#'Simon writes what he sees'
ingravinoveritas · 1 year
Don’t know why but anytime Anna posts on Twitter her little quotes of her and Michael I just immediately cringe. Your telling me she didn’t know from the start she’d be in Staged? Like it was a last minute impulse decision to put her in it like we didn’t know from the start that she probably weaseled her way into the show because she was in the house with Michael when he’s filming and she had forced her way in. PUH-LEASE!! Like girl if your going to be lying in your tweets at least make them believable. I don’t think anyone who saw that tweet and knows who she really is and how she acts believes for a second that she didn’t know she was on the show. Another thing too, she just has to keep mentioning that she was on the show. Like girl if she didn’t keep talking about it every second of every day we wouldn’t have noticed you honestly. That’s how invisible and plain you really are. She just blends into the background and putting her in with David and Michael in the promo pics in staged 3 was definitely a choice that wasn’t executed as good as she had hoped cause she immediately blends in with the background and all I see are the two guys and not her. Literally why she’s called APAT. She’s plain and tall those are her only discernible qualities
I read you loud and clear, Anon. It's the funniest (though not "ha ha" funny) thing, too--in my post earlier, one person mentioned how AL only posts pictures with her and Michael/none of David, and I specifically talked about her posting the same recycled pictures in her Insta posts promoting Staged...and then only a few hours later, she made this post on Insta with the same exact pictures. And sure enough, one of them was the promo picture you just mentioned:
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I agree with your assessment, Anon: My focus also went to David and Michael, and AL immediately faded into the background. Part of this could be because of the forced perspective of the picture--i.e., AL looking farther away from the boys than she actually is because of how the picture was shot. But I think it's mainly due to her lack of presence--mainly in the third season of Staged overall, in which she not only had less screen time than Georgia, but less screen time than in the first two seasons of the show altogether--as well as her lack of on screen "presence" in general.
(I did have to laugh at her caption on Insta referring to her, David, and Michael as a "detective trio" in this picture--maybe a reference to Crowley/Aziraphale/Muriel?--but completely off base and rather ludicrous here. Also, interestingly enough, The Telegraph chose to use this picture of all things in their negative review of Staged 3...)
Turning to the Twitter comments you mentioned, here is the exchange that the Anon is talking about (between AL and Simon), for those who might not've seen it:
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Obviously this is deeply cringey, but in the interest of accuracy, I think it's important to note that Michael/AL/David/Georgia did an interview about Staged in Radio Times in 2021, and if what was said there is true, it does appear that it actually was a last-minute decision to cast her in the show:
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With that said, however, it's also possible that two things can be true: 1) That AL knew a pilot was going to be filmed and tried to passive-aggressively push her way into being in it; and 2) That she actually didn't know she was in it until the last minute.
From my perspective, it's actually worse that she was cast in it so last minute. Because either Michael didn't consult with her/confide in her about the show at all until he had to, or he resigned himself to her being in it purely out of "practicality." It makes it look as if it wasn't that Anna was the best person for the show or that Michael or anyone was excited or thrilled to be working with her--it was that she was just there. So if AL was lying, you'd think she would've come up with something that makes her and/or her and Michael's relationship look a lot better than it does.
And it does appear that AL seems to talk incessantly about Staged in an effort to emphasize/remind us that she is actually in it. I don't know if anyone remembers the TV show Married...With Children, but it reminds me a great deal of Al Bundy scoring four touchdowns in one game of (American) football and spending the next several decades talking about his "glory days" in high school. I don't think anyone is saying AL can't promote a show that she was in, but it's the very fact of needing to remind everyone by repeatedly posting the same pictures and interjecting the same types of comments on Twitter that makes it start to become obnoxious.
(Also, we've seen Simon compliment Michael/David/Georgia's acting in certain scenes, something they brought to a particular moment in the show, and yet in his response to AL he chose to compliment...the charcuterie board. Make of that what you will...)
So yes, hopefully this helps to straighten out a few things, but as I said above, I agree with pretty much everything you've written here, Anon. Thanks for writing in and sharing your thoughts! x
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shotmrmiller · 1 month
ps!ghost is very interested, to put it mildly. can't seem to stop re-watching your debut video that was released a week ago. it's always the same premise. black leather couch casting. nice little bird in a modest dress or shirt and jeans who gets undressed because the "director" has to take in measurements and the like, only to end up getting railed from the back with their pretty face pressed into the cushion.
it's a thing male viewers like. they love to watch a professional break in the new girl. he, though, not so much. he doesn't go for the new girls. doesn't like to be the one to test the limit like others do. (big cock anal on their debut? ghost finds it a bit much.) he hears one tiny gasped ouch and he's not finishing the shoot.
no, what gets him going is the enjoyment one can get during sex. it's why he ended up in this business in the first place. he likes sex. a lot.
likes to have men, women, young and old alike writhing beneath him gasping his (stage) name due to the pleasure and not because a script said to. and the benefits of working in the porn industry means that he gets paid doing what he likes, and can stay safe while doing so.
this is where you come in. the only reason he'd sat down to watch your video at all is because you'd been given a contract by the same company he is under. he's bound to come across you at a later date, might as well learn what he'll be eventually working with.
and he's hooked. whatever initial nervousness you might've had at the very beginning (because this is your very first professional shoot, of course) bleeds from your shoulders once price, the lucky bloke, gets his hands on you. you're a bloody natural.
and you enjoy it. there's no faking the way your nails bite into price's scalp when he licks at your pussy through your thin knickers. you gently wrap your hand around his fingers that's rolling your hardened nipple, giving it a gentle squeeze. he's doing it too rough. you buck your hips into his face, riding it even though you're the one on your back.
ps!ghost has to swallow the mouthful of saliva when he notices strings of creamy white sticking to price's body hair, a frothy ring around the root. the best part of all of this, is that you're giving as good as you take. you're no passive participant. you could, under price's big bulk, just get folded in half and do nothing other than feel the sweet burn of his cock stretch you, turn you inside out.
but you don't. you know exactly what you like and how you like it. you look for your orgasm, make sure it happens under your manicured fingers or price's thick ones. you don't let him be too rough on you nor too gentle.
simon loves it. you're new to this. you could've just accepted what he gave you without so much as a peep of complaint and gone home to soak in an epsom salt bath. but you didn't. you didn't let him pinch your sensitive clit, didn't let him mindlessly claim a fistful of hair.
but you did open your pretty mouth so he could spit in it (fucking lovely, it was) and let him keep your soft hips in the air as john's pace turned frantic and the best of all (in his very biased opinion) you crossed your ankles around his waist to keep him there as he fucked you full of his come.
(had simon been there, he would've begged for a taste if he had to.)
he feels a bit desperate, after. can't get you out of his head. the thought of your slick pussy hot around his cock is what gets him to finish at times. the other times, it's your video. he swears he's found his equal (sorry, soap) one that'll forget that he's supposed to be putting on a show for the viewers.
sorry price, he's about to unfuck him out of your pussy until all it'll ever remember is simon.
(what he doesn't understand is that he's about to forget more than the viewers. why is price watching yall again? it's almost intimate the way you let him fuck you on a creaky mattress. he's drunk on the smell of you, your hair, your cunt. lost all thought when his fat cock slid with relative ease into your wet heat and all he'd done was let you make yourself come on his fingers and tongue as many times as you'd pleased. you'd latched onto his neck, maybe out of habit or whatever, it doesn't matter. he'll be telling the makeup artists to leave the bites you left. he earned every single one. and where he usually pulls out because it's easier to clean up for everyone? you'll not be wasting a single drop. it appears he has a lot bit of a breeding kink.)
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s0fter-sin · 1 month
retired ghoap going on a renovation competition show
ghost takes over the budget and he's ruthless with it; tracking every paint swatch and piece of lumber down to the last cent, haggling for every purchase and making the most of their coupons. soap's in charge of design; he can visualise floor plans better than anyone, seeing the completed spaces in his mind when they’re little more than a steel shell
they run their site like a military base, treating their builders like rookies; expecting them to follow orders but also waiting for them to inevitably mess up so they can fix it
they're an immediate shock to the judges; they fully expected them to have no idea what they're doing, to have no understanding of style or trends, but they didn't sign up just for shits and giggles
they know how to hit a brief and can do physical labour faster than the actual builders. with soap's discerning eye and ghost's practically, they design gorgeous rooms and become a real threat for the prize money. they handle the stress and sleepless nights like it's second nature bc really, it is; a few all nighters painting are nothing compared to being shot at
they also take great joy in messing with the other couples
it takes a while for them to figure out they're even married; they argue like it's going out of fashion, never holding their opinions or frustrations back but it's their love language as much as their banter. you can hear them barking at each other from across the site; callsigns and “It” and “sergeant” thrown around just like in the field
the challenges are where they have the most fun
the day to day? that's work; they're strict, both with themselves and the schedule, never letting anything fall behind or go incompleted. but the challenges? that's play time. they love pushing the brief, toeing the line of the rules purely bc they can
they get to a two part art challenge and ghost's scheming before before the host even opens their mouth. part one? one half of the couple has to design some kind of art piece that will feature in their house. part two? the other person has to gather supplies and tools and make the art
there's a time limit for how long they can take to gather the supplies; once it's up, they can't go back for more and they can only use what they can carry themselves to their station. they're in a warehouse filled with scrap and paint and tools, the choices almost overwhelming
ghost politely interrupts the host to ask for a clarification; absolutely anything in the warehouse can be used so long as they can carry it?
the host confirms; anything under the roof is their's to use
ghost thanks them and steps back in line, standing at attention and waiting for round one to start
ghost volunteers to be the one to do the art, shocking everyone since soap is well known as the artist of the two of them. but soap sees the mischief in his eyes; he knows he's up to something and can't wait to see where it goes
the timer starts and ghost immediately shucks his hoodie and gets to grabbing; stuffing the impromptu bag with everything he recognises from soap's own supplies. there's seconds to go when he bolts for soap, throwing him over his shoulder in a fireman's carry
the other couples are pissed and call it cheating, trying to get them disqualified
ghost just shrugs, soap still over his shoulder, "they said we can use anything we can carry. i followed the brief"
soap just laughs like a mad man
they win the challenge by a landslide
everything's going smoothly, they've won enough room reveals that they’re in a good financial position, they’re ahead in their current room and in a great headspace
then soap gets injured
it's an honest mistake, a part of the roof they thought was stable collapsing and hitting soap
and ghost, always calm and in control, panics
he's on the other side of the site when he hears soap cry out and goes running; shoving past cameramen and builders, screaming to know what happened before he even sees him. he finds soap on the ground, blood dripping from his temple and it's too familiar; a thing he sees in his nightmares
he doesn't know what to do with all his fear so instead, he channels it into anger
he goes off on all his builders, demanding to know how they could be so useless and careless as to miss the unstable roof; screaming at them in a way he hasn't done since he was on active duty, tearing down a rookie for poor trigger management
all the while, his gentle hands tend to soap; checking the wound, if he's concussed, soothing him before he can slip into a flashback of his own. he growls at the cameras, doesn't let the onsite medics anywhere near him; he doesn't know them, doesn't trust them with his johnny. it's only soap's gentle convincing that makes him step back, that forces him to stop and breathe; glaring the medics down from soap's side as they check him and come to the same conclusion soap already reached
he'll be iust fine; a few stitches and he'll be right back in it
ghost goes with him to the hospital to get the stitches laid, abandoning the site to their terrified builders to look after. it takes a few days before he can handle them being separated again, can't even handle one of them going shopping while the other site manages
but soap doesn't begrudge him for his clinginess, not when he knows it's rooted in the fear of losing him. he just keeps him close and calls him his good luck charm when they win the room reveal that week
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lemonwrap · 27 days
I dunno if you take asks, but your Merman!Ghost + Soap AU is just mmm and I got hit with inspiration-
Dog!Soap, loving paddleboarding and surfing, loving feeling the sea breeze in his hair and ears, the ocean being his place to relax after long days. Suddenly, a huge wave hits him out of nowhere, dragging him under, fast and hard. He thinks it's the end. Until this sleek, beautiful creature, with eyes as dark and thick as the night sky, grasps him by the hand and drags him upwards to the surface.
Months go by, Soap can't look at the ocean anymore, but he always, somewhere in the back of his mind, yearns to go out to a pier and jump in, go diving for the beautiful creature that saved him. He wants to thank him, do something for him, like any dog would for someone who saved them from the brink of death.
Suddenly, the nearby aquarium offers a new exhibit, only described in vague words and blurry pictures.
Price and Gaz drag Soap along, knowing he needed to go somewhere, do something, get out of the house, to cheer him up a bit.
As they make their way through the crowd around the large glass aquarium, and get right to the glass, Soap sees the same eyes he saw that day in the ocean, just as deep and enrapturing as ever, staring right back at him.
And ofc anything can be changed if you want to write it-
I have no focus really to write it full out, but I also really wanted to share it somewhere lol
Omg, omg.
Ghost doesn’t even seem to see the other visitors once he spots Soap. He just stares past all the people with those pitch black eyes, intense and unwavering with zero doubt that he saw Soap.
Even Gaz and Price notice the merman’s unusual reaction.
“He noticed you,” Gaz says, then playfully flicks one of Soap’s perked ears. “Think it’s the ears?”
“Shut up,” Soap says absentmindedly in response to Gaz, not paying much attention to anything but the merman. He doesn’t look sick, but he looks unhappy. The aquarium’s water is clean enough, but it’s small and overly bright with no place to hide from prying eyes and the occasional flashing of cameras. The merman seems agitated, too, swimming in tight circles and scowling whenever the glass is tapped but repeatedly looking back to Soap.
They’d arrived in the afternoon, so there’s less people than at opening and Soap has a chance to get up close to the glass. He can’t keep his tail from wagging, but it slows when the merman doesn’t look any happier at his proximity, just more desperate.
“He likes him!” a young girl exclaims when she sees the merman pressing his palms to the glass, clearly the first time he’s bothered to interact with anyone. More camera flashes go off, and the merman’s black eyes squint, irritated by the lights, but he keeps looking at Soap, miserable and longing.
Soap hasn’t been back to the ocean since he almost drowned, but can almost feel the salt of the water in his lungs and burning his throat.
The merman saved Soap’s life that day, and he vows that he’ll get the merman out somehow.
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pure-oddity · 1 year
Butcher/slasher ghost au thingy: Part 1
Part.2 Part.3
Ex-military(dishonorable discharge perhaps?) Butcher simon who's this massive 6'4 wall of scarred and tattooed muscle, meeting some 5 foot nothing wimp who looks like a scare short of a heart attack.
Immediately decides yea, that one's mine. They can't figure out how to order meat for gods sake, how are they gonna survive? You look soft and kind - not good for how fucked this world is.
Cue menacing shadow at your back that you think might kill you, meanwhile he's trying to figure out what yall are eating for lunch today.
He just wants a friend!!! He's been trying to embrace the civilian life and let go of the strict structure of power hes grown used to but it's hard. Ppl don't listen so easy like they did when he was a lieutenant. :(
So now he's essentially intimidated his way into you sharing meals with him and he's just so pleased.
Just really gruff and demanding but he swears he's never been so soft, he's practically a teddy bear!!!
But uh oh turns out the guy you convinced yourself wasn't killing people actually was - but the meats still good!! Also not human so don't worry!! Simon gets to hunt down threats to safety as a reward for mainly good behavior.
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toomanywordsnllines · 2 years
Soap being giggly when he's happy is a hc very, oh so dear to me.
But he also seems to be the type to giggle when he's about to cry/nervous.
I don't know the image of him talking to Ghost after maybe a more dangerous mission, starting to giggle because Ghost probably said something funny and then him just suddenly dissolving into tears while giggling. Little laughs that turn into a sob. Because he just got hit by the grief of what they do for a leaving and maybe he could've lost Ghost. Simon being hit hard with whiplash by Soap's reaction and feeling very very worried and heartbroken.
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crownedwille · 17 days
Are there still Crown Prince!Wilhelm stans out there despite S3 turning it into the number one problem? Please report, we need to unite and no, that doesn't mean that I don't support Wille's mental health and happiness and that I love the monarchy, some people out there must get it
#young royals#prince wilhelm#any crown prince wille believers speak up please don't let yourself be silenced alskdjdh#i'mma be loud and petty and just obnoxious about loving crown prince wille in contrast to what else i see and what the show says#it just feels so alienating these days and like you're wrong in finding crown prince wille interesting and preferring it#and you're not allowed to even express different thoughts bc canon told you this is how it is and how dare you want this life for wille#I wish i knew about more fics too that write about crown prince wille. it feels like that's forbidden to do now unless he's unhappy in it#and it's just shown how horrible it is and how trapped he is and exploring a different alternative with him actually being a competent +#confident crown prince in the future and simon and him still working out and working together and bring changes to the system#but the show has made sure the fans can't come up with their own interpretation and that's completely 'unrealistic' now#and going against canon and exploring a different possibility is somehow impossible now#and means you're an evil spokesperson for the evil monarchy#god forbid i want him as the fictional crown prince in this fictional show reading/writing a fictional story#stories where he renounces (and that's all I see nowadays implied or otherwise) are just not interesting to me and i hate it#i even try to avoid reading most drabbles bc of the implied reality they portray and barely go through the yr tag on ao3 anymore#when i say it's alienating to be in the fandom these days i mean it. it's tough and frustrating#anyway...anybody else feeling this way?#let me know so i can follow some more i really hope there are more active blogs
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natelia-aldelliz · 1 year
"What if I fade?"
Soap lifts his head from his journal, looking up at Roach who is eerily floating near the ceiling. The slow movements almost make him look like he's in water. Kind of ironic given the way he died.
"What do you mean?" he asks, confused.
"What if I move on, what if I disappear," Roach elaborates, refusing to meet his eye. "Not everyone is a ghost, right? We'd be overly crowded. The fact that we're not also means that not every ghost stays."
Soap forces his dry throat to swallow. He honestly didn't want to think about that. He still needs Roach, he probably always will, but he hasn't even told him that he - he takes a deep breath in to calm himself.
"I don't know how it works," he admits quietly, bouncing his leg absent-mindedly. "You're probably right, like most of the time. Even if I really want you to be wrong about that."
Roach finally looks towards him.
"Maybe I should move on," Roach whispers. "It's not healthy, Johnny. You have no idea the things I want, what I wish for, that I'll never get."
Soap doesn't stand up, just keeps staring into Roach's eyes.
"I think I might have an idea, actually," he whispers back. Roach flounders for a moment. Soap really wishes he didn't get that wrong. He's pretty sure Roach meant that he can't have Ghost, and he himself can't have Roach. So... It's pretty similar.
"I've been feeling less like myself recently," Roach insists, deciding to ignore that comment for now. "I find myself wishing one of you would die so I wouldn't be alone. I never thought like that before, I fear that I may have stayed too long, that I'm starting to lose myself."
And he looks scared. It's written on his features so clearly and it breaks Soap's heart.
"You're not alone," he swears. "I'm here with you, and I'll make sure you stay you, however I can."
Roach looks at him, examining his face, looking for... something. Whatever it is, he seems to have found it because he exhales through his nose like a very soft laugh and averts his eyes, almost... blushing? It's a bit hard to tell from the distance and his left cheek being covered in burns while his right is covered in freckles, but he's pretty sure his ears are red.
"You can't look at me like that, Johnny," he says almost coyly. "I can't do anything about it, it's not fair."
Soap's face is burning and his eyes are wide. Was he too obvious? Did Roach understand or is he joking?
They probably look stupid, both of them redder than a fire truck, avoiding the other's eyes, regretting their words. Or at least he supposes that it's what's happening, because he's sure not looking up.
"If it makes you feel better," Roach finally says, sounding like he's smiling, "you were right for once : I am right most of the time. Judging by your reaction, you did indeed have no idea what I want."
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mittenlady · 5 months
it is incredibly easy to tell when people can not write simon blackquill because his speech — at least for his TwIsTeD sAmUrAi persona — is so distinct. it’s difficult for me to explain in words, but if you look at the game transcripts for any period of time you should be able to get a sense for it and it is so aggravating to see fanworks where he isn’t yapping like some victorian era chap with a disposition for the macabre. a heinous fiend pried from the pages of penny dreadful.
“from the outset, i had no intention of paying heed to any of your babble”? bars. he calls apollo a “whelp.” impeccable. “the defendant sought to sow this confusion”? brilliant. “nothing but claptrap and balderdash if you ask me”? iconic. read some 18th century literature or ask the spirit of jane austen for her aid before putting the name of simon blackquill in your mouth my good chap
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
have you ever asked yourself "what do i have to contribute to the aliens keeping humans as pets" subgenre? because i have. and the answer is johnny shouting and yelling and lunging with teeth bared at every alien he sees so none of the bastards try and take him home and ghost taking one look at him and going "cute. i want that one."
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somewherefornow · 1 year
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#very interesting to me how it’s always Simon AND everybody else/the others#Simon is always set apart#for Jessica she’s scared for the rest of the world and for Simon#Hal questions how Jessica is going to tell the other lanterns AND how she’s going to tell Simon#because Simon’s not just ‘everyone else’ to Jessica#there’s the world in danger and there’s Simon in danger and somehow for Jessica#those have become separate things (with somehow equal importance)#if not more honestly since Jessica’s first thought is for SIMON#SIMON in danger. before she reflects on the rest of the world being in similar peril#Hal’s first thought is how is Jessica going to explain this to *simon*#like he recognizes that’s the person who comes first in the people Jessica will want/need to tell#and like could I write a whole thing abt Simon understanding bc Simon & Jess keep continuing somehow on parallel paths#and the significance that they BOTH become yellow lanterns in different timelines#like yeah but this is too long already#simon baz#jessica cruz#hal jordan#also one last note abt how Simon just pops into Jessica’s mind#‘wait till Simon hears abt this’#makes you wonder if she wasn’t thinking the same thing the whole time she was alone on that station#makes you wonder if—without the ring for company—she just started talking to Simon instead#‘wait till Simon hears abt this’ ‘you’ll never believe this Simon’ ‘did you see what I just did Simon’#hmmm#meta#simonjess#simon x jessica#green lantern annual#*panelsandpages
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beepmeepmeepbeep · 4 months
bridgerton not beating life ends with marriage allegations
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gaygayaurel · 1 year
i finally understand what got fans went hrough when i watched fiona and cake (spoilers in tags)
#.......... “maybe if we went with bettys idea i wouldnt have found the crown” and youd die in explosion. like#events of star would happen. like did we forget that#painting simon as evil and uncaring for not noticing a social cue and betty not communicating her wants................ like.......ok <3333#she literally had to fucking kick him out of golb to make the wish too like what was he supposed to fucking do#as autistic person who doesnt catch exactly what person i know and even people i love want to do seeing simon be seen as selfish for that i#it was meant to follow from temple of mars but did it in shittiest way possible jnewjnjnejn#and its not even that tbh its the whole. ending. its so unsatisfying.#cake not wanting to stay a cat? unfulfilled#just magically solved#some guys showed up in the new world but most did nothing in fight like what#but cake will not be satisfied shes magic but she wont ever go ona dventures and do stuff.#SIMON DIDNT EVEN FUCKING TALK TO MARCY IN EPILOGUE)7#the way it flipped from simons god i was soooo selfish to btw i dont want to kill myself anymore was so unnatural#i was so into 1-8 and then they just. forgot to write it. efjmj#the complete pivot from simon being like wow i need to destroy myself to save other people!!!!!! to btw you were selfish <3#people will say i dont read if they see this i dont care <3 i can actually but to me this was so stupid and forced#happy for gumlee. i was so mad abt lack of mlm stuff recently so they were nice but like
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hollyannewrites · 1 year
💼 :D
💼If you’re writing spec. fiction, share what professions your characters would have in the contemporary real world. If your WIP is contemporary, share what professions they would have in a fantasy setting. 
Very fun! So I have two major WIPs, one of which is 100% contemporary and the other of which is mostly contemporary except for the fact that they're all in the mafia.
So for the contemporary piece (WIP: My Brother's Keepers):
Josie: Her real job is in HR for a large company, but in fantasy, she'd probably make an excellent lady-in-waiting, because she's well-rounded in her skills and thoughtful.
Silas: I actually never gave him a job in the canon lol! But in fantasy, he'd be like, a very organized wizard. He's very on top of his shit.
For the mafia piece:
Currently, they're all criminals involved in the mafia and criminal underworld.
Simon: He'd work in like, sales? He's very convincing, good at talking to people, and a real people person, so this feels like a career path he'd excel in.
Beck: He'd be a middle school English teacher. I truly don't know why, but this answer immediately popped into my head and it just feels correct.
Sadie: Politician or lawyer, I think, something that involves convincing people and moving people around like chess pieces.
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lemonwrap · 6 months
Y’know, I don’t think I’ve seen a lot of content where Ghost explicitly struggles with intrusive thoughts. Like genuinely distressing ones, the kind that convince him he’s a terrible, terrible person.
Thoughts about his childhood or his past with Roba—his mind telling him that he secretly liked all of the bad things that happened to him, and that he deserved what happened because of that. Thoughts that disturb him and go against his staunch morals, that plague and bother him at the worst of times. Thoughts about killing Price when the man turns his back to him. Thoughts about shooting Gaz instead of the enemy. Thoughts about forcing himself onto Soap. Thoughts about anyone he loves hurting or betraying him, or worse, Ghost hurting or betraying them.
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kianri-ah · 1 year
wilmon saint valentines fic ‼️‼️
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