#( *✧ —— musings ┊ dorcas meadowes. )
starchaserbaby · 2 years
rip all the marauders and slytherin skittles yall would have loved Rent
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unheald · 1 year
a special thanks to @murkyhazed for making!
also hEY @vaarulv LOOK
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prioriincantatem · 1 year
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anyway ignore this
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bimoonphases · 9 days
@wolfstarmicrofic September 15 - prompt 15: DADA Class [word count 508]
“Hurry up and get in pairs, one boy and one girl please!”
Marlene sighed as she dropped the two volumes on Kappas on the desk and sat down. By her side, Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Why can’t we just be with the same gender,” he grumbled, taking a fresh roll of parchment out. “No offense, McKinnon.”
“None taken, Black. As long as you get us both a good grade on this essay.”
“Please,” Sirius smirked. “You know I live at the top of the class.”
“Yeah, along with Lupin, Potter and Lily.”
“I love switching places.”
“Come on ladies and gentlemen, get to work,” the Professor clapped her hands. “You have two hours starting now.”
They were barely through their introduction, Sirius putting the calligraphy that had been drilled into him since he had started writing to good use when a whacking sound made them both raise their heads from their books. To their right, James was looking down, a red bruise blooming already on his cheek while Lily was putting a heavy book back on the desk, her green eyes blazing with anger.
“Of the dangers of mixing sexes,” Marlene rolled her eyes, wondering what new obnoxious thing Lily would later on tell her and Mary James had said.
“Leave us with our peers and no one gets hurt,” Sirius sighed.
But when she turned to look at him, he wasn’t looking at James and Lily. His gaze was focused one desk over, to where Mary was pointing at a page while Remus nodded. To be more precise, Marlene mused, Sirius’s gaze was fixed on Remus, as if he didn’t want to miss any movement the other boy made, be it a bare flutter of eyelashes. And there was something, there in Sirius’s eyes, something so tender and so sad at the same time. Something Marlene recognised instantly, something she had seen quite often while looking at herself in the mirror. Marlene hadn’t told anyone, despite the number of times either Lily or Mary had had to nudge her back to reality when she got lost looking at Dorcas Meadowes across the Great Hall. She had a hunch her friends knew but she still hadn’t said the words out loud. She didn’t know if she was ready for that. She didn’t know if she would ever be. But this, this was different. This was a pull she couldn’t ignore, and didn’t want to, like finding a long-lost brother again when you didn’t have any hope left.
Sirius finally looked away from Remus and back at her desk and at her, catching her looking at him. He blushed slightly, his hand already moving in a dismissing manner. Marlene didn’t stop to think, the words coming out of her mind as the easiest thing on Earth.
“You too?” she whispered.
Sirius stared at her, then slowly nodded. They smiled to each other, a new form of relief washing over their faces.
They didn’t get a good grade on their essay. They didn’t care, not really. They weren’t alone anymore.
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sincerelyyycece · 6 months
no way…you’re actually jealous.
Sirius has always been flirtatious, so it doesn't faze you….right?
note: Sirius genuinely has feelings for the reader, yet he finds himself unsure of how to proceed. Therefore, he resorts to his natural inclination: flirting. Also, Marlene Mckinnon is the one Sirius is flirting with. Mary Macdonald is here too. Brief mention of Dorcas Meadowes. (I love the marauder girls so much!) Sirius calls you a nickname he made to tease you. (Y/N/N = your nickname)
sincerelyyycece © ─ all rights reserved. please do not repost/translate/copy any of my work.
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"What’s bothering you?" asked a female voice. I looked up to see Mary, who had a worried expression on her face. In response, I hummed. "You look like you want to start a fight," she said. "Oh," I mumbled. I cast a glance into the distance, where Sirius and Marlene were clearly flirting. I swallowed and cleared my throat. "I am fine, just a little under the weather," I explained, smiling. I returned my gaze to the couple. Mary smirked as she followed my gaze. "Ahh!” she exclaimed, returning my gaze. "Now I know what the problem is," she teased. I avert my gaze in embarrassment.
"You’re jealous," she chuckled. "I am not," I say, my face flushed. She is amused by my reaction. "I mean, I get it; I would be jealous too," she shrugged. "Months of him teasing and making flirty jokes with you, and then boom, he suddenly flirts with another girl; if that is not mixed signals, I do not know what is." I fell silent at her words, rethinking his recent actions. Mary had noticed my silence. "Hey," she said. "I was only kidding," she said as I straightened my back. She was about to say something when a voice interrupted her. "Hello ladies," a voice said.
"Hi Sirius," Mary replied. I stare at Mary blankly, uninterested in Sirius's presence. "Well, I guess I should... leave you two. I just remembered Dorcas needed help with her dress. Uhm...bye," she bolted as quickly as she could. "What is her problem?" Sirius mused. "Haven't you heard her?" I retorted sarcastically. Sirius smirked, clearly unconcerned by my demeanour. He made no attempt to hide his laughter. "Woah, what is up your ass now, Y/N/N?" he teased. He knew I despised the nickname he gave me. I glared at him. "Stop that," I said. "Stop what?" he asked, grinning.
"I swear to Merlin, Sirius Black, if you keep doing that, I’m going to kick you where the sun doesn’t shine," I threatened. "I know you have a bad mouth, but threats?" he inquired. "You’re upset," he said. I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "No sh*t, Sherlock," I exclaimed before realizing who I was speaking to. I closed my eyes in shame. "May I know who irritated my lovely princess?" I could hear the tease in his tone. I open my eyes to see him giggling. Flirt. I thought to myself. "It is none of your concern," I snarled.
"Come on, tell me, and maybe I will punch them in the face," he said, shrugging. His words make me scoff. "Sure, punch the girl you were flirting with earlier," I said as I slapped my hand across my mouth. My mouth, oh my mouth. I cursed my own stupidity. I cast a glance at Sirius. He was having fun with it. He declared, "You are jealous." He laughs and says, "That is why you’re mad." "Stop talking," I muttered. "Don’t be grumpy; you’re still my number one," he joked. I stood up to leave, but I found myself sitting back down again. He pulled me down to his side. He simply stared at my face without saying anything. My brows furrowed in confusion. I was about to say something when he unexpectedly smiled at me.
"No way!” he exclaimed, his grin stretching from ear to ear. "You’re actually jealous." I tightened my lips, attempting to play it cool while rolling my eyes to conceal the telltale flush on my cheeks. "Oh my god!" He burst into laughter, a mischievous smirk dancing on his lips. "You so are."
Glaring at him with feigned annoyance, I hoped he didn't catch on to how crimson I had become under his relentless teasing. Ignoring my silent protest, he took a deep breath, maintaining that infuriating grin as he said, "Okay, okay." His gaze lingered on me, his ridiculous behavior prompting an involuntary shake of my head.
"Would you like a drink?" he inquired, attempting to shift the focus. Unable to resist, I shot back, "Why don't you ask Marlene?" His response echoed through the room, "Don't worry, Y/N/N! You're the only one I have my eyes on," as I turned to leave him behind. A triumphant grin spread across my face, revelling in the playful banter.
Despite the irritation he often provoked, I couldn't deny the goodness of his intentions. Meeting him had added a unique spark to my days, making me feel genuinely special. He was undeniably a sweetheart, and I cherished the fact that he could break through my tough exterior. He's become my favourite, but of course, I'd never admit it to him. That would only fuel his ego further. My smile widened at the thought, savouring the complexity of our dynamic.
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enbysiriusblack · 2 months
on a more sirius note (hehe)
They had been made potions partners for the year, Professor Slughorn having chosen them to follow his Slytherin-Gryffindor seating plan. At first, Marlene had been annoyed, she was expected to work with a stuck up slytherin? what was Sluggy thinking!
Things changed when her eyes landed on her partner. Dorcas Meadowes. A gorgeous woman, with extreme intelligence.
"I'm so gonna pass this year" Marlene proclaimed to her friends. "Maybe even get a date if fate is kind! Do you think she's gay? I really hope she's gay. The things I would do to just to kiss HER."
- @eeffandoms
"Have you ever made a potion before?"
Marlene slumped on the table, "I thought you were hot."
Dorcas whirled around to her and spoke after a moment had passed, "What?"
"I mean you are still hot", Marlene mused, "But you're also a prick."
She huffed, "Only because I'm going to fucking fail with you as a partner, and that of course is going to make me pissed off."
Marlene hummed, "We'll pass."
"And what makes you think that? All you've managed to do is lick the pixie dust for some inane reason and burn a whole in your parchment."
"Well 1, you're like mega smart and 2, I have accomplices."
Dorcas leaned against the desk, glancing Marlene up and down, "Accomplices?"
Marlene leaned forwards, "Smart friends. Lily is thrashing you as top student is she not? And of course James and Sirius are miles ahead, athough I suppose potions is James' weaker area surprisingly."
Dorcas glanced over the room, spotting Sirius already finished his potion and now having a nap, and Lily helping other classmates with their potion troubles.
"Fine. But if you're relying on other people to do your work, then you're gathering all the ingredients and cleaning the cauldron after every class."
Marlene grinned, "Deal... Hey, do you want to go on a date this weekend?"
Dorcas turned back to Marlene, "What?"
"Well, I said you're hot, did I not?"
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calc1fers · 1 month
dorlene fantasy gladiator au
Marlene awoke to the damp coolness of dirt pressing against her cheek. She groaned, curling into herself, throat cracked and dry with thirst. Where was she?
“Welcome back,” a voice said. 
“Haah—” Marlene scrambled into a sitting position, desperately blinking the fuzz from her vision. “Hello?”
She squinted into the darkness of the low-ceilinged room. A cell, Marlene realised. She was in a cell. And she wasn’t alone. A lean figure crouched on the opposite wall, watching her from the shadows.
“Who are you?” Marlene croaked. 
The girl's skin and garments were velvety-dark. She leaned forward slightly, uncoiling like a cat into the dim light. It only took a moment for Marlene to recognise her.
“Oh, fuck no.” She laughed, but it came out slightly strangled. “Fucking—really?”
The gods must truly hate her, otherwise she wouldn’t be imprisoned somewhere underneath the city with someone like Dorcas Meadowes. A slow smile tugged at the other woman’s lips—more a baring of teeth than anything—and Marlene shivered. Her teeth were painted blood red. 
“So crude,” Dorcas hummed. “Then again, I don’t expect a convict to have any manners.”
Marlene stiffened. “As if you didn’t stab six people to death earlier.”
Dorcas tilted her head. “I do it for sport.” Her voice was low and almost erotic as she shifted closer, sending sparks of unease down Marlene’s spine. “I do it for the people. I flay a man and his dragon in front of a crowd, and it earns me their devotion.” She stopped in front of Marlene, just out of reach. “Violence is my art,” she mused, “but your weakness.”
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tragcdysewn · 8 months
below the cut is a full plotting/starter call for the mini event! all info is there, as well as everyone's outfits linked on their names! if you'd like to plot, drop a like, and if you request starters, make sure to specify or i won't write them! i'm capping at 3 per muse right now, but that may change depending on how things go. i also just put people as going together if we said they'd be spending the holiday together, but if things have changed, feel free to shoot me a message!
abigail mckinnon - blind date with zoe rivas
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
abi exists on 'i'm here for a good time not for a long time', so she's getting messy drunk, flirting up a storm, and going home with someone. whether or not it's her date is up to said date
owed starters (1/3) cleo mckinnon
ahsoka tano - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
ahsoka is expecting winter and leia to be drunk, and while part of her wants to supervise, the other part wants to get drunk with them. and i know which part of her is going to win out, unfortunately. #getthespacesistersdrunk2k24
owed starters (1/3) hera syndulla
allana solo - going with sella palpatine
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
as per usual, allana is spending the night with their girlfriend, though she might not avoid her family as much as she has at recent events. they're on edge, knowing how these things sometimes go, but she's determined to have a good time anyways
owed starters (0/3)
ariana dumbledore - going with ben solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
girl has three kids under age three. any excuse for a night out is being taken. won't be getting messy drunk but will definitely be enjoying herself and exploring as much as she can of the place
owed starters (1/3) ben solo
arlecchino - going with columbina
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
she's here to keep up an image and because columbina wanted to go. she'll be her usual snooty rich self, but that's nothing new. she's definitely open to chatting, but she's not as personable as one might hope
owed starters (1/3) columbina
bail organa - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
bail mostly attends these sorts of things as part of being a politician more than actually enjoying them, but he does often find himself having a little bit of fun. he will be picking his daughter off the floor though
owed starters (1/3) winter celchu
bela dimitrescu - going with dorcas meadowes
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
bela is mostly flirting with dorcas, but she is naturally a bit of a flirt, especially if she's hungry, so that is an option as well. she's also not opposed to causing a bit of toruble if the idea is appealing enough to her
owed starters (2/3) dorcas meadowes, cassandra dimitrescu
bryce quinlan - going with hunt athalar
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
bryce exists on the principle of 'if she's gotta be royalty she's going to be annoying as hell about it at formal events' so she will be enjoying herself and being extra as hell, come join her in her menace behavior
owed starters (3/3) hunt athalar, lidia cervos, lexi branson
cassidy mendes - going with evan afton
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
cassidy has literally never been to a party that wasn't at freddy fazbear's, and she's definitely curious and a little excited. she's not entirely sure how to be human, but she's hyped to try it out
owed starters (0/3)
cassie lang - blind date with tifa lockhart
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
cassie may legitimately be trying to climb the skeleton in the bone hall, we'll see if she succeeds at that particular endeavor. otherwise, she'll be in the middle of everything, making sure everyone around her has a blast
owed starters (2/3) tifa lockhart, james sirius potter
danika barnes - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
danika does not trust events here, and is probably going to be pretty cagey the first few hours, keeping an eye on things more than enjoying herself, so if someone wants to drag her into enjoying herself, go for it
owed starters (1/3) bucky barnes
davina claire - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
honestly, davina is more interested in the museum exhibits than she is the ball itself, but she'll still come for a dance or two. she does love music, and will have a good time with both aspects
owed starters (2/3) hope mikaelson, amara
dewey riley - going with gale weathers
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
if you see them drinking more than he should, keep your mouth shut thank you. he's a mess, and is aware of that, but isn't much inclined to fix it. just let them have fun for now thanks so much
owed starters (2/3) samantha carpenter, tatum riley
eleni vanserra - going with helion
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
honestly, eleni loves going to parties, but it's been a long time since she's gotten to have fun at one, so she intends to actually let loose a little and enjoy herself. please help her with that
owed starters (2/3) helion, aurora
elphaba thropp - going with glinda upland
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
glinda told her that they were going to spend valentine's together to make up for last year and elphaba is incapable of saying no to glinda, so she's here and trying to make the best of it
owed starters (0/3)
eula lawrence - going with amber
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
eula does not like parties and balls. she grew up in high society and hated every second of it, but she worries that amber will go either way and things will go wrong, so she's here and mad about it. she does love dancing though, so maybe she'll loosen up a bit
owed starters (1/3) amber
eveline winters - going with rue green
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
evie is a bit of a freak, and will absolutely be lurking in a corner for a lot of the party, just kind of observing people. she could definitely be dragged out to participate, but she is just kind of there. watching
owed starters (0/3)
feng xin - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
i honestly don't even know if he's actually intentionally flirting or he's just like that, but if anyone femme presenting actually approaches him, he'll scream. i'm not kidding. maybe less so when he gets drunk, we shall see
owed starters (2/3) mu qing, tara carpenter
feyre archeron - going with rhysand
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
she has honestly started really enjoying parties since coming to the night court and no longer needing to be involved in planning them. and now that her mate is back with her, she'll be much less mopey
owed starters (2/3) amren, lucien vanserra
glimmer belcourt - blind date with luca paguro
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
glimmer's whole personality is acting like a spoiled princess, so while she does want to dance with people, she will be waiting for someone to invite her rather than the other way around, i'm so sorry for her
owed starters (0/3)
greg - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
has greg perhaps brought his pet frog to this? uncertain, but he's definitely talking to his pocket. truly though his main concern is figuring out what's going on with his brother and beatrice
owed starters (1/3) beatrice
hallie parker - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
look hallie is here to have a good time on government money. she'll flirt with anyone she deems attractive, and drag people into dances and on little mini adventures. she's honestly down for pretty much anything tonight
owed starters (0/3)
hazel levesque - blind date with luz noceda
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
hazel mostly signed up for a blind date so her brother would sign up, honestly, but they're optimistic that it will still be a little bit of fun. and if it's not, she is willing to cause trouble
owed starters (2/3) nico di angelo, willa lykensen
he chunyu - going with azriel
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
she's never been to a party like this, but she's very excited, especially with the recent revelations about her brother. she needs a distraction more than anything right now, and this is right up her alley
owed starters (0/3)
howl jenkins pendragon - going with sophie
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
howl definitely has some trauma from the last ball she went to, but is determined to have a good time anyways, so here he is, the life of the party as per usual. honestly will drag anyone into any activity they are so social it's painful
owed starters (0/3)
james potter - going with lily evans
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
another one who may be trying to climb the dinosaur skeleton. but really, valentine's is the holiday for simps, and james potter is simp number one, so this is his night! catch him having a blast and reminding everyone how great his wife is
owed starters (0/3)
james witherdale - going with victoria sutherland
drinking (not alcohol) || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
he only goes to these because victoria gets a kick out of them, and they're an easy way to get a snack if he hasn't hunted in a while. so... probably avoid him unless his eyes are red, honestly
owed starters (2/3) adeline witherdale, anne sutherland
jin zixuan - going with jiang yanli
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
zixuan is here because his wife and friends are here, but he does kind of enjoy social events once he forces himself to go to them, so he'll definitely loosen up a bit once he's gotten used to it and had a drink
owed starters (2/3) jin guangyao, jiang yanli
jun wu - going with mei nianqing
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
current version of jun wu is honestly pretty personable, so he's definitely open to meeting new people, but is probably going to spend a lot of time checking out the museum as well. he'll be pretty easy to drag into a drink or a dance as well, though
owed starters (0/3)
kore sekkari - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
kore is going to have a blast spending a night drinking and dancing on the government's dime. she's also not opposed to leaving with someone if the mood strikes her, she's got no real plans for this beyond have fun
owed starters (1/3) alyla vane
korra - going with asami sato
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
korra is very high energy, and really should not be given access to events like this. but she will be fun to spend time with, and probably will walk out with a few new friends just off of drunken shenanigans
owed starters (0/3)
kriya dura - going with kaiden monsula
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
she enjoys a nice party, especially with free drinks and snacks. getting an opportunity for another date with the cute guy she's been seeing is just a bonus. catch her actually enjoying herself for once in her life
owed starters (2/3) kaya dura, kaiden monsula
lan wangji - going with wei wuxian
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
bro does not drink because he takes one sip and acts a fool, nor does he really enjoy social events. i'm so sorry for him but he will just be vibing on his own as soon as his husband leaves to talk to someone else
owed starters (1/3) wei wuxian
li susu - going with tantai jin
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
this isn't entirely susu's scene, but it's a night out with her husband, and she so rarely gets those, so there's no reason for her to turn it down. she'll likely have a good time once she's there, she's just a little bit grumpy
owed starters (0/3)
liu mingyan - blind date with lettie hatter
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
mingyan isn't really sure what to do at these sorts of things, but she's intrigued enough to give it a shot, and maybe meet someone new as a result. if it's terrible, at least she gets an interesting experience to write about, right?
owed starters (1/3) lettie hatter
lorcan salvaterre - going with elide lochan
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
he is only here because of elide. though the rumors he keeps hearing about these things going wrong have him very on edge. he's keeping an eye on elide and aelin, and beyond that don't expect much of him
owed starters (0/3)
lumine - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
honestly, she always feels a little out of place at things like this, but she can certainly enjoy herself. she loves dancing, so will absolutely be able to be dragged out on to the dance floor very easily
owed starters (0/3)
lyra ayala - blind date with mouse honrada
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
lyra hasn't been to a party in a while, and it shows. she's gonna be a bit awkward to start, but once you get her out of her shell? she's a blast to be around. she loves music, so this will be a great time for her
owed starters (0/3)
lysandra ennar - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
she's honestly pissed about this. she was planning on a fun night, but their unaware husband has shown up with someone else, so she's just white knuckling a champagne glass and bitching to her best friend
owed starters (2/3) evangeline ennar, aedion ashryver
manon blackbeak - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
girl is trying to rizz a prince at this thing, tba on if it will work. but he's not here with someone else, so she's content enough to not cause problems on purpose. will she be pleasant? unsure. but after a few drinks she might loosen up
owed starters (0/3)
marinette dupain-cheng - going with adrien agreste
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
mari is incredibly friendly and also incredibly awkward, so if she trips over her own feet please just be kind and help her up. i promise she just wants to meet some new people and have a nice time
owed starters (2/3) shen zechuan, adrien agreste
mj jones - going with peter parker
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
mj loves observing people and their habits, so she's honestly having a blast in her corner watching people dance and flirt and whatever else they're doing. but she will also likely join for a dance or two, why not, right?
owed starters (1/3) peter parker
mo ran - going with chu wanning
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
this is the first thing he's gone to with chu wanning, so he's in simp mode above all else, but he is generally very charismatic and sociable, so he'll go poke around the museum and get in to trouble with pretty much anyone
owed starters (1/3) chu wanning
mobei-jun - going with shang qinghua
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
he is not much of a social person, but will ultimately be polite if someone starts a conversation with him first. he's really just looking for the first possible chance to politely leave
owed starters (1/3) shang qinghua
nangong jingnu - going with qi yan
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
jingnu is an absolute lightweight, and will be messy drunk very early into the evening if she's not stopped after like two drinks. but she's a fun time even sober, and very much enjoys parties and formal events
owed starters (1/3) qi yan
nesryn faliq - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
nesryn is not a dancer, but she will chat and explore. she's definitely curious about the museum and wants to see what she can spot while there's much more lack security than usual
owed starters (0/3)
nie mingjue - going with lan xichen
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
mingjue is ultimately a kind of stiff guy, but he does like social functions and is kind of surprisingly fun. he'll drink and party like anyone else, he'll just always have one eye out for any kind of trouble or danger
owed starters (0/3)
qi rong - going with xuan ji
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
i mean... this is a psychotic cannibal. i don't know what you want from me here. he's going to cause problems on purpose and no one should be shocked about that very obvious fact
owed starters (0/3)
renesmee cullen - blind date with tahiri veila
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
ness is here to party and that's it. she will be getting a bit messy drunk, but don't tell her parents or their aunts and uncles thank you very much. they don't want to have that conversation right now
owed starters (1/3) alice cullen
rhiannon matthias - going with andarna
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
rhi is now fully aware, and kind of having a freak out about having asked out her best friend's dragon. but they're also not unhappy to be out with andarna so? it's an awkward time but they're trying to have fun. and if that fails she'll go out the window
owed starters (2/3) violet sorrengail, andarna
ryden samos - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
bro is not thrilled with his current romantic situation, but he was invited to this thing, and he figured why not give it a shot? he's just gonna be trying not to brood, maybe meet some new people if he can and avoid his problems
owed starters (0/3)
sheev palpatine - going with astraea illen
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
officially he's drinking, but the man's actually had the same glass of champagne all night. he does not get drunk, it's bad for both his image and his paranoia. will definitely dance and talk to people though
owed starters (3/3) leia organa, samara palpatine, sabina palpatine
shen qingqiu - going with luo binghe
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
my guy is a mess, and the last time he went to one of these, he got messy drunk and exposed his entire secret backstory. will that prevent him from drinking at this party? definitely not. good luck bro
owed starters (1/3) liu qingge/sha hualing
shi wudu - going with samara palpatine
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
shi wudu is a bit of a stuck up ass, so he's definitely the type to judge people while drinking over actually having fun at an event, but he's not entirely opposed to company for that particular activity
owed starters (1/3) shi qingxuan
thanatos - going with zagreus
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
than is ultimately just not a social creature, and they will absolutely be in a corner observing and chatting with whoever approaches them more than anything else. they're perfectly comfortable here, just very much an introvert
owed starters (1/3) syrena cordella
wen qing - going with jiang cheng
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
wen qing is awkward at best at parties, but she's surrounded by people who enjoy them, so they try her best to have fun and enjoy themself. a few drinks in and they'll be a lot more fun, i promise
owed starters (0/3)
xaden riorson - going with violet sorrengail
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
he showed up an hour late. do not ask why. xaden's pretty stiff at formal events, honestly, but he'll have drink or two and people watch from his corner. the only way you're getting him to really have fun though is if you're one of his friends or his girlfriend
owed starters (0/3)
xiao lanhua - going with dongfang qingcang
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
girl loves a party, and will be interacting with literally every random person she can. they're having a great time, and will probably get just the wrong side of messy drunk unless someone stops them
owed starters (0/3)
xiao qing - blind date with rose hathaway
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
honestly, they signed up because they thought a blind girl going on a blind date would be funny. she's a menace, but knows how to have a good time and will probably try to interact with a bunch of new people
owed starters (1/3) rose hathaway
ziva desilijic tiure - flying solo
drinking || dancing || general chatting || exploring the museum || people watching || snacking in the corner || flirting || looking for an out || chaos
ziva is in her element at things like this, she honestly could almost be called hedonistic, and will be dancing and flirting like there's no tomorrow. they're here to have fun and maybe bring someone home, nothing else
owed starters (1/3) zash baen
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moonlit-mischief · 7 months
we still have a lot of open spots in our group! if you applied and haven't heard from us, it's because the muse you applied for is now taken and you didn't have a backup character. feel free to apply again with another character if you're still interested in joining.
taken characters : james potter, lily evans, remus lupin, sirius black, regulus black, evan rosier open characters : peter pettigrew, marlene mckinnon, mary macdonald, dorcas meadowes, barty crouch jr, severus snape, emmeline vance, alice fortescue, frank longbottom, gideon prewett, fabian prewett, benjy fenwick, caradoc dearborn, avery, mulciber, wilkes, pandora, lucinda talkalot, davey gudgeon, xenophilius lovegood, amos diggory, alecto carrow, amycus carrow +++ (i reckon there are so many more to choose from, honestly)
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wvsteria · 1 year
starter call and plotting call for the event below ! i'm going to list who voluntarily went in and who was pulled in by magic/friend. pls like to request a starter from me, but pls keep it like max 4 per mun. i'm keeping my starters per muse at 4. this rule doesn't apply to plotting. plotting is free range that we can divide amongst ourselves! if you request a starter, chances are i will come to you to plot (this feels like a v plot heavy event tbh).
voluntarily went in:
alyla vane, amren, beth washington, cangse sanren, dorcas meadows, ezra bridger, godric gryffindor, hadley hufflepuff, harley quinn, harry potter, judith grimes, kiara carrera, kol mikaelson, louise belcher, mo xuanyu, nie ruizhi, padme amidala, princess jasmine, sarah miller, stu macher, tara carpenter
pulled in by magic/friend:
alcina dimitrescu, alex karev, america chavez, bucky barnes, enzo st. john, emily fields, helion, heron lyptus, jacen solo, josie saltzman, kasil monsula, mal faery, mia winters, mouse honrada, noela, peter parker, piper halliwell, rosalie hale, roxanne weasley, samara palpatine, song lan, soren palpatine, taissa turner, tamlin, xuan ji, zoey davis, zuko
starter list:
alyla vane (2/4)
misa amane: 31 The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
vesta starkos: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
america chavez (2/4)
loki laufeyson: 18 Monster: Murderous clown.
diana prince: 27 Monster: Minotaur
amren (1/4)
rhsyand: 13 Monster: Werewolf.
beth washington (1/4)
freddie facilier: 21 Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
cangse sanren (1/4)
daniela dimitrescu: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
enzo st. john (2/4)
bonnie bennett: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
owen sharma: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
ethan mckinnon (2/4)
maddie mckinnon: 16 Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
cleo mckinnon: 7 The area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. Characters are aware of this when they enter the space.
ezra bridger (2/4)
nezuko kamado: 19 Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
hera syndulla: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress.
godric gryffindor (1/4)
harvey hufflepuff: 3 Monster: Living scarecrow
hadley hufflepuff (1/4)
harris hufflepuff: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
harley quinn (2/4)
dinah laurel lance: 2 Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
henry creel: 12 Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
harry potter (5/4)
hermione granger: 8 Monster: Ghosts
bill weasley: 6 The husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in
hagrid: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
ginny weasley: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
charlie weasley: 17 Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
helion (1/4)
lexi branson: 5 Monster: A hoard of geese
jacen solo (3/4)
leia organa: 5 Monster: A hoard of geese
tahiri veila: 16 Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
tenel ka djo: 28 Characters find this section of the maze to be extremely cold, with frost hanging from all of the corn stalks and the icey ground beneath their feet making the terrain difficult to traverse.
josie saltzman (1/4)
penelope park: 26 Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.
judith grimes (1/4)
rose hathaway:17 Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
kasil monsula (2/4)
kaiden monsula: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
sabina palpatine: 26 Characters enter a mud filled portion of the maze, where their footsteps feel heavy, and every push further seems to sink them farther and farther into the mud.
kiara carrera (1/4)
elena gilbert: 4 Monster: Skeletons
kol mikaelson (2/4)
rebekah mikaelson: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
hope mikaelson: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
mal faery (4/4)
uma: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
evie grimhilde: 4 Monster: Skeletons
dizzy tremaine: 29 Characters walk into this portion of the maze to immediately be caught in a giant spider web, trapping them.
gil: 3 Monster: Living scarecrow
mia winters (1/4)
ethan winters: 24 Monster: Dementors
mouse honrada (2/4)
elain archeron: 11 Monster: A rat with a gun
feyre archeron: 13 Monster: Werewolf
mo xuanyu (2/4)
jin zixuan: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
lan wangji: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
nie ruizhi (1/4)
nie mingjue: 12 Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
noela (1/4)
james witherdale: 24 Monster: Dementors
padme amidala (2/4)
satine kryze: 13 Monster: Werewolf
ahsoka tano: 7 The area exists as a zone of truth, making characters incapable of lying. Characters are aware of this when they enter the space.
peter parker (1/4)
michelle jones: 13 Monster: Werewolf
piper halliwell (2/4)
calleigh duquesne: 14 Monster: Vampire
kat mitchell: 19 Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
princess jasmine (1/4)
ariel: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
rosalie hale (2/4)
son yeonseo: 24 Monster: Dementors
james witherdale: 18 Monster: Murderous clown
roxanne weasley (1/4)
fred weasley ii: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
samara palpatine (5/4)
leia organa: 14 Monster: Vampire
sella palpatine: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
sabina palpatine: 31 The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
shi wudu: 10 Monster: Stormtroopers
sheev palpatine: 2 Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
sarah miller (1/4)
eveline: 18 Monster: Murderous clown
song lan (1/4)
xiao qing: 9 Characters reach a dead end, full of pollen spores, which when inhaled make characters feel drunk for the next hour.
soren palpatine (3/4)
sabina palpatine: 21 Characters enter a portion of the maze to find it completely dark.
ji euntak: 17 Monster: Masked murderer wearing the Ghostface mask
sheev palpatine: 31 The area is just absolutely full of croaking frogs. They aren’t dangerous but they are loud and difficult to step around.
stu macher (4/4)
jinx: 12 Characters enter the area to be met with high speed winds, strong enough to push people around
chad meeks-martin: 2 Characters encounter a pit trap, so obvious they almost want to explore
amber freeman: 3 Monster: Living scarecrow
dewey riley: 4 Monster: Skeletons
taissa turner (1/4)
lumine: 27 Monster: Minotaur
tara carpenter (7/4)
sam carpenter: 16 Characters are greeted by two beings the size of children but with pumpkins for heads arrive with a cart, gesturing for characters to get in.
victor salazar: 1 Monster: Giant spiders
lydia martin: 6 The husks of corn emit a poisonous gas, making characters weaker the longer they breath it in
amber freeman: 19 Characters are greeted by a giant rushing stream going all the way across the maze that they must cross in order to keep moving.
renesmee cullen: 25 Characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.
dewey riley: 8 Monster: Ghosts
feng xin: 22 Though relatively empty the plant life whispers threats and warnings to people in this portion of the maze. It tells them to give up on their progress
xuan ji (2/4)
lang ying: 25 Characters wander in to a giant feast, long empty tables piled high with food, with chairs much too high for anyone human to sit in.
qi rong: 14 Monster: Vampire
zuko (1/4)
katara: 30 Monster: A swarm of bats
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too late theyre lesbians and dating
oh yes ofc, i'm sorry. you're very right. my bad <3
(kinda hate this???? idk i hope you like it!)
First Sight
"Dorcas Meadowes!" Professor McGonagall calls from the front of the Great Hall. Dorcas shakily makes her way up to the platform, sitting down on the small wooden stool and refusing to make eye contact with anybody. The oversized hat is placed on her head, covering her eyes and a loud voice suddenly booms through her head.
"Ah, a tricky one here," the hat says, and Dorcas finds herself shaking even more. "There's a lot of wisdom here, great potential. Yet still, a strong sense of cunning and ambition. You could go great places. Hmm." The sorting hat muses on whether to put Dorcas in Ravenclaw or Slytherin eventually settling on...
"Slytherin!" Cheers erupt from the Slytherin table as the hat is lifted off Dorcas' head and she scurries over to the empty seats on the end. She keeps her head down for most of the sorting, vaguely hearing a few names she recognizes from the train. And then there's only one left.
"Eugenia Zabini!" Professor McGonagall calls out. Dorcas looks up to see a very pretty girl, indeed, walking up to the stool with confidence. Her skin is a few shades lighter than Dorcas' and her hair is hidden behind a tightly wrapped blush-colored scarf. Dorcas feels inexplicably drawn to her. After only a few moments, the hat calls out
"Slytherin!" and Dorcas feels oddly self conscious as the girl, Eugenia, walks over and sits right down next to Dorcas.
"I'm Eugenia, but you can call me Genie if you want!" she says, offering a hand. Dorcas feels both her cheeks heat up, not knowing why, and she suddenly feels all jittery.
"Um, I- uh, I'm Dorcas," she says quietly, taking Eugenia's hand. She has a very strong handshake, she notes, which makes her feel a bit safer amongst this sea of the unknown. After Dumbledore gives his speech and dinner is served, Dorcas and Eugenia find themselves talking about anything and everything as the world falls away around them.
Later that evening, their prefect, Narcissa Black, guides them down into the dungeons, which somehow don't feel so cold and dark, holding Eugenia's hand. They find themselves in the same dorm, windows looking out into the Black Lake, fish and strange creatures swimming by.
"Hey, um, Genie?" Dorcas asks, shuffling towards the bed Eugenia's chosen for herself. The dungeons are rather the opposite of her warm, comforting room back home.
"Yeah, Cas?" she replies. Dorcas feels butterflies at the nickname.
"Can I sleep over here tonight?" Oh my god, she can't believe she asked that. Eugenia probably thinks she's really weird and a scardy cat and-
"Sure!" Oh. Well then.
//Six years later, as Dorcas lies in that same bed, curtains closed, clothes on the floor, playing with Genie's hair, she smiles. Genie always says it's a story to tell the grandkids. Perhaps she's right.
NEARLY HAD A MELTDOWN BECAUSE I SAVED IT TO MY DRAFTS AND IT DISAPPEARED (i found it but) that was almost really bad <3
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findroleplay · 5 months
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𝐌𝐀𝐉𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐃   is   a   twenty-one+     (     muse   +   mun     ),     modern-day   marauders   era   writing   group   based   exclusively   on   discord       —     centered   around   the   first year of   the   first   wizarding   war.     incorporating   exclusively   canons   and   semi-canons,     our   cast   of   characters   have   long   graduated   from   hogwarts   school   of   witchcraft   and   wizardry,     and   are   now   actively   split   into   three   separate   factions   amongst   the   brimming   war     ;     the   order,     the   death   eaters,     and   those   who   toe   the   line   between   the   light   and   dark.    
MOST WANTED :  bellatrix black, severus snape, pandora lovegood, marlene mckinnon, amelia bones, alastor moody, ted tonks, gilderoy lockhart, amycus carrow, emmaline vance, kingsley shacklebolt, xenophilius lovegood, sybill trelawney, dorcas meadowes
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doeinthemeadowess · 1 year
Quem: Open Starter
Local: Corujal
Quando: Horário da Detenção
Dorcas Meadowes não sabia o que era pior: estar afastada de suas atividades extracurriculares, precisar cumprir detenção por um tempo praticamente interminável, a suspensão dos passeios em Hogsmeade ou precisar limpar a sujeira do corujal. Pelo menos a bruxa não estava sozinha naquela última tarefa, uma vez que muse também estava lhe ajudando. “Vamos ver o que o Profeta Diário andou publicando…”, comentou ao ver uma coruja chegando trazendo uma edição nova do jornal. Assim que pegou o pedaço de papel se deparou com uma manchete que questionava a segurança e a qualidade de Hogwarts, e a coluna de Rita Skeeter conseguia ser pior ainda. Tomada pela raiva, a grifana amassou o jornal e jogou no chão. “Chega a ser revoltante a quantidade de mentiras que estão publicando nesse jornal, será que as pessoas não querem enxergar a verdade do que está acontecendo?! Ou elas estão pensando em ignorar o problema achando que isso vai se resolver num piscas de olhos?”
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prioriincantatem · 2 years
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y’all know the drill-- mutuals only, pls specify no more than 3 muses for me to choose from, especially if you’re a multimuse! i’ll be doing these in the next couple of days! muse list under the cut. muses with the highest inspo rn are marked with an asterisk*
colin creevey
seamus finnigan
viktor krum
chiara lobosca
frank longbottom
neville longbottom
remus lupin *
everett mason
dorcas meadowes *
alastor moody *
harry potter *
greylyn tavish-moody
andromeda tonks *
ginny weasley
percy weasley
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dcpravities · 1 year
hello hello! in an attempt to get a bit of a fresh start, i'm going to throw out the majority of threads that i had and start fresh off. for that reason, i'm going to open up a starter call for my muses! feel free to request whatever you'd like, i just ask because of the smaller number i'm going to offer than there's a maximum of two requests per mun! these will come out over time!!
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dorcas meadowes / harry potter, aware ( 0 / 6 )
luke skywalker / star wars, aware ( 0 / 6 )
scaramouche / genshin impact, aware ( 0 / 6 )
venti / genshin impact, aware ( 0 / 6 )
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mcrcki · 2 years
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ CLOSED
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what a surprise !! an event !! who would have seen it coming ?? not me. definitely not, nope. either way, below is going to be a starter call along with a link to my plotting calls! i know, a shock that i’m not doing a combination but this is just because i’m gonna force y’all to look at my outfit graphics :) but below the cut will be all my girls, quick notes about their vibes for the event, and that link to their plotting call! and now for everyone’s favorite part of maig’s starter calls : the rules !!!! it’s simple, if you do not specify who the request is for , i simply will not complete it. so please specify muse, any likes will be ignored. and also please note that my call is capped for both muses and people. it will be capped at THREE FIVE requests per person! that way i am able to write with everyone! alright, if you’ve got any questions feel free to ask, but without further ado ~~
** the link to plotting calls are their names :)
** crossed out = already in the queue !!
daniela dimitrescu || resident evil  - ( 2 / 8 )
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she/they pronouns. absolute nightmare person. taking spooky season too seriously and will try to terrify you
bela dimitrescu ( kasey )
henry creel ( alex )
leia organa || star wars - ( 5 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. president. princess. sith. hostess with the mostest. please don’t ask her about her rancid vibes sw characters.
anakin skywalker ( sam )
yennefer of vengerberg ( alex )
jin guangyao ( june )
vex de rolo ( cassie )
tenel ka djo ( alex )
marlene mckinnon || harry potter : marauders era - ( 4 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. sick of all these formal parties. please for the love of merlin can someone just throw a rager? shit-- she’ll even throw it. afterparty @ mckinnon pub.
wei wuxian ( ollie )
lily evans ( sunny ) 
abi mckinnon ( kasey )
dorcas meadowes ( cherry )
omega archeron || star wars : the bad batch - ( 5 / 8 )
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she/they pronouns. underage drinking is wrong, but if you don’t tell their mom and older brother, then it’s very fun. please, don’t tell them thanks, they just wanna have fun too :)
yuri plisetsky ( ollie )
jill roberts ( swan )
feyre archeron ( kasey )
cassian andor ( marie )
hunter ( alex )
pj halliwell || charmed ‘98 - ( 5 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. will drag you onto the dance floor kicking and screaming. sorry not sorry.
melinda halliwell ( swan )
oliver mckinnon ( sam )
childe ( june )
jester lavorre ( cassie )
peyton halliwell ( jane )
rowena ravenclaw || harry potter : founders - ( 3 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. big cliché ‘would rather be curled up with a good book’ instead of at a party, but will have a few obligatory dances to hopefully be able to leave early.
orpheus ( ollie )
jeon seol ( atlas )
helga hufflepuff ( marie )
sella palpatine || star wars - ( 2 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. actually vibrating with excitement. she’s been watching all of this come together at work and is so excited to actually get dressed up! will not stop talking about how much fun this is!
glinda upland ( sunny )
nezuko kamado ( moon )
sophie hatter || howl’s moving castle - ( 3 / 8 )
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she/they pronouns. how early is too early to leave? does someone else wanna indulge their husband while she dips? thanks :)
princess bubblegum ( atlas )
kc cooper ( moon )
lin ( dee )
tatum riley || scream ‘96 - ( 4 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. is coping with your own traumas by dress up as a ghost healthy? mm who knows but she’s not in the mood to question it. just help her see what all these people are hiding on the third floor. 
buffy summers ( swan )
kirby reed ( alex )
fred weasley ( marie )
randy meeks ( sam )
victoria sutherland || twilight - ( 3 / 8 )
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she/her pronouns. .... nightmare person covered in blood. do not approach but also is so fucking charming you know you’ll want to dance with her ;) 
esme cullen ( atlas )
kiara carrera ( moon )
dani clayton ( marie )
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