#(( maybe not too happy BUT STILL PROUD OF HOW FITTING IT IS ))
darckcarnival · 1 year
Unusual Muse Associations!
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~SPICE: Allspice berries + Mahlab Spice Complex sweetness makes allspice berries versatile, in both sweet and savory dishes- add ground allspice to Jamaican jerk rubs and stews, to spice cakes, cookies, and grilled fruits. Sweet, Savory. + These pits add an ultra-luxurious almond, nutty, and vanilla flavor with a slightly bitter after taste. Mahlab spice works with baked goods like pastries, bread, rice pudding, honey, and cheese desserts and is frequently found throughout Greece, Turkey, and Egypt. Both of these fit her style of cooking and personality.
~WEATHER: Clear skies after a rain + Sunny days in winter or Autumn The fresh dew on the ground, how the skies clear up after a storm has hit the land. The calming and clean after math of whatever comes, and is ready to be nurtured, or to be rescued from what remains. She comes in the storm, and will do her best to clean up the after math, won't shy away. With the snow, she was born in winter, loves it so, but the sunlight while the exact opposite of her nature as a creature, always looks so beautiful when bringing in that new day in the quiet season. Of course, autumn has always seemed fitting as well. The warmth of life wilting into hibernation, and Halloween.
~PRIMARY COLOUR: Shades of Purple This goes without saying, as purple has always been her sunglasses, and the vibrant pop against the rest of her lower tones. Purple can bring great fortune and luck, as well as an ominous warning when in its darker shades. A double meaning in it's tints, and depends on whom perceives such color. But for Darck she just has always loved it so. Purple is a lot of things. It’s mysterious. It’s magical. It can be playful, but it can also be reverent.
~COLOUR OF THE SKY: Sunsets, and Sunrise The way pastels of oranges and reds, fade into purples and blues, following the sun setting, offering the last rays of warmth before the calm night washes over the land. Bringing with it both rest and warning. Gorgeous colors that Darck loves to watch. But when the night sky erupts, showing the stars in the inky shades above, is much like tiny lights, or flecks of lost paints, that bring out the most of what she is and a gift unto the world. That it is still turning, still a new day will rise in the morn when Sunrise comes, to bring the vibrant colors once more into being.
~MAGICAL POWER: Shadow Step The power to manipulate shadows and darkness came at a cost, one that left lasting scars mentally and emotionally with everything that followed. But now, she relies on this deeply, moving about at impossible speed, ignoring blockades most of the time. And capable of using shadow as a weapon once solidified. Or as an extra limb, on the rare occasion, yet requires great focus.
~SHOE: High tops + Combat Boots Originally, Darck once wore black and white high top converse when relaxing and not out working, when younger. But when out in the world and needing to be ready for anything, Combat Boots with steel toe are the average shoe, always.
~HOUSEPLANT: Succulent + Lavender Succulents mean loyalty and endurance, timeless, love endless either friendship or romantic. Trustworthy and unshaken no matter the drought, a type of cactus but smaller. Lavender flowers represent purity, silence, devotion, serenity, grace, and calmness. As well as the purple hue bringing an air of elegance to it. But can also use this plant for medicine and tea, to both heal you and welcome you.
~BLADE WEAPON: Dagger Darck always has an old Romanian dagger on her person as a blade of choice. It's longer than a combat knife, but just as swift and deadly, this object meant to never be broken. The one weapon she can always fall back on should it stay in her hand, and tied with her family ancestry.
~SCHOOL SUBJECT: Science, History, P.E. As much as she is a woman good with words and understanding other quickly, one might think English. But no, she has always loved different science classes! So very many and she paid close attention as well when a kid. Combine that with her excitement into all sorts of history, the two subjects always go hand in hand. And both have followed Darck into her adult hood and has even helped work in her favor on missions or knowing situations. Of course, P.E. goes without saying, she was always incredibly active and physically interested in things. Since being changed into half vampire, this fact became key.
~SOCIAL MEDIA: ?????? She'd not have a lot of anything. Maybe an untagged youtube account, without any connection to her real name, and a couple email accounts. But things like twitter? Nah, she uses ghost accounts to keep an eye on things, but otherwise she doesn't exist. A ghost in the machine.
~MAKEUP PRODUCT: Foundation and Concealer While she does not wear make up in general, almost never unless special occasion calls for the need- then these two products she will use more commonly if needed. Because it can cover up the darker circles under her eyes when it's demanded, or can hide the odd scars around her skin and neck. Making less questions when needing to hide them.
~CANDY: Elderberry Jam While it technically does not count as candy, in this case for how she eats it, it does. Darck loves Elderberry items in general, loves all of them, but jam specifically she will put a spoon in and eat straight. It's... A comfort food, and a reminder of better days. Hold over from humanity and younger years.
~ICE CUBE SHAPE: Crushed Easier to mix with, and smaller bits to put into things. As well as an easy way to work out frustration, by crushing ice in her hand, or biting down and crunching it, and letting it melt, the cold temp cooling her off. Helps a lot when needing to work in hotter climates.
~ART STYLE: Sketched Lines, Carvings Sketches of people and places to compare things, and keep close always, if photos fail. As well as making carvings and smaller gifts or engravings, just to give others.
~MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Gryphon + Dragon Grphons, with the body of a lion, the wings and head of and eagle; representing the kings of both animals and the birds. They may also bear the ears of a horse. Known for guarding, protection, and loyalty, griffins are protectors from evil, slander, and witchcraft as well. Some symbolism depicts both the divine and the human. ​In heraldry, griffin stands for courage, leadership and strength. Pictured as fierce, they have gained respect over ages too. A Dragon can mean both good and bad in equal measure, with a similar spirit animal and spirit guide being found in the fierce and protective Lion. Dragon's often times are depicted as destructive, territorial, cunning, and dangerous by it's enemies. Capable of bringing about great pain and sorrow. But for an ally, the Dragon can be protective, representing hoards of what it holds dear, and a deep wisdom for survival and an apex predator. A valiant protector and violent towards its enemies.
~PIECE OF STATIONARY: Writing paper, Letters Papyrus, printer paper, freshly written letters to be sent, typewriters and ink ribbons- anything for writing. As that has been Darck's go to of her open original communication with friends and loved ones when trapped, or too scared and shy to show herself in some instances. A safety net, to still communicate. And even to this day when able to be in person, still with this method come into play, often leaving notes and letters for others.
~CELESTIAL BODY: Moon + Pluto Moon: emotion The moon is also not a planet by scientific measures—but in astrology, it functions similarly as an influential celestial body. In this case, it reflects our emotions, senses, instincts, intuition, and unconscious selves, says Lang. Pluto: rebirth While it may not be scientifically classified as a planet anymore, Pluto plays a similar role within the astrology space—in this case ruling over regenerative forces in the body, death, and rebirth, says Lang: “It relates to the deep psychological aspect of ourselves and the unconscious.”
Tagged by: @megalomanist
Tagging: You! Steal it from me and tag me.
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coquettepascal · 2 months
texas sweet
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summary: joel is your friendly neighborhood dad of the year, so why is his driveway empty on father's day? better yet, why do you feel the need to make up for everyone elses absence?
tags: 18+, smut, handjob, desc of joel mastubrating, a "massage", neighbor!joel x f!reader, massages, general cheesiness, soft!joel, pathetic!joel, almost(?) sub!joel, reader gets blueballed (sorry), biting, joel whimpering, joel being a proud girl dad, no-outbreak, ellie and sarah exist, tommy is mentioned(!!), joel is a southern gentleman, mention of reader having parents, no desc of reader but she can fit between joel and the couch, dilf!joel (yum)
a/n: my first joel fic ever... i would like to thank every person who has written no-outbreak!joel or pre-outbreak!joel. i freaked it.
(4.9k, not beta read.)
Moving to Texas was not the plan, or even the “blessing” your mother claimed it would be. Being the one who took over your grandparents home after they moved to a seniors facility? Fantastic! Amazing, even. Leaving your job, friends, and boyfriend, back home? Horrible. Heart wrenching and annoying. 
Austin, for the most part, was lonely. Long distance didn’t end up working between you and your boyfriend, your friends just got busier with their jobs, and it wasn’t like your parents could just drive 14 hours to see you every weekend. Co-workers were nice, but honestly who really wants to hang out with people you already spend 40 hours a week with? Maybe you were jaded, or picky, which was what your mother also claimed, or maybe your whole life was uprooted for what felt like no reason.
What you weren’t picky about, was the view from your bedroom window. You’re not a peeping tom, or a perv, but it isn’t your fault that your dilf-y next door neighbor is so easy on the eyes.
No, moving to Austin was not a blessing, but Joel Miller was.
Joel was the neighborhood guy. Need an oil change? Joel. Need your fence fixed? Joel. Block party? Joel’s yard. It’s like he doesn’t know how to say no to anybody, that southern politeness deeper than the drawl that lies in his voice. When you had first moved here he had helped you move your couch through the door, all smiles and polite nods. He barely introduced himself before he was asking if you needed any help, and he had called you “young lady,” which made you giggle. Such a giving man, but of course he was. A single father to two daughters? “No” wasn't in his vocabulary.
Sometimes, you think if your dad was as good a father as Joel Miller was, maybe you wouldn’t be fiending after him with such ferocity. Watching him with his two girls, Sarah and Ellie, was something that tugged your heartstrings no matter what. Sarah wasn’t around a lot anymore, apparently she went away to a fancy college. You had helped her pack all her stuff into Joel’s truck, but quickly went inside when you saw him getting misty eyed, you didn't want to embarrass the poor guy. Ellie is younger than Sarah and still lives at home. Honestly, you didn’t know much about her apart from the fact that she was adopted and that she’s in high school. She’s always happy to chat, but she’s also always going somewhere, which leaves Joel lonely sometimes. 
Joel seems better suited for loneliness than you are though. His brother Tommy comes around pretty often, though they seem fairly opposite. Tommy truly is sweet, has always chatted with you during block parties (even if it may be for nefarious reasons when he’s had too many drinks,) but he looks like… a fuckboy. Without fail, every time he rolls up to Joel’s house, he’s blasting some shitty new country music and wearing Pit Viper sunglasses as he carefully parks his spotless truck. Despite their differences though, they get along just as well. Your summer evenings are often interrupted by the sound of their laughs and the crisp sound of the two cracking open some cold ones. 
So why is it that when Father’s day rolls around, Joel’s driveway is empty?
You aren’t watching on purpose, you just happen to glance over that way a lot. The only action you see from his house is Ellie leaving for her friend's house sometime after noon, like usual on a Sunday. No signs of Sarah or Tommy. Part of you figured that maybe Sarah would make the lengthy drive down from her school, or maybe that Tommy would show up at some point, but nobody does. 
‘Not creepy,’ you assure yourself as you go upstairs to peer through your bedroom window to see if anyone is there. You could totally look through the kitchen window that directly faces his backyard, but you fear the day he’s looking right back at you. 
Looking outside, you see nothing. Joel’s grey-blue truck sits unmoved in the driveway, his plants are watered though so you guess he came outside at some point. The thought makes you feel a bit sad, the image of Joel and his soft eyes watering the plants, whistling to himself and trying to tell himself it doesn’t matter that nobody came. He probably really doesn’t care at all, a lot of men aren’t very sentimental or emotional about days like this, but you care.
He’s a good man, a good father, and a good neighbor. Seeing him be underappreciated on what is basically his day is ticking you off for some stupid reason. When 3pm rolls around you decide that you have to do something for Joel, it feels wrong not to. 
Which is how you end up in line for the register at Home Depot. You sat in the parking lot for 10 minutes racking your brain, trying to think of things that guys like, but came up with nothing. Joel is a contractor, so he’ll probably find some use out of a 50 dollar Home Depot gift card, but it still feels too impersonal. Joel literally fixed your toilet when a date you took home broke the handle off the tank mid-vomit. He’s too nice to just hand a stupid gift card with “Happy Father’s day” scrawled across the mini paper envelope. He deserves something thoughtful, something gentler than a gift card for (probably) his job. 
…Which is how you end up waiting in line for the register at the supermarket. You have a bouquet of flowers in your hand, with a Home Depot gift card shoved in your jacket pocket. It feels utterly ridiculous to give Joel Miller flowers, to pick out which colours you think he’d like and get the florist to wrap them up neatly with a bow, but you have a good reason. At some point in the past week you had seen a post about how a lot of men never receive flowers. It resurfaced in your head as you picked your brain again, making you wonder if Joel had ever received flowers. You know that he was married once, but that was when Sarah was little, it’d probably been 10 or even 15 years since he had any gestures like that made for him.
Not that this was for romance reasons. It was for father’s-appreciation-day reasons. Of course.
Maybe you shouldn’t be so invested in your neighbors emotions and life, but it’s too late now. You carefully pack away the flowers in the back seat of your car, snuggling the gift card into the ribbon that holds the flowers together. 
And if you thought that standing in line at Home Depot, or at the supermarket was bad, it’s so much worse trying to work up the courage to knock on Joel’s front door. You can’t figure out how to hold this bouquet of flowers behind your back without dropping them, so you just awkwardly knock on his door with one hand, flowers in the other. At least the gift card is managing to stay in place where you tucked it, but you wish you told the florist not to write his name in cursive.
Your repeating thoughts of “Is this weird? Am I weird?” are interrupted when he opens the door.
Joel looks… normal. He doesn’t look sad like you thought he might, if anything he looks more confused at you being there. His brown hair is tousled slightly and he’s wearing pajama pants, even though he smells fresh. Joel’s eyes meet yours and he tilts his head quietly, as if waiting for you to go on, but what do you even say? Oh shit that’s right–
“Happy father’s day,” your voice comes out shyly. You shove the flowers at him a little abruptly and he blinks in surprise, accepting them. It’s awkward for a second, the way his eyebrows shoot up as he notices the cursive lettering of his name written on the envelope.
“These’re for me, darlin’?” He asks curiously, still looking over the flowers.
A stammering of “um” and “yeah” leave your mouth pretty quickly and he smiles. You’re pretty sure he says thank you, but you just kind of stare at him awkwardly. A beat passes between the two of you as he admires the gift. “You uh– You don’t think of me as your dad, do you?” Joel asks. Oh fuck. You hadn’t thought about the fact that maybe that was what he would take away from this. All of your thoughts had been consumed by worries that he’d think you were trying to hit on him, but here he was thinking that you thought of him as a father figure. Which you didn’t. Your dad is fine, no need to replace him, at least not at this point. 
“No, no. Oh my god– Sorry,” You choke out, half laughing. It’s a quiet moment on the porch for a second, just the two of you standing there. Maybe you should explain your thought process.
“It’s just that you’re a dad and like– not to sound like a weirdo freak but nobody’s been at your house all day and it made me sad for you. Not that I pity you but,” your voice trails off as you fear you’ve made this worse. Joel seems a bit surprised at this, mouth opening slightly but then transitioning to a soft smile.
“And what if I told you that I wanted everyone t’leave me alone today?” He asks you slyly. And oh god, that is so much worse than him mistaking this gesture for flirting or pity. You never would have thought that maybe the guy who does everything for everyone probably just wants to be left the hell alone for a gift. Your heart drops in your chest, taking all the blood in your face with it. Embarrassment floods you with a force you didn’t realize possible, stuttered apologies leaving your lips as fast as you can. Joel shakes his head, laughing quietly as you sputter “sorry” repeatedly, like a broken sprinkler.
“I’m jokin’, sweetheart. I appreciate this,” he says. The crows' feet by his eyes shouldn’t be as charming as they are, but combined with that rumbling laugh and smile… he could get away with anything. He plucks the Home Depot gift card from the ribbon and huffs a laugh, like he’s impressed.
Well that’s… something? It made him smile right? Maybe feeling bad for Joel was better than feeling stupid in front of him. You step back, towards the stairs of his porch, but he shakes his head. “You were really this worried?” He asks, admiring the flowers. That makes your heart bloom in your chest, seeing how much he really liked this. Joel didn’t seem much like a flower guy, but you saw the way he kept his yard neat, with tulips in the spring and his lawn trimmed squarely. Shyly, you nod in response to his question. It feels silly to worry for him like this, you don’t know if he considers you a friend the way he is in your head.
“S’awful sweet,” he tells you. Something about his presence is so big, a balance of hospitality and intimidation all at once. Maybe it’s his big stature, broad shoulders and thick arms, a body built for work. Or his voice, the strong timbre of it, humbled in southern twang. Joel is a force of warmth, a heat that can’t be contained. His heart shines through his golden skin, forcing whoever he looks at to have a spotlight. That’s where the intimidation lies, in how he makes you feel like there’s a halo over your head, all his attention right there. 
He’s so hot you don’t even want him to look at you.
But there he is anyways, smiling as he admires the gift again, dorkily leaning in to dramatically huff the flowers. His mouth is moving but you're deafened by the sensation of a blush on your face. You thought it was just a silly little crush, because who wouldn’t find Joel attractive. He’s handsome, hard working, and just an all around traditional man. But this attraction… It's like your crush on him has given you tinnitus. His lips are moving and you aren’t registering the words. Wait shit, he’s speaking–
“Darlin’?” Joel calls. He looks at you, head tilted, and still fucking smiling. The way his eyes glimmer, the crows feet that squeeze them into a smile… Why is it so hard to hear him?
“I asked if you wanted to come in,” he repeats. 
You’ve never been inside Joel’s house, but you’d never thought about it either. Being in it, now, it all makes sense. Photos of his daughters are framed everywhere, their achievements plastered on the walls in shines of silver and gold. It’s hard not to imagine Joel hunched over his kitchen counter, tediously cutting pictures out to place them in frames. He was only an idea before, an idea of a man, and now he has become one wordlessly. All it took was stepping inside his house, smelling him everywhere. Life dances in the jackets that are tossed over dining room chairs, the toolbelt dumped by the shoe rack at the door. The picture of Joel you held in your mind begins to come alive, the movements in the details of his life stealing your breath. He is more than a good man, he is a great one.
And now, you have to strike up a conversation with him.
Joel grunts as he sits down on the couch beside you, placing two glasses of water down. He places his glass in front of the can of beer sitting on a coaster, distorting the label to nothing but warped blue and red. Is he hiding that he was drinking? Why is that cute? 
A pause hushes both of you as Joel gets comfortable, sitting down. He’s paused a show, but it just looks like it was whatever movie was playing on the local TV channel. 
“You must be so proud of them,” you say, eyes glazing over the pictures of Sarah and Ellie. You can tell exactly which photos were taken with a camera and which were taken with his phone. One picture of Ellie, maybe when she was 13 or 14, is from her soccer tournament. She’s smiling, holding up a ribbon for MVP, and Joel’s thumb is in the bottom corner. It’s strange to realize that Joel has basically been a father twice over, but also admirable. 
He talks for a little while, rambling about Sarah and her time up at college, and also how Ellie has been doing better in school this year. You always had a feeling Ellie was a bit feistier than Sarah was, but to hear how proud Joel is of her anyways makes your heart flutter. His love for them was so unconditional, so why weren’t they here today? You ask him, a half smile crossing his lips as he hears your question.
“Sarah called me ‘round lunchtime, one of them video calls. Had lunch with my girl and got to catch up with her. She’s so damn busy, y’know that? Always studying and,” he catches his breath, realizing he’s blabbing again. A reddish tone creeps up his neck in embarrassment.
“Point is, she called. Was nice of her, I miss her lots,” He finishes quietly.
Your eyebrow raises. He didn’t mention Ellie. Joel huffs.
“I’m 99% sure she’s over at Dina’s making me a gift, but it’s fine that she forgot. I’ve been on her ass about homework, fair’s fair.”
He looks cute when he’s begrudging, one side of his mouth sliding to the side so part of his cheek puffs over it. You nod, making a comment in response. The conversation is so smooth you forget what you’re saying as soon as you’re laughing. 
This is easier than you thought it would be. Joel’s always been friendly, obviously, but you just assumed he would be more closed off than this. Even if it’s just rambling about his daughters, or Tommy, or the jobs he’s been managing and how annoying his clients are, it’s something more. Something more than the passing glances and small conversation you’ve had before.
You talk a bit about your own life, how tough the move to Texas was, how lonely it can be. Joel doesn’t seem as receptive to this, but there’s an understanding in his eyes that you can feel. He’s a tough clam to slide your knife into, and you doubt you’ll feel his tongue today. The eager blabber he has for his family and career doesn’t extend to himself, and it seems you’ve hit a wall with him. Or maybe you’ve hit too close to home. “Sorry,” you say, feeling a little weird. 
This whole day has felt like you’re pulling against a lead Joel wasn’t even holding in the first place, like you’re always doing too much. But just like the rest of the day, he isn’t holding the rope around your neck. He’s surging forward with reassurances blooming out of his mouth, Texas sweet to the bone. 
He shakes his head, telling you that it’s fine, he gets it. A joke about being a single father, a smile directed at you, consoling. Vaporub for your congested anxieties.
“I’m sorry darlin,” Joel starts, and fuck is he sending you home? Is that your cue to leave? You did too much, he was just being nice.
“-- I didn’t even offer you water when you came in. D’you need somethin’ to drink?” He asks.
God, doesn’t he get tired of being this nice? Your neighbors warned you that he was a grump when you first moved here, dirty liars. 
“Oh, sure, uh. Water would be good, thanks,” you reply.
You’re only half paying attention to the grunt he lets out when he gets up the first time, your eyes busying themselves with the way his cotton tee stretches across the muscled planes of his back. But, after he hands you the glass of water and groans when he sinks back into the couch, you notice. 
You down the glass like you’re parched, but really your mouth just needs to be full right now. The sound of his groans are bouncing in your ear canals as your neck flushes red with each gulp of water. If he notices, he doesn’t say anything.
“Bad back?” You ask after you catch your breath. 
He hums in response, talking about how it comes with the job he has. “All that lifting in my early years…” as if he’s a thousand years old. Joel mentions that he’s been to the chiropractor a few times, thanks to Sarah’s begging and pleading.
“I don’t know, I think it’s gimmicky. They get you on the table and the guy feelin’ you up acts like he’s Christ himself,” Joel says, rolling his eyes. 
The idea of Joel, shirtless and face down, grumbling as some guy works his hands over his skin. The idea of Joel groaning in relief as someone else works those knots out, God you wish you were a chiropractor, you wish you could put your hands all over him.
Greed hardens over your mind like a shell, and the words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them.
“I could– I could help, maybe. My dad used to have a pretty bad back and I kinda figured out how to work knots out.”
Joel’s eyes widen, looking over to you with mild interest. For the first time today, around Joel, you don’t feel like you’ve overstepped. In fact he looks interested in this offer. A beat passes between the two of you, hesitation caught in his throat it seems.
It’s probably super fucked up in his head, his younger neighbor coming over and offering to rub him down. But your mind is still greedy, coated in thoughts of his skin under your palms, and that southern rumble that’s given you dilf earworms.
He looks like he’s about to say no when you speak again.
“You don’t even have to lay down, or take your shirt off. Could just lift it up,” you offer. 
Joel still looks like he’s going to say no, the left side of his mouth raising to make up some reason. You can’t let him, not when you’ve been this ballsy. Walking out of here now would make this infinitely more awkward.
“It’s your day, Joel,” you supply him with a reason to say yes. The reason might be silly, might be a last minute add-on to his father’s day, but who cares.
Apparently not Joel, since he pulls his shirt up to his shoulders, the fabric scrunching around his broad frame.
You feel a little stupid, slotted behind Joel on the couch. The two of you are basically shoved up against one another, Joel wriggling to give you access to his lower back. He hasn’t said anything yet, no reassurance that this backrub is any good. You think you’re doing well, you feel the knots loosening. It might be better this way, him not making noise. The groan you heard earlier was more than enough to push you into a frenzy.
Your hands work further down, where his waist begins to pull in. Looking closer you can see where the softness of his tummy is, a fatherly badge of honor. Continuing your movements, you gently press your thumbs into the flesh there, and earn yourself Joel’s first noise.
Not a grunt, groan, complaint, or cuss. A whimper.
Your voice clashes with his, both of you talking over each other accidentally.
“Are you okay–” you ask as his voice flounders again, a “Darlin--” leaving him out of his own volition.
Pulling your hands away you begin to pull his shirt back down his back, mortified. How could you claim you were good at this and then hurt his back more? Joel’s been through enough today.
“Please don’t stop,” Joel’s voice grabs your brain again, forcing your focus.
He’s sliding his shirt up again, just by rolling his shoulders as he hunches over, waiting for you to continue. His face is in his hands, and his ears are pink. It’s the first time he’s asked you for anything tonight, you can’t refuse him. 
Placing your hands back where they were, you begin to massage again. It seems like his lower back is the main problem, with the way he’s grunting into his palms. As your hands work away the aches he begins to swear to himself. 
“Fuck,” he grunts as your thumbs dig deep, soothing a pain he hasn’t felt eased in years. 
This is good. Pride spreads in your chest, knowing he feels better. Your hands work away, and you get laser focused on untangling these massive knots in his back. Eventually you break your focus, switching to softer rubs and small scratches up and down his back.
Tearing your eyes away from his skin, you realize the throw pillow that was beside you earlier is gone. The yellow corner of the cushion peeks at you from where you saw Joel’s belly earlier, over his lap. A thick forearm is crushing it into himself there, the veins in his neck pulsing. 
Flames lick up your face, onto the tips of your ears and down your neck, heating your spine. Is he aroused right now? “Joel?” You ask quietly. 
He shakes his head, voice tight.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Just– it just feels nice,” he admits.
Your hands pause. Okay, so he’s admitted he’s hard. What do you do now? Keep rubbing his back and blueball the poor guy? On Father's day? That seems mean, and awkward. Everything about this is awkward though, so it couldn’t really get worse.
“I could… I could help it feel better,” you offer meekly.
You’re not scared of a dick. You aren’t. Your voice is quiet because it seems like he is horribly ashamed of this, probably feeling guilty.
Joel rubs a hand over his face.
“You don’t have to, you can just go,” he says, but his voice betrays him. Need is sewn in his tone, a desperation.
Part of you wonders how long it’s been since someone touched him like this as you reach around, palming the front of his jeans. The hiss he lets out tells you it’s been awhile. How wrong that is, an attractive man like Joel being forced to get his own rocks off.
Getting the button and fly of his jeans down is difficult when you can’t see, even worse when your brain is making up images of Joel masturbating. He’s so shy when he’s being touched, does he bite his sheets? Bite his other fist in the shower? Poor boy, he deserves this. 
His hips lift off the couch to help you shove his jeans and briefs down. Joel’s bare ass slides against you and he cringes. “Is it okay if you don’t look?” He asks. 
You hate that he seems so insecure, but you’re not going to push him. Nodding into his skin, you press your face to his back, resting your cheek near the blade of his shoulder. He’s heavy in your palm, warm skin with veins your fingers can trace over.
Telling him that he’s big feels redundant, you’re sure he knows that about himself. Neither of you seem very sure about what you’re doing, the shuddering breaths from his chest matching your hesitant grasp around his cock. 
“Are you okay?” You ask again.
Joel nods into his hand, asking you to please touch him. 
Admittedly, it’s a dry hand job, but Joel doesn’t seem to mind. The flick of your wrist is fluid, even if your arm is cramping from being wrapped around him. Joel lets out these little noises, grunts and whines. His hand is covering his eyes while the other one rests lightly on your forearm, like he wants to know that you’re still there.
Need is exuding from him, making his desperation take over his need to really give a shit about how submissive he might be appearing. He shudders particularly hard as you squeeze on the upstroke, voice choking.
“Shit– shit, please,” he gasps, “please can I spit in your hand?” 
It’s a little surprising, but again, you can’t refuse him. You say “yeah” into his skin, closing your eyes as you feel him spit into your hand. It’s filthy, his saliva on you as he guides your hand to jerk him off. Joel uses your palm to slick the head of his dick, teasing himself on your skin.
It’s the first time you’ve seen him be selfish all day. Part of you wants to call him a good boy, but part of you also knows this might not be normal for Joel. Hell, this isn’t normal for you either. 
Instead, you ask him if it’s good. A rasped “yes,” emanates from him between a low groan and a curse. Your head lifts from his back as he begins to shudder, his orgasm creeping closer. Listening to him is so good, you’re a mess between your legs, where your core nudges his ass.
Without a thought, you sink your teeth into the meat between his shoulder and his neck. Not enough pressure to bruise or hurt, just to let him know you’re there. There was no intention to push him over the edge, but your little bite does. A guttural groan is forced out of him as he comes into your hand, stringing sticky between your fingers. 
“Fuck– fuck I’m sorry, oh my god,” he pants, shivering. 
Your head is shaking again, reassuring him that it was okay, that he’s okay. 
“It’ll wash off,” you joke, feeling the stick of him on you. 
Joel does help you wash it off, once he’s done redressing. He’s clingy though, arms around your waist and chin hooked over your shoulder as you wash your hands in his kitchen sink. He’s definitely sleepy, eyes blinking slowly when you peek at him while you dry your hands.
You step close to him, your damp hands meeting his dry ones. The awkward spirit of the evening has been killed off, his shyness melted away.
“Usually I’d offer to return the favor but… I have to pick up Ellie from her friend’s house now. I’m really sorry, darlin’,” he admits.
Shaking your head, you push away the negative feeling that surfaces. How are you supposed to go back to being neighbors after that? But also, what did you really expect?
Joel leads you to the door, legs a bit shakey. A smug feeling joins the negative ones in your chest at that, but it’s not enough. 
“I really do apologize,” Joel says again, “but this just gives me an opportunity to see you again. If you’d like, obviously. I think I owe ya dinner.” 
And there he is, not holding your lead but reassuring your heart. He wants to see you again.
Your eyes meet his in the dim light of the hallway, catching those sweet eyes in your own. He looks so hopeful, so apologetic too.
“I’d like that, but you don’t owe me anything. It’s Father’s day,” you point out. 
Joel rolls his eyes. This Father’s day excuse is a little overused between the two of you now, but it’s still cute to him since you’re the one saying it. He opens the door for you, slipping his own boots on and grabbing his keys.
“Fine,” Joel says, “but when Pretty Neighbor day rolls around, you let me know.
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temis-de-leon · 8 months
Pick me girls and OM! Brothers - Part 2
Characters: Satan, Asmo, Beel and Belphie (x reader, separately)
Part 1 - Lucifer, Mammon and Levi (x reader, separately)
Part 3 - Diavolo, Barbatos, Solomon and Simeon (x reader, separately)
CW: pick me girl behavior, one of these girls is actually really stupid, suggestive, mentions of sex between the brothers and mc, mentions of violence, a bit of magic, mentions of cheating (not actual cheating), nightmares, implied death, jealous mc, some fluff, some hurt, some comfort, still ooc but i had even more fun
Your boyfriend looked more offended than you ever had the chance to feel.
The cashier at the bookstore barely had the time to say anything about her supposed romance with the demon before he appeared in his signature pose: a hand in his hip and the other one over his chest.
He had been a regular for years and you didn't know if the girl had been delusional enough to believe she had something with him or if she was just jealous and wanted to make you feel bad.
You weren't sure which one was sadder.
"Am I hearing this correctly?" he said with spite, distracting you from your own thoughts "Are you so daft you were considering me reciprocating your feelings?"
The girl lowered her gaze, clearly embarrassed, and for a moment you felt guilty. Maybe she really thought she had something mutual going on with Satan; a crush that went too far in her own imagination.
She proved you wrong, however, when not only did she give you a side eye, but also said the most stupidest thing one could ever muster.
"Well, obviously you are so daft you chose them over me"
You couldn't waste time on feeling hurt; not when Satan was showing his fangs, letting his tail scratch the floor as it lashed behind him. As hot as he looked like this, it was not the moment nor the place to show his demon form in a fit of rage.
The stupid cashier seemed proud of getting a reaction out of him, finally catching his attention. Maybe she was a demon of wrath too? Maybe that's how she flirted with other demons?
The poor thing would be lucky if she ever lived to see another day.
Let her discover that fact on her own.
"She's not worth it, Satan" you urged, pushing him to the door "Let's go to that cat cafe you mentioned earlier. You said they had new kittens, right?"
That seemed to do the trick.
He looked at you with love, still mixed with anger and bewilderment, but not enough for you not to hold his hand and lean against him.
"I'm sorry, my dear" he murmured, then he spoke louder "Do not believe a word she said"
"I would never"
He nodded to himself, like the idea of you believing the cashier was too stupid to even consider it, but neither of you could ignore how his hand stiffened in yours for a second.
"Let's go see some kittens" you said in a singing voice, leading him in the street towards your destination.
You failed to see the adoration in his eyes.
This succubus dated Asmo long before you were even an idea in your parents' minds and she wanted you to keep that in mind.
She wanted you to know that everything you knew, she knew better (a blatant lie) and that Asmo preferred experience over novelty (ew).
"I remember the times we went to the sauna and... Oh, sorry, does he take you to the sauna?"
"He invited me a couple of times, yes" but I had to say no or else I would've boiled alive.
"And does he...?"
Does he. Does he. Does he.
In which moment did you think going to The Fall was a better plan than doing each other's skincare routine while making fun of 50 shades of Grey?
The both of you could be criticizing that poor excuse of BDSM right now (before recreating the correct version), but, instead, Asmo was ordering the girliest cocktail ever made while this Camila Cabello wannabe harassed you.
"...that was a little joke between us"
Lord Diavolo she just kept going.
"I'm so happy you remember so well your past relationship with him" you intervened with a strain in your voice, "but maybe it's time for you to stop and leave"
The succubus smirked with a smugness that made your innards burn from the inside out.
"Don't get jealous! I'm sure he loves you too"
Oh my Lord.
The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch.
"Hon', look at this!"
There he came, your savior, dressed in a skimpy dress with hands full of shimmery drinks and a glint in his very beautiful loving eyes.
"They didn't have human beverages, but I swear the taste is impeccable, you'll love it! Just let me take a picture for Devilgram first"
Camila Cabello, as you had finally decided to call her, cleared her throat in search of the demon's attention. Asmodeus looked in her direction, obviously trying to remember who she was.
"Asmo, baby!" she was nothing but a smile full teeth and a mission. Her gaze a little desperate "Remember me?"
Her determination died, however, when Asmo's expression turned shocked after studying her. He grasped his chest in sorrow as he asked the funniest question you could hear at the moment.
"What are you wearing?"
Camila Cabello was finally at a loss of words and you briefly wondered if this had ever happened to her.
"If you're gonna meddle in my relationship with MC at least take effort in looking decent"
His expression was sweet, saccharine, but there was an underlying seriousness in his voice.
He was so beautiful. And he was all yours.
She was one of the boys, apparently. Beel had definitely never mentioned her, but the girl only laughed when you told her that.
"Wow, controlling much? Does he have to tell you about every friend?"
Well, no, Beel didn't have to inform you about everyone he's ever met, but your boyfriend was sweet enough to want you in every aspect of his life, thus introducing you to his friends, his teammates and even his gym bros.
Definitely not to this girl.
You looked at her in disbelief, licking your teeth with a calculating glance. How much would Beel care if you hit this airhead with a dumbbell?
"We hang out together almost every day" she boasted, twisting a strand of her hair around her finger "It's not even weird for me to be in the boys locker room"
Were you strong enough to throw a dumbbell?
Surely she'd rather be with them instead of you if she was 'one of the boys', no? Why would she be in the bleachers with you, waiting for the team to finish their training, when she could be in any other part of the field doing exercise or playing for another sport?
"I'm not making you insecure, am I?" asked the girl in poorly faked innocence "If he loves you so much you should have nothing to worry about"
"Oh, I trust him" you assured her, but you didn't sound as confident as you wanted to. Although Beel never gave you any reasons to doubt him, it was difficult to defend your relationship when this girl was so convinced everyone was in love with her.
"That's so cool"
You decided to ignore her and her mocking tone, hoping to end the conversation right there, but she just kept talking. It was obvious she wanted to get under your skin.
For what? you wondered. Did she expect Beel to leave you if she batted her lashes fast enough? Did she know Beel at all??
"Oh, Beely!"
You cringed with a scowl visible to everyone around you. Some of Beel's teammates laughed at your missfortune, while the others, the ones you liked best, turned around in horror and left without a second glance.
Wether he was oblivious or just didn't care, Beel wasted no time in running towards you with a smile on his face.
"Did you see me?" he asked, looking up to you with a boyish grin and brightened eyes.
"I'm always looking at you"
Beel blushed, his smile still obvious in his face, but he couldn't get another word in before the girl talked again.
"I was looking at you too"
You rolled your eyes and Beel immediately stared at you with a curious glance. He hummed in response, ignoring her once again as he reached out for your hand to caress your knuckles.
"There's a new limited edition menu in a restaurant near RAD"
No questions added nor needed. You smiled at him and nodded, bringing his hand to your lips to kiss it. A promise for later.
"Noo, we used to go there so much..."
"Can you stop?" Beel interrupted her with a deadpan expression "You're making MC uncomfortable"
The girl looked at him in surprise, mouth wide open, clearly not expecting to be snapped at.
She didn't dare to look at you after that.
It wasn't the first time you dreamt about this girl and it wasn't the first time you dreamt about her stealing your sloth of a boyfriend.
She wasn't some mystery girl, but rather Belphie's old seatmate, the one he had before you were kidnapped admitted in RAD. A quiet doe-eyed succubus that looked at him like he was the best thing that ever happened to both human and demon mankind.
She'd tried to sit next to him a couple of times with no avail, always getting rejected in your favor. Then, Belphie and you started dating and she stopped trying. You'd innocently thought she'd surrendered.
But not only did she search for him the very few times you guys weren't next to each other, she also ignored you completely when you were there.
Ignoring her back was easier said than done.
And this time, the oniric version of her wasn't just stealing your boyfriend. This time, he was willingly going to her, making your heart hurt so much it made you wake up with what felt like broken ribs.
It took you a couple of minutes to pull yourself together and not push Belphie away when he brought you back to his chest. The image of him kissing her while looking at you was engraved in your mind.
So, although sweating and hurting both from your heart and your confidence, you forced yourself to sleep.
You didn't notice just how awake Belphie was.
Back when you were still friends, you had allowed him to introduce himself into your slumber each time you had a nightmare. Images of you dying under the jaws and claws of faceless demons disappeared faster when the real Belphie was there. Ironic, isn't it?
He tried to stop every single one of them, but sometimes he was so deep in his own dreams it was proved to be impossible.
You thought this was one of those occasions, but, alas, you were wrong.
Days passed without any new event and Belphie mentioned nothing about your initial irrational coldness towards him, which made you feel a tiny bit better. Eventually you'd get so embarrassed about the situation that you had no other option but to dote on him like the brat he was, leading to a whole weekend sprawled over his bed in the attic.
The girl was still there, although not as persistent with Belphie, and she avoided you like the plague, with fright in her eyes.
So he did something about her, didn't he? But how did he know? And what did he do? You wanted to ask, curious as ever, but as time went by and the eyebags under her eyes started to occupy her entire face, you decided against it.
Barely a month later she disappeared without leaving trace. And since Belphie didn't even acknowledge her at all, why would you?
Tagging a little more: @hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin @elaemae
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yenqa · 8 months
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in which...
you hate heeseung. you hate his snobby little voice, his stupid little glasses that are too big for him, his nosiness, and his ability to prove anything or anyone wrong easily. you hate hate hate the way you try to avoid him, but somehow he’s always around, and he can’t see how much you hate him. you swear nothing could make you like him, but after you get caught in a sticky situation with him playing your knight in shining armor, you realize that maybe he isn’t so bad after all.
pairing — heeseung x fem!reader
genre — one sided enemies to lovers, highschool au, he falls first she falls harder, oblivious x obvious, tutor x tutoree (kind of), childhood friends (ish because the whole one sided enemies thing) to lovers, long fic
wordcount — teaser is 1005! fic est. 9k-13k words (hopefully not too ambitious)
warnings — profanity, kissing (no suggestive stuff or nsfw), miscommunication, parties/underage drinking, name calling (bitch, whore, stuff like that), food
featuring — lia of itzy, miyeon of g-idle, hyung line of enhypen (sorry maknaes too many people), ocs : sooyun + teachers
disclaimer — i am not saying this is an accurate representation of these idols or trying to sexualize them at all. this just something i do for fun.
release date — hopefully by mid march?
taglist — open! send an ask or comment to be added!
yenqa — watched the movie on the plane and i was kind of obsessed… but this does not follow the movie plot, i just thought the title fit
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A blanket of white has got you and the guests at your house locked in for the night. You weren’t very happy with these strangers staying at your house for the night—In fact, you had just been completely shut down by your dad when you asked him to kick them out. It was obvious why he did that, but this definitely had to be your least favorite christmas out of the eight you had been through.
You snap out of your thoughts, continuing to eat whatever you had left on your plate, hesitating when you saw the amount of vegetables still left.
“Mom! I’m full.” You try to hide your plate from her, showing her instead a pout with a hand on your stomach. 
It didn’t work—obviously, so you were stuck at the table, a frown on your face as you forced in the greens. Across from you, a boy your age, who didn’t seem to mind, he almost looked like he was enjoying it.
That’s impossible though, no one likes vegetables. Maybe he was doing it so Santa would get him an extra special gift?
You grumble when he finishes his place, showcasing his plate that had been licked clean to his mom. He stared at you for a second looking down at your—full plate then looking back at his mom, she said “Great job Heeseung!”. He returns his plate to the table with a smile. 
Stabbing your fork back into your food, you stuff it into your face, hoping that you would enjoy it as much as Heeseung did. Again, it didn’t work, and the bitter taste returned to your mouth.
After what felt like hours of groaning and complaining, you had taken the last bite of your food, a proud smirk on your face when you made eye contact with the boy from earlier, who only smiled at you in return. 
Throwing away your plastic plate, you realized that now it was present time, and Santa just had to reward you for your good deeds.
Rushing over to the tree, you spot everyone gathered around the area, opening their presents. You run to your present, recognizing the wrapping paper from last year. Looking at your mom for approval, she nods and you tear apart the paper, lifting up the box inside.
You squeal when you see the picture, you had been begging your mom for weeks for a Lego set, specifically if it was minecraft themed. And Santa had gotten you just that. You hug the box, squeezing it. You exclaim a loud “Thank you Santa!” before running up to your room to assemble the build.
Reading the directions, you start the house, quickly getting confused on how it isn’t looking like how it does in the picture. 
“I think that’s the wrong piece.” A voice says, you whip your head around to see the same boy who sat across from you.
“Who are you?” Your eyebrows furrow at the sight, confused on why those were the first words he said instead of “Hi!” or something.
“My name’s Heeseung—Um, my mom told me to come upstairs and said we should be friends. Do you want to be friends?” 
You huff, “I’m Y/n. Also no, I don’t want to be friends, you’re mean.” You force your legos together, frustrated already with the pieces. You continue to reread the directions, pushing—what you think are—the exact legos to the board. But it doesn’t seem like it’ll fit. Maybe if you push it harder?
“Oh—okay.” You jump slightly, too focused to realize how he's been watching you for the past few minutes. “Do you need some help?”
Yes, you need help. But did you want to accept his help?  . This was your christmas gift from Santa, you shouldn’t have to share.
Glancing at the picture then to the building that had looked like an abstract rendition of it, you let out a sigh. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt, right? “Yeah, I guess.”
He takes a seat on the carpet next to you, focusing hard on the directions before breaking off the wrong pieces, reassembling it so you’ll be on the right track.
“Does this go here, do you think?” “No, it goes here.”  That was a summary of what the conversation was between you, and somehow you were always the one asking the question. Sighing, you lean back, taking a short stretch break before starting again.
You’re shocked at his speed and efficiency, it almost seems like he’s always a step ahead of you. Geez does this guy ever slow down? 
The roles are quickly switched as you are sitting watching him instead. Rummaging through each box only for his eyes to lighten up one he finds the right one. You watch him for a while, getting a break that you very much needed.
You hope that he waits for you to finish it, or that he doesn’t completely do it all by himself because again,  it’s your Christmas gift, and he wouldn’t do that, right?
Not right, because apparently he’s a machine—he finishes the build. He stands up, pushes his stupid glasses up also and smiles at you, heading to the door. You think he’s going to say something else like “Sorry for taking away your present!” instead, he thanks you for sharing and happily skipping away. 
Heeseung. Even his name infuriates you. He was very unpredictable and you hated that. Why did he just do that? He’s so rude. People don’t make sense—especially boys, they have cooties.
Your head was filled with calling him the rudest things you could think of—You even said a few curse words.
Though later you realized that you probably would never see him again, you were ecstatic, so ecstatic you had disassembled your legos just to rebuild it, to completely forget about your bad experience with the boy. 
Only two weeks later were you disappointed to see that same boy, sitting across from you during dinner once again.
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perm taglist — @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @boyfhee @hanniluvi @teddywonss
yenqa © please do not copy, steal or translate.
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xxchumanixx · 6 months
Okay, Tim Bradford x reader, but the reader is a police captain and becomes the captain of the mid-wilshire division after Zoë and that one dude. They are married, and the reader is expecting?
It's Captain, baby
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Tim Bradford x wife!reader
Warnings/Tags: fluff, Tim being a little grumpy Word count: 879 Authors note: Hello love, thanks for the request! I hope you like it. It was very fun to write and I really like the idea!
It was meant as a surprise - really.
He knew you wanted to become a captain one day, so when the LAPD asked if you wanted to become the captain of mid wilshire, you instantly said yes.
That you'd be the captain of your own husband, slipped your mind in said moment, though.
You decided not to tell him 'for now', pushing the matter further and further away, until there was no further anymore - until the day you were supposed to start as captain.
Maybe it wasn't the best idea, risking that he'd have a heart attack or get mad, when he saw you - especially considering that you were six months pregnant, and your new position meant stress and pressure - something you weren't supposed to have until in at least about three months, when you were in labor.
Biting your lip and rocking on your heels, you nervously waited for Sergeant Grey to announce you.
The moment he'd say your name, Tim would find out - and he wouldn't like that you refrained from telling him beforehand.
But he was a professional - he wouldn't let you see any emotion on his face during roll call - no, he would tell you how he felt in detail afterwards, giving you an even more guilty conscience.
"And now, I'm happy to introduce our new captain: Y/N Bradford! Please give her a warm welcome." Grey announced, causing your heart to miss a beat, as your hands doubled their sweating.
Taking a deep breath, you entered the room, trying to avoid Tim's face - which, despite your supposition, showed the slightest bit of shock and anger - as you made your way to the pult.
Forcing yourself to smile at the numerous people applauding you, you braced yourself for the speech you had prepared.
"Hello, for those who don't know me yet, my name's Y/N Bradford - yes, I'm sergeant Bradford's wife, and yes, I am pregnant." you started nervously.
A fit of quiet laughter echoed through the crowd, lifting some of the weight off your shoulders.
"I'm proud to call myself captain of the mid Wilshire department." you continued, nodding slightly. "I started here as a rookie, thinking that I knew everything and could do everything. But I didn't - which is an important thing to realize. We're all here for one goal: the safety of our city."
Your eyes briefly found Tim's, his jaw clenched. He looked straight back at you, not even blinking.
"But that means, that we have to learn a lot, especially about ourselves. I know how hard you work for this goal, and I know what it takes to do so. I once was where you are now, and I will have your backs, no matter what. If there's something you wanna talk about - let me know. I'm here to support you, and it's an honor to be your captain. That's it."
They applauded again, causing your cheeks to turn pinkish. Your heart beat fastened in your chest, hands trembling a little, as you smiled at them.
They were your people now, they counted on you, and you'd do everything in your power, to never let them down.
When the room cleared, Tim was the only one still sitting with his arms crossed over his chest.
He was clearly angry.
Taking a shaky breath, you walked over to him, preparing yourself for his speech.
He stayed silent for a couple more moments, just staring at you, before he stood, hands on the table as he leaned towards you.
"Did you even plan to tell me at all?" he wanted to know, brows furrowed. It took all his might not to get too loud, trying to look calmer than he was as well.
His colleagues didn't need to know that he was angry - fuming even.
"Did you think about our baby? What if it's too dangerous - not to mention the stress! Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"
"I did want to tell you." you stated, biting your lip. "But I didn't know how to. I wanted to surprise you, but I pushed it further and further away. I thought it all through, and I'm gonna take it slow - no harm for the baby. Imagine my surprise when they asked me to become their captain - me of all people!"
He bit his lip as well, the corners of his mouth twitching treacherously. At least he wouldn't stay angry at you for long.
"Are you happy?" he wanted to know, glancing at your belly. It was getting harder each day to find something that covered it up at least a little.
Nodding, you pressed out a dry laugh. "I am, but I'm scared as shit." you admitted, causing the crinkles around his eyes to deepen.
"I mean, I wanted to become a captain for so long, but - how to captain? How does this work? It's like my mind suddenly just went blank."
He chuckled, keeping himself from kissing you in front of the curious eyes watching you - didn't they have any work to do?
"I'm glad you like it, baby." he said honestly, his lips wide in a proud smile, as you huffed, cocking a brow.
"It's Captain, baby."
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theemporium · 11 months
could i do 💰 with my fav boyfriend max verstappen who has just slowly creating a list of everything reader has looked at a little too long or talked about for a couple of minutes. It ranges from tiffany jewelry to chanel dresses to la perla lingerie to gucci perfume to louboutin red bottoms, he knows everything that the reader wants and just one day surprises reader with everything
thank you for requesting!🫶🏽
Max stood in the middle of your living room—your once empty living room that was now flooded with boxes and bags everywhere you looked—with his hands on his hips and a proud look on his face. And he looked completely unashamed with the scene around him.
“Surprise!” He said it so simply like he had just placed a home cooked meal in front of you, or maybe ran a few errands for you that he knew were a hassle. He was acting like the designer brand labels littering the living room of your apartment were normal, like an everyday occurrence. Though, maybe for Max Verstappen, they were.
“You…what….huh?” You looked at him, confused and baffled and desperate for answers. “What is all this?”
“It’s for you,” he said as he picked up a random bag nearby and handed it towards you, the Chanel logo making you feel a little nauseous. “Though I think people usually call them gifts.”
“This is too much,” you breathed out, your head spinning at the idea of just how much he could have possibly spent on you. At the mere idea of how much money was technically sitting in your far-too-small living room. “This is way too much, Max. I can’t.”
His brows furrowed together. “Why not?”
Your eyes widened. “Is that really a question you’re asking?” 
“But it’s all stuff you want,” he pointed out to you. 
“You can’t possibly—” Except the boy cut you off as he reached into the Chanel bag he was still holding, taking out a shoe box. And before you could even say anything, he was opening it to show you a pair of black platform heels you remembered vaguely showing him a few weeks back. “Max.”
“You said you wanted them.” 
“I said I liked the look of them.”
“Same thing.”
It seemed like every possible object or item you had spent longer than three seconds staring at were currently sitting in your living room at that moment, and Max didn’t see an issue with it. And you knew you shouldn’t be mad at him. Even before everything changed between you and Max, you had made the deal to be the person he splurged on. You agreed to it. You accepted the terms.
But you thought things would change once your relationship changed, when it went from financially beneficial to an actual romance. You thought he knew he didn’t need to do any of this anymore.
“Max,” you started as you tried to step over a pile of boxes, your foot getting caught in the handle of a bag. But before you could stumble, he was reaching out to grab your arms. “Babe, you don’t have to do this.”
“You are making it seem like someone is making me do it against my will,” Max mused, a hint of amusement on his face as his arms wound around your waist.
“I’m your girlfriend, you don’t have to spend money on me like this,” you said to him, your hands interlocking behind his head. 
“It’s exactly why I should,” Max scoffed. “You’re my girl. Mine to take care of and spoil and keep happy.” 
“Stop saying my name like that, you sound like a school teacher scolding me,” he groaned as he rested his head against your shoulder. Though, something in his chest tightened when he heard you laugh. 
“It’s just a lot,” you admitted in a whisper. 
“It’s everything you deserve and everything I want to give you,” Max retorted before he slowly lifted his head, his nose brushing against yours. “I’ll calm down but don’t make me give any of it back.”
You sighed, smiling. “Fine.”
“Good, because I don’t know where the receipts are and I’m pretty sure half of it wouldn’t even fit in my car.” 
His grin widened as your laugh bounced off the walls of your far-too-small living room.
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hannieoftheyear · 7 months
Right Time (kmg)
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synopsis: a day before your 5 year high-school reunion, you find yourself at your best friends’ party, incapable of escaping your feelings for one of your long-time friends.
genre: kmg x fem reader, friends to lovers, basically pwp, smut, fluff(!!!), a little angst if you squint
w.c: 7,9k
content warnings: lots of teasing, switch!mingyu, unprotected sex, masturbation (m and f receiving), fingering, edging, cockwarming (not on purpose), begging, multiple orgasms, creampie, cum eating, mingyu is strong, he's also a little pussy drunk :p
note: I'm so happy I was finally able to finish this! tysm for waiting and for all the support this acc has been receiving these past few weeks♡♡
I really hope you like this, and I apologize if there are any mistakes.
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You're at Seungkwan's place and a few drinks in. It’s a Friday night so you don’t care how much you drink because you have nothing to do tomorrow in the morning, and you’ll feel better at night to go to the dreaded reunion.
Seungkwan randomly decided to throw a party and you thought why not show up. You need something else on your mind and your place is right in front anyway.
You’re talking with a group of people you barely know, maybe from your classes or around campus, you don’t know their names but somehow got inserted in their conversation.
But you tune away from the chat, thinking maybe you should go and try to find your friends. That’s when a hand grabs yours and directs you to the other side of the kitchen.
Mingyu looks proud, giggling as he takes you away from everyone and to a corner. His hand feels right against yours, fitting just like they’re meant to be together.
“Are you having fun?” You’re both now standing against a wall now and he’s looking down to you, right into your eyes, expecting your answer. You just nod as you take another sip from your cup. Maybe the coldness of the drink can help with the dizziness of having him so close.
“Who were those people you were talking to? I’ve never seen them before.” You dare to look up at him and find his glossy eyes still trained on yours, almost like he wants to look inside your soul.
“Oh, I don’t know. I’ve seen them around on campus, but I don’t remember their names.” You look away from him briefly to look around the kitchen to see if they’re still there but find it empty.
“I was thinking about looking for you actually.” His smile widens at your words, and you get to see his little fangs. The butterflies in your belly make an appearance, just like every time he smiles at you like that.
“It must be fate that brought me to the kitchen then.” He faces down a little more and now your faces are merely inches away.
Maybe it’s because you’re a little drunk, but you let yourself stare at his features, he’s so close to you now you could even count his eyelashes one by one. His sparkly eyes were always so pretty to you, you’ve told him several times, but he just shrugged it off. The mole on his nose, you still remember the first time you noticed it and since then you’ve always wanted to kiss it. And his pretty plump lips that always had you wondering how they'd feel against yours.
You think you stared a little too long, but you don’t care and the smirk forming on his face tells you he noticed it too. He was watching you closely too. You feel yourself starting to blush, but you indulge in the fantasy that he also may like you as much as you like him. Just for tonight.
He’s moving closer to your ear, his soft skin grazes yours, and you barely hear him on top of all the noise, “I like your dress, I’ve never seen you in a dress before.” The blush blossoms on your cheeks once more as you register his words, and you shy away from him.
The grin on his face tells you he’s enjoying the reaction he got out of you, and you punch his arm lightly. “Shut up! I was trying something different, but if you like it maybe I’ll wear it again.” You give him a little wink as you finish the sentence. Two can play this game.
Though he doesn’t move away like you did, you can see his ears turning a little red, but it’s nothing compared to the way his eyes shamelessly check you out now that you’re a little farther away than before.
He looks at you up and down a few times, licking his lips lightly. His eyes look different, but you can’t quite decipher how, and right when he’s about to speak, his look focuses on something behind you.
You turn back to see what took his attention away from you. Right away you see Seungkwan coming to take you to play some stupid round of beer pong, saying he made a bet with Minghao and you’re the best player in here right now. He doesn’t even let you speak and grabs your hand, rushing you away to the living room full of people. And away from Mingyu.
You quickly turn to check on him and see he’s smiling at the interaction. Good, at least it didn’t completely ruin the moment. Seungkwan will pay for this.
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The night goes smoothly, and Seungkwan is right, you are the best beer pong player at the party. Your side had 4 cups left, while your opponents, Minghao and Vernon, had only one.
After you made them lose three cups in a row, some people started getting engaged in the match - Seungkwan's loud screams of happiness drew a lot of attention- and now you have everyone in the living room paying attention to your last shot.
As you concentrate on your target, you scan the people around you and find Mingyu against a wall already looking at you. You weren’t nervous before, but the need to impress him invades you and without thinking you shoot the little ball. And you miss.
A round of oohs fill the room, everyone was expecting for you to win. Your first instinct is to look at Mingyu, he gives you a nod and reassuring look, but you’re still really embarrassed. You turn to face your opponents, who are rather amused at your miss and tease you before their turn. The game isn’t over yet though.
You lose three more cups as the rounds pass and you still can’t seem to reach theirs. Now both teams have only one cup left. Your competitiveness starts to take over you, you can’t lose this now because it’ll seriously hurt your pride.
Taking a few breaths, you concentrate and actually plan your shot. Where the ball should bounce and how much force you have to put into it. Maybe you’re overthinking it, but you did this with the other shots, and you always got them.
You count, 3, 2, 1 and shoot.
Seungkwan reacts before you, jumping and hugging you like you just won a million dollars. And maybe you did because your pride is worth a lot. You hug him back and waste no time to tease Vernon and Minghao.
But what you want the most it’s to see his reaction. You search around the room and the sight makes your insides turn.
Your mood drops when seeing Mingyu essentially flirt with some girl. She’s giggling at something he said. You watch as she lightly grabs his arm and gets close to one of his ears to whisper something. He doesn’t react at whatever she’s saying, but his eyebrows frown a little as he scans the room and eventually makes eye contact with you.
Trying to avoid him, you go back to Seungkwan, who’s still gloating about the win to the two boys and tell him you’re tired and you’re going home.
From the corner of your eye, you can see Mingyu walking towards you, but you ignore him and keep waking to the door. Maybe you’re being dramatic, but it’s not nice to see the guy you’ve liked for countless years flirt with another girl right in front of you, and Seungkwan’s house is not very big so you only have two options: stay and endure the sight of a girl getting to do everything you want to, or leave and be at peace in your house.
You manage to get out of Seungkwan’s place, but Mingyu’s still following you, calling your name. The door to your apartment opens barely an inch when his hand comes from behind you and shuts it close.
With your arms crossed you turn to face him, “Mingyu I’m tired I just want to go home please.” You don’t look him in the eye.
“Is everything okay? I thought we were having a good time.” He questions very confused at your sudden reaction.
“Like I said, I’m just tired.” You know you’re not being fair. You don’t get to be mad at him, you’re not a couple and he can flirt with as many girls as he wants. You’ve seen it happen before. “Can you let me open my door?”
“Did I do something?” He puts his hand right beside your head on the frame of the door, determined to get you to answer. You stare at each other for what it feels like hours, your eyes stay still watching his, but he’s scanning your frowny face.
“Mingyu please.” You uncross your arms and try pushing him away with one hand. “Nope you’re not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” Trying to push him away was the wrong choice because now you have one hand on his very firm chest.
“Look, I really don’t want to do this right now. Just please let me leave, and you can go back to whatever you were doing.” A smirk starts appearing on his face as he realizes what’s happening.
“And what was I doing?” He asks playfully. You motion to get your hand away from his chest, but he stops it and keeps it still.
“Oh c'mon.” Is he really going to make you say it? He’s so exasperating. “I saw you with that girl, why are you here? Just go and talk to her! You seemed like you were having a good time.” You’re lying. You didn’t really see much of the interaction, and he knows it. He knows because he kept an eye on you the whole time.
“Why do you care so much?” His annoyingly pretty face looks so smug as he interlocks his fingers with yours, and you let him. “I don’t! Really, I don’t. I don’t care what you do on your own time. You can do whatever you want!” Sometime in your rant, his face came closer to yours, so close you can feel his breath on your skin. “You seem like you do care.” And you swear you feel his smile before you see it.
His lips are mere centimeters away from yours, but you’re not going to give him the satisfaction of being right, not yet at least, so you turn your face to the side.
“So, what if I did care? Which I repeat, I don’t.” His face doesn’t move an inch, and you know he’s still smirking at you by how he sounds when he says the next words, “Why were you storming off like that then?”
“I wasn’t storming off.” Your head shoots to face him again and you know you’re starting to sound defensive, but something tells you he knows your reasons and he’s just fucking with you, so why not do the same?
Trying not to sound too bitter, you continue, “I won the stupid game, of course, and when I turned around to tell you, you were busy! And I was going to leave after the game anyway.”
“So, just to be clear, you won, saw that I was “busy,” He removed his hand from the door only to add quotation marks as he said the word busy, then returned it to its place beside your head, “and because you were tired you decided to leave. Is that correct?”
“Yes, exactly.” He expects you to continue, but when you don’t, he asks “No other reason?”
The staring contest between you intensifies, and you see his brain trying to work out an answer, a sentence, anything to get you to say what he wants to hear. You wish you could read his mind. Why was he doing all of this? Why does he care so much about your reaction? So, you ask him exactly that.
“Why do you care so much about this anyway?” The silence is loud while he thinks what to answer, and you’re about to retract your question when he interrupts you.
“I just... I wanted to hang out with you and be with you for a while.” This is not the answer you were expecting. However, it makes you feel giddy inside. “We were having a good time before Seungkwan came to ask you to play, and I thought that after you finish, maybe we could just keep talking like we were before. But you saw me and went almost running to the door.” You thought he finished there with a sad tone, but he continued. “I thought I did something wrong, something that upset you” His regretfulness doesn’t last long, and a smirk creeps back on his face. “But I think I know what happened now”.
“Oh, do you?” You snicker, and he steps back but doesn’t change his look. Your faces are now far apart. He can see your reaction better this way. “I think”, He pauses and makes a thinking face. His eyes go from your right eye to your lips, then to your left eye, “I think you are jealous.”
Heat rushes to your cheeks when you hear those words coming from him. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing seems to come out, too shocked to even react. “Now you have nothing to say huh?”
You feel cornered. Should you just tell him the truth? How the simple thought of seeing him would brighten your days? That when he complimented something you were wearing, you’d make sure to wear it again? That your heart jumps every time he laughs at your jokes? That every time you’d see him going home with another girl, you would cry yourself to sleep? Tell him how you’ve been in love with him for years? Should you?
“You already seem to know everything, so what do you want me to do?” Your voice makes him step forward again, his body so close you feel his hands graze yours.
“I want you to tell me the truth, I want to hear it from you, not the guys, not the voices in my head, not anyone else, you.”
You freeze in place, heart beating so furiously you fear he might be able to hear it. What does he mean by the voices in his head? The words can’t seem to get out of you, and he’s staring so intensely you almost forget how to speak. The noise from the long-forgotten party gets drowned out by the tension, so palpable you could cut it with a knife.
His look doesn’t change as the seconds pass, and your mind is scavenging for the right words to say, but nothing convinces you. He’s being patient, like he always is, so kind and patient with you, but you know if you don’t give him an answer he’ll just give up, believe that you don’t care and go back to the party, to that girl. So, you do the only thing that comes to mind, the thing that you’ve been wanting to do for so long. Your faces are so close you don’t even have to move much. You put one hand on the back of his neck and connect your lips together with his.
The butterflies in your stomach explode when he kisses you back harder and wraps both of his arms around your waist to bring your body closer to his. Is this really happening? You find yourself breaking the kiss to check if it’s real. You kissed Mingyu? And he’s kissing you back? This only ever happened in your wildest dreams.
His lips chase after yours, and when he opens his eyes, you welcome him with the biggest smile he’s ever seen. Both of your hands are now at the side of his neck, caressing him while you look at his blushed face in awe.
“Is this real?” Are the first words that come out of your mouth, and he chuckles. You’re both standing at your door, tangled up and giggling at each other like idiots. “Very.” He gives you a peck, then another, then more, smiles never leaving.
"Do you maybe want to come inside?” You shyly ask. He moves his face closer to yours, slowly, and you close your eyes expecting another kiss, but just when you feel his lips barely graze yours, the door clicks, opening, and he answers, “Please”.
Even though your smile doesn’t break, you roll your eyes at his antics. “You’re so..." You barely step one foot inside, and Mingyu’s got you against a wall, again. His lips trap yours, this time in a much deeper kiss, while his hands roam your body. You're so lost in pleasure that you don’t stop the whine that comes out of you.
“I’m so what?” His lips leave your mouth and go for your neck, “Handsome? Funny? Charming? Good-looking?” He leaves a trail of kisses up your neck until he reaches your mouth again, but he doesn’t kiss you, expecting your answer. You chase his lips, but he moves his head back, smirking at your neediness.
“Annoying” he chuckles, and your hands move to his hair, “You’re so annoying”. You take advantage of your hands in his head and push him against you again.
He bites your lower lip, and when you moan, he takes the opportunity to meet his tongue with yours. His tongue tries to memorize every cavity of your mouth, and you let it.
You tug his hair, and he grinds against you. He doesn’t seem to notice, but you definitely do, so you repeat it a few times. “You have to stop doing that before I take you right here right now”, he’s breathless but starts kissing your neck right after.
You move your face to the side to give him more access and say teasingly “What if that’s what I want?”
You feel him smile against your neck at the same time as he picks you up and moves you two to the couch. He sits down, and now you’re straddling him. You, once again, take advantage of the position and grind against him, and his hard on hits all the correct spots on your poorly clothed cunt.
His hands find their way under your dress, and his direct touch turns your skin on fire. He’s grabbing and squeezing your thighs as you keep grinding on him. You manage to take a few moans out of him, and it’s like music to your ears.
Your dress is so riled up that you could just slip it off like a shirt, so you do just that. As soon as you take it off, you move your hands to Mingyu’s waist and grab the hem of his black shirt. He's staring at your figure in awe but understands what you want right away and takes his shirt off quickly.
The both of you take a few seconds to admire the other’s body, your hands traveling from his defined abs to his chest, and he has to fight the whines that want to come out when you take a second too long on his nipples. He’s so sensitive today, maybe because it’s you.
“Can I take this off too?” He asks with his hands on your back, his fingers holding your bra clasp. You just nod and watch him as he takes your bra off himself. You swear his eyes grow ten times bigger at the sight of your bare boobs.
He's grabbing them as he pleases, and you don’t resist the urge to go and kiss him.
The make out gets hungrier by the second. You grind on him, creating delicious friction and he tugs at your nipples getting you to moan in his mouth, and every time without fail you feel his cock twitch in his pants.
After a particularly loud moan escapes Mingyu’s throat, he separates your mouths, and his hands move to your thighs. You’re both breathless, and when you dare to look at his face, you almost forget how to breathe.
His lips are red and swollen, mouth open, trying to regain a steady breath pattern. His hair is so messy that the hairstyle he previously had practically disappeared. And his eyes are filled with desire, even more so than they were at your door. He’s staring at you too, and you figure you look the same.
“Is this okay?” He asks between heavy breaths, and you nod vigorously. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to kiss you and touch you." Mingyu confesses in a smile, and you can’t help to chuckle a little.
“What? Don’t laugh! I’m serious.” Your laugh is contagious, so he laughs with you, but he’s expecting an answer, afraid you’re laughing at him and not with him.
“I’m sorry, sorry.” You take a deep breath before continuing, “You actually have no idea how much I’ve been waiting for this.” Your hand moves to his face, caressing his cheek, and he leans into your touch. You take your time exploring his face, going over the moles that you memorized long ago with your fingers. Now you want to memorize the feeling of his skin against yours.
You trace his jaw and neck, but his hands don’t leave your thighs, and it’s driving you crazy. “Touch me.” That makes his dark eyes go back to yours again. You don’t know it, but he’s going crazy inside trying to practice the little self-control he has left, “Touch me like you say you’ve been wanting to, please.” You half whisper half whine, and maybe he had no self-control after all.
As soon as the plea leaves you mouth, he turns you around, and now he’s towering over you, your head on the armrest of the couch and his body between your legs. Before you get to say anything, you feel his hand ghost over where you need him the most.
His hand grazes your covered core, and you sigh, pushing your body up. “Eager?” His voice is teasing you, but his hand obliges your needs. His fingers draw slow circles on your clit through your panties and you bring his face to yours to suppress the moan threatening to come out.
You can feel how wet you are already, and you know he can feel it too, because every few strokes, his fingers go down to tease you hole through your underwear and you hear the little grunt he lets out when he touches the wetness soaking your panties.
Starting to grow impatient at his slow motions, you push yourself against him. The movement makes his hand press harder against you, and you suppress a moan.
His mouth leaves yours suddenly and goes to our ear, “I want to hear you princess." He presses harder again, and another moan threatens to leave your throat, but you insist, “Then touch me properly.”
Wasting no time, you move your hand away from his hair to the neglected bulge in his pants. He hisses at you touch, but you don’t leave it there. Instead, you unbutton his jeans and sneak your hand inside his underwear. You grab his thick cock and stroke it a few times, “Like this.”
The moans that he’s blessing you with turn you on even more. You press up to his hand again until he finally moves your panties to the side and presses his fingers against your wet cunt.
He starts kissing and biting your neck while collecting your arousal with his fingers, “You're so wet.” He mumbles against your neck.
“Only for y-you" You barely finish your words because without a warning, he buries two fingers into your hole.
His thrusts are slow but deep, making sure you feel even his knuckles against you. “They’re sliding right in.” You’re not sure if he’s speaking to you or to himself, but you only find yourself capable of moaning in response.
Wet sounds fill your living room. The only other sounds are your moans and Mingyu’s occasional grunts. You feel yourself getting even wetter, if that’s even possible, and his fingers start thrusting harder and sharper, drilling into you like he's spelling his name inside you, erasing any trace of anyone before him.
His fingers fit inside you deliciously and you find it hard to keep up the pace of your hands on his cock. You quiver on top of him when he finds your sweet spot and starts abusing it.
The relentless rhythm keeps getting harder and harder, touching right where you need him with every thrust, and you feel the familiar tightness in your stomach, so close to snapping you can taste it. But it gets ripped out of you when he gets his hand out and away from your pulsing core.
Your mind is so foggy you almost miss his smirk as you recover from your not-orgasm. “You’re… so mean.” You’re breathless and barely get those words out.
He trails kisses from your left boob up to your mouth and gives you a peck that’s a second too long. "What’s the rush?” His hands caress your inner thighs, teasing you even more after your ruined orgasm.
“Why did you stop?” The question comes out more of a whine than anything else, but he doesn’t reply. Before you know it, he’s taking your panties off, leaving you completely naked just for him. He takes a few seconds to admire your bare pussy.
His fingers spread your lips and spread your arousal all around you, but not touching where you need him the most. You're about to complain when you feel his breath on your core.
With his hands separating your legs to give him space, he dives into you, eating you out like a starved man. He flattens his tongue on your lips, feeling every pulse your aching core has to offer. A groan escapes out of him and sends shivers down your spine.
When you look down, your eyes lock onto his as his tongue plays with your clit as he pleases, and all you have to offer him are your unfiltered moans. Your hands sneak to his hair, and you tug at it, eagering him on and triggering more groans out of him.
You can feel the familiar burning sensation coming close, and more arousal starts gushing out of you, soaking his chin. He seems to notice it too, because he slurps it all up like he hasn’t had a drink in ages.
With his tongue preoccupied with your hole, his nose strokes your clit perfectly. You're too lost in pleasure, squirming nonstop under him. Your hands push his head further against your cunt and he speeds up his movements.
You don’t remove your eyes from his as your orgasm hits you hard and fast. You're shaking under Mingyu and can feel his mouth still working on you, drinking all the juices that come out of you. Soon enough, you feel the overstimulation and push his head away from you.
The sight of him leaves you in awe. His hair is even messier now, and the lower part of his face is drenched in your juices. He swipes the back of his hands to clean himself as much as possible, and he licks the remaining juices from his hand.
A new rush of arousal hits you at the sight, and you can only bring him close to you and kiss him. You taste yourself on his tongue. A mix of saliva and arousal makes the kiss messier each second it passes.
“Take off your pants. I want to feel you,” you manage to get out with his lips on top of yours, and he obliges. You don’t separate as he wiggles them out and kicks them off. You hear the faint sound of them hitting the ground. He starts grinding against your bare core, and you realize he also took off his boxers. You moan in his mouth as his grinds against your bare cunt, mixing both of your juices.
You separate your lips from his to speak, but he takes it as an opportunity to start leaving marks against your neck. “We should probably,” you don’t finish your sentence, sighing at the feeling of his teeth biting lightly on your sensitive spot.
“What was that baby?” He teases as his hands sneak up to your boobs and caress them softly. The softness of his touches and the way both of your sexes are grinding against each other contrast so much it’s making it hard to even think.
“W-we should go to the bedroom.”
“Mhm,” It’s all he replies, probably more of a muffled moan due to the grinding pace he’s settled. The tip of his cock perfectly grazes your clit and you almost forget what you wanted to say.
“I’m not fucking on the couch Mingyu,” it comes out breather than you want to, not with the serious tone you were looking for, but it seems to work because his head shoots right up at your words.
“Then let’s go to bed princess,” you see a glimpse of his smirk right before he picks you up. Mingyu knows your place like the back of his hand. He could easily walk around blindfolded, so it’s not hard for him to carry you easily to your bedroom.
He gently drops you on the bed, and, in a flash, he turns on the light and returns back on top of you. Your legs wrap around his waist
The feeling of his lips against yours it’s as addicting as any drug. They move against each other easily, almost like that’s how it was always supposed to be. Your hands are all over each other’s bodies, roaming freely now that you have more space. His skin burns against yours, his touches leave traces you’ll never be able to forget.
Your hand sneaks down to wrap around his hard and leaking cock. You start plumping at a torturing slow pace, feeling every vein against your hand.
A shiver runs through him when your fingers pay special attention to the tip, drawing circles around it. He moans in your ear in response, and you feel his dick twitch against your palm right before a rush of more pre cum leaks out.
The juices make it easy for you to plump it a little faster, drawing little sighs out of him. His cock feels so thick against your hand, it makes you clench around nothing at the thought of having him inside.
“I need you inside,” His cock twitches again at your half-moaned words, exposing the effect your words have on him.
“Are you sure?”
“Please Mingyu,” you place his tip at your entrance at his hesitation. He moans at the feeling of your wet hole covering his leaking tip.
“You’re making me crazy.” He says as you wrap your legs tightly around his waist, and he pushes it inside just a little, but enough to have you both moaning.
“It’s what I do best,” you manage to get out right before he slowly thrusts inside, letting you feel just how much it deliciously stretches you.
The initial burning sensation of the stretch quickly dissolves and turns into pleasure when he bottoms out. He’s so deep inside that you can feel him in your throat, reaching places you’re not sure anyone has even came close to.
He twitches inside you when you clench around him, signaling him you’re ready, but he doesn’t move. His head sneaks down to your neck, and you can feel his heavy breathing.
You grab his face to make him look at you. “What are you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything!" He replies feigning innocence.
“That’s exactly what I’m complaining about."
“Just wait.” He places his hands on your waist to keep you from moving.
He notices your questioning look and rushes to say, “I'll cum too fast and I really don’t want this to be over too soon.” He finishes with an embarrassed tone, looking down to avoid your gaze.
“Who said it has to be over?” You try to sound playful, but he still isn’t looking up. “Mingyu look at me.” His head shoots straight up at your serious tone.
“You know I don’t fuck around and even less with my friends. I don’t want this to be a onetime thing.” He’s looking at you with those puppy eyes that always make you weak.
Mingyu’s fingers draw circles on your sides. The touch feels so intimate, yet so right, because it’s him. “I don’t want it to be a one-time thing either,” He says carefully.
A reminder that he’s still inside you hits when you unconsciously clench around him and you both hiss at the stimulation.
“Then don’t worry.” Your hands caress the side of his face, and he leans into the touch. “We can talk later when you don’t have your dick fully inside of me.”
He chuckles at your words, and the vibrations reach all the way down to your connected cores. You give him a little peck and say, “Now please move because I’m going crazy."
A chuckle leaves his mouth again at your eagerness, but does what you asked nonetheless.
The first drag of his cock has you both moaning on each other’s mouths.
Your walls hug him just right and Mingyu thinks this might just be what heaven feels like. He might get addicted to the feeling of you wrapped around him, a moaning mess under him, because of him.
The pace of his thrusts become hard and fast when he finds your g-spot. His gands grip your hips tightly, and your nails claw on his back, digging into his skin as he abuses the spot and he groans at the feeling.
It's almost embarrassing how quickly you begin to feel the familiar burning sensation on the pit of your stomach. His dick molding your insides to fit him have you in a delirious state, and you clench impossibly tighter around him.
“You’re so tight oh my god,” He sighs against your neck after leaving a trail of marks that for sure are going to be visible tomorrow, but you don’t care. Your walls clench around him tightly, so tight he almost slips out.
“I’m so close,” the words leave your mouth in the form of a moan, and Mingyu responds by lowering one of his hands and directly stimulating your clit. “Cum with me Gyu please."
Your words snap something inside of him. His quick fingers match his relentless rhythm, and you’re shivering under him, your orgasm so close you can taste it, rushing towards you at the speed of light. His pounds become sloppy, and you know he's close too.
Your chests flush together, making his thrusts impossibly deeper. You’re seeing stars and babbling words out that you can’t decipher, but that seems to eager him on more.
Your bed is squeaking and hitting the wall behind, but it’s just background noise for you. The only thing on your mind is Mingyu inside of you and your orgasm so close so snapping you’re almost screaming every time his cock hits that spot inside you.
When Mingyu gets up from his hiding place on your neck, grabs your legs, and puts them on his shoulders you’re done for.
No less than a few thrusts in the new position, and you’re seeing white. The orgasm makes you shake uncontrollably under him, clenching and moaning with no restriction whatsoever.
Mingyu’s still pounding on you, chasing his own orgasm while maintaining yours on its peak for a record time. “I want you inside,” are the only words you register coming out of you.
You manage to stop shaking just when you feel him twitch, releasing inside of you with a drawn out moan, filling you up with his seed.
He collapses on top of you. You can feel his dick somehow still twitching inside of you. One of his hands finds yours and interlocks your fingers.
You stay like that for a while, his face nuzzled on your neck, your other hand drawing circles on his back, and your heartbeats aligned.
“Now don’t fall asleep on me,” you say when you feel his breathing slowing down and he laughs lightly.
“You’re too comfortable,” he nuzzles his face on your neck and gives you a peck. It’s his new favorite place in the whole world. “I want to stay like this forever.”
“That’s really sweet Gyu,” You look down at where you know his head is, and find him already staring at you, “But you’re crushing me.”
“Oh my god I’m sorry,” He rushes to apologize and motions to get up.
“It’s oka-ay oh my god!" He slips out of you in the middle of your sentence, and you can’t help to moan out. The drag of his cock on your overstimulated hole makes your mind foggy.
But nothing prepared you to feel his digits drag across your lower lips again. He’s almost in a trance, gathering both of your juices and spreading them all around your pussy, like it’s some kind of painting he’s working on.
The light stimulation turns you on again and he doesn’t resist the urge to dive into you pussy again, drinking the mix of juices and cleaning up the mess he just made. His tongue travels across every crevice in search for more of your juices.
When he notices more of his seed seeping out of you, he gathers it with two of his fingers and stuff it inside you again.
The sudden intrusion makes you whine in response. Your hands shoot down to his hair and tug at it. He moans at the feeling, reminding you his mouth is still on your lower lips.
Your insides are still sensitive from your delirious orgasm not long ago, and you feel every stroke raw and deep. His fingers push his seed further inside of you, curling up and finding your g-spot again in record time.
“Oh my god Mingyu!” His fingers abuse your spot while his tongue flattens on your clit.
“Mhm you like that? You like how I’m stuffing you full of my cum?” You can only moan in response as his tongue is back at you.
You grind yourself against his tongue, and he speeds up his fingers, thrusting hard and sharp exactly where you need it. The stimulation on your insides combined with his tongue is too much on you.
“I’m-m gonna c-cum!” You barely scream those words out right before you feel your release. You’re squirming and shaking under him, and his free hand has to hold you down. But his movements don’t stop. His fingers keep hitting inside you, drawing out your orgasm once more.
He slows down as you stop shaking and drags his fingers out of you when you stop clenching around them. His mouth is cleaning all your juices again. You have to push his face away before the overstimulation gets too much.
“Holy shit Mingyu,” you’re breathless, recovering from probably one of the best orgasms of your life.
“Are you okay?” Mingyu says as he lays down by your side, hugging you as you lay your head on his chest. His hands caress your back softly, and you listen to his heartbeat under your ear.
“That was amazing.” You try to escape his arms to go to the bathroom to clean up, but he doesn’t let you.
His arms squeeze you in, “You’re not going anywhere.” You can’t help to chuckle at his reaction. “I’m just going to the bathroom babe, I’ll be right back.”
He reluctantly looses up his arms, but as you stand up, his hand grabs yours. When you look back, you find his endearing puppy eyes watching you, “What?” You ask with a smile on your face.
“Come back?” He simply says, and your smile widens. He’s so cute when he gets so sulky. You crouch down to give him a peck. He tries to deepen it, but you don’t let him, “I’ll be right back, I promise. Count to twenty and I’ll be back here again.”
He let’s go of your hands and starts counting out loud. You laugh as you walk fast to the bathroom. You clean up as best as you can and put clean underwear.
When you’re back, you notice he also put his boxers back on and tidied up the bed a little.
You jump to bed beside him, giving him a kiss after kiss on the lips. You separate just enough to stare at his face. His eyes have a sparkle in them you’ve never seen before, “Is this real?"
You’re both on your sides. Your hands are caressing the sides of his face while his are on your waist. You’re both staring and smiling at each other like idiots when he raises his voice.
“Can I tell you something? But promise not to laugh.” He asks with those puppy eyes, and you wouldn’t be able to tell him no even if you wanted to. “I’m listening.”
“Remember what I said earlier, about wanting to do this for a long time? I” He pauses to think, and you just nod and stare at him, afraid of what he has to say next. “I really meant it, but like, not just having sex. I always imagined doing this on other circumstances, so forgive me if this sounds too rushed, but I really, really like you. I think I’ve had a crush on you since the first time we met, and every year that passed, my feeling never died down. It’s okay if you just want to stay friends after this, but I had to tell you I liked you. I can’t hold back any longer.”
You’re left speechless. Your brain tries to process everything that just came out of the mouth of the man of your dreams. “Are you serious?” Are the only words that manage so escape before you can even think about them.
Mingyu’s taken aback by your answer, but you're quick to continue, “Is this a dream? I must be dreaming.” Your smile widens as you fully understand everything that just happened.
“Mingyu why didn’t you tell me sooner!” Your hand slaps him lightly on his chest, and he gives you a confused smile. “I really really like you too!”
You’ve never seen him wearing a smile so big in your life, and you never want to go back to that dark and obscure world.
His grip tightens on your waist as he brings your bodies together, linking your lips in a soft kiss, letting you feel everything he couldn’t say out loud.
The kiss is sweet and slow, with no trace of hunger or lust. You take time to savor each other, now that you have all the time in the world together.
“We’re really stupid,” Mingyu jokes when you’re forced to separate in search for some air.
“I know right? We could’ve been doing this for a long time, but we’re chickens.”
“Hey! I confessed first! If I didn’t chase after you at the party, this wouldn’t have happened.”
“Okaay you’re right,” You roll your eyes jokingly and cover your bodies with the bed sheets. You give him a little peck and turn around in his arms, and your back now flushed against his chest. “Let’s go to sleep.”
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The morning sun and the personal heater behind you wake you up. You feel a hand caressing your tummy softly and turn around.
“How long have you been awake?”
You never want to go back to a time when you don’t wake up in Mingyu’s arms. Him wrapped around you, seeing his bare face just woken up. You think this is how life is supposed to be.
“Just a little while.” He smiles softly, still a little drowsy.
“You should’ve woken me up!”
“I didn’t want to bother you, besides I was just savoring the moment."
You hug him back, wrapping your arms around his back and nuzzling your head on his chest. The silence is peaceful as you both drink up each other’s presence.
His soft touches almost drift you back to sleep, but a little reminder pops up in your head.
“What time is it?” You hurriedly ask, reluctantly separating your bodies.
“I don’t know it’s probably like noon.”
“Oh my god Gyu today is the reunion! I almost forgot about it! We have to get ready.”
“It’s okay we have all afternoon.” He brings your bodies closer again, not letting you out of his grip.
“You don’t understand, I need all afternoon to get ready.”
“You could walk out there wearing a trash bag, and you’ll still be the prettiest, sexiest one there.” Blush creeps in on your cheeks at the compliment, and Mingyu can’t help the need to kiss you at the sight.
“Thank you, really,” you say in between kisses, “but I’ve been stressing about this for weeks and getting everything for the outfit so… you need to get going.”
“Are you kicking me out?” He moves his head to your neck, kissing your sensitive spot.
“You’re distracting,” you sigh out, giving into his touch and flushing your bodies closer. “We really need to get u-“.
His mouth is back on yours, interrupting you and kissing you with lust and neediness. Your actions don’t align with your words, as your hands sneak up to his hair and deepen the kiss.
You feel his growing bulge against your thigh and sigh against his mouth, giving him an opening for his tongue to dance around yours lazily.
It’s when he grinds against you that your mind remembers your original plan, and somehow you break the kiss.
“Let’s go,” you manage to get up before he catches you in his arms again. He’s lost, hair a mess from sleeping and from your hands, and you can see the outline of his growing bulge.
“You’re soo mean,” You put an oversized t-shirt on and drag him out of bed and onto the living room, where all your clothes are scattered on the floor.
“Do you want some coffee?” You ask him from your kitchen while he picks up his clothes and dresses up.
He doesn’t reply, so you think he didn’t hear you and start preparing two coffees just in case. That’s when you feel two arms hugging you from behind. Your back is pressed against his chest, and he’s kissing your neck.
“I think I’ll get going.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you.” You turn around to face him, scared you ruined the day.
“No you didn’t! It’s okay, I understand, and besides, now I have all the time in the world to make you mine.” He kisses you softly for a few seconds before breaking it off, leaving you dizzy. “See you tonight."
He goes directly to your entrance, leaving you shocked on the kitchen, opens the door and waves you goodbye.
Not even one minute later, you hear your phone ding. You grab it thinking it’s Mingyu, but it’s not.
Kwanie: tell me I did not just see
Kwanie: Kim fucking Mingyu walking out of your apartment
Kwanie: all messed up and with the same clothes as yesterday
Kwanie: you have some explaining to do I’ll be waiting but not patiently
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note: tysm for reading♥︎
I've been writing this for over a month, I got stuck so many times trying to figure out the best way to end it, ik it's kind of abrupt I apologize :(
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abigails-gf · 5 months
abby x fem pregnant (and then mom) reader plss
abby anderson x f!reader.
warnings: brief mention of IUI (insemination), reader is pregnant, brief mention of sickness, labor/delivery, some postpartrum baby blues.
a/n: hi! i'm so sorry for taking so long to write this one. i had to do some research for all of this since i've never been pregnant, so i'm sorry if it's not accurate, i guess? i tried my best. i'm super proud of it though, and i hope you all enjoy it too. this one is pretty long, around 6k words. maybe my longest fic? honestly, mama!abby might be my favourite version of abigail. 🫶🏻🫧🫧 she's just so sweet and caring. i love her so, so much. thank you all for the support! thank you. i hope you all like this one. ♡
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you and abby had been wanting a baby for a long time. you'd seen multiple doctors, talked to nurses, got a bunch of blood tests, saw files of potential donors...
until the day finally came — around two weeks after the insemination, you had decided to take a pregnancy test. your period was late and the doctor had suggested you to do so. abby went to the pharmacy and got you a pregnancy test. you closed the bathroom door behind you, abby on the other side. a few minutes later, you washed your hands and opened the bathroom door.
abby closed the toilet lid and sat on top of it, pulling you onto her lap. you held the test in your hand. you two waited in silence, waiting to see the second line appear. abby had her arms around you, squeezing you.
suddenly, you squealed. "oh my fucking god!" you and abby looked at the test quietly before she started to tear up. she hugged you tightly, crying into your arms as you started to cry too, looking down at the test. "can't believe it..." she whispered, taking another look at the positive test. "we're gonna be parents." you turned your head a little, facing abby who smiled at you, her cheeks flushed, tears in her eyes. "oh, baby..." you kissed her. "i love you so much. love you so so much." you kissed her lips, cheeks, nose, eyes. everywhere. she chuckled and kissed you softly. "i'm so happy, baby. so happy you're gonna carry our baby." her eyes fell to your stomach. "there's a little guy in there", she sniffled.
she took a few days off, to come with you to the first ultrasound. the doctor applied the gel on your stomach. abby was standing next to you, squeezing your hand.
"ah. there they are... see that little white ball, here?" the doctor spoke in a gentle voice, pointing at the screen as she moved the transducer on your stomach. "see it?" she looked at you. your eyes were fixed on the screen. you could barely see it – see them, your baby. but oh, how you cried. the doctor smiled as abby hugged you, kissing your head. you looked up at the doctor and apologised. she let you and abby alone in her office.
abby took your face in her hands, caressing your cheeks. "we're gonna be mamas, baby", abby spoke, your foreheads touching. "yeah, we are." you looked into her blue eyes. "i love you s'much, angel. my pretty girl. mama of my kid." she kissed you, feeling you smile against her lips.
weeks passed by and abby was still so supportive. you both had noticed the changes in your body: the way your favorite jeans and the bra abby got you for your anniversary didn't fit so well anymore, the little belly bump being more visible. and the way you complained about feeling sore, tired... abby gave you massages each night before bed.
she sat behind you in bed, put some essentials oils on her hands before placing them between your neck and shoulders, softly applying pressure. "oh, god..." you let out. she smiled as she massaged your shoulders.
her hands started to travel to your front, as she massaged your breasts. you had been complaining about them hurting. she held them in her big hands, oiling them. you pressed your back to abby's chest, letting out sighs of contentment. "feels good, honey?" you nodded, eyes closed as she started to play with your nipples. she kissed your neck before massaging your boobs some more. she then let her hands fall on your stomach, rubbing your small bump. you opened your eyes and smiled at her. she looked into your eyes and smiled as she caressed your stomach. "so pretty, mama", she whispered, kissing your shoulder, her eyes on your stomach. you looked at her big hands on it. what a pretty sight, you thought.
she did this for the entirety of the pregnancy, even massaging your feet when you complained about how sore they felt. she made sure to cater to all your needs.
when you started feeling sick, she was there for you, she'd wake up at the crack of dawn to check on you, hold your hair if needed. she had taken notes on what helped with sickness and had gotten you a "snack box" which rested on your nightstand. it contained crackers, ginger candies and other goods. she always made sure you drank water and ate throughout the day.
even when she was at work, she called you to make sure you were alright. "how's my girl doing? you know, mel said fruits helped with her sickness when she was pregnant. can you check if we still have some? i'll go to the market after work if not."
you two would go to the mall on weekends, starting to prepare for the baby. you'd gasp over how small the clothes are. "baby! look, it's so small!" you said, holding a pair of shorts or socks. she'd smile and let you put the pair of socks in the cart. abby had picked a few clothes for the baby as well – since you two didn't know the sex yet, you decided to pick things that would fit them no matter what the sex was. she picked some overalls, some bodysuits. "honey, look. isn't that one cute?" she said, picking up a shark plushie. you smiled. "aww, put it in!" you said. she kissed your cheek, putting it in the cart. "love you and our little shark."
as for the nursery, you two decided to keep it simple for now. you had a spare room in your apartment. you and abby decided to leave the walls white, she hung up pictures of you two on the wall just above the crib that she had built. "baby? you okay if we put this picture of my mom here?" she asked, bringing in a photograph of her late mother. "sure, we could put it on the dresser?" abby put the frame with her mother's picture next to a bouquet of tulips. she turned around and hugged you. "thank you, sweetheart." you hugged her back. "hey, are you alright?" you rubbed her back as she hugged you tightly. she sighed.
"yeah." she pulled away, taking a deep breath. "just wish she was here, is all." you smiled softly and caressed her cheek. "honey... your mom would be so proud of you, i'm sure." she held your hand against her cheek. "i know, i know. i just wish she could meet our kid, be there. you know?" you nodded. "i know, baby. i know."
suddenly, you felt a kick in your stomach. "what's wrong?" another kick. you looked up at abby and smiled. "the baby, it's kicking." you took her hand and rested it on your belly, waiting for the next kick. your hand resting above hers as the baby kicked once more. abby got on her knees, putting both hands on your stomach. you smiled down at her. "hey there, little guy. or girl." another small kick. you both chuckled, looking into each other's eyes, standing in the baby's nursery. abby kissed your belly. "so excited to meet them. so thankful for you, baby." she squeezed your hand.
abby had taken a day off to come with you to your 20 weeks ultrasound. she sat on a chair next to the bed as the doctor put the gel on your belly. "let's see..." she spoke, putting the transducer on your cold stomach. as soon as she did so, the sound of a heartbeat came out of the sonogram. you gasped. "oh my god. is that the baby's heartbeat?" the doctor smiled and nodded. "mhm, that it is." you looked at abby. "that's our baby's heartbeat", you whispered. she squeezed your hand tightly, looking at the screen. you could see the shape of the baby's head, their little nose, and tiny legs curled up. you cried. "they're healthy, all is good, mamas." the doctor moved the transducer to the side, up on your belly. she spoke. "do you guys wanna know the sex?" you and abby looked at each other. "do you want to?" you asked abby. she shrugged. "it honestly doesn't matter to me, i'll love them either way." you smiled and abby kissed your head. "then, no." the doctor nodded and wiped the gel off your stomach.
"would it be possible to have a copy of this ultrasound? like, two of them?" abby asked. "sure, just wait here." the doctor left the room and came back a few minutes later with an envelope containing the scans.
you put your copy of ultrasounds in a photo album, along with the first scans you did months ago. abby had kept one of the photos in her wallet and given the others to her father.
she was the sweetest. you were so lucky to have someone like her by your side, to share your life with her, so lucky to have her be the mother of your child. you wanted to thank her, show her how grateful you were, how much you loved her.
you had planned a date night – a picnic, as the days started to get warmer, longer.
you started to prepare the picnic. preparing peanut butter sandwiches, some carrots to munch on, crackers and fruits. you put a blanket first in the basket, then the food, two wine glasses, some water and the bottle of sparkling apple juice that was in your fridge. you got ready, chose something you'd be comfortable in for the evening. abby and you went shopping for maternity clothes, so you had new clothes to wear. you finished getting ready, smiling at your reflection in the mirror. your bump was now the size of a watermelon, as you entered your sixth month.
you made the bed, picking up something from under it, which you've been hiding for a few months.
abby came home around 7pm. "baby, i'm home!" she looked at the full basket in the kitchen and walked to your bedroom. "pretty girl, hi", she said, hugging you. "what's going on?" she whispered. "thought we could go picnic tonight? a date?" abby smiled and nodded. "so sweet t'me, baby." she lifted your chin up and kissed you softly.
abby drove you two to a park. it was a pretty warm evening. she carried the basket until you found a spot near a tree, the sun beaming through its branches.
you helped abby lay down the blanket. "here, sit, baby." you two sat down next to each other and started getting the food out of the basket. you stayed quiet for a few minutes, enjoying this peaceful moment. "thank you, abby." you broke the silence, looking at her. she looked so pretty, the golden hour resting on her face, making her eyes sparkle. "thank me for what?" she asked, popping some berries in her mouth.
"for being here. for taking care of me, for being the absolute best girlfriend ever." you took her hand in yours and looked into her eyes. "i love you." she kissed your forehead. "i love you more, baby. love you so so much, sweet girl. no need to thank me, i should be the one thanking you. you're carrying my kid, already the best mama in the world. prettiest girl, sweetest girl in the world." you kissed her softly.
you reached for something in the basket, hidden by the tissues. you left abby's hand and looked down at your hands, they were shaking. abby was eating a strawberry, looking ahead. "abby?" she was about to answer, when she looked at your hands. she almost choked on the fruit. "baby?"
"abby, will you marry me?"
you opened the small velvet box, revealing a wedding ring. abby started to cry. "baby... is that..." you nod. "your mother's ring, yes. your dad wanted you to have it." you felt tears on your cheeks, smiling brightly, waiting for abby's answer. "baby, fucking yes, yes, yes!" she chuckled and cupped your cheeks, kissing you lovingly. "of course, i want to marry you." you put the ring on her finger. you wiped her tears as she wiped yours. she brought your foreheads together and smiled. "i love you so fucking much. swear, you're the best girl ever. my wife." she couldnt stop smiling. "my wife, mama of my kid, my sweet girl, love of my life." you giggled and kissed her soft lips.
you two spent the evening at the park, in each other's arms. abby rubbed your stomach, smiling at how big it's gotten. "can't believe it. how did i get so lucky, huh?" she kissed your forehead.
abby's father, jerry, invited you both for dinner one night, to celebrate his daughter's engagement. you and abby were seating on the sofa, abby's hand on your thigh. "i'm so proud of you, sweetheart", jerry said, coming back from the kitchen. he smiled at his daughter and hugged her. "your mother would be so proud, too. i can't believe my baby's gonna be a mother and gettin' married." jerry started to tear up. abby smiled. "dad, don't cry. c'mon."
"happy tears, sweetheart, happy tears", he reassured her. he pulled away from abby and looked at you. "told you she'd say yes." you chuckled. "i know. but there was still a tiny part of me that was scared of a no."
abby looked at you and raised an eyebrow. "really? you're carrying our kid and you expected me to say no? really, baby?" she kissed you. "silly girl." jerry smiled at the sight of you, wiping his tears. he looked at abby's ring finger. abby noticed his staring and looked into his eyes. "thank you for this, dad. you sure you don't wanna keep it?" jerry shook his head. "it's yours, sweetheart. plus, i still got mine to remind me of when your mother was mine - that she is mine." abby hugged her dad tightly and sat back down next to you.
jerry thanked you for carrying his grandchild and making his daughter happy. he even gifted you abby's childhood stuffed animal: a zebra. "thank you, honey. for making abs so happy, for being there for her when i can't. you're a real sweetheart. but i'm sure she tells you that everyday, huh?" you smiled and hugged him. "and you call me if you need anything, okay?"
only a few weeks were left before your due date. abby had gotten used to you waking up in pain, your pelvic hurting and back too. you shook her arm, trying to wake her up. you felt guilty for doing so, but she told you to wake her up whenever the pain was too much for you. "mmh, what is it, baby?" she stretched and opened her eyes. she turned on the bedside lamp and looked at you.
"it hurts." you took deep breaths, trying to calm down. "it's okay, baby. just lay back down, lay down." she helped you, putting the pillow under your head, holding your hand. "deep breaths. that's it, good girl." she rubbed your stomach with her free hand as you hissed at the contractions. laying between your legs, hovering over your belly, abby kissed it. "just lay down for me, baby. deep breaths." you relaxed a little as abby started to caress your stomach. "stay here, pretty girl. just gonna get you some water."
she came back a few minutes later with a bottle of water and sat at the edge of the bed, next to you. "sit up for me and open." abby brought the bottle to your lips and made you drink. "good." she put the bottle on the nightstand and laid back down next to you, rubbing circles on your stomach. "how do you feel now?" the contractions had calmed.
"better. thanks to you." she smiled and kissed your temple. "yeah? come here, sweet girl." she wrapped an arm around you, pulling you closer, spooning you. her other hand on your stomach, continuing its soothing motions. "sorry for waking you up", you apologised. she kissed your neck. "shh, s'alright, mama. told you to tell me if you need anything."
you slowly drifted off to sleep in your wife's arms.
during the last weeks, abby had taken days off here and there, to be by your side. "but what if you go into labor while i'm at work?" that was her worry.
she helped you prepare your hospital bag – packing comfy clothes, sweatpants, pyjamas for you and the baby. toileteries, some essential oils, diapers and things for the baby. she also put the plushies for the baby, but also for you, if you needed some comfort.
thankfully, the day you went into labor was her day off.
you two were on the couch, abby had prepared your favorite for lunch. you were watching a movie, her hand on your stomach as you ate. the plate was balanced on your belly. you were about to put the plate on the coffee table when suddenly you felt something damp. at first, you had thought you peed yourself – which happened once during the last month. you looked at abby and stood up, looking at your seat, feeling the liquid trickling between your thighs. abby looked up at you. "baby, i think your water's breaking", she said calmly. you were in a state of shock, not moving.
abby stood up and put her hands on your shoulders. "baby, look at me. look at me, sweet girl." you did as she told you. "we're gonna get you changed, and then, we'll drive to the hospital. okay?" you nodded.
abby took you to the bathroom and helped you put on a diaper. abby could tell you were anxious and embarrassed. "baby, it's alright. i'm here, i'm here", she reassured you, taking off your soaked clothes. "arms up, baby", she said, helping you get dressed. she seemed so calm compared to you. she kissed your head.
"we'll be okay. promise."
she went to the bedroom and picked up your hospital bag. she helped you put your shoes on.
"come on, baby." she opened the door and took your hand, pulling you out of the house. you stayed close to her, hugging her as she walked you to the car.
in the car, she had her hand on your stomach. "it's alright, baby. deep breaths", she said as you started to have contractions. you listened to her, trying to focus on your breathing.
as you arrived to the hospital, abby held you, an arm wrapped around you. "my wife's going into labor", she said to the secretary at the entrance.
you were laying on a hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown as abby sat next to you. you squeezed her hand whenever you felt your stomach contract. "abs, it hurts so much." you said, on the verge of tears. "i know, baby. but you're doing so good. they said you were already 5cm dilated." she kissed your head.
you two had been sitting here for a two hours already. abby tried her best to reassure you, help you. she massaged your shoulders, helped you off the bed when you needed to go to the bathroom, tried to distract you from the pain by talking.
she put a wet cloth on your forehead and caressed your belly. "you're doin' so good, baby. keep on taking deep breaths." she kissed your cheek as you tried to focus on her voice.
"you're doing a good job, just a little more", the obstetrician said between your legs. you were sweating, letting out grunts as you pushed. "slow and long push, come on."
abby let you bite her fingers and squeeze her hand. "you can do it, sweetheart. think of the baby, how happy you'd be holding them in." she kept on patting the wet cloth on your face, caressing your hand.
one last push.
you were out of breath, tired, exhausted, your ears were ringing, your eyes almost closing. but screams woke you up. you flashed your eyes open and looked at the midwife who put the baby in your arms.
as soon as they were in your arms, they stopped crying. their skin covered in white vernix, eyes shut, small fingers moving toward yours. the baby wrapped their small fingers around yours. you started to sob.
you looked at abby, who was crying. she smiled down at you and the baby. "it's our baby," you whispered, looking back down. the midwife wiped the baby a bit, giving you a warm towel to hold them with. "it's a girl, congratulations", she said, smiling at you and abby. "a girl", you repeated.
abby kissed your cheek and your head. "love you and her so much." she cried, her lips against your cheek.
you looked at your daughter, her small hand wrapped around your fingers, the way she looked at you and abby – you were sure there was no greater feeling than this. abby put one of her fingers in front of your newborn, who wrapped her other tiny hand around abby's finger. "hey, sweet girl", she spoke in a soft voice.
"she's so small", she whispered. you smiled. "mhm, but ain't she adorable?" abby nodded and kissed your head. "just like her mama."
a total of 6 hours had passed since abby and you entered the hospital. the sun was slowly setting down. it had been an hour since your daughter was born, she was sucking on your nipple. abby watched you two from her chair.
you looked at her. "thank you for being here, abby. wouldn't have done it without you."
"no, thank you. thank you for being here, for being my wife, for giving birth to our daughter." she kissed your head and looked down at your daughter. "prettiest baby girl, there is." abby couldn't help but grin as she caressed your daughter's face.
"her skin is so soft." the baby moved her face towards abby. "let me hold her", abby said, carefully picking the baby up, making her scrunch her legs. you felt tears running down your cheeks at the sight.
"i'm so scared to move, she's so small." abby chuckled. your daughter in the crook of her big arms, she had her eyes closed, her little chest rising up and down. she was wearing a footie pyjama with different kinds of sharks that abby had picked and a little beanie. abby couldn't peel her eyes off your daughter. "she's so pretty. so small, so soft. and so, so cute. just like her mama." she looked back at you.
"thank you, baby. thank you for being the best wife i could ever ask for." you grinned as abby came closer to you, leaning down to quickly kiss your lips. "i love you, i love you and our daughter more than anything."
the first weeks back home were hard. you had some days were you could barely get up, stayed in bed and only held the baby for her meals or when she was asleep. abby would bottle feed your daughter if you were asleep, or when she woke up during the night. "baby, you don't have to do it. i can feed her, just wake me up", you've told her multiple times.
she walked around your room, bottle in hand, baby in her arms. "shush, mama. you gotta rest. i got it", she reassured you. you looked at your wife and your daughter, who was sucking vigorously on the bottle's nipple.
abby held your daughter against her, gently tapping her back until she heard a small burp. you giggled and abby smiled at you. "cute burp, isn't it?"
abby was there for you and the baby. she took care of you while the baby was napping, giving you massages, preparing you baths, make you lunch. she made sure you felt loved; always reminding you throughout the day how grateful she was to have you in her life.
once, you had sent her to get some diapers and she came back with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. "i love you, sweetheart." she kissed your head as you were holding the baby, walking around the house. you smiled and kissed her back. "i love you too, abby."
another night, you had woken up to abby's side of the bed being empty. it was early in the morning, still dark outside. you heard some whispers coming from the nursery. you got up and walked to the room.
the door was opened, the night light casting a blue hue in the room. you could see abby sitting on the armchair, not wearing anything on top, holding your daughter in her arms. abby's braid fell on her shoulder, the baby's hand on her naked chest. abby looked up as she heard your steps. she smiled. you walked to abby's chair and kissed your baby's head. you looked at abby and smiled. "hi." you kissed her lips. "let me put her to bed and i'll join you."
abby stood up, careful not to wake up the baby up. she walked to the crib and gently put the baby inside. you hugged abby from behind, kissing her bare back. abby stayed there for a minute, watching your daughter sleep so peacefully. abby grazed her fingers on one of the aquatic felt animals on the mobile above the crib and turned to face you.
"i love you, so much", she whispered, wrapping her arms around you.
abby's dad often came over. even more since abby had gone back to work after her paternity leave. since he was retired, he had plenty of time to come and help you. he also always insisted on babysitting your daughter so you and abby could go out for dinner or just go out the two of you. you were a bit scared to leave him alone with her at first, not wanting her to feel abandoned or confused. but your daughter seemed to love her grandfather, always reaching out for him when he walked through the door. and he loved her too.
jerry was playing with your daughter on her playing mat. she was giggling as he blew raspberries on her tummy. your daughter was now 4 months old. she was holding her zebra stuffie, which once belonged to abby, in her hand. absolutely adorable, you thought.
abby put a hand on the small of your back as you stood in the doorway. "you ready to go, my love?" you nodded. "mhm. jerry, you're sure you got this?" abby's dad looked up at you two and smiled. "go, don't worry. ow, ow!" he looked down at your daughter who was putting his fingers in her mouth. he giggled and poked her small tummy. "alright dad, call us if you need anything", abby said before walking out of your apartment.
she had booked a reservation at your favorite restaurant. you held her arm as you two entered the place. "here." the waiter said as he guided you to your table.
abby, pulled your chair towards her for you to sit. "well, thank you." you smiled. she sat in front of you, and looked into your eyes. "you look so pretty, baby." she smirked at you. "oh, shush."
dinner went well, abby and you talked about her work, how you've been feeling, and your wedding. "i thought, maybe we could do something, just the three of us. elope." you looked at her. "you don't want to invite your dad?"
"just us three", she reaffirmed. "what do you think?" the waiter came with your desserts, a cheesecake for abby and your usual. "thank you."
"well, i would love that. but when? and where? and what about our families?" abby takes your hand in her. "we could have a small party once we're back. but for now, i just want it to be us three. you, our daughter and me." she smiled softly. she squeezed your hand and looked into your pretty eyes. "as for when and where: how about next summer? i could take a few weeks off. and for where – anywhere my wife wants to go." she brought your hand to her lips and kissed it.
you smiled at her, feeling your cheeks warming. "i love you so much, abs."
"baby? how about catalina island?" you asked abby, scrolling on your phone. abby was changing your daughter, closing her overalls. "let me see."
you put your phone in front of her as she picked up the baby. "oh, s'pretty. can you check the laws on marriage certificates in california?" you nodded, opening another page on your phone.
abby gently bounced the baby in her arms. "we don't need to be from cali to get married, no blood tests required but a we need a witness..." you said, looking at your phone. "alright, i'll check for an attorney and an officiant." abby kissed your head. "you look for a photographer, mmh? and we'll check places to stay at together." you kissed her softly and looked down at your daughter. "your mama is the sweetest. did you know that, sweetheart?" abby blushed and hugged you close.
valentine's day arrived. you woke up, abby already gone to work. you went to your daughter's room to find her already awake, babbling. "hi, my love", you cooed. "hi, my baby." you picked her up and kissed her cheek. you went to the kitchen when you found a small note on the fridge: "happy valentine's day. x i'll come home a bit later. i love you. abs."
you smiled and started your day. you fed your daughter some banana puree. she had grown so much these past few months, already 8 months old. she had grown out of her newborn clothes so fast. you smiled as you put the spoon in her mouth. "good job, sweetheart." she looked up at you and smiled, flashing you her smile, her two bottom teeth showing. you kissed her small nose.
the day went by fast, you and your daughter went out to the park. she was so adorable, looking around, observing the world around her, babbling. then, you went to the florist and got a bouquet of blue hydrangea.
you went back home and put the bouquet in a vase, on the kitchen table. you spent the afternoon with your baby, reading for her, bathing with her. after the bath, you put her in her diaper and pyjamas before doing the same with you. you made your baby some puree and fed her.
you played with her a little until she cried. you breastfed her, watching her slowly dozing off. "mama loves you, baby", you whispered, wiping her mouth and kissing her head. you put your daughter to bed, turning on her night light and mobile.
you went to the kitchen and prepared dinner for you and abby. she finally came home around 7:30pm. she came to the kitchen to greet you. "baby, thanks for the flowers." she spoke, kissing your cheek. "happy valentine's day, my love" you looked at her and kissed her. "what were you doing? comin' home so late?"
she smirked. "had some work to finish." she kissed your head and hugged you from behind.
you two had dinner, talking about your elopement, your day, how much your daughter's growing. "by the way, i checked and we'll have to make a stop for a few days in L.A, to get our wedding license. and then get the ferry to the island." abby explained. "oh, that's alright. yeah, we can do that." abby kissed your hand, sensing you were a nervous. "it'll be alright, i promise."
abby went to take a shower as you waited for her in your bed, reading. she came out of it, wearing nothing but her towel. you looked up from your book and felt your face get warm. all this time, and she still had the same effect on you. she quickly looked for something in her work bag before clearing her throat. she sat on the bed.
"my love?" you nodded. she opened the small box, a ring with a small diamond in it. you gasped. "abby, i can't – why?" she grinned. "course you can, you're my wife. but you'll get to wear it on our wedding day. just wanted your approval. you like it?" you leaned your head on her shoulder and kissed her neck. "mhm. thank you, baby."
she smiled and closed the box, putting it on the nightstand before kissing you. she cupped your face and deepened the kiss.
that night, she came on your tongue, thanking you, her wife. she worshipped your body, kissing you all over. thanking you for being hers, for the kid you had given her. you two made love, whispering "i love you's" to each other.
abby was slowly falling asleep when the baby woke up. you were about to get up when she stopped you. "i got it." she stood up and put a random t-shirt and underwear before going to your daughter's room. you smiled, still wondering how you got so lucky.
the trip to los angeles went smoothly. abby and you decided to pay for an extra sit so you'd have a row for you three, and somewhere to put the baby's bassinet. you made sure to pack enough diapers and changes for the flight. you nursed your daughter during take-off and landing, as you read it helped with ear pressure and she slept during the whole two hours flight. you checked into the hotel you were staying at for the next four days. "we'll rest for the rest of the day and then tomorrow we'll go to the county clerk. the appointment is at 10am."
you spent the rest of the day sleeping, abby took the baby on a walk while you did so. she made sure to put sunscreen on her small face, little arms and legs and even put on her little bucket hat. "you're so cute." she spoke to your daughter, kissing her tummy.
the next day, abby, your daughter and you were on your way to the county clerk. you had checked before hand if you had all the documents needed to request a license. it all went well.
the attorney said that they will call as soon as the license is ready and will assign you a judge. you and abby smiled at each other. "thank you." abby said, shaking the attorney's hand.
two days later, abby got a call on her phone. "hello?" she answered. she looked at you and your daughter, sitting on the hotel bed. she grinned. "amazing! we'll be there. 2pm, today. thank you." she hung up. "they got our license."
abby looked down at you sitting and cupped your face, kissing you. "we're gonna get married, it's official." you kissed her back, holding your daughter close to you. "my wife." you whispered into the kiss. "my wife." she repeated.
you stayed one more day in los angeles before taking the ferry to the island.
the trip on the ferry was a bit hard, despite it being only an hour – your daughter was feeling a bit fussy, probably uncomfortable due to the warm weather. you and abby tried your best to calm her down, make sure she drank water, was changed, rubbed her face with a cold wet cloth. and it's only when abby took her on the deck a bit, the breeze touching her puffy cheeks, that she calmed down.
you rented a small apartment a few minutes by foot away from the beach. the californian sun fell on your skin, making you sweat. you made sure to put sunscreen on your daughter's face, arms and legs and even got her a little bucket hat.
as you three settled in the rental, abby called the photographer and the judge to remind them of the place and time of the wedding.
the photographer had texted that she had arrived to the island a day prior you arrived. "baby? she's asking if we want a pre-wedding photoshoot tomorrow afternoon, at the beach?"
you were in the bathroom, washing your daughter. she's giggling and splashing the water. "how much is it?" abby leaned on the bathroom's door. "says it'll be 90 dollars." you turned around. "do you want to? i mean – it's amazing with the sun, the beach. but do you want to?"
abby smiled and got closer to you, kneeling next to you. "it's our wedding. if you want to, then let's do it." she kissed you softly and turned to your daughter. "does my little girl wanna go to the beach? mmh? wanna go see sharks?" you looked at abby. "wait what? there are no sharks, right?" abby chuckled and kissed your head as you looked at her, confused. "you're too cute."
for your first night in catalina island, you three decided to go out for dinner. you had taken the baby wrapper with you, abby being the one wearing it. one of her hand on your daughter's back and the other hand in yours. the sky was a shade of purple, with some hues of red and yellow. the night slowly setting in.
"hey, baby, what about this one? they got cheesecakes." abby said, stopping in front of a restaurant with a view on the beach. "sure." you kissed her cheek as you entered the restaurant. music was coming out of the speaker. "good evening, a table for three, please. with a high chair, if you guys have that." abby spoke to a waitress.
the waitress smiled and asked you to follow her to a table on the terrace. "here, i'm gonna go get the chair." you thanked her.
you and abby sat across from each other, the sunset on your left and on her right. "look, baby. isn't it pretty? it's pretty, mmh?" she spoke to your daughter, who had turned her head to look at the sunset. "ma" she babbled. you and abby smiled. you couldn't believe she was going to turn one year old in a few weeks. the waitress came back with a highchair, putting it on the side of the table. abby held the baby carefully as she unwrapped her, before putting her in the chair. your daughter held abby's index finger.
you ate, abby and you talking about the next few days, as you admired the view – the sunset and your wife, feeding your daughter some mashed potatoes. "the plane's coming, brr..." abby smiled, bringing the food to your daughter's mouth, she clapped her hands and opened. "the plane landed!"
"you okay, baby?" she looked at you from the corner of her eyes. "mhm, just looking at my beautiful wife and my baby." abby chuckled, wiping your daughter's mouth with a tissue. "i love you."
the next day you met with the photographer at the beach. "just act as if i wasn't there", she said, preparing her camera. you and abby played with your daughter, sitting next to her in the sand as she touched it, smiling as she discovered the new texture.
abby and you walked to the water. you held your baby by her hands and lowered her gently, so her feet touched the water. she moved her feet up. "it's okay, baby. s'just water." she hesitated a second before letting her feet on the wet sand again. abby kneeled and looked at her. "yay!" she encouraged your daughter who started giggling at the feeling of water hitting her ankles. "my little shark." abby pretended to bite your daughter in the neck, making her giggle. "nom, nom, nom..."
abby picked her up and looked at you. your daughter looked at you and reached for you, touching your shoulder as abby leaned in for a kiss. "i love you." you kissed her back and grinned. "i love you too, abby. and i love you too, my baby." you looked at your daughter and kissed her head as she giggled and wiggled in abby's arms.
the sun was starting to set, the photographer was starting to pack her things. "so, after tomorrow's the big day for you, huh?" you smiled and nodded. "we're so excited. thank you again for accepting to be our witness." she smiled. "it's no problem, really. i love photographing elopements, though i don't get to do it as much as i'd like to." she put her backpack on her back and waved goodbye. "see you, lovebirds!"
you couldn't believe that in two days you were going to be married to the love of your life. it all seemed so surreal. "i love you, abby." she hugged you close. "i love you more, sweet girl."
it was finally the day abby and you would officially be wife and wife. you had dressed your little girl in a white dress with her little bucket hat. abby was buttoning her white shirt, wearing a pair of light blue pants. she had her hair down, grinning. her cheeks were flushed. "you look so pretty."
she sat on the bed next to you and kissed your head. "so do you." you were wearing an all light blue outfit that matched her suit. you quietly brushed through your wife's blonde hair, before braiding it. once you were done, she turned to you and kissed you softly. "i love you." your noses touched. you kissed her once more. "i love you too."
you three made your way to the beach, the sun caressing your skins. your baby in her stroller. you met with the judge who was already there, and the photographer.
you placed the stroller in front of the judge, where you stood across from abby, waiting for the judge to start speaking. your daughter looking at the both of you as she nibbled on her teether.
"thank you all for coming here today to witness this union. we are here today to celebrate the love between two - or shall i say, three, people." you chuckled nervously, already feeling the tears well up. abby took your hands hers.
"do you", the judged turned to you, "take abigail anderson to be your wedded wife?" you nodded, squeezing abby's hands. "i do."
"and do you, abigail anderson, take this woman to be your wedded wife?" she wiped her tears and nodded, "i do."
"i love you so much. i swear, i love you and our daughter more than anything. i've loved you for so long, i don't know what i'd do without you. you've been here for me during good and hard times, always trying to help. you've been my anchor all these years. i love you." she looked at you, sniffling. you were also crying, squeezing her hands. she caressed the back of them with her thumbs. "i love you", you whispered back.
abby got the ring out of her pocket, the one she had gotten you on valentine's day a few months back. she held your left hand up and slid the ring on your finger. she kissed each one of your fingers. "i love you." she cried as you caressed her cheek.
"you may now kiss", the judge spoke. you wrapped your arms around her neck and kissed her, passionately. she wrapped her strong arms around you. "i love you so much", she whispered into the kiss.
all you've ever needed was here. your wife, your daughter. you felt like the luckiest woman in the world, and so did abby. she was so grateful to have you in her life, grateful that you'd chosen her as your wife and mother of your child. "mama!" your daughter said right before the photographer clicked a photo.
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taglist: @abbysprettygiiirl @bambishaven @bunniehrtz @cowboylikeabi @dykeanderson
527 notes · View notes
astrae4 · 12 days
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pairings — park sungho x reader (non idol au)
genre — (wc: 1.5k) fluff, romance 😼, strangers to lovers, fast-burn
warnings — ur kinda stalking him.. a bit…
note — HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY SUNGHO!!! Guys i lowk want a man with shoulders as broad as his 🙁 is that too much to ask.. ALSO DANGEROUS WAS SO GOOD!!! The song teases too omg..right in my alley. I cannot wait for the album drop 😋😋
more works: navigation | bnd!masterlist
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YOU SWEAR YOU’VE NEVER BEEN this interested in gyms before. Yeah, sure, you’re sporty. But gym sporty? Yeah no—that’s another level of torture.
Right now though…man you might just change your mind. You do one more bench press, super slow with your focus elsewhere—namely, the mirror on your right that shows a small reflection of the most scrumptious man you have ever seen in your life.
Those shoulders? Good gosh, they’d be perfect for your hands to rest on, agree?
(And the crowd screams yes!!!)
This was how you started being more consistent in the gym. Currently in week three and you’re so proud that you’re broken your world record of gym streaks.
You’ve decided then: you’re going to get him.
There was just one slight problem to this equation… you don’t have any courage to talk to him.
All you know are three facts:
His name was Park Sungho (how’d you know?you overheard a friend of his call him once. You’re not a creep, okay!!)
He had the most gorgeous shoulders known to mankind.
You want him.
Okay so maybe the third one isn’t really a fact—and you swear (cross your heart!) that your infatuation with him isn’t merely because his eyes are as twinkly as the moon, nor because his lips were plump and not crusty like most men, nor is it also because his voice is just…
Anyways! You get what I mean.
That was how you ended up ranting everything to your friend Sanghyeok—which apparently calls himself Riwoo now because he said he felt more cool and mysterious with that name. ( ok get it our nonchalant dread head!! )
“Park Sungho??” Asked Riwoo, startled once you blurted everything, “you mean the one with the pointy nose and sweet voice?”
You paused and raised an eyebrow at him, “duh? Have you been listening this whole time?”
“No not like that—you mean Park Sungho in class 19.99 right? He’s in your calculus class, dummy.”
Riwoo threw you a deadass stare, before fishing a muffin out his pocket and shoving his face in it. Perhaps he knew you too well as you started shaking him for answers.
”Just go approach him—”
”I can’t!”
”Then stop talking to me about it!”
“Please, my-Ri-to-the-woo—”
”UGH FINE! But no promises and you buy me a dozen donuts tomorrow.”
You didn’t get him that dozen of donuts, but Lee Sanghyeok, being the good friend he is, still ended up conversing with his Sungho hyung in their shared dance class for you.
Luckily for you, he managed to score a hangout—the three of you—for next Wednesday over coffee and desserts.
Finally, with all the gears set in, you could start with ‘diary entry 1: A LADY’S GUIDE TO SECURING A MAN WITH BROAD SHOULDERS’
(yes, it’s meant to be this long)
1. A lady hints, not talks
The first ever step-slash-rule to secure a man is to give hints. Yes, hints. No way are YOU the one to make the first move, you hear me ladies? 😒 If he doesn’t pick up on the clues, then you drop!
Wednesday came. And boy, it came with a lot of nervousness, I tell you! But you were ready. Dropped in the cutest fit you have—a pair of jeans with a puffy dress on top (THIS COMBO>>>)—you were absolutely ready to charm Park Sungho.
It took you a while, but you made it on time (5 minutes late) to the cafe, Riwoo and Sungho conversing already at a table near the windows. Riwoo was the first to see you, sending a wave. You returned it, and right after, Sungho sent you one too—albeit less dramatic. Your smile turned up a bit more before sending a smaller wave back to him.
”Hi guys! Sorry if I’m late.”
”It’s okay, we just came,” replied Riwoo, “this is Sungho, my friend in Dance. Sungho, this is my best friend, [reader]”
Sungho stood up to shake your hand, and you both exchanged ‘nice to meet you’(s).
”Let me get coffee real quick!” You told them, before going to the cashier.
After you ordered, you went back to your seat.
“How are you these days, [reader]?” asked Riwoo
”Good, although I think I overworked my feet yesterday, It hurts slightly,” you replied, which by the way, was a big fat lie.
“Ah, is it doing better now?” asked Sungho, who was deeply concerned.
”It should be, I think,” you replied shortly.
More small talk was made before your order number got called. You went up to get it but before you could fully stand—
“I’ll get it for you, [reader],” answered Sungho.
“Huh?” both you and Riwoo replied in shock.
“You should rest your feet since they might still be in pain if you overexert it,” he replied simply.
“Oh there’s really no need, Sungho—“ you denied at first despite the fact that you were internally giggling.
“Please, I insist,” He replied with a smile that almost melted you on the spot, before taking your receipt and heading to the cashier.
It was silent for a moment before your eyes met Riwoo’s, and his met yours. Both of you kicked each other’s feet before suppressing a big fat grin.
2. a lady takes no risks
consult God (or a fortune teller if you’re not religious) to make sure this man is for you. Use the mind, not the heart.
“Okay,” You muttered to yourself like a nutjob, “IF. And only IF he is the one…um..” you paused your prayer for a second because you had no idea what to say.
You decided to just settle for the classic, “Please send me a sign, amen.”
And with that, you fixed your hair and applied pink lip gloss before leaving the house.
Step after steps, you kept thinking of him until you reached the actual library. You took a deep breath before going in. You were early this time, but it seems that Park Sungho has a matter of showing up super early, because he’s already there—sitting in a seat near the windows.
He had his back facing you, so you snuck up on him quietly before placing your hand on his shoulder.
“Sungho,” you muttered quietly, and he jolted, spinning around to look at you fast.
Were you delusional, or is he staring at you?
“Sungho..?” you repeated.
That seemed to jolt him out of his state, “Oh, [reader]—yes, sorry for that. I was out of it—“
You giggled before taking a seat beside him, “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
There wasn’t much small talk after that, as you both seemed focused and determined to do well on your project. Mid-way, however, a crash followed by a yelp took you out of your very focused state. You turned to see Sungho—only, a book fell on top of his head.
“Sorry!” said a boy above you looking down on the rails. You both seemed to recognize him as Myung Jaehyun, who’s also in your shared calc class together.
“Why that—“ said Sungho, before he gives you a quick brb and went upstairs; probably to murder Jaehyun.
You picked up the book on the ground, and then stilled when you read the title.
‘The Sign’ by Robert Van Kampen.
I mean, you’re not opposing now, are you?
3. A lady enjoys the reaps that she sowed
Get rizzed up all night by a nice guy (stream nice guy!!!)
“I love your shoulders,” you muttered at him, a hand on his bicep.
2 months had passed since you first dated each other.
”Oh yeah?” He replied, but his words seemed unfocused and disconnected—I mean, who can blame him when you’re sitting on him, looking so cute after you both just made out.
“Mhm,” you answered once more.
”Tell me more,” He asked.
You did, but midway you realized he was just looking over your lips—not paying attention. You rolled your eyes.
“Are you even list—“
He cut you off with another kiss. It lasted a while before he pulled away once more.
”Can’t believe I’m yours,” He whispered, smiling goofily.
You giggled. Yeah, Park Sungho’s yours. The man with broad shoulders is yours.
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TAGLIST: @ja4hyvn @flwoie @sulkygyu @xiaoderrrr @ineedaherosavemeenow @lonewolfjinji @teddywonss @taerae-verse
NETWORKS: @k-labels @onedoornet
© astrae4 2024 — please don't copy, translate, or plagiarize my works on all platforms!
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hurts2think · 2 months
Hi I just thought of this but could you maybe do Bridgette x fem reader? Reader is like how Evie was in d2 and making everyone’s dresses for castlecoming? She’s making Bridgette’s dress and Bridgette was originally supposed to go with Ella but since Ella is grounded she has no one to go with. Reader has a crush on her and asks her to go instead
🎀Young!Bridget Hearts x Reader🎀
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Reader pronouns: She/her
Pairing: Young!Bridget Hearts x Fem!reader
Plot: Reader is making everyone's dresses for Castlecoming but isn't going herself. Afterall, the only girl she wants to go with is going with someone else. That is, until her date cancels on her last minute.
Word Count: 1.4k
Extra: I'm sorry this one feels very flat and definitely not my best writing, regardless thank you so much for your support. I get so happy to see you guys like my writing🫶🥹
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Castlecoming comes only once a year but it was nothing you were too fond of. Well, except for the fact it was the time of year you made the most money.
Towards the end of Freshman year you started making dresses, suits, jackets, anything you could think of really to sell. It's been a hobby of yours for your entire life, making dresses out of curtains and safety pins, and one day you got really good at it.
It was actually your friend Bridget who suggested you should start making money off of it.
So then, on every school dance, event, or occasion that a specific person had, you were commissioned to make their dress or suit. You loved what you did and you were proud of it. But now, making all these dresses for Castlecoming made you feel a little... Sad.
Sad that no one had asked you, sad that the only girl you wanted to go with was going with someone else, and sad you'd be missing out on the biggest event of the year. Again.
You tried to put all of the aside and just focus on the dress you're making, but it was hard considering it was being worn by the girl you wished you could go with so deeply.
"Does the bodice fit you okay? Is it too tight?" You asked, adjusting the bodice from behind the pink girl to fit her.
"Oh, it's perfect." She replied, trying her best to hold still while you worked.
You didn't say anything at first, but Bridget seemed a little down. The past couple days you saw her she was practically bursting with excitment. Her best friend, Ella, had asked her to the dance and she was so excited to go. Honestly, when she told you, you wanted to be happy for her but you couldn't help but feel a little jealous.
But now you couldn't help but notice Bridget didn't seem very excited and was pretty quiet compared to her usually self.
"So, uhm, is something wrong?" You finally ask after a long silence while you still work on the little details and fixing the measurements of her dress.
Bridget shifted slightly at the question, "Yeah everything's fine." She laughed half heartedly, "It's just... Ella got grounded the other day. So we won't be able to go to Castlecoming together."
You were honestly a little surprised to hear that. What was Ella grounded for? Was Bridget still going to Castlecoming? "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that..." You say quietly, "Are you going with someone else?"
Though you couldn't see Bridget's face, you could tell she had that sad smile she does occasionally. The sad smile that could crush your heart into a million pieces, "No. But, I figured I should go anyway. I did already pay for the dress, right?" She laughed awkwardly.
For another moment you stayed silent.
You knew Ella and Bridget were only going to the dance together as friends, so maybe you did have a chance with Bridget. But she seemed so sad, it felt like maybe it wasn't the right time to ask her. You would feel like an awful person if you tried using her misfortune for your own sake. "So there's... No one else you'd want to go with?"
Bridget sighed, "Well you and Ella are my only friends... And you already said you weren't going. So not really..."
"Uhm. I said that?" You laughed nervously, knowing full well you did in fact tell her you weren't going.
She looked over her bare shoulder to look at you in the face, "Yeah. You said dances weren't your style and that you wanted to focus on making everyone's outfits."
You glance away from her before clearing your throat, "That does sound like something I probably said..." You trailed off, "But ... Maybe I changed my mind." You say bashfully, only glancing in Bridget's direction.
Her face suddenly lit up and she spun around so her whole body was facing you, "Oh my gosh! You're going? Did someone ask you out? Who was it?" Her whole attitude suddenly changed, basically bursting at the seams with happiness for you.
You felt your face heat up a little embarrassment, "No—! No! No one asked me... I just thought uhm, maybe it would be fun."
Bridget smiled brightly and took your hand that wasn't currently holding a needle and thread, "We should totally go together then! If you have no one to go with, and I have no one to go with, it works perfectly." She giggles, spinning herself under your arm, careful to not mess up her dress.
You felt your face heat up at the declaration and her sudden action, "Oh, uhm,"
"And we can take tons of pictures with my new camera, it'll be so fun! I heard it's just as fun to go with friends than with a date." She continued with her glowing smile.
That smile made your heart beat faster. You slowly let go of her hand, "About that, Bridget..." You start, unsure of what the right words were.
Her expression suddenly turned to concern. "Oh! Do you not want to? I'm sorry, it's okay if you don't want to go together." She reassured, though she definitely looked disappointed.
"No no! It's not that! I do want to go with you, I really do," you say, your heart beating a little faster at the thought of what you wanted to say.
You never felt so nervous before. Asking one of your best friends to a dance in a not-so-friendly way was a little terrifying. You didn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship you had with her in case things turned wrong.
"Then what is it..?" She asked, her tone was so soft. She was always so soft and sweet. She felt like a bouquet of pink flowers with pedals that feel like silk.
You take a deep breath and look her in the eye, "I was just hoping maybe... We could go as... More than friends...?" You finally asked, feeling like you were about to collapse from the anxiety of it.
Bridget's eyes suddenly widened in surprise, "Wait, wait... Really?"
You averted your eyes away, still incredibly embarrassed and just nodded your head without a word.
Bridget suddenly squealed in excitement, and threw her arms around you, "I would love to!"
The hug caught you off guard but you smiled and hugged her back. She hugged you tighter, making it hard for you to breathe and also worry that she would tear her unfinished dress, "Bridget! The dress!" You warn.
She let go of you, "Sorry sorry, I guess I just got excited," she giggled before grabbing your hand again with both of hers, "I'm so happy you asked me."
You smiled and looked at her with such admiration in your eyes, "Well... Let's get this dress done before we run of our of time." You chuckle, smoothing out her dress that got wrinkled from the intense hug.
Bridget laughed, "Yeah. That's probably a good idea. Thank you." She said, leaning forward and kissing you on the cheek, making your face burn again.
"You're the one paying me for the dress..." You laugh softly.
"That's not what I meant." Bridget fidgeted with your hand that was intertwined with yours, "Thank you for asking me. You really are wonderful. If I were to go with anyone to the dance as more than friends, I'm glad it's you."
All of this talk was making you flustered to the break of explosion. Bridget really was the sweetest girl in the world. It was hard to believe she even remotely felt the same way about you, "I guess it's just easy for me to recognize how amazing someone can be." You smile widely.
Bridget giggled yet again, "Maybe after Castlecoming, if you don't decide that you regret asking me, we could maybe be more than friends? Like, girlfriends?" She asked with a bashful smile, her own face turning slightly pink.
You nodded quickly, "I'd really love that." You could never regret this decision. Bridget was so amazing and perfect in every way, how could you ever not want to be her girlfriend?
You couldn't wait to dance with her. You couldn't wait to see her in the finished dress with her hair done and looking beautiful as ever. You couldn't wait to spin her around and watch the sparkly pink hearts on her dress glimmer in the lights. You couldn't wait to hold her after the dance and just giggle to each other all night long.
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buttdumplin · 22 days
For my dear sweet 🌙 anon, who asked for a piece in which transmasc reader clarifies his pronouns with the boys.
cw: poly!141 x transmasc!reader, established relationship, complex gender feelings, comfort
word count: 1070
It’s in the kitchen that you gather the courage, “Can we try something?”
Four heads turn to you, sandwich assembly line quickly forgotten. Maybe this wasn’t the best moment to speak up, your tummy is grumbling already. But you’ve started, so you should see it through. 
“Good god, keep your pants on. This is serious,” you say, voice growing quiet, “And about me.”
The boys swarm around you, eyes burning and ready. Sitting at the table was supposed to let you watch them as they work on lunch, but their looming turns it almost ominous. The sounds of you cracking your fingers, which you tend to do when you’re nervous, does not go unnoticed. 
Johnny chuckles, trying to keep the mood light, “Maybe shoulda phrased it a little differently, love.”
It took you forever to find the right dining table, one big enough to fit all of you and your plates. Days and weeks turned months as you scoured for the perfect one. But as they take their seats, it feels too small. The air is tight. 
“Do you guys remember that talk we had? About gender and me maybe not feeling wholly like a woman?”
They lean towards you, further dwarfing the table, waiting for you to continue. Your belly feels like it’s boiling, tumbling with nerves. That conversation went well, so surely this one will too, right?  If you take the time to look up at them, you’ll see their soft expressions. Simon hunches, blatantly trying to make himself smaller, as if wanting to create space for you to speak. Kind grins adorn Johnny and Kyle’s faces, remembering the conversation well and trying to be encouraging. John just looks proud. Silence breaks as you take a deep breath.
“I think I’m a guy,” you whisper. 
Smiles spread, bodies still, waiting for more. 
“I’m a guy,” you say louder, their grins coaxing yours out.
Kyle takes your hand in his, squeezing gently, “Watch out lads, I’ve got a boyfriend.”
What starts as a giggle soon overwhelms you, turning into a deep belly laugh and running tears down your cheeks. You cling hard to Kyle’s hand, wiping your face a little sloppy. It’s your first time saying it out loud, and there’s no way you could have predicted how fucking euphoric it would be. A spark’s been lit inside your chest, and you think that this must be what true happiness is. It feels so right, and Kyle’s immediate claim fuels you. Another deep sigh steadies you. The hard part is not quite over.
“I hope this doesn’t…” the words come out slowly, “Doesn’t change anything.” Your hand moves in a wide circle, gesturing at each of you.
Their bodies stiffen, caught off guard. Of everything you could have said, that was not what they expected. Worry melts their posture and brings their shoulders down to droop. John and Kyle exchange glances, failure written on their faces. If they’ve left room for this concern, they’ve clearly done something wrong. Johnny cocks his head, confused because why would that be a question? 
When Simon speaks, he almost sounds exasperated, “We’re all men.”
“Yeah, but-”
“All men,” he cuts you off, eyes locked on yours, challenging you to try again. “Boyfriends, like Kyle said.”
“Boyfriends,” you repeat, grin back in place. 
“Get to confuse the cashier at the grocery even more now,” he winks, relieved to see you smiling again. 
A calm silence settles the room again and easy breathing can be heard from all of you. The sinking pressure is lifted from you, letting you bask in the moment. Everything is okay. Your world didn’t crumble. Boyfriends, they said. Sweat threatens to slip your hand from Kyles, making his grip tighten. The pride on John’s face is loud, his dimples growing more pronounced. Johnny drops his chin into his hands, elbows on the table, an impishness about him.
“Logistics,” he says, “Pronouns, please?”
“He/him,” your voice shy.
He cups his ear, “What? Didn’t catch that.”
“He/him,” you say, fullbodied.
Under the table, he squeezes your knee with support. If you weren’t sitting, you’d be squeezing the life outta them, cracking their backs with the force of your hugs. They didn’t even fucking take a beat to respond, they were so immediately onboard. Darling boys continue to bring warmth into your life, erasing your doubts. Though truthfully, it was the possibility of losing them that you were most scared about.
“Terms?” John asks. 
You hesitate to respond, not having gotten quite this far just yet.
“Sweet boy?” he prompts.
Hearing it makes you gasp, your eyes widening and face burning. It hits sweet in your chest and the pleasure of it is visible. It’s the only confirmation John needs. Easing back into his chair, he crosses his arm with sweet satisfaction. The rest of the boys smirk, taking note, minds filling with more ideas.
Kyle has to clear his throat, and thoughts, before he speaks again, “Who do you want to include in this? How do you want to navigate it?”
“I’ve already told my doctors and it’s in my file,” you say proudly, and Johnny answers with excited whooping.
“He/him pronouns in public?” Kyle continues.
“Yes, please,” you eye your guard dogs. The four of them beam, chests swelling from knowing you have so much faith in their abilities to protect you, to keep you safe. 
“Please tell us if there’s ever a situation in which you don’t feel safe doing so. We play by your word,” he swears.
You nod in response, his words spreading a new and lovely warmth through your body. They must have done some homework after that initial conversation, always wanting to be prepared. And it couldn’t be more fucking soothing. Air returns to the room, bringing in levity once more.
“Lovely lads all around,” Johnny looks at each of you, wicked joy painting his face, “What a lucky bastard I am.”
His toothy smile is infectious, catching the rest of you until your faces hurt from mirth. Of course they were amazing with this, they’ve put so much work into maintaining this relationship. All those late nights working through clarifications, the probing answers and check-ins. And they’re doing the same thing now, meeting you head on. And eager to boot. Sweet boys stay sweet. 
“Well,” you say, giggles bubbling from your lips, “Your boyfriend is hungry, so yall best get lunch done.”
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ghostfacesvalentine · 5 months
Anyone’s little toy - Billy Loomis x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Billy Loomis x Fem!Reader
Warnings: A tiny bit of degradation, nothing too bad, fem!receiving oral. That’s it really (?)
Type: Blurb
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Billy finds out readers lack of sexual experience.
Notes: This was originally for Jason Todd but maybe it fits Billy more? Idk shut up. Not proofread, I just needed to get this off my mind 😵‍�� send ideas, specifically Jason Todd and Steve Roger’s in particular.
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You don’t remember how the topic was brought up, all you knew was that you were sitting on Billy’s couch, your back pressed against the cushion as he interrogated you.
There had been an awful amount of sexual tension between you two. Neither of you admitted anything to the other. You were too intimidated to bring anything up to him. You were happy with coming by to hang out with him when he called, talking about his day, your day, ordering food, playing games or watching TV. Sometimes when boredom hit, you even made out, but that was always as far as it went and it wasn’t always.
You couldn’t help but fantasize about it going further, about how he would feel, what he would look like. The closest you got was sitting on his lip with his hands having an ungodly grip on your hips. His kissing always kept you from this world, you forgot everything when Billy Loomis’s spit was in your mouth.
“What is it? Have you ever been touched?” Billy asked in a bitter tone. You were both grown, grown enough to have your own experiences, god knows he had his share. You never confused in him your lack of experience.
“Um” your cheeks flushed red, adamantly avoiding his eyes, they were practically prying into you. The spotlight was on you this whole time, yet it felt like you were on a disgusting display before him.
“Yeah of course I have” you lied. Your eyes still staring at the wall behind him, a frown present on your face in hopes of disguising your truth.
It was nothing to be embarrassed about, but you were ashamed to have a pathetically stupid amount of experience in the sexual aspect of your life.
Billy stared you down like if he was about to devour you, his frown activated across his face, head tilting to the side as he tried to match his eyes with you. “I don’t know, you’re such a sweet baby. I don’t think you’ve ever been anyone’s little toy.. am I right? I could be underestimating you.”
He almost spat out the questions, there was a tinge of jealousy, again, even if you were grown he still had a piece of hope that he could be the only one to see you sprawled out and chanting his name like if he’d show you a small gesture of mercy.
His breath felt hot against your cheek, his tongue peaked out to press against your skin. Your breathing fastened, your legs clenched together in hopes of getting some feeling of relief.
He was eating this up, overly proud of the position he had you in. “Sweet little princess, why aren’t you looking at me? Are you hiding something?” He teased, what an ass. You tucked your bottom lip into your mouth, your eyes refusing to look at his directly as if you could pull one over on him.
Your skirt folded into itself as you kept yourself from getting too close to him, he never went this far and you never went this far, with anyone actually. The embarrassment alone was going to set you off in tears, this was humiliating in the sweetest way.
“N-no im not hiding anything.” You spoke up, barely.
Your squirming was a delicacy to the mercenary. His eyes were prying into your movements, watching you get uneasy. He wanted to tear you apart right then and there. He was only ashamed it took him this long, but there was a long thought process behind his actions.
“I don’t know Y/N. Somethin’s telling me you’re lying to me.” He sung, his head shaking sideways ever so slightly.
It was then his head dipped down to the side of your head, pressing a wet kiss on your cheek, slowly pulling away to watch your reaction. You were as pressed back as you could be in hopes of hiding without actually hiding. You had to check yourself to see if you were still breathing, what the hell was so shameful about this?
“Billy.” You breathed out, his face in front of yours, he slowly knelt down, hands reaching out to your thighs. He would never admit it now, but he could practically smell your arousal. Billy’s hands gripped onto you gently, the outline of his body completely covered you. He was intimidating as much as he was mouth watering.
“Mmm?” He whispered as his hands soothed your thighs gently, his eyes finally dropped down to your figure. Your panties peaked out to him, causing his eyes to focus on your lower part instead. Billy’s thumbs maneuvered to the ends of your skirt, flipping the seam to push back closer to your hips, exposing more of your body to him. He did it so slow, enough to where you could stop him if you needed to, but you didn’t want to.
You were nervous, shy, but you wanted to feel his tough more than anything.
“N-nothing. I just haven’t-“ you frowned again this time dropping your legs onto the couch slowly, sitting up in unison as your eyes finally turned to him. “I’ve never, you know. Really been with anyone. I trust you, I just-“ and there it came, the realization of what you just admitted.
Billy looked up at you, instead of pulling back, his eyes seemed to almost turn a shade darker, turning from your face, back down to your figure. “You’ve never been touched?” He raised an eyebrow, waiting for your response, still unclear with what you were trying to tell him.
“No, I mean I have I just. I’ve never gone all the way, I don’t know what to do.” You admitted without thinking, you absentmindedly pulled away from him and shifted yourself closer to the couch.
“Do you want to do anything with me?” His voice cracked the small silence between you both. You felt the redness approaching your face again, you only answered with a wordless nod. In return, the devious smile made its way back to his drying lips.
“Just tell me if it’s too far” he warned you as his head dipped down again into your thighs, he warmed you back up with wet kisses across your sensitive skin, nipping and sucking at he warm pieces. Your legs responded in shifts, his hands then trailed again to your soft legs, moving them over his shoulder as he pushed his head further up to your core.
There was a change in his ache for you, again, maybe he won’t admit it now but the thought of making you feel good, to be the only one to taste you and leave you scratching at his back when you can’t take it anymore, all the sinful ideas plagued his mind. The fantasy of it all awoke something primal in him, the more the idea saturated his mind, the more desperate he got.
His hands ran up to your hips, pulling you as close as he could to his face, his arms hooked around the bottom for your thighs to hold you in place, his fingers pushed your underwear aside, enough to give him some space to work, he flattened his tongue against your slick folds, causing your head to fall back at the intrusion.
You couldn’t move even if you wanted to. Billy restricted your legs as his mouth opened and sucked into your clit. A gasp escaped your lips at the obscenity of his movements, you never felt anything like it, your legs rubbed against the sides of his head as his mouth moved more desperately by the second.
“Billy-” you whimpered out as his tongue swirled around your opening, your pink cotton panties were in the way of the whole experience but he was too mesmerized by your taste to get away from your pussy for even a second. Your thighs clenched every time he hit a sweet spot, he was careful not to overstimulate you too fast, he was going to try to get you as wet as possible before he fucked you.
His tongue flattened then pierced your hole, feeling the tip of his tongue pushed out by your body, taking turns exploring your folds.
Your head fell back again, feeling nothing but the warm wet spit invade your sensitive slick. Between laps along your cunt he’d pull back to mumble sweet obscenities, the hoods of his eyes dripping down in sweet bliss as he tasted your juices. “Good girl, you’re doing so good.” He praised as he felt your legs squeeze his head again when the pressure was too strong.
You didn’t know what feeling you were chasing, all you knew was that it felt like you could stay here all day, little parts his tongue would swipe made you jolt, you could almost fall asleep in ecstasy.
It wasn’t long until Billy noticed your comfortability, causing him to start lapping at your clit, his left hand pulled apart your folds while the other pulled your underwear aside. Your body sure felt the pressure now, you twisted your lower half without thinking to get away from his tongue.
Billy’s fingers let go of your panties and his index finger made circles against your clit, causing your body to flinch and little moans to escape your salivating mouth. His finger then prodded into you slowly before then just shoving itself as far as he could. His eyes wouldn’t let you go as you squirmed and mumbled out incoherent moans.
“You look so cute when you have something in you.” He muttered, watching you flinch and curl your body forward as he added another finger. You whimpered as he kept the pace, his eyes half closed with lust as you panted at his impatience to use you up.
His fingers moved in a scissoring motion, causing you to squirm again, this time moaning a little louder. “Maybe I do believe you haven’t been played with. I haven’t even started and I know you’re going to cream all over my fingers soon” he hissed.
You pouted, your lustful eyes gleaming down to him, you would have something smart to say if Billy wasn’t rubbing his hands all over your cunt, talking to you like you were a stupid girl chasing a high. His fingers rammed in and out of you in a steady pace, his palm ever so slightly pushing against your clit with every thrusting motion. You felt your body involuntarily clench.
Billy slowly stood to his feet, his hands never stopping or halting in the process. He needed to see you cum more than anything right now, more than you needed to feel it.
“God if you could see yourself right now. You look so pretty.” He whined out as he looked down to you, you looked back at him, with a more prominent frown and an ache in your core. Your hips began to shift as he kept his pace, his left hand made its way up to swipe his thumb across your bottom lip.
“So fucking pretty. Maybe next time I’ll bust a load on your face play with your pretty little cunt and get a picture. What do you say?”
You were wordless, before you could even get the chance to answer he curled his fingers, finding your gspot took him a little longer but when he felt your pussy clench around him he kept prying. You closed your eyes in despair to keep your climax going, bucking your hips as he kept fucking you with his fingers. “Good fucking princess. You look so fucking pretty, fuck.” He moaned, desperate to toss you around, fill you to the brim, he knew better than to go crazy with you so fast, but it wasn’t like he had enough self control to take it slow.
Your body jolted involuntarily, your eyes squeezed shut as you cried out in pleasure. All those sweet noises for him to hear alone were enough to send him over the edge. This was going to be a long night.
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nattblacklupin · 9 days
Cupids ride
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Pairing: Rhysand x fem! Reader
Warnings: Little angst - not really tho, fluff, childhood friends to lovers, amusement park, Mor being supportive bestie
Summary: You're in love with your childhood best friend since forever. You plan on confessing your feelings on special starfall celebrations when something tries to ruin your plans.
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Rhysand had been your best friend since childhood. You remember all of the memories you made with each other. The memories that lingered the most were the moments you slowly fell in love with him. Slowly but hardly, you didn't even realise it till you were drowning in your love for him. His smile awoke butterflies in your stomach, making your cheeks red when it's directed at you. You never felt what you did now, not when you were dating some lyrian soilder that wanted you to be his good little wife, not when Helion wanted for you to sleep with him. What you felt was something deeper, stronger. Even the strongest faes could not stop you from feeling what you feel towards Rhysand.
After discussion with Azriel, the only person that you knew wouldn't tell anyone about your little secret. You decided to confess your feelings. It would be so much better than keeping them inside and hurting yourself and possibly him, too, in the end.
The timing seemed perfect for your plan. This year, Rhysand had planned something extra special for Starfall, insisting that the celebration could be even more magical. And you knew how to make it even more memorable for him.
You had to giggle to yourself when the idea of taking him to date there and confessing your feelings came to your mind. Running over to the table in your room you couldn't help but be happy, everything is going according to your plan. Sitting down with a flick of your hand, you summoned parchment and some pen you can write letter to Rhysand with.
Dear Rhysand,
Hello, how have you been in the day court? And when are you possibly coming back? I apologise for all my witty questions that could be perceived as spying for Azriel (maybe I am, you never know). But I would like to invite you with me to the theme park you organised. We could maybe even go try the ride of cupit, or eye of Velaris how you like to call it. Please answer as soon as possible.
With a light flick of your hand, you send the letter to Rhysand, hoping it will find him in Day court. Your heart hoped even more he would stop his business there to answer. You knew how much he prioritized his work so his court could be happy and save. And in time of starfall, he did even more, wanting to spend time with his family without having to worry about anything going wrong.
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It was the day of starfall, and Rhys still didn't come or even send a letter back. You couldn't help but lay in your bed with a blanket over your head. In two hours is the main part of starfall that all of the night court gathers to watch and enjoy, yet you weren't even getting ready, still sad of the possibility of Rhysand not coming.
Suddenly, Mor barged into your room with a beautiful purple dress in her hand. She was dressed in a beautiful red dress that hugged her every curve.
"Stand up and stop moping around. And I don't take no as a answer" you knew arguring with her would let to nothing as she's stubborn and won't stop till she gets what she wants.
"Look at the dress I brought you." You looked up and down the dress she was now holding in both of her hands like proud mother. "Are you sure it will fit me, Mor?" You asked, not sure about how you will look in it.
"Oh please, you will look magnificent in it. Just imagine Rhys' reactions when he sees you." You stood up as fast as you possibly can. "Rhys is coming?" You asked hopefully to which Mor answered only with smile and tossed the dress at you. "Get dressed. I will do your makeup and hair." She winked and left.
You quickly put the dress on, admiring yourself in the mirror. Mor really choosen well with this one. It was a beautiful purple dress that had gems tailored in it that sparkled as the skies of night court. The dress had just enough cleavage for you to feel comfortable and not like you're being exposed too much. You had to thank Mor for this.
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"I have to go to Emerie, I hope you can entertain yourself for a while, Girly." She winked at you and left in a blink of an eye. You had to smile. They were so cute together. The happiness turned sour as soon as you remember you're alone on starfall. You looked up to see you're standing in front of a cupid ride.
"Fuck it, if no ones gonna take me I will just take myself" you whisper for yourself deciding to spoil yourself little bit. "But I wanted to take you, darling."
You swear you never moved as fast as you did now, turning your head to the source of the voice.
"Rhysand? What are you doing here, I thought you were in summer court." Rhysand stood there, a teasing smile playing on his lips. He came closer to you, his eyes shimmering at you.
"I was, and I am supposed to be. But I got your letter and couldn't leave out the opportunity to be there with you. " He lifted his hand like he wanted to touch you but hesitated, letting it fall. Then, as if gaining confidence, he took your hand in his. The simple contact sent a thrill through you. Did you really make Rhysand, the Lord of the Night Court, nervous?
"You made my night right now, Rhys. I was ready to go on couples ride alone and make myself the biggest joke of starfall. " He chuckled, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face. “That would have been tragic, darling.” He leaned closer to you, his breath on your cheek, and his lips hovered just above yours. "It really would." You let out breathlessly, your heart pounding in your chest.
Fireworks in the shapes of hearts went off in the background while people cheered for the new beginnings. And then, in this moment, his lips met yours in a soft, deliberate kiss. It was gentle, filled with all the affection, need, and love that you had hidden from each other for so long. Your hands found their place in his hair, tugging lightly, and he responded with a low hum of approval.
He slowly pulled back from you, leaving his forehead on yours. "I love you." He whispered so softly that you nearly didn't hear him. "I love you too, Rhys so much." You replied, voice full of emotions.
He took hold of your hand and turned to Cupid ride with a smirk.
"Shall we go then, darling?"
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munsonify · 10 months
leather jacket
-> pairing. eddie munson x reader
-> summary. while waiting for eddie to come back from work, you fall asleep on his couch with his leather jacket around you
-> content warning. established relationships, kissing, she/her pronouns used but no other gendered terms, mentions of drugs.
-> word count. 538
Eddie’s worn leather jacket had seen a lot. It’s rough around the edges, much like it’s owner, neither seeing much gentleness. It was a shame, really. He practically grew up with that jacket. He grew into it, too, the once large jacket now fitting him perfectly. The two had gone through the ringer together.
Maybe that’s why Eddie had such an attachment to it. Wayne has offered many times to get him a new one. Though the jacket was clean and in semi good shape, it still had its imperfections that come with time. His nephew insisted on keeping it.
It was a shame he ran out of the trailer without it. He was in a real rush that morning, nearly late to picking you up from your house for school. Normally, Eddie didn’t care about being on time to places. With you, he always was. You were important to him. His job was important to him, too. He really started turning his life around since dating you.
He’d taken you home after school, even though he was at risk of running late to work. Eddie didn’t mind, knowing he’d be found dead before he let you ride the bus home alone. He even made sure to give you a long lasting kiss before he drove off for work. So, Eddie went to work without his jacket, and most importantly, without his girl.
That’s why Eddie’s heart jumped the way it did at the sight he saw in the living room. The television was on - Wayne on his recliner watching an old Western with a beer bottle. It was on a lower volume, the only thing brightening the room was that and a lamp. This he expected, Wayne finally had a night off, which he normally spent watching television. What he didn’t expect was the person curled up on the couch.
You were sitting on one end of the couch, feet tucked beside you comfortably as you leaned your head against the armrest. Draped around you and pulled tight was Eddie’s leather jacket. That jacket has never been in the hands of something so soft, so gentle. It took Eddie by full surprise seeing you there asleep in the comfort of his jacket. In the comfort of his place.
“She came over about two hours ago,” Wayne whispered, barely looking away from the television. “Said she was bored, but I think she just missed you. Been asleep ever since.”
There was a sort of gleam in Wayne’s eyes. It was a sort of proud look, like he was happy Eddie finally found someone worth his time, worthy of his nephew. Eddie knew that. He knew how endlessly lucky he was for you to be in his life.
He stood admiring your soft features for a few moments, before taking his bag to his room. Eddie made his bed, too, while he was in there, prepared to bring you in soon. He felt bad for waking you up, though he was pleased to see your sleepy eyes open. Your soft eyes were accompanied by a small smile soon after. You sat up with a weak ‘hi’ as he kissed your forehead gently.
“Hi sweetheart. Let’s get you to bed.”
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slytherinshua · 3 months
summary. things gyuvin does in a relationship. genre. fluff. headcanons. warnings. i feel like this is repetitive idk... i think i just yapped and its just a lot of word vomit... but maybe its actually good IDK SAVE ME. also not proofread thoroughly. pairing. gyuvin x fem!reader. wc. 814. request. requested by 🥟 anon. a/n. this would've been husband headcanons or like husband material things like the matthew fic but gyuvin is only 19 like... marriage feels too much for him so i just kept the same feel without giving it that label so hopefully that makes sense.
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He treats you like you’re the world’s most precious jewel. Compliments flow out of his mouth effortlessly. It’s like he doesn’t even need to think about it. His brain could supply him with hundreds of words to tell you how gorgeous you are to him. He isn’t quite sure how he managed to pull such a goddess, but he knows for sure that he’s not going to lose you now that he has you. Whenever you get dressed up for a date or party, he just stares at you through the mirror, completely awestruck. He knows he’s handsome as well. He knows he matches up to you, but admiring you and how perfect you look makes him feel so grateful to have you in his life. Whenever he’s admiring you, whether it’s when you’ve done your best to look your prettiest, or when you’re in your pyjamas with messy hair and bags under your eyes, Gyuvin is reminded of all the things that make you so lovable and beautiful. It’s in these moments that he gets the most sentimental and romantic. 
He always makes you smile. He’s one of the only people who can cheer you up no matter what. Especially when you’ve had an extremely hard day or week. If you’re upset and angry at him, he still knows how to make you smile. Gyuvin knows when cracking a joke or showing you a meme will make you feel better— sometimes it’s exactly what is needed to lift your mood up just enough that his kisses and words can do the rest. You put up a wall sometimes when you get mad, determined to not let Gyuvin get past that wall. But he knows you inside and out, and he knows what the weak points are. His kisses, his touch, his promises. You are just as in love with him as he is with you, and he’s fully confident that you can get past any disagreements or hard times when you work together. Even before you’ve talked about marriage, in Gyuvin’s mind, you are already a team.
Gyuvin knows you better than anyone, and he loves buying you things that he knows fits your taste perfectly. Whether it’s clothes, jewelry, plushies, mugs, or any random trinket that he sees at the store and just has you written all over, he will buy it and bring it home to you. Seeing your reaction— your smile and bright eyes— it’s something he’ll never get tired of. It makes his chest feel warm and fuzzy. Seeing you happy makes him happy. 
He has some inner conflict in his brain. Because, on one hand, he’s so proud of you and thinks you’re so perfect that the whole world should know. He wishes everyone could see you as he sees you. But he knows that the world is cruel and the people have been cruel to you in the past. He wants to protect you, to shield you from everyone else because he knows that no one else would treat you as well as he would. Whenever you’re out together, he keeps his guard up. He’s always observing you to see if you ever get uncomfortable, as well as surveying the people around him. Gyuvin wouldn’t label it as jealousy. He’s so confident and secure in his relationship with you, he has absolutely no worries. But he does care about your comfort, which is why he can be harsher to strangers who try to start a conversation with you.
You’re his safe person. Possibly the only person in the world he doesn’t have to conceal anything from. After a long day, all he wants to do is come home to you and curl up in your arms. That’s where his home is, not a place, but just you. Being close to you, feeling your soft skin and breathing the scent of your shampoo. It instantly calms him down and helps him reset. He has doubts and worries about the future like anyone does, but he knows that if he’s with you, he can overcome anything. 
He’s very sentimental and likes to talk about the future a lot. He doesn’t like uncertainty and wants to always know that you’re on the same page as him. He makes promises and stays loyal to them no matter what. It’s one of the traits that makes Gyuvin the most romantic. He really likes the idea of being together forever and being committed to one person your entire life. Breaking up is not something that would ever cross Gyuvin’s mind; even if he’s mad at you, or if you’ve been arguing for hours. In the end, he knows that you are more precious to him than anything and that he would do everything in his power to keep you by his side. He promises this to you with many rings over the years.
↳ zerobaseone taglist (bolded could not be tagged): @eternalgyu,, @okshu,, @chewryy,, @haecien,, @sobun1est,,
@emmylksblog,, @talkingsaxy,, @thesunsfullmoon,, @chenleszone,, @sxmmerberries,,
@talking-saxy,, @cupidslovearrows,, @dimplewonie
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
horse girl charlie morningstar, her partner in a cool hat and eye patch vaggie, and the Hazbin Horse Rehabilitation Ranch- where shit people are introduced to horses no one else wants and hopefully no one get trampled to death (niffty this means YOU)
other key features include
vaggie riding a small working horse and ppl keep calling it a pony and she keeps telling them It's Not A Fucking Pony
charlie and her beloved mule, who never listens to her
angel dust wanting to learn dressage bc it looks like "fancy sexy riding" and also he was banned from mentioning the words "bare back" or "bucking bronco"
husk constantly found drunk and asleep in his horse's stall while said horse nuzzles him
niffty obsessing over grooming all the horses down to their individual hairs, yes even the bad tempered horses, yes she likes it when they shmoosh her against a wall or step on her foot
alastor looking calm collected and in control on his horse as he wanders off from the group and never participates in activities bc his horse won't listen to him either and he's too proud to admit it
sir pentious keeps trying to make his horse look and preform the best using his own new designs for tack and gear and it always backfires but he's the go-to one if your saddle needs adjusting or fixing
his egg boiz are a flock of chickens
his horse keeps eating the chickens' eggs and he keeps crying over it, even when charlie tells him they wouldn't have hatched into chicks anyway
lucifer lives in a shack somewhere around here with his collection of customized my little pony brushible toys
the locals in the nearest town still talk about lilith's incredible horse whispering skills before she up and vanished
charlie gushes about these stories a LOT but laughs nervously if asked about her own way with horses
she tries.
her way of making sudden loud squees and eeeks and excited yells and wild energetic movements doesn't fit well with most of the horses
she also slips up and gets flaming mad at anything that threatens her family's ranch or anyone who mistreats a horse
angry charlie is Scary Charlie
her mule doesn't care tho it knows she's a pushover treat giver
when vaggie first figured out what was happening she spent weeks with her own horse slowly getting it used to all sorts of weird charlie-related things, including stealing charlie's jacket a few times to flap it wildly while chasing her horse around the paddock singing loud show tunes
vaggie's horse is the only one that'll let charlie ride it without being a nervous wreck
charlie maybe cried a little when she went for that first ride
vaggie has a shot gun
she spends a lot of time checking on things riding far out and alone and keeps the gun with her just in case
she's never actually threatened any of their human boarders with the shot gun but she does have an unnerving tendency to check and clean it whenever she's pissed and trying to keep some shred of her patience intact
every week there's at least one night set aside for an evening dance after dinner and yes chaggie was doing it long before any other ppl showed up
valentino showed up once and charlie chased him off the premises with vaggie's shotgun
the ranch used to have a television
now it has a radio tower
no one except alastor is happy about it but his radio commercial revenue is paying for most of this so they all keep mostly quiet about their grumbling and record voice lines for ads when he looms over them with a script
vaggie swears the time she shot out the radio tower's windows while arguing with alastor over her and charlie's voice lines was a complete accident
razzle and dazzle are ranch dogs who keep track of the horses when they're out grazing and both are COMPLETELY in tune with charlie, been with her since childhood, the three can basically read each others' minds and watching them all work together is like watching magic
(vaggie also knows how to work with them but has to use more obvious signals instead of just tiny changes in body language)
vaggie keeps trying to gently remind charlie there are events for dog handling she could enter in
but the ranch was lilith's passion and rehabilitating rejected horses her dream and charlie is not not giving up on that OR on the rejected people her mom always was so proud of and charlie is NOT letting herself think for one moment that her mom isn't coming home
speaking of coming home
chaggie met when charlie was out riding after a storm looking for a lost horse and found it staring curiously down at a half dead lady lying in a ditch with a freshly gouged out eye and burns on her back
the half dead lady claimed she shot out her own eye by accident and got hit by lightning
or maybe fell asleep on a campfire uhh
charlie was way too busy figuring out normal social interactions again and also how to patch up a pretty lady without being a complete fool about it to question vaggie's super realistic tale
vaggie was planning on staying just long enough to get on her feet again- especially after she started catching feelings watching charlie being sweet with all the stubborn horsies- and seeing how much charlie was struggling with the ranch without having someone else to look after
she was even gonna steal a horse on the way out
and got caught by charlie in the act
charlie just smiled sadly, told vaggie she was glad she wasn't heading off alone, told vaggie's horse to take care of her, and then went back to the daily chores
vaggie caught up with her an hour later
she'd had to properly put her horse away and get breakfast started first, for after they've finished up the morning stuff
they've been running the ranch together ever since
keekee the cat is the actual boss on the ranch and got her name from how doors always open for her (bc she bothers whoever's around until they drop what they're doing to obey her)
cherri bomb stops by once just to laugh at angel dust and ignore pentious but ends up being the only one who figures out why the new horse is spooking at everything- it's got hearing loss, and she's got it too from doing endless unlicensed fireworks shows, and she's totally just sticking around until the horse gets used to things here. totally
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