#((short term memory loss issues specifically))
7rashstar · 2 years
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trans-leek-cookie · 2 years
I'm trying to remember shit about how my hypothyroidism works (like things my doctor mentioned when I got diagnosed) and it's SO HARD!!! and you'll never guess. You'll never guess what one of the symptoms of hypothyroidism is!!!
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antimisinfo · 3 months
Not realy misinfo but something we could really use some clarification on if y'all can help:
what even actually constitutes amnesia in a disassociative context. 'Cause like weve figured out we have some big holes in our memory as well as that thing where we find ourselves forgetting little things like what we were doing or where we put stuff (even if we just put it down in some cases). But like is that amnesia or is that just adhd forgetfulness; or like where even is the line between the two
i'm assuming you mean dissociative amnesia so i'm just going to explain what that is / what counts as dissociative amnesia !! ^^ ((feel free to clarify otherwise))
" Dissociative amnesia is when you can’t remember important information about yourself. These memories are often distressing or upsetting events. It’s most likely to happen with severe or long-term trauma, especially experiencing abuse, neglect or violence of any kind. This condition is treatable, and most people can regain their memories. "
there are two types of dissociative amnesia, Retrograde and Anterograde.
" Retrograde: This is when dissociative amnesia affects finding old memories. It’s like a glitch or error that keeps you from accessing or checking out a specific memory.
Anterograde: This is when dissociative amnesia blocks the formation or storage of new memories. It’s like a gap in the recording or your brain misplacing the book after creating it. This form is less common than retrograde dissociative amnesia. "
the different types of memory loss plausible with dissociative amnesia:
" Localized: Memory loss affects everything within a short, specific time period in your life.
Selective: Memory loss affects one event or all events of a certain type within a specific time period in your life. Experts sometimes call this “patchy” amnesia because it affects certain memories but not others.
Generalized: Memory loss affects everything within a longer period (months or years).
Continuous: This is the anterograde form of dissociative amnesia. “Anterograde” means it affects your ability to form new memories, so this is memory loss that happens as events occur.
Systematized: Memory loss that affects everything under a particular topic or category. It can also apply to a specific person or multiple people (like your family). "
other traits related to dissociative amnesia are:
" Lack of awareness. People with dissociative amnesia may not realize they have gaps in their memory. This can last until memory loss affects part of their sense of identity or if someone brings up or asks something a person knows they should remember but can’t.
Flashbacks. People with dissociative amnesia may develop flashbacks as they regain their memories. A flashback is more than just remembering something unpleasant. People who have them describe them as reliving a traumatic event or experience to the point where they can’t tell it apart from reality.
Confusion or disorientation. People with dissociative amnesia (especially the generalized form) may seem unaware, or like they’re having trouble understanding what’s going on around them. In very severe cases, people may not seem or be aware of their own identity.
Relationship and trust issues. People with dissociative amnesia often have trouble forming friendships or romantic attachments.
Travel or wandering (dissociative fugue). When someone wanders or travels during a period they can’t remember, it’s known as dissociative fugue. This is rare, and the memory loss usually only affects brief periods. "
also heres a few other sources on dissociative amnesia that could help a little:
MSD manuals - dissociative amnesia
NIH - national library of medicine - dissociative amnesia
mayoclinic - dissociative disorders
apologies if this wasn't very helpful, i'm not 100% sure i understood the question but i hope this helps at least a little bit! i believe your issues may count, but since i'm not a professional and i don't know you well i can't really tell you if it is or isn't dissociative amnesia
also for the differences between amnesia and general forgetfulness:
"Amnesia is when a person can no longer recall information stored in their memory. There are many types of amnesia. Their symptoms can overlap, and a person can have multiple types.
A person who is a little forgetful in their day-to-day life does not have amnesia. Amnesia refers to a large-scale loss of long-term memory due to illness, brain injury, or psychological trauma."
also i'm pretty sure general forgetfulness does not apply to trauma or personal information, so theres another big difference
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fantasy-store · 9 months
memory loss flag ?? not amnesia, specifically short term memory loss
i decided memory issue series because apparently i dont have that yet.
part 1?
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Memory Loss Flag, Short Term Memory Loss Flag
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Amnesia Flag, Dissociative Amnesia Flag, Emotional Amnesia Flag
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no spoons for ids
transx/id and radqueers do not touch. at all.
exclusive to people with said conditions.
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dreaming-of-lu · 2 years
This is an "emergency ask" as you put it in your rules. I'm having a really hard time. I'm slowly losing my working memory (thinking of words, short-term memory loss, misplacing things all the time, etc.) My doctors are trying to figure it out, but there's a strong possibility it will only ever get worse.
I used to have an amazing memory. Near photographic, according to my teachers. And to have lost all of that, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Anyway, I just wanted to ask for some comfort from Time and Wild. You can use the specifics of my situation if you want to, but you don't have to. Thanks for your time, whether you write something for this ask or not, your writing helps bring a smile to my face, even if I have to reread it to remember what it was, haha.
I'm sorry for answering a bit late. Hope you get your answer about it soon! Do take care. I'm so happy that my writing brings a smile to your face, I hope I did its justice for you. 💚💚
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"I have a condition," was the first thing you said when Link looked at you, worried and alarmed. He gently grabbed your hand, motioning his head for you to continue. The long talks of the issue and how nobody knew what was causing it; made his grip tighten on your hand. He looked at you, determination burning deep within his blue eyes.
"I'll be there every step of the way for you."
Nothing shook Time when it came to situations that needed order or calming the group with a single look that says it all. He was resilient, a shoulder to lean on, and a man who faced it all during his lifetime. The only one that caught him off guard was darling you. You, who stand so stubbornly before him, now stood confused underneath the door frame, staring off with a confuddled look upon your features.
Glaring straight ahead while the grimace grew, clenching and unclenching your hand. Time approaches; carefully grabbing a hand, his heart clenched at the lost look in your eyes. He pushes down the feelings, knowing that this wasn't about him nor to feel pity. He needed to be a shoulder for you, helping you when you needed him, and aid he shall give.
"What's wrong?" Time's voice was soft, coaxing you gently out of your haze. His hand grasped yours, the other running his thumb across the vastness of your cheek, his eye veiled with sternness and an underlying worry.
"It's just…I don't know; frustrating not to be able to remember this one thing, and when I tried to wrack my brain," you choked, "what did I do to deserve this?"
Time stood quiet, eye flickering before heavily sighing,
"You did nothing wrong, things happen out of our control, and I know it isn't fair; love. Life in this universe is finicky; fate is tricky, though all that matters is how strong we come out in the end."
"I'm so tired," you wept, "I'm tired of this, Link."
"I know the feeling," his lips ghosted over your forehead; humming a soft tune under his breath, "I'm with you every step of the way, darling."
Wild knew your condition well, not being able to remember certain things that he so desperately desired to recall those memories that he once had. Waking up in cold sweat, staring at the stars with a sinking feeling of melancholy aching deep in his chest as sleep once again swept past him. He wished it didn't happen to you, the long gaze into the distance, the furrowing of your brows as you struggled to remember a particular word. Quietly at night, wondering why fate was such an unkind thing to those around him.
He knows that itch of what it's like to be confused and lost at why things feel familiar, yet the line's not clicking. He never judged, always understanding and patient with you, just as you have been with him.
"Wild," He hums, eyes never leaving the pot, "what is this red powder?"
Confused, he looks up from the pot to see you holding a small glass vial, half filled with a familiar red powder. Wild reaches over, grabbing the vial out of your hands with a soft chuckle leaving his lips.
"Goron spice, wildberry," he presses a kiss against the side of your head, "we're not using that tonight."
"Goron spice?" you tilted your head to the side, scrunching your nose before that subtle click in your reaction as the bashful look overtook you.
"Whoops," you smiled shyly, "sorry about that, dear heart."
"It's alright," Wild booped your nose, leaning in afterward to rub his own against yours, "that's what I'm here, hmm?"
"Of course."
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drill-teeth · 1 year
Happy disabled pride month! I’ve noticed people tend to summarize DID in two ways. They either completely incorrectly summarize it as the horrible and ableist depictions of it in media (you know what I mean DID serial killers, people who are evil and it gave them DID that sort of nonsense). Or they summarize it only slightly incorrectly as like. Just having roommates in your head. And I’d like to talk about this.
While headmates/alters are much more like brain roommates than anything else, I think it’s important to highlight that DID does also come with debilitating symptoms that get left out in a lot of the posts I’ve seen. I’m sure I’m not the first to point this out, but I still want to post about it. And also I highly encourage further research on this if you actually want to learn. PLEASE do not get all your DID info from my tumblr posts. This is from my experience and perspective.
Anyway. DID tends to come with some degree of memory loss. For me it impacts my long term memory and short term memory especially when I’m dissociating. DID also comes with dissociation. If you don’t know much about dissociation, look it up. It’s not just spacing out for a few seconds. It’s a trauma response and my dissociative periods can last days, are very hard to form memories during, and are extremely hard on me. And I’ve known DID systems who have experienced much longer dissociative periods. As for my long term memory, after so many years, stuff just starts fading out. And it is genuinely, extremely distressing. People have recounted entire events to me and what I did there that I just don’t remember. Sometimes, alters will disagree on something and that can be very hard. Sometimes, some alters will remember things that others don’t. For my system, some symptoms of other mental health conditions will be more prevalent. One of my alters has an incredibly hard time with tone and vague language while others struggle less.
And every DID system is different!
So please. Be more understanding of memory issues and dissociation. Make sure to ask about and understand the boundaries of the system you’re talking to! Some alters are not comfortable being known by more than a couple people or have specific mental health struggles.
Most systems I’ve met are not comfortable being outed as a system without permission! And don’t do it!! Unless that system explicitly says you can tell someone!!!
And remember. The symptoms of DID impact the system first and foremost. If you feel inconvenienced by a system’s memory struggles or additional symptoms from other mental health things like issue with tone and attention span etc. it’s important to remember that however inconvenienced you may feel is nothing compared to actually experiencing that symptom. So be patient and be kind.
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11-45pm · 9 days
I remember that in freshman year, I was terrified of standing out. I had just moved schools, and I didn’t know anyone in my classes. People described me as shy and reserved- awkward even. I couldn’t eat in front of others without feeling nauseous, I couldn’t talk without forcing my voice higher to sound more feminine. Now, in my senior year, everything has changed. I’m loud, cheerful and extroverted. I stop people in the halls to compliment their outfits, and I joke with the tables sitting next to me. I think I know the one factor that inspired most of my change- mortality.
In sophomore year, I was confronted with my own mortality. I had a benign brain tumor, and there was a high chance that the surgery, though minimally invasive, would cause permanent long and short term memory loss. Thankfully, I had no memory issues afterwards. However, the tumor made me think. There was no way of telling how long the tumor had been in my brain, making it so that I could’ve died at any moment. I could’ve *died* and nobody would’ve knew- the thought still haunts me to this day.
Lately, my symptoms have been getting worse. Fatigue, migraines, visual aura and snow, black spots- the list goes on. It’s made me ask myself this one specific question: * “What do I want to accomplish before I die?”* The truth is, I’ve never cared about the big things. I’ve never cared about fame or money or popularity- I just want to make people smile. Every time someone’s face lights up at a compliment, my heart warms. Every time I make someone giggle in class, I smile a little brighter as well. I’ve finally figured it out- I want to make as many people smile as I can. I’m not afraid of standing out anymore, since my perspective is totally different. Who cares if one person thinks I’m weird if 10 other people remember the one time a stranger complimented their outfit?People won’t remember that one time someone was a little loud, but they’ll remember that time a girl complimented their shirt every time they wear it. They won’t remember the girl that was always a little too loud, but they’ll remember a joke that made them smile- and that’s all I want. In the end of the day, we’re all mortal, and our mistakes are mortal with them.
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 2 months
How about all?
This is a big list so I will provide no context and you can like, ask me specific questions
C-PTSD, Autism, Derealization, Astraphobia, Anginophobia
PTSD, C-PTSD, Depressive Schizoaffective Disorder, Anxiety, Asthma, Survivors Guilt, Smoking, Autism
C-PTSD, Mango Allergy, Autism, Tritanomaly Colorblind
Chronic Migraines, Short Term Memory Loss, Paranoia, OCD, C-PTSD, PTSD, Autism
ADHD, Depression, Claustrophobia, Lung Clot, Separation Anxiety, C-PTSD
Depression, Growth Hormone Deficiency, Hydrophobia, Dizzy Spells, PTSD, Sleep Paralysis, Protanopia Colorblind
Depression, Autism
Reactive Attachment Disorder, Autism, C-PTSD, Tulpa, Sexuality OCD, Mirror Touch Synthesis, CSA Survivor, Scopophobia
Autism, Expression Language Disorder, Lactose Intolerant, Banana Allergy, C-PTSD
C-PTSD, Depression Nut Allergy, Stage Fright, Survivor's Guilt
Narcolepsy 1, Depression, PTSD, C-PTSD, Autism, Survivors Guilt, Asthma
C-PTSD, Anxiety, Abandonment Issues, Intrusive Thoughts, Pleather Allergy, Histrionic Personality Disorder
C-PTSD, PTSD, Nerve Damage, Shellfish Allergy
Autism, C-PTSD, Dizziness, Lactose Intolerant
C-PTSD, Somniphobia, OCD, Anxiety, Paranoia
and now...
ADHD, Vampire Teeth, Borderline Personality Disorder, Central Heterochromia, Hypogeusia, PTSD, C-PTSD, Hyperlexia 1, Hypercalculia, Guilt Complex, Double Jointed, Lactose Intolerant, Depression, Focal Aware Epilepsy, Addictive Personality, Claustrophobia, Sleep Paralysis, Chronic Pain, Entomophobia, Agoraphobia, Sedatephobia
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divinesouldariax · 2 years
In reference to my previous post (decided to make this a separate post instead of reblogging with the addition), here are some mechanical ways they could have possibly addressed a physical disability like Ashton's, as well as mechanics for their memory issues:
Disadvantage on intelligence checks involving recalling information
After being at 0 HP/unconscious, rolling a wisdom saving throw to determine some level of short-term memory loss upon awakening
Not necessarily mechanical, but just more explicit acknowledgement within the story of Ashton's TBI and the memory issues that were present but often laughed off near the beginning of the campaign
Chronic Pain/Physical Disability
This one is one I've been thinking about and also was suggested in the tags by @sentimentalginger, something as simple as using the exhaustion mechanics could work. Having Ashton roll a d20 during each long rest to determine if he could sleep or if their pain kept them awake
For a more complicated version, the number to hit on the dice could be modified depending on what had happened that day. Injuries and strenuous travel might set the DC at a 4, while on a day of light activity it could be only on a natural 1
Instead of a long rest itself, it could be a flare-up trigger mechanic. Some specific events (getting knocked out, carrying too much, taking fall damage, extreme temperatures, sleeping on the ground, etc) could either automatically cause a flare-up or require a constitution saving throw to avoid a flare-up.
The flare-up itself could use the exhaustion mechanic, or some debuffs more specific to Ashton
For example, disadvantage on strength and dexterity saving throws when not raging, reducing the amount of attacks he can do per turn, reducing their speed, prompting rolling saves for exhaustion during travel, prompting concentration checks if they use his Pass Without Trace racial feature (or any spells from items he might have)
There are plenty of other specific ways to do this, as long as there is some acknowledgement of the disability in the mechanics.
In general, just...let the disabled character be disabled. Let it mean something. Let it be acknowledged, let it limit them, let it inconvenience the other characters sometimes. That's how chronic pain and other disabilities work. They're not just an interesting story beat, they're not just backstory. They are definitionally disabling, don't pretend otherwise.
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kylejsugarman · 1 year
so obviously you have mentioned (and are right about) jesse having memory issues post-everything about all the brain damage he sustained, but what kind of issues do you see him having? short-term? long-term? both? also, do you think they developed over time or was there like. a specific brain injury catalyst. and if so when? sorry for peppering u with questions ur just like my favorite brba blogger + someone who has medical knowledge = person i annoy all the time
listen it is not annoying at all, as much as i adore jesse, i also adore objective medical discussion and love to have an opportunity to explore this stuff!! so we saw just in the actual show itself, onscreen, in canon, that jesse received Multiple traumatic head injuries. we don't get a grade on any of them but considering two of them hospitalized him, we can estimate they were moderate to severe. and we also don't know if he sustained any further head injuries during captivity (this is a likely possibility considering all the evidence of physical torture) but the psychological and physiologic damage done during that time also poses a huge threat to his neurological health. all of this compounded would most definitely have a cognitive impact, primarily in the form of anterograde amnesia, which is having trouble learning and remembering new information presented to u. its always been my thought that in alaska, jesse really struggles with just Remembering all the new things around him and what people tell him, with both his short-term memory and working memory (a sort of "intermediate" mental tablet where u can temporarily hold things) being most directly affected. so remembering numbers and names, organizing tasks, planning events would not at all come "naturally" to him anymore. that would probably extend to his long-term memory too in that he would have to look at something multiple times or make a concentrated effort to store it in his long-term memory, devoting much more time and effort to it than the average person. he might also have some memory loss in terms of certain events from before the head injuries and the time immediately before and after them, but some of that loss might also just be repression. so in summary, he would definitely have memory issues and they would definitely affect his day-to-day life, but i think he learns to cope with it and has people around him who are more than happy to help him when he needs it :')
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croik · 1 year
what do you dislike about Kayne/the butcher in terms of writing?
Everything 😌
No but really I'll share my thoughts under the cut.
I could probably write an essay about how the introduction of Kayne has already irreparably damaged the show's narrative, but the short version is that by existing, he has erased virtually all stakes, imo. He appeared basically out of nowhere, deflated all tension leading up to the final confrontation with the King in Yellow (who was the main antagonist at the time), and following that confrontation removed all the consequences of it. By undoing Arthur's broken bones and returning John, everything about Arthur's and John's choices on the plateu were invalidated, as well as the choice we the Patrons had made, despite it being billed as a very significant vote. He replaced them with entirely new and completely arbitrary consequences (the memory loss, whatever John's deal is).
His motives may or may not become clear later on, but in the meantime, we're left with a villain who seems to be reshaping the story just for his own amusement, with no regard for the characters' agency or consequences. If Kayne can bring Arthur back from literal death whenever he wants, why should I ever be worried for his safety? Why should I care if John is losing his memory again, when Kayne has full control over his mind and existence? There's no point even wondering what he's after or what the conditions of his deal are until he reveals them himself, and even then, it might just get undone again.
It's contrived, imo. It's lazy. It's a get out of jail free card when you snap a character's femur and then realize you don't want spend time on healing, or come up with some other explanation to get rid of the injury so the plot can barrel forward. He's too powerful, and until he tips his hand, we can't trust that anything else will stick or matter.
Butcher is different, but the problem I have with him is the writing trying too hard to convince us that he's smart/good at this. Him clocking Arthur as blind after a few minutes, after personally watching him READ THE NOTE he himself gave him, and despite none of the other people who spent longer with Arthur noticing, is a desperate bid for us to think he's smart. Him climbing on top of the moving train, where he can't see or hear his quarry, and dropping in exactly when Arthur is next to the specific window, is very dramatic but nonsensical. He chats on and on with the officers, basically shouting at the audience how scary and important he is for far too long.
And he just happened to chase Arthur into an apartment building with a chair and rope set up in the basement. Again it's all a little too convenient. There's a lot about the current scenario that doesn't make much sense logistically, but it doesn't matter because we're just supposed to take the Butcher at his word that he's very good at this.
And hey, I'm not looking for realism. That's not my issue. I just don't like a story telling me that the villain is the best in his field, and then showing him rely on happenstance and luck while he prattles on and on, and sometimes magically intuits something unearned.
(I'm also not a fan of his "oo I'm in love with my victims" shtick, but someone else explained that better already)
Disclaimer these are all my personal feelings and I'm not trying to convince anyone or say you shouldn't like these characters, I fully admit I also have strong personal reasons for disliking them unrelated to the writing so I can't be 100% objective. But who even can be, amirite?
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snekverse · 1 year
I'm in a mood I desperately need to talk about my interpretation of myst s6/how how I plan to tackle it in my lil rewrite bc it makes NO fuckin sense to me lol
N e ways first and foremost that relic nonsense: I actually don't mind it conceptually, I think it works within the (limited) context and world building set up for us. My issue comes from the aftermath, specifically regarding those who were turned into relics. Literally wtf yknow. N e ways in my head the way it works is that being Relic'd involves essentially just boiling you down to your most prominent, most powerful attributes. For Mr. Ultima over here his strongest attribute should be obvious, hence him being blinded after being unreliced. Similar for lucinda losing her ability to use magic. Zane I think is a little more complicated being a normal dude for the most part but I think his intelligence would have been highlighted, which was likely heightened during the forever potion experimentation. I like the idea of him having brain/memory problems afterwards, but again I fucking hate how it was executed. I want to make it worse lol. I'm thinkin either broader gaps in memory or jumbled memories where maybe a bunch of em kinda just get mixed together or have random shit added so there's no way to know for sure which parts are real and which parts aren't. I've also been toying with the ideas of short term memory and maybe minor loss of motor function?? Idk I don't wanna fuck him up too bad lol but canon is SUCH bs I can't get over it I gotta do something.
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mks-grin · 2 years
🏕️The Quarry AU where everybody gets infected & decide to move to Hackett’s Quarry permanently🏕️
Tw: Mentions of symptoms of trauma - nothing crazy or specific.
- 19
- Doesn’t have much family, so she easily proposed the idea of permanently returning to Hackett’s Quarry on the one year anniversary. To live with the two remaining Hacketts, Caleb and Travis.
- She has currently dedicated her life to either understanding the curse in order to reverse it or mitigate the negatives of living with it. She’s thrown herself deep into articles of everything from ‘Rabies Infection’ to ‘Mass Hysteria’, to ‘Early Nordic Folklore’.
- She has not really grieved the events of a year ago and seems to be somewhat unbothered by everything. For better or for worse. It is hard to determine if she has truly come to terms with what’s going on or if she’s running on fumes.
- 19
- Despite having family at home, he would follow Laura anywhere. He spends a lot of his time communicating with others on behalf of Laura. Whether it be the other Hacketteers, libraries or whoever else Laura wants information from. He’s sort of a secretary for her.
- He is working with Travis to find jobs for the other Hacketteers. It’s important to keep them feeling alive right now and now allow everyone to recluse too hard if that isn’t going to help them.
- He is a little more irritable than he used to be, but he apologizes frequently and realizes it’s due to stress. He naps much more now during the day and seems to be awake at night.
- 19
- Began studying folklore on his own in an attempt to help them all better understand the curse. He has a firm belief that this a reversible curse, it’s just hard to determine when and how it was placed…and by who…and how to get rid of it.
- He’s truggling with the loss of Chris and Kaylee, so he frequently brings Sarah up the quarry. Travis also tries to connect with Ryan as they both are symbolic of their relationship to the late Chris.
- Morally conflicted about including Sarah in on the secret of the curse. It could help or hurt things.
- 20
- He gave up his education temporarily and had reclused from society long before Laura suggested they do it. He looks a little scary due to the long term consequences of that night.
- He brought his cat with him to Hackett’s Quarry and spends most of his time with Schrödinger. He reads alone and seems to listen more than he talks. He still tries to listen to and be aware of everyone else’s needs. Despite the fact that none of them are capable of handling the others’ burdens.
- He typically seems jumpy. He’s wiggly when he’s in a good mood, but if he gets nervous it turns into a jumpy sorta thing. He can get in a weird headspace and startle himself easily.
- 20
- Seems to have faired well a year later. She is well adapted and uses her alone time to draw and meditate. She has learned to self soothe well. She got therapy as soon as she went home, and a lot of the issues she faced that night were able to be helped through the work with her therapist.
- She is a little more outgoing now, realizing her life could be very short and she does not want to squander it! She is one of the few, if not the only, Hacketteer who could healthily help and listen to others.
- She is magnetized to Emma, as she hasn’t faired as well and wants Emma to have some stability. She artistically coins them as the dichotomy of the Sun and Moon. They each will get their time to shine, be confident and feel good. Emma took care of Abi last summer, so Abi will do the same now.
- 19
- He has little to no memory of that night and therefore has a lot guilt revolving around Abi. He and her don’t really talk anymore. At least not romantically. She said she worked though a lot of her stuff and has no ill will, but nothing can happen between them.
- Due to it being unsafe, he is unsure when he will be able to go back to Australia or see family over holidays, he was supposed to only stay for the summer last year. It has been a year now, and the isolation has definitely taken a toll on him. However, having the other Hacketteers should help him. All in time.
- He has been homesick and felt alone since that night. Jacob however has done his best to keep him grounded. It’s hard however.
- 21
- She hasn’t grieved the loss of the life she expected to live yet. Her personality seems frozen in time, her jokes and demeanor the same as a year ago. This is troublesome to Jacob and Dylan, but they’re keeping a close eye on her. Eventually her break will lead to healing.
- She continues to work with guns and further improves her shot. Her way of coping is to keep her head down and learn to ‘better protect her friends in the future’. Again, not everyone’s favorite.
- When alone she can’t sleep and is 100% in ‘fight or flight’ still. While sometimes beneficial in the short term, it isn’t healthy to always feel this way.
- 21
- Horribly sad to leave his family and friends at home. Cried lots and was aware that his days as a charismatic leader were likely over. He was the last to leave home for Hackett’s Quarry.
- Still cheery once at camp and was happy to see everyone else, but definitely still cries regularly about what happened that night. He still has a lot of guilt and hasn’t admitted to anyone, other than Kaitlyn, the rotor arm ordeal. Which Kaitlyn knew about at the time and hasn’t mentioned to him since. He is afraid she forgot and if he were to ever mention it to her she would hate him.
- Tries to help Laura and Ryan figure out what’s going on, Ryan tells him to fuck off and Laura always gives Ryan the evil eye. Laura appreciates the help and sometimes even ‘shoo’s Ryan off so she can work with Jacob. It’s good for Ryan to get a break.
- 21
- She also did not take leaving home lightly. She still makes content, but Abi has insisted that it forces her to be someone she isn’t - or be in a headspace she’s not ready to be in. Emma is starting to see what Abi means. She has considered taking a break and saying she’s going to write a book, but she wonders how much that will hurt herself and viewers.
- She sleeps a lot, but is making healthy strides towards accepting what has happened to them and realistic futures. Her and Abi spend a lot of time together, she insists to Emma that this is something they will adapt with.
- She has thought about opening up a plant shop and jokes that Abi and her could have a ‘paint and sip’ plant shop together and grow old there. It’s one of the few happy thoughts she is able to come to regularly.
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knotmagickstudios · 2 years
ADHD/Autism Diagnosis as an adult, part 5
Part 4 can be found here.
Appointment number 3 with the neuropsych was super exciting for me because it was medication day!
I normally don't talk about the specifics of my meds, but in this case it's important. I'm not advocating for any specific medication, or for medication in general, but this is my experience. If you need meds to keep your brain from exploding, please take meds. They really do help, even though they can be scary to contemplate!
So, to recap: I went to my doctor for my extreme and long lasting fatigue, which has been causing things like brain fog, difficulty understanding/remembering instructions, short term memory loss, etc. Because I have both fatigue and insomnia, she suggested I get tested for ADHD.
The neuropsych diagnosed me with mild ADHD with very low dopamine, and autism. Because I was hesitant to start a new brain med with everything going on, we waited until appointment 3 of 4 do discuss medication. We did talk about options a little bit earlier on, and I explained why I was hesitant: I already take medication for anxiety/depression, so I want something that's going to play nice with those meds. Second, because of my sleep issues, I didn't want to start on a stimulant until my sleep was under control because I didn't want to mess things up further. He listened, understood, and agreed with my concerns, so we put medication on hold for the time being.
This process started on January 1. December 1, my energy levels just crashed and took my immune system with it. I had zero energy and got sick twice between Christmas and the first week of January. I put my writing and creative work on hiatus until further notice because I just had no energy and couldn't meet any kind of deadlines. All I wanted to do was sleep. I felt like trash.
Between appointments 2 and 3 I had a brainwave that made me feel like an absolute idiot: A big chunk of my sleep problems were caused by sensory issues. I made some changes to my bedding, night clothes, and general sleep set up, and it helped a lot. It's not perfect. I'm not where I want to be. But I feel a lot better and can do more than I could in December.
But back to the meds. Because I was feeling both desperate for relief and more stable than I was before, I felt ready to start a new medication. Essentially, there are 2 options for ADHD: Stimulants (like Ritalin) and "off label" meds. These off label meds are usually designed for depression, but because they increase dopamine levels they also help with ADHD, which is exacerbated by low dopamine. I'm already taking Lexapro, which increases serotonin levels. We didn't want to mess with the Lexapro since it's working, so he suggested adding Stelara, which is the med that plays nicest with Lexapro. I was still worried about things like mood swings or severe reactions that might impact my day job--I'm already having trouble with details, focus, etc, and didn't want them to get even worse.
We spent most of the 30 minute appointment going over the side effects, what to look out for, and how to manage them. Most of the side effects are things I'm either already experiencing due to my chronic illness. The main dangers to look out for were extreme jumps or drops in blood pressure. The rest of the side effects were typically temporary and are supposed to go away after a week or two. The medication itself could take a few days to a month to reach full effectiveness.
We decided the smartest course of action was to start me on a half dose (25mg) for 2 weeks, and then go up to the recommended 40mg at our next appointment.
So far I've been on this new med for about 4 days. The only side effect I've noticed is that it's even harder than usual to regulate my body temperature (I can go from freezing when I'm sitting still to being covered in sweat the instant I move), but that's the only side effect I seem to have. I can't judge my sleep too well because my cat has been an asshole for the last four nights and keeps waking me up for food at 4am, so it's hard to judge things like quality of sleep or fatigue levels.
I am open to adding a stimulant later on, but I want to get some other things evened out first since most of the people I know who have issues with ADHD meds have them with the stimulants. Also, right now meds like Ritalin are hard to get, so I really don't need the headache of withdrawal symptoms or trying to find a pharmacy with it in stock. Hopefully in a few months my sleep will be better, my fatigue will improve, and the inventory issues will clear up, and we can talk about it more then.
So that's where things are. I have 1 more regular appointment, and then we're going to schedule a follow up for some point in the future. I know I was super lucky to get a GP and a neuropsych who have been so great, and that isn't the experience of everyone in this boat. I hope that if you are considering or are trying to get a diagnosis, you get providers who have been as great as these two (trust me, I've dealt with some shit doctors in the past few months, including one who flat out refused to see me).
As always, I'm happy to answer any questions.
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rogersmemorycare · 1 year
Dementia Care Facilities: Warm And Welcoming Environment
Having the aging population growing and more people suffering from cognitive disorders, discussion in American healthcare. But what is Dementia?
Dementia is a word used to describe poor memory, thinking, or decision-making that interferes with performing daily tasks rather than a specific disease. As far as dementia goes, Alzheimer's disease remains the more prevalent. Even though dementia primarily affects older persons, it is not a natural aspect of aging. In short, a lack of cognitive ability impacts cognition, behavior, and memory. People affected usually require Dementia Care Facilities.
According to Alzheimer’s Association, Worldwide, 55 million people live with Alzheimer's and other dementias. As dementia progresses, a loved one will want assistance at home. By making an effort to comprehend how the individual who has dementia sees the world, you can provide service. Give the individual a chance to discuss any difficulties and participate in their daily care.
Speak with your beloved one's medical professional first. Ask for assistance:
Help the person maintain composure and focus
Make getting dressed and groomed simpler
Speak with the person.
Assistance for memory loss
Control issues with behavior and sleep
Encourage stimulating and entertaining activities
Following are some suggestions for easing disorientation in people living with dementia:
Have recognizable items and people nearby.
Albums with family photos can be helpful.
Turn on the lights at night.
Use notes, lists, reminders, or instructions to help you remember daily duties.
Follow a detailed activity schedule.
Discuss recent happenings.
Long-Term Dementia Care
A dementia patient may require supervision and assistance at residence or in a facility. Possible choices consist of:
Daycare for adults
Board houses
Assisted Living Facilities
Nursing Homes
In-Home Care
To maintain a secure environment, manage violent or restless behavior, and respond to their needs, people with dementia eventually may need round-the-clock supervision and help.
Why Choose Grand Brook Memory Care of Rogers
With more than 20 years of practice in Alzheimer's and dementia care, Grand Brook Memory Care of Rogers possesses the knowledge and skills to offer the best care. Our family has firsthand knowledge of the vast range of emotions accompanying care for a beloved one with dementia. We are here to take care of your loved one, and because we have experience being the family caregiver, we are also here to take care of you. 
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systimming · 2 years
Is it ok to ask for advice? With the preface that we're not sure we're actually plural. If that changes anything. Sometimes we can't tell who we are. I don't know how else to put it. But if that makes sense, would you happen to have any suggestions on how we can figure it out? Or at least stop thinking about it? Sorry and thank you. And of course if you don't want to answer please feel no pressure.
It’s alright! I’m willing to offer my personal insight and advice — but only under the heavy clarification ahead of time that I’m not a mental health professional. I would heavily suggest talking to a doctor or a therapist if you’re struggling with these sorts of issues in the near future!! 
Similarly, I cannot diagnose you with anything in specific — but if you’re having recurring episodes where you can’t tell who you are in the moment (which can be coupled with feeling disconnected to your surroundings / environment, time blindness, emotionally numb, experiencing short term memory loss, etc) you may be suffering from dissociation. 
Which isn’t necessarily a symptom of plurality — dissociation can be a disorder in itself or a symptom of several other disorders, such as anxiety / autism / PTSD / etc. But what’s more important is that you figure out how to deal with these episodes regardless of the root cause as these experiences must be frightening and concerning for you. 
My main suggestion to you is learning some basic grounding skills / techniques. Grounding yourself means taking steps to re-center yourself and become fully aware of both yourself and your environment once again.
The main three ways of grounding yourself include mental exercises, using sensory information to bring yourself back or engaging in creative habits to stimulate your brain. There’s lots of lists online with hundreds of options to read and try out!
But here are some things we personally do when we suffer dissociation, both mild and severe, that helps us out:
We carry scented hand sanitizer with us. We rub it on our hands to focus on the tactile feel of it on our skin, then we take deep inhales of the scent to bring us back together.
We begin mentally listing things about ourselves that we know is completely true — like our names, ages, our favorite bands, our birthday, who our friends and family are, etc. Bonus points if you’re practicing deep breathing or calm breathing during this. 
We begin journaling. Drawing difficult things like hands or horses, writing down poetry, doing random math problems, etc, just giving ourselves things that we have to consciously think about to get right. 
We take a step back and look around us, mentally noting all of the things we see in our immediate environment. Sort of like personal I-Spy.
If we’re dissociating at the house, we like to take some ice cubes and put them in our hand, feeling them over in our palms and letting the cool feeling run through us.
We put on some upbeat music we can focus on while we do some menial task or chore to keep our hands / body busy, like washing dishes or brooming. You can also put on podcasts or video essays you like if you’re not prone to zoning out to them.
Like I said, there’s tons of websites with full guides and tips to grounding yourself. If you check your local library or bookstore, you may find books dedicated wholly to the subject in the self-help / psychology section.
 And again - if you’re experiencing something, regardless of the true reason why, you’re allowed to use the techniques and skills used by other communities struggling with the same issues. Whether it’s from plurality, anxiety, trauma or something else entirely, you deserve to feel safe and healthy in your own body. 
We wish you the best of luck and we hope this helps.
- Mod Primarina + Mod Pent.
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