#'oh this is my twin elaina'
crithaus · 1 year
I wanna make some things like very clear to the new Vox Machina fans coming from the animated show to our humble home. Really I wanna settle some of the score about my best girl Vex'ahlia.
Now I know, I know that with so incredibly much source material to try and condense into just 36 22 minute episodes naturally some stuff is gonna be cut out or missed or edited, and TLOVM is it's own canon true, but what with it being Vox Machina but abridged it makes sense to me that it can be directly compared and perhaps found a bit lacking in regards to its source material, and so here I go.
They're not treating Vex with total fairness to be honest. A lot of her best early moments in VM are taken out or given to other people in TLOVM, like her first brush with death with Delilah in the Briarwood arc (it was her that got attacked by Delilah and almost died, not Keyleth, but like this one I get ig. The Twins and Percy held like the campaign record for being down and hurt the most like Sam had to deliberately change that so this wasn't hours of the twins just being near death like I'm not happy but I get it), or season two changing how she found Trinket (Vax was nowhere near her when she ran into those poachers) and mainly the portrayal of Vex as this snippy, mean, jealous, callous, unfeeling bitch without any of the uncertainty inherent in her or the tender moments to flesh her out.
Like in VM proper she's rude and a little snippy sure but that's borne of an established backstory of emotional neglect and the crushing trauma of poverty and Vax literally being the only other person who genuinely loved and cared for her after the mother who's arms she was ripped from was burned alive, (y'know after Syldor the worst dad god ever created literally abandoned them with their mother for 10 years while they were dirt poor (but happy, Elaina is the best mom to live ever), dragged them away from her for 5 in which time he destroyed her and Vax's self esteem, let the whole racist ass town he was ambassador of harass them along with harassing them himself and forced them to be the perfect quiet little doll heirs he only decided he wanted after 10 years of no 'true blooded' kids of his own) and then when they ran away, saw their mother had been murdered in her home by a fucking dragon had to spend the next several years at only like 15ish stealing (in Vex's case haggling and hunting) to survive! Like Vex's hangups around money are from the period in her life where she as controller of her and Vax's meager finances was in charge of making sure they didn't starve to death in the woods somewhere, at 15 she and Vax had to keep themselves alive with no help from anyone but each other, her haggling any and everyone down is a direct response to that.
And oh boy Syldor? Syldor? And his bullshit expectations and neglect are the reason she's so chronically unsure of herself and so desperate to keep being Vax's favorite. You think Keyleth is unsure of herself? Buddy you have seen nothing. Vex's confidence in herself is a facade and literally the longer you know her the more obvious that becomes. She's so slow to let other people in and equally slow to trust cuz she's been hurt so brutally and the few times she relaxes enough to do something for herself (side eyeing the broom incident), she gets narratively punished for it! Bro, the night before meeting with Syldor Percy finds her in tears obsessively polishing her armor cuz she's so desperate even after all this time to prove to Syldor that she is someone, that she isn't the diluted little half-breed Syldor always looked down his nose at (and then Percy, who never again was fooled by her false airs and stepped up to do The Sweetest thing god ever created), like...she's fucked up! And lonely! And wants nothing more than a stable home and people who genuinely like her.
Them leaving their home in when the conclave first attacked Emon drove her to tears because it was the first home she'd had in so long and now they had to leave it. She's got so much depth and she is so endlessly kind too. Every time she sees someone whose circumstances mirror her own she doesn't hesitate to open her purse for it. (her freeing those kids??? Anyone???) She's no Keyleth or even Pike to be sure but she's so sweet. Keyleth goes tearing off up the Sun Tree, Vex follows. Grog gets swindled by some punkass merchant? Vex goes tearing off after him, all her interactions with Vax to be honest she might have Little Sister disease but still, she is so endlessly kind and good and it's not as overt as Pike's genuine goodness or Keyleth's earnestness, it's slightly more subtle but always present. She's the beating heart of Vox Machina, she encourages them all, (just look at what they tell Pelor I mean.... And and I could go on and on about how the fact that she's the champion of the god of Life, Light and the Sun means so much narratively but I mean I doubt I need to I mean it's Pelor), They all look to her and Vax for guidance, look at what they do to fucking Saundor for him merely taunting her, (yes it's more deep than that I know), they literally get stuck in hell and wait there, in the middle of HELL for her cuz they can't/won't move on without her.
She's brilliant, and clever, and broken and 'greedy' and a bitch yes true, but she's so much more than that, and I'm not even gonna tell you to watch the podcast cuz fuck Orion tbh and y'know I am a hater and a gatekeeper both and am totally fine being in the little niche of of vox machina likers, but if you want substance, if you want all of her because god is she compelling, then take your cues from the podcast and not the show.
The show is new, and still ongoing, and I hope they start letting her shine as she was always meant too in later episodes, but she is the heart and soul of Vox Machina and y'all better put some respect on the name of Lady Vex'ahlia De Rolo, Champion of Pelor, Baroness of the First House of Whitestone and Grandmistress of the Grey Hunt, Coinmistress and Treasurer of the Tal'dorei Council.
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blorbologist · 9 months
Hold court among the sweetbriars
Gen / mild Feywild spoilers / 6.7k / Syldor/Elaina prologue that's mildly shitty but not completely
Once upon a time fox-woman-dreaming, or the fox-wife, left her ungrateful husband when he bemoaned the musk about her paws. What they never tell you is of what happened after: to her foxcub twins, and the cursed castle they found deep in the briarwoods.
For @percahliaweek day 5: Fairytale / Class
Chapter 1/2: To tame a fox
There was once a great and splendid manor within the deepwoods. Wealthy in every way, including in magic. In it lived a lonely man of great pride, who left it empty each day to tend to business in town. Each evening he returned to find it just as empty without him. He had lived long as such - it suited him fine. 
One day upon his return, he found his home tended to in his absence. Floors swept, carpets beaten, spiders evicted of their corners, and even a fire spat merrily in the hearth.
Weary of the tricks of fey - for he was one of their number - the proud man left a small gift upon the doorstep and went to bed.
The man was proud, not simple. Thus it was that on the second day he marched back home at noon, not nightfall, to catch what trickery was afoot. 
As he glanced upon his door his eye caught upon bright red fur. A fox! A fox had come a-slinking, to steal from his pantry! In a rage the man stormed in, throwing open the door to glimpse only a tail as the fox slipped away.
Now the shutters had shed their dust, too, and his clothes had been mended with hairfine thread. Not a loaf of bread out of place neither. 
Upon the third day the man did not leave for his work. Instead he followed foxtracks and gamepaths round his land, unable to find where the creature nested. 
Returning to his manor in defeat, the man found no fox pilfering his icebox. Instead, to great surprise, he found the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She tended to a rich meal upon the stove, and on a peg hung a foxskin.
"I am to be your wife," she said plainly. "I wish to be the woman of this house and mind it and mend it as my own." 
Overcome, and pleased the woman was already so studious in her duties as to snare and skin the vermin, the man took her indeed as his wife. And, for a time, they were happy.
She tailored his clothes and polished his shoes and dusted the cabinets, and fetched water from the brook and weeded the garden, and kissed him sweetly and laughed of his days and took him to bed each night. What a lucky man he was!
But in time the proud man found a musk about his home. In his meals, his laundered clothes, his wedding bed. Something he could ignore, as he once ignored much. However, grown accustomed to his tidy home, he complained of this to his wife, and so bid her to rid their home of this odor.
Oh, beloved, how fanged was her frown!
"The musk is mine, o husband dear," she said, "and if after minding our home so well this is my thanks? Then I am gone." 
Without another word she bounded to the door, finding the foxpelt on its peg. Her fur draped over her, for it was her fur, whiskers to tail, and the vixen vanished without a backwards glance.
I am sad to say the story does not end here. This man, lest we forget, was proud, and lonely, and thought himself no fool (though perhaps he was one). 
With a handful of magic and a burlap sack, he sought out her den, and returned home with foxkits two, scruffed and wailing. 
And so the manor was no longer empty, but it was just as lonely a place as before.
There was once a great and splendid castle within the deepwoods.
A different palace to the tale before: white as snow and old in its history, richer still in all things. Yet it sat just as empty and just as lonely. Briars ribbed its outer walls and within soot stained the upholstery. Haunting its halls was a young man, white as the stone and ghosts both. His name was long and tedious and grating, and so we shall call him Percival.
[Keep reading on AO3!]
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ravendruid · 4 months
Be In My Eyes - Chapter 29
You can read the previous chapters here or on AO3. Happy belated Valentine's day <3 (I promise I didn't plan this!) Summary: Time to dress up for Keyleth's date with Vax.
The week rushed by like rapids, especially when, on Miresen morning, every single one of Keyleth’s teachers reminded their classes that the clock announcing finals had officially begun ticking. One month. Keyleth had one month to prepare for what she assumed would be the worst week of her college life. She could only hope her teachers took pity on the first years. By that evening, Keyleth had a meticulously developed study schedule, color-coded by class, to help her organize her time. Would she be able to keep up with it, though? She had to. The last thing she wanted was to fail a class and have to repeat it next year. She decided to try out the schedule that week, rotating between the library and the quiet apartment and inviting her roommates to study with her—which Vax’ildan almost always gladly accepted. 
The exception happened in the middle of the week. Although the holiday itself wasn’t widely celebrated in Emon, the Night of Ascension was still a holiday for those who celebrated, so the University had given them the day off classes. That day, Keyleth, Percy and Pike decided to occupy a table at their favorite café, staving off the snow that fell outside with steaming cups of hot cocoa. She had asked the twins to join them, but Vax had explained to Keyleth, alone in his bedroom as he bundled up with the hoodie Keyleth loved so much and a thick woolen scarf that had seen better days, that he and Vex’ahlia had a tradition to pay homage to their mother during the holiday, so they would be going to the nearest temple to make an offering, and then go out for a meal and celebrate their memories of Elaina (Vax had finally shared his mother’s name with her). Keyleth pondered asking to join them and do the same for her mother, but she figured that it was something the twins preferred to stay between just them. Besides, neither she nor her mother were particularly given to deities.
But the week rushed by nonetheless, and on Folsen evening, when Keyleth opened the fridge and saw a container with freshly made soup and a sticky note from Vax (I hope this helps you stay warm), the girl was ready to put on a pair of fuzzy socks, her warmest pajama and curl into a ball on the armchair and read until her eyelids drooped. Alas, her dream was interrupted by footsteps walking down the corridor as Keyleth removed the steaming bowl from the microwave.
“Oh. Hi Kiki,” Vax greeted. He was wearing a new long-sleeve pajama shirt (black, as usual), a pair of black sweatpants, and his hair was braided away from his face—it was about time that he heed not only Vex’s but also Keyleth’s advice about braiding his hair before bed.
“Hi, Vax. Thank you for the soup,” Keyleth nodded in gratitude. She sat at the kitchen table and started to eat. Vax joined her, sitting on the chair in front of hers, elbows on the table and resting his chin on his hand.
“How were classes?”
“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Vax asked smugly. Keylth looked at him confused, then remembered they were going out… on a date. “Please don’t tell me you forgot about our date?” Vax asked, outraged, seeing the look of realization on her face.
“No... I—I’m sorry.” Keyleth apologized, embarrassed. Vax merely laughed and shook his head. “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise.”
“Oh. What should I wear?” Keyleth asked, trying to get any possible clue from him.
“Something comfortable and warm.” The answer didn’t reveal anything substantial.
“What time are we leaving?” Keyleth tried another route.
“Do you think eight is too early?” Keyleth shook her head. She was used to waking up early, even during the weekends, so it wouldn’t make a difference in her schedule. “Then, we need to leave the apartment at 8:30.”
“Why so early?” Keyleth asked, finishing her soup.
“It’s a bit far and we need to take transportation. It’s going to be a whole day thing, so you might want to clear your schedule.”
Somewhere so far away that they needed to take an early transportation, that would last the entire day, and that she needed to bring warm, comfortable clothes? Where the hell was Vax taking her? “Should I bring anything special? Food? Entertainment?” Keyleth pushed further.
“We can make some sandwiches and bring snacks for the day. Water, too. As for entertainment, that’s what I’m there for, right?” Vax winked. Keyleth blushed and giggled, covering her mouth with her hand.
“I’m sure you will,” She teased. Vax slapped the table softly and grabbed her empty bowl. Keyleth got to her feet, wanting to stop him, but he waved his hand at her in dismissal and washed her dishes for her. Keyleth couldn’t stop herself from biting her lip at how caring Vax was to her. He had made her dinner, kept her company while she ate—even though he looked like he had been ready to go to sleep—and washed her dishes afterward. I don’t deserve someone so good like him.
“You should go to sleep,” Vax said to her, wiping his hands on the towel. He approached Keyleth and kissed her forehead before he turned to the hallway leading to the bedrooms. “I’ll see you first thing in the morning, Kiki,” he said and disappeared towards his bedroom. Keyleth stood in the kitchen, watching Vax walk away. Only when his bedroom door shut behind him did Keyleth release the longing sigh she had been holding and grabbed her bag to head to bed. Keyleth thought she was going to have trouble sleeping due to anxiety, so the faster she went to bed, the sooner she would fall asleep. However, Keyleth wasn’t expecting the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach, a sensation that seemed to calm her more than agitate her, so she fell asleep as soon as her head hit her pillow.
By the time Keyleth walked into the kitchen the next morning (her personal backpack open in front of her in preparation to get stuffed with snacks), Vax’ildan was already at the stove, stirring eggs and plopping two slices of bread in the toaster. On the island sat an evidently larger backpack—a camping backpack—seemingly full and ready to go. Keyleth stumbled on her feet, coming to an abrupt stop as she gawked at Vax’s bag, then at hers, so small in her hands. She didn’t have time to say anything because Vax was already smiling at her and greeting her. 
“What’s that?” Keyleth asked, all manners forgotten.
“Our stuff for today.”
“That looks—”
“Heavy? Don’t worry. It’s mostly light items. I made a few sandwiches, packed snacks, water and a thermos with peppermint tea.” Vax said nonchalantly, dividing the eggs between two plates. “Don’t worry, I added a lot of honey to the tea,” He added, seeing Keyleth’s stunned face. 
Vax set the plates with scrambled eggs and toast on the table and returned to grab two mugs of coffee. Keyleth finally set her backpack down—now completely useless—and sat at the table. They ate in silence, Keyleth avoiding looking at Vax too much, and then she left him to do the dishes while she returned to her bedroom to finish getting dressed. 
They left the apartment at exactly 8:30—like Vax had planned—after Keyleth replaced her small backpack for her regular knitted crossbody purse with just her personal belongings. Since the sun was shining bright and warm in the clear, blue sky, Keyleth left her thickest jacket behind in exchange for a crochet cardigan with sunflowers covering a beige high-neck shirt and a crochet dark green skirt. She pondered wearing pants for a moment, but then she found a pair of thick winter tights, and her problem of wanting to look cute and fight off the cold was easily solved. Meanwhile, Vax was–well… Vax (still incredibly hot, as usual, nonetheless). He wore his regular black, ripped pants, leather jacket and boots. The only difference was that he had replaced his band and graphic t-shirt for a seemingly brand new plain black high-neck shirt, so tight that Keyleth had held her breath when she first saw him before he put on and buttoned his jacket. 
They took a bus not far from campus, mostly filled with old ladies who gave the pair a weird look—which Keyleth knew was due to her overall sunshine personality, Vax’s dark and broody appearance and the camping backpack he carried—and they sat in the empty back, Vax setting the packed bag between his legs. They stayed in silence for a while, watching the city pass by slowly. People walked on the sidewalks, bundled up in their snow coats and scarves, couples held hands and stopped to watch the shop windows, and children threw balls and built snowmen in the park they passed by, much like what Keyleth and her friends had done a few weeks before, and which, eventually, led to her being in that empty bus, sitting so close to her crush—more than that, actually—that she could practically hear his heart beating in his chest.
“It’s such a nice day,” Keyleth said, more to herself than to him. Vax hummed. His hand found hers on her lap and he took it, intertwining his fingers with hers. Keyleth still looked out the window, now more to try to hide the blush in her cheeks at the gesture. Vax had been so touchy since last weekend… since he shared so much of his life with her. It was like he couldn’t bear to not touch Keyleth, as if her skin on his calmed him. Keyleth wasn’t complaining. She loved every touch, every chill down her spine, every kernel of warmth and softness that emanated from Vax, and she never wanted it to end.
“Is this the part where you kidnap me?” Keyleth asked twenty minutes later when the city landscape outside had given room to large fields and forests. They had officially been out of the city limits for five minutes, and she still didn’t know where Vax was taking her.
“What if it is?” Vax teased, wiggling his eyebrows and smiling mischievously at her.
“Then I regret to inform you that my father will not yield to any ransom requests. Unless you would like a chicken or two in exchange for giving me back.”
Vax snorted and brought her hands to his lips. He kissed each knuckle softly and then said, “I doubt your father wouldn’t give all the money in the world to have you back, Kiki.”
Keyleth wasn’t sure if the heat in her cheeks was because of his gesture of the implication that Vax knew her father loved her so much he would ruin his finances for her.
“Our exit is coming up,” Vax announced, releasing the grasp in her hand and getting to his feet. Keyleth followed him down the aisle, and when the bus stopped in the middle of nowhere, where the only sign of it being a bust stop was a single pole with a hanging sign, Vax gestured for Keyleth to descend before him, following her as he shouldered the backpack. 
“Now I’m really concerned,” Keyleth said, looking around. They were surrounded by tall trees on a single road with practically no traffic. She had no idea where they were in regards to the city proper, but it was clear they were somewhere remote. 
“Do you trust me?” Vax asked, extending his hand to her. Keyleth’s answer was weaving her fingers through his and walking by his side in silence. 
During their short walk parallel to the road the bus had taken, Keyleth glanced sideways at Vax, who looked relaxed and smiled so brightly he could supply enough energy for a small town. His mood was contagious, and soon Keyleth found herself relaxing and smiling as well, walking hand-in-hand with him down the sidewalk and then up a smaller road.
“No way,” Keyleth exclaimed as they reached an ornate iron gate connected to rock pillars. Above it, high enough where a tall van could cross without touching it, was an iron sign that said Emon Botanical Gardens. Keyleth couldn’t hold her joy at the sight of it, and neither could Vax, apparently, because he was shaking with excitement at her reaction, grinning brightly at her, eyes shining like ambers. 
Keyleth squealed in delight as they approached the portico, where a woman waited at the ticket booth. Vax stepped ahead of her and exchanged a few words with the woman that Keyleth couldn’t hear—although, from the look of it, they were familiar with each other—and then signaled her to the barriers that opened on their own accord.
“What?” Keyleth asked, surprised, crossing it behind Vax. 
“Students don’t pay entrance,” Vax explained.
“Do you come here often?” Keyleth asked as he walked towards a large wooden board with the map of the park. She stopped abruptly in front of it, gaping with an open mouth at how large the area was. 
“Vex and I came here often when we needed a break from the chaos of the city,” Vax explained, picking a pamphlet from the holder. “It’s really peaceful. Here,” He handed Keyleth the pamphlet. She opened it to see a smaller-scale map of the park on one side and short descriptions of what the park contained on the other side.
“This park is huge. We’re not going to be able to see it all today,” Keyleth pointed out, noting all the smaller flower gardens, the several ponds and fountains, the orchard and forests of different kinds of trees. “There’s a waterfall?” She asked, not really expecting an answer. “And a butterfly garden!” Her excitement turned up a notch if it was even possible. Keyleth loved butterflies.
“Where would you like to start?” Vax asked, smiling at her. Keyleth pointed at the greenhouse not far from there, and he nodded. He let her lead the way, even though he probably knew the garden so well that he didn’t need a map anymore. 
The greenhouse spawned over a long distance, covering plants from all regions in Exandria, from flowering cacti of the Marquesian deserts to blooming flowers of the Zemni Fields and even a few darker, mysterious flora from the distant lands of Xhorhas. No matter where Keyleth looked, she was welcomed with fragrant scents, a rainbow of colors, and a whole new universe she wanted to explore until the end of her days. She took several minutes to photograph flowers and plants she had never seen before and write notes on the notebook app on her phone, setting up a mental note to return with her camera and a proper notebook. When Keyleth finally uncoiled from where she had been squatting for ten minutes, photographing and copying information from the small description sign next to a bloom of snowdrops, Vax coughed to get her attention. Keyleth’s head snapped in his direction. She had completely forgotten why and who she was there with, so a blush spread on her cheeks as she apologized to Vax bashfully.
“It’s okay. It’s adorable.” He brushed it off, holding out his hand for her to take. Keyleth grabbed it, looking at Vax inquisitively. “Let’s go. I have a surprise,” Vax said, pulling Keyleth with him.
They exited the greenhouse through a side door onto a gravel path. Keyleth’s excitement built up quickly once she saw the first signs pointing in the direction they were going, saying Butterfly House. She found it weird that the butterfly house would be open in the winter since she hadn’t read anything about it in the pamphlet, but maybe it was climate-controlled so they could have viewings year-round. However, Keyleth’s excitement and hope died a little when their path was closed by a barrier, where a note hung from the middle: “We regret to inform the butterfly house is closed until further notice.”
“Vax, what are you doing?” Keyleth asked as Vax transposed the barrier and held out his hand for her. “It’s closed.”
“I know. Trust me,” Vax said. Keyleth followed him down the last of the gravel path and then onto a smaller side path that led to the back of the building. She had no idea where Vax was taking her, but Keyleth trusted him with her life, so she followed as he squeezed her hand tighter in his grip.
“Hello there,” A man greeted the pair when they turned a corner. Keyleth came to an abrupt stop behind Vax, bumping against his back. Shit, we’re screwed, Keyleth thought, knowing they were trespassing.
“Hey!” Vax greeted the man back. He let go of Keyleth’s hand and dropped his backpack on the floor next to the door she realized the man was holding open. Vax then walked towards the man and hugged him tightly. Keyleth finally took a good look at him. He was smiling kindly at them, crow’s feet around his eyes. He seemed to be in his early forties, perhaps, with sun-dappled skin, wild and crazy-looking dark hair, and a black beard streaked with gray, neatly kept in two braids. 
“Is this the lady I’ve been hearing so much about?” The man asked Vax, looking around his shoulder to Keyleth with an even fonder smile. Vax laughed and nodded. He extended his hand to call Keyleth over, wiggling his fingers.
“This is Keyleth,” Vax introduced when she laced her fingers with his. Up close, Keyleth could see the man’s glowing blue eyes and all the signs of someone who had a happy life, even if labored. “Keyleth,” Vax continued, pointing at the man, “This is Kerrek.”
“Kerr is fine,” The man said, extending his hand. Keyleth took it. The handshake was strong but soft at the same time as if Kerrek was holding back on her. His hands were calloused, and there was some dirt under his fingernails, confirming the hard labor Keyleth assumed he did.
“Nice to meet you, Kerr,” Keyleth said politely. Vax had never mentioned him, yet the man seemed to have heard about her. She tucked the information in a mental file to ask Vax later.
“Are you sure it’s okay?” Vax asked, nodding at the building. The man nodded and replied with a wink, “Go ahead lovebirds.”
Keyleth blushed, but Vax chuckled. He looked at her nervously and pulled her inside the building with him, the door closing behind them. The temperature changed immediately, and Keyleth was forced to discard her cardigan with Vax’s leather jacket, leaving them on a bench by the door, and pulled the long sleeves of her shirt up to her elbows. She then followed Vax down a dimly lit hallway to a second door. 
“Ready?” Vax asked her. Keyleth swallowed hard and nodded. 
Keyleth wasn’t sure what she expected, but walking into a brightly lit, hot and humid jungle was not it. The roof was a domed glass that let the bright winter light in without any of the cold, and everywhere Keyleth looked was covered with trees and plants, vines and moss. Once again, she allowed Vax to guide her down the tiled path until they came to a rounded room fully enclosed in class. In the center, a stone bench acted as a barrier to flowers and greenery, and around them—
“Oh. My. Gods.” Keyleth whispered, still not believing what she was seeing.
Butterflies—dozens and dozens of butterflies—flew everywhere, from branch to branch, between flowers and vines, up on the glass ceiling and around the walls. Vax led Keyleth into the middle of the room with a soft hand on the small of her back, stopping by the stone bench. Keyleth spun slowly in place, noting every color, wing shape, and different type of butterfly.
“You might want to close your mouth before a butterfly flies in,” Vax teased. Keyleth snapped her mouth shut but didn’t look at him, still mesmerized by the display.
“Vax, this is—” She stopped herself. A small swarm of five butterflies dove to her and landed on her hair and outstretched arm. Keyleth swallowed a squeal of delight as she turned to face Vax and brought a beautiful blue-winged butterfly between them.
“That’s a morpho peleides,” Vax offered. Keyleth nodded, still awestruck.
“Their wings aren’t actually blue, but—”
“Iridescent, yes. It’s caused by a diffraction of the light from the—”
“Tiny scales on its wings.” Keyleth finished. She looked up at him, surprised that he knew about it.
“I’ve been coming here for a few years. I’ve learned a lot about them,” He explained coyly. Keyleth swallowed, feeling a wave of warmth flow down her body. The butterfly beat its wings and took off to a high branch. Keyleth followed it with her gaze. 
“It’s beautiful,” She whispered, still looking at the emperor on the other side of the room.
“You’re beautiful, Keyleth,” Vax whispered back. She whipped her head back to him, only to realize he was so close to her that their breaths mingled with each other. Vax brought a hand up to cup her cheek and leaned in, making Keyleth’s stomach jump.
Oh gods, is this happening?
“Can I kiss you?” He asked. Yes. Yes! A million times, yes!
“Please—” She practically begged.
Time stopped, or maybe it was Keyleth’s heart that stopped. Something stopped, for sure. Keyleth’s eyes drifted closed, and she surrendered herself to the warmth of Vax’s hand on her face and the firm hold on her waist as his lips touched hers. The kiss started soft and tentative. As if Vax was scared. Keyleth’s hands slid up Vax’s chest to wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. The kiss deepened, full of longing and something else Keyleth’s brain could not decipher in that moment. Some time passed, although Keyleth couldn’t tell if it had been seconds, minutes, or days. But eventually, Vax broke the kiss, his piercing gaze on hers, assessing her. Keyleth smiled against his lips, willing her heart to stop beating so fast. Vax opened his mouth to say something, but Keyleth shushed him before he could utter a word by kissing him again.
Keyleth poured all the intensity of her need for Vax into the kiss. Although she had no idea what she was doing, she had read quite a few romance books, so she pulled all that knowledge off the pages and kissed Vax passionately. When her tongue brushed against his lip, Vax opened to allow her in, the hand on her face lowering to join the other on the small of her back, pulling her harder against him. Keyleth could feel every inch of Vax’s body, her tongue thoroughly exploring his mouth until it met his tongue and started a dance she didn’t know the steps for. Keyleth stopped leading, then, and started following Vax’s experienced instructions. The heat on her body was overpowering, but it was Keyleth’s happiness that screamed the loudest in her ears, together with the thrumming beating of her heart. 
When they finally pulled apart—when Vax pulled apart—they were both panting, eyes wide as saucers fixed on each other, and smiling. Keyleth willed her lungs to work faster and reminded her heart to slow down, lest she pass out from sheer emotion. Her legs were trembling like reeds on a storm, and if it weren’t for Vax’s firm hold on her, Keyleth would surely fall to her knees in front of him.
“That was—” Vax tried, but his breath was still ragged. Keyleth chuckled and nodded, rubbing her nose against his. Their breaths were warm and sweet like a summer night, Vax’s kiss-swollen lips so, so inviting. Tempting. “Gods, Kiki. You’re—” Vax didn’t finish. He leaned his brow against Keyleth with closed eyes and breathed slowly. Keyleth did the same, following his lead once again. He smelled so good and felt so warm and cozy, just like home. “You’re going to be the death of me, Keyleth.”
“I’m sorry,” Keyleth giggled. Vax kissed the tip of her nose. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while,” She confessed.
“Me too.” Vax tugged at the fabric of her shirt on the small of her back, twisting and turning the hem between his fingers. Keyleth gave him a questioning look that made him swallow nervously. Finally, after taking a long breath that puffed against Keyleth’s lips, Vax said, “Kiki, you know I’m in love with you, right?”
Oh. Keyleth’s heart almost leaped out of her chest. It was one thing to feel the love Vax didn’t hide from her, and a completely different thing to hear him say it (like actually say it). Keyleth let her hands slide down from his shoulders and splay on his chest. The jack-rabbit beating of Vax’s heart on Keyleth’s palm made her smile softly as she spoke, “I know. And I–I think I feel the same way.”
“You think?” Vax asked. His tone wasn’t mocking but uncertain. 
“I’m scared,” Keyleth admitted, at last, the feeling she had been trying to repress for a while. “I’ve never felt this way for anyone before and it’s so scary.”
“I know,” Vax replied. His thumbs rubbed tight, reassuring circles on Keyleth’s back.
“My dad was so devastated when my mom died. I—I‘ve never wanted to feel that, or worse… make someone feel like that. I–” Keyleth hesitated. 
“I never thought I would have what they had. I never thought someone was going to fall for me, or that I would fall for anyone. I promised myself when I was young that I would never fall in love and yet…”
Vax smiled. He rubbed the tip of his nose on Keyleth’s and said, “I understand completely. You know about my father. I don’t have the best examples of what a loving relationship is. I never thought I would ever find happiness in my life, much less something so pure as love. We don’t have to be in a relationship, Kiki, but if you’ll have me, I’m yours.”
“I don’t think I’m ready to be with someone… yet.”
“That’s okay. I’ll wait as long as it takes,” Vax brushed a strand of hair and tucked it behind her ear. Keyleth smiled fondly at him, basking in the feel of his touch, but her smile faltered as she asked him a question she had been dreading.
“And what if I’m never ready?” Knowing that Vax’s answer could mend or break their future was enough to send her spiraling, so Keyleth closed her fists on his shirt, keeping her aloft, keeping her mind steady and grounded.
“Then I’ll always be here as your friend. I’ll only take what you want to give, Kiki. Never more than that.”
“You would stay?” She asked, her voice wavering. 
“Of course. I’m not going anywhere, Keeks.” Vax replied, kissing her forehead. Keyleth slumped into his embrace, sliding her arms under his armpits and holding tightly. She waited for the first signs of the imminent panic attack to retreat down to her stomach and vanish. Only then did she uncoil to her feet, releasing Vax completely, and smiled. 
“Thank you for understanding.”
“You’re very important to me.” Vax pulled away, but instead of completely letting go of Keyleth, he twinned his fingers with hers and asked, “Are you ready to head back into the cold with me?” 
Keyleth nodded and allowed him to pull her with him, retracing their steps to the back door, where they put their jackets back on and Vax slung his bag back on his shoulders. Kerr was still waiting outside, moving crates and boxes when they exited. He turned to Vax and Keyleth with a fond smile, dropped a box on the ground and walked to pat Vax’s back.
“Make sure you and your sister come over for dinner soon, will you? You’re welcome too, Keyleth.” Kerr added, turning to Keyleth. 
“Oh. Thank you for the invitation.”
“I’ll talk to Stubby and let her know,” Vax replied.
“It was nice meeting you, Keyleth.” Kerr extended his hand. Keyleth took it again, shaking it softly with a smile.
“It was nice meeting you too.”
Vax and Keyleth spent the rest of the morning wandering through the multiple flower gardens, fountains and ponds, albeit sad-looking in the middle of the Winter. When the sun reached its apex in the sky, Vax took Keyleth by the hand down a secluded gravel path and into a small clearing of pine trees (the few trees that still had their canopies). Vax removed a thick blanket from the bag, spread it on the floor, and sat down, patting the ground between his legs for Keyleth.
“I should have known you were bringing picnic stuff,” Keyleth said. She sat between Vax’s legs facing him, her legs crossed between them. Vax took another blanket from the bag and set it on her lap, covering both of them.
“You think I would pass up the opportunity to have an outdoor meal with you?” He scoffed. Keyleth didn’t reply. She grabbed the thermos of tea he passed her and took a sip. It was sweet, just the way she loved it, and it warmed her from the inside out. Vax then grabbed two sandwiches and a bag of chips, and they ate while observing the nature and enjoying the quiet. They didn’t run into many people during their walks in the garden, which Keyleth could only assume was due to the cold weather and the fact that most of the plants were dead.
“We should come back in the spring,” She said after a while.
“I already planned on bringing you back.”
“So, what’s the story with Kerr? How do you know him?” Keyleth asked, passing Vax the thermos.
Vax took a sip of the tea, closed the bottle and set it by his side. He then lifted the blanket from his and Keyleth’s legs and gestured for her to turn around. Keyleth did, scooting and resting her back against his chest. Vax covered them again and wrapped his arms around her waist, letting his hands rest on her stomach, where he started rubbing circles with his thumbs. Keyleth basked in his warmth. She could never get enough of the feel of Vax’s arms draped safely around her.
“Do you remember what I told you about what happened with Vex?” He asked her. Keyleth nodded. She knew it was a difficult subject for him. “Well, after all that, Vex and I decided to leave Emon for a while. We found this garden. We lied and told them we were high school students, and they believed us. Mostly because we looked like high schoolers. We found this spot right here, secluded enough that no one could stroll into us, and we made it our place. We had a small tent big enough for us and Trinket.”
“One day, Kerr caught me after the park closed, but instead of calling the cops on us, he extended a helping hand. At first, he invited us to have dinner with him and his wife. Hot homemade meals were hard to come by at the time, and Vex was getting thinner every day, so I said yes. They heard our story, and just like you, they grew angry at our father. But most of all, they felt bad for us and wanted to help us.”
“That’s really nice of them,” Keyleth said. Vax nodded. He buried his cold nose in her neck, making her squeal. 
“They asked us to stay with them until we came of age, but Vex and I… we had been living on our own for a while, and we—we might have been too proud to take such a huge offer. But we did accept a job offer to work here, and we enrolled back at the highschool, using Kerr’s home address as our location. We often went to Kerr’s for warm meals and never refused their invitation to stay on cold and rainy nights.”
“Kerr and his wife treated us like we were their own children. We finally caved in and moved in for our final year of highschool. They even motivated us to go to college and helped us apply for scholarships and everything. Their house is a home to us.”
“I’m glad you found them. I’m glad Kerr didn’t call the cops on you.” Keyleth said, turning her head to see Vax. She nuzzled her nose against his jaw, making Vax smile. 
“I’m glad too. I don’t know if we would still be alive if it weren’t for Kerr.”
“I’m glad you are. It brought you here… to me.” Keyleth whispered and gave Vax a soft peck on the lips. 
“Have I mentioned how beautiful you look today?” Vax nuzzled against Keyleth’s neck. She giggled and nodded in response. “Did you make your skirt?”
“I did. But my grandma made my cardigan.”
“They’re so pretty. You’re both very talented.”
“I’ll make you something one day,” Keyleth promised. 
“Are you cold?” Vax asked, tightening his embrace. 
“No. I’m never cold when I’m with you. You’re always so warm and cozy.”
“Hmm. Same. You’re like a ray of sunshine. You’re so happy and cheerful. It’s contagious sometimes.”
Keyleth thought about his words. People often said she was a ray of sunshine, that she lit up any room when she walked in, but Keyleth didn’t feel that way. She was happy. Keyleth did feel joy in life and enjoyed being around her friends and family. It was the moment she was left alone that Keyleth dreaded the most. When she was by herself with her thoughts, her fears and grief. She had witnessed a few episodes where Vax had preferred to be alone, where his mood was extra broody and grumpy. She understood that better than Vax probably thought.
“Kiki?” Vax called her. Keyleth turned sideways, buried her head in Vax’s chest and grabbed the jacket on his stomach. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” Keyleth mumbled against his chest. Vax’s hands cradled the back of her head and he pressed a kiss to her hair. He stayed like that and waited until she finally spoke again. “I’m not as much of a ray of sunshine as people think I am. I also have bad moments—bad days, even.”
“I know. I’ve noticed your moods.” 
“You have?” Keyleth asked, looking up. Vax nodded and caressed her hair down her back. “You must probably think I’m a fraud then.”
“You’re not a fraud, Kiki. Not everyone can be happy all day, every day. I know you try hard to hide the bad side, but you can trust us… you can certainly trust me. I want you to be yourself when you’re with me, even if that means you’re picking at the skin of your nails or chewing on your lip and the inside of your cheek. I won’t be bothered by your jumpy knee or your shuffling around on your seat.”
Oh shit. Vax knew all her fidgets. Was she really that obvious, or was he just very observant? Keyleth always tried to hide her anxiety in front of everyone, and she was almost sure that she did a good job at it, but she had always been more relaxed with Vax. She had always felt safe with him. Of all people, Vax would be the one to understand Keyleth’s faults the best.
As if he read her mind, Vax added, “You and I aren’t that different, Kiki. Depression and anxiety often go hand in hand.”
“I suppose I might have some of yours, too,” Keyleth admitted. It wasn’t for nothing that her father had made her see a professional when she hit puberty.
“And I have some of yours. It’s perfectly valid to have them both, and if someone ever gives you grief about it, tell me, and I’ll punch them.”
Keyleth snorted at the offer. Some of the weight on her chest lifted, but there was something heavy keeping her from being blissfully happy: finals. History proved that academic high-stress situations were not good for Keyleth. “I don’t think you can punch our professors or finals.”
“Ah. Is that what’s eating at you? Here I was, thinking you were freaking out because I’m extremely handsome, and I make your heart almost leap out of your chest.” Keyleth looked at Vax to see him smirking at her. Her face reddened in response. “You’re going to do great, Keeks. You’re smart, talented, and a great student. All our professors love you. If anything, you’re going to do so good that they will need to expand the grading system just to accommodate your knowledge.”
“You’re exaggerating, Vax. I’m not as smart as you or Pike. And I’m falling behind in Anatomy. You’ve seen my midterm grade.”
“Fine, the human body doesn’t agree with you. Does it matter? Are you in Biology for it or for plants, Keyleth? Didn’t you say you were going to drop Anatomy next year anyway?”
“Yes, but I still want to have a good grade,” Keyleth all but pouted at Vax. Couldn’t he understand the high expectations other people had on her? She had always been a top-of-the-class student in high school, and people expected her to maintain that or do better in college, never to go below their standards.
“Keyleth, love. You had a 16 in the midterm,” Vax grabbed her shoulders and looked at her earnestly. “All your assignments have been above 18–and yes, it counts even if I helped you. Even if you have another 16 in your final, you will still get at least a 17 at the end of the semester. I know it’s not as good as an 18 or a 19, but you are still in the top five students in Anatomy, and I know for a fact that you, miss I-will-not-rest-until-I-have-straight-20s, are the best student in your degree.”
When Vax put it like that, Keyleth had to concede to his logic. She knew that she would need a really bad grade on her final to drastically lower her final grade in Anatomy and the general average, as a consequence, but even though it was a low possibility, it wasn’t impossible.
“Fine.” Keyleth pushed Vax away and got up, straightening her skirt. “I guess you’re right.” She said and walked away from him. Keyleth didn’t need to turn her head to see the look of confusion on his face, but she still peeked and threw over her shoulder, “Let’s go see the waterfall… unless you’re done with our date?”
She laughed as Vax scrambled to his feet and packed everything inside the backpack. He was by Keyleth’s side in a matter of seconds, holding her hand and dragging her down the path. Keyleth giggled at his reinvigorated spirits, feeling slightly better herself, too. Vax was right, she knew that, and while she still had a hard time letting go of that particular anxiety, Keyleth knew she had in him a safe harbor. 
“Yes.” Vax looked at her expectantly, grinning from ear to ear.
“I might barge into your room this month to ask for reassurance. Is that okay?” Keyleth bit at her lip. Vax let go of her hand, only to wrap his arm around her shoulder and pull her to a stop. He leaned in and brushed his lips against hers, giving Keyleth a soft, ghostly peck on the lips that made her want more, and said, “I can’t promise I’ll be decent, but my door will always be unlocked for you, Kiki.”
“Good,” Keyleth whispered against his lips. “I might come to collect some hugs then… even if you’re not–decent.”
The kiss was sensual and unhurried, filled with promises of more kisses to come, hugs to be given, and reassuring words to be whispered in the dark. By the time they arrived back at the apartment, lips red and kiss-swollen, the subject of finals was completely gone from Keyleth’s mind, instead filled with the scent of pine trees and snow and the wonderful time she spent with Vax in nature all day. A much needed-rest before the chaos.
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littlebosslady7 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia, Scanlan Shorthalt/Pike Trickfoot Characters: Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III, Pike Trickfoot, Scanlan Shorthalt, Vesper Elaina de Rolo | Percy and Vex'ahlia's Child, Trinket (Critical Role) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Domestic Fluff, Fluff Series: Part 15 of D's Critical Role One Shots
Summary: After a restless evening, a very pregnant Vex'ahlia De Rolo found her husband burning the midnight oil. She and Percival made some pretty wonderful children. But to pass the time, Vex and Percy rediscover, they make a whole lot of things wonderful when they work together as a team.
“Vex’ahlia, dearheart. You needn’t have traveled down all the way down here in your extremely delicate state.” Percy reminded, one hand massaging small circles over her back. He lifted the cumbersome weight of her belly to ease constant pressure off her spine. She sighed in contentment. Then Percy guided her to his comfy rolling desk chair, “I told you I’d be right up to bed at ten o’clock.”
“Mm-hm, you most certainly did.” Vex spun around and gestured to one of his own inventions, “And it’s nearly midnight, darling.”
He argued, “Midnight, no, it can’t be.”
As if on cue, a little wooden bluebird loudly creaked and made a mechanical singsong chirp out of the clock at the stroke of twelve. This wasn't the first time, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.
“Oh, my dear.” Percy apologized, kissing her temple, “I’m terribly sorry.”
Vex reminded, fingers gently tapping at multiple movements from their twins, “You know these two active little love bugs can’t sleep without a lullaby from their Daddy.”
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
Hi! You were asking for questions about your aus and I've been meaning to ask you this for a while: what do you think Elaina was like as a person/ how are you characterising her in your Elaina Lives AU? Obviously, she's very important to the twins but they very rarely talk about her, which is understandable on their part but does make her slightly elusive as a figure. There's a small handful of concrete things and a small collection of implications but not much else.
I've been working on something set in an au where she's alive and I'm happy with where I've landed for the characterisation, but I know it's far from the only way she can be interpreted. So, as I've been writting I've gotten interested in what different end result someone else would make with the same pieces and I know characterisation is something you take a lot of pride and care in.
Oh good question!
I've been approaching it very much by looking at the twins and what of their traits and behaviours they likely inherited from her. This is ... not easy necessarily but a lot of fun, because it's kind of like everything that isn't directly gained from Syngorn that's up for grabs?
Like... Vax's attitude is due to and exacerbated by Syngorn. Vex's social awareness and social caution come from Syngorn. Her tact on the other hand? Likely from Elaina! Vax's more generous and deeply caring side? Again, likely from Elaina! It's also not impossible that Vax's depression is inherited from Elaina and exacerbated by circumstance - some parts of mental health, especially any hormone imbalances, can be heritable. We know too that the twins loved her and felt loved and cared for by her, so she was likely doing her best to be a good and loving single mother to them.
Now, I'm picking and choosing for this AU based on what works best for the story I'm telling and that means that some of these differences between interpretations are mostly just gonna be... what feels right? What feels fun? And because there's so much up for grabs in her characterisation none of this is absolute; in another AU I might well change things up.
But the things I do have down are:
Vex's frugality comes from survival but her way with numbers? That's inherited from Elaina.
Vax's stubbornness comes from her; she never wanted to give up the twins to Syldor and he Charmed her into letting him. She just wanted support for their rearing, never for him to take them from her.
(Vax's ability to seethe and resent comes from her too.)
Vex's tact comes from her, and the ability to notice and think things out and sit on observations til you're ready to admit them.
Similarly, Vax's more warm social ability comes from her. Elaina didn't have the same pressures as Vex moulding her to be quiet so often; she knows when to speak up and isn't that afraid of doing so when she's sure of her standing.
She loves the twins. She resents Syldor. When given the chance to help her children again, she takes it with both hands, unhesitating and unstinting. (That's something else Vax gained from her: throwing oneself forward without caution for sake of those one loves.)
There'll be more as I write more I'm sure, but that's my starting point! I also think that, seeing the twins grown up, she'd be concerned about their codependency - glad that they're there for each other but wishing they weren't so dependent on each other. Wishing it hadn't come to that for them. She, as every good parents wishes, wants only the best for them - for them to have every chance and freedom she can afford them.
Send me asks about my fic ideas!
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littlerosette · 8 months
I’d love to hear about your original stories! Whatever you wanna share about them ❤️
oh god i have so many😭 most of them are still half-formed and mostly ~vibes~ but i’m gonna count them! to make things simple, im going to refer to them as basic words/phrases because they don’t have titles.
ancient greece story: probably my oldest. i don’t know if you guys have noticed by now, but im a Huge history buff, especially for antiquity. i adore ancient history (notably the greeks, mesopotamians, egyptians, etc). that period of time has an almost mystical quality to it that i love because there are so many unknowns, but ANYWAY! this idea is basically my spin on twelfth night by william shakespeare but in ancient greece (originally conceptualized to be in athens but they were so comedically restrictive of women that i might have to reasses😭). so, a scholastic, noble woman takes the place of her twin brother to pursue an education that’s been banned from her to receive. she’s disguised herself as a boy to do so and ends up forming a connection with a male student she meets there. at some point, he finds out that she’s a woman and takes it upon himself to pursue her. this causes a lot of angst for her. basically, it’s an academic rivals to lovers romcom set in ancient greece lol. idk if it’s too silly for the time period but i’m really intrigued by how romance could happen in a place where gender roles are just So restrictive and absolute.
character names: lysander (25) & elaina (19)
jaws of the lamb: y’all should probably be pretty familiar with this. i think it’s my best idea so far. it was originally conceptualized as an eremika fic (which it might still end up becoming. anyway) but i like the idea of it being it’s own story as well. anyway, it’s the final girl trope but spun as a twisted love story. a young woman meets and unwittingly falls in love with a serial killer who’s been terrorizing their college campus. the format is non-linear, often going from past to present until they both meet in the middle. the present is the aftermath of the killings where the murderer has already been arrested. the past is them falling in love and the grand reveal of the killer’s identity (along with the slashy-horror of a final girl confrontation). i also think of the story as a metaphor for addiction with all of its highs, lows, and periods of intense shame.
characters: christiana | christy (24) & aaron (24)
hot for priest: apologies going forward but i was raised catholic, so. this is what i have written on the doc for the plot: After experiencing the death of her mother, a young woman meets a priest at her old Church that used to be a close childhood friend of hers. Despite her being engaged, things swiftly descend into chaos as they embark on an emotional affair that ruins all of their lives. (ngl i also like this as an everlark fic).
background to this: i’ve read a couple priest romances at this point and been largely dissatisfied with many of them. i know that priests have become like firefighters at this point in that they’re jobs that become fantasy fuel for women, but i’m a little annoyed by how many priest “romances” focus solely on smut instead of romance. i like good smut as much as any other girl, but i often find it hollow if there’s not a story/relationship that i’m really rooting for. i also think a lot of writers forsake the inevitable catholic guilt in service of more smut, which is a missed opportunity imo and not even mutually exclusive. i always kind of roll my eyes when we get to the sex and the priest is like some kind of kinky dominant who makes a round last five hours and doesn’t care that he broke one of the most sacred vows of his job, which is to Not fuck. catholic guilt and shame is very fun for me to think about conceptually, so i’m a little bummed it’s not used more. this story is ALL catholic guilt and romance. this is also why fleabag is one of my favorite shows. it doesn’t shy away from the conflict of a man choosing between god and love. the thorn birds is also great in this respect.
characters: naomi (28) & peter (31).
death’s the lover: NOT an original story but i did come up with original names if i ever fixed the story up enough to publish.
characters: hina antanova (22) & ilya kaverin (22)
(i even came up with different physical descriptions for them lol).
thank you for this question! i love explaining this stuff. please feel free to ask me about any of them!
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waltwhitmansbeard · 1 year
God I was so into that show as a teen BKBKKBKV I gather then that there are original vampires, and Sylas is likely one?
I had the the thought that maybe Syldor is a vampire and turned the twins - so it ties in with him 'taking them away' from Elaina. He might not even be their biological father, might not even know who Elaina *is*, but takes on some of that begrudging responsibility for turning them that gives him a similar role to being their dad?
the way my brain is EXPLODING with this omfg
yes yes yes, sylas is an original, for sure. i like the idea that in this world, the originals weren't a family but maybe a group of ppl cursed with vampirism? it was supposed to maybe be a punishment but it spiraled into something else??
and syldor turning the twins is DELICIOUS oh my god. he hates how different they are from him, how weak, how dependent on their mother and each other, and he thinks making them like him will fix his indiscretions. but he left them to make their own way bc he thought it would make them stronger, thought they needed to struggle in order to "make it," and his hope is that they will become powerful, ruthless vampires in their own right and finally earn his approval.
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lexa-griffins · 1 year
I had a cute image of Clarke and Lexa sleeping peacefully in bed when all of a sudden they're rudely woken up by three sets of weights bouncing up and down on their bed for morning cuddles, breakfast, and playtime (each kid wants to do something different 😂)
oh my, that's too cute. It is always those early mornings when Lexa and Clarke got in already way past the kids' bedtime and although they have most of the next day free to sleep in their children are way too excited to have all the cuddles and playtime they did not have the night before.
Its little chins and knees on their stomachs and against their hips as they try to wake them up, poking Lexa's stomach, nudging Clarke's shoulder, so much "moooooooooooom" and "nooomooooooon" coming from three little mouths they couldn't drown it out even if they wanted to. And although the three of them want vastly different things from their mothers (Elaina is the one who wants to play more than anything, Odrick wants cuddles so badly and Luka is just /starving/) they convince the three of them to get in bed between them just so they can nap a little more before having to face a day full of inevitable crying and screaming but also watching them enjoy being kids - which Lexa complains is going by way to fast, how is Elaina already seven years old and the twins smack down in the middle of their third year of life? Lexa swears just last week she had finally gotten Clarke to marry her and now she's watching their kids steal good from each other's plates. How in the world did she get here and how did she get this lucky? 🥹
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annelizabethwrites · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairings: Roger Taylor X OC (Scarlett Walker); George Harrison X OC (Star Walker)
Rating: Mature (See Notes, Muses & Warnings for the actual warnings)
POV: Scarlett, Star
Warning: mentions of abuse, stabbing, and PTSD
Wattpad||AO3|| Playlists||Table Of Contents
July 1st, 1969- Scarlett POV
Kelly put me on a top-secret project for my first thing as COO. The lads are still on a break from Abbey Road. George officially moved in and is legally a single man. John went to Scotland with Yoko, Julian, and Yoko's five-year-old daughter Kyoko, for a holiday, and they left on the 29. When I returned from Liverpool, I got the somewhat exciting news that Elaina and Tim had started their relationship back up for the 5th time since 1965. Smile has been getting big, and Roger has taken me on dates. On June 26th, we drove back to Liverpool for an annual service for my dad, and this year, Sandy's water broke during the service. Later that day, Sandy gave birth to Steven John Walker. My friend group also has two new guys, Milo and Thomas, both are old friends of Elaina's. Tim wasn't excited at first because they were flirtatious with each other. Elaina explained to him that Milo and Thomas are like how Star and I are to him, which quickly eased him. I'm still working in Kelly's office while mine is getting furnished and fixed since Anne wrecked it. I was working on the project when I got a nervously rapid knock on the door.
"Come in," Kelly and I yelled. Star and Cynthia ran in, and Star turned on the radio.
"What are you doing?" I asked as Star changed the channel.
"Breaking News: John Lennon crashed his car in Scotland with his wife, Yoko Ono, child, Julian Lennon, and stepchild, Kyoko Cox," The news reporter stated, "This crash has been just announced and no further updates yet."
My heart dropped. God, I hope they're all okay.
"We have to go," I looked at Cynthia and Star.
"The next flight is in 3 more hours," Cynthia stated.
"Use my plane, I don't use it, and you can get there faster than a normal plane," Kelly suggested.
"Are you sure?" Star asked.
"Yes, stop standing here and go," Kelly pushed us out. We all got into Star's car, and I gave Star the directions to the plane site. As soon as we got on the plane we all tried to stay calm, the flight was an hour and forty minutes. We kept the radio on to listen in on what was happening. Cynthia was freaking out about Julian's safety. Star and I freaked out for John and Julian. Soon as we landed, we rushed to Golspie's Lawson Memorial Hospital.
"Hello, I'm looking for John Lennon and his family?" I asked the secretary.
"Sorry, onl-" the secretary turned to see Star and me. "Oh my god, you're the Beatle Twins! He is in room 104."
"Thank you," I smiled, and we started to walk to the room, but Cynthia stopped.
"He doesn't want to see you, hun. He told us when he came in," the secretary pointed to Cynthia.
"You guys go. I'll try to find Julian," Cynthia told us. Star and I ran to John's room. Soon as we walked in, John had stitches on his face, and he was shocked to see us. Star and I ran to John and hugged him.
"Oh, thank god you're okay," We sighed in relief. Then we pulled out from the hug, and I punched John in the arm, "You scared us, you asshole. You made me think we lost you!"
"Please, a small car crash won't take me down, Walker," John rubbed the spot I punched him. We saw no Julian, no Yoko, and no Kyoko.
"John. Where is Julian, Yoko, and Kyoko?" I looked at John.
"Where's George and Roger?" John asked with a bit of sass, "You would think your boyfriends would go to Scotland with you."
Star and I looked at each other. I forgot to tell Roger we were heading to Scotland, and by the look on Star's face, she failed to tell George.
"Did you guys forget to tell your boyfriends that you were going to Scotland?" John started to laugh.
"Not now, Lennon. Where are the other three people you came with?" I asked John.
"Julian is with my aunt Mater in Durness. Kyoko and Yoko are in different rooms," John told me, "I love you guys, but why are you in Scotland?"
"We heard about the crash," Star started.
"And we came here as fast as possible," I explained.
"Aw, all just for me," John fluttered his eyes, "You guys shouldn't have."
"We thought we would lose our older brother-" I explained.
"There is no way we would just stay in London and sit around," Star cut me off.
"Come here," John put his arms out for another hug, we hugged him back, and the doctor came in.
"Sorry, no one but family is allowed here," the doctor said, thinking we're fans.
"We are family," I assured the doctor.
"What is the relation?" the doctor asked.
"Sisters," John responded, "Doc, these are my little sisters, Scarlett and Star."
"Okay, Mr. Lennon, I want you to stay here for a few days." The doctor started, then looked at Star and me, "Will you be picking up the Lennons when they get discharged?"
"Yes," Star and I responded.
"Okay, We will stay in touch. Before you leave, give us your numbers, so we know how to contact you two," The doctor said, then walked out. Star and I remember that we left Cynthia in the lobby. We told John we would call him when we returned to London and left. We went to John's aunt to get Julian. We knocked on the door, and Mater answered the door. Julian ran over to us.
"Mama! Auntie Scar! Auntie Star!" He ran over and hugged all three of us at the same time.
"Are you okay, Jul? Are you hurt?" Cynthia asked as I was holding him really tight. He nodded while digging his head in his mother's neck. We walked in and hugged Mater. I told Mater everything from the hospital. Cynthia, Star, and I all decided to leave tomorrow morning. Once everything settled down, I quickly called Roger's market to see if he was there. After a few rings, someone picked up.
"Hello?" I could tell it was Freddie.
"Hey Rocky, it's me. Is Roger there?" I asked.
"Oh, Hey Carla. No. Roger told me he went to the studio since you weren't at work."
"Okay, great, thanks," I hung up and dialed the studio's number.
"Abbey Road Studios, how can I help you?" I heard.
"Hello, may I speak to one of the guests there? He goes by Roger Taylor or one of the Beatles."
"May I ask who is calling?"
"Scarlett Walker."
"Yeah, one moment, please," I was put on hold for a few minutes, then I heard someone pick up the line.
"Scarlett, where the hell are you?!" Roger panicked.
"Scotland," I answered.
"Why the hell are you there?"
"John got into an accident. Star, Cynthia, and I rushed here with help from Kelly."
"Is everyone okay?"
"Yeah, John, Yoko, and Yoko's daughter got stitches and are still in the hospital. We're bringing Julian home tomorrow."
I heard sounds from the background and voices, then a "Move over."
"Hello?" I heard George.
"Hey, Hazza," I smiled.
"Scarlett?! Is Star with you?! Where are you guys?!"
"Yes, Star is with me. We're in Scotland because Lenny got into a car accident."
"Is he okay?" I heard Paul in the background.
"Am I on speakerphone?" I asked.
"Yes, but not the point. Is John okay?" Paul asked again.
"Lenny is fine, Yoko and her daughter are fine, and Julian is coming home with us tomorrow," I started to twirl the line, "Can someone do me a favor?"
"What, Lottie?" Ringo replied.
"We left Star's car at the place, but I'm sure we left the car unlocked, and Star realized she didn't have her keys with her," I started, "Can someone just pick it up before it gets stolen?"
"I got it," I heard George say, "Can I talk to her?"
"Yeah, sure," I put my hand on the phone, "Star! George is on the phone and wants to talk to you."
I heard a bang, guessing she fell, then ran over to me.
"Give me the phone," she demanded.
Star's POV
"Hello?" I answered, shooing Scarlett away. Scarlett rolled her eyes, made kissy noises, and then walked away after I flipped her off.
"So Scotland, Eh? I thought you would go to Paris at the last minute." George joked.
"Still a place in Europe," I smiled and bit my lip, "But I would've taken you to Paris. Sorry I didn't tell you."
"I'm just glad you're okay." George started, "Your work called me. They said you left two hours ago and couldn't get a hold of you. It gave me a Panic attack, then Roger came in saying Scarlett has been missing too."
"Sorry I freaked you out. I was going to call while we were waiting for our plane, but then Kelly offered her jet. We didn't think about anything else besides what was happening in Scotland," I looked around, "So how's the first session back for the new album?"
"We only recorded one song. How is John?"
"Got stitches. Yoko got the most damage. She has a problem with her back."
"How about the kids?"
"Julian just has shock while Yoko's daughter got stitches."
"Glad everyone is okay."
"Well, when John gets discharged, Scar and I must return to Scotland if you want to come?"
"Jeez, invite me the next time," I heard George laugh. I felt this flutter come to me, causing a blush, "Well, I was going to take you on a date tonight, but how about tomorrow when you land."
"Well, I'll love to go, but we just have to drop Cyn, Julian, and Scarlett first."
"Or, I can drive up in Scarlett's new 1967 Orange Plymouth Roadrunner that got dropped off and have Scarlett drive her gifted car."
"Wait, it did?! No, John would be pissed if we gave it to her and he wasn't there. Plus, she hasn't gotten her license yet."
"You have a point. I'll figure it out. So what are you doing?"
"I was on the couch, trying to have Julian sleep. I bet you, Scarlett got him to sleep."
"Oh, no doubt," I could hear George trying to hide his laughter, "But Ringo said Zak loves you more than Scarlett."
"What are you doing?" I softly asked.
"Talking to my love while the others are leaving," he yawned.
"Go home and sleep. You sound tired."
"But I want to talk to you, and I can't sleep without you," George whined through the phone. I couldn't help but smirk and shake my head, "I hope you know I can feel the smirk from over the phone."
"How did-"
"I just know, love."
I looked at my watch and realized it was 10:50. I heard yawning from the other line.
"Geo, it's almost eleven at night. Go home and go to bed. Scarlett wants us to leave at 7, and tomorrow I am all yours," I heard him groan over the phone, "I love you."
"I love you too. Good night, love."
"Good night, love."
July 2nd, 1969
Scarlett woke us up earlier than she told us. Before we boarded the plane, I called George to let him know Scarlett made us leave an hour earlier than expected. Julian fell back asleep between Scarlett and Cynthia. The hour and forty minutes were brutal. To be completely honest, I didn't sleep at all last night. Every time I did, I would wake up from a nightmare. I got some sleep but kept on waking up due to a nightmare. We finally landed. Cynthia grabbed Julian with one arm and his bag in the other. We walked out to see Roger and George talking. I didn't know Roger was coming. Julian saw the two men, signaled he wanted to be put down then ran over to them. Julian hugged George first, then gave Roger a hug; Roger looked pretty surprised that Julian hugged him. I walked up to hug George.
"Hi," I blissfully sighed.
"Hi," George kissed me. I smirked, biting my lip, and we gazed into each other's eyes.
"Ewww, why is everyone doing mushy stuff?" Julian closed his eyes. I looked at Scarlett and Roger, who had arms around each other. I quickly walked over and kneeled to Julian.
"Don't like mushy stuff, do you, Jul?" I asked.
"No, Daddy does mushy stuff with my Step-mum," Julian scrunched his face, "They're really mushy during the trip."
"Your daddy used to get really mushy with your mama-" I felt someone backhand me. I turned around to see Scarlett giving me a look, "Anyways, when people love each other, they get all mushy. Some day you will meet a girl that will give you the mushy feeling."
"I would never get mushy. It's gross," Julian scrunched his face again.
"You say that now little Lennon?" I started to tickle him. He laughed and asked if I could pick him up. I walked him to the car to put him in his seat as Cynthia put his bag in. It was George's car, and I gave Julian a hug and a kiss on his head.
"Alright, little man, I must drive my car back to my place. I will see you soon." I messed with his hair.
"Bye, Auntie Star," He hugged me with a gloomy tone. I backed out of the car as Cynthia went in. I went into my car, sat in the passenger seat, leaned on George, and smiled, "Where to?"
"It's a surprise," George kissed my forehead, "While we're driving, you can tell me all about Scotland."
"Don't get me started on how John got into the accident," I sighed, "He decided to drive then lost control of the car."
"Why was he driving? He drives like shit."
"But Yoko has a back injury and has a long recovery."
"So will John be in and have her lay down, or will he work from home?"
"Who knows at this point," I sighed, "How was everything around here?"
"We only got one song done, and I have to go back today," George sighed, "So, after my surprise, I'm dropping you off since you looked exhausted and going to the studio."
"I'm not tired," I yawned.
"That yawn says otherwise," George smiled, "Did you sleep last night?"
"No, I naturally kept getting nightmares since it's the first week of July," I sighed, "It was never the happiest week of my life."
"I know. I witnessed it," George grabbed my hand. We stopped at the diner where we had our first date, "Well, I would take you to Bouestin because I know you like the food there, but I thought you probably want diner pancakes."
"I do, thank you," I smiled, we walked in, and everyone looked at us and whispered. It doesn't help that I'm in my work clothes from yesterday and look like I pulled an all-nighter lying in bed. We got our seats and ordered breakfast than I saw three familiar faces, Theo, Aaron, and Caroline. Caroline noticed me and walked over, "Star, where did you go yesterday!"
"Scotland." I smiled.
"Why the bloody hell were you in Scotland?" Aaron looked at me.
"Yeah, Boss wasn't so happy with you leaving and Cecilia already being out for a holiday," Theo looked at me, "I had to work late and miss my date with Maddie."
"So sorry," I rubbed my face.
"Are you coming in today?" Carlone asked, "You look like shit, so I want to say no."
"Thanks, Care," I laughed, "No, I'll call him when I get home and tell him why I left."
"Why did you?" Aaron asked.
"John got into a car accident, and I, my sister, and John's ex-wife went to Scotland last minute to see what happened."
"They didn't tell me or Scarlett's boyfriend, Roger," George added.
"Oh my god, is John Okay?" Aaron asked.
"Yes," I smiled, then Aaron realized George, and I was on a bit of a date. He gave me a smirk and then dragged the other two out of the diner.
"So my boss will probably make me write a story," I sighed.
"You're probably right," George laughed. I smiled, bit my bottom lip, and shook my head, "Why do you do that?"
"Do what?" I asked.
"Bite your lip when you smile."
"I don't know. I always did that. I sometimes do it when I get shy or nervous."
"It's cute," George smiled as our food came out, and we started talking.
Scarlett's POV
Today is the eighth anniversary of Nancy stabbing me and me getting the scar on my back. Roger drove me home but stopped at the premier to buy both of us breakfast. We got to my flat, I quickly changed into my pajamas, and we ate breakfast on the couch.
"You alright? You seem on edge," Roger asked.
"Yeah, today's the anniversary of when I got my scar on my back... it's been eight years," I took a sip of my milkshake.
"Oh, sorry," Roger muttered.
"It's alright. As I said, it's been eight years," I shrugged. We watched whatever was on the television, but I put on cartoons as a child. I love the looney tunes. Roger and I finished our breakfast and then cuddled up on the couch.
"Little Wolf?" Roger called out.
"Hm?" I looked up at him.
"I know it's probably not the best time to ask, but my mum wants to know if you could come over for dinner on Friday? So she can properly meet you, I know it's probably not the best right now, and I can tell her no if you want," Roger started to ramble on as I just put my finger over his lips.
"I can go," I softly said.
"But what about the family night?" Roger asked.
"We're probably not going to do a family night. John's in Scotland. I don't mind missing one to meet your family if there is one," I smiled. Roger moved my hair and gently kissed me.
"I love you," Roger crooned.
"I love you too," I breathlessly smiled.
July 4th,1969- Star's POV
I woke up in George's arm and could feel his gaze.
"Stop staring. It's weird," I mumbled. I think that is the most used sentence we say to each other.
"It's not weird looking at my girl," George smiled.
"When I'm sleeping, it is," I cuddled closer to him, "I don't want to get out of bed."
"Neither do I," George kissed me on top of the head, "But you have work, and I have to be at the studio at 2:45."
"I don't have work today. Boss told me that since I stayed up late at work, I can have the day off to sleep," I smirked, "So I am all yours until 2, and it is 7:45 now."
"Why do we wake up so early?"
"I don't know," I giggled, "But I don't mind it because I got some time with you before work."
"Well. I'm not complaining," George leaned towards me and kissed me. He looked at me, then at my cameras, "Stay right here."
I got confused as he got up to grab my polaroid camera, walked back then sat on my feet. He started to point the camera at me. I giggled a bit as he tried to get the camera right. George finally took the picture. The flash blinded me; the picture came out of the printer portation. He grabbed the shot, jumped back next to me, and started to shake it so the ink could make the picture. Once the picture showed up, this glare line was on the side. I looked at George, who had a 'Are serious' look on his face looking at the picture.
"I can't see your pretty eyes in this picture," George then looks at the photo and kisses my nose, "but it still shows your beauty."
"It looks good even though there is a glare," I smirked and grabbed my camera, "I probably forgot to clean the lenses before I put it back."
Scarlett's POV
I sat in Roger's car while playing with my ring. I was told I should tell Roger about my childhood all day, but I'm afraid to. Roger has some hint to it since we made references during the Liverpool trip, but he never asked about them, so I assumed he never heard the jokes. We're on our way for me to have dinner with his family, which doesn't feel any better. 
"Little Wolf?" Roger looked at me, then back at the road.
"Hm?" I blinked, then looked at him.
"Are you alright? You've been playing with your ring while staring out," Roger asked.
"Yeah... well, no... I've been meaning to talk to you about something," I coughed. Like ripping off a bandaid, yeah?
"What's wrong, love? Are you breaking-"
"No, no, oh god, no." My eyes widened when I took a deep breath, "Remember when I told you about my depression and cutting, and I said there was this certain person that always made it hard?"
"Yeah, you didn't want to go any deeper into that, so I didn't push it," Roger shrugged, "Plus, the boys always told me to never ask about your childhood."
"Well, you kinda have to know now, since you stuck with me this long," I joked, "Well, my mum, Nancy, was the worst person in my life. She was the person that made it really hard. She was never home, and when she was... she was beating, cursing, and bringing down my siblings, my dad, and me. When I was eight, I got into trouble at school and got suspended for a couple of days when Nancy found out she had to actually watch me and be a mother for once in her life. She grabbed me out of bed and started to beat me, she almost beat me to the pulp, but my dad and sister stopped her before she could. That was the first time she hit me, far from the end. I finally snapped and fought back a few times, but it didn't end well for me in the long run."
"Sometimes, hearing glass shattering sets me off. Nancy used to throw plates, vases, and such at my siblings and me. She's also the one who stabbed me that caused the scar. I tried to protect Star, which I got in return. I'm always ashamed of it because I didn't fight her off hard enough. My brain will sometimes play mean tricks on me and give me flashbacks that set off anxiety attacks, PTSD, and depression episodes. That is also why I get nightmares or screams in my sleep. Even though she has been dead, she is still in my head."
"I know that's a lot to take in, and I'm sorry, I'm a real nut case..." I looked at my hands, not wanting to look up. It was quiet for a minute. I just looked down and fought back the tears. I noticed Roger's hand started to intertwine with one of mine then he brought it closer to him to kiss it again.
"How can I help you with them?" Roger asked.
"Just keep doing what you've been doing," I smirked as I leaned onto Roger.
"Thank you for telling me. I know that was hard for you," Roger smirked, "Also, Scarlett never apologized because of your mental health. It's not your fault nor a burden. I want to help you in any way, and I'm honored you told me. I hope I can help you because that's all I want. I want you to be happy, healthy, and feel safe and loved."
"I do feel all of those things... plus being in love," I smirked, "Thank you, really."
At the Taylor's...
Roger held the door open as I walked into his childhood home. I noticed pictures of Roger when he was little, some I've seen in my 2019 life while scrolling through Instagram, but most are unseen photos. I admired the pictures while Roger grabbed his mother and sister. I heard chattering and smelt the dinner that his mother had cooked for the four of us. I turned to see the three Taylors looking at me. One is the comfortable soft gaze as the two examined me. Roger walked over to kiss me on the cheek before breaking the awkwardness of the three women in the room.
"Mum, Clare, this is my girlfriend, Scarlett. Scarlett, meet my mum Winifred and my sister Clare," Roger introduced us. 
"Hello Scarlett, it's lovely to meet you, dear," Winifred walked over to hug me, "Roger is always talking about you."
"Talking? More like whining for a month because you caught him snogging another woman," Clare looked at me, "I like you already."
"Whining for over a month?" I asked.
"Clare!" Roger and Winifred both yelled before Winifred coughed and looked at me, "Why don't we eat? You two must be hungry from a long drive." 
Roger led me to the dining room. He pulled me out of a seat, and once he pulled my chair in, he kissed my cheek, then sat next to me. Winifred made this beautiful meal. The first few minutes were awkwardly quiet.
"So, Scarlett, do you have siblings?" Winifred asked.
"Yes, I have eight, six brothers, two sisters," I answered.
"Eight? What are their names?" Winifred looked at me. 
"My oldest sibling is my sister Venessa. Then it goes down the line of my honorary brothers Stu, Richie, John, Paul, and George, then my twin, Star, is the baby." I explained, "I call my honorary brothers my brothers because I think the word honorary downgrades them."
"Are you close with them?" 
"Eh, a bit. I'm closest with my twin than anything. Then my four brothers, John, Richie, Paul, and George, then Stu, Payton, and Venessa. Stu lives in Germany while Payton and Venessa are still in my hometown Liverpool."
"You're from Liverpool?" Clare looked at me.
"Yeah, scouser born and raised," I spoke with my scouse accent merging with my central London accent.
"When did you move out of Liverpool?" Winifred asked.
"1963. I lived with my brother John until I was 20. My dad died when I was 14, and my brother John has inherited my twin and me."
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. What about your mother?"
"Scarlett, uh- doesn't have a mother," Roger coughed to keep me comfortable.
"She was around but wasn't my mum. The only mothering thing she never did was birth to my siblings and me," I explained.
"I'm sorry. But I get that Roger doesn't have a good relationship with his dad. It's best when he's not around," Winifred grinned as both Taylor siblings acted distant once their father was mentioned. I know Roger will tell me when he's ready, but it's my job to make him comfortable. I weaved my hand with Roger and leaned over to kiss him. Roger turned red with nerves. We changed the subject since we all had a mutual understanding that family is a touchy subject for us all. 
"Roger told me you work for Kelly Price. How is that? I don't know much about fashion." Winifred asked.
"It's good. Kelly is a sweetheart," I smiled. I don't know if they didn't realize my social status or pretended like they didn't. But either way, I enjoy having a conversation like a normal human being, not someone with my social group. I told them about how I got a promotion then we changed the subject to music.
"Do you play anything? Assuming you're around music a lot with Smile," Winifred asked.
"Yes, I know the piano, bass, and guitar," I listed, "I know the basics of drums, though. My brothers are in a band, and my dad was obsessed with music. So I'm always around music."
"Don't you ever get tired?" Winifred asked.
"No, not really. I love music. It's a part of me, I guess," I shrugged.
"Have you gone to concerts?" Clare asked.
"Many," I nodded.
"Who have you seen?" Clare asked.
"Oh y'know, Beatles, Stones, The Who, and all kinds of people like that," I explained. 
"Who's your favorite?" 
"I have to say my favorite was Elvis. I saw him in this secret gig. My sister freaked out; she loves Elvis. I would say the Beatles, but I've seen them enough times. I got sick of them," I shrugged. Once we finished dinner, Clare grabbed my hand and took me to Roger's old room. It had all kinds of posters on his wall and his old school books. 
"His favorite Beatles Twin poster is over his bed," Clare pointed as I sat on his bed and looked up to see my 1964 promo poster. I cringed from the look. When Star and I just got our Beatle Twins titles, Brian Epstein got Star and me to do a photoshoot and send out promo pictures, posters, etc. So the media knew who we were. Epstein thought if the girls loved the lads and the boys loved Star and me, that would create a bigger platform for the Beatles, which did work out in his favor. 
"Roger loves the brown-headed one; I always mix the two." Clare told me as she looked up, "Her name is Scarlett Walk- Oh My God, You're Roger's celebrity crush! You're the Scarlett Walker like Beatles twin Scarlett Walker!" Clare looked at me. 
"Clare, keep your voice down," Roger leaned onto his door frame.
"You're dating pop culture royalty!" Clare stood up, "Plus, your celebrity crush! I have to tell mum." 
Clare ran downstairs before Roger and I had a word edge-wise, but the two of us chucked, and Roger walked over to his bed to sit next to me. 
"Do you think they liked me before the Beatles Twin thing came out?" I asked.
"My mum told me she loves you," Roger kissed my nose.
"Clare told me you have a thing for the brunette Beatles twin. Usually, people love the blonde one more," I teased. 
"Eh, the brunette twin is hotter and more interesting," Roger cupped my face, "And smart, and very underestimated. But I can see this desire to break out of the goodie two shoe label, but she seems to struggle to get out."
"She is a bit stuck. Her sister owns the wild crown," I looked into his eyes.
"I'm sure I can help you out there," Roger moved his hand and started to stroke my chin.
"That's hard because I'm supposed to be the calm one."
"Darling, how are you the calm one when you're constantly on the verge of a mental breakdown because you just shove everything down."
"I'm the most relied on. I'm not supposed to fuck up. I'm the one everyone goes to."
"I know, but that will be your downfall one day."
"I know." I sighed. I love Roger because he sees me, not the lie I put out for everyone. Only a select few can see who I actually am. Star being one of them, next is George. He always had that ability to see your best self. Of course, my other siblings also see who I actually am, but most of them just fall for the lie. John never did. I guess he can see if I am bullshitting or not for the time we spent together. John is one of the only brothers that doesn't have that unique ability George has. He can only tell if I'm bullshitting, and when I'm not okay, he comes and talks until I am. Roger can see the real me and sense and know what I sincerely want. It's to the point where I don't even realize what I want until Roger helps me fulfill the unknown desire or need. He truly connects and understands me on a level I never felt with anyone else. And it feels fantastic.
"We should go back down. My mum and Clare probably think we're fucking up here," Roger joked as I giggled.
"Probably," I giggled.
July 5th, 1969- Scarlett's POV
My head is in the crook of Roger's neck, and his arms are around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I was comfortably sleeping in his embrace before I heard the phone go off. Eh, if it's important, they'll leave a message, call twice... or both. The phone stopped ringing for a brief second, then it started to ring again. I sighed, opened my eyes, wiggled out of Roger's embrace, and dragged myself over to the phone.
"Ello," I yawned.
"Hello, sorry to bother you but is this Scarlett or Star Walker?" 
"Scarlett Walker here."
"I'm the doctor at Golspie's Lawson Memorial Hospital. I am calling about Mr. John Lennon."
"Yes, what did he do now?"
"Nothing. I want to say Mr. Lennon will get discharged today with his wife and stepchild."
"Okay, um, we will be there soon as we can."
"Okay, thank you."
I hung up the phone and called Kelly.
"Hello," Kelly answered.
"Hey, can I borrow the jet again?" I asked.
"John's coming back?" Kelly yawned
"Yes," I rubbed my eyes, "They just called."
"Yeah, I'll call the pilot."
"I owe you one."
"Not really. Bye, Scar."
"Bye, Kels."
I walked into Star and George's room, the two were all cuddled up, but I still could wake up Star by torturing her, and George not feeling a thing. I walked over and started to slap Star's face, more like a tap. She loves me, I swear.
"What?" Star whined, hitting my hand away.
"Get up. We gotta go to Scotland to get Johnny-boy," I pulled my hand away.
"Can we leave him there?" Star asked, shifting her position to get cuddly with George.
"Sadly no. George, Paul, and Ringo probably need him soon as possible," I looked at her.
"She's right," George mumbled.
"Fine," Star sighed, starting to wake up.
"Thank you, we're using Kelly's jet, so we're in no rush, really," I shrugged, walking out. I walked back into my room, and Roger had drilled half his face into my pillow. I smirked, walking over to him so I could crawl on top of him and start to move his golden locks to see his face. I plant soft kisses along his jawline and neck.
"Baby," I soothed as Roger hummed, enjoying every kiss.
"Yes, my Little Wolf?" Roger opened his blue eyes that Immediately focused on me as soon as they opened.
"I have to go to Scotland today. If you wanna come?" I giggled as Roger's hand gently stroked up and down my back.
"Ooh, I got invited and told the second time," Roger joked as I rolled next to him.
"Real funny," I rolled my eyes as Roger pulled him closer to him and kissed my temple.
"I would love to come," Roger gently said.
"Okay," I turned and moved a piece of his hair. He's growing his hair into his famous mullet that every 2019 fan has the hots over. Roger softly grabbed my hand and softly kissed it, "We have to get ready now."
Roger groaned as I got out of bed and looked through my clothes. I could feel Roger's eyes on me. I pulled out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and then looked at Roger.
"Yes?" I smirked at him.
"Nothing," Roger got out of my bed and walked over to give me a quick kiss, "You just look gorgeous."
"Thank you," I smiled at him as Roger grabbed a change of clothes since he's been leaving some extra things of clothes here, then walked out while closing the door. I changed into a white T-shirt with Good Times written in blue and jeans with blue high tops converse. I have a lot of different colors of converse and gogo boots, those two are the only shoes I can work with, but I have a few other shoes besides those two. I walked out of my room as Roger walked out of the bathroom. Star and I walked into the bathroom to brush our teeth. Elaina followed Star and me to the bathroom. She was trying for Star to let her borrow her car because Elaina totaled her car the other day with her reckless driving.
"It's not like you're going to use it today," Elaina begged as Star started to brush her teeth, "You'll be in Scotland."
"Not for the whole day," Star said with a mouthful of toothpaste.
"Depends if John wants to quickly visit Mater before we leave," I grabbed my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth.
"But please, can I borrow your car?" Elaina asked.
"If you don't ruin my baby," Star spit out the toothpaste foam.
"I thought Geo was your baby?" Elaina asked.
"He is, but I didn't spend 22,874 Pounds on him," Star looked at Elaina.
"You spent that much on your car?!" Elaina asked in shock
"Yes, I got a few thousand off because I was a Beatles twin, and they offered to switch the driver's side to the UK side for free," Star walked out with Elaina following her. George and Roger came in.
"Did I hear correctly that Star spent £22,874 on her car?" Roger asked, "How did she get that much money?"
"We inherited much money from our dad when we were 18. She spent that money on her car," I spat out the toothpaste foam.
"Yeah, I remember John flipping out because he said no to her buying the car," George laughed. I walked out to Star, giving Elaina the rules and regulations of her car. After a few more minutes of watching Star tell Elaina if she crashes Star's car, she should consider a lock on her door, we started to leave.
"Don't make me regret it!" Star said, throwing the keys at her as we were leaving.
"I won't!" Elaina called out as we were closing the door on her.
Star's POV (Later...)
 We successfully brought John back to London in one piece. He wanted to go to ours and invite the rest of the boys. Scarlett and I are in her bedroom as the Beatles play around with their guitars in the living room. Besides me, their partners are sitting around watching the kids play together. Scarlett and I are reading the series of our dad's journals. Back when my father was still alive, he had this journal. He got a new one every few months, but he always jotted down his life. When we used to ask what it was, he always responded with, "one day when I'm gone, you'll read the dumb shit I did." When he died, they couldn't be found until Scarlett and I were in the attic in Liverpool and found them along with the yearly photo album I took over. We got interrupted by the phone, and I got called by George that it was for me. 
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hello, is this Ms. Walker?" Someone asked.
"Well, there's two living here. You need to be a bit more specific," I shrugged.
"Ms. Star Walker."
"Hello, I am officer Ward. Do you own a 1966 blue mustang convertible?"
"Do you know an Elaina Wilson?"
"Yes, she's one of my flatmates."
"I'm so sorry that Ms. Wilson crashed your mustang, She is alright, but the car is damaged."
"Hold one a second?" I put my hand over the receiver and cursed Elaina out. This was the one thing I told her not to fucking do!
"Ms. I can hear you." The officer said.
"Right, sorry, do I need to come to the station?" I rubbed my face.
"Yes, it would be recommended."
"Alright, thank you, officer," I hung up the phone and walked out, "Elaina. Crashed. My. Fucking. Car."
"Did she really?" Scarlett walks out, laughing.
"This is not funny," I looked at her, "I used most of the money dad gave me for that!"
"That sounds like your problem," Scarlett laughed, "She crashed her car yesterday. Did you seriously think she wouldn't do the same thing?"
"It's Elaina we're talking about." Scarlett cut me off.
"Fuck," I sighed as Scarlett, and the other three laughed at me, "Anyways, I now have to go down to the station, Scarlett. You might not have a best friend after this."
"Don't kill her," Scarlett said as I started to walk out.
"No promises," I closed the door and stormed to Theo and Aaron's flat.
"Yes?" Aaron answered the door, "Why do I see a homicidal rage in your eyes?"
"Because my sister's stupid mate just crashed my baby," I blinked.
"And you're here; why?" Aaron asked.
"I'm looking at my ride," I smiled.
"Okay, this is my problem; why?" Aaron asked.
"Because I need to bring someone to make sure I don't murder El, and you would at least let me get the first punch in before backing me off," I shrugged.
"Alright, let's go," Aaron grabbed his keys, and we left. Aaron drove us to the station, and I saw Xaiver, Ryder, and Kit in their trainee uniforms. Near them was my poor baby destroyed. The front of the windshield is smashed, the front is pretty dented, and the back is smashed.
"I'm going to kill her," I blinked, looking at my poor baby.
"Damn, what did she do? Run through a fucking wall?" Aaron looked at my car, "That ain't a mustang. That's a clump of metal and broken glass."
"Done yet?" I looked at him.
"No," Aaron said, we got out of the car, and the three bozos looked at me.
"Spark, what are you doing here?" Xavier walked up to me.
"Trying my best not to kill my sister's best mate for doing that to my fucking car," I pointed to my car.
"Yeesh, on the good side, it could be fixed," Xavier looked at my car.
"What did she do? Run it through a wall?" Kit asked.
"That's what I said!" Aaron said.
"I'm going inside," I muttered, walking in and looking right at Elaina, then trotting over to her.
"What the hell did you do to my baby?!" I glared at Elaina, "The poor thing is destroyed!"
"Star, I am so, so sorry," Elaina apologized.
"What did you do?! You had one fucking job!" I glared.
"Ms. Walker?" a young man coughed, walking over.
"In the flesh," I breathed, "What happened to my car?"
"Ms. Wilson was under the influence of marijuana while driving and crashed it into a wall, but before she got hurt, she jumped out, and the car crashed into other cars," the officer started to explain, "The expenses are going to be a lot of work for the crash and-"
"Wait, who is paying these expenses?" I asked.
"It was your car, ma'am, and you're quite rich too," the officer looked at me.
"She's the one that crashed the car because she was under the influenced, and she caused the destruction," I pointed to Elaina, "It's not my fucking fault! She was the one fucking driving. She is the fucking one paying!"
"The hell I am!" Elaina looked at me, "Your car, and you're fucking rich!"
"You were driving under the influence and caused the crash!" I looked at her, "Therefore, you pay!"
"Tell her she's paying the expenses off." I looked at the officer, pointing to Elaina. I noticed Aaron, Jasper, Xavier, and Kit leaning against the wall, watching us and eating vending machine snacks.
"The hell I am!" Elaina looked at me.
"Please tell Ms. Wilson that she needs to pay for the fucking expenses from her fucking accident!" I ignored Elaina and looked at the officer.
"Ma'am, I need you to calm down," the officer stated
"No, I am not fucking calming the fuck down! She ruined my baby and someone else's property and got away with it!" I crossed my arms, "She should've gotten her license taken away with her first DUI and learned how to fucking drive before getting it back!"
"That is a good idea, Ms. Walker. Thank you for your feedback," the officer said, then pulled Elaina to talk to her.
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siffrinskicks · 7 years
Okay the CR season(??) finale is getting closer and I feel like now’s a good time to share one of my personal headcanon/AU (ficlet??) thing. 
So a lot of people, when they write future baby fics, like to have Kiki (with Vax) or Vex get pregnant and later find out they’re having twins.
Don’t get me wrong I love that but hear me out
Vex and Percy aren’t TRYING to have a kid but they get a little lax with whatever magic birth control they have and boom she’s preggers. They talk about it and decide that they want to keep the kid and start prepping and thinking about how to break the news.
Now over in Zephyra Vax & Kiki have been trying to have a kid. They haven’t told anyone cause they don’t wanna get any hope up till they’re sure. After a month they conceive and take a little time to make sure it sticks, another few weeks grace period just to be sure. 
They both send each other a letter at around the same time. Vex is a month or so further along than Keyleth but they each get a letter about the same day saying, essentially, “hey we’re having a baby”
Both couples really want to see each other but have duties that bind them to their towns and so they send letters back and forth and everything is talked over and junk.
Then for some reason a council meeting is called (maybe something to do with those new adventurers 👀👀👀) and all of VM are called to Emon for a lot of political bull while Vex and Kiki are both VERY pregnant (Vex probably already past due and ready to burst and Kiki around the 8 month mark)
Percy tries (once) to convince Vex to stay in whitestone cause of the baby and Vex shushes him and reasons that Pike will be there along with many other healers and clerics so she’ll be perfectly fine and probably a bit better off than in whitestone, he relents cause he knows she really wants to see her family (he does too) and since Kiki is picking them up via transport via plants spell they dont have to worry bout travel time. 
Vax tries a little harder to convince Kiki to stay but she argues that travel really isnt an issue cause she can bamf them there and shes confident in her abilities even while pregnant (he is still doe-eyed whenever she does anything that shows how powerful she is).
So they all meet up with the rest of VM and their friends and its a serious thing but also its a bit of a family reunion.
Halfway into their visit theyre in the middle of a meeting and Vex is getting a lil uncomf so she excuses herself for a mo’ thinking the lil bab was gettin restless so she takes a walk around the hall when she feels a wetness between her legs and theres a second of ‘wtf did i just piss myself’ then the split second realization of ‘oh shit the babys more than restless the baby wants OUT’  
She then, very calmly and quickly walks back to the council room, walks over to where VM is sitting and says to the room “Excuse me dears but may I borrow my family for a moment.” and some rando ass says something dickish abt women/pregnant woman and their ‘weak constitutions’ or w/e and vex just cuts through his life with a sharp threatening smile and says “Oh I’m perfectly fine staying but I assume it would be a little distracting to see me giving birth right here in front of the whole council.” 
The room goes quiet and then theres a burst of energy as the whole of VM starts rushing Vex out and to a cot or sthn where they can help out. They call in a few other healers and they make most of VM wait (wait waitwait) outside or just futher away so they can work an prep an stuff. 
Keyleth is feel v stressed right now so she starts pacing a bit and Vax is trying to calm her down but he’s also freaking out a bit. They wait there for a few hours (birthing is hard man) and Vax can’t really handle hearing his sister scream when the contractions come so he invites Kiki on a walk around the gardens.
They walk ‘n talk for a bit when Kiki starts feelin’ the bab moving around so they sit on a bench for a bit and when they stop the get up and start walking but Vax puts and arm around her waist and notices a damp patch but when he looks is less a damp patch and more her entire ass is p soaked then he looks at the bench and sees a wet ass print then he looks at kiki and she looks at him and they both look at her stomach and then he picks her up princess carry and starts runnin back to Vex’s room.
They burst through the doot and everyone stares as a very frazzled vax carrying a very resigned but still kinda panicky looking kiki rush in. He zooms over to a bed near vex and lays kiki down in it and they explain what happened.
They call in a few more healers and luckily Vex was between contractions at the time so she wasnt shouting over everyone. She was, however, sobbing a bit and when asked why she blubbered out “We’re having our babies at the same time and we all get to be here for it, they’re both gonna be born surrounded by so much love.” which then made Vax start crying and soon p much everyone was a little teary eyed (Except for Tary cause he left the room a little while ago cause he was oogied out by all the blood and stuff, when he was told about it later he also cried)
They both go through the night and luckily their contractions didn’t tend to line up too much and eventually they start crowning and the room is filled with the cries of one quarter elf baby and legit minutes later they are echoed by a little half elven baby, a boy and a girl.
After a grueling 16 hours of childbirth the two moms are tired as shit so they hold their babes for a lil bit then promptly conk out. There is a little scare cause Kiki’s babe is a little preemie but Pike is able to stabilize the lil one and assure the parents that she’ll be fine. 
Everyone is real exhausted at that point, the moms are passed out in their respective beds. Grog fell asleep sitting against the wall at one point and had eyes drawn over his eyelids. Pike stole one of the beds once she was sure the babs were fine. Scanlan went and found kaylee an gave her a big ole hug and they sat an talked for a bit composing songs for the babes together. allura and kima stopped in at one point to congratulate the families and gave each of them a little enchanted dragon toy (metallic not chromatic ofc).  Gilmore popped in and brought a few sets of real cute baby clothes (a little bear onsie for baby deRolo and a little raven onsie for baby of Zephyra (fr srs kiki why dont you have a surname). Kash and Zahra stop in with their own kid whos likely around 10/11 at this point and they bring well wishes and some advice. The new dads end up in big comfy chairs by their wives, each holding their respective baby and cooing half-asleep at them. 
When Vex wakes up everyone is asleep or out of the room except vax an the babes. 
“I sent Whitey to get some food for all of us, it’s almost lunch time y’know, why is a noble lady like you sleeping in so late.” 
Vex aims a half-hearted punch at his arm which he takes and mimics hurt “Ow, my own sister assaulting me on the day of my daughter’s birth, how cruel.” Vex looks over to see her own son lying in a little crib by her and looks back to vax, cradling his daughter in his arms. “What are the odds,” she asks “that we just so happened to have kids on the same day. D’you know what this means brother?” Vax cocks his head at her. “No, what does it mean?” 
She grins up at him, “It means they’re twinnies too.”
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blorbologist · 1 year
Hey ! i was scrolling through tumblr the other day and I saw a post where you suggested to a friend that you could see Percy playing Frollo for a Hunchback of Notre Dam au, and I was just curious as to why you chose Percy for him. Not trying to start an argument or anything! I’m genuinely curious because for some reason…… in another world, I feel like Esmeralda and Frollo could’ve been like Percy and Vex idkplzdontjudge 🫣
I'm not gonna start an argument, but this is my blog and I will point out that if you think Percival 'one of his two ever Rez offerings was singing in Celestial to a dead child' 'knew he had a Thing for Vex for ages and never acted on it because he knew it would be unhealthy as he was' de Rolo the third is anything like Judge 'racist as hell and wanted to drown a baby in the well in the movie / blamed an entire culture for his brother's choices and treated a whole ass infant as a divine test' 'just. Everything with Esmeralda' Frollo...
yeah you're probably on the wrong blog. I am absolutely judging you, and recommend you give the source material of both CR and the Hunchback another look.
The reason I chose Percy is because it's a Broadway AU - they are extremely talented artists playing a role! I don't think you believe the people playing The Phantom or Frollo or the Heathers are actually like that in life, right?
I suggested this because:
I think Percy would have fun with obviously, transparently villainous roles, where he can't inadvertently blur that line and project his negative feelings on himself, in canon he does seem to enjoy making those he dislikes squirm and he has a good understanding of darkness. He could play excellent villains, and they would be a good way of reminding himself that 'oh yeah my post-Briarwoods years were not the best, but holy hells this fucker is a shitshow'. Percy would also have the imposing bearing and voice for the role, and would relish in the dramatics it would entail. Also he'd rock a villain song ok.
Vex as Esmeralda and Scanlan as the titular Hunchback would be great! The two characters constantly presenting masks and dealing with how society perceives them getting to play around with these characters? Fuck yeah. By extension, Percy and Scanlan's fraught relationship (Percy was absolutely going to hunt down Scanlan and steal back Mythcarver and his gun if Vex hadn't calmed him down, Taliesin confirmed this! He was furious at him for leaving!) would actually get space on stage here, and potentially build to in-universe drama if Percy thinks it's all good acting when its actually cutting too deep for Scanlan, given how readily he brushes off hurts until he explodes. So Percy = Frollo is also, in a way, about Scanlan = Hunchback and Vex = Esmeralda. It's not all about the OTP, but their interactions with another important character. Which brings me to my final point:
Vex would trust him in this role. Esmeralda would be a hugely resonant role for Vex, depending on how her canon backstory and insecurities translate to a modern AU like this. I am white, so I can't comment on how a probably-mixed woman who dealt with a lot of discrimination/potentially fetishizing due to her ancestry (while also potentially feeling cut off from it if Syldor took the twins from Elaina as in canon) and at best emotional neglect would relate to a Roma woman on the outskirts who is lusted after a creep and trying to insist on seeing the good in the world... but I suspect it would be a big deal. Vex would be ludicrously vulnerable and impacted by this role. Percy would know what lines not to cross during the performance, and practice, and blocking, and so on. He can be the antagonist to a role Vex would likely get deep into the headspace for without allowing her to get hurt.
I hope that makes a bit more sense as to why I suggested that for Lis' AU, anon! Tldr is because Percy is the absolute opposite of that fuckwit and could safely play the role, even have fun with some aspects (he'd kill Hellfire omg), without hurting Vex in the process.
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phcking-detective · 2 years
1-49 for the ask meme. I'm tryna Speedrun some Arthur content
Do you have freckles?
Some! not really on my face, but definitely on my arms and shoulders
Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it?
I take my tea and coffee how I take dick (and sex in general): No. I'm allergic 🥰
What was the last song you listened to?
Crazy on You by Heart, I have a playlist that's called "Songs That Feel Electric Blue" and has 80s pop/rock, 00s pop that has the same vibe, the Weeknd, and remixed sea shanties :)
Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?
Side! I can sleep a little on my back and not on my stomach at all
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
No, I need complete silence, darkness, a steady temperature, and nothing else touching me to sleep. No pillows, no partners, no stuffed animals
Do you prefer drawing or writing?
What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with?
A regular sheet, a knitted blanket, and then on top of that I have a lightweight throw OR a slightly heavier fuzzy throw blanket, and I alternate between which of the two is my Third based on temp
What’s your favorite band/artist?
Apashe; favorite individual artist: Alec Benjamin
Next favorites: Valentino Khan, MISSIO, Glass Animals, Billie Eilish, and grandson; I almost always like Lorde, Bishop Briggs, Florence + the Machine, Two Feet, Imagine Dragons, K. Flay, and Dua Lipa
When is your birthday?
April 4th yeah I'm an Aries, fuck you read my horoscope first 😎
How tall are you?
5' 3" mayyybe 5'4"? got boots and sneakers with 3" lifts tho
What color are your eyes?
Grey-green, honestly more on the grey side
Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now?
my friends! Elaina, Giq, Ruby, Marn, and Ameera <3
water, what lives IN the water, that I'm the evil twin, being completely Alone after my mom dies, that I'll never pass as male
What’s your favorite color?
Red has canonically always been my favorite, but I'm trying to branch out more into pink and blue lol
What’s your favorite season?
Want any tattoos? What of?
yeah, I need to get a small tattoo of a heart on the inside of my right ankle to honor a promise made to my sister
Want any piercings? Where?
ehhh no not really
and this is where I'd put my dick piercing--IF I HAD ONE!!
Who is the last person you texted?
my mom, always, I don't even need to look that one up lol
Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends?
uhh my online friends totally count for this right? all of u *kisseys*
What/who do you miss?
my sister (died), previous best friend (stole my money and married a cis man with my exact same name)
How was your day today?
I worked out for half an hour and was an Exhausted Lump for another two hours after that, but I'm about to have pizza delivered so the day has recovered nicely
How much sleep did you get last night?
I need 12 hours of sleep to feel even slightly OK and that is not an exaggeration
Do you believe in aliens?
do I believe? no. maybe. do I fucking hope so?? Yes.
When was the last time you cried? Why?
oh here's a really neat trick! instead of getting upset and crying about your own life, which makes you sad and accomplishes nothing, simply project your trauma onto fictional characters, deliberately read fics about this trauma that will trigger an intense emotional reaction, imagine fictional characters providing Comfort Character with love and support actually, and speedrun therapy within the comfort and safety of your own home!
What’s your favorite decade?
none of them, I'm still holding out for literally ANY DECADE AT ALL that doesn't suck and in which I have actual rights, thanks
What are some seemingly childish things you like?
overly long sleeves, blanket forts, uhh can't really think of much else
What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times?
gonna recommend these: All Systems Red by Martha Wells, Hunger Makes the Wolf by Alex Wells, The Merciful Crow by Margaret Owen
How are you, really?
yeah, thanks for asking!!
Does it take you a long time to make decisions?
I make Broad Decisions fairly quickly, ie: Yes I want to do [x]. I then spend two weeks researching every possible facet and detail of [x]
What are you looking forward to in the near future?
the fucking pizza getting here I am so fucking hungry oh my god
What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
probably have top surgery next year; giving myself a year to save up sick leave and not stress about hospitals and bills again after having a hysterectomy just a few months ago
If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go?
Rome. I've been twice and I love it so, so much!
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
closed, nani the fuck??
What’s your favorite flower?
sunflowers! they remove radiation, they're a beautiful yellow, and my sister loved yellow flowers
Do you currently have a squish?
pretty much all of my coworkers at the library. I wish we hung out more outside of work or even just texted / talking
Do you like your middle name?
haha yeah I just got a name change to make it what I want
Do you prefer dogs or cats?
dogs, but only because of how much I love Chow Chows, which are basically the cats of dogs
Do you have any phobias?
cotton balls. HATE them
Do you stay up late?
I try to go to bed at 10, usually succeed at 11. I consider anything past that to be "late" and past 1 am to be Horrible
Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy?
yes, I love the beach but only if I can go swimming in the ocean! it needs to be warm
cloudy, actually. despite the above, I sunburn like a miserable little caucasian-to-lobster :(
What’s your favorite cartoon?
tom & jerry
Tag 5 of your favorite blogs
literally just my friends, yall know who you are
Do you have siblings? How many?
one, she died about four years ago
Who was the last person you said “I love you” to?
my mom
Is there anyone you would die for?
my mom
What do you need when you’re sad?
my mom
also, bread. and money.
Have you memorized your phone number?
as opposed to what??
Who’s someone you can trust with your life?
my mom!!
What does your last text say?
"Hi, I love you! Enjoy your supper <3" from my mom
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regina-cordium · 2 years
WAIT FUCK I WAS GONNA POST MY HC’D QUARTER ELVES hey it’s thursday i’ll cr even if im not watching cr
Vesper Elaina - The Heir™️. has her mother’s mind for sums and economy. one of those ppl who always seems so calm and regal and put together, but she will be the FIRST to cause problems on purpose!!!!! aunt cassandra taught her how to pick locks and she uses it for Shenanigans. who’s gonna think it’s her!!!! who’s gonna accuse vesper, with her gentle smile and cool bearing!!!!!!!!
Madeleine Joanna - Twin 1. okay maddie’s the one i like. projected™️ on or whatever. when i pictured my lil fics, maddie was the main de rolo in ‘em. ranger/gunslinger. had a bit of a breakdown™️ at like 19. yknow those moments where ur like “oh my god im gonna amount to nothing i dont have any skills or hobbies im not good at ANYTHING” except theres the added bonus of ur parents and aunts and uncles Literally Saved The World and all ur siblings are really talented and clearly know what they’re doing and everybody’s looking at you so you uuuhhhh go to wildemount to hide at ur uncle’s place! and ur brother comes with! and then y’all get kidnapped by cerberus assembly fucks hoping to ransom y’all for white stone! ...........fuck wildemount. joins slayers take!
(oh shit i almost forgot, her animal companion is a raven named valor)
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo IV (you can call him Freddie) - Twin 2. unflappable. calm, cool, and collected, much like vesper but less mischief. training to be a cleric of sarenrae. he and maddie are thick as thieves, got that Twintuition to the nth degree. Fuck Wildemount! they don’t talk abt it.
(percy was hesitant in naming their first son after himself. the de rolo name is heavy enough; they’re going to add the extra mantle of percival? how can percy - a man who was driven to the edge by anger and hatred and vengeance - weigh his newborn son with that legacy?
it’s keyleth who convinces him, actually. she’s starting to figure out a thing or two about legacy, and how they don’t have to be an ouroboros of self-destruction)  
Cecil - he’s sitting in the library. you get up to get a book. you sit back down. he has a fully functioning clockwork figure. how the fuck. where did those gears come from. cecil. cecil, where did you hide those??
Adelaide Keyleth - tries SO HARD to be vesper’s mini-me. follows behind her like a little duckling, holding herself tall and stately. is learning all of vesper’s tricks and pranks. god, someone stop her. she’s so SMALL for her age she can slip into the SMALLEST cracks. holy shit. took to archery like a fish to water. can shoot a moving target from a mile away. likes to shoot fruit out of people’s hands. a menace, truly.
Julian - nerd (affectionate). rarely seen without a book, and if he is he’s got a notebook instead. everything fascinates him. one second he’s reading about the history of emon, the next he’s reading about the latest developments in transmutation magic. lil wizard boy.
Viola Valora - A Child. what do children like?? seven year olds like hitting things right?? uncle grog is so good at hitting things. she wants to hit things as good as him!!! it’s not her fault nobody makes weapons small enough for her :(
Vax’ildan - A Literal Baby.
(vex was so scared to name a child after her brother. what if it worked like some kind of curse? what if it was asking for trouble, for fate to deal one more cruel hand? what if she wasn’t able to protect this Vax too?
it’s the ravens that convince her, especially the one that stands on her shoulder and peers down as the squirming newborn before throwing its head back and letting out a noise that sound suspiciously like a whoop of victory)
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Marshmallows and Cotton Candy Ch. 1
I had this sitting in my laptop for awhile now, so I decided to polish and finish it! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Sucette (c) Me LoZ (c) Adam Balsam/Randi Barnes
Powder sugar was lightly falling from the sky, cascading the town of Petits Fours in brilliant white. A lollipop woman was watching the weather, entranced by the powder. A few moments later the train sounded off, making her jump. She then scurried to the garrison stationed at the left side of town.
She entered the main office, greeted by loud typing and exchanges between the office workers. The woman stood awkwardly by the door, tugging on the ends of the handkerchief over her head. A Hershey woman passed by her but suddenly stopped when they made eye contact. “Oh! You must be the new girl!” The lollipop blinked in surprise but then nodded. “Y-Yes! I’m Sucette. I applied for-“
“This way,” the other candy person said as she sped walking away. Sucette practically had to sprint to keep up with her. “My name Elaina by the by,” said the guide. She tried to respond but she was too busy trying to keep up with her. A few moments later the Hershey stopped in front of a large door. The sucker almost collided with her but halted just in time. She grinned at Sucette while motioning toward the office. “This is where General Candy Apple conducts his business.” She opened the door for both of them to enter. “And here’s where you’ll be,” she said as she walked toward a desk in the far corner. There was a small type writer and a stack of papers on the dark counter. “The General will have you look over his paper work and file them according to their importance. You will have to write responses to some of his letters throughout the day. You will also be setting up meetings for him. We have a lunch break at noon and another break at three. Any questions?” Sucette blinked rapidly, shaking her head no even though she felt slightly dazed.
Elaina gave a big grin and patted her shoulder. “Great! If you need any help, just come find me. Ok?” Before the lollipop could utter a word, her guide left the room. After a moment of silence, she sat in the cushioned seat. Sucette started to look around the room, hoping to calm her racking nerves.
It was very spacious, despite the large desk on the other side of the room. There were twin bay windows overlooking the powder sugared hills of Candy County. The woman took a deep breath and proceeded to smooth out her pastel cotton candy skirt. “Just remain calm. You want to make a good first impression.” Sucette tried her best to quell her anxiety, but she couldn’t help but think of all the horrible scenarios that could get her fired.
Suddenly the office door swung open, causing the lollipop to shriek. The apple man that opened the door seemed equally as startled by her presence. She blushed a crimson red, too embarrassed to speak. The man cleared his throat as he composed himself. “I’m sorry my dear! I didn’t realize that there was someone here.” He then walked toward her, boots thudding against the hard floor. “You must be the new secretary!” Sucette nodded, still tongue tied. The man gave her a kind smile, offering her a hand. “I am General Candy Apple. What is your name?” She took his gloved hand, shaking it gently. “S-Sucette,” she uttered softly.
“Sucette. What a lovely name!” She thanked him shyly. Candy Apple then clapped his hands in a business-like manner. “So did Eliana tell you how to organize the paperwork?” She blinked at him, then at the papers. “I—no.” The General looked a little surprised but stroked his long, white beard. “Things have been pretty hectic as of late…How about I show you, eh?” Sucette gave him a grateful smile. “That would be nice.”
The two then spent the last half hour discussing how to file paperwork, where to file it, and all the things in between. “And finally, the papers I need to sign will go in the red and green folder.” Sucette nodded, noting the last observation. The General then went to his desk. “Good! I hope everything I said was helpful. Sometimes my reasoning doesn’t make sense to others.”
“N-No sir! I mean—yes sir! Uh—what I mean is I get what you said.” Sucette scolded herself. “Stupid! You sound like a dolt!” The old apple chuckled. “No need to be so nervous Miss Sucette! We may seem hard as ginger bread here at the garrison, but we’re as soft as marshmallows!” She wished that his words comforted her, but she still felt as if gummy worms were wriggling in her stomach. The general bit the inside of his cheek for a moment. “Ah! How about you get me a cup of coffee? Pure black please.” It took Sucette a moment to process his request, but then swiftly nodded. “Yes sir!” She was about to leave the room when Candy Apple stopped her.
“And how about you get yourself some tea Miss Sucette? That should help to ease your nerves,” he suggested, eyes twinkling. She grinned in thanks, and then left the room.
It was somewhat difficult to find the break room, but the sucker woman did eventually did after asking for directions. It was a modest sized room, fitting two tables and plenty of chairs. There were multiple coffee makers and cups on the counter spaces. “They must really like their coffee,” Sucette observed. Thankfully she found a pot that was already made. Unfortunately there was no tea prepared. “I should make that first. No point in letting the General’s coffee go cold.”
While she was waiting for the water to boil, Sucette took a moment to breathe. Candy Apple’s words continued to echo in her mind. She let out a tired sigh, rubbing her eyes. “Just breathe Sucette…no need to be so intense.” No matter what she told herself, it didn’t help. The lollipop person needed this job. She had to keep this job.
A high pitched squeal jolted her out of her thoughts. The woman quickly took the pot off of the burner, pouring the water into a cup. She then eyed the clock. Alarm hit her when she realized just how long it took to make the tea. Sucette quickly grabbed the tea bag she wanted and the cups, dashing out of the door.
Sucette stopped in her tracks, stomach filling with deep dread. She looked behind the door and nearly dropped the cups. Sitting on the hard floor was a uniformed and slightly dazed marshmallow man. His tall hat was skewed, covering one of his eyes. Sucette felt her spirit slowly leaving her body when she realized who it was. They made eye contact, blueish green looking up at pastel pink.
“Marshal! Marshal are you ok?”
Their trance was broken when a taffy man came rushing to the marshal’s aid. “What happened,” the taffy questioned. Before any of them could speak, he brought his seething gaze to Sucette. “Did you hit him,” he barked. The woman couldn’t speak. She was too petrified with fear, shaking so much that tea and coffee were spilling down her hands. “Do you have any idea who this is?!” He was yelling loud enough for people to take notice, curiously looking over their type writers at the scene. Sucette was fighting back tears, feeling as if their eyes stabbed through her very soul. “THIS is Marshal Mallow, Hero and Protector of Oz! How DARE you show such disresp-“
“Private, that is enough.”
The marshal was now standing up, fixing his hat. He gave the other soldier a stern, yet gentle look. “It was an accident, Private Key Lime.” Mallow then turned to Sucette. He flashed her a soft grin. “My apologies, dear lady. The Private can be a little too enthusiastic.”
“But sir-“ A swift glare from the taller man silenced him. The officer then turned back to Sucette. “I hope you’re al-“ She turned on her heel and sped walked away before he could finish. She had to use the very last of her nerve to not break down and cry. The sucker ignored everyone’s concerned expressions as she went back to Candy Apple’s office. Thankfully the General wasn’t there. She set down the cups on his desk, breath raspy and head pounding. She slid down to the floor, holding herself.  “I can’t believe this! I-I just hurt one of the most important people in Oz!” Sucette began to quietly sob, body trembling.
“I-I’m going to be fired!”
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Doodlewash April 2021 prompt 11: Telephone
Tangentially related because communication.
I mention a character named Meri, that’s the name of LDShadowLady’s IRL dog, for the purposes of this storyline, Meri is her child.
If anyone wants to be part of a taglist of this Vigilante AU, feel free to message me/send an ask/or mention it in reblogs.
5up finished up his last class of the day. He dropped his school things off in his bedroom. He grabbed his bright pink leather jacket faded from use and changed from dress pants into a worn pair of black jeans. The white masquerade mask with a leaf motif was taken from its place in the back of his closet and slipped it in the inner pocket of his jacket.
5up’s father may hate vigilantes with a passion, but the guy in charge of the security for their apartment was a fan. 5up’s father thought that vigilantes were a danger to society and that people just trust the system rather than some self-proclaimed public service helper. Another fact was that 5up’s father was too rich for crime against him to be worth it, and when things did happen to him, he could call up Hero HQ and let his reputation carry the weight necessary to get a hero rather quickly. But the people in the ground didn’t have that luxury, so even though 5up’s father asked for a report on what his son does, the security guys doesn’t only fail to mention the whole vigilante thing, he also loops the camera feed in case the man comes to take a look for himself.
5up chuckled sardonically. Who was he kidding? His father wouldn’t call Hero HQ; he goes to a kidnapped child ring to bet on the outcomes once a week.
5up decided that he should go get Elaina and DK on board first. xChocobars might need a little more time to process before agreeing.
5up dashed down the City sewer system. He threw down his skateboard and rolled through the tunnels to District 87. It was surprising how it was faster to get from his apartment complex in District 67 to the Sweet Shoppe and Bakery in District 87 by skateboarding through the sewers than catching the city bus.
5up rolled the skateboard to a stop below the grate in the back alley of the Sweet Shoppe & Bakery. 5up took the guitar strap out of his jacket pocket and attached it to the skateboard then tossed it over his shoulder. He climbed up the ladder and popped up in the back alley.
It was surprising that the stench from the sewers didn’t permeate into his clothing.
He slipped around and walked in the front door. “I’m back Niki and I’d like to buy a dozen cupcakes.”
“Hello 5up, and what brings you back down here?” She knew 5up’s order; he just wanted a random selection.
“I need to have a chat with Elaina Exe.”
“Elaina? Not Eret?” Niki asked conversationally.
5up shrugged. “You know how it is sometimes. Would you have an idea where she is right now?”
“She works at The Golden Bloom after school. This’ll be $27.”
“Thanks.” 5up pays in cash. “Where is that?”
“Just outside, turn left, cross three times, turn right, cross twice more, turn right and it’s the shop on the corner.”
5up opens the box and eats a cupcake as he follows Niki’s directions to The Golden Bloom.
- - -
Elaina is helping a customer in the succulent section of The Garden Bloom when the wind chimes over the door ring. She glances to the newcomer out of the corner of her eye; 5up. She smiles a little strained at the customer, and starts to speed up the process.
5up raises a hand in greeting and starts to skim the yellow flower section.
Elaina gets her other costumer paid and out the door. She walks over to 5up. “Alstroemeria,” she says approvingly.
“And in English?”
“Lily of the Incas.”
“Nice. Will they work as friendship flowers?”
“So you wanted friendship?” Elaina jokes. “I was going to ask if you had your eye on someone.”
“No. Just need to soften the blow of information.”
“Stuff. Will we be eavesdropped on here?”
5up nodded. “Could I have some of these?” He took out a cupcake and offered it to Elaina.
She snatched it. “Lemme finish this first. What did you want to talk about?”
“I was wondering if there were any children that had gone missing within the last couple of months.”
Elaina’s hands paused in the flowers. “Why?” Her head dropped forward and she laughed. “That sounded defensive.”
“No no don’t worry about it. Hafu found something and I was wondering how wide spread the problem was.”
“Yeah. One of those situations.”
Elaina’s hands found their movement and she sifted to find the best flowers and pulled them out. “A dozen?”
“Yes please.”
“Lizzie’s daughter Meri went missing three months ago. But that’s all I’ve heard.”
“So yes?”
“Yeah.” Elaina beckoned him over to the counter. “Why?”
“I might know where she is.”
“Really? Where?”
“Hafu found a child fighting ring in her patrol section. My father invited me to it, saw someone who’d gone missing seven months back.”
“Child fighting ring?”
“Illegal. Obviously. It’s a betting thing.”
“Have I ever told you that your father is a bad person?”
“Not you specifically, but I have been told that.”
“Good. Don’t be like him.”
“I won’t. That doesn’t sound fun.”
“No.” Elaina shook her head and laughed. “$25.” She wrapped the bundle in paper while 5up fished out the cash. “Is there anything else I can do for you?”
“Would you be willing to come to Hafu’s tomorrow at 9pm to advice us on how to proceed?”
“Me? Me? You don’t want Eret for that? Illegal children fighting ring of kidnapped kids sounds like an Eret thing.”
“It also sounds like a file report to Hero HQ.”
“Uhm…. Yeah?”
“Hafu and I estimated 200 children, you remember the School Exploder.”
Elaina smiled fondly. “I had a test postponed because of that.”
“Right right. Yeah. Hero HQ isn’t going to be quick or efficient enough.”
“They would be, but more than one hero is gonna need to work together,” 5up trailed off.
“If there were a hundred then we could trust SBI to do it,” Elaina continued his thought process. “But there are too many kids for just of three of them.”
“And we don’t know how many criminals there are to round up.”
Elaina dropped her head in her hands. “So I’m the second best option.”
“Don’t say it like that.”
“Captain Sparklez hero knowledge would be invaluable, but Eret is a little too close for this project.”
5up nodded sagely, finally picking up his flowers. “Hafu’s, 9pm tomorror?”
“I’ll be there.”
The door chimed.
“One second.” She turned back to 5up. “I’ll see you around.”
“Wait until we have a game plan before you tell Eret.”
“Yeah. Yeah.”
- - -
5up was rolling down the sewers to DK’s Dojo up in District 37; he had his mask donned; cupcake box in one hand; and flowers for xChocobars in the other.
It was really nice that DK had an elevator directly to the sewers, it was so nice not having to climb up a ladder with all the stuff he had to carry.
5up drifted from the elevator to the front desk. “Hi, is Dakotaz in?”
The receptionist didn’t look up from their screen. “No.”
5up placed a cupcake on the counted. “Ahem.”
The receptionist looked up.
“And what about for me?”
They noticed the jacket and white leaf mask and started apologizing,. “I’m so sorry 5up, I thought you were literally anyone else. Yeah. DK’s sparing with Dumbdog in his private room.”
“No worries. Thanks.”
5up swiveled his board around and propelled himself to the back room.
“Well if it isn’t Mr. Rich Boy.”
“Cupcakes?”Dumbdog took DK out of the headlock and leaped over. “Yes. Oh my goodness. The Sweet Shoppe and Bakery makes the best cupcakes.”
“Geez Dog, have some class.” DK picks himself off the ground. “Yo bro? Can I have one?”
5up handed one of DumbDog and held out another for DK. “Are you busy tomorrow?”
“No why?”
“Think you have time to stop by Hafu’s at 9pm tomorrow to discuss something?”
“Yeah sure. What’s up?”
“We found some missing children and need a munitions expert.”
DumbDog raised his cupcake in toast to DK. “Do you need me?”
5up turned it over in his head. “If you’re available.”
- - -
xChocobars was sitting on the roof of a building keeping watch of the streets below. There was a meeting between the City’s two biggest gangs. They always met up in this square of District 66.
She saw other vigilantes of the roof around the square and a little ways down the road where the cars were sitting. Someone dropped next to her. “Cupcake.”
“Of course.”
The leaders shook hands and headed their separate ways. xChocobars kept watch as the gang members and other vigilantes disappeared into the shadows back to their home districts. “Hello 5up.” Flowers were thrust into her hands. “Oh?”
“I found your twin sister.”
xChocobars eyes hardened behind her mask. “Oh?”
“We can’t go in guns blazing though.”
She gestured to the flowers. “I figured.”
“She’s ‘fine.’ Not really.”
“Let’s just say that there are other people who got shorter sticks.”
“Stop softening the blow.”
“Your sister’s kidnappers are forcing her to fight and people like my father bet on the outcome.”
xChocobars dropped flowers. They fell soundlessly into her lap. “Oh?”
“She was one of the less bruised and was winning.”
“Good for her,” xChocobars said. “Bad for others.”
“Bad for others,” 5up agreed. “We’re going to Hafu’s 9pm tomorrow to plan an escape.”
“Good. I’ll be there.”
“Go home 5up.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
- - -
“Hello Hafu.”
Hafu startled from where she was sitting on her fire escape. “Hello 5up.”
“I have six cupcakes left.”
“Oooh. Gimme.”
“So what’s the plan for tomorrow? I told people to come at 9pm.”
“We’ll talk over dinner about how to approach this.”
“Mhm. You, me, Elaina, DK, DumbDog, and xChocobars.”
“Good team. We’ll need to expand.” Hafu popped a cupcake in her mouth. “Think you can do some recon?”
“Yeah. I’m sure my father would love to spend some time with me.”
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Day 4 of Spooky Season
Today's theme is Corn Maze
Scarlett’s POV
It’s going to be fun they said, live a little they said. That’s what my friends said when they wanted to come to this stupid corn maze, everything was fine until I found out it was a couple maze. I brought my twin sister with me, since she doesn’t really have friends after her ex. The paring went my best friend, Tim and his girlfriend/my other best friend Elaina, then my best friend Brian and my twin Star then I got stuck with the devil himself, Roger. I hate him, I’ve always hated him. The first time I met him, all he did was hit on me then called me a “Beatles Whore” like I haven’t heard of that before. My two friends, Brian and Tim, created a band and Roger is their drummer. Ever since I met him in June all we do is fight, we’re in a war, but not going to lie his persistence of  repeatedly asking me out after we fight about something is quite attractive. Roger and I were next in line, I ignored his presences.
“Oh come on princess, you have to talk to me eventually,” Roger grinned. I ignored him.
“Trouble in paradise?” The person in charge of the corn maze asked us.
“We’re not dating, just sadly stuck together,” I sighed.
“Oh… well you two can go now,” the guy coughed as Roger and I walked in the maze. I just kept on walking around, trying to get myself out.
“I think we should go left,” Roger said.
“Good idea,” I walked to the right.
“Princess that’s your other left!” Roger screamed as I threw up my favorite finger walking right. Roger ran up to me and bashed his eyes, “You love me that much.”
“I’m going to kill them for this,” I muttered as someone jumped right in front of us. They had zombie makeup on, which made me jump and accidentally bump into Roger. The actor got up, and tried to do his zombie walking off act. I realized where I was at, looked up to see Roger giving me a grin and a wink then I quickly stepped away.
“Aw, does Princess feel safe with me?” Roger winked.
“No,” I crossed my arms, “Don’t call me Princess.”
“Okay, Princess,” Roger winked as he finished walking the path.
“I thought you said left!” I yelled.
“Yeah but we must be going the right way if we got a sad looking zombie!” Roger yelled back as I followed him. We didn’t talk, just this awkward quiet. It looked like Roger wanted to talk to me, he just kept on staring.
“Yes?” I asked.
“Nothing,” Roger shrugged.
“Your staring.”
“Your beautiful and I can’t help but stare.”
I rolled my eyes and continued to follow the maze. Roger stayed close as time went on because the longer were stuck in here, the colder it got.
“You smell nice,” Roger smirked at me.
“Stop smelling me, it’s weird,” I rolled my eyes. I turned the corner to see a snake, I screamed while jumping as Roger grabbed onto me, he’s now holding me bridal style. I latched onto him, closing my eyes as Roger chuckled.
“Princess it’s fake,” Roger whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes to see a rubber snake on the ground, I jumped out of his grip in embarrassment.
“We do not speak of this,” I brushed off my pride.
“Sure… if you would go out with me,” Roger smirked.
“On that thought, tell the whole world,” I walked off finishing the maze.
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