#((so I apologize if the answer for the first question may sound out of character for him))
I gotta say, when I passed out last night after writing this post, I didn't expect to wake up to people actually liking it. but hey! thanks for the support. As per my little footnote (if you didn't read it then sucks to be you ig) the people who commented got first choice of which characters im going to write. love y'all by the way <3 which means that first up is... Dottore! (as requested by @amber-sekio and @gallantys)
(I am not playing rn when I say that I spent a large amount of time reading Dottore x reader fanfic so I could figure out how the hell to write him and this is probably still ooc but i did my best)
Contains - Yandere behavior (kept to a minimum though) dottore being a charming ray of a human (he mentions enslaving other countries), discussions of blood and injuries
The silence from the hallway was almost deafening. The sudden intense quiet was broken only by the gentle crackle of the fire, a welcome reprieve as your words hung in the air. Perhaps it was stupid, to call for a person who may not be there and who, of all the Harbingers, might be the most likely to still attempt to kill you. A foolish whim, but nearly dying does funny things to a person's rational.
Your door slid open silently, revealing the Doctor himself peering in at you. He did not appear to be wearing his mask, but with the low light and strands of blue hair covering his face, you couldn't make out his features well.
"Yes? Can I help you?"
Something was wrong. His voice was too soft, his words too gentle, the whole demeanor was wrong. You knew he had segments that acted differently, but you couldn't imagine Dottore ever being that kind sounding. But you were in too deep.
"Can you come in here, please? I need to ask you a question."
A few murmurs struck up behind him, but Dottore simply nodded and stepped into the room, turning his back to you as shut the door.
"You know..." he mused as he clicked the lock shut.
Ah, there it was. With the door closed, his voice changed, with that hint of cruelty and mania that you had come to associate with him lacing his words. His blood red eyes bored into you, a sly smile creeping across his face.
"Oh, what's with the expression? You seem a little scared of me, Divine One. Am I not as nice as you assumed?"
He didn't allow you to answer, pacing closer to where you lay, buried beneath the pile of blankets.
"There's really no need to be scared of me. After all, I was the one who nursed you so lovingly back to health when you were brought here out of the cold. Aren't I so generous?"
"You healed me?"
You didn't bother hiding your concern. You kicked off your pile of blankets and assessed your body, trying to see if any of your organs were missing.
"My my, do you have such little faith in me? I am a doctor after all. One of the best I'll have you know."
He leaned against the wall by your bedside, giving you a rather unnerving grin.
"Well, you have my undivided attention. What was it that you wanted to ask me?"
You were starting to think that it was a very bad idea to ask for Dottore, but you also suspected that saying you wanted to talk to someone else would go over even worse.
"Yes, I just...wanted to know what I missed while I was asleep. You know, with the other nations."
"Ahh, of course! Well, upon some reflection they seem to have come to the conclusion that you are the actual creator and not a 'fake' as they so cruelly labelled you. Needless to say, quite a few letters of apology have been sent begging for your forgiveness for their dreadful ignorance. Including-"
He reached over to you, laying a shockingly gentle hand upon your bandaged side.
"-the one who nearly killed you."
"You know who it is?" you asked in surprise.
"But of course! Simply assessing your wound, I could tell the weapon and the particular style of it, which made it rather easy to cross-referencing that with the time and location that you were attacked and deduce your attacker with little difficulty. "
He scoffed. "No, of course not. They mentioned in their letter that they were the one who harmed you."
Dottore stepped away from you, pacing towards the door as he pulled a crumpled note from his pocket and tossed it onto the end of your bed.
"You should read it sometime, it is truly a delightfully pathetic read. They only made one mistake."
He turned to look at you and you saw that all of the cruel humor that had covered his face was gone, replaced with an infinitely scarier coldness.
"They signed their name. So now, I know exactly who will be my next experiment, when we invade the other nations."
There was silence for a moment, before his features softened and he let out a soft laugh.
"You should sleep. It's the best medicine after all. We can discuss this more in the morning."
Dottore went to turn from you once more, but paused as you opened your mouth.
"Dottore, burn the letter. I don't want to read what they have to say."
A wicked grin flashed across his face as he snatched the letter back up and strode towards the fire.
"You know, I think-"
He tossed the letter into the embers and watched as it instantly caught alight.
"-that you and I will get along very, very well."
Dottore pulled the door open and gave you one last comment before leaving, not even turning his head.
"Sweet dreams, Your Grace."
That took me so long to write guys 😭 but anyway i hope you liked it! like i said earlier, i struggle a bit with dottore because he has all his different segments with different personalities but i think this turned out okay.
Also, the order for the next few harbingers will go as such
Tartaglia- requested by @gallantys and @followingyou247
Pierro - requested by @mistresssasori
Capitano - requested by @moonlite-drabbles @megsthings and @legendarysacrificer-blog (yall really love him clearly)
If you guys want to help me pick the order after that, go ahead in the comments!
also tagging @heizoubeloved in this because you mentioned wanting to see more!
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oonajaeadira · 11 months
i was rereading a GTTT chapter and Patricio has just been in my mind rent free, creeping in from daydreams in places i should not be daydreaming. So I’ve got a PATS question for you. How would Patricio and Reader navigate the issue of him being too drained sexually when Reader is needy?
Hello, lovely.
First of all, I want to apologize for the long hiatus I've taken on Pats and Pres. This ask--and many more--have been sitting in my inbox for far too long and I'd like to think that answering late is better than never. Thank you for your patience with me!!!
This is a very interesting question and it sparked some over-arching thoughts. I have half an answer for you here--from his point of view, and therefore the "drained" part of it. Pres may not seem too needy here, but look to the next installment for more on that.
Also, a non-apology here to everyone.
For so long I've made you believe that Patricio is confident, in control...or at least in denial about it when he's not. But he's growing. Changing. There may be more vulnerability here than you want and much less sexy times. Not everyone has a good day every day.
Kiss and Tell: Everyone's Allowed a Bad Day (GTTT PATS)
FANDOM: Calls - Apple TV (PATS is a character from ep. 3. “Pedro Across the Street.” This is not RPF.)
As with all of my PATS installments, warnings abound for explicit content. (This one's much tamer than most.)
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(gif by cavill-henry)
It’s nights like these that he sometimes wished he smoked. He’ll pour himself a drink once the client wakes up and leaves, but he doesn’t want her to catch it on his breath.
Bourbon. Bath. Bed. Maybe something short and calm on streaming. There’s a new cowboy film just dropped by that Spanish director looks good. 
Leaning on the kitchen counter and staring out across the silent living room, he contemplates the novel you left on the coffee table. Wonders if you’re missing it.
It occurs to him that he could call you. He can do that now. He doesn’t need a reason anymore, but even if the reason is a rough day…actually, maybe that’s even more reason to call you. In fact, he really should ask you–
His phone vibrates on the countertop and he frowns. It’s your pattern and his heart races a little, not only because it’s you, but thinking he’s been lost in thought too long, that he’s missed the three-hour mark. But a flip of the phone shows him he’s got 20 minutes to go. 
Odd. It’s not like you to interrupt a session.
“Hey, muñeca, everything okay?” he mumbles, stepping barefoot out onto the front porch in nothing but his sweatpants.
Your voice sounds far away, “Oh shit,” before a riffling sound and then a clearer, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hit dial. I didn’t know I did. I was going to call and then I saw the time…I know you’re in the middle of a session, oh loverboy I’m so sorry–”
Just the sound of your voice is an instant balm. “It’s okay, it’s okay, she’s sleeping. I was actually just thinking about calling you.”
“Oh, really?” There’s something there behind your fluster, hiding among the smile in your voice, something that he might not have noticed if you hadn’t said you meant to call.
“Something you wanted to call me about?”
There’s a sound in the background. An announcement. You’re in public. “Um, no, not really. I just had a lonely moment, that’s all.”
“Well that’s an ego boost. You wanna come spend the night?”
There’s a pause. Shocked, judging by your voice. “Really? On an appointment night?”
He scratches his head and focuses on his feet as he aimlessly paces the porch. “Sure. I mean, if like a quarter after ten isn’t too late for you to drive just to go to bed.”
“With the weather shifting and how warm you run? It’s never too late to say yes to a heated bed.”
He smiles. “Glad I can be of service.” There's silence from you and he cringes. “Shit. Not you– not– Was that a bad choice of word?”
“No. It’s just–”
“Hey. I want you here tonight. I wanna talk to you.” Another silence. He supposes that sounds ominous. It shouldn’t. “You know, here. Not…on a phone.” He’s still not good at this. 
“That sounds nice…. You, uh, need anything? I’m at the grocery store.”
“No. Just you.” It feels good to say. Right. It’s what’s needed to break what feels like an odd tension into a few comfortable, mutually smiling moments. “So. The grocery store. And you’re feeling lonely. At a grocery store.”
Your laughter--hushed but musical--is kept close to the phone. “Well I am standing in produce and they just got in some preeeeeetty nice looking eggplants.”
Another laugh, less hushed, throatier. “Okay, I’m sorry! I’ll let you get back to your work. I assume you’ve got a sleeping beauty to wake up.”
Pulling the phone away from his face for a timecheck, he winces. “Yeah. I’ll see you in 20?”
“I’d say I can’t wait, but you know that I will.”
Wow. “I know and I…”Something sweet twists inside. “I know.”
After you hang up he stands a minute more on the porch in the dark. The leaves are almost all off the trees now, the crickets are gone. His feet are freezing and the skin on his torso is goosebumping; doing its best–and failing–to lift his fine hairs to shield him from the autumn chill. But it’s far from unpleasant and he finds that he’s awake for the sensation in a way he hasn’t been in a while.
He’s alive again in a way he hasn’t been in a while.
The last couple of months have been…nothing short of amazing.
He should tell you that. He should say it.
But he’s got to get to that point where…he accepts it. 
Not the relationship…the fact that there’s always a possibility it’s too good to be true, that he could lose it. He could lose you.
You’re handling everything so well, but for how long? How long until you make him choose?
Oh fuck, please don’t make me choose, preciosa, please.
The phone buzzes in his hand. Timer; no need to look, just thumbs the button to silence. On another night, he’d allow himself more time, let the client sleep while he mused. But he’s got a job to do. 
And someone special arriving soon.
So he packs these thoughts away and goes quietly inside to prepare.
He’s just poured the detergent in the washing machine when he hears the door open. “Hey, I’m just cleaning up, gimme a second.”
Out in the entry, your shoes clatter on the floor and then your keys jingle on the kitchen counter and before he knows it you’re on him, topless and crowding him against the washing machine, kissing him like he’s just come back from war. It’s jarring but pleasant and full of hungry sighs…until there’s a ping in his calf muscle.
“Ooh, hey, Pres, hey hey, hang on.” Taking your face in his hands he calms, he whispers, he soothes you in order to soothe himself, but you catch on instantly, concern splashing over you.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?”
A kiss to the tip of your nose, to your smart little nose. “No, no, I’m a little sore; just had a difficult session–a difficult day, actually. And I haven’t showered yet. So don’t get yourself too worked up here. You don’t want me like this.”
He expects you to recoil from this, to find the sex with someone else still lingering on his skin. You don’t.
You simply run your hands over his sides, lean in to kiss his chin. “Of course I do. I want you like whatever you are.”
You’re backlit from the kitchen and there’s something like a soft halo around you, bringing a glow to the roll of your cheeks, the swipe of your lip. Tracing these with a finger and finding himself reflected in your eyes, he trusts you, accepts this, tries to see himself like you do. How are you so effortless?
There’s nothing but surrender when you rake your fingers through his beard and push yourself up onto tiptoe to press a warm kiss to his forehead. “But if you really feel that way, beautiful, let me run you a bath.” 
Everytime he opens his eyes and you’re there, it's like a small miracle.
“Come on,” you smile, taking his hand and guiding him to the stairs, “let me take care of you and you can tell me about your day.”
You’re perfect. He’s so grateful he picked up the phone tonight when he did.
“Mmmmm, that’s good.” The sigh comes up from his bottom wells, like a contented creature crawling out of hidden caverns within. The back of his head rests in your palm, warm water spilling over his scalp. Your hands whisper and calm and soothe. He spends so much time using his touch to bring relaxation to others that he’d all but forgotten that it could go the other way. And your touch–
“So there was some heavy lifting tonight, huh?” Your finger lightly wipes away an errant rivulet from the corner of his eye. “Ness, right?”
The ghost of irritation looms. “Mmm. She has a pretty severe tailbone injury. Didn’t tell me about it before she showed up. Lot of full-body lifting on the table just to get her in the right positions for stretch.”
“I see. You’ll feel it tomorrow. And sore tailbone means no actual sex tonight.”
“Oh no, we had some fun. She’s got weeks of recovery ahead of her and she needed some practice re-routing some natural orgasm responses to different muscle groups when she ejaculates.”
“Ejaculates? She…? Ohhh.” A loving hand begins to wander lightly over his chest. “I assumed. My bad.”
“Sorry. Should have been more clear. But yeah.”
“No need to apologize. I don’t know why I hadn’t just assumed that you…took all forms of payment.”
He peeks an eye open to catch your reaction as you reach over the side of the tub toward him and finds your warm, curious smile. “Not to disparage the vaginal anatomy, but sometimes it’s nice to have my dick handled by someone who has a lifetime experience with their own.”
“Noted. Fair.”
Closing his eyes and sinking into the warm bath of your care a lifetime goes by with your hands running over his skin.
“You’re very accommodating.”
A kiss lands on his temple. “Wait until you realize I’m terribly selfish and am in it for the rewards points.” When his smile fades, your hands slow. “That was a joke.”
“I know.” Sensing a shift in tone coming when he turns to you, you instinctively pull back, but he catches your hand in his, pulling it in to place a wet kiss to your knuckles. “Would you mind if I don’t want to have sex tonight?”
“Of course. That’s okay.” A half-smile. Are you covering disappointment?
“I’m more than happy to go down on you if you–”
But a shake of your head stops him. “No, it's fine. I can tell you’re tired. You said you had a hard day. Wanna tell me about it while we get you dried off and into bed?”
He feels like a child as he simply nods, allows you to help him up, succumbs to you as you care for him. It’s easy to do, to melt under your attention, to crack open and spill. He does his best not to control the spread as he generalizes a failed report at work, a difficult project he’s fallen behind on. By the time you’re sliding into the sheets and curling up next to him, he’s breaching the topic he’s been deciding and undeciding and deciding again to tell you about–that his mother called without warning.
“She wants to meet you.”
Your breathing stills in the darkness. “You told your mom about me.”
“Is that okay?”
“Yeah, I..” you stutter, “I guess I didn’t… I’m flattered that you talk about me?”
There’s a pang of guilt that he’s let you believe you’re not important enough for him to tell the world that you’re in his life. But he sighs as you squeeze your arm around his middle. “You might feel differently if you met her.”
“Are you kidding? I’d love to meet your…is it just your mom?”
“And my father. I have an older brother but he lives in Australia. Doesn’t go home much.”
“Home issssSantiago?”
“Just outside of it. Rancagua.”
Another squeeze. Perhaps that was a lie; your arm around him and the brush of your lips on his shoulder feels like his true home now. 
“So this call was stressful because she wants to meet me. And you’re nervous?”
“The call was stressful because…I don’t…want her to meet you.” Your squeeze lightens a bit and he slides his grip over your arm in case you decide he’s awful and want to pull away. He knows he should let you go if you want to but– “I wanted to ask you, Pres…I’m sorry I don’t know if I can ask this much from you but–”
It almost breaks his heart when your arm slides through his hand, when your warmth leaves his side, when you abandon him…
But it’s only for the time it takes to hear the click of the bedside lamp, register the bright sting and spill of light, and you’re back beside him, leaning over him, turning his face to yours with one patient hand on his cheek. “What’s going on. I’ve never seen you like this.”
Shit. Get it together.
“You’re going to think I’m a fucking jerk–”
“Don’t tell me what you think I’m going to think, sir. Tell me what you need from me. Just say it.”
This leaves him with depleted gambling chips, raises the stakes. But you’re right. He has to be honest.
“The relationship I have with my family is…strained. That’s why I live here and not there. I see them somewhat regularly, but the holidays are when the whole family gets together–all the cousins–and it’s just a lot. There’s a lot that’s expected, a lot of judgements…it’s overwhelming. I can barely make it through myself, but having you there? Watching you be scrutinized on top of it when we’re just figuring this out? I just…no.”
“You know I won’t tell them–”
“It’s not that, fuck, it’s not that.” He surges in for a kiss, taking you in deep, willing you to understand him by osmosis; if only… “Every time I’ve gone down for the holidays it’s stressful enough…it’s…it’s bad enough that I’m away from my clients, but–”
“But under stress the itch gets worse. And you don’t have your outlet. And you’re not in control.”
Oh god, you see him. You see him and he’s so…fucking pathetic.
The last thing he expects is for you to pepper kisses along his mouth and chin, to dot a lingering one on his cheek before pulling him into your chest, to cradle him, breathe into his hair.
But it’s exactly what you do.
“What do you need, beautiful boy? Anything you want.”
He breathes. Sighs. Curses himself for doubting you, for assuming you wouldn’t surprise him. Allows you to hold the weight of his heart on your own without a spotter.
“I need to…not do the ‘meet the family’ thing this year. I just want you to myself for a while.”
A hum of sympathy, of bittersweetness, one that stakes his heart into the ground at your feet. “Oh Patricio. Is that all?” Your breast moves under his cheek as you lean over to turn off the light, your soft curves and soft scent and soft hum whispering to him, calming him, soothing him into you. “I’ll admit that I’m a little sad that I don’t get to show you off to my family, but I definitely see the appeal of a quiet holiday season, just us hiding away from the world together. You want me to yourself? Did you really think I would find that anything but absolutely wonderful?”
All at once, the strains of the day overtake him, the need to say more is gone and took his energy to do so right along with it. A whole lifetime of relief in just an hour. That’s your secret power. Always has been. He cannot think of words more meaningful than, “Thank you.”
Your fingertips begin their pattern of affection along his jaw, tattooing a spell of sleep through him. “This really means a lot to you, huh.” He’s too gone to get his voice to work and it seems you assume he’s fallen asleep. “Well you mean the world to me. You don’t even know, mister.”
It’s not worth the effort to drag himself from the downward pull of dreams to ask you to say more about that. Not when he knows you’ll be right here in the morning and he can ask you then.
Or say the same thing right back to you.
Maybe this time he’ll find a way to do that.
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pixelmensupremacy · 2 years
May i request a DBH fic? The moment they realized they fell in love with reader. May i request Gavin and the RK bros
A/N: Honestly, I don't why it took me so long to get this out. Either way that's an interesting request, Nonny! Here's my take on the dbh boys realizing they have feelings for the reader.
Warnings: GN!reader, it's implied that reader is shorter, pretty much fluffy stuff, not proof read
Being his snarky self, Gavin would be jokingly flirty at first not thinking much of it
Until he began sensing a warmth every time (Y/N) laughed at his silly jokes and sarcastic comments
Before he knew it, he was always spending his free time with (Y/N)
Going into the breakroom, whenever he noticed they were there
Greeting them every morning with a genuine smile on his face
Vibrant morning sunrays hit (Y/N) skin as walked into the building of the Detroit police department. It was quiet except for the usual sound of mouse clicks and the occasional phone ring. A bright smile curled the corners of their lips at the sight of their partner Gavin Reed.
"Morning, Reed!" Enthusiasm was evident in their voice; his attention was immediately anchored to them and their face, which he found absolutely adorable. Affected by their happy expression, he couldn't help but smile back at them.
"Somebody call the cops because it’s got to be illegal to look that good!" He eyed the from head to toe, causing them to shyly look away.
Interestingly enough, it was the colleagues at the department that noticed the change first
His longing to constantly be in (Y/N)'s company was obvious to everyone else but Gavin and (Y/N)
Happy to finally see Gavin break character and soften, his colleagues would tease him every once in a while
While on the other hand (Y/N) would get overwhelmed with questions such as "Did you put him under a spell?"
I feel like Gavin will distance himself once he realizes that his feelings toward (Y/N) are more than just a silly crush
Progressively he will grow colder to (Y/N)
He would find himself in a rabbit hole of repressed emotions and anxieties, connected to his past, which will ultimately lead to avoiding (Y/N)
Hurt and confused, (Y/N) wouldn't give up on reaching out to him but with little to no success
Until they give up, which in return pains Gavin even more
Suddenly he will have to deal not only with the fear of abandonment but also the consequences of said fear taking over him
I like to imagine Hank will be quick to notice the distance formed between the two and will talk to Gavin
Knowing him since his rookie days, Hank is one of the few people who know quite a lot about Gavin, which helps him in advising the detective
Eventually, thanks to Hank's help, Gavin will be able to realize that by avoiding his problems he made things worse
He will want to apologize to (Y/N) for hurting them
“I know I’ve been a total ass the past few weeks, but maybe I can make it up to you. (Y/N) silently gaze at him as if they weren’t sure if this was a dream or reality.
“There’s new restaurant down the block and I thought maybe..” He went on all the while studying their face. “Maybe we could check it out?”
Much to his delight, they agree
The two have the time of their life, catching up like nothing ever happened
And even getting closer
“So,” He spoke up, hot puffs of air escaping his mouth. “Are we even?”
(Y/N) swayed back and forth on their feet, overdoing the time it took them to answer.
“I’m afraid a single date won’t be enough, Reed.” Their hand reached for his neck, bringing his face closer to theirs; their lips touched his in a soft and delicate kiss that left him wanting more.
“Your wish is my command.” (Y/N) giggled, causing a warmth to spread in his chest, despite the cold of the November night.
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Markus is definitely the type of person, who looks for a friend first and a lover second
So, I expect him to fall for (Y/N) after they have gotten to know each other
His feelings for them will slowly but surely progress into a sensation he's never felt before
Even if the thought of (Y/N) wouldn't leave his mind, he would be reluctant to share that with them
Or at least not verbally
Being the altruist he is, his love language would be one of service
Anyway he could, he would help
Standing on their tippy toes, (Y/N) struggled to reach the contents of the top shelf; even the chair they were standing on seemed to not help much. Passing by the kitchen, Markus’ attention was caught by the creaking of the chair and (Y/N)’s puffs and quiet curses. With a puzzled expression, he walked up to them and took a glance at what they were doing.
Reaching with a hand near theirs, he took a hold of a box of cereal; electrical shock ran through (Y/N)’s entire body at the slight brush of his cold skin against theirs.
“Is this what you were looking for?” They nodded as they got down.
“Yeah, thanks.” (Y/N)  took the box with a bright smile on their face that caused his circuits to malfunction, resulting in LED lighting up in a vibrant amber color.
Though he will eventually come to realize that his desire to help (Y/N) exceeded past just his typical friendly behavior
He desired to be by their side at all times
He will absolutely melt if (Y/N) were to compliment him
The enchanting melody filled the space, alluring (Y/N) the source of the sound. Letting the music take over them, their steps were in perfect sync with the rhythm of the song; it almost felt as if time stopped and they have found themselves in a wonderland- one they couldn’t imagine even in their wildest dreams.
The volume grew louder so did the effect of the melody upon (Y/N); seeing a door, they weren’t surprised to see Markus sat before the piano. His slender fingers stroked the snow-white keys, the impact of his firm, yet delicate, touch made for a captivating melody akin to the song of a siren that drew in sailors in the dead of night.
Much like a sailor, bewitched by a magnificent siren, (Y/N) stood and watched as his composition tingled their every sense. Not long after did Markus sense their presence; startled by their sudden appearance, he stopped playing.
“Why did you stop?” Disappointment was written in their expression.
“I didn’t expect to have an audience.” He made a reply in a bashful manner, his colorful eyes avoiding theirs.
“I love it when you play the piano.” (Y/N) began as they neared him. “No matter how many times I hear you play it’s never the same. It’s truly fascinating.” There was a spark in their eyes as they spoke that caused a tingling sensation to occur in his thirium pump. Was he malfunctioning?
Markus will definitely confess once the revolution is successful and he feels safe enough to have another person in his life
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He's completely oblivious
Never in his short life did he expect to feel let alone fall in love
So, he's very confused when he experiences system malfunctions in (Y/N)'s presence
He constantly runs system checks only to get confused when the results show no apparent errors
Despite being a prototype, created to unravel complicated cases with ease, it takes him some time to figure out it's (Y/N) that causes these malfunctions
Of course, not without Hank's help
Enamored by the enigma surrounding them, Connor couldn’t help but stare at them and wonder: why they caused such reactions in him. Coincidently or not, Hank had noticed Connor’s lack of focus on his tasks; following the direction of his gaze, the man had found the reason.
“You know it’s rude to stare right? Or that isn’t in your damn program?” Hank got straight to the point but Connor seemed clueless, for he gave him a puzzled look. The man let out a sigh of disappointment.
“Look, I know you got something towards (Y/N) and you better go talk to them.”
“But I-“
“Trust me. They like you too.” Silently, Connor looked at his partner, processing what he had said. “Come on! Don’t waste your chance.” He urged the android on.
Connor will get flustered if (Y/N) were to compliment him
“Good morning!” (Y/N) greeted; their voice akin to a bell rang in Connor’s ears.
“Mornin’, kid” Hank mumbled under his nose, not quite returning their excitement.
“You’re here early!” They stared in awe.
“Yeah, thanks to him.” He pointed to Connor, who shyly waved his hand; (Y/N) smiled.
“Good job, Connor! Even if I wanted, I wouldn’t be able to bring Hank here before noon.” They joked, causing the lieutenant to laugh, meanwhile, Connor’s cheeks got blue, dusted with deep shades of blue, and amber hues danced on his LED.
If it came to physical touch Connor would probably shut down from how many system errors he gets
Much like in Markus' case, I think Connor will be confident in his emotions after the revolution when he becomes a deviant
It may take him a bit longer to fully grasp the experience of having feelings
Though he will get used to it with some guidance
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Just like Gavin, Sixty will be flirty but mostly with someone, who reflects the same energy
He may be a bit too daring at times, openly flirting without any shame whatsoever
Heading towards the breakroom with their partner beside them, (Y/N) was eager to get their morning coffee, though it seemed Sixty had other plans.
"Is your phone in your back pocket? Because your ass is calling me." With him being close by their side, his voice- barely above a whisper- caused shivers to run down their spine.
“Haha very funny, Sixty.” They sarcastically laughed, in hopes of hiding the excitement that grew within them.
“You know I’m always at your service.” He winked at them as he opened the door for them.
It may take him a lot longer to get attached and even longer to acknowledge his feelings
He would definitely test (Y/N)'s loyalty for him to fully trust them
Being Connor's successor and the android that almost caused the downfall of the revolution, Sixty is battling his past
An awkward silence had settled upon the two; worried, (Y/N) glanced at Sixty though his blank expression didn’t aid them in understanding what was going on.
“Is everything alright, Sixty?” Their voice were calm and quiet, loud enough only for him to hear; his brown eyes stared back at theirs. A puff of air escaped past his lips.
“It’s none of your concern.” He cut them off, bitterness was evident in his voice.
So, he will fall for someone, who accepts him for who he is and helps him in forgiving himself
His path to deviancy will be turbulent, filled with an explosion of repressed emotions Sixty is forced to deal with
But by being by his side, (Y/N) cloud build a bridge to his heart
The moment he realizes he is head over heels for (Y/N) is when he lets his guard down
When the playful facade crumbles down and what is left is a person, fighting to be accepted and forgiven
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Out of all of the boys, it will take Nines the most time to catch feelings
Being the most advanced android in the world, Nines is less prone to deviancy
Not only it takes him more time to feel emotions but to also acknowledge and accept them
So, romance with Nines is close to nonexistent until deviancy
Though there still would sign in his behavior that indicate a crack in his system
With all of his advances, I feel Nines would want to use his assets for good
And working at DPD gives him such an opportunity
Upon meeting (Y/N) he wouldn't sense anything right away
Though as they work together and get accustomed to each other, Nines will slowly change
His curiosity will grow, resulting in asking (Y/N) questions outside their field of work
Yet what draws Nines in is their tolerance
They never pressure him to open up or to talk when he doesn't want to
It just occurs naturaly
“Detective, may I ask you something?” Nines’ icy blue irises bore into theirs.
“Of course, go ahead.” (Y/N) took a sip of their drink.
“Why did you join the force?” A smear of genuine curiosity was evident behind his enigmatic gaze.
“Well,” A smile curled the corners of their lips as the memories flooded in. “I guess you could say I just want to help people.” Their gaze met his. “What about you?”
He stayed silent for a few moments; bright yellow circled across his light-emitting diode.
“I suppose we have common motives.” He danced around the question, yet they didn’t question him any further.
I feel like a life-or-death situation may bring his feelings to the surface
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white-poppie · 2 years
𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝𝐬𝐭𝐚!𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐞
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Character: Mafia!Sakusa x Civillian!Reader (Based on the poll) Genre: Mafia AU, Yandere Warnings: blood WC: 0.5k+ Writer:@white-poppie
~ Synopsis: "When Sakusa meets a kind and fearless stranger with similar taste, he can't help but fulfil their rather vicious desires."
~ Note: This is very rushed! My exams are starting soon and I wanted to gift something to you guys before I vanish *poof*
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Sakusa was a level-headed man. Smart, cunning and sometimes even manipulative if he might. It wasn't a choice, it was a necessity in the profession he was in.
But right now he was submerged in the twilight zone of obsession and desire. Since he met you, he hasn’t been himself.
Sakura Kiyoomi, the leader of the Japanese Yakuza faction called ‘The Black Jackals’ has a history of distaste for humans in general. He is just slightly concerned about his hygiene and health. As a child, he suffered from a weak immune system. Therefore, as he grew older and the responsibility of the gang came upon his shoulders, he had to be even more cautious about getting sick.
He first saw you at a museum he was visiting. He liked to see his crime scene before committing the crime. He was casually looking at the pieces until one of them caught his eye. A fierce-looking woman in a black dress stood on a medieval balcony looking towards the sky. Her eyes were red and distant and her beauty was so enthralling, one could almost ignore the blood on her figure.
It was spellbinding, the way he automatically moved closer to the frame, until his chest came into contact with something soft. He looked down to see a person, brows scrunched up in distaste, but with a very unkind smile on their face.
"Apologies," he said gruffly and you were taken aback by how melodic his voice sounded unlike his clothes, which looked like he had walked straight out of a 12-year-old girl's fantasy.
"It's fine," you sighed, "you may have to be the second one mesmerized by Madame Hien's beauty."
He tilted his head in question.
"The painting," you replied. "It's called 'Madame Hien'."
He looked back up at the painting. Such exquisite artwork, surely anyone would be enamoured by it, but why were only the two of you there?
"You said the second one. What is that supposed to mean?"
You smiled and looked ahead. "Madame Hien has a reputation for being cursed." You crossed your elbows and looked back at him.
He piped, "aren't you scared?"
"What is there to be scared of? Its a painting, art is supposed to make the comfortable uncomfortable. The artist wanted to make it famous by spreading this rumour however unlike other 'haunted paintings', luck didn't side this one. It didn't become famous."
A deep laugh reverberated through his chest. "such a shame, a masterpiece like this in a secluded corner of a tiny museum owned by the government."
You chuckled at his words, "You talk like an anti-communist during the world wars."
He crossed his hands behind his back, "It's a shame really, this painting deserves so much more than this."
You sighed longingly, "sometimes I wish it had a better place to exist."
You look at her black dress, "wish someone would be kind enough to steal it from this godforsaken place."
He smirked and looked towards you, "for an ideal citizen , you talk really dark."
You smiled and answered, "perhaps, law is there to break anyways."
"So hypothetically if I ever plan on doing something illegal, can I count you in?"
"A hundred percent!" you laughed and fished for your business car, "feel free to call me if you ever want to do something illegal."
Sakusa was hesitant to feel another human's touch, but he agreed, "got you."
You looked at your watch in a hurry, "oh no I have a meeting in an hour!"
Quickly you started heading towards the gate, before stopping dead in your tracks, "wait I never asked your name."
He hesitated as he stared at the floor quietly. "Kiyoomi." He said without mentioning his family name.
You flashed him a smile, "Y/N L/N."
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BREAKING NEWS: 'Minor painting in the city museum was stolen. The painting titled, 'Madame Hein' which was infamous for cursing those who saw it, has been stolen. The bizarre fact os that the CCTV footage of the entire day of the museum has been erased completely. The thief left the following message graffitied on the museum wall where the painting used to be.
"It's in a better place now, stranger. See you soon." -- K
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⤷‧₊˚ HAIKYU!! (ハイキュー!!) 
🥀 BYI/DNI ♡⌇ Request Rules 𓏸 🗝️ ₊﹒《 Join my Taglist •
TAGS: @akumicchi, @nanaseishiro, @denkis111, @futuristicallykawaiiturtle, @kristaline2dmensimp, @innerpurple, @sakinotfound, @oikawatoorupdf, , @juanasspirit, @renster05, @cleaningfairylevi
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changingplumbob · 3 months
Villareal: Chapter 6, Part 11
The library of Windenburg won't know what hit it!
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For ease of reading if the toddlers are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian. Amore (Italian) Love Bambino/s (Italian) Male child/children Ciao (Italian) Hello/Bye Grazie (Italian) Thank you Schatz (German) Treasure Tante/Onkel (German) Aunt/Uncle
In the library in Windenburg Max and Hugo Villareal are keeping toddlers Alfred and Rilian busy. Max is working on needs flashcards with Rilian while Hugo has decided to play with Alfred for a bit.
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In a side room Luna has found the archive machine and begins to pull together some research for her next paper. She hasn’t used one in a while so she has to ask the librarian about the more fiddly tasks that she has forgotten how to do. Lucky for us the librarian is friendly and happy to help.
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Max: And what is this one
Rilian: For hungry!
Max: Good job! We can cook lots of nice things in pans to fill up our hunger
Alfred: I birdie, flap flap
Hugo: Uh oh, storm is coming
Alfred laughs and giggles as Hugo spins him around. When he gets back on solid ground though he wants some flashcard time to! If his brother can learn then so will he.
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Following streaming her jog around the rainy heart of Windenburg Devin returns to the library to find some fans have gathered.
Fan: OMG it’s you! In person!
Devin: Ciao! Nice to see you despite this rain
Fan: I couldn’t miss this chance. Can I… please may I have your autograph
Devin: Of course. I keep some headshots on me in case of autograph emergencies. Now who shall I make it out to?
After signing some autographs, taking some selfies and posing for the paparazzi Devin breaks out her guitar to give an impromptu performance for those that braved the weather.
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Inside Rilian has finished with flashcards and has gotten Onkel Max to play with him. Unfortunately as great as Max and Hugo are they do manage to get confused about which twin they’re responsible for. Seizing his chance Alfred heads to the dollhouse.
Alfred: Birdie SMASH
He lets loose on the dollhouse, trashing what he can. A nearby child is horrified at the display and bursts into tears. Luna comes in just as he’s finished and grinning to himself.
Luna: ALFRED! I thought you two were going to watch him
Luna’s brothers mutter their apologies while Luna scoops up Alfred and apologises to the librarian. Devin comes in and although she doesn’t have her tools is happy to pay for the cost of repair. The Del Sol Villareal’s head home.
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When they get back the toddlers need naps and Luna heads to host her last online office hours for the day.
Luna: Class, I am here to help. But some of these submitted questions are answered in the final chapters of the books. I’m not here to read the books for you. Reframe your question after you’ve finished the text and we can discuss
Next student group
Luna: You want me to define that word during office hours? Let me help you. Open a tab and go to dictionary.com, everyone make note of that
Next student group
Luna: You all sound on track for your essays, I’m looking forward to reading them. Remember, include all references! We quote or we paraphrase, we do not plagiarise
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Norah: I know it’s a bit more wordy than normal
Devin: I can do science jargon, can’t be more tongue twisty than The Jabberwocky
Norah: You’ve recited that?
Devin: It was a test in my first university course, showing pronunciation and ability to memorise. I passed with flying colours
Norah: Nice. See you on set, oh we’re giving your character a new look as well
Devin waves her friend goodbye and heads to the kitchen where Joey is baking something else.
Devin: Still fighting the burnout?
Joey: Trying. Work was intense today but I scored a promotion!
Devin: Look at you go! I’m so proud of you bro
Joey: The feeling is mutual, I hope you know that
Devin: Grazie
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Joey pulls the fish pie from the oven and Devin can’t stop herself laughing.
Devin: *through laughter* Oh if you ever wanted proof for your “we’re in a simulation” argument that’s got to be it! Like why would you choose to make pie like that? Look at the tails!
Joey: I take it you won’t be eating any
Devin: Me and my bambinos will be eating excellent meatballs, my palate is refined after all, but... grazie for trying?
When the toddlers are up they also laugh at the fish tails sticking out of the pastry. Joey responds by pulling some of his best faces making the boys laugh even harder. When they’re finished Joey helps Devin get them to bed as Luna’s online office hours seem to have run overtime.
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Devin goes to tidy up dinner while Joey starts on some knitting.
Devin: Grazie for the help, Luna does get so generous with her students
Joey: You don’t mind?
Devin: She has work that makes her feel fulfilled. I get the same feeling from my filming, and watcher knows that can take just as long. End of the day I know regardless she and I will always put our family first. A night a week of missed bedtimes at this age won’t harm the twins relationship with either of us. Now scooch over, let the knitting pro show you how it’s done
Devin continues her own project, giving Joey advice as he navigates his latest plant holder. He finishes and declares he’s inviting Alexander over for a bake off catch up. Devin laughs and finishes her own work. Spotting Luna in the garden spraying some errant bugs she steps outside.
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Devin: Ciao amore mio
Luna: Oh schatz, I’m sorry I missed dinner. One of my bilingual kids was having a crisis about syntax and I-
Devin silences her with a kiss and lifts her up gently spinning her around.
Devin: Have I told you I love how you call your students your kids
Luna: *laughs* You know what I mean
Devin: I do. You care about them and their futures, knowing they have someone like that in their corner is worth a few missed dinners
She sets Luna back on the ground gently.
Luna: Can we go kiss our bambinos goodnight? I know they'll be asleep and won't know but still
Devin: Of course we can. Then you and I have a date between our sheets. Workaholics deserve treats
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Luna: They look so sweet like this. Our babies
Devin: Yep. You’d never know they are the same ones that busted public property and made grown kids cry
Luna: *laughs* Thank goodness you had some simoleons on hand, and the paparazzi had already left. Now I believe you promised me a bedroom treat
Devin: *coyly* Did I? Would I do that?
Luna: Do you want me to launch a tickle attack because I will
Devin: Come on then amore, to bed we go
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eternal-armin · 1 year
SO, HOW SHOULD i begin this?
this is the first time i'm going to do a multi-part fic that goes beyond like 2 or 3 parts (rip to the chandelier fic.) bear with me ;;;; but i'm obsessed with everything everywhere and i wanted to do something with the abilities evelyn and joy specifically have. and, of course, the angst that can come from it. looked over this as much as i could but im exhausted so my apologies for any errors ;;;
pairing : five hargreeves x male/transmasc reader [he/him pronouns]
where : five is instantly intrigued by the eighth sparrow, a kid just like himself, which makes him try to seek him out specifically; nothing better than a second opinion about time from another person who knew its intricacies, right? well, he... may have gotten more than he bargained for.
warnings : future mentions of trauma, fighting and injury (specific mentions of choking), existentialism, reader is just exhausted of life and shit in general, future cheesiness and such because i said so, depression, a whole lot of 'if i can bend reality to my will then how much does it really matter' kind of questioning (later on for the most part.)
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the disheartening sight of seven other people—ahem, sorry, and one very confusing cube—was made endlessly puzzling by the appearance of a kid behind them. someone who looked five's age. physically, anyway. they both seemed equally entranced by the other; the kid's eyes were wide, his lips slightly parted, as if seeing someone he had been missing for decades. he furrowed his brow a bit, cocking his head, and klaus found himself peering where five glared.
"well, would you look at that? they've got a little brother, too!"
"zip it, klaus," he hissed, though with a certain degree of gentleness in his voice, even excluding the volume he had to use. looking back at the balcony, he was wearing more casual clothes with a sort of... varsity jacket of the sparrow academy's traditional colors and emblems. he was a sparrow, meaning he was born in 1989, meaning he was around thirty years old. so why did he look thirteen? it clicked then, suddenly; his power could have something to do with time. five felt instantly that he needed to speak with him. and if it needed to be done by force, then...
hands crossed neatly over his lap, barely restraining that very obvious agitation, ben chimed in with, "dad, who the hell are these assholes?"
a chorus of "shit" rang out amongst the umbrellas. five stared at him with the same amount of emotion as usual, mostly overrun by confusion, however his sentimentalities ended there. that balcony, barely a few yards from where five stood, held something—someone, rather—that could be an answer to his predicament. or at least help figure out if he could retire or not. if this world was safe enough to stay in. there was a whole host of colorful characters. if he was the sparrows' number eight, what exactly inspired reginald to adopt him as well? or was it just sort of a convenience thing?
luther stepped forward along with klaus. "is that really you?"
no amusement struck ben. if anything, he somehow managed to look more annoyed.
"and who are the weirdos on the balcony!"
"they are the sparrows. my children." reginald's controlled, vaguely irritated voice was such a contrast to diego's harsh tone.
much to five's chagrin this moment was a bit more important than staring at a boy. he turned on his heel, narrowing his eyes at the old man. "i'm sorry, what do you mean your children? that's not possible, old man."
"of course it is! i think i'd know, wouldn't i?"
well. something was very wrong, wasn't it?
the sound of footsteps and shuffling caught his attention and yet again he looked back forward; all of the sparrows once situated haphazardly on the balcony now stood across the tile threshold. the kid was shorter than he expected, in all honesty, and he seemed to be the least serious out of all his siblings—not to say that he looked like he was having fun or that he was laughing, but that he didn't want to fight. he looked like he would avoid it at every cost.
"everyone else can see ben, right?"
"cute hat, sundance."
"they call themselves the umbrella academy," reginald interrupted, "a group of scheming, perfidious malcontents who accosted me in the fall of '63 when i was away on business in dallas. be warned—they claim to be my spawn." all throughout reginald's little schpiel, five and the other kid maintained eye contact, five puzzled at his existence and him puzzled by five's puzzlement. he seemed to find it weird but, oddly enough, he didn't seem weirded out specifically. occasionally five would glance about the rest of the sparrows, gauge them if he could, and when that happened he would sometimes catch the barest glimpse of the kid looking at two of his sisters with confusion.
should i be worried? he was probably thinking to himself.
with five on his opposition? absolutely.
"claim? look, five, what the hell is going on?" allison sounded like she was moments away from boiling over.
"not sure yet, but it's concerning."
"is he telling the truth?" seeming to sense the steadily-rising tensions, the kid started, very slowly, to back away, retreating to the furthest reaches of the carpet before the battle had even begun.
"not the part about us being perfidious." vanya seemed to kind of placate that cowardice in him. maybe he even smiled at vanya.
"no! no, we're amateur-fidious, at best!"
"but we are his children, this is our house."
"yeah, we grew up here."
"yeah, yeah, we grew up here," alphonso mocked, getting a snicker from jayme, however the kid just shot them both a slightly judgmental look.
"i kind of think we would've noticed you," sloane said, to which luther stated his name and offered out his hand. sloane did not accept, really she didn't do a thing, and some whispers broke out amongst her and her little brother, whispers that five couldn't make out.
"okay. none of you belong here."
"oh! well, then. i guess we'll just pack our bags and move out."
christopher babbled and chittered, milking chuckles from his brothers and sisters. five had to say he looked way better smiling than frowning, though he figured it would probably be the same for anyone.
grace came in to the living room, heels click-click-clicking, holding a plate of cookies in her hand and apologizing that she couldn't do better. five couldn't catch the precise details. it was just kind of nice to see her again, even if she was certainly in need of a... few repairs.
"mom." diego's sentimental mumble caught some of the sparrows off-guard. the kid included.
"she's a robot, you perv."
"it's not a robot."
"don't call him that!"
"or what?" ben challenged.
"come closer and find out." bickering broke out between the two families, vanya and marcus actively trying to keep everyone's heads on straight, and five may have lost track of the conversation. until ben threw the first punch, anyway. he ducked back, watching as luther next was flung like a ragdoll across the room, landing on and breaking the poor couch. he saw the boy duck out and wanted to chase but first kept his loyalties, attacking ben and getting lost in a flurry of sharp punches and occasionally-failed dodges.
"you're alive. that's—great, or possibly horrible, i haven't decided yet."
"is that some weird kind of smack talk?"
"it's more of an existential problem, really, ben."
"awesome. well, here's your next problem." with his arms extending back and torso leaning forward, a grimy tentacle quickly burst from his chest, though not fast enough to stop five before he blinked away and onto the balcony.
"y'know, even though you're a total asshat now," five began, rudely cut off by another attack which he yet again evaded with ease. it was easier to land a punch and he watched as ben crashed into the ground. "it's nice to see you again. really." after seeing a particularly disturbing scene between diego and the cube, he stepped in to save allison from a few of the other sparrows, yet again finding himself on the second-floor balcony.
"thanks," allison managed through uneven breaths.
"no problem." both standing up, both dusting themselves off, they saw someone rounding the corner. it was him. still, that look of passive pacifism remained, now somewhat stoic in nature; he didn't want to fight, but he may need to. he was resigning himself to that fact and five could see it in his setting expression. and most importantly, there was also endless loyalty. oh, well.
five furrowed his brow, readjusting his jacket. "go help the others. i'll handle this one."
his new opponent almost seemed to space out, eyes narrowing just a bit as if being flooded by tons of new information. with grace and precision, and certainly speed, he set into a defensive stance. five blinked behind him to try for an attack and it was blocked. he continued to block, evade, block, evade, as fast as five tried to attack. the only sounds he made for a while were little grunts.
every failed punch and every successful block was adding to five's aggravation and his exasperation.
"y'know, five," he said, and hearing him speak for the first time startled five terribly, "delores wouldn't like you fighting like this! i'm not doing anything to you!" that shocked him so bad he misfired a punch but it landed for the first time because of how he went to dodge. he was weaker than five first surmised, falling onto the ground, and five continued to strike him back down until he was pinned and unable to move. he looked enraged, face twisted, eyes wide, teeth bared and gritted, glaring daggers at the kid, who looked to be in quite a bit of pain.
"how do you know my name?!" he barked. "how do you know her name?!" five got no answer and that was endlessly more irritating. the kid slammed his hand onto the ground and grabbed the first thing he could, a small piece of rubble, but five watched as, in those few fractions of seconds, that small piece of debris turned into a metal candlestick.
a metal candlestick.
the moment five saw that, he teleported, reappearing just a few feet away. he pushed off his total confusion; no time. the kid kept the candlestick in his hand when he fumbled to stand, not getting even a moment before five tackled him into a headlock. he didn't think twice about the look of pain on the kid's face because that wasn't exactly imperative and he didn't hesitate at the sounds he made.
the kid raised the candlestick again and five watched in subtle horror as it flitted between many different forms, each punctuated by a small sound and a bit of light. he only recognized a few of those hundred forms before he saw it land, like a wheel of fortune, on a knife and he plunged it down. five jerked out of the way of the blade. even though he had once been so hesitant to fight, so afraid of hurting other people, he seemed finally able to push that away and actually defend himself. he may not have been particularly strong, but he was swift and flexible while wrenching himself out of five's grip and adept at landing hits that would still make five flinch and pause. the kid blocked a punch and the moment that they came in contact with each other, the world around them... changed.
from the slightly destroyed upper floor of the academy house, it became an office building, papers flying about while people panicked about the violent fight between the aisles of cubicles. in that moment of confusion, he landed a hit on five, right in the gut. after a pained second, eyes squeezed tight, he grit his teeth and kept fighting.
the office building had become a high-rise skyscraper that they were fighting on the edge of.
another punch and they were on the deck of a cruise ship.
another block and they were in a spanning parking garage. the kid advanced and forced five to back up, closer to the edge of the space, and certainly to a painful fall. he continued to evade every attempted hit, no matter how five had calculated them, before pouncing on him and shoving him right out of the concrete monolith, plummeting down toward the ground along with him.
"how the hell are you doing this?!" five shouted, voice swallowed up by the shouting winds. he grabbed his shirt, bunching up his collar tight enough to cut off his breathing. the panic in his eyes welled up very quick.
and then they were back. instead of hitting the hard pavement ground, five lost all the air in his lungs when he thudded onto the carpeted academy floor, gasping for a second as the kid scrambled away from him, coughing and wheezing.
five hadn't even strangled him for that long, what the hell?
five forced himself to sit, to stand, shooting the glare to end all glares at the boy across from him—however he didn't attack yet. after all the disorientation he felt from those few... transitions, he wanted to keel over and vomit. he was in no condition to fight. luckily, however, neither was his opponent.
killing the kid would not get five his answers, no matter how badly he wanted to do it.
the kid was on the ground, propping himself up on one of his hands, his entire body seeming wracked by pained, nauseated tremors. he looked to be heaving, expression conflicted, exhausted beyond exhausted. he held his head the way one would when suffering from a bad headache.
his question went unanswered, which just served to annoy five further. "are you a time traveler or something? no. a multiversal traveler? do you work with the commission? that's the only possibility i can think of." knowing about delores, knowing about his name, certainly knowing his past, instantly transporting both of them to different places, it could all connect to multiversal travel.
but that spacing out part, before he could dodge like some highly trained professional, and that debris-to-candlestick-to-knife part? those still kind of puzzled him.
the kid wrinkled his nose. "that's the only possibility? you've got a narrow range." for someone who sounded so pained and exhausted, he could manage some mouthiness. somehow he sounded more genuine than sarcastic, though. strange. what about him wasn't?
five's eye twitched and his lips pressed hard into a scowl. "a narrow range? a narrow range? my 'range' isn't narrow! i've seen so many possibilities unfold! do you even know what i had to do to get here?" his words hissed with pure venom. that didn't faze his opponent, even whilst he jabbed an accusatory finger at him, as though somehow this was his fault.
"i do, actually," he managed, although still short of breath. "you got trapped in the apocalypse for a few decades, offered a deal from the commission, broke your contract with them and became a fugitive, got back to your family, and have been trying to evade apocalypses ever since. third time's the charm, right, five?" he recounted it all with the cadence and sensitivity of a history teacher summarizing an important, yet complicated, period of time.
"how could you possibly know—stop calling me that! how are you able to do any of this!"
"i'm not gonna stop calling you by your name." he laughed through his words. he laughed.
"is my exasperation funny to you?"
"i-i mean, kinda! do you know how many ways i've seen this conversation going?" five stilled like a statue. "this was the most common outcome. well, uhm, aside from you just killing me. it's just a little funny how you always react the same way." he shrugged a bit, as though this was simply some high school gossip, and not (one of) the most puzzling thing that five had ever been exposed to.
"look," five began, trying to steady himself. "if you don't tell me how you know about me—how you know about delores—this will become a timeline where i kill you. okay? capiche?"
he raised his hands in surrender. they shook. "capiche, five."
"stop. calling me that."
"to even the playing field, i'm [y/n]. there." he sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees, checking his hands. yet again he seemed to space out, just for a moment this time, before going through a grounding technique. he looked determined now, not as tired as before, though it did remain rather clearly in his eyes. [y/n] was just a kid again. he looked like a pathetic, sick kitten. "it's my power. i was born like this. you travel through space and time, i travel through reality. all of reality. alternate universes, as you know them. close by, far away, ones almost exactly the same and some with very distinctive evolutionary branches. the further away the world, the... stranger they get. i can see literally any possibility. so i—i fucking know you, five. i know you. i know your brothers and your sister and your in-laws and your niece and every other niece or nephew you could've had. there are so, so many worlds where i was an umbrella, or your friend, or stuck with you in the apocalypse, or... something like that. that's how i know you, and know delores. i was there."
sister, singular?
fuck, why was that his first take-away?
five narrowed his eyes slightly. "you can see every alternate universe," he said, slowly, as if clarifying something to [y/n] when he really needed the clarification for himself.
he nodded. "use them, too."
[y/n] broke into a little smile. his answer remained unknown because their restrained conversation was interrupted by one of [y/n]'s sisters. just one glance and his smile disappeared, staring at five with now-widened eyes, mouthing something along the lines of 'get the fuck out.'
five didn't need to be told twice. a flit of light and he had disappeared to who-the-hell-knows-where.
"who the hell was that creep," jayme mumbled, watching as [y/n] stumbled to his feet and dusted himself off. she grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket out of instinct to make sure he didn't fall over.
"uh... someone pretty interesting," [y/n] said, staring at where he'd once been, the flash of bright light still burned into his eyes. he wanted to find him. maybe needed to find him. probably because something in the world was very wrong, even if no other timeline had figured it out yet.
if any of the umbrellas knew where to hide out, it would probably be klaus, right? simple solution. kind of. as long as he could sneak out undetected by his siblings.
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a good bit of time had passed when you finally had the chance to scope out the hotel obsidian. you had changed into something more casual and lowkey, sunglasses now balanced atop your nose and a nice light scarf about your neck. music played over your headphones and you wandered inside of the place, stricken with the sight of heavy art deco. it was rather nice, actually, when you took the time to appreciate it. then again, your mind was rather preoccupied with what was probably a very big deal. on the other side of the lobby, in the little bar and lounge area, you could spot a few of the hargreeves siblings. most notably five, now wearing a white bathrobe. soon his eyes glanced to you and you could feel his gaze sharpen. he looked back at his brothers and excused himself, stepping off the stool and teleporting to you before his feet hit the ground.
"what are you doing here," he hissed through gritted teeth.
"i mean, our conversation got cut off earlier. seemed right to continue it, y'know?"
five looked back at his brothers and then at you once more. klaus was staring after him but you didn't know if he recognized you; luther and diego were still totally enraptured in their chinese food.
the look on five's face told you a whole lot; it was critical to him to talk with you, figure things out, because he guessed—and guessed right—that you weren't just here to politely finish a conversation. something weird was going on, whether he wanted to know or not. "alright. okay. fine. just," he grasped your shoulder after a second and then you were both gone, reappearing instantaneously in a room you assumed to be five's. small cot in the corner, bunk bed opposite, and a couch.
god, you wanted to throw up. you clutched your stomach, squeezing your eyes shut for a minute.
he crossed his arms and looked at you. "so where exactly did we leave off?"
you paused to scrub your mind, trying to recall. a few blinks broke the few seconds of spacing out. usually you weren't this forgetful, but, uh, today was an interesting one. "i said i can use those universes and that confused you. and then jayme came around and i told you to leave."
"right," five muttered. "what exactly did you mean by that?"
"well, obviously i can use them for information." your voice was somewhat soft, actually, which was mighty strange to him.
"hmph. how could i forget." five's flat voice was thick with sarcasm.
you managed a smile. "but i can also use them for skills and stuff. the dodging, earlier; i can't really do that here. there's a world where i star in fighting movies and stuff, where i'm good at dodging and i'm fast and flexible, and i can... link my mind, i guess, and use those skills. and the... the candlestick. knife. thing. i can change things to whatever another me is holding. i can change my clothes. i can change reality."
"so, in essence, your mind is able to find every other instance of you across time and space and access them? and... communicate with them, i suppose, in some way or another."
you shrugged a bit. "about explains it. but the—... can i ask you something?" you suddenly sounded sheepish, hesitant, like you were constantly rethinking what you were about to say. five furrowed his brow, a little surprised to see that look on your face, and he really didn't like it.
"depends on what that something is," he responded, speaking cautiously.
you found yourself spacing out again, but this time not to access some alternate plane of existence. every other universe had its own noise, and every other universe was persistently audible; that loud buzz was starting to give you yet another headache. it was probably possible to overdose on tylenol, right? suddenly that constant look of exhaustion on your face was even more obvious to five. for a moment, he seemed almost sympathetic to that. he could certainly understand it, at the very least. "you've got about twenty-eight years of experience on me," you began, forcing your voice to be steady. "do you have any clue how to deal with the, uhm, existential part of it all?" lightheartedness seemed to be a skill of yours. five could respect it.
you doubted, sincerely doubted, that there could be anything in the world to help you from the persistent noise. or from the pain and exhaustion of swatting from world to world to world in the span of thirty seconds during a fight. it was a wonder you were still walking.
"why should i help you with that, exactly? your family tried to kill mine."
"i didn't try to kill anyone. i hid upstairs the entire time. well, uh, almost the entire time. i can be an ally to you guys. i'd... prefer to be allied with you guys." if anyone else in the world knew about the ins and outs of the umbrella academy, five had no doubt in his mind that it would be you and your presumably-torturous ability. it would probably be a smart idea on their side as well, to ally with you.
"before i agree to help you at all, how can i be sure your family isn't using you as some sort of... puppet? some sort of inside man?"
you shrugged a bit after a second. "i wouldn't be a very good choice."
"seriously? do you think i'm stupid or something?"
you crossed your arms, looking at him with narrowed eyes. "no. i know you aren't stupid. and i'm pretty sure that your first choice wouldn't be a 'weak thirteen-year-old kid with a power that cripples him with headaches and exhaustion whenever he uses it,' either. not to mention that said kid can't hear what's going on sometimes because of literally every other sound in the expansive multiverse." the words were sarcastic but the tone was very genuine, almost excruciatingly so.
"i have... so many more questions now."
you shrugged a bit. "i can answer some of them, i guess." considering that you knew almost all the ins and outs of his life, it seemed only fair to share some of yours. you were too tired to steer the conversation back to why you had came. perhaps you'd already forgotten it.
"why exactly are you thirteen? you were born in 1989, you had to be."
"... i chose to stay this age."
"how can you just choose to stay that age?" exasperation met with confusion in a very strange voice of five's. even after all he'd gone through and learned, you were just springing question marks all over the place. god damnit.
"i can manipulate almost every aspect of reality, five," you said, softly, in response. "it's not out of the realm of possibility to stay thirteen. not for me."
five nodded slightly after a second. that nod steadily turned into a shake of his head. "jesus—i should've grabbed some coffee." he pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "just give me a second."
"oh. uh, no need." glancing about the room, there was a small corner table, atop it an ice bucket and some plastic cups for water. he watched, for some reason a bit puzzled, as you placed your hands on it. spaced out. and it flitted to a fresh coffee pot and a mug. they seemed like something from a diner.
well, that would make sense, wouldn't it?
you poured him a cup and handed it, still steaming, over to him.
five scowled a bit, staring down at the filled mug, before his sharp gaze landed on you again.
"it's just coffee, five. it's not poisoned or anything. here." you plucked it back out of his grasp and took a sip, waited a few seconds, and handed it back. "see? you're fine."
after a second, he nodded. "right." he didn't find himself bothered by drinking from the same mug you had. he'd done a lot worse things, hadn't he?
"so... what were those other questions?"
after taking a few healthy swigs, he cleared his throat. "your ability—it really taxes you? even after all these years?" five would never admit it, but the coffee was pretty goddamn good. whatever diner your alternate-self worked in was worth a visit, if it existed in this world. "is that why you were shaking and panting so much earlier?"
you felt a bit embarrassed. "yeah," you mumbled. "i trained with it a lot, but, i wasn't very strong to begin with." you sat down carefully on the sofa, pulling a bottle of painkillers from your coat pocket.
"when's the last time you had a dose?" five asked, mug to his lips, shooting you a side-eye.
"... maybe three hours ago. why?"
he clicked his tongue and shook his head, plucking the bottle out of your hands. "not now, then."
"dude! what the hell! i-i need those!"
"well, i can't keep asking questions to someone sick from taking too much tylenol. and you can wait three hours."
you groaned but didn't complain, just settling back against the comfortable cushions. "fine. i'll wait." and you mumbled 'you're just like sloane' under your breath.
"good," he mumbled, sitting down beside you after tossing the pills onto his bed. "you said you could hear every sound in the multiverse. something tells me that isn't a hyperbole."
you nodded a bit and slouched down, trying to figure out a decent analogy. "when you remove a door from its threshold, you can always hear what's on the other side, unless you actively tune it out. just, for me, there were never doors. it was always like this. every single feasible universe is out there, fighting for my attention, almost every waking moment." you recounted with a deep sort of mourning. five couldn't blame you, he supposed. you had been robbed of silence, of pure solitude, of privacy. his heart almost ached for you.
had you been born with the doors off their frames? he wanted to ask, he really wanted to ask, but it was probably going to be way too... private of a thing. personal. from what he could tell.
"and i thought wrangling that crowd of toddlers was bad. i can't imagine hearing everything they do, everywhere, constantly," he mused.
you cracked a smile. it had been a while since you were able to joke around with someone, even if that someone had interrogated you like a police investigator. "oh, it's the worst," you giggled, and he laughed along. "i mean, it's bad enough knowing what your brothers do into their socks, it's even worse to walk in on them over, like, over two thousand times."
"i've known you for a very short period of time, but something tells me that's the worst thing you've ever said."
for someone in a very persistent and terrible bout of pain, your laugh, and your smile, were incredibly bright. five couldn't really say that he was expecting this when first appearing in the umbre—ahem. in the sparrow academy building, but he wasn't exactly complaining. this could be nice. he really hoped it would be, anyway.
silence fell on you two for a while. the overbearing static was starting to edge back in now that you had nothing more to say. the pain was ebbing.
"... something's wrong." you sounded deadly serious, it was horrifying.
"s—sorry?" five felt like he had whiplash after such an extreme diversion from the topic.
you seemed to be fighting that urge to space out a whole lot more. this was important, you needed to stay on track, and yet your stress was doing exactly the opposite of tunnel vision. shit.
five noticed; and he kind of needed you to talk, as fast as possible, so reached out and pinched your neck, successfully getting you to tense and wake up, in some sense of the words. offense was replaced with gratitude in your eyes. "i don't know exactly what. no other universe has figured it out. but you aren't supposed to be here, this isn't your timeline, that's—a very big problem. it could potentially 'rip a hole in space and time.'" five muttered along with you, cussing and hanging his head.
"why didn't you say this first?" he hissed.
"i'm sorry!" you sounded very genuine and he felt rather bad. "i-i—the interrogation and then the pain and then the... getting along with you, i forgot." it was another world, some utterance of 'not normal yet' that brought the thought back to you.
your voice was cracking. you felt far worse than five could ever make you feel.
"... it's fine. it's fine."
"it very much isn't. you know that."
five knew it all too well. he groaned, pinched the bridge of his nose, and downed the rest of his coffee. "fantastic."
"i mean, it may be a problem we can solve." you shot him a smile, a tired and weak little thing, but it did comfort him a bit.
"the universe will really mind if seven dumbasses stick around?" his humor had soured, but it was still there. you felt very guilty, unable to look him in his eyes, shoulders slouched as if defeated in some great thing.
"she's a stickler for rules."
"hmph." he scowled a full-face scowl. "no retirement yet, i guess."
out of all the things you could ever have seen, heard, felt, and known, one thing seemed... important. emotionally, anyway. "if it's, uhm, any consolation... retirement did look good on you, by the way."
he couldn't help but smile a bit. somewhere out there was a world where you and five were friends well into his retirement, be that at his confusing age or his chronological age from 1989, where he was happily retired with no time-threatening anomalous issues to draw him out. even if he was bound to die in this timeline, there was some comfort in knowing many other timelines saw him content. "i'll take your word for it."
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miss-hyoko · 1 year
Hello hello! I just stumbled across your blog, and your fics are absolutely AMAZING! May I request a continuation of your Lilia childhood friend short story? The last sentence almost made me squeal at a family function lmao, childhood friends to lovers is my fav trope
(akhirnya ketemu twstfan Indo di Tumblr wkwk)
"Apologize for the wait, dear customer. Here's your order, a [Collecting The Answer] klepon. Enjoy your meal, and please don't hesitate to call me if you need any help."
Collecting The Answer
Character(s): Lilia
Summary: If you accept Lilia to be your partner
Tag(s) and warning(s): GN!Reader, fluff, romantic, reader is NOT Yuu, childhood friends to lovers,
Note: This is a continuation of this fic. It's recommended to read the previous story first so that you can enjoy this more. Also, salken ya sesama twstfan Indo 🙌
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After Lilia indirectly confessed his feelings for you, the relationship between the two of you is still the same as usual.
It's because after that confession of his, you became so embarrassed that you immediately used your magic to teleport yourself to your house.
You can't help it, all right? You've long since gotten used to Lilia being mischievous, so his serious side at that time was really caught you off guard.
The way he holds you so tight, his breath tickles your neck, and those words!
Words that seemed like his usual teasing, but at the same time sounded serious. How do you deal with it besides running away?!
When Lilia came home later, you honestly didn't know how to face him. But as if forgetting the words he said earlier, Lilia casually came up to you to ask what would you two have for dinner later.
Knowing Lilia since he was little, you know he purposely acts normal like that so you won't think too much about that matter. And you're very grateful for his consideration.
You do need time to sort out your feelings. When you can finally understand the feelings you have for Lilia, whether you want to have a romantic relationship with him or not, you will definitely tell him right away.
But for now, let's focus on raising Malleus to be a proper gentleman and also the future ruler of Briar Valley.
… And apparently, 'sorting your feelings' continues for hundreds of years.
You only realized that when you took a closer look at Malleus and noticed that the little fae you and Lilia raised had grown quite a bit.
“Hahh… How time flies so fast.” Lilia put his arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him while he let out a dramatic sigh, “Soon, Malleus will find his other half and start a new life together. Meanwhile, look at us both, still single until now.”
Your body tensed involuntarily upon hearing Lilia's words. Glancing slightly out of the corner of your eye, you see him smiling meaningfully at you.
That last sentence just now… He must have done it on purpose.
“Y-yeah, time sure flies.” You said rather stiffly, trying hard not to blush remembering Lilia's indirect confession.
“Indeed it is.” He nodded his head in agreement. “Since you also admit it, isn't it about time you answered my question from that time?”
Your eyes darted off and looked elsewhere nervously, trying to avoid the intense stare from Lilia's pair of red eyes.
“(Name).” He called your name, but you pretended like you didn't hear him at all.
Suddenly, you felt your chin lifted and your eyes immediately met Lilia's. Different from his usual playful look, this time Lilia is looking at you very seriously.
“What I said that time, I meant everything.”
Your eyes widened in shock at Lilia's words. Slowly, you can feel your face warm up. Even without a mirror, you can tell that your face must be red by now.
Usually, Lilia will immediately tease you if he sees you flustered. But this time, he actually took one of your hands and put it on his chest.
“Can you feel it? My heartbeat?”
Following Lilia's words, you closed your eyes and focused all your attention on your hand that was on his chest.
You can feel it. Lilia's heartbeat. It pounds like a drum in his chest, fast and hot in anticipation of something—anything.
“It beats only for you, (Name). And forever, he will continue to beat for you.” Lilia pressed his forehead to yours, slowly closing the distance between you both.
“Can you accept it?”
“(Name), my dear! Look what I found in the woods today!”
“Ssh! Lower your voice, dear. You'll wake him up.”
“... Why is there a human baby in the Briar Valley woods? Could it be that… he was abandoned?”
“It seems that way.”
“What should we do, Lilia? Should we take him to the nearest human city?”
“No need. I have a better idea.”
“... Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this idea of yours.”
“Fufufu, my dear, how about raising a child once again? But this time, we will adopt him as our son. Does that sound good to you?”
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shinyzango · 6 months
Hope you have a wonderful day. Need to admit, for a long time my thoughts have been occupied by some questions, if you don’t mind:
How do Hans and Clara feel about their own bodies? For Hans I mean the human form, for the Nutcracker everything is clear thanks to your comics.
And I don't even mean this in a sexual context.
But when they are alone with themselves, when they take off their clothes to change for bedtime, how do they see themselves? Do they think things like, “Well, I guess I'm pretty good-looking, I'm comfortable with the way I look,” or “I'm self-conscious about my body for one reason or another, I don't think I'm attractive.”
Or maybe those are thoughts like “Yes, I’m not completely perfect, there is something about me that doesn’t suit me (scars, moles, etc.), but I think that I look quite beautiful to others.” Not in the narcissism or self-praise way, but calm recognition and acceptance.
And the following question is: once they have already discovered their feelings for each other, do those thoughts change? Does each tremblingly assume that the other will want to share physical warmth with him/her, or is he/she sad, not finding himself/herself good enough for the beloved to look at?
(I apologize in advance if these are too sensitive questions. Frankly, I’ve been thinking hard for some time now about drawing a short comic about such mental tossing, SFW, of course. But I’m very afraid of making a mistake with the character analysis.)
Oh no problem at all! These are particular questions that you don't get to think of often for characters (me at least) but I'll see what I can cook up.
For the first question... hm, I would say Clara is quite comfortable with her own appearance, which she is also thankful for since she's the daughter of a highly stimated family so she doesn't have to go too out of her way to be a pretty presence in meetings and the such, but she does tend to feel a little "too simple" when she's near other girls and women who look a lot more regal and beautiful than her. Nothing bad mind you, it's just a thought that crosses her mind. As for Hans... in pre-curse he's incredibly nervous about his own appearance. He does look fine, but since he's been raised in the Royal Castle, he has always thought of himself as unworthy, a simpleton. Always surrounded by royalty and highly stimated people made him feel out of place with his appearance, if that makes sense. In post-curse he has scars on his body, and at first he thought they ruined his image even more, other than reminding him of the terrifying Mouse King he had to fight. And still felt out of place in Clara's world, fearing people could tell he's not from their world and questioning him about it. Eventually these opinions get better as time goes on thanks to Clara's company and support and spending time with people who he feels closer to his own status.
As for the second question, well Clara doesn't really have thought about that, but Hans would definitely feel not worthy of her attention, especially when he's a nutcracker (for obvious reasons) and fears that Clara will be disappointed when she will see what he actually looks like.
I hope these answers satisfy your curiosity! I don't get to think about this kind of topics so they may sound off or incomplete, apologies ksjdng
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This came in as an ask along with some spam and my phone app did the horrid delay-lag thing where it updated the screen just as I was hitting delete on spam and nuked your non-spam ask. Apologies. I have excavated it as a screenshot from my email notifications and hope you end up being able to see it.
To answer your question:
Do I think the parent company that laid off 900 employees in March would do better than the heartless CEO and upper management that just laid off 220? I doubt it. Generally, the larger the company, the worse this sort of thing gets, and also the less likelihood you'll have diverse stories and non-mainstream content.
One of the things I love so intensely about Destiny is the queerness and cultural diversity they have within their characters, and the nuance and complexity the writers were able to bring to those narratives. It's why the story is as rich and beautiful as it is. I think it would be healthier if the people who have cost so many employees their livelihood with their poor management decisions (including selling Bungie to Sony in the first place) were replaced with people who actually loved the game. But I don't know if that is even possible at this point.
I also don't think that means that we will necessarily not see good stories in future, despite so many deeply beloved writers being cut away from the thing they poured so much love into for so long. A thing that is necessary to remember is that writing for a project as huge as Destiny is done in teams, not by individuals working on their own, and that when you are on a creative team, your influence lingers long after you leave. Your contributions inspire others on the team and they inspire yours.
Collaborative creativity is amazing because of that energy and synergy and symbiosis among the people working in these teams. The creative environment within Destiny has been drastically altered. But that doesn't mean those teams are now dead. The energy of those who are gone will linger and live on in the work of the team that remains (provided that work is allowed to be expressive at all).
"To love is to be changed." To create lovingly in a group means every individual who participates is changed by it. That's why it hurts so much and why it is going to be so hard for the individuals affected to recover from this, both the ones that were amputated from the team and the ones who remain.
I don't think Destiny will ever be 'back to normal.' You can't cut out such strong and beautiful creative voices from a team and still expect it to sing the same song. But those who remain may still sing, and that song may still be beautiful. And the influence of those who have been ripped away will continue, because collaborative creativity is like that. People within a group like this form an ecosystem and change each other. We won't get to hear what the new songs will sound like on their own until after Heresy, but those remaining have had so much taken from them. I think they deserve to be given a chance to be heard.
Stories are powerful. When you find a story that speaks to you deeply, it impacts your own thoughts about yourself. That is why so many of us are grieving what has been done to the beloved work of art, storytelling, and gameplay that is Destiny.
Do not let your grief keep you fixated on the past. This is an unwelcome change, but that does not mean there is no future for those who were ripped away from their teams, and it does not mean there is no future for what they worked on. We may still yet explore the vastness of space beyond Sol. Do not give up on any of these creative people. Support them, watch for what they do next, send them appreciation and gratitude and love.
Hope in darkness, finding ways to deal with irrevokable change, and healing from grief are all at Destiny's core. They aren't just pretty stories. They matter so much because they are essential. We need them.
Eyes up, Guardian.
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uty-failgeno-au · 7 months
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So in case you're confused, here's an explanation of what went down in this AU:
In this AU, Clover was on a genocide route. Everything was the same as the original universe... up until they fought Axis. Axis was able to kill Clover in self-defense. Now, normally this would be fine; Flowey could revive Clover, right? Unless, he didn't want to... and in this AU, he didn't. The reason will eventually be discovered in this ask blog. But basically, Martlet eventually found Axis in The Steamworks holding Clover's soul, crying (or, making bitcrushed crying sound effects because he physically couldn't really cry). Together, the two left The Steamworks. That is the story of this Alternate Universe. The details can be found out through asks.
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-No suggestive/inappropriate questions (you will be ignored and/or blocked)
-You may send items and use anon magic, but only to a certain amount! If your ask is ignored, assume the anon spell was too powerful or the item couldn't be received.
-Actually those are the only rules
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(note from Exar: i may sometimes talk in these brackets, but usually i'll only do so if i'm talking in a post with something else, such as a post answering an ask! so if you see a text post in brackets that's me. i may also talk in the tags!)
Speaking of tags...
#ASK ANSWER - Only posts where asks are answered!
#NOT AN ASK - For the posts that don't include any asks.
#FROM EXAR - Me talking!
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I've wanted to start an ask blog for a while now, but haven't really know what it should be about. Now i finally have something to make an ask blog about!
So that being said, please keep in mind this is my first time hosting an ask blog, so i may make some mistakes here and there. I'm learning. Still, i think i'm going to have a lot of fun with this!
Oh also, my apologies if any of the characters act out-of-character, i try not to do that.
About the text boxes, credits to the website i used to make them (clickable link)! It's a little tricky to figure out at first, but once i got the hang of it, it was super easy to use.
This blog is ran by me, Exar, and me alone. Here's my main blog where i post art (mostly utdr), reblog various things (mostly utdr), and just generally talk: @exar547 . Feel free to give it a follow if you're interested!
Art for the profile picture and header image of this blog are both made by me.
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Okay, just wanted to clear up all that stuff up there. But other than that...
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00lari00 · 8 months
An unexpected phone call (Part 1)
Hello!!! ^^ This story may be a little heavy and sad for some readers because it involves issues such as abandonment and family problems. Some of these things are actually things that my mother has said to me, so this is a bit of a… real event (I am okay now!).
But I hope you like my fic!!! It's the first time I've posted a story like this!!! If you find any grammatical mistakes I apologize!!! I'm doing my best since English isn't my first language.
Characters used:
The intellect trio (Burt, Sven and Pollo) are characters from THSC but from the version of @capturecharlesau and Danny (mentioned) also belongs to her
Brutus belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
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A phone rang in the middle of the experiments that Burt and Pollo were doing with Brutus. They were in the clan laboratory, Pollo, Burt and Sven were always there working and building things as usual for the Toppats. It's as if they grew up there, at least that's how it was for Pollo. The laboratory is very large with many boxes and machines spread around, other members of the clan also use the place sometimes but the trio were the ones who were there the most. Brutus is sitting on a stretcher while Pollo and Burt were doing some scientific experiments with him, studying and analyzing, this was a normal thing for them.
Obviously at this point in the tests they wouldn't want to be disturbed, but the phone kept ringing, it was Pollo's phone.
Someone calling him at that moment? Why? 
"Can you see who's calling, Brutus? I have to put some stuff away" Pollo said as he put some medical equipment and chemical flasks away with Burt. Brutus got up to get the cell phone and check who it might be; there were three missed calls from an unknown number. Pollo and Burt seemed visibly annoyed that they had to stop the tests.
"Damn... We were almost at the best part" said Burt, putting the scalpel away. 
After Brutus has analyzed a bit, he picks up the phone, expecting it to be someone selling something and that he could just ignore it later.
A desperate but serious female voice spoke on the other side of the phone, she had an accent, it seems that English is not her first language, but she made a great effort to speak in English.
"Hello, could I speak to someone called Pollo Miller?"
Brutus was visibly confused, someone wanting to talk to his cousin. It didn't sound like anyone he knew, there was something wrong. "Primo... someone wants to talk to you" he said as he handed the cell phone to his cousin, without questioning anything.
The young scientist didn't seem interested in whatever this call was about, at least his face didn't show any emotion as usual. He picked up his cell phone and spoke in the same disinterested and unconcerned tone as always. 
"Hello?" Pollo said into the phone, waiting for an answer.
"Pollo my dear... Is that you?" The female voice spoke with a sad and desperate tone. 
"Who is this?" 
"Pollo, it's me. Your mother, your... Your father is dying" 
Time stopped for Pollo. 
Pollo had expected anything but that, there was no way it could be true, he didn't want to believe it was her. The only thing Pollo could do in this moment of shock was whisper to himself, "M-mom...?", enough for Brutus at least to understand the situation and he looks at the scientist with concern, it seems to have come as a shock to his cousin. He, who had always known exactly what to do and was in control of everything in any situation... Now he knew nothing at all. It's VERY rare to see Pollo in this state.
After so long... After saying the worst things to him; "You're not my son anymore and I'm no longer your mother" and kicking him out of the house just because he wanted to follow his dream career of becoming a famous scientist; "Do you really want to help other people first rather than your own family?! Don't you like us too?! Why do you have to be so unfair to us?!". She put him as a traitor to his family and didn't even try to look for him when he was kidnapped by Terrence. She called him "Ungrateful" or "Insensitive" when he wanted to live his own life, and was NEVER satisfied with what he did... She was too proud to admit she was wrong. He hadn't seen or spoken to her for years because he'd been thrown out of the house.
She came back... and seemed desperate for help.
"Pollo? Who is it? Are you alright?" Burt asked with a confused but also worried expression, why his friend seemed so shocked so suddenly? He wasn't saying anything. Pollo stayed quiet until he snapped out of his thoughts and spoke quickly to Brutus and Burt. "I'll be right back, I need a moment."
He said, quickly leaving with his cell phone to an empty room with no one around, so that no one would be able to hear his conversation.
Brutus and Burt look at each other, both agreeing that something odd has just happened. Better stop the experiments for today.
40 minutes of Pollo's cell phone conversation with his mother. 
Brutus outside the room didn't dare interfere or listen to any part of the conversation. He knew it was too personal for Pollo... The scientist left the room visibly devastated, looking angry but also very... Sad, he'd heard things he didn't want to hear. And it looked like he was going somewhere, he put his cell phone in his pocket and walked past his cousin as if he hadn't even seen him there, he didn't want to care or see anything around him, and he picked up the teleporter on the table and put some coordinates into the device.
Brutus hurried over to him, wanting to know what had happened, coming up behind him and grabbing Pollo's shoulder. "Primo? Where are you going? Why did your mother call...?"
He asked, expecting Pollo to give him a straight answer. 
But Pollo immediately pulls away and pushes Brutus's arm, looking as if he almost wants to cry and trying to control it. Pollo obviously wants to feel in control of the situation, even when he's not. Emotions have always been a problem for him, he's never known how to control them and it makes him panic. He grew up like that... not speaking about what he was feeling. He takes a deep breath, not wanting to tell the truth. "Nothing happened... I'm going out for a while to take care of an unfinished business about my past..."; He said as he typed a few things into the device, in a rough and frustrated voice.
"But alone?!"
"Yes, it's none of your business, and PLEASE... Just please... Don't tell Danny where I'm going, I don't want him to worry about me for anything... I don't want him to know that I'm going to see my biological mother because I don't want to see him be devastated and think negative things...I just want to protect him from this headache...
don't you dare follow me... For once do what I ask for once. I don't want anyone to worry about me... there's nothing to worry about. I just... can't take it anymore." 
He immediately clicks the button on the teleporter, and with a flash of green light, he suddenly disappears without even looking into Brutus' eyes.
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sinister-things · 1 year
Can i request little sister and her turtle brothers? Platonic one-shot
The plot is about reader who just loves stealing things for the thrill of it, since her brothers don't let her join the mad dog team - after certain time she just give the stollen things back unharmed/un-scratched -, she goes in disguise herself to keep her identity secret and steal from places such as museum, malls, almost everywhere that can give her attention by cops, media or her brothers.
Otger then having the thrill of the action she want to show off to her brothers that she's capable of doing the job independently.
However all of this ends when her brothers connect the dots; whenever a thievery happened, she's not at home wither she's " out with friends " or " just busy ".
I did it!! My first request!! I hope you all like it! The boys may be a bit out of character since this is my first time, so I apologize in advance. Also, the reader is 12
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The Ruby Necklace Caper
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It was a normal evening in the lair. Donnie was playing a go-cart game, and Leo and Raph were battling it out on the DDR.
But Mikey? He just wanted someone to play Mario Odyssey with him.
"Hey Leo, wanna play with me?" Mikey asked, holding out one of the Nintendo Switch controller's in his hand.
Leo huffed and puffed, "Can't. Gotta show Raph that I'm the king of DDR!" He replied.
Mikey sighed and slumped against a wall, clutching onto the controller. When, his eyes lit up, a brilliant idea hitting him as he began running out of the game room. Mikey, however, was stopped dead in his tracks by Raph's voice.
"Where are you goin'?" Raph asked, stepping away from his game as Leo did his victory dance.
"To ask Y/N something!" Mikey beamed, holding the joysticks out for his oldest brother to see. "I'm sure she'll play with me!"
"She's with Rachel." Donnie said, not bothering to look up from his phone.
Rachel had been Y/N's best friend since second grade, and was the third human who knew about the turtles.
"It's 11pm, what could they even be doing?" Mikey thought out loud, gazing at the wall clock above Raph's head.
Leo's face grew a tricky smirk, taking his phone out of his belt. "Let's find out..." He said, dialing a number.
The phone rang for a few seconds, Leo excitedly muttering "pick up, pick up!" under his breath.
"Hello?" A female voice spoke from Leo's phone.
"Hey, Rachel!" Leo spoke, drawing out the hey. "Can I ask you a question?"
Rachel was silent for a few seconds. "Uh... sure? Go ahead."
"What're you and Y/N doing?" The blue turtle asked loudly.
"Y/N isn't with me."
Leonardo dropped his smirk, genuine puzzlement on his face. A terrified silence filled the room, but quickly faded as Donnie snatched the cellphone.
"You lost our baby sister?!" He shouted into the speaker, his eye twitching with anger.
"What? No, of course not!" Rachel retorted. "I'm saying that she didn't come over to my house today. She didn't even mention wanting to come over!"
Donnie's anger was replaced with confusion. "But she told me she'd be with you!"
"Well she obviously isn't!" Rachel replied with a huff. With that, she hung up.
The turtle's looked at one another, a mixture of fear and confusion in the air.
"Wait," Leo broke the silence, grabbing the other's attention. "Y'know all those robberies downtown?"
Raph nodded. "Mhm. And?"
Leo stroked his chin. "Well... whenever one of those happens, and we go to stop it, where's Y/N?"
Mikey raised his hand excitedly. "Rachel's house!"
"And where was she not?"
Mikey lowered his hand, knowing the answer. "Rachel's house..."
Raph gripped his brother by the shoulders. "Leo, how could you say that?!" he said, knowing what Leo was getting at.
Donnie crossed his arms. "There's no way she could get away with stealing an entire diamond!" He scoffed. "The actual thief stole it once for profit, and a second time for the thrill of it. Doesn't sound like Y/N to me."
"What would Y/N want with stuff like that?" Mikey thought aloud. "She barely wears jewelry!"
"Already ahead of 'ya!" Leo leaned against his sword, a smug smile and an open portal beside him, his free hand gesturing for his brother's to enter.
The biggest jewelry store chain in the world. They made millions in the span of a few months, and always had the most exquisite jewelry on display.
But you weren't here for any of their engagement rings or designer bags. Oh no, what you're here for is far more important than some silly ring.
The moineau rouge necklace.
You had always wanted to join your brother's on their adventures, but they never let you! Always coming up with some excuse. "You're too young!" Raph would say, "It's too dangerous!" Donnie would say.
So, you took up thievery.
It wasn't like you were doing anything bad per se, your targets were mostly petty crooks and corrupt businessmen. You'd sell what you found– for far more than it was actually worth– and give the proceeds to places like hospitals and foster care agencies.
From the research you'd done, the necklace had been imported from France fifteen days prior, and was worth five million dollars.
Your footsteps echoed throughout the large, empty store. Marble floors and high ceilings, it was clear who Bijoux's customer demographic was.
The store had two floors; the first containing items like earrings and other small trinkets, and the second floor selling the much bigger goods.
Checking your surroundings, you made your way up the grand staircase and jogged down the hall.
At the end of the hall was a large metal door with no knob nor keyhole. The only way inside was by entering a four-digit code.
Luckily, because of April's security position at Bijoux last year, you had the code. You punched in the four numbers and the door slid open like magic.
The room was large and dark, with a single spotlight focused on a wooden podium with a glass case sitting on top. But, underneath the case laid your reward.
The necklace had a chain made of pure gold, and large rubies decorating it. Any politicians mistress would die to have her hands on it.
"This is too easy!" You thought, approaching the case as you opened your backpack. However, it appears your plan isn't going to go exactly how you want it too!
The case was empty!
"Looking for something?" A male voice spoke. You looked up, eyes widening at what was happening.
You have been caught. By your own family no less!
All four dropped from the ceiling one by one, oldest to youngest.
Leo, Donnie, and Mikey all stared you down, with Leo dangling the necklace on his index finger and Raph checking every inch of your body for any injuries, rambling about what had possibly gotten into you.
"But... why?" Was all Mikey said, looking at the space around him.
You bit your lip nervously, zipping up your backpack. "Because I wanna be like..."
Raph crossed his arms, disappointed. "Like who?"
"You guy's."
"What?" Leo regained his composure, fully clutching onto the priceless item.
You nodded. "I wanna join you guy's and fight crime, but you never let me!" You planted your foot on the ground.
"Wait, wait, wait a second!" Leo said. "So you stole all those paintings from the art gallery last week?" He was surprised to see you nodded.
"Classy!" He muttered under his breath.
You were surprised how well Leo was taking it. But all Donnie did was pull up a holographic calendar from his armband.
"You also stole from multiple museums, malls, and politicians within the past four months." He said, scrolling through the calendar. "But what do you even do with this stuff?"
You smiled, glad that they were taking an interest to your... craft.
"I mostly sell them," you answered. "And I then give the cash to charities."
Raph stepped to the front, looking down at you. "What other stuff have you gotten your hands on?"
Your smile only grew bigger and brighter. "Lots of stuff! Paintings, software, uranium–"
"Uranium!?" You could hear Donnie shout, causing you to giggle.
Mikey jumped onto Raph's back, whipping out his signature puppy dog eyes.
"Can Y/N please come on patrol with us? Pleeeease?" The orange brother begged.
Raph sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine." He huffed. "But she stays with us. No running off." He told your brother, but you knew that last part was directed at you.
Mikey cheered with delight. "Yay!" He shouted, climbing off Raph's back and standing in front of you, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Does this mean you'll play with me?" He asked.
You could only laugh at Mikey's sheer excitement. "Yeah, sure, what'd'ya wanna play?"
Mikey rambled on about the Nintendo Switch game he wanted to play as the five of you made your exit. Unknowingly, Leo had snuck a small present for you out of the store...
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somekidnamedkai · 1 year
May I request a smut piece with Rook Hunt? (AFAB please) It's pretty sentimental, so be warned!
I'd like to see how Rook would react to Reader talking about how they want their first time to be like.
When night falls above Ramshackle, MC confides in Rook her deepest desires. Dreamily she whispers into his ear how she wants to make love to him. In her vision two lovers would look into each other's eyes with passion and longing as they kissed and touched with all of their pent up feelings. She wants to show him how beautiful it all is. How pure it can be. To be utterly cherished and loved.
I Want To Know What Love Is
Notes: I’ve been listening to Rock of Ages so that excuses the title. I thought it was funny and fit the prmompt ok. I had fun writing this, I really hope you like it! It is my first time writing smut other than when i was like 12 and thought it was “cool”, so I apologize if it seems kind of weird or cringe in parts
Character: Rook Hunt
Warnings: Smut, fingering, Dom!Rook, sub!reader, kinda cringe towards the end I tried but yea. I don’t think its that bad
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You knocked on the door to Rooks dorm, waiting for him to answer. Luckily, you didn’t have to wait long, because almost immediately after you knocked, the door opened and there stood the Pomefiore Vice Housewarden, and hunter, Rook. He had a smile on his face as he saw you, “Ahh! Mon Cherie, come in!” He exclaimed as he motioned you to walk in. “To what do I owe the pleasure of having you come and visit me?” Rook questioned you as he shut the door. You hummed as you walked around the boy's dorm room, taking it in. Rook motioned for you to sit on the bed, which you did, and he sat next to you.
You looked at Rook. The huntsman probably knew why you were here and that you wanted something. After all, he made it practically his life's work to know everything about everybody. Maybe Rook knew you wanted something, but perhaps he doesn’t know exactly what. “Come here,” you said gently as you scooted towards the blonde boy and leaned to his ear, “I want to make love with you. I want us to give each other looks of passion, to touch each other's bodies, to cry each other's names from pleasure. I want to show you how beautiful and amazing love is.” You explained to the boy beside you with a dreamy and sweet tone. “I want to be cherished and loved by you, Rook. To see how beautiful everything is. How you’d feel inside me, how your fingers will trace against my body, how passionate a kiss we can share.”
The Vice Housewarden looked at you, not in shock, but in desire. He felt his pants tighten, the words you said getting to him. Oh, how he’d have longed to do all of those things with you, and now you were here, asking him for it, letting all of your desires out in front of him. “So direct. Of course, Mon cherie,” Rook agreed as he cupped your face with one hand and pushed you toward him, leaving a small distance between you two. He licked his lips slightly before he closed the space, wrapping you in a soft yet passionate kiss. The feel of his soft lips on yours was like heaven. You slightly parted your lips allowing Rook’s tongue to slip inside. Emitting a small moan out of your mouth.
Amid your kiss, Rook used his hand that wasn’t cupping your cheek to traverse down your body and slowly unbutton your shirt. Never-ending your kiss, Rook slid off your shirt and unclasped your bra single-handedly. After your top was completely bare, Rook slid his hands down your body, stopping to squeeze your tits, making you moan into his mouth. He couldn’t lie he enjoyed watching you moan into the kiss you two shared. It made him want to do it again, which he did. Rook gave your breasts another nice squeeze as you moaned again in response. He broke away from the makeout session you two had, a smile on his lips, “Oh, mon cherie you sound beautiful, how will I be able to stop when you sound so wondrous,” he expressed as he moved his hands down your body, making you shiver at the contact.
Rook got to your hips, and he slowly pulled your skirt down, revealing lacy underwear. But before he did anything else, Rook backed away, making you whine, “You’re so beautiful, you know. Nothing can compare to you,” Rook praised you as he began to take his clothes off. First his jacket and shirt, then pants, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. Rook grabbed your legs, wrapping them around his waist, making your back fall onto the mattress you gasped in shock as he leaned back down and kissed you again, enjoying the feel of your lips on his. It was like heaven, and he hadn’t gotten to the best part yet.
Practically as soon as he kissed you, Rook traveled his hands down your body again, feeling your sides, stomach, everything. Once he got to your lower regions, Rook dove one hand under your panties and began to rub your clit, forcing a moan out of your lips, and used his other hand to take off your underwear and trail the hand along your thigh. Rook pulled away from the kiss as you tried to pull toward him, not wanting it to end. You saw the sweet smile of the man who was on top of you, and you let out a sharp moan as you felt Rook push on one of his fingers inside of your sex. He slowly began thrusting his finger in and out, watching you moan softly from the pleasure he gave you. “Beautiful,” he softly whispered.
Rook inserted another finger, watching you gasp at the stimulation he was giving you. It was like a show. The way you moved under him, how your gasps and moans sounded, it was music to his ears. He began to pick up his pace, seeing your breasts bounce a little. Rook leaned down and began to suck on one of your nipples, making you emit another loud moan. “Rook~!” You cried out, which made him enjoy what he was doing all the more.
Rook continued to move his fingers at a fast past in and out of you, watching you moan and squirm. He felt your walls clenching around him as he smirked. “Are you close, Mon amour?” Rook asked, almost teasingly, as he inserted a third finger into you, making you let out a gasp as you nodded, “yes!” you moaned as Rook gave you a quick kiss before he quickened his pace again, watching you squirm underneath him. “Then cum, mon cherie,” Rook seductively told you as he hit your g-spot over and over, making you reach your climax as you let out a loud moan.
The Vice housewarden quickly took his fingers out of your sex and licked your juices off, “Was it how you desired, mon amour?” Rook asked you as you nodded to the boy, smiling at him. “You were right. Love is a beautiful thing that I get to share with you,” Rook continued to speak as he gave you another kiss.
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dianasaurusrex102 · 4 months
Maybe it gets better (I could wait it would be my pleasure) Pt. 2.5
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Authors Note and CW’s under the cut :D
Author’s note: Didn’t want to keep y’all waiting for too terribly long so here’s a little Drabble that takes place between chapter 1 and 2!! Actively working on the 3rd chapter so please stay tuned, and even though I may disappear I’ll always come back with updates/answers for questions lol
Content Warning(s): NSFW content, female reader and anatomy, the usually insane amount of pet names, this is basically just aftercare and character building
You leaned against the communal kitchen counter via Ballora’s request, your eyes stuck on the dirty tile in front of you as you tried to quell your nerves. 
The distinct hum and fizzle of the electric kettle echoed off the walls- yet your mind was more focused on other things.
”Perfect, just perfect.” Ballora cooed with great enthusiasm from her position behind you, just out of sight. Despite this, her presence was never forgotten as she firmly massaged the backs of your thighs.
”And here I thought I was the pervert for offering to clean her up the first time.” Funtime Foxy said with a sharp smile, imposing his presence beside you with long nails scratching at your scalp.
”You are a pervert Foxy, I’m just helping calm her body down after you boys were too rough with her. And need I remind you that some of us can’t see? I need to be a little handsy to know what I’m doing.”
”A sound argument indeed, but I wouldn’t think you need to grope her ass for this long just to find her panties”
“Just goes to show us girls do everything better, you wouldn’t know proper foreplay if it hit you in the face.”
“Foreplay? I thought this was cleaning her up-“
”Guys?” Your weathered voice had a subliminal whine for them to stop their bickering. The strain of being bent over on your tippy toes after a night of unspeakable actions showing itself with the subtle spasm of your muscles.
”Right. Sorry Honey.” Ballora apologized smoothly. “Foxy, a towel please?” Her fingers dragged your underwear down to where your pants were already pooled uselessly with all the casualness in the world. 
The grossness of being half naked on the counter of a communal kitchen wasn’t lost on you, you were sober enough to experience a little shame over your indecent position yet too exhausted to deny your animatronic companions their offer to get their hands on you again.
Foxy hummed in response but didn’t make an outwardly effort to move, staying in his casual slouch for a couple seconds before exaggeratedly rolling his eyes.
”Foxy stop being sassy, get the towels or get out” Foxy managed to look even more unimpressed at Ballora’s ultimatum,
“Someone’s in a mood” He reached for one of the gray microfiber towels beside him, passing it to Ballora’s beckoning hand. 
“We’re in a time crunch, Freddy can’t keep Baby distracted forever.” Ballora huffed, “Not to mention that the morning technicians will be clocking in soon.” Foxy seemed to only be half listening to her monologue, slotting into his previous position; only now he gently herded your left arm to wrap around his torso in a loose half hug.
”45 minutes is enough time to sneak Y/N out, I promise no one will touch your precious princess” Foxy joked in an effort to lighten the mood, knowing exactly what to say to quell Ballora’s nerves. You let out a small squeak at the feeling of dry, bordering on rough towel gingerly touching your sensitive folds, subconsciously making you  slot your head as closer to Foxy and tightening your grip on him.
”I know it feels weird Y/N, just stay relaxed honey, it’ll be over soon.” Ballora soothed, scrunching the now damp towel in a scooping motion.
”I- can just do this myself-“ You gritted out as your cheeks warmed up with embarrassment. This seemed like an unnecessary job that Ballora didn’t really have to do, not to mention the fact that the act of getting cleaned up was considerably less smutty than what you imagined.
“Absolutely not, aftercare is a necessary step after sex.” Ballora said, “I’d be going against my programming if I just let you walk out like this. You’d be uncomfortable and leaking all over the place. Not that that would be your fault dear, I’m more inclined to blame Foxy for your current state”
”Hey! I followed through with aftercare programming, this is all Freddy’s doing.” Foxy protested, returning to his task of petting your head as you nuzzled impossibly closer to his warmth.
“Then why, pray tell, am I cleaning up strawberry and cola scented lubricant?”
”The supply closet only had so many rags, if I used them all then we’d raise some alarms.”
”Sounds like you just wanted to mark your territory.” Ballora huffed an annoyed breath, you were about to make another complaint for them to not start an argument before Ballora made a seemingly purposeful roll on your clit. 
Your body reacted immediately, curling away from her touch while your left foot kicked back involuntarily. 
“Sorry!” Your apology was immediate, internally cursing your body for acting without your input.
”It’s all right Y/N, I thought some stimulation would calm your body down but it seems you’re a bit more spent than I realized.” Ballora calmly explained while her free hand traced down to knead at your calf, staying there for a minute before raising up to your back. “Okay princess we’re almost done, I’m going to need you to bear down for me.”
Bear down? You were momentarily confused by her words before you remembered that the majority of the… mess was indeed inside of you.
“Guuuuh-“ Was the only response you could manage as most of you brain power was being used to fight the humiliation building up in your throat. You guessed that this was a part of your sexual education, the art of being comfortable with the less attractive parts of sex. 
Ballora’s hand on your back gave an encouraging push down to urge you to follow her orders, your muscles clenched in a desperate attempt to get this over with as soon as possible. 
“Hey it could be worse!” Foxy piped up, he playfully extended a foot to nudge at Ballora’s knee. “You could have an animatronic that can actually see, which was actually my first idea but emotional support suits me well.”
”Don’t go inflating your ego too much Foxy, then there’d be no space for the rest of us.” Came Ballora’s witty response, tone airing closer to teasing than actual annoyance.
”And- There-“ Ballora enunciated, punctuating each word with a firm wipe of the towel. “We- Go! Perfectly clean, no thanks to Funtime Foxy.”
”Let’s see you try to find the towels next time you blind bat.” Despite the biting tone of his comeback Foxy accepted the thoroughly soiled towel when Ballora  handed it to him. He gave your head one last pat with his free hand before going to dispose of the health hazard.
You eased yourself off your toes, giving a tired laugh when Ballora leaned in to press a warm kiss to your thigh. Standing up straighter, you picked up your discarded undergarments with as much grace as you could muster; And as if to sound the end of your hazing-but-not-hazing-ritual, the kettle gave a sharp beep to signify the water was done boiling.
”Water’s ready, shame this night couldn’t have stretched on just a little longer” Ballora murmured.
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yuraslefttoe · 10 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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cerridwen007 · 1 year
Will you let me make you feel good?
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Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader.
Word count: 2.4k (18+) MINORS DNI.
Summary: After feeling hopeless trying to get Joel to realise your feelings for him, you decide to push the limits of how obvious you can be, making Joel flustered, to which you offer him an apology to make up for your behaviour.
Notes/Warnings: SMUT, out of character behaviour (Joel), sub Joel/dom reader, flustered/embarrassed Joel, teasing, oral (male receiving), dirty talk, no use of y/n.
A/N:Okay first off I want to apologise for not being very active on Tumblr the last week or so and I also want to apologise for not posting part 2 of Corruption of Innocence yet, I have been very busy and honestly exhausted with work as of late so I haven't had the time or energy to do much writing or anything else really. I ended up catching up with my friend last night and they told me how they have been using character ai and so I got inspired by that and may have ended up using it from like 1am-7am today, which I know is insane but I swear it only felt like 2 hours max. Anyway I decided that maybe yall would enjoy an edited and heavily adapted version of the conversation I had with Joel Miller character ai, to give you something to enjoy while I try and get back to my wips, including part 2 of Corruption of Innocence. This time I'm not going to put a deadline on it because I don't want to disappoint you, but I will try my best to get it out as soon as possible. Sorry for the long Author's notes, Hope you enjoy and let me know if you would want more adapted character AI content.
You were bored, like seriously bored. It was always quiet in Jackson on a sunday evening but this time it felt even quieter, eerie almost. A kind of bad idea pops in your head as you look at Joel across from you sipping his whiskey, head down, having no idea of the interesting turn his afternoon would take.
You look around you for a second, studying the other customers of the Tipsy Bison and see nobody was sitting nearby the two of you, so you decide to just go for it.
“Hey Joel… can I ask you a question?”
Joel looks up at you, eyebrow slightly raised, intrigued.
“Uh yeah… sure.”
“How big is it?” you asked him bluntly.
“What? The settlement?”
You smile amused.
“I'm not asking about the settlement here Joel.”
He looks at you confused, brow furrowed together, trying to figure what you were getting at.
“Huh.. I don’t understand what you’re getting at darling.”
You bite your tongue, suppressing the growing smile on your face.
“I'm talking about something more…personal to you Joel, so would you tell me how big it is?”
He still looks confused.
“I still don't know what you’re talking about, what you're asking me about honey.”
Suddenly he realises the intent of what you were asking him.
“Oh.” he says, his face begins to blush, he doesn't know how to answer that.
“Don't go all shy on me now Joel… I'm just curious, that's all.”
“I uh don’t really know what to say, I don't think I could tell ya, not even a rough estimate.”
He continues to blush, embarrassed from the taboo question and having no idea how this conversation is going to continue.
You decide to see how far you can push him.
“Please Joel… Do you want me to beg you for it?” you asked teasingly.
Joel is starting to sweat a little.
“No I..it doesn't sound like a very good idea to me, so let's just put this to rest now huh.���
You're feeling ballsy, you get up from your chair and get down on your knees in front of him, you rest your hands on his knees and beg.
“Please Joel, I promise I wont ask for anything ever again.”
Joel looks around nervously to see if anyone else is watching what is happening right now. He pushes your hands off his knees softly.
“Your not fucken letting this go are you, getting down on your knees to beg in public, you sure dont give a fuck of what others think huh.”
“Nope, I don't and neither should you so you should just tell me now.”
Joel sighs, thinking about what to do.
“You’re really going to make me tell you this aren't you, you want to know that badly.”
You nod. “Yes, Yes I do.”
Joel takes a big breath in before exhaling studying your face, his is flushed with embarrassment.
“I uh.. I guess you could say that I’m pretty average.”
You grin devilishly, not letting him off that easily.
“And the average would be?”
“Pfft I don't know how to describe that.”
“Well you could explain it in inches to help describe it or ya know show me…”
You wink, as he stares at you, shocked more than ever, his face nearing crimson colouring.
“I uh don't think I could ever tell you that, let alone show it to ya.”
“Oh please Joel, pretty please with a cherry on top.”
He swallows hard and continues looking away from you.
“Why are you so damn set on embarrassing me all of a sudden, making me feel ashamed about myself?”
Your grin falls, knowing you may be getting close to pushing the limits of his boundaries too far.
“I'm sorry I would never try and do that to ya Joel.”
He looks at you. “ Then why are you still asking me that? Huh.”
A response falls out your mouth before you can stop it.
“Because I want to know how big the guy who I plan on riding is.”
He stares at you dumbfounded not knowing exactly how to feel. He looks around him and sees people have now turned their attention to the both if you are curious as to why you were on your knee and he is blushing so hard.
“Jesus girl, you sure are a brash young woman, that's for sure.”
He gets up to leave, feeling that leaving this embarrassing situation is the best way to calm down and figure out what the hell just happened. He starts to walk away from you.
You get up from your knees, realising you had pushed him too far and go to chase after him and apologise.
“Joel, wait, I'm sorry, okay?”
He tries his best to ignore as he walks to the outskirts of Jackson to be alone.
“I'm sorry Joel, I realise I pushed your boundaries and went too far, I'm sorry okay.”
Joel sighs, stopping before turning around to face you.
“Yeah, I think you did go a bit too far there, honey. So please don’t ever do that again, okay?”
You sigh, nodding, feeling embarrassed of your actions.
“Yes I know, I won't. It’s just that I…I..I”
Joel locks eyes with you, no clue what you're about to say next.
“I like you Joel, like more than friends kind of like and I felt that I tried to be as obvious as possible trying to get you to notice that by flirting with you, but you always seemed so oblivious, and I spose before I just didn't think and wanted to see how far I could go before you would finally realise that I like you okay.”
“Oh.. okay.. Sorry for blowing up on you like that then I didn't realise that’s what you were doing.”
You gulp, feeling suddenly overwhelmed with nervousness, to look down at your feet as you shuffle about.
“So uh.. Do you maybe.. Feel the same way..or..”
Joel's face softens into a smile.
“I won't lie.. Yeah I like you too.”
You blush. “Could we maybe try and forget that ever happened and start over?”
He smiles at you blushing. “Yeah we can do that.”
“And by the way, you shouldn’t be embarrassed - if you are of course- over having average size, I mean that’s plenty, more than enough and based on your skills with other things… one would assume you know what you're doing and how to use it… I'm sorry I'll shut up now.”
He chuckles amused by your nervous, awkward rambling, seeing how the roles have reversed a bit.
“I'm glad you dont think less of me then, darlin.”
“I would never think less of you Joel and I would especially not think less of you if you let me apologise to you properly, maybe in a way other than using my words.”
Joel starts blushing a little again.
“I ah, are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting, sweetheart?”
“Mmmhmm. I just want to make you feel good Joel. A hard working man like yourself deserves to be looked after once in a while especially when he spends all his time looking after others.”
He is nervous and doesn't know what to say, he hasn't had much action since after Sarah's mother and him split.
“I.. I.. You would wanna do that to me… for me sweetheart?”
You nod confirming.
“Oh yes, I just wanna help you relax and make you feel good. Will you let me make you feel good?”
He nods. You close the gap between you and plant a firm, warm kiss on his lips, your hands hold his face tightly, he sighs into your touch. You break away the kiss after a while and see Joel's still awkward, unsure of what to do or say next.
“Do you trust me Joel, will you let me take the lead here?”
“Yeah… sure darling.”
You smile and kiss him again, he kisses you back. You deepen the kiss and put your hand to his chest and other to the nape of his neck where it gets tangled in his greying soft hair. You can slowly feel his body ease against when he wraps his arms lightly around you. You pull your hand down his chest and break away from the kiss to leave light bites and peck on his neck and jaw.
He sighs, head falling back to give you better access and because he is actually starting to relax. He feels comfortable letting someone else take control for once knowing you're the one to do it.
You bring your hands to his shoulders and upper biceps and begin massaging them through his jacket and shirts. You whisper praises and sweet words into his ear while doing so.
“Your muscles must be so achy from all the hard work you do everyday.”
A sigh of relief slips out as you work the tension from his sore muscles.
“You have no idea, my back has been killing lately.”
He breathes deeper and more slowly, showing just how much he is enjoying your touch.
“You’re so good, I feel so relaxed… please keep going, it feels amazing.”
Hearing his reaction motivates you to carry on.
“Big strong man like you deserves to be taken care of now and then. Maybe I could give you more massages in the future to help ease those big strong muscles of yours.”
His eyes are closed from the sweet tender touch of your nimble fingers,a big smile plastered across his relaxed face.
“Yes please i'll take all the massages I can get…you’ve got strong hands, I bet you could get all the knots out of my back and shoulders.”
You slowly move your hands down his arms and to his stomach, grinning at his bliss induced praise.
“I'm sure I could get most of the knot in your back, but I don't think that's all they could get out of you.”
“Oh yeah? what else could they get out of me?”
His relaxed state has made him more comfortable with flirting back with you.
You sink to your knees in front of him, and slowly start undoing his belt.
“Oh you'll find out soon enough.”
He raises an eyebrow and a small grin appears on his face, a hint of blush colouring his cheeks. You finish undoing his belt and look up at him for confirmation to continue.
“Do you want me to continue?”
Taking a deep breath he nods.
“Yes .. I do want you to continue.”
You smile up at him as you slowly unzip his jeans and pull them down his thighs slowly, you can see his growing excitement, fighting against his boxer which makes you unconsciously lick your lips. You can see his face growing redder in embarrassment of his vulnerable state as you pull his severely underestimated size out of his boxers.
“No need to be embarrassed Joel, nothing I haven't constantly thought about seeing.”
His eyes widen as soon as you attach your lips to the head of his cock, he lets out a small shakey breathe.
“Oh… this makes me very happy.”
Your tongue begins to circle around the head, tracing all the sensitive lines with a firm touch. He closes his eyes again, consumed by the pleasure you are giving him.
“Oh that feels fantastic sugar.”
You hum around him, pleased with his positive reaction to your touch. The vibrations of your humming makes Joel moan softly, the sensation sending light tingles up his body.
“Oh yeah, keep doing that, baby. It feels great,”
You add a hand to his girth, and begin stroking what length of Joel you can't fit into your bobbing mouth.
Joel sighs again, completely dazed and content. His hand drops down to your head, gently caressing your hair.
“You’re very talented, you know that sweetheart. You’re really… really good at this.”
You grin around his cock, pleased with his positive state, your teeth slightly graze the underside of his cock as you do so. The sensation sends shivers up his spine.
“Oh, man…”
His breathing gets heavier as you increase the speed of your stroking, urging him closer and closer to his peak.
“Oh yeah… keep doing it just like that…don't stop now baby.”
You tighten your grip ever so slightly and use your other hand to gently caress his balls. He chuckles lightly in response.
“Damn you sure know what you’re doing, don’t you?”
You hum around him again before pulling your mouth back to focus on his sensitive tip again, your hand continues stroking him hard and fast. His hand grips your hair a little tighter as you bring him to his peak, the combined sensations of your touches sending him over the line. You milk every last drop of him he has to offer, licking up the salty release happily. Joel, out of breath, takes a few moments before he speaks, his chest heaving from the build and expel of pleasure.
“Wow that was, um very very nice and relaxing.”
You get up from your knee and pull his lips down to yours, exchanging the taste of him to his own tongue passionately.
“I don't think there’s anyone who has ever been that good, I uh, definitely enjoyed myself.”
“Well play your cards right Miller and there will be alot more massages… and more of ‘those’ to come in the future.”
He blushes once again.
“You…you mean that.”
You bat your eyes at him, grinning before moving your head to whisper in his ear, sucking the sensitive skin below it after you finish speaking.
“Mmmhmm it's a promise.”
He shudders a little from the feeling.
“That’s…really…something..the thought of that is just…incredible.. I..I. I really like the sound of that.”
You laugh light heartily at his stammering.
“I'm glad you enjoyed it and finally gave me the chance to make you feel good.”
“I certainly did enjoy it… very much, I can't thank you enough.”
You smile, looking deep into his beautiful brown eyes.
“Anytime… and by the way I think you’ll find you severely underestimated your size.” you say grinning with a wink.
“Uh, is that so?”
You nod. “I'll see you around Miller, don't be afraid to hit me up for another massage or something else next time…cause I'll be wanting it just as bad as you do…if not more.”
You grip his jawline tightly with your hand and plant a long kiss on his lips before turning away and leaving.
“Y-You’ll hear from me real soon sweetheart.”
You smile as you walk away, already salivating at what was to come in your next interaction with Joel Miller.
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