#( ship ) loki x fandral
alyceinwonderland777 · 7 months
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"Your love's got the best of me."
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gloriousburden · 7 months
personally, i do not ship loki with anyone. but out of genuine curiosity… i’d like to see what the most popular loki ship on here is.
(disclaimer: like i said, i do not ship loki with anyone. if there is a ship you disagree with here, please do not get mad at me simply because i added it as an option. i am just genuinely curious to see who you guys ship loki with, and some of these ships are perhaps… controversial. me putting these ships here does not mean i necessarily endorse/approve of any of them. i don’t really know how tumblr feels about thorki anymore, but i added it simply because i’d like to answers from every side possible. and also because i would like to know how tumblr currently feels about them! i’ve been wondering if it is still the most popular ship here, even though they haven’t been on screen together in so long. or if people think it’s like… really weird and are less tolerant of it now. once again i am not endorsing ANY of these ships. feel more than welcome to state your honest opinions on any of these ships, but please do not harass others for having an opinion that differs from your own.)
also forgive me if i forgot any. i put all the ones i remembered 😭😭😭 please rb for reach
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wholesomecrow · 6 months
I’m curious
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xalygatorx · 9 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 23, "Midnight Blue"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Cora and the Warriors Three locate Sindri and Brokkr and Cora is able to meet her Asgardian kin. When the group returns to Asgard’s center, Thor informs Cora of Loki’s fate.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: Loss; grief
Word Count: 3.5k
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"What ails you, little lion? You look so…," Sif paused, "sluggish."
"I'm pretty sure this sword is dragging me along, not the other way around," Cora explained grumpily, trying to balance the heavy blade sheathed at her hip to no avail. "But thanks for pointing that out."
Sif laughed easily at the girl's sarcasm. "I am sorry. You've gotten your color back though, I am pleased to say. I worried you wouldn't last when you first came to us." She frowned a bit at the memory, but shook it off.
"I felt awful," Cora admitted with a small sigh before taking up the sword and slinging it across her back by a strap instead. It helped only slightly. "Like someone had hollowed me out."
"You are brave though. And strong. You saw yourself through."
"I just hope I never have to go through something like that again," Cora murmured, glancing over her shoulder at the shrinking palace which grew ever smaller as they put more and more distance from Asgard's center.
"More tests will come," Volstagg said beside Cora, armored and in all his bushy, red-haired glory. "You'll be the stronger for them, the more you defeat. They help you grow."
"And by the girth of my dear friend here, it's safe to say he's had his fair share of tests!" Fandral chuckled, earning a scowl from his comrade.
"I'll show you a test you won't soon be forgetting!" Volstagg shot back with a hearty smirk, brandishing his broadsword before Sif intervened.
"Boys," she said coolly, laughing afterward. "Might want to focus on where we're going. I do not know whether or not to expect palace interference or not."
"I doubt it will come to pass," Fandral supplied with a slight shrug of his slender shoulders. "There is too much else on the Allfather's mind at the moment. We're probably the least of his concern."
Cora looked around the nearly desolate street as the three rambled on about Odin and his troubles, noting how debris that had flown off the Elven ships had plummeted into the surrounding area and damaged some of the marketplace booths and the buildings riddling the narrow street. "How far out are we going?"
"Getting tired, wee one?" Volstagg chuckled, lightly elbowing her in the ribs.
"Hardly," Cora fired back with a wrinkle of her nose. "But we can stop for a moment if you need a breather."
"Oh, I like you," Fandral grinned with a short laugh, causing Sif to shake her head. By the Nine, they're worse than usual, she was thinking to herself, a smirk pulling at her lips. "We won't be going much further, I suspect. The dwarves tend to settle apart from the rest of us, but not too far removed. Got to sell their smithing on occasion."
The four trekked across the Asgardian landscape, through the marketplace and past the residential outskirts. Apart from a few signs of life, the streets were empty and Asgard's citizens were opting to stay inside after the events of the past couple days, both out of fear of an oncoming attack and out of mourning for their lost queen. Black and gold scarves with hues of blue at the tips were tied outside small buildings that looked like homes and Cora couldn't help but think they were lovely. "Are those…," she asked slowly after a moment, causing Sif to look over in the same direction.
"They are for the Queen's passing," Sif said quietly, frowning faintly at the sight. "Death is inevitable for us, gods and goddesses or not. We just have much longer to think over the possibilities beyond than mortals or half-mortals."
"You don't know what comes after death?"
"We are Asgardians, Cora. Our knowledge grows with time and work, but we know little of what life lies for us in the stars. The only ones who know for fact are those who pass and though we expect the gone have found peace, it does not leave us without a sense of grief."
"Is religion existent here?"
"In older generations and their kin," Volstagg replied. "After some time, the arguments over who is right and who is wrong about what lies after death cease and there is acceptance instead. No matter who is 'right,' it is the endpoint of each of us and no amount of bickering will change the truth."
"And the ceremony they held for Frigga and the others?"
"Protocol. It is respect, not religious practice."
Cora sighed a little. "I like that. I wish my world could focus on something like that long enough to stop the wars and hatred."
"Great things could be accomplished should that come to pass," Sif admitted with a short nod, eyes scanning the distance. "The problem with it all is time. We have thousands of years to realize our mistakes, the wrongs of our prejudice, and to rise above the petty things. Human beings do not have this and feel instead much more pressure to create themselves in the tiny span of a century. At least that's what I've observed in my short visits to Midgard and to other lands with similar cultures."
"Will my mortality be changed by the Asgardian blood in me?" Cora asked uncertainly, not knowing quite how she would feel if it would.
"I do not know. I've not met one of Asgardian and Midgardian heritage before," Sif replied honestly. "If anything, the strength and other abilities your heritage has given you may enable your hundred-year mortal life to be lived in its fullest."
"Living just a hundred years sounds both appealing and daunting," Cora noted. "Most people where I come from don't even live that long."
Sif frowned at that. "Buds," she murmured thoughtfully. "Little, furled buds, you all are, with no time to open and live before winter's frost. It is sad. Barely tapped potential…"
"Goddess of War, you are growing soft," Volstagg teased gently.
"I am growing older," Sif compromised calmly, "praise to the Nine that it be so. My eyes open wider every day."
"We're here," Fandral said, interrupting the conversation.
"Why, 'tis not even midday yet," Volstagg said with a pleased tone of voice. "We've made good time."
"Should we have…called ahead or something?" Cora asked unsurely, suddenly realizing maybe her Asgardian many-great-grandfather and equally-great-uncle may not appreciate visitors today. She didn't want to be rude…
"Nonsense," Volstagg said with a shake of his head. "At worst, they will be brief and dismiss us. Either way, you will have met your kin."
"You don't think they'll be offended or angry?"
"Our intentions are good. We will be fine, relax! Be merry, this is what you wanted!" Fandral said encouragingly, smiling and gesturing widely with his hands to emphasize his enthusiasm.
"Wish I had your optimism, Fandral," Cora murmured, jumping when she heard the loud clang of metal striking against metal from a smithing hut. She swallowed hard; suddenly nerves filled her stomach like thousands of tiny, pointy-winged butterflies and she couldn't remember what had made her think any of this was a good idea to begin with.
She was prepared to say something to Sif when a stocky little man with a bushy white beard walked from the hut, wiping a cloth across his brow to collect the sweat from its folds. "Oh…," he said in surprise when he saw them. "Hello."
"Azvic," Volstagg said in greeting, stepping forward to clasp hands with the now-relaxing dwarf. "It's good to see you."
Azvic smiled at the familiar face. "Ah, my friend, the sentiment is returned. For what have the Warriors Three—or Four, it appears now—come all this way?"
"Sindri and Brokkr, in fact," Sif replied with a polite smile. "Are they present?"
"Oh, yes, of course," Azvic said with a nod before stepping back inside the hut. When he returned, another dwarf followed in his wake, his brow and nose streaked with soot. Cora wasn't entirely sure whether or not his hair was naturally black or just attractive to the blacksmithing ashes, but she was surprised to see underneath the soot-tinted lids, his eyes were a striking ice-blue.
Wringing a dirtied cloth through his blackened hands, the dwarf looked up at Cora and the Warriors Three. "What do ye need from us this day?" he asked curiously, his voice of a deep timbre.
"Brokkr, I presume?" Sif said a little uncertainly, going on what she remembered from others' tales of visiting the dwarven outskirts.
"Indeed. Lady Sif, it is an honor to make yer acquaintance," Brokkr said with a deep inclination of his head. "And Volstagg and Fandral as well. But who are you, wee one? I've not seen yer face before."
Sif glanced at Cora and gave her an encouraging nod forward. Cora swallowed against a sudden dry patch in her throat and stepped forward as she said with sudden shyness, "My name is Cora. Cora Dempsey, I… Um…"
"Yes? You are, what?" Brokkr encouraged, his brow arching faintly.
"Your…great-great-great-great niece, if I said that properly…," she finished lamely.
Brokkr blinked, absorbing that. "So… Sindri…?"
"Is my equally-great grandfather, yes," Cora confirmed with a nod.
He looked at her pensively a moment. "You aren't from around here, are ye?"
She shook her head. "I hail from Midgard."
"What's a Midgardian doing here?" asked a curious baritone from the mouth of the hut. Another dwarf who looked quite similar to Brokkr walked out with Azvic, but the difference she noticed first was his eye color. Midnight blue. Miraculously enough, just like hers.
"I do not know how she came to Asgard, but she is here to visit you, brother," Brokkr informed him, not taking his eyes off Cora.
"Well, both of you," Cora amended quietly, disguising it with a small cough.
"Why would you be needing to do that, m'dear? Are you in need of a weapon?" the dwarf, who she could only assume was Sindri, asked her before looking her over. "Bit wee, aren't ye? I could make something light for your troubles. For the right price."
"I don't need a weapon, though that's kind of you, I—"
"She's your granddaughter, you filanderin' dohi!" Brokkr exclaimed, smacking him upside the head.
"'Dohi'?" Cora repeated in a confused whisper to Volstagg, since he seemed to be the one more familiar with these dwarves and their culture.
"'Village idiot'," Volstagg translated with a soft chuckle.
Sindri blinked at his brother and looked on the verge of retaliation before realizing what he'd said, which was when his gaze snapped back to Cora. "Ye… Truly?"
"I mean, give or take a few generations," Cora confirmed with a nod.
He squinted at her a little and asked, "Are ye descended from Rosemary?"
Cora nodded. "She's my great-great-great-great-grandmother."
They stood in silence for a moment and just as Cora and her companions began to get a bit uncomfortable, a huge grin broke across Sindri's face and he took two large steps forward, pulling Cora down to his level for a hug. "Wonderful to meet you, my dear! Wonderful, indeed! Come, ye must all join us for the midday meal, it'll be up soon!"
Cora laughed a little at his enthusiasm while Brokkr stood behind his brother, a bit torn between being aggravated at his brother's obvious indiscretion and intrigued by the many-great niece he hadn't known about. "Ladies' dwarf," he grumbled under his breath before joining Sindri, Cora, Sif, Fandral, and Volstagg in going back into the hut, passing Azvic at the doorway, who had a rather amused expression on his faintly creased face.
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"Yer own people froze ye?" Brokkr interrupted, sounding appalled. They'd plowed through the dwarves' communal noon meal, which was quite a feat in and of itself. The little men cleared a banquet table without batting an eye. Brokkr had warmed to Cora little by little and it was apparent to her now that he'd gotten quite used to her as his kin, which made her rather happy.
"I have abilities they were scared of," she reasoned as she sipped at some mead they'd passed around in tankards as big as her head. "Even though I never did anything to scare them."
"What abilities?" Sindri asked curiously, on his second tankard and still going strong.
"I can turn invisible," Cora answered, thinking back to what Sif had said about the brothers forging Thor and Odin's weapons. "…And I was able to pick up and use Mjolnir."
"Interesting," Sindri commented, looking impressed.
"Does that go hand-in-hand with my relation to you? I was told you two forged it."
"Well, I forged it, Brokkr changed the quenching water," Sindri boasted, earning a dark look from his brother, to which he chuckled and admitted, "He may have done more than that. But no, dear, it comes from worth and might, not the blood that brought ye into being."
Cora smiled a little, feeling empowered by that, and took one more polite sip of her drink as Volstagg admitted disappointedly, "We'd best be off soon. With things the way they are at the palace, it is unwise of us to be away for long."
"I understand," Sindri said with a nod, the hum of the other dwarves' chatting down the length of the table a comforting background noise. "We all hope for the Prince's safe return and the safety of any who accompanied him. I thank you for coming to meet this old dwarf and bring him new happiness," he added sincerely with a smile before it became a lopsided grin. "Now that I've thanked ye on my brother's behalf, I also thank—oof!"
Brokkr had elbowed him in the gut and as Sindri chuckled with merry laughter, Brokkr turned his attention to Cora and the others. "What my brother means to say is we are glad to have met ye, Cora. As well as the Warriors Three. Do not be a stranger to these parts."
Cora smiled warmly and nodded. "Thank you for your hospitality. I'm so glad I got to meet you both and your family here."
After goodbyes and fond gestures were exchanged, Cora and the others left the dwarves' sector of Asgard's vast lands, making the trek back to the populated city ensconced in gold beyond. They arrived in equally adequate time to their previous journey, discussing how strong the mead was as they graced the palace steps. Cora was laughing at something Fandral said about Volstagg taking some along in his beard when a flash of red caught her eye and she looked up to see Thor walking down from the palace foyer.
"Thor! You're alive!" Fandral cried dramatically, a wide grin upon his face.
The prince looked up and smiled at his comrades, though his features tensed faintly when his eyes found Cora and she couldn't imagine why. "My friends," Thor greeted them with a warm gaze. "It pleases me to know you were not all jailed for treason upon my leave."
"I recruited them for a field trip instead," Cora joked easily, Sif and the others smiling because they'd been more than willing to go along with her. "How's Jane? What happened?" she asked quickly, taking in the cuts on his forehead and cheek. "You look awful."
"Always the charmer, little sister," he chuckled softly, though his eyes were sad. "Jane is fine. She awaits my return on Earth. The Aether is contained and Malekith and his army have been destroyed. Our worlds are safe again."
The four standing before Thor all expressed their relief and gratitude in a collaborative manner, but Cora fell short again when she saw Thor's smile weaken. "Jane is fine… The realms are safe… You look just a little battered…," she murmured, tallying up the victories. "But what's wrong?"
Thor sighed deeply and shook his head a bit as his eyes fell to the golden steps beneath his boots, a war on his face in the creases between his brows and the shadows his melancholy cast under his eyes. "Cora, I do not know how to say this…"
She felt a chill of dread starting to seep into her bones, her eyes narrowing a little as she murmured, "Then just say it however it comes out…"
Thor clenched his jaw faintly and looked her in the eyes as he told her, "Loki is dead."
This was not a grief she was used to. She was used to heart-wrenching, immediate pain that could be suffered and dealt with instantaneously, at least in increments. Cora was unprepared for how the news numbed her wholly and left her feeling strange and hollow, her entire operating system shutting down and leaving an odd emptiness in its wake.
Sif, Volstagg, and Fandral were expressing their sympathies to Thor, Fandral more-so than the others because he, alone, still seemed to hold some semblance of the friendship he'd once shared with Loki, unlike the others who grimaced with every mention of his name. Still though, she felt Sif lay a hand gently on her back to steady her, rising above her grudges for the time being. Not as if they mattered any longer anyway.
"I'm so sorry," Cora finally murmured to Thor, seeing the pain in his eyes when she returned her gaze to his. "Did you have to…?"
"No," Thor said vehemently. "He did not betray me. He helped me just as he promised. More than he promised. He died with honor and I should only hope to pass with as much strength and courage."
Cora smiled faintly at that—he'd really proven himself. "He finally came around then… Good."
Seeing that she was obviously shellshocked, Thor placed his large hands on her shoulders and leaned down to look her in the eyes. "Cora, I would like to pay my apologies to you."
"For what? You didn't—"
"You lost him as well," Thor said firmly. "And I am so sorry for that."
Cora hesitated, but then slowly nodded. "Thank you." Thor nodded faintly and then straightened only to pull her into his strong embrace, resting his chin atop her head as he patted her back reassuringly. She returned the gesture, figuring that—given his brother's recent history—he might not have gotten much sympathy from anyone else in these parts. "I'm glad you're okay. And Jane, too."
Thor smiled a little as he drew back from her, and he ruffled her hair faintly and bid them farewell, stepping onto the BiFrost. Sif frowned and looked after him. "Where are you off to?" she asked in a raised voice, causing Thor to turn around and regard them again. "You just got back."
"I've relinquished the throne," Thor announced after a few moments' hesitation. "Midgard is where I will make my home from now on."
Sif's face fell ever so slightly and it sent a small pang of sympathy through Cora's heart. Thor might have noticed, but it was equally possible that he hadn't, given the distance between them now. "I see."
"This will not be the last we see of you," Volstagg told Thor firmly, causing the prince to smile. "We'll be sure of that."
"Farewell, my friend!" Fandral called with a wave of his arm, leading the way inside the palace.
Cora, Sif, and Volstagg turned to do the same, but Cora soon heard her name called and turned to look back at Thor, whose features stood as illustrations of his internal conflicts once more. Happy to be free, but broken by the cost. "He meant to apologize to you."
Cora's brow furrowed. "…What?"
"Before we left. Loki desired an audience with you, but I forbade it. I did not trust him as I should have and, for that, I am sorry," Thor explained, a shameful edge to his voice. "But he meant to make amends for the things he said to you. I daresay only offending our mother has ever brought such distress into his person, though he did not show it to me."
Cora's throat worked a little before she could manage a smile. "Thank you, Thor. I'm sure I'll be seeing you in the near future, either here or there."
Thor nodded and waved before turning his back once more, striding surely across the rainbow bridge. Cora's smile faded as soon as his back faced her again, her gaze falling toward the golden steps. 
"Are you…?" came Sif's voice from behind her.
No matter what adjective might've followed Sif's unfinished question, the answer was unequivocally "no" every time. She was not okay, nor all right, nor was she particularly stable. Yet she was not sad. She wasn't sure she had the ability to feel enough to be sad any longer. Everything just felt useless to her. Cora wasn't sure she had any grief left to dispense.
However, she replied with a quiet, "Yes," which answered all former possibilities and continued up the steps. All the way up the staircase to her room, where she shut the door behind her with a click that echoed up and down the barren hall a hundred times over, a ghost within the walls.
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Next chapter: Chapter 24, "I'll Always Find You"
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m1ghtythor · 1 year
I just cannot understand Thorkki shippers...like, Jane and Thor are THE BEST couple that has everrr existed and Loki's basically Thor's brother...not trying to degradate
I also LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog xxx
First off thank you so much it’s so nice to hear that! xxx
Honesty I’m of the opinion that someone can have their own opinions as long as it doesn’t cause a problem to someone else (or trigger them). I mean you can ship Thor with Jane, Sif, Lorelei, Valkyrie, Fandral, Darcy, somehow Captain America too…? You can ship him even with yourself at this point, also Lokane (Loki x Jane) is a thing that has been going on for years now. All of this ships above don’t bother me like that inc*stuos, filthy ship of Th*rki. I don’t get it and I don’t get why people are so pushy with it. It is not ok.
If you only wish to see their relationship as a platonic/brotherly one use the hastag brodinsons. (They already use that to sneak in the ship sadly, but it’s all we have for now)
In conclusion, stan fosterson the real canon ship.
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(I don’t see enough valkyrie and jane content)
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Ok so I did a rewatch thread for ATLA a few years ago, and I’m doing it again for the LCU: Loki Cinematic Universe
Forgot Thor dropped out of the Sky in New Mexico of all places lmao. Darcy my beloved.
This movie is making me emotional like a minute in. They haven’t even introduced Lokes yet don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry
really gives Star Wars x Lord of the rings energy huh
YEA THOR AND LOKI. Loki’s child casting is ridiculously impeccable though…same nose, facial expressions, we sure this kid ain’t Tom’s?
When I saw Sif I made this face. 😏 Wow the way they delayed Adult! Loki reveal for dramatic effect. And when I saw him I made this face 😩 and giggled like a schoolgirl. Hnnng I can’t handle Sifki in the same frame they’re too fine. Ok shut up simp.
ZOOM IN ON FRIGGA AT “FIRSTBORN” Obviously they just wanted to show his mom, and they may not have known Hela would be Odin’s daughter when making Thor, but fuck it is funny in hindsight.
ZOOM IN ON LOKI AT SELFISH AMBITION been there Lokes I get ya. They look….so damn good in silver, can we have Loki in Silver again?
Young Thor has anger issues, I forgot how hotheaded he was. wow he’s come a long way…or is that the inconsistent writing…
Loki: judges you in bisexual. Also Loki: don’t be suspicious don’t be suspicious
I forgot about Hogun I feel bad
Don’t go to Jotunheim that will start Loki’s villain arc and spiral into the entire infinity saga
Heimdall told Loki he wasn’t dressed warm enough the foreshadowing. WHEN BIFROST ACTIVATED TO GO TO JOTUNHEIM LOKI GOT ZAPPED FIRST. Where are the frost giants? *camera pans to Loki* there is SO much foreshadowing in this scene, also to Loki being a backstabbing little bitchsicle
Loki’s personality and character voice has been the same for 12 years stop complaining antis. Also thank Tom for that!
Loki should have played off “run back home, little princess” as Laufey referring to them, not Thor. Maybe chaos wouldn’t ensue. Thor you are a rambunctious irresponsible nightmare. You make Loki look cool and calculated, which they are, unless they’re having a psychotic break. Loki really would be and was a better ruler.
While that scene is heartbreaking, Loki and the frost giant looking at each other in confusion will never not be funny
Loki saved Fandral awwww I ship it
I like this Thor better. He got too goofy and himbo later. He’s a golden retriever, but a jumpy, bitey golden retriever that tries to pick up sticks that are too big and get it into danger.
Loki was so scared this whole movie. His face is just…filled with dread half the time poor kitten
The love of Thor’s life during Thor: doing fancy science experiments, hanging with her friends, living her best nerd life. The love of Loki’s life during Thor: watches people die gruesome deaths, chokes on ash from supervolcano, narrowly avoids getting sucked into black hole, nearly drowns in mega tsunami, almost gets incinerated by nuke.
Until Sylvie, only Darcy could match Loki’s sheer level of chaos gremlin
Stop punching for 3 seconds Thor or I swear to god I’m gonna punch my television
“Thor is reckless and dangerous” you’re one to talk, Loki
The way Sif says Loki’s name, the way she reaches out to him first, as if she knows her sway on him…hmmm. Fandral jumping to defend Loki as if he himself has been offended….hmmmm.
“Am I cursed” thank you I will be crying though the whole scene. The way he tries to stay collected and just loses his shit…(I actually did cry and had to cut myself a slice of cake)
“Why do you twist my words” he has BPD Odin, that’s your fault
Thor: ANOTHER. Jane: no smashing, unless you’re smashing me
There is such a marked difference in how Loki acts after finding out he’s Jotun, down to the shaky way Tom delivers his lines. Loki is trying to put on this mask of grandeur and poise, when he’s so clearly…broken. How do I reach through the screen and tell him I love him? Loki is king, what he’s wanted forever, and he can’t even enjoy it. He is absolutely devastated. FuCK. But also, he’s having cynical fun with it. He’s had a terrible day, he’s done with everyone’s bullshit, and he’s decided to do whatever he fucking wants
He’s decided to become what everyone wanted from him…He found out he’s Jotun, and he wants to purge that from history and become someone he could never be…
He and Sif soooooo obviously have history, like how did I miss this? There also may be a bit of subtext with Fandral… Loki my Bi king
Also they are so androgynously beautiful this movie, Loki my genderfluid queen
Loki on earth: I will intentionally attract attention by being sexy. Thor on earth: I will unintentionally attract attention by acting like an alien, which I am
Loki’s only real friend is his mother. Unfortunately, I relate.
Jane and Thor are a better fit than I remember. They’re both impulsive, adventurous, but she mellows him out and is his voice of reason. He brings her out of her shell, keeps her life exciting.
Sup Clint
Thor is kinda cute, but too manly for me. My type is tomboys and femboys and everything in between.
I feel like Loki, yelling at Thor through the tv to calm the fuck down and stop hitting people and just sit his ass down and make a fucking plan. Thor and his hammer I swear to god. Maybe if you calmed tf down, you’d be worthy again, you hotheaded arrogant fool
Cinematography popping offfff
Loki: Father is dead. Me: YOU LYING SACK OF ✨beauty✨ *tries to be angry at Loki, literally drools instead* Loki: you are still banished. Me: you little shit! (affectionate). I hate you so much (sexually frustrated)
Loki and Mjolnir. The way he was frustrated, then angry, then heartbroken, but never hopeful. He knew he was never gonna pick that hammer up, but he still tried and failed. He looked like he was gonna yell, then looked like he was gonna cry…baby baby nooo
I’m really just Loki lite. Or Loki is me on a really bad day. Like when it’s 4:am and I’m considering murdering my grandmother. I’ll be like…jeez, am I really that much like Loki? He does some really fucked up stuff. Then I realize that if I was in the same situation, I would do the exact same thing. Psychologically, we are nearly identical. I also have the same gender, sexuality, skin, hair and eye color. I may be a variant, send help.
Marry me Lady Sif
Not Loki showing empathy…no one tell that corner of the fandom that idolizes his worst self and thinks he’s nothing but a cold hearted self obsessed psychopath. Did anyone really think that Robot punch was gonna kill Thor? The hulk hits harder than that. Loki was going easy on him. He does care, somewhere deep in his whole…mess. He never truly wanted to kill Thor, he just thought he did. I don’t think he could have gone through with it either. If he did, killing Thor might have killed him too. Look up splitting in bpd, and you’ll get it.
The plot of this movie is just: Loki has a breakdown
Ok I’m tearing up again at 4:40 am in the morning because sad popsicle just wants to feel loved…but he’s already loved…they just can’t believe anyone would love them for who they are… so he self sabotages bc deep down…they don’t feel worthy of the love they desperately crave *has a breakdown myself*
Loki is just me when I have a borderline personality disorder rage episode, provoke people by saying hurtful shit, and wanna jump off a bridge afterwards ngl
If you destroy the bridge you’ll never see her again…Loki trying to manipulate Thor, or Loki being a hopeless romantic and caring…a bit of both.
Loki’s su!c!de attempt genuinely made me cry, especially because I know he survives actual physical and psychological torture afterwards, and does things that likely haunt him forever. I wish I could tell him that a few years down the line, he will know his family and everyone in Asgard pitied him, loved him, mourned him, and in another timeline he will meet someone who will make him feel understood and validated and seen the way he thought impossible. It’s also making me worry about Sylvie attempting the same next season because…Loki and Sylvie are cut from the same cloth and as they said, they truly have been where she is now and felt what she feels.
End credit scene…I see you Lokes
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fearlessmuses · 10 months
Butcher x Homelander ( dark / potentially toxic i mean )
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Ten x Clara Oswald
Billy Russo x Frank Castle ( dark / potentially toxic )
Fandral x Loki ( i am sure there are aus and just so much )
Logan x Scott Summers ( post x2 film wise or comic wise i mean )
Logan x Scott x Jean ( i mean poly for sure )
Billy Dunne x Daisy Jones ( triggering content / unhealthy potential)
Hades x Minthe ( unhealthy for sure )
Hades x Hera ( unhealthy potential affair based au / revenge cheating )
Pike x Kirk
Rick Grimes x Shane Walsh ( goes without saying doesn't it? affair potenial / general intense triggering potentials )
There's a lot I will do, I don't have triggers and always happy to tag triggers for those who needs. I'm all about exploring things beyond that soft romances that are cute and fluffy. I love some messy fighting less than happy ending stuff too! That's why we watch tv, read books & comics right!
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
what's coming this week :: april 2023 week 4
Well hello again, friends. Welcome to yet another installment of weekly writing updates that nobody asked for. I didn't get to do one these last few weeks because, well…feet. Let's leave it there 😂 I have a 3-day weekend at the end of this work week and hopefully no accident will befall me that will require me to have numerous hours of sleep so that my body can heal itself 😮‍💨
In progress: the final Lady Sharpe – part of the 500-follower celebration; should have been a 3-parter then turned into a full 8-part series with an alternate ending because i can't help myself; Thomas Sharpe x Reader; the vibe is Victorian Era Espionage and honestly i'm hoping i can pull this off
In progress: relinquish the crown: atonement or debasement – the first of two companion pieces to 'from a world away'; covering the hours between YN walking out of the war room with Prince Damien of Alfheim and Loki finding you training with Fandral at the end of the day
In progress: relinquish the crown: locked away | 2 – gonna this one close to my chest because it ties in to something that will happen in 'atonement or debasement'
Planning, Phase 3: relinquish the crown season 1B – still in progress but the next major chapter 'plans & protestations' is finished w/ this phase and is awaiting writing
Planning, Phase 3: back to you – i have about 8 more parts to put through Phase 3 planning and then the entire series is ready for writing
Planning, Phase 1 – Merman!Loki AU where reader trades in her legs for a tail; Pirate!Loki AU where Ship Captain Loki is in best friends to lovers type situation with First Mate!Reader; President Loki story where he starts fixating on Hacker!Reader who's on his payroll; Civil War era Loki having a bonding moment with Avenger!Reader in Germany while Team Cap v Team Iron Man was happening; Avenger Loki & Avenger Reader getting 'randomly' chosen as audience members to perform a spicy routine during a night out with the team; 'until i reach you'; 'web of shadows' (Jonathan Pine x Hacker!Reader)
Let's see what this week will bring us…hopefully getting to cross off another handful of items off of my todo list. We'll see.
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What if...?
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benevolentgodloki · 2 years
Wanted Muses
A small list of muses I am potentially seeking a partner for. Please bear in mind I will be extremely choosy regarding whether I think we will suit each other and if I have time to take another partner on. Thanks! xxx
Thor - I have two lovely Thors (one being my main and bestie) who would generally be my limit, but I'm keen to find a partner who would like to write Thorki. I'll be especially picky with portrayals and whether we gel as people for this but very much looking for someone brave enough to have some fun <3
Fandral - particularly for shipping. I have some hc's for my Loki that he dallied a tiny bit with Fandral in the past, mostly by drunken accidents, once or twice on purpose through tricking him.
Brad Wolfe/X-5 - Because I'm a sucker for a toxic ship and Loki wants to torment him.
Could be tempted by other canon muses from the MCU if I come across a good vibe.
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illicien · 2 years
Upcoming Fic List
Wait, this account still exists? WELL... guess it’s a good time to use it since I’m getting back into things!! Ready for a whole bunch of new-fangled fun and games?
You can find all of my works over on Ao3:
@ironstrangefrostohmy as Foxglove_Fiction
Q: Why is the list shorter than it used to be?
A: To my knowledge my former cowriter is no longer writing, so many of our previous ideas have been scrapped. This does mean I have the opportunity to write more detailed and focused fics, but they also will not likely be as long as many previous fics have been. 
Q: Why did/didn’t you tag (x,y,z)?
A: Tagging is intimidating as heck, and tagging on Tumblr is even more intimidating, I don’t know how any of you do this, please send help!! I’m doing my best.
List of fics below the cut, organized by progress.
- IronStrange & full IronStrangeFrost because I have ZERO CHILL.
- Based on some classic IronFrost slave collar concepts
- Rated E
- When Wong drops off a collared and silent Sorcerer Supreme, Tony finds himself having to figure out how far he’s willing to bend his morals to keep someone he cares about safe.
- Currently 10/?
In Progress:
A Crown of Frost (pt2 of the Frozen Branch series)
- Do you like Loki ships? This one’s full of them. Listing them would be silly.
- This is a bit of a celebration of the love of Loki over my many years in the fandom, including both classic and modern Loki ships and gender-neutral Loki.
- Rated T (probably. We’ll see.)
- When the heir to the throne of Jotunheim is said to be looking for suitors, the Nine Realms are well-prepared to send in their best. But the Jotun heir will not be easily impressed.
- Approx. 7 Chapters
(Untitled omgv) ("prequel" to Betwixt)
- Loki & Fandral
- Because I got thoughts about young Loki presenting as an omega and Fandral being insufferable. Also because I love Betwixt.
- Rated T
- Sure, Loki wanted attention. But this wasn't exactly the kind of attention he'd been hoping for.
- 1-2 chapters
Metamour (sequel to Potential)
- Mostly Tony & Loki, but IronStrange and StrangeFrost
- Do you know what a metamour is? If not, come learn along with Tony!
- Rated E
- A metamour is someone who loves the person you love, values them as much as you do, and respects your bond. They may be a friend, an acquaintance, or more. A metamour may also bring you warm fluffy socks in an attempt to bond with you, because you matter to the person they love, and they have every intention of winning you over. Tony is learning what it means to have a metamour.
- One-shot
On Pause, But Not Forgotten:
- IronStrange
- Vampires? Werewolves? Explorations of life and identity? Some of my favs!
- Rated E
- Sometimes dying isn’t actually the end you might wish it was. But then, there’s always something to live for, isn’t there?
- 8/14 Planned Chapters 
In Planning:
Beyond the Mirror Rework
- IronStrange / Stephencest
-  I was never totally happy with how BtM came out, and I deserve to write some Stephen-selfcest-horror
- E-Rating
- Mysticism and mirrors have gone hand in hand for generations. The thing is, those hands are supposed to stay inside the mirror...
- 5 chapters
The Asteria Court (pt3 of the Frozen Branch series) (Working title)
- IronStrangeFrost
- Medieval Fantasy AU
- Rating Unknown
- Loki has been completely content with the relationship he has, but on being made to marry he agrees to seek out a soulmate. Too bad that soulmate isn’t the man he was hoping it would be.
- ???? chapters
Vendetta  (Working title) 
- IronStrange
- Period piece dark fantasy AU w/ witch hunts 
- M-E-Rating 
- Wong hires Tony as a bodyguard to keep Stephen safe while he’s away, but Tony doesn’t know what exactly he’s keeping him safe from.
- ???? chapters
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enchantricksbot · 2 years
Do you ship sylki or lokius? Also y or why not
I don’t ship either, I think I’ve stated before in my sylki and Lokius tags. I’ll tag this too so you can just click them. They both make me a bit uncomfortable and ultimately I don’t see the chemistry. Which every time I say that someone comes for my head but it’s just my opinion that doesn’t mean it can’t be ur otp. I do have other ships though with Loki, not rly any mcu ones though. Mcu Loki needs some time and therapy I think tbh. I mean comics Loki too but he isn’t as. Idk, I’m having a hard time finding a word. The point is they’re different, even if not by far. Comic Loki def still unhinged. I liked MCU Loki and Sif until the Loki series scenes. I’m trying to think of the big mcu ships with Loki. I’m not a pro shipper personally so no Thorki on the brain, I think the grandmaster looked less mutually flirty and more Loki uncomfortable, but trying to save his and Thors skin. Not a big Fandral shipper or Frostiron fan, they didn’t have a ton of interaction and I’m not creative. I’m usually pretty aligned with canon.
Some of these are Crack ships, bc ik they don’t actually work well so not healthy or supposed to be canon. They just have a few moments:
Loki x Zelma, Amora x sif, Loki x sif, amora/Loki/sif, Sigurd x Loki, Amora x Wanda, amora x captain marvel, Loki x Storm.
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
SHIPS I’D LOVE TO WRITE ONE DAY:  *Bold is who I write
August Booth x Emma Swan
Clara Oswald x a Doctor ( I write Ten & Fourteen )
Eddie Munson x Chrissy Cunningham
Everett Ross x Valentina de Fontaine
Fandral x Loki
Harvey Dent x Bruce Wayne
John Constantine x Zari Tarazi 
Matt Murdock x Frank Castle
Pamela Isley x Harley Quinn
Poe Dameron x Finn 
Shane Walsh x Rick Grimes
Shayera Hol x Carter Hall
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memes-saved-me · 3 years
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A would-be prince?
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patchfowlr · 3 years
*Sees a long abandoned rare pair* Anotha one!
Dashingfrost playlist
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dash-o-frost · 4 years
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Oh would you look at that!! A new and improved version of a sketch I did a while ago. It’s a bit soft core saucy. It’s sweetly saucy. Seen as how tumblr can not handle anything above hand holding.
I can’t help but laugh at the fact that my posts are slowly taking up the Fandroki/dashingfrost tags and I honestly take a large amount of satisfaction from that. If that’s the way I leave my mark on the internet. . . So be it😂
 P.S I have a Twitter. @dashing_frost (predictable name I know)
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