mel-the-glaceon · 2 months
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zeomits · 9 months
・完成しそうでなかなか完成しない。 終わらないのかも…。
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g00melo5-art-blog · 9 days
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bancho-zx · 8 months
Densha de GO! 2 | 電車でGO! 2 ~Intro/Title/Demo
[ LOVE Express Komachi | LOVE特急こまち ]
// Vocal: Zuntata-J.A.M // Lyrics: Zuntata-J.A.M // Composition: Dr. HAGGY / Hideki Takahagi | 高萩英樹 // Music: Norihiro Furukawa | 古川典裕
// MiSTer FPGA / PSX core // Y/C Composite // Sony KV-13TR20 CRT TV
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halkeith · 11 months
#ちてつ電車フェスティバル2023 #秋晴れ #ミラージュ #HDR #洗車でGo! #黒沢稲荷の大杉 #ベロスターミニ
 ちてつ電車フェスティバル2023へ。季節外れの夏日もあり熱気むんむん。 ニューレッドアロー(NRA)の愛称はキャニオンエクスプレスに決定。 自転車もそろそろ走り納めかと思っていたが、想定外の暖かさ。今度こそ走り納めと思い存分駆けてきた。 年末にかけての週末予定は、ほぼ入れた。既に消化ムード漂う。
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kkimura · 9 months
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運動がてら自転車で(電動ですがね)を使って、1時間かけてマンハッタンのアッパーウェストサイドにあるカフェにきました! 🥳
久しぶりに、めちゃくちゃ気に入ったお店見つけて嬉し〜! 🥰☕️🥐
アボカドトーストとグルテンフリーのバナナブレッドを頼んだら、どちらも何これって⁉️てくらい美味しくて感激! 🤩 (単に運動後でお腹すいてたからかも?)
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E-biked to UWS in Manhattan today (took 1hr! very good exercise…) 🚴🏼‍♀️💨 and stopped at this cute coffee shop!
I had the best ever Gluten Free Banana bread and avocado toast!!! 🥑🍞🍳🥐 Incredibly Delicious!!!!!
Super happy that I found my new favorite place to have good cappuccino and delicious treats!
Already can’t wait to go back!!! 😆
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nihongo-enthusiast · 5 months
How To Use ところ
1. 駅に着いたところで、電車が出発しました。
"Just as I arrived at the station, the train departed."
2. 宿題をしているところです。
"I'm in the middle of doing my homework."
3. お腹がすいたところに、友達から食べ物の差し入れがありました。
"Just when I was hungry, my friend brought me some food."
4. 映画を見終わったところで、雨が降り始めました。
"Just after finishing the movie, it started to rain."
5. 電話をかけようとしたところで、バッテリーが切れてしまいました。
"Just as I was about to make a phone call, my battery died."
1. Indicating a Point in Time or Action:
"ところ" can indicate a specific point in time or action. It's often used with verbs in the present tense, present progressive form (-ている) to express an ongoing action; or past tense to indicate you have just finished doing something.
1a. Verb stem + ところ indicates you are about to do the action, you are going to start the action.
• 今から勉強するところです。"I'm about to study now "
1b. Verb present progressive form + ところ indicates you are in the midst of doing the action. You are currently doing the action.
• 彼は料理を作っているところです。 "He is in the middle of cooking."
1c. Verb past tense + ところ indicates you have finished the action; the action is completed.
• ちょうど帰って来たところです。"I just got home."
• 彼女はお風呂から出たところです。 "She has just come out of the bath."
2. Indicating Circumstances or Situations:
"ところ" can also describe the circumstances or situation surrounding an action or event.
• 電車に乗るところで、友達に会いました。 "I met my friend while I was about to board the train."
3. Indicating a Close Call or Coincidence: Verb stem + ところ (だった / でした) can express a situation where something narrowly almost happened or coincidentally occurred.
• 遅れるところでしたが、間に合いました。 "I almost arrived late, but I made it in time."
4. Expressing Inevitability:
In some cases, "ところ" can convey a sense of inevitability or expectation regarding an action or event.
• 彼はいつか成功するところだ。 "He is bound to succeed someday."
5. Indicating a Specific Place or Location: While less common, "ところ" can also mean "place" or "location" when used in specific contexts.
• ここは賑やかなところです。 "This place is lively."
6. Expressing Emotional States:
In colloquial language, "ところ" can sometimes be used to express one's emotional state or feelings.
• びっくりしたところです。 "I was surprised."
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sarahalainn · 8 months
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The sweet news is out
SARAH ÀLAINN Valentine Vegan cookies🍪
Comes with a little video💌from me♪
Red symbolises both passion and the rising sun🇯🇵
Profits will go towards delivering lifesaving aid for the Noto earthquake victims #能登の障害者に届け
Sweetness for yourself & someone far away this Valentine’s ❤️
Become a 1/f member
#能登の障害者に届け #能登半島地震
今回は特別にサラからのQR 付き動画メッセージを受け取ってください💌
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tokidokitokyo · 3 months
JLPT N3 Kanji Quiz ②
A quick kanji quiz for you!
Answer below the cut
まもなく電車が まいります 。危ないですから、黄色い線まで下がってお待ちください。
あ) 入ります い) 参ります う) 着ります え) 回ります
And the answer is...
い) 参ります
This verb means "to go" or "to come" and is a humble form.
How did you do?
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eyelectricmoon · 1 year
BUCK-TICK ヒズミ (Hizumi) - English translation & romaji
What do I live for?
It won’t go well, this makeup
It’s a tough weekend, isn’t it
My mom’s dreams?
I violated them
I tear off my chest
Lullaby, the blood won’t sto…p
Lap at the mouth of the wound
We’re distorting, this town, me and you
The twilight swing sways
Everyone distorted
is living mysteriously
Look, a window light
My dad’s dreams?
I killed them too
Sunday, with a pattern of rain
Lullaby, goodbye, farewe…ll
Chop it all u…p
We’re distorting, this town, me and you
The traffic light changes to red
Grandpa, grandma
Let us join hands
Don’t bother!
Please leave us alone
Dad, Mom, don’t forget, okay?
I love you so so much
If it’s got to be this way...
I want to become gentle
The next train will go… mad*
*[T/N] the kanji Sakurai uses in the lyrics is 狂う、”go mad”, even though in the song it sounds like 来る, “to come”, which makes sense in the context of "the next train coming"
+ it has been confirmed by Sakurai that the lyrics depict experiences of a "man with a woman's soul" who wishes to live as feminine (whether it's an euphemism for a transgender woman or a gnc man isn't entirely clear to me, i think it could be both). either way, it seems to express frustration at being unable to get rid of your masculinity completely - x
original kanji & romaji under cut
胸 掻きむしる
ララバイ 血が止まら‥ ない
傷口を 舐めて
街が 僕が 君が 歪む
夕暮れブランコ ゆら
誰も 歪  
窓に灯り ほら
日曜 雨 模様
ララバイ グッドバイ サヨナ‥ラ
切り刻んで しま‥え
街が 僕が 君が 歪む
信号 赤に 変わ る
お爺さん お婆さん
放っといて 頂戴‥
お父さん お母さん 忘れないでね
とっても 愛している
こんな はずじゃ‥
次の電車が 狂‥う
nan no tame ikiru?
umaku ikanai okeshō
hidoi shūmatsu ne
okāsan no yume wo?
yume wo okashimashita
mune kakimushiru
Lullaby chi ga tomara‥nai
kizuguchi wo namete
machi ga boku ga kimi ga hizumu
yūgure buranko yura
dare mo ibitsu fushigi ni ikiteiru
mado ni akari hora
otōsan no yume wo?
yume mo koroshimashita
nichiyō ame moyō
Lullaby goodbye sayona..ra
kirikizande shima..e
machi ga boku ga kimi ga hizumu
shingō aka ni kawaru
ojiisan obāsan te o tsunagimashō
kamau na! hottoite chōdai..
otōsan okāsan wasurenaide ne
tottemo aishiteru
konna hazu ja.. yasashiku naritai
tsugi no densha ga kuru..u
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wa-i0101 · 2 years
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1. The little devilish junior forcibly places my hand on her soft belly and shows me the explosive sound of hunger, overwhelming vibration and lovely feeling only I can feel.
2. The two of us, who have feelings for each other but have never talked much, take the same train to school. But today's train was very crowded.
The girl was very hungry because she had not eaten last night and breakfast. When the train shook in the crowded train, their bellies got stuck together, and the girl's stomach, which was trying not to growl, growled loudly on the boy's stomach.
The girl is so embarrassed that she almost cries, but the boy also hears the unwilling and embarrassing sound of the girl he loves and is involuntarily thrilled.
3. A girl who cannot be honest in front of the person she likes will end up being strong even in a situation like "I'm hungry and I'm about to make a loud noise.
"Are you okay?" When asked, she replies, "Nothing," while making a small rumbling sound in her stomach and secretly holding her stomach.
However, her starving body, oblivious to her feelings, called out for help with a loud tummy rumbling. She stiffened and blushed in frustration.
4. When I was on a diet, my stomach grumbled and I didn't feel like doing anything at home, so I decided to go to the library to read a book.
As I was reading a book, something was wrong with my stomach. Even now, it seems to be making a lot more noise than it does when I'm at home. It's quiet around me and there are lots of people.
I pray in a cold sweat, "Please…don't ring…" but there is no point, only the loud, miserable sound of begging for food echoes in the quiet space.
Oh, I painfully feel the stares of the people around me. I could only clutch my stomach desperately, unaware that I was appealing to them that I was the culprit of the embarrassing sound.
5. My belly happily absorbs a lot of food and begs loudly for a lot of food everywhere. I am ashamed of such a big fleshy belly.
6. A girl interested in the sound of her own hunger secretly bought a stethoscope by mail order. When she tried it on her stomach, which had been deliberately skipped, she was surprised and embarrassed at the same time at how loud the sound was.
7. As I was kneeling down to my pampered friend, I was overcome by a sudden feeling of hunger. I felt like I was about to be blasted in my friend's ear, and I couldn't move, even though I needed to get away from this place as soon as possible.
But even if my stomach rumbles… my friend is sleeping, so he won't hear it…? I had a ray of hope that my friend would be asleep and would not hear me. I let out a sound that was too loud to be fooled.
Unfortunately, my friend had woken up shortly before my stomach rumbled, and heard the entire embarrassing sound from beginning to end. After that, we both spent the rest of the day pretending not to notice.
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Basic Japanese Vocabulary - Transport 
車 - くるま (kuruma) - car
自転車 - じてんしゃ (jitensha) - bicycle
バス (basu) - bus
電車 -でんしゃ (densha) - train
地下鉄 - ちかてつ (chikatetsu) - subway, metro
新幹線 - しんかんせん (shinkansen) - bullet train
飛行機 - ひこうき (hikōki) - plane
船 - ふね (fune) - ship
駅 - えき (eki) - station
切符 - きっぷ (kippu) - ticket
When saying you go somewhere by a method of transport, use the particle で. You can use へ (e) or に to say where it is you’re going.
私は日本に飛行機で行きます。(I will go to Japan by plan)
彼はいつも仕事に電車で行きます。(He always goes to work by train)
You can say how long something takes with the verb かかる. Use the particles から and まで to indicate from and to respectively.
ロンドンから東京まで飛行機で14時間かかります。(It takes 14 hours to go from London to Tokyo by plane).
東京から京都まで新幹線でどのくらいかかりますか? (How long does it take to get from Tokyo to Kyoto by bullet train?)
Another useful verb here is 乗る (のる). This means to ride or to get on.
昨日、地下鉄に乗りました。(Yesterday, I took the subway)
土曜日、初めて新幹線に乗ります。(On Saturday, I will take a bullet train for the first time).
Please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes!
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remnorlia · 9 months
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リクエスト(2/7) ②777 and SHO MINAMIMOTO (funny if they're friends) +α ②777と南師猩(友達だったら面白い)+α
When thinking about the illustrations of 777 and ZETTA, I thought that the main thing would be a live performance. 777とゼタのイラストを考えるにあたって、メインはどうしてもライブ系したいなと思っていた。
At first, I was thinking of doing a live within A-EAST, including the members of Death March. 最初はデスマーチメンバー含めてA-EAST内でのライブを考えていた。
But I didn't know which instrument Tenho and BJ were playing, so I changed it to an outdoor live. でもテンホーとBJの担当楽器が分からないので野外ライブに変更。
The request said, "It would be fun if we were friends." So the invisible feet are opus. リクエストに「友達だったら面白い」とあったので、すごく仲良くなったらオブジェの上でライブさせてくれるのではと思って月を背景に立ってもらった。ということで見えない足元はオブジェだったりする。
The live on the opus is good, but the pork city rooftop is also good. オブジェ上のライブも良いけど、ポークシティ屋上も良いよね。
If we get along well, I want you to perform live in various places. You can also make your own venue (in the sense of an opus)! 仲良くなったら色んな所でライブして欲しいな。会場も自作(オブジェ的な意味で)できるし!
Since ZETTA is the self-centered type, I think it would be difficult to be friends with ZETTA in the true sense of the word. ゼタが自分本位なタイプなので、真の意味でゼタと友達になるのは難しいんじゃないかと思っている。
But I feel like I can get closer to a certain extent...Even so, in terms of power, it's ZETTA >>>>>> a wall that can't be overcome >>>>>>>>>>> 777, but... でも、ある程度までは近づける気が…といっても力関係的にどうしてもゼタ>>>>>>越えられない壁>>>>>>>>>>>777になってしまうけど…
ZETTA is an image that only gets involved in 777 when there is something to do. ゼタは何かしら用事がある時だけ777に絡んでくるイメージ。
If 777 happens to see ZETTA, he can see that talking to her will cause trouble, so I have a feeling that she will leave it alone. 777はもし偶然ゼタを見かけても、話しかけると厄介なことになるのが見えているので、そっとしておく気がする。
Since there was a mic incident, everyone in Death March seems to avoid ZETTA. マイク事件があったのでデスマーチ全員ゼタ避けてそう。
Speaking of the mic incident, W2D4! マイク事件といえばW2D4!
I miss the compulsory missions that I had to complete when I went to Udagawa-cho... 宇田川町に行く時にこなさないといけない強制ミッションが懐かしいね…
At that time, Joshua was annoyed, so I thought that he would do something as sarcastic as this, so I made it into a mission without permission. あの時ヨシュアがムッとしていたので、これぐらいの嫌味はやりそうだなと思って勝手にミッション化してみた。
There are ZETTA objects, cars, and vending machines, so it must be difficult to find a single mic. ゼタのオブジェ、車とか自販機も混ざっているからマイク1本探し出すのもきっと大変だろうな~それにしてもマイク事件の犯人と動機を知った時は思わず笑っちゃったね…
I definitely want to draw one Death March trio, so I drew the story about the mic incident. デスマーチ3人組は必ず1枚描きたいな~と思って描いたのはやっぱりマイク事件ネタ。
Every time I see a public phone in front of Morco, I feel like it would be interesting if they were messing around with that incident. モルコ前の公衆電話を見かけるたびに、例の事件のことをいじられていたら面白いな~という感じ。
I couldn't draw it here, but it would be nice if Nek and the others remembered the mic incident when they saw that payphone, and told everyone about it. ここには描けなかったけど、ネク達も例の公衆電話を見かけた時にマイク事件を思い出して、皆に話してたらいいな。
There was no story where forbidden ZETTA met Death March, but if they did, what would it be like? And I tried to make it a battle style of POK●MON. 禁断化ゼタはデスマーチと出会うストーリーはなかったけど、もし出会っていたらこんな感じなのかな?とポ●モンの戦闘風にしてみた。
Since I have never fought 777, I set Pteropskaner's HP of 4000 in W3D2, and ZETTA (forbidden) with HP of 5926 during battle in W3D6 as a reference. 777とは戦ったことがないのでW3D2のプテロプスカナーのHP4000を、ゼタ(禁断化)はW3D6の戦闘時HP5926を参考に設定。
Actually, the one in front is the target of the command, but I wanted to mainly use 777, so I changed it a little. 本当は手前にいる方がコマンド対象だけど、777を主にしたかったのでちょっと変更した。
I managed to find Mic from the opus, but if ZETTA finds it, it's likely to be targeted again... マイクはオブジェからどうにか探し出せた設定だけど、ゼタに見つかったらまた狙われそう…
777 is tormented by the feelings of "what if my mic is stolen" and "how am I going to get out of this place". 「マイクを奪われたらどうしよう」「どうやってこの場を切り抜けよう」という気持ちに苛まれる777。
And what if we meet...? log. そしてもし遭遇したら…?なログ。
The forbidden MINAMIMOTO appeared! ▼ Attack of MINAMIMOTO!▼ "What, you're just going to ignore me?" (禁断化したミナミモトが現れた!▼) (ミナミモトの攻撃!) 「おいおい俺様を無視かよ」▼
777 tries not to make eye contact...▼ (777は目を合わせないようにしている…▼)
Attack of MINAMIMOTO!▼ "This mic is zetta sexy!" "Perfect for my opus!" (ミナミモトの攻撃!) 「こりゃ…ゼタイカすマイクだぜ…」 「俺のオブジェにふさわしい…」
777 quietly hid the mic▼ 777 covered his face! ▼ (777はマイクをそっと隠した▼) (777は顔を覆ってしまった!▼)
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plastic2mercy · 6 days
Chicken LINE (チキンLINE) - SKE48
Lyrics: Akimoto Yasushi Composition: Takagi Ryuuji
Don't do it through LINE Say it to my face! If you actually love me Confess directly!
I'd been waiting for you On the crowded platform What do you mean, you're not coming after all? The wind blows by my bench "I have to tell you something" What a thought provoking message
Our usual train Had long passed by I wanted to go back with you How foolish my expectation was Only I was so rash As I was about to comment on your skipping out...
I suddenly got a stamp: "I LOVE YOU!" (I LOVE YOU!) You must be hiding nearby What a CHICKEN
Don't do it through LINE Say it to my face! If you actually love me Confess directly! I want to hear your voice Not read your text Even though I tried to test how serious you are... Oh well, I'm leaving your texts on read
To date, or not to date? That is the question It's true that I'm confused too It's up to how you advance, isn't it? "I like you too" Want me to say that? Think I'm an idiot?
Even so, I waited for you Suddenly, it seemed like you're coming I gave up on going back Kept on believing in love Betrayed by my delusions My mood was at rock bottom
My phone suddenly rang, there it was, Your NAME (Your NAME) If you're gonna call, just come here already I see you aren't taking any risks
Let me see your face Just say it, dammit For a man to get rejected by a woman It's not shameful, you know? By playing safe There can be no romance Romance is about excitement Timid confessions? Who cares
Look into my eyes Properly If you could make up your nerve I'd tell you YES or NO right away
Don't do it through LINE Don't do it through LINE Say it to my face! If you actually love me Confess directly! I want to hear your voice Not read your text Even though I tried to test how serious you are... Oh well, I'm leaving your texts on read
あなたを待っていたのに 混雑してるホームで やっぱり来ないのはなぜ? 風が吹き抜けるベンチ 「話したいことがある」 深読みさせるメッセージね
いつもの電車の時刻 かなり過ぎてしまった 一緒に帰ろうとして 見当違いの期待 私だけ 勇み足 キャンセルをされたリアクションに…
ふいに届くスタンプ I LOVE YOU! (I LOVE YOU!) きっと近くにいながら顔出せない そんな臆病者
LINEじゃなく 目を見て言いな! 本当に愛しているなら ちゃんと直接会って告白しな! 読むんじゃなく 声を聴きたい 本気度 試そうとしたのに… 言葉だけで送信されても既読スルー
“付き合う”“付き合わない”は 微妙な境界線で 迷っているのは事実 押され方次第でしょう? 「私も好きよ」なんて 言わせたいのか? バカにしてるわ
それでもあなたを待って 突然 やって来そう 帰るに帰れなかった 愛を信じ続けた 妄想に裏切られて 落ちてしまったそのテンション
ふいに鳴ったスマホに Your NAME (Your NAME) 電話かけるくらいなら ここへおいで あなたリスク取らないのね
顔を見せて はっきり言えよ 女に断られたって それは男にとって恥じゃない���だ 保険掛けちゃ 恋にならない ドキドキするからこそ恋 ノックするように告られても愛はスルー
目を見るんだ 正々堂々 あなたが腹を括(くく)ったら すぐにYESかNOか答えてあげる
LINEじゃなく LINEじゃなく 目を見て言いな! 本当に愛しているなら ちゃんと直接会って告白しな! 読むんじゃなく 声を聴きたい 本気度 試そうとしたのに… 言葉だけで送信されても既読スルー
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impetuousdesigns · 2 months
四季のある日本・Japan has four seasons
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“Japan has four seasons. How about the US? Is it hot? Cold?” I feel like I’ve had this kind of conversation hundreds of times since coming to Japan. At first, like many other foreigners in Japan, I wondered why Japanese people are so obsessed with having four seasons. However, when I was preparing to do a presentation about the US at the Kobe International Community Center, I started to understand why Japanese people are so proud of their four seasons.
I looked up a lot of stuff online for the presentation, and I learned many things. For example, I learned that Japan covers a mere 0.25% of the Earth’s surface. I wonder how many other countries of a similar size have four clearly defined seasons. Japan is certainly a small country, especially when you consider that the US is 26 times bigger! So, I can see how Japanese people might not realize how common four seasons are in other countries because it is so hard to imagine such breadth.
What makes Japan really special for me is that you can enjoy each of its four seasons in the city as much as in the countryside almost anywhere in the country. Because it is a small country, you can easily take a bus or train to go snow skiing, to swim at a beach, or to see blooming cherry trees. In the US, most states experience four seasons, but it takes a lot of time to get from the center of the US to a coastal beach or from a place with no snow to a snowy mountain. On top of that, public transportation is just not that convenient. It feels like you can’t go anywhere, do anything, or enjoy the four seasons without a car. 
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14-sakiii · 1 month
久しぶりの檸檬会議。私が毎回、場所を予約する担当なのだけど、 いつもと同じ場所でって自分が決めたのに一回だけ利用したことのある場所まで行ってしまい、無駄に歩いた。しかも、暑い日だった。とほほ。色々話した。話すと頭の中がすっきりする。その後、千種へ移動し、バビューというお店へ。タコライスを食べた。豆が沢山!そこでも色々話した。真面目な話題だったな。
誤って消してしまったー。Roger Nichols & The Small Circle of Friendsって良いよねという話を結構ガッツリ書いたのに…。
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