#😂😂😂 loved it 10/10 would recommend to a friend and read again
lyranix1201 · 4 months
[Spoiler warning for nevermore if you haven't read it, i highly recommended it :) ]
One thing that I don't see people talk about enough, is the fact that Annabelle lee started chaos in nevermore academy for no fucking reason. ( I know why she did it, I have read nevermore more then 10 times, don't worry🙂.)
Like this girl started chaos because she could. she did it for the TEA, she did for the DRAMA, she did it for the PLOT, SHE DID IT FOR THE ENTER-TAIN-MENT. She did it because she could, not because she should. Let me repeat myself, SHE DID BECAUSE SHE COULD, NOT BECAUSE SHE SHOULD. This girl just wanted to be entertained, nothing hits better then to lie to everyone and say that your fiancé/wife is your number enemy. Like No wonder Annabelle lee is Merry and mourn favourite, they both like a little antertainment in there life and watching people fall for their evil scams ( yes scams, I know what I said)
Annabelle Lee probably: "if I'm going to die again, atleast let me be entertained."
And the way she set up Ada in the most cruel ass way too. 😂 ( it is something that never fails to make me laugh.). Putting lenore Best man in to a wall, make morella choose between her and lenore, switch out pluto for morella (that was just fucking wrong, for her to do), almost letting monty die.(she should have left his ass on the Goddamn stairs, later on it will bite her in the ass, i promis you. No..... because monty needs to thank Ada and Will for stopping Annabelle lee, because she was about to leave his ass to rot.). Making poor Prospero have Monty as his roommate (all of my sympathy goes out to prospero, i know that this motherfuck monty doesn't take showers, i know that this man smells nasty. like imagine being monty roomate, like hellllll nooooo. Prospero is god strongest soldiers and Duke is too).
No because she could have just told people she didn't know lenore and that she met her outside. She could have just said that lenore was really nice to her and that she even saved her from a demon outside (it is not a complete lie, no one would know better and they could have just acted like they were friends). But nooooo she wanted to spice up some shit, and now look at this shit, now your wife is mad at you.
If it isn't the consequences of my own actions.
(I still love my beautiful wife Annabelle lee🥰. like the frase some people like to say, good for her.)
( I know why she did it, I have read nevermore more then 10 times, don't worry🙂.)
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queseraone · 6 months
Anything with a 1 for the fic game!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?) Oh goddddd what a struggle? I asked @timandlucy to answer this for me, and she said this one (which is, oddly enough, one of my favourite things I've written - it was a fun challenge!) or this one (her Secret Santa gift, so she may be biased there...)
10. How do you decide what to write? If something keeps me up at night, I know I need to write it out of pure spite. Seriously though, if I wake up at 3am thinking about an idea, that alone tells me it's compelling enough and/or excites me enough that I need to follow through with it.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is? All Chenford, all the time! I absolutely love both Tim and Lucy, and I have so much fun exploring these two characters. But I think if I had to chose, I'd say Tim, purely because (at least generally speaking) he holds his cards closer to the chest than Lucy, so there can be more to play with there.
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you? Hmm, I don't think so? I'm generally pretty open-minded, but once something's on my shit list, it's usually there to stay!
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore? Again, not really? I'm pretty stubborn strong in my opinions!
14. Are there any tropes you would only read if written by a trusted friend or writer? While I can't think of any specific examples at the moment, I definitely think there are lot of sensitive topics thrown around in fanfic that would be better left to someone with greater respect for them. If that makes sense? Writing from a place of care (whether that's pulling from your own experience or from research to develop better understand) is super important to me!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written? Well thus far, I've only written one, for Linstead. But I have a handful of Chenford ideas bouncing around in my brain! Fingers crossed I can make at least one or two of them happen over summer hiatus!
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)? One that I've read and loved? Hello, Chenford married at first sight, aka the AU I never knew I needed! (@cfr749 💖)
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it? @timandlucy, you wanna field this one??? 👀😂
18. If you wrote a sequel to i've got my love to keep me warm, what would it involve? I'm not sure if you had a particular fic in mind here? But in general, I'm not sure I've ever envisioned a sequel to anything I've written, simply because most of my fics lean heavily on the "canon compliant" side of things, so I expect canon to give me the next parts hahaha. But there was a time I thought about writing a part two to this one! And, you know, never say never?
Hmm, interesting!! I suppose this fic technically has the most potential for a sequel - the future anniversaries they hint at at the end. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm 🤔
19. If you wrote a spin-off of you know what it was (he is in love), what would it involve? Well given that this is the shortest fic ever, I guess there's potential to explore so many things in more depth. But technically I guess that's not a spin-off. Something similar from Tim's POV I suppose, but the "show you" line was more fitting for Lucy thinking about Tim than the other way around.
21. If you wrote a “missing scene” in i can go anywhere i want (just not home), what would it be? I actually went back to my doc for this one, because funnily enough, there are some things I eliminated for this. Here's a chunk that I ended up not using:
It feels easy at first. As Nova, she’s nervous, more so than she ever cares to let on. It’s her first job, and while she feels a rush at the excitement of it all, she can’t deny that it’s scary. So much is riding on the op—for the department, certainly, but also for herself. It’s her shot to prove herself, to show Harper, Grey, Tim, and everyone else what she’s capable of. But when all is said and done, it’s a relatively short job, and the newness of it all makes the time pass quickly.  She doesn’t feel the nerves as much as Sava. Or maybe she’s just too focused on a different kind of nerves, what with being in such close proximity to Tim and feeling so many things.  Being Sava feels easy and almost natural in a way Lucy doesn’t let herself think too much about, but that she knows is because she has Tim by her side. Sure, the op is intense, but the chance to take down Madras is more important than any of the turmoil she feels inside. And in the blink of an eye, it’s over, and there’s so much going on that she doesn’t really have time to dwell on the job. When Lucy goes under as Jamie Hall, she feels a surprising sense of peace. Perhaps because she’s been through it before, so she knows the ropes. But probably more because she has Tim as her backup. She’s still surprised the department signed off on that, but she’s grateful for the added level of protection it affords her. She’s able to really give in to the case, lean into the rush, because just knowing he’s close keeps the nerves and the isolation at bay. So she’s expecting more of the same this time.
31. What’s your ideal fic length to write? Whatever feels right. As much as I fixate on the word count as I write, I try not to let it control when something is done. If it feels complete at 1000 words, so be it!
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.” This fic feels like an extension of canon in such an incredible way that I feel it should be compulsory reading (@makeitastrength 👏)
Thank you!! 😊
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thisonesatellite · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by the amazing and infinitely talented @voylitscope. Thank you so much! 💕💕💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Right now primarily stucky /MCU.
i got started with CS /OUAT (which i no longer write for), and have also ventured into dramione /HP (where i will go again as soon as i have some time).
i also wrote one Leverage fic, which --- guys, i don't know what happened there. It just knocked on my door and demanded to be written. 🤷‍♀️
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is interesting. i would have thought the OUAT fics would grab all top 5 spots, because they've been around the longest, but actually---
we build our lives out of chaos and hope - dramione
Burn To Shine - stucky
The Unexpected Life - CS
break me - CS
if you live by the word, you die by the pen - CS
If you're counting by fandom, well -- i mean, i have exactly five stucky fics so far. That's the top five right there. 😂 (There will be more soon, and then we can see who grabs the brass rings.)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
ALWAYS. Always always always. i love comments. They make my day.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
OK. Like. i don't write angsty endings, OK? i may or may not put my characters through the fucking wringer during a fic, but i ALWAYS HEA them, you feel me.
Having said that, i think militae species amor est (CS) is the one with the least openly stated fluff at the end. (Then again, the title is a quote i ripped off Ovid which means "love is a kind of warfare". Take from that what you will. 😂)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uh, all of them? i happy end HARD, ok?
If you're going to make me pick, for stucky it's probably a tie between Burn To Shine and a handful of dust. (So far. There will be others.)
For all of my fic across fandoms, it's everybody knows (CS). Which is also by far the most complex emotional character arcs for an OTP i've ever wrapped around an impossibly complicated plot line. And angst abounded here. Such abounding. The ending had to make up for it and consequently will rot every last one of your teeth.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. i once had someone tell me in great detail why they didn't like my writing style, but while i did wonder why they bothered to read my fic in the first place if my style wasn't for them, i don't count it as hate.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Ah. The eternal question. No, i don't. i don't know how. i don't think there's anything wrong with smut at all, but i can't write it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i don't write crossovers. Lots of AUs, but no crossovers. i don't like to cross the streams. 😂
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that i know of, knock on wood.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! My lovely and wonderful friend @mariakov81 translated her birthday fic ad extremum terrae into Ukrainian. i may have cried when she told me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes. The Sword and The Heart - with the amazing and talented @ohmightydevviepuu. It was one of the hardest and yet one of the most rewarding experiences of my writing life and i strongly recommend the process to every writer out there. The things you will learn about yourself and your writing are immeasurable, and you will emerge a better writer for it.
Also, it was so much fun.
(All the credit here goes to @ohmightydevviepuu, whose patience was infinite every time i went and did A Thing with the plot and the characters. She is the reason we have a fic at all.)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
i think stucky will always have a place in my heart. (So will many others, some of which i don't even write for, but stucky is my fave, i think.)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
None. i am a very linear writer. i write one fic at a time. Therefore i never have any additional WIPs cooking, and so i do finish everything i start.
i know. So annoying. 😂
16. What are your writing strengths?
Character development, realistic dialogue, action. (Also probably plot underpinned by emotion. While i'm patting myself on the back here.)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
SMUT. i cannot write it (as stated above). Which means there will always be a sense of the explicit lacking in my fic, and i'm sorry for that. But i can't change it.
And certain popular tropes--- some of them perennial favorites--- do nothing for me, so i am also unable to write them.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
i have utilized the fact that i speak more than one language, and have several good friends who speak other languages, in some of my stucky fics. But i will say that sometimes it's hard to keep true to the characters in a different language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Once Upon A Time (OUAT). It's the one that started it all. i was never going to write, you know. And then, one day, i--- did.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
OMG. You're going to make me choose? Between all the blood, toil, tears, and sweat on every page? Yes, i'm being dramatic.
My favorite fic (IF i HAVE TO PICK ONE) is probably we kill the flame (CS). It plays in my favorite sandbox -- cyberpunk dystopia -- and i built an entire world for it. In painstaking detail.
My favorite stucky (so far) is probably despite all my rage - for much the same reasons: World building and cyberpunk dystopia. Also because it has my favorite Sam and Clint.
Honorable mention has to go to Burn To Shine (stucky), which introduced me to the pure and unadulterated fun that is Grumpy!Bucky (who is now my favorite chew toy), as well as the disaster muppet combo that is Scott and Clint, and we build our lives out of chaos and hope (dramione), because i went on a thinly-veiled political tear halfway through it and still cannot believe i got away with it.
Absolutely zero pressure tags for @sparkagrace , @cable-knit-sweater, @buckybarnesdeservestobehappy, @wistfulcynic, @ohmightydevviepuu, and @mxaether 💕
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vagabond-umlaut · 1 year
Jesus, I love ramé 3.0 so much. Gojo defending Reader’s honor was ☺️ *chefs kiss* 👌🏻 spot on. I love it so much. Thank god you published it for me to read this morning, ‘cause I had a whammy of irl bullshit waiting for me this morning and it was such a damn good read when I got around to it 💖 And Gojo’s blood falling to subzero just like, put that terror into perspective :D Yes, yes, I live to see Gojo frozen in fear over his crush finding out lmao. I love her CT, too! And she’s made it more lethal with a Binding Vow? Holy shit— god, she matches Gojo so well ngl. Just kiss already! 😂 11/10 would recommend to a friend and read again lmao. I can’t wait for more <33
OMG TYSM @ancient-vivarium FOR THIS WONDERFUL COMMENT i'm so so so happy to know my writing could make ur day better. it rly means a hell lot to me!!!! tyyy!!! 😊😊
angry protective gojo is one of my most favourite gojo's, yk? and yes, i too live to see him getting mortified over his crush finding out she is his crush. like, u can see, how a switch is flipped over and we see one of the most self-assured persons ever grows into a mess. it's good tht nanami was there to save the day (shoko & suguru hv messed up too much by now, methinks, for it to be just a mistake.)
reader does match gojo rly well - except for the fact whenever she is the slightest bit cuter or hotter or sweeter than the usual, gojo's mind - a lovestruck jumble - gets lost in hopes or daydreams; all the while she is like, 'toru and i are an unparalleled pair of best friends!!!! :D
i too can't wait to publish more! tysm for ur enthusiasm!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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jayteacups · 8 months
hi Jay, hope you're well c: Love talking about books & I'm curious about the following for the ask game: #1, 11, 25, 30
Thank you for the ask! I'm doing well, hope you are having a lovely birthday! I love talking about books too, I haven't been reading as much as I used to and I would really love to get back into it and chip away at my TBR lol
1 - do u prefer a standalone or a series?
I used to love binging series as a kid, but these days I am very picky when it comes to starting a new book series, so I would say I prefer standalones, unless someone whose tastes align with mine highly recommends a series, or the author is someone whose past books I've enjoyed.
11 - the best book u have ever read?
Listen, it's Tumblr and everybody loves it, but I have to say it again - Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo will always be one of my favourites. Nothing in YA could ever top this tbh.
The PJO and HOO series has also really stood out to me and shaped my younger years, and with the new show, I feel the brainrot coming back in haha, so I'd say that for me, these are the best middle-grade books out there!
25 - a book that had u bawling ur eyes out?
I don't know if it's just me, but I actually don't cry at books much (at least not on the outside, because there sure have been times where I was screaming, crying, and throwing up internally lol).
I did tear up a couple times at a few lines in This Is How You Lose the Time War (will elaborate more on it in the next later question), and I can also tell you that the cliffhanger ending of Mark of Athena by Rick Riordan genuinely stressed me out (I was amongst those that agonisingly waited a whole year for the next book), and if I wasn't in shock from it, 10-11 year old me probably would've cried too 😂 Still haven't recovered from that by the way even though I have long finished the Heroes of Olympus series lmao
30 - give any 3 book recs to ur followers!
In no particular order, I recommend that if you haven't already read these, go check them out!
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone.
A short, epistolary sci-fi novel about two time-travel agents from rival organisations, who write each other letters scattered throughout time.
It's way more character-driven than plot-driven: the novel itself focuses more on the characterisation of the main characters and their evolving dynamic, instead of the sci-fi aspects itself.
It's so good, and if pretty prose is your thing you'll also enjoy the writing style of this!
My Roommate Is A Vampire by Jenna Levine
A light, fluffy contemporary vampire romance that I'm buddy-reading with a friend right now hehe
I haven't finished it yet but this book is very entertaining. If you want something fun and light-hearted, I'd say to check it out!
It's a little cringe, yes, but it's the fun kind of cringe. The love interest is adorable
His Dark Materials by Philipp Pullman
Okay, I know everyone has at least heard of this one too. And admittedly it's been a (very long) while since I've read it too but I remember loving it so much in my childhood (and being seriously hooked on the movie adaptation, The Golden Compass) so I have to recommend it for the nostalgia
I think it's a seriously underrated book, and even though it's technically a children's series, it still appeals to people of all ages and I think that's really rare these days
I remember really loving the interesting lore and creative worldbuilding!
Ask me about books!
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
Thank you for tagging me @ladygreene13 💖💖
rules: tag nine people you want to know better!
Three ships: well first is McWexler, (Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul) because in my strictly personal opinion their bond is the most special, real and heartbreaking I've ever seen in any TV show. Watch it, seriously just watch it. Second is Delena from TVD merely for the trauma I've experienced because of it. If any of my mutuals/followers used to be a Delena shipper I would like you to come forward so we can bond over the trauma. For the others, do not watch that show, don't recommend. Third ship is Britin (Brian and Justin from the original Queer as Folk), my ultimate m/m, extremely problematic epic spectacular heartbreaking soul-crushing ship. You should definitely watch that flawless show but it has a LOT of sex.
First ever ship: first ever book ship was Scarlett and Rhett from Gone with the wind. I shipped this SO hard when I read the book at like 9-10 years old. That book was totally NOT appropriate for my age, but I read it, loved it, all the racist and misogynistic implications flied right above my head, I didn't understand shit. All I cared about was my extremely problematic ship. Then I immediately watched the movie and was obsessed with it. Of course now I'm older and I'm able to contextualise this story much better, but that ship holds a special place in my heart. Sorry for being such a boomer, my friends made fun of me for liking this 🤣
Last song : I actually listen to Rachmaninoff for studying, mainly the Piano Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18, with Stanislav Richter on the piano. It's not technically a song but that's the last musical piece I listened to.
Last movie : actually, rewatched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes an old musical starring Marilyn Monroe. I'm sorry for being such a boomer, again, but I watched the movie Blonde, was SO pissed, then I saw the ridiculous interview of the ridiculous director where he said that he didn't watch any MM movie and that he's surprised people actually watch that shit and that Gentlement Prefer Blondes is a movie about prostitutes. That made my blood boil so I rewatched it. Funnily enough, that movie was immensely more feminist than the misogynistic crap he created. But oh well, it's trendy now to disguise torture porn as feminism.
Currently reading : Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, love it.
Currently watching : Dark! Love it so far. I'm in the beginning.
Currently consuming : hot chocolate. I chose a flavoured cappuccino but the machine decided I'd rather have chocolate, which is something that only happens to me apparently.
Currently craving : sleep. So much sleep. I'm exhausted and my sleep schedule is fucked up beyond salvation.
tagging @theblackqveen and @lady-phasma because I know that even if they don't want to do it they won't be annoyed so I will just leave it there 😂😂😂 (I'm a little shy)
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
So I’m not sure how well I am going to answer this but I will try my best and I’ll answer them all cause why not 🤷‍♀️
1. Okay, now this is so difficult cause I love a lot of your work but if I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE SOME 🫢😂
• The Nanny - cause of dad!Jin and baby Dae-hyun 🥹 need I say more? Lol and it’s also the fic that led me to you so that’s that
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - do I really need a reason? It’s the boys AS TATTOO ARTISTS. I love the whole idea of this story and its characters. The MC is also open-minded about the boys’ relationship which made me love her even more. I really loved this and am actually patiently waiting if and when you update it, no pressure though ☺️
•Ho-Ho-Home Series - cause what’s NOT to love? It’s Minnie as the cutest most amazing human and the bestest bf/husband 🥺
Whew 😮‍💨 that took me so much time cause it was so hard to choose only three 😣
2. • The Nanny - the last one cause everything’s good and fluffy and she’s finally moving in 😁
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - can’t really choose, both were amazing plus, the texts were also fun to read
• HHH Series - well, it’s a one shot so that’s already my fav chap lol 😂 but I guess I’ll just pick my fav drabble and it’s between Birthday boy cause he had the best birthday ever 🥰 and Pain cause it just showed again how amazing he is as a bf 😩
3. I have to choose HHH Jimin cause I can’t help but fall in love with his entire being in the story🫣
4. I’m gonna go with Little Mouse💜Jk and Crybaby💜Joonie just cause both couples are adorable for me
5. None. I read them all 😉
6. When I read your work Shadow, I automatically thought of Shego and Dr. Drakken and found out that it was based on them. I really loved that. And I also could not get enough of that couple, they were chaotic and adorable together 😍
7. Tongue Like Candy, cause I didn’t know it was gonna end that way. I really thought it was gonna have a happy ending so I got blindsided with the ending. Don’t know if you still plan on writing a continuation of this in the future but I just want to say that I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did 👀😂
8. That you have this ability to mix smexy scenes with fluffy ones, and I just can’t help but love the story and the couple in your work more and more 😌
9. I don’t really have anything specific. I always get excited when you post something new or update an ongoing fic. I literally am just thankful to anything you share with us despite being busy so thank you so much for that ☺️
10. I also don’t have an exact answer for this and I did enjoy it but I guess MC with Hobi along with the other boys. The whole Butterfly Tattoo Studio Series was really interesting when I first saw it. The whole idea behind it along with each of the characters shown was really refreshing. I didn’t know I would love it as much as I did after reading it.
11. Nothing in particular, I would honestly love anything you write so feel free to post and share anything you like when you want to 😊
12. I think I’ve re-read most of your work from time to time when I miss them but I always do it when you update an ongoing fic to refresh my memory on that story.
13. I mean I’m not really that active here in Tumblr but I have reblogged every fic of yours when I first read them and I think I recommended and told some of my friends your stories cause I really loved them.
14. I think I mentioned it above already but it’s Butterfly Tattoo Studio
15. Don’t really have anything with a specific work but can I ask what are your current wips? Like what stories are you planning to work on this year? No pressure by the way, just curious. You can choose not to answer this if you don’t want to disclose it or you’re not sure what to answer.
Anyways, I hope I answered them all correctly and that it didn’t get cut. This took me much longer that I thought it would but I hope it came out okay and complete ☺️
ah <33 this made me so happy! thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the nanny and that's the fic you found me with <3 I've been working on it here and there so hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon <3
ah BTS I've also been working on the next chapter and i adore them all, especially Jimin's character lmao and HHH I've been thinking of them a lot! I reread it all recently and ugh he's just the sweetest. I have a drabble for them at JK's bar that I'm working on next <3
I'm glad you enjoy those chapters! <3 and the texts as well. i feel like they're so easy to write for in butterfly :)
Jimin in HHH is just the bestest boy! I swear he makes me delulu every now and again 'cause he's a sweetie!
i adore LM!JK so much, he was so shy and sweet! and then Joon in Crybaby! I think that's one of my top 3 Joons <3 I'm happy you like them! :) and thank you for reading all my fics too!
oof i have a lot of series i need to work on lol i just get so excited i post before they're done and then take ages to finish them (if i do) but yes Shadow, i adore them, there's some angst coming around but I've been working on their fic here and there and i have it plot(ted?) out but just writing it the way i want is hard lol
ah yes! it kind of ended abruptly but the OC definitely didn't want to hurt her brother and i have been working on a part 2/conclusion i just got stuck with it and then i hated what i wrote so i had to rewrite some and i got stuck again lmao I'll have to have a look at it soon.
i love writing fluff and smut the most, just couples being happy and in love and just all over each other. i try not to do too much angst especially without happy endings 'cause it hurts my heart :(
ahhh you're an angel, thank you <3
piercer!hobi just came out of nowhere tbh and it was just supposed to be a one shot but then i got an idea for the second chapter with jungkook and tae and of course Jimin !
<33 thank you! that means so much to me! and thank you for reblogging and recommending my fics <33
I'm working on The Nanny, TLC, my collab fic Bad Decisions will be out tomorrow, the last chapter of milk! should be out in February, i think i have a one shot called La Boda and a second/last part of Ah, Mr. Kim :)
thank you so much for taking the time to send this in and writing all that out! I was so happy to read this this morning! Thank you <3 I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest and I hope you enjoy bad decisions tomorrow <3
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itsravenbitch · 2 years
my void success story💞🦋
(1st void story)
it’s 7:30 pm right now and i got into the void last night and i’ve been processing everything ALL DAYY… chilleeee it’s overwhelmingly exciting!
so in this post i’ll tell y’all HOW i got into the void and WHAT i manifested. but yall the way i woke up is my favoritee thing ever🥰
***long post ahead***
nowww how did i get into the void
i got in at night but anytime works as y’all know
1. i did a meditation [for the 1st time] a little bit before going to bed just because .. that shits super relaxing 10/10 recommend
2. anyway i set an alarm for 5 hours cause i read it somewhere that when you do, you get sleep paralysis so mmhm that’s what i did
3. i went to sleep with the intention of the void being easy to get into and yeah. it was a cool lil 5 hours.
4. thennnn my loud ass alexa alarm went off i told her to shut up and i just lied there.. they key is when the alarm goes off you don’t open your eyes and don’t move too much. this will get your body into SP. then your mind is awake and your body is dead asleep.
*in case it wasn’t obvious already make sure you’re not falling asleep again after waking up*
6. igh so boom… here we are now in SP . at this point i just repeated a few void affirmations. and i started getting THEE floating feeling, i was elevating the WHOLE time til i stopped.. then i got this falling feeling. i literally fell all the way from where i was and then i slowed down. right after i felt this shift .. AND BOOM BITCH I WAS IN THE VOIDD!!!! it was pitch black and the rest of the other stuff you experience when you’re in the void . moving on .
all i said was “gimme the life i’ve been deserving of” and i was out that ho. 🏎
tbh i wasn’t even scared cause i was ready for any of the symptoms .
so now what you probably wanna know. what did i manifesttt ???
so overall, i basically got my dream life so here’s kinda what that looks like
🦋my physical appearance: i got my desired face and body, as well as going from itty bitty 5’2 to big mf heavy stepper 5’8 mmmhmm. i reduced my titties and shii 😂 i had really ugly finger nails but they look really well kept now: and my toenails. they look like girl toes now. my skinnnn.. i can’t stop touching it.. it’s so soft 😌
🦋a lil boo thang or whatever: ooouu i’m not gon say teww much butttt.. yall i’m allll about black love so y’all already knoww… darkskin, muscular, gives THE best hugs ANDDD he’s from brooklyn, ny. and he got the accent and his voice is deep and a lil 🤏🏽 raspy ughhh ifykyk
🦋 tesla model y and my driver’s license: so i’m 17 and i didn’t get my license at 16 like most do. i actually didn’t even go to drivers ed fr. but that all changed of courseee. and to go with it i got a tesla. i got a black exterior , white interior , model y . i got in the car and knew exactly what to do lmao i was mind blown and overwhelmed with excitement.
🦋 my parents allowing me and my sisters to smoke: ok, i would like to start with the fact that my parents are african ok? and ifykyk! so me and my older sister like to smoke a lil weed and obviously my parent weren’t cool w that but they are now and it’s so weirddd.. like me and her go to the backyard and smoke and they just ignore it.. my dad yell at the fact that we smoke in MY SISTERS car tho and i’m like bro it NOT YOUR CARRR. he need to relax, he need some weed fr.
🦋desired friend group: i live in a predominantly white area and please don’t get me wrong but i just feel like i connect with my sistas better. but again where i live limits that so y’all already know wtf i did. i manifested 3 close friends and they really make my life so much better 💞
🦋moneyyy ofc: nothing much to say but i definitely won’t be worrying about money
🦋a fun life: i go out w friends , my bf takes me on fancy dates , i have a car now, so i take my little sister shopping and i love spoiling her . school is so easy so i don’t worry about it, my days are productive but fun, i have a great social life. and i’m traveling next weeekk.
🦋school goes by fast: even though i have late arrival bc ima senior i be tryna gtfo
🦋i got a cat: vivi is my munchkin kitten she’s so so tiny and i love her but i swear she love my man more than she love me bro.. ion know i might have to get on her ass.
🦋instant manifestation forever and perfect self concept: i would say my sc before the void was decent but now it’s perfect and that was the goal. and my manifestations are instant. seconds…
that about wraps this post right tf up. uhh like i said i’ve been adjusting to my new life , experiencing new things , just enjoying my life with no job , all the money i need and my only priority being school .
if y’all want the story about how i woke up from the void lemme know and i might make a post on it .
have a great morning , afternoon , evening , or night
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viscountessevie · 2 years
What are your fav pre S2 fics and post S2 fics?
Sanji's Bridgerton Fic Recs
Am I allowed to plug myself? 😂😂 I just never end up on fic rec lists so you know what Imma be shameless and link my masterlist:
I'm really proud of my Kathony one shots (My 10 Things AU is a vibe but I've abandoned it sorry yall 😭) and I think my NB!Sophie fic deserves more love so please if you're interested have a read and let me know what you think 💞
As for the other recs - I'll be honest, I don't read as much fics as I should especially when I have so many amazing writer friends I really feel bad I haven't read or commented enough on their fics! That being said here's all my fave fic writers (literally mainly my friends shsjjsjs cos they're the only ones I trust to get the characters right):
@newtonsheffield aka Molly! She is first fandom friend I ever made in this fandom and the reason I ended up making this blog. I always saw her in the main tag and got really curious about her fics. Then I fell into the rabbit hole that is BSCU which I still need to finish 💀💀. I would rec all of her works tbh she has written something for everyone but my personal faves are the following:
1) Mysterious Fathoms Below - A Little Mermaid Kathony AU that's very soft and hella intimate. I was SUPER hyped for this one and Molly really delivered
2) Through The Wire - This was an intense and angsty AU where Anthony gets amnesia after an accident a little while after dumping Kate when they were getting too serious. It was brilliantly written and I honestly think this is her best work. It's so annoying that the puritans of the fandom gave her so much shit for some of her chapters, they can fuck right off this was my absolute fave fic of hers ever!
3) Royals - Hello we ALL LOVE a Princess Diaries 2 AU! This was such a fun read honestly it's been so long I need to go back and reread. Also watching the movie right after hits different and gives you all the feels
[Ik she has other faves she'd hype up more but I haven't read those yet jshdjjd so I can't really comment on them but oh! Honourable Mention because she's mentioned she loves this AU but it's very underrated and I still need to read it: Post Traumatic. It's a Jurassic Park AU AND Kate is a fight pilot it's iconic]
I would also recommend going through the tags of those fics because she always has fun snippets, edits and playlists for them! It really drums up the hype while you're waiting for it to be updated.
Next up we have Lil aka @sharmasandcorgis whose writing I absolutely adore and I think she's hella underrated so please go give her some love on her AO3
1) Leap Year - If you haven't already guessed I go feral for movie AUs I think its a film writer thing lmao. Based on the movie of the same name, it's enemies to lovers EXCELLENCE, with a side of fake marriage we love to see it!!
2) Mornings - It's pregnancy Kathony fic and is so so soft and comforting. I was literally Agnes reading it: IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GOING TO DIE!!
3) So I need to catch up on her other fics but she's so brilliant I couldn't pick a 3rd I'm just reccing her entire AO3 works!!
Zaira aka @jeanvanjer who needs to write more fics for us because her writing is AMAZING, currently only has The Ghost of You up at the moment. Very soft but angsty and sad, get tissues ready before reading.
Look out for her Sugar Daddy Professor Anthony AU at some point down the line.
Triv aka @hptriviachamp is my fave Regency fic writer because she's very good with the language of the time, does thorough research for every fic and as a Poli-Sci major, always has a political touch in her fics it sets her writing apart from the rest of the writers and makes her stories so unique!
1) Suddenly A Smile, Shyly Obscene - Johncesca's first meeting fully fleshed out. I watched this fic come to life in our GC whenever we had writing sprints and let me say I'M OBSESSED! She really understands Johncesca and the way she writes John makes me go feral, her John is now Canon John imo.
2) The Courtship of Charlotte Bridgerton - IT'S *THE* NEXT GEN FIC! Charlotte and Clairmont are super compelling especially with how it progresses and no spoilers but there's a suprise on Clairmont's part 👀. It's a really refreshing take on a certain kind of relationship and the characters are just so fun to read about.
3) A Very Bridgerton Diwali - The very first fic of hers I've read. It made my heart sing because it reminded me so much of how my family and I are during Deepavali so it hit close to home in a very soft way.
Author's Pick: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Senior Year (Just Rage) - A Kathony HS AU with all the tropes of a HS au and beats of their story in one fic.
Honourable Mention: I'm Your National Anthem - A very spicy politically charged Kathony Politics AU but it's on the back burner as a WIP and hasn't been posted 😭😭 if it ever comes out please go read it!
Belle aka @sophiamariabeckett !! My fandom wife 😍😍. Heads up, we're moving into Benophie territory.
1) Bridgertons' Anatomy - IT'S A GREYS AU!! I was really surprised to hear her tell me this wasn't hyped up more like don't yall love Greys?? AND OFC THE BRIDGERTONS WOULD BE A HIGH POWERED DOCTOR DYNASTY FAMILY!
Of course it's Benophie centric and Ben/Sophie (Baek!! She's Korean yall) are super cute in it but my fave chapter is Nepotism Babies where Anthony and Simon meet for the first time 🥺🥺🥺
Soo gooo read it - Belle also made a lot of edits for it, go give it some love!
2) Fallen Through Time - Outlander AU nuff said, very angsty and just iconic I mean when Jamie and Claire are the blueprint and you apply to Benophie it's just chef's kiss!
3) Author's Pick: Dusk Til Dawn - Violet Bridgerton II's Birth! Another fic that was born in our GC and it is so so soft. Okay but like the way I initially wrote From Dusk Til Dawn til I realised that's a video game 💀💀
Last but certainly not least, Michaela aka @minim236 is literally our fandom's Bob the Builder fix-it fic writer. Canon broke it? Michaela can fix it, yes she can!
Her AUs are unmatched! Lots of fun rarepairs but she makes them work and you can see why they fit together. My personal favourite fic is tied between these two so I'll put them in the order I read it:
1) The Marina/Simon Series - An AU where Simon and Marina strike a deal to enter into a marriage of convenience so she won't be ruined and Simon can say Fuck you to his dad by not having any biological kids to take the Dukedom. Also these two deserve better than being ending up with r*pists (Ik Show Phillip didn't since they won't need to consummate their marriage and she doesn't seem to have PPD but still Book Philip can go die.)
I think this was the first ever fic I read from her?? So definitely has a special place in my heart!
2) [Also Author's Pick:] A Papa Sharma & Mary Love Story. My soft spot is Kate and Edwina's parents I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING and this fic series fulfilled that!! Their love story was so so sweet and we had baby Kate and Mary moments I was sobbing! We also had a moment where Vi was being a ignorant white lady lmaoo it was funny and I lowkey wish she had been called out for it within the narrative hshshs.
Bonus Sequel: Letters Sent & Read
Sorry M I gotta admit I haven't read this one yet but I will soon! The premise is promising and I'm excited to read it 🤗🤗
3) Ruin
He would not ruin her. How could he ruin such beauty? Benedict is an artist without a muse or motivation. Until he is introduced to Sophie Beckett, a guarded ballet dancer who lacks passion and does not want to be his muse. The attraction between them is confusing, especially to her.
I need to read this but it's a monster of a fic and I love that! Hopefully it will be finished by the time I can start it and I'll be able to binge it ehehhe. I will say I always see edits for it and they are amazing!!! So please go give them some love 💞
Also anon I know you asked for Pre-S2 and Post-S2 fics, but I can't recommend any good fics that are canon compliant with S2. I've given up on trying to find good ones without a Kathani jumpscare and I have talked about it on my blog a couple of times (recently talked about it in the comments here) but I hate HATE the trend of Abusive!Sharmas and White Saviour Kathony saving Kate from her 'oh so horrible' family, it's fucked up. Please go read TVWLM and come back with better characterisations of the Sharma Family Unit thanks, we don't claim the dysfunction on the show.
Thanks again for the ask anon and everyone goooo read my friends' work, just absolutely brilliant writers!
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rinsramenshop · 2 years
Hi, I would like a jujutsu kaisen match-up please :)
I tried not to write too much but also give you enough info to work with, I hope this is okay😭
I'm female, and would like to be matched up with a jjk male character💖
Details about myself: I'm a little quiet in the beginning but very talkative once we're acquainted. I have a lot of friends but I prefer to stick with a small group of best friends. I like to spend time with my family or anyone I'm close to but I also enjoy spending time with myself. I like to go out to eat (I love food) as a hangout, typically love going to try new places and possibly find a new restaurant to add to the list of hangouts). I also love going to the arcade, or walking by the riverview. I can spend many hours just talking to a friend about anything. I have lots of people I can confine in but i often keep problems to myself because I don't want to worry anyone. I'm good at cooking but hate doing it. I hate indecisive people or when they don't take the initiative. I often like to plan things ahead. I like to get straight to the point, I can be impatient.
Hobbies: I like eating, playing DDR, making flower rings, reading my favorite manga, cosplaying (aka none of that adult shit even tho I'm an adult💀😂)
Fun fact: I love bubble tea, 20 is my fav number
Appearance: NOT UGLY lmao okay I'm 5'5 (not sure if this matters), lots of my fav characters like booty so I'm working on that. I have dark brown hair thats past my shoulders. Usually I dye it different colors, I've done many from dark forest green to pastels. I have brown eyes. Uhhh okay I don't wanna bore you. Thank you again and congratulations!! May this be one milestone of many🔥👑🥳
thank you!! i hope you enjoy your match up <3
jujutsu kaisen match up: gojo satoru!
•when you two started dating, he did most of the talking. although he loved to know more about you, he didn’t want to force you. eventually, he finally got you to talk more which made him fall even harder for you.
•whenever he’s not on a mission, he loves taking you on dates to restaurants he’s found. the smile that appears on your face whenever you enjoy a new restaurant makes him 10 times happier.
•he loves that you always plan ahead! although he likes to have little surprises throughout the day, he enjoys his days with you nevertheless. there are days which he’ll surprise you with a day off or a day of events that he knows you’ll love!
•whenever you come home with a new hair color, he absolutely loves it no matter the color. he always has the perfect compliment. sometimes he recommends colors for you to experiment with, which they always look good.
•i feel like he also hates cooking although its not his favorite thing to do, he’ll get a random adrenaline rush to cook a meal. most of the time he’ll also convince you to help him too, 9 times out of 10 the kitchen ends up a mess too..
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genshinboys · 2 years
Hello Aneta! Lots of hugs and loveeeee 💕💕💕 i hope you're doing okay!!
All in all, 1,000,000/10, would recommend to read and cream again with ur fics. 💕✨💕✨🥀
Babes, I firmly believe feelings are an integral part of writing smut. Rule number one: it is never a good fuck unless feelings are involved 👏👏👏
If somebody disagrees I'm ready to fight. Come and get me.
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Buttttt, this ask is so precious I found myself unwilling to answer. I was just rereading it and getting this warm fuzzy feeling in my belly.
It is always so motivating to know you guys like my stories. Before I post anything I go through all of these different stages of breakdown, like: No, this is shit, I'm not making it that long, nobody will want to read a whole book of text, this part is bad I need to rewrite it, the plot is going nowhere, I should change it, I've been writing it for such a long time and it just gets worse each time I proofread it... Etc
And then I complain to my best friend and she has to listen to all of it, I kid you not.
What a patient angel 😇
Thank you for reminding me that this story isn't as bad as it sounded in my head when I was writing it 😂 😂 😂
Love you
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 years
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I said at the beginning of the year that I would share my reviews more on my blog instead of just on Instagram and Goodreads. I’ve been reading a lot so far this year, so my reviews will be delayed on here. I upped it to 10 reviews per post so I can do most of the reviews before the end of the year!
Friend me on Goodreads here to read my reviews in real-time!
217. Barbarian Alien by Ruby Dixon--⭐️⭐️⭐️
This one had some moments where I swooned, and others where I wanted to kick some of these characters. I don’t know LOL. What I do know is that this makes me iffy about reading the next book. Maybe I will in the near future, but for right now, my alien lust has been sated 😂 especially because I read the novella directly after this one.
All I can truly say is that I hated the condescending way characters like Georgie treated Liz.
218. Ice Planet Honeymoon: Raahosh & Liz by Ruby Dixon--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I love this couple. I love the idea that this male who thinks himself ugly and has been alone for so long finally found someone who finds him perfectly imperfect. I didn’t know there were side stories until I finished book two and decided not to read the first short story because Georgie and her mate pissed me off.
219. Wolfsong by T.J. Klune--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Re-read 2021: I have been craving a re-read of this book...I think since the moment I finished it for the first time last year. I love these characters so much and the love they all have for each other is palpable. Klune has such a magnificent way of giving certain characters their personalities and then having said characters jump off the page at you. I loved seeing Ox's character arc again and I'm certain I'll crave another re-read in the near future!
220. The Final Revival of Opal & Nev by Dawnie Walton--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I received an ARC from the publisher. This did not affect my review in any way.
This was a rough read. Not because of anything stylistic, but because of the content. The racism was so overt in this book, that I sometimes dreaded picking it up again. It made me feel so helpless and useless because it is set in a time way before I was born, but it's such a difficult thing to explore--even in literature. That's probably what truly sets it apart from other books that feature similar themes and storytelling styles, like Daisy Jones and the Six. Perhaps the most uncomfortable moment I experienced while reading this was the retelling of the events of the night Jimmy was killed. As it should. And I think this book's ability to incite that discomfort is very appropriate and probably something Opal, one of the black female characters in this book, would recommend you to read. It was great seeing the editor grow as the story progresses, but my anger ran deep for her and on behalf of her. It was another reminder that it doesn't matter what level of success you reach, discrimination will still find you in one way or another. The author also does a fantastic job of making you believe these characters are real. I wouldn't be surprised if some readers where to google any of the characters in this book. For a couple of negatives and why this isn't a five-star rating: I found that it ran a little long, to be honest, and there's a dramatic moment that happened that made me SO angry, but ultimately led to an incredibly satisfying conclusion. But the way that the author tackled what can affect the popularity of a celebrity and how it can be proven that one person's hero is another person's villain was brilliant. I also really appreciated the clashing of today's social media culture with the ideologies being carried forward from the past. While not perfect, I do recommend this book for any fans of music and how it has changed over time, or been affected by the passing trends and/or societal divides.
221. Heated Rivalry by Rachel Reid--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
My friend has been wanting me to read this book for ages and I AM SO GLAD I FINALLY DID. This book was so cute, angsty, and spicy. This was A LOT spicier than I thought it would be and to be honest...I'm here for it. I love the idea that these two started as enemies and then became lovers. I love this trend of two hockey players being enemies on the ice, but being something else off the ice. I also loved that there was so much communication in this!!! Unnecessary drama is always avoided beautifully when the characters actually communicate. Also, this big tough Russian hockey player going all soft for the other character is just...sighhh. If you love queer hockey romances, please try this one. You don't have to read this series in order (at least, I haven't read book one and I was generally fine for the most part). This book was so much more than I thought it would be and I definitely recommend this!
222. The Mistake by Elle Kennedy--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I devoured this book in one day. I had other plans for my day off and other tasks I needed to get done, but instead this book took all of my attention. I really enjoyed how the female MC didn't let the male MC get away with what he'd done to hurt her--she made him work for her. And I also loved that there was communication in this! They both had their own issues, but they talked through their issues and whenever a hurdle appeared, they communicated like adults. I also appreciated that they both had similar issues to overcome because it was interesting to see how they both handled their own situations, it was almost like seeing the two "what-ifs" of one situation. Also, this had some seriously spicy moments. I love these kinds of romances that just completely steal you away for a day. I'm even more excited for the next book now because I've learned more about the next couple!
223. Love & Other Words by Christina Lauren--⭐️⭐️⭐️
I feel mixed about this one because on one hand, I cried like a baby at the end, but on the other hand, the main character’s love interest came off a bit like a gaslighting asshole. I know that he was heartbroken, but tbh, I thought SHE had more reason to be heartbroken. When the twist was revealed I was surprised because of how everything had progressed up until the reveal, but also because of how things happened afterward. Maybe I’m petty, but if this was my real-life story (not the tragic aspect of it, but the romantic side), I wouldn’t be thinking the same way as the MC. If this comes off as a spoiler, I’m sorry. I’m just…I had a feeling what the twist would be, but I think some of these characters handled it too lightly. The back and forth from past to present was sweet and gave me that summer adventure feeling, and that gut punch wish of having had a love like our main character had with her love interest. But that twist, phewwww. It brought out the petty in me something fierce.
224. We Have Always Been Here by Samra Habib--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
TW: Sexual Abuse, Suicidal thoughts I'm not normally a nonfiction reader (unless it's true crime), but a friend of mine recommended this book to me and when I saw the audiobook at the library, I immediately put it on hold. I'm not sure what I was expecting (because, again, I don't really read nonfiction), but I wasn't expecting to be immediately drawn in by Habib's storytelling. The picture she created for us of her childhood and the no-nonsense way that she described her life in Pakistan was incredibly eye-opening. We hear about the stereotypes and secondhand retellings of experiences had in other countries, but it's always a special experience hearing not just about another experience, but an experience from a child's perspective. Having immigrated to Canada (like Habib) at a young age, I could somewhat relate to her experiences of the hardships parents experienced to give their children a better life, even if they lived a wealthier one in their birth countries. I related to the bullying, the Goodwill clothes, and I was reminded of my age when magazines like YM were mentioned. I also related to the experiences of wanting to become more westernized so I could be more accepted in this new world I had to live in--ridding myself of my accent, for example. There were obviously things I couldn't relate to because we have wholly different religions and cultural experiences/expectations, but I love books that go beyond my comfort zone and teach me about other experiences. I also really appreciated her journey to understanding and accepting her sexuality. The questions she asked herself, her experiences with different genders, and her own self-awareness of what will make her happy were messages that I think are important to read about. There are moments of heartbreak and learning, and there are incredible moments of growth that show us just how diverse families can be beyond the stereotypes placed on them and their religions. Habib had quite the story to tell of her experiences, self-discoveries, and growth. I really, really enjoyed this and I highly recommend it!
225. Ring Shout by P. Djèlí Clark--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
You know, I've learned a lot in my reading travels as I get older. The size of the book isn't what matters, it's the content (reading-speed wise). I say this because while this book is itty bitty, the content made it a much heavier read. I really, really enjoyed it every time I picked it up but it took me a while to finally finish it.
I say you need to be in the mood for monsters, a strong stomach for racism and the crimes surrounding racism, and you need to be ready for potential heartbreak.
This was a ride of a book with a unique premise. I have never seen racism through a lens like this one. And you know what, it makes sense. While the real KKK are a different and probably more human kind of evil, I can completely see how they would be seen like the monsters in this book. I highly recommend this if you want a unique story and some awesome storytelling.
226. Feast of Fools by Rachel Caine--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
A higher rating simply because something really cool with the MC happened in this book. It makes me excited to see what happens next and what is revealed! Shane is still an asshole and I lowkey want the MC to somehow end up with Michael…sorry, Eve.
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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simuran · 4 years
Varya, baby, it's valentine's day so you should have seen this coming: say good and positive things about your favourite ships 💖🌹
Ooooh, that’s an interesting one! Let’s gooo!!!
HarlIvy - the absolute perfection of friends-to-lovers genre, plus the whole let’s-burn-the-world-together-(or-at-least-the-parts-we-don’t-like) schtick is amazing. Fanfics where Ivy helps Harley to beat the Joker black and blue make me soft 😌 Kudo for being canon!
Frostiron - usually has the best Loki hurt/comfort there is. The jokes are endless. Also love it when they create something scientific+witchy together. The height difference makes for hilarious fanart sometimes. Generally speaking, frostiron fandom provides me with happy Loki the way no one else does, bless them for it. I also enjoy the headcanon that Loki was Tony’s bi awakening, because it’s fucking hilarious
Frostshield - mhm, the slow burn of learning to trust each other... Nice
Thorki - Very Hot. So much passion, this fandom has The Best PWPs
Though basically any mlm ship that comforts Loki will do (because I firmly headcanon MCU!Loki as gay, it’s a long story why).
Natasha/Sharon - basically lives in my head only, if there is a fandom, I wasn’t able to find it. But Natasha learning to form relationships with a woman she won’t be made to kill... Sharon not fully trusting her at first but being able to see past her crimes and reputation... Yes 😌 (Also Sharon telling Peggy about this annoyingly hot Black Widow, and Peggy DYING internally, because wow, some things are sure genetic. Like, for example, the weakness for these shady spy ladies sksksks)
Natasha/Yelena Belova (from comics) - the tension! the jealousy! the resent! the hatred! the sympathy! the understanding the way no one else could! the shared trauma! the growth! the affection! Queens <3 Who does it like them <3 <3 <3
Natasha/Nakia - again, haven’t seen much of a fandom, but the potential of jaded, bitter, and cagey postCivilWar!Natasha vs hopeful yet not naive and very loving Nakia is enormous. I just wanna read a slow burn of them on a long spy mission having philosophical debates about Truth, and Lies, and Purpose, and The Nature Of Humanity. I’d read it even if it’s gen!
We need More Natasha in femslash, is what I’m saying, and not just Natasha/Pepper as a background for stony (even though it is lovely)
Yennefer/Geralt (The Witcher) - because Yen Deserves Nice Things. I wasn’t awfully interested in Geralt for most of the show (they really should've introduced the tragic backstory earlier, it kinda hooked me), but he made her smile so sweetly 💜💜💜 Also can’t believe that I’ve finally fallen hard for a m/f ship that’s supposed to be the endgame sksks
Nomi/Amanita (Sense8) - as my tag for them states, The Relationship Goals. The way they support each other unconditionally and make each other so happy is extremely heart-warming. Kudo to writers who knew how to write an established couple entertainingly without breaking them up.
Parker/Hardison/Eliot (Leverage) - what’s to say what hasn’t been said before? Found Family soulmates, who Are Gay and Do Crime together
The Old Guard:
Andy/Nile - Very Hot. I haven’t yet found any PWPs, and I am Disappointed
Andy/Noriko (from the comic) - I’m probably gonna write a bit more about them later in a post with highlights from the second mini-series, but I’m just 💔💔💔 they 💔💔💔
Andy/Quynh - the dungeon scene just broke me, okay, it broke me.
Andy/Achilles (her late boyfriend from the comic) - he 😖 made her want to live again 😖 but then 😖😖😖 she had to leave him 😭😭😭 10/10 heartbreak, would recommend
(I love suffering in The Old Guard fandom, okay)
Phew, done! I thought about including my fave platonic ships, but this has gotten way too long already 😂
Thank you so much for the ask, Giada, I had enormous fun! I love talking about fandom things that make me happy, it seems 😄
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btswritingcafe · 4 years
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monthly picks by our network’s coffeehouse chat members to you!
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 Get You The Moon| ksj x reader [@dylanxmin]
» fluff, chef au, s2l
y/n is hungry and goes to her favorite restaurant that has the best best food made by an unknown chef. 
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— review from @birbdae
+ this was so adorable, i loved it! the only thing Id say is add more paragraph breaks cus it was a bit hard for me to read, but i also am slightly colorblind and read it on desktop so that might also be the cause lol. but it was such a cute read and i stan!!! i love the little interactions between seokjin and the reader! the way you build up the relationship is great!
— review from @12anyone
+ AHHHHH IM SOFT UGHHH the little descriptions of the kisses and details about all the little soft touches and feels and im soft 😂 I love how you easily flow from Jungkook being a shy babie to Jungkook being a cocky bruv to Jungkook getting distracted by loving you to Jungkook getting ready to torment Seokjin (sorry Jinnie). It's adorable and it's sweet and it's the definition of fluff. you can find it under "fluff" in the dictionary.
— review from @suhdays
+ MY HEART IS BLOOMING !! soft jin content is what i LIVE FOR and there is just not enough of it !! you wrote him so beautifully in this !! from his character to how caring he is? fREAKING EXCELLENT !! chef seokjin is just the dream and you captured it better than i could ever :(( thank you for writing this cuteness overload !!
— review from @namjin-fangirling-again��
+ I have three things to say about this fic. 1. it made me hungry and i am now ordering some good cuz ya girl stomach is growwwwling. 2. y/n sounds like my friend. lmao she literally drinks coffee after eating to smoke a cig. 3. listen his little confession about waiting for her? absolutely adorable. 10/10 recommend. i would love to see more chef! jin or really any jin from you. you write him well!
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Thank you so much for all of your work and for writing such lovely stories! We support all that you do!
— Coffeehouse Chats Club
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trashexplorer · 6 years
BLCD Review: Boku no Omawari-san
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Title: Boku no Omawari-san (僕のおまわりさん)
Release Date: 2018/06/22
Author/ Artist: Niyama
Cast: Furukawa Makoto x Shingaki Tarusuke
Synopsis: Seiji Tajima is a single, forty-something shop owner who’s close friends with police officer Shin Nakamoto. Shin, who’s just been assigned a patrol in Seiji’s neighborhood, has known the older man since he was in high school - back when Seiji himself worked in the police force. Shin’s harbored a crush on Seiji for years, but has convinced himself that their relationship is as good as it gets - until one day out of the blue, Seiji casually mentions the possibility of trying his luck with men… His simmering feelings suddenly brought to the boil, Shin shoves Seiji up against the wall, and…
Review Proper
I’d never thought that I’d be finding this harder to review than Kakkou no Yume.
This is another series that I took great interest in since the first chapter (there’s actually one chapter translated I think). It’s just that the setting seemed to be something I would dig (cool or stoic young men in their 20′s falling for an occasionally “cute” older men in their late thirties to forties) and I’m also quite a fan of police/detective plots so there’s that. I can hear Yashiro whistling behind me. 
I found myself
Let me explain. It started off quite nice but, there really wasn’t a significant climax or problem in the story so it got me like: “Oh, okay.” when it ended. I thought we was going to have some explosive back story from Seiji-san but no, he just really quit his job at the popo box because he wanted to help his mum by succeeding the business. There was a little altercation at the convenience store that night they were supposed to have penetrative sex but nothing really major. Seiji-san did take about two or three tracks to get in to terms with his feelings but again, there was nothing really major. 
I honestly came here for the “but I’m an old man and I don’t want to get in the way of your future” drama but, I got none of that. Seiji-san does ask Shin if he’s really sure about his feelings about him and when Shin says that he is Seiji-san is like: “Well, okay then.”. I mean, I guess, the span of time Shin was in love with him was enough proof of his feelings but idk. It didn’t feel very realistic to me. 
I can’t say that I wasn’t disappointed over the plot. The character personalities where there but, it’s just sad that they didn’t strive for a more compelling story line. I wish they thought out of the box even a little. 😢
Anyway, moving on to the voice work, WHAT DID Y’ALL EVEN EXPECT??? THIS IS TAKABA X UTOU ARE YOU NOT SHAKING??? Tbh I think it’s really such a waste that they didn’t use Shingaki Tarusuke’s skills to it’s fullest potentials. I MEAN HELLO? HE VOICES YASHIRO??? He could have pulled that “I’m a fucking disaster” and best believe Furukawa Makoto is a great guy who can answer that with a “A beautiful one”. This series needs a dramatic/tragic revamp jk.
I can’t really say anything about it’s loyalty to the manga because I haven’t read the raws myself so my review for the whole series falls short there. But in terms of the BLCD itself, the plot was so-so, the voice work was standard procedure, and the mattress mambo was good. If there’s one thing about this particular work that I found admirable it would be the fact that I wasn’t focused too much on the mattress mambo even though I would always be a thirsty bitch whether it be 10 or 35 degrees Celsius outside. Maybe I was so put off by the sex in Kakkou no Yume that I didn’t want to think about it when I listened to this. Who knows? Do I recommend this? I mean, I don’t see why anyone shouldn’t. 👍?
There you have it.
I think this my most uninteresting review yet. 😂
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I posted 1,426 times in 2021
7 posts created (0%)
1419 posts reblogged (100%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 202.7 posts.
I added 18 tags in 2021
#me - 5 posts
#meme - 3 posts
#mangago - 2 posts
#my writing - 2 posts
#this this this - 1 posts
#julie vibes - 1 posts
#i hate this - 1 posts
#esty store - 1 posts
#love letters - 1 posts
#male yandere - 1 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#i lost my mind when one of the answers was: 'i was defeated because the writers needed to turn my brain off for the hero to win'
My Top Posts in 2021
Mangago is up again
Lmao, yeah. I saw it. Thanks for notifying me about it 😂
1 notes • Posted 2021-03-17 04:15:48 GMT
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Why do you summon me @necoconeko
1- how many books are too many books in a series?
Anything past 3 or 5 books. If you can't tell your story within a reasonable frame of time, then you're just padding your story up with fluff to meet a word count or milk your audience as much as possible. There are exceptions, of course. But most of the time, the author dicks around way too much and put the plot on the back burner for no reason.
2- what do you think about cliff-hangers?
They're great when used effectively to keep a reader hooked for the next book in the series. I don't hate them as much as most people but I do know where they're coming from as it's both a greedy strategy to prologue a series's lifespan and possibly bad writing if the author simply didn't know how to end it.
3- hardback or paperback?
Both are fine but hardback has a longer lifespan while paperback is cheaper.
4- least favourite book?
The Road
5- Love Triangle, yes or no?
Yes, if done well with an actual likable person in the center of it. Kinda annoying when it's this real bland chick who's getting chased by a sweet prince and a funny thief (for example). Makes me wonder what they see in her. There's always someone under-developed in a love triangle. Either the person getting pined or one of the love interests which makes it obvious that they're not the winner here.
6- the most recent book you just couldn’t finish
An Artist in a Floating World. It's just really boring and I'll be real, I've been disillusioned with Japanese storytelling; it's rather lackluster as it either trying too much or cater to a crowd.
7- book you are currently reading
Uh, nothing at the moment. I'm in between books right now as I look for something.
8- last book you recommended to someone
The Wayhaven Chronicles (interactive fiction)
9- oldest book you read
The oldest? As in literary age or my age? Literary-wise, probably the Odyssey or something. Age-wise, probably the Bearstein Bears... unless you mean novels in which case, my first novel was The Secret Garden.
10- the most recent book you read ?
Best Friends by Shannon Hale (autobiography comic)
11- favorite author?
Me :)
12- buying books or borrowing books?
Pirating I mean, "borrowing"
12- a book you dislike that everyone else seems to love
There are so many, I don't even know where to begin. The Remarried Empress, at the top of my head. An absolute snooze-fest of a webnovel. I was flat-lining bruh The definition of padding
14 - bookmarks or dogears?
Bookmarks. I used to do dog ears but that's only when I'm desperate.
15- The book you can always reread?
My own writing :) I never re-read books
16- can you read while listening to music?
Always do
17- one POV or multi POV?
One POV. Multi POV is fine-ish but a lot of the times, authors can't write it well. If multi POV is the gimmick of the novel or if the shift of POV presents something a single POV wouldn't do. Of course, gimmick doesn't equal good. I think an example of bad multi POV gimmick books would be Lady in the Lake. Like you can definitely tell that the author just didn't know what perspective to use and some of the alternative POV was just useless. Other bad multi POV is when it's obvious there's a favored character who get's most of the spotlight which trivializes the importance of the other multi POV and boils it into "This one character is super amazing!"
18- do you read a book in one sitting or in multiple days?
I used to read one book in just a sitting. Still do for really good books. But I can make it a multiple day thing if the book just sucks.
I tag... whoever wants to do it. @stillnotjulie I guess.
2 notes • Posted 2021-10-04 02:14:52 GMT
How do people chose liking stuff over reblogging?
Like, I only press that heart button for posts that I really, really want to save for future uses. Reblogs just end up getting pushed down and ultimately get left behind in the dust but still makes your page look active. There’s no “saving” aspect when it comes to reblogging. If you really like a post, why would you just save it like a hording dragon instead of showing it off to other people and having it be marked as a testament on your blog that this post got this far. 
Besides, if you end up liking everything, then you’re just going to have a messy like tab and you won’t find that one specific post you remember. With a reblog, even if you never liked it but you suddenly want to see it again, you can just use the search function and the post is still there on your blog. 
IDK it just seem like backwards logic to me and creators are suffering because of it. Just... reblog. It’s really that easy. I don’t give a fuck if your blog has a theme- I know damn well that people have the bare minimum of two blogs with one being specific and one being general. Just reblog it on your general blog. The fuck? Download the xkit extension if it’s too hard. It’s boggling why it’s a debate.
5 notes • Posted 2021-02-08 20:04:33 GMT
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The writers really bend reality with Wanda to justify her actions, huh?
21 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 04:41:31 GMT
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So. Mangago is currently down.
50 notes • Posted 2021-03-15 04:48:20 GMT
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