#🌟 our favorite things (likes)
screeching-bunny · 10 months
Saw that requests were open, and maybe can you do this one? ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄
Request- A master manipulator yandere husband that’s been with his wifey (us) since childhood. That’s right, we childhood sweethearts <3 He lovingly molded us into a dependent stepford wifey, cause what’d we do without him? He’s always been there to protect, provide, and care for us since we were young, why stop now into adulthood?
Love to have this as HC format with some dash of dialogue if possible to show some of his personality!
Also I loved your latest CEO yandere, what’s his name? He’s a favorite of mine now. Love the ones that spoil you rotten and can’t live without you!
Yandere! Husband Hcs
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
A/N: Yandere! Ceo currently doesn’t have a name rn but don’t worry he will soon!!! Thank you so much enjoying him!!!
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🌟 Yandere! Husband has been friends with you since you were children. From the moment you got out of the car and started to get your things out of the moving van, he was absolutely hooked. He practically rushed his little legs over and started to enthusiastically introduce himself to you and your family. He was honestly so thrilled to learn that you were the same age as him and going to be attending the same elementary school as him. When you first started attending school Yandere! Husband made sure to hold your hand no matter where you went. Whenever anyone asked he would say that he was only doing this to make you more comfortable (he’s doing this for his own enjoyment). This is a habit that stays even in your adult life. No matter where the two of you are, he is always holding your hand lovingly.
🌟 Yandere! Husband in elementary school used to get so upset whenever someone would try to approach you to play with them. Whenever someone did this he would always try to do petty little things to them such as trip them, tattle tale on every little thing they did, and sometimes get even a little physical. At the time he wasn’t exactly sure why he was feeling these awful emotions but what he was one hundred percent sure on was that he didn’t want anyone to take your attention off of him.
Random elementary student: “You can’t keep doing this! You’re acting like they’re yours! They can play with whoever they want, so stop acting like you own them!”
Yandere! Husband: “...” Coming to the realization that he loves hearing that. The idea of you being solely his causes his heart to beat even faster. “Mine, I like the sound of that.”
🌟 Yandere! Husband made sure to protect you from any bullies that ever tried to harm you. He wanted to be seen as a savior in your eyes and would brutally beat up anyone who tried to harm you. If he wasn’t physically strong enough to beat them then he would do everything in his power to frame them for something and get them expelled from school. He definitely has some sort of savior complex when it comes to you. Yandere! Husband made it a mission to be your first kiss when the two of you were going to graduate elementary and go into middle school. He wanted to be your first in everything and felt this was the first step into making you his. Your first kiss had been with him in his bedroom while you were over to play videogames.
Yandere! Husband: “Come on, this is the first step we gotta take in order to grow. Our first kiss has to be with someone special and you're the specialist person I know!”
Just like that, the two of you were leaning in and that was how Yandere! Husband successfully stole your first kiss.
🌟 Yandere! Husband was still stuck to your side even during puberty. It was during this time that he started getting attention from a lot of people due to his looks. He made sure to always ignore or reject them due to only having eyes for you. Yandere! Husband makes sure that your classes are all with him. Believe it or not but Yandere! Husband is extremely smart and a model student. He will make sure to point out how you are lacking academically therefore you need someone to tutor you (even if you don’t) to both teachers and the principal in order to be in the same classes as you. Yandere! Husband will make small and very subtle passive aggressive remarks about how you aren't that academically intelligent and that you need him by your side. At some point you start to believe this and believe that you need him to tutor you everyday in order to survive school.
Yandere! Husband: “It’s okay if you’re not good at anything. As long as you have me by your side, I’ll take care of you no matter what. Even if we’re old and wrinkly.”
🌟 Yandere! Husband has successfully isolated you from making friends by the time you two are in high school. You basically have no friends but him. This was mainly due to the fact that he would always try to outdo the person you were trying to befriend in order to make them seem boring. Having romantic feelings for anyone other than him was off limits. If you ever did have a crush on someone then Yandere! Husband would absolutely destroy them. He would make sure to spread the nastiest rumor about them and cause them so much shame that they would have to move away from your town in order to avoid further embarrassment. It’s probably around highschool that Yandere! Husband officially asks you out to be his lover. He makes sure to go all out while asking you out in order to make you feel special.
🌟 Yandere! Husband is proposing to you the moment the two of you graduate highschool. Don’t worry about funds, he’s a Nepo baby and will inherit his dad’s company. He definitely wants you to be his housespouse when he’s ready to go to college and work a job. He wants you to depend on him and hates the idea of you being independent without him. In order to make sure this never happens, he manipulates you into thinking that you can’t do anything without him and around. So why don't you sit still and look pretty for him when he gets home.
🌟 Yandere! Husband picks out everything when it’s time to get married. He’s a complete groomzilla and wants everything to be absolutely perfect. When he sees you in your wedding attire for the first time he definitely tears up a bit. You’re just so beautiful. Domestic life with Yandere! Husband is peaceful and calming. Yandere! Husband imagines you all the time while he is at work. When he drives home from work he likes to imagine how you would be waiting for him. Would you be waiting at the door for him or would you be asleep sprawled on the couch. He makes sure to always come home as fast as he can in order to wrap his arms around you. The sight coming home to you and a home cooked meal absolutely melts his heart. This is perfection to him and he’ll make sure to do everything in his power to protect it.
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loveluvrs · 5 months
she's my pretty girl l lando norris x reader
request/summary – AHH HI MARYAM!!! it's shelbi:) i NEED a lando fic where he takes reader to the paddock for the first time and EVERYONE sees they totally like each other (but they complete oblivious idiots) — 🌟
author's notes – i loved writing this one!!! thank you to bff @keerysfreckles for the wonderful req <33 ALSO LANDO SPRINT POLE WOOOOO!!!!!
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My fingers hover over the send button. I sigh as I delete the message again. Lan, I don’t know if I can. There’s gonna be so many cameras and so many people and you know people will think we’re dating for sure, I text my best friend Lando.
Come on, pretty girl, I’ll be right there with you the whole time. I promise, he texts back.
:(( come over tonight for movie night and we’ll talk about it, I text as I felt the anxiety already growing in me.
Lando helps me set up movie night. Popcorn bowl in hand, I slot myself next to Lando, our hips touching as I slightly lean into him, placing the bowl in between us. “Time to talk?” He asks expectantly. I groan. “Oh come on, let me at least distract myself for a little bit before we start this headache of a discussion again,” I say as I scrunch up my face in playful annoyance. Lando laughs at this, placing a small kiss on the tip of my nose as he says, “okay miss dramatic.” 
I pout. “Lan, you know how my anxiety gets. And that’s just in general. With all those cameras on me? I mean, it’s gonna be suffocating,” I say with a nervous gulp. Just thinking about all the attention made me anxious.
He puts on a soft smile. “I know, pretty girl. You don’t have to come if you don’t want to. I just know you’ve been really wanting to go to a race, and I thought what better time than here in Silverstone so you don’t have to take any extra flights? But really, I won’t make you go unless you’re comfortable with it, alright?” He says softly with 100% focus and attention and determination in his voice. That was one thing I could always count on; if I was feeling anxious about something, no matter how small, Lando would be there to take me seriously and comfort me through it. 
“I want to be there for you, you know I do,” I say softly with a frown, “there’s nothing I want to do more than support my best friend, my favorite person, at his home race.” 
“Pretty pretty girl, you don’t need to explain yourself to me. I understand, okay? And I won’t think anything less of you based on whether or not you come. I’ll still love you all the same,” he says softly as he puts my hand in his and squeezes it to comfort me. 
The next morning, I showed up to the paddock a little late, since I had to curb an oncoming anxiety attack in the morning. I also hadn’t told Lando that I was going to be coming, so I had no idea where to go. By the time I reached, Lando was already in the car for the first practice session. 
After the practice session was over, Lando stalked back into the Mclaren garage, talking with his race engineer about some of the data they picked up. He stops in his tracks when he sees me and immediately engulfs me in a hug. His hands wrap around my waist and my arms wrap around his neck. 
“Hey! I didn’t know you decided to come?” He says with his signature bright smile as he held me close. I hum. “I was just a bit late in the morning, sorry about that,” I say softly. “Nothing to be sorry about, pretty girl,” he says softly as he places a soft kiss on the top of my head before letting me go. 
Since that moment, unless he was in a team meeting or in the car, Lando stayed attached by the hip to you. You couldn’t decide if it was comforting or overwhelming, to be honest. On one hand, he made sure to be there so he could explain everything to you and introduce you to everyone, and whisk you away when he felt like it was getting all too much for you. On the other hand, his presence meant a herd of cameras would almost surely follow my every move if I was with him. 
Oscar, for one, got a bit tired of the fact that every time he saw his teammate, Lando was too busy making heart eyes at you to even think about anything else. “Why don’t you just admit you’re madly in love with her?” He asks Lando with an exasperated sigh after the two of them are walking back from a media briefing. 
“She knows I love her,” Lando says casually. Oscar rolls his eyes and scoffs at the response. “Okay she knows you love her, but she doesn’t know you’re in love with her,” he explains. Lando gives Oscar a confused look. “Mate, you’ve just said the same thing twice,” he says as his eyes begin to scan the crowd for you. Oscar groans before walking off in frustration, wondering when on Earth these two idiots were gonna realize they’re both in love with each other. 
Later that evening, Lando and I walk into his hotel room after he was done with everything for the day. I lay down in the bed immediately, exhausted from all the socializing I had to do all day. Lando laughs at this, “sleepyhead,” he teases in a murmur. He takes a quick shower and changes into a comfy hoodie and sweats before coming back and laying on the bed next to me. I’m sat watching some spy movie on the tv. He tilts his head at the tv, “what’re you watching?” He asks curiously. 
“Honestly, no idea,” I say with a giggle, “I just saw that Theo James was in it so I had to watch.” Lando settles into bed as we watch. Eventually, he finds my gaze on him and his lap, which was clearly not as subtle as I wanted it to be. He nudges me playfully with his elbow. “C’mere,” he says softly as he pats his lap. I, who was clearly in my own thoughts, seemed to wake up out of my trance. “Huh?” I ask in confusion. He holds his arms wide for me, “come here and cuddle,” he says softly.
I waste no time before doing as he says, laying in between his legs, my back to his chest. His arms wrap around my waist and he places a soft kiss on my head. I hum in content as I relax into him. Lando always knew when I needed some physical affection, which was useful because there was nothing I hated more than having to ask for some love. “I love you,” he whispers as his face burrows into my neck, placing a kiss there. I’m about to respond when Oscar suddenly enters the room. “Hey mate, have you seen my- uh. Sorry, am I interrupting something here?” He asks as his eyes dart between Lando and I, and the extremely close position we seem to be in. 
“Nope! Just cuddling. What’s up?” Lando asks nonchalantly. Oscar’s eyebrows raise at Lando’s answer. “You know what, never mind, I think I know where I’ve left it,” he says as he slowly backs out of the room. 
“What was that all about?” I ask in confusion. “Hmm, who knows, he’s been acting weird all day,” Lando says as he resumes placing kisses on my neck and shoulder. “I love you,” he repeats again in a gentle tone. I hum. “I love you too,” I say softly. “I’m so insanely happy you decided to come to the paddock today, honestly,” he says in a quiet yet soft murmur, “don’t think I could be any happier than having my pretty girl with me.” “Why are you trying to flatter me?” I tease him with a giggle. He scoffs, “sorry. Didn’t know I couldn’t be nice to my best friend,” he retorts playfully.  
We go out for dinner an hour later with Oscar and Lily. I instinctively sat next to Lando as usual. I’m scrolling through Twitter while we wait for our food when I feel Lando’s hand intertwine with mine. I think nothing of it, but see Oscar and Lily exchange a glance towards each other. 
“You owe me 5 pounds,” Oscar whispered in a hushed voice to Lily with a sassy smile tugging on his lips. “No, you said 5 pounds for the heart eyes,” Lily whispers back defensively. “Oh come on, that’s basically the same thing! It’ll happen in a few minutes anyways,” Oscar whispers playfully. “I so badly wanted us to be proven wrong and for something to happen,” Lily says quietly to Oscar in a sympathetic voice. “They’re both idiots, I don’t think either of them will figure it out,” he says with a laugh. 
The laugh catches both Lando and I’s attention as we look up from our phones. “Hmm? Did you two say anything to us?” Lando asks curiously. “Oh, uh no. Don’t worry about it,” Oscar says with an embarrassed smile. The rest of the night goes by with hushed remarks from Oscar every once in a while every time Lando does something like giving me some of his own dish since my portion size was small, or when he asks if I’m okay after I drop the fork under the table and hit my head on the table when I try sitting back up, or when he just simply listens to me like I’m the only person in the room. 
“You’ve been staring at her for five minutes now,” Oscar says as Lando stares at you from across the paddock as you talk to Lewis. “Shut up,” Lando mutters as he tries to sound annoyed by utterly fails because he could never be annoyed while you were in his line of sight. 
I walk up to him a minute later, a bright smile on my face. “Guess what!” I say excitedly as Lando’s hand instinctively wraps around my waist. He hums. “Tell me what’s got you all happy, pretty girl,” he says with a soft smile.
“Lewis said that he’d take me out tonight to visit that new café I was telling you about, remember?” I say excitedly. Lando immediately frowns. “Lewis? Why didn’t you ask me to take you there?” He asks as he tries to not let his jealousy show. “Well I know you aren’t really into that type of thing, I looked at the menu and you wouldn’t have eaten anything there,” I say casually. 
“Well still. I don’t care. I’m coming with,” Lando said with a tone of finality. Suddenly Oscar started speaking. “Guys did you know theres a new movie coming out with Zendaya? The Jealous Man?” He says with a look towards Lando. Lando took the hint with an unamused expression on his face. “You know what? I think I’ve got a team thing tonight, so I’ll have to skip out. Sorry pretty girl, but have fun with Lewis, hmm?” He says softly. “You sure? We can wait for you if you want,” I say softly, not wanting Lando to miss out if he wanted to go. Lando shakes his head. “Nah nah nah, even if you wait, I’d be far too tired later,” I says as he takes my hand in his. 
Lando sat staring at his phone while he sits in his hotel room’s bed. He had tried everything to keep him occupied; working out, eating, the sim, talking to Oscar, facetiming Max, but nothing could keep his mind off of the thought of you and Lewis together. He groans as he caves in, texting you. 
pretty girlllllllllll, where are you? I miss you :(, he texts with clear desperation in his text. 
hi! Lewis and I are gonna go for a walk on the beach before heading back. Is that okay? I text, not wanting him to feel too lonely while I was gone. 
Lando sighed at my message. yeah don’t worry, pretty girl, have fun, he texts back, I love you. 
When I finally get back to the hotel, I’m exhausted. I kick off my shoes to find Lando already asleep. I get changed into some sweats and lie next to him. “Lan?” I whisper softly, “‘m sorry I was late, I know you missed me.” I sighed when I got no reply back, so I simply scooted towards him, my arms wrapping around him from behind. “I love you,” I whispered into the dark. I heard a slight grumble afterwards. “Love you too,” came a murmur from Lando. 
The next morning I met Lando and Oscar at the paddock before qualifying, but Lando seemed a bit distant. So I went up to him while he was talking to Oscar
“Are you mad I went out to spend time with Lewis instead of you last night?” I ask Lando in a quiet voice with a frown on my face.
Lando turned around to face me. “Oh, pretty girl, I could never be mad at you,” he says as his voice softens, “I love you. Just missed you, that’s all.” “You’ve been ignoring me this whole morning,” I say as my frown deepens. His entire body deflates at the sight of your frown. “No no no, I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to. Sorry if it felt like that,” he says softly as his hands wrap around my waist to give me a hug. “Love you,” he murmurs into my hair, “I promise.” 
Oscar rolls his eyes at the scene with an amused laugh. “Heart eyes, five pounds,” he mouths behind Lando, knowing that Lando would have melted the second you came into view. 
“God, these two will stay idiots forever,” Oscar muttered under his breath with a laugh as he looked at the very obviously love-stricken pair in front of him. 
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aemondwhoresworld · 23 days
pairing: dad!ewan mitchell x mom!reader ; husband!ewan mitchell x wife!reader
summary: a day without mommy at home, with lovely moments of ewan and elowen.
part of series: y/n, ewan and elowen mitchell
word count: 2,5k
warning: english is not my first language. fluff, sweet little elowen, ewan being a dad, etc
mae: it’s kind of long, i really want to make it as details as possible. also i’m currently obsessed with ewan being a girl dad, i just don’t know why, tbh i wanted to give him babies :)
fill THIS FORM to be add in my taglist 🌟 | you can discuss with me for this series through my ask ✨
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As you finished putting on the final touches of your makeup, you heard the soft padding of tiny feet approaching the bedroom. You turned to see your daughter, Elowen, rubbing her eyes sleepily, her curls tousled from sleep. She looked up at you with a drowsy smile, still clutching her favorite stuffed dragon.
“Good morning, Mommy,” she murmured, her voice soft and endearing.
“Good morning, my love,” you replied, kneeling down to her level and pulling her into a warm hug. “Did you sleep well?”
She nodded, her sleepy expression brightening as she noticed the hint of lipstick on your lips. “Are you going somewhere today?”
You smiled and gently brushed a stray curl from her face. “Yes, sweetheart. Mommy has to go to work today, but I’ll be back home later, okay?”
Elowen’s face scrunched up slightly, a mix of understanding and reluctance. “Okay, but can I come with you?”
You chuckled softly, kissing her forehead. “Not today, darling. But maybe next time, if it’s somewhere safe. Today, Daddy’s going to be with you all day. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
As if on cue, Ewan appeared at the door, leaning against the frame with a smile. “How’s my little dragon this morning?” he asked, his voice warm and playful.
Elowen’s face lit up at the sight of her father, and she ran over to him, her earlier reluctance forgotten. “Daddy!”
Ewan scooped her up effortlessly, planting a kiss on her cheek. “I was just about to make some pancakes. Want to help me, El?”
She nodded eagerly, all traces of sleepiness gone. “Yes, please!”
Ewan looked over at you, his gaze soft and full of love. “We’ll be fine here. Don’t worry about a thing.”
You smiled at the sight of them, feeling a deep sense of contentment. “I know you will. You two are my everything.”
Ewan walked over with Elowen still in his arms, leaning in to give you one more kiss. “And you’re ours. Go knock ’em dead today.”
You nodded, feeling a surge of confidence. With one last look at your husband and daughter, you grabbed your bag and headed out the door, your heart full of love and gratitude.
As you stepped outside and into the car waiting for you, you couldn’t help but reflect on how lucky you were—to have such a loving family, to have a career that you were passionate about, and to be able to share all of it with the people who mattered most. Today was going to be a good day, and you knew you’d carry the warmth of this morning with you wherever you went.
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After you left the house, Ewan and Elowen sat down to enjoy the pancakes they had made together. Elowen giggled as she drizzled extra syrup over her pancakes, while Ewan watched with a smile, happy to see his daughter so full of energy and joy.
“Daddy, these are the best pancakes ever!” Elowen exclaimed between bites, her face lighting up with happiness.
Ewan chuckled, ruffling her hair. “I’m glad you like them, El. You’re quite the little chef.”
After they finished breakfast, Ewan helped Elowen down from her chair. They both took their plates to the sink, and Ewan guided her through washing the dishes together. Elowen stood on a small step stool beside her father, her tiny hands barely big enough to hold the sponge as she tried to scrub the dishes clean. Ewan rinsed off the soap suds, making sure everything was spotless before placing the dishes on the drying rack.
Once the kitchen was tidied up, Ewan and Elowen brushed their teeth together. Elowen mimicked her father’s actions, standing on her tiptoes to reach the bathroom sink. Ewan made a game out of it, pretending they were brushing away “dragon breath,” which made Elowen giggle uncontrollably.
With their morning routine complete, Ewan decided it was the perfect time for a walk in the park. “How about we go on an adventure to the park, El?” he suggested, kneeling down to help her into her little sneakers.
Elowen’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Yes, Daddy! Can we see the ducks?”
“Of course,” Ewan replied, smiling at her enthusiasm. “Maybe we’ll even see some squirrels too.”
They both put on their jackets and Ewan grabbed Elowen’s favorite stuffed dragon, which she insisted on bringing along. Hand in hand, they stepped out into the crisp morning air. The park wasn’t far from their home, and the walk there was filled with the sounds of birds chirping and the rustle of leaves in the breeze.
When they arrived at the park, Elowen immediately spotted a small pond where a few ducks were swimming. She pulled Ewan over to the edge of the pond, watching the ducks paddle around with wide-eyed wonder. “Look, Daddy! There’s a baby duck!”
Ewan crouched down beside her, his arm around her shoulders as they watched the ducks together. “I see it, El. Isn’t it cute?”
Elowen nodded, completely captivated by the little duckling. After a few minutes, she decided it was time to explore more of the park. They walked along the winding paths, stopping occasionally to pick up interesting leaves or watch squirrels dart up trees. Ewan made sure to point out anything he thought might catch Elowen’s interest, making the walk educational and fun.
As they strolled through the park, Ewan felt a deep sense of contentment. This quiet morning with Elowen was exactly what he needed—a chance to slow down, enjoy the simple things, and spend quality time with his daughter. He knew that these moments were precious, and he cherished every second of them.
After a while, they reached a small playground where a few other children were playing. Elowen immediately ran toward the swings, and Ewan followed, pushing her gently as she soared back and forth, her laughter ringing through the air. The joy on her face was contagious, and Ewan found himself laughing along with her, feeling grateful for these simple yet unforgettable moments.
Eventually, after playing for a while longer, Ewan noticed that the sun was getting higher in the sky, signaling that it was nearly time to head back home. “What do you say, El? Ready to go home and tell Mommy about our adventure later?”
Elowen, slightly out of breath from all the excitement, nodded. “Yes, Daddy! I can’t wait to tell her about the ducks and the swings!”
With Elowen happily chatting away about their morning, Ewan took her hand again, and they made their way back home. The morning had been perfect, and Ewan couldn’t wait to share the details with you when you returned, knowing that these little moments were what truly made life special.
After spending a delightful morning in the park, Ewan and Elowen walked back home hand in hand, both feeling refreshed and happy from their time outdoors. Once inside, Ewan suggested they do some creative work together, which Elowen eagerly agreed to.
"How about we draw something special for Mommy?" Ewan proposed as he set up the drawing supplies on the kitchen table.
"Yes! I want to draw a dragon and a castle," Elowen declared, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
Ewan smiled, pulling out some paper and colored pencils. "That sounds like a great idea. I'll draw with you, and then we can color them together."
They spent the next hour immersed in their art, Elowen focusing intently on her drawing while Ewan sketched beside her. The room was filled with the quiet sound of pencils on paper and the occasional burst of laughter as they shared ideas and admired each other's work. Elowen’s dragon had colorful scales and a big smile, while Ewan drew a castle with tall towers, complete with flags waving in the wind.
When they finished their drawings, they both colored them in, adding vibrant hues that brought their creations to life. Elowen was particularly proud of her dragon, which she had named "Sparkles."
"Mommy is going to love these," Ewan said, holding up his finished drawing and showing it to Elowen.
Elowen nodded enthusiastically. "She will! I can't wait to show her."
After their creative session, it was time for lunch. Ewan guided Elowen to the kitchen, where he began preparing a simple but delicious meal. Elowen sat nearby, watching as Ewan chopped vegetables and cooked. She occasionally helped by handing him ingredients, feeling important in her role as his little assistant.
Once lunch was ready, they sat down to eat together. Elowen happily munched on her food, chatting about their morning and what they would do later when Mommy got home.
When lunch was over, Ewan helped Elowen down from her chair, lifting her gently to the floor. As her feet touched the ground, she looked up at him with a serious expression and asked, "Daddy, can I have a hug?"
Ewan’s heart melted at her sweet request, and he immediately knelt down to her level, pulling her into a warm embrace. "Of course, you can, El. Anytime you want."
Elowen wrapped her small arms tightly around his neck, holding him close. After a moment, she pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, her expression earnest. "Daddy, I’m so proud that you’re my daddy."
Ewan’s breath caught in his throat, touched beyond words by her sincerity. "Oh, Elowen, that means the world to me. I’m so proud to be your daddy, too."
Elowen smiled, her eyes shining with love. "I know Mommy is proud of you too. She always tells me how lucky we are to have you."
Ewan felt a surge of emotion at her words, his eyes misting over slightly. He gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his voice soft and full of love. "Thank you, sweetheart. I’m the lucky one to have you and Mommy. You two are my everything."
Elowen hugged him again, and Ewan held her close, feeling an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the family he had. In that moment, he knew that no matter where life took them, the love they shared would always be the most important thing in his life.
After a few more moments of holding her, Ewan stood up, still smiling as he looked down at his daughter. "How about we clean up the kitchen together, and then we can play some more before Mommy gets home?"
Elowen nodded eagerly, ready for whatever adventure the rest of the day would bring. Together, they tidied up the kitchen, the bond between father and daughter growing even stronger with each shared moment.
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As you walked through the front door, the familiar warmth of home embraced you. Almost immediately, you heard Elowen’s excited voice from upstairs. “Mommy’s home!” she called out, her tone filled with pure joy.
Looking up, you saw both Ewan and Elowen at the top of the stairs, holding hands as they began to make their way down to greet you. The sight of them filled your heart with happiness, and you couldn’t help but smile as they reached you. Elowen let go of Ewan’s hand and ran the rest of the way to you, wrapping her little arms around your legs in a tight hug.
You leaned down to scoop her up into your arms, planting a kiss on her cheek before turning to Ewan, who was now standing beside you with a warm smile. He pulled you into a gentle embrace, his strong arms holding you close, and for a moment, everything felt perfect.
“How was your day?” Ewan asked, his voice soft and filled with love as he kissed your temple.
“Better now that I’m home,” you replied with a contented sigh, leaning into him.
“Did you have fun with Daddy today?” you asked, smoothing back a strand of Elowen’s hair as she nodded sleepily.
“Yes, Mommy,” she said with a little yawn. “We went to the park and saw ducks, and then we made pancakes. And I drew a dragon for you.”
Your heart swelled with love as you kissed her forehead. “That sounds wonderful, my love. I can’t wait to see your drawing.”
Ewan gently took her from your arms, cradling her against his chest. “Let’s get you ready for your nap, little one,” he said softly, carrying her upstairs to her room.
You watched them go, feeling a deep sense of contentment. While they were upstairs, you headed to the kitchen, preparing yourself a hot cup of black coffee. Once it was ready, you made your way to the living room, sinking into the comfortable sofa with your mug in hand. The warmth of the coffee seeped through the cup, spreading a soothing heat through your hands.
A few minutes later, Ewan came back downstairs. He walked over to the sofa and sat down next to you, leaning back and letting out a soft sigh. His eyes were gentle, yet there was a hint of emotion there, something that made you reach out and place your hand on his.
“Is El giving you a hard time, my love?” you asked softly, your voice filled with affection and concern.
Ewan shook his head slowly, not replying right away. Instead, he took a deep breath, as if collecting his thoughts. “I almost cried today,” he finally said, his voice quiet but filled with emotion. “She’s just… she’s so sweet.”
You squeezed his hand gently, waiting for him to continue.
“She said she’s so proud of me,” Ewan murmured, his eyes shining with the intensity of the moment. “She just hugged me so tight and told me she’s proud that I’m her daddy. And she said she knows you’re proud of me too.”
Your heart melted at his words, and you felt your own eyes well up with tears. “Oh, Ewan,” you whispered, leaning in to rest your head on his shoulder. “Of course, we’re proud of you. Every single day, El and I are so proud to have you in our lives.”
Ewan wrapped his arm around you, pulling you even closer. “I know,” he whispered back, his voice thick with emotion. “It’s just… hearing it from her, in that little voice of hers… it just hit me so hard. I never want to take these moments for granted.”
You nodded, understanding exactly what he meant. “We’re so lucky, Ewan. To have each other, to have Elowen… it’s everything.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, holding you close. “It really is,” he agreed softly. “I wouldn’t trade this for anything in the world.”
The two of you sat there in comfortable silence, the warmth of the coffee and each other’s presence filling the room. It was one of those moments where words weren’t necessary, where the love you shared was enough to communicate everything you felt. And in that quiet, peaceful moment, you both knew that no matter what challenges came your way, you would face them together, with love, pride, and the unwavering support of your little family.
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taglist: @minami97 ; @hellsingalucard18 ; @champomiel ; @fan-goddess ; @xcharlottemikaelsonx ; @emyswagger ; @k1ttybean ; @callsignwidow
324 notes · View notes
everkidco · 7 months
It's time to play! Playing can be hard as a little - have you ever felt like trying to play feels like doing a puzzle without all the pieces? 🧩
Sometimes, getting into that super-duper fun headspace for playtime can be as tricky as finding the perfect spot for your favorite teddy bear at bedtime! 🧸
But guess what? You're not alone on this adventurous journey of imagination! That's why we've got something extra special just for you! 🎉 Welcome to "Let's Make…", our new play inspiration series where every adventure begins with a sprinkle of imagination and a dash of creativity! 🎨✨ Let's get started! 🚀
🌟 Attention, little architects! Todays super fun activity is for you! 🌟 Get ready to unleash your creativity and build your very own bustling city from recycled materials! ♻️🏙️ Gather up cardboard boxes, toilet paper rolls, and anything else you can find – the sky's the limit! 🌈✨ Use scissors, glue, paint, glitter, fabric and lots of colorful markers to transform those everyday items into skyscrapers, houses, and roads. 🏠🚗
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Let your imagination run wild and tell us what super-duper cool things you'll add to your recycled city! 🌆🌈
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cosmicdahlias · 13 days
🌟 ford x reader headcanons 🌟
part 4
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• you regularly have dates where you help him catch up on movies and tv he missed while he was in the portal. twin peaks was a big favorite for him, hardcore kins dale cooper
• you love when he holds you close and puts his hand on the small of your back, it makes you feel safe
• zoos, aquariums, and museums are his top date spots
• loves talking about the universe with you while you’re both stoned out of your minds
• dipper used to lend you the journals during your breaks working at the mystery shack, so you were a pretty big fan of ford before he even came back through the portal. when you finally met him you had a freakout similar to dipper’s, just internally
• asked you to be his assistant before you started dating and you were pretty head over heels for him at that point so you lept at the chance to have ford all to yourself
• seriously didn’t think you’d be into an old hardened man like him. when you reciprocated his feelings after he confessed he was genuinely surprised
• stan has been the third wheel on a handful of dates. you honestly don’t mind, he makes things fun even if his methods aren’t always… legal
• wishes you could’ve met his mother
• constantly stealing glances at you, sometimes forgets he’s staring until you tell him and he starts blushing like crazy
• wrote to you as often as he could when he went on his adventures with stan
• took a long time to open up to you about what happened during his time in other dimensions, he carries a lot of trauma over it and it isn’t easy for him to talk about
• flashed his gun at a guy that was catcalling you
• you showed him sea of love by cat power and he thinks of it as “our song”
• is a surprisingly good cook and learns how to make all of your favorite dishes
• mabel was the first to suspect that you guys liked each other, way before you even started dating
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somepoetwannabe · 6 months
Ask a system!
Alright, we've been silenced as a system for wayy too long and so, you know what? I'm pushing us out of it. Because we deserve to be ourselves. Send one of these emojis in our asks and we'll answer! -Asher 🍄 - how did you get your system name?
👾 - funniest out of context system quote?
🎉 - favorite system holiday?
🌙 - do you have subsystems?
☕ - what is switching like for you?
💫 - are there any hobbies you all have?
💾 - what's your headcount?
👻 - do your alters/headmates have different voices or speech patterns?
🎨 - does anyone in your system like art?
🥀 - how easily does the system split?
🦖 - is your system fictive-heavy? factive-heavy? neutral?
🎵 - what songs remind you of your alters/headmates?
❓ - how much amnesia do you experience?
🎮 - what do your alters/headmates do in their free time?
🪐 - what is headspace like for you?
🍐 - are there any non-human alters/headmates?
🪫 - what do you all do to recharge?
🌧️ - how does the system cope with stress?
🔦 - how did you discover your system?
🌟 - do any alters help out with school/work?
🌊 - who are your frequent fronters?
🎁 - have you ever bought your alters/headmates things?
☘️ - what are your introjects/fictives usually sourced from?
💬 - free space!! tell me about something!
344 notes · View notes
hunn1e-bunn1e · 1 year
Tdlosk Various - "Teruhashi's Rival!"
In which PK Academy receives yet another new transfer student mid school year, but this one seems to have the favor of gods on his side, much to the dismay of a certain piss aura'd blueberry girl. Or; in which another one of "God's favorite children" enrolls into PK Academy and gives the ever popular Teruhashi Kokomi a run for her money when his reputation seems to overtake her own.
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"Who's that guy?"
"Oh my!!"
"Do you think he'll be in our class?"
"How handsome!!!!"
The exclamations of various students rang throughout the halls, drawing other students from their classes to satiate their curiosity. Girls and boys alike crowded the hallways to see what was so exciting, pushing against and squeezing between one another. But soon enough the crowd parted into two, splitting like the red sea and out of the way for an approaching figure.
A boy; a fellow student judging by his uniform; about sixteen to seventeen years of age. He was tall, maybe around 6'⁴ or 6'⁵, with an average build. His silky h/c hair bounced and swayed in time with his steps as he walked down the hall while his sharp e/c eyes scanned the faces of the staring students. The most notable thing about him however was his handsome face, and in the eyes of a certain psychic, a grand luminescent aura that radiated from him. This boy was, in all observations, an ikemen.
Among the crowd stood a narcissistic certain blue haired girl. Her perfect brows furrowed as she hadn't heard a single person acknowledge her presence since the handsome stranger showed up. No one had even spared her a glance nor even a simple hello, not to mention hadn't heard single 'oh wow!'. Teruhashi was in shock, how could this one boy pull everyone's attention away from her in just a matter of seconds!?
How could she be the perfect pretty girl if noone even noticed that she was among them. So to fix this atrocity, she decided to speak up. She shimmied her way out of the crowd and snuck over to the end of the hallway and around the corner. The bluenette then turned back around and rounded the corner again, making it look like she had just come upon the scene. Quietly clearing her throat, she rose her voice slightly so that she could be heard over the exited murmurs of her peers.
"Hello everyone, what's going on?"
Teruhashi's angelic voice cut through the commotion, causing all eyes to turn to her.
"It's Teruhashi–san!
"Oh wow!"
"She's so pretty!"
"O‐Oh, hey Teruhashi-sama. Check out the new guy."
Meekly greeted the flustered Toritsuka, who had somehow torn his eyes from the handsome stranger. He seemed embarrassed of himself to even look at the blue haired girl, let alone to have spoken to her as he just did. For a boy like him, a girl like her was for from his reach and even farther from owing him even a simple glance. In the case of Toritsuka Reita, a boy like him simply couldn't help but long for attention from a girl like her... but that thought can be explored another time.
"New guy? So he's a new student? Nice to meet you I'm Teruhashi Kokomi."
The blueberry headed girl turned towards the h/c-ette and introduced herself, still behaving as if she had no clue of the situation. Their two auras of shimmering gold and sparkling silver clash as she does so. The handsome boy raises a brow at her in disbelief of her words, he chuckles in amusement as he takes her hand his.
"[Surname] [Name] nice to meet you Teruhashi‐san. If I may ask; why did you leave earlier and come back just now?"
The now named [Name] asks Teruhashi with an amused expression. His question caught the attention of the other students and they begin whispering.
"Eh? Teruhashi‐sama was already here?"
"She left and came back?"
"...she was probably trying to calm everyone down..."
"No way. She could've just done that here."
"She was probably just trying to get [Surname]-san to acknowledge her..."
"...I mean Teruhashi-san is an attention seaker..."
The bluenette hid her frustration at [Name]'s question behind a timid smile. Putting her hands together in front of her she began twiddling her thumbs and shifting in place; Putting on her best shy girl act. She began to make an excuse for herself and save her chipped reputation.
"A‐Ah! It's not like that, I was only trying to—!"
"I'm Hairo Kineshi! Nice to meet you [Surname]-san!"
"What's up man, I'm Nendou and this right here is my pal!"
'Saiki Kusuo'
"I am 'The Jet-Black Wings', protector of all mortals present and I shall defend you from the evil organization 'The Dark Reunion'! You may call me by my human Alias Kaidou Shun!"
"O-oh! Hey! I'm Toritsuka Reita! Wanna know your guardian spirit [Surname]-san?"
The five boys, counting one Saiki Kusuo since he was dragged in against his will, interrupt Teruhashi and practically ran her over to get to the h/c-ette. They crowd him, each introducing themselves and trying for his attention and the chance to befriend him, barring Saiki of course.
"Hey [Name], me and my pal were gonna go get ramen after school! Wanna come?"
Nendou asks the handsome boy, improperly calling him by his first name as he slings a heavy arm over his shoulder. Kaidou, trying to gain leverage, scolds the mohawked teen about his lack of manners, getting only a brain dead look from him.
"It's nice to meet you all! Say, is it possible for you to lead me to the lunch room? If you don’t mind, I'd like to sit with you as well. Oh and I'd love to go get ramen with you!"
The e/c eyed teen beams at the boys before him making all but one of the students in the hall have the same thought go through their head:
'Oh my!'
Wanna see similar content? Check out my Masterlist!
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byfulcrums · 5 months
Fuck it. Invincible Tumblr
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Wake up to see the aliens attacking again. God fucking damn it.
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Imagine how the aliens feel after seeing you
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Get better insults. You won't be insulting anyone that way
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
Nahhh. Don't need to. You already humiliate yourself every time you open your mouth
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your entire existence is an insult
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☪️ superherofan Follow
i forget that superheroes have social media and regularly use it.... invincible has Tumblr holy shit
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
☪️ superherofan Follow
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🌙 artemislover Follow
Can't believe I have to say this, but can you guys please stop making Omni-Man x Immortal theories?!?!
Ik you think the idea of them having been romantically involved is funny, but c'mon, people
It is true that there should be more openly queer superheroes, but the fact that there are people who genuinely believe they fucked is wild...
Besides, we have to stop following the lives of superheroes that closely. They deserve to get some privacy too! They're still people
Also, didn't Omni-Man once mention his wife?? And son?? Shipping him w a man when he's clearly straight and in an established relationship is stupid
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
These are all great points but they've definitely fucked
🌙 artemislover Follow
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Godddddd. My parents just do not know what privacy is, PLEASE STOP HAVING SEX WHEN I MIGHT BE HOME... please you're killing me
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Wait, shit, wrong blog...
🌭 hotdog Follow
shocking revelation: invincible has parents
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
??? Of course I have parents. Where'd you think I came from?
🌭 hotdog Follow
Honestly i thought you were from mars
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
from MARS????
#i'm not martian??? i don't even look martian #do i look martian?
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💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🚫 ohgodpleaseno Follow
really? How do you know?
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
Okay quick storytime
My friends and I wanted to go to see this band live for a LONG time, so we saved up money for years until we could finally afford it, right?
Well, the day we finally get to see them live, I look up and I see Atom Eve, just. Flying there. Above the crowd
She was singing, apparently very loudly and she looked like she was having sm fun. She saw me and waved!!! Atom Eve!!!! Waved at me!!!!!!!
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Yeah. Check my Insta, there's a link to this blog!
💃 thedancingquinn Follow
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🤖 officialrobot Follow
Today, Monster Girl told me to download this app and create a blog — I did not think it was necessary, but she insisted.
I decided to listen to her. She was very persuasive.
I will be sharing things about my day, as she has told me to do. Expect to hear from me after this.
👀 eyaseyaseays Follow
you really think we're gonna believe you're the real Robot?? C'mon.
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
Dude, RP exists. Let people live their lives in peace
❤️ justamonstergirl Follow
This is so funny
‼️ notafurryyet Follow
That's... The real monster girl. Replying to a fake Robot post...
Dude I think he's real
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🎉 partyshitter Follow
The new Guardians are a fucking shit show. Are we seriously meant to believe they're going to protect us? Really??
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Oh Id like to see YOU almost get killed every single fucking day without one fucking break only for asholes like you to shit on us like that. We almost die every single day!!! Were the ones geting our hands dirty not you
🤖 officialrobot Follow
I'd* assholes* We're*
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
Your supposed to be with me in this one
🤖 officialrobot Follow
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☪️ somanykates Follow
The Immortal kinda... 👀
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
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💥 explosionsbaby Follow
I cant believe she cheated on me... what a bitch
🧬 atomevesss Follow
☪️ somanykates Follow
We're going to have a fucking talk, Rex.
💥 explosionsbaby Follow
🍐 shrinkshrek Follow
You had this one coming buddy
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
The fact that Miles Morales canonically reads JJK, though...
🔫 shootmeplease Follow
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
Why is everyone always surprised when I like something? I don't get it
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🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
I cannot have just found out you're still alive through Tumblr...
🧬 atomevesss☑️☑️ Follow
Seriously though. Are you okay now? I know you're not mentally, after the whole Chicago thing w your dad, but at least physically?
🌟 notsovinciblenow Follow
I'll survive, I guess
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
INVINCIBLE?? It is such a relief to see you're still here after the whole Chicago ordeal Mr Invincible
📸 definitelyinsanebaby Follow
Yeah maybe don't remind him of that rn??
💔 thisishowtobeah Follow
#I AM SO SO SO SORRY #omg i hope you're doing good mr invincible :(((
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cherrygirlystuff · 1 month
Welcome to Neon Nostalgia – Your New Obsession with the Grungy, Lo-Fi Sounds of the 2000s Indie Scene!
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Hey, babe! 🌸 If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a soft spot for the gritty, raw vibes of the 2000s indie music scene. You know the one – where every mixtape felt like a secret message, vinyl was more than just a collector’s item, and band posters were basically sacred art. Whether you were the queen of the local indie shows or just loved getting lost in the lo-fi sounds, I’ve got the perfect blog for you: Neon Nostalgia. Get ready to dive into a world dedicated to everything we adore about the 2000s indie scene – from mixtapes to vinyl art, and those iconic band posters that still make our hearts skip a beat. 🎧✨
Why Neon Nostalgia? 🌟
First things first, let’s talk about why Neon Nostalgia is about to become your new fave hangout spot on the internet. This blog isn’t just about looking back – it’s about celebrating everything that made the 2000s indie scene so unforgettable. It’s a space where you can relive the magic, discover hidden gems, and connect with other music lovers who feel the same way. Whether you’re here for the mixtapes, the art, or just the vibes, Neon Nostalgia is all about keeping the spirit of indie alive and thriving.
Mixtapes: The Ultimate Love Letter 🎶
Remember when making a mixtape was basically the highest form of flattery? Those carefully curated playlists were more than just a collection of songs – they were love letters, friendship bracelets, and time capsules all rolled into one. At Neon Nostalgia, we’re all about bringing back that mixtape magic.
1. Curated Mixtapes for Every Mood 💌
Neon Nostalgia features specially curated mixtapes that capture the essence of the 2000s indie scene. Whether you’re in the mood for something moody and introspective or want to dance like nobody’s watching, there’s a mixtape for that. And the best part? Each mixtape comes with a little backstory, so you can really feel the vibes that inspired it.
2. Make Your Own Mixtape Challenge 🎧
Feeling inspired? Why not take on the Neon Nostalgia Mixtape Challenge? It’s all about putting together your own playlist that tells a story – whether it’s about love, heartbreak, or just your favorite summer memories. Share it with the community, and who knows? You might just find your new music soulmate.
Vinyl Art: Where Music Meets Masterpiece 🎨
If you’re a vinyl lover, you know that it’s not just about the sound – it’s about the experience. There’s something so satisfying about holding a record in your hands, admiring the cover art, and letting the needle drop onto the vinyl. Neon Nostalgia takes that experience to the next level with its dedication to vinyl art.
1. Iconic Vinyl Covers of the 2000s 🎵
Neon Nostalgia has a whole section dedicated to the most iconic vinyl covers of the 2000s indie scene. From the minimalist beauty of The Strokes’ Is This It to the dreamy artwork of In Rainbows by Radiohead, these covers weren’t just packaging – they were works of art that perfectly captured the spirit of the music.
2. DIY Vinyl Art Projects 🖌️
Feeling crafty? Neon Nostalgia’s got you covered with DIY vinyl art projects. Whether you want to create your own album cover, repurpose an old record into something new, or just get inspired by the creativity of others, this is the perfect place to unleash your inner artist.
Band Posters: The Art of the Indie Scene 🖼️
Let’s be real – our walls were never the same after we discovered band posters. They were more than just decorations; they were statements, identities, and windows into a world where music was everything. Neon Nostalgia knows the power of a good band poster and celebrates it with style.
1. The Best Band Posters of the 2000s 🎸
Neon Nostalgia features a collection of the best band posters from the 2000s indie scene. Whether it’s the bold, graphic designs of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the dreamy, abstract posters for Animal Collective, or the gritty, DIY aesthetic of Arctic Monkeys, each poster tells its own story.
2. How to Create Your Own Band Poster 🎨
Ever dreamed of making your own band poster? Neon Nostalgia has tips and tricks for creating your own poster, whether you’re a graphic design pro or just starting out. It’s all about capturing the energy and vibe of the music you love in a way that’s totally you.
Final Thoughts, Gorgeous: Let’s Keep the Indie Spirit Alive!
So there you have it, babe – Neon Nostalgia is your new go-to for everything related to the grungy, lo-fi sounds of the 2000s indie scene. Whether you’re here for the mixtapes, the vinyl art, or the band posters, it’s all about celebrating a time when music was raw, real, and totally unforgettable.
And the best part? Neon Nostalgia isn’t just about looking back – it’s about keeping that indie spirit alive. It’s about connecting with other music lovers, discovering new favorites, and maybe even making some art of your own. So whether you’re reminiscing about your first indie show or just discovering the magic of the 2000s for the first time, Neon Nostalgia is here to keep the vibes going strong.
Are you as obsessed with the 2000s indie scene as I am? Let’s chat in the comments about your favorite bands, mixtapes, and everything else that makes Neon Nostalgia so special! 💕
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psychics4unet · 7 days
Love Text Message from Your Future Spouse! 💌✨🔮
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Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Paid psychic reading (7 questions for just $7) is available here:
Pile 1:
The Fool 🌟 The Lovers ❤️ The Star 🌠
The Fool suggests a fresh start and a sense of adventure in love. It’s a message from your future spouse about embracing new beginnings with an open heart and excitement. The Lovers highlights a deep, meaningful connection and a sense of unity, showing that your future spouse feels a strong, soul-deep bond with you. The Star brings a message of hope and inspiration, encouraging you to stay positive and believe in the love that is destined for you. Together, these cards show a message of new beginnings in love, a deep and soulful connection, and a hopeful outlook on the future. Your future spouse wants you to know that love is an exciting adventure and that your journey together will be filled with hope and unity.
Example Messages:
"Hey love, I can't wait to start this new adventure with you! 🌟 Let's explore the world together and make every moment unforgettable. 💫❤️"
"I’ve never felt such a deep connection with anyone before. ❤️ You are my soulmate, and I’m excited for all the amazing things our future holds. 🌠"
"Even on the tough days, remember that I’m always here for you. 🌟 Together, we can face anything with hope and love. 💖"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 2:
The Empress 🌺 The Hermit 🧘‍♂️ Page of Cups 💌
The Empress represents nurturing, abundance, and deep love. Your future spouse wants you to know they are eager to create a beautiful, loving life with you. The Hermit indicates a time of inner reflection and wisdom, suggesting that your future spouse values deep emotional understanding and growth. The Page of Cups is a message of affection and emotional openness, showing that your future spouse is prepared to offer you their heart and share their feelings honestly. Together, these cards convey a message of deep love, emotional depth, and the importance of understanding and nurturing each other in the relationship. Your future spouse is excited about building a loving and abundant life with you.
Example Messages:
"I’m dreaming of building a beautiful life with you, filled with love and abundance. 🌺 Let’s nurture our relationship and make it bloom. 💖"
"I’ve been reflecting on how much you mean to me. 🧘‍♂️ Your love is my guiding light, and I can’t wait to share my deepest feelings with you. 💌"
"Just wanted to remind you how much I adore you. 💌 Every moment with you feels like a sweet dream come true. 🌺"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Pile 3:
The Magician 🎩 Two of Cups 💕 Ten of Pentacles 🌟
The Magician symbolizes manifesting dreams and making things happen with intention. Your future spouse is letting you know they are actively working to make your shared dreams a reality. The Two of Cups represents a deep and harmonious partnership, emphasizing a mutual, balanced love and connection between you both. The Ten of Pentacles signifies long-term stability and abundance, highlighting that your future spouse envisions a future of lasting prosperity and emotional fulfillment with you. Together, these cards show a message of actively creating and manifesting a successful, balanced, and fulfilling relationship. Your future spouse is committed to making your dreams come true and building a lasting, prosperous future together.
Example Messages:
"I’m working hard to make all our dreams come true. 🎩 Together, we’re creating something magical, and I’m so excited for our future. 💕"
"You and I make the perfect team. 💕 I’m grateful for our deep connection and all the beautiful moments we share. 🌟"
"I’m envisioning a future full of love, happiness, and prosperity for us. 🌟 Let’s build our dreams together and enjoy every step of the journey. 🎩"
Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment!
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity!
Paid readings (7 questions for just $7) are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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ghostsoap-server · 5 months
🌘 ☀️ UnFated: GhostSoap Soulmate Event ☀️🌒
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It hasn't been long, but the GhostSoap 18+ Discord is excited to announce that sign-ups are open for a SoulMay creator event!
🌟 What's SoulMay?
This is a quick and sweet creator event, with no partners. All creators should create something inspired by or within the 'soulmate' theme. Be it directly tied to our well-loved tropes, or completely contradictory to anything within that universe, we welcome it all!
As long as your creation is in any way tied to the idea/trope of soulmates, you're in this event!
🌕 Event housekeeping
The sign-ups will be open for server members throughout the whole event, so you're welcome to join whenever you want. You don't even have to sign up up until the very end (posting period). Signing up just allows us to give you a special role we'll ping for all announcements for this event. Only those with the event role will be able to post their creations in the destignated channel in the server at the end of the event.
This is a relaxed event. We want this to be more low-key for everyone, while also enjoyable and fun for creators ❤️
📃 Minimum word count is 500 words. No maximum!
🖌️ Minimum art contribution is black and white sketch is enough or an equivalent of rough draft in your chosen medium
🎨 Special thank you to @octaviusing for our beautiful banner and all of the hard work you've put into this event!
🔖We have a hashtag! When the time comes, your work can be posted to #GhostSoapSoulMay for the server blog to boost!
🌑 Timeschedule
April 25th: Sign-ups open (and never close)
May 1st: Creation period starts
June 1st: Creation ends, posting period begins
June 8th: Posting period ends, reward roles are given out
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This event is open to server members! If you are not yet a member of the GhostSoap Server, we hope that you'll join us 💚 Detailed instructions, sign up sheets, creation help, and just chatting about our favorite soldiers can be found in the server. If you'd like to join us, click here:
We look forward to all of the lovely things you'll create! 💚
-Lt. Bucky and Lt. ANTchan
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adilynnyuri · 28 days
Hello - first of all I want you to thank for your answer you gave to the person who wants to revise her fathers death. It gave me so much hope as you found the words I needed. 🫶 ❤️‍🩹 Every day I come back to your words in my mind…
I am working on it because I miss my mum who is my soulmate - best friend and mother. So I am working on revision and manifesting a timeline where we are both together in happiness and relaxation❣️ You said in this post I read that for that I have to „build the belief“ that my mum is healthy and alive. This is what I am working on. But how can I deal with the 4D which tells me in so much circumstances that she isn’t here. I always tell myself that’s a different timeline but as my actual circumstances are really tough I guess I need more input if someone more experienced to bester dealing with it. What would you suggest? and is it necessary to revise the health situation or it’s better to focus on that she is now healthy and alive? And would you recommend to focus on this single change or is it possible to change some other things in this new timeline which makes our life more relaxed so that she can enjoy it more in this new timeline? What do you think?
Hiii lovee! 🤍
💝 I am SO SO GLAD that you found my posts helpful! I am way more GRATEFUL TO HAVE CUTIES LIKE Y'ALL!
Ok let's come to the topic!
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⭐ I totally understand your situation. You cannot see "physical results" And it's pissing you off OR making you think that you are not doing much. But let me tell you!
🌀Physical reality which you are seeing with your eyes right now is just the reflection of your consistent dominant thoughts.
🍂What you would think if one day it was announced that the world is going to destroy?
"Omg I am going to die??? My favorite people are going to die?? I wanted to do sm thing-"
+ people around you will always remind you that the world is ACTUALLY gonna destroy and you are actually gonna BELIEVE IT BECAUSE YOU LET THAT THOUGHT COME AND FUCK YOUR MIND.
🍂Instead, if you just repeatedly reprogram your mind saying that
⭐ "Whatever it is, everything/everyone always works out in my favour"
If you ask me what would happen. Simply what you said to yourself repeatedly and made that "assumption" As a dominant thought will replicate in your reality.
🔮My success in revising death :
🌟 I literally manifested my uncle back who died 5-6 years ago. He was my favorite uncle and he died so soon which of course made me feel like shit. But yk what?
If it makes me feel like shit = it ain't true (my motto)
🌟 who cares? You should be strong like a rock. Stable asf. Get your desires by being stubborn. Simple.
With lots of love,
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bloodhoundluke · 1 year
lucky ❦ luke hemmings
pairing: luke hemmings x partner! reader
description: there's nothing more annoying than being sick, but thankfully luke is there to make you feel better. this was requested with the prompt #8 "i'll kiss away the pain, baby" from my prompt list. warnings: lots of pet names and FLUFF. and a few curse words. word count: 1,1k. a/n: hey there friends! 🌟 sooooo i finished this instead of doing my uni work, oopsie... and this is my first sickfic, so i hope it's okay! it's short-ish but hopefully you'll like it anyway. i really need a luke to comfort me the next time i'm sick 😥 i'll see u again 🧡
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You were never sick. Well, maybe never was a bit of a reach. Once in a while you caught the flu, but this time it was different. Your head was burning and you couldn’t see properly. Fever. 
Thank god the front door opened and Petunia wiggled to the entryway without barking. It meant one thing. Luke was home. You heard him place his keys on the hallway table and take his shoes and jacket off. You squinted your eyes and groaned. Damn, you loved that man, but could he be quieter?
“What’s going on here bubs?” Luke curiously asked as he sat next to you on the living room couch. You had been laying there since the morning. Ever since you had wished a good studio session to him and he went to do what he did best, being creative. 
“Shhh, be more quiet baby”, you whispered as you adjusted your blanket over your legs. 
“Oh, shoot, sorry��are you okay?”, his tone changed and his sweet, quiet words echoed through your head. You shook your head no. 
“Oh no….Do I need to get you anything? Painkillers? Water? We’ve got your favorite lemonade in the freezer if you’d like”. One thing about Luke was that he took the caretaker role naturally. And a bit too serious at times, but you loved him for it. Before him, you didn’t even know men like him existed. 
“Lemonade, please”, you whispered. “Okay, I’ll be here in a sec”, he kissed your temple softly and you closed your eyes.
You woke up to the sound of Petunia barking and Luke cursing the dog off. “Shh, mama’s not well”. You felt Luke’s body next to yours and opened your eyes just to see him looking at you with his worrisome eyes. 
“Hey”, your throat was sore. “What time is it?”.
“It’s 6pm. Didn’t want to wake you up, princess”.
“It’s okay. Am starving. Can we order something?”.
“Of course”. So you ordered some cauliflower soup, ate it whilst watching your comfort tv show and went back to cuddling with Luke on the couch.
“Are you feelin’ any better?”.
“Not really”, you sighed.
“I’ll kiss away the pain, baby”, he peppered light kisses to your cheek, jawline and lastly, your lips. You moved your lips against his, feeling some sort of guilty conscience.
“You do realize you have a chance of gettin’ sick too?”.
“Yes”, Luke looked at you with admiring eyes and a smile that could make even the coldest of hearts melt.
“You’re being reckless”, your voice was hoarse, and a giggle escaped your lips.
“I don’t mind bein’ reckless when it’s with you”, he kissed you again. And just like all of those times before, he was able to capture your heart with a single comment.
“Lemonade?”, he asked and reached for the glass on the coffee table. “Please”, you murmured. After finishing the glass of lemonade, Luke kindly placed it on the table. “Do you want anything else?”, he placed his arm around you. You shuffled closer to him and placed your head on the crook of Luke’s soft neck. “No, this is perfect”.
“Good”, he murmured and caressed your hair.
Luke adjusted the blankets covering your body and fixated his eyes on the tv. And so did you until your eyes couldn’t stay open anymore. So you dozed off again, with Luke softly humming next to you.
"We could leave the Christmas lights up ‘til January And this is our place, we make the rules And there’s a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear…"
You woke up again, this time to Luke’s phone ringing. With your eyebrows frowned, you looked at Luke. He mumbled a ‘sorry’ and gave a peck on your hairline. Carefully, he got up from the couch and exited the room. You reached out for your phone on the coffee table. You watched some TikToks on low volume whilst you were petting Petunia, who had been sleeping on the couch for the whole evening. The pupper snuggled closer to you and you placed the phone away, holding her in your arms.
“I see my place has been taken”, Luke entered the living room with an entertained smile plastered on his lips. “That’s what you get when you leave my side”, you pouted.
“Am sorry, baby. It was Michael. He needed an opinion on something. Work stuff. Boring. And he wished you a quick recovery”. You thanked him, and motioned Petunia to move. The dog hopped off lazily from the couch. 
“How’s the head?”.
“It’s okay. I am okay. I’mma go to bed”, you gave Luke a tired smile and stood up with the blankets hovering over your body. You began to walk, but your head started to feel dizzy. So you stopped in your tracks and Luke walked closer to you. 
“You don’t seem okay”, he stood in front of you and placed his hands against the sides of your face.
“Maybe I exaggerated”, you admitted. “Let’s get you to bed then”, he detached his hands, picked you up in his arms and carried you over to your shared bedroom. He dropped you to the side of the bed, lifting the comforter and you got under the covers. You mumbled him a ‘thank you’ and Luke answered with a sympathetic gaze. You studied him, the man of your dreams, and a thankful smile crept upon your face. He stripped off his day clothes, and shuffled next to you. Petunia came into the room with a grunt and waited for either Luke or you to pick her up. 
“Geez, Tunes, will you ever learn?” Luke chuckled, got up from the bed and bent down to pet the dog. He picked her up, and placed the pupper at the foot of the bed. Luke reclaimed his place next to you. “We need to get her the dog stairs”, you insinuated, to which Luke responded with a ‘definitely’. You snuggled into his chest and could feel his steady breathing on your face. He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin against your head.
“How did I get so lucky with you?”, you hummed and could hear the tempting sound of the dreamworld calling you.
“I am the one who got lucky here, love”, Luke peppered tender kisses on your hair.
“I’ll take care of you if you get sick because of me”, you promised him.
“But what if you are still sick?”, he pecked your head, and tightened his embrace around you.
“Then we might be fucked”.
“Nah, we won’t be. At least we’d still have each other”, he pointed out. You smiled as you closed your eyes. Despite the burning head and sore throat, this was everything you wanted: Luke’s fingers running through your hair and Petunia snoring in the background all while you were falling asleep.
© 2023 bloodhoundluke.
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thyhauntedmansion · 9 months
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Comedy and tragedy, at its finest.
Just some appreciation for our favorite star✨
I adored Cassandra before but now? NOW?!Knowing now that Cassandra’s future has been prioritized since the ripe age of SIX YEARS OLD is insane. Every new thing I learn about her makes me love her even more.
She was robbed of a normal childhood. Which, is acceptable in some regards, like being more worldly and cultured rather than getting a regular education. However, I know damn WELL Alcina (wether intentional or not❤️) put too much pressure on Cassandra for the sake of “reaching her full potential” to the point where growing up she internalized her image as quite literally the only thing that mattered.
Her going hysterical and downright INSANE by the end of her bad route is literally so perfect.
This is her destiny. She would stop at nothing to see it become a reality. She’s worked too hard. This won’t go to waste. SHE won’t be a waste.
Also her traveling around as a child really makes you think about how much Cass must actually appreciate Elena’s friendship. Someone who has remained in her life despite any amount of flirting and shenanigans. Whereas Cass probably has a hard time maintaining any friendship since she could never stay in one place for long :((( Children need stability in order to learn how to make lasting relationships and I don’t think Cass ever really got that beyond being with her sisters.
She’s just a special lil star🥺🌟
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deedala · 2 months
☀️ weekly 🌴 tag 🌴 wednesday 🌊
hello it is thursday!! not wednesday, alas, we persist. big thanks to a one lil miss ✨🌟🌙 @celestialmickey ✨🌟🌙 !!!! for writing this weeks game and for tagging me!! + @gallapiech @blue-disco-lights @heymrspatel @jrooc @mmmichyyy @too-schoolforcool @lingy910y @crossmydna @energievie @palepinkgoat 💖💖💖
name: deanna 🌱
pronouns: she/her
what year did you graduate high school? lets play a game actually, what do you think? did i graduate in 1998, 2002, or 2006?
tell me where you live without *telling* me where you live: woody harrelson and i know the same amusement park like the back of our respective hands
tell me what you do for work: digital coloring book
caffeine source of choice: brew my own hot coffee in which i pour oatmilk and french vanilla dairy-free creamer
do you have a skincare routine? super sensitive skin, had to do accutane in my 20s *and* back in 2019. dermatologist has me on a very strict routine of gentle salicylic acid facewash and oil-free fragrance-free sensitive-skin formulated facial moisturizer. nothing else allowed!!
how often do you do laundry? every single fucking day of life and if i dont i will be overcome and i will suffer
favorite flower: poppies!! (iykyk) but dandelions are a close second
your go-to karaoke song: i've never gotten to do karaoake for reals but i think it would be an absolute blast (and hysterically cringey) to sing wuthering heights by kate bush!!
what kind of phone do you have? mint green iphone 12
do you wear contacts/glasses? i wear a single contact lens because i had to have a bunch of surgery in my left eye in my 20s and one of them involved replacing my lens with an implant (hi im bionic, i have a serial number) that is a corrective lens giving me 20/20 vision (apart from the blind spots where my retina is destroyed) SOOOO i literally can only wear that one contact lens in my right eye to fix my (extremely bad) vision on that side. glasses dont work when you've got 20/20 in one eyeball and -7.25 in the other.
what color is your hair right now? its a 10
you’ve just been handed $10,000 cash, what are you spending it on? theres a lot of shit in my house that needs to be fixed. or maybe we can use it as a down payment for buying a new house? (probably not the market is so insane in my city because of the university and the landlords) but i guess...in fantasy world where this happens...yeah we use it to help ourselves buy a new house lol.
how many pets do you have? none
have you ever been on a train? many many trains! some in america, most of them in europe
and finally, tell me something about yourself people might be surprised to know: god im so uninteresting... i love olives and pickles and cilantro and mint but not garlic and i cannot taste spicy things (i deeply wish i could, ive tried so many times and all i get is like bitter charcoal numb tongue)
and now i'll tag some folks under the cut who maybe?? havent played yet?? maybe want to play????? if not consider this me handing you a dandelion + poppy 💐 under the cut!!
@darlingian @spookygingerr @mybrainismelted @creepkinginc @suzy-queued
@sleepyheadgallavich @thepupperino @iansw0rld @gardenerian @ardent-fox
@catgrassplantdad @whatwouldmickeydo @gallawitchxx @wehangout @captainjowl
@the-rat-wins @loftec @spoonfulstar @callivich @sam-loves-seb
@howlinchickhowl @rereadanon @softmick @burninface @sickness-health-all-that-shit
@sleepyfacetoughguy @transmickey @lee-ow @themarchg1rl @vintagelacerosette
@xninetiestrendx @michellemisfit @steorie @samantitheos
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rainbowstarheart · 2 months
Get a fucking life. None of you people ever go after irl pedos because they're usually your favorite people and you'll happily and merrily let real people groom and rape real children as long as its someone you like. God forbid someone uses fiction. If someone being a proshipper makes them problematic then you must be a serial killer in the waiting from all the shit you have. Ergo you must be put down like the diseased animal you fucking are.
Wow, in rage aren't we?
Listen I understand that what where doing where out of hand a few days ago,but me and the others have already discussed that we keep a low profile on watching over everyone
You can't expect everyone to know everything and have all the answers,so your way of talking is through anger and frustration that you too can't help everyone either in sense,is it not?
Me and my Cosmic Guardians are aware we can't save people from irl mostly,but that doesn't mean we can't try in other ways? I don't know where you get the idea of calling us serial killers in the waiting but it gave me a chuckle considering how "serial killers" aka (lol) The Cosmic Guardians purpose is to protect and defend the fandoms loving fans and beloved characters from creeps online
I do not care if you target me,just me and no one in my family of Cosmic Guardians,for they are who I held dear,not as allies of protectors of fandoms,but for who they are as a family to my heart, so don't go after them,if you had anything to say,say it to me and me alone,leave my Cosmic Guardians out of this
We express our concerns and opinions on these type of situations,if we don't do anything than how will we warn others to avoid such a thing? It's against the moral code of Cosmic Guardians to not help anyone in need no matter the cost!
So as much as you or anyone want me to reply in anger or something
Think again,I pray to my Holy Father in Heaven to ease down your anger and cast out the misunderstandment in you with a peace of mind and meditation of understanding 🙏💟
Thank you for expressing your thoughts and opinions on our situation,it's nice to know that not everything can be dealt easily on a golden plate of easy peasy-ness,but a path of challenges and obstacles a being can't face without the hardships weighing down on my shoulders
Thank you and have a fantastic day/night dearest anon! 🌈🌟❤️
And remember Cosmic Guardians, always protect and defend the fandoms and it's loving fans side by side with they're beloved characters!!!
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