#'problematic' ships
whalesfall · 2 years
btw. your search for the most morally upright and ethical piece of media that has the most correct “representation” will destroy your ability to find the most profound and beautiful and human of stories. and may even destroy the stories themselves before they are created. if you even care.
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general-sleepy · 1 year
Fic writers, put in the tags what the difference in hits is between your most and least viewed fics. Mine is 7,720 (7,779-59).
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theweeklydiscourse · 4 months
No, actually. It is not “shaming Katara’s femininity” or her “maternal traits” to critique the ways in which her character was relegated to a the passive role of the Avatar’s grieving widow and largely ignored by the narrative post-ATLA. Oh my god, we are not “degrading” Katara by pointing out the sexist implications of how her character was handled and to suggest such a thing is just so…infuriating and very revealing of the underlying sexism in the fandom.
No thoughts, just people endlessly glorifying Katara’s maternal tendencies without bothering to question or investigate the adverse effects of her parentification. Apparently anyone who criticizes the writing of Katara’s character is just denigrating “traditional femininity” and THEY are the true misogynists! Not the male writers or viewers who consistently minimize Katara’s significance to the narrative and mock fans who ship her with anyone other than Aang.
Not at all, really we should just accept the conditions of the narrative uncritically and never question the biases of the creators. How dare we criticize them and point out the underlying sexism in their writing?
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lastivkaa · 2 months
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annadeef · 6 months
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fuck around and find out kinda lesbians (Dinahla belong to @artbytesslyn)
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myfandomrealitea · 6 months
I'm going to be fully honest, I hate the use of problematic as a coined term for fictional ships. I feel like problematic has just become one of those terms tossed around at anything and everything and often used as a gotcha net.
"I don't care about your ships as long as they're not problematic."
Okay. Are we talking about incest or just a ship where they have clashing political opinions?
Am I not allowed to ship the sentient wolf creature with the twink or am I not allowed to ship the two middle aged store clerks who have different views on wanting children?
What if one half of my canon ship gets de-aged to eighteen? Is it suddenly problematic to ship them for as long as that character remains de-aged?
What kind of age brackets are we defining as problematic these days? What are the cut-off points for when its not problematic for two people to fall in love? What if one person has a birthday before the other one and for a few months they're not part of that acceptable bracket anymore?
Problematic is just being used as a one-word way to shut people down and force them to comply with your own expectations and boundaries. Problematic is thrown around as a way to box people into behaving and existing in ways that make you comfortable.
"I don't like the way that you exist so I'm going to brand you as this negative word that forces you to change to suit my preferences or be shunned by society."
Problematic means to constitute as or to present a problem. It is not the shiny new term for 'if you ship this thing you're a terrible person.'
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bucked-it-up · 1 month
I wish we could enjoy bucktommy without having to explain and defend why
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j3lly-t1n · 1 month
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posessive old man save me
save me
save me possessive old man
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jennifersminds · 10 months
“but they tried to kill eachother!” it was funny. i giggled.
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dolls-self-ships · 4 months
just saw someone on a self shipping post say to not use the word "obsessed" to describe their feelings for their f/o bc it's harmful to those with ocd and as someone with severe ocd please shut the fuck up and go outside oh my god
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apricior · 2 months
guys do we think that scam likely and the problematic vampire explored each other's bodies?
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Today's Problematic Ship is the Satoshi
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The Satoshi was a cruise ship owned by Ocean Builders, a company dedicated to "seasteading," an attempt to create a seabourne community free of laws imposed on dry land, with strong ties to the cryptocurrency movement.
The 1991-built ship, originally named Regal Princess but renamed Pacific Dawn in 2007, was purchased by Ocean Builders in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. The idea was to permanently anchor the ship in Panamian waters, as the central hub of an eventual community of "SeaPods", essentially individual houses at sea, which would be arranged around the Satoshi in the form of a Bitcoin B.
It quickly became evident that the people running Ocean Builders had no understanding of how to operate a ship: they initially failed to ensure their ship had certificate of seaworthiness to allow it to sail to Panama (where the venture was to be based), and even after this no-one was willing to insure the ship, making it impossible for passengers to live onboard. They also planned to re-engine the ship while it was out at sea, a physically impossible task to accomplish without sinking the ship in the process.
The leadership of Ocean Builders blamed all this on shipping being "plagued by over-regulation." (Many of our entries here at Today's Problematic Ship demonstrate those regulations exist for a reason). The end result was predictable: by the time the Satoshi arrived in Panama it had been sold to an Indian shipbreaker.
Except Ocean Builders had signed a contract they could not honour: according to the Basel Convention, which covers the disposal of hazardous waste, they weren’t allowed to send the ship from a signatory country (Panama) to a non-signatory country (India). Thus the sale was cancelled, and subsequently the ship was arrested by Panamian authorities.
Eventually, the Satoshi was sold in 2021 a different startup company, Ambassador Cruise Line. The new venture, who actually knew how to operate a cruise ship, started successful operations with the former Satoshi, now renamed Ambience, in 2022.
The Guardian has a detailed article about the saga of the Satoshi and the seasteading movement.
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sirensea14 · 2 months
Favorite birb doodles from my favorite aus!
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arsynnotarson · 9 months
im still baffled how people with "proshippers dni" in their ao3 fanfic desc / tags exist.
like, i thought it was a myth. ( /j because of course antis would do something like that )
its ao3. AO3!!!
it's an archive for the stuff wattpad and ff.net kicked off.
any by their definition, that stuff was "proship content" made by "proshippers".
you can't kick the freaks off the freak website made for freaks.
you're fighting an uphill battle, antis. if you hate proshippers so much, get off their site.
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shiliria · 4 months
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skumhuu · 10 months
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🧡☔️ Stormy Nights and Sunny Days ☀️💙
Both of my works, as well as many others, are going to be in the @livelaughbone fontcest calendar! Preorders are open now from AUG 6TH - SEPT 9TH!
Please check it out, everyone worked really hard on this and it turned out amazing! :3💚✨ Order here: https://livelaughbone.bigcartel.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livelaughbone/status/1689290688788135937 Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/livelaughbone/725188190047240192/preorders-now-open-for-live-laugh-bone?source=share
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