#(( gosh your Ralph is wonderful ))
Map of Soho Good Omens Season 2 - Part 1 (Location and general map)
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Update: Map now identifies Lucky Snake and the coffee shop listed in Aziraphale's clipboard may indeed be Give Me Coffee I think we all have wondered how the GO Soho looks like and where it would be in real London. So using all the screenshots, BTS pictures and videos I could find I did my best to map out where things are. It is not to scale but everything I could see is there. I originally had all the pictures and explanations in this post but soon it became obvious it was going to be too long and impractical so I had to split it in different posts and I hope I got it right. The map has five reference points (circle with two diverging lines); imagine the circle is you, standing in the set, and the lines are your viewpoint if you were taking a picture from there. The left side of Whickber Street (#1 and #2) is in Part 2, the intersecting street (#3 and #4) is in Part 3 and the right half of Whickber Street (#5) is in Part 4.
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As to where the bookshop would be in real London. We know that Whickber Street is supposed to be Berwick Street so let's start there. The intersecting street is not obvious from the show. In this post Neil said he imagines the bookshop to be where Gosh! Comics is (Peter Street) while Michael Ralph and Douglas McKinnon probably put it at The Week (on Broadwick Street). Because it is ambiguous and really you can do whatever you want, I just left it as "intersecting street". We know from the book that Crowley takes Wardour Street after the bookshop fire. Wardour is behind Berwick so in our map it would be where the Chinese Buffet Restaurant is, considering they run more or less parallel. On the other side, we have the Windmill Theatre located on Great Windmill Street. From Berwick St. and Peter St. it takes three minutes to walk to the theatre, it is that close! (yes, I know, Crowley was conducting business two blocks from the bookshop while not talking to Aziraphale for 80 years). I have never been in that part of London so I used Google Maps streetview and based only on that, I like the corner of Berwick St. and Broadwick St. better. It has the crooked intersection but the proximity of the theatre matches Peter St. better, so whatever works better for you!
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There is one place missing from the set map though: Brown's World of Carpets! It is nowhere to be found, we simply don't know where it is My very personal headcanon is that it is nothing but a desk inside the furniture store. I find that idea of the guy most worried about storefront looks being the one without a storefront very amusing, but don't mind me, it is just my very silly hc XD Now, we know Aziraphale has a list for the shops he needs to visit. And we know he wrote it in alphabetical order which begs the question: Where is the Dirty Donkey?! Are they not invited? And what about the fabric shop? And Bilton Scaggs? Battye and Palm? The News Agency? Is "Mo Coffee? No Coffee?" supposed to be Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death? Or is there another coffee shop somewhere? @crow-bee23 suggested it could be "Me Coffee" which it is entirely possible, the full name is kind of long. So many questions to ask Mr. Brown.
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Anyway, I put pictures and details on the shops in parts 2, 3 and 4. Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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motownfiction · 2 years
remember me
On a weekend in early March, Sadie picks Rosemary up from the movies. She just turned fifteen, and she’s still coasting on the high of going to the movies with her friends without parental supervision. This afternoon, she comes out of the theater with a fresh, refilled frozen Coke and a buzzy smile. When she gets into the passenger seat, Sadie smiles because her sweet girl is smiling.
“Oh my gosh, Mom, the movie was so good!” Rosemary gushes. “Best movie I’ve seen in a long time.”
“That’s great, babe,” Sadie says as she backs out of her parking space and heads for home. “What was it called again?”
“Remember Me.”
“Ah. The one with the Twilight boy?”
“His name is Robert Pattinson, Mom. Don’t act like you don’t know actors.”
“I’m not acting. I’m old.”
Rosemary laughs a little, not realizing just how much Sadie means it. But Sadie thinks she understands. When she was fifteen, she saw red every time her mother called Ralph Macchio “that Sal Mineo-looking one” every time he was on an episode of Eight Is Enough. Back then, Maggie Doyle swore she wasn’t doing it on purpose; back then, Sadie struggled to believe her. It’s only now she realizes that her brain can only remember so many celebrities.
“Anyway,” Sadie says. “What made the movie so good?”
“Oh, Mom, everything,” Rosemary says, clutching her frozen Coke to her heart. Sadie wonders if she’ll ever tire of how often her children say the word Mom.
“Well, tell me!”
“It was so romantic in the most heartbreaking way. And the way it ends … you know, I’d tell you, but I think you should see it for yourself. Megan and I gasped.”
Sadie nods and smiles. She doesn’t tell Rosemary that she already knows how this movie ends. Earlier, after she dropped Rosemary off at the mall, she wound up on the phone with Lucy and her daughter, Emma, who’s the same age as Rose. Emma said the movie was terrible, and the strange 9/11 ending made it even worse. Said it was like a more confusing Saturday Night Fever without any of the dancing. And maybe Emma is right.
Doesn’t take away from that beautiful, romantic, Rosemary DeLuca smile.
“Do you think you’ll remember me?” Sadie asks as she rolls up to a red light.
Rosemary lets out a low, strange laugh.
“Remember you when, Mom?” she asks. “When I’m in the bathroom, and you’re in the living room?”
Sadie shrugs.
“Any time,” she says, but they can both hear the subtext.
When I’m gone like your Uncle Sam.
“Yeah,” Rosemary says. “I remember you all the time.”
Sadie turns and winks before the light turns green again.
“And what do you remember about me?” she asks.
She puts on the radio before Rosemary can answer the question. When she started the drive back to the movie theater, she was listening to the classic rock station (and grimacing at some of the choices they’re already calling classic rock), but just before turning into the parking lot, she switched to the contemporary side of the street. They’re in the middle of Lady Gaga singing “Paparazzi,” a song Sadie has to admit she likes. So, she sings along. And Rosemary laughs. Hard. Sadie turns to her with a funny look on her face.
“I remember how you like to listen to new music, too,” Rosemary says. “A lot of parents only like to listen to stuff they remember. You’re not like that.”
Sadie smiles, a little sad. She knows they can both hear the subtext.
I listen to new music all the time because your Uncle Sam doesn’t get to hear it.
“Yeah,” Sadie says. “I’m pretty cool, aren’t I?”
“Don’t push it.”
It makes Sadie laugh, and she’s grateful. It’s OK. It’s going to be OK. Rosemary will remember her. Today, tomorrow, forever.
(part of @nosebleedclub january challenge -- day ii! starting the year off by being behind 😭)
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velvet-paradox · 2 years
Between (Part Two)
Fandom: Stranger Things/Marvel AU
Pairing(s): Steve Rogers x Female reader, Jim Hopper x Joyce Byers, eventual Female reader x Jim Hopper, eventual Jim Hopper x Female Reader x Steve Rogers
Summary: the new neighbors next door are really something, huh?
Length: Medium
Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY, ok look... one little idea pops in my head and here we have this mess; take it or leave it (PLS TAKE IT): explicit content, voyeurism, strong language, oral (m receiving), unprotected P in V, creampie .
Tagging: @synnersaint @yiiiikesmish
"No no, like this!"
Jim smiled in his own backyard watching Will do a summersault on the grass. El laughed at him, missing out on those little fun things as a child. Not poked and prodded and forced to use her powers for hours on end.
"Now you try!" Will and the rest of the kids were still pretty young at heart. They played some fantasy game that Jim had never gotten the grasp of, biked around and would sometimes play a pick up game of basketball at the rec center. He hoped El wouldn't grow out of that stage just yet. Seventeen. He was suddenly reminded of what you had said when you first met, that you were a bad influence of sorts. Jim wondered how many hearts you broke along the way to land Steve Rogers.
"Hey Jim, we're out of basics, would mind running to the store?" Joyce finished soaking the dishes, sliding in the last plate he could hear from the window while he smoked and watched the teens play.
"Sure thing! Keep an eye on em' while ya?" 
"Whatever you say, chief." Joyce blew him a kiss and tossed hum the keys through the open bay window. 
Jim turned down the radio in his truck, lurching forward in the seat as he saw storm clouds rolling in. Thick dark pillows clouds gathered and just far enough I the distance he could see little sprinkles of blue white lightning in the future. A few droplets of water hit his cheeks when he walked into the grocery store. 
Jim grabbed a few things the house needed and few that it didn't. Did he really need to buy an extra six pack and a box of Twinkies? No, but they were in the cart anyway. He strolled through the aisles and just as he put the last bag in the backseat there was a shout from behind him.
"Look out!"
Son of a bitch!
A wild shopping cart, dizzy from the gaining wind slammed into the back of his leg. As he rubbed his knee quick footfalls came closer.
"Omg Jim I am so sorry!" You grabbed the shiny red handle of the cart, spinning it away. "Damn thing got away from me! Are you ok?"
"It'd alright Y/N, I'm alright." Jim winced and his eyebrows met his hairline when you dropped down to a squad, touching his knee. His skin felt too hot and wished the rain would just get here already. Wash away this strange new feeling. 
"Are you sure?" You asked and looked up at him through your lashes. Poor Jim. He caught just the briefest of glances down your shirt.
"Yeah, I'm sure."
You got up with a bounce. "It's not busted is it?"
"Nah probably just a scratch, nothing serious. Trust me, I've had worse.”
"Gosh I am really sorry, Jim."
"You don't have to apologize, that storm is coming in hot. I'm surprised more carts aren't flying around here." Jim joked, relaxing when you smiled. 
"I'm parked just over there," you thumbed behind you, Jim could see the trunk of your car was still open, then you turned back with a wicked twinkle in your eye. "Wanna' race home?"
"I'm kidding! I know you're a lawman." 
"Was, a lawman. "
"Once a man in a uniform, always a man in uniform." You touched his arm, not the way you touched your husband's but close enough to let it linger.
"So... what do you think?"
"You look like a princess."
"Or something a princess ralphed up." Will joked as El spun around the living room in a too pink, too puffy sleeved and flounce homecoming dress. She frowned.
"Will, be nice." Joyce never could scolded Will, not like she did before everything had turned Hawkins on its' head.
"I'm just joking!" Will hid his shit eating grin and hugged his stepsister. "You know I'm kidding, right El? It looks nice it's just..."
"Just what?" El asked swished the skirt of the dress.
"It's just, I don't know El, it's not you. Not your style."
"My style?" El's frown grew and she moved and plopped down on the couch next Jim. He patted her leg. "What's my style?"
"I don't know. You haven't figured that part out yet." Will shrugged.
"Look at Mike, he rocks band tees and ripped jeans because that's his style, that's how he is. And Max, she's a big music head so she wears what her idols wear. You'll figure it out. Pink just doesn't describe who Eleven is."
"Don't worry sweetie, we'll take you to the mall and have a girl day. How does that sound?" Joyce offered just as the timer on the stove went off.
A crack of thunder and a purple wave of lightning lit up the night sky, rain came down in full on sheets. Jim checked and rechecked that he had in fact rolled up all the windows on the cars. It sounded violent. 
Another sleepless night.
The sounds outside put the whole Byers/Hopper house expect for him. Munching on a banana in the kitchen didn't help, the glass of cold tap water didn't either. He hung his head at the sink, gingerly placing the glass on the surface. He walked through the living room with a yawn but stopped short when a flash of lightning illuminated the empty space between the houses. Jim squinted,  uncertain of what he just saw or thought he saw until he got to the window.
What was with these glimpses into other people's lives that lured him like a moth to a flame?
It was wrong to be nosy, to be that neighbor. He thought of Gladys Kravitz from Bewitched, always on the look out for something strange across the street.  But there was something goin no.
As Jim peered through the downstairs window, no enough to cast a shadow or let himself be known.
You were in your own living room, moving your head back and forth while Steve had his hand at your throat. He was choking you, shaking you around in the candle lit room. Steve's hand slapped your face twice in succession, not violently but enough so that you pouted and looked up at your husband. Jim fumbled around for the phone but stopped when he lifted the receiver, Steve was pointing at you, then the floor. Jim couldn't see much after that, other than the top of your head that made a good shelf for Steve's large hands as you sucked him off.
Adventurous is what Joyce called it when he told her the next afternoon, finally the weekend to enjoy and indulge in some much needed R & R.
"Their young and in love Hop, it's fine. Their consenting adults and why are you watching them anyway?" Joyce asked, rummaging through the clean and maybe not so clean piles of laundry in the bedroom.
"I wasn't watching them! I just happened to look out and see Steve choking and slapping his wife!"
Joyce regarded him. "Jim. People experiment sexually all the time, maybe their into some kinky stuff."
"Well we don't do that stuff!"
"No Hop we don't and you know why?"
Jim abruptly looked at his wife. "No, why?"
"Because we're not them!" She laughed and at least threw a clean pair of socks at his face. "We're old and we have young kids in the house... once it's just you and me, if you want to fool around with that kind of thing we can explore it then but for now," Joyce shook out a shirt and as an after through smelled it and tossed it down quick to the dirty pile at her feet. "Yeesh. Until then, I am a-ok with our missionary."
"That's all we do." Jim didn't mean for it to come off like that, he was fine with it too but sometimes he wanted to bend his wife over, take her from behind, tug on her hair, smell her neck.
"Excuse me?"
"Oh no, not nothing. Explain yourself, Jim Hopper. " another wad of socks bounced off his chin.
"It's nothing Joyce really. I didn't mean anything by it. Just like, I don't know. We used to be like them I guess, not slap happy shit or that what do you call it-- exhibition junk, but we used to do it all the time, all over the place. Remember when I turned thirty-seven and we had sex at skull rock like we did in high school?"
"Yes... and you're right; that was pretty fun." Joyce smiled in her reverie.
"Ya' know I think that was the last time I fucked you from behind. Jesus, maybe we are old..."
The laundry basket hit the floor with a thud, all her sorting efforts gone to nothing. Joyce strolled around the end of the bed and grabbed Jim's foot. 
"You uh, maybe wanna do that now?"
Jim burst at the seams. Nobody wake him the fuck up.
"Wait, now?"
"Yeah now! The kids are gone, it's just you and me for the next hour or so," Joyce wiggled her eyebrows and twitched her lips to the side. "Or maybe even later."
Fuck this felt good. Why did this feel so fucking good? He almost forgot the feeling, the way Joyce melted and clawed at his arm wrapped around her waist. How her muffled breath for more sounded to his ears, his knee made a popping sound but that didn't stop him from fucking his wife. If anything it made him lust after her even more. Joyce laced their fingers together on her soft stomach, bent over her and smelled her hair, her perfume. The slap of skin on skin, their hot bodies set in unison drove his cock deeper into her. 
"Jesus Hop, don't stop!" Joyce moaned and slipped out of his grip, falling to the mattress as his thrusts sped up, chasing the lightning of both of their orgasms.
"Christ Joyce, that's it. That's fucking it!" Jim tugged on her mused hair, scratching at her scalp, stretching her around him until the final grunt of her name as he came, letting go inside her as Joyce gripped the sheets by her head and followed over the edge with a wail.
"We gotta’ do that more often." Joyce panted, rolling over and fixing her tits in her bra. It happened so fast her shirt was just shoved up enough to expose her chest, jeans hung loose at both of their ankles.
"How much time did you say we had?"
Joyce laughed in hysterics, turning on to her back. The sheets were ruined and would be added to the pile on the floor, especially when she reached out for him. He fit between her legs, wet and flaccid cock reviving against her sex when she pulled him in for a languid kiss.
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emachinescat · 3 years
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II've decided to watch MacGyver from the beginning (again), and I'm live tweeting the experience with every tweet tagged with #savemacgyver. I thought it would be fun to share my collected thoughts from the episodes on here as well.
My Thoughts on S1E3, "Awl"
You're not only going to make it to 30, Mac, but you're going to make it to season 6. #savemacgyver
I love that Jack's bucket list includes finishing the Harry Potter books. Guess he's not a one-trick pony after all with sci-fi. A healthy blend of science fiction and fantasy is just what the doctor ordered.
Dylan Thomas reference! That poem was written about the poet's own father, and is about how everyone, no matter who they are or what they stand for, fights against death in the end. He's begging his dad to "rage, rage against the dying of the light," to not give in to death so easily, to keep fighting. Just taught this poem, actually, so I'm vibing with this reference super hard. Though to be fair, I'd be vibing with it anyway. Love Dylan Thomas.
Oh my gosh, this is the one with the fire extinguisher and inflatable escape! I'd forgotten which episode that came from, but I see GIFs of it all over Tumblr. Poor Mac especially, that looks like it hurts. Why is Lucas Till so good at being whumped?!
Jack hugging the fire extinguisher: Iconic.
I'll never get tired of seeing that polar bear! Do we know if he has a name?
I cannot get over how small and excited Bozer is, not a care in the world except for his movie. It's exciting to think about what's to come for his character growth, though I do wish he wouldn't have to go through all the things he does. :(
Jack's conversations with his dad at the grave are just everything. And I feel cheated that we haven't gotten to see Mac have the same kind of conversations at Jack's grave (though I firmly believe it's a regular occurrence off-screen).
Seriously, the way he talks to his dad is so familiar, so comfortable, so natural. It's like Daddy Dalton is right there with him and it fills me with so many emotions that I can't even.
The smile on Jack's face and the pride in his voice when he talks about Mac to his dad is the purest thing ever.
Also, that's a big-ass tombstone Jack is leaning against.
"Hi, Mr. Dalton. How's... life?" MAC! 😂
I can't tell you how much I love it when other characters talk about how smart Mac is. "He's a genius..."
First mention of Mac's dad. It's sweet how invested Jack is in Mac rebuilding his relationship with his old man. Also, I really wish we would have gotten a flashback of Jack's dad at some point. He seems like such an amazing man.
"If I could have one more day to sit and talk to my dad instead of that hunk of rock, I'd do anything." Jaaaaaaack 😭😭😭
Good old Ralph Kastrati. Single-handedly the most annoying character in all of cable television. Y'all have no idea what you're getting into with this one, dream team.
"My mom dated a guy like that once." Ouch. I'm about to start a Riley Zinger Counter for each episode. Her comebacks are 🔥
It's not just his face, Jack. Everything about this dude is punchable. Especially the way he says "yo."
Ewwww tightie whities no thanks imma head hom now byyye
Mac just snatched that can right out of Jack's hand as he was about to take a drink. Classic.
If I didn't hate Ralph before (spoiler: I did), then I extra hate him for the foie gras comment.
Yes, Jack, "asshat" is the perfect descriptor for this guy.
Is Mac seriously about to just make him some noise-canceling headphones? Who am I kidding? Of course he is.
I need more of Mac punching people in the face. For science.
Poor Jack didn't get to punch the punch face.
🎵 Snipers gonna snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe, snipe 🎵
Between the foie gras and the calfskin, they are really making this guy so easy to hate just sayin'.
"As soon as you're done saving his life, I'm gonna kill him, you hear that, smart-ass? I'm already dressed for the funeral." 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"He's g-good. He just... got kinda shot." Is that the medical terminology, Mac?
Jack using country music as a form of torture 🤣
"You're going to be seeing Yelp stars if you don't shut up!"
Have I mentioned how much I love the music in this show?
"I don't wanna die listening to country music!"
I love how bossy and grabby Mac gets when he improvises.
Another belt grab! I can’t get over Jack trying to keep his crazy partner from falling out of the window – it gives me life!
Actually makes me wonder if he does it because Mac’s taken a tumble out of a car window before. *fanfic brain engaged*
“You know how I feel about your puns.” C’mon, Mac, pus are the greatest forms of humor, bar-pun. (Geddit?)
Mc made a C in biology? I’m not buying it.
Dwwwwwww the sounds of the surgery. No thanks.
Though I will say this is one of the coolest (albeit grossest) things Mac’s ever done on this show.
What the heck is with that elevator door? It took a whole 10 years to close! I wouldn’t trust it. (To be fair, I don’t trust any elevator, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Sir Bleeds-a-Lot lol
Riley stepping in and taking charge once again. No idea how these two functioned before she came along.
Some seriously cool MacGyverisms in this episode. The whole process of “killing” Ralph and bringing him back with office supplies is so OG MacGyver and it gives me all the warm fuzzies.
Ralph: “You’re not a scientist, you’re not a doctor. So how the hell do you know all this stuff?” Mac: “...I read a lot of books?” I love Mac so much.
“Now go die.” Lolololol
The moment with Ralph wanting to call his mom and grow the hell up is surprisingly genuine and heartbreaking. Character development for a character in only one episode, hello, is that you?
“He’s dead, but he’ll get better.” MacGyver, 2016
Riley’s comeback about Jack’s plan to take out six guys if Mac takes out two is another winner. (Riley: 2, Jack: 0) Still, I love the whole, “Sure it does [count as a plan]. First, I’ll take two. Then, I’ll take the other four.” This is why Mac is the plan guy, not Jack.
“Or I can take them all out.” Mac’s confidence = 🔥
I might need to start a Mac sass counter too. Jack: “You seriously want me to put this on my face?” Mac: “Only if you like breathing.”
Jack’s left fist getting jealous 🤣
They really liked choking Mac in the early episodes, didn’t they? Not that I’m complaining. Actually, why did that stop? That strangled, panicked cry of “JACK?!” is music to my fanfic writing, hurt/comfort obsessed, whump-loving soul.
That cough - it actually hurts me to hear it! They should have given us some more repercussions or aftercare for Mac breathing in that gas!
Ralph fell asleep. Of course.
“You know, it’s weird. I’m glad he’s alive… but I still want to kill him. 🤣 I’m with Jack on this one!
Ralph: “A fresh start. I could use one of those right?” Riley: “Or a whole new personality.” ZZZING!!! Riley: 1 million, the world: -10
Oh he did not just call Riley “little hottie.” I’m back to wanting to kill him, character development be darned. So diminutive, dehumanizing, and objectifying. This guy has more than won the douchebag lottery. Riley can more than stick up for herself, but still. The way he speaks to her here makes me feel all kinds of gross.
He just said “ya heard” unironically. Can we let Jack punch him now, please?
Jack offering to let Ralph keep the cash he lifted if he gets to punch him is great, but even better is Mac and Riley offering to chip in money for The Cause.
Oh, yeah, Bozer was in this episode. I’m excited for when he is utilized more!
Bozer’s monster Mac is nightmare fuel!
“A letter? That you put in the mail? It’s 2016.” Hey, as someone who has an actual, old-school type pen pal, step off, Jack.
Mac: “You just gonna watch?” Jack, offended: “Not anymore.” How is it Jack is like Mac’s dad but they also bicker like 5-year-olds? This relationship is so strange, so wonderful, and the heart of the show in so many ways. I love them.
Mac’s words of wisdom about the nature of life are actually super encouraging and exactly what I needed to hear today.
I’d forgotten how much I love this episode – t’s so fun! Although the Codex storyline in season 4 is probably my favorite plot-wise, coming back to these early episodes is like a breath of fresh air! Excellent, excellent episode with so much to offer!
What are your thoughts on "Awl?" I'd love to discuss! :)
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Mailbox Blues
Fandom: WandaVision Rating: G Word Count: 1046
Summary: It really bothers Wanda that she hasn't met the mailman.
Wanda twiddled her fingers, zipping the curtains shut as she pulled the door closed. Sure, it was a nice neighbourhood, safe, where the lady next door would only enter without knocking to bring you a lobster when you were stumped on what to serve your husband’s boss for dinner, but you couldn’t be too careful. One of these times, it might really be hooligans and not a silly old tree branch. She proceeded down the path and made another motion behind her back, locking the front door. Shoot. Wanda wondered if anyone ever noticed she didn’t carry keys.
Agnes still had her elbow propped on the post and was staring to her left with quite a degree of focus. Wanda’s prepared smile fritzed, her lip twitching in panic. Had the object she’d had to abandon in the hedge caught her neighbour’s eye? She’d hardly had time to consider it; with its glossy surface, long blades, and heavy diecast body, it had seemed too sophisticated to possibly be a toy dropped by one of the local children. Besides, it was too unusual and well-made (and that meant expensive) for Wanda to imagine it’d been casually forgotten. And then there was that strange symbol painted on its side…
If Agnes were to find the helicopter, she’d have questions, questions Wanda didn’t have answers to, nor should she have to—the thing wasn’t hers!—but it was in her hedge and, gosh, she knew Agnes already thought she was strange. She’d play a trick, that was what she would do. When her neighbour glanced from the object to her, Wanda would perform a discrete little transformation, changing the discovery into a tin model airplane, or some kind of kitchen implement! There were all sorts of fancy hand mixers around these days, electric ones too! She’d pretend it had fallen out of a box when she and Vision had moved in. Yes, perfect.
Wanda forced the smile back onto her face, stretching it until she was positively beaming, but Agnes wasn’t paying her any mind. Well, better to introduce the topic herself. That was the responsible thing to do.
“Why, Agnes, what’s captured your attention?” she asked.
Agnes turned to her with an, “Oh!”
“Didn’t mean to startle you.”
“Not at all. I was just, well, Dennis really isn’t very good-looking, is he?”
Her nose was already scrunched in pre-emptive disdain and Wanda felt her expression copying Agnes’s.
While she grimaced, she inquired, “Who’s Dennis?”
Agnes laughed, face relaxing, and Wanda joined her with a fainter, breathier laugh, hoping the name wasn’t an important one she’d forgotten. Was Dennis the name of Agnes’s husband? No, that was something else. Raymond or Roger or something.
“The mailman.”
“I haven’t really noticed whether he’s good-looking or not,” Wanda confessed.
Her neighbour’s eyes darted away in apparent discomfort.
“No, neither have I, of course not,” Agnes said quickly. “But I guess you haven’t met Dennis yet? How funny. Well, it’ll happen the more you get out and about in the neighbourhood, especially with me!”
“Yes, I’m sure you’re right.”
Wanda allowed Agnes to sociably sling her arm through her own, beginning to prep her on what to expect from Dottie and the other ladies they’d be meeting. While Wanda’s mouth smiled and her head nodded, charming and obedient as a baby doll, her mind lagged behind the conversation.
Dennis the mailman had been by. Agnes knew him well enough to have a history of considering how attractive she found him (she was terrible at hiding it, but Wanda would never mention such a thing to… Ralph! That was the name), but Wanda couldn’t recall ever seeing him. Well, that made sense, she supposed, because she wasn’t the one who collected the mail from the mailbox! Vision did that, of course. Only, she couldn’t picture him coming in from work carrying anything but his briefcase. He retrieved the paper in the morning, but that was left right on the front step.
Puzzled, Wanda glanced back over her shoulder, pretending to be flipping hair out of her face as Agnes nattered on, and scrutinized the mailbox. The flag wasn’t up. That was a little odd. It did explain why neither she nor her husband had brought in the mail—there wasn’t any to be brought in! Someone would write soon though, a relative or a friend from their old neighbourhood. Wanda frowned because she didn’t remember writing down their new address for anyone. She must have! She and Vision had so many friends who would want to stay in touch! Though she couldn’t summon even one name to mind…
“Agnes? I’m so sorry to interrupt,” Wanda said, smiling wide. “You seem to know everyone so well, their habits, their hobbies, where everyone… fits in. I was just wondering how long you’d lived in this subdivision?”
“Since it was built!” Agnes gushed proudly. “Ralph’s brother’s friend or somebody is in construction, so we got a tip that the city was planning a development out this way. Free of downtown’s awful congestion, large yards, brand-new schools and supermarkets. We bought our house when the yard was just an empty square of dirt!”
Wanda laughed along with her.
“Have you heard about any issues with service delivery?”
“Oh no, what’s acting up?” Agnes demanded, pulling her to a halt on the sidewalk. “The electrical? The pipes? Ralph’s useless with repairs, god love him, but I know a crackerjack handyman.”
“Actually, we haven’t been getting mail.”
“Huh. Was there any kind of delay with the paperwork when you bought the house?”
Blinking innocently, Wanda thought back to the moment she and Vision had been inaugurated as first-time homeowners; it had been a waggle of her fingers at the ‘For Sale’ sign planted in the front yard.
“Nope,” she told Agnes. “No delay there.”
“Just give it another week and have faith in the postal service. In the meantime, I’d give anyone you’re waiting on a letter from a ring. Easy.”
Cheerfully, she tugged Wanda toward Lottie’s house, saying something about the rose bushes.
“Easy,” Wanda quietly agreed, with no recollection of unpacking an address book or memorizing phone numbers or, like with the mail, knowing the name of a single person whose voice she should be excited to hear.
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art-by-jas · 3 years
Thanks @kbetacygni for the tag!! :)
1. why did you choose your url?
Oh gosh haha... It all started when my friend and I were watching the second season of the Punisher and we noticed how much he grunts and the fact that someone made a compilation of him grunting on youtube and it's like 2 to 3 minutes long hahaha. So yeah long story short.
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I used to have an art one but sorta abandoned it. @jasmine-draws
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
2012 baybeeeeee and my first post was about the band Avenged Sevenfold... wow seeing how much I changed to now being obsessed with Karate Kid is a big change haha
4. do you have a queue tag?
Nope, me being the old person I feel like I am, I didn't know what a queue was until like last year.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
I don't really know what made me get it... It just looked cool at the time I suppose but Im happy that I have it now.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because I love my bois so much! Little baby Ralph and Billy
7. why did you choose your header?
Because that picture of Billy speaks to me loool
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
I googled how to see what's my most popular post... no wonder it's Johnny in his gi haha
9. how many mutuals do you have?
Probably like 7? I don't really know but IM GLAD I have you guys if you reading this... YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!
10. how many followers do you have?
354 BB! Thanks for following meeee
11. how many people do you follow?
1,750 oh jeez I really have to clean up though because half of them haven't been updated in like 6 years or more.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
I mean does simping very hard over each new obsession count as shitposting?
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
EVERYDAY ALL THE TIME pretty much... I'll just leave it open when I'm on my computer doing work.
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
Nope, I try to stay friendly on all sides or hear them out... either that or my little peanut brain will forget it in a few hours.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don't really pay attention to them tbh kinda just scroll past unless its one of my buddies.
16. do you like tag games?
I never really had anyone tag me in stuff till this year and I LOVE IT IT'S A LOT OF FUN
17. do you like ask games?
yep any game, I'm happy!
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I mean we just sorta be there, none of us are really 'famous' we just lurk around tumblr waiting for more new content to consume
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I have a few... ahem... but just know I LOVE EACH OF THEM AND WANT TO HUG
20. tags?
idk who’s done this and who hasn’t so i’ll tag: @blinkasaurus @silveristic @chaotictommy @larussosbluebomberjacket
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
What’s your favorite non-marvel movie?
Ah Cozy, you know me so well. Thank you for specifying non-Marvel, or else I'd be stuck between all the movies Loki is in! :'D
Truth is, once we get past my obvious Loki bias... gosh, I really love a lot of movies? I love a lot of movie series too. Movies are deeply important to me. So I don't know if I really have one favorite, because there's just so many I love so much. They're all wonderful in different ways for different reasons, you know?
I think though, one of the most important and beautiful movies to me is Crimson Peak. It's a tragic film, but it's beautiful, and its message (or, the message I interpret) is deeply personal to me. I love the time period too, and the aesthetic, and the designs of the ghosts, and.. Everything. It's practically made for me. I can't watch it often, because scary things and sad things can weigh on me, but I do love it.
And another movie I love? The Thing. Oh my gosh, I LOVE The Thing. Practical effects and monster designs are just SO cool to me, and I love the message of the importance of trust and the way horror movies can explore that part of the human psyche? Gosh it's just super interesting and enjoyable and I love the effects and I love the movie as a whole, I also love Alien and Aliens because of the effects/monsters and Ripley is just a great character, I love her so much!!
On a more light-hearted note, I really love The Pirate Fairy (because pirates. and tom hiddleston. and the tinkerbell movies are unironically enjoyable), and Wreck It Ralph! I could watch Wreck It Ralph countless times, it's one of the most rewatchable movies to me, and the villains-aren't-necessarily-bad-people theme is a favorite of mine for obvious reasons. Oh, and I love The Road to El Dorado too, it's extremely nostalgic and comforting to me!
.... yeah i like a lot of movies, i could go on for far too long on my favorite films :'DD
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
As always, thanks for being here my friends. There’s definitely more nuanced discussion of this show, but I’m here for the vibes. Anyways, here’s my thoughts on Episode 3 of Loki. Bear in mind I hadn’t watched episode 4 before I wrote the review for 3. No hate on anyone/thing, it’s all my opinion.
Episode 3: LAMENTIS
Pre-title scene
I rioted when I heard Hayley’s voice. It’s a win for all of us.
C-20! Sylvie!
C-20’s lil dance was adorable. I love her.
I want Sylvie’s tie dye.
Is that Ralph Bohner?
The same place, but at night. Coincidence? I think not.
Sylvie’s powers have limits. She can’t search someone’s mind and take information, she needs them to willingly tell her though she can use her powers to do that.
Sylvie’s experienced. Always tie your hair into a bun before a fight.
Her music is nothing like what we’ve heard previously. It’s the Sylvie show folks.
The mural on the left side of the hall is the one from the credits scene.
The plaque above the elevators says ‘FOR ALL TIME ALWAYS’.
Even in the mural on the right side, the Time Keepers aren’t equal, the middle one takes up the most space.
I love how their movements are similar. The head-snap-hair-flip combo is nearly identical, reflecting how they are the same person to some extent.
2077 Lamentis - 1
“Get off my leg!” SiblingTM energy.
“Goodbye, variant.” She sure has the Loki drama.
I finally remembered it’s called a TemPad. Rip.
“Don’t ever call me that.”
“Tech savvy?”
That’s so Ragnarok.
I love the music as we pan up to the planet. It’s the familiar, anxiety-inducing ticking for me lads.
“You idiot! This is Lamentis - 1.”
“I don’t know what that means!”
My siblings when I can’t restart the router (every country has an AT&T).
I like that it’s a moon that’s inhabited. It’s nearly always the planet, still not great for the people on it.
That slide to get under the dump truck was so smooth.
“So we’re a team now?” Jesus Loki needs friends. Probably a good therapist too.
“Didn’t need your help!”
“You’re so weird!”
I like the way Tom runs. Don’t know why. Just do.
Sidenote, my favourite running form is Chris Evans’.
Sylvie’s magic flickered so I genuinely think the enchantment didn’t work.
“Well then I’ll cut it out.” I like the way she says that. I am questioning so many things rn.
“Just because I have to work with you doesn’t mean I wanna hear your voice.” It’s ironic since they spend so much time talking about themselves.
“Alright, well, slow down… Variant.” They really play off each other’s egos to find weaknesses.
“You don’t know what you want.” Sylvie’s more straightforward in everything she does. She efficiently points out Loki’s flaws but when it comes to a goal, she’s meticulous.
“...just walk away.” Loki stops walking, but Sylvie does walk away. There is distance between them (for now).
I’ve had experience with mining towns like this one and whilst they weren’t so out-of-this-world (ya know) there is a tendency for rural and isolated communities to struggle with old/not maintained infrastructure. This is not everywhere, but it’s not uncommon from what I know. Even though these towns are a source of wealth, there isn’t distribution of the money and it’s a grim reality that’s being shown. I appreciate it.
The shot of them walking past a slab of that planet towards the hut is incredible. Wow.
The person in there is just waiting for their death. I’m going to be addressing a lot of the harsh realities in this episode folks so it won’t be so cheerful.
I understand that people weren’t so happy with this being a filler episode, but I think they got it right. It’s strange that a literal planet-moon collision doesn’t bring the tension that the hurricane did in the last ep, but by having an atmosphere that wasn't so omnius, they conveyed (to me at least) that hope was already lost. In the Roxxcart Disaster, the people believed that it wasn’t going to be the end. There’s desperation on Lamentis - 1 but as Sylvie said, the collapse of society occurs. That’s a large group of people realising that class divides will cause slaughter. It’s greed portrayed in two different ways, one being the integration of excessive capitalism into society, the other being social structure based on oppression. Not everyone’s reading into Loki like this but it’s a change from how Marvel usually approaches conflict.
We learnt about the characters and whilst I’m not a fan of when a plot line is moot (my bet is that Loki and Sylvie will be rescued next ep, making all the attempts to get off Lamentis - 1 pointless), it’s necessary for the characters to develop. The way Loki and Sylvie end up on Lamentis - 1 makes sense and the plot doesn’t feel forced.
“It’s remarkable that you made it as far as you did.”
Devils is recurring in this episode. Maybe this has implications on future episodes?
“Which one was that, diplomacy?” Why are their interactions so funny?
I don’t think I need to comment on the significance of the train station scene.
I would like to acknowledge that though this is good writing that’s relevant in the time it was released, we shouldn’t forget it’s coming from large corporations who aren’t perfect.
How do they just walk past the line?
The people who snitched were right in front of them.
Did the cat get Loki’s silvertongue? That was the most graceless lying I’ve ever seen.
Sylvie not sitting with her back to a door makes sense, but why won’t Loki go backwards on a train? They both have little quirks.
“That’s not a plan. That’s just doing a thing.” Loki went to the Thor school of planning, it’s Get Help all over again.
Loki’s exaggerated nods at the other guards lol.
Sylvie growls whenever she’s mad, it’s hilarious.
The close ups of their faces when the conversation gets personal and isn’t just trading jabs is great for conveying the authenticity of their answers.
Loki not pressing Sylvie when she clearly didn’t want to talk about what happened to her mother is something I appreciated.
Here’s to Tom for having to do magic for more than 10 years now. He’s so serious, I can only imagine how funny it is without the effects.
“Well she did.” Yeesh, has Loki gotten time to grieve?
Sylvie is genuinely impressive.
“Pity the old woman chose to die.”
“She was in love.”
I don’t quite understand what they were talking about then, I guess we’ll find out later?
Loki, why are you so unnecessarily dramatic?
I laughed. Who am I kidding, they’re dorks and I love them.
Loki is trying to find out anything, anyone who could be used against Sylvie.
Here’s to the postman, they’re probably dead but we appreciate Sylvie’s happiness anyways.
“A bit of both. I suspect the same as you.” AND THAT’S HOW YOU WRITE IN REPRESENTATION FOLKS!
Let’s just take our scraps and be happy, eh? It made my week.
They both need real relationships of any kind, guys.
“Love is… uh, something I might have to have another drink to think about.” Me whenever anyone asks me about my love life.
“You do realise… ...a civilisation’s only hope?” I think this was Sylvie’s way of making sure Loki’s (albeit grey) morals and drinking habits don’t interrupt her plan.
The train sure gives me Snowpiercer vibes.
Do I have to talk about Drunk Loki?
Tom’s singing voice is lovely.
Sylvie’s eyes shift nervously to the door and then back to Loki. She’s initially tense but she relaxes slightly though she knows she’s gonna have to clean up the mess.
“Nobody cares. It’s the end of the world.” Again, Loki’s headspace is one where existence is futile.
The green walls contrast the purple lighting nicely.
You can see plants (?) from the outside if you look out the windows. Talk about attention to detail.
Bruh what is the dagger about? Drunk Loki’s a comedic genius.
The descending notes in the background of Loki’s fireworks.
Sylvie’s smile when she goes to attack is animalistic. I’d like to see her character explored more in terms of how she views violence.
“You’re right. I’m a god.” Loki’s defense mechanism is to state that his motives are above the understanding of others.
“You’re a clown.” Sylvie tells it as it is.
Loki and Sylvie’s reactions to the TVA contrast the most here. Sylvie is potentially motivated by vengeance or a need for revenge whilst Loki has resigned to numbing the pain (for now at least) as he comes to terms with his reality. The question of what drives you is so important for these characters, I’m excited to see whether they’ll find a common ground and wreak havoc on the sacred timeline.
Loki and Sylvie both struggle with communicating in a healthy way. Sylvie calls him out on his directionlessness and Loki tells her what may be the harsh reality of her plan. Neither of them are willing to accept it, but there’s potential for a strong bond if they do.
Sylvie’s scream lmao.
I love the colour of Loki’s pants.
Problem? Solution! Do thing! Is Sylvie’s method of thinking when all is lost.
Gosh I love the shots in this episode.
“That’s a pretty good life.” Sylvie’s definitely not lived as a royal, or not from what she remembers.
“I just need to know if I can trust you.” Sylvie giving up how she enchants people is an olive branch because as useful as the things that Loki told her may have been for manipulation, they both know the importance of her upper hand. But she only relents once Loki doesn’t have the TemPad. Later, when she asks whether she can trust Loki, it’s more of a reassurance because he’s already been vulnerable around her.
The actor’s body language and facial expressions are incredible. Loki’s eyebrow’s furrow slightly when Sylvie mentions C-20’s mind but Tom takes a second for the information to be processed rather than instantly reacting to Sophia’s next line. She does the same when Loki talks about the TVA workers being created. What skilled people they are.
The city is a wonderful piece of set design.
“We do, and you can.” They step into the light, neither of them have tunnel vision and are able to see a bigger picture.
“They’re gonna let these people die.” This show explores a side of Loki we haven’t seen before, his morality and compassion. He has grey areas that could be explored in the next season. It also points back to how Sylvie and Loki differ in their view of others. I think this is partially because of their childhoods. Loki was raised as a prince and cared about his people, but Sylvie doesn’t share that perspective (“...they usually survive”), maybe because of her past. Hopefully in the upcoming episodes we’ll get a bit more of her backstory.
That sequence is beyond words. The constantly rotating and revolving camera really hammers home that it’s a disorienting fight for their lives at the end of the world. I’m speechless, just watch it.
The music in that blue-purple-pink club was banging tho.
Loki and Sylvie’s posture, facial expression and general body movement is similar. The variant point is hammered home here.
It’s interesting how Loki is in shock/denial of the Ark being destroyed whereas Sylvie immediately leaves.
The end music of this episode is beautiful. I love how it all builds to leave us on the soft tones of Dark Moon.
No one’s interested, but my mum and I bonded over the Jim Reeves version of this song and the Bonnie Guitar one.
Ep 3 review
Short episode with not much going on other than character development. However, if the first two were anything to go by, this episode will have greater implications on the plot. The pacing of this show is a bit strange, but we may see this change in the next season.
I mentioned previously that it would be a shame if the entire plot of this episode was made irrelevant by how they get off Lamentis - 1 next ep. This show has been really good at keeping us on our toes with the writing so they probably won’t take turns that have been speculated.
Happy mid-season guys! The following two episodes were apparently Tom’s favourites so we can expect some mayhem up ahead. See you next time!
Here's the link to my Ep 2 review
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Thank You Muppets, No More Questions! - Ralph Anderson x Reader (The Outsider)
@happyskywhale @wltz-bby​ #MendoTagSquad.
Sure Be Cool If You Did / Bienvenue From Hell, Mon Amour / Made in the USA / Cold Night / I Could Not Ask For More /  Under The Weather
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Author’s Note: I watched Wreck-It Ralph and The Muppets Most Wanted with @mandy23b​ and this happened. That’s all I wish to say!  100% inspired by the baking scene (and then I stole the song-!) Please enjoy a soft, adoptive father and his little girl 🙏💙
Interrogation Song - The Muppets
Disclaimer: The Outsider characters not mine (Book setting rather than show setting)
Premise: With you out on call this weekend you leave it to your workaholic partner to entertain your daughter...
Words: 2890
Warnings: N/A (Insulin warning?)
____   Kermit, let's begin Describe the day you played Berlin... Hmm, Frog we've got our doubts Can you confirm your whereabouts My alibi is watertight The audience saw me sing all night Hello, I think it's time for good cop, romantic cop... I think she likes me I don't think your puns are helping the investigation You know, I think they did it No they didn't Yes they did, and we can pin it If they did, how did they do it If they didn't, how did they didn't If they didn't then it's easy, 'cause they simply didn't do it If they did it, then I knew it, but we've nothing that can prove it Let's go from the start What do you know about the stolen art I didn't know there was a plan Your accusation is far out man The chances of us committing a crime Are less than .009 Thank you Muppet's, no more questions They didn't, No, they didn't There's no way they did the crime They couldn't they're too stupid They're not criminal masterminds We do not know who did it, but we know who didn't do it So we know who didn't do it yes we know who didn't do it They're incapable of being culpable ---
It was unusual for you to be the one on call of the two of you, but if you were honest with yourself you’d taken it just to give Ralph a break. When the usual ‘Who is going to be on call this weekend?’ question was brought up and no one else said anything, you knew Ralph would raise his hand, because he nearly always did. Instead you snatched his hand back and raised your own. “I’ll do it.” Ralph was not the only one to give you a funny look, but he was the only one to raise an eyebrow and give you a sarcastic; “Well this is unprecedented!” which, if you didn’t love him so much, he would have received a kick for. So you were wandering around the house doing bits of tidying, waiting for the phone to ring and generally odd admin you hadn’t finished. Ralph, on the other hand, had essentially been forced by you to relax – and of course, you had Renee as a secret weapon when that initially failed. That meant they were sitting on the couch together, and watching ‘The Muppets Most Wanted’. She of course thought it was hilarious; Ralph, as he usually was with fiction, was a little bemused – but he would stick it out to entertain her. Of course he would – you were pretty sure he’d do anything for that little girl. You crossed behind them just as the Interrogation begun – and you couldn’t help but pause behind the couch to watch the musical number. Afterall, it wasn’t every day you heard someone singing about interviewing suspects – given how unusual your day job was – you’d seen the movie a couple of times at Renee’s insistence, and this one was one of your favourites. You were happy that Ralph looked content, although you couldn’t help but smirk at his body language as the song continued and pretty soon his bemusement was beginning to show on his face. It was all you could do to snort, making them both turn around. “I’m sorry.” “Finished then?!” Ralph hit pause and turned to you, “Oh you know... If only I was able to sit down. I know every word to this one!” “You would.” He turned back, “It’s the most unrealistic thing to happen so far!” You tsk’d him, but that only caused Renee to turn to him with wide eyes; “That’s not how questions happen-!?” You watch his face wrestle between entertaining her fantasy and telling her the truth. Ralph sighed, opting to be the sensible one, “No.” You, on the other hand, would rather be the unhelpful tease, “Yes, absolutely! Of course it is!” You nodded to Ralph, “Gosh, Renee you should hear him sing.” You reached out to run a hand through his hair, “Always gets a confession.” It didn’t earn you much more than a death glare. Ralph straightened in his seat and then folded his arms, “In that case you’re the French guy! Clocks off at 2, vacation after you’ve solved something, Lunch for three hours!” “Yeah alright Sam, but you’re the one with the car that takes 37 hours to get anywhere-!” Alright, Ralph couldn’t argue that he had an older car than you did, and you liked to tease him about being a relic – but it suited him and still did it’s damn job. Ralph grumbled to himself, but said no more, making you lean over and kiss his face and then her head; “I’ll leave you two to it! We should totally sing our way through an interrogation, though!” That only caused Ralph to scoff with a sarcastic ‘HA!’ as you walked back to the kitchen giggling to yourself.
The movie was just about ending when you passed through again, but Ralph had a keen ear and had heard your phone chime. You were fully kitted out, badge, cuffs, firearm holstered. “Call?” “Mhm. I shouldn’t be too long…” You pulled on your jacket, “Be good okay?” “I will!” Renee sat up on the sofa to throw her arms around you, “I love you mommy!” But Ralph just smiled, knowing that you were really talking to him, “I love you too sweetheart. Look after him for me…” Ralph’s arms were around you before you’d let her go, and then his lips were on yours; “If you need back up-” “I’m not calling you…” You kissed him again, “Rest, babe. Please.” “Okay-!” He held his hands up, “Stay safe.” “I will! See you two soon-! Enjoy your afternoon!” You made your way towards the hall side table for your car keys, and Ralph couldn’t help but call after you; “Imagine being told Detective Anderson is turning up to the case and they expect me!” He grinned and you turned at the door, tempted to throw something at him, knowing exactly what was about to come out of his mouth, “Only it’s you, Ms. ‘SS’ Andersson.” You narrowed your eyes, opening the door and wishing you had more time to shout sarcasm; “And then they probably think – oh, thank god!” He cackled loudly “Oh! Okay that’s a good comeback!” As the credits began to roll Ralph turned to Renee; “Well sweetheart, what would you like to do now?” She gave him a delicate shrug; “I’m not sure.” “Oh… Well that’s okay, whilst you decide, I’m going get a coffee, okay?” She nodded absentmindedly, already looking thoughtful and Ralph kissed her forehead gently before he walked off and set about making his coffee. “Ralphie…?” He tried very hard not to smile at the nickname only she got to call him, as Renee called quietly from behind the couch, one shy eye peered at him from over the top, “What is it sweetheart?” Her eyes flicked from his to the cupboard behind him that he’d left open, he followed her eyeline and didn’t have to be a detective to figure out she was looking at the box cake mixture sitting on the top shelf. Cooking wasn’t exactly Ralph’s forte, but he thought he probably couldn’t mess that up. “Ah-!” Ralph reached up and took the box down, studying the back for a minute; “Well… There’s obviously mixture in here… I think we should have everything else…” He pondered this for a moment, taking a sip of coffee. “Dunno what mom is gonna say, considering she’s never my biggest fan if I make a mess in the kitchen…” Clearly it was a little too long for her liking, Ralph felt the pressure on his left calf as Renee wrapped herself around his leg – peering up at him with very nearly the same shade of blue eyes that he had. Ralph couldn’t ignore it; so placing one hand behind him, he touched the top of her head lightly. “Please…!” He smiled, “Aw, you think I’d say no to that face? Don’t worry we just gotta be extra vigilant about clearing up…” Ralph knelt down and scooped her up, setting her down on the counter and handing her the box; “What do we need Renee? Let’s find it shall we?” She began listing off the equipment and remaining ingredients not included in the box – and Ralph stood in front of the cupboards trying to remember your exact set up. He counted them to himself; before settling on the third one in from the right. Upon opening it, there was a bright post-it note that he couldn’t fail to miss. A neat little list of everything that was contained in here; about the one time he regretted ever introducing you to one Ms.Holly Gibney. If anything was even an inch out of place, or in the wrong order, you would most certainly yell at him… Mind you, it’d done wonders for your detective work, so Ralph wasn’t about to complain too much. On a side note, he’d picked the correct cupboard and this list was making it easier to find everything, so he had it all in no time at all. “Alright!” He pulled her, giggling, off the counter and stood Renee carefully on a chair, making sure he supported her – having laid out all the ingredients neatly, “You ready sweetheart – I think you got this, I will be but your humble assistant-!” She beamed up at him, “You’ll be the best assistant, Ralphie!” He couldn’t help his chuckle, “Aw, gee thanks for that – I guess we’ll find out!” But something was apparently missing by the puzzled look she soon got on her face, “Is something wrong?” “Mommy always cooks to music…” That was true enough, in fact there wasn’t a lot you didn’t do to music. “Ah, do you wanna pick something?” “No, you can pick.” “Oh! Well, thank you…” He sat her down and jogged through to your CD collection, trawling the shelves for a little while for an album he could proclaim would be equally kid friendly and something he liked. He found himself staring at one in particular, before he pulled it out. The Muppets Soundtrack – of course. “Oh you have GOT to be kidding me-!?” He turned it over and laughed again at discovering it did indeed contain the ‘Interrogation Song’. Ralph might have been shaking his head, but it was the album that he carried back to the kitchen and popped into the player, making Renee gasp excitedly; “The Muppets!” “Uh huh,” Ralph agreed a little sheepishly, “The Muppets.” Ralph watched Renee carefully, helping her every step of the way so that the mixture was completed with the upmost care – and so that she had the best time doing it. That did of course mean flour everywhere, but he felt he could deal with that himself – and once the batter was made, he helped her pour it into a cake tin and smooth it down. “Tada! Perfect!” She gave him a high-five and then folded her arms, “That’s only half the job-!” “Well decorating is the FUN part that’s for sure. But it’s gotta bake first, huh?” She nodded and he helped her to the floor, before carefully sliding the tin into the oven and setting the timer. “I guess we wait for a little now…” He turned to the CD player upon recognising the song he felt was going to end up the bane of his life now. It didn’t matter, by the time you were back home Ralph would have it completely memorised. They had both spent the cooking and cooling time trying to figure out the next movie to watch, and by the time that was done the cake was ready; “Do you have any idea how you want to decorate it?” “…No.” “Well, head chef, you better start thinking about it.” “Like the Muppets-!” She grinned, and Ralph faltered “Like th- I dunno if my artistic talent is gonna be that good, but there’s no harm in trying I guess…!”
"Why are you covered in flour?” You didn’t exactly demand it. But standing in the doorway to your kitchen with your hands on your hips and a raised eyebrow as if to say ‘who has been messin’ in here NOW!?’ was enough. Ralph froze, putting both his hands up in protested innocence; ‘let me explain!’, before placing a finger to his lips he pointed to the living room couch. You turned on your heels to see Renee curled up watching something else. Crossing the kitchen to him as silently as possible you inspected everything – not a speck of dust in sight, let alone flour, and yet his shirt was now almost covered in white flecks and there was even a little in his hair. Still, Ralph thought ‘covered’ was a little dramatic. You lowered your voice, “Okay, what happened?” He smiled slightly, “We were baking. I tided up.” “Oh. Lord help us. What did you make?” “You’re the one who had the box cake mix.” “Box cake? Oh! Count me in, I love cake. And I deserve it, I’ve been working all day.” He scoffed, giving you a disbelieving look, “Well I’m waiting for the icing to set…” but then Ralph’s face softened, “How was the call out?” “Easy, it’s okay. Nothing massive. No follow up needed, paperwork at the office.” You waved your notebook at him, knowing the question he was going to ask before he did, “Don’t worry I made notes.” “That’s my girl…” Ralph smiled, impressed, and then indicated to the cake sitting on the counter; “Tell me what you think… That’s my hard work.” “Uh huh!” You smiled gently, walking over to it, “You always work hard Mr.Anderson, I don’t think you ever stop.” “I got a lot to work hard for…” You looked back to him, but he wasn’t looking at you and that only made you smile more before you turned your attention to his decorating skills. No one could ever say he didn’t love that girl. The Muppets logo was pretty well drawn all things considered – the characters you assumed had been done by Renee, but that only made you grin so much your cheeks started to hurt. “I sense a theme-!” “Yeah, I’d say.” He grinned gently, and did turn around to you, “I mean I did alright, right?” You crossed back to him, winding your arms around his waist and kissing him softly, “Alright? I’d say that was pretty damn on point, Detective…” “Well. I can’t say I didn’t enjoy myself. I know that damn song now too.” Ralph’s arms held you, and he brushed his nose to yours “Aw! Sweet father-daughter bonding time?” You made a mental note to test him on the lyrics later. That made him look away for a moment and shake his head, cheeks tinted; “…I’m not her father.” You turned his head back to you with your fingertips gently, “You’re as close as Renee’s ever going to get.” And then to help; “I’m not her mom.” “She does call you mommy, though.” You turned back to look at her, and wondered if his feelings had changed since you’d last brought this up with him; “And you don’t wanna be dad?” There was a long pause, as he watched Renee too, before Ralph breathed out; “So badly. But I’m working on it.” He kissed your forehead, “Your last name first.” “It’s her last name too, you know?” “Yeah exactly.” He nodded, touching his head to yours, hands running your arms, “One thing at a time...” Your eyes flicked from her to the screen, and you squinted at the animation for a moment; “Wreck-It Ralph, huh? Wonder why she picked this one!” There was no way Ralph Anderson wasn’t her favourite person ever. You were extremely lucky to have met him, this you already knew from your own point of view – but for her, you could not have asked for a better man. He chuckled; “Oh I dunno! She must have good taste in names. I can’t help that!” “You know Ralph and Venelope end up baking in this right?” “Do they?” You shook your head, “You’re unbelievable! Get over there! Sit and watch it...” “Uh uh, not without you, not this time!” “I need to get changed out of this.” “I think you’re still on call, Miss.” “Oh, shut up!” You grumbled – although he said nothing more, and you found yourselves standing in an embrace in the kitchen watching the screen – you couldn’t remember this one as well as you ought to have; but some aspects had stuck and you smiled; “You know I’m so Fix- It Felix in this.” “Hm? How so?” Ralph was at least following well enough whilst tidying up to know who you were talking about. “Falling for and subsequently swooning over a complete badass!” How could he not be after what went down in Texas? He was anyway; Ralph just wasn’t loud about it. He scoffed, folding his arms, but Ralph couldn’t also help his smirk; “Oh is that so-!?” “Uh huh.” You nodded, pushing yourself up on your toes to kiss him – but he didn’t leave it there; hoisting you up into his arms Ralph carried you over to the couch, “That’s it. You’re officially off call now!” “You’re gonna get me in so much trouble!” He laughed, “Rather you than me – now come on, let’s watch this movie… Besides, there’s cake later!” Renee, upon realising you were back, was only all too happy to crawl into your arms and sit between your legs as you sat between Ralph’s. You turned to him, “You do know what’s going on right?” “I have been following. Besides I’m a detective, I’ll figure it out.” You kissed the top of Renee’s head, “What do you think Sweetie? You think he has this? He has baking down, don’t you think? You both made a beautiful cake…” She beamed in thanks, before staring up at Ralph again, “I think Ralphie knows what’s happening… I trust him.” You swivelled in place to grin at him, before kissing his cheek, “You’re right, I trust him too.” He chuckled, “Oh, okay, you two are gonna make me blush-!” “Always the aim.” You laughed as he kissed you back “Well, I’m a lucky man for you both to trust me…” You were both still staring at him though, with that same look Ralph was so used to seeing at this point, like he could do absolutely no wrong; “I think…” you mused gently, with a sweet smile, “We’re the lucky ones…”
Thank you for reading!!! 😘❤
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ducktracy · 4 years
So I was wondering if you could give some details as to why you like specifically porky and daffy as characters? Like, is there a reason they are your favorite? Just curious.
*cracks knuckles* it’s 1 am so you bet i’m going to go off. i’m so happy you asked! one day i think i’ll do a formal analysis on this, but for now you’ll have to bear with this.
in terms of individual characters, meaning why i like them as individual characters: i grew up my whole life thinking daffy was a greedy, miserable miser, and for that reason i hated him as a kid because he was so grouchy. discovering he used to be this happy go lucky, optimistic, loud, crazy screwball SHOCKED ME to my core. i had NO idea this side of him existed (even though i had watched shorts of this side as a kid--book revue i remember vividly watching as a kid, and he’s pretty… interesting in that to say the least). i checked out more shorts and essentially i love him because he’s my type of character. i LOVE the obnoxious, overly optimistic (i wouldn’t call him overly optimistic, but you get the gist hopefully), energetic, slightly crazy characters. they’re my FAVORITE because i resonate with them the most. i think i love daffy so much because i resonate with him the most, i share his over-enthusiasm and lack of volume control, and he’s just plain FUN TO WATCH. i’ve increasingly warmed up to his greedy, miserly personality as well. i just love him a lot to the point where i get REALLY excited whenever i see him.
as for porky, i NEVER thought he would be one of my favorites. when i first got into this, i was really curious about bob clampett and decided i would watch all of his cartoons chronologically. when i saw i had to wade my way through a bunch of black and white porky pig cartoons i was DREADING it because who the fuck cares about porky pig, the world’s most boring cartoon character. turns out i give many fucks LOL. he’s not nearly as boring as he seems! he has a lot of sides to him. i like watching the 30s cartoons where he’s a cute, optimistic fella who kinda bumbles his way through things. he’s very endearing and his positivity is infectious. so it’s just as funny seeing how much of a raging temper he has, too. i never thought he’d give yosemite sam a run for his money on the most violent character, but here he is wielding axes and guns and what have you, talking about how he’s going to blow multiple people’s heads off LOL. i just have REALLY come to appreciate him a lot, it’s hard to explain. 
as for the two together… as i said, i’ll write a formal analysis on it someday (lord knows i have time on my hands now LOL), but the two have SUCHHHH great chemistry. they’re so interesting because they’re literally the only two looney tunes characters who get along.
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the only other friendship i can think of are ralph wolf and sam sheepdog, but that friendship is a gag. the entire point of their friendship is for a laugh, everyone knows “mornin’, ralph.” “mornin’, sam.” it’s a friendship, but nothing more. it’s played for laughs. with porky and daffy, there’s a sense of genuinity to their friendship. there are lots of examples i could use, but the one i think of most is from a 1939 cartoon called scalp trouble (not good aside from the porky/daffy moments, it’s pretty racist). there’s a part where daffy marches out onto this saber that’s planted into the ground. the saber smacks porky in the face and sends him flying, where he’s propelled back and crashes into daffy. daffy’s in his arms and looks at him bashfully and goes “gosh, i didn’t know you cared!” they embrace and it fades out. there’s definitely a sense of sardonism in there, but watching the scene it comes off as very genuine, especially with the fade out instead of just transitioning. 
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they work VERY well as a team together. porky pig’s feat is one of my favorite cartoons of all time. in it, porky and daffy stay at a hotel, and their bill is ridiculously expensive. daffy gambles away all their money, so they have to work together to escape from the snobby, persistent hotel manager who inevitably locks them in. the dynamic doesn’t feel strained, there’s a genuine sense of camaraderie, they work together, porky follows daffy’s lead, etc. it’s hard to put into words, and it’s best to watch the cartoon yourself, but there’s no air of sarcasm to it at all, no “hey! these foes are working together, would ya look at that!” it’s a genuine companionship.
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furthermore, their personalities are SO different. i love daffy and bugs as much as the next person, but they’re too similar to me. both have very bold personalities, and you ALWAYS know that daffy is going to lose. daffy’s going to get mad at bugs, who plays it cool, daffy gets pissed, fucks up, loses, cartoon’s over. it’s a cycle. with porky and daffy, both are the winner. both are the loser. and there are so many ways to pair them up. porky is the hunter, trying to shoot a duck for dinner. daffy pesters an oblivious porky who falls victim to daffy’s schemes because of his big heart and gullibility. porky and daffy run a business together, and daffy’s lunacy causes chaos. porky and daffy team up to defeat a foe. sometimes daffy wins, heckling porky out of his wits, sometimes porky wins (usually by means of violence), sometimes neither win. there’s such an air of unpredictability.
not to mention, there are a LOTTTTTTTTTT of moments that porky and daffy have together that i feel would be talked about so much more so if it were daffy and bugs instead. daffy calls porky a “cherub” on a few occassions, even asks him out (and implies he wants to marry and have kids with him in the same cartoon… unfortunately that part’s not a great example, seeing as daffy heckles porky pretending to be pocahontas… you can fill in the gaps), porky has been shown to reciprocate the feelings a few rare moments (often a joke though, but that’s kinda something you just already accept in the back of your mind. 1930s-1960s cartoons aren’t going to be your best bet for good representation), kissing gags galore. 
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there’s so much more i could say about this but it’s 1:30 AM and proper words escape me… but i hope this gives you an idea! i’ll be happy to infodump on ya if you’re ever curious for more :)
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odinsonsobsessed · 5 years
Damn Him
Inspired by the pictures and gifs of Wimbledon 2019
You can hardly stay focused on anything with an excited Tom dressed in a new suit for a day at the All England Lawn Tennis & Croquet Club. All you want to do is peel that expensive suit off of that body.
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston/Reader || Word Count: 1.6k || Rated: T || Warnings: Tom Hiddleston being a full course meal. I mean seriously, how does it get any yummier than him?
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Steps were heard in the hallway coming toward your bedroom. Perfect timing, you had just slipped into your floral dress and you needed to be zipped up.
“Will you zip me up?” You called out and not but a few seconds later, you felt his fingers on your back. Tom pulled on the zipper for what seemed like a century, his movements were slow as if he were savoring the task. His breath hit the back of your neck and was soon replaced with his lips as he pressed a couple of kisses to the nape.
“Is this new?”
You bit your lip, “Yeah…” Your reply was breathless and you mentally cursed him for doing this to you before the two of you went out for the afternoon.
“I like it. Fits you perfectly.” His lips touched your cheek in a quick peck as he moved around you to the closet.
So do your clothes. You thought with a grin.
With your bottom lip between your teeth, your eyes were glued to his deliciously curved backside as you watched him go, his navy blue pants hugged him generously, giving you a very pleasing view. His light blue dress shirt was tight around his upper back and shoulders, showing off his lean but muscular build. The view was brief as he disappeared into the closet, but returned a few moments later with his new racket patterned tie that you had gotten him for this birthday a few months back. It warmed your heart to see his eyes light up when he'd opened it that day, a long lasting smile graced his lips and you knew he loved it.
“Return the favor?” He asked but you were already holding out your hand for him to pass you the tie. You ran your fingers along it, feeling its tiny ridges as you held it in your grip before looping it around his neck so that you could fasten it. You noticed the childlike grin on his face, the one he typically got when he was about to go somewhere that he thoroughly enjoyed.
“Are you excited?”
His grin never faltered as he shook his head stiffly, trying not to move too much as you fixed his tie. “No… Maybe."
“Don’t lie to me. You’re ecstatic. You can barely keep still.” You giggled, thinking about how adorable it was that this kind of stuff made him this happy. It was the little things.
Tom chuckled sheepishly, “It’s supposed to be an interesting tournament this year. A lot of promising players.”
You finished up with his tie and couldn’t help but stand up on the tip of your toes with your arms draped around his neck to give him a kiss. He placed his hands to your back and brought you a little closer, bringing your lips more firmly against his. You groaned into the kiss as he ran his warm, slick tongue across your bottom lip. Pulling back, you gave him a playful glare, "Now that's not fair. We don't have time for this."
"You started it." He gave your lips a short, chaste kiss and removed himself from you.
"Wh- How do you figure that?!" You called after him as he walked away. Tom left you to go finished getting ready, leaving you standing there with your heart beating fast and wondering how in the hell you started it. If he was talking about your quickly intended kiss, then he was wrong! It wasn't your fault he responded so well to it.
You shook your head as you slipped on a pair of heels and went to fetch your jewelry, your mind completely stuck on that kiss. Damn him.
As you were putting your earrings in, you saw him step into view by the reflection of the mirror on your vanity.
Oh fuck me.
Now with his completed look in your view, you felt all of your breath leave your lungs. He looked like a damn treat. No, scratch that. He looked like an entire fucking meal. A majestic lion is what really came to mind when you first laid eyes on him, his mane and beard was groomed to your liking. His naturally waved hair slicked back and his beard neatly trimmed. Your eyes wandered downward to the rest of his body. The darkness of his suit made him look taller than he already was, the jacket fit him to a T. Now that you had distance between you, it gave you a better view of his whole situation... and more importantly, his package situation.
You swallowed, returning your attention to the earring you had tried to stick into your earlobe at least five times, but failed. Your distracted movements had seemingly gone unnoticed by Tom, who had come up behind you to place his hands onto your waist.
"Are you ready to go? Our car will be here in ten minutes."
"Yeah, almost." Finally, you focused and got the earring to cooperate and thread into your ear.
Tom's hands slid his hands to your stomach, pulling you against his chest in a warm embrace. You rested your arms on top of his and squeezed them in return. You turned your head and he kissed you a couple of times before pulling back to look at you. "You look absolutely beautiful, my darling. You make me a proud husband."
You giggled, gazing into his pretty blue eyes that were staring back into yours. "I'm just as proud to be your wife. Look how handsome you are in your new Ralph Lauren suit. Such a stud."
Tom glanced down at himself and you felt the tips of his curls brush against the side of your neck with the tilt of his head. "Is that what this is?" He mumbled and a chuckle escaped his lips as he looked back up at you with a playful grin, "A stud, huh?"
"Yes," You sighed dramatically, "I'm going to have to bat all the old ladies off of you today."
"Nevermind that you imply that only someone old would be attracted to me or that Tennis is only spectated by older individuals…" You couldn't help but giggle at his hilarious assumption. He raised his eyebrows in a playfully shocked look, "You would harm all of those elderly women?"
You let a wicked grin form on your lips, "You make me do crazy things, Mr. Hiddleston."
Tom laughed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Crazy things, hm? Why don't you show me what-" His suggestion was cut short by his cell phone ringing in his pocket. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and answered the call, walking off to talk to the person on the other end of the line.
You assumed that it was your driver, reaching over to take your small handbag from the vanity and following him out. Sure enough, Tom was ushering you out of the house and into the car.
The whole way over, you glanced over at Tom as he chatted with your longtime, trusted driver about today's plans, all the while unknowingly holding your undivided attention as his hand held yours between you, his thumb brushing your knuckles constantly, almost like he was reminding you that his sexy self was sitting there so close. They discussed what they thought the outcome would be and other Tennis related politics, which kept him too busy to catch you eyefucking him in his suit.
You wanted nothing more than to thread your fingers into that golden brown hair and tug him to you. Fantasies about fucking him in the backseat right then and there ran wild in your mind.
Damn him.
As much as you loved to see his suit on, you couldn't wait to take it off of him later. No really, you couldn't wait. You couldn't focus on the match, you didn't have a clue most of the time. You tried not to keep looking at him during the entirety of the event, but you couldn't help it. He just looked so good. Thank goodness for that unfaltering focus of his, you were free to oogle him as much as you had liked without him scolding your lack of attention toward the game.
The day dragged on, seeming like it lasted for weeks before you were finally on your way home. Tom was in a good mood, chatting happily with driver about the outcome while your hand rested on his thigh, mostly going unnoticed. He draped his arm around you when you'd done it, but that's about it. Gosh, he was so oblivious sometimes. Sometimes he had no idea the affect he had on you.
The moment the driver stopped outside of your house, you were ready to go inside. Obviously, Tom was not. He kept his conversation going, his enthusiasm would have been cute if arousal wasn't swirling around in your belly with anticipation.
Finally, after you couldn't take it anymore, you laid your hand gently on his arm, "Tom…"
He looked at you with the realization that you were waiting on him and flashed you an apologetic look. "Sorry love. We'll go inside now." He turned back to the driver and said his goodbyes before the two of you exited the car.
You thought you were home free when Tom stepped out of the car, until the driver said something and Tom turned back to answer him.
"Ohhhh no you don't." You tugged Tom's arm and he gasped, quickly saying goodbye to him.
"What's this about?"
"I've been mentally undressing you all day, I'm not waiting a second longer." You grabbed his tie and pulled him toward the house as he grinned at you.
"So about these crazy things I make you do, Mrs. Hiddleston. Care to show me now?"
"Oh trust me, Mr. Hiddleston, I plan to."
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@fandom-and-feminism @fadingcoast @igotloki @mrshiddleston-uk @nikkalia @manager-of-mischief @spidey-bites @kcd15 @dangertoozmanykids101 @xxloki81xx @devilbat @furstinnajoelle @exbandragirl @sabine-leo @screw-real-life-i-pick-fandoms @officiallyunofficialperson @joyofbebbanburg @littlefrogstuff @wolfsmom1 @wrappedinlokisarms @scorpionchild81 @theoneanna @drakesfiance @awkwardfangirl2014 @archy3001
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crushondonald · 4 years
21 question tag
I was tagged by the one and only @rememberedkisses: thank you so much my beautiful darling ❤, also for your patience ... I'm terribly late with this!!! I loved your splendid answers, we have a lot in common my dear ... but I shouldn't wonder at all 😘!!!!
Name: Tanja
Nickname: I have a few but they only work in German 😊!!! 
Favorite music/bands: music from the ‘20s to the ‘80s, especially Jazz/Swing. On the other hand I'm a huge fan of Irish music and as a complete contradiction, fine selected ambient/deep house ♡! Anything but ordinary ... that's me 😊!
Other blogs: @kenneth-williams-diaries ~ dedicated to my other great love aside from the fabulous dancer, actor and singer Donald O'Connor ♡, the brilliant British actor and comedian Kenneth Williams ♡!!!
Do you get asks? Occasionally, so feel free! But I do not allow anons, I prefer to know who I'm dealing with 😊!
How many blogs do you follow? Not so many,  exact 238 at present ... heaven knows how many of them are inactive!
Tumblr crushes: I love all of you because you're all unique in your own way ♡!
Lucky number: I do not believe in this, I've always tried to figure out what luck means for me ... accordingly I'm building up my own happiness constantly 💖!!!!
What are you wearing right now? As I'm on annual leave this week and the weather is so fantastic in Berlin, I'm wearing a top and shorts in light grey 🌞🍹
Dream vacation spot: a nice little cottage in Ireland's or UK's lovely countryside or on the coast, with a bunch of fluffy sheep in the backyard! A typical Majorcan finca surrounded by orange, almond and olive trees would perfectly do, too ... gosh I love both so much, the Mediterranean and the 'rugged' North!!!!! Living in Europe is so wonderful, I would never trade it ... so many marvellous, historical and beautiful  places around me, only a stone's throw away ❤!!!!!!
Favorite food: I love the Italian and Greek food, tapas, sushi as well as a rustic Irish Stew and as a born Berlin kid our famous 'Currywurst' with fries ... so good, I can tell you 😊!!!!! Fave sweets: I could die for hand-made Macarons 💞!!!!
Drink of choice: Coffee, of course ... from time to time, a fine English tea. For a successful nite-out a pint of Guiness and/or an excellent Irish Whiskey are as much appreciated as sublime cocktails such as Manhattan or Cosmopolitan 🍸!
Instruments: No ... my dad learned to play the piano as a child, unfortunately he couldn't pass it over to me as my parents always missed to buy a piano as long as he was with us! But wait ... does tap dance count as it is rhythm with the feet 😊? I had to pause the lessons due to my health (heart problems caused by a thyriod desease) in the past few years but should really take it up again soon ...  hoofing is so much fun ♡!!!!
Celebrity crush: Donald O'Connor + Kenneth Williams, over and out ♡! No seriously, I also adore Gene Kelly, Montgomery Clift, James Stewart, Paul Newman, Ray Milland, Sean Connery and some excellent contemporary actors such as Edward Norton, Ralph Fiennes, Leonardo DiCaprio, Joaquin Phoenix and Colin Firth.
Random fact: "I cannot help it, but I remember everyone’s birthday..." ~ it's the same with me @rememberedkisses ❤! What else can I say ... got it! I love everything that has to do with languages and script. As I have a certain talent for writing and was often told to have a very beautiful handwriting, I'm finally going to learn calligraphy/hand lettering now 💞! And watch out, maybe you'll find a book of mine on one of the shelves of your book shop one day ... sounds like a perfect project for my retirement 😃! Besides the deep love of writing and linguistics is certainly one of the reasons I adore Kenneth Williams so much ... a thing we have in common ♡!
Favorite ecosystem: the OCEAN ... water is my element 🌊!
Favorite cat: To be honest, I'm not a great fan of cats but I have nothing against them either! I had a beautiful dwarf lop (bunny) once which I loved very much ... intelligent and lovable little creatures ♡! Perhaps in my upcoming older days I will decide to pet a dog ... time will tell 😊!
I tag @mostlydaydreaming, @silverscene, @technicolor--dreams, @maykelly23  but anyone else who would like to do this ... feel free ♡! I'm curious about all your certainly wonderful answers, just as special as you are 💞!!!!!
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ogcassiopeia · 4 years
M+M Answers Kpop Questions
1.     Which group have you thought about stanning, but never seem to get around to it? 
I’ve essentially only ever stanned TVXQ and never deviated from that but I could totally see myself stanning Shinee or Monsta X.
2.     Do you have any irl friends that like kpop?
It depends on what you mean by irl. As of right now, I only have one irl friend, who lives in Canada, that enjoys kpop as much as I do. We met back in the early 2000s when both her and I were massively into TVXQ. She moved on to stanning BTS after TVXQ broke up but she still loves TVXQ and we talk about kpop and other life happenings often. The kpop friend I had here physically in my town with me eventually moved to a different city and we lost contact a few years ago. I am not even sure if she still enjoys kpop or not.
3.     How old were you when you first got into kpop?
Oh gosh…I think I was 13 at the time.
4.     What song(s) took you a while to warm up to? 
A lot of f(x)’s earlier stuff like Nu Abo and Chu as at the time when they came out I found them to be grating and irritating. Most girl group songs take me a while to get into since I am more of a boy group kind of kpop fan.
5.     Have you ever disliked a group/idol? If so, why? (You don’t have to say who it is if you’re scared of getting hate).  
I wouldn’t say I dislike or hate a lot of kpop singers/groups but I would say I am either just not a fan of their personalities and/or their work. For girl groups, I especially am not a fan of BlackPink, Red Velvet or Girls Generation. I like one of two of their songs, but I find their voices irritating and feel like their talents are limited. I do feel this way about some boy bands too…but the one I do not care for is one that I may regret speaking ill of due to their fanbase.  
6.     What annoys you the most about kpop?   
As of right now, it would be the fans. There seems to be constant harassment of people, celebrities or other fans who have differing opinions.  Just let people like who they like and hate who they hate. What does it matter if they don’t agree with you? If you like the boy group/girl group/solo singer GREAT...leave it at that. You don’t need to harass or bully someone else into liking your faves.
7.     What do you love the most about kpop?  
The music. It brings diversity and color into my consumed media and it’s just generally enjoyable pop music fluff that I do not get from American media.
8.     Do you only listen to kpop? 
Nope. I listen to all kinds of music outside of kpop.
9.     Who are you favorite western artists (if you have any)?   
Paperwhite, The Band CAMINO, The 1975, Bad Suns, Lennon Stella, LEON, ASTR, Ralph, The Midnight
10.  How long have you been into kpop? 
Since 2003…so it’s been a while…17 years or so. (P.S. I am old and boring.)
11.  What music did you used to listen to before getting into kpop? 
Mostly American pop music, J-pop, J-rock and indie-pop.
12.  What fandom(s) were you in before getting into kpop? Are you still in them?
I was super into anime and manga back then…I was a part of the Sailor Moon fandom and I still love me some Sailor Moon. I also really loved the Backstreet Boys and still do…I am going to their concert in August (as long as it doesn’t get cancelled due to coronavirus)!
13.  Which group did you used to think was overrated but ended up loving?   
14.  Is there a kpop song that annoys you? If so, which one?  
Uhm…there are a lot of them. Some of the songs I find annoying are: I’ve Got A Boy + Oh! + Kissing You – Girls Generation, I Don’t Know What To Do – BlackPink, Everyday – WINNER, Snapping – Chungha, Dog and Cat – TXT, Seventh Sense - NCT  (I am sorry to all of you who may love those songs)
15.  What aspects of kpop make you cringe/feel secondhand embarrassment?  
The Aegyo and overly cutesy, child-like concepts that girl groups always seem to have to participate in. Even though I know it comes from cultural differences in sexual attractiveness (I lived in Japan for years...I’ve seen it first hand), it still just creeps me out. I don’t like it in J-pop either, btw.
16.  Which concepts do you love?  
I LOVE dark, sexy, horror-like concepts that have been used by groups like VIXX and Dreamcatcher. I also love slick, retro themed songs based in the swing/jazz age (Something or Spellbound – TVXQ) or 80s nostalgia (I Feel You – The Wonder Girls).
17.  Which concepts do you hate?   
Anything overly aegyo or cutesy.
18.  If you could trade places with an idol, who would it be?  
I would totally love to be in Shim Changmin’s shoes….being part of an idol group considered gods in the kpop realm.
19.  What do you look for in a bias?  
(1) Intelligence, (2) Sassy/Funny, (3) Honest, (4) Hardworking, (5) Talented, (6) Humble
20.  Which kpop company do you hate the most?  
Cube or Pledis
21.  What are you opinions on shipping?
It’s fine as long as fans don’t push participation of it onto the idols they’re shipping.
22.  How did you get into kpop?  
I saw a Kpop Countdown show on cable TV back in 2003 where they showed BoA and TVXQ and I was hooked instantly.
23.  Has anyone ever made fun of you or looked at you weird for liking kpop?  
I mean, yes…1000x yes, I was made fun of for loving kpop all the time. Once again, I got into kpop in 2003 y’all….which was before the internet was easily accessible in my home so I felt like the only person in America who liked kpop at the time. Not even my closest friends were into it and they felt like I was just a massive weirdo for loving it as much as I did. Thankfully, I found a community online of international kpop enthusiasts like myself to talk to in around 2005 (since I finally was able to save up for a bulky ass laptop) and that helped me feel less alone and bullied.
24.  What is the cringiest thing you did when you were starting to get into kpop? 
By the time kpop came into my life, I was already a set up Weeaboo, so…really I just became a deeper version of that…I was like an embarrassing kaiju cultural appropriation combo of Weeaboo and Koreaboo. I would make my own tshirts for TVXQ and just wear them out and about. They were SO BADLY MADE because I had no idea what I was doing but I thought I was so smart and stylish at the time. I also made CDs of Jpop and Kpop for people around school to hand out at lunch...I cringe just thinking about it.
25.  How long does it take you to learn the names of each member in a group?
I’ve stopped learning members names nowadays LOL…I am too old for that shit and just don’t care enough anymore. (For past reference though, it took me about one week to remember all of TVXQ.)
26.  Are you a gg, bg, or middle/coed stan? 
Boy group stan
27.  If you could hang out with one idol, who would you hang out with? 
Shim Changmin of TVXQ….he’s my forever bias and I wanna hang out with his puppies and have a meal with him...ask him what he wants to do with the rest of his life once idol-dom is over.
28.  Who is the bias to your third favorite group? 
I guess that would be Monsta X so…uhm…it was Wonho but apparently, he isn’t in the group anymore…
29.  What name from your native language would you give your ult bias? 
What would I name Changmin in English? He already has a stage name that’s in English, which is Max. I am not sure what this question is asking LOL  (also, who the fuck still calls Changmin, Max? I thought we dropped that shit back in 2006.)
30.  Thought on fanfiction/AUs/etc?  
I think it is great and gets fans to think more creatively and figure out where their talents lay! I used to write a lot of JaeMin and HoMin fanfiction back in the day…now I write mostly Destiel (Dean and Castiel from Supernatural) fanfiction.
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austarus · 4 years
Oh my gosh! Never expected to see Harry again. Does this mean Harry could come back? And I actually liked the final. The fight scenes were cool. I like that evil trio Eva had. Barry loosing, nice change actually. Ralph and Sue scene were hilarious. Nash helping Allegra 👌👌 Eva ruthlessly killing her husband. Sorry for hogging your ask box.
Hun, never apologies for sending me an ask! They’re always open and welcome for anyone to send me asks.
The final was good, I’m not going to complain about it really because we have the pandemic going on and all so things are a bit mixed up at the moment for everyone. I honestly hope everyone is staying safe with their families. I’m always happy to see Harry and all the other Wells helping Nash out. I love all of Tom’s characters. The fight scenes were splendid, gave it an action movie sort of vibe which I liked. Ralph and Sue are just great, I feel like they complement each other. I’m loving the evil lady team ending tbh, it’s a good change that I don’t think I see a lot of. Eva killing her husband and her suit were great, can’t wait to see what’ll unfold because there’s Eva, Godspeed, and Ramsey (Eva should be releasing him in s7, but that’s my opinion). Barry’s just all over the place and my heart goes out for him and Iris. The cast has done such a wonderful job, every single one of them.
Allegra, ok, this takes a bit to unpack, but after doing some talking and thinking, I just think her character isn’t written to the have redeeming qualities or to reach her full potential. Idk if I’m the only one feeling this, but she’s been mentally and emotionally hurting Nash so much and he’s trying to make things right in his own dorky and awkward Wells way that I love so much. But she just needs to calm down. She never gives him a chance to speak her side, and while she has the right to have some space for herself to think Allegra didn’t have legit reasons like Jesse or Iris to Harry and Joe. Allegra’s pissy at Nash 24/7, she got so mad at Iris for not telling her about Team Flash. I just don’t see where things would go in the next season.  
I just... I just think the overall writing for each character has just gotten blatantly bad along with other aspects in the seasons. That’s just my opinion once again. I’m frustrated with the writers for being messy and blatantly forgetting the development and milestones that the characters and stories have reached. Literally its not hard to write scenes for the Wells boys to come back. I’ve already done it in my Crisis of Infinite Wells fic and if you look at the tech and props used its of things they already have. The scenes would already be within budget. If I, an undergraduate premed student, am able to write such a scene that is feasible, shouldn’t the paid writers be able to do that and more?
I’m sorry, I’ve just been irritated by Eric Wallace and his handling on the writing. But that’s what fic writers are for, right? To write our own plots and endings revolving these wonderful characters, even amending faults in the show’s writing. I’m still going to watch the Flash, mainly to support the cast and to see Tom act. But honestly to see where my mind can creatively come up with new ideas for the Wells men because I’m not going to abandon the show. I will not abandon the characters that I’ve grown to love on this rollercoaster ride of a journey. I don’t know if Harry’s going to come back, but I will do everything in my power to bring him back because honestly the writers have been mishandling the Harrison Wells characters and I’m high key sick of it.
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**CHAPTER UPDATE - Chapter 1 posted**
Fandom: Saving Mr. Banks (AU)
Description: AU take on the movie, exploring what might have happened if the author of the Mary Poppins books had been someone very different from P. L. Travers.  For Carrie Schultz, the chance to collaborate with Walt Disney Studios to bring Mary Poppins from the page to the screen is a dream come true.  However, matters grow complicated when animated penguins prove to be a point of contention, a friendly working relationship turns into more than she bargained for, and Carrie struggles to prevent Walt’s team from discovering her own hidden afflictions. 
Characters: Carolina “Carrie” Schultz (OC), Don DaGradi, Walt Disney, Richard M. Sherman, Robert B. Sherman, Ralph
Rating: T
Genre: Drama/Romance
Language: English
Read on Fanfiction.net, AO3, Wattpad, or below.
To Laura, Amber, Brittany, and Dr. Riley: Thank you so much for beta-reading my work and providing constructive feedback.  This story would not be what it is without your advice and encouragement.
To my mom: Thank you for always being there for me.  Posting my work was a big step, and I am immensely grateful for your loving support.
A/N: Readers, please note that as this story is an AU, the first two chapters will focus entirely on OCs.  That being said, if you as a reader are like me and prefer to jump straight to the parts involving canon characters, I will direct you to the middle of Chapter 3 (coming soon), in which my main OC meets Ralph at the airport.  Either way, I hope you enjoy the story and, of course, leave reviews! :)
Disclaimer: I do not own Saving Mr. Banks, Mary Poppins, or any of the characters from those two movies.
Chapter 1
I am seated on a bench in the garden with a pencil held idle in my hand and my notebook lying on my lap, my eyes closed and my face turned upward to the summer sky.  A smile curves my lips as a soft breeze comes up out of the west to dance through my hair.  Somehow this all seems strangely familiar, yet I can't put my finger on why.
The breeze flutters around for half a minute, tickling my ear and stroking my hair, before leaving a parting kiss on my cheek and flying off toward the east.  But no, wait—its farewell was only a playful trick; it has now doubled back around to greet me once more . . . only this time, instead of caressing me gently, it bites my nose and pinches my ears, twirling my hair into a tangle as it careens westward.  And then, almost as soon as it returns, it is gone. 
Strange, I muse.  How odd for a steady west wind to suddenly stop like that and return from the east.  Wind's in the east . . . I can't help smiling to myself as I gaze up at the clouds, half expecting a certain British nanny to come floating down out of them carrying a carpet-bag and a parasol.  But my thoughts are interrupted by a sharp rapping noise. 
I glance around, perplexed as to the source of the sound until at last I glimpse a woodpecker hammering away at a nearby tree.  I watch him with an inexplicable feeling that he doesn't belong here—that I have been here in this exact moment before, and he hasn't. 
His persistent tapping disturbs me.  I wish he would stop. 
“Shoo!” I cry; but he carries on with his task, unperturbed and undistracted. 
I shout at him and wave my arms wildly, but he ignores me. 
The noise is exasperating.  I press my hands over my ears, but it remains as loud and clear as ever.  Why will he not cease?!  Why can I still hear it?!  Why is there no escape?!
Knock-knock-knock . . .
I ascended out of dreamland long enough to wonder who was at the door, then promptly decided I was too tired to care.  Just as I was drifting back to sleep, my sister burst into my bedroom.  “Rise and shine, Carrie!”
“Mmph . . . what's going on?” I mumbled.
She threw the curtains open before coming over to kneel beside my bed.  “Today's the day, sis.  If you don't get up, you'll miss your plane.”
“What plane?”
“You’re going to Los Angeles, remember?”
At that moment it all came back to me—my book, Mary Poppins, Disney—and I sat up frantically, throwing the covers off.  “Oh my gosh, I forgot! What time is it?!”  I pressed my hand to my forehead, partly in panic and partly because the too-swift motion had given me a throbbing headache. 
“Shh . . . relax, Carrie.  It's only eight o'clock; you have plenty of time.  But you need to get up and get ready now.”
I nodded.  “Okay.”  I slid forward to the edge of the bed and waited, gathering my strength.  My sister watched for several minutes; and finally, when I made no move to stand up, she laid her hand on my back.
“Carrie . . . do you need help?”
“Maybe just a little,” I said without meeting her eyes.  I hated asking for help to complete such a simple task; yet at that moment I just didn't have the strength in me.  Fortunately, she understood; and without another word, she wrapped her arm around my waist and supported me as I dragged myself to my feet.  “Thank you,” I whispered. 
“What are sisters for?” she replied with a grin that somewhat alleviated my embarrassment. 
She stayed there holding me up long enough to let me find my balance.  At last I managed to take a few shaky steps over to my dresser and lean against it as I pulled open the door to my closet.  She stood there watching me for several moments, and finally she spoke again. 
“Are you okay now if I leave the room so you can get changed?”
“Yeah, I think so.”
“All right.  I'll be out here if you need anything.”  Just as she was opening the door to go out, she paused and turned back to me.  “Carrie . . . are you sure you still want to do this?  Because you know in Los Angeles I won't be there to help you out of bed.”
Part of me resented her for saying that.  I'm not an invalid yet! I wanted to scream.  But deep down, I knew she was right.  I sighed deeply.  “I'll make it somehow.  I have to do this, Sam.  Otherwise I'll never get the chance.  Anyway, it's just the first few minutes of the day that are always the hardest; once I get going, it's not so bad.”
She nodded.  “Yeah, okay.  I'm going to head downstairs and make breakfast.”  But once again she paused and looked at me with soulful eyes.  “I love you, sis.”
“Love you too,” I replied, trying and failing to muster a carefree smile.  I turned away lest she see the tears in my eyes; and behind me I heard the door close as she exited, leaving me alone.  Drawing a shaky breath, I chose a dress from the closet and changed out of my nightgown, noticing with dismay that my body was going through the motions a little more slowly than yesterday or the day before. 
As I slipped my dress on over my head, I could hear the clanking of pots and pans down in the kitchen as Sam cooked.  The noise made something tickle at the edge of my mind—clanking . . . banging . . . knocking.  The woodpecker.  The dream.
That dream—it haunted me at least three times a week.  I couldn’t escape.  The sequence was always the same . . . except this time it had been interrupted by that blasted bird, which I now realized had sprung up as a dream-world manifestation of an actual sound—my sister's knocking on my door to wake me up.  I paused for a moment, considering that I ought to be thankful, for I knew what would have happened in the dream if I hadn't woken up.  Always the same, exactly as it had been on that first day . . .
No—I would not think about it, not on a day like this.  Today, of all days, I should be happy.  I am going to Los Angeles . . . the very thought sent a surge of energy through me, and I scurried off to the bathroom to finish getting ready. 
Thirty minutes later, I descended the stairs, the smell of breakfast greeting me as I entered the main part of the house.  I stepped into the kitchen just as my sister, who was facing the sink, called out loudly, “Carrie! Are you almost ready?!”
“Hey, Sam,” I replied, amused.  She whirled around in surprise. 
“Carrie! I thought you were still upstairs!  Oh, gosh, I must have blown your ears out.”
“Well, at least they're still attached,” I bantered, but for once she didn't laugh.  Instead, she came over and wrapped her arms around me. 
“I'm sorry,” she said quietly, her voice betraying that she was close to tears.  I pulled away, unable to bear it. 
“Sam, since when are you so concerned about my eardrums?” I teased. 
“I'm sorry, it's just . . . I don't want to cause you any more pain than you're already . . .”
“It’s okay, sis, nothing to worry about.”
“Sam, please.  You promised you wouldn’t do this, remember?  I told you, I’m fine.”
She nodded, turning back to the counter to wipe her eyes.  “Well, anyway, breakfast's up.”
“Ooh, yum!” I exclaimed, eager to change the subject.  “What's on the menu this morning?”
“Bacon and pancakes,” she replied.  Her voice was still quiet and sad, but I could tell she was trying to conceal it for my sake.  “Have a seat at the table, and I'll bring it in.”
“Well, let me help.”
“It's okay, I've got this.  You go sit down.”
“Sam . . .”
“You need to focus on getting ready, Carrie,” she said firmly, looking me in the eye, and I knew better than to argue. With a sigh of resignation, I headed into the dining room. 
The first thing I noticed as I sat down was that Sam's husband, who always joined us for breakfast, was missing.  “Sam,” I called, “where's James?”
“Oh, I sent him outside to check on the car,” she explained, bustling into the room with a plate of steaming pancakes and bacon. 
“What's wrong with the car?” I asked as she set the plate down in front of me. 
“Nothing, as far as I know,” she replied, “but we can't have you being late to the airport because of car trouble.”
I stared at her.  “It's a twenty-minute drive to the airport, and your car is in perfect condition.  What's there to worry about?”
“I'm not taking any chances, Carrie.  This is your special day, and I won't let anything ruin it.”   With that, she marched off to the kitchen, chin held high.  Once she left the room, I chuckled to myself and said a quick blessing before beginning to eat. 
Just then, I heard the front door open.  “Hey, honey, I'm all done!” James called as he shut the door behind him.  From where I sat looking through the doorway, I could see him enter the kitchen and lean against the wall, inhaling deeply.  “Mmm, what's for breakfast?”
“Pancakes and bacon,” she replied.  “How's the car looking?”
“Clean and healthy as always, just like I told you it would be,” he reassured her. 
“The tank is full?”
“You changed the oil?”
“Already did that yesterday.”
“And you checked everything else?”
“Yes, yes, and yes.”  He moved to stand behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders.  “Sweet Samantha, haven't you learned by now to trust your husband?”
She turned to face him.  “A better question is, haven't you learned by now to humor your wife?”
He laughed.  “Touché.”  They stood there grinning at each other for several moments before he leaned in to kiss her, at which point I decided to remind them of my presence.  
“A-he-hem!”  I peered through the doorway at them.  “Guys, I hate to interrupt, but we do have to be at the airport in an hour.”
They pulled apart and looked over at me sheepishly.  “Sorry, sis,” Sam giggled. 
I sighed and shook my head in mock exasperation; but truly, I was happy for them.  They had something special, something I had always dreamt of . . . and something fate had chosen to deny me.  I felt a little twinge of bitterness at the last thought, but I quickly suppressed it.  It’s not their fault, I reminded myself.  It’s not anyone’s fault.
Before I could dwell any longer on this train of thought, James entered the dining room with a full plate for himself and one for Sam.  “So, Carrie, are you excited to spend three weeks in Los Angeles?” he asked as he set them on the table. 
“Excited?  Yes . . .” 
Detecting my slight hesitation, James caught my eye and smiled understandingly.  “Nervous?”
“A little,” I admitted. 
Sam walked through the doorway just in time to catch the end of our conversation.  “What are you nervous about, Carrie?” she asked, laying her hand on my shoulder.
I took a moment to swallow my bite of bacon before answering.  “Well, meeting Walt Disney, for one thing.  That man’s a walking legend, and I’m just . . . me.”  A thirty-year-old author from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, flying halfway across the country to act as consultant for a movie adaptation of my book.
“So?” James asked through a mouthful of pancake. 
Sam shot him one of her “you men can be so insensitive” looks before turning back to me. “Oh, Carrie, I'm sure you have nothing to worry about as far as that goes.  Remember, underneath all that fame, he's just another human.  Don't let yourself be intimidated.”
I gave a half-smile, and she patted my back encouragingly before sitting down to eat.  Easier said than done, I thought in regard to her advice.  I only prayed everything would go smoothly; for if it didn’t, I doubted I’d have what it took to face down the Mickey Mouse mogul himself.  
The three of us finished breakfast with time to spare; and while Sam cleared the table, James headed upstairs and brought down my suitcase and carry-on bag to load in the car.  I offered to help with the dishes, but Sam wouldn't hear of it; so instead I went up to fetch my purse and make one last trip to the bathroom.
After washing my hands, I leaned against the sink for a few minutes, staring into the mirror. There I was, about to spend three weeks in Los Angeles helping make my book into a movie, something many authors only dream of; and at that moment, the only thought in my head was—am I up to this?  The Carrie in the mirror stared back at me, her eyes full of doubts and questions; but before I could give either of us a definitive answer, I heard Sam call from the bottom of the stairs.  “Carrie! You ready to go?!”
Taking a deep breath, I stood up straight and squared my shoulders.  “Coming!” I replied; and without further hesitation, I grabbed my purse and headed downstairs.
Tag list… let me know if you want to be added or removed!   @iwillalwaysreturm | @writings-of-a-narwhal | @24hourshipping
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imababblekat · 6 years
Imagine Confessing Your Feelings To Bumblebee
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(A/N: i. . .i think this is in reference to this???!)
“I need to tell you something…”
A curious whirr made way past the young scouts mouth plate, optics following you the closer you walked. Behind him, Arcee, Bulkhead, and Smokescreen look on with intense gazes, wondering if it was all about to happen. Wondering if, finally, after so long you were going to tell their yellow friend how you felt. Just like the kids, they noticed early on the way you’d steal glances at Bumblebee, and how merely his presence had your face turn beet red in what they learned is called a blush. It was cute, really, and while they did have concerning thoughts about if this was a good thing or not, they couldn’t deny wanting you to be happy in the end.
Once in front of the group, you twiddled you fingers nervously, mouth agape but nothing coming out when your fidgeting eyes landed on the three others. Arcee got the hint, and nodded to you.
“Come on boys. Let’s give them some privacy.”, Arcee ushered the two along, sending a stern glare when Smokescreen asked if they had to like a pouting child.
Now alone together, you’d think your nerves would have calmed, and they almost did, till you were reminded of the bot before you when he beeped a what’s up. You coughed, trying to clear your throat and pulling at the collar of your shirt. Your mouth opened again, only for it to feel super dry and nothing coming out except a strange groan. Bumblebee raised an optic ridge at your strange behavior. This was so unlike the (y,n) he knew. The (y,n) he knew was confident, always knowing what to say and when to say it. He never you to be speechless as long conversations were a favorite of his between you both. This strange version of you had him very concerned. While Bumblebee had seen you sad, even at the point of drowning in tears once, both of which he was quick to by your side and comfort from, the scout’s never seen this behavior before.
For a brief moment he was quickly struck with the frightening thought that you might be sick. The blue of his optics spun and he quickly knelt, reaching forward and wrought with deep concern. He beeped and whirr frantically, asking if you needed to see Ratchet or Ms Darby, then quickly deciding that you indeed should. Your eyes went wide at his frenzied reaction, and you threw your hands out, shaking them fast to stop him in his worried state.
“N-no, Bee! I’m fine!! I don’t need to see Ratchet or Ms Darby!”
Oh so cutely, Bumblebee tilted his helm, another whirr coming from his vocalizer.
*Then what’s wrong?*
You sighed, lowering your hands as Bee’s retreated to rest on his knee plating.
“Nothing’s wrong. Well not exactly. . .”
You drifted off, looking up to see Bee looking at you intently and waiting patiently for you to continue. You gulped, shoulders tensing and grabbing hold of your forearms, as you once again averted your gaze.
“I-uhm-oh gosh this is so silly.”, you chuckled nervously with cheeks turning a very bright red.
Bumblebee made a chirp, encouraging you to go on with a small wave of his servo. You let out a deep breath, taking in his beautiful round optics, and just the beauty of him in general. This whole situation reminded you of one of those movies where a nervous highschooler was about to ask out their crush.
“Bumblebee, I. . .”, your voice failed you once more as you could practically hear your thrumming heart in your ears.
Sensing how more tensed you grew, Bumblebee’s gaze softened and he leaned down more to what he could.
*It’s okay (y,n), you can tell me. You’re my best friend, and whatever it is I promise I won’t tell anyone.*, the Autobot voiced out in a series of beeps, whirs, and clicks.
You were so glad you took Ralph up on those lessons to understand Bumblebee, because if you hadn’t you’re not sure you’d be able to fully understand or feel how genuine his words were. Taking a deep breath, your eyes shut tight as your hands gripped like a vice at your forearms, spitting out every emotion you’d been holding back in one go.
“Bumblebee, I like you! And I don’t mean just like you; I like, like you!! I have for a very long time, but I’ve never had the courage to say it! I understand if you don’t feel the same way, and if not then I really hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship, because honestly, I don’t know what I’d do if I didn’t even have that!”  
After your spout, you continue to keep your eyes shut tight, silence falling in around and your stomach drops at the notion that you’ve just made a big mistake. A sudden, soft pat on the head causes you to jump and gasp, eyes flying open and feeling even more shocked at the sight before you.
If Cybertronians could tear up, you’re pretty sure Bumblebee would right now with the way his optic ridges were furrowed, optics radiating more than usual, and other servo over where his mouth would be. You would jump to comforting him, but instead lightly laughed and felt your own eyes gloss over when the mech before you frantically beeps out that he’s been feeling the same way for a long while as well.  
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