#( CARE YOU BOTH LOTS and please have a wonderful day in the meanwhile <3 )
kamipyre · 1 year
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@rippleofwords sent in: talk about hyuk || the paper machine's gossip session ( ft. talk about meme )
send “talk about-” and a name for my muse to talk about that person!
embers verse:
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“…He reminds me of my old colleagues.” Not that he’s actually heard her talk about them, save for, maybe Edgeworth. It’s okay- he doesn’t really talk much about his colleagues back in Seoul anyways. Maybe she wants to keep it that way since well, even if the corruption is weeded out of the LAPD, they’ll never be able to go back to the way things were before. Detective Lee ( @jeoseungsaja ) might be able to do in Seoul, but not hers. Deft fingers press along the fold. “They have a better sense of humor than he does, but he has a similar drive.” The exacting drive demanding nothing more and nothing less than the truth. The recklessness and sheer force to get the desired results. The hardheadedness. She sees them all in Detective Lee, the ghost of friends long gone, never to return…or maybe their spirit, the true nature of the LAPD,  is simply being passed down from one generation to the next. Either way, she makes another fold. This one is going to be a pigeon. “Is he done with questioning Mister Trevor?” That’s the parrot the court is bringing in as a witness for next week’s trial. “He said he had more PAPER for me!”
black knight verse:
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 “I deserve a pay raise.” Not that her current salary is terrible- actually, it might be more affordable, living in Seoul rather than in LA. At the very least, she doesn’t need to give up half of her paycheck to cover rent…although then again, it can’t be traditional, living in her current boss’s apartment. One may say it’s even unprofessional…and she might agree if not for the fact that he’s hardly ever in there to begin with. The couch in the office is his actual bed these days. “No one told me I was going to have two jobs while I was here- he needs to find something to do outside of his job. At the rate he’s going, I’ll surprised if he makes it to the end of the year-“ Not that, mind you, she’s going to let him deteriorate to that point. Jae Hwan won’t let that happen either, but it doesn’t change that Lee is barreling in that direction and there’s so much either of them can do to slow his descent. And the quickest way to do that is get to the bottom of the case- if only pleasing him was as simple as pleasing the Pigeon Man…all that guy needs is a bag of seeds and the pigeons. Nevertheless, her eyes soften as she sets her folded report on the desk. “…It’s not like the truth is going to change anything.” But he’s going to go for it anyways, won’t he? Find out the full story or die trying. She doesn’t know the whole story behind this all-consuming desire, no one does and Lee isn’t planning on changing that but…
“I want answers.” Not only to figure out the irritating conundrum of the case, but also set Lee’s ghosts to rest. It’s hard to live one’s own life, when the ghosts of those beloved have not been properly buried.
She would know that BETTER than anyone else.  
#jeoseungsaja#( answered. )#( verse: embers. )#( verse: black knight. )#the oddballs are also the underdogs ( hyuk & suki. )#tbt ( ft. hyuk & suki || black knight verse )#( annnnd this is where I yell about the fact that suki UNINTENTIONALLY PARALLELS HYUK IN BOTH VERSE... )#( or at least well in her embers verse hyuk just by the fact he does his job well and is devoted to finding the truth first )#( it reminds her of...well the colleagues she initially worked with and were...kinda like?? mentors )#( if that makes any sense....and so I think she finds comfort in that )#( even tho she intentionally makes sure that she stands on equal ground with hyuk )#( don't get me started on this meta....bc there are SO MANY things I could say about how the way suki interacts with her coworkers )#( changes over the years....from being a mentee to an equal and then a mentor :'D )#( but also the black knight verse!! LITERALLY SHE KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS TO BE IN HYUK'S POSITION )#( literally the entirety of her scorched verse...what hyuk feels about patrick's passing is what suki felt about her parents )#( which is why!! I think she supports hyuk in what looks like a fruitless search )#( since she's seen the reports and KNOWS that the evidence provided is inconclusive...and that's no reason to slap 'it was an accident' )#( on the case :'D )#( also!! thank you for sending this in xia <3 <3 <3 u know I could never pass up the opportunity...and also to )#( overachieve as well :'DDDD )#( and Alex!! hello hope u r doing well!! I hope?? u enjoy this and you work thru work & renovations :'D )#( CARE YOU BOTH LOTS and please have a wonderful day in the meanwhile <3 )
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sissylittlefeather · 1 year
As promised...
A Very Quiet Life: Chapter 6
A/N: I'm still struggling with everything after this one, so it might be a while before there are more chapters. But, please enjoy this one!
Warnings: 18+ smut, minors DNI!, kissing, p in v sex, unprotected sex, lil bit of angst if you squint, lots of fluff
Links to:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Let me know what you think! ❤️
Song inspo (still. I love this song)
Gifs because I can't not at this point
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Meanwhile, across the street, Mrs. Walter takes note of the fact that the neighbor entered your house at 9:45am and still hasn't left...
You spend that whole day in bed with Elvis, only leaving to eat whatever you can find in the kitchen. At one point, he offers you a popsicle and you both fall apart laughing. It's the best day you've had in a very long time and you're sad when it has to end. At about 3:30, he puts his clothes back on, kisses you one last time, and walks out your front door.
Mrs. Walter would have missed him, except she's walking to her car to go get her kids from school. She looks at her watch, astonished. Then, she resolves to keep a closer eye on the two of you. Beth, Elvis's wife, is a good friend of hers, and she won't stand for what she suspects is happening.
On Thursday morning, you watch from your kitchen window as Elvis puts his wife in a cab with a suitcase. He gives her a chaste peck on the lips and you look down at the cup you're washing. He really is married. You wonder how long she'll be gone this time and if he'll want to stay again. As he's walking back up to the house, he sees you in the window and waves. You think you've both done a good job of just appearing "neighborly" and nothing more. About twenty minutes later, you hear a knock on your front door. Your heart leaps. Of course, it's him.
"Thought I'd come check on how that shower is working for you, ma'am." He holds up a box of tools. You know he knows very well that the shower is just fine. He winks and you let him in the house.
"The toolbox is a nice touch." You say once he's inside and the door is closed. He drops it on the floor and pulls you into a passionate kiss.
"I was hoping you would be home today. I don't have lessons until after noon." He says with his forehead pressed to yours.
"Elvis, what are we doing?"
"Do you want the biblical, medical, or romantic words for it?" You look up at him as he smirks.
"I'm serious. I haven't forgotten that you're married, even if you have." He backs up a bit. You don't want to hurt him, but you can't just pretend it's not true. You've never been a cheater, and you're not sure you like the idea of being the other woman either.
"Y/n, I haven't been in love with my wife for a long time. She drained the life out of me for years. You brought me back. I don't care what you call it; I'm happy with you. Are you happy with me?"
Happier than you've been in your whole life. Maybe that's enough.
"Yes." He takes that as your whole answer and scoops you up in his arms like a baby, taking you straight to the bedroom. He might be married to someone else, but he knows exactly what you want.
Michael's party is on the following Saturday. Elvis comes over for dinner on Friday, leaves, waits until the kids are in bed, and then comes back. He stays with you that night and sneaks out before the kids wake up again. You feel like a teenager with all this secrecy and hiding, but honestly, it turns you on a little bit. You know it can't go on forever, but for right now, it's good. Really good.
When Elvis comes back on Saturday afternoon for Michael's party, you're a little taken aback to see his wife with him. She must've come home this morning. Still, you slap on a decent smile and welcome her into your home. She seats herself on the couch and all you can think of is how you fucked her husband on that same exact spot. He looks at you nervously, obviously thinking the same thing. Thankfully, Michael and Jane and the Walter kids come barreling through the living room, saving you both any more embarrassment. Michael is still sporting his blue cast, but he's gotten used to it by now. He runs up to Elvis's wife with a marker and asks if she wants to sign it. She looks uncomfortable and says no. He points to where Elvis signed it several weeks ago and begs her. She looks up at Elvis with an annoyed glare and finally takes the marker and signs the cast.
"Michael, what do you say?" You holler from across the room.
"Thanks, lady!" He says and bounces away to keep playing. Elvis follows him and snatches him into the air, both of them laughing. You smile at the scene and then catch his wife watching you, so you turn away quickly.
You're putting some food together in the kitchen when Mrs. Walter walks in and stands with her back against the sink. You can see Elvis in the living room with the kids from where you're standing. They seem to have started some kind of game where he's the monster and they're all trying to get away from him. She startles you when she speaks, tearing your attention away from watching them.
"He's so good with kids."
"Mhmm" you answer politely.
"And he's really handsome. Don't you think so?" You look at her blankly. Why would she say that?
"Oh, I mean, yeah, I suppose so."
"Is he more good looking than your husband was?" What the actual fuck?!
"Rick was very attractive. Gorgeous brown eyes and one of the best smiles I've ever seen. Great with kids too." You turn to look her in the eye. "What exactly are you asking me, Susan?" You use her first name, disarming her a bit too. Still, she maintains eye contact.
"Oh, nothing. I just wondered what kind of home repair job takes almost six hours to complete?" Your heart stops and your whole body goes cold. She knows.
"Six hours? Are you talking about the other day when he fixed the shower? He was here for half an hour and then had to leave and come back and finish that afternoon." You answer coolly, not sure where your confidence is coming from. You can't tell if she buys your story or not.
"Hm." She raises her eyebrows and leaves the kitchen.
Holy fucking shit.
You need to talk to Elvis NOW. But you know you can't. That's probably why his wife is here. Susan has tipped her off and she's watching to see if you slip up.
Fuck fuck fuck.
You white-knuckle your way through the rest of the party, pretty much ignoring Elvis the whole time. At one point you even call him "Mr. Presley". When you do, he looks at you funny, but seems to pick up that you are on edge. He doesn't try to get your attention for the rest of the day.
Finally, the party ends and everyone leaves. You're overly courteous to his wife when they walk out the door, praying that she didn't see anything to feed her suspicions. Once everyone is gone, you sit down on the couch and breathe for the first time in hours. Your head is pounding as you try to think through what to do next. Michael is passed out on the floor in a pile of presents. Jane comes and sits next to you on the couch.
"Mama, what's wrong?"
"What do you mean, baby?" You turn and look at her. She returns your look with wide, innocent eyes.
"You usually smile more when Mr. Presley is here. You didn't smile today." Children are so damn perceptive.
"Oh, I was just stressed from the party, baby. I'm okay."
"So he will come over again sometime and you'll be happy?"
"Of course he will and yes, I'll be happy." You pull her into a hug and try to blink away tears. Even your kids would miss him if he wasn't around anymore. What are you going to do?
After you get the kids in bed, you're sitting on the couch trying to read when you hear a soft knock on the front door. You're pretty sure you know who it is, but you move slowly. When you answer it, Elvis walks in quickly and shuts the door behind himself.
"What the hell are you doing here?!"
"Mr. Presley?! What the hell is going on?!"
"Susan Walter knows."
"Knows what?"
"About us!" His expression changes. He swallows hard and walks to the couch to sit down. You wring your hands and cover your face.
"She saw you come in and not leave the other day. She's going to tell Beth if she hasn't already. And isn't Beth home right now? How are you here?"
"She went out with friends. I have at least three hours. And she hasn't told her yet or she would've said something."
"She's going to tell her. What are we going to do?" He looks down at the floor for a while, thinking. When he looks back up at you, his eyes are dark blue and he seems to have a new resolve.
"Come here." He puts his hands on your hips and pulls you close to him. "I don't care. I'll tell her myself. You want me to tell her tonight?"
You stand there with your mouth open looking down at him. Are you ready to be the neighborhood pariah?
"No... Not yet." He leans his forehead against your stomach and you put your hands on his back. "I just want us to stay good for a while. If you tell her, then there's no telling what'll happen." He pulls you down on the couch next to him and holds both of your hands in his.
"Listen, honey. You and me will be good no matter what. I promise you that." He holds one of your hands to his lips and kisses it softly.
"But with the kids... it's just not easy." You try to pull away, but he doesn't let you. He looks directly into your eyes.
"I don't need easy. I just need you." He puts his hand on your cheek and leans in to give you a soft kiss. He kisses you again, more deeply this time, letting his tongue meet yours in the middle. You feel your worry start to melt away. He keeps kissing you tenderly, and then he plants small kisses all over your face, making his way down to your neck. Then, he picks up your hand and kisses each finger gently, landing with his lips in your palm. He moves back to your mouth, dipping his tongue between your lips.
He lays you back on the couch and kisses down your neck again, nipping at you softly with his teeth, sliding his hand up the back of your shirt. You have your arms around him, kissing his cheeks and forehead and mouth any time you can get to them. It's like you're trying to sink into each other through kisses.
Slowly, he pulls your shirt over your head and runs his hands over your body. He seems to be trying to take in every inch of you. You move to take his shirt off of him and press your skin against his. There's no such thing as enough contact between you. He deftly removes your bra and begins kissing the soft and supple skin of your breasts. He drags his tongue around one of your nipples and sucks on it lightly. You moan softly and arch your back.
He kisses down your stomach to your belly button, hooking his fingers in your waistline to pull your pants and panties down together, leaving you fully naked. For the first time, you don't feel exposed, you feel free. He runs his hand from your stomach, down your thigh, to your foot, where he presses his thumb into your heel and kisses your ankle. He's giving attention to every single part of you.
Standing up, he drops his pants to the ground, freeing his perfect erection. You look at him as he stands there. His body is strong and masculine, but somehow also gentle. You desperately long to feel him against you again.
He slides both hands up your body as he lays over you, both of you completely naked. You open your legs a little to give him access and he pushes into you easily, filling you entirely in one move. The gesture is tender and filled with so much more than lust. He keeps a slow rhythm, kissing your neck and moving his hands over your chest and stomach, like he's mesmerized by the feel of your skin. He holds himself over you and lets his deep blue eyes meet yours for a good while. It doesn't take long for you to realize that this isn't fucking. This is making love and it's beautiful. He's tender and passionate in the way he worships your body. And he's still pumping into you, but slowly, gently, letting you feel every inch of him. You wrap your arms around him and pull him close to you, letting yourself be consumed by the feeling of his skin on yours. He reaches down to hold onto your hip as he begins to thrust a little faster.
Both of your orgasms are building together as your sweat mixes with his. You kiss him tenderly and your eyes lock on to each other again. He gets a little faster and a littler faster and you feel yourself beginning to tingle as your climax approaches. After just enough of him kissing and touching and sliding in and out of you, he crashes into you in a way that sends you over the edge with him. You both shudder and moan at the same time, kissing deeply as you hit the peak of your orgasm. When you come back down, your naked bodies are intertwined so that it's hard to tell where he ends and you begin. You lay there together, pressed up against each other, for what feels like a very long time. Eventually, he lifts his head up and kisses you on the cheek and looks into your eyes.
"I am yours, y/n."
You hold back tears and nod your head. You can no longer imagine a life for yourself without him.
Chapter 7 will be here... someday! 😬
@itlover8000 @deniseinmn @elvisalltheway101 @ccab @suxny @hernameisnoellex3 @ashtag6887 @arabellapresley @littlehoneyposts @dkayfixates @elvisxsposts @joshuntildawn13 @msamarican @returntopresley @mrsbutler99
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csuitebitches · 8 months
I hope you're doing well!
May I ask you a few pieces of advice, please? Reading through your blog, I've discovered that you're Asian with Asian ancestry, and after some thoughts I've come to the conclusion you're the best person to ask. I'm Slavic woman (Eastern European) married to an Asian man (Chinese), exactly how you described, in Asia it's more a marriage between two families, meanwhile me and my husband married for love. In fact, his parents "consented" to our union, only because 1) I'm a good-looking woman 2) he was so stubborn in his feelings and argued whenever someone had something bad to say 3) I'm respectful, accommodating, and listen to my husband 4) good at cleaning, it's important to his father since he's traditional.
But sometimes, drama happens, mostly from his mother-in-law (his father's second wife), always manipulating and saying stuff as, it was better if he married a wealthy Chinese woman, someone who's good at running a business etc.
How can I stand up for myself or just manage these kinds of situations? The only solution seems to be to just take the risk, and do business, so they could finally stop finding faults. Furthermore they don't know, but I come from a wealthy family, but got disinherited by my mother for saying no to an arranged marriage.
Thank you in advance for your time, help and insight, I'm really grateful. Have a wonderful day and take care of yourself!
Hi there love. I’m sorry to read this. Asian families can truly be both a boon and a curse.
the reality is that your in laws will have an issue regardless of what you do. You could start a business, they could still have 10 horrible things to say to you. You could choose to look after your husband and your home, and they’ll still say awful things to you.
here’s what you should do in my opinion. And this advice comes straight from my mother.
my mother came from a middle class family. My father is a self made man, who made a fortune. They had an arranged marriage. My grandmother (my father’s mother) was really awful to my mother. She wouldn’t even let her touch the cutlery in the house. She had a problem with everything my mother did - with the way she raised her kids, what her career was, everything. She would bitch about my mother in front of us kids, she would say nasty things to my extended family. She told my maternal grandmother (my mum’s mum) that she was sure that if she was on her deathbed, my mother would never care for her. Maternal grandmother was SHOCKED and snapped and told her that her daughter was raised with better values.
my grandfather on the other hand, loves loves loves my mother, as though she was his own daughter. Praises her everywhere he goes. But that’s beside the point.
here’s what my mother learned.
She cannot control her mother in law. MIL is stubborn, ruthless, cunning. It all boils down to one thing - insecurity. Insecurity of never being good enough, smart enough, never was able to control my father (he left home because issues with her), and my father gave my mother the attention she deserved.
MIL was very possessive of my father. Asian Mums 90% of the time have a weird incest relationship with their sons. They cannot let their sons be happy with anyone. Your husband seems like a great guy, standing up for his wife. The support may not heal your hurt, but I’m sure it does a lot of good by having him on your side.
regardless of what she did, she knew she would be criticised anyway. So she did what she liked. She was a stay at home mom till I went to school, then she got two masters degrees, got herself involved in a business, has her own clients, has her own name. Even when she became successful, MIL still bitched about her. But you know what else happened? People began coming up to my grandparents and telling them what a wonderful person my mother is. MIL obviously couldn’t bear the criticism but FIL loved it and cherished her even more. She won her FIL’s respect. To this day he sings her praises even to me.
some fights are not worth it. MIL would sometimes antagonise her over small things, just to provoke her. My mother would simply stay calm. Eventually even the extended family realised that my mother had gone through a lot.
she remained emotionally detached with MIL, but she took care of her when she had cancer. She looked after her, proving MIL’s words (“she’ll never take care of me on my deathbed) absolutely wrong. And she did that out of kindness. She did that because SHE was a nice person, not because MIL deserved it.
do what your heart wants to do. The more you live life to gain approval from someone else - someone who may never give it to you - your life will be miserable. The only way to fight these horrible MILs is by standing up straight, being decisive, being able to say no and hold your ground. She has to respect you as her DIL, regardless of what you do. You will not earn her respect by trying to be someone you’re not.
If your FIL is more accepting towards than her - Build a relationship with the FIL. Forget about the MIL, she’s going to be jealous and awful, and I highly doubt such women ever change. Half the time, they behave in this way because that’s how THEIR MIL’s treated them. MIL’s MIL treated her awfully as well - the former was scared shitless of the latter. She repeated the same pattern with my mother, but my mum was too strong to let MIL bring her down.
If you want to be on good terms with your in laws, focus on the father. Be the daughter he never had (even if he has daughters). But do it because you WANT to, not because you HAVE to.
Such women are simply insecure. Insecure to a point where they must hurt other women because it genuinely gives them joy. Do not let her words affect you whatsoever. And do not live your life by her terms. Focus on being a good person to yourself and your husband.
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lythea-creation · 7 months
Breaking the Cycle - Remus Lupin x daughter reader
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summary: (f/n) is the unknown daughter of Remus Lupin. After growing up without parents herself, what will she do when she finds out that Remus is struggling to be there for Teddy?
warning: mentions of bullying
word count: 1.209
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
I had spent most of my life in the unknown. Not knowing about my parents. Not knowing why weird things were always happening around me. Not knowing why nobody wanted me around.
Things quickly changed when an owl suddenly appeared in front of my window, a letter in its beak. I was not sure if it answered a lot of question or brought even more upon me. But it definitely was a changing point in my life.
Being a witch was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
Instead of being stuck in my orphanage, I was spending most of my time at Hogwarts now. Actually all the time except summer break.
To my surprise I had even managed to find friends. Turns out witches and wizards are naturally weird and somehow I was not standing out anymore.
Finally my life was not completely defined by my lack of parents. There were even people who understood my situation as they had grown up as orphans as well or had been bullied or been an outcast.
For once I had not wanted anything to change at all. But life never played out the way I wanted it to be.
My life turned upside down once again in my fifth year at Hogwarts, the time I had met my dad, Remus Lupin for the first time as he had become our teacher for the year.
It had been a challenging situation for both of us, it still was. He had not known about me. We had found out thanks to Dumbledore who appeared to know absolutely everything, not stopping at school borders.
So from that day on Remus had actually tried his best to get to know me, to build a relationship. It was obvious to me that he was feeling guilty for not taking care of me.
Meanwhile I was having a hard time adjusting. On the one hand I was feeling the whole range of emotions, including anger, hurt and disappointment for him not being there. On the other hand I was aware that it was not his fault either.
Finding out that he was a werewolf had been even more of a shock. But slowly yet steadily we had bonded over the smallest things.
He would tell me about mom and their time together. And when I assured him that I was fine with it, he began talking about Tonks.
I had visited them over the summer holidays as well. Actually it was easier for me to interact with Tonks. I could not help but love her and honestly it was scaring me because she had started shifting into a mother figure for me.
With Remus it was a different story. There were moments we were getting along so well that I would forget about my childhood he had missed out. But then it would all come crashing back down at me and swallow me whole.
Now that I was grown-up, living in my own apartment and finally not being dependent on other people to take me in, it was slowly getting easier to let Remus close. Of course, I was still scared to lose him again, that he would leave me. But at least I knew that the rest of my life would stay the same it was right now.
Sometimes Remus and Tonks would come over to cook and eat dinner together. Or I would visit them for a movie night.
The two of them had even asked me to become Teddy's godmother which I had nervously yet excitedly accepted.
But that did not stop me from wondering when Remus suddenly showed up on my doorstep without any warning.
“Hey, come in”, I offered.
He did not hesitate to do so, taking off his shoes and jacket in the process.
“You didn't tell me you were coming. Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. Well, not literally. Just a muggle saying”, I pointed out.
Without answering he slipped onto my couch.
I decided to make him a cup of tea first. Apparently he was too upset to talk.
He shot me a short smile as I placed the cup in front of him.
Then I sat down next to him, contemplating what to do.
To my relief Remus started talking on his own: “What if I passed it down? What if Teddy becomes like me? I can't do this, (f/n).”
“You mean being a werewolf?”, I reassured.
“Yes! It won't take long until his birth. I don't think I can deal with that. It would be all my fault”, he proposed.
“So what? You wanna run away?”, I questioned.
The look on his face said it all. I had not even meant it seriously. How could he even consider that?
“You're kidding, right? Remus, he's your son! He needs you”, I declared.
“Like you're my daughter? Come on, (f/n)! We both know that I'm a shitty dad. You still calling me Remus is the best example for that”, he proclaimed.
“No, it's not! I was fifteen when we first met. Of course, I can't just start calling you dad. My life without you has been longer than my life with you. Don't do that to Teddy!”
“I just think that he would be better off without me. Consider it like that … without me he wouldn't be at risk to be a werewolf right from his birth. Without me you probably would have had a dad from early on”, he considered.
“I thought you were the smart one”, I remarked.
“That's not fair”, he complained.
“I know I never told you. But back at the orphanage the other kids were bullying me for my magic. I accidentally pushed water buckets over, made their ball fly high up into the sky, made pine cones fall onto their heads. Of course, nobody believed me that I had not done it on purpose. The adults were punishing me for it. The other kids were always excluding me or even harassing me. It was the same at school. Though there I was bullied because nobody ever came to parents day. Because my lunch wasn't anything fancy but only what the orphanage could afford. I was alone pretty much all the time”, I confessed.
“(f/n), I'm so sorry”, Remus apologized.
“It's not your fault. Fault isn't even the reason I'm telling you this. What I wanna say is … no matter how hard it is for us to strengthen our relationship, my life has changed for the better since you and Tonks are in it. I'm sure it will be the same for Teddy. Don't give up. If you managed to deal with our situation, then you'll definitely find a way to deal with Teddy. Werewolf or not.”
“I guess you're right”, he admitted.
“And if it all gets too much, Tonks and I will still be there to share the load. You're not on your own”, I promised.
“Thank you”, he whispered. “I wish I could have been there for you sooner, too.”
“You're here now. And you will be for Teddy. That's all that matters now.”
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see-arcane · 2 years
This made me realise that Mina uses "my __" a lot (my Jonathan, my beloved husband, my dear one) compared to him doing so no wonder she'd be not pleased if someone tried to snatch him away
The thing about Jonathan and Mina is that they are both very much more than the standard 'in love' with each other that you'll see in a lot of Mandatory Love Interests in media. They're not just in love.
They're in crush.
They're in infatuation.
They're in 'my beloved is all that matters and dear God I don't know how I got lucky enough to win the romance lottery to convince them I was worthy, but I will spend every second of every day trying to earn that love.'
The main difference lays somewhere in--sigh along with me--the gender politics of it all. Because the thing is, even if we barely squint at the time period (and, sadly, even at our modern relationship pitfalls), Mina is very, very aware that, by partner standards, she is the one who got the 'luckier' pull. Specifically because Stoker wrote Jonathan as the rule-breaking, love worshipping, refusing-to-other or abandon champion of a Prince Charming out of the whole cast; and possibly out of most male romantic leads in the era's literature, Period.
Meanwhile, despite Mina being very much her own breakthrough of early feminism and interesting traits--again, sighing over the New Woman commentary, but still--when we look past the unique/strong/smart character facets, we really see a lot of the Classic Darling Female Love Interest formula at her core. She is sweet and caring and loving and loved.
As all good non-hag non-femme fatale characters were at the time. You can't throw a rock in Victorian and earlier lit without hitting a similarly winsome young lady. They pop up like charming weeds.
It's Jonathan Harker who stands apart. Jonathan Harker who loves unconditionally, who does not conform to classic masculine heroism, who would fight God and the Devil to hold his beloved above all harm, who would damn himself, who would kill and die to keep his beloved safe and happy. Who would--gasp!--rather be equal with his partner, even preferring to let her take the lead!
Which was un-fucking-heard of at the time. Even if she/Stoker weren't really caught up on what New Women actually stood for, I'd bet money that Mina knew exactly how rare a prize like Mr. Harker was in a sea of brutes and cheats and general misogynistic louts looking for a housemaid they could imprison with a wedding band and belittle on a daily basis before they go out to meet mistresses 1-3.
Mina is not an idiot. Jonathan is not either, but I think he is blessedly naïve enough to think there was anyone else in the world who would champion Mina as much as he does, as much as she deserves. She's Mina, for crying out loud! An angel! A goddess in and of herself! Who wouldn't adore her as he does? And to Van Helsing and the Suitor Squad's credit, they do come close, risking what they do...
But they do make that murder oath.
And for that, Mina is grateful. She did ask for it.
But though she never writes it, maybe only rarely dares to even think it--such a blasphemous, selfish thought!--she is doubly grateful that Jonathan never swore with them. Proof positive, that. Somewhere in her, a secret proud voice whispers:
Look, Mina Harker née Murray. Look at the paragon among lovers you have tricked into loving you and being your knight. You have wed Eros himself, lucky Psyche that you are. He does not even realize what a treasure he is. The one treasure that matters. The one which evil powers have tried so hard to steal away. Do not let them, Mina. Let them have gold and magic and your own blood if they must, but never, ever him.
So yes.
All this in mind, it is very little wonder that she enjoys referring to Jonathan as my husband, my love, my darling. My, my, my, mine, mine, mine. Hearing and saying it is a reassurance that she has not woken up from this sweet dream. Just as I'm sure Jonathan saying the same--or else repeating Mina's name like his own prayer--reassures him. They are real, they are in love, they are each other's.
And so when someone like Miss Helen Penelosa comes along and Mina catches wind of her plans for Jonathan, I can't not see her loading that revolver.
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enid-rhees · 1 year
i absolutely love your enid fics 😭😭
i was wondering if i could request an enid x reader where they were both really good friends with carl and after he died they got even closer? like falling for eachother and finding comfort in one another? thanks!!
have a good day/night! <3
hi anon !! and tysm that means a lot 🫶🏻 i hope you enjoy! have a good day/night as well 🫶🏻
warnings: angst, it is a bit revolved around Carl’s death. spoilers for season 8 of TWD. reader has trouble eating/taking care of herself in general.
A/N: hope you all enjoy! reminder that requests are open! i have to update a few things in my pinned but read pinned if you’d like to req!
- flashback -
the gate opened and you forced yourself to move, your legs moving slowly against the grass. you looked up, your tired eyes meeting the eyes of others you weren’t quite familiar with yet.
Carol came walking towards you guys, and with one shake of his head from Daryl, she knew.
then you saw Enid run out from the building, and dread filled you, almost weighing out the intense pain you felt in your chest. she came up directly to you, eyes searching your face for an answer.
a single sob left your lips, and that’s all it took for Enid to realize what happened. you took one step forward, falling into her arms. she wrapped them around you tightly, crying into your neck.
“Y/N?” she asked, taking in a deep breath to try and remain calm. “what happened?” she whispered. “please, you need to tell me.”
your body shook with each sob that left you. “he got bit,” you managed to cry out. you watched all color drain from her face, her mouth opened to say something back, but all that came out was a choked sob.
- present -
it has hard without him and it was easy to admit that. you had known him since the beginning of everything. you’ve gone through the worst possible scenarios with him. and when you two found Enid, it had felt like you were complete. your two best friends were all you needed during this mess of a world.
that night still kept you up, holding his weak hand as he told you that you would always be his best friend, even though he would be gone within a few hours. you could never forget him telling you to make sure you and Enid take care of each other. that was your only mission left.
you sucked in a jagged breath, wrapping his flannel tight around your body. your shaky hand brought up the spoonful of food, taking a small bite. afterwards, you pushed the plate away, suddenly not feeling hungry anymore.
it had only been a month since it happened, but nothing was good enough to make it slightly better. it felt like there was now a missing hole in your body that was irreplaceable. but it brought you and Enid even closer than before. there was a sense of comfort that Enid radiated.
you picked up the plate, placing the leftovers in a plastic container and putting it in the fridge. as you turned away from it, footsteps starting to descend from the stairs.
Enid walked around the corner, smiling softly at you. “hey.” she said. “hey,” you said back. “just wake up?” you asked. she shook her head, “no, no. i was just cleaning up my room.”
she looked down at your outfit, pouting slightly. “Y/N, you’ve been wearing his flannel for almost a week now. we need to clean it.” you wrapped your arms over yourself self-consciously, looking down at it.
“it’ll only be for a day,” she reassured. you hesitantly slipped the flannel off, handing it to her. “Carol will wash it for you. i’ll make sure she takes care of it, okay?” you nodded, knowing she was only doing what was best. “okay.”
as much as it also affected Enid, she dealt with the pain in a much different way than you. she constantly busied herself with chores, taking other people’s shift and constantly fixing things that didn’t need fixing just to try and avoid thinking about it. meanwhile, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. his letter, the way he looked in your last moments together. everything stuck with you. both of you tried to work your way through it just to be there for each other.
Enid pulled you into an unexpected hug, pressing a kiss to your head in the process. you felt your face burn. “did you eat today?” she asked. you nodded again, “yeah.”
“good.” she hummed. “lets go sit outside, you need some sun.” you agreed, despite wanting to stay inside. Enid wrapped an arm over your shoulder, taking you outside with her.
when you walked out, the air was cold; the way you liked it. people smiled at you, and you gave them small smiles back. Enid led you to the empty watch tower, sitting down against the wood.
“it’s nice out here, isn’t it?” she asked you. you looked over at her, getting lost in her eyes. “yeah, it is.”
she inched closer to you, laying her head on your shoulder. you rested yours on her head, basking in the comfort from her. to you it was crazy how calm Enid could make you feel just by being there.
you spoke up, hesitating a bit. “thank you, Enid.” you said quietly. she looked at you with a confused expression, “for what?” you shrugged, “for… being there for me.” her expression softened, “i’ll always be here for you, Y/N. you don’t need to thank me.”
“i know,” you said back. “but this last month especially, you chose to stay by me even though you were going through the same pain.”
Enid got in front of you and held your face in her hands, forcing you to look directly in her eyes. “we promised we would take care of each other for Carl. i’m not breaking that promise, Y/N.” her voice shook as she tried to not to cry, taking in deep breaths.
“i’m not either.” you said. you leaned in closer, her breath started to fan onto you. she looked down at your lips, and slowly, you both started to lean in.
your lips connected in a short and soft kiss. a small smile started to form on both of your faces. Enid leaned forward again, capturing your lips in hers. you placed a hand on the back of her head, tangling your fingers in her hair.
“i’ll always take care of you.” she whispered against your lips. “and i’ll always take care of you,” you said back. “forever.”
Enid smiled, “forever.”
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enha-hype · 1 year
maeumi & me - ch 12 : is this the thanks i get?
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a/n : this chapter alternates between tweets and written parts so be sure to read them in order! and as always ignore the timestamps. if you saw me post a different version of this on friday, no you didn't :3
Jungwon looks up from his phone, chuckling at you, Jake and Sunghoon arguing once again over your choice of movie. The others were too busy in the kitchen to care. But Jungwon sure was having a little too much fun watching you enjoy yourself testing his friends. He thought you were so adorable when you were mischievous; he liked this fun, playful and kind of badass side of you that liked horror movies.
You happen to catch his eye then, and he looks away blushing. You feel your cheeks getting hot too, for some weird reason. Then as if remembering something, Jungwon gets up and walks into one of the other rooms and emerges a few seconds later holding a paper bag. To your surprise, he comes straight to you and hands it over.
“My friends and I happened to see this while we were out the other day and we thought you'd like it,” he explains sheepishly.
You're too busy looking at what's inside to notice Jake and Sunghoon whipping their heads up simultaneously, furrowed brows and confused faces silently questioning Jungwon.
“Jake! Hoon!” Jay calls from the kitchen just then, “I need you to have a bite of this and tell me if it tastes the same as last time,”
The two gladly excuse themselves, leaving you alone with Jungwon and a soft toy replica of your pet. You take it in your hands, your heart swelling.
“Do you like it?” Jungwon asks hesitantly, sitting next to you.
“I LOVE it! You guys really didn't have to, but thank you soo much!”
You had actually been worrying a little about how you were gonna be able to sleep without Maeumi, since you had gotten so used to having him snuggled up next to you all night. So it was kind of uncanny how perfect this gift was. You teared up a little, you hadn't expected this at all. It might seem like just a simple gift but you're so touched because it means so much to you.
Jungwon notices you dab at your eye and looks concerned. He's about to say something but you silence him with a stern look. “If you tell anyone about this, I will have Maeumi piss your bed.” You know you would never hear the end of it, especially from Riki, if he found out you got emotional over a stuffed animal.
“Woooww is this the thanks I get?” he pretends to be offended and you both laugh.
You wonder why you hadn't become friends with him much earlier. He's sweet, funny, mature, has a lot in common with you, and it's so fun to hang out with him. And he's so cute. That's normal, right? To think of your friends as cute? Of course it is, you call Sunoo cute all the time. But wait, this feels a bit different. Ah, whatever. You're probably overthinking it.
“Yn I think you're gonna love my masterpiece,” Riki's voice startles you both and you sit up straight, shuffling away to make space in between for Riki, despite the fact that there's plenty of seat available on either side of you and Jungwon.
“Pfft please, Jay did like 80% of the work,” Heeseung corrects, flopping down next to you.
“Ok but still, that 20% is important. It has the power to make or break the dish,” he argues and Heeseung rolls his eyes.
You show them the plushie Jungwon and his friends got you, and they all agree that it was indeed very sweet of them. “Okay but put it back inside quickly because if Maeumi sees it he'll mistake it for a chew toy,”
Meanwhile Jungwon quietly slips away to join his friends in the kitchen.
“Uhh Won, what was that?” Jake asks, referring to what had happened earlier.
Jungwon just shrugs. “I was being careful, like you guys asked. Figured me giving them the plushie might be a bit overkill. But if they think it's from all of us, it won't seem like such a big thing, right?”
The three older guys share a look, impressed.
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After dinner, the guys slowly start leaving one by one until it's just you left with Jungwon. It's partly because you're reluctant to leave Maeumi and partly because when you leave, you'll have to face reality again. You'll be starting a new chapter of your life and you have no idea how it'll go. You'll have to start packing your own stuff to move in at the dorm, and this time there'll be no tiny pitter-patter of paws following you around. You decide to leave once Maeumi falls asleep, which to your disappointment, happens soon enough.
Jungwon comes to see you off at the door. “I know you're a little tense,” he says, picking up on your mood, “but this might not be as bad as you think. It'll get easier, and the 3 years will be over before you know it,”
You smile, nodding. “Yeah, I suppose you're right,”
“And remember, we're just a couple of minutes away. You can come see him anytime you want.”
“Thanks a lot for doing this again. It really means so much,” you give him a hug, and immediately regret it when you feel him stiffen. You step back, say an awkward goodbye and leave. God, what were you thinking? Well, you didn't think. That was the problem. You surprised yourself with that hug, to be honest. But God, Jungwon must think you're so weird. Ughh, you-
“I think you should stay over,” he blurts out just as you're at the gate.
You stop in your tracks. “What?”
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icharchivist · 1 year
Since Cygames isn't giving me an event about all the angels just hanging out before the rebellion, I'm doing it myself
The obligatory beach day is a doozy, because Sandalphon dies when he sees Lucifer wearing weather appropriate attire (read: not a body suit and armor)
Belial is harassing everyone by offering to apply sunscreen to them. Michael threatens him with bodily harm. Sariel, who does not leave the shade of his umbrella and is happy to observe the chaos from afar, is the only one receptive to him at all
Raphael uses his powers to fan himself
Gabriel also uses her powers to cool down but also flirts with every pretty girl at the beach and is still less of a menace than Belial, who is flirting with everyone
Uriel builds impressive sand castles, but refuses to tell whether he used his powers to help
Hal and Mal and Iz and As are playing beach volleyball
Lucifer keeps going on snack runs to make sure everyone is taken care of despite none of them needing to eat. He is incapable of taking a break. Michael wants to tag along and help, but is encouraged to relax instead. She has a good time baking in the sun and refereeing the volleyball game. Sandalphon goes along with Lucifer instead and is a gay disaster the entire time. In the end they finally hunker down and watch some sea creatures or birds together, maybe even go snorkeling. It's still fully a business trip in Lucifer's eyes and an opportunity to observe the evolution in the sea
Beelzebub picked the same day as them to go to the beach and is absolutely furious that Lucifer is there. He spends his entire day being livid. This is not made better by Belial coming over to tease him
Sandalphon dying after seeing Lucifer in a summer outfit is all the funnier when you remember he slammed Lucio for wearing "slutty clothes" while wearing Lucifer's likeness. He tried to kill Lucio for this because "omg no way Lucifer would be such a slut" and then Lucifer shows 2 inches of skin and Sandalphon combusts.
Belial being a menace is perfect. Michael is going to kill him <3 Sariel is staying under his umbrella unless he goes to talk to the sharks in the sea.
Raphael using his powers for this is perfect.
omg Belial vs Gabriel mlm vs mlm hostility where they're in an unofficial competition to see how many people they can have swoon on the beach with them. Belial does manage to actually score high because he remains quite hot, but the Queen of the Lesbians is a tough competition ever since. Gabriel is proposing any pretty girls to pause for her for her paintings and everyone is just swooning for her.
(both of them miss their boyfriend/girlfriend very much).
HalMal and IzAz are being so cute there awww.
and aw Lucifer 🥺 this is such a cute imagery yes. Michael, constantly restrained by people to have her relax. Meanwhile Sandalphon is like, i need to make sure Lucifer relaxes too, but Lucifer keeps insisting on helping anyway (he's been dead for years, he literally relaxed when he was dead, let him help now)
but Lucifer enjoying a bit of company while seeing the wonders of evolution is really cute. Makes me think about the end of the Maydays where Sandalphon is looking at how pretty the sea is and talks about how he finally understands why Lucifer loved the view so much, so them sharing this moment together, and Lucifer confirming Sandalphon knew exactly what Lucifer thought, is really a sweet one.
Also we gotta consider that since Lucio was a total whore on Auguste last time, there might be people who would try to flirt with Lucifer, both because he's pretty and because "hey didn't we meet before". Sandalphon has to make sure he's always near him to make sure nothing bad happens (calm his own jealousy)
esp since Belial talks a lot about how Bubs has a perfect bod' and needs to show it even more while Bubs is like i'm begging you to leave me alone.
Everytime the Angels do anything they run into Bubs who just stare at them and go "listen i'll just keep walking, ignore me, because i really want to ignore you." and only Belial takes that as a challenge.
(anyway something something the Lowain bros are here and Tomoi is having a crisis. Obligatory "inserting Tomoi's crush on Bubs" here).
this is beautiful, thank you for sharing nonny!
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Twenty eight 😀
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Fact; Levi is the most emotional person in Aot
Please enjoy~🍰
{Modern Au}
The night was cold outside but the room was warm and buzzing. It was the start of December, with snow laying a blanket along the streets and buildings. Meanwhile, Levi, you and your newest addition were in a warm room. He was born just 3 days ago and Levi was over the moon.
He never would have thought he'd be here. Not only married but now a father, it felt like a dream. If it was he didn't want to wake up. You were both in your shared bed with Eli resting on your thighs. Your head was resting on his shoulder as you bot caress and stare at your son.
"He's got your scowl," you giggle gently poking his cheek making his eyebrows knit slightly together "it's cute."
"I guess so, but he has your eyes," he said laying a peck to your temple "one of my favorite things" he whispered
Levi wasn't one to show emotions openly. However, what a lot of people didn't know was very emotional but private. During your pregnancy, Levi was so gentle and caring. You honestly cried more because of the things he said and did for you. When you had taken the test he hugged you tightly and thanked you for "giving him the family he never had"
He loved to lay his head on your stomach while you combed through his hair. He had a lot of turmoil in his life and you made so many emotions blossom in him. You brought him so much happiness, some sadness, and everything in between. He honestly felt so alive to be with you. Add in marriage and a baby? If he had to stay in his little world with you for the rest of his life, he would. This was absolute bliss.
And after birth only made it all the more heartwarming. After the long hours of labor you open your eyes to a beautiful sight, in fact, it was still the screen-saver on your phone. He was walking about the room holding your son in his hands, gently speaking to the babe
"You're just so perfect...I wonder who you'll be, what you'll do, I just hope you're like your mother," you then hear a sniff from Levi, he was crying "I just, love her so much...she went through so much just to bring you here. *Snif* I love you so much, Eli" as he gently kissed his head.
"Ooo look, he's opening his eyes!" you nudge Levi as you adjust yourself a bit "hi baby, hi Eli, did you sleep well?" you ask as Eli looked around the room and between you and Levi as if trying to put a puzzle together "Here Levi take him,"
You say as you pick up Eli and carefully hand him over to his father. Levi cradles him in his hold, supporting his head enough to be met face to face with him.
"Hey there brat, you get your laziness from your mother, only she sleeps that long in a day" you playfully slap his shoulder "But you have her eyes and her cute pout when she's woken up."
It was true, he was the spitting image of Levi but the smaller details were all from you. His eyes, the little pout which was Levi's favorite thing now he had two of them. He also had all your little moles on his face just like you did.
"Y/N?" he called your attention
"I just...I'm thankful to have you in my life. On top of that, you were willing to stay with my ass and even give me a son. I've lost so many people, I've been through hell..a-and you found me.." he said as his voice cracked, he tucked Eli into the crook of his arm "I just love you so fucking much and I-I don't know where I'd be without you or Eli. I-I've never felt so much love like the day we married or the day you gave birth..." pulling you in his embrace with Eli as he let his tears fall freely
"I just want to stay here with you forever.."
"Oh Levi...we'll never leave you" you reassure him laying a kiss on his cheek "I know it's been hard but, it's over now, and we're happy. You, Eli, and me"
"Yeah *sniff* we are. Aren't we Eli?" he asked looking down at the baby as he yawned. This was exactly where he wanted to be. Maybe it's not how he started off..but he would be damned if it were any other way
I hope you enjoyed!♥️
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versadies · 3 years
ophichius/body switch soulmate au +xiao or childe pretty please? for xiao it can be like, when the body switch happens the reader feels the burden of the karmic debt so xiao starts taking care of himself/leaving instructions on what to do just so his soulmate doesn't have to suffer as much. reader is the traveler, in inazuma and xiao just quietly appreciated being free from karmic debt even for a day, and appreciating inazuma's beautiful sights whilst reader is just. in wangshuu inn. suffering
delicate (hc scenario)
penpal: bless you for such an incredible idea ! hope you like this along with your other request on childe <<3
prompt: ophiuchus the snake, body-switch soulmate au
pairing/s: xiao x gn!traveler!reader
sypnosis: hc on how you and xiao went through the whole day in each other's body.
includes: reader is not aether/lumine and is a random traveler (sorry to anon if you meant by reader being aether/lumine), reader suffering cuz of karmic debt, mentions of physical pain, mentions of violence, pure fluff
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the moment xiao opens his eyes from his quick nap, the first thing he sees is the view of narukami island.
the yaksha was alerted at first, wondering how he came from hunting around dihua marsh for demons to sitting down beneath a tree with a new environment he hasn’t been in before.
it wasn’t until he realized he’s in a different outfit and different body that he found out that today’s the special day.
he hopes you aren’t in too much pain.
he observes his surroundings for a moment, then his eyes moved down to his appearance, only to see an outfit that is deemed fit for a traveler. his soulmate is a traveler in inazuma?
now that the yaksha thinks about it, he has heard the unfortunate fate the people of inazuma has to go through with the new rules that the current archon has set up, with her soldiers taking away people's visions, discrimination against outlanders, and the borders being closed around the nation.
xiao immediately checks around his– or rather his soulmate's– body to see if they have a vision, feeling relieved when he felt the familiar form of a vision hidden underneath his clothing.
all he needs to do is hide the vision and not go to the city, where he's sure a lot of vision hunters will be found.
this shouldn't be too hard, right?
meanwhile, you're currently writhing in pain in your soulmate's body, confused with what's happening to you– or rather, your soulmate's body.
you honestly had never such intense pain until now, how the hell does your soulmate deal with this? did he get a rare illness?
you couldn't think straight, your mind throbbing in pain as your body continued to ache and ache with voices running in your he–
"xiao? are you okay?" you shakily look up at the woman, who was staring at you with a concerned look on her face.
before you could try to let out a word, you immediately dropped on the floor, gasping out from the continuous pain. when does it ever stop? you rather go back to inazuma and suffer their new regulations instead of going through this pain–
"you're not xiao, are you?" she asks, causing you to nod profusely in response as you clench your fists together, closing your eyes shut whilst ignoring the woman, who was busy looking for something in her clothing.
"here." you open your eyes to see her handing you what looked like a pill. as if the woman read your mind, she quickly clarified what the pill is. "it's a painkiller. your uh, soulmate gave it to me and told me to give it to you in case you two swit–"
without letting the woman continue, you immediately snatched the pill from her and swallow it whole.
it took what felt like more than 20 minutes for the pain to finally subside, causing you to finally sigh in relief. although the pain was still there, it surely wasn't as painful and unbearable as before.
by the time you calmed yourself down, you slowly stood up from the cold floor and look at the woman gratefully. "you have my thanks, miss...?"
"verr goldet," she responds with a gentle smile. "i'm the owner of this inn. if there's anyone you should thank for, it's definitely your soulmate. you would've suffered the whole period of your body swap if it weren't for his thoughtfulness."
you nodded in understanding. "i see.. but i still am grateful for you stepping in."
"it's no problem, though i'm sure you're starving right now, would you like to eat?"
"yes please."
unlike what you recently went through in xiao's body, xiao was having perhaps one of the most peaceful time he has ever experienced. after all, when will he find an opportunity to not suffer from his karmic debt in this lifetime?
although killing the opponents who came in his way was a hassle, he still found his time enjoyable– with the exception of his mind thinking a lot about your wellbeing in his body. surely verr goldet must've given you the painmeds, right?
besides that, you must've seen the instructions he left for you– but what if you didn't see it and had to go through so much pain later on?
"please be okay." he mumbled under his breath, letting out a worried sigh and continued walking around the land.
unnoticed by the yaksha, you were indeed okay.
"i can see why my soulmate would love these," you commented to verr as you take more bites of the sweet dessert. "what does he do daily?"
verr lets out a nervous laugh. "to be honest, i don't really know what else he does other than hunting demons around the nation. though, you don't have to worry about doing it since xiao insisted that you can spend the whole day here instead."
"oh..." you look down at your plate with a deep frown. what if there's a demon that's hurting people and you couldn't do anything about it?
before you could ask verr, she immediately looks up at where the reception area is. "i have to go now. if you want to know anything, i recall xiao telling me to tell you to look at the instructions in your pocket. i'll be back!" she said before rushing upstairs to tend to one of the visitors, leaving you alone with your food.
you searched for the pocket around your pants, pulling out the piece of paper and read the list.
"should the pain meds run out, please visit a man named zhongli in liyue harbor."
"don't try to hunt for demons unless you want to experience more pain to endure."
"please come to verr goldet if you need something or require food. almond tofu is the only thing i can stomache, unfortunately."
"do not come to public areas if you have no reason to go there. karmic debt– the pain you're going through right now– can be affective to others."
the rest was all more rules for you to read and you're honestly thankful for xiao to write all of this for your sake, now regretting that you didn't do the same for him. what if he isn't aware of what's happening to inazuma?
you take another bite of almond tofu, silently hoping that xiao is doing okay back in your homeland.
to tell you the truth, xiao's definitely doing alright.
the yaksha had never went out of liyue for a very long time until now. sure, he could admit that nothing can beat the beautiful views that liyue can offer but inazuma is a sight to see.
everywhere he went, he found himself being fascinated by everything in this land, looking through ruins and staring at flowers that he himself hasn't seen in all of his life.
not to mention the fact that the mobs that lurks around the areas are different than the ones in liyue.
he would be lying if he said he hadn't thought of getting you out of the nation and come to liyue harbor, but he knew it wasn't up to him to decide on that. if it weren't for his duty in protecting liyue, xiao would've wanted to try and go to inazuma just to keep you safe, but what if you dislike him after everything you went through in his body? what if you didn't like him because he's immortal–
"they won't think such thing." he mumbled to himself, still slightly taken back by the sound of your voice coming out from his mouth as he sat down in an abandoned adventurer camp he spotted, looking forward to try out foods that he can make with the ingredients he found in your inventory.
as the day went by, you spent there in wangshu inn, writing a letter for xiao to read by the time the body switch is over along with visiting the man who can provide you more pain meds. xiao on the other hand spent time adventuring around inazuma trying to not get caught by vision hunters, enjoying his time without karmic debt.
by the end of the day, as the moon rises, the both of you finally found yourselves back in your bodies– with you sighing in relief that you've already finished writing the letter and not having to be in pain again whilst xiao was happy to be back in his homeland.
you then noticed you're in watatsumi island, your home being not too far away from where you're standing, causing you to smile. who knew xiao unknowingly took you back to where you've been heading to?
xiao on the other hand, was sitting on the rooftop of wangshu inn, reading the letter you left with his heart pounding at the words you wrote just for his eyes.
his shoulders instantly relaxes when he reads that you were okay throughout the day–
his mouth twitches upward when he reads the last words you wrote.
"once i come to liyue harbor and escape from inazuma, i wish to meet you and enjoy almond tofus with you."
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mackenzielovee · 3 years
hiiiii angel!
I have a request for rafe x reader x jj.
In which Barry uses the reader as a collateral after rafe accumulates late payments for the substances he consumed and jj steals the 25K from him. The reader has been hanging out with both boys since she has a strong connection with both. Barry has been watching them all three interact over the last month and finds the reader as the perfect way to make them pay for their mistakes. Barry confronts both boys and right when he’s aiming to shoot the reader either JJ or Rafe get in the way and take the shot instead ( you can choose who) and the other boy promises to take care of the reader and protect her from all dangers. Meanwhile the other one is bleeding himself to death while giving his life for reader. This idea was so random but I’m so obsessed!!! Please please please! I’m so excited it would mean the world to me<3
a/n: hey baby! thank you so much for this request. I actually loved writing this and i hope i did it just the way you wanted! please let me know if you enjoyed it! ily<3
Warnings: swearing, talk of drug abuse, gun play, gun fire, blood, mentions of death,
Word Count: 5.5k
my writing
protection - rafe cameron
It's a warm day out on the Cut. As you walk through the tall grass and slap away a mosquito that landed on your arm, you think about how JJ is going to want to swim once you get the boat out into the water, and you forgot your bathing suit. You hope Kie has one that she left over at John B's, maybe you could steal it.
Faintly, you hear the hum of a dirt bike as it gets closer to you, but you think nothing of it. You're holding a six pack of JJ's favorite beer in your hand, excited to get the day started. You, JJ, John B, and Sarah all planned to take the boat out for a joyride and a day on the water. Kiara's working and Pope is preparing for his scholarship interview, an excuse that made JJ call him a nerd.
You hear the bike start to approach you, so you turn to see who it is. You've never seen anyone with a bike this close to John B's house. You don't recognize the guy under the helmet, but you don't really have time, because he pulls the bike in front of you and stops, scaring the shit out of you.
"Hey there, sweetheart," you hear, and immediately know the voice of the slimy drug dealer himself.
Barry removes his helmet and smirks at you, eyeing you up and down. You look disgusted with him, not sure what he wants with you but knowing you want no part of it.
"Get out of my way, Barry," you snap.
Barry's an asshole, always has been. One of your other good friends, Rafe Cameron, buys coke from him on the regular. You've been trying to get Rafe off of it and even went so far as to see Barry to get him to stop selling to Rafe, but it didn't work out. Barry just called you 'princess' a lot and then told you he'd lose a fuck ton of money if Rafe ever gets clean.
"I'm afraid I can't do that," Barry laughs, but it's sarcastic, "Are those beers up for grabs?"
You instinctively pull your occupied hand back, away from him so he can't grab it.
"No," you say, trying to side step him. He hops off his bike and walks in front of you, quickly boxing you in.
"Listen, sweetheart, it's nothing against you. But I'm gonna need you to get on the bike," Barry's voice is thick, making you swallow your anxiety.
You wonder if you screamed for JJ, would he hear you? Or would Barry rip your throat out before any noise even came out?"
"Not a chance," you reply, trying to keep yourself calm.
Barry snickers, then brings his beady eyes back up to yours. He steps closer, making you step back, until your back hits the bike and you had no way of getting away from him.
"I'm gonna say it one more time," he tells you, "And then it might have to get ugly. Get on the fuckin' bike."
Your heart is beating a mile a minute with no idea what this man wants with you or where he's taking you, but you know better than to go anywhere with him. You shake your head, sure words will fail you right now. Barry just sighs, then reaches up to his back and pulls a gun out from his pants. The beers fall from your hand to the ground, splitting open and spilling out on the ground.
"Oh, now, that's just a big waste," Barry uses the gun to point down at the beers, "Get on the goddamn bike. Now."
You don't see any other option; essentially it's live and get on the bike, or die right here, less than half a mile from John B's. You can already imagine the memorial JJ will build for you when they find out this is the spot you died in. Somehow, it comforts you. Only a little.
"Why are you doing this?" you ask him quietly as you turn to face the bike.
Barry watches as you sit down on the back of his bike, then uses the gun to slowly stroke up your bare thigh. You can smell his breath as he leans in to speak to you.
"Your boys both owe me. Big time. So, I'm taking the one thing I know they'll pay good money for," he smirks, then hands you his helmet, "Don't want you to get hurt, sweetheart."
You want to throw up every time he calls you that, but instead, you grab the helmet from him and put it on. You look back, hoping maybe, for some reason, JJ had wandered out and would just so happen to see you. All you see is trees. Barry hops on and starts up the bike, then turns back to you again.
"Now, you're supposed to hold on here," he tells you, wrapping your arms around his waist, "But if you feel so inclined to move your hand a little south of that, well, I don't mind at all."
You gag and loosen your grip on him as much as you can, not wanting to touch him any more than you have to. He starts up the bike just as his words sink into your mind. Your boys both owe me. What does that even mean?
Barry takes off, not bothering to go any slower with you. It's a pretty short ride back to his place, but feels longer to you because of how sick you feel. Every thought goes through your mind; he's taking you back here so he can kill you in private, he's going to rape you, sell you to some old Kook who will keep you in the basement. All sorts of things you think of, none of them good.
When you get back to his house, he stops the bike and you immediately jump off. So does Barry, who winds up just throwing the bike down in the grass. You throw the helmet down too, not caring if he wanted you to do that or not.
"What are you talking about?" you snap, watching Barry act surprised by your outburst, "Who owes you money? What boys? Why me?"
Barry rolls his eyes and shakes his head, then reaches over and grabs onto your wrist. You try to pull away, but his grip is firm.
"Don't fucking start that shit with me," he snaps at you, "Get in the house."
His tone scares you, and even though you know you shouldn't, you obey. You just want to know why you're here and what the hell is going on.
You walk up the stairs to the porch and sit down on the couch, the same one Rafe sits on every time he buys from Barry.
"Tell me what's going on," you say once you're seated.
Barry picks up a blunt from the table and lights it up, silently holding it out to offer you some. You shake your head and scrunch your nose up, disgusted with it. That makes Barry grin.
"Rafe owes me money," Barry states simply.
You raise your eyebrow, "So?"
Barry looks over at you, giving you the 'are you serious?' look. He sits down in the chair beside the couch, taking a long drag off his blunt before he speaks again.
"So," he says, "Did you know JJ stole 25k from my house?"
Your expression falters and your jaw drops, telling Barry you know nothing of it. That almost makes him feel guilty for scaring you so bad back there, if you were totally innocent. But he needs his money, and you're his one way ticket to it.
"JJ wouldn't do that," you say, not being able to stop the hesitation in your voice.
"Really?" Barry snickers, "Well, he did. And since both of them boys seem to be wrapped around your little finger, you and I are gonna become best friends until I get my money. Understand, sweetheart?"
You glare at him, now understanding what he wants with you.
"So, I'm just collateral," you confirm, watching Barry's lips turn up around his blunt when you speak.
"Exactly," he smiles, "Now. Do you have your phone with you, or did you drop it when you spilled my beers?"
You huff at him and roll your eyes, then lean over in your bag and pull it out of the front pocket. Barry snatches it quickly, then asks you what your code is. You tell him, knowing if he can just get the boys here fast, you won't have to be alone with him anymore.
"Should I send them a picture of you holding up a newspaper? Don't they do that in all the hostage shows on TV?" Barry laughs to himself, looking up at you for confirmation.
You shrug, not wanting to speak to him any more than you have to. Barry rolls his eyes.
"Them boys really put up with that attitude?" he snaps at you, "Goddamn, I could never. You better straighten up, honey."
You just stare at him, deciding it's best if the two of you don't speak. Barry hits send and then tucks your phone in his pocket.
"That should send those two idiots running," Barry laughs, taking another hit from his blunt and then looking over to you again, "You sure you don't wanna try this? Might help you fucking relax."
You glare at him once again and then shake your head, looking away from him. You can tell out of the corner of your eye that he stands up, but when he grabs your chin and forces you to look over at him, you gasp.
"Straighten out, or I'll do it for you," he says, then roughly releases you.
You sigh and sit back on the couch, praying that at least one of the boys will arrive soon. Barry sits back down in his seat and tries to strike up a conversation, pretending he hadn't just manhandled you.
"So, which one are you gonna choose?"
Your head snaps over as you stare at him, trying to figure out what the hell he's talking about.
"What?" you ask, your voice giving away your confusion.
"You know," Barry shrugs, "They're both, like, crazy in love with you. So, if I have to shoot one to teach the other a lesson, which one would you pick?"
You roll your eyes, "You're fucking crazy."
Barry leans forward and stares at you, blunt hanging from his lips. He slams his hand down on the table in front of you, trying to get your attention.
"They stole from me," he shouts now, "Both of them. Someone's going to fuckin' pay for that."
You just nod your head, hoping he'll just shut up now. You don't want to talk about how they stole or Barry teaching either of them a lesson. You just want to go home. You should've never been walking by yourself in the first place. Then again, you never dreamed some psycho with a gun would come along.
"I think it'll be JJ," Barry continues, "You seemed pretty bummed on Cameron when he refused to quit his shit. But, you know, take your pick. Drug addict or thief. Man, it's like the Bachelor or some shit up in here."
Your eyes roll so far back into your head that you swear you can see your brain. When you look over at him, he's still laughing at his own joke.
"They're going to pay you back, and then you're never going to see any of us again," you say confidently. Barry just laughs.
"Yeah, okay, sweetheart."
You look over form the porch when you hear a noise, then sigh with relief when you see Rafe's truck pull up. He's driving fast, too fast, and he hops out of the truck the second he gets within running range of the porch. He doesn't even bother to close the door behind him.
You try to stand and go out to him, but Barry grabs your arm and keeps you down on the couch.
"Easy," he tells you, reaching behind him and pulling out his gun. He sets it down on the table in front of him, and you take note of how his expression changes from laughing to pissed off.
Rafe runs up to the porch and swings open the door, and that's when Barry releases you. You stand and rush to him, feeling Rafe sigh in relief as he wraps his strong arms around your little body. All of your anxiety melts away as you know you're safe now. Rafe would never let anything happen to you.
"Please tell me you're okay," Rafe whispers against your head, squeezing you tight.
"I'm okay," you confirm.
He pulls back from the hug and starts checking all over your body for injuries anyway. He holds up your arms and scans those, stopping his finger over a bruise you already had. It happened on the boat with JJ.
"I'm fine," you repeat to him, laying your head back on his chest. You really just don't want him to let go of you.
"What the fuck, Barry?" Rafe yells, his voice echoing through your ear as you have your head pressed on his chest.
"Afternoon, Country Club," Barry stands and smirks, watching the way you cling to Rafe.
You don't look at him, you just close your eyes and breathe Rafe in, not wanting to remember where you are. In your mind, the two of you are hanging out and eating lunch at the club. You always love going, especially on windy days when his scent travels from across the table. You love the way he smells.
"I'd like to change my answer, sweetheart," Barry tells you, ignoring Rafe's confused glance, "I think this one might love you back, Rafe. How sweet."
Rafe instinctually tightens his arm up around you, keeping you pressed up against him.
"I swear to God," Rafe starts, "If you laid one hand on her-"
"I didn't, Jesus," Barry groans, "I wish you cared about getting me my money the same way you care about saving this bitch."
You don't react, not even slightly. You don't care what Barry thinks of you. You just never want his slimy hands to touch you. Ever again.
"She's not a bitch, man," Rafe's voice goes quiet, "And I'm going to get you your money."
Barry laughs and then pretends to cry, "Boo who, she's not a bitch. I don't care, bro. I gave you shit on two separate occasions-"
"And I gave you my bike as collateral!" Rafe shouts back.
"That piece of shit ain't worth half what you owe me," Barry spits, "Your girl liked riding on it, though."
Rafe's chest tenses against you, and then you feel him bring his hand up to stroke your hair. He's trying to keep you as relaxed as possible.
"Y/N, go wait in my truck," Rafe tells you quietly, pulling the keys out of his pocket.
"Oh, no, no," Barry smirks, reaching out and snatching the keys from Rafe, "You think you're the only person I called here?"
As if on cue, the porch door swings open again and JJ walks in. Your eyes open and you see him, his expression worse than you've ever seen him.
"You got her?" JJ points to you, but he's talking to Rafe.
Rafe just nods, tightening his grip around you again. You open your mouth to speak, but watch as JJ charges toward Barry and punches him square in the nose.
"What the fuck did you do?" JJ shouts, watching Barry tumble to the floor, "If I find out you fucking hurt her-"
Barry laughs from the floor, wiping blood from his nose, "Easy, bro. You two are so damn worried about this chick."
JJ's chest is expanding and then contracting every five seconds, telling you his adrenaline is going crazy. You know he's ready to punch him again. Barry stands and picks up his gun from the coffee table, pointing it directly at JJ. You try to push forward to stop it, but Rafe keeps his grip tight.
"Now," Barry says, spitting his blood onto the floor, "You bitches are gonna pay up."
"Barry, I'll get you your money, man," Rafe promises. When Barry moves and points the gun at Rafe, he quickly tucks you behind him. He gives you one of his hands to hold onto, while the other one goes up to stop Barry from shooting.
"Yeah, when?" Barry yells, "I told you, Cameron. It's not just me you're screwing with."
Rafe nods his head, doing his best to try and calm Barry down. JJ looks over at you, mouthing 'are you okay?'
You nod at him, your expression clearly giving you away. You're scared, and he knows it.
"I know, bro," Rafe says, "Some people still owe me from the party Friday night. I'm going to get it, I just need some time."
Barry laughs sarcastically and lowers the gun, "Oh, yeah, for sure, man. You know what, take your time, Rafe."
Rafe's expression changes, knowing Barry doesn't mean it. He just wonders what that means for getting you out of here.
"The girl stays with me until both of you are paid up," Barry tells both of them.
"Like hell," JJ mutters.
Barry, who is still pissed about his nose, turns around and hits JJ in the head with the stock of the gun. You watch JJ stumble back, and without hesitation, break from Rafe's grasp and rush over to him. Rafe reaches out to try and grab you, but his grip isn't good enough.
"JJ!" you say, grabbing onto him as he stumbles. He wraps his arm around your shoulders, allowing you to help him stand.
"Shit," JJ mumbles, gripping his forehead. He pulls his fingers back and sees blood.
"Damn, darlin'," Barry grins at you, "You really do love them both."
You glare at Barry for the millionth time today as you set your arm around JJ's waist and lead him over to sit down. He sits in the chair Barry had been sitting in and you stand in between his legs, moving his hand away to see his wound.
Barry looks over at Rafe, who has his jaw clenched as he watches you stand in between JJ's legs and clean him up. He watches as JJ's hand lingers on the back of your thigh, his fingers brushing your skin ever so slightly.
"That's gotta hurt," Barry says to Rafe, getting a lot of amusement out of watching the boys squirm over you.
You ignore whatever Barry says as you use the bottom of your shirt to wipe off some of the blood on JJ's forehead. It's not bleeding badly, which you're thankful for. You're almost sure Barry doesn't own a first aid kit.
"Now, JJ," Barry steps over to you two, "Let's talk about how you stole twenty-five thousand dollars out of my house, yeah?"
Barry presses the gun to the back of JJ's neck, making JJ tense up. You watch Barry, bringing your hands to JJ's shoulders and holding onto him, as if to comfort him somehow.
"I'll get it back," JJ says, his voice hoarse.
"You bet your ass you will," Barry tells him, "When will that be, exactly?"
JJ sighs, knowing it won't be any time soon. That money is long gone.
"Can we set up a payment plan?" JJ asks sarcastically.
He regrets it when Barry grabs onto your arm and pulls you away, pressing the gun into your stomach as he holds onto you. JJ stands quickly and Rafe starts to rush over, but stops when he sees the look in Barry's eyes.
"You know, I'm getting real sick of being treated like a bitch," Barry tells them, pressing the gun into you harder, "I want my money. Now."
You let out an involuntary groan at the pain, watching Rafe as he tries to figure out what to do.
"Let her go, Barry," Rafe finally speaks, "Let her sit down and I'll go get your money."
"All of it?" Barry confirms.
Rafe nods, "All of it. Just let her sit down over there."
Barry looks at both boys, noting how pathetic they are. He's glad, though, knowing all he has to do is threaten your life to get what he wants. He just doesn't understand what's so damn special about you.
He releases your arm and shoves you in the direction of the couch, Rafe stepping forward to grab you. He pulls you into him again, leading you over to sit down.
"You all right?" he asks you, taking a seat beside you and bringing his hands up to your cheeks.
"Yes," you reply, nodding feverishly as if to try and convince him.
"I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? I'm so sorry, baby," he whispers as he pulls you into him.
Your breath catches in your throat as he calls you 'baby'. He's never done that before. Your mind wanders back to Barry telling you that both boys are crazy in love with you. You now sit there in Rafe's arms, wondering if Barry's right.
Rafe pulls back and looks at you in the eyes again, "Just sit right here for me, okay? I'm gonna go get the money. I'll be right back."
You nod again, silently promising him that you'll be here when he gets back. As if you could leave. He rubs the base of his thumb on your cheek and gives you a small smile, then stands up. He curses, knowing he doesn't want to leave you here.
JJ steps over to Rafe as he walks toward the door, grabbing his arm.
"Where the fuck are you gonna get twenty six thousand bucks right now, man?" JJ hisses, keeping his voice down for your sake.
"I don't know, JJ, I was thinking I'd walk into the bank and ask nicely," Rafe snaps, "I have no fucking idea. But I have to figure something out, right?"
JJ runs his hands through his hair and exhales loudly, then looks over and smiles quickly at you. Barry watches the boys, trying to figure out what's going on.
"Just," Rafe starts, already annoyed with JJ, "Stay with her. I'm going to figure it out."
Rafe hates telling JJ to comfort you and be there for you, but it's the way it has to be. No way JJ could get his dirty hands on that kind of money right now. Or ever. JJ nods and starts walking over to you as Rafe thinks about how much money his dad might have in his safe right now.
"You know," Barry starts, standing up again with the gun in his hand, "I'm starting to think you don't really have my money, Country Club."
"Chill out, Barry," Rafe sighs, stepping toward the door once more. The safety of the gun being turned off is what makes Rafe stop dead in his tracks.
"Tell me the truth, Rafe," Barry says.
Rafe slowly turns around with his hands up, swallowing quickly.
"I'm going to get it," Rafe states again.
Barry shakes his head, "You're lying."
Before Rafe can process it, Barry moves the gun in your direction. He looks at you for a second, the horror on your face, and you know your body is frozen. You shut your eyes, not wanting to see it happen. At least you'll die with the boys.
The shot fires fast, but you don't feel anything. You hear a yell, then Rafe scream out, and when you open your eyes, JJ's lying on the ground. Your jaw falls open as you tumble onto the floor beside him, setting your hand on his bleeding stomach. Your hand is soaked instantly, but you don't know what else to do.
"JJ," you cry out, watching his eyes find yours, "JJ, oh, my God."
Tears fall down your face as you stare at him, his eyes glazing over. He's just watching you panic. Rafe comes over and sinks down beside you, not knowing how to help.
"Towels, Rafe," you order, "Hurry."
You spot a random shirt laying on the ground, one you're sure is Barry's and use it for the time being to soak up some of the blood.
"Hey, JJ, I'm right here," you tell him, watching your tears fall onto his shirt. They become invisible immediately, the blood stains swallowing them up.
"Are you okay?" JJ chokes out, spitting blood from his mouth onto the floor when he finishes speaking. You shake your head and try to swallow your tears, but you can't.
"I'm fine, JJ, just relax," you tell him, then look up, "Rafe!"
Rafe comes out of Barry's and onto the porch with towels in his hand, stopping only when Barry grabs onto his arm.
"I was aiming for her, remember that," Barry tells him.
Rafe just yanks his arm away and comes to you, placing one of the towels over JJ's wound.
"Rafe, what do we do?" you ask frantically, trying to ignore the blood that now seeps onto the floor.
Rafe shakes his head, having absolutely no idea what to do. He brings his hands over yours and puts more pressure on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
"You have to call 911," you tell Rafe, "Go."
Rafe stares at you for a second, still stunned, when JJ starts to speak from the floor.
"Rafe," JJ chokes, "You gotta get her out of here, man."
"Not a chance, JJ," you say, trying your best to smile at him.
JJ looks over at Rafe again, "Rafe."
His voice is serious, and Rafe knows exactly what he's telling him. He's a goner, and he knows it. But he doesn't want you to watch him die. Rafe nods to JJ, telling him he understands. He watches JJ relax and lay his head back down, then stands up. JJ brings his hand down to yours and wraps his fingers around you. You squeeze, trying to tell him it's going to be okay.
"Go call," you remind him.
Rafe steps across JJ's body and, without speaking, tucks his arm around your waist and picks you up. He knows this won't be easy, and he can already feel his emotions coming up.
"Rafe, put me down!" you shout, your blood soaked hands going down to try and peel his arm off of you, "Rafe, stop! JJ!"
He carries you over to the door of the porch, doing his best to keep his grip tight as you fight with every ounce of strength you have.
"Let me go, Rafe! I have to help him!" you're screaming your head off, and Rafe hates it, but he knows he has to do what's best for you.
He glances back only for a second and sees JJ's shallow breathing, knowing he doesn't have much time left.
"Rafe!" you scream, kicking and thrashing around to try and get away.
"I have to make sure you're safe," Rafe tells you as the two of you reach the truck, "It's what he wants me to do."
"He's going to die!" you scream, "Let go of me! I'll never forgive you for this!"
Rafe opens the passenger door of the truck and puts you inside, using all of his strength to keep you there.
"You'll be alive, though!" Rafe raises his voice at you, making you stop. He's never yelled at you, not once.
You choke on your sobs as you see the blood all over Rafe's shirt, then all over your own. He buckles you in and closes your door, then rushes around the truck.
"Don't think this makes us even, Rafe Cameron!" Barry yells from the porch. Rafe flips Barry off and then gets into the truck, starting it and speeding off without buckling himself.
"Rafe, stop!" you yell, "I can't leave him there! He's all alone!"
"This is what he wanted!" Rafe yells back at you, stepping further down on the gas pedal.
"I don't care, I don't want him to be alone!" you cry, reaching for the door handle.
Rafe locks the doors and puts child lock on, preventing you from flinging out of the truck. You bang your fist on the window as he does, leaving a blood stain there.
"Rafe!" you look over and scream at him again.
He gets so frustrated he pulls the truck off the path and sets it in park, then turns to you. He grabs onto both of your wrists and holds them down.
"Calm the fuck down, right now," he demands, "Calm down."
You sit back in the seat and do as you're told, but your tears still fall. JJ just gave his life up to save yours, and Rafe doesn't seem to care at all.
"You need to understand that my only priority back there was to keep you safe. I'm sorry about JJ, baby, I am, but staying would've only put you in more danger."
You shake your head at him, almost as if you're disgusted. You let out a sob and then try to wipe your eyes, only smearing JJ's blood on your face. He reaches over and grabs your cheek, pulling you to look at him.
"I'm going to go back there and get his body. You can say goodbye to him. I'm gonna pay off Barry and never go back there. But I'm going to protect you first, do you understand?"
You nod your head under his touch, letting out another sob as soon as you try to breathe in. Rafe brings his hands down to your hips and pulls you toward him, over the console and into his lap.
"Come here," he whispers gently, tucking his arms around you and holding you close.
He knows you're a mess right now and there's blood all over his truck, but he doesn't care. He just wants you to calm down.
"Rafe," you sob, not knowing what else to say. His shirt becomes soaked with tears quickly.
"I know," he tells you softly, "I know."
"He saved me," you say, more just processing what happened, "Oh, my God, he's dead because of me."
"Shh," Rafe hushes you, his heart feeling like it's breaking in two as he listens to you, "It's not your fault. None of this is. Just calm down for me, baby."
Your hands come up and wrap around the back of Rafe's neck as you nuzzle your nose into the front of it. He brings one hand up to stroke through your hair, trying to relax you.
"We're okay," he soothes, his other hand rubbing your back, "Everything's okay."
You two sit there for a while, Rafe just rubbing on you and calming you down, until eventually, you start to come to terms with what happened. He's thankful you're no longer hysterical.
"Let's go get you cleaned up," Rafe whispers against your head once he feels you relax against him.
You pull back and look him in the eyes, feeling his hand come up to wipe blood from your cheek.
"You'll go back and get him?" you confirm.
Rafe nods, "Yes, of course."
You nod your head and then bring your hand up to his cheek the same way he had on yours, observing how soft his skin is. You think about what Barry told you about them both loving you, and how he later told you that you love them both.
"Rafe?" you ask, your voice nasally from all the crying and screaming, "Can I ask you a question?"
Rafe nods, loving the feeling of your skin on his. It relaxes him, makes him feel complete.
"Barry told me he thinks you're in love with me," you say quietly, leaving out the part about JJ.
You watch as Rafe nervously swallows, and then nods his head ever so slightly. You feel your heart swell, not knowing Rafe Cameron could ever make you feel that way.
"It's true?" you ask him, searching around in his eyes for any kind of doubt. There is none.
"Yeah," Rafe barely whispers.
"Oh," you say, watching Rafe's expression change to hurt as you glance away.
He's sure you don't feel the same. When you look up at him again, he's staring intensely at you.
"Is it okay that I love you, too?" you ask him, voice fragile.
Rafe smiles slightly, then watches as you smile too.
"Yeah," he repeats, but with more authority this time.
He leans his head down and then hesitates, making you hesitate as well. You reach up and grab the collar of his shirt, pulling him down to you. His lips make yours feel like they're on fire as they move together. He reaches up and grabs your cheeks, holding you to him. He pulls away after about a minute, staring at you in full adoration.
"I'm so sorry about today," he tells you, keeping his grip on your face, "I will never put you in any danger like that ever again."
You nod your head slowly, "I know that."
Rafe smiles down at you, bringing one hand up to tuck your hair behind your ear.
"Let's go get you a shower," he says softly.
He doesn't make you get back in your seat, however. He just tightens his grip around you and puts the car in drive again, allowing you to hold onto him while he drives. It almost reminds you of being on the bike with Barry this morning. But instead of being completely disgusted, you're completely in love.
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lovetorn · 3 years
babysitter [roommate!dream au]
Roommate!Dream x Fem!Reader
summary: you babysit tommy. do i need to explain?
warnings: swearing
w/c: 1.4k+
a/n: thank u 🧋 anon, u are amazing. i hope i did justice for ur amazing idea hahaha 😫hope u guys enjoy!
roommate!dream masterlist
“Please, Y/n! It’ll only be for a few hours, just while I do my exam, and then I’ll be back. That’s all! I promise, please.”
You’d never heard Wilbur beg like this before. It is kinda funny. You stand with a smirk as you watch him, your arms crossed over your chest. Yes, you’ve babysat his brother before, but this time, your plans for lunch with your friends were being jeopardised.
“I’ll call Niki and Karl myself and tell them the situation, I’m sure they’ll be fine with it,” Wilbur pleads. His glasses sit on the edge of his nose and you guarantee they’re going to fall off in the next 2 seconds. Obviously, you’re going to babysit for him, but this is too funny to pass up.
“I don’t know, Wil. I planned this weeks ago… I’m not sure I can cancel this late…” You try your best not to smile. But, Wilbur isn’t silly, he can see through your act from a mile away.
“Thank you!” He exclaims, shaking your shoulders. You give him an incredulous look and then laugh.
“You owe me one, Tommy isn’t easy to babysit,” You giggle, knowing all too well how he acts when his family isn’t around. Wilbur nods.
“Yeah, yeah, anything. I’ll buy you breakfast for the next month.”
Your eyebrows fly to your forehead. “I'm holding you to that, Wilby.”
And so it was decided: Tommy would come to your apartment at 1 pm and be there until 4. You told Dream you were having a guest over, sparing the details, which made Dream a little suspicious. He really hoped it wasn’t a date—no, it couldn’t be a date.
But, when he hears a knock on the front door, and then the murmur of deep voices, he thinks of the worst. Dream gets up from his bed and presses his ear to his bedroom door, hoping to get any clues as to who is at the door. He knows this is the dumbest thing he’s done since he moved in with you, but he can’t help it. The door shuts and then it’s silent and Dream thinks that maybe the person left.
Meanwhile, you lead Tommy into your room. “Want any food or anything?” You ask as you watch him jump onto your bed and grab the TV remote off of your nightstand.
“No,” He says, fingers flying over the remote to turn the TV on, change the channel, turn the volume up, change the channel again, and then press the button for Netflix. You don’t mind that he’s made himself at home in your room, he’s gonna be here for 3 hours.
“I would like a Slurpee though,” You squint at him. He can’t be serious. Before you can say anything, he continues. “Thanks, Y/n. you’re the best.”
You give him a fake scowl for sucking up to you and sigh. “Fine. I’ll be back in a second.”
You don’t want to ask Dream to go to the corner shop and get Slurpees, but you’d rather ask him to do that than ask him to watch Tommy.
“Dream?” Pushing open his bedroom door, you see him spin around.
“Hey, hi, what’s up?” Dream hopes he isn’t being weird.
He’s being weird and you don’t know why. You hold onto the door handle and inhale sharply. “Uh, I was just wondering if you could go to the corner store for me? Just really quickly, I’ll give you the money.”
Oh shit, Dream thinks. She’s making me go buy condoms for her and her date. “I—Uh, sure, yeah. What am I getting?” He asks, sliding his feet into his Birkenstocks and shoving his phone into his back pocket. Please don’t say condoms.
“A Slurpee,” Thank god.
“Ok, flavour?”
You turn your head to look back at your bedroom door before you look back at him, a puzzled look on your face. “All of them?”
Dream nods slowly. “Okay?” You two stand in silence momentarily and then Dream ushers you out of his room. “Ok, I’ll be back in 5.” You hand him a few dollars and then make your way back to your room.
“Thank you, Dream! I owe you one, thank you,” You smile, pushing your door open and then closing it immediately. Dream barely smiles and grumbles as he leaves.
“Your delivery will be here in like 6 minutes minimum,” You say. Tommy snickers but doesn’t look at you. You cross your arms over your chest.
“What’s funny?”
Tommy shrugs. “I don’t know. I just think it’s funny that your roommate is willing to do that for you. Must like you a lot.”
You furrow your eyebrows. “I’d do the same for him.”
“Him? Woah-ho-ho, that changes the game,” Tommy sits up, a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s his name? I bet you’re like, in love with him.”
You immediately shake your head, feeling heat rise to your cheeks. “No~, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, okay.”
The room remains still.
“You totally love him.”
Then there’s a knock on your bedroom door. You throw your middle finger up at Tommy and tell him to behave before you open the door.
“Here’s your disgusting Slurpee,” Dream mumbles, shoving the cup into your hands. He's a little out of breath from running but doesn't show it.
“Thank you,” You smile. Dream nods and then turns around, but before he can take a step, a voice calls out from behind you.
“Is that the roommate?” Tommy laughs. “Come in here, roommate.” You want to slap him.
Dream looks over his shoulder at you and you shrug. He wears a concerned look as he enters the room and is surprised to see Tommy, obviously.
“Y/n, why do you have a child in here?” Ok, definitely NOT a date.
You have no time to answer before Tommy speaks.
“I’m being babysat and shit,” Tommy rolls his eyes. Your hand is getting cold from the drink so you hand it to Tommy. “Fuck yeah,” He then flops onto your bed again, not caring if he spills some of the sugary liquid onto your bedspread and presses play on the movie he’s watching.
“Stay in here, roommate, we have some business to discuss.”
You shake your head and close the door behind you as Dream perches on the edge of your bed.
“I'm Dream.” He greets.
Tommy nods and looks in your direction, winking overdramatically. “Tommy. Master of women.” Dream scratches his forehead and glances at you. You close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose, whispering to Tommy to shut the fuck up.
“Movie time! We’re watching Sex/Life,” You are bewildered.
“Um, no we’re not!” Moving to snatch the remote from Tommy, you lean your body over Dream’s and see the mischievous look in the child’s eye. You know what he’s doing—could he seriously make this any more awkward?
“Let’s skip to 19 minutes and how many seconds?” Tommy teases, skipping ahead to the timestamp of the scene that went viral. Tommy’s laugh is maniacal, but you are more worried about the position you’re in. Dream’s hands rest in his lap and he looks at the ceiling, while your body leans over his. You don’t know if Tommy is laughing more at the show or the tension between you and Dream.
Finally, you grab the remote and throw it into the chair in the corner of your room. “You are a nightmare, Thomas.”
“Ha, get it, because I’m a nightmare, but he’s Dream, who must be a dream.”
You and Dream groan at his shitty joke and tell him to shut up.
“Anywho, so what’s up with you two?” Tommy smirks. You and your roommate make eye contact, both blushing before looking back at Tommy. He can practically see the tension in the room.
“Nothing.” You say simultaneously. This makes Tommy grin and hum.
Ignoring him, Dream takes refuge on the chair in the corner, looking to you to see how you’re going to handle this situation—however, he can’t help but shamelessly check you out whilst you’re not paying attention to him. He knows it's a dumb thing to do, especially when Tommy is sitting there and has no filter.
You stay speechless in the middle of the room, eyeing Tommy. You didn’t expect babysitting to be so difficult.
“You’re staring, big man.”
You whip around to face Dream and see that the comment makes his cheeks flush a deep red. Your eyes widen and then Dream's up and out of your room. “Bye.”
“Shut the fuck up, Tommy!” You say, embarrassed. You look back to see Dream’s door closing and you want to kick Tommy, so bad. “Ugh, you make everything so awkward! I hate you.”
“I hear that a lot, it’s a compliment at this point.”
And when Wilbur comes to pick Tommy up, you shove him out the door and swear that if Wilbur breaks his promise about breakfast every day, he's gonna be in deep shit.
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beomglocks · 3 years
happy (very) 'belated' father’s day
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summary : the only father willing to come to the dinner
pairing : dilf neighbor!soobin x (legal)!reader x beomgyu (?)
warnings & other: i wrote the day after fathers day, the title is edited bc im posting this like WAY later LOL, threesome (?), degradation, some beomgyu (no incest), sub!beomgyu if you squint like really fucking hard, definitely not a normal relationship, slight exhibitionism, some possessiveness, DON’T read if you’re uncomfortable with age gaps, edit: REwriting this, this one is for the dilf soobin stans, eat up, don't say i don't feed yall, enjoy <3, kind of proofread
w/c : ~4k
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you realize it now.
after living side by side with mr. choi soobin and his son, beomgyu, for a couple of weeks, you’ve started to realize something quite interesting.
1. your mother has a liking for tall lean men.
2. she also has a liking for trying to set you up with the tall lean mens’ son.
now, you wouldn't say you're exactly opposed to getting close to beomgyu. he's conventionally attractive and he seems like a nice boy but you're very much more attracted to the one who created him. it made sense after all.
"give these to mr. choi for me?" your mother all but shoves the roses and chocolates in your arms. you look down quizzically at such gifts. "it's not valentine's day.." you trail off.
you have a strange feeling that soobin would be put off by such acts, not seeming to be as out there as your mother. she doesn't care.
"it's fathers day..well it was...yesterday," she shrugs, fixing her bombshell red lipstick. why was she doing herself up? well a certain mr. choi was coming over.
despite the fact that your own father was out of the picture, that didn't stop your mom from wanting to celebrate every holiday in existence. unfortunately, the only willing father in town to partake in your mother's antics was mr. choi.
he liked to rile her up, you notice. soobin liked to toy with your mother's clear affection towards him, just as he did you. he also liked to throw it in your face sometimes. you didn't say what you observed but you knew he liked to make her feel wanted by a much younger, much more handsome man.
without another word, you decide to give the outlandish gifts to your neighbor. you sigh, looking down at the gifts. some assorted chocolates, nice flower arrangements, and what seems to be a sealed note? you want to roll your eyes but a part of you wonders if soobin would really like these kinds of things.
when you get to the door and ring the bell, the door swings open and there's stands the man himself. he's more put together than you at the moment so you feel out of place even at the front step of his house.
"always a pleasant surprise~" he smiles. his eyes trail down to the gifts in your arms. "for me?" his eyes grow wide and his pouty lips, the ones which you suddenly can't stop staring at since they seemed to be stained cherry red, lay slightly agape.
"from my mom," you deadpan, holding the gifts out. "she's generous~" "overbearing," you correct. "we seem to have different views then," he shrugs. "where's my gift from you though? this can't be all," he ponders in faux thought.
you smile shyly, looking down in embarrassment. "what did you get me baby?" he teasingly leans down closer to you to properly see your face. "could it be perhaps-"
before soobin can place a hand on you, beomgyu comes from downstairs. he's looking sharp, which suits him a lot, you admit. his hair is parted, giving you a teasing view of his forehead. regardless of the fact that he's wearing casual clothes, a stark contrast from his father who dawns an all black attire, beomgyu still manages to make it work for him.
"we'll be seeing you at the dinner," soobin clears his throat, noticing your apparent staring at his son. you can tell that he feels off put by your slight attraction to beomgyu. however small or minuscule it may be its still there to him.
the dinner goes almost exactly how you thought it would. soobin and your mother hit it off, talking about whatever they could to distract themselves from their children for a while. to your surprise soobin barely interacts with you. he seems too occupied with entertaining your mom to pay you any mind.
you're not sure why but this bothers you. beomgyu is occupied in the bathroom at the moment so you can't help but glance in their direction every couple of seconds. your mom is currently leaning against soobin's broad shoulder, laughing at something he's previously said. so he’s a comedian.
you watch as he looks down at her with a satisfied smile on his face. you bite the inside on your cheek and as if on cue, soobin looks up in your direction and smirks. it's almost as if he's taunting you. you bite down harder until you taste something metallic in your mouth.
you're not sure where this feeling of jealously is coming from and you know it's not healthy but you can't help it. maybe you've gotten too attached to your older neighbor in these past couple of weeks.
beomgyu comes out of the restroom with a sigh, walking back into the living room where you are. he can feel a weird tension in your general area but decides not to comment on it. suddenly you stand up, catching beomgyu off guard.
"come on beomgyu!" you say loud enough for everyone to hear especially soobin. the man in question practically pauses in speech midway to look over at you and his son. he eyes you both, mainly giving you a glare that will be engraved in your mind but you don't care. he needs a taste of his own medicine.
"come on let's go to my room, i need to show you something~" you urge him along. meanwhile, you say those words while staring straight at soobin. you hear your mom assure him that it's ok, "the kids are doing their own thing." you knew you were being childish and petty but if soobin wanted to fuck around with you this is what he would have to deal with as well.
you drag beomgyu along to your room who seems quite eager to be in this position. all he knows is that there's a weird tension between you and his father but that's as far as his knowledge goes.
when you both arrive at your room you close the door behind you and lean back on it. "is everything alright?" beomgyu hesitantly asks. you sigh, ushering him along to sit on the bed with you. he looks around subtly at all the little items in your room. everything seems to reflect you well, in his opinion. "well.." you try to stall.
you look up at him through your lashes. "you like me right?" beomgyu stares at you with wide eyes, "i-i mean yeah?" he stutters at your boldness.
"then lets try something," you smile at him, casually pulling your shirt over your head. "let's see how long it takes for your dad to come see us in this position," you say to yourself.
soobin doesn't need to be a rocket scientist to know what's going on here. he knows you're being a brat on purpose but he doesn't care because it makes it all the more fun. he will say he's surprised that you're using beomgyu, his own son, to get to him.
at first, he was getting annoyed with how you seemed to take a liking for his son which is why he wanted to rile you up by seeming extra interested in whatever your mom had to say. now, however, he knew he had a plan for that. you were not going to outsmart him, he wouldn't allow it and he would just have to put you in your place.
"excuse me but i need to use your restroom," soobin makes up a bullshit excuse to get to where you are. "oh of course!" your mom nods at him, instructing him towards the one upstairs. perfect.
"ill just finish up the dinner then!" your mother offers. "great that's enough time to put this slut in her place," he thinks. he smiles at your mom heading for upstairs.
"beomgyu you look like you just saw a ghost," you chuckle lightly, looking down at him. "y/n," he groans at the sight of only seeing you in your bra. he reaches up to grab your breasts, fondling them as delicately as possible. "you can be rough," you offer.
without even bothering to knock on the door, soobin opens it to see you both on the bed in a lewd position. you shirtless on top of beomgyu. he sucks his teeth when you both look back in alarm at the door being burst open. "y/n," he chuckles, almost sadistically.
you can already see the look in his eyes and suddenly you feel bad for not only yourself but beomgyu as well. you try to subtly grab your shirt again in shame but soobin's glare stops you. "what do you think you're doing little slut?" he folds his arms over his chest. not even caring that beomgyu is in the room, he walks over to you and grabs your hair causing you to yelp in surprise.
"s-sir.." soobin narrows his eyes at you then they flit over to beomgyu. "sit over there," he motions to the beanbag in the corner of the room. "i want you to learn something from this." without another word, beomgyu scrambles over to the seat, his heart beating in fear and excitement strangely.
you feel heat rising up your neck and to your cheeks as well as your dripping pussy. "don't be embarrassed, im sure this was your plan all along," soobin tsks, shoving your face down into the sheets. you breathe out when he rips the skirt and underwear from your body without a second thought. the racy thong that was supposed to be his surprise for father's day discarded in a second.
"soobin-" a smack to your ass. "that's not my name."
he doesn't even give you a chance to correct yourself, messing with your sticky juices before entering his cold fingers into your hole. you try to stifle your moan by burying your head further into the sheets.
"god you're so wet," soobin comments. he slowly moves his finger in and out for a while, practically torturing you with how meticulous and slow he's being. "please," you whine pathetically. "please what?" he slows his movements to stare at you with a raised eyebrow.
"please f-fuck me, please, i need your cock," you beg shamelessly. beomgyu breathes heavily, trying to forget about his growing boner but not being able to ignore it. he painfully wants to do something about it but he's not sure if he's allowed to touch himself.
he opts for subtly dragging his hand to his clothed crotch and palming himself through his pants, as uncomfortable as it is. in the meantime, soobin rids himself of his own pants, shaking his head.
he lightly smacks your throbbing pussy and you jolt. "do you seriously think you deserve it? fuck, look at you, can’t wait to be fucked like a bitch in heat~" you whine, wiggling your ass wordlessly in his face to hopefully get what you want.
soobin rubs your clit with narrowed eyes, making sure beomgyu is watching. he could care less that beomgyu is touching himself. he drags some of your cum from your hole to your clit and sighs. "alright then.."
he aligns himself with your hole and without another word slips his cock in with ease, completely bottoming out.
you want to scream at how big he is but you're only left with ragged pants as you know you're unable to make any loud noises. it seriously feels like you could be torn apart at any minute but you love the feeling of soobin’s cock filling you out.
"you're so tight seriously," soobin breathes. he can barely move at first. the way his dick fits inside of your pussy perfectly. he almost wants to comment about how you were practically made for him. he's sure if he flips you over right now, he would see the outline of his cock in your womb.
after waiting a bit for you to adjust to his length he finally starts moving. "shit-" he breathes. you have to grip the sheets to stop yourself from yelling. soobin's hands find their way to your waist and when you look to the side just for a split second you can see beomgyu fighting for his life to not moan out loud.
"look beomgyu-" soobin says in between jagged breaths. "if you wanna fuck around with his pathetic slut this is how you treat her." a moan gets caught in your throat when soobin pounds into you at once. "ah- i-" a part of you wants to apologize and is trying to but he won't give you a chance to speak.
"isn't that right my slutpuppy? did you have something to add?" at the sound of the nickname your walls tighten around him and he sends a harsh smack to your ass. "you're enjoying this aren't you?" he rolls his eyes and sighs heavily.
soobin thrusts start getting faster and faster, beomgyu watching with his mouth agape at his father kissing and sucking at your neck to muffle his own moans. beomgyu can only bite his lip and noises from his throat barely pass his lips as he reaches his high.
soobin growls at seeing your eyes focus on beomgyu so he starts slamming his cock into you at an animalistic pace and you think you might break.
beomgyu bucks into his hand as he cums from the sound and sight of skin slapping added with the tiny noises you'd make. not too long after you feel yourself shudder, unable to warn soobin that you had come you squeeze your eyes shut and let out a whine instead.
"fuck- ok baby," soobin understands as soon as your walls squeeze around him. he pants a couple a times and as soon as he reaches his high he pulls out, pumping his cock to let his cum shoot out on your ass.
"s-sir," you moan. "shhh it's ok." soobin sighs heavily, coming down from his own high to tend to your broken state. he looks over at beomgyu, who's head is lulled to the side as he gazes at your sweat and semen covered body.
soobin sucks his teeth deciding not to say anything to the boy and let him chill for a minute. he shrugs his pants back on and carries you in his arms to the nearest bathroom.
you cozy up to his warm embrace, letting out a sigh. "baby we need to clean you off.." you hear him whisper. you almost completely forget that there's a dinner that's supposed to be happening and you cant just go to sleep with soobin like you'd want.
a sudden coldness hits your body and you shiver. "ok," you agree. his cum is already starting to dry on you and you want nothing more than to be cleaned like he offers. you're not sure how you'll explain your change of clothes to your mom but you're sure you'll come up with something later.
no words need to be spoken after what happened and you're glad because you're not sure what to say. soobin doesn't seem keen on talking at the moment either, too focused on cleaning you off, so you decide to stay quiet.
it's silent in the bathroom until you both hear your mother all out. "dinner's ready!"
you chuckle, breaking the silence as soobin looks up at you with a questioning eyebrow. “happy father’s day.”
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jeongvision · 4 years
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[ 4:33 PM ] ➞ [ 10:38 PM ] ➞ [ 6:21 PM ] ➞ [ 9:04 AM ]
pairing. husband! jeong jaehyun ✗ fem! reader
genre. fluff (!!), humor, domestic au, parent au, non idol au
warnings. y’all i’m so devastated that the father of my future child won’t be someone like jaehyun in this blurb :( heart been broke so many times
author’s note. this is the final installation of my timestamp mini-series! thank you all for reading and liking this! until next time <3
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“Minho?” you called out.
The boy in question looks up to you with beady eyes, lips pursed from his mouth full of cereal. You chuckle at his silly demeanor and went to grab a napkin to wipe off the leftovers that stayed glued to his face. “Are you that hungry, baby? Did you eat anything for dinner last night?”
He swallows the remaining cereal in his mouth before answering you, proper etiquette he learned from you. “I did! Daddy cooked us some pasta last night,” he nods enthusiastically. There’s an excited look shining through his eyes, “It was really yummy, mommy!”
Just earlier, the 4-year-old boy woke up from his slumber after not feeling your presence in bed, confused as to where his mother could have gone. After walking out of yours and Jaehyun’s shared bedroom, careful to not wake up his father and twin sister in bed, he found you in the kitchen preparing breakfast. The delightful scent wafted through the air, waking up his tired eyes almost immediately. His two little feet brought him running to your legs, giggles filling in the spaces as his arms wrapped around your knee, hugging you with so much love that it melted your drowsiness away.
You tuck some strands away from his forehead, fingers weaving through his soft locks. “Yes, daddy does cook some really good food, huh?” You smile at your son, “Can you go wake up daddy and Minji for mommy, please? It’s time for us to have breakfast.”
With a nod, he runs back into the bathroom, not minding the tumbling sounds he’s making from his little rumbling steps. He barges into the bedroom and sees his father and sister still snoozing the morning away, both of their jaws slacked slightly open. Minji’s head rests against Jaehyun’s forearm, her limbs spread out like a starfish. Meanwhile the latter had his free arm laying across his blanket-covered abdomen, body aligned straight as a soldier’s.
Minho lets out a giggle before climbing onto the bed, his dimples poking through, a trait he inherited from his father. He shakes his sister’s shoulders, “Minji! Wake up! Mommy says it’s time for breakfast!” But she only mumbles incoherently, absentmindedly swatting away his pestering hands. He reaches over to his father and shakes him instead after gaining an unfavorable outcome from her. “Daddy! Mommy said to wake up! We have to eat breakfast now!”
Fortunately for him, Jaehyun was actually more responsive than the latter as he slowly opens his eyes, groggily groaning awake from his son’s spirited voice. However, he closes his eyes back to sleep, counting sheep in his dreams. Minho wouldn’t take that as an answer, so he proceeds to stand up in bed and start jumping, careful to not step on them in the process. “Wake up! Wake up! If we don’t eat breakfast, we don’t go to Disney!” And just from the word ‘Disney’, Minji almost instantaneously rises up from her father’s arm, head perked up.
“Disney? Did you say we’re going to Disney?”
Minho stops his jumping and plops down on the bed in front of her. He nods exuberantly, “Mhm! Mommy and daddy said yesterday that we are going to Disney today. That’s why we have to eat our food before we can go!”
Minji cheers gleefully to his words, her own set of dimples poking in her cheeks. And so, she assists her brother in waking their father up, jumping up and down on the bed in unison to cause more havoc to Jaehyun’s sleep.
“Daddy, daddy, daddy!”
“Wake up, wake up!”
“Mommy said it’s time to eat!”
“Mommy said she won’t love you anymore if you don’t wake up!”
After hearing the last statement, he instantly lifts his head, an eyebrow raised. “Who said mommy won’t love me anymore? Hm?” he jokingly challenges. The twins stop their ministrations and, to avoid the blame, point at each other, a fit of giggles after doing so. 
“He did!”
“She did!”
He sits up from his position which prompted both of the twins to quickly dash off the bed, squeals and laughter resonating the halls of their humble adobe as they run off to safety they call their mother. He rolls his eyes before plopping back in bed.
“Have kids, they said,” he mumbles. “It’ll be fun, they said,” and yet, there’s a smile on his face that he can’t seem to wipe off. As much as how much of a headache they can be, he wouldn’t trade it for the world. He would do anything to keep his family safe and happy, even if he has to sacrifice hours of his peaceful sleep for it.
While he slowly strips the sleep out of his system in the bedroom, the kitchen was booming with sounds and chatters, plates and utensils clinking and clanking one another as you set up the table. As you were plating your children’s plates with delicious goods, you felt an arm wrapping around your figure, one that enveloped you in love and care.
You turn your head to see Jaehyun resting his chin on your shoulder, a sweet smile dressing his lips and you inhaled in his scent. “Good morning, my love.”
You let out a laugh, “Good morning to you too, my sleepyhead.”
“Hey, not my fault the kids wouldn’t let me sleep last night.”
“That’s because you let them have ice cream late after having their dinner,” you reasoned, waving a finger at him. “You know that’s a no-no in the Jung household. No late desserts after dinner.”
He playfully snorts to your words and mumbles under his breath, “But I wanted some ice cream too..”
After you all have a boisterous breakfast together, the kids are off to the bathrooms to brush their teeth and washing up for the day. Jaehyun took the initiative in washing the dishes in return for you prepping their meal. While he did that, you walk into the bedroom and start grabbing clothes for the twins to wear to Disneyland as you and Jaehyun promised them. The twins finally returned from the bathroom and waits for your command, visibly thrilled that they will be going to the happiest place on earth.
You got both of them dressed up and that is when your husband returns from his dishwashing duty and he starts getting dressed with you. After getting ready for the day, Jaehyun wraps his arms around your torso again, this time from your front.
He grins to you, “Remember when we were younger, you didn’t want to get married to me?”
You raise an eyebrow to the latter, “What are you talking about? You’ve only proposed to me once and that was on New Year’s.”
He shakes his head, “No, I proposed to you before that.”
“Remember when I joked about you borrowing my last name?”
You searched through your memories to clue in on his insinuation but you were hit with a blank. You shake your head, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He gives you a narrowed look, “I asked you if I could borrow my grey hoodie at the time.”
“Wait, you were actually proposing to me at the time?” You’re gawking at him, finally remembering the incident he was referring to. While you tend to forget a lot of the conversations you have with him, you could remember every occurrence of him asking to borrow his clothes. Our clothes, you would correct him. Funny how back then in college, you were nowhere close to getting married to him, too afraid of what the future holds. Now here you are, happily married to the love of your life with wonderful twins you’re proud to call your own.
He shrugs his shoulders, “I mean, I was joking, but I wouldn’t mind if you actually said yes back then.” He grins again, “I have been wanting to marry you for quite some time.”
Smiling, you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to give him a soft peck on his lips. There’s a look of tender in his eyes, and you knew yours had the same look too. “Well, I’m all yours now. No more borrows and returns now.” You both rest your foreheads against each other. “Everything is exactly where we want it to be, my love.”
“Can I still borrow my brown cardigan that you stole from me last week?”
“Absolutely not.”
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cherienymphe · 4 years
Regrets of Yesterday (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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WARNINGS: arranged marriage, infidelity? (does it still count if all parties are consenting?), mafia!Steve, side of Bucky x reader, jealous!Steve, eventual NON-CON, Steve’s an ass
➥ {page breaks done by @whimsicalrogers​}
➥ This will be a short 3 part series  ➥ part 2
summary: your arranged marriage to the infamous Steve Rogers isn’t what you initially thought it would be, but things have worked out better than you could have imagined. However, your arrangement with your husband becomes complicated when feelings, and circumstances, that neither of you anticipated come into play.
Your marriage to the infamous Steve Rogers wasn’t even what you would call a cold one. Truth be told, it wasn’t a marriage at all. Everything was arranged the moment you had caught his parents’ eyes, and before you knew it, you were engaged to a man you had never met. Of course, you knew who Steve Rogers was.
Everyone did.
To the average person, he was your run of the mill business man who’d been blessed with generational wealth. To those who really knew, he was a stern leader to the most well-known crime organization in the city, the same one he’d inherited from his father. He was equally brilliant as he was handsome, and that you could confirm for yourself on your wedding day.
It was a wedding with a decent turnout. Both of your parents were there to witness the event of course. As well as his men, but you hadn’t expected other crime bosses to be in attendance, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t make you nervous. Your hair looked the best it ever had, your makeup highlighted your best features, and your dress clung to you in a way that caused everyone’s gazes to linger. All in all, it was a beautiful wedding.
If only your husband to be had been present.
Steve was there physically, of course, but the rest of him was so far away that you found yourself feeling alone at the altar. Your hands were intertwined with his as you said your vows, but you couldn’t really feel them. Your eyes met his, but it felt like he wasn’t even looking at you. His lips brushed against yours so lightly, you had to wonder if you imagined the kiss.
Your parents were positively beaming as the priest pronounced you man and wife, but as you contemplated the weight of Steve’s hand in yours, you wondered just how true that was.
The reception was everything you wanted, and when you were told that you had free reign over all of the wedding details, you had been excited. You thought that Steve was going to be one of those husbands who just wanted to make his wife happy no matter what. It was a rude awakening to realize that it was solely because he didn’t care. About the wedding...
About you.
It was during your first dance as a married couple that you fully realized just what this marriage would be.
“I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” Steve had started, making you frown.
His blue eyes gazed into yours, neat blond hair pushed away from his face. His handsome face was unreadable, not a hint of emotion peeking through, and his voice was even as he continued.
“I don’t know if they told you why you’re here…”
“They did.”
The main reason for this marriage was so that Steve could produce an heir to continue his family’s legacy. That had been made clear from the beginning, but it didn’t help you any with trying to figure out where this conversation was going.
“…and you understand that’s the only reason you’re here, correct?”
You blinked, a bit shocked as you registered his words. You knew that it played a big part in this marriage, but you hadn’t known that it was the sole reason for this marriage…nor your place here.
“I see,” you whispered, a bit disappointed.
You both turned to pose as a camera flashed, and your conversation continued as he moved you about the dancefloor, a soft breeze ruffling the skirt of your dress.
“I’m not as cruel as they say,” he murmured. “I won’t expect you to just sit in a loveless marriage.”
Your frown deepened as he continued.
“You are free to find affection elsewhere. As am I,” he said, making your eyes widen. “I’m used to a certain lifestyle, and that won’t stop just because we got married, and it would be unfair to not allow you to do the same.”
Your lips parted, and you blinked because this was not how you expected your wedding day to go at all. Here you were, dancing in a courtyard full of people as they watched the two of you celebrate your marriage. Meanwhile, your husband was telling you that he had no intentions of remaining faithful while you were free to do the same because your marriage was for one purpose and one purpose only.
“You…you want me to…”
You trailed off, your words dying in your throat as he looked away from you. Your eyes focused on his side profile, jaw moving every time he talked.
“My father gave me a year to find a wife and start working on producing an heir. He isn’t the most pleasant person to be around when he doesn’t get what he wants. This will satisfy him for the time being while we continue our lives as they were,” he explained.
You pressed your lips together, shoulders dropping as you accepted this.
“…when the time comes, we’ll do what needs to be done to have a child. Until then…”
You supposed that you couldn’t be upset with Steve. This was an arranged marriage after all. Everyone knew how most arranged marriages went, and you were the one who’d imagined this to be something it wasn’t. Besides, it wasn’t his fault that your parents didn’t clue you in on the whole story. You suspected that was for a reason though because had you known, you never would have agreed.
At least he was being transparent with you.
His eyes met yours again, and you nodded at him just as the music slowed to a halt. For the first time since you met, Steve smiled at you, and you did the same, albeit reluctantly. He took your hand and gently handed you off to your father, the older man pulling you into a dance as the music started up.
When you were done dancing with him, you enjoyed a dance with Steve’s father, the older Rogers pulling several laughs from you as he recounted stories of years past. Your dances with the other crime bosses were much more nerve-wracking, the eldest Odinson holding you a tad too tight for your liking. You were relieved when the song ended, and another took his place.
Your next dance partner, while never having the pleasure of meeting him until today, was also not unknown to you. James Barnes was just as well known as your new husband, equally as handsome, and much easier to talk to it seemed.
“You look lovely, Mrs. Rogers,” he told you, and you blinked.
You were taken aback. Sure, your father and even Steve’s father had complimented you on your dress, but Steve hadn’t said a word about how you looked. In fact, he’d hardly spared you a glance. While you accepted your marriage for what it would be, you didn’t realize that meant it would be a cold one.
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes.”
He smiled at you, a genuine expression as his lips pulled back from his teeth.
“Steve and I are close, and you’ll be seeing a lot of me so please. Call me Bucky,” he told you.
You returned his smile with a nod.
You danced with Bucky for 3 more songs, learning that he and Steve had grown up together and were practically like brothers. You enjoyed dancing with him. He didn’t hold you as tight as Thor Odinson did, but his touch also wasn’t that of a ghost’s like your husband’s. He was attentive during the conversation, looking at you instead of through you and talking with you instead of at you.
When it came time for you and Steve to cut the cake, you were a tad disappointed to part from him. Even more so when the time came for the two of you to be driven off in the limo. You stared out of the window the entire time while Steve took a business call. You occasionally eyed him, wondering if he’d ever hang up to at least have a conversation with you, but it was in vain.
With a sigh, you looked away, and forced yourself to accept that this marriage wasn’t really a marriage at all, and that it would never be. You didn’t know this man, and you weren’t being put under any obligations to love him. Truthfully, you never even had to interact with him at all. You could just bask in his millions while living a life completely separate from him. You realized that plenty of women would kill to be in your place, and it was then and there in the limo, on the way to a honeymoon where your husband wouldn’t even sleep in the same room as you, you’d decided that you would make the best of this.
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“Do you…have to…leave so soon?”
His thick accent reached your ears as you bent to pick up your dress, smooth voice interrupted by his labored breathing. You slid the satin material over your skin as you pulled it back on, and you felt the bed move beneath you. You smiled when his lips brushed against your bare shoulder, a hum climbing out of his throat as they traveled to your neck.
“Pietro,” you chided.
He pretended like he hadn’t heard you, lips finding yours in a soft kiss when you turned your head. You grinned into his mouth, hand resting on his shoulder.
“I have to go,” you whispered, and he groaned.
He fell back onto the plush bed with a sigh, blue eyes finding yours. He didn’t look happy, but then again, he never did when you had to leave.
“I’ve already stayed much longer than I planned to,” you told him, standing to adjust your dress.
Before you had the chance to reach back and do it yourself, Pietro sat up to zip the material for you. His fingers brushed over your skin as he did so, lingering, and you took in a shaky breath. He pressed a kiss to your shoulder and exhaled.
“Let me guess… Steve?”
You let out a snort, shaking your head while you held in a chuckle.
“When is it ever Steve?”
You and your husband had been together for almost a year, and you’d probably seen the man maybe 10 times. Steve had his life, and you had yours. Not once had the two ever mixed, not even for something as mundane as dinner. You heard Pietro scoff, and you stepped away from him to put on your shoes.
“James,” he decided, so much disdain dripping from his voice you’d think that James had fucked his mother or something. “Of course, it’s James.”
You glanced at him from over your shoulder.
“Do I detect some jealousy?”
“Of course, you do!”
You turned to face Pietro as he stood, naked as the day he was born.
“He always gets you. You like him better,” he said with a pout, and you tilted your head.
You did feel a bit guilty because what he said was true, but it couldn’t be helped. You and Pietro had only just started seeing each other two months ago. Bucky had made his intentions clear with you barely a month into your marriage.
You had been taken aback at his boldness, especially since you’d only been married to his best friend for 30 days, but then you remembered that Steve had probably resumed the activities of his former life as soon as you had returned from your honeymoon.
He was never home, always out late, and on the rare occasion you did cross paths, he hardly spared you a glance. It had been a bit lonely at first, most of your free time filled with shopping or reading or cooking. That all changed when Steve required your presence at some stuffy event. The limo ride had been silent, and you’d taken it upon yourself to part from him as soon as you entered the building.
Bucky had found you in one of the many empty hallways, admiring some painting while you sipped on a glass of champagne. He had complimented you just like he’d done on your wedding day, and you shyly thanked him, not used to the attention. Having been familiar with the building, he gave you a tour, keeping you company and making you laugh the whole night.
As you made your way to one of the upper floors, you had stumbled, courtesy of the alcohol in your system. Bucky caught you with a laugh, telling you that maybe you needed to slow down before plucking the glass out of your hand. You couldn’t remember when nor how he’d gotten so close, but his lips were suddenly on yours.
…and you were kissing him back.
You had eventually stumbled away, feeling wrong despite the fact that Steve said it was okay. Despite the fact that your husband had been doing this very thing all along. You left Bucky there in a hurry, easily finding Steve. He had been looking for you too, ready to go. The ride home was just as silent, but for once, your sham of marriage wasn’t on your mind. It was the feel of Bucky’s lips on yours.
You busied yourself for days, shopping and going out to eat to keep your mind off of one James Barnes. It came to a screeching halt when a limo that wasn’t yours was waiting outside for you when you exited one of your favorite stores. You knew it was Bucky before the window even rolled down, and you had every intention of telling him no when he offered you a ride home.
Your mind said no, and you had even convinced your heart to say no, but when you opened your mouth, that wasn’t what escaped. Confused with yourself, you reluctantly slid into the dark vehicle as he opened the door for you. He had offered you something to drink, and you had shaken your head, avoiding his eyes.
After a while, he moved to join you on your side, gently taking your hand. You didn’t stop him. His free one rested under your chin, tilting your head up so that your eyes were on him. You remembered thinking that he looked more handsome than usual that day, blue eyes brighter and dark hair styled perfectly. His eyes had searched yours as he leaned in to kiss you.
You didn’t stop him.
Your legs shook when you slowly made your way to your front door, a dazed smile on your lips. You had leaned your back against the door, ignorant to the housekeeper as they called your name. As you had made your way up the stairs, Bucky’s scent still clinging to your skin, for once, you were happy to be all alone in this big house.
You had touched yourself that night, no longer a faceless being behind your eyes, but instead James Buchanan Barnes. You woke up that next morning feeling better than you had in weeks, your mood only lifting when a knock sounded on the front door. Bucky was there with a bouquet of flowers, dressed impeccably with his limo waiting behind him. You told him to give you 30 minutes, and 30 minutes later, in a dress that you had bought yourself weeks ago to cheer you up, he was leading you towards the car.
The rest was history.
You pulled yourself from your reverie, frowning a bit at Pietro.
“Well, he’s here. You go back home in, what…2 days?” you wondered with a shrug. “I only see you for a week before you’re flying back home for another month.”
Pietro ran his eyes over you, lips down turned.
“You could come with me,” he whispered.
This conversation was not unfamiliar to you, and you rolled your eyes.
“Even if I wanted to Pietro, that would never happen,” you said, holding up your left hand. “I’m married.”
“Barely,” he mumbled.
You laughed at that, putting your earrings back in.
“True marriage or not, I don’t think Steve would take too kindly to me running off with one of my lovers. His pride wouldn’t survive it.”
“Screw his pride, the man is an idiot,” he spat, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “We both know it’s James you worry about. There’s no doubt in my mind he’d have me killed for stealing you away.”
You pecked his lips, pulling away before reaching for your coat and your purse.
“You’re probably right. All the more reason I can’t just run off with you,” you told him.
He heaved a heavy sigh as you made your way to the door.
“I’ll call you later?” you said, glancing at him.
Pietro rolled his eyes, but a fond smile found its way onto his lips anyway.
“Of course.”
As you made your way out of the suite and into the elevator, you found yourself thinking about your fling with Pietro. He was beautiful and cultured, and he made your head spin. However, he was flighty. You knew that Pietro had a roster of women lined at his feet, and you were simply his favorite. Pietro was not the kind of man you just run off with. Sure, your marriage to Steve wasn’t a marriage at all, but it provided security, and you’d be silly to give that up for a womanizer who would lose interest in less than 4 months.
Besides, what Pietro said did have a grain of truth to it. There was no doubt in your mind that Bucky would kill the man for stealing you away. If Pietro, like all the others, was a fling, then Bucky… Well, Bucky was probably the love of your life. It was strange to finally admit that to yourself, but you did love him. Sometimes it felt like you were married to him instead of Steve, and sometimes, when it was just the two of you, you wished that were true.
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You sighed into Bucky’s mouth as he pressed his hips into yours, warmth filling you as you came around him for the second time that night. Your fingers were tangled into his hair, a shudder passing through you while his fingers pressed into your hips.
“Stay the night,” he whispered against your lips.
You chuckled, throwing your head back as he brushed his own against your jaw.
“That would make it the third night in a row. I shouldn’t,” you replied. “God forbid Steve remembers my existence and actually needs me for something now of all times. It would be just my luck.”
He rolled off of you with a sigh, exasperation coloring his tone.
“Just tell him you’re busy,” he slyly said, tracing his finger down your side.
You slapped his hand away, and he laughed.
“That’s not part of the deal,” you reminded him.
He scoffed, and you sat up. You and Steve never brought up your separate lives in conversation. While that was hardly a possibility before, seeing as he never talked to you, in a week, you and he will have been married a year and 4 months, and you were seeing more of him than you were used to. Bucky had mentioned something about some shipments he was letting Tony handle, and you guessed that gave Steve more free time. You were surprised he didn’t want to fill that time with one of his many mistresses.
“Right. What is it again? Don’t ask…”
“…don’t tell,” you finished. “…and never in the house.”
Bucky rolled his eyes, resting his hand behind his head as he gazed at you, dark hair mussed.
“Are you happy?” Bucky suddenly asked you, and you paused, turning to fully face him. “I mean with him. Are you happy with him?”
You frowned, mulling over that question.
“Well,” you breathed. “There’s not really an answer for that. I’m not with him.”
Bucky sat up too, now, and you continued.
“He and I, aside from our names on a piece of paper, aren’t together. I am…a womb waiting to be used to produce an heir to satisfy his family,” you said. “So, I’m not happy or unhappy with him because I am not with him. Truthfully, I’m with you...and I’m very happy with you.”
“Then be with me.”
Bucky’s face was clouded in desperation, and you blinked at him, frowning.
“What are you saying…?”
Bucky huffed, running his hand through his hair before taking your hand.
“I’m saying ditch the other guy,” he threw at you, and you barked a disbelieving laugh.
“The other guy! You mean Steve? Your best friend? That Steve?”
Bucky heaved a sigh as he got out of bed, and you watched as he pulled his pants on.
“Look, I love Steve, but he’s an idiot. I don’t care what kind of lifestyle I was used to. If I were marrying you, I’d turn my back on it all no questions asked just to have you every night,” he said, and your face softened. “If all he needs is a baby maker, he can easily find another wife.”
“Bucky,” you sighed.
“Leave him,” he pleaded. “…and be with me.”
“You know, the last time I saw Pietro, he was demanding the exact same thing from me.”
Bucky’s lip curled at the mention of the other man that you hadn’t seen in months, and you laughed.
“How is Pietro these days, anyway?”
You fixed him with a look.
“You know that I haven’t even talked to Pietro in months. After my last refusal to run off with him, he quickly lost interest.”
Bucky smiled, face brightening as he shrugged.
“I know. I just like to hear you say it.”
You tossed a pillow at him as he laughed, moving to get dressed. He pulled you into his side as soon as you were both clothed, fingers dancing along your waist.
“I like having you all to myself,” he murmured, lips meeting your cheek.
He helped you into your coat before walking you downstairs. It was colder these days, and he tightened his hold on you as he walked you to his car. The drive to your house was quiet, but not uncomfortable, Bucky’s hand in yours as you looked out of the window. It was late at night, but the city was even livelier than it was during the day. When his driver slowly pulled into your driveway, Bucky pressed his lips to yours, reluctant to pull away.
You felt the same, and you didn’t want to admit it to yourself that his proposal was tempting. His hand tightly held yours as you stepped out of the limo, making sure you didn’t fall. Just before you turned to leave, he brought the back of your hand to his lips, blue eyes drinking you in.
“Think about it,” he murmured, and you threw him a sad smile, promising him that you would.
Your heart was heavy as you pressed your key into the door, pressing your back to it as soon as you shut it. You stood in the foyer, staring up at the ceiling with a sigh. All those months ago, when Pietro had asked you to leave your husband, it had been easy to turn him down. Bucky? Not so much. Feeling like you wanted to cry for the first time in forever, you slowly made your way into the living room.
“You’re out late.”
A startled shriek left your lips, hip bumping into the table beside you just as light flooded the room in time to watch the vase of flowers shatter against the floor. Fear forgotten, you pressed your hand to your heart, sucking your teeth at the vase Bucky had gotten you last year. He bought you fresh flowers every week to fill it with.
“Oh no,” you sighed, kneeling to grab them.
You heard Steve move behind you, footsteps growing louder as he neared. You glanced at him as you stood, shaking the water and glass off of the flowers.
“Jesus, Steve. You almost gave me a heart attack,” you complained.
“Sorry,” he evenly replied. “Was this new?”
He was referring to the vase, and you tripped over your words.
“Uh…no. N-not exactly,” you said, making your way to the kitchen.
You sat the flowers on the counter, grabbing the broom and dustpan before making your way back into the living room. You frowned at the mere presence of Steve, wondering what he was even doing home. Perhaps that was a bit unfair of you, but you had grown so used to not having him around. You preferred it. You could feel his eyes on you as you swept up the glass, even still when you returned to wipe up the water.
“We have a housekeeper for that,” he said, making you frown again.
“I’m aware,” you replied, standing. “…but what sense would it make for me to leave this here all night just so Peter can clean it up in the morning when I’m perfectly capable of doing it right now?”
Steve nodded, and you made to move towards the kitchen again when he spoke.
“You were out late.”
You paused to look at him, realizing that was what he’d said when you first came in, scaring the crap out of you. With a frown, you looked at your watch.
“It’s only 1:17,” you told him.
You were normally out much later, but Steve always came home in the early hours of the morning, if he came home at all, so of course he wouldn’t know that. He simply nodded at your response, hands on his hips. He was still dressed like he’d only recently gotten home himself, and you again wondered why he was even home, but you decided that you didn’t particularly care.
He was still standing there when you exited the kitchen, flowers left in the sink. You wouldn’t worry too much about them. It was almost time for Bucky to buy you a new bouquet anyway. You barely spared Steve a glance as you made your way to the stairs, briefly pausing when he wished you a goodnight. You threw him a small frown before wishing him the same, Bucky returning to your thoughts the minute you entered your bedroom.
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You were startled again when you entered the kitchen the next morning, finding Steve already there sipping on a cup of coffee. Once again, his presence confused you, but you kept it to yourself. You don’t think you had ever woken up to find Steve still in the house, and certainly not in the kitchen. You didn’t greet him as you made your way to the fridge, grabbing some lemon to put in your water.
Silence filled the room as you went about cutting a few slices, preparing your drink. It seemed a little tense, but you were determined to ignore it. You were meeting Bucky in an hour and it would take half that just to figure out what to wear. You were pulled from your thoughts by Steve’s voice.
“You never did say where you were last night.”
You glanced up at him, a slight frown on your face before you released a light chuckle. You heard him set his mug down, and when you looked up again, his eyes were on you. He was casually dressed today, a first for him. He still had on the usual black slacks, but he’d traded the button down for a simple white tee.
“Something funny?”
His voice was low, a tone he used on his subordinates you were sure, but you merely nodded your head.
“Yes. You.”
Now it was Steve’s turn to frown, eyes narrowed just a bit.
“How so?”
“You’ve never been curious about my whereabouts before,” you told him.
“Well, that was before I knew you weren’t coming home,” he said.
You sighed, setting the knife down as realization hit you.
“We were supposed to attend a gala last night, and I came home the other day to tell you, but you weren’t here. You never even came through the door, and that was concerning,” he explained. “If you hadn’t walked through the door last night, I was going to send a search party.”
“I have a phone.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, pulling said phone out of his pocket before placing it on the counter.
“A phone that you left here.”
You grimaced, sheepishly taking it. You could get so caught up with Bucky sometimes that you were positive you’d lose your head if it weren’t attached to you. Your eyes met Steve’s, apologetic.
“I’m sorry. I’ll do better about keeping it with me,” you promised.
He heaved a sigh, taking another sip, eyes never leaving yours. You rolled your eyes, realizing what he wanted, before dropping your knife into the sink.
“I was with a friend,” you told him. “…but as you can see, I’m safe and sound. There’s no reason to worry.”
You slipped out of the kitchen before he could respond, determined to hurry up and get dressed. This wasn’t the first time that you’d forgotten your phone at home, it was just the first time you’d done so, and Steve happened to need you.
He wasn’t in the kitchen when you came back down, dressed and ready to go, but you could hear him upstairs. Practically itching to get out of this house and away from his cold stare, you hurriedly made your way outside. In the car, you took your time to check your phone, grimacing at the 3 missed calls from Steve. However, a smile found its way onto your face at the message from Bucky. He’d sent it last night after he dropped you off, telling you to think about it.
It was the first thing he brought up as soon as you met him at the restaurant too.
“Steve won’t even miss you. Hell, he doesn’t miss you, but I do. I miss you all the time,” he said.
“Funny, you miss me all the time when I feel like I’m with you all the time,” you commented, picking at your appetizer.
Bucky tilted his head, pretending to think.
“I’d say you’re with me about 90% of the time-.”
“90%, you don’t say,” you mocked.
“Yeah,” he said, nodding. “90%, and that other 10%, I’m practically dying.”
You rolled your eyes.
“How do you manage…”
“I’m serious, Y/N,” he continued, taking your hand. “Leave him. There are a million women who could easily take your place, women who want to be in your place. He gets one of them, you get me, and we’re all happy.”
You smirked at him, attention falling to your food again.
“Why Mr. Barnes, I do believe you’re trying to wreck my marriage,” you teased.
“Hardly. I’m simply trying to start a new one.”
Your eyes snapped to his, that teasing smile falling from your lips as you registered his words. Your heart skipped a beat, and your lips parted as he eyed you, his tongue darting out to wet his own.
“Doll…what did you think when I said be with me?”
You shook your head, shrugging.
“I…I don’t know, but I didn’t think you meant marriage. You want to marry me?”
He took your hand in both of his, pressing his lips to the skin, a brown strand kissing his forehead.
“Of course, I do. More than anything. Wouldn’t you like that?”
You thought about it, chewing on your lip.
“…waking up to each other every morning, falling asleep to each other every night. I’d bring you breakfast in bed and we’d…work on our little family…”
Your gaze met his again, and you found that you loved the sound of that.
“Are you…proposing to me…?”
The idea was absurd, especially considering you already had a ring on your finger. Bucky chuckled, shaking his head.
“Not really. I just wanted you to know my full intentions, that I’m not just fooling around here.”
You stewed over what he said while he continued.
“I’m not going to pressure you anymore, but you know how serious I am now, and I want you to think about it,” he softly told you.
You slowly nodded, still in shock.
“I will,” you quietly replied.
His grin widened, and he sat back in his seat.
“After we leave here, we can go pick out a nice bouquet, yeah?”
You suddenly blinked as you remembered last night, a smile on your face.
“Yes, please, and…a vase too?” you guiltily asked.
He frowned, tilting his head before nodding.
“Of course. What happened to your vase?”
You huffed a sigh.
“I broke it. I bumped into the table, courtesy of Steve,” you complained, shaking your head.
“Steve? What do you mean?” he demanded, voice dropping.
“It was nothing. He was waiting for me when I got home last night, in the dark like a creep, and he practically gave me a heart attack,” you explained.
Bucky didn’t respond for a while, simply humming. He picked at his food, lips pursed as he eyed you.
“Why was he waiting for you?”
“Apparently there was some gala last night? He’d been planning to tell me I had to be in attendance with him but someone…,” you threw him a pointed look “…prevented me from going home the other night. Add in that I had left my phone at home, I guess Steve convinced himself that I had been kidnapped or something.”
Bucky simply hummed in response, and you both finished your lunch. Your days spent with Bucky always went by fast, and you were always sad to wish him goodbye. His proposal was taking up more and more residence in your mind, especially as you watched him drive off. You stood at your door, staring after his car with your coat wrapped around you, wondering what it would be like to go home to him every night.
With a sigh, you turned and made your way inside. You were greeted by the sight of Steve, voice low as he pressed his phone to his ear. You sent him a small polite smile before making your way to the kitchen to fill up your new vase, fresh flowers in your left hand. You were just cutting them when he joined you, and you turned to curiously look at him.
“I need you to accompany me to an event tomorrow,” he told you to which you nodded, wondering if Bucky was going to be there.
You didn’t hear him leave as you turned back around, dropping the flowers into the water, satisfied. Your suspicions turned out to be correct when you turned around only to find him still standing there.
“I could’ve replaced the vase if I’d known it was that important,” he said with a small frown.
You shook your head, moving past him.
“It’s fine,” you honestly told him.
His eyes were still on you as you sat it down, adjusting it to a position that you liked. You tightened your coat around you as you passed him, ascending the stairs with a small ‘goodnight’ thrown over your shoulder.
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You woke up the next morning feeling positively ill. Every inhale had your stomach churning, and you cursed yourself, trying to remember everything you ate the day before. You had planned to at least see Bucky for a little bit before this shindig tonight, but the summersaults going on in your stomach had you canceling on him. The silver lining was that he apparently was going to be in attendance tonight, and that made you feel better.
Again, Steve was home all day, but you didn’t see him until it was time to go. You had remained in bed all day, drifting in and out of sleep, fighting off every wave of nausea that came at you. You though that you did a good job of hiding your discomfort, but Steve had asked you if you were alright the minute you came downstairs. You told him that you were fine, a whopper of a lie, but your attendance was mandatory so what else could you do?
Like all of your car rides together, this one was silent, but you could feel Steve’s eyes on you every now and then. You couldn’t be bothered to question him on it, too preoccupied with keeping your food down. Your nausea only got worse the minute the two of you stepped into the building. The smell of food was heavy in the air, and there was no doubt that you were starting to look as sick as you felt.
Your eyes fell on a group of familiar faces, one more familiar than the rest. You threw them all strained smiles as you approached, head feeling a bit light. You couldn’t even be bothered to care that Steve’s hand was on the small of your back, more important things to worry about other than his unusual behavior.
You had just reached your friends and acquaintances when a server came by with a tray of food. The smell that hit your nose had your stomach clenching, and you barely had enough time to swipe a napkin before your food was coming up.
“Oh my God, Y/N,” Nat cried, hurrying towards you with a bowl.
There was some slight commotion as her husband, Bruce, and Sam hurried to flag down some help for the mess. Nat’s hand was on your shoulder, helping you towards a seat, and you could feel Steve’s hand still on your lower back.
He sounded worried, and you only figured out why when your legs crumbled. You hadn’t realized that your lashes had begun to flutter as your steps started to slow.
“Woah,” he said, catching you as you fought to straighten your vision.
He sat you down, and you could feel several people fanning you. Steve was wiping your hands clean when Bucky finally neared, brows furrowed in concern, looking as handsome as ever. Too bad you couldn’t truly appreciate it.
“I’m okay,” you told him before he could even start. “Just ate the wrong thing, I think.”
Bucky didn’t look convinced, and he sat down beside you, pressing his hand to your forehead.
“You don’t feel warm,” he murmured, and you shook your head at him.
“It was just some bad food,” you whispered, trying to ease his worries.
Again, he didn’t look convinced, but he nodded anyway. He stood with a sigh.
“I’m going to go get your coat,” he said, and you thanked him.
You could feel Steve’s eyes on you, but when you looked at him, you couldn’t make out his expression. His hand was still on your lower back, and you finally breathed better when he pulled away, standing.
“I’ll be back. I’m going to the valet, make sure the car is ready so we can go.”
Your face fell, feeling like you ruined his night.
“I’m sorry, Steve-.”
“What for? You’re clearly sick. I wish you had said something.”
If you didn’t know any better, you’d say he sounded upset that you didn’t tell him, but it was more likely he was upset that you had in fact ruined his night. With a soft squeeze to your shoulder, he was gone.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” T’Challa asked you, and you nodded.
His wife, Nakia, came hurrying over with a glass of water, and you gratefully took it. You were even more grateful that you could keep it down, and you sent her a small smile as you handed the empty glass back to her.
“Thank you.”
“Think nothing of it,” she said, shaking her head. “You must be feeling awful. I’m grateful that I don’t get sick often because the only time I have ever vomited is when…well, when I was pregnant.”
She chuckled, and you froze.
“…and I love my children dearly, but I do not want to go through that again.”
You joined her, a nervous laugh escaping you just as Bucky returned with your coat. You jumped, having been surprised to feel the fur draped over you, but you allowed him to help you up. He rubbed your arms through the fabric, voice low.
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
Nakia’s words had your mind racing, and your lips parted because honestly? You didn’t know. You didn’t want to scare Bucky over nothing, but you also wanted to voice your sudden fears that you had never even considered before. All too soon, the two of you were meeting Steve at the door, and Steve’s grip was firm as he took you from Bucky’s hold, eyes hard.
“I got it from here, Buck. Thanks.”
His voice was clipped, and you frowned at him, but Bucky simply nodded, bidding you both goodnight before reluctantly making his way back inside. You wanted to tell Steve that he didn’t have to be rude to Bucky just because you ruined his evening, but another wave of nausea hit you.
Your head leaned against the window as soon as Steve deposited you into the car. The fresh air was ebbing your nausea a bit, the low rumble of the car helping. You hadn’t taken the limo, and you were starting to regret that because you really wanted to lie down, but fatigue still found a way to slowly creep up on you.
If only Steve had allowed it to do so.
“I really wish you had told me you weren’t feeling well. We would have stayed home,” he said.
You sighed.
“I was hoping it would go away. Our attendance was mandatory, Steve,” you whispered.
“Not at the expense of your health,” he sneered.
You rolled your eyes, realizing the root of his annoyance.
“I promise you, I’ll be in good enough health to give you your heir. It was just some bad food…”
Steve heaved a sigh, and you felt his eyes on you.
“This isn’t about a baby. This is about you. Watching you drop to the floor like that was…scary,” he admitted.
“I’m fine,” you said, feeling like a broken record.
“Well, you don’t look fine. You look sickly. Are you taking care of yourself like you should?”
You scoffed, wondering where this was coming from. The man who barely talked to you in almost 2 years was suddenly acting like your father, and you didn’t like it.
“Of course, I am.”
He exhaled.
“I just know that the house can be…lonely. It can get to you if you’re not careful.”
You rested your head on your hand, breathing through your mouth.
“I’m far from lonely, Steve, so really. There’s no need to worry…”
You could feel his eyes on you again, a soft ‘oh’ reaching your ears.
“I’m glad to hear it. Maybe you should go and see a doctor,” he proposed, quickly changing the subject.
You swallowed another sigh, not wanting to talk about this another minute.
“I told you, it was just some bad food.”
That was what you told yourself, but Nakia’s words almost made you want to hurl again. It only recently occurred to you that you hadn’t gotten your period in a while, but you didn’t think too much of it because you had never been regular. Still, you and Bucky weren’t always safe, but that was what birth control was for. What were the odds of your birth control failing you during one of the few times you didn’t use a condom?
However, the next day, as you stood in the bathroom, looking down at the positive pregnancy test in horror, you realized that the odds were great.
tags:  @mcudarklibrary​ @sherrybaby14​ @harryspet​ @xoxabs88xox​ @darkficreposter​ @opheliadawnwalker3​ @honeychicanawrites​ @honeychicana​ @nickyl316h​ @captainchrisstan​ @sebabestianstan101​ @readermia​ @villanellevi​​ @lokislastlove​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​ @coconutqueen21​​ @hurricanerin​​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​​ @quaksonhehe​​ @nerdygirl8203​​ @patzammit​​ @mandiiblanche​​ @cocoamoonmalfoy​​
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reids-chop-stick · 4 years
Our Princess
Summary: Morgan and Reid invite Y/N over for dinner one night, and before long, things heat up between all three of them.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader x Derek Morgan
Word Count: 1,869
Warnings: Bondage, spanking, oral sex, nipple biting, and double penetration
A/N: I have been dying for a fanfic where the reader has a threesome with Reid and Morgan and I tried so hard but could not find one, so I decided to write one, and I really hope you all enjoy it:)
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You had been working for the BAU for 3 years now. You had boyfriends on and off but you always kept and eye on Derek and Spencer. They were both so attractive, both in different ways of course, Spence was cute and nerdy but you just knew he could get things done in the bedroom, and Derek was hot, plain and simple.
You never said anything to them though, your relationship was strictly professional, even if your mind did wander sometimes. That was until tonight though. Morgan had invited you and Reid to his place for some dinner and a movie. You didn’t really think too much about it but it was kind of weird that it was just going to be the three of you, sure you were friends and coworkers, but the three of you never hung out alone. You thought it was probably nothing, but again you couldn’t help but let your mind wander.
That night you arrived at Dereks around 6. When you got there Spencer was already there and they were making dinner.
“Is there anything I can help with?” You asked
“We got it, just relax and pour yourself a glass of wine babygirl” Derek said, winking at you
You grabbed the wine off the table and ended up pouring a glass for everyone. Dinner was done soon after that.
The three of you got your plates and headed to the dining room. As you ate there wasn’t a whole lot of interesting conversation, mainly just stuff about work, but all throughout dinner Reid and Morgan kept giving each other a look. You couldn’t help but notice, but you tried to just shrug it off.
After you finished the three of you sat down on the couch and relaxed. That was until Morgan sat his hand on your thigh.
“Listen babygirl, there was a reason we invited you here tonight...”
“Oh yeah?” You said almost choking on your wine
“Well we see the way you look at us sometimes, and both of us have a little thing for you. We talk about it all the time, and were hoping to maybe do a little something about that...all three of us?” Morgan said
You were speechless.
“The two of you? With me? Tonight?”
“If you want to, it’s all up to you, we don’t want to push, but we haven’t stopped thinking about it since the day we met you” Spencer piped in
Again, you were absolutely speechless.
“I- yes. I want to”
You had been dreaming about this for years and you were not gonna skip out on an opportunity like this.
“Good. Now let’s lay out some ground rules” Morgan said with a smirk
“If at anytime you feel uncomfortable let us know, our safety word will be red”
“Okay” you responded, knowing damn well you wouldn’t be saying the word red at all for the rest of the night
“You also will address us by saying yes sir and no sir, there will be consequences if you don’t” Spencer added
“Yes sir” you responded with a giant grin on your face
“Alright babygirl, you ready?”
“Yes sir” you replied
Morgan lifted you up and carried you to his bedroom, Reid following close behind. When he sat you down on the bed he and Reid started removing their clothes giving you a bit of a show, you couldn’t keep your eyes off of them. They then sat down on both sides of you and started kissing you and grabbing at you. You were already starting to get wet just from their touch. As they felt your body and continued kissing you they both slowly started removing your clothes.
Once you were fully exposed Morgan climbed on top of you and kissed down your body. While he was keeping you busy Spencer was grabbing his tie that he had ripped off earlier. He then walked up next to the bed.
“Arms. Now.” He demanded
You did as you were told and he tied your hands up to Morgan’s bed frame.
“Ahh right where I want you” Spencer said smiling down at your naked body
While Morgan had finally kissed his way down to your clit Spencer sat down next to you and began kissing your lips, while tugging at your nipples. Soon enough he began kissing his way down to your nipples and started biting at them. You moaned out in pain and pleasure. Morgan was still working his way around your clit, swirling his tongue around it, making it extra sensitive.
“Did I say you could make any noises?” Spencer asked
“No sir”
“Then I suggest you better stay quiet, or you’ll see what happens”
Part of you wanted to listen to him, but part of you also really wanted to see what happens. You also were struggling to keep quiet with the two most attractive men you had ever met kissing and biting at your body. You moaned out again.
“What did Reid tell you?” Morgan asked
“To keep quiet or see what happened” you responded
“Did you hear the word sir in that?” Reid asked looking at Morgan
“No I don’t think I did” he responded
“Guess we’ll have to give her some extra punishment” Reid responded
You struggled to contain your excitement. Did they know that you liked being punished? Probably not. But that made this ever more fun.
Reid untied your wrists and threw you over his lap.
“Do you know what’s going to happen?” Reid asked
“You’re going to spank me like the dirty little whore I am?”
“Finally, you got something right” Reid responded
He began smacking your bare ass at full force.
“Count for us babygirl” Morgan told you
You did as he said.
Every time Spencer spanked you, you counted it out. By about the 15th spank you were barely getting the words out. Your ass was red and feeling very hot and you were in lots of pain. You enjoyed it though.
“I think that’s enough, what about you Morgan?” Reid said
“You think she learned her lesson?”
“I guess we’ll find out, are you going to be a good little girl for us now Y/N?” Reid asked
“Yes sir” you responded
“Good” said Morgan
Yet again Reid grabbed his tie. This time however, he didn’t tie you to the bed, he just tied your wrists together behind your back.
“My turn to taste her” Reid said
The two men helped you sit down on top of Reids face, legs spread wide open. Spencer began licking at you and it took everything you had not to moan out his name. All while Reid was taking care of business down there Morgan began to kiss you and play with your breasts.
“You have the best tits” he said
“Thank you sir” you responded
At that moment Reid grabbed your hips and shimmied you down to his hard cock.
“You. Inside me. Now.”
You didn’t hesitate to lift yourself up for him to enter you. While you sat up Spencer guided himself inside of you and you slowly slid down his length. You couldn’t help but let out a moan.
“You like that babygirl?” Morgan asked
“Yes sir” you yelled out
You began lifting yourself up and down on his cock, moaning the whole time. You announced that you were about to cum and Spencer immediately pulled out of you. You sat there pouting while he had a giant smile on his face.
“Can’t have you orgasming that easy, now can we?” Reid said
You were still annoyed though.
Morgan reached into his nightstand and retrieved a small bottle of lube, and began rubbing it all down his dick. He knew you were soaked so you wondered why he was lubing himself up. However, you stopped wondering when Spencer pulled you up into his arms and slammed into you. You couldn’t focus on anything else, only Spencer. That was until Morgan slowly entered you from behind. You couldn’t help but scream out his name. Morgan chuckled at you screaming his name. Spencer began thrusting harder because he was a little jealous you had yet to call out his name. Before long though, you were moaning his name too.
You were begging at this point.
“Sir can I please cum?” You moaned out
“What do you think pretty boy? Should we let her?” Morgan asked Reid
“I don’t know, do you think you have earned it?” Reid asked you
“Yes” you cried out
Morgan pulled out of you and Reid sat you down on the bed.
“If you expect to cum, you’re going to make us cum first” Reid said while untying your wrists
You quickly got to work.
Rubbing your hand back and forth on Morgan’s dick while shoving Reids in your mouth. You sucked as hard as you could because you needed to cum now. You ended up switching between Reid and Morgan’s cocks a few times before they both climaxed. You took as much of their cum in your mouth as possible because they both tasted so good. What didn’t go in your mouth though, went all over your body. You had no problem with that though.
You felt very satisfied with yourself that you were able to make both of them cum in just a few minutes.
“That was pretty good babygirl” Morgan said
“She definitely earned her privilege to come” Spencer added
“Please I need it now” you begged
“Oh would you look at that we have her pleading for us” Reid said to Morgan
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for years, having her eating out of the palm of my hand, it feels good”
“Will you two please make me cum now, I did what you said!”
“Patience princess” Morgan said while winking at you
Morgan sat down on the bed next to you and sat you down right on top of his cock facing him. He began thrusting in and out of you, meanwhile Spencer entered you from the back and began rubbing your clit. After only a couple minutes you were screaming their names.
Morgan and Reid gave each other a look and Morgan said, “Cum for us babygirl”
You didn’t hesitate. Your whole body started shaking and you couldn’t control it. You were panting like crazy, all while continuing to moan their names.
Once you had calmed down Reid pulled out of you and Morgan picked you up and lied you back down. The two of them grabbed their boxers and ran to the bathroom to grab some towels to help clean you off. You took Morgan’s T-shirt from the floor and put it on once you were all cleaned up.
While the guys were getting things situated you cuddled up in Morgan’s bed. When they came back in they lied down on either side of you.
“You did so good tonight” Spencer told you
“Babygirl, I knew you had it in you but shit, that was amazing” Morgan added
“Guess we’ll just have to do that more often” you smirked
“Guess so” they both said
You fell asleep soon after that, all snuggled up in the arms of your two favorite people.
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