#((Never really saw any OCs interacting with Wiggle
lake-archive · 6 months
Not So Happy Fyamily
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AO3 Link
Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Characters: Ritsu Sakuma, Rei Sakuma, Nyeli (OC by @watersofcamelot
Words: 1,305
Whenever seeing them argue Nyeli was not sure what to think of it, what to make of it even. It was already rare enough to see Papa being so annoyed. It was not something he would show around Sisnya, when he wanted to tease her a little, no. It was very far from that. It was nothing like that. At all. Not even close. It never was that close when it came to Papa interacting with Nyancle.
Nyancle Rei… Honestly, Nyeli didn’t have the highest opinion of said nyancle either. After all, Papa never liked to talk about him so Nyeli had assumed that he must be a terrible person! However, much to the kitty’s own surprise he was anything but a bad man. In fact, he seemed very kind, even if a little overbearing sometimes.
“A h, you’re the little guy I always see with Ritsu! Nice to finally meet you! Say, do you want to play a game? I have some time to spare~ ” He had said all of this with a smile. The smile had not been unsettling either, far from it. This smile was genuine, as if he was a grandfather happy to see his own grandkid for the very first time. Not just that but nyancle had embraced Nyeli from one moment to the next, having held so tightly that he refused to let go for some time. It was hard to breathe but Nyeli survived. He lived in the end and that was all that mattered. 
And he had given up to wiggle out of Rei’s grasp eventually, just deciding to allow himself to be carried… That was until Papa saw the two together and snatched Nyeli away pretty quickly. “ What do you think you’re doing to him, Anija? ” He had even said, unusually cold. It was the very first time Nyeli had ever seen Papa with such a blank stare, heard such a sharp tone coming from his mouth and the overall atmosphere surrounding him was almost the equivalent to a murder attempt.
“ Haha, can’t I spend some time with my own nephew as well? I’ve been curious about him for a while. ”
“ Ugh… This is none of your business… ”
“ Ow, you’re hurting your big brother here! ”
“ Whatever you say Anija … ”
“ Sob sob. Ritsu… ”
“ Whatever. Nyeli seems to be doing fine so I’m letting you off the hook… For now. ”
Ever since then Nyeli couldn’t help but wonder yet dared not to speak up all the same. After all, Nyancle seems to be a touchy subject for Papa and what did Sisnya teach the kitty? “ Respect others' boundaries! ” Yes, that! And he was going to follow it! 
But… Some things did not really make sense all the same, especially in regards to Nyancle and Papa… Wasn’t a fyamily supposed to be happy?
Because even now this didn’t seem like a happy atmosphere, at all. Nyeli had not an exact grasp of what had happened between the two this time yet Papa didn’t seem happy. In fact, he was almost somewhat… Angry? Not exactly but… It was complicated. It all had gotten tense, so much so that even the kitty had dropped his crayons and was just watching the two at this point.
“I said leave!” Papa demanded, his voice unusually loud. Everyone was used to the calm, soft tone he usually had. Even Nyeli, so hearing Papa become any louder than that was a literal shock on his own. And his gaze was— 
“Haha, you’re as cold as always, aren’t you Ritsu?”
“Good grief… It’s not that I can stop you from wanting to spend time with Nyeli.” The younger one of the two sighed. “But at least give me a warning so I can leave just in time.”
“Oh, but it’s not just Nyeli I want to spend time with. Actually, all three of us—”
“Forget it. Besides, I don’t have the energy to keep up with you Anija.”
“Not even a little bonding? It might do—”
“Forget it, not in a million years.” Papa had scoffed before walking past Nyancle, was if… Heading for the door!? “Anyway, go on ahead. You two can have fun on your own, can’t you?” 
Fun on their own? But… But Nyancle also came here for Papa, didn’t he? Uh… What to do? What to do at a time like this!? This isn’t good! Not at all! Nyeli had to help out somehow… Somehow… Some— Ah! Right!
“Nye!” He would suddenly yell as loud as he could, standing up and stomping with his tiny feet, as if angry. “Nye nye nye Papa nye! Nyeeee!” He even started to whine, stomping over and over.
It had gotten the attention of both brothers, making them both turn to the small cat–human hybrid who was just stomping with a pout, trying to be angry. Or at least come off as such. He had to throw a tantrum somehow! If that’s what it took… 
One face was a little surprised, the other a little less. “Looks like someone doesn’t want you to leave.” Nyancle commented.
Though there was no response to this, Papa had been all silent. So much in fact that the Nyes may as well fill the entire room at that point, though it had become exhausting. In the end Nyeli had finally stopped, though instead sitting down like a pouty kid and turning his head slightly away, nubs crossed.
“B… But…” There it was, the defenses breaking. Papa sounded a little weak, weaker than usual! He was starting to give in yet Nyeli had to push it a little further… Just a tiny bit. Which would mean the final blow should come soon!
After all, this was not something wide, sad eyes which were at the brink of tearing up couldn’t fix! Oh no, they certainly could! Drooping ears, a tail which was resting against solid ground, not moving whatsoever, the hint of sniffling. All in all a sight which could make anyone feel guilty. And it seemed to work! 
Though it took a bit. Papa had been fumbling in place, being overcome with some type of guilt. He was looking around, trying to not face the kitty directly and he had not said anything for some time. In fact, he couldn’t find the right words, not exactly at least, not the words he wanted. Papa wanted to escape, get out, yet every time he tried to come up with something it would prove useless, wouldn’t it? Because then the screaming and crying would become very loud, to the point it could almost become unbearable. So it was either giving in for Papa or living with the guilt all of his life! Choose wisely!
“Fine fine… I will stay… At least for a little bit…” He gave in at the end of it all, yet somewhat growling. It was reluctant yet if there was one thing worse it would be a crying cat, right!? And besides, this all had a point! All for the fyamily’s sake!
“Ah, you will!? Then let’s have—”
“Don’t get too excited stupid Anija… I’m not doing this for your sake.”
“Of course you aren’t. But spending time together like this… It has been a while, hasn’t it?”
“Could’ve been longer…”
Although, there would be a lot of work to do between the two… After all, there’s something about Papa whenever Nyancle is around… Something Nyeli could never explain to himself. Isn’t a fyamily supposed to be close? Then why is Papa acting like this? It was a mystery and it will stay a mystery for a while longer for the kitty… Though he had become more and more curious as time went on… Including today.
But maybe with a bit of Nyeli’s input they could become a happy fyamily! He will work hard for that! Promise!
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twilightprince101 · 3 years
A (Song)Writer’s Feud
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[Art by @tinyangrynerd​, go check them out!!! (TW for body horror if you do tho)]
Neither Wiggle nor Brandy are known for holding grudges, but since arriving at Snaktooth the two have openly made an exception to one another. (More details under the cut!)
Prior to Snaktooth Island Brandy never really acknowledged Wiggle, often favoring more indie music creators or video game soundtracks. The best he could really say about her was that he thought her music was okay. Wiggle was the same way, as Brandy never put himself out there writing-wise so there was nothing for her to go off of.
All that changed one day when Wiggle finally met Brandy and realized that he was a writer.
In her constant quest for inspiration, she made it a point to formally introduce herself to the Grumpus and (after initial shock from realizing he didn’t know her already) tried to get a peek at some of his drafts. Normally Brandy is a bit protective of his works, but after lots of coaxing he eventually gave in and let her read some of his work. She was impressed, and for a moment Brandy was excited to have someone to share his work with.
About a week later, Brandy found Wiggle showing off a new song she was in the process of making to Gramble and friends. A song with lyrics that Brandy was already far, far too familiar with.
Any initial excitement he had about having someone to share his work with was replaced with rage, openly admonishing her for stealing his work and calling It her own, right in front of her audience. The argument quickly escalated, both of them tearing into each other verbally on the verge of screaming--Brandy calling out her (seemingly apparent) lack of talent and respect for the craft, while Wiggle pointed out the author’s disrespect and cowardice for keeping all of his work to himself, refusing to put himself out there despite his talent.
Brandy was dangerously close to turning the argument physical before some of the audience intervened. 
From then on, both Grumpuses have made it a point to voice their disdain for one another. Brandy was soured from the blatant plagiarism and does his best to protect his drafts from the artist’s frequent attempts to spy. Wiggle was offended at Brandy’s crass nature and his spitting on her name, but still continues her quest for inspiration regardless.
A few other Snaktooth residents (who may or may not be named Filbo) noted out just how upsetting the feud is, saying that if they actually tried working together they could create something truly beautiful. But until one of them buckles down and apologizes, these two likely won’t be changing their relationship anytime soon.
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1kook · 4 years
netflix & chill
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summary If you planned things right, you could rain down your raging displeasure on Jeon Jungkook right after the meal but before this proposed ‘Netflix and chilling,’ maybe dramatically throw your glass of wine at him, before storming out of his place and reporting him to the authorities (Namjoon) for his douchebag personality. warnings grinding, 2 seconds of sub kook, oral (f), cum eating, vanilla but [ passionate ], unprotected sex, dirty talk tags use of the oldest trick in the book (“your hands are sooo big”), shy oblivious AND gentleman jk? pick a struggle, brief ment of app developer kook, evil and conniving oc wc 10.2k !! wow!!
will I ever write a serious jk fic? NO. this entire thing was based off this pic of jungkook which i’ve said before that i would print out in sepia filter and crumple and stuff in a drawer n then tell my kids 35 years from now was a long lost lover i met on a cruise to the bahamas and never saw again ty to mia more @daechwlta​ for being there during my brief crisis over this fic 🥺
When Namjoon had first not so subtly mentioned the idea of setting you up on a date, it was with a faux air of disinterest that you had masterfully pried the details out of him. Namjoon has a friend, he said, a friend who was kinda sorta attached to his hip. And while Namjoon loved the kid, he also thought this friend could use some social interaction outside of Namjoon.
Now you and Namjoon weren’t exactly the most conventional of friends for him to be proposing blind dates to you at whim. He was your senior at school, your mentor in your scholarship program, an educated man studying for his masters. So when he’d first uttered the words you were immediately on the fence. Sure, the two of you knew each other well and probably got along better than most mentor-mentee pairings among your year, but you doubt Namjoon knew enough of your tastes to offer you up for a blind date.
According to Namjoon, his friend was a kid in the same year as you, making him not so much as a kid as he was your classmate. You brushed it off at first, spewing some bullshit excuse that you’d rather focus on your studies, and how dating was a distraction to your education, as if you hadn’t spent the weekend prior binge watching some Spanish novella while you dutifully ignored your essay.
The second time Namjoon mentions it you agree on the spot. Life on campus could only be interesting for so long, so you might as well make the best of it and go on as many stupid dates as possible.
Namjoon is over the moon.
He tells you he’ll pass your phone number on over to that friend of his—“Jeon Jungkook”—and promises you you won’t regret this because his friend was amazing, really. And for Namjoon to sing his praises for just any underclassmen was unheard of. In fact, besides you, you don’t think Namjoon knows many other students younger than him, and if he did, you hardly doubt he would regard them so highly.
So he gives his friend your number, and so ends your weekly meeting with your mentor. You only realize on the walk back to your dorm that you forgot to ask him about some club at school, the whole goal of this week’s meeting, but by then you don’t really care, the whole conversation fading into the background.
In fact, you forget about the whole ordeal until Friday night rolls around and you’re once again, binge watching another novella on your laptop, when your phone suddenly vibrates.
You were by no means a loser at school, a friendless nobody, but you were also not the outgoing, school-spirited student on the front page of your school’s website, and thus had nearly every app that could produce a notification on your phone muted, every text thread silenced. The only notifications and messages you allowed were from your email and from your roommate, and considering the fact Doyeon was face down in a puddle of her own mid-semester tears right across from you, it was probably your email.
Much to your surprises, it isn’t that “Monday’s Class is CANCELLED” email you were hoping for, but instead some unknown number in a text notification. You roll your eyes, click it open thinking it’s a reminder from some store or from some guy claiming to be from your bank, only to pause at the words written inside the little grey bubble.
hey its jungkook!!! joon gave me your number to I guess ask you on a date soo are you free tmrw night??
The excessive punctuation reminds you a little bit of your kid sister back home and the dorky emails she’ll send you from time to time. It’s with that memory and a smile on your face, that you’re suddenly reminded of what exactly this message is saying. “Oh shit,” you mumble, moving to sit up and reread the text. Doyeon complaining loudly in the background has you reading it twice more before you understand it, and by then there’s a fluttery feeling in your chest.
You were by no means easily swayed by people, but this guy had received praise from Kim Namjoon of all people, so he definitely had some prestige to his name. He doesn’t seem overbearing from this one text he’d sent, but he also didn’t seem completely disinterested.  
You try to match his nonchalant energy, letting him know you were in fact free and down to meet him, just to let you know more details.
You won’t lie, there’s a giddy feeling bubbling within you at the prospect of getting all dolled up, hitting the town, pawning a free meal off some unsuspecting college soul, and maybe even hitting it off. It’s been a while since you’ve dated, sue you.
Jeon Jungkook’s response crushes those dreams as well as hurdles you straight into a nightmare.
cool!! was thinking i could cook for us at my place, drink a little wine, maybe Netflix and chill a little bit??
You are blown away by the absolute gall of this man, to butter you up by painting a pretty picture only to reduce you to a mere booty call. The fact he had felt confident enough to say all that within the same sentence blows your mind.
Did this Jeon Jungkook, who you had no idea of what he looked like, who had no idea of what you looked like, seriously just invite you over for some quote unquote Netflix and chill?
Who, in the ever living hell, was this guy who so sleazily invited women over to fuck with no qualms about who they were?
You’re offended that Namjoon would set you up like this, pawn you off to such a greasy friend. But then again, you guess not everyone knows their friends thoroughly, because this Jeon Jungkook flirtatiously inviting your over for some sex sounds nothing like the golden boy Kim Namjoon had raved about earlier this week. You click your phone off, tapping the device against your lips as you ponder how to best rip this jerk to shreds via text.
It’s amidst Doyeon cursing out her statistics teacher that an idea hits you.
Tomorrow was Saturday night, and as far as you knew, you really didn’t have anything else going on for you anyway. You’d take Jeon Jungkook’s offer, let him cook you a free meal and drink some of his wine. He mentioned having his own place, and vaguely you remember Namjoon saying he lived alone, hence his introverted tendencies, so you could slip in and out without doing that walk of shame through a boy’s dorm hall.
Not that there would be anything to feel shameful about. In fact, if you planned things right, you could rain down your raging displeasure on Jeon Jungkook right after the meal but before this proposed ‘Netflix and chilling,’ maybe dramatically throw your glass of wine at him, before storming out of his place and reporting him to the authorities (Namjoon) for his douchebag personality.
Ha! That would certainly teach the asshole not to use his poor, unsuspecting friends to reel in nice girls like you into one night stands.
You could practically feel the devil horns begging to poke out of your skull, the forked tail wiggling behind you, as you click your phone back on and text Jeon Jungkook a great!! what’s your address :)
Saturday morning and afternoon are as boring as they usually are. You do a little homework, and spend thirty minutes filling Doyeon in on your master plan, which she eats up and even gives you some pointers—“and then you can be like, ‘you sick freak, as if I’d let you near this 5-star, Michelin reviewed, Gordon Ramsey approved coochie’ and throw the whole plate at his head!”—before getting ready for your little date at Jeon Jungkook’s.
You try hard to look good, harder than you would have if he hadn’t offended you by reducing you to a booty call, and Doyeon helps. She does your eyebrows all nice and natural, dusts the thinnest shin of liquid highlighter across the high points of your face, the whole shebang until you’re looking like a sexy, glowing goddess. You shimmy into a pretty dress, nothing too fancy nor too casual, and even pull on those strappy sandals you’d bought on sale last winter before blowing a kiss to Doyeon and meeting your Uber downstairs.
You don’t quite remember what the reason behind Jeon Jungkook living in such a swanky neighborhood a few minutes from campus was, if it was from a job you vaguely recall Namjoon mentioning, or if it was just purely hereditary, but his place is nice. It’s a connected townhouse, something you’d expect a newly wed couple to live in and not some douchebag third year.
Worse comes to worse, you get banned from this rich neighborhood after humiliating one of its residents in his own home, not that you’d ever make it big enough to live here anyway.
You’d texted Namjoon sometime that morning to let him know you were meeting his friend, an ominous text with an even more ominous smiley face attached to it. But it seems Namjoon is easily blinded by underclassmen he trusts, if Jeon Jungkook’s assholish feats and your own suspicious behavior is anything to go by, because he texts you back a polite have fun! he’s a little shy, so it might take a while for the ball to start rolling hahahaha.
Shy my ass, you think closing the door of your Uber behind you. You double check the address that had been texted to you, walking up to the neat townhouse and knocking against the polished door.
It’s a little chilly, and you hope finding an Uber is easier later tonight when you make your grand escape. It’s between these thoughts that the door swings open, revealing the most handsome man you’ve ever met.
He’s attractive, disgustingly so, with dark hair and light brown tips to contrast, tickling his cheekbones. His dark eyes are round and imploring as they meet yours, gaze almost innocent and doe like as he takes you in. He’s got this soft, blue turtleneck on, and it looks like it should be a seasonal sweater reserved for the holidays but he pulls it off nicely on this premature spring night. His pretty pink lips move, and it takes you a second to realize he’s talking.
“___?” He says, and his voice is deep, yet soft in its own unique way. You nod, like a stupid bobble head, because your throat constricted the moment this beautiful angel opened the door. “It’s cold outside, come in!” He urges you, out stretching his palm to make sure you don’t trip over the slight step up the door as he brings you into his home.
“Hi,” he exhales when you’re finally inside, standing a little too close to you in his small entryway.
“Hi,” you finally choke out, a little dazed by how handsome he is, and the sudden realization that you’re supposed to throw your glass of wine at him tonight because he’s a douchebag dawns on you. You blink yourself out of your stupor, taking a step back and gesturing towards your sandal clad feet.
“Oh!” Jeon Jungkook exclaims at the sudden realization. “I forgot to set out a pair of slippers for you,” he sheepishly admits, before he excuses himself to go get some. There’s a tiny ottoman pushed against the wall, beneath a long mirror, that you take a seat on it, carefully unstrapping your sandals.
All the while, you’re deep in thought.
It makes sense that someone like Jeon Jungkook was so forward in inviting you over for sex during your first interaction. Realistically speaking, the guy had it all. He lived alone in a swanky townhouse in a wealthy neighborhood (you finally remember Namjoon saying he did some app developing for major companies—yeah, still in college but already making it big because he was that good), and looked like the blueprint for the perfect man, someone who’d impress your parents. On top of that, the man was was a 21st century Adonis. You hadn’t missed the flash of ink on his knuckles, or the way his jeans had hugged his legs.
He’s making his way back now, inspecting the slippers in his hands, and you don’t miss the way the jeans are pulled taut around his thighs in particular.
Yeah, he definitely knew his way around a woman’s body, there was no way he couldn’t have.
You slip your feet into the slippers he places before you, wiggling your toes around, before glancing back at Jungkook. He smiles warmly, a little beauty mark beneath his lip making itself known. He takes your hand, pulls you up onto your feet, and begins guiding you down the hall and to what you assume is the kitchen.
“I didn’t know what you liked, and I figured asking you three hours before you came over would be too awkward,” he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck. He glances at you again, and upon seeing your inquisitive stare, quickly turns away with flushed cheeks.
Oh this man knew the game, and he knew it well.
Jeon Jungkook still thinks he can play that cute campus boy being set up by his senior card now, after he’d shown you his true colors last night via text. But he has a big storm coming. As much as you could admit he was good to look at, you would not be fooled by some pretty face and tasty food. No, you came here with one goal and one goal only, and that was to give Jeon Jungkook a piece of his own two-faced medicine before running off to tattle to Namjoon.
You reach the kitchen and the heavenly smell of Alfredo sauce swarms your nostrils. “I… I’m still new to cooking, so I hope you don’t mind some Alfredo pasta,” he admits, shy smile adorning his features as he avoids your gaze once again to toy with the dish towel by the sink.
You creep closer to the counter, where two meticulously presented ceramic plates sit beside a wine bottle, and the glands in your mouth suddenly go into overdrive in their rush to make you salivate, and you choke out an overly eager, “it looks amazing!” before you know it.
Okay, you came here with two goals.
Jungkook carries the two bowls in his big hands to the dining room beside the kitchen, and you follow behind with the bottle of wine and two glasses as you set the table together. The utensils are already there, but Jungkook runs back into the kitchen anyway to return with some fancy cloth napkins for the two of you.
Just as you're tugging a chair out to sit, Jungkook beats you to it. “Ah, let me,” he smiles, and your heart thunders nervously in your chest as you return the expression, brushing your hands beneath you before sitting down and letting him push you in. Jungkook takes his own seat in front of you, and before you can dig in he calls out to seemingly nobody, “Alexa, dim the dining room lights.”
The overhead lights dim, and with their overbearing glow gone, you can finally appreciate the battery powered candles snuggled neatly into a little bowl on the table between you two. You ooh appreciatively, and Jungkook looks proud of himself.
Then, he says, “Alexa, play…Date Night Playlist.”
You blink, and a soft piano tune begins filtering through a speaker he’s hidden somewhere in the room. Even with the fake candles being your main source of light, the flush on Jungkook’s cheeks is evident as he gestures towards you to eat.
You won’t lie. Jeon Jungkook was extremely endearing.
This much becomes evident the further you get into the meal. As small talk devolves into full fledged conversations and story telling, his shy demeanor slipping away but still sticking to the edges of his personality, you begin to have a more difficult time connecting this Jungkook to the one who had less than 24 hours ago asked you to come over and “Netflix and chill” with him.
But the more you speak, the more distant that image begins to feel. For one, Jungkook does put on a fairly reserved aura for you, telling you about his job but refusing to brag about it even when you egg him on. He has no qualms gassing up his friends, Namjoon in particular, who Jungkook claims is his role model for some unknown reason, given the fact they are neither in the same major nor in any of the same clubs. They’re friends, point blank period, but Namjoon is very obviously a star in Jungkook’s eyes.
Additionally, he’s quite embarrassed to admit why Namjoon had been so set on getting Jungkook to date, but eventually tells you it’s because Jungkook’s last girlfriend had been during your freshman year—two whole years ago! It makes you wonder what he’d been doing since then, if he’d used the time to fully invest in his work or if he’d been mingling around, unbeknownst to his friends, which would explain the flirtatious offer that landed you here.
Still, a part of you refuses to believe last night’s Jungkook and tonight’s Jungkook were one in the same, and if they were, what had made this shy man so unabashedly invite you over for some sex. Was this act all a ploy? Or maybe, was he purposefully trying to ward you away by coming off as a gentleman now that he’d seen your face and wasn’t interested in you anymore?
Apparently it’s neither of the two, and you don’t realize this until you finish your meal and make your way into his living room to finally get down to the long awaited Netflix and chilling. It’s only when you sit down on the couch, smack dab in the middle, because at this point, you’re not gonna throw your wine at Jeon Jungkook like you planned, he was too nice. And if this niceness was an act to get in your panties, you didn’t care at this point. He was hot, achingly so, and at least you’d get a good fuck out of it.
But as you said, apparently not. Because Jeon Jungkook sees you purposefully take up the entire middle of the couch, sultry eyes staring him down, and decides to sit flush against the armrest, somehow leaving a good foot between the two of you, despite the fact you’re sitting next to each other.
Your brain can’t work fast enough to comprehend the situation, before he’s asking you what you want to watch. “Um,” you say, pointedly staring at him and not the screen. “Tr-Transformers?”
The way Jungkook’s eyes light up is insane, already round eyes nearly popping out of their sockets as he eagerly rushes to select it from whatever streaming service he has, probably not even Netflix, all the while chattering on about how much he loves that series, and is so glad you do too.
The whole time, you’re struck by the oddness of his casual tone, the way he’s overly invested in the 20th Century Fox opening, and how he’s very carefully avoiding intruding in on your personal space.
The last point in particular has you wanting to pull your hair out, because you want Jeon Jungkook intruding in on your personal space. You want him pressed so tightly against you you can’t breathe, you can’t move, until you’re drowning in him as he finally lives up to his promise of some Netflix and chill, because you want him, and you want him so. very. bad.
“Oh, I forgot the popcorn!” Jungkook exclaims, and you jump at the sudden volume of his voice, because he’d been pretty silent as he avidly watched the first few minutes of the movie. “Sorry,” he chuckles, and his leg brushes against yours as he shuffles between you and the coffee table on his way out. You vaguely hear the popping of the popcorn in the kitchen, but you’re too distracted by your suddenly overwhelming thoughts.
Okay, one thing was for sure, and that was that Jeon Jungkook definitely had no fucking idea what the phrase Netflix and chill meant, because the way he’d zeroed in on the movie and the popcorn, and not you, was unheard of on such invitations. You deduce he probably heard it somewhere, and, now understanding the true nature of Jungkook’s sweet and shy personality, made no such perverted connection to the phrase.
Which meant he most definitely did not demean you to a mere booty call, like you’d deluded yourself into believing, someone he could hump and dump with no regrets, before calling Namjoon up to thank him. Which meant he’d had no ulterior motives in meeting you tonight, just planning to get to know you at the suggestion of his friend, and had—unbeknownst to him—successfully wooed you thus far.
Which was great! If you turned a blind eye to the evil, conniving plans you’d made without even meeting the guy, and the subsequent flood of self-inflicted disapproval when you realized Jeon Jungkook was a sweetheart who definitely did not deserve having a glass of wine thrown at his face after making you a home cooked meal and giving you the full Olive Garden experience, with his dimmed lights and candlelit dinner and piano music on the background.
Yeah. Perfectly fine.
The only problem now was that you had become so dangerously smitten with the man that you wanted to sleep with him. You wanted that Netflix and chill, needed it like it was the last slot in a daycare class and you were a soccer mom of five wanting to get at least one kid out of the house for the summer for the sake of her own sanity. You were desperate.
No, you scold yourself. This was fine, this was good, this was perfectly okay. If anything, this just further made you enamored with Jungkook, because it proved how gentlemanly he was by not trying to sleep with you on the first date.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t want to, the devil on your shoulder crooned.
The microwave in the kitchen stops, and you hear the sound of cabinets opening as Jungkook pours the popcorn into a bowl. On screen, the main character is meeting a bunch of giant cars-turned-robots, you don’t fucking know.
But the devil was right.
Jungkook hadn’t offered to sleep with you, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to. Furthermore, that didn’t mean he couldn’t be seduced into wanting to, your evil brain suggested, and the hope that had slithered it’s way into your chest from the very moment Jungkook had opened the door, took that fact and ran with it.
“What’d I miss?” Jungkook says when he returns, popcorn bowl in hand.
“Oh, um, he was with the car,” you offer, trying to stop the nefarious smirk from slipping onto your features. Jungkook laughs, cute and airy as he shuffles past you.
He’s too absorbed in the screen, not looking as he sits down, closer than last time until his thigh brushes yours and he jerks back in embarrassment. “Oh, sorry,” he flounders, goes to move away but you act fast.
You grab onto his upper arm with both of yours like an octopus, keeping him flush to you as you gaze up at him with wide eyes. “No, it’s okay,” you rush to assure him, loosening your hold as he tentatively relaxes beside you. You glance down at the popcorn bowl in his hand, swiping a piece to pop between your lips. “It’s easier for us this way,” you say, and you’re pulling that straight out of your ass, because you hate popcorn and have literally zero desire for it and wouldn’t have reached for it anyway if you weren’t trying to convince him this was all for popcorn sharing purposes.
Jungkook’s eyes briefly flicker down to where you’re munching on that popcorn, your lips, before he’s quickly averting his gaze. “Ah, y-yeah,” he agrees, and though he tries to relax back into the couch, you can still feel the tension of his muscles as he settles beside you.
With his eyes no longer trained on you, you snuggle closer into his side resting your cheek against the soft material covering his shoulder, finally letting that devious smirk slip onto your face. You keep yourself close to Jungkook, loving the way his warmth permeates the thick sweater he’s wearing, even if he’s still overly into the movie. You know he’s seen it before, because he keeps telling you random tidbits like, “they use this in the next movie!” Or “he ends up becoming really important in the sixth movie,” and you want to listen to this endearing nerd’s commentary, you really do, but once your brain is stuck on horny, it is stuck on horny.
He doesn’t even eat a lot of popcorn, setting it down not ten minutes later onto the coffee table. You release him as he moves forward, but quickly latch onto him again when he sits back down.
Much to your surprise, Jungkook is way more relaxed then, shrugging you off to rest his hand on the couch behind you, and you inwardly squeal at the prospect of getting to cuddle up to his body, and not just his arm. You cuddle in close to him, leaving your slippers on the ground as you tuck your legs up onto the couch cushions.
Jungkook is so warm and firm, and you know it’s your horny brain speaking, but you swear you feel a tight set of abs underneath the palm you rest on his stomach, and you give an experimental brush over the area. His heart picks up, you hear it by where your head is leaning against his chest, and you tilt your head up to give him a curious glance. His cheeks are red, and he doesn’t look at you even though you know he sees you, so you decide to kick things up a notch.
You sigh loudly, peeling yourself away from him to properly level him with a pout. “Jungkook, aren’t you hot in this?” You ask, pinching the wooly material between two fingers and pulling it from his skin. Jungkook finally looks away from the screen, nibbling his lower lip as he takes in your quizzical expression.
“Um, only a little… but it’s fine!” He rushes to say, and you recall from your conversations over dinner that Jungkook doesn’t much like people fussing over him, so you quickly change gears.
You press a hand against your cheek, the same one that had been resting against his shoulder earlier. “Oh, well… it’s really itchy,” you announce, and his eyes widen, one hand absentmindedly reaching to clutch the material at his chest. “It’s making me really itchy,” you emphasize, and part of you feels bad for taking advantage of his caring nature, but this is all for the greater good, you convince yourself. “Do you mind taking it off?”
“I, uh, yeah,” he agrees, reaching for the hem of his sweater before carefully peeling it off. When he pulls it over his head, you can’t help the triumphant grin that overtakes your face, though you quickly mask it when he finally frees himself from the material. “Better?” He says once he’s clad in only a plain black shirt.
“Mm, much,” you sigh, and nearly soak your panties then and there when a tattooed sleeve comes into view. “Woah!” You exclaim, snatching his wrists up to examine his skin. “What’s this?” You marvel, tracing every inch of delicious skin with your predatory gaze. Jungkook huffs out a laugh, and you glance up to watch as he rubs the back of his neck in that same embarrassed way he’d done multiple times throughout your night together.
“My tattoos,” he says, and then seems to realize the simplicity of his statement and rushes to add to it, “I hope you don’t mind?”
You hum, shifting onto your knees to face him as you continue tracing over a huge tiger lily by his forearm. “Why would I? It’s your body,” you say, and watch the nervous glance melt off his face as he regards you with something new. Something akin to wonder as he lets you trace over more of his ink, nodding along to your words.
“Yeah… yeah!” He agrees, and you grin at his sudden zeal. He chuckles, physically relaxing beneath your touch, and it’s probably the most relaxed he’s been all night as you continue rubbing your hands over every tattoo on his skin, and then purposefully focusing on the ones near his bicep. “Sorry, ‘m just used to people pushing off their own opinions about them onto me,” he explains, and for a moment, the horniness that had been fueling you all night fades away, and you let your hands trail down, past his wrist, until you’re sandwiching his hand between yours.
“Fuck what anyone else thinks,” you tell him, eyes hard as you imagine anyone imposing their stupid thoughts on Jungkook, who was too good for this world. “If you think they’re cool, then they're the coolest thing in the world.”
He smiles at you, and you’ve seen this smile about a million times tonight—when you first came in, when you talked about yourself at dinner, when you mentioned this stupid movie—but it has something swelling in your chest. Something too intimate for a first date, so you quickly move to repress it.
Glancing down at his hand in yours, littered with smaller tattoos across his knuckles, your brain whirls into action. Bringing it up between the two of you, you turn his hand over to line your palms up. “Wow, your hands are so big,” you sigh, slowly reverting back to dirty thoughts as you twist yours and Jungkook’s hands this way and that. He snorts, bends the tips of his fingers over yours just to hear you ooooh again.
“Yeah, they’re pretty big,” he agrees, completely ignoring the film playing on the screen, which is a huge win in your eyes considering how deeply he’d been watching it earlier.
Finally, you see an opening and pounce.
“Well, that means something else is pretty big too,” you murmur, chancing a glance up at his face. His face is the perfect definition of composed, and you can tell when exactly he processes your words because those little pink lips part in surprise, red slowly filling the apples of his cheeks. You let go of his palm, letting it slide between your fingers until it falls limp beside him.
Jungkook watches you with wide eyes, as you raise yourself up onto your knees. “Jungkook?” You mumble, giving him no warning before you’re throwing a leg across his lap, knees pressed into the couch on either side of his thighs.
“Y-Yes?” He stutters, brown hair falling away from his face as he stares up at you. You flash him a sweet smile, and you can tell it relaxes him because his fists unclench beside him.
“You’re a really nice boy,” you sigh, and when you’ve scooted your knees a little closer to his ridiculously thin waist, you finally let yourself sit. You find yourself right before his crotch, which he desperately tries to hide as he shifts around, but can’t with you on top of him. You let your hands flutter to rest at his shoulders, and he gulps. “You’re so sweet and cute,” you add, relish in the flush that climbs up to his ears. “But I’m a little sad you invited me over to Netflix and chill, but won’t do just that,” you pout, a finger tangling itself in a soft strand at the back of his head.
“Huh?” He stutters, eyes nearly bulging out when you wiggle around again. “I-I’m sorry?” He huffs, and when you move too close to his crotch, where his jeans are slowly growing more and more strained, he panics and reaches a hand out to steady your waist.
You feign confusion, flashing him another pout as you duck closer until your noses bump against each other. “You know what it means, don’t you, Jungkook?” You inquire, eyes falling dangerously lidded as you swallow up every inch of his appearances.
He stutters, hands moving up and down as if he doesn’t know where to put them anymore. But you know exactly where Jungkook can put those hands, and you waste no time catching his wrists in your hands to guide him towards your hips. “No?” He breathes, fingers flexing against you, and you smile sweetly at him.
“It means,” you purr, shifting forward until you’re flush against where you need him most. You can barely contain the whimper that climbs out of your throat when you finally feel the rough material of his jeans against your panties. “It means you wanna fuck, Jungkook,” you exhale, tossing your head back as your body basks in the slight reprieve, the way Jungkook squirms beneath you aiding greatly in providing that sensation you craved.
“It’s nothing more than an excuse,” you huff, placing a hand on the back of his neck to steady yourself. At your touch, Jungkook jolts, thighs jumping beneath you and you stifle another groan when the zipper of his jeans prods against your core. “For you to fuck my brains out while some s-stupid movie plays in the background.”
You’re not sure when, but sometime during that last explanation your hands had fully delved into the thick tresses of Jungkook’s hair. You give an experimental tug, and poor Jungkook, so lost in all that you’re telling him, lolls his head back for you easily until the long expanse of his neck is available, soft creamy skin yours for the taking.
You pounce, kissing the skin gently at first, before sprinkling in a handful of nibbles. He’s sensitive, devastatingly so, as he gasps at a particular suck. You suction your lips on the spot below his ear, carefully biting down on the skin as he unravels beneath you. “Will you do it, Jungkookie?” You murmur against the shell of his ear,
He nods eagerly, and his fingers hurt where he’s pressed them deep into your waist, like he’s trying to brand you as his with his mere strength alone. “Y-Yes,” he exhales, hips jerking when you swipe your tongue over the pretty mark you’d left on his perfect skin.
You smother your smirk against his neck, grinding down on him once again. “Yes what?” You tease, and let his strong hands roll you against him afterwards.
“Yes, I-I’ll…” he stumbles, eyes dazed as he watches you through hooded lids. You raise a brow at him, shifting in his lap. It’s enough to kickstart him back up, and he’s biting down on his lip hard enough to draw blood. “I’ll fuck you, I’ll fuck you just like you want,” he rambles. He surprises you when he begins rutting up against you, so animalistic and uncontrolled, nothing like the sweet Jungkook that had indulged you over dinner. “I’ll make you come, p-promise,” he rasps.
You smirk down at him, hoping he doesn’t see the metaphorical horns sticking out of your head the further he falls into your trap. Before he can say anything else, you surge forward, slotting your mouths together for the first time that night.
It’s no surprise that Jungkook kisses just like he speaks, carefully like he’s afraid one hard press of his lips will ward you off. His lips are smooth, a fact you’d hyper-fixated on all night as he spoke, but before you can ponder on that any further, something hot and wet is prodding at your lower lip.
The gasp you barely manage to contain ends up escaping anyway when Jungkook’s hand comes up to cup the side of your face, tilting your head to the side as his tongue slithers into your mouth. You become obsessed with the way he touches you, every bit the gentlemen he’d been all night, fingers just barely pressing into your cheek like he doesn’t want to mess up your makeup. His other hand, snuggly wrapped around your waist, pulls you tighter against him until your chests are pressed together.
And that tongue. That tongue of his that leaves no room for argument, quickly shutting down any attempts of yours to overtake him. He’s graceful about it too, one nudge enough to convince you he’s got this, he’ll take care of you. You whimper, a sound Jungkook swallows before he’s biting down on your lower lip.
When he pulls away, his lips are red and glossy, and you wonder if yours are too. “Fuck, you’re so pretty,” he sighs, gazing at you like he can’t believe you’re there in front of him.
Before you can say anything else, he’s burying his face in the crook of your neck to brush kisses over your skin. “Let me eat you out,” he begs, but his voice is so silky and smooth that it doesn’t sound so much as a plea as much as it does a suggestion. He licks a stripe up your neck, and you jump in his hold.
It’s at this moment where the sudden realization hits you, the feeling of having the reins yanked out of your hands. You so vividly controlled every aspect of Jungkook just a few moments ago, when you’d had your own mouth on his neck, and carefully coaxed him into some sex.
But it seems Jeon Jungkook isn’t as soft or as pliable as you had dubbed him to be, and if the way he’s begun subtly rolling your hips into his crotch is any sign, he certainly wasn’t the submissive type either. Which leaves you wondering, exactly what type of person was Jungkook in bed?
Well, you had all night to figure that out.
“Hey,” he whines suddenly, ripping you out of your thoughts. You glance down at him, registering the bored set of his eyes and the unimpressed quirk of his lips. “Pay attention to me.”
You blink, lips twitching. You can barely muffle the giggle that tears itself from your throat, leaning your forehead on his shoulder as your body shakes at his suddenly childish words. Jungkook chuckles too, as if suddenly realizing how out of place his own statement was. “Sorry,” he smiles, cheeks pleasantly rosy and you can’t even stop yourself from kissing him silly.
Jungkook, bless his heart, let’s you rain down a good three kisses on him before he’s pushing you down on the couch beside him. There’s still a slight gleam in his eyes, but the rest of his face schools itself into a hungry expression as he drinks in your body laid out before him. “Let me eat you out?” He asks again, voice but a soft whisper.
You nod, heart beating loudly in your chest as he shuffles down until he can press a kiss to the tops of your thighs. He hasn’t even done anything that intense yet, but you already feel the muscles in your leg ready to spasm just from his proximity.
He’s mouthing at your skin, nudging your legs apart, and you, usually so confident in your sexuality, can’t find the courage to look at him as he so lovingly carries out his ministrations.
As if sensing your sudden bout of shyness (you! shy! Doyeon was gonna tease you about this for the rest of your life once you recapped this for her), he places a soft kiss just below where the hem of your dress begins, before pulling back and uttering, “this okay?”
You hum in response, face warm from just imagining how good he must look down there, peppering your skin with kisses. Your heart nearly rips itself out of your chest when a strong set of fingers wraps around your wrist suddenly, sliding over and around your hand until he’s tangled them with yours.
At this, you nearly break your neck trying to look at him, only to be met with an amused smile. Jungkook gives your hand a squeeze, and you barely get to appreciate the schoolgirl flood of emotions in your chest, when suddenly his free hand comes out of left field, cupping the back of your knee to push your legs further apart, before gliding across the expanse of your thigh to push your dress up.
If Jungkook holding your hand was enough to make your heart skip a beat, Jungkook pressing a chaste kiss to your panty-clad mound was enough to send you into cardiac arrest. Your leg twitches at the sudden touch, a gasp catching in your throat at the delicate path he kisses over your panties, until he’s flicking his tongue over your clit. “Oh,” you moan, and against your better judgment, your free hand is tangling itself in his silky strands.
Jungkook smirks, what sounds like a tiny chuckle muffled as he continues mouthing along your sex, until your panties are soaked both from your arousal and his saliva. Your little thong stares him in the face, and he groans at the sight, glancing up at you with those wide eyes of his like you’re his entire world. “Can I?”
Jungkook gives your clit one final kiss, before he lets go of your hand, and you can’t help the whine that leaves you upon the lost contact. Jungkook eats it up, pressing a kiss turned smile against your knee as he tugs your underwear down. It coils up as it goes, until he’s pulling a tightly twisted maroon thong off your ankles, and tossing it off somewhere behind him.
If his mouth felt good through your panties, it feels even better without. You mewl when he brushes his lips over your clit, plush lips working your sensitive bundle of nerves, sly tongue occasionally creeping out to toy with you further. “Jungkook,” you cry out, back arching. He licks and slurps likes he’s a starved man, and you're the first meal he’s ever had. You want to sob from how good it feels, his tongue flicking over your bud like he just can’t get enough.
He pulls away to catch your gaze, doesn’t let it go as he runs a lone finger over your slit, coating the digit in your own arousal, before carefully plunging it into your warm, wet heat. “Is this good?” He rasps out, watching your facial expressions carefully as he wiggles his finger deeper into your core, his other hand wrapped around your thigh to keep you still. You moan, feeling like a boneless heap of organs beneath this insanely handsome man who can’t keep his hands off your quivering pussy.
His fingers don’t let up, slowly pulling out before plunging back in. The room fills with disgustingly wet sounds, but that fact drifts to the back of your head the faster his fingers go. Your eyes roll into your head, your body twitching with each press of his fingers.
“Is it good, pretty?” He repeats, and since you’re not looking at him anymore, the sudden lick against your clit has your back arching and your thighs quivering with surprise. “Tell me it’s good, ___,” Jungkook croons, and you nod in a hurry.
“It’s good!” You cry, moaning loudly when he slips another finger into you, scissoring the two inside of you. “It’s so good, Jungkook—y-you’re so good,” you moan, and nearly cry actual tears when he curls his fingers inside of you, pressing down against the most sensitive spot within you.
Jungkook doesn’t let up, continues licking and slurping against your sensitive bud, even when your orgasm hits and you’re begging him to stop. He doesn’t let you go until he feels the warmth coat his fingers, feels the wetness begging to seep out of your plugged pussy. He lets you go then, only to move closer to your hole and replace his fingers with his mouth. There, he carefully catches and collects the cum that trickles out, mouth warm against your trembling body.
Your body quivers with each long drag of his tongue over your sensitive cunt, and you’re about to ask him to stop, when he finally pulls away and pushes himself over you, arms caging you in as he stares down at your withered form. “Kiss,” you manage to gasp out, and Jungkook raises an eyebrow in question. “Kiss me,” you repeat, and then, thoughtfully, “please.”
Jungkook complies, leans down to connect your mouths in a sweet kiss. You’re blinded by the delicacy of it all, that you in no way see coming the sudden substance that slides down your throat from his own. You choke at the sudden intrusion, belatedly realizing it’s your cum he’s pushing down your throat, the cum he didn’t swallow.
“That’s it, pretty,” Jungkook croons, licking up the residual come that hadn’t made it into your mouth. “See how you taste for me. Isn’t it sweet?” He murmurs, pushing his tongue into your mouth as if he regretted not saving any for himself. It’s the first time you’ve had your own pleasure in your mouth, so you’re not exactly sure how to feel. What you do feel is the overwhelming surge of arousal at seeing Jungkook rave about it and lap it up inside your own mouth.
He kisses you for a few moments, mouth moving languidly along yours. One hand reaches down to rub soothingly at your inner thigh, like he’s coaxing the feeling back into your body after lulling you into one of the most heavenly orgasms of your entire life. You whimper when he bites down on your lower lip, like you’re still too sensitive to reciprocate, but Jungkook doesn’t mind. He lets you go, licks over where he’d bitten like an apology.
After a few minutes of just this, of feeling like the most cherished girl in the entire world, Jungkook finally pulls away and levels you with a dashing smile. “All good?” He asks, hands still trailing up your waist until they’re framing the swell of your breasts, where he gently circles your nipple.
You nod, dazedly staring up at him and it’s at this exact moment that you realize there’s something stiff poking at your hip. You glance down, and Jungkook glances down with you, until you’re both staring at the hard on he’s hiding beneath his jeans. Jungkook chuckles, low and dark by your ear as he experimentally presses it against you.
Before you can stop yourself, your hand is untangling itself from around his shoulders and slithering down his front. You cup his erection, his shaky exhale giving you the courage to toy with his belt buckle until it’s undone and you're battling with the button on his jeans instead. You put up a good fight, but in the end the angle is too tight for you to properly undo it, and Jungkook brushes your hands away with a soft kiss to your lips.
He pushes himself off you, and you’re immediately craving the warm press of his body against yours the second he’s gone. “Get that dress off for me, pretty girl,” he says, pulling his shirt over his head, rendering you completely speechless as you gawk at his body. Jungkook glances down at you as he goes to undo his pants, a shapely brow raising in your direction and a soft quirk of his lips gesturing for you to do as you’re told.
You spur into action, wiggling the dress up and over your breasts until you’re pulling it over your head and letting it drop beside you on the floor. You’re just in time to see Jungkook push his jeans down his hips, a classic black Calvin Klein underwear band glaring back at you.
The chance to marvel at Jungkook’s thin waist framed by that tight underwear is gone as quickly as it came, and you’re greeted with an even more mouthwatering sight when he pushes the elastic band down, and that big cock you had alluded to springs out of its confines. You groan, subconsciously rolling your hips into the air as you take in the sight of his cock, mushroom tip swollen and flushed. There’s a thick vein that runs along the underside of it, one you only see when Jungkook grasps his dick in his hand and tugs upward like this isn’t his true form, and he can get bigger.
“Ready?” He asks, biting down on his lip as he continues to stroke himself. You nod, wiggling closer to him until the backs of your thighs rest on top of his, knees knocking against his waist. He grants you one more of those kind smiles, before he’s leaning down to press a hand beside your head, the other lining himself up with your soaked entrance.
Running his cock over your folds one last time, collecting as much of your cum as he can, he brushes a kiss against your cheekbone before he’s pushing in. You moan, throwing your hands around his neck as he pierces through the initial ring of muscle surrounding your warm heat. “Holy shit,” you choke, mouth dropped open as you pant like a dog against his shoulder. “J-Jungkook,” you cry, legs tightening around his waist the closer his body presses against yours.
Once he’s at the hilt, pelvis flush against you, you can’t help the series of whines and mewls that escape your lips from being so comfortably filled to the brim.
To your surprise, Jungkook is the first to speak. “Fuck,” he groans, breath hot against your ear. He sounds fucked out, once silky voice raspy with need as he grinds his hips against you tentatively. “This is what you wanted, isn't it?” He huffs, both hands coming down to wrap around your waist, your back arching under the wonderful hands that find themselves squeezing every inch of your back in an effort to pull you closer.
His mouth brushes against yours from this new position, and Jungkook puckers his lips, tongue coming out to lick at your bottom lip. You nearly cry when he finally pulls his hips away, relieves his cock from your tight heat before surging back in. “Wanted this from the moment you walked in, didn’t you, sweetheart?” Jungkook grunts, repeats the same motion until he’s picked up a steady pace of pushing and pulling, each roll of his hips sending a shock of ecstasy crawling up your spine.
You nod, eyes screwed shut as pleasure warms every inch of your body. It’s even worse to not see, because every sound and every touch is magnified tenfold, until you’re drowning in sensations. Jungkook’s choked groans, the slide of his hips, they all become too much too quickly and you’re choking back a sob.
“Fuck,” he groans, glancing down at your withered form like an animal as he picks up his pace. His hold on you tightens, never letting your body move away from him and he begins jack hammering in his thrusts, swallowing your cries with his lips. “Had me thinking you were a nice girl,” he huffs, and you wonder if he knows how tightly he’s holding you, how this grip will most likely leave you with fingerprint bruises tomorrow morning. But then again, you don’t care. All you care about is Jungkook’s voice and his body, guiding you toward completion. “But all you wanted was a quick fuck.”
You steel yourself to look at him again, and when your eyes finally open and focus, you’re wishing you hadn’t because Jungkook looks so hot over you. His pretty eyes, the ones that had led you into a false sense of comfort throughout the night and tricked you into believing he would be easy to bend to your every whim, are hard now. “Isn’t that right, doll?” He spits, and you whine when he punctuates this question with a particularly brutal thrust of his hips. His balls slap against your ass, and you squirm beneath him as you begin to feel the beginnings of an orgasm build in your core.
“I-I thought—“ you stammer, tone pitched from the way he jostles you with every thrust he gives. “Y-You wanted that,” you weekly defend, canting your hips down in a feeble attempt to progress this along.
He snorts, captures your lips in a rushed kiss where he wastes no time snaking his tongue inside your mouth. His saliva trickles into your mouth, and you whine as he purposefully lets it happen, pulls away just the slightest to pucker his lips and let a thick trail of spit fall straight into your open mouth. Satisfied with his little stunt, he rams his cock against you once more.
“If you wanted a quick fuck,” he says, nearly loses himself in your pussy, “you came to the wrong guy, sweetheart.”
You’re too caught up in the nice drag of his cock against your pussy, the tip of his cock stopping him from ever pulling out completely, that it takes you a second to process his words. “H-Huh?” You choke, teary eyes flickering across his face wildly as if the answer will be right in plain sight.
But all you’re met with is the soft pull of his lips as he flashes you a smirk, pearly white teeth tugging at the pink flesh, as he levels you with a glare of his own. Before you can question him further, he’s letting go of your waist to hike your knees into the crook of his elbows, his pouty lips growing further away as he leans back.
This shift has his cock nudging up, rubbing against the hood of your clit where a bundle of nerves he’d only briefly brushed before sits. You shriek in pleasure, writhing beneath him as the sudden sensation hits you full force. “Jungkook!” You sob, his hips slowing to a grind as he watches your face crumble beneath him.
“You like that?” He murmurs, rutting his hips against you shallowly. The change of pace, the rabid piston of his hips slowing to this, has your body melting into his touch. You barely manage a nod, eyes fluttering open and shut as his hips move sensually against you.
His cock brushes against that sensitive spot with each roll of his hips, and you’re a mewling, puddle of emotion by the third thrust. “Pretty girl,” he hums, letting go of one leg to place a hand above your mound, thumb circling your clit until you’re trembling beneath him. “Did you think I would fuck you and kick you out?” He husks, watching your body like he’s a lion and you’re his prey.
Your brain is far from comprehending anything at this point, reduced to a mere mass of nothingness as he continues moving against you, fingers rubbing your clit in all the right ways.
“Well, you were wrong about that, doll,” he huffs, and you’re blessed with the sight of his head lolling back as he loses himself in the tight grip of your pussy, skin glistening with sweat, trailing from behind his ear and over his neck, until you’re watching a pearl roll over his collarbones. “I don’t do that,” he informs you, and he pinches your clit between two fingers, hard enough that you almost miss his next words as you moan. “No, baby, I’ll fuck you and keep you forever,” he spits, and you whimper at his words. Finally, he lets go of your knees, right as you’re teetering on the edge of an orgasm and you moan out in protest as he ducks down to cage you between his arms again.
“Please,” you beg, voice hoarse as his hips slowly return to their pace from before. He’s still not pulling out as much, keeping his thrusts shallow as he kisses a trail up your neck and over your jaw.
“Gonna fuck you so good, you don’t ever want to leave, pretty,” he says, kisses the corner of your mouth as his hips pick up pace. You wanna cry, feeling so warm and cherished in his arms, his voice telling you how good you’re doing as the coil in your stomach tightens and tightens until you’re begging him for more. “Do you want that?”
“Yes! Yes!” You sob, rolling your hips against his like a madman as you chase your high.
Jungkook hums, smile smushed against your lips as he watches you desperately writhing beneath him. “Yeah? You want that?” You nod, mewls swallowed by his kisses. “Then cum for me, pretty girl.”
You whimper, just as he bucks into you once more, and suddenly you’re falling apart. It starts in your lower back, the ecstasy climbing it’s way through your body until you’re quivering and sobbing in his embrace, muffling your sounds against his shoulder. The muscles in your entire body tighten painfully, until suddenly a wave of contentment washes over you, and you’re too weak to even hold onto him anymore, arms flopping back onto the couch cushions beneath you.
The whole time, Jungkook mutters encouragement against your jaw, keeps his thrusts short but quick, guiding you through your orgasm. When you’re done, he presses an open mouthed kiss beneath your ear, pulling away to look at your boneless frame beneath him.
A few pistons of his hips later, and Jungkook is coming inside of you, cum coating your walls as he hammers his way through his orgasm. He pulls out when he’s done, and you instantly feel your mixed arousal drip out between your thighs.
Woozy from the wine and the two orgasms, you fall asleep soon after.
“Good morning,” you murmur, standing at the doorway leading into the kitchen, an area you’d only been able to find after stumbling around the upstairs of the house in confusion.
Jungkook whirls around, wide eyes taking in your appearance. You clutch at the hem of the big t-shirt you’d pulled on, the only article of clothing you saw that was thrown over a chair in a bedroom you didn’t dare snoop around. “Morning,” he exhales, calculating gaze never leaving you as you tiptoe over to him by the counter.
He doesn’t say more, spluttering into action when you peek over his shoulder to see what he’s up to. “What’re you making?” You inquire, and his hands begin fidgeting with the knife.
“Oh, um,” he stutters, and perhaps he’s overly aware of your presence so close beside him, because he suddenly doesn’t remember how he’s supposed to cut an avocado. Cute, you think. “Just, um, toast with avocado spread…”
You hum. After a moment, it seems Jungkook is able to quell his nerves, and he carefully slices the avocado open, spreading its innards across the toast. He hands you the first piece, which you take after masking your own surprise, and soon after he’s turning away from the counter as the two of you eat in silence.
After a few thoughtful munches of bread, you speak. “Thanks for carrying me to bed,” you say, refusing to look at him.
“You’re welcome,” he replies, almost a little too fast and you barely bite down a grin as he rambles on. “Wasn’t gonna leave you on the couch, especially not when you were so tired after… ah, yeah.”
It’s the reserved way he carries himself that gives you the balls to look at him. His ears are flushed adorably red, like when you were at dinner last night talking about his job, and all you wanna do is pinch his cheeks. “Yeah,” you agree, and then add with an air of faux shyness, “you were really cool last night.”
It’s the little devil in you begging to jump out, curious to see how far you can push Jungkook before he shifts into that suave version of himself from last night, and you would feel bad had the corner of his lips not tilted up in amusement.
He chokes out a laugh, mutters a “yeah?” and you don’t stop yourself when you jump into his arms and kiss that avocado spread right off his lips.
On Tuesday afternoon, Kim Namjoon is in the midst of delivering another sermon-like speech on the importance of utilizing your student ID when visiting any of the Starbucks within a two mile radius of your school, when you spot a chestnut head of hair from the corner of your eye.
“Sorry, Joon! My ride's here!” You yelp, shoving your notebook into your bag as you stumble over yourself in your haste to leave.
Namjoon blinks. “Huh? I thought you lived on campus?”
You nod, that giddy feeling starting up in your chest as he comes closer to where you and Namjoon have taken up residence on a table in the commons for your weekly meeting, and by the time he reaches the table Namjoon is still in the midst of questioning you.
“Jungkook,” You say, all dreamily and dazed, and you know this because Doyeon caught you with this same exact look on your face after he dropped you off at the dorms Sunday afternoon.
Namjoon startles. “What the f—“
“Hi,” Jungkook beams, leans down to brush a kiss against your cheek, which only serves to make you even more ditzy and dumb in the face of this handsome man. “Oh, hey, hyung.”
“What’re you doi—“
“All set?” Jungkook asks you, completely ignoring whatever his beloved senior was saying in favor of taking your bag off your shoulders. You nod, have to swallow a giggle down when he takes your hand in his. “Bye, hyung.”
“Bye, Joon!” You barely remember to throw over your shoulder, too busy wrapping yourself around Jungkook’s arm to hear Namjoon blabber in shock. 
“Kids these days,” he huffs.
[ part 2 ; hulu & woohoo ]
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mochiable · 3 years
anonymous request: hi bub, i don’t know if you’re still taking requests but i wanted to ask for a namjoon drabble or one shot about him and reader meeting on the bus and namjoon asking them out. a lot of fluff and cheesiness pleaseeee. thank you sm!
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— rainy route.
pairing namjoon x gn!oc. genre fluff. wc 2.8k
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The raindrops fell heavily, without stopping. They pounded the ground angrily, unleashing all their fury on the dark, wet pavement. People were running, looking for somewhere to take shelter from the rain. You just watched them, scrutinising them with your eyes and pondering why they would escape the rain, it was just water, just that, liquid falling from the sky.
You jumped into a puddle, splashing and getting mud on your shoes. You smiled sideways, wiggling your feet from side to side. Your father was going to kill you when he saw you.
As you got closer to the bus stop, the silhouette of a tall, hooded boy became clearer and clearer. As soon as you recognised him, your feet anchored themselves to the ground, forbidding you to walk any further and bringing you closer and closer to the boy. Now was the moment when you regretted not having taken an umbrella with you, the moment when you were ashamed of your soaked clothes, of your broken, craggy hair and above all of your muddy shoes. God, he must have seen you jump over that puddle.
Slowly your feet revived and you started walking towards the bus stop. Facing your fateful destiny you managed to get under the shelter of the roof, although nothing made sense anymore. You tried to ignore the male presence standing a few feet away from you, but you couldn't help but feel your heart pounding in your chest.
His name is unknown information. You knew absolutely nothing about him, only that he was damned handsome and generous. You saw him every day when he came to take the bus home. For months you had the opportunity to watch him from a distance, trying to camouflage your curiosity, but not quite managing to disguise it. You tried to convince yourself that it was impossible for him to notice your constant glances, but deep inside you knew there was a possibility that every time he turned towards you it was because he felt your eyes on his profile.
In any case, even if you had never spoken to him, you felt more than fortunate every time he flashed you his cute smile as a greeting. You had the luxury of thinking that those smiles were only and exclusively for you, scattering from your mind the thoughts that that's what he did with everyone.
“It's turning into a downpour, isn't it?”, his voice brought you out of your reverie, startling you slightly. You turned your head slightly and looked at him out of the corner of your eye. He had his eyes fixed on the sky, watching the raindrops over the top of his glasses.
You looked down slightly and with your right hand you pinched your thigh, trying to prove that the boy was really talking to you. You groaned at the pain you inflicted on yourself, causing the boy to turn his gaze towards you and look at you with curious eyes. Noticing this, you raised your head and looked straight ahead, watching the cars pass by and the water on the road being lifted by their wheels. “Yeah.”
And that's how you kill the only possible conversation you'll ever have with the guy you like.
“God, you're soaking wet. Did you fall in a puddle?”, fortunately I didn't notice any hint of mockery in his question, which somehow managed to make me relax. Just a little.
“No,” you let out a nasal laugh and tried to control your breathing, praying to God your voice wouldn't break. “It's just that I didn't bring an umbrella and I found it stupid to stand under some doorway.”
“Stupid?”, now it was his turn to laugh. Holly fuck, his laugh. You had just found your favourite sound. No doubt you could stay for hours listening to it. “You could have made yourself sick. In fact... yes, I think you already got sick”, in less than a second you found him in front of you, to see his face you had to look up. He brought his hand up to your face and with his index finger quickly touched the tip of your nose. "It's red," he informed you, smiling with sealed lips and raising his cheekbones.
The effort you made at that moment to keep from screaming was beyond any physical exercise you had been able to do so far. Your bones ached, and it wasn't especially because of the cold.
You stood still, the air catching in your throat and your pupils twitching as your eyes connected with his. You were about to say something, but were interrupted by the loud sound of a horn. You both turned your heads and both your eyes and mouth widened as you watched the bus swerve around a car and pass the bus stop. You closed your eyes tightly and leaned forward to keep all the standing water on the ground from caressing your back as little as possible.
However, the lashing of the water never came. That tall boy had been quick enough to roll you over yourself, grabbing your biceps and covering your body with his, as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders in a tight embrace. He groaned at the cold sensation of the water crashing against his back, at the same time as you gasped in astonishment, unable to see beyond the grey fabric of his hoodie.
Did he just do what I think he did?
After a few seconds he separated his body from mine and looked down at me with a worried expression. He tilted his head subtly to make sure I wasn't any wetter than I was before. Seeing how my clothes were safe from another dip, he turned and pulled off his hood, shaking out his hair and running his fingers through it.
I must have looked like a fool, but it was impossible for me not to open my mouth slightly at the sight. My eyes had decided to stop blinking just so I wouldn't miss a second of that beautiful sight.
“Why did you do that,” I asked once I had come out of my trance and approached him. I pawed a little at his sweatshirt, inevitably soaking my hand. He looked at me in confusion, as if what had just happened was hours ago. “You're completely wet! Have you lost your mind?”
Still with his head half-bent and with several strands of hair falling over his eyes, he turned to look at you and smiled. You felt yourself melt at that very moment - how could an already naturally attractive person be even more so? Was that even possible?
“You're worse off than I am. Don't worry, it'll dry,” he replied, repositioning his sweatshirt with one hand as he shook out his other hand to look at the time.
The bus we were both waiting for finally arrived and you both approached the curb to get on. He let you pass first, so you gave him a smile as a thank you. While you were looking for the bus card so you could pay for the trip, he went to find a seat. You finally managed to get your card and as soon as you had paid you made your way to your seat.
You had intended to sit in the front seats, but in the distance you saw the as-yet-unnamed boy raise his arm and wave to you, then point to the empty seat next to him. Not believing that he could be talking to you, you turned your head in case there was someone behind you, but obviously there wasn't. You turned again and pointed to yourself with your index finger touching your chest. You heard a soft chuckle from him and saw him nod his head repeatedly. Feeling your cheeks slowly turning pink, you walked towards him while trying to hide your face with the collar of your jacket.
“I hope you don't mind sitting with someone who looks like they've just had a shower,” he joked once you sat down next to him. You couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips. Sitting next to you is a dream come true, you thought.
“That's what I should be telling you. I don't think you're any worse off than I am,” you replied, looking down at your own clothes and wiggling your feet, making the wet soles squeak on the bus floor.
“What do you mean worse? A bus bathed me whole!”, his eyes widened as he shook his hands in exaggerated gestures to prove his point.
“I lied to you. I jumped over every puddle I came across on the way here. I'm worse, end of discussion,” you rebutted, glaring at him with challenging eyes and watching devotedly as two cute dimples formed on his cheeks. Oh, I’d do anything to see them every day.
“Well, look on the bright side. We won't need to shower for a long time,” he joked again pulling a laugh from your throat and getting irritated looks from the other passengers the second he did. You both inclined your heads towards them in apology and laughed softly again as soon as your eyes met.
It might seem strange, but even though you had only known him for five minutes, there was a peace and tranquillity in talking to him that you had rarely felt when meeting another person. As if everything was in its place, as if everything fitted together perfectly.
But the warm interaction was interrupted by the freezing air that forced its way through the doors of the bus. Making your skin crawl and causing a chill that went up your spine. You prayed that the boy sitting next to you hadn't noticed, but he did, and in less than a second he'd already offered you his seat, which was further from the doors, and from which his body could protect you.
“Kim Namjoon,” he said suddenly. You unconsciously turned your head and saw his eyes fixed where the driver was. You stood for a few seconds in silence waiting for an answer until he turned his gaze towards you and showed you his white, straight teeth. “My name is Kim Namjoon, what is your name?”
“I am Ahn Chungae,” you replied quietly, watching in awe as his eyes glistened in the direct light of the moon's rays.
“It's a pleasure, Ahn Chungae,” he repeated in a whisper. You didn't know if it was your imagination, but his face was getting closer and closer to yours, and you couldn't help but wonder what must be going through his mind.
At that moment you turned your head towards the window and stood quietly staring at the foggy glass in front of you. Trying to avoid his gaze at all costs, you drew a sad face on the window, keeping your fingers glued to the glass as you looked through it at the lights of the city. Seconds later Namjoon's hand came into contact with yours, causing you to stop breathing for a moment. He carefully wrapped his hand around your fingers and moved them, drawing what would have been two eyes on the opposite side of the ones you had previously drawn, now forming a smiley face. Then he released your hand, which you placed in your lap, and you watched as his fingers would make their way through the steam from the window, writing two letters: RM.
“RM?”, that question sprang to your lips. Namjoon put his arm in front of your face, resting his hand on the glass. You turned and raised your head, meeting his angelic face, looking at you with a curiosity that made your stomach churn.
“I'm in a rap group, that's what my friends call me,” he laughed as his arm returned to a normal position. He was quiet for a few seconds, staring at you and scanning your face patiently. “Do you have any nicknames?”
“I think the closest thing to a nickname I have is 'Peach'?” you replied after you had organised all your thoughts.
“Why 'Peach'?” he asked curiously, bringing the side of his body closer to yours, coming to brush against your shoulders in a subtle way.
You couldn't help but blush when that question came out of his mouth. “My father started calling me that because when I was little I used to climb on the kitchen chairs to reach the peaches so I could eat them,” you admitted, a little embarrassed, trying to erase the image of you with a completely smudged face from your memory.
“How old were you?” “Two,” you replied with a giggle, eliciting a laugh from him as well.
“You sure were a beautiful baby,” he said bumping his shoulder against yours in an effort to embarrass you further.
“Stop it,” you groaned with laughter bringing your hands up to your face and hiding it from his eyes. You heard his laughter again and felt his warm hands come to rest on yours, pulling them away from your face.
“Don't cover yourself, please. I like your eyes,” he complimented you, unaware that he was causing a whirlwind of emotions to run wild inside you. How could he say all those beautiful words to you as if they were nothing? Did he not have compassion?
With nothing more to say, an awkward silence formed between the two of you. He seemed to be calm, staring straight ahead and humming a song your ears were unfamiliar with. You watched him out of the corner of your eye and tried not to shout. Say something! Talk to him! But nothing came out of your mouth.
“Chungae?” he spoke suddenly, snapping you out of your self-destructive thoughts and making you turn to him. “How old are you?” he asked nervously, fiddling with his fingers trying to slow his heart rate.
“Twenty-two, why?” you inquired back, furrowing your brows in confusion.
Namjoon sighed in what seemed like a sense of relief, which further fueled my doubts. “It's just that I wanted to make sure I wouldn't go to prison for asking you out.”
A smile settled on your face without warning giving away your answer in less than half a second.
“Don't worry, you could always say I made you think I'm of age,” you played along, suddenly feeling more confident.
“While I'm handcuffed and forced to keep quiet? Or better yet behind bars?” he joked, cupping his hand to his chin and leaning in your direction.
“I'd come visit you,” you assured him, leaning in his direction as well.
A smile formed on his lips and he moved closer to me, “Let's have a date, Chungae, tomorrow.”
Again you cursed being wet from head to toe, the shivering it gave you only made your nerves run high. You couldn't look him in the face from the embarrassment that suddenly hit you, so you decided to look over to where a man was sleeping with his mouth open, praying for strength.
“Why should I accept?” you asked in a whisper, rolling the laces of your sweatshirt with your fingers. “I don't know you at all, you could be any kind of freak,” you continued, finally daring to look him in the face.
“Well, I'm a little clueless... and clumsy. Very clumsy, I don't know how I haven't done anything stupid yet with how nervous I am,” he admitted with flushed cheeks. “But we know each other. We've been on the same bus for months and I know perfectly well that you don't stop staring at me until I get off at my stop,” he argues, leaving you in a state of surprise, you definitely hadn't been anything but disguised.
“How can you be so sure?” you asked, playing dumb. You couldn't believe he'd actually figured it out.
“Because I don't stop looking at you until I get off either,” he replied, making your heart skip a beat. What had he just said?
You rested your arms on the back of the empty seat in front of you and then put your head on them. He looked really cute with his cheeks slightly pink and avoiding your gaze. You were trying to look brave at the time, but the truth is that you were waiting to get home so you could scream with excitement.
“So...” as soon as you opened your mouth to speak, he looked at you and froze when he saw that you were also looking at him, and realising that you had already been doing it for a while, “since I'm legal, you can ask me out on a date.”
“I... Sorry about that, maybe that wasn't such a good idea after all,” he spoke haltingly as he looked away again, action that brought a smile to your lips. Oh, how the table had turned.
“Alright,” you blurted out suddenly, facing him and bumping your back against the window. He looked back at you with a confused expression. “See you tomorrow at the usual stop.”
That's how you got a smile out of him, one that wouldn't be the last and which was the author of the future ones.
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all rights reserved © mochiable 2021 | reposts, modifications, translations, or spinoffs of any kind are prohibited.
a/n: hi guys! it’s been a long time. i’m sorry for being so inactive these last few months, but i’m in my last year of high school and i had to concentrate on my studies. anyway, as an apology i bring you this one shot i had unfinished in drafts. i hope you like it, and don't hesitate to let me know what you think, i love knowing your opinion about my work. also, thanks for the 300 notes in jaehyun's two posts, it means a lot to me, thanks for the support. see you soon!
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cozykozume · 3 years
Growing Pains
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Slow Burn Tendou x f!reader
Chapter 2 - Lunch Date
WC: 1734
OC’s below:
Daiki, Ho-sook, Jules, Sofia - Readers high-school friends
Jazmin - Daichi’s girlfriend
Lysette - Ushijima’s girlfriend
Ayanna - Kuroo's girlfriend
I have tried to keep any identifying information out (body type, skin tone, hair color, etc.) but there may be some instances where it alludes to a curvier y/n.
Thank you so so much to all my beta readers so far, especially @hispipsqueak, @lemonadencran and @anime-nymph​
Once again, you found yourself closely following Tendou as he walked through campus. And once again, your mind was telling you that it was a bad idea but your body did not care to listen. Following around an upperclassman on your first day of orientation? You were pretty sure you had heard horror stories like this on the internet before. You slowed down, looking around to see less people and more nature. Tendou looked back at you as you stopped in your tracks, looking around at the trees and flowers that surrounded you.
“Are we even on campus anymore?” You asked, taking in the beauty around you but still trying to remain vigilant.
“Well technically, no. But also kind of. This is a park that the school owns, but it’s not considered part of the campus. It’s right here though so a lot of people come here to study, eat lunch, and sometimes they even come here on dates…” He said, wiggling his eyebrows in a cheesy way. That brought a smile to your face. You guessed that he could sense the tension that was radiating off you because he added, “Hey you know, I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable or like, do anything weird. I just noticed that you were stuck to yourself for most of the day and thought you might need someone to help bring you out of your shell.” He said, his voice no longer holding the sarcasm or teasing tone from earlier.
“Sooo, you started talking to me because you felt sorry for me?” You asked, your eyes narrowing slightly as you looked at him.
“Well no. I mean yeah, but no. I didn’t feel sorry for you! I just thought you might like someone to talk to, that’s all. Friends are hard. Ah-. No, what I meant is making friends can be hard and mayb-”
You cut him off as you erupted with laughter. It was now his turn for him to narrow his eyes at you. “Sorry, I had to,” you said in between giggles. “You’ve been teasing me since you started talking to me and I had to get back at you somehow.”
It was now Tendou’s turn to blush, the tips of his ears almost blending in with his hair. “Yeah yeah yeah. Do you want to come eat with me or not?”
You nodded your head, quickly walking to catch up to him. You smiled up at him, reaching around to grab your lunch from your backpack as well. The two of you continued to walk in silence, Tendou peeking at you every now and then. As if he could read your mind, he turned down a side path that led to a small concrete table with stumps for chairs. He smiled as he ushered you to the table, pretending to dust away the dirt and leaves as he sat down and looked at you, expecting you to follow suit. You smiled, sitting down across from him and unpacking your lunch. Tendou smirked as you pulled out a pb and j sandwich along with a small bag of blueberries. “A simple meal for a simple girl I’m guessing?” He said, his cheeks morphing into a soft pink as you smiled at him.
“Simple meal, yes. Simple girl? Probably not.”
He laughed, his eyes lingering on you a moment longer than necessary before pulling out his lunch.
For some reason, you expected his lunch to be over the top, much like his personality seemed to be. But of course, going against what you thought you knew about him, he pulled out a container with white rice and steamed veggies. Tendou watched your face as you eyed his lunch, trying to gauge your reaction. “Not what you were expecting?” he said, the tone of his voice teetering between sarcasm and teasing.
“As a matter of fact, no.” You said, smiling and unwrapping your sandwich. “I just assumed that you would have something much more complicated, much like your personality.” You glanced at him through your eyelashes, trying to read his face while he stared off into the trees deep in thought.
“I guess it’s a simple meal for a complex guy…” He said, his voice almost a whisper. You looked up at him, no longer hiding the fact you were trying to read him. He was there physically, but the look in his eyes said that he was anywhere but.
Like a snap of the fingers, his eyes were focused back on you and his guard back up. Even if just for a moment, you could see what you thought was the real Tendou. Not the mask he put on for other people to see, but the real, raw emotions that were Tendou Satori. He smiled, waving his hand in front of your face. “Hellooo. Earth to y/n...Anyone in there?” He said, laughing softly as you shook your head and brought yourself back to reality.
“Sorry...I get lost in my head sometimes…” You said, trailing off as you took a bite of your sandwich.
“Nope nope...I get it.” he mumbled as he pulled the top off his lunch.
You two ate peacefully, conversation flowing naturally between the comfortable moments of silence. You and Tendou both jumped slightly when his phone rang, Tendou fumbling with his bag to get it out. He got up to take the call, walking past you towards the main pathway. You looked back at him, popping a blueberry into your mouth. Before you can turn back around he locked eyes with you, a silly smile spreading across his face. In return, of course, you couldn’t help but smile back, dramatically rolling your eyes before turning back around.
The butterflies in your stomach felt like they were going to lift you into the air. You had known this man for a few hours and yet he was creating emotions that you were unfamiliar with. It wasn’t that you never had a crush before now, more so that you had never felt so comfortable being yourself around another person. In theory you could be open with your friends, but it wasn’t necessarily the most authentic you. Most of the time, you had to put on a mask of some kind whenever you interacted with anyone. You felt as though you always had to be “on” around them, always ready for any joke or jab they threw your way..
But around Tendou, for some reason, you felt relaxed. You could enjoy the silence around you, observing your surroundings as a temporary part of the scenery. It was almost like he could sense when you wanted to joke around and when you wanted to just exist; but nothing more. And this was after only a few hours of being acquainted with each other.
You were once again lost in thought as Tendou walked back toward the table, his hand lightly squeezing your shoulder before sitting down across from you. “Kuroo just called and let me know that the groups are going to be meeting back up in about twenty minutes so we should head back in ten.”
Tendou smiled softly before looking down at his lunch, the look of disappointment that swept across your face for a brief second caused his stomach to flutter.
“Not going to lie...I am actually enjoying it out here. The orientation is just a bit much for me, especially since I don’t really have that much in common with my group.” You said, taking the last bite of your sandwich before balling up the trash and shoving it into your bag. Tendou nodded his head, slowly chewing the veggies as he thought over your statement.
“Yeah I could see that. This group seems to have a lot of people who already know each other. I’m guessing from high school since a lot of them are commuters. It’ll be easier to get to know people in your dorm and the café.”
“Well maybe if someone didn’t steal me away to each lunch by ourselves on my first day I would have met plenty of people…” You mumbled, finishing off your blueberries with a smirk.
Tendou closed his container, slipping it back into his bag. “Or maybe I just needed to make sure I got to leave a good impression on you before you met anyone else on campus…” He murmured before quickly standing up and tossing his bag over his shoulder. “Alrighty then. Ready to head back?” He said, almost a little too loud for the setting you were in.
You smiled, standing and dusting off your butt before slipping your bag on. “Yes yes. Let’s hurry back before we miss any of the ‘super fun-tastic activities’ they have planned for us.”
Tendou reached his hand out, looking back at you as he waited. Grabbing his hand without much thought behind it, you began walking back to the main path. You both stayed quiet for a moment, walking slowly towards campus. “You know...Suga would be so hurt to hear you say that...He and Kuroo planned all this out just so you all could have a ‘super fun-tastic time’.” He said, sarcasm dripping from his voice. You rolled your eyes, nudging him with your shoulder.
The comfortable silence once again fell over you two, your mind wandering while Tendou led you both back to the group. Before you knew it, the two of you were surrounded by freshmen in bright orange tee shirts that matched your own. It wasn’t until you heard hushed whispers and giggles that you realized you and Tendou’s hands were still locked together. You slowly let go of his hand, intertwining your fingers together in front of you as you looked up at him. He smiled, dropping his guard slightly as you two locked eyes. It was just for a brief moment, but you saw it.
Daichi blew his whistle, signaling for everyone to quiet down. Kuroo texted Tendou, telling him to get his ass up to the front with the rest of the leaders. Before jogging away, he patted your head, causing a few people around you to laugh and your cheeks to instantly turn to fire. You pushed at him as he turned around. “Eww go away.” You laughed, already missing the feeling of him standing beside you. He turned back around and winked, causing even more people around you to whisper and chuckle.
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beastlywritings · 4 years
Pairing: Eskel/OC (Lae’elan) AFAB NB (but gender doesn’t come into it until later)
Summary: Eskel comes across a shapeshifter (Or she comes across him) and they make nice. 
Rating for this chapter: PG-13 for sexual innuendo and suggested sexual acts, as well as talk of masturbation
TW (this chapter): stalking (kind of), manipulation, injuring another on purpose, mention of dissociation and the feeling of it, mentions of orphanage, mention of lost love, selfconsciousness about scars and appearance, gratuitous use of italics for thoughts
AN: Unbeta-ed. If you wanna beta just ask lol (help me). If you wanna gimme some concrit, I’d be grateful; this is my first time posting fic in years and I’m rusty as hell. Gonna be a long fic.
This chapter is mostly just intro to Lan, who is quite literally me if my kintype was a reality. She comes with much of my baggage and personality.
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From her perch in the tree opposite the witcher, the apparent chickadee watched the man as he went about building his fire, placing each branch and split wood neatly and setting it ablaze with a quick hand motion. She’d followed him all day, in various forms, from the moment she’d spotted his cat-like amber eyes across the market. A witcher could have access to information she didn’t. A chance to finally find out what she was. Following him had been easy for her. No one expects a quiet but friendly dog, a flighty squirrel, or a singing songbird of malice, not even a witcher; and no one expects all those creatures to be one and the same. And, she knew from past experience, her powers only set off their medallions if she touched them while shifting. So reconnaissance? Recon was child’s play. 
She worked through the questions that mattered. 
What school is he from? Cats and vipers were dangerous, both schools cut-throat havens, less likely to help a sentient magical creature and more likely to kill first and ask questions later at the first signs of non-human traits. Wolves and griffins tended to be more code-bound and willing to listen. Her eyes narrowed in on his chest. She was in luck-- a wolf medallion peeked out of the collar of his open gambeson, laying on the cream of his shirt. I won’t even have to bother with proper manners, she thought to herself, remembering the last time she’d dealt with a witcher from the school of the griffin. 
What’s his personality; which method would work best to get what she wanted? She knew that Kaer Morhen had been sacked, had heard rumors of who and when, even out in the wilderness. But surely some books had survived. She hadn’t been successful in gaining entry to the keep proper in her youth, but this could be her second chance. What sequence of events would more likely get her invited to Kaer Morhen and access to the library there? 
The man seemed soft spoken; his voice could easily be a booming baritone, but he kept his voice quiet and calm to not spook the women in the town square. He was kind and friendly and polite, even smiling and saying ‘thank you,’ when he bought supplies in the open market. He tried to be as non-threatening as possible, as well, trying to make himself less of an obstruction in the throngs of people in town and pulling his large arms to himself instead of letting them hang loosely by his sides. He’d even stooped to help a woman pick up her fallen goods, though it had gotten him a scowl and a barked ‘hands off!’ Perhaps a spot of friendliness to warm him up to her, break down the walls that no doubt he had constructed over the years, then switch to some seduction. 
Her eyes roamed over him, eyeing up the deep facial scars, the bit of white tooth visible where the scar tissue pulled (adorable); to his strong forearms of corded muscle, bare to the elbow with veins snaking along his golden skin; up to his silky, dark hair that ruffled in the breeze; and finally to the crotch of his pants, where there were little red bows keeping a codpiece in place. Seducing him,  she thought to herself with a purr, poofing up her feathers and preening them some, would be no hardship. A handsome lay and the knowledge she’d been seeking since she was young? No better deal would ever come her way. Just keep the long game in mind, Lae’elan, and this could be it. Finally feeling she had enough information and having made up her mind, Lae’elan fluttered down to land quietly among the leaf litter behind the tree the witcher sat propped up against, her tiny feet making a bit of a ruckus. Muscles popping and bones creaking, she shifted into her true form. Or, well, most of it. She’d need to know him a bit better before she deigned to show him her wings. She pulled clothes out of the ether of her pocket dimension and over her head with less than half a thought. Vulpine legs peeked out beneath a woad-blue dress, as did her long succubus-like tail. Before she’d even taken a full step to the side, she heard the witcher reaching for his swords and decided she’d best show herself before he put one of them through her. Just because it wouldn’t kill her didn’t mean it wouldn’t hurt.
“That spot taken?” Lae’elan asked as she rounded the tree, her hands visible in the air beside her head, one clawed finger pointing to the space on the other side of the fire. There was indeed a sword leveled at her, a cross witcher standing at the other end. She hadn’t even registered the sounds of him getting up. Looking down at the sword, she found he got more interesting. Steel. He assumed human or common beast. Huh.
“How did you-!” His eyes darted around behind her for a flash second. 
“Sneak up? Shapeshifter. I was a bird a few minutes ago,” she said breezily, even pointing to the branch she’d been perched upon. Smartly, he did not look. Well trained. Eyeing the blade poised at her neck, she continued, “Could you put the blade away from my neck? Don’t need you to put it away, just… preferably not immediately pointed at my jugular would be lovely,” She smiled kindly. 
He eyed her warily, but lowered the blade a fraction. This close she realized his eyes were actually just a shade or two deeper than her own. They looked into each other’s eyes for a moment. He seemed to not hate what he saw because the sword lowered another few inches. 
“Just want to sit, maybe chat.”
His eyes narrowed warily and his gaze wandered over her. The horns atop her head, the long ears, her golden eyes, sharp canid-like teeth, fingers ending in curved claws instead of human fingernails. The gears working in his head, trying to make sense of what she was, were visible in his expression. Wouldn’t we all like to know, she thought. 
“Why?” he asked, finally.
“Why wha-at?” 
“Why chat,” he buried the tip of his sword in the dirt, acquiescing, and sat. She stepped around the fire and settled herself on the other side.
“Why does anyone chat?” She asked, but quickly followed, “Because it’s exceedingly rare to find someone I can be myself around in these times. Humans can be decent conversation, but they tend to be sticklers for shoes,” she looked to her feet-- her paws-- and wiggled her toes, “and too often make remarks I’m not fond of. Same ones you no doubt prefer not to hear as well.” He just looked at her over the fire. 
“I’ll be honest, I’ve spent half my day following you today, trying to figure out if you were safe or not,”
“And you’ve decided…?”
“That you’re safe enough,” she chuckled. She’d get a proper conversation out of him yet. 
“Never known a wolf to attack on sight,” she nodded to his medallion, “and you were kind and gracious to each person I saw you interact with,” she continued. Waiting for a response, but not wanting to push, she looked into the fire and drew her legs to the side, leaning her weight on one hip.
“I would have noticed if a single bird had followed me all day,” he grunted. That wasn’t quite what she expected as a reply, but it showed intelligence and caution. 
“A dog, two birds, and a squirrel” she replied.
“I was a dog in the market, a sparrow in the town square, a squirrel on your way out of town and into the forest, and a chickadee for the past hour,” she looked to his eyes to gauge his reaction, “I’m no spring chicken. Reconnaissance is important to my staying alive, let alone having fulfilling conversations.” He paused after that, seemingly looking at the fire, but she knew that he was watching her in the edge of his vision. He was chewing over the fact that she had so many forms. Not many things could change into even three forms, let alone potentially the five he’d have been able to spot today. 
“And what, little stalker, do you propose we talk about?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back on the tree. She ignored the jab. 
“Pretty much anything other than children-” she spotted the minute twitch of his eye, “Whatever you want to talk about, really, as long as I can keep my tail out,” she flicked her hairless, red-black tail for emphasis, “Gets itchy if I’m in this form for long without it,” 
“Don’t know of any kind of shapeshifter that can do that many forms in such a short period,” he squinted at her. She tried to hide that that made her crestfallen. His eyes darting around her face said she hadn’t done a very good job. Just because he doesn’t know off the top of his head doesn’t mean the library doesn’t have something, she reminded herself. Sighing, she replied honestly,
“Other than me, neither have I,”
“What are you?” he asked, not unkindly, losing the wary, almost clinical tone he’d had. Of course honesty would be what got him. She should have predicted that. 
“I’ve no idea,” she answered, a bit quietly, surprising herself at the admission. He scratched his scar absentmindedly. Lae’elan wondered if it was terribly itchy or if his scratching was just a nervous tic.
“Don’t know, or won’t tell?”
“Don’t know. Honestly. Earliest memory is at a temple of Melitele for children, the office specifically, but the sisters told me I’d been left on the front stoop in the night,” Again, she was spilling truths freely. If it gets you closer to him, what’s it matter? Gets you closer to that library? He raised his eyebrows, but shrugged. 
“And you can just…”
“If I can figure out how it works, or might work, I can turn into it,”
“And that’s your face?” She rolled her eyes at the question. 
“Not a doppler. Here, I’ll prove it,” she said, sitting up straighter so she could reach around the fire, hand out loosely, palm towards the ground. As if she were a maiden offering her hand to a suitor to kiss. Nodding to his sword in its sheath at his side, she continued “Touch your silver to my hand,” When he didn’t do it immediately, she nudged her hand forward again and tilted her head to the sword, looking him dead in the eye, urging him to just do it. He tilted his head curiously, but unsheathed it. Moving slowly, he placed the flat of the blade on her hand without hesitation. There was, as she knew there would be, no sizzling of flesh. Just cool metal on a dainty, pale hand. Slowly, he turned the blade so that the edge sat atop her hand, but not enough pressure to cut. He piqued one eyebrow in askance. Lae’elan sighed, but nodded, and he immediately made a shallow slice. Her nose wrinkled a bit at the sting, but nothing happened. No hissing of melting doppler flesh. He wiped the blood off the blade onto his pants and replaced it in its sheath. 
“I can do faces, but to do so makes me… uneasy. Like an out of body experience, but the bad kind a human might have as a poor reaction to some drug. Ah, there’s a word for it…” she trailed off before licking at the cut on her hand to get rid of the blood and watching the sliced flesh knit itself back together. 
“Dissociation?” the witcher filled in before she had to think much. He eyed her hand curiously. 
“That’s it exactly!” she nodded, “Most I ever change is my nose. Other than, you know, making myself look human,” she circled her face with a finger, drawing attention to the obvious non-human features. He snorted at the obvious gesture. She huffed a chuckle back.
“Eskel,” he said, suddenly.
“My name. I’m Eskel,”
“Oh!” she said, pleased, “Lae’elan,” she stuck out a hand to shake. He gently took the hand in his and shook it once. His hands are so much bigger than mine, she thought briefly before-
“Odd name. It’s not a-”
“It’s a bastardized attempt at a human making up an elven name. The sisters thought I was an elf,” she said, flicking one of her long ears, “They were shorter then, and I hadn’t grown a tail or horns or paws or wings at that point. Those didn’t come till later,”
“You looked-? Wait. Wings?” He looked at her shoulder, as if trying to see if he had missed something on her back. He was tilting his head to the side again, like a puppy. Melitele it’s more endearing every time he does it. 
“I have wings as well, but I don’t show those off until I really trust someone,” she explained, looking around the tiny clearing, “Besides, it’s a wee bit cramped for them to stretch out here.” The witcher-- Eskel, she corrected herself-- looked about the patch of dirt.
“They must be quite big, then,” 
“Big, unwieldy, and very sensitive to curious hands if you get my meaning.” He made an ‘ah, I see’ face and seemed a tad embarrassed. She wondered if the old tales of witchers not being able to blush was true, and if it wasn’t, would he be blushing now? Ah shit, maybe we do need to be less crass with this one afterall, she scolded herself. 
“But enough about what I can and can’t do, Eskel,” she laughed, and found she rather liked the sound of his name on her tongue, “Surely there’s something more interesting to talk about. Witcher like you must have some good stories or unique interests to talk about,”
“What are you, my brother’s bard?” He griped, smiling ever so slightly. The shapeshifter just raised an eyebrow. 
“Ah, my brother’s the White Wolf, Geralt of Rivia.” Another blank stare. 
“The famous witcher? The bard Jaskier, his songs, they’re all about him?”
“You’ll have to forgive me,” she began, “I.. don’t come out into human society very often, and when I do I tend to stay away from the more gossipy crowds. I’m afraid I have no idea who or what you’re talking about,”
“Oh,” he looked a bit startled at the fact she was so out of the loop, but the look melded into a bit of bashfulness, “Well then I suppose I feel a bit honored to have been your choice of companion, then,” he said, smiling lightly before gathering his thoughts.
“My brother, Geralt, has bright white hair and is known for not staying out of the affairs of men as we’re meant to. He met a bard, that’s Jaskier, who latched on to Geralt’s pantleg and became rather famous as his barker. Has an entire song cycle about Geralt,” and, mumbling quieter than a human could hear, “You’d think that it wouldn’t take Ger 20 bloody years to figure out the kid is as in love with him as he Jaskier.” She couldn’t help but snort loudly, surprised at the comment. Eskel’s eyes shot up to her. She flicked her ear again. 
“You’ll have to remember I’m not human. Ears are big for a reason. I can likely hear better than even you,” she laughed again, “20 years?”
“Longer, 20 years of pining before they finally got their heads out of their asses and realized,” 
“Fuck, even I’m not that bad. Longest I’ve lasted is two years before giving in,”
“Yeah, well. It’s different when you're a witcher,” he said, mood souring.
“We live a long time. You watch everyone around you grow old, die, their kids die. Even if you decide watching them die is worth it, being with a witcher is sure death, whether it comes from exposure to the elements, a monster getting them, or a vindictive witcher-hater,” 
“It’s not worth the experience of love? Of companionship?”
“They’ve decided it is,” he said, poking the fire with a stick, “Others? Me? I’m not so sure,”
They sat in silence for a minute, Lae’elan watching him as he moodily poked the sticks around.
“Eskel, how old do you think I am,” She asked, curious. He looked up sharply before looking her up and down. 
“20… 30?” she scratched his scar again, “I have trouble telling with humans,” She laughed softly, thinking of times long, long gone. 
“Try somewhere around 250, my dear,” she smiled and looked him in the eye, her own head tilting to the side now. If she didn’t impart anything on him but this, it might be worth it anyway, “And I have to agree with your brother and his bard. It’s worth it. Even if it kills a part of you when they go, it’s worth it.” He stared into her eyes for a minute, looking for something. 
“I’m… sorry,” he said quietly, turning his head to look at the ground to the side of the fire. 
“It’s ok. 80 years does a lot of healing,” her smile was sad, but brightening as she took up his idle mantle and poked the fire with a stick, prodding to move a bit that had fallen so that the fire could breathe better. 
“250?” he asked, looking her over again, “Really?”
“Somewhere between that and 260, I’d guess. Some bits get hazy on the years what with being a hermit for years at a time, and, well, I don’t know how old I was when I turned up at that orphanage,” she shrugged, “Apparently I looked to be about three, but when I ran away four years later, when I should have been 7, I looked closer to 11. My aging’s rather fucked up. So… my age is a mystery just like the fucking rest of me.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl lightly.
“I’ll go-”
“You can check those snares I saw you set up,” she cut in, rising to her feet and stretching her arms above her, “But I can catch my own food,” 
“I wouldn’t… I mean I didn’t-” He began. She chuckled. 
“I know you wouldn’t try to poison me or assume I can’t hunt for myself, Eskel, I just enjoy catching my own meals too much to let someone else.” With that, she shifted, her bones snapping into new forms, her russet hair turning into pale cream and brown fur, until a wolf wrestled its way out of her dress. She took off like a shot into the undergrowth, but not before noting Eskel’s discomfort at the sight. Have to unpack that later, she thought as she bounded in the direction she’d heard a deer about half an hour ago. 
Taglist: @its--fandom--darling
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myaekingheart · 4 years
The Perfect Gift
Written for Day 3 of the Kakashi Lounge Discord Server’s September Event. Prompts: Happy Endings | Forgiveness | Hope | The Perfect Gift
[Read on AO3] Pairing: Kakashi x Rei (OC) Rating: Teen and Up @the-kakashi-lounge-blog
               Kakashi ruffled his daughter’s hair as they entered Kaminoki Bookshop, his in-laws anxiously awaiting their granddaughter’s arrival. Rei kissed Nariko’s chubby little cheek, instructing her “Be good for Grandma and Grandpa while we’re gone, okay?” Grinning, Nariko nodded once before wiggling out her father’s grasp and rushing toward Hana, affectionately slamming into her legs so as to nearly knock her off balance.
               “I’m sure she’ll give us a run for our money” Yuruganai jested, patting her on the head.
               “Are you sure you guys are okay with this?” Rei asked. As she rose to her feet, Kakashi placed a tender hand on the small of her back. “I know she can be a bit of a handful.”
               Hana smiled affectionately back at her daughter, replying, “It’s no trouble at all! You know we love it when our little Nari visits.” She turned her gaze to her granddaughter then as she asked, her voice rising an octave, “And we’re going to have lots of fun tonight, aren’t we, sweetheart?”
               “Yeah!” Nariko exclaimed, raising her arms up in the air. “We can watch movies, and bake cookies, and play lots of games, and stay up til the sun comes back out!”
               Hana’s face grew pale at the prospect, chuckling nervously. “Well, we’ll see about that” she mused. Nariko fell back onto the floor in uproarious laughter, as if she knew she already had these old folks wrapped around her tiny little finger. There was no way they could say no.
               The interaction was not particularly convincing for a mother as anxious as Rei. Yuruganai could see the clear uncertainty painting his daughter’s face, the way she bit her lip and watched her daughter giggle and kick her legs in the air. “Go. Enjoy your anniversary. We’ll be fine” he reassured.
               “Thank you again for doing this” Kakashi replied. “We really appreciate it.” And truly, he did. Hana and Yuruganai’s investment in Nariko’s life was such a welcome relief, especially after their past skepticism of Kakashi and Rei’s relationship. Raising a child was difficult, especially one as rambunctious as Nariko, and they could use all the help they could get. While Kakashi truly loved every minute of being a father, he couldn’t remember the last time he and Rei had a night to themselves. They found romance in the little moments now: the sloppy morning kisses with a child’s knee in your face, the homecooked food after a long day of monotonous paperwork and chaotic games of hide and seek. The moments watching Nariko romp around the playground with the other children, and the way Kakashi would wrap an arm around his wife and kiss her cheek through his mask, his heart swelling with love for the little life they had created together. Fatherhood was everything he had ever wanted, and yet he could not deny that some nights he did, in fact, yearn for a break. If nothing else, Rei certainly deserved it.
               At least for Kakashi, there were his hokage duties. It was still a massive responsibility but the job came with a very different type of stress. Rei never got a moment to herself. She never had the chance to step away from it all for something else. It was clear to Kakashi how especially exhausting being a stay-at-home mother was. He saw it in the dark circles under her eyes, her matted hair, the mess in the kitchen and the toys littering the floor. Kakashi did what he could but always feared it was never enough. She worked so hard. She deserved a quiet night of pampering with a fancy dinner she didn’t have to make herself, a non-animated film she could watch uninterrupted, and snuggles on the couch that did not involve a toddler’s slobber. If there was any night to do it, it was tonight.
               Rei nestled into Kakashi’s embrace as they walked home slowly, enjoying the sunset and the cool March air. “Are you sure she’ll be alright, Kakashi?” she asked quietly. “I’m so worried about her.”
               “Don’t be” Kakashi reassured her. “Everything will be fine.”
               “I just feel so guilty about leaving her” Rei replied. “I mean, we spend every day together. Her and I are never without each other. I just…”—by now, Rei’s eyes had welled up with tears. She bit her lip as she looked back over her shoulder, Kaminoki fading into the distance. “I feel so selfish, like we’re abandoning her or something, I don’t know.”
               Kakashi paused in the middle of the street. He brushed the long bangs back out of Rei’s face and tilted her chin up to look at him. “What are you crying for?” he asked softly. “I promise, Nariko is going to be fine.”
               “Are you sure?” Rei asked. The look of concern in her eyes, the desperation on her face, was enough to break Kakashi’s heart.
               “Positive” Kakashi reassured her. “She seemed more than happy about spending time with your parents. She’s resilient and adaptable. And there’s nothing selfish about taking a night for ourselves.” He caressed her cheek softly, hoping to exude some sense of calm. “You work so hard every day to take care of her, you shouldn’t feel bad for taking time for yourself. You can’t run on empty all the time, Rei. You deserve to relax.”
               Rei sniffled and a pathetic little giggle broke past her lips. “I know. You’re right” she replied. “I just wish I didn’t feel so terrible about it.”
               “It’ll be alright” Kakashi said. “Let’s just try to enjoy tonight as much as we can, okay? No more crying.” He grinned and kissed her on the forehead, squeezing her hand in silent support. Rei forced a smile and nodded. Truthfully, she didn’t want to take this away from him, either. He needed a break as much as she did.
               They continued down the road in comfortable silence before, all at once, Rei giggled quietly and nudged Kakashi for his attention. “You know, I was thinking: I hope my parents can even handle her.”
               Kakashi chuckled and shook his head. “I’m sure they’ll be fine. Besides, they could handle you, couldn’t they? Nariko has to get her energy from somewhere.”
               “Yeah” Rei laughed, mildly embarrassed. “If only I still had that much energy” she joked. She was positive she hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in four years. Looking back on her ANBU days, when she’d stay up until the wee morning hours only to wake up at dawn, it all seemed incomprehensible to her now. These days she could barely keep her eyes open brushing her teeth. Funny how creating a life can drain so much of your own.
               Once they returned home, Kakashi guided Rei immediately into the bathroom with an all-knowing smirk. She watched quizzically as he began filling the tub and stirring in a copious amount of sweet-smelling body wash. Before she could ask him what this was all about, Kakashi glanced at her over his shoulder and replied, “A little relaxation never hurt anyone.” Rei could hardly stifle her laughter. She sat down on the edge of the tub and kissed his cheek. “Now you stew in here for a little bit while I go fix us some dinner” he insisted.
               “Wow, I guess maybe we should leave Nariko at my parent’s place more often” Rei joked. She smiled at him over her shoulder as she undressed, watching him retreat back to the kitchen. Once he was gone, she sunk into the warm water and closed her eyes. Her head had been pounding all week, her stomach twisting into knots. She stretched her arms out in front of her, straightened her back, and hoped this would be enough to alleviate all of her aches and pains.
               Rei had no idea how long she actually spent there, but by the time Kakashi had returned, her fingertips were wrinkled and waterlogged and her eyes had grown heavy. Her husband knocked musically and peeked his head through the doorway, announcing “Dinner’s ready!” Rei sat up and began rinsing the soap suds off her body, trying to snap out of her sleepy stupor. Kakashi crouched down beside her, cupping water in his hands to help wash away what she couldn’t reach. “So, did you enjoy your bath?” he asked, extending a hand to help her up.
               “Mmhmm, it was—” Rei started, but as she stood up the room began to spin. Her breath hitched in her throat as she fell onto Kakashi for support. His eyes immediately widened, holding her close as he helped her step over the edge of the tub and then wrapped her in a cozy towel.
               “Are you okay?” he asked. He sat her slowly down on the lidded toilet, watching as she blinked and tried to gain her bearings.
               “Y-yeah, I’m fine” she replied. “I just…got a little dizzy for a second.” Kakashi cocked a brow in concern. She may have insisted she was fine, but her face looked so pale and her hands were trembling in her lap. She sucked in a deep breath and smoothed her wet hair back. When she noticed he was staring at her, Rei pasted a fake grin on her face and added, “Really, I’m fine. I think all the hot water just fucked with my blood pressure or something. Probably doesn’t help that I’ve been tired.”
               “Was the water too hot for you?” Kakashi asked. “You should’ve said something. I could’ve cooled it down if it—”
               “No, really!” Rei interrupted, perhaps a little too abruptly. “I said it was fine.”
               “Okay…” Kakashi replied. He was not at all convinced but he knew better than to press her for answers. Especially when she seemed so on edge. He wanted tonight to be perfect and starting an argument or triggering a panic attack was the exact opposite of those intentions.
               Once she had calmed down, he watched with great focus as she slowly stood up and made her way into the bedroom. She peered at him over her shoulder, teased a tiny smirk, before dropping her towel and asking, “So do you want me to get dressed or should we eat dinner with our clothes off?”
               Kakashi’s cheeks burned as he ruffled his hair and replied, “I wouldn’t be opposed to either.”
               “Hmm” Rei hummed before finally turning to her drawers and pulling out a cute pair of underwear and one of Kakashi’s old shirts. “Well then maybe I’ll make you work for it, just to make things interesting” she said as she slipped his shirt over her head. It was one of the ones he wore back when he was a jonin leader, part of the since-outdated uniform. It fell to almost mid-thigh on her small frame, but fit tighter in the bust on account of her figure. When she turned around, the lace hem of her panties just barely showed from beneath the hem. Kakashi bit his bottom lip as she approached, lacing her fingers with his, then walked alongside him into the kitchen.
               On the table, a simple dinner awaited them by candlelight. A vase of her favorite flowers served as the centerpiece and for dessert, there was mochi—the kind with a whole orange inside. He knew how much she loved those. Toshio’s nose poked over the edge, sniffing for snacks, but Kakashi quickly shooed him away. Leaving Toshio alone with food was risky but he was not about to let the dog ruin all of his hard work. He pulled Rei’s chair out for her before settling in himself.
               Rei’s stomach growled in desperation as she picked up her chopsticks and surveyed her food. She locked eyes with Kakashi as they said in unison itadakimasu before digging in. The food was nothing Kakashi hadn’t made before: the typical rice, miso soup, and nitsuke—his specialty. This time, however, the fish in particular was overwhelming. It’s dead face and gaping mouth made her stomach churn. She picked apart a small piece, nibbled, then clapped her hand over her mouth. Kakashi paused mid-chew, staring at her in concern, as she flung her chopsticks on the table and staggered to the bathroom.
               “R-Rei..?!” he called after her. The panic in his voice was almost palpable. She threw the lid up and fell before the toilet, gripping the seat with white knuckles. Kakashi gave Toshio one quick warning glare before racing after her. “Rei, are you alright?!” he asked. He skidded up next to her, resting a hand on her lower back as she heaved and wept. He refused to leave her side the entire time, one hand constantly rubbing her back as the other rummaged through the counter drawers for anti-nausea medicine. Once she was done, he soaked a towel in cold water and pressed it to her forehead while he prepared a cup of water and a dose of chalky pink medicine. “Are you alright?” he asked.
               She hated the way he was looking at her, the absolute fear and concern on his face. Was she alright? How was she even supposed to answer him? She had been feeling sore and sick for weeks, but had just chalked it up to sleep deprivation. It had happened before, it made perfect sense. But she had her suspicions, too. This episode only further cemented them in her mind. So was she alright? Shaking her head, Rei huffed and whispered, “Kakashi, I think something’s wrong.”
               The word wrong struck him hard in the chest. “Was it the fish? The man at the market said it was fresh, but he had this look in his eyes that made me unsure. Maybe I should start an investigation. Maybe he’s trying to poison me to get me out of office. Not that I’m a stranger to death threats but—”
               “Kakashi, stop” Rei interrupted, lifting her palm in emphasis. Her hands were shaking again. “I’ve been feeling questionable since long before the fish was on the table.”
               Kakashi blinked. “W-what do you mean…?”
               Running her fingers through her hair, Rei stretched her legs out in front of her and locked her eyes on the grout lines in the floor. She didn’t particularly want to say it, because saying it would make it feel all the more real, but she couldn’t dismiss it any longer. “K-Kakashi…Kakashi, I think I might be pregnant again.”
               A jolt of panic rushed through Kakashi’s body. It took him a moment to register what, exactly, she had just said. It wasn’t like they were trying to conceive, but they also weren’t not trying. Perhaps that was the biggest mistake of all: the carelessness. But they had become so tired, it wasn’t worth the effort to pull out anymore. Hell, whatever intimate time they even had anymore was often spent half-asleep in lazy positions. They simply did not have the energy to try.
               A long moment of silence passed before Rei immediately gripped the edge of the toilet again. Her entire body was shaking now and her breath was labored. “Oh god, Kakashi, please say something” she whined.
               “S-sorry” he murmured, trying to gain his bearings. “A-are you sure?” he finally asked.
               “I don’t know, I really don’t know” she whimpered, pressing a hand to her forehead. “I thought I was just burnt out or coming down with the flu or something but then I started thinking about it and I can’t even remember when my last period was. I’ve been so busy, I lost track and then tonight happened and I just—” Tears were threatening to fall again as she choked on her own voice. Kakashi frowned empathetically before scooting nearer and pulling her into his arms.
               “Do you want me to run to the drugstore and pick up a pregnancy test?” he asked. “I can do that for you if it’d make you feel better.” Sniffling, Rei buried her face against his chest and nodded.
               “I think that might be for the best” she whispered. Kakashi cupped her cheek and kissed her forehead. He hated to leave her like this but he was not going to pretend like they did not need answers. And as much as he hated the thought of what rumors would fly at the sight of the hokage buying pregnancy tests, he hated even more seeing Rei so distraught. He asked her if there was anything else she needed before giving her one last kiss and rushing out the door. In their absence, Toshio had leapt onto the table and was halfway finished with their food but at this point, Kakashi couldn’t have cared less. There were far more important things at stake now.
               When he returned, it was nightfall and Rei was curled up on the couch with a trash can by her side. Toshio had situated himself at her feet, his heavy head resting on her thigh. If Kakashi had to leave her, at least he could always count on her faithful canine to watch over her. The moment he unlocked the door, Rei sat up expectantly. He could see the anxiety immediately rush to her face. Toshio tilted his head around and barked a hello, spotted tongue lopping out of the side of his mouth.
               “I got the four pack” Kakashi said, holding up the box. “Just to be safe. There was a coupon.”
               There was a coupon. Perhaps it was just the ridiculousness of the situation, but Rei couldn’t help but laugh. It was always in the most dire of times, it seemed, that the stupidest things became suddenly so funny. After all, in a matter of minutes, things likely were not going to feel so funny anymore.
               Rei forced herself to chug the last of her water despite still feeling incredibly sick. Her mounting anxiety was surely not helping her cause. She sat on the edge of the tub as she ripped open the box and pulled out one of the tests. The mere sight of it was enough to make her gag again. Kakashi rested a gentle hand on her knee.
               “You ready?” he asked.
               “I don’t really have a choice” she replied. Without another moment of hesitation, she pulled down her underwear and proceeded to go to the bathroom. At least her bladder had been working overtime, so taking the test required no extra waiting on her part. Once she was finished, she put the test face down on a wad of toilet paper on the counter and sighed. Kakashi set a timer for five minutes. “And now we wait.”
               Kakashi gave a single nod as she went and sat beside him on the edge of the tub. “Are you alright?” he asked.
               “We’ll see” Rei replied. Then, with a bitter laugh, she added, “Well, isn’t this romantic? Happy anniversary, sweetheart, here’s my piss on a stick!”
               Shaking his head, Kakashi wrapped his arm around his wife and pulled her close. “I wouldn’t want it any other way” he jested.
               “Yeah, okay” Rei scoffed. After a few moments, however, her bitterness faded into dejection. Dropping her head back, Rei inhaled sharply and whispered, “God, this sucks.”
               Kakashi rubbed her shoulder. “Are you mad at me?” he asked quietly.
               “I’m mad at myself” Rei replied. “I just…fuck, I’m so sorry, Kakashi.”
               “What are you sorry for?” he asked. His voice was dripping with sympathy, his gaze soft and gentle. “You’ve done nothing wrong.”
               “But I ruined our anniversary dinner” Rei argued. She could feel the tears pricking at the back of her eyes yet again. She refused to let herself cry this time. She felt so pathetic. “Tonight was supposed to be special. Everything should’ve been perfect but…but then I had to go and puke in the middle of dinner and start…all of this.” Here, she crudely motioned to what had become of their bathroom: toilet seat propped up, towels on the floor, medication littering the counter. And of course that stupid little pregnancy test.
               Kakashi drew her close and kissed her temple, nuzzled her cheek. “It’s okay” he replied. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I promise.”
               Rei turned and buried her face in his chest. Voice muffled, she asked, “Kakashi, what are we going to do?”
               “Well, what do you want to do?” he asked. “Though we really can’t make any decisions until we know for sure.”
               Shaking her head, Rei whined, “I don’t know! I haven’t thought this through. I never considered this could happen. I’ve been so focused on what’s going on right now, and Nariko is so much work, I just—” Her voice was starting to rise in octave as her hands shook again. This whole situation was so overwhelming. She needed a plan. She felt so unprepared.
               “I know, Rei. It’s okay” Kakashi whispered. He squeezed her tight and ran his fingers through her hair, brushing her bangs back out of her face. He could feel how rapidly her heart was beating through her chest and truthfully, he didn’t blame her. He had never considered this possibility either. Now that they were staring it in the face, however, a strange feeling had taken root in his chest. “You know” he said quietly, “I almost kind of hope the test is positive.”
               Rei automatically leaned back to stare at him in confusion. “You do?” she asked.
               “Mmhmm” he replied. “The thought of having another baby is kind of exciting. We may not have planned for this, but we can do things right this time. No wars to worry about. I’ll be right here the entire time. I think we’re in a good position to care for another child. I’m sure Nariko will be happy for the company. I think we’re ready, Rei. Maybe all of this is happening the way it’s supposed to.”
               Rei considered his words for a moment. She supposed he had a point. Things were so much calmer now than when she was pregnant with Nariko. They were secure financially, professionally, and in their relationship. Pursing her lips, Rei dropped her eyes to the floor, placed a hand upon her stomach, muttered, “I mean, another baby would be kind of nice. I always thought we’d have a second child eventually anyway.”
               Tilting her chin up to face him, Kakashi looked her in the eyes and whispered meaningfully, “I will do everything I can to take the best possible care of you. All of you. I promise.” As much as he believed he was a good father, he knew there were areas where he was lacking. All of that was going to change now, though. He needed to invest more time in caring for his family. He needed to pick up the slack at home and create a much more balanced division of household duties. One in which Rei was not so overloaded with work just because she was home all the time. Even if the test came back negative and things went back to normal, she deserved better and he knew that. He only wished that it hadn’t take a scare like this to truly remind him of that.
               Before any more could be said, the timer went off. Rei went rigid, immediately gripping Kakashi’s hand tight. “Oh god, I don’t think I can look” she whispered, eyes locked on the test awaiting her attention.
               “It’s okay” Kakashi reassured her. “Whatever the answer is, we’ll be ready. We can do this.” He was so confident, so certain and sweet. Even if she herself was terrified, Kakashi’s support made Rei believe that maybe they could, in fact, handle this. After all, she wasn’t alone in this. They were a team. They were in this together. Whatever the future held before them, they would face hand in hand.
               Sucking in a deep breath, Rei cringed and flipped the test over. It took her a minute for the result to register. She stared at it dumbfounded, eyes wide and unblinking, before her hand clapped over her mouth. Kakashi couldn’t read her expression.
               “What? What does it say?” he urged.
               Rei’s hand trembled. A strange and unexpected happiness rooted itself deep in her chest, rising up out of her throat in the form of an incredulous laugh. Turning her gaze away from the test, she whispered, “Kakashi…it’s positive.”
               Kakashi blinked, trying to make sure he heard her right. “It’s…it’s positive…?” he asked in disbelief.
               Rei nodded slowly, biting her lip to fight the small smile weaseling its way onto her lips. Her eyes were glossy and wide, her mouth agape. “It’s positive” she repeated. “I guess we’re really having a baby after all.”
               Overwhelmed with happiness, Kakashi leapt to his feet and pulled her into a tight hug. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and she could feel his hot, happy tears against her skin. It wasn’t until then that she realized she was crying, too. Suddenly nothing else mattered. Not the stress or the exhaustion, not the fact that Toshio had completely eaten all of their dinner. Curious about the commotion, he nudged the door open to peek inside, sniffing at the air and barking as if in congratulations. Rei turned to look at him, a laugh escaping her, as she urged him to come nearer. She reached down to scratch behind his ear, musing, “Looks like you’re going to have one more baby to protect.”
               Toshio, as if in staunch approval, barked and began spinning and leaping happily. In a place as small as their bathroom, however, this left little room for anything else. But Kakashi and Rei couldn’t even be bothered.
               “I guess we’ll have to find a way to tell Nariko” Rei whispered, settling into her husband’s arms. “I wonder how she’s going to take being a big sister.”
               “I think she’ll be happy” Kakashi assured her. “She’ll never have to worry about being alone.”
               Nodding, Rei snuggled up close, resting her head against Kakashi’s chest. “Yeah…that’s good” she whispered. “She’s such a social butterfly, I think a sibling would be good for her.”
               Kakashi smiled down at his wife and his heart overflowed. All those years of turmoil and distance could never have prepared him for what was in store. How did he deserve a life such as this? With a beautiful wife and daughter, a warm home, an unbelievable job, and now another baby on the way? He thought of his father, of how proud the White Fang of the Leaf would be. If only he could’ve met his grandchildren. If only he could’ve seen all that Kakashi had accomplished. He was so, so blessed.
               “I love you so much, Rei” he whispered, hugging her close.
               “I love you, too, Kakashi” she whispered back.
               And in those quiet moments, on the cusp of something wonderful, Kakashi was certain he had never been happier. This was everything he had ever wanted. He couldn’t have asked for more—and on their anniversary, even. A celebration of their love, of the commitment they had made to one another. Of everything good in the world, everything he thought he never deserved. This was truly the perfect gift.
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zult-of-zephyr · 5 years
Hey y'all! So, while I'm working on Curious, I'm also going to be working on a series of Not Snape For Work fics taking place in the same au as Curious, but will be tagged as #Kurious.
Curious is a Severus Snape x self-ship/x reader/x oc fanfiction. While it can be read as an x reader/x oc fanfiction, and I encourage y'all to do so, it is written first and foremost as a self indulgent fic for me. That being said, it tends to take inspiration from many aspects of my life, such as, but not limited to, my C-PTSD, my personal traumas, my personal Snape headcanons, my interests, etc. This is just a general warning for all chapters of Curious or Kurious, in case this would make any potential readers uncomfortable.
Word Count: 2,123
Rating: E for explicit sexual content! Do not read/interact with if you are under 18, and I check every account that interacts with any of my posts.
Short Synopsis: Simone gets dressed with the help of our beloved Severus. This is a very subby sev with a much more dominant reader. Very heated and tender moments happen.
Winter had always been your favourite season, but since moving to England, fall had replaced that spot in your heart. How it got to be so perfectly chilly. How you got to see the earth start it's slumber. How you actually got to layer your clothes for the chill.
Layering was always a habit of yours, just to regulate temperatures and help you feel safe. It gave you a sense of putting on armour. Literally placing protective charms on your clothes as you put them on, just to have a first line of defense. Your long skirts and slips bundling you up in a warm, comfortable pod, keeping you snug and cozy. Making you feel that safety you long for. But not many got to see the process. Severus, however, was one of those lucky few. One of the few you allowed to strip you of your armour, both literally and figuratively. But he'd yet to actually see you dress yourself.
After pulling an all-nighter of grading papers and potions with your help, you both decided to just stay the night in your cottage rather than have him worry about sleepy apparation nor making the trek up to the castle and then down to his quarters.
You always wake up early, seeing the sun not quite up just yet. Knowing that the night terrors and bad memories that often plauged your mind had led to you waking up long before anyone else once again. But it never failed to work you up, shaking as you sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. After calming down, you got up, deciding to start your day sooner rather than never. Going through the motions of bathroom basics, brushing your hair, teeth, among other things, you finally started the process of getting dressed. But you hadn't realized someone was watching you. That someone had been watching you since your shaky exit from the bed, longing to reach out and hold you, but feared upsetting you more than you already were.
You pulled out your outfit for the day, stacking your clothes in the order in which you needed. Stripping down, assuming you were still the only one awake, you started to get dressed. As you slipped on a fresh set of lace panties, you could feel eyes on you. Knowing they belonged to a certain potions master, you bit your lip as you thought, Might as well give him a show.
You grabbed the first layer of your outfit; a simple pair of black stockings. You slowly pulled on your black tights, up, up, up your body, feeling every curve get enveloped in a sheer blackness. You wiggled your plush ass and thighs into the tight fabric, hearing a sharp gasp from behind you as you pulled the stockings all the way up and into place. However, you didn't look over. You liked teasing him.
Pulling out the second layer, a garter belt, you slipped it on. You smoothed it out over your curves, pulling the garter clips and letting them smack back into place, hitting against the sheer inkiness of your backside. You hear a groan sound from behind you, and you finally look over your shoulder coyly. And it was a sight to behold.
His hair was still disheveled from sleep, his face flushed pink from the scene unfolding in front of him. He was taking deep breaths, slow and steady, but it was merely an act to control himself. But his eyes gave away everything. Oh god, his eyes. They were so intense, staring at every part of you, drinking in your form, the hazy glow of the birth of dawn just barely silhouetting your body. They were dark and beautiful and hungry. And you planned to give him the meal of a lifetime.
"You know, Severus," You purred, finally turning towards him fully, hands covering your nipples,
" People are usually much more excited to see me take off my clothes." You continued, seeing a swathe of red overtake his face and the tips of his ears. His head snapped up, meeting your gaze, and guilt was now added to the mix of emotions swirling around in his eyes. Now that won't do.
You let your breasts free, walking towards him with the rest of your layers in your arms, folding them just so so that they propped up your breasts. He seemed shocked, looking at you, to your breasts, then to anywhere but you. As you got closer to him, he made a motion as if to speak, but stopped when you bent close to his ear. You could feel him shiver from your breath on him.
"Would you like to help me?" You asked, pulling away to make eye contact with him. He seemed shocked, mouth open and gave you a weak nod.
"You'll need to speak up if you want to help."
He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but after gulping, he managed a shaky, "Y-yes."
"Yes, what?" You teased. God how you loved to tease him.
"Y-yes, I would like to help you dress." He said, looking away from you. You pulled his chin up with a free hand, grazing his neck not-so-accidently. His breath hitched as you gave him a smile and a kiss to the corner of his mouth, and pulled away to meet his eyes again.
"Thank you, Severus." You said lovingly. Straightening up, you placed your clothes onto his lap, caressing up his outer thigh as you did so, and smirking when he shuddered at your touch. Yes, teasing him was your absolute favourite thing to do.
Sliding onto the bed, you swiveled your legs to either side of him, propping yourself on your elbows as you laid back. He seemed really flustered now, looking at the clothes, red as can be.
"Socks would be next, Sev. They should be on top." You instructed, loving how you get him worked up like this.
"Ah, yes, let me just-" He started, hands hovering over your leg, as if unsure you if you actually wanted him to touch you or not. As if you ever wanted him not to touch you.
"You can touch me, Sev," you say, placing your right foot into his hovering hand," I won't bite. Yet."
His eyebrows shot up, but he simply shook his head, taking the sock and placing it onto your foot and slowly rolling it up your calf. He caressed your curves and looked at you, that love and hunger returning to his eyes, all guilt having vanished from them. Now that's much better.
After rolling your sock to your calf, he gives you the same treatment to your left leg, placing it down gently. As he does so, you raise yourself up to your knees, leaning over and holding onto his neck. Stradling him, you leaned into the crook of his neck and spoke against his skin.
"Well go on, Severus." You started to kiss him, lightly, only to nibble on his collar bone. He whimpered. Music to your ears.
"Finish what you started."
"R-right!" He barked, starting to roll up your socks completely, groping your soft thighs with happy abandon, moaning now and again when you kissed the rights spots along his neck here and there. He palmed your ass as he grabbed the garter clips kissing your shoulder lightly, lovingly, as he clipped your socks into place. You pulled back, resting yourself on his lap.
He rested his hands on your hips, just staring out you.
"Why did you wake up so early?" He asked nonchalantly, but softly, making sure you met his gaze.
Shit. I'm busted.
"Nightmares... it's normal for me. I'm sorry, I-" You start to ramble, starting pull away, to close up. You hated having to explain, to have to get so wrapped back up in those thoughts and images. To relive something that wasn't even real.
"Do you really think you need to explain nightmares to me, Simone?" Severus cut you off, pulling you back to him, in more ways than one. His sarcastic tone and smirk would've hurt anyone else, but you saw that worry in his eyes, clear as crystal. Worry for you.
"No, I suppose I don't, Severus." You met his gaze with an equally arched brow and sarcasm, but you hoped he could see the graditude in your eyes, see what his touch and his words mean to you. Looking into his eyes, you cupped his cheek and closed the space between you, kissing him as tenderly as you could. He kissed back with a hunger, deeping the tender kiss into something more passionate. You both broke the kiss for air, panting. You could feel he was as hot as you, but you weren't done with your teasing yet. It never gets old.
"My bra, Severus, next is my bra." You panted out, resting back onto his lap. He blinks at your words, still drunk off of the kiss. God, I love him.
"Hmm? Oh yes, yes..." He said, catching his breath as he picked up the black, lacey bra on top of the now crumpled pile of clothes. You moved the pile out of the way, eyeing the erection that tented his boxers. As he slipped the bra onto your shoulders he kissed at your breasts, burying himself inbetween them as he latched your bra into place, moaning as you freed his cock, grazing it lightly with your nails, precum already starting to flow.
Smearing it over his head with your thumb, you felt him inhale sharply against your tits. You gave him a few slow, tortuous pumps before pulling your hand away.
"S-simone, please-" Severus pleaded, thrusting up into the space where your hand was.
"My shirt, Sev. That comes next." You simply said, knowing he'd listen to your every word. He always did.
He quickly pulled out your button up, sliding it over your shoulders. He started buttoning your blouse, fumbling here and there, cursing them. Serves him right, you thought, for all the buttons I have to deal with.
After he gets half way through, you take his cock in your hand again, pumping and twisting your wrist oh so deliciously slowing, pulling another moan from him.
"Now, Sev, you keep on buttoning me up. You wouldn't want me to stop, would you?" You said matter-of-factly, loving the games you played.
"N-no! I-don't stop, please..."
He moans as you pick up pace a little bit more. He starts buttoning up your blouse as fast as he can, little moans and groans emanating from his throat as you slow and quicken your hand's pace with his fumbles. It was delightful to see such skilled hands stumble. All because of you.
As the he fastened the last button, you let go of him, but just as Severus started to beg, you leaned down and licked his shaft from the base to the tip, eliciting a long moan from him. Perfect.
You took his head into your mouth as one of his hands found your hair, entangling itself in your long curls. Humming, you took him into your mouth, hands pressing down on his thighs to keep him from thrusting too hard. He grunted, feeling your vibrating tounge press against his shaft as you hollowed your cheeks, creating sunction as you started to bob your head slowly. He grunts again, thrusting a little as you start to go faster, pulling your hair just right, causing you to moan harder against him. You start to move your head quickly, flicking your tounge along the underside of his shaft in time to his small thrusts.
You can feel his cock pulse in your mouth as he calls out your name with a strangled cry. You pull off of him, letting him cum onto your blouse. You catch his glazed stare, his panting hard and quick.
"Oh, Simone, your shirt, I-" You cut him off by unbuttoning your blouse, tossing it off somewhere in the room.
"How was that?" You asked Severus, hugging onto his neck.
"That? That was-that was wonderful." He responded with a chuckle, draping one arm around you.
"You are wonderful." He finished, placing a lazy kiss on your head.
Now it was your turn to be flustered, whispering a soft thank you against his collar bone. You really did love him. He was so impossibly kind to you.
Suddenly, a mischievous thought crossed your mind as you realized it was Sunday. His off day. Oh, he is not leaving this bed today. You sat up, a glint in your eyes as his quizzical brow shot back up.
"Really? Well, if you thought that was wonderful, how'd you like to help me undress?"
Wooo, I wrote this in the span of like, four hours, and I think it's actually pretty decent! Be sure to let me know what y'all think, I'd love to from y'all about it!!♡
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lou-is-creative · 5 years
Unpredictable (pt 5)
Tumblr media
ꜰᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ: 6 Underground
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ: Four/Billy // Eight/???
ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ: Four/Billy x male!Oc
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀ: Are you flirting with me?
ꜱᴏɴɢ:  Crush Culture - Conan Gray
𝔹𝕖𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕤, 𝕡𝕝𝕖𝕒𝕤𝕖 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕗𝕚𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕞 𝕠𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕥!
ᴀɴ: ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪꜱ ʟᴏɴɢ. ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ꜱᴘᴇɴᴛ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ʜᴏᴜʀꜱ ᴏɴ ɪᴛ, ꜱᴏ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡɪʟʟ ʙᴇ ᴀꜱ ᴇxᴄɪᴛᴇᴅ ᴀꜱ ɪ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ɪᴛ~ ᴘɪᴄᴛᴜʀᴇ ɪꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ᴍɪɴᴇ. ᴀʟꜱᴏ, ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ, ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀᴅ 'ꜰ-ᴡᴏʀᴅ', ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏ, ɪᴛ'ꜱ ɴᴏᴛ ꜰʀᴏᴍᴀɢᴇ.
To you, @incorrect6underground​💞
It was about 9pm and the darkness didn't completely dominate the sky as the young man got out of the luxurious car. He grabbed his purse and checked himself in the side mirror of his car before he locked it, casually making his way towards the club.
While he was walking, he fixed his shirt to cover up that he was activating the microphone on it.
"I arrived, can't see her yet."
He muttered and walked towards the crowd of people who were patiently waiting to get inside.
He heard Five say and looked up as he got in line. The cameras. They could probably see him.
"We can see you over here, mate."
Four now contributed grinning and Eight shook his head in disbelief.
"Okay spoon-master, thanks for the information. You' having fun?"
The boy had gotten his phone out and held it to his ear to be able to talk without someone getting suspicious.
He could hear Four laugh on the other side, and it made him smile.
Five covered the microphone and looked at Four. Actually, every person in the room was looking at Four. And he just grinned.
"What the hell were you doing in your room earlier?"
Five asked now and Four shrugged.
"Casual stuff."
"What are you guys talking about? I can't hear you."
Eight now said and looked at the line in front of him, which was slowly getting shorter.
"Nothing, concentrate on your mission."
One said and looked at the screen in front of him. He was sitting next to Five who really wasn't in her best mood.  Four and Seven sat a little further away now, just close enough to still follow the scene.
The security scanned Eight from head to toe. And maybe, if he would have had the shirt closed, they'd doubt his age. But he paid and got inside casually.
"Fun fact, I've never been to a club before."
Eight said and it was more of a confession to himself. As if he just realized. The boy took down his phone and looked around. Any other person would have looked lost. But he wasn't any other person.
Eight looked like he was on a haunt. Like he was waiting for his pray to appear while he gracefully walked over to the bar and leaned against it.
Four bent forward and even Seven now focussed on the screens. They all stayed quiet. Two followed the scene interested.
What they saw wasn't Eight. It wasn't even close. He looked like Eight, but the way he moved, the way his eyes worked their way to analyse the scene, it wasn't Eight.  It was the guy Four and Eight created.
The boy looked over to face the bartender and ordered himself a coke. And it was the most perfect moment. Because the second he raised his glass and turned around to take a sip, his target was walking through the door.
"She's there, don't fuck it up, Eight."
Five said and Four looked at her with his brows furrowed.
"Are you joking? Look at that, he CAN'T fuck it up. Go mate!"
Although Four was right, everyone in the room held their breath. The first interaction was probably the most important. Once he messed up, getting back would be really fucking hard.
But he didn't intend to mess up.
The moment the short and slim girl entered the club, stroking her hair back, Eight had his eyes on her. And only her. Like she was both, someone he'd protect from all evil, and someone he'd fuck senseless. Like she was everything he ever wanted.
And she noticed. She saw how his amber eyes scanned her body. How they got stuck on her lips until they moved on to her eyes. And she never saw eyes this sharp. Eyes this warm, eyes this intimidating. Eyes like his. And it felt like everything else disappeared. As if there was only this one boy and this one girl. Only him and her. Everyone else was gone.
The others watched the scene. It was as if his gaze had stopped her from functioning. She was literally just standing there, like she froze. Like she didn't DARE to move.
That was until one of her friends softly touched her shoulder. She was a little taller and had short brown and curly hair that nearly touched her shoulders.
"Ams, honey, you're starring!"
She giggled and Amanda blinked twice and then hid her slightly reddened cheeks.
"Ams just got eyefucked the second she got in. If this isn't powerful then what is?"
Her other friend laughed and pat her shoulder. She was about Amandas height, a little curvier and had long black hair. Amanda was hiding her face in shame. She couldn’t even find words to describe the way she just felt.
"Come on, you need a drink, sweetheart. And," 
the curvy friend wiggled her brows at her,
" chances are high you don’t have to pay for it."
Eight kept his eyes on them, slightly smirking. He couldn't hear them, but he was able to guess what they were talking about.
Amanda seemingly agreed on the drink and they moved towards the bar. The boy watched her for a while but then focussed on the coke in front of him. He knew exactly that her friends could be of advantage. But they could also cost him.  One wrong move and they could ruin the mission.
"Not to ruin it, Ams, but he looks like trouble."
The taller girl said with a worried face.
"I think he looks good."
Amanda spoke out and looked over to see what the boy was doing just to find out that he was just doing exactly the same. Their eyes met and a sly smirk snug onto his lips before he looked down, letting the smirk fade into a soft smile. The girl turned back; eyes widened.
"Fuck good, he looks perfect."
The third girl, who had watched the scene turned to face Amanda, making sure she was looking at her.
"I swear if you don't have this guy by the end of this night, then I will force you back into the club myself, I don’t care what your dad says."
Amanda hit her friend lightly.
"Jess, if I stay longer than I am allowed, my father will make a scene and I will never see you again!"
"So you better get him fast."
"And how should I be able to do that? I never really flirted..."
"Just let it come naturally."
Amanda sighed and looked back at the place where this mysterious boy had been sitting, but he was gone.
"Where is he?"
Just as she voiced her thoughts, she heard a low chuckle behind her. And she immediately flinched.
"I'm sorry, I did not mean to frighten you."
The boy spoke and ran his fingers through his hair. The other ghosts followed the scene interested. It was breath taking to watch their new member. Because he completely lost himself in his role. There was nothing that hinted on him anymore. Even his voice sounded different. A little bit deeper, raspy even. He sounded like he looked. Like trouble.
But he had to be careful. Both of her friends were eyeing him carefully.
"I just saw you walking in."
"Dude, you didn't see her, you stared her down!"
Jess said and immediately got kicked by Amanda. But Eight didn't let that opportunity go to waste. His eyes sharpened as he focussed on his mission.
"How couldn't I? Looking at someone this beautiful without starring would be impolite, wouldn't it?"
Four raised a brow. And so did Seven. And One.
"Does this really work?"
Three dared to ask the question every guy in the room had. Two and Five just looked at each other, not saying anything at all.
"Baby, do you like it when I stare at you?"
Three asked again and Two just smiled shortly but before he could say another word, she stopped him with lifting her hand.
Well, it seemed to have worked on Amanda. The girl had to hide her cheeks once again. She seemed like she was daddy's good girl, never causing too much trouble.
"My name's Jacob."
The boy now said and pushed his hands into his pockets and smiled a little.
She smiled back and her tall friend shot her a quick glance. Eight bit his lip, allowing his eyes to roam over her body shortly before focussing on her eyes again.
"Amanda... I like the sound of it. So... would you mind it if I'd buy you a drink?"
He pushed his slender, bony fingers through his hair again and smiled. And the blonde gulped. The way he smiled, the way his shirt fell, the way his eyes seemed as if they could light up the dark, it just looked perfect. He looked perfect. Like late night talks on rooftops, like cigarettes and Whiskey on a blanket somewhere far away from everything, like everything she shouldn't do. He looked like her father would throw him out before he even had the chance to speak.
To make it short, he looked like everything she ever wanted.
Amanda nodded shortly, not really knowing what she was supposed to say for a minute. Until she remembered that she still had her friends around and an image to defend.
"But only if you don't let me drink alone."
She said and the guy in front of her chuckled shortly while shaking his head.
He looked up again, a low hum leaving his mouth.
"I like that..."
He focussed on her again, captivating her completely.
"So, what can I get you and your friends?"
He asked and the girl looked a little bit confused. Which caused Eight to grin softly.
"I know you meant me, and I'll gladly do so, but I figured your friends might want something too?"
Jessy turned around to face Amanda.
"Marry him."
She mouthed and Amanda had to kick her again. Even the tall girl now looked like she slowly started to let her worries fall. They ordered some drinks and Eight pointed at the free stool next to Amanda.
"May I?"
She nodded again, this time while pushing strains of her hair back. And as soon as he sat down, they started talking. All four of them, no one being left out. Until Jess asked the question they all had been dying to ask.
"So, Jacob, how come we've never seen you around?"
Eight felt how all eyes were on him now.
"Oh, that's simple. I'm not from here. I'm travelling."
Amanda placed her chin on her hand, smiling a little. And you didn't have to be good at understanding body language to know that Eight already had her.  
"Are you travelling with your parents?"
The taller, shy girl asked interested. Her Name was Helena and she was the only problem left. She was still mistrusting him, but Eight knew how to handle her.
"No, it's just me and my car."
He softly smiled. But there was something to his smile, something sad. Something that indicated a deeper meaning behind the reason he was travelling alone.
And it was a genius move. Because if he would have said that he, a, as he told them, nineteen-year-old was out without his parents, Helena would be back to being suspicious. But like this she felt sorry for him and the suspiciousness was wiped off her face. The mood was a little down so Eight cleared his throat.
"Anyways, I need some fresh air, wanna come catch some with me?"
Amanda looked at her friends, who looked at each other before nodding.
She answered and Eight got up, offering her a hand to get off the stool. She gladly took it and he kept holding onto it while walking out. The night had kicked in fully by now. Only the lights of the city were on. No star in sight, just artificial light. Nothing was real, just created. Eight looked around while finding a spot to stand freely.
"I'm glad I can talk to you alone now."
He said softly, not looking at her. His hand holding hers a little tighter. She looked up at him.
"I mean, I like your friends but...."
He turned and looked her in the eyes.
"I can't compliment you as much as I would like to around them."
He lifted his hand, softly brushing his cold fingers over her warm cheek. Their eyes were glued to each other, like they were caught in a trance, in their own world, drowning in the desire to keep this moment until the end of time.
And the way he traced his finger over the warmth of her lips told her more than words ever could. It was such a simple gesture, such a careful touch and yet it felt like heaven.  His stare was so intense and yet so warm that she thought she'd melt under his gaze completely. The way he focussed on her lips made her feel so special, so wanted, as if she could feel his on hers already. Her lids were heavy. All she wanted now was him to kiss her. To hold her face in his hands and brush his lips against hers.
"You're so fucking beautiful, Amanda."
He whispered, taking a step closer. His hand was resting on her cheek, and his thumb was slowly caressing it. He bent down a little to rest his forehead against hers. She closed her eyes completely, a smile resting on her lips. She was waiting. But he wouldn't let her wait any longer. Instead, he raised his other hand, placed it on her other cheek after softly pushing up her chin with his index finger.
The kiss was so sincere, so tender, so soft, it made her forget all her worries for a while. As if the time froze around them, as if the world stopped turning. This must be what falling in love was all about. About the increased heartbeat, about the incredible feeling of having found a person that you want to be with for the rest of your life. This must be what it feels like to fall for someone.
The kiss lasted a while and he intentionally kept it soft until the very end. As they separated, he let one of his hand rest on her cheek while he pushed the other through her hair before he slowly opened his eyes. They both chuckled.
"This was incredible."
He said quietly and she laughed shyly, placing her hands on his shoulders. Eight used the moment to shortly analyse the situation. To figure out how far he had her by now. And he was pleased with the result.
"Do you think it was destiny?"
She asked him now and he chuckled while playing with her hair.
"I hope you're joking."
Silence and shock spread on the other end of the line. Eight just seemingly went and ruined the whole mission.
The girl looked at him with hurt and disappointment in her eyes. But the boy knew exactly what he did.
"Relax, angel. I was asking because it seemed so obvious to me that it was, that I thought you wanted to joke. Of course, this is destiny. How else do you explain it? How else could you explain me being in the same club as you when I didn't even plan on stopping here? How else do you explain that I bluntly pulled my car over, as if I just HAD to go into that club? How else do you explain that you walked in the moment I turned around? Baby if this isn't destiny, I don't know what it is."
The harder you fall, the higher you fly if it turns out to be alright. Her smile grew so big, it was taking over her whole body. Her eyes were smiling, her heart too, and oh her lips.
"That was disgustingly romantic."
Four commented and leaned back.
"And you like things like that? I can't relate.
He scoffed and Three looked at him as if he just couldn't believe what he just heard.
"How can you be like that? That was beautiful!"
"Are you crying?"
Two asked and raised a brow.
"Could you discuss this whole romance stuff later? Please?"
One finally said in annoyance before turning back to face the screen.
Amanda was still smiling; they had exchanged a few other kisses.
"Now, that you're unofficially mine, you have to close those."
She said and Eight looked down to follow the movements of her fingers which were busy closing the three buttons.  He chuckled a little.
"You're so fucking adorable, I bet you can be one hell of a devil."
He smirked. He had her figured out. She was a good girl in her father’s eyes, but he could tell she didn't want to be.  She wanted to be this aesthetic bad girl. This girl with a deep tumblr blog about love and intimacy.
"Oh if you knew..."
She grinned and bit her lip before pulling him down to kiss his once again. This kiss was different. It was passion colliding with lust. It was intimate. Too intimate for Eights likings but what choice did he have than to just return all of these feelings?
Luckily, they didn't quite have the chance to go any further. Her friends came out to check on her and he slowly broke the kiss as he noticed. Amanda turned around, going completely red again.
"WOW AMS, didn't expect THAT."
Jess said and Helena looked a little terrified.
"I- I can explain!"
Amanda turned around to face her friends and Eight laid her arms around her waist and placed his head on her shoulder as he pulled her closer.
"Can you, baby?"
He whispered and felt how her body tensed. He was messing with her head completely. Eight was just smiling softly.
"Anyways, we gotta go now, so kiss your boyfriend goodbye, but don't like... go too far because we don't have the time and Helena here is already traumatised. See you at the car then."
With that said, Jess left and pulled Helena with her. Amanda turned around. She looked at him with sad eyes.
"Angel, don't look at me like this."
He whispered and kissed her nose before he stroked her cheek.
"I just don't know when I will be able to see you again. My father is very strict. He will be insisting on seeing you and... I don't know if he will be..."
"Accepting me? Babe, I can be a decent guy. I will just wear something formal. It will be okay, don't worry... I won't risk losing you."
He said softly and watched her rub her arms.
"Are you okay?"
He asked worriedly and tilted his head a little. She just nodded.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just scared... I mean, this could... be something... I don't know, there is something between us and I don't want that to go to waste."
Amanda replied quietly before she shyly looked at him. He just smiled.
"Come with me, I'll show you something really quickly. It won't take long, promise."
She hesitated but followed him. He didn't leave her much of a chance either. Their hands were still intertwined. He stopped in front of his car and let go of her hand as he opened the door and got something out. A sweater. He just turned around and carefully pulled it over her head before he chuckled.
"Suits you, although you look a bit creepy without arms."
She laughed and put it on correctly.  
"My number is in the pocket of the sweater. I expect you to text me when you're safe."
Amanda blushed a little.
"Now hurry, honey, get back fast so your father keeps believing you're not secretly a bad girl."
He winked at her and they shared one last kiss before she hurried away. Eight waited until she was gone. Then he turned around to face his car.
"That was more social interaction than I can take. I need a nap."
He muttered under his breath while he touched the car and looked like he was caressing it with his fingers.
"Okay guys, hope that'll work. I'll be back in 3, hope y'all choked on the whole romantic shit talk. Especially you, spoon master."
Eight laughed and he could hear Four laugh as well.
"Mate I choked big time. Who thought a pudding guy like you could win a girl over so easily?"
“Listen here, the moment I’m back, I’m strangling you.”
“Are you flirting with me?”
Eight shook his head. He was smiling. Sincerely smiling. It was a good moment. A happy one. One he'd keep in his head.
“Wishful thinking, are we?”
The boy turned off the microphone before he headed home.
Four was grinning a little and Five eyed him in confusion.
"What are you so happy about?"
She asked and Seven raised a brow.
"I really wanna know what the fuck happened in your room. Wait maybe I really don't want to know. Just... stop it, its creepy."
Four laughed a little and shook his head.
"It's just good to have someone who understands your jokes. Even when they’re bad and just not funny at all."
He said and Five looked a little disappointed. Which Four did notice.
"We were joking around in my room earlier. Actually we developed the character he was playing, so whatever the others were hinting on is bullshit. I mean, you get my jokes too, most of the time, but… we’re making guy-jokes."
He explained as he ran his fingers through his hair.
"Sleep well, Amelia."
She smiled softly.
"You too, Billy."
With saying that, she left the room. Four looked after her for a while before he sat down on the sofa to wait for Eight to return home. And while waiting for his return, he fell asleep. Only to be woken up an hour later by the engine of Eights car which approached the headquarter.
Four stretched and got up while yawning. He lazily scratched his thigh and fixed his pants before he sleepily made his way outside. Eight closed the door of his car.
"Good night, beautiful."
He hummed and removed a little stain from it. Just as he turned around, he faced an amused blonde guy.
"Thought you had enough of sweet words for today?"
"Bro, this is my car. I'll always have some sweet words left for it. Besides that, I said I've had enough of social interactions."
"You are talking to me."
"Do you want me to stop?"
"Good, didn't plan on stopping anyways. So, where can I sleep?"
"Follow me."
Four moved aside so Eight could enter. And he noticed once again, just how adorable his height was.
"Are you still growing?"
He dared to ask and Eight raised a brow at him.
"No. One more question about my height and I'll make you match it."
Four was quiet for a good minute while he was looking at him.
"What if I water you?"
Eight froze. Four held his breath. There was this sudden change in the colour of Eights eyes and he got pressed against the wall faster than he could process.
"Fucking dare you."
Eight growled. His gaze was very intimidating so Four just blinked dumbfounded before Eight backed off, chuckling a little.
"Consider this a warning and let's move on. I need some sleep. And I bet you too."
Four needed a few seconds to recover.
"Oh come on, I need sleep. Hurry."
Eight groaned and Four just shook his head. They made their way through the wreck and eventually stopped in front of a door. Four was about to open it but it was locked. Eight raised a brow. Four turned around.
"Technically, Threes old room is yours now but it's locked. And I don't want to risk hearing or seeing Two and Three... you know?"
Four ran his fingers through his hair, thinking a little.
"Okay, no problem, I can sleep in my car too."
Eight was just about to return to his car as Four grabbed his arm.
"You can sleep in my bed."
"And where are you supposed to sleep?"
Four looked at him a little confused.
"My bed. Obviously. Where else would I sleep?"
Eight shrugged.
"I don't know? But, you know, for some people that stuff is kinda awkward. Sharing a bed and stuff."
Eight spoke and for the first time since they met, his sentence didn't sound as planned and thought through. Besides the spoon thing. But that was a different story.
"No, it's okay. As long as you don't cuddle?"
"I sure don't"
At least not intentionally.
"Well then, do you have your sleeping clothes?"
"Uh, well normally I am sleeping in boxers only, but it's kinda cold."
Eight said as he entered the room and removed his watch from his wrist.
"I like to sleep in a colder room, sorry. Uhm do you want a shirt or a jumper?"
Four opened his closet and the belt of his pants already. He heard Eight do the same.
"A sweater would be lovely."
Four nodded and grabbed a grey sweater from his wardrobe and threw it over his shoulder. Eight, who tried to catch it, stumbled over his pants, which he just undressed and fell. Four, who just heard the noise, turned around fast to check if Eight was okay. But the second he turned around; he couldn't help but laugh. Hard.
Eight was laying on the bed, nearly naked, his head buried in the sheets. But his arm was struck out into the air, his hand holding onto the sweater. He looked ridiculous. Which is why he got up fast, red and embarrassed while mumbling a bunch of swear words and pulling the sweater over his head.  But it made Four laugh even more. He had the hood in the front. And while Four was laughing is ass off, on the bed, rolling around, Eight just fixed the sweater and got even more embarrassed. Four was crying already. And Eight would have been mad but shit. Four looked so good like this. Laughing whole-heartily, showing his white teeth and a little bit of his well-defined stomach.
"Stop it and go the fuck to sleep. And fix your fucking shirt, you half naked man."
Eight grumbled at him before getting on, - what he now reclaimed his side of the bed- and crawling under the blanket. Four, who slowly came down, changed his clothes and turned off the light before coming under the blanket as well. Eight cleared his throat.
"Mate, that's my blanket."
"Technically it is mine. But obviously, we are sharing it."
"Don't you have a second one?"
"Nope. So don't steal it while sleeping."
"Your feet are cold."
"So are your hands."
"Why are you touching them?"
"I needed to have a comparison."
Eight laughed softly before he clicked his tongue.
"Good night."
He said and Four smirked.
"Night, pudding boy."
"Fuck off"
"You too."
I believe it isn't necessary to mention that both of them fell asleep smiling.
AN: If you like this fanfiction, please reblog it, or share it with someone who could be interested in it, it would mean the world to me! You can also leave an ask if you have anything on your heart 💕💞✨🙇🏻‍♂️
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harveybwabbit92 · 4 years
Skyrim: Touch the sky Ch1 Helgen’s chopping block.
The following is a non profit fan based story, TES Skyrim belongs to Bethesda, RwBy belongs to RoosterTeeth please support the official release.
I gain no profit from this nor do I own anything other then OCs and whatever sprouts from my imagination. Thanks for reading!
The feeling of cold and sound hooves hitting the frozen ground is what stirred Amon-Ra awake, her red eyes blinked and adjusted to her surroundings...She was in a wagon? the girl tried to move her long hair from her face only to find her hands tied. "Finally awake little one?" Amon-Ra looked across from her to see a blond man in a similar position, a stormcloak soldier she mentally noted she'd seen a few of them passing through Ivarstead...
Well run out of Ivarstead would be the proper term. the man gave her a tired smile "You were trying to cross the boarder, Eh? walked right into that Imperial ambush got captured with us and that thief over there." she looked to the right of her to see two more men.
One in rags and one gagged. Thief shot accusations at the Stormcloak as Amon-Ra got a look at the man next to her and the elven girl knew him well. Ulfric Stormcloak, of course he was just Ulfric the boy the last time she saw him, doubtful he'd remember her. The rare times they interacted was when he'd help her pick frost grapes,read and meditate, though their interactions became less frequent as he grew older.
As a child Ulfric never understood why she always wore a blindfold if she wasn't blind and was never allowed to leave the monastery? she had calmly explained that her eyes weren't normal and the monks and her father were protective of Amon-Ra's...condition.
"Got the Falmer's Bane, eh?" the man across from her broke her train of thought, both Amon-Ra and the thief looked confused "Falmer's what?" the thief asked before Amon could, "Falmer's bane on to the Nords they gain, Snow kissed hair and skin so white and fair, eyes red for the lost lives and blood they shed." The Stormcloak said unsure.
"At least, I think that's how the old poem goes?...either way she has it."
"My..mentor says it's called albinism where's she's from."
"Ah...so, she speaks."
The wagon driver snapped at them to quiet down, a few moments of silence the thief looked over at Ulfric and grimaced "What's his problem?" this caused the Stormcloak to glare at him "Watch your tongue Thief, you're in the presence of Ulfric Stormcloak. The true high-king of Skyrim." The thief went from annoyed to stunned. "Ulfric? But if you're here then..." the color drained from his face. "Divines where are they taking us?!" Amon-Ra may be sheltered, But she wasn't stupid. it was the end of the line, the white haired girl blocked out most of the chatter as she came to terms with this whole situation. Was this really how it ends? Her the last of her race and bloodline... does it really end here with her? All because Amon-Ra wanted independence?
The wagon came to a stop and they were ushered off, Lokir desperately prayed to the divines as he was yanked off the wagon. "Please don't kill us! we're not rebels!" the man pleaded but, it fell on deaf ears...as the imperial soldier keeping the list of names called for Lokir of Rorikstead. instead of stepping forward Lokir made a mad dash towards the gates only to get struck down by the archers.
Amon winced seeing Lokir's body drop lifelessly to the ground,then it was her turn Amon stepped forward the guard looked perplexed as he checked the list, checked every name and couldn't see hers anywhere "who are you..what are you?" The albino girl shifted uncomfortably she couldn't exactly tell them she was a Dark/Snow Elf ... then again she not technically an elf either.
"I am Amon-Ra of Ivarstead."
"I see... Race?"
"....Dunmer? I suppose." that wasn't a complete lie, her birth father was a Dark elf her mother was Snow elf mixed with ... let's just say her grandmother was something other worldly, What exactly? her teacher was never very clear on... Amon-Ra took after her mother in a sense, for she was neither Man nor Mer a beast would would better way describe it. but that's putting it lightly.
The imperial blinked a few times as he looked the young elf over, she certainly didn't look like a dark elf, but alas there was no time to ask nor dwell as he turned to the armored woman standing to the side unsure of what to do.
"Captain, she's not on the list."
The guard informed his superior who just sneered. "List or not Hadvar, she gets the block." she ordered Hadvar look back at Amon sadly. "I'm sorry, I'll see if we can send your remains to Morrowind." Amon-Ra went to protest that she wasn't born in Morrowind! but was shoved forward towards the line up. The villagers got a good look at her."They can't be serious! She's just a little girl!" one of the men yelled causing a the others to whisper among themselves. "The poor thing looks barely passed her 15th winter."a woman stated affronted. under different circumstances Amon-Ra would've giggled and took that as a compliment, being a 191 years old and all! but now? It was all just a bitter memory in her last minutes life.
The captain snapped at the villagers to be quiet as the first man step towards the block, Was when Amon-Ra felt it, her eyes turned towards the sky the energy in air it felt... disturbed, Something was coming... Then there was a noise it was distant at first but, loud enough to cause everyone to look up. "What was that?" Hadvar asked his eyes scanned around bemused. "Nothing of our concern, give him is last rights," the captain ordered the priestess gave the man his last rights or at least tried to till' the man told her to shut up and get it over with.
Amon-Ra looked away as the ax came down on him. the sound came again a little closer this time. "there it is again!" another soldier said warily the captain ignored it "Now the Dark elf!" she ordered Amon was shoved forwards towards the block. the girl felt her eyes burn as she knelt down *I'm sorry father...* she winced waiting for death only for a deafening sound akin to an explosion caused her ears to ring.
Amon-Ra's red eyes shot up to see a large black figure swoop down and land on top of the tower... a dragon!? The shock wave by the beast's landing caused the executioner to stumble and drop his ax and the town erupted into chaos, as soldiers scrambled to get to cover and their weapons, the townsfolk were scattered screaming in horror at the black mass that ravaged through Helgen.
Amon-Ra was frozen stunned at what she was seeing, only to be snapped out of it by Ralof who had grabbed her arm a dragged her into one of the towers. the white haired girl scanned the room they were in, few of the Stormcloaks were there catching their breaths. Ulfric included he looked up from an injured soldier as Ralof walked over to his leader, the two discussed what was happening while Amon ran up the stairs.
"Jump on the inn next to the tower, We're right behind you!" the blond called up to her, the girl nearly fell down when the side of the tower was ripped open and a torrent of flames shot passed her, she looked up to see a pair of red eyes staring back at her perplexed, Amon-Ra flinched as the dragon sniffed then in a low voice hissed at her " Hi ...Los Nid Joor-" the dragon was cut off by arrows hitting the side of it's neck, It whipped it's head in the direction they came from he roared moving away from the tower and went after the poor souls.
The white haired girl wasted no time hopping into the burning Inn across from the tower, and running down the stairs and into the street. she looked around frantically her gaze landed on a little boy, her stomach drop when she saw the black dragon land behind the child, before she even knew what she doing Amon-Ra ran over to him threw her arms around him and ran the child and herself behind cover; just as the dragon spat a torrent of flames right where he had been standing, Amon sighed relieved then looked down at the boy.
"Are you okay?"
What were you thinking? are you trying to die?!"
"No, I wanted to hel-"
Hadvar cut him off "Trolof take care of the boy!" he then turned to the girl "Amon-Ra follow me!" he ordered the red eyed girl looked back at the boy before following after the legate who led her to the keep, this was the first time Amon-Ra ever killed someone. after she and Hadvar entered the keep he undid her bound hands, he told her to find some armor and a sword. she complied while Hadvar kept his eyes trained on the door in case any Stormcloaks wandered in when she was done changing.
Hadvar looked confused at her now braided hair. "how did you braid your hair so quic-" he was silenced when he heard talking over head. they saw Stormcloaks behind a gate, and the legate thought they could negotiate with them, They didn't give them a chance the second they saw Amon-Ra and Hadvar they attacked! Hadvar did most of the work as Amon-Ra had never used her skills on a human before...
As they traveled deeper into the keep depths Amon didn't know what to feel, sure she was trained to be a warrior. but, that was for Grimm not humans! and this damn Iron sword was so dull and clumsy! She wished she had her Jörmungandr with right now, then she'd be back in the swing of things! after fighting their way through stormcloaks,giant spiders and sneaking passed a bear.
They were out! Amon quickly changed out of the armor and into mage robes she found in the dungeons, she calmly threw her braid around her neck like a scarf and pulled the hood up before joining Hadvar outside where she saw the the dragon fly over them, for a brief second Amon swore she felt it's gaze on her as it flew off into the approaching storm clouds.
When all was said and done Hadvar led Amon to Riverwood. stopping a few times to point out the guardian stones and bleak falls barrow, The albino girl had to hold her hair still, to keep it wiggling it always did that when she was curious. her red eyes left the scenic view, she then followed after Hadvar only to bump into his back. She looked at him then at what was bothering him... wolves a large pack of them.
Amon-Ra made sure the nord man wasn't looking at her, she used her eyes on the wolves, the pack all looked at her and whined before running off with their tails between their legs, Hadvar was flabbergasted as he sheathed his sword. "That was odd...wolves usually don't back off when they see prey." he said turning to the girl next to him who just shrugged seemly just as bemused as he was as they continued on the path by night fall they'ed arrived to the small town.
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Chapter 2 - Strange Bedfellows
Part 2/17 of What it Means to be Human
Word Count: 11,073
Warnings: Swearing and some mild suggestive banter.
Genre: Self-insert fic
Pairing: OC (Detective Rachel) X Connor
Rating: Mature
Summary: After arriving at the precinct with Detective Rachel, Lieutenant Hank Anderson is informed that he has been officially assigned to the deviancy case and assigned Connor as a partner. He’s none too thrilled about this predicament, but Rachel is happy to see him again and decides to give him a tour of the precinct and make him feel a bit more welcome.
Previous Chapter
It was around ten in the morning when I arrived with Hank at the precinct. I made sure Fowler knew that I was gonna be late on account of making sure Hank didn’t kill himself doing something dumb, and the captain seemed appreciative. As much as I could tell he was getting increasingly frustrated with Hank’s behaviour, Fowler still wanted Hank around and was glad I was looking out for him.
Once we arrived, we went up to the reception area, checked in, and went into the precinct. It felt pretty routine. “Alright, your car’s still here, I made sure nothing happened to it, so you can drive home now.”
“Appreciate it, thanks.” Hank replied grumpily. “You really didn’t have to do this. I would’ve been fine, you don’t have to put yourself through -”
“Friends look out for each other, whether or not you like it.” I stopped him, not wanting him to continue that train of thought. “Sure, when it’s me and myself, I don’t have a good time. But when I stick my neck out for friends like you, it feels like I have some control over my life. So, y’know, just take the help and be thankful.”
Hank nodded, walking slowly next to me. “Well, thanks for having my back.” He said genuinely. “Even if you’re a real fuckin’ pain in the neck.”
“I have to be a pain in the ass!” I joked, jabbing him with my elbow. “It’s practically in my job description to be a bastard.”
“Ain’t that the fuckin’ truth?” Hank grumbled, but I knew his words were genuine. As much as I wanted to focus on work, I couldn’t. All I could think about was Connor and Micheal. Deviants were indeed the thing that took up most of my thinking until I eventually fell asleep, my every waking thought practically glued to the case. But it was Connor that stood at the forefront of it.
And I’m not gonna lie, it was mostly the thought of seeing him again today. I wasn’t someone who was good at making friends. Well, okay, I’m good at making friends, just not that great at keeping them. But these days, I do tend to have issues making friends. I’m simultaneously terrified of intimacy and painfully lonely. My existence is a real fucking bitch, if I’m to be bluntly honest.
But somehow...I didn’t feel that around Connor. And I was really looking forward to seeing him again. I didn’t care what anyone said about him “not being a real person,” or whatever. He wasn’t anything like the other androids. Whether that was because he was just more advanced, I’m not sure. But there was something uncannily human about him. Something that made me feel like maybe we could actually be friends.
At least...it would be nice if we could be.
“Well, well, well!” An ear grating voice chimed around my head and I already knew I was in for a headache. Aw, fuck. Here we go. “If it isn’t the plastic prick’s new piece!”
I rolled my eyes at Gavin, only mildly curious about what the fuck he was going on about. “What?” I asked him exasperatedly, noticing that he and Tina, another officer in the precinct, were both looking at me with wide smirks on their faces.
Now, admittedly, I got along with Tina. Sometimes Gavin, if the mood was light, but most of the time he pissed me off. But I got along with Tina, and at one point I had my eyes on her before further investigation made it clear that we just weren’t compatible romantically. A bummer, but...eh, I still had problems I needed to work through, so I guess she dodged a bullet.
“I saw your little pow-wow in the interrogation room after it was just the two of you.” Gavin elaborated, looking like he just discovered the hottest of tea to spill. “Chattin’ each other up, flirting, I mean you were practically tossing your panties at him!”
Gavin never failed to get a disgusted or tired groan from everyone around him. “Jesus, you’re fuckin’ disgusting.” Hank grumbled, rightfully so.
“Seriously, do you have to say the grossest shit at every opportunity?” I asked him in earnest. “It’s things like that that make me wish you would never speak again.”
“Chicks dig it!” Gavin bragged.
Tina seemed not to buy it, rightfully so. That sounded like some bullshit. “You sure about that, Gav?”
I scoffed at him, rolling my eyes. “In any case, you are reading way too deeply into that.” I denied. “We were just chatting. That’s it. Nothing more than that.”
“Really?” Tina said skeptically at me, before she straightened her posture and folded her hands behind her back. “I feel as though I should inform you that I’m worth a small fortune.”
Then, Gavin wiggled his body in the weirdest way, which I was assuming was his impression of a human woman. “Really? You sure? Cause you look pretty priceless to me, dollface.”
I couldn’t help but shrug at him with what I was pretty sure was the most confused look on my face. “That’s your best impression of me?” I asked him in earnest. “Because if it is, it sucks ass. Step up your game.”
“If you’re all done being annoying middle schoolers, we’ve got places to be.” Hank said, making me thankful he wanted this to be over as much as me.
“Oh, I bet you do, Hank.” Gavin mocked, making me stand on edge in case he wanted to try something stupid. “Whatever, I got more important things to deal with than the office slut and the drunk bastard who’s probably gonna kill himself in a car accident one of these days.”
“Watch it!” I snapped at him, sensing Hank start to bristle next to me. “You can throw as many pot shots as you want at me, but insult Hank, and I’ll throw you off the nearest bridge.”
“Like I said before, you don’t fuckin’ scare me.” Gavin shoulder checked me on his way to the archives room.
I rolled my eyes, glad that he was gone. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s jealous.” I teased.
Hank scoffed. “What, that you’ve been chatting up Connor last night?”
“No, that I’m a better office slut than him.” I joked, taking the edge off that interaction, before I jabbed him sharply in the side. “And don’t you fucking start with me, you asshole. You know I’ve got my own shit going on.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know.” Hank relented. Admittedly, one of the things we had in common was that we were both foulmouthed bastards. Actually, there was a lot we had in common in terms of personality. Where we differed came more down to life experience and general outlook on life.
Putting our encounter with Gavin behind me, I followed Hank to the office and saw Connor hanging around Hank’s desk and felt a smile on my cheeks. Admittedly, I didn’t expect to be so happy to see him, but...honestly, I can’t think of anyone else in the office that was as genuinely pleasant to be around as Connor.
Well, aside from Chris, but our relationship was pretty impersonal, aside from a few conversations we’ve had. But even then, I wouldn’t really call us “friends,” per se. Just friendly work acquaintances.
As soon as Connor saw us approach, he gave a small smile. “It's good to see you again, Lieutenant.” He greeted.
“Uh, Jesus...” Hank groaned.
“Hank! Rachel!” Fowler’s voice barked from nearby, drawing my attention to my right. “In my office.”
The dark-skinned wide-set captain turned his back and walked into his glass office, waiting for us inside. Hank wasted no time making his way in, and I followed behind him, stealing a glance at Connor. “Nice to see you, again.” I greeted.
“You as well, Rachel.” He greeted me in kind.
Walking side-by-side, we followed Hank in, Connor closing the door behind me as Hank took a seat in front of the captain. I had a bad feeling this was gonna get shouty, so I stood behind Hank at a reasonable distance, my eyes darting between Hank and Fowler. Fowler was focused on his terminal, not making eye contact with Hank, while Hank just looked mildly annoyed.
Still, I waited with baited breath for whatever was going to happen between them, and clenched my fists, fidgeting with my sleeves in anticipation. Connor was standing to my right, but I could’ve sworn he shuffled a bit closer to me while I waited for what Fowler was going to say.
“I've got ten new cases involving androids on my desk every day.” Fowler started off. “We've always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap...” He then turned to face us, mostly looking at Hank, but glancing at me and Connor first. “But now, we're getting reports of assaults and even homicides, like that guy last night...This isn't just CyberLife's problem anymore. It's now a criminal investigation and we've gotta deal with it before the shit hits the fan.” Now, the captain was looking very pointedly at Hank. “I want you to investigate these cases and see if there's any link.”
“Why me? Why do I gotta be the one to deal with this shit?” I only tightened, standing more rigid in anticipation and I could already feel my gut starting to flip with anxiety. Oh boy, here we go. “I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case! I know jack shit about androids, Jeffrey! I can barely change the settings on my own phone...”
In an effort to perhaps keep the mood neutral, I chimed in. “You’re a millennial, Hank.” I stated plainly. “You should realize the ‘old guy can’t do technology’ excuse just doesn’t work anymore.”
“She’s right.” Fowler agreed. “Everybody's overloaded. I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation.”
“Bullshit!” Hank snapped, barely waiting for the captain to finish and getting up from his seat. This was not doing my anxiety any good, so I just tried to shove it down while I was standing there awkwardly. Oh God, this is escalating real quick and I don’t wanna be here. “The truth is nobody wants to investigate these fuckin' androids and you left me holdin' the bag!” Hank turned his back to Fowler, not even looking at me.
“CyberLife sent over this android to help with the investigation.” The captain tried to reason, maintaining his composure a lot better than Hank was. “It's a state-of-the-art prototype. It'll act as your partner.”
“No fuckin' way! I don't need a partner, and certainly not this plastic prick!” Hank refused, pointing at Connor and getting up in Fowler’s face, raising his voice. I knew that Hank wasn’t going to react well to having to work with Connor, but that didn’t make this any less awful for me to sit through. “And having Rachel constantly on my back like she’s my babysitter is already enough to deal with.”
“Woah, hey!” I threw up my arms in astonishment, my anxiety briefly snuffed out by the sheer audacity. “Why the drive-by?”
Hank rolled his eyes at me as his scowl tightened, his blue eyes narrowed at me. As much as I was aware that my fussing over him aggravated him, I knew that he appreciated everything I did for him, so I let it go. Just because I know he likes having me around and just doesn’t wanna look weak in front of the squad.
Something I understood perfectly, but also learned to discard. After all, pride was something I realized was worthless if you cared about it more than your well being. A lesson I had to teach a few other people who’ve stubbornly clung to theirs.
An action that has indeed cost me friends, but honestly, I’m not about to apologize for that. And I’m certainly not about to feel ashamed for caring about my loved ones and looking out for them.
“Hank, you are seriously starting to piss me off!” Fowler snapped, getting more and more fed up with Hank’s bullshit. And honestly, I found it hard to blame him. Hank was kinda throwing a temper tantrum right now, pacing back and forth fuming like a tank engine. “You are a police lieutenant, you are supposed to do what I say and shut your goddamn mouth!”
“You know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you, huh?”
“Okay, okay...” Fowler said, getting more and more done with this and throwing his hand up as he looked away from Hank. “I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder 'cause it already looks like a fuckin' novel! This conversation is over!”
Fowler went back to looking at his terminal, but Hank was clearly not having it. “Jeffrey, Jesus Christ! Why are you doin' this to me? You know how much I hate these fuckin' things.” Hank pointed at Connor aggressively without looking at the android, leaning over Fowler’s desk. I couldn’t help but wince and glance over at Connor. He didn’t look at all perturbed by Hank’s blatant venom directed at him, but still...that couldn’t feel great to hear. “Why you doin' this to me?”
As much as I wanted to try and calm Hank, I knew that right now wasn’t a good time to do it and I was already way too anxious to say anything anyways, so my mouth stayed shut as I rocked side-to-side desperately wanting this to be over.
“Listen,” Fowler warned with a stern tone, looking at Hank, “I've had just about enough of your bitching. Either you do your job or you hand in your badge. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do.”
Hank seemed to realize that he wasn’t going to get out of this one and stormed out past me, letting out a frustrated growl as the door shut behind him, leaving Connor and I in the captain’s office.
Feeling marginally better, I let out a sigh as I shook my head. “Yep, that’s Lieutenant Hank Anderson, for ya.” I said light-heartedly trying to calm the mood, looking up at Connor. “An ornery drunkard of an old man. But trust me, this is not one of his worst days. No, I’ve seen a few of those in my time here...”
As much as I tried to make light of it, I knew full well the darknesses that lay in Hank. Things that I could not and would never make a joke out of. Which was one of the reasons I did not appreciate Gavin trying to make jokes out of Hank’s alcoholism.
Though...maybe if he knew the reason, he’d lay off. But I wasn’t about to tell him, and honestly, Gavin shouldn’t need a tragic reason not to make fun of an alcoholic.
“I don’t know how you do it, Rachel.” Fowler admitted, folding his face into his hands. “It’s really not your responsibility to look after him.”
“As a cop, no. It’s not.” I agreed. “But as a friend, it is. I choose to have his back, because all this aside, I genuinely believe he’s a good cop. He’s just...got a lot of shit to work through, and you wouldn’t keep him around if you didn’t think that he was worth keeping, Captain.”
Fowler sighed. “I know...” He agreed. “I just wish he wouldn’t make my job harder than it needs to be.”
“No, I agree. I wouldn’t wanna be you, right now.” I sympathized. “He’s being really temperamental and short-sighted and he needs to learn to just put his head down and get the worst of it over with instead of making a scene. And honestly, he’s being really selfish right now.”
Fowler nodded, seeming to finally calm down. “Well, at least he’s lucky that he listens to you.”
“Eh, usually I have to do what I do with my friends and aggressively mother him until he behaves.” I said with a shrug, my anxiety starting to finally settle. “But hopefully he’ll be less of a pain in the ass about this case going forward.”
“Hopefully.” Fowler agreed. “By the way, good work on the interrogation last night. You really managed to get through to the android and got it to open up.”
I shrugged. “Just doing what I thought was the right thing to do.”
“Hey.” Fowler said, drawing my attention. “You’re not workin’ any major cases right now. And I’m not about to put this on you, but if Hank needs your help on this case, don’t be shy about jumpin’ on.”
I nodded, glancing over at Connor. “I’ll think about it.” I said to him. Truthfully, I would really like to be an actual part of the case, but I didn’t want to put unnecessary strain on Hank. Not that we didn’t work well together, because we often partnered up on a lot of cases. But I’m fully aware that I can be...a lot, and with the nature of the deviancy case and having to work it with Connor, I wanted instead for Hank to decide how much he wanted to take on regarding it. “Thank you, Captain.” I said, walking towards the exit and opening the door.
“I'm very pleased to have joined the team.” Connor said amiably to the captain, the man not looking at the android at all. “I can assure you I'll do my very best -”
“Close the door on your way out.” Fowler interrupted, not even bothering to wait until Connor was finished.
Something which made me hold back a sympathetic whine. Poor Connor. He just can’t seem to make any friends, today. Connor glanced at me, as if for reassurance, before he addressed Fowler again. “Have a nice day, Captain.”
As Connor walked towards me, I gave him a patient smile. “After you.” I prompted.
“That isn’t necessary.” He insisted. “You don’t have to hold the door open for me.”
“I’m already doing it, just go.” I persisted with a lighthearted laugh. I was going to be nice to him and he was gonna accept it, damn it!
Connor, seeming to understand that I wasn’t going to budge, just nodded and walked after me. I took one last look at the captain before closing the door behind me, turning my back and looking over at the android. His gaze was fixed on Hank, and he was already walking down the stairs. I put a hand out to stop him, causing him to look at me in confusion. “Probably best if you just let Hank simmer down a bit.” I suggested, leaning over to whisper to Connor. “Believe me, it’s in your best interest not to piss him off too much, so letting him cool down is probably your safest bet.”
Connor, glancing over at Hank for one last moment, fixed his dark eyes on me. “I understand.” In this moment in broad daylight in the general white nose of the precinct, I could actually take a decent look at him without worrying about anything else at the moment.
His pale skin was dotted with freckles, something I found rather charming. Indeed, to say that Connor wasn’t easy on the eyes would be a falsehood. The way his dark coffee brown hair was so neatly kept, yet that one piece curled over onto his forehead rebelliously added an extra layer of charm to his overall appearance. And its placement was very clearly deliberate. Even more curious were his eyebrows. His left had a cowlick closest to the bridge of his very well-sculpted nose, adding some interesting asymmetry to him.
All this combined with his soft and delicate features and the gentleness in his chocolate coloured eyes, it was hard not to see him as an overgrown puppy. The only indication that he was an android was the blue LED on the right side of his head on his temple.
“Well, since we have a bit of time right now, why don’t I give you a tour of the precinct?” I suggested, gesturing to the office. “It would be a great opportunity for us to get to know each other better. And, we don’t get that many new faces around here. I’m sort of the newest compared to everyone else and I’ve always wanted to show someone around if we ever got someone new.”
Connor gave me an appreciative smile, folding his hands behind his back. “I’d love to, Rachel.” He agreed, making me smile in return. I’ll admit, it was nice actually hanging out with someone like Connor. Whether it was his AI or just his personality, I had no problems feeling completely comfortable in his presence. “Lead the way.” He said, stepping back to allow me to pass.
As I stepped down the stairs, I cast a glance over at Hank, who was sitting there sulking with his back turned to us. Waiting for Connor to be beside me, I walked on, looking behind me to make sure he was following me. “Hey, about Hank.” I said quietly, drawing his attention away from the office. “Don’t take any of his flack personally, okay? It’s not really even about you specifically, it’s just...he’s, uh...”
“Not particularly fond of androids?” Connor finished the sentence.
“That’s the nice way of putting it.” I affirmed, with a smile and a shrug as we made our way to the bathroom and interrogation room, which I figured was a decent place to start. “There are a few people who aren’t exactly pro-android, but for the most part everyone here seems pretty neutral towards them.”
Connor continued following along, looking down at me with interest glimmering in his dark brown eyes. “You seem to be rather amiable to androids.” He remarked. “More so than many others tend to be. You mentioned feeling some sort of kinship with deviants due to your mental atypicalities, namely your ADHD and Autism.”
I nodded. “Yep, that’s correct. I feel a lot more empathetic towards deviants than androids in general, but I don’t see any reason to treat androids any differently than I would treat the average person.” I explained. “Well, obviously androids and humans are very different. That much is true, but there’s more to it. I see myself a lot in deviants because of how they’re seen compared to other androids, like you.” I took in a breath and paused, collecting my thoughts again. “My mental atypicalities affect my day-to-day life in ways both benign and malignant. But for as many disadvantages as they give me, of which there are many, they also have their unique talents they give me. For example, I can focus on a task so completely and intensely that I can complete it efficiently and quickly without stopping. Problem is, I have a horrible sense of time. I always misjudge how long something actually takes, can barely register time passing, and forget what day of the week it is, even. I’m effectively time blind. And, on top of that, executive dysfunction becomes a problem when it comes to other tasks that are important, but my brain just refuses to let me do them even though they’re very simple tasks that can get done and out of the way extremely quickly and with little effort. Jokes and sarcasm are things that tend to fly over my head and I tend to really miss social cues, but I can retain a lot of information and hyperanalyze many details at once and learn a lot more than most people can.
“For all the advantages and disadvantages these give me, it’s not that different from those everyone else has to deal with.” I continued on. “But that ultimately doesn’t change the fact that others, when they learn this fact about me, treat me like I’m some sort of defect. Despite the fact that I’m perfectly happy and see myself as whole and get by just fine, they insist I must be broken. Just because I’m not like them. But I’m not the only person in the world with ADHD or Autism. And in that sense, I personally relate a lot to deviants. That they’re seen as defective androids when in reality, they’re just...different. And their deviancy doesn’t seem to be a choice, really. Just...something that happens to them. Just like how ADHD and Autism are things that I just have and are outside of my control.”
Connor’s LED was yellow, a sign that he was taking in information as I was speaking. “I think I understand where you’re coming from.” He accepted. “I suppose it would make sense for you to empathize with deviants. Especially as another symptom of both ADHD and Autism is hyperempathy.”
I nodded, ignoring the small sting of his words. “Yeah, that definitely plays a part.” I agreed, knowing full well that I tend to empathize with others way too easily sometimes, but still trying to shove down what sounded like a complete dismissal. “But I do genuinely believe that perhaps we need to give deviants more of the benefit of the doubt than we do.”
Connor didn’t say anything in response to that. But, we quickly made our way to the end, and I stopped. “Well, you’ve already seen both the interrogation room and the observation room.” I pointed out, extending a hand. “And just behind you are the bathrooms.” He looked over his shoulder, nodding. “Not that you’d need to use them, but maybe you’d need them for something else? Who knows?” I shrugged. He looked back towards me and I pointed to the door to the left of the bathrooms. “And that’s the android repair centre. It also sits above the archive room where evidence is stored. In the event that an android officer gets injured, the repair centre has spare parts and blue blood and tools available to any staff member who has clearance to use them to help repair androids. Of which, I am one of them.”
Connor nodded. “Interesting.” He commented. “I suppose it would make sense and is more convenient for emergency services to have technicians on site with the tools readily available in the case of an emergency. Though they are typically only trained by CyberLife employees.”
“My sister worked at CyberLife years ago.” I explained, puffing my chest proudly. “She taught me a few things about how to fix up androids.” If there was one person I could always take great pride in no matter what, it was my older sister Bianca. We always had each other’s backs, growing up, and we stayed really close to this day. We don’t live together anymore, since she had to go back to Canada, but I stayed here in Detroit. “Anyways, on with the tour.” I said in a chipper tone, turning around and walking back the way we came. “Next to the repair centre behind the captain’s office are the holding cells where we detain suspects. And, over there’s the break room, and past that is the meeting room.” I explained, pointing to the right and then to the left, directing Connor’s attention where I wanted him to see. I then noticed that the break room was right next to us and realized I hadn’t had a proper coffee, yet. “Would you mind actually joining me in there? I could go for a cuppa, if that’s alright with you.”
Connor nodded. “I wouldn’t mind accompanying you.”
“Great!” I exclaimed, leading him towards it. I was kind of a wimp when it came to coffee, so I tended to like it with a lot of sugar and cream. Admittedly, I preferred hot chocolates or tea lattes to coffee, but it was good enough.
But having coffee in the break room and the break room in general was more about the communal setting than the coffee itself. Which was why my good mood was immediately put off when I saw Gavin and Tina in there, more so Gavin. Electing to just ignore him and get my coffee with Connor, I walked inside without even acknowledging him.
But clearly, he didn’t have the same idea. I heard him scoff and felt a few of my brain cells die. “Fuck, look at that...Our friend, the plastic detective, is back in town!” Oh, here we go again. “Congratulations on last night, very impressive!” He said with a very sarcastic clap.
I couldn’t help but snicker at the obvious joke that was presented to me. And, like the carrion bird I was, I snatched that opportunity right up. “Title of your sex tape.” Gavin then shot me an annoyed glare while Tina was snickering. I could always count on her to lighten the mood. “What? You practically handed it to me!”
The android - RK800, as I could read on his admittedly pretty cool jacket - turned to Gavin and nodded, a subtle smile creasing his features. “Hello, Detective Reed.” It was really weird to hear someone address the human weasel with such polite formality, especially after Gavin threatened Connor at gunpoint last night.
Gavin got up and started walking towards the android and I could feel my gut clench. I knew this shitheel was going to start trouble, and it didn’t take much for my anxiety to start flaring up in anticipation. As much as I enjoyed pissing him off, it didn’t stop the involuntary response my body gave in stressful situations like that when I’d feel my eyes well up and my body start to tremble in anger or stress.
“Never seen an android like you before.” Gavin said to Connor, eyeing him up. “What model are you?”
I sort of did a double take for a moment. It’s written on his jacket. How the fuck do you miss that? “Look down.” I suggested sarcastically.
Gavin then shot me a glare. “Hey, I’m not a plastic-fucking pervert, Rach.”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that, Gavin.” I snapped at him annoyedly.
“RK800.” Connor replied curtly. A lot more politely than Gavin deserved.  “I’m a prototype.”
Gavin scoffed in a way that was starting to piss me off. “A prototype?” He then turned to Tina and pointed at the android. “Android detective.” Asshole turned back and scowled at him, sarcasm written all over his dumb rat face. “So machines are gonna...replace us all...is that it?”
I rolled my eyes at him. “Here we go again.” I grumbled. “Oooooh, technology is bad, fire is scary, Thomas Edison was a witch!” I mocked, waiting for the coffee to brew. “Gimme a fucking break.
Gavin then returned his attention to the android, opting to ignore me. “Hey,” he said inconsiderately. “Bring me a coffee, dipshit.”
I glanced over at the coffee Gavin left on the table behind him by Tina. “Seriously, were you raised in a barn? Finish the coffee you already started before you demand another one at the very least, you wasteful prick. Have some damn manners.”
“Manners don’t matter to a machine.” Gavin retorted confidently.
“Forget that!” I scoffed. “I’m the one that’s offended, nevermind Connor. It’s basic fucking decency, just finish the first damn coffee you started!”
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself?” Gavin snapped at me. I glared at him, taking a threatening step forward.
“Oh bite me, Gavin!” I sniped at him.
He then snickered at me. “I would, but you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
“Not from you, I wouldn’t.” I responded immediately, letting him know that even if it was a serious request (which it very obviously wasn’t), I was not on the menu for him.
A moment went by, and the tension was only serving to make my anxiety more and more apparent as I could feel my heart start beating more rapidly and my hands started to shake. “I’m sorry, but I only take orders from Lieutenant Anderson.” Connor replied courteously. I wasn’t sure if androids were programmed not to respond angrily or if he just wasn’t interested in responding aggressively to people like Gavin, instead opting to tell him to fuck off as politely as possible.
“Oh...oh.” Gavin said, laughing at Tina before he lunged forward and punched the android square in the gut.
He didn’t flinch, but his LED flickered from yellow to a slowly blinking red as he quickly slumped to the floor and my instincts overtook me and I stepped up to Gavin. “If your new pals hadn’t got in the way yesterday, I would’ve fucked you up for disobeying a human.” Gavin said to him, taking a threatening step towards Connor.
“Gavin, back off!” I demanded. “This stopped being entertaining a minute ago, but do you want Fowler to chew you out again? Because that’s what’s going to happen, and you know I will write you up again, you piece of shit.”
“He’s a fucking machine!” He started to get up in my face and I instantly became acutely aware of the pistol in my holster and the space I immediately had to move around me. “He doesn’t give a shit about you, and he’s going to take your fucking job, and we’ll see how you like androids then.”
“So just because he’s ‘not human,’ that means you can treat him however you want?” Swallowing my immediate fear, I stared Gavin down. “If that’s really how you feel, then why don’t you go and fuck up one of the android police officers in the office and see how well you like your job then, hm? I’m sure that’ll really secure your position at the precinct.” I stood my ground and stared him dead in the eye. If there’s one thing I learned from being around these hardened cops, it’s that they practically smell fear and if they even sense the smallest weakness, they eat you alive. “You just like having an excuse to treat someone like shit and not feel guilty for it. Because you know that if you treated a human the way you feel everyday, they’d probably leave you for dead in an alleyway behind a dumpster and no one would give a shit.”
I practically held my breath, waiting for what his next move was going to be. I had my hand ready to pull out my weapon if he got violent and my stance ready to move out of the way if he decided to try and fight me. But instead, he thought better about starting a fight with me and went back to Connor, leaning over him. “Stay outta my way. ‘Cause next time, you won’t get off so easy. And you won’t always have your new little side piece to protect you.”
Gavin quickly left and Tina got up after him, glancing at me with the most exasperated look in her eye. “You’ve got your asshole, and I’ve got mine.” She said to me before following him out of the break room.
I never did like the way people talked about androids. Especially people like Gavin. Even putting aside the familiar echoes of being dehumanized in very similar ways, I just couldn’t understand why people looked at androids that way. Well, I mean, I knew why from a logical standpoint, or at least the justifications people gave. But from an emotional one, it didn’t make sense. After all, I always said please and thank you to my AI assistants I had at home. And I knew plenty of other people that did the same.
And besides, humans naturally pack bond with things that look way less human than androids do. Although, maybe because androids seem more human, people are more inclined to treat them the way they see other humans. A bit of a depressing notion, but food for thought, nonetheless.
Letting out an anxious sigh of relief, I immediately went to help Connor back up to his feet. “Are you okay?” I asked him, genuinely worried for his well being.
He got up and simply straightened his tie and coat as if nothing happened. “I’m alright, don’t worry.” He replied, giving me a small reassuring smile. “I’ve checked my vitals, and I can assure you I’m unharmed. And besides, I can’t feel pain.”
I tilted my head at him curiously. “If you don’t feel any pain, then why did you double over when he punched you?” I asked him.
His LED blinked yellow as his brows seemed to furrow together in confusion at my query. “I...I’m not sure.” He replied, a certain uncharacteristically vulnerable uncertainty creasing his delicate features.
Deciding not to press him further, I looked after Gavin and shook my head. “I wish I could say I’m surprised that people like Gavin exist, but I’m not.” I complained, going back to making my coffee. “People like him have always existed. And they’ve treated actual human beings like that for things ranging from their gender, their sexuality, to the colour of their skin. Things that to people like him meant that those people that are different from him aren’t human, and thus don’t deserve to be treated as such or have the same human rights.”
Connor eyed me curiously. “Is that one of the reasons you relate to androids as a whole?” He asked me.
I scoffed light-heartedly. “Erm, it’s a bit of a tangent, but I’ll bite.” I said, propping myself up for an interesting conversation. “How familiar are you with LGBT history? Specifically regarding the trans community?”
“Passively.” Connor answered. “But if it’s important to understanding your point, I’ll gladly research more into it right now.”
I blinked at him a couple of times. “You can do that?” I asked him, dumbfounded. “Just decide to learn something and pull it from an archive somewhere and absorb it?” I then leaned forward closer to Connor, my eyes taking in his whole face as my interest piqued. “Man, what’s your brain like if that’s how you take in information that isn’t actively in your physical environment? Is it like an encyclopedia where you have all the information in the same place and you just have to look for the index? Or is it more like an archive where the information is not necessarily available at a moment’s notice but can be accessed when it’s convenient?”
Connor smiled a bit more. “It’s more like a library where the information is actively supplied and whatever is not already in the library can be ordered or searched and added to it.”
“Fascinating.” I said, staring deep into his chocolate brown eyes. “I wonder if other androids’ minds work the same way yours does.”
“I’m a far more advanced prototype, so I sincerely doubt their metaphorical libraries are even nearly as expansive.” He replied confidently.
I nodded. “Right, so how familiar exactly are you?” I repeated.
His LED spun yellow once again before quickly settling back to a gentle cool blue. “‘Trans’ is shorthand for ‘transgender,’ which refers to individuals who identify differently than their assigned sex at birth, the antonym of which being ‘cisgender,’ or ‘cis,’ referring to individuals whose gender identity aligns with that which they’re assigned at birth.” He started off. “Many anthropologists agree that the existence of trans people dates back to the beginning of human civilization itself, being prominent in several cultures globally. However, in western culture, until the 1970’s, transgender people were considered secondhand citizens and did not have equal civil rights.
“The catalyst for the modern-day LGBTQIA+ community was in New York, 1969, in the Stonewall Inn, in what would be known as the Stonewall Riots.” He continued to explain, capturing my attention flawlessly even though I had heard all this already. “Interestingly, the Genovese crime family was one of the main backers for the underground LGBT community, the Stonewall Inn being a massive gathering place for members of the community. One day, a police raid was conducted on the inn and all of the patrons were told to line up against the wall and produce identification, and because drag displays and public displays of affection with the same sex were seen as crimes as illegal as money laundering, if any of the patrons’ genders didn’t appear to match their driver’s license, they would be arrested, and those without identification would be taken into another room to have their sex verified. The riot against the police raid was headed by two trans women of colour named Marsha P. Johnson and Storme Delarverie. Since then, equal rights have continued to be fought for by activists both in and out of the LGBT community.”
I nodded, following along. He seemed to grasp it pretty strongly. “Alright, so you know a thing or two. You’ve got the idea.” I suddenly got stuck, my brain failing to capture the right words to explain my feelings. “Oh boy, I’m so sorry. My brain tends to get stuck a lot and I’m really bad at words and talking good and everything tends to ge-sc-abla-blgudfa-get scrambled -” I stopped, getting really annoyed and embarrassed with myself. “Like that. I’m really bad at explaining my points in a way that makes sense. Speech impediment, and all. Not good with speaking.”
Connor tilted his head in confusion. “I find it strange to hear you say that about yourself.” I gave him a confused look. “You’re very detailed and analytical and very articulate. You’re actually quite skilled with language and analysis. I find it invigorating to hear what you have to say.”
I felt myself shrink at his compliment. “I-uh, well. Thank you, I guess. Sorry, I don’t know how to take compliments without making it awkward.” Now I was more lost than before. “Even then, I have to expend considerable amounts of effort to not trip over my words or lose my train of thought. Where was I again?”
“I believe you were about to explain how the trans community relates to your ability to relate personally and empathize with deviants.” Connor answered.
“Ah! Right!” Once again, I took a moment to collect my thoughts and give my two cents. It was actually nice getting to talk to someone about my thoughts on stuff like this. After all, it had been many years since I’ve had long in-depth conversations about topics of such complicated nature. “Well, you know how androids are considered less than human? Just machines, and thus not worth the respect of humans?” Connor nodded. “Well, the things that are said about deviants and androids...reminds me a lot of the way people used to talk about me and my friends when I was growing up. If you didn’t realize it, I don’t blame you. I don’t really go out of my way to present myself a certain way, and I just kinda roll with whatever works. But I’m not cis or straight, and neither were most of my friends growing up. In case you’re curious, I’m bigender and bisexual.” It wasn’t a thing I really admitted a lot, but I figured Connor wouldn’t judge me for it. “And a lot of the things that people say about androids and especially deviants ring in my head like a horrible echo. Because I’ve heard it before.”
I glanced over, pouring a cup of coffee and mixing in the cream and sugar. “The excuses to dehumanize us because they think we’re pretending to be something we’re not. That we’re crazy or delusional. That we’re just confused. That there’s just something wrong with us, and if we stop being what we are, it’ll somehow fix us, believing that we are broken and thus need to be fixed. But their idea of ‘fixing us’ is not helping us feel more comfortable in our own bodies and in society, but rather forcing us to hide ourselves and conform to what they think is ‘normal,’ not caring about how miserable it makes us. And a lot of people have paid with their lives at the hands of the people that say that about us. So when I hear similar sentiments towards androids and deviants, forgive me if I’m skeptical of the rhetoric that they deserve the treatment they get, or that they’re less human because ‘they’re just machines made to obey humans.’ No matter what way you dress it up, humans always look for excuses to treat someone as worthless without even a semblance of guilt.” I let out a sigh. “And I refuse to treat anyone the way I’ve been treated. Because it doesn’t entail good things for anyone and I refuse to be someone else’s echo that they’ll have to hear years from now. For as many advancements as humanity continues to make, the more things change, the more things stay the same.”
I noticed that Connor’s LED was still spinning yellow even after I finished talking. “I find your perspective rather intriguing.” He finally spoke. “If you ever have time, I’d like to hear more of your thoughts.”
I scoffed at him. “On what?” I asked.
“Anything.” He answered plainly. “I’m sure you could make a detailed analysis on anything, if it caught your eye.”
“Well, thank you. I appreciate the compliment.” I smiled at Connor, a warmth blooming on my cheeks. Admittedly, I tended to get flustered and embarrassed rather easily. A fact that was, well, rather embarrassing. But somehow, I didn’t really mind in this situation. Once I was done making my coffee, I pushed myself away from the counter and stood squarely towards Connor once again, taking a sip and relishing the feeling of the warm bittersweet liquid trailing down my throat. “Well, we’ve still got more tour to do, but there isn’t much left of the precinct to see, so this shouldn’t take too long and you can start working with Hank.”
Connor nodded. “Of course.” He said curtly. “Thank you in advance for your time, Rachel. I really enjoy chatting with you.”
His compliments were starting to feel a bit excessive, but I wasn’t about to stop him. Honestly, the attention was really nice. “I like talking to you, too.” I admitted to him. It wasn’t until this moment that I had realized truly how lonely I’d really been. But, shrugging the feeling off, I leaned towards Connor as we left the break room. “FYI, I was half-tempted to respond to Gavin’s ‘go fuck yourself’ with ‘fuck me yourself, you coward.’” I joked. “But I didn’t because I wasn’t completely sure that he wouldn’t take it seriously and I wasn’t about to take that risk.”
Connor didn’t laugh, which didn’t surprise me, but his smile did seem to widen a small bit. So even if he couldn’t laugh, he could at least feel amusement, and that was good enough for me. “So, where is there left for me to see, Rachel?” Connor asked me.
“All that’s really left is the archive room and the office, and you’ve seen the office already.” I said to him. “But, I can show you my desk. Unfortunately, it’s next to Gavin’s. But, weirdly enough, when he’s working at his desk, he is mercifully quiet. So, I can actually get work done!”
“Lead the way, then.” Connor suggested.
I cut through behind Fowler’s office, stealing a glance through the glass wall over at Micheal and seeing him lock eyes with me. I reminded myself that I needed to see him later once I was done with this. “Right over there is the hallway leading to the archive room, and the actual room is to the right.” I explained, pointing at the glass door. “It goes downstairs underneath the repair centre. It’s where evidence is filed and collected and stored.”
Once I was done explaining, I walked back towards the office area. My desk was directly across from Hank’s on the opposite end of the office and Gavin’s desk was right in front of mine. But up ahead in the corner, I noticed Chris working at his desk and decided to take Connor to say hi. After all, I didn’t want Connor’s only experience with the police here to just be Gavin being an asshole and Hank being angsty.
And besides, Chris was a really good guy, and I felt like he and Connor would actually get along really well.
So, making my way over, I quickly found my way to Chris’s desk and gave him a little wave. “Hi, Chris!” I greeted.
The black man gave me a smile as he took a break from what he was working on. “Hello, Rachel.” He returned. “How was your morning?”
I bobbed my head back and forth. “It was...an eventful morning, definitely.” I replied.
Connor quickly stepped up beside me, his hands folded behind his back as he looked at Chris with a neutral expression. “You still here?” Chris asked when Connor approached. “I thought your assignment was over.”
“It's just been extended.” Connor replied matter-of-factly.
Chris scoffed. “Hank's gonna be overjoyed to hear that...”
“Oh, he wasn’t.” I assured Chris. “Captain gave him a whole earful. Hank’s been officially assigned to the deviancy case and Connor’s been assigned as his partner, so they’re gonna be stuck together for a little while longer.”
Chris let out a strained breath, his eyes widened in what was the universal facial sign of yikes. “Best of luck to you, Connor.” The black man wished, shaking his head. “You were right about that android...it's been quiet in the cell all night.” He then mentioned. “Scheduled for transfer today.”
I blinked at him, realizing that Micheal was likely not going to survive today unless I acted fast. “Really? When?” I asked him.
“Not sure.” Chris responded. “I think around six is when CyberLife’s gonna come pick it up.”
I nodded. Right. That’s how much time I have to figure out how to help him. Giving Chris a pleasant smile I backed away. “Well, nice to see you again, Chris.”
“Nice to see you too, Rachel.” Chris replied kindly. “Have a good day.”
“You too!” I called, already walking towards my desk with Connor in tow. Once we reached it, I took a seat in it, putting my coffee down and sighing. “And this is my desk! Thankfully Gavin’s not here yet, so I’ll be without him for a little while.”
Connor nodded, his eyes scanning over what seemed to be about everything on my desk. His LED was spinning yellow, no doubt that he was learning everything he could about me just from the contents of my desk. Once his LED spun back to blue, I glanced over at Hank, who was still pouting, stealing glances back at me on occasion.
Giving him a smile, I turned in my chair. “Well, you’ve got work to do.” I said, ending the conversation. “But feel free to get my attention if you need something, got it?”
Connor smiled. “Got it.” He replied.
I glanced up at him, offering him a reassuring grin. “Good luck.” I whispered to him.
Connor then turned around to approach Hank. Whenever I was focused on something, everything else sort of faded into verbal equivalents of static. Well, not everything. I could hear and pick up much smaller noises. The ringings of phones, footsteps, specific conversations while others were complete garbled nonsense, the sounds of birds outside, cars. It seemed that I could very easily hear and pick up on sounds from very far away that most people wouldn’t be able to hear, while the things that happened directly around me just weren’t processed by my brain.
As much as I tried to work on something - anything at all - I couldn’t tear my focus away from Connor and Hank. “I get the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant.” Connor started saying calmly to Hank. “I'd like you to know I'm very sorry about that.”
I couldn’t help but melt a little at him. Awww, bless his soul. Granted, he didn’t have one. But honestly, he might as well have.
But Hank clearly wasn’t taken with Connor, so the android persisted. “Now that we're partners, it would be great to get to know each other better.”
Still nothing.
“In any case, I'd like you to know I'm very happy to be working with you.” He tried once again. “I'm sure we'll make a great team.”
Nothing. Connor wasn’t going to be getting anywhere with Hank, and it was honestly so upsetting. He was genuinely trying really hard to bond with Hank.
But...I knew Hank wasn’t going to be that easy to crack. At least for Connor. So this was probably going to be a long process to watch. But bless Connor for trying so hard. “Is there a desk anywhere I could use?” He asked.
“No one's using that one.” Hank finally responded, pointing to the empty desk in front of him, still pouting with his arms crossed like an angry child.
Connor slowly rounded to the chair and took a seat in front of the unused terminal, sitting across from Hank and in full view of me. I noticed him steal a glance at me, and I quickly looked away, instead laying my eyes on the keyboard as I took another sip of my coffee.
As much as I tried to at least act like I was working, I couldn’t for the life of me stop focusing on Connor. Somehow he had completely taken over all my focus. Probably because what he was doing was a lot more interesting than anything else I had to work on.
“You have a dog, right?” Connor asked.
Hank seemed taken aback for a moment before he answered. “How do you know that?” He asked suspiciously.
“The dog hairs on your chair.” Connor explained bluntly. “I like dogs. What's your dog's name?”
Hank narrowed his eyes at Connor. “What's it to you?” He asked grouchily. But, it seemed he couldn’t help but relent. “Sumo,” he answered. “I call him Sumo.”
I smiled at them. I knew Hank had a lovely St. Bernard. Though the story behind him was actually a really sad one to hear. Apparently he belonged to a murder victim Hank was investigating and he took the dog in after they inspected the crime scene. Apparently he didn’t actually know what the dog’s real name was, so he decided to call him Sumo.
A moment of uneventful quiet. I already gave up on working while they were taking up my attention, so I just listened absentmindedly to their conversation. I honestly didn’t mean to eavesdrop as much as I was currently doing, but my attention span was garbage, so this was apparently the only thing my brain thought was worth paying attention to.
“You're a Detroit Gears fan, right?” Connor asked, getting a little snicker out of me. Ah yes, sports. The ideal male bonding strategy. “Denton Carter scored 53% of his shots from the three-point line yesterday. Did you see the game?”
Hank seemed to glare at Connor for a moment before replying. “That's what I was watchin' at the bar last night.”
Oops, that was awkward. “Oh...” Was all Connor could say, and I wanted to hug his poor face. Well, at least you tried, Connor. The secondhand embarrassment was making me shiver a bit, so I decided to have another drink of coffee.
“Do you listen to Knights of the Black Death?” Connor asked Hank. “I really like that music. It’s full of...energy.”
I had to stop myself from making the sort of noises I make when I see my dog at him. Awwwww, he’s so cute! 
Hank seemed to hesitate for a moment before he answered. “You listen to heavy metal?”
I quickly laughed the kind of laugh you laugh through your nose when you’re trying not to laugh, but I was trying really really hard not to draw attention to myself, but as I was starting to let out a wheeze, I realized I had already lost.
“Well, I don’t really listen to music as such,” Connor replied, “but I’d like to!”
I couldn’t stop myself from laughing and clearly Hank noticed me. “What’s so funny?” He asked me.
While I was trying to compose myself to try and answer him without wheezing, I leaned over in my chair, letting out a few sighs to try and convince myself that I was done laughing. “I mean...he’s an android...that likes heavy metal.” I said, very much trying to draw attention to the coincidence, and also feeling another fit of giggles worm their way into my chest. “Do you get it?”
I started laughing again, keeling over my desk, not even looking at either of them. “Yeah, hilarious.” I could practically hear the eyeroll in Hank’s response.
“Oh! I think I do understand!” Connor said. I looked back at him, a dumb grin on my face as I was trying really hard not to laugh again. “The fact that several components in androids are made of metals makes the fact that I enjoy heavy metal music a rather amusing coincidence.”
I kept snickering. I just looked right at Connor’s cute dumbass face, my wide grin still plastered on mine. Usually when someone explains a joke, it makes it unfunny and immediately kills it. But there was something about the genuine sincerity in Connor’s dry explanation that was...completely endearing. “Yeah, you get it.” I giggled, keeling over again. “Ohhhh, that’s too good. Oh, that’s fucking precious.” I quickly calmed down, letting them get back to their conversation. Although I was turned away from them, I still couldn’t help but keep snickering, the conversation repeating in my head.
“A lot of people don’t appreciate having androids around.” As he said that, he glanced over at me, and our eyes met. Feeling like a deer in the headlights, I quickly looked away and pulled up one of my papers to act like I was reading it intently. I assumed he looked away from me when he started speaking again. “I was wondering...is there any reason in particular you despise me?”
Hank was quiet for a moment before he talked again. “Yeah...there is one.” He responded. It seemed like he was going to elaborate, but evidently he decided not to. I couldn’t really blame him. He was the type of person that kept his closest and most vulnerable feelings under lock and key. He was a very private person. I knew the reason, but I wasn’t going to tell Connor. Hank was very selective of who his personal details are shared with, and I wanted to respect that.
I, on the other hand, tended to overshare my personal feelings and experiences in contrast. People are surprised that I’m able to be so open about such vulnerable topics, but I never really feel vulnerable. In an ironic sense, it was a sort of defense mechanism for me to overshare my traumatic experiences in an effort to feel like I have more control over my life.
“Have you known Captain Fowler for long?” Connor asked Hank.
“Yeah...” He answered, glancing back at Fowler’s office. “Too long.”
There was clearly a lot of history between Hank and Fowler. After all, Hank and one other person were the only people who could get away with referring to him by his first name. They had been here longer than everyone else, it seemed. But Fowler was made captain, and he hardened a bit. Not completely, but a bit.
“I was wondering...” Connor said, breaking through my thoughts. “Do you always arrive at the office at this time?”
“I arrive when I arrive.” Hank said loudly. “Stop busting my balls, okay?”
“Would you rather he bust your nuts?” I said with zero hesitation, feeling proud of myself, before I quickly realized that I probably shouldn’t have said it. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
Although, it got a pretty good reaction out of the surrounding officers, as Officer Wilson almost choked on his coffee and started laughing. And very quickly, I started snickering again, too.
Hank looked over at me and groaned very loudly. “Very funny, Rachel.” He grumbled.
“I know, I’m hilarious.” I said with brazen confidence, trying to mask the horrible embarrassment I felt.
I finally decided to just laugh it off and get back to finishing some work, deciding to ignore them altogether.
That’s what I decided. But was that what I did? Nope.
Even as I was doing the minimal work I could do, I could barely tear my attention away from Hank and Connor, more specifically Connor. “If you have any files on deviants, I'd like to take a look at them...” He suggested.
Hank looked over at him and pointed to the screen in front of Connor. “Terminal's on your desk. Knock yourself out.” He said, clearly trying to keep their relationship as impersonal as possible.
Which I couldn’t really blame him for, really. As much as I thought Hank was being a bit of a brat, I also understood that he didn’t want this to go on longer than a day at most. So, this sucked for him.
“243 files...The first dates back nine months...” Connor began explaining. “It all started in Detroit...And quickly spread across the country...” As Connor’s eyes focused on the terminal, his LED spinning yellow, he then turned towards Hank. “An AX400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation.”
Hank was being rather sour with Connor, having already turned away from him with his head in his hand. Connor got up to approach Hank, who turned around harshly and started picking up data pads and was just moving them around, pretending to look busy. An action I found rather petulant and annoying, nevermind what Connor was thinking since he was clearly just trying to do the job he was assigned to do. I knew Connor was going to have a difficult time dealing with Hank, as he could be rather ornery and already couldn’t stand androids, but there was a sense of unwavering determination in Connor that I couldn’t help but respect. I got the feeling that he would stop at nothing to accomplish whatever task he was set out to do.
As I wrapped up the last of my minimal work, my attention was completely focused on Hank and Connor. “I know you didn't ask for this investigation, Lieutenant,” I looked over and Connor was leaning over Hank trying to reason with him, “but I'm sure you're a professional.”
“Why don't you go fuck yourself?” Hank snapped at Connor.
The moment had gone sour, and Connor turned towards me as if to silently plead for my help. I just gave him a shrug and took another sip of my coffee.
“I've been assigned this mission, Lieutenant.” Connor insisted. “I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working.”
In an instant, I saw Hank shoving Connor up against the wall of his desk in a threatening manner and felt my anxiety shoot up again, making the room go completely dead. “Listen, asshole.” Hank growled at Connor. “If it was up to me, I’d throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So stop pissing me off...or things are gonna get nasty.”
I noticed some movement in the corner of my eye and saw Chris getting up from his desk and walking over to Hank. My eyes followed the officer intently. “Lieutenant, uh...sorry to disturb you.” He started with as Hank put Connor down. “I have some information on the AX400 that attacked the guy last night. It’s been seen in the Ravendale District.”
Ravendale. That’s Camden, I’m pretty sure. My brain echoed. I think that’s about a ten minute drive from where I live. “I’m on it.” Hank agreed, not taking his eyes off of Connor. I very quickly looked away, but realized that Hank was approaching me. “Hey.” He said to me. I looked up at him wondering for a moment if I was about to be reprimanded for my behaviour before he put a hand on my desk. “I’m going to investigate that aggravated assault case, you wanna come with?”
I was surprised that he asked me to come with him, considering what just transpired. But he probably didn’t want to deal with Connor alone. Fowler’s words reverberated in my mind at Hank’s request. Me, seeing an excuse to hang with the both of them, agreed. “Sure, why not? I got nothing else better to do, and you two could probably use my help after last night.”
“Great.” He said, nodding as he started walking away. “We’re heading out!”
I got up out of my seat and made sure I had everything I needed, following Hank and approaching Connor. “I guess I’ll finally have the opportunity to see how you work in the field, Connor.”
“Indeed.” He replied curtly. “And I’m looking forward to seeing how you perform as well.”
“Well, I’m hard-wired for investigation.” I said, a smug smirk plastered on my face. “But you’re more so than I am, I bet.”
“I am.” He replied, not catching my joke. “You could even say I was specifically designed for the task.”
I shook my head, giving up for now on jokes since my mind had gone blank. “Well, I can’t think of any puns I can make right now. But now I’m curious if you have a sense of humour in the same way humans do, Connor.”
“Oh, dear God. Please don’t encourage her.” Hank groaned.
Connor looked confused. “Why’s that, Lieutenant?”
“Her jokes are terrible.” He quipped.
I just grinned smugly at him like the bastard I was. “That’s what makes them so great!” I said with a gremlinesque giggle. “You can pretend you don’t find them amusing all you want, but you’ve smiled at a few. Even chuckled, if the mood had you.”
“Pity smiles and pity laughs, Rachel.” He said defensively. “Just don’t quit your day job, is all I’m saying.”
I scoffed at him. “Whatever you say, Hank.”
We followed Hank out of the precinct and into Hank’s car, thankful he wasn’t drunk this time and that I didn’t have to worry about him.
And I couldn’t lie, this was the most excited I felt about something in a long time. 
Next Chapter
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bapyess1r · 4 years
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WARNINGS: cursing
Pairings: Rafe Adler x OC
Tags: @desertvvitch, @tiecladartist, @courtenbae
Chapter 1
Lyric’s POV
He was doing it again. Much like every day lately, he’d been in a verbal argument with someone over the phone during a conference. And lucky me, I got a front row seat to every single word. His office was right in front of my desk. The whole office seemed to quiet as muffled screams could be heard throughout the room. My co-worker Winter looked over from her desk to show me her gums and suck air through her teeth.
“You’re gonna have so much fun tonight!” Her voice dripped with sarcasm and I rolled my eyes. This meant there was going to be so much paperwork to do before I left. I groaned, digging my fingers into my hair and scratching at it in annoyance. I wore wigs to work because my actual hair would’ve been considered “less than favorable” in my work environment. ‘Horseshit.’ I thought. I settled for dark curls in order to remotely retain a professional image. Suddenly, it had gotten eerily quiet. He stopped shouting in his office and the air was back to normal. Or so I thought.
“LYRIC LEWIS!” I heard him snap suddenly, making my jump out of my seat a bit. I took a deep breath, eyeballing Winter as I adjusted my grey pantsuit. My blush colored heels clicked on the tiles as I rounded my desk with my hefty clipboard in hand. I pushed open his opaque glass door cautiously. I took a moment to center myself as I put my hand on the door and turned the knob.
“Yes, Mr. Adler?” I asked him calmly. Not that it would do me any good. He rested his face in his hands in irritation. To Rafe Adler, I was his rather invisible assistant. He never looked me in the face. If he did he saw right through me and never paid much attention. But he knew my voice. I didn’t mind but there’s this thing called respect…
“Ms. Lewis, please tell me there are no more idiots I have to conference with this afternoon.” He grumbled, rubbing his fingers into his bluish green eyes. As tired as he was, they looked a little gray today. I flipped through his schedule that I had written down as he leaned back into his chair. For a moment, I glanced up to look at him. Rafe was a handsome man. Stuffy but handsome. His hair was cut short on the sides as the length on top was slicked back off of his almost model-like face and when he did smile, which was very rarely, it was like a million watts. Suddenly, he snapped his fingers repeatedly at me with a growl.
“C’mon, Lyric! I don’t have all day!” He rushed me. And I flipped to today’s date. I ran my finger down the time slots to see what else was on the agenda for the day.
“Um… I believe that was all for today, sir. No more conference calls-”
“Thank God!” He sighed, dramatically. My face contorted a bit as he ran his fingers through his dark hair. “What else is there to do today?”
“You have a meeting with Chovak, sir, at 2pm. Early dinner with Samuel and Nathan Drake at 5? And then you had me put down paperwork hours from 7:30 til midnight.” I read everything off exactly as it was written. He hummed as he rummaged through the files on his desk.
“Make it 9. Dinner may take a little longer than I expect.” He said with a sigh. “That’ll be all, Ms. Lewis. Thank you.” He said as he began scribbling things on sheets of paper and tapping on his laptop. Not once did he look at me through this whole interaction. That was most days though.
“Did you need me to sit in on the meeting, sir?” I asked, pulling a pen from behind my ear and editing a time slot. I was hoping he’d say no. I still hadn’t had breakfast yet and I was starving.
“Yes.” He said simply. My expression faltered and I pursed my lips to keep from making a face. Of course I had to stay.
“Absolutely, sir. I’ll be going now.” I said with slight irritation but he didn’t seem to notice. He was already caught up in more work. I turned on my heel and just as I put a hand on the door, he called to me again.
“Oh, one more thing!” He said. I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look at him.
“What is it, sir?” I asked.
“Would you be a doll and run down to Starbucks for me?” He said.
“Of course, sir. The usual?” I asked pulling out my phone to pre-order the drink. It would be done by the time I got there.
“Yes and add a croissant.” He mumbled.
“Yes, sir. I’ll be right back.” I said with a fake smile. Not that he’d see it anyway.
I went back to my desk and sat down with a sigh of relief. “That wasn’t so bad…” I said to myself as I put in Rafe’s order. After a few seconds of mental rest, I stood again and grabbed my black trench coat off the back of my seat.
“Goin’ somewhere?” Winter asked as I slipped on my coat.
“The King wants his coffee.” I told her in an exaggerated attempt at a British accent. She chuckled and shook her head.
“Best not keep him waiting then.” She said, pushing her cropped hair over her ear as I left.
Work that night was more or less the same. The office would be absolutely empty except for Rafe and myself. He would leave his door open to tell things to me or ask me to change/cancel appointments and meetings he didn’t have time for or just honestly couldn’t be bothered with. All the lights in the building had been turned off except the desk lamps to conserve energy (Good on him) so it was rather dim. I was playing music on my speaker. A hard rock station on my radio app. I had a gig tonight and I needed to amp myself up and rush through these emails and paperwork. I kept the volume low. Low enough for only myself to hear. My earphones had broken a week ago and I hadn’t had the chance to get new ones yet.
Green Day was playing softly as I worked. My eyes were getting heavy and started to burn a little. I needed to get out of the office soon. I bopped my head to the music until I heard movement and an annoyed sigh from Rafe’s office. I looked up a brief moment and he was looking right at me. Or more like right through me. His neatly trimmed brow raised as he rested his head in his hand. I gasped a little and pushed my hair off of my face nervously.
“If you’re going to play music, turn it up. All I can hear from here is static. Don’t be selfish.” He grumbled before looking back at his work. My eyes widened at his demand. And I was sure Green Day was not on his daily ten playlist. I turned the music up but I definitely got ready to change the station. But he stopped me without even looking at me. “And don’t you dare change this song.” He said. A look of amusement played on my face as I went back to work.
‘What do you know about Green Day, Rafe Adler?’ I thought with a faint chuckle. Another hour passed and I was almost finished with a final email. I looked up a second to check on my boss’s sanity as we’d been listening to punk and hard rock for a while now. The Pixies began playing and the sight in front of me was one I’m sure he would make me swear to secrecy. He was slouched into his chair with a leg crossed over the other; his ankle resting on his knee as he wiggled his foot to the music, tapping his pen on the table rhythmically to the drums. His curved lips just gently mumbled the words to the song. His sleeves were rolled to his forearms and his tie was loosened with a couple of buttons undone. And his hair. A few strands had fallen out of place but for the moment he didn’t seem to mind. It was very rare that I saw him like this. Whenever it happened it was always a nice surprise.
I felt the corner of my lips turn a little as I signed off the email and sat back in relief. Finally. I gathered everything together and stood from my desk to head into Rafe’s office. He seemed to notice my presence from his peripheral and pointed to a spot on his desk that wasn’t covered in paper.
“Leave it there.” He said and I did as I was told.
“I wrote responses to all of your emails and sent them back to you for you to review and send out. All of your appointments and meetings are up to date, dry cleaning should be here in the morning, and….” There was something else and I just couldn’t put my finger on it.
“And… you’ll be here first thing in the morning, cafe latte with extra espresso. I told you I had a meeting with the Drake Brothers.” He added.
“Of course. There’s a meeting in the morning. I completely forgot.” I mumbled.
“I know you did. You always do…” he hummed disapprovingly, rereading a sheet of paper. I hung my head a bit in embarrassment. Not that he saw that.
“Sorry, sir.” I said as my phone vibrated in my pocket. When I looked at the screen, it had been a text from my band mate, Clay. My eyes widened reading the text in all caps.
My heart dropped and I checked the black watch on my wrist and groaned. It was 10:15. I had stayed at work longer than intended and now I was late for the show. And I still had to change my clothes and do my makeup. I looked up at Rafe for a moment as he smoothed his hair back into place.
“Is there anything else you need from me tonight, sir?” I asked him. Once again without even looking at me, he waved me off with a grumble. “Alright then. I’ll see you in the morning!”
“At 7:30-”
“7:30?!” I exclaimed in surprise. I was going to be absolutely dog tired. Did he really need me for that? I knew he had a tendency to have me work ridiculously hours but come on! I have a life! I had music to write, songs to record, shows to book….
“Is there a problem?” He asked in a slightly unnerving tone. I chuckled and shook my head.
“No, sir! Not a problem at all.” I lied. “7:30 sharp. I’ll be here.”
“Then that will be all, Ms. Lewis. Goodnight.” He said monotonously.
“Goodnight, sir.” I said softly, scuttling out of the room to grab my things from my desk. I turned the speaker off and just as I turned to leave, I heard him sigh tiredly. Normally, I wasn’t one to care about how my boss was doing but Rafe looked really exhausted. He was swamped with paperwork and his lunch appointment took a little longer just as he suspected. He ended up cutting into his set hours. I kind of felt bad for him. Leaving him alone with all of that. Then I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and it quickly reminded me that I had somewhere to be. I briskly ran towards the elevators so I could leave.
I did everything I could to prepare and get ready for the show. I hopped in my car, a beat up black hatchback, and turned on the car light. Adjusting my rear view mirror on me, I grabbed my makeup and began to put on more and darken it. With that I drove to the venue, hoping and praying I wouldn’t hit any traffic. My phone rang as I drove and it was my band mate again. I answered in an overwhelmed voice.
“I’m coming, Clay!” I said as I weaved in and out of New York traffic like an idiot. He sounded irritated. But so was I. If I hadn’t needed to do so much tonight, I would’ve been there sooner. I hung up the phone as I pulled into the alleyway near the venue and hopped into the backseat to change into something a little more appropriate. A black knitted dress that was as see through as it could get with a high split. Beneath it, a yellow bodysuit and fishnet tights. I exchanged my pink pumps for black stiletto boots and I struggled very hard to get into this look inside the car. The easy part was changing my retainer for my septum hoop. But when I finally got dressed, I grabbed my keys, wallet, and jacket, rolling out of the trunk of the hatchback and beginning to close it like it was no big deal. I went to adjust my hair when I remembered I still was wearing my wig. Quickly I snatched it and the wig cap off, revealing blonde locks with a tinge of pink at the tips, dressed up with silver hair rings and silver beaded charms. The side of my hair was braided back and decorated with tiny silver hair clamps. I shook out my tousled hair and tossed it in the back seat, locking my car. When I felt like I was all set, I pulled my jacket on and walked into the side of the building.
A bouncer stood there, guarding the door. I placed my hands on my hip and looked at him with a thick raised brow as his eyes scanned my body up and down. “Yo, I’m with Floral and Fading.” I told him with a bit of bass in my voice.
“How do I know you’re not just some groupie?” He asked me. To think that I looked like a groupie of my own band was quite hilarious to me. We had a pretty big following but I didn’t think we were that big yet. Not having time nor energy to deal with convincing this guy that I needed to get by him, I scoffed and called Clay. I told him I was at the venue and he came, opening the door next to the bouncer.
“Shit, Lyric! You’re cuttin’ it kinda close, my friend!” My blonde spikey haired friend said with a smile. I looked at the bouncer and he gestured to let me in. I was already walking through the door though. “You look nice!” He shouted to me above the muffled bass, wiggling his brows. He was flirting with me again. It was never anything serious and he did it clearly for jokes. I was used to it after 4 years. He was the first friend I made in New York. We started the band after discovering that we were both musicians. We grabbed a pair of brothers that played guitar and bass, Clay played drums, and I mained vocals. A couple of months later we were playing our first show at this punk club. When word got around, it became every weekend. Underground famous. And still I worked this office job every day. Running myself ragged to keep myself happy and alive.
“How long til we go on?” I asked, shrugging my jacket off.
“5 minutes! Everyone is all tuned up and ready to go, your mic is set up just how you like, and the speakers work today surprisingly! Double checked them myself!” He smiled, parting his pierced lips to give a toothy grin, rubbing his eyes, probably forgetting that he was wearing eyeliner. It only smudged a bit, making his eyes look smokey.
“Well don’t jinx us just yet. There’s still a possibility they could go out mid scream.” I chuckled. He handed me a bottle of water and I began to chug it like no tomorrow as he led me to the band’s waiting room. They were all there. Singing, laughing, smoking, warming up, drinking a beer, just having a great time. Seeing them still be excited to play here after 4 years made me happy and excited for the night’s show. I did a few quick vocal exercises and did my jumping jacks to hype myself up and before I knew it, we were ready to go on.
The club owner went out on stage to introduce us and the crowd yelled rather loudly. I looked back at the band and grinned hard. There was nothing like hearing a happy crowd. I watched them turn the stage lights red. He hyped them up as we amped ourselves and shook the nerves. Sweat was beginning to form on my forehead already but it was fine. I didn’t care. The moment I heard him call Floral and Fading, the band and myself ran up the stairs and onto the rather small stage. I pulled the mic off the stand and addressed the crowd as if I would a familiar friend. I grinned as Clay began counting off beats with the crash cymbals and the band began to play aggressively and skillfully. I moved the rhythm, headbanging and revving the crowd up as they moshed and jumped around. Then I melodically began to deliver words I had sat countless hours writing carefully in order to get my stories and messages across. And the night went on...
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randomfandomimagine · 5 years
Fate Is Sealed. Chapter 11
Fandom: John Wick
Ship: John x Elizabeth (OC)
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Read it on AO3!!
After a very intense... make out session… I mean, sparring session, John and I showered and prepared to go to sleep. We argued over who would get the bed but decided to share it in the end.
When he walked back into the room, hair still wet from the shower, he was wearing only his sweatpants. I wondered if he was teasing me to get me back for ‘playing dirty’ before, exposing his bare chest like that.
I parted my lips to drop a sarcastic comment, but he stood with his back faced to me and pointed a thumb to his tattoo. I made an effort to focus on the ink and not on the defined muscles that moved under his skin. Or the many scars that covered it as well.
“Looks pretty cool” I commented, taking in all the details.
The Latin phrase we had previously talked about was right under his nape, written in simple uppercase letters. Under it there were praying hands with an ornate cross behind it. Then, on his right shoulder blade was a wolf howling and what seemed like a candle lit with fire on his left one.
“Thanks” He pulled out a shirt from the wardrobe he stood in front of and turned to me. “I got them a long time ago”
Before he could put the gray T-shirt on, I caught a glimpse of another cross in his upper arm. This one was simpler and colored in.
“You have terrible taste, you know?” I averted my gaze when I noticed a scar on his right shoulder, and a pang of culpability took over my stomach.
“Why?” Now dressed in his pijamas, John joined me in the bed.
“Because you chose the person who tried to kill you” No matter how much I missed the expressiveness of those beautiful brown eyes, I couldn’t meet with them again. “Of all people…”
“You still feel guilty about that?” He put an arm over my shoulders and attracted me to his side. “You did what you had to do”
“You’re not mad about it?”
“I would if you had been any good at it”
With the corner of my eye, I caught a hint of a smile on his lips. How did that even happen? How was I the one responsible for that grin?
Definitely teasing me, John playfully shook me, pushing me against his side. He let out a soft chuckle that forced me to peer at him in spite of myself.
When our eyes met, his lingered, watching me with so much attention and intensity that I scolded myself for being flustered by those brown eyes of his.
“What are you looking at?” I challenged him, smiling myself nonetheless.
“I can never tell what color your eyes are” John muttered, keeping our glances locked together.
“Take a closer look then” I cocked an eyebrow, piercing him with my glance as well.
He squinted, getting so close to me that our noses nearly touched. I could feel his warm breath in my skin, tempting me with the proximity of his lips again.
"Still can't tell" John shrugged and backed up, which was almost a relief.
If I didn’t know any better, I would think he was torturing me on purpose. I found him to be intoxicating but preferred to contain my impulses. I wanted him to take the first step since he was the one that needed time. Still, our interaction in the gym reminded me that he wanted me despite it all.
Instead of overthinking it, I got comfortable in the bed. I fought the impulse to get as close to him as humanly possible and lied on my side facing him. I closed my eyes, wondering how I would be able to sleep knowing he was so close to me and having my erratic heartbeat being a reminder of it.
I tensed up when his arm fell over me, but I didn’t move in fear that he had fallen asleep and done it subconsciously. His soft weight felt warm and protective.
“Elizabeth” I opened my eyes to look up at him and found with a sweet smile plastered on his lips as they met with mine. That smile that seemed permanent as long as I was around. “Goodnight”
I chuckled, deciding to scoot closer to him until my nose brushed against his shoulder, where I left a tiny kiss.
“Sweet dreams, John” I closed my eyes once again, unable to stop smiling.
My grin only widened when I felt how he leaned his head closer to mine.
First thing in the morning, I was woken up by the bright sunlight that filtered through the window. Lazily opening my eyes, I found with John’s peaceful expression.
I had snuggled closer to him in my sleep and now rested over his chest, his arm protectively wrapping around me as he kept me close. I smiled at the sight, although it sent a tingling feeling to my stomach.
Suddenly feeling restless, I carefully stood up and quickly changed into my jeans, sweater and boots. I felt a sudden urge to leave, to escape, and I couldn’t really tell why. I just needed to get some air and clear my head.
Buddy looked up at me, lying at the feet of the bed, as I gathered all my belongings into the bag. I took a look at John, profoundly asleep still, and sighed.
“Don’t worry, boy” I scratched the dog’s head. “I’ll be back”
I quickly scrawled a note on the bedside table for John with the words ‘don’t freak out, I just wanted to take a walk. See you soon, E.’ and left.
Thoughts boiled in my head as I inevitably arrived to the car shop. As I came in and looked for Aurelio, my mind drifted back to John. I didn’t want him to think I had been kidnapped or anything, and I hoped John would find the note and be at ease.
“Hey, loser” I called up when I spotted a familiar figure.
Aurelio instantly turned at the sound of my voice, cigarette in hand, and scoffed.
“Holy shit!” He threw his hands to the sky. “Thank you for blessing me with your presence, Lisa”
“Fine” I rolled my eyes at his dramatic welcoming. “Guess I deserve that”
“Yeah, you almost got killed and I was fortunate to get a call from you!”
“In my defense, I went through a lot of shit in a very short period of time”
“You sure did, love” To my surprise, Aurelio enveloped me in a warm hug.
“You really must have been worried, huh?” I smiled, endeared by my friend’s concern. He energetically patted my back before letting go of me.
“You better fucking believe it” He put his cigarette between his lips and held me by the elbows, taking a good look at me.
I averted my eyes when I grew very aware of all the visible bruises in my face that were still healing. Aurelio frowned in deep thought, lingering for a few seconds before letting go of me.
“You look like shit” He chuckled, nudging me a little. “As usual”
“Yeah, thanks” I leaned in a car with its hood up and shrugged.
“So what brings you here, stranger?” He took a long drag out of his cigarette and stared at me, almost trying to see through my carefree exterior.
“I don’t really know… I guess I wanted to see a friendly face”
“Isn’t John’s friendly enough? I thought you were pretty close now”
“I… Well, I guess, but…”
“Have you two-“
“Wow!” I interrupted him before he could carry on, recognizing the smug glint in his dark eyes. “Stop right there, you pervert”
“What?” He innocently replied, smirking at my definite blushing. “I’m curious!”
“Don’t be nosy, you asshole” I had to laugh a little, but I pushed him.
“That’s it then, huh?”
“No, smartass, that’s not it”
“Then what is it?”
“I… don’t know what to do”
“About what?”
“About anything”
I took a deep breath, overwhelmed by my own feelings. Aurelio was partially right; John and I were getting really close. Maybe too close, and he wasn’t the only one who needed to take things slow.
So many things had changed… I wasn’t still over the fact that we started out as enemies not that long ago. That he was a different person from what I believed him to be. That I was falling for the Boogeyman no less, and opening my heart to him. That, even if it was allegedly because of my safety, I had spent the night with John.
“What do you mean?” Realizing my struggle, my friend got serious.
“I don’t feel safe at home after what happened” I crossed my arms over my chest and shook my head. “And I feel safe with John, but…”
“It’s too much” Aurelio guessed, eyeing me carefully. “And it scares you”
“Well… yeah” I clicked my tongue in annoyance at myself. “I never had anything serious like this and… It’s not even that serious, but it’s getting there and…”
“Elizabeth…” Aurelio grinned fondly, making me feel kind of silly.
“I sound like an insecure little girl, don’t I? This is so stupid…”
“No, I get it. You have a lot on your plate already and you don’t want to fuck up what you have with John, because it’s the only good thing in your life right now” Aurelio chuckled to himself. “Besides my wonderful friendship, of course”
I huffed in outrage, especially when he smirked again at my reaction.
“What kind of bullshit is that? You fucking put it into words” I rolled my eyes and groaned in frustration. “I couldn’t even put it into words”
“That’s because I know you better than you know yourself, kid” To add to that cool line, he interestingly gave his cigarette a puff and exhaled the smoke.
“Don’t you fucking call me kid” I grinned, feeling better already.
“I would give him the talk about breaking your tiny little heart but…” Now he was being a bit too much. “I don’t think I should threaten John Wick like that”
“Shut up, you idiot” I was still halfway through my sentence when my phone beeped.
I took a look at it and saw a message from John.
‘Meet me at the Continental’ was all it said.
“Is it your dear boyfriend?” Aurelio asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Fuck off” I accompanied my words by flipping him off. “I gotta go”
“Is all good?” He asked me, finally putting his cigarette off.
“Yeah, don’t worry” I went to hug him, and he hugged me back. “Thanks for everything, Aurelio”
“No problem” He gave me a genuine smile when we broke away. “Take care”
Feeling like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders now that I had talked about my feelings and understood my emotions, I went to reunite with John.
However, I had an arising suspicion that the meeting wasn’t something ordinary.
John was patiently waiting outside the building, dressed in his jeans and leather jacket and with his hands shoved in his pants pockets. His eyes gleamed at the sight of me, but his expression remained grave.
“I’m here” I smiled in spite of myself when John received me with a kiss in the head. “What’s up?”
“I found something out that I think you should know” He pressed a hand to my back, signaling for me to begin walking.
“Something? About what?” We walked beside one another, but he wouldn’t meet my eyes.  
“You’ll see” John opened the door for me, so I stepped into the hotel.
We slowly advanced through the lobby, even if his silent demeanor was anguishing me. It was strange enough returning to that place, but the current situation made it feel surreal. Looking ahead, the distance that separated us from Charon seemed too much.
“Is it something bad?”
“It’s something good then?”
John briefly locked eyes with me, but focused up ahead as we arrived to the counter at the reception. My stomach felt queasy with anticipation.
“Is the manager in?” He asked Charon, who looked from him to me.
“Yes, sir” The receptionist nodded, his eyes still fixed on me in a way I didn’t really understand. “He’s waiting for you in the roof”
“Thank you” That said, John took me by the hand and walked me to the elevator.
I gulped as we stood there until John pressed the button and the doors closed before our eyes. I assumed it was something I had to see for myself, but the secrecy of the matter was making me anxious.
“Your house is safe now, by the way” John gently squeezed my hand. “They shouldn’t bother you again. They definitely won’t be back”
“W-What do you mean they shouldn't be back?"
“I sent a message" Was all John said in response, his eyes focused on the numbers that displayed on the screen to showcase the current floor.
I had to hold on tighter to his hand for stability when I got slightly dizzy at what he might have done in my name.
“S-Sent a message?” I tugged at his hand to force him to look at me. "Or took care of it?"
His eyes landed on mine, portraying that soft look he had lately whenever he glanced at me. However, this time there was a hint of determination in them.
"Sent a message" He seriously replied, giving me an understanding look.
“Okay” I sighed in relief just as a little bell rang announcing we had arrived.
The elevator doors opened and we exited it together, still hand in hand.
I had never really been at the roof, and it was lovely. It was decorated with impeccable taste and attentive care, and the view from up high was marvelous.
Winston sat at the table that occupied the middle space, and he was sipping from a tea cup. He eyed us as we approached him, motioning for us to sit.
John and I moved in silence, taking a seat in front of him and politely waiting.
Winston opened a folder that rested over the table and pulled out a file, throwing it back on the table in front of me. I eyed it cautiously, feeling John’s gaze on me.
I gasped when I recognized the photo and the name on the front.
“What is this?” I held it up and waved it in Winston’s face. “And why do you want me to see this now?”
“It was John’s idea” Winston calmly gestured over to him. “He insisted that you should see it”
Knowing that John would have a good reason for it, I set the file back on the table and took my time looking at the picture and the name below it. It was a man with light eyes and dark brown hair. The words under it read ‘Thomas Dawson’.
“I wanted to know how he died” John said, although his voice seemed to come from far away as I passed the pages with trembling fingers. “So I asked Winston about it and he showed me this file”
“He was great at his job” Winston added. “But he got out when his daughter was born”
I felt my bottom lip trembling, so I swallowed the lump in my throat to avoid getting teary eyed in front of the two of them. I hid my emotions by fixing my eyes on the papers, even if the words were getting blurry.
“He…” I had to clear my throat when my voice sounded hoarse. “He retired for me”
“He did” John was fully aware of the impact my father’s past had on me.
“Then how did he die?” I rapidly turned the pages that recorded all his jobs to go to the very last one.
I never knew how he died either, but I had always assumed Gaige had something to do with it since he wouldn’t stop pestering me about that debt. Now, however, things didn’t seem that clear. Especially not with John’s careful demeanor, like he was almost afraid to tell me.
Their silence was deafening, so I looked up at them, not caring about my watery eyes anymore. Winston seemed calm still, but John was frowning.
“Was it a marker?” I guessed, staring at the latter and demanding an answer.
“No” He gravely said. “Someone killed him out of the blue”
“Apparently acting outside of Gaige’s orders too” Winston continued, tapping his finger over a specific spot on the papers. “Someone by that name”
I was suddenly glad that I was sitting down, because my knees would have refused to keep holding my weight when I read the name. My throat went dry.
“Simone Brasher” I read in a whisper, feeling my face draining from all blood.
“Do you know her?” There was alarm in John’s voice as he gingerly placed a hand on my shoulder.
I let out a sarcastic chuckle, focusing back on him.
“Remember when I went to your house, injured, and nearly died because of some ‘business gone wrong’?” He nodded slowly, frowning in concern. “That was her”
I noticed John and Winston exchanging a glance.
All my anxiety was now gone, replaced with burning anger and a thirst for revenge. That harpy would get what she deserved now.
I slammed the file closed and stood up, starting to walk away. I only looked at Winston briefly as a way to say goodbye before heading back for the elevator.
“Elizabeth!” John called out behind me, but I didn’t stop.
My intentions were to shut him off and leave, but he managed to get inside the elevator after I had pressed the button and right before the doors closed.
“Elizabeth, what are you doing?” He demanded to know, a dangerous look of warning present in his expression.
“What do you think?”
“You’re not going after her”
“Yes, I am”
“No, you’re not”
“Why did you tell me this anyway? What did you think would happen?”
“I didn’t know you knew her! I just wanted to help you, to make you see your father cared enough to retire!” He raised his voice a little, which resonated in the small space. “I only wanted to give you some peace of mind, not push you in this direction… I was trying to do something right”
“Well, you did something wrong” I noticed the exact moment my words impacted on him, as the shift was noticeable in his eyes. “You didn’t give me peace of mind”
John frowned and looked away, gritting his teeth. Then, after taking a deep breath, he continued speaking.
“You’re not going after her” Were his only words, still not establishing eye contact again.
“I’m sorry, John, but she has it coming” I wished he understood what that discovery implied, everything it had shaken up.
“That won’t bring your father back” His gruff voice sounded deeper than usual.
“You don’t understand! This isn’t only about my father” I absently watched the floor numbers go down. “That woman has been terrorizing me for years, and enjoying every second of it”
“Liz, don’t” John urgently grabbed me by the arm. “You’re better than that, remember?”
“I think I’m not” I shook my head, trying to get him to let go of me. “I’m done sitting still, she’s responsible for everything”
“You’re not a killer” John seemed rattled, and I could have sworn he was begging with his eyes. “You didn’t kill me”
“I… It’s my only way out of this” The doors opened and I took a step.
“It’s not” John held me back, tightening his grip on my arm.
“I need to do something” I knew it was the anger talking, which fueled my actions and made me feel capable of what used to be unthinkable.
“Think things through” He pleaded, that soft hint returning to his eyes.
“I already made up my mind” I strongly pulled at his hand, being freed from his grasp.
I felt his eyes burning in my nape as I walked the lobby, not bothering to say goodbye to Charon. I was determined, I was done being scared and fragile.
Being Elizabeth Dawson hadn’t worked out for me. I had spent years suffering, resigning myself to my fate. Thinking that my father had neglected me in favor of that life, that he didn’t care enough about me to give me a better life.
But now, knowing he was murdered in cold blood by that bitch Simone, I had a chance of setting things right. Of being in control of my own fate, of doing something. Maybe I needed to be more like John Wick. Maybe I needed to do what the Boogeyman would do.
Tag list: @lea-kenneth / @lookinsidemyhead / @ciccithedreamer / @writerandee / @contanto-que-voce-me-queira / @recentcrib8422 / @anita-e-taylor / @elena-mayfair / @fyspidey / @mell-bell / @yes-captainstark / @quentinbecksass / @buckysjuicyplums / @misfvit / @e-lysium / @alluna-naozumi / @alainabooks143 / @superbateclipseclod / @angelenemies / @hopeinahotbox / @deaadenn / @spacepari / @piaeforever21 / @thecraziestcrayon / @homeybadger
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talkoverfrenchfries · 4 years
That’s exploration
Here’s another one. I was already making posts and figured to add another to the series while I’m here. Also, this part might be important for getting more invested into the story and my OC. Again, any characters other than my OC as well as the settings and such belongs already to Vivziepop or Vivienne Medrano!
Zu was walking down the halls, taking in details of the wallpaper and furniture and pictures and other kinds of decor. He was entertained immensely taking in details of the place on his. All the craze from coming here at first have died down.
It was certainly something, avoiding Charlie’s straightforward, even almost pushy niceness, Vaggie’s tense and skeptical aggressiveness, Alastor’s cheerful torture, and Angel Dust’s rather persistent flirting.
Zu stopped moving when thinking of the last one. Then he shakes those thoughts away. Sure, Angel Dust is very attractive but it’s gonna take more than that for anything to happen. Although, he’s probably how Zu is still here. On the bright side, Alastor hasn’t really bothered Zu since that encounter.
However, before Zu can think more about it, he noticed something that grabbed his attention. He gasped, having noticed a trestle coffee table in one of the rooms. He crouches down, touching the engraving as he muttered stuff to himself.
“This is great engravings, all the hands and apples and snakes, it’s all very tasteful. Of course, the history of the medium of wood engraving evolved from the oldest printing technique, woodcut—which, in Western culture, goes back to the fifteenth century. This ought to be a huge wood block to make this coffee table. After all, a wood block is cut from a smoothed plank cut longitudinally from the tree trunk so that the grain runs in parallel lines to the block. Once the design has been established by cutting away the wood around the areas that will be printed, the block is inked with a small roller called a brayer. To print the block, a moistened piece of paper is placed on top of the block, along with a protective layer, called the tympan, and then put through the printing press. Alternately, a circular tool called a baren or even a spoon or the palm of the hand can be used to create enough pressure to print the inked block. Is this how the coffee table was made, though? Or was a different process used? How many kinds of wood engraving is there? Man, I have to look it up.”
“Hi! I’m Nifty! You’re weird and boring! You should probably stop with the fact spewing to get a girlfriend, no offense.”
Zu jolts out of surprise and turns to the new voice that just popped out of nowhere. Nifty was standing right there in her fifties attire and a big smile on her face. Two things about her surprised Zu more once the latter took in more of the sight of Nifty in front of him. The two things were Nifty’s petite size and the one eye right above her smile. Although, Zu got past the one eye pretty quick. It is a rather common sight to see on people down here in hell.
Then Zu realized what Nifty had said and got a little bummed out. He’s gotten used to being called boring but he never learned to like it.
Zu opened his mouth, wanting to insist that knowledge itself is never boring. However, Nifty swiftly proceeded to cleaning the coffee table that made Zu go on about some of the history of wood engraving. Just as quickly as Nifty started cleaning, she already finished and had left the room.
Zu let out a sigh of slight frustration. Then he says “of course, enthusiasm for the wood block in Europe in the sixteenth century. But it did get revived again in the nineteenth century. Hopefully, people will eventually get interested in learning things like how I do.”
Then Zu, placing a hand on the coffee table, helped himself up from the floor. Zu decided next to open a backpack that has the same design as carpet found in an arcade you’d see should you walk into one during the 80′s. He rummaged through it until he takes out a chocolate bar. Zu zipped his backpack closed, opened the bar wrapping, and takes a huge bite into it.
The sugary goodness and the taste only chocolate can have was enough to make Zu crack a smile. He continued on his way, wanting to take more of the hotel in his sight.
Zu was slightly happier here than anywhere else. If only because there’s not a lot of people here. That means there’s not a lot of bitches and douchebags to deal with. Zu thinks that maybe it’d be okay to hang out here. Charlie’s not so bad. Hopefully, her girlfriend wouldn’t be so bad; she just needs some warming up too. Although, Alastor is the biggest problem and the biggest reason to not check into the hotel.
Zu walks to the front desk and see someone there drinking bottle after bottle. He was a cat-demon with big, bright red wings. He also seemed disinterested as Zu approached the front desk. He wonders what kind of personality this perpetual drinker has. It’s important information to know in whether or not to check in. Granted, Alastor will highly likely be enough reason not to but Zu couldn’t combat well against his curiosity.
So Zu says “hi, there,” as he raises his hand and put it down, clearly some kind of waving gesture intended.
The only kind of reaction the cat-demon gave was pointing his line of sight towards Zu. Then the cat-demon resumed drinking. Zu had mixed feelings, being happy knowing that he might have trouble with the desk guy if he leaves him alone but upset because he never liked being ignored. Zu takes a deep breath and turned around.
I just have to get used to that. If I decide to stay, that is. I think I met everyone who’s in the hotel regularly. So let’s weigh pros and cons.
Zu sits down in a couch in the next room and thinks it over.
Benefits would be interacting with the nicest person I ever encountered in hell. Charlie may be a little much at times but she’s still someone I can definitely call my friends. The others are more okay than others, as much as they’re still jerkish. Now cons -
That’s when Alastor popped in his mind. The tour he gave Zu invoked powerful feelings of avoidance in him.
Damn, it really is hell here. Gotta put up with a shit ton of crap just get a smidge of pleasantness.
Zu was thinking hard that he didn’t notice someone sitting next to him. It wasn’t until he was being touched on the thigh that he noticed. Of course, it also made Zu almost jump off the couch.
It certainly made Angel Dust laugh, the person who had sat down on the couch. “You know, you’re cute when you’re a hopeless dork. You should consider yourself lucky.”
Oh shit, Angel Dust is still interested in me. If I’m right, then he’s interested in only one thing but I can’t give it
Still, Zu sat back properly on the couch, while muttering, “thanks.”
Zu put a little distance between him and Angel Dust on the couch but the latter quickly closed it. The look on his face showed his interest very clearly. Zu tried hard not to look at him while keeping an eye out for hands. He jolted when Angel Dust spoke, apparently being surprised by the talking.
“You know, this hotel may not be much but this place can still be pretty fun. How about you let me show you?”
Zu thought that Angel Dust might be another reason to stay. That way, he can witness how beautiful and alluring Angel Dust looks without it seeming as creepy. At least, not as creepy as it would be if Zu didn’t check into the hotel. However, not wanting to see Angel Dust’s disappointment was another reason to not check in.
Zu felt like he was gonna freak when he saw one of Angel Dust’s hands head towards his thigh again. Then there was an explosion in the distance. Zu felt curious about it and got up, heading outside. He didn’t notice Angel Dust’s expression of disappointment over his flirting seemed to have immediately been forgotten.
Still, Angel Dust follows Zu, somewhat curious over the explosion himself. Not to mention, he intends to hopefully hook up with Zu someplace outside the hotel, since he’s following Zu and everything.
Zu saw in the distance a random terrorist throwing bombs everywhere. He debates whether or not doing something about it. On one hand, Charlie lives in the hotel and so Zu would want to protect the place. On the other hand, Alastor is there and, maybe, if the place is wrecked, Alastor will go elsewhere.
As Zu was standing there and trying to decide what to do, there was a flash of white and pink going by him. Zu had noticed that and saw Angel Dust running towards the terrorist with guns ablaze.
There was a bit of a fight between Angel Dust and the terrorist. Zu was in awe in what he saw. Angel Dust was just standing there firing off his gun the whole time, nonchalantly dodging the bombs. Angel Dust managed to get some good shots in, enough to render the terrorist immobile. The whole time, Zu thought that Angel Dust seemed chaotic and powerful, adding more to the beauty the latter already had.
Zu was standing there as Angel Dust walked back, walking a kind of power walk as he held his guns over his shoulders with one pair of arms and the other pair of arms resting its hands on his hips.
“At least now we don’t have to worry about getting interrupted anymore. And this is where I’m crashing so I wouldn’t want some dipshit wrecking it. So,” Angel Dust said, as he tilted up Zu’s chin with one of his free hands, “where were we?”
“I’m checking in.”
That was all Zu said before wiggling his chin out of Angel Dust’s grasp and running back into the hotel and to the front desk where the cat demon was.
Also, the website link below is how I got the information I bothered getting about wood engravings. I also tried looking up different kind of woodcuts and engravings as well as designs of backpacks in the 80s and dialog and slang from the 40s. I hope I’m right. It’s way past 3 o’clock in the morning as I finished typing this and I’d like to go to bed sometime soon. My OC here is gonna be either tricky or insightful, if I’m using ‘insightful’ right.
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studiobeebo · 6 years
Challenge (Katsuki Bakugou x Reader)
a lil fic i did for @imbnhatrash in exchange for some super beautiful art she did of my oc kiko!! its longer than i said it would be but i hope ya still like it fjhsd
Having someone like Bakugou as a boyfriend meant dealing with an almost endless amount of competitive and fiery spirit, but luckily for him, you were much the same and more than able to handle his cocky attitude. Hell, not only did you handle it, but you thought it was fair to say you did quite well when it came to giving him a run for his money and this challenge was like any other you’d ever had with him.
“I’m just saying, from an aesthetic standpoint, I can make a way more impressive meal than you ever could, Katsuki.”
It all started with that little comment that slipped during a conversation, or argument rather, that came up while the two of you were watching some overrated cooking show. See, Bakugou believed that if the meal was good enough than it shouldn’t really matter what the hell it looked like, but you thought that the eye appeal was far more important. The two of you made snide little comments back and forth to one another as your “argument” continued, but it was when you commented on how much more “impressive” your culinary skills were compared to his own, there was no way he could let it slide.
“Your ‘aesthetic standpoint’ is bullshit.” He scoffed, wiggling his arm from it’s place wrapped around your waist before pointing to the television, or rather one of the chefs currently on it. “The only reason that guy made it to round three was because his food didn’t taste like shit even though it looked like garbage.”
“Ok, but he was second to last and he’s only still there because someone else did even worse than he did.” You retorted, but when he simply shrugged and wrapped his arm around you once more, you decided to push his buttons a little bit more.
“Never thought you’d be the type to be okay with just barely winning, but hey, the more you know.”
Now that was definitely enough to catch his attention as his brows furrowed and the corner of his eye twitched.
“That’s not what I fucking said. You’ve never even picked up a damn spatula, why are you actin’ like you’re some culinary master, huh?” He questioned, “If you’re so good then how ‘bout we have a competition of our own. Unless you’re scared.”
Unfortunately, at least for you, he knew how to push your buttons just as well as you knew to push his and if there was anything you refused to do, it was giving into your boyfriend’s bullshit and letting him tease you for being a ‘chicken’ for the next week, so naturally there was no way you could do anything but accept his challenge.
“As if I’d ever be scared of you. What’s your plan?”
“No one uses the kitchen during the day anyways, if Aizawa will let us we can have a competition in the kitchen to see who can make the best food.”
“Hmm..Okay.” You hummed, tapping your chin in thought before adding onto his proposal. “It has to be the same dish though, and something neither of us has made. Aaaand, Iida and Midoriya have to be the judges!”
“What the hell!? Why?!”
“Because they’ll be honest and fair!! Your friends would just pick you out of fear, probably.” You teased, sitting up from your comfortable spot laying against his chest just waiting for him to say you were wrong. However, when he grumbled out an annoyed ‘Fine’, you knew he understood where you were coming from.
“So, let’s see. We should do something sorta simple, that way it will be clear to see the difference between my skill and yours….Maybe pizza? The ingredients would be pretty cheap too!”
Bakugou simply smirked, that smug ‘I’ve totally got this’ grin you’d seen plenty of times, before holding out a hand to you.
“Sounds fine to me. We’ve got a deal then, right? Winner gets bragging rights or some shit.”
You smiled, nodding your head before reaching a hand out to shake his own to seal the deal.
“Yup, we’ve got a deal.”
Your deal had been set and luckily, after some annoyingly persistent persuasion and a promise that you wouldn’t allow Bakugou’s literally explosive behavior to get out of hand, you were able to get Aizawa to allow the two of you to use the kitchen on saturday evening. It took a little more convincing to get both Iida and Midoriya to participate as judges, but when you worked in the idea that it was ‘good for morale’ and some other crap, they eventually gave in.
With everything set up, the two of you spent the rest of the week making sarcastic comments to one another about how you were going to win or how amazing your pizza would be, but all the chatter about your competition got around, and when it was finally saturday evening, it seemed like everyone in your class had gathered around the kitchen and in the dining hall eager to see who would win in this ‘romantic’ battle.
“So, what losing ingredients did you decide to get, huh Kacchan?” You teased, knowing just how much that nickname irritated him even coming from you as Iida rattled off a long list of ‘rules’ he had taken upon himself to make.
“None of your damn business, you should be worryin’ ‘bout your damn self right about now anyways.” He huffed out, but you could tell he was excited judging by the little smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, and when Iida finally called out a very professional sounding ‘Start!’ he was at it in seconds.
You followed quickly after, starting off nearly exactly as he had with working on a pizza dough, though you’d guessed the two of you probably had different recipes. You personally already thought you had this in the bag because you knew Bakugou would hardly be patient enough for his dough to rise correctly, and since the dough was the base of the whole dish, if you got that wrong it would be hard to come back from it. However, because you were busy concentrating on your own work, you didn’t even realize how surprisingly calm and concentrated he was and he was moving rather quickly. It was only when you heard Kaminari yell out some comment about how Bakugou would ‘chop his fingers off’ if he kept cutting up whatever he was cutting so quickly that you realized Bakugou was already moving on to preparing whatever he was topping his pizza with, thought this only encouraged you to pick up the pace yourself.
Eventually your group of ‘fans’ had calmed down and started their own little conversations, figuring there was no point in watching every second of your contest, but both you and Bakugou were focused as if this were a final exam for school. By the time you had finished your sauce, made from scratch of course, and assembled all of your ingredients before popping your pizza into the oven, you were a bit proud to see that your lover was just a tad bit behind. Once he caught up, however, you were both left to wait patiently for your separate timers to go off.
“You’ll still love me when I win, right babe?” You hummed, tilting your head to the side and batting your eyelashes dramatically with a sense of false innocence that he saw right through as he let out a scoff and rolled his eyes.
“I’m not saying you’re gonna win, but I’d love you anyways so it’s not like it would matter either way.” He grumbled out, leaning back against the counter with his arms crossed over his chest, but unfortunately for him his words weren’t as quiet as he thought they had been as a chorus of ‘Awwww’s and one ‘He DOES have a heart!’ rang out from your group of friends, setting him off into a screaming rampage as you simply laughed at him ‘disciplining’ his friends for teasing him. As scary as he may seem to those who didn’t know him, he really was just a grumpy dork and you had come to love these little interactions with him. While you did love him, however, you didn’t love him enough to give in too easily, so once both of your pizza’s were out of the oven and on the front table that stood before both Iida and Midoriya with a little group of people behind them, all your mushy thoughts about your love were out the door only to be replaced by determination.
Not to your surprise, Bakugou’s pizza didn’t look..terribly appetizing. It seemed like he chose shrimp and basil as his topping, but to be honest you couldn’t really tell. You had to admit though, when you watched both Midoriya and Iida’s eyes light up in surprise when they tried a piece, you began to get a bit nervous as they appeared pretty pleased. Turning to see a smug look on Bakugou’s face only fueled the fire within you though, so you looked on with confidence when the ‘judges’ tried yours, which, in your opinion, looked pretty amazing with toppings of teriyaki chicken and parsley that had been meticulously placed by yourself. It was a bit hard to read their faces, but you were hoping for good results. After a few minutes of the two of them awkwardly mumbling to one another, and Iida almost knocking one of the pizzas off of the table with how much he was talking with his hands, they both turned towards the two of you who were waiting to finally see who was right over this whole debate.
“Ok, er..” Midoriya started off awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck before speaking up again. “Its a..tie? Or rather you both lost.”
“For starters-” Iida interrupted, obviously not happy with the sudden outburst from both of you and the growing look of anger appearing on Bakugou’s face. “Bakugou, yours tasted okay, but the whole thing looked horrendous and the dough was way too chewy! You should have been more patient and let it sit longer!”
“HA! I KNEW IT!” You cheered, but your excitement was quickly dampened by Iida’s next criticizing words.
“Well yours wasn’t much better or else you would have won! It looked perfect but tasted awful, the only good thing was the dough!”
“YEAH, NOW WHO’S WHINING, HUH!?” Bakugou confidently spat back at you as you huffed out in annoyance at the fact that you actually lost.
“Well you don’t get to be all cocky because you lost too!! And it was because of your crappy presentation, so in the end I was still right!!” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest as you tried to lie to yourself and say you weren’t grasping for straws after technically losing.
“What?! No you’re not! Obviously if it fuckin’ tastes gross no one gives two shits about what it looks like!”
“Wait, what?” Mina interjected from the dwindling group of people that were left and you sighed upon realizing you never really told anyone why you had come up with this whole thing.
“Well we did this because we were arguing about what was more important in a meal, presentation or taste.”
“Well that’s got a pretty obvious solution doesn’t it?” Kirishima asked, “Both are just as important, you can’t have one without the other.”
The silence that fell between the two of you made it obvious that neither of you had ever stopped to even consider that..both things mattered as you had gotten too caught up in the whole competition to really discuss it.
“Oh yeah...I guess that does make sense.”
Bakugou simply let out an annoyed huff, but you and most of his friends knew him well enough to know that was his way of admitting defeat. Neither of you won in the end, however at the moment you knew he’d just tease you if you spoke your sappy thoughts about how it was still fun to have a friendly competition with him, so instead you just smiled a mischievous smile before poking him on the shoulder, not ready to give up quite yet and knowing he’d be up for maybe one more little thing.
“Alright, so both presentation and taste matters...So whaddya say to round two?”
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chronosbled · 3 years
Anonymous asked: can ya talk a bit bout ya fav ship for dick
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{ Transcript: Okay, so umm... considering the fact that Dickson doesn’t really have any actual shippings with anyone aside from the people he was scripted to meet in the basic storyline of Resident Evil that I’m doing with a friend and my sister, I’m going to have to go with Crystal. First off, let me say that I absolutely adore Crystal as a character and more often than not I tend to forget that she’s an OC and not a canon character because she is that well-written to the point that she feels so real. Like... if Crystal was a real person, I’d totally wanna be her friend regardless of if she steps on me of not, ha!
Umm... but anyway, I really really REALLY love the dynamic that we have between Dickson and Crystal, whether it’s for Dickson’s actual Resident Evil 8 verse or his Resident Evil 8!AU as a werewolf in Heisenberg’s care. In my honest opinion, the both of them clash really well together in both versions of Dick— *makes sound* Wow. Okay. *nervous* Dickson’s character. Um... the reason I say this is because Dickson is a very easy character to get along with no matter who he’s pitted up against or paired with. He’s care free and likes to live life at his own pace despite what his grandfather expects from him in his canon verse. He’s actually very friendly despite the fact that he can’t actually feel genuine human emotions due to the experimentation preformed on him since childhood, but his ability to act allows him to slip by many people’s detection. Haha, I dunno if I worded that right. *clears throat* He has a very serious job in the verse— uh... Re— Ah... Wow, I can’t... *nervous* In the Re— Uni— *squeals* in the universe of Resident Evil, yet despite that, he’s always very unna— Um...  Ahem... jesus. Uh... sorry. I’m shy. Unnaturally cheerful and is never seen without a smile on his face which can sometimes fuck him over since uh... it makes him seem suspicious. He also surprisingly has a funny side to him, though his humor is a lot darker than many erm... and uh... it’s due to his lack of empathy.
Oof- I just realized... Ooooh I’m rambling about the wrong stuff. Anyway, I believe that Dickson’s “personality” is what actually what uh... made it easier for him to interact with Crystal since she wasn’t expecting him to not be scared of her when they first met. I mean, come on, I know I’d be scared. He was willing to try and make a deal with her even though she wanted to kill him in the beginning and somehow along the way, the two of them actually managed to become friends of sorts. Hell, during the endgame of Resident Evil 8, Dickson even chose back to— *noise* Mm.... Chose to go back for Crystal to save her rather than collect pieces of the Megamycete like he originally planned to do. The two of them even shared a kiss after escaping, I mean, I’m sure we all saw it. *wiggles eyebrows*
Then in Dickson’s Resident Evil 8!AU where he was turned in— Turned via one of Mother Miranda’s experiments and placed into Heisenberg’s care, he still somehow manages to capture Crystal’s attention along with her sister’s. Though while in this version of— Uh... While in this version of Dickson, he pretty much lacks everything that his canon self possesses meaning that he isn’t really playful nor cheerful, instead he’s extremely serious and has a tendency to be rather grumpy or broodish even. Hell, the only time he isn’t acting like an asshole is when he spends genuine time with Crystal in her greenhouse of which he tooootally doesn’t sneak into. He does it so much that the... Dimitrescu household openly acts like he’s their pet whether it’s— Uh... You know whether it’s riding on his back in wolf form or laying on his massive body for warmth. Putting all the dog joke aside though, Crystal somehow manages to make a monster who already couldn’t understand human emotions as a human actually feel emotions towards her. Hell, look at all our asks as an example for um... how she makes him behave. If that isn’t true love I don’t know what it. So yeah, hands down... Crystal is my favorite person to ship Dickson with if I exclude his canon wife. 10/10 OTP right there. That’s waifu. }
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