#'wider events' i say as if i've planned anything and didn't just come up with random context as i was writing [whistles innocently]
greatshell-rider · 2 years
Jerry battered away the soldier’s sword and whipped his sword back, knocking the hilt into their jaw and stunning them. He kicked them in the chest, sending them stumbling back into their fellows. In this close-quarters fighting, even that created a brief opening, a moment of respite, for Jerry to wipe the sweat trickling into his eyes and back up a few paces, give him some space—
His back hit Radio’s leg, and both jumped apart—Jerry nearly landing himself directly into the swing of another soldier. He barely got his sword up in time, yet the blow still jarred nastily up his arm. A second soldier joined the first, attacking him in tandem. Teeth gritted, Jerry gave ground slowly, all his attention focused on keeping them away from the dragon. If Jerry fell and they got their hands on him . . .
“Back!” he shouted to Radio, who still cowered uncertainly. “Move, dammit!”
The dragon scrambled away, clambering over rocks and squeezing between foliage. Jerry followed, managing to dispatch one of the soldiers only for another to take their place. At least the uneven footing hindered them as much as it did Jerry—for now. Soon, their numbers would overpower him, unless he could get that damned lizard to do something.
Radio hesitated as the trail narrowed into a tunnel carved through the rock. Jerry couldn’t tell if it was big enough for the dragon, but—he exchanged a fierce flurry of blows with one soldier and dodged a stab to his stomach by another—there wasn’t a choice.
“Go!” he bellowed, gesturing wildly, and Radio plunged into the tunnel with Jerry close on his tail, the soldiers following after with angry shouts—but jammed briefly at the entrance before forced into single-file.
The tunnel was short. Radio had to squeeze through a tight spot, then burst out into a wider area. Jerry crouched and scooped a rock off the ground, chucked it at the head of the nearest soldier, then hurried out, head swiveling as he took in their situation. Radio stood a short distance away, head craned up, forced to stop as the canyon trail came to a dead-end, sheer rock walls preventing further retreat.
“Fuck,” Radio panted, his breath coming short and panicky. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” He whirled a circle, eyes darting wildly, and a growl rumbled from his chest. “There’s no way out!” He instinctively flared his wings. 
“Don’t!” Jerry yelled, but too late, the charm activated and magic crackled down Radio’s wings. Radio shrieked in pain, wings flopping uselessly down his sides, and he keened quietly, huddling against the wall.
Jerry cursed and started towards him, but checked himself, his training screaming at him not to turn his back on the soldiers racing down the tunnel. He jerked back around, scanning the tunnel exit, looking for anything he could do, could use, to slow their coming. On one side, a jumble of tight-packed dirt and rocks from a long-ago rockslide, with a crooked little tree growing sideways out of it, was his immediate best guess. But it was far too large for him to push over . . . for him.
“Radio, I’m sorry, but I need your help,” he yelled, running to the side of the rockslide and pressing his shoulder to the loosest-looking section. Radio staggered to his feet.
Pounding feet on stone.
“Radio!” The dragon threw himself over to Jerry’s side and roared, slamming his body against the rocks. His head snaked around and jaws opened to clamp down on the tree, ripping its roots free and throwing the whole of it down before the exit, bashing the head of the front soldier and forcing them to stumble back. A second later, the top half of the rockslide crumbled down, half-covering up the opening.
“Again!” Jerry threw his meager weight against the rest of the stones, Radio repositioned and did the same, and grunting and swearing, the two shoved more rocks and dirt over the opening, creating a shitty half-decent barrier that would give them a minute, two at best, before the soldiers managed to either climb over or dismantle it.
One minute to get out, or come up with another plan.
Jerry stumbled back, picking up his sword where he’d dropped it and wiping the blood and dust off it on the bottom of his tunic. He was jittery from nerves and excitement, and his head buzzed almost too much to think.
But he had to. “Okay,” he said aloud, forcing the words out, forcing the whirling thoughts in his head to assemble into something like order. “Okay. That was—that’s something.”
“It’s nothing,” Radio said. He sank slowly down on his haunches beside the remnants of the rockslide, staring at the barrier. “We’re stuck here.” He winced and clutched at his foreleg where it had gotten cut earlier, squeezing hard enough for blood to trickle down his green scales.
Jerry stepped forward. “Are you alright?”  
“I’m fine,” Radio said shortly. He was shaking. The strange beetle-like device stuck stubbornly to his shoulder sparked, and a twitch shuddered down his wing. “I just don’t see how we can survive this.”
“We’ll get it off you, somehow,” Jerry said, reaching a hand towards the device. As his hand neared, the pupils of Radio’s eyes thinned to slits and he snapped at Jerry’s hand, narrowly missing his fingers before Jerry snatched his hand away.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” Radio snarled, and Jerry stepped back, eyes wide. Then Radio blinked and dipped his head, immediately contrite. “Sorry. I don’t know why I—why I did that—”
But Jerry hadn’t been scared. His heart was racing, sure, but adrenaline burned through his blood already. “No, I’m impressed,” he blurted.
The soldiers in the tunnel had paused at the roar, but now they resumed digging in earnest. Radio tipped his head at Jerry skeptically.
Jerry said hurriedly, “I am! Radio, I know you don’t know how to fight—”
“I don’t want to fight,” the dragon corrected. “I don’t like it.”
Jerry huffed. “Right. But, Radio, look at what you just did!” He gestured to the barrier. “Admit it or not, you can help in a fight! You can be scary.”
Radio scowled at the barrier. Two of the soldiers had begun poking their swords out over the top of the barrier, waving them in the hopes of hitting something, Jerry guessed. Moodily, Radio reached a forefoot over and plucked one blade, then the other, free of their owners and tossed them over his shoulder, metal plinking unpleasantly against stone. The soldiers shouted and shuffled backwards, though Radio did nothing more.
Jerry gestured with his sword. “See?”
Radio snorted, smoke puffing from his nostrils, but turned reluctantly towards Jerry. “Fine. I guess . . . there’s no other choice, is there?” He gave the stone walls a critical look-over, and looked longingly to the sky, so cruelly wide and opening.
“This is their fault,” Jerry said, nodding to the charmed device. “The wizard put that on you. They sent these soldiers. They’re here to drag you back. Put more charms on you.”
Radio growled, lip curling back just enough to expose some teeth, and for more smoke to trickle out.
“There is a choice,” Jerry pushed. “Either we let them do that, or we fight.”
“And kill them.”
“And fucking kill these bastards.”
Radio tapped his claws in a rhythmic pattern. “I can get behind that. Very well. What do you want me to do?” He grimaced as he said it, and admitted, “I don’t know what I can do.”
Jerry laughed. If he hadn’t been holding his sword, he might’ve started rubbing his hands together. He felt like Lani right now. “What can you do?” he marveled. “Radio, you’re a fucking dragon. What can’t you do?”
“Would you like a list,” Radio said acidly, “or . . .”
Jerry shook his head and pointed at the barricaded exit. “Here, try this. Use that fire and burn them to a crisp.”
Radio got to his feet and shuffled over to stand in front of the barrier, lifting his head to peer down the gap at the top. “There’s only three of them up here at the front,” he said doubtfully. “I can’t get them all in one blast, the others will move out of the way . . .”
“Trust me,” Jerry said. “I’ll tell you what to do next.”
“Right, trust the human,” Radio muttered, then took a wide stance and breathed in deeply. Jerry couldn’t help grinning as a warm glow brightened against the scales of Radio’s belly, then arched up his chest and neck, for a stream of orange flames to surge out of Radio’s maw and crash down onto the soldiers’ heads.
They screamed, and the fire faltered, but Jerry eagerly stepped up beside Radio. “Keep going,” he encouraged, watching greedily. “When it’s done, don’t wait. Break the wall down.”
Radio rumbled in acknowledgement and moved closer as the flames began to slow, pushing the tail-end of them into the tunnel. Once the last flame flickered out, he reared up and slammed his forefeet down on the barrier, crumbling the stones. A few more swipes of his claws, and a sizable hole emerged.
Radio stumbled back. “Now what?” he panted.
Jerry marched past him. “Anything gets past me—” No, nothing was getting past him. No one was touching Radio again. “Just keep breathing fire whenever you can. Stay safe. I’ll take care of the rest.” Jerry stepped into the passage.
“Just keep breathing fire . . . Jerry? Jerry! You’re in there too!”
“Trust me!” Jerry yelled without turning. He kicked aside an ashen corpse and sliced through the neck of a half-burnt soldier slumped against the wall, then stalked deeper inside, lifting his sword in greeting as the recuperating soldiers rushed him. In the tunnel, they were forced to come at him one at a time.
Where before Jerry had fought defensively, desperately, now he moved without fear. He smashed through the front soldier’s clumsy guard and jabbed up underneath their arm in a gap in their armor, then shoved them into their fellows. Listening to the growing hiss behind him, Jerry quickly backed away, passing the burned corpses from before. The soldier next in line swore and pushed past the one crying in pain, darting for Jerry right as—
Jerry ducked, pressing himself against a corner of the tunnel and ruined barrier a heartbeat before another blast of fire shot from Radio’s gullet, missing Jerry’s head by a hair and bathing the pursuing soldier in flames. This time, Jerry got a close-up view of the barbeque, and he sucked the stench of it down his throat and bared his teeth.
The screams ended before the fire-breath did, so there was that. Jerry was on his feet the moment it was clear again, and marching down the tunnel once again. Radio was right. He’d been lucky the same trick had worked even a second time, and only because that soldier had been too pissed off to think straight, but the rest would be cautious now. Even out of range of Radio’s fire-breath, his continued blasts would keep the enemy wary.
They were scared now.
Jerry sneered as he brought up his blade.
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justplainwhump · 1 year
Adrian asks Bea to join him to a party.
[Pet Safety] - probably part one of a summer party arc
Content (warnings): BBU. Nothing more.
"See you tomorrow."
"What? Um." Adrian paused at the office door and turned back to face his boss, shaking his head. "No. I'm not coming, Kelly."
She snorted."'Course you are. It's WRU's regional summer party. Everyone is coming."
"Not me. I've got plans." He rapped his knuckles against the door frame. "See you on Monday."
"PSI Delgado." The sharpness in her voice made him freeze. "You are coming. You want to get anywhere in this company, you show your face there. People will notice. My bosses will notice. And they're the ones in charge of your promotion."
"And of yours, coincidentally." Adrian smirked.
Kelly tilted her head. "Should rather add to that party's importance for your career, shouldn't it? Cancel your plans, Adrian. The company expects you to be there." She tapped her fingers on the desk. "And to bring your product, of course." 
Adrian finished his dancing routine with Bea - they were training a fun little pirate choreography that included simulated fighting scenes - before he finally managed to talk to her. She was laying on the couch, feet over the armrest, smiling and humming the tunes of the song. When he cleared his throat, her gaze flung up to his face, suddenly alert.
"We need to go to a party."
Her face didn't move much, if anything, her smile became wider. But the shine in her eye was gone.
"What party?", she asked. There was an airy cheer in her voice that maybe could've fooled him before he knew her. 
She was scared, hiding it behind smooth routines.
Adrian wondered if Jack had taken her to parties. If it could be any consolation to tell her that this wasn't that kind of party. Or if, in some way, a WRU summer party could be worse.
"From work," he said. "There's... a company event. Very huge, very private, only for employees."
"And their pets."
"Yeah." Adrian gritted his teeth. "And their pets."
"I don't like parties." She bit her lip, looked up at him carefully. "But I don't mind going with you."
"You'd need to be a pet."
"I am a pet, Adrian Delgado." There was something light to her voice, almost a tease, taunting him for not understanding this most basic fact. 
"Well, that party won't be a safe space for a pet."
She sighed, let herself fall back on the couch for dramatic effect. "If only we had a Pet Safety Inspector with us."
Adrian exhaled sharply. "Bea."
She frowned. "This was supposed to make you laugh."
"It was funny," he admitted. "Very. But not funny enough to make me laugh, not in the light of the risks we'll need to take there." He sat down next to her. "My colleagues are dangerous people. I keep many secrets from them."
"Like Noor."
Adrian frowned. "I... Yes. Like helping Noor. How do you know?"
"We talked." She shrugged with the well dosed casualness of someone knowing exactly they were treading a mine field. "He told me about how you met. I don't think he understands what you did for him." She hesitated, before she looked up at him. "I do. I... I understand many things. I will protect your secrets, Adrian Delgado."
Adrian could hardly bear her gaze. "Grimm will be there. He will -"
"Shhh." She laughed softly. "I can live through an evening with people like him. This is what I'm trained for. It is my life. It's all it's ever been, until you took me."
Adrian wondered, if she was as aware as he was, about how close her life had been to end when he had found her. 
"It shouldn't be."
Bea just shrugged. "And that's why we go there. So you can make other pets' lives better.  Like mine. Or Noor's. I understand, Adrian. I will come with you, and I will help you."
Adrian stared at her. That's not what I do, he wanted to say. Lie. But it was too late. In front of her, he'd always tried to keep things vague about his involvement with pet lib. About what he and Marta did. He should've known it couldn't work. Not with Noor. 
Marta had been right. Of course she had. Bea had become a liability.
One Adrian didn't want to live without any longer.
And it felt nice, he realized. Coming home to someone he didn't need to hide from. It did not feel nice, however, throwing her to his colleagues at that party.
"I can do it," Bea repeated. "I will be a perfect pet for them. And an even better asset for you. I'm a better liar than you, Adrian Delgado. I can help you. I..." She chewed her lip. "I want to be at your side."
Adrian's breath caught. He got up to his feet, strode to the window, anything to look away, not to get pulled even deeper into the whirl of emotions swirling around him. 
"Okay," he managed to say. "Okay. Then let's talk this through."
Pet safety tag list: @gottawhump @flowersarefreetherapy @whumplr-reader @highwaywhump @tauntedoctopuses @pigeonwhumps @whumppsychology @labgrowndemon @whumpinggrounds @somewhumpyguy @whumpzone @tragedyinblue @theelvishcowgirl
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Kaeys was obviously lying to look more naive and ignorant regarding his past to Dainsleif, even Dainsleif doesn’t 100% buy it, it contradicts with his ingame story and how he he dealt with the Abyss Order before.
I am pretty sure what remained of Khaenri'ah converted to the Abyss Order
Once again I myself am yet to play the quest. But since I don't care for the spoilers, I've seen the clips and am aware of the contents of the quest, though mostly regarding Kaeya. And I am going to read all the wikis regarding the Albrich Clan. Laying this info out just so I can say "But maybe I'm just missing something"
(NB! This kinda ended up longer than I wanted and sort of wheeled off to other directions and became a full-blown theory post, but but please stay with me, I think I might have cracked the code)
Anyway, I have been thinking about something similar!!!
The quest played out in a way that it implies Kaeya to be in the dark about his linage and the history of his descent. The way he handled the convo, how he was surprised, and how he let out some info and yet didn't know about some other things. It seems almost as if all Kaeya had been told was that he was a khaenri'ahn and the rest of info he has learned and explored himself.
That seems awfully weird and wrong for someone who's supposed to be "The Last Hope of Khaenri'ah". Like, you're telling me your "last hope" is a child who doesn't know about his lineage and barely knows suff about Khaenri'ah. Yet knows (implied in-game) hillichurlian and how to identify a pure-blooded Khaenri'ahn (there's probably more). Idk, seems like sending a spy on a mission without telling them the info/giving them the evidence regarding the mission.
The biggest red flag in his situation is I think – If Kaeya knows this little about Khaenri'ah and overall has little connection to the place, THEN WHY WOULD HE CARE SO MUCH.
Why would he be so torn between Monstadt and Khaenri'ah?
Why would he be so scared of a war between the two sides?
Why would he care about a nation that, A doesn't exist anymore, and B a nation he simply has some blood ties to.
If he wasn't aware of something big and deep, why does he have such a hard time letting go off his Khaenri'ahn past?
To explain potentially why, I've come up with some possible explanations:
As you've said. Kaeya bluffed it all. As usual, he played with the truth. He's actually aware of the baggage clinging to his surname. He was acting unaware, to push aside and cover up the possibly huge role he's been given. "I'm an Albrich...Oh, I don't know anything about my lineage and their plans, how could I possibly be of any threat :)"
And while this is highly possible and I think to a certain extent Kaeya was holding back some info definitely and acting unaware. I've stumbled upon some info that has guided me to form a wider and more extensive theory.
Kaeya truly or at least partially wasn't aware of the full extent of the info regarding his lineage. Because Kaeya's father was the first to bend the truth and cherry-picked what he told his son. So Kaeya's reaction was sort of genuine but he also left out all the stuff he does know. Basically the truth from his side. The truth of who his lineal and direct ancestor is!
Back in the hidden strife event, we learn that Kaeya's dad told Kaeya that the Albrich Clan took up as the regents for King Irmin when he couldn't keep ruling.
Reading the Albrich Clans wiki, I've discovered that in Sumeru, while exploring the abandoned Golems, we as the players learn of the Schwanenrotters, who were led by Knight Marshal Anfortas, WHO ALSO declared himself the Marshal REGENT Anfortas after King Irmin became "indisposed."
Anfortas led his army in the Cataclysm and fought heavily against the dark beasts. Yet it's said that Anfortas fate remains unknown after the bigger events.
I think it's safe to assume Kaeya's dad is referencing the same person, which connects Anfortas to the Albrich lineage and basically makes him the ancestor mentioned in Kaeya's letters.
Anfortas and Clothar both existed at the same time during the Cataclysm, meaning they could not be descendants of each other unless they were in a parental-child relationship. So they were brothers or cousins at best. At this moment I'd add that Clothar, while being of noble class was not close to the king, while Anfortas was (he basically replaced the king). And due to Clothars relationship with a Monstadt commoner, which his family and the Clan weren't too fond of, Clothar was pretty much cast out from the Clan/Family.
Based on all these connections and the fact that Kaeya's dad mentions Anfortas of all the ancestors. I believe that while Clothar is one of the ancestors, but probably a collateral one. It's Anfortas, from whom Kaeya's dad and Kaeya are lineal descendants. And the reason why Kaeya wasn't aware of Clothars exitance or more so his fate, was because the Albrich Clan basically cast him out due to Clothar having a relationship with a commoner Monstadter. So Clothar could potentially be like the weird uncle who your family doesn't speak about.
So Kaeya's dad didn't tell Kaeya about one of their ancestors Clothar being the founder of the Abyss Order, because:
a.) Kaeya's dad genuinely didn't know about Clothar's existence or fate
b.) Kaeya's dad was aware of Clothars existence and fate, but didn't feel it to be of such importance to tell his son. Since their not direct descendants of him. Or he didn't want to spoil the mood with such heavy baggage.
c.) Kaeya's dad was aware of Clothars existence and fate, but due to the Clan having cast Clothar out, their Clan is forbidden to talk about him.
Theoretically, Anfortas could also possibly be Kaeya's Grandfather.
Because going back to way beginning. In Kaeya's story quest, we kind of learn about Kaeya's grandfather. The ever-popular
"Look at my eye patch! I inherited it from my grandfather and this is solid proof that we are related by blood!"
line becomes pretty meaningful in a newer context. This means Kaeya's grandpa had an eyepatch which possibly implies an injured eye.
Well well, Anfortas also had an injured eye, more specifically he injured it during the cataclysm while fighting with Hadura, one of the Schwanenritter. And over all Kaeya's heroic description of his grandpa matches with Anfortas heroic actions as a Regent and a Marshal. Also also, Kaeya says in his story quest "Yesterday I was glancing through the notes my grandfather left...". Could those notes have been from the secret letters Kaeya saved from being burnt, that describe the Albrich lineage, more specifically Anfortas.
Going a bit further because I can't help but notice the parallels between Anfortas and Kaeya. Both have injured their eye in a fight stemming from betrayal. Anfortas was betrayed by one of his comrades. While Kaeya and Diluc betrayed each other's trust during the fight. But the difference was that Kaeya's injured eye is the right one and Anfortas' was the left.
But what would this mean:
Well, there's the whole question of how far related Anfortas and Kaeya would be and if Kaeya is pure blood or a half-blood. And how is Kaeya so human then, seemingly unaffected by the curse. And right now I don't have answers for those.
But regarding Kaeya's position on the chess board. Kaeya, or more so his father's plan is not connected with the Abyss. It's quite possible Anfortas Albrich's lineage is following a 3rd plan which imposes both the Fatui and the Abyss. I think Kaeya's dad's plan is to stop something from happening. The reason for leaving Kaeya in Monstadt and giving him the heavy mission of being "The Last Hope" was because he's hiding his son from something until it's time for their action.
That is pretty much all I have to say right now. This search opened up a new bag of theory worms regarding Anfortas. And I've gotten a pretty new perspective on the whole Albrich Clan matter and Kaeya's descent.
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A Simple Life
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Summary: Alfie takes on domestic life and makes it look good.
A/N: Part four! I have done so. much. writing. in the past two days. I was going to take a break after my last request but it's been too long since I've updated my OG story. I took some smutty inspiration from @hecatemoon87 's incredible Leo Demidov fic. Check it out!! I love the idea of using a mirror 🤤 enjoy y'all!
Warnings: language, smut (finally), body imagery issues, body insecurities
Alfie told me to dress comfortable and wait in my room before he and Mauve told me I could come to the dining room. I had no idea what they were planning, but I was told it was an important event. I laid around reading for about an hour before I got bored and snuck to the kitchen where my heart was officially melted.
There stood Mauve on a dining room chair leaning over a steaming pot while Alfie held her from behind, helping her stir the soup.
"Why are we making this again?" Mauve questioned. I watched with a smile out of my face while hidden from their eye line.
"Well your mother, right, deserves a meal fit for a queen. I ain't no chef but my Bubbe taught me the right and proper way to make matzo ball soup, a Jewish delicacy. We're cooking for 'er so she can be treated like the queen she is." Mauve nodded at Alfie's response and kept stirring.
"... But why? Matzo is a lot of work." Mauve complained.
"Who makes us dinner every night? And breakfast every day? Who gives you your baths and does your hair before school? Eh?" Alfie questioned.
"...Mummy." Mauve responded.
"Right, and she's a fuckin' queen for it." Alfie responded, placing his arm on hers and speeding up the stirring.
"Swear jaw Alfie!" Mauve exclaimed. Mauve implemented the swear jar after hearing Alfie on a business call in his office. Needless to say she was becoming the richest six year old in Camden Town. He laughed and lifted her from the chair, placing her back on the ground.
"Thank you for your help, Princess Mauve, go on and get your mother for dinner." Alfie instructed. I walked in with a smile.
"No need, I'm here." I said. Mauve pouted and crossed her arms.
"You were supposed to wait in your room!" She exclaimed, huffing. Her new tiara Alfie got her gave her a new royal personality. It happened to also occasionally be a royal pain in my ass. She insisted everyone refer to her as a princess. Although it was tiring, Alfie never let it show, even going as far as referring to me as his queen. He walked up to me and pressed his lips to mine. I grabbed his face and kissed back with a never ending sense of joy. Mauve groaned and entered the dining room. Alfie slapped my ass and sent me in after her as I squealed.
He followed soon after and placed the large pot on the middle of the table, put a serving of matzo ball soup in each bowl. We began eating and talking about Mauve's very eventful day at school. Alfie kept his hand on Y/N's during dinner, stroking it with his thumb. Ever since my drunken confession a few days ago, Alfie and I have been inseparable. We spent all our time together at home and at work, basking in the honeymoon phase. We have yet to sleep together and honestly I've been terrified.
The first time we tried I was tipsy, so my insecurities didn't waver me as much as they usually would. My body changed drastically after Mauve. I was grateful for it, my body housed and produced an entire human so change was inevitable. I just didn't love the change. My body was bigger, my hips wider, breasts bigger, thighs and tummy littered with stretch marks. I hoped it wouldn't bother Alfie.
"And then Anna took my crayon! But I told her my dad is the Alfie Solomons and no one messes with him!" Mauve exclaimed with a prideful smile. I dropped my spoon and it clanked against the bow before dropping to the floor, where Cyril happily licked up the mess. Alfie also froze in shock but Mauve just kept on talking about anything that came to mind. I squeezed Alfie's hand and he looked at me.
"I'm sorry, we haven't had that conversation yet." I muttered quietly as not to disturb Mauve's story telling. He nodded and we went back to eating (after cleaning my spoon) and listening to Mauve. After a while Alfie spoke.
"Mauve, can I ask you somethin'?" Alfie questioned. Mauve halted her story and nodded eagerly.
"You said I was your dad earlier, what made you say that?" He questioned softly as to not upset the young girl. She shrugged before responding.
"My teacher said a mummy and daddy are two people you love and who love you and take care of you. I love mummy and she loves me and takes very good care of me. And I love you the same way I love mummy, and you take care of me too.” She explained simply. I pushed back tears and looked away.
"I love you too, Mauve." Alfie responded. She smiled and hopped right back into her next topic of conversation. Alfie squeezed my hand this time and I looked at him.
"You alright with all 'is?" He questioned quietly. I thought about it for a moment before nodding. Alfie had been filling in as her father and then some for the past few weeks. He really went all out, reading to her every night before bed, helping her with homework, taking her to and from school. He really cared for her and I trusted him to be such a big part of her life. After dinner was finished and cleaned up we all moved to the den where Alfie put on a classical record for Mauve to dance around to. She was practicing her ballroom dancing for when a prince comes and sweeps her off her feet, something Alfie said she was much too young for.
Alfie and Y/N sat on the couch, his arm around her shoulders and her hand on his chest as the watched Mauve dance around. Eventually she wrapped both of her small hands around Alfie's big one.
"Come dance!" She demanded. Alfie chuckled.
"I ain't much of a dancer, treacle.” He responded. She rolled her eyes and kept pulling. She gave up and pouted, her eyes going wide and her bottom lip twitching. Before I could scold her for manipulating Alfie he gave in.
"Fine, you conniving child I will dance with you but it will never leave this room." Alfie tried to command with a stern voice as he stood. Mauve cracked a big grin.
"Sure!" She exclaimed, back to the happy go lucky kid she is. Alfie chuckled at her ability to play him and held his hands out.
"May I have this dance princess?" He questioned. Mauve did a curtsey and grabbed his hands, standing on his toes to try and reach his towering height. The spun around the room as I watched. As endearing as the view was, I was undeniably horny.
Seeing the way Alfie interacted with Mauve was just, well it was arousing every now and then. Seeing him sensitive and sweet with her just got me going, and it filled me with the desire to bear his children. I bit my lip and watched his muscular back move. He spun around and caught my eyes, giving a knowing smirk. After a few rounds of dancing Mauve decided to take a break, laying on the couch in front of the fireplace.
After all of ten minutes, she was knocked out. On Friday's, like today, Mauve would come home exhausted from the week but excited for the weekend. This range of energy also ensured she would be dead asleep the second her head hit any soft surface. Alfie stood in front of my sitting form and held a hand out.
"May I have this dance my queen?" He asked. I smiled and took his hand, standing into his embrace. We slowly moved across the room, the soft classical music swaying us.
"Was 'at lust I saw in your eyes just then?" Alfie teased. My face flushed and I rolled my eyes.
"No, I was just admiring your dancing skills, that's all." I lied, smiling nonetheless.
"Well I dance like a baby giraffe walks, so that's a right fuckin' lie." Alfie spoke. I chuckled quietly.
"It's the truth." I lied again. He smirked.
"Ah, so if I offered to take you upstairs and put my face between those beautiful legs you'd decline?" Alfie whispered in my ear, biting the lobe gently. I let in a sharp intake of breath and felt wetness pool in my panties.
"Well, I couldn't deny such a generous offer." I responded. He chuckled and we swayed for a while longer before Alfie pulled away.
"Let's get the babe tucked up in bed and then I will take you to our bed and destroy your heavenly cunt, 'ow does that sound?" Alfie questioned. My legs clenched. He smirked and moved his way to where Mauve was sleeping, gently reaching under her and scooping her up, holding her like a baby. We walked upstairs quietly, Cyril following suit. Alfie tucked Mauve into her bed, kissing her forehead gently. Cyril hopped up next to her and curled up in his usual spot. Alfie turned and scooped me up with one arm, my legs going around his waist.
He carried me to our shared room and laid me down on the bed, kissing me and beginning to unzip the back of my dress. I shimmied out of the dress as Alfie pulled it off. I halted for a moment.
"Can we turn the lights off?" I questioned, trying to discretely place my hands over my stretch marks. He glanced at my hands and back at my eyes.
"What're you hiding for?" He asked. I sighed.
"I'm covering the things I don't like looking at. I figure if I have trouble looking at my marks and bigger spots, no man would want to see them." I explained. Alfie pondered for a moment before standing up and going to the other side of the room. I laid confused, covering myself still. After rummaging the furniture around he came back and lifted me off the bed leading me to his armchair.
He sat in the chair and pulled me in front of him. I watched silently as he unhooked my bra and pulled it off, my breasts sagging a bit from the size and weight. I closed my eyes as he pushed my panties down to my ankles. He turned me around and placed me on his lap. I felt his member pressing into me and I grinded on instinct. He groaned under his breath and moved his hands up my torso to my breasts, cupping them and rolling my nipples between his fingers, the cold of his rings making me shiver.
I opened my eyes and finally understood what he was doing. In front of the armchair we sat on the floor length mirror faced us.
"Alf-" I began to protest.
"No, hush. We're going to watch how beautiful you look when you come undone." Alfie explained squeezing my breasts.
"These are fuckin' flawless. These beautiful things fed our child, absolutely incredible, that is." Our child. My heart fluttered.
His hands continued moving down, gently tracing my stretch marks.
"These marks are fuckin' paint strokes from the gods." He whispered in my ear, kissing the back of my neck gently, his beard tickling my skin. His hands continued their path, meeting my wet clit.
"This cunt is mouthwatering, yeah? Could spend my days drownin' in it an' die a happy man." Alfie muttered. I moaned as he circled my clit. He inserted one finger and began pumping. I moaned a bit louder.
"That's right, moan for me and look at that pretty cunt in the mirror." Alfie instructed, adding a second finger and moving faster. He reached deep inside of me and touched my walls in the exact right spot. I moaned out and threw my head back on his shoulder. He used his other hand to raise my head back to its original position, facing the mirror.
"I'm close Alf." I moaned out as he thrusted his fingers faster and faster.
"Let me see you come in the mirror, we'll both watch how fuckin' beautiful it is. Come on then, let go." Alfie spoke, sending me over the edge. We watched in the mirror as my mouth dropped and my walls tightened. I moaned out through my climax and laid back on Alfie's chest with my eyes closed afterwards. He slipped his fingers out and put them in his mouth, sucking me off of him.
"Fuckin' delicious that is." He picked me up and brought me back to the bed before stripping off all of his clothes. I moved to the edge of the bed on my knees and grabbed him in my palm, moving it back and forth. He moaned and placed his lips against mine as I worked him to become fully erect. He laid me back down and spread my legs, entering himself slowly. We both moaned out together as he slipped in.
"Such a tight cunt, squeezin' me like a fuckin vice." Alfie groaned, beginning to move his hips against mine after I adjusted to the feeling. He moved in and out, drawing loud moans from me with each thrust. He leaned in and silenced my volume with his lips. I kissed back, slipping my tongue into his mouth.
We moved in sync with each other, our moans and kisses in perfect harmony. Alfie moved his hand between us, circling my clit with the perfect amount of pressure. I broke the kiss and threw my head back with an open mouth moan, my eyes wrenched shut.
"I can feel you, love. I know you're close. M' almost there too just a bit longer." Alfie breathed out, quickening his thrusts. He got sloppy the closer we both got and with one final thrust hitting my g-spot, we both erupted. He captured my lips with his, knowing my moans would be too loud as I came. His thrusts became slow as we both finished. He pulled out gently and got out of bed, entering the bathroom and coming back out with a wet rag.
Alfie cleaned my body gently, kissing as he went. I laid in complete content, fully satiated. He placed the rag on the nightstand and crawled into bed, holding me close. We laid quietly until I broke the silence.
"You never did put your head between my legs." I pointed out coyly. Alfie let out a deep chuckle.
"Add 'at to the list of things I'm going to do to you." He responded.
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 15
The Darkling x reader
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Time was in fact ticking and as minutes went on, your palms got sweatier and your heart never stopped thumping in your chest. Any minute now Aleksander could stroll into your chambers flanked by oprichniki and have you arrested. You had crossed the line and you acknowledged that but there was no other way to do it with him. He was never going to sit down and have a regular conversation with you where he detailed his plans out step by step, even if you said please and begged on your knees.
It was morning now and still no word from Aleksander. You had to return to your boring duties of reading trade agreements and approving Grisha posts at the war fronts, none of which passed the time any quicker. You skipped breakfast and threw on the first kefta that caught your eye, only making sure it wasn't black. A simple summoner blue, to reflect your sullen mood.
A knock on your door caught you by surprise but you opened it anyway to reveal your least favorite Heartrenderer sulking at your doorstep.
'The General requests to see you'
'He sent his puppy to fetch me, how cute' You open the door wider to let yourself through letting a deep breath go in preparation. Ivan sent you a glare worth a thousand words, something along the lines of I hate you.
'Relax, I'm only jesting'
The walk to Aleksander's quarters was silent. Ivan wasn't the chatty type and even if he was, he probably wouldn't have much to say to you.
As you went to open the grand double doors, he caught your wrist tightly
'Don't lay a finger on him again, or I'll rip your heart from your chest' He warned. Either Aleksander tattled the events that took place yesterday or Ivan was eavesdropping, your gut told you it was the latter.
'I didn't take you as the type to disrespect your elders Ivan' You didn't care to return his tone of voice. He was simply Aleksander's lapdog, not somebody to be scared of or feared.
'Run along now' You dismissed him, watching as he huffed and turned down the hallway.
Aleksander sat at the same desk as yesterday except now he faced you. He was back to his normal self, void of emotion and collected in his embroidered black kefta. You sat down on a random chair, clearing your throat.
'Did you finally come to your senses?' You weren't here for pleasantries or to dance around the subject, you needed answers.
'Of sorts. Yes'
'Get to it then, you have a lot of explaining to do. And remember, I know when you're lying' You tapped the skin above your heart, indicating that he had no way out but to tell truth.
'Ask away.'
'How are you going to weaponize the Fold?'
'Alina. She can let us get through it, I can expand it into the borders.'
'The stag. I'll use it to control her powers as well as amplify my own. She won't comply otherwise. ' He's going to use Merzost to control the Sun-Summoner.
'The King?'
'Gradually being poisoned by Ms.Safin. He'll take to being ill when the time comes.'
'You're not going to kill him?' To ascend the throne, the King needs to die.
'In time' You took a quick pause and let the information settle. You still needed to ask the most important question and you feared once he answered it, your heart would break in two.
'Yes. Alina'
'Is it real?'
He took a sharp inhale and pondered for a quick second while you held yours.
'Not anymore.'
'Before you got here, perhaps there was something, But not now. I swear on the Saints. All she is is a key to more power. Everything we've ever wanted lies in our future if we play our cards right Y/N' You were sitting too far away from him, but his hands still itched to reach for yours.
'I'm suspecting there is a downside to all of this'
'I need her to trust me.'
'And the only way to do that is by loving her I assume' You hung your head low when he gave a small nod.
'I wish there was another way. She's young and blinded by her friend Mal to see what's truly happening'
'What if she finds out?'
'We'll cross that bridge when we get to it' He stood up from his seat and kneeled beside you, firmly holding your knees.
'You're not a loose cannon Y/N. I didn't want to tell you because if I told you about Alina, you would seek us out and watch. I don't want you to see me with her' You recognized that everything he said was true, his heart hadn't skipped a beat since you got here.
'I'm sorry for the other night, for what I said. I didn't mean it' Throughout your years with Aleksander, you had witnessed him apologize to you and every time he did, his eyes were the true apology. They reflected his whole soul, bared his deepest emotions to you, and begged for forgiveness with immense desperation in ways that his words couldn't. This was no exception.
'We all say things we don't mean in the heat of the moment' All it took was those simple words for his eyes to wash away the guilt and reappear filled with affection.
'Why didn't you tell me about Zoya?'
He sighed again, resting his forehead against your arm 'I don't know'
'Are you done with her?'
'She was just an outlet Y/N, I truly haven't loved anybody since you. You crowded my dreams and my daily thoughts, do you really think I could move on?' He gave a gentle laugh with an undertone of embarrassment at his inability to get over you.
'I'm flattered'
Although the areas of the future that involved Alina rubbed you the wrong way for many reasons, you were glad to finally know the things Aleksander kept from you. No doubt there were things you omitted that would come up in due time, but you had gone what caused you the most stress.
'Will you finally stop running away from me? I've barely had any time to enjoy your presence' His hand came up to your face, nudging a thin piece of hair away. You melted into his touch, grabbing him by the shoulders and embracing him tightly, forcing both of you to stand. He held you as close, if not tighter.
'I'll do anything you want me to if it means you trust me again' His words stuck in your mind as he spoke against your hair. Your statement must have cut him deep. It hurt you too, you loved this man, you've loved him for more than a century, and being scared to trust him dwindled your memory of him.
You were the first to pull away but only for a second as your lips crashed onto his. It wasn't rough or needy, it was sweet and reflected your love for him. It was the kind of kiss you imagined when you dreamed of him at your weakest; when your dreams were vivid and lucid in comparison to your feverish body as it lay on the brink of death.
'Have you eaten?' He asked as you wrapped your arms around him yet again, not ready to let go.
'Not yet, but give me a minute' You closed your eyes, reveling in his scent and warm touch.
At last, I finally got my hug.
It was later on in the day now, you had forced yourself away from Aleksander after breakfast and retreated into your chambers, sifting through documents and pointless papers. You barely read them as you signed away, doing the tedious work Aleksander passed onto you as he focused on the stag. You didn't know much about the animal and willingly chose to stay out of the affair, never really caring for the amplifier. For now, all that it entailed was chasing false leads and ending up at dead-ends. Not your cup of tea.
The Winter fete was coming up and much to your displeasure, you were asked to make sure the Sun-Summoner was up to scratch for her showcase. It was important she makes a good impression on the foreign ambassadors, Ravka needed stronger alliances now that Zlatan was claiming the West needed to break away. He was colluding with the druskelle to capture Grisha, and wherever your Grisha were concerned, you had to get involved.
You realized the measly reports of Alina's progress weren't enough and you had to go right to the source. There wasn't a single part of you that looked forward to stepping into that boiling hut and conversing with the rude woman, but work had to be done.
You took your time walking down, chatting to bystanding Grisha and trying to stall, you really weren't in the mood to be bullied. You didn't bother to knock, you just waltzed in and searched the dark for her hunched figure.
'You again' You could've sworn she appeared out of thin air as her voice carried disgust along the room, it usually did when it came to speaking to you but you stopped caring a long time ago.
'Why are you back, Witch'
With the track record Baghra had with you, the nickname never failed to fuel your temptation to throttle her.
Part 16
Taglist (tell me if you want to be added to the Little Witch taglist!!)
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @patdsinner33 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl @exo-1204 @houseofdupree @oberonpascal @eireduchess @lunas1x1
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Rated G for siblings being siblings. 716 words.
Summary: Ed might have forgotten his wallet at home. He also might happen to owe over ten dollars in library fines. Al helps him out, but at what cost?
A/N: Blame this on @read-between-the-phoelines. and me. This was completely ripped off of real events that reminded me why she refers to us as Ed and Al. I'm Ed, unfortunately.
"Man, Al, we made out with a great haul today!" Edward said as they made their way toward the circulation desk at the library.
"You're telling me! I didn't even know they had college-level science textbooks in here!" Alphonse grinned.
Ed dropped his books onto the counter with a thunk. "How are you doing, Sciezka?"
"I'm surrounded by books, so never better!" the librarian beamed. "Do you have your card?"
"Aw crap, how could you let me forget again, Al?" he slumped on the counter.
"Because you're an adult and, therefore, old enough to remember your own library card."
Ed shot him a glare and turned to Sciezka. "It doesn't matter anyway. I've got my card number memorized."
"All fourteen digits? Impressive," she raised her eyebrows appreciatively.
"If you say so." He shrugged and rattled off his card number.
"Hm, it looks like you've got an outstanding balance on your account that you've got to pay before you can check anything else out."
"Oh, how much is it?"
"Ten dollars and twenty-five cents."
"Huh, how'd I get that much on my account?" he asked.
"It says you have two titles marked missing."
"Oh. Yeah...those aren't coming back any time soon…" Ed winced. "Let me get out my wallet." He stuck his hand into an empty back pocket. "Shoot. Al, can you spot me until we get home? I didn't think I'd need my wallet since you were driving and we weren't planning on stopping by the library."
Al shifted the stack of books in his arms and huffed. "First, you've gotta tell me what happened to the missing books."
Edward mumbled something incoherent, along with "it wasn't really my fault."
"What was that, Brother? I couldn't hear you." Al smirked.
"Oh shut up. I said I spilled some chemistry experiments on the books and they may or may not have partially dissolved but it was an accident and it wasn't really my fault."
Al laughed. "And this is why I wanted you to spill the beans. Because I knew it would naturally be as dramatic as possible, simply because it's you."
"Just give me the card." Ed sulked.
Al obliged him. "You're just lucky I even agreed to spot you. It's a pain balancing my checkbook, and now I have one more unnecessary purchase to add to it."
"You could just look at your online bank statements."
"Or I could do things my way."
A bewildered Sciezka checked out their other books, and the Elrics finally made it to their car after more minor squabbling. Al unlocked his side and got in. The passenger door, on the other hand, remained locked.
"Hey, what's the big idea, Al? Unlock my side!" Ed banged on the window. "Hey!"
Al wore a smug grin and lowered the window on the passenger side. The door remained locked.
"You could just undo the child lock through the window and open the door," Al leaned back lazily with an even wider grin.
"Oh. Right." Ed blinked, then settled into a sullen expression. "You know I would've gone in through the window."
"But it's way more entertaining this way."
"You're just petty that you had to spot me a whopping ten dollars."
"I'm the driver is what I am. You can walk home if you'd really like."
Ed stuck up his nose. "I can call an Uber," he said, intentionally ignoring the fact that Resembool was too rural to be in the range of Uber service. "I can hitchhike."
"Have fun."
Ed clicked his seatbelt despite his tirade. Al started the car, and K-pop began blasting out of the speakers.
"Do you really have to put that stuff on again?" Ed groaned.
"Shut up, you like this one. And yep, my girlfriend has good taste and now it's part of my taste and you have to deal with it."
"If you want to be the driver so bad, why don't you drive? I'm hungry."
"We have food at home," Al said, mimicking their mom's habit from years ago.
"Okay, mom," Ed snickered.
"Just keep your experiments and your books separated from now on. And pay for your own library fines, geez."
"Okay, mom." Both brothers laughed.
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It Was Enchanting To Meet You (Edmund Pevensie x Mutant!FemReader)
Chapter I: Nightmare
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Summary: Y/N has been having the same kind of nightmares for the past six years. She's been told to ignore it and that they're finding a solution for it, but when she starts hearing voices, she's even more determined to find out what's causing these unusual events.
Word Count: 1313
Warnings: nightmares, depiction of violence
A/N: Most of the story takes place during the Golden Age of Narnia however it'll be years since their coronation so the ages of the Pevensie siblings in this story are as follows: Peter (21), Susan (20), Edmund (18), Lucy (16). However in Y/N's world the year is 1975, almost in between Days of Future Past and Apocalypse movies.
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It was a gloomy winter day. Y/N stood right across a throne made of ice. She took a deep breath and let it out, her foggy breath being visible in the cold temperature. It was quiet... Until a wolf jumped out of nowhere and tackled Y/N as she struggled to get out of the vicious creature's grip.
Y/N gasped as she opened her eyes realizing it was only a dream. However it had been the same dream for years, first of which happened the same day she had gotten her powers at the ripe age of twelve. She looked over at her clock, it was 5:30 in the morning and the sun had barely risen.
She walks through the long halls of the school, nothing in her mind but the recurring nightmares. Y/N then stood in front of a painting of the forest, deep greens and browns that felt like a deja vu to her. Suddenly she started hearing faint voices. "Y/N!" It was the voice of an unfamiliar girl calling out her name. "Y/N! HELP ME!" the voice was now loud and clear. "Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!" the voice kept yelling which made her cover her ears and her face shrivel up.
"Y/N?" Professor X called the young student. Y/N looked up
"Good morning professor!" She said as she awkwardly straightened up her posture.
"What are you doing out here early in the morning?" He asked,
"Oh you know," Y/N awkwardly chuckled and started stretching, "Just getting a head start with the day and workin' out."
"Was it the nightmares again." It almost didn't sound like a question, the professor already had an idea what was going on. She shook her head but the professor sighed and approached her.
"I know it's hard, but trust me Y/N we are trying to figure out how to get rid of your nightmares. I know you're strong... Just a little bit patience." Professor X said with a comforting smile but Y/N couldn't help but think about the sleepless nights, and the nightmares of her continuously being attacked by wolves or drowning in a lake.
She lets out a fake smile and nods, "I should go now, my friends might be waiting for me." She said,
"Of course, you wouldn't want to miss breakfast."
Later that afternoon, everyone was out in the yard spending their free time. Y/N sat with Jubilee and a bunch of other teenage mutants. They were all playing uno and Jubilee was having a heated argument with Jean about the game. "That's not fair, you can read everyone's minds! " Jubilee yelled,
"I wasn't even doing it!" Jean exclaimed.
Y/N stared blankly at the cards that were thrown in the middle of the circle, not completely focusing on what was happening. "Hey, Y/N?" Jubilee called and Y/N snapped her head to look at her friend, "You good?" she asked,
"Yeah... I just-"
"Didn't get enough sleep, I know. You should probably take a nap, your dark circles are getting real worse." Everyone in the circle agreed, including Y/N,
"You want me to walk you to your room?" Jean asked,
"No it's okay." Y/N smiled and waved goodbye to her friends as she went back into the school.
As she was on her way upstairs, she noticed that Professor X's door was open. She debated about it but decided taking a peek wouldn't hurt. In the office, there was Dr. McCoy and Raven. They had worried expressions on their faces which had Y/N intrigued so she used her powers to get a better hearing of what they were talking about.
"I've tried looking for other solutions, meditation, pills, not even therapy would work..." McCoy said,
"She can't just live with those nightmares forever, it's gonna take a toll on her!" Raven exclaimed, "What have you told her Charles?" She asked, and the professor sighed.
"I told her that we're still looking for a better solution." He answered.
"I don't think there is... And she needs to know." McCoy said,
"No! I've seen her breakdown, these nightmares aren't just regular nightmares, she feels it. You can't just tell her that she's going to suffer for the rest of her life!" Charles exclaimed. Y/N covered her mouth in shock. She took a step back which made a creaking noise.
Raven turned around to look at the door, "Who's there?"
Y/N rushed upstairs to her bedroom and hid in her blanket. Tears kept flowing which made her pillow soaking wet. Then, she started hearing a voice again. This time it was an older woman. "Do you think your silly little powers are a match for me?" the woman cackled, Y/N got up and tried to cover her ears again. "You are weak!" the woman shrieked and a jolt of pain hit Y/N's chest, she clutched it with both of her hands and screamed in agony.
Tears fell down to her chin as she continued to feel the pain, she closed her eyes and saw the icy throne once more. This time, a woman dressed in white was surrounded by a pack of wolves. Y/N opened her eyes and looked at the mirror that she had broken with her tumultuous scream. The irises of her eyes had turned from Y/E/C into the palest of blue.
Startled by the change of eye color, she closed her eyes and shook her head. Upon opening her eyes she heard the loud horns coming from multiple cars. She turned to see a bunch of cars in traffic in New York City, but it wasn't the cars she was used to seeing. It seemed to be a car that was popular during the 1920s, Y/N furrowed her eyebrows. One moment she was standing in front of her mirror in her room, and now she's outside in New York in the 1920s. Y/N assumed she was dreaming until a man bumped into her.
"Hey watch it!" The man said aggressively,
"What year is it?" Y/N asked.
The man looked at her from top to bottom. To him, she was wearing the most unusual clothes. "It's 1923." He answered and Y/N's eyes widened. The man didn't say anything else and rushed to where he was going.
"What the hell?" Y/N rushed to the nearest newspaper stand to check the date and the man was indeed correct. It was June 6th, 1923. Y/N walked back to where she stood unsure of what she was about to do.
"Okay, I've got this... I think." Y/N closed her eyes once more, now focusing on the energy of her powers. Her hands formed orbs of energy in the color of deep blue and in a matter of seconds she was back at the X mansion from where she last stood.
The voice of the old woman came back, "Narnia is mine to rule!" she yelled and an idea sparked in Y/N's mind. However, before she could even do what she was planning there was a knock at her door.
"Y/N, we need to talk to you." It was professor X. Y/N ignored him and continued with her plan.
She closed her eyes and focused on the energy within her. Soon enough, a sphere that glowed deep blue formed between her hands, she opened her eyes and slowly grinned. The sphere grew wider, and wider but the door opens revealing professor X. "Y/N STOP!" He exclaimed. Raven rushed into the room but before she could even reach the young student, she had already vanished.
"Where do you think she went?" McCoy asked,
"I don't know, but we need to start figuring it out now." professor X said with a worried tone.
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ariddletobesolved · 4 years
Days We Spend Under the Sun (Chapter Two)
Written for @helsa-summer-event
Fandom: Frozen
Genre: Romance, Family, Fluff, Whump
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is not her favourite season, but a certain Admiral from the neighbouring kingdom is going to change that.
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Perhaps we should call this a collection of Helsa fluff drabbles. External links (including some links to the prologue and chapter one) are in the notes. Enjoy!
Prompt 2: Blue Skies and Dandelion Fuzz
Chapter Two
One of the best things about the forest is the serenity it offers, this pretty much she knew.
Standing near the river bank, Elsa had been staring at her own reflection for a while. It was still early in the morning when she sneaked out of Hans's warm embrace and out of her own hut in the village. Not that she didn't want to stay and cuddle—despite the fact that the weather was rather hot, but she would like some space for her to think, and the river bank being one of her favourite places in the Enchanted Forest could offer that.
Her mind began to wander to the event that happened the day before. Hans was indeed full of surprises when it came to wooing her, she was aware of that fact. But the trick he pulled, when he broke into a gallop instead of stopping to let her summon the Nokk, was one she didn't see coming. Nonetheless, she still found the journey quite enjoyable. Even during a few stops did she not try to summon the Nokk. The way he held her close to his chest was something she found comfort in. Eventually, they arrived in the forest when the sun went down, and Yelena was the first one to greet them, accompanied by Honeymaren. After having dinner, they stopped by the stable-like area in the village to give Sitron an extra bag of carrots. Tired from the long journey, they finally turned in and Elsa, of course, had to share her hut with Hans. 
Sighing in contentment, Elsa began to stretch her muscles. It had been quite some time since the last time she was back in the forest, she almost forgot how different the place was from Arendelle. It was really quiet in the morning. There was no sound of people trading or arguing, no sound of hooves clicking against the pavement, nothing but the serenity of nature. She smiled, still looking at her own reflection, before a familiar set of eyes stared back at her. The Nokk.
The water spirit rose from the river, standing tall before her in the form of a majestic horse. Elsa looked up with one hand reaching out to gently caress the spirit. Affectionately nuzzling its face close to hers, it was as if the Nokk tried to tell her that it missed her. Elsa let out a chuckle, for she was amused by the spirit.
"I've missed you too, Nokk." She said. "Sorry about yesterday, but Hans had another plan. At least we're here now."
The horse walked around above the river, and Elsa tilted her head in confusion.
"Are you complaining, now?" She raised her eyebrow. But before she could react, she saw a flash of fire. It danced from stone to stone, before stopping beside her feet. Bending down, Elsa smiled. "Hello, little guy!"
The fire died down, and a blue salamander crawled upon her open palm. Elsa conjured a small rain of snowflakes to the creature's amusement, as it poked its tongue out to catch some fallen snowflakes.
"You like it, huh?"
Blinking and tilting its head, Bruni, the fire spirit, stared at her with something like glee. It was obvious that the fire spirit was glad to have her back. The blonde grinned, finding the gesture adorable. Looking up, she saw the Nokk staring at her intensely.
The water horse motioned at the path towards the village.
"You want to see Hans?" She inquired. At the mention of the former prince, Bruni smiled wider. "Why, so you can try to drown him again?"
If Nokk could laugh, it would certainly roll onto its belly, Elsa was sure of that. The unspoken tension between the two brought back a memory of their first meeting. It happened shortly after Hans was released from a three hour long questioning, in which the decision sparked a brief tension between her and her sister. Anna, being the wise queen she was, decided that she found nothing harmful with his presence back in Arendelle. Hans was there to deliver an invitation under the Crown Prince of the Southern Isles' order. Elsa, refusing to accept it, mounted on the Nokk and rode across the ocean towards where his ship was in the harbour. They had a quarrel which resulted in him slipped on Elsa's ice and fell into the water. The Nokk, that was offended by Hans' accidental name calling 'water horse' did try to drown him, leaving Elsa standing on her ice.
"He is not the same man, you know." She sighed, making her way towards the majestic horse. Bruni crawled up and rested on her shoulder. "He has grown to be a better person, don't you worry about it."
Elsa smiled at that thought. It wasn't easy to get where she was, but time had given them a chance. Then, faintly, she heard some footsteps walking closer. She turned, only to see Ryder walking with a smaller reindeer.
"Morning, Elsa."
She smiled. "Ryder! I didn't see you last night. How are you holding up?"
The young man returned the smile, half shrugging sheepishly. "Well, I'm fine, I guess? I've been taking care of the reindeers." He nudged the reindeer standing beside him, who nudged back. "This one is John."
"Oh," Elsa tried to bite back a laugh, "that's quite a name for a reindeer."
"I know." Ryder brushed it off as if it was nothing, certainly not aware of Elsa's amused face. "Oh, and one more thing, Hans is looking for you."
"Sure." Elsa turned to the Nokk, who was tilting its head. "I'll be there shortly."
"Great! I'll head off to the meado now." He said. "Also, the breakfast is ready, so you better go back soon."
Nodding, she looked back. "Sure. I'll see you later, Ryder."
"See you later, Elsa." With that, he took off with the reindeer.
Once again, she was left alone with the spirits. "You're coming, Nokk?" Instead of answering, the Nokk turned around and dived into the water. "So, it's just us." Elsa turned to the excited salamander, that was now crawling onto the top of her head. "Fine, it seems like you really are excited to see Hans."
She made her way towards a familiar path that led her back to the village. Taking a deep breath, she let the clean morning breeze fill her system. She looked up to the blue sky and sighed. Nothing topped a nice breezy summer morning. It was rather warm in the forest, since summer had arrived up north, but she liked it. Unlike Anna, Elsa wasn't a huge fan of summer. She couldn't really stand the heat, and would take every opportunity to take shelter under the shade. The reason why she agreed to Hans' suggestion to ditch the carriage—other than to spend more private time together on the journey—was because of her ability to conjure some clouds above them should the weather be too sunny.
The sound of children playing around and people starting the day got louder as Elsa walked closer to the village. From afar, she spotted a familiar auburn haired Admiral sitting on the ground with two bowls of steaming food beside him. He looked far too engrossed in a conversation with a brunette sitting before him, he didn't see her coming.
Elsa saw this as an opportunity to surprise him, but before she could do such a thing, Bruni already beat her to it. The salamander hopped from her head and landed safely on the ground, before it crawled towards the Admiral. Upon the tiny element of surprise, Hans almost jumped on his seat. Bruni settled on his shoulder, causing him to turn and saw Elsa standing nearby.
"Elsa." He looked a little taken aback, before flashing her a smile. "Have you been there for a while?"
"No." Taking a seat next to him, Elsa pecked his lips shortly. "I have just arrived." She then turned to the brunette. "Morning, Maren."
"Good morning, Elsa." Honeymaren smiled. "Did you see Ryder?"
"Yes, I did." Elsa nodded, taking a bowl Hans offered her. "Thank you, Hans." Turning back to her distant cousin, she continued, "So, what were you two talking about? You both seemed engrossed."
Honeymared glanced at Hans, before replying, "Nothing that would interest you, really. Hans was asking about the crops, yeah."
Hans smiled. He didn't say anything, instead, he gave her hand a gentle squeeze. But something told Elsa that it wasn't exactly their main topic of discussion.
"Where were you?" Hans asked. "I woke up this morning and you were nowhere to be seen."
"I was at the river bank, talking to Nokk, before Bruni came." She smiled at the beaming salamander. "They missed you."
Hans playfully rolled his eyes. "Yeah, as if the water horse misses me. I wouldn't be surprised if the little guy here did, or maybe Gale, since it greeted me earlier before deciding to play with those kids." He gestured at the wind spirit swirling around two giggling children.
Elsa grinned in response. "What did I tell you? Nokk doesn't like it."
"What will the Nokk do anyway, try to drown me?" He raised a brow, before shrugging. "Anyway, you should finish your breakfast. Are you going to visit Ahtohallan later today?"
She shook her head no. "I'll go to Ahtohallan tomorrow."
"Great! Because I have a plan for the two of us later." Hans beamed, briefly glancing at Honeymaren, who shrugged slightly.
Elsa narrowed her eyes. "What is it?"
"That, Kaere, is for me to know," Hans poked the tip of her nose, "and for you to find out."
Elsa beamed. Excitement surged through her, as her mind began to think of a few possibilities. She might look as if she wasn't expecting much, but deep inside, anticipation was building up. She looked forward to whatever adventure he had in store for her.
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Clumsy - One-shot
Pairing : Henry Cavill x Plus Size Reader (Neutral He/She/They)
Warnings : Language ; Innuendos
Word Count : 2.1k
A/N : One-shot not planned to be posted today but hey why not :) Trying to be as neutral as I could, so that everyone can identify themselves, no matter the gender :) Hope you like it.
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It was that time of the year again. The time hundreds of fans were waiting for - San Diego's Comic Con Event. It was time for you not only to attend this major Event as an actress/actor but also as a fan yourself. The Comic Con was featuring different panels during the weekend. Stars of shows like Supernatural, Gotham, The Walking Dead or The Originals were walking the same ground you were now standing. Frighten, excitement, thrill, joy, you name it, all those emotions bubbling in you. And what more of a fabulous experience than living it with a fabulous cast. You were Marvel's new addition and were part of the panel's headline, alongside Robert Downey Jr, Mark Ruffalo, Scarlet Johannson, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Elisabeth Olsen, Tom Holland, Paul Betthany and Samuel L. Jackson. All great names and especially all great people that quickly became your little small second family.
You were all standing backstage waiting to be called by the host. You repeated your mantra in order to keep your nerves at bay and smiled brightly when you saw RDJ doing an entrance like only he mastered. Your friends were being called one by one until only you and Tom Holland remained. "Hey it's gonna be ok, relax and enjoy", he told you and gave your shoulder a small squeeze. You nodded and saw him climb the stairs and walk down the stage.
"And finally but not least, welcome Y/N YLN", the host's voice echoed through the gigantic room. You took a deep breath and stepped on stage. Hundreds of people applauding and yelling. It was overwhelming and at your left, you caught the sight of a group of people cosplaying your character. You gasped a little and waved at them, still walking on stage. At some point when you looked the opposite direction you were face to face with the host. 'The hell', you thought and he laughed loudly. You looked behind you and noticed that you crossed the whole cast. Because you were so mesmerized and focused on the fans cosplaying your character you didn't notice that you passed way your standing point. "Sorry", you mouthed at the host. You smiled nervously and did the walk of shame back to your position, passing by a laughing cast. "That started well", you mumbled to yourself, a little embarrassed. You waited until the host gave you permission and took a seat when so, indicating that the panel officially began.
45 minutes later
Wandering across the wave of people, a male stature in a Vendetta mask made his way to support one of his colleagues. That man being none other than Henry Cavill. The British actor was in town to start a new project and since he settled down a week earlier to prepare for his role, he decided to take some fresh air and stop by the Con to support Jason Momoa that was promoting Aquaman. He came across the board and saw that Aquaman's panel was after the Marvel one. He still had an hour to wait, so decided to judge the competition by himself. He entered the panel and discretely found a place to sit.
The panel was going well, the Marvel cast always amazing in interacting with their fans or tell jokes. "I know you have strict orders to not reveal anything but is there by chance some funny moment on set that you might be able to share with us?", asked the host curiously. RDJ looked at your direction and smirked. Your eyes immediately widened, scared about what he might reveal. The cast followed his gaze and once they settled on you, some of them laughed and smirked. 'Oh shit', you thought. The host caught the movement and smiled, "I see there's something, come on tell us."
"I don't know if we're allowed to tell but it's just too good to not mention it", finally replied RDJ. You discretely shook your head, pleading him to not reveal whatever he had in mind and his smirk grew even wider. He took a deep breath and faced the audience, who was ecstatic, waiting for any juicy detail. "So, Evans, Y/N and myself had that scene together."
"Oh No", your voice was heard through the mic while you face-palmed yourself. The cast laughed and RDJ continued. "It was a rather dramatic scene, lots of tension between Cap and Iron Man. There's a moment where Y/N's character is suppose to say 'Improvise', which was in the script. But for some reason, she/he/they got the message wrong and instead of saying the line, she/he/they actually began to improvise the whole dialogue and began to blabber some nonsense that was absolutely not scripted", stuttered RDJ in laughter. The whole cast, the host and the audience began to laugh and you just wished you could die. You couldn't deny that it was actually funny but at the moment of the shooting it was not. "Right and then the Russo Brothers yelled 'Cut' and asked her/him/them what was she/he/they talking about and she/he/they replied that she/he/they improvised like it stood in the script…and … and we were all cracking. It was hilarious’’ ,Evans finished the story while he whipped his tears off.
"Are you really crying of laughter right now?", you asked him in disbelief but amusement written all over your face. He nodded and continued laughing. "You're not visualizing her/his/their face when she/he/they finally got that her/his/their line all along was only the word 'Improvise'. Your face was priceless", he said and looked back at you. You chuckled and shook your head, a small smile ornamenting your face. "The cut made it to the movie actually", suddenly exclaimed Joe Russo out of nowhere. "Whatttt?", your high pitched voice rang across the room. "Yeah, we thought it was hilarious, especially Stark and Roger's confused face and what you said during that scene was kind of funny so, we showed it to Kevin Feige and he loved it." The cast applauded and you smiled while shaking your head, not believing it.
It was now time for some fans to step in and ask their questions. By the 6th question, a fan asked, "Who was/is the clumsiest person among all of you?" Without hesitation everyone exclaimed 'Y/N' in unison. "Not gonna deny that", you replied back with a small chuckle. "I'm such a mess. On set, I fell more times than it's socially acceptable and I've punched two stunt men by accident. I'm still so sorry guys", you said while turning to the camera, apologizing for what felt like the millionth time. A male fan took the mic and asked " I know this is maybe a controversial matter but I'm curious, are you all devoted to Marvel or is there a character that you still love but that it's part of the DC Universe?"
The room erupted at the question, eager to know the cast's response. "Well I for sure know someone who's been cheating on Marvel and went to the dark side", exclaimed Anthony Mackie while giving you a judgmental look. Sebastian who was at his side laughed at his friend’s innuendo and your face heat up. "Why are you looking at me? I don't know what you're talking about", you told him. He smirked and nodded, "Yeah yeah don't play that innocent act on me, I know that you have the hots for a certain Superman." Your eyes widened and you gasped, not believing that he dared to say that. Well what could you expect, Mackie and a mic, of course he would. People were shouting in the audience at this point and you chuckled. "Alright, I confess but can you blame me? He's fine as hell, not my fault", you revealed making the room erupt in loud screams and whistles. "God I hope Henry Cavill will never see or hear about this. It would be so embarrassing", you said and hid your face in your hands. If you knew that he was actually in the audience, never would those words leave your mouth.
"Alright I've got to know Y/N : Captain America or Superman?", asked the host out of nowhere. You chuckled and face-palmed yourself again, feeling the heat burn your cheeks.  You thought for a second and decided that it was the moment to really impress your colleagues and show them a different and more playful side of yourself. "It's not my type but fuck it, I'll take both", you exclaimed triumphantly once seeing your friends's shocked expression, not expecting you being so bold. You smirked and wiggled your eyebrows playfully. "Wow and here I thought you were the innocent one", replied Evans. "I never said I was innocent", you teased back. He raised an eyebrow and smirked back at you. Unfortunately you couldn't keep up with the whole mysterious and intriguing persona and chuckled at the situation, not believing that you dared saying that in front of hundreds of people. "That's it for us. Thank you so much for coming to the Marvel Panel and enjoy the rest of the day", exclaimed the host and closed the Panel.
Henry was surprised to have a good time at the Marvel Panel. He knew some of the cast members and was friends with them. But who really caught his attention was Marvel's new addition, Y/N. He thought you were beautiful and talented. He saw in one of your movies and was intrigued by you since and seeing you in flesh and bones made his heart beat just a tab faster. He laughed at your coworkers teasing about you being clumsy but what he didn't expect was you revealing that you found him hot. He smirked behind his mask and quickly exited the room as soon as the host closed it. He couldn't stop thinking about your voice mixed with your deep gaze and smirk, your teasing leaving him clearly flustered. Without noticing his feet led him to the Marvel signing booth and he didn't hesitate. He waited in line to get to you. After a good half hour, he finally reached you. "For who should I sign it?", her/his melodic voice invaded his eardrums. "Henry", he declared. His voice caught the attention of C.Evans who studied the man standing in front of you.
You were about to look back at the man in front of you when you noticed that your jacket had fallen of your chair. You quickly turned in order to grab it and when your gaze returned to the fan in front of you, you let out a small high-pitched scream. Not expecting to see the one you just publicly declared that you had the hots for in front of you, made you jump a little on your chair, your knee hitting the table and your plastic glass falling right at his trousers, wetting his crotch. "OMG I'm so sorry !!!!", you exclaimed mortified. Evans was laughing loudly beside you and declared, "Already trying to get into his pants Y/N?" You turned his way and gave him a deadly look mixed with embarrassment, making him laugh even more.   "I'm so so so sorry", you apologized to him. You handed him napkins and he took them with a bright smile on his face. "It's ok don't worry about it." There were no stronger words to describe how horrified you were. "I'm gonna go and die now", you mumbled and handed him a new fresh set of napkins. He laughed at your antics and declared, "Wait, not before I get the opportunity to invite you to a date." Your eyes almost popped out of your head and you stuttered, "You wan-na go on a date w-with me?" A bright smile crossed his face and you were so mesmerized by his blue eyes that you didn't hear his answer. You cleared your voice and replied, "Excuse me, what?" He chuckled and replied "You're cute"
"No you are", you breathed out, your brain not functioning correctly anymore. He chuckled again and you adverted your gaze elsewhere, "Ehh, i mean haha. Funny", you stuttered and mentally slapped yourself. "So would you go on a date with me?", he asked again. You nodded without hesitation, "Yes, I-I would love to." He borrowed your pen and wrote his number down. Before handing it to you, he leaned further making you stop breathing for a second and he whispered so that only you got it, " And so that you know, I don't like to share what's mine !" Heat and goosebumps crept all over your body, realizing he told you that because of the Captain America vs Superman comment. He winked and you saw him leaving. "You're drooling all over the place", commented Evans. You rolled your eyes and replied "Shutttt uppp". You bit your lip not realizing that you just got your crush's number and that he asked you on a date.
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PERMANENT TAG LIST : @arrowswithwifi @poetic-pixie @theshortegg @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls @prettybubblesintheair @yafriendlyfangirl @marshmallow-witch @ms-cellanies @the-feckless-wonder @cfisher290  @thefangirltheycallviolet @river-fics @lilulo-12 @fanfictionrecommendations-com @spetzerfehn @angieptt @wayward-timetravel-collecter @ashley17jacobs @lokithedancingqueen @wildsoul1221 @introvertedsin @robertconradjr @francezka10
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do-lvn · 6 years
Hey there, Grayson
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SUMMARY: Grayson and (Y/N) were best friends since second grade, they grew and so did their love.
based off ‘hey there, Delilah.’ By plain white t’s :)
15, you were fifteen when you realized that you were in love with Grayson. It was a simple day, a normal one to be exact, it was spent at the Dolan household. Being only 7 when you had met Ethan and Grayson, it made you all inseparable. So days at their house was nothing new. Once when your parents left for a business trip you ended up staying with them for a whole month. And even though you all had been inseparable, there was something that you and Grayson had and with being so little, was something you couldn’t quite wrap your head around just yet. So as a young one you ignored it, but when you all were huddled in a blanket outside by the fire it hit you hard. You turned to look at Grayson who was smiling at some absurd joke Ethan had just told and you felt your heart slow down, as you watched him laugh.
You felt your chest tighten and your heart started pounding as it felt like a truck was running straight through you. He took notice of someone's gaze and turned to meet eyes with you, sending you a shy smile and ducking his head further into the blanket, because whether or not he would admit it everyone knew you were truly the only girl who would drive Grayson crazy.
Yet you didn't know that, because when you hit the age 16, Grayson confessed his love for you on - only - the second date. He couldn't help it. He had taken you to the beach to watch the sun go down, simple, yet you loved every second of it. That's when he looked over at you and said it. “(Y/N), I'm in love with you.” your heart only swelled as you pulled him into a bone crushing hug. All the current events shocking you nonetheless.
Then 4OU happened and you were thrilled when Grayson invited you to join, both him and Ethan agreeing it wouldn’t be as fun without their best friend. So you had begged your mom to go and when she finally said yes, you were quickly packing your bags for months on the road. You even had Grayson on the phone not believing you were actually able to go. “I know, it’s crazy. I didn't think she was going to give in.” he chuckled at that, “me neither but I'm not complaining like my girlfriend gets to go on tour with me.” you felt your stomach start doing flips at the title. His girlfriend.
17, was the age Grayson broke your heart, along with his. His career had a huge take off after tour and his manager had insisted they move to Los Angeles for better business when you found out the news your heart shattered, it was just the beginning of your junior year. “It’s best if we break up, angel. You still have school and things will be hard.” you nodded, he knew you understood and you couldn't hold him back making videos was something he enjoyed and you weren't about to be another person telling Grayson he couldn't do it. “Don’t forget about me, okay?” you ask while wiping a tear from his cheek, he laughs and pulls you into a quick kiss. “I couldn’t even if I tried, I love you.” you smile and hug him tighter.
Even though you were sad, and so was Grayson no doubt. You both knew how big the situation was and it was an opportunity they couldn't pass up, so with one last hug and a quick peck he was out the door.
“Ethan! You bitch ass.” Grayson groaned as he watched Ethan take a quick shot at him. He quickly dropped his headset, “Fuck you, I was about to get victory royale.” Ethan snickers, “so? I wanted to win.” Grayson turned around in his chair and threw the nearest pillow at Ethan. “Hey! Don’t be a sore loser.” Grayson sighed, “whatever, I'm going to finish editing the video.”
Ethan didn’t bother to pry his eyes away from the screen, just stuck up a hand and waved Grayson off. He made his way back to his bedroom and flopped onto his mattress, life was good, but there was something missing that even though Grayson couldn’t quite figure out exactly what it was, he knew he would find out soon.
Very soon.
“(Y/N), please be a dear and set these on the table for me.”  Your mom was having a dinner party for her co-workers, one you weren’t invited too “I don’t get why I’m helping when you're not even letting me join!” you said jokingly. “I’ll have your father send you a plate straight to your room, sound good?” you set down the last plate and place a hand on your chin, “hmm not sure, I will say yes only if I get a cherry cola.”
She smiles, “I’ll do you one better, this was supposed to be a surprise but Lisa is coming along with the twins, they finally came around the time you were here, so I'll have your father bring you Grayson, k?” you feel your heart stop and your smile get wider, “sounds perfect.”
Seeing Grayson for the first time in 2 years had your heart racing. You had talked here and there over the years but nothing recent with you being so busy with college, so it was now winter break and you were happy that you were finally having a nice breather away from all the exams. You were going on to your second year and it was nice, college was looking way better than high school.
“So mom, she’s going into her second year right?” Lisa laughed at Grayson's nervousness, “yes gray, and calm down, you know her, she’s still the same bubbly girl she was three years ago.” he nodded. “Right right, would've been nice if Ethan joined.” she nodded, “yeah, a nice reunion.” he looked down, “yeah.”
When the door got pulled open, revealing your mother. Grayson’s nerves got bad he was thinking nothing but the worse. That maybe you would be mad at him for not talking to you recently. But he was wrong and it was just panic. “Nice to see you gray, (Y/N)’s upstairs, you know the way.” she shooed him off and continued to conversate with Lisa.
He took a look at your stairs and let all the memories you two had come back to him, it made him feel better knowing that you guys didn't end on a bad note, he took one last deep breath before knocking on your door. When he did you were quick to hop up. It had been three years since you had seen gray in person and you didn’t know how to feel, or how he looked.
The door opened and gray smiled, “hey.” he didn’t say anything back just quickly pulled you into a hug. “I missed you so much, how are you? How’s school? Tell me everything.” you smile and close your door.
“I'm going into my second year of college, only 2 more left after that. I'm good, just busy. Schools so stressful and on top of that my job is irritating. But i'm managing, how about you, how are you?” he casually shrugged, “good, things have been good. I've just been busy with filming and meetings and stuff like that.” you smile.
“Im happy your good. Hows ethan?” he laughed. “Good, still dramatic as fuck.” this time you both shared a laugh. “I really did miss you (Y/N). just things aren't the same without you.” you look down.
“ i miss you guys too, i think about you all the time gray. Wish we didn’t drift like we did, but we could fix that. If you want.” he smiled. “Would love that, now tell me what’s college like?”
You laugh. “Well…” he let your voice fade as he admired you, a lot had changed, your hair was shorter and lighter, your eyes brighter than before and lips plumper. “And other than frat parties every weekend it just stress. I don't go to parties though not my thing.” he nodded. “Never has been.”
The night went on and you fully forgot about all the guests your mom had downstairs, your whole focus on how life was for gray in l.a. He even mentioned the new house him and ethan had, “you should come to visit when your on break, again.” you smile. “I could, i have spring break next.” he smiled. “Really, that’s perfect, me and e can show you around l.a.” you laugh. “Sounds like a plan.”
You both ended up at the park, a childhood spot. You pointed to the slide that over the years became old and damaged. “Remember when we pushed ethan down the slide and he landed on his face.” he chuckled, “and we got into so much trouble, yeah i think i remember. My mom took away my ipod.” you laugh and look over at the old tire swing. “Our first kiss was on that tire swing, then right after you fell off.” you felt your cheeks heat up at the memory. “Gosh don't remind me, that was so embarrassing.” he chuckled. “It was cute, your cheeks were so red, you looked like a tomato, hey kind of like you do right now.” you playfully smack his shoulder, he only smiles and looks down.
“It’s kind of crazy to remember where i was only three years ago and now look at me.” you laugh, “i know, when did you start working out?” it was his turn to playfully push you. “I've always worked out, don't be rude.” you put your hands up in defense, “okay, okay.”
The last encounter was better than before, “it was amazing to see you, keep in touch okay?” you nod. “Of course, i miss you already.” he pulls you into a quick hug. “Hey two more years and then your done and i'll be waiting for you.” you pull him closer. “Yeah, i’ll see you soon, gray.” he squeezed tighter and placed a kiss to your forehead. “Goodnight, (Y/N).”
“G’night gray.”
You were currently at home finishing up an assignment when your phone started ringing, to occupied with work you didnt even bother to see the name. “Hey there, (Y/N).” you smile at the voice.
“Hey there, grayson.”
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leospaganpage · 6 years
I've been disconnected for a while
On Thursday I posted this on a fb group, I planned to put it here as well but didn't get around to it:
'I've been having very vivid dreams of late. I've put them down to overheating, stress and/or my labradorite pendent. The other night, my dream featured Angrboða (she appeared as I giant bride) and she said Loki wants me to get to know her. I'm not convinced it was a true message but in case it was, does anyone work with her?
Also, I hope you don't mind, I would like to vent. The change of the seasons (I have S.A.D.) has caused me to have some eating disordered thoughts which have made me feel very disconnected from Loki and the universe. :('
I'm not sure quite when the ED thoughts started but they took all my concentration. I also began to feel disconnected to Loki and the wider universe after I decorated my altar for Samhaim. I think I felt a pressure to celebrate it from Wiccans online, non Wiccan pagans that still celebrate the wheel of the year and just general sociaty. It didn't help that, as the 31st was actually mid-week, pub and events were spread out.
Hallowe'en used to be my favourite time of year! But nearly as soon as I decorated my altar, something about it made me feel uncomfortable. It bothered me that I was song something 'because that what pagans do' rather than something I really connected with. Idk.
I suppose it's only been a couple of weeks if that since I stopped engaging in anything magical or leaving offerings to Loki but, what with the ED thoughts, it's been very lonely.
I let the thoughts win a couple of days (one day all I had was a banana and some wine, the next I ate better but purged a bit). But then I had this weekend off. I had planned to be productive, our flat is discusting, dirty and cluttered. I don't even know if I have any cyan pants! (my wife and I are both lazy, we've both been picked up overtime a lot and she is unwell atm even worrying this feels me with guilt, shame and rage at us both) But I was full of cold. I spent the last two days, sleeping, watching TV and eating everything on sight.
Tonight I decided it was time to take action again the negative thoughts and to reconnect. I lit some candles (one white and two red that I bourght to honour Loki}, some sandelwood insence and sage, then had a shower. I attempted to clear my mind, focus and maybe meditate but had a Pulp song stuck in my head!
I tried. It's a start at least. I worry that I will never be able to connect to the universe and that Loki had no interest in me. But he is patient. I have to hope and try.
I also found a cabinet on fb that I think would work well as an alter (mine was set up on a chair but is now messy af). It costs £25 and comes with a shelf I don't want but is interesting enough that I want to buy it. The bloke says I can pick it up tomorrow but I don't have a car. I could ask my Dad but that would be awkward. I'll figure that out tomorrow. Right now I need to go to bed, I've got less than 8 hours until I have to be in work! Any advice on how to reconnect with Loki, his family and the universe would be hugely welcome!
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