#((thank you for indulging me sirius you know these two always make me happy))
askrena · 2 years
something old ; something new
starter for @asphuxia <3
         SHARENA RISES WITH THE SUN: THE BEAMS FILTER THROUGH her thin, linen curtains and shine on her face, beckoning eyelids to flutter open like flowers in morning bloom. The habit is a timeworn tradition, born from the early forenoons demanded by the Order. It's funny how the welcoming of a new year begins with something so old, but The Askran supposes it's only fitting. They were two sides of the same coin, after all; old and new, closed and opened, death and life.
        Under the guidance of the light, she finds it within herself to awaken fully, sitting up and stretching. A few yawns escape her, remnants of a deep sleep, but after a few moments, she is alive with her usual vigor. Now is the time where would normally jump to her feet and proceed with the rest of her morning in earnest, especially as there was a celebration that demanded most of her time to prepare for. (She doesn't know why Commander Anna is so insistent they dress for this occasion— she was never one for opulence— but Sharena wouldn't dream of disobeying her soon) But there remains a certain something (someone) on her bed that she must address— with kisses, she decides.
        "Eir…? Eiiiiiir…" Sharena leans over to the princess laying beside her, singing the name into her ear. Eir, in sleep, seemed fitter for a funeral pyre than a cot— the serenity of her resting face mirrored those of the denizens of Hel to an admittedly scary degree. But Sharena knows that she would wake soon. If not from the sound of her voice, then from the kiss that Sharena lovingly presses onto her forehead.
        "It's time to wake up," though her voice is soft, the excitement is palpable, "we've got a big day ahead of us today!"
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longlivedelusion · 2 months
Absolute Beginners
[poly!Wolfstar x Reader]
A/N: Well, I made a self-indulgent drabble for my first wolfstar fic cause I had a rough day and needed it remedied via delusion. This is for my chronic fatigue fam who might not have the support they need. And yet they have things to do, like get a car or else they won't be able to get to work. 😬👍 So this is me rewriting a frustrating irl situation into a loving one! Hope you enjoy.
Song: Absolute Beginners by David Bowie
Warnings: none I think. Just fluff. Enjoy!
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"I'm so exhausted," I say as I walk into living room, bag barely hanging onto my shoulder as I drag myself to Remus. I flop down next to him on the couch, his arm instinctively reaching around me.
"I can imagine. You had a long day yesterday, sweetheart. Did the extra rest this morning help at all?" His hand reaches up to my head, gently petting me as if he were soothing an animal.
I nod slightly. "Yeah. Still feel like shite though. Not sure I have the energy to do all this."
"I know, but you have Sirius and I to help. You just need to be there to make sure you like the car, and we'll handle the rest ok?"
"Wish it didn't have to be today," I mumble. "M'hurt."
From the other end of the apartment, Sirius' voice booms across the otherwise quiet apartment. "Sorry, sorry. I'm ready, just got caught up with- oh what's this?" His eyes fall on my slouched against Remus, his eyes furrowing.
"They're still exhausted." Remus says quietly, hand softly moving against my hair.
"Baby-" Sirius' eyes soften, walking over in an instant as he kneels down beside the couch. "Was I too loud today? Did I keep you up?" He says, gently reaching up for my hand.
I hold his hand back, my grip loose around his. "No Pads, just think I need more time to rest up is all. And wish we didn't have to go out today of all days." The end coming out in a grumble.
"Is there no way to reschedule?" Sirius looks up at Remus.
He shakes his head, "I already tried to think, but we've already put it off enough. The day's coming up soon. But don't worry we'll take care of everything, alright darling?" Remus says as his hand moves down to cup my face.
I give a little nod and Sirius's face furrows even more. I hear him sigh as he goes to press a soft kiss to my knuckles. "Well, I'm more than happy to be the conversationalist today. Or your own personal pillow whenever you need." He says, his usual grin splaying across his face.
I smile, tiredly. "Thanks. I just hope we have everything, I wanted to ask so many questions but I-"
Remus chimes in, "I already have them written out. I also pulled some research together the other day to find all we need to look over for the car. One of us will even test drive it for you if you want, so you can just sit in the back seat and see if you like it or not while we handle the more technical things." He presses a kiss to my forehead. "We've got it all covered, don't worry."
I sigh, my shoulders sagging in relief. "Thank you two. I really really wish I wasn't so tired or foggy today of all days."
"That's what we're here for," Sirius says as his hands trace over my palm. "We help each other when we need it. You help Remus every month by making sure he's loved and cared during his transition, you help me when I have my... Moments. And we help you when you're exhausted or overwhelmed. It all works out!"
I look between my two boys, heart so full of gratitude. I'd never had someone to support me like this, to be so understanding and willing to help me when most would tell me to just push through. When I've had to just push through or cancel. Yet... I don't have to do this. Not alone at least. Because of their support. Their love.
Tears start to well up in my eyes as Sirius's widen. "Oh! No, no I didn't mean to make you cry baby."
Remus tilts my chin up so he can see my face better, softening as he notices the water pooling beneath my lashes. "Is it really too much? We can cancel, we can always find another way if it's too much for today." He gently wipes the tears away.
"No," I start, eyes downcast to hide my embarrassment. "I just... I'm still not used to being supported like this. I had to struggle on my own for so long that I- I don't believe you both are real sometimes."
I hear a soft whine from below as Sirius moves up behind my on the couch and wraps pulls my back to him, now sandwiching me between him and Remus.
"We're real, we're here." Remus whispers. His hand running softly across my arm now.
"And there's no way we're letting you do this alone anymore. Nope. You're stuck with us." I could hear Sirius' smirk, his arms wrapping tightly around.
"Exactly. And we wouldn't have it any other way."
I pull Remus to me, his arm resting over Sirius' shoulder now as I hug them both to me. "I love you two, you know that?" My voice comes out breathy.
"And we love you. So much." Remus says, eyes never leaving my face.
"As long as we're together," Sirius starts to sing a familiar melody, ever for the dramatics. Remus looks up to his boyfriend and rolls his eyes, the smile on his face showing he knew where this was going.
"The rest can go to hell." I feel Sirius lean down and whisper in my ear, making me chuckle.
"I absolutely love you." His fingers brushing past my hair. Remus is just as mesmerized, quietly listening.
"But we're absolute beginners."
"Kinda feels like it sometimes," I say.
"But if my love is your love," He sings with a softness now, turning my face toward him. His eyes deeply holding mine, mesmerizing.
"We're certain to succeed."
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aprilthearcher · 4 months
lost the game of chance
[remus lupin x fem!reader] [platonic james potter x fem!reader] based on ‘How Did It End?’ and ‘So Long, London’ by Taylor Swift. warnings: angst, angst, not sure if it’s a happy ending, but perhaps an ambiguous one. curse words, smoking, mentions of the war. my poor knowledge of tarot. English is not my first language, and I tried to do sth fun with my writing style on this one. No instance of (Y/N).
The hushed whispers, gasps, and fingers that would follow me everywhere were not, in fact, any more subtle than screaming the question directly at my face. For all the harm it meant, I guess I still couldn’t blame them. They knew no better than to entertain themselves with meaningless gossip about people they barely knew. It was either amusement from the messy breakup of the month or finally facing the fact that a war was brewing. Sally and Annie’s fallout had been the most discussed topic just a fortnight ago. 
The twins' straightforwardness, although somewhat appreciated, had come as a surprise. I had heard the question being asked behind my back many times this week, in whispers and brimmed to the top with fake empathy. 
“We wanted to say we’re very sorry about what happened between you and…” I didn’t know if she hadn’t finished the sentence out of apprehension or some sort of ‘respect’ thing. 
“Remus” I said. Both of the twins visibly relaxed after I spoke his name out loud without bursting in tears. “You can say his name, I won’t crumble.” Liar.
“Yes, terribly sorry we are. We wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“I am, thank you.”
I was leaving when I heard it. 
“How did it end?”
And there it was. Turning around, the sight that greeted me would’ve made me laugh under different circumstances. Marion, presumably the one who couldn’t contain herself and asked the question, had both of her hands covering her mouth and her eyes had never looked bigger. Her sister, Nora, had her eyes shut closed, face scrunched up in embarrassment while the tip of her ears turned red. 
Why don’t you ask him? Perhaps then I’ll know, too. Why don’t you go and find out for me? Why don’t you? Would you two be a dear and ask him why he called it all off? Because I can’t pretend like I understand how I got here, pretending to be composed as if I hadn’t been crying all weekend. 
“We won’t tell anyone.” (Except all of our friends, who will tell their friends, and they tell theirs…).
“I guess… I guess we didn’t work out anymore.”
Short and sweet. I could tell the twins were disappointed. Sally had definitely been more indulgent. 
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
“She said that? She said we didn’t work out?”
“Why are you so surprised, mate? You were the one to tell her that.” James’ tone was colder than the snow covering the courtyard. The boys were killing time in the Gryffindor Common Room, huddled in the burgundy sofas and armchairs, protected from the bitter November weather. Both of his best friends were hurt and the one moaning and complaining was the one to blame. 
“Well, yes, but…”
“But? You know, Remus, we wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t screwed it all up.”
Peter, concentrating on shuffling a deck of cards wandless, whistled softly. He might have seemed uninterested, but you could bet he had been listening to the entire interaction. “Unfortunately for you, James has a point.” 
“Sirius, you’re awfully quiet.” Remus mumbled while biting the skin around his nails. 
Sirius Black was, perhaps for the first time in his life, lost at words. He had been strolling round the room wondering when Remus had gone completely mental. Sirius knew his friend had always been somewhat loony – if you catch his drift – but this was on another level.
“I’m restraining myself from speaking because if not I’ll probably punch you in the face.” Honest as you could get from the eldest Black son.
“What has speaking got to do with you punching me in the face?” 
“You want to find out, Remmy?” Asked Sirius, staring at Remus from the window, where he had decided to finally sit down and unroll a cigarette. 
Peter’s squeaky laugh was cut short by a golden cushion landing on his nose.
“That shit will kill you,” Remus protested, chin lifted up to point at the cigarette on Sirius’ lips.
“Oh, cry me a fucking river, Remus.”
Remus felt like crying a river but not over Sirius’ disgusting habit.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
Every corner of the castle was haunted, either by the memories created together or by her phantom-like figure wandering the halls aimlessly; an arrow being constantly thrown around by the wind, changing directions when she saw even a glimpse of him. 
The library was a bittersweet haven. Continually looking over her shoulder, methodically wiping away a tear from time to time; still, as much as it reminded her of Remus, it had been one of her favourite places before even meeting him. The fear of seeing him there couldn’t – wouldn’t – keep her frozen in her dorm forever. 
The smell of books, the sound of quills scribbling against pieces of parchments, and even the occasional screeches of the librarian were unparalleled comforting for her. 
Distracted by the illustrations on the spine of a large tome, she didn’t notice the person standing behind her.
“I read the book you lent me last month.”
A near heart attack later and with a hand on her chest, she turned around. The bulky teenager smiled sheepishly, fixing his glasses with one hand while the other held out the book. He was wearing the red and gold gloves she had knitted for him as a gift. A mini embroidered lion had been enchanted to run across the horizontal colourful lines. She smiled at the sight of it. James Potter was the greatest friend she had ever had. 
“Did you like it?”
“Loved it.”
Silently, he circled his arms around her, the book still in his hands was now a delicate weight on her back. She returned the hug immediately, her arms enclosing tightly around his frame. The lingering smell of chocolate brought tears to her eyes. 
“Don’t tell anyone but I think Snape is our own version of Mr Hyde.” James spoke softly on the shell of her ear. The chuckle she let out made James’ heart soared. She was the greatest friend he would always cheer up. 
“Thank you.”
“For making fun of Snape? You’d have to thank me daily, sweetheart.”
“I would say hourly.” A cheeky grin crept up on her face. 
“Now you’re catching on.” His hands abandoned their place at her back to gently grab her face. “Want to go to Hogsmeade and grab a butterbeer? It’s still early.”
She could never say no to him because James’ gentle smile reassured her, time and time again, that it would be alright.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
The war had left her short of friends and allies; short of hopes and dreams. 
With a heavy heart, she conjured a small bouquet of white flowers to lay on James and Lily’s grave. The soft autumn breeze did nothing to dry her tears. She would come to see them as often as she could, and as often as her grief would allow her. The worst part of it all was that she had lost Harry, as well.
She fought Dumbledore tooth and nail to at least be allowed to be part of his life. If raising him was too much, then she could surely visit him once or twice a month. He refused – though he kept quiet at the sight of the albatross he saw circling the house in Privet Drive the night  Lily and James died –. He knew she’d find some loophole in his restrictions. Nobody had said anything about a bird common to be seen on the ocean flying across Little Whinging. 
October 31st was a hazy memory, getting blurrier by the years. She had been shuffling her tarot cards – a branch of magic she’d wanted to take up since she was a little girl – when the entire deck burst from her hands. Suspended in the air, the only visible cards were the Tower, the Ten of Swords, and the Three of Swords. She didn’t need anyone to tell her what had happened.
A white-feathered bird was out of the window a few minutes later and in its journey, the albatross found a giant man flying a motorcycle with a bundle in his arms. 
The sound of the soft leaves being stepped on took her out of her memories. She turned around with a tight grip on her wand.
Remus Lupin had changed over the years. More scars littered his face, the bags below his hazel eyes were more prominent, and he had done something to his hair. He was holding a bouquet of lilies in his right hand, the other one was hidden inside the pocket of his trousers. A tiny, apprehensive, yet handsome smile had formed in his lips.
She would always be under whatever spell that smile incited in her.
For Remus, she was still stunning. His heart still leaps at the sight of her eyes.
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indigo-scarf · 2 years
Draco and Dransy for the ask game please?
thanks for asking! (I'll try not to make this post too huge lol)
ask game here
💚 Draco
How I feel about this character: 
My precious little meow meow for 15 years (that's a crystal anniversary!). I actually can't explain how I feel about him without divulging my entire autobiography, but here are some relatable things we have in common:
being edgy because vulnerability is weak
going scorched earth sour grapes when rejected
jealous little attention whores
having done cruel things for said attention
impossible-to-please parental figure set in their callous ways and restrictive worldview
complicated feelings about Harry Potter
Sometimes I wonder if it's unhealthy to indulge such strong kinship with a character over mostly negative parts of both of us but anyway moving on
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Pansy, Harry, Theodore, Luna, Goyle, Scabior, Borgin, Tom Riddle (in some really abusive way), Neville, Cedric, Remus, Sirius, Marcus Flint, Zacharias Smith, Cormac McLaggen, any random man off the street apparently. Astoria maybe.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Narcissa! Love to project my mummy issues. And I also ship them incestuously, but that would still not be romantic, more just expressing mother-son affection in messed up ways.
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
He doesn't need to be redeemed to be lovable!!!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Canon is perfect the way it is. Get out of here with your deleted movie scenes, let him be a confused Slytherin mess.
I don't even really wish he had married Pansy, because despite her being my beloved princess I sort of like how much JKR hates her + I guess that would be narratively weird, unless Pansy's character had been given more attention all along/had a "horrible to questioning" arc of her own.
my OTP:
I refuse to pick one (you'd think I'd say Dransy, but I can think of so many reasons why they could break up lol).
my cross over ship:
Any of my other mean rich kid blorbos: Blair Waldorf, Sharpay Evans, Cheryl Blossom, August (Young Royals), Nathan (Life is Strange), Ryle (The Riot Club).
a headcanon fact:
He always has two birthday parties, one on the actual day (and it's a whole thing that it cannot flop due to exams) and a bigger one after term ends that marks the beginning of summer holidays.
💕 Dransy (aka racistflower, raciststars, or racistracist)
when I started shipping it if I did:
Last year. I genuinely don't know why I didn't ship it before, must be misogyny (and the fact that there are so few fanworks about it).
my thoughts:
I like mean rich kids and two of those together is chef's kiss. Also there are so many different directions you can go with this ship, from the most wholesome to the most abusive, all of which l find fun to explore.
What makes me happy about them:
The comfort of being childhood friends (even if I don't think their friendship was equal or entirely healthy) to lovers. Empathising with each other's dark side. Romanticising the dramatic ups and downs of potentially toxic fictional relationships. Going shopping.
What makes me sad about them:
That it's such a niche ship! Come on, it was literally canon for a while, what is wrong with society 😭
things done in fanfic that annoys me:
What fanfic? 😭 But I don't like it when Pansy is too sassy-confident, when Draco is too traditionally manly, or when either of them is explicitly forced into their ideology like they didn't enjoy being bigoted little shits.
things I look for in fanfic:
Being mean together, struggling to be kinder, (getting used to) being vulnerable with no one except each other, fighting because they refuse to be vulnerable, doing rich people things together, struggling to do non-rich people things... But I guess the most important thing is I'm just picky af about the characterisation vibes.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Draco: Harry, Theodore, Luna, maybe Astoria
Pansy: Daphne, Marietta Edgecombe, maybe Lavender (but if she's black it gets rather complicated) + I once made up an OC that was Pansy's French gf
My happily ever after for them:
Luxurious travels around the world, until they're coastal grandparents with or without any grandchildren.
who is the big spoon/little spoon:
They both want to be the little spoon, but sacrifices must be made, so they alternate.
what is their favorite non-sexual activity:
Spa day! And taking Witch Weekly quizzes.
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seriouslysam8 · 2 years
Just to start, holy shit. I was a massive fan of MOT but this...This Petrichor series is phenomenal. I thought you couldn't outdo yourself with Backstabber. That was one of my favorite most-heartbreaking fics I've ever read. And then BAM, Brumous comes into the picture. I had no idea where you were going to take the AU, but I've loved every single second of it. Sundays have always been my favorite day of the week, so these updates really just add icing to the cake.
Just when I thought you couldn't top yourself again, Bête Noire comes into the picture. And this fic, albeit two chapters in, has truly blown me away.
Sirius and James are my absolute two favorite characters to ever exist, and I really feel as though you've delved into the most complex and raw human emotions when writing both of them. Their dynamic makes me smile because they really are two halves of the same coin. They just care so much for each other, and I feel like in a lot of fics, this is overlooked, but you've hit the nail on the head.
I just simply wanted to say thank you for your writing, and it's been so cool watching as you've progressed and become more sure of yourself with this AU series.
I don’t even know what to say right now. I’m completely speechless!
I’m so glad you loved Backstabber so much. I mean, the Marauders era is so full of such angsty potential. I know a lot of people don’t read my Marauders era fics, and that’s okay, but it makes my heart want to burst when someone says how much they love them. I personally think Backstabber is some of my best writing.
Bête Noire is such a self-indulgent fic. I love James and Sirius so much. I love the Marauders era, but I don’t get to read it because I’m very picky about my characterizations of those boys. I can’t seem to find fics that match my headcanons and I absolutely hate the way Sirius and Remus are basically OOCs. So, really, me writing the Marauders fics are just for me. So I’m happy when others love them as well, because my headcanons are vastly different than the majority.
But, truly. Thank you. You really made me smile. 🫶🏻
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luveline · 2 years
I want to paint Sirius’ nails so bad and pull on his hair like it’s my job. You have no idea babe
okay so I don't know if this was a request but I made it one im sorry 😭 just a quiet night in with your boy <3 reader has long ish hair
"Stay still," you whisper, nervous as your boyfriend's warm hand moves over your shoulder. "Please."
"'M sorry, baby," Sirius says. He seems genuinely apologetic, words chased by cigarette smoke as he exhales, pushing a cloud of white out the corner of his mouth and away from your face. 
"I don't want to mess up." 
"It's okay," he says easily. 
You're not so sure, a perfectionist even in the little things. Your hands tremble minutely, your concentration immense as you paint his freshly filed nails. You like doing his nails, like taking care of him, and especially like the bright colours he favours. You take his thumb into your hand, blotting a dark cherry purple over the smooth surface of his nail slowly. 
One coat, then two. 
"You want…." he offers the cigarette to you. 
"It'll make my hands shake," you murmur. 
"They're already shaking." 
You shift your head, hair falling in your face. Sirius holds his cig between his lips and uses his free hand to move it from your eyes carefully. 
He hums around the last of his cig and then crushes the butt in the ashtray. You're sitting on the floor where he sits on the sofa, the coffee table in front of you covered in items from your small nail kit. You're twisted to face him and your sides ache with it. 
"Other hand?" you ask.
He obliges quickly. You know he hates this part where his nails are wet and so his hands are indisposed. Especially in this position. His hands twitch, coveting your face or your hair or your arms, you know. 
You try to be a little faster the second time around and end up taking double. You make a small mistake and frown deeply, quick to dip a cotton bud in remover and dab at his skin. It turns to a mess of stubborn colour. 
"Oh, no." 
"It's okay. You got it, take your time." 
He comes to regret this as time stretches on, itching for something to do. You finally finish painting and shift up onto your knees. He looks like he might help you up and then annoyed when he can't, so you indulge him and set yourself over his spread legs, calves on either side of his thigh, flushing with heat all the while. 
His smile is reward enough, lazy and breezy-happy. 
"Hi," he says. 
"Hi," you return. 
"Forgive me for not grabbing you." 
You wriggle on his leg. "No." 
He opens his arms wide so that you can't smudge the polish and you take it as an opportunity to hug him close, adore him in a way he won't always allow. Your arms cross around his neck and the side of your nose presses to the skin below his Adam's apple, chest crushed to his chest. 
"You okay?" he asks. 
You nod, your nose bobbing over his throat. 
"Thanks for doing my nails, love." 
"Thanks for letting me," you say, nestling your face into him, feeling mushy soft with how much you like him. 
The arm where most of your weight leans comes to cradle you, hand hesitant against your side. It's funny, in a way, because Sirius is hardly ever tentative with you these days. You laugh gently, a small huff of air. 
"What's funny?" he asks, having felt it. 
"Don't believe you. Do me a favour? Light one for me?" he asks, nodding towards his tin of rollies. 
You oblige, though you say, "You're chain-smoking." 
"M'bored. Can't touch you." 
You grin despite yourself and reach over his lap for a cig and his lighter. It's easiest to light it in your own mouth and you do, inhaling just a little to get it going before holding it to his mouth. He could take it – if he's careful, he could easily smoke it now without smudging anything – but he doesn't, content on being doted on. 
You're content to dote. Everything works out. 
You retrieve the ashtray and hold it in your other hand, flicking the smouldering end between drags for him. Eventually your fingers press against his lips, and he puckers a tiny bit more against them. 
You smile. His nails are almost definitely dry by now, long quiet moments of your breathing and nothing more. 
"You look pretty," you tell him, dropping the last of his cig in the ashtray and pushing it onto the coffee table.
He holds onto your arm as you lean over the table and then pulls you back. You take his face into your hands, rubbing your thumbs from the edges of his smile to the dips under his cheekbones. 
"Do I?" 
Your hands slink into his hair, raking through curled strands with care. Still, it's been hours since his shower and the curls at the back are tangled; you tug the ends. 
He groans, his second hand finding your shoulder. His rings are cold.  
You ignore the heated look he's giving you in favour of his dark mop, brushing and stroking with your fingers until you find another snag. He hisses this time and pulls you in, arms tight on your back and chest smelling of warm cologne and lingering smoke. 
"My nails are dry, you know," he warns. 
You giggle to yourself, the nervous excitement born from his threat bubbling up in a wave. 
"You think it's funny, huh?" His voice is a murmur and still echoes through the room. 
You're so bliss-happy, your lips moving against his chest as you protest, "No…" 
"No, of course you don't. My baby'd never be so cruel." 
You scratch your nails lightly over his scalp and bask in the goosebumps that ride the curve of his neck, the bare skin of his upper arms. This close, you can hear the beat of his heart and the change in its rhythm. 
Oh, you think. You pull his hair once more to be sure, positively revelling in his quick gasp. 
There's a stillness between you both for a moment. He encourages your head from his chest to meet your gaze, eyes creased in bemusement and something worse. 
"You're done, sweetness," he says.
You work a strand of his hair around your index finger, grinning.
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wreckofawriter · 3 years
pairing: regulus black x evans!reader
word count: 3.3k
warnings: swearing, angst, make out scene
request by: @upchurch-funk
summary: being a muggleborn dating Regulus meant you had to keep it a secret. When your older sister finds out she raises fear of heartbreak in both of you
    You and your sisters had been born jealous. Petunia turned to envy first as the attention that had been solely given to her was split between two other daughters. She had always been bitter towards you and Lily, never forgiving you for interpreting her perfect young life.  She had taken your things, broken your toys and ripped your clothes trying to punish you for being born and turning her from an only child to the eldest.
    Lily was next when she realised she wasn't the only one who could sprout fire from her fingertips. She had accused you of faking your magic for years, doing everything she could to best you even if she never fully understood her powers herself. Luckily she outgrew this jealous fit and by the time you shared a cabin on your way to Hogwarts she was beaming ear to ear. 
    It was you who was last to realise what the burn in your chest really meant. The feeling came heavy like thick rain drops as you watched your sister fall so effortlessly in love. Each time she gave James a quick hug or leaned onto his shoulder your eyes narrowed, fury irrationally rising in your throat. 
    This wasn’t because you wished James was yours instead. In fact you had considered him an idiot since you met him and would have rather drown yourself than date the loud mouth fool. You were instead jealous of the simplicity of their relationship. Envious of how they could be carefree, how they could dream of picket fences and happy futures. You hated that they could still be stupid kids. How they were given the freedom to make out in hallways and sneak into eachothers dorms with their worst consequence being a slap on the wrist and week of detention. Nothing hurt more than watching your sister live a simple life you knew you never could. 
    You stared across the room locking eyes with Regulus for only a brief moment before his darted away. Charms was dreadfully boring, the lecture practically putting you to sleep, you knew you should have been paying attention, but watching the younger Black perform the spell with ease was far more interesting. The flick of his wrist was an addicting, dull look in his eyes far more attractive than it should have been. He had woken up late that morning, his hair messier than usual. You thought it looked adorable, the way a few strands drooped in front of his lashes. He only got cuter as he blew them from his face with a pout. 
    “You have a staring problem.” Levi muttered from beside you. 
    You rolled your eyes, “Do you ever mind your own business?” 
    “Please, you make your thing for Black everyone's business.” He muttered and you kicked him under the desk. 
    Cussing at you he glared, leaning down to massage his bruising shin. 
    You wondered briefly how he would have reacted to the reveal of your relationship with your “hopeless crush” as he liked to call it. The surprise on his face would have been sweet as honey. 
    Regulus was watching you now as you continued to talk to your desk mate, he had never liked the boy, call it jealousy or anger, something bitter always rose in his throat when he saw you with him. Maybe it was because he knew your life would be so much easier if you had loved him instead. 
    “I don’t get what you see in him anyway.” Levi said, looking across at Regulus whose eyes had quickly retreated back to his parchment. 
    You grew brittle at the statement.
    “I mean I know he's attractive but if it's really about looks why not go for his brother?” He grumbled.
    You scoffed, “Please, Sirius is a piece of work.” 
    “And he isn't? I’m surprised he hasn’t called you a slur yet.” 
    Rage bubbled in your stomach, your chest feeling hot, “Shut up.” 
    Levi was either oblivious to the anger set in your tone or unbothered by it “I mean really y/n, you have a crush on a purist? It's sickening.” 
    You screwed your eyes shut in an attempt to stop the hot tears building behind them. You wanted to scream at him, slap him across the face and shout how Regulus would never do such a thing. You wanted to tell him how wrong he was, make him regret ever speaking such cold words.  But instead you looked away, wiping your tears as they came while your boyfriend sat across the room pretending you didn't exist. 
    You were used to it, you knew as a muggleborn dating a pureblood from a family like his would never be easy but the words still stung. That night you sobbed into Regulus’s chest as he held you in your usual hidden courtyard. 
    As your tears soaked through his sweater he felt nothing but the cold grip of guilt. He had never meant to fall in love. He had known it was a mistake the second it had happened. Even now he knew he had been wrong and stupid and naive to let himself feel so deeply for someone he could never truly be with. He would never forgive himself for forcing you into the hellish life he lived with a simple confession. He hated himself every day for it, he didn't deserve to indulge in his emotions knowing it would cause you nothing but pain. He didn't deserve you and he had known that from the start. 
    Yet every night you met, kissing under the pale moon until your lips grew numb. Everynight he found himself falling deeper and deeper into you until you filled his dreams and nightmares alike. So he forced you closer to him, knowing he would cause nothing but hurt. And you were so childishly in love you let him. 
    Later as you lay asleep on his chest, legs tangled beneath a blanket he let his own tears go, silent apologies dripping down his cheek as he tightened his grip on your waist. 
    Lily watched you from where she sat at her table, green eyes narrowed as she tried to read your mind across the dining hall. 
    “Something is definitely off.” She mumbled turning to James who stared at her with a  dopey grin. “You haven’t been listening to a word I said have you?” 
    “How can I when you’re so beautiful?” He murmured back and she scoffed, face darkening.
    Sirius gagged, “You guys are disgusting.” 
    “Christ Black, how old are you?” Lily spoke with the roll of her eyes. 
    He scrunched his nose and pretended to mock her silently only earning a sigh from Remus who sat beside him. 
    “Something is wrong with y/n, I can just feel it.” Lily continued content on ignoring Sirius. 
    “Maybe she's dating that Callahan kid.” James offered. “There’s been tons of rumors.”
    Lily scoffed, “Please, she has told me multiple times she has absolutely no interest in him.” 
    “A few months ago you were telling her you had absolutely no interest in James.” Remus offered not to look up from his book.
    Lily sputtered blushing heavily again, “That is completely different.” 
    “Sure it is.” Remus drawled, eyes peering over the cover at her. 
    Lily furrowed her brow, “But why wouldn’t she tell me? I mean I thought we've always been close.” 
    “Maybe it's not that serious.” Sirius shrugged, “Maybe they’re just fuck buddies or something.”
    Lily pulled back in disgust, “Don’t talk about my little sister like that!” she hissed as Remus kicked him under the table.
    “What? She’s almost 17! It's not like she's 12 or something, Godric.” Sirius complained and James threw a spoon at him. 
    “You know if you’re really that curious we could always just check the map.” James said looking over at Lily who was trying to set Sirius on fire with her glare. 
    She considered it for a moment, “Isn’t that kind of..” she paused “intrusive?” 
    He shrugged, “She's your little sister.” 
    The sky was dark that night as you met with Regulus. The moon was new leaving only the blinking stars to light the ground beneath you. 
    You grinned when you saw Regulus leaning against the small statue in the middle of the courtyard. You quickened your pace pulling him into a brief kiss as you met.
    “Hi.” You whispered against his lips and you felt him smile.
    “Hi.” He responded, hands on your waist pulling you closer once again. 
You tasted sweet like the nectar of the gods, soft and tender in his arms. Your hair smelt of pomegranate, your flowery perfume engulfing him. There was nothing more addicting on this world than your lips. 
You both pulled away breathless and grinning stupidly, “Your hair looks so cute like this.” You mumbled running your hands through it and tugging lightly on a curly lock that had fallen down his forehead. 
Regulus practically purred, melting into your touch. He dipped his head low to hide his blush, lips skimming the skin of your neck. 
You giggled as he mumbled a bashful thank you before nipping slightly below your ear. He was always careful to never leave marks that could be seen the following day. You wished he wasn’t. 
You felt his hands on the back of your thighs lifting you off the ground. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your nose in his hair as he walked until your back hit the wall of the castle. You scratched your nails lightly against his scalp and Regulus groaned. You gasped at the feeling of his tongue on your jaw as he pressed you further into the stone. Your legs now wrapped around his waist as he left sloppy kisses on your collar bone. 
It was then you heard the shuffle of footsteps. 
“Regulus.” You whispered and he broke away to look up at you, his lips red and glossy , “I heard someone.” 
He slowly lowered you to your feet, “You sure?” 
You nodded and you both stood silently, ears craning for another sign of life among you. After a minute you sighed, “Sorry, I must have been hearing things.” 
Regulus just shook his head grinning lightly, “ ‘s fine babe.” words slurring, intoxicated by your taste. 
Your lips reconnected, his teeth grazing your bottom lip as you began to work on the buttons of his shirt, tugging on his tie to loosen its knot. But there it was again the soft sound of feet, closer this time. 
You both paused Regulus pulling away leaving your skin feeling cold in his absence. 
“Who’s there?” He demanded into the darkness, wand lit. 
There was no response and you grabbed his hand to pull him back to you. Regulus stood his ground so you leaned into him, lips ghosting against his ear. 
“It's probably just a mouse or somethin’.” You murmured hands coming back to undo the remaining buttons of his shirt.
Regulus glanced around once more before looking down at you, “You’re probably right.”  he said before he began to untuck your blouse, hands sliding slowly under it. 
It was that which finally broke Lily, her vision going red. She stepped from beneath the invisibility cloak ignoring James' protests. 
You let out a small yelp as your sister appeared from thin air, Regulus who had his back turned to her immediately drew his wand pushing you lightly behind him. His eyes went wide as he found himself inches from your older sister. It was your turn to pull Regulus behind you. 
“Lily, What in bloody hell are you doing here?” 
When James sheepishly appeared as well you gasped, “What is wrong with you both, are you stalking me?” 
Lily looked stern, her arms crossed, “Why are you with him?” she seethed.
Your eyes narrowed, “None of your fucking buissnes. Now take your dog and leave.” 
Regulus almost didn't believe it was you that was talking. He wasn’t accustomed to the harsh tone you used, your anger hardly ever directed at him. 
“This is most certainly my business!” She spoke shrilly. 
“It is most certainly not. Now get out.” You shouted.
“How can you expect me to leave when you're getting all touchy feely with a purist?” She hissed, grabbing at your wrist to pull you away from the boy behind you.    You slapped her away so hard the sound echoed off the walls, “Call him that again around me and you’ll fucking regret it.” You growled. 
Lily stepped back surprised by your sudden aggression but not backing down, “Please y/n, I’m just calling it as it. The sooner you realise that the better.” 
Regulus felt his throat tighten as he listened, teeth biting into his lip as he had nowhere to look but his feet. 
    You stepped closer to your sister inches from her face, “Leave.” your voice struck heavy. 
    Lily responded just as harshly, “No.” 
    James shifted behind his girlfriend feeling like he was intruding on the fight which was taking place. Sensing his awkwardness you looked back at him with a searing gaze. 
    “Get out Potter, you have no place here.” You spat.
    He was planning on shuffling away when Lily turned back to him angrily, “No James stay.” 
You scoffed as he did as he was told, “Fucking pet.” 
“Don’t speak to him like that.” Lily scolded. 
“You're the one who's calling my boyfriend a purist.” You growled your mouth bitter at the taste of hypocrisy.
“Because he is one!” She bit back. “You really think he actually loves you after being raised how he was? With a mother like his?” 
Regulus felt like he had been slapped, his cheek stinging as the older girl spoke. 
 “Don’t you dare bring up his mother.”  You were shaking with rage by now, your face streaked with angry tears, “And how dare you speak ill of Regulus simply because of his upbringing as if his brother isn't one of your closest friends. How do you think Sirius would feel hearing what you just said?” 
This took Lily back a step, her rage cooling a bit as she realised her mistake, “It’s different,” She tried to recover, “He isn't with his family anymore. Sirius has already broken away from them. He made the choice any good person would.” 
Regulus felt her eyes on him as she spoke. She was no longer interested in her sister and instead focused on him. He felt like he was choking under the pressure of her stare. When he glanced up to meet her gaze he inhaled sharply. He hadn’t seen such hatred in a long time.
Your lashes were thick with tears by now, disgust and fury morphing your face, “Go fuck yourself Lily.” You spat.
She ignored you, gaze locked on Regulus, she had no intention of speaking to you anymore, “You stay away from her.” she demanded, “If you truly love her you stay away from her.”
You shouted lunging forwards and shoving your sister backwards. She stumbled back catching herself. 
It was you who fell, your feet tangling, forcing you to the ground. You hit hard, hands and knees scraping against stones and moss which made up the floor. You couldn’t find it in you to stand up simply letting exhaustion and misery take you where you lay. You shook with sobs, voice cracked and raw. Lily immediately dropped beside you, hands circling your neck as she drew you into a hug. You fought her as you always did but she held on, letting you beat her chest with your fists until you stilled.
Regulus took a step forward but was stopped by your sister whose glare told him everything he needed to know. Tears pricking his own eyes he stumbled past the two of you and disappeared into the darkness of the dungeons. He didn't hear James shout for him over the sound of the ring in his ears. He wasn’t sure where he ended up, somewhere deep in the depths of the sprawling castle, dust coated the staircase he collapsed onto. Only there did he let himself cry, choking sobs rubbing his throat raw as he looked for someone to blame. His mother for forcing him into the terrifying world of dark magic? His brother for abandoning him in his abusive home? Or your sister for pointing out the truth he prayed you would never see? Regulus wished he could pass the blame off to anyone but he wasn’t stupid, he knew he had no one to hate but himself. 
Regulus disappeared entirely for three days. Three days you spent desperately avoiding your sister who seemed just as adamant to talk to you again. You skipped meals opting for hunger instead risking meeting her in the hall. She would show up outside your classes forcing you to scramble out the back way or sprint away like a child running from punishment. 
On the fourth day of your boyfriend's absence you felt yourself beginning to panic. Fear of him never returning, filling your head with irrational thoughts. It wasn’t like you could ask around for him, your relationship needed to remain secret despite the difficulties you were facing. It was then Lily cornered you. 
You stared at the redhead as she blocked your only exit. “Lily, move.” You sighed exhausted by the past few days, sleepless nights not improving your condition. 
She didn't listen, “Y/n we need to talk.” 
"About what?" You scoffed, "I have nothing to say to you.” 
“I just want you to understand why I,” She paused, “Why I said what I did.” 
“I don't care why you said it Lily.” You said, “I don’t care if you think you were protecting me or saving me from some hopeless relationship. I honestly don’t care.” 
Her eyes swelled, “How can you say that? How can you not care? I love you y/n I just want you to be safe.” 
You stared at her, “I just don’t understand why you couldn’t just let me be happy.”
“He’s dangerous.” 
You shook your head, “No, his family is dangerous. His situation is dangerous. He’s not.” 
“Y/n please.” She begged, for what you did not know. 
“Just stay out of my shit Lily.” you mumbled pushing past her and back into the hallway. 
You spent the night where you always had, the small courtyard hidden between two towers of the castle, a statue of a woman draped in vines and flowers at its center. The moon was a small sliver, a dusting of clouds blocking the stars from your view. The shuffle of footsteps brought your eyes from the ground. 
There stood Regulus, his face shining in the pale light. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, nose pointed at the floor as he refused to meet your gaze. 
You stood quickly throwing your hands around his neck. He leaned into your touch burying his head into your shoulder as his hands found your waist. 
You smelled delightful as always, your lips soft against his cheek and hands in his hair. Regulus hadn’t realized he was crying until you began to comfort him. Sweet words whispered into his ear as you only held him tighter. 
“She’s right, you know.” He croaked, lifting his head to look at you. “You shouldn’t be around me.” 
You shook your head feverishly, “You’re wrong Reggy.”
“I don’t deserve you y/n, I don’t deserve to be with you.” He sobbed, “I could never deserve you.” 
“You’re right, love.” You mumbled, smiling through the tears that coated your cheeks, “You deserve so much better.” 
taglist:@accio-rogers @roslea @k3nz-doodl3 @theseuscmander @sleepingalaska @chloe-geoghegan1 @coldlilheart @suseptiable-bur-siriusexual @the-natureofme @trickylittlewitch @layaa-layaaa @rosieweasleyy @dracosgoodgirl @inglourious-imagines @princess-jules47 @daedreamss @d22malfoys
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anywherebuthere · 3 years
I had a dream about you last night || j.p.
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James Potter x fem!reader
“Even when you’re gone, you are all that haunts my dreams.”
Wordcount: 1969
A/N: Happy (belated) birthday to the only man ever <33 I am illiterate, so I had a mental breakdown writing this <3 please enjoy!! special thanks to @anchoeritic and @gxtitobxby for supporting me via discord and for making fun of the time I got hit by a car :)) @skullsontess07​ I finally posted it pls don’t hurt me <33
Warnings: alcohol, allusions to sex, death, bad writing, especially towards the end. barely proofread because I don’t believe in mistakes <3 /j
Please do not repost this!! I do not consent to this piece of fiction being published on any other site besides tumblr unless it by my doing.
The ticking of the grandfather clock thrummed in James’ ears as he tipped back the empty bottle, the smell of whiskey heavy in the air. He leaned his head against the cold surface of the white plaster wall, scanning the textured ceiling with misty eyes. His home, still half furnished, was riddled with traces of something better forgotten. Even with the weight of alcohol on his breath, his mind is running with memories and daydreams of her. 
He closed his eyes, forcing the imagery away. In the distance, a train chugged on, its lone whistle echoing in the night, and James can’t help but be pulled into an uneasy slumber, memories still flashing through his mind like a broken film. 
“Prongs, you git! We’re going to miss the train if you don’t hurry your fat arse.” Remus shouted, frustration seeping into his humoured voice. 
“Relax Moony, we’ll be fine,” he replied, breath heaving slightly from sprinting across Platform 9¾, just narrowly having avoided knocking over an elderly witch. 
As the four boys approached the entrance of the cart, the train’s departing whistle blared. They boarded quickly, though not without receiving a glare from a crew member.
Hurrying down the corridor, the boys glanced through every compartment window, though each appeared to be full of giggling sixth years. That is, with the exception of one.
Near the back end of the Hogwarts Express, was, at last, an empty compartment save for a singular figure slumped against the window. With no other choice of seating, the gaggle of boys slipped in silently, Sirius and Remus snagging the seats opposite to the slumbering girl, their pinkies linked as they whispered conspiratorially amongst themselves. 
Peter, as adverse to the female race as ever, took the seat closest to the door, leaving James to be wedged between the mousy blonde and the stranger, careful not to bump her with his broad shoulders.
The train ride was filled with hushed whispers as the marauders discussed this year's prank for the welcoming feast, a customary tradition they held sacred, as to “start the year right.” 
As they began going over the mechanisms of their plan, they felt the train begin to swerve as it approached a sharp turn. The compartment shook slightly and James suddenly felt a weight on his right side.
He stiffened, glancing over to see that the girl’s head had lulled over from the compartment wall and onto his shoulder. James recognized her as a student in their year. Y/N, who had tutored Regulus the same day that James had helped Sirius prank him as petty revenge for a now long-forgotten argument. 
And well, perhaps James had wanted her to notice him for once. If so, it had been a successful endeavour as he remembered the way her face had contorted in anger, though her attention had remained just as elusive for the remainder of their fifth year. So… perhaps not so successful.
He flushed at the memory. She was now even prettier than the year prior.
“Oh? Is that a blush we see, Moony?” Sirius taunted, nudging Remus with his elbow as he snickered at James’ scowl.
“Bloody hell, piss off, will you? You’ll wake her–” 
He felt her suddenly stir beside him, brows creasing as though on the cusp of consciousness. 
James held his breath.
The moment passed as Y/N nudged her face further into the crook of his neck before settling back into a peaceful slumber.
Perhaps he wouldn’t need the prank to start the year right this time around. 
It seemed that sixth year would be a good one for James. 
In the early morning of a mid-March day, an unlikely scene unfolded between the shelves of Hogwarts’ library. There he sat beside a bleary Y/N, voice still drowsy with sleep as she read aloud a passage from the Herbology textbook perched between them.
Initially, James had detested the thought of having to wake up at such an ungodly hour for the sake of a project. No other time had fit, not with his Quidditch practices and her absurd number of tutoring sessions. 
Though now, as the early rays of sunrise filtered through the library’s mullioned windows onto her skin, James thinks that there is nowhere else he would rather be.
He thinks this moment will be ingrained in his mind forever. 
“–once a century, the Flutterby bush produces flowers able to attract the unwary.” she paused to yawn, eyebags evident as she turned to meet James’ gaze. She scrunched her nose and he swore he swooned at the very sight. “Are you even listening to me, Potter?”
“I’m always listening to you,” he replied, tilting his head. She grins in response and he notices just how beautiful it is. 
She shifted her gaze back to the textbook lying in their laps, picking up where she had left off.
“Its scent adapts–”
James leaned forward suddenly, capturing her lips in his. The book fell closed between them.
Immediately, almost though by instinct, Y/N reciprocates, moving her lips gently against his as her hand cups his cheek. James finds himself gripping that hand as his other wraps around her waist, finding the small of her back and pulling her impossibly close against him.
She tasted of cherry chapstick and peppermint bubblegum, and though there was nothing particularly special about those flavours, on her, James swears that he could drown in his intoxication alone. Her perfume wafts through the air, the scent causing him to groan against her mouth. 
When they separated at last, his head was swimming in euphoria, his expression dazed. Y/N blinked up at him, sleep wiped entirely from her expression.
“Its scent adapts itself during these times to attract said unwary.” she finishes, sounding breathless still, voice trailing off as James began to laugh hysterically.
She rolled her eyes, smiling sheepishly. 
When James still couldn’t stop laughing, Y/N gripped his haphazardly tied red and gold tie, using it to pull his soft lips against hers once more and he was sure in his mind that there would no one else for him.
Beneath a great oak tree in the courtyard lay two figures. Under the tree’s twisting branches, they hid in its cool shade from the sweltering afternoon sun. Few places aside from the castle offered shelter from June’s blistering heat and as the semester approached its end, they finally allowed themselves to rest in the gentle breeze. 
James was leaning against the thick trunk while Y/N’s head lay in his lap. His elbow was resting on her abdomen as she drew on his hand, doodling intricate flower designs alongside some… less desirable things.
He felt his heart swell with joy as her laughter filled the summer air and before he could catch himself, he blurted out the thought that had been weighing in the back of his mind since they had started dating.
“Do you ever think about your future?" 
He felt the scratch of her muggle pen slow, as though pausing in thought.
"I want to grow old and die surrounded with people I love, knowing I lived a long and fulfilling life. You know, typical boring stuff," she replied after a moment's consideration. Her eyes twinkled with more, though Y/N never indulged in half-thought-out plans. 
"What about you?" she questioned with the tip of her head. James didn’t need time to think about it. He had known his answer since that fateful September morning when she had slept on his shoulder throughout the entirety of the train ride.
"I don't care what my future is as long as you're there" he answers truthfully.
Y/N flushed, her ears heated. She looked away, the corners of her lips turning up in the barest hint of a smile.
James freed his hand from her loose grasp, hooking her chin to look back towards him before leaning in to kiss her.
Even after all these months, he relished in the taste of her lips. He doubts he’ll ever be able to get enough of the feeling.
He doubts he’ll ever be able to get enough of her.
The sun was setting in the west on a quiet evening, its golden rays shining on the slick skin of two lovers as they untangled themselves from the sheets, unable to hold in their laughter when one got his foot stuck in the knot of their crochet blanket. 
The air hung heavy with the scent of sweat and endorphins as Y/N laid back, her body still bare, not bothering to cover it.
James propped his elbow beside her head, careful not to press on her spread-out hair, his face filled with ecstasy and pure bliss. 
He will never get used to the sight of her in his bed, giggling as the sun reflected off her silky skin. The image of her underneath him is cemented in his mind, permanently lodged there as solid as concrete. He knows now with absolute certainty that there would be no one else for him. 
James’ smile widened further as he nudged his nose into the crook of her neck, leaning in to place a kiss there when his vision blurred.
It was no longer sunset. Rather, the two of them were now enveloped in the dark of night and James is certain he hears the echo of a familiar spell ring off in the distance.
He pulls away from Y/N’s neck. 
She was no longer shaking with laughter, but rather, writhing in pain. There were lacerations all across her torso and James felt something sticky underneath his hands.
They were laying in a pool of her blood.
Panic clawed at his throat and though he had never been averse to the sight of blood, yours was an exception. The taste of bile clung to his tongue. 
“No... No no no no no,” he whispered in disbelief. Swivelling his head, outside the window, he spots a cloaked figure wearing a mask of silver disapparate. 
Grasping for the wand strapped to his side, he murmurs a healing spell, gasping for breath when the wounds remain open. His head was spiralling as Y/N shook her head almost imperceptibly, grabbing at his wrist with a shaking hand.
Carved into her arm was the word “MUDBLOOD” and James felt his vision turn red, suddenly hyper-aware of the blood pumping through his veins.
“James…” she rasped. He gripped her shaking hand.
“Why isn’t it working? Why?” he cried, tears streaming down his face, struggling to breathe.
“Whatever our souls are made of,” she gasped, blood spurting out of her mouth. Her beautiful mouth, the one that tasted of cherries and peppermint, was covered in thick, crimson blood. “you and I are connected.” 
“No! Stop with this rubbish, you’re not going to die!” he sobbed, gripping her bloodied hand like a vice. She continued as though he hadn’t even spoken.
Perhaps she was too far gone to hear him.
“Wh-whatever is beyond this life,” violent ruby coated her mouth as she coughed, blood splattering onto her smooth skin. “Promise me, y-you’ll find me again.”
“I promise,” he cried, sobs racking through his body. 
But she was already gone.
James woke with a start, gasping for breath with the taste of blood and “promise” still coating his tongue. He was alone in a house built for two.
In his fitful sleep, he had knocked over the empty bottle of whiskey beside him.
She had hated whiskey.
A fresh wave of misery washed over James, adding to the dull pain that never seemed to go away, throbbing through him as naturally as the blood in his veins. It wasn’t enough that she existed still within every corner of their shared home.
Even in his dreams, he is haunted by her memory.
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marvelslut16 · 4 years
Idiots in love
Pairing: William ‘Bill’ Weasley x reader 
Synopsis: (Y/N) has been in love with Bill ever since she met him their first year at Hogwarts. Will she finally tell Bill how she feels, like Mrs. Weasley hopes she will, or will Fleur and Ginny’s assumptions about (Y/N)’s love life get in the way. 
Word count: 2.9k+
Warnings: Angst. Dumb asses pining after each other. Fleur, if she counts lmao. Brief mentions of death. 
A/N: This has been sitting in my drafts for months, I wrote it as a self indulgent piece since I can’t date Bill in Hogwarts Mystery and I wasn’t sure if anyone would actually read it. It's cannon divergent. Also, tell me if you want a part 2!
My first fic of the new year! Hopefully I'll be way more consistent and inspired this year. Thank you to everyone reading any of the fics I write, I love you all!
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“Molly, he’s happy with her,” you roll your eyes at the older woman who had become like a mother to you over the years. 
You met her at Kings Cross Station the morning of your first year, she helped you cross the barrier, your parents are muggles who are afraid of anything different. You were in Bill’s year, the two of you becoming fast friends on the train ride. Through your years at Hogwarts you two became inseparable, both becoming Head Girl and Head Boy together. You two always studied together, explored the castle together, went to Hogsmeade together, you did everything together. Well, except one thing, you didn’t fall in love together; you fell for him, and he fell for that foul, loathsome Emily Tyler and now Fleur Delacour.
You spent almost every Christmas Holiday under the burrow’s roof, along with most of your summers. The burrow was your real home, and the Weasley’s were your family. After you and Bill had graduated Molly and Arthur insisted you use their first names, both convinced you and Bill would finally get together. But that didn’t happen, you both went separate ways, barely even owling over the years. He went on to be this fantastic cursebreaker for Gringotts, getting sent all the way to Egypt. And you, you became the astronomy professor at Hogwarts, you thrived in the subject and Professor Sinistra transferred to Uagadou.
“But you’re perfect for him,” Molly nags. You loved the women with your whole heart, but she really needed to learn when to drop matters of the heart. Especially when the topic of discussion was set to arrive soon. 
“Not everything works out how we want it to,” you sigh as you hand her a clean dish to dry, you had wanted to clean the dishes the muggle way. “Especially when it involves one's heart.”
The two of you are waiting for everyone to arrive, Arthur is picking the kids up from the train now that it’s summer holiday. You had apparated to the burrow after the students boarded the train, now officially a part of the Order. Dumbledore and Sirius are dead, but that just means that everyone needs to fight harder. 
“I just want you to be happy,” Molly’s eyes are soft and sad as she looks at you. 
“I am,” you smile through the lie. There’s a pop from the living room, assuming it’s just Charlie you continue. “I don’t need a man Molly, my students make me happy.”
“Mum,” the unmistakable voice of William Weasley calls as he walks towards the kitchen. “I have great news, Fleur and I are engaged! We want to get married this summer!”
You accidentally drop the plate you're washing back into the soapy water, causing some to splash your shirt. For a split second you see Molly’s face fall before she puts on a bright fake smile as she turns to her eldest. You refuse to turn and see him, you thought you had enough time to prepare yourself to see him again, but you didn’t. He refused to see you after he got hurt during the battle of the astronomy tower when he was in the hospital wing and ignored you in the few weeks following.  
“Oh, wow,” Molly tries to come up with a response that won’t upset him. “This quickly?”
“I can’t take the chance, not now,” his mood is hard to read from his voice. He almost seems too defensive when he responds. “Not with everything happening.”
Your heart stops its thumping for a second, you didn’t realize it would hurt this much to see him happy. You want more than anything for him to be happy, but you also know that his mother and sister will never approve of Fleur. And he’ll never be fully happy because of that. But maybe you're wrong, maybe you don’t really know him. Maybe you never did. 
“I can’t believe I signed up for bloody astronomy again,” you can hear Ron complain through the open window before Molly can respond.
“You know you love me,” you holler out the window as Ron and Ginny get closer to the house. They’re the only two at Hogwarts now, they’re growing up so fast. 
“Yeah, yeah professor,” he mutters as he walks through the door before grinning widely at you. 
Even though you had seen Ginny hours ago, the younger girl runs up to you and throws her arms around you. You laugh as she pulls back and makes a face as some of the soap suds transferred to her shirt. 
“You just saw (Y/N),” Ron rolls his eyes at Ginny’s actions.
“Yeah but that’s different,” Ginny defends. “At Hogwarts I can’t talk to her about boys, or eat dinner with her, or ask for Quidditch tips.”
“I’m always up for talking about boys,” you grin down at the red headed girl. You laugh and apologize to Molly as Ginny pulls you from the kitchen and up to her room. 
You don’t glance at Bill, you can’t. You’re too scared that all of the feeling you have bottled up will resurface with just one glance. You miss the way his eyes soften at your interaction with his sister, and how they trail after you as you get pulled past him. You sit with Ginny as she fawns over Harry for close to an hour, interjecting occasionally when she asks for your opinion. This is what you always imagined having a younger sister would feel like. 
“What about you?” she asks with a teasing tone in her voice. 
“What about me?” you laugh lightly as your eyebrows furrow in confusion. 
“You and professor Snape,” she’s smirking. 
“Severus?” you laugh before your face pulls into a disgusted look only Ginny can see. “We’re coworkers. Dare I say friends. And he’s a part of the Order, we have to at least tolerate each other.”
“Mhm,” she sounds unconvinced. “He smiled at you the other day! In the Great Hall, where people could see! He never smiles!”
“Ginny, we’re friends,” you try to get through to the stubborn teen. “Plus he’s known me since I was eleven, that would be gross.”
Before Ginny can respond there’s a knock on the open door, you turn around and see Bill for this first time in years. His red hair still falls to his shoulders, and he still has that fang hanging from his ear. There are scars down his cheek now, those and the fang make him look bad ass. Your heart stutters as your eyes meet his, the heartache that disappeared when you were gossiping with Ginny resurfaces with just one look.
“Dinners ready,” he says before turning and walking back down the stairs. 
Dinner is loads of fun, the two eldest Weasley’s joining the group since there’s a small Order meeting afterwards. Dinner is full of Charlie joking with you, something you're happy about since Ginny wouldn’t be able to bring up Severus again. You ignore the giggles and the French accent that poke holes in your heart as Bill only pays attention to Fleur, who showed up at the Burrow when you were upstairs. 
After dinner you agree to show Ron and Ginny some Quidditch moves you had picked up over the years, borrowing an old broom left behind by one of the other boys. Remus and Tonks appear in the front yard, signaling that the meeting would start momentarily. Ron thanks you as he continues to practice the moves as you fly to the ground. Ginny follows you, wanting to get a drink from the kitchen before it's closed off to the youngest two. 
“Are you going to take his last name, or is he going to take yours?” she teases. 
“Ginny, not now,” you sigh, not sure how to get it through her head that you have no feeling for the potions master without revealing that you’re in love with her oldest brother. You aren’t sure who’s worse, her or Molly. 
“Alright, whatever you say Mrs. Snape,” Ginny wiggles her brows in your direction as you head for the kitchen. 
“Mrs. Snape?” Severus’s monotonous voice comes from behind you two. Ginny’s eyes widen before she takes off running, and a strangled sound leaves your lips.
“Ginevra Molly Weasley, that’s a month of detention next year!” you yell after her. You take a breath before turning to stare into Snape’s obsidian eyes. “Ginny saw you laugh at my stupid joke in the Great Hall a few weaks ago and now she’s convinced you have feelings for me.” Severus raises his eyebrows at you before looking in the direction Ginny ran off in. “She’s just a kid Sev, don’t hold her delusions against her.”
“Weasley’s,” he mutters before heading to the kitchen himself. Dumbledore had told a select few in the Order the plans for Severus to kill him so Draco didn’t have to, and since the Headmaster was already dying nobody was as mad as expected. “Don’t you have feelings for the oldest one?”
“Be quiet!” you hiss, as look to make sure no one heard. He smirks before walking into the room where the meeting is to be held, leaving you standing confused in the hallway.
The meeting is small tonight; Remus, Tonks, Charlie, Molly, Arthur, Sev, yourself, Bill, and Fleur. The rest had prior engagements unfortunately, so it was essentially just family and Severus. 
Molly uses her magic to pour you a glass of tea as you sit beside Sev, the only open seat. You smile a quick thanks before lifting the cup to your lips. The warm liquid soothing your tired throat, students liked to talk over you during the last week of school so your throat was a little raw. 
“Do you want a cookie with that, love?” Snape’s monotonous voice is slightly louder than it normally is. The term of endearment comes as such a shock that you spit out the tea that's in your mouth, landing across the table on Fleur. 
There was no denying that Severus’s question was directed at you, he’s holding the plate full of Molly’s cookies right next to your face. The room goes deathly silent as the seconds pass by. Ginny, who was getting herself some pumpkin juice, drops the glass she was holding, it shatters when it hits the ground. Molly, Arthur, and Charlie abruptly stop their conversation to stare at you and Sev in shock. Remus furrows his eyebrows as he looks between you two, Tonks looks like she's holding back a laugh. A flash of pain seems to cross Bill’s face before it goes blank, and horror crosses Fleur’s when your tea lands on her. 
“I’m so sorry!” you cover your mouth, thankful the liquid wasn’t warm enough to burn. Bill doesn’t even turn to look at his fiancee, just stares at you. 
“Are you alright?” Snape has a small smile only you can see. You aren’t sure how to respond, especially as you stare at the amusement dancing in his onyx eyes. 
“I knew it!” Ginny yells, finally breaking the few seconds of silence, seconds that felt like years. You flick Sev’s leg under the table, and he has the audacity to grin larger.
“Thanks honey,” your eyes narrow slightly as you grab a cookie off the plate, passing it to Bill without looking away from the man in all black. 
The rest of the meeting is awkward, and as soon as it’s over you pull Sev out of his chair and outside. The cool night air cools your burning cheeks and he lets out a laugh that he had been holding in.
“What was that?” you pull at the ends of your hair. 
“We made your precious Weasley jealous,” even though he’s smirking, there’s no change in his inflection. 
“And now they all think we’re together!” your voice is high pitched and squeaky. 
“Good luck with that,” he disapparates before you can respond.
“I hate you!” you yell at the spot where Severus was just standing.
“You and Snape, huh?” Charlie’s voice cuts through the silent night. 
“Not bloody likely,” you roll your eyes, before plopping onto the ground. Charlie joins you as you lay and stare up at the stars. “He heard Ginny saying she thought he liked me, and he knows who I like, so he decided to run with it. He’s actually fun when you break through his cold exterior.”
“You still love Bill,” it isn’t a question. No matter how many times you denied it while you three went to school together, Charlie never believed you. 
“Yeah,” you sigh, turning to look at him. He’s already facing you so you continue, “your mum kept going on about how I should be the one with him this afternoon. She won’t drop it.”
“I love my brother,” Charlie makes sure you keep eye contact with him as he continues. “But he’s being stupid. I agree with mum, you should be the one marrying him.”
“He’s happy without me,” your voice comes out sadder than you thought it would, guard finally down. “We’ve barely talked in years, and he wouldn’t even let me see him after the attack. He doesn’t need me, nor does he want me in his life anymore.”
Charlie just sighs, annoyed that neither you nor Bill could see the truth starring you both in the face. You love each other. Charlie just lies next to you in comforting silence, staring at the night sky until he has to head back to Romania and you off to bed. 
A single tear slips down your cheek as you lay down in the bed that once belonged to Charlie. Ginny enters the room without knocking, and you quickly wipe away the tear. 
“Why didn’t you tell me!” she practically screams. 
“There’s nothing to tell, he was messing with you, Gin,” you look her directly in the eyes so she knows you aren’t lying. 
“What aren’t you telling me?” she sits beside you on the mattress. 
“I’m in love with Bill,” you whisper, finally saying the words out loud. Sure you had agreed with Charlie earlier, but you had never said the five words out loud before. It feels like a weight is lifted off your chest, until a new wave of heartache hits you. “I have been since we were in school, and it hurts Ginny. Fleur, she’s perfect, I couldn’t possibly compete with her.”
“You’re so much better than her, (Y/N),” Ginny grabs your hand, causing you to look up at her. “And he’s a fool if he doesn’t see that.”
“Thanks Gin,” you smile sadly, squeezing her hand before she heads off to her room. 
“Zank you,” Fleur’s French accent is the first thing you hear in the morning. Ginny comes up behind you as you stand in the hallway, and puts her hand on your shoulder. Today is the day you forget about all of this foolish childish love you have for Bill. 
Molly watches you closely as you sit down at the breakfast table, Ginny plopping down beside you. As you talk to the young girl about Quidditch over breakfast, a black owl flies through an open window. You roll your eyes as it plops a letter beside you, you give the owl some of your toast before it flies out of the window again. Ginny looks over your shoulder as you open the letter, the rest of the Weasley’s not-so-secretly watch you read it. 
The letter isn’t anything special, just Severus letting you know that you had left a book at Hogwarts. You know full well he’s being his dramatic self, going out of his way to send an owl, just so he can say he was right. He even added a p.s, asking if Bill had gotten jealous yet. You laugh at the ridiculous question, causing Bill to excuse himself and walk outside. Fleur doesn’t move from her seat, causing you and Ginny to make a face at each other.
A few moments pass before you decide to follow your old best friend against your better judgment, but someone should check on him. He’s in the backyard pacing like a madman, running his hands through his long hair and pulling on the tips. 
“Bill?” you ask softly. He whips around and looks at you, once again his face is hard to read. Your eyes, however, soften as soon as they see what Fenrier Greyback did to him. “What’s wrong?”
“You and Snape?” his voice is hard and cold. “He hated us growing up, and you just pretended that never happened and you're with him? He hated you!”
“It’s none of your business William!” your voice is high pitched, you’re angry. He doesn’t talk to you in ages and now all of a sudden he thinks it’s okay to judge your relationships. “We were annoying kids back then, of course he hated us.”
“You could do better than him!” his anger seems to rise at the use of his full first name. 
“We’re just friends!” your voice is shrill, and you're sure everyone inside can hear you two clearly. “Not that it’s any of your business anyway! Severus was letting me know I forgot some of my belongings at Hogwarts. You have no right to judge who I choose to spend my time with and who I befriend, not when you haven’t tried to talk to me in years Bill!”
With that you turn and head away from the burrow, not wanting to face anyone right now. Especially any of the Weasley's, and most of all, Molly. Bill calls your name as you walk away from him, but you don’t turn around. You can’t. William Weasley has broken your heart multiple times since you met him, and you aren’t about to give him the satisfaction of watching himself break your heart all over again.
Part 2
Permanent tags: @crimson-knuckled-queen​ @rexorangecouny @mrs-malfoy-always​
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iliveiloveiwrite · 4 years
Hair Dye
A/N: Another conversation with @dreamer821 and another fic is the product of it. I’ve been dying my hair for over a decade now, and JJ and I were discussing the colours we had been and it spiralled into this. It’s short but honestly it’s just self-indulgent fluff! I hope you all enjoy!
Summary: Sirius dyes your hair.
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Warnings: some swearing, but honestly it’s a load of fluff
Word count: 1k
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“Love, you do know you are magic right?”
“Sirius, I love you but please shut up and mix the bleach. My roots need doing.”
The smell of the bleach has both of your noses crinkling but Sirius is, as always, determined and works his way around your head, applying the bleach onto your roots, making sure that they are well covered before taking a step back.
The bleach burns as it develops; a sensation you had become used to over time. You sit on the toilet with cling film wrapped around your head; the heat helping the bleach to take quicker. It’s a sight to see – Sirius grins as he leans against the sink.
“Do you think you’d ever dye your hair a different colour?” You wonder.
Sirius takes a moment to think it over, “I don’t know. I don’t trust a lot of people with my hair.”
You laugh, “I know you don’t, but curiosity you know?”
“I do know,” He starts, “Why don’t we try it?”
“Try what?”
“Dye a bit of my hair? We can match then.”
“Are you serious?”
“That’s my name, but yes, I’m being serious.”
With the left over bleach in the bowl, you apply it to single chunk of his hair – right behind his ear in a place that can be covered easily but would show if his hair was tied up.
Sirius is nervous all the way through the process. He hardly ever touched his hair – he’d have the occasional trim but had never done anything as drastic in this. His trust in you at this moment was implicit.
As you’re sectioning his hair off and applying the bleach, you’re slightly overwhelmed with the trust he was placing in you. Sirius was the first to admit that he was quite vain when it came to his looks and his hair. He made it his mission in Third Year to grow it out, and he had kept it long – enjoying the looks he got off boys and girls whenever he tied it up.
You enjoyed playing with his hair; he’d let you plait it and style it, but he had never let you make such a permanent change. It scared him, but he trusted you with every inch of his life.
You towel dry his bleached strand as Sirius towel dries your hair. He wraps the same towel around your shoulders, pulling you in for quick kiss before sitting you back down on the toilet.
“I’m assuming you’re staying purple.” Sirius murmurs, emptying the tube of dye into another bowl.
“You assume correct, sir.” You laugh, “It’s only my roots that need touching up and I’m not in any rush to change this colour. Let’s do your strand first, that way I don’t use too much on my hair.”
Sirius chuckles, but lets you apply the dye to his now freshly bleached lock. He watches you in the mirror; your tongue peaks out of your mouth as you focus on making sure his hair is entirely covered.
Once you’ve finished with his strand, he works his way around your head, painting the purple dye onto your lighter roots.
Idle conversation is made through this; plans for the weekend, whether Remus was finally going to ask the girl at the coffee shop out – he had been pining over her for two months now, it was time he did something, you felt, and Sirius agreed with a smile.
He leans back against the sink and crosses his arms as the dye develops on your hair. The conversation continues, and by the time you need to wash the dye, you’ve come up with a plan to get Remus to ask out the girl from the coffee shop. Sirius thinks that it’s an extravagant plan but he’s happy to go along with it as it’s your plan, and he’d go to the ends of the earth for you.
By the end of the afternoon, you had both finished with the dyes, happy with the final result. Your hair had returned to its bright purple, no root showing to lessen the effect and Sirius was happy with the singular purple streak now running through his hair.
He didn’t think he would ever change his hair, but he realises that there isn’t a lot that he wouldn’t do for you. He tucks his hair behind his ear, liking the way the purple sits with his dark-brown-almost-black hair. He chuckles to himself as he thinks of how his mother and father would react to see his hair like this.
The Marauders don’t notice a thing until Sirius ties his hair up around them. Then they see the bright purple streak behind his ear.
“Sirius,” James gasps, “You let (Y/N) touch your hair… but no-one is allowed to touch your hair.”
“(Y/N) is.” Sirius states in a matter-of-fact tone, “I wouldn’t trust you lot with my hair even if you paid me.”
“Ha bloody ha.” Remus laughs, “What made you decide to do this?”
Sirius shrugs, “I wanted to match.”
James looks at Sirius with his mouth open, “That is possibly the sweetest bloody thing I’ve ever heard.”
Sirius rolls his eyes. “Seriously,” James continues, “I want that. Do you think (Y/N) would bleach a section of my hair and dye it red to match Lily’s?”
Remus laughs at James, “How do you think Lily would respond to that?”
James shrugs, a glint of mischief alive in his eyes, “I don’t know but I’m willing to try.”
Sirius chuckles, “I’ll talk to (Y/N) and see what can be done.”
James beams, thinking of Lily’s reaction, “Sweet, thanks mate.”
Sirius is still thinking of James’ idea when he falls onto the couch next to you hours later.
“How are the lads?”
“James wants you to bleach his hair like mine and dye it red for Lily.”
You gasp, “With their wedding this close? I’m not risking my maid of honour title for that man.”
“I told him you’d think about it, but I’ll let him know it’s a definite no.”
You lean into Sirius’ side, “Maybe for their first anniversary – where Lily can’t kill me.”
“What do you think then? Do you like the colour?”
Sirius hums as your finger curls around the coloured lock of his hair. He catches your hand in his, bringing it to his lips. He nips one of your knuckles before kissing the back of your hand.
“I do, but I have something to ask you.”
“And that is?”
His eyes shine bright as he asks, “What colour is next?”
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @obsessedwithrandomthings @harrypotter289 @dreamer821 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @the-hufflefluffwriter @figlia--della--luna @bforbroadway @idont-knowrn @summer-writes​
Sirius Black taglist: @approved-by-dentists @fific7​
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Your thoughts on the epi?
This episode was everything! I don't remember when I've enjoyed crying so much. The funny thing is, though, that I've found myself crying more while rewatching those scenes, than I cried during the first time I watched the episode. This episode will definitely rank among my favorites. Let's talk about the B and C characters and then get to Edser and, of course, Kiraz at the end. I spent the first 30 minutes resisting the urge to punch my screen anytime Ayfer was on it. Damn, I wanted to slap her silly. Could she have been any more annoying? Eda's a grown woman, if she is finally doing the right thing and telling the father of her child he's a dad, then be supportive instead of a screeching pain in the ass. When she actually said "I told you so" to an upset Eda... seriously? That is awful. What a bitter, joyless, petty individual. I was cheering for Melo every time she told Ayfer she was negative. Good! At least we know the other characters recognize how awful she is.
(I get long winded, so this continues under the cut)
Also what was with her going overboard to protect Burak's feelings over his delusional aspirations? Why shouldn't he understand that Serkan and Eda shared a great love and Melo is rooting for them to rekindle it? What does hiding that from him do? It's still true. Ayfer treats this dude as a member of the family, so he might as well know. I get his feelings might get hurt, but dude needs a reality check and to move on, and no matter how hard Ayfer hopes, Serkan in their lives or no, Eda is never going to want Burak. She's made that clear. If Ayfer likes him so much maybe she should marry him, that way at least Melo would be saved from his milquetoast presence.
Speaking of that, they were clearly trying to establish some sort of connection or vibe between him and Melo. So far, I'm not into it. If he's still so into Eda that Ayfer doesn't want him to have to hear about Eda/Serkan possibly reuniting, then he doesn't deserve Melo. Melo deserves someone who wants her, not someone who pines after someone out of his league and then settles for her bff once he realizes he never had a shot with the great beauty. We'll see how it develops, but he has the personality of damp carpet so I don't have high hopes.
Aydan was a little screechy this episode, but I cut her some slack since she just found out these traitors stole 5 years of her granddaughter's life from her. My friend @echoapothecary made a good point to me that Aydan deserves no sympathy for this since she didn't tell Eda Serkan was alive back in amnesia times, and I don't disagree with that. That move by Aydan pretty much tainted her character forever, and it's near impossible to come back from, but viewing this story in a capsule I do feel sorry for her. She wasn't a good mother to Serkan, but she does love him, and I think she craves family. The main point being, Serkan wasn't the only one who lost something significant by not knowing about Kiraz until now, Aydan did too. Perhaps we can say that losing the first five years of her granddaughter's life is her punishment for keeping the secret about Serkan, it's about as steep a penalty as one could pay. Talk about karmic retribution.
Also, since Serkan is apparently not going to impose any emotional tolls on any of the traitors for the secret that was kept from him, I'm glad Aydan did at least make her displeasure known and made some of the liars uncomfortable. Piril, at least, felt it, even if she won't suffer any real consequences. I kind of wanted Serkan to kick her out of the company. I really don't like that character and I think every time she's on screen she just sucks the life out of the show. Engin when he's in scenes with Serkan or Eda or Melo or Aydan or Erdem = Interesting. Engin when he's with Piril = Zzzzzzz.
Pina and Kerem were cute, but to be honest I really don't care. It's inoffensive and I get that we need B, C and D storylines to fill out two hours each week, so I'm good with it, but let's be real I'm only watching for the main event.
Speaking of... now to EDSER! I actually like that Serkan walked out and drove away after hearing the truth. I can only imagine what kind of shock and betrayal he must have felt at that moment, escaping must have seemed like his best option. What I liked even more is that Eda followed him. What a relief after the last episode where she was looking for any and every excuse not to tell him and then made the nonsensical decision to flee in order to avoid it. Too many times in the past between these two pride has gotten in the way. There was a time that Eda might have thrown up her hands at him leaving and pretended like it didn't hurt, that it didn't matter. I'm so glad those days seem to be over. One of the hallmarks of season 2 has been the improved communication (sans secret) between these two and this episode took that concept to a new level.
How heartbreaking to watch Eda plead with Serkan through the door, and how double-y heartbreaking to watch Serkan sitting on the floor, head bent, clearly in emotional agony. You could feel it coming off of him. Kudos to both Hande and Kerem who KILLED IT this episode. Seriously, their best work to date. Their chemistry is always on point, but the way they flawlessly work off of one another in every scene they share, whether it's deeply dramatic or something light and romantic is truly something special to behold. That's one reason why I don't get the folks who are so hung up in hating the season 2 plotline, that they can't appreciate any of this. Because this is the point. Giving these two artists deep and challenging scenes together and opportunities to make more magic. Watching them this season is honestly a privilege and I plan on enjoying every minute of it.
Despite Serkan's emotional turmoil, it was so like him to put the blanket over her and then sit across from her sleeping form as he indulged in some more brooding. However, I really appreciate that by the morning he was ready to talk to her. That conversation was hard, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who was jarred by him saying that he would have told her to get an abortion. In light of his later confessions, I think there's a few ways to take that. I think it was in part a nod to what an emotional mess he was at the time, and in part he said it to alleviate some of her guilt. Because even a betrayed and hurt Serkan cares so much about her, and he knows what he put who through at the time. Especially because at that moment he still had no plans to tell her the truth about why he broke up with her, he was still playing the part of the man who just didn't want children. So stubborn! Thank goodness that over the course of the next 12 hours he'll change his mind about that...
On another note, how happy did it make you to see Sirius? It made me pretty happy. He lives!!!!
From the moment Eda went to his hotel room the night before to confess all the way until they met again at the hotel, Eda really did everything right in how she approached him. However, once back in Sile, she makes her first critical error. It reminded me of the Eda in episode 29 who started pushing so hard at amnesia!Serkan and coming at him with such extreme emotion that he shut down. And that's what happened during that conversation on the beach. Eda needed to give him a little bit of time to come to terms with things, instead of forcing a conversation the first moment they saw one another. Good grief, what was she doing demanding answers from him hours after he found out? She knows this man! She knows that he plans every aspect of his life. So to spring on him that you hid a child from him for 5 years and he's a dad, is a LOT. I like that in a later scene he knows he reacted badly, and actually also says to her "What did you expect?" While his reaction wasn't great, it was also pretty predictable and she should have known to give him some time.
Speaking of the conversation on the beach, what a powerhouse scene for Hande. One note on it, that was the scene they had just shot when Hande and Kerem did their last IGlive on premiere day. The one where Kerem kept talking about how he was in a mood because of an intense scene they had just done. After watching I couldn't help but note that he, as Serkan, mostly just stood there stoically as Hande did all the emoting as Eda let loose on all the pent up emotion she'd been carrying both for years and with Serkan's fresh rejection. It speaks to both their personal and professional dynamic that he was so affected by her being in that state since he didn't do the heavy lifting in that specific scene. The way they are attuned to each other is probably a big reason they are so flawlessly in sync on screen.
I liked how they weaved the Kiraz/Baba scene in at the right time. That was one instance where Aydan, Seyfi and Engin's meddling was for the good, engineering a situation where Serkan was alone with his daughter. Also excellent comedy from Can, ratting out his dad about throwing ice cream on him. Good stuff. I like Engin-as-a-father scenes, I like Engin-as-a-friend scenes, I could just do without Engin-as-a-husband scenes. Anyway, Serkan needed time to adjust, but he also needed to be exposed to Kiraz so that he could view their prior unlikely bond through the new prism of fatherhood. It's telling how easily he slid into Dad territory with teaching her how to tie her shoes. He had been doing that all along, but at that moment he knew about the relationship and still did what was natural. He is ready to be her father, he just needs to realize he's worthy of it.
You can't blame Eda for not realizing it, but it was lovely to see how quickly Serkan turned the corner. He was already adjusting his thinking not even 24 hours after he found out about Kiraz and that was really what inserting himself
into her dealings with the Italians was about. Staying in contact until he could beat back all his neurosis. As for the business stuff, she apparently needed him as an investor, but I also love the way he was there to first build up her confidence and then praise her after a successful presentation. I've said it before but Serkan as her professional mentor is one of my favorite dynamics between them. It did make me wonder, is she still 45% owner of the Holding? It seems like it, she sure didn't hesitate to present herself as his partner. If she is, though, it seems impossible that they could have had zero contact for all those years, unless she just placed her stake in a trust and gave him full voting control of it. Details I'm sure they won't explore in-depth, but I did wonder.
Don't you just love an unwitting guest character (Italian guy) who comes in and forces our two protagonists to spend extra time together? I do. Thank you Italian guy and Italian guy's wife! I love how quick Serkan was to accept, you see, he had already turned a corner and was looking for excuses to get close to her. It was his first step in his journey to opening up to her. Also, who noticed that Eda wore a slinky blue dress the night after Kiraz mentioned that it's Serkan's favorite color? Just checking. She is not as immune to his charms as she'd like us to believe...
OF COURSE Serkan was at Eda's graduation. I think pretty much the whole fandom had guessed that from their conversation in episode 40, but it still hit me emotionally to have it confirmed. What I really liked about it was that Serkan didn't tip his hand by accident. He quoted her graduation speech specifically because he wanted her to know he was there. And not only that he willingly admits that he thought of her every single day since they parted. This is a huge step for him. It has been driving him crazy that Eda thinks he forgot her and is totally unaffected by her. However, even just a few hours earlier he was still in a place where he had no intention to tell her anything, it's actually impressive how quickly he came around. Now I don't blame Eda at all for declaring it's not enough, he put her through emotional hell when they broke up. I mean on one hand you'd think she'd be able to see that he was already opening his heart and there was more to the story, however, her reaction was good because it spurred him on to go and tell her the whole story.
And what a heartbreaking story it was. As I said several times over the last few weeks, I was hoping that part of Serkan's motivation was that the doctor had told him he would be unable to have kids, what I wasn't expecting though was the double whammy of not being able to have kids AND there being a 70% chance of the cancer coming back. No wonder Serkan was eFFed up! Who wouldn't be, but then you add in his additional insecurities about not being worthy of love and his hypochondria and that is a bad mental cocktail. You know what's ironic, Ayfer hates him but in reality he did exactly what Ayfer would have wanted him to do. Push Eda away for her own good so she could have everything she wants in life without him dragging her down. What makes Ayfer the worst (and a hypocrite) is that this is exactly what she would have wanted him to do, but she also blames him for Eda's heartbreak in the aftermath.
The scene was so cathartic to watch as a viewer. We've been waiting for weeks for Serkan's point of view as he's hidden behind his usual confident and calm veneer, and when we finally got it, we really got it. He did not hold back. Serkan is such a complex character, which is a bit surprising for a silly show that you wouldn't really expect build a character with so many layers. On the surface he has everything and seems to be full of ego, but his arrogance is only surrounding his abilities, intellect, and skills as a businessman and architect. Personally, he has little self-worth and thinks he's not worthy of anyone's love, especially not Eda's. However, while that has been a truth of the character for a long time, this speech was the first time he admitted how deeply rooted his fears are. It was stunning, though, to have a character who is so rooted in being in control and who is worried about his outward image, open up in such a raw way and expose all his fears and insecurities to a woman he's been apart from for five years. It was breathtaking and Kerem was fantastic in the scene.
Initially, with the subtitles, I misinterpreted (though I knew it couldn't be quite right) his parting words. The subtitles I saw made it seem like Serkan was saying "Don't say you forgot me" as in Serkan didn't want Eda to say she forgot him. But it made so much more sense when I saw it translated as "But don't say I forgot you." which was a throw back to their dinner conversation in episode 40 when Eda says, "You forgot me." Once I realized Serkan was saying that he couldn't handle her thinking, or say, that he'd forgotten her, the scene hit doubly hard!
I saw some criticism of that scene that said Eda was just standing there with no emotion, but I didn't get that at all. She had tears running down her face and I thought she was fighting for his soul pretty dang hard. First by using both emotion-- telling him that everything had changed because now he had a daughter and that he'd locked his heart and soul in a cage. Then by using logic-- when she told him the cancer is gone and that's it's over and when she challenged him over why everything has to be perfect. Think from her perspective how disorienting it would be to find out that everything you thought was true, was not, and that if the love of your life wasn't such a stubborn, selfless, self-sabotaging martyr that you could have built a family together instead of been separated for 5 years. It's a lot.
On the first watch this doorway scene is where I started to get emotional, but I didn't really lose it and fully cry until Serkan's scene the next day with Engin. For whatever reason that scene hit me hard. Hats off to Anil for his work there, the way his voice broke at times during that conversation really got to me. This type of true friendship scene was something that was sorely missing during the era of the other writers, and it was wonderful to see it back, just when Serkan needed it most. Serkan needed someone to shake him a bit about his fears of dying. I think the writers did a good job here, because while Serkan's neurosis and self-sabotage is maddening, with his history it's believable that he was stuck in a headspace where he really thought he couldn't be a father to Kiraz, or a partner to Eda, because he might up and die on them. I loved how Engin pointed out that Eda and Kiraz would not be the only ones affected if he died and how ridiculous it was for him to lock himself away.
I'm glad we got the scene with the doctor to really get a full glimpse of Serkan's view of his illness and it's also a relief to not only Serkan, but to us viewers that since five years have passed cancer-free he now has the risk of a typical healthy person. Serkan isn't the only one who has hang ups about his health, I think after amnesia and cancer viewers do too!
Finding out that Eda had made videos specifically for Serkan over the years, talking to him directly, hit hard. I wasn't really expecting that. I thought maybe she just had general photos and videos, like any doting parent would have, but the fact that she was always wanting him, documenting Kiraz's life and preparing for a day when he would hopefully take his place as Kiraz's father... wow. On the cynical side it makes it that much harder to believe that she never made more of an effort to tell him once Kiraz was born, but I won't focus on that. Not when the scene was as perfect as it was. Kerem again was stellar, he made me cry buckets. I think since amnesia many of us wanted an emotional response from him, thank goodness this story finally delivered it. The emotions running through him at that moment were overwhelming and Kerem did a fantastic job of portraying all of them, the heartbreak over everything he missed, the joy at seeing moments
from his daughter's life, the regret of not being there and being the partner Eda needed, the pride in the job Eda did in raising their daughter alone, and finally the bittersweet relief that Eda never forgot him.
It was a lot, but it was a good segue to the next scene when Eda calls him frantic because Kiraz went missing. What was clear from those videos was that while Eda, when we first meet her in Sile, appeared on the surface to have everything handled as a single mom, she always really wanted to have Serkan there as her partner. While Kiraz was pining for her dad, Eda was pining for Serkan as well. And we see this displayed in full force when Serkan arrives. Several people try to comfort Eda, including Burak, but she's not having it. However, as soon as Serkan gets there you can almost see the relief hit her in a wave. She's not in this alone anymore. Kiraz's father is there to help. Even if nothing is settled at that moment, she knows she can rely on Serkan and that he will know what to do. Which is supported by the fact that he clearly took charge the moment he found out, calling the authorities, having them begin searches etc.
But while highlighting his competence, conversely can we talk about how incompetently everyone else was at searching for Kiraz? They all acted worried, but did any of them make any real effort to find her? LMAO, they all seemed much more concerned with their own personal dramas. Especially egregious were Engin and Piril. Hello! Your son is clearly trying to tell you where the missing person is! Stop ignoring him. Thank goodness Serkan is very good at finding people.
Of course he found her and our hearts collectively shattered as we watched her trying to send a message to her Baba in space when in reality he was kneeling right there beside her, helping her tie the note to the balloon. If anything else was left to convince Serkan that he is wanted and needed, by both Eda and Kiraz, this situation was it. Even though some careless crew member spoiled the astronaut suit in an unnecessary IG story from the set, (that would have been a really good surprise) it was still satisfying to see this fairy tale play out. Never over "Baba?" and "Happy Birthday, my daughter" and now I can't wait to see Kiraz's reaction that her new friend Serkan Bolat is actually her dad and it should be pretty great to watch the three of them form a family together.
Overall this was the most emotional episodes of the series, and also one of the best.
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
You're doing prompts! Yesss you have no idea how happy that makes me cause I love you're writing so so so much its so amazing soo yayyyyyy 🥳🥳 can I request prompt 32? Things you said I wouldn't understand. Maybe some wolfstar? I'm just a slut for your fics so I would probably die if you wrote this. Even if you don't that's fine I never wanna pressure you soo yeah love you 💕💕
~Notes: Gorgeous, this message is literally so fucking kind and I am absolutely SOBBING!!!! You are such a fucking gorgeous soul! And this means the galaxy! And I’m sorry! This screams angst, but I had a really really fucking awful day, so I just wanted to escape with some fluff :( But if you want me to redo I promise I will! Or you can send me another prompt and I’ll write angst! I adore you!!!
A Reblog Is Worth A Thousand Stars  »  Send Me A Prompt  » Things You Said That I Couldn’t Understand
Sirius realizes on an ordinary Tuesday morning as he spills the chocolate chips into the batter of the first batch of flapjacks, that he and his husband of over a decade haven’t had a date night for three months.
Three! Ruddy! Months!
THat’s completely not on! especially considering that now that the twins have entered their terrible twos they’ve barely had any energy at all  to go beyond furtive hand jobs and messy kisses in almost just as long. Sirius misses his bloody husband damn it!
“Daddy?” Angelica asks with owlish eyes  from where she and her younger brother, Teddy, are standing on either side of him with their expectant  plates in hand. “You look peaky.”
“Like you’re gonna puke,” Teddy tacks on helpfully, his ordinarily tawny curls  turning a putrid shade of  green just to emphasize his point. And Sirius silently reminds himself to tell Tonks off for teaching his kid such rude gestures once she gets back from her honeymoon with that Muggle bird of hers.
“Oi, you guys are going to make your old man feel like he’s the Hogwarts squid if you keep on.” Sirius tells them with a soft tug on Angelica’s ponytail and a cluck of a tongue directed towards his son.
“You’re father’s probably still just getting use to the time difference after getting back from the states.”
Sirius straightens up— pulse spiking in that way it always has around Remus ever since they had first begun to go out as fifth years— and spots him padding into the kitchen, beautifully sleep rumpled and cradling a babbling Maeve in one arm, while her twin, Matthew, toddles along side them with a meaty thumb in his mouth. Though he immediately begins sprinting towards Sirius once realizing that he’s finally home from teaching those Americans the newly enhanced defense tactics that the British Aurors have been utilizing to successful degrees.
“THere’s my Matty,” he crows, lifting him up in the air and blowing a raspberry into his belly while the toddler squawks with glee.
“Daddy home! Daddy! Daddy!”
“And he brings with him enough noise to rival the frog choir,” Remus notes absently.
Sirius waggles his tongue over at him, heart stuttering when he watches the morning sun spilling through the wide partition and unspooling golden in Remus’s hair. “You need it, gorgeous, considering you couldn’t wake up to your own ruddy alarm.”
Remus smiles in that abashed way that’s always been more devious than most give him credit for, “It’s the seventh year Ravenclaws, I think they will actually end up giving me an aneurism with how much extra they write in the essays.”
“Alas, I’m too pretty to be a widow,” Sirius sighs, tossing Matthew up in the air once more and cradling him into  his arm before walking over to Remus and dipping down to kiss the corner of his mouth. “I’ve missed you.”
“You could’ve woken me up you know,” Remus mumbles, shifting from foot to foot while sliding Maeve into her high chair. “The moon’s not til tomorrow night.”
Sirius ducks his head, scratching the back of it with appropriate diffidence. “I just didn’t want to disturb you, love.”
Remus doesn’t catch his eye as he begins to walk over to the counter and brings the other portions of the meal to the table, lips pinched and shoulders stiff. “I’m not a total invalid, Sirius. I could welcome my husband home after a week apart.”
“What’s that mean, Tad?” Teddy asks, oblivious to the undercurrent of hurt in his father’s tone and  energetic as always while scrambling into his own seat around the breakfast nook, wide eyes glowing with that easy mirth that Sirius is thankful every day his children can feel without any lingering ghosts. “A, erm— In—valvid."
“It means your Tad’s a bit brassed off at me, Ted.” Sirius answers for him, affecting a light hearted cadence. "And that I better get round to finishing up breakfast or else he’ll give me that stiff upper lip of his.”
Remus pins him with a glare from over his shoulder while Sirius sets Matthew into his own seat besides his sister, but his features are softened and Sirius knows that it means he’s close to being forgiven.
“Daddy can I have blueberries in mine,” Angelica asks as he returns to the oven.
“Course, jellybean,” Sirius answers, adopting the pet name that Hope had called her granddaughter ever since they had brought her back from the hospital eight years ago. Sirius loved it even more once finding out that it was actually a reference to some sort of Muggle treat that Remus use to eat by the handfuls as a lad.
“OmyChocomydadzee,” Ted yells towards them with a wedge of cheese in his mouth before sticking his fork into the plate of sliced fruit so to waggle it in front of a giggling Maeve.
“Sorry, son, I don’t understand trollish. Or is that some sort of highly advanced Metamorphmagus language that your Aunty Dora has been teaching you on the sly that we lowly, ordinary wizards couldn’t possibly understand?”
Teddy rolls his bright eyes with a huff, swallowing down pointedly before speaking again. “Only chocolate in mine, just like Tad!”
“Manners, Ted, remember please and thank yous.” Remus says, long suffering as he eases down into his own seat and sips from the mug of coffee that Sirius had already prepared for him. “Though yes, I’d like mine to be chocolate too, Sirius, if you’re taking orders.”
Sirius grins indulgently at them before peering down to his eldest. “Angie darling, what shall we do with their teeth once they fall out from all that sugar?”
Angelica laughs glowingly, and Sirius brushes back her chestnut bangs with a reverent hand.”The snow warlock outdoors could use it since he’s only got a carrot nose after Matty ate the chocolate frogs we were s’pose to  use for his smile.”
After they’ve all eaten, Teddy and Angelica race outside to await the Potters amidst shouts of “Shut your trap,” from a peeved off Teddy every time Angelica taunts him over his crush on Effie, and the twins dig into their toy chest in the living room while Sirius and Remus spell away the mess that always ensues after a meal with the Lupin-Blacks.
“Andromeda wants us to bring the Christmas pudding this year,” Remus idly tells Sirius while he enchants the dishes to begin washing themselves with a graceful flick of his wand. Remus ordinarily prefers cleaning them by hand, so Sirius has an inkling that the impending full moon has already  begun aching in his bones. Merlin’s saggy bollocks does he wish this new, experimental potion would just escape the bureaucracy of the Ministry so that the man who is his other half could at least have a small relief.
“Is that along with the wine and fresh cranberry sauce she’s asked for?” Sirius says, saddling up behind Remus, bending slightly so to nuzzle his nose along the hollow of his long neck.
“Mmm, she thought you might say that, and wanted to kindly remind you that she carried a set of twins for us when she was forty even though we promised that Ted would be the last sprog.”
“Pff, as if I’d let potter outdo us.”
“We definitely didn’t let that happen,” Remus snorts. “The twins and Pip will surely be the next generation Marauders, God save Minerva.”
“Exactly!” Sirius sneers, locking his arms around Remus’s torso. “Besides ’s not like it’s our fault Meda’s bloody eggs decided on a two for one deal.”
Remus stifles a laugh, leaning back into the embrace and setting his hand over Sirius’s where he’s begun thumbing small circles against his abdomen. “Yes, well if you’d like to have that argument with her?”
“Oh, she’s full of it. I know that the twins are her favorites, spoils them rotten I tell you Moons.”
“Well it’s hard not to with such cute faces,” Remus says, turning his head slightly so to peer over at the pair of them through the doorway. Maeve is munching on the leg of her barbie and Matthew is clashing together pieces of two completely contradictory puzzles. Sirius swears that his chest might implode with the love he feels for his chaotic, little family.
“Course they’re cute, Moons,” he says loftily instead of the incredibly sappy emotions that are flooding his insides. “They’re are kids, cute is in the genes.”
“Cocky bastard,” Remus snorts before turning around in his arms and kissing him full on the mouth. And yes, the sight of Remus curled around the latest essay he’s meant to be marking up with the baby monitor for the twins’s room clutched in his left fist, was an absolute heavenly sight, but Sirius thinks this more hands on approach is a much more appropriate welcome after dealing with an ocean between them and six nights apart.
“Mmm, does this mean I’m not in the dog house anymore?” Sirius asks hopefully, trailing a path of kisses along Remus’s jawline and stopping at the hinge where it meets his neck so to suck only slightly, reveling in the beautifully familiar taste of his husband.
“You were never in the dog house you daft mutt,” Remus reproves in a voice that could’ve been caustic if it weren’t for his words going breathy half way through and his hands clutching tightly onto Sirius’s shoulders. “’S just— Just… Nothing.”
Sirius feels his stomach twist, pulling off of him with a scowl set on his face, and refusing for Remus to just brush this aside, the way he’s always want to do instead of talking about anything that actually might be hurting him. Like he’s afraid that his sodding feelings are somehow a burden, the self-possessed bastard.
“Tell me,” he intones, brooking no arguments while he gently takes Remus’s face in hand so he can’t look away.
His gorgeous features twist up, indignant and mulish, but they relax almost just as quickly, a defense tactic that’s melt away almost completely after so long of being intwined with one another in the most intimate of ways.
“Sirius, there was a time that you could hardly keep your hands off of me after being away for less than half as long,” Remus tells him, voice wavering only slightly. “And I understand if it’s getting tiring having to parent around the moon’s schedule—“
“What the bloody fuck are you talking about,” Sirius really meant to listen to him all the way through, he did! But he can’t help just how furious he got at the sound of that absolutely ridiculous conclusion Remus has somehow conjured up in his impossible mind. Positively hates how this is still such a point of sensitivity Remus has when it regards to their relationship.
“Don’t be a completely idiotic arse, Lupin!” Sirius very nearly shouts, absolutely broiling. “You are the love of my life, and I wouldn’t change a single sodding thing about us! And I swear to Merlin or Morgana or whoever the fuck else, that if you begin speaking such rubbish again, I’ll have to lock you up in our bedroom, and show you just how intensely I mean that.”
Remus’s face has gone flushed throughout Sirius’s diatribe, and his hazel eyes twinkle with that adoring way of his that always makes Sirius’s heart lodge somewhere in his diaphragm. “Lupin-Black.”
“You called me Lupin, it’s Lupin-Black now, has been for quite a while.”
Sirius chuckles lowly, feeling his righteous anger  deflate as  he crowds Remus against the kitchen island and presses their foreheads together. “You done being a senseless sod then?”
Remus locks his hands around Sirius’s neck, kisses his cupids bow with a tender earnestness. “You still could’ve woken me up.”
“I just wanted to make sure that you wouldn’t be exhausted for tomorrow, love.” Sirius reiterates, kissing him with feeling before pulling apart once more. “Though if I’m being totally honest,  I would’ve liked it if you could’ve wanked me off in hello.”
“That’s all you would’ve wanted?” Remus asks smugly, the tip of his index finger tracing idl patterns  against Sirius’s neck.
“Mmm, don’t tease me, Moony.” Sirius tells him before sharing another snog. “I was just thinking earlier on that it’s been three ruddy months since I’ve had you to myself for the entire night.””
Remus’s smile brightens, “Oh yeah? You’ve missed that have you?” He bucks forwards, and Sirius can feel him pressed completely against his front.
“I think I might go mad very, very soon, Mssr Moony if we don’t correct this most awful of grievances.”
Remus laughs fondly, kissing the tip of his nose with a smile on his face. “Well I reckon that the twins are old enough to sleep through the night, and Grandma Lupin is always asking after them.”
Sirius brightens ten fold, “Really?”
“I’m sure the kids won’t mind spending an extended weekend on the Welsh coast.” Remus nods.
“Right, good. Yes! Let’s use that tellamabob thing.”
“But the kitchen’s still a mess.”
“Remus, please have mercy on me,” Sirius begs with his best pleading look until his husband finally relents in that worldweary way of his, even if it’s him who snatches Sirius’s wrist and drags him to that muggle contraption, an excited jittering to his grasp all the while.
Sirius is irrecoverably in love with such a bellend.
My Wolfstar FIC Masterlist
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Arcturus's birth XD
December 19th, 1900
"Keep up that tapping and see what happens, boy. Married man or not, you're still my son—and not so old I won't put you over my knee."
Sirius' head shot up at the rebuke, and, his cheeks flushed red in mortification.
"Apologies, father," he said, uneasily, taking a not insignificant sip of brandy, and promptly choking on it.
"Oh my," Sirius wiped off the droplets of brandy from his sleeve, "That'll put hair on your chest, eh?”
“The way you’re drinking it, you’ll have a Persian rug on yours by the day’s end—Do you want your son’s first impression of his father to be that of a lush?”
“Father, his son won’t bloody remember any first impression,” Arcturus groused, far too impudently. His second son, still holding that grudge over his parents deigning to conceive him after his elder brother, was in something of a mood today. The brandy hadn’t helped much to curb his tongue either.
Phineas narrowed his eyes. “Speak to me that way again, boy—Go on, do it.”
Immediately looking contrite upon realizing he’d actually said that out loud, Arcturus bowed his head. “Forgive me, father—I’m afraid the brandy’s taken hold of my tongue.”
“See that it doesn’t take hold of any more of you.”
His son gave him a sharp nod, obediently putting down his glass of brandy onto the table.
As if on cue, the drawing room door opened to reveal Belvina, his only daughter, as well as the only one of his children he actually liked. Well, Cygnus was passingly tolerant on occasion, but other than that the boy was dimmer than a burnt out lamp.
His girl, he thought, his chest swelling with pride as she walked in—Only fourteen and she’d grown as beautiful as her mother, and just as dutiful. Ursula would’ve been proud, God rest her soul.
“Papa,” Belvina leaned down to kiss him on the cheek, then proceeded to do the same with all her brothers, though far less enthusiastically. His children got on with each other about as well as he did with the underbred professors he was forced to employ at Hogwarts.
“Bev,” He smiled up at her, indulgently. “Any news from upstairs, dearest?”
Belvina shrugged, haughtily. The girl seemed to find the mere idea of Sirius’s wife a grave offense against their family, and had remained cool and detached from any talk of the pregnancy. “As far as I know, nothing. Just more moaning and groaning from Lady Gamp.”
“Don’t call her that.”
At the retort from her eldest brother, the girl of fourteen turned her nose up in a perfect imitation of her paternal grandmother. “I’ll call her what I please, seeing as this is my house, after all. She’s only a visitor.”
Sirius sputtered, indignant. “She’s giving birth to my son!”
“I wasn’t aware that made her a resident of this house,” The girl replied, smirking in that way she knew got Sirius’s back up.
“Still, dear,” Phineas said, as if every word were being forcibly pulled from his mouth—he hated having to defend the sickly girl his son shamed them all with, but whether he liked it or not, she was the wife of the family heir. That earned her some measure of respect, however miniscule it was. “Hesper is your brother’s wife—meaning she’s part of the family.”
Belvina, embarrassed at the rare rebuke from her father, however light it might have been, pouted.
“Just go upstairs and play with Phin, Belvina,” Arcturus said, ashing his cigar. “All this smoke can’t be good for a young girl such as yourself.”
Belvina huffed, lazily twisting a black curl around her finger as she indecorously plopped down onto a wingback chair. “All he wants to do is read that muggle rubbish those mudblood friends of his gave him—and even if he didn’t, he’s eleven. Not a terribly interesting age, I’m afraid.”
Sirius rolled his eyes. “You’re fourteen.”
Phineas chuckled, warmly. “An old soul, our Bev,” He leaned in close to Arcturus, who jumped as if he’d only just remembered his father was sat next to him. “Go upstairs and tell Phineas that the next time I see him reading something, it’d better be his schoolwork. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that ‘A’ in transfiguration.”
Arcturus nodded, curtly, before shooting up from his seat and briskly making his way out of the drawing room. He’d be married soon, his second son—the marriage contract with the Yaxleys had been finalized only last week. He wasn’t overly fond of his intended, but at least he was doing what he was told. If Phineas had to deal with another scandalous marriage this lifetime, he’d wander into the forbidden forest and let whatever manner of eldritch beasts lurked in those woods put him out of his misery.
Before long, the doors of the drawing room once again opened, this time to reveal the portly healer that had been assisting with the new heir’s birth.
“Well, Mr. Black—congratulations are in order: You have a son.”
Sirius shot up from his seat on the chaise, sending his glass of brandy toppling to the floor, where it shattered into hundreds of pieces. Belvina, seeing this, rolled her eyes before brandishing her wand and muttering a quick reparo.
Sirius, too ecstatic over the birth of his son to notice either of these things, rushed to the healer’s side. “Hesper, is she—“
“The birth went swimmingly—about as well as these things go, in my line of work.” The healer smiled, kindly. “Mrs. Black is fine—tired, of course, but the process was much less difficult than we thought it would be for her. All she’ll need is a few day’s bed rest.”
Someone could’ve walked up to his son and told him he’d won all the gold in the world, and the smile on his face wouldn’t have been comparable to the one he was sporting now.
Phineas pursed his lips—At least Sirius was happy with his wife, questionable match aside. And the girl had given them an heir after only two years of marriage.
He shook his head at the abnormally softhearted thoughts—his first grandsons’ birth must have been making him especially sentimental.
“Congratulations, my boy,” Phineas graced his eldest son with a rare smile, raising his glass of brandy to him. “Now, what are you still doing in here? Go see to your son!”
His eldest didn’t need to be told twice, and he all but sprinted from the drawing room, leaving only Phineas and Belvina for a few minutes of an actually comfortable silence, until Arcturus came back with an irate Phineas in tow.
His youngest scrunched up his nose at the smell. “Do you need to smoke those every time one of us is born?”
Phineas shrugged. “It’s part of being a man, boy. It’d be prudent of you to educate yourself in that instead of whatever muggle dreck you’re engrossed in.” He smirked when he saw Belvina nod in approval at his words from her seat, sparing her younger brother a smirk of superiority.
His namesake rolled his eyes, imprudently. “It’s not dreck, father—it’s Blake.”
Phineas raised his eyebrows, surprised—the name was known to him. “Poetry? Well,” he shifted in his seat, “I suppose there are worse things. Still, you’ve no business getting wrapped up in poetry of all things when you damn well know you’ve schoolwork to do over Christmas break. I should know,” he took a sip from his glass, “I am your headmaster, after all.”
The younger Phineas snorted. “As if I could forget.”
Before he could even form a response to that supremely insolent reply, Sirius chose that moment to peek his head through the doorway, his newborn son in his arms.
“Everyone,” Sirius said, practically preening, “I should like you all to acquaint yourselves with my son: Arcturus Sirius Black.”
Arcturus—the elder now, apparently—who’d been moodily poking at the ash that had gathered with his cigar, spun around to face his elder brother, his eyes almost comically wide. “Arcturus Sirius?”
Sirius smiled at his younger brother—for all Arcturus’ resentment of his elder brother, Sirius had never minded overmuch, even sympathizing with him to a degree. “Yes, ‘Rus. I named him for you, my dearest brother.”
Arcturus, still gaping like a fish, could only open and close his mouth repeatedly. “I—You—Why,” he let out a harsh breath, then flushed scarlet to the tips of his ears, clearly beyond uncomfortable. “Thank you, Sirius. I’m...honored,” he finally said, though it sounded more a question than a statement.
Belvina, meanwhile, had taken advantage of her older brother’s stammering and gone to stand beside Sirius, evaluating the newest Black with her sharp eyes. In the light of the fire, he could see them soften slightly, and she even graced her nephew with a small smile when he let out a slight coo.
Sirius, called to attention by his son, finally took notice of his sister and started slightly.
“Merlin, Bev—announce yourself next time, why don’t you?”
Belvina shrugged, carelessly, before looking up to meet her brother’s eyes. “Well done, brother—every inch a Black, he is.”
Sirius blinked, then smiled, his face not dissimilar to a master carpenter’s when congratulated on his newest project. “Thank you, Bev. He takes after his mother more, though,” The fact seemed to please his son even more, even Belvina’s slight sneer at the mention of his wife wasn’t enough to dampen his spirits.
“Father, Phin—won’t you come meet little Archie?”
Phineas stood up from his chair, and after directing a glare at him—got his insolent namesake to do the same.
Peering down at the bundle in Sirius’s arms, Phineas smiled—a perfect Black specimen, indeed. The boy’s face was red and his features had yet to make themselves known, but the grey eyes and the thin wisps of black hair were more than enough to tell who he was. Rather strangely, the boy barely fussed—aside from the occasional coo, he didn’t look to be on the verge of tears at any moment. In fact, if Phineas didn’t know any better, he’d say the child was outright scowling.
“How odd,” Phineas Nigellus said, continuing to stare down at the strange babe.
“Is he always this quiet?” His youngest son asked, petulantly.
Sirius raised an eyebrow, dryly. “I wouldn’t know, Phin—I’ve only known him for ten minutes, after all. But he is rather quiet, isn’t he?” He turned to his father. “Would you like to hold him, father?”
Phineas Nigellus nodded, and accepted the boy into his arms, with the added benefit of his eldest having the temerity to try and instruct him on how to properly hold him.
As if he hadn’t already had five children.
“You’re an odd one, aren’t you?” Phineas Nigellus told the scowling boy, then, while he was brushing his finger alongside his cheek, the boy opened his mouth and clamped down on it—hard.
“Merlin’s beard!” Phineas Nigellus cursed, to the immense amusement of his sons if the childish snickering he heard around him was any indication. Hell, even Belvina was laughing.
Sirius, on the other hand, was mortified, and moved to take the boy from his father’s arms while the Black patriarch nursed his pride.
“The boy bit me!”
Sirius’s face was pale as a ghost. “Father—I’m so sorry, I’m sure Archie didn’t mean it. He’s only a baby after all.”
Phineas Nigellus narrowed his eyes, still smarting. “I suppose,” he spat out the words with the utmost venom, and he could swear the boy was actually glaring at him. “Be sure to teach the runt some manners—or he’ll run roughshod over you and that slip of a mother he’s got.” He glared at the baby in Sirius’s arms. “Impudent whelp.”
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emelywrites · 4 years
Hey love I hope you are safe💞 I am in love with platonic Sirius Black x (lesbian) reader fan fics where Sirius helps reader to get the girl they are in love with and him being the best boy friend every lesbian wants to stand up for them when ppl talks shit. I don't know if I helped you or you find this lame. Anyway I love your writing and I hope you have a beautiful day❤🧡💛💚💙💜
Hi! Thanks so much. I hope I can do your request justice, because this is so sweet. When I came out as bi, my parents started telling me that it’s just a phase and I just needed to find the right guy. I just want everyone to know that this is a safe space for everyone and I hope that I didn’t completely misrepresent you in this story, so please enjoy! 🏳️‍🌈
Warnings: Language, bad parents, insecurities, angst, slight heteronormative behavior
Best Friends
Sirius and you had known each other since birth. You were both from prestigious pureblood families and your mothers were obsessed with the idea that you would get married one day and have all these perfect pureblood babies. Just before the beginning of your first year you started spending less time with your family, which, consequently, led to you spending less time with the Black-family and therefore Sirius as well. Truth was, you didn’t quite like the concepts of world that you grew up with and even though Sirius was your best friend you were distancing yourself from him, in fear that he was fully indulged in his family’s ideals. 
When you entered the Great Hall, you did so on your own. You saw Sirius but he didn’t see you because he had found new friends on the train. And frankly, it had been you who had ignored him for months before. Sirius’ name was called before yours and you wouldn’t look up at him until you heard the hat sorting him into „GRYFFINDOR“. You looked at him and saw the grin spreading on his face. Sirius, your best friend whom you had been to scared to tell your very anti-Slytherin thoughts, was a Gryffindor. Not a Slytherin. You had heard the gasps from everyone in the hall, including your own, when Sirius Black was sorted into bloodtraitor-Gryffindor-House. 
Then it was finally your turn (you weren’t awaiting it, whatever was going to happen, you weren’t going to be comfortable). You slowly ascended the stairs, coming to a stop in front of Professor McGonagall who gave you a sympathetic smile when she saw your nervousness. You felt small ease wash over you when she did. The hat was placed on your head when you sat down.
„Y/N Y/L/N, you’re not much of a Slytherin, dear. Your family’s gonna be pissed but you’re without a doubt a GRYFFINDOR!“
Your eyes widened in shock as another round of gasps went through the hall. But when you looked to the Gryffindor table, seeing Sirius cheering the loudest of them all, overpowering the shock, a wide smile spread on your face and you immediately went to him and hugged him. Sirius introduced you to his friends and again, you were as inseparable as ever. Even more so, because now, the cards were on the table. You were on the same page against pureblood-mania and stood through all the bullying and disgracing from your families together.
After you had just gotten close to Sirius again you fell apart a bit again during fifth year. Sirius had become a proper ladies-man. Being one of the oldest boys in the year, and, even you couldn’t deny it, quite a handsome one as well, he had all of the girls running after him. All except you. You were more into the girls that were running after your best friend. But of course you couldn’t tell anyone, especially Sirius, because he didn’t miss a chance to flirt with them.
„Mate“, James said to Sirius one evening in the common room when you weren’t there, „(Y/N)’s like really into you.“
Sirius laughed. „I beg your pardon? (Y/N) can’t be into me.“
„Why not?“, Peter chimed in, „She’s been avoiding you since you’ve been getting all the girls.“
„Exactly. She’s jealous“, James agreed.
„Pretty sure that’s not it“, Remus didn’t even look up from his book to throw in his thought.
„Yeah, (Y/N) and I are like best friends, all friendships have dry patches that doesn’t mean she’s into me“, Sirius thought out loud, „Besides, us being a couple would probably make our parents happy, cause pureblood babies, you know? That wouldn’t fit with the vibe.“
James and Peter looked at him with an „If you say so“-look that prompted Sirius to investigate. One Hogsmeade weekend he took you to the Three Broomsticks. You sat drinking your butterbeers as you were explaining the recent Charms-task to him. You did so rather unenthusiastically which made Sirius believe his friends may have been right. You always used to be excited to be going over Charms-work, especially because you were happy it meant he studied for once.
„(Y/N)“, you looked up at him when he called your name, „Do you have a crush on me?“
Your eyes widened in shock and as they did, his mimicked that. Oh god, he was right. Then you started laughing.
„Merlin, no. No offense, you’re not really my type“, you said through laughter.
„Oh, thank Merlin! That could have ruined our friendship“, he laughed along.
When your laughter died down you spoke up again. „Sorry, I’ve been distanced. I assume this was James’ idea?“, Sirius nodded, „We both know he’s not really good at reading girls. Exhibit A“, you pointed at the corner of the room, where Lily Evans was sitting as James was talking to her, not noticing her obvious disinterest.
Sirius laughed shortly before he answered. „But then, why have you been distanced?“
„I was jealous. All those girls running after you. Some of them, like, super hot and intelligent, dumbing themselves down to appeal to you. And last week you- Last week you were flirting with Maya.“
Sirius threw you a confused glance. He didn’t quite keep up with all the girls he flirted with. There were quite a few. You rolled your eyes.
„She’s a Ravenclaw. We have potions and transfiguration with them. You know, the only two classes where you don’t have all my attention? We’ve been spending a lot of time together, studying and talking and all. I’m-,“ you hesitated, „I have a crush on her.“
Sirius’ eyes widened in realization and when he didn’t answer for about two minutes, tears started collecting in your eyes and you started gathering your things.
„I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have unloaded this on you, just don’t tell-,“
„No, wait“, he caught your wrist and stood up, then he gathered you into a hug, „I’m so happy for you. I mean, proud, I mean, I’m overcome with emotion. Fucking hell, that girl wasn’t into me at all. I’ll gladly be your wingman.“
He grinned at you and you started smiling, too, your tears now flowing out of joy. „Are you serious?“
„Have been, all my life, love. Now let’s get you a date“, he put money on the table before he pulled you out of the Three Broomsticks.
Over the next few weeks Sirius did his best to find out whether you had a chance with Maya and once he was completely sure about it he pushed you into asking her out. Literally. Before Transfiguration class you both spotted her in her usual seat. When she saw you she smiled and waved. You were quite nervous to say the least. Sirius sensed that and took your shoulders from behind, pushing you to sit next to her.
„Maya, (Y/N); (Y/N), Maya, I see you’ve met. You two are, like, really into each other. Sorry for assuming you’re straight, Maya. Accept my best friend as an apology, treat her well“, Sirius patted both your shoulders, before heading off towards the other marauders.
„They grow up so fast“, he sighed, hand over his heart, looking at you proudly.
„So, she wasn’t into you?“, Peter asked.
„Told you so“, Remus answered, before Sirius could.
The word of you and Maya dating spread quickly, with same-sex-couples being rare, even in Hogwarts, and Sirius pointing at you both whenever you did something couple-y, smiling like a proud dad. So with everyone at school knowing it wasn’t long until the word spread to your parents. So one day you received a howler. It immediately sprung open.
„(Y/N) (Y/L/N), we won’t even dare call you that anymore. You are a disgrace, and here we were, thinking you couldn’t get any worse“, your mother’s voice yelled at you, „Get over that phase of yours and then maybe we’ll allow you back into the house“, the letter went up into flames as you stared into space where it had just been floating before you.
„Right so! She deserves much better than being a (Y/L/N). Who’d wanna be one of them? How dare they call you that?“, Sirius immediately spoke up, „Remus, give me parchment and a quill!“
„Sirius, you- you really shouldn’t. It’s just gonna get worse. I’ll just get right back into the closet for the rest of their lives“, you said quietly.
But Sirius wouldn’t have any of it. He wrote a long letter to your parents that you didn’t catch a glimpse of and then you didn’t see him for two days. When you did finally see him he had a smile on his face.
„You and I are moving in“, he said proudly.
„Pardon?“, you asked, looking up from your notes.
„I had some long conversations with Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore and they agree that our homes aren’t safe any longer. The day I let you get back in the closet is the day Merlin shaves, (Y/N). You should be allowed to be yourself, wherever that may be. That’s mostly gonna be Hogwarts for now, but I’ll be damned if you can’t be yourself after graduation. So, if your parents won’t accept you for who you are, screw them. They’d have to see you and Maya. I mean, relationship goals…“
As Sirius went on yet another monologue of naming all the things wonderful about you and your girlfriend, tears started stinging in your eyes. Sirius really was the best friend you could have asked for.
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halothenthehorns · 3 years
Remus struggled for a moment to make himself reach for the book, to keep going in a perfectly normal tone after their worst fear had nearly been realized and Sirius' fate had been silenced in this future. The worst part was Sirius looking at him expectantly, like he was waiting for Moony to start prattling on about bowtruckles again. He couldn't do it, the words burst out of him like fire, "Sirius, would you please at least look at this like you would a mission for the Order, and stop treating your personal safety like an extra quill."
Sirius puffed up his cheeks, but still refused to look around at all the concerned faces as he stated, "and what, worry my tail off like the lot of you? Exactly what good would that do? I'll be fine, that toad doesn't scare me, and I'm not ever going to give up talking to Harry out of fear!" He finished with a hard look at Remus.
Remus looked like he'd been slapped and quickly turned away, while James scrutinized the two, trying to understand why Sirius thought that was the reason for Remus' silence since he'd left school...and then not being able to think of an idea against it.
Harry hadn't even registered the exchange; his mind was a pain filled buzz as the memory he'd just been given felt like the worst omen yet. Something about Sirius, and the fireplace, Umbridge's office-
"Now get on with it and read Moony, there is just no sense sitting around talking about what ifs." Sirius finished with a hint of an apology in his voice. He'd regretted the words as soon as they'd slipped out, he'd been determined not to have a go at Remus for his future anymore than he wanted to sit around thinking about his own.
The tone had caught Harry by surprise, instantly taking away whatever he'd been thinking to look over at the Marauders and realize he'd missed something, but he didn't get a chance to ask for what as Remus began around a tight throat.
Hermione was trying to convince Harry his mail was being read, it was the only explanation, and Harry drew the conclusion it was Umbridge who'd attacked Hedwig.
"I'll kill her," Harry said flatly.
James eyed his son with worry. Not that he didn't agree, but he found his son with some pretty bad self-esteem issues that it took the maiming of his pet to want her dead, while his being tortured had been played off by him.
  Then she quickly pointed out for Harry his frog was escaping.
Remus did a double take at that, trying to figure out what Harry was doing.
Harry summoned it back to him without much thought.
"Magic can make you so lazy," Sirius chuckled, "I'd have much more enjoyed chasing it about the room."
They were having this conversation in Charms, one of the best lessons in which to enjoy a private chat;
"Always true," Lily agreed.
"Be careful someone's keeping an eye on Flitwick though, he's been known to sneak up on you," James said absently, he still hadn't been able to take his worried eyes off Sirius, and now kept glancing at Remus in concern he was reading so despondent. Clearly what Sirius had said struck him deep, and James was getting worried, he hated watching his friends argue.
there was so much noise going on with the rest of the class no one paid any attention to individual groups. Today it was extra noisy, as rain was pelting the windows and the room was filled with croaking frogs and cawing ravens, which they were supposed to be silencing.
Hermione was still saying her idea she'd been suspecting something like this since Filch's attempt to get Harry's mail, it had seemed rather feeble to make it out as a prank.
Harry scowled shamefully for himself not having put more thought into that at the time, he could have saved his family heart failure if he'd put a little more thought into that moment rather than letting Cho distract him. He felt like a failure, all he'd done was cause them worry since his arrival here.
Then she'd realized the whole point was an excuse for someone to read his mail, and Filch had no true reason for this, so what if Umbridge had put him up to it?
"That's so foul, and yet it makes a despicable amount of sense," Remus said in disgust.
She then informed Harry he was squishing his frog.
Harry glanced down and saw the bulging eyes popping out of the head he was clenching his fist around it so hard, and quickly released.
Remus frowned lightly at the pages, thinking Hermione should quit sharing this kind of information when Harry was holding live creatures. That was twice now he could have done one a serious harm by not paying attention.
Harry saw the look and sheepishly defended, "I may have honestly got the two swapped in that moment."
Sirius at least snorted at the joke.
Hermione kept going with her own line, wondering if Umbridge even realized how close she'd come, before using the Silencio charm.
"I still can't imagine, I mean how would she-" James struggled to put into words all the fear and anger that moment had caused.
"She more than likely doesn't know it's actually me," Sirius reasoned out. "The Floo network would have put together for her Harry was meeting up with someone outside the castle, and she was trying to snag them, but I can't imagine how she'd put my name into the equation when everyone still thinks I'm a mass murderer."
The bullfrog fell silent mid croak as Hermione finished her thought if Umbridge had succeeded, but she broke off so Harry finished Snuffles would be back in Azkaban by now.
All five of them shivered hard for that ever having to be a thing again, not to mention because it would be the first step in the worst outcome.
Hermione was still worried about the now, how they had to warn him not to come again, but there was no way if their mail was being watched.
Ron defended Sirius wasn't so stupid, he realized he'd almost been caught and wasn't likely to come back again after that.
Lily tried hard not to smile at the subject change, but she'd be happy to sit around all day and hear of Harry's lessons rather than picturing anything happening to Sirius. She already wanted to hug him any time she had to imagine him being in that dark house by himself at all hours, now he was officially cut off from any communication as well. She'd be surprised if he didn't go mad in there and burn the place down by holiday break.
He tried his own attempt at the charm, and his raven let out a derisive caw in protest.
Hermione corrected he wasn't using the correct wand movement, it was more of a jabbing motion.
Ron snapped back birds were harder than frogs.
Hermione offered to swap him then, and put her frog in front of him while snapping away his raven.
"Why were we using two separate animals anyways?" Harry asked just to keep up the subject change. "They've always had enough of the same animal before."
"Honestly, I think he just likes to mix it up for fun now and again, remember the class where we were practicing charming animals to hum, he provided a range of birds so we could hear the different effects. Maybe he did something similar here, though the idea doesn't work as well on silencing two well known animal noises," Remus trailed off as he still seemed puzzled at his own answer, but Harry grinned and seemed satisfied enough to wave him on.
Hermione went again, and though the sharp beak opened, no sound came out.
"What exactly did he think was going to happen?" Sirius rolled his eyes. "I'd be more stunned by this point if she didn't pull it off."
She was praised for her work by Flitwick showing up then, causing them all to jump.
"Yep, there it is," James grinned for that old times feeling.
He then asked to see Ron give it a try, which only resulted in his jabbing the toad in the eye as the croaking grew even louder upon the desk.
"I don't even blame it," Lily frowned in sympathy.
Both he and Harry were then given the homework to practice.
"At this rate, I'd be more surprised if we weren't given additional homework," Harry threw his hands up in exasperation.
Sirius gave him an understanding look, keeping the thought to himself how funny it was Harry was doing extra studying for a class that was offering him the least amount of work this year.
They spent their free period in an empty classroom on the first floor with a large majority of students rather than brave the storm outside, but had chosen a room that Peeves was floating around in aiming ink pellets at students.
"Why didn't they all just move to another classroom?" Lily frowned, she knew she wouldn't have tolerated that and would have started cursing Peeves the moment he hit her or her friends.
"Because he'd just move with the herd, best to try and show disinterest in his being there and hope he goes away," James shrugged.
"Never worked on you," Lily smirked, causing James to open, then close his mouth without response.
Angelina arrived soon as well to inform them she'd managed to get permission to reform their Quidditch team.
"Oh thank Merlin!" All four boys cheered with relief while Lily rolled her eyes indulgently and hoped this chapter would just skip to that match already, she was already sick of hearing it.
Harry and Ron cheered at the idea as she told them they were having a practice that night. She managed to walk away in time to avoid getting pelted by Peeves, who instead hit a first-year.
The smile vanished from Ron as a crack of thunder lit the downpour outside.
"Best get used to that," James's smile didn't dim in the least at the reminder of the weather, "Quidditch holds for no storm."
Sirius winced in remembrance of the last storm Harry played in, and couldn't decide if he was rooting for Snuffles to make another appearance, though at least there wouldn't be dementors this time.
Ron voiced the hope that would begin to lighten up by practice, but Hermione gave no indication she'd even heard him.
Harry asked if she was still thinking about Snuffles?
"Not that I'm not intensely flattered I consume so many of her thoughts-"
"Your point's sharper the sooner you get to it Padfoot," Remus rolled his eyes.
"-but why was that your first thought?" Sirius finished as if he'd never interrupted.
"It was on my mind, I tend to get a little panicky about such things when my godfather was nearly captured less than twenty-four hours ago," Harry said so sharply Sirius dropped the joke at once.
Hermione said slowly she was more wondering, that they were doing the right thing.
"Regarding?" James prompted when Remus trailed off.
"Nope, that's where she stopped," Remus shrugged.
The boys exchanged a look before Ron stated he was quite glad she'd been clear on that, it would have been annoying if she'd been vague or something.
"Honestly, I don't know how you can stand her," Sirius grinned in agreement.
Hermione finally looked at them and admitted she was having doubts about doing the right thing with this Defense group.
"It was her idea?" Lily balked in confusion. "What's she playing at?"
"She certainly wasn't acting like this even after the bill was passed, her precious laws," Remus agreed with a confused scowl for this abrupt change.
The boys were shocked at her as she twisted her fingers and began admitting that after talking to Snuffles- Harry interrupted to remind he'd been all for the idea.
Hermione looked guiltily out the window as she admitted this was what was causing her doubts.
Sirius had yet felt more insulted by anyone, but Hermione just kept managing to hit him with the hardest blows lately, and this is one he'd give her a good snap for. He hadn't argued the point when she'd accused him of being insane, he half believed her no matter how terrified it made him. He'd given in to Molly helping him to look after Harry, Merlin knew it would be foolish to turn down anyone willing with all the trouble his godson was clearly going to get up to, but this? Was Hermione really saying if he'd told the lot of them off she'd be even more gung-ho for the idea? It was of the utmost insulting to his pride that his encouraging Harry along with something now was putting Hermione on the ropes!
Sirius' silent fuming was nothing compared to the other fours outburst of Hermione's line of thinking on this one. She'd said some pretty nasty things about their friend, and she continued to do it without a care for anyone, clearly not Harry. His one vague parent in his life and Hermione was saying they should no longer do something because he'd given the okay for it?
The only good thing Hermione's snide comment had done was fixed the Marauder's problem aside if for a moment. Watching Remus tersely mutter a few things about Hermione gave James and Sirius a nice firm reminder their Moony had yet to ignore Harry or anyone in any sense, and Remus forced himself to keep going after a moment just in hopes Harry might put a dung bomb in her face for the comment.
Harry snapped in outrage Hermione no longer thought her idea was a good one just because Sirius thought so as well?
Hermione asked how well he trusted his judgment, and Harry said without a doubt. An ink pellet chose that moment to strike Katie, and Hermione took her time in responding by watching the girl throw curses at the Poltergeist.
"First the twins, now Peeves, does someone have it out for Katie?" Lily couldn't help but frown for the poor girl.
It was a few moments before Hermione spoke again and it sounded as though she was choosing her words very carefully.
"Not carefully enough as she's still saying them," James hissed in disgust.
Asking if perhaps Sirius wanted them to be reckless as a way to cope with where he was stuck at.
"He rode off the back of an executed hippogriff thanks to her illegal help, and she's got the nerve to call him reckless!" James spat. "Honestly, sometimes I swear I question Hermione's sanity."
Harry was not going to come to his friend's defense on this one, that was a low blow against someone who meant the world to him, he could not see Hermione's point on this in any way.
That he might be trying to live through them by egging them on? He would love to be forming secret societies right under the Ministry's nose and so would be encouraging anyone else to do it for his own amusement.
Lily chewed on her tongue for a moment as she considered her words before ungraciously saying, "She's half right on that at least, certainly got the motive anyways, though I still can't see that last part as his real intention. He's bored, but would never do something to really get Harry into trouble if the cause wasn't worth it."
James frowned heavily at her, but didn't bite her head off as she hadn't exactly said anything explicitly wrong, though it rankled him she wouldn't just be as mad as the rest of them for this.
Ron told her she sounded like his mother.
Sirius made a deep throated noise that might have been a laugh if he wasn't scoffing in disgust.
Hermione bit her lip and did not answer. The bell rang just as Peeves swooped down on Katie and emptied an entire ink bottle over her head.
"Fitting," Sirius murmured, his tone more distant than ever. He didn't agree with Hermione on this one, not one little bit, but if anything, he was starting to feel a touch of hope again. If Hermione could be so wildly inaccurate about this, maybe her own mind was exaggerating whatever she'd seen of him over the summer. Still though, could both she and Molly be so wrong? They did seem rather similar, and no one else had paid that comment any mind of his unstable mind, perhaps he'd read too much into it? After all, as had been proven several times now, Hermione didn't know everything.
Ron's hope was not fulfilled, as seven rolled around the boys all trounced down through the downpour to that evening's practice, coming into the locker room to find Fred and George muttering to each other about trying to use one of their Snacks to get out of practice.
"Wouldn't she know it was a ruse though?" Sirius asked at once with absolute enthusiasm, he really hated all the sour looks around him all involving him, he was supposed to be the one to keep those looks away and Sirius did not fail at his job. "The twins haven't been subtle about them to the student body, so if they randomly get sick for no reason, I imagine she'd call them out on their bull."
James hesitated, but his mind was now caught on the issue and he couldn't help but respond, "honestly, I'm a bit insulted they're trying at all, come on men, they could be playing their game in this weather, this is keen practice you can't fake."
"The both of you should be hospitalized," Remus grumbled as he flipped the page.
Fred wasn't on the idea, saying she'd know what they were doing since he'd tried to sell her a Puking Pastille yesterday.
Sirius grinned pompously for thinking exactly like the twins, and was honestly disappointed no one pointed it out for him, so he'd just have to bask in his own glory.
George offered the Fever Fudge, as no one had seen that one yet.
"Nah, still the same idea," Sirius wouldn't let his moment go, "randomly sick, she'll know they're faking it."
"Hey look, I was right about a fever pill," James grinned.
Ron asked if they'd share a bit of that, and the twins confessed it wasn't on the market for a reason yet, it caused boils they had yet to be rid of. Ron looked at his brothers in confusion, saying he didn't see any boils on them, and Fred stated it wasn't on an area they commonly displayed, George agreeing it made sitting on a broom a right pain in the-
"Place they get their boils?" Lily finished helpfully as all four boys winced. Honestly Lily found it a miracle broom riding persisted at all, for as uncomfortable as it seemed to be riding on sticks of wood with only your legs to support you, it must be ten times more uncomfortable for lads. She'd never ridden on a horse or a motorbike, but she imagined a combination of the two on something even smaller just would not make for a pleasant experience no matter what her husband tried to tell her.
Angelina chose that moment to enter, saying she was aware how bad the weather was, but as these could be the very conditions of their first game it was an excellent training opportunity.
"Your team's already got the advantage for this anyways!" Remus cheered slightly at the thought even if he was still shifting a bit uncomfortably at the twins' predicament. "The Slytherin's opted out of that one like the cowards they are, you've already far more practice with this weather."
"Ah karma," James and Sirius grinned.
Then she asked Harry about what he'd done to his glasses during that rain?
"Is that really not a common spell anymore?" James seemed mystified these upperclassmen didn't know it, then again as he thought back, he couldn't quite remember who'd taught him that spell either. It may have actually been his dad, and like the cleaning spell, only been passed down from word of mouth so he supposed it was possible none of the others would know this, though now he was curious who would have mentioned it to Hermione. Perhaps Flitwick if Hermione was asking for even more extra work at the beginning of the year?
Harry showed them the spell Impervius.
"Look at you passing on useful wisdom already," Remus grinned. "You'll be a natural at this."
Harry grinned sheepishly even as he did jitter with excitement to get to his first Du- err, Defense meeting. His brain fizzled a bit as he tried to understand for a moment what else he'd been fixing to call it, but the idea was gone the moment he'd thought of it.
The whole team performed the spell as well, but it helped nothing by the time they were in the open, it was clear very soon no one had much clue what anyone else was doing, visibility was nonexistent.
"How on earth do the Chasers communicate in that set up?" Lily couldn't stop the intrigue creeping into her voice for this idea.
"A lot of practice in these conditions, learning silent and very subtle signals from each other, having to stay close enough to keep up those communications but also still at a far enough distance you're keeping tabs on the other team's Chasers. I actually set up this routine where every time I slapped at my shoe the partner on my right, you remember Bishop, she'd toss the ball as high as she could and it was always Pessins job to snatch it away as a quick diversion tactic-" James eagerly launched at once into some of his own spins on this.
Lily actually watched with some interest for a moment, as she'd never put much into the game even while dating him during seventh year, but suddenly she realized she'd never really bothered to listen to him either. She admired when he got so intense over the subject, but the actual techniques had always been lost on her as she'd never intended to hear these details.
It took the other three a moment to realize Lily wasn't going to cut James off, for once, and Remus cleared his throat loudly to do it for her as he was delving into an intensely detailed account of the effects of wind per hour on the tailwind that could be created in the right circumstances. Lily gave herself a little shake and looked back to him in surprise, almost as if she'd forgotten there was an audience, as he continued.
Angelina finally called it quits after an hour, Fred and George having to hobble back to the changing room, Fred hissing about how his had ruptured. George told him he was lucky, his were still throbbing and had grown bigger.
Remus experienced intense pain on a monthly basis, and he was still managing to read that with a wince of horror upon every word for the poor twins' circumstances with this.
It was Harry though who cried out in pain as he pressed a towel to his face, as his scar had seared more painfully than it had in weeks.
Lily's teeth sunk into now familiar scars upon her lower lip with nerves, her eyes resting protectively on her boy as he rubbed at his scar with remembered pain, his face screwed tight as he forced himself not to acknowledge what about these had his mind spinning with the most intense emotion he'd ever experienced.
The team asked what had happened, but Harry quickly fibbed he'd just poked himself in the eye. As everyone was leaving though, Harry caught Ron's eye and he hung back.
"I'm sure that was as subtle as could be," Sirius shifted anxiously at this happening again. He wished it would stop, it made him clench with such unease he could have his own boils.
Ron guessed it had something to do with his scar, and when Harry confirmed this, Ron looked back towards the entrance with worry You-Know-Who couldn't be here now.
James felt his stomach churning in a panic, already his hand itching for his wand in fear of his son ever being back around that monster again, wasn't three traumatic experiences enough? Yet somehow, on the grounds of Hogwarts, would still cap them all.
Harry said that wasn't it, he was angry.
"Like he was when Crouch got away last year," Remus muttered, his mind racing to try and understand this. "So not a new experience like with Umbridge, in fact I'm now convinced she isn't connected to this. Voldemort was angry at that exact moment as well."
"Isn't there something he could do to block this though!" Lily yelped, fear vibrating so much from her being it had its own tangibility. "Harry has his own anger to be dealing with, he really doesn't need to know when Voldemort is as well."
Harry looked around hopefully, but the only answer any of the Marauders could have offered was Occlumency, and they weren't even sure if that would solve this problem. This...connection Harry had with Voldemort wasn't like anything they had come across, certainly nothing they understood enough to speculate on to even begin offering a cure, let alone some aid to help in stopping this.
When Lily realized the only answer to her own rhetorical question, she couldn't bring herself to mention it either, why instill false hope for even a second, and so spoke to him with the only thing she could offer, "in anything that happens dear, at least I know you'll get through it."
"You've such confidence," Harry sighed. He wished he could agree with her, and the distance he was forcing himself to have from his memories at the moment to not understand a painful answer was helping him towards believing her, which was the only way he could wave Remus to keep going with any semblance of looking okay.
Ron sank down beside him on the bench as Ron asked how he knew that, but even Harry wasn't sure. The words had slipped out of his mouth with no knowledge of where they came from, but he kept going in this same way, something Voldemort wanted done, and it wasn't happening fast enough.
Their worry for this happening to him remained at its highest level at this news, and yet they were all forcing themselves not to panic as if this were new again. This was just like Harry's dreams from last year, only now he was getting this information without having to be asleep, and it was hurting his scar less, at least he wasn't screaming in pain...yet. However, with every new development Harry continued to contract from Voldemort's feelings, the harder it got to pretend there even was a solution out there.
Remus wondered if Harry could even start exhibiting these problems in this time now. After all, a Voldemort with a body did exist currently, though he had yet to curse their Harry, so perhaps that would continue to prevent his future counterpart from experiencing this ever? He could only hope, and even if not, they still had time to find some kind of solution. Voldemort had his body back for many months before Harry's problem started exhibiting symptoms this bad.
Ron asked how Harry could know this, and Harry admitted he had no clue. Then Ron asked if this was what had happened before around Umbridge, anger?
Harry thought back to that moment, assessing it now from a distance, and realized that moment of swooping in his gut had been joy, but he hadn't known it for what it was at the time because he'd been so miserable himself in that moment.
"Okay, so that one is new," James groaned as their only solace was torn from beneath their feet.
"Was happiness a new one?" Lily at once tried to keep a single wall up. "I think we can count Crouch's escape and subsequent owl saying he was dead as both, don't you, so I think we can still say this is, well not normal, but not new," Lily's voice was breaking at the end with the strain of holding onto her own hope.
"Yes Lily, I'm-I'm sure that's it," Remus forced himself to agree past the lump in his throat, all eyes both trying to avoid Harry and watch him with deep worry all at once. This never got easier to hear about.
Harry explained the difference, he'd been pleased last time, but right now he was very angry.
He looked up to meet Ron's eyes, and found him gaping at him before saying he could take over Trelawney's job.
"Now is not the time for insults Ronald," Lily said tartly while Sirius forced a laugh he didn't feel.
Harry corrected he wasn't making predictions. Ron took a moment to agree, Harry was in fact reading You-Know-Who's mind.
Harry felt a tingling sensation at the crown of his head. Something about that, regarding Voldemort's mind, he truly should remember- then Remus muttered something under his breath Sirius genuinely laughed at, and Harry was looking to his parents who were sharing a fond smile as they always did whenever those two quietly snarked at each other, and Harry refused to let that pain be his undoing when he had them around him for support.
Harry tried to say it was more like getting flashes of his mood, Dumbledore had warned this was happening last year when Voldemort was near or angry, well now when he was pleased too.
Sirius could not seem to get the message to his brain, or never bothered trying, that this was a bad idea as he began mocking, "can you imagine if you got his whole range? Peckish, depressed, smug, horn-"
"Padfoot," Remus pleasantly informed him, "not in front of the kid," he happily indicated the infant on the ground, and Sirius clipped his mouth right shut as Remus moved along.
Ron saw this as an opportunity to again tell Harry he should go say all this to Dumbledore, but Harry refused at once, saying he'd just said Dumbledore knew this was happening, there was no point.
Harry crossed his arms definitively, waiting for someone to tell him he was being an idiot again, but to his surprise no one did.
James wasn't happy about it, but he told Harry, "I wish you'd think about this decision a bit more, this isn't just about you and Dumbledore's problems, Voldemort is a threat to the whole world and any news about him should be kept up to date with the man who's got the best idea on how to stop him, but it's not as if anyone can force you to send this along. You didn't ask for this job of being Voldemort's antenna."
Harry winced anyways, the message had come across clear enough. Harry suddenly did feel petty, and his worry he was constantly trying to bury lately was rearing full force in concern that his stubbornness was going to get someone killed.
Ron still said Dumbledore would want to know this, but Harry just shrugged,
"News pertinent to the fate of the world, and our young Harry just shrugs it off," Remus muttered for Sirius alone, who smiled absently in agreement.
before reminding they had Charms homework to get to.
"Never thought he'd put homework above stopping the villain of all evil, seems Hermione's got his priorities sorted for him," Sirius whispered back.
Harry was thankful the subject did not come up again as they headed upstairs, but his own mind wouldn't shut off as he thought for the first time in many months what Sirius had told him his first night in Grimmauld Place. Voldemort was searching for something, like a weapon, something he didn't have last time.
They all shifted in unease as Sirius' words came floating back like that. Like a weapon that he didn't have last time...but the endless possibilities of what that could be without any kind of information was no more helpful now than it had been when Sirius first passed that information along. Remus still felt like clocking him and himself for not having said the answer already, it was maddening.
Harry hadn't even speculated on this in ages, too busy dwelling on the Ministry interference.
"Honestly neither have I," James agreed, "I found the issues going on at our school just a bit more current and pressing, I still trust the Order to be handling whatever my friends are being cryptic about."
"So glad you have," Lily grumbled, "my brain's been going crazy keeping track of everything I want to be keeping track of, and that's currently a very top concern."
James ran his hand lovingly through the fiery hair, and then began playing with it helping her to relax for just a moment.
Harry now wondered if Voldemort's anger was connected to this weapon. Had the Order thwarted him in getting it? What was it? Where was it? Who had it now?
"All excellent questions," Remus heaved a heavy sigh.
He was forced back to his surroundings by entering the nearly empty common room. Thankfully Hermione had gone off to bed so he didn't have to hear the same advice twice, and instead he tried to get to work on his Charms work. Ron still kept giving him anxious looks as he began their assignment, but sadly Harry's mind was so distracted, he'd hardly written a word by the time Ron called it a night.
Even being very low on her list of worries, Lily still shot Harry an anxious look, though in understanding. Homework wasn't exactly something helpful to take your mind off your problems.
Midnight came and went while Harry was reading and rereading a passage about the uses of scurvy-grass, lovage and sneezewort and not taking in a word of it.
"Well it's no wonder you weren't making any progress on your Charms homework," Lily suddenly snorted in surprise as Remus reread that to make sure he had it right. "Those are potion ingredients love."
"Maybe that's why Ron was looking at you anxiously," Sirius wasn't trying very hard to fight off a grin, "you were in the wrong book mate, and he was too afraid to correct you."
Harry actually gave them a bemused smile for the odd slip, but it was better than that worry line that had yet to leave his face for any length of time lately.
Phrases from the book kept leaping out at him about the effects of these plants causing recklessness...
"Urgh, who'd have thought reading about Voldemort's emotions would still be more interesting than listening to this nonsense," James grumbled.
but then his mind would trail off as he remembered Hermione calling Sirius reckless...
and back and forth it went as Harry kept reading passages and still wondering about all his problems, like how his connection with Voldemort had never been explained satisfactorily by Dumbledore.
Lily couldn't help but smile though, finding it fascinating as Harry linked such ingredients together with his real world problems, that truly was a good studying techniques if he'd actually been taking it in.
...the wizard is desirous . . .
"You don't have to remind me of how desirable I am Moony," Sirius preened, while Remus flicked him in the nose before loudly moving on.
and all Harry wanted to do was sleep...
which produced hot-headedness...
and his chair was so comfy, and the fire was warm as if all around him...Harry was walking along a long, dark corridor with a door at the end of the passage that had no knob...
Harry'd had many moments so far where he'd understood without knowing how the importance of something, and this was by far the worst of all. Something about that door, it would mean something to his future, something terrible, and yet to put this into words, to make that fear tangible and real, would be a pain his mind could not cope with, he understood this better than ever of himself, and that scared him most of all. What happened in there that finally he wasn't willing to look ahead and see?
The worst part was when Harry forced himself back out of his mind and realized his moment had not gone unnoticed. They were all as tense as when his connection to Voldemort had been spoken of, yet they did not understand, how could they? It must simply be a dream with no other meaning, what terrible thing could be causing Harry the pain they'd seen on his face from some simple restless sleep he'd been having for months?
Harry was sharply awoken by Dobby saying right in his face he had his owl for him.
"Dobby's back!" Sirius cheered far too loudly, startling Harry enough he gave a small attempt at a smile for the distraction.
"With Hedwig, oddly enough," Remus agreed fondly as he pictured how this could have come about, though now Harry was all but relieved he finally could have his pet safe again.
Harry was practically wiggling with happiness at this development, not only because he was getting his owl back good as new, but he had a funny feeling Dobby would be of much help this night.
Harry had to gaze at him through sleep thick eyes before focusing on a peculiar sight. The elf's features were quite disfigured until Harry realized his feet were not in fact enlarged but covered in every sock Hermione had knitted, along with all her hats perched on top of each other right up to Harry's height where Hedwig sat on top, hooting happily to see him again.
James blinked slowly as the image was painted, before declaring, "I have questions."
"Yeah, why was Dobby the one to return Hedwig?" Remus frowned.
"No," James rolled his eyes at his friends one track mind, "what was that bit about Dobby wearing all the hats?"
Remus reread that bit while Sirius started giggling at the idea. He'd been imagining an overflowing bin full of lost and found items, but this was even better if Dobby had decided to keep them all for himself, and he now wondered if the little elf made a regular habit of this.
Dobby had volunteered to bring Harry Potter back his owl for him, while Hedwig happily hopped perches to Harry's shoulder. He began stroking her contently as he kept eyeing Dobby, asking if he'd taken every one of Hermione's items?
Dobby said no, he'd been sharing with Winky.
Lily grinned happily at the idea, Dobby had always been shown to care for others and it was such a sweet thing to see this continued even while not having a master, it truly did just seem to be his nature.
Harry asked how she was coping, and Dobby's ears drooped as he explained no better than he'd last seen, she still rejected the garments he offered and drank in shame. The other house-elves of the school found Gryffindor Tower just as insulting a place now with all the hidden clothing.
"Oh dear," Lily frowned in concern, she'd never thought of that.
"I can see it though," James shrugged. "I guess if it did continue to happen and they realized what someone was trying to pull, yeah I can see this."
"Poor Dobby though." Remus had never heard such sympathy for the kindness in Sirius' voice as he said that. "Imagine how much work goes into one common room alone."
Remus just hoped Harry told this to Hermione, hopefully making her realize she was in fact doing the opposite of what she'd set out to do and only making one elf work harder.
"Technically her idea was working though," James couldn't help a teasing grin on his face. "Gryffindor tower wasn't being cleaned by a slave, Dobby was being paid."
"Har, har," Lily said dryly.
Dobby cleaned the whole place by himself now, which he was happy to do of course, for now he got to see Harry Potter on this night! He then mentioned Harry Potter had been muttering in his sleep, and Dobby asked if he'd been having bad dreams?
Harry rubbed at his eyes as he muttered he'd had worse.
"There's the bright side," Lily tried for a grin that didn't quite meet her eyes, as her son at once began rubbing in agitation at his scar for the reminder.
The elf surveyed Harry out of his vast, orb-like eyes. Then he said very seriously,
"I'd take Dobby over Kreacher any day, was that an offer?" Sirius said with hope, and was ignored.
if Dobby could be of any help to Harry Potter with anything?
Harry smiled and thanked him even as he declined the offer, while bending down to pick up his dropped book, deciding he'd have to finish his Potions essay tomorrow.
"I continue to realize just how sleep deprived you were," James went back to laughing at that. "You fell asleep practicing Charms and at some point accidentally switched to an even worse assignment."
As Harry closed the book the back of his right hand was illuminated in the fire light, the results of his detentions with Umbridge still leaving the scars visible.
Remus managed to read that as if actually throwing burning knives that landed on no one in here. Sometimes Harry managed to forget how scary the lot of them could be until something like this came up.
Then Harry turned slowly back to Dobby as he said maybe the elf could know something helpful.
"What's this you're on?" Sirius asked eagerly at the happy smile curling across Harry's face. If anything could erase that lurking feeling from before it was focusing on his group, and he had a good feeling of where this was going that had more to do with Dobby.
Did he know a place where twenty-eight people could practice Defense without anyone, especially Umbridge, knowing?
"That's, brilliant!" Remus gaped in shock before turning wide eyed to Harry. "The elves know more about that castle than anyone, if there is such a place than they'd know."
"I wouldn't think they do though," James was pouting a bit, mostly because this idea had not crossed his mind, and he'd be even more sour if the elves really knew something about that school he didn't.
Harry expected Dobby to say he'd look but not to get his hopes up, but instead the elf gave a happy little clap and a squeal of excitement.
"This elf is ruining my childhood," Sirius declared, though there was nothing but a smile on him for seeing Dobby clearly thought he did have an answer, "knowing something about that castle we don't."
"I don't understand how really," Remus was thinking about this reaction and still thinking of their map in his head and still no area was coming to mind.
Harry wasn't going to let them wallow long, he was waving Remus very eagerly on for the answer to this already, he just knew the Marauders were going to love it.
Dobby at once began telling of a place only the schools house-elves knew of, known as the Room of Requirement.
"That's it!" Harry pumped his fist, looking so giddy he may have rediscovered another Quidditch Cup win. "The Room of Requirement, I know that!"
"But we've never heard of that," James wouldn't let that one go. "Not from anything in the school, the ghosts or paintings..." then he trailed off with a further pout as he suddenly realized who they never had tried to get information from in that school. Stupid really now that he realized his mistake, but none of the Marauders had ever bothered to learn a single house-elf name in their time in school, but what if they had? What if this was purely a house-elf knowledge secret.
Sirius wouldn't let him pout long, now practically screaming in Remus' ear, "well get on with it man! Can you believe this, Harry's now found two things in that school we never have, and I want to get to hearing about it!"
"Hopefully this one does not contain a killer snake," Lily muttered even as she kept watching curiously to find out more as well.
Harry asked why it was called that.
Dobby said seriously, because it was a room a person could only enter
Sirius opened his mouth again but stopped surprisingly quickly at just a warning look from Remus, he wanted to hear this too much.
if they had real need of it. Dobby used it to put Winky to sleep when she drank too much, and the room provided a nice elf sized bed for her. Filch had been known to randomly come across it and find extra cleaning materials-
Harry finished for him if it could possibly fill up with chamber pots, a conversation from his day at the Yule Ball coming back to him.
"Oh my wand!" Sirius yelped in further excitement. "This is magnificent, even Dumbledore doesn't actually know about it, but it was mentioned ages ago! This is brilliant."
"He could have been lying," Remus said with a bemused smile as he remembered the snorted in goulash. "Just didn't pass along to Karkaroff the full story."
"Nah, this must be something people stumble across," James said as he was now thinking back to every passage in the school and trying to think if they could have actually stumbled across it without realizing at one point, and hoped Dobby would tell details of where this place was soon.
Harry eagerly asked how many people knew about this place, and Dobby said it was very much a secret, hardly anyone who found it realized how to get back again. Harry asked if he could be shown where it was right now, and though Dobby agreed at once, Harry wavered on his own decision as a Hermione like voice reminded him of the late hour.
"And?" Sirius' eyes were about to fall out of his head with wonder at this new treat being hovered above him. "Priorities man, this is far more important than getting your beauty sleep, which is a lost cause on you anyways."
"Thank you Padfoot, my son always wanted to hear you making cracks at him like that," James snorted.
At first, Sirius just smirked, but then it quickly faltered as it clicked in his head, was that what Hermione and Molly were hearing from him at Grimmauld place? Him wanting to make old cracks about James but now about Harry? Sirius had been perfectly clear headed in aiming that jab at his pup, he couldn't resist with their similarities and though he could only imagine how painful it must be for him to be without Prongs in the future, was this really the reason for their worries? If so, then they seemed almost as laughable as James had tried to tell him they were...
With regret Harry did not have Dobby show him, but rather decided he wanted a plan before going.
"Planning to get through the halls?" Remus demanded of Harry faintly. "Honestly, you've traveled through plenty of times, now you're just getting paranoid and letting Hermione rub off on you."
Lily rubbed at her temple and wished her son had one good male influence who didn't constantly egg him into breaking school rules, but then she realized she'd hardly spoken up herself against the idea and quickly stopped with a faint smile.
Instead he asked for exact details on where and how to get into this place.
Classes the next day were miserable, hardly anyone could hear Professor Sprout in the greenhouse with the bullet like rain drowning out her words, and Care of Magical Creatures had been canceled altogether. Even Angelina conceded there'd be no practice tonight.
Harry told her good,
"I've never heard such a blasphemous sentence in my life," James said flatly, while Harry stuck his tongue out at him.
because he'd found a place for their first meeting. Tonight at eight, go to the seventh floor opposite the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy being clubbed by trolls.
Bad mood instantly gone, James snapped his fingers in glee and shouted, "we do know that place!"
"Oh yeah," Sirius nodded to himself, "that was a secret entrance out of the castle for us though. We only used it once, because it was so bloody hard to pin down how to figure out it's switch."
"We stumbled across it one day while um, while we were trying to discuss some easier methods of sneaking out into the Shrieking Shack," Remus offered. He paled, hesitated, but saw no point in not recounting this for Harry no matter how badly it hurt his soul, the problem was he couldn't think how to say his name without biting his tongue off, and he just hoped Harry understood the implications. "Someone tripped over a stray brick suddenly peaking out of the wall, and we pulled it and it opened into a low earth tunnel that let out right on the perfect edge of the Forest, just far enough away from the Willow we could slip in without being seen while not being so close the tree would come right up and get us."
"We only used it that one time though," James sighed, "as Sirius said, we couldn't figure out how to activate it or what we'd done to get it to work. Never even added it to the map as it was of no help if we couldn't use it."
"So this tunnel you wanted out of the castle popped into existence because you had need of it," Lily worked out.
"Apparently it'll create anything you have need of," Harry agreed, that smile yet to have fallen off his face.
"But how does it work though!" Sirius demanded, bouncing slightly in anticipation. "Clearly it must be easier than we ever realized, we tried all manner of things to break that door back open, even paid a ghost to go through the wall for us and there was nothing on the other side! How does Dobby manage to get it open on a regular basis for Winky?"
Harry merely pursed his lips though, a smile still pushing through as he refused to answer, saying, "don't want to jinx this and my head to start hurting if I tell too soon."
"Now you're just being cruel," James groaned, knowing full well Harry was messing with the lot of them with that excuse, but no one argued the point, much.
Remus turned back to the pages very eagerly, feeling sixteen again and trying to tackle on the Marauders latest project.
Angelina agreed she'd tell Katie and Alicia, while Hermione was frowning at him again.
She asked if he really trusted Dobby to help with this? Last time he had, all the bones in his arm had left for a day.
"Technically a fool did that, Dobby was trying to take your head off," James reminded with almost amusement this time, the instance got funnier the more he grew to like Dobby, and what the little elf had just done for his life certainly helped with that. He wasn't even that put out anymore he hadn't discovered this on his own, all he'd ever wanted for his son at school was to discover his own adventures and this was certainly the best one yet in his opinion.
Harry lightly fibbed Dumbledore had once mentioned it to him in passing as well, and Hermione then raised no more objections.
Sirius couldn't help his expression souring for a moment over her. He truly disliked her moments where she decided just because someone like Dumbledore said it was okay made everything peaches with the girl. If it wasn't for making friends with Harry, Sirius was now confident from that statement alone Hermione would be in line with the Ministry if it wasn't for that troll so many years ago.
The rest of the day was spent making sure all members had gotten the message, and though Harry was disappointed to learn Ginny had found Cho first,
Harry suddenly hoped topic of this new room never ended, as it was the first time the Marauders hardly gave his crush a passing thought they were too eager to hear of this new place.
by dinner Harry had a full count everyone knew where to go. At half past seven the trio left for the place early, Harry clutching an aged parchment, and looking around nervously about being caught on their way.
"You lot honestly disappoint me with how shifty you can get over the silliest things," Sirius muttered under his breath, still watching the pages with burning eyes.
As their portrait hole fell out of earshot, Harry rapped his bit of parchment and said 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.'
While Sirius and James preened at the mention of their map again, Remus thought back in confusion and asked, "when did you get that back from Moody, err, the fake Moody?"
"Oh, I snuck up there and filched it from his office soon as I was let out of the hospital wing," Harry shrugged. "Didn't even occur to me till now that wasn't mentioned." He kept thinking on it as he added, "all of Moody's stuff had already been emptied out, I've no clue where, so I was really worried for a moment I wouldn't find it, but I went through his desk and there it was, practically the only thing left in the room." He finished with a vaguely happy feeling this wasn't an accident on someone's part.
The Marauders Map came into existence, revealing the location of everyone on the premises of the school. Filch and his cat were floors below, and Umbridge was in her office, giving them relief to go along to the corridor and follow Dobby's instructions. He'd told to walk past this bit of wall three times, concentrating on what was needed.
Lily burst out into full blown laughter at the look on her boys faces.
"That's it!" James spluttered in disappointment. "We got detention for three months trying to blow up that wall to get back behind that, and you just had to walk around asking it?"
"That's so, Ravenclaw," Remus crinkled his nose at the idea. "Oh just ask for help, someone'll come along."
"Actually, that's not a bad idea Moony," Sirius suddenly nodded to himself. "Remember how Lily said all the Founders supposedly did something for the school?"
"You were listening?" Lily raised a surprised brow while Sirius ignored her.
"What if this was Rowena Ravenclaw's idea, seems her type of thing."*
"I wouldn't bet against you," James nodded serenely at the idea.
"So Ravenclaw both found the location for the school, and put one of the most fascinating rooms in it," Lily grinned, which only stretched wider at all the confused faces. "If you lot had bothered to ever read Hogwarts a History, you'd have found the passage that mentions how Rowena Ravenclaw apparently found the location for the school from a dream where a warty hog led her there."
"Good to know the woman who created the house for the intelligent was so barmy," Sirius rolled his eyes. He'd never questioned how his school had got its name and been happier not knowing it came from such a silly place.
Remus impatiently tried to keep going for more information about this splendid bit of the castle they were going to be exploring for the first time.
Harry's thoughts were centered around the simple request of a place they could learn to fight. On his third pass, a brass handle appeared on the wall.
Every word was being taken in by all with the highest concentration, though for two different reasons. The four graduates were stoked for something new, another layer to the castle they'd never had the pleasure of discovering, but now Harry had! Harry was confident this room meant something great to him, something very significant for his life for far more reasons than just a secret meeting place.
Once pulled, a door swung open to reveal a large magnificent room, the walls were lined with wooden bookcases
"Wonder who was asking for those," Sirius couldn't help but snip under his breath.
the floor was plush and full of comfortable cushions, and on a shelf sat a range of Dark detectors Harry could identify as belonging to the fake Moody last year.
"How on Earth did that stuff end up in there?" Lily yipped in surprise.
They all sat there for several long moments as they struggled to figure out why, before Remus said slowly, "maybe, it was the house-elves? If they were told to clean out Moody's office, and the real Moody didn't want his things back, perhaps the elves put his things into the Room of Requirement as a sort of storage? Dobby did say the elves used it for different reasons instead of just hiding away the drunk ones."
"I can see where you're going with that," James nodded, Harry honestly hoping he'd keep going, the idea appealing to him there was just a whole room full of junk things hidden away over the years...
Ron prodded a cushion with his foot happily as he said how much good these were going to be when practicing stunning spells.
"You mean he doesn't miss falling to the hard ground while Hermione told him to aim?" Lily giggled.
Hermione ran to the nearest book shelf and began running her thumb over the numerous titles with glee.
"Oh yes, a magical room appears to you, and you ask for a second library! Brilliant," James mocked.
She looked back around at Harry, who saw for the first time she really believed in this room, in this idea.
"Was that all it took!" Remus clapped himself on the forehead.
She at once pulled a book from a shelf and sank into the nearest cushion to begin reading it.
"Well she'll be out of your hair for a good, what do you say Prongs, two weeks to read the lot?" Sirius stated.
"He said a hundred," James thought in his mind, "I want to say at least a month."
"You're forgetting this place can now conjure up whatever book Hermione pleases," Remus reminded, "I'm thinking we could lock Hermione in there and she wouldn't notice for far longer than one school year."
All three cracked up laughing while Harry and Lily exchanged amused smiles at imagining Hermione scowling at the lot.
Before long there was a knock on the door as the Gryffindor group arrived, and Harry waited until everyone arrived before going to the door and turning a key in the lock, the sound resonating through the room. Hermione marked her place and set it aside to look around.
"I think I won right there, Hermione clearly can be distracted," Sirius snickered.
Harry began nervously that they'd found the place.
"You're off to a great start with this teaching thing with such eloquent words," James chuckled.
Cho said how fantastic this was, while Fred was looking around in mild confusion, saying he and George had hidden in this place once, but it had been a one way broom cupboard.
"How on earth did the twins manage to run past this place three times while hiding from Filch?" Remus paused in confusion.
"Maybe it doesn't have to be three consecutive walk pasts, but they were leading him in a circle," James offered, thinking of a hidden nearby secret passage they could have been jumping from into another on the way to this place.
"Then what about Dumbledore, or Filch?" Remus persisted this new idea. "They know the castle well enough they'd have no reason to walk past the same place three times accidentally while going to something."**
"It's not like anyone in here can answer all that Moony," Sirius sighed with disappointment. "Boy do I wish we had Dobby here now, I'd interrogate the little bugger all day about that and more."
Dean jumped in to ask Harry what all those instruments were?
"Makes me wonder what Seamus thinks is going on," Remus questioned. "The two are such good friends, how's Dean sneaking off for so long without his friend questioning where?"
"Secret girlfriend?" Sirius offered with a shrug.
Harry briefly explained they were dark detectors, good for keeping an eye on your enemies, but turned dismissively away saying all your trust shouldn't be put in them. Then he paused in confusion as he saw a raised hand.
"Naww," Lily cooed before giggling just a touch at Harry's blush.
He asked what Hermione needed, and she said they should elect a leader.
"Naw gone," Sirius rolled his eyes, "is Hermione playing at a power trip?"
"Give her a chance," Remus waved him off, as he couldn't imagine Hermione setting Harry up like this only to pull something like that.
Cho snapped at once Harry was leader.
"You've certainly got a girl there who's not shy," James grinned which Harry happily denied acknowledging as his face went more red.
Hermione continued, unperturbed, that they should still vote him as such, it would give him authority and make it official. Saying everyone who thought Harry should be leader should raise their hand.
"Ah," Sirius acknowledged. "Yes, alright fine, that one made sense."
The whole group did such, even Zacharias.
Harry thanked her and tried to move on, but stumbled to a stop again as Hermione waved her hand eagerly through the air until she was called on to also say they should vote on a name, to promote team spirit.
"Team spirit?" James snorted. "We don't name the different Quidditch teams further than our houses."
"You lot gave yourselves a name," Lily rolled her eyes at him.
"That's different," Sirius said, looking wounded she'd compare such a thing, but his face blanched as did all the Marauders as that was too difficult to talk about considering what one particular member had done to them.
Harry did not force them to linger on the subject no matter how much he'd have liked to poke fun at them in that moment thinking they were so special.
Angelina said the Anti-Umbridge League.
"Bit on the nose," Remus grinned.
While Fred said the Ministry of Magic are Morons Group.
"Though that one had merits for life," James chuckled.
Hermione frowned at the suggestions, saying it should be something more covert they could say outside this room.
"Well that second one's still a winner then," Sirius smirked.
Cho offered the D. A., the Defense Association.
Ginny liked the initials, but said it should instead stand for Dumbledore's Army, as that was what the Ministry feared most.
"Well would you look at these two working together," Sirius' eyes gleamed in a whole other kind of laughter as he turned attention on Harry. "Best be careful pup, or Ginny and Colin's fan club may gain another member."
Harry struggled hard to hold a scowl on him even while he was far too happy in this moment. He'd rediscovered the name of a very special group to him, that alone caused him to smile without restraint, but there was something genuinely amusing about Ginny and Cho going back and forth like that he couldn't quite place a finger on.
There was a large amount of appreciative laughter for the idea, while Hermione took another vote and majority ruled, the motion was passed.
"Who decided this was a democracy?" James couldn't help but chuckle. "Harry could have wanted a benevolent dictatorship."
"I'm thinking Hermione would start a revolt against that, best let her pretend she's calling the shots while I'm the head piece," Harry said good naturedly.
Hermione even wrote the name down on the slip of parchment with all their names and pinned it to the wall. Harry finally began addressing them on what they'd be doing here, getting to practice. He wanted to start with the spell Expelliarmus. While basic, he'd found it useful-
Zacharias cut in what the point of such a spell would be against You-Know-Who?
"Open foot, insert mouth," Lily said darkly for this arse bringing up memories of her son having to survive that moment again.
Harry said coldly it had saved his life that night, but if it was beneath him he could leave.
The room went deathly silent, though Zacharias did not move. Harry went back to addressing them all with a bit more dry mouth as he said they should divide into pairs to practice.
It was odd for him to be giving instructions, but even more odd for him to watch them being taken.
"Good of you to start with something simple, in instructions and spell work," Remus praised the idea. "Work your way up to that benevolent dictatorship slowly," he finished with amusement.
Neville was left odd man out, so Harry opted to practice with him as he counted to three and everyone shot off the spell, to varying results. Harry pegged Neville first, who's wand shot across the room and he went to go fetch it. Harry then turned to watch the others, and was happy he'd started with something so basic, as a lot of shoddy work was going on.
Harry's own wand went flying then, as Neville had returned and shot the spell at Harry.
"Proving once and for all Neville's as skilled at magic as anyone," Lily said grimly, her thoughts still on how Snape treated him for his rather faulty work in potions. A little encouragement and he was already managing to strike Harry with the spell, he'd build up the speed necessary for a proper fight.
Neville shouted with joy what he'd done. Harry agreed it had been a good shot, deciding to keep to himself in a real duel the other person would not be gazing across the room, wand held loosely in hand.
"That's probably for the best," Remus agreed mildly, "encouragement first, constructive criticism when it's needed later."
Harry then told him to start rotating with Ron and Hermione while he went and gave the others some advice. He went over to Zacharias first, where something odd was happening. Every time he raised his wand to fire the spell, his own wand shot away though he didn't appear to be doing anything. Harry quickly spotted the source, Fred and George taking turns to practice the spell on the Hufflepuff.
"Technically, they weren't not following your choice of words," James began defending at once as if his son would start scolding the twins.
"Yeah, they're pairing off and practicing, just, you know, not on their partner," Sirius beamed with pride while Harry didn't bother hiding his laughter at any of this.
The twins quickly stopped their actions when they were caught though, and Harry went along to Ginny and Michael Corner, the later of whom either would not, or could not seem to bring himself to jinx her.
"One rather sad of such a simple spell, the other very sad of his mind set," James scoffed.
"You've never tried to jinx me," Lily reminded.
"I would if we'd ever been paired to practice together," James shrugged without remorse. "I know better than to try and go easy on you, you'd send something far worse than a disarming charm at me."
Lily smiled pleasantly without bothering to deny such a thing.
Ernie was using too much flamboyant wand movement and his partner was getting in under his guard more often than not, the Creevey brothers had terrible aim but good enough power and tended to send objects flying rather than wands as they missed. Luna's work tended to be patchy, occasionally cursing Justin's wand away, or else making his hair stand on end but nothing else happening.
Remus was reading all of this with pure fascination. One of the many reasons he loved teaching was to watch and learn all of the very different ways children could learn, and here was a wide variety of a group of students. He found himself making little notes in his own mind how he'd offer help with the mentioned problems, and then quickly tore that to shreds, refusing to acknowledge he was still entertaining the idea of going back to Hogwarts for this reason.
Harry tried to call for them to stop, but all the shouting mingled with his left him unheard. He wished he'd brought along a whistle, and then spotted one on the nearest shelf.
"This is the best room in existence!" James squealed. "Do you think it even has limitations? How many dungbombs could fill that room?"
Lily frowned at her husband, in times like these genuinely wondering if he'd suffered brain damage in his life for having such a one track mind.
He gave it a whistle and everyone desisted, Harry offering a few critiques before they all tried again. Harry watched as the general performance improved, walking around all pairs twice before deciding he couldn't avoid her anymore and heading towards Cho and her friend.
The moment she saw him coming over, she began garbling the spell, calling out Expelliarmious, no Exepllimellius!
"I think she should wait a few sessions before trying to improve upon or make up her own spell, best stick with it until you've got the basics of the spell down," Sirius pretended to patiently critic until he turned to Harry and finished flamboyantly, "then she and Harry can-"
Harry clapped his hand over his mouth while looking him right in the eyes, and Sirius responded by licking the digits, causing Harry to recoil in revulsion. While Sirius' nose was scrunched up with distaste as he stuck his tongue out and tried to look at it, Remus quickly kept going.
She apologized to Marietta for catching her sleeve on fire, while the girl put it out and glared at Harry as if he'd done it.
"Well technically you did," James was all for continuing while Sirius was temporarily distracted, "how dare Harry come in the vicinity and distract her with his mere presence."
"I will pay you to stop," Harry groaned.
"You can't pay me with my own money," James' smirk widened while Harry groaned louder.
Cho told Harry he'd made her nervous. Harry tried to tell her she'd been doing well, but at her look, he admitted she'd been doing it fine before he came over here.
"Least Harry keeps things straight," Remus chuckled.
Cho laughed while her friend's expression grew more sour. Cho told Harry to ignore her, she was just mad Cho was forcing her to come along. Marietta's mother had expressly forbidden her from doing anything to get on Umbridge's bad side as her mum worked for the Ministry.
Harry asked about Cho's own parents, and she agreed she'd been given the same advice, but she wasn't just going to sit around and not fight after what You-Know-Who had done to Cedric.
Causing both boys humor to dissipate at once from mocking Harry.
She stopped there and the two stood awkwardly for a moment before Harry was distracted by Terry Boot's wand flying past Harry's ear and hitting Alicia in the nose.
"Does someone have it out for the Gryffindor Chasers?" James demanded, slightly amused those two girls seemed to keep getting random injuries.
Luna walked over though, clearly having been eavesdropping and continuing the conversation about how her father would be encouraging the idea if he could after the number of things Fudge had done to goblins. Of course he also used the Department of Mysteries to poison those who disagreed with him,
"Honestly, I'd believe that one by now, Harry really should be watching what he's eating," James grumbled.
and used Umgubular Slashkilter-
Harry muttered at Cho not to ask while she opened her mouth, causing her to giggle.
"But I want to," Sirius pouted, long since knowing he'd have a hoot of fun with Luna if given the chance.
Hermione called for him then, asking for the time, and Harry was stunned himself to see an hour had already gone by. Harry called for silence again, telling them they'd all done very well for their first time and same time same place next week.
Dean wanted this to happen sooner, but Angelina cut in they had Quidditch practice to consider.
"I swear I keep expecting that girl to move down and live on the pitch," Lily rolled her eyes while James nodded for Angelina keeping that upfront.
Harry repeated next Wednesday, and they could add on more at that time if they could. The group dispersed into two's and three's again, Harry watching them all from his map to make sure everyone got back to their common rooms before curfew before the three left themselves for the Fat Lady.
Lily's face puckered with disappointment. It hadn't occurred to her till now, but had none of them really found a single Slytherin they could trust to bring into this? She'd spotted a dozen opportunities now, but none so wasted as this one to prove once and for all there was nothing wrong with the whole house, and if even one student had branched out and just tried to offer some help and support from that house it would have meant so much to her.
Ron and Hermione were already bickering over the night's events of who'd gotten whom more, Hermione saying he'd only officially managed one and she'd gotten him loads more.
"Was this argument really needed?" Remus frowned. "They were supposed to be getting each other, Hermione should be happy he pulled it off on his first day trying."
"I'm thinking Hermione's competitive side is smarting if Ron got her before she did," Sirius chuckled.
Ron said it was at least three, while Hermione snipped back if he was counting the time he'd stumbled forward and knocked the wand out of her hand-
"How did he even?" James full blown laughed at the imagery.
"I don't know what she's talking about, that still sounds like a point for Ron," Sirius agreed with chipper.
They argued about it the rest of the night, though Harry didn't hear a word, he was too distracted remembering he'd made Cho nervous.
"Time for dinner I think!" Harry said at once, looking pleadingly to his mother to back him up on this, who graciously agreed and pulled Harry into the kitchen with her to avoid the now very rowdy boys who were still chatting happily about all the ideas this room had given them.
*I actually have headcannons of what the other two founders did for the school, but I'm saving those for later, for now I'd love to hear your own ideas.
**I'd love to hear some ideas on this one, because I find it really hard to believe so many people who should know the castle well enough not to get caught accidentally walking past the same spot three times get into this place.
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queerofthedagger · 4 years
Creator Tag Meme: Top 5 of 2020 ✨
rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by @seadeepy ❤️
I’m going to go with only fics because otherwise, I’ll spend ages trying to decide.
5. Love Me Like My Demons Do [HP; Sirius Black/James Potter, 130k words]
Technically, I wrote most of this at the end of last year, but I rewrote a lot of it and posted it this year, so it still makes the list. This fic really was a ride and so much fun, and is kind of my love letter to Prongsfoot as well as Regulus. It’s a first war AU with lots of mutual pining and slow burn, and I just, love it a lot. On a more personal note, what really was an experience about this was that, as I said, I wrote this in a rush last November and December, gave it a edit, and then let it sit. When I came back to it this summer, I could actually see how I’ve grown as a writer, which was a great feeling after only six months. ❤️
4. Free Fall [Merlin; Merlin/Arthur, 1k words]
So, even before this whole mess of a year really got going, I started watching Merlin. I did not expect it to take over my life as it has, and I remember going from, “Well this is nice,” to, “Okay, I read a few fics but I’m probably not going to write one myself,” to -- well. Whatever this is. This fic was my capitulation and my first for this fandom. My wip list for Merlin has now over 25 projects, I have no idea how this happened, and I have no regrets. As for this fic, it’s just a sweet little one-shot to get a feel for writing this world/characters, and it has a fond place in my heart.
3. A Study in Choices and Second Chances [HP; Regulus Black/Harry Potter, 90k words]
If Love Me Like My Demons Do is a love letter to Regulus, this fic is me, screaming from the rooftops. It’s a Time Travel, Deathly Hallows AU and while I wanted to throw that book against a wall more than once, I’m so, so proud of this. I wrote it for the Regulus Fest and still can’t believe I got done in time. I think it’s my favourite HP fic of mine, and I’m constantly in awe of the response it got, considering what a rare pair this is. ❤️
2. everybody needs a place (will you always be mine?) [Merlin; Arthur/Merlin, 2,7k words]
I wrote this fic in an absolute haze, and it might just be my favourite short fic I’ve written. Not only is it so very self-indulgent and the kind of softness that I need more of for the two of them, but I sometimes re-read it and question if I really wrote this. It was a bit of a personal breakthrough in terms of writing for me, even though I don’t know why or how, or how to explain it.
1. To Bare Our Teeth and Our Hearts [Merlin; Arthur/Merlin, 124k words]
My first multi-chaptered fic for Merlin, and I’m so fucking proud of it y’all have no idea. It’s a canon au with so much angst and a happy ending and a lot of tropes I really love, and sometimes it nearly drove me insane but I not only got it done but am so satisfied with how it turned out. I learned so much about my view of the characters, and even though they still don’t behave half the time, I feel like it taught me how to handle it when they don’t.
As an end-note, I want to thank everyone who left kudos and comments and any form of encouragement; writing and sharing it really is what got me through this year, and I can’t express how grateful I am for the fandom-communities I’m in. ❤️ 
Tagging: @atlantablack @wynnefic @being-luminous @marshmallowmcgonagall @mother-of-lionss @messandahalf10 @unmarkedinlife @fervidasaflame @acciomeriin @nextstopparis @camelotsheart if you like, no pressure of course!
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