#( && sunshine and swords ;; hope reacts )
galaxydrcaming · 11 months
the dark one had never changed his expression from casual pleasantry to utter disdain so quickly. he knew exactly who this snarky child was, he was angry he hadn't seen it before. only one person had called him the crocodile, and only one person had ever, even slightly impressed him. "hello ms. swan." he resolved snarkily. it was an odd old sentiment he normally reserved for her mother. it would be passed down to her now. "i'm glad to hear that my legend has reached even your ears. though i do hope your father was not the storyteller in this particular case." he did, afterall, cut off the man's hand. he could imagine there being a few biases and missed details of that particular story. "to what do i owe the pleasure?"
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Despite the snarky tone, Hope's smile only widens as she crosses her arms over her chest. "No, it was more than just papa, but I do know of a number of things that you have done, plus, the book had some good information, not to mention the fact that there's something in the library here that somehow made your guys' life a show, it's strange but that's not abnormal." She shakes her head and shrugs slightly. "I saw your shop and got curious, plus I did genuinely want to purchase these two beautiful things."
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anastaaaaaaasia · 7 months
The First Queen
Aegon II Targaryen x niece!Reader
Important notice: in this series reader has features of Ser Harwin, including Brown hair and tone of skin.
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First Chapter
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Just like her mother, young Y/N was given the nickname, the Sunshine of the Castle. The girl was already 2 years old, by this time Princess Rhaenyra had another son, Luceris, Luke for his loved ones. The little prince also has dark curls, which are unusual for a Targaryen. Ser Laenor's three children do not look like him in appearance, it is too early to talk about the similarity of character, but despite all the gossip within the walls of the Red Castle, he spends all his time with all the children. Jayce teaches how to hold a sword and parry blows, walks with Y/N in the garden and helps catch butterflies, which are then carried to Helaena and the three of them look at them, and together with Luke watches the dragon egg, which is in the cradle.
Dragons. As one of the last houses to survive the Doom of Valyria, dragons became a family trait within House Targaryen, along with platinum hair and violet eyes. With the help of dragons, they captured Westeros, protected the dynasty, conquered new lands and connections, and conquered the skies. They say that the Targaryens are closer to gods than to people. But sometimes even the gods do terrible things, it all depends on the dragon riders.
Jace's egg has already hatched and a new resident, Vermax, has appeared in the Dragonpit. The dragon keepers say that even at his young age, Vermax avoids the cold in every possible way and tries to be close to other, older dragons. For example, Sunfyre.
The golden dragon belongs to Aegon and is similar in character to its rider. A nosy and nimble dragon cannot stay in one place for more than a day. The catacombs of the Dragon's Lair seem to be suffocating him, so his mood changes dramatically when the dragon is brought out to the prince. While the small dragon always approaches its owner with joy and excitement in its eyes. Dragon keepers would swear they've seen Aegon hugged his arms around a dragon's neck a couple of times.
  And his sister, young Helaena, during walks with her father in the dragon’s lair, shows a special interest in the Dreamfyre. The dragon also reacts calmly to her presence and even allowed herself to be touched.
The situation was different for peers, Aemond and Y/N. Their eggs did not hatch and the children were too young to understand what was happening. Some say that the year of their birth was cursed, others say that it is a punishment for the fact that the origin of Rhaenyra's children is called into question, but then what does Aemond have to do with it. The boy inherited all of his father's Valyrian features, Platinum hair and purple eyes.
Everyone thought. No, hoped that the eggs would hatch over time, but two years is already quite a long time. The firstborn of King Viserys 1 has already spoken to her father that if Syrax lays the clutch, then she is ready to give her daughter a new egg, she is even ready to give Aemond one, as a sign of goodwill for his mother.
Once old friends, now they meet only on certain occasions. The queen and princess, who once communicated warmly and cordially, now greet each other with cold glances and the proper courtesies that the royal court expects from them.
The relationship finally deteriorated when Lord Otto Hightower, the queen's father, was removed from his position as Hand. From that moment on, Alicent did not believe a single word of her former friend. There were a lot of lies, they flowed through the Red Castle like streams, flowing down the steps, parapets and entrevolts into the ears, penetrating into the common sense and hearts of all the inhabitants of the castle.
  Therefore, when the queen caustically noted that for some strange reason the Baratheon genes outplayed the strong genes of the Targaryens, Velaryons and even the Arryns three times, this only created another reason for new whispers in the dark corners of the castle.
Now the royal family will have to meet again and put on fake smiles for everyone around them. For the second time in a year, the king announced a royal hunt. Two moons ago they were dedicated to Prince Aemond, second son of King Viserys. The boy turned two years old and his curiosity about everything around him began to awaken. Especially to his father's model of ancient Valyria, he often walked around him, and Viserys sometimes helped him, lifting him into his arms and showing the figures closer. The prince especially liked miniatures of dragons, which he only had in toy format and could never emit real fire.
Today, the royal hunt was dedicated to the second anniversary of Princess Y/N, the king’s granddaughter from his beloved daughter. The girl was wearing a light blue dress. It reached to the ground, and there was a rectangular cutout under the neck to make the princess feel comfortable under the summer sun. The sleeves barely reached the elbows and their bottoms were framed by flowers made of silver fabric. The skirt of the dress was also inlaid with silver threads and small stones.
Despite the obvious colors of House Velaryon in the costume of the young heiress, the head was still adorned with now long brown hair, like the other offspring of Princess Rhaenyra. The hair shimmered brightly under the sun's rays and made it a warmer shade than it originally was.
In the clearing in the middle of the Royal Forest, tents were already erected, and the servants were urgently making final preparations. The united coat of arms of House Targaryen and Velaryon fluttered in the wind, and the standards fit tightly into the ground. The clearing gradually filled with guests, lords and ladies from different parts of Westeros. Any event in the royal family means the possibility of potential alliances, which is why many noble families were present today, despite other plans and assignments.
But all this did not worry the young Targaryen heirs. Three royal carriages were almost approaching the scene of the event. The first was the King and Queen's carriage. Alicent sat inside, heavily pregnant. The maesters said that in one moon the queen would give birth to another child for the king of the seven kingdoms.
On her lap sat the princess of Helaena. The girl played with her long platinum hair, some of which was braided. Her light green dress shone from the rays coming through the window.
Sitting on Viserys' lap was his second son, Aemond. The two-year-old prince was looking at pictures in a book about his ancestors, about Aegon and his two conquering sisters. He especially looked at the illustrations of dragons.
To their right sat Aegon, the prince was talking about something with his father, when the latter handed him a goblet of wine.
“Viserys,” Alicent shouted. "He is only six years old," the queen was unhappy with her son's affinity for wine.
“He is already six years old,” the king commented good-naturedly and with a smile. “Even more so, it’s diluted,” after these words, Viserys shook his head approvingly towards Aegon, mentally giving permission to try the drink. The prince took a sip and broke into a smile.
Suddenly the carriage hit a stone and the remaining wine from the goblet spilled onto Aemond’s book, covering Vhagar’s drawing with a dark red stain. Two-year-old Aemond was clearly unhappy with this and hit his brother with his small fist. The carriage suddenly filled with noise in an attempt to calm the dragon's offspring.
But this was not heard in the next cart. Princess Rhaenyra was stationed there with her husband Ser Laenor and two children, Jacaerys and Y/N. It was decided to leave the newborn Luke in the castle under the supervision of maesters and midwives. The little girl tried to fall asleep, burying herself in her father's side, while Jace, on the contrary, tried to start a conversation. For a three year old he was very active. And now he was trying to teach his sister to pronounce his full name.
“Come on, tell Jacaerys,” the prince had been trying for ten minutes.
“Jace,” the girl said and laughed, seeing her brother’s dejected face. Rhaenyra also grinned and turned to the first child, "Don't worry, she will say your full name someday, right now it's still hard for her, she's only two years old."
“I hope it will be easier with Luke,” Jace said and frowned. Y/N carefully approached him and carefully hugged her brother.
“Jace,” she said and smiled. Jacaerys was no longer dissatisfied and smiled, “Well, at least I’m her favorite relative.” Everyone grinned.
“Favourite relative,” Y/N said carefully and in syllables and hugged her brother tighter.
  The third carriage carried the rulers of Driftmark, Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen. They were discussing Laena, who had recently given birth. She gave birth to Damon's two daughters, Bail and Reyna. The babies were not even a year old. They now live in Pentos and due to the danger of travel for the girls, they were unable to come to King's Landing. Although before pregnancy, they visited Westeros and Leina became quite close friends with Rhaenyra. Eyewitnesses say that they often saw three dragons flying together. Caraxes, Vhagar and Syrax.
Now, when the clatter of the hooves of the royal horses can be heard from the clearing, the musicians line up holding the fanfare high. Golden chimneys shine and shimmer under the rays of the sun, and the coats of arms of the Targaryen and Velaryon houses hang proudly in a row. The sounds of music spread throughout all the tents, the invited guests head to the meeting place of the main persons of this holiday.
The carriages drove into the clearing and, to the deafening claps of the guests, the Royal Family went outside. The fanfare blew so loudly that six-year-old Aegon covered his ears in displeasure and there was some disgust on his face. But it soon disappeared, when he saw Rhaenyra’s only daughter, his niece.
It was unusual, but something attracted him to her. From the moment of her birth, Aegon made sure to spend time with her. He looked at her in the cradle and gave her small toys from his own collection. Hell, he even let her slobber all over him just to see her smile. And now, when the holiday was in full swing, he wanted to see her. But his mother distracted him.
The birthday girl of this celebration sat in her mother's arms as she spoke with the chief of the city guard, Harwin Strong.
“Princess, I also have a small gift for you,” Harwin said with a smile. He handed a small toy into the girl's hands. It was a white wooden horse whose mane was decorated with green, red and blue colors. Those colors that decorated the coat of arms of the House of Strong. The girl examined the gift and then poked it in Harwin’s chest, where that very coat of arms was and smiled.
“You have a bright child growing up, a rare combination of intelligence and beauty,” Harwin chuckled. Princess Rhaenyra also smiled and lightly patted the baby's head. Y/N and she really was smart, she often saw Ser Harwin and how he spoke to her mother. Therefore, the next phrase plunged the two adults into a slight stupor.
“Favorite relative,” Y/N squealed happily and stretched out her arms in an attempt to hug Harvin. Rhaenyra looked around sharply, trying to figure out if anyone had heard this phrase. Harvin was a little embarrassed, but in his heart he was pleased, although he understood that all this was wrong.
“No, Y/N, you can’t say that,” Rhaenyra said. The baby frowned and did not understand the reason. When she said this to Jace, her mother was pleased, but now she scolds her. Harwin asked her to cheer up the baby.
“How does the horse gallop?”
“Clunk clunk,” the girl imitated, picking up the toy, and then laughed with Harwin. After that, Rhaenyra smiled guiltily and went to the royal tent.
“I would like a niece like this,” said Laris, who suddenly appeared.
There was fun in the royal tent. Wine flowed in streams, and bards entertained the high-ranking guests. Y/N sat on the carpets next to other children and looked at the toy. The color red reminded her of her mother, grandfather and all the Targaryens. Blue was similar to the color of her father and relatives from Driftmark. And Green, who did green remind her of? His. Aegon.
The prince appeared in her field of vision and the girl smiled at him, stood up and hugged him. Aegon chuckled and sat down next to her.
“You,” Y/N exclaimed and first pointed to the green line on the horse, and then to his green tunic.
“Yes, Green,” said Aegon
“Gween,” Y/N repeated incorrectly.
“Gween,” the prince assured with a grin and thought for a couple of seconds. Suddenly an idea popped into his head and he tried to implement it. "Do you know my name?"
The girl thought and blinked her eyes a couple of times in confusion. Y/N frowned and shook her head in denial.
“I am Aegon. Can you repeat that? Ae-Gon,” the prince pronounced his name syllable by syllable and looked at her expectantly. After a couple of attempts the girl exclaimed
“Aegon,” Y/N started laughing and Aegon smiled from ear to ear. Jace, who was sitting next to him at the time, frowned and became indignant.
“Why can you say his name, but not mine,” the prince exclaimed displeasedly.
“It’s obvious, nephew, I’m her favorite relative,” Aegon said and Y/N smiled
“Aegon, Beloved Relative,” said the princess and buried herself in Aegon’s chest, hugging him with her small arms. The prince blushed.
“At least I still have Luke,” Jace muttered dissatisfied and continued to play.
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florencetypemaniacs · 1 month
How would the Ros react if someone insulted them and MC who is just a ball of sunshine and can be fairly airheaded is now the complete opposite? Their usual sunny and absent minded self now has a look that is cold, calculating, malicious and promises nothing but pain.
💛 Marcel 
While Marcel watched you, he would feel gratitude fill his body to the brim, but it would be overcome with responsibility. He didn't need you, sweet and innocent you, talking in such a way on his behalf. 
Marcel would cut in. "Sorry, sir, but we are done here." He said, talking to the red-faced man, who seemed more embarrassed by the second. 
So, with a gentle touch, he will pull you away. "Thank you, my love." He said when he noticed a little pout on your face since you didn't get to finish your angry ramble. 
However, it became happy again when Marcel kissed you, and he hoped that he would never have to go against your wrath. 
🧡 Margaret 
Margaret's heart would beat a mile a minute as she watched you. She didn't like fights. She hated them. And you were in one because of her, even if it was just words she didn't like it. Margaret cared about you too much for you to get hurt over her. 
When you turn back to her, she had tears in her eyes as she jumped into your arms. 
"Don't ever do that again." 
"I don't ever want you to get hurt because of me." 
Margaret would calm down after a while and thank you for defending her, but she would make it clear that she didn't like you fighting; you were too important to her. 
❤️ Owen
Owen would watch as you went at the person, cutting them down with your words in amusement. He is a protector. Hell, he is a wrath demon. Owen is the one who is supposed to protect you, and here you were protecting him. 
Adorable you, who couldn't even swing a sword, was protecting him. 
Owen would watch with a clenched fist watching the scenario unfold. He was ready to step in if you needed him, but before he knew it, the person was walking away. 
You turned to him with a look of pride. "What a jerk." 
When you noticed his clenched fist. "What's wrong-" 
Owen would pick you up and throw you over his shoulder. 
"I didn't know you had it in you, lass/duck/lad. That had to be the hottest thing I ever seen." 
You blushed. "What are we doing?" 
"I'm going to go and thank you." 
💙 Rosemary 
She would be in a daze. She didn't usually like people defending her, not when she could do it herself. But when you, sweet you, were defending her, she could just feel her knees go weak. 
It showed you cared, not because she would owe you something afterward; with your kind nature, that thought would never cross your mind. Rosemary knew that for sure.
When you turned back to her, she was fanning her face before regaining her composure.
"Well, aren't you just a knight in shining armor, handsome/dollface/angel face?" 
Rosemary would bring you in for a heated kiss that would make you melt. 
🩵 Tai
Shocked. Tai's own words could usually take anyone down, but before he could even utter a sentence, you had taken over. 
Where has this been hiding inside you? And why did he like it? 
He liked how passionate you were about him. 
Tai's eyes widened in shock even after you turned around and dragged him away. 
Tai would probably be in shock for a while until you brought him out of it and he would grab your hand. 
"Thank you." With sincerity in his eyes, that could knock anyone back. 
💚 Zane 
So smug. Zane has never had anyone stand up for him before. To see you spitting venom at this person would send a thrill through his spine. 
With a smug smile, he would put an arm around you as you berated the person, maybe even helping you out. When the person in question left, you turned back to your boyfriend, who just brought you close and kissed you. 
The hot temper from only a few seconds ago melts away as Zane's fingers rubbed into your hips. 
"Now aren't you full of surprises, Little Lion?" You gave him a shy blush, and Zane just chuckled.
"Don't worry. I liked it." 
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Hi, I have a Aemond request for Midnight Rain role reversed. Aemond is chasing the fame and reader wants marriage and comfortable
I couldn’t not fulfil this Taylor inspired request. Also, this is my first time writing for Aemond! Please be kind
keep sending requests!!
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She was sunshine, he was midnight rain
She wanted it comfortable, he wanted that pain
She wanted a husband, he was making his own name
Aemond’s sword was back in the sword holder hooked to his belt when he entered the gardens, unsurprised to find you there with your nose in a book. ‘’What is my little bird reading on this fine afternoon? Let me guess, a tale about a forbidden romance. A bastard and a princess, perhaps? That would be very fitting considering my nephews are here-’’
‘’Aemond.’’ You raised your eyes from your book, giving a reprimanding eye to your betrothed. ‘’That wasn’t very nice what you did in the courtyard.’’
He had a smug look on his face, the same he always had after winning a fight. ‘’I was hoping my sword swing would've impressed you.’’
‘’You know I have no interest in sword-play. Or threatening children.’’
Aemond had been showing off his sword skills with Ser Criston in the courtyard, an admiring crowd surrounding him and applauding him, when his nephews had showed up, having arrived shortly ago at the Red Keep. Aemond being Aemond, he decided to provoke and threaten them with his sword.
‘’I get that there has been a feud between your families since the incident, but they are children, Aemond. Threatening them with violence won’t solve anything. It will just beget more violence until that is all there is left. Do you want our children and their children to continue this?’’
What had happened to him at Laena Velaryon’s funeral was unfortunate and very sad, revenge was not the solution. It would not restore his eye – nothing would. It would give him a sheer satisfaction of successful revenge perhaps, but nothing else.
A smirk curled on his lips. ‘’Our children?’’
Had this been another conversation, you would have smiled and elaborated on your future with twinkling eyes, but Aemond had missed the whole point of what you had just said and you were tired of him blatantly ignoring your dutiful paroles.
‘’Is that all you took in of what I just said?’’
Aemond reached for your hand and sat beside you on the stone edge of the pond. ‘’It was the most important part.’’ He brought your hand to his lip and kissed it, the sweetness of his gesture making you almost pass the sponge on his behavior.
After hearing of the King’s death, you went to the Red Keep to be at Aemond’s side. His death had been a surprise to no one with the digressing of his health, but you thought Aemond might need you for emotional support. He was always the one holding the family together and being there for his mother, but who would be there for him in a moment of grief if not you?
When you arrived at the castle, the Queen informed you that Aemond was out with Ser Criston, but that you could wait for him. Instead of sitting in a corner, you offered your support and company to his sister Haelena and her children.
While you were playing with the children, she let slip that Aemond had caused some chaos during last night’s dinner. A provoking speech that led to a small altercation between him and Jaecerys Velaryon.
‘’Why did you have to cause chaos at what ended up being the King's last family dinner? You could have behaved for one night…’’ you asked in the quietness of the corridor leading out of the royal appartments.
‘’I was only playing. Jace reacted a little too strongly.’’ Aemond sniggered at his own wordplay, making you halt in your step.
‘’I can’t do this.’’ You shook your head. ‘’Not today.’’
Aemond frowned. ‘’Do what?’’
‘’Listening to you laughing and saying slurs about your nephews. I came here to bring you support and comfort on this sad day, but it seems to me that you don’t need me.’’
Weeks later, the Blacks declared a War with the Greens and Jaehaerys was killed.
Why Jaehaerys? He was Aegon II's firstborn and heir, but how would hiring someone to kill a child give Rhaenyra the Iron Throne? It didn’t make sense. Then, the news of Rhaenyra's son began spreading and you saw red. A son for a son.
You felt sick.
After returning from taking Vhagar on her daily ride, Aemond was informed by one of the handmaids that you were there.
‘’Lady Y/N wishes to speak to you, my prince. She awaits in your bedchamber.’’
Aemond thanked the handmaid with a curt nod and headed to his bedchamber, excited to tell you about how high he flew this morning. When he opened the door, that excitement on his face fell when he saw the sapphire earrings he had gifted you on the bed.
‘’I am calling our betrothal off, Aemond. I changed my mind.’’
You didn’t want to, but your goals and values didn’t align anymore.
Still standing behind the closed door, Aemond looked at you. ‘’Why? Why the change of mind?’’ he asked immediately. ‘’We are supposed to marry when your father returns from the Iron Islands.’’
‘’I know. But I cannot wed you anymore.’’
He crossed the space to the bed, taking a seat beside you, trying to think of a possible reason for your change of heart. ‘’Is it because I haven’t given you as much of my time? If so, I apologize. With the war going on, Mother needs me more than ever-’’
You shook your head. ‘’I love you, Aemond, but your hunger for revenge knows no limits. It matters not to you that you commit acts of cruelty. You express no remorse for chasing your nephew with a war machine like Vhagar, leading to his death.''
Aemond had tried so hard to keep this from you. It was foolish of him to think you would never learn what had happened at Storm’s End. ‘’I didn't intent to kill him-’’
You stood and snapped at the prince. ‘’But you did!’’ It was rare that you lost your calm, so Aemond stayed quiet and listened. ‘’I do not own a dragon, but I do know that dragons are bonded with their riders. If a small part of you wanted to kill Lucerys, your dragon sensed it and acted on it.’’
When Aemond had returned from Storm’s End without an eye to bring to his mother, he had been terrified of her reaction. Albeit it had been an accident, he had killed the boy. He had seen her disciplining Aegon, screaming and hitting him for his debaucheries and heinous behaviors, and doubted him being almost a man grown would stop her from disciplining him.
‘’Your sister had to pay for your crime. How can you sleep at night knowing a child was killed because of you?’’ you continued, thinking of a heartbroken Haelena following the traumatizing event. ‘’You lust after the crown and the violence and crimes you are willing to commit to get it are something I cannot live with.’’ You gave the prince one last glance before leaving his bedchamber. ‘’Goodbye, Aemond.’’
Taglist: @taylordaughter  @gillybear17 @liltimmyst @eos-princess   @Kaitieskidmore1 @instabull  
House of the Dragon/Game of Thrones taglist: @anastasiaxsworld @lollypopcrazylover @fin-never @dkathl @ayamenimthiriel @nerdy4itall @rraindrops @glors3 @beelanie @hc-geralt-23 @sweetybuzz25  @uniquenightsheep @kaywsworld @i-yam-awesome @caspianobsessed @kelssssxd @dilfsarebetterthanyou @missyviolet123 @leakycauldrns @brezzybfan @khaleesihavilliard @vexedvalerie @lollaa-puff @my-dark-prince @chevelledahuman @caspianobsessed @ayamenimthiriel @yor72 @mirandastuckinthe80s @newtsniffles @cleverzonkwombatsludge @justaproudslytherpuff @ren-ni @green-lxght @anginoguera @bubblebuttwade @comicsol1999 @rockerchick05 @baelavelaryonwp @tnu-ree @beccawinter @alexisabirdie @persage @hayleighloatx @kindaslightlyacidic @perdynerd @elsyyie @puffycreamcakes  @thirsty4nonlivingmen  @naty-1001 @xannybabyxx  @katiepie67 @kjones375 @moshpot24x @hc-geralt-23 @lovelynerdytraveler @saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10 @tabloidteen @timetoten @deekaag @wondxrgurl   @queenofshinigamis @aerangi @strmborns @astridyoo15 @Wehi02 @daemonslittlebitch @queenbeestuffs @severewobblerlightdragon @agentstarkid @msliz   @cayleecook38 @yoyopolloobamadaddy @hayleighloatx @vane1999-blog @smptxx @fairyfolkloresposts @yassi-world @todaywasafairytale07 @ESobilal @otomaniac @zgzgzh @thebeardedmoon @golden-library @kikyrizuki @hnslchw @camy85 @winxschester @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios
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imagineanime2022 · 1 year
Tokyo Ghoul - Meeting Someone Like Tanjiro
Ken Kaneki X Reader, Nishiki Nishio X Reader, Haise Sasaki X Reader, Koutarou Amon X Reader, Juuzou Suzuya X Reader, Ayato Kirishima X Reader, Uta X Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: Hello!!! Can I request how would the Tokyo ghoul characters would react to a so/ tanjiro like his backstory and his skill all that.
I'm quite curious what would there be reaction for all the shit she when throu and still act sane (cuz let's be honest all of them needs therapy) and her being a pure soul♥️ and just the biggest sunshine ball of hope that can kill your ass
And you can add anything else to the plot just a so/ that is like tanjiro(I love him🤭♥️👹)
Your siblings name - (Y/S/N)
You openly explained the reason that you were there, you told him about you going on a trip, you came back to find your family had been killed by a ghoul and your sister barely alive, you took her to the hospital and they used the ‘only’ matching organs they had.
You wanted to protect your sibling so you trained everyday and even stole a weapon, the CCG, the Quinque resembled a katana and had an affinity for water.
No one knew who you or your sister were only that you aligned with no one at the time that your code names were assigned.
You were named Dragonfly and your sibling named Scorpion.
You became known for your fierce protectiveness of each other and the mercy you showed even the fiercest of enemies.
You learned that your sisters Kagune resembled a scorpion and when he blood touched any enemies it tended to burn them.
You yourself have always had a good nose, you always seemed to be able to tell what people were and how they felt just from their scent alone.
Ken Kaneki
☕ Pre-trauma Kaneki was surprised to find that there were any humans in Anteiku, however finding your sibling attached to your leg he could tell immediately that they were a ghoul and that must have been the reason that you were there. ☕ You had ended up wandering into the Anteiku cafe one day and the boss figured out what had happened to you sibling and offered you both a place to stay. ☕ Kaneki felt that you were the closest that he would get to anyone understanding him and you were understanding as well as quick to explain everything and help him understand. ☕ You were nicer than most and your sibling was a breath of fresh air in the world that he seemed to have been thrust into.
You were the first one to get to Kaneki when he stumbled into The Serpent’s hunting ground, your weapon was drawn in seconds as you took the front line “keep him safe (Y/S/N)!” You ordered as you watched The Serpent circle you, you never let him get behind you as you turned to be facing him. “What does this gain you?” “Just a little fun.” He smirked as he dove forward, you knocked him away with the blunt side of your sword. “Fight me!” “I have no reason to fight you.” You declared as you knocked him away again, it was surprising that you had the strength to fight a Ghoul that had been feeding constantly with no help, Kaneki watched in awe as you kept him at bay while not landing a single damaging blow.
It was later that evening when you were sitting with (Y/S/N) they had just fallen asleep and you seemed to be reading something. “Can I ask you something?” Kaneki asked as he stood in front of you. “Course, take a seat.” You prompted as you gestured to the sofa opposite you. “Earlier with Nishiki, you didn’t hurt him, wouldn’t it have been easier if you had fought him properly?” Kaneki asked. “Probably.” You nodded. “Then why didn’t you?” He asked. “He’s hurting too.” You explained. “What?” He asked. “Every person has something in their life worth living for, it’s why they are still breathing, why they keep going, it could be a person, an idea, a dream, a place, it doesn’t matter what it is to them it’s worth fighting for, should I kill someone for doing the same as me?” You asked. “Well I guess not but wouldn’t they just do the same?” Kaneki asked. “To justify by saying they would do the same, is cowardly and selfish, if you don’t believe that it is the right option don’t do it.” You shrugged “look for a different option, it will present itself.” “And when deadly force is the only option?” Kaneki asked. “There will always be times where it’s deserved but even when death is the kindest option it doesn’t have to be painful.” You explained and you looked at him and smiled. “You will be forced to fight but you will learn with experience. And if you even need help I’ll be here to lead you back.”
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Nishiki Nishio
🐍 Nishiki is probably one of the most untrusting Ghouls that you will ever meet, through no fault of his own. 🐍 You were the one that Nishiki didn’t trust, your sibling was the ghoul and honestly given the fact that they were relatively new to the whole thing at the time that you met him he was willing to take them under his wing but he wanted nothing to do with you. 🐍 Obviously they weren’t going to leave you so the offer was never taken but he did tell you about the coffee trick to help you sibling through the day. 🐍 As you started making more of a name for yourselves, he silently rooted for you both, hoping that you would succeed in a place that he had only seen failure.
Nishiki had assumed that you and (Y/S/N) had left the area, he hadn’t seen you in a long time and reports on you had dwindled, he continued as he normally would, it wasn’t like you being there was anything that he worried about, these were his hunting grounds anyway. That is until he stumbles on Kaneki feeding in his ground and attempts to attack and kill him, ultimately leading to a fight that he didn’t know that he couldn’t win. It seemed however that there was someone on his side, that someone was you. Your control with the Qinque had improved since he last saw you, using the water that you manipulated to push away the attacker rather than the blade itself. “Leave Rabbit.” You ordered. “I don’t want to hurt you but your next actions will decide mine.” “He started this fight.” The ghoul known as Rabbit answered. “Maybe but now you're going to walk away.” You ordered as you lifted your katana into a defensive stance, however the Rabbit seemed ready for a fight, she dove forward prompting you to do the same, your Quinque clashed with her Kagune however she was the one who came off injured with the water around you Quinque sharpening to cut into her wings, you saw the flash to your right just before your sibling Kagune clashed with the one that struck at your side, their blood landing on and burning the ghoul causing the Rabbit to fall back to his side. “I’ll give you one last chance to leave.” “Let’s go.” She ordered.
“Why did you help me?” Nishiki asked as you looped his arm over your shoulder and helped him stand. “Why wouldn’t I help you, (Y/S/N) appreciated your help.” You answered as you positioned himself better. “Where do you want me to take you?” “Home is fine.” He answered and you nodded as you started on your way, as he told you which direction to go, by the time that you got there, your sibling was standing at the door with a covered tupperware in their hand. “What is that?” “They’ve brought you a little snack.” You said as he opened the door to the apartment, you helped him in before your sibling placed the tupperware in front of him. “Thank you.” He said softly. “You seem like the kind of person who doesn’t say that very often.” You teased and he rolled his eyes. “How’d you get this?” He asked. “We break into places where there are donor bodies, we take the things that others won’t need.” You explained “I keep some of the small stuff for them to snack on but they’ll have one huge feed every couple of months.” “That works?” He asked. “With the help of the coffee, yeah.” You nodded and looked at your sibling who was standing quietly behind you. “They’re okay?” He asked. “Mmm.” You hummed. “You seem to be doing well.” He finally said. “Yeah, we’re doing well.” You confirmed “just maybe keep yourself out of trouble yeah?” “Yeah, yeah.” He muttered and you smiled before heading out of the door, he didn’t know why you were so nice or even if you were going to extend the kindness again but for now he could be thankful that you extended the help.
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Haise Sasaki
💼 Haise was probably the one that was closest to your through process on the other side of the field, most ghouls held some kind of contempt for humans so you guys would often be on the same page. 💼 You were very rarely called in for missions with him, given your position however you did always come by to see him and make sure that he and the rest of his team were okay. 💼 Haise always worried that his team would upset you in some way but you always made sure that they were okay and protected them all. 💼 Even if Haise did think a lot like you, there were some things that he didn’t understand, he knew of your past and he often wondered how that had led the person that you were.
The CCG found you and your sibling about a week after everything happened. They were surprised that you were even still alive, and that they hadn’t killed you yet. They wanted your skills but at first they had no use for your sibling, you refused to work for them unless they came with you and while you didn’t like it, you agreed for them to have some of their blood to test.
You both became the poster children for the CCG’s new Quinx programme, it took a little while for them to find others that were suitable for the same programme but as more half ghouls were added, you were phased out, you and (Y/S/N) only going on mission where you were needed, you two were the best at your job, you got thing done quickly and quietly in most cases.
Haise and his squad had been called to take out a small group of Ghouls that had been hunting and killing in the city, they had managed to track down and kill most of the group however the very last and most powerful ghoul seemed to be posing a problem after taking out half the squad only Haise and Urie remained in fighting condition and that was when you were called in, you appearance was quiet almost unnoticed until you cut the achilles tendons of the ghoul forcing him to a kneeling position “Why would you kill all of those people, they did not deserve any of the pain that you brought on them.” You glared at the ghoul kneeling in front of you. “They were weak, they should have killed us before we killed them.” He sneered. “They couldn’t have, even if they wanted to.” You said through gritted teeth as you crouched in front of him. “You should suffer for what you did to them.” “And you are going to make m-?” He never finished the question, your Quinque severing his head from his shoulders. “There would be no point in that.” You muttered, flicking his blood off of your Quinque. “Are you sure he deserved such a merciful end?” Urie asked as you looked at him. “No one is given a choice in the way that they are born and I don’t know what led him here but I doubt it was good based on the scent of his emotion, the least I can do is give him a peaceful end.” You answered. “His scent?” Haise asked. “Mmm.” You hummed as you looked at the dead ghoul. “He smelled like fear. I doubt that they were doing it for themselves, it seems like they were giving most of what they got to someone else.” “They still killed people.” Urie argued. “So have we.” You answered as you crouched next to the ghoul “find your family and rest easy. Come on, it's time to get out of here, the rest of your team needs medical attention or at the very least something to eat.”
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Koutarou Amon
🔍 He could not deny that there had been less investigator deaths when they convinced you to join. 🔍 Amon was confused as to why they ever bothered to keep your sibling around, he could not deny that you were a skilled investigator but he saw no use for keeping a pet ghoul. 🔍 That changed after he was spared by Kaneki though, in fact you were the person that he came to after it had happened. 🔍 You were the only person that he felt comfortable asking, hoping that you weren’t going to judge him for his sudden interest and possible change of heart.
You had been given your own office as to keep you sibling away from all the other investigators, most for their safety, you had full confidence in your sibling but most the time they took an attack from the other investigators with no fight back at all, you demanded a place that was safe for them if you were to continue to work with the CCG.
Amon took a deep breath before knocking on the door “Come in Amon!” You called, when he walked in he saw that you were sitting on a sofa in the office, your sibling laying across the rest with their head resting on your lap. “How can I help you?” “I wanted to ask you something.” He said. “Mm.” You hummed, gesturing to one of the other seats in the room. “How did you know that (Y/S/N) could be saved?” He asked. “On the night that I found them, they were hungry, they did jump on me, but they were crying, they recognised me and they didn’t want to hurt me, that was when the CCG found us, it took a lot to get away from the the first time but it’s never happened again.” You explained “there was a place that helped us to figure out some things that could help with hunger and their better now.” “Better?” He asked. “Well they’ve never hurt anyone here have they?” You asked. “I don't think they’ll ever be the same as before but we can get to a better time where we can live together. Why do you ask?” “I had an encounter with a ghoul on my most recent mission.” He started. “Are you okay?” You asked. “I’m fine, actually he didn’t hurt me, my Quinque was broken but he spared me, he could have killed me but he spared me.” He explained. “And you want to know why?” You asked, he was silent and you looked at him and smiled softly. “I don’t know why he did it but I can only assume like you he was fighting to protect someone else, some of them are just trying to live and the moment that we knock down their doors, living turns to surviving. The next time that you see him you’ll have to ask him.” “Ask him?” He asked. “Can we even talk to them?” “Have you tried?” You asked. “I guess not.” He mumbled. “Not all of them will answer but the ones worth saving, protecting they will.” You said softly running your fingers through your siblings' hair with a small smile on your face.
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Juuzou Suzuya
🪡 Juuzou is probably the human that you would have the worst time with considering his view on ghouls and their existence. 🪡 He is very much hit now and asks questions later so you’d find it hard to protect your sibling if you weren’t fighting to kill him. 🪡 He is unlikely to understand anything of the values that you live by and wouldn’t take a second to think about them either, might even mistake you for a ghoul as well. 🪡 You’ve never been one to give in easily and the fact that you kept getting back up was bothering Juuzou to no end.
“(Y/S/N) run!” You yelled, they turned for the exit of alley and you dove into Juuzou’s path to stop him from getting to them, knocking his scythe away and allowing the knife he had thrown to hit your shoulder instead of continuing the path to your siblings head. “Why would you do that?” Juuzou whined “it’s a ghoul, it’ll only end up killing you.” “That’s not true.” You mumbled as you pushed him away, his back hitting the wall as you created some distance, lifting your Quinque, he frowned. “Where did you get that?” He asked. “Stole it, I would do anything to protect them.” You answered as he dove forward swinging the scythe with practised precision, you dodged not once using your Quinque for anything other that blocking a hit you were fast enough to dodge. “I have to get back to them.” You stood steading yourself when you realised that they were not going to be able to convince him that you weren’t here to hurt anyone. You swung your Quinque the water that wrapped around the blade branching out in an attack, Juuzou dodge most of the attacks but a few landed, you lifted the Quinque ready for the finishing blow “I understand that you were only doing your job but would you let me go if I turned away from you now?” “Never.” Juuzou sneered. “As I thought.” You sighed, you pulled back the blade taking in a deep breath. “Stop!” You turned to another CCG officer who was holding your sibling as they kicked and tried to get away, you took the dagger from your shoulder and threw it at the officer. In that second Juuzou kicked your feet out from underneath you using another dagger to stab straight through your hands. The scorpion tail that you had come to know very well made itself known at that moment, easily separating (Y/S/N) from the officer holding her. “Shinohara!” Juuzou yelled as (Y/S/N) took the place in front of you standing with their arm out Kagune at the ready to protect you. You pushed yourself up from your position on the floor, hands still pinned together with the dagger. “Just leave us alone… Please.” You pleaded. “Juuzou it’s time to leave.” The man, Shinohara said. “But-” “Now Juuzou let’s go.” He ordered.
Juuzou met you again later when the CCG took you both in as the first of the Quinx programme “your still alive?” He asked. “No thanks to you.” You said holding your hands to show the scars from your previous encounter. “I’m impressed your pet hasn’t bitten you yet.” He smirked and you glared at me. “They aren’t a pet, they’re my family.” You corrected him. “I don’t understand you.” He murmured as he looked at your sibling who’s Kagune lashed protectively. “I’m more than willing to help you understand if you give us a chance.” You explained. “Well you're here anyway.” He mumbled with a shrug and even if it wasn't an open answer you were looking for it was better than nothing.
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Ayato Kirishima
🐇 Ayato understood the need to protect your sibling, he had done a lot to keep his sister safe after all. 🐇 You both did it in different ways but you both wanted the same result, you however seemed to disregard your own health quite a lot if it meant that your sibling was going to be okay. 🐇 Aogiri Tree wanted your sibling but they didn’t want you, they had been trying to split you both up since learning of their existence. 🐇 When all of the other failed they sent Ayato however he didn’t succeed on the first attempt either.
“Who are you?” You asked. “Me? None of your business, no one needs to get hurt if you just give them over.” Ayato jutted his head in the direction of your sibling. “Would you give over your brother or sister if they asked?” You asked. “What does that matter?” He asked. “You wouldn’t would you?” You shook your head “I can tell.” “What the hell are you talking about?” He asked, you saw his centre of mass shift he was getting ready to attack. “You have a sibling don’t you? You’ve kept them away.” You said and he moved forward you blocked his kick with the flat of your arm, slipping back only slightly as you looked at him. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt them, I just thought that we could be friends, you know, since we share an interest.” You explained. “Friends? You want to be friends with someone who was sent to kill you?” He asked. “You don’t want to kill me though, do you?” You asked. “How can you be so sure of that?” He asked. “I’ve seen your work, I’d be dead by now if you wanted me dead.” You explained as you pushed him away from you. “I’m not letting you get away from me.” Ayato informed you and you looked at him and nodded. “We know.” You said at the same time that your siblings leg came into contact with the side of his face, knocking him out. You sighed as you crouched in front of him lifting him onto the sofa in the abandoned building, you wrote a quick note before grabbing some of you clothes and leaving with your sibling.
Ayato groaned as he woke up rubbing at his temple, his eyes landing on the note on the table:
I really hope we can be friends, come find me if you change your mind.
He had no idea why you thought that you, a human, thought that you could be friends with him, a ghoul but he wouldn’t be entertaining you… Or so he thought.
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Hideyoshi Nagachika
🚲 Hide loved you both, he saw you as hope for the future that he wanted, for him and Kaneki, you were how he proved to Kaneki that it could work. 🚲 He found out about you when he was working for the CCG but the challenge was finding you, you were very good at hiding yourself and your sibling when the time called for it. 🚲 When he finally found you he pleaded his case with you and you were fast friends especially after he and your sibling became friends. 🚲 You kept a close eye on him where you could and you were there when he needed someone to help him.
You would have been able to smell the blood even if you didn’t have an exceptional sense of smell, you walked into the old sewer system and found Hide and the boy you assumed was Kaneki, you ignored the Ghoul you could tell that he was already healing, your crouching in front of Hide “you're too kind for this world.” You said softly as you lifted him from the floor. “Kaneki…” He said, you looked back at the Ghoul. “He’s not ready to come back yet.” You said “he’ll come home, I know he will but we have to focus on making sure that you are there when he does.” “He’s okay?” Kaneki asked. “He’s healing, he will be fine, what you have done for him will bring him back I promise.” You said as you turned away from the Ghoul to get Hide to someone that you knew could help him.
You waited for him to wake up, he took a while to come around given the injuries no one was surprised “you're still here?” Hide asked. “I remember you saying we were friends, you make sure that your friends are okay, I can leave if you want me to.” You said. “No, that's not what I meant.” He said “it’s just I don’t expect that I look pretty.” “I thought you were cute before and you still are, but past that it doesn’t matter what your body is, it matters what your soul is.” You explained. “I don’t know what to do next.” He admitted. “Well, we’ll be here until you know and I’ll help you wherever I can.” You promised. “You… You will?” He asked. “You believe in me and (Y/S/N), we believe in you and Kaneki and we’re all going to make a world that we can live in together.” You promised, putting your pinky finger out. “Good plan?” “Yeah.” He said, choking out a laugh and you nodded “good then get some rest, you have healing to do so we can get to work changing the world.”
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🎭 You were the one that found Uta, you needed masks for you and your sibling, with the code names that you were given you knew it was only a matter of time before the CCG came looking for you. 🎭 You entered the shop and asked him about the masks while your sibling looked around the room, you were sure that he knew they were a Ghoul and you weren't. He was watching you carefully. 🎭 He had heard about you by now, so he knew about your family and your unique abilities. 🎭 He was convinced that you gained something from keeping your ghoul sibling around, he wasn’t sure what but couldn’t simply believe that you were together for familial love.
“What do you earn from this?” Uta asked as he looked at you. “Um, the CCG doesn’t see my face.” You answered frowning at the question. “Not the mask, keeping your sibling around.” He jutted his head to your sibling who was looking at one of the masks on the shelf. “Gain?” You asked “nothing, they're my family so I’ll protect them with everything that I have.” “Even though they aren’t human anymore and they could kill because they had a bad day?” He asked. “Anyone could kill me for a bad day, we’ve been living like this for months.” You shrugged “I trust them and they trust me.” “Trust them?” He asked with a smirk as he stepped forward his tall stature crowding you, it only took a second for your siblings Kagune to wrap around your shoulder poised to stab him should he move in a way that concerned them. “They protect you the same way that you protect them?” He asked as he turned his attention to your sibling. “You know all it takes is one wrong move and suddenly you won’t have a sister, you’ll be all on your own with no one.” Uta said and you narrowed your eyes, hand falling the Quinque on your hip and he smirked. “You are interesting. You’ll be the talk of the town soon.” “Are you going to make the masks or not?” You asked, “Of course, come back next week the same day, they’ll be ready.” He promised, you stepped away from him. “Come on.” You put your hand out to your younger sibling and as he watched you.
“You came back…” He smiled as he turned his chair so that he was looking at you. “How much do I owe you?” You asked. “On the house.” He waved you off. “Change of heart?” You asked. “Investment in entertainment.” He answered as he handed you the two masks that he had made. “Entertainment?” You asked. “I don’t believe that what you are trying to do will work.” He answered honestly. “The world is too far gone for that but I want to see you try.” “You want to see me fail.” You grumbled. “How about I give you a job here?” He suggested. “Why would you do that?” You asked. “What other job is going to allow you to bring your ghoul to work?” He asked, you both looked over at your sibling and he waved. “I’m sure I can teach her some things about surviving too, make it easier for both of you.” He suggested. “Fine.” You answered “thank you.” “Why are you thanking me? It’s not like it did this out of the goodness of my heart.” He reminded you. “Well you didn’t have to do it at all, so a thank you is due.” You answered “when do I start?” “How about right now?” He asked.
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
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Shadows of Hope
[Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 1 + Beyond] [Mal’s Orphanage] [Mal Volari x Daenarya Blades 2 AU]
Pairings: Mal Volari x Daenarya (F!MC) Book: Blades of Light and Shadow II, Chapter 1 Word Count: ~3,000 Rating: Teen to be safe; emotional hurt (I'm sorry!) Warnings: drinking, depression, hints toward suicidal thoughts A/N: I use dialogue and the setting from chapter 1 in the beginning to set the scene, and then incorporate Daenarya's dream with Mal's at the end.
Synopsis: She was there, and then she was gone. Mal would move heaven and earth to bring her back, but what happens when he can't?
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"A toast!" Daenarya's smile widened, filling her face as she lifted a glass toward her friends. This new life of hers would take some getting used to, but she couldn't imagine a better group to experience this journey with. "To beating the Dreadlord."
"To green things and fresh air!" Imtura added, grateful to have escaped the Shadow Realm.
"And sunshine," Nia beamed, basking in the glow and safety of the warm sunlight that streamed into the White Tower palace gardens. The priestess of light might not be serving the temple, but she was going to spend her new freedom experiencing all the world had to offer.
Tyril feigned a frown, though his smile was still visible in the corner of his lips, betraying his stoic nature. "This is ridiculous. You may as well toast to the bees."
"Agreed!" Mal cheered, his jovial spirit soaring high. He was damn proud of the man he had become over the last few months and it was this crew that helped him get there. "To the bees. May they teach Tyril to have a better attitude—" 
The Rogue's laughter roared through the gardens as the traveling crew clinked their glasses together. They had done it. They had done the unthinkable. They had not only defeated the Dreadlord and the Shadow Court, but they had traveled to the Shadow Realm and returned, a feat no one had ever done before them. They also rescued Nia, Kade, a second Nespar, and discovered the Blade of Light. 
The group's spirits were high as they enjoyed the jubilant atmosphere. They didn't know what the future held, but they knew whatever it was they were ready. Together.
But that thought barely had time to glimmer to light, before darkness descended, shattering the revelry.
A swirling purple vortex cuts the serene gardens. Soldiers of the Shadow Realm march out. Mal drew his daggers, Tyril his sword, Imtura her axes, and Nia her light. They would fight and win, they had to. 
But then she came. 
The Dark Elf. 
Before anyone could react, she had seized Daenarya, her grip like an iron vice. With a malevolent grin, she dragged her back into the Realm of Shadows. The room fell into stunned silence. The laughter was gone. The drinks were shattered and spilled on the floor. Their weapons remained clutched in their hands, yet she was gone. The portal sealed shut before them, leaving only their memories that she was ever even there. 
His grasp on his daggers tightened, his muscles straining beneath his armor. This couldn't be how it ends. Not like this. Not without her. 
Mal drew in a long, measured breath. His eyes closed as he paused. The world around him stilled in response. The warm sunlight caressed his cheek. He could hear her whispering in his ear as she pressed a kiss there. The soft breeze from the open window carried the fragrant scent of sweet peas, like the ones he brought for her. His grip on his dagger loosened as he felt her hands over his. She was still there. He exhaled slowly, resheathing his weapons. It was only then that he had heard his friends. 
"You okay, Land Rat?" Imtura questioned, concern lacing her words.
"Mal!" Nia cried, her hands on his shoulder, shaking him back to them.
Tyril's hand moved in front of his face, trying to sense if any dark magic lingered on him. 
Mal snapped back into awareness, taking a step back. "What in the three hells is this?"
Nia wrapped her arms around him, her eyes filled with tears. "You're okay." 
"Of course I am," He responded. "Why wouldn't I be?"
She took a step back, studying his face. Her gaze shifted to Tyril.
"I sense no darkness or magic," Tyril decided. He rested a reassuring hand on his friend's shoulder. "Do you remember what happened?"
"Which part?" His tone was snarky, his smile cocky. "The part where we beat the Dreadlord and were celebrating, or the part where my girlfriend was kidnapped by a dark elf?"
"He's fine!" Imtura slapped him on the back. 
"Fine is a relative term," Tyril added skeptically.
"What's wrong with you, Elf Boy." Mal shook his head, his face twisting in confusion. "We're wasting time. Let's raid the armory again and go rescue Daenarya." He marched forward, pushing past his friends. 
The way the elf said his name would haunt him in ways he couldn't know yet. It was soft. It was pained. It was broken.
"The portal's closed," Tyril explained. "We have no means of opening it again." 
"We have to try," Mal demanded. 
"I'm not saying we won't, but it won't be easy."
"Nothing ever is."
"I know." Tyril's reassuring hand was there on his shoulder again. It was heavier now. "We will not rest until we have rescued her, but rushing into things won't help. We need a plan. We need to research."
"I'm not going to stand here while Daenarya is being tortured and having gods knows what done to her." He pulled his shoulder away. "We are getting her back. One way or another. We are getting her back."
"Aye!" Imtura agreed. "I'm with the land rat."
"Me too," Nia added. "Daenarya risked her life to save mine. I owe her everything."
"Obviously, I am in, as well. It will be a challenge, but one I would be honored to accept with the three of you." 
Mal nodded at his crew. "Then, it's decided. We rescue Daenarya."
"We should check the royal records and library for any information about realm crossing," Tyril offered. 
"I'll check with the temple to see if there is any light magic or rituals that might be of assistance," Nia suggested.
"That leaves you and me, Princess—" Mal's smirk grew as his hope rose. "Weapons and armor. We will need all the tactical help we can get." 
"My kind of duty!" Imtura nodded, giving him a one-time pass on the Princess comment. 
Mal held his head high as they each went off to their tasks. Daenarya wasn't lost to the shadows, not with them readying to rescue her. 
Hours turned into days. 
Days turned into weeks. 
Every lead they found led to failure. 
One defeat after another, smothering their hope a little more with each failed attempt. The once bright light filling their eyes had dulled. Dark circles hung beneath their weary gaze. Lines of exhaustion dug creases across their faces. 
Day after day, week after week, they worked tirelessly to save her, but now it was physically killing them.
Emotionally, they were no better. They were unraveling—fast. The spark of optimism that once fueled their determination now flickered like a dying ember. Frustration lurked beneath the surface. Mal found himself snapping at Imtura over the smallest things, their camaraderie strained by the constant setbacks. Nia, usually a calming presence, had her patience tested as she argued with Tyril over their research and what powers they could harness from the light. 
With each passing day, the bonds that held them together grew more fragile without her. She was the glue that brought them together, and without her... without her, they were just 3 very different people with a common memory.
In the dimly lit room where they gathered to discuss their most recent findings, the atmosphere was heavy with unspoken tension. Mal's jaw clenched as he glanced at Tyril's furrowed brow, and the elf's narrowed gaze showed his growing impatience for the human. Imtura, once the heart of their humor, now responded to jests with a forced smile that failed to reach her eyes. Nia struggled to keep her voice steady as she raised concerns about their dwindling options.
Weeks turned into hopeless months.
The weight of their mission pressed down on them like a relentless storm. It tore them apart until all that remained was the fragments of a group that once was celebrated, but was now pitied and avoided at all costs. 
Mal's gaze darkened, and he snapped at everyone at any word. Nothing was enough. Nothing was right. Nothing was his way. But most of all, nothing brought her back. His burning rage consumed him. He lashed out at his friends who tried to console him, his once-charming demeanor replaced by a bitter and resentful man.
"I shouldn't have ever let Kit convince me friends are anything more than a liability," Mal snapped. "You lot couldn't save yourselves. How could I rely on you? I'll save Daenarya myself." 
The rage in Imtura grew; she drew her ax as he walked away. Her grip on her weapon tightened. No human would speak to her like that and draw another breath.
Tyril stood in her path, a somber expression on his face. He shook her head. "Let him go. He's lost more than the rest of us."
The remaining three agreed to go their separate ways. They'd never give up on trying to rescue her—Daenarya was strong; if anyone could survive the Shadow Realm, it was her. The knowledge brought little comfort. 
As he walked the cold streets of White Tower alone, his gaze fell upon the disgraced temple of light. His jaw clenched as he remembered what he had seen the last time he stepped foot in there. Yet, his feet carried him toward the glimmering building's white steps. He climbed the stairs, one reluctant step after another. Mal had never been a religious man, but he had tried everything else. He promised her he'd try everything, so that meant this as well. 
He fell to his knees at the altar, begging the gods of old, new, and anyone listening to save her. He offered everything he could think of, anything he could use to bargain with them. His soul and his life were among the last. His life didn't matter, hers did. She saved the realm; she got a rag-tag group of misfits to work together. It wasn't them; it was her. Let him be damned but bring her back. Only silence filled the room in response. 
Mal traveled the kingdoms, searching for any religion to turn to, anything to breathe life into the embers of hope that vaguely glowed within him. Without hope, he knew there would be nothing left of him. 
He dragged himself back to the Temple of Ellara, where their journey first began. He fell beneath the statue of Ittar and Bakshi, the two souls that formed one god. The lovers. If anyone would take pity on him, it was them. He cried out, begging and pleading for refuge. The only response was the sound of his sobs echoing in the hallowed halls. 
He was alone.
Daenarya had been taken.
He had pushed his friends away.
The gods had failed him. 
He was alone.
He should have been used to it. Gods know he had spent his life with that feeling, yet this time was different. This time was heavier. Because this time, he knew what it was like to have a family. This time, he knew what love felt like. This time, he knew how it felt to have hope, to trust in a future that might be okay, and to lose it all.
Now, he was alone, and there was no escape from the pit of despair he found himself in.
He didn't remember how he got there. He didn't know how long it had been. All he knew was he was back. Perhaps it was where he was always meant to end up.
Mal retreated into the shadows, seeking solace in the dark, forgotten streets of White Tower. It was a place where no one remembered your name, where he could be as lost as he felt inside. His despair was a suffocating weight, threatening to consume him entirely.
"I tried, Mom," he whispered as he leaned against her grave, a bottle of liquor in his hand. "I tried," he repeated, drinking the remaining liquid. 
His fingers massaged one scar after another. Some were new, most old, and some had even been forgotten. But that was then. That was when she was there to listen to every story, hold his every pain, and share the burdens that shadowed his past. Without her, the pain returned. Every pain he had ever felt, all at once. It was suffocating. It was all-consuming.
"I'm sorry." He pressed a kiss to her grave and dragged himself back toward the abandoned building he had been squatting in. His steps were weak as he shuffled down the streets. Every muscle in his body ached. His weathered skin and sunken features made the once infamous White Tower reaper unrecognizable. People scurried in the shadows to avoid passing him. No one dared approach him for fear of what he had become.
With another bottle in hand, he entered a dilapidated building. Forgotten and abandoned, the place reflected his own broken spirit. He collapsed on the floor of his new "home". He couldn't stop the chuckle growing at the word. She was home, but she took it with her, and she was gone. 
He held his dagger in his hands. A beam of moonlight slipping through one of the many holes in the structure glinted on its surface. Was tonight the night? Was this the end? 
His heavy eyes fought to close, his body desperate for sleep. He refused to let himself fall. Sleep meant dreams and, in his case, nightmares. Or, on the rare occasion that nightmares didn't consume him, he was left with only a dark purple vortex, sucking out the last of his life force. There was such little left to give. 
The bottle fell from his grasp, the liquid spilling on the floor as sleep overtook him. Instead of being greeted by the monsters and darkness that had become his only companions, he found her. She was beautiful. Just as she remembered. Her smile stirred the forgotten embers of hope that lingered deep within him. 
His body trembled at the thought of her. He smiled weakly, nervous and uncertain. "What does this mean?" 
Her fingers attempted to thread through his once luscious locks, now dirtied and tangled. Her gaze was soft as she spoke. "It means you can open that orphanage we dreamed of."
His eyes filled with unshed tears. He had forgotten about their dream. The night they had celebrated their victory, the promises they made to one another. "It would be nice to give poor kids a better life than I had. Make it so they don't have to steal to survive."
She nodded, her face beaming with pride. "It's a worthy goal. One might even say a noble one."
"Please. Anything but that." He was far from noble. He was one step above the shadow court themselves. Darkness had consumed almost every part of him.
"And Mal, my Magnificent Rogue, I promise you, no matter what... we'll be together again," her voice was a whisper in his ear—the warmth of her breath a welcomed old friend. 
"Just try not to lead me on any wild goose chases, Kit," he teased, forgetting himself. "You know how Elf Boy feels about geese." His voice was light, and laughter rumbled on his lips for the first time since she was taken. 
Mal leaned in, closing the gap between them. His lips brushed over hers, sparking the flames of hope inside him once more. His body filled with warmth. 
"And you know—" He continued. "I will always find you." 
As he reached to embrace her once more, the vision faded away, leaving him once more surrounded by darkness. He reached for the fallen bottle. Whatever remained at the bottom was better than nothing. 
His hand hovered over the glass container, something stopping him. Her words echoed in his ear. 
We'll be together again. 
For the first time in a long time, he had hope. 
He wanted to believe he could find her still, but he knew he had no other paths to exhaust. So he would do the one thing he knew would keep her alive. Make their dream a reality. He would build their orphanage. He would save the children of White Tower from the fate he and Daenarya had suffered. He would build a better future from the ashes of the world that had forgotten them. 
His hope turned to determination. If he was going to remain in this world without Daenarya, he would make it better—a world deserving of someone as kind and brilliant as her.
Moment by moment, day by day he poured his grief and his love into that building. It became a testament to his devotion to the woman who had made him a better man. 
With each nail he drove into the walls, and with every floorboard he replaced, he whispered her name. He imagined her smile, her laughter, and the dreams they had shared. It was as if she was there with him, guiding his hands. He could still hear her whispering his name beside him.
Sooner than he could have imagined, in the heart of the slums of White Tower, a run-down, forgotten building transformed into a home. Their home, if only in spirit. Though quiet now, soon, he hoped, the rooms would teem with laughter and light-hearted squabbles of children he could rescue in his orphanage. The place would be one of love and hope. He would tell stories of the woman who saved the realm and who saved him in doing so. He would make sure her light lived on in this realm. If anyone deserved to be remembered, it was her. 
"For you," he whispered as his fingers ran over the sign reading "Mal's Orphanage". Beneath the name, in smaller lettering, read "no longer forgotten". He wouldn't forget her. He wouldn't forget the man he became because of her, and most of all, he would make sure the children he rescued were never forgotten. He would show them a better life, a beautiful life filled with the most powerful magic he had ever learned from Daenarya—love and hope. With those two things, the world would never descend to darkness again. 
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A/N #2: This is not edited, my heart broke writing it and I can't bear to read it back right now. I hope you enjoy it, despite how painful it is. My heart is absolutely broken from the first chapter back. Mal's struggle with his grief as he goes through the stages.
I'm going to create a new masterlist for Blades 2 because I'm going to keep my orphanage as my personal canon timeline from Book One. Book 2 stories will be an AU. I know that makes no sense, but to me, my orphanage will always be my personal favorite place and my canon.
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foolishlovers · 9 months
heyyy can i please get some trans aziracrow human au fic recs? 🥺 anything from G-E is fine with me thank you 🥺
of course!! 💜
The Piano Serpent by journeytogallifrey (3k, T) Aziraphale owns The Flaming Sword, which is one of the premier gay bars in London. Everyone knows this… except for their pianist, Crowley. While the regulars take bets over whether he's the clueless straight person he seems, Aziraphale just tries to prevent himself from falling further. But one night Crowley plays a song written specially to honor their regulars, and Aziraphale can't hold the truth in any longer. How will Crowley react? Will the truth really set them free? Based on the post where Billy Joel's The Piano Man is really about a clueless straight pianist in a gay bar. Or in our case, 'straight'.
The Colour of Hope and Sin by TawnyOwl95 (7k, E) Crowley has never felt so pretty. Tonight he can do anything. Having Aziraphale Eastgate, the best defender that St. Beryl's School football team had ever seen, cross Crowley's path again is a chance to test that theory. And maybe they can both work out some latent teenage angst at the same time?
A Stable Relationship by MirjamOmens (9k, E) Crowley used to be one of the best eventing riders of the UK. After one unfortunate fall that crushed his leg, he ends his career and starts coaching other promising athletes. Aziraphale is a riding instructor, handling the school ponies and teaching the beginners. For the past six months they have found themselves in a sort of arrangement. It’s just friendship… and sex, whenever their schedules happen to align. It's nothing more than that, right?
I'm Beginning to See the Light by ineffabildaddy (12k, E) There was Crowley - the paragon of cool, the overlord of apathy, breezing easily through each and every one of their exchanges and giving no fucks while doing so; then there was the anachronistic, cloying Aziraphale, trying and failing not to live life like a Thomas Hardy protagonist, and giving many fucks indeed. Or: Aziraphale has quite the pash on his colleague Crowley, who seems resolutely disinterested in him. As their annual Christmas party progresses, it appears that Crowley may not be as disinterested as Aziraphale first thought.
Black and White Sunshine by Azira_Amane (58k, E) "The cotton capital. The Second Summer of Love, the Haçienda. Irwell, Medlock, Irk and Mersey. Elizabeth Gaskell wrote her novels in a lovely little house. Oh. There’s so much to know…" Aziraphale East is, by his own account, a bit of an odd duck - and he's okay with that. He's always been happy in his own skin, in having been a confirmed bachelor his whole life. Everything changes on a work trip from London to Manchester, where he meets the vivacious and stunningly attractive Anthony Crowley. Like the splitting of the atom, Aziraphale is divided - and begins to wonder if it's not too late for love after all. Age, as they say, is but a number.
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littlerabbittarot · 2 months
What Can You Control? — Finding Wisdom in Powerlessness
Using cards can be an excellent tool to aid you in both examining and challenging yourself to help you learn and grow. Sometimes we need to ground ourselves and remind ourselves what we can and cannot do.
In this post, we’re going over control, and learning what to let go of and find balance in our lives. (See my previous spreads: analyzing your ‘normal’, healing your inner child, or curbing your anxiety.) Feel free to read through and save it for later, or take this time to breathe, make space, get out your journal, cards, and explore.
Regardless if you follow along with your cards, I do highly recommend using a journal, one that is for your eyes only. That way, you can feel free to be as open and honest as you need to be.
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Inspired by the ‘Serenity Prayer’: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference,” this spread has us challenge what we think we know.
I think an easy example we can all understand is the weather. Sometimes it rains when we need the sun, sometimes we’re wishing for even just a drop of water. We’re planning for the perfect day and a snow storm keeps you trapped indoors. None of us can control the weather, but we can control how we react to it, and how we adapt to these changes outside of our control.
Let’s walk through an example reading with this spread. If these cards spur something in you, by all means pause reading and journal your thoughts.
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What can’t you control? — Nine of Swords
The cards with this spread really wanted to be literal, haha. The ‘Nine of Swords’ I feel sums what it’s like when things are out of your control — and it’s a long list! External forces can have us feeling trapped inward, full of fear and confusion. A card of sleepless nights, endless anxiety, and like the figure in the card, it seems to come from all angles.
Life will throw curveballs at you. Maybe you just lost your job and you can’t rest not knowing where the next stream of income will come from. Or your loved one has gotten hurt, and you can’t stop panicking about if they’ll be okay. Maybe you stayed up all night studying for an exam, and your body keeps twitching as you’re waiting for the results.
Sometimes it feels like it’s never-ending stress, one thing right after another. You can’t control the fact that you got fired. You can’t snap your fingers and heal your loved one. And you can’t time travel into the future to get your test results back sooner. Worry worry worry, that’s the ‘Nine of Swords’’ message. All that lack of control can be overwhelming, which can really take a toll on your mental and physical health.
What can you control? — The Sun
But there is light in the dark, and hope to be had yet. ‘The Sun’ is, at its most basic meaning, happiness. This card is all about rainbows and sunshine, well, sunshine at least. ;) With positivity, success, and joy — this card speaks quite well with what we can literally control: our thoughts and emotions.
Easier said than done, but with practice, we can learn to not only see the bright side of things, but to better appreciate them too. We have the ability to search for the good in the bad, the lessons to be learned, and our hopes for the future.
You can’t control that you got fired, but maybe this time off gives you the break you needed to mentally recover from the grind. You can’t control your loved one being hurt, but maybe this gives you both a better appreciation of each other and the time you have. You can’t control when you get your test results, but you can take this opportunity to relax and explore your hobbies to pass the time more enjoyably.
‘The Sun’ wants you to shine a light on everything, good and bad, and see the whole picture. To not sink into a depressive spiral, but to appreciate the view.
How to find peace with this knowledge? — Death
A perfect card for this, ‘Death’ asks us to let go and embrace change. As hard as change is, it can transform us into something stronger or more beautiful than we were before. Just as this figure may be collapsed on the ground, there is a glowing light at their center, suggesting that there is more to come.
‘Death’ here is not literal, but metaphorical. We cannot control everything in life, we must release that mindset, as it is no longer serving us. We must grow into the person who loves and accepts what they can control.
Again, this is a process. ‘Death’ is a process. There are waves where we will be more or less challenged, and we must ground ourselves each time with these new experiences. ‘Death’ is not easy, letting go isn’t easy, change isn’t easy, but it is something we can do. Someone we can be — someone who knows what they can and cannot control.
So go ahead, write in your journal. Take inspiration from this example reading, use your own cards, or free-write. But write!
Ask yourself: How can you remind yourself of what you can control?
Thank you for reading! I hope to continue to blog about tarot, mental health, and similar topics. Feel free to follow, or support me on Ko-Fi.
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eisiramdeus · 2 years
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PERILSPAST, continued from this.
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❝Pfft— if yer real fuckin' shiny lucky, maybe.❞ He shakes his head, shakes these feelings that got you all down, now. Finger flicks at Flood's hat, tilting it right up to challenge his lowered eyes to rise. ❝Farewells. Wells. Plural, now. Cause, fuck, there a'lotta them. Ain't ever one last farewell. That's fer boys in New York. Out 'ere, we're sayin' farewell every day like it's the last, but it never is. Till it is. Then, it feels like it wasn't just enough o' a last. Then...❞ he's taking a big ol' sigh, too much talking, not enough sweet rye tingling sensation to greet the tongue. Hand plants firmly on Teddy's farther shoulder, forearm across his back. Free hand swigs out of glass just once, eyebrows raise to react to the initial burn. Mhm. Fuck. Anyways— ❝[then...], we spend every damn day sayin' farwells to what coulda been. Fuck if any man in the West ever said a last farewell 'n meant it, felt it, too. Ahhh, we're the grievin', sentimental type, mm?❞ Boisterous laugh, hand tapping down on Teddy's shoulder, a bit contagious kind of fun. At least he hopes so. It's impossible to be a downer when you're insane. Ringed-to-the-brim fingers of a seasoned killer who grins like sunshine... on a dusty, arid, treacherous Sonoran wildfire.
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monocaelia · 3 years
tending to their wounds
they cannot evade death. but with you around, they're invincible.
feat. albedo, childe, diluc, kaeya, kazuha, xiao
genre : headcanons, fluff, angst [for xiao and kazuha], hurt/comfort
warnings : blood and injury. death mention. minor cursing.
❀ albedo
it's to no one's surprise that albedo isn't human, meaning he doesn't have the same bodily functions as the others in mondstadt do. his body cannot bleed nor can he feel much pain. that's not to say he can't at all, but a simple prick from a piece of shattered flask can't really do the young alchemist any harm.
flasks breaking or nicking himself while conducting his own research never really phased the alchemist. despite the warnings his assistant gave him about laboratory safety, he didn't need to heed them if the injuries didn't apply to him, did he?
it's safe to say that the chief alchemist is... perplexed to say the least at seeing you worry over him. he wasn't expecting you to come rushing through his laboratory door when you heard the sound of falling glass and nearly climbed over all of his equipment to come to his aid.
"really, you shouldn't have to worry," his gentle voice reassures you, but his attempts to calm you down are futile. instead, albedo is met with your furrowed brows in concentration and your fingers brushing against his as you inspect his invisible wounds.
"yeah well, maybe if you were more careful in your laboratory i wouldn't be here worrying over you, would i?" albedo sighs at your response and decides to let you do as you please to his 'injuries.'
the alchemist's teal eyes follow your movements as you reach for the bandages in the first aid kit and begin to wrap them around his finger tips. he doesn't miss the way your tongue pokes out from between your lips as you concentrate on the task in front of you.
despite not needing to worry much about him, albedo finds it endearing that you care so much about his wellbeing. how much you care about him, how often you check up on him and make sure he never overworks himself. you truly are a caring individual, a ray of warm sunshine in his life.
you meet albedo's gaze when your name leaves his lips, eyes filled with curiosity at what he could possibly want.
"thank you for tending to me." he thanks you with tender smile on his face, his spare hand gently ruffling your hair. the flustered expression on your face is hard to miss, especially when you quickly duck your head down and away from the alchemist.
you stutter out that 'this is nothing!' and continue on wrapping albedo's faux injuries. though, the alchemist finds the way your hands shake as they brush against his skin adorable.
❀ childe
childe is a war criminal, in case you missed it. it's not uncommon to find the young man fighting an entire hoard of enemies by himself. the thrill of battle never seems to be enough for him, as he constantly seeks anything that could satiate his need for exhilaration.
finding scars or fresh injuries on the harbinger is the usual for you, regardless of whether or not they're shallow wounds or deep gashes that gush blood and stain your poor floor. not that childe minds anyways, he sees his battle scars as medals of the many fights he has won and wears them with pride.
but, despite being one of the fatui harbingers and an absolute beast on the battlefield, that doesn't stop you from worrying about his wellbeing.
your brows furrow in concern at the sight of childe in front of you; body worn from using his foul legacy form one too many times in succession and injuries sustained from his earlier fight. he shouldn't have protected you, really you could have protected yourself. and yet...
"you're going to ruin yourself if you keep going into your other form all the time, you know." childe laughs weakly at your lecturing; that's all he can do right now anyways. you catch your lip in between your teeth as you rub a cooling ointment on the harbinger's body. "this isn't funny. you can't just die. then no one would be the eleventh harbinger and you-"
"i would leave you alone?" childe smiles when you send him a glare. his rough hand finds yours, squeezing it lightly in reassurance. there's not a chance in the world that he would succumb to death just yet. childe is still young, and there are many others that he hasn't had the pleasure of fighting against.
and he sure as abyss can’t pass away without saying how he truly feels about you.
you grumble to the snezhnayan that you could've handled it all alone, that you didn't need him to go all berserk on the ruin guards that had surrounded you earlier. instead, childe laughs and places a weak hand on your forearm. "i know, but that was the perfect time to show you just how well i can fight. maybe then, you'll finally accept my feelings."
a white lie, really. even though childe knows that you could've handled it yourself, he acted on instinct back then. the thought of you being harmed in any way sends a chill down the harbinger's spine. he wouldn't forgive himself if he reacted a second too late and you ended up hurt as a consequence.
what's the point of harboring the power of the abyss if he couldn't protect the ones he loved.
you roll your eyes at his answer, choosing to quietly resume cleaning up childe's wounds in hopes that he doesn't say anything more embarrassing. as your fingers brush against the snezhnayan's freckled skin, you don't miss the way he leans towards your touch and the happy hum rumbling from his chest.
❀ diluc
the darknight hero is not one to lose his battles, let alone allow any of his enemies lay a finger on him. trained by the knights and his own father, diluc's fighting style is difficult to intercept and finding a weak spot in his defense is futile. even if his sword is too slow, his fists will be glad to meet those that oppose him.
that isn't to say he doesn't get hurt every now and then. you've caught him with bandages wrapped around his hand, blood soaked gauze around his torso. as long as the job was done, diluc didn't mind the wounds he received in battle.
he isn't used to others tending to his wounds, as nobody really knows he's the darknight hero and protects mondstadt in the middle of the night. so when you catch him in the act of cleaning his wounds and offer to help, he kind of freezes up.
diluc wants to decline your offer, sure that he could finish this up by himself. and besides, he doesn't want to burden you with his consequences so late at night. but he knows you would keep bugging him and complain later that he didn't "love you" or whatever dramatic act you'd be committing in the near future.
it's hard to look at you when you're so close to the red haired vigilante. granted, diluc has always been pretty close with you, seeing as the two of you grew up together and shared most of your memories with one another (and kaeya).
but being physically close to you... is another story. your fingers lightly touching his skin, your face so close to his as you inspect other wounds on his body, your hands roaming the expanse of his chest to remove his shirt in case it hid any other injuries you could have missed.
diluc's hands twitch when you inch even closer to him. if he wanted to, it would take one swift movement to have his lips on yours. one swift movement to hold you in his arms and feel the way your skin melts into his.
but the vigilante has self-control and would rather die than make you uncomfortable.
diluc releases a shaky breath when you finally move away from his body, though it's only a brief moment of respite since you immediately move back into your previous position after grabbing more bandages. absolutely perfect for the poor vigilante.
he clears his throat when your hands slide down his arms to reassure the pressure is enough to keep his wounds from reopening and bleeding out. it is then that you realize what you've been doing to the poor red haired man and how close you've been to him and his body.
"oh? what could you possibly be thinking about, mr. ragnvindr?" you tease, raising an eyebrow and sending diluc a playful smile. you fail to suppress your laughter when he scrunches up his face and turns his face away from you, his ears burning a wonderful shade of bright pink.
"i think it's time for you to leave." shocked, you try and apologize and get him to let you stay a little bit more. the night is still young, and he still has more injuries to be looked at! but diluc pays you no mind.
not like he'd have the heart to actually kick you out of his room anyways.
❀ kaeya
the captain of the calvary isn't one to fight, always looking for people to do his dirty work so he doesn't have to. why bother exerting more energy than you already have when you can make others do it for you? it's more fun that way, anyways.
that doesn't mean kaeya is incapable of fighting. if needed to, the blue haired captain would gladly point his sword at the enemy to keep them at bay or spar a fellow knight. scratches and shallow scrapes are what you mostly see from him.
you aren't expecting to be called into the knights of favonius headquarters and be greeted by the calvary captain battered up and bruised in the infirmary.
"you're squeezing me too hard," kaeya comments nonchalantly, as if he isn't bleeding to death on the bed right now. "you'll cut off circulation in my arm if you keep doing that." you shoot him a glare, but the blue haired captain only laughs at you. you tighten the bandage on his arm.
you refuse to get tangled up in anymore of kaeya's antics. it's all his fault you've aged ten years because of him and his stupid actions and refusing to ask for help despite the mission being bigger than anyone could handle. alone at least. it's not like you don't trust him, but a little extra help isn't bad to have.
your frown deepens when your eyes flit up to stare at the blood soaked shirt covering kaeya's chest. you order him to take it off so you can inspect his injury, which was a mistake on your part.
"oh? shouldn't you ask me on a date first before being this forward?" kaeya's laughter rings around the infirmary seeing your deadpan expression at his joke. maybe you should just leave, just leave this stupid man to bleed to death on this infirmary bed. maybe then you would finally be at peace.
"well. maybe i would have asked you on a date if you weren't so stupid to take this dumb mission alone. you could have died, asshole." kaeya only hums in response, which pisses you off even more. it's like he didn't have a care in the world.
in the midst of your grumblings and cleaning of kaeya's wounds, you miss the tender look he gives you; warm and gentle. the captain finds it nice to have someone care for someone like him after so long.
it wasn’t his fault he wanted to do this alone. well, it was, but it’s hard for kaeya to rely on others and be vulnerable to those around him despite how long he’s known them. his walls are built high, refusing to let anybody in in case he accidentally hurts them in the future.
he wonders if you'd miss him if he disappeared one day, but the way your brows furrow in concern at seeing how bad the gash in his chest confirms his answer.
kaeya’s endearing, warm smile is replaced with the usual smug smirk when you look up to meet his gaze. one day, he hopes he’ll be able to let his walls down around you.
"you know, you're really cute when you worry over me. maybe i should get injured more often." the look of shock at kaeya's comment is evident on your flustered face and it takes everything in him to not laugh and open up his wounds again.
❀ kazuha
kazuha isn't one to easily get injured, well at least seriously injured. he was raised by a prestigious family, trained in the arts of the kaedehara clan. with the help of his prior knowledge of fighting and his keen senses, it's hard to one-up the young man to the point of injury.
that isn't to say he has never sustained any injuries. there have been one too many times that the inazuman traveller has shown up at your door with a couple of scrapes and an apologetic smile on his face.
so, it's a surprise when you find kazuha at your doorstep severely injured and clutching something in his burned hand.
it's quiet between the two of you as your eyes scan kazuha's body for any more injuries and your hands quickly move to tend to his right hand. the skin is burnt, bleeding, and his fingers shake from the injuries it sustained.
you whisper an apology to the inazuman when you gently clean the wounded skin with a warm cloth. he doesn't flinch, dazed eyes still staring off in front of you. it makes you wonder what kazuha went through to be injured this badly. though, seeing as the only serious injury was his right hand, you assumed it wasn't from a fight.
"kazuha... what happened to you?" your words are gentle, afraid your voice would scare the inazuman traveller in front of you. kazuha doesn't respond and instead tightens the grip he has on your hand that's bandaging him. his hand is shaking, and you don't realize he's crying until you feel the wet teardrops on your skin.
ruby eyes glazed with tears meet your own when your eyes flick up to confirm that he was indeed crying.
"tomo..." the crack in his voice shatters your heart and you find yourself pulling kazuha into your arms. his own circle around you and his hands grip onto the back of your shirt as he buries his face into your shoulder.
kazuha's body shakes as he sobs at the loss of his friend. he must have held it in until he got to the safety of your home. you were always his safe haven; coming over so you could tend his light wounds and provide a roof over his head if he was passing by your village.
and yet all you can do now is hold him until the storm inside his heart passes by.
❀ xiao
being in pain or having many injuries litter the expanse of his skin isn't unusual for xiao. he's an adeptus whose sole purpose is to serve rex lapis and protect the citizens of liyue, even if it meant throwing his life away.
even then, sustaining larger, more painful wounds didn't make the adeptus bat an eye. despite how horrible it sounds, xiao is used to it all and takes each hit and laceration that comes his way without blinking an eye.
when karmic debt constantly takes a toll against your health and death is the only solution to reaching true peace, it's hard to care about the state of your own wellbeing.
so imagine xiao's surprise when he shows up at the wangshu inn battered and bruised from dealing with a hoard of monsters and seeing you standing in the yaksha's usual spot, waiting for him with a frown etched into your face.
nimble fingers work deftly against xiao's body, quickly cleaning up the lacerations on the adeptus' chest and the scrapes that cover his arms. xiao releases a hiss from the sting of the medicine and you apologize under your breath.
"i knew you would end up like this." your words come out harsher than you intend to. the adeptus doesn't respond. as long as he was the only casualty to come out of this, as long as the innocent lives of liyuens were protected, as long as you were safe behind the walls of the wangshuu inn, it didn't matter how badly his body was injured.
"i just... i just wished you weren't so careless, xiao." the way your voice breaks doesn't go unheard by the yaksha. his eyes snap forward, but your head is tilted down as your shaky fingers worked their way around xiao's torso. "you're always fighting as if no one cared if you died or disappeared one day."
xiao doesn't get it. he doesn't understand why you care about him so much. a being fated to suffer until his dying days are over, one cursed with karmic debt and forced to carry the burdens of the innocent lives he took in his past.
no one should care about him. a monster with blood on his hands.
but here you are, shedding tears for an adeptus who didn't deserve it. the sole yaksha who is fated to succumb to the sweet embrace of death at any given moment.
and yet, despite knowing he doesn't deserve your gentle touch brushing over his wounds, the young adeptus lifts your face with a gloved finger and brushes away the tears that flow down your cheeks. he longs to continue holding you, to feel your skin against his. you're his temporary solace from the karmic debt that hangs over his heart.
an apology slips past xiao's lips, and you cry harder, calling him 'stupid' for almost dying out there. you bury yourself in his chest and he hugs you, afraid that if he let go, you would be nothing but a dream.
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writing-in-lesbian · 2 years
A heiress in love
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff / Female Reader Tags: angst, fluff, enemies to friends to lovers Translations: skyprisa = Sky Princess Synopsis: You’re Y/N Woods-Griffin, daughter of Lexa Woods and Clarke Griffin, queens and rulers of the Triku Lands, a powerful and well know kingdom. Enter a mad king trying to “restore” the old world. In order to stop him from gaining control, your mothers decide to seek the union of their kingdom with the next powerful one, the Avengers Kingdom. Only problem? Their Heiress hates your guts. A/N: I know I need to finish “I chose you” but this idea won’t leave my mind. Hope you like it. Also this is just kinda of an AU (that nobody asked for!), kinda like a merge between the 100 universe and a What If universe but with technology because plumbing, I see it like a combination of an advanced steampunk universe. And some characters might be OOC. A/N 2: There’s not a lot of trigedeslang translators around so I hope this is correct.
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Chapter 1 - Receiving the news.
Your life was great.
You were happy or as happy as you thought you could be.
And you were planning to make this summer, the best one so far.
Being an heiress comes with pretty rewards.
You had everything you wanted, you were highly educated and had access to heavy training per your mother’s request (you were very proficient with swords, archery, guns, hand combat and could ride a horse blindfolded… not that you ever tried it), and as a compromise with your mom, you were also receiving an education in medicine. Since you have inherited your mother’s type of blood it made it easier to treat yourself if you got injured while away or overseas.
You were also able to travel… a lot. You loved visiting smaller towns and kingdoms, enjoying helping people when you could, and in general thinking and developing projects to keep your people (and those who swore loyalty to your kingdom) well.
And that made people love you. You were a well-loved and known heiress, admired for your intelligence and your skill sets, or that’s what you liked to think and not just for your looks. Your mothers received several letters asking for your hand in marriage, kindly declining all of them. They believed that, if you ever wanted to marry, it would be for love.
And you believed that too… until this morning.
“No way! I won fair and square, you should just accept I’m getting better than you aunty Tavia!” You said while walking back into the living room, cleaning your face with a towel.
“You’re too old to be calling me aunty… and I’m too proud to keep letting you call me that,” the raven-haired girl, slightly taller than you says, all while trying to punch you in your arm.
“Aunty Tavia, aunty Tavia, aunty Tavia” you scream running around the room.
Octavia watches you running around, a small smirk appearing on her face. She’s seeing you grow up, as Lexa’s second in command (something Indra and Lincoln were proud of even if they didn’t say it out loud) it has been her duty to train you harder than any recruit she has.
Just when she’s about to start chasing you the doors open again and Gustus comes through them.
“Princess Y/N, your mothers are waiting for you,” he says but his voice is filled with tenderness. Since you came into their lives 26 years ago, you have been nothing but a ray of hope and sunshine.
“Gustus… catch,” you say this while jumping towards him, hoping he reacts fast and catches you… which he does.
He grabs you and hugs you for a few seconds before letting you on the floor.
“Your mothers await and you know Lexa considers-“
“Punctuality is a high virtue among the respectable people”
“Exactly and as much as I love to be in your company, I respect Lexa a lot, so come on princess… chop-chop”
Octavia says while taking you away from Gustus's reach and walking you towards the “Throne Room” which is just a regular meeting room but with your mother's chairs on a higher level.
“Aunt, I need to clean first” you whine
“I agree, you stink but they love you anyway"
She pushes you slowly towards the hall and you can help but smile. You hope that whatever it is they want to talk to you about is not too serious or long. You kinda promised Lincoln you were going to tag along with him in the afternoon.
Before you enter the room, you try to fix your sparring clothes, you know presentation is also a quality your mother values even if you have come just from training. Octavia pats your back and leaves you there. Off to know where.
You knock 3 times, announcing your presence. A quiet “come in” is heard. You count to 3 in your mind, exhale and proceed to enter the room. Your mother is writing something on paper at the end of the table while your mom is reading something next to her.
“You wanted to see me?” You say while approaching the table. Clarke stands up and engulfs you in a tight hug which you gladly return.  
“Y/N love, how was training?” She says while inspecting your face, seeing the small cut on your lips with dried blood. “How did this happen?”
Clarke’s concerning voice is enough to get Lexa’s attention. She stands as well, leaving her writing and walking towards you. She carefully turns your face towards her. You try to read her expression but it remains blank, not giving anything away.
“Did Octavia wasn’t careful enough daughter?” She asks and her voice just like her face gives nothing away.
You hate to admit it but you don’t want Octavia in trouble. See, despite being a well-trained person and with high fighting abilities… you’re kinda clumsy when not in a fight or training.
“No mother… I… kinda crashed into the door while getting breakfast today”
The reason is still bleeding a little its because you chew your lip as a habit and when you’re nervous, which you were basically doing while walking here.
Lexa tries, she really tries but she can’t help laughing after your small admission, despite your physical appearance being closer to hers, you get most of your personality trials from Clarke, her clumsiness included.
“Lexa! Your child is injured and you laugh?”
Clarke takes you from Lexa’s grip and brings you closer to her chest, holding your head just like when you were a baby.
“She’s not really injured Clarke,” she says while still laughing. You smile at her getting a small smile in return.
“I’m okay mom” you try to ease the situation knowing well the mood your mom can get into. You hug her tightly before releasing her only to be kept at a close distance. Her blue eyes roam your face one last time before nodding.
You go to sit to your chair, placed at Lexa’s left (while they're not at their “thrones”. They both hate how you kind of mock it but deep down you know the importance of this room and what it represents). You know one day, you’ll sit in their place but it’s something you’re not waiting for anxiously.
“Y/N prisa, we have asked for your presence today since we have some important news we want to share with you,” Lexa says and for the way she says it you know well this is a “royalty matter” so no funny business would be allowed if you want your mother and mom to remain calm.
“It has come to our attention that King Ultron is heading to Wallace’s kingdom”
Who seriously names her child Ultron? No wonder that guy grew up to hate the world, with a name like that. Wait… did she say he’s going up north? To Wallace’s territory? That’s not good news at all.
“Okey” you nod indicating to them you’re on track so she can continue.
Lexa takes out an envelope and Clarke brings you a cup of tea. You thank her silently and proceed to take a sip: green tea with jasmine and a spoon of honey. Perfect for an after-training drink.
“If he manages to convince Wallace to join him that can only mean trouble”
“But Wallace is a prideful man, he will never make an alliance with someone he considers lesser than him”
Lexa nods in agreement, reaching for some of the cookies at the table, how come you didn’t see them before? You make a movement to reach for them but Clarke puts a fruit plate in front of you instead, taking the cookie plate away from you. You frown but take the grapes from the plate nonetheless.
“We know that, but Ultron doesn’t. So we need to cover our bases, it’s bad already that he declared war against Raven”
“Okey. What does that have to do with me and the current situation? What can I do? Are we forming an army as well?” You munch on some apple slices.
“Sort of,” Clarke says. You look at her.
“Peace is something we have valued since your mother and I met all those years ago” You see her grabbing your mother's hand. Deep down you’re yearning to have an epic love like theirs. “We’re a big kingdom already, with 15 clans on our side, we’ll have no problems dealing with them if it comes to it. Whatsoever, it is important to keep our alliances and seek more”
You see your mother reach a letter. She plays with it before speaking again.
“Our neighbors in the Storybrooke Kingdom have confirmed their alliance with us, their letters arriving today"
“I feel a but coming,” you say looking at both of your mothers.
“If worst comes to worst, we will need a kingdom bigger and more powerful than both of us combined”
Nothing more is said, letting you deduce the clear answer. Your stomach drops in realization.
“You want me to marry someone, don’t you?” You want to throw up. Honestly, you thought these barbaric and old ways were past you. Apparently, it’s not.
You know your mother tried to rule out that stupid tradition, but with so many men still in power, it was kind of a miracle a lot of the new laws they proposed were accepted. Your better guess was that they were actually good for the people, hence why they were accepted. Happy people, happy kingdoms.
“We do” you loved and hated how honest and direct your mother was.
“Y/N” Clarke who has remained silent takes your hand.
“We have put a lot of thought into this since we got word of it. Believe me when I tell you we explored any and all solutions before agreeing to this one”
“Agreeing? So this means it’s already approved?”
Lexa gives you the envelope she has in her hands. You take it with trembling hands and as soon as you see it your eyes get wider in disbelief.
“You want me to marry a child? I mean, I know this stupid law is old and archaic but this?” You say while getting out of your chair and pacing the room.
“What? / Where did-“ You don’t hear them speak while you continue rambling.
“Absolutely no mother. I can get behind the arranged marriage but not like this. How old is Morgan anyway? She was like 10 last time.”
You feel a pair of hands grab you by the shoulders and stop your pacing.
“Y/N darling, what the hell are you talking about?” You look into the blue eyes of your mom, you anchor yourself in the shade of it, the one that reminds you of clear sky and sunny days.
“The envelope has the Avengers Kingdom seal, meaning it comes from King Stark, meaning he only has one child since I don’t think he will be offering one of his 2 adopted sons”
“I told you we should have told her rather than giving her just the letter Clarke”
Lexa’s voice startles you as you heard it so close to you.
She looks at you while chewing on a cookie. She’s unimpressed with you and that’s saying something since you're her daughter, hello!.
“Lexa, you’re not helping”
“It’s not Morgan Y/N, not any other of Stark’s adoptive sons in any case”
“Stark has many supporters and alliances. Any of them will help us as well since it will have his support. Plus, the offer came directly from him, not from us”
“Okey, if not Stark, then who?”
“Count Barton’s adoptive daughter”
The hope you might have, small as it was, of maybe getting to know whatever person they will marry you into and maybe fall in love with them goes down the drain as soon as you connect the dots.
The adoptive daughter of Clint and Laura Barton is none other than:
Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, a nickname you have heard some town folks uptown refer to her. You don’t know why honestly or how it was given to her and at this point you’re afraid to ask. In true fashion, you’re kinda excited about the possibility of finally, finally getting to know Wanda. You might or might not have a tiny (huge) crush on her since you laid your eyes on her all those years ago.
There is just one problem with your mother's, and apparently, Stark’s and Barton’s plans: Wanda Maximoff hates your guts.
You don’t know why, but she does. You only talked to her once and that was enough for her immediate dislike towards you. Since she’s two years older than you, you see her sometimes at balls and some other social gatherings. Wanda has seemed always reserved and in the company of her twin brother, with whom you get along really well.
“Are we sure about this?” You ask in a small whisper.
“We already sent the answer confirming it this morning. We will have a small gathering here in a week to make it official and make the presentation”
Wait, if they’re making the official presentation in a week…
“Does this mean?” your voice stops. Your throat refused to give space to your voice.
Lexa looks at Clarke and both of them grab your hands. You feel a squeeze but you’re not sure who is giving it to you.
“The wedding will be held here in two weeks skyprisa”
Well crap.
So much for your perfect summer.
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galaxydrcaming · 2 years
@allxthingsxglxtter (Hope & Chase)
After a long day of dealing with a number of people, Hope walked down the street, swirling the bottle of alcohol around every so often as she stopped to take a swig, letting the burning sensation run down her throat as she shook her head and started back towards her favorite bar, mumbling a tune to herself. Within a few minutes of stumbling around, she saw a familiar figure and laughed, taking a few steps closer to him. "Ahoy, it's the pirate fan himself! Me matey, Chase! Chase..chase..face." She reaches out to gently poke his cheek with another laugh and scrunch of her nose. "Blimey, have you always had two heads? No..that's not right, doesn't matter! I'm heading to the bar, come on, weigh anchor." Hope slurrs her words as she speaks, her gentle hand still rested on his cheek.
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outhereinnevada · 3 years
do you think you could do some headcanons of the main 3 + 2BDamned and Tricky with a reader who seems sweet and wholesome but when the opportunity arises, will absolutely go mental and kill
Oh ye, nothing like an s/o that'll fuck shit up when they desire it. Enjoy anon!
Hank found you in the bakery not too far from the base, you had cheerfully greeted him at the front counter. The place was surprisingly clean and operational the last time he saw it.
"Hello! How can I help you?"
Since then, Hank had been coming back to the bakery almost everyday to see what new sweets you had whipped up and to see your wholesome self
Everything was pleasant between you two, hell, you started to get some customers into the bakery because of him (people liked to steal the goods he got from you)
He had confessed to you via a cake with the words 'I don't think anything is as sweet as you'
His love for you grew even more when some AAHW agents had tracked him to the bakery. You didn't appreciate the rude intrusion, so you went full-on attack mode, pulled out your deadly butcher's knife and went to town on them
You and Hank enjoyed a proper baking session afterwards, in which you and Hank baked the remains of the agents into sweets for the zombies in the chasm outside
Sanford loved your demeanour, the way you'd talk, the way you'd skip around the base, he loved every bit about you
Most days you would be seen sewing various things; clothes, plushies, etc. He found it adorable
Since you were good at sewing, you'd also stitch up his wounds when needed
On a stroll through the abandoned streets, you and Sanford got ambushed by a bunch of bandits
Oh hell nah, no-one was gonna ruin your midday stroll
Did I mention you have a custom parasol that turns into a goddamn sword? Well you do
Snapping, you quickly massacred all of those cowardly bandits turning them into fleshy ribbons
After cleaning off your parasol, you went back to your bubbly mood again like nothing had happened
Sanford was bewildered at first, but came to love this bait and switch personality of yours
You two pretty much hit it off real well when you first met
Two goofballs looking to have fun, and you really brought the whole fun aspect into it
You were just a ball of sunshine to Deimos, always knowing how to make his day better
You were a musician, you played a variety of instruments.
You'd play the happiest, bubbliest songs you could think of, Deimos was really into it
What didn't slide with you was people hurting your friends
AAHW agents managed to find the base and shot Deimos in the shoulder. Last straw gone.
You let loose, grabbing the nearest gun you let out a vicious yell and shot wildly at the agents turning them into swiss cheese
Deimos peaked up from his position on the floor, to see your crazed expression and agents bodies on the floor
You turned towards him, a sudden soft smile gracing your face while giving a cheery wave to him
'Major chaotic energy vibes' is what Deimos liked to think of you from that day forward, you accepted it
2B wasn't too keen on getting into a relationship, but he had taken a liking to your endearing personality
You were always there for 2B whenever he was stressed or overworked
You were essentially a therapist for him
You like to give him physical affection to calm him down and get him to rest
Being the doc of the group, his job was stressful especially considering how many injuries the other 3 keep getting
You like to help him out when possible
2B tried some experiments with some bodies he had retrieved from a recent raid
One of them turned into a zombie and started to attack the doc
Seeing this, your cheerful nature was replaced with a bloodthirsty one
Gripping a nearby surgical saw, you stabbed it into the zombie's head sawing down to it's torso, it dropped dead on the floor
2B looked up to see your darkened expression, noticing him staring you quickly smiled at him to reassure him
Naturally, being the insane, killer clown that he was, he enjoyed your playful, adorable manner
You reminded him of his old self, before he became zombified
Absolute. Cuddlebug. He enjoys any kind of affection you give him
You take regular trips to the hotdog stand with him, so much so that the hotdog vendor has given a regular's discount to the both of you
You'd partake in Tricky's pastimes which include; juggling, dj mixing, and anything circus related
On one of your trips to the hotdog stand, Tricky was ambushed by none other than Hank J. Wimbleton
Numerous bullets shot through Tricky's body, he laid limp on the ground
That's it, no more miss nice s/o
Hank couldn't react to the sudden form that was scratching and slashing at him
With a violent, blood-curdling screech, you ripped his entire head off
Tricky revived to see you covered in blood with Hank's corpse laying in front of you
He placed a shaky hand on your shoulder, you turned with a soft smile on your face, back to your usual self
He adored that you can be the most soft, gentle carer but also be a violent, ruthless killer at the drop of a pin
WHOOOO! Soft beans that are secretly maniacal killers! Hope you enjoyed anon!
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thesacredtwink · 3 years
Hyrule Comfort Fic
For @anadorablekiwi, who asked for platonic cuddles, Legend, Sky and Hyrule being the one comforted. I hope its just what you asked for :)
Hyrule wanted to cry. It was stupid how such a little thing could make him feel like this, and if he knew how to stop it he would. But he doesn't, and the feeling of inadequacy threatens to swallow him whole.
He leaves the camp quickly, not bothering to make his excuses as his chest tightens and his heart rate climbs and the voice in the back of his head whispers that he is nothing, no one, a fake.
He knows that it’s all lies, that these things aren’t true. But the traveler isn’t sure that he believes it yet, no matter how much he wants to.
Sky, Hyrule knows, didn’t mean to hurt him. The Skyloftian had no way of knowing that his words would stir the ever-churning self-doubt and self-depreciation lingering in Hyule's joints. Hell, Hyrule hadn't known that Skys answer to the question Hyrule himself had asked would make his heart clench and tears spring to his eyes.
“How did you learn to plant your feet like that?”
It was an innocent question, born from watching Sky spar with Legend. The sight was transfixing as it ever is, watching a true master with a blade parry and block with precision and ease. And Hyrule had noticed the way both Legend and Sky moved. The way their feet crossed the ground with dancer-like grace, and the question had bubbled out of him without a thought.
Sky turned to look at Hyrule, using the back of his hand to wipe sweat from his brow during lul in the training.
“We had to run drills at the knight's academy,” Sky shrugged, before turning his attention back to Legend, blocking a sucker blow just before it could land.
Hyrule watched the fight with interest, but all the while Skys words echoed around his mind. The Knights Academy. Right, a school. Hyrule had never gone to a school, he didn't know such a place could exist until well into his second journey. At first, that was the extent of the thoughts the Traveler had on the matter. Gradually, like water creeping its way through a crack in a stone, or perhaps more like a monster slowly digging its way from the earth, his self-doubts latched onto the thought. Freak, they whispered, Cave child who thinks a bed is a luxury.
Hyrule shakes his head, trying to rid himself of the intrusive thought, only for a new one to take its place.
What would your friends think of you if they knew?
Shut up.
If they knew that you can't read?
They’re my friends, he thinks with growing desperation.
Or what about the fact that you can’t swim? Never held a sword before your journey?
He doesn’t remember running, just a vague memory of the grounds under his hands as he pushed off the dirt and into a sprint, chest heaving and eyes blind with self-induced tears. He misses the shouts of alarm that he leaves in his wake, there is only his pounding heart and the hollow hopelessness that threatens to swallow him from his bones outward.
Hyrule runs until he can't run anymore, falling to his knees in a patch of sparse trees and bushes. Through the haze of emotions, he vaguely notes that this area seems like one the fairies would like. There is plenty of sunshine, and the soft melody of a stream fills the air around Hyrule's ragged gasps.
After a moment, Hyrule rocks back onto his ass, sitting on the damp ground properly, and pulls his knees to his chest. Tears quickly soak through the brunet's leggings, and the thought that he has ruined his last set of clean pants tips him over the edge; Quiet and breathy tears become full-blown sobs -- loud and messy-- and not even burying his face into his legs can fully muffle the pain that escapes him in a howl.
He is so emotionally worn that when a hand touches his shoulder without warning, Hyrule doesn’t even react, he just sobs harder. The hand is gentle, and it doesn’t push for the brunet to look up, instead, it lingers softly where it is until it's joined by a second one on his other shoulder. Someone kneels behind him, the gentle hands moving until Hyrule is held in an embrace, his back to the chest of whoever the kind touches belong to. Then someone else kneels, unhesitatingly adding their hug to the comfort being offered.
The three sit in silence until the person at Hyrule's back shifts, and Hyrule finally looks up. The arms around him pull back, and the Traveler finally sees who came to him. There is something to being so emotionally drained because when the horrible little voice in the back of his mind exclaims in surprise at seeing Sky and Legend, it's almost silent from exhaustion.
Sky watches Hyrule with concern on his face, worry clouding the bright blue eyes as he chews the inside of his lip.
“Are you okay?” Sky asks, and as soon as the words are out of his mouth the Skyloftain looks like he regrets them. “I mean,” he tries again, “Is there- what’s-”
“What’s wrong?” Legend finishes for him, face kind and lacking any bite that he might normally give Sky for the knights stuttering.
Hyrule looks from Sky to Legend and feels the shame resurge. He didn’t mean to make them worry. Amid all the thoughts, Hyrule had only wanted to escape and find somewhere he could take his shame and self-loathing and hide for a little bit. He looks down at the ground, hair falling into his eyes, and the thought that he doesn’t deserve the care the other two are giving him starts to form in the back of his mind. Sword callused hands tilt his head up before he can think it properly, and Hyrule meets the unwavering gaze of Legend.
“Hey,” the normally acerbic pink-haired teen says, “None of that. What’s eating you, kitten?”
The endearment cuts to Hyrule's core, and Hyrule almost doubles over at the overwhelming tenderness it's said with. Arms once again wrap around his shoulders, and Hyrule doesn’t have the energy to resist as Sky begins stroking his hair.
“I’m sorry,” Hyrule whispers against the fabric at Sky's neck, “I don’t know why I’m like this.”
Behind him, Legend shifts and places his hand against Hyrule’s back. Neither Sky nor Legend says anything, giving Hyrule to time to organize his sluggish thoughts.
“I’ve never been to school, and I’m so far behind the rest of you, and I don’t know what I’m doing with a sword. I’ve been okay so far, but I know I’m going to let you guys down eventually and someone will get hurt and it’s gonna be my fault and-” The words start slow, but once the first one is voiced the rest follow with brutal speed and Hyrule couldn’t stop the torrent if he tried. He feels more than sees Sky look over at Legend, but whatever silent communication passes between the two Hyrule neither understands or cares about. All he knows is the bruise-like ache that comes from finally sharing his doubts and flaws, and the horribly wonderful feeling of expressing all that pain.
“Kitten,” Legend says when Hyrule exhausts himself minutes later, “You know we are all amazed by you, right?”
Them? Amazed by him?
Hyrule lifts his head, distantly registering the damp spot on Skys shirt and layers from where his tears had started up again, and looks at Legend with confused disbelief.
“I don't know where you are getting the idea that you are a failure as a swordsman, because you are one of the finest swordsmen I know. You are not going to let any of us down.”
Hyrule thinks for a moment, letting Legends brutal candor roll around his head. He wants to believe his predecessor, wants to believe it so bad it aches the same way giving voice to his doubts did moments before -- but he's not sure if he can believe it so he keeps silent. When Hyrule never responds, Legend frowns opening his mouth slightly, only for a soft pained sound to escape his lips. Sky releases his hold on Hyrule and pulls Legend into him as well, effectively trapping the downfall duo in his arms.
“Whatever it is that is making you feel like this, we can’t get rid of it. I wish I could, but the most we can do is be here for you, okay. So if you feel like this again, tell us?” Sky phrases it like a question, but it carries the weight of a contract behind it-- a promise, that as long as Hyrule does come forward, the Knight will be there to meet him.
“Okay,” Hyrule whispers after a moment of thought, and he can feel Legend’s breath of relief where his predecessor is pressed up against him.
The trio stays like that till the tears on Hyrule's face have dried, the warm sun and soft breeze and the solid presences of Sky and Legend soothing the bone-deep ace till it recedes back to where it hides. At some point, Hyrule nods off, his emotions drained and eyes burning from all the tears he has shed in the last few hours.
When he wakes up, the sky is dark and it takes Hyrule a moment to figure out where he is. The first thing he notices is the sound of people talking, the occasional laughter punctuating the soft noise. The next thing that registers is the feeling of an arm slung over him and the warmth of a person at his back. He looks behind him as best he can without disturbing whoever it is, and is rewarded with a glimpse of blond and pink hair caught in the corner of Legend's mouth. Hyrule smiles at the sight and gently lowers his head onto what he now recognizes as his pillow. Looking around, he catches sight of Sky, dutifully helping Wild at the fire with dinner. As if he can feel the eyes on him, Sky looks away from the bubbling pot and at Hyrule and smiles. He taps Wild on the arm, quickly signing something that the traveler doesn't catch from his place on the ground, and walks over to where Hyrule and Legend lay snuggled on the bedroll. Sky pauses for only a moment to grab something from his gear, before gingerly sitting cross-legged at Hyrule’s head. He doesn't say anything, instead of setting what turns out to be a canteen down then running a hand through the brunette’s locks, smiling softly and without judgment.
From his place in Legends arms, with Sky's fingers slowly detangling his hair. His eyes hurt and his mouth is dry, but for the first time in weeks that treacherous voice in the back of his head is silent, and at that moment Hyrule finds that perhaps, believing in what the others have told him won't be so hard.
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blackrabbittwst · 2 years
I really thought Chapter 5 part 2 really emphasized on some good lessons to consider reflecting on.
Spoilers for Chapter 5 Part 2!
Also I’m sorry for the lack of posting, I’ve been busy with life and unmotivated lately. I’ll try to get some stuff out soon 😣
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This scene really hit me hard on approaching your weakness and turning them into strengths. The metaphor really brought it home for me and I thought it was rather deep and insightful (also coming from our sunshine baby Kalim? It’s so great!). I find this lesson really important that everyone should consider and reflect on in their daily lives.
Everyone has things they struggle with in their lives but how we handle it really changes how we live with ourselves and experience life. While it’s hard to change your thinking to adapt yourself to suit your own inner strength, it does change how you enjoy life. Life is short, you know? We gotta make the best of it when we can instead of focusing on things we hate (which is hard, trust me).
I just wanted to touch on this and tell other people because it was something I find very relatable that I’ve had to discover myself with some personal traits I thought as a weakness all throughout my life. I hated this part of myself so much but for the past few years, I’ve been leaning how this trait can now become something very important to me. I just wanted to highlight this to other people and let everyone know that even if you think something about yourself is a weakness, you can always see it from another angle and approach it from a healthier side. It’s very hard, but it’s possible to see after experience more of life. I hope everyone can get to a point where they can look past their weakness and embrace themselves for who they are.
I didn’t want to make this post about me as much but if you want my example of how I’ve also used this lesson myself, it’s below:
I’ve always been told I’m sensitive. I’m easy to cry or get upset easily at things. I am a big cry baby. From how I handle stress, anger, sadness, basically anything overwhelming, I cry. I even cry at basically most movies that get sad at some point. I hate crying, even to this day, because of how it makes me feel. I’ve been told that I’m too sensitive when I got upset at something (granted it was important to me, so it’s not like I was over reacting). However, this sensitive nature also fuels my empathy. I’ve always been a very empathetic person who can put myself in other’s shoes (to the point of crying at Doctor Strange 2 🙃). Over the past few years, I’ve realized this empathy has made my friendships stronger. I can empathize and connect with friends when they have struggles or issues. I’ve been able to be a reliable person who will understand or at least get a good idea of what others are going through. I’ve realized being empathic is a double edge sword sadly. I get hurt so much easier by being open and easily trusting but at the same time I am able to foster my friendships by being genuine and understanding to the point where I’ve made so many friends who love me for who I am. I still of course struggle with my sensitivity, but I’ve been slowly leaning that it isn’t all necessarily bad to be a cry baby. Sometimes… it’s relieving for someone to cry over your problems for you, I’ve found out.
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strangerivy · 4 years
The First Night
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Summary: Y/N sits on the roof reflecting on the events of the day working her way through her grief of loosing two people she thought of as family. Levi goes up to comfort her and bring her back from the darkness that threatened to consume her. Rating: 18+ Warnings: Death | Violent Depictions | Swearing | Grief | Loss  Word Count: 1.8k Author’s Note: This is so sad, I cried a little writing it. I promise my next story will be a bit happier 💜 
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Year 844 - Summer
It was a clear night sky, not a single cloud anywhere, but it shouldn’t be this beautiful out on a night like this. On a night where you cursed the world and wished you could turn the clock. It shouldn’t be this beautiful out when they aren’t here to see it. It should be storming out just like it did earlier, the sky should match how you felt. Anger, hurt, heartache and pain. So much pain and not just physically.
You looked up into the sky watching all the stars shine lighting up the world in a soft glow with the moon. It was beautiful, something not too long ago you only got to see through a hole in the ground. Now you would give anything to have that again if it meant you all would be together right now.
A sob racked through your chest as you looked to your left and right to see the spots that once held your two dear friends were now empty. Your bandaged and broken body protest with each movement but you couldn’t stop the tears of your grief. The medic protested to you getting out of the bed, but you ignored it spitting a string of curses and insults at them, not able to lay in that damn room for another minute, you needed air, somewhere to cry alone which is how you ended up here. You wiped the tears that had escaped with the back of your hand letting out a broken laugh, wincing from your wounds.
“Shit, I thought we were done with this,” You grumbled to yourself looking back up at the sky giving up on drying your tears and letting them fall freely now as your friend's voices from the previous night echoed throughout your mind.
You should be dead. There was no doubt in your mind that you also should have joined your two friends in death. If it wasn’t for Lev- you sighed heavily another sob ripping through your chest as you stopped that thought before it dragged you down further than you had already fallen. You folded, head in your hands as you cried to yourself, elbows propped on your thighs as your legs dangled off the edge.
The images of what happened played through your mind almost as if you were torturing yourself with it.
The day seemed to be going as planned until the rain that is. Where did this storm even come from? It was clear just a moment ago and now it was pouring down rain and the wind was blowing with a force and to make it even worse a fog has rolled in with it making it so you couldn’t even see five feet in front of you. You had lost part of your squad already from the poor visibility caused by the weather. Levi had pushed ahead to use the rain as cover to locate Erwin Smith in the center of the formation.
“Do you think he’ll be okay?” You worried turning your horse to follow Furlan and Isabel.
“Of course he will!” Isabel responded brightly, always the ray of sunshine in any situation.
You, Isabel, and Furlan went back in the direction you thought you heard the sound grenade go off hoping it was your squad that had sounded it, the rain started to come down harder and you had to hold onto your hood to keep it from blowing off, your arm also helping keep the rain out of your face.
You heard the hooves of more horses and looked over to see two cloaks, Flagon looking behind at the three of you.
“You guys are okay,” Flagon seemed relieved at seeing the three of you, but he then looked confused noticing there was a missing member from our group.
“Where is Levi?” He questioned and you tensed a little but kept a blank face as you all kept moving forward.
“We got separated in the fog,” Furlan lied, Flagon seem to accept the answer though which is what mattered. You looked out ahead of you wiping your face of the rain and that’s when it happened. It was quick, you didn’t even see it coming. Your horse veered to the right almost knocking you off it from the sudden movement. You looked up your eyes widening with fear. An abnormal had your squadmate, Sairam, dangling in its mouth blood dripping out of its mouth. It didn’t stand upright like most titans using all four of its limbs allowing it to move faster than most titans as well. Flagon yelled for Sairam to hang on charging at the beast. It was quick to finish of Sairam before grabbing Flagon who yelled at you three to run.
You trembled with fear as you watched it clamp down on Flagon’s body cutting him in half with its teeth and empty stare in its eyes while it stared at the three of you chewing. You should move, you should run but the shock of the scene in front of you had you frozen.
Isabel was the first to move and then Furlan going after her. You quickly regained your composer joining them. You and Furlan trying to distract the beast as Isabel went for the kill. The titan was quick though snatching her quickly by her head, lowering her kicking body down before severing her head from her body you and Furlan watching helplessly tears streaming down both your faces when Isabel’s screams ceased.
Furlan in a blind rage went for a kill but the titan was too quick, you tried to save him, but it grabbed hold of your cables slamming you to the ground hearing something crack from the impact, you let out a strangled cough feeling pain shoot throughout your body at the movement. You heard something hit the ground next to you, you tremble afraid of what you would see but you still turned your head a scream leaving your lips when the top half of Furlan laid right beside you. You looked up at his face holding back sobs as Furlan’s face stared back at you with an empty gaze.
You rolled over flinching when that same pain shot through you again. You ignored it pushing yourself further, standing up gripping your blades. You stared at Titan with a dark glare, if you were going to die you were going to do it fighting. You gripped on to your blades tightly shooting your cables moving quickly, using more gas than you should be dragging your blades deep up its arm and it let out a howl of pain before moving to grab you, you were quick to dodge but this titan was also quick to snagging your foot before you could react to its movement again. Another crack had you let out a scream as your ankle throbbed in the titan's grip feeling like it was crushing it.
When you looked up at the face of the titan, tears streaming down your face, it almost looked as it had a sickening smirk on its face as if it were mocking you knowing that it had won. That it would have killed you all after eating you. With a final burst of energy, you swung your sword up slicing the knuckles of the hand that held you. It dropped you and you hit the ground once again with a loud smack another round of coughs racking through your body a trail of blood dripping out of the side of your mouth.
It was hard to breathe as you laid there, staring up at the dark clouds overhead, you wish you could see the sky one more time. You wished you could see snow in the winter and the flowers in the spring. You weren’t done yet but that wasn’t up to you now. The sky disappeared as the hand of the titan blocked your view. You let out a shaky breath the tears flowing freely as you braced for the end. You silently wished Levi goodbye, praying he wouldn’t beat himself up over this. You closed your eyes waiting for the grip of the titan an odd sense of peace washing over you, but the hand never came.
You opened your eyes to see a flash of green sliced through the Titan pulling its attention from you and towards its attacker. You let out a gasp spotting the raven-haired man. You watched as Levi screamed in agony after each twist and pull of his gear slicing the titan repeatedly until its body didn’t have a spot on it that didn’t have a deep slash. Another blow had its head flying clear off till he finished it off with the final blow to the nape its body finally slamming to the ground steam coming off its decomposing corpse.
Levi landed on his feet his ebony hair hanging in his face almost hiding the tears that fell from his cheeks.
“Levi…” You whispered wincing in pain as you pushed your way up to stand. Levi’s head snapped up his eyes wide as they landed on your broken body. His strides were quick as he made his way to you pulling you to him as you collapsed causing you to let out a small groan in pain. His body shaking with tears for your fallen friends.
“You’re alive,” He said almost like he was confirming it for himself. That at least one of you survived.
Your cries were too loud for you to hear the footsteps behind you, the man behind you with an unreadable face as he watched your broken form. He reached out gently touching your shoulder making you jump at the sudden contact. You flinched at the sudden movement gripping your chest where your broken ribs were. You looked over your shoulder to see Levi standing there with broken eyes as he watched you fall apart quietly. You sniffled wiping the tears once again you slowly turned grabbing a hold of the crutch next to you. Levi reached down helping you wobble your way to standing on your good foot getting the crutch ready for you to lean on.
You both stood there in silence staring at one another, he slowly raised his hand touching your cheek wiping a stray tear away. You let out a small sniffle as you felt your eyes begin to water once again. His hand slowly snaked to the back of your head weaving into your hair before pulling you into him as your sniffles turned to whimpers. You buried your face into his chest staining his white-uniformed shirt with your tears. He moved his other hand around your waist holding you even closer to him.
“I-I-I’m s-s-so-rry,” you cried into his chest your body trembling, you felt his hands grip you tighter “I- I should-I should have been able to stop it.” He grabbed ahold of your upper arms pushing you back enough to look at you. He was angry now.
“Don’t you fucking dare, Y/N” He gritted his teeth “You’re not going to blame yourself for this,” he pulled you close once again, you stood still your tears starting to slow down now as he held you rubbing soft circles into your back.
“I miss them,” you whispered after a few moments of silence, he let out a small sigh his breath tickling your neck.
“Me too,”
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