#'who's kendrick lamar?' kill yourself honestly
rogerdeakinsdp · 2 months
seeing 'idk who kendrick lamar is' posts from swifties is wild. so in addition to not knowing much about music you're also a fake taylor fan?? you heard him on bad blood and went 'i bet he hasn't released music before or since????'
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imgonnapanic · 3 years
Third gym squad with a theater kid s/o:
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Kuroo Tetsurou
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Tbh, he knew what he was signing up for when he started dating you.
He’s just not used to it, because he doesn’t have many extroverted friends who aren’t annoying pieces of-
I can envision you both going on the hub to watch pirated musicals. Hamilton, Heathers, Dear Evan Hansen, you name it.
He loooves your singing voice, even if it’s your nervous purposely bad one.
You love the musicals that include allll the good stuff (trauma, death, tragedy, etc.)
Or the iconic ones. You can’t forget about those.
So you’re less-than-thrilled when your school chooses “Honk! The Musical” for this years play.
It’s a spin off of the ugly duckling that no one has heard of.
And when you come up to Kuroo sulking about this boring play you’re emotionally obliged to do, he can’t help but laugh a little.
But his laughter stops when he sees your eyes down at your shoes.
And then he shuts the fuck up because you’re actually upset.
After assuring that you will still be Broadway material even if you’re dressed up as a goose, you feel a little better.
In the two weeks leading up to auditions, Kuroo is starting to get caught humming “A Poultry Tale” at practice.
I mean, his Spotify feed went from Kendrick Lamar to Legally Blonde within one month of dating you, so cut the guy a break.
The day of auditions, you’re a bundle of nerves as you go over the dumb song again and again.
And Kuroo is like “calm down babe you’re gonna do great.”
That sure did a ton.
“Shut up Heather”
“Sorry Heather”
He’s also a bundle of nerves at practice, though. He just couldn’t let you see it.
By now, all of the Nekoma team knows you’re auditioning today, and the minute he walks in he just holds up a hand.
“They’re auditioning as we speak”
He’s not surprised when you get the lead.
He looks like the cat who ate the canary he’s a little amused when he figures out the lead is named “Ugly” but by now he has learned to keep it on the inside.
Your schedule is now jam packed, but that’s okay, because Nationals are also coming up for Kuroo and needs to put in some extra hours at the gym anyways.
You better believe two months later Kuroo is making his entire team buy a ticket.
Kuroo didn’t even get to see you on opening night because of dress rehearsals, but that’s okay.
He cleared his entire schedule that day and now has time to wallow in his own excitement and buy you some flowers.
He’s there with the squad team at 6PM sharp, dressed up, and trying to keep his dignity.
When you first walk on stage, the team snickers a little bit at your costume, but Kuroo was completely enraptured by your singing voice, your blocking, your makeup, everything.
This was much better than the demo CD that they had given you.
Afterwards, he gives you your flowers and is glued to your side for the rest of the night, babbling about how proud he was of you, and how talented you are, Nekoma team be damned.
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Tsukishima Kei
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Tsukki-poo already had a soft spot for the arts before he met you.
Not that he would tell anyone, ever.
When you started dating him though, it gave him an excuse to share his favorite soundtracks.
“you can hit that note, you know.”
*cue the arguing about how you aren’t Barbara Streisand*
When you two are walking through the hallway with him and you see the poster reading “Auditions for Karasuno High School’s ‘The Little Mermaid’ are open!” You start freaking out.
You love that movie! And Kei tolerates it!
Kei honestly thought you would be Ariel/Prince Eric when he first heard you singing “Part of Your World”
Like, you have the voice of a fucking lark. The directors have to be batshit crazy not to cast you.
In his humble opinion.
So he’s a bit taken aback when you get the role of Flounder, but he’s very proud anyways. Especially after you explain that there’s musical numbers that you’re in that aren’t in the movie.
He just hates your director for no reason now.
Practicing your lines with him in your free time becomes almost inevitable because you both have nothing else better to do.
And he can see how into it you are.
And let me just say that you are killing it.
Seriously. You have no problem getting into character, and Kei doesn’t say this much but-
It’s fucking adorable, okay? He has little goth moths in his stomach.
And he can’t wait to see the show, because then he can show you off.
That doesn’t mean he likes the other first years prying at your progress.
Hinata’s incessant questioning about theater anatomy and the memorization of your lines gets really annoying.
Even for someone with a normal temper like you-
“Yes it’s called the right wing. NOT wing spiker. Yes they’re off book. Now will you shut your trap already?”
Dress Rehearsals come, and you’re spinning around his room, face morphing from complete concentration to happy, go-lucky Flounder.
You, Kei, and Yamaguchi (your little third wheel-) all know the soundtrack pretty much up and down, left and right, backwards and inside out.
He still shivers remembering the time you just walked into his house not registering that Flounder’s makeup looks kind of scary up close-
All of his pride was sacrificed that day. All of it.
On the morning of opening night, Kei was walking you to the school, pretending to be bitchy about it being on a Saturday.
“C’mon, what am I supposed to do all day?”
As luck would have it, he’s stuck sitting next to one Hinata Shoyo. Lovely.
So he sat down next to him, and ignored him the whole show. I mean, it worked, he shut up after thirty seconds.
After the show, Kei has to wait a bit for you to take your makeup off, but when you come running out, he can’t hold back a tiny grin.
“That was good. I’m proud of you.”
And then he took you to dinner because singing makes a bad bleep hungry 😌
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Bokuto Kotarou
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Listen, you’re loud, Bokuto’s loud-
So basically you two are on a mission to not annoy Akaashi for as long as you can before inevitably getting yelled at for your affection and love and shit.
Now, both of you would love for this to be possible.
But the Frozen soundtrack makes it too difficult.
Especially when you can edit the lyrics just to piss off Konoha.
“Turn away and slAm the door *on Konoha”
“The wind is howling like the storm inside *of Konoha”
The possibilities are endless, really.
The game changer is when you two are belting out the song where Elsa and Anna are arguing.
And you accidentally hit the “I-i-I CANNNNT”
Akaashi is like for the love of GOD just audition for the play.
He quickly realizes that his suggestion was not a good idea.
Since guess what the musical is.
You’re auditioning as a joke, okay? You love Frozen, but this is a Fukurōdani Academy level play.
You didn’t expect to land the role of Olaf.
Your director sat you down and bluntly told you that he thought that you had the charisma and energy to be Olaf, but he knew that you were auditioning for a joke.
He needed you to be committed.
And hell yeah, you were gonna be committed.
At first, Bokuto was super proud of you! His s/o as a lead role? So impressive!
You even taught Bokuto your choreography for “In Summer”
He only retained half of it, but eh.
He’s a volleyball player. He tried.
As rehearsal times became longer and longer, Bokuto was a little upset at himself because he didn’t realize how committed you were until it hit him in the face.
Akaashi is there to get him out of his funk when you aren’t, though.
“They feel the same way when you need to be in the gym longer. It’s just a part of having a passion. Just utilize your time with them wisely.”
This bitch knows full well Bokuto doesn’t do ‘wise’ though, so he also sets to him a little more.
Dress rehearsals start, and Bokuto is always waiting for you to come out of the auditorium to ride the bus home.
You’re just bubbling over with stories about the magic of being on stage.
The lights, the microphones, the costumes, just talking about it makes you nostalgic already.
On opening night, Bokuto and Akaashi are there in the front row, going through the program.
“There’s y/n!!!!”
And you can’t see him because of the blinding spotlight, but you can hear Bokuto cheering for you after you finish “In Summer”
Afterwards he gives you a big hug, and you guys go home and watch Frozen.
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Akaashi Keiji
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When you start dating Akaashi in your second year at Fukurōdani, you’ve been on stage for the last ten years of your life.
Singing, acting, dancing, you love it all.
You’re even considering making it your career.
Akaashi doesn’t know much about theater at all, but he makes sure to do his research since it’s such a big part of your life.
The company you take acting classes with is having their winter show soon, and you couldn’t be happier when you figure out it’s ‘Into the Woods.’
Akaashi makes the mistake of asking the plot of the story.
“So basically there are these two infertile bakers with dead parents and there’s this witch that’s old and wrinkly and she comes to their house because fifty years ago the bakers dad stole her veggies and took the magic beans that made her look old and wrinkly-“
(A/n: this isn’t even half the plot)
He decides he’ll figure it out when he sees the play.
Akaashi knows that it’s a difficult one, though.
Sondheim doesn’t fuck around.
So you shouldn’t be beating yourself up about cracking on some of the high notes and screaming into your pillow.
He feels like an idiot every time you ask him to give you constructive criticism.
He doesn’t know what to say. “That was good” is obviously not what you want to hear.
When the date of your audition rolls around, he has early morning practice.
So he sends you a text saying how far you’ve come already and he’ll be proud even if you end up being a tree and break a leg (he’s very proud of that part. Theater lingo with Akaashi 101)
He’s very pleased to hear through your extremely fast and animated chattering that you killed it.
You were going to be Jack from “Jack and the Beanstalk.”
He’s still not sure how that correlates with infertile bakers, but he’ll go with it.
You also have a notoriously hard solo, “Giants in the sky.”
Akaashi is very impressed.
All you two do is practice that song, until Akaashi is half sure he could sing the song if he really gave an effort.
(He tries seriously one time. He can’t sing. To save his life. Sorry Keiji and RIP y/n’s ears.)
“Maybe you’re just not a soprano?”
“I’ll leave the limelight to you.”
Rehearsals always leave you drained. There are so many dance numbers in the play that you have to go over.
And songs, oh god, the songs are pieces of work.
But you wouldn’t trade it for the world, so Keiji stays close, and is endlessly supportive.
You sent him a picture of your Jack costume, and Keiji is like that is kind of adorable ngl-
He walks into the auditorium you’re performing in, and even he’s nervous to be in there. It’s huge.
But when you walk on the stage, and start belting, all the breath leaves his lungs.
Oh. Ohhhhhhh. He understands the plot now.
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It Takes Two to Tango
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, guns, knives, violence, self destructive behavior, mentions of mania and depression, mentions of bipolar disorder, descriptions of tattoo guns, slight slut shaming maybe, a bong, allusion to corrupt government, mentions of prostitution, mentions of parental neglect, and mentions of piercings.
Word Count: 6.5k
Songs: Drew Barrymore- SZA, No Role Modelz- J.Cole, Baby Blue- Action Bronson, Little Dark Age- MGMT, Gansta- Kehlani, Shutter Island- Jessie Reyez, Good Days-SZA, King’s Dead, Kendrick Lamar, and Saint Bernard- Lincoln.
“Which was odd because usually he talks the most on these rides. After we got over the initial awkwardness of the whole fire and Vulture thing we fell back into the way of things. Well if he was going to play this game I would too because what’s that saying? It takes two to tango.”
A/N: Hold on tight a lot goes down and it’s not looking up anytime soon. 
Series Masterlist  Previous Part   Next Part 
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I was running faster than I’d ever had before the heels I had been trying on? Not helping my case. Since this is apparently my brand now I backed myself up onto the edge of the building. 
I had a gun trained on me.
“Come with us Y/N please,” 
“No! Who the fuck is Y/N?”
“Don’t play dumb ma’am we’ve done extensive research on you and we see you’ve done the same with us,” 
I rolled my eyes.
“Fuck you! I have no idea what you’re talking about and this is harassment,”
“You’re cornered there’s no way out,” 
The man wasn’t going to shoot me. No one would’ve come all the way out here and have chased me for this long when they had a gun if they were really planning on killing me. They would’ve done it already. And if this was who I thought it was I was not going with them. 
“Just come with us, we’re on your side, we’re not trying to hurt you,” That sounds exactly like someone who was going to hurt me would say.  
“Yeah says the man who has a gun aimed at me,” I rolled my eyes. 
“This is simply a safety precaution, just make this easier for everyone,” 
I looked back at him before making my decision. I was getting the hell out of here now. 
I bent backwards towards the street underneath me. Instead of free falling I put my hands behind me going into a backbend kickover grabbing onto the ledge. 
Using my legs as a propeller I launched myself closer to the wall. I’d gotten lucky and the walls had protruding bricks that I could scale. 
The man who I think was from SHIELD was hot on my tail. So I had to move fast. I scaled my way to the nearest balcony jumping into the pool in a leap of faith. 
I’d made it in thankfully. Guess my story wasn’t over.
Then I had to run. I was running down the streets. Thankfully this was New York and no one would bat an eye at someone who was drenched head to toe running down the street. They’d just pass me off as another nut job and go about their day. 
So much has happened I feel like this is an episode of shameless. You really were too busy to tune in last week you skank ass bitch? I almost died twice and I still managed to check in, whatever, just pay attention to the next clip. 
“So that building exploded and that loud siren noise I think I told you about was going off in my ears and when I left the plane with Vulture and Spidey were fighting by a crashed plane and Vulture put too much power onto his wings and they were gonna blow up. And I got mad like fucking top of the anger iceberg mad. So when I was like on the verge of blacking out like fucking fire came out of my hands and disintegrated those wings. Like they turned to ash before my very eyes. Then I had a panic attack of course and that’s pretty much it,” 
“Uh… I just called you here to tell you I found something about that SHIELD guy who came after but, I’m glad you’re okay,” Felicia told me.
“Sorry… I guess I got too excited,” 
“What'd you find?” I moved over to her in her spinning chair. 
“Look and see for yourself,” She moved out the way.
I sighed plopping down onto the small twin bed.
“I know what you’re doing,” I said, picking up a piece of popcorn. 
“What are you talking about?” Carmen asked as if she was genuinely confused. 
“You’re trying to trick me into eating and sleeping, which is totally not fair because if I want to wallow in self pity I should be able to,” 
“I know what happens when it gets bad and I’m not letting you get there again,”
I sighed again. She is always claiming that she sees herself in me and she wants me to be the best version of myself. 
She acts like since she’s one year older than me that she’s my mentor or something.
 Plus she also thinks I have an undiagnosed and untreated bipolar disorder so who’s to say everything else she says isn’t a lie also. 
We were watching a Wrinkle in Time and I knew I was going to cry when the girl’s dad came back. I always did and I didn’t want to cry today. 
“Wanna go do something?”
“Sure... Where are we going?” 
I tried on a lot of Carmens clothes and ended up wearing the most extravagant outfit I’d ever worn. I felt extremely giddy for no reason in particular. I was wearing a puffy skirt and corset. We were walking about the streets of Brooklyn with no clear destination in mind just talking.
“I just find it funny that all you have to do to be famous on Tiktok is be white and skinny like smoke a cigarette in a subway station or some shit,”
“Why don’t we get famous?” 
“Now how would we get famous,” I poked. 
“I’m offended that you don’t think we could,” She stopped on the side of the street. 
“Gimme your phone,” She demanded in a kind way.
I plopped it into her palm. 
I’d honestly forgotten where I was for a second because I’d zoned out yet again. She put the phone back in my hand and she had made a Tiktok account for the both of us. 
She was only checking to see if I liked the account name because she took the phone right back afterwards.
I didn’t mind. 
“I should get a tattoo right?” I asked, putting another one of the chamoy gummy worms in my mouth. 
“How many do you have now?” 
“I think like twelve?”
“And that’s not enough for you?”
“Noo! I like the ones I have. I just want a bigger one.” 
“Then do it?” 
We were actually in walking distance of a tattoo parlour I just didn’t trust them. Never cheat on your nail tech or hairstylist and it goes the same for tattoo artists. 
Two subway rides later we were in Queens. I walked up to the front desk and was about to ask for my go to artist but she walked out the back room before I had the chance.
“Y/N, ‘s that you?” She asked. 
“The one and only,” I twirled around in my dress. 
“This dress is very different than your usual style but I can’t say I don’t love it,” She pulled at the fabric then glanced up her eyes, lighting up in recognition. She gasped “Is this Carmen?” 
I nodded “My bad lemme introduce you to each other. Carmen this is Enchantress and you already know Carmen apparently,” 
I’d played a Russian roulette sort of thing with my tattoo Pinterest board just clicking one with my eyes closed. Then there was the buzzing of the gun moving along my skin. Puncturing it in a way that felt extremely bittersweet. 
I never understood people who said tattoos hurt. I could always barely feel them. They felt like a simple scrape over your skin. Also at this shop they still give you the wrapping for your tattoo but it’s filled with ink still so you can move it around in the bubble. I like messing with the ink sack. I think that’s why I come here so often.
I was admiring the tattoo on my lower abdomen in the mirror when I was startled.  
“Wait!” Enchantress exclaimed, starling me “I just realized you got a piercing. Come here,” She beckoned. 
She turned towards me 
“It’s actually super straight, did you do this?” 
I opened my mouth to respond when Carmen answered for me.
“No, some girl did it for her in her school bathroom,” I really gotta stop telling her everything. She’s always snitching on me.
“I want to be mad but I can’t because it actually looks super healthy,” She titled my chin up to get a better view “However if it gets infected I’m beating your ass,” 
We exited the shop after I paid well, Carmen paid but I’ll pay her back. There was a pretty hefty discount too, because Enchantress loved me apparently, I loved her too. She’s an older sister figure like my role model. I mean she was when I was a few years younger. I think I’ve grown out of role models.
I felt a sharp uncomfortable sensation in my body which sort of felt like those anxiety brain zaps but located in my abdomen. 
I looked behind me and there was something off about this man who was standing a few feet behind me. I accidently made eye contact with him and he bolted off. 
“Y/N are you even listening to me?” 
“Huh,” I turned in Carmen’s directions “Sorry what'd you say?” 
“I was saying that since you got a tattoo, I’m gonna cut and dye my hair,” 
“Cool what color?” 
“I don’t know yet let’s go just to CVS ‘nd decide there,” 
I was sitting on the kitchen counter behind the chair Carmen was in as I applied the bleach to her hair singing along to the song playing. 
Why is it so hard to accept the party is over?
You came with your new friend
And her mom jeans and her new Vans
I set the bowl of hair bleach onto the counter hopping down to get ready for my favorite part of the song. 
And she's perfect and I hate it 
I sang it loudly moving my hands around like I always do releasing my energy. It was almost like therapy. Who am I kidding SZA is therapy. 
I used the bathroom and I couldn’t find soap. I looked under the cabinet and found the soap. I also found something else I wasn’t expecting to see. I brought it back into the kitchen with me.
“You have a hello kitty bong?”
She grabbed it from my hands examining it. 
“Well actually I stole it from my sister,” 
“No way, this is Dinah’s? Because she just got ten times cooler,” 
“All I know was she got back in college, then she just stopped using it,” 
I finished Carmen’s hair which for some reason she trusted me enough to cut curtain bangs for her honestly they didn’t look too bad. It was just very time consuming. 
“Okay but are you sure, how’d you know he’s gay?” Harry questioned leaning back to look at the kid again. 
“Just watch,” I raised my voice just enough for him to be able to hear me “Charlie!” 
He turned around as if he were stunned that I was talking to him. 
“Who me?” He asked.
“Yes you,”
“So can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah sure I guess…”
“What’s your favorite Percy Jackson book?”
“The answer Lightning Thief is pretty basic but it’s my favorite or maybe the Titan’s Curse, I’m not sure,” 
“Okay cool, thank you,” I turned back to face Harry “See,” 
“That doesn’t prove anything but okay,”
“He knew more than one book in the Percy Jackson series that tells me all I need to know,” 
“I know more than one Percy Jackson book,” He eyed me.
“Yeah and you’re gay,”
He just huffed. Got him there. 
“He still wouldn’t fuck you though,” I sat tucked my legs underneath me.
“Whatever shouldn’t you be in your class? Which is it again?”
“Oh what? Don’t oh me,” 
“You’re avoiding Peter,” 
“I’m not avoiding Peter,” I totally was. Just Harry thinks I’m doing it because I like him. I didn’t tell him that but I might've let him believe it, because how do you even go about telling someone Hey I’m avoiding the person because fire came out of my body and they saw it.  I’d sound insane. 
As I was walking to the gym and by to, I mean away from, but that’s not the point, I could’ve sworn I saw the same man from Saturday in the window near the crowd of students. 
Accompanied by the same gut feeling. 
I pushed my way into the gym. To avoid him. I bumped into someone. Off instinct I got defensive but then I heard an 
“Oh, sorry. Sorry!” Once they’d turned around I realized it had been Peter. Just my luck. 
“You’re fine that was basically my fault anyway,” 
I was going to just walk over to one of my friends but they weren’t here and Liz literally just left the school. So I had no escape. 
Well there was one escape. There’s always a way out.
“Y/N!” The female gym coach called. 
“Yes?” I rolled my eyes.
“Where are your gym clothes?” 
“Probably in the locker room...” 
“Why aren’t you wearing them?”
“I didn’t feel like it,”
“You need to change for your grade, participation is important,” 
I picked up my backpack off the floor before pushing open the doors to the girls locker room. Instead of going towards my locker I headed straight for the metal doors leading into the hallway. I went to the space I always seemed to drift to when I had nowhere else to go. 
The teachers bathroom. 
I know that sounds weird but it’s the only one I can lock. I stole a key a while back when I went to get my phone back from one of the teachers. 
I guess Carmen was a psychic or something because one of the videos she’d posted on our group account of us eating in the dresses, me getting that tattoo, and dying Carmen’s hair had blown up. 
I did not see her take any of the clips but the proof was right in front of me. 
The video had half a million views and I assumed that was because of all the comments helping pushing the algorithm.
Some of them were nice like
hey lol 
you’re both gorgeous omg 
That tattoo is cool af 
I want to be you 
I should pay you to do my hair lmao
I can't tell if i want to be you
The other half were like 
No child should be getting a tattoo you look so young
That is the devils sign I’m praying for you. 
Why please Go To God✝️✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️
Im praying for you 
At first I was confused as to why half of the comments were people praying. Then I realized it was because Carmen had on her pentagram necklace. 
I’m definitely not complaining about the comments though because they got me that many views, likes, and follows, but the ignorance upsets me. A pentagram only represents Earth, Air, Water, and Fire it’s about balance. 
 I think it’s cool, kinda like the Avatar. It has nothing to do with Satan. I didn’t really want to think about Fire. I was still freaking out about Friday. It hadn’t happened again so maybe I dreamt it or something. 
Somehow I spent the rest of gym and half of what should’ve been me heading to detention responding to every Christian’s comment with something dumb or witty. 
I was walking towards the detention room and was startled by Peter. Again.
“Hey Y/N?”
“Um… this is gonna sound insane but,” he paused looking down fiddling with his hands. 
My face twisted up in confusion as to why he still hadn’t spoken. 
“Are you gonna to speak…”
“Oh. Oh!” He looked back up “Yeah you remember my internship right?”
“Yeah…” I guess he was going to act like I didn’t know about him being Spiderman again.
“So now Mr. Stark is interested in you and wants you to come with me upstate,”
“Why me?” 
“I’m not sure, but if you’re coming someone is outside waiting for us,” 
I’m sure this was just another attempt to lure me into some SHIELD mess. However Peter had no idea about Thorn or any of the other fucked up shit I’d done. So it would look suspicious if I didn’t go. Because what kid or any other person wouldn’t want to meet Tony Stark. 
“Okay then, what are we waiting for?” 
The ride there was completely silent. I spent the whole time texting Carmen as she complained about her boyfriend. I really hated him oh my God. Peter had gone into the building about 15 minutes ago. 
“Okay, if he’s always getting on your nerves and trying to control you why are you still with him?” I asked in the snap meant for Carmen. 
“You know why, I’m not going to say it because then you’d get mad at me,” She sent a video back.
“Thank you I do not want to hear about your boyfriends dick-,” I was interrupted by a knock on the window “Okay I can’t talk got to go,” I sent the video before sliding across the seat pushing the door open. 
“What happened?” I asked as Peter sat back in the car. 
“It was a test,” He said, providing no further elaboration. 
The back window was rolled down and the guy who drove us here. Happy, I think. There is no way that was his real name. He stuck his face in the window. 
“Hey, the boss wants to see you now,” 
I turned back to Peter and whispered.
“The boss? Am I about to walk into some mafia meeting,” 
He just laughed at that. 
“We don’t have much time,” Happy urged. 
As we began walking the halls of the giant building as I pocketed random trinkets that I could sell for a quick buck. 
“So what’s your real name?” I asked Happy since this whole time he was leading me it was a silent ride. 
He continued to ignore me.
So I asked again. I could tell from his body language that I was getting on his nerves. 
I asked twice more and by the time the last sentence came out of my mouth we’d already reached our destination. He walked away not before mumbling a quick I hate kids. 
“Y/N it’s nice to meet you,” Tony greeted as he reached out to shake my hand. I allowed it.
“You’re a lot shorter in person,” I pointed out after releasing his hand. 
“Not the first time I’ve heard that,” He reached for a bowl putting something in his mouth. “Grape?” He offered.
“No thank you,” Not like they’d be poisoned  or anything, no one had even gotten the chance to question me yet. Also there was the fact that he was eating them but this could be a Princess Bride situation. Not taking any chances. 
“Okay,” He clapped, dusting his hands. “Let’s get to the point now,” 
“So I’ve been informed that you had an instance with pyrokinesis,” He continued after I nodded. “I was hoping to research this to get to the bottom of this,”
“So you want to use me as a lab rat?”
“No of course not, the research would be used purely for your personal benefit,” 
For my benefit my ass. They were going to turn me into a lab rat or a soldier.
“Okay I’ll think about it,” Thought about it. A hard hell no.
“If you do choose to do so since you are a minor I’ll need parental consent,” 
“Of course,” I nodded.
There was a pamphlet that I wasn’t going to read. I wasn’t really going to ask for permission. Was I? If I wasn’t then why was I back at ”my” house. 
I just missed my bed, it was messy but it was mine. 
I started sobbing for no reason at all. Maybe it was the old sketchbooks on my bed, or my mom's broken jewelry box. It could’ve been the smell of incense that never left from the lack of ventilation. It was probably the pile of crystals on my dresser. Then again it could’ve been the nazar eye amulet from the broken bracelet on the ground or the hole in the wall where I used to keep my favorite knife. Maybe it was all of those things. Maybe it was so much more. Maybe it was something different entirely. Maybe it was the colors of the wind. Who knows. 
My eyes stung as my eyeliner dripped down and into them. I blinked the tears away as I went through all my clothes and I mean ALL my clothes. 
I found another bodycon dress. I slipped it on after stuffing a few other articles in my bag. I continued searching to the very back of my closet and I found an old purse. There were at least $50 in the back pocket and in the front pocket there were- Oh. 
There was a small plastic bag with at least 500gs of Xanax. I must’ve left them there after Washington.
 I wasn’t going to take them. I really wasn't; I just put them in the bra. You know for safe keeping. I heard the front door open and made a break for the balcony. 
Although I’d regularly seen my sisters. I still hadn’t seen my dad since I’d left. They’d seen him a couple times though he was fine with the idea of them staying at our grandma’s for who knows how long. He doesn’t care as long as he’s still got that girlfriend of his. I can only imagine what he told her about us not staying with him.
 I jumped down the stairs of the fire escape and my heart almost jumped out of my chest. As something hit my calf. 
I looked down to see it was just Salem climbing up my leg. I lifted her up to my chest nuzzling the top of her head. 
“Hiii baby!” I cooed in a baby voice. 
I now more carefully made my way down the steps so as to not disrupt her. Now I was going to go straight to my grandma’s house to drop off the clothes, but I wanted to go shopping before it got too late.
 I already had no money so I have no idea why I thought it was a good idea but there I was with a $300 charge on my credit card. 
I probably looked insane walking around the mall with a cat in my backpack and black streaks underneath my eyes. 
If you’ve never done this I highly recommend it. Every subway train comes with carts and the last cart is a door with railing and no other restrictions. You can just sneak into the very back. 
The wind hitting your face is the most freeing thing in the world and you can scream as loud as you want and no one will hear you. That fact can be unsettling to some but to me it’s beautiful. 
Releasing your true emotions to no one but you and yourself. I closed my eyes holding onto the railing with one hand and Salem in the other. I put her back into my backpack before sitting down. 
Since the app is addicting, and you can’t tell me it’s not, I opened Tiktok and the first thing I saw is a guy pouring what I hoped wasn’t I thought it was into a bowl. 
So naturally my first reaction was to make a video about it because who doesn’t overshare on the internet. 
“Tell me why,” The track rumbled underneath me, making Salem whine, I picked her up letting her cuddle into my chest. 
“Okay, I have a cat now but-” The track rumbled again “It’s so fucking loud but tell me why I opened this hellfire app and see some dude pouring cum into a bowl, I hate everyone,” 
Within like six minutes of me posting it I had multiple likes and comments. 
The only reason being is that Harry dueted.
 I gotta say being the kid of a mayor and a multimillionaire gives you some form of clout. So he had a pretty heft following.
Harry’s similar to me in the way that we’re mean to our friends. So naturally  we’re ”mean” to each other. 
“You look stupid,” Harry claimed in his video “Also who’s fucking cat did you steal put it back and get in the trains properly and go wash your face,”
I hadn’t even realized I was on my new account at first. 
Of course I made a response video. 
“First of all this is my cat, her name is Salem and she’s adorable” I mean not really but she belongs to no one else, and I feed her. “Second, ignore my eyeliner. I actually think it looks kinda cute,” Lie, It just made me look crazy. “Also how'd you even find this account so fast? Stalker. I’d advise you shut up before I post your phone number then you’d have to ward off groupies. I’m sure you’d like that though.” 
I’m pretty sure the majority of the people in our comments thought we were being serious. So in turn they commented things like I have no idea who you are but I’m on your side, is this gonna be another scandal, or here before the news is talking about it. 
I’m not complaining. His history of scandals got me to 5k followers for the pure assumption that I was involved in some other secret. 
My mind was moving at 100 miles per hour. It felt like I was on a whole bottle of adderall.  I was going somewhere. At least I remember I was supposed to be somewhere. I’m pretty sure my grandma’s house was where I was going. Right?
“No weapon against you shall prosper mija,” My grandma squeezed my hand “You are stronger than you know,”
“I know. Thank you,” 
I’d got here and we had a 30 minute conversation about my mental health without outright saying anything about mental health. It was just mostly her taking shots at my dad. With the exception of her telling me I was dressed like una furcia. 
“Okay well,” I pushed up off the couch “I just came to bring some clothes and I need to get back anyway,” 
“Get back to where, where are staying?” She asked. 
“Oh you remember MJ right?” I lied. 
“Oh yes, I like that lil’ girl,” 
I went into the guest room to where my sisters were staying. I could hear rustling as I got closer to the room. I flicked on the lights. To see both of my sisters asleep. It was only 10:30 so that was highly unlikely.
“I know you’re not sleep it’s just me,” 
They peeled open their eyes, sitting up. 
“I come bearing gifts,” I announced kneeling down next to the bag. 
I placed the bag on the floor carefully so I wouldn’t hurt Salem.
Sapphire squealed when she saw her. 
“You got Salem? I missed her!” 
“Well actually, I just brought clothes,” I dumped them on the bed “Aaliyah come here?” I asked. 
She hopped down from the bed. 
“All of Sapphire’s clothes are over there but I know we’re like the same size so pick what you want,” I told her. 
She took at least half of what I had but I wasn’t complaining because at least she wasn’t going behind my back and taking them. 
“Okay but like am I really allowed to hate my father like cause,” I tried to move only to immediately lose balance “Shit- but like can I even hate my dad if I do the same shit he does, like maybe, maybe it’s like some contractual blood magic shit and I’m just destined to be a shitty person,” I was sending videos to some group chat I didn’t know who was in it because I couldn’t really read the name I just know Harry was the only one responding. 
“I get it being like your parents is scary but you’re not and I won’t let you be like that, now get some sleep please,” Harry reassured. 
“NO! It’s like,” I struggled to get the sentence out “It’s like crazy because before I existed it like someone fucking planted this, like it- it’s a-,” I hit my forehead on each word as if I could physically knock them out. “It’s a seed in my brain and it’s only going to grow as I get older and I’m just gonna be an asshole, it’s fucking happening already and I-“ Carmen came into the living room I flipped the camera onto her “Say hi!” I slurred. 
“Y/N you okay?” She said making her way over to me. I stopped the video and sent it. 
“I’m fine how are you?” 
“I thought you went to bed,” she ignored my question. 
“I did. Then I couldn’t sleep,” I leaned back onto the couch. She crouched down next to me feeling my forehead.
“You have a fever,” She claimed.
“No I don’t! Why does everyone keep saying that?” I whined. 
“Are you high?” She moved closer to my face. 
“No I’m not fucking high,” 
“You’re slurring your words,” She pointed out moving into the kitchen “What’d you take?” 
“I said what’d you take,” She going into one of the cabinets “I know you’re not drunk because you don’t smell like alcohol and you don't smell like weed, so I’ll ask you again,” 
“I didn’t take anything, I'm not high!” I explained. 
“It was Benadryl wasn’t it?” She came back into the living room and handed me a glass of water. “You know that stuff kills people,” 
“Yeah I think I of all people would know that,” Truth is I wasn’t lying. I didn’t take anything. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, maybe sleep deprivation.
“True,” She sat down on the floor next to me “You know how I said I can tell when it’s getting bad,” I nodded. “Well like I was saying before it’s getting bad for you-”
“No it’s not,” I interrupted “I’m literally the happiest I’ve ever been today,” 
“I was getting there,” She held her hands up in an attempt to placate me “That’s just the calm before the storm it’s mania,”
“I’m not manic! Stop trying to psychoanalyze me I’m perfectly fine,” 
I must've woken Salem up because I could hear her footsteps as she paddled over to me and sat in my lap. It’s like she knew when I was getting angry. 
“That’s the thing you’re not fine, just let me know when you’re ready to admit that,” She pushed off the ground using her hands “Try to get some sleep please and thank you,” 
I think it was the weight and warmth of Salem on my chest that finally lulled me to sleep like a weighted blanket. 
“Sapphire!” I yelled to catch her attention “Stop running you’re gonna hurt yourself,” 
She slowed down before making her way back to Aaliyah and the other kids at this birthday party. 
I sat back down on the table’s bench before getting back on my phone. I saw this post one time about how people use technology to distract themselves so they can't have the chance to have a depressive thought. Then I decided to prove that theory wrong so I put my phone up and I thought. 
And boy did I have a lot to think about. The biggest thing on my mind was why. Why did Tony Stark come after me? Why did the guy with the gun come after me? Why did my mom feel the need to make an “Incase I die” video? Why did she have connections to people like Kingpin? Why did she even know Wade? Wasn’t he some science experiment gone wrong? 
Then that got me thinking what if I was a science experiment gone. What if that’s why Tony Stark wanted to experiment on me. What if that was under the orders of someone from SHIELD, because how would he have known about me otherwise. 
Welp, there was only one way to find out. 
“Okay I’m in,” I settled. “What do I have to do?”
“Uh are you sure?” Tony asked.
“Positive,” I affirmed. 
“Well first we would probably do some blood tests and an MRI. Then see where that takes us.” He looked back over at me “Can you do this tomorrow?” 
“Yeah tomorrow works for me,” 
“Great,” He clapped his hands together “I’ll send Happy to pick you up from school,” 
“No it’s fine I can get here myself.” 
“It’s a different location,” He revealed. 
“Okay tell me where it is and I’ll make it there myself,”
“I can’t not even I know where it is,” 
“Fine, I’ll do this, but only if I can bring a friend,” I requested “You know for safety reasons?”
“Safety reasons? Do you not trust me?”
“Not really…” 
“Wow okay, you can bring this friend,” 
“Who doesn’t trust Iron man?'' I heard him mutter to himself as I made my way out of the building. 
I always thought the apocalypse would come in colors. The sky flashing from red to pink to purple to orange. Then there would be a loud sound almost like the Big Bang. Then nothing. I had a vivid imagination when I was younger. 
I guess I was wrong though because it was already here and the sky was as blue as ever.  And the air was as humid as ever in this crusty ass building. 
“I told you already I’m not a soldier you’re gonna have to pay me for this,” I spoke into the comms.
“Shh,” Tony hushed “Just wait for your target.”
Life hadn’t been all that bad. Just for the past two weeks I’d been training with Peter since at the end of the week that I agreed to testing, Spiderman joined in the Avengers officially. Which, good for him I guess. 
Trying to get my brain back on track now. I’d been training with Peter and now we’re going on our first mission. I was not loyal to Tony at all. Nor would I ever be. I’m not calling him Mr. Stark like Peter does either, he doesn’t deserve it. I was trying to look up my mom with the information Felicia gave me and I saw she was listed as level orange in a shield file. Whatever that means.
One thing it meant was I couldn’t back out just yet now.
This would be one deep inside job.
“Peter?” I whispered into the comms
“Hello?” He asked.
“Where are you?” 
“I’m guarding the entrance like I was told too?” He asked more than stated. 
“Well, come here,” 
“But Mr. Stark said-“ 
“I don’t care what Mr. Stark said come here,” I interjected without even thinking about the fact he could’ve been listening in somehow. 
“Yes?” He questioned once he was standing in front of me.
“Take my role for a second,” I pulled my gun out the holster “You know how to use a gun right?”
I thought back to the last time we’d actually fought as our alter egos. Except then he didn’t know it was me and he still doesn’t. He definitely didn’t know how to use a gun then let’s just hope he did now. 
“You know what, I don’t have time just take it,” I placed the gun in his palm before speeding off.
“Wait!” He called out “Aren’t you defenseless now?” 
“I’ll be fine baby boy,” I called back.
I made my way into the farthest depths of the warehouse. I’d been here once before. That was before I knew Felicia and we’d gotten into a scuffle about a diamond. Let’s just say I was young and I went home bruised that day. 
Apparently I was under the impression she had it and she was under the impression I had it this whole time. So maybe. Just maybe it was still there. It was somewhere in the back last time I checked.
 There it was. I grabbed it and recoiled when I heard a voice accompanied by the sharp zap in my body. 
“Looking for something?” They asked. I turned around only to be faced with a large burly almost Frankenstein looking man. 
“Oh yeah I was looking for you actually, you just made my job a lot easier,” 
As if my words were a signal for him. They probably were. He lunged forward towards me with his left side fully open. I evaded and left a sharp kick to his side. 
He wailed out in pain before slinging me backward as I tried to reach for the diamond off the floor. 
I skidded across the floor before hopping back to my feet. 
“I found the guy,” I spoke into the comms.
“Who are you talking to?” The target teased. 
“Your mom,” I taunted. 
“Hey!” He cried. 
“Where are you?” I heard Peter ask I didn’t get a chance to answer because the man swung at me again. 
That hit made contact with my shoulder. He continued to swing and I continued to walk backwards. I realized almost too late that I was backing myself into a corner.
I’m not sure where or who I heard this from maybe Wade but sometimes the only point your opponent has his guard down is mid punch.
 I scrambled for my knife, fingers dancing around the holster on my waist as my feet continued to slide along the pavement underneath me. Just as the man swung at me again I sent my knife towards his torso. Except it didn’t make contact. And I had never missed before, especially not from this close. 
I was confused until I realized it was because I heard that all familiar wet sticky sound of Spider-Man’s web shooters except this time I was glad to hear it. 
Peter webbed the man's arms and mouth all while my fingers went lax in shock for only a moment but one moment too long. 
The knife clattered to the ground making a noise that drew Peter’s attention. I tried to swipe it away with my foot but Peter had already grabbed it. 
“This is Thorns knife,” He spoke calmly and I wasn’t sure if it was directed at me or if it was for himself.
“And how would you have Thorns knife unless you were,” I saw his eyes light up as he made the connection. “Wait, you’re Thorn, holy shit, I’m so stupid how’d I not notice before,”
“Peter seriously you can’t tell anyone,” 
He looked up as if he were just noticing I was still there. 
“Don’t worry I won’t be saying anything at all,” 
Yeah, this was definitely the apocalypse because I don’t know if it was just me but life was ending.
Another silent ride and I realized exactly what he’d meant when he said he wouldn’t say anything. He was giving me the silent treatment. 
Which was odd because usually he talks the most on these rides. After we got over the initial awkwardness of the whole fire and Vulture thing we fell back into the way of things. Well if he was going to play this game I would too because what’s that saying? It takes two to tango. 
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purplesurveys · 4 years
All About the Letter K
Please List! (at least one) Animals I Like: Kangaroos! Heard they can give vicious kicks, which sounds badass. Foods I Like: Kimchi, katsudon, kare-kare. Asiatown up in here lol. I Know Someone Who’s (jobs): Kitchen crew, but that’s in the past. That’s what my dad started as. I Wouldn’t Mind Visiting: Kazakhstan, Kenya; and to go back to Kyushu, Japan. Sometimes I Feel: Kooky, especially if I’m with people I’m comfortable around.
Music I Listen To: Khalid, Kendrick Lamar, Kanye West. I also listened to a lot of Killswitch Engage as a teenager. Movies I’ve Seen: Kill Bill, The Karate Kid, both original and remake, and The Killing of a Sacred Deer.   Names I Like: Kendra, Kiara, Kiana. And now, onto the random questions! 1. Kiwi: the fruit or the bird - which would you prefer? I don’t think I’ve ever seen the bird but I’ll still have to go with it because I don’t like fruits and probably won’t like kiwis either haha. 2, Kangaroos or koalas - which are cuter? Koalas. I’m pretty sure kangaroos can be dangerous. 3. Have you ever flown a kite before? What did your kite look like? Yeah but just for science class over a decade ago. I didn’t really care for the activity much since it wasn’t my idea of fun. Don’t remember what my kite looked like anymore. 4. Kayaking, kickball, karate, or kickboxing? Kayaking sounds like the best and most relaxing thing to do, though kickboxing is also fun to watch and karate seems interesting to learn. 5. Would you rather be a king or a knight? Why? I’d much rather be a queen honestly haha but between these two I’d be a king because...more perks, I guess? 6. Is ketchup one of your favorite condiments? What do you put it on? Not really. I kinda dislike ketchup actually; I find it sour and I don’t put it anywhere near my fries. I’m willing to consume banana ketchup though – here, we usually pair it with fried chicken, eggs, or lumpia. 7. Do you own any khaki clothing? I have one pair of khaki pants that go down just up to my knees. 8. Do you own a knife? (not like, a kitchen one) I do not. 9. Do you think that kittens are adorable? They are. 10. Do you own/use a tea kettle? Nope. In our old house my grandma used to use one, but we don’t have one at present because no one would be using it anyway. 11. Kettle corn or kettle chips? Not really familiar with what these are but I’ll go with chips hahaha. 12. Computer keyboard or music keyboard - which do you prefer, and why? Computer, definitely. I genuinely like working on the computer even if it means typing my fingers off; it’s why I liked my primary task throughout my internship which was to be on Google Sheets all day :) I’ve no musical talent whatsoever, so I’d be awful with any music keyboard. 13. Would you ever kill someone to protect yourself or a loved one? To protect a loved one, yes. I honestly don’t know if I’m willing to do much to protect myself. 14. How many people have you kissed? Just one. 15. Are you into anything kinky? A little bit, but it’s just for me. I’ve never told Gab about it. 16. Are you a klutz? I can definitely trip over air, yup. 17. How many keys are on your keyring? Just two - the one for my car and the other for the front door. 18. Do you own any keychains, and can you describe them? I used to have a rainbow Mickey Mouse keychain and a UPD keychain. I’ve since lost them since my keyring isn’t good at holding keychains up apparently. 19. Do you know how to play a kazoo? No, I don’t. I don’t think I’ve even seen one of those in real life. 20. Do you remember Kipper the dog? Never heard of him. 21. Do you know anyone who wears a kilt? Other than Roddy Piper, no. 22. Do you have a first aid kit? We were required to have our own ‘Go Bags’ in high school which was basically a first aid kit since that was around the time that rumors about ‘The Big One’ were going wild. But when I graduated high school I left my Go Bag behind in the classroom and I never came back for it lmao. 23. Are you a kind person? It’s always my first move with everyone, unless I’m dealing with someone who I know has done a bad thing like hurting a loved one. 24. Have you ever sung karaoke before? Yeah, very rarely. Not my thing. 25. Do you spend a lot of time in the kitchen? Not at all. [a-zebra-is-a-striped-horse]
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noahhernandez · 6 years
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged? lol,, Janett, no she’s gay and I’m gay 2. You talked to an ex today, correct? fuck no 3. Have you taken someones virginity? no 4. Is trust a big issue for you? Sort of kind of but not really.  5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently? I don’t really like anyone!  6. What are you excited for? Nothing!! Getting my cardigan from my Aunt on Christmas because I want to wear it.  7. What happened tonight? I went to my dad’s house, visited with him, my grandparents, my older brother and his partner, and my brother and I played super smash brothers, where I was superior 8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted? Hell no!! Let’s have fun 9. Is confidence cute? Depending on what said person is confident about. 10. What is the last beverage you had? I just finished a vanilla coke, other than that I had two iced vanilla lattes 11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust? A lot. 12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans? I think I only own skinny jeans 13. What are you gonna do Saturday night? I am not sure, I am opening at work, so I may see my mother.  14. What are you going to spend money on next? Probably an iced coffee. 15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed? No.  16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months? Three months?? Maybe but probably still going to be a mega bitch 17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything? Michelle, Keith, and Brianna 18. The last time you felt broken? Back in May when I wanted to kill myself. 19. Have you had sex today? Nope 20. Are you starting to realize anything? That my dad is kind of a dick to my grandparents 21. Are you in a good mood? I just finished watching Halloween (2018) so yes 22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks? In a cage lol 23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yes, dark brown. 24. What do you want right this second? A VENTI ICED VANILLA SOY LATTE WITH AN EXTRA SHOT 25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy? I do not like anyone 26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Yes, black. 27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh? I don’t even want to be around people who don’t make me laugh 28. What was the last thing that made you laugh? hmm .. When I was playing SSB and King K. Rool literally flew off the stage and kill himself, making me victorious  29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now? I miss Michelle, Peter, and Faith 30. Does everyone deserve a second chance? After my very shitty relationship came to an end, I realized that people do not deserve a second chance. Because I gave this person a lot of chances and where was the benefit of that? ?  31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to? My brother? Fuck no! 32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do? another one of these 33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda? I drink soda often, mostly just coffee 34. Listening to? Dance to This x Troye Sivan ft. Ariana Grande 35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore? Every other monday at work when I am doing my inventory. 36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is? At home idk 37. Do you believe in love at first sight? no 38. Who did you last call? I think it was ... Maybe Leann.  39. Who was the last person you danced with? I feel like I danced recently??? but nobody 40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? Because I was drunk and bored 41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake? Ew i hate cupcakes probably a long time ago 42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today? No 43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush? probably 44. Do you tan in the nude? Heck no 45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss? Does not matter to me 46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? I do that a lot 47. Who was the last person to call you? my coworker, Leann 48. Do you sing in the shower? No :( 49. Do you dance in the car? wiggle wiggle wiggle do dod odoo doododo 50. Ever used a bow and arrow? from the walmart 51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer? When I was 17 getting my senior photos taken 52. Do you think musicals are cheesy? fucking hate musicals 53. Is Christmas stressful? No because I don’t get anyone anything 54. Ever eat a pierogi? looks like it says pigeon  55. Favorite type of fruit pie? apple pie 56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? I wanted to be a lawyer 57. Do you believe in ghosts? No sure 58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling? No 59. Take a vitamin daily? Vitamin? 60. Wear slippers? Don’t even own a pair 61. Wear a bath robe? Don’t own that either 62. What do you wear to bed? I wear sweat pants and a t shirt 63. First concert? Motley Crue is the first one I attended and I jammed the fuck out of Papa Roach, and MY first concert was Iggy Azalea  64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart? Walmart 65. Nike or Adidas? Does not matter both are expensive and I own both 66. Cheetos Or Fritos?  HOT cheetos 67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? neither 68. Favorite Taylor Swift song? um bad blood w kendrick lamar 69. Ever take dance lessons? no! 70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing? being rich 71. Can you curl your tongue? yes 72. Ever won a spelling bee? No i can not spill disease  73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy? not to my knowledge 74. What is your favorite book? I haven’t read in forever. I can not think of one right now.  75. Do you study better with or without music? with out 76. Regularly burn incense? no 77. Ever been in love? Sadly. 78. Who would you like to see in concert? As much as I do not like looking at his face, Troye Sivan. 79. What was the last concert you saw? Lil Debbie 80. Hot tea or cold tea? Iced 81. Tea or coffee? COFFEE 82. Favorite type of cookie? Oatmeal Raisin 83. Can you swim well? no lol 84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? yes i am not a pussy bitch 85. Are you patient? depending on what for; 86. DJ or band, at a wedding? DJ!!! 87. Ever won a contest? no :/// 88. Ever have plastic surgery? no! 89. Which are better black or green olives? black olives!!!! 90. Opinions on sex before marriage? I was mostly focused on not having sex before I found like “love” or whatever and I am still like about that. I do not want to get married 91. Best room for a fireplce? a living room 92. Do you want to get married no lol, I do not want to get married. 
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jejublr · 7 years
A/N: Here’s the bf!Vernon anon requested! Now that I’ve written this, dating Vernon seems like a lot of fun! But I still see him as the best friend type lol. I hope you guys enjoy!! ^^
dating vernon feels like dating your best friend
and I do think you have to be a best friend to him first and establish strong trust before he could have any romantic attraction towards you
but once you reach that point, dating vernon is pretty chill
I’m going to use the word “chill” a lot in this post so pls bare with me
the type to have a date in the practice room, lying down and talking about pointless stuff
“dude, remember he man? I miss he man.”
“ew wtf dude.”
jamming to J.Cole and Kendrick Lamar
he would get get soft if you fall asleep on his shoulder
midnight fast food runs
he loves sending you random memes during the day
“yo y/n check out these memes.”
one time dino saw your texts to each other and he got very confused
late night walks where you just walk aimlessly just to spend time with each other
I can see him liking rooftop dates where you just stare off the distance and watch the sunrise/sunset/stars in silence as he holds your hand
also video game date nights where you’d order pizza and just chill
being the brave one between the two of you
you have no choice in this one, bruh
which gets funny bc you’ll have to be the one to check under the bed after watching a horror movie and also the one he’d sacrifice when you guys go into the haunted house in amusement parks loll
gets scared if there’s a bug and would tell you to get it
planning future trips with him
backpacking through Europe, feeling the sun in the Brazilian coasts; honestly he’d go anywhere as long as it’s with you
conversations that flow really easily bc he never judges
sharing earphones
him giving you music suggestions and seeing his eyes light up when there’s something new he wants you to listen to
getting to know his sister!!! AHH THIS IS THE BEST PART TBH
I think she would be pretty shy at first but when she starts to open up she’ll probably start exposing Vernon lmaoo
“you know, Vernon used to practice asking you out in front of his mirror and it’s weird—“
Vernon: *clasps hand over Sofia’s mouth* “HAHAHAHA nice story but it’s time to go now, Sofia~”
and while he acted all pouty and all, he could feel his heart just expands bc you like each other bc it’s really important for him that his family likes you
looks at you with heart eyes
he gets so soft listening to you talk about things you’re passionate about and you can literally see the fondness in his eyes as you ramble on and on
he doesn’t mind at all
the type to just walk away during a fight
bc while it may hurt you, he does it bc he doesn’t want to say any hurtful thing that he would regret later on
mama raised this one well
brings you little trinkets that reminds him of you when he travels
low key loves it when you wear his snapbacks
not one for pda but he loves doing gestures like tucking your hair or putting his arm around your shoulder
but secretly loves it if you initiate hand holding
awkward silence followed by ugly cackling when he tried to be sexy once
hella tons of inner jokes
Seungkwan loves to pretend to get jealous of your relationship
lmao he kinda is tbh but shh
unlike someone *cough*Jeonghan*cough* Seungkwan is more upfront about about his jealousy nagging
“yah! how long are you guys gonna do this date thing! I want my best friend back!”
“Seungkwan, stop sabotaging my date!!!!”
“You stop sabotaging my friendship!”
loves to third-wheel just to annoy you
which didn’t work bc by the end of the night, you guys are laughing your asses off like best buddies that you are
you don’t even feel bothered with Seungkwan around bc it feels normal
only a little a lot louder compared to if it’s just the two of you
but you know he cares about you two bc you overheard him tell vernon to take care of you
but he also threatened you lol
“if you hurt my best friend, you will feel the wrath of Boo Seungkwan.”
why do I get the image that an angry Seungkwan is a Seungkwan in grandma pants slapping you with that lettuce from ofd
the type to take you out for some fancy dinner date bc he wanna seem $waggy but then forgot that the restaurant only serves reservation
so you guys end up going to some pizza place and get looks from people there bc you were clearly overdressed
but you didn’t care bc Vernon makes the simpliest things seems fun and you wouldn’t be able to stop laughing for the rest of the night
reassuring him that, yes, he’s enough and is actually more than enough and it’s okay to be different bc different is good and he should stand proud and y’all bc there are millions of people out there who loves him and look up to him
not being very vocal with his feelings at first but that’s okay bc you’re there for the long haul and you won’t force him to tell you if he’s not ready
being the silent supporter behind every failure and success and honestly, he loves you to the moon and back for it
and dating him is more than being chill with each other but also upholding a very high mutual respect bc respect and freedom is some of the most important aspects in his life
and it might not seem like it at first but dating Vernon would be one heck of a ride but you wouldn’t change it for the world
Other Boyfriend!Seventeen
S.Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | The8 | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino
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magratpudifoot · 6 years
List 10 songs you’re currently obsessed with and then tag 10 people
Thanks to the fantastic @beware-the-ravenstag for inviting me to share my ridiculous taste in music on this one :D
This was surprisingly hard because I’m currently in the middle of an Audiobooks and Documentaries phase instead of a Music and Terrible Movies phase, so I don’t really have any songs that I’ve been obsessively playing on endless loop right now. But here are ten that come closest at the moment (in reverse alphabetical order, because the end of the alphabet deserves to be first sometimes, too):
“When I Dream of Michelangelo”—Counting Crows
“Soldier Boy (Kill Em)”—Scroobius Pip (feat. B. Dolan) (major strobe warning on this video)
“Philosophize in It! Chemicalize with It!”—Kishi Bashi
“Opps”—Kendrick Lamar, Vince Staples, Yugen Blakrok
“Nightblooming”—Kim Boekbinder
“Navigate”—Barenaked Ladies (yes, still. possibly forever)
“It’s Hard to Be the Bard”—Christian Borle (honestly I probably should have put “Will Power” here, but I kind of love this music video and there isn’t one for “Will Power”)
“Havana”—Camila Cabello
“Gonna Get Over You”—Sara Bareilles
“Air ‘Em Out”—clipping.
Tagging @tiny-narwhal, @whatyoufish4, @a-kent, @my-my-herecomethefuzz, literally anyone else who wants to.
I tend to err on the side of not pestering people with these and then feel bad for leaving people out and potentially making them think I’m snubbing them, and really it’s just silly. So, I’m gonna level with y’all here, because I’ve spent more than 30 years being a socially awkward muppet and am trying to make social interactions less ridiculous. I want to spread the love around, because my mutuals are absolutely fantastic, but I don’t want to pester people who don’t want to be tagged. If you’ve read this far and like to participate in these things, either consider yourself tagged (seriously, I mean it), or DM me if you don’t want to do this particular one but aren’t bothered if you are tagged in general, and I’ll tag you on memes I think you’ll enjoy in the future. Conversely, if you don’t want to be tagged, just let me know!
(For my part, I am never bothered by being tagged and usually do my best to join in. If I don’t respond, it is definitely not because I’m annoyed :) )
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myriadimagines · 7 years
Gotham One Shot
Characters: [GENDER NEUTRAL] Reader x Jerome Valeska + Theo Galavan & Tabitha Galavan
Warnings: mentions of violence/death/criminal activity (well it’s freaking jerome valeska, what’d you expect)
Request: “hey can you write a jerome valeska one shot based off the song LOVE by Kendrick Lamar featuring ZACARI? x” - anonymous
Word Count: 1,425
A/N: some more details next time might be helpful, remember requests have to be specific, especially one shots. honestly i didnt know where i was going with this because this song was kinda hard to write for.
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Theo circled you, his eyes scanning up and down your body as he tried to assess you. You were small and plain with your Arkham uniform. Your hair was messy and you had dark shadows under the edge of your eyes.
“Well,” Theo finally clapped his hands, standing back. “Show me what you can do.”
You glared at him, before begrudgingly reached for a pistol laid out on the table in front of you. A small thought at the back of our head egged you to shoot Theo right in the face, but you knew his sister, Tabitha, was standing right behind you, her whip coiled in her hand. You had seen what she had done to the man who declined the invitation the join the Maniax, and as much as you hated being part of a group and doing what you were told, you didn’t have many options.
You tilted your head, examining the pistol before looking around the room. You saw a picture of Theo and Tabitha on Theo’s desk, and you turned to look at him as you raised the gun. Without looking at the picture, you fired, and there was a loud bang as the bullet hit the glass frame, shattering it. Everyone in the room flinched as Theo smiled as walked over and picked up what remained. Holding up the picture, you held back a smirk as you realised it had hit exactly where you wanted it to hit -- right on Theo’s face.
“An expert marksman?” Theo nodded, dropping the picture into the trash. You merely raised your eyebrows in response as Theo added, “I like it. We could definitely use your skills in this team.”
You looked over your shoulder to see your fellow Maniax member, Jerome, press his lips together. Smirking, you strolled up to him, the pistol still in your hand as you jeered, “Worried, Valeska?”
“And why would I be worried?” he asked, plastering a wide smile on his face as you scoffed.
“That someone’s gonna overtake you?” you asked, and you could see Jerome falter. You had just seen Jerome aim play a game of Russian Roulette before claiming his role as leader, but unlike the others, you weren’t impressed. “You might be the leader for now, but I don’t like taking orders. Especially from ginger freaks like you.”
“Ooh. Firey.” Jerome wiggled his eyebrows, leaning his face closer to yours. “There’s no one that can overtake me, y/n, but I wouldn’t mind having you by my side.”
“Now, now, kids.” Theo quickly stepped in between the two of you, pulling you apart. “We don’t want another fight on our hands. Besides, I have my first big project for the Maniax.”
You reluctantly backed away as Jerome winked at you.
Jerome Valeska.
Back at Arkham, you didn’t pay much attention to the boy, despite his persistent advances towards you. He insisted that you would need ‘friends’ in Arkham, but you declined whatever he tried to offer. There was something about him that confused you. Something about him that made you feel uncomfortable, but you couldn’t place it. You wanted as little to do with him as possible, but it looked like you were going to be stuck working with him.
“Well?” you finally snapped. “What’s the assignment?”
Theo whistled, and Tabitha hauled out a trunk from the back of the room. You scoffed as she opened it, revealing straightjackets inside. Tabitha picked one up and tossed it to you, and you could it and glared at her.
“We have to wear this?” you asked, incredulous, and Jerome chuckled as he came up behind you.
“Finally,” he whispered in your ear. “Something that matches your crazy.”
“I’m not crazy.” you jerked away. “Not as crazy as you, anyway.”
“Trust me,” Jerome tilted his head downwards, a sinister look in his eyes as he looked at you. “I think you’re just trying to hide it.”
“Will the two of you stop flirting?” Tabitha piped up impatiently, and you turned to gape at her. “We’ve got business to do.”
You were about to defend yourself when Theo silenced you nodding. “Tabby’s right. Here’s what we want you to do…”
“Come on,” Jerome grunted, grabbing your hand. “Run.”
The two of you sprinted down the street, away from the GCPD. You had just watched Jerome kill Greenwood before killing Commissioner Essen, and now the two of you were escaping.
You couldn’t believe how much had changed in your relationship with Jerome. During the incident with the bus full of cheerleaders, Jerome had saved your life when you got cornered by a cop. Ever since then, you figured maybe Jerome wasn’t so bad. One day, you hated him. The next, the two of you were the ultimate partners in crime. The two of you were the best out of the whole group. Not only were the both of you violent, the both of you had a certain flair. Despite hating the Maniax earlier, you couldn’t help but begin to like the group. You felt like a whole new person.
“I can’t believe you killed Greenwood.” you laughed as the two of you ducked into an empty police car. Jerome laughed loudly as he turned on the engine and tore down the road, swerving left and right.
“The idiot had it coming.” Jerome responded.
“Well there’s not that many of us left.” you leaned back in the chair.
“Doesn’t matter.” Jerome shrugged, grinning widely. “The only person I’d work with is you -- you’re my partner for life, y/n. I can feel it. It’s destiny!”
You grinned as Jerome stuck his head out the window and cheered loudly. You laughed and stuck your head out the window. You felt lovely and so full of life, and couldn’t wait for the next Maniax assignment.
Jerome lounged on the couch as you pulled on your costume. Your next mission was with Barbara, and the three of you would be infiltrating a gala. You adjusted your jacket and spun around to face Jerome bowing dramatically as Jerome sprung to his feet and clapped.
“Very nice.” he grabbed your hand and spun you around. “Just one problem.”
“What’s up?” you giggled, turning to face him.
“I want out.” he stated, and you blinked, unsure of what he was saying.
“Out of what?” you asked dumbly, and Jerome groaned loudly.
“I don’t wanna work for boring ol’ Galavan anymore.” Jerome waved his hand, and you quickly shushed him, afraid someone would hear. “Didn’t you say so yourself? You don’t like taking orders. Let’s escape.”
“We can’t.” you hissed. “They’ll kill us!”
“Uh, no they won’t. Or we’ll kill them.” Jerome laughed. “Come on, don’t be boring. Run away with me.”
“But the Maniax is so much fun.” you tried to say, and Jerome snorted.
“Wow, talk about change in character.” Jerome snickered. “The fun won’t end here, y/n, we’ll have even more fun out where we can call the shots!”
You faltered, taking a step away from Jerome. Never in your life would you have thought about running away with him, yet now you were seriously considering it. Only one thing held you back: what if he changed his mind about you? The past few days had been spectacular, but only because the Maniax had shaped you into a new person. One that was dramatic and flamboyant, just like Jerome. What if you returned to the plain, uninteresting person? Would Jerome still want you then?
“No.” you said quietly, and Jerome looked at you, perplexed.
“Okay, stop joking around.” Jerome grabbed your chin and tilted it upwards to face you. “Come on, y/n. You know I like you, and you like me. Why should we waste time here?”
“You wouldn’t like me if we left!” you blurted, and Jerome raised an eyebrow. “I-I was so boring before we joined the Maniax. But now, I feel so much more powerful. I can’t leave.”
“y/n,” Jerome chuckled. “I fell in love with you even before you joined the Maniax. It really doesn’t matter to me if you stayed with this new personality or if you reverted back to your old self -- I’d still love you.”
“You mean that?” you asked quietly, and Jerome nodded.
“If I don’t have you, y/n,” Jerome finally added. “I don’t have anything. I told you -- we’re partners for life! My partner in crime, my partner in everything!”
A grin finally spread across your face as you nodded, taking a deep breath.
“Alright,” you agreed. “Let’s ditch these losers.”
tags: @purityimagines / @doctorwhoandrory
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lexaterrestrial · 7 years
“Only the Good Die Young”?  Idolizing the Destructive
They say the good die young.
But is that necessarily true?
Not to insinuate anything but to merely pose a question.
A lot of people are inherently good. And many i know have died young. Many of them being great people with decent characters. But they were also doing terrible things.
Do good people do terrible things?
Another question: Do we say the good die young as an aphorism to detract from the fact that they lost their life so early, or to make up for the tragedy?
I am not speaking of the unfortunate instances of innocent people with cancer, freak accidents or even murders that take their lives early.
I am speaking of self inflicted casualties that could have easily been prevented.
I once went to school with a girl, who many have described as reckless. After graduation you could catch her in local sports bars on top of the bar with her titties out. Drinking every night and always looking for a party.
One night, her and 3 of her friends were drinking heavily while driving. She was behind the wheel going 80 miles per hour and simultaneously snap chatting, while completely inebriated. She inevitably crashed and died that night killing one of her friends. And the fate of the 3rd girl? She was tossed from the car breaking her ribs and somehow surviving.
A question i can’t stop myself from pondering… Would a good person with good character do something like that?
As hard as it is for me to answer that question, the simple, intuitive answer is
Sure, people are troubled. And still carry many good qualities that benefit themselves and the world around them. There are many reasons for the things they do.
But a genuinely smart and considerate person, would not put their friends, family and others in that high of a risk of imminent death. Not even for the mission of a good time.
When we say, “the good die young”, we often refer to our idols, another topic i will be covering.
Take Marylin Monroe for instance, a beautiful, charismatic woman. She was an overdosing playmate, pills and champagne. And a sadness not many knew she carried within. What ensued in her head we may never know. But she died young. Found in her home having overdosed on barbiturates. Many idolized her for her fame, her figure and her looks.
Elvis Presley, addicted to pills, particularly valium. He would take so many drugs that he would be in a complete stupor before his shows and his manager’s and assistants would have to lift him up and inject cocaine into him just to wake him back out of it to perform. Many said he was a glutton.
I won’t go into Kurt Cobain’s death because there are too many controversies surrounding it. And i find his character to be pure and exempt  aside from the pain & addictions he struggled with. Which raises a point: One can be a good person, still having problems, if they keep their problems from completely overshadowing their inherent good. Or separate them.
Another 27 club member, who happens to be, and continue to be my favorite is Miss Amy Winehouse, a passionate, sassy yet troubled woman. I adored her much. I adored her for her wits, her androgynous aura, her humor, her inner strength, and the fact that at the end of the day, she wasn’t afraid to say no, she just wanted to be a real person. She rebelled. But she did so in order to keep it real. She cried out in order to be so at times. She struggled with an eating disorder and drug addiction soon after meeting the love of her life, falling into yet another destructive relationship: one with crack. She then became an alcoholic later on, and died from alcohol poisoning at 27. As destructive as she appeared in the media. I found her to be an overall good person, who considered herself equal to everyone. Who showed her flaws. Who cared for others. And had the capability and depth to fall madly in love at levels most people cannot even reach. This showed in her music.
Aside from Amy and Blake, other infamous couples are: Bonnie & Clyde, Kourtney and Kurt and Sid and Nancy.
Sid Vicious was the vocalist and bassist for the Sex Pistols (If you haven’t a clue who the sex pistols are, you need some culture in your life boo).
This was around an era where big haired rockstars shot up drugs backstage and in hotels. They cheated on their spouses with many women and fan girls, covering it up by supposedly “rubbing burritos on their dicks.” Although that was Motley Crue, not the Sex Pistols, but regardless, that was apparently a thing. Now back to the story….
Sid Vicious was a dope addict.
Vicious met his eventual girlfriend and manager Nancy Spungen, and the pair entered a destructive codependent relationship based on drug use. This culminated in Spungen's death from an apparent stab wound while staying in New York City's Hotel Chelsea with Vicious. He was a suspect but released on bail. He then went on to assault a man named Todd Smith at a night club and then entered rehab.
To celebrate his release from Prison his mother threw him a party in Greenwich Village where a friend helped him obtain heroin and he died in his sleep that night.
Sid Vicious is an idol to many people. Was it for his music? Or his character and reckless punk rock lifestyle?
It’s interesting and hard to deduce, because a lot of people are ridiculed because of their poor behavior and as a result, their music is no longer listened to by many fans who protest their actions; just look at Chris Brown- who is still making music but not where he could be had he not been so reckless and abusive.
The last person i am going to talk about is the most recent, and that is Lil Peep. At only 21, he died from an overdose of xanax and benzo’s right before a show. Although many people are talking causes of death before autopsy reports will even be conclusive. It’s likely due to the mixture or amount he took. You would regularly see posts of him on social media popping pills on his tour bus or talking about xanax. Promoting reckless behavior to his other artists friends zx well who had fallen into the same trap. Many idolized him. For his image, his music and his struggles. But was he idolized for anything other than that? I would assume so, but i never hear much about it from people outside of his circle which is unfortunate.
Do good and/or smart people promote lethal drug use on their social platforms? Or do they choose something intelligent and influential to say…?
I won’t say that all troubled people are bad or dumb. Troubled people have foggy minds… that make us act outside ourselves. I  know because i have been there. I started to realize that i was destroying my life, my potential and causing my family stress. We never really assume that things will play out the way they do, so we inch towards danger. We know the consequences but we make excuses in our head, and fool ourselves into thinking we’re invincible.
Freak accidents happen every day without one even trying. And TRYING only ups the ante.  
A lot of people don’t think. At least not rationally. Especially before they think or act.  
We cannot blame people for their vices or their troubles. Whether mentally or emotionally. However It is partly their responsibilities but also partly a disease.
But were these people good? We all carry some good traits. But over all as a soul. Were they good people? Some don’t know these supposed idols well enough to determine that. So why do we idolize them?
When you think of a good person what do you think of? Honestly.
Someone who is famous, beautiful, inspiring? Someone who died before their time?
Or someone who gives back to others, their community, spreads kindness and joy? Maybe volunteers, or even works hard to take good care of themselves and their families.
What i think of to be an all encapsulating good person, I envision  someone who doesn’t ask much of others, who is self sufficient, someone with a good heart, good intentions and good ACTIONS. Someone authentic, who doesn’t bullshit for their own benefit. Someone who speaks truth to the public and puts out an image congruent with that. Who also uses their platform to help humanity progress forth, and not simply for their benefit. Someone who has a heart for those with less. Someone who does incredible things in the world that benefit others. Someone who doesn’t promote destruction or a destructive lifestyle, especially to the young and moldable.
Why are our idols not doctors, inventors, scientists, a teacher, a social worker, a firefighter, a counselor, or a veterinarian…?
Most of these people go unknown, and unaccredited.
Some of these people die young i’m sure. But we would never know it, unless they were famous or murdered.
Some people might say bringing Music to the world IS HELPING PEOPLE.
But is it? As a diehard musician this is even crazy for me to ask. Aside from their music, what do they do to inspire or be worthy of idolization?
I can only think of a few that make sense to me: Lady Gaga, maybe Jay-Z or J.Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Logic, and now my mind is blank..
Their positive messages & political statements are not just potently scattered throughout their music but also through what they say and do.
Just watch a Logic interview or Listen to his 1-800 song. Or hear him preach the mantra of “Peace, Love & Positivity” at his shows. Watch how J.Cole carries himself and even talks about false idols and false prophets (or is it profit$?), calling out society’s hypocrisies. Listen to the way Kendrick Lamar shines light on societal problems, poor neighborhoods, diversity and even your relationship with yourself, the influence of good, the evil and how not to fall into it’s trap. Even his interviews in which he discusses how he doesn’t drink or do drugs. Jay-Z, a father figure, a husband (although imperfect), a mogul, an entrepreneur and a legacy of hip-hop music with an actual message. He holds himself accountable and talks about his mistakes in his music. And lastly, one of the boldest women in the industry: Lady Gaga. Not only her Born This Way Album, Ball and single but her messages to her fans. Her profound, relentless strength in standing up for bullied kids like herself, who get made fun of for the way they look or not being good enough. And of course, her Born This Way Foundation that she founded with her mother, which spreads awareness for social compassion, LGBT rights and Anti-Bullying. These are artists that, if you told me were your idols, i wouldn’t need to ask why.
Being a leader, or someone worth looking up to, does not mean one is perfect, or should be. It means they try. It means they carry good, and are aware of their mistakes, and can openly talk about them in a mature manner and grow to correct them. Not blindly promote them. They aren’t only using their platforms to sell overpriced lip kits and post photo after photo in their thongs. They aren’t mean to their fans, or Diva’s to their assistants. They aren’t pretentious. They don’t do things just to look good. They are concerned with their soul, their intelligence, their purpose, not only just their brands. Idols do not even want to be idols, they are equal to man, and exemplify that we are all one, and we are all great.
These are inherently good people. And most of them, are still alive.
Tom Petty, George Michael, Prince, Robin Williams, Paul Walker, Michael Jackson… although a bit older than their 20’s and 30’s, they passed on earlier than they should have. I see these people to be necessarily good. And some of them to be passionate, caring and considerate, good hearted people, who spent a lot of their time on making the lives of others better.
So, do the good die young? Sometimes.
But suicide, and drug usage is not inherently good. Although it does not erase all of the good qualities of a person… it is not worthy or logical of idolizing. To be completely truthful, NO ONE should be idolized. And although we are all made to be different heights, we should not look up or down at one another. We are all equal.
But if we are going to idolize let it be because of ones actions, souls, and ones words: not their reckless, “rockstar” behaviors.
Let us be praised not for killing ourselves (or others). But be appreciated while we are alive. Give attention to those doing good, not bad. Look up to those people, the ones who didn’t succumb to the dark path but rather got themselves out of it, and helped others find the light in the process.
Perhaps it is in our nature to be drawn to a train accident or freakish series of events…
but we find ourselves examining and paying attention to the misfortunes of others, rather than their good. And we find ourselves paying attention to train wrecks to see what they do next, and for the controversial aspect of their entertainment.
My conclusion is that some good people unfortunately die young. But so do a lot of reckless people. Even though we are mortal beings, death is not something we ever picture happening to us. But the stigma in our society will only continue until we STOP acknowledging the wrong behavior and start rewarding the good.
- Melody Joy Novak
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watermelonharreh · 7 years
My sweet girlfriend asked me to do the lovely asks and here it is:
p: Lavender: Name something that relaxes you. Talking to my love, playing with my dogs, listening to music
Polaroid: Post a picture that makes you feel good about yourself. Pass
Vinyl: What is some of your favorite music? Gah, where do I even begin?! I love so many different artists and songs. I guess if I had to pick one genre it would be indie, that is my most played genre according to my Spotify statistics. One of my most favourite songs is My Love My Love by BANFF, I also really like The Killers, San Cisco, CHVRCHES, Kendrick Lamar, Amy Shark, Alex Lahey, Tegan & Sara etc to name a few, there’s literally hundreds of others.
Incense: List your three favorite scents. My girlfriend, Clean washing and this candle that I have it’s Burnt sugar and fig and it smells amazing.
Roots: How do you ground yourself or recharge? I don’t….? Honestly though, laying in bed listening to music is probably my most common way
Silk Sheets: Any ways you treat or spoil yourself? Getting the good shampoo….look out we have a badass over here I know, but that’s about it.
Paintbrushes: Do you have a creative past-time? I love playing guitar/learning new songs
Scars: Share something difficult you’ve been through. Life has always been pretty rough healthwise, I’ve had lots of visits to hospital and many surgeries and its ongoing but there’s plenty of other people out there who have it worse so I’m lucky
Rainstorms: What helps you fall asleep? Talking to my girl, we usually stay up late and talk to each other until we’re sleepy and it’s the best thing <3
Bones: Name one strength and one weakness. Strength- I think I’m pretty good at being there for other people and caring Weakness- I stress about everything and I hate it
Teacups: Favorite beverages? Iced tea and vodka
Sealing Wax: Have you ever received a letter or written one to someone else? Yes
Dragons: What makes you feel powerful, what breathes life into you? Love, being with my girl was the best time of my life and she is actually the most amazing person ever and I love her so much
Soup: Comfort food? Any Thai food
The Moon: What’s your favorite thing to do at night? Talk to Niamh till the early hours of the morning 💗
Klosh: If you could go back to any three era’s what would they be? -
Lace: Your favorite things to wear? Jeans/denim jacket
Pocketwatch: If you could be immortal or have an extremely long life span what would you pick and why? Neither, cause if you’re immortal or have a long life span eventually the ones you love will die and you will live on and I don’t wanna go on without them to be honest
Honeybee: Name something positive you have done for yourself or someone else in the last two weeks. I got my girlfriend a pretty cute birthday present, does that count?
Typewriter: If you had to come up with ten words to describe your life story so far, what would they be? I only need 2- hot mess
Blue Hair Dye: One thing you like about your appearance? I guess my hair is okay? I don’t hate it
Felines: Something that makes you feel better after a hard day? Talking to Niamh 💗
Poetry: If you have one, name a favorite book or poem. To Kill a Mockingbird
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First things first, hi! How are you? We miss you. Thank you for being so nasty.
We know it's been a minute since you've heard from us. We took some time off but are back at work to make the world a little nastier. But before we get into the cool stuff we've done, watched, heard, and read, it wouldn't be a newsletter from a non-profit without a DONATE button! Click that button, every donation helps make our events bigger and better.
We officially donated to The Southern Poverty Law Center! Thank you so much for coming out to the event and supporting us and this amazing organization. Your donations will have a profound impact on their fight against hate and support the amazing work they do in classrooms and courtrooms throughout the country.
We have a store! Missed the chance to buy the dope art we had at our event? Fear not, all that amazing art is available to buy online right here! Right now we’re only set up for local pickup/delivery in LA, but we’re working on getting shipping from coast to coast. (If you just can’t wait to get your feminist swag, don’t fear, hit us up privately and we’ll work some magic). All money earned goes right back into the organization so that we can create more great events.
Horrified by the current state of politics in the US? Well this show won’t make you feel any better! A too-timely portrait of a world in which women have lost all agency and independence but are still resilient. Badass woman Reed Morano directs the first three episodes and the whole series has a distinctly feminist gaze. Elisabeth Moss, Samira Wiley, and Alexis Bledel kill it. Watch it on Hulu!
Another show based on a book, and it’s a surreal trip. We love the diverse casting and the hella complex characters. If you only watch one episode make sure it's ep 4, “Git Gone” - it centers on Laura Moon and we love a woman who looks death in the face and says "Fuck you." The show airs on Starz which is a pain but pro-tip: Wait until the end of the season and sign up for a 1-week free trial. Boom, whole season for free. Thank us later.
Not only is this sequel just as fun as the first action packed film, this one tackles some deep themes like family, sisterhood, and what happens when white dudes have too much power. It passes the Bechdel test with flying colors, has an amazing soundtrack (it might be playing on repeat as we write this!) and Baby Groot is the best thing of 2017 so far.
We’ve got major crushes on all the guys over at Crooked Media and it all started when we first heard this podcast. Jon Favreau, Jon Lovett, Dan Pfeiffer, and Tommy Vietor are all super smart dudes who used to work for President Obama. Now they host no-bullshit podcasts about domestic and international politics. They do a great job of making politics accessible to everyone and cutting through all the media spin. They’re also really great at podcast ads #abetterwaytopod
Kendrick Lamar’s new album is fire. We’re also on the “Humble is an Amazing Music Video” Team.
Outside magazine’s podcast has been doing a mini-series called XX Factor, featuring stories by and about women “doing cool stuff in the outdoors.” Check out this interview with Mona Seraji, the first snowboarder from the Middle East to compete professionally at the Freeride World Qualifier. When asked how a girl from Iran, where women aren’t allowed in sports stadium, becomes an international athlete, she replies: “Ambition.”
Want to stay up to date on everything happening in the world but also want to live your life? Check out The Skimm! This lady-owned company reads all the news for you and lets you know what you need to know.
Can’t wait to find out what happens in your new favorite TV series? Well lucky for you it’s based on an amazing book. Read it in a weekend and get all the spoilers you could want. 
A powerful essay about the joys and struggles of being truly and honestly yourself. Read it while listening to A Seat at the Table for the full experience.
Essential reading. In the words of the first female candidate of a major political party in the US: “Oh, I am pissed.” There’s so much in this profile to infuriate and light a fire under our asses.
Maggie Haberman is one of the hardest working political reporters today, and she takes no shit. She’s equally respected on the left and the right, and strictly sticks to the facts (however unbelievable they may be at times). It’s encouraging to know these are the journalists holding the administration accountable.
We're proud of our LGBTQ+ friends every day of the year but especially proud of the LA community who are turning their annual Parade into #ResistMarch. "Instead of a Pride Parade meant to celebrate our past progress, we are going to march to ensure all our futures.  Just as we did in 1970's first LGBTQ+ Pride, we are going to march in unity with those who believe that America's strength is its diversity."
Wonder Woman
Do we really need to explain why we're excited about a superhero movie starring and directed by a woman? Not to mention that so far it's tied with The Incredibles as the highest rated superhero movie ever (take that Iron Man). We are STOKED.
We wouldn't be here without you and we don't want you to ever forget how grateful we are. Your strength, determination, and fight inspire us everyday. Whenever things seem like they can't get any worse (and then do) we remember you and have a little hope for the future.
We know it's hard to stay active day after day after day and it's ok to take a few days off. But we can't be complacent, we can't let this be our normal. Lucky for us there are so many great ways to stay active that don't take all your energy. We love Resistbot and 5 Calls. Two services that make contacting your representative hella easy.
You can also always donate to us - it's very easy!
  We love writing you long newsletters but nothing beats seeing your wondrous faces. We've got some irons in the fire and some fun new events in the works but want to hear what you want! So let us know what you want to see from us in the future. What kind of events would get you out the door? What amazing women inspire you? Historical, famous, or just your best friend. We want to know about and promote ALL feminist women.
Until next time, stay nasty! (and donate!)
Nasty Women Portraits
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rapfornication · 7 years
A List of a Bunch of Songs We Liked by Siya Mbatha & Norman
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2016, what a year. Included in this list are the emotions and memories that came with these songs. Here is a list that attempts to consolidate a most uniquely strange year .Fuck Donald Trump and enjoy the links to other pieces we thought you might enjoy too. And also fuck Donald Trump. 
Danny Brown – When It Rain 
Produced By Paul White Album: Atrocity Exhibition
One of the more left field songs that still somehow has an underlying jitty foot-light feel to it. It sounds like ‘Dip’ if it grew up in a dark basement and suffered from crippling anxiety. Danny Brown matches the atmosphere with some of his most vivid, impressive writing to date as he describes Detroit as a city that sees no change but gentrification, grannies getting robbed and more guns than necessary. Unforgettable.
Kendrick Lamar - untitled 02 | 06.23.2014.
Produced By Yung Exclusive & Cardo Album: untitled unmastered.
Cornrow Kenny brought out the circus tricks without losing his seriousness. The build-up is one captivating performance but once his voice swings into high pitched, the stunting and trumpets go into overdrive and you’re left pleasantly stunned. Get God on the phone.
Fat Joe & Remy Ma Feat. French Montana & Infa Red - All The Way Up
Produced By Cool & Dre & Edsclusive Album: Plata O Plomo
They say regionalism is dead but this all NY affair begs to differ. Cool and Dre provide the bass and unforgettable horns and the legends (plus Montana) rip it apart like a swaggier version of The Avengers. Remy Ma came back and ignited desperately needed fire.
Fat Joe & Remy Ma Feat. Infa-Red, Jay Z & French Montana -  All The Way Up (remix)
Produced By Cool & Dre & Edsclusive
 Lean Back left a lasting legacy, even for the millennials like my whack self who remembers slogans like Terror Squad, before Khaled was Billy Ocean, back when Fat Joe had the red parka in the video
"Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is". Lemonade the album that I still haven't listened to has just dropped and every beyhive fan on Twitter was up in arms mad that Jay Z was getting his lemonade from a woman named Becky -if you're into that kinda thing. And that’s all Hov was gonna do in terms of speaking on it. One more time, let it sink in. Lemonade is a popular drink and it still is. He pretty much ethered Beyoncé if you think about it.
Rihanna – Needed Me
Produced By Kuk Harrell & DJ Mustard Album: ANTI
For the first time in her long career, Rihanna sounded liberated. ‘Needed Me’ amplifies the dark, sexual charisma she always displayed in ways that feel less put-on (Rated-R, basically) and more like self-expression. A fantastic wonky Mustard beat gives her room to remind her past flame who really was doing who a favour. Savagery personified in one song. Oh, that shot of Robyn in a lacy blue dress, gun in hand, looking out to the beach? Iconic
BBNG Feat. Samuel T. Herring – Time Moves Slow
It’s been great watching BBNG grow into their own. The legendary Sam Herring lends his heartfelt voice to this perfectly crafted number. Personally, it got me through a messy situationship. Unreciprocated love makes it feel like time is moving slow.
Kid Cudi Feat. Travis Scott - Baptized In Fire
Produced By Mike Dean & Plain Pat Album: Passion, Pain & Demon Slayin'
This is the most Kid Cudi Kid Cudi has sounded for a long time. And it's scary to figure that your preference for an artist is derived in their articulation of their personal pain and struggles, I mean it's why we fuck with a Basquiat right? But here, here it's like Cudi just wanted to make his number one fan Travis Scott happy. The reserved role that La Flame takes in this feels like that, like he's soaking the moment in. The production overall sound is very reminiscent of Man On The Moon, if not a remake considering Plain motherfucking Pat, Mike Dean, La Flame and Cudder were all on this, SQUAD.
Schoolboy Q – JoHn Muir
Produced By Sounwave Album: Blank Face LP
Deadly basslines and triumphant horns score Q’s coming of age tale to churn out one of the best songs on ‘.Blankface’. Can’t help but poorly crip walk when this album cut comes on.
Kemba – Already
Produced By Frank Drake Album: Negus
Honestly, one could have chosen any song on Kemba’s often brilliant LP, ‘Negus’ but ‘Already’ takes the cake for two reasons: it’s Frank Duke’s hardest beat since ‘Fuckin’ Up The Count’ and the artist sounds angry, dissatisfied and wounded by the awful recurring problems surrounding race. Isn’t that how we all felt in this bizarre year?
Samiyam Feat. Earl Sweatshirt - Mirror
Produced By Samiyam Album: Animals Have Feelings
This song was supposed to come right after Faucet but looking in this in totality it's fitting that it only dropped in 2016, a year later. A resolute Earl spits his way through his insecurities and imperfections "despite how they praising your face I'mma make do!". Earl's raps are never really about us, mans just telling his story and again we find ourselves in it. Looking in the mirror, seeing the only the nigga we wanted to be. It's not angry, it's aggressively encouraging.
Isaiah Rashad – Park
Produced By Park Ave. & D. Sanders Album: The Sun's Tirade
Trying to follow the topics Rashad dives into is genuinely exciting. In lesser hands, it just wouldn’t work but he’s always saved by the mere fact that he’s a compelling writer. Over fluttering hi hats and knocking sparse bass, he compares himself to Nicki Minaj and Guwop, reveals sexual infidelity while denouncing his savagery and still sneaks in discerning bars about fatherhood and religion. What really trips one out is how effortless it all sounds.
Noname – Freedom Interlude
Produced By Phoelix & Saba Album: Telefone
Out the shadows, Noname took her spot as one the more talented rappers of her generation. ‘Freedom Interlude ‘  is all her strengths wrapped in one warm song. Her intricate soliloquies spill over some steady drums and calming chords as she wanders and aches about Bill Cosby, perception, motherhood, becoming and everything in between.
Jeff Chery – Salty
Produced By Stefan Green
The cliché goes: if you don’t have haters, you aren’t doing anything noteworthy. So, naturally, songs about them are probably my favourite. Nothing like glorious flexing as a defence mechanism to truly propel a song and Chery leans into his naysayers over woozy bass and autotune.
J. Cole – Neighbors
Produced By J. Cole Album: 4 Your Eyez Only
Certain people will always let prejudices rule their perception of others. As a young black man, the hurtful reminders creep up on you every time who walk pass a car and the white person inside frantically locks their door or when you call your friends for a get together and your racist nearby residents bring the police to your doorstep to break it up. Cole explores this reality in a way that’s both relatable and fittingly hopeless. No matter who or where you are, the burden of being black is sometimes too heavy.
DJ Khaled Feat. Drake - For Free
Produced By Jordan Ullman & Nineteen85 Album: Major Key
I didn't want Khaled and Drake to have another anthem so they made another anthem. And as audacious as Drizzy Drake Rogers might be, as irritating as his love "Serana, Rihanna and JLo in one year" life might be, this is a really nice song. Like those moments after when you're feeling yourself, appreciating your agility wanting to ask the person next to you “... Is this sex so good I shouldn't have to fuck for free?"
Ma-E & AKA – Lie 2 Me
Produced by: Brian Soko, Mr Kamera & Ma-E 
Ma- E is basically your uncle who tries way too hard to look/sound ‘hip’ but still somehow pulls it without coming off corny. This ‘Township Counsellor’ gem hides the lingering insecurity of being rich/famous and always wondering if people like you for you or what you offer. Roping in SA’s erratic egoistic makes perfect sense as the pair smash this one out the park.
Ka – Just
Produced By Ka Album: Honor Killed the Samurai
Gangster turned firefighter, Ka writes like how one would imagine if they found themselves in a ‘I Am Legend’ type world. Even the pragmatic, bare-knuckle beats can’t dull the emotionally profound bars about backstabbers, dead loved ones, poverty and unfulfilled potential. Guilt more than anything invades this samurais’ nightmares.
Lil Yachty - One Night (Extended) 
Produced by TheGoodPerry Album: Lil Boat
It's really the most pleasant mean way to tell a hoe she ain't no wifey, matter of fact to tell anyone she ain't no wifey. But the video is tight tho, very Odd Future 2011-esq and very much Lil Yachty's assertion that he's pretty much here to do whatever the fuck he wants with this hip hop thing, and even scarier is that you actually can't stop him. Hook hella catchy tho.
Cousin Stizz Feat. Larry June – Down Like That
Produced By Puff Daddy Album MONDA
Billed as a showcase of star potential, Stizzy breaks out of the seriousness that drives ‘MONDA’ for some old fashioned hijinks. But Larry June truly murks this sizzling beat with one of the verses of the year. Who else can deliberately rap off beat, admit and end the bar with cold ‘fuck rap’?
Belly Feat. 2 Chainz, The Weeknd & Yo Gotti - Might Not (Remix)  
Produced By Merlin Watts, DaHeala & Ben Billions
Between the time the original and now Belly had delivered consistently cold bars embodied in solid projects twice. And hip hops heavy hitters and OGs aren't asleep to this, Belly's signed to Roc Nation. Everyone on here does their part but it's 2 Chainz who steals the show with his playful but vicious flow with audacious lines like, "IF YOU LOVE ME TAT MY NAME ON YOUR UTERUS!". Belly comes through cold tapping into the drug taking, model fucking persona The Weeknd had before he went full pop on us. And while Yo Gotti's verse is otherwise forgettable, mans didn't go down without a fight. 
Young Thug - Digits/Swizz Beats
Produced By Wheezy Album: JEFFERY
Thug’s output makes it hard to pick a favourite but these two highlight why I love Slime’s style. He’s a unique, eccentric singular voice that constantly defies rap norms and conjures up memorable hooks with ease.
A$AP Mob Feat. A$AP Rocky, A$AP Ant, A$AP Ferg, A$AP Nast, A$AP Twelvyy & Juicy J  - Yamborghini High
Produced By Hector Delgado Album: Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends
First off, s/o and daps to A$AP Mob for executing skits on a tape the way we remember skits on a tape, niggas too fucking cozy. It's the type of contextualising taking us back to Pesos. A corner store in Harlem. Second, you gotta want to believe that Yams in heaven tripping the fuck out not only watching the most tumbler-esque video but fact that the whole tape is not only an ode to Yams but also the preservation of his legacy.
Denzel Curry – ULT
Produced By Finatik N Zac, Nick Leon & Ronny J Album Imperial
The most gifted pick on 2016’s XXL Freshmen List. ‘ULT’ is the perfect song if you’re unfamiliar with Curry’s work. It’s high tempo and ferocious coupled with unyielding intelligence. Denzel sounds unflinching in the face of racial profiling and police brutality as he basks in the idea of unity. The chorus carries its 2Pac influence proudly. Revolt music.
Chance The Rapper feat. Saba - Angels 
Produced By The Social Experiment & Lido   Album Coloring Book
Chance is that guy, he either irks you or like Obama he's on your playlist(s). So this song found its way onto mine. This is the soundtrack to my success, the background music to scenes of triumph, the sound of joy, a thugs prayer of gratitude ..that's this song. Pain is beautiful but it takes real skill to articulate happiness. 
 ASAP Mob - Telephone Calls Feat.  Yung Gleesh, Playboi Carti, Tyler, The Creator & A$AP Rocky
Produced By Plu2o Nash Album Cozy Tapes Vol. 1: Friends
The best thing about this song outside the quotable, outside Tyler stepping his flow up, outside walk Gleesh walk and outside "POST MAN, who dis?" is A$AP Rocky's verified lyrics where he writes about Tyler "I wish I knew this nigga my whole life" ❤
Frank Ocean Feat. KOHH – Nikes
Produced By Malay Ho, Om'Mas Keith & Frank Ocean Album: Blonde
Frank’s writing displays vulnerable humanity that we all try and tap into on our best days. ‘Nikes’ is filled with hilarious shit talking, short eulogies to passed peers and kin, lines about doing lines and trying to stay young. Life in your 20’s captured in 5 minutes.
Isaiah Rashad - Free Lunch
Produced By Cam O'bi Album: The Sun's Tirade
 Damn, I hate to say this but drugs and depression gave depth to this man’s music and made it interesting. After Clivia Demo, I had feared that under the shadow of TDE/Kendrick hype, that like other almost kinda famous sorta artists we were going to lose him, collateral damage so to speak. But instead Rashad in the most cliche of ways turned tragedy into triumph. 
Skepta – Man(Gang)
Produced By Skepta Album: Konnichiwa
The appeal of grime is its ability to be entertaining and aggressively haughty simultaneously. Skepta comes for everyone’s head on this ‘Konnichiwa’ standout. Fake fans and friends, washed rappers &wannabe fashionstas; no one is spared. London boyz made noise in 2016.
Childish Gambino – Me & Your Mama
Produced By Ludwig Göransson Album: "Awaken, My Love!"
The signal to the stars. Sitting through this ever mortifying gospel-rock joint feels transient. A shift from dick inspired punchlines to channeling Parliament Funkdelic; Donald Glover is proof of the rewards of artistic progression.
Danny Brown - Dance In The Water 
Produced By Paul White Album: Atrocity Exhibition
I'd like to think that this song would fit perfectly in a Tarantino film that's already been made, maybe that one about the car with Rosario Dawson and the lady who did stunts for Uma Therman. I'd like to think those things, a perfect middle between the old world and new. Danny Brown, at his peak, paints the most perfect picture of curated chaos.. 
Saba & Noname – Church/Liquor Store
Produced By Cam O'bi Album: Bucket List Project
Two of Chicago’s more gifted writers take us on a ride through their hometown. Saba is insightful, sorrowful and clear headed as he tackles addiction, gang violence, gentrification and the school to prison system. Noname acts as the perfect foil. It soars with gorgeous keys and beautiful choir worthy voices that only add to the misery
Earl Sweatshirt & Knxwledge – Balance
Produced By Knxwledge Album: 2016 Adult Swim Singles
A sensible union. Two talented non stars whose styles fit each other like big feet & AF’s 1.Earl’s attention to detail add a personal touch to universal gripes of being young, black & confused. His mumblings feel at home over Knxwledge’s lush, anxious phrases.
AKA ft Yanga – Dream Work
Produced by KJ Conteh
Sampling ‘Street Fighter’ should already make this a classic but AKA takes it a step further by rightfully staking a claim to SA rap’s crown. The hook is masterful; Yanga’s voice complements the thumping bass perfectly and AKA sounds focused, sharp and agitated. A continuation of a 5 year streak that doesn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. Long Live Supa Mega.
Terrance Martin – Valdez off Crenshaw
Produced by Terrace Martin Co-Produced by Robert “Sput” Searight
Modern music would be less great without Terrace Martin. One could go on an endless tangent listing countless accolades and contributions but rather we stick to this one moment on “Velvet Portraits”. It’s a mesmerizing piece of jazz leaning funk that contains an electric guitar solo that’s so beautifully over the top you can’t help sit in awe. An experience.
D.R.A.M Feat. Lil Yachty – Broccoli
Produced By J Gramm Beats Album: Big Baby D.R.A.M.
There's this phenomena taking place where new kids want to be their own, don't want to inherit problems, keen to dictate their own narrative. This song is a prime example of this. D.R.A.M is on here with his puppy hugging positive healthy outlook on life bars and Lil Yachty is here in his whole self. The millennials Big Pimpin', I’m calling it.
Kadhja Bonet – Honey Comb
Produced By Kadhja Bonet Album: The Visitor
‘Classical music’ can be an off putting label. But Bonet puts a modern spin on the genre and breathes new life into it. It sounds so good it possess the power to you cleanse all your proverbial sins. Gorgeous piece of music.
 Solange Feat. Lil Wayne - Mad 
Produced By Troy "R8DIO" Johnson, David Longstreth, Sir Dylan, Solange &Raphael Saadiq Album: A Seat at the Table
Very rarely are us folk, black folk, worldwide given the space to be angry. Our sorrow, our pain and small glimmers of happiness have their time, designated hours. So when you're mad, you're mad on your own, you're carrying it on your own .. and when you finally exhale it's a lot. Mad about inabilities and inadequacies of the self. It's always just too much to never have someone ask "why you mad son?". It's a relief to have a song like this affirm that anger. Affirming the experience of holding on anger only for it to be dismissed, invalidated to be "why you always be so mad"-ed. I praise Solo for speaking this truth. 
Rae Sremmurd Feat. Gucci Mane – Black Beatles
Produced By Mike WiLL Made-It Album: SremmLife 2
Mannequin challenge aside, ‘Black Beatles’ was destined to be a hit. Swan Lee sounds like a fallen angel; cautious and courageous. Jimi admirably keeps up and Gucci is his outrageous melodic self. Mike Will brings out the trademark ear wormy tunes and you’ve got a stellar song that celebrates youthful exuberance like no other this year. Rae Sremmurd > The Beatles
Rich Chigga - Dat $tick 
Easily the hardest bars and hardest beat of the year, or the 2nd Quarter.  Upper Echelon bars. YOUR FAVORITE RAPPER WAS SHOOK WHEN HE HEARD IT. 
DJ Esco Feat. Future & Rae Sremmurd - Party Pack 
Produced By Southside & DJ Esco Album: Project E.T. Esco Terrestrial
 If you questioned the longevity of Future's "glow up" or how Rae Sremmurd would navigate beyond being the cute small guys then this song stands as testament. On this song Future sounds energized, he sounds damn near competitive on a song that features another well executed Swae Lee hook and a very well placed Slim Jxmmi.
Boogie – Nigga Needs
Produced By Keyel Album: Thirst 48, Pt. 2
Boogie has a knack of simplifying nuanced thoughts and conflicting feelings. Coupled with a video of him as a bleeding centrepiece in an art gallery, The Thirst 48 rapper tries to come to terms the difficultly of self-improvement in a world that conspires against him.
Travis Scott Feat. NAV - Beibs in the Trap
Produced By NAV Album: Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight
 Ay, millennials finally get our own cocaine raps, that tight. But say no to drugs. Drugs ruin lives. Drugs also cost way too much money to pick it up as a habit. Also, who actually does cocaine anymore. Isn't tripping on anxiety meds, though troubling cos clearly in the purest sense of self we have proved incapable of dealing with the realities of this world, the wave? I dunno, just don't do crack kids. That's not glamorous. Neither is crushed up Ritalin on your gums. Great song though 5/5 shout outs NAV for the harmonies and production s/o Justin Beiber.
Westside Gunn & Action Bronson – Dudley Boyz
Produced By The Alchemist Album: Flygod
Wrestling and food references? Boasting about hardness and superior garments over velvet soft chords? Why didn’t this collaboration happen sooner? Old heads need to pay more attention to Westside and stop complaining about mumble rap.
DJ Khaled Feat. Jay Z & Future – I Got Keys
Produced By Jake One, G Koop & Southside Album:Major Key
The God MC came down a couple of times this year to bless his subjects but this Future – assisted joint was a highlight. Not a world beater but admirable considering it is a 42 year old taking a jab at a relentless Southside banger.
2Chainz – Ounces Back
Produced By DJ Spinz Album Daniel Son; Necklace Don
This Christmas, I’m thankful that the most entertaining rapper on earth was inspired all throughout the year. A performance littered with ludicrous lines about forgotten apartments in Jupiter(???), expensive jewelry and his upper echelon sex game. The flow is never forced or out of pocket over dreamy bass and stuttering keys. How is he over 40 and more inventive than rappers half his age?
21 Savage – No Heart
Produced By CuBeatz, Southside & Metro Boomin Album: Savage Mode
The line between fantasy and realism grows blurry with each social media update. We continue to laud rappers who seem to draw from real life experiences more than the ‘posers’ and that what makes ‘No Heart’ so great.21 is way too specific & menacing not mean any of his threat- filled lines. Metro Boomin’ matches the dead eyed feel with his most minimalist work to date and the end product is as enthralling as it is terrifying. 
Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne - No Problem 
Produced By BrassTracks Album: Coloring Book
Chance The Rapper Feat. 2 Chainz & Lil Wayne - No Problem Produced by: Album: Coloring Book  Coloring Book is one of those polarizing projects, you either felt it or you didn't .. I didn't. But he made songs like this that didn't make you feel like you were at Christian Rap Camp, some menacing statements were made on here echoed by your mum’s church choir. Wayne told us about freeing the choir, Chance threw threats about labels meeting the real south side and 2 Chainz? Man that man effortlessly floated just right on this pleasant song that even this weird iPhone class project video even is enjoyable.  ZBo8QA/K2O8
Migos Feat. Lil Uzi Vert – Bad & Boujee
Produced By Metro Boomin Album: CULTURE
An ode to classy fly women that even Uzi Vert couldn’t ruin. Offset’s show-stealing hook sticks in your mind like a deferred exam. A shining example of the power of Migos as a hit-making collective.
Kanye West Feat. Kendrick Lamar -No More Parties in LA
Produced By Kanye West & Madlib Album The Life of Pablo
It's only fitting that the most flagrant and audacious bars would find themselves sitting on this masterpiece. It's almost felt like a battle rap, Kendrick urging Kanye to rap again and Ye coming the fuck thru, "that God for me!" Pablo declares triumphantly and the song is so good, it's such a Kanye signature sample old heads the energy in the recording studio is crazy with McDonald's and Hennessy. Crazy. Fucking magical is what it is.
G.O.O.D Music Feat. Kanye West, Big Sean, Quavo, Gucci Mane, 2 Chainz, Travis Scott, Desiigner & Yo Gotti - Champions
Produced By Kanye West, A-Trak, Lex Luger & Mike Dean Album: Cruel Winter
Briefly, for but at least a second it looked like Kanye, Pusha T, fucking Kid Cudi, La Flame, 2 Chainz and even Big Sean .. it looked like the gang were back together. This single came as a result of hysteria, a just released Gucci, Kanye West finally releasing an album, a Quavo in his prime on a fucking MIKE DEAN track. In this moment, with the whole world in a frenzy doing everything they could do to somehow get their hands on these super stars, we were reminded that this label, GOOD Music, is a home to champions.
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movietvtechgeeks · 7 years
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Latest story from https://movietvtechgeeks.com/kendrick-lamar-king-2017-mtv-vmas-plus-winners/
Kendrick Lamar is king of 2017 MTV VMA's plus winners
Kendrick Lamar had his night at the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) on an evening that was full of impassioned cries for unity and acceptance. Normally this awards show is more flashy and over the top, but with Donald Trump in the White House, things have changed dramatically.   Jared Leto, Pink, Kesha, and Logic all used their time on stage as a platform to shed light on issues that included suicide awareness, mental health and body image. The night also featured an appearance from Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, who was killed in Charlottesville. Kendrick Lamar kicked off the night, playing news footage of a police brutality report interspersed with Fox News commentary before delivering an audacious, high-energy set, including stunt performers crawling up and down a wall filled with fire. The rapper, who led the night with eight nominations, won for best video, best hip-hop video, best art direction, best visual effects, best cinematography and best direction. Kendrick Lamar was the king of the 2017 MTV Video Music Awards, winning six awards on a night full of emotional performances, political moments and a new, eye-popping Taylor Swift music video. Lamar's "Humble" won video of the year, best hip-hop video, direction, cinematography, art direction and visual effects on Sunday at the Forum in Inglewood, California. He also gave an explosive performance of "Humble" and "DNA," backed by ninjas dancing near fire. But the VMAs, hosted by a forgettable Katy Perry with performances by Miley Cyrus and Ed Sheeran, was tamer than most years, not relying on the shock value and wild antics of past shows. Instead, touching performances and powerful speeches took center stage. Logic performed his inspirational song "1-800-273-8255," named after the phone number for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. He was joined onstage with suicide attempt survivors as well as singers Alessia Cara (best dance video winner) and Khalid (best new artist winner). Lyrics from Logic's song include: "I don't wanna be alive/I just wanna die today" and "I want you to be alive/You don't got to die today." Kesha introduced the performance and also offered words of encouragement: "As long as you don't give; youup on yourself, light will break through the darkness." Pink was also emotional when she accepted the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award, telling the audience a story about her daughter, who was sitting in the crowd with her father Carey Hart. Pink said her daughter recently told her that "I'm the ugliest girl I know ... I look like a boy with long hair." Pink said she then showed her 6-year-old daughter photos of performers such as Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Janis Joplin, George Michael, Elton John and Freddie Mercury. "You are beautiful, and I love you," Pink said to her daughter. Rock singer and Oscar winner Jared Leto remembered Linkin Park's Chester Bennington, who hanged himself in July. Leto also mentioned Chris Cornell, who hanged himself in May. "I think about his band, who were really his brothers, and I remember his voice," Leto said of Bennington. "That voice will live forever." "Hear me now, you are not alone. There is always a way forward. Reach out. Share your thoughts. Do not give up," Leto added. The night also featured political moments focused on the Aug. 12 rally in Charlottesville, Virginia that turned violent after Nazis and white nationalists opposed to the city's plan to remove a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee clashed with counter protesters. Heather Heyer, 32, was killed when a car plowed into a crowd. The Rev. Robert Wright Lee IV, a descendent of Gen. Lee, told the audience: "As a pastor, it is my duty to speak out against racism, America's original sin." Heyer's mother then entered the stage, telling the audience: "Only 15 days my ago, my daughter Heather was killed as she protested racism. I miss her but I know she's here tonight." Bro announced The Heather Heyer Foundation, a nonprofit that will award scholarships and "help more people join Heather's fight against hatred." Paris Jackson also spoke out against hatred. "We must show these Nazi white supremacist jerks in Charlottesville, and all over the country, that as a nation with liberty as our slogan, we have zero tolerance for their violence and their hatred and their discrimination. We must resist," Michael Jackson's eldest daughter said before presenting an award. Lamar's performance kicked off the three-hour show, followed by the premiere of Swift's video for "Look What You Made Me Do," which featured the singer dressed like a zombie in one scene and surrounded by slithering snakes in another. The video for the track, rumored to be a diss toward Kanye West, also featured Swift in a tub of diamonds, a cat mask, and a car that crashed (she was holding a Grammy). The clip ended with a dozen of Swifts - in memorable outfits she's worn in the past - symbolizing how the singer felt the media has portrayed her through the years. Swift and Zayn, who didn't attend the show, won best collaboration for "I Don't Wanna Live Forever." Jack Antonoff and Sam Dew, who wrote the song with Swift, accepted the award. Sheeran performed his hit, "Shape of You," and was later joined by rapper Lil Uzi Vert. Sheeran won artist of the year, a new award established after MTV eliminated gender categories like best male and female video. "Thank you to all the fans," Sheeran said. Fifth Harmony, who lost a group member last year and released their first album as a foursome last week, won best pop video for "Down." Ally Brooke and Dinah Jane of the group were in tears as they accepted the award alongside Normani Kordei, Lauren Jauregui, and rapper Gucci Mane. "This is honestly so unreal. Thank you to God and thank you to our families," Jane said. Fifth Harmony started their performance standing on high platforms to sing "Angel," then falling backward like superheroes. They followed it with the upbeat "Down," taking a break from singing to perform intense choreography. Later, water rained on the four girls, who dropped their microphones at the end of the performance. Lorde, who had the flu, danced throughout the performance of "Homemade Dynamite" instead of singing it, wearing a tin foil half dress, pants, and sneakers. Lamar's win for video of the year beat videos by Bruno Mars, DJ Khaled, the Weeknd and Cara. "Despacito," which was snubbed in the video of the year category, lost the only award it was nominated for: song of summer. Lil Uzi Vert's Top 10 hit, "XO Tour Life," won the prize. Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee's international hit is the most viewed video on YouTube and currently No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. MTV said Universal Music Latin Entertainment didn't submit the video, while the record label said they weren't asked to send in the clip. Shawn Mendes, 30 Seconds to Mars, and Perry, with guest Nicki Minaj, performed during the show. Rod Stewart, DNCE, and Demi Lovato sang remotely from Las Vegas.
Video of the year: "HUMBLE." Kendrick Lamar Artist of the year: Ed Sheeran Collaboration: "I Don't Wanna Live Forever," Zayn & Taylor Swift Pop: "Down," Fifth Harmony feat. Gucci Mane Hip hop: "HUMBLE." Kendrick Lamar Dance: "Stay," Alessia Cara & Zedd Rock: "Heavydirtysoul," Twenty One Pilots Fight against the system: "Black SpiderMan," Logic feat. Damian Lemar Hudson; "Immigrants (We Get the Job Done)," The Hamilton Mixtape; "Light," Big Sean; "Scars to Your Beautiful," Alessia Cara; "Stand Up/Stand N Rock #NoDAPL," Taboo feat. Shailene Woodley; "Surefire," John Legend. Song of summer: "XO Tour Llif3," Lil Uzi Vert New artist: Khalid Art direction: "HUMBLE." Kendrick Lamar (Production Designer: Spencer Graves) Choreography: "Fade," Kanye West (Choreographers: Jae Blaze, Guapo, Matthew Pasterisa, Teyana Taylor & Derek Watkins) Cinematography: "HUMBLE." Kendrick Lamar (Cinematographer: Scott Cunningham) Direction: "HUMBLE." Kendrick Lamar (Directors: Dave Meyers, The Little Homies) Editing: "Wyclef Jean," Young Thug (Editors: Ryan Staake, Eric Degliomini) Visual effects: "HUMBLE." Kendrick Lamar (Company: Timber/Lead: Jonah Hall)
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swimintothesound · 7 years
In Defense of DJ Khaled
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I'm not one to defend mediocrity. Some things are just aggressively “alright” and DJ Khaled tends to be one of them. He's not an artist in the traditional sense of the word, in fact putting him in a box is actually kind of hard. He's a Snapchat-famous DJ, record producer, and meme machine with just a few more catchphrases your average Saturday morning cartoon character. While his musical contributions tend to be nothing more than shouting his own catchphrases in between (or directly over) a rapper’s bars, he also serves an important role as a Nick Fury-like assembler of talents.
In the wake of this year’s Grateful, I’ve found myself reflecting on DJ Khaled’s prior release with a surprising amount of fondness. While I won't defend mediocrity on an artistic level, that’s not to say there isn't a time and a place for it. The real problem is most DJ Khaled albums are the musical equivalent of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks. Sometimes you’ll get a Drake-bolstered summer anthem, or strike gold with an unexpected artist pairing. But more often than not you’ll end up with a by-the-numbers hip-hop track that feels market tested as fuck and sounds like six different people all sending verses to each other via email over the course of months.
And I can't tell if it's nostalgia for summer 2016 or genuine appreciation, but Khaled’s skill as a musical host has never been more on a more impressive display than 2016’s Major Key. In fact, I’d go as far as to say it’s a flawless album. Now before you close the tab let me explain myself. I don’t mean flawless in that it stacks up to The Beatles or anything, I mean that every track on it is great and serves a different purpose.
While I usually hate track-by-tracks, I think Major Key is an album that would benefit from this type of dissection. There is honestly an impressive number of sounds being explored on this album. The collaborations feel fresh, and Khaled’s typically-shoehorned catchphrases actually fit into the album unobtrusively. It’s not high art, but it’s an incredibly-varied selection of songs that ends up feeling more like a curated summer playlist than a record by one man.
I guess that’s a point against the album since I’m basically saying Major Key is good because it doesn’t feel like a “DJ Khaled album,” but his skill here wrangling the number of artists and sounds is worth writing about. He’s a host and curator, and this album is the most consistent of his career. It’s commendable, especially when contrasted with the uneven follow-up we just received.
1) I Got the Keys (feat. Jay Z and Future)
Major Key begins with a fittingly-named banger that allows Jay-Z to don his jewelry and flex for the world once again. The track sees Future relegated to the song’s chorus while Jay-Z comes in with two of the best verses we’ve heard from him in years. While the recent release of 4:44 signals a more grown-up and fatherly shift in Jay’s sound and topics, it’s nice to have one (possibly final) send-off to Big Pimpin’-era Hov. Yes the chorus is repetitive, but 2016 was host to a rash of intentionally-repetitive Future-led choruses (including a second one later on this very album). I like that these songs are using Future for his unique textured voice as opposed to his tired lean-soaked raps. As a whole, the song has a hypnotic siren-like beat that Jay rides nicely and it ends up serving as a perfect energetic opener.
2) For Free (feat. Drake)
A Drake feature is practically a tradition on DJ Khaled albums at this point. In addition to the pair’s storied history, a Drake feature almost guarantees a song’s commercial success and a nomination for the elusive “Song of the Summer” title. Released as Major Key’s first single, the song did numbers but failed reach the pervasiveness needed to truly become the official song of the summer (despite Khaled’s claims on the song’s outro.) It’s still a nice bouncy Drake track that’s pool-party-ready, and furthered Drake’s exploration of the dancehall-esque sound.
3) Nas Album Done (feat. Nas)
On “Nas Album Done” Nas himself commandeers an entire track simply to spit bars for three minutes straight. With no chorus, and minimal intrusion from Khaled, this is a song of pure hip-hop proficiency that addresses the political climate of mid-2016. The title refers to Nas’ (still-unreleased) forthcoming album which will be his first in over five years. As such, this Fugees-sampling track serves as an appetizer for the bars to come on his next record.
4) Holy Key (feat. Kendrick Lamar, Big Sean, and Betty Wright)
Easily the track I’ve listened to most off of the album, “Holy Key” is a fast-moving and hard-hitting pump-up jam. The song that calls to mind Sean and Kendrick’s previous collaboration, the world-concerning “Control” which was a pivotal moment for the hip-hop scene as a whole. While “Holy Key” doesn’t quite recapture the fire of “Control” (a lot of time has passed since 2013) it does manage to capture a particularly-strong Big Sean verse and one of the most ferocious features of Kendrick’s career.  
5) Jermaine’s Interlude (feat. J. Cole)
After the abject fire of “Holy Key” things slow down a bit for a bit of a breather on the J. Cole-helmed “Jermaine’s Interlude.” It provides some much-needed pathos after the blitz of hyper-proficient verses on the first few tracks of the album. The interlude throws bone to the very specific yet ravenous fan base that J. Cole has cultivated since his breakthrough 2014 Forest Hills Drive. The mellowed-out track injects more of a “conscious” sound into Major Key that breaks up the album’s themes and showcases a surprising amount of well-articulated topics for an interlude.
6) Ima Be Alright (feat. Bryson Tiller and Future)
In the album’s most flaccid track Future and Bryson Tiller trade verses over a dreamy beat that continues the slower late night vibes of the last track. The song showcases a particularly-animated Future verse that’s sandwiched in between two remorseful Tiller hooks that discuss the pratfalls of fame. It’s capped off with a verse from Tiller and a surprisingly funny outro by Khaled.
7) Do You Mind (feat. Nicki Minaj, Chris Brown, August Alsina, Jeremih, Future, and Rick Ross)
From there the album continues its stretch of slower tracks with the overtly-sexy “Do You Mind.” The track combines Chris Brown and August Alsina vocals to create an earworm of a chorus that Alsina then commandeers for a short verse. From there the two throw to Jeremiah who adds a third layer of R&B sexiness before another chorus swaggers in. The track takes a hard turn as Future and Rick Ross come in with two short verses, but Nicki caps it all off with an incredibly-sung bridge right before the song’s end. It’s a radio-ready R&B track that sounds different than anything else on the album. With a packed guest list, this is a song “for the ladies” and it does its job well.
8) Pick These Hoes Apart (feat. Kodak Black, Jeezy, and French Montana)
As you would expect from a song with this title, “Pick These Hoes Apart” represents a shift back towards full-on hip-hop within the album. Featuring some of the most objectively-disgusting lines on the entire record, the song still gets some points for bringing together such a disparate group of rappers and shining a light on Kodak Black right as he was blowing up. It shows a lot of foresight on Khaled’s part. It’s also worth noting that the track features a great verse from French Montana who I’ve never particularly cared for, but he manages to utilize his brand of slurred half-sung rap here on a beat that sounds like it was made for him.
9) Fuck Up the Club (feat. Future, Rick Ross, YG, and Yo Gotti)
The album’s hip-hop mode is decidedly back in full swing on “Fuck Up the Club” which features the album’s second supremely-repetitive Future hook, a roster of legit street rappers, and an absolute banger of a beat. The track sees YG and Yo Gotti at the height of their powers after their high-profile releases of Still Brazy and “Champions” respectively. Everyone comes in with heat, and the track’s beat is relentless with little breathing room for anything besides explosive forward momentum.
10) Work for It (feat. Big Sean, Gucci Mane, and 2 Chainz)
Arguably one of the most star-studded tracks on the album, “Work for It” subverts expectations by being a bit of a slower track that finds Big Sean at the helm. It really does telegraph the sound on Sean’s upcoming I Decided. but remains a track that fits its other guests suitably. It’s apparent that the recently-released Gucci and always-humorous Titti Boi were both in “creation mode” on this track amidst a slew of their own 2016 releases. It may not change the Big Sean hater’s minds, but it’s a left turn that I didn’t see when first listening to the album.
11) Don’t Ever Play Yourself (feat. Jadakiss, Fabolous, Fat Joe, Busta Rhymes, and Kent Jones)
With a lineup of guests who are all in their 40’s (Kent Jones notwithstanding) I see “Don’t Ever Play Yourself” as the dedicated “oldhead” song on the album. Reminiscent of Compton’s “Loose Cannons,” or “One Shot One Kill” this track sounds like a different generation of rappers who all decided to hop on a track with one thing to prove: that they’re far from “too old this shit.” It’s apparent why these rappers have all stuck around, they all have different voices and at this point, they’ve honed their craft enough to make it all look effortless.
12) Tourist (feat. Travis Scott and Lil Wayne)
“Tourist” had been floating around the internet for about a year at this point as a semi-unfinished Travis Scott solo song. In its appearance on Major Key, we hear a remastered version with a surprise Lil Wayne feature added on and (luckily) little-to-no Khaled yelling. It’s a hazy track that retains the signature Travis Scott sound while echoing 3500’s drowsy unwinding instrumental.
13) Forgive Me Father (feat. Meghan Trainor, Wiz Khalifa, and Wale)
When Major Key’s tracklist was officially released a few weeks before the album’s drop, I remember one thing concretely: the internet’s reaction to this song’s feature list. First off: what a weird collection of people. Second: Wiz is washed. Third: Meghan Trainor? The “All About That Bass” chick? I don’t know why, but I’d like to pat myself on the back for believing that this song wouldn't be as bad as everyone was expecting it to be. I may just love being a contradictory fuck, and maybe it’s just because I went in with low expectations, but I find “Forgive Me Father” a corny, yet inspirational song that isn’t offensive in the least.
14) Progress
The last song on Major Key sees Khaled ceding Major Key to Jamaican singer Mavado. This is actually the second time this handoff has happened (with the third instance occurring on 2017’s Grateful) perhaps signaling a new inner-album tradition. It’s a tropical island song that calls to mind flashes of Khaled’s snapchat stories watering and talking to his flowers in a sunny yard. It’s a “full circle” song about progress that serves as the perfect conclusion to the album by encapsulating everything we’ve heard up until that point.
Major Key has a little bit of everything. Like most DJ Khaled records you could cherry pick single songs for the right mood, but it also holds together surprisingly well as an album. There’s no “journey” or “resolution” but you could easily sit down and listen to all 58 minutes of this and enjoy yourself. It’s a great summer album and has enough variation to keep you wondering (or excited for) what’s coming next. It’s a “playlist” before Drake did the same thing a year later. That’s not to say all DJ Khaled albums aren’t playlists (because they’re all like this) but Major Key is the first time it crystallized into something substantive that was fully enjoyable from beginning to end.  
In contrast, 2017’s Grateful is overly-long (21 tracks and almost 90 minutes) and released in direct contrast to Calvin Harris’ polished Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1 which did the “DJ Khaled thing” in a better, more pointed way. But all this said I do believe Major Key to be a legitimately great hip-hop album that stands on its own. I’m honestly in shock I was able to write 1,000+ words about it, and I guess that endorsement speaks for itself more than my praise ever can.
It’s an interesting dichotomy because Grateful featured songs like “I’m The One” and “Wild Thoughts” which were unequivocally more successful than anything off of Major Key. It ties back to the discussion I carried out earlier this month about the crossroads between commercial success and artistic fulfillment. Major Key was no flop, but by all accounts Grateful is shaping up to be a technically more successful album. I think that Major Key stands on its own better on an artistic level, but there’s certainly a difference between the two records.
“I’m the One” has been an earworm (and chart-topper) since its release as a single in late April, I’ll give it that. But I’d still pick Major Key over it, even if it doesn’t have the “single power” of Grateful. And (to circle back to the original topic) I’m not saying Major Key is high art. This shit isn’t Abbey Road, It’s not Darkside, it’s not even Cat Scratch Fever. For as much as I wrote above, I still think this album is only one step above mediocrity on an artistic level. It will probably age horribly in a few years, it has some questionable lyrics, and as a whole, it’s just a good collection of tracks rather than a compelling vision carried out by one creative force.
The point is, even with all those things weighing it down, it’s great at what it needs to be. Grateful isn’t as good as what it needed to be (which was the same thing as Major Key), but in the end, they both pale in comparison to albums that were crafted with time, care, and artistry. I’m not saying DJ Khaled isn’t those things, I’m just saying Major Key succeeds in every goal that it sets out to do. It doesn’t aim high, so it shouldn’t be judged on that level. Major Key is a stellar collection of incredibly-varied tracks that bring together a wide roster of hip-hop artists large and small. No two tracks sound alike, DJ Khaled plays an excellent role as artistic curator, and everything comes together nicely. On that scale, it’s as far from mediocrity as you can get.
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burnsyourlipsmate · 7 years
tony trotter
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In this day and age, where bravado and narcotics are the main content of most mainstream rappers, expressive and sentimental rap is a much needed breath of fresh air. Hailing from Antioch, California, Tony Trotter delivers the soul food, and more.
By Isaac Javier
At first listen, Tony Trotter’s lyrics are authentic and palpable, set to accessible, hypnotizing lo-fi backdrops, accompanied with a creamy flow honed by a motley of influences. Upon the second listen, however, Day One serves as an auditory diary in which an aspiring creative marks himself as an unassuming prodigy. The diary that is Day One reveals the experiences and struggles as an adolescent pursuing his dreams. One thing he wants to make clear is the enunciation of  his goals as a rapper. In “Rolling With the Punches” he expresses “I’m sat on the bench my whole life/ now I’m getting buckets”. He also spits about his fear of failure, doubt, and insecurities, making the overall subject matter of the EP ever more relatable as he digs down and expresses the spectrum of emotion that is his heart. In “UNTITLED” he raps “How can I believe in God when I don’t believe in myself”.
Just turning 17 as Day One released, Trotter already provides a refined and cultivated delivery which makes the listener forget that he is, in fact, 17, unsigned, and this is his first proper attempt at an EP. “Day One is all about the start of everything.” he says when asked to talk about the project. “Taking a shot in the dark really, saying out loud that everything starts now cause I believe in myself” he continues. Read the rest of the interview below. And to see what the hype is all about, have a listen to Day One too while you’re at it.
Isaac Javier: To those who don’t know who you are, introduce yourself.
Tony Trotter: I’m Tony Trotter. A kid who loves music and people. Honestly there’s so many different things about me that make me who I am so it’s kind of hard to answer. I rap, play instruments, and make the occasional beat. I’ve done wrong to a few people in my past but my favorite thing to do is just make other people feel better ’bout their day or whatever they’re doing, so that’s what I strive to do.
IJ: Talk to us about your debut EP, Day One.
TT: Day One is all about the start of everything. Taking a shot in the dark really, saying out loud that everything starts now cause I believe in myself. A ton of time and experimentation went into the tape, as a lot of people can tell with a track like “Saturday”. Within the past year I discovered the sub-genre of lo-fi and fell in love with it and knew I loved to rap on those beats and when I realized that there ain’t really another rapper doing that, I knew I’d stick with it. So, Day One really is the beginning of doing this forreal forreal, one hundred percent. Day One really allows me to just be me and do me, be myself and let people see who I am through the music.
IJ: Let’s backtrack a bit, talk about your musical beginnings. How long have you been a rapper?
TT: I’ve actually only been making music seriously for about a year and a half now. I knew I wanted to be a rapper 5-6 years ago but never practiced, never felt good enough about it and didn’t know if I could do it. My freshman year of high-school I rapped for a friend and he told me it’s something I should pursue, so I made a couple songs and here I am today, making mixtapes and what not. Making people happy has always been something I loved to do, whether I try to be funny or help them out somehow, so I figured if I could make people happy with music, something that always makes me happy doing anyways, that would be super tight. A few albums that really made me decide, “alright, I’m doing this” we’re Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Good Kid, mAAd City’, Mac Miller’s ‘Faces’ and then old classics like the Marshall Mathers LP or Mobb Deep’s ‘the Infamous’.
IJ: Describe your music to someone who’s never heard it before.
TT: I like to think of my music as a snapshot of the aura and aesthetic of a certain point in time; for the records that are on ‘Day One’ anyways. Sometimes I just like to bang out the hard hitting tracks and spit something dope because hard, dope lyrics is something I grew up with rap on.
IJ: Who are some of your biggest inspirations and influences as a musician?
TT: I get a lot of different comparisons. Some people have told me they can tell I like Eminem and Mac Miller but I don’t know if that’s cause of my skin or how I rap sometimes. My rhyme schemes have been compared to Earl Sweatshirt’s too, which is crazy cause he got the most crazy schemes to me. When it comes to rap, Mac is a big inspiration because of his growth and its so crazy. When it comes to just making music, Kanye West has really opened my eyes that it’s important not just to spit, but to make a decent song too. Listening to rappers like Big L and Pun has really assured me that I really want to always be a spitter.
IJ: That’s dope. What inspires the subject matter of your raps, then?
TT: My friends all inspire me. Whether it be a girl or a night like when just me and my boys go and kick it in SF (San Francisco, CA) at night or anything like that. SF inspires me, anything and everything around me serves as some form of inspiration usually. Something that draws me into it is events in the world, movies, other songs and albums, etc. The next tape is in the works and I’ve been watching the Matrix and Tarantino movies like Kill Bill a lot and that also serves as some inspiration.
IJ: Have you got any goals or anything that you want to achieve one day?
TT: Being an XXL freshman would be cool, BET cypher, cover of Fader, go platinum one day. My main goal though is to be able to make sure that my parents, one day wife, kids and rest of the circle never has to work ever again. I wanna meet all of my idols; Eminem, Jay-Z, Kendrick Lamar, Earl, Kanye…
IJ: What can we expect from Tony Trotter in the near distant future?
TT: Everything. I’m still a junior in high school so I got the world in my hands right now. Imma keep making music and pushing it because this is what I love to do and obviously hope to one day make it, doing this. But next up is finishing high-school and having a good backup plan.
Keep up with Tony by following him on Twitter (@tonyxtrotter) and Soundcloud (tonytrotter).
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