He pushed himself up to his feet and nodded. "Alright then. You play quidditch?" He gestured to Andrew's broom with the jerk of his chin.
He hadn't noticed it earlier because he'd been so fascinated with the argument itself, but now that he could focus on Neil's voice, Andrew realized that there was something of about his accent. It wasn't that it seemed fake but more that it... it reminded him of his own, back when he'd been younger and had only been in England for a couple of years. He remembered being teased for it, and getting into a lot of fights because of that. Well, he remembered getting into fights because Aaron was also teased, and no one picked on his brother but him.
"I thought you were going to run off and join the circus." Andrew arched a brow.
Neil wrinkled his nose. "No. I'm still not going to your stupid castle school." He paused and looked from Andrew to the broom back over to Kevin and sighed. "But... one or two games of quidditch before I go can't hurt."
Kevin looked overjoyed. He grinned at Andrew and Andrew supposed that they really must be friends now, because he felt quite pleased about that.
"Great!" said Kevin. "Let's go! We should be able to get in some warm-up rounds before the others get here!"
"Others?" Andrew and Neil said with identical inflections of disdain. The sound of an echo startled the both of them and the looked at each other. Then, Neil smiled.
Andrew supposed a day without AC playing stupid broom-ball wasn't so bad after all.
Fun little prompt things
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rose-blooms-red · 4 years
If you are still accepting prompts maybe soft wars! Boba. I remember you had a very cool series with him. Maybe after Edee adopted him and finally meeting Neyo. Angst or no Angst up to you.
ihdsf most of my other prompts are angst barring a few sooooo no angst for this one! XD.......or well, mostly not angst. Blockade, who is briefly mentioned in here, belongs to the lovely @thefoundationproject
[read on Ao3]
“You are about ten tons of rage in a very small, deceivingly cute body vod’ika,” the clone — the vod — under him drawls in observation, sharp and amused. Like Boba isn’t holding a knife to his neck.
Boba’s cheeks go warm against his will and he glares, huffs, retreats and regroups.
The vod moves and it’s smooth, easy, dangerous, as he gets his feet under him. Boba doesn’t know who this is, and the tattooed designation does nothing to help him but—
Boba’s good, he knows this because his father has taught him and helped train him. There was never any question that Boba would be good. But this vod might be better and Boba can’t, for the life of him, figure out why he didn’t stop Boba before he managed to get the knife under his throat.
8826 grins, a slash of teeth, “Nice to meet you too.”
“Haven’t actually met you,” Boba feels the need to point out and 8826 sighs, calls out to the house.
“Thought you said the kid was smart.”
There’s a beat and Fox appears, narrow-eyed annoyed and equipped with whatever concoction Ponds or whoever has foisted off on him today.
“Not my fucking fault the idiocy is contagious,” he grumbles, pauses, looks the scene over with a raised eye, and Boba hopes he hasn’t clocked the ruffled clothes, the knife Boba is trying to slip back into it’s holster, the stuff Boba knocked over with the scare.
It’s futile of course, but Boba is hopeful.
“You wound me,” 8826 deadpans, and collapses onto the couch with lazy limbs and a tilt of his head, “Not a word about me to the kid? And here I thought I was the favourite.”
Fox rolls his eyes, “The only favourite I’ve ever fucking had for anything and everything is Blockade, and with the rate you all are going that’s never going to change.’
8826 pouts, “Really kih’vod, my heart, how will I go on?”
“Same as you always do” Fox answers, dead-eyed and dry, rolls his eyes, “Did you even tell him your name or did the introduction get lost with the fucking mess you both made of my living room.”
Boba flushes again, and 8826 rolls his eyes, “Apparently I chose a bad time to swing by and see my dearest, darling, baby brother and walked in while the kid was practicing.”
Fox sighs, looks up at the ceiling for patience, “Kid, what have we said about practicing in the living room?”
Boba winces, stops himself from shuffling his feet and tries to look as repentant as possible, “Don’t?”
Fox raises an eyebrow, takes a sip of his concoction, winces and nods, “Good.”
He turns a glare on the vod that Boba still hasn’t been given a name for, “Just by virtue of being the only fucking one in the whole sithsdamn squad with both a functioning brain and common fucking sense, I’m still the fucking oldest, asshole.”
8826 turns a pitying look to Boba and shakes his head slowly even as he says, “Of course you are.”
Fox narrows his eyes, “I fucking hope it takes you weeks to get all the fucking glitter out,” he hisses and turns to Boba.
“Kid, Neyo. Neyo, Kid. If I come back and my house is destroyed I will retaliate appropriately.”
Oh, Boba thinks, gulps and feels, suddenly, more nervous, so this is Neyo.
8826 — Neyo — huffs as Fox leaves, “Knew it was him.”
Boba stands, awkward in the middle of the room and Neyo raises an eyebrow.
“You gonna stand there all day vod’ika?”
Boba winces, shrugs, “Sorry about the knife,” he mutters.
Neyo huffs, “I’ve had worse, besides you weigh as much as a third-cycle, you barely did any damage.”
Boba squawks, “I passed my verd'goten! I’m an adult!”
Neyo hums, “A very tiny, stabby one,” he agrees and Boba wrinkles his nose.
Neyo has been on Concord Dawn the entire time Boba has been here, this is the first time he’s seen him. He tries not to let that hurt him.
“You didn’t stop me,” Boba finally says, question and defense all rolled into one.
Neyo stretches, sighs, shugs as he sprawls even more than before, “You would’ve ended up getting hurt.”
“Okay,” Boba allows as, gives that to him and narrows his eyes, crosses his arms “But why’ve I never seen you before?”
Neyo waves a hand, “Had to let the happy family settle in.”
Boba doesn’t know Neyo well, can’t decipher any hidden meaning behind it or read the tone of it, but his shoulders hitch up in self defense anyways.
“Why are you visiting now then?” he asks, and he doesn’t mean to sound so bitter.
“Extenuating circumstances.” Neyo says, waves his hand, “Nothing against you kid.”
“Oh.” he’d thought it was his fault Neyo hadn’t been coming. Thought he was being blamed for some unknown slight. It had made him a little angry to think about, a little upset.
It’s more of a relief than he thought it would be to know that wasn’t the case.
He tries to think of something to say, can’t and swallows thickly. Remembers something.
“What was Fox talking about? With the glitter.”
Neyo’s eyes narrow and he huffs, makes a face Boba can only describe as a pout, “Absolutely nothing. Completely unrelated, I have to get my dearest little brother back for certain wake-up calls, wanna hear about the time he ate trash out of the recycler?”
Boba raises an eyebrow, relaxes a little bit, “Fox?”
Neyo grins manic glee, “Oh yes.”
Boba considers, debates, looks at the nonchalant sprawl and the mess on the floor and shrugs.
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dtrhwithalex · 3 years
TV | Leverage (Season 2, Rewatch)
Rewatch of the second season of TNT's LEVERAGE (2008-2012), created by John Rogers and Chris Downey together with Dean Devlin and his production company Electric Entertainment.
In anticipation of the show's reboot / revival / sequel LEVERAGE: REDEMPTION coming to IMDbTV on 09 July this year, I am rewatching the original 77 episodes and writing about my favourite moments and things from each episode, season by season.
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D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 15 July 2009.
We here at the Rabbit Hole adore the Beantown Bailout Job very much (and by we I mean me). It is such a great season-opener and everything about it sets up the season so nicely. Also let me just say, I love the cheesy intro. I like to imagine that this plays on whatever website the clients usually end up finding the team. It would be so confusing. And wonderful.
This episode, of course, also introduces another of my favourite characters: Lt. Patrick Bonanno, State Police. And I am very sad that there is zero chance we'll ever get to see him in the reboot, since the wonderful Robert Blanche has unfortunately passed away last year. Bonanno was such a fantastic addition to this show and I love him very much. He is just brilliant in every episode he is in.
Aside from the introduction of Bonanno, Beantown is a brilliant episode for various reasons, but I wanna talk about this one most of all. John Rogers talked about this on his blog, I think -- not one member of the team can come straight out and admit that they need the others. It is the impromptu meeting at Sophie's performance that brings them together again (very much against Nate's best attempts). Only once they're at McRory's and Parker suggests stealing something to cheer up Sophie is when they all fess up and tell Nate that they want this team back together again. And then, of course, we have one of my favourite sequences in this entire show: Nate forcefully being bullied back into this family. They do exactly what he did to them in The Second David Job -- they get him to contribute knowledge to the case that they, allegedly, lack. And he knows what they're doing, of course, he's not an idiot. Well played, indeed.
I would also like to personally thank one Nadine Haders, this show's most brilliant costume designer, for every single piece of clothing she put on Christian Kane for this episode. That green sweater with the brown jeans jacket? All my love to you, Nadine. All of it. Also, uncharacteristically, Nate has some very good looks in this episode (the man looks healthy for once!) and I am unreasonably mad about it (actually, he has some very good looks this entire season).
One last thing: I would like to have a word with whoever decided to play the Andy Lange song here that Sophie's departure in The Two Live Crew Job is set to. It makes this first half of the season a circle. Who do I need to have words with? Who?
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: ALBERT KIM. Original Air Date: 22 July 2009.
An absolutely amazing episode for Eliot but also very much for Sophie. They are the Conference Of Mom Friends, and I adore them very much, thank you. It is a fantastic episode for them individually, but especially also for the specific relationship these two people have. There is an amazing post floating around on this website (this one here) talking exactly about this episode and Eliot and Sophie in the role of protectors in their team, their family.
There are a few scenes here that I really like and really, most of them are about or with Eliot. I love in the briefing at the hotel that Eliot does not just dismiss Sophie's misunderstanding of wrestling, but takes the time to explain to her what the sport is about -- and she listens. We also here get a nice glimpse at the fact that Eliot teaches them certain fighting skills and self-defence techniques, which I just love so much. Just as Sophie coaches them all in their grifts, he makes sure that they all have a certain know-how in fighting and protecting themselves. It's so good.
I am also very fond of both the moment where Eliot brings Sophie to the restaurant to meet with Rucker, but also Sophie showing up at the gym at night to talk to Eliot while he's preparing for the fight against Tank. Eliot gives away so much of himself in this episode, and it is very interesting to me that the person he does this with is, continually, Sophie. The others may be on comms, and might be, for all we know, listening in, but it is Sophie he tells these things to. It's like Hardison says later in The Two Live Crew Job: "We trust Nate to make sure the plan works, we trust you (Sophie) to make sure we're all okay." While I would not necessarily call Sophie the heart of the group (that's Hardison), she is very much the emotional centre of it.
This episode is also just very lovely to see how they all take to an environment that is, for once, not big city life. Eliot takes to it immediately, which makes sense, because he probably is from a town not much different from this one. Parker, somehow, fits in immediately as well (I love her I <3 Nebraska shirt). I feel like Nate never has any issues fitting in anywhere, he just takes things as they come. It is Hardison and Sophie who have difficulties -- Sophie because she is, after all, a bit posh and needs certain standards met, and Hardison because his world of technology does not mix well with a small, rural Midwestern town ("Can't hack a hick" anyone?).
D: ROD HARDY. W: CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 29 July 2009.
I occasionally see some posts on here that call what the team does to Charles Dodgson in 512: The White Rabbit Job the worst thing the team does to a mark. I have to say, objectively, I think what they do to Eddie Maranjian in this episode is much worse. Of course, Dodgson is a good person, and Eddie is a crook, but still. Objectively? This episode is more evil.
Anyway, this episode has some fantastic moments that I adore a whole lot. I love Eliot and Hardison as cops, Sophie's act is absolutely amazing, and I have a super soft spot for both Nate teaching Parker what he is doing, and also Eliot and his side quest of helping Randy.
I am so incredibly fond of all these little moments where Parker's eventual role of Mastermind is already being planted. She always asks Nate questions, if she doesn't have a part to play in the con, she is with Nate, learning. She says it in the pilot episode already: "I'm really good at one thing, only one thing, that's it. But you, you know other things, and I can't stop doing my one thing, can't retire." And then she does her best to learn the other things Nate knows. This episode particularly, how Nate explains to her how NLP works, that what he is selling is fear. Nate is so patient with her, too. I love them both so very much.
Eliot's side quest with Randy and his abusive dad is an absolutely excellent addition to this episode. Especially after the previous Eliot-centric episode, this small thing just goes to show that, at their core, these are good people. Yes, they are criminals, the lot of them. But they are not bad people. Things like this just make me think that, it had to have been this exact combination of people Dubenich put together. Any other thief, any other hacker, and Nate would have walked away from this alone. It had to be Parker, Hardison and Eliot for this to work exactly as it did. And Eliot looking out for Randy even though they are in the middle of a con, taking his time to make sure Bob, the U.S. Marshall goes to see Randy, is exactly something that brings this point home.
Lastly, I adore that everyone shows up at the court house when Eddie goes to find his money. He knows they all conned him, but they know no one is ever going to believe him. It's a fantastic gloat scene. And I also really love that Nate explains why this works to the others: "So, here's everything you need to know about criminal law. Every crime has two elements, Actus reus, the act itself, and mens rea, Literally "The Guilty Mind." ... Now, for escape, the prisoner has to both break out of custody and show the intent to escape. ... Which brings us back to our friend Eddie and how the brain reacts to fear. In the heat of the moment Eddie didn't ask himself a simple question, who would doubt his guilty mind?"
D: JONATHAN FRAKES. W: AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 05 August 2009.
This one was Bernie Madoff inspired, if I recall correctly, who was arrested in 2008, around the time Berg, Downey and Rogers were already bouncing ideas back and forth for this season.
There is so much to love in this episode! Where to even begin. Maybe with Parker replacing Sophie at the client meeting? Or Sophie immediately heading for both popcorn and the cookie tin after the breakup? How about Parker perching on Eliot's arm rest with her food? Nate's headmaster act? Eliot as Coach Brewer (red is a fantastic colour on him, thank you Nadine)? Hipster rich newlyweds Parker and Hardison? The return of my beloved FBI fools McSweetheart and Taggert? Taggert being McSweetheart's biggest supporter in his affection for Parker? Sophie and Widmark? The actual science-sical with all these adorable kids singing about science?
So much to love. Chock-full of greatness, this episode. Also Frakes, once again, directed the hell outta this. I love this episode so very much.
One moment that does, however, absolutely win out over everything else, is the scene at Nate's apartment after Hardison and Parker meet McSweeten and Taggert again:
Eliot: One of you two can identify the gunman, right? Hardison: Oh, yeah, sure. He stopped and let me take a picture of him as I was chasing him. Eliot: Hey, you know what, man? I've been around little kids all day. I don't need to come home and do all this crap.
That line, Mr Spencer? "I don't need to come home and do all this crap"? Home? Sir, we are four episodes into the second season, and you are already calling Nate's apartment home. Honestly, that boy has been invested into this group as a family from the moment Hardison hands him a check in the pilot episode, if not earlier. And I am very much here for all of it.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: MELISSA GLENN & JESSICA RIEDER (GRASL). Original Air Date: 12 August 2009.
This is another one of those episodes which, when I think about it, I am not entirely into, but then when I watch it, I always love it. It's a brilliant episode, but the mark rubs me in all the wrong ways and I think that's why my general reaction to this episode in theory is mostly "ew". Which I think is kind of the point, as well.
There is much to love in this episode, though. Sophie being Nate in this one, Nate being very wary of this concept and also having difficulties letting someone else take control ("If you don't mind, I would still do the 'Hardison, run it' thing" Nathan you precious little man, I love you so much). I think it's so nicely done. I mean Sophie has run cons before -- she was the Mastermind behind the First David Job, and she runs their con in the Second David Job as well -- but then she was confident, now she is going through things, on the brink of rediscovering herself for who she is. And of course, it bites her in the ass a little bit.
I absolutely adore Conspiracy Nut Hardison and his fantastic apartment. Set Design did a magnificent job here. I am so fond of Parker asking Eliot about the different things -- the council, the moon landing, Loch Ness monster -- and also very much the bit at the end where he and Hardison answer Parker's questions while he prepares food. That ending bit overall is just absolutely excellent and I love it with my whole heart. Eliot cooking for all of them in Nate's kitchen, giving Parker stuff to try, while Hardison sits there and sips his orange soda out of a wine glass. Meanwhile Nate pouring wine for Sophie, and then going over to her to make sure she is alright. For his slightly more sadistic streak in this season, Nate is so good with Sophie here. And honestly I think this conversation here is one of the reasons why Sophie feels able to leave them for a while. It is Nate's reassurance of "Whatever you need, I'm here for you" that lets her take this leave of absence.
D: PETER O'FALLON. W: M. SCOTT VEACH & CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 19 August 2009.
I adore this episode! The fantastic Veach and Boylan on the keyboard for this one (who, I've had to find out, are both tangentially involved with my latest hyperfixation, SHADOW AND BONE -- Veach having written my favourite episode, and Boylan being married to the showrunner), which is just lovely, because they are both excellent.
First off, I would like to, once again, give all my love to Nadine Haders for that Pizza Guy outfit she put Kane in for the recon sequence. A+ costuming, thank you Nadine.
This episode has so many excellent comedic beats and a wonderful many Hardison/Eliot moments. Sophie trying to set up Nate with their client is absolutely hysterical -- especially considering that she had just been broken up with and had been urging Nate to figure out what it is that is between them since day one. I especially love her attempt at finding things Nate has in common with Jameson: "She's a scientist. And well, you're a bit nerdy, aren't you? ... And food, she works with food. Well, you eat, don't you?" Like, girl, what are you trying to do here, really?
I absolutely adore Hardison and Eliot trying to get into the server room so Hardison can access the data they are trying to get before anyone can get rid of it. Eliot hooking Parker's rope to Hardison's belt, Eliot's complete awe at Hardison's ability to remote access their mark's phone ("You can do that?" Eliot, honey, he can do so much more), the two of them wedged underneath the desk, and then, of course, Eliot's huge smile when Hardison hacks the scanner at the door with the help of his gummy frogs. I love these boys together so much, and this episode has given me so many great moments.
I am also incredibly fond of Nate's magician act. That is a brilliant role and it suits him so well. And I love how genuinely enthusiastic he is about magic.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS & AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 26 August 2009.
This is an absolutely brilliant episode for so many different reasons. Let me get two things out of the way straight off the bat: 1) Where do I address my "Chaos For Leverage: Redemption" campaign to? and 2) Where do I address my "Apollo Robbins For Leverage: Redemption" campaign to? I want both of them back desperately!
Of course, this episode is important as a major stepping stone in Sophie's character arc. Because of Chaos and his bomb, she has to kill off one of her aliases which is the last thing that then leads to her taking a leave of absence to figure out who she is and who she wants to be. That scene in her apartment with the bomb is also just an excellent moment for the team as a family. The care with which everyone interacts with Sophie, Parker's instant pudding hack, Eliot's instructions on how defuse this situation, Sophie's immediate shift into protector mode once it becomes clear that the only real solution is to run and telling everyone to leave immediately, Nate staying behind and even when Sophie tells him to leave, waiting for her by the apartment door -- they care for each other so much.
I also really love the con-off with Starke's crew. It is so nice to see how similar yet different he and Nate are, and the same goes for the other crew members. I adore their individual confrontations a lot. Eliot's non-fight fight with Mikel Dayan, Parker's thief-off with Apollo, Hardison and Chaos' baby monitor fight. It just really highlights who our beloved characters are and what makes them them, now that we see them, metaphorically, in front of their mirror.
And then, of course, the actual heist is also just amazing. I adore that Starke chooses Nate as his alias to gain access, it is such a great move. Parker and Apollo talking in the ventilation shaft about birds is also just so lovely. And as an admirer of Eliot's arms, I am also very fond of his fight with Mikel. Good choices have been made, I appreciate all of them. The reveal at the end is also absolutely amazing. To beat them they had to save them? Brilliant.
Lastly, of course, Sophie's goodbye at the graveyard with Nate. What a spectacular moment. Also just, the visuals are so beautiful. I love the lighting here. And of course the return of Andy Lange's song, which is just perfect. I am so happy that this is the journey they decided to give Sophie when it became clear that Gina would not be able to be in the full seasons due to her pregnancy. They accommodated her so beautifully and gave Sophie such an amazing moment of character growth. This is why I love this show and the people who made it so much. All my love, to all of them.
D: JEREMIAH CHECHIK. W: CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 02 September 2009.
We love The Ice Man Job! Another fantastic episode by one Christine Boylan who we love in this house. Our very first episode without Sophie being there, and it's a great one. I absolutely adore how they worked in moments with our favourite grifter in a way that so wonderfully accommodates Gina's pregnancy.
I absolutely adore the moments where all of them eventually end up calling Sophie. Parker, hiding underneath the bar after Nate tells her she'll be the grifter in this one, calling her mom Sophie in a panic without wanting the others to know, but still needing her advice and missing her so much. Then Eliot, calling to complain to his mom Sophie about Hardison going overboard again with the grift, needing the knowledge that his concerns are being heard and aren't unfounded, needs to hear the other protector of the family acknowledge his rightful fear that things will go sideways. And of course also Hardison, calling mom Sophie so she can pick him up from the party help him out of the mess he's made, hoping against all hope that she'll be able to help without having to involve Nate. The others both had the luxury to ask Sophie not to tell Nate -- Hardison had no other choice but to let her call it in. Lastly, Nate too, at the end, calling his wife Sophie. And honestly, I love that Sophie drops her phone into her drink after the call, because Nate is the only one not giving her what she wants to hear. The kids, all of them, called with an "I need you" and that is the one thing Nate doesn't give her.
There are many other things in this episode that I love very much. The opening briefing, Parker feeling alone on the big empty couch, trying to sit next to Eliot, but he makes her move. Nate's big DadTM moment of "Eliot, can you please sit next to Parker" and Eliot's very long-suffering oldest child answer "No! I'm sitting here now."
Then of course Eliot and Hardison's two moments -- Eliot telling Hardison "I ain't bailing your ass out" and then when he eventually does anyway, Hardison's smug joy, forcing Eliot to sort-of-hug him back at McRory's. Eliot's unsuccessful attempt to make him helping Hardison a decision forced onto him by Parker, and Parker refusing to accept the "blame" immediately. Their whole dynamic this episode is just so good. Neither Eliot nor Parker being happy with Hardison in this role (Parker's refusal to ride with him in the Ferrari), Eliot proudly watching Parker do her thing over the security camera ("Stuck it!").
Lots of love also to Pasha Lychnikoff as our main Russian goon, who is just fantastic here, our much beloved Lt. Patrick Bonanno, and also Nadine Haders for so many amazing looks, especially on Eliot.
D: PETER WINTHER. W: CHRIS DOWNEY. Original Air Date: 09 September 2009.
Court-room episode, which means we have our friend Chris Downey on the keys here, and he gave us an absolutely excellent introduction for Tara Cole played by the lovely Jeri Ryan. Honestly, the more often I watch this episode, the better it gets. Tara is just so good.
Highlights of this episode include: Sophie's immediate "who died?!" when Nate shows up at her apartment in London, Hardison playing "Where is Waldo Ford," Hardison and Eliot in prison, the first appearance of Nate's lawyer alias Jimmy Papadokalis who wears brilliantly loud and obnoxious suits in outrageous colour-combinations, Hardison stalling Blanchard at court security with his keys, Nate's reveal of Ruth as Kimball's daughter (I am fascinated that he completely drops the character here -- he is just Nate now), and of course, the reveal of Tara at the end.
Honestly, this is such a magnificent episode to introduce Tara's character. We have just watched the team scramble and fuck up without Sophie, and then their next job gets more complicated because of this random lawyer who shows up. And she's so righteous and law-abiding and absolutely not someone they should be taking with them on their job. And Tara plays it perfectly. Her honest try at getting Orson to talk to them, her confusion about her "dogs", her excited smile when she gets to con Blanchard and be a bit dishonest -- it is so good. And then we get that complete 180° when the team finds her in Nate's apartment. Not just visually, but the personality. Her voice drops a bit too. Jeri fucking rocked this introduction. The reveal is so damn good.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: ALBERT KIM. Original Air Date: 13 January 2010.
I have zero interest in fashion but I honest to God love every single one of these characters at fashion week. Fashion!Eliot is absolutely fantastical and I love him. Julien, my beloved. Fashion!Parker is very cute with her braid and even before she gets the model makeover she outshines every single other person at the event. Fashion!Hardison is surprisingly understated but I dig it. Tara as Caprina is also just excellent. And I absolutely, un-ironically adore Fashion!Nate. Jacques is such a character. Nate exchanged the usual "obnoxious and greasy" with "gay," slapped some would-be-French that sounds like German on top of it, and called it a character. And I love it.
I also very much love the three video calls with Sophie in this episode. The kids calling in the beginning, complaining about Tara. I absolutely adore both the "she's hot" moment and Eliot's "...and all the way to Europe?" when Sophie says Nate lets what is good for him walk out the door. Parker's little "I just miss you" before they hang up has me all the way up in my emotions every damn time. Tara calling Sophie to complain about Nate is also just excellent. The whole bit with Nate's "I'm sexy because I'm broken" thing is just *chef's kiss*. And of course Nate's call at the end. I love that Sophie hangs up on him, it is so fair, it is absolutely justified. And I think he knows that too.
So many great other moments too -- Hardison's Steven Seagal comment about Eliot's clothes, Nate's "Julien, sweetheart" and Eliot's little clap before taking the money, Nate and Parker at the mark's house, Eliot and Tara vs the Triads, Eliot and Parker at fashion week together ("It's a fashion show, not Thieves'R'Us"), and of course Tara's "For what it's worth, Sophie was right. You guys are the best I've ever seen ... But no one in the world, is as good as you think you are."
D: JONATHAN FRAKES. W: CHRISTINE BOYLAN. Original Air Date: 20 January 2010.
This episode has got to be one of my favourites, if I were forced to chose some. I love a bottle episode, and this one is just magnificent. Excellent client, great mark, fantastic additional characters, wonderful episode for the team. All around just, so good. Not surprising if Frakes and Boylan are at the wheel together, of course.
The addition of Cora is so lovely. I would have loved to see more of her, to be honest. She is such a great character. I love what her presence does to who we see Nate as. I adore when characters get to show new sides of themselves, it's so nice. Also, Nate's comment to Eliot about him not wanting Eliot to like Cora because she's like his niece? Most excellent.
I adore our three police officers too. Mickey, Danny and Johnny are such great additions. I really liked them. How they just went with whatever Nate was planning and in the end decided to just pretend none of this ever happened, it's just so good.
Doyle and the Liams as our villains of the week are also just fantastic. Also I just love Irish accents, it sounds so good. I love to hear it.
Other highlights of this episode include: Tara's "I'm Trish and I'm lonely", the kids going for their individual emergency funds stashed in Nate's place (they are all so fantastically in character, I love it), Nate using his dad's name as his alias, everyone stopping to see if Nate is going to succumb to the booze again, Hardison's excitement about pulling off the wire in under 2h, Hardison faking the weather, Eliot and Parker on safe duty. Also, rewatching this episode, I am absolutely 100% convinced that what Eliot is doing to distract the Liams from Tara conning Doyle, absolutely categorises as flirting. The way he throws that dart at the board and then buys them beer? Mr Spencer, sir, you are flirting with these guys.
The wonder twins with yet another magnificent episode. No surprises here. We have not just the return of Maggie but also of Sterling! We love this!!! (Seriously, I want both of them back in the reboot. I don't care that they're most closely tied to Nate. Bring them back.)
This episode has so many absolutely excellent moments as well. I love the opening sequence in the bar, with them going over possible next clients together, Nate kicking Eliot for flirting with the bartender, and then of course also Sterling walking in. The interaction Nate and Eliot have here is just fantastic.
Sterling: *walks in* Nate: Eliot, I'm gonna ask you not do do anything violent. Eliot: Wha-what are you talking about? I only use violence as an appropriate response. Sterling: Hello, Nate. Eliot: *responds appropriately*
And to think that Sterling only gets beat up here because Mark Sheppard's son was visiting the set that day and wanted to see his dad get beat up by Eliot. We stan one Sheppard Jr.
I very much love the scene where Nate and Sterling go over what they have on Lundy, and then Parker interrupting them out of nowhere, just sitting there on the counter, like she's been there forever (which she probably has). Also just, fantastic clothes on Parker, thank you Nadine. Maggie showing up here is of course also brilliant and I am very fond of Parker making Maggie a fugitive bag. It is so completely adorable. I love my girl so much.
Another favourite moment is, of course, Tara and Eliot getting Chernov to tell them where the sale of the Fabergé egg will take place. Tara not saying a damn thing, Eliot grumpily doing what Tara tells him to ("Do that thing with your eyes that scares people" / "What -- I don't know what you're talking about"), Chernov's complete unease about this whole entire situation, and then of course Tara and Eliot's other interaction:
Tara: What we imagine is always so much better than reality. Eliot, with the tiniest voice possible: Like love? Tara: *just stares at him, confused*
Just, *chef's kiss* this scene.
The scenes in the embassy are also just excellent. Tara and Nate pretending to be a couple, Nate's inability to deal with the idea of Maggie and Alexander, Maggie and Tara hysterically giggling while talking about Nate, Sterling pretending to be drunk (and incredibly gay) to get Parker access to the egg room -- brilliance, all the way through.
I adore Eliot taking charge of the situation once it becomes clear that Maggie and Nate have been taken hostage. Parker doing her magic and switching the bomb with the empty briefcase in the elevators is beautiful. Maggie kissing Nate instead of Lundy in what could have been their final moment and regretting it instantly the moment Parker shows up is excellent.
And the final scene back at McRory's is also just wonderful. The kids watching the news about Sterling with Tara ("I hate this guy" / "Now, you're part of the team"), and Nate talking with Maggie. I adore Maggie in this scene so much. Her and Nate's relationship is so lovely. We know Sophie understands how Nate ticks, but Maggie knows him so well too, still.
D: MARC ROSKIN. W: CHRIS DOWNEY & AMY BERG. Original Air Date: 03 February 2010.
This episode is so good for so many reasons. First off, I adore Luke Perry (I'm still sad about him) even if he plays creeps like Rand in most everything I've seen him in. He was just so good. Second, Medium Tara is probably my favourite role of hers. It's a lot softer than many of the other characters she's done, and I love it. Also the costuming is just excellent.
But I want to talk about Parker most of all. The scene where Rand cold reads her is so well done. Riesgraf knocked it out of the park here. Also, I love how Nate, as soon as Rand starts approaching and doing his act, barely ever takes his eyes off her. He occasionally glances at Rand, but his attention is on Parker at all times. And it just makes me feel things.
The team coming back to Nate's to find Parker sitting on the floor in front of the couch, crying also makes me super emo. They are all so very careful with her here. Even Tara, who hasn't been with them for that long. I quite like how Eliot and Hardison choose to sit a bit away, giving her space, and Nate carefully approaches and sits closest to her. They are all so good with her here, I love them all so much. And I absolutely adore this part of the conversation:
Tara: So what do we do now? Parker: Cut off his arms. And his head. Yeah. I wanna kill him. Can we make that happen? Eliot: Yeah, I can...I mean, I could...
Also earlier, after Tara acknowledges that Rand is good at what he does, Hardison says "He should be shot." I adore how both our boys would not hesitate to end this man for hurting Parker like this. That's their girl and he went too damn far. And even though Nate suggests a way of retaliation that is less final, he isn't above hurting the man either. Because that's his girl, too:
Hardison: Nate had me rig the table with a mild electrical current. Eliot: You electrocuted him? Nate, smugly: Yes, I did. It helped sell the bit. Parker: I approve. Nate: Thanks, Parker. Eliot: No, her agreeing with you is not a good thing. Nate, whispering to Parker: Thanks.
And add to that the absolute joy each and every one of them have when fucking with Rand to fulfil Tara's predictions? *Chef's kiss.* Absolutely beautiful.
There is so much more absolutely fantastic content in this episode, but I just wanna point out the ending where they meet with the client again. Nate is so good with them here. The way he talks to Jodie about her baby and how she will see her late husband in the child, makes me cry every damn time. Just like Tara says, "Yeah, now I see why you do it," this is why this show is so damn good. It's because of this exactly. Because for one shining moment within so much suck and tragedy, there is goodness and a wrong that has been made right. They help people and it isn't just fleeting momentary relief. They change people's lives for the better. I love this fucking show so much.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 10 February 2010.
First half of the second finale! Patrick Bonanno my beloved! I get so sad every time he gets shot here. My man deserves better than this. I love Bonanno so damn much, man. I absolutely adore that Nate goes to see his family at the hospital. Like, this is a cop. The very opposite side of the law Nate and his people operate on. But he goes to see him anyway, because this is their cop. And I love that Bonanno's wife recognises Nate's name. "He wanted to buy you a drink. And then arrest you." That's just so good.
I also absolutely love Richard Kind as Brad Culpepper, the corrupt mayor. I would love to see him back in the reboot, but I doubt there'd be any reasonable explanation why on earth they'd have to see this particular mayor again. I just think Richard Kind is an absolutely fantastic actor.
Anyway, favourite moments. Hardison and Eliot at Bonanno's house is beautiful. I am so fond of how Hardison deals with law enforcement while impersonating law enforcement. He tears them down and builds them back up again, every single time. And I adore how Eliot just smiles at his antics. He crawls around on that carpet with the young cop and Eliot just stands there and smiles. I love them, guys. I really do. Parker pretending to be Brad's pregnant lover with Tara's help is also just most excellent.
And of course: Roy Chappell. Baseball Eliot, my most beloved. There is so much to love about this whole concept. Eliot's reluctance at first because he doesn't like baseball. The discovery that baseball is actually something cool and something he is good at. His absolute childlike joy at the energy drink commercial Hardison made him. His damn hair during the actual game. The sandwich! The enthusiasm about the sandwich. Hardison admitting that the sandwich thing is cool.
I also absolutely love Hardison and Parker as Beavers Fans. The badly photoshopped picture of Dean Devlin and John Rogers as the radio hosts makes me smile so much. So does hearing their voices on the show. Both Hardison and Parker's phone calls to them are also brilliant. Parker speaking Spanish? Marvelous. The two of them demonstrating the Beavers leaving? *Chef's kiss.*
The final showdown with Brad and then the FBI is also just most excellent. Nate going ballistic on Brad because of Bonanno. Hardison and Lucille. Parker giving Lucille a little kiss before they send her to explode as a distraction. Hardison quoting Spock to say goodbye to Lucille. Hardison being pissed at Nate about Lucille. And of course: Jim Sterling, Interpol. The bastard. I love him.
D: DEAN DEVLIN. W: JOHN ROGERS. Original Air Date: 17 February 2010.
Second half of second finale! And it's a good one, too. This show has absolutely brilliant finales, lemme tell you.
What do we love about this episode? MUCH. Tara's naked bit is excellent. Eliot and Parker sharing a look after watching Tara's naked bit is even better. Parker turning on the porn channels on the hotel tv is hilarious. Eliot talking to the receptionist about the gym is hysterical ("Ah, the fitness spa. Isn't the Zen Steam Garden divine?" / "Yeah....delicious").
Nate on stairs vs Sterling in elevator is probably the pettiest thing I have ever watched on television and it is absolutely amazing. I don't think anything can ever top this as pettiest moment. It is just so good.
Sterling, of course, is always great fun. I love that he has his own little villain theme that announces him before he even enters the screen. Love a good villain theme. And I adore his moment with FBI Bob outside Brad's hotel room.
Sterling: Name's Bob, right? Bob: Yes, sir. Sterling: You've been here the whole time, Bob? Bob: Yes, sir. Sterling: And nobody's gone in or out, Bob? Bob: No, sir. Sterling: Then would you mind explaining, where the HELL THE MAYOR IS?!
Absolutely perfect.
Nate going back to his place always has me all up in my emotions. Also, I think Sterling here absolutely believes that what he is offering Nate, is good for him. That he can save him from himself or something. They were something like friends at some point, after all. And of course, Nate calling Sophie. She is, of course, unbeknownst to him, already on the way to save his ass. But he calls her and finally tells her exactly what she wanted to hear at the end of The Ice Man Job: "I need you. Not the team, me." Sir. I am emo about you.
And then of course the final con and the reveal of Sophie's return. I absolutely love that Parker's first reaction to Tara possibly betraying them was to try and throw her off the roof. That's my girl (I love Tara, but that was fair). Also just, if you pay attention on the boat scenes, you can see Sophie from as early as Kadjic hearing Nate's offer and then leading Nate and Eliot below deck. If you can pick out her hair and know the colour of her coat from the scene in the helicopter, you know that she is there. And then, below deck, you can see her so many times -- at one point essentially back to back with Nate -- before any of the characters know she's there. And can I just say, I absolutely love Nate's completely shocked face when he hears her voice. Those comedically big eyes are just excellent.
Everyone seeing Sophie again is done so well. Hardison and Eliot's confused "Sophie?" when she walks past. Eliot winking at Sophie after they free Nate. Parker hugging her immediately once her and Tara arrive on the ship. Hardison putting his hand on the small of her back as he passes by her to go down the stairs. I just love them all so much.
And lastly of course, the reveal of the plan, Nate cuffing himself to the railing and making Sterling leave his family alone. What Nate says to them always makes me so emo too: "You guys are the most honourable people I have ever met in my life. You have become my family, my only family. And I will never forget that." John Rogers, sir, we need to have some words once I get this lake out of my eyes. And I obviously can't not mention the kiss. Finally, finally Nate gets his shit together. And she slaps him and it is perfect. And then they leave and he sits down and bleeds and Sterling, for a moment, is genuinely concerned about Nate as a person and not merely about Nate as his only way to nail Kadjic.
Bob: Who the hell is this guy? Sterling: I have no idea. Nate: My name is Nate Ford. And I'm a thief.
Yes. Yes you are, you magnificent bastard.
[image taken from the electricnow website]
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jimmypeakes · 5 years
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tag dump !!
#❛ i’m a rebel just for kicks now. ❜ — aesthetics.#❛ might be over now but i feel it still. ❜ — answers.#❛ we could wait until the walls come down. ❜ — ask meme answers.#❛ let’s go down the drain with the falling rain. ❜ — ask memes.#❛ all the trails we blazed have long since been paved. ❜ — character development.#❛ somehow still be amazed that the leaves have changed. ❜ — chats.#❛ always go below the midnight sun. ❜ — closed starters.#❛ leading the modern age on down memory lane. ❜ — ft peakes family.#❛ and i still hear the sound of the pack when they howl. ❜ — interactions.#❛ good kid bad brains living for whatever. ❜ — introduction.#❛ god only knows we don’t need history. ❜ — mail.#❛ wash away the stains in that evening shade. ❜ — music.#❛ we could fight a war for peace. ❜ — musings.#❛ running with no sign of slowing. ❜ — open starters.#❛ don’t need to live to know what i’ve become. ❜ — outfits.#❛ let’s live in the moment come back sunday morning. ❜ — paras.#❛ cause when we rise up we rise up above all the chaos to get lost. ❜ — quotes.#❛ falling from a ladder must be tripping like a cartoon slipping on a banana. ❜ — sam’s edits.#❛ i know it seems there’s no end in sight but it doesn’t mean you can’t put up a fight. ❜ — self paras.#❛ god only knows we don’t need ghost stories. ❜ — starters.#❛ wake up everybody you know and come and watch the garden grow. ❜ — tasks.#❛ those days are gone but i’m still glowing. ❜ — visage.#❛ stay calm we’ll all just get along. ❜ — wanted connections.#tag dump
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
The Accidental Family - Chapter 4
Henry Cavill x OFC - multi-chapter
< Chap 3 | Chap 4 The First Date night | Chap 5 >
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Disclaimer: fluff, mild smuttiness, some strong language
Word count: 2.303
Author’s note: I had so much food the past couple of days 😂So yea, despite the Christmas days having been weird at best, me and my bf had quite a bit of fun - and a whole lot of romantic dinners to kill the time. And ..now we’re talking romantic dinners..
(Link to my Masterlist)
‘Black or purple, what do you think?’ Henry held up the two ties before Kal, the dog tilting his head left and right, as if deciding which one was better. The answer was apparently quite simple according to Henry’s dog; with an excited huff the Akita jumped right up in Henry’s face, licking him all over.
‘Yea, yea, hahahah - that’s the goal. Hahahah. You got me there. So..no tie, then?’ He pushed the dog back down and ruffled him through his thick fur. Kal borked softly and Henry agreed. ‘Very well, a little less formal is probably better, you’re right. We’re having a date at home, anyways.’
Henry breathed in deeply and looked in the direction of the kitchen, his stew simmering on a low fire as he heard Phoebe rummage upstairs, some closet cabinets opening and closing in a mildly hasty manner.
With Henry still in full recovery, it was decided that it would be best to just stick to a cute home dinner for their first dinner date since his memory loss - just to avoid any overzealous fans that would disturb him in a restaurant after the news had been released that he had suffered a serious head injury in a motorcycle accident.
The accident had left many scars. Both physical and mental. It was weird to be here at home now more people lived here, the kids on a prolonged stay with the grandparents while Henry and his wife recuperated from the shake-up his - their - life had had.
In the past days Henry had seen about every specialist and doctor in the book. He went from lengthy couch sessions with a psychologist - the story of the introduction of his kids having been received with mild horror - to the keeping of sleep and medication schedules with his doctor to make sure he got enough recovery and rest in between re-learning the basics of his new life.
The fact that a good many people surviving such head trauma would never be the same, troubled Henry greatly, and so whenever he was allowed to search the internet, which was sparingly, he scoured it like a starved man, the printer in the living room doing over-time to print all the articles and research he had found.
But, all that research would have to wait for the moment. First he’d have to get reacquainted with another part of his life: his wife. And even now as he heard her rummage around the master bedroom, he couldn’t help but feel his heart flutter with nerves.
What if she didn’t like the new Henry? What if he couldn’t fall in love with her. Or the sex would be awful, or..
NO! Stop those thoughts.
Looking back in the hallway mirror, he unbuttoned his blouse a little further, a little peek of chest hair popping out over the sleek white fabric.
‘Button up or down?’ Henry looked over at Kal, but the dog thought his human dad was being ridiculous, his body turning around to trod back to the kitchen to slobber up some water.
‘..Very well then.’
It was near surprising how easy dinner went by. Which of course, shouldn’t be too much of a surprise; Henry and Phoebe had several dinners at home before this one, though they never had been quite so romantic. Henry had turned the lights down low and lit some candles, the kitchen radio playing some soft jazzy music playing in the background.
With dinner over and the dirty plates returned to the dishwasher - the dance of moving around the kitchen together now quite well practised, they ended up on the couch, the both of them sipping on some tea, since it was strongly advised not to consume alcohol after Henry’s brain injury.
‘So...’ Henry finished the last sip of his tea and placed it on the side table next to his right elbow, his blue eyes searching for his wife’s slightly dazed expression - she did have a wine or two with his stew.
‘Are you falling asleep on me, wife?’
‘Hahaha you wish.’
‘I do wish.’
‘Oh stop it!’ Her cheeks burned a bright pink, making Henry chuckle - at least he still got some of his charms.
‘I WAS actually wondering about what you mentioned earlier. When I asked you on this date..remember?’
‘Yea…’ She lifted her legs and crossed them, snuggling herself more comfortable in her nook on the couch, lips blowing over her slowly cooling tea.
‘What did you mean by “we never really dated”?’ Henry quoted the last words with his fingers.
‘Oh!’ She quickly looked away, her hands deciding it was best to put her tea away on the side table on her side of the couch. ‘Yea….’ She looked back at Henry. ‘That’s a funny story..’
‘Okay, okay. So, I’m just curious. How do you think we met?’ Her eyebrows rose in expectation, her body fully turning towards him, legs still crossed before her chest. Henry also turned slightly, his arm stretching out over the back of the couch, his fingertips just about able to reach her knees.
‘Hmm. I’ve actually thought about that. Though of course I don’t know. But ehh..’ He squinted his eyes a little, as if playfully wanting to guess. ‘I think I met you on set.’
‘How’s that?’
‘I don’t know. Just a feeling.’
‘Well. It’s not. Try again.’
‘Okay..Ehm, then I totally met you at the grocery store and hit on you so hard that you thought I was some weird creep?’
She laughed. ‘That has happened. Not with you though.’
Phoebe laughed and shook her head. ‘Dork.’
‘OH! A comic book store?! A Comic Con? A..’
‘No, and.. no.’
‘Alright, I don’t know. Spill the beans, wife-dear.’
She shot him an exasperated look, before clicking her tongue. ‘We shagged at an after party.’
Henry’s face blanked. ‘I’m sorry, say that again: AT an after party?’
‘Yea..we definitely did it AT the after party.’
‘Was I drunk?’
Phoebe laughed. ‘Shit Henry. Of course we were. We both were. I wouldn’t for the life of me shag anyone on any party, but there we were, fumbling hands and tearing expensive dress shirts in a toilet stall.’ 
Henry’s eyes widened at her words.
‘Yea..classy, right? And you left me a little present too.’
‘We’re not talking about just a phone number here, huh?’
‘Nope. You knocked me up with our ray of sunshine, Sam. Funny thing was that I lost my phone that night, and with it your number. I then contacted your assistant, Aunt Lea, whom TOTALLY didn’t believe you’d do anything of the sort, so it took me a good three months to get in contact with you.’
‘Holy crap.’
Phoebe sighed deeply and turned away again, as if wishing to shut out Henry from her thoughts. ‘Yea, it’s been a wild ride.’
‘Wait.’ Henry pushed himself a little closer so he could brush a hand over her shoulder, his eyes searching the curve of her nose and the pull of her lips. ‘Do you regret it? It’s okay if you do. I mean, we’re all out, bums out - besides I can’t remember a thing of the things you just said.’
Phoebe shook her head. ‘No.’ She finally looked back up at Henry, her eyes a lot more warm and welcoming than he had expected. ‘I was already smitten with you before I rang this doorbell to give you the happy news you were about to become a dad...and I’d have kept sweetheart Sam either way the wind would have blown.’
‘Sam..Fixing his dad and all.’ Henry smiled.
‘Gods.’ Phoebe chuckled. ‘That was bad.’
‘Kinda. I’ll need some help with managing that rowdy bunch.’ Henry sighed, feeling Phoebe’s hand reaching out to brush through his curls again - he liked it.
‘I had a good night.’ She said.
Henry looked at her and instantly felt his heart flutter, his stomach dropping and palms going sweaty. It was quite obvious that IF he wanted to make a move, he’d have to do it now. And so, with perhaps a bit too awkward a hastiness, he scooted closer to Phoebe, his black burning eyes staring down into her expecting dark blues.
‘I liked it too. I like YOU..too.’ He breathed, making her eyes also grow darker by the second.
‘Good,’ She whispered, switching her focus between his left and right eye, noses slowly crawling closer to one another until their lips were but a breath away from touching.
‘Can I kiss y..-?’
His words lingered somewhere in between the crashing of their two bodies, Phoebe’s arms eagerly pulling him towards her, her lips savouring the taste of mint tea and musk on his tongue. And as eagerly as they started, so eagerly it to-tal-ly escalated. In moments Henry had flipped her flat onto the couch, his hands scorching the skin on her neck and chest, fingertips teasing and touching whatever piece of flesh her simple black dress revealed.
‘FUCK.’ She whined, turning her head to offer him more neck for him to bite down into.  
Henry growled and lowered his hip, making her feel the eagerness he felt in the tightness of his dress pants, the fabric strained around his crotch.
‘Oh gods,’ Her breath hiccuped and were it not for Henry’s attentiveness, he wouldn’t have picked up on the tears that had started to spill from her eyes, his body immediately pushing back up before he wiped the stray hairs in her face away, worried eyes studying her trembling lips and blurry gaze.
‘I-I’m so sorry.’ She mumbled, turning her head into the couch pillow, wishing to hide from his penetrative gaze.
‘No, no. It’s okay. Sshhh.’ He sat up on his haunches and pulled her with ease onto his lap, his chin pressing down onto her head as she cried into the open V of his shirt, his chest hair wetting with her agony - yep he kept it buttoned down. ‘Sshhh.’ He hushed, pressing more and more kisses into her golden hair. ‘I’ve got you.’
‘I’ve missed you so much.’ She whimpered, and it was in that moment Henry hated himself for the way his erection twitched beneath the plush of her thighs, his mind having to focus on anything but her scent and warmth - and failed. Henry failed miserably, Bee’s head starting to shake “no” as she pushed herself off his lap.
‘Fwooo…’ She breathed, focusing on slowing her breath before she looked back at Henry with watery eyes, their bodies separated by the magic of opposing magnetic energy; if Henry tried to come closer, she leaned back and vice versa.
‘Maybe we should give THAT a little more time.’ She chuckled through her tears, the back of her hand wiping away the smudge of mascara that was running down her cheek.
‘I’m sorry about that.’ Henry muttered, feeling like he had failed completely, though thankfully Phoebe could only see the hilarity of it:
‘Guess nothing much has changed in that department.’ She sighed and turned her body back towards him. ‘Is it okay if we sleep apart for a little bit? Just to..-’
‘Calm down?’
‘Yea.’ Her lips curled in a smile.
‘I’m not really used to sleeping with women on the first date anyways.’
Phoebe laughed, poking him in the bicep. ‘OH PLEASE, don’t tell me I was the only one you ever..’
Henry laughed along and shrugged with boyish innocence: ‘Can’t remember, but from what I know, I ...never..’
‘Will you go on another date with me though?’
Henry let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He was pleased with her gentle plea, his hand catching hers to press a sweet and tender promise of a kiss onto the back of her hand. ‘Absolutely.’
That night Henry found himself bunking up with a bed full of stuffies, the bed of his 4-year old the only one he could somewhat fit into.
Turning towards the stuffies, he remembered the notes his wife had given him in the past days: Sam had a stuffy named Mr. Stinky, which he had left behind to watch over his other friends while he was away. 
Henry studied the line up of rabbits, elephants, bears and foxes. Which one was Stinky anyways? His wife had said it in between a avalanche of other information, so Henry hadn’t quite managed to catch on like he so wished.
‘Oh..There’s a LOT to learn huh..Mr Stinky? Or ..were you Mr Stinky?’ He looked from stuffy to stuffy, the large beady eyes looking back at him in silence. With a slight smirk on his face Henry pushed his nose into their fluffy bellies, inhaling deeply to find out which one would be Mr. Stinky. But, apparently it was just a name; they all smelled fine.
Rolling onto his back, he switched off the Mario mushroom shaped night light, the ceiling above glowing up with a hundred small stars that had been put up to keep the nightmares at bay.
‘Woa..’ He breathed, feeling his heart flip at the idea that everything about this was real. He had kids. He had..a wife. A family life. And now all he needed to learn was how to fit into his new role. This new ..Henry. And, for the fuck of sakes: if he wasn’t going to jerk off soon, he’d jump his wife before the night was through. It was quite clear how they had never made it to a first date; she simply made his heart and loin ache in a way he had never quite felt before.
Sighing deeply he looked back at the dark row of judgmental beady eyes next to him. He chuckled.
‘Yea...let’s not do that here.’
Chap 5 >
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