#( although who the fuck knows with mika anymore )
crusaderce · 4 months
probably last of me ever addressing actual canon, but i cant tell if the artstyle has made everyone look the damn same but ferid's older brother looked kinda like crowley so i wonder if 440th means that crowley has been reincarnated that many times and was originally the older brother of ferid??? ferid talked about reincarnation before killing his bro- idk that is all i got and honestly the last of my effort to care.
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princesstillyenna · 2 months
Hello 👋
For the Fanfic Writer Ask Meme M & U, please, and thank you 😊
M: What’s the weirdest AU scenario you’ve ever come up with?  Did it turn into a story?
Weirdest? IDK. I don't tend to come up with AUs. I have some notes for an AU where Dylan Strome is a girl? That's not so weird though because uh, Dylan Strome??? Let me go check the notes nonny.... Although lbr, an AU where the nyr are all secretly into kink and fuck each other into the team? That's quite weird. But no, back to the UNWRITTEN IDEAS DOCUMENT. The AU where the only reason Tony DeAngelo is nice to Mika is because he doesn't realise he isn't white... because swedish = white in his head. Amazing. Dumb dumb DUMB boy. I just didn't really have anymore than that? Actually no, y'know what, it's not even that. It's the following. And I will copy and paste WORD FOR WORD my fic notes from my fic documents (and yes, all of my fic notes read like this) Medieval AU, Teeks is like 3rd inline to the throne, important enough to make a political marriage, but not so important that it doesn’t matter that his future wife can’t have kids Arranged marriage between him and Nolanne Patrick who is the only daughter of a super rich merchant family. They’re like, yes, we can give the crown a massive dowry for this bitch, but she can’t have children. PLOT TWIST IT’S BECAUSE SHE’S A DUDE IN A DRESS They don’t consummate their marriage, and TK is like secretly wondering if it’s because Nolanne has an STD, but he doesn’t say anything, and she’s super shy, so he mostly is like. Ok, whatevs. This was always for the money, and I’m hella gay anyway. Whatevs. And then NP walks in on TK having sex with Laws, and is all, ohhhhhh oh I didn’t realise he was into dude. (TK was totally bottom btw, because he was) and then he’s all like, HOW DO I TELL HIM I’M  A DUDE. I JUST CANT But then they’re hunting, or out riding or whatever and Nolly gets injured which is sad, but it’s a super high up in the groin injury that needs dealing with IMMEDIATELY. So TK is all like, I know you don’t like me seeing you naked, but like YOU’RE DYING and THIS IS NOT WORTH DYING OVER. So GET THOSE PETTICOATS OUT THE WAY And Nolly’s like, fine, just don’t hate me or whatever. So TK moves the petticoats and SURPRISE! COCK! And he’s all like I NEED TO SAVE YOU but also OMG I WANT YOU. But he focuses mostly on the saving. And is all like, when you’re recovered, we’re talking about this. So Nolly explains that his family have like a million sons, and no daughters, and like, they really wanted this. So they just made me be a girl. And, honestly, I’m quite believable, and I’m queer anyway, so whatevs. And TK is like, hey, wanna consummate our marriage? Nolly: Can I top? TK: I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.
IT'S THAT ONE. BUT THEN AGAIN IN THAT DOCUMENT I HAVE NOTES ABOUT WHICH HOCKEY PLAYERS ARE EQUIVILENT TO WHICH MLP CHARACTERS SO THAT'S PRETTY FUCKING OUT THERE??????? ok back to the questions. What even was the next one? U: Is there a pairing you would like to write, but haven’t tried yet. Oooooh I like this question. i keep meaning to write some hockey sibcest but I haven't written any yet. Maybe Jack/Quinn, or Dylan/Ryan. Tryna think if there's any other hockey pairings that I like reading that I haven't written yet? MattDrai in their own right? OHHHH COLE AND MARTY ST LOUIS VERY MUCH. Basically cole and and old man that there is. Cole and an old dude. Cole and Santa.... oh wait no, I wrote that already.
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omentranslates · 6 months
Owari no Seraph chapter 132 english fan translation
Good morning and welcome to vampires, I'll be your host: Tired. The official has been out for over a day over at here please make sure to read it if you haven't and thanks for your consideration!
Battling to break through to the first
Yuuichirou has set foot on enemy territory!!
Saitou: Well hey there, what an unusual caller. What have you come for?
Yuu: Hey!! Hi there!! Greetings all vampires!! Yeah, I just had something to talk with you about, so!
Lest: The fuck?
Ky: Urd-sama
Ky: He's buddies with Ferid, could he have come back too? But…
Ky: Where's his team? I can't sense any of them…
Mika: Y'know, if you put it all together, haven't we just been guinea pigs from the start?
Yuu: Huh?
Mika: What's our last name
Yuu: Hyakuya
Mika: Yeah as in the Hyakuya religion, since they owned our orphanage.
Yuu: Oh yeah.
Mika: And Saitou was constantly in and out of the orphanage. And he's a second progenitor and also that angel from inside our memories.
Yuu: little ah
Yuu: Yeah….
Yuu: It's always….always been something like that, hasn't it. We saw a lot of that even before we were taken by the vampires. Sure was a lot of stuff leading up to now, huh.
Mika: That was a lotta words to say nothing, did you remember even more again?
Yuu: Well it's just…like Saitou and them, I was always just like "and who the hell is this guy."
Mika: Same, Akane and I always just thought he was some nice guy. Scary to think about now.
Yuu: For real. Especially considering there was a time I met Mahiru whil I was with him.
Mika: Seriously? I can't even believe this anymore, you don't pay enough attention to your own life Yuuchan.
Yuu: Right back at you.
Yuu: Just what happens when you've got no will to live.
Mika: Well, we were kids after all.
Mika: Although, getting experimented on by the religion was probably because of Saitou or one of his guys, either him or the First. Don't know which.
Yuu: I mean probably.
Mika: One of them probably had to do with JIDA too, wouldn't know which for that one either, though.
Yuu: Seems like it. Better hope an even bigger fish doesn't show up, it'd get too much to handle.
Mika: No kidding. Plenty on my plate with just Ferid and Guren and Mahiru to worry about.
Yuu: Yeah. Although
Yuu: There was that angel that totally blasted the First.
Mika: Nope, nuh uh, we're not thinking about that. He's out of our scope, way out.
Yuu: Aren't we talking about the sun?
Mika: I'm finished with that thing, it's way too bright.
Yuu: Hahaha
Mika: But the First or Saitou, went out of their way to create us with those experiments.
Yuu: Yeah?
Mika: I'd guess they did it because they need us.*
Yuu: I got the feeling from those memories that maybe we're necessary to resurrect Mikaela?
Mika: Hmm…I could see that. But it doesn't seem like they've ever succeeded. After how many ten's of tens of thousands of years. Why do you think that is?
Yuu: They've still got us switched around, don't they?
Mika: That's what I'm thinking.
Mika: Which is why we don't have to worry about getting captured, right? Even if they get us, it won't end with them being able to resurrect Mikaela.
Yuu: Huh, really?
Mika: Yeah, isn't it?
Yuu: I mean…it makes sense. So then, it should be fine if we get as close as we want to the vampires?
Mika: We'd definitely be able to gather more information by doing it.
Mika: We might even be able to get help in the fight with Guren collecting those keys.
Yuu: Oh shit!!!
Mika: Just as long as they still think you're Yuu, they won't be able to kill you so easily as long as you've got information on Mikaela's resurrection. The game is making them think what we want.
Yuu: So in other words, we've gotta pretend like we're super psyched to play our role in this experiment to keep everyone from finding out that I'M Mikaela?
Mika: Yes exactly. Think you can do it?
Yuu: Well this IS my area of expertise, so y'know!
Mika: …if you get this wrong, we both die. Still ok?
Yuu: Ok well it's not like there's a choice in the matter.
Mika: You're not very reassuring.
Yuu: But c'mon, isn't this fun? It's OUR turn now!
Mika: Huh?
Yuu: From the orphanage and everything that's happened since, we've always been pieces on someone else's gameboard, but now WE'RE the ones doing the decieving! You're not feeling the thrill?
Mika: It's fun!
Yuu: Hey, just listen to me for a second! I'm-…
Ky: Silence, human. There isn't a normal human left alive in this world, I can't trust any of you.
Yuu: Uhhhhh, yeah well-…uh…I just thought I could be of some use to you here so I-
Ky: Lest Karr-sama
Lest: Don't worry, I will protect Urd-sama. You take the front.
Ky: Don't mind if I do. Sword-,
Ky: Drink my blood!!
Yuu: Wow he's strong…
Ky: You're so weak, let loose like you did before!
Yuu: Had you there didn't I
Yuu: Rip it apart, Mikaela.
Ky: Oh shit
Ky: Ohhh not bad! Better than before!
Ky: The hell, it's not healing? In that case-
Yuu: So can I win?
Mika: You don't need to, if we just cast spell of "you can't kill us."
Yuu: Alright, then I'll just say it from here.
Yuu: WE'RE-…!!
Ky: WOW you're strong now. Can you really get to this point while still being human?
Yuu: Shit, and he's in 5th standing!? I'm gonna burn through my calories way too fast.
Mika: Wait a minute, Yuuchan! You're gonna get killed if you don't curse them now!
Yuu: I said I know, they're not exactly giving me space to speak here!
Japan Imperial Demon Army Main Residence 7th Floor Laboratory
Shikama: Yuu
Shikama: YUU.
Yuu: ACK WHAT THE FUCK?? There's a voice inside my head….
Shikama: I'm here, Yuu. Come to me.
Ky: What the hell, the First!!?
Shikama: We'll end this whole story here.
Saitou: DAMNIT! Was this seriously still all your plan!!?
Saitou: All hands to battle! Do NOT let Yuu get to the First!!!
Yuu: Oh, so that's how it is. The First and Saitou aren't getting along.
Mika: So what are you gonna do, Yuuchan?
Yuu: Does it matter? I'd say our curse hit its mark. They can't kill us, not when their plan is however many tens of tens of thousands of years old.
Mika: Yeah
Yuu: So we've gotta talk to both Saitou and the First. From now on, NOTHING is getting past us.
Saitou: Stay right here, Yuu-kun. Mika-kun. The First is far more fearsome than I, you'll be used by him.
Saitou: Good, very nice. We'll hear you two out now.
Yuu: Let's do this, Mika. Let your power go as wild as it can.
Mika: Sure
The curse of his determination circles throughout the body…!!
*the text here could be read as either "they need our power" or "they need our help"
also the chapter title is lowercase bc they didn't write the First like they usually do they wrote "progenitor." Which means the same thing definitionally but like also it's already a word in this series with a different more specific meaning so.
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HAHA YES. Thank u other anon for that visual it’s soo good !! Hard to get mikasa and smug af eren, a combo. Eren after his win smirking and signing autographs for all of these new fangirls right in front of mikasa. Mika, though a little jealous, can play at this game, she chatting up porco, Eren’s biggest rival, talking about what to do for dinner lmao
im finally here with my drabble!!
Mikasa honestly forgets about the bet, it slips her mind in all the excitement, and too many almost drownings.
At first, when she sees the judges give him all 10s for riding out his wave, she's somehow elated. She might have rebuffed his attempts to come on to her, but part of her is thrilled at the attention, she likes him. He's hot, and despite her rejection, there's something about his cocky assured attitude that just does something to her.
So, for a moment, she'd been excited about him winning both the competition and their bet, had daydreams of him waltzing right out of the water and towards her, ignoring medals and fans trying to get his attention to throw her over his shoulder and whisk her away. Eren Yeager, star surfer stealing away the hot lifeguard.
But in the commotion of Eren somehow, miraculously winning the competition, none of this happens and instead, she watches with a perfect view from high up in her lifeguard's chair as Eren is accosted by excited fans, mostly girls, and he does absolutely nothing to deter them. He's signing autographs, taking pictures, and as Hitch, a more promiscuous reporter appears, leaning in, hand on his arm, to ask about his great win today, Mikasa fumes.
So much for dinner, so much for the rookie who was different than all the rest, interested in the lowly lifeguard. Jean arrives to take over her shift and she's quick to throw her whistle and rescue aid at him angrily, stomping off as soon as she gets down the ladder. "Have a good shift," she smarts before shoving past him and poor Jean is left confused as hell.
She leaves Eren and his growing group of fans in the dust, stomping off towards her locker to grab her shit and leave, a fucking date. 'dinner, that's what I get if I win, you, me and dinner tonight on the beach, in the moonlight Mikasa, i'd love to get to know you better.'
That's what he'd said, his voice all seductive as he'd leaned over her, crowding her against the lifeguard's hutch, his voice promising dirty things if she played her cards right. A night with a cocky surfer, one with something to prove and a thing for her. She should have known, this is why she doesn't fuck with surfers, she'd learned her lesson with Porco long ago. Which, speak of the devil, is currently glaring out at the surf where Eren is still with his admiring fans. Her ex is rather furiously scrubbing himself down over his wetsuit, tugging it down his torso to expose a set of delicious abs that lead tantalizingly down towards his happy trail, where she knows exactly what's hidden underneath, she has personal experience. And although she never normally fucks with Porco anymore, occasionally they have some fun, there is comfort in familiarity and if nothing else their on-again off-again two-year relationship sure gave her that.
If nothing else, it'll make her feel better, if the hot new surfer doesn't feel like giving her the time of day, whatever, she has an old one she can call upon. "Porco," she greets tersely as she begins spinning the code into her lock. "Mik," Porco greets back, tugging his wetsuit down slightly farther and Mikasa bites her lip slightly and she wonders if today he's wearing anything under that wetsuit, she knows from personal experience, sometimes he opts not to, especially if it's just a short ride and won't have to worry about too much chafing.
She finishes keying in her code, grabbing her bag from her locker before she turns to lean back against the cold metal. "So, doing anything later?"
Porco raises an eyebrow at her as he looks up from washing himself down with the spray, he smirks, "No, why? You feeling a little lonely 'Kasa, wanna grab dinner with your ex? You know I'm always open." Ugh, he's so condescending, she remembers exactly why she left him so many times, but nonetheless, maybe it'll make her feel better.
She opens her mouth to retort, when very suddenly there is a very angry new surfer standing between them, crowding her back against the lockers and staring at her with intense green eyes. "No, she's coming with me." Her mouth parts in shock as Eren's hands cage her against her locker, his head turning back only briefly to shoot Porco a glare, "I won, tonight she's getting dinner with me."
Porco shrugs nonchalantly, "Whatever Yeager, 'Kasa and I go way back, have fun with my sloppy seconds." Mikasa shoots Porco a murderous look, this is exactly the type of shit she's broken up with him for so many times, but Porco only smirks, before leaving the hut to grab his board. She looks at Eren nervously, will he not want her anymore knowing her history, but it seems to have only made Eren more serious, his eyes raking over her figure.
"So that guy? Really Mikasa?" She shrugs helplessly, "I have a thing for surfers." "So I see," he murmurs, leaning in closer and fuck are those eyes ever intense, roiling green storms and her breath hitches at all the trouble they promise.
Eren smirks, wicked, "Did you think I'd let you get away so easily Mikasa? Did kitten come over here to soothe her ego with her ex, did you wanna make me jealous?" She gasps slightly as he recognizes her intentions right away and his smirk widens, leaning in to whisper against her ear, "Well it fucking worked Mikasa." And after that it's all over, rough hands gripping her hips, teeth nipping at her neck before kissing his way up to her mouth. She moans into his mouth as his tongue slips inside, he tastes of seawater and gum, and she can't help when her hands wind around his neck, fingers threading through the long hair at his nape, ruining his bun.
His kisses are rough, angry and claiming as he presses her up against the lockers, one hand moving to grip her thigh, press her closer against him, his wetsuit soaking her flimsy beach shorts. And she's reminded of another perk of dating surfers, one she hasn't felt in a while, the fact that they absolutely love to go nude under wetsuits, and the fact that the thin flexible fabric outlines Eren's dick so fucking perfectly she can feel every inch against her.
She's not at all sorry when she gets carried away and fucks Eren in the secluded back of the lifeguard's office, and even less sorry when she takes him in the car again an hour later on their way to dinner.
Eren is insatiable, and hot, and high off his win, and fuck, does she ever have a thing for surfers.
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Anyone else wondering how does this girl’s demon look like?
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And I think my popcorn has gone bad...
But seriously it pisses me off that when she had a chapter dedicated to her (chapter 45 when she almost sacrificed herself to allow the others run away from Crowley and chapter 70 when Aoi confronted her) Yuu had to butt in with his ‘family’ bullshit and steal the spotlight away from her. I am so upset like...Kagami you might love Yuu or whatever but let other characters have their own development away from him...especially the girls🤦‍♀️
And for those who loooove long posts and are somehow interested on unpopular characters like me I’ve got some cheap observations, complaining and theorising...
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She is so pretty I am crying
For those who don’t know or forgot about it (I cannot blame you though), the name of Sangū Mitsuba’s demon is Tenjiryū. Their name literally translates to ‘Heavenly-Shaped Dragon’ or ‘Heaven-Shaped Dragon’ and let me get straight to the point; guys it sounds more badass than any of the other demons’ names we have! I find curious the choice of “Heaven” though since it doesn’t fit a demon🤔 Moreover, the demon of Mitsuba’s older sister, Sangū Aoi, is called Chijiryū, which translates to ‘Earth-shaped Dragon’ and I find so intriguing that out of all the cursed gears that the Japanese Imperial Demon Army must have in their possession, Mitsuba somehow happened to be compatible with one bearing a similar name to her sister’s demon.
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I cannot believe this demon is of a lower series. I mean, it’s HUGE. Befitting of a dragon😤 It’s definitely either the biggest weapon in the whole series or the second biggest. I don’t know about size since Mitsuba’s axe and Shinoa’s scythe are differently shaped but in terms of mass I think the axe is heavier because it looks more compact. Also, my respects for the designer because I have never seen such a uniquely shaped war axe👌
You cannot tell me that Shinoa’s huge scythe bears the first progenitor of the vampire race while Mitsuba’s huge battle axe bears a mediocre demon oh god...
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When you have a look at both Tenjiryū and Gekkōin here it’s hard to believe Gekkōin is higher ranked than Tenjiryū.
The gender is unknown although I suspect Tenjiryū is a male by looking at their muscular torso and biceps of their manifestation form. Lol it would be funny if Tenjiryū turns out to be another ripped demon like Gekkoīn because then that would mean we would have another scary demon-cute human pair😅 But I don’t really care about Tenjiryū’s gender or how they look like as long as they are not another androgynous child demon😒
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Mitsuba probably has the most aggressive fighting style in this series. For being so small she sure has a lot of physical strength...and she was like this since she was 13 awwww
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Tenjiryū’s manifestation into an army of multiple spectral, humanoid beasts (probably dragons) with sharp glowing green blade-like arms and heavenly blue flames is the coolest manifestation I have seen so far in this series.
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Tenjiryū has two strengths: one, is that it works in two different ranges, these being close range and mid range, instead of a single range, and two, it is able to be used for both offence and defence.
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This manifestation looks so scary in the manga because it reaches so high. As expected of a demon whose name has “Heaven” in their name. In my opinion, Tenjiryū has a scarier manifestation than Shikama Dōji and Gekkōin’s because unlike them, Tenjiryū surrounds the whole area and I am feeling claustrophobic pls.
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But I think that the thing I probably love the most about what I’ve seen so far of Tenjiryū is that they fit Mitsuba’s personality. Their style is aggressive like Mitsuba’s personality but if you have a close look most of the times Mitsuba uses Tenjiryū is in order to “protect” or “shield” someone else which fits her caring nature. Especially if you consider that, as explained by Mitsuba herself in chapter 19, manifestation users want to avoid manifesting their demons as much as possible since letting their demons out weakens the host’s body and so leaves them vulnerable to attacks yet Mitsuba is always manifesting Tenjiryū. Such a brave girl🤧
Another thing that I find interesting about Tenjiryū is that all the times Mitsuba commanded them to do something, they always tried to do it which gives me the impression Tenjiryū is quite obedient to Mitsuba. I headcanon that despite the fact that Mitsuba seems emotionally weak, Tenjiryū likes her determination.
However, in the end, looking at Tenjiryū’s name or their manifestation is just something superficial since we don’t know their personality or true potential. So far, Tenjiryū’s manifestation has been used for grabbing something (Mika’s cut arm in chapter 52), as decoys (but are weak individually and they won’t work on progenitors), to protect someone and to slice The Four Horsemen of John from a distance.
Relatively, Tenjiryū is weak but if I remember well, in the fanbook the author said that the rank of the demons is not determined by how strong they are but by how easy they are to handle. Even Kagami went as far as to point out that with demons above the Dōji (or referred as Child too) series there is no clear difference in the strength of the weapons (and this is surprising considering how much the Black Demon rank has been glorified). Tenjiryū’s rank is Dakini, which is just below the Black Demons in the pyramid and above the Doji series. One thing that all Black Demon users have in common is that all of them have been subjected to human experimentation in the past and considering that Mitsuba is human, there is nothing she can do about it. The other requirement for Black Demon users is that they must have a strong willpower and resolution...but this girl has some serious self-esteem issues and indecisiveness behind all that “I am a Sangū/elite!” talk so maybe if she obtains a boost in confidence she will get stronger🤔
However, I don’t really care that much if Mitsuba stays weak forever. This manga doesn’t need anymore INSANE Mary Sues or Gary Stus who get sudden power ups just because they are genetically advantaged. I just want some normal, deep emotional development for her where she lets go off her survivor’s guilt and learns to accept herself for who she is because she has been so hardworking since little and to tell Aoi to go suck Kureto’s d*ck if she is so loooyal to the Hiiragis as she says but maybe that’s asking too much.
My hopes for Tenjiryū’s appearance reveal are small but I still try to remember that despite all that happened in the manga Mitsuba is still a main female deuteragonist with a lot of unaddressed potential and also for the characters in universe it has been less than one day since chapter 70 (while for us it has been almost 3 years) so it’s not like Mitsuba can do something amazing in that short time frame where the focus is on Yuu, Mika and Shinoa. Moreover, I remember Kagami saying that there is something waiting Mitsuba so I hope he didn’t forget about it💔
Additionally, some people have observed that humans and their demons share similarities so I wanted to point out a small observation for this human-demon pair. Mitsuba was born on the 7th of July, which is the day of Tanabata/Star Festival, a popular Japanese festival that celebrates the meeting of two lovers represented by the stars Vega and Altair, who are separated by the Milky Way and can only meet on the 7/7 once a year. I think this goes well with Tenjiryū’s sky related name :3
If Kagami doesn’t give Mitsu attention then I will do so and I don’t give a fuck if I am being annoying
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withluvgen · 3 years
About time
Kuroo x fem! reader
Y/N is Nekoma’s manager and is secretly dating Kuroo. What happens when Daishou starts hitting on her?
Warnings: Language. Some Fluff. 
word count: 1,156
a/n: This is my first Haikyuu fic so I hope y’all like it. Kind of just thought of this scenario with Kuroo the other night and just had to write it. 
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You were sat on your bed with your boyfriend’s head on your lap, both of you just silently scrolling through your phones. It was a normal occurrence for you and Kuroo to hangout like this, no words needed to be said, just each other’s presence is enough. It was one of the things you loved about your relationship with him. Although, you two had kept your relationship a secret for almost six months now. The arrangement started when you almost didn’t agree to date him, worried about what the team might think if they found out that their manager and captain were dating, so you both decided to keep things between the two of you low-key until after nationals. Kuroo would hate to admit it but he loved it. He loved being the only one seeing your sweet and affectionate side, and you felt the same way about him. 
Keeping your relationship a secret seemed easy, or so you thought. There were times that Kuroo would make it really difficult by teasing you in front of the team. Then there were those times where you’d be hanging out with him and Yaku, and the latter would start playfully flirting with you, Kuroo would get pissed and start scolding Yaku about how he shouldn’t flirt with the team’s manager because of “professionalism.” There were a lot of close calls too, like that one time you accidentally called him baby during morning practice, and that one time during lunch where he almost kissed you because you brought him a bento. The only person who actually knew of your relationship was Kenma, since he’s Kuroo and your best friend. 
Having your relationship a secret was why most of your dates would just be hanging out at each other’s house and ordering takeout while watching a movie. It was nice because you’d get to cuddle into him and spend the rest of the day together. Much like today, you finished watching your favorite Disney movie and were just enjoying each other’s presence. The silence, however, was broken when you groaned in annoyance.
“You okay, Kitten?” Kuroo asked as he looked up at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah. It’s just Daishou.” You gave out a tired sigh. “Again.” 
Kuroo sat up reaching for your phone which you handed over to him so he can read Daishou’s recent dm. He rolled his eyes upon reading the cheesy pick-up line that was sent to your dm’s. 
“I’m starting to see why Mika dumped him.” He said nonchalantly as he handed you your phone back. “Want me to tell him to back off?”
 “It’s fine. It’s not like his pick-up lines work on me anyway.” You said with a shrug.
“Y/N, he’s been bothering you for two weeks now. It doesn’t sit well with me.” 
“You don’t have anything to worry about, Tetsu.” You said cupping his cheek. “Besides, if he tries anything tomorrow you’ll be there for me.”
“Yeah. Let’s just hope for his sake he doesn’t.” Kuroo said, clenching his jaw.
It was time for the Tokyo qualifiers and Nekoma had just arrived. After making sure that everything was set, you went to go fill up the team’s water bottles for their first match. On your way back to the team, you spotted Daishou and the rest of Nohebi heading the same way. Slight panic washes over you, knowing full well how your boyfriend would react to seeing the other captain. You quickly make your way to where both teams are, and before you even got the chance to set down the basket of water bottles you were holding you heard Daishou say your name. 
“Yeah? Well at least I can get a girlfriend again. Right, y/n?” He said looking over at you and winking once you looked up at him. 
“I-” You were about to say when Kuroo cut you off. 
“Like she’ll ever date you.” He scoffed. “Leave her alone will you?” 
“Mind your own business, bed head. I’m pretty sure y/n would rather date me than you.” Daishou said a little too arrogantly. Kuroo smirked and looked over to you. You give him a questioning look, wondering what was going on inside his head.
“I don’t think your lame pick-up lines work on her. I mean really “I should major in photography because I can picture us together.” Did you just go online and searched for pick-up lines or something?” Kuroo teased. “I’m sure y/n loved that one.”
“H-how?” Daishou asked as he looked at you, your hands covering your face. He shook it off before continuing. “Well it’s better than all those lame ass chemistry ones you use. What was that one you used on that one manager from Itachiyama before, something about sodium or whatever?”
You smiled to yourself remembering all the chemistry pick-up lines Kuroo would use on you before you two started dating. Some of them were cringey but if you were being honest, you thought they were cute and were kind of on brand for your bed headed boyfriend. It was something that made you like Kuroo even more.
“I’ll have you know that my chemistry pick-up lines are what got y/n to be my girlfriend.” Kuroo said matter-of-factly. Your head abruptly snaps to look at Kuroo, your eyes wide and mouth agape. 
“What the fuck, Tetsu?” a mix of anger and relief in your tone. Kuroo instantly covers his mouth with his hand upon realizing what he just said. 
“You and y/n? You’re joking, right?” Daishou asked as he looked between the shocked expressions you and Kuroo had, a blush forming on your cheeks. “Unbelievable. I’m done here.”
Daishou walked away, followed by his team who was snickering behind his back. Kuroo walked over to where you were standing, scratching the back of his head. You looked up at him with a pout. Before either of you could say a word, Yaku spoke up for the team.
“Geez, about time you two said it out loud. We were all tired with you both failing miserably at hiding your relationship.” Yaku said with his hands on his hips, a teasing smile on his lips. Behind him the rest of the team were nodding in agreement.
“What?” You and Kuroo both asked in unison. Your face now a deeper shade of red.
“You two were quite obvious, cap.” Yamomoto spoke up. “I mean seriously, the constant flirting and pet names during training? It’s embarrassing how you both think that we don’t notice that.”
“For once I agree with him.” Kenma says without looking away from his game. 
“I blame you for this.” You said as you buried your face in your hands once again. Kuroo chuckled at the sight of you.
“Cheer up, Kitten. At least, we don’t have to hide anymore.” Kuroo said as he wrapped an arm around you, kissing your forehead in the process.
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Hope you liked this. Thanks for reading!
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thesoundofanicefall · 3 years
Chapter 99: Guren Ichinose just suffered too much to care
Time to talk about new chapter!
Actually there is not much to say cause I had guessed all of these before actually that was no doubts that Asuramaru is a traitor, Shikama doji is the real villain and Yuu and the squad will join Guren to save Mika if people still can't understand who is good and who is bad in this story the problem is in them not in the story anymore tbh🤷‍♀️
But something very important I want to talk about is Guren breaking down this chapter finally.
But why Guren still take responsibility of everything even things which weren't his fault?
Did you ever think about this?
Let me say.
For example in this chapter and chapter 82 that was fully confirmed that the Catastrophe wasn't Guren's fault like AT ALL and that was going to happen anyway with him or without him but why he still says that he is its responsible?
We all do know that Yoichi's older sister, Tomoe, killed by Lacus this is something we don't need to discuss about it as it was proved at the beginning of the manga that when the Catastrophe happened and the moment that vampires were collecting the children, Lacus killed Yoichi's sister and we all know that moments he was killing her Guren was 16 years old and was completely some place else and didn't even know who the fuck Lacus is and was trying to resurrect his friends!!! So he had NO role on her death actually! But he STILL says that was his fault.
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Another one is Mahiru's death.
We all know that Mahiru killed herself at the end of Catastrophe story and she sucided Guren didn't even touch her!! But still he told to Shinoa that was HIS fault and HE killed her.
We all know that MAHIRU killed Guren's friends but he STILL says that was his fault ALTHOUGH THAT WASN'T.
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But why?
Did you ever ask yourself about it?
Ok before I start to explain I need to say that I am a medical student and I had saw many patient in my life and do know about mental sickness far more than you so remember what I am going to say is something completely base on science and my experiance all these years.
So base of all I know I tell you that Guren is sick.
He is suffering from a mental illness name: "Self Hatred Syndrome"
And his sickness didn't start since he was 16 and he lost his family but his sickness started since he was 5 years old the moments he lost Mahiru as the only friend he ever had on that age and till he was 15 before meeting with Shinya.
As a 5 years old kid he was blaming himself why he couldn't save him and was calling himself "Weak" which is a very clear symptom of this sickness.
Someone who call themselves as: Weak, the bad one, everything my fault, ugly or whatever such them actually is suffering from this sickness unfortunatelly.
And Guren is no different too generally people who are too kind or suffer too much traumas mostly suffer from this syndrome.
His kindness made him to become sick.
Can we remember his father's death?
Guren was blaming himself AGAIN as he thought because he was and is WEAK his father died and he couldn't save him although we all know that wethere Guren was successful or not the Hiragi clan were going to kill him as they didn't want Guren to gain more power.
So actually that wasn't important if he won or not his father still was going to be kill.
And now you can clearly see my mean about why Guren has such a syndrome and unfortunatelly he is STILL suffering from this without having anyone to help him.
People with this syndrome needs to physically be touch.
They need to be hug and they need people who care for them and make them believe that they are important to them and these are people in this world who dearly care about them but before that people needs to know they have such a sickness! (maybe the reason Guren hugged Shinya when they were sitting on a Motorcycle on Wrat19 volume 2 and was starting to listen to his heart beats was also because he wanted to physically be touch by someone)
I mean yes Shinya and the others are always with him but NOT truly be with him.
Guren can't tell them WHY he is suffering.
He CAN'T ask them for help or anything.
And that's why his sickness is on a very dangerous level that even if he can finally save people he loves and reach to a point that he won't can call himself WEAK he will STILL won't believe himself and may go for sucide no wonder he told to Mika before that after he will successfully bring back the humanity he won't have anymore reason to live.
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Means that even if everything will be ok, if the world will be ok, if his friends won't be in danger anymore, if everyone will be happy he STILL can't live anymore and this is the last level of this syndrome unfortunatelly.
Ofc there is no doubt that people like the Hiragi clan, Mahiru and Saito had a very big and nice role in making him to reach to this level and they are the ones who really should be blame for this.
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cadykeus-clay · 4 years
that ask meme... TALK to me about widojest
One Week Later .... I am released from midterms and I celebrate by answering this ask. 
001: send me a ship and i will tell you
1. when I started shipping it if I did:
very cliche, but in my first watch thru of m9 when we hit that bar in hupperdook and jester kissed caleb on the cheek and his eyes went Into his hairline with shock, i was like ohhhhhhh he’s got it BAD bad. I was hook line and sinker for caleb’s crush on jester at that point, and i honestly couldn’t tell you when i started going Oh so what if jester returned it too. 
2. my thoughts:
they really are such foils for each other; excessive naivety vs. the man who’s seen far too much, and watching them expose each other to sides of the world they didn’t think could possibly exist and learn and grow and get out of their bubble and become healthier and more well rounded because of it. God . its so fucking good.
3. What makes me happy about them:
they just. they support each other so much. and they’re so considerate of each other’s perspectives and desires and its all the little moments of encouragement and doing things that inconvenience them just because they know it’ll make the other person smile. Not to be a MIKA whore but like ,,,, Tiny Love. Good. 
4. What makes me sad about them:
“hopelessly” in love 
5. things done in fanfic that annoys me:
I’m very very picky when it comes to people’s characterization of Caleb’s self loathing. I have a line that’s defined but only in my subconscious of how much “well i suck shit and jester will never love me and i deserve to die alone” is ok because like. He hates himself in canon so I do think it should be included; but it gets real old real fast when all he ever does is mope. Like the man has a happy side kings and kongs.
6. things I look for in fanfic:
Them making stupid jokes together! Caleb has a sense of humor and jester brings it out!!!!! give me the shitty puns and pranks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other:
Comfortable with, anyone. Like i trust cr to make actual good character choices. My personal ship preferences that I like best are beaujes and widofjord but honestly with the way things have progressed in canon, I don’t see either of those as actual real options anymore so like. whatever goes. 
8. My happily ever after for them:
I think best case scenario here is a pikelan scenario where they take it slow and date on their own time after adventuring is all over. I think if they were to try and actually get together and deal with All That Relationship Baggage while also trying to save the world, the relationship would just end up falling apart. 
9. who is the big spoon/little spoon:
caleb is the little spoon
10. what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Cat Time (although they have two very different ideas of what Cat Time should entail)
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kissjane · 3 years
So, Miss Stela 😇 @awake-dreamer18, you put the idea in my head, and I have a new WIP.
So for Fan Choice Friday, I present you a good old case of Mistaken Identity!
(The below may or may not become the start of the story and is unedited in any way shape or form.)
Lucas waited impatiently for the green dot to appear next to Raccoon’s icon. After the day he’d had, he wanted nothing more than to vent about it to his best friend – okay, fine, probably more than just his best friend by now. Yann had started to call Raccoon Lucas’ boyfriend, which, well, was definitely not the truth, but Lucas couldn’t deny he wouldn’t mind that at all. It was just that he didn’t know how to bring that up to the guy he’d been talking to for over a year now.
How did you tell somebody you hadn’t ever met in real life, hadn’t even really seen any pictures of, except the tantalizing bits and pieces in the pictures he had sent you (a hand holding up a book, with rings on every finger; shins in frayed black jeans and ankles in a picture of a tiny dog near his feet; a blurry reflection in the bus window – Lucas had focused on that rather than the sunrise over the Eiffel Tower Raccoon had been admiring so much; a cropped torso with a particularly paint-stained t-shirt; a close-up of a cheek with the pan flag), that you thought you had a crush on him?
They had discussed their sexuality, of course. Raccoon was one of the first people Lucas had come out to, after his friends. Hence the picture of the pan flag, which he had received in reply to his confession. But still. Falling for a basic stranger online was probably not the normal way to go about things – although Mika had argued that the success of online hookup apps would belie that. Lucas had pointed out he wasn’t talking about a hookup, and that anyway those apps usually included pictures showing off a bit more than a hand, a knee, a cheek.
None of that mattered anymore when the green dot finally appeared and Raccoon was furiously typing. Lucas felt his smile widen, waiting for whatever beautiful thing Raccoon wanted to share today.
Hi, my wonderful D! I missed you so much today, you are the first good thing on this whole fucking day from hell. I hope you have nothing else to do tonight because I want to talk to you for hours. Just to forget all about it.
Lucas immediately forgot about his own shitty day. Meeting his new co-worker who turned out to be an arrogant, pretentious snob was just a minor blip, not worth talking about, not when Raccoon had a bad day and needed Lucas.
I am all yours for as long as you want.
He clicked send before realizing he might be coming on too strong, so he quickly followed up with something he hoped was more casual.
Tell me all about your day from hell. Who do I kill? 😉
Raccoon sent a bunch of smileys back, and then started typing.
Well, I met some people today. Actually, a whole bunch of new people, and in a new environment. And there was a lot of new information, too.
Oh, a new class? Or a project?
A… project, of sorts. Anyway. I was so nervous of fucking everything up.
Lucas knew. Raccoon had told him about his difficulties in new situations. He struggled to hit the right tone, afraid of interpreting things wrong. Lucas had gotten the impression that Raccoon was shy at heart, even though he was open and honest and passionate about everything he did.
And there was this guy…
The “typing” notification appeared, then vanished, appeared again. However, no message came through.
This guy?
This guy. Yeah.
He was… pretty, actually.
A brief pang shot through Lucas. This was the first time Raccoon talked about a guy like that. He’d talked about some girls, an ex, and Lucas knew about the pan part, but still.
That doesn’t sound like a bad thing.
No, but he was…
He kept trying to talk to me, so I couldn’t focus on what I was doing. I think he might have wanted to get lunch together but I just really needed some quiet time so I brushed him off, and then he became all – I don’t know. Stubborn? Standoffish? He refused to talk to me, or explain stuff again, and then got angry when I messed up. He was a lot less pretty when he glared at me like I was stupid.
Lucas – not for the first time – wished he could pull Raccoon in for a hug. What a jerk that dude was. And that was purely based on how he treated Raccoon, obviously – it had nothing to do with Lucas’ faint but growing feeling of jealousy of Raccoon called the guy pretty – twice.
Sorry to hear that. Such a prick.
I might have been somewhat rude... But it was all a bit overwhelming and I just… Anyway. Damage is done, I guess. Maybe I should have texted you to help me calm down, and then things would have gone better.
Things usually go better when I’m talking to you.
Lucas didn’t know how to react to any of that. Raccoon had never been rude to him, so he doubted he would be in real life. And that last text just tilted his whole world so far out of axis it made him dizzy for a second.
Apparently, he took too long, because his phone vibrated again.
Sorry, didn’t mean to kill the conversation.
No, no, not at all. I was just thinking he still sounds like a prick, is all.
We don’t have to talk about him anymore.
How was your day? I hope it was a lot better than mine.
The new guy sprang back to Lucas’ mind. He’d been so smug, even when he came in. He hadn’t even introduced himself when he came out of the locker room with his apron tied all wonkily, and when Jo had asked for his name, he hadn’t given her an answer. Then he’d fumbled with the coffee machine, and later the register, never asking for any help, instead preferring to fuck things up beyond recognition. He’d apologized the first time, when the espresso machine started releasing alarming amounts of steam, but in such a haughty manner Lucas had barely responded.
Still, he’d been willing to give him the benefit of the doubt – first days were always nerve-wracking, and maybe starting on a busy Monday wasn’t the best way to get eased into things. And, okay, fine, the guy was actually really attractive, too. So Lucas had made him a latte and mentioned something about having a break, but the guy had snatched the drink out of Lucas’ hands without even as much as a thank you and gone outside to munch on some granola bars. Lucas knew when he was being ditched, but the guy could have been less arrogant and dismissive about it, surely.
But he couldn’t bother Raccoon with all that. Not when the latter was already upset and stressed out. So he didn’t.
Oh, you know. Business as usual. Work, school, waiting for some prince to come sweep me off my feet. 😉
He hoped Raccoon would laugh at his joke, but instead, it took him a long time to reply, and when he did, he asked about some movie they’d both been wanting to see, and they talked about nothing more personal than that all night.
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askmissthunder · 3 years
Why do you think that Red Rabbit’s friends didn’t freak out when they first saw you Miss Thunder?
Miss Thunder: Well...to be honest, they kind of did. Maybe it's better if I tell you the first time Cassie introduced us.
A while ago...
(Cassie walks through doors of Ocean City University's Cafeteria. Her friends in the dance squad, Amanda, Deb, Joanie, Karen, Lailani, Stacey and Tamika, are all sitting at one large circular table.)
Tamika: Hey, there she is!
Amanda: Where y'all been, Cass? It ain't like you to miss so many lunches with us.
Cassie: Sorry, sorry! It's just been... well, I've met someone.
Joanie: Oh ho! What's his name?
Deb: Or her name? Hee hee!
Cassie: No! Not like that! I mean, I've made a new friend. Her name's Penny.
Stacey: And what? She's doesn't want you to eat with us anymore?
Karen: *Gasp!* Is she really an alien and is trying to keep you away from us so she can take you to her home planet? Because if she is, can I go?
Cassie: ......No, Karen.
Lailani: Well? What's the deal then? Whatcha been up to?
Cassie: It's not that I want to keep you girls away, it's just... God, how do I put this? She, um, has a... condition.
Stacey: What do you mean? What kind of condition?
Cassie: It's...pretty unique.
Tamika: What, like she's in a wheelchair or something?
Cassie: ...You can say that.
Joanie: *Snort* Cassie! Come on! What kind of jackasses do you take us for?
Lailani: We'd never make fun of somebody who's disabled! (Points at Deb) This one, however...
Deb: Hey, wait a minute! I know I can be a bitch but I'm not THAT bad! Jesus!
Cassie: It's just that...she's really shy about her condition. She didn't want us to be seen with her. She thought she'd embarrass us be being seen with her.
(The girls give a sad groan)
Amanda: Ohh! Naw naw naw! Bring her on over!
Karen: Yes, we'd love to eat lunch with her!
Cassie: Okay, I'm gonna bring her over but girls, I'm serious! Do NOT say anything bad! I mean it!
Stacey: Cassie! Just go get her, for Pete's sake!
(Cassie gets up from her seat and walks briskly out the doors)
Deb: So...Whattya think she's got? She can't just be in a wheelchair. It's gotta be something crazy.
Stacey: Scoliosis, maybe? I had a great aunt who had it and she needed a wheelchair.
Tamika: What if she's paralyzed from the waist down?
Joanie: Or she lost her legs in an accident?
Lailani: Hmm...those aren't so bad that she wouldn't want to be seen with us though.
Karen: I got it! She's a mermaid! She can't walk on dry land so she needs a wheelchair to get around!
(The girls stare at her)
Amanda: Karen, remember what we talked about: Mermaids ain't real.
Karen: I know what I saw! She was playing a ukulele down at the boardwalk! She had green hair and she smelled like oysters!
(Cassie bursts through the double doors, holding one door open herself while keeping the other pried open with a nearby trash can)
Cassie: All right, Penny! Here they are!
(The girls' jaws drop as they see the biggest, fattest girl they've ever seen in their life roll in on a motorized wheelchair nearly the size of a golf cart towards their table. The sounds of gasps, snickering and outright laughter could be heard from all over the cafeteria.)
Cassie: Penelope Abbot, meet the Sensational Sirens, the best dance squad on the East Coast, if I say so myself!
Stacey: ....
Joanie: ....
Karen: ...Big...
Lailani: ....
Amanda: ....
Deb: .....Holy Fuck.
Tamika: ....Cassie, can I talk to you over here? In private?
Cassie: Sure! Just make yourself comfy, Penny! I'll be right back!
(The two girls walk a short distance away)
Tamika: Cass, you know we go way back right? Like, elementary school?
Cassie: Uh,yeah?
Tamika: So you know I'm being honest with you by asking what the hell's going on here?
Cassie: 'Mika, calm down. It's not that big of a deal.
Tamika: Uhh, have you seen this girl you brought here? She's a pretty big deal!
Cassie: Oh my god, I was afraid you'd all act this way. She's just a girl! I told you she had a condition!
Tamika: When you said a "condition", I thought she had leg braces or something, not that she was the size of a house!
Cassie: Tamika. Stop.
(Tamika sighs and pinches her nose)
Cassie: Look. I wouldn't be hanging out with her if I didn't like her. I promise she's the sweetest girl. She's really nice and funny when you get to know her. Just give her a chance, please? For me?
Tamika: *Sighs* Fine. I trust your opinion, Cass but you gotta prepare us better than that, okay?
(Cassie nods as they share a brief hug before heading back towards the table)
Cassie: All right ladies! As I was saying, this here's Penny and she's from ♪ Manchester, England, Englaaaand! Across the Atlantic Sea! ♪
Penny: *Waves sheepishly* 'Allo. It...it's London, actually.
Cassie: *Winks* Just a little musical reference, Penny!
Stacey: Really? You came all the way from England?
Penny: Mmm-hmm.
Joanie: Wow, that's pretty cool. How is it over there?
Penny: G...good. Rainy. But good. L...lots of museums I like to visit. J...jolly good stuff.
Deb: *Snickers* "Jolly good." Oh, this should be a hoot...
Amanda: *Side-eyeing Deb* A hoot to get to know you, Penny! Shoot, Ah just moved to Ocean City myself not too long ago!
Penny: Really? Where are you from?
Amanda: Why, just the great state of Kentucky, of course! Born and raised!
Lailani: My family's from the Philippines, Penny! We moved to the states when I was a little girl, though.
Penny: Blimey, that's -
(A milkshake comes flying through the air and strikes against Penny's shoulder, splattering all over her. Her mouth is open in shock as her eyes start to water. To Penny's surprise, though, all the girls immediately stand from their seats.)
(Two boys make a run for the doors as Amanda, Tamika, and Deb bolt after them)
(As they give chase out the doors, the other girls surround Penny, trying to clean her up)
Lailani: Oh my god, Penny! I'm so sorry that happened!
(Penny can't even speak due to an overflow of emotions)
Stacey: Fucking assholes! I can't believe that!
Penny: ...I...I need to go. I'm sorry. I'm...
Joanie: No no no, you're alright, Penny.
Cassie: Don't apologize. That wasn't your fault some people are jerks.
Penny: No, no. I'm sorry I wasted all of your time. I won't bother you anymo-
Karen: Penny.
(Penny stops and meets her gaze)
Karen: (puts her hands on tops of Penny's giant hands) Take a deep breath with me. Breathe in through your nose.
(After a moment's hesitation, they both inhale)
Karen: Now breathe out through your mouth.
(They exhale slowly and repeat a few more times before Karen puts her hands on Penny's shoulders)
Karen: Penny, I just want you to know that although it doesn't seem like it now but you are appreciated and we're all glad that Cassie has brightened our universe by introducing you to us.
Penny: ...Okay.
Lailani: (Whispering to Stacey) Oh wow, Karen actually used that New Age crap for something good for once.
(The cafeteria doors slam open as Tamika, Amanda and Deb march in, all panting and flustered)
Stacy: You get them?
Tamika: No! Little bastards got away but you saw them! We all saw their faces! I'm gonna tell security about this horseshit! Real fucking mature!
Deb: *Sighs* Sorry, Penny. We would've dragged them all the way back here if we could. Make them apologize to your face.
Amanda: Hmph! That would've been the least of their concerns! Ah would've knocked their dumb asses out right then and there! Where Ah'm from, you don't treat a lady like that! Don't matter what she looks like! Ain't right!
(Cassie looks around and sees that everyone in the cafeteria is looking at them)
Cassie: You know what? Let's blow this pop stand. There's a nice cafe right down the street, Penny. How about you show us all those teas you were telling me about?
(Penny looks around her and sees Cassie and her friends smiling warmly at her)
Penny: ...I'd like that.
Miss Thunder: And that was that.
Red Rabbit: Aww! I forgot how shy you used to be, Penny!
MT: Heh, still am, really. But that was the first time I felt like anyone outside of my family really cared about my well-being since I moved to the States. Especially considering I just met the girls for the first time and they were that concerned for me.
RR: Hey, the Sirens always got your back, Penny. Don't start nothing, won't be nothing!
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italian-pastry · 3 years
Rambling about the Family Tree
Here’s the Family Tree!
And under the cut is all my rambling about designs or whatever! (this ended up not being about designs too much. Hm)
OK WE NEED TO BE ORGANIZED HERE I’ll be going generation by generation, from left to right. Everyone will be here, just for organization sake. Of course, some people are more important than others, so be warned for long rambles (in generation 2 especially) OK LET’S GO
Generation 1: Iida Parents: Idk man. They don’t even have designs. They’re probably cool Enji: He doesn’t deserve to be drawn well :) That and he doesn’t deserve to meet his grandkids :)) Rei: She deserves to be pretty and be a cool grandma. Her grandkids adore her. Hisashi: This mans is kinda wildin’ in my universe. Whatever he’s up to, it’s not being Inko’s husband. Inko: Soft grandma!!!!! We love her and she loves her grandkids and husband. Toshinori: He deserves to retire and settle down and be happy with his family and be adored by his gandkids. Emiko’s Father: He and Yukie got married (and Yukie got pregnant with Emiko) almost right out of highschool. He expected Yukie to give up her career to care for Emiko, but that didn’t gel with Yukie, so she divorced him when Emiko was little. Idk where he is now. Yukie: We love her. I love her. She’s super sweet and super cool and super short and that’s all you need to know. She also looks a lot like Eijirou (or, at least I tried to make them look similar) Crimson Riot: I subscribe to the Dad-Crimson theory, so here we are. After Emiko started elementary school, Yukie tried to get her career back together, but after meeting and having a thing with Crimson Riot and getting pregnant with Eijirou, she gave it up to be able to care for her kids. Nadie: An American journalist who moved to Japan for work! She and Yukie met and got married when Eijirou was 9-10. She has 3 kids from her previous marriage (that ended in disaster). Christopher Skyline: (Yes, THE Christopher “Captain Celebrity” Skyline. We’re just ignoring the Vigilantes canon over here.) Nadie’s ex-husband and the father of Hanae, Etsuko, and Suzume. He was a serial cheater, and the kids was a desperate attempt made by Nadie to try to make him stick around. Sperm Donor: Just a sperm donor. Mitsuki: Still looks SUPER young. She doesn’t like it when her grandkids call her “Grandma” or anything like that because it makes her feel old. Masaru: Loves being called “Grandpa” or whatever by his grandkids. He loves them, and likes to visit them a lot. Mika: Still quiet and chill. We love her. Kyotoku: Still loud and fun. He’s a cool dude, and he got them smile lines Beru: Her head is weird. I’m sorry queen, but it freaked me out. Ganma: He freaked me out even more. He was my least favorite to draw. Sorry bro. Uraraka’s Parents: Her dad reminds me of my dad (vaguely). They don’t have names, but they’re cool. Also, Ochako was able to get them a nice house, so good for them. Shouta: Just go look at @nartothelar‘s Silver Fox AU that was my main inspiration. He a grumpy old man who only likes his kids and grandkids and family. Hizashi: Same thing as Shouto. I like to think that all of his hair has grayed, so his hair is like Platinum Blond now.
Ok! Gen 1 done, and it was mostly me rambling about Eijirou’s parents. Maybe one day I’ll dedicate a post to them.
Generation 2: Tenya: I had him grow his hair out because 1.) I thought it was cute and 2.) it represents him loosening up a lil’ after school. He wears contacts during Hero Work, but wears his glasses casually. Tensei: Literally just the same dude. He’s Tensei and he’s chill and he’s cool. Dabi: I gave him an eyebrow piercing and a fun new cut. (Fun fact: That’s his Fantasy AU fairstyle) Fuyumi: I hope her hair looks very Teacher-y and Motherly. I think she looks super cute. Natsuo: A simple dude. He finds a cut that works and sticks with it. Although I did give him sideburns and a lil’ touch of beard. Shouta: Instead of shaving his red side, he combs the white side over it. Also, I hc that in his left eye, he’s half blind. Izuku: Yikes. He got the wound early in his hero career. He went blind in his right eye, so he and Shouta together are like 1 and 1/4 blind. Emiko: Eijirou’s older half sister. I would say she’s Girlboss and Natsuo is Malewife, and I think that’s accurate - even if only a little. She’s a social service worker, and met Natsuo in college. I had an old design before, but I like this one A LOT more Eijirou: I am a simp for long hair Eijirou, so here we are. ALSO freckles!!!! I love freckley eijirou. Also stubly beard and cool new scar. He is very dad. Hanae: The chill little sister. Probably a lawyer or professor or something smart like that. Etsuko: The crazy sister. She works in the hero field! If as hero support or as an actual pro, idk yet! Suzume: The ex-crybaby sister. She’s prolly doing something fun and artsy. Also, HUGE demigirl vibes Kane: The energetic little brother! He has most certainly gone pro, since he’s like very early 20s now. Fun Fact!: He was 6 when Mieko was born, so a lot of people thought they were siblings. It only got worse when Akio rolled around. Katsuki: hehe Undercut Bakugou. Also, hearing aids! I put his eyebrow scar there so he and his hubby are matchy matchy. Actually, both of their scars are pretty matchy matchy.... huh. Also, I’m totally not saying he was invloved in the fight that gave Izuku his scar, definitely not. Mashirao: STOP SAYING HE’S PLAIN AND ORDINARY. HE’S BEAUTIFUL DAMMIT. Every time I draw him I think about how darn pretty he is and that he could be like a KPop star or smth Tooru: It’s tooru! Super fun lil’ lady. What a queen. Mina: Look at that kick-ass scar I gave her. It’s what she deserves. Although, that eye may be a lil fucked up. Ah well, at least it looks cool. Yuuga: LOOK AT HIS HAIR. I am so happy with how it turned out! He so pretty. He and Mina are DEFINATELY Girlboss and Malewife. Hado: Also a simple lady. Prolly also needed to stick to her brand of long hair. She still super pretty tho. Lowkey disappointed I didn’t give her the stereotypical Anime-Protag’s-Mom hairstyle Haya: Completely shaved her head, and got more piercings! Like, 100% more Punk Rock. Itsuka: FRECKLES FRECKLES FRECKLES. And short hair!!!!!! Sigh, I love her. Tetsutetsu: I tried to make him look like Ejirou, even if just the face structure. I like how his hair and scar turned out tho. What a lad. Mezo: What a cool dude! Got a sick nasty scar, but covers it with his hair. I think, even with a majority of his face covered, he is still very handsome Miya: She has a name now!!!!!! What an icon. She’s a Hero Costume Designer, and she has a spider mutation. Wolf Spider, specifically (I think). She is so adorable and spunky I love her. Momo: Short hair!!!!!!1!1!1!11! God, what a goddess. We love her so so so much. Also, she gets to have a cool scar, too Kyouka: While she’s in UA, she straightens her hair, but after she graduates, she doesn’t care abt it. Momo rlly likes it curly. She also has that thing going on where you shave all of ur head except for ur bangs (and the side thingies). Oh! And eyebrow piercing! Satsuki: Pretty! Also, I made sure that all the girls who would’ve been 6-7 during the current time all had ponytails now (Satsuki, Etsuko, and Eri) Samidare: He’s super cool, and I decided to give him long hair to make him cooler. Also, Demiboy vibes, anyone? Tsuyu: A queen!!!!!! I love her so much!!!!!!! When her hair is down, it reaches to her shoulder blades. Ochako: SHE LOOKS SO BADASS I AM SO HAPPY. Look at her, with those cool scars, and that cool hair! What a queen! Mirio: Classic Mirio! Tbh, idk if I’ll give Mirio his quirk back. Like a lot of the stuff in the recent arc I’ve ignored, soooo......... Tamaki: He has SO MUCH HAIR. It ridiculous. Since growing it out, he uses it to hide behind if it’s left down. So Mirio likes to do stuff with his hair and make it look cute. Nikko helps, too! Eri: A queen!!!!!!!!!! Idk if she’ll be a Pro Hero or doctor that specializes with pro heroes, but I want her to be happy and help people! Hitoshi: Hanta and Denki weaves flowers into his hair a la Rapunzel all the time. The braid is really loose and shitty a lot of the time tho. Ah well. Denki: Because I moved his black stripe to down the center of his hair, my little sister keeps calling Denki and Race Car. And I agree. He got those scars because he was able to train himself to really not fry his brain anymore, but that means if he overloads, his electricity escapes some other way, so through his ears and into his face. Hanta: That scar was very strategically places because I am a firm believe that Sero will uncannily resemble Shouta when he gets older. I hadn’t done a really good job at that tho....... hm.
Gen 2 is done!!!!!! It was my fave generation to draw UwU. I’m not sure what to say with Gen 3, since I’ve already talked about them a lot. Jeez, idk. I’ll think about something to ramble about later.
@questionableholidayreally Tozen rlly said “I am literally just vibing ;)”
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stuck-in-jelly · 4 years
The Irony of Life (MP100|One-Shot| Fan-Fic Commission)
A short SeriRei one-shot that was commissioned
In which Reigen reflects on his 15 year old mindset and realizes just how wrong he was.
When Reigen was 15 years old he accepted the fact that he was never going to have kids even if he wanted to. With a single glance to his parents, he doubted he would be any better than them and no child deserved a fate like that.  
Yet irony had a way of creeping into his life and taking away his choice, because by the time he was 30 he somehow amassed an army of children who all looked up to him and visited him often, none of which were related to him in any way.  
It had all started with one kid and just ended up snowballing into more and more children before he could even try to stop it. Half of the pictures he has on his clipboard in the office have turned into photos of him and the kids on outings; the time Teru and the Kageyama brothers joined them on their trip to the hot springs, his birthday party with all of them, Ritsu getting thanked by his first client, Rei doing a fortune telling, and so on and so forth.  
He hates to say it, but it’s starting to look like a mother’s scrapbook and he is neither a mother nor in possession of an actual scrapbook (though he has considered investing in one at this rate). And although Mob doesn’t visit the office often anymore, too busy focusing more on his studies and the Body Improvement Club, he accidentally ended up sending more kids his way to replace him.  
More specifically in the form of a bunch of rather loud girls that Tome dragged in hardly with his approval and his office had turned into their hangout spot (much to his dismay when he is trying to work).  
Even now, at the end of the work day, they lay sprawled all over the couch and chairs talking and laughing away as if he hadn't already turned off most of the lights and locked the windows in a subtle way to tell them to get up already.  
Most days Reigen was left alone like this– given that Serizawa typically heads off early for night school– however today was a lucky day and he didn’t have classes which is a godsend since Serizawa is much better with kids than Reigen.  
“Come on, girls. Pack up, we are closing soon.” Serizawa’s voice snapped the girls out of their conversation much faster than his ever would, it was a perfect mix of a stern yet gentle demand that sounded much more like a suggestion making it much more appealing to listen to.
With a ‘tsk’ Reigen looked over to chime in:  
“We are closed,” he sneered before snapping the blinds to the windows shut.  
Imminent whines traveled from the girls.  
“Come on, just a couple more minutes!” one of them pleaded dramatically. It was almost enough to make Reigen roll his eyes.  
“Do you want to be locked in the office?”
“Cool! Like a sleepover!”
“No, no sleepovers in my office.”
Tome leaps up, a tale tell sign she has an idea  
“What if you give me the keys?! I can lock up after we all decide to leave or we stay the night!”
“Absolutely not.” He doesn’t even need to think about that one
“What!? Why?! I'm super reliable?”
A smirk crept on Reigen’s face.  
“Ah yes, like that time you got lost in the cursed woods, or the time Dimple had to possessed you and punch your teacher, or that time you assaulted one of our clients, or when you-”  
“Fine, fine I get it!” the girls were giggling and Tome’s face had turned a bright shade of pink as she slumped in defeat.  
Before he could say much else Serizawa stepped in once again,  
“How about this: Tomorrow we have a case down at Cape Cop Avenue, if we head off now you can tag along for it.”
The girls cheered, accidently having adopted Tome’s curiosity for ghosts and other such creatures. With their minds satisfied somewhat with the idea of a new activity they began to gather their bags and the homework they hadn't even touched the entire time at the office.  
Usually Reigen would scold Serizawa for promising something like that, but the location was an apartment complex that Serizawa had scouted yesterday and as expected there weren’t actually any ghosts there. The scariest thing at the apartment complex was their plumbing system.  
Regardless, Serizawa would be sure to give them a show (thank god none of them were espers).
It wasn’t long until they all began piling out. Somehow it has become a habit for Reigen to walk the girls home and tonight was no exception, the only difference being that Serizawa decided to join them.  
The first destination was for Mika who lived only 3 blocks down from Reigen’s office, she gave an enthusiastic wave goodbye and promised to take a bunch of pictures tomorrow (even though Reigen tried explaining it would be hard to capture a ghost on camera).
Up next was their tall friend whose name Reigen hasn’t caught just yet. She seemed to stare a lot at them when they worked and doodle them but she was the politest of the bunch so Reigen didn’t mind her all that much.  
Then Tome, who groaned loudly as Keiko reminded her of the homework due tomorrow before sulking back into her house with a small wave. Misa lives just two houses down from Tome and jogged ahead since she forgot about the homework too.  
And then last but not least Keiko who without the company of her friends becomes rather bashful and shy only uttering small ‘thank you’s’ and ‘good night’s’ as she scurries into her house.  
With the girls all safely in their houses Reigen without meaning to let out a soft sigh as he stretched, finally allowing himself to relax away from the kids. Usually he’d keep on his facade for Serizawa but lately that illusion has been melting away and luckily, it’s been mutual.  
Serizawa has begun to relax too around him, being more confident and even being so bold as to tease him. They had also begun to work fluidly with each other, understanding what the other needed or wanted with simple quick glances and they practically danced around each other in their morning routines. Reigen even trusted him enough to give him copies of the keys to the office, it was nice to have someone to lean on when you needed it.  
Neither of them said a word but they both began walking in the same direction. Serizawa lived just a bit further from Reigen in a different and better apartment complex than his so it made sense they were sticking together.  
Nights like these were rare but appreciated, his whole life Reigen has always felt like he was supposed to be running just to catch up; but walking like this alongside someone you trust and care about is nice. It makes him feel like he can finally walk instead of run, like there is no rush.
And Serizawa is a good person and perfect company, initially Reigen assumed they didn’t have much in common but as time has moved on it turned out they do and they frequently found themselves talking each other's ear off. Mostly Reigen more than Serizawa but it’s a mutual exchange at least.  
Though right now they seem to appreciate the silence, the girls were a nice change to have in the office but they also tend to drain the two of their energy with how loud and energetic they get, not to mention the trouble and danger they seem to like to get into. The thought alone is already giving Reigen a headache.
“Reigen?” With the sound of his name, he snaps out of it quickly, looking up to Serizawa only letting out a small ‘hm’ of acknowledgement.  
Reigen catches the brief moment Serizawa was looking at him before staring forward instead.
“I know we’ve been busy lately but I was wondering if you would like to join me tomorrow for dinner at my place?”  
Now that was extra new, Reigen has never been over to Serizawa’s apartment. Something about it felt a bit too personal, maybe it's because he hasn’t been over to a friend's place since he was in middle school nor has he had guests over willingly at his own apartment.    
“What’s the occasion?”  
The question makes Serizawa visibly tense, although the man has become more confident in himself, he finds moments like these where he still falters in his choices.  
“Oh! Uh well I just um thought it would be nice to have some company over you know, I wanted to try out this new recipe and I thought it would be nice to have another taste tester and well I’m also trying to get used to having more people over at my place and I-”  
Before he could go on another list of excuses Reigen interrupts,  
“Sure, sounds nice. It’s been a while since I had a home cooked meal anyways.”
The response seemed to calm him down, his shoulders untensing and letting out a not so subtle sigh of relief.  
As casual as Reigen is trying to act though he could feel his heart hammering in his chest in excitement. Every time he’s tried to have a moment alone with Serizawa one of them has always been either busy or with other plans so it would be great to finally have time.  
But Reigen isn't an idiot, he knows exactly why he’s excited for this. He’s noticed how things between them have changed recently and perhaps it’s wishful thinking but he’s noticed from Serizawa too, when his gaze lingers, when he relaxes into soft touches, and the change of his mood from around his friends as opposed to him.
Along with this came a new tension, and not the kind where you want to murder each other or fuck, no it was something different. It was the kind of tension where both parties are trying to read each other and think they know what the other is thinking but they don’t want to make any unwarranted assumptions.  
Reigen’s always been great at reading people, and usually he wouldn’t doubt himself but this is different in many ways. Serizawa is not only a friend but an employee, and he’s being reintroduced to the world away from all the hardships he faced and the trauma he’s brought along with him. If he is right about this, he needs to be careful.
Serizawa is perfectly capable of making his own choices but he needs to go at his own pace and to push anything onto Serizawa wouldn’t be fair.      
There’s another thing Reigen had accepted when he was 15 years old, and it was that no one could ever love him for who he truly is. And that is a firm belief he’s kept, even now as Serizawa leans to be closer to him and he leans back.  
But then again irony loves his company. So maybe 15-year-old Reigen could be wrong about that too.
If you enjoyed this fic please consider commissioning me or donating to my PayPal
If you want this posted on AO3 tell me and I’ll probably do it!! Thank you for reading
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6ftgirlfriend · 5 years
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Elu Prompt #34: “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to bed.”
WARNING: 4.2K. SMUT (First time writing it, so please forgive me asdfghjkl;)
It was summer vacation. After having passed his BAC, Lucas thought Eliott would have time now to enjoy himself this summer. Wrong. Very wrong. He was stuck with having to see his parents the first weekend after school ended — much to Eliott's and especially to Lucas' dismay.
It was a known fact that going one day without the other was painful and was highly not recommended. For everyone's sake, the outgoing and chaotic teen would grow anxious and weary as Lucas would shrivel up into his old grumpy self. It was exhausting to be around Lucas when he got like this, he would whine on and on about missing his boyfriend. One could say it was adorable, but the truth was, Lucas hadn't gotten laid in over a month! He has had it from having been cockblocked by his own boyfriend, which resulted in Lucas having to jerk himself off on occasions. It wasn't enough. Never enough.
Because Eliott strictly instructed that they stayed in different apartments. For the sake of Eliott being able to study for his BAC. He was determined to pass this time, and Lucas was a hundred percent on board except for one thing. Lucas had to stay in Mika's, and Eliott had to be in his apartment. To avoid Lucas' "distracting puppy eyes and naturally cherry red lips that awaited their hourly kisses,” Eliott would say. Which Lucas tried denying but swallowed his words when Eliott's mouths devoured him. Only to prove Eliott's point.
Lucas should feel offended but so what? Every kiss and touch from Eliott sparked light into his very being. Everything became blissful whenever Eliott was around. So sue him for being attracted to his super hot boyfriend.
Besides, it's not like Lucas couldn't live without Eliott. Okay.
Because clearly, Lucas had control. He really did, he didn't need a man to keep him sane. And yet—he missed Eliott. Bad.
Fuck! Okay maybe, he was going slightly insane whenever a tall guy with a resemblance to any form of gravity-defying hair would appear, only to have his heart would skip a beat.
Just slightly.
He was never going to hear the last of it if anyone found out, especially Eliott. Only leaving Lucas feeling like a fool and even more ashamed as he was hallucinating about his own fucking boyfriend! What was this? A Nicholas Spark's film?
Unbelievable. Lucas continues counting down the minutes. Soon, Lucas, soon.
Lucas was feeling thirsty. His throat was dry as the Sahara desert from the summer heat. It was the hottest it's ever been in Paris, but that wasn't all. There was also a fire burning inside him that was boiling at its very core. Sweat started to collect at his temple as he laid on the living room floor in Eliott's house. He was wearing nothing but one of Eliott's shirts and his boxers, staring up at the ceiling in boredom. As the silhouette of the yellow curtains shift and moved with the wind as he had left the balcony door opened. Eliott's AC wasn't working correctly, but the slight breeze was helping.
Eliott had given him a spare key a while back, saying Lucas was welcomed to come by as he pleased. Ever since Eliott left, Lucas had been sleeping in Eliott's apartment. Just needing to be surrounded by everything "Eliott." His home, his bed, his scent, and anything that screams Eliott.
Skipping all the poetic bullshit. Articulating long romantic spiel was more Eliott's schtick. The bottom line was, he was horny.
Curse his poor impulse control.
Eliott was supposed to be coming back home today. And Lucas could hardly wait. Lucas glances at the clock on the wall. It was 18:23. He was beyond anxious. Sure, they've FaceTimed each other and texted one another when they woke up and before they went to sleep. But that's not the same thing. Lucas needed to be physically with Eliott as much as he was emotionally connected with him.
Fine. He admits it. He was clingy and needy. He wasn't fighting it anymore. He was at the end of his rope here.  
Now, Lucas was feeling a bit concerned with how much he wanted to jump Eliott's bones after having not seen him for days with his very eyes as it became too unbearable.
Lucas wanted to roll his eyes at his dramatism.
It was fine. He was going to be a good boyfriend and greet him like a normal person. A completely normal person who hadn't hallucinated his boyfriend in a crowd nor did he jerk off in their bed after getting aroused from having only breathed in Eliott's familiar scent. Nope, Lucas was totally fine.
Upon hearing the door being opened, Lucas scrambles to reposition himself. Why the fuck was he getting nervous for? Jesus Christ, he hadn't been this tense since the common room paint incident. And God, that felt like ages ago, and at this moment, he was feeling jumpy all over again. Butterflies threatened to disperse in his stomach. The anticipation of seeing Eliott's gorgeous self and what's to follow…
"Hello? Lucas? I'm home." Came Eliott's sweet melodic voice. Lucas was spread out on the couch as he pretends to be reading something. Only wanting to slap himself. What the fuck was he thinking? Eliott knew he hated reading. Way to be inconspicuous, Lucas.
Shut up! Respond like a normal human. Go!
Right. Lucas had missed a beat as he looked up from the book to find Eliott looking at him with his blinding smile. Lucas was going to combust from how much he had missed that smile that resembled the sun. He was already gone.
"H-Hi, baby. How was the trip back?" Lucas was going for casual. No need to sound desperate. He was going to be good — no need to get emotional.
Eliott only quirked his lips as his eyes shone brighter as he made his way over to the couch. Before Lucas can register what was happening, he was being picked up like a toddler and was being hugged tightly.
After having snapped out of his unconscious state. Lucas instantly melts into Eliott's embrace. His soft wild hair that smelled divine. His strong arms that were securing Lucas. Lucas returned the hug as fiercely. They were like a knot, finally coming together. He missed Eliott's calming presence. He felt at peace once again. As if everything was back to how it should be.
Nope, Lucas refused to cry. He was not going to cry here and now. And yet, why did his voice sound so broken when he whispered, "I miss you."
Lucas didn't need to see the smile to know when Eliott gingerly whispers back, "I miss you too. I couldn't stop thinking about you, baby." Lucas gazed up into Eliott's piercing eyes now. "Although, I think may have hallucinated seeing you in a crowd and—."
Lucas burst out laughing, feeling both ridiculous and relieved. Upon seeing Lucas' smile, Eliott began chuckling as well. Somehow the tension lessened, and Lucas felt like he could breathe again. The Eliott effect.
He didn't know why he was so nervous before, but it didn't matter now as he finally had Eliott back.
After discussing miscellaneous things with one another and catching up with each other. Eliott and Lucas laid upon the couch in content, but something electric was forming in the air. It was grazing the hairs of their arms, all over their bodies, festering in the pit of their stomachs.
Lucas already knew what to call it; sexual tension.
The atmosphere was beginning to make him tense again as he tried to subtlety glance at Eliott. He didn't know why he felt so conscious of himself. It's not like he's a virgin. They've had sex countless times, however, this time. It was different.
They had been abstinent for a month due to Eliott's request of being determined to pass his BAC. The extra time apart afterward was probably their breaking point because when Lucas looked at Eliott properly this time. His breath caught in his lungs as his throat became dry again.
Eliott was looking at him with hooded lids as if he was prey. Lucas gulped, and Eliott gazed immediately drifts to his neck and lingered there. Lucas was beyond aroused, but he felt like running away for some reason. He quickly got up and made his way to the kitchen. Scratching his head, as he threw back, "You know what? I'm feeling hungry all of a sudden." Maybe a quick snack can relieve his nerves.
Lucas started to look through the cabinet for the ingredients and asked over his shoulder, "you want anything, Eliott?"
When Eliott's low voice came from behind his ears. "I could eat."
Fucking Christ on a platter!
Lucas may or may not have jumped as he was startled by Eliott's sudden presence. Goddamnit! Lucas forgot how sneaky Eliott could be. After a few seconds, Lucas tried to collect himself.
Without turning around asked, "I asked what do you want." Lucas knew the answer. He just wanted to hear it. Needed to hear it.
He felt the heat of Eliott's body radiating off his back, coming closer. Sweat was running down his neck as he felt Eliott's arms snake around his middle. As Eliott whispered into his ear.
"I want you."
Lucas sighed blissfully when Eliott began peppering kisses along his neck, sucking softly.
"Can I, baby?"
Lucas gripped the arms surrounding him, a silent cue for Eliott to continue.
He loves receiving hickeys from Eliott. It made him feel closer to Eliott as his skin would tinkle from grazing against them. To be marked up by Eliott sent pride through his whole being. As he was getting caught up in the moment as Eliott began nipping at his jawline. Lucas suddenly realized something, where were his hourly kisses? It had been more than days since he'd received them. He was feeling spiteful as he proceeded to turn towards Eliott.
He was now pinned to the kitchen counter and Eliott's hard body. He stared up at Eliott hungrily.
"Don't you dare tease me now, where is my damn kiss?" Eliott only smirked and chuckled lowly in return. Eliott's arms tighten up to lift Lucas again.
Seriously? Was Lucas that skinny?
Not that he was complaining as Eliott settled Lucas onto the kitchen counter gently with his legs dangling off the sides. Now, they were eye to eye and the perfect position to kiss.
"Well, since you asked so nicely..." Before Lucas could respond, Eliott sealed his lips by captivating them, practically consuming him. It was messy and out of control. Logic and reason disappear as the collision came close to euphoric. He was moaning from having only felt those familiar lips on his own again.  
Every time Eliott's lips met Lucas', he swore he saw glimpses of heaven. Eliott's tongue was demanding access and Lucas gladly complied. Deepening the kiss made Lucas lose all sense of control. Something finally set them off. Igniting their passion and appetite for one another. Eliott makes sure to strip Lucas of his shirt hastily and pulled his own above his head and disposed of them as they went back to touching every inch of each other in a crazed frenzy.
Lucas had grown hard since their kiss, as he felt his leaking cock demanded attention. But the way Eliott's tongue was exploring his mouth was already making him feel like he was coming apart. His hands were gripping Eliott's hair. His legs trembled from the friction of rutting against Eliott. He was tightening them around Eliott's hips, to hold him closer.
Closer. Need you closer!  
Eventually, they had to break apart to come up for air. The string of saliva that connected them make Lucas whine as he felt inflamed. His loose boxers left little to the imagination. As if sensing his distress, Eliott glanced down and grinned mischievously.
"Do you need a hand there?"
Lucas scoffs as he lightly pushed at Eliott's solid chest. "Oh, fuck you! It's been a while. You're going to tease me now?"
Eliott took the hand at his chest and brought them up to kiss the fingertips. "Baby, you know, I'm the best at teasing you."
"Mhm. Yeah, I know what else you're best at." Feeling lewd and drunk on lust, Lucas grunts as he continued staring intensely into Eliott's eyes. Anticipating.
“If you keep looking at me like that, we won’t make it to the bed.”  Lucas whimpered as Eliott teasingly brought his index finger into his mouth, sucking on it. He was staring back at him, daring him.
"I swear to God, Eliott! If you don't—ngghh!"
Lucas was pretty sure his whole brain stopped functioning once he saw Eliott lick his own palm. Never breaking eye contact as he felt Eliott's veiny hand slide down from his abs into his boxer, firmly gripping his throbbing dick. The long fingers held him gently before eventually stroking him with precision. He gripped Eliott's shoulders as he let out a sinful moan. As Eliott began pumping Lucas, he started to shake from the pleasure. "Ah, fuck! P-please, Eliott." Lucas couldn't breathe as his moans caught his words.
"What is it, baby? What do you want." Eliott still had his cheeky grin as he took in Lucas' pained expression, gleefully. This sadist. Only slowing the pace of his strokes as he prolonged the question, thumb teasing the slit of his foreskin. "You have to tell me, baby." Oh God, Lucas rolled his eyes back as he felt Eliott bit the side of his neck. Never hurting him but enough to leave him panting like he was in heat.
Eliott had a slightly sadistic streak, no one would have guessed it just by looking at his calm demeanor and blinding smiles, but right now, Lucas was at his mercy, and he'd never been so turned on. Fuck, how he had missed this.
"Nngghh, please, Eli—ah!" Lucas was barely comprehensible. All his thoughts were Eliott, Eliott, Eliott! He could only hook his legs around Eliott's torso tightly as he tried to get closer, refusing to let go.
But Eliott wasn't having it. He abruptly let go of Lucas' cock and gripped his jaw instead to have Lucas look into his eyes. He was trying to get Lucas to focus.
"Tell me."
Whining from both lost of pleasure and seeing how dark Eliott's gaze has become was making him hazy. And yet, Lucas managed to pant out, "I w-want you to fuck me!" If Eliott thought he was the one in control, he had another thing coming. With all the strength he could muster, Lucas pulled Eliott closer and whispered harshly into his ear as he bit down on the earlobe. "Damn you! I want your cock. I want to feel you inside. Now."
Eliott shuddered as he never saw Lucas being so aggressive while they had sex. The desire had taken over both of them now as Eliott kissed Lucas hard on the mouth as he bit down on those luscious lips. "So good for me...How do you want it, baby?"
"Bed. Now."
Fuck the French language, Lucas didn't have time for words as he desperately needed to feel Eliott fill him to the brim with his cock. It's been too long. He lost it now.
Wasting no time, Eliott lifted Lucas by his ass, practically groping them as Lucas continues to seek out Eliott's lips, settling for his neck instead. Eliott had to kick open his bedroom door as everything became blurred in the background.
He placed Lucas down on the bed as he bounces slightly on the sheets. Eliott began to undo his belt buckle. He was breathing hard as he saw Lucas reached into his nightstand for the bottle of lube. His ass was all there for Eliott's eyes to feast on.
Shaking his head, now is not the time for that. He needed to be inside Lucas. Finally stepping out of his briefs. The now naked Eliott quickly pulls the offensive boxers off of Lucas, releasing his bulging prick.
And God, what a sight it was. Eliott took it all in, the flushed expression on Lucas as his blue eyes became stormy with lust. His hair was a complete utter mess, and his chest was heaving from exertion. And his pretty little prick was turning a deep shade of red from having been erect from far too long.
Eliott knew he didn't look any better. It had been too long, but Eliott had to stay strong for the sake of passing high school. Now that he has succeeded, he felt like he deserved this. This moment here with Lucas. His beautiful Lucas.
Sensing a shift in the atmosphere, Lucas tugs Eliott's arm. "Babe? Are you okay?"
Upon hearing Lucas' concerned yet raspy voice brought him back. He took Lucas' arms and pinned them to the side of his head. "Yeah, never been better. I love you so much, baby."
When Lucas heard that, the younger boy's facial expressions blossoms into that big smile of his whenever he was delighted. All teeth and starry eyes. "I love you too, but I need you now, or I'm gonna have to ride you myself."  
Eliott felt like he was on cloud nine. How did he get so damn lucky to have the most beautiful and most perfect being here with him? Unreal.
Eliott chuckled, "No need for that. Let me take care of you, baby."
And he began leaving kisses along Lucas' neck, slowly making his way down. Lower and lower, making Lucas impatient as he moaned with his head tilted back. He tried to get friction for his cock, which was dripping with pre-cum by rutting up against Eliott's thighs. But Eliott had other plans.
After coating his fingers with lube. His fingers found their way to Lucas' rim. Eliott's eyes widened. Did Lucas— "Did you prepare yourself? For me?" Eliott was beyond aroused as he looked back up to Lucas. Seeing him blushed that lovely shade of cherry can only confirm it. Eliott was so turned on; he roughly slipped two fingers into Lucas' tight hole.
Which only made Lucas yelped in response. "Aaahhh- fuck! Nggh! You ass—" Lucas was thrashing now as he desperately needed to be fucked, or he was going to lose it officially.
Eliott smirked as he didn't have to work as hard in loosening up Lucas as slipped his third finger in. His goal was to find Lucas' prostate now. "Shhhh, I got you baby. I have you now." It had been a while, and Eliott didn't want to hurt Lucas. After a few more jabs around Lucas’ rim as he feels around the nerves before curling them. Lucas' arms came to grip at his shoulders as he screams from the sudden pleasure.
"Fuck! Nghh- need. Inside! N-now!"
Ah, he finally found it.
Eliott could look at this sight for eternity, but his raging boner was demanding for action. He quickly got himself into position as he lined the tip to Lucas' flushed entrance. Lifting Lucas' legs and spreading them further apart as he came in closer.
They both enjoyed many different sex positions, but missionary was easily their favorite as Eliott preferred seeing Lucas' eyes as they would light up every time he hit all the right places. For Lucas, it was because he loves being able to hold on to Eliott, to fall apart in his arms as he lay there — a complete wreck. Eliott gently eased his way as he tried to give Lucas time to settle.
"Aughhh! M-more!"
Once Eliott was entirely in, he had to swallow down his moans as the sensation of Lucas surrounding him became overwhelming. Nothing could compare to it. That tight hot core that was all-encompassing Lucas almost made him lose all sense of control as he wanted nothing more than to keep pounding into it, but he held back for Lucas' sake. For now.
Lucas was coming apart. He was dying. He was coming to life. Everything was too much. The sizzling burn of being filled up with cock was something he always had to adjust to and boy, did he love all of it. Especially when he can feel Eliott's length pulsing within him, they were finally connected, conjoint. Lucas linked his arms around Eliott's neck and gasped out. "Uughh, move, p-please!"
Eliott didn't need to be told twice, and he pulled out slightly to plunge himself back in. Shaking both Lucas and the bed as Lucas lets out another gratifying moan. And he does it again and again. Thrusting in and out as his pace started to increase faster and faster. Earning an earful of curses and screams from Lucas.
"Fuck, yes! F-faster! Eli—Auh!”
"Fghh! So good! M-more!"
At moments like these, Eliott felt slightly guilty for having neighbors, because the sounds that Lucas was producing was so explicit as he wailed on and on about how good his cock was giving it to him. Lucas was never good at keeping quiet during sex and Eliott didn't mind it one bit, he was only tempted into swallowing it down with his hungry kisses.
Grunting into Lucas' mouth, only to feel Lucas' high pitched moans vibrate through him. His body bucks upward as he trembled after Eliott thrust in a peculiar angle. Eliott bit Lucas's bottom lip, as they were gaping open from pleasure. Lucas looked dazed, his eyes were so cloudy, but Eliott kept going at it, whispering into his ear.
"You feel so good, baby. Tell me you want it."
"Uhnnn yes! — F-faster! Ughn! Please!"
There we go. And Eliott immediately starts assaulting Lucas' tight hole. Lucas' eyes began to water as he went mad, convulsing and trembling as Eliott held one of his legs over his shoulder for better access, as his cock pounded into Lucas relentlessly. The sounds of skin slapping skin, the pants, and labored groans filled the bedroom.
"Ah, fuck! I'm— uhnnn — c-close!" Lucas' slurred between his moans, but Eliott knew what to do. Using the hand that was gripping Lucas hip to pump his cock to the rhythm of his thrusts was enough to send Lucas over the edge."C-close! So close —uhnnn!"
The overstimulation of Eliott's strong hands stroking him, and the spark that was building at the pit of his stomach became too much.
But hearing that low growl erupt from Eliott was his undoing. "Fuck! Come for me, baby!"
And Lucas went over the edge. His orgasm knocks the wind out of him as he gave a prolonged moan, scratching and tugging at Eliott's hair and arms. Painting white between them as he never cum as violently as this. His whole body sang with satisfaction as he tried coming down from his high.
He could only quiver as he felt Eliott continued to fuck into him earnestly. He was trying to find his own release. Lucas could only stare with hooded lids as he saw the light reflected off the sweat on Eliott, making him glow like a Greek God as his body contracted and heaved as he began to fuck vigorously into Lucas.
Lucas whimpered as Eliott captured his lips again as he felt Eliott began to expand within him. Elliott gave one last sharp thrust and buried his head in Lucas' neck, muffling his moan as he ejaculates into Lucas's core.
Lucas barely had any strength left, yet his whole body still shuddered from the sensation of feeling Eliott's seed buried inside him, feeling blissed out. He hummed in fulfillment.
"God, how I've missed this." Elliott groaned as he gently slips out of Lucas. The cum began to spill out, and Eliott was tempted to shove it all back, feeling possessive, but he was tired, and he knew Lucas was too sore.
"Me too, I always miss you." Lucas sighed as Eliott started to cuddle him, he couldn't begin to describe all the things Eliott did to him and for him. But all that matters now is that Eliott was here.
"I love you, Lucas."
"I love you more."
"Not possible, I fell for you first. So that means, I love you more."
"Oh yeah? Well, I got news for you. I love you more and more every day."
"Hmmm, sounds like we just gotta keep loving each other to see because my love grows for you every minute!"
"Fuck, when did this become a competition? Come here—Ahaha..."
Only the sounds of laughter and sighs filled the apartment now, as the city of Paris settled down that evening. The lovebird's story was young, and so were they. They had plenty of time to figure out how much they loved each other. But according to Lucas, it was up in the infinite numbers. There was no other like this Eliott, and there was no other like this Lucas. They were made for each other, through thick and thin. He had found the one. Lucas wouldn't give it up for the world. Smiling as he dreams of Eliott's smiles and his own laughter. It was going to be okay. They were going to be infinite.
A/N: ....I’mma excuse myself now... (Thank you! @tangyyyy for the ask!)
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spidermecc · 5 years
Unintentional love (Elu fake dating AU) Ch. 6 - Finally
Halla mecs! Chapter 6 is ready, I’m sorry for the long wait, but I hope the fact that it’s almost 6k will make up for it.  Read it on AO3 here. And please feel free to send me your thoughts and comments, I love to read them and talk to you guys, enjoy!
Surprisingly, Lucas had slept through the entire night like a baby. He’d been convinced that he wouldn’t get a single minute of sleep, seeing as he kept replaying that night, at the park with Eliott, over and over in his head. But apparently you can replay something in your head so much that your brain literally says fuck you and shuts off, good to know.
“Juu-hu is anyone home?” Mika was waving his hand in front of Lucas. “I’m telling you Manon, ever since he got a boyfriend, he’s like this all the time” he continued, giving up on trying to get Lucas’ attention, shifting his attention back to his dinner, which Manon, bless her, had cooked for them.
Although she’d moved next door almost two months ago, finally giving Lucas his room back, she was a frequent visitor, and they ate dinner together almost five nights a week. It was almost like a family tradition by now. Lisa wasn’t home, which was odd, but Mika only rolled his eyes and said something about her going to yoga class because she saw some TV-show about how it changes your life.
“I think it’s endearing” Manon said beaming, looking at Lucas with a genuine smile, as she grabbed the last piece of bread from the basket.
“Huh?” Lucas said, as if finally coming out of his trance. Okay so he might have been thinking about last night again, so what of it?
“Huh?” Mika mocked him “Manon only just told us she’s pregnant you imbecile”.
“What?!” he exclaimed, finally focusing his attention on Manon, eyeing her stomach.
“Mika shut up” she said throwing her piece of bread at him,
“No I’m not Lucas, we’re just talking about how happy we are for you and Eliott. I’ve never seen you like this before” she continued, claiming her bread back from Mika, who’d already started nibbling at it like a baby bird.
“Oh, yeah thanks, it’s no big deal really” he said, hoping they’d leave it at that. He hadn’t talked to Mika and Manon about Eliott as much as he had with the boys. Although he hated lying to the boys, it was different with Mika and Manon, it was almost physically impossible for him to lie to them, they always figured him out, which was a pain in the ass, to be honest.
“I think it is a big deal” Manon said, still smiling from ear to ear “but it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it” she finished. Fuck he hates lying to them so damn much.
“Just remember to use a condom and I have a butt plug, which I haven’t used, that you can have if you want to get freaky” Mika winked, earning him a slap on the arm from Manon.
“Ow that hurt! I’m just trying to help our baby” he exclaimed, a laugh escaping him.
Lucas took that as his que to get up and go to his room. He was definitely not going to have this conversation with Mika, or anyone for that matter. Nope, no thank you.  __
The rest of the week had gone by uneventfully. It had basically just been school, homework, sleep and repeat for almost a week now. He barely saw the guys and he only saw Eliott at school.
Sometimes they’d sneak out and have lunch alone, other times they’d eat with the guys. Eliott had asked him if he wanted to hang out on the weekend, but being so behind on all his homework he’d had to decline. Looking back, he should have just accepted the offer, seeing as he didn’t get any homework done during the weekend, too busy kicking himself for saying no to Eliott, and imagining what he was up to at any given moment.
“Lucas!” Daphne was running up to him in the hallway. He hadn’t actually spoken to her since the foyer meeting. He’d neglected the girls for a while, because of the whole thing with Eliott, and he felt pretty bad about it. But Daphné was the nosiest person he knew, and dealing with daily interrogations by the gang was tiring enough.
“Hi Daphy” he greeted her with a kiss on each cheek. He’d missed her, more than he cared to admit.
“Are you guys coming to Emma’s party on Friday?”  she asked, not even bothering to ask him how he’d been. Straight to the point, that was Daphné alright.
“Uhm, Basile and Arthur mentioned something, so I think the guys are coming, yeah” he said, losing interest in the conversation quickly, as he saw Eliott walk out of a classroom. Gosh, he really was the single most beautiful thing Lucas had ever laid his eyes on. He’d started noticing small details about him that he hadn’t noticed before. Like how his nose scrunched whenever he laughed. The real hearty laughs, which made Lucas’ heart melt. And how he sort of bounced when walked, especially when he was excited, which seemed to be most of the time.
He’d actually mentioned it to Eliott at some point, telling him that his spirit animal should have been a bunny instead of a raccoon, because of the way he always jumped around when he was excited. It had made Eliott laugh, and he’d said “maybe I’m a bunny in a parallel universe?”, which made Lucas blush like crazy, because Eliott’s casual reference to the parallel universes made Lucas feel like they shared something special, something personal just between the two of them.
“I meant you and Eliott, silly!” Daphné laughed, nudging his shoulder “we’re all dying to meet him, and what better way than at a party?”
“Oh, uhm- I’m not sure, I mean I can ask him, but I can’t make any promises”
“Oh Lucas, if you’re coming then he’s definitely coming, it’s not like he’s going to leave his boyfriend alone at a party with drunk attractive people right? Not that anyone is as attractive as he is, I mean wow Lucas, you really hit jackpot there, he looks like a Greek God” she added as an afterthought, blushing when she saw Lucas’ frown.
“I’ll ask Daphy, okay?” he said, suddenly itching to get away from her, “later” he added as he rushed past her, and after Eliott out to the courtyard, where he was sitting, smoking a cigarette by himself.
Lucas had never been a smoker. Sure he smoked weed, but not real cigarettes. The taste and smell always made him nauseous, but holy shit, it was a completely different story when Eliott did it. The way Eliott held the cigarette between his elegant index- and middle finger, made Lucas wish he was the damn cigarette. And don’t even get him started on how mind-blowingly hot he looked whenever he let out a drag. The way he slightly parted his lips as he let the smoke escape them, before he started blowing it out, always left Lucas’ mouth dry. He’d made a habit of not looking at Eliott whenever he smoked, afraid he might get a hard-on right then and there.
“Hey you” he said softly, taking a seat next to Eliott.
“Hey -- babe” Eliott answered, clearly happy to see Lucas “should I start giving you a kiss when I see you at school.. you know to make it more believable?” he added, knowing full well, how to make Lucas blush. Putain, he’d been here for about 10 seconds and Eliott was already going in for the kill, this boy was definitely going to be the death of him.
“Uhm..” Lucas answered looking around the nearly empty courtyard “I think we’re good for now”.
“Suit yourself” he said, taking another drag of his cigarette. Lucas was trying really hard not to look at Eliott, knowing full well that he wasn’t the best at masking his emotions, and Eliott was scarily perceptive, no need to let him know how much his smoking affected Lucas.
“So I actually wanted to ask you something” he said, still not looking at the taller boy.
“Sure, shoot”
“I’m doing an essay in my literature class, and I don’t understand shit. You’re a literature student, so I thought maybe you could help me out?” he said finally looking at Eliott. Honestly, he really needed Eliott to say yes. He was the only person he knew who was actually good at literature, plus he wouldn’t mind spending some time alone with him.
“Well if I can’t help my boyfriend with his homework, then who can I help?” he joked, nudging Lucas’ shoulder. “After school, your place?”
“Yeah sure, thanks a lot Eliott, you’re a lifesaver.”
“No worries” he beamed, putting out his cigarette and getting up “I’m late for class, but I’ll see you later!”
“See you!” Lucas said a little too enthusiastically, immediately blushing, which he was pretty sure hadn’t gone unnoticed, judging by the shit eating grin on Eliott’s face as he was walking away. __
“I don’t understand shit” Lucas sighed throwing his book on the table “what are the cigarettes supposed to be a symbol of? I mean they’re just fucking cigarettes” he continued, trying not to dwell too much on how cigarettes weren’t in fact just cigarettes anymore. At least not for him, not after Eliott had made it his personal mission to look so damn hot every time he smoked one.
They were sitting in the living room, books sprawled all over the place and empty soda cans on the table. Lucas wasn’t sure how long they’d spent trying to analyze this damn novel, but he didn’t quite mind it that much, not when Eliott was there to help him.
“It’s a phallic symbol” Eliott laughed, clearly amused by Lucas’ inability to interpret literature.
“A what?” he asked, looking up.
“A phallic symbol” he repeated, as if repeating the words would somehow make Lucas understand what he was talking about.
“A phallic symbol is an object, cigarettes in this case, that represents a penis” he said nonchalant, while scribbling something down in his notebook.
And holy shit, Lucas was not prepared for that. Not only had he been thinking about how fucking hot Eliott looked every time he smoked a cigarette and now he wouldn’t be able to get the whole dick image out of his head whenever he thought about it. He made a mental note, and swore that he would never ever look him in the eye, when he was smoking, ever again.
“Uhm--- I can’t quite figure out if you’re fucking with me right now or” Lucas said, not sure if this was another one of Eliott’s dumbass jokes or if he was being sincere, because if he was then.. holy shit.
Eliott looked up at him and cocked an eyebrow, not answering his question but continued explaining; “You know, some people even go as far as to say that Cinderella putting her foot into the glass slipper is also a phallic symbol”.
“Who said romance was dead” Lucas mumbled, to himself, not quite ready to look at Eliott, knowing full well that his facial expression would give him away.
Eliott chuckled and nudged Lucas, making him look up and catch his gaze “I happen to find dicks very romantic” he said obviously trying to make Lucas squirm in his seat, even more than he already was.
Okay Lucas wasn’t going to have this conversation with Eliott. Enough dick-talk for one day.
“Funny” he said as he got up, desperate to get some space between Eliott and himself and definitely desperate to end the conversation.
“Anyway” he began, busying himself with gathering the empty soda cans “Emma’s throwing a party Friday, and the girls asked me to invite you”.
“Well that depends” Eliott said, desperately trying to get Lucas to stand still so they could have a proper conversation.
Lucas put the empty cans in a plastic bag in the kitchen and returned to his spot next to Eliott “on what?” he asked, eyeing him suspiciously. He’d gotten used to Eliott’s cryptic answers, but that didn’t mean that they had gotten less annoying. Sure, Lucas wasn’t the best at being straightforward all the time, but with Eliott it was like it was an actual personality trait to drag everything out and make Lucas squirm in the process. Lucas was starting to believe that Eliott actually enjoyed torturing him, he wouldn’t put it past him. It’s always the pretty ones that are the craziest he thought.
“Will you be there?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
“I uh- yeah I meant like, we could go together” Lucas answered, honestly puzzled that Eliott hadn’t gotten that part “unless you don’t want me to come?” he added hastily. Maybe Eliott had gotten tired of hanging out with him all the time? He wouldn’t blame him, Lucas got tired of his own company way too often as well.
The taller boy’s face scrunched up in the cutest laughter and Lucas contemplated taking a quick photo of him in secret, just to keep him company when this thing with Eliott was over.
His laughter was one of Lucas’ favorite things about the boy. Whenever Lucas looked at him, he felt like he was looking at some unhuman God-like creature. But when Eliott laughed, he looked so human, so sweet and honest and it always brought Lucas down to Earth. It reminded him that he was human just like Lucas, and Yann and Arthur and, well maybe not Basile, seeing as he lacked one too many brain cells to be considered human. But no one had a laughter quite like Eliott. It was like his laughter and mere presence could light up and entire room, an entire house even. Lucas would have given up any other sources of light forever, if only he could continue watching Eliott smile like that.
“Why would I want to go if you aren’t there?” Eliott laughed, looking at Lucas as if it was the silliest thing he’d ever heard, and Lucas was pretty sure his heart swelled up three sizes. Eliott wouldn’t want to go without him. Ditto, Lucas thought to himself, but decided to play it cool.
“Then it’s settled, were going” he said, flashing Eliott a bright smile “but first, I need to finish this essay”.
“You know, you say ‘I need to finish’, but I feel like I’m doing all the work” Eliott joked, gently shoving Lucas’ shoulder.
“You are not! You’re too busy talking about dicks” Lucas exclaimed, honestly feeling like he’d participated in writing the essay, although if he was being honest, it was mainly him complaining, while Eliott wrote the actual thing.
“What can I say” Eliott chuckled, clearly amused by the expression on Lucas’ face “I like literature.. and I like dicks” – he was full on staring at Lucas, not flinching for a second as he finished the sentence, as if they were merely talking about the weather.
“Oooookay playboy” Lucas managed to croak out, feeling a blush rising “let’s just get this over with yeah?”
Eliott chuckled, clearly getting the hint that Lucas wasn’t comfortable with their conversation, as he grabbed the laptop and started typing away. __
“So , you’re dating Eliott, huh?” Imane asked, casually, while grabbing her books from her backpack. It was Friday and Biology was their last class before the weekend. It had been a long week with multiple essays to write and shitloads of homework, and Lucas really looked forward to letting out some steam at the party tonight. Moreover, he was excited to see Eliott, he hadn’t seen him since Tuesday when he’d helped him out with his essay.
“Yeah, why? Do you know him?” Lucas asked, eyeing her. Imane wasn’t usually the gossiping type, so for her to bring up Eliott seemed suspicious.
“Mhm” she said, scribbling something in her notebook “he was friends with my brother, Idriss” she continued nonchalantly.
“Oh yeah?"
Lucas knew that Eliott knew Idriss. That guy, Curtis, had told him so, but he didn’t know that they’d been so close, that Eliott knew Imane as well.
“How is he?” she asked, a smile appearing on her lips. She sounded almost as if she missed him.
“He’s good I guess?” Lucas answered quizzically.
Why didn’t Imane just talk to him herself, he thought, as he continued; “When you say ‘were’ friends, what does that mean exactly?” he asked, hoping to get some more information out of her. After all, she’d been the one to bring it up.
“It means that they’re not anymore” she deadpanned, looking at him as if he’d fallen off the moon.
Lucas rolled his eyes, why did she always have to be so damn difficult?
“But why aren’t they talking anymore?” he asked, desperate for some more intel on the mystery that was Eliott Demaury.
“Shit I don’t know Lucas ask him yourself” she snapped “I was just wondering how he was doing, I haven’t seen him in ages” she continued, clearly regretting bringing him up in the first place.
Before Lucas could pry further, their teacher walked in, and Imane busied herself with getting all her notes ready, and Lucas knew better than to push her when she wasn’t feeling like talking, so he let it go.. for now.
30 minutes later he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and he took it out, hiding it under the table so his teacher didn’t notice.
Eliott: Do you think in a parallel universe, school isn’t a hell hole?
Lucas let out a snort, which he quickly tried to mask as a cough, clearly failing judging by the look Imane shot him.
Lucas: Maybe.. You might even be a professor in a parallel universe
Eliott: Ooh, that would be cool. I think you’d be my favorite student ;)
Lucas couldn’t contain the smile that was forming on his lips.
Lucas:  I doubt I’ll ever be anyone’s favorite student, in any universe.. ever
Eliott: I wouldn’t be so sure
Lucas: Professor Demaury.. Doesn’t sound so bad
Eliott: Sounds pretty hot, if you ask me
Lucas was pretty sure that if anyone looked at him right now, they’d think he’d won the lottery or something.
Eliott: So what time will my favorite student be at the party tonight? Maybe we can meet up a few blocks away, like last time?
Lucas: You’re a dork
Lucas: But I’d like that.. say 8 o’clock?
Eliott: It’s a date
Eliott: Woah I just got a major deja-vu
No shit, Lucas thought to himself as the bell rang and he began collecting his books. Hopefully tonight’s party would be different than the last one though. ___
“So, have you heard from Chloe since the bus stop incident?” Eliott asked. They’d been walking for about 10 minutes, neither one of them in a particular hurry to reach Emma’s house. Both enjoying each other’s company.
“No, I think she’s really pissed at me” Lucas shrugged. If he was being honest, he really didn’t care whether or not Chloe was upset with him.
“Can I ask you a question?” Eliot asked, fiddling with the sleeve of his jacket. If Lucas didn’t know any better, he’d almost say that he looked nervous.
“Why did you kiss her, if you don’t like her?” he finally asked, eyeing Lucas.
“How do you know I kissed her? I never said that” he was genuinely puzzled by Eliott’s sudden question.
“I just assumed.. you know, because she seemed so into you and wanted to go out on a date. I just figured you’d hooked up a few times” he continued.
“Right” Lucas sighed “I don’t know actually… boredom maybe?” he flinched at his own response. He sounded like a real asshole right now and he knew it, but it was better than telling Eliott the truth. That he was a coward.
“Did you have sex with her?” the taller boy asked, taking Lucas by surprise once again.
“No I never had sex with her, I wouldn’t do that” he answered honestly, desperate for Eliott to know that he’d never use anyone like that.
“Good” Eliott sighed, and when Lucas caught his eye he saw something resembling relief washing over Eliott’s face.
“So, uhm- have you talked to you ex- uh, Lucille, since the last party?”
He’d been dying to know ever since he’d found out about her, but had been too afraid to ask and invade Eliott’s personal space. But seeing as they were doing this, he might as well ask, no better time than now.
Eliott looked down at Lucas, a sad smile forming on his lips, “A few times yeah “she has a hard time letting go, and I don’t want to hurt her feelings more than I already have” he said, his face falling.
“Oh..” Lucas answered, not sure what he was supposed to say. He was dying to know more. How often had he spoken to her? Had he met up with her or had they talked over the phone? And more importantly, did he still have feelings for her? But he settled with an easier question; “Why did you break up?”
“Honestly, it had been a long time coming, we’d been together for four years, but I think we fell out of love, long before we actually broke up”. His voice was so raw and honest, and Lucas felt honored that Eliott trusted him enough to be so open with him.
“So uh- do you see yourself in a relationship, with a new girl, soon then?” he asked, trying not to sound too obvious “I mean, when we end.. this” he trailed off, not sure whether he really wanted to know the answer to his question.
“Sure, I like being in a relationship” Eliott said a smile playing on his lips “not necessarily a girl though” he added, and Lucas felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. The usual easy air around them had been replaced with something thick, something Lucas couldn’t quite put his finger on. Was Eliott saying, what he Lucas thought he was saying? Before he could formulate a response he looked up and realized that they’d reached Emma’s place.
“We’re here” he said, and Eliott looked almost disappointed in Lucas’ lack of response to his earlier comment.
“Let’s go then” he said, letting Lucas off the hook, as he rang the doorbell. __
It didn’t take long for Daphné to find the boys at the party. They’d only just opened their first beer, catching up with the Yann, Arthur and Basile, when she came up and almost pushed Lucas into the kitchen counter.
“Hi, I’m Daphné, so nice to finally meet you” she said, offering her hand to Eliott, who shook it with a crooked smile.
“I’m Eliott, I’ve heard a lot about you” he said.
Lucas was pretty sure he’d mentioned Daphné maybe once, but still he appreciated Eliott’s effort to make her feel good about herself.
“I can’t believe you guys are actually boyfriends” she beamed “an absolute power couple” she said, eyeing both of them. Lucas was pretty sure she was checking Eliott out, but he couldn’t even be bothered to call her out. He couldn’t really blame her, Eliott was very check-out-able and Lucas also found himself checking him out more often than not.
“Oh yeah?” Eliott said raising an eyebrow, not looking very convinced by her statement.
“You know who else could be a power couple?” Basile said, stepping in front of Eliott in order to get Daphné’s attention.
She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed that he was interrupting her conversation with Eliott, but Lucas was pretty sure he saw something resembling relief washing over Eliott’s face. Guess he didn’t buy the whole power couple thing, huh.
She didn’t even give him an answer, she simply smiled at Eliott and Lucas and left, leaving a trail of her cherry perfume lingering in the air.  
“Shit.. Was that too desperate?” Basile asked, turning around and addressing Eliott, who put a reassuring arm around the curly haired boy.
“You know what I think?” he asked, looking down at Basile, who nodded fiercely.
Eliott had become some kind of weird role model/guru for Basile. He was always talking about Eliott when he wasn’t there, and in the beginning Lucas had been worried that Basile was annoying Eliott, who was just too nice to tell him so. But lately he was beginning to think that he really cared for Basile. He was always reassuring the boy, giving him pep-talks and putting a protective arm around him whenever the gang was roasting him (which was pretty much all the time). It warmed Lucas’ heart that Eliott had grown so fond of his friends, although the nagging feeling in the back of his mind, never really left him. It would break everyone’s heart when they found out the truth.. Including Lucas’. He’d grown way too used to having Eliott around, a constant reassuring and warm presence, that he didn’t know how he was going to live without.
“I think you need to take desperate to a whole new level. Show her just how desperate you can be” Eliott continued.
“What the fuck kind of advice is that?” Lucas laughed, not being able to stay out of the conversation.
“It worked with you, didn’t it?” Eliott answered, giving Lucas a coy smile, that had him blushing instantly.
“Is that what you did with Lucas?” Basile asked, still looking at Eliott like a lost puppy.
“Let’s just say I didn’t give him much of a choice in the matter” Eliott winked, still not taking his eyes off Lucas, who was pretty sure that if the brunette didn’t stop looking at him like that, he would pass out right then and there.
“Fuck it, I’m gonna try again” Basile exclaimed, giving Eliott a fist bump and walking out of the kitchen.
“Oh my God, I have to see this” Arthur giggled, running after him, and Yann just shrugged with an amused expression and followed them.
“Taking desperate to a whole new level, huh?” Lucas teased, inching closer to Eliott, but still leaving an appropriate amount of space between them.
“Desperate times calls for desperate measures, I would know” Eliott laughed, and Lucas wasn’t sure if Eliott was saying what he thought he was saying, but couldn’t get himself to ask.
“You know, Imane asked about you today”. The whole thing had been nagging him all day, and he really hoped that he would get something out of Eliott. He didn’t want to pry or nag him, but he was just so damn curious. So he tried to act nonchalant, as if he was simply making conversation “I think she might miss you” he added truthfully.
“Oh yeah?” Eliott said, a small smile playing on his lips “I miss her too, she’s a great girl”.
“How do you guys know each other?” he asked, trying really hard to sound casual.
He regretted his question instantly, when he saw how Eliott’s face dropped. He looked uncomfortable and slightly sad, which made Lucas want to inch even closer and comfort him in some way.
“Uh- I was eh..” he mumbled, suddenly very interested in the label on his beer bottle “I used to be friends with her brother Idriss, but we don’t really talk anymore” he finished, taking a big swig of his beer.
Lucas didn’t get the chance to respond before Eliott excused himself, saying that he needed to use the restroom, leaving Lucas alone in the kitchen and feeling like an asshole. Okay so he obviously shouldn’t have asked, seeing as it was a very touchy subject for Eliott, but still, he couldn’t help it when he felt his curiosity grow. What the hell was the deal between Idriss and Eliott?
“Fancy seeing you here” a voice interrupted Lucas’ inner struggle on how to solve the mystery. He looked up and was faced with a handsome blonde guy. Curtis.
“Oh, hi” he said, smiling at him. Gosh, he was really tall, had he grown since the last time they talked, or had Lucas really just been so wasted that he hadn’t noticed? He silently patted himself on the shoulder for not getting too drunk tonight.
“How are you?” the blonde asked, inching closer to Lucas, closer than what Lucas had deemed appropriate earlier when he had been with Eliott.
“I’m good, just hanging out you know. How about you?” he asked. He’d never been a fan of small talk and honestly this guy was standing a bit too close, and was a bit too desperate for Lucas’ liking. Plus, he was too busy thinking of how he was going to find out what happened between Idriss and Eliott, to fully pay attention to Curtis, when something clicked. Curtis was friends with Idriss. Maybe he could help him out, he thought as he decided that he’d try to be polite towards Cutis and see if he could get some intel out of him.
“Right, I’m good as well” he answered, and Lucas wasn’t sure if he was imagining things or if the guy actually looked nervous. “I was uh- I was hoping to see you tonight” he continued, blushing a bit, and Lucas suddenly felt even more tense than before.  
“Yeah uh- you too” Lucas answered, hoping that if he just pretended to be oblivious, he would somehow be able to get out of the situation.
“Are you and Eliott still ‘dating’?” he asked, inching even closer to Lucas, who was really starting to get uncomfortable.
“Yeah, we are” he said, trying to create some space between himself and Curtis, but realizing that he was pushed into a corner and couldn’t really move further away.
“I can’t wait until you guys are finished with your act” he said, grabbing Lucas’ hand, taking him by surprise “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and I was so happy when you agreed to go out with me” he continued.
Before Lucas could react and pull his hand away, he looked up and saw Eliott standing at the kitchen entrance. Lucas had never seen that expression on Eliott’s face before. A mix of betrayal, hurt and anger was playing on his face. Lucas practically felt his own heart break just by looking at the other boy. He’d never wanted to invoke those feelings in anyone, especially not Eliott.
“I-“ Lucas began, as he pulled his hand away, desperate to make Eliott understand that he’d misunderstood the situation. But he didn’t get a chance to say anything as Eliott quickly turned around and stormed out.
“Putain” Lucas hissed, looking up at a confused Curtis “I think you misunderstood the situation” he told the blonde “I was drunk and I’m- I’m not really interested in going out with you, I’m sorry” he said as he put his beer on the kitchen counter and practically ran out of the kitchen, trying to catch up with Eliott, who had already grabbed his coat and was on his way out of the apartment.
“Eliott!” he yelled, running after him, struggling with keeping up with the taller boy, who didn’t turn around and stormed out of the apartment.
Lucas grabbed his coat and ran after him. When he got outside he saw Eliott stomping away, and he started running, trying to catch up with him, cursing his short legs.
“Eliott! Please just fucking stop so I can explain” he yelled. He was full on running now, as he finally caught up with him, grabbing his arm, making the taller boy turn around.
“What?!” Eliott spat, not looking Lucas in the eyes.
“That- it..” he began, not sure what exactly he was trying to say. The look on Eliott’s face threw him completely off guard. He’d never thought that he would react that way, and he silently cursed himself for having hurt Eliott like that, for being so fucking oblivious.
“That wasn’t what it looked like” he cried out.
“So you didn’t agree to go out with Curtis?” he asked with a painful expression.
“I- yes I did” he began, grabbing Eliott’s arm a bit harder, making sure he wouldn’t run away again.
“But I was drunk and it was at that party where I thought you bailed on me with Lucille” he explained, hoping whatever he was saying was making sense.
“It was before…” he cut himself off. Before I fell in love with you. If he was as brave as he wished he was, he would have said those words out loud, but he wasn’t.
“You know what Lucas? It’s fine. Let’s just drop this- this act. You can go on with your life and date whoever you want, without me inconveniencing you” he said, tears welling up and threatening to spill.
“What no?! I don’t want that” Lucas cried, desperate to make Eliott stay.
“Please I…” he was frantically searching his brain for the right words. Words that would make Eliott stay, but he couldn’t come up with any.
He felt Eliott slowly easing out of his grip, and he was full on desperate now. He had to make him stay, make him understand.
Eliott shook his head with a defeated look and turned around.
Before Lucas even had a chance to think, he took a few steps forward grabbing Eliott’s arm again and turned him around, cupped his face and smashed their lips together.
Lucas knew he’d taken him by surprise, because it took several seconds before the taller boy responded to the kiss. For a second Lucas panicked, afraid that Eliott didn’t want to kiss him. Afraid that Lucas had misunderstood the whole thing. But soon Eliott parted his lips, letting Lucas taste him. It was messy and sloppy and they were both panting desperately into each other’s mouths, trying to convey every emotion they weren’t able to do with words. Eliott snaked an arm around Lucas’ neck, gently tucking his hair, making Lucas moan into the kiss. The stubble on Eliott’s face burned Lucas’ chin, but he didn’t care, because it felt like heaven and complete and absolute bliss. Lucas could feel Eliott grinning which made their teeth clatter together and soon they were laughing and smiling into each other’s mouths more than they were actually kissing. But still, it was everything Lucas had ever dreamt of, better even. The softness of Eliott's lips combined with the roughness of his stubbles and his firm grip on Lucas, had him clinging on to Eliott like crazy, afraid that he might pass out from the complete ecstasy he was feeling.  
After what might have been seconds or hours, Lucas wasn’t sure, they pulled away, both laughing like crazy, giving each other small pecks between laughter and giggles.
Eliott had the widest grin plastered on his face and Lucas was pretty sure that his lips would split if he smiled any wider. The taller boy still had his arm around Lucas’ neck as he pulled him into a bone crushing hug, which Lucas gladly welcomed. He took advantage of the fact that his mouth was perfectly aligned with Eliott's neck, giving him small pecks and kisses.
“Finally” Eliott whispered, and Lucas wasn’t sure if he even meant to say it out loud.
“Finally” he whispered back, grabbing on to Eliott for dear life.
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caelysiiium · 5 years
ma meilleure vie
Spring was finally showing its signs in Paris, the weather warm enough for the majority to tolerate the outdoors without jackets. Unfortunately, with the first week of April came an onslaught of never-ending rain that kept the population cooped up. Everyone was feeling the claustrophobia.
Saturday morning brought the sun at last. Lucas opened his eyes to light filtering through the blinds. He blinked wearily, adjusting to the environment around him. The weight of an arm was slung across his waist, and suddenly the events from the previous night came rushing back to him. He half turned, not wanting to cause too much of a disturbance, and stared at the way the sunlight fell across Eliott’s body next to him. The older boy’s hair was a mess, endearingly splayed across the pillows. Lucas felt an overwhelming surge of warmth and an intense longing to run his hands through it, battling between giving in and letting Eliott sleep a bit longer.
He didn’t have to wait too long, though, for his boyfriend let out a drowsy murmur a moment later. “Staring.”
Lucas flushed as Eliott opened his eyes to grin at him. “I’m not!”
“You’re a terrible liar,” Eliott said, tightening his arms around Lucas.
“Me? I’m a terrible liar? I’m the best liar you’ll ever meet.”
Lucas kissed his smile. Eliott let out a huff of laughter before pulling Lucas on top of him. His legs fell to either side of Eliott’s waist and he sat up to stare down at the boy who changed his life. His t-shirt was wrinkled, and he was sporting the worst bedhead Lucas had ever seen, but he was still so beautiful. He must’ve been silent for too long, because Eliott frowned and a hand came up to cup his cheek. “You okay?”
Lucas turned his head slightly to kiss Eliott’s palm in reassurance. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Just never thought I could be this happy.”
Eliott’s eyes crinkled adorably when he smiled again. Lucas couldn’t help but return it as Eliott tugged him gently into a kiss that made his whole body go languid. Their mouths opened to each other and it felt as if the ground split beneath them and he was falling, falling. Eliott’s hands slowly moved up his back, pressing their frames together. Lucas’ fingers were buried in those curls he so desperately wanted to touch since the moment he saw him all those weeks ago in the foyer.
When Eliott shifted below him, Lucas let out a soft moan and immediately felt embarrassed. They’ve only ever let go of their inhibitions when the sun was down, the lighting just enough to see one another as hands and lips roamed everywhere. He felt Eliott’s mouth curl upwards beneath his and kissed him harder, desire driving him to get closer, pushing the taller boy into the sheets as their breaths came out ragged. He felt fingers slip under his shirt, dancing across his lower waist.
The only thing that mattered in the world was this moment, right now—two boys, once so lost, who finally found themselves in each other.
After getting up to make breakfast for a still drowsy Eliott, Lucas left a note on the table saying that he was going to the park to get some fresh air after a week of being indoors. For good measure, he threw on some jogging pants and running shoes, hoping to get a bit of exercise. He was seriously out of shape.
He kept it up for a good thirty minutes before collapsing on his usual bench, exhausted. As he caught his breath, he surveyed his surroundings. There were morning couples out for a stroll, students from the lycée smoking by the fountain. A family of newly-born ducklings and their mother waddled into the pond that reflected trees lining the waters.
A notification came in on his phone. He turned it on and saw the text Yann sent to the group.
[10:53] Yann: Party tonight. Emma’s hosting again. Y’all joining me?
Immediately, Arthur and Basile replied.
[10:54] Basile: Hell yes!
[10:54] Arthur: Do you even have to ask?
Lucas grinned and typed in his own reply.
[10:54] Lucas: We’ll meet you guys at 8? Yann’s?
[10:55] Yann: Parfait
[10:55] Basile: WE! There’s a WE!
[10:55] Arthur: They’re always together, what else do you expect?
[10:55] Eliott: Jealous?
Shaking his head, he left them to it and slipped his phone back into his pocket. Lucas tilted his head back with his eyes closed, letting the sunlight wash over him. He hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long time. Now with nothing to hide from the people in his life that meant the most to him, he felt freer than he’d ever been. Suddenly remembering, he took his phone out again. Ignoring the string of chats between the guys, he sent a text to his mom.
[11:03] Lucas: I’m going out with the guys tonight ok?
[11:05] Maman: Don’t do anything reckless! And don’t forget that you’re joining your father and I for lunch tomorrow.
[11:05] Lucas: I remember.
[11:06] Maman: Have fun! Love you
[11:06] Lucas: Love you too.
“Hey.” An arm went around his shoulders as Eliott dropped onto the bench next to him and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. “What’s up? I could see your smile from across the park,” he said.
Lucas tried to squirm out of his boyfriend’s grasp, complaining that he was sweaty, but Eliott only wrapped his other arm around him and tightened his grip. “You’re suffocating me,” Lucas muttered, voice muffled as he slumped into Eliott’s shoulder. The older boy chuckled and let go, but not before brushing his lips gently across Lucas’ forehead and letting a hand fall to encircle his waist. A few weeks ago he would’ve cared about PDA, but he couldn’t give a flying fuck about what others had to say about him anymore, not when he had this.
They sat in comfortable silence for a minute until: “It was my mom,” Lucas said.
“Oh?” Eliott’s gaze flickered across his face. “I suppose everything’s good, then?”
“Yeah,” Lucas breathed. “Yeah, everything’s great. She told us to have fun tonight and reminded me that we’ll have a little rendezvous with my dad tomorrow at noon.”
“’Fun.’ We’ll definitely be having fun tonight. I’m guessing you didn’t tell her about the alcohol and weed?”
Lucas turned to glare at his boyfriend. “No, because you won’t be getting any.”
“And why is that?” Eliott said, mouth twitching.
“You know it’s not good for you.”
Eliott sighed and nuzzled into Lucas’ neck. “Fair enough. I guess there are other ways to entertain myself.” He kissed the soft area beneath his jaw and Lucas shuddered, face flaming. Eliott pulled back with a wicked grin that made his stomach flip. “I heard from the guys that you were such a flirt at the last party Emma held. What happened to all of that when you met me?” he inquired.
“You—“ Lucas was flustered, eyes flickering everywhere but into Eliott’s. “That’s because—It’s because I wasn’t real before, and although—although it wasn’t easy to lie to myself and to the guys, I could hide and pretend to be someone else.” He swallowed; his throat tightened. “You saw me. You saw straight through me, and it’s terrifying to be seen. But—I realized that I didn’t have to lie around you. I didn’t want to fucking pretend anymore. And everything came so naturally that I didn’t need to hide behind someone I wasn’t. Never again,” he whispered.
He could feel Eliott’s gaze on him but refused to acknowledge it. Eliott stood and crouched down in front of Lucas, hands coming up to gently tilt his head so that their eyes met in a symphony of fathomless blue. “And I wonder how you’re not an L student.”
Lucas huffed out a laugh and encircled his arms around Eliott’s shoulders, squeezing tightly. The taller boy skimmed his hands up his back and flattened them by his shoulder blades, murmuring reassurances by Lucas’ ear. He let himself melt into their embrace and breathed in Eliott’s comforting scent of mild paint and lavender (from the shampoo Mika gifted him a week ago when he had stayed the night after his episode). When they finally moved, Eliott straightened his long legs and pulled Lucas up with him. Their fingers automatically threaded together as they strolled down the pathway that circled the pond.
At 11:45, Lucas’ Instagram updated for the first time in a while. Eliott had been captivated by the family of ducks in the middle of the waters and turned back to point them out to Lucas. One of his hands extended out of sight beneath the frame where it held on to Lucas’. With the sun behind him, his body was cast in just enough backlight to make out a brilliant smile.
Vraiment, je vis ma meilleure vie.
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she-is-tim · 5 years
I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch.11
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 7, 8, 9, 10
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
I don’t know what to do
The couch started to become Lucas’ best friend through the agonizing days. He spent most of his time laying on it, wrapped in a blanket, crying his eyes out, his mind replaying the events of saturday over and over again. He could see Eliott’s face looking at him from the side of the bed, all serious, then his naked body disappearing behind the door. He pulled the blanket over his head and tried to calm himself down. His breathing were uneven, his chest was hurting like never before. All he wanted is to just scratch off his skin and get rid of the pain inside his body. It was so hard.
His hand reached for the phone on the coffee table, despite all the effort trying to hold himself back, he just couldn’t. He opened his messages, ignoring everything coming from his friends, since he had no energy to deal with them. It took him almost a minute to finally press on the name, opening his chat with Eliott. He felt tears blurring his vision, but he didn’t needed to see the letters, because he knew well what was there on the screen.
From Eliott I think we should stop seeing each other for a while. I am sorry that I scared you, but I need time to recover and being around you wouldn’t help with that. I hope you understand. It’s not your fault, it’s mine.
To Eliott Can’t we just talk? I am fine we can get through this together Eliott, please don’t do this to me Say something Eliott, I’m begging you
From Eliott  Just leave me alone, I can’t do this
Lucas wanted to respond to that, but Eliott blocked his number. Then he blocked him on instagram too, cutting himself off completely. He felt like he was drowning, suffocating in his own tears. Dealing with such a heartbreak, being rejected by the person you love is the worst thing in this world. He didn’t understand this at all. They were so happy, things were perfect and even when all went downhill, Lucas couldn’t stop loving Eliott, he was worried, upset, but he wasn’t even thinking about leaving him. He just had a manic episode, he read a lot about it and was aware of what he has to face when being with Eliott, but it seems like the tall boy had different sight on things.
He closed the chat now, shoving his phone under his pillow and forcing himself to close his eyes. He wanted to sleep, but as soon as he was drifting off into the painless void, his mind started to show him memories. The most painful ones where he and Eliott were happy together, laughing, kissing, talking and just having fun in general. Hanging out with the boys, the girls, with everyone in the flat. The aching in his chest grew stronger, making him feel like something is pressing the oxygen out of his lungs. 
He got back to earth when Mika was shaking his body gently, calling his name multiple times. He was gasping, his vision was blurry, so he had to blink a few times while his breathing started to normalize. His lung was burning like hellfire and he hated that feeling, since his chest was already in pain. He looked at Mika and Manon, who were standing by the couch, looking at him worried. He probably had a panic attack, that’s why he felt like he was underwater with no oxygen. 
“I’m fine.” he mumbled, voice awfully hoarse and he could feel how chapped his lips were. He haven’t eaten anything or drink much since saturday, so he was kinda dehydrated. 
“Lucas, I get that you probably don’t wanna talk about it, but we are here for you.” Mika said softly, brushing a strand of hair out of the boy’s face. He could feel the tears building up again after that tender move. He didn’t want anyone to touch him, not like this. He pulled his head back, trying to melt into the back of the couch. 
 “Do you need a tea?” Manon asked softly now, grabbing Mika’s arm and pulling him away, seeing that the boy didn’t wanted any physical contact. Lucas pursed his lips and just shook his head. “Okay, we let you sleep now.” she said and shot a look at Mika.
“But Manon...”
“Come on, Mika.” She said seriously, pulling the man away now. He just let out a big sigh and followed the girl to the kitchen.
Lucas was really glad that it was spring break, because he was sure that going to school would not be an option to him. And somewhere in the back of his mind he was relieved that Eliott won’t be missing school yet again. He was already having troubles for staying home too much, so it wouldn’t be good for him to skip another week. Although he knew that Eliott’s parents informed the principal of his illness, it wasn’t an option to allow him to miss school too much. 
He wanted to smack his head into the wall for thinking about the tall boy again. Even with his best efforts, he just couldn’t not remember him and worry about him. It was hurting his feelings, yes, but Eliott was the person he loved, that was not something that goes away after a few days. He kept checking his phone from time to time, hoping that it was just a mistake, that Eliott is going to call him and ask him to come over. But it never happened. When he got a text from Lucille, though his heart skipped a beat. 
From Lucille Let’s meet at the coffee shop tomorrow at 10
To Lucille Is he okay? 
From Lucille  It’s not a topic for texts, see you tomorrow? 
To Lucille I’ll be there 
Lucas barely slept, he looked like a walking zombie when he saw himself in the mirror. He decided to take a shower, trying to fix his hair and refresh his face, though the redness in his eyes didn’t disappear. He put on jeans and a long sleeve shirt, pulling his jacket on, grabbing his keys and left the flat. He was nervous, but not like last time. This time it was because he was truly afraid of what Lucille is going to say. They haven’t talked since sunday morning and it was wednesday now. He was suffering for three whole days on that fucking couch, drowning in his tears and sorrows. But now he had to get his shit together, acting like he was a well-functioning teenager. The aching in his chest started to become part of his daily life, it didn’t bother him anymore.
When he got to the coffee place, Lucille was already sitting at a table outside, stirring her coffee. There was a latte, ready for Lucas to drink and two croissants on a white plate. He tried to stop his hands from shaking as he sat down and looked at the girl. She seemed exhausted too, dark circles around her eyes, but she was still beautiful, unlike the boy. There was clear worry in her eyes when she loked up and down on him, realizing how fucked up he was. She sighed. 
“He is having a difficult time.” she started and looked at the busy street now. “I don’t know what he said to you, or what...”
“He said nothing.” Lucas cut her off, being the rude little hedgehog he was. “He told me to leave him alone and then blocked me.” he said seriously, fighting back those damn tears yet again. Lucille sighed and ran her fingers through her curly locks. It was painful to see how similar it was to how Eliott used to do it. 
“He is so dramatic.” she mumbled and looked at the street again, then back at Lucas. “I don’t know what he’s thinking, because he’s not talking to anyone, not me, not Sofiane or Idriss. I told our parents that he’s having an episode, but asked them not to come back to Paris. I don’t think it would be helpful if they would be in his neck 24/7.” she explained and continued to stir her coffee that didn’t even seemed to be hot. 
“I don’t know what to do.” Lucas said suddenly, surprising even himself, but the girl just looked at him with anticipation in her eyes. “I was scared that night, yes, but I had no intentions to leave him... I knew what I have to deal with when I became his boyfriend. But all this... that he’s cutting me off his life is just too painful... I want to just stop trying and let it go sometimes, because it’s just too much.” he muttered, not even trying to stop his tears now. Lucille reached her hand over the table and grabbed Lucas’ softly, rubbing it with her thumb. 
“I know that it’s hard... After we found out what is going on with him... What is this that he has to live with, it was really difficult. Not just for him, but for us, his family. We were talking with doctors, looked up things online to make sure we are not pushing him to the wrong direction. Mom and dad were fighting a lot in those times and I had to stay with Eliott, making sure that he is okay. He was blaming himself for the fights, but that wasn’t true. They weren’t angry because of the situation, they were frustrated because their son was suffering and they couldn’t do anything about it. We learned through the years and now we know when to give him space, when ask him questions, when can we take him seriously and when we have to let his words just slip away.” she said, voice calm and soft, just like the look on her face. Lucas haven’t stopped crying and she raised her free hand to wipe off tears from his face, caressing it slowly. “Do you love him?” 
“Yes.” he answered without hesitation, nodding his head.
“Then don’t give up on him, okay?” she said softly. “I know he is a problematic person, not because of his illness, but because of his personality. He can be a real pain in the ass, but I saw how he’s looking at you, how he’s talking about you.” she paused for a moment, pulling her hands back to take a sip from her coffee. “He had flings, boys and girls after Sophie, but never anything serious. Then you came into his life and I’ve never seen him being happier.” 
“And now he’s in pain...” he mumbled, looking down at his lap.
“There will be times when he will be in pain, Lucas. He will suffer and you can’t do anything to make it easier.” she said, her voice cracking a little at the end and as the boy snatched his head up, he could see her wiping off a single tear from her cheek. “You just have to be strong enough to get through these times with him. Because after that everything will be perfect and it’s gonna make things worth it.” she finished and continued drinking her coffee now. 
Lucas didn’t know what to say, but her words were digging their way inside his heart, making him feel better. Suddenly he felt like he can actually breathe again, the constant pain in his chest were easing up. He decided to just sip on his latte too, enjoying the calm silence with this wonderful woman. If he ever had the chance to have a sister, he wanted her to be like Lucille. Then he remembered that he does have a sister, not by blood, but he still had her. Manon was always there for him when he needed someone, she was more understanding than anyone and seemed like she could read Lucas’ very soul. He just wanted to go home now and hug her, thank her for everything she had done, for putting up with all his bullshit and carrying through his worst days.
When they both finished their drinks and ate the croissants, not really talking to each other, they got ready to leave. Lucas wasn’t expecting from Lucille to pull him into a soft, careful hug, but he enjoyed nonetheless. After that they both went on their own ways, Lucas taking a little detour, buying some groceries and everyone’s favorite sweets too. When he got home he found Mika and Manon on the couch, talking about something, but they went silent when they saw Lucas entering, so he knew they were talking about him. 
“Hey guys!” he said softly, still holding the bag in his hand. Mika and Manon looked at him seemly in shock.
“Hey!” the girl said after thirty seconds of awkward silence. 
“I got some groceries.” he said and raised the bag. “Also got some sweets for you guys.” a soft smile appeared on his face, weak, but at least honest. 
“Oh that sounds awesome.” Mika jumped up from the couch, running to Lucas and wrapping him up in a bone-crashing hug. “I missed you, Kitten!” he mumbled. Lucas laughed and wrapped his free arm around Mika softly, it felt good to be hugged by him.
“I was away for just a few hours.” he said softly and glanced at Manon, who walked towards them with a soft smile on her face. 
“You know how he meant it.” she said and rubbed the short boy’s arm. “It’s good to have you back.” 
“It’s good to be back.” he whispered into the older guy’s shoulder now, dropping the bag and wrapping both of his arms around him. Manon decided to join in and hugged both of them from the side, burying her face into Lucas’ neck. 
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Lucas spent the rest of his day answering to his friend’s messages. All of them were concerned after he wasn’t responding for days. They had no idea what happened with Eliott and it was good like that. He only told Mika and Manon, because he trusted them, plus he made them promise not to talk about it to anyone else. He explained what happened exactly, how things went downhill, how scared he was when Eliott just ran off naked, how he felt when the police called him. What happened at the station, his fight with Lucille, Eliott’s texts, him blocking Lucas everywhere. He felt relieved after finishing the story. He got some hugs from his flatmates and they decided to watch a movie together. Lucas agreed, but he was mostly on his phone, reassuring the boys and the girls that he was fine. Then he saw the messages from Sofiane and he opened it with shaky hands. 
sofalaoui Lucille called me and told me what happened Is everything okay with you?  You must be in shock, but Eliott needs you  Answer, please
The first two messages were from sunday, the third from monday and then the last from tuesday. Lucas sighed and leant back on the couch, staring at his phone for a couple minutes, thinking about what he should say to Sofiane. He was Eliott’s friend, but he probably had no idea what he did after his episode. How he pushed Lucas away. The boy wasn’t blaming Eliott or anyone in fact, but he had the right to feel heartbroken. He took a deep breath and started typing.
lucallemant Hi, I’m sure you have no idea, but I think Eliott broke up with me 
The reply came within a minute and Lucas couldn’t stop himself from smiling. Sofiane was just like Eliott, texting back immediately.
sofalaoui What do you mean? Why would he do that? 
lucallemant I am not sure, he blocked my number and blocked me on instagram 
sofalaoui Woah, that’s extreme Did you talk to him? 
lucallemant I tried to, before he blocked me  I met Lucille today and she said that he’s not well 
sofalaoui I’m sorry, Lucas I wish I could help, but you know him... 
lucallemant  He is fucking stubborn...
sofalaoui Exactly You wanna meet up tomorrow maybe? 
lucallemant No, I’m meeting the boys tomorrow And I’m not sure if we should meet 
sofalaoui Why? Did I do something wrong? 
Lucas could feel the concern in those words and see the worrying frown on Sofiane’s face. He sighed and pulled up his legs, hugging them while texting back to him. Mika, Lisa and Manon were too busy watching some shitty romantic movie.
lucallemant No, of course not But you are Eliott’s best friend and he might not be happy if he would know that you were hanging out with his ex
sofalaoui You are not his ex
lucallemant Apparently, I am 
sofalaoui You’re just giving up on him like this? 
lucallemant I am not gonna give up I love him 
sofalaoui Does he know that? 
lucallemant  Not yet 
He sighed and put down his phone for now. He kept saying to people that he loves Eliott and it was burning his chest how he couldn’t tell him too. It wasn’t hard, not after all this. Realizing how terrified he was when Eliott disappeared in the night, not knowing what can happen to him, not knowing if he’s safe or if he gets hurt before the police finds him. These all combined made him sure that his feelings were strong, stronger than he ever expected them to be. It was something he never felt before, something he only read about in those shitty books that was required for literature classes. He had to smile when he remembered how much Eliott loved those sappy books. 
The next day he met up with the gang in the park. He was nervous and not sure what to tell them. He didn’t wanted to make Eliott be a bad guy, because he wasn’t, but he also wasn’t sure if he could speak about his bipolarity without him agreeing to it. That was something Lucas couldn’t just decide by himself. Suddenly he just wanted to run back home and not meeting the boys, maybe meeting up with Sofiane instead, since he could talk to him honestly, maybe even asking his opinion on things, but he got off the bus now and he could see them from far away. He took a deep breath and started walking. 
The boys were sitting on a bench, facing the small lake and were talking about some nonsense, laughing too much. Lucas slowly appreached them and just watched for a little, listening to all the stupid shit Basile was saying, smiling fondly when Arthur shut him off. He walked around the bench, smiling softly.
“Hey.” he greeted them. The boys jumped up, all of them at the same time and wil a loud “Lulu” they pulled him in a tight group hug. Lucas laughed and tried to wrap his arms around all three of them, he was a bit overwhelmed, but also really happy.
“We missed you, Lulu.” Arthur said and he rubbed the boy’s back softly.
“We really did.” Baz continued.
“And we were worried too.” Yann added, ruffling Lucas’ already messy hair with a gentle smile on his face. 
“I’m sorry, boys. Things just happened and I needed some time alone.” he explained and sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose with two fingers. 
“What things?” Arthur raised his eyebrows and they pulled back now, sitting on the bench again, while Lucas was standing in front of them. 
“There was... Things are difficult between me and Eliott right now. Something happened that was out of our control, so we’re... sort of taking a break.” he explained slowly, trying to keep his emotions inside. He was crying enough lately, it was time to be strong and fight for the person he loved. 
“Wait, did you guys break up?” Basile asked confused.
“Yeah.” Lucas answered shortly and sighed. “Things are hard for us now and I think he needs some time... he is... He’s depressed.” he said finally and looked at the trees nearby instead of looking at his friends.
“Wait a second... is Eliott bipolar?” Basile asked suddenly, shocking everyone with it. Lucas eyes opened widely, staring at his idiot friend in disbelief. 
“How do you...?” 
“My mom is also bipolar.” he said simply, shrugging and looking around to see that all the boys were looking at him surprised. “You guys never asked, so I didn’t tell.” he defended himself. “What happened with Eliott?” 
“He... he had a manic episode.” Lucas said now honestly, letting out a deep sigh. “He ran off naked in the middle of the night.” 
“He was naked?” Arthur asked shocked, while Basile started laughing.
“That’s so funny.” he said between two laughs, earning a deadly look from Lucas. “Okay, sorry.” he coughed. “So he’s depressed now... because you guys had a fight?”
“No.” Lucas shook his head. “After the police found him, his sister talked to the officers, while I brought our stuff from the hotel room...”
“Wait, hold on.” Yann said suddenly. “Hotel room?” 
“Yeah.” Lucas mumbled and felt his ears burning now. “We went to a hotel on saturday... it was his surprise for me.” he explained.
“Fuck, you really have the best boyfriend, huh?” Arthur said with a jealous look on his face. Lucas wanted to remind him that they weren’t a couple anymore, but he felt like if he says it too many times, it’s going to be real. That was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. 
“So what happened after?” Yann asked now, paying full attention to his best friend now. 
“He didn’t wanted to see me, so I went home... I was really worried, Lucille, his sister didn’t contact me at all, but then I got a message from Eliott. He said that he needs space, he wanna get well, but I would just hold him back... and then he blocked me.” he finished, sniffing a little to help holding back the tears. I can’t cry again. I can’t cry again. 
“Man, that’s tough shit.” Arthur sighed.
“But you aren’t going to give up on him, right?” Basile asked curiously. “I mean... My mom did stuff like this, yelling at me and throwing stuff when she was mad or depressed. It sure can get nasty, but We’ve all seen how Eliott looks at you.” 
“I’m not planning to.” Lucas said with a soft smile and he felt a sudden urge to just hug the shit out of Basile. He knew that with all the stupid stuff he was saying and doing, deep down he was a kindhearted boy, but right now he grew big in the short boy’s eyes. “I wanna talk to him once he’s feeling better.” he said honestly and seeing the proud look on his friends’ face made him feel happy.
“That’s the spirit, Lulu.” Yann said, smirking and got up from the bench. “Now let’s go and have some fun! We can borrow my sister’s electric scooter.” he offered, which made everyone excited now. 
“Let’s go then.” Lucas said laughing and he left the park with the boys, heading to Yann’s place. 
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This one might not have been as long as the previous ones, but I wanted to end it here, with that hilarious insta picture, because we all love le Gang! The next one might be from Eliott’s POV, so prepare for more angst before they actually get back together. I also feel like getting to the end of this story, so If you guys have suggestions for other AUs, feel free to tell me. I have some plans, but nothing is clear yet. Bisous
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