#But helena too
batboopp · 3 months
bruce wayne they could never make me hate you. they could also never make me like you either. good god you are fucked up
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pokeberry5 · 1 year
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tfw u're on the verge of tears bc too many people are talking at once
sketchdump (again, mostly tim, bc even when i dont set out to draw him, i end up drawing him anyway):
dick & tim from gotham knights issues #8-10 have my whole heart
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my friend got me a new pen:
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and i've been reading a lot of upswings and havendance's fics where tim keeps showing up at people's apartments, as is his due (let him in!!)
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tim using his cape as an emergency blanket!!
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this stupid image has been haunting me for months:
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if it wasn't clear from honeypot and the red dress comic, i like a very specific aesthetic
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i wanted a red hood charm too:
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(chibi catwoman tim from a old, larger spread "the latex spread" that i absolutely cannot post the full version of o7)
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some really ancient doodles (proof that long hair tim has been important to me since the beginning):
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roughs of my red dress comic:
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Dick: aw cmon timmys just a little guy
Bruce: im sure he had his reasons
Alfred: im certain you'll find that master tim is quite reasonable. He wouldn't do anything outrageous
Barbara: tim isnt stupid. Im sure this is all part of his plan
Literally anyone else gesturing at tims entire vigilante career:
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joyisoverparty · 5 months
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No one does it better than the Birds of Prey!
Batman: The Brave and the Bold season 2 episode 17: The Mask of Matches Malone!
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thebramblewood · 1 month
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What are the odds Lilith attempts to claw out Helena's eyes next?
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Lilith: [incoherent screeching]
Vlad: [cries out in agony]
[hisses in pain] Stupid girl! You must return to your senses, child. I warned you. The dark gift won’t take if you drain him to death. Why can you not just listen?
Lilith: [deranged rasp] Your hideous droning voice puts me to sleep, old man.
Vlad: [muttering] I’d sooner leave him for dead, but I fear you’d never let me rest. Feed him now, before he fades. Understand from this point he’s your burden — and yours alone.
[The end of the final entry in Lilith’s diary]
I was certain our blood ties would overcome my monstrous instincts in that crucial moment. How pitifully mistaken I was. And the old man decided I should learn that lesson the hard way so he could intervene, call himself a hero, and make me bow to his infinite wisdom — as though I owe him my obedience for this great favor he’s done. But I’ll only suffer his tedious lectures until I can turn them against him. I shall play nice and plot in secret. I’ve promised Caleb then we’ll never have to see him again. He has a fortune squirreled away in these walls, and I intend to find it. But I must keep these thoughts buried. I shall burn these pages as well as sear their contents from my mind.
Lilith: I thought I destroyed this old thing decades ago. He was in a wretched state at the time, but of course he managed to pluck it from the flames. Sentimental bastard.
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sharpbutsoft · 3 months
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i'm holding on (barely) by @cranberrymoons
eddie and buck take christopher home to california; helena and ramon decide to follow
I’m so excited to finally share my illustrations for sage’s gorgeous fic ✨ Watching her write it has been so exciting and inspiring and it’s so awesome to finally share our work with all of you!
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shihoerusu · 9 months
Family time at the manor
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
So Anyway I Started Another Cryptid Batfam Au
Yeaah, they were human, and might've been the first vigilantes before the JL formed. Might've gotten caught by some mad scientist cultists. Might've gotten gene spliced a bit, but shhh. Don't worry about it :) They're fine. Absolutely Fine. This is Fine.
But anyway, they have wings now. And talons. And a lot of other things they have to adjust to and might straight up not have a civilian identity for a while- becomes more than a bit of social recluses while they figure this shit out.
So anyway, I haven't finished drawing or designing them, if I ever will, so have what each is based off of. There's a lot of robins. :) Also have how old everyone is at the start of the story. (Timelines are a fake thing that never make sense)
Bruce- Black Drongo (31 years old)
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Kate- Scarlet Robin (31 years old)
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Barbara- Red Backed Scrub Robin (16 years old)
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Dick- Blue Fronted Robin (15 year old)
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Cass- Hooded Robin (12 years old)
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Jason- Red Capped Robin (12 years old)
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Steph- Pink Robin (10 years old)
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Tim- Collared Bush Robin (10 years old)
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Duke- White Starred Robin (10 years old)
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Damian- Olive Backed Forest Robin (8 years old)
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Jarro- Rose Robin (4 year old equivalent)
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Terry- Black Robin (4 years old)
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Helena- Bagobo Robin (1 year old)
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Matt- Norfolk Robin (1 year old)
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mossy-frog69 · 11 months
So Bruce putting stickynote messages in his kids lunch boxes everyday right. Now imagine, they all kept them all this time, every child he had early enough to have them be in school. And say he finds out about this and he's emotional... but, he finds out Jason kept them all and he's just full on in tears.
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ghostingvampires · 4 months
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The Huntress
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batboopp · 3 months
this is the first sign you see when you try to get into gotham
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erinwantstowrite · 2 months
how do you think your peter would feel about Hawkgirl? (she’s my favorite justice league member she’s so girlboss 😋)
every time peter sees a girlboss doing anything he thinks they're the coolest ever. especially the JL women!!
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partiallypoison · 3 months
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can we pretend to leave and then we'll meet again when both our cars collide
three cheers for twenty years. happy birthday, revenge.
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thecruellestmonth · 1 month
And if you say that Helena's role as the black sheep has some clear similarities with contemporary Jason's place in the Family, then I'd agree. But if you say that sounds like contemporary Jason has stolen an intrinsic trait or an esteemed position from Helena, then I'd disagree.
The thing is that the "black sheep" role isn't static in an abusive family. It is possible for people to be locked into the black sheep role for the entirety of their lives. But I'd guess it's even more common for lower ranking family members to rotate in and out of the black sheep role, especially as members enter and exit the Family (births, deaths, adoptions, partnerships and marriages, divorces, escapes). Helena, Stephanie, Jason, and Damian seem to have rotated into that role at various points, to varying extents.
So remember! Next time you complain that Jason and his Batfam stans are greedily hoarding the much-coveted black sheep role—bear in mind that if he leaves the Batriarchy, it could be your favorite character getting grudging, backhanded compliments after pathetically sacrificing their time and well-being for the tepid approval of the rich, white patriarch who magnanimously tolerates their many flaws which will be recited and demonstrated in their every appearance.
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thebramblewood · 4 months
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Settle in, folks. It's time for a little story.
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Helena: Do you ever sleep?
Caleb: [distractedly] Rarely. It’s the benefit of an all-plasma diet. Hunting expends more energy than anything else.
Helena: Is that why Lilith always threatens to rip our heads off if we interrupt her beauty sleep?
Caleb: Oh, she barely needs a reason to make threats. What’s keeping you awake?
Helena: Why didn’t you stop me from feeding on that man. You could’ve gotten in my head and told me not to.
Caleb: I can’t be your conscience, Helena. That sort of willpower has to come from within.
Helena: [mutters dejectedly] You say that like it’s easy.
Caleb: Of course it isn’t easy. But it is possible.
Helena: I nearly killed him. She wanted me to go all the way and I almost did.
Caleb: You restrained yourself in the end.
Helena: Only to sit back and watch her finish the job!
Caleb: You’re hardly alone in that regard.
Helena: She tried to push you too?
Caleb: [meditatively] There’s no such thing as a good vampire. You’ll make mistakes, which is why you shouldn't strive to be perfect, just better. The point of no return is to stop believing you can be better.
Helena: I need to understand her — and why you stay with her. Caleb, where did all this begin? I tried to ask how she became a vampire, but she only told me to talk to you.
Caleb: [cagily] I’m not sure it’s my story to tell.
Helena: But she never will, and doesn’t it involve you as much as her?
Caleb: [after a moment’s silence] Focus on my thoughts.
Helena: I’m still not very good at this.
Caleb: Come closer. Physical touch strengthens the bond. Relax, Helena. Close your eyes. Let me show you.
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aingeal98 · 8 days
Ranking the best batman because I'm bored.
Honorary mentions: Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, Azrael. May you never go near that cowl again for your own mental health <3 Congrats to Damian for handling it in one au without killing people unlike the other three but most of your family was dead in that universe so yeah. You deserve better.
5. Bruce Wayne. Most iconic sure but also the one with the most questionable acts. If I saw his batman coming towards me I simply wouldn't trust it as much as the others.
4. Dick Grayson. Better than his dad although he'd have a bunch of complex emotions if I ever told him that. He's a good Batman but he thrives more as Nightwing so it never felt like a good end point for him.
3. Helena Wayne. Earth 2 Bruce's daughter as Batman with Dick Grayson in a wheelchair as her Oracle and Dick's son as her Robin? Yeah the entire concept rules. I love legacy stories so much. Plus her Batman outfit is my favourite aesthetic wise.
2. Helena Bertinelli. The best Batman Gotham has seen so far. You didn't deserve Bruce's disrespect when you were fighting every day in no man's land while he was off sulking in his money. Carried the no man's land story on her back before Cass showed up to help.
1. Cassandra Wayne. Come on. Look at my blog. There was never going to be a chance of anyone else being number one. There's like 5 million posts here about why Cass is the best Batman but to sum it up: Everything most interesting and engaging about the previous Batmans rolled into one character.
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