#🕯 :house of wax
sinnamonn · 2 years
Dreamily sighing whenever Vincent is on screen
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vikkirosko · 5 months
Could you do the Sinclair brothers with a goth/emo reader that seems really mean but is actually a huge ray of sunshine
Headcanons A ray of sunshine
🧢 Bo Sinclair x Reader 🧰
Ambrose had almost no residents. Just the three Sinclair brothers and you. You stood out from the image of a quiet and peaceful southern city. You were wearing dark clothes and dark makeup all the time. Every tourist who saw you could safely say that you seemed to be superfluous in this city, but Bo had a different opinion. For him, your presence was perfect, because you were together and he didn't want you to leave him
Those who didn't know you at all might decide that you were gloomy, withdrawn, and even intimidating. However, despite your gloomy appearance, you were completely different. You were probably the kindest and brightest person Bo knew. You were like a living ray of sunshine that illuminated his life. Next to you, he wanted to be at least a little better, even though he knew that you loved him for who he was, accepting his flaws and even the fact that he killed people
Sometimes Bo thought you were opposites. He attracted people's attention with his appearance, but his character did not match his appearance. At the same time, you could alienate others with your appearance, but you were so kind and sweet. Bo didn't want to admit it, but sometimes he was even glad that tourists were in no hurry to communicate with you, because then he would really be cruel because of his jealousy
Sometimes Bo thought you should have run away from Ambrose a long time ago. You were too good for him. He would understand if you ever ran away. Of course, Bo would be furious, but he would be able to understand why you left. But you stayed by his side. You continued to illuminate his life no matter what
🕯Vincent Sinclair x Reader 🎨
Vincent was someone who usually didn't go out in public. He stayed in his workshop when there were tourists and even when there were no strangers in the city, he remained in the shadows. You were the only one who often kept him company. You and Vincent were dating and that's why you stayed in town despite what was going on there. When there were strangers in the city, you looked after the museum and no one would even think of anything else. Tourists basically tried to avoid you because of your gloomy style
You always wore mostly black clothes and dark makeup. Because of this, the others got the impression that you yourself were gloomy, withdrawn and uncommunicative. However, Vincent knew that you were completely different. You were kind, sociable. It was like you were a sunbeam, warming others with your warmth
Vincent liked the fact that you kept him company in the workshop. You couldn't help him create wax sculptures, but you could just keep him company. He hoped that you would be safer in the workshop than if you were in their house or just in the city. The last thing he wanted was for some tourist to hurt you
Vincent was glad that no matter what, you stayed by his side. You didn't support him making wax sculptures out of people, but you didn't stop him. You didn't want to lose Vincent, and he didn't want to break up with you
🐕 Lester Sinclair x Reader 🛻
You and Lester have always been on the sidelines of the murders that his brothers committed. He didn't want you to get involved in this, so you mostly kept him company when he was driving. Usually, when tourists saw you, they were in no hurry to communicate with you. Lester repelled them with his rustic appearance, and you with your style
You wore dark colored clothes and dark makeup. Lester liked your appearance and especially liked your character, which was very different from your appearance. You were kind and considerate towards him, even in spite of the reality in which you lived
Lester often called you a ray of sunshine. You shone even though your style didn't match your character. Lester loved that about you. He was warm and cozy next to you, despite what happened during the day. Even if he was tired or upset, he knew that he could always come to you and feel better
Lester was grateful to you for sharing such a life with him. He was sure that you could have had a completely different life, but you stayed with him anyway. He loved you and was grateful to you for everything you did for him
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viktoriathewitch · 6 months
͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙ witchy things I did that worked •̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
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(se você fala portugues BR, sinta-se livre para enviar DM ou pedir tradução de um post. boa parte vai estar em inglês, para facilitar minha vida e atingir mais pessoas.)
-`🕯 INTRO 🕯´-
Although I'm part of the spiritual community, I'm still quite skeptical whenever I see a spell or ritual, be it online or in books, asking myself if it'd work or not. Wondering if the source of such spells and witchy things were actually being honest. So! Today, I'll be sharing some witchy things (as not all of them were spells IMO) that actually worked! Still, I want to clarify that these things worked for >me< and I'll just be sharing my experience with the things I did that worked best. Feel free to also share yours in the comments!
❅ herbal baths and magik baths in general, is some of my favorite things to do. Well, I actually love showers and they are such a scared moment to me, and whenever I need some deep energetical cleansing and boost, they always work for me. However, I want to point out that I wash my hair after finishing the herbal bath. So, I recommend doing this on wash hair days. My favorite combo is thick salt and rosemary. How I did it: ⁍ 1-step, prep: cleansed and energized the materials. ⁍ 2-step, make rosemary water: I didn't use a specific amount, but I'd say 4-5 cups of water and half a hand of rosemary is enough. Let it boil for about 5 minutes and then let it sit for 15 minutes with a cloth on top. ⁍ 3-step, thick salt scrubbing: the scrubbing should be done from your neck to your feet. Don't scrub too hard, you don't want to hurt yourself. Visualize negative energy or the power something/someone has over you leaving your body. DO NOT SCRUB YOUR GENITALIA WITH IT OKAY? ⁍ 4-step, rosemary shower: after the rosemary water has cooled down a bit, start to pour the water over you from your head. Now, the actual rosemary won't go with the water, so you can pick it up with your hands and scrub your body gently with it. DO NOT SCRUB OR WASH YOUR GENITALIA WITH THIS WATER. ⁍ 5-step, clean your bathroom: chances are you've made a mess! ❅ banishing candles is something that I did when I was on low energy but needed banishing ASAP. I also didn't have all the ingredients I wished for, but it worked with the ones I had! I made a total of 2 candles, and I placed one in the living room and the other in my bedroom. How I did it: ⁍ ingredients and tools: black candle, red candle, dried pieces of garlic, corn hair, thick salt, essential oil (I used lavender cause it was the only one I had lol), mortar and pestle, paper (to protect my table from the wax), candle holder (further explanation about candle holder later), and fire. ⁍ 1-step, prep: cleansed and energized the material. ⁍ 2-step, candle dressing: I applied the essential oil to the black candle, then started to dress it with the garlic pieces. I recommend doing this slowly and dressing each "side" of the candle instead of the whole candle. With the help of the red candle, I lit it up and used its drop of wax to hold the garlic in place. ⁍ 3-step, protection ring: with corn hair and thick salt, I created a protection ring so that the candle would be free to do its job without interference from what I was banishing. I placed it within the candle holder, which was a chamberstick type. Now, I want to say that the protection ring needs to be around the candle, with a chamberstick, it was quite efficient since I could carry the candle and the protection ring mutually without getting the house dirty. ⁍ 4-step, banishing: lit it up and allowed it to burn fully. ❅ warding is one of the best ways to protect your house or personal space. It always works for me, even when done in the astral (I've done this once but it was not intentional, don't ask me how I did it because I have minimal power over my astral/mental projections still). Basically, gather up energy and release it with the most amount of anger possible, like a dog showing its teeth to an enemy, while setting out the intention of only your guides, desired spirits, and positive energy entering. Do this in each room of the house if you wish to ward the whole house, or just in your bedroom if that's better. ❅ repelling unwanted energetic interactions through anger. Well, this one is a bit similar to warding, but it's done when the so said energy or spirit is already there. I've done this in the astral too, it worked thankfully lol. Anyway, it's similar to warding, but now you have a target to which you'll direct the aggressive energy you're gathering. Together with this energy, you'll say words like "get out of here" like, screaming, either out loud or in your head. You'll hunt down the "problem" if needed. My biggest tip is to go full red mode.
So, this was it! I hope you guys enjoyed it and that I've brought to y'all something new haha. As you can see, I haven't done much lol, I don't like to venture myself too much, and spells aren't my "it" activity either. Still, even though I've done more things, these were the ones I had the best results. Either way, see you soon <3
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bbreakingbenjamin · 1 year
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🕯HOUSE OF WAX 🕯 movie premiere at Mann Village Theatre, Westwood, California | April 26th, 2005
📷: Jeff Kravitz, Jon Kopaloff, Matthew Simmons | Getty Images.
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waxxl0ver · 1 year
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★𝐇𝗼𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝗼𝐟 𝐰𝐚𝐱 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝗼𝐧𝐬★
🔧Bo Sinclair🔧
-35 years old
-Birthday Is September 18th
-Bo definitely has dyslexic and adhd, he’s usually in flight or fight mode due to his childhood trauma and his adhd doesn’t help him much
-He usually doesn’t like kids unless there’s one kid that reminds him of himself as a kid then he would protect them with his life
-He definitely listens to Nu meal and Nickelback
-He hates asking or needing help especially when Vincent is the only one around
-Him and Vincent are protective over Lester due to him being the youngest
-He’s a pretty good driver BUT has extreme road rage and flips people off a lot
-He spends most of his time working in his shop and working on an old beat up car
-He was never the parent’s favorite Trudy always favorited Vincent and Victor always favorited Lester
-Was definitely and “problem child”
-He acts like he hates Jonesy but in reality he loves her and they cuddle a lot
-He does not have a middle name due to his parents mostly focusing on Vincent during there birth
-He is bi curious
🕯Vincent B. Sinclair🕯
-35 years old
-Birthday is the same as Bo September 18th
-He was definitely an Emo kid growing up and got bullied for it, Bo usually stuck up for him and would fight other kids for him
-He is gay MLM and goes by He/They
-He’s original hair color is brown just like Bo’s buy dyes it black
-Favorite band is MCR and favorite song Helena
-He has OCD and needs his office in a special way and makes his wax figures in a special order
-He’s definitely a theater kid but never preformed in anyone plays
-When he’s not working he likes to play the sims on his old laptop
-He physically is in pain to talk due to his vocal cords being shattered during birth but can talk in small words example ”yes” “love”
-He’s wore eyeliner once and Bo never let him lived to down
-spends the most time with Jonesy
-LOVES phantom of the opera
-when he aruges with Bo he doesn’t get physical and just walks away
-same hight as Bo but looks shorting due to horrible posture
🦝Lester D. Sinclair🦝
-33 years old
-his job is for the state and makes an okay about of money
-LOVES country music
-some of his teeth are missing due to accents during his childhood rough housing
-is obsessed with his truck and named it Betsy and calls it “she”
-Doesn’t really drink, but love root beer
-Is friends with some raccoons and feeds them like stray cats
-Lives with his brothers with his room next to Bo’s and Vincent has the whole basement
-Collects animal bones and makes little necklaces
-Very sweet and tends to be extremely shy
-He is autistic (he’s just like me real) so Bo and Vincent tend to be a little more patience with him
-When and and Bo fight sometimes they hit each other and end up wrestling
-Very stinky but doesn’t notice it
-Uses a flip phone
-has a pet raccoon named Pedro
For there middle names it’s the first name if the actor (Ex.) Damon Herriman plays Lester so Lester’s middle name would be Damon
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kupjelly · 2 years
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vincent sinclair from house of wax stimboard!!
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eggyrocks · 2 months
RAAAAAAAH HALLOWEEN & HOUSE OF WAX ‼️‼️ also hi eggy i hope ur doing amazing <3
🎃 halloween: how talkative is your f/o? do they like to make small talk or would they rather skip straight to the deep stuff?
iwa's not the most talkative person out there but he's also not the most quiet. he's good at knowing how much to say (which is helpful for me, who's two moods are: says everything all the time all at once or does not talk for three days). he's excellent at small talk doesnt really mind it either but hates when it goes on forever. he does not mind being occasionally silenced by the talkative version of me that will explain something for 45 minutes and not let him get a word in edgewise
🕯house of wax: how creative is your f/o? what sort of creative medium do they prefer?
he's not the most invested in creative arts lol. definitely prefers physical activity to more creative leaning hobbies but has picked up some skills via me making him participate in various crafts. yes i would absolutely teach iwa to crochet and he's surprisingly good at it? can't make anything more complex than a hat or a scarf but likes to do it alongside me :) also weirdly good at drawing.
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liv1ngd34dm0th · 1 year
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Vincent sinclair (house of wax 2005) 5/6
My beautiful wax husband🕯🫀
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frozrowan · 11 months
My writings
The Boy♟
Brahms heelshire
If I leave someday
House of wax🕯
Vincent Sinclair
Snow fight
The Collector🕷
Welcome home, my dragonfly
John Doe 💞
- My good omen
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🗝Brahms Heelshire (The Boy 2016)
🔪Michael Myers (Rob Zombie's Halloween Remakes)
📞Billy Loomis (Scream 1996)
🥩Stu Macher (Scream 1996)
🔧Bo Sinclair (House of Wax 2005)
🕯Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax 2005)
🛻Lester Sinclair (House of Wax 2005)
💋Jennifer Check (Jennifers Body 2009)
🪚Thomas Hewitt (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 03-6)
🍖Bubba Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 74-86)
🦨 Nubbins Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974)
🪩 ChopTop Sawyer (Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, 1986)
⛺️Jason Voorhees (Friday The 13th Film Series)
🕷The Collector / Asa Emory (The Collector 2009, The Collection 2012)
☎️Billy Lenz (Black Christmas 1974)
💉Martin Matthias (Martin 1977)
📱Kurt Kunkle (Spree 2020)
🛎Norman Bates (Psycho 1960)
💄Tiffany Valentine (Chucky Film Series)
💀 Jesse Cromeans 'ChromeSkull' (Laid to Rest 2009-2011)
📞 Albert Shaw 'The Grabber' (The Black Phone 2021)
🎃 Patrick 'Trick' Weaver (Trick 2019)
📚Joe Goldberg (You Netflix Series)
i do any requested characters as long as i know them! so dont be afraid to get niche with it, i might be able to surprise you :]
To Be Updated....
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soft-spooks · 2 years
ok im doing these for anti as per usual
💝 My Bloody Valentine: What's your f/o's favorite holiday? How do they celebrate it?
halloween obviously. carving pumpkins is a Tradition because of course it is, but other than that i think hes relatively chill about it. its more of an . excuse to let himself be more scary i think . also horror movie marathon
that being said. unpopular opinion but i also think he really unabashedly enjoys christmas. gets all excited about it and everything. full jim carrey grinch ugly sweater outfit. <3 he likes to make things (which i will get into later in the post) so i think he would do all handmade gifts which i for one find REALLY cute
🎃 Halloween: How talkative is your f/o? Do they like to make small talk or would they rather skip straight to the deep stuff?
oh he is. very talkative once he gets going abt something. i think hes ok with comfortable silence, but if he gets too fidgety or something is bothering him he'll just start Going Off for a bit (see: 90% of his big videos are just. villain monologues. yes i know thats the nature of the medium but STILL. hes dramatic. he monologues. and i am just sitting there like 🙂 listening to him)
🕯House of Wax: How creative is your f/o? What sort of creative medium do they prefer?
VERY CREATIVE !!!!! it doesnt seem very in character for him on a surface level but as soon as you think abt him for more than 2 seconds ur like. yeah this guy Makes Things. im. mostly influenced by a short one-off fic i read YEARS ago about him picking up crochet but it stuck in my brain so now its canon to me. he likes 2 make dolls. (aha puppet joke etc etc). marketable plushies. i think he does a lot of needle and thread type stuff- crochet + sewing especially. i think it maybe started a little bit more on the darker side, making. Literal puppets/voodoo dolls for evil/intimidation purposes. which, side note, is REALLY funny 2 think about him in full. angry unstoppable murder villain mode but then sitting down and carefully sewing together dolls about it. but after he kinda. mellows out a bit i think he ventures more into the 'creepy but cute' zone of things
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viscountofhousepink · 3 months
The head of House Pink
you can call Pink or Van!
I am not new and not yet ancient, just a simple 190. /hj
As my description states, I am vampire kin and maybe sanguinarian, I haven't tested anything just yet. I get a Feeling when I see blood, even my own so I'm sure something is going on but I am too nervous to do anything but independent research. I also probably won't post much here unless I feel like waxing poetic about drinking blood or something. This is a side blog after all!
ps. if there is a house pink out there i am not part of it, i just like the color a lot.
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waxxl0ver · 1 year
https://discord.gg/CuksfyWN This is my house of wax role-play server feel free to join! 🖤🔪🕯
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sweetjak · 1 year
house of wax and pan’s labyrinth for a f/o of your choice? :3
(another for Arcade because I'm not afraid to play favorites)
🕯House of Wax: How creative is your f/o? What sort of creative medium do they prefer?
I'd be willing to bet he's the most creative assassin on the market.
🌿 Pan's Labyrinth: Does your f/o believe in the supernatural? How about other dimensions/alternate realities?
He definitely should, considering the amount of paranormal entities he's dealt with. Seriously, this happens way more often than you'd expect.
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roseyjustice · 2 years
House of Wax, Child’s Play, Candyman, and (obviously) The Shining for Danny Torrance?? 🥺 ID LOVE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT YOUR SHIP WITH HIM IN GENERAL A
MIA HI !! Thank you for sending this in and shishfjkz YOURE TOO SWEET !! I honestly need to talk about him more and our ship so im flattered you wanna hear about it more akdsksjk
🕯House of Wax: How creative is your f/o? What sort of creative medium do they prefer?
Dan doesn’t consider himself a creative type, he's not one for any type of art/drawing or writing/prose but he does have a knack for building things ! I think he would enjoy woodwork and mechanic work !
I think if he researches more, he would get into sculpting things with clay, they would be simple things at first but then his stealth nerd would show and he would sculpt little things from media he enjoys.
✂️ Child's Play: Does your f/o have any kind of comfort object? A thing they always keep with them?
His AA sobriety chip, he carries it everywhere with him when he goes out and he definitely uses it as a grounding object, he’ll rub a thumb over it absentmindedly when he's thinking and will hold it if he's close to losing his temper to sort of calm down.
🐝 Candyman: How romantic is your f/o? What's their main love language?
Dan definitely has a hard time expressing romantic stuff, he’s not used to being soft and vulnerable with others, but he shows it in small ways ! Like cooking food after a long day or preparing a cup of coffee or buying something that reminds him of the person.
His main love language would totally be acts of service, He’d also appreciate quality time and physical touch, since his shine works better with touching someone/something and being in proximity. I feel like his shine also plays into his love languages and romance a lot lol
🪓The Shining: If your f/o could go on vacation anywhere in the world without money being an issue where would they go? What would they do there?
Hm i don’t think Dan is much of a vacation guy, he's kind of a workaholic lol
Buuut i think he would like vacations that are quiet but not isolated, probably like a small villa in Scotland or Italy ! Where we can have quiet moments but stil enjoy being around others, hes the type of guy who just enjoys being outdoors in like woods areas, so i also think he would like camping vacations and like hikes !
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soupiiiie · 3 years
Hello hello!! Wanted to request something if you don't mind!
Bo Sinclair with a s/o thats an ex-singer and has crazy good vocals?? Like they think they're slick with hiding it but he catches them one day just singing their heart out to a song on the radio and they're just amazing y'know???
ahhh this is my first Bo request so i hope i do good on this!!
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You used to be in choir in high school and found out you were a really good singer. Bo did not know this about you as it had never come up in conversation
You had been doing some cleaning around the house while Bo was out doing some fix ups on Lester's truck. Loud rock music was playing from the radio in the kitchen and you had been singing along to whatever song was playing
Not noticing the front door closing, you continued to sing to your hearts content. Bo heard the music before hearing you, though once he did, he didn't want to disturb you
He crept to the kitchen doorway and stood against it with his arms crossed, staring at you with a small smirk on his face
While you danced around and sang to one of his favorite songs. He was surprised by your voice, angelic notes filling the air, making his smirk turn to a smile
You had just finished the song when he cleared his throat, you jumped and turned to the doorway where Bo was stood blushed hard
With wide eyes, you stared at him
"Wha- Hey hun... how was the shop..?"
"Was good but I preferred watching your little show."
To say you were embarrassed would be an understatement
He was very impressed by your singing though and made it a point to tell you whenever he heard you humming or singing to yourself
"Can you sing me something, maybe some Journey?" He'd ask all the time
The radio would always be on whenever y'all were doing anything per Bo's request hoping that you would subconsciously start singing whatever was playing
He'd 100% tell Vincent and Lester about it to brag about how perfect you are and how they can't get anyone like you
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