sunnyvandsephi · 9 months
i just...
i think a lot about Neyo being described as "morbid and cold"
but then having a lil droid buddee
a droid buddee, that absolutely learned behaviors from hanging out with him, to the point WAC does the whole Commander schtick, and having a -cutting- wit, and willingness to call out bullshit when they sees it, only giving respect when earned especially to those who immediately deny personhood to them
and i can just imagine Neyo ending up classified as morbid and cold because he realized as a child how grim this entire cursed fucking existence -is- sooner than anybody else did and that's why he didn't "connect", he -made- that decision, but he still yearned for companionship, so he had a lil droid, that he could talk to on long scouting missions about anything and everything, fostering WAC's intelligence and having this understanding that despite one being "living" and the other being "machine", they're both in this shitty impossible situation that there's no getting out of
a small inkling of humanity held onto through keeping WAC around
and how it must have fuckin' sucked to give them up, but he respects Windu, so whatever task WAC was gonna do it was important
anyway miss me with characterizing Neyo as a cold hearted murderer psycho, or some abusive dude, normalize that he's a hard introvert with a cat who's been disassociating since he was four
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 year
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nothing says 'family bonding' as a chase after a fallen from grace tv star turned mad villain and his hot young accomplice suffering from stockholm syndrom 🤗🤗🤗
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ardentpoop · 4 months
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ever want to take a flying leap off a bridge thinking abt how girlfriend he was in this ep
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avelera · 16 days
Me: Ah, finally, I knocked out that tiny little one-shot fic I've been working on, nice to have that off my plate so I can go back to the long fics I'm working...
Final word count: 15,000 words
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chestnutisland · 5 months
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Chestnut Island turns 12 today!
Thank you all for the ongoing support for my little Chestnut Corner on the web. When I started this blog, I didn't think it would last this long but here we are and I'm so very grateful!
Let's make 2024 another K18 filled year to look forward to!♥
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frikatilhi · 3 months
So apparently after the Tallinn gig, Jere and Bojan went inside the tour bus together and stayed there for a while. Then Jere came out, bantered with the fans a little from further away but did not stay and left the venue. Then the other JO members came out to greet the fans but Bojan stayed inside the bus.
What do you think happened with these two?
Lots of tears, foreheads pressed together, hugs so tight a few ribs were crushed, head scratches, neck kisses, vows of eternal bro-ship, some feels were copped, next facetime date confirmed, obviously.
And then Bojan needed a moment to have a bit of a cry I MEAN SAVE HIS VOICE OF COURSE.
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utilitycaster · 3 months
TANKARD QUESTIONS DURING THE C BLOCK FOREVER look here's the deal i am EXHAUSTED I've read a third of a drizzt book and i'm going to go to bed but if you read the unhinged ramblings, 4sd is not here to validate you. 4sd is here so that the cast can facetime Marisha and Robbie at an undisclosed location and Sam can lick the Jenga blocks. if a question gets answered unintelligibly WE LIKE IT THAT WAY.
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aragarna · 7 months
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Facepalm Friday - Guy Williams as don Diego de la Vega (Zorro 1957, 1x13)
hey, @archaeopter-ace here comes another epic facepalm!
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hotmonkeelove · 8 days
Dear Fellow Utena Fans,
I am really ashamed to be part of the Utena fandom here. Seriously, I can't turn around without seeing people saying, "Saionji and Touga's abusive behaviour is because they were in denial that they're gay for each other." That is not funny, nor insightful, nor realistic. I'll tell you what it is, though. It's fucking homophobic! I am sick of it! RGU's appeal is largely due to its themes of queer acceptance, but you people can't even learn from it! You just promote hateful, dated stereotypes, because "Huh-huh, that's funny!"
The terrible ways Saionji and Touga are shown treating people has nothing to do with their sexual orientations, whatever those may or may not be. It's all to do repeating a cycle of abuse they have both fallen victim to. Touga has been sexually abused most of his life (likely by more than one perpetrator). He copes by acting out this sexual abuse on his best friend, attempting to abuse his sister, and his compulsive promiscuity. Touga also manipulates and back-stabs those around him, thinking it makes him superior to others, i.e. no longer a victim. Saionji copes with Touga sexually abusing him and betraying their friendship by lashing out at anyone who angers him. He is particularly abusive to Anthy, as he thinks that as the Rose Bride, she has no feelings. (In fairness, Anthy has also convinced herself she has no feelings, and actively goads him into hurting her, at Akio's behest, to lure Utena into the duels.)
If you ship Touga and Saionji, fine, that's great! Go right ahead. There is certainly a lot of angst/ tearjerker potential there, with them working to rebuild their broken friendship and overcome the horrible trauma they've been through. They're both in need of a lot of healing, which could develop into romantic feelings for each other, as well as a redemption arc. However, claiming they're abusive because they're gay and trying to downplay the abuse they, themselves, suffered, is just a load of bullshit.
This stupid joke/ theory is insulting to not only the queer community, but also abuse survivors. (And yes, I fall into both those groups.) Being gay doesn't make anyone an abuser, nor does being abused by someone of the same gender make a person gay. I shouldn't even have to say that, let alone twice on my blog, but idiots...
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nientedenada · 1 year
The Time Daggerfall Plagiarized a Japanese History Book
One of the funniest bits of TES trivia for me is that a lot of Redguard History is copy-pasted Sengoku -> Edo Period Japan with the names changed. That’s still apparent in the books the franchise uses, but it started in Daggerfall with straight-up plagiarism. Redguards: Their History and Their Heroes plagiarizes from the translator’s introduction to Miyamoto Musashi’s Book of the Five Rings.
The original:  The traditional rule of the emperors had been overthrown in the twelfth century, and although each succesive emperor remained the figurehead of Japan, his powers were very much reduced. Since that time, Japan had seen almost continuous civil war between the provincial lords, warrior monks and brigands, all fighting each other for land and power. In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the lords, called daimyo, built huge stone castles to protect themselves and their lands and castle towns outside the walls began to grow up. These wars naturally restricted the growth of trade and impoverished the whole country.
vs. Redguards: Their History and their Heroes: The traditional rule of emperors had been overthrown in 2012, and although each successive emperor remained the figurehead of the empire, his powers were very much reduced. Since that time, our people saw 300 years of almost continuous civil war between the provincial lords, warrior monks and brigands, all fighting each other for land and power.In the time of Lord Frandar the first Warrior Prince, lords called Yokeda built huge stone castles to protect themselves and their lands, and castle towns outside the walls begin to grow up.
I haven’t checked the rest of that text or any other Daggerfall texts for plagiarism, but it cracks me up how blatant it was. There might be more out there. The text was dropped from the games after Redguard, but ESO brought it back in all its plagiarized glory.
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cricrithings · 23 days
Nix gegen die vielen 12 Punkte für die Schweiz, aber warum hat Estland immer noch 0 Punkte? Haben die Jurys denn gar keinen Geschmack?
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Campaign 2, Episode 35
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asteracaea · 7 months
the overwhelming theme of taylor's body of work from 1989 on is about hiding budding relationships and protecting love from the public eye because it's delicate and public scrutiny always ruins it.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 9 months
Again: *sigh*
Back when I moved here from New York (state, not The City), I tried to make connections via online personals.
Zero success.
Not surprising, since I was looking for a Straight relationship, not realizing I was actually aroace.
What with my live-in aide moving out (today -- shifting to commuting to help me), and retiring completely (at the end of the year), I thought I'd try again, since my life is in major flux, like it was when I moved -- only this time, I know myself better.
So I put "Asexual Aromantic Personals" in my Internet Search bar.
And Every. Single. Link. I. Got. Back. Was. an Article. About. the Mental Health. of Asexual. and Aromantic. People.
I am, in fact, having a mental health problem. But it has nothing to do with my being aroace. It has everything to do with a 20+ year relationship suddenly ending, and realizing that much of it has been unhealthy. Hanging out with other aroace people would be to my mental health what staying hydrated is to my physical health.
I don't need my asexual and aromantic feelings explained to me. And I don't need a physics lesson on the hydrogen bonds in H20.
Just get me a juice box. And maybe a slice of cake.
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writing is such a fickle thing, istg. one day i'll be on a roll and think i'm writing the greatest shit i've ever written and then i'll read it the next day and think it's all shit but then i let it sit and work on something else and come back later and when i read it again, suddenly it's good. like. is it just me or? 😂
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phantomgrimalkin · 1 year
i accidentally stumbled into remus/regulus and it is the most heartbreaking thing and i just want them to be happy together *sobs quietly in the corner*
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