#'but if we let kids transition and they regret it' yeah what if? sometimes people do shit they regret (but let's look at the stats too)
You know I think we can resolve a lot of our problems and moral dilemma by asking ourselves "does this really matters that much?"
#this is mostly in relation to current moral panic specifically in france but i think it van apply to a variety of contexts#like idk if yall know but france hate muslim people (specifically women) so much and it's so absurd#like... so much debate over muslim girls in school specifically#'we can't let them wear hijabs cuz hijab is a symbol of oppression*' okay well does it really matters that much?#isn't it more important to let them go to fucking school in peace instead of forcing them to remove it#(*i know it's stupid but that's the mainstream view of the hijab in france)#'but we have to stay religiously neutral at school' why? i understand teachers being religiously neutral but students who care?#wouldn't it be better to let anyone exprime their identity instead of forcing a standard‚ so‚ y'know‚ people can learn about diversity?#'well sometimes they refuse to go to swimming lessons because they don't want to be half naked in front of boys/men'#yeah i can understand that somehow not sure it's specific to their religion tho maybe we shouldn't force kids to get half naked idk#maybe we could allow them to go to female only swimming lessons if they want to#'WHAT?! but that's separating bous from girls that's sexist and we won't surrender to that backwards vie-' does it really matters?#obviously i don't believe society should be segregated between men and women but here isn't it more important that those kids learn to swim?#(yeah i fucking hate this debate)#and that works for a lot of subjects#'but trans people-' that's 0.09% of people what the fuck are you talking about#'but if we let kids transition and they regret it' yeah what if? sometimes people do shit they regret (but let's look at the stats too)#if they have regrets we should support and help them and that's it#and like‚ sometimes the answer is 'yes' and if it is you have to keep fighting for your cause#but you have to choose your fights donlt waste energy again things that don't matter that much
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sisterspooky1013 · 3 years
Only One Choice, Part 2, Chapter 14
Read it here on AO3 / Tagging @today-in-fic
“It was so good to see you, Will,” Valerie says in a muffled voice against his chest as he has her wrapped up tightly in a bear hug.
“I know, I’m so glad I ran into you,” Mulder replies, brushing his hands over her back. He pulls away and kisses her softly on the cheek.
“It makes me really happy to see you so happy,” she says with a smile, her long brunette hair lifting softly in the breeze, brown eyes holding affection that can only be held between two people who have the type of bond that can withstand a breakup and then a transition from lovers to friends.
“Likewise,” he says, nodding towards the small swell of her growing belly.
“I’d love to meet your girlfriend someday, if you think she’d be okay with that,” she says, collecting her purse.
“Yes, I’d really like that. I think you two would get along really well, actually,” he says, and she smirks at him.
“You’re not afraid we’ll bond over having to sit through your shitty movie collection?” she teases, and he laughs good-naturedly.
“Hey, Scully likes my shitty movies, that’s why we’re a perfect match,” he retorts.
She squeezes his arm.
“Call me sometime, okay?”
He nods and watches her walk away, feeling like he’s on cloud nine. A great friendship with his ex-girlfriend, a promising new love with the woman of his dreams; he can only imagine what lies in store next. He practically skips on the walk back to his car, wondering if Scully might let him come by tonight, hoping that he won’t have to wait until the weekend to see her again. He decides to call her as soon as he gets home.
The first few times he gets her machine, he assumes she must be at her mother’s. When she still hasn’t answered or called back by 9:00 pm, he’s confused. When he emails her the next morning and still hasn’t gotten a response at 10:00am, he’s officially worried.
Something is wrong.
She had eventually turned off the ringer on her phone and put the volume all the way down on her answering machine so she wouldn’t have to hear his increasingly obsessive attempts to get ahold of her, then slept fitfully all night.
She knows that she needs to give him some kind of response or he’ll show up on her doorstep, but she can’t bring herself to face him, even in voice. Every time the image of him with that woman pops back into her head, she feels a lump form in her throat immediately, a sick sadness welling in her belly. She’s pored over every memory in her mind, every interaction they’ve had, searching for signs. Signs that he was seeing someone else, that he wasn’t interested in anything other than getting in her pants, that he was lying to her. Her thorough inventory brings up next to nothing, which almost makes it worse; how adept he must have been at creating a false reality for her to exist in. Perhaps he’s garnered some tips from the sociopaths he studies, or maybe his background in psychology allowed him to manipulate her.
When she arrives at work, she is unsurprised though still dismayed to see an email waiting for her.
Sent: May 5, 1997 7:57 am
Subject: Where are you?
Scully, you’re freaking me out. Are you okay? Please respond.
She deletes it immediately and tries to focus on work. She performs an autopsy and teaches a class, both welcome distractions from her emotional torment. Just before 11:00 am, the phone rings.
“Autopsy bay, this is Trudy…yep, she’s here, one second.”
Trudy turns and opens her mouth to speak, but sees Dana waving her arms and shaking her head. She makes a confused face and puts the phone back to her ear.
“Oh, actually she just stepped out, sorry. Can I take a message?”
She watches as Trudy scribbles something on a piece of paper.
“Uh huh…yes. Okay, I’ll tell her…you have my word.”
She replaces the phone on the receiver and hands Dana the paper with a sympathetic frown.
“Trouble in paradise?” she asks rhetorically.
Dana looks down and deciphers Trudy’s messy scrawl.
Call Mulder immediately. Send a sign of life.
She crumples it up and tosses it into the trash can.
“You wanna talk about it?” Trudy asks.
“Nope,” Dana replies, turning back to the computer.
Sent: May 5th, 1997 11:03am
Scully, I don’t know what the hell is going on, but if you don’t reply to this within an hour I’m driving down there.
Please respond
She feels fresh tears well in her eyes. Why is he trying so hard if he’s seeing someone else anyway? Why is he doing this to her? With a surge of anger, she hits reply.
Sent: May 5th, 1997 11:05am
I’m fine, Mulder. Please just give me some space.
With that she closes her email, begs someone to take her second class of the day, and goes home.
He feels like he’s stepped into an alternate universe. He’d left her happy and satisfied, and out of nowhere she’s shutting him out. What does she need space for? Space from him? Why? Did he come on too strong and freak her out? He thought they’d moved past that. He picks up the phone again.
“Autopsy bay, this is Trudy.”
“Trudy, it’s Agent Mulder again. Look, I don’t want to put you in an awkward position, but is Dana there?”
She pauses. “No, she went home for the day. She seemed pretty upset.”
“Do you have any idea why?” he implores.
“No, other than the fact that it seems to be directed at you.”
“Yeah, that much I gathered. Thanks, Trudy, sorry to bother you.”
“No worries, good luck.”
He slams the phone down, grabs his jacket off the back of his chair and leaves.
She is half expecting his knock, but it still makes her jump, nearly causing her to spill her wine. She wants to just ignore him until he goes away, but she knows his proclivity towards persistence won’t let him do that. Better to just get it over with, she thinks as she slumps towards the door.
The second she lays eyes on him in his slacks and dress shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his tie discarded, she feels her chin pucker and tears threaten her eyes. As angry as she is, she immediately wants to go to him, to curl up within his embrace so he can comfort her. The problem is, what she needs comforting from is him.
“What is going on?” he says with a mix of frustration and fear.
She stands in the open doorway, not making space for him to enter.
“I saw you,” she says, her voice strained with emotion.
“You saw me...what?” he asks, his face a mask of confusion.
She lifts her chin, clenching her jaw and summoning strength.
“I saw you with her. Yesterday, at the Bluebird Cafe. After I had lunch with my family.” her voice holds steady, anger carrying her through.
His face falls and her gut twists. She wishes she didn’t have to watch this.
“THAT is what this is about?” he asks, but there’s no shame or regret in his voice. If anything, he sounds a little mad.
She nods curtly.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” he spits out, and she recoils a little at his vitriol. “Let me in, Scully. Right now,” he demands, and against her better judgement she moves aside.
He pushes past her into the apartment and she closes the door softly, leaving it unlocked in case either of them decides to make a hasty exit.
“Did you consider,” he begins, his back to her, “maybe, I don’t know, asking me about what you saw?” He turns to face her, one hand on his hip and his face contorted with anger. “Or were you just planning to avoid me until I gave up and went away again?”
She doesn’t know what to say. She’s confused about why he’s yelling at her when he’s the one who did something wrong. She just looks at him, expressionless.
He juts his chin out expectantly, waiting for an answer, but gets none. She averts her eyes.
“Is that all this is worth to you, Scully?” he continues, “you’re ready to throw this away over a simple misunderstanding, without even talking to me?”
She lifts her head and looks at him with a pained expression. “Okay then, talk,” she gets out.
He drops his head in frustration. “The woman you saw me with,” he says flatly, lifting his head to meet her eye, “was my ex-girlfriend, Valerie. I ran into her while I was running errands yesterday, and we had lunch. She has a boyfriend and is three months pregnant. We spent the majority of our meal together talking about you.”
She shakes her head gently, her throat closing as a tear rolls down her cheek. “I saw you kiss her,” she whispers, her jaw quivering.
“You saw me kiss her on the cheek? I also kiss my mother on the cheek, Scully, it’s hardly an intimate gesture.”
She feels a new wave of sickness pass over her, but this time it’s entirely different. This time it’s the sick feeling of realizing that she was very, very, wrong, and that she has, yet again, hurt the man who loves her. She opens her mouth to speak but she can’t find the right words.
He steps forward but doesn’t touch her. When he speaks, his voice is softer, more defeated than anything else.
“I’m sorry that you saw something that upset you. But if you actually thought for a single second that I want to be with anyone but you, you’re fucking insane. I meant what I said the day you left my apartment last year. I felt it then, and I feel it now. I want this to work more than anything, Scully, but for that to be possible you have to trust me. I can’t live with the knowledge that you might just shut me out at a moment’s notice when you get scared.”
She keeps her head down, overwhelmed by a combination of shame, embarrassment, and gratitude that he wouldn’t let her walk away. She does not deserve this man, but she wants to.
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, still unable to meet his eye.
“I know you are,” he replies, moving towards the door. “Take the space you need, and let me know when you’re ready to trust me.”
When she hears the click of the door closing behind him, she collapses to the floor, sobbing for so many reasons she couldn’t possibly name them all. When it’s faded to snivels and hiccups, she stands and goes to the hallway, picking up the phone.
“Missy,” she chokes out, “Can you come over?”
He’s not sure if leaving was the right thing to do. The risk that she might not come back around is one that sends his stomach into knots, but at the same time he finds it hard to accept that she wasn’t even going to give him the opportunity to explain. He’s been actively working to temper expressing his feelings so he doesn’t overwhelm her, but then she gets it in her head that he’s not invested. It feels like he can’t win.
He goes back to work and stops by Kirkbride’s office to apologize for disappearing. Kirkbride just gives him a quizzical look, clearly not having noticed he had left. The rest of the day he buckles down on his caseload, distracting himself from the catastrophic thoughts that dance through his head, and gets more work done than he has in quite a while. When he leaves the office just after 5:00 pm, he feels melancholy and grouchy, and annoyed that he left the ball in her court.
The elevator dings to announce his arrival on the fourth floor and he steps out with a takeout bag in his hand, eyes downcast. Halfway down the hall, he readies his key and looks up, startling when he sees Scully sitting on the floor against his door, knees tucked up against her chest and her forehead resting on her kneecaps. She’s very still, and as he gets closer he realizes that she’s asleep. His heart aches knowing that she’s been waiting that long, that she didn’t want to leave without talking to him.
He crouches down beside her, setting his dinner on the floor, and gently touches her shoulder. She jerks, her head snapping up and her eyes wild for a moment while she tries to orient herself. When she focuses on him, she immediately starts crying, reaching out to wrap her arms around his neck. He’s surprised by her uncharacteristically emotional response, but says nothing and just holds her until his knees start to ache, at which point he sits down on the floor and pulls her into his lap. They stay this way for several minutes, long enough for one of his neighbors to walk by and politely avert their eyes, entering their apartment as though there was nothing out of the ordinary happening in the hallway. When the crying seems to have subsided a bit, he gives her a little squeeze.
“Wanna go inside?” he asks, and she nods against his chest, his shirt damp from her tears.
She stands unsteadily and he follows her, grabbing the takeout bag off the floor. They enter the apartment and Priscilla plods up to them with an excited meow. Scully leans down and picks her up, tucking the cat against her neck as they nuzzle each other. Mulder smiles at them with a bemused expression.
“She was talking to me through the door,” Scully says with a small smile, “she heard me knocking and was meowing from the other side. We had a conversation.”
Affection swells in his chest and he steps forward to kiss her. Her shoulders drop and she lets Priscilla down so she can get closer, threading her arms around his waist and kissing him back in earnest. Desperate, thought I’d lost you again kisses that are as arousing as they are a relief, because he knows that they will be okay.
He pulls back a little and she makes a whimpering sound in protest.
“I’m gonna go change really quick, okay? Then can we talk?” he asks, and she sighs and nods. “You can have half my Chinese,” he adds, and she gives him a tight-lipped smile.
When he sits on the couch beside her five minutes later, she scoots closer so they are pressed against each other, and he gathers that she needs physical closeness right now. He loops an arm around her shoulder and she crawls right back into his lap, curled against him as though trying to fuse her body to his own. Her head tucked beneath his chin, she holds one of his hands in her lap, fingers laced tightly together, and begins to speak.
“After you left, Missy came over and we talked for a long time. I’ve come to realize how much I’m still affected by...what happened last year. I harbor a lot of guilt for being unfaithful to Ethan, and that’s actually largely why I married him even though I knew my heart wasn’t in it.” She pulls in a deep breath, pressing their joined hands tight against her belly, trying to get even closer. “When you and I reconnected, in a way it felt like a chance to validate it. As though things working out with us would mean that what I did wasn’t as bad, because there was something real between us. But at the same time, a big part of me doesn’t believe that I deserve to be happy.” Her voice remains steady, but he feels the wet drop of a tear on the back of his hand.
He tightens his arm around her waist. “I’ve always been a person who values doing the right thing, and integrity was something that was very important to my father. It was his measure of a person’s character, and that’s something he instilled in me as well.” She sits up a bit so she can look at him, and his heart breaks at her red-rimmed eyes, her icy irises so mournful. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, Mulder. You haven’t given me any reason not to. It’s just that I don’t feel like I deserve this, especially with you, and I’m waiting for the moment it all comes crashing down. So when I saw you with that woman, it was almost like I’d been waiting for it, expecting it. Getting what I deserved.”
He brings his palms to her cheeks, brushing away the tears with his thumbs.
“Thank you for telling me that,” he says softly. “I wish I could change how you feel, but I know that I can’t. I do know how it feels to spend your life harboring guilt over something you could have done differently, and I can tell you that punishing yourself won’t make it any easier. It makes me really sad that you’ll always regret how we met.”
She closes her eyes and shakes her head gently. When she opens them, her expression is more tender than it is mournful.
“I don’t regret it, Mulder. I do feel guilt, and shame, for not ending it with Ethan so we could have done things the right way, but I could never regret meeting you.”
He pulls her back into an embrace, her arms wrapping around his ribcage, and plants a kiss to the top of her head.
“Are we okay?” he asks softly.
“I hope so,” she says hoarsely.
“Is this a bad time to tell you that Valerie wants to meet you sometime?” he asks, and she laughs.
“I don’t know, did you tell her that I freaked out on you because you had lunch with her?” she replies, and he can already hear her tone shifting back to their typical lighthearted banter.
“No, of course not. That’ll be our little secret. Well, plus Trudy. I think Trudy knows too much honestly.”
She laughs again, and god he could spend the rest of his life trying to make her laugh. In fact, that’s exactly what he hopes to do.
“Speaking of meeting people,” she continues, “Missy mentioned you to my mother yesterday and she wants to meet you.”
A grin stretches across his mouth, but he doesn’t say anything. She pulls back to look at his face, to gauge his reaction, and smiles softly in response.
“You want me to meet your mom?” he asks, the delight on his face carrying over to his voice.
Her mouth screws up shyly. “My little brother will probably be there too, and Missy. Is that too much?”
He shakes his head. “Sounds perfect. But, there are some friends I’d like you to meet too, if we’re meeting people.”
“The Lone Gunmen?” she asks with a skeptical lilt.
“Those are the ones. They’re my only friends, actually. Aside from Val.” Just then, Priscilla hops up onto the couch beside them. “Oh, and you Priscilla, sorry,” he adds.
Scully smiles at the cat, and then at him. “Can I bring Missy as a human buffer?” she asks hopefully.
“Of course. You may set a record for the highest number of female visitors to their lair in a day.”
“Lair?” she asks with wide eyes.
He chuckles. “They’ll grow on you, I promise.”
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flightofaqrow · 3 years
( repost, do not reblog. ) Tell us your favorite quotes from your character. Give us an idea of who they are by five things they’ve said.
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Alright, buckle up, I’m stealing this meme and repurposing it for my own use. Probably more than five, and including some quotes from others about him, though I’m going to try to keep it in groupings, and also not meant to be exhaustive of qrow’s character, but rather, to point out some very poignant lines that have effected my portrayal and... some possibly in an unpopular way compared to what I’ve seen in the fandom? I think Qrow Branwen is more complex than fitting the broody broken boi trope would give credit for (though he at least fits it as an overall stereotype).
1) I’m absolutely sure Qrow had a rough start and transition from the tribe to ‘civilized society’, coupled with typical teenage hormones and mood swings, but generally, Beacon was a good time, and he sees himself as a good huntsman, and (though we may joke about it sometimes) he absolutely does not have an active nor passive death wish.
Yeah, yeah, I know he has a song all about how he self depreciates and carries shame, but that’s a theme of his attitude, not backed up to be every single aspect of his life by actual canon. Quite the contrary. 
I don’t know where fndm gets the idea that he constantly lost his battles (especially to Raven) or was perpetually looked down on or stayed an angsty, broody teenager (who could never possibly have ever even breathed a single happy breath on his own without Summer??) all four years. As if school was hell and he never came into his own until STRQ was a graduated unit or something? If ever?
Leo tells Raven she and her brother are evenly matched. Raven herself - who takes pride in being stronger and more clever than others - describes them as a pair: “we were good.”
“you're talking to a member of the coolest team that graduated Beacon! ...we were pretty well known back in the day. ...hey, we looked good! and I have a number of inappropriate stories to back that up!”
“let me tell ya, these kids are way better than we were at their age. ...well, not better than me, specifically...”
“a professional huntsman like myself is expected to get results as soon as possible.”
The way Qrow talks about his past, as well as carrying a memento of team STRQ around with him, it’s very nostalgic for better times. The way he talks about his work, if not himself, can actually be to the point of being self-aggrandizing, instead of depreciating. He’s even able to admit that his dreaded semblance, Misfortune, “comes in handy in a fight.”
“lots of us thought you were just layin' low. eventually, we just came to accept that you were probably dead. but the stories about you, i based my weapon off of yours. i wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper.”
Qrow talks about himself as striving to be better. It seems he never really sees himself as reaching that standard, but it certainly implies he knows he’s not at the bottom - he had an ideal he wanted to reach and likely worked towards. Notice the use of “us” and “we” as well - he talks about himself as part of a group of larger huntsfolk circles. Who knows if this refers to students or licensed professionals or both, but this heavily, heavily implies that he was more than just a sad, outside loner, at least for a time; he chatted with others and traded stories about goings-on and missions and idols.
Somewhat related and leading into...
2)  At least around this blog, Qrow does not have an inferiority complex because of Raven.
Does he have some internalized shame about being soft that he can’t quite shake? A few insecurities about being unwanted compared to her natural leadership and competence? Yes. Does he consciously view himself as lesser than her? No. 
Also... he’s not co-dependent on her. To a degree, for while? Yeah, there was probably an unhealthy reliance going on there. But Qrow and Raven establish themselves with their own identities at some point, they’d have to, to chose different paths so stubbornly. There’s a rift there, eventually, if not always having been at odds in some ways and comfort in others.
“Raven's got an interesting way of looking at the world that I don't particularly agree with. [The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules.]”
“...they were killers and thieves.”
We are shown that the twins were raised with this weak/strong dichotomy. Raven bought into it, but Qrow explicitly separates himself from that belief. Shown again when he mocks Raven with, “because that was your rule, right?”
He believes in true family, he believes in protecting the weak, he believes in doing good, he believes in standing up for what’s right. He may not like being emotionally vulnerable, but he shows softness and kindness to others, and for as much as he likes his flourish when fighting, he also isn’t afraid to look an absolute fool either.
He is shown de-escalating conflict time and again, even if he also falls back into violent, defensive patterns at times, too. He resents Raven for the choices she made, and as far as I interpret, thinks she’s the lesser one for running away and abandoning her family and her mission. (Meanwhile, she thinks the same of him for turning his back on the tribe.)
He all but spits on the tribe’s way of life, is willing to attack them outright to get the Spring Maiden. Why would he judge himself by those standards any longer? No, he lives by his own code, a huntsman’s code, and even has some pride in that. It’s why he can call Clover out on it. It’s why he folds when Robyn holds him to it.
It’s why it hurts when he finds out what gave him more meaning, aligned more with his own heart, than the tribe’s dogma may not actually have any purpose at all...
3) There’s so much to unpack here:
“No one wanted me... I was cursed... I gave my life to you because you gave me a place in this world... I thought I was finally doing some good... Meeting you... was the worst luck of my life...”
No one wanted him? I believe this means the tribe, maybe even Raven, maybe trying to make friends, but no one until Oz? Does this include STRQ? I have trouble reconciling that one with everything else we’re shown. I still maintain he was part of bigger circles, but we get confirmation that these were probably fleeting or superficial. He knew people and was known, but no one stuck around.  Also more confirmation of his values. Gave me a place sounds like so much more than refocusing to me. It’s not gave me a direction, not told me what to do, it’s took who i am and gave that person a place to thrive - despite the bad that comes with - to work towards something better. Just like he always wanted.
But then he backtracks. What is it he regrets?  We do know how he likes to go into dramatic hyperbole about these things when he’s upset. [eg. “we’re not family anymore.” “i shouldn’t have come. i shouldn’t have let any of you come.” “we can kill the man who put us here.” “gone. like everybody else.”] (I love that crwby lets their characters do it. we all say things we don’t mean in the moment, give voice to those intrusive thoughts.)
I’ve talked before about how I picture him having flashes of all the lives he could have had instead. Would he have gone back with Raven and at least still had her? Would he just have been a normal huntsman defending people from Grimm without the crushing extra knowledge? Might he have been able to have a relationship or family of his own had he not signed up for the vagabond spy life? Does he just resent losing Summer and Raven because of how things went down? We don’t know, and I think the point is that he probably doesn’t either, but the weight of sacrificing all those alternatives and putting so much faith in Ozpin, stacking so much of his life’s work and identity on being part of the inner circle, comes crashing down on him all at once. 
also quite fitting...
4) "Nice place to raise a family. ...If you're ...into that sort of thing."
This is from his World of Remnant narration, talking about Patch, but it hits so damn hard. The softness and warmth in the first half of the statement, followed by the harsh need to qualify it in regards to his own outlook... We learn all we need to know about his opinion of the subject. 
We see the conflict right there - the possibility of such a thing brings a wholesome lilt to his voice, yet he implies that it’s not something he personally intends to pursue. Is that because he doesn’t want it or because he thinks he can’t or shouldn’t have it? I don’t think that’s clear, and he may not know either. 
At the very least, I fall into the camp of him believing he doesn’t want it. Combine that with the fact that he does pick up that spy life, which makes keeping his distance a necessity, and makes settling down near impossible, and then he definitely knows it’s not in the cards for him. 
So I think it ultimately falls somewhere between. Why would he make the commitment to being a lone spy if he had dreams of love and a family? ...But then why would he resent making the sacrifice of that possibility later if he didn’t? 
Having his nieces around probably softened him up to the idea, but he’d already made his decision by that point. He’s also solid and generally happy with his choices at the point it would most matter. He’s married to his job. He’s fulfilling his missions well, in well-suited ways for his strengths and flaws. He has his nieces around as a balm on any sort of biological clock. He has his purpose with Oz.  Until he doesn’t.
This is an incredibly long-winded way of restating that one of the headcanon hills I do stand to die on is: Gray-romantic Qrow.
5) “some people are just born unlucky... my semblance isn't like most - it's not exactly something i... do.”
I am constantly confused by the amount of people trying to do character analysis around Misfortune and Qrow based on standard semblance lore, when he has yet again stated explicitly to the contrary. We all have carte blanche ya’ll. We can do whatever we want with this, because he’s already told us his semblance breaks the rules. 
My full headcanon for it is here and my opinion about the direction I hope it takes is here but tl;dr
Unless we learn otherwise, there are very, very few ways I believe Misfortune is a reflection of Qrow’s soul, if at all. This is from the first headcanon, but it’s worth restating, because it’s important to me, aaand fits the theme of pulling in some quotes from other characters:
Everyone likes to quote Ren and his description of someone’s personality being incorporated into a semblance. I don’t buy it for qrow. Here’s the FULL quote: “A common philosophy is that a warrior’s Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your Semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who don’t see a connection at all.”
So unless we find out otherwise I will also die on the hill that qrow is an example of the middle part. Qrow’s personality/soul has nothing to do with why his semblance is what it is, but being forced to grow up and live with Misfortune has defined him tremendously.
OKAY, there are some smaller quick ones, but I’ll stick to my five points like I promised at least, and maybe do a lesser version some other time. :]
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imgoingtocrash · 3 years
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Made of Iron, Born of Fire: The Fanmix 
by @imgoingtocrash
Listen on Spotify and 8tracks
Read the series on Ao3
AKA: A labor of love for @savvysass’s birthday!!!!
What can I say that hasn’t already been said because we’re both incredibly sappy people in our Author’s Notes? Writing this series with you has brought me so much joy in the last two years, and I never could have hit over 100k words without you. Here’s to whatever we write next in the series...and all of the WIPs we’re working on right now...and only god knows what’s next for us personally and professionally...and most importantly, to you on your Birthday. Thank you for being such a good friend, in both fandom and outside of it. I’m so, so thankful to know you and love you. 🥰
Director’s Cut Below, because we all know I love talking about this series, and yes, that does extend to why I picked these songs. (And also maybe because these song choices only make sense in my brain and hopefully Savannah’s?? Who knows! Feel free to ask questions if you want but let’s be honest this series and fanmix are most importantly for us, because we love the series so dang much.)
My Wildest Dreams by Ron Pope
I spoke in riddles and in rhymes, but my time with you has taught me to simplify, you’re not quite what I pictured you would be, you’re better than my wildest dreams.
We’ve talked about this one before, and I’LL TALK ABOUT IT AGAIN!!!! Ron Pope is so good imo, and this song wowowow the father-child feels, but especially with Tony and newborn Peter a la A Foreign Feeling and A First Time For Everything.
Big & Scared by Raleigh Ritchie
I want to be better for you, let me do that now, you’re my favorite human, so you should be prepared, I’ll help you get through it, when you’re big and scared
We’ve mentioned Tony’s thoughts about legacy multiple times by now, and I think this song really represents Tony looking forward to the person Peter could be become and that “breaking the cycle” mentality of supporting Peter even when he’s not a perfect father.
Legacy of Sadness by Ron Pope
irrational as it may seem I guess I’m sorry, even though I know that none of it’s my fault, it is easier for me to count my blessings, than to cry for every single thing we’ve lost
I have 0 shame putting these two songs by Ron Pope almost back to back because they’re the opening and closing of an album dedicated to his child like...it’s so perfect for Tony and this theme of reflection on who he is and who Peter will become/is becoming and all that entails.
this is me trying by Taylor Swift
They told me all of my cages were mental, so I got wasted like all my potential, and my words shoot to kill when I'm mad, I have a lot of regrets about that
I wrote something...very sad but also soft recently??? and this is for That it’s about pre-CW Pepperony being separated and the road to them trying to come back together including Tony working on himself and I love it!!! It hurts really good!!! This whole song is perfect for it and I can’t wait until people get to read it.
Be Good When I’m Gone by Four Year Strong
I'm sorry I can't stop to listen, but I've got so much to do and I've got some place to be, the house looks like the aftermath of a hurricane, I hope it stays that way
Tony being a busy parent but doing his best to make time for Peter in his life and making that time count has been something super important to illustrate to us, especially the transition from being a CEO to being a superhero and how that changes how Peter sees Tony’s absence over time.
I Won’t Back Down by Johnnyswim, Drew Holcomb & The Neighbors, and Penny and Sparrow
Tony puts on the original version by Tom Petty in Home Is Where The Heart Is, but I think this cover has a very slow, emotional undertone that’s really great too. The interludes, if you didn’t catch it, have all been featured in a fic previously.
Let It Matter by Johnnyswim
So if it matters let it matter, if your heart's breaking let it ache, catch those pieces as they scatter, know your hurt is not in vain
Pepper in Never Tell Me The Odds ALL DAYYYYY. She’s the emotional rock of that fic (and of our Ironfam TBH) and it’s all because she allows herself to feel her feelings and encourages the Stark boys to do so as well.
Simmer - Acoustic by Hayley Williams
And if my child, needed protection, from a fucker like that man, I’d sooner gut him, cause nothing cuts like a mother
Post-Home Is Where The Heart Is...y’all know Pepper’s not that mad about what happened to Obie. Also just Pepper when someone hurts her family?? I always write it as her sort of putting all of her emotion into something she can control and doing it well, so, this song is all about that.
Tightrope by Nia Hendricks
one step after another, keep holding on to each other, don’t look back, move on and let go, that’s how you walk on a tightrope
Pepperony trying to navigate their relationship and the insanity of superhero stuff and also co-parenting. It’s all excellent, I love them so much, I enjoy writing it so much!!!!
Dancing With Your Ghost by Sasha Sloan
Never got the chance, to say a last goodbye, I gotta move on, but it hurts to try, how do I love, how do I love again?
This song is tilted towards romance, but if you’ll remember, we’re a Pro-Tony Survives Endgame AU series, so it’s not about THAT...but well...Infinity War sure will hit something fierce for certain non-romantic relationships in this series, huh?
The Bones by Maren Morris
Call it dumb luck, but baby, you and I, can't even mess it up, although we both try, no, it don't always go the way we planned it, but the wolves came and went and we're still standing
Post-Endgame Ironfam!!! Tony and Pepper married with their kids, their family and HAPPY...THIS IS WHY WE DO ALL OF THE ANGST...FOR A FAMILY...WE LOVE THEM
Carry on Wayward Son by Kansas
Considered Pepper and Peter’s ‘song’, as it’s referenced multiple times in the series, and was one of the bigger solidifying moments of their mother-son relationship as a whole.
Mundane by Hardcastle
And I’ve been sinking into silence, dwelling on my thoughts, and in these months, I haven’t felt that most conversations have left me anything but blue
Peter’s selective mutism was something very special to us when we originally had the idea, and making sure we talk about it and utilize it in the right way is something we’re still working on, particularly with the Therapy Fic we’re brainstorming atm.
survivin’ (One Eyed Jack’s Session) by Bastille
What can I say? I'm survivin', crawling out these sheets to see another day, what can I say? I'm survivin', and I'm gonna be fine, I'm gonna be fine, I think I'll be fine
Spoiler Alert: Peter’s not fine, like, a decent amount of the time. But he’s sure trying, and we love him for that.
Jacob from the Bible by Jake Wesley Rogers
Mama, don't worry, it took me years, to say I'm sorry, to see your tears, Mama, forgive me, I grew up too fast, but it's not on you, it's in the past
Mostly part of Peter growing up to become a hero and realizing what his parents--particularly Pepper--have gone through for him to become the person he is today, but that sometimes he still doesn’t feel like he’s making them proud enough.
Compassion Is a German Word by To Kill A King
Don't be so arrogant, you ain't no different to anyone I've met, we're all the heroes in our own film, or maybe the villain in someone else's
Spider-Man being an excellent superhero boi!!! Being kind and good!!! We love it!! Also, I put a TKAK song on...a LOT of my playlists, because I think they’re great.
brutal by Olivia Rodrigo
And I'm so sick of seventeen, where's my fucking teenage dream?, if someone tells me one more time, "Enjoy your youth", I'm gonna cry
I mean...this song is such a Teenage Mood...I had to do it...
In The Wee Small Hours Of The Morning by Frank Sinatra
So, I had this cute little scene in my head that went with this song for SO LONG but there wasn’t really anything for it to fit into so...yeah that’s part 2 of Savannah’s Birthday Gift, a little soft Baby Peter drabble. Fluffy Goop from top to bottom. That can be read here.
Home by Phillip Phillips
Just know you're not alone, 'Cause I'm gonna make this place your home
...I know it’s not original, okay? It’s found family, it’s great, I don’t care!
Comes and Goes (In Waves) by Greg Laswell
And this part was for her, and this part was for her, this part was for her, does she remember?
This song is good family angst in general BUT these specific lyrics made me think of Mary and that they never forget her in their lives despite the other stuff going on (because we refuse to let them).
I Have Made Mistakes by The Oh Hellos
I have made mistakes, I continue to make them, the promises I've made, I continue to break them, and all the doubts I've faced, I continue to face them, but nothing is a waste if you learn from it
No one in the Ironfam is perfect, but they all do their best to try and grow even when they’re scared they’ll never be able to. The ups and downs are all par for the course of this series to us.
Easy Days - Demo by Bastille
Cause I don’t wanna fall back again, back into the easy days, everything was so simple then, little fires burned away
Strife is a part of life, and the family in this fic growing through their loss and struggles and moving ahead as a unit to get to a better place is super central to making the fic what it is...but it’s easy for them to remember the old days before being superheroes and wishing it was simple again.
North by Sleeping At Last
Let the years we’re here be kind, be kind, let our hearts like doors open wide, open wide, settle our bones like wood over time, over time, give us bread, give us salt, give us wine
The way Tony went from feeling so alone to having an entire built family that’s so full of love and everything he never dreamed of...*screams into my pillow* I love this series so much thank you and good night!!!
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hanniiesuckle17 · 4 years
Stray Kids Reaction to S/o Being a Ballet Dancer
A/n: I'm assuming this means like pointe dancer and/or principal dancer??? Anyway!!! Hope you like it bb!! I had fun doing this one!❤❤❤
Requested by: @desertofdessert​ (thank you bb! feel free to request again! this was so fun!!)
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Chan watched you gather up stuff and put it in the huge dance bag you carried. Unfortunately, you couldn’t spend Chan’s day off with him. It was just one of those times when your schedules didn’t match up. Chan totally understood. If you managed with his busy schedule than he could deal with yours. He also understood the expectations you were under as a principal dancer.
While he never was in the position himself, he has taken many ballet and modern dance classes when he was in Australia, so he knew how intense your job was. He also knew how short your performing career might be. “Why don’t you come with me?” Your voice brought him out of his thoughts. 
“To practice? Won’t I get in the way of the others.” 
You shook your head and tossed an extra water bottle over to him. “I’m just going for a solo run.” Chan smiled and jumped off the couch, following your out the door and to the studio your company rehearsed in. He watched in fascination as you stretched and slipped your pointe shoes on. For the next hour, Chan sat against the mirror and quietly watched in adoration as you danced across the floor. 
“You wanna try?” 
You had the brightest smile on your face as you pulled him up from the floor. You guided him through some steps and giggled as his technique was a little rusty. The two of you danced and laughed for the next couple of hours. You caught his eyes in the mirror as he held your waist to support your feet transition. A blush crept onto his cheek when you reached behind you and ghosted your hand over his cheek, coming down off your toes.
You did so in a way that was so graceful and almost like a dance move in itself. It sent chills down his spine. He loved seeing you in your element. You turned into a different person when you were dancing, he loved seeing you confident and moving without hesitation. He loved seeing your smile as he assisted you through a posse turn. You practically lit up the entire room.
I cant believe some people forget Chris has some classical dance training. I love thinking about him as modern dancer like wow
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Being a dancer himself, Minho loved how passionate you were about your art. He loved that he could have someone to go to the gym with and would understand having to go on crazy diets. It definitely helped his motivation with you to keep in him in check and vice versa.
However, what he didn’t like was your schedule. Usually, he came home late, and you left home early. He wasn’t the most touchy-feely person, but he did miss seeing you sometimes. So, he made a commitment to you that he would soon regret. There Minho was. At the studio with you. At five in the morning. “Only for you.” He muttered under his breath for the thousandth time. 
It was really his idea. So he was to blame. He was the one who asked you to teach him a routine. However, he had no idea spinning on his bare feet would hurt so much. “You wanna try a lift?” You said coming beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder. 
How were you not out of breath??????? Minho was sweating buckets under his jacket. “Hell yeah!” Why did he say that? That was not what he meant. He meant no. He meant let’s go back to bed like normal people. You explained to him how to do a pretty simple lift and how to get out of it. “Hold up. You want my hand where?” He asked with a mischievous smirk. You rolled your eyes and shoved him lightly. 
“It’s a simple move. Let’s try just once- without the coupe turn.” 
Minho laughed and nodded. He followed your instruction, watching in the mirror. As directed he placed his left hand around your abdomen and this right secured tightly over your right thigh. “Okay and now you lift up and dip.”
“Which way?”
“Forward and down. Duh.”
“You’ll do fine, Minho.” Carefully, he lifted you and he was surprised feeling the muscles of your stomach tighten and hold yourself up in his arms even as he dipped you. “See! You did awesome.” You laughed when you saw his terrified face in the mirror.
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Changbin was ecstatic when he found out you were a ballerina. He was so proud of you. After that, he never missed one of your shows. He was always seated front and center with the goofiest, most proud grin on his face waiting for the lights to go down. He also makes you sign his program for every show. He keeps every single one of the programs and he says he wants to make a collage to frame for you.
He does worry about you often, knowing how strict your career is. He knows your schedule almost better than he knows his own. He’ll constantly check up on you and send you a text reminding you that you have to change out your toe pads and drink water.
You smiled hearing your boyfriend’s ringtone as you exited the rehearsal room. “Hi, Binnie! Where are you?” You giggled hearing he was waiting outside for you. He greeted you with a sweet kiss and wrapped his arms around you, blocking the cold air from penetrating your thin sweater.
“I’m buying you dinner. Let’s go.” He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the nearest hole in the wall restaurant he could find. He frowned when you ordered so little to eat. He sent you a stern glare as the waiter took away your menu. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped when you saw his face.
“Bin, I’ve got a dress and corset to fit into! Don’t worry, I remember our rule.” When you and Bin started dating he came up with this rule he was adamant you follow, especially while you were prepping for a show. He had a rule that you couldn’t walk away from the table if there was still food on your plate. He instituted the rule when he figured out you weren’t finishing meals the closer a show was.
Towards the end of your meal, you smiled as Changbin placed a generous piece of his food onto your plate. You picked it up and ate it gratefully. You frowned when he placed another piece on your almost empty plate without looking up from his food. Again you ate the food, honoring his rule. This time your boyfriend held eye contact with you as he dropped a huge piece of food on your plate. 
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When Hyunjin met you he was instantly fascinated by you. When he found out you were a professional dancer the man was immediately whipped. However, he was so obsessed with the fact with the idea of being the perfect dancing couple he forgot to ask what kind of dancer you were. 
You had nothing to do today. Hyunjin was busy with schedules today and couldn’t come over. You had an audition coming up for the lead in Cinderella so you figured now would be a good time to practice. You had bought this apartment specifically for the fact that the living room was huge and had nice real wood floors. 
Pushing all the furniture out of the way you cleared a large enough space to dance in. Pulling out your semi-new pointe shoes you started prepping them. The room started to smell a little like burning fabric as you burned the frayed edges of your ribbons. A rich sound rang throughout your apartment as you banged the pleats of your shoes on the floor. 
Music filled your apartment as you went through your audition routine. You focused on your turnout, keeping it perfectly positioned throughout your movements. You pushed up on relevae and into an arabesque keeping your core tight and leg high and elegant.
You turned to find Hyunjin staring at you with his jaw dropped in shock. Turning off the music you walked over to your boyfriend with a smile and kissed his cheek. He still stood frozen like the drama queen he was. “Hi, honey! How are you?” He blinked and stared at you. He stepped away and took in all of you, his eyes lingering on your shoes. 
“This is not what I expected......but I am so impressed right now.”
You smiled and pulled him down to kiss you, but he stopped your motion. “Nuh-uh. That’s cheating. You gotta work for it now.” He smirked down at you. With a giggle you rose in your shoes and kissed him, tangling your fingers in his soft hair.
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Your relationship with Jisung was almost as old as the both of you. You had always been friends since before you could remember and Jisung could even remember you telling him about your very first dance class. You remembered him kissing you after your first lead performance and his cheeky smile when you and to stand on pointe to reach his lips at the time. 
Jisung loved to watch you dance. It was maybe one of his favorite things in the entire world. He was always proudest when he was watching you float across a dance floor or stage. He was captivated by how powerful you were and what you could make your body do. However, there was another side to it...
“Ji...” You said walking through the door of your shared apartment. Hearing his nickname he jumped off the couch and took your bag off your shoulders. As the days grew closer to your shows he made sure to always be home before you. Even if that meant him getting up at three or four am to go back to the studio. You kissed his cheek with a huge grin and watched with adoration as he put your stuff on the table and picked you up and hurried you over to the couch as carefully as possible.
“Baby, I’m not glass. I can walk!” 
When you were seated he grabbed the several ice packs from the freezer and made sure that he had enough to switch out later. You giggled watching him scramble to take care of you. Carefully, he took off your sneakers and winced at the red spots on your ankles and feet. “Ji- I can ice my own feet. I’ve been doing it for years-”
You laughed and pulled him to your lips by the collar of his shirt. You loved that he knew your schedule. Even before you had moved in together Ji had known your schedule after ballet. Ice, eat, ice, stretch, ice and review rehearsal footage, then sleep. “How was your day?” He asked pecking your lips again. You smiled and looked into his soft brown eyes. 
“Fantastic now.”
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Felix and you had been friends long before he made it big in the music industry. He always knew you danced, but until you started dating a couple months ago he had never really taken an interest in your dancing. Not because he didn’t care. He was just so god damn busy. He felt kind of bad that you didn’t even expect him to take an interest. 
You never asked him to come to a show. You never really talked about rehearsals unless it conflicted with setting up a date, and you never danced in front of him. So, he was determined to change that. You came to the JYP practice room straight from rehearsal as Felix had asked. 
You greeted the boys as the left the studio and found Felix standing by the mirror messing with his phone. He jumped when you wrapped your arms around his waist. “Ready to go, Lix?” You asked after kissing his cheek. “Actually,” He said turning around.
“We are gonna have our date here. You are gonna teach me about ballet!” You laughed and kissed him with a bright smile. You knew he wouldn’t last more than two hours. An hour later, Felix had shed his hoodie and was sweating through his tank top while you stood happily in your leggings and pointe shoes. You had to admit he was doing better than you thought.
“Oh my god! How do your feet open like that, you mutant!” Felix cried out trying to stay in first position. 
However, when it came to actually dancing, Felix was fascinated. It was so different from how he danced. Felix had surprisingly good extension and he got some pretty good air on a couple leaps. And he loved watching you dance-especially when you went up on your toes. He thought you looked beautiful and elegant. 
“That’s it I can’t take it. Take me home.”
“Great! Now I can teach you the second half of ballerina life.”
“What’s that?”
I've low-key wanted to do a Felix ballet au bc gosh darn he is just so elegant and wooooooooww ballet!felix
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Seungmin loved watching you dance. The two of you didn’t live together yet, so he took every opportunity to see you dance anytime he could. He came to all of your shows and you practically had to kick him out of your closed rehearsals. For his birthday (per his request) you choreographed and performed a routine to his favorite Day6 song. 
Date nights for the two of you usually happen after your rehearsals end and consist of your icing your body on the couch with Seungmin next to you, either watching a movie or talking and eating takeout. 
“Seungmin? Are you here?” You called out into your apartment. Sounds from the kitchen confirmed the presence of your boyfriend. “Minnie?” You dropped your bag by the door and took off your shoes. Seungmin shuffled out of your kitchen with two mugs of tea in hand. 
“What are we doing tonight?” He asked, setting the tea on your coffee table. He sighed when he saw the innocent smile on your face. “Really......again?” He laughed when you nodded excitedly. 
You cheered as he went to get ice packs and you pulled up Centerstage on Netflix. Seungmin was a good sport. This was probably the twenty-sixth time he had seen this film since dating you. He knew that the movie made you happy, especially if you had a rough day at rehearsals. 
“Man,  Cooper gets douchier and douchier every time we watch this.” Seungmin sighed, his arm around you. 
“Yeah and Charlie gets dreamier and dreamier.”
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Jeongin watched the video you sent him with a huge smile on his face. You were on tour with your company, so you couldn’t be with him for a few days. Even though you were still in the country, he really missed seeing you. 
It was so weird for him to not pick you up from practice. His eyes twinkled as he watched you dance across the backstage area of a venue. He smiled when he saw you rush back over to your phone and wave to him with a happy grin. The video was sent two days ago. You had talked earlier that day but he still missed you. 
“Jeongin,” His attention snapped away from his phone and to Chan towering above him. His hyung helped him stand up and clapped him on the back. “Ready to go back to practice?” Jeongin sighed and nodded. “Hey, I’ve got a surprise for you,” Chan said running to his bag. 
“Chan I’m just kind of depressed with Y/n away for so long.” 
“I know. That’s why we are going to Y/n’s next show.”
Jeongin’s eyes widened as he watched Chan pull out two tickets to your show, Giselle. After practice, Chan drove the two boys two hours away to your venue to see her perform. Jeongin watched you dance across the stage with bright eyes. He loved watching you become the character of Giselle, though he couldn’t help but be a little jealous of the man who played your fiance.
When he and Chan surprised you backstage, you jumped into his arms and kissed him all over. “Innie! You came!” He smiled and wouldn’t stop talking about how fantastic you were. 
“Y/n! Oh my god! You were so good! The whole leap thing, and your turns! And the thing with the lift- it was so cool! You did incredible baby!”
Requests are open! Just send an ask!
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 3 years
Pairings: None Yet
Word Count: 1,583 Words
Summary: Maria and Mercury tell stories of the pasts.
Warnings: Self-Deprecation Mention, Abuse Mentions, Child Abuse Mention, Amputation Mention, Death Mention, Weapon Mention, Food Mention, let me know if I should tag anything else.
Shadows Are Made Of Light: Chapter 3
Mercury was amazed while Maria was telling the story of her past. The most powerful Silver Eyed Warrior and someone he looked up to as a child, he respected her. But the story also infuriated him on her behalf. How dare they take her eyes like that? Is that what Salem would do to him if she found him?
"But I wasn't. I went into hiding soon after." Maria explained.
"I can't believe it. You. You're the Grimm Reaper. You were a legend. And then you disappeared." Qrow looked startled, shocked, appalled. It all made Mercury nearly laugh at him. He behaved like a obstinate child in front of his idol.
"How exactly does a legend disappear?" Oscar asked.
"You never used your name, never showed your face. Lots of us thought you were just laying low. Eventually we came to accept that you were probably dead. But the stories about you, I based my weapon off of yours. I wanted to be as good as the Grimm Reaper." Qrow spouted.
"Well, I'm nothing but a disappointment. So you're well on your way." She announced with a huff.
"How can you say that?" Blake asked. Mercury shook with rage. His idol, sitting here, criticizing herself.
"Child, a huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end. But after I lost my eyes, I only ever looked after myself. Even after my surgery, I was too afraid to fight, afraid someone would find me again, finish what the others started. You shouldn't aspire to be like me, especially when some of you are clearly stronger already. It's comforting seeing that your generation seems up to the task of inheriting this world. I'm just sorry I didn't do more to leave it in better shape."
Maria wistfully looked out over the ground they were passing over. Mercury felt rage subside slightly, she was scared, he understood that. That was exactly why he'd run after Beacon, run away to hide in Mistral only to find out that Lionheart was a traitor and he had to run again, to a place with no primary headmasters like Argus.
"When I was thirteen, I found a little girl when my father took me on one of his missions. Pretty young, a baby no older than her first few months, couldn't even walk yet. I named her Chrome because she didn't have a name. Father called her my sister but I cared for her more like a parent to a child, she was my daughter by all account. He didn't like my attention being drawn off elsewhere besides him so he only got worse toward me and her." Mercury looked at the pitying looks on the faces of team RWBY and Oscar and Qrow, even Maria looked sad.
"One day, I decided to run away from him with her. I managed to get to the next town over and I gave Chrome to a group of training huntsmen that were visiting the town from Atlas who promised to take care of her and I and take us to Atlas, since they were returning to their homeland that night. I knew he couldn't get to Atlas, so Atlas was the safest place to put her. That was until his friends found me and dragged me back home. He took my legs that day for defying him and getting rid of his only chip left to bargain for my obedience. He eventually got mad after about a week that I could no longer act as his personal maid enough that he gave me metal legs to replace the ones he took but, when he did that, I ended up killing him." He kept his composure. After all, Maria hadn't lost her cool when she was explaining.
"I would have hid too, probably found Chrome again afterward if Cinder hadn't found me there, looking for him. I would have run away and hid just like you did if she hadn't threatened me with knowing about Chrome. Because there's nothing wrong with hiding after something bad happens. It doesn't matter what you promised or who you promised it to. When you're hurt or scared and you want to hide, you do it because the person you need to save also has to be yourself sometimes."
He refused to look at the pity on their faces anymore. But he could feel the tension in the air loosen somewhat. Maria gave a little laugh.
"Thank you, Mercury." She looked at him smiling.
"Thank you for sharing something that personal, Mercury." Oscar whispered.
"I also have happier stories if you depressing bastards want something happier." He smirked.
"I think we could use happy after stuff that heavy." Ruby told him.
"Well, there was this one time Chrome decided to braid my hair as practice for her own. My hair was in tiny braids for over a week while I tried to get them out." He laughed.
"I can imagine that, that's the worst part." Yang cackled from the front.
"The great Mercury Black with dozens of tiny braids in his hair for upward of a week." Ruby chuckled. And, even if they were laughing at him, he was happy that the tension was gone now. The heaviness left in the air from those nightmares in Brunswick Farms was finally gone.
"Oh, I was thinking, Maria. Maybe you could teach me to use the Silver Eyes the way you did?" Ruby asked.
"Given I'm already training Mercury here for that same thing. It shouldn't be hard. I've always looked for other Silver Eyed Warriors to train, to teach the next generation of Silver Eyes and give hope back to this world." Maria smiled.
"You have Silver Eyes?" Ruby asked.
"How did you think we got out of that basement?" Mercury asked.
"I thought it was me?" Ruby seemed confused.
"You did the first one. The one where it got those nightmares away from Blake. I did the second that gave us time to get out." Mercury told her.
"Silver Eyed buddies then." Ruby lightly punched his shoulder.
"Hey, don't go stealing my metal limb buddy." Yang joked.
"I'm not. I'm not." Ruby stuck her tongue out at her sister. Then Ruby's scroll beeped and she brought it out. "It's Jaune!" Yang even stopped her bike.
"How?" Yang asked.
"The city?" Ruby asked. "Wait." She took the scroll from her ear and looked toward the direction that Yang was driving to find a path that led up a mountain. Argus. Yang made quick work of getting up the mountain to announce they'd arrived in Argus. Finally, this nightmare was over. They were safe.
Once there, Yang locked Bumblebee in a storage garage for vehicles. While the others waited for...something. Mercury didn't know what. He was just hoping they'd planned out a place to sleep at.
"Cute boy Oz!" Mercury looked toward the sound only to see a streak of pink as something tackled Oscar, though he helped steady them from falling on the ground while everyone else greeted team JNPR or, well, JNR. Mercury got a pang of guilt again. He had been part of the plan orchestrated that resulted in Pyrrha's death.
"Wait, who is this?" Nora asked.
"Mercury." Yang smiled proudly.
"WHAT!?" Jaune snapped.
"I've defected. I ran away. Salem would have killed me."
"Why would she kill a henchman besides you being expendable?" Jaune took out Crocea Mors, intending to use it against him.
"Because I have Silver Eyes. She kills people with Silver Eyes so I ran away and hid in Mistral. I left on the Argus train after Haven Academy was shut down." He told him.
"Why should we trust you?" Jaune asked.
"I have a daughter in Atlas. I'm trying to get to her. She should be turning six in a week." Mercury told him.
"You have a kid? A real kid?" Jaune asked, putting Crocea Mors away but laughing in his face.
"Yeah. I have her picture if you don't believe me." he angrily snapped.
"Yeah sure." Mercury pulled up the few pictures of Chrome he'd managed to get over the time he had his scroll.
"She looks just like you." Jaune hummed.
"I know, surprising considering she's adopted." He smirked.
"Alright, we can keep the stray you guys found." Jaune told them.
"Hey!" Mercury wanted to feel insulted but, honestly, it was kind of funny being referred to as a stray like he was some cat they'd found on their journey. They went onto the transit and Mercury just followed them around to Jaune's sister's house.
Mercury would absolutely not fawn over the baby Saphron had. He totally wasn't. Nope, not at all. He absolutely wasn't and no one had any proof that he was soft toward children, no sir. Mercury did take the food offered to him by Nora.
"C'mon, eat up. You can't be passing out on us." Nora shoved the sandwich into his mouth to stop his argument. It was then he realized he was actually really hungry.
He listened to their discussion this time while he ate. He wanted to know what would be happening. He wanted to make sure he could help at least. Mercury had a bad feeling, like something bad would happen to impede their journey like those damned nightmares.
"So we kinda already tried that and it didn't go super great." Jaune admitted.
"Come on, it couldn't be that bad." Yang laughed. Mercury had a feeling that she would regret saying that.
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If You Love Someone, Let Them Go: Part 8
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Summary: Since starting with SVU, Sonny hadn’t kept much terribly close to the chest. The squad knew about his family, growing up on Staten Island, the classes at Fordam. What was hidden was why he didn’t date. Sonny Carisi was also separated from his childhood sweetheart, a separation neither ever took to divorce. They had the same haunts. They’d grown up neighbors. Their paths crossed every few months, and divorce talks would turn into reminiscing would turn into a night spent together, sometimes sex sometimes just talking until the early morning. It always ended with one of them waking up alone however. How will that change when the squad finds out?
Pairings: Sonny Carisi x Original Character
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7
A/N: I really wanted to write Sonny and conflict with his family in Transgender Bridge so this chapter includes transphobia via his mom and then talk about past homo- and transphobia in Sonny. I think Sonny’s acceptance of things is really interesting, especially given he seems like he’s from a traditional/conservative family. 
June  2015
“Hey, doll. Can we wait and do dinner? I know it’s an anniversary dinner, but this was a bad one.” She didn’t like how his voice sounded. He’d been keeping her in the loop, and there’d been a spirited, to say the least, discussion at the Carisi family dinner that Sunday. His mom had fought him regarding Avery, a transgender teenager, over the phone. The case had been everywhere it felt like, and the traditional Carisis felt that Avery wanted attention. Sonny, for his part, was confused, but between Amanda and Victoria’s reminders he didn’t know a single guy who would wear a dress for no reason, he’d come to realize it wasn’t a choice, just like being gay, straight, or bi.
It was hard for him sometimes. Despite the fact Victoria had always been open and accepting, a result of her mother’s influence and LGBT family members, Sonny was raised that all of it was wrong in the eyes of God. That said, as he grew, he saw how much harder it was for Victoria’s aunts. It started to dawn on him that he didn’t choose to want to be in his body or be attracted to women. Why would he assume someone woke up and chose something that didn’t make their lives easier? He also came to believe that God did make them exactly as they were, and human influence had bastardized the love everyone part of His message. When he stood up to his mother, Victoria was pleased to see the growth in him; usually, he’d have let it lie. 
“Of course it can wait. What happened?”
“She died,” he said, voice tight. “The boy that pushed her is being tried as an adult, but Tor, her parents don’t want it. He’s just a kid. He even drew her this comic apologizing. He got scared because she was different.”
She knew what he wasn’t saying. As good as Sonny was, as much as he’d grown, they’d both been easily influenced at one point. When they grew up, it was easy to get swept into easy homophobia and transphobia. Sonny had said things she knew he regretted as he learned more, and they both knew how easy it would’ve been for him to get swept up in the crowd at that age, trying to prove he was tough and manly and straight.
“How about I pick up the pizza ya like? We can stay in? I’ll tell ma I don’t feel good. I don’t think that visit is what you need right now.”
“Thank you.” They said their I love yous, and she quickly scheduled pick up for the pizza and tucked his favorite treats from the cooler into a box. When she got home, she straightened up the apartment and threw his favorite pajamas in the dryer so they’d be warm when he got home. One pizza and beer run later, Sonny came through the door, and he was visibly exhausted. She pressed a kiss to his cheek, taking his coat. 
“You pajamas are in the dryer.” He let out a grateful groan, changing into them before coming back and dropping onto the couch, arms out over the back. She sat beside him, handing him a beer and opting to sit in silence as he nursed it. Her Sonny was a big softy, but she also knew he’d talk about things when he was ready; that was a change she could rely on. He wrapped his arm around her, caging her against his chest as he laid back. His eyes were closed, but his brow was heavy and his mouth set in a frown. Carefully, she smoothed his hair, and he pressed into her hand. 
“Thank you,” he said, his voice barely audible. 
“Any time. Thank you for telling me what you needed.” He nodded, rubbing her back. 
“I saw a pink box.”
“It’s an assortment. I got all your favorites. And the pizzas.”
“I love you so fucking much.”
“I’ll call ma tomorrow to get us out of going there. It’s just you and me all weekend, okay?” 
He nodded gently, cheek pressed against her forehead. This case didn’t sit well, and in this moment he was deeply grateful not to be the ADA for this case. He understood logically where they were coming from, but he was also acutely aware of how little Avery’s parents agreed with trying Darius as an adult. Their daughter believed in forgiveness, and he was a kid. His colleagues liked to pretend they’d always been the cops they are now, but Sonny remembered being sheltered and ignorant. If Victoria hadn’t been there to tear him a new asshole when he was 13 and started using slurs he didn’t fully understand, he could have gotten swept up in this type of accident. Lord knew his mother didn’t think this case was anything but bad luck for the boy. She thought Avery had finally gotten the attention she wanted. That had set him off at dinner, and he swore Mia was proud of him, sitting by Victoria as he defended where this may have been coming from.
Sonny, God made him a him. He doesn’t make mistakes.
Or, ma, maybe all those things you like to call trials? Maybe transitioning and dealing with this kind of ignorance is a part of her trial. No teenage boy would wear a dress if it weren’t real. Avery is a girl, and if you can remember Aunt Rhonda’s new name every year when she gets married again, you can at least call Avery she.
I’m just saying, any of my grandkids pull that, we’ll be taking them somewhere. That’s attention seeking behavior, and needs to be taken care of.
If Victoria and I’s child ever comes out and you are anything but supportive, you will not be a part of their life.
You can’t do that. I’m your mother.
I don’t know ma. Making your own blood feel less than? Sounds like real attention seekin’ behavior to me. Needs to be taken care of.
He let Victoria guide him to the car afterwards, but he hadn’t cancelled the next family dinner. Knowing Avery had died? He couldn’t do it. Meeting her had taken a logical belief that trans people were the gender they identified as and made it more serious. He’d known his mother felt that way, but he’d never heard her articulate it like this. Before the separation and therapy, he’d have bottled up how wrong she was, tucked it away to keep the peace. Now? He couldn’t do it.
“Thank you, Tor. For all of this. And for calling her. I’m still so angry.”
“I know, Dom. I love you.”
“I love you too. And I meant what I told her. If our kid is gay or trans or something else that exists that I’m sure I don’t know about, I don’t care. They’re our baby and I’ll love them and I’ll take them to whatever store to get whatever they need or whatever doctor. I’ll beat the ever living shit out of anyone who makes them feel like they're wrong for how God made them.”
“You’re going to be an amazing father.”
“That should be the bare minimum though, shouldn’t it? Loving your kids no matter what?”
“It should. But that can be hard, you know? Like your mom. She exists in that really conservative vacuum. I’m proud of you for changing when you learn about things, not ignoring it and doubling down.”
“That means a lot, doll. People act like I’m supposed to have been born knowing. Our priest was open minded, and I met you. Otherwise, I may not have turned out like this. And that was scary to realize?”
“Bella, Theresa, and Gina all did it too. You’d all have grown.”
“What if our kid is gay or somethin?”
“We’ll love them. If your mom can’t handle it, we’ll keep them from her.”
“You mean it?”
“Yeah. we’ll get close to my family or something. Or have holidays with Amanda and Liv.”
“Good,” he murmured. “I wouldn’t want to, but I won’t subject them to their grandma actin’ like that. The world is so shitty. I want family to be supportive.”
“I know. We’ll be okay. And who knows? Maybe you snapping makes her reevaluate. I had to yell at you to make you start reevaluating things. We didn’t talk for awhile month. That’s years in thirteen year old time.”
“True,” he chuckled, rubbing her back. “One can only hope. You’d have liked Avery. Into photography and comics.”
“She sounds awful cool.”
“She was. And she was so kind. Like she was hurt, but the last thing she did was forgive him, Tor. Can you imagine? He drew her a comic, and she forgave him. Then she died.” He was facing the ceiling with his eyes closed as he talked. 
“Do you want me to be there?”
“Maybe come by at lunch?”
“I’ll be there, okay?”
“Thank you, Doll.”
“Thank you for sharing how you’re feeling.” 
@cycat4077 @fear-less-write-more
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lombredanslaeu · 4 years
pure devotion | johnny x reader
▸ werewolf! johnny x human reader [angst, fluff] + chapter two
▸ summary: every werewolf is destined with a soulmate. other werewolves have werewolf soulmates, while the others have human soulmates. when you found out that you’re soulmates with your long time best friend, who is also the next alpha, you start to rethink whether or not you want to be with him.
▸ hope you enjoy this one! let me know what you think. if you have any feedback or requests, my messages are always open. 
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The existence of werewolves and vampires was not news in your town. In some strange way, everyone respected each other. Werewolves and vampires goes to school, malls, restaurants, and anywhere humans go to. These beings never harmed any humans unless they’re criminals who were deemed to be executed by the council. The council consists of three people - the mayor for the humans, the alpha for the werewolves, and the primus for the vampires. Everything was fine and dandy until you learned about your soulmate.
“I firmly believe in the idea that people who drinks latte have zero taste in everything.” Your best friend, Johnny, said beside you. It was finals week in your college and everyone’s mind has already melted into putty.
“Okay, first of all, you have 10 more pages of readings to study, and second, why?” You replied, looking up to him.
“Lattes are the worst type of coffee. I wish I could permanently erase the time I first drank one.” He complained before focusing on the readings in front of him.
Johnny has been your best friend since diapers. You are well aware of the fact that his father is the alpha - the most powerful wolf in their pack. As a human, you never fully understood the traditions and rules that apply to their community. Johnny often tells you stories about his pack. Almost everyone in his pack knew who you are - the alpha’s son’s best friend. There would be times when you cling onto his back as you speed through the woods as a wolf. You saw him grow from a small puppy from childhood to a huge wolf with the softest fur. Johnny was a beautiful man and his wolf did not disappoint. It was only last year that you knew that once the alpha have either died or resigned, their first born would be the next in line for the throne. As the son of the alpha, it was in Johnny’s nature to be a leader. He was headstrong, firm with his decisions, and never left anything unsolved. He also always knew the solution to almost any problem. You are a living evidence of this character of him as you two grew up together.
Johnny also told you about soulmates. The supreme deity that the werewolves worshiped was known as Fatuma. Once a werewolf is born, Fatuma will assign a soulmate to them and once they reach the age of 23, they will find whoever their soulmate is. According to the tales of the mated wolves, the first touch was like a rush of electricity to the whole body. It feels like the whole universe was in your veins. Some were friends with their soulmates since they were kids and it was only when they turned 23, do they feel the sparks of destiny. It was majority of the time that werewolves where soulmates with other werewolves but there are werewolves who are soulmates with humans. These wolves are deemed unfortunate by the community because humans would have to undergo the werewolf transition. Most of the time, the human body would not be able to take it and it shuts down, refusing the DNA the werewolf gave them. Only a few make it out successfully and that is only if Fatuma is on their side that night.
“You’re turning 23 next month.” You said to Johnny who was now scrolling through his phone and ignoring the stack of papers to be studied.
“Oh yeah, I completely forgot about that!” He said.
“Huh? How can you forget? Isn’t that the age that you meet your soulmate?” The words left a bitter taste on your tongue. You knew it was selfish of you to hate the idea of Johnny meeting his soulmate. You blame it on the fact that you might lose your best friend. Although you had other friends, Johnny was the only person who you knew will always have your back. You also blame it on the fact that you might be in love with him. You and Johnny were so comfortable with each other. You wouldn’t deny that there were nights filled with making out and any other thing you mother disapproves of. All of your firsts was with Johnny and it pains you to think that he will spend the rest of his life with someone else. You brush off your thoughts when he responded.
“Yeah, but you know, school is being hell and stuff.” He said nonchalantly. He quickly changed the topic when he saw it in your eyes that you still had some questions. Johnny could never leave you. He knew in himself that no matter who you both end up with, you will always still have each other. But he felt like there was a black hole in his stomach whenever he thinks about finding his soulmate. Maybe it was because of the pressure of being the next alpha or maybe because he really might forget you.
Dinner time at the Suh household came. Johnny forced himself to get up from his desk and have dinner with his parents. His mother never liked it when Johnny doesn’t at least sit with them during dinner. He loves his family more than anything but he knew that they were going to pester him with questions about his upcoming birthday.
“So, Jaehyun and Ten told me you want to have a party here.” His dad spoke. They were lenient with him because they know of his character and principles. Johnny loved partying and having fun like any other young adult out there. But he also knew when to get serious and get shit done. This is one character he learned from his father.
“Are you sure you don’t want a bonfire with the pack? I mean, this is the age you meet your soulmate, darling.” His mother adds.
 “No, it would be a hassle for the people if we do that. Besides, if we do the bonfire, my vampire friends wouldn’t want to come.” He said. Although the all beings respected each other, not everyone wants to attend the traditions or rituals of each other. He didn’t want the others to not come to his birthday.
 “Of course, John. I also need Kun’s help to prepare the dinner before your wild party.” His mother replied. Kun was a vampire who has the most exquisite taste in food. He knew how to make everything and he makes them extraordinary. “By the way, aren’t you excited about finding the one?”
 “I am surprisingly excited.” He replied. “I just hope it’s not a human.”
“You can always choose an unmated human, son.” His father adds.
It’s true. If the human doesn’t survive the transformation, the werewolf is free to choose another human to be their spouse. They will be gifted with the ability to determine whether a human is mated or not. The thought of finding his soulmate never scared him until his age came close to 23. That’s when he felt the pressure and the fear. Through sleepless nights he searched for the reason why he felt like he was not ready for the revelation and almost every time, the first reason was you. There are cases where werewolves eloped with their human lovers, leaving their true soulmate behind. But Johnny’s naturally kind nature would never bear it if he left his soulmate. Sure, you weren’t the greatest person alive. You had your flaws and quirks that Johnny hates. Whenever he felt like he couldn’t get you out of his head, he remembers all the petty fights between you two. But as if it’s an instinct, his mind remembers the joyful memories of both of you. The sleepovers, the drunken nights, the fast-food runs after school, and especially the silent times where you just sit beside each other. No talking was present during those times but the fleeting feeling of someone who would lasso the moon for you. Johnny prayed to Fatuma that his soulmate wasn’t a human but almost after every prayer, he wishes it was you. It was incredibly selfish of him to wish that you were his soulmate. To put you through the risk of death haunted his mind day by day. But to say that Johnny loves you is an understatement.
 It was only a week before Johnny’s 23rd birthday. He decided to spend a day with you. According to him it was because he needed new photos for his elective photography class. The truth is, he wanted to spend one final day before he lets go of whatever feelings he has for you.
“John, how much long till we reach your planned destination?” You complained. As a werewolf, he could go on and on and not be tired. But you, as a human, was the contrary.
“We’re almost there.” You rolled your eyes at his response. After a few more steps, you saw a cliff that gave the prettiest view of the sunset. Johnny has the gift of finding the most beautiful locations. He snapped a few pictures of you and you also did with him. After a while, you found yourselves sitting under a tree with the marbling colors of the sunset in front of you.
“Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?” He asked. You chuckled at the cheesy question. You didn’t mind having deep conversations with him. You’ve done that countless of times before.
“Hopefully I’m already a successful architect with my designs transforming this boring city to being extraordinary.” You replied. Your eyes lingering to the skyline in front of you.
You were so busy admiring the sunset that you didn’t realize that Johnny has been staring at you for quite some time now. He absorbed the details of your side profile. He grew up with you and he regrets that he never took the time to fully soak in your beauty. Sometimes he wish that fate didn’t have to be this way.
You were already tipsy from the concoction Taeyong has been giving you for the past hour. It’s Johnny’s 23rd birthday and somehow, he has never spoken once about the soulmate thing. You and your friends figured that maybe he didn’t want to talk about it since it stresses him so much.
You spotted him in the kitchen and decided to ask him if he already opened the present you got him. “Actually, I wanna open it with you.” He said and he leads both of you in his bedroom.
You watched up picked up the box. You decided to give him the vintage camera he saw on a shop a few weeks ago. You bought it immediately, in fear that he would be able to buy it first. He loves photography more than anything else and it pained you to see him so upset that his parents didn’t approve of him taking photography as his major in college.
“Oh my god, Y/N, this is incredible.” He said, his eyes never leaving the camera in front of him.
He approached you for a hug that you immediately welcomed and as your body collided with each other, that’s when the realization hit. Johnny felt like he was dreaming. In a state of shock, he wasn’t able to let go of you yet but his smile quickly faded. His eyes drifted to the wall clock of his bedroom. The clock struck at 10:34 pm - his exact time of birth. Werewolves find their soulmate the minute they turn 23. And his soulmate is you.
You felt like every nerve in your body was awake and functioning all at the same time. The haziness of alcohol disappeared as you realized what was happening. You are Johnny’s soulmate. A part of you was happy. You were over the moon at the fact that you were meant to be with the man that you have always loved. But the other part of you hit you with the fact that being soulmates with a werewolf would put you through the brink of life and death. You would risk it all for Johnny. You would do anything for him. But the thought of achieving your dreams would cloud your mind. The thought of finally being able to taste the fruit of your hardship, alive and healthy. You can’t help but be selfish.
You stared at him and you found no answers in his eyes. He was just as lost as you. You took a step back and you could have sworn you saw fear dominate his eyes. You wanted so bad to tell him that you just need time but you were too overwhelmed with mixed feelings that were drowning you at that very moment. So you just left and he just let you. He witnessed how your eyes shined when you talked about your dreams the other day. To think that you may never achieve that because of him, because of his nature, was like a stab to his chest. He loves you too much to do that to you.
You stared at the moon from your window. Your mother said there would be days where you think you know the answer but it would be only later you realize that you don’t. You always said to yourself how you would risk anything for Johnny. God knows the countless nights you prayed to let him be with you until the end of time. And it was granted. But somehow it didn’t feel right.
With one final sighed, you closed your eyes and wait for sleep to come. You wished that tomorrow you will have the answer.
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a/n: hey! not too proud of this one but here u go, nevertheless. feedback is greatly appreciated!
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New Neighbors (working title)
Part 2
Small crossover chapters of ToA and Omori. Spoilers for Omori’s good ending.
Omori in general has trigger warnings for depression, anxiety, abuse, and suicide. Proceed with caution.
Once again, Sunny was left to his own devices at home. Despite being in a new state, in a new town, in a new house, Sunny is once again left alone at home during the day. His mother left a message that she was at the bank, securing a loan for her new shop and would be shopping until late. This didn’t feel different from any other day, and if Sunny looked around the room, it really didn’t feel like a different room at all. Well, there was no ceiling fan in his room, but this seemed to be the only difference. Things were different now, but everything still felt the same.
And he really wanted everything to feel different. The darkness was lifted from his soul, his conscience was clear, he was free from his past, and moving should have solidified that for him. He was free. He was his own person. But a quick glance to Basil’s photo album served as a reminder. One burden was replaced with another. The burden of the forgotten lie was replaced with the heavy truth. The lie felt heavier to carry, but now that his past and secrets were out in the open for all to see, the truth felt lonelier. And the toll for both was the same: loss of his friends and family. Nothing would ever be the same again.
The phone ringing startled him from his thoughts with a jolt. His old phone was also connected in his new-but-old room. As it rang noisily, Sunny considered to let it go to voicemail. But then he remembered that he had his own phoneline now. This phone call was for him! Who would be calling him after all that’s happened? After what he did?
With nothing better to do, and just wanting the loneliness to end, he took the two steps foreword to the phone and picked it up. And cautiously put the phone to his ear.
“Sunny?” A familiar voice asked, as if calling around the room.
“Hey.” Sunny droned into the receiver. The voice was none other than Kel. The one who always reached out.
“Hey, Sunny, there you are!” Kel cheered, sounding maybe a little too loud over the phone. Sunny was too lazy to turn down the volume just yet. “I just wanted to make sure you and your mom settled into the place okay. It’s a long drive, right? And you guys drove the whole way? How was the car ride?”
“...fine.” Sunny answered quietly.
“Great! I’ve always wanted to go on a road trip, maybe I’ll talk the guys into it. Going cross country sounds really fun, now that I think about it. Maybe we can visit when we do it!”
“Sure.” Sunny had just the smallest smile on his face. He could picture Kel’s large, goofy grin as his friend spoke. Sunny missed Kel and the others already.
“So, what’s California like? Are there palm trees, beaches, and girls all over the place? And surfers? ....Surfer girls?”
“...I just woke up.” 
“Oh. Well, you saw something like that on the drive over, right?”
“Cool, cool, California sounds like a lot of fun! It sounds like it has a little of everything. Beaches, and mountains, and forests, and beaches, and big cities, and little towns, and beaches...”
“You said beaches too much.”
Kel gave out a big laugh, and now Sunny will press the button on the phone console to turn the volume down a couple of notches.
“What can I say, the beach is fun! It’s never not fun! Anyway, once you check out your new town, what’s the first thing you’re going to do? You’re in a new town, and don’t know where everything is, so there’s gotta be something that you wanna do once you go exploring, right?”
Sunny was quiet for a couple of minutes while he thought on that. Kel patiently waited on his side for the answer. Sunny looked out his window and into the neighborhood beyond. Other than some older architecture, Arcadia Oaks looked pretty similar to Faraway. There didn’t seem to be much adventure to be had.
“Find some pizza.” Sunny decided.
“Awesome! Pizza sounds really great right now!” Kel answered enthusiastically. Sunny turned the volume down another couple of notches. But, he had to admit, hearing a friendly voice again after so long was nice. He felt much less lonely.
Sunny’s eyes turned to the neighbor’s house, where he saw those bright blue eyes staring at him last night. He hadn’t seen them again, so perhaps it was his imagination. He thought on them as Kel talked about all the fun stuff he would do in a new town (make lots of friends at the beach and play volleyball, eat some popcorn after, and nap under a palm tree), and waited for Kel to finish before asking.
“...how is everyone?”
Kel went quiet for a couple of seconds.
“Well, as normal as it gets. Hero went back to college, mom and dad are busy with Sally, and Sally is busy being a baby. Basil said he was being moved to another hospital, one that can help him better, he said. I haven’t heard from Aubrey at all, so... I dunno.”
Sunny’s hint of a smile vanished. Maybe he shouldn’t have asked.
“Hey, Sunny, I’ve got a silly question,” Kel tried to sound cheerful after the mood was brought down, “how are you doing? Are you holding up okay?”
Sunny didn’t know how to answer that. Putting his emotions to words has always been hard for him. In trying to find the right words to the right emotions, he accidently sighed loudly into the phone. Kel seemed to understand.
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay. You’re in a new place, no one knows anything about you. I bet you’re gonna make friends, no problem. Are you going to go to school, or stay homeschooled?”
“I don’t know.” Sunny answered honestly. “I’m... not ready for school.”
“Hey, that’s totally okay.” Kel insisted. “You go at your own pace. It’s your own life now, a brand new adventure, so you get to do what you want now, right?”
Could he? Sunny wasn’t sure. Mom let him do whatever he wanted, and he had a feeling he would have a lot more freedom to come and go. And this didn’t feel like a good thing anymore.
“That’s the spirit! Go get ‘em, champ!”
On Kel’s end of the phone, Sunny could hear a baby crying, followed by some shouting from Kel’s mom.
“Kel, keep it down! You woke up the baby!”
“...uh oh.” Kel squeaked. “Hey, Sunny, I gotta go, but we’ll call and chat again sometime, okay?”
“Okay.” Sunny agreed. “Thanks for calling, Kel.” He was about to add to that, but suddenly winced. Should he?
“You bet! Friends till the end! I’ll talk to you later, Sunny! Say hi to your mom for me! And to all the new friends you’re gonna make!”
“...bye, Kel.” Sunny hung up the phone first, and now felt regret he didn’t say anything more when he could have. 
“...I miss you all.”
Sunny hung up the phone back into its console, and looked out the window again. It was a new town. And there would be new adventures. But could someone like him make new friends? Other people had made friends for him. But he was grown now, not a little kid anymore. He’d have to meet other people, get outside more often, see reality for what it really is. And not retreat into his head when things got too hard or too dark.
Finally, Sunny ventured downstairs into the quiet house. Outside of his old-but-new room, the house looked very different. Most everything was still packed in boxes, but the furniture was arranged. It was so hard to feel at home in his new home. But he had to teach himself that new was good. No more of the old. No more dwelling in the past. Everything was new, and that’s a good thing.
He walked into the new kitchen, with all the old appliances, including the fridge and stove, all looked old and dirty. Old things in a new kitchen, the feeling was surreal to him. But having some familiarity in new settings was a good thing, right? It helped transition the old to the new, right?
Sunny opened the door and looked around for something to eat. The fridge was slightly bare, mom didn’t get groceries and just ordered takeout. Like usual. Waiting for Sunny in the fridge was a day old steak.
What was this feeling running through his veins, his muscles, his tendons, making his eyes grow fuzzy, making his brain grow fuzzy, leaving him numb and tingly and frozen and shaking and heaving and feeling like falling and crying and screaming and sho--
Welcome to White Space.
You’ve been living here for as long as you can remember.
Balor watched through the safety of the kitchen curtains, protected from the sun’s rays, as the new boy next door slowly closed the refrigerator door, and seemed to shamble back upstairs like the living dead. Maybe he wasn’t hungry?
Balor couldn’t watch any more from there, and let the curtains fall before he headed back to his own room to fall asleep. 
This kid looked much older than him, but maybe they could be friends. He certainly looked like he could use a friend.
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whereisten · 5 years
Creature Feature - Part 2
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 Preview | Taeil blurb
Summary: You work at your family’s 9-5 nighttime movie theater for the supernatural. Your fling with vampire!Taeyong is just that: a fling.
Pairing: Vampire!Taeyong x female reader
Word Count: 3.5k words
Genre: Romance, Fantasy, Smut (just a very brief mention of fingering)
[1:30 AM]
You were furious. You knew that you were being irrational with him. You were throwing a fit because he couldn’t drink your blood? Or was it something more than that?
To be frank, you were mad at yourself. You couldn’t understand why you were so angry.
From the first time Taeyong came into your office to say hi.
To every engagement you had at the 3:00 AM showing of a movie that had been out for weeks. When no one else was around.
To when he left you a box of your favorite pizza in your office when you had a rough night.
To when he slyly helped you manage some rowdy customers. It was a close call that time with the hybrid who tried to break your neck when you told him he couldn’t harass the female customers. Thankfully, he never showed up again.
To when he sang along to “How Deep Is Your Love” as you slow danced in your candlelit office.
He really knew how to charm someone who wasn’t his escort.
Taeyong encompassed your mind more than you let on. And you couldn’t tell anyone. Your parents would disown you for fraternizing with the vampires. Your parents tolerated the presence of vampires at their theater but to befriend them? Out of the question. And you could never figure out why without getting turned away.
“The less you know, the better, y/n. Now go watch a One Dimension video,” your dad told you when you were seventeen. He meant One Direction.
“y/n, vampires are manipulative and cruel. It’s in their core. Don’t question it,” your mom said from time to time until this day. She possessed a haunted look on her face whenever the topic came up.
The supernatural and the human race...For the most part, they didn’t see eye to eye. They were divided to prevent even more chaos from unfolding in this world. Your mother’s side of the family was bound to live among and serve the supernatural for centuries, she told you. Your maternal grandparents founded Sinema. Sinema was a safe space for the supernatural to mingle and escape to in the nighttime when most humans were asleep and oblivious to the world. Sinema could only be seen by the supernatural and their allies like you, your mother, and your father by marriage.
As a child, you attended night classes with some of the supernatural that could pass for humans, like werewolves and vampires. When college came around, you lived those four years as a regular young adult. Adjusting to more of a daytime schedule at that time was a pain so you tried your best to get 5:40 PM and later classes. Eventually, you adjust to earlier classes.
Coming back home to work alongside your parents wasn’t your number one choice but it was your birthright. Maybe when your parents retired, you could find another career endeavor away from the movie theater and still help out the supernatural.
You were obligated, after all.
And you were fond of them. A lot more than your parents were, as a matter of fact. And they weren’t particularly thrilled about that.
Your parents expected that you would marry a nice human boy so he could support you the way your dad supported your mom.
Your parents were so in love it blew your mind sometimes. Your dad worshipped your mom. The adoring looks and the need to please her never faded. Your mom looked at your dad every day like she was falling in love all over again. You couldn’t believe that the love they had could exist somewhere else. Or that you would ever find it.
Your dad must have loved your mom so much to give up the life he had to be with her. He could have been a hotelier and traveled all over the world. He loved the sunlight when he was a boy. But his priorities realigned when he met your mom. So your folks hoped you could find something just like that. A regular boy who could settle down with you and manage a movie theater full of creatures he originally thought were fairy tales.
Your parents hadn’t factored in that you would meet Yuta, though.
When you were away at college, during your senior year, you met a boy with the most brilliant smile and long silky black hair that always left crowds of people stunned. Your class with Yuta ran three times a week. After noticing you on the first day, he moved from his original seat to yours over the course of the next few days.
Lecture 1: He sat across from you as the lecture hall ran circular like a dome. He liked your laptop stickers.
Lecture 2: Moving to your side of the room, he was now four seats away, he sent you handwritten notes. Some were flirty and some asked you to diagnose him with any of the disorders the professor discussed.
Lecture 3: Three seats away, he sent you less notes, instead staring at you and winking when you met his gaze. He was still an excellent note taker, given that he glanced at you several times.
Lecture 4: Two seats away. He deliberately dropped his pencil right next to you so you could pick it up for him. You obliged and handed it back to him. He deliberately ran his fingers against yours. That was when you realized he was a werewolf.
Lecture 5: he sat right next to you. You two exchanged numbers and grabbed coffee after class. You let it slip in conversation that you knew he was a werewolf.
Lecture 17: you two were inseparable. He was a little cocky but somehow his arrogance made him more attractive. You helped him with his transition for the full moon that night. And after it was over, he took you to Waffle House and you splurged on chocolate chip waffles.
Lecture 32: he finger fucked you when the professor played a documentary. At this point, you two migrated to the back of the classroom so no one was the wiser. He told you he loved you that day.
Lecture 47: you two sat at opposite sides of the room again.
Yuta ended up being one of your biggest regrets. As far as your parents knew, he was the human boyfriend that got away. You were okay with that. Better that than to face their wrath for dating a creature.
It’s been a few years since you graduated. Yuta was probably an alpha now with a trophy wife who was in the process of giving him twelve kids. You could only hope he didn’t treat her the way he treated you.
Two days have passed since you left Taeyong in your office. He was smart to give you time to cool off but he still came to the theater. The nerve.
You’d just finished talking with your supplier for the concessions. They were delivering their latest shipment out back. Employees Mingi and Seonghwa were out back helping them out. You hoped to snag some Sour Patch Bats this time without getting rebuffed by your parents.
You checked out a movie poster for the next Paranormal Activity film, which was dubbed as a comedy in these parts. It was an image of a blank TV screen. You observed it carefully to see if there were any hidden details when a transparent face appeared before you.
“Boo,” Taeil said, with his most malevolent expression. His face pale and almost sucked dry from an eternity of dehydration. Bags under his eyes from sleep deprivation. His teeth rotting and falling at your feet.
“Nice one,” you backed away from the poster, “But that trick hasn’t made me piss my pants since I was three so...you’re gonna have to try harder.”
Taeil the friendly ghost came out of the wall and appeared to you in his transparent form. His horrifying face was a ruse. He reverted back to the form he possessed the moment he died: an elegant young man with a golden tone on his skin. He wore a nice navy button down and black slacks. He was lucky to have died in those clothes since they were the ones he was stuck with until he ascended. You’ve seen ghosts in their bunny pajamas and some in their lingerie.
Taeil sighed, “You’re tough to break, y/n. Think I can try that on Lexa?”
“I thought we agreed she should live with paralyzing guilt all of her life. Not kill her instantly from fear,” you replied. Lexa was Taeil’s ex-girlfriend who cheated on him and told her lover that she wished she could get rid of him. She didn’t realize that her lover would take that to heart and push Taeil off of a twenty story building. Lexa helped her lover hide the body and they skipped town. They weren’t too far from Sinema now.
You offered to help Taeil get justice but Taeil already got his killer incarcerated. Now he paid him nightly visits at the penitentiary and the killer’s fellow inmates mocked him for bellyaching about seeing the ghost of his victim. Taeil was having a ball.
Taeil pouted at your remark. “Oh, she won’t die. It’s not that terrifying.”
You added as you walked back to the entrance, “She’s weak. You told me that..”
“Yeah yeah yeah...Enough about me, how’s it going with Edward Cullen these days?”
“Nothing’s going on,” you said, stuffing your hands into your pockets.
“You two were having a lot of fun on Friday night...Ballsy of you since Haseul was very close to bulldozing the door down.” Taeil chuckled.
You sighed. “How many times do I have to tell you? Even if you can walk through walls, my office is off limits.”
“But not to Edward Cullen over there,” he nodded toward the ticket stand where Taeyong was buying tickets for him and his vampire comrades.
You blushed.
“What would your parents say?” Taeil asked.
“They’d tell me to keep up with the pill and go nuts.” Taeyong couldn’t impregnate you even if he tried. Vampires couldn’t reproduce with humans. Even if you were 99% human.
Taeil sighed. “He’s trouble, you know. You better wrap up whatever it is you got going with him. Before it gets messy.”
“Taeil, I know all there is to know about guys like Taeyong. You think I would ever let it get that far?”
Someone tapped your shoulder and you felt a wave of dread overtake you. You turned around.
“I knew it was you,” Yuta said, smiling at you with his perfect teeth that made every single person want to hit up their orthodontist.
“Please tell me this is a dream,” you muttered at Taeil.
Taeil said, “I could pinch you but I’m a ghost.” He left you alone with Yuta as he quickly faded away. Probably to go haunt Lexa. You wished you could join him.
“Tae-“ you started but it was too late.
“You’re even more stunning than I last saw you. I’m dying here,” Yuta said as he moved closer into your no-no square.
You backed away, hating how he still had a very small effect on you. You really couldn’t believe that he was here.
Nakamoto Yuta stood before you, his now silver hair running past his shoulders. His rockstar apparel hugging his body tightly. He was always fit but he must have been an alpha now. He always told you that once he graduated from college he would be alpha. And his body definitely looked like an alpha’s. Rock solid and ready to smother you if you rubbed him the wrong way.
You said bring it on.
“y/n, my eyes are up here,” he said as he pulled your chin up to him. He smiled at you the way he did during your honeymoon stage. He loved to do that to you.
But he forgot that he broke your heart.
You smacked his hand away. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Didn’t you miss me? I sure as hell did,” he said as he inched closer again to smell your shampoo. “Your still using the same shampoo. My favorite.”
“Last time I checked you hated my guts.” But not as much as you hated his.
“I could never hate you,” he said as his flirty demeanor faded. He started to realize that he really did a number on you. And he felt more like an ass with each passing second.
“What do you want?” You asked as your eyes shifted to Taeyong. He was in line for concessions and he watched you like a hawk. His prominent jaw could stab anyone in line at that moment. You quickly turned back to Yuta, who you also prefer to avoid.
“A second chance,” he pleaded.
“Are you joking?” You gaped.
“No,” he said, deadpan.
You had nothing to say. The idea of him being serious was too much for you to process.
He continued. “I’ve come to realize that I was unfair to you. I’m sorry.”
He was onto something. At long last. “Look...That sounded almost sincere.”
He continued, his dark brown eyes never losing sight of you. “You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I was too blind to see it.”
Why? After all of these years?
You sighed. “Did you realize this after you achieved your dream of becoming an alpha? Because Yuta, that was all you cared about. You were going to meet some girl from another prominent pack and unite the packs. It would all be yours. In the end, it didn’t matter who reigned beside you. She would always be beneath you. In status...and in everything else.”
Yuta clenched his teeth in response and you could hear his low growl. He bit back his words. “I-“
“Yuta, no. Spare us both and just leave.” You’ve had enough.
He sighed. “This was not how I wanted this to go.”
You lifted your brows. “How did you expect this to go?”
“To be honest, I was expecting us to reunite at the beach by the end of the night.”
You frowned. “What?”
His face was now flushed with embarrassment instead of anger. “Uh...”
“Excuse me?” You demanded. The nerve of this man.
“You weren’t supposed to hear that...”
“What has gotten into you?”
“Honesty has always been my motto. You know this, y/n. Regardless of whether I’m an ass or not. It seems as though becoming an alpha has amplified that trait.”
After an awkward silence, you said, “That must get you into a lot of trouble, alpha.” Who knew how much havoc he wreaked since graduation?
He boasted, “I’m the most powerful alpha. I can deal.”
“Has your modesty gone up from low to medium? Or is that just wishful thinking?” You joked.
He chuckled. “It’s a little better.”
You shook your head at him. He was such a jerk but he seemed sincere.
“Y/N!” Haseul ran over to you. “I need to break a thousand dollar bill.”
“Come again?” You asked.
“It’s your regular,” Haseul said, winking.
You knew damn well to whom she was referring. Taeyong had an interesting way of trying to get your attention. Irritating but effective. And he was about to get an earful.
Yuta noticed your change in mood. He knew that the inch closer he’d gotten to you tonight was meaningless. It was in your eyes. There was someone else.
You turned back to Yuta. “I have to go. Take care, Yuta.”
“y/n-,” he started with your name but stopped when you rushed off with Haseul.
His eyes darted all over the theater entrance. Who dared approach his girl?
That was when he saw Taeyong at the front of the line for concessions. To Yuta, Taeyong looked presumptuous and arrogant and weak. All vampires were. He was far beneath an Omega, the lowest rank a wolf could have.
Yuta watched Taeyong’s serpentine eyes on you. Taeyong looked at you like you were his impending snack. No respect at all, Yuta thought.
Your taste in men fell off the deep end, it seemed.
You walked over to the counter where the line was growing restless with varying growls and screeches.
“How can I help you, sir?” You gave him your most winning smile.
Haseul piped in. “He wanted to pay for Sour Patch Bats with a thousand dollar bill.”
“We don’t accept thousand dollar bills, sir,” you said, desperately wanting to glare at him.
Taeyong smiled. “That’s fine. I have smaller bills.”
Haseul gaped. “That’s not what he-Oh!” She realized something you didn’t.
You apologized to Haseul and left the register to meet Taeyong. You sat down at the bench by Theater 13, the theater that always played the most popular film out.
Taeyong opened his bag of Sour Patch Bats and offered it to you. You shook your head and smacked his shoulder. “You know Haseul’s stressed enough already. Don’t give her any trouble. If you want to talk to me, just come and talk to me.”
Taeyong dug into his sour gummies. “Seemed like you wanted to get away from that dog so I got creative.”
“Thank you but I can handle him. You didn’t have to do that.” You took the bag of candy from his hands and ate some. He was beaming.
“A friend of yours?” He asked way too innocently.
“He’s my ex from college,” you said.
“I figured as much. Since you didn’t push him away the moment he breathed in your direction.”
You looked at Taeyong trying to get a read for his mood. He was neutral and it unsettled you.
“He wanted to get back together and I told him no,” you admitted.
Taeyong struggled to contain his emotions so he got up and said, “I’m going to get an ICEE. Do you want one?”
You nodded. “The triple, please?”
He nodded and smiled shyly at you. You both loved triple flavor ICEEs: cherry, blue raspberry, and coke.
He came back with your drinks. He handed it back to you.
“Hey, you drank out of this one!” You frowned and tried to grab the other untouched one in his hand. “Give me that one!”
He refused to give it to you and raised it above you so you couldn’t reach.
“Taeyong, come on!”
“How about this?” He asked quietly. “You can drink out of mine and we’ll call it even?”
“An indirect kiss. How...shoujo manga of you. Alright, let’s do it.”
He lifted the ICEE back down and you were going to drink it from his hand when he leaned down and kissed you. Oh, he was good. His mouth was cool on yours. An ICEE never tasted so good. You took advantage and switches your drinks.
He pulled away. “Hey!” He frowned.
“One kiss is enough, is it not?” You teased as you drank from the new cup.
Joking around like this, you forgot that he was a powerful vampire.
Who had swift reflexes
He drank from your ICEE cup in the blink of an eye. He winked. “One kiss will never be enough.”
“You’re so greedy. Why did you claim to buy me an ICEE if you were going to drink them both?”
“y/n I barely drank from yours. You’re just too OCD,” he joked.
“I resent that. I’m OCD? Don’t be such a hypocrite. You wash your hands almost as much as I do.” You two were neat freaks and as a fellow germaphobe, only he could tease you about it.
You went back and forth for a few more minutes before you got called back into work. Things weren’t exactly resolved with Taeyong but you let yourself have hope.
When you returned to your office, you found a jewelry box on your desk. Tiffany and Co.
Taeyong had outdone himself this time, you thought. You still needed to talk to him and tell him what’s been on your mind.
It would be rude to not open his gift.
You were stunned to find a rose gold necklace inside. It was exquisite. You saw that there were two letters at the center. You found your initial and then.
You found a Y.
Y for Yuta.
You quickly put the pendant back into the box and quickly found the note under the box.
“y/n, I know I have a lot of making up to do. But I can promise you that I’m doing my best to be a better man. I want to be a better man for you. I hope one day you can forgive me and we can start again. I love you. Always, Yuta.”
“Oh, boy,” you started.
Someone knocked on your door and opened it. No one else did that except Taeyong and-
Your parents.
“Honey, we’re back!” Your mom, sporting a new tan, hugged you. Your dad hugged you after.
“Kiddo, the place looks great,” your dad said, “Any trouble since we’ve been gone?”
You quickly stepped backwards to your desk to hide the jewelry box and note behind you. You spun around to your desk and pretended to gather some papers so you can hide Yuta’s idiocy.
“Nothing to report,” you said.
Author’s Note: hey y’all! Thank you so much for always giving us so much love! And thank you for waiting for me! I’m so excited to take some time to write! For this chapter, I was inspired by a scene from Gilmore Girls (when Taeyong kisses y/n during the ICEE scene). I was also inspired for the transition to full wolf by Teen Wolf and The Vampire Diaries (Best shows ever). I was also inspired by a scene from @sakuurae’s story “Study Sessions” for the mention of Yuta having fun with y/n in lecture 🌚. I was also inspired by @caiuscassiuss’s story “Sasaeng” for the description of Taeil’s death. It’s an interesting mixture of inspirations. 😂 Thank you for reading!
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missytearex · 4 years
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If you know anything about me, you will know that I love fic and I try to read as much of it as I possibly can. I have loved so many fics from this year and these are the ones that had especially lasting impressions on me. I am so grateful to the authors for sharing their work, so if you check any of these out, remember to leave kudos and a nice comment.
Please note that this list reflects my personal taste and is by no means a “best of 2019″ kind of list. Fics are listed according to posting date.
✨Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices by @toomanydreamers — [fic post]
larry | 126k | mature
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they’re forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
✨ The Lone Hydrangea by @lightwoodsmagic — [fic post]
larry | 77k | explicit
the post Hogwarts AU where Harry’s a florist, Louis’ a muggle who edits fantasy books, and they both have no say in how quickly they fall for each other.
✨ Kill Me/ Heal Me by @millionlittletings — [fic post]
larry | 92k | teen and up
The kingdom of Scotland hasn’t been in peace for decades now. In the heart of the country lies the rivalries, hate, and struggle of power. Amidst the chaos, five young men discover the meaning of life, friendship, love, hate, and heartbreak through their journey. Louis, who is struggling to find a place where he belongs. Niall, who will protect what belongs to him with his life. Zayn, who is learning to navigate through life. Liam, who knows when to use his heart and when to use the brain. Harry, who is set to kill anyone who will come into his way of finding the truth about his mother. From dealing with their personal issues to finding out the real culprit who changed the course of their lives, these five men are set to uncover the deepest and the darkest secrets of the kingdom.
✨ An Unbalanced Force by @kingsofeverything — [fic post]
larry | 110k | explicit
Harry has the rest of his life planned. Marriage. Career. Kids. Happily ever after.
But sometimes plans don’t work out.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing.
✨ Let Our Hearts Collide by @crinkle-eyed-boo — [fic post]
larry | 76k | mature
When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he’s been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne’s family believing that Harry is engaged to their son. In the Paynes, Harry finds the big family he’s always longed for…and a love he never saw coming.
A While You Were Sleeping AU
✨ Consequences by @allwaswell16 — [fic post]
larry | 78k | explicit
Two years ago Harry let his powerful family come between him and the love of his life, something he deeply regrets. Louis has tried to move on from their devastating break up. Sometimes, he even thinks he has. It only takes one moment to freeze them back in time.
An amnesia au
✨ Shine On (You Crazy Diamond) by @larrymaybe22 — [fic post]
larry | 58k | mature
The year is 1974 and Britain’s glam rock scene is in full swing. Enter Louis, a broke and dejected student who finds himself on a tour bus of all places, working as a roadie for the enigmatic “womanizer” Harry Styles. Along the way, Louis discovers the cruelty of fame and that maybe there is more than meets the eye beyond the curls, cocaine, and crazy suits.
A 1970’s/Glam Rock AU
✨ The Changer and the Changed by @homosociallyyours — [fic post]
larry | 59k | mature
It’s the spring of 1977 and Harry Styles has just moved to New York City after graduating college. She knows she’s a lesbian. She just needs to figure out how to meet other lesbians.
Louis Tomlinson works at a popular women’s bookstore in the Lower East Side, Womon’s Direction, where she spends her days reading feminist literature, writing poetry, exchanging friendly barbs with her boss Niall, and dreaming of finding someone to love.
When Harry and Louis meet, their connection is instantaneous. Slowly but surely, Louis welcomes Harry into her community of women. Stonewall veteran and old school butch Niall; Liam, a land dyke who’s moved to the city for love; and Zayn, a lesbian musician who’s been ostracized by a vocal part of women’s community for being trans, welcome Harry with open arms, ready to help her find her place in New York City’s bustling lesbian scene.
It’s a time of growth for everyone involved.
✨ After Dark, After Light by @becomeawendybird --- [fic post]
larry | 71k | explicit
Harry Styles is the laird of Clan Edwards who is just trying to keep his clan afloat when they get word that the Mackenzies have been cutting a swath through the Midlands and beyond, and their sights are set on the northern Highlands next. In an attempt to garner extra protection for his clan, Harry sets out to mend his father's past wrongs and ally with their neighbors to the west, Clan Sutherland.
Louis Tomlinson is the mysterious commander of the Sutherland army sent back with Harry on orders from his laird to help shore up Clan Edwards' defenses. As the winter draws nearer by the day, the two are thrown together to prepare for the invasion that they expect as soon as the ground thaws.
✨ Tired Tired Sea by @mediawhorefics​ — [fic post]
larry | 113k | mature
As a B&B owner on the most remote of all the British Isles, Louis Tomlinson is used to spending the coldest half of the year in complete isolation, with his dog and the sea as sole companions. Until, one day, a mysterious stranger on a quest to rebuild himself rents a room for the winter.
✨ You Don’t Care About Me (One More Night) by @lululawrence — [fic post]
tomlinshaw | 60k | not rated
“Nick. You’re into guys. What should I do?”
Nick snorted. “You think just ‘cause I’m gay, I know what you should do?”
Louis blinked at him and Nick admired his eyelashes against his will. “Well. Kind of, yeah.”
“That is not how this works,” Nick said. “Besides, it’s not like you can just go and suck someone’s dick to be sure you like it the way I did. You’re too famous to try it my way.”
Louis’ expression changed to one of awe. “That’s how you figured it out? You sucked some random’s dick?”
Nick shrugged. “Yeah. Basically. I mean, I knew for pretty damn sure before that, mind you, but that did solidify the matter for me.”
“I need to suck a dick,” Louis said, turning to look at the wall of Nick’s room.
“You could suck mine, if it would help,” Nick offered before he could stop himself.
Or the one where Louis pines for Harry and Nick helps ease his way into figuring himself out through a friends with benefits sort of arrangement. Things quickly turn complicated.
✨ ferricadooza! by @suspendrs — [fic post]
larry | 65k | not rated
Harry can’t even fathom the idea of surrendering; he’d fight ‘til he died, if he had to, anything to keep from surrendering.
Or, the year is 1963, homosexuality is illegal in the UK, Louis owns a gay bar, and Harry’s an underground boxing champion with an unfortunate enemy.
✨ Baby, I think we might be too cold to float by @forreveries — [fic post]
larry | 81k | mature
Harry is a journalist that goes to Lake Tekapo, New Zealand, to look into a girl’s disappearance after a year of no movement from police. What he finds instead is his ex boyfriend Louis, who, six years earlier, ghosted him after five months of dating in university. A story of trauma, secrets, and the power of finally letting people in.
✨ Not That Gone by @a-brighter-yellow --- [fic post]
larry | 61k | explicit
A few weeks after Louis and Harry, *ahem*, reconnect at their high school reunion, Harry temporarily moves back home. Louis isn't sure he has the emotional fortitude for a prolonged fling with the man of the dreams.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
House of Mouse Review: Not So Goofy or The Ungoofy Is Upon Us!
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Welcome back to the RIDE OF THE THREE CABLLEROS. And i’m hitting the ground running to continue the trek after some lessened activity over the holiday weekend. Especially with Christmas season already there.. and.. things to take care of. 
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Your time will come, you blighted hell of an episode. But no today we’re talking about something actually good! It’s Not So Goofy! It’s back on in to the house of mouse as this was only one year after the previous episode. We’re on to season 2 though frankly i’d have to re-watch more of the show to spot a difference. The show really didn’t change all that much between seasons. The only difference i’ve heard of is Pete is ENTIRELY absent this season, so my long spiel on him being on the show continues to be worthless and I continue to not regret it. But since I covered most of the stuff I knew about the series and how much I liked it last time we can dive straight into the episode> And this one was a treat for me as Goofy was my faviorite watching this show back in the day and is tied with donald now as my faviorite of the classic characters.. not that it’s hard competition but still I love both. Goofy is kind, clumsy, and a loving father, he’s who we are and who we want to be all in one. As with last time, which you can find on the disney tab on my blog, i’ll be reviewing the host segment seperate from the short’s for coherency’s sake. So with that in mind...
NOT SO GOOFY: Hot Goofy on Beast Action We open with Mickey intorducing the show and everyone chanting house of mouse, house of mouse, which makes me want a version of the show that’s a disney fight club, with over the top smash bros or scott pilgrim style battles. God that’s a project I never completed.. reviewing that series... maybe some day i’ll just start from scratch and do that.. HINT. Point is instead  of Disney Fight Club, we get goofy breaking a bunch of shit, because this episode he’s extra clumsy. Though thanks tot his I am reminded the HOM’s jaintoral staff is the brooms from fantasia, which is a nice touch and we get a nice bit of Minnie sending all of them after Goofy keeps breaking stuff. So despite Mickey being the one interrupted constantly, everyone else is hte one to point it out, Minnie politley everyone else just sorta barging in. I was going to give out about them giving out when none of them were effected but.. really bad wait service really dose impact them all: Donald is co owner so if goofy injures someone he has to help pay the setlement, Minnie runs the staff and has had to have her brooms work double to clean up, Hoarace has to clean up structural damage, Daisy is guest services so she has to hear about it, Clarabelle only heard a rumor and Gus is chef so he has to remake the food. So i’m sympathetic to all of them.. except Gus. Gus your only gimmicks are your lazy, you eat things, and in animations case you only communicate by honking obnoxiously. You don’t get to insult a comedic genuis for doing his bit. 
But Goofy overhears this and is upset, saying they want him to be the oppsitie of goofy, ungoofy. I mean technically your right, but an ungoofy would be something more like this. 
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See nothing like goofy. But no ungoofy in this episode’s case is just goofy acting refined and posh. And to help with that after the first cartoon, aka half the episode as i’m now realizing is standard, is...
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I will never get tired of doing that. Rob Paulsen is back as Jose, and does a MUCH BETTER job this time. Though really that’s also because he has more to actually work with this time, so he can actually play the character. Him being a white guy playing a Brazilian is still unfortunate, still not his fault, and was covered more last time. We’ll get into how Jose helps goofy after the cut. 
So Jose helps goofy try to ungoofy himself.. which as established isn’t how that works but hey. So we get a funny montage of Goofy learning the ropes of being significant, getting a turkey on his head, and backslapping jose so hard he flies into the next room and goofy wonders where he is. I don’t have much to add, it’s just funny. It’s why reviewing comedy is hard. Besides being subjective sometimes that’s the most you can say. 
So it works, and Goofy helps everyone in a dignified manner.. and this is where the plot starts to slip up slightly, as for starters Goofy’s apperance is the same, he’s just closing his eyes a lot. He’s also not really doing anything wrong... the closest he gets is massaging bugs out of the beasts hair when he has an itch. 
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And that’s because he didn’t ask if they have an open marraige.. I mean they probably do, Belle’s open minded and beast has needs, but still, he should’ve asked. Otherwise it’s going great.  As for where it goes wrong.. it’s because he dosen’t really DO anything bad. He isn’t an uptight jerkass about it or anything, he isn’t mean or tyranical to the customers or dosen’t transition to that he’s just.. not himself. Which isn’t good, btu the most he does in that regard is just not give the goofy laugh. Mickey and Minnie just suddenly kind of decided “Whelp this is bad let’s fix that”. And Disney would do this better, one of the Mickey Mouse shorts had Minnie, swooning over a sophisicated gentelman type on tv, give Mickey finishing lessons which turned him into a snobbish monster who broke up with her for daring to serve Bologna and not having a waiter. That WORKED.. and not just because we got Donald and Goofy kidnapping Mickey. But because we were shown there was nothing wrong with him in the first place, and there was something bad with the change. 
Here Goofy’s just.. compitent at his job. he’s not cruel to say max or clarabelle, he’s just refined. He should be himself, i’m entirely on board with that, but he’s not shown being worse off. I’m not saying he should stay posh, just give him a clear reason why his life is worse off this way is all. It’s basic storytelling.  But since Jose can’t just.. undo his training because he dosen’t know how they bring in Panchito! And we get another delightful song as Panchito tries to give a good lesson on being yourself with the help of his fellow cabs by explaning his long ass middle name... with Rob Paulsen’s voice. Yeah while Rob dosen’t play Panchito outside of song, he does end up voicing him for the number, likely because of his signature rapid fire delivery in music, but still does a GREAT job at that too. Serously I wasn’t just trying to placate people calling him a legend last time, he REALLY is fantastic, he was just given nothing to work with and here the diffrence shows as the song is really catchy, really beautifully animated and really fun and really plays to Rob’s strengths. Again casting a white man as a Latino is .. pretty sketchy, but it’s not Rob’s fault and i’m sure if Carlos was even offered the song, or even if he wansn’t, Rob apologized for it and made sure it was okay> Wether it actually was I don’t know but I can’t genuinely see Rob Paulson as the kind of guy to be racisit or steal rolls or any of that stuff. It’s likely they just knew he could sing fast and wanted to do that and dind’t think through implications. 
The song dosen’t quite work so they play a short, and when that fails Mickey closes the show sincerly thanking everyone and apologizing to Goofy. Goofy is restored.. horay? What do you think ungoofy?
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“SOON THE APOTHEOSIS WILL BE APON THEE AND ALL WILL BE GOOF. ALL WILL BE GOOF. “ Oh you always say that Final Thoughts on Not So Goofy Wraparound: Not terrible, but it’s really thin plot wise. but joke and song wise it’s REALLY good, so overall i’d say i’ts just okay> Not a great or memorable plot, or an original one really, btu the use of the cabs is FAR better this time around, the song is really damn good, and there are some good jokes, so overall it works. Like the last one the wraparound is nothing specail, but it’s still deeply entertaining. Speaking of entertaining, let’s talk shorts. 
Roller Coaster Painters:  It’s one of those old “Mickey, Donald and Goofy” have a buisness deals, where all are hired to paint a rollercoaster with the person who does the most getting a free pass for life and Donald naturally being the only one who cares. A paint war insues between Donald and Mickey... mostly because Donald wants the prize real bad and Mickey wants to “give him a run for his money” instead of just helping him because he’s a dick I guess? I dunno, but it escalates to them paiting each other and, in my favorite part, Donald stealing shit from the park to create a paint arsenal for himself, forging the prize to get his revenge. Fun paint base fighting ensues, and Goofy inevitably wins and rips the thing. SImple, but really charming with really fluid and wonderful animation helping accenutate the hyjinks. Really good slaptstick stuff and a VAST improvment over the last episode’s longer short. 
Goofy’s Extreme Sports Wakeboarding:  Just a fun, silly skit of Goofy wakeboarding, my faviorite bit being him doing the tantrum, which his him doing a child’s tantrum in mid-air. What was your faviorite bit UnGoofy?
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Awwwwww.... he has a kid now. 
How to Wash Dishes: Another How to Bit. Not as strong as the last one but still fun and throughly relatable as Goofy’s a dishwasher, which having been one twice now, I can relate to his surly disposition at the narrator guy talking it up. The Narrator then.. has goofy run up credit card debt because he’s a terrible person, hijinks ensue, and Goofy ends up.. washing dishes. Overall a fun short, and again relatable as Washing Dishes is not great. Not quite as good as the other two, but still enjoyable because well. it’s goofy after all. 
OveralL Thoughts: This was more like it. While the plot of the main segment was kind of thin and nonsensical in places... it worked because this is more of a comedy show and the wraparounds are more focused on jokes and crossover gags than a real plot, and worked SLIGHTLY better. The shorts were also really great, making this a hell of a lot more fun to watch. Highly recommend it to any cabs or house of mouse fan or if your intrested in house of mouse, this is a good one to try out.  If you liked this review, reblog it, like it, comment etc etc, and if you have an episode of house of mouse, another disney show, or just another show in general you’d like me to cover you can comission episodes by sending me a direct message on here or an ask to get my discord to hash things out there. Right now comissions are ONLY 3 bucks through monday, so get em now while their hot! And until next time there’s always another rainbow.  NEXT TIME: It’s Don Rosa again! Horary!. 
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anxietycalling · 3 years
Ugh. Ugh. It's been a week since the Atomic Mom went off and, like, I still feel weird about it. I keep not doing anything about it thinking that that's progress because I used to be volatile and reactionary, but is it? Or my silence making me an accessory to her transphobia?
I thought cutting her out would make me feel better, and for a second it did, but I am anxious about it so I keep checking her page like that's going to give me some insight. Spoiler alert: it doesn't. And I just keep thinking about all the things she doesn't know about or doesn't want to know about - Husband, my name change - and it's a mess. It's a mess!
Part of me keeps thinking I should write her a letter, or something, but then I remember the way she absolutely refused to read anything I write despite admitting I had talent. She found something I wrote once, when I was 12, and I used curse words in it so she decided I was a terrible pornographic miscreant forever. I think I was 18 the first time I even wrote a sex thing.
And, like, what would I even put in a letter? "Here's a list of all the horrible things you said to me? Here's my updated birth certificate but also please take me out of your will?" Saying something feels like a nuclear option, but not saying something means she gets to live with her blindfold on pretending she's the greatest mom ever.
I know, I know, this is probably stuff for therapy, but it's too fucking expensive right now, and one of the cats needs a vet visit because she broke a tooth, and I think I am moderately spiraling because in the past I would ask her for help but I don't want to "use her" - her words, not mine.
I don't know. It's complicated because at one time she did give me literally thousands of dollars while I was ruining my life in California. She did bail me out when I needed it, even if she did think I was on meth. (Please note, I have never even done one drug. I am a recovered alcoholic, but that's it, I spent a year drinking my feelings and hated it.)
But also! Also, she tried to get the SPCA to break literal federal confidentiality law to punish me, tried to have me arrested for animal hoarding, all because the drug addict who lived in an apartment before us left her two pregnant cats behind. We tried our hardest to rehome those fucking kittens and keep them healthy with no one helping us. Like, the majority of my money from working went to cat care and she still thought we were just doing drugs all the time. I don't even know. I don't even know!
I am so not the drug sibling in this dynamic. My older brother sold drugs up until he moved out the second time, he sold them from our garage and she never even blinked. My older sister got busted with weed and a bong in the front seat of her car, even did jail time for it (which shouldn't have happened, but still!) and that was just fine. But I constantly try to be a better person and I'm just, like, evil or something?
I know I am never going to win her approval. She sees me as something less than human, okay, some kind of Frankenstein monster.
Some days I wake up and just wish I could hurt her as big as she hurt me. I think maybe that makes me a bad person. I don't know. Can you even hurt someone who doesn't have a heart?
It bothers me a lot that she's never once asked about Husband or my dating life or, like, anything. She wants the beautiful pictures from my sisters' weddings and all the trappings that go along with it, but my actual marriage is a sham to her because I didn't ask her fucking permission. And, like, hell yeah I ran away from her house to be with Husband, because he's awesome, but also because we both recognized if I didn't get out of there I would be dead by now.
Like, I was essentially a prisoner in my own home. I had to account for everything I did to her, constantly, and every dollar I spent, and every phone call and communication. It's exhausting. Who wouldn't take the opportunity to escape if they could? Who wouldn't take the opportunity NOT to be constantly surveilled?
We have never once talked about it, but I know she installed keyloggers on all my devices up until I moved out at 19 and cut her off the first time. I am still constantly terrified that I'm being monitored. I still have trouble even letting Husband use my phone or laptop just in case. He's very considerate and he knows how hard it is for me, but sometimes I wish I could just let him google something without feeling like I need to hover over him the whole time.
I wish I knew what to say. I want to write her a letter, something really scathing, but I know it's useless. She'll just use it to make herself the victim, like she always does, and just add it to her arsenal of why trans people are the enemy and only transition specifically to hurt her.
What is there to say?
Hey, you say and do really hurtful things whenever I try to open up to you? And every time I do you act like I'm personally attacking you with my happiness, so don't call me your kid anymore unless it's to call me your son who you love and support. Don't send me your pity money on holidays so we can sidestep the fact that my appearance in your family tree is an embarrassment. Just don't, okay? Don't act like our family is good and normal when you can't even acknowledge my existence, when you lie to all your friends about how I've been and who I fucking am. Don't act like you didn't try to squash all my interests constantly, or treat me like a deviant, or tell me my first tattoo made me look like I belonged in jail.
The tattoo thing makes me really mad, actually. When things were briefly good between us I had a really cute mother-son tattoo idea. I wanted her to get R2-D2 and I'd get BB-8, because we both love Star Wars and BB is the little baby droid. Maybe it's a good thing we never did it. I don't get why tattoos are this awful, ugly thing to her when she literally got her belly button pierced during her midlife crisis. Especially cause any time I got a new piercing she freaked the fuck out. I got my septum pierced at 16 and hid it from her for years. I was 22 when she found out and her reaction was exactly what I thought it would be. The piercing wasn't even out, it was just the shadow of the retainer in my nose, and she acted like I'd tattooed my entire face or something.
I am so angry that my mom never told her shitty friends I'm trans. It shouldn't be my job to out myself to her redneck friends. It shouldn't be my job to put myself in danger constantly to justify my existence in the hopes of eventually getting the crumbs of affection she's willing to throw my way when she feels guilty enough. It's supposed to be her job to protect me. It's supposed to be her job to protect me from feeling bad, and that extends to the dysphoria of being dead named when I am a literal man with tattoos and a beard and enough back hair to knit a sweater out of.
I just! I wish she'd come out just once and say "I am horrible and transphobic and don't think you should be allowed to exist and be happy, and I think your body is gross." Like, it wouldn't be so bad if she would actually admit what is going on here. It's been 15 years and she is not trying at all.
I wish I could figure out what the fuck to say. I want to just shove everything into an envelope and send it and be done with it. The ball can be in her court to decide what she wants to do.
The worst part about all of this is that I can almost see it from her perspective. Well. Her perspective if she were a human being and not an emotional vampire. She's never been able to look past herself and see situations as they actually are. And I feel bad for her sometimes, because her sisters have fulfilling lives and leave her to do the crappy stuff like caring for my grandparents. I feel bad that she's probably jealous of how close my aunts and uncles are with their kids. But she doesn't realize that that's her fault for being so rigid and unforgiving and stubborn. If she were willing to change, or admit fault at all, we'd be a lot closer.
My brother still cries about her and why she doesn't love him sometimes. He's still looking to fill that hole where parental love should be. He's repeating our parents' patterns because he's hurting, too, and until our mom learns to be a human person he's just gonna keep getting hurt.
Times like this make me really wish there were an easy solution. I've read so many books and articles on estrangement I could be an expert by now.
Is it bad that a very petty part of me just wants to post more pictures and tag her on Facebook to make all her friends have to see it? Is that something? I know I shouldn't actually do it lest she cause a huge shitstorm, but it would feel so personally satisfying for a minute before the regret and panic set in.
Maybe I will print out that thing she posted and just literally mail that to her along with whatever letter I end up eventually writing her.
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virryth · 5 years
Doctor!AU Jihoon
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a hbd to Jihoon;; love him so much can’t wait to see him in Jan
tw// mentions of wound, blood, mild violence
Read Doctor!AU Junhui | More Jihoon au | More SVT au
1.7k | Fluff | Bullet | Not proofread
Vice-head chief doctor for the ER (trauma unit)
Famous for his quick, spot-on judgement for emergency care and his blunt personality
Can be reckless at times and gets scolded so many times for jumping the fence on hospital protocols
Did he maybe hit the patient with his fist in an ambulance to get their heart moving because they wouldn’t make it to the ER? Sure.
Performed emergency surgeries at the scene of the incident? A few times.
but hey his methods worked and he saved countless of patients in the end so really who’s losing
Rumored to have a criminal record
Not many people know but Jihoon has a pretty strong sense of justice, he once punched the daylight out of a guy when he found out the dude sexually assaulted his patient
Actually spent a day in jail and had to get bailed out by Wonwoo, but the other guy ended up in jail too so it’s worth it in his book
Honestly looks so good in the scrub, fills it all up, hair slicked back, clear translucent skin with the face of an angel 
Possesses such a cute smile and the most pleasant laughter, one of the reasons the nurses and his fellow colleagues adore him (also very popular with the elderly)
Except when there’s an unusually busy night, catch Dr. Lee looking like hell, hair is either disheveled and messy from running his hands through them when he’s frustrated or just plainly under a rubber headband and kept out of his face
Scrubs either has specks of blood or some sort of dirt from wrestling restraining rowdy troublemaker visitors in the ER
Usually spotted resuscitating a patient while kneeling on top of a moving crash cart, or running around giving consultations for other trauma on-call attendants
Do not even breath the wrong way around him when he’s busy trying to figure out the cause of a patient’s symptoms
Dr. Lee will sit there and think until he’s found a solution
Will sometimes venture to other wards to consult with the other doctors if he has time. Jihoon can be stubborn, but he knows how valuable the experiences of his colleagues can be, especially when it’s as important as accurately diagnosing and treating patients
Both new and long-time interns are terrified of Dr. Lee from trauma unit, they all avoid him like the plague because those who worked with him have only claimed it to be one of the most stressful nights of their medical career
Some came out so shocked they ended up transferring
But;;; it’s not all bad, he’s hard on the interns because residency is the only time period where mistakes are allowed, he has to make sure they know that lives are at stake if they’re going to become good doctors in the future
The very small few who survived his supervisions all ended up learning a LOT from him because scary or not, everybody and their grannies have the utmost respect for Jihoon
The ER is the most hectic and traumatizing place in the hospital, on top of the physical strains there’s also a lot of emotional stressors that get him down once in a while
And those moments are when his true personality shine through, boy is sweet and so soft, but only to you and his close friends though, anyone else see that and he’s all hardass hauling the interns again
“He was worse in med school,” pediatric surgeon Junhui spilled at a team dinner, “one semester during exam season, he wouldn’t come back for three days and we find him passed out in the library with textbooks under his head.”
“We thought he had fainted or something, turned out he was just hungry,” medic Soonyoung chimed in, nudging Wonwoo to continue spilling the tea.
“He woke up so angry because he missed hours of study, we had to deal with that attitude for a week. He was such a d*ck.”
“Yeah, that’s my reason. What’s yours?” Jihoon countered, taking a shot.
(am i saying ‘96 line went to med school and spent their residency together yes I am)
You know the boys from way back when you were interns during your residency
In fact, on his first day of work, Jihoon was admitted to the hospital due to an explosion injury
He wasn’t even directly involved, he was just a bystander rushing in to help when he spotted multiple MVCs (motor vehicle collisions) on the highway on the way to work, and while working on the injured patients, one of the cars had exploded nearby
Still has a decent-size burnt scar on his back to this day, but doesn’t regret it one bit
Jihoon does anything and everything in his power to save people, even if he has to put his life on the line
Patient bleeding out during transit and there’s not enough blood in the ambulance? Here, take his if it matches.
Need a hand shouldering debriefs from a collapsing structure to rescue a patient? On it.
Vernon from ortho came by once, “hey dude your wrist is bleeding.”
Jihoon: cut myself pulling an earring out of someone’s throat, what’s up?”
Vernon: yikes,,, anyway still up for lunch? :D
That’s kind of his main philosophy, and yours, because you didn’t hesitate one bit when you head straight into the fire to save him
It’s because of this mild case of recklessness that you both often get sent to dispatch on evac copters to save people at extremely remote locations 
And you’re amazing at it, but more often than not you both usually end up in Junhui’s pediatric ward getting bandaged up while looking at babies
Really popular with the kids by the way, everyone loves getting a piggy-back ride from Dr. Lee when he comes by
Knows all of the the long-term patients by names and is so loved by the kids it’s honestly not fair
Medic Soonyoung knows Jihoon the longest and apparently he was even more reckless way back then as an EMT, but he’s mellowed down a lot since he became a doctor
As head chief, you cut him waaaay too many slacks and all the residents know it
But they also know he’s the best in the field so they just let him do whatever 
But that doesn’t mean he gets away all the time, you still scold him when needed, and Jihoon has actually toned it down a lot since you became head chief because he knows ultimately you’re the one shouldering the responsibilities for his actions
He knows you would stick up for him no matter what because of how much you value his skills, and he doesn’t want to disappoint you in any way
“You know they’re not doing this just for your skills, right?” 
“Don’t do that shrink thing on me, Wonwoo, it gives me the creeps.”
“He’s right and you know it,” Junhui teased.
“Shut up.”
Jihoon is so shy about his feelings for you, hence he speaks more with his actions 
Often takes you out for dinner, or brunch, or home, after your shift when you’re too tired to drive
Brings you breakfast in the morning after a night shift and tries to shoulder most of the traumatizing cases when he can
Honestly he’s still doing his job, but during breaks, he makes sure to hang around and is always ready to come in three seconds max if you ever call his name 
And sure, although he puts himself in danger way too many times, you know he only wants to help
But that doesn’t stop you from worrying, his mindset of giving his all to save others is what’s gonna get him killed one day
On your day off, you often meet up and hand out, running errands and going to the movies to catch up on whatever pop-culture content you missed during the busy on-call shifts 
And it’s so platonic, or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself because you honestly never know sometimes
One moment he’s resting his arm over your shoulder, softly speaking to you about what to order from the fast food menu. It’s so intimate you could hear your own heartbeats in your ears
Then suddenly he’s getting shy and conscious of how close you are
But then he holds you much a little too close to shield you from the rain as you share an umbrella
And you thought maybe that’s just who he is, he’s protective and skinship may come unexpectedly and unconsciously when he feels comfortable around people
Jihoon would say you were starting to sound like Wonwoo if he knew what you were thinking
It wasn’t until half the movie that you caught him staring
You had thought he had something to say, so you leaned in and waited 
Truly, you didn’t expect to be kissed
And brief as it came, Jihoon had diverted his attention back to the big screen, picking up popcorn and chuckling when he saw the expression on your face
True to his profession, Wonwoo was the first to notice, he had been making jokes about how you two would end up together one day–a common topic among your circle of friends–and Jihoon choked on his coffee
They had kept it on the down low since the both of you had decided to keep it out of work
But things have definitely changed with the glances you noticed whenever he’s in the same room
There was so much affection in his gaze that you start to think maybe he’s been doing this for some time, it just took you this long to notice
You also find out that Jihoon is a lot more daring than you’d pegged him to be, and oh so subtle with his touches
Hand hovering on the lower part of your back to catch you in case you stumble, stolen kisses in the elevator, head touches and comforting hugs in the break room when you had time to take a breath
And yet you never got caught, it’s amazing how quick he turns back to strict Dr. Lee around the intern the moment he parts way with you
Occasionally Jihoon would join you in the empty corner near the supply’s closet, cooling your heads and leaning on each other to regain a sense of comfort and familiarity when things didn’t go well in the ER
He would hold your hand, leaning in to you and softly whispering into your hair about the gains and losses in life, sometimes about the future, where you would travel on your next vacation and what you would do together
The ER is a tricky placement, sometimes you witness the miracle of life, sometimes the end of it. It’s a battlefield almost every single day, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world
Not with Jihoon by your side.
Read Doctor!AU Junhui | More Jihoon au | More SVT au
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jincherie · 5 years
fox rain | two
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• ☽ — pairing: bts x reader • ☽ — genre: crack, fluff, angst, college/uni au • ☽ — words: 8.7k+ • ☽ — rating: sfw • ☽ — warnings: at last, it drops. tension! • ☽ — notes: things are beginning to shift!! lets get it fox rain!!!
— posted; 01.06.2019
When the love letter you wrote and submitted as an assignment is leaked to the entirety of your university, it becomes a race against time to dispel rumours and convince the seven suspected muses of the poem that they aren’t the subject before anyone realises that you are the author. Easy, right? Well… maybe not as easy as you think.
— • masterpost | prev. | two | next • —
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If Hoseok is surprised at your somewhat frazzled appearance and contradicting smug smile as you enter the library with a skip in your step, he doesn’t show it. Instead, you receive a sudden and intense cross between Hoseok’s most prevalent (and your preferred) bubbly persona and that of a concerned tutee, which in this moment he very much seems to be.
“y/n, are you okay? You missed last weeks session and are super late today? Are you, like, dying?”
Blinking rapidly and halting in your steps, it takes you a moment to realise that Hoseok is holding you by the arms and looking slightly crazed. You chalk it up to concern, and reach up to ruffle his pink and purple locks before shuffling past him and plopping your belongings on the table he has picked out today.
“I’ve had a day,” you say simply, mulling over whether you want to share its events in detail with the male or not. Undoubtedly, he would be understanding about your Seokjin-related vexations, but also… you can’t reveal much at all without also in turn revealing that you’re the author of the poem. Which reminds you…
Hoseok is one of the few people listed as potential muses for the poem. Your mood sinks slightly as you recall that little tidbit, your previous joy from Seokjin getting his dues fading a little. Right, your job isn’t done yet—you can’t allow yourself to celebrate prematurely when your reputation is still at stake.
“A day?” Hoseok repeats, a note of understanding filtering into his voice. “It really be like that, huh. Well, at least you’re here now! You can count on me to cheer you up.”
You snort, turning to face him as you take a seat—it seems that his momentary ‘concerned tutee’ persona has left and now it’s the usual bubbly-seok. Again, your favourite of his usual two dispositions, so you’re not at all complaining.  
“What do we have to work on today?” you skip over his exuberant utterances for the sake of beginning the tutoring session that you were already late for. No sense in prolonging its start even more, since you have another one lined up right after. Which reminds you, you need to begin mentally preparing yourself for the transition between them.
“Some worksheets!” Hoseok chirps, finally joining you at the table. “And then, if we have time, would you be able to help me with one of my assignments? History of Music is kicking my ass!”
You’re a little taken aback by how cheerful he sounds as he says that, but settle for shrugging and moving on. It’s typical Hoseok behaviour, you’re not too concerned.
“Sure, whip ‘em out.”
Hoseok quickly does just that, opening up his bag and rifling through for the sheets he needs. The silence that falls over you is brief but comfortable, though you don’t get to enjoy it much before Hoseok is speaking again. He still hasn’t found the sheets when he opens his mouth.
“So, what happened with you on Friday?” the bright-eyed male asks, turning his head to peer at you over his shoulder while he tears his bag apart looking for his worksheets. “It was a bit of a crazy day, huh? Did you hear about what happened!”
You freeze instantly, saved from having your deer-in-headlights expression expose you by Hoseok turning back to his bag to glare inside it. Panic wells in the bottom of your lungs, inching higher with each second that passes. Fuck, you kind of hoped he wasn’t going to mention it but you can feel it now— he’s totally going to bring up the poem. Fuck—
“Who am I kidding, of course you did,” Hoseok continues to chatter before you can even begin to attempt kicking your brain into gear. Each word that falls from his lips feels like a slap to the top of your head. “Everyone knows about the Moon Poem and the mystery muse and author! I haven’t been able to scroll through my feed without seeing at least a dozen posts about it. And then, then, one of my English Lit friends send me something and it turns out I was included on a list that—”
Shit, you knew it, you knew it— okay, stay calm. You have to stay calm, if your Seokjin experience earlier today taught you anything, it’s that you need to tone down your approach or they’ll know you’re the author. You think this, and understand this, and yet the next words that leave your mouth are probably the most contrary and counterproductive things you could have uttered in this situation.
“You know you’re not the muse, right?” The second you hear the words pass your own lips you wish to tear your own head off and drop-kick it into the sun. That was mean, that was so so mean what the fuck! Why did you say that! You’re panicked but you’re not heartless! “I- I mean, there’s a l-lot of people—”
“Don’t worry, I never would have dreamed it was me!” Hoseok cuts you off before you can dig the hole any deeper, having found his worksheets and since  turned himself back to face you. He’s still smiling, apples of his cheeks coloured slightly, and his tone is as chirpy as ever, but you literally feel your heart drop so far to the ground it reaches the Earth’s mantle.
“I— wh—” you sputter, eyes wide— what the fuck? Such easy acquiescence after an entire day of dealing with Seokjin’s difficult ass is more than enough to throw you for a loop. The panic and sense of urgency that had been rising inside you had you so ready to persuade him he isn’t the muse, but at his reponse all you planned to say has died on your tongue and left a bad taste in your mouth. “Wh— are you sure?”
Hoseok tilts his head, smile still on his face but somewhat less bright than before. “Yes? It’s kinda unrealistic to think someone would write such a beautiful poem for, well, me.”
Completely contradictory to what you spent the entire day doing, you find yourself rushing to protest his words and soothe the painful ache in your chest that has made itself known in the midst of this conversation. “What, no! Dude, there is a reason you were listed as a suspect! A bunch of them, actually! Big starstruck eyes, the, uh, the dancing, the—”
“Didn’t you just say I wasn’t the muse?” Hoseok asks, completely bemused and bewildered.
You ignore him, even more zealous in your attempts to convince him. “And the moonshine?! That’s literally you right! That whole incident from last year with the moonshine and the  shit and Professor Jee’s exotic pot plant—”
“EVEN MORE REASON why it can’t be me!” Hoseok’s entire face has erupted into a violent blush, not even his ears safe from the wave of crimson as it flushes over him. His discomfort is palpable as he rubs the back of his neck, averting his gaze. “That whole thing is so embarrassing, and the reputation it gave me… there’s no way it could warrant something as lovely as that poem.”
While an incredibly small, vain part of you is flattered by his words, you’re also terribly affronted that Hoseok seems to think so little of himself. You can’t help but feel like you’ve gone and fucked up even more by attempting to fix your other mess and in the process creating a new one. “But—”
“Hey, let’s drop it and move on, yeah?” Hoseok’s voice has lost its bubbly undertone and it’s in this moment that you know you really have fucked up. A heavy weight settles in your chest. “We don’t have much longer of the session left, and I really should try and get at least these worksheets done.”
Your heart gives a painful, pitiful throb, but you can only nod, eyes taking in the sudden slump of his shoulders and the way his lips form a potent, subconscious pout. “I… yeah, alright. What is it you need help with?”
“This one,” Hoseok brings one of the sheets from the pile before him to the space between you. At his short response and flat tone, your feeling of dread and having messed up only increases. “The lyric interpretation.”
You get to work, guiding him through the sheets one by one and expanding on the points he’s most confused with. The entire time he gives you short, few-word responses and maintains his sudden disposition shift, confirming your fears. It seems Hoseok’s second, and your least favourite, persona has come to play— you like to call it grumpy-seok. You don’t get much out of him when he’s like this, and you don’t know how to bring him out of it either. You really fucked this one up, huh. While his bubbly persona is sometimes a bit much for you, you can’t help but miss it now more than ever.
You barely had half an hour left of the session when you started the work, and you just barely manage to finish the last sheet by the time it comes to an end. The whole time, Hoseok’s mood shows no signs of improving and you’re left with a sinking feeling of regret when the alarm on your phone goes off and Hoseok immediately begins packing his things away, remarkably less enthused and sunny than when the session began. If you could, you’d go back in time just to punch yourself in the face and stop yourself from talking and ruining Hoseok’s afternoon.
You finish what you’re explaining to him about the last line you were on, watching him gather his sheets and pencils with a heavy weight in your chest. So distracted by your remorse as you are, you completely forget about the other component of the days you spend tutoring that you should be worrying about.
“y/n! I’m home!”
You freeze, head whipping up to find the source of the voice. For a brief moment your gaze is caught on the reception desk, Jungkook perched behind the counter and looking out at your next tutee as he approaches with a look of resignation. You quickly move it over, however, zeroing in on Jimin as he bounces over with a shit-eating grin. He almost doesn’t see Hoseok— giving you a few moments of false hope that the usual ritual he likes to partake in between sessions won’t occur— but then he catches him standing from the chair and slinging his bag over his shoulder and lets out a shout.
“Jung!” Jimin hollers, entirely too loud for the library. You catch sight of Jungkook slamming his head against his desk in the distance. “Prepare yourself!”
Then, exactly as you expect, the crimson-haired male throws his bag to the floor and begins the usual breakdance showdown that happens when the two of them cross between tutoring sessions. He gets several moves and a body spin in before he realises Hoseok isn’t joining him as he usually does and slows to a stop, confused.
“Thanks for the help, y/n. See you,” Hoseok says with a tired smile, bidding you farewell with a wave of his hand. He turns and departs quickly after that, leaving you and Jmin in a state of shock. You feel terrible, and are incredibly confused.
Jimin, however, seems mostly disappointed. “Aw, I wanted to play with hyung today. What crawled up his butt and died?”
There was the slightest odd note of something else in Jimin’s tone, but you don’t recognise it enough to really dwell on it. Instead, when he turns to you for an answer, you grimace and shrug. It’s the best you’ve got to offer.
“Oh well,” Jimin hums, grabbing his bag from the floor and slipping into the recently vacated seat next to you. “I’m sure he’ll snap out of his funk by the next time we see him. Anywhores, what’s on the agenda today, y/n?”
You roll your eyes at his slang but can’t bring yourself to really laugh today. Almost robotically, you run through the session and work with Jimin on whatever oddball shit he needs help with this week— he always brings the weirdest shit to your sessions, you really have no idea what his major even is. You’re so preoccupied with deciphering Hoseok’s sudden cold snap and mood change that you completely forget that Jimin was one of the people suspected as a muse as well. Convincing him that he’s not the muse is so far from on your mind it’s not even the last thing, and so you go the whole evening without so much as a peep about it.
Jimin’s hour goes fast and it isn’t long before he’s hollering a goodbye over his shoulder, rushing down the hall outside the library to meet Taehyung at the other end. The tall male was looking at you when you emerged with Jimin, so you offer him a smile before turning and going in the opposite direction. With a half-hearted wave to Jungkook, who was trying to appear as though he hadn’t been listening in on the conversation you were having with Jimin on the way out by burying his nose in a book, you make your way home, relieved that the day is over.
A small portion of your time goes towards some half-assed attempts at study, but the rest of it is dedicated to sleep and the new robo dating sim you heard some of your classmates whispering about the other day. So, overall, after the stress of the past few days it is an evening spent well.
x     x  
When you awaken on that fine Tuesday morning, however, the first thing you recall is the events with Hoseok from the afternoon prior and your stomach sinks with guilt once more. Usually, every other time you’ve encountered grumpy-seok he’d already been that way from the start of the session. Never before had you been the one to set him off.
As you venture onto your campus for classes, you make it today’s mission to find out exactly why Hoseok has these spells of acting so off. The more you think about it, and the more you subtly ask your friends and classmates about him, you realise that despite tutoring him for more than several months now, and his reputation across campus, there’s not actually all that much you know about him. Save for Jimin, who you’ve read between the lines to realise he knows from outside of university, there isn’t anyone else you can think of that’s close to Hoseok; and even then, you wouldn’t go to say he’s exactly close to Jimin… every time you see them together they’re bickering or dance-fighting. How the hell are you supposed to find out what is going on with him, then? You do realise this is a bit of a role reversal from yesterday when Hoseok was concerned with your odd behaviour, but you’re too preoccupied to give it the laugh it deserves.
Your Tuesday morning drama class remains uneventful and would almost be a blur if Kim Seokjin didn’t burst through the doors and waltz in as per usual. Having anticipated the theatre major’s impending entrance, your professor has long since fled the scene and as Seokjin’s eyes sweep the room in search of him to no avail, he seems almost disappointed. He huffs, standing in place, unknowingly right next to where you were practicing your lines when he burst into the room.
“He already left,” you say, leaning up so you’re right in his ear as the words come out.
Seokjin lets out a scream, shrill and piercing, and whips around with his arms in a defensive position. It brings the ghost of a cackle from the depths of your throat, especially the way he’s huffing and puffing for breath after the fright you gave him.
“You’re such a Golum,” he hisses, glaring at you with all the heat he can muster as he straightens and dusts off his shirt. His hands come to adjust the styled pink locks atop his head. You note with an amused twitch of your lips that his hair matches his hoodie today.
“And you’re a menace,” you snort, shutting the door that he left ajar from his abrupt entrance. “One of these days you’re going to scare my professor off for good and I really need him to, you know, teach me.”
“That sounds like a personal problem,” Seokjin comments, eyes scanning the crowd of your classmates for someone else to torment in your professor’s place. It seems he got all his y/n-tormenting urges out of his system yesterday. “How goes your quest by the way, Miss Author? Are you ready to confess to me yet?”
“Shut the fuck up!” Your foot meets Seokjin’s shin and he positively howls, drawing the attention of a few nearby students. You slap a hand over his goblin mouth and smile at them; they’re familiar enough with Seokjin’s bullshit that they take one look at him then turn away with an apathetic shrug. For the first and perhaps the last time ever, you’re grateful that Seokjin has always been such a dramatic ass.
“‘Ww ‘m swfwwy!” Seokjin’s voice is muffled against your palm and you freeze at the fact that you could have sworn he just apologised. You remove your hand, bewildered, and the male gives you a smug look as he rubs his shin and licks his wounds.
“Bet you thought I apologised, huh,” he snickers, long leg wobbling as he balances all of his weight on it to soothe the other. “Idiot.”
Incensed, you rear your leg back to aim another kick, at his good shin this time, and he quickly backtracks at the threat.
“No! Wait! I’ll leave, alright. I’ll leave!” Seokjin turns, limping back towards the door. “I’m going!”
You’re about to tell him not to come back when a sudden idea occurs to you, and contradictory to what you’ve spent the last few minutes doing you lurch suddenly and grab his wrist.
“Wait! I have a question.”
He jerks to a halt and nearly falls over from his wobbly knees, sending you a look that’s a cross between confusion and a glare over his shoulder. “Make up your mind do you want me to leave or not?”
You roll your eyes, releasing his wrist. “You can leave after I ask you this— meaning that if you don’t I’ll kill you.”
Seokjin nods, facing you with a funny look in his eyes that appears eerily similar to respect. “Understood. What did you want to ask?”
Perhaps you’re a little stupid to think that Seokjin would know anything that would help you, but then again… he has a big mouth and knows almost everything about everyone. He might be able to provide some insight. “Do you know Jung Hoseok?”
Seokjin’s head tilts, eyes flicking to the ceiling for a few moments as he scans his memories before he whips it back down and faces you with a wide-eyed look, excitement seeping into his tone. “Wait, you mean the Jung Hoseok?! The kid who got blackout drunk on moonshine and took a shit in Professor Jee’s exotic potted plant that time?! Life partner and soulmate to—”
You sigh, trying not to laugh at the mention of the incident. “Yeah, that Hoseok. He’s one of the people I tutor and—”
“Wait, hold up, back up for a second,” Seokjin cuts you off, looking like he’s just heard the best thing in his entire life. “You’re smart enough to tutor people?!”
Your fingers twitch with the urge to strangle him and, belatedly, you realise you haven’t had enough time since the horror of yesterday to cool down and release all those murderous urges you felt for him. Oh well, if he dies, he dies. You’re good at making things look like an accident.
“He’s one of the people I tutor but he’s been acting a bit weird, and I wanted to see if you knew him in case you knew anything that could help me,” you continue as if he hadn’t interrupted at all before sniffing and turning your back to him. “You’re kind of useless though, clearly you don’t know anything.”
Appalled at your jab, Seokjin stammers as his face reddens slightly. “Wh-wha-wh—”
“Whatever,” you huff, turning and beginning to guide him back out of the room. “You can get lost now, I have no further use for you.”
“HEY!” Seokjin yells, but doesn’t attempt to stop you pushing him out. He seems accustomed to the situation, alarmingly so. Then again, would you really be surprised if he got kicked out of places on the regular? “Don’t objectify me!”
Rolling your eyes, you proceed to forcibly escort him out of your drama room, guarding the doors once he’s safely outside. “Run along now, I’m sure you have other souls to torment and will to live to siphon.”
Seokjin sniffs at you, placing a hand on his hip after dusting his hoodie down once more. “Fine, whatever. I’m going, but it’s not because you told me to. I’m actually a very busy person.”
“As I’ve found out,” you deadpan, and he sends you a shit-eating grin at the mention of yesterday.
“Anywhores,” he says, giving you sudden whiplash to when Jimin said that very same thing yesterday. Oh, it’s a virus among idiots? “I have a jihope merch stand to tend to, so see you, Miss Golum.”
You roll your eyes, already going to shut the doors. He doesn’t attempt to stop you, but seems to remember something all of a sudden as his obnoxiously loud voice pierces the air once more.
“Also, don’t forget you owe me! I have a recital tonight! At seven! Bring the flowers and the booze and don’t forget to clap or I’ll expose your ass!”
“Go away!” you yell through the door, closing it to the sound of his cackle. A part of you is concerned at his words but the rest knows he’s just shitstirring like the little rat bastard he is.
Well. That turned out to be even less helpful than you anticipated, and you weren’t expecting all that much to begin with.
The professor returns barely a minute after you chased Seokjin out, as though he sensed the departure of demonic energy from the building and deemed it safe to return and continue teaching. The rest of your class flies by in a blur, as does the time afterwards in between this class and your next, which you spend studying and eating. Your mind is still preoccupied with thoughts about Hoseok and his mood swings by the time your writing class comes around and you meet up with Sera inside the classroom.
Thankfully, she’s too busy doing god knows what on her phone and laptop to really interrogate you during class time, but the second the clock ticks over and the professor dismisses you, she’s dragging you out to get a coffee with her before you split ways. Somewhat sullenly, you allow yourself to be dragged approximately halfway across campus for a shitty cup of coffee from her favourite place. You hate this place but not enough to refuse and ruin her chipper mood.
“We just finished one assignment and already Prof Puth is giving us another,” she laments, turning her gaze upward as the two of you stand in the line that spans several metres out of the shop. You like the lip tint she’s wearing today but know that, tragically, it’s going to end up all over her coffee cup and maybe her nose in the next few minutes. Hilariously, despite her put-together appearance, Sera is a messy drinker. Her mother even once confirmed this with a series of photos from her childhood. She’s doomed to be unable to drink anything cleanly from the womb to the tomb, it seems. No matter what it is and disregarding any and all laws of physics, any drink she has can and will end up everywhere. Maybe the reason Sera likes this place so much is because they provide a sippy cup option.
“What can I say, he can clearly tell we like to suffer.” You scratch the back of your neck, briefly weighing up whether you wanted to treat yourself with a hot chocolate or not. On the one hand, it’s going to be delicious. On the other hand, you’re incredibly poor. It’s a hard choice.
Sera huffs, hand resting on her hip as the line moves forward and the two of you shuffle with it. “Rude of him,” she remarks, squinting at the menu like she doesn’t have it memorised already. “I think I might branch out and get the chai latte today.”
“You get that every time we come here,” you snort. She smacks your arm in an automated response. The line moves and eventually the two of you get to order— well, she does. You decide to go without your hot chocolate for the sake of saving the cash.
It’s only as the two of you begin to move away from the coffee shop that Sera seems to take note of your current distracted disposition.
She takes a sip of her drink before talking, cup rim already beginning to resemble a swatch of her lip tint. “What’s on your mind, by the way? A certain poem and certain suspected muses?”
You shoot her a warning glare for mentioning it in public but let out a huff and respond nonetheless. “No, not right now. Well, kind of. I’m a bit worried for Hoseok, you know, the one I tutor? But I can’t think of who to ask to see if they know what’s going on with him.”
Sera hums, taking another generous sip of her latte. The two of you are kind of blocking the walkway but she doesn’t seem to care. Her fingers tap against the side of her takeaway cup for a moment before she angles herself more towards you, eyebrows shooting up. “Oh! You could ask that Park Jimin kid? Don’t they know each other from before University? Like high school or something?”
You felt your own brows rise at her words. How did she know this, but you didn’t, when you tutor both of them?!
“Huh,” you say simply, eyes flicking to the side as you ponder it. Well, asking Jimin is certainly a better idea than the one you had this morning to ask Seokjin. But at the same time…
“Where would I find him? Does he even go here?”
Sera shrugs, clearly unbothered since it’s not really her problem. “I don’t know, I mean… probably. You’ll just have to sniff him out. Don’t you have to talk to him anyway as part of your plan? It’ll work itself out.”
You send her a pointed frown. Simultaneously helpful and very unhelpful at the same time, as interactions with her tend to be. In a power move that comes completely unprecedented by you, Sera turns her head and tips the bottom of her cup up, sculling the rest of her chai latte in one fell swoop. It’s with a mix of horror and awe that you watch it happen, a few droplets of frothy milk escaping to dribble onto her shirt. Casualties of war.
She rips the cup away with a loud exclamation of satisfaction once done, eerily similar to when a big bulky man in pop media chugs a large mug of beer and goes ‘ahh’ afterwards. Riveting, truly. Turning to you with a remarkable amount of lip tint still on her lips, she reaches with her free hand and pats the top of your head softly.
“Anywhores,” she says, giving you whiplash for perhaps the millionth time today. “I gotta go pull an entire two-thousand word paper out of my ass, but you have fun doing whatever it is you’re gonna do. See ya, sister.”
And then she’s off, striding down the path towards wherever it is she parked her car. If you didn’t know better, you’d say she was a little… on edge today. She was acting a little nuttier than usual. You shrug, deciding to let it go. It’s probably the fact you got given another assignment today that has her so wired. She’s easily wound up, your dear Sera.
In the wake of her departure, you stand in place a few moments more, pondering her ‘advice’. Would it really be worth it, expending all the energy it would take just to locate Park Jimin to interrogate him? You weigh it up for a moment, assessing how tired you are before deciding that you’d rather nap than attempt to sniff out the crimson-haired male wherever he may be. With that in mind, you turn on your heel and begin in the direction of the bus stop.
Thankfully, it isn’t too far away. You think you might be having some sort of delayed stress response from yesterday because all of a sudden you’re super tired. Yup, you’re definitely napping as soon as you get home, assignments be damned. Perhaps you’ll have something to eat before you pass out though. You ransack your mental catalogue of the pantry at home for potential meals to consume in the near future, so involved in the task you almost miss the commotion occuring to your left, near the newly refurbished Biology Building Cafe— fondly dubbed Biol Cafe by those who know her well. You halt, finally allow the action happening in your periphery to capture your attention fully. To your complete and utter surprise, there stands one Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung— in all honesty you’re starting to think the two of them are attached at the hip at this point.
Jimin is whispering something to Taehyung as they stand, huddled, near the vending machines along the outside of the cafe. You’re much too far to overhear it but whatever it is that Jimin says, it has a gasp escaping his friend— Taehyung straightens and slaps Jimin’s arm in outrage. You can see his cheeks and the tips of his ears flushing red from here. He’s dressed in all black and loose clothing, save for a splash of colour. For a moment, your eyes catch on the source, his shoes, which sport a brief image of a big cat— leopard? tiger? you’re a blind bitch you can’t really see— and appear to be… Gucci?
You don’t even get to ponder over their authenticity before Jimin cackles loudly and reminds you exactly why you stopped in such a shocked manner in the middle of the walkway.
“You!” you announce loudly, pointing at the red-haired male and walking closer in a hurry. The two of them jump and spin around in surprise. “I need to talk to you!”
Jimin appears bewildered, and somewhat fearful, probably wondering what on earth you could want to talk to him about on one of the days that you don’t have tutoring.  He slaps a hand to his chest, thick denim jacket with a woolie collar muffling the thunk. “Me?!”
You roll your eyes, close enough to see the way he looks ready to bolt. “Yes, you. Calm down, I just need to ask you something. Hello, by the way, Taehyung.”
The tall male who, admittedly, had yet to recover from your sudden approach, fumbles out a greeting of his own. You wait until he’s done to shoot him a smile, before focusing the remainder of your attention on Jimin. Alright— your brain cracks its knuckles as you prepare to pull information out of this poor soul. Hoseok really has you so concerned you don’t even realise you’re in the proximity of two other people who were on that stupid muse list. That’s a problem for you to realise later, right as you’re about to nod off to sleep at approximately 2:32AM. Nothing quite like procrastinating an unpleasant realisation.
“What did you want to ask…?” Jimin seems slightly apprehensive still, and you’re a little tempted to smack him. Have you not spent the past few months building up trust and friendship between the two of you?? What a fake friend.
You let out a huff, pondering for a moment before just deciding to be blunt. “It’s about Hoseok. Do you know why he’s in such a funky mood lately?”
You swear you see something indecipherable flick through Jimin’s gaze for a moment before he’s shrugging, expression twisting into that usual one that someone does when they don’t know the answer to a question being asked, lips pouting.
“Uh, not really. He kind of just gets like that sometimes, I guess…” the male shifts almost imperceptibly, seemingly somewhat uncomfortable. You wouldn’t be able to tell if it weren’t for the way he fiddles with his fingers and turns his eyes to the side, reaching a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. “Everyone has their funks, he’ll probably come out of it soon.”
You squint at him, for some reason feeling like he knows a little more than he’s letting on. “Are you sure? It seems kind of different this time—”
“He’s probably just going through menopause or something,” Jimin cuts you off, shrugging. You think you hear Taehyung choke on a laugh beside you but ignore it in favour of giving Jimin an incredulous look. He continues without the need for you to prompt him. “Isn’t that a thing with you English major folk? Y’all moody as fuck lol.”
Did he just say ‘lol’ out loud? Furthermore, did he just imply you were an English major? The nerve of this bastard—
Taehyung delivers a subtle punch to Jimin’s bicep before you can continue, making you pause at the sharp yelp he lets out. He sends Taehyung a glare but does whatever the other male seems to want, changing course with his conversation. “Anywhores, I had a genius idea recently and since you’re here I need your opinion. I’m thinking I might dye my pubic hairs to match my hair? What do you think, y/n— do girls think it’s sexy? Should I do it?”
He’s completely serious as he asks you, and perhaps that’s why you’re so absolutely dumbfounded into silence as you are. You stand there for several long seconds, simply staring at him as the words sink in, before you finally feel the life force of your last remaining brain cell blink and die out.
“I’m so sorry,” you say, without an ounce of effort put towards sounding even the slightest bit  convincing. “I just remembered I forgot to feed my goldfish, I— I have to go, right now, immediately. “
Then you turn and you leave, barely remembering to give Taehyung a wave for being the only person you’ve talked to today that hasn’t diminished your will to live further than it already had been. As you walk away, you hear Jimin protesting loudly behind you.
“Wait— y/n, wait! Should I do it?! Y/N?! WAIT—!”
On God, why do you even bother.
x     x     x     x     x
Needless to say, your life has not known peace ever, but especially not since friday last week— and this isn’t helped in the slightest by the events of the following days. After the somewhat-wreck that was yesterday, that being your usual Tuesday, you went home and gave yourself a nap like you deserved. You’d ended up arriving home with less answers than you had when you set out, and that was kind of depressing so you’d slept to escape the reality.
By the time the next day, Wednesday, has passed mostly in a blur and the time has arrived for your tutoring sessions, you are less than prepared but somewhat determined to get your answers from Hoseok. Even so, despite your apparent lack of forethought and preparation, you do what you do best and attempt to bullshit it.
Surprisingly, Hoseok is late today. As the minutes pass by you can’t help but become more and more bewildered— Hoseok has literally never been late to a session before, and on more than one occasion has happily boasted his early-rising early-arriving tendencies. As though he senses your current unsettled state, Jungkook, from his perch behind the library reception, attempts to mollify your worries by offering some of the donut you’d walked in on him stuffing into his mouth. Touched but also a little grossed out, you smile and refuse, but make sure to thank him. He deflates a little, ears pink and cheeks still full of doughnut he hadn’t gotten to chewing just yet, but nods in understanding— the image is oddly reminiscent of a rabbit or hamster munching away and the thought nearly makes your arteries burst from the sheer cute factor alone.
It’s almost fifteen minutes into the session when Hoseok finally bursts through the doors, looking absolutely exhausted and most definitely worse for wear.  He has a fresh set of bags beneath his eyes and from that in combination with the deeply inset frown lines between his brows, you hazard a guess that he’s remained in his Mood ever since your Monday session.
“Nice of you to show up,” you joke as he arrives at the table, your jab perhaps a little in poor taste. What can you say, apparently you’re not that great at interacting with people after all. At the blank look he gives you, you hurry to continue. “Also… are you alright, dude? You kind of look like shit.”
Surprisingly, he cracks the barest hint of a smile at that. Hoseok flops into his seat with a huff, settling for a moment before he goes about pulling his things from his bag. The smile was gone before you could blink, and now he simply looks like a cross between tired and cranky. Tanky? Crired? One of those two, or perhaps neither. Nothing rings quite as well as hangry, except you don’t know if the look you’re registering is hunger or repressed rage of some sort.
“I’ve just had a lot of work to do, that’s all.” He scrubs a hand over his face, raking it through his hair and leaving it sitting oddly atop his head. It kind of looks like a crest, the way he’s managed to make it sit by accident. “I have some big English papers I need to get done and it’s taking a fair while to do them.”
Your eyes rake over his features, taking in the stress and discomfort that seems to be rolling off of him in waves. “I can always help, if you need? You know, that’s kind of what I’m here for—”
“No, I don’t need your help for this,” he snaps, and the coldness of his response visibly takes you aback for a second. He glimpses up and catches the brief expression of hurt on your face, his own shifting into one of regret in response. He lets out a sigh.
“Sorry,” he mumbles, averting his gaze. “I’m just… I want to be able to do this one on my own. Sorry.”
“It’s ok,” you say, voice coming out a little smaller than intended. You attempt a smile, thoughts a bit of a mess while you try and focus on his features for any hint of what he’s thinking. “Was there, uh… was there anything you did need my help with?”
You can tell Hoseok feels terrible for snapping at you, it’s apparent in the remorseful glint hiding in his gaze, but you also gather that he’s a bit too far in his mood to be able to snap out of it on his own at this rate. He seems to be even grumpier than on Monday, and you can only wonder what on earth happened since then to compound his poor mood so much. You’re a little hurt by his behaviour, of course, but to be honest you mostly feel a little bad for him.
Hoseok takes a moment to close his eyes and take a deep breath, before nodding and going to pull out whatever it is that requires your assistance. Once it’s out, the two of you then spend the rest of the session working through it.
Surprisingly, he packs up and darts off before your alarm even goes off at the end of his session, so when Jimin finally arrives its to an empty table and a very confused you. Hoseok had left too quickly for you to really adjust to it, so when Jimin turns to you with big confused eyes seeking an explanation, you don’t really have anything for him. A strange expression crosses Jimin’s features at that, but you don’t get the chance to question him before he plops down and begins talking your ear off about what he wants to go through today.
You just hope that on Friday Hoseok will finally be back to his chipper self and out of this funky mood.
x     x     x     x
Unfortunately for you, it seems the universe is not quite ready to give you a break just yet.
When Hoseok arrives for his session on Friday, the air he carries with him feels so tense and emotionally charged you can almost taste it. You’re kind of really worried— especially since he seems a little crazed with the way he attempts to smile at you despite the angry aura you’re picking up.
“Are you… okay?” Is the first thing to leave your mouth upon seeing him, your brows drawn together in concern.
Hoseok smiles at you but it really looks like he’s just gritting his teeth. Are his eyes watering? Oh, God, is he about to have an emotional breakdown right in front of you?! Holy shit, you’re not qualified for this Oh God—
“I’m fine!” he says, taking his bag off his shoulder and sitting down, almost robotically. Your concern only increases when you watch him bump the tender part of his ankle bone against the chair leg and his jaw clenches even more. You feel like he’s about to explode any minute now and you’re not really sure where to place your feet to avoid the landmine. “I’ve had a fantastic day!”
You wonder if perhaps he’s actually had the opposite but is trying to speak some good luck into existence. That’s fine, you get that. Respect. Still, you’re concerned. “Th... That’s good. How did your English papers go?”
At the mention of the assessments he’d been working on last time, the male’s eye twitches just barely. He attempts to hide it by flashing you a strained smile. It makes him look a little.... unhinged.
“I finished them,” he says, somewhat ominously. “I have another to do, but it’s not due for a while so I haven’t touched it yet.”
“It be like that,” you say, scrambling for how else to fill the conversational gap on your end. Hoseok finally locates the work he needs to do today, and slaps it onto the table a little more forcibly than usual. You flinch, and he sends you an apologetic smile.
The two of you begin work, tension still in the air but thankfully not so much between you. In all honesty, if this is how Hoseok is when he’s cranky at something, there’s no way in hell you ever want to be on the receiving end of it. You wouldn’t be able to breathe— the tension in the air alone would be so suffocating!
You’re so busy trying to maintain a somewhat amicable energy during the session that, not the first time, you completely forget that you have another one scheduled right after with someone who just so happens to be a bit of a trigger for Hoseok, unbeknownst to you. Perhaps the reason you don’t worry about it is because a part of you thinks Hoseok is just going to leave early like last time, and the two of them won’t interact. And you aren’t wrong; that’s exactly what Hoseok plans to do. Except, neither of you are really aware that Jimin is taking measures too.
“Can I write something for this, instead?” Hoseok asks, pointing to a line towards the middle of the set of lyrics. “I feel like this one is a little stiff.”
You nod, pointing to the line above it, “Yeah, just make sure it ties in with the one above it like the original does. I think it flows well when it does that.”
Hoseok nods, taking in your advice, and puts his pencil to paper to begin scribbling out the line he was thinking. It’s still ten minutes before the end of the session, and around five before he intends to flee the scene, so it takes both of you by complete and utter surprise when the library doors suddenly burst open and bang against the wall loudly.
“Hey!” A cry of protest comes from the reception, but the cause of the disturbance is waltzing into the room with something akin to tunnel vision so the flustered receptionist, sadly, goes very much unnoticed. Poor Jungkook.
“Jung!” Jimin bellows, walking in like he’s 6’4 instead of 5’8. “We meet again!”
At the sound of Jimin’s voice, Hoseok shoots so ramrod straight and stiff that for a moment you’re genuinely worried his spine might snap from all the tension in his body. He doesn’t turn around, keeping his back to the approaching male— males, you should say. You didn’t see him at first, but you notice now that Taehyung is trailing into the library behind Jimin at a slower pace. He shoots you a smile that is nothing short of apologetic, and immediately your stomach sinks in dread. Oh no.
To his credit, Hoseok seems intent on ignoring the shorter male, returning his hand to the paper and attempting to continue writing his line. Jimin either doesn’t take notice or doesn’t care. He strides closer and puffs out his chest, announcing dramatically.
“Prepare yourself for battle, fiend!” Jimin then swoops his hand to point at Hoseok, something indecipherable playing in his eyes. “You evaded the breakdance showdown last time, but this time y—”
Hoseok’s grip on the pencil doubles, making the lead tip snap against paper and fly off. You sit, alarmed but unable to make yourself interfere. Oh, God.
Hoseok’s voice is surprisingly calmer than you anticipate when he speaks, but it has a certain bite to it that you’ve never heard or once imagined would come from Hoseok’s mouth. “I’m not dancing with you again, Jimin.”
It’s simple, what he said, and to you seems to have a very superficial meaning— but it seems to have a profound impact on both of them. Jimin recoils, mouth dropping open slightly as his bravado falters and a flash of hurt flickers across his face. You see Taehyung take a step closer, hand hovering slightly extended as though he’s prepared to comfort the shorter male— but why, you wonder? What exactly is the important subtext to this situation that you seem to be missing? You feel incredibly out of the loop, drowning in the tension flooding the air but unable to surface and make yourself stop whatever is happening in its tracks. You just wanted to hold a tutoring session in peace, damn it.
“You’ve danced with me before, hyung.” Jimin’s voice possesses a slight waver, his eyebrows drawn together slightly. You think he’s talking about all the other times Hoseok has partaken in the ridiculous breakdance showdowns they have in between sessions, but for some reason… a part of you feels as though he’s talking about something else. “Why stop all of a sudden?”
You can almost sense the writhing plethora of emotions bubbling just beneath the surface in Hoseok as he straightens, still not looking at the younger male. A cocktail of too many things to name swims in his eyes as he speaks, voice sharp.
“Because I’m not a child, Jimin. Those stupid dance showdowns— they’re childish. When will you stop entertaining impossible dreams like a little kid?”
The absolute hurt that flashes across Jimin’s face makes your heart sink, before it twists into anger and you see his fists clench by his sides. Taehyung takes another step closer to his friend, hand going to his sleeve as he glances between the two males, and you almost expect Jimin to wrench his arm out of his hold in a show of anger, but he keeps it there.
“You think I’m being childish? I’m having fun, hyung. But I guess you forgot how to do that the second you sent in that application, huh.” Jimin seethes, bristling at how Hoseok remains in place, jaw clenched and gaze still averted.  “Look at me. Aren’t you ashamed? Or maybe you’re fine— moving on is easy for assholes like you, right?”
At the furious note in Jimin’s command, Hoseok’s head finally jerks over to face him, and the first thing his eyes fall upon is the way Taehyung and Jimin hover close to each other, the taller male’s hand still on Jimin’s arm. This, it seems, is what finally makes Hoseok snap and break. He wrenches from the seat, standing to face the shorter male completely.
“Oh you’d know all about moving on, wouldn’t you?” he spits, slamming his few loose sheets into his bag, uncaring for the condition they end up in. You flinch at the action, watching the mess unfolding before you with wide eyes. “Leaving others in the dirt and moving on like they never meant anything to you in the first place. It’s familiar, right? I guess the people who used to mean something to you don’t matter when you find a shiny, new toy to play with though, do they?”
The shocking amount of venom that drips from his words has both you and the other two males rooted in place in surprise and shock, Taehyung standing with wide eyes behind Jimin— apparently Jimin hadn’t expected the older male to snap like that, and in all honesty you hadn’t either. Almost all of your interactions with Hoseok, save with those this week and a few others, had seen him nothing short of bright, bubbly, and an absolute joy to be around.
The second the words finish leaving his mouth, Hoseok stiffens— you catch sight of a look that crosses his face, resembling something between regret, guilt, and pain. It’s gone as soon as it came and he turns on his heel without another word, leaving you without another opportunity to glance at his features. In the silence that follows his words, his footsteps echo particularly loud, and the three of you are left in a stupor as he leaves the library completely, disappearing out the door and around the corner.
It takes a moment for you to rip your gaze from the doorway, eyes flicking about— it seems you’ve garnered the attention of some of the nearby tables. When they see you’re looking at them, they hastily turn back around and pretend to work. Your eyes flick to the other two males involved in the mess that just went down, and you feel your heart sink to your feet, taking your stomach with it on the way down.
Jimin remains staring at the doorway where Hoseok disappeared, body tense but the fight having left. You think you see his eyes glistening slightly as he jerks out of his stupor and goes to follow Hoseok, but an arm that shoots out to bar his middle prevents him from doing so. Surprised, he jerks to face the owner.
“Don’t,” Taehyung says, voice soft. He looks a little guilty himself, but you have absolutely no idea why.  “Let him go. Besides, you need to let off some steam yourself.”
Something in his words manages to get the remaining tension holding Jimin’s muscles hostage to flee, allowing him to sag in place slightly. A slight smile tugs his lips as he looks to Taehyung.
“What do you have in mind this time, more illegal and indecent acts?”
Taehyung snorts, saying something else in response to the shorter male, but you sort of tune out at this point. You’re still in a state of shock, and really… are quite unsure how to proceed, and what to do.
That whole thing that just happened… that wasn’t your fault, was it? You did set Hoseok off into that mood on Monday, but it seems… like whatever just made him go off was something he’d bottled up for a while about some other part of his life. You can only hope it wasn’t your fault. But still, it doesn’t change the fact that right now—
You don’t really have any idea what to do at all.
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{pls let us know what u think!! who do u think is the muse of the poem? who do u think will be endgame?? who do u WANT to be endgame?? let us know!! thank u for reading!!}
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purplesurveys · 4 years
When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody? A few days ago I found out that someone I probably know (but is anonymous) filed a complaint towards another person that I also know for acting indecently towards the complainant. I always knew that person had a...vibe, but I just didn’t know it was going to be the worst vibe possible. I never want to see them ever again because I might actually kick them. When did you last change your opinion on a situation? I haven’t changed my opinions in a while... literally what I can only remember is listening to a few Billie Eilish songs and accepting that she has some okay music lmaoooo, and this was a few months ago. Why did you last visit the doctor? My left eye was acting up so I wanted to have it checked before the lockdown that we all knew was going to happen. What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why? Finishing my thesis. Because duh, I actually did it? Do you like salt? Sure, it makes a lot of food more delicious.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? Honestly yes. I pride myself on being a good listener, but it doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with listening to everyone. I prefer keeping that opportunity to my close friends. I suppose it’s flattering when people I’m not close to see me as trustworthy, but if I had it my way I wish they went to another person instead. Have you ever regretted what you said in drunken conversation once sober? Sometimes. Is there anything coming up which you're dreading? I’m a little afraid of the period following graduation because it’ll be the first time in 18 years that I’m not in school, and it’ll be such a crazy transition. Let’s hope it doesn’t eat me alive. Anything you're looking forward to? Also the period after graduation, because yay adult life and independence and no more exams and stuff. Idk, lots of mixed feelings about it obviously. Do you ever do tedious tasks just to keep your mind occupied? Yes. It actually really helps and I like having things to do when there’s conflict or tension going on in my personal life. Have you ever lived with somebody with truly repulsive habits? Nah, I don’t think that about my family. Repulsive traits sure, but not habits. Do you tend to say things because they're appropriate not because you mean them?  Sometimes, and it’s usually to be polite and/or nice. It costs nothing to tell someone you like someone’s dress or makeup or shirt, and you can even help make their day. What was the last thing to perplex you? Probably some stupid, nonsensical thing Duterte said in one of his addresses. What was the last thing to fascinate you? I rewatched Beyoncé’s Homecoming on Netflix and everything about it fascinated me, as always. I will neverrrr get tired of watching her concerts; she always puts so much love and effort and soul into each show. What was the last thing to annoy you? I don’t feel like getting into it. When did you last work your socks off fruitlessly? A few months ago, in the earlier stages of making our thesis. Andrew and I would often bust our asses into the night, tweaking and researching and editing, and submit our work feeling proud of it only for it to be thrown back at us with a million comments and corrections in bloody red ink. I feel like we got a record number of sermons and unaccepted drafts compared to other students, so it just made me detached from my thesis altogether and in the end I mostly finished it for the sake of finishing it. I’m proud of finishing it of course, but I’m no longer passionate about it like I used to be, and I doubt I’ll ever bring it up in future conversations unless someone asks. When did your hard work last pay off? Today, in the final stages of our thesis. I really wish I loved it more, though. What is a word you hate? Grind makes me uncomfortable lol Do you have a favourite childrens book? Sure. If yes, what is it? Corduroy. I would go to the school library to read it almost everyday; I never got tired of it. I also really liked Tikki Tikki Tembo because his whole name was so fun to pronounce haha. When did you last feel a need to be alone? Last week when it rained and it was cold for the first time in months. The weather made me feel ~some type of way~ and I stayed in my room all day. I wasn’t sad, I really just wanted to savor the weather by myself. When did you last "need" to be around people? Right now. I’ve increasingly been feeling this way by the day.
Have you ever been in a job where you didn't fit in with your co-workers? Not a job, but this was me during my experience applying for a local chapter of an international youth org called AIESEC. I really thought I could fake my way in and I was adamant at first because I like what the org does and besides, AIESEC looks really good on a resumé; but it’s one of the rare times that even faking it didn’t cut it for me. I was miserable and no one talked to me every time I hung out in their lounge, and their org culture was so different from what I’m used to with my home org. I didn’t last long and I ghosted the application process after a month. What do you do to "expand" your mind? For me that’s always best achieved by trying out new things, so I make it a point to have brand-new experiences every time I can. When did you last REALLY want to go out but couldn't for whatever reason? LOL. March to present. Do you need a wee right now? I do not. Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you? Yeah, loud ‘DUN’ sounds that come with jumpscares, the Windows XP shutdown sound is also weirdly scary to me, and people yelling when they’re drunk. The last one particularly reminds me of fights at home. When did you last eat sweeties? Idk what you mean by sweeties, but the last time I had anything sweet was this afternoon when my dad made churros with a chocolate dip. Do you have a favourite micro-organism? No lol What was the last thing to upset you? The recent news about a wrestler, Shad Gaspard, who was reported missing after he got swept out to sea while at the beach with his family. He told rescuers to save his kid first, but they were never able to find him after. They tried to look for him for several hours but eventually, they called the search off and now he’s presumed to have died. It’s very sad and heavy and a lot to take in. He was one of my favorites growing up because he was in a hilarioussssss tag team with another guy, JTG, and both of them were always so entertaining. It sucks, and 2020 continues to suck. What was the last thing to make you happy? Like I said, I watched Homecoming earlier. Beyoncé always puts me in a better mood, so there’s that. Have you ever eaten chocolate for breakfast? Just hot chocolate. I’ve never eaten like a chocolate bar or anything similar. Do you like balloons? They’re admittedly fun, but I know they can also be harmful to the environment so I don’t buy or use them if it’s even remotely unnecessary to. Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next? Laurice. Does that person have any plans to celebrate their birthday? I’m sure their family has something planned out inside their house, but obviously they can’t celebrate by going out for now. Do you enjoy swimming? Yes. When will you next go to the beach? I have no clue. When at the beach do you like to swim in the sea? Ugh man. Awful timing for these questions... yeah I guess. But I don’t want to think about that now. If you have pet fish do you bother to name them? When I was a kid I did name each of my goldfish. Do you like adventure games like Monkey Island and Diskworld? No. Did you ever read the Terry Pratchet "Disk World" books? I did not. If yes to the question above, what are they like? Have you had to change a nappy lately? Nope, no babies around here. Would you like a holiday about now? Not really. It’s not like I can celebrate it or go for a vacation. What's stopping you from going on holiday right now?  So tired of saying it every time. If you know you know. Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? Yes, we do. Have you ever owned chickens? Nope. Super common to just see chickens running about the highway once you reach the province though hahaha. Do you like classical music? Some. I sometimes like listening to classical playlists when I study, but not always. When did you last listen to music? An hour ago. Have you ever seen "Canibal the Musical"? I haven’t. Are your breasts sore? Nopes.
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