#( wc; 939 )
woo-wahhhh · 2 months
[ the dance stage is upon the back of my neck–; ] believe it or not, aventurine was seldom this reckless– yes, he had a reckless streak in him; he wasn't so foolish to argue against that allegation, but he would like to argue that he always operates on a strictly calculated gamble and never one without even the sliver of a chance of falling on the right side of the die.
yet this– this was odd for even him.
what a pesky kind of temptation, aventurine thought to himself, when your fingertips danced along the nape of his neck, nails slipping under his collar, unintentionally driving a new wave of desire to crash over his skin. he braced his hand on the bed frame frame behind you, hazily making sure he didn't didn't topple down on you– that would be another can of worms to open, perhaps even peskier than the way he was now making out with his own secretary.
it was strange; odd, even, how usually, he would always have his wits with him, no matter how much he had to drink. he wasn't one to fool around with other people– money was enough for him– and yet, there he was, completely sober in terms of alcohol consumption yet intoxicated on the sweetness of this unintended kiss.
"oh- ah, that tickles!" those were the first words spoken in quite a while, only leaping forth from your mouth when aventurine had pulled away for a quick moment, only to press his lips hotly against your throat, no doubt leaving a bruise or maybe even a hint of your lipgloss that streaked crimson across his lips. he shivered at the sensation of your cold palms suddenly laying flat over his shoulders and under his shirt, almost biting down from the shock.
this was odd for him, since he thought he'd already learned there was absolutely no worth in jumping headfirst after fleeting feelings of attraction and, if he dared to perceive it, affection. it would always disappoint him in the end when he would be the one to stand alone.
but maybe he was growing weak.
maybe i actually need to schedule an appointment with ratio, he pondered, suddenly pulling away to examine your flushed face. your expression was so lovely, cherry red heat blossoming across the apples of your cheeks as your panted, face tilted into the hand that he cupped your face with. you were so strict, under normal circumstances, unbothered even when he asked you of the most ridiculously outlandish requests for the sake of his missions and business deals, but here you were, sickeningly content as you nuzzled your nose against the palm of his hand.
he nudged your bottom lip with his thumb, gathering the shiny lipgloss under his skin and lifting it to his own lips to smear across his mouth. it was a bit endearing how your legs, which had been wrapped around his waist, tightened, just for a heartbeat– he supposed his actions had the same effect that yours had on him.
"... sir?" what a time for honourifics, he chuckled to himself, suddenly pinching your cheek in response to the gentle call. "is... is something wrong?"
"no," he replied promptly, much to the surprise evident across your visage. "i'm just thinking that you're much bigger of a gambler than i am,"
"is... is that an insult?" why so earnest?
"... the fact you ask me that in the first place feels like an insult to me,"
"mhm," aventurine hummed in agreement, watching your lips purse into a sheepish line, just like you always did whenever things got awkward– how you were bold enough to even get to this point was beyond him. but perhaps that was your charm, the same way his uncanny confidence and gusto was his. "you're going to regret this in a couple system hours, aren't you, my dearest secretary?"
you peered up at him owlishly– "not really. you're a wonderful kisser, sir,"
"i... if topaz catches wind of this, she'll report me to HR,"
"but she won't," he had to say, he was quite charmed by that challenging glint in your eyes, "so you're fine?"
"i'm rubbing off on you, huh," he mumbled, half covering his mouth with his face to stifle laughter that was too boyish for a grown man like him.
"even so," you murmured, suddenly flopping onto your back, a dull thud resonating from the– well, his, mattress. you were pouting, your lips were endearing and it was driving him nuts somehow. pesky, pesky, pesky! "i do like your company,"
his eyebrows arched up at your words. "that's all?"
"do i need more of a reason to spend time with someone?"
he wanted to laugh, half disbelieved by the simplicity of thought. but it wasn't a completely incorrect train of thought, much to his dismay. "your reasoning is quite simple,"
"why must i complicate everything?" you countered, extending a hand forward. your fingertips could graze his collar, the skin on his neck, yet you simply remained in one place, so tantalizingly at arm's length. "perhaps sometimes i just want something."
"nothing more, nothing less," he murmured, more to himself, but perhaps he finished your thought as well judging the surprisingly bright grin you shot him.
"your gamble's paying off quite well," aventurine grinned, placing your hand against his neck and leaning down. "i almost think it's a bit... too good of a gamble,"
"i learned from the best,"
"sweet talking now, huh? i don't hate it." yes, he quite enjoyed it, in fact, so much so that he didn't think twice when closing the distance, teasingly licking your lips before sealing them with a kiss and giving into the heated desire dancing its way up his spine.
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kyeomyuyu · 1 month
Spicy flavored kisses
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pair: bf!lee seokmin x gn!reader
cw: VERY self-indulgent, reader loves spicy food, established relationship wc: 939
notes: this was written as an xOC but i like it sm that i turned it into an xReader to post :>> idk but it feels off as an xReader, so, sorry if it does ? anw pls enjou :D
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Spicy foods are something that you like to try out, even if your tolerance for it isn't great, you still enjoy the way the spice hits your taste bud, inflicting pain that turns pleasure from the other flavors along with it. Which is why you find yourself in your current situation, in your apartment, prepping for your weekly spicy food review that you later on write about and post on social media – a little something you find fun in. As you put the bowl of ramyun on the coffee table, sitting on the floor comfortably with the T.V. playing a random show, you rub your hands together in excitement. Grinning, you picked up the chopsticks and brought the noodles up to your mouth – already salivating from the smell, guessing just how spicy it was.
Another thing about you is that you are stubborn. Slurping the noodles, a hum left your lips as you chew on the noodles, lips spread wide as you relish in the pain and flavors, letting the spices hit your tongue. However, as you let everything sink in, you started to notice that the pain kept increasing to the point that your tongue actually stings more than you're used to. You continue on anyway, slurping noodles once again as you start sweating, some dripping down the sides of your face. You then gather the bowl in your hands and sips the soup, closing your eyes in pain as you continue on without a break.
Your eyes were now tearing up, mixing with the sweat that slid down your cheeks. Despite all of the pain and suffering you have put yourself through, you didn't stop. 'Maybe I should've checked the spice level first...' you thought, sniffing while you put the bowl down after sipping once again. Leaning back against the couch behind you, you let your head rest on the cushion, eyes closing. You feel just how puffy your face is, especially your lips from the onslaught of pain it received, as well as the tongue. You kind of wonder how up until now, your taste buds are still intact. Maybe after you recover from this, it'll officially be lost.
As you try to calm yourself, you don't hear the door to the apartment open. Only jumping from the shock that coursed through you after a familiar voice spoke.
"Are you okay?" your boyfriend, Seokmin, asked. Voice laced with worry along with his face. Looking up at him with a pained smile, you shoot him a thumbs up, not even bothering to speak. Just looking at you tells him enough, but upon landing his eyes on the coffee table, Seokmin confirms then and there what has caused his lover to be in such a state.
Endearingly shaking his head, he smiles back at you and moves to settle beside you "You seem to be in much more pain than usual." he notes, snuggling close to you as he puts an arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side. Feeling you melt in his touch, he bought up his other hand to caress your cheek, now noting the puffy lips along with the little puffs of breath you release. He finds it adorable, ignoring the fact that you're literally suffering right now. Seokmin knows you like it though, it's just a little concerning how much you were whining and breathing heavily more than usual, he knows that the spice for this one was something you underestimated.
Lips pouting, Seokmin continues caressing your cheek as he coos "Too spicy for my baby?" he asks, gazing deep in your eyes. Your lips look so kissable.
Nodding with a whine, this causes him to chuckle, thinking of just how adorable you, his lover, is being "Want me to kiss it all better, hm?" he suggests, not caring if he'll be able to taste the flavors of the noodles by pressing his lips against yours. You seem to have thought about this as well because you were about to speak, but seeing the eager look on Seokmin's eyes, another sound slipped from your lips as you nodded once again.
With the approval, Seokmin leans close and softly slots his lips on top of yours. He keeps it gentle, settling with placing soft pecks on and around the lips to really feel the puffiness in them. Why he likes the condition of your lips are in, so much? He doesn't know.
Heat spreads on your cheeks, this time because of how gentle your boyfriend is handling you. Although kissing won't ease the pain that you're feeling, it definitely helps distract you that the pain was on the back of your mind. You kisses him back every time his lips are on yours, but mostly you just sit still with your face cradled in his hands, eyes now closed while your heart flutters rapidly from the affection.
Soon a smile spreads on your lips, the giddy feeling bubbling up and showing on your face, resulting in Seokmin smiling as well. This continues on until you open your eyes, hands moving to cradle your lover's face, gazing at him lovingly. You can feel your heart swell, just like the state of your cheeks is in.
Licking his lips, Seokmin grins "We should kiss more every time you eat. It adds to the flavor." this earned him a gentle slap on his cheek, making him laugh.
"That's disgusting!" you whined, despite doing it just now.
The two of you erupted in giggles after a while, continuing the slow, soft makeout session. The heat and pain you felt gradually subsiding as it goes on.
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blissfullyapillow · 1 year
┃When the Blade Breaks
♡‧₊˚Blade x gn reader
‎♡‧₊˚wc: 939~
♡‧₊˚warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, death (not character or reader) 
‎♡‧₊˚Main Masterlist
When Blade finally arrives he has no time to process the fear that wraps its jagged claws around his neck. His muscles tremble as his heart ruthlessly pounds in his chest. His throat constricts and spots form in his vision; oxygen refuses to enter his lungs.
This all happens in an instant as he takes in the sight of you suspended in air, your throat being squeezed by the hands of the man he was sent to kill.
It only takes a moment for his body to shut down as dread glues his feet to the floor. His eyes burn the image of your limp body dangling in the air into his brain. Indignant red eyes watch as your hands slowly fall from the perpetrators hands wrapped tightly around your neck.
All it takes is a deep breath for him to reach clarity.
His muscles relax as his heart returns to its usual steady rhythm. His feet glide across the floor in his rush to reach you; he crosses the boundless space between the two of you in a heartbeat. His sword penetrates the man's heart in the same moment he drops his weapon to catch you as you fall.
Blade pays no mind to the man's blood curdling shrieks. His eyes briefly scan your body for additional injuries. He examines the deep bruises he discovers on your arms with a rancorous scowl on his lips.
Honestly, he's relieved you aren't mortally wounded.
He gingerly brushes your hair aside as your glistening lashes slowly part to reveal your mesmerizing orbs. He positions you securely in his arms as he stands, desperately holding you close. He retrieves his sword, viscously pulling it out of the man's chest with a sneer. The man's horrific screams finally subside as his lifeless body slumps to the ground.
Blade cradles you in his arms as he carries you to safety. His throat constricts once more as he leaves the morbid scene behind, but he keeps his composure.
How will he tend to your wounds if tears cloud his vision?
Your eyes adjust to the dim lighting as your bleary eyes open with substantial effort.
Your body aches, your throat feels dry and scratchy, and you're alone. A hoarse gasp escapes your lips as you recall previous events that led to your current predicament.
Unfortunately, an enemy of the stellaron hunters discovered Blade's well kept secret.
How said enemy learned this information is still a mystery to you. All you can recall is receiving a text from Silver Wolf explaining the situation. She told you to stay put since Blade was on his way, but before he could arrive, you..
Your body shudders as you recall the cruel hands that wrapped around your neck, and your futile attempt to pry them off. Fortunately for you, and Blade, Blade came to your rescue before it was too late.
Speaking of Blade, where is he?
Despite the protests your body screams at you, you manage to lift your tired body from the soft mattress you were previously lying on.
You drag your weary body into the empty hallway. You see a hunched figure in the distance, and as you draw closer you realize that hunched figure is Blade.
Blade, whose body is trembling as a heart wrenching sob claws its way out of his constricted airway. He gasps as tears seep from his eyes; the gasp is forced out of him in his lungs' desperate attempt to retrieve oxygen.
Your heart breaks as you come to a stop right behind him. Usually, Blade would turn around to greet you whenever you approached him from behind. He always sensed your presence.
It seems he's too distraught to turn around and greet you this time around.
Your lashes shine with unshed tears as you lower your body to his level. You've never seen Blade so.. distraught.
You call for Blade, his name leaving your lips in a hushed whisper.
You're surprised when he immediately turns around to face you. No words are exchanged as he pulls you into his arms. He holds your aching body firmly against his, like he's afraid if he lets go you'll disappear.
The two of you stay like that for a long time, clinging to each other in the hallway, as if it's the last time you'll ever see each other. 
When Blade's tears subside and you feel yourself drifting off to sleep, Blade moves.
Blade tenderly lifts you in his arms, and it's as if a blanket of safety and security is wrapped around your vulnerable form. As Blade lowers you to the soft mattress, you continue to cling to him. You adore the soothing chuckle he emits as he indulges in your silent request for him to stay.
You remain awake as Blade gets comfortable beside you. Blade's arms wrap around you once more, and he sighs as he rests his head on your chest.
"You're not allowed to leave me... especially like that. You're stuck with me for eternity, whether you like it or not."
A goofy smile appears on your lips, and you eventually laugh. It hurts to laugh, but in the best way possible.
"You're the only person I want to be with for eternity. You don't have to worry about me leaving. I never will."
Blade gives you a loving, gentle squeeze as you drift off to sleep. He’ll do everything in his power so a day like this never occurs again. From now on, you’ll always be safe.
He’ll fulfill this silent oath of his, in every life he has with you. 
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wonyrs · 8 months
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enha hyungs x fmr gnr non-idol au, est. relationship warnings food wc 939 + library #
‘ enha hyung as ur 'homies' ! REQ
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lee heeseung
" ayyy how u been bro?"
plays along and even replaces his normal petnames with something he'd usually call the members but NEVER you (until now)
um... hello? where is the endearing "why'd u call me that babe 😢☝️?" where is the begging for a kiss? where is the desperate attempts at pda we were hoping to see? this wasn't the plan at all (like... at ALL)
he tries to hide his laugh when u give him the stink eye and keeps up his act
even going as far to pretend like he isn't seeing ur hand inching closer to his and lifts it up to 'brush' the hair from his face
second attempt at holding his hand ended up with him fishing his phone out from his pocket and showing u an extremely!!! hilarious... insta reel.
ur plan has reversed; instead of him dying for ur affection, its now u trying to stop him from treating u like any other person before u physically cannot take it anymore
"ok man. i see how it is man. bye man." this is ur cue to stand up, run away and never look back for ur own emotional sake
if it weren't for heeseung GRIPPING onto ur shirt with the most gobsmacking laugh u've heard coming out his mouth, to the point tears were trsiling down his face from how hard he's laughing
"wait- wait [name]! you started it, come back!"
park jongseong
" how are u doing BABE? how's life BABE? "
mommm [name]'s acting weird again, i think the heat's getting to them
he acts like he can't see ur hand in the air and continues to kiss u right on the lips (but he still moves ur arm down for safety measures)
"what's good, dude?" "baby, who are u talking to? it's only us in this room lol 🤨"
u try again with dapping him up but immediately he turns around and oh so suddenly the wall is soooo interesting
for the whole hour u mess with him and call him 'bro, dude, gang' and shit like that while he just sneakily rolls his eyes and goes on with his day- while most likely wondering what on earth was wrong w u
he'd be in the kitchen washing the dishes while ure trying to hold his hand and have it dap urs up
but is he paying attention?
lmfao no
he goes on with his day since he knows u cant go another hour without his love and so he has nothing to worry about (unless u actually DO go for another hour, then he's actually going to believe something's wrong with u)
eventually u give up and go back to slumping on his back. the months u've spent together gave jay a clear understanding on ur antics and gave him some time to prepare for anything u had up ur sleeve
" tired already? an hour, new record babe. good job"
sim jaeyun
" why are u doing this to me "
the moment u refuse his hug and opt for a more... different greeting, jake malfunctions for a bit
he trys to hug u again but u extremely remain still
whines complains when u keep up the 'homeboy' act
"i swear we acted like a normal couple yesterday, did i make u mad pookie? 😥" sneaks in some of the petnames u absolutely LOATHE just for a reaction
hates when u replace the lovely kiss-and-hug interactions with dapping him up like a BRO
most likely complained to the enha gc abt ur 'unearthly' behaviour (u get his ass on that later) and cries that he might never see the old u again
the urge to drown him in all the love u've kept in since u met up is eating u alive But watching him practically cry over ur feet is helping u out a wee bit
"chat this is absolutely hilarious what are we thinking" "WOW! Hahaha so funny!! Such a kneeslapper! can u stop now 😐."
Hes dead serious when he says this btw Like full on eye contact with furrowed eyebrows, but a small pout is resting on his face
he was fine with the joke at first but then he just got more eager for ur touch as the hours went by
u stare for a bit before engulfing him in the biggest hug ever while peppering his face with an abundance of smooches
"finally! u dont know how long ive waited for this"
park sunghoon
" did u eat something funny? "
just stares. nothing else, just stares
eventually u have to drop ur arm because the silence just got too awkward
was he mad at u? (ofc not) Maybe hoonie just needed to load and take a bit to process the scene in front of him
"i dont think u should be doing this to your boyfriend, babe. it doesn't really fit the loving couple vibe yk 🤖"
even when sunghoon continues to act like everything's normal u keep on persisting with acting like close-bro-friends
... only to be met with the most baffled face ever.
he wonders if ure roleplaying as some character or just genuinely going insane
decides to go along with whatever you're doing and continue the day as normal as it can get
when u get tired of the lack of attention, u drop the act but unconsciously refer to him as bro
muscle memory(ish) fr
"dude can you at least act interested?" "um excuse me? what'd u just call me"
HELLO. where was this dumbfounded hoon when u need him?
ure actually laughing atp because he doesn't even look like he knew what was wrong
the whole time u kept up w the joke, he didn't even look like he cared UNTIL u got tired and talked in ur normal tone
"don't ever say 'dude' in a serious tone like that. scared me, babe."
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@ wonyrs 2023
note sorry anon for not taking ur request after like 2 weeks... i've needed some motivation to write SORRY.. also maknae version is next :> requests open!
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ghostyycat7 · 8 months
The healer and the hunter -Zoro-
Roronoa Zoro x Reader
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Readers name and gender is not mentioned.
A/N: This is just a small thing I thought about. I might make this into a series for Zoro
WC: 939
You had been on Luffy’s crew since almost day one. The straw hats found you on an abandoned island. You were on a pirate crew, but the waves and the storm that your crew passed through caused a wreck. You were no captain but only a healer. The pirate’s kidnapped you once they learned you were a healer. That doesn’t matter now. You're on Luffy’s crew; The straw hat pirates.
You and the others were currently at The Baratie. A fancy 5 star restaurant. You’ve been there for only a day and everything has turned to shit. Luffy was washing dishes, Usopp was getting drunk off his ass, Nami and Zoro were playing some alcoholic game, and you were sitting next to some man at the bar. You don’t know him, but he started talking to you. You’ll admit you're pretty drunk and you can’t help but be a flirt when you're drunk. Even though you were a flirtatious drunk, this man was not it for you. You’d rather have Zoro than anyone in this room. You couldn’t talk to him when he’s busy drinking, so you sat at the bar and kept taking shots and sips of your drink.
A little later Usopp came up to you and started lying to the people around you. He was telling a tale about how you saved a sea beast. You could hardly hear anything or anyone thanks to the alcohol. You did make out the sound of Zoro shutting up Usopp, “hey, Stop talking about her and talk about your own stories”. You weren’t sure why Zoro said that, but you were kinda glad since the last time someone heard you were a healer you were kidnapped. The next thing that happened shocked you. Two large arms snaked around your waist then picked you up. You yelped at the sudden grab. You tried to get out of the mystery arms till the person spoke, “calm down”. It was Zoro’s voice. You angrily replied to him, “I can’t calm down if you don’t tell me you're picking me up”. You’re not sure where he’s taking you but it was out of the restaurant, then to the Going merry. He took you all the way to your room. You were so drunk that when he laid you down in your bed you passed out.
You woke up the next morning with a painful headache, but not as painful as what was about to happen next. You walked into the gallery to see nami yelling at Zoro, Usopp looked scared, and Luffy had a confused expression on his face. Once Nami had stopped yelling you spoke up, “What is going on here?”. Nami replied very angrily, “ Zoro is going to get himself killed”. She continued to yell at Zoro. At the end of it Zoro ended up saying, “You said it yourself last night you ‘don’t have any friends’”. With that Nami stormed out of the room leaving everyone. Luffy talked to Zoro then left with Usopp. “I know you were screamed at for an hour, but what is going on?” you didn’t want to disturb Zoro as he cleaned his swords. Zoro lifts his head, “Why do you care?”. You sat down on a chair in the gallery, then shrugged at his question. “Maybe because I enjoy having you around. It’s nice to have a real fighter. Plus I enjoy the times….” your words slowly drift off as you thought back on the late nights with Zoro.
~Both you and Zoro would spend nights together when neither of you could sleep. It was enjoyable and calming. Sometimes you’d spend the night in silence, other times someone would talk, or both of you would talk. One time he tried to train you so that way if you needed to you could use a sword. It didn’t work out very well. You had slipped and grabbed onto his shirt. You fell onto the hardwood floor and Zoro landed right on top of you.~
Your thoughts were interrupted by Zoro’s voice, “You enjoy what times?”. You look up into Zoro’s eyes. “Remember when you tried to teach me how to use a sword” he nods his head, “But then i slipped and you fell on top of me”. He nods his head again. “What does that have to do with me fighting Mihawk?” he asks. “Well I’m just saying don’t die out there because I want to enjoy more of those kinds of moments with you”. You got up from your chair and walked out of the gallery. 
You were in the baratie at the bar when you saw the famous Mihawk walk by you, then sit down a few chairs away. You got up from your chair and sat down by him. “Listen I know you're going to duel Zoro today, I also know he’s not as strong as you. Injure him as you please but don’t kill him” You didn’t look at Mihawk as you said this. “Injure him as I please but don’t kill him. Those are strong words” You can feel Mihawk’s yellow eyes on you. “I’m a healer, so if you hurt him then I can fix the wounds. I can’t fix death” You finally look him in his eyes. He nods his head, “Fine if he doesn’t win then I’ll only injure him, but that's all I can say. It’s up to him if he wants to be killed”. Mihawk then gets up from his seat. Right before he exits the room he says one last thing to you, “The fight is about to begin”.
Taglist is open just send a request:
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California Girls - Billy Hargrove X Female Reader
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Title: California Girls
Billy Hargrove X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Billy's dad (Mentioned) and Reader's parents (Mentioned)
WC: 939
Warnings: Slight angst, Billy's moving away, slight suggestiveness, and sad with a happy ending
"So, you're moving? In the middle of the school year, to Indiana?" You asked surprised, your heart plummeting.
Billy nodded, as he raked his hand through his hair. "Yeah..." He sighed.
"I hate your dad. He literally took everything away from you, and now, he's taking you away from Cali and the beach!" You spoke angrily, your hands formed into tight fists.
"And you..." Billy mumbled, quietly, causing you to look up at him.
Your hardened expression softened and you sadly frowned. You didn't want Billy to leave you. You've known him your whole life. He was your best friend and boyfriend. You didn't know if you could stand not being with Billy 24/7.
"Yeah, but you'll call me, right? Or send me letters? As far as I know, I'm not moving." You asked, smiling sadly.
Billy shrugged before speaking, "My dad's been tracking my calls somehow. So, I'll send you letters when I can." His voice sounded so sad as he spoke, taking out his lighter and a cigarette.
You sighed, taking the cigarette from his lips, and throwing it in your trash bin.
"Please, try and quit, for me." You begged, and Billy nodded and put his lighter away.
"Hey..." You spoke softly, gently brushing your fingers across his cheek.
He looked at you sadly, eyes brimming with tears.
"We'll always have the beach, Billy." You couldn't help the tears that escaped your eyes.
"What do we do?" You whispered, looking down at your lavender bed sheets.
Billy wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "We'll find a way." He whispered, kissing the top of your head.
You smiled and snuggled closer to Billy. "I love you." You whispered before drifting off to sleep.
"Love you too."
The next day was weird. It felt like your world had come to a screeching halt. When you woke up, Billy was gone, in his place was one of his shirts. Quickly picking it up and holding it close to you, you breathed in his smoke and cologne scent. You sighed before going into your closet to get ready for the day. But, that's when you noticed one of your favorite shirts was missing, and you smiled knowing who the culprit was.
But, you knew Billy was gone, probably almost in Indiana by now. And, you knew it was going to be a very tough time without him. But, that was also when you came up with a marvelous idea. Probably the best one you've had yet.
Nervously, you waited by Billy's car and watched the school doors impatiently. It had been four months since Billy had left, and you've been saving up ever since then to fly yourself over to see him, staying at a nearby motel a town over. Somehow, you were able to skip school for a week, making up the excuse that you had a family emergency. Your parents wouldn't even care, they were out of the country for the month.
The bell rang, and then he stormed out, leather jacket and all. A small horde of girls followed behind. It was normal, it used to happen a bit back at your school too. It was quite annoying honestly when Billy had first left, people started rumors. They were saying Billy moved because you were too clingy or whatever. It ticked you off. But, after a while, the rumors simmered down, at least for the most part.
Turning his head away from the giggling and flirtatious ladies, Billy's smirk disappeared once he saw you. Leaning on his car, arms crossed. Speed walking over, a small smirk returned to his face. Cornering you between himself and his car, Billy placed his hand on the roof of the car beside your head.
"Hello, William."
He cringed hearing his full name, glancing away for a moment.
"Hello to you too, sweetheart. Do you know how hard it was not to run up to you and kiss you? Sadly, I have a new reputation to uphold." Billy smiled proudly.
"Uh-huh, some rep you have. Heard around that you are quite the ladies' man around here. I see the way the girls look at you... Or specifically, a part of you."
You replied, rolling your eyes, before wrapping your arms around his neck.
"They mean nothing, beautiful. You're it for me." He smirked, leaning down slightly.
Oh, how you missed his voice. Him... In general.
"You always know what to say." You sighed, dreamily.
Billy smirked, "Don't I always?"
He kissed you passionately, before pulling away, looking down at you with his sea blue eyes. You blushed, biting your lip.
"I thought I told you to stop calling me 'William', Miss California." He finally joked, leaning to rest his forehead against yours.
"Well..." You began softly, "I think I get a pass, don't you think? I missed you."
Billy chuckled lightly, "It's fine, I miss you too." Kissing your forehead before speaking again. "How long are you staying?"
"A week," You sighed, "I'm staying at a motel a town over."
At that Billy frowned, "Well, I can't have you staying there all by yourself. If I could, you would be staying with me."
You smiled sadly, "Yeah, but we know how much your dad hates me."
Billy hummed, "That's why I'll be staying with you."
You looked up at him with wide eyes, "But, you dad..."
Billy scoffed, shaking his head. "Screw my dad, I haven't seen my girl in forever. I'm staying with you for as long as I can."
You smiled, "Then let's get to the motel, shall we?" You grabbed his hand and led him towards the car.
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medusapelagia · 17 days
Seeds of Dreams, Seeds of Truth 1\11
This is my fic, written for @steddiesummerexchange based on @penny00dreadful's prompt!.
I was super excited when I got the confirmation email and I hope they'll like my story!
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Rating: Mature Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Tags: Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Magic, Regent Prince/King Steve Harrington, Knight Eddie Munson, Prison, Sick Steve Harrington, Vomiting, Attempted Murder, Poisoning, Double povs, Panic Attacks, Magic,
Read it here or on AO3
Part 1, Part 2, (soon Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11)
WC: 939
Steve is standing in front of the Sacred House.
Just a few steps and he will not be the Prince Regent but the King.
It doesn't matter if, in the last three years, he acted as the King, after his father was declared officially dead, and now, just a few days ago, his death was celebrated with a big funeral putting an end to King Richard’s reign and getting the entire kingdom ready for his new ruler: King Steve.
All he has to do is cross the threshold, head bowed in submission to the old gods and the new, and accept the regalia, the scepter, and the sword, from the cleric. A warm hand gently stops on his back, pushing him forward without a word. For a moment Steve turns toward the guard at his right; even under the helm, he can feel that he is smiling at him, encouraging.
Steve gives a little nod that goes unnoticed by anyone apart from the man at his side and steps inside the Sacred House.
The air is so full of incense that he walks blindly through the mist, one step in front of the other. He has been inside the Sacred House so many times that he knows the path by heart.
The cleric is waiting for him at the altar, and at the man's side there are two young boys holding crimson pillows with his regalia: on his left the sword engraved with wildflowers, on his right the scepter.
The Sacred House’s wooden door closes with a loud grinding sound and for a moment no one moves.
The cleric stares at Steve from the altar, while the nobility shares a worried look: isn't the cleric going to proclaim the new king? After all, King Richard's body was never found, and being crowned after a King that nobody knows if he is really dead or not is certainly a bad omen. Steve himself tried very hard to postpone the coronation, but three years had passed since the last letter was received from the King and even the Prince Regent had no more excuses to leave the kingdom to live with uncertainty.
Every instinct in Steve's body is screaming at him to lift his head and glare at the man who is mocking him in front of everyone, but deep inside he knows that this is just a test: will the child king be able to respect authority or will he lash out? Steve takes a deep breath and he keeps his eyes glued to the floor, counting the stones on the ground to occupy his mind until finally the cleric starts to sing.
That is his cue.
Steve finally lifts his eyes and the cleric is staring at him with his deep eyes, pupils blown due to the ritual he undergoes the night before to purify himself. Still singing, the cleric asks him if Steve's soul is pure, if he undergoes the ritual with a pure spirit and is ready to devote himself to his kingdom, and Steve confirms every sentence: he has fasted for three days, given alms, and made confession. He also undertook a pilgrimage on foot from the castle to the rock where his ancestors poured their blood and declared the land theirs, freeing it from the malevolent influence of dark magic ages ago. Eddie, Steve’s faithful guard, was at his side at every moment, preventing him from falling when he felt too weak, making sure that not once in three days Steve spoke a single word, always ready to offer him water and quiet comfort.
The cleric hums and then starts to pronounce the oath that Steve must take in front of their gods and their people.
The words feel like ashes in Steve's mouth, while he tries to remind himself that nothing will change, that he already acted as a king for the last three years, and that the entire ceremony is just to give him formally the power to rule. It's just a ceremony, nothing more.
The cleric nods to the boy at his left. Steve immediately recognizes little Will Byers, the cook’s son. Despite his young age, he seems to have some deep connection with the spiritual world already, and Steve’s not surprised to see that the cleric asked him to be part of the ritual. The future king gives him a little encouraging smile and the kid smiles back, getting closer to Steve, and offering him a long sword whose blade is engraved and gilded, far too delicate to be a real weapon. Steve grabs it, tilting his head as a thank you, and for the first time in three days, he speaks. He swears to protect his people from every danger, tracing a cross in the air pointing to the four cardinal directions: the North, where the winds will blow to bring them clouds and rain and good harvests, the Est, where the sun will rise bringing its shiny light blessing the new king and protect him and the kingdom from the darkness, the South, where their ancestors came from all those years ago, and the West, where the king’s soul will walk to rest peacefully when his time will come, but when he turns toward the wooden doors on the west side of the building the doors slam open and a colorless face, so similar to Steve’s own, glares at him.
"Father..." Steve whispers, so surprised that he lets his arm fall and the blade screeches on the ground.
This is the first word his father tells him after three years of silence.
And then the chaos explodes.
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actiniumwrites · 1 year
Hi dear, it's okay if i ask for some comfort with diluc or alhaitham?. I have been through pretty rough times lately and i really would love a hug right now
synopsis: diluc comforts you amidst rough times
characters: diluc x gn!reader
wc: 939
warnings: hurt/comfort, angst to fluff, crying, just general comfort stuff
notes: anon, i am so sorry you have been going through rough times :( i truly hope things get better for you and i am sending you all the hugs in the world! hopefully this fic can bring you a little bit of peace in the meantime ❤️
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“Are you okay?”
It was a simple question. One you’re pretty sure you had heard more than a thousand times in your life. Like when you scraped your knee badly as a kid that you cried for four hours straight. Or when you got rejected by that guy you liked when you were twelve. The time you failed your acceptance exam into the Knight’s of Favonius. The time you laughed so hard in public you fell to the floor crying. Even during the aftermath of your first argument with him.
You hated it if you were being honest. The sentiment was nice, but so hard to answer. How were you supposed to sum up all of your emotions in a few sentences? How were you supposed to convey the pain in your knees that day? Or why you were crying from laughter? Or the ache in your chest when he first made you cry?
Your back was turned to the door, but you could hear the fear in Diluc’s voice when he entered the room. His footsteps were hesitant, like he were approaching a bear trap and was terrified of setting it off by accident. You couldn’t miss his breathing either — so limited. As if taking one wrong breath would cause an explosion.
Diluc rounded the corner of the bed where he found you, illuminated gently by the warm lantern light that was just bright enough to dimly light the darkened room. You were sat up against the frame of the carefully made bed the two of you shared, knees tucked together and arms lazily resting atop of them.
An inhale of air made you think he was going to speak again, and truthfully, he was. The idea of repeating the question flashed in his mind, but Diluc opted against it. He already knew the answer. It would be stupid to ask again and he knew you wouldn’t like it.
Carefully, Diluc sat down next to you, posture and pose mirrored your own. A five inch gap sat comfortably between the two of you. You were lovers, yes, but Diluc knew not to get too close to you when you were upset — not without your permission, at least. You spared him a tiny glance, so quick he almost missed it. But not quite fast enough for him. In that tiny split second, a whirlwind of emotions put themselves on display for him.
Anger. Regret. Anxiousness. Melancholy.
There were tears in your eyes too, he saw. A few had even ventured down your face, reawakened constantly by new ones taking their place; never quite given the chance to dry. Diluc frowned at the sight. He was a hateful man, full of regret and pain from his past that he never seemed to be able to shake. There were so many things he hated with his whole being, so many people and places. Those who wronged him and those who left him. Places which brought back horrid memories that shook his soul to dark depths he didn’t want to get acquainted with.
Your tears were one of the things he hated. It was rare for those pesky little droplets of water to symbolize a feeling of happiness. Your eyes certainly proved that point correct.
“Can I?” He asked in a polite whisper. You’d been dating for more than two years and yet he still asked for permission for everything. Diluc would hate to make you uncomfortable. And so, when your head nodded up and down, he gently removed his gloves from his hands and placed them on your cheeks. The tears that once adorned them were taken away by his gentle hands that warmly dusted them from your face.
As soon as they were gone, you scooted closer to him, closing the gap to lean your head on his shoulder. As much as you wanted to portray a sense of bitterness to him to accompany your sadness, you couldn’t help the way your heart warmed when he sat down next to you. Any sense of hostility that protected your heart faded away and you melted into him like ice in a hot drink.
The tears flowed again, but he didn’t mind. If you needed him to wipe them away again, he’d be readily there to. Your lip quivered as you spoke to him of your troubles as of late: the aching feeling that never seemed to leave from deep within your chest, the constant spike of pain from behind your eyes before they began to water, the lump that made it so hard to talk to anyone. The entire world felt like it was falling apart around you and you couldn’t do a thing to stop it.
Wordlessly, Diluc’s arms wrapped around your torso, bringing you close to him. He knew there was no words that could fill the space you had in your heart. No words that could guarantee everything would be fine. Diluc had experienced a lifetime of pain and loss, pain he hoped you would never have to experience. Sweet nothings don’t fix anything. He knew that well. So he held onto you, and he held on tight.
“I’m here for you, okay? You don’t have to hide from me when things get rough,” he rubbed your back up and down as your head lay against the crook of his neck, “I love you so much, and I never want you to have to deal with this kind of pain on your own.”
A faint smile fought your frown as it appeared on your face, lips ever so slightly upturning, “I know. I love you too.”
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katyawriteswhump · 6 months
The Highwayman, the Stableboy & the Christmas Bride (Stobin/Minor Steddie)
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles Day 17--Platonic Stobin Day. When Robin is forced into an arranged marriage, she and Steve take drastic action...
WC: 939. Rating: T.
CW: none really. Tags: Historical AU. Minor Steddie. Crossdressing. A bit silly.
Lady Roberta burst into the stable-block, petticoats trailing in the muck. She flung her arms around Steve: “It’s horrible enough that I’m marrying a man three times my age—and that he’s a man! Why does it have to be at Christmas?”
“I suppose Lady Buckley was trying to soften the blow.” Steve rested his cheek on her hair, rubbed circles on her back. In all their years of friendship, he’d never seen her so distraught. “Surely Lord Hootenanny’s fortune cheers you?”
“I couldn’t care less.” Robin sniffed hard, in her wonderfully un-ladylike manner. “Maybe you can become his stableboy and leave with me?”
“I suppose you’ll still require a snot-rag, but… uh…” The tremble in his voice betrayed him. She peeped up, wiped her eyes—pushed his hair from his brow and gasped. 
Damn. He’d wished to conceal his latest bruise.
“What happened?”
“Your fiancé’s boot collided with my face. Apparently, his stirrups weren’t shiny enough. I don’t think he’s going to want me.”
The determined jut of her chin was as distressing to Steve as her tears. “We must run away. There’s no other choice.”
“You say that every week. We’ll be caught, and you’ll have to marry him anyway.”
 And I’ll be flogged to within an inch of my life. Or, just as likely, hanged.
“If we don’t run, we’ll never see each other again. I’ll miss everything about you—even the stink of the horses. You’re my best and only friend.” Her head sank to his shoulder again. “But I don’t want you getting hurt.”
I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt. Or of you living in the power of that violent bastard.
He groaned softly. She was right. They had no choice.
After midnight struck, he scaled a rope to her window. She threw up the sash, and he scrambled through. He thrust at her the bundle he carried, which had made climbing harder than usual: “These riding britches should fit you fine. You got the gown for me?”
She gestured to some crinolines on her four-poster bed. “There you go—one of my maid’s. I adjusted it myself.”
While she changed in her closet, he slid the gown on. It slipped straight down and puddled around his boots. “I see your legendary needlework has not improved,” he grumbled. She emerged, looking delighted and dashing in her britches.
As she pinned the gown about him, however, her hands trembled, and terror gripped him too. Lady Roberta would hopefully pass for her twin brother under the shadows of night. Her rogue of a brother was often seen sloping around with serving wenches—hence Steve’s heinous disguise. The plan after that, nevertheless, was fraught with even greater danger. 
Riding together on her brother’s horse, they made it through the village. Steve cursed the skirts that forced him to sit before her, side-saddle, with the pommel gouging his thigh. Once into the forest, a full moon lit their path, ensuring they remained vulnerable prey to pursuers from Buckley Towers, or…
Robin gasped, hastened their trot. 
“What is it?” asked Steve.
“Pursuers. Only one, mayhap. We can out-speed them.”
His heart lurched miserably. “Are you insane? On a steed carrying two? Sweet Jesus, I feel my neck stretching already.”
“If we die, Steve, I vow we die together.” 
He clung, white-knuckled, to the saddle. Robin pushed into a gallop. Their pursuer proved not only faster, but knew the terrain better and overtook them. Soon, a vast stallion and its rider blocked the track, silhouetted against the moonshine. Could this be a henchman of Lord Hootenanny, who would flay Steve alive on the spot?
“Get out of our way, or I’ll blow your brains out!”  That was Robin, who’d whipped out… “I stole one of Papa’s duelling pistols,” she whispered.
“Maybe you should first ask if I be friend or foe?” came a reply that set Steve’s heart hammering more excitedly than ever.
“This is your last chance!” Robin sounded desperate, out of her mind. “Let us pass, or—”
“Robin, no!” He grabbed her arm. Her shot flew wide. The blast and recoil sent them tumbling from the saddle of the spooked horse in a cloud of choking gunpowder. They landed in the mud, in a tangle of his petticoats. Ow, ow, ow! My ribs! The whalebone corset had been a terrible idea. His ears rang with the crack of the pistol, and the sound of a familiar laugh.
“Stevie, my lad, I thought it be you. Why are ye banged up like a doxy?”
“You know him?” asked Robin; damn, he was glad she was alright. “What’s a doxy and why are they banged up?”
“He wants to know why I’m dressed like a whore.” Steve took Eddie’s hand, who dragged him to his feet. Steve offered Robin the same assistance but found her scrambling up, unaided. “Meet my lover, Robin. Hellfire Eddie.”
“The infamous highwayman?”
“One and the same.” Steve turned to Eddie. “I didn’t think you’d get my message so soon.”
“My spies act fast,” said Eddie, slapping Steve’s padded derriere.
“Not in front of a lady!” seethed Steve.
Lady Roberta, however, looked pleased as punch. “Can we join your gang? Oh my goodness, I can become a notorious highwaywoman!” She flung her arms around Steve and smacked a kiss on his cheek. “Steve, this is singularly fortuitous. Our lives can start over.”
“Till we ALL get hanged,” mumbled Steve.
Eddie insisted Steve rode with him, rather than Robin, for the journey back to his thieves’ lair. 
“Then out of that ridiculous finery,” husked Eddie. “You know I like to wear the petticoats when I plow ye.”
Thank you for reading :)
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pairing: Din Djarin x gn reader
req: no | wc: 939
summary: Din is curious about that ring you always seem to be wearing.
warnings: mention of death, lightly touched upon
a/n: Don't ask me why it's only been about rings with Din so far.
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Din thinks, in these moments where you get to lay in bed without a worry in the world, that everything is right. He thinks, as he absentmindedly fiddles with your fingers, that nothing will trouble him. Nothing will trouble him, so long as you're here. You're safe here, in his arms; unarmored as they may be.
It wasn't morning, nor was it night, yet you laid in bed together. The midday sun of this planet did not allow safe travel during the afternoon. If he were to leave at this time, he would burn alive in his beskar, obstructive armor.
Although, the conditions did give him an excuse to relax. Your offer for an afternoon energy nap was agreed upon instantly.
"What is it with you and rings?" Din asks rather brashly. It was just a thought, one that came out of his lips in an impulsive tumble.
"What ever do you mean?" You reply, feigning offense.
"Sorry." He mutters, registering his previous tone. "Just… I was thinking about it—your ring. You used to wear it a lot before I met you, and you continued on until we officially started traveling together. After that, you suddenly stopped. Your hands were bare. And then, when we had our first kiss, you–"
"When we started dating." You correct.
"Yes. You started wearing it again. Only this time, differently." He continues, spinning the ring around your finger as he talks, "You wear it on your right hand. The first time, the heart was pointed towards the fingertips; the second time, towards the wrist."
Din was an observant man, you knew that. But to be this observant? Especially of you? It was a little flattering. He had noticed your ring even early on.
That posed a question. "How do you suppose I should wear it?"
"Hmm." The Mandalorian hums as he thinks. Then, almost gingerly, he slips the ring off your right hand's index finger and switches to your left hand. He splays the hand atop his own, and continues to debate himself internally.
"No." He says immediately.
As if you kickstarted him, he finally makes a decision. He pushes the ring down your left ring finger, with the heart's point toward the fingertips.
You grin rosily, which confuses him. "Did you just propose to me, Din Djarin?"
His head snaps down to you, his visor fixing in a way that you know he's staring into your eyes. "What?" He blurts out, a tinge of shock in his tone.
He was never one to share the knowledge that he was surprised; that information was valuable to morally gray bystanders.
You laugh, knowing that you'd set him up. A ring with a crown atop a heart (and hands holding them both) was most fitting on a ring finger.
Din huffs in return to your laugh, wanting to know exactly what was going on. Otherwise, he wouldn't know how to handle your accusation of proposal. The idea wasn't too far-fetched to begin with.
"This is a Claddagh ring, Din." You say, but he is still puzzled. "It has different meanings depending on which hand it is on and where the tip of the heart is pointing."
He nods, slowly, finally comprehending; so you continue. "The way I wore it before I met you–"
"Right hand pointed outward?" He recalls.
"Oh." So you liked him that early on. "Me too. I mean that—that I liked you too, then. I was interested."
"Precisely." You reply, "It means that I'm single and looking for a partner. So when I moved in with you, and took it off, it meant that… that I wasn't looking anymore."
His heart speeds up, and you can hear it, having your ear to his chest. "Mm," You hum and press a kiss to the back of his gloved hand. He hums too, pleased, despite it not being exposed skin. "that's good to know."
"Then, once we knew of our feelings for each other, and we started dating," You repeat the words that Din is somehow, still to this day, afraid to say sometimes. "I wore it on the right hand, pointing in. That meant I was in a relationship."
"And now on my left hand?" You prod.
Din answers, "Ring finger, heart pointed outwards. Engaged."
"Yes." You affirm, but you leave it at that. You glance up at him to find that he stares, now, at the ceiling. He's thinking. You can almost see the gears turning in his head through the helmet.
He doesn't speak for a while, still thinking. You're sure his perception of time in that brain storm of his isn't active, but if it was, he'd notice that it's been well over five minutes.
You give him that time, tracing your finger along his clothed arm, from his shoulder to his wrist. Then, when you run out of that, you move to his stomach and run circles along it. Din shudders in a way that lets you know he's still here, conscious.
"Then it's correct."
It had been a fifty-fifty. Fifty precent chance that he'd accept the idea, the idea of your engagement, and then another fifty that he'd rather stay comfortable in a relationship and not marriage. You had prepared yourself for both outcomes.
But, even so, you find yourself shocked. "Truly?" You ask breathlessly.
He stares down, you stare up. Then, he gives you the smallest yet most reassuring of nods.
With a grin, you prop yourself up on your elbows and lean down to his helmet. Din meets you half-way, pressing his forehead to yours.
"Will you marry me?" He finally asks.
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neet-elite · 3 months
your writing is just 😩 imagine being left home alone for a weekend with little bro seb. having messy sex with him any and everywhere im the house, leaving no room untouched. using him until he has nothing left to give and dragging him to the bathroom to get cleaned up. filling the bathtub with the fancy soaps he bought you and climbing in with him.
you're surprisingly gentle as you scrub his body clean. cooing sweet words in his ear as you scratch his scalp and plant tiny kisses to his neck. coaxing one final orgasm from him before you leave the tub. you're a good big sister, after all. gotta take care of your sweet baby brother. -🌸
ahhh you're too kind to me!!!! thank you for enjoying my writing, and for being patient...! love love love these thoughts so much ughhhh just wanna ruin little brother seb so bad </3
MDNI ♡ Warnings: (step)bro seb, stepcest, incest, psuedo incest, depends on how you wanna read it tbh, submissive sebastian, creampie, bj
WC: 939
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The first time he came was in the morning, in his bed. With everyone but you and himself out of the house for the weekend, he should have known to be better prepared for your sisterly attacks. Shouldn't have been surprised to feel your lips tight around his throbbing cock as a wake up call, your saliva dripping down his length for him to moan at. His hands automatically press gently on your head as if on instinct, only for him to jump awake when you slap them away. "My pace, or no pace." you had told him, and even through his barely awake mind, he knew to only gulp and let you do your thing. Else, he knows you're not a liar, and he can't bare the thought of your tongue leaving his cock when he feels just so good inside your mouth. It didn't take him long to cum anyway, God knows how long you'd been throating him for before he woke up. In return for swallowing his seed—even allowing him to thrust up a little!—he eagerly lapped at your cunt while you sat on his face, scrolling through your phone or something; he wasn't really paying attention. Too busy tasting your cunt on his lips to truly care. Nothing else matters when his big sister is riding his face.
The second time he came was inside of you, back pressed into the dining room table while he used a chair for leverage. It's dirty, a carnal desire to claim you where the family eats— a nasty show of devotion. Look at how much I adore you, sis— so much so that i want to stain where we eat with your slick. The sound of his balls slapping against your ass while your legs lock behind him has precum dribbling into your hole, causing him to easily slip inside of your tight walls with too loud sobs for more. Which you promptly give, pushing and driving his hips into you faster, leaving him heaving great big gulps of air to try and keep up with your unfair pace. It's disgusting how happy he is to fuck his big sister on the dining table, isn't it? How his cock throbs with untamed need to cream inside of your pretty little cunt as if his parents were watching the offensive act with him. Only after you cum, though. It might not be a written rule, but rather his own selfish desire. He'll cum as soon as you do anyway, the feeling of your insides sucking him off so well always does.
The third time he cums is in the kitchen. He's already tired when you seek him for a third time, but the pretty pout you wear when asking him so nicely to please try for me, sebby... is too much for him to bear. Of course, he tells you. Come, stand in front of me, he begs you, busy preparing the food you'd asked him to cook earlier; but still he makes room for you. Just enough for your body to fit between him and the counter, like putty in your hands as you easily tug his bottoms down and slip his cock inside of your cum stained cunt. He's tired, you know that, so he's happy to let you take the reigns. Plus, the domesticity of cooking for you as you fuck his cock inside of you all slow and steady is so nice, fuck, he's so in love with you— doesn't even matter if you're his sister right now. The way you rock his hips into you so sweetly, hands pressing gently against the small of his back to guide him into you just how you like, it convinces him that you do care about him. Not that he doubted it before, but the tender action of helping him fuck you with your own two hands because he's too tired to move for you is enough. You deserve another load, just like you'd asked.
The fourth time he cums is in the bath you'd so lovingly prepared him after the meal he cooked. Like a married couple or something, he's too lovestruck to deny your offer of bathing together. And the way you treat him with such kindness in the shared bath has his heart skipping a beat, chest filled with butterflies when you take turns washing each other. His hands roam all over you, teasingly squeezing at your tits with a barely there pout on his lips as his cock starts to harden again under your equally as gentle touch on his tummy. It's soft, much too soft for what he's used to, and he finds himself wanting to fall into you the moment your hand dives further down; under the water to lazily stroke at his cock. "Just one more, Seb. You can do it, can't you?" And he's sure he can't, but the way his big sister stares at him so lovingly, how you treat him like a lover, convincing him to give you another load floating in the already tainted water is enough. You're enough for him, so he pulls you into a tight hug once he's finished with the promise to let you use him after he's done washing up. After all, he should be more energised by then, right?
And, there are so many other places he has to fuck you in before the weekend ends and your parents return. So many more places to stain with his seed for you, a primal claiming for the weekend. Big sister deserves it after taking care of him today, right?
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wrathofrats · 1 year
Mushy May Day 13: thunderstorms
Mountain × dew
Wc: 939
Rating: teen/mature. Small mentions of sex
"Dew, can I ask you a question"
"I mean, yeah of course? What's up"
"Why do you act the way you do"
Extra stuff: hurt/comfort, mountain attempts to have a serious talk with dew, vague description of a small panic attack, I hurt my feelings with this one.
Dew slowly opened his eyes, just in time to see the room be lit up with lightning, closely follow by a clap of thunder that echoed through the house. He rolled over, and attempted to snuggle into a body that was no longer there.
“Mountain?” He whispered in a low groggy tone. It wasn’t like mountain to leave in the middle of the night when they slept together. He pulled the blanket up to his chin and tried to go back to sleep. Dew rolled over and back, trying to listen to the storm and go back to sleep, but it was futile. The ghoul slowly stretched and swung his legs over the bed walking out to the kitchen.
Another large lightning strike lit up the living room, and a figure sitting outside on the patio.
“Mountain?” Dew whispered again and opened the back door.
“Hi droplet” mountain said, sitting in a chair and turning to face dew “storm wake you up?”
Dew closed the door and walked over to stand next to him, “Yeah I guess. You too?”
“Just couldn’t sleep”
“ ….. we could go for round two if you want something to tir-“
“Come sit with me”
Dew didn’t question him and pulled over a chair right beside his. The strong wind and splashes of rain made him pull his jacket closer to himself, shivering as he sat down. Mountain shot him a glance and threw his arm over his shoulder, pulling the smaller ghoul close as another boom of thunder hit. Mountain breathed deeply, inhaling the earthy smell of thunderstorm, with hints of dewdrop, fresh and sweet. They sat like that for a minute before dew broke the silence
“So do you just, watch?”
“What are you watching? There’s nothing happening”
Mountain smiled at him “there’s plenty happening, but sometimes it’s nice to sit and just appreciate nature even when there’s nothing going on”
“Sounds like you’re just a nerd” mountain rolled his eyes and sighed. He breathed deep for a minute. As much as he loved dew, sometimes he wanted to spend his time peacefully. He lost his patience with him earlier, evident by the bruising around his wrist and the way dew couldn’t quite sit still. They sat for a couple more minutes without speaking. Purely taking in the wind and rain. More thunder rumbled in the distance. They watched as the silvery clouds flashed above the tree line.
“Dew, can I ask you a question”
“I mean, yeah of course? What’s up”
“Why do you act the way you do”
Dew was stunned. That’s not a question he knew how to answer, or answer in a way he thought mountain wanted. “I dont- what do you mean?” He asked, looking up at the bigger ghoul. Mountain had his head back, staring directly into the sky.
“You’re just constantly messing around. You seem to do things specifically to get on people’s nerves, specifically to get a reaction. I don’t really understand you sometimes. You seem to just always want to be bad”
“Fuck you” tears welled up in dews eyes. He quickly stood up and pushed mountain away, stumbling backwards.
“Droplet that’s not-“
“I dont” he furiously wiped his face, embarrassed to have mountain see him cry. He knew he was probably over reacting. But that sentence stung you just always want to be bad he doesnt. He doesn’t know why he acts the way he does.
“I know you don’t” mountain attempted to move towards him, but dew continued to back up, putting as much space as possible between them.
“You just fucking said I do. You just said I do you asshole” the tears were falling faster than he could wipe his face. He wanted to rush inside, lock himself in his room and attempt to forget the conversation that was happening. He doesn’t want to be a nuisance, to make people angry, to be bad.
“That’s not what I meant” he took another step towards dew.
“You constantly act like you want to be punished. You act like you want someone to beat the shit out of you, and you only stop when they do”
“Mountain stop, please”
“You don’t deserve to be hurt Dew”
Dew froze. He dropped his sleeve from his face and stared at mountain. Thunder continued to crackled in the distance, but all he could hear was his own heartbeat and blood rushing through his eardrums. His chest felt like it was constricting hearing those words said to him. He wanted to respond, call him stupid and go to bed. But he couldn’t. It felt like there was a golf ball in his throat, preventing him from speaking. He continued to stare at mountain. Neither of them made any attempt to move.
“You deserve positive attention droplet” mountain whispered, as if the words being spoken would break dew into tiny pieces in front of him. He made a slow advancement towards him, giving him to to move in case he didn’t want to be touched at the moment. But dew continued to stand there and stare at mountain, tears still streaming down his cheeks. Mountain put his arms around the smaller ghoul and held him tightly. Dew finally broke and sobbed into mountains shoulder. Holding onto his shirt for dear life.
“I’m sorry” he managed to get out “ I don’t mean t -“
“You don’t need to be sorry” mountain cut him off. He slowly pet his hair while dew continued to bury his head into his chest. “I love you”
They stayed like that, just holding each other while the storm continued in the background.
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mooodyblue · 1 year
How about a cg!austin and little!reader where the reader regressed at the golden globes from the loud noises and cheering. She gets fussy and frustrated (maybe non-verbal) and she begins picking with her nails chipping the nail polish off when Austin comes from accepting the award and sees her and try’s to calm her but it doesn’t work so. He sits down and whispers sweet-nothings into her ear to calm her and she falls asleep for awhile
you read my mind, was thinking about this the day after haha. hope you enjoy :)
best baby | cg!austin x little!reader
warnings: little space, age regression, overstimulation
wc: 939
masterlist | request | taglist | ko-fi
it was a big day for austin. you were doing just fine before the actual award show started. the car ride was almost silent, both overtaken by your nerves. you'd been to several events with austin in the past, but nothing like this. so many big name celebrities and so many cameras, it wasn't really your thing but you wanted to support him. you brushed your own nerves aside and took austin's hand, squeezing it tight. not a single word was said, but austin felt himself slowly relax under your touch.
once you arrived, you gave austin one final kiss before making your way inside the venue as he left for his red carpet duties. your relationship was public, but you and austin wanted to keep it as private as possible. the more people that came in and sat around you, the more nervous you got. baz came in shortly after, smiling and giving you a hug before taking a seat at the table. "austin should be in soon." he said in your ear. you nodded, giving him a thumbs up. to kill time and calm your nerves, your eyes wandered around the venue, looking and naming off the various actors and actresses that you knew and what movies and shows you knew them from. austin came in a few minutes before the show started, apparently being the last one to enter the venue. "sorry, baby. people kept stoppin' to talk" he sighed, sitting next to you.
austin was bouncing his leg up and down the entire time leading up to his nomination. you couldn't help but tear up when his name was announced, everyone at the table happily standing up and cheering for him. you smiled widely as he cupped your face to kiss you before making his way to the stage to give his speech. you were smiling the entire time, the camera even panning to the whole table looking at austin proudly. baz playfully pinched you at the mention of you in his speech, causing you to roll your eyes playfully. you were so incredibly proud of austin and couldn't wait for him to return to properly congratulate him.
however, after he accepted his award, he was off doing a couple interviews outside before returning back to the table, leaving you alone with everyone at the table. it was getting a little too much for you. nobody was really speaking with you. everything was suddenly louder than usual, your ears were ringing and suddenly more sensitive. someone else won an award, causing the venue to errupt in cheers which made it worse. why were the glasses clinking so loud? and the sound of chairs scraping the floor? you had to resist hunching over and covering your ears with your hands, not wanting to cause a scene. that didn't stop tears from forming at the corner of your eyes, you anxiously bounced your leg under the table as you looked down to pick at your freshly done nails from yesterday, chipping away at the black nail polish.
it was getting frustrating waiting for austin, you just wanted him back now. it was taking everything in you to not cause a scene and cry for him, unfortunately your nails had taken a beating instead. when austin finally returned, he noticed the sudden change in you, walking over and sitting back down, lifting your chin and wiping away your tears with his thumb. he could see the hurt and vulnerability in your eyes, your expression softening at his touch. "baby?" you sniffled slightly, shaking your head and not wanting to ruin the night for him. "what's going on?" he asked, rubbing your arm gently.
you wanted to reply, but nothing could come out. "i-i-i..." you started, not being able to find the words. it only upset you more, causing you to stomp your feet a few times, prompting a few looks from people at the table. austin waved his hand, gesturing that everything was fine. the award show was going on longer than expected, so he couldn't just take you and go considering there was one more nomination for the movie. at this point, he knew you had slipped, he just hoped nobody caught on for your sake.
"it's okay." he cooed. then there were more loud cheers, causing you to wince and anxiously go back to your nails. he frowned, taking ahold of one of your hands and bringing them back down to your lap. "let's not do that." he said, softly.
austin scooted himself closer to you, "c'mere." you rested your head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around you, resting his other arm on the table. "we'll get out of here soon, i know it's loud." he held you close, sighing. "we'll have a nice, quiet celebration at home, wouldn't that be nice? get outta these fancy clothes and put a movie on. you did so good today, baby. my big girl." austin wanted an excuse to get out of going to the after party anyway, he'd rather celebrate with you. "if they had an award for best baby, it'd go straight to you." he grinned.
you let out a tired giggle, snuggling more into his neck and closing your eyes.
"mm, just doze off for a lil', i'll wake you when it's over." he rubbed your side and placed a kiss on the top of your scalp. he doesn't know how you did it, but you dozed off for twenty minutes or so before he gently woke you up to leave. austin came up with an excuse to skip the party, to which he went straight home and had his own celebration with you.
taglist: @ellie-24 @kiankiwi-blog @father-of-2cats @flwrs4aust @dilfelvis @peyneust
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universalistotalis · 2 years
Good Enough (Part 1)
Meian Shugo x Reader (Haikyuu!!timeskip)
WC: 939
Part 2
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Credits to the owner of the picture! @heyheywhey on twitter 💕
It was at his friend’s party that you had your world crumble to pieces.
You never really thought it was possible. All those novels about heartbreak were exaggerated and over the top. That’s what you believed. But no matter how many words or stories you read, nothing ever prepared you for this moment.
“Are you sure about her, Meian? I mean THE Meian Shugo would settle for that?” One of his friends asked while sipping on his wine. “We all know what happened in the past and who you really loved.”
Everyone around their circle was silent, really awaiting for your fiancé’s reply. You were too, except that you weren’t standing with the group. Instead, your body was pressed taut against the wall, hiding, trying to eavesdrop as much from their conversation.
This feeling suddenly washes over you. This cold feeling before the storm that you knew was already brewing. You already saw signs and darkness, lightning strikes and heard ear- ringing thunderclaps. You knew there would be destruction.
“She’s good enough.” His silky voice responded with a shrug of the shoulders. “Ooh’s” and “I knew it’s” surrounded the group then they continued on with their banters.
And you were right. Because at those three words, your world was completely and utterly destroyed. From the calm and silence before the disaster to the messy and noisy outcome of the crushing of your heart, you just stood there, appalled by the swiftness of it all.
So that’s all you’re going to be, isn’t it? Just good enough. To him, you were convenient. A person good enough to fill the space. A person good enough to be a presentable wife. A person good enough to pass the time.
You stare at the glittering band on your finger, suddenly doubting the dazzling man that you loved for years. Did he ever see you as yourself? Or did he imagine her instead?
All of your dates, the idle times you would spend together, even the nights that you held each other, ran through your head in fast forward but everything around you moved in slow motion. There was a ringing in your ears that seemed to amplify with every memory you had with him. Or were they now lies he made to you? It was always her! You should’ve known it will never be you!
Your feet took little steps to the exit. One by one until it turned into sprints that lead you outside, away from his pretentious friends, away from him.
Love is funny. Love is a bastard. It lets you wear rose- colored glasses for the whole show and it doesn’t let you take them off until it’s too late. Until you’re in so deep. Until you’re broken beyond repair. You thought he loved you as much as you did him. You thought his heart beats your name because that’s what he said. But that’s just what he wanted to believe.
Meian Shugo was one hell of a man. A gentleman, jack-of-all-trades, man of his word, a leader of the pack… he was everything you prayed for and ever wanted.
But he’s also a coward who’s scared of living his life alone. Someone who could not muster up the courage to move on from his first love who left him shattered. Someone who picks a naive girl like you to be a replacement for his missing pieces.
And you let him. My god, you let him.
The searing pain in your heart sizzled and it eventually burned as you turned around at the mention of your name. There he was, Meian, in all his glory, panting and making his way towards you.
“Baby, hey, where are you going? Are you alright? I saw you bolt out the room and I—“ His eyes were searching, reading your state. Frown lines marred his forehead as he took your distressed form in. “What’s wrong, love? Tell me.”
His touches used to soothe all your worries and insecurities away. They used to chase away all your demons. But now, as he threaded his fingertips on your hair, you felt nothing but utter betrayal.
“You never loved me.” Your whisper was crisp in the cold night air. “You’ll never love me.”
“Hey, baby, hey.” He bowed down, leveling both your heights to look you straight in the eyes. “What are you talking about? You’re scaring me. What happened? What’s wrong?”
And that’s when the goddamn floodgates opened. Small sobs turned to a full-on breakdown of fits and tears.
“I can’t do this. I don’t deserve this.” You managed to choke out as you pushed your way out of his hold. The engagement ring was heavy on your finger and you wanted nothing to do with it. The big, bright diamond that once shone with love, now blinded you with lies and deceit. With hands shaking, you took it off and handed it to him. “It’s not me you want to give that to.”
“What—“ He tried to make sense of the situation but panic and bile were rising up his throat. Tears were pricking his eyes as he still tried to get a hold of your hand, body visibly shaking.
“Stop, Meian.” You commanded, taking a step back and glaring at him. He, then, froze on the spot. “You’re hurting the both of us. Just fucking stop.”
You never knew how you got into the backseat of a cab, eyes blurring with tears, on the way to anywhere else but his side. But you did.
Until now, you’re still contemplating if what you did was right. But then again, it was for the best.
Part 2
HEY HEY HEEEEEY!!! This has been in my drafts for quite a long time and I just had to get it out there HAHAHA also, i’ve been craving angst lately because I have a knack for hurting myself. It has to stop, really, but well, here we are.
Tell me what you think about this? 🥺
Also, do we need another part? LOL We’ll never knooooow!!!
But HEY, in real life, if you see the red flags, get the fuck out, alright?! We deserve green flags all the way! You deserve the best, beautiful! 🟩🟩🟩
Hope you enjoyed this one! Love yall! 💕
Replies and Reblogs are much appreciated!
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sirthisisa-wendys · 2 years
Liberation: Keizo Arashi x Fem!Reader
synopsis: "arrangements" are commonplace in your world, even though they're despised. and when you find yourself selected for one, will you be able to endure the cost? or will there be a breaking point? (for you, arranged marriage anon!)
wc: 939
tw: smut
masterlist 🏛 next part
(might turn this into a series, so this will be the series song, idk)
The feeling of cold metal between your legs makes you flinch, and you hear the man below you whisper, "She looks fine."
"You think?" You glance at your mother as she presses a hand to her stomach. "Good enough to be--"
"Healthy. Y/n is perfectly healthy and eligible for the selection." You lace your hands together, and your mother exhales deeply.
"Good, good."
As you dress, you hear your mother talking in hushed tones to your father, her voice carrying a little in the sterile room. "The doctor says she's perfect for the selection... Yes, of course, I'm going to file the paperwork as soon as possible; it's... right. I'll make sure to let her know. Okay. Talk to you later."
You slip your shirt over your chest, rolling it down around your waist as your mother walks past the curtain, her eyes bright in the fluorescent lighting. "Your father is excited, y/n. This could be your chance to finally become someone of status!"
"You mean it could be your chance," you mutter, looking at her. "I don't want to do this."
"It's your duty," your mother quips, suddenly serious. Her usually jovial expression turns dark, and you lower your eyes, trying to hold your tongue. "And you'll do it. You'll be happy to do it. Grateful, even." The curtain to the dressing area falls closed. The only thing you hear is the retreating footsteps of your mother in a cold, empty doctor's office. But you know the nightmare is far from over.
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"'Selected' is just a fancy term the colonies use for slavery," your friend, Yuzuha Shiba, hisses. "There's nothing selected on our end. We're expected to spread our legs for high-ranking officers and make babies. What's selective about that?"
"At least it's just one," you mumble, picking at the grass between your toes. "I don't know what I'd do if they made me do... it with multiple men."
"And we're being picked from a stack of faces!" Yuzuha adds. "These men get to sift through a bunch of women's faces and names, nothing more. You don't even get to give a quote."
"Do you think they'd pick us based on the most intelligent quote?" you laugh, and Yuzuha shakes her head, smirking.
"Mine would be 'fuck you.'" You both laugh heartily, but then an uncomfortable silence settles over you. A stream rushes in the background, and your eyes glance at a bird hiding in the trees before looking back at your light-haired friend.
"You're lucky Taiju forbade you from being a part of it," you muse, throwing blades of grass at the wind. "You must feel good about it."
"Hardly," she scoffs. "I get to watch all of my friends go off and get impregnated by a guy they can't see until after they get pregnant. And then... who knows if it'll be a happy marriage or not?" The wind whistles in your ears, and you rest your head on your arms. "Do you think you'll fall for whoever picks you?"
"I doubt it..."
"At least you don't have to look at him during sex," Yuzuha mutters, standing up and looking at her hand-me-down watch. "If he's ugly, I would be grateful for that small mercy alone." You say your goodbyes after
As you find your way back to your home, you find yourself resenting the very system that demanded "arrangements." It feels like you're just another cog in an outdated machine. You concede that it was necessary to back then - when the colonies were new, and there weren't enough people to make a population powerful. But now that isn't a problem anymore. So why keep such a traditional system in modern times?
You skip dinner, holing up in your room as some form of protest. But as you stare at the moon rising in the sky, all you can think about is what he would look like. If you're selected - and you're more than likely going to be - who would pick you?
Your eyes drift closed as you imagine the man's cruel face, slanting brows, and sick grin. Only sick men enjoy doing things like that, taking young women and using them for breeding purposes. Not for love.
Your dreams are laced with moans and whimpers you're sure to hear when you arrive to be claimed by your selector. Faces morph in the darkness as your clothes come off, falling to the marble floor. Hands roam up to your shoulders, and the man begins you pulls you close, his erection pressing against your backside.
You struggle to get away, but it's dark in the room, and there's no way out. Each kiss feels like steel against your skin and makes you shudder. "Please," you beg, but the man wraps his arms around your stomach and lifts your leg up. "Please," you repeat, voice shaking.
"Just a little more," the man murmurs, and all of a sudden, you feel a pressure between your legs that is borderline uncomfortable. "Just a little more." You don't feel anything for a brief moment, and you exhale shakily. But fingers come back to your cunt and swipe at it with what feels like a gel, and you yelp as something enters you.
"That's it," the man grunts. "Just like that, y/n." You turn to look at your captor and note the fearsome ice-blue eyes before anything else. You inhale deeply to scream in terror, but you shoot up in bed, sweat pooling on your sheets before you can open your mouth.
You want to be certain it was a dream, so you check your nightgown - which is dry - and the flooring - wooden. Nothing in the dream seemed to translate over to the other side. You uneasily climb back into bed, steadying your breath before trying to sleep again. But the ice-blue eyes don't ever go away. They are burned into the backs of your eyelids all night.
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A/N: Please let me know if you want more of this! I'll be happy to write a series (small or long, whatever) with this new premise. Hope you all enjoyed this! Proud of writing this and not fully conked out on sleeping meds yet. Huzzzah!
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kyeomyuyu · 2 months
Seventeen Masterlist
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Choi Seungcheol / S.coups
- coming soon !
Yoon Jeonghan
- coming soon !
Hong Jisoo / Joshua
- coming soon !
Wen Junhui / Moon Junhui
- coming soon !
Kwon Soonyoung / Hoshi
- coming soon !
Jeon Wonwoo
- coming soon !
Lee Jihoon / Woozi
- coming soon !
Lee Seokmin / DK / Dokyeom
- Special Person (BF!Lee Seokmin x GN!Reader) wc: 569
- Endearment (BF!Lee Seokmin x GN!Reader) wc: 627
- Spicy Flavored Kisses (BF!Lee Seokmin x GN!Reader) wc: 939
Kim Mingyu
- coming soon !
Xu Minghao / Seo Myungho / The8
- coming soon !
Boo Seungkwan
- coming soon !
Chwe Hansol / Vernon
- coming soon !
Lee Chan / Dino
- coming soon !
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